To be fair, India might be a dump, but it’s one that a Brit can walk around and not worry too much about being robbed, beaten, or killed – certainly not the case in parts of Africa and even the US and UK.
And that’s even though many, many Indians are very poor.
I think we should also remember the words of Bronze Age Pervert:
when the lord indra arrived on the Ganges in his chariot to slaughter 6 million Daysu aboriginals, the first word he said was ‘namaste’
1) Many of the samples from this group are individuals buried in association with artifacts of the Corded Ware, Srubnaya, Petrovka, Sintashta and Andronovo complexes, all of which harboured a mixture of Steppe_EMBA ancestry and ancestry from European Middle Neolithic agriculturalists (Europe_MN). 2) So, while Proto-Indo-Europeans expanded out of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe in all directions, it was their later Northern European branch which mixed with native European farmers that then expanded back eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilisation.3) The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.[7]1. Ancestry of European Middle Neolithic Agriculturalists (Europe_MN):The mystery lies in who these ancestors were and what connections they (from around 12,000 BC) have to the Yamnaya nomads (circa 2500 BC). The evidence suggests they represent the oldest European civilization, which the Aryans brought to Asia.2. The Native European Farmers’ Eastward Expansion:Similar to the first point, native European farmers expanded eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilization. However, the narrative attempts to connect this movement to the Northern Branch (LOL) of the Yamnaya nomads. Even the mainstream rejects this claim based on genetic evidence.3. Invented Terms Like Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian:These terms did not exist at the time. The mainstream narrative posits that they share a common ancestor, with Indo-Iranian supposedly originating in Europe near the border of Poland and Belarus. If this were true, the language should logically be called Polish-Belarusian, not Indo-Iranian. The language was likely one, encompassing Balto, Slavic, Indo, and Iranian. It did not originate in Poland, as Europe was largely uninhabited and covered in ice during this period. Instead, this language emerged after the First Industrial Revolution (metal smelting) around 5000 BC, originating from the VinÄa culture. This language, which could rightly be called Serbian, spread when the VinÄa people expanded in all directions, having already identified themselves as Serbs.Conclusion
Similar to the first point, native European farmers expanded eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilization. However, the narrative attempts to connect this movement to the Northern Branch (LOL) of the Yamnaya nomads. Even the mainstream rejects this claim based on genetic evidence.
I agree with you that the author’s narrative is dubious at best and deceptive at worst in its attempt at proving the Northern European or so-called “Nordic†origins of the Aryans and Indo-Aryans. In particular, notice how the author mentions the Corded Ware but omits any mention of the Petrovka, Sintashta and Andronovo complexes, as follows:
However, genetic and archaeological evidence has shown that these Indo-European invaders of India did not come directly from the steppe, but actually originated from people of the kind we find in the Corded-Ware culture of Central and Eastern Europe. These Corded-Ware populations had mixed with early European farmers and are most closely related to modern Northern Europeans. So while Proto-Indo-Europeans expanded out of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe in all directions, it was their later Northern European branch which mixed with native European farmers that then expanded back eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilisation.
Unlike the Yamnaya culture which practiced nomadic pastoralism, the Eastern Europeans who formed the Sintasha culture practiced metallurgy in fortified towns and traded metals with the BMAC culture near the Oxus River. The proto-Aryans from the Sintasha culture then migrated to Central Asia and intermixed with the native Iranian farmers in the BMAC culture to produce a mixed-race people who called themselves “Aryansâ€.
The author then repeats his narrative in his conclusion implying a Northern European Corded-Ware or “Nordic†origin for the Indo-Aryan steppe ancestry in modern Indians of high-caste, as follows:
1. An Indo-European language speaking group who called themselves Aryans entered North India and overturned the existing elite, leaving their genetic mark through a flurry of male mixing with native females;
2. Genetic and archaeological evidence shows these original invaders belonged to the North European Corded-Ware culture;
To rebut his first conclusion:
The author is incorrect because the Indo-Aryans called themselves “Arya†which means “noble†in Sanskrit and used to refer to a class of people in Vedic India. The Indo-Aryans didn’t use the term “Aryan†which was specific to an ethnic group in Central Asia who later migrated to Iran to become the Persians as attested by the Inscription of Darius the Great at Naqsh-e-Rostam, as follows:
I am Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage.
To rebut his second conclusion:
The author is incorrect because it was the Indo-Aryans from the Andronovo culture which practiced nomadic pastoralism who migrated southward to North India riding chariots with spoked wheels, separating from the Aryans in Central Asia.
These Indo-Aryan invaders were not in any way connected to the North European Corded-Ware as falsely claimed by this author which is a rehash of Nazi Germany’s ideology of German Aryanism positing on the German origins of the Aryan peoples in Central Asia. The proof is in the pudding as admitted by the author himself as follows:
The R1a DNA associated with the Indo-European expansion into India is found most in Southern Central Asia and Iran, and concentrated in the Northwest of India where the Aryan invasions would have begun.
It’s important to note that had the origin of steppe DNA in India been the earlier Yamnaya culture, then males in the region would carry the R1b marker rather than the later R1a. But, as a 2018 study notes:
Early Bronze Age Yamnaya-related migrations had limited direct genetic impact in Asia.
That R1a is what is present in the region shows that the entrance of Indo-Europeans came from a later European expansion:
The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.
The author then links this image showing the spread of R1a in Europe:
The scientific evidence proves without a doubt that Eastern Europeans from the Sintasha and Andronovo cultures moved to Central and South Asia as they share the R1a Y-DNA “Indo-Iranian†marker with Central Asians, Indians and Iranians, not Northern Europeans who have R1b Y-DNA from the Yamnaya culture.
india is a shithole and pajeets are subhuman. india will forever be a rat infested toilet.
Yes, the Indus Valley civilization long predates the Aryan invasion. But as far as I know, they left no written records, so it’s hard to be sure which language group they belonged to.
I think during Nietzsche’s times and even today European races can exist and create good societies. So a multicultural nation of Italians Greeks, Anglos and Scandinavians can work. Today the issue comes from immigrants and peoples of most muslim nations, India and Africa. Remove these(and blacks) and the majority of immigration issues would be resolved.
Nietzsche and Darwin are similar. Survival of the fittest should be the motto of society. Morality/Egalitarianism/Democracy et all are flawed systems that drag everything south..
1) Many of the samples from this group are individuals buried in association with artifacts of the Corded Ware, Srubnaya, Petrovka, Sintashta and Andronovo complexes, all of which harboured a mixture of Steppe_EMBA ancestry and ancestry from European Middle Neolithic agriculturalists (Europe_MN). 2) So, while Proto-Indo-Europeans expanded out of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe in all directions, it was their later Northern European branch which mixed with native European farmers that then expanded back eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilisation.3) The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.[7]1. Ancestry of European Middle Neolithic Agriculturalists (Europe_MN):The mystery lies in who these ancestors were and what connections they (from around 12,000 BC) have to the Yamnaya nomads (circa 2500 BC). The evidence suggests they represent the oldest European civilization, which the Aryans brought to Asia.2. The Native European Farmers’ Eastward Expansion:Similar to the first point, native European farmers expanded eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilization. However, the narrative attempts to connect this movement to the Northern Branch (LOL) of the Yamnaya nomads. Even the mainstream rejects this claim based on genetic evidence.3. Invented Terms Like Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian:These terms did not exist at the time. The mainstream narrative posits that they share a common ancestor, with Indo-Iranian supposedly originating in Europe near the border of Poland and Belarus. If this were true, the language should logically be called Polish-Belarusian, not Indo-Iranian. The language was likely one, encompassing Balto, Slavic, Indo, and Iranian. It did not originate in Poland, as Europe was largely uninhabited and covered in ice during this period. Instead, this language emerged after the First Industrial Revolution (metal smelting) around 5000 BC, originating from the VinÄa culture. This language, which could rightly be called Serbian, spread when the VinÄa people expanded in all directions, having already identified themselves as Serbs.Conclusion
And then we have to go back to before the last Ice Age. We know little to nothing but for sure everything did not start just 12,000 years ago.
What about Thule? The Arctic Homeland?
The non-Aryan people corrupted Aryan spirituality. Easy.
