I hardly ever comment at Unz. I’m talking, maybe once a month, and I read Unz all the time. I just had to come in here to say yours was perhaps one of the most pretentious, tedious, embarrassingly effete and yet repulsively dumb comments I’ve ever had the sadness to come across at this website.
In a lot of ways, A Song of Ice and Fire (the original book series) and Game of Thrones are meant as answers to Tolkien, and to a lot of other writers who extol and idealize the Middle Ages. The books, in particular, often emphasize what the wars among the nobles do to the common people caught up in them, and how even the nobles’ lives are not exactly fun.
I’m enough of an historian that I could pretty easily match every atrocity in GOT with a real-life event that was as bad or worse, all in the time period between the deposition of Romulus Augustulus (the last Western Roman Emperor) and the death of Elizabeth I of England. The real-life Mongols, or the Crusaders, made the Dothraki look like choirboys and saints. (Doubt my word? Look up the Fourth Crusade sometime!)
Life was often brutal back then, for high and low alike; medicine was primitive and often based on very wrong assumptions; warfare was not conducted according to the Geneva Conventions. And treachery was a big part of the whole thing. The “Red Wedding” was based on the Massacre at Glencoe, when the Campbells, having been accepted as guests by another clan, turned on them and slaughtered them.
That just means that PNR had either no resources, or no good planning (less developed civil defense). In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location. Drills were common. And Warsaw was one of primary targets for NATO nuclear attack in escalation scenario. With no civil defense, your destiny was to become a toast. Hopefully, we still have civil defense.
we didn’t have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn’t have the resources
No sane internal conspiracy would change the regime in their own country at a cost of 300 bn USD and a potential of major nuclear fallout that may kill themselves. Yet the USA that already dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, burned Dresden, poisoned millions of Vietnamese children, had numerous elaborate plans of nuclear attack on USSR, in your eyes are always less culpable. Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed here?
If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why?
Oh yes, and CIA stooge Lech Valesa wasn't an agent and traitor, and that's only the top. You seem to enjoy only the Hollywood version of Cold War.Replies: @awry, @GoRedWings!
Foreign agencies didn’t have agents everywhere in Communist states
In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location.
That’s just bullshit. You are re-inventing a USSR that never existed. Several of my friends are kids of Russian emigrants. In the eighties, they used the notoriously long summer vacations (at least eight weeks) in the USSR to visit their relatives. They took home toilet paper, margarine, and bars of soap, because people could not get those items in the shabby third-world Soviet Union of the ’80s. Soviet troops in the Warsaw pact countries were bartering for basic supplies.
Why would you lie to gullible Americans about stocks of masks etc.? I mean, everybody knows Russians like to boast (they have not much else going) but this is ridiculous…yours is a dirt-poor and run-down country despite all its natural resources, and everybody besides Russians has a hunch why that is (pssst…bears, bosses, and balalaikas are cliché, but Vodka is a real problem, and you know it!)
People are still butthurt over Game of Thrones?
Take all your frustration with S8 of #GoT and channel it into writing a beautiful and detailed epic fantasy full of people of color and female complexity that doesn’t hinge on sexual violence. Then send it to me. #mswl
— Léonicka (@leonicka) May 20, 2019
Good comment.
Still, feels as a bit of nitpicking.
He did fight as a member of small raiding party etc.
So…hehe….using contemporary lingo we could say he started as commissioned officer, platoon leader, and in that position he did engage a couple of times in close combat.
And, from there he rose…
Now, when was the last time we had leader like that?
Israelis have one as we speak.
So…hehe…they have two things right: immigration/citizenship policy and choosing a top person.
That often results in finis Poloniae by opposing fractions of psia krew and kurwa matj.Replies: @Logan
need a king, but the position should not be a hereditary
Ahh, the eternal problem of succession.
If you have a rigid hereditary succession, you avoid a civil war every time the king dies. Everybody knows who the new king is and won’t follow his uncles or nobles or generals in revolt. But you are shooting dice whether you get an Alexander or a Caligula.
Or, you can have hereditary succession limited to a specific royal family, as the Ottomans did. A civil war between the sons every time the sultan died, but at least the survivor of the war was likely, by definition, to be reasonably competent. They got around this eventually by having the new sultan murder all his brothers on succession, and later by imprisoning them, which of course meant that a sultan succeeding after a lifetime in a luxurious prison wasn’t exactly suited for ruling.
Or, you can have succession basically open to all, as under the Roman and Byzantine Empires. Which gave emperors great incentive to murder good generals before they could revolt, not actually a great policy when facing genuine threats. And also of course gave generals great incentive to revolt before the emperor could kill them. If they win, the whole cycle starts over again.
Or, you can go with the Polish option, arguably the worst of all.
Temujin didn’t exactly rise from the ranks. His father was the chief of their clan and descended from more powerful nobles.
His father was murdered and he was robbed of his birthright, but he was never an “ordinary Mongol.”
All mass media is about escaping from reality, that is the sole reason people watch it.
Before the Norman Conquest fucked everything up, English kings were selected by a vote of the nobles after the old king died. It’s actually a workable system, and safer than hereditary monarchy. So that part of the finale I was actually happy with! (But yeah, the series went downhill fast after it outran the books).
Your comments are preposterous. No brainwashing and indoctrination, really? Of course it's a moral norm to be loyal to your people and state and I have all respect for Russian people for this, but this state was a harsh mistress, to put it mildly. It exterminated millions of its subjects often for nothing, based on killing lists and killing quotas (speaking of Stalin's time of course), in terms of evil it was on par with the North Korea of today (of course not after 1953, that was the start of a more "humane" period).
In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.
it can not be our fault.
Of course not! Now it is all the Russian fault. Funny, isn’t it?
For instance:
need a king, but the position should not be a hereditary
That often results in finis Poloniae by opposing fractions of psia krew and kurwa matj.
the conclusion was that people need a king, but the position should not be a hereditary,
That pharase just repeats the old Western propaganda mantra 'your country is a prison, revolt or leave'. That is repeated elsewhere since USA was founded - since they need immigrants there and chaos elsewhere. Now everyone is confident USA is a prison - so please revolt or leave. Gott, wie naiv! Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler's invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors. Saying that's not a high morale, but ruthless indoctrination and prison psychology is a pivotal Western dogma that works on you and the likes by 'Chernobyls', 'Doctor Zhivagos' and any other MSM crap about Russia since XIX century (after Napoleon was beaten). It was conceived even before, in the masonic Age of Reason. In USA, schoolchildren talk to a flag every day, 'swearing the allegiance' to the State, and in the West also boyscouts exist with their strange, totemic rites. In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.Replies: @Junior, @awry
that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp
In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.
Your comments are preposterous. No brainwashing and indoctrination, really? Of course it’s a moral norm to be loyal to your people and state and I have all respect for Russian people for this, but this state was a harsh mistress, to put it mildly. It exterminated millions of its subjects often for nothing, based on killing lists and killing quotas (speaking of Stalin’s time of course), in terms of evil it was on par with the North Korea of today (of course not after 1953, that was the start of a more “humane” period).
Back to Chernobyl it was not a CIA job. This romantic CIA agent line is clearly a fiction invented 30 years later, to whitewash the USSR of any fault and incompetence. You should rather look up the operation of the RBMK reactors. Why did they stop building new ones after that? Why didn’t other countries use similar reactors (and without containment…) in their power plants?
Why do you need to invent such excuses for that old Soviet fiasco 30 years later? Is this explanation more exciting? Maybe less inconvenient? That the catastrophe was not caused by human incompetence, but rather by some spy master? Is it better for you to believe this?
Of course not! Now it is all the Russian fault. Funny, isn't it?
it can not be our fault.
“The bodies in GOT have no internal structure”
Early GoT, especially season 1, was notable for generally NOT having this standard Hollywood trope. It changed later. Two major season 1 characters suffered lingering injuries with plausible results.
Thanks for telling us that you never visited that country and never spoke to any of its inhabitants. Your ignorance and your fanatism speak for themselves, each one nourishing the other. US propaganda and lies at its best.Replies: @Junior
The fact that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp filled with people who were either terrified of the KGB or were indeed indoctrinated to be communist fanatics.
Were people allowed to leave the country if they wanted to leave?
Nuff said.
***HEY GAME OF THRONES FANS, did you know that Hodor had an equally lovable twin brother?
Google search the name: “Holodomor” to learn more!
The fact that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp filled with people who were either terrified of the KGB or were indeed indoctrinated to be communist fanatics.
Thanks for telling us that you never visited that country and never spoke to any of its inhabitants. Your ignorance and your fanatism speak for themselves, each one nourishing the other. US propaganda and lies at its best.
HBO has commercials? Since when?
What!!!??? One has to PAY to see these series? Even crazier!
And I did not know that “Lost” was produced by HBO.
"For some strange reason they always prefer to stay"? You have got to be kidding me.
Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler’s invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors.
hey were either hostages or had stockholm syndrome
So all others just may had an immigrant syndrome. Like those poor African and MiddleEastern folks, that flood Europe instead of fighting at home and improving their life.
That pharase just repeats the old Western propaganda mantra 'your country is a prison, revolt or leave'. That is repeated elsewhere since USA was founded - since they need immigrants there and chaos elsewhere. Now everyone is confident USA is a prison - so please revolt or leave. Gott, wie naiv! Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler's invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors. Saying that's not a high morale, but ruthless indoctrination and prison psychology is a pivotal Western dogma that works on you and the likes by 'Chernobyls', 'Doctor Zhivagos' and any other MSM crap about Russia since XIX century (after Napoleon was beaten). It was conceived even before, in the masonic Age of Reason. In USA, schoolchildren talk to a flag every day, 'swearing the allegiance' to the State, and in the West also boyscouts exist with their strange, totemic rites. In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.Replies: @Junior, @awry
that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp
Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler’s invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors.
“For some strange reason they always prefer to stay”? You have got to be kidding me.
“Some strange reason” = Not allowed to leave = Prison
You can try to spin it any way you like but they were either hostages or had stockholm syndrome as a result of communist propaganda.
So all others just may had an immigrant syndrome. Like those poor African and MiddleEastern folks, that flood Europe instead of fighting at home and improving their life.
hey were either hostages or had stockholm syndrome
I guess that your life is quite empty if you have nothing else to do than watch these series stuffed with commecials.
HBO has commercials? Since when?
What!!!??? One has to PAY to see these series? Even crazier!
HBO has commercials? Since when?
Il faut vivre comme on pense, sinon on finit par penser comme on a vécu.
We must live as we think, otherwise we end up thinking as we lived.
I came here out of curiosity. And I can imagine how people who went through “lost” or “got” are thinking now. Did it ever come to your mind that you were manipulated? That you were losing your time? I guess that your life is quite empty if you have nothing else to do than watch these series stuffed with commecials. Even to write a report about the end of the series is as much nonsense as the series itself. And this is valide for me too. LOL.
But am I throwing away even more time by writing about it? Not if I can inoculate even a few people against the next Game of Thrones to come along. Not if I can help create a better culture, with better stories, for future generations.
That would truly be a happily ever after.
Ehh, I see, but did not watch GOT at all. Life is good, thank you.
That just means that PNR had either no resources, or no good planning (less developed civil defense). In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location. Drills were common. And Warsaw was one of primary targets for NATO nuclear attack in escalation scenario. With no civil defense, your destiny was to become a toast. Hopefully, we still have civil defense.
we didn’t have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn’t have the resources
No sane internal conspiracy would change the regime in their own country at a cost of 300 bn USD and a potential of major nuclear fallout that may kill themselves. Yet the USA that already dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, burned Dresden, poisoned millions of Vietnamese children, had numerous elaborate plans of nuclear attack on USSR, in your eyes are always less culpable. Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed here?
If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why?
Oh yes, and CIA stooge Lech Valesa wasn't an agent and traitor, and that's only the top. You seem to enjoy only the Hollywood version of Cold War.Replies: @awry, @GoRedWings!
Foreign agencies didn’t have agents everywhere in Communist states
Lech Walesa was an informant of the Polish state security as it turned out.
Don't remember exactly, maybe in Frederic Pohl's novel (which is of course not a documentary of the event). But the Chernobyl Bridge of Death seems a quite widespread urban legend (urban legend = the claim that no one survived who watched the fire from the bridge, that is obviously a myth).
In what account’s exactly?
Well it had schools, a small amusement park etc. I think most people here have seen videos and picture collections from the Zone. Sure you aren't suggesting that all those things were brought there by the Ukrainians after the collapse of the USSR to entertain Western disaster tourism or for anti-Soviet propaganda purposes?Regarding the series even Western main stream media doesn't deny that it gets many things wrong, there are plenty of articles about that, in Times, Forbes ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/06/06/why-hbos-chernobyl-gets-nuclear-so-wrong/#2ec24f1b632f ) etc. It is just a TV series or "show" as they call these in the US.
The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there.
I get the irony but I also lived in a socialist Warsaw Pact country and we didn't have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn't have the resources for that either for the mast majority of ordinary schoolchildren etc. I remember the Cold War hysteria though, we were told that Reagan wants a nuclear war etc.Regarding the claim that the CIA (or other foreign agency) caused the Chernobyl accident it still sounds pretty ridiculous to me. If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why? I don't know but they could have pulled it off maybe, that is plausible. (Maybe they wanted to fall Gorbachev as they did see his reforms ending the USSR? Then it was totally counter productive as Gorbachev didn't fall in 1986 but the accident accelerated the process that led to the collapse. Or perhaps some high level people in the Soviet establishment wanted exactly that, to deliberately collapse the system so that they can become rich capitalists thereafter?) Foreign agencies didn't have agents everywhere in Communist states, the closed and totalitarian nature of these societies made near impossible to plant spies in these countries, especially the USSR. Every Western agent was a KGB or GRU defector working in Moscow or foreign capitals, and these were the only places they could contact their CIA (MI6 etc.) handlers.Replies: @Anon
It was evident back then and now. �
we didn’t have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn’t have the resources
That just means that PNR had either no resources, or no good planning (less developed civil defense). In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location. Drills were common. And Warsaw was one of primary targets for NATO nuclear attack in escalation scenario. With no civil defense, your destiny was to become a toast. Hopefully, we still have civil defense.
If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why?
No sane internal conspiracy would change the regime in their own country at a cost of 300 bn USD and a potential of major nuclear fallout that may kill themselves. Yet the USA that already dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, burned Dresden, poisoned millions of Vietnamese children, had numerous elaborate plans of nuclear attack on USSR, in your eyes are always less culpable. Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed here?
Foreign agencies didn’t have agents everywhere in Communist states
Oh yes, and CIA stooge Lech Valesa wasn’t an agent and traitor, and that’s only the top. You seem to enjoy only the Hollywood version of Cold War.
That's just bullshit. You are re-inventing a USSR that never existed. Several of my friends are kids of Russian emigrants. In the eighties, they used the notoriously long summer vacations (at least eight weeks) in the USSR to visit their relatives. They took home toilet paper, margarine, and bars of soap, because people could not get those items in the shabby third-world Soviet Union of the '80s. Soviet troops in the Warsaw pact countries were bartering for basic supplies.
In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location.
In what account's exactly? Accounts of cold war propaganda, or post cold-war, same sorts of BS. Your ignorance should not lead you to just following any MSM narrative. The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there. Yet you are too ready to buy the MSM story and keep your brains washed, knowing nothing on contemporary USSR we lived in.
I’ve read about the people staring at the fire in accounts of the disaster decades ago
It was evident back then and now. All that not follows Western narrative is Kremlin propaganda. Keep talking to a flag and trust Batman.
is that the current Kremlin line you Russians are fed
In what account’s exactly?
Don’t remember exactly, maybe in Frederic Pohl’s novel (which is of course not a documentary of the event). But the Chernobyl Bridge of Death seems a quite widespread urban legend (urban legend = the claim that no one survived who watched the fire from the bridge, that is obviously a myth).
The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there.
Well it had schools, a small amusement park etc. I think most people here have seen videos and picture collections from the Zone. Sure you aren’t suggesting that all those things were brought there by the Ukrainians after the collapse of the USSR to entertain Western disaster tourism or for anti-Soviet propaganda purposes?
Regarding the series even Western main stream media doesn’t deny that it gets many things wrong, there are plenty of articles about that, in Times, Forbes ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/06/06/why-hbos-chernobyl-gets-nuclear-so-wrong/#2ec24f1b632f ) etc. It is just a TV series or “show” as they call these in the US.
It was evident back then and now.
I get the irony but I also lived in a socialist Warsaw Pact country and we didn’t have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn’t have the resources for that either for the mast majority of ordinary schoolchildren etc. I remember the Cold War hysteria though, we were told that Reagan wants a nuclear war etc.
Regarding the claim that the CIA (or other foreign agency) caused the Chernobyl accident it still sounds pretty ridiculous to me. If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why? I don’t know but they could have pulled it off maybe, that is plausible. (Maybe they wanted to fall Gorbachev as they did see his reforms ending the USSR? Then it was totally counter productive as Gorbachev didn’t fall in 1986 but the accident accelerated the process that led to the collapse. Or perhaps some high level people in the Soviet establishment wanted exactly that, to deliberately collapse the system so that they can become rich capitalists thereafter?) Foreign agencies didn’t have agents everywhere in Communist states, the closed and totalitarian nature of these societies made near impossible to plant spies in these countries, especially the USSR. Every Western agent was a KGB or GRU defector working in Moscow or foreign capitals, and these were the only places they could contact their CIA (MI6 etc.) handlers.
