> “They’ve [Chinese] even imported several Negro colonies…”
Since 2014, the city’s African population has significantly declined due to strict immigration enforcement by Chinese authorities and economic pressures in home countries including depreciation of the Nigerian naira and Angolan kwanza.[4][5][6][7]
> “Race and masculinity were selected for under primitive conditions and will inevitably perish under conditions sufficiently dissimilar to those that formed them.”
Serious question: how are conditions different these days? Have you actually forgotten about those miniature historical events known as… the Second World War and the Holocaust? Do you not understand that the post-1945 long peace is an artificial construct imposed specifically by the Christian power in Washington? That the moment its stupid anti-racist economy fails, history will return, as thunderous and bellicose as before?
The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires.
The Korean race wouldn’t exterminate Negroes in the same position because its glorious glutton of a leader loves watching Tyrones competing with each other to throw balls into hoops, even aside from the short-medium term economic and sexual benefits of some form of enslavement. Kim and (doubtless many other NK elites) has had his mind colonised by American pop culture…without being a Christian. The non-Christian Chinese are the same: they love Negro rap music and basketball and as you say, treat their minorities with kid gloves and seek to assimilate them. They’ve even imported several Negro colonies, probably for economic reasons, who are known to deal drugs, steal, attack locals, have their way with local women (consensually or otherwise) and spawn black-yellow hybrids.
The problem is not something as ephemeral and incidental as Christianity, of which its widespread acceptance is just a byproduct of a civilisation with universal aspirations, but technological civilisation itself. Race and masculinity were selected for under primitive conditions and will inevitably perish under conditions sufficiently dissimilar to those that formed them. North Korea’s appearance is just a façade masking the same vulnerabilities underneath. North Korea will follow the Chinese and Europeans in our lifetime if the system is not destroyed on a global basis.
> "Race and masculinity were selected for under primitive conditions and will inevitably perish under conditions sufficiently dissimilar to those that formed them."Serious question: how are conditions different these days? Have you actually forgotten about those miniature historical events known as... the Second World War and the Holocaust? Do you not understand that the post-1945 long peace is an artificial construct imposed specifically by the Christian power in Washington? That the moment its stupid anti-racist economy fails, history will return, as thunderous and bellicose as before?https://guillaumefayearchive.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/mars-hephaestus-the-return-of-history/
Since 2014, the city's African population has significantly declined due to strict immigration enforcement by Chinese authorities and economic pressures in home countries including depreciation of the Nigerian naira and Angolan kwanza.[4][5][6][7]
The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires.
Women’s motivations are to feel good in the moment. The woman does not want to think or worry about her choices, she wants to feel good. The black man looks like he will be exciting to be around and be good in bed, so she gets with the black man. She doesn’t want to consider that he may very well beat her, rape her, or kill her. She certainly doesn’t care about the genetic mess any offspring will be.
Feminism has been teaching women for decades now to do what feels good and not think about your choices, indeed actively campaigning for ways for women to escape any logical consequence of their poor choices. That’s what abortion is mostly about, escaping responsibility for your choices, so they can just do it in the road with whoever comes along. Now women are mad that the transgenders want to play on their sports teams, even though women tend to vote liberal and thus voted for this to happen, even though for like a century women have begged, sued, and outright invaded their way into men’s only spaces they feel they’re entitled to women’s only spaces and never considered this consequence.
Islam may be right about women. For all the other awful from them you don’t see their women doing this stupid crap. Society will always be a disaster so long as women, blacks and other groups are continually given a pass for their poor choices.
Oh, sure there are some exceptions. But they’re becoming fewer and further between.
> “…is going to want to exterminate the black race either. And this is the man you worship as a God…lmao”
The Korean race has no business deciding the fate of the Negro race in the beginning of the second Juche century. The Aryan race has. Do you Westerners even look at the map?
Hitler had blacks in his armed forces. What matters is what a race decides when in power. The West has been in power – not Germany, not Russia, not China, not Korea. America has been wielding absolute power since 1945 – and used it explicitly to breed the Negroes in the Philippines, in Iraq, and on its own soil.
What does scare me is the mild treatment of the Tartars in Chinese Turkestan by Pekin.
As far as I’m aware Jesse Owens wasn’t Hitler’s bff lol, the thuggish Tyrone Dennis Rodman appears to be Kim Jong Un’s. I don’t think someone with a black best friend and who loves spectating a bunch of long-legged, long-armed Negroes throw a ball around with great prowess is going to want to exterminate the black race either. And this is the man you worship as a God…lmao
If it transpired that the dear leader had been arranging “parties” between Mr. Rodman and Ri Sol-ju, I’m sure you’d find some grounds to defend him.
> “…the [censored] basketball aficionado Kim Jong Un…”
You are thinking like a cuck. Hitler shook Jesse Owens’ upper limb, is he a Negrophile, too? It’s as if it were inconceivable to you that a Negro could be admired as a foreigner, not as a father of your children.
This is the problem with Europeans – we have absolutely no clue anymore as to what is manly. I cheat – I look up to the Asians. (I’m not trying to offend you or Robert Morgan for that matter – only to diagnose.)
> “if […] allowed the masses to consume this and other forms of American media, you’d fast get an outbreak of negrophilia among the North Korean masses.”
And if you drop a napalm bomb on a person, he will burn alive. This is the essence of war – as long as you don’t let your guard down, chances are you will survive.
Adûnâi: “This is an incredible post.”
I’d say it’s accurate and concise.
Adûnâi: “A normie would call you cynical; I would call you Jewish.”
No matter. I’ve been called worse, and by better.
Adûnâi: “Would the tone you’re speaking in be accepted in any respectable milieu?”
Respectable to whom? And why should I care?
Adûnâi: “I do not have any rational counter-argument, … ”
That’s obvious.
“… and yet, to this unconstructive nihilism I much prefer Checharian verse.”
The truth may set you free, but it is nowhere written that it necessarily will make you happy. As for your preferences, de gustibus non disputandum est.
Adûnâi: “Isn’t it ironic that you are thinking like a machine? ”
Machines think like submarines swim.
NEETzschean: “If the negrophile basketball aficionado Kim Jong Un allowed the masses to consume this and other forms of American media, you’d fast get an outbreak of negrophilia among the North Korean masses. No Christianity required.”
