I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
On October�25, 2021, I wrote:
(I intend to cover a comparison and contrast of Roman and Chinese ancestor worship on Proems; it is a fascinating parallel between these two great civilizations.)
Incidentally, apropos this topic, I think that the book thereby referenced could do much to lessen the moral-universalist warmongering that plagues the modern world.� The difference of minds should be studied, and not only as between East and West—more generally.� People should understand that other peoples’ minds work differently than their own, such that they will not try to impose their own ways of life on each other.� The Americans, in particular, have the idiotic notion that the “American way of life†is the One True Way; and if you don’t adopt it yourself, then you must be bombed into “liberationâ€.� For your own good, of course!
Set aside, for the moment, the problem that the American way isn’t working out so well even for Americans.� Assume for the sake of argument that Americans are happy, successful people living in peace and domestic harmony in their own country.� Even if that were so, the Americans should understand that, for example, the Chinese really are different people, with deeply different thought processes—and the Chinese accordingly must run their own country the Chinese way, not the American way.� Mutatis mutandis, the same principle can be generalized to every other nation in whose affairs the Americans insufferably, oft very violently meddle.�®
If you are full of hate and negativity and you look for that then you will find that. Guess which kind of person you are.
I am not the one doing apologetics for people who collect skulls like serial killer trophies, and proudly publish photos of them in a major mainstream magazine.� (Not to mention firebombing the heart of Europe to ashes and rubble, and nuking Japan twice.)� That’s you.
Well, Americans have long excelled at accusing others of their own crimes.
People who have no religion or spiritual knowledge think that they can get away with evil because
Oh, you don’t know me:� Religion is a special area of study for me.� It doesn’t mean that I believe in Jewish fairytales or worship Jewish gods, the matter which seems to be what got you upset.
You started off from the standpoint of hating 300+ million people, and then feebly tried to back it up with some historical references which happened before most people were even born.
No, I myself started off from my standpoint of contemplating a nation that has spent more than a century starting aggressive wars to satisfy its “world police†megalomania—including within the lifetime of everyone who is old enough to read this, and with worrisome saber-rattling towards China and others today.� Then, I picked some widely-published examples from popular culture to illustrate my pointed contrast between America, a Nation of Hate, versus Hitler’s Germany, a nation that offered peace and friendship to good people around the world.
If you are American, as I presume, then your comment reflects a stereotypical lack of self-awareness and historical perspective.
Only the most honest and honorable Americans admit to American war guilt.� They are, perforce, American dissidents.
Nowadays, as America rots in its own filth, some Americans are, at least, realizing in various general ways that their country has now gone completely crazy.� But they seem to be in the minority—even on the margins, deemed “fringe†by the American mainstream.� Unfortunately for more or less sane Americans, I think that America’s internal dissolution is the historically inevitable result of fighting more than a century of aggressive wars to inflict the American sickness on others.� For my part, I also think that it is condign—natural consequences; just deserts.
Americans fought WWI “to make the world safe for democracyâ€, WWII against “racism†and “fascism†and “Nazismâ€â€”more recently, Americans have spilled an ocean of blood to spread democracy in the Middle East.� They have done massive human sacrifice on the altar of the god of Equality—a hateful, nihilistic god, whose commandments can be satisfied only by reducing all to the lowest common denominator, universal misery and universal slavery, such that “the meek shall inherit the Earth†(Matthew�5:5).� Now, their god consumes them from the inside.
Notice:� Although I welcome anonymous comments, and two or three of my very favorite comments thus far have been anonymous (including one that I gold-boxed), I will perforce start to judge these more strictly than comments from those with at least a pseudonymous reputation.�®
Here you go–
Actually he is insulted from three sides, PRC, USA and ROC-Taiwan. Serious efforts should be made to understand him and the Second Sino-Japanese War* because we know that World War II began (Nomonhan Incident) and ended (Operation August Storm) in Manchuria.
Wang was considered a fierce revolutionary patriot against Manchu Qing in his younger years. He was arrested once and sentenced to death, but spared because of his dignified demeanor.
You’re right, he’s not entirely a puppet. He had mostly acted in the interests of the Chinese under his government (which can be compared to Vichy France).
But there were other “quisling†regimes, e.g. East Hebei Autonomous Government, that he failed to unite under one government.
In the end, for all his flaws, Chiang Kai-shek was a much visionary statesman. He was open to negotiating with the Japanese but refused to surrender under any conditions. In managing relations between British colonists and the Indian independence movement. 1, 2. So today in the PRC, Chiang’s reputation is largely rehabilitated.
And although Mao was opportunistic in the war between Japan and KMT, in the end he was obviously not a Soviet puppet.
* Today I consider Rana Mitter to be an authoritative and objective figure in the Anglosphere.
To add–
1. The key sources to understanding this period of history are in German:
-The representative German Geopolitik thinker, Karl Haushofer, Japan und die Japaner
-Philosopher Eugen Herrigel, who who taught at Tohoku Imperial University, 1924 to 1929 and introduced Zen (ch: Chán 禪) to large parts of Europe through his Zen in the Art of Archery. And later became devoted National Socialist.
-The only modern era Chinese Indologist and Sanskritist of note, Ji Xianlin å£ç¾¨æž—, spent 1935-45 at University of Göttingen. He would reunite with his professor, Ernst Waldschmidt, also NSDAP member, in 1980 after the Cultural Revolution.
Ji’s memoir Zehn Jahre in Deutschland; he is one of several Chinese scholars who spent the entirety of the war in Germany.
2. Again, it’s ridiculous to simply label Wang a traitor since he was a fierce revolutionary against the Manchus, who at that time was considered somewhat more alien than the Japanese.
Chiang Kai-shek was open to negotiation with Japan through German ambassador to China, Oskar Trautmann, in 1937/8. After having captured the ROC capital of Nanjing, the Japanese increased their demands to an unacceptable level for Chiang.
It was only then that Wang took his initiative to approach the Japanese. Since he and Chiang had already deep differences since the 1927 “Nanjing–Wuhan split” 寧漢分裂.
Thus this is where the Vichy-DeGaulle analogy doesn’t fit, since both Wang and Chiang were open to negotiation, only differed on acceptable terms.
People who have no religion or spiritual knowledge think that they can get away with evil because they’re oh so clever and they can say a lot of fancy words to impress other materialistic empty people.
No. You started off from the standpoint of hating 300+ million people, and then feebly tried to back it up with some historical references which happened before most people were even born. But congrats on your clever obscure references though. Atheistic people like you, and the people who engaged you as being anything but an evil person consumed with hate, will be impressed at your sophistry.
There is a lot of good and bad in every country, in every group of people. If you are full of hate and negativity and you look for that then you will find that. Guess which kind of person you are.
I am not the one doing apologetics for people who collect skulls like serial killer trophies, and proudly publish photos of them in a major mainstream magazine.� (Not to mention firebombing the heart of Europe to ashes and rubble, and nuking Japan twice.)� That’s you.
If you are full of hate and negativity and you look for that then you will find that. Guess which kind of person you are.
Oh, you don’t know me:� Religion is a special area of study for me.� It doesn’t mean that I believe in Jewish fairytales or worship Jewish gods, the matter which seems to be what got you upset.
People who have no religion or spiritual knowledge think that they can get away with evil because
No, I myself started off from my standpoint of contemplating a nation that has spent more than a century starting aggressive wars to satisfy its “world police†megalomania—including within the lifetime of everyone who is old enough to read this, and with worrisome saber-rattling towards China and others today.� Then, I picked some widely-published examples from popular culture to illustrate my pointed contrast between America, a Nation of Hate, versus Hitler’s Germany, a nation that offered peace and friendship to good people around the world.
You started off from the standpoint of hating 300+ million people, and then feebly tried to back it up with some historical references which happened before most people were even born.
I agree with your point of retaining good qualities of any particular race.
On the Romans, what they are is really what period we are talking about.
If it was the monarchic era, then yes, it was pure Romans of the city and its surrounds.
By the time of the Republican conquests, Rome had started to absorb the conquered Samnites and Etruscans etc. This did not weaken them. In fact it strengthened them because the Romans learned many things from the conquered peoples and went on to its imperial phase. Of course there were debates again at this time whether or not to grant the conquered peoples citizenship.
During its Imperial phase it had practically absorbed much of the peoples of the peninsular except the Celts of Cisalpine Gaul. With the conquests of Iberia, Gaul, Britain, eastern Mediterranean and Egypt, again it was debated whether to give the peoples of the conquests citizenship. At this time Rome gave citizenship to even soldiers after they fulfilled stipulated term of military service. Again Roman survived and even thrived.
It was only after they failed to adequately absorb the Germanic tribes that ruin befell the Western Roman Empire. Imagine, if Rome had managed to harness the vigour and intelligence of the Germans rather than to fight them, the Roman polity would possibly still be here today.
This, is my hypothesis is why China survived and Rome did not. Because the Chinese were able to absorb foreign influences and transmute them into something that worked for both the incumbent Chinese and the new immigrant, thereby becoming an invigorated new China.
Also, my view of race is that it is a fluid thing. What constitutes a Roman changes through the centuries. As in my much earlier example, the same is true of the Chinese. And I am convinced this also applies to the Jews. One only has to look at the differences between the Sephardi and Ashkernazi to see it. But I suspect that if Israel continues to exist, then in 500 years, we would not be able to distinguish them as such.
The problem of a “melting pot†is not only one of “superior†versus “inferiorâ€, although it can be that.� It destroys the unique character of a people, even between peoples of high quality.
As for Rome, objectively considered, the Romans must have had some superior qualities if “a city and its hinterland†managed to conquer vast amounts of territory, and to subjugate far more numerous people.� And I think that notwithstanding individual exceptions (or some notable general historical exceptions), people who are taken as slaves are ipso facto generally inferior to their masters:� Weaker, more passive, more submissive.� I argue that this factor must be considered, when analyzing why a state that had claimed Mars, the god of war, as its patron officially converted to a religion that preaches about the poor and the sick.
Rome succeeded as long as it did not absorb conquered peoples, but kept them more or less separate while imposing on them Roman dominance.
Roman citizenship was difficult to obtain, but the restrictions on citizenship had a huge loophole:� Household slaves were considered part of their owners’ families; and they attained citizenship if emancipated, taking the family names of their former masters.� Some slaves (I presume, the ones with the best personal qualities) made their own money (as was usually allowed), saved up, and purchased their own freedom—and therewith, the rights and privileges of a Roman citizen.� According to Professor�Oliver, Jews often exploited this loophole:� They would arrange to sell themselves into legal slavery to a corrupt Roman who would immediately free them, whereupon they would attain the prize of citizenship.� And as citizens, they could not be expelled in the instances in which the city of Rome tried to rid itself of its Jewish problem.� I will take Oliver as authoritative on that, since he was a professor of the classics.
I see a nation as a very broadly extended family, and a nation’s homeland as the extended family home.� You can’t properly join a family just by filling out some paperwork—and although guests should be treated graciously when visiting the family home, it is not their home.� You should marry someone similar to yourself, whose ancestors are genetically and culturally compatible with your ancestors—that is good general life advice; marriages between drastically different people tend to be personally disastrous; and in any case, they are the dissolution of the family, not the reproduction thereof.� Families do need to reproduce themselves, lest they go extinct; and you should not call a family successful, if it bears no children but “adopts†completely different people from all over the world.�®
Tell me sir, if America is a nation of hate filled ugly racists;
That is quite a strawman argument to toss at a self-declared racist who admires Adolf Hitler.
In the Second World War, the Americans were driven by hatred of the Germans (who, as you may have noticed, were white people) as well as by hatred of the Japanese.� I accuse America of being a nation of hate, not a nation of “racistsâ€:� Indeed, from hatred of the Germans, the Americans fought a war against racism!� Whereas the Germans, those evil, racist “Nazisâ€, made friends with nations of other races.� You need to rethink your liberal conditioning about these issues.
why have people (for many years now) literally risked everything to come here?
Why do poor, desperate people, the “wretched refuse†proclaimed in the inscription at the Statue of Liberty, go to America—while many people who have better options run away from America?
I know Europeans who swear that they will never set foot on American soil for any reason.
In another blog post, I recently embedded a technical video from a highly educated, American-born Chinese who moved to Singapore—because America does not have enough freedom for him.
You need to rethink your American jingoism.� You obviously do not know how America is seen outside of—America.�®
Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöne
For the future in which Adolf Hitler will take his proper place in history—and people will admire Germans who take pride in their nation and their history:
It is the first in a series examining this issue from different angles.�®
“How dare you say this –pass me a mint !” and with this Mr Creosote –exploded—
Mr.�Shaun’s video is quite irrelevant to anything that I said.� It is a good example of why I rarely ever watch these types of videos (although I am now learning to make some videos of my own type; and I have recently embedded a few technical conference videos); and since it says around 04:09 that it extends a reply to Stefan Molyneux, it is a very bad strawman for me!� Never mind all the screenshots of arguments on Twitter—I don’t use Twitter, and I have no idea what those people are arguing about.You contribute good discussion here, which I appreciate; so please don’t take it personally.� I did watch about the first seven minutes of this.� Although the beginning of the video is mildly witty (and within the first ninety seconds, I could see where he was going with the “Nazi Germany†schtick), Mr.�Shaun sees fit to explain the difference between the Roman Empire in the West and the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire (04:22); it fairly well sums the level of this video.� Around 06:00–07:00, he contemplates events in the late Fourth Century, related to invading Germanic tribes—centuries after the time period of which I speak, and, I will note, after the conversion to Christianity, which I argue was itself an eventual result of earlier mixing of racial stock.In my opinion, the old Romans would never have converted to Christianity.� They worshipped their national gods; and they also worshipped the spririts of their ancestors, similarly to the traditional Chinese but in a different way.� (I intend to cover a comparison and contrast of Roman and Chinese ancestor worship on Proems; it is a fascinating parallel between these two great civilizations.)� Their fortunes were safe, as long as they held sacred their ancestors and their ancestors’ gods, and maintained their families accordingly.� Their downfall came after they mixed with other people (primarily freed slaves, not invading armies!), and the upper classes stopped reproducing, so their families died out.� I had originally raised this racial question, after a commentator cited a scholarly paper by a researcher who has previously contributed to The Unz Review; Frost’s paper had examined evidence of the genetic decline of the Romans as relates to the rise of Christianity, without considering the racial question.In support of Revilo Oliver’s theory of significant population replacement between 100 B.C. – 100 A.D., and that Trajan and Tacitus were, so to speak, the last of the Romans, my above comment referred to a 1916 academic paper by Tenney Frank entitled, “Race Mixture in the Roman Empireâ€.� Frank’s paper opens, on the very first page, by observing evidence of mass-immigration to Rome in Cicero’s time.� Frank then notes observations by Juvenal and Tacitus.This is hundreds of years before the time period discussed in Mr.�Shaun’s video—and it has nothing to do with invading Germanic tribes near the end of the Empire.Jumping to pp.�702–703 [sheet 15–16 of the PDF] of Frank’s paper (note that this is “Oriental†in the context of the Near East, not the Far East):I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
At p.�704 [sheet 17 of the PDF]:
If we may, as I think fair, infer for these towns what we found to be true at Rome, namely, that slaves were quite as prolific as the civil population, that they merged into the latter, and that Greek names betokened Oriental stock, it is evident that the whole empire was a melting-pot and that the Oriental was always and everywhere a very large part of the ore.
I think it’s clear that Mr.�Shaun’s video is not relevant.�®Replies: @littlereddot
But the existence of other forms of “race suicideâ€, so freely gossipped about by writers of the empire, also enters into this question, and here the inscriptions quite fail us.� Doubtless, as Fustel de Coulanges (La Cité Antique) has remarked, it could have been of little importance in the society of the republic so long as the old orthodox faith in ancestral spirits survived, for the happiness of the manes depended upon the survival of the family, and this religious incentive probably played the same rôle in the propagation of the race as the Mosaic injunctions among the Hebrews, which so impressed Tacitus in a more degenerate day of Rome.� But religious considerations and customs—which in this matter emanate from the fundamental instincts that continue the race—were questioned as all else was questioned before Augustus’s day.� Then the process of diminution began.� The significance of this whole question lies in the fact that “race suicide†then, as now, curtailed the stock of the more sophisticated, that is, of the aristocracy and the rich, who were, to a large extent, the native stock.� Juvenal, satirist though he is, may be giving a fact of some social importance when he writes that the poor bore all the burdens of family life, while the rich remained childless:There may lie here—rare phenomenon—an historic parallel of some meaning.� The race of the human animal survives by means of instincts that shaped themselves for that purpose long before rational control came into play.� Before our day it has only been at Greece and Rome that these obstacles have had to face the obstacle of sophistication.� There at least the instinct was beaten, and the race went under.� The legislation of Augustus and his successors, while aimed at preserving the native stock, were of the myopic kind so unusual in social law-making, and, failing to reckon with the real nature of the problem involved, it utterly missed the mark.� By combining epigraphical and literary references, a fairly full history of the noble families can be procured, and this reveals a startling inability of such families to perpetuate themselves.——————————
�������������������jacet aurato vix ulla puerpera lecto;
Tantum artes hujus, tantum medicamina possunt,
Quae steriles facit.¹âµ
15. VI. 594–596.
So you disagree with the idea of melting pots because a successful race would mix with an inferior one and therefore genetically deteriorate? I think this is the crux of your concern?
One point to consider is that Rome was only able to reach the heights that it did because it was able to absorb the various peoples it conquered. They were afterall just a city and its hinterland.
There is also one point to consider when trying to maintain a purity of a race. With the focus to maintain such a purity, there is a big danger that the society of such a race will self-isolate. With self isolation one misses out on the many benefits of interchange of ideas that lead to progress.
Please note that I edited what appears to be a tracking parameter out of one of your links, to protect your privacy (and others’, if it gets passed around).� Those are pernicious; I see them passed around all the time.
I am curious about Sylvia Stolz, because I think that a lawyer who was imprisoned for trying to present an effective defense for a client charged with thoughtcrimes, and then imprisoned again for protesting for free speech at a free-speech conference, is a sympathetic character, to say the least.� Casual websurfers are unlikely to find objective information about her:� A brief search to spot check finds mostly either hostile hit-pieces, or the type of strident political writing that I think contrasts with the measured, professional public statements that I have occasionally seen her make on her own behalf.� (I do some firebrand political writing myself; but I know what I am doing, and it is not how I would present someone like Stolz.)
Thanks for the links re Haug.� I should look into that sometime.� On some brief searching, I should note, I doubt that forming a KRR is a viable political strategy.
As a general note, it is very much needed to break into the mainstream.� The various parties running the current system are aware of this; and I believe that they take quite some measures to prevent it—to keep “extremists†at the margins, where they are powerless.� I will cover this topic more soon.
Amazingly enough as a consequence Haug is no longer a taxpayer in Jewermany. The Finanzamt (am. “IRS”) has deleted him legally.
Without having examined his arguments, just for your own safety, I would urge caution about this sort of thing.� American political observers will understand that in the U.S., there are “tax resisters†sitting in prison after making similar types of arguments (or believing what they read on the Internet about it).� I think that some of their arguments are technically meritorious; but when the courts are a strictly controlled environment, and a part of the same thoroughly corrupt system, what do you expect?
In some countries, maybe including Germany (and most notoriously including the U.S.), the tax system is sometimes abused as a political weapon against dissidents who commit no crime—both to get them into prison, and to help smear their reputations.� (Just for an off-the-cuff example, although I never tried to dig deeply into the details of his tax case, I suspect that that is why the Wikipravda hit-piece on David Duke can label him as a “convicted felon†in the very first sentence.� He did spend 15 months in prison for tax charges.)� It is one of the hidden threats to free speech.� As a result, some dissidents are scrupulous in such matters, so that they don’t get suppressed through “tax problemsâ€â€”not that they agree with the system, but as a matter of picking one’s battles.
(I assume the Jew pays nothing in the JewSA).
No, the Jews pay taxes in the U.S.� Many individual Jews may be quite adept at avoiding or saving on taxes, whether legally or illegally.� But it is the same situation with Jews in every country, including Germany; and when the corrupt tax systems of corrupt governments are essentially de facto systems of slavery, I’d guess that some shrewder Gentiles may adapt by developing the same skills at minimizing their tax burdens.� Of course, for those who keep it legal, it’s probably easier for Jews to work with the Jewish tax lawyers and Jewish accountants who stereotypically predominate in those professions.
There are many tricks and traps for those who want to fight for right, and get pushed to the fringes.� The Internet is full of disinformation—some of it from people who just want to hear themselves talk; some of it is probably planted by the enemy, to support discrediting operations.� It is always important to be cautious, and stick to the facts.� A few of your comments have said things that I pretty much presume to be the product of what happens when people live under crushing censorship—where the flow of information is so suppressed that the truth can be buried from all directions, and those who seek it are most liable to trip into rabbit holes.� For a German today seeking information about the Jews, in particular, I think that the situation is comparable to someone in the Soviet Union foraging for samizdat, trying to find reliable information on facts not disclosed by the Pravda.� No, I do not think that is an exaggeration!� Compare the above note on how Germans can be imprisoned even for protesting that they are not allowed to talk about certain things.
For another example, it must be emphasized that Hitler’s German Reich never deliberately killed Jews for being Jews.� The historical situation that gave rise to that propaganda is complicated, and I don’t want to go off onto a long discourse here; suffice it here to say that whatever political conclusions one may draw from the facts of the deportation program and its results, or the war in the East against partisans who obeyed no rules of warfare, it is important to stick to the facts, and avoid the Jewish lie-propaganda of the Holohoax.
After Germany has been shattered and drenched in foreign acid for several generations, it will require almost superhuman levels of both wisdom and willpower for any surviving Germans to save their posterity from final dissolution.� With my best wishes, I will be pleased to help with my Proems, insofar as I can.�®
I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
I am generally against the whole “melting pot†idea, and Rome is a good example of why.� Of course, this does not imply hostility towards others.� Consider by analogy that as an individual, you can be friends with other people from around the world—without marrying them and bringing them to live in your house.
In the German-Japanese romantic drama film that I cited in the article, the blonde German woman is good friends with a handsome Japanese man.� He is engaged to marry the Japanese woman seen in the screenshot; and (spoiler!) they eventually marry and have a baby, after their German friend helps to smooth over some trouble between them.� I think it is a part of the moral of the movie, which obviously must have been approved by both the German and Japanese propaganda authorities of the 1937 era.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
Mr.�Shaun’s video is quite irrelevant to anything that I said.� It is a good example of why I rarely ever watch these types of videos (although I am now learning to make some videos of my own type; and I have recently embedded a few technical conference videos); and since it says around 04:09 that it extends a reply to Stefan Molyneux, it is a very bad strawman for me!� Never mind all the screenshots of arguments on Twitter—I don’t use Twitter, and I have no idea what those people are arguing about.
You contribute good discussion here, which I appreciate; so please don’t take it personally.� I did watch about the first seven minutes of this.� Although the beginning of the video is mildly witty (and within the first ninety seconds, I could see where he was going with the “Nazi Germany†schtick), Mr.�Shaun sees fit to explain the difference between the Roman Empire in the West and the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire (04:22); it fairly well sums the level of this video.� Around 06:00–07:00, he contemplates events in the late Fourth Century, related to invading Germanic tribes—centuries after the time period of which I speak, and, I will note, after the conversion to Christianity, which I argue was itself an eventual result of earlier mixing of racial stock.
In my opinion, the old Romans would never have converted to Christianity.� They worshipped their national gods; and they also worshipped the spririts of their ancestors, similarly to the traditional Chinese but in a different way.� (I intend to cover a comparison and contrast of Roman and Chinese ancestor worship on Proems; it is a fascinating parallel between these two great civilizations.)� Their fortunes were safe, as long as they held sacred their ancestors and their ancestors’ gods, and maintained their families accordingly.� Their downfall came after they mixed with other people (primarily freed slaves, not invading armies!), and the upper classes stopped reproducing, so their families died out.� I had originally raised this racial question, after a commentator cited a scholarly paper by a researcher who has previously contributed to The Unz Review; Frost’s paper had examined evidence of the genetic decline of the Romans as relates to the rise of Christianity, without considering the racial question.
In support of Revilo Oliver’s theory of significant population replacement between 100 B.C. – 100 A.D., and that Trajan and Tacitus were, so to speak, the last of the Romans, my above comment referred to a 1916 academic paper by Tenney Frank entitled, “Race Mixture in the Roman Empireâ€.� Frank’s paper opens, on the very first page, by observing evidence of mass-immigration to Rome in Cicero’s time.� Frank then notes observations by Juvenal and Tacitus.
This is hundreds of years before the time period discussed in Mr.�Shaun’s video—and it has nothing to do with invading Germanic tribes near the end of the Empire.