That just means that PNR had either no resources, or no good planning (less developed civil defense). In USSR, every school had a nuclear evacuation plan, every new block building had a fallout shelter with supplies, suits, masks etc., every factory was decorated with posters of organized evacuation to some predefined location. Drills were common. And Warsaw was one of primary targets for NATO nuclear attack in escalation scenario. With no civil defense, your destiny was to become a toast. Hopefully, we still have civil defense.
we didn’t have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn’t have the resources
No sane internal conspiracy would change the regime in their own country at a cost of 300 bn USD and a potential of major nuclear fallout that may kill themselves. Yet the USA that already dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, burned Dresden, poisoned millions of Vietnamese children, had numerous elaborate plans of nuclear attack on USSR, in your eyes are always less culpable. Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed here?
If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why?
Oh yes, and CIA stooge Lech Valesa wasn't an agent and traitor, and that's only the top. You seem to enjoy only the Hollywood version of Cold War.Replies: @awry, @GoRedWings!
Foreign agencies didn’t have agents everywhere in Communist states
‘Trevor’, you should do movie reviews – or Jewish subtext finding – on YouTube. You’d beat the pants off of Mark Brahmin, and even Mjolnir at the Movies (I like what they do but can’t stand to listen to the Irish guy).
I’ve read about the people staring at the fire in accounts of the disaster decades ago
In what account’s exactly? Accounts of cold war propaganda, or post cold-war, same sorts of BS. Your ignorance should not lead you to just following any MSM narrative. The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there. Yet you are too ready to buy the MSM story and keep your brains washed, knowing nothing on contemporary USSR we lived in.
is that the current Kremlin line you Russians are fed
It was evident back then and now. All that not follows Western narrative is Kremlin propaganda. Keep talking to a flag and trust Batman.
When you think of 1986, when world was on the brink of nuclear war, and all of us took the drills (schoolchildren running in gas masks and hazmat suites, just from school to the nearest shelter in 6 minutes before it closes on the ‘Nuclear Attack Emergency Signal’, Attention: ATOM (or Attention: VIRUS), you may change your mind if still capable of independent thinking. Just read of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Able_Archer_83 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FleetEx_%2783-1 and look on the map at the Chernobyl area (site for radar warning of strategic importance), to understand the infamous, despicable nature of the USA back when there were mostly Anglo-Saxons in charge.
Don't remember exactly, maybe in Frederic Pohl's novel (which is of course not a documentary of the event). But the Chernobyl Bridge of Death seems a quite widespread urban legend (urban legend = the claim that no one survived who watched the fire from the bridge, that is obviously a myth).
In what account’s exactly?
Well it had schools, a small amusement park etc. I think most people here have seen videos and picture collections from the Zone. Sure you aren't suggesting that all those things were brought there by the Ukrainians after the collapse of the USSR to entertain Western disaster tourism or for anti-Soviet propaganda purposes?Regarding the series even Western main stream media doesn't deny that it gets many things wrong, there are plenty of articles about that, in Times, Forbes ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/06/06/why-hbos-chernobyl-gets-nuclear-so-wrong/#2ec24f1b632f ) etc. It is just a TV series or "show" as they call these in the US.
The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there.
I get the irony but I also lived in a socialist Warsaw Pact country and we didn't have such drills or hazmat suits etc. I am sure the USSR didn't have the resources for that either for the mast majority of ordinary schoolchildren etc. I remember the Cold War hysteria though, we were told that Reagan wants a nuclear war etc.Regarding the claim that the CIA (or other foreign agency) caused the Chernobyl accident it still sounds pretty ridiculous to me. If it was some conspiracy then I would say it was the KGB or the GRU. Why? I don't know but they could have pulled it off maybe, that is plausible. (Maybe they wanted to fall Gorbachev as they did see his reforms ending the USSR? Then it was totally counter productive as Gorbachev didn't fall in 1986 but the accident accelerated the process that led to the collapse. Or perhaps some high level people in the Soviet establishment wanted exactly that, to deliberately collapse the system so that they can become rich capitalists thereafter?) Foreign agencies didn't have agents everywhere in Communist states, the closed and totalitarian nature of these societies made near impossible to plant spies in these countries, especially the USSR. Every Western agent was a KGB or GRU defector working in Moscow or foreign capitals, and these were the only places they could contact their CIA (MI6 etc.) handlers.Replies: @Anon
It was evident back then and now. �
It is a rather stupid propaganda pick having nothing common to real motivations and lives of the 1980's USSR. Some former USSR immigrants and stage personnel imitated some interiors and clothes ot the era, the rest is complete crap (like folks 'staring at the fire' in the city populated by engineering staff and physicists taking regular anti-nuclear drills). We remember real Chernobyl and so many of us have relatives that participated in the resque operation. In 198o-s, every USSR schoolkid knew where is the nearest fallout shelter. You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka, but no bears and balalaikas. Chernobyl disaster was a clear, carefully prepared diversion and a psy-op of Reagan administration. It took about 1-year budget of USSR and many lives to fix the problem and save Europe. The goal of terrorists and traitors was not only a major catastrophe, but Chernobyl-2 (Duga early warning radar, or Russian Woodpecker) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duga_radar .Replies: @Junior, @awry
is one of the greatest indictments of Communism to be expressed
I’ve read about the people staring at the fire in accounts of the disaster decades ago, so it wasn’t invented by the producers of the show. Probably not engineers, but tens of thousands lived and worked at the power plant and in the town of Pripyat (counting their relatives too).
Claiming that it was some “Western sabotage”… is that the current Kremlin line you Russians are fed nowadays? Re-Stalinization of Russia had advanced farther that I would have thought, apparently.
Not even the ’80’s Soviet Union tried to blame it on ‘spies and wreckers’, but apparently contemporary Putin’s Russia does. Or is it just some loony people having a voice in Russian media/internet?
I didn’t watch it yet, I don’t doubt that this show tries to show Russia (the USSR then) in as a bad light as possible, just like many Cold War movies did.
In what account's exactly? Accounts of cold war propaganda, or post cold-war, same sorts of BS. Your ignorance should not lead you to just following any MSM narrative. The town of Pripyat was specially developed in 1970 (just 16 years before event) for staff of the nuclear plant, it was a secured object with strict protocols and drills, no peasants and small businesses there. Yet you are too ready to buy the MSM story and keep your brains washed, knowing nothing on contemporary USSR we lived in.
I’ve read about the people staring at the fire in accounts of the disaster decades ago
It was evident back then and now. All that not follows Western narrative is Kremlin propaganda. Keep talking to a flag and trust Batman.
is that the current Kremlin line you Russians are fed
Jews always have to have a Messiah.
Therefore they tend to worry that the goyim might get an anti-Messiahs, like Hitler.
The Night King was such a figure. In the books there were just the White Walkers, but the 2 GoT Jews couldn’t just leave it at that so they added a boss. Kill the White Walker Hitler and the rest just fall to pieces.
Totally crappy, but I think I might have derived an explanation.
that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp
That pharase just repeats the old Western propaganda mantra ‘your country is a prison, revolt or leave’. That is repeated elsewhere since USA was founded – since they need immigrants there and chaos elsewhere. Now everyone is confident USA is a prison – so please revolt or leave. Gott, wie naiv!
Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler’s invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors. Saying that’s not a high morale, but ruthless indoctrination and prison psychology is a pivotal Western dogma that works on you and the likes by ‘Chernobyls’, ‘Doctor Zhivagos’ and any other MSM crap about Russia since XIX century (after Napoleon was beaten). It was conceived even before, in the masonic Age of Reason.
In USA, schoolchildren talk to a flag every day, ‘swearing the allegiance’ to the State, and in the West also boyscouts exist with their strange, totemic rites. In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.
"For some strange reason they always prefer to stay"? You have got to be kidding me.
Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler’s invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors.
Your comments are preposterous. No brainwashing and indoctrination, really? Of course it's a moral norm to be loyal to your people and state and I have all respect for Russian people for this, but this state was a harsh mistress, to put it mildly. It exterminated millions of its subjects often for nothing, based on killing lists and killing quotas (speaking of Stalin's time of course), in terms of evil it was on par with the North Korea of today (of course not after 1953, that was the start of a more "humane" period).
In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.
Well, it looks like the Russians are going to film their own version of Chernobyl and get the sabotage theory out to a wider audience…
Moscow’s version of “Chernobyl†– which is produced by NTV, an arm of Russia’s majority state-owned Gazprom Media – is premised on the theory that CIA agents sabotaged the nuclear reactor, which ultimately led to the accident, NTV said in April 2018.
Specifically, the plot will follow a Russian KGB agent in the town of Pripyat, near the plant, as he tries to track down US spies before they trigger the disaster, director Alexei Muradov told The Moscow Times on Tuesday.
The idea for Russia’s version of “Chernobyl†is based from a popular conspiracy theory in the country, Muradov told The Moscow Times.