That’s a great point. We should remember, too, that Adûnâi worships this man as a god. Logically, since KJU is a negrophile, Adûnâi should be too.
NEETzschean: “There are always economic and sexual benefits from imperial slavery which are strong short-medium term disincentives against genocide. Larger civilisations benefit from an ethic of universal fraternity because they have universal aspirations. If not for Christianity there would have been some other ideological justification. Westerners have found themselves in a situation where the only chance of racial survival entails a completely collapse of the system, which is the only way they will be presented with the existential need for masculinity and tribalism once again. ”
Very well put.
This is an incredible post. A normie would call you cynical; I would call you Jewish. Would the tone you’re speaking in be accepted in any respectable milieu? I do not have any rational counter-argument, and yet, to this unconstructive nihilism I much prefer Checharian verse.
The brief scene reminded me of a tale by Nicaraguan poet Rubén DarÃo (1867-1916), who contrasted a white girl eating grapes with the swarthy people who surrounded her here in Latin America: Y sobre aquel fondo de hollÃn y carbón, sus hombros delicados y tersos que estaban desnudos, hacÃan resaltar su bello color de lis, con un casi impenetrable tono dorado (‘And on that background of soot and coal, her delicate and smooth shoulders were naked bringing out her beautiful lily colour, with an almost impenetrable golden hue’).
Isn’t it ironic that you are thinking like a machine?
“The DPR of Korea has gone through 75 years of feminist propaganda – and demonstrates as much veneration of its glorious civilisation as ever.”
The “feminism” of North Korea is of an entirely different character: it’s about women being efficient units of production for the national government. It was never about liberation from men and sexual liberation and such forms of feminism are banned in North Korea.
You can only look at North Korea from the external perspective of a Westerner. You don’t know whether the people are genuinely happy with their leadership and I suspect it would adopt liberalism almost immediately if the regime fell, with their men and women exhibiting the same tendencies as Japanese and South Korean men and women. North Korea is an extremely insular autocratic state so its citizens can have little idea about the world outside it. This ignorance borne of authoritarianism safeguards them from the various forms of Western depravity.
If there are 200 states in the world, there’s a good chance one is going to be run by an autarkical nationalistic junta, especially when it’s viewed with such hostility by the world’s dominant power. Those in power in North Korea want to hold on to it, and dissolving the autocracy would lead to their destruction. But are the men of North Korea, slaves to a despotic, highly technological regime, any more masculine? Are the women any more virtuous? I believe it’s an illusion that would vanish immediately with the dissolution of the state. If the negrophile basketball aficionado Kim Jong Un allowed the masses to consume this and other forms of American media, you’d fast get an outbreak of negrophilia among the North Korean masses. No Christianity required.
“it is the Christianites’ failure to wipe out the Negroes in the first place”
There are always economic and sexual benefits from imperial slavery which are strong short-medium term disincentives against genocide. Larger civilisations benefit from an ethic of universal fraternity because they have universal aspirations. If not for Christianity there would have been some other ideological justification. Westerners have found themselves in a situation where the only chance of racial survival entails a completely collapse of the system, which is the only way they will be presented with the existential need for masculinity and tribalism once again.
> “There’s also a strong overlap between feminism and interracial sex: liberation from the white patriarchy, as well as a primitivist revolt against civilisation.”
How can you peddle such drivel with a straight face? Reality clearly disagrees. The DPR of Korea has gone through 75 years of feminist propaganda – and demonstrates as much veneration of its glorious civilisation as ever. You are what happens when one goes full blind towards non-Europeans – all you see is Christianity, and you have lost the ability to discern the bubble’s boundaries.
Video Link
> “It [geographic segregation] could only possibly be re-established by the death of the system and a revival of masculinity, which is like race, a primitive characteristic that can only survive under the conditions which created it.”
Again, nonsense. Juche Korea’s borders are fine, and they are a space-faring civilisation.
> “I suspect that so-called lesbians fall into a few distinct categories:…”
What’s about girlfriends for whom it is but a phase?
> “But civilisation creates it’s own problems in this regard as it enslaves us and removes us from our natural ways of living, so this can also generate a perverse fascination with the negro.”
You are overthinking this ridiculously. It is not civilisation – it is the Christianites’ failure to wipe out the Negroes in the first place. And it is the liberal society’s culture that has allowed such fascination to foster. It is not Asian overachievement, it is American underachievement.
“I’ve sometimes wondered whether the apparent rise in lesbianism among white women…”
I suspect that so-called lesbians fall into a few distinct categories:
1. Ugly women who can’t find a suitable man to commit to them and who lack the inclination for casual sex
2. Abused women who have become averse to men based on past experiences
3. Women with a severe hormonal imbalance, such as steroid-fuelled female athletes
4. Part-time lesbians and chadsexuals who aren’t willing to settle
I’m not sure how negroes factor into this as many white lesbians, particularly in the past, would not have lived in proximity to them. I have heard feminist anecdotes of interracial sex curing white women of their lesbianism, but these could just be subversive and salacious stories.
“I think there is, in the group mind, a lingering suspicion about the benefits of civilization…”
Yes, and I believe that worldviews which place a powerful emphasis on biology can create a rod for their own backs in this way. For feminists the enemy is men as a collective: a group that is bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, more aggressive, more durable, freer from their biology and the group which women are, perhaps tragically, attracted to for these very reasons. So emphasis on liberation from men contrasts with their evolutionary desire to be dominated by masculine strength. The anti-biological Marxists do not have such a problem because although the capitalist holds a position of economic and social power over the worker, he is not seen as biologically superior; he’s regarded as bourgeois and effeminate compared to the masculine labourer and there is no inherent attraction between the classes in a way unfavourable to the Marxist. If anything, there is a stronger primal desire between upper-class women and lower-class men than between the reverse pairing.
But racial tribalism is a worldview, like feminism, which places great emphasis on biology. It’s the heterosexual white man vs the Jew, the negro, the feminist white woman, the homosexual etc. And although the white right complain most about Jews, they do not fear or envy the physical-sexual characteristics of Jews. The negro problem is much more visceral and involves crime, immigration, sex, reproduction, entertainment, porn, music and sports. So placing a great emphasis on biology and primitivism can lead to a perverse fascination with the negro as the superior race of men. But civilisation creates it’s own problems in this regard as it enslaves us and removes us from our natural ways of living, so this can also generate a perverse fascination with the negro. Interracial sex thus becomes a way for over-civilised white women to reconnect with nature and the primitive, liberation outside the trappings of civilisation, patriarchy and social taboos. It is a kind of sexual parasitism as these women enjoy the benefits of societies that white men built and still maintain, but deny themselves to white men sexually and reproductively.