I’ve long thought that South Africa, during and after Dr. Verwoerd’s leadership as the closest analogue we have in historical era to the development of Vedic India.
The putative ‘Apartheid’ state of Verwoerd was basically the same thing as Vedic India, in that society was strictly regulated by a racial/occupational stratification founded on ‘moralistic’ principles.
The only trouble was that the Republic of South Africa was founded a millennium or two too late.
It is already ‘cool’ for the English to claim foreign blood. Princess Diana brought Indian blood into the British royal line. Indians will sit on the throne through William and George.
Vivien Leigh, accidental antebellum, antediluvian icon, had Parsi Indian blood also.
Nikki Haley is just North Indian. She probably has old blood from the Aryan visitation.
Unless we distinguish remnant barbarism from virgin barbarism, we cannot properly understand the timeline and therefore the trajectory of current events. In India we see the remnants of one of the wealthiest civilizations in human history after half a millennia of punishing foreign rule. Her native people are scarred beyond the power of polite suggestion to correct; suffering, poverty, and injustice cover her streets as far back as they can remember.
Dubai is a fresh pimple on the backside of the oil trade was conceived after the end of Bretton Woods, the lovechild Leviathan visited upon the six obscurities of Arabia.
I wonder how many people in South Carolina were aware that Nikki Haley was an Indian when she was elected governor. Given her married name, I was surprised to find that out myself. I don’t know that she was descended from Brahmins or whether her appearance reflects a more recent admixture of English blood. It is also interesting to note that English film stars Boris Karloff and Merle Oberon are also part Indian. There may be many more “passing” in England. Of course, if it becomes “cool” to be Indian, then many a Brit might start boasting of having a smidgen of subcontinent blood coursing through his veins.
Realize that they are not being brought into Europa and America. Their bodies are being claimed for a civilization , a system of discipline the supporting matrix of International Capital. Europa, America, AND India are being digested. China too, but there’s so much accumulation there it’ll take a bit longer before you hear her bones rattle. Good eating.
You are right, India is a dump like Africa, Guatemala, Honduras, Bangladesh, Pakistan, but I think that there is an international conspiracy by the global ruling classes, to keep ugly poor countries, ugly, and poor and dirty. Because if you think about it real well, according to statistics countries like India are one of the nations that are experiencing more economic growth and becoming a world power.
We live in a world of lies, for instance the statistics about Human development Index, per capita income, happiness index, are all lies. Because in wikipedia many countries are real poor, full of
hunger, starvation and extreme poverty are portrayed as nations that are part of the second world.
So even though in theory and in statistics India is a great country, in reality is a shitty, ugly, and dirty country and dump. Just like the great majority of countries of the whole world that are full of poverty, dirt, ugliness, hunger and pain
Remember that the role model of the global neoliberal capitalist jewish rulers is really oligarchic nations where a few are rich and the majority poor. That’s the role model of zionist capitalist jewish economic schools from Harvard, Yale etc. They praise India, Dubai, Panama, Guatemala as great examples of what a perfect society should be
An encouraging text, especially when considering the mainstream’s silence and concealment of the truth. So, do we now know who the Aryans were? Of course not.
I would recommend to the author that, if he truly seeks to uncover the foundational pillars of our civilization, he avoid using the vague and speculative term “(Proto)Indo-Europeans.” This meaningless term lacks clarity, adds confusion, and often leads to fiction-like narratives. For instance, the idea that some Proto-Indo-Europeans from the Caucasus migrated to Europe and then returned to Southeast Asia in a reflux movement is questionable. Why was such a convoluted sequence necessary? This narrative suggests that these elusive Indo-Europeans encountered the so-called European culture (Corded Ware) and transported it back to Southeast Asia—a notion that is simply untrue.
Let’s clarify this point: the so-called Indo-Europeans (as the mainstream refers to the Yamnaya nomads, often described as the ancestors of modern Westerners) have no connection to the Aryans. Their language is also unrelated to Sanskrit. The mainstream lumps the Aryans and the Yamnaya nomads together under the label “Indo-Europeans” to maintain the illusion that modern Westerners are descendants of the Aryans. Two other long-standing misconceptions persist today: that Greek (a name which itself is anachronistic) and Latin are connected to Sanskrit. These claims lack credible linguistic or historical basis.
So, who were the Aryans?
Interestingly, the author of the text hints at this twice without seeming to realize it. These moments are as follows:
1) Many of the samples from this group are individuals buried in association with artifacts of the Corded Ware, Srubnaya, Petrovka, Sintashta and Andronovo complexes, all of which harboured a mixture of Steppe_EMBA ancestry and ancestry from European Middle Neolithic agriculturalists (Europe_MN).
2) So, while Proto-Indo-Europeans expanded out of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe in all directions, it was their later Northern European branch which mixed with native European farmers that then expanded back eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilisation.
3) The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.[7]
1. Ancestry of European Middle Neolithic Agriculturalists (Europe_MN):
The mystery lies in who these ancestors were and what connections they (from around 12,000 BC) have to the Yamnaya nomads (circa 2500 BC). The evidence suggests they represent the oldest European civilization, which the Aryans brought to Asia.
2. The Native European Farmers’ Eastward Expansion:
Similar to the first point, native European farmers expanded eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilization. However, the narrative attempts to connect this movement to the Northern Branch (LOL) of the Yamnaya nomads. Even the mainstream rejects this claim based on genetic evidence.
3. Invented Terms Like Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian:
These terms did not exist at the time. The mainstream narrative posits that they share a common ancestor, with Indo-Iranian supposedly originating in Europe near the border of Poland and Belarus. If this were true, the language should logically be called Polish-Belarusian, not Indo-Iranian. The language was likely one, encompassing Balto, Slavic, Indo, and Iranian. It did not originate in Poland, as Europe was largely uninhabited and covered in ice during this period. Instead, this language emerged after the First Industrial Revolution (metal smelting) around 5000 BC, originating from the VinÄa culture. This language, which could rightly be called Serbian, spread when the VinÄa people expanded in all directions, having already identified themselves as Serbs.
The Aryans brought the VinÄa culture to India. Serbian mythology (misnamed as Slavic mythology by the mainstream) is the precursor to Vedic mythology. The Aryans also introduced the ancient Serbian language, which evolved locally into Sanskrit. Remarkably, even after 4,000 years, one-third of the vocabulary remains identical, as evidenced by specific linguistic comparisons (e.g., see comment #8[3]).
Furthermore, Indra, the Vedic deity, is the Serbian (Slavic) god Perun, while Thor is a much younger replica of Perun. Similarly, Zeus is not an “Indo-European” invention but a borrowing from the indigenous Serbs by the tribes who later became the Greeks, following their migration from the Middle East and Africa.