“One theory holds that Americans had infiltrated the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and many historians do not deny that, on the day of the explosion, an agent of the enemy’s intelligence services was present at the station,†he said.
The depiction of useless 'party bosses' in charge of everything by HBO is complete rubbish. Bosses are the same in every social system, and any human tragedy may be described as 'indictment' to any current system like capitalism (Titanic), feudalism (fire of London, great plague), fascism (Hindenburg crash) etc. It is all propaganda and hot air. In Chernobyl, many regional leaders and officials gave their life and health not because of some fanaticism or indoctrination - it was their land they cared of.
party bosses
Governments are always the same. And you forget that the world was too close to real nuclear war, no time for panic and hype.Replies: @Junior
was actually to cover-up, the shame in their minds
I see what you’re saying about any tragedy being able to be described as an indictment of a system, ie Fukishima/capitalism, but I see a major difference when the government is so completely encompassing like it was in the USSR. The fact that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp filled with people who were either terrified of the KGB or were indeed indoctrinated to be communist fanatics.
I agree with you though about hollywood movies on real events being mostly trash propaganda. Nevertheless, I still feel that HBO’s Chernobyl was a great indictment of Communism. Though, as with any “reality” hollywood movie, should be viewed with an extremely skeptical eye and grain of salt. And, as with any indictment, the prosecutors charge shouldn’t be accepted without trying to find out the defense to get both sides of the story.
That pharase just repeats the old Western propaganda mantra 'your country is a prison, revolt or leave'. That is repeated elsewhere since USA was founded - since they need immigrants there and chaos elsewhere. Now everyone is confident USA is a prison - so please revolt or leave. Gott, wie naiv! Speaking in your terms, inhabitants of USSR had to leave (run, or revolt) in times of Hitler's invasion, Chernobyl, or even any major flood, forestfire and earthquake. For some strange reason they always prefer to stay and resque the people and land of their ancestors. Saying that's not a high morale, but ruthless indoctrination and prison psychology is a pivotal Western dogma that works on you and the likes by 'Chernobyls', 'Doctor Zhivagos' and any other MSM crap about Russia since XIX century (after Napoleon was beaten). It was conceived even before, in the masonic Age of Reason. In USA, schoolchildren talk to a flag every day, 'swearing the allegiance' to the State, and in the West also boyscouts exist with their strange, totemic rites. In Russia, and Soviet Union that was and is considered immoral and ridiculous to brainwash and indoctrinate children in such a stupid fashion. It is a moral norm to be loyal to your people and the state, otherwise you are just sick. Madness? No, this is Russia.Replies: @Junior, @awry
that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp
Thanks for telling us that you never visited that country and never spoke to any of its inhabitants. Your ignorance and your fanatism speak for themselves, each one nourishing the other. US propaganda and lies at its best.Replies: @Junior
The fact that the people did not revolt in a country that a person could not even leave if they wanted tells me that the USSR was essentially a prison camp filled with people who were either terrified of the KGB or were indeed indoctrinated to be communist fanatics.
When I think of Communism, party bosses are exactly what I think of. That's why I said that the show is an indictment of Communism(the actions of the party bosses in response to the tragedy), not an indictment of the Soviet people as your post seems to imply. In fact, I think that the show did a great job of showing the heroism of the Soviet people to save the world FROM the actions of their leaders who put protecting the image of Communism above admitting to the world what happened as the radioactive cloud that they kept denying spread across Europe.
You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka
party bosses
The depiction of useless ‘party bosses’ in charge of everything by HBO is complete rubbish. Bosses are the same in every social system, and any human tragedy may be described as ‘indictment’ to any current system like capitalism (Titanic), feudalism (fire of London, great plague), fascism (Hindenburg crash) etc. It is all propaganda and hot air. In Chernobyl, many regional leaders and officials gave their life and health not because of some fanaticism or indoctrination – it was their land they cared of.
was actually to cover-up, the shame in their minds
Governments are always the same. And you forget that the world was too close to real nuclear war, no time for panic and hype.
It is a rather stupid propaganda pick having nothing common to real motivations and lives of the 1980's USSR. Some former USSR immigrants and stage personnel imitated some interiors and clothes ot the era, the rest is complete crap (like folks 'staring at the fire' in the city populated by engineering staff and physicists taking regular anti-nuclear drills). We remember real Chernobyl and so many of us have relatives that participated in the resque operation. In 198o-s, every USSR schoolkid knew where is the nearest fallout shelter. You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka, but no bears and balalaikas. Chernobyl disaster was a clear, carefully prepared diversion and a psy-op of Reagan administration. It took about 1-year budget of USSR and many lives to fix the problem and save Europe. The goal of terrorists and traitors was not only a major catastrophe, but Chernobyl-2 (Duga early warning radar, or Russian Woodpecker) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duga_radar .Replies: @Junior, @awry
is one of the greatest indictments of Communism to be expressed
You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka
When I think of Communism, party bosses are exactly what I think of. That’s why I said that the show is an indictment of Communism(the actions of the party bosses in response to the tragedy), not an indictment of the Soviet people as your post seems to imply. In fact, I think that the show did a great job of showing the heroism of the Soviet people to save the world FROM the actions of their leaders who put protecting the image of Communism above admitting to the world what happened as the radioactive cloud that they kept denying spread across Europe.
Your thoughts on it having been sabotage and Duga are interesting to me. The entire time watching it I had the question of intentional sabotage in my mind and whether the Soviet’s explanation of it was actually to cover-up, the shame in their minds, of having having been infiltrated by America enough for sabotage to occur. More of them putting image above truth? I don’t know.
Thanks for the info on Duga. I’ll look into it more.
The depiction of useless 'party bosses' in charge of everything by HBO is complete rubbish. Bosses are the same in every social system, and any human tragedy may be described as 'indictment' to any current system like capitalism (Titanic), feudalism (fire of London, great plague), fascism (Hindenburg crash) etc. It is all propaganda and hot air. In Chernobyl, many regional leaders and officials gave their life and health not because of some fanaticism or indoctrination - it was their land they cared of.
party bosses
Governments are always the same. And you forget that the world was too close to real nuclear war, no time for panic and hype.Replies: @Junior
was actually to cover-up, the shame in their minds
Glad I missed this crap. My instincts proved correct.
Why watch a show where a goddamned midget is getting more ass than me?
Great comment Sergey. The media we consume reflects the times, and someday (assuming we make it) people will look back on how negative and escapist the media of the first part of this century has been. Most of it is utter crap. Most of the things with meaning are dystopian.
I do find it a bit funny / ironic that so many people here, including the article writer, are sifting through the toilet bowl that is “Game of Thrones” trying to glean some meaning out of it, because there never was any meaning! Beginning with the books, it was puerile crap from the start, it just happened to be the highest form of it. It was well written, clever, unconventional, and above all unpredictable. But it was never meant to mean anything. Just like fan-fiction. That’s why the writing of the books slowly bloated and ground to a complete halt. There was nowhere to go.
And then, by some miracle, George RR Martin got a bailout. Some idiot at HBO agreed to start filming the story before he was done writing it. And since the filming started, Martin did not publish so much a single additional word. It was now HBO’s problem. I think everything I’ve said dawned upon HBO as they went into this season. They went for the best solution possible: the band-aid approach. That’s why the season was so short and so crap. The show was simply ended as expediently as possible.
It seems that they never really understood what they had on their hands. The show should have just ended in some meaningless, but epic, bloody, and clever series of battles where almost everyone dies and then the show just ends. No point made because there never was one. But somebody got the idea that so many millions of man-hours surely must amount to something, so we got the tacked on messaging, about as subtle as a bull in a china shop.
All it ever was, just like all the other superhero and fantasy crap out there today, is escapism.
is one of the greatest indictments of Communism to be expressed
It is a rather stupid propaganda pick having nothing common to real motivations and lives of the 1980’s USSR. Some former USSR immigrants and stage personnel imitated some interiors and clothes ot the era, the rest is complete crap (like folks ‘staring at the fire’ in the city populated by engineering staff and physicists taking regular anti-nuclear drills). We remember real Chernobyl and so many of us have relatives that participated in the resque operation. In 198o-s, every USSR schoolkid knew where is the nearest fallout shelter. You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka, but no bears and balalaikas.
Chernobyl disaster was a clear, carefully prepared diversion and a psy-op of Reagan administration. It took about 1-year budget of USSR and many lives to fix the problem and save Europe. The goal of terrorists and traitors was not only a major catastrophe, but Chernobyl-2 (Duga early warning radar, or Russian Woodpecker) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duga_radar .
When I think of Communism, party bosses are exactly what I think of. That's why I said that the show is an indictment of Communism(the actions of the party bosses in response to the tragedy), not an indictment of the Soviet people as your post seems to imply. In fact, I think that the show did a great job of showing the heroism of the Soviet people to save the world FROM the actions of their leaders who put protecting the image of Communism above admitting to the world what happened as the radioactive cloud that they kept denying spread across Europe.