NEETzschean: “There’s also a strong overlap between feminism and interracial sex: liberation from the white patriarchy, as well as a primitivist revolt against civilisation. ”
I’ve sometimes wondered whether the apparent rise in lesbianism among white women is due to the fact that many of them, having decided to revolt against the imaginary patriarchy, and faced with the choice of either having sex with a negro or sex with a woman, choose the latter.
Wrt the revolt against civilization, you may be onto something there too. I think there is, in the group mind, a lingering suspicion about the benefits of civilization. Movies represent dreams of this collective consciousness, and seen in this light there are a lot of anti-technology movies. If you want an example, The Terminator and its many sequels is good, but just about any of them in the apocalypse genre will do. It will usually turn out the collapse is due to some problem produced by civilization.
Catiline: “Care to explain?”
To be female is essentially masochistic. Think about it. The human female devotes a vast amount of her time and energy just trying to be appealing to males, which in itself is demeaning. Then, if she’s lucky and not too repulsive, she gets to lick the sweat off some hairy dullard’s balls, who then shoots his goo into her, that she hopes will cause what is, in biological terms, something very much like a parasite to grow within her. If she gets her wish, this will drain her life forces and the resulting product will be an annoyance and constant reminder of her subjection for decades to come.
The humiliation and degradation women engage in is to perpetuate the species. It’s instinctive, and in my opinion probably has to do with strengthening the potential pair bond, helping the offspring survive. Also, because from a neurological point of view it involves both pleasure and pain networks, it may make her more likely to orgasm more intensely, during which her uterus will spasmodically contract and relax, becoming a kind of vacuum pump which sucks in the sperm, thus increasing the chances of conception.
Isn't it ironic that you are thinking like a machine?
The brief scene reminded me of a tale by Nicaraguan poet Rubén DarÃo (1867-1916), who contrasted a white girl eating grapes with the swarthy people who surrounded her here in Latin America: Y sobre aquel fondo de hollÃn y carbón, sus hombros delicados y tersos que estaban desnudos, hacÃan resaltar su bello color de lis, con un casi impenetrable tono dorado (‘And on that background of soot and coal, her delicate and smooth shoulders were naked bringing out her beautiful lily colour, with an almost impenetrable golden hue’).
Genetically-speaking it’s not a death sentence for white women as these females will reproduce, most likely at higher rates than they would with white men. But it’s a death sentence for white men, yes.
There’s also a strong overlap between feminism and interracial sex: liberation from the white patriarchy, as well as a primitivist revolt against civilisation.
Plus, all women have, as part of their psychology, a desire to be degraded and humiliated
Undeniably true. Haven’t been able to figure out why though. Care to explain?
Females probably have an evolutionary instinct toward ethnic loyalty but it can be negated if there is seen to be a benefit for defection. In the past, defection would have been dangerous as the men of your former tribe may well look to kill you, both as punishment for treason and to deter other women from defecting. Also, the tribe that the females defected to may not have been hospitable or benevolent, so the devil you knew was usually the safer choice. But when the punishments for defection are greatly reduced as they are today, it can easily become rampant. Asian women are a case in point. It’s a mercy that black men do not have the intelligence, reliability or socio-economic status to make for viable long-term partners, or white women may be as inclined to defect as Asian women are.
Geographic segregation has historically been a strong barrier and still is a barrier to some degree but that’s the problem: it has already bee greatly eroded by mass immigration and diversity initiatives. It could only possibly be re-established by the death of the system and a revival of masculinity, which is like race, a primitive characteristic that can only survive under the conditions which created it.
NEETzschean: “Technology offers a vector in the form of pornography by which white females can become habituated to interracial sexuality privately and without physical contact.”
That’s certainly true. You cover most of the factors encouraging such behavior, but there are a couple of significant ones on the other side too. One is Rushton’s genetic similarity theory, which posits that people seek out reproductive partners based partly on the partner’s amount of shared genes. There’s a body of research that appears to confirm this, and that theory, if correct, would introduce an effect that would tend to keep people selecting same-race partners. Another is the fact that sex partners are most often selected from among those nearby, and due to America’s long history of segregation, among other things, whites tend to live in separate areas from negroes.
But I agree that the long-term outlook for the survival of the white race as it exists today is grim unless the technological system undergoes a collapse on a worldwide basis.
“I wouldn’t call it a preference, at least in those women who haven’t indulged in it and become habituated to it.”
Technology offers a vector in the form of pornography by which white females can become habituated to interracial sexuality privately and without physical contact. I suspect it would have been very popular in Nazi Germany or the Antebellum South if white women had smartphones and personal computers. The message of interracial pornography, which white males permit and are the primary consumers, is that sex with black men is superior and socially acceptable, if not high status. Western nations are saturated in black sports, black music and black-on-white porn before they are inundated with Africans demographically.
In the growing number of heavily mixed areas in the West, white girls sent to school with black boys are likely to favour them and become habituated, as status is derived from physical prowess (Negroes mature faster and have advantages in the two most popular U.S. sports) violence, promiscuity (black girls are less attracted to white boys) extroversion and fashion, whether in the form of pop culture power (sports, music, porn) or moral narratives (slavery, segregation and “structural racism”). A growing proportion of these white girls don’t have their biological father in the home either, so there is no deterrent and actually an inducement (spite and self-harm) to gravitate toward black males. And these trends reinforce themselves within peer groups (“once you go black…”, “you’re not a racist are you?”) so there is pressure on white females to follow the herd even if they are not initially strongly predisposed. White females who have sex with black males are far more likely to reject white males and white males are more likely to reject them if they are aware of their activities. These factors make Africanization inevitable if trends are not reversed, which as you’ve persuasively argued requires a collapse of the technological system.