Similar to the first point, native European farmers expanded eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilization. However, the narrative attempts to connect this movement to the Northern Branch (LOL) of the Yamnaya nomads. Even the mainstream rejects this claim based on genetic evidence.I agree with you that the author’s narrative is dubious at best and deceptive at worst in its attempt at proving the Northern European or so-called “Nordic†origins of the Aryans and Indo-Aryans. In particular, notice how the author mentions the Corded Ware but omits any mention of the Petrovka, Sintashta and Andronovo complexes, as follows:
However, genetic and archaeological evidence has shown that these Indo-European invaders of India did not come directly from the steppe, but actually originated from people of the kind we find in the Corded-Ware culture of Central and Eastern Europe. These Corded-Ware populations had mixed with early European farmers and are most closely related to modern Northern Europeans. So while Proto-Indo-Europeans expanded out of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe in all directions, it was their later Northern European branch which mixed with native European farmers that then expanded back eastward and became the founders of Vedic civilisation.Unlike the Yamnaya culture which practiced nomadic pastoralism, the Eastern Europeans who formed the Sintasha culture practiced metallurgy in fortified towns and traded metals with the BMAC culture near the Oxus River. The proto-Aryans from the Sintasha culture then migrated to Central Asia and intermixed with the native Iranian farmers in the BMAC culture to produce a mixed-race people who called themselves “Aryansâ€. The author then repeats his narrative in his conclusion implying a Northern European Corded-Ware or “Nordic†origin for the Indo-Aryan steppe ancestry in modern Indians of high-caste, as follows:
1. An Indo-European language speaking group who called themselves Aryans entered North India and overturned the existing elite, leaving their genetic mark through a flurry of male mixing with native females;To rebut his first conclusion:The author is incorrect because the Indo-Aryans called themselves “Arya†which means “noble†in Sanskrit and used to refer to a class of people in Vedic India. The Indo-Aryans didn’t use the term “Aryan†which was specific to an ethnic group in Central Asia who later migrated to Iran to become the Persians as attested by the Inscription of Darius the Great at Naqsh-e-Rostam, as follows:
2. Genetic and archaeological evidence shows these original invaders belonged to the North European Corded-Ware culture;
I am Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage.To rebut his second conclusion:The author is incorrect because it was the Indo-Aryans from the Andronovo culture which practiced nomadic pastoralism who migrated southward to North India riding chariots with spoked wheels, separating from the Aryans in Central Asia. These Indo-Aryan invaders were not in any way connected to the North European Corded-Ware as falsely claimed by this author which is a rehash of Nazi Germany’s ideology of German Aryanism positing on the German origins of the Aryan peoples in Central Asia. The proof is in the pudding as admitted by the author himself as follows:
The R1a DNA associated with the Indo-European expansion into India is found most in Southern Central Asia and Iran, and concentrated in the Northwest of India where the Aryan invasions would have begun. It’s important to note that had the origin of steppe DNA in India been the earlier Yamnaya culture, then males in the region would carry the R1b marker rather than the later R1a. But, as a 2018 study notes:Early Bronze Age Yamnaya-related migrations had limited direct genetic impact in Asia.That R1a is what is present in the region shows that the entrance of Indo-Europeans came from a later European expansion:The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.The author then links this image showing the spread of R1a in Europe: scientific evidence proves without a doubt that Eastern Europeans from the Sintasha and Andronovo cultures moved to Central and South Asia as they share the R1a Y-DNA “Indo-Iranian†marker with Central Asians, Indians and Iranians, not Northern Europeans who have R1b Y-DNA from the Yamnaya culture.
I wonder, then, how two of India’s most significant deities happen to be black? “Kali” literally means “the black one.” Another name for Krishna is “Shyama”, which means “dark like a freshly-formed storm cloud”. Recently Krishna has been portrayed as having light blue skin, but all the older paintings and statues show him as being very dark, or black.
I can’t get my head around the fact that we are importing these filthy s!reet shi!!ers into Europa and America it blows my fckn mind.
Yes. Anywhere the civilizational arts were known; agriculture, astronomy, philosophy, spiritual science, written advanced languages, woven cloth, metallurgy, the wheel, domesticated animals, plant science, God and demigods, meditation, and more.
Most of the arts were later corrupted by the non-Aryans who genocided the Aryans. That is where we get them ripping beating hearts out of still alive human sacrifices in Central America and China.
For some the arts were never known or were forgotten such as Sub Saharan Africa and Australia not to mention the Pacific cannibals.
Alternative thesis here:
Indus Valley not Aryan civilisation and language used not Sanskrit: Scholars
Scholars including professors and archaeologists contended that the Indus valley civilisation is not an Aryan civilisation and that the language of the people of the Indus Valley was not Sanskrit. They also quoted the research done from time to time to prove that the Indus Valley Civilisation was pre-Vedic civilisation…
“everywhere on earth?” Even in the Americas, Africa, the Pacific and in Australia?
Written between 1,500-1,000 BC, the Rigveda is one of the foundational Hindu texts — one of the four Vedas, and the oldest Vedic Sanskrit text.
Sanskrit is an oral language and was only written down much later, around the turn of the 1st-millennium CE, using other scripts.
I never understood this fixation that some “white nationalists” have with India and their religion.
Whether “Aryans” invaded or not, the place is a dump.
Apparently they mixed with natives, despite the “caste system”.
I don’t care about the Vedas or Upanishads, thanks so much.
It would have been better if they had just left the brown savages alone.
Now we have Indians everywhere.
when the lord indra arrived on the Ganges in his chariot to slaughter 6 million Daysu aboriginals, the first word he said was 'namaste'
“… the mood of anti-racism…” the mood?
Is that another attempt at justifying the rape of India by another propagandist, remnant of the Brutish Clown?
Didn’t Mr. Keith Woods disgust us with another of his English racist “moods” in an article about Pakistanis or Indian Muslims responsible for grooming gangs. Then we hear Ivor Caplin, a pedophile zionist Jew, (it’s the English that invented zionism and communism) was arrested for soliciting a 15 year old boy. The Brutish media, has ignored the story because Britain is zionist occupied territory. It turns out that Ivor Caplin was the Corbin’s main backstabber and Bliars chief drummer for the Iraq war.
Mr. KW, how about a story about the Jewish grooming gangs, after all, we heard the Jewish state considers anal rapists as heroes.
The English elite tested the world’s patience and would do well for themselves to shut down their secret societies and their lies.
The advanced civilisations in India were the pre Aryans. The only scientifically clever dark race in the world are the Indians. The Aryan Indians such as Imran Khan seem to confine themselves to politics and cricket. Elon Musk wants the lower caste Indians to be his chattel slaves in Silicon Valley. Vivek Ramaswami is getting too big for his books and might suffer the same fate as the former CEO of Twitter.
Thanks Keith – very interesting.
We are all very glad that ancient history is becoming more and more known. Especially after all those German lies about them being Aryans and a race. E.g. Silver Codex is a forgery, Pseudo-Porphyrogennetos, etc.
[1] Srbinda (pron. Serbeenda) – Wikipedia
[2] Ancient Serbia’s connection with Vedic India #ancient #serbia #hindu – YouTube
Video Link
Video Transcript:
Ancient Serbia’s connection with Vedic India is an intriguing subject. Archaeological discoveries within modern-day Serbia include the VinÄa and StarÄevo cultures, dating back to around 6400 BCE, indicating the region’s rich historical heritage. Many modern European languages have Indo-European origins, which can be traced back to migrations from the East around 4000 BCE. Serbian, an Indo-European Slavic language, contains thousands of words that are very similar to Sanskrit.
Throughout Serbia, we find many place names that reflect Vedic culture. Most notably, the villages of Mala Krsna and Velika Krsna stand out. In Serbian, “Mala” means “little,” so Mala Krsna translates to “Little Krishna,” and “Velika” means “great,” making Velika Krsna “Great Krishna.”
Traditional Serbian folk songs often reference the three-headed god, Triglav, believed to be from India, suggesting that this region was once their home. The three-headed god is reminiscent of the Vedic Trimurti. An old Serbian folksong called “The Children of India” echoes this connection: “From your tree, a branch are we… We think of you, sing of you from Himalaya to Hindukush, with you is our heart and soul…”
The ancient connections between Serbia and India are numerous, though much of this shared history has been forgotten over time. Serbia’s geographical location made it vulnerable to many invasions, including by the Roman and Ottoman Empires. Despite these challenges, the ancient Serbian people, like those in India, recognized a cosmic administration run by gods or demigods. In Hinduism, there is Indra, the king of heaven, and the Serbs worshipped Yndra, the supreme God of thunder who battles to defend his heavenly realm. These two deities, Indra and Yndra, are clearly the same.
The Serbian concept of Svarga Log is analogous to the Vedic Svarga Lok, the heavenly abode of Lord Indra. Similar to Vedic culture, the Serbians also believed in a three-tiered universe comprising heaven, earth, and the underworld. A major Serbian god, Dazbog, was once worshipped in all Slavic nations. The name “Da” in Sanskrit means “giving,” and “Bog” is derived from “Bhaga,” meaning “God,” translating Dazbog to “The God who gives.”
Dazbog’s father is Svarog, and both are associated with fire, reflecting the ancient Serbs’ close relationship with the fire-worshipping Zoroastrians of Persia. Mater Sva, the Serbian solar goddess, is the mother of Svarog and the mother of heaven. “Mater” comes from the Sanskrit “matr,” meaning “mother,” and “Sva” means “sun” or “heaven,” making her the “Mother of heaven.”
These connections between ancient Serbia and Vedic India are fascinating, highlighting a shared cultural and spiritual heritage that has endured through time. Thanks for watching!