You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka
You know, you could try to watch a compilation some people put together, showing all scenes with Tywin Lannister. Even deleted scenes.
For extremely brief moment the show tried to be somehow realistic in describing that period (around The Wars of the Roses), but, of course, didn’t last long.
I stopped watching the show, altogether, somewhere in the middle of the first season.
Still…..there are some moments worth seeing. I..hehe…rely on work on some dedicated people; compilations. A couple of them are good. Not all of it, but some of it.
Try trawling Youtube.
My 2 cents.
The show that everyone should absolutely check out on HBO is the 4 part mini-series that just ended on Monday called Chernobyl.
In my opinion, it is one of the greatest indictments of Communism to be expressed through film in a long time. It’s to the point that I can’t even believe that HBO made it considering the usual trash that they put out.
Seriously everyone. Chernobyl.
Check it out.
It is a rather stupid propaganda pick having nothing common to real motivations and lives of the 1980's USSR. Some former USSR immigrants and stage personnel imitated some interiors and clothes ot the era, the rest is complete crap (like folks 'staring at the fire' in the city populated by engineering staff and physicists taking regular anti-nuclear drills). We remember real Chernobyl and so many of us have relatives that participated in the resque operation. In 198o-s, every USSR schoolkid knew where is the nearest fallout shelter. You can thank HBO for showing only party bosses and vodka, but no bears and balalaikas. Chernobyl disaster was a clear, carefully prepared diversion and a psy-op of Reagan administration. It took about 1-year budget of USSR and many lives to fix the problem and save Europe. The goal of terrorists and traitors was not only a major catastrophe, but Chernobyl-2 (Duga early warning radar, or Russian Woodpecker) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duga_radar .Replies: @Junior, @awry
is one of the greatest indictments of Communism to be expressed
No I am not a jew.
In fact, I grew up in a very medieval looking town in Central Europe. I was reared on its inspiring history. One of the few places in that region that successfully resisted the Ottomans. It was the Fort Wagner of Austria, and I am proud of it.
I am much more viscerally familiar with the Middle Ages than you are.
Which is why I am so viscerally disgusted by a show that smears this special memory by offensively projecting feminist and jewish values onto this holy place in time. And when I see Westerners so enthusiastically swallow it down, even grown men reduced down to anxious nail-chewing fan girls over this silly show, then you tell me in your own words what I should call such a herd of easily manipulated cattle?
Just as black people appropriate nigger, I too will appropriate goyim to accurately describe these dumb herds of mindless consumers.
Enjoy your tacky jew programming, goy.
Agreed with all of that except the part about the Night King.
Having Ice Dragon-riding Night King is cool, even if the means of acquiring said dragon was mindnumbingly stupid (though that was nothing special from Season 6).
In the book, the mechanism that will bring down the wall is the Horn of Winter, but it had not been developed in the show and introducing it at that late stage would have been too deus ex machina. Having Ice Dragon knock it down was a good decision.
Otherwise yes, Jon should be too stupid too live, and Tyrion really is the twisted, double-dealing dwarf that popular opinion holds him to be (stereotypes rarely lie).
In the penultimate episode Daenerys Targaryen, who claims the Iron Throne of Westeros once occupied by her father, led armies of racial aliens and Westerosians to lay siege to the usurper Queen Cersei in King’s Landing. Cersei’s allies and armies were defeated.
Just FTR Cersei invited in “racial aliens” (the Golden Company). Rightful king Stannis invited in racial alien mercs. Anyone with gold invites them in. Funny how only the people who don’t complain about it.
At least most of Daenerys’ mercs don’t have dicks, which annuls one of the more prominent Alt Right obsessions.
The one person who predicted Daenerys’ behavior and could have prevented it was Lord Varys, who wanted to put Jon Snow on the Iron Throne instead.
Deep statesman who happens to keep a horde of mutilated brainwashed children and a perennial traitor who betrayed one too many monarchs. Great moral authority acting out of pure altruism.
So while Bran might be useful to keep around for information, he is not qualified to be king. But nobody thinks of this, and nobody objects.
He is perfectly qualified to be not just king, but the totalitarian God-Emperor he is, knowing all precrimes and Drogon under his potential full control.
So Westeros is pretty screwed.
Hopefully 3ER will give Winterfell the crispy fried Dresdening it so richly deserves.
Of course, if all it takes to secede from the Seven Kingdoms is to ask, then why didn’t any of the other kingdoms follow suit?
What the people at the Dragonpit were REALLY thinking: https://edofthefu.com/posts/what-the-people-at-the-dragonpit-were-really-thinking/
If only. Not quite sure who, exactly, those “ours” are or, better, what that “ours” means.
I’d love to see my leader:
A man who came through the ranks, having lived hard life since his birth. Who led 10 men in his first challenge. Who, as a young man, had a vision how to improve lives of own people. O….w….n…..people.
Who had political and organizational genius to create a nation from a bunch of tribes. And the army. Oh, my, what an army……
Who had strategic genius which allowed him to conquer, well, most of his known world at the time and provide very good life for his own…..o….w….n….people.
Excellent judge of character; ruthless to enemies, generous to friends and allies.
Illiterate man who encouraged and supported science of the time, literature and art.
On top of it a pious man.
On top of it a man who never allowed overwhelming riches to change his lifestyle. Never got drunk, never overindulged in food. Dressed always in his traditional, simple, clothes. Lived until his death in tent.
Oh, btw, all his life, in that world, married to his first wife.
Yes, that’s a man I’d love to see as my leader.
See anyone of that character around?
Expecting to see anyone of that character in near future?
I don’t.
And…hahaha…how about a trigger for resident clowns in this pub?
The closest which comes to him is Netanyahu. As, not even at the level of Genghis little toe.
Hehe..and we are smarter than those Mongols, a? Democracy, information superhighway, blah, blah.
See, that’s the problem with White Supremacism.
“We” haven’t been able to produce somehow, somebody as Temujin. Alexander was….close….sort of. Not really.
So, yes, if I can see a White leader at the level of Temujin’s say……..hip….oh I’d follow him anywhere he’d want me to.
better stories? – could do worse than Green Island – http://www.rudemacedon.ca/greenisland.html
I had never watched Game of Thrones at all until the penultimate episode, and then only because my girlfriend wanted to lay in bed and watch it with me on one of our rare days off together. The absolutely pointless mayhem and crappy, smart-alecky dialogue confirmed that I hadn’t wasted my time avoiding it all these years.
One thing I did notice, though. The bodies in GOT have no internal structure—no bones, no joints, no organs, no pressure points; they’re just undifferentiated sausage-sacks of gore that burst like water balloons when struck by a weapon, after which the maligned character either dies or not solely as the plot requires it. The writers have no natural sense of human physical reality. Anything goes in their fantasy world, and therefore the show can neither be interesting nor worth watching.
“Even here they cannot leave Stalin alone. Germans are still alive. Thank Stalin for that.”
– Stalin deserves much worse than Zionist / leftist controlled “history” allows.
– Please explain to us how ‘Germans are still alive because of Stalin’.
That should be a good one.
“People used to dream of stars and write excellent sci fi, now it is all about zombies, vampires and freaks. People are trying to run away from reality.”
– I agree, well said.
Spoken like a Jew who knows enough to fear all things truly and fully medieval, because they are catholic and pre-Modern and therefore not Judaizing.
You are correct that faux-medieval is bad, because it easily leads away from what we need to learn from Christendom. And part Jewish George RR Martin is indeed a man writing fake medieval fantasy in large measure to keep us entertained away from the real thing.
Counter currents is not a serious place. I lean in that direction politically, but whenever I go there to find out what’s happening in the world all I find are pretentious pop culture reviews and trvial bs. It’s a gossipy tabloid complete with a censoring, thin-skinned editor all masquerading as a far right publication.
And how much of a goy do you have to be to take Game of Thrones seriously?
I once caught a brief glimpse of it. A scene of some anarchronistically powerful and smug female character ordering her beta boi cuck fag bodyguard to murder some guy who challenged her. The feminist conditioning is so cringy, but it flies under the radar for most of my fellow goyim as they are mezmerized by the stupefying plastic mythology of muh medival romantacism.
Your ideals are cheaply purchased.
Be ashamed you easily-manipulated goyim.
Now I appreciate why jews call us cattle.
That is incomplete. The full Woke ending would be to have trannie Dany and gay Jon order the Doithraki to spend a year raping all the Westeros females aged 12 to 40, hoping to produce a generation of half-breeds. Westeros males would be brought black women, who would be freed from slavery after delivering a half white child. That would secure the future for a much better world.
It was all forecast. Dany is a Robespierre or Lenin or Mao. Or Cromwell. She intends to purify the world with much destruction, much burning. For the necessary good of the world.