The weak position that heterosexual white males are in: losing their homelands to invading alien men, replaced in sports and pop culture, explicitly discriminated against institutionally and disproportionately victims of alien violence no doubt inflames the submissive instincts in white females and black males desire to conquer white females as racial revenge, on top of natural Darwinian motives. So there is an inherent intensity there which cannot exist with men of the in-group. White women will lie about this because it would lower their status and cause other whites, especially heterosexual white men, to discriminate against them and many white women are also probably embarrassed about their submissive and masochistic tendencies. There are no reliable figures but I’m sure that 90%+ of children produced by whites and blacks in the West are produced by white women and black men, so it’s no surprise that 90% of the white right is white male (with a fair number of homosexuals for obvious reasons).
> “…the case for patriarchy is strengthened as left to their own devices, white women will tend to reject white men and mate with black men…”
Leaving people “to their own devices” is a cruel death sentence. Viewing it from a positive angle is a Christian American peculiarity, a liberal aberration. Soldiers without a Führer ought to be slaughtered. Asking females of their preferences is thus comparable to asking a trooper of the strategic plan – it will doom them.
NEETzschean: “Do you think, as many on the white right do, that the common pop culture insinuation that white women have a primal sexual preference for black men is a “Jewish lie†or do you think there’s some truth to it?”
I wouldn’t call it a preference, at least in those women who haven’t indulged in it and become habituated to it. In the inexperienced it’s more like a natural curiosity. Plus, all women have, as part of their psychology, a desire to be degraded and humiliated, and what could possibly be more degrading and humiliating for a white woman than being fucked by a nigger? LOL. So there’s that. Women will of course deny that they have any such desire, but the popularity of 50 Shades of Gray says otherwise. Regardless of the man’s race, I think all women secretly fantasize, at least a little bit, about being “swept off their feet”, overpowered and “ravished” by him. It’s a way they can obtain sexual satisfaction without having to accept any blame.
NEETzschean: “It shatters the complacency of thinking that even if European nations become majority African, the overwhelming majority of white women will remain loyal to white men.”
Yes, that’s a fantasy. Where races mix socially, hybrids are inevitable. It’s just human nature.
Do you think, as many on the white right do, that the common pop culture insinuation that white women have a primal sexual preference for black men is a “Jewish lie” or do you think there’s some truth to it?
If all women have a natural desire to be conquered by virile foreign barbarians and white women represent purity and civilization, is it not logical that white women would have a primal desire to be conquered by the most physically masculine, corrupting and savage men, men who are also the most phenotypically opposite to themselves? Ironically, this would apply to an ever greater degree for white women with a strong racial consciousness, either anti-white (righteousness) or pro-white (taboo) as femininity is submissive and masochistic toward masculine dominance.
If this is the case and I believe it is, the case for patriarchy is strengthened as left to their own devices, white women will tend to reject white men and mate with black men in their years of prime fertility, use their wombs to produce mulatto hybrids, further corrupt other white women and further emasculate white men. It shatters the complacency of thinking that even if European nations become majority African, the overwhelming majority of white women will remain loyal to white men. It also impels white men to remove black men from their territories so that contact with white women, welcome or otherwise, is impossible.
cronkitsche: “Since the 60’s, the liberated desire to combine anti-racist virtue with lust has spread from the activists to the high schools.”
In the 90s, two big stars of womyn’s music, and role models to such high school girls, Tori Amos and Fiona Apple, both “confessed” (i.e., bragged) that they had been “raped” by negroes. In fact, Apple said she had been deflowered by one. Given female perversity, it should be understood these were taken as encouragements to re-enact.
A few years ago CNN had some former FBI profiler, (Kurt Van Zandt) discussing the recent arrest of a black serial rapist. I want to say it was in Cleveland but can’t recall for sure. At any rate, Van Zandt said, and I’m not making this up, that the reason the rapist was so hard to catch was that there was no pattern to his victims. And then, a few minutes later, within the same segment, the local black police chief was holding a press conference and announced, which surprised me, that all of the black rapists victims were white, some as young as 12 years old. No pattern because maintaining the false narrative is all that matters to these people.
Does anyone recall that classic of feminist eroticism, “Pleasure and Danger”? (1984, ed. Carole Vance) Since the 60’s, the liberated desire to combine anti-racist virtue with lust has spread from the activists to the high schools. So has black violence against White girls and women.
Carl Eugene Watts was suspected in the killings of between 14-100 victims. I think all or nearly all of his victims were White women. Surprising, huh? No hate crimes here, folks, just your run of the mill psychopathic serial killer who happens to be Black.
I bought into the BIG LIE about nearly all serial killers being White for years. To this day there are so many people who parrot “but, but, but, most serial killers are White.” Oh, and there are more than a few Hispanic serial killers to add to the mix of nonwhite serial killers as well. SPOT ON about ALMOST ALWAYS THE VICTIMS OF BLACK MALE SERIAL KILLERS ARE WHITE WOMEN, however, even most of the victims of White serial killers are usually women.
Good one.
There was some evidence in at least one case to suggest that the Boston Strangler was really black.
Mixed-race youth Moses Christensen stabs hillwalker to death in random racist attack.
“While the Axeman of Tacoma’s motivations can only be guessed…”
Didn’t anybody axe him?
Sinclair Jenkins: “As with violent crime in general, White males are underrepresented when it comes to serial killers. Blacks, on the other hand, are overrepresented. This trend began in the 1980s, …”
Dem niggaz be killen dey white hoes n shit. Gnome sayin?
Is it that white women fear the false image of the white serial killer, as the author appears to think, or more that they are drawn to the aura of danger and criminality that surrounds the negro? The latter, I’d say. For white women, crime just makes negroes all the more attractive.
It’s significant that the decline of a violent criminal class among whites has varied inversely with the rise of the white man as cuck. Nowadays, he’s proud of his obedience to the law; his willingness to rely on the police and courts to settle his disputes instead of doing it himself. That’s how the people became the sheeple. If sheep could be said to be proud of something, it would probably be their non-violence; their inability to defend themselves.
Arguably, no outdated script used by the media is more blindly accepted than the notion that serial killers are always White men.
Serial killing requires intelligence, foresight, and patience. It’s only natural to assume whites are better at it.
This article is surprising not because of the black violence, but because of the black competence.
Yep, and ALL THREE would put you in checkmate within 20 moves.Replies: @gotmituns, @GeneralRipper, @Ace
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
I think that’s why they’re called grand masters.
No one is going to do it, and that’s the problem – not even segregation.
If you return to a pre-civil war status-quo then blacks are no longer Americans – America has been a fake Jewified nation since 1865.
Majority of blacks are victims of these hoodlums themselves. I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family, and they hate these gangsta hoodrats with a passion.