Jumping to pp.�702–703 [sheet 15–16 of the PDF] of Frank’s paper (note that this is “Oriental†in the context of the Near East, not the Far East):
If we may, as I think fair, infer for these towns what we found to be true at Rome, namely, that slaves were quite as prolific as the civil population, that they merged into the latter, and that Greek names betokened Oriental stock, it is evident that the whole empire was a melting-pot and that the Oriental was always and everywhere a very large part of the ore.
At p.�704 [sheet 17 of the PDF]:
But the existence of other forms of “race suicideâ€, so freely gossipped about by writers of the empire, also enters into this question, and here the inscriptions quite fail us.� Doubtless, as Fustel de Coulanges (La Cité Antique) has remarked, it could have been of little importance in the society of the republic so long as the old orthodox faith in ancestral spirits survived, for the happiness of the manes depended upon the survival of the family, and this religious incentive probably played the same rôle in the propagation of the race as the Mosaic injunctions among the Hebrews, which so impressed Tacitus in a more degenerate day of Rome.� But religious considerations and customs—which in this matter emanate from the fundamental instincts that continue the race—were questioned as all else was questioned before Augustus’s day.� Then the process of diminution began.� The significance of this whole question lies in the fact that “race suicide†then, as now, curtailed the stock of the more sophisticated, that is, of the aristocracy and the rich, who were, to a large extent, the native stock.� Juvenal, satirist though he is, may be giving a fact of some social importance when he writes that the poor bore all the burdens of family life, while the rich remained childless:
�������������������jacet aurato vix ulla puerpera lecto;
Tantum artes hujus, tantum medicamina possunt,
Quae steriles facit.¹âµThere may lie here—rare phenomenon—an historic parallel of some meaning.� The race of the human animal survives by means of instincts that shaped themselves for that purpose long before rational control came into play.� Before our day it has only been at Greece and Rome that these obstacles have had to face the obstacle of sophistication.� There at least the instinct was beaten, and the race went under.� The legislation of Augustus and his successors, while aimed at preserving the native stock, were of the myopic kind so unusual in social law-making, and, failing to reckon with the real nature of the problem involved, it utterly missed the mark.� By combining epigraphical and literary references, a fairly full history of the noble families can be procured, and this reveals a startling inability of such families to perpetuate themselves.
15. VI. 594–596.
I think it’s clear that Mr.�Shaun’s video is not relevant.�®
I like the way you put it.
the socalled BRD – Federal Republic of Germany
So, if the German people try to stand up and take control of their country, they will be put down by force just like last time, and maybe outright annihilated this time—I think that conclusion should be obvious, to any astute political observer who knows the history of the Twentieth Century.� It does not require any complicated legal arguments.� It also does not require any disputed evidence, or anything that could be accused of being a “conspiracy theoryâ€.
SR:� While Grundlagen was seized and burned in Germany by court order, and you are a fugitive from German justice for offending against your country’s censorship laws, we Americans are subject to what Harry Elmer Barnes called the “historical blackout and smotherout.â€ï¿½ Do you think Holocaust revisionism has a better chance of an initial major breakthrough in the U.S., in Germany, or elsewhere?
GR:� Holocaust revisionism must never, never succeed in Germany first.� A revisionist breakthrough in Germany regarding the Holocaust would almost certainly be followed by political revisionism, and that could very well lead to a final destruction of Germany by its “friends,†e.g. maybe with a few atom bombs.
That would be more or less equivalent to what the Allies did to Germany after World War I, when revisionism succeeded there, and was followed by political revisionism.� Holocaust revisionism must succeed in the world’s leading nation, the United States, or it will never succeed.
The Jews had so much power in the Kaiserreich, I do not see any reason but sheer hatred against the German people for any Jew to want to overthrow the Kaiser.� From a cynical perspective, why not go along for the ride, let Germany become a global economic power in competition with the British, and skim off profits on both sides through usual Jewish ways (banking and otherwise) while having a fertile environment for many Jewish businesses?� Only race-hatred and the urge to destroy could explain it, not simple selfishness.
The Jew were given full emancipation in the last Kaiserreich.� Unfortunately.
Setting aside the question of how the enemies of civilization have misappropriated and perverted the whole concept of a republic, I think that it’s interesting that a very prominent Jew proclaimed thousands of years ago that there would be a single world government, that it would be a world “democracyâ€â€”and that this was a so-called “divine planâ€.
(Republic is always a Jewish construct, just like democracy.
Republic & democracy are codenames for Jewish rule.)
Eh, I am unwilling to let the Jews own a color, all for themselves.� Surely, the Jews would want to claim a color as exclusively Jewish—just as queers try to claim the whole rainbow for their own.� In my opinion, colors belong only to Nature.
“Nazi-Germany†also used a Jewish influenced flag with the Red of blood & socialism.
Dear Raches,
a man called Haug (Dr. Matthes Haug) has proven in court everything Sylvia Stolz outlined decades before him.
Amazingly enough as a consequence Haug is no longer a taxpayer in Jewermany. The Finanzamt (am. “IRS”) has deleted him legally.
He no longer needs to pay taxes, just as the Jew pays no tax himself (bottom line).
(I assume the Jew pays nothing in the JewSA).
It seems, that the American Haug is a man called Larken Rose.
Larken Rose outlines what he calls “the most dangerous superstition”, the believe in government, authority, in the captured state and his mercenaries;
The last presidential election (JewSA) is certainly the sample par excellence. How daring! How brazen!
Fighting the tax regime of the rough state, e.g. through local cash based economy is crucial.
The rough world state is just fighting that via NCCRd – new covid cash regime digitalized.
(Do we not all know that?!)
Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöne
Without having examined his arguments, just for your own safety, I would urge caution about this sort of thing.� American political observers will understand that in the U.S., there are “tax resisters†sitting in prison after making similar types of arguments (or believing what they read on the Internet about it).� I think that some of their arguments are technically meritorious; but when the courts are a strictly controlled environment, and a part of the same thoroughly corrupt system, what do you expect?
Amazingly enough as a consequence Haug is no longer a taxpayer in Jewermany. The Finanzamt (am. "IRS") has deleted him legally.
No, the Jews pay taxes in the U.S.� Many individual Jews may be quite adept at avoiding or saving on taxes, whether legally or illegally.� But it is the same situation with Jews in every country, including Germany; and when the corrupt tax systems of corrupt governments are essentially de facto systems of slavery, I’d guess that some shrewder Gentiles may adapt by developing the same skills at minimizing their tax burdens.� Of course, for those who keep it legal, it’s probably easier for Jews to work with the Jewish tax lawyers and Jewish accountants who stereotypically predominate in those professions.
(I assume the Jew pays nothing in the JewSA).
For the future in which Adolf Hitler will take his proper place in history—and people will admire Germans who take pride in their nation and their history:
Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöne
I like the way you put it.
the socalled BRD – Federal Republic of Germany
So, if the German people try to stand up and take control of their country, they will be put down by force just like last time, and maybe outright annihilated this time—I think that conclusion should be obvious, to any astute political observer who knows the history of the Twentieth Century.� It does not require any complicated legal arguments.� It also does not require any disputed evidence, or anything that could be accused of being a “conspiracy theoryâ€.
SR:� While Grundlagen was seized and burned in Germany by court order, and you are a fugitive from German justice for offending against your country’s censorship laws, we Americans are subject to what Harry Elmer Barnes called the “historical blackout and smotherout.â€ï¿½ Do you think Holocaust revisionism has a better chance of an initial major breakthrough in the U.S., in Germany, or elsewhere?
GR:� Holocaust revisionism must never, never succeed in Germany first.� A revisionist breakthrough in Germany regarding the Holocaust would almost certainly be followed by political revisionism, and that could very well lead to a final destruction of Germany by its “friends,†e.g. maybe with a few atom bombs.
That would be more or less equivalent to what the Allies did to Germany after World War I, when revisionism succeeded there, and was followed by political revisionism.� Holocaust revisionism must succeed in the world’s leading nation, the United States, or it will never succeed.
The Jews had so much power in the Kaiserreich, I do not see any reason but sheer hatred against the German people for any Jew to want to overthrow the Kaiser.� From a cynical perspective, why not go along for the ride, let Germany become a global economic power in competition with the British, and skim off profits on both sides through usual Jewish ways (banking and otherwise) while having a fertile environment for many Jewish businesses?� Only race-hatred and the urge to destroy could explain it, not simple selfishness.
The Jew were given full emancipation in the last Kaiserreich.� Unfortunately.
Setting aside the question of how the enemies of civilization have misappropriated and perverted the whole concept of a republic, I think that it’s interesting that a very prominent Jew proclaimed thousands of years ago that there would be a single world government, that it would be a world “democracyâ€â€”and that this was a so-called “divine planâ€.
(Republic is always a Jewish construct, just like democracy.
Republic & democracy are codenames for Jewish rule.)
Eh, I am unwilling to let the Jews own a color, all for themselves.� Surely, the Jews would want to claim a color as exclusively Jewish—just as queers try to claim the whole rainbow for their own.� In my opinion, colors belong only to Nature.
“Nazi-Germany†also used a Jewish influenced flag with the Red of blood & socialism.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
If you are interested, here it is:
On a related note, China is known for its ability to absorb foreign peoples, influences and ideas. Peoples, ideas, religions are all mixed into the Sinic melting pot and turned into something uniquely Chinese. My guess is this ability to absorb the foreign that is one of the keys to China’s longevity and durability.
Mr.�Shaun’s video is quite irrelevant to anything that I said.� It is a good example of why I rarely ever watch these types of videos (although I am now learning to make some videos of my own type; and I have recently embedded a few technical conference videos); and since it says around 04:09 that it extends a reply to Stefan Molyneux, it is a very bad strawman for me!� Never mind all the screenshots of arguments on Twitter—I don’t use Twitter, and I have no idea what those people are arguing about.You contribute good discussion here, which I appreciate; so please don’t take it personally.� I did watch about the first seven minutes of this.� Although the beginning of the video is mildly witty (and within the first ninety seconds, I could see where he was going with the “Nazi Germany†schtick), Mr.�Shaun sees fit to explain the difference between the Roman Empire in the West and the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire (04:22); it fairly well sums the level of this video.� Around 06:00–07:00, he contemplates events in the late Fourth Century, related to invading Germanic tribes—centuries after the time period of which I speak, and, I will note, after the conversion to Christianity, which I argue was itself an eventual result of earlier mixing of racial stock.In my opinion, the old Romans would never have converted to Christianity.� They worshipped their national gods; and they also worshipped the spririts of their ancestors, similarly to the traditional Chinese but in a different way.� (I intend to cover a comparison and contrast of Roman and Chinese ancestor worship on Proems; it is a fascinating parallel between these two great civilizations.)� Their fortunes were safe, as long as they held sacred their ancestors and their ancestors’ gods, and maintained their families accordingly.� Their downfall came after they mixed with other people (primarily freed slaves, not invading armies!), and the upper classes stopped reproducing, so their families died out.� I had originally raised this racial question, after a commentator cited a scholarly paper by a researcher who has previously contributed to The Unz Review; Frost’s paper had examined evidence of the genetic decline of the Romans as relates to the rise of Christianity, without considering the racial question.In support of Revilo Oliver’s theory of significant population replacement between 100 B.C. – 100 A.D., and that Trajan and Tacitus were, so to speak, the last of the Romans, my above comment referred to a 1916 academic paper by Tenney Frank entitled, “Race Mixture in the Roman Empireâ€.� Frank’s paper opens, on the very first page, by observing evidence of mass-immigration to Rome in Cicero’s time.� Frank then notes observations by Juvenal and Tacitus.This is hundreds of years before the time period discussed in Mr.�Shaun’s video—and it has nothing to do with invading Germanic tribes near the end of the Empire.Jumping to pp.�702–703 [sheet 15–16 of the PDF] of Frank’s paper (note that this is “Oriental†in the context of the Near East, not the Far East):I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
At p.�704 [sheet 17 of the PDF]:
If we may, as I think fair, infer for these towns what we found to be true at Rome, namely, that slaves were quite as prolific as the civil population, that they merged into the latter, and that Greek names betokened Oriental stock, it is evident that the whole empire was a melting-pot and that the Oriental was always and everywhere a very large part of the ore.
I think it’s clear that Mr.�Shaun’s video is not relevant.�®Replies: @littlereddot
But the existence of other forms of “race suicideâ€, so freely gossipped about by writers of the empire, also enters into this question, and here the inscriptions quite fail us.� Doubtless, as Fustel de Coulanges (La Cité Antique) has remarked, it could have been of little importance in the society of the republic so long as the old orthodox faith in ancestral spirits survived, for the happiness of the manes depended upon the survival of the family, and this religious incentive probably played the same rôle in the propagation of the race as the Mosaic injunctions among the Hebrews, which so impressed Tacitus in a more degenerate day of Rome.� But religious considerations and customs—which in this matter emanate from the fundamental instincts that continue the race—were questioned as all else was questioned before Augustus’s day.� Then the process of diminution began.� The significance of this whole question lies in the fact that “race suicide†then, as now, curtailed the stock of the more sophisticated, that is, of the aristocracy and the rich, who were, to a large extent, the native stock.� Juvenal, satirist though he is, may be giving a fact of some social importance when he writes that the poor bore all the burdens of family life, while the rich remained childless:There may lie here—rare phenomenon—an historic parallel of some meaning.� The race of the human animal survives by means of instincts that shaped themselves for that purpose long before rational control came into play.� Before our day it has only been at Greece and Rome that these obstacles have had to face the obstacle of sophistication.� There at least the instinct was beaten, and the race went under.� The legislation of Augustus and his successors, while aimed at preserving the native stock, were of the myopic kind so unusual in social law-making, and, failing to reckon with the real nature of the problem involved, it utterly missed the mark.� By combining epigraphical and literary references, a fairly full history of the noble families can be procured, and this reveals a startling inability of such families to perpetuate themselves.——————————
�������������������jacet aurato vix ulla puerpera lecto;
Tantum artes hujus, tantum medicamina possunt,
Quae steriles facit.¹âµ
15. VI. 594–596.
https://www.unz.com/proems/haas-ancestor-worship-romans-chinese/Incidentally, apropos this topic, I think that the book thereby referenced could do much to lessen the moral-universalist warmongering that plagues the modern world.� The difference of minds should be studied, and not only as between East and West—more generally.� People should understand that other peoples’ minds work differently than their own, such that they will not try to impose their own ways of life on each other.� The Americans, in particular, have the idiotic notion that the “American way of life†is the One True Way; and if you don’t adopt it yourself, then you must be bombed into “liberationâ€.� For your own good, of course!Set aside, for the moment, the problem that the American way isn’t working out so well even for Americans.� Assume for the sake of argument that Americans are happy, successful people living in peace and domestic harmony in their own country.� Even if that were so, the Americans should understand that, for example, the Chinese really are different people, with deeply different thought processes—and the Chinese accordingly must run their own country the Chinese way, not the American way.� Mutatis mutandis, the same principle can be generalized to every other nation in whose affairs the Americans insufferably, oft very violently meddle.�®
(I intend to cover a comparison and contrast of Roman and Chinese ancestor worship on Proems; it is a fascinating parallel between these two great civilizations.)
Notes on the German Plight� (etc.)
the socalled BRD – Federal Republic of Germany
I like the way you put it.
Not specifically in reply to your comment, but some points I have been wanting to raise about the predicament in which the German people are trapped:
What do you think of the legal analysis by Sylvia Stolz about “OMF-BRD�� I do not have the requisite specialist legal scholarship to pass judgment on her theories, which invoke complicated questions of law and treaty; but I accord her the respect that she deserves, both for her intellectual credibility and, most of all, for her personal courage.� And for other reasons, which I will summarize presently, the gravamen of her conclusions seems obvious to me:� The Germans are held on an American leash, unable to take control of their own country.
Otherwise, I am often cautious of some of the claims that I find on the far-right (including the German far-right).� For example, I do not think that the claims about the “Kanzlerakte†are adequately substantiated (although I do not consider it disproved, either).� I am especially cautious, because such things could originate as enemy disinformation used to discredit people who are fighting for their existence.� And it is unnecessary to rely on such things!� In my opinion, it is always best in principle, for the truth, and strategically wisest to attack from the high ground, with solid, irrefutable evidence from unimpeachable sources.� This is a general point; and you will see that I apply it generally.� Thus, my enemies cannot smear me as a “conspiracy theorist†unless they lie about me, and make their own conspiracy theories about me—which I can then show for what they are.
It is why I push the point that, in fact—in undisputed, indisputable fact!—Germany is an occupied country.� When there are permanent U.S. military bases on Germany soil, which were built by soldiers who invaded very violently and overthrew the legitimate German government, anyone who denies that Germany is under military occupation has lost contact with reality.
Claims that the Germans now invite and agree to the American military presence are manifest absurdities with no credibility:� How can the Germans freely invite a foreign enemy who conquered them to keep an army on their soil, when they have the same foreign army on their soil?� Did they ever have any realistic chance to refuse?� Indeed, to the contrary:� Didn’t affirmatively they refuse this in the very strongest terms, by fighting a long war against it?� Need I provide a citation to show that WWII happened, and Americans entered Germany as enemies?� Or can consent now be legitimately obtained by applying force until consent is given?
If, in peacetime, with no foreign military occupation, with a government that had not been initially installed under forcible American authority, the Germans had one day just decided to invite the Americans to come in and build American military bases, then I would say that they agreed to it.� (I would also say they were total idiots.)� I don’t think anyone tries to claim that that’s what happened, or anything even remotely like it.� As such, it is a transparent “protection†racket, not different than a mafioso who claims that the stores in his neighborhood “invite†his thugs to make sure “nothing bad happensâ€.
When the fact of a hostile foreign army invading and remaining on German soil is combined with the Enemy State Clause, plus American official propaganda that openly declared from the outset that, in substantial effect, their army would remain for as long as necessary to force the Germans to discard their traditions, the illusion of an “independent†German government is a palpable sham.� (I will be documenting what I just said on my blog—with reliance on “official†and otherwise “mainstream†sources, and no contentious or disputed evidence, and with other arguments similarly supported.)
From another angle, some Germans dare to say what should be readily apparent to any rational observer.� When I first began to investigate these topics some years ago, I was impressed by these relatively obscure remarks in a 1999 interview with Germar Rudolf:
SR:� While Grundlagen was seized and burned in Germany by court order, and you are a fugitive from German justice for offending against your country’s censorship laws, we Americans are subject to what Harry Elmer Barnes called the “historical blackout and smotherout.â€ï¿½ Do you think Holocaust revisionism has a better chance of an initial major breakthrough in the U.S., in Germany, or elsewhere?
GR:� Holocaust revisionism must never, never succeed in Germany first.� A revisionist breakthrough in Germany regarding the Holocaust would almost certainly be followed by political revisionism, and that could very well lead to a final destruction of Germany by its “friends,†e.g. maybe with a few atom bombs.
That would be more or less equivalent to what the Allies did to Germany after World War I, when revisionism succeeded there, and was followed by political revisionism.� Holocaust revisionism must succeed in the world’s leading nation, the United States, or it will never succeed.
So, if the German people try to stand up and take control of their country, they will be put down by force just like last time, and maybe outright annihilated this time—I think that conclusion should be obvious, to any astute political observer who knows the history of the Twentieth Century.� It does not require any complicated legal arguments.� It also does not require any disputed evidence, or anything that could be accused of being a “conspiracy theoryâ€.
Herr�Knispel, re-arranging this quote for better flow of my reply:
The Jew were given full emancipation in the last Kaiserreich.� Unfortunately.
The Jews had so much power in the Kaiserreich, I do not see any reason but sheer hatred against the German people for any Jew to want to overthrow the Kaiser.� From a cynical perspective, why not go along for the ride, let Germany become a global economic power in competition with the British, and skim off profits on both sides through usual Jewish ways (banking and otherwise) while having a fertile environment for many Jewish businesses?� Only race-hatred and the urge to destroy could explain it, not simple selfishness.
(Republic is always a Jewish construct, just like democracy.
Republic & democracy are codenames for Jewish rule.)
Setting aside the question of how the enemies of civilization have misappropriated and perverted the whole concept of a republic, I think that it’s interesting that a very prominent Jew proclaimed thousands of years ago that there would be a single world government, that it would be a world “democracyâ€â€”and that this was a so-called “divine planâ€.
I will blog it sometime, with references.� Although I am careful about difficult-to-prove theories, it is just the sort of thing that makes me wonder what I was not taught in “history†class.
“Nazi-Germany†also used a Jewish influenced flag with the Red of blood & socialism.
Eh, I am unwilling to let the Jews own a color, all for themselves.� Surely, the Jews would want to claim a color as exclusively Jewish—just as queers try to claim the whole rainbow for their own.� In my opinion, colors belong only to Nature.
I think that among other talents, Hitler was a grandmaster of semiotics.� He seized many Jewish mind-weapons, powerful symbols and powerful substance, and turned them around to free the German people.� Replacing Jewish International Socialism (Communism) with German National Socialism, conquering the enemy Red Flag by stamping in the middle of it an Aryan symbol in black and white—such things drive the Jews crazy!
I explain this because you will see that in my own way, and sometimes quite differently than him, I strive to do similarly:� Take the weapons of my enemies,¹ and use them against my enemies.� I learned this pattern, in the abstract, by studying the 1920s German struggle; and it is a conscious goal that I have referenced somewhere.
I strive also to master, as Hitler did, what has sometimes been called the “political alphabet†(a term that perhaps you may recognize), which is almost impossible to a non-Jew who was not raised in a royal family or the old upper-nobility.� In essence, how to hold the levers of power—for the political is more art than science.� One who thinks too simplistically can spend twenty years reading political philosophy without comprehending this.
Something else that may interest you:� The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.� In another thread on Proems, there has been some discussion of this; according to some scholars, the old-stock ethnic Romans suffered self-inflicted population replacement; and this happened a long time before “Rome†converted to worship Jewish gods.�®
1. Not to be confused with that:� I also sometimes outright troll the Jews with Judaica, and even with some bits of Hebrew, artfully applied; but that largely has a different purpose.� I know that for the Jewish activists who come here to hunt for evil “antisemitesâ€, it will inflict emotional agony when they see Haman call Amalek a tzaddik, etc.� How dare such a wicked goy touch Jewish things, or even know them!� I do not intend it to offend Mr.�Unz, and I doubt that he even knows what I am talking about.
I recently watched a good video addressing this issue by Shaun. In a nutshell what he posits is that immigration per se is not the problem. Indeed immigration if handled well can be a benefit for the society. It is only when incoming people are not integrated well that problems start to arise.
The decline of ancient Rome was, as usual, a race problem.
Moderation Note
Thanks for your support, and for the information that you state.� I let through a comment from “apollonian†in reply to you, because you made an accusation against him, and he denied it.� In fairness, I thought that I should let his response be published on the record.� Since then, I have saved you and my other readers from a number of his illegible, illogical screeds, which are generally unwelcome here.
I take this opportunity to give notice that I quietly banned “geokat62â€.� Mr.�Geokat’s comments are often spam-filtered—I wonder why!� Digging around in the trash about a week ago, I discovered, via one of Mr.�Geokat’s spamfiltered comments, that another commentator whom he had claimed to be me on the basis that we both know English words had a prior history of defending the rapist-murderer Leo Frank.
On principle, I have a well-known policy of never admitting or denying accusations of alternate identities.� I do not admit or deny Mr.�Geokat’s accusation.� However, I will say that find it outrageous and extremely offensive to be accused of being a crackpot who defended Leo Frank here.� For the crime against me of knowingly accusing me being someone who defended Leo Frank, Mr.�Geokat is banned from Proems.
I provide this note now because he continues to pepper this thread with stuff that never gets published.� I am letting through his latest comment as his last one here, just to show readers that nothing of value is lost.�®
Thanks for your substantial reply.� I am still mulling this…
This is an important line of discussion; and from my own perspective, I face two problems.� I admit that I am out of my depth with Far Eastern history; it is why I ask these questions.� And more generally, there are certain issues that must be approached first and foremost with a ruthless, dispassionate scholarly objectivity.� This is difficult when it is entwined with a political discussion, where a diplomatic approach is necessary to avoid offending the national honor of several peoples whom I respect.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of since the Chinese one, usually held their own militarily, two, held very high positions in those foreign dynasties.� And every race on earth has been one time or another been subjugated and the Chinese have proven to be possibly the most resilient.