Dany is Woke.
Well, count me as odd woman out, but I thought the GOT ending made sense.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely and certain traits, i.e. mental illness, are genetic. Daenerys was genetically unstable and her whole life had a series of traumatic events that contributed to it. The dragon gave her absolute power. Like the mad king her father, she enjoyed watching people burn alive even if she covered it up with the self-righteous patina of a SJW avenger.
She was totally unfit to rule because, with her pyromania coming across people’s sense of self-preservation, she would have become increasingly paranoid and ended up killing anyone who even looked like s/he would disagree with her. Jon Snow was right to kill her.
Gen X here……always been a fan of fantasy (more than SF or other genre fiction, though also enjoy SF and horror if done well), chalk that up to a childhood filled with Tolkien, Eddings, Piers Anthony and C.S. Lewis. Then in the early 80’s D&D was added into the mix…..lots of fond memories of the genre from the last decade when America was still the “America” of old, and before the leftist programming started full throttle in the 1990’s.
There are lots of great fantasy books/series out there (that are not full on leftist trash), and I would not count Martin among them. Recently took a twenty odd year break from the genre (my academic and hobby interests are primarily military history and science), but last year got back into it once again. The best author, IMHO, is still obviously Tolkien (and along with the three others above, they are “classic” authors). However I really enjoyed The Wheel of Time which I finally recently finished (15 books, average of 1000 pages each). Would also recommend The Book of Jhereg by Steven Brust, The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe, the classic Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series by Stephen Donaldson and The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie.
On the much more “lite fare” side, mainly due to nostalgia, enjoyed re-reading The Dragonlance Chronicles and the first few Drizzt books (all based on D&D properties). These are certainly not “high literature”, they are derivative, but enjoyable nonetheless. Now days I generally avoid any modern female authors, or generally anything written after 2010 unless I get a chance to “sample” it beforehand. Most modern fantasy being churned out is feminist “urban fantasy” BS, or poorly written, overly complex tripe by authors desperate to break away from the “medieval Europe” trope. A few have managed to do so, but most just fall flat and do not resonate with me personally. The primary appeal of fantasy IMHO is that it is rooted in (primarily) European myths and legends, and is another way to keep alive the storytelling tradition of our ancestors. YMMV.
Even here they cannot leave Stalin alone. Germans are still alive. Thank Stalin for that. Have not watched this garbage. People used to dream of stars and write excellent sci fi, now it is all about zombies, vampires and freaks. People are trying to run away from reality.
GOT is just yet another epigonous Western pseudo-saga written by some mediocre belletrist to entertain the lower classes, just as Starwars, LOTR, Harry Potter etc. before, balancing somewhere near above some comicbook ‘universe’. Apart from political motifs we see in a film, there is a main idea: to deprive the peoples of their owh history and folklore, erase their national pride and identity. No one would soon name 10 members of Argonauts, Iliad, Diadochoi, knights of Charlemagne or Round table, Niebelungenlied or Romance of Three Kingdoms. To Leta river fall the heroes of some national history domains from Hotspur to Alexander Matrosov. Yet everyone will eagerly name soon some shitty ‘starkillers’, ‘superheroes’ and dwarfs with names and toponyms stolen from someother peoples (like star system Utapau instead of Utapao airfield in Thailand). GOT as a movie is also a minor russophobic pic, where 1) the evil comes from a cold place 2) evil posesses best SAM technologies 3) actors impersonating evil have Russian names (Vladimir for Night King, Ivan for Ramsay Bolton, or even Yuri Kolokolnikov for Styr). There is also, common plagiarism from Russian (Soviet) fantasy domain, like Darth Vader protagonist stolen from Ivan Efremov’s Dar Veter, or Hogwarths idea stolen from both Polish Magic Academy of pan Kleksa and Strugatski brothers’ Soviet Research Institute of Magic.
The ending of this was far worse than lost.. Lost at least kept you thinking WTF happened while this just leaves with the sense of what a waste of time. In the sense that all the discussions and scenarios and what ifs and what nots were all for not. They took the easy way out after such effort like they got tired of it, or did not want to work so hard any longer… US shows usually ends up like this, especially scifi’s hence they are not even worth watching any longer.
The big problem with the last two seasons of Game of Thrones was that they forgot that the name of the show was GAME of Thrones. I don’t want to see a Fischer-Spassky chess match interrupted by a moralizing lecture, I want to see the damn chess match. I want to see what lines of play the great masters pursue, and where they lead.
Danarys spent the whole damn series painstakingly acquiring political experience, raising her dragons, making herself feared, and acquiring an army, a cavalry, and a fleet in order to take Westeros. There was one last thing she needed: good advisors. The sweet bait was that she hired the two most clever, devious men in the world, Tyrion and Varys, to advise her. What will their devious counsels be?
So now I’m licking my chops waiting for the real Game to begin. How will Tyrion and Varys play the great houses against each other? How will they square the fact that the Dothraki thrive on plunder and slavery, but once Danarys wins, she can’t reward them with that? What’s the best way to use the dragons? (Hint: burn Casterley Rock as a warning, not King’s Landing.)
Also: the White Walkers are a complete waste of time. Oh, no! The Night King has assembled an Army of the Dead, and is marching south. If only there were something that could stop him — like, say, a giant 700 foot wall endowed with magic powers which was built for the express purpose of stopping him. I guess he’ll just have to hope that some retard flies a dragon up there on a pointless mission, hands it over to him, and fortunately he thought ahead to bring along miles of giant chains to salvage the dragon to destroy the Wall when he otherwise could not. Boatloads of stupid possibly greater than boatloads of African migrants.
Meanwhile all of Danarys’s plans are thwarted by the two most devious ruthless men in the world giving her the advice, “the best way to win the war is to set aside your overwhelming advantages and not kill anybody.”
I gave up when the Dragon Queen fell for the Limp-Dick King of the North and started to listen to new, improved, Doctors Without Borders Tyrion.
This should have been the entirety of your glowing review:
“But in the end—as if I had managed to sneak in and write the script myself—she reveals herself to be an egalitarian humanist mass murderer, just like Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill.
Countless feminists were so triggered that their pussyhats shot clean off their heads.”
You’re welcome. Also: get a life.
And in his 3 eyed raven vision, Bran saw the dragon (it’s shadow) flying over Kings Landing.
And at the battle of black water, when the bell were ringing Lord Varys said he hate them because they are an ominous sign and Stavos in the boat said Bells have never meant surrender but total war. So the last episode was announced in the second series.
And when Daenerys was in the house of magic in Qarth looking for her baby dragons, we saw images of the last episode, both the burning of King Landings who looked like snow and an escape to the northern part of the wall (meaning probably that free folks are uniting) .
Bran acted as Lord of Winterfel during the 5 king war and showed patience and good counsel to his people (while even his maeser was bored and tired). So we saw his wisdom from the beginning
Daenerys showed cruelty during the golden crown episode only because she saw her brother couldn’t handle fire
Then she burnt alive the witch only’because she made an ambiguous promise – keep Dragho Alive but with no inner life – and despite her telling Daenerys her moving circumstances
She locked alive to be starved her servant for sleeping with one of Qarth seven ruler
She banned Ser Jorah Mormont for a very old sin despite all he had done for it
She always explained that burning things and people and cities was her way to create a brand new world since the beginning . She said it many times. So all the people who said her twist – when she didn’t have any one trustful to advise her – was unexpected weren’t just paying attention
I do not know if GRRM had this in mind, but this theme is evident:â€Power tends to corrupt,and absolute power corrupts absolutely.†Most people know this Quote, but Lord Acton goes on to say that the reason this is true is because most great men are bad men. Turns out women are included in this group also. This is only One reason “leaders†should not be put on Pedestals, whether they are Trumps, Obamas, Roosevelts, or Lincolns. King’s Landing looked like Dresden to me.
Replies: @Hapalong Cassidy
Daenerys was right: King’s Landing had to burn
By Matthew Yglesias
May 26, 2019
Daenerys has an objective — to induce the Lords of Westeros to bend the knee and acknowledge her supremacy — and her attack on King’s Landing in “The Bells†was well-calibrated to achieve that objective. She had previously offered Queen Cersei the opportunity surrender, and Cersei refused — packing the city with civilians and ringing it with air defenses that pose a lethal threat to Drogon, Daenerys’s one remaining dragon. A combination of skilled piloting and poor marksmanship allowed Daenerys to overcome the city’s air defenses, destroy the Golden Company, and induce the Lannisters to attempt to surrender.
If Daenerys had simply allowed King’s Landing to surrender without consequences only after she evaded its air defenses, then every other recalcitrant lord in the Seven Kingdoms would have incentive to resist her. After all, it only takes a lucky shot or two to bring down the dragon — and the Queen riding him — and if she manages to burn your scorpions, you can always just surrender. �
So what he’s saying is that Genghis Khan is who our leaders should emulate.