Great, then they will be a great asset to their African brothers and sisters.
And finally, if you find a way to deport a group of people, deport the whites who are enablers of these types of lawless, anti-social, anti-family, anti-American, anti-….,anti-….. behaviour.
Boot-camp labour camps for them until they have been educated, with no parole until they have proven themselves to be patriotic useful people to their nation.
Jews likewise should be deported, let’s face it, they already have their Israeli passports.
I heard once, online a few years ago, that Goetz had come out as gay, but that has since been sent down the memory hole. However, he wasn’t gay before Robert Morgenthau railroaded him into prison.
Note that Goetz and Morgenthau were both Jews. As I learned firsthand, aristocratic, German Jew Morgenthau hated working-class Jews.
I met a mixed-race white-Indian (subcontinent) in London in 1962. He had what you might call “harsh” views on race. I’d heard before that that the British relied on such mixed-race people in their administration in India because they were regarded with suspicion, or worse, by both camps and so gave their allegiance to the Raj.
My pleasure. Credit where credit’s due. Sorry I misspelled your last name.
Flipper has said that he is a 60 year old handyman in a power-plant Bro!
He’s dangerous!
Outside of the Van Dyke character I don’t agree that Zebra must be taken with a “giant dollop of salt”. It really was as bad as the book described and what I read in the book was consistent with the accounts of many other sources, including those of law enforcement that were published on white racialist sites.
If Van Dyke was in fact, Farrakhan, then it always seems to be the lighter skinned blacks with white lineage who exhort the darker skinned blacks to violence against the white man. Larry Green was clearly a mulatto. This is not surprising since I’ve found mulattoes to be the most conflicted and angry when it comes to race. And they feel they must go the extra mile in their anti-white hate to prove their blackness and that they belong. Exhibit A is Barack Hussein Obama.
At the end the book mentions a spate of unsolved killings of whites up and down the California coast which law enforcement believed to have been copy cat Zebra murders.
I don’t believe the FBI ever got involved in this case and they never do when blacks racially target and murder whites. Then they leave it to local and state authorities but they invaded the South when three race agitators, err “civil rights activists”, were killed by the KKK and paid a NYC mob enforcer named Greg Scarpa to kidnap a KKK member at gunpoint and torture him into giving up the location of where the bodies were buried.
Dylan Roof didn’t seem to be aware of the Zebra case but it was the post 1965 black on white rape, crime and murder spree and the steadfast refusal of the establishment to acknowledge the problem that forced him to take matters into his own hands.
Truly touching. Haven't we all known a few decent black people? Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don't actually live where they make up the majority. Why is that?Probably the same reason that the Obamas live in....(drumroll please) Martha's Vineyard...lolReplies: @gotmituns, @Avery, @Avery
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family�
{“We don’t necessarily have to deport them, just do the same thing that was done to the Indians.”}
Yeah, sure.
And who is “we”? How many fellow “we” whites you think you can recruit to fight on your side.
You like to bet, yes? I would bet a whole lot more whites would be fighting against your side, than on your side. How do I know that? Because not too long ago, far more whites fought on the “side” of blacks than against them: you remember the Civil War, yes?
About the Indians: how many Indians do you think white settlers were fighting against?
Whatever firearms Indians could obtain would never be enough, because only whites could produce them, including the ammunition. Only whites had Gatling guns. You actually think the balance of forces is the same as when white settlers were fighting Indians?
Truly touching. Haven't we all known a few decent black people? Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don't actually live where they make up the majority. Why is that?Probably the same reason that the Obamas live in....(drumroll please) Martha's Vineyard...lolReplies: @gotmituns, @Avery, @Avery
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family�
{“Truly touching.”}
I am glad you are touched by my wise words.
{“Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don’t actually live where they make up the majority. Why is that?”}
You are right I don’t live in a black neighborhood.
And so what?
I also don’t live in lots of other non-black neighborhoods.
I live in neighborhoods that are harmonious with me: my lifestyle, my personality, my economic status.
I wasn’t preaching kumbaya: I was commenting on the absurd notion that you (generic you) can, quote, deport 40 million blacks. This country cannot even deport illegal aliens, who have NO right to be here. And people irrationally hallucinate about deporting 40 million US Citizens. Give me a break.
Sure but in regards to the Germans that didn’t break their spirit in that was meant to be the goal and isn’t really justified at all since they didn’t exactly do the killing at least the women and children. The Nazis fought to the end. It took the eradication of all Nazi soldiers and party members before they were destroyed.
Thanks for the mention, Ace. I also wholeheartedly concur with your judgment that “Vandyke†was Farrakhan. I believe that this was all a Farrakhan operation.
Of course, I have written more about the Zebra Killings and other NOI slaughters of Whites than any other writer, save for Clark Howard. I have devoted a blog, The Zebra Project, to the Nation of Islam. Among other matters, we scooped the msm on the deaths of J.C.X. Simon and Manuel Moore, and on the denial of parole to Larry Craig Green and Jessie Lee Cooks.
“The Zebra Murders: The First Victims?â€
“Lest We Forget: Remembering the Zebra Victimsâ€
“Domestic Terrorism: The Nation of Islam and the Zebra Murdersâ€
“Updated List of Nation of Islam Attacks on Whitesâ€
I agree with the author that the US will disintegrate within the next ten years, due to war, internal strife, or a combination of the two. Some people argue the US will lose 70% of its population (https://www.deagel.com/forecast). However, given the obvious evidence of the current multiple crises wracking the country, making a prediction for its demise is easy. Attributing cause is much more difficult.
I would say, currently, the Japanese have little experience with Jews, as current estimates of Jewish population in Japan numbers 2000 or less, and few are citizens. After WWII many of the resident Jews left Japan because of perceived antisemitism.
From Wikipedia
“Jews and their culture are by far one of the most minor ethnic and religious groups in Japan, presently consisting of only about from 300[1] to 2,000 people or about from 0.0016% to about 0.0002% of Japan’s total population. Almost all of them are not Japanese citizens and almost all of them are foreigner short-term residents.”
Given that the Japanese have not been subjected to Jewish tricks for several decades, they would have no collective memory on which to draw in dealing with them. I would conclude that Japan maintains its racial identity because Jews are such a minor presence. The Japanese welcome foreigners for commerce and cultural reasons, but true immigrants are exceedingly rare.