[3] Serbian & Sanskrit | YouTube
Video Link
700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Even though the philosopher Nietzsche was anti-racism, I think however that Nietzsche was a realist, not an utopian ideologist. Because in one of his great works “The Genealogy of Morals” he said that the blond races were superior, more revolutionary, more warrior than the races with darker skin and dark hair. He also wrote that the celts were specifically a blond race.
However he was contradictory, he was also in favor of an international union of races, that’s why he distanced himself from his friend Richard Wagner and from his sister for being racist and in favor of nazism.
He hated nationalism and patriotism, he was in favor of a united european culture. Nietzsche claimed that an aristocratic system can produce a good society but in another part of one of his best books The Will to Power, he said that socialism was a necessary evil. And that some day the workers will be in power.
Since he was realist, he also said that revolutions do not work, including the French Revolution and like the christian revolution that overthrew the Roman Empire and that was really the father of communism (he claimed that Jesus was the founder of communism) destroyed the real objectives of the Roman Empire which was to create a perfect global government. But i don’t understand how Nietzsche supported the Roman Empire since it was a sort of fascist oppressive dictatorship.
At the same time Nietzsche supported anarchist ideology in the book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” he said the state is the coldest monster, what ever it says it is a lie, and what ever it has it is stolen.
Even though eugenics is not an accepted ideology, i do believe in some of the positive benefits of eugenics. I read that the ruling class of Colombia tried to implement an eugenics program of the colombian race. Maybe that’s why the colombian girls are so beautiful
Aryans founded all ancient civilizations everywhere on earth.
The ego of the non-Aryans always leads them to genocide of their masters. Always.
So, Aryans invaded and race-mixed themselves into Vivek Ramaswami.
Was it worth it?
Whatever theory of India, here is the modern India.
Harrapan civilization had modern sewage systems.
The last modern sewage system known to India.
Thanks, Aryans.
I have never met an Indian who could pass as a Northern European, so I presume there is a reasonable amount of aboriginal blood in all the ð˜·ð˜¢ð˜³ð˜¯ð˜¢ð˜´ (apparently the Aryans did not adhere to the one drop rule).
The very fact that Biden and Harris were practically rejected during the primaries and are now miraculously running for the highest office in the land, should be a clue to many Americans, who alas, remain total dunderheads supporting the violent left.
Interesting that Kami acquired no French proficiency from living in Montreal during her formative years.
Note the psychology of this Jewish "lady". See how the murder of White children comes first on her list. And her hatred of White man Trump is deeper than her desire to have Obama back in the White House. We know that many Jews would move Heaven and Hell to have their pliable stooge back in office. But, even so, they still put the murder of White people before this.
Steph Gurstein @princ3ssEsquire
1. Abort all white male children.
2. Impeach Trump.
3. Elect Obama to third term.
Joe Bernstein also uses Twitter to incite the murder of White people. But then, his people got plenty of practice in murdering White people in the former Soviet Union.
Joe Bernstein @Bernstein
Kill a straight white man on your way to work tomorrow
Rebecca Cohen just doesn't sneer at the possibility of White people being replaced in their own countries. She licks her lips at the thought of White people being exterminated.
Rebecca Cohen @beckycoh…
I think i hit a nerve, Imagine being so anxious to be what black and brown people have always been. A minority. Gee maybe one day you might know how it feels. the extinction anxiety is delicious though
Personally, from what I gather from reading this article is not that Kamala’s mother was playing a race card, but going by plan B. Being an Indian, a country with a colonial British past, she would have felt more comfortable raising her daughters in Canada than in US. I am sure they lived a comfortable life in that Anglo area of Montreal. Like Obama, Kamala was far from the ghetto. Like Obama, she needed Negro Cred as well as Street Cred. Not only are they both of mixed race, but also very well educated – something they don’t share with most inner city black people (or a lot of white people for that matter). What better way to get that Cred – both Negro & Street – than to play Lefty Identity politics? As far as Jews are concerned, they are still the backbone behind most things leftist. The funny thing is, for a people so intelligent, the most vociferous of them, politically, keep playing the same card over and over again. I am not saying that Jews intentionally or overtly want open persecution, but they’ve never looked at their collective behavior in their host countries and thought to change it. A big bogeyman for leftist Jews is that PoCs are getting wise to them. Younger PoCs really don’t care about how Jews (in the USA) historically “helped” them. They are not really interested in The Holocaust or in the viability of the Zionist State. Basically, they are giving the Jews the middle finger indirectly. Politically active American leftist Jews are sharp enough to realize this and are scared silly. The rationale for neo-conservatism was more a consensus that open Marxism doesn’t work and the continued to fight to uphold the Zionist State, but a small number of very Zionist Jews are now trying to hitch their wagons to Dissident Right politics. They are trying to make connections where connection do not exist. They are trying to make organic something that is contrived (identifying with white replacement). I have to give these Jews credit for at least trying a different tactic. I believe that those American Jews (as well as those in Western Europe) who are firmly wedded to leftist ideology will get the shock of their political lives when PoCs openly and unequivocally give them the ultimate b*tch-slap. Neither group has truly changed its spots.
Kamala is the “Law and Order” candidate, yes.
2) Kamala’s comment only made her look pamdering or ignorant about her father’s culture. Colin Powell repeatedly talked about being raised by 2 Jamaican parents in NY is what made him into what he was. He never made any dumb comment about smoking marijuana. Why? He would probably get a slap from his parents for making such a statement to embarass them. Kamala’s father only gave her a verbal one. But you are correct that is what the media portrays. Most Americans would have zero clue that an important office like the International Seabed Authority is headquartered there. Or that before being an entertainer could make you a billionaire – a mixed race black and Chinese Jamaican was one of the only non whites in North America to become a legitimate billionaire. His name is Micheal Lee Chin (he migrated to Canada to make his fortune – but he still has close business ties to the country of his birth).
Caribbean blacks in the US are higher achievers than US born blacks. Kamala really embarassed herself.
But maybe being a Brahmin has something to do with it. In the Caribbean blacks and indians intermarry (the only exception is Guayana where racial tension is high) – but thos Indians tend to be lower caste and went there as slave replacing manual labor. So maybe this author is on to something.
Kamala is overwhelmed with thoughts about ‘racism.’ The reason why is she keeps it alive everywhere she goes, she is racist, and just can’t escape it.
Mother comes from & is conscious of coming from a high caste Indian Family.
Father is a black university professor originally from Jamaica. Upper middle class.
Parents unamicably divorce.
Daughter a lawyer who made a reputation as a prosecutor for incarcerating black people on the slightest pretext.
And so — here we have a real “Progressive” for the 3rd decade of the 21st C….
(Interesting how there are those parallels to Obama…another real “progressive”)
Note the psychology of this Jewish "lady". See how the murder of White children comes first on her list. And her hatred of White man Trump is deeper than her desire to have Obama back in the White House. We know that many Jews would move Heaven and Hell to have their pliable stooge back in office. But, even so, they still put the murder of White people before this.
Steph Gurstein @princ3ssEsquire
1. Abort all white male children.
2. Impeach Trump.
3. Elect Obama to third term.
Joe Bernstein also uses Twitter to incite the murder of White people. But then, his people got plenty of practice in murdering White people in the former Soviet Union.
Joe Bernstein @Bernstein
Kill a straight white man on your way to work tomorrow
Rebecca Cohen just doesn't sneer at the possibility of White people being replaced in their own countries. She licks her lips at the thought of White people being exterminated.
Rebecca Cohen @beckycoh…
I think i hit a nerve, Imagine being so anxious to be what black and brown people have always been. A minority. Gee maybe one day you might know how it feels. the extinction anxiety is delicious though
As an afterthought, these are links to their Twitter accounts:
Kamala Harris spouts off about racism. Well, here’s real racism from her masters.
Just a small sample of tweets by Jews that clearly show what this “religious ethnicity” thinks of White people.
Steph Gurstein @princ3ssEsquire
1. Abort all white male children.
2. Impeach Trump.
3. Elect Obama to third term.
Note the psychology of this Jewish “lady”. See how the murder of White children comes first on her list. And her hatred of White man Trump is deeper than her desire to have Obama back in the White House. We know that many Jews would move Heaven and Hell to have their pliable stooge back in office. But, even so, they still put the murder of White people before this.