It’s okay man.
You too can admit that the GoT character you most identify with is Ser Jorah Mormont and you too are secretly in love with Khaleesi.
Whoa whoa whoa Anon[339]….you get out of here with all this common sense thinking and rational talk…
“Lost” was a scam. Its mysteries were fake because the writers never knew the answers so it ended up being an almost endless procession of weekly weirdness hooks without pay-off. It was all very Jewy.
The main writer – (((Damon Lindelof))) – fell upwards afterwards and ended up destroying a number of high-profile Hollywood movies before, finally, fading back into obscurity. Enough people finally realised that a guy who can’t write a coherent character or scene shouldn’t be listened to on the subject of life, the universe and everything.
With that in mind, neither “Lost” or “Game of Thrones” failed at the end. They failed in the 2nd and 5th season, respectively.
The first graphic, Promising Diversity / Implementing Diversity, is that an original?
The reason I want to know is that I’d like to share it on facebook and give attribution.
It’s hilarious.
As a cheat and disappointment, the Game of Thrones finale rivals the end of Lost.
Would this be a bad place to ask why you think the finale of Lost was a cheat and disappointment?
I didn’t watch GoT but I did watch Lost, and I think one of the problems with Lost is that it was a scifi show (or if you prefer, a science fantasy show) that really hinted and flirted with the idea that it wasn’t a scifi show, and ended up tricking a lot of people into watching the show that don’t like scifi.
Once we saw the island teleport to a different longitude and latitude sometime in one of the latter seasons, I knew we weren’t going to get any real logical explanations for everything that was happening on that island. We got to see some of the history of the island going back to the ancient classical world, but we were never going to see its origin because the island is just magic.
So I just kept watching to see how the character arcs were resolved, and I was satisfied. Some people finally managed to escape the island, the lead character completed his redemption arc after resolving the main conflict on the island, and two major characters took over with one being the new caretaker of the island and the other his adviser.
TLDR, Lost, despite all its faults, wasn’t a TV show that had its characters break character in order to drive the plot or set up cool visuals. So I think it is unfair to compare it to GoT.
Dresden….and Tokyo, and Cambodia, and Vietnam….and Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria…Makes you wonder if there wasn’t a deliberate angle about the way people need to be grateful for the Imperial delivery of ‘freedom and democracy’ from the Dr(ag)on(e)s of the MIC
Fifteen minutes was enough to show me that it was just a puerile soap opera in a medieval setting.
The one thing that might have saved the ending would have been Jon getting on Drogon and destroying the Dothraki and Unsullied. Then taking the Dragon Throne and ruling the 7 kingdoms wisely and well.
We pay people who hate us to pollute our minds with filth. It is utterly shameful.
True. Competent minds can resist it and even learn from it but a lot of goyim are still paying for their own indoctrination.
Luckily, the (((show-runners))) are too stupid to make this charade work for this particular show so now we’re witnessing another great awakening. The best and the brightest among the goyim are fully awake and the rest will follow.
If I had to guess, the Chosen People’s IQ is probably around 91. They are doomed to fail in every possible scenario.
Godfrey agrees with Titania McGrath on dragon induced genocide.
Daenerys was right: King’s Landing had to burn
By Matthew Yglesias
May 26, 2019******
Daenerys has an objective — to induce the Lords of Westeros to bend the knee and acknowledge her supremacy — and her attack on King’s Landing in “The Bells†was well-calibrated to achieve that objective. She had previously offered Queen Cersei the opportunity surrender, and Cersei refused — packing the city with civilians and ringing it with air defenses that pose a lethal threat to Drogon, Daenerys’s one remaining dragon. A combination of skilled piloting and poor marksmanship allowed Daenerys to overcome the city’s air defenses, destroy the Golden Company, and induce the Lannisters to attempt to surrender.If Daenerys had simply allowed King’s Landing to surrender without consequences only after she evaded its air defenses, then every other recalcitrant lord in the Seven Kingdoms would have incentive to resist her. After all, it only takes a lucky shot or two to bring down the dragon — and the Queen riding him — and if she manages to burn your scorpions, you can always just surrender.
“Not if I can help create a better culture, with better stories, for future generations.”
Good. Your voice will be added to those creating content that offer an alternative to the putrid dominant culture emanating from the Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Brooklyn cesspits.
Thanks for the smile.
Daenerys did nothing wrong, says Godfrey Elfwick. https://t.co/B77HcEPnyv
— The Spectator World (@TheSpectator) May 31, 2019
Haven't watched myself, but isn't it just confused storywriting in confused times? I remember BSG The Remake having the same problems. The plot holes and the inconsistent background lore pulled out of hats compound over time like a logic system to which you attach more and more axioms, approaching imminent contradiction. Then you need to push out a grand finale ... and that will work to satisfaction only if there had been a single writer, who knew where this was going a couple of years back who has kept the story ingredients to a bare minimum but has been very skillful in weaving them together. Not a chance for such productions.Replies: @obwandiyag
Every life is but a knife edge, the twinkling of an eye bounded by two eternities, one in which we didn’t exist, another in which we will exist no more. Yet countless millions of human beings choose to spend untold hours of their fleeting and irreplaceable lives watching crap like Game of Thrones: derivative, manipulative dramas filled with toxic propaganda. We pay people who hate us to pollute our minds with filth. It is utterly shameful.
Fine. But I suspect you and I have both spent way too much time so much as thinking about it.
Chill, don’t get too excited with the dissing axe lest you cut yourself.
Every life is but a knife edge, the twinkling of an eye bounded by two eternities, one in which we didn’t exist, another in which we will exist no more. Yet countless millions of human beings choose to spend untold hours of their fleeting and irreplaceable lives watching crap like Game of Thrones: derivative, manipulative dramas filled with toxic propaganda. We pay people who hate us to pollute our minds with filth. It is utterly shameful.
Haven’t watched myself, but isn’t it just confused storywriting in confused times? I remember BSG The Remake having the same problems. The plot holes and the inconsistent background lore pulled out of hats compound over time like a logic system to which you attach more and more axioms, approaching imminent contradiction. Then you need to push out a grand finale … and that will work to satisfaction only if there had been a single writer, who knew where this was going a couple of years back who has kept the story ingredients to a bare minimum but has been very skillful in weaving them together. Not a chance for such productions.
This is what proves you all to be imbeciles. You actually think Lord of the Rings for Illiterate Perverts is worth wasting 5 minutes of time on. In fact, I just wasted some time on it myself (beat you to it, you childish sophomoric “ironic hypocrisy”-identifiers).
But I felt an implacable need to correct you just in case you thought you weren’t imbeciles.
Haven't watched myself, but isn't it just confused storywriting in confused times? I remember BSG The Remake having the same problems. The plot holes and the inconsistent background lore pulled out of hats compound over time like a logic system to which you attach more and more axioms, approaching imminent contradiction. Then you need to push out a grand finale ... and that will work to satisfaction only if there had been a single writer, who knew where this was going a couple of years back who has kept the story ingredients to a bare minimum but has been very skillful in weaving them together. Not a chance for such productions.Replies: @obwandiyag
Every life is but a knife edge, the twinkling of an eye bounded by two eternities, one in which we didn’t exist, another in which we will exist no more. Yet countless millions of human beings choose to spend untold hours of their fleeting and irreplaceable lives watching crap like Game of Thrones: derivative, manipulative dramas filled with toxic propaganda. We pay people who hate us to pollute our minds with filth. It is utterly shameful.
If nothing else, at least Daenerys was far more honest than the real monsters Bran, Tyrion, and Sansa.
I’ll take the crazy Aryan chick with the dragons over secret king and GRRM stand-in Tyrion, God Emperor Leto II/HAL9000 Bran Stark, and total ingrate Sansa Stark.
Watching a loved one slip into dementia – an apt metaphor. Haven’t seen the last season yet, but am not even excited. It got worse and worse, the HBO guys are horrible writers, their dialogues stuck out like a sore thumb.
But it is not just HBO, Martin himself has totally lost the plot, so much so that he stopped writing the books.
I don’t feel I have to watch it read any further GoT.
Martin is a talented writer, but he got lost in his own maze of plots. He could never have completed the series so the much less talented TV writers had to. As far as Brandon having the best story, that’s absurd. Brandon was a bore. That’s actually not a bad quality for a ruler, but it’s unattractive to a TV audience. If they decide to go for a GoT2, expect Bran to be gruesomely assassinated in the very first episode.
George R.R. Martin Learns About His Jewish Roots (From PBS’s ‘Finding Your Roots.’
Video Link
Never watched it. Guess I didn’t miss much. Did get a cool GOT beer glass at free beer glass night at a local bar.