Plus, for this author to lecture the US on black racism is troubling, as the Japanese themselves are known for “implicit bias” against blacks.
They dumped faulty merchandise on the dumb whites who paid money for the slaves. Whites should be suing for reparations because of the bad deal they got! We want our money back!
Actually checkmate in three is ridiculous.
No one said “checkmate in three” b|tch. Don’t be an idiot. Be best!
“United States is very likely to collapse like the former Soviet Union!
Racial riots have occurred many times in the history of the United States, but the difference is that in the past, they were mostly concentrated in black settlements. …
   On the other hand, radical white groups have also increased their cohesion and expansion and they are sometimes seen by the police as an aid to maintaining social order. As a result, intensified ethnic riots, radical white armed militias became …..
There are two important points: one is that from the federal to the local level, more non-whites will control power; the second is that non-whites will redistribute economic and social resources through legislation…..
   The current rapid growth of white fierce groups, including the rise of Trump, is the product of intense white fear. ..
The United States is the worst-performing country in the world( Corona) . American governance not only does not help, but further worsens the situation. ….
   With the historical shadow of black American history being trafficked, enslaved, and discriminated against by whites, the future great schism in the United States will be full of hatred and blood, …
 A nation that likes to impose its own will on other nations; a nation that likes it at every turn to destroy other nations; a political entity that expands everywhere, dominates people everywhere, and flaunts its strength everywhere, there will eventually be a day of exhaustion.
   Perhaps this is more the law of history!
Enjoy the fireworks 💥. Blaming Jews won’t rescue the criminals .
Yep, and ALL THREE would put you in checkmate within 20 moves.Replies: @gotmituns, @GeneralRipper, @Ace
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Actually checkmate in three is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as coon “Grandmasters”…lol
Chess greatness resides in White Civilization, Toby.
No one said "checkmate in three" b|tch. Don't be an idiot. Be best!
Actually checkmate in three is ridiculous.
There is no such thing as an “American”. The American Empire encompasses half the world. America is only a geographic expression n the US is merely one subject province among many. The serfs who occupy the province of America have considerably less influence on how the Empire is governed than do Israelis, Liberians, Saudis, Pakistanis, Tierra del Fuegans, n just about any other country you can name. Now even voting, the last remaining privilege of so-called Americans, is gone.
The oligarch elite that runs the Empire has no problem transferring millions of serfs from one province to another including across oceans just to increase their profits n power.
Ghana is officially inviting American blacks to move there. I have visited Ghana. It is friendly, crime free, they speak English, are democratic, the climate is pleasant, n it has a solid middle class. Like most of Africa, only blacks can become citizens. Virtually any black from the US can become a dual citizen with Ghana anytime he wishes. It is not at all unreasonable to subsidize the migration of millions to Ghana or to any of the other 26 black nations in Africa. Many are quite properous, despite the Empire’s propaganda that portrays all of Africa as poor n violent.
This is of course due to the long history of slavery in Ireland… My advice: break out the IRA weapons caches n let loose.
Islam professes faith in the torah and the prophets. they never read any of this material. They profess that YAHSHUA was a prophet. So what. I quote YAHSHUA said “unless you believe I AM HE, you will die in your sins” “no man comes to the Father but by me”. Yahshua was and is still and will always be a jew. “HE came to his people and they received him not”
Yep, and ALL THREE would put you in checkmate within 20 moves.Replies: @gotmituns, @GeneralRipper, @Ace
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
chess is a faggotgame…
Well, literature IS a brain field, but the judgement of it is extremely subjective. I’ve met 2/3 of the black grandmasters, weirdly.
I do.
The missus’ parents were all set for Kenya after the War. He even learned whatever confounded chat they use out there, from books. Knew what he was in for, he’d been a subaltern basically hijacked as a driver/guard by the Happy Valley degenerates, and before that a commandant at a camp for less-than-enthusiastic, but thoroughly charming Italians, having got out of the desert after a bit and dodged Burma.
Then the locals (including a Mr Obama) went mental at the colonialists, and chucked the whole lot out.
There’s a lesson there somewhere.
Oddly enough (this is a very small island in those circles), they were occasional near-neighbours of the Thatchers, mixed in the same golf clubs and businesses, and it was suspected that their animus against Wilson and Labour in general (strangely, not Churchill, SuperMac and all the other Tories who were in charge at the time up to Kenyan independence) was not class-based, being pretty much trade themselves, but for giving up the most promising African shitehole for lost (instead of re-invading and taking it back? WTF?) thus cutting off their similar plans to eff right off out of beggarly, rationing-wracked Blighty and go and lord it over the natives, Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion/ Daktari-stylee.
Rhodesia would have been too ruffy-tuffy and frontier-ish for the likes of them. Lack of proper deference, see? Sort of fellows who didn’t know their place, near as bad as Aussies.
All that was a very common dream of footloose, upwardly-mobile officer-class types after demob and the grim, seemingly endless, sooty, threadbare reality of postwar, pre-Carnaby-Street England.
Naah, they just go for vacation every year.
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Yep, and ALL THREE would put you in checkmate within 20 moves.
Truly touching. Haven't we all known a few decent black people? Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don't actually live where they make up the majority. Why is that?Probably the same reason that the Obamas live in....(drumroll please) Martha's Vineyard...lolReplies: @gotmituns, @Avery, @Avery
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family�
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard
Yes, blacks work extremely hard when try to work. It’s because the vast majority of them don’t know how to work.
We don’t necessarily have to deport them, just do the same thing that was done to the Indians.
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family
Truly touching.
Haven’t we all known a few decent black people?
Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don’t actually live where they make up the majority.
Why is that?
Probably the same reason that the Obamas live in….(drumroll please) Martha’s Vineyard…lol
men—Jessie Lee Cooks, Larry Craig Green, Manuel Moore, and J.C.X. Simon
I have more respect for those men than i do for 95%of my countrymen.
Those we’re real men.
“I moved to Marin Country to get away from the negro.”
And then George Lucas married the black lady.
As the world “progresses” the difference between progressives and people like the zebra killers or the sla diminishes. The question is: how long before the US government erects statues honoring the zebra killers?
