And you won’t find any reports of pharmaceutical industry malfeasance on the evening news. Strange, cuz I read a lot about it on the intertubes.
Recently, there was a really unfair hit piece on a local donut chain on the local news. I guess they turned down the ad buy.
The guys are free to talk now. Who will listen and report it?
In the Iraq war we just kind of traded like baseball cards. This worked surprisingly well, except in the cases of extremely incompetent Lt’s and PSGs. But those were the all too frequent failures of command anyways and they usually got kicked out to where they wouldn’t likely get anyone hurt.
Still, too many died by their hands. I saw the most honorable and competent men in both officer and enlisted abandoned their careers for something more sane. If it weren’t for the ones bound by their obligations to their families, the whole thing would have fallen apart long ago. It seems it finally has.
You know, in the Revolutionary War, Americans elected their captains. And if they didn’t like them, they fired them.
In the Vietnam war they had a better way. It was called fragging.