I agree with this.� In the abstract, by analogy of military conquest and cultural influence, what you posit is essentially similar to how no Japanese should take offense to someone pointing out that the Japanese imported from China the Han writing system, and many Chinese cultural elements.� And no German should take offense to contemplate how, from the Renaissance, the Germans imported many elements of classical, pre-Christian culture from Greece and Rome; indeed, Hitler was proud of how the Germans picked up the mantle of Western civilization.� For their part, the ancient Greeks respected Egyptian civilization for its great antiquity, even if it was alien to them—and they eventually conquered it, resulting in the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the flowering of Hellenistic culture at Alexandria, Egypt.
And I don’t know of any neighbors, each proud and more or less powerful peoples, who lived alongside each other for a very long time without ever fighting any wars between them.
On another note—for the same general point, not to open this debate with you here—I suggest that if you still accept Shire, et al. as authoritative about history, perhaps consider that (as littlereddot said a few times), history is written by the victors.� —Just as much of modern Japanese “history†was “written†by American warmongers, who generally traduce and insult China except when they find it convenient to praise China, so that they can provoke conflicts with Japan—the Japan whom they nuke, insult, and then claim as their “friendsâ€.� As all of the great nations revisit and review their histories to correct distortions and falsehoods from the lie-propaganda of their mutual enemies, the prospect for peace increases.
I thank you again for the information you provided me about my racial question.� Sometimes, when I have tried to ask such questions before, I have been beset by unintelligent responses from all over the political spectrum—with conclusions not authorized by the scholarly evidence, ranging from insults to the Chinese to liberal promotion of race-mixing.� It is good to have a higher quality of discussion about this.� I look forward to continuing this discussion with you, in this thread and/or elsewhere, as I learn more about the subject.�®
[How did you read Herr�Knispel’s comment completely backwards?� You think he suggested that the Jews will delete the Abrahamic religions—what, that the Jews will delete Judaism?� Yes, the Noahides are a problem—and an example of one of many ways in which the Jews use their religions, plural, to subvert and destroy all peoples.� Anyway, please take notice that you are banned here.� Bye.� —Raches.�®]
But some white souls are bound to fight on till all 4 religions of Abraham are deleted.
Deleted? That’s not how the Hollywood scriptwriters envisioned the “ending†to this never ending movie. Rather than delete the Abrahamic religions, they will be merged into one, with the Noahide religion being a subsidiary to the Mosaic one.
Concluding paragraph to The messianic Zionist religion whose believers worship Judaism (but can’t practice it) – Jewish World:
The final goal of Rabbi Cherki and the Noahide World Center, we are told, is a modest one: seven billion believers.
Since you care to know (?):
The current flag of the socalled BRD – Federal Republic of Germany – is as you described upside down.
Militarily is a flag turned upside down a signal of distress.
(Republic is always a Jewish construct, just like democracy.
Republic & democracy are codenames for Jewish rule.)
(The current downside stems from the “revolution” in 1848 (in effect comparable to the French Revolution – the revolt and takeover through the Jew in Paris etc.)
At the Hambacher Fest (1832) the flag was still flown correctly with black at the bottom.
Here are sources you might be looking for (?):
Our true colors do and can not contain the Red, only White/Black.
White being the light, the truth; black the soil, the labouring, the fight with darkness (everything the Jew stands for);
“Nazi-Germany” also used a Jewish influenced flag with the Red of blood & socialism.
Germany und with it White Man lost the day he stopped killing and/or kicking out infiltrating Jews and their Rome compatriots. (Hitler believed in Rome till it was too late).
The Jew were given full emancipation in the last Kaiserreich. Unfortunately.
We have lost.
But some white souls are bound to fight on till all 4 religions of Abraham are deleted.
Deleted? That’s not how the Hollywood scriptwriters envisioned the “ending†to this never ending movie. Rather than delete the Abrahamic religions, they will be merged into one, with the Noahide religion being a subsidiary to the Mosaic one. Concluding paragraph to The messianic Zionist religion whose believers worship Judaism (but can’t practice it) – Jewish World:
But some white souls are bound to fight on till all 4 religions of Abraham are deleted.
The final goal of Rabbi Cherki and the Noahide World Center, we are told, is a modest one: seven billion believers.https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144
I like the way you put it.
the socalled BRD – Federal Republic of Germany
So, if the German people try to stand up and take control of their country, they will be put down by force just like last time, and maybe outright annihilated this time—I think that conclusion should be obvious, to any astute political observer who knows the history of the Twentieth Century.� It does not require any complicated legal arguments.� It also does not require any disputed evidence, or anything that could be accused of being a “conspiracy theoryâ€.
SR:� While Grundlagen was seized and burned in Germany by court order, and you are a fugitive from German justice for offending against your country’s censorship laws, we Americans are subject to what Harry Elmer Barnes called the “historical blackout and smotherout.â€ï¿½ Do you think Holocaust revisionism has a better chance of an initial major breakthrough in the U.S., in Germany, or elsewhere?
GR:� Holocaust revisionism must never, never succeed in Germany first.� A revisionist breakthrough in Germany regarding the Holocaust would almost certainly be followed by political revisionism, and that could very well lead to a final destruction of Germany by its “friends,†e.g. maybe with a few atom bombs.
That would be more or less equivalent to what the Allies did to Germany after World War I, when revisionism succeeded there, and was followed by political revisionism.� Holocaust revisionism must succeed in the world’s leading nation, the United States, or it will never succeed.
The Jews had so much power in the Kaiserreich, I do not see any reason but sheer hatred against the German people for any Jew to want to overthrow the Kaiser.� From a cynical perspective, why not go along for the ride, let Germany become a global economic power in competition with the British, and skim off profits on both sides through usual Jewish ways (banking and otherwise) while having a fertile environment for many Jewish businesses?� Only race-hatred and the urge to destroy could explain it, not simple selfishness.
The Jew were given full emancipation in the last Kaiserreich.� Unfortunately.
Setting aside the question of how the enemies of civilization have misappropriated and perverted the whole concept of a republic, I think that it’s interesting that a very prominent Jew proclaimed thousands of years ago that there would be a single world government, that it would be a world “democracyâ€â€”and that this was a so-called “divine planâ€.
(Republic is always a Jewish construct, just like democracy.
Republic & democracy are codenames for Jewish rule.)
Eh, I am unwilling to let the Jews own a color, all for themselves.� Surely, the Jews would want to claim a color as exclusively Jewish—just as queers try to claim the whole rainbow for their own.� In my opinion, colors belong only to Nature.
“Nazi-Germany†also used a Jewish influenced flag with the Red of blood & socialism.
Your outstanding effort and fight for truth is highly respected and honored.
Thank you for your kind words.
I had intended to reply here with a link to a forthcoming blog post; alas, it is delayed by my perfectionism, a trait that a German may understand.� I will follow up here later.
In the interim, if you are not already familiar with his work as you well may be, I recommend to you the later writings of Revilo P. Oliver, an American patriot who became an American dissident, and who, as a non-German, had a great influence for the postwar cause of the Germans.
In the above article, I quoted from Professor Oliver’s expression of American war guilt, from one of his articles in Herr George Dietz’s Liberty Bell.� I think that that’s especially significant, since, despite his vehement disgust for Roosevelt, a younger Oliver had loyally served his country doing cryptanalysis work against the Axis; I can only imagine what horror he must have felt personally.� I have also noticed that Mr.�Unz quoted from Professor Oliver’s declaration that “the foul murders at Nuremberg†had “brought on the American people an indelible shameâ€, as he said in his political memoir.
Amidst the broad range of topics in his Liberty Bell articles, one of Professor Oliver’s recurring themes was the wartime heroism of the German people, the sham of the Holohoax, and the injustice that the Germans were, as he put it, punished for wanting to have their own country.� (He was also one of the only authors who dared to express sympathy for Frau Magda Goebbels; accordingly, I sometimes quote him in my memorials to the Goebbels family.)� This carries special weight:� He himself had been on the other side of the War, he was not a German, and he was a retired university professor, a scholar of authoritative intellect and unimpeachable character.� He could have had no plausible motive but to tell the truth as he saw it.� And he was objective in his view of history; he sometimes respectfully criticized Hitler for his mistakes—e.g., Hitler’s too-trusting nature and almost blind personal loyalty to his early supporters, which were exploited by the traitor Canaris.
Taken as a whole, I think that Professor Oliver’s opinions must have a profound effect—as he did on me.� Although I am independent, and I would not call myself an Oliverian, I generally account him as one of my greatest intellectual influences; and I have quoted him extensively in my commentary at The Unz Review.� I will be covering more Oliverian topics on Proems in the future.
Heil!� And if you feel lost in these dark times, please remember the motto of Hans-Ulrich Rudel, which sustained him personally even in desperate circumstances, and with which he concluded his war memoir:� “Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!â€ï¿½ (It is not the first time that I have quoted that here.)� Few situations are truly insurmountable; please keep alive the German spirit which, with my long-term view, I believe must someday be historically vindicated, if civilization is ever to be revived.�®
There's been quite a burst of recent discussion on that Chinese academic and his large influence in the current government, including regarding his 1991 book America Against America.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians.
Thanks, this is great!
I shall be reading it tonight!
There's been quite a burst of recent discussion on that Chinese academic and his large influence in the current government, including regarding his 1991 book America Against America.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians.
Thank you, Mr.�Unz.
Since this book was written in 1991, I wonder how Wang’s thought has developed.� Having briefly, somewhat superficially skimmed about half of his book thus far, a number of things jumped out at me.� I will reserve comment on most of that for now; maybe I missed something.
I noticed a statement that reflects widespread observations by non-Americans (and a few more intelligent Americans) about America.� It seems obvious to me, and I quite agree with it, altough it seems to be a syntactically ambiguous translation, sandwiched between statements that are much more positive towards America:
There is a nightmarish belief that they despise other nations and peoples almost to the point of paranoia.� They believe that their country is superior and that they are superior to others, and this sense of superiority produces a natural sense of mission and a belief that they are the highest hope of the world.
Now, I look to what seems to be an important recurring theme in this book:� Wang’s view of politics and technology.
In the context of discussing “the American belief that nothing is impossible and that we will not rest until we have won it all,†Wang says:
However, this belief can also be alienating. This belief drives Americans to come up with solutions to the problems they face, resulting in a high level of scientific and technological development, but the high level of scientific and technological development is often followed by the illusion that it is not man who ultimately solves the problem, but rather that science and technology become the ultimate power and man becomes its slave.
He shortly thereafter observes:
An important direction for humanity in the twentieth century is the high integration of politics and technology.� Politics without technology cannot be a strong politics, and of course, technology without politics cannot be a strong technology.
As a result of this combination of technology and politics, technology itself has been alienated.� This phenomenon is particularly stark in the United States.� Sometimes it is not the people who master the technology, but the technology that masters the people.� If you want to overwhelm the Americans, you must do one thing: surpass them in science and technology.� For many peoples it is different; having technology does not work; there must also be cultural, psychological and sociological conditions.
It is a theme to which he returns repeatedly, stating much later in another chapter:
[…] Whereas earlier advocates of the use of technology did not explicitly realize that they would become a means of managing people, today the application of technology has become one of society’s most powerful means of managing people.� To a large extent, American society is governed by technological processes.� People obey technology more than they obey politics.� Technological development has broken society into tiny interconnected spheres, one for each individual. […]
The radicals criticize this phenomenon as alienation, which can be valid from a human point of view.� But no society can do without science and technology, and the logic of science and technology is inevitable.� Valuing science and technology, admiring it, applying it, it is obvious that this is not just a productive, economic, or purely technical issue.� Therefore, while developing science and technology, I am afraid that the problem to think about is not that simple.� Everything has good and bad, the key is to make a choice under what historical conditions, and how to coordinate after the choice.
This is closer to my thinking than some of the other things I noticed on other issues.� As a self-declared antimodern atavism who embraces technology, I am aggrieved to find that some commentators who are completely ignorant of the technology reject it on a basis that, “remember J.R.R. Tolkien’s moral: it is futile to try to turn a device against the purpose of its maker. Electronics were created by the globalists; they will always serve their purpose.â€ï¿½ Whereas I strive to do exactly what is stated in the ultimate sentence of the above quote:� Apply my antimodern Weltanschauung to changed historical conditions, consciously choosing how to use technology (and my own talents for it).� To do otherwise would be to disarm myself against formidable adversaries—and I do think that technology can be applied for the greater good.
Given that Wang is so influential in China, his thinking from 1991 may shed some light on the brilliant rise of China as a technological power.
One of the first things that jumped out at me was that Wang devoted one of his short chapters to the Amish, with the astute observation:
This [the Amish] is a real social phenomenon worth thinking about.� In the heart of the modernized world, there is such a group of people who refuse to be modernized.� Their remoteness is not in the geographical area, but in the spiritual world.� They are voluntarily isolated from modernization.� From this we can draw an opinion that if people refuse modernization in the spiritual sphere, then it is difficult for modernization to invade them.� This phenomenon can be seen in different societies.� The real driving force of modernization is in the inner world of people.
Unsurprisingly, this was followed by a chapter about the Amana community, which immediately brought to my mind a comparison and contrast with “THE END OF COMMUNISM†(a trick title that I hereby quote in all-capitals for a reason), R.�P. Oliver, Liberty Bell, January 1989, pp.�8–14 (discussion of Amana itself begins at p.�12, with mention of its antecdents in eighteenth-century Inspirationists in Hessen-Darmstadt).
An author who sought to contextualize such oddities outside the American mainstream was undoubtedly seeking a deep understanding of America—to learn what makes the Americans tick, as the idiom goes.� Although I think that Wang may have missed some important points of American historical development, he achieved a deep understanding on the key point of technology in American society:� The power that Americans have achieved with technology, and also, the detriments that they have brought themselves with it.� Seeing this point of focus in Wang’s thinking from three decades ago may give, in turn, some insight into China today—and China tomorrow.
In my mind’s eye, I idly compare and contrast this with Spengler’s view of “technics 
The foregoing is just a hasty first impression, dashed out at a glance.� I look forward further to examining this book.�®
There's been quite a burst of recent discussion on that Chinese academic and his large influence in the current government, including regarding his 1991 book America Against America.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians.
Chinese government regulators announced a “heightened crackdown†intended to dispense with “vulgar internet celebrities†promoting lascivious lifestyles and to “resolve the problem of chaos†created by online fandom culture.
Shocking to western permissives that Chinese authorities actually act like grownups.
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me. So if my definition of Marxism is correct and only deals with economics, then it makes it a good fit for the deeply ingrained Confucian attitudes of the Chinese. Confucianism was NOT concerned about economic systems, and was primarily concerned with the way the state and its constituent components function relating to each other, morality and self improvement. This compatibility I speculate, is one of the reasons why the mainland China so easily embraced the CPC. If you are familiar with the Chinese mindset, then you will know that they are above all, a very practical people. They have no problems mixing and matching what they find useful from disparate schools of thought.So I look at Wang Huning's influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians. For now the CPC finds it convenient to call this love child of Marx and Confucius "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". I wonder what they will call it in a hundred years?At this point, I do admit that I have some sympathy for Marx's criticism of capitalism as it is a very useful tool to understand and avoid the excesses of cut-throat capitalism. We only have to look at the USA to see what the worship of capitalism can lead to.
The question, which is reasonable on its face: Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
On Hitler, I cannot argue with you.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians.
There’s been quite a burst of recent discussion on that Chinese academic and his large influence in the current government, including regarding his 1991 book America Against America.
Apparently, it’s never been officially translated into English and isn’t available on Amazon, but someone found an English PDF somewhere on the Internet. Normally, I’m pretty cautious about copyright issues, but given the lack of other availability, I spent a couple of hours producing a much more convenient HTML version for people to read, which I’m here making available on a Fair Use grounds:
I’ll be glad to remove it if Mr. Wang or his representatives request.
Shocking to western permissives that Chinese authorities actually act like grownups.
Chinese government regulators announced a “heightened crackdown†intended to dispense with “vulgar internet celebrities†promoting lascivious lifestyles and to “resolve the problem of chaos†created by online fandom culture.
Now, I look to what seems to be an important recurring theme in this book:� Wang’s view of politics and technology.
There is a nightmarish belief that they despise other nations and peoples almost to the point of paranoia.� They believe that their country is superior and that they are superior to others, and this sense of superiority produces a natural sense of mission and a belief that they are the highest hope of the world.
He shortly thereafter observes:
However, this belief can also be alienating. This belief drives Americans to come up with solutions to the problems they face, resulting in a high level of scientific and technological development, but the high level of scientific and technological development is often followed by the illusion that it is not man who ultimately solves the problem, but rather that science and technology become the ultimate power and man becomes its slave.
It is a theme to which he returns repeatedly, stating much later in another chapter:
An important direction for humanity in the twentieth century is the high integration of politics and technology.� Politics without technology cannot be a strong politics, and of course, technology without politics cannot be a strong technology.
As a result of this combination of technology and politics, technology itself has been alienated.� This phenomenon is particularly stark in the United States.� Sometimes it is not the people who master the technology, but the technology that masters the people.� If you want to overwhelm the Americans, you must do one thing: surpass them in science and technology.� For many peoples it is different; having technology does not work; there must also be cultural, psychological and sociological conditions.
This is closer to my thinking than some of the other things I noticed on other issues.� As a self-declared antimodern atavism who embraces technology, I am aggrieved to find that some commentators who are completely ignorant of the technology reject it on a basis that, “remember J.R.R. Tolkien’s moral: it is futile to try to turn a device against the purpose of its maker. Electronics were created by the globalists; they will always serve their purpose.â€ï¿½ Whereas I strive to do exactly what is stated in the ultimate sentence of the above quote:� Apply my antimodern Weltanschauung to changed historical conditions, consciously choosing how to use technology (and my own talents for it).� To do otherwise would be to disarm myself against formidable adversaries—and I do think that technology can be applied for the greater good.
[...] Whereas earlier advocates of the use of technology did not explicitly realize that they would become a means of managing people, today the application of technology has become one of society’s most powerful means of managing people.� To a large extent, American society is governed by technological processes.� People obey technology more than they obey politics.� Technological development has broken society into tiny interconnected spheres, one for each individual. [...]
The radicals criticize this phenomenon as alienation, which can be valid from a human point of view.� But no society can do without science and technology, and the logic of science and technology is inevitable.� Valuing science and technology, admiring it, applying it, it is obvious that this is not just a productive, economic, or purely technical issue.� Therefore, while developing science and technology, I am afraid that the problem to think about is not that simple.� Everything has good and bad, the key is to make a choice under what historical conditions, and how to coordinate after the choice.
Unsurprisingly, this was followed by a chapter about the Amana community, which immediately brought to my mind a comparison and contrast with “THE END OF COMMUNISM†(a trick title that I hereby quote in all-capitals for a reason), R.�P. Oliver, Liberty Bell, January 1989, pp.�8–14 (discussion of Amana itself begins at p.�12, with mention of its antecdents in eighteenth-century Inspirationists in Hessen-Darmstadt).
This [the Amish] is a real social phenomenon worth thinking about.� In the heart of the modernized world, there is such a group of people who refuse to be modernized.� Their remoteness is not in the geographical area, but in the spiritual world.� They are voluntarily isolated from modernization.� From this we can draw an opinion that if people refuse modernization in the spiritual sphere, then it is difficult for modernization to invade them.� This phenomenon can be seen in different societies.� The real driving force of modernization is in the inner world of people.
Xianbei é²œå‘ holds an important in Chinese history as they co-founded the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties. But unlike the later Altaic peoples, Mongols, Khitans, Manchus, they left no written records. We know that they spoke a proto-Mongolic language and came from what’s now northern Manchuria. They were a very martial people and intermarried with Hans to form the powerful 关陇集团 Northwestern Military Aristocracy (based near today’s Xi’an).
Their racial identity is probably similar to Mongols maybe slightly more Caucasoid. But based on archaeogenetics, its a hard soup to untangle.
Mongoloids are mostly y-haplogroup O, but also significantly C, N, Q, D. The Tang founders, in some sources are type N which originated in southern Manchuria, spread across northern Eurasia and today 60 percent of Finns, northern Russians, and small amounts in E. Asians.
So there’s a lot pre-historical population movement across the Eurasian Steppe that we can only discern from archaeogenetics, I’ve commented here on 1, 2 origin of light hair/eyes in Siberia, Ancient North Eurasians, and possible Yamnaya lineage in Japanese and Chinese.
Even though Ancient North Eurasians left little lineage in modern East Asians. Light hair eyes were no uncommon in Chinese history. In the poem 《佛日山è£é•¿è€æ–¹ä¸ˆäº”ç»ã€‹by Song scholar-official Su Shi è‹è½¼, there’s a verse 何处霜眉碧眼客. 客 is visitor, 碧眼 is green eyed.
This is Tang Empress Wu Zetian, you can see clearly she’s depicted with blue eyes.
She was known for being very sexually attractive, and initially a concubine for Emperor Taizong, and when Taizong died, his son, Emperor Gaozong took her as empress. This is a practice called 父妻å继, the son takes up the stepmother as wife, and considered by Chinese barbarous and incestuous 乱伦, but entirely acceptable for Altaic peoples.
The reason that you rarely hear about this side of Chinese history is because modern day centre of Chinese civilization is no longer in Xi’an, but in Shanghai, where Altaic and Caucasoidal traits are exceedingly rare. The current PRC dynasty is founded by southern Hans, for political purposes they want to tell a narrative of “5000 years of continuous civilization”.
But the reality is, as you see in my table, there’s only about 3500 years of recorded history (still impressive). And hardly “continuous” since the Chinese often accepted very alien rulers. It’s nothing to be ashamed of since the Chinese one, usually held their own militarily, two, held very high positions in those foreign dynasties. And every race on earth has been one time or another been subjugated and the Chinese have proven to be possibly the most resilient.
The Japanese however in comparison with Mongols and Xianbei, have much more in common with Chinese, in sharing the same script and veneration of Confucius, Laozi and Buddha. And would also find 父妻å继 to be incestuous. So presumably had they succeed in overrunning China and founded a Yamato å’Œ Dynasty, they would have appointed Chinese, like Wang Jingwei in high positions, to run the government and adopted many native institutions. The Japanese would still sit at the top, but that’s no different than Mongol Manchus.
The Yamato dynasty would expand their realm to Vietnam and Siberia, and some years later the Hans overthrows the Japanese rulers. And would claim Vietnam and Siberia as “always intrinsically Chinese”, since Yamato dynasty was a Sinified dynasty anyways. On top of that the Japanese themselves are part of a larger “Zhonghua nation”, and the new dynasty is a “successor” to the Yamato dynasty, so the Japanese Home Islands belong to China too.
But the invasions and massacres the Yamato military committed have nothing to do with the Chinese, since ethnic Chinese were “forced” to served in the Yamato military and would have never been so aggressive.
This is essentially the PRC and ROC historical narrative.
I agree with this.� In the abstract, by analogy of military conquest and cultural influence, what you posit is essentially similar to how no Japanese should take offense to someone pointing out that the Japanese imported from China the Han writing system, and many Chinese cultural elements.� And no German should take offense to contemplate how, from the Renaissance, the Germans imported many elements of classical, pre-Christian culture from Greece and Rome; indeed, Hitler was proud of how the Germans picked up the mantle of Western civilization.� For their part, the ancient Greeks respected Egyptian civilization for its great antiquity, even if it was alien to them—and they eventually conquered it, resulting in the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the flowering of Hellenistic culture at Alexandria, Egypt.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of since the Chinese one, usually held their own militarily, two, held very high positions in those foreign dynasties.� And every race on earth has been one time or another been subjugated and the Chinese have proven to be possibly the most resilient.
Yes, and proudly so. The world rightly fears the might of America. What are you, some kind of European?
See also:
Le Cid fut pris, puis fusillé,
L’Archange étranglé dans l’ombre,
Siegfried brulé sous des décombres,
Et César pendu par les pieds:
��������Vicistis, Iudaei.
• Agree: Raches
“But who can have historical hindsight towards today and yesterday?”
You, fleissiger Raches and our comrades at the NJ; brothers in arms with the good bishop.
Your outstanding effort and fight for truth is highly respected and honored.
Für die Töchter, die Söhne, das Wahre, das Gute und Schöne.
Thank you for your kind words.
Your outstanding effort and fight for truth is highly respected and honored.
Heil!� And if you feel lost in these dark times, please remember the motto of Hans-Ulrich Rudel, which sustained him personally even in desperate circumstances, and with which he concluded his war memoir:� “Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!â€ï¿½ (It is not the first time that I have quoted that here.)� Few situations are truly insurmountable; please keep alive the German spirit which, with my long-term view, I believe must someday be historically vindicated, if civilization is ever to be revived.�®
You know, I don’t know. I lost track of him. Interesting that you remember that. He had a great idea but then he got a little weird. As I recall, he was charged with violating gun laws. Hope he’s alright.
But I did not "accuse" you of such, I used the word "suspect" and added that I could be wrong. To suspect is not to accuse. Suspicion is a natural reaction when a person is not forthcoming. You seem to rely on accusing people of accusing you of things, by just mentioning it and trying to clarify. You object so vigorously that it makes you more suspect. I wonder if anyone can do a word search to discover if the words "Australia, where I live" appear anywhere on this thread? I remember it so clearly because it excited me that here you gave your present location, at least. So I deduced you were most likely an Anglo. I don't know why I would think I was reading something from you that was from someone else! It baffles me, but I know I still could be mistaken.I am not trying to smear you. I know better than to behave like that, being the target of smear campaigns on the Internet myself, but they were years ago. When you want to keep so many secrets, it naturally makes people very curious, and wondering what you're hiding. That's all there is to it.Replies: @bombthe3gorgesdam, @Raches
You make here a serious accusation. I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
I have made my reply to this in another thread, q.v.; note that I thereby formally request that you retract certain specific statements that you made.� Direct your replies there, except as requested.
To be clear, I am not trying to consign you to “Hate Speechâ€.� In a ridiculously long comment, I did promise my readers that, in effect, I would not continue to derail my own thread; and it is the only extant topic where this particular line of discussion even remotely fits.
Since the day before yesterday, I withheld this and other fully-written replies to you, because I wanted first to propound a detailed essay on my view of the Germans.� But it is an essay that has nothing to do with you, and it is of supreme importance to me—a line of thought that I have been developing since long before I got this blog, which I have all along intended to use, and indeed been using this blog to develop.� I have realized that I should not set my publishing schedule according to this discussion.�®
With such a name, you show up in a thread entitled, “America is a Nation of Hateâ€.� Are you perchance American?�®
Thank you for this.
There is no hurry, life is but a series of delights to be partaken of. No?
Anyways I don’t believe in hardening my point of view in any one thing. In this way, I might be a little Taoist in my leanings ….. if you think that you have found the entire answer, then you definitely have not.
Thank you for correcting me
He explicitly calls for violent revolution
I have been searching for such calls by Marx, but have trouble finding any. Are you able to send me any references?
This is false. The Yuan by the time Kublai had split off from his cousins in Russia (Golden Horde), Persia (Chagatai Khanate), and Arabia (Ilkhanate).There are a few major differences with British India analogy:- The decisive battles in the Mongol Conquest of Southern Song, Battle of Xiangyang and Naval Battle of Yamen, were won only because Yuan was able to recruit highly skilled Han siege and naval engineers. In the Battle of Yamen it was essentially Han vs. Han admirals.- The Mongols are not a maritime race and could not have launched an invasion of Japan on their own. They were only able to do with help of Han and Korean naval engineers and sailors.Additionally, since some people claim ROC and PRC are successor states of Manchu Qing, the predecessor of Manchus, Jurchens, had invaded Japan in 1019:
the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire�
The Japanese children and women kidnapped by the Jurchens were mostly likely forced to become prostitutes and slaves.�
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toi_invasionReplies: @antibeast
Traumatic memories of the Jurchen raids on Japan, the Mongol invasions of Japan in addition to Japan viewing the Jurchens as "Tatar" "barbarians" after copying China's barbarian-civilized distinction, may have played a role in Japan's antagonistic views against Manchus
This is false. The Yuan by the time Kublai had split off from his cousins in Russia (Golden Horde), Persia (Chagatai Khanate), and Arabia (Ilkhanate).
Here’s the Wikipedia entry on the ‘Division of the Mongol Empire’:
The division of the Mongol Empire began when Möngke Khan died in 1259 in the siege of Diaoyu Castle with no declared successor, precipitating infighting between members of the Tolui family line for the title of khagan that escalated into the Toluid Civil War. This civil war, along with the Berke–Hulagu war and the subsequent Kaidu–Kublai war, greatly weakened the authority of the great khan over the entirety of the Mongol Empire, and the empire fractured into autonomous khanates: the Golden Horde in Eastern Europe, the Chagatai Khanate in Central Asia, the Ilkhanate in Southwest Asia, and the Yuan dynasty in East Asia based in modern-day Beijing – although the Yuan emperors held the nominal title of khagan of the empire.
The Mongol Empire began to fragment as early as 1259 after the death of Möngke Khan, leaving behind the question of succession as the Mongols fought each other in a series of Civil Wars (Toluid, Berke-Hulago and the Kaidu-Kublai) which finally ended with Kublai’s death in 1294 and Kaidu’s death in 1301. At the end of the Mongol Civil Wars, Temür Khan, Kublai’s successor, made peace with the other Khans, while retaining the nominal title of Great Khan of the Mongol Empire which had cease to exist with the Yuan Dynasty only nominally affiliated with the other Muslim Khanates. While still ruled by Mongol Emperors, the Yuan Dynasty itself became ‘sinicized’ after the reinstatement of the Imperial State Examination System in 1313 to recruit Chinese Scholar-Officials to administer the Chinese Empire based on Neo-Confucianism as the official ideology.
To say that the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan is ‘Chinese’ is legally incorrect as it was still part of the Mongol Empire which started disintegrating during the Mongol Civil Wars. Only after the deaths of both Kublai and Kaidu did the Kaidu-Kublai War end with Temür Khan succeeding Kublai Khan as the nominal Great Khan (Khagan) of the now defunct Mongol Empire. Meanwhile, the Yuan Dynasty became ‘sinicized’ after the reinstatement of the Imperial State Examination System in 1313 until its fall in 1368.
That’s why Chinese historians view the Yuan Dynasty as a proper ‘Chinese’ dynasty but only for the last 55 years of its existence. The Yuan Dynasty from 1271 to 1313 can be divided into the ‘Conquest’ (1271-1279), ‘Colonial’ (1279-1294) and ‘Post-Colonial’ (1294-1313) periods which mark the Mongol Conquest of the Song Dynasty, Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty as part of the Mongol Empire and Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty independent of the Mongol Empire, respectively.
The rest of your post doesn’t make sense because you’re talking about the ethnicity of the rulers while I am talking about the legal status of the State ruling over China during the Yuan Dynasty. The fact that the State (Yuan Dynasty) is part of a foreign power (Mongol Empire) makes it a colonial not a Sovereign State. And that was legal status of the Yuan Dynasty during Kublai Khan’s reign.
But I did not "accuse" you of such, I used the word "suspect" and added that I could be wrong. To suspect is not to accuse. Suspicion is a natural reaction when a person is not forthcoming. You seem to rely on accusing people of accusing you of things, by just mentioning it and trying to clarify. You object so vigorously that it makes you more suspect. I wonder if anyone can do a word search to discover if the words "Australia, where I live" appear anywhere on this thread? I remember it so clearly because it excited me that here you gave your present location, at least. So I deduced you were most likely an Anglo. I don't know why I would think I was reading something from you that was from someone else! It baffles me, but I know I still could be mistaken.I am not trying to smear you. I know better than to behave like that, being the target of smear campaigns on the Internet myself, but they were years ago. When you want to keep so many secrets, it naturally makes people very curious, and wondering what you're hiding. That's all there is to it.Replies: @bombthe3gorgesdam, @Raches
You make here a serious accusation. I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
Whatever happened to Craig Cobb?
(I hope that I transcribed that footnote correctly.� LG’s scan is not perfectly clear.)See generally Chapter VIII, “Race†(the only chapter I thus far entirely read—I do intend to read the rest someday...).Oliver cited and briefly quoted other parts of that chapter, not about Khan, in The Enemy of Our Enemies (Liberty Bell Publications, 1981; Liberty Bell, July 1981; pp.�26f.; n.�29 at 27).� In a discussion of the historical implications of biological race, and mixtures thereof, he thereby speaks to “the lamentably elementary state of our present knowledge of racial genetics, which may be compared to the state of chemical science at the death of Lavoisier,†and he condemns “thoughtless ‘intellectuals,’ who, if they had lived in the time of Lavoisier, would doubtless have clamored for legislation to forbid discrimination on the grounds that the four recognized elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are not found in a pure state, whence it follows that it is wicked to recognize differences between them and to bathe in water rather than mud or a bonfire.â€ï¿½ (He always had the best analogies and metaphors.)Oliver, and his quotation of Maenchen-Helfen, also led me to the blond, blue-eyed, blond-full-bearded Emperor Ming of Jin, who had ancestry from the Xianbei (derisively called 白慮).� Seeking information online, I rammed my head into a brick wall here:http://sannv.web.fc2.com/wei/bianjinfa.htmlA little help would be much appreciated.East-West contact has been ongoing for a long time (and of course, going back much further, I also have some vague knowledge from elsewhere about the Tarim Basin mummies), with racial aspects that should be studied with greater scholarly objectivity than the drastic, unsupported and sometimes insupportable political conclusions to which many people jump, in all directions, when these matters are even mentioned.� I hope that my readership at The Unz Review is smarter.�®Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms
Even later the Chinese knew of Mongol Huang t’ou Shih-wei, “Shih-wei with the yellow heads,†and Gengiz Khan and his descendants had blond or reddish hair and deep-blue eyes.[107][...][107] Yach fu shih chi, ch. 25.
Genghis Khan, I opine, is likely mostly Mongoloid and partly Caucasoid. There’s a debate here between two Mongolic and Russian friends here on this specific subject:
For example, in the Russian film Mongol (Монгол), Temüjin was casted with Tadanobu SatÅ ä½è—¤ å¿ ä¿¡, 3/4 Yamato, 1/4 Aryan. His rival Jamukha is casted with the northern Chinese Sun Honglei å™çº¢é›·. This sounds about accurate.
Good question about Xianbei, I will come back.
If PRC claims that Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty, then logically by extension, China has attempted to invade Japan, twice during Yuan.The first part of your statement is true but the second part of your statement is false for the following reasons:When Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he had become the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire after winning the Toluid Civil War in 1264. Kublai Khan then tried but failed to invade Japan twice, in 1274 and 1281, which occurred when the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire. After the death of Kublai Khan in 1294, the Yuan Dynasty became politically independent of the Mongol Empire which disintegrated into the Buddhist Yuan and three other Muslim Khanates. Only during the post-colonial period (1294 to 1368) could the Yuan Dynasty be considered 'Chinese' because the colonial period (1271 to 1294) saw the Yuan Dynasty become part of the Mongol Empire.The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates. To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII. Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.Replies: @Raches, @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms
the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire
This is false. The Yuan by the time Kublai had split off from his cousins in Russia (Golden Horde), Persia (Chagatai Khanate), and Arabia (Ilkhanate).
There are a few major differences with British India analogy:
– The decisive battles in the Mongol Conquest of Southern Song, Battle of Xiangyang and Naval Battle of Yamen, were won only because Yuan was able to recruit highly skilled Han siege and naval engineers. In the Battle of Yamen it was essentially Han vs. Han admirals.
– The Mongols are not a maritime race and could not have launched an invasion of Japan on their own. They were only able to do with help of Han and Korean naval engineers and sailors.
Additionally, since some people claim ROC and PRC are successor states of Manchu Qing, the predecessor of Manchus, Jurchens, had invaded Japan in 1019:
The Japanese children and women kidnapped by the Jurchens were mostly likely forced to become prostitutes and slaves.
Traumatic memories of the Jurchen raids on Japan, the Mongol invasions of Japan in addition to Japan viewing the Jurchens as “Tatar” “barbarians” after copying China’s barbarian-civilized distinction, may have played a role in Japan’s antagonistic views against Manchus
This is false. The Yuan by the time Kublai had split off from his cousins in Russia (Golden Horde), Persia (Chagatai Khanate), and Arabia (Ilkhanate).Here's the Wikipedia entry on the 'Division of the Mongol Empire':https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_the_Mongol_Empire
The division of the Mongol Empire began when Möngke Khan died in 1259 in the siege of Diaoyu Castle with no declared successor, precipitating infighting between members of the Tolui family line for the title of khagan that escalated into the Toluid Civil War. This civil war, along with the Berke–Hulagu war and the subsequent Kaidu–Kublai war, greatly weakened the authority of the great khan over the entirety of the Mongol Empire, and the empire fractured into autonomous khanates: the Golden Horde in Eastern Europe, the Chagatai Khanate in Central Asia, the Ilkhanate in Southwest Asia, and the Yuan dynasty in East Asia based in modern-day Beijing – although the Yuan emperors held the nominal title of khagan of the empire.The Mongol Empire began to fragment as early as 1259 after the death of Möngke Khan, leaving behind the question of succession as the Mongols fought each other in a series of Civil Wars (Toluid, Berke-Hulago and the Kaidu-Kublai) which finally ended with Kublai's death in 1294 and Kaidu's death in 1301. At the end of the Mongol Civil Wars, Temür Khan, Kublai's successor, made peace with the other Khans, while retaining the nominal title of Great Khan of the Mongol Empire which had cease to exist with the Yuan Dynasty only nominally affiliated with the other Muslim Khanates. While still ruled by Mongol Emperors, the Yuan Dynasty itself became 'sinicized' after the reinstatement of the Imperial State Examination System in 1313 to recruit Chinese Scholar-Officials to administer the Chinese Empire based on Neo-Confucianism as the official ideology.To say that the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan is 'Chinese' is legally incorrect as it was still part of the Mongol Empire which started disintegrating during the Mongol Civil Wars. Only after the deaths of both Kublai and Kaidu did the Kaidu-Kublai War end with Temür Khan succeeding Kublai Khan as the nominal Great Khan (Khagan) of the now defunct Mongol Empire. Meanwhile, the Yuan Dynasty became 'sinicized' after the reinstatement of the Imperial State Examination System in 1313 until its fall in 1368. That's why Chinese historians view the Yuan Dynasty as a proper 'Chinese' dynasty but only for the last 55 years of its existence. The Yuan Dynasty from 1271 to 1313 can be divided into the 'Conquest' (1271-1279), 'Colonial' (1279-1294) and 'Post-Colonial' (1294-1313) periods which mark the Mongol Conquest of the Song Dynasty, Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty as part of the Mongol Empire and Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty independent of the Mongol Empire, respectively.The rest of your post doesn't make sense because you're talking about the ethnicity of the rulers while I am talking about the legal status of the State ruling over China during the Yuan Dynasty. The fact that the State (Yuan Dynasty) is part of a foreign power (Mongol Empire) makes it a colonial not a Sovereign State. And that was legal status of the Yuan Dynasty during Kublai Khan's reign.
Very funny. Rubbish, but very funny.
Personally I’m stocking up on the crisps, popcorn and gallons of ice-cold booze in readiness for the day when the screaming mass media have to run the story of B.G’s assassination.
And… err… one or two others.
Cometh the hour, cometh the pistol. It worked for Gavrilo Princip.
Tatsächlich wird er von drei Seiten beleidigt, PRC, USA und ROC-Taiwan. Es sollte sich ernsthaft bemühen, ihn und den zweiten chinesisch-japanisch Krieg* zu verstehen, weil wir wissen, dass 2. Weltkrieg in der Mandschurei begann (Nomonhan Zwischenfall) und endete (Operation Auguststurm).
Amidst China’s multi-way civil war, both Germany and Japan reached out in friendship to the Chinese leader who had been most successful in fighting off British influence—a free and independent Chinese leader, whom the Maoist and American “history†books insult as a “puppetâ€.
Far from being a “puppetâ€, Wang Jingwei was, at the time, the only credible Chinese leader who both (1) was under neither Soviet nor American influence, and (2) governed any significant amount of Chinese territory. �
[Proems is an intellectual blog, where I myself sometimes post snippets of other languages—sometimes including languages I do not know, beyond my general facility for European languages.� (To protect my privacy, the only language I admit to knowing is English.)� I desiderate, and wish that I could match, the quality of Professor Oliver’s Liberty Bell articles, which were writ in fluid English prose peppered with Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, and the word “niggerâ€, as he explicated how Yahweh’s Precious Darlings were destroying the hapless Aryans.� It is the finest tradition of English-language writing, which once upon a time was ordinary in academic-level discourse.� And although I generally discourage postings made entirely in other languages, such as the comment to which this replies, I will not forbid them out of hand if they are rare and don’t cause me difficulty as a moderator.� (Sorry, this isn’t Liberty Bell, so I do generally forbid racial slurs outside of contexts such as discussing the words themselves, or others’ use thereof.)� —�Raches.�®]
Most English-speaking websites have an (often un-spoken) English-only postings rule.
Just saying.
To add--
Actually he is insulted from three sides, PRC, USA and ROC-Taiwan. Serious efforts should be made to understand him and the Second Sino-Japanese War* because we know that World War II began (Nomonhan Incident) and ended (Operation August Storm) in Manchuria.
Wang was considered a fierce revolutionary patriot against Manchu Qing in his younger years. He was arrested once and sentenced to death, but spared because of his dignified demeanor.
You're right, he's not entirely a puppet. He had mostly acted in the interests of the Chinese under his government (which can be compared to Vichy France).
But there were other “quisling†regimes, e.g. East Hebei Autonomous Government, that he failed to unite under one government.
In the end, for all his flaws, Chiang Kai-shek was a much visionary statesman. He was open to negotiating with the Japanese but refused to surrender under any conditions. In managing relations between British colonists and the Indian independence movement. 1, 2. So today in the PRC, Chiang's reputation is largely rehabilitated.
And although Mao was opportunistic in the war between Japan and KMT, in the end he was obviously not a Soviet puppet.
* Today I consider Rana Mitter to be an authoritative and objective figure in the Anglosphere.
This, among hundreds of other instances, is exactly why I almost never believe anything about WW 2 or most of other topics which comes from the Anglosphere. Especially from their court historians. The pervasiveness and endurance of the systems of lies that these people and their "free and open democracy", a lie in itself, have built around almost every topic, is outrageous. And unfortunately, even now, almost a century later, all these lies live on.
“Allied troops often regarded the Japanese in the same way that Germans regarded Russians—as Untermenschen. Boiling the flesh off enemy skulls to make souvenirs was a not uncommon practice. Ears, bones and teeth were also collected.â€
I largely share your dislike of the USA, and for very similar reasons. The moment it became independent, it started on its predatory, “exceptional” ways… and never looked back. At first, the native Americans, Mexicans and others in close proximity suffered from it. From the Spanish-American War of 1898 onward, the world.
David Ray Griffin writes, in “The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic?”:
The view of American imperialism as a benevolent enterprise devoted to the promotion of freedom, democracy, and human rights is strongly challenged by intellectuals of varying persuasions. Rejecting the portrait of a democracy-promoting American empire as a myth, they argue that the United States, like Rome and every other imperial power, has used its power to enrich and aggrandize itself, a goal that has often led it to rob, oppress, terrorize, and even slaughter other
peoples. …
American imperialism is often said to have begun in 1898, when Cuba and the Philippines were the main prizes.1
What was new at this time, however, was only that America took control of countries beyond the North American continent.As John Bassett Moore, who had been an assistant secretary of state at that time, later wrote:
“It is true that the expansion of 1898 involved . . . the taking of a step geographically in advance of any that had been taken before; but so far as concerns the acquisition of new territory we were merely following a habit which had characterized our entire national existence.2”
This statement is of utmost importance, because it points out that, already in 1898, imperial conquest was a long-standing habit of American policy makers. America had been engaged in expansionism from the outset.
In regards to Germany, no country did more damage to it than the USA, and irrespective of Carolyns trolling, it is still at it today.
True, it was not the US that militarily encircled Germany and Austria-Hungary precipitating the Great War, but it was the US that unnecessarily intervened on the side of Britain and France, making possible a punishing defeat to the Central Powers, Versailles, and all that would later transpire… as if that was not enough, the Roosevelt administration began meddling in European affairs as early as 1937, pushing the Poles, French and Brits in the direction of a new war against Germany. The Chief Culprit for the Second World War was not Stalin, though Stalin deserves a lot of responsibility, but the US government.
Burton Yale Pine, a scholar who was associated with the Neocons, so obviously no friend of Germany, wrote an important book titled AMERICA’S GREATEST BLUNDER.
In the introduction one reads:
…On that day, April 6, 1917, the United States entered what was being called The Great War, bringing its extraordinary industrial and manpower resources to the side of Britain and France and against Germany. With that decision, America transformed the conflict into a true world war. More significant, much more consequential, with that decision America transformed the war from a conflict that not only, as historians long have recognized, dropped the curtain on the 19th Century and its optimistic belief in perpetual progress, but simultaneously raised the curtain on a new century, one that was to be cursed by almost nonstop war and tension. With today’s enviable and indulgent perspective of a century’s hindsight, it can be said that America’s decision to enter the Great War was one of history’s rare pivot points. […]
The dispatch to Europe of more than two million American doughboys, … sharply tilted the balance on the stalemated Western Front and, in effect, won the war against Germany.
This allowed Britain and France to impose a punishing peace on the vanquished, thus setting in train events and actions that helped make the 20th Century the West’s most destructive as it subsequently suffered the horrors of Nazism, the devastation of yet a second great and even broader war and the often terrifying tensions and at times bloodshed of a Cold War. Without America’s 1917 entry into Europe’s war, the 20th Century would have been extraordinarily different: No punishing Versailles peace treaty, no humiliation of Germany, no toxic German drive for revenge, no Hitler, no World War Two and likely no Cold War. Entering Europe’s war truly was a gigantic and fateful American decision. As it turned out, it was America’s greatest blunder of the century.
Well Marx is quite clear on state ideology.
The state exists as a dictatorship of the proletariat. There is no other way as the entire ideology is anti-democratic.
That must be news to the historically overt-Marxist Social Democratic Parties, the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, etc., etc.
Of course, Americans with their two-faced one-party system have the conceit of believing themselves infinitely superior to a more honest one-party system.� They sneer at North Koreans who believe propaganda about a “democratic†system, while they lap up substantively similar propaganda like dogs drinking out of a toilet bowl.� Ultimately, modern “democracy†in the American sense is just bourgeois Marxism.
I observed years ago that window-dressings aside, in substance, America is now one of the most Communist countries on Earth, and China is the most Capitalist country on Earth in the types of ways that Wang Huning criticizes.� Hitler saw Communism and Capitalism as two sides of the same coin—different aspects of the same system.� If China now truly turns against Communism, it must perforce become less Capitalistic (in the sense of the primacy of liquid capital—not to be misunderstood).�®
Your extrapolation of a single Churchill quote, which you did not bother to cite, to a British policy of giving India to Hitler, demonstrates conclusively that you are not only ignorant, but also insane.
All Hitler had to do was go East first and Churchhill never would have became prime minister.
You know nothing of the diplomatic history in March–August 1939.� You are also unaware that Hitler did not want war at all.� (Quite possibly, it may have developed eventually due to the irreconcilable conflict between Bolshevism and Europe; but in 1939, Hitler was not looking to “go†anywhere in warlike terms, but rather assiduously to avoid it.)
Your understanding of German history is sophomoric at best
You and Carolyn Yeager, get a room.� Empty insults say more about the giver than the recipient, when the former and the latter are weighed by serious-minded observers.
At least she knows much more about history than you do.� You are just a waste of time for historical discussion—although I continue to be concerned by the prospect that people even less well-informed than you may fall for your act.�®
“Vicistis, Iudaei.â€
In my history, I mark 1945 the beginning of the New Dark Age.� Others may agree with me, a few centuries hence (if any historians still exist).� Whereas those who live in a Dark Age cannot see it:� They know aught else.� They are blinded by the darkness, and they also suffer what CJKBTK called, “a 井底之蛙 Frog in Bottom of Well cognitive fallacy†(an expression I have also heard before, in another variant).
Those with short mental horizons may think me mad.� What they think is important is petty American jingoism, or ephemeral entertainments such as U.S. electoral politics—they are excited by bread and circuses.� They have writ their own doom, and I will watch them perish without a qualm.
When came the Apocalypse, intellectually astute Europeans grasped and gasped at its magnitude.� Perchance I happened across this anonymous poem, said to be written circa�1945, in some old stuff—I do not think you can find it by web search:
Le Cid fut pris, puis fusillé,
L’Archange étranglé dans l’ombre,
Siegfried brulé sous des décombres,
Et César pendu par les pieds:
��������Vicistis, Iudaei.• Agree: Raches
See also:
Lack of sufficient hindsight makes people myopic towards the present and the future.� But who can have historical hindsight towards today and yesterday?
A mouse has not the view of an eagle; and insects never perceive mountains and valleys.�®
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me. So if my definition of Marxism is correct and only deals with economics, then it makes it a good fit for the deeply ingrained Confucian attitudes of the Chinese. Confucianism was NOT concerned about economic systems, and was primarily concerned with the way the state and its constituent components function relating to each other, morality and self improvement. This compatibility I speculate, is one of the reasons why the mainland China so easily embraced the CPC. If you are familiar with the Chinese mindset, then you will know that they are above all, a very practical people. They have no problems mixing and matching what they find useful from disparate schools of thought.So I look at Wang Huning's influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians. For now the CPC finds it convenient to call this love child of Marx and Confucius "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". I wonder what they will call it in a hundred years?At this point, I do admit that I have some sympathy for Marx's criticism of capitalism as it is a very useful tool to understand and avoid the excesses of cut-throat capitalism. We only have to look at the USA to see what the worship of capitalism can lead to.
The question, which is reasonable on its face: Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
On Hitler, I cannot argue with you.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.
A short thought to consider, with apologies for the very hasty scribble of notes:
Marxism, as practiced in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, was called International Socialism.� Communist anthem:� The Internationale.� Look to the history of the First International (where Karl Marx established his dominance in the movement—which then split in Marx versus Bakunin dispute), Second International, Third International/Communist International (also known as Comintern).
Hitler’s political philosophy:� National Socialism.� Hitler’s pact with Japan and others:� The Anti-Comintern Pact.
This is no mere wordplay.� As a philologist such as Nietzsche may trace language to find the errors in philosophy and the genealogy of morals, the National versus International distinction is a key to understanding much of world history from the Nineteenth Century to this day.� It is, of course, only one aspect of a larger whole…� Hitler accepted and embraced the Zeitgeist of the era, which was radical Socialism; but he made it nationalist (therefore fundamentally anti-Communist), implemented it with old-fashioned Caesarism (using the power of the mob to destroy the power of the mob, to restore order), and integrated it with German traditions.
As I remarked elsewhere, the Second World War was “a war between aristocracy and degenerate democracyâ€.� By aristocracy, I mean rule of the best.� By democracy, I mean exactly what the Americans mean when they preach that China should have “democracyâ€â€”the American system, which is actually quite close to Marxism in many of its basic principles.� Democracy and Communism are not enemies; indeed, in Europe, the so-called “Social Democratic†parties used to be explicitly Marxist, the middle-class Marxist parties that more or less worked together with the lower-class Communist Party.
Examples of 1950s–60s Maoist propaganda, which I previously mentioned, were definitely International (also, anti-racist).
Please understand that I intend reply more to you and some others (principally CJKBTK), but I wish to put time and thought into this.� Other discussion ate too much of my time (and still needs to be addressed further).� I will loop back here after catching up on my own blog—I hope in the next few days.� Or I may address some of these issues in blog articles.
I do not treat discussions as ephemeral, or as Internet chit-chat just to spend idle time before moving on to other entertainments.� I would be pleased if this discussion continues.�®
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me. So if my definition of Marxism is correct and only deals with economics, then it makes it a good fit for the deeply ingrained Confucian attitudes of the Chinese. Confucianism was NOT concerned about economic systems, and was primarily concerned with the way the state and its constituent components function relating to each other, morality and self improvement. This compatibility I speculate, is one of the reasons why the mainland China so easily embraced the CPC. If you are familiar with the Chinese mindset, then you will know that they are above all, a very practical people. They have no problems mixing and matching what they find useful from disparate schools of thought.So I look at Wang Huning's influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians. For now the CPC finds it convenient to call this love child of Marx and Confucius "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". I wonder what they will call it in a hundred years?At this point, I do admit that I have some sympathy for Marx's criticism of capitalism as it is a very useful tool to understand and avoid the excesses of cut-throat capitalism. We only have to look at the USA to see what the worship of capitalism can lead to.
The question, which is reasonable on its face: Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
On Hitler, I cannot argue with you.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me.
Well Marx is quite clear on state ideology.
The state exists as a dictatorship of the proletariat. There is no other way as the entire ideology is anti-democratic.
There is to be only one party which is the Communist party and the state exists for the party.
He explicitly calls for violent revolution and not allowing the people to have a choice. He didn’t believe that the workers could be trusted to vote for Communists. His belief was that the bourgeoisie would always convince enough workers to keep the existing state in tact. So in his mind there had to be bloodshed for the Communist state to exist.
Most self-described Marxists have been given the college version of Marxism where the violence and anti-democratic aspects aren’t discussed. There is also the pop anarchist take on Marxism which is similar in that it just tries to ignore the unwanted aspects of Marxism like his demand that all private industry be demolished including the free press. Anarchists try to make Marxism sound cool by ignoring what he said about building this single party state that eliminates free will. Most really haven’t read any of it.
That must be news to the historically overt-Marxist Social Democratic Parties, the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, etc., etc.
Well Marx is quite clear on state ideology.
The state exists as a dictatorship of the proletariat. There is no other way as the entire ideology is anti-democratic.
I have been searching for such calls by Marx, but have trouble finding any. Are you able to send me any references?
He explicitly calls for violent revolution
On his planet, also, the peaceable British would happily have given India or most of Africa to the Germans, if only Hitler had not be so terribly mean to Poland.� No, really.
@John Johnson
Just which planet are you commenting from.?
The last time I bothered answering Mr.�Johnson in this thread, he just insulted me and changed his argument.� And now, he is trying to bait me (and dissociating that reply with the relevant comments) because I correctly marked him as a troll.
The British never wanted war with Hitler.� All Hitler had to do was build his empire somewhere else and not attack Poland.� They would have happily given him India or let him take most of Africa.� Or he could have attacked the Soviets first.
On his planet, also, the peaceable British would happily have given India or most of Africa to the Germans, if only Hitler had not be so terribly mean to Poland. No, really.
Yes the British were entirely sick of India in 1939 and would have happily handed it off to the Germans to prevent war. Here is Mr. Churchhill himself on the subject:
I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.
The British would not have cared if Hitler created his empire in North Africa. They didn’t want war as seen by the Munich agreement which Hitler broke. The British conservatives in fact wanted him to invade the USSR and Hitler humiliated them which led to Churchhill.
All Hitler had to do was go East first and Churchhill never would have became prime minister.
Hitler had a dozen ways to build an empire without invading Poland. But he wanted revenge over WW1 and was willing to gamble a war with the French and British. Just a plain dumb move given the size of the German military. He could have attacked the USSR first and then swung back to Poland for his petty revenge if he still wanted it.
His generals were also against going into Poland first just as they were against Barbarossa. But I guess Raches has confidence in Hitler’s strategy. It all worked out so well for him.
Your understanding of German history is sophomoric at best and I’m not sure why you keep responding when everyone can see how little you have to add. Stick to a subject that you actually know.
You know nothing of the diplomatic history in March–August 1939.� You are also unaware that Hitler did not want war at all.� (Quite possibly, it may have developed eventually due to the irreconcilable conflict between Bolshevism and Europe; but in 1939, Hitler was not looking to “go†anywhere in warlike terms, but rather assiduously to avoid it.)
All Hitler had to do was go East first and Churchhill never would have became prime minister.
You and Carolyn Yeager, get a room.� Empty insults say more about the giver than the recipient, when the former and the latter are weighed by serious-minded observers.
Your understanding of German history is sophomoric at best
That sums it up perfectly.
One could still add other European countries, especially Italy.
Basically the whole world lost and the Jew gained incredibly.
And let us never forget the suffering of Japan (in the hand of the Jews’ US-Army to this very day).
See also:
Le Cid fut pris, puis fusillé,
L’Archange étranglé dans l’ombre,
Siegfried brulé sous des décombres,
Et César pendu par les pieds:
��������Vicistis, Iudaei.
• Agree: Raches
Thanks.� Very interesting.� I always look for the mastermind.� The article raises to me a question I already had more generally, which both gives me hope, and troubles me.� It is not an unreasonable question from a distance, even with a friendly feeling towards China; for the Soviets and some others many times did “changes†that were not changes at all.� As you understand, this type of suspicion also makes fertile soil for American “neocon†propaganda against China, such that even an objective examination of present-day Chinese politics can incur the accusation of being a “Mao apologistâ€.� In my case, such an accusation could not be more ridiculous.
slightly off topic,
I was alerted to this great article that gives insights into the Chinese Central Government’s latest moves like the crackdown on tech companies, sissy actors, Confucian revival etc. I highly recommend it.
https://palladiummag.com/2021/10/11/the-triumph-and-terror-of-wang-huning/ �
For my part (and wondering of what Wang would think of this), I observe that despite rhetoric to the contrary, Marxism ultimately creates this type of individual atomization for the purpose of building the worst type of slave-state:� Deracinated, atomized individuals, with no traditions and no natural group ties of tribe and family, cannot resist being treated as mere livestock—even as meat.� Now, observe the Americans today!
But while Americans can, he says, perceive that they are faced with “intricate social and cultural problems,†they “tend to think of them as scientific and technological problems†to be solved separately.� This gets them nowhere, he argues, because their problems are in fact all inextricably interlinked and have the same root cause: a radical, nihilistic individualism at the heart of modern American liberalism.
Ultimately, he argues, when faced with critical social issues like drug addiction, America’s atomized, deracinated, and dispirited society has found itself with “an insurmountable problem†because it no longer has any coherent conceptual grounds from which to mount any resistance.
It’s true that China never remotely liberalized—if you consider liberalism to be all about democratic elections, a free press, and respect for human rights.� But many political thinkers would argue there is more to a comprehensive definition of modern liberalism than that.� Instead, they would identify liberalism’s essential telos as being the liberation of the individual from all limiting ties of place, tradition, religion, associations, and relationships, along with all the material limits of nature, in pursuit of the radical autonomy of the modern “consumer.â€
From this perspective, China has been thoroughly liberalized, and the picture of what’s happening to Chinese society begins to look far more like Wang’s nightmare of a liberal culture consumed by nihilistic individualism and commodification.
• Agree: Raches
The question, which is reasonable on its face: Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me.
So if my definition of Marxism is correct and only deals with economics, then it makes it a good fit for the deeply ingrained Confucian attitudes of the Chinese. Confucianism was NOT concerned about economic systems, and was primarily concerned with the way the state and its constituent components function relating to each other, morality and self improvement.
This compatibility I speculate, is one of the reasons why the mainland China so easily embraced the CPC. If you are familiar with the Chinese mindset, then you will know that they are above all, a very practical people. They have no problems mixing and matching what they find useful from disparate schools of thought.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians. For now the CPC finds it convenient to call this love child of Marx and Confucius “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”. I wonder what they will call it in a hundred years?
At this point, I do admit that I have some sympathy for Marx’s criticism of capitalism as it is a very useful tool to understand and avoid the excesses of cut-throat capitalism. We only have to look at the USA to see what the worship of capitalism can lead to.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.
On Hitler, I cannot argue with you.
Especially with the events of the last few years, many of us have been waking up to the propaganda spread by our governments for their aims. I live in Singapore, a vassal state of the Anglo American Empire. And we have heard nothing but demonisation of enemies of the AAE from Gaddafi, Saddam, Putin, Xi etc etc. I like many around the world are waking up to the fact that they are being fed propaganda to manipulate them.
I know too little to claim that they were angels either, butI have no doubt that Hitler and Mussolini have had unfair demonisations heaped upon them too. Again the adage “history is written by the victors” applies. The difficulty is to separate the wheat from the chaff no? I think we will spend the rest of our lives refining our inner “bullshit detectors”.
There's been quite a burst of recent discussion on that Chinese academic and his large influence in the current government, including regarding his 1991 book America Against America.
So I look at Wang Huning’s influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians.
Qing territories included Vladivostok æµ·å‚å´´. Is Vladivostok also China's?
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs?
The Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) was signed in Manchu, Latin and Russian. Chinese was not used.
Traditionally, adult Han Chinese did not cut their hair for philosophical and cultural reasons. According to the Classic of Filial Piety, Confucius said
We are given our body, skin and hair from our parents; which we ought not to damage. This idea is the quintessence of filial duty. (身體髮膚,å—之父æ¯ï¼Œä¸æ•¢æ¯€å‚·ï¼Œå至始也。)[41]
The ROC is founded by a Cantonese, Sun Yat-sen, whose co-ethnics were often treated as second-class subjects during Qing, and thus started the intensely anti-Manchu Taiping Rebellion, one of the deadliest war in world history. So I would say that this is a very tenuous claim.
The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing.
PRC's claim as a successor to Qing is even more tenuous, the predecessor of PRC is the Chinese Soviet Republic. Whose progenitor is the USSR.
Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing �
Please see my comment 384. The Wokou were up to 70 percent Chinese.
Because of Japanese pirates �
I have zero connections with Taiwan but am not offended by your suggestion. If you don't believe me you can check my comment history for how many positive statements I've made about Mao.
I can tell that you are Taiwanese
I'm sorry about this and wish to have a respectful debate.
In my tiny city of Singapore, they killed 50,000 innocent Chinese civilians.
Actually, the Potsdam Declaration states that Taiwan should be returned to ROC, and Japan's sovereignty is limited to the 4 Home Islands. So Japan's claim to Okinawa is somewhat tenuous.
It is like saying after the defeat of Japan in 1945, Japan should go back to pre Meiji era borders and give up Okinawa.
Unfortunately our mental wavelengths are too different and we are unable to have a meaningful discussion. I will not be continuing this discussion. I wish you well and no hard feelings.
Yes, I do want to accuse you of that.� You are doing it right here, and doing it worse.� You make here a serious accusation.� I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
Do you really want to accuse me of a? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can’t prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won’t mention it again.
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
Which is what you are doing.� You suddenly, rather shockingly to me, started what at this point quite seems to be an attempt to discredit me.� Much of it is based on seizing single words and phrases out of context, hairsplitting over them, and then applying them elsewhere to turn the plain meaning of whole paragraphs upside-down; a Jewish lawyer could not do “betterâ€.� Then, in the same breath (quoted below), you accuse me of “trying to play with languageâ€.� You have insinuated in multiple ways that I am dishonest, done so in ways that do not speak well of your own honesty, and then—turned around and accused me of turning this around on you.
You also wroteThat more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
Your boldface is an open cherry-pick of parts you want to emphasize, to support an interpretation that turns the plain meaning of this paragraph upside-down.� Try emphasis on, “Of course, I knew that I was not a Jewâ€, and, “I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.â€ï¿½ Why “quasiâ€?
It is, of course, way too long for what you have to say.I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You’re trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty.
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
Here’s the full quote from you in comment 352:
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€.� Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted.� As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
If my biggest sin were that I suffered stereotypical Jewish gratitude, after I lived a sincere and unimpeachable loyalty to swindlers in whose lies I too-trustingly believed, then I would be a saint.That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
Raches, October 18, 2021 at 4:24 am GMT (boldface is in the original—my internal link was erroneous; the correct link is above the preceding quote):
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Carolyn Yeager, October 18, 2021 at 11:58 pm GMT (boldface is in the original):
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
Why did you remove the quotation marks, then say that “[I] said of [you] that†you said that?� I was quoting you verbatim.
You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
The very fact that you would say that, based on what seems to be a dogged determination to misunderstand me, says more about you than about me.� You seem more interested in attacking me personally than addressing the substance of my position, or even knowing what it is (insofar as many pieces are seen in my extensive commentary here) or how it will develop into a coherent whole (this blog is still relatively new, and I don’t publish on anyone’s schedule but my own).
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You’re like a parrot – repeating something you heard somewhere. You’re avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.Yes, I do. Because you don’t know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole.
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Your opinion is taken under advisement.
And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that’s a basic flaw in your being that can’t be corrected.
I never claimed to be a Jew, or tried to be one.� Never in my whole life.� This is your smear-attack.
You didn’t make it as a Jew and you’re not going to make it as a Hitlerian.
Many, many others have had such stellar success that when I praise Hitler and his Germans here, I am attacked from one side by people who treat it as fundamentally disrespectable, beyond the pale, and from the other side by—you.� “Already done that�� It is obviously not done, whatever attempts may have been made—some of them by well-intended and highly intelligent people.
You said your goal was:Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It’s just one more thing you’re copying.
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
You make here a serious accusation. I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
But I did not “accuse” you of such, I used the word “suspect” and added that I could be wrong. To suspect is not to accuse. Suspicion is a natural reaction when a person is not forthcoming. You seem to rely on accusing people of accusing you of things, by just mentioning it and trying to clarify. You object so vigorously that it makes you more suspect. I wonder if anyone can do a word search to discover if the words “Australia, where I live” appear anywhere on this thread? I remember it so clearly because it excited me that here you gave your present location, at least. So I deduced you were most likely an Anglo. I don’t know why I would think I was reading something from you that was from someone else! It baffles me, but I know I still could be mistaken.
I am not trying to smear you. I know better than to behave like that, being the target of smear campaigns on the Internet myself, but they were years ago. When you want to keep so many secrets, it naturally makes people very curious, and wondering what you’re hiding. That’s all there is to it.
I would mark that as “Trollâ€, if I could give a reaction to this part of your comment alone.�®Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews – your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
The book you recommend is on a website that I am a personal friend of–they know me and appreciate me, as I do them. They will not disappear anytime soon. For you to act as if you’ve discovered something that others are unaware of is just typical of your ‘arrogant unawareness.’ So for you to call me a Troll while you link to this article is just ridiculous and — sorry to repeat myself — ignorant.
When it comes to the story of America’s treatment of its German population because of WWI, if you were familiar with my website carolynyeager.net, you’d know I’ve written extensively about it and have a great deal of the content of The Fatherland weekly magazine, published in the U.S. at the time. https://carolynyeager.net/category/fatherland Check it out. I’ve also written about my own family’s experience with anti-Germanism during that time. My father was born in 1914.
I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I "explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You're trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty. Here's the full quote from you in comment 352:
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
Do you really want to accuse me of a
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€. Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted. As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can't prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won't mention it again.You also wrote
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they "discarded" you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, ... Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You're like a parrot - repeating something you heard somewhere. You're avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.
You have no basis for calling me a “charlatanâ€, any more than I could be called a “charlatan†because, without following any Greek philosopher to the letter, I learn from the apex of Greek civilization, and I sometimes quote Greek poets �
Yes, I do. Because you don't know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole. And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that's a basic flaw in your being that can't be corrected. You didn't make it as a Jew and you're not going to make it as a Hitlerian. You said your goal was:
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It's just one more thing you're copying. Unfortunately there are too many Germans who WANT non-Germans to take up battle for them; they think they cannot do it themselves. But that's preposterous. If it's to promote N-S, well those N-S leaders ideas were just that--that Germans would take over and run Germany. Not foreigners. If Germans are to do it they must identify themselves, not hide behind anonymity. Or behind some non-entity named Raches, or some other kind soul. So I ask you, Raches, who appointed you to this task? Just as I thought, you're self-appointed and you're more of a leech (parasite??) than a benefactor. Your last paragraph is of no consequence; the best I can do is quote the last sentence:
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews - your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.Replies: @Raches, @Raches
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
With due apologies to those of my readers who are more interested in the subjects being discussed here:� Given the way that this developed, I do think that I need to address this upfront, at some length, and in the thread where it was raised.� If this line of discussion invokes any further long replies from me, I will probably make them in another thread and cross-link from here.� I doubt that will be warranted; I do not intend to be drawn into endless rehashing of the same points.
To be clear:� From this point, if you ever say that I ever identified myself as a Jew, you must be intentionally lying about me.� I only do not say that already, because I have granted you every favorable presumption.
Do you really want to accuse me of a
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can’t prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won’t mention it again.
Yes, I do want to accuse you of that.� You are doing it right here, and doing it worse.� You make here a serious accusation.� I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
(To be excruciatingly clear, as suits a discussion where my words are being twisted and words are being put in my mouth:� I have never said anything whatsoever at The Unz Review about where I live.� Insofar as my public statements are concerned, Australia is as likely as Germany, America, China, Japan, or the North Pole with Santa Claus.� The point hereby is that I did not say that I lived in Australia, and I did not erase what I didn’t say.)
Whatever your intentions may be, it is exactly the type of smear-type of accusation that would sow paranoia about me, and make people reluctant to interact with me.� Equivocating by admitting that you can’t prove it, and that you could be wrong, only covers you while you are essentially planting the type of rumor that subtly follows people around.� It is a false accusation—and it is only one instance of you traducing my honesty.� What should I do about that?
In the other quotes, the boldface is yours; my boldface is added here:
You also wrote
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Which is what you are doing.� You suddenly, rather shockingly to me, started what at this point quite seems to be an attempt to discredit me.� Much of it is based on seizing single words and phrases out of context, hairsplitting over them, and then applying them elsewhere to turn the plain meaning of whole paragraphs upside-down; a Jewish lawyer could not do “betterâ€.� Then, in the same breath (quoted below), you accuse me of “trying to play with languageâ€.� You have insinuated in multiple ways that I am dishonest, done so in ways that do not speak well of your own honesty, and then—turned around and accused me of turning this around on you.
One of the reasons why I avoid certain types of “far-right†circles—not all of them, but too many—is that they tend towards infighting and character assassination, often laced with accusations and counteraccusations of who’s a Jew or behaving like a Jew, which run in endless circles.� It looks absurd to outsiders, and it is one of the reasons why they lose.� I should like to avoid that here, for my part.
You are repeatedly looping together two very different things:� Identifying as a Jew, and identifying as a Zionist.� Some Zionists are not Jews; and some Jews are not Zionists, which does not change the fact that they are Jews.
That is no mere wordplay—unless you deny that the Jews are a race.
As I have said many times and never contradicted, I identified myself as a Zionist; and now, I identify myself as an ex-Zionist.� That is very different from identifying as a Jew.� You, of all people, should know that:� Zionism is an ideology and a political movement, whereas Jewishness is primarily and unavoidably a matter of birth.
That point is so obvious to me, I did not remark on it before.� Do I need to explain it to you?� Evidently so:
It is, of course, way too long for what you have to say.
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You’re trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty.
Here’s the full quote from you in comment 352:
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€.� Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted.� As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
Your boldface is an open cherry-pick of parts you want to emphasize, to support an interpretation that turns the plain meaning of this paragraph upside-down.� Try emphasis on, “Of course, I knew that I was not a Jewâ€, and, “I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.â€ï¿½ Why “quasiâ€?
Because I knew that I could never be a Jew.� Not myself, as an individual who was not born a Jew.� And I never had any notion of taking up the Jewish religion—which, beyond some Judaica that is more a matter of cultural tradition, was not even actively practiced by the Jews with whom I was primarily associated.
That is clearly not identifying as a Jew.
It should go without saying that the Jews of my acquaintance never identified me as a Jew, and very clearly identified me to the contrary—sometimes with the usual derogatory terms for Gentiles, in a friendly way.� That was just teasing—a tease with a point, since I was perpetually reminded of my non-Jewish status.� Worse, and very serious:� They loaded me personally, very personally, with collective Holocaust guilt—which in turn fueled my Zionism.� Where do you get from any of this that I “identified as a Jew�� How many self-identified “Jews†do you know, who feel guilty about the Holocaust, the Six Million, the gas chambers, Jewish babies burned alive, Jews melted down and made into soap?� That was what I was identified as, in my relation to the Jews:� Every Holohoax tale you have ever heard, and some you probably never did; in retrospect, I suspect that my Jewish “friends†were sometimes embellishing on the spot.� Zionism was a way for me to atone for it.
It was probably a miscalculation to spend years brainwashing me, in graphic, gruesome terms, that if I ever stopped following the Jews, I would be their most ruthless and implacable enemy.
Returning to the above point:
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you.
If my biggest sin were that I suffered stereotypical Jewish gratitude, after I lived a sincere and unimpeachable loyalty to swindlers in whose lies I too-trustingly believed, then I would be a saint.
As I have remarked before in my commentary a few times, I still stayed loyal to political Zionism after that.� I did not turn against the Jews because of personal grudges.� I never betrayed any of my principles.
I only switched sides later, after I discovered the historical truth about the so-called “Holocaustâ€, which stood at the foundation of my whole worldview.� After I understood that my whole life was based on a lie, I decided to see what Adolf Hitler had said for himself, in his own words.� I have learned the great importance of seeing directly what someone says.
I hold truth above all; and I will always defend the best, per that Greek line I previously quoted.� When I sincerely believed that the Jews were innocent people of the best kind, scholars and scientists and musicians who got mass-murdered for nothing, Zionism was a logical conclusion from those premises:� Jewish strength, Jewish power, Jewish independence, Never Again.� When I discovered that it was all a lie, a total inversion of the truth—the Jews weren’t so innocent, there was no extermination program, whatever was done to them (deportations, etc.) was done for a reason, and the people falsely accused of mass-murdering them were in fact the victims—I revised my conclusions accordingly.
Note the “You said of me thatâ€â€”you do not even admit to a verbatim quote of your own words, from which you removed the quotes:
Carolyn Yeager, October 17, 2021 at 6:37 pm GMT:
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Raches, October 18, 2021 at 4:24 am GMT (boldface is in the original—my internal link was erroneous; the correct link is above the preceding quote):
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
Carolyn Yeager, October 18, 2021 at 11:58 pm GMT (boldface is in the original):
You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
Why did you remove the quotation marks, then say that “[I] said of [you] that†you said that?� I was quoting you verbatim.
I do not want to belabor these types of points, but I do observe them.
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You’re like a parrot – repeating something you heard somewhere. You’re avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Yes, I do. Because you don’t know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole.
The very fact that you would say that, based on what seems to be a dogged determination to misunderstand me, says more about you than about me.� You seem more interested in attacking me personally than addressing the substance of my position, or even knowing what it is (insofar as many pieces are seen in my extensive commentary here) or how it will develop into a coherent whole (this blog is still relatively new, and I don’t publish on anyone’s schedule but my own).
Your most incisive criticism of me thus far is to point out that Hitler was not too fond of Nietzsche.� That is not news to me; and it is probably not news to you that many intellectuals who are attracted to the one are also attracted to the other, including some who are incomparably more knowledgeable than you are about these topics.� Intellectual influences work that way—a point that would not need to be explained to an intellectual.� (What will you do, when I thoroughly repudiate Schopenhauer’s philosophic pessimism, his renunciation of life, his antinatalism, and his misogyny?� None of which I associate with Hitler, any more than anyone should associate Nietzsche’s very irritating remarks about his fellow Germans with me.)
And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that’s a basic flaw in your being that can’t be corrected.
Your opinion is taken under advisement.
This is twisted:
You didn’t make it as a Jew and you’re not going to make it as a Hitlerian.
I never claimed to be a Jew, or tried to be one.� Never in my whole life.� This is your smear-attack.
Why didn’t you say, “You didn’t make it as a Jew and you’re not going to make it as a German?â€ï¿½ That would show the wrongful nature of what you said about me.� (Incidentally, it is possible that I may have more claim to being German than to being a Jew; not saying so, but just saying you make many assumptions about someone who understandably wants to exercise free speech from behind the shield of an unidentifiable pseudonym.)
—Or, “You didn’t make it as a Zionist and you’re not going to make it as a Hitlerian.â€ï¿½ That would, at least, be consistent.
As to whether your predictions are correct:� We shall see.� In the end, the reason why I “didn’t make it†as a Zionist was that I discovered that my Zionism was based on lies.� I do not think that will be a problem with Hitler.� Do you?
You said your goal was:
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It’s just one more thing you’re copying.
Many, many others have had such stellar success that when I praise Hitler and his Germans here, I am attacked from one side by people who treat it as fundamentally disrespectable, beyond the pale, and from the other side by—you.� “Already done that�� It is obviously not done, whatever attempts may have been made—some of them by well-intended and highly intelligent people.
In the entire English-speaking world (really, anywhere outside the German-speaking world), the one who thus far did more than any other to make overt, positive admiration of Hitler and his Germans intellectually respectable for non-Germans was Professor Oliver.� When I list and weigh my intellectual influences, I account him as much an influence on me as Nietzsche and the National-Socialists combined—although I am not Oliverian, either.� It does not escape my notice that the primary publisher of his later works, who dragged him out of retirement and persauded him to write, was George Dietz, the publisher of Liberty Bell—a German immigrant to America who grew up in the Hitlerjugend, whose father was in the SA.
(Given the ambiguous context in which this line of discussion was raised, perhaps I should also remark—see this, and n.�1 here.)
I am just getting started here.� You do not yet know my approach, even though it is already subtly implicit.� I do have something new—all my own, and thus not to be blamed on mein Großprofessor, although I accredit him partly for inspiring it.� Those who wait and see will watch it develop (if I can get out from these ridiculous back-and-forth arguments); if you don’t, it is not my loss.
And I do not need your permission.� Nor did I ask it.�®
But I did not "accuse" you of such, I used the word "suspect" and added that I could be wrong. To suspect is not to accuse. Suspicion is a natural reaction when a person is not forthcoming. You seem to rely on accusing people of accusing you of things, by just mentioning it and trying to clarify. You object so vigorously that it makes you more suspect. I wonder if anyone can do a word search to discover if the words "Australia, where I live" appear anywhere on this thread? I remember it so clearly because it excited me that here you gave your present location, at least. So I deduced you were most likely an Anglo. I don't know why I would think I was reading something from you that was from someone else! It baffles me, but I know I still could be mistaken.I am not trying to smear you. I know better than to behave like that, being the target of smear campaigns on the Internet myself, but they were years ago. When you want to keep so many secrets, it naturally makes people very curious, and wondering what you're hiding. That's all there is to it.Replies: @bombthe3gorgesdam, @Raches
You make here a serious accusation. I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
@John Johnson
Just which planet are you commenting from.?
On his planet, also, the peaceable British would happily have given India or most of Africa to the Germans, if only Hitler had not be so terribly mean to Poland.� No, really.
In another thread, he tucked tail and ran when I challenged him about this:
The British never wanted war with Hitler.� All Hitler had to do was build his empire somewhere else and not attack Poland.� They would have happily given him India or let him take most of Africa.� Or he could have attacked the Soviets first.
The last time I bothered answering Mr.�Johnson in this thread, he just insulted me and changed his argument.� And now, he is trying to bait me (and dissociating that reply with the relevant comments) because I correctly marked him as a troll.
As I remarked much earlier in this thread, I need to cultivate readership who can deal with this stuff.� Otherwise, given some of the subject matter that I cover, it is predictable that soon, my blog would entirely consist of me chasing pseudohistorical nonsense in the comments.� I would not even be able to keep up with it all—and if I were to try, then that would generally tend to discourage others who may want to take it up.
Whereas it is important for such things not to go generally unanswered.� These comments do get read by people who never comment themselves.� How many really know what happened with the Lusitania, or dozens of other topics?� It is good for these things to be discussed.�®
I would mark that as “Trollâ€, if I could give a reaction to this part of your comment alone.�®Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews – your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
Why don’t you try responding to my historical posts instead of just marking ‘troll’ with zero response?
@Raymond has at least read about WW1 while all you seem able to do is hit a little button because you don’t like any type of negative association with Germany.
FYI I’m both anti-globalist and German-American but that doesn’t mean I’m going to live in some historical fantasy world where the Germans did nothing wrong.
I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I "explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You're trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty. Here's the full quote from you in comment 352:
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
Do you really want to accuse me of a
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€. Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted. As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can't prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won't mention it again.You also wrote
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they "discarded" you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, ... Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You're like a parrot - repeating something you heard somewhere. You're avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.
You have no basis for calling me a “charlatanâ€, any more than I could be called a “charlatan†because, without following any Greek philosopher to the letter, I learn from the apex of Greek civilization, and I sometimes quote Greek poets �
Yes, I do. Because you don't know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole. And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that's a basic flaw in your being that can't be corrected. You didn't make it as a Jew and you're not going to make it as a Hitlerian. You said your goal was:
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It's just one more thing you're copying. Unfortunately there are too many Germans who WANT non-Germans to take up battle for them; they think they cannot do it themselves. But that's preposterous. If it's to promote N-S, well those N-S leaders ideas were just that--that Germans would take over and run Germany. Not foreigners. If Germans are to do it they must identify themselves, not hide behind anonymity. Or behind some non-entity named Raches, or some other kind soul. So I ask you, Raches, who appointed you to this task? Just as I thought, you're self-appointed and you're more of a leech (parasite??) than a benefactor. Your last paragraph is of no consequence; the best I can do is quote the last sentence:
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews - your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.Replies: @Raches, @Raches
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
(Other, longer reply will follow.)
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews – your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.
I would mark that as “Trollâ€, if I could give a reaction to this part of your comment alone.�®
Apropos America attracting Germans:� A pretty good book about Germans in America (im deutschen Original).� I find this part (Original) especially interesting.� (I hope that website did not disappear; I may update archive links as warranted.)
Just which planet are you commenting from.? You need far more than a time machine.
The Lusitania was stacked with high explosives, Churchill’s cousin Roosevelt( Secretary of the Navy), deliberately leaked the real invoice of the cargo that the Lusitania was carrying armaments, this real invoice was found hidden in his desk after he died, and made available by his son after WW2.
What difference would that make? What planet are you from where it is ok to send women and children to the bottom of the ocean?
It was an incredibly cruel and dumb decision by the Germans to allow unrestricted warfare on ships carrying passengers and here you are defending them.
The captain could have let them get into lifeboats first but decided to just take a shot. They could have shot it while in port. They had options and did not have to drown women and children.
Total moron move that made Wilson’s dreams come true.
Now we have to live in the mess of German mistakes during WW1/WW2 and yet you somehow think I am the problem for pointing this out.
Churchill, while drunk, as the First Sea Lord of the Navy, demanded that the Lusitania be redirected into waters that were known to have submarines present.
Of course the British and pro-war Americans wanted it to happen. DURRR. That is why it was such a dumb move on the part of the Germans. While the Germans normally had better technology the British were masters at suckering them. Now we have live in clown world with British faggotry.
For future reference drowning women and children really isn’t a good way to maintain neutrality. Thanks a bunch Deutschland.
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€ï¿½ As you know, that is an inflammatory allegation here.� It is not true, and it is not suggested by anything that I have ever said.
I did not say you said you were a Jew, but only that you said you had wanted to be a Jew when you were involved with Jews.
I frankly cannot say why you are suddenly so hostile to me.� You mentioned that I am discussing China—so what?� I do not need to discuss only German topics 24/7 to have a pro-German position—and indeed, that is precisely the political trap I am trying to escape, to normalize admiration of the German people.� And you would need categorically to repudiate Hitler’s foreign policy to suggest that it’s wrong to make allies in Asia.� Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany.�®Replies: @Carolyn Yeager, @Carolyn Yeager
If any truly German people survive the current attempts to exterminate them by miscegenation, their heirs will be repaid by my efforts for the glory, inspiration, and solace that I have found in the achievements of their best ancestors.
Hi Raches,
Your comment #400 is what I am replying to. So please stay focused there.
It is, of course, way too long for what you have to say.
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You’re trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty.
Here’s the full quote from you in comment 352:
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€. Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted. As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
Do you really want to accuse me of a
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can’t prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won’t mention it again.
You also wrote
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded” you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
You have no basis for calling me a “charlatanâ€, any more than I could be called a “charlatan†because, without following any Greek philosopher to the letter, I learn from the apex of Greek civilization, and I sometimes quote Greek poets
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You’re like a parrot – repeating something you heard somewhere. You’re avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Yes, I do. Because you don’t know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole. And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that’s a basic flaw in your being that can’t be corrected. You didn’t make it as a Jew and you’re not going to make it as a Hitlerian. You said your goal was:
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It’s just one more thing you’re copying. Unfortunately there are too many Germans who WANT non-Germans to take up battle for them; they think they cannot do it themselves. But that’s preposterous. If it’s to promote N-S, well those N-S leaders ideas were just that–that Germans would take over and run Germany. Not foreigners. If Germans are to do it they must identify themselves, not hide behind anonymity. Or behind some non-entity named Raches, or some other kind soul.
So I ask you, Raches, who appointed you to this task? Just as I thought, you’re self-appointed and you’re more of a leech (parasite??) than a benefactor. Your last paragraph is of no consequence; the best I can do is quote the last sentence:
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews – your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.
I would mark that as “Trollâ€, if I could give a reaction to this part of your comment alone.�®Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews – your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
Yes, I do want to accuse you of that.� You are doing it right here, and doing it worse.� You make here a serious accusation.� I never wrote here that I live in Australia, I never removed it—I unequivocally deny your accusation.
Do you really want to accuse me of a? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can’t prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won’t mention it again.
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
Which is what you are doing.� You suddenly, rather shockingly to me, started what at this point quite seems to be an attempt to discredit me.� Much of it is based on seizing single words and phrases out of context, hairsplitting over them, and then applying them elsewhere to turn the plain meaning of whole paragraphs upside-down; a Jewish lawyer could not do “betterâ€.� Then, in the same breath (quoted below), you accuse me of “trying to play with languageâ€.� You have insinuated in multiple ways that I am dishonest, done so in ways that do not speak well of your own honesty, and then—turned around and accused me of turning this around on you.
You also wroteThat more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
Your boldface is an open cherry-pick of parts you want to emphasize, to support an interpretation that turns the plain meaning of this paragraph upside-down.� Try emphasis on, “Of course, I knew that I was not a Jewâ€, and, “I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.â€ï¿½ Why “quasiâ€?
It is, of course, way too long for what you have to say.I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You’re trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty.
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
Here’s the full quote from you in comment 352:
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€.� Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted.� As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
If my biggest sin were that I suffered stereotypical Jewish gratitude, after I lived a sincere and unimpeachable loyalty to swindlers in whose lies I too-trustingly believed, then I would be a saint.That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they “discarded†you.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, … Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
Raches, October 18, 2021 at 4:24 am GMT (boldface is in the original—my internal link was erroneous; the correct link is above the preceding quote):
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Carolyn Yeager, October 18, 2021 at 11:58 pm GMT (boldface is in the original):
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
Why did you remove the quotation marks, then say that “[I] said of [you] that†you said that?� I was quoting you verbatim.
You said of me that I “explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€
The very fact that you would say that, based on what seems to be a dogged determination to misunderstand me, says more about you than about me.� You seem more interested in attacking me personally than addressing the substance of my position, or even knowing what it is (insofar as many pieces are seen in my extensive commentary here) or how it will develop into a coherent whole (this blog is still relatively new, and I don’t publish on anyone’s schedule but my own).
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You’re like a parrot – repeating something you heard somewhere. You’re avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.Yes, I do. Because you don’t know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole.
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Your opinion is taken under advisement.
And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that’s a basic flaw in your being that can’t be corrected.
I never claimed to be a Jew, or tried to be one.� Never in my whole life.� This is your smear-attack.
You didn’t make it as a Jew and you’re not going to make it as a Hitlerian.
Many, many others have had such stellar success that when I praise Hitler and his Germans here, I am attacked from one side by people who treat it as fundamentally disrespectable, beyond the pale, and from the other side by—you.� “Already done that�� It is obviously not done, whatever attempts may have been made—some of them by well-intended and highly intelligent people.
You said your goal was:Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It’s just one more thing you’re copying.
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Detailed genealogies are very important for Altaic tribes, you can see they keep it up to 20 generations--
From the previous comments, there were some other points about which I had wanted to ask CJKBTK about Gengiz Khan
Re Gengiz Khan:� Thanks, but my question was from a bit of a different direction:� Of what race, or possibly racial admixture was he?� Apparently, the Mongolian leader who founded the Mongol Empire was not himself a racial “Mongolianâ€, as modern racialists use that term.� Of course, Wikipedia provides lists of names—which say little without a detailed examination.
Cutting the extremely long comment that I began to write to you about this before—� (Several replies to you have wound up in that state—sorry.)� —I found this via my great professor, of course:
Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture (University of California Press, 1973), Libgen (current links) ID�#759218, MD5:93c07f52896aebc7aea197da6ec05a79, p.�374 [sheet 400 of LG’s PDF]:
Even later the Chinese knew of Mongol Huang t’ou Shih-wei, “Shih-wei with the yellow heads,†and Gengiz Khan and his descendants had blond or reddish hair and deep-blue eyes.[107]
[107] Yach fu shih chi, ch. 25.
(I hope that I transcribed that footnote correctly.� LG’s scan is not perfectly clear.)
See generally Chapter VIII, “Race†(the only chapter I thus far entirely read—I do intend to read the rest someday…).
Oliver cited and briefly quoted other parts of that chapter, not about Khan, in The Enemy of Our Enemies (Liberty Bell Publications, 1981; Liberty Bell, July 1981; pp.�26f.; n.�29 at 27).� In a discussion of the historical implications of biological race, and mixtures thereof, he thereby speaks to “the lamentably elementary state of our present knowledge of racial genetics, which may be compared to the state of chemical science at the death of Lavoisier,†and he condemns “thoughtless ‘intellectuals,’ who, if they had lived in the time of Lavoisier, would doubtless have clamored for legislation to forbid discrimination on the grounds that the four recognized elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are not found in a pure state, whence it follows that it is wicked to recognize differences between them and to bathe in water rather than mud or a bonfire.â€ï¿½ (He always had the best analogies and metaphors.)
Oliver, and his quotation of Maenchen-Helfen, also led me to the blond, blue-eyed, blond-full-bearded Emperor Ming of Jin, who had ancestry from the Xianbei (derisively called 白慮).� Seeking information online, I rammed my head into a brick wall here:
A little help would be much appreciated.
East-West contact has been ongoing for a long time (and of course, going back much further, I also have some vague knowledge from elsewhere about the Tarim Basin mummies), with racial aspects that should be studied with greater scholarly objectivity than the drastic, unsupported and sometimes insupportable political conclusions to which many people jump, in all directions, when these matters are even mentioned.� I hope that my readership at The Unz Review is smarter.�®
No problem.� I actually dislike the fast-paced type of Internet conversation; I admire the old-fashioned exchange of letters, at a slower pace and in more depth (not to mention greater eloquence).� And I would not presume to demand that you should drop all else to reply to me, if you are busy and you want to make a thoughtful response.
The essay that I partly did yesterday, I question if I should rework together with something I began to write earlier this year; I gave up it before, for want of a platform to publish it; it has been much on my mind since last month.� It is an issue of great importance to me—and no doubt, important to the Germans:� How should the German National-Socialists be treated, culturally and intellectually, by those who have no direct, organic connection to them?� I have a new answer to that question.� 20.�Oktober is an historically significant day, which would be auspicious; but I do not know if I can properly treat this topic by then.� Perhaps I should just summarize it for now.
I should probably stop replying to comments; but the discussion here is interesting and important to me.�®
I had previously thought to allude to the origin of the Japanese word kamikazi, before CJKBTK mentioned it.� I was reluctant, and trying with limited knowledge to think of how to put this, because:
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?� Indians never claimed any British territory outside the traditional boundaries of India based conscripted military service against Germany; but CJKBTK pointed to present-day territorial maps based on Mongol and Manchu actions.� Looking at other territorial claims, I think that it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Kublai Khan had conquered Japan, and if the conquest had been kept as an annexation surviving the disintegration of the larger Mongol empire, then the Yuan and all subsequent dynasties (including both PRC and ROC) would claim Japan based on this.
To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII.� Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
From the previous comments, there were some other points about which I had wanted to ask CJKBTK about Gengiz Khan
Detailed genealogies are very important for Altaic tribes, you can see they keep it up to 20 generations–
The Manchu Qing emperor Shunzhi 顺治 was a descendant of Genghis Khan’s brother Qasar through his mother.
This was Qing’s claim to being successors to Yuan, through marriage alliance with Mongols.
The Mongols certainly regarded the Chinese as imperial subjects, but then again so were the Russians, Persians, Arabs, etc.
(I hope that I transcribed that footnote correctly.� LG’s scan is not perfectly clear.)See generally Chapter VIII, “Race†(the only chapter I thus far entirely read—I do intend to read the rest someday...).Oliver cited and briefly quoted other parts of that chapter, not about Khan, in The Enemy of Our Enemies (Liberty Bell Publications, 1981; Liberty Bell, July 1981; pp.�26f.; n.�29 at 27).� In a discussion of the historical implications of biological race, and mixtures thereof, he thereby speaks to “the lamentably elementary state of our present knowledge of racial genetics, which may be compared to the state of chemical science at the death of Lavoisier,†and he condemns “thoughtless ‘intellectuals,’ who, if they had lived in the time of Lavoisier, would doubtless have clamored for legislation to forbid discrimination on the grounds that the four recognized elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are not found in a pure state, whence it follows that it is wicked to recognize differences between them and to bathe in water rather than mud or a bonfire.â€ï¿½ (He always had the best analogies and metaphors.)Oliver, and his quotation of Maenchen-Helfen, also led me to the blond, blue-eyed, blond-full-bearded Emperor Ming of Jin, who had ancestry from the Xianbei (derisively called 白慮).� Seeking information online, I rammed my head into a brick wall here:http://sannv.web.fc2.com/wei/bianjinfa.htmlA little help would be much appreciated.East-West contact has been ongoing for a long time (and of course, going back much further, I also have some vague knowledge from elsewhere about the Tarim Basin mummies), with racial aspects that should be studied with greater scholarly objectivity than the drastic, unsupported and sometimes insupportable political conclusions to which many people jump, in all directions, when these matters are even mentioned.� I hope that my readership at The Unz Review is smarter.�®Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms
Even later the Chinese knew of Mongol Huang t’ou Shih-wei, “Shih-wei with the yellow heads,†and Gengiz Khan and his descendants had blond or reddish hair and deep-blue eyes.[107][...][107] Yach fu shih chi, ch. 25.
In my view, absolutely it applies. The United States have absorbed many Native American nations. Since then the USA invaded Afghanistan. I am certain you would find a US soldier of Cherokee or Sioux descent in the invading forces. Can one then say that the Cherokee or Sioux invaded Afghanistan? It is precisely this point.Our Japanese friend CJKBTK is trying to find false equivalency to justify Japanese invasions of China.Empires all go through phases of expansion, then maintenance, then decline. China is no exception. But her period of active expansion ended circa 900AD. Since then, the central focus of the Chinese has to desperately keep what they have.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?
Several points I need to make here because it seems there needs to be clarifications...there are misunderstandings brewing.When I speak of historical China as above, I mean the historically ethnic Han China (for clarity I will use EHC). The Manchus conquered EHC and added it to their empire consisting of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. Therefore you have the magic number 5. They called their amalgamation of 5 entities Qing dynasty. It has also sometimes been loosely referred to as China, so one has to be careful to understand it according to the context in which the word "China" is used.In the same way the Mongols conquered EHC and combined it with other conquered territories calling it the Yuan dynasty. Again it has been loosely referred to as China.Back to the Qing dynastyNote that it was not EHC that conquered the other 4. This is very important.
Clarifications on what I mean by China
Thanks for the explanation of the Chinese view of Han ethnicity.� I need to think more about that issue in itself; I address here only a few ancillary points that you raised:
The Han dynasty existed about roughly the same time as the Roman Empire.� It was roughly the same size also.� If the Roman Empire lasted till today, people from different parts of the Roman Empire would not be calling themselves French, or Spanish or Italian or Greek.� They would simply be calling themselves ROMAN.
According to the historical theory I find most credible, that was the primary cause of the downfall of the Roman Empire:� Too many people of other ethnicities gained Roman citizenship, and were called “Romansâ€.� I was recently discussing this with some other commentators in another thread; and an anonymous commentator gave me a reference I was seeking, for which I forgot the reference, until seeing the paper jogged my memory.� It is an academic work, Tenney Frank, “Race Mixture in the Roman Empire†from 1916.� I think this could not be researched so openly today.
Speaking on the general topic of East-West parallels:� Romans (real Romans) used to have ancestor-worship, before Christianity.� Of course, it was not the same as Chinese ancestor-worship; but Roman families did worship spirits of their ancestors, the lares, together with other household spirits, as a tradition unifying the family as worship of the Roman national gods unified the state.� At some point, I will be blogging about this East-West comparison and contrast—with a book recommendation, which I found via Professor Oliver…
The PRC central government, in an effort to stress unity, rather than differences has chosen to classify what linguists would otherwise call distinct languages, “dialects†instead.� Many Westerners are not aware of this.
I was aware of that; I have an interest in languages.� On a theoretical level, I know something about the languages of most civilized peoples, even if I do not know how to speak or to read most of them.� The “dialect†thing is a logical peeve of mine; I substitute “language†when I am thinking of Chinese languages, but I use “dialect†in discussions to make myself understood, and to avoid giving offense unintentionally.� Or else, I call French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, et al. “dialects†of vulgar Latin, which is close to true (or the Prakrits and modern Hindi “dialects†of Sanskrit, or…).� The similarity of some of these languages is probably closer than that of some Chinese dialects; and the greater or lesser commonality shared by all of the major European languages (except Finnish and Hungarian, of different origins) is not unnoticed by some proponents of unified Europe.� Europe also has the past tradition, regrettably now gone, of Latin as the single international/intra-European language shared by all of the upper classes; it is for this reason that some early modern scientific texts, as works of the intellectual classes, were written entirely in Latin and not in German, French, etc.�®
I’ve stated the viewpoint that the Pacific War was a measure for the United States to weaken both Japan and China. Not very different than what is happening now.
It’s also acknowledged here–
Maxwell S. Stewart, a former Foreign Policy Association research staff and economist who charged that America’s Neutrality Act and its “neutrality policy” was a massive farce which only benefited Japan and that Japan did not have the capability nor could ever have invaded China without the massive amount of raw material America exported to Japan. America exported far more raw material to Japan than to China in the years 1937–1940.
All of this is not very flattering to the US. So how does this make me a US propagandist?
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs? The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing. Therefore Monglia was part of the ROC.
Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
The ROC and PRC claims on Mongolia / Inner Mongolia are not based on Yuan being a Chinese dynasty or not. Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing which included Mongolia.
The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as “intrinsically†Chinese.
Operative word threatened. Ethnic Han Chinese have never invaded nor even attempted invasion of Japan. If they were so inclined, they would have taken little Ryukyu long before the Japanese did. Ditto with Korea.
The Ming Emperor Hongwu æ´ªæ¦ also threatened to invade Japan
Because of Japanese pirates and perceived Japanese insubordination.
suppression of Wokou
Pure conjecture.
Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan.
What does this have to do with what I said, that the Germans have accepted their part in the war? Irrelevant.
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship
You may be Chinese, but you revere the Japanese. By this, and your answers I can tell that you are Taiwanese and are below 40 years old.
I’m of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classic
It is like saying if I scold my sister for doing something silly, then I am also scolding my mother?
In addition Japan is a derivative civilization of China, to unrightly smear Japan is to smear China herself.
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs?
Qing territories included Vladivostok æµ·å‚å´´. Is Vladivostok also China’s?
Qing was ruled by a Manchu-Mongol aristocracy, with a Han Chinese bureaucracy. The Qing conquest of Ming had a death toll of 25 million. Including a massacre at Yangzhou of up to 800,000.
Han Chinese had a choice of shaving their forehead and growing queues, or be decapitated.
Traditionally, adult Han Chinese did not cut their hair for philosophical and cultural reasons. According to the Classic of Filial Piety, Confucius said
We are given our body, skin and hair from our parents; which we ought not to damage. This idea is the quintessence of filial duty. (身體髮膚,å—之父æ¯ï¼Œä¸æ•¢æ¯€å‚·ï¼Œå至始也。)[41]
The Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) was signed in Manchu, Latin and Russian. Chinese was not used.
If I may ask you, if the Japanese had succeeded in conquering China, how would that be different than Qing’s conquest of Ming?
The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing.
The ROC is founded by a Cantonese, Sun Yat-sen, whose co-ethnics were often treated as second-class subjects during Qing, and thus started the intensely anti-Manchu Taiping Rebellion, one of the deadliest war in world history. So I would say that this is a very tenuous claim.
Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing
PRC’s claim as a successor to Qing is even more tenuous, the predecessor of PRC is the Chinese Soviet Republic. Whose progenitor is the USSR.
The Qing also committed Dzungar genocide and invaded Korea, should the PRC apologize for this?
Because of Japanese pirates
Please see my comment 384. The Wokou were up to 70 percent Chinese.
I can tell that you are Taiwanese
I have zero connections with Taiwan but am not offended by your suggestion. If you don’t believe me you can check my comment history for how many positive statements I’ve made about Mao.
In my tiny city of Singapore, they killed 50,000 innocent Chinese civilians.
I’m sorry about this and wish to have a respectful debate.
It is like saying after the defeat of Japan in 1945, Japan should go back to pre Meiji era borders and give up Okinawa.
Actually, the Potsdam Declaration states that Taiwan should be returned to ROC, and Japan’s sovereignty is limited to the 4 Home Islands. So Japan’s claim to Okinawa is somewhat tenuous.
Very much on-topic.� In examination of one Chinese thinker, this begins to approach an important general question about modern China.
slightly off topic,
I was alerted to this great article that gives insights into the Chinese Central Government’s latest moves like the crackdown on tech companies, sissy actors, Confucian revival etc. I highly recommend it.
Thanks.� Very interesting.� I always look for the mastermind.� The article raises to me a question I already had more generally, which both gives me hope, and troubles me.� It is not an unreasonable question from a distance, even with a friendly feeling towards China; for the Soviets and some others many times did “changes†that were not changes at all.� As you understand, this type of suspicion also makes fertile soil for American “neocon†propaganda against China, such that even an objective examination of present-day Chinese politics can incur the accusation of being a “Mao apologistâ€.� In my case, such an accusation could not be more ridiculous.
The question, which is reasonable on its face:� Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
Marxism itself is not so much an ideology, as a political framework for fooling people.� I am therefore cautious in such matters.� But this looks different to me.
My perspective on Marxism versus Anti-Marxism is unusual.� A few months after I first read Mein Kampf, I happened across an intellectual discussion of the theory by a German professor of history, Ernst Nolte, that Hitler used the weapons of Marxism to defeat Marxism.� I fit this one little piece of Nolte’s historical argument into a much larger original theory of my own; when I later discovered Kevin MacDonald’s theory, which I mentioned earlier in this thread, I put these ideas together as different views of the same larger question.� (Aside, for anyone to call me a “charlatan†says more about the speaker than about me.)� Nolte was subject to the censorship of postwar Germany; I think it’s likely he could not say everything that he thought.� As it was, he said many things that seemed to walk a fine line between incurring controversy, and getting in real trouble.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.� In 1920s Germany, he fought both the Reds and Reaction (the German right-wing of that era).� He was sometimes accused of being a secret Bolshevik.� He did not care; he knew what he was doing, and what ultimate goal he served:� Germany for German people, which required a radical fight against the Bolsheviks.
I have some ideological differences from Hitler.� But one strong parallel, much inspired by him, is that I am not “right-wingâ€, either:� I am strongly anti-Communist and anti-liberal (in the modern sense of that word), from a direction that avoids the “reactionary†trap.� I am not a reactionary, but anti-reactionary also.� I will blog about this—yes, I keep saying that as I spend my time in comments…
Another historical datum:� The American poet who sympathized with Italian Fascism, Ezra Pound, was a Sinophile.� He taught himself Chinese, he read Chinese classics in the original, and he justified Mussolini’s policies in terms of Confucius and Mencius.� It was through Pound that I first learned about Wang Jingwei, who is so memory-holed that I had previously never heard of him.� Pound was an enthusiastic advocate of Wang Jingwei’s ROC, in alliance with Japan, Italy, and Germany.
I am not in accord with Pound politically—although it makes me laugh that in some ways, my personality is just a little bit not dissimilar to his.� (He was a poet with a Bohemian lifestyle, very different than the German National Socialists.� It is why he moved to Italy.� The American government severely persecuted him after the War, due to his politically incorrect exercise of free speech.)� I do note that what you said earlier about the Chinese view of ethnic Han seems in some ways similar to a Fascist “civic nationalismâ€.
As a generalization, the pre-WWII radical, anti-Marxist political movements in Europe that most people see as so-called “right-wing†were new, forward-looking versions of old, even ancient European political traditions, in a new historical context—against the left, and often against the right.
If Wang Huning is such a political thinker as the article describes, I would guess he is quite well aware of all this, and much, much more.� I wonder what he is really thinking.
Turning to the article—
I don’t agree with everything that it describes about Wang Huning’s thought.� But cherry-picking only a few passages with which I firmly agree, I could have written these parts myself:
But while Americans can, he says, perceive that they are faced with “intricate social and cultural problems,†they “tend to think of them as scientific and technological problems†to be solved separately.� This gets them nowhere, he argues, because their problems are in fact all inextricably interlinked and have the same root cause: a radical, nihilistic individualism at the heart of modern American liberalism.
Ultimately, he argues, when faced with critical social issues like drug addiction, America’s atomized, deracinated, and dispirited society has found itself with “an insurmountable problem†because it no longer has any coherent conceptual grounds from which to mount any resistance.
It’s true that China never remotely liberalized—if you consider liberalism to be all about democratic elections, a free press, and respect for human rights.� But many political thinkers would argue there is more to a comprehensive definition of modern liberalism than that.� Instead, they would identify liberalism’s essential telos as being the liberation of the individual from all limiting ties of place, tradition, religion, associations, and relationships, along with all the material limits of nature, in pursuit of the radical autonomy of the modern “consumer.â€
From this perspective, China has been thoroughly liberalized, and the picture of what’s happening to Chinese society begins to look far more like Wang’s nightmare of a liberal culture consumed by nihilistic individualism and commodification.
• Agree: Raches
For my part (and wondering of what Wang would think of this), I observe that despite rhetoric to the contrary, Marxism ultimately creates this type of individual atomization for the purpose of building the worst type of slave-state:� Deracinated, atomized individuals, with no traditions and no natural group ties of tribe and family, cannot resist being treated as mere livestock—even as meat.� Now, observe the Americans today!
Of course, from one little article about him, I cannot know Wang Huning’s thought in any depth whatsoever.� I wonder what he is really thinking.� And amidst political conflicts, when there may be propaganda in either direction, to understand such a thinker beyond the most superficial view may be almost impossible when I am not literate in his language.�®
I will be the first to admit that I know close to nothing about Marxism. But the one thing that I have gleaned about it from self confessed Marxists, is that Marx and Das Kapital was concerned purely on economics primarily on the critique of capitalism, and Marx did not prescribe any state ideology. How true this is, I would leave it to a more informed person to correct me. So if my definition of Marxism is correct and only deals with economics, then it makes it a good fit for the deeply ingrained Confucian attitudes of the Chinese. Confucianism was NOT concerned about economic systems, and was primarily concerned with the way the state and its constituent components function relating to each other, morality and self improvement. This compatibility I speculate, is one of the reasons why the mainland China so easily embraced the CPC. If you are familiar with the Chinese mindset, then you will know that they are above all, a very practical people. They have no problems mixing and matching what they find useful from disparate schools of thought.So I look at Wang Huning's influence in China as a positive one. He is enabling the country to evolve a more wholistic approach to governance. Combining the economic ideas of Marx with the humanistic governance traditions of the Confucians. For now the CPC finds it convenient to call this love child of Marx and Confucius "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". I wonder what they will call it in a hundred years?At this point, I do admit that I have some sympathy for Marx's criticism of capitalism as it is a very useful tool to understand and avoid the excesses of cut-throat capitalism. We only have to look at the USA to see what the worship of capitalism can lead to.
The question, which is reasonable on its face: Does Wang Huning revive Marxism in a new form—or does he make an Anti-Marxism that looks superficially similar to Marxism, to navigate political realities in PRC with finesse?
On Hitler, I cannot argue with you.
Hitler was not “right-wingâ€.
Irrelevant. The fact is that the Japanese war crime took place. He should not have been just dismissed, he should have been executed.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Irrelevant. Atrocities during Chinese internal turmoil does not absolve the "civilised, cultured and superior" Japanese from their own atrocities
-The lesser know Nanjing “Massacreâ€. Hunan Army’ sacking of Taiping capital (1864), resulting in alleged massacre of 2-300,000. Nanjing and Hunan dialects are mutually unintelligible
Please consider what you have just written.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
He should not have been just dismissed, he should have been executed.
He was. I recommend that you read Matsui’s full wiki biography.
the “civilised, cultured and superior†Japanese
This is a strawman. I’ve never stated or considered that the Japanese are more “civilised, cultured and superior†than the Chinese.
I don’t claim that it absolves the Japanese atrocities either.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
I retract this point.
I think that suggests you probably should learn more about what happened in the European theater.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Given that the latter is largely a combination of falsehoods and distortions, what you say about “far less†is tantamount to a claim that the Japanese only distributed flowers and sweets in China and Singapore.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well.� I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
I’ve read the accounts by Joachim Fest, Albert Speer, Timothy Snyder, William Shire, and Anthony Beevor.
I’m referring to the mainstream claims of Einsatzgruppen, Generalplan Ost, Hungerplan, Auschwitz, Lebensraum, War of Annihilation, as a point of reference because so that we have common reference.
I’m sure you have your views and there’s no need for us to debate it here.
Surely, better arguments for your conclusions could be made.
The Tang was a military powerhouse unmatched in world history; this was a such an insignificant affair that the they barely bothered to record it in their history. It was like a "war" between US and Panama.
First China and Japan war was at 663 AD, Tang Dynasty, caused by Japanese invasion of Korea. �
The Wokou å€å¯‡ Dwarf Pirates were up to 70 percent ethnic Chinese (and also some Koreans)
1363-1624 AD Japanese pirates ravaged Chinese coastal land. �
I can get into length about this. But a few main points--
1931-1945 Japanese invasion of China. �
Nomonhan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat, 1939
In 1937, however, the Japanese found themselves fighting an unplanned war against China, a classic case of the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time against the wrong enemy �
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/太平洋戦争#日本ã«ãŠã‘る評価Replies: @Raches, @Joe Wong
While the United States sells oil and supplies to Japan, it continues to provide strong assistance to the Republic of China, and it was difficult from the beginning to continue the war in conflict with the United States in both Japan and China. Since the United States had a decisive influence on Japan and China even before the start of the war, it is believed that the Pacific War was a measure for the United States to weaken both Japan and China. �
You are trolling manufactured consent fabricated by the Japanese to white washing their war crimes, and by the American for the propaganda in the cold war against China. Those narratives have been on the Western and its lackey’s media nearly 70 years now.
The American can claim bombing and killing on the fabricated WMD allegation as humanitarian aids, or initiated COVID-19 bio warfare against China and blame China as the culprit of the pandemic, your fake news narrative is just part of the American and Japanese traditional denial handy work.
Maxwell S. Stewart, a former Foreign Policy Association research staff and economist who charged that America's Neutrality Act and its "neutrality policy" was a massive farce which only benefited Japan and that Japan did not have the capability nor could ever have invaded China without the massive amount of raw material America exported to Japan. America exported far more raw material to Japan than to China in the years 1937–1940. �
I don't apologize for Japanese war crimes, but it needs to be placed in perspective. 1. The Japanese commander in charge at the Nanjing Atrocity (1937-8), was dismissed partly for allowing it to happen.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching�
You are a reborn unrepentant morally defunct die hard evil barbaric Japanese war criminal.
I think that suggests you probably should learn more about what happened in the European theater.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Given that the latter is largely a combination of falsehoods and distortions, what you say about “far less†is tantamount to a claim that the Japanese only distributed flowers and sweets in China and Singapore.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well.� I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
slightly off topic,
I was alerted to this great article that gives insights into the Chinese Central Government’s latest moves like the crackdown on tech companies, sissy actors, Confucian revival etc. I highly recommend it.
Thanks.� Very interesting.� I always look for the mastermind.� The article raises to me a question I already had more generally, which both gives me hope, and troubles me.� It is not an unreasonable question from a distance, even with a friendly feeling towards China; for the Soviets and some others many times did “changes†that were not changes at all.� As you understand, this type of suspicion also makes fertile soil for American “neocon†propaganda against China, such that even an objective examination of present-day Chinese politics can incur the accusation of being a “Mao apologistâ€.� In my case, such an accusation could not be more ridiculous.
slightly off topic,
I was alerted to this great article that gives insights into the Chinese Central Government’s latest moves like the crackdown on tech companies, sissy actors, Confucian revival etc. I highly recommend it.
https://palladiummag.com/2021/10/11/the-triumph-and-terror-of-wang-huning/ �
For my part (and wondering of what Wang would think of this), I observe that despite rhetoric to the contrary, Marxism ultimately creates this type of individual atomization for the purpose of building the worst type of slave-state:� Deracinated, atomized individuals, with no traditions and no natural group ties of tribe and family, cannot resist being treated as mere livestock—even as meat.� Now, observe the Americans today!
But while Americans can, he says, perceive that they are faced with “intricate social and cultural problems,†they “tend to think of them as scientific and technological problems†to be solved separately.� This gets them nowhere, he argues, because their problems are in fact all inextricably interlinked and have the same root cause: a radical, nihilistic individualism at the heart of modern American liberalism.
Ultimately, he argues, when faced with critical social issues like drug addiction, America’s atomized, deracinated, and dispirited society has found itself with “an insurmountable problem†because it no longer has any coherent conceptual grounds from which to mount any resistance.
It’s true that China never remotely liberalized—if you consider liberalism to be all about democratic elections, a free press, and respect for human rights.� But many political thinkers would argue there is more to a comprehensive definition of modern liberalism than that.� Instead, they would identify liberalism’s essential telos as being the liberation of the individual from all limiting ties of place, tradition, religion, associations, and relationships, along with all the material limits of nature, in pursuit of the radical autonomy of the modern “consumer.â€
From this perspective, China has been thoroughly liberalized, and the picture of what’s happening to Chinese society begins to look far more like Wang’s nightmare of a liberal culture consumed by nihilistic individualism and commodification.
• Agree: Raches
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€ï¿½ As you know, that is an inflammatory allegation here.� It is not true, and it is not suggested by anything that I have ever said.
I did not say you said you were a Jew, but only that you said you had wanted to be a Jew when you were involved with Jews.
I frankly cannot say why you are suddenly so hostile to me.� You mentioned that I am discussing China—so what?� I do not need to discuss only German topics 24/7 to have a pro-German position—and indeed, that is precisely the political trap I am trying to escape, to normalize admiration of the German people.� And you would need categorically to repudiate Hitler’s foreign policy to suggest that it’s wrong to make allies in Asia.� Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany.�®Replies: @Carolyn Yeager, @Carolyn Yeager
If any truly German people survive the current attempts to exterminate them by miscegenation, their heirs will be repaid by my efforts for the glory, inspiration, and solace that I have found in the achievements of their best ancestors.
You’ll have to wait for my reply to your comments (so sorry) as this is Monday – my ‘appointments day’. But they will be coming, do not fear.
I don't apologize for Japanese war crimes, but it needs to be placed in perspective. 1. The Japanese commander in charge at the Nanjing Atrocity (1937-8), was dismissed partly for allowing it to happen.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching�
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Irrelevant. The fact is that the Japanese war crime took place. He should not have been just dismissed, he should have been executed.
-The lesser know Nanjing “Massacreâ€. Hunan Army’ sacking of Taiping capital (1864), resulting in alleged massacre of 2-300,000. Nanjing and Hunan dialects are mutually unintelligible
Irrelevant. Atrocities during Chinese internal turmoil does not absolve the “civilised, cultured and superior” Japanese from their own atrocities
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
Please consider what you have just written.
It is very disturbing.
We in tiny Singapore suffered 50,000 dead CIVILIANS in atrocities.
Your Japanophilia has caused you gloss over the tragedy of others.
He was. I recommend that you read Matsui's full wiki biography.
He should not have been just dismissed, he should have been executed.
This is a strawman. I've never stated or considered that the Japanese are more “civilised, cultured and superior†than the Chinese.
the “civilised, cultured and superior†Japanese
I retract this point.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe. �
What the Germans have “acceptedâ€, in the sense of having it enforced on them under military occupation and the “Reconstruction†(= deconstruction) of their society, is an overall false narrative based on a combination of outright falsehoods, and severe distortions.� And they have not “moved onâ€:� They are still in trapped a state where “due to our history†arguments, based on falsification of history, can be used to shut down most any political argument or even discussion, with the winning side being whoever can present Germans as guilty.
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on.� But the Japanese as a country just don’t seem to have done that.
What the Germans have “acceptedâ€, in the sense of having it enforced on them under military occupation and the “Reconstruction†(= deconstruction) of their society, is an overall false narrative based on a combination of outright falsehoods, and severe distortions. And they have not “moved onâ€: They are still in trapped a state where “due to our history†arguments, based on falsification of history, can be used to shut down most any political argument or even discussion, with the winning side being whoever can present Germans as guilty
Yes, I cannot argue against that. History afterall, is written by the victor.
I would characterize it as a conflict between two territorially aggressive bullies. For example, the Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
The Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. �
Sorry, this is a false equivalence. The French do not claim the Third Reich as a part of its history or any Germany territory. The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as "intrinsically" Chinese.
This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941 �
Among them, Hongwu Emperor demanded the tribute to Ming and the suppression of Wokou from Prince Kaneyoshi of Japan, including military threats. However, Prince Kaneyoshi did not accept Hongwu Emperor’s request by sending a reply stating that if the Ming army invaded Japan, he would counter it. Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan. [421]
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship.
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. �
I'm of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classics å››ä¹¦äº”ç» and Twenty-Four Histories 二åå››å². I simply don't like it when other Chinese play victim vis-a-vie Japan, when the Chinese themselves bully the Vietnamese, Tibetans, etc.
It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.
Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs? The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing. Therefore Monglia was part of the ROC.
Why are you bringing up the Ming dynasty? It has nothing to do with it. It is like saying after the defeat of Japan in 1945, Japan should go back to pre Meiji era borders and give up Okinawa.
The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as “intrinsically†Chinese.
The ROC and PRC claims on Mongolia / Inner Mongolia are not based on Yuan being a Chinese dynasty or not. Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing which included Mongolia.
Why are do you say that China is basing claims based on Yuan? It has nothing to do with it.
The Ming Emperor Hongwu æ´ªæ¦ also threatened to invade Japan
Operative word threatened. Ethnic Han Chinese have never invaded nor even attempted invasion of Japan. If they were so inclined, they would have taken little Ryukyu long before the Japanese did. Ditto with Korea.
suppression of Wokou
Because of Japanese pirates and perceived Japanese insubordination.
Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan.
Pure conjecture.
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship
What does this have to do with what I said, that the Germans have accepted their part in the war? Irrelevant.
I’m of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classic
You may be Chinese, but you revere the Japanese. By this, and your answers I can tell that you are Taiwanese and are below 40 years old.
They may have treated you well in Taiwan, but you know nothing of what the Japanese did to other Chinese in the rest of Asia. In my tiny city of Singapore, they killed 50,000 innocent Chinese civilians. Are you, or other Taiwanese Japanophiles aware of this?
Please have a look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching
In addition Japan is a derivative civilization of China, to unrightly smear Japan is to smear China herself.
It is like saying if I scold my sister for doing something silly, then I am also scolding my mother?
I have said that Japan has many admirable qualities. I enjoy visiting Japan and like Japanese people. But there are some dark truths about their past that Japan has trouble facing.
When a person realises that he is wrong, and is strong enough to admit it, I have utmost respect for him. Is this not a quality of å›å ?
Qing territories included Vladivostok æµ·å‚å´´. Is Vladivostok also China's?
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs?
The Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) was signed in Manchu, Latin and Russian. Chinese was not used.
Traditionally, adult Han Chinese did not cut their hair for philosophical and cultural reasons. According to the Classic of Filial Piety, Confucius said
We are given our body, skin and hair from our parents; which we ought not to damage. This idea is the quintessence of filial duty. (身體髮膚,å—之父æ¯ï¼Œä¸æ•¢æ¯€å‚·ï¼Œå至始也。)[41]
The ROC is founded by a Cantonese, Sun Yat-sen, whose co-ethnics were often treated as second-class subjects during Qing, and thus started the intensely anti-Manchu Taiping Rebellion, one of the deadliest war in world history. So I would say that this is a very tenuous claim.
The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing.
PRC's claim as a successor to Qing is even more tenuous, the predecessor of PRC is the Chinese Soviet Republic. Whose progenitor is the USSR.
Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing �
Please see my comment 384. The Wokou were up to 70 percent Chinese.
Because of Japanese pirates �
I have zero connections with Taiwan but am not offended by your suggestion. If you don't believe me you can check my comment history for how many positive statements I've made about Mao.
I can tell that you are Taiwanese
I'm sorry about this and wish to have a respectful debate.
In my tiny city of Singapore, they killed 50,000 innocent Chinese civilians.
Actually, the Potsdam Declaration states that Taiwan should be returned to ROC, and Japan's sovereignty is limited to the 4 Home Islands. So Japan's claim to Okinawa is somewhat tenuous.
It is like saying after the defeat of Japan in 1945, Japan should go back to pre Meiji era borders and give up Okinawa.
I don't apologize for Japanese war crimes, but it needs to be placed in perspective. 1. The Japanese commander in charge at the Nanjing Atrocity (1937-8), was dismissed partly for allowing it to happen.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching�
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
I think that suggests you probably should learn more about what happened in the European theater.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well.� I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
Given that the latter is largely a combination of falsehoods and distortions, what you say about “far less†is tantamount to a claim that the Japanese only distributed flowers and sweets in China and Singapore.
It is a huge subject, and cannot very well be addressed in such vague terms; but I do need point out that you are essentially presenting a moral equivalency or minimization argument based on comparison to American lie-propaganda.� Surely, better arguments for your conclusions could be made.�®
Surely, better arguments for your conclusions could be made. �
I had previously thought to allude to the origin of the Japanese word kamikazi, before CJKBTK mentioned it.� I was reluctant, and trying with limited knowledge to think of how to put this, because:
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?� Indians never claimed any British territory outside the traditional boundaries of India based conscripted military service against Germany; but CJKBTK pointed to present-day territorial maps based on Mongol and Manchu actions.� Looking at other territorial claims, I think that it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Kublai Khan had conquered Japan, and if the conquest had been kept as an annexation surviving the disintegration of the larger Mongol empire, then the Yuan and all subsequent dynasties (including both PRC and ROC) would claim Japan based on this.
To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII.� Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?
In my view, absolutely it applies.
The United States have absorbed many Native American nations. Since then the USA invaded Afghanistan. I am certain you would find a US soldier of Cherokee or Sioux descent in the invading forces. Can one then say that the Cherokee or Sioux invaded Afghanistan? It is precisely this point.
Our Japanese friend CJKBTK is trying to find false equivalency to justify Japanese invasions of China.
Empires all go through phases of expansion, then maintenance, then decline. China is no exception. But her period of active expansion ended circa 900AD. Since then, the central focus of the Chinese has to desperately keep what they have.
Clarifications on what I mean by China
Several points I need to make here because it seems there needs to be clarifications…there are misunderstandings brewing.
When I speak of historical China as above, I mean the historically ethnic Han China (for clarity I will use EHC). The Manchus conquered EHC and added it to their empire consisting of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. Therefore you have the magic number 5. They called their amalgamation of 5 entities Qing dynasty. It has also sometimes been loosely referred to as China, so one has to be careful to understand it according to the context in which the word “China” is used.
In the same way the Mongols conquered EHC and combined it with other conquered territories calling it the Yuan dynasty. Again it has been loosely referred to as China.
Back to the Qing dynastyNote that it was not EHC that conquered the other 4. This is very important.
However, the situation today is that after the fall of the Qing, EHC, seeing itself as the successor state to the Qing is actively trying to keep the other 4 in the union and not be broken off again. The reason for this I propose is because of the legacy anxiety of the Century of Humiliation and the siege mentality EHC has been in since then.
Perhaps in a future happier day when EHC/PRC does not feel so besieged she will loosen her hold on the other 4. But it is a complex question that deserves a separate discussion.
Note that although the ROC claims Mongolia (5 in all), the PRC has given Outer Mongolia independence(4 in all) due to Soviet arm twisting.
Also note that ROC’s claims on those islands in the South China Sea predate those of the PRC. The question is again complex and needs a separate discussion.
Now I will offer you my view of what the Han “ethnicity” essentially is.
This term Han Chinese is bandied about alot on the internet. Many Westerners use it like it is English or French etc. It is actually more complex than that.
The Han dynasty existed about roughly the same time as the Roman Empire. It was roughly the same size also. If the Roman Empire lasted till today, people from different parts of the Roman Empire would not be calling themselves French, or Spanish or Italian or Greek. They would simply be calling themselves ROMAN.
This is what the HAN “ethnicity” is. The disparate linguistic/ethnic/cultural groups in different parts of the Han Empire were so proud of being citizens of said polity, they just called themselves “Han”, rather than say Cantonese or Shandongese etc. Till this day the languages, cuisines etc can vary alot between regions. For example the differences between the neigbouring “dialects” of Cantonese and Teochew/Minnan/Fujianese can be as much as French and Spanish or say between German and Dutch.
The PRC central government, in an effort to stress unity, rather than differences has chosen to classify what linguists would otherwise call distinct languages, “dialects” instead. Many Westerners are not aware of this.
He claimed outright that Gengiz Khan was Chinese.
The problem with forums like this is that our egos take over. When we get heated, we sometimes argue not to crystallise the truth, but end up arguing to simply win or worse simply to wear our opponents down.
Part of the problem is the very loose way the word “China” is used in everyday speech. Perhaps we have more precise in the way we the word?
According to the historical theory I find most credible, that was the primary cause of the downfall of the Roman Empire:� Too many people of other ethnicities gained Roman citizenship, and were called “Romansâ€.� I was recently discussing this with some other commentators in another thread; and an anonymous commentator gave me a reference I was seeking, for which I forgot the reference, until seeing the paper jogged my memory.� It is an academic work, Tenney Frank, “Race Mixture in the Roman Empire†from 1916.� I think this could not be researched so openly today.
The Han dynasty existed about roughly the same time as the Roman Empire.� It was roughly the same size also.� If the Roman Empire lasted till today, people from different parts of the Roman Empire would not be calling themselves French, or Spanish or Italian or Greek.� They would simply be calling themselves ROMAN.
I was aware of that; I have an interest in languages.� On a theoretical level, I know something about the languages of most civilized peoples, even if I do not know how to speak or to read most of them.� The “dialect†thing is a logical peeve of mine; I substitute “language†when I am thinking of Chinese languages, but I use “dialect†in discussions to make myself understood, and to avoid giving offense unintentionally.� Or else, I call French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, et al. “dialects†of vulgar Latin, which is close to true (or the Prakrits and modern Hindi “dialects†of Sanskrit, or...).� The similarity of some of these languages is probably closer than that of some Chinese dialects; and the greater or lesser commonality shared by all of the major European languages (except Finnish and Hungarian, of different origins) is not unnoticed by some proponents of unified Europe.� Europe also has the past tradition, regrettably now gone, of Latin as the single international/intra-European language shared by all of the upper classes; it is for this reason that some early modern scientific texts, as works of the intellectual classes, were written entirely in Latin and not in German, French, etc.�®
The PRC central government, in an effort to stress unity, rather than differences has chosen to classify what linguists would otherwise call distinct languages, “dialects†instead.� Many Westerners are not aware of this.
I am referring to the cultural tendencies of a country as a whole. It can be seen that when confronted with an overwhelming military superiority, the Japanese start to admire and start copying. These are illustrated in their contacts with Tang China and Commodore Perry's gunboats.
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
The Japanese never planned to invade China, its not me saying this, an American historian didThe Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. It was part of an overall set of expansionist events as can be seen to the earlier annexation of Ryukyu and Taiwan. Objectively, one can understand why the Japanese had this mindset, they were forced to strengthen militarily in the face of European and American predatory moves in the region. In resisting the Western powers, Japan became like one of them. But one still has to admit that Japan was in an expansionist mode at that time in history.
To an extent I don’t have a problem with this interpretation. But under Yuan, Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan, twice.This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941The Yuan were as Chinese as the US Occupation forces under MacArthur were Japanese.One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. But the Japanese as a country just don't seem to have done that.Some years back, a few Japanese tourists came to Singapore and were happily clicking photos here and there. Then in the middle of the city, they stumbled on the Civilian war memorial. They started crying when they learned that 50,000 civilians were killed by the Japanese in our little city. See this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_ChingI have no doubt that the individual Japanese have good hearts. It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Raches
Without wishing to disregard anything else you said, I need to make a shorter reply about one point as the discussion is getting ahead of me.� (On other points, I would anyway need to learn more about the topic.)
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on.� But the Japanese as a country just don’t seem to have done that.
What the Germans have “acceptedâ€, in the sense of having it enforced on them under military occupation and the “Reconstruction†(= deconstruction) of their society, is an overall false narrative based on a combination of outright falsehoods, and severe distortions.� And they have not “moved onâ€:� They are still in trapped a state where “due to our history†arguments, based on falsification of history, can be used to shut down most any political argument or even discussion, with the winning side being whoever can present Germans as guilty.
This is a huge subject; I recommend starting with some of Mr.�Unz’s own articles and their references, and seeking other books available at The Unz Review.
The Americans essentially did a political purge of their own intellectuals, to enforce the official narrative about the Second World War.
I can say unequivocally that what Germans have been forced to do is a model for what nobody anywhere should ever do.�®
Yes, I cannot argue against that. History afterall, is written by the victor.
What the Germans have “acceptedâ€, in the sense of having it enforced on them under military occupation and the “Reconstruction†(= deconstruction) of their society, is an overall false narrative based on a combination of outright falsehoods, and severe distortions. And they have not “moved onâ€: They are still in trapped a state where “due to our history†arguments, based on falsification of history, can be used to shut down most any political argument or even discussion, with the winning side being whoever can present Germans as guilty
I had previously thought to allude to the origin of the Japanese word kamikazi, before CJKBTK mentioned it.� I was reluctant, and trying with limited knowledge to think of how to put this, because:
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?� Indians never claimed any British territory outside the traditional boundaries of India based conscripted military service against Germany; but CJKBTK pointed to present-day territorial maps based on Mongol and Manchu actions.� Looking at other territorial claims, I think that it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Kublai Khan had conquered Japan, and if the conquest had been kept as an annexation surviving the disintegration of the larger Mongol empire, then the Yuan and all subsequent dynasties (including both PRC and ROC) would claim Japan based on this.
To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII.� Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
Nothing to do with ethnic differences as the Chinese Empire had always been multi-ethnic. Perhaps using the Western concept of ‘Nation-State’ could be applicable here: the Chinese Empire is the political creation of the Qin State while the Han Nation is the ‘social construct’ of the Han Dynasty. The Han Chinese became the core Nation of the Chinese State since the Han Dynasty with successive waves of immigrants or invaders absorbed into this core Nation.
The reason why the Yuan Dynasty is considered ‘Chinese’ is due to its nature and character as a Chinese State ruling over China after the disintegration of the Mongol Empire with the death of Kublai Khan. Before then, the Yuan Dynasty was a colonial State which was part of the larger Mongol Empire just as the British Raj was a colonial State which was part of the larger British Empire. Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan as the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire just as he did conquer the Song Dynasty of the Chinese Empire. That’s why Chinese historians don’t consider Kublai Khan’s rule as ‘Chinese’ even though he established the Yuan Dynasty, in the same manner that that the puppet State of Manchukuo established by the Japanese in Manchuria isn’t considered ‘Chinese’. Only later after the death of Kublai Khan did the Yuan Dynasty cease to be part of the larger Mongol Empire which disintegrated as the Mongols fought wars of succession against each other. The Yuan Dynasty then turned into a post-colonial Chinese State after its Mongol rulers ‘sinicized’ the State by recruiting Confucian Scholar-Officials based on the Imperial State Examination System, similar to the way Indian elites ‘indianized’ the post-colonial Indian State by recruiting Indian Officials based on the Indian Civil Service Exam.
As a nomadic tribe, the Manchus never had a State of their own which forced them at the outset to adopt the Chinese State. There was no ‘Manchu Empire’ as the Qing Dynasty was ruling over the Chinese Empire for which they had to depend upon Han Confucian Scholar-Officials to administer the State. The ethnicity of the ruling elites is not the issue here but the nature and character of the State. The Manchus were ethnic outsiders who came to rule over the Chinese Empire in the same way that the House of Windsor (which is German in ethnic origin) were ethnic outsiders who came to rule over the British Empire.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.
I don’t apologize for Japanese war crimes, but it needs to be placed in perspective.
1. The Japanese commander in charge at the Nanjing Atrocity (1937-8), was dismissed partly for allowing it to happen.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
2. There’s fairly extensive list of atrocities that took place near that time, amongst the Chinese themselves:
-The lesser know Nanjing “Massacre”. Hunan Army’ sacking of Taiping capital (1864), resulting in alleged massacre of 2-300,000. Nanjing and Hunan dialects are mutually unintelligible
-By CCP during the Chinese Civil War (1948). Numbers of civilian deaths have been estimated at around 150,000
3. There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
I think that suggests you probably should learn more about what happened in the European theater.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Given that the latter is largely a combination of falsehoods and distortions, what you say about “far less†is tantamount to a claim that the Japanese only distributed flowers and sweets in China and Singapore.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well.� I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
Irrelevant. The fact is that the Japanese war crime took place. He should not have been just dismissed, he should have been executed.
I don’t think I can think of any German, British, American commanders who were dismissed during the war for allowing a war crime to take place.
Irrelevant. Atrocities during Chinese internal turmoil does not absolve the "civilised, cultured and superior" Japanese from their own atrocities
-The lesser know Nanjing “Massacreâ€. Hunan Army’ sacking of Taiping capital (1864), resulting in alleged massacre of 2-300,000. Nanjing and Hunan dialects are mutually unintelligible
Please consider what you have just written.
There were many atrocities that took place in European wars as well. I would say what the Japanese did in China and Singapore is far less than the Nazis did in Eastern Europe.
I am referring to the cultural tendencies of a country as a whole. It can be seen that when confronted with an overwhelming military superiority, the Japanese start to admire and start copying. These are illustrated in their contacts with Tang China and Commodore Perry's gunboats.
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
The Japanese never planned to invade China, its not me saying this, an American historian didThe Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. It was part of an overall set of expansionist events as can be seen to the earlier annexation of Ryukyu and Taiwan. Objectively, one can understand why the Japanese had this mindset, they were forced to strengthen militarily in the face of European and American predatory moves in the region. In resisting the Western powers, Japan became like one of them. But one still has to admit that Japan was in an expansionist mode at that time in history.
To an extent I don’t have a problem with this interpretation. But under Yuan, Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan, twice.This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941The Yuan were as Chinese as the US Occupation forces under MacArthur were Japanese.One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. But the Japanese as a country just don't seem to have done that.Some years back, a few Japanese tourists came to Singapore and were happily clicking photos here and there. Then in the middle of the city, they stumbled on the Civilian war memorial. They started crying when they learned that 50,000 civilians were killed by the Japanese in our little city. See this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_ChingI have no doubt that the individual Japanese have good hearts. It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Raches
The Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident.
I would characterize it as a conflict between two territorially aggressive bullies. For example, the Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
This was the territory extent of the purely Han Chinese Ming dynasty. Which did not include Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Xinjiang.
This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941
Sorry, this is a false equivalence. The French do not claim the Third Reich as a part of its history or any Germany territory. The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as “intrinsically” Chinese.
The Ming Emperor Hongwu æ´ªæ¦ also threatened to invade Japan.
Among them, Hongwu Emperor demanded the tribute to Ming and the suppression of Wokou from Prince Kaneyoshi of Japan, including military threats. However, Prince Kaneyoshi did not accept Hongwu Emperor’s request by sending a reply stating that if the Ming army invaded Japan, he would counter it. Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan. [421]
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on.
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship.
It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.
I’m of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classics å››ä¹¦äº”ç» and Twenty-Four Histories 二åå››å². I simply don’t like it when other Chinese play victim vis-a-vie Japan, when the Chinese themselves bully the Vietnamese, Tibetans, etc.
I respect the PRC for keeping a historical narrative that maintains her own stability, but the Chinese themselves have issues addressing the past. Amongst many, it was primarily the KMT who did the fighting against Japan.
In addition Japan is a derivative civilization of China, to unrightly smear Japan is to smear China herself.
How could they invade a territory that the already considered theirs? The ROC considered itself the successor state to the Qing. Therefore Monglia was part of the ROC.
Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
The ROC and PRC claims on Mongolia / Inner Mongolia are not based on Yuan being a Chinese dynasty or not. Their claims are based purely on ROC/PRC being successor states of the Qing which included Mongolia.
The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as “intrinsically†Chinese.
Operative word threatened. Ethnic Han Chinese have never invaded nor even attempted invasion of Japan. If they were so inclined, they would have taken little Ryukyu long before the Japanese did. Ditto with Korea.
The Ming Emperor Hongwu æ´ªæ¦ also threatened to invade Japan
Because of Japanese pirates and perceived Japanese insubordination.
suppression of Wokou
Pure conjecture.
Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan.
What does this have to do with what I said, that the Germans have accepted their part in the war? Irrelevant.
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship
You may be Chinese, but you revere the Japanese. By this, and your answers I can tell that you are Taiwanese and are below 40 years old.
I’m of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classic
It is like saying if I scold my sister for doing something silly, then I am also scolding my mother?
In addition Japan is a derivative civilization of China, to unrightly smear Japan is to smear China herself.
If PRC claims that Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty, then logically by extension, China has attempted to invade Japan, twice during Yuan.The first part of your statement is true but the second part of your statement is false for the following reasons:When Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he had become the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire after winning the Toluid Civil War in 1264. Kublai Khan then tried but failed to invade Japan twice, in 1274 and 1281, which occurred when the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire. After the death of Kublai Khan in 1294, the Yuan Dynasty became politically independent of the Mongol Empire which disintegrated into the Buddhist Yuan and three other Muslim Khanates. Only during the post-colonial period (1294 to 1368) could the Yuan Dynasty be considered 'Chinese' because the colonial period (1271 to 1294) saw the Yuan Dynasty become part of the Mongol Empire.The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates. To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII. Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.Replies: @Raches, @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms
cc: ; addressing a point I had wanted to ask , in a reply I didn’t finish and must now rework.
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates.
I had previously thought to allude to the origin of the Japanese word kamikazi, before CJKBTK mentioned it.� I was reluctant, and trying with limited knowledge to think of how to put this, because:
1. I know the ethnic difference.� Not from any Japanese source—as someone who thinks in terms of nationalism and ethnicities, I focused on that myself.
2. Some years ago, when I raised that point to a Chinese about the Yuan, and also the Qing (with a Chinese-sympathetic attitude—since the Qing Dynasty brought a Chinese weak point unable to respond effectively to the West, as I cautiously implied to Mr.�Wong, I tend to see the nineteenth-century defeat and humiliation of China as something that happened not under Han governance), I was politely but very firmly told about “Five Races of China†ideology and One China.� It was neither PRC nor ROC Chinese—complicated situation—but a self-declared “Chinese supremacist†(when I let him know that I am not offended by racism), ethnic Han, fluent in multiple dialects, who claimed that he read the Confucian classics.� He claimed outright that Gengiz Khan was Chinese.
It is due to such experiences that when I have very limited knowledge of the subject, I am not sure how to form an opinion of it.
To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII.� Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?� Indians never claimed any British territory outside the traditional boundaries of India based conscripted military service against Germany; but CJKBTK pointed to present-day territorial maps based on Mongol and Manchu actions.� Looking at other territorial claims, I think that it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Kublai Khan had conquered Japan, and if the conquest had been kept as an annexation surviving the disintegration of the larger Mongol empire, then the Yuan and all subsequent dynasties (including both PRC and ROC) would claim Japan based on this.
In the context of this discussion, my intent is not to impugn Chinese, or even to criticize them, but rather to suggest that relatively rare, long-ago instances aggression between neighbors are a part of the human condition, and not necessarily indicative of persistent long-term historical hostility.� Even if (for the sake of argument) Kublai Khan were 100% unquestionably Chinese, I do not think it would be reasonable to claim that his intent to invade Japan shows long-term patterns of Chinese aggression towards Japan.
From the previous comments, there were some other points about which I had wanted to ask CJKBTK about Gengiz Khan and some other matters—but purely as scholarly questions, which I wish to not make political questions.� Just something that I long wondered about.� I need to dig through some books here, and look for some things that I saw awhile ago.�®
In my view, absolutely it applies. The United States have absorbed many Native American nations. Since then the USA invaded Afghanistan. I am certain you would find a US soldier of Cherokee or Sioux descent in the invading forces. Can one then say that the Cherokee or Sioux invaded Afghanistan? It is precisely this point.Our Japanese friend CJKBTK is trying to find false equivalency to justify Japanese invasions of China.Empires all go through phases of expansion, then maintenance, then decline. China is no exception. But her period of active expansion ended circa 900AD. Since then, the central focus of the Chinese has to desperately keep what they have.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?
Several points I need to make here because it seems there needs to be clarifications...there are misunderstandings brewing.When I speak of historical China as above, I mean the historically ethnic Han China (for clarity I will use EHC). The Manchus conquered EHC and added it to their empire consisting of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. Therefore you have the magic number 5. They called their amalgamation of 5 entities Qing dynasty. It has also sometimes been loosely referred to as China, so one has to be careful to understand it according to the context in which the word "China" is used.In the same way the Mongols conquered EHC and combined it with other conquered territories calling it the Yuan dynasty. Again it has been loosely referred to as China.Back to the Qing dynastyNote that it was not EHC that conquered the other 4. This is very important.
Clarifications on what I mean by China
Detailed genealogies are very important for Altaic tribes, you can see they keep it up to 20 generations--
From the previous comments, there were some other points about which I had wanted to ask CJKBTK about Gengiz Khan
Although Nietzsche infamously, lamentably did not get along with his fellow Germans, I really need to point out how exquisitely German he was, despite all his own protestations:
There is a side of the German mentality for better or worse, that still exists.� I can’t remember where or who it originated from but well expressed by the saying, The French control the land, the British control the seas and the Germans control the clouds.
Since there are Germans here, I will quote Nietzsche’s famously poetic German:
I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous.� The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins—it wanteth to laugh.
I no longer feel in common with you; the very cloud which I see beneath me, the blackness and heaviness at which I laugh—that is your thundercloud.
Ye look aloft when ye long for exaltation; and I look downward because I am exalted.
Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?
He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.
Speaking of which, Anonymous German:
Ich will Kobolde um mich haben, denn ich bin mutig.� Mut, der die Gespenster verscheucht, schafft sich selber Kobolde,—der Mut will lachen.
Ich empfinde nicht mehr mit euch: diese Wolke, die ich unter mir sehe, diese Schwärze und Schwere, über die ich lache—gerade das ist eure Gewitterwolke.
Ihr seht nach oben, wenn ihr nach Erhebung verlangt.� Und ich sehe hinab, weil ich erhoben bin.
Wer von euch kann zugleich lachen und erhoben sein?
Wer auf den höchsten Bergen steigt, der lacht über alle Trauer-Spiele und Trauer-Ernste.
I must admit, I have watched your video more times than I care to admit.� I also intend to blog about it.� It must drive the German-haters crazy that no matter how badly your nation is wrecked, no matter how you are fired with justified wrath, you still love cute kittens and cute puppies.� Hail the indomitable German spirit.�®Replies: @Truth Vigilante
“Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöneâ€
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Pvo5veOss �
[This banned commentator insulted our anonymous German patriot’s Max Raabe song as “rather pedestrian and effeminate if you ask me – a reflection of you [Raches].â€ï¿½ Usually, I would just trash it; but I thought that Carolyn Yeager should see the two-faced nature of someone whom she improperly associated with Vaterland by general implication.� Also, it’s sometimes good for the public to be reminded of why I exercise authoritarian censorship here.� P.S., I do seriously intend to blog it; it immediately brought to my mind a neat juxtaposition of videos.� —�Raches.�®]
This is correct. But there's another side of the story.The PRC claims more or less Yuan (Mongol) and Qing (Manchu) borders
In the 16th century Toyotomi Hideyoshi planned to invade China after the conquest of Korea.�
If PRC claims that Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty, then logically by extension, China has attempted to invade Japan, twice during Yuan.
The first part of your statement is true but the second part of your statement is false for the following reasons:
When Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he had become the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire after winning the Toluid Civil War in 1264. Kublai Khan then tried but failed to invade Japan twice, in 1274 and 1281, which occurred when the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire. After the death of Kublai Khan in 1294, the Yuan Dynasty became politically independent of the Mongol Empire which disintegrated into the Buddhist Yuan and three other Muslim Khanates. Only during the post-colonial period (1294 to 1368) could the Yuan Dynasty be considered ‘Chinese’ because the colonial period (1271 to 1294) saw the Yuan Dynasty become part of the Mongol Empire.
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates. To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII. Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
I had previously thought to allude to the origin of the Japanese word kamikazi, before CJKBTK mentioned it.� I was reluctant, and trying with limited knowledge to think of how to put this, because:
The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates.
Does the analogy apply in this discussion?� Indians never claimed any British territory outside the traditional boundaries of India based conscripted military service against Germany; but CJKBTK pointed to present-day territorial maps based on Mongol and Manchu actions.� Looking at other territorial claims, I think that it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Kublai Khan had conquered Japan, and if the conquest had been kept as an annexation surviving the disintegration of the larger Mongol empire, then the Yuan and all subsequent dynasties (including both PRC and ROC) would claim Japan based on this.
To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII.� Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.
This is false. The Yuan by the time Kublai had split off from his cousins in Russia (Golden Horde), Persia (Chagatai Khanate), and Arabia (Ilkhanate).There are a few major differences with British India analogy:- The decisive battles in the Mongol Conquest of Southern Song, Battle of Xiangyang and Naval Battle of Yamen, were won only because Yuan was able to recruit highly skilled Han siege and naval engineers. In the Battle of Yamen it was essentially Han vs. Han admirals.- The Mongols are not a maritime race and could not have launched an invasion of Japan on their own. They were only able to do with help of Han and Korean naval engineers and sailors.Additionally, since some people claim ROC and PRC are successor states of Manchu Qing, the predecessor of Manchus, Jurchens, had invaded Japan in 1019:
the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire�
The Japanese children and women kidnapped by the Jurchens were mostly likely forced to become prostitutes and slaves.�
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toi_invasionReplies: @antibeast
Traumatic memories of the Jurchen raids on Japan, the Mongol invasions of Japan in addition to Japan viewing the Jurchens as "Tatar" "barbarians" after copying China's barbarian-civilized distinction, may have played a role in Japan's antagonistic views against Manchus
This is a point that I see similarly to the Germans, although the Japanese did not suffer the extreme destruction that the Germans did.
Only when it is clear to Japan that the US relative power has declined so much that it cannot defeat China, is when Japanese attitudes will change. Any warming of relations between China and Japan will come after that.
[...] The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
I do appreciate a civil sharing