Imagine to fight for years to be free from the English and then start importing Africans and erasing your own country… I would say that the Irish are particularly stupid, if it wasn’t that almost all supposedly contemporary “nationalist” or separatist movements are also importing Arabs and Blacks: Quebec, Catalonia, etc. For most of the people there, the nationalism became basically only about the language: bring a French-speaking African to Montreal, and he will become Quebecois, bring an Arab to Barcelona and he will be Catalonian as long as he speaks the local language… Stupid.
Bobby Seale called the policy “a vicious and racist action†that threatened the lives of all Black men in the Bay Area
rather than one which was saving the lives of any random black round there, by interposing armed “protectors” between these savage dolts and the citizenry, and declaring them “exceptional”?
Manson gang with melanin.
Also, as the takeaway, it’s good to completely avoid all restaurants and stores in areas where this kind of person might appear, and never relax.
You just have to take it with a massive dollop of salt.
The truth, as far as I have encountered it, never came wrapped in anything but its nakedness.
So, I will not take the truth with anything but what it is.
If there is one salient point I want to make regarding this, it’s that to a considerable degree, pretty much – and I mean 99% of American born blacks in the U.S. are de facto adherents of the Nation of Islam. They might not be “official” members, but, not only do they agree 100% with the hate Whitey/White devil stuff, but they are very familiar with a great deal of NOI doctrine. Lots of WHites seem to think of the NOI as a fringe group and Farakkhan as a buffoon. He’s worth hundreds of millions, and 99% of negroes have respect and love for him and his racist ideas. He often holds rallies in black “Christian” churches.
No but there are PLENTY OF BLACK SERIAL KILLERS, which the media has done their best to always cover up with lies like “most serial killers are White males.” Well that COULD be true in America since Whites are an ever shrinking majority of the population BUT even then it would be close between nonwhite serial killers vs. White serial killers in America only. Numerous Black and Brown serial killers in America, tons in Africa, South America, Mexico, etc. L A few Asians and some Jews as well have been American serial killers not to mention those abroad. Most notable among the Jews are David Berkowitz, the child killing cannibal, Albert Fish, and I believe Joel Rifkin was a Jew as well, have to double check. He was adopted which explains the Jewish surname but the POS looks Jewish as well. And most figure that Jack The Ripper was a Jew as well.
“-brain fields like Peace” now that has to be the biggest joke ever in the history of the Universe.
And , what difference does it make. blacks DID NOT BUILD OR EDUCATE anyone how to build or form a nation…if anything those blacks were LUCKY to have landed in the hands of the WHITE PEOPLE who did build and establish what would become the United States of America. All of it was because of White Euros. The Whole Concept. None of it came from LOW IQ primitive black Africans,if it did then the opposite would have been happening . Africa would have been the United States. But it never was nor could ever be. All of this black supremacist BS and revisionism is trying to say that just because there were black slaves all of a sudden they were responsible for the creation of the United States of America. BS. blacks did not create anything. They did not create anything in Africa so why would you think they did in the Americas. black African Kangs massacred 100’s of their enemy tribes all around each other and sold what they kept to the White Man.This is how all these African countries became their version of wealth and power. By selling their people to Whites. Whether they were Joooos or Gentiles. It doesn’t matter. The market was established LONG BEFORE Whites showed up. THIS IS A FACT> You cannot and will not dispute it. Ever. The Prime Minister of Ghana actually wrote a letter and had it printed apologizing for what Ghana had done to their fellow Africans. END OF STORY. And do you know why Ghana wrote a letter. Because Ghana was one of THE LARGEST slave traders of the time. They were then known as the Kingdom Of Ashanti and ALL THEIR WEALTH AND POWER CAME FROM SELLING THEIR FELLOW blacks. Enough of the BS. I am beyond SICK and Tired of cucks bending over,LITERALLY, for black BS. Don’t you ever open your mouth around me. I don’t care who you are. Don’t do it.
Black racial delusions have never been eliminated by facts and evidence.
Remember the time that Whites immigrated to Black Countries in order to live a better life? Neither do I.
“…while even the most radical Islamists are pretty consistent in their reverence for Jesus.”
Sure, that’s why they kill Muslims who convert to Christianity.
There are no black supremacists. All blacks are well aware that blacks are extremely inferior mentally. The evidence is that overwhelming.
1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it’s not due to cultural bias in the tests.
2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it’s not due to racism.
3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Yep, and ALL THREE would put you in checkmate within 20 moves.Replies: @gotmituns, @GeneralRipper, @Ace
4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Certainly I agree. We should not be forced to live with any of these people. I just think given the current state of affairs, blacks taking up Islam wouldn’t actually be a bad thing for whites. Jews would lose their most useful golem and then have a real problem on their hands on top of it.
I’m for anything that undermines Jewish power. Once that’s out of the way everything else is manageable.
Farrakhan was involved in helping the arrestees, paying for lawyers for all except for one Cooks, who admitted his crimes. He seems to fit the figure of Vandyke more closely.
Nicholas Styx has written about these killings with an interesting segment on a NOI mole in the SF police department and the NOI instantaneous response upon learning of the location of one of the witness/killers in protective custody. And Mr. Unz has described the disgraceful deception of the press in not covering black crime. The hideous murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom fell into a black hole. QED.
See “Dhimmocracy in America,” Gates of Vienna,10/12/05, for the tidbit that Jamaat al Fuqra is an offshoot of the NOI.
the Avery’s…
And for this, this abomination of a human, this piece of filth, was rewarded with tenure at UIC (IIRC) and played a role in the political mentoring of Barry the Fairy. One can only hope he dies as horrible a death as can be imagined.
“The media types will still be vomiting forth anti-white propaganda even as they are cut up by machetes or shot in the head.” Money quote. I saw it as a Peace Officer in SoCal. It is not just the media types. “Public School Teachers” are another class of syphilitic thinkers who would excuse such activities. Our own race traitors are hell-bent on destroying us. If you are unable to get your children or grandchildren out of the “Amerikan Public School System” then you must monitor closely the brainwashing they are receiving.
{Mass deportations to Africa……}
Who is going to do it?
Putting aside all the moral and legal impediments, just exactly how are you going to deport 40 million black Americans? And make no mistake, they are Americans: other than the skin color and race category, they have absolutely nothing in common with blacks in Africa.
And you really think that 40 million Americans will just sit back and allow whoever to deport them? In case you forgot, as Americans, they also have the right to keep and bear arms…….
Majority of blacks are victims of these hoodlums themselves. I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family, and they hate these gangsta hoodrats with a passion.