Joe Bernstein @Bernstein
Kill a straight white man on your way to work tomorrow
Joe Bernstein also uses Twitter to incite the murder of White people. But then, his people got plenty of practice in murdering White people in the former Soviet Union.
Rebecca Cohen @beckycoh…
I think i hit a nerve, Imagine being so anxious to be what black and brown people have always been. A minority. Gee maybe one day you might know how it feels. the extinction anxiety is delicious though
Rebecca Cohen just doesn’t sneer at the possibility of White people being replaced in their own countries. She licks her lips at the thought of White people being exterminated.
What vile disgusting statements and incitements to publicly publish. And without a shred of shame or fear. If a White person criticized the colour of a Jew’s shoes anti-Semitism would be shouted from the rooftops.
These people are starting to show their true colours. The slip into Western populations and slyly build wealth and embed themselves. But the first whiff of weakness from their hosts brings their concealed hyenaesque personalities to the surface. This has been the way with them since they first found another racial group they could parasite off.
They showed these vile traits in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s. It becomes clearer every day that what they got back then, they asked for.
And they seem intent on not just asking for it again. They seem to be actually begging for it.
I sometimes scratch my head in wonderment at them. Have they got the DNA of lemmings, that every so often they have to throw themselves off a cliff.
I read your letter on VDare today, Miss Saxon, and wanted to make a comment or two. I’m glad Mr. Unz put your writing here.
1) What a piece of work this Kamela Harris is! I could say the same about her mother too I guess. This story greatly resembles that of Øbâ˜ma. You’d think Americans would have learned about voting for exotic foreigners from broken homes like this from the first time. This Vice-Presidency that might be worth a “warm bucket of spit” in January will turn into a “hot steaming pile of shit” soon enough.
2) That part about her Jamaican Dad being pissed because Kamala reckons all the Jamaicans are ganja-smoking slackers is hilarious. What a stereotype – shame on her. Of course, we all think of Jamaicans as laid-back pot-heads, because, well… but, you don’t get to say that if you’re running for President Vice-President.
“To protect them—and herself—she made a conscious decision to abandon racist India and raise her daughters as Blacks in far more tolerant North America.”
Did she actually say this was the reason for her decision?
AK thanks for bringing this up. The reality is India is a wide variety of culture, religion, tradition and history. It is difficult for such a diverse nation with a large population under democratic rule to be checked on its standards of achievement as a homogeneous nation. But one has to put aside emotions and look at the problems rationally. It’s sad that some people cannot seem to take criticism. Constructive criticism is a part of examining and learning and growing.One thing for sure is that India really needs to improve their education standards and literacy rates and nutritional needs. It is without a doubt their education systems badly need a complete overhaul to realize their full potential. Unfortunately Modi hasn’t come so far yet.Without that it will always be a struggle. I believe whoever it is whether a Brahmin or a Dalit or a Tribal person can succeed in the academic filed with hard work and good education. Slogans as Shining India are good but not good enough. I admire the tenacity of the Chinese people in the academic fields, without doubt they are an industrious people and so are we. May both these nations work together to improve each others lives in this world.
Hindi is spoken by only 30% of the population of India as their mother tongue. Only English has enabled Vish to be a participant of this forum.This is the dilemma of India. When you try to homogenize a diverse society only the preadvantaged miniscule populations gain to the disadvantage of the rest of the traditionally marginalized sections of society. Another anomaly is forgetting the Sumerian, Harappan, Tamil, ASI genetic linguistic and historical contributions to Indian Subcontinental society. After all, all modern Indians are a mixture of ASI and ANI genes. If Vish subjects himself to a genome mapping he will find that the major contributor to his genesis are derived from ASI Dravidian genes, though he may be speaking an Indo Europeon Language now. English though another Indo European Language is favourably servicing the entire subcontinent in all scientific and other inclusive frontiers without discrimination.
Discrimination in thesociety is the bane of India. Let us be pragmatic.
Tang says:
“China do not acknowledge Nobel Prizes so they are not often selected for it either. ”
Very smart Mr Tang. China doesn’t recognise nobel prizes. It doesn’t recognise international borders (Mc Mohan Line, Japan, Philippines, Bhutan, Vietnam, South Asian Sea), It doesn’t recognise sovereignty of other nations (Tibet, et all) . Good excuse for your rogue behaviour.
Your IQ is amply shown by the quality of your friends. Every rogue and rascal in this world has China as its best friend (Pakistan, North Korea, Pol Pot….). Birds of the same feather flock together. Pakistan has gifted you 5000 sq km of totally barren and completely useless land and you have gifted them rusty weapons which don’t fire.
1) I am an open book so far as most pundits are concerned. On the Mensa UK tests about 15 years ago, I got 160 on the Cattell III B (verbal) and 100 on the Cattell Culture Fair III A (visuo-spatial). On the SATS, which loads heavily on g, I got 790 on the numerical component, 720 on the reading, and 650 on the writing. I went to university a mere 2 years after school, which by no means makes me a mature student. I did pay fees but so do the vast majority of university students.
2) The reason for Lynn’s refusal is because (a) it is in no way germane to his work, which stands on its own; and (b) will only provide ammunition for (ironically anonymous) trolls such as David regardless of his results.
This is just to clarify things for any readers who happen to stumble across this, as opposed to seriously engaging with the above commentator’s vituperative ramblings (which, should he insist on further spamming this blog with, will get him banned).
Why is it that people like Anatoly and Richard Lynne, who are obsessed with IQ, are fairly mediocre in their own academic achievements.
In fact Anatoly completed a degree as a mature aged student and effectively got into the course not on academic merit, but because he was a fee paying student.
Lynne has shied away from taking a IQ test publicly, even when challenged and I bet Anatoly wold probably be the same…..
“anon says:
August 12, 2014 at 8:48 am
Dear Anatoly, While I don’t want to get involved in any caste discussion, I won’t agree that any particular caste has higher
IQ. Infact caste groups Kayastha and Khatri have occupied more intellectually demanding positions over a very long periods of time (a timeline of 3500 years) and even now.
Brahmins are distinguished from other castes by the presence of j2 y chromosome (@ 20- 25%, a proof of middle eastern origins). Brahmins are thus similar to Jews (but middle eastern Shephardic jews and not Asheknazi), so they must have a similar IQ in 80s(may be middle 80s, Indian IQ being in the same range). The untouchables(lowest caste) of India are of pure Aryan decent and are the most heavily R1a1 group in India (R1a1 ~ 70%) even after a three thousand year of existence.”
What rubbish, what proof do you have that we Brahmins have Arab J haplogroup, Indeed Brahmins have greater amount of R1a common among Slavic European populations. Bengali Brahmins have the highest frequency of R1a. Even Kokanastha Chitpavan Brahmins of Konkan, the same people who made up the Peshwas who ran the Mighty hindu maratha Empire have more R1a. Where did you get J from?
FYI: Chinese have won 11 Nobel prizes, and 8 of them in Science; 6 in Physics and two in Chemistry.
P.S.: Of course Indians may have won another 3 Nobel if Sir J.C. Bose, Meghnad Saha and S.N. Bose were given their Nobel dues, but that’s a different story.
Hello Indianswon,
Well indeed Tamils have won many Nobel Prizes but you are misinformed: China have won 11 Nobel Prizes till date.
China do not acknowledge Nobel Prizes so they are not often selected for it either. Still they have won it in science. Note also that they have their own Nobel equivalent.
Also Note that many Chinese immigrants and Hong Kongers have won more Nobel Prizes than even poor Tamils can even dream about.
Indians, please don’t be ignorant rant. Be informed. Acknowledge the truth.This is the age of Information.
“Brahmins occupy a lot of the intellectually demanding positions……………………A lot of the (super high IQ) US Indian immigrants appear to be Brahmins.”
Dear Anatoly, While I don’t want to get involved in any caste discussion, I won’t agree that any particular caste has higher
IQ. Infact caste groups Kayastha and Khatri have occupied more intellectually demanding positions over a very long periods of time (a timeline of 3500 years) and even now.
Brahmins are distinguished from other castes by the presence of j2 y chromosome (@ 20- 25%, a proof of middle eastern origins). Brahmins are thus similar to Jews (but middle eastern Shephardic jews and not Asheknazi), so they must have a similar IQ in 80s(may be middle 80s, Indian IQ being in the same range). The untouchables(lowest caste) of India are of pure Aryan decent and are the most heavily R1a1 group in India (R1a1 ~ 70%) even after a three thousand year of existence.
Three thousand two hundred sixty years ago, when Moses was alive and Helen of Troy was a few decades away from birth, a Brahmin King abducted a Jain Nun(an Indian religion), a scythian(Saka) king (Pali name – Dimitt, probably named demeter or Demetrues) from very very far off land had to invade and free her. Thereafter scythians settled in India. Unable to merge into Indian society, they became untouchables (most menial ). All other invading Aryan tribes, Assyrian, Hun, Greek(Ionian), abisare, Parthian and probably some Amorites too became untouchables once their power waned off, but the untouchable group in most menial positions is of scythian origin and genetic and some cultural elements can still be observed. Ironically Aryans became untouchables in the country in which they originated in a remote past.
Couldn’t it really be that when you increase the level of education amongst Indians, they simply perform far better than they do otherwise?
It seems silly to compare groups like Brahmins with those at the lower rungs of Indian society; for the former have a far longer history of being literate compared with the latter [newly-rising groups]. This is surely compounded by social dimensions whereby negative discrimination to “moving up the ladder” made it difficult for people from extreme poverty to match the prolific success of the upper-castes.
A better study would analyse the backgrounds of children from poorer sub-sections of Indian society, whose parents have immigrated to more developed Western nations, and see how much they have _improved in terms of educational structure/IQ_. That would tell us more about the _potential_ IQ [or educational achievement].
It’s like comparing a rural Congolese with a Swiss from a family of surgeons. Or even their children. We would have to put them in equal circumstances and wait for a few generations to see if the Congolese children could catch up [tracking how rapidly they are _improving_ at all times]. That is a better test.
Not quite: a large chunk are Jatt Sikhs (i.e. agricultural laborers), Ismailis, and Hindu Bengalis, plus Indian immigrants from E. Africa.
A vanishingly small portion of Indians in the UK are of Ismaili or Hindu Bengali extraction.
The overwhelming majority of Indian immigrants in the UK are of Punjabi & Gujarati ethnicity.
Also, while Bihar is an economically “backward” state, schoolchildren there perform better than many economically progressive states [e.g. Tamil Nadu]:
I found a very interesting article which co-relates stress and malnuturition to intelligence or there lack of…
Makes sense, no? – The brain is too busy trying to survive and doesn’t have enough reserves for designig an airplane. Generations of insecurity translates into physical alteration (epigenetics: of one’s DNA and before you realize you have an entire population exhibiting that trait. The good news is that it is reversable but make take a few of generations.
While I am at it, Greece and Romans have a rich history. We all grew up reading stories of their kings conquiering every piece of land they had their sight on…well almost. Their contributions to science, medicine, engineering, philosophy have been the back bone of our progress yet they face a dire financial crisis today and at a verge of collapse. Wonder what happened there.
Again, we should stop looking at the world in fragments. We would be much happier and perhaps make a happier society.
Interesting discussion until Mr. Khan decided to chime in with his India bashing idealogies, and equally foolish guy who thought was giving Mr Khan a befitting reply. Mr egp felt left out and decided to join the little verbal war with his two cents, literally, appearing slightly more intelligent than a baboon.
Every country has a fare share of so called “elites”, and the “rest”. There are people who like to invent, people who like to lead the inventors, people who like to follow, the creative types, yada yada yada. You will find these categories in every country irrespective of their religion or ethnicities. No one is better than the other. I have seen the east and the west and have spent considerable amount of time in both the places so trust me when I write this: In general people are idiots driven by nothing more than their primal instincts, even the so called “calm and rational thinkers”. We have reached a point in time where unless we find cleaner and abundant resource to sustain, we will all be drowning in our piss and shit along with our “superior intelligence”. Work together and we can all be happy….sure then we can continue with pissing contest. Intelligence and compassion go hand in hand. Intelligence without compassion is hollow and a burden on the society and man-kind, polluting and consuming eveything in sight under pretext of progress.
And as far as the IQ goes, Einstein once said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.â€, unless of course y’all think was an idiot. Give people a chance to show their real talent and with our combined efforts we can uplift the man-kind.
Alright, I am now ready to be plastered by your ignorance. Go ahead, insult me!
To all those morons who compare differences in intelligence based on race, gender, food habits and brain size; lol @ them.
One must simply accept that the present India is no match against a fast and furious, futuristic China, and equivocally, the past of China including her present is no match against the mighty intellectual swords of Bengal. Nowhere in Asia was such a prolific scientist like Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (aka J.C. Bose) ever been produced who was singly enough to compete with the best and the mighty brains of the West. Then, there was Meghnad Saha, the renowned chemist who was nominated 5 times, (yes 5 times) for Nobel Prize only to be rejected for being a black native Indian. And we do not need to say much about Satyen Bose (Boson), and about the glorious past of “Bengal Renaissance” (check out Wikipedia: which produced some of the finest brains and intellect in Science, literature, Medicine the world has ever seen. And it was for this reason the Chinese chose their settlement in Kolkata (Bengal) when they were persecuted in their own land during Mao’s regime. The only chinatown that India has is in Kolkata.
Now, where was the rest of India? What were they doing? Were they sleeping? It’s not that the British gave educations to Bengalis only. In every part of India they established Universities modeled on their own systems.
Yes you can definitely argue about the fact that though and perhaps it is not because of the brains or caste, but because of the Colonial period when the British settled with their backpacked East India Company back on the outskirts of the then “Eastern India”, was Kolkata really born out of such an English settlement. Bengal, rather Kolkata subsequently capitalized on British influence and has produced 5 Nobel Laureates, the first Oscar from Asia (ex-Japan) and first Grammy Award Winner (Pandit Ravishankar, the Sitar maestro) and few other Scientists who were not given the Nobel which they rightfully deserved, but anyway were acknowledge posthumously by the IEEE. This is a great honor, beyond any argument.
Let me tell you one thing. Now when you start comparing India or even Kolkata, it’s no match against the mighty Chinese Dragon.
Feel the reality and forget the past and think about the future.
You cannot judge by the IQ level the general intelligence of a huge population by using just a simple parameter- winning Nobel Prizes!!! Hungarian scientists have won many Nobel Prizes, and they have indeed produced the best of the mathematicians, but that doesn’t make them a more powerful economy than Germany or Korea. True, Indians have brains, but that ratio was highly skewed around Bengal(and this has become a hotbed of scientific inquiry), and then, with the fall of Bengal, intellectualism vanished rapidly from this land and from the rest of the Eastern part of India as well!!! I may ask, why?
The past achievements do not guarantee future prospects. Only hard work coupled with intellect matters more than brain size. Bengal has lost her glory long ago, and there’s nothing new to speak about Kolkata per se. It has become history. Come to reality and see how China has developed, in every sphere of economic development. They have become the epitome of modern architecture, the powerhouse of manufacturing (visit – look for China thread). I’ve been to China and have also been to Kolkata. Kolkata is still a great cultural city, but it lags behind even Shenzhen in terms of development. Forget Hong Kong. Incomparable.
I have few words of praise for Bengal though. Note that the Chinese government has honored Tagore, the son of Bengal by introducing his curricula (Tagore studies) in virtually every major University in China. They even have plans to build Rabindra Sadans in Beijing which share cultural activities with the intellectual Bengal.
You can’t even compare Kolkata with Shanghai or Beijing. Kolkata might score higher in terms of culture and intellect, but lags far behind HDI and standard of living, technology, healthcare, and virtually in everything. This is a foolish comparison.
Even few of the Chinese to whom I have spoken while in China regarded Bengal very highly, and lamented for Bengal’s downfall (many Chinese still live in Kolkata’s China town, but the majority have left Bengal). They left because Kolkata became unbearable for them.
The Tamil Brahmins are only 2 million in numbers but have won more Nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry than China, even though Chinese infrastructure is better than Indian infrastructure, your a fool, some brains are more compatible for esoteric thought, some are compatible for mechanical purposes, some are artistic and creative, while some have a combination of both. The Chinese in the past used bamboo for natural gas reserves, while Indians started the concept of zero, which points to more esoteric mindsets, the Mayan calender to even today is considered to be just as accurate as a computer generated calendar. An Indian American child just last year won a Scholastic Science Olympiad competition by figuring out a way to charge cell phones in 20 seconds, companies like Google are trying to hire the kid at this very moment. The USB, PGB, and PCI Express, were developed by computer architect Ajay Bhatt, who also innovated in the fields of Platform Power Management, and also help with various chip improvements and had 32 patents has an esoteric mindset too. The Agni 6 missile is the first intercontinental missile to have an extra 20% distance with the same amount of fuel, if launched from India, every country that falls through the Middle East to the state of California is in its range, and the other scientist around the world are still trying to figure out why. The Chinese and Japanese are far from copycats too, you whites are just jealous that they have surpassed you, so you started some notion that they have less creativity. If you ever seen Japanese anime and Manga, and the philosophies of Confucisionism, you would know how much bs your talking . Europeans can’t take the fact that their civilizations survive through means of war, they can’t maintain and innovate, the Roman Empire was the closest at 1,200 years, every other European civilization falls within 100 -400 years, while the Chinese have had civilizations for 5,000 years and the Indians have had 20% of the world’s GDP during the Mauryan Empire, the rise of China and India isn’t new, its just how the world was structured ever since the ancient days, they’re just coming back again, Europeans have just been a fluke for the last 400 years because of their already worn out industrial revolution, which doesn’t even have any significant leverage nowadays, with already stuff like smart cities being in designed in India, go look up GIFT City on Google. Wake up white boy its the 21st century, your invention of mayonnaise is worn out and people have already been searching for more Helium 3 in space for interstellar space travel in other countries. Your arrogance will just leave you in the dust or conquered sooner or later, America is already starting to look more like Detroit, the British Empire nowadays is considered a laughing stock to China and India, with just a couple of ballistic missile finishing that landmass in a second.
You’re focussing on the national brahmin pop. whereas the test was done in only 2 states, where brahmin populations are not the same. From personal exp i can say it’s simply impossible that a significant number of Brahmins were involved in that study. As a Tamil brahmin with a tested IQ of 145, I consider myself average (or even a bit below average) in math skills compared to my friends of the same community. Tamil Nadu brahmins are only 1% of the population (most of them have moved out to greener pastures) and that too clustered in geographical pockets. It’s very likely that the test was taken by lower caste students who don’t have much intellectual exposure other than our state syllabus which focusses too much on rote learning and far too little in critical thinking, hence the pathetic PISA scores. Also, you cannot compare a homogenous Han population and make a generalization with a diverse population like India.
Most of the indians who got an iq of 112 in the united states are not brahmins but belong to other upper castes too. Only a few of them are brahmins.
And except brahmins and vysyas, all upper castes in both north and south eat meat. But the lowest castes in north and south are very malnourished even though they eat meat,,,because meat is very expensive in india.
In south india, some backward casts are fair skinned too…..padmashalis, raju’s etc. And one upper/forward caste…vysya are darkskinned.
one riddle here is why the low caste converts to Christianity and Islam do so so well in India (APJ Abul Kalam, A R Rehman etc.)and high literacy and standards of living in Kerela, Goa, NE States like Mizoram, Manipur etc. I think that the social network resources they get after conversion helps them succeed. They did not have low IQ, but being outcatses their resources were highly limited which depressed their success. Just my cents
Read also Robert Sapolsky on epigenetics and watch him on youtube. Many societies allow bad epigeneticall memes without to support educational changes and family lessons [ways to behave to children, teached parents in programs statistically rise higher iq children]
It’s not that difficult. They come here, live in a superior culture built by white-men, and improve themselves. They are what the Fuhrer would have called cultural-sustaining peoples. They can’t invent a toilet by themselves, but they won’t destroy yours either. Unlike the Negroids, for example. Anyone that has a problem with anything that I have said, move to India or East St. Louis.
Indian ‘s success in US is mainly because of their English advantage, Chinese just started to learn English 30 years ago while Indians started 300 years ago . They fit in US corporation culture very well – very good at trash talks …
Contrary to the loathings by the hinduwadis here,chinese,east asians and other meat eaters have much to thank the hindus:
1)Their veggie diet means they wouldn’t import much husbandry grain like corn to push up the price.
2)Their paperless toilet habit also means less paper pulp import. The trees saved can partly lessen their halocaust crime on the plant kingdom because of their veggie diet. Consider a cow has more nutrients than 1000s of carrots. The number of plant lifes wasted is obvious
Indians dont eat beef except in muslim areas or christian areas and that also only very very small amounts. On an average we can say Indians consume only 25% of food as nonvegetarian food. Nature is well conserved in India compared to any other long occupied places.
Hey Anatoly, let’s see what you’ll say now with Mr Narendra Modi at the helm. All you India-haters will be whipped into submission. You, and your mistress, China. Good luck begging for mercy.
Please don’t bother with IQ; as a low IQ person, I find ignorance is bliss. A higher IQ person would say an IQ test is little more than an aptitude test and national IQ is just a score card on the nation’s educational system. It’s no racial big deal.
There’s a significant difference between the sino and hindu civilization. Confucism is a political philosophy or a secular ‘religion’ and it demands state or imperial administration and governance.The hindu system is decentralized or may I say ‘atomised’ that as long as the localities observe the caste hierarchy, it’s fine.
Two consequence:
1) Chinese have been quite obssessed with writing and studying history while the hindus couldn’t care less about chronology/history and were obssessed with mythology and the hindus often take epics like Mahabharata, Ramayana as real
2) Hindus had little organized resistence to invasion as long as the invaders left the hindu caste system alone, ie, the upper castes’ privilege were recognized and preserved. So the invaders took the easy route not to upset the hindu culture. That explains the ‘longevity’ of the hindu culture.
Reading about India, and the Indian IQ, I understood you people’s understanding about India, and the concept of IQ. Anyways, without going down the road of debate which has become pretty boring by its use, let me tell you that India has a few advantage that has allowed it to stand the test of time for 6000 years. China’s borders has grown and shrunk like a yo-yo. US will have lesser time than the Mayans and Aztecs, on whose ruins it is built. Russia is different, and so you will find that Russia is another significant country that had maintained its prominence. Now again, since you people know just so much about India and IQ, I trust your IQ to find out for yourself the secrets of India. The question you need to ask is- Why the hell India is so significant despite 300 years of marauding, 200 years of colonization, an entire 500 years of looting and robbery by the “great” nations, and finally left sandwiched by all enemies. How the hell doe she still stand tall? I assure you, your discussion will achieve some different level.
How was the IQ test administered? Again no information on sample size or anything
What were the parameters of the IQ test. Was it done along homogenous lines of socioeconomic class excluding all confounding outliers?
There are barely any Ismailis in the UK, the Indian Muslim population in the UK is about 140,000 , in which barely 30,000 are Ismailis, that’s not enough to change the iq of Indians at all.
While I fully understand your sentiment of defending the image of Bharat because obviously accepting the comparative figure of ethnic IQ in the indian position is like admitting racial inferiority, I’ve difficulty understanding your rhetorics:
“..Tamil Brahmins are only 2 million in numbers, but have way more Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry than all of China’s population..”
——–Just what’re you trying to imply? Are u telling me the number of nobel scientists of indian origin greatly exceeds those of Chinese origin? I check thoroughly it’s certainly not the case
“space explorations to Mars, which would mean that they’re speeding passed the Chinese and Japanese space programs…”
——–I’m sorry, I’m well versed enough on that subject to declare you’re absolutely BSing. China launched successfully her cryogenic H2-O2 upper stage rocket 30 years ahead of Bharat. Yes, go ahead and ask your fellow rakshaks at
I can tell you’re under great stress defending the image of bharat; My great sympathy. But please relax. Nothing wrong with belonging to a lower IQ country, particularly if you’re a Brahmin(quite likely),you can lord over the lower IQ dalits
This seemed a good discussion on abilities and intelligence of People who are genetically Indian. Some of the above commenters seem to have an emotional response to the author who is perhaps a journalist or social scientist. The commenters should have given a calm and rational answer or insight they can provide. Having been to some parts of Europe and usa and after carefully observing those peoples, I can state that Food, geography and cultural history shaped the IQ and intelligence of people in India and some parts of Asia. Europeans had access to meat and milk which helped them to develop better brains than Indians who are somewhat less evolved ,Most of Indians (90% or so, this includes Sikh, patel,jain,BC,OBC, SC, ST ) are somewhere in between African and Central European in abilities as a result the infrastructure in India is somewhere in between Africa and Europe. However, with access to education and knowledge everybody thinks that they are intelligent than other countries even though the results – Engineered products, goods, pharmaceuticals are inferior and sloppy at best . I think Indians need to evolve further to be able to do complex math, engineering, research in science, arts, music . At the moment, there is no indigenous airplane, semiconductor company, Automotive, Infrastructure, Engineering industry which is better than those in Europe or North America. Most of the knowledge and skills required to make complex things like trains, boats, aircrafts- domestic and military, automobiles is from other countries in Europe. This knowledge didn’t originate in India even though there seems to be some history of Indians involved in math, metallurgy, crafts. This knowledge is copied or leased from other countries . If Indians were so intelligent, then they don’t need outside help which should be the logical question they should ask themselves. There seem to very few intelligent people at less than 10% who are the thinkers, inventors , engineers, doctors , the rest were quickly populated into these professions to satisfy shortage in these fields. As a result there are more sloppy, lazy people in India than in other countries. Perhaps it is very late to see all this but Indians should think , be creative and invent before doing mundane things like sex, watching TV, listening to songs , radio. Most Indians memorize knowledge and copy products, re-invent things in India which were done more than a decade or two ago in other countries and then claim these inventions as theirs. This is not a true indicator or Intelligence no matter what these iq tests and university degrees say. The problems seem to be in approach to solve problems .Technique is not important in getting things right as its in central Europe. More and more Indians , Chinese seem to emulate or imitate Jews who are somehow in the background of most industries but never do the actual work which is delegated to Germans, British, French, Danish, Dutch; these are the actual brains which built the world today with newer technologies. Problems continue to loom India as they don’t want to work on future than worry about past and having that sense of superiority of inventions in ancient world. You must have heard how ancient Indians invented everything in the world today which includes numerals 0-9 while Europeans were barbarians living in caves 3000 years ago and north America was occupied by a primitive people called Mayans and Aztecs. The above story is repeated everything you question the abilities of Indian people. There should be more rational and objective reasons why some cultures are better than others.
Indians don’t have an average iq level, the Tamil Brahmins are only 2 million in numbers, but have way more Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry than all of China’s population. India’s version of the Manhattan Project was mostly Tamil Brahmins. India’s space program with half the budget of NASA is planning space explorations to Mars, which would mean that they’re speeding passed the Chinese and Japanese space programs, the Tamil Brahmins are the effect of a 10,000 year old rigid caste system that was based on occupation. Its similar to the isolated cognitive selection process that the Ashkenzai faced. India has a complex iq bell curve that needs to be investigated clearly by the test givers, because even in ancient times, knowledge went from India to China, not the other way around, for example Cataract Surgery went from India to China. In my opinion, China may have a higher iq on average, but India has more innovation.
The top 10% of Indians in my opinion is probably higher or equal to central European iq, for example, the Tamil Brahmins are only 2 million in numbers and yet they have more Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry than all of China’s population. There’s the natural selection process from the environment from what your talking about and then there’s another way to achieve high iq levels too. Its called the isolation cognitive demanding selection in which Ashkenzai and Tamil Brahmins have faced because of so many years of doing the same occupation.
This guy Anatoly Carlin and the commentators here are very racist. It has been proven that IQ just like any thing in nature follows a normal distribution. And this normal distribution in itself is a rule which is followed everywhere in nature. This means that all human populations regard less of where they live should follow the same normal distribution IQ range. This is because biologically we are still homo sapiens. If an Egyptian jumps in a time machine and pops up in present day NYC, after a few weeks or months of education, he will act as a normal rational human being in the so called modern society. Trying to measure IQ of countries the size of India or China is an exercise in futility. The sample will never be random enough to give accurate results. Also IQ alone does not determine the success or failures of societies. India has had it’s golden age and periods of declines. Growth or progress is never linear in nature but cyclic.
Read this:
Brahmins were never involved in that study, that’s like me saying since America has more Chinese people than Indian. Why do Indian kids consistently win Spelling Bee and World Geography Bees easily or why India has more Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry than China and all of those Nobel Prizes are from Tamil Brahmins, who are only 2 million in numbers, they also constitute a lot of the scientist that were involved in India ‘ s version of the Manhatten Project.
LOL. Small underdeveloped country like Vietnam has 9 medals ! ??????????
Everything written here about Hinduism appears to be written by a rotten Christian mind. We all know that Christians and Muslims consider themselves exclusive and here is one more piece of shit to justify that. Fuckers first learn about the Hindu Civilization and then comment over it. Do not dare to comment with half knowledge ever. I will not try to counter any shit written above because discussions happen when the other side possess a thing called as BRAIN and you Chirstian shitters are a disgrace to Jesus Christ and nothing else.
You’ve precisely explained why caste segregation is so important to higher caste hindus. Low castes and dalits are a source of pollution,spiritually,physically and biologically.
The whole thread is pretty racist.For their population, Tamil Brahmin have more Nobel Laureates than most other ethnic groups including Jews. Achievements also reflect the social, political and economic scenario of the country, which in Inda has been depresed for the last 1000 years. Brahmins/ Upper caste Hindus can beat any Russian, Slav, European or Chinese hollow which is why you see so many Indian Fortune 1000 CEO’s despite all pervasive racism and jealousy form all other ethnic groups including Chinese and WHites. The difference is that I can take on any Chinese/ European in both IQ and am ahead on social/EQ skills also.
You’re living evidence of dismally low IQ. Please don’t migrate.
Take a look at the india paper consumption per capita:
It’s absurdly low and translates into very low availability of books and paper for student. The data is not recent but it’s illustrative:
US/capita=236 kg, china/capita=70.3kg, india/capita =9.3 kg.
Vietnam has a GDP/capita simi;lar to india’s but Vietnam/capita consumption is 30kg
Yup, in India’s case, there needs to be widespread testing in at least half the states to get a true picture. But the Indian government will never allow this for the next 10 to 20 years atleast.
A lot of accomplished Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam during centuries of Mughal rule or else were faced with death. Notable examples are Pandit Tansen, Nine jewels from the court of Akbar were all forcibly converted to Islam. When the Mughals conquered India they wiped off a large number of high ranking hindu warriors and noblemen and forcibly converted the rest. I do hope these issues are accounted for when such an article is written? India is very diverse and it is difficult to measure IQ across such a diverse population.
Kalam and Rahman were both hindus who converted to Islam. Rahman is a first generation convert ans Kalam is a second generation convert.
If you can read one sentence then you can in most languages read a book when you use an alphabet based writing system
Even the often quoted 74% India literacy rate is yet another usual overreported statistic by the worthless Indian Govt by counting anybody who can read a mere sentence as literate. While I’m pretty sure China only counts somebody who at least completed basic primary education as literate. The qualifying standards is like heaven and earth.
Shame on you racist , you tell Christians dont discriminate then how did slave trade happened ? oh no all Hindu are evil only Christians are good?
There is no genetic difference between the so called aryans and Non-aryans in India, how does you are going to answer that?
Probably your IQ is just 10, At least try to respect other cultures.
Yeah yeah Paki.Dream on.
The break up expert is Pakistan.Remember 1971? Balochistan and NWFP are also going the same way.
Muslim countries forming a trade block ROFL. Blind leading the blind.Best of luck.
In any case Turkey has a preferential zero tarriff treaty with EU
The GCC is a association of US backed puppets.
Indonesia and Malaysia are members of the ASEAN.
Other than these semi competent countries who else do we have?Pakistan Afghanistan,Nigeria,Sudan…LOL!
The Jews will do their best to ensure Muslim countries from having a large market for their products. This is why there is now a concerted effort on the part of Muslim countries around the world to build a global market amongst themselves (like a free-market area) so they can trade more openly and have lower tariff. This will bypass Jewish/American/Indian efforts to suppress Muslims.