I gave up on GOT after 2 or 3 sessions. I was unwilling to exercise my head sufficiently to keep up with the convoluted plot lines. But essentially it’s the genre itself that did me in. Like the author here, I enjoyed all the Tolkien films — Tolkien is the heights (the Gormenghast [sic] trilogy was also great) but essentially the fantasy genre can be summed up as “the magical middle (dark) ages”… & as merely a matter of taste, the middle ages don’t really do it for me. Now, the Classical Age of Greece & Rome, is another matter…..
I watched 15 min of GOT. It had a dwarf and lots of blood. That was enough.
15 min of MADMEN was also enough. What trash.
Denayeres is a classic hero figure, until the last episodes. She just happens to be a woman. That does not make her a SJW wanting to push diversity on people. She uses violence which is not a SJW tactic. And there is no discussion that the unsullied should live in King’s Landing under multiculturalism.
In the last episodes, Denayeres goes mad. Totally at odds with her character. A power hungry person goes mad because she does not get the full love from John Snow. Come on… No this is bullshit writing. The ending can be seen as reactionary conservative. A power-seeking woman must be cut down. Soft-spoken Sansa is the ideal woman. In no way do I see the ending as good for the right. It is more likely to be a feeble attempt to surprise the audience. with some postmodernism (all is about power and power is bad) and scientism (Bran knows everything from the past, kind of like an artifical intelligence).
It is really inexplicable why HBO did such a poor job with a blockbuster series. The only reasonable explanation is that many actors wanted out. Prequels cannot explain.
It is really inexplicable why HBO did such a poor job with a blockbuster series. The only reasonable explanation is that many actors wanted out.
Having seen my share of fiction, I theorize that when jewish writers are present as they are in Game of Thrones, there’s a predisposition among them to shoehorn in (with awful dialogue and prose, naturally) bullshit ideological nonsense, a lack of novelty plus appeal to pop culture as well as a healthy dose of misanthropy. I first noticed it in Ready Player One and I can’t help but wonder if there’s a six-pointed star getting writing credits when I see a particularly bad movie or show.
Likewise, I’ve seen this pattern across a multitude of media. Off the top of my head: the new Star Wars movies, the 90s Star Trek series, cartoons like Teen Titans Go and Steven Universe, video games like The Last of Us and I wanna say some of the new Marvel comics, but I’m not certain on the last one. Jewish writers generally have a deleterious effect on literature, especially if there’s a group effort involved.
Agree that the show sucked in the last two seasons. However, Trevor Lynch is confusing gender and social justice warriors
Denayeres is a classic hero figure, until the last episode. She just happens to be a woman. That does not make her a SJW. She earlier killed traitors, she was not sometime brutal.
John Snow was indeed weak. You might say that the traditional gender roles were swapped. That is fine to me. It is not sufficient to make it SJW. It is Snow that was weak, not men in general. Vice versa for Denayeres.
If Denayeres was a SJW, clearly the authors must be reactionary conservatives sending a message that women should be docile like Sansa Stark. Clearly this could not be the intended message.
It is really inexplicable why HBO did such a poor job with a blockbuster series. The only reasonable explanation is that many actors wanted out.
If there is a message in the end, it is some post-modern drivel about there being no truth and no good people. Everything is about power and power is never good. However, I would rather believe that the authors just wanted a surprise ending.
Having seen my share of fiction, I theorize that when jewish writers are present as they are in Game of Thrones, there's a predisposition among them to shoehorn in (with awful dialogue and prose, naturally) bullshit ideological nonsense, a lack of novelty plus appeal to pop culture as well as a healthy dose of misanthropy. I first noticed it in Ready Player One and I can't help but wonder if there's a six-pointed star getting writing credits when I see a particularly bad movie or show.
It is really inexplicable why HBO did such a poor job with a blockbuster series. The only reasonable explanation is that many actors wanted out.
Matt Yglesias made a similar argument: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/5/26/18637091/game-of-thrones-targaryen-restoration-daenerys
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I always vowed I’d never dox anyone. I’m afraid you leave me no choice, Bardon, but to reveal your true identity.
Scratch a Russian, find a Dothraki?
But seriously, the Night King is the true hero of this epic.
The Children of the Forest tried to turn him into a weapon ensure their victory over the First Men, but he somehow broke free of their control and turned against his creators, ensuring that humans, not The Children, would inherit Westeros.
From the depths of time he foresaw the hour of greatest peril for his people, the Westeroi (First Men and Andals, obviously one people, hence the profound cultural similarities and ease of intermarriage despite different religions).
He foresaw a time when all the assembled evil of Essos would invade a divided, unprepared realm.
A time when the dragons of accursed Valaria, the depraved sorcerers of Assai, the savage Dothraki bloodriders and the mindless Unsullied slave soldiers, under the leadership of a cruel, vengeful, bloodthirsty queen, would overwhelm a Westeros hopelessly weakened by Wormtongue traitors – traitors who would ignore their sacred obligations to the Gods, their families and their nation, merely to avenge their petty personal grievances.
Patiently, across uncounted eons, he prepared the only possible force large enough, and fierce enough, to meet the needs of The Day.
When the time came, he began to move. He brought the oldest war in Westeros to a victorious conclusion by exterminating the remnants of The Children, whose truly evil nature he knew all too well. He contrived a series of incidents designed to build the heroic stature of the Starks and Jon Snow, so that they would be prepared to do their part for Westeros in the denouement.
Above all, he severely weakened the army of Essos, killing one of the dragons, half of the Unsullied, most of the Dothraki, and several prominent sorcerers of the demon R’hllor.
Having weakened the forces of Essos sufficiently to prevent the conquest of Westeros, the unpleasant task demanded by Necessity was finally complete.
He then presented himself before his chosen successor and allowed himself to be struck down.
I just cannot share all this enthusiasm for the tits & dragons show. It is a faux naturalist profanity nudity saga set in faux 14th C iconography epic fantasy world- but, ultimately, it is shallow, dull, excruciatingly boring as anything written/filmed in this genre.
But let’s be constructive.
I talked, a few years ago, with a friend of mine, who was a sensitive, highly imaginative & immensely inammorato with Tolkien (whom I find simply not interesting): why do you care? Why do you find this rubbish entrancing?
My conclusion was- high epic fantasy somehow clicks something inside people who have (over)developed imaginative faculty & who are, not infrequently, exhausted by drabness, futility & meaninglessness of the ordinary workaday life. It either relaxes them or fires their inner spark (or both).
So, while I don’t give a hoot about TGOT, it may have something to do with a) my basic temperament, b) the fact I am not, due to many circumstances, sentenced to a life of routine.
Oh, God. You saw one of the most popular mainstream stories in history end as an indictment of SJW’s and white feminists with a savior complex and Antifa, and you’re actually harumphing that certain things weren’t ‘plausible’ etc.?
The ending to this dragon-zombie-sword-soap opera was GREAT and cause for celebration. Full stop.
I don't think that identity manias matter much to the Davos crowd. It is a tool, a method to be used. But if the resulting message would be that 'change is possible', if it encourages disobedience, well, then clearly Dany is not worth it. Sansa was more complicated, and I think as an alternative ending that was possible and within what was desired as a modern myth. They probably didn't do it, because of the unseemly rush to end it - it would had required 1-2 episodes to tie loose ends with Sansa. I also don't think that Bran's all-seeing surveillance message was accidental - it has been a dream of elites since time immemorial to 'know everything', it makes them feel secure. Bran was an ideal outcome for the oligarchic state. And the assembled oligarchs at the end sitting around discussing 'naval buildups', and budgets was priceless. With all the clowning around it was precisely the image that an elite oligarch has as the ideal state of affairs. The clowns always exist to distract - look around, they have been popping up like mushrooms after heavy rain.Replies: @Pharmakon
...Davos types are deeply unsatisfied with the outcome. Everybody wanted Dany to be queen, or failing that, at least Sansa. It was supposed to be her turn!
Beckow, I would like to get in touch with you.
pharmakon1913 at protonmail dot com
…Davos types are deeply unsatisfied with the outcome. Everybody wanted Dany to be queen, or failing that, at least Sansa. It was supposed to be her turn!
I don’t think that identity manias matter much to the Davos crowd. It is a tool, a method to be used. But if the resulting message would be that ‘change is possible‘, if it encourages disobedience, well, then clearly Dany is not worth it. Sansa was more complicated, and I think as an alternative ending that was possible and within what was desired as a modern myth. They probably didn’t do it, because of the unseemly rush to end it – it would had required 1-2 episodes to tie loose ends with Sansa.
I also don’t think that Bran’s all-seeing surveillance message was accidental – it has been a dream of elites since time immemorial to ‘know everything‘, it makes them feel secure. Bran was an ideal outcome for the oligarchic state. And the assembled oligarchs at the end sitting around discussing ‘naval buildups’, and budgets was priceless. With all the clowning around it was precisely the image that an elite oligarch has as the ideal state of affairs. The clowns always exist to distract – look around, they have been popping up like mushrooms after heavy rain.