And finally, if you find a way to deport a group of people, deport the whites who are enablers of these types of lawless, anti-social, anti-family, anti-American, anti-….,anti-….. behaviour.
You know, the Pelosis, the Bidens, …..
Truly touching. Haven't we all known a few decent black people? Of course, I would bet a whole lot of money you don't actually live where they make up the majority. Why is that?Probably the same reason that the Obamas live in....(drumroll please) Martha's Vineyard...lolReplies: @gotmituns, @Avery, @Avery
I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family�
Great, then they will be a great asset to their African brothers and sisters.
Majority of blacks are victims of these hoodlums themselves. I have worked with many blacks, who work hard to earn a living, to keep a family, and they hate these gangsta hoodrats with a passion.
Boot-camp labour camps for them until they have been educated, with no parole until they have proven themselves to be patriotic useful people to their nation.Jews likewise should be deported, let's face it, they already have their Israeli passports.
And finally, if you find a way to deport a group of people, deport the whites who are enablers of these types of lawless, anti-social, anti-family, anti-American, anti-….,anti-….. behaviour.
Why not live in a technicolor world, made of clouds with bitches walking around scantily clad feeding you grapes off silver trays, running around with snips and snails and puppydog tails?
When US Whitey murdered the Germans, he murdered his own family.
Now he’s all weepy eyed for a little pay back.
It ain’t over. Not by a long shot.
October 22, 2008 Bill Ayers’ Terrorist Group Planned US Genocide and Re-education
Bill Ayers’ communist-terrorist group, Weather Underground, planned to overthrow the US government, take control over the country, launch a mass “re-education†of the US population (via re-education camps) and Mass Genocide (killing) of the “Capitalists†who could not be reformed and brainwashed into accepting communism. First-hand account from member who attended the organization revolutionary meetings.
The 1619 Project is correct, though.
Then so is Jewish ritual murder. And so are all the claims about Jews in Nazi era propaganda films, so we should begin mass deporting Jews to African deserts where they can’t harm anyone.
Perhaps we should nuke Israel for good measure.
To all the readers. The Supply and Demand is clearly a dimwitted troll. He is here for attention. Put him on ignore and don’t waste another second reading his nonsense.
A black faggot by the name of Vester Lee Flanagan murdered two Whites, CBS reporter Alison Parker and her cameraman Adam Ward, on August 26, 2015 in Virginia. Flanagan took video of the act and uploaded it to Facebook. You can still find the video on the interwebs today, though I won’t link to it. Flanagan died by his own hand after cornered by police. As is typical, Parker’s father started pushing for gun control. You just know the whole family was liberal.
The media types will still be vomiting forth anti-White propaganda even as they are cut up by machetes or shot in the head. Maybe with the recent racial riots some Whites have woken up, but I fear it may not be enough. Most Whites won’t change their minds until the black mob breaks down the door to murder them, and then it is too late.
it is what we did to the Germans that bothers me.
Why choose either one? Why not live in a all white society and why not demand nothing less.
Until blacks start murdering media types nothing will change and innocent people will continue to die.
Coonery and buffoonery- classic!
“Perhaps, but when I read the book I got the distinct impression Mr Howard was implying Malcolm X was the traveling apostle of death.”
Howard implied no such thing. Malcolm X had been assassinated in 1965 by the order of the same bunch running the NOI in 1973.
Mass deportations to Africa is the only answer to these problems that White Britain and White America face – there is no other remedy.
White South Africans also need rescuing as a matter of great urgency.
Apartheid is The Kingdom Of God:
Interesting since Steve Sailor just recently had a posting about Black serial killer Sam Little dying the other day. I have read about the Zebra Killings but I would say the average American is totally clueless about these murders just as much as many or in the dark when it comes to The Wichita Massacre or The Knoxville Horror, oh but of course everyone knows about poor little Emett Till, Saint George and Saint Trayvon. And of course nearly everyone has heard about the Zodiac Killer of San Francisco during this time period. I believe there was a New York Zodiac as well, the guy they nailed for that one was an Hispanic male.
Anyhow I could be listing Black serial killers here all day long but I will give you a small sampling, someone of these men like Carl Eugene Watts and Sam Little are thought to have murdered as many as between 80-100 victims, a great deal of them White women, in the case of Watts, I think all but one or two of his victims were White women.
A small sampling of negro serial killers just in America, many more in Africa, South America, and probably in Canada and Europe as well.
Henry Louis Wallace, Chester Turner, Derrick Todd Lee, Paul Duroussea, Lorenzo Gilyard, Mark Goudeau, Eugene Britt, Ivan Hill, Harrison Graham, Carlton Gary, Wayne Williams, etc., etc., etc., more often than not with the exception of Wayne Williams, most of the serial killers preyed on White women.
Like I said in the posting done on Steve Sailor’s noting of the passing of Sam Little, a Black serial killer who could have killed as many as 93 victims, there are scores of Black serial killers that the media won’t cover for more than 5 minutes, and we have been flat out LIED to believe that all serial killers are White. Unlike White serial killers who kill mostly White victims, with the exception of Wayne Williams, most Black serial killers kill mostly or all White victims in predominately White nations like America.
Goetz was/is a fag I think. But he did shoot a bunch of blacks and that is to his credit. The one he paralyzed (Darryl Caby) from the waist down never bothered anyone else again in his life as far as I know. Another point is that Goetz lost the civil case to Darryl Caby, but Caby never got a cent. So there’re ways to protect money from the lousy courts.
Great show: Rid yourself of the English, then import Africa.
I remember Dublin In The Rare Old Times.
What you are saying could be quite possible. Just wondering if you could point to the origin of your beliefs. My guess would be Miles Mathis but when I googled it nothing came up. Would like to look into this more if you could point me in the right direction.
I read “The Zebra killings” a couple of years ago and was shocked by; The brutality and mindset of these killers; The degree with which this story was hidden, other than the local newspapers; The same .32 caliber pistol was used in all the shootings, yet police were calling all these shootings random, almost until the very end.
The question that needs to be asked is why the US Government has been/still is subsidizing these groups.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, over the past few decades, the U.S. government has been quietly subsidizing one of the vilest, most hateful groups in America – the Nation of Islam.
The dark money network that houses the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation received nearly $16 million in taxpayer-funded grants last year, financial filings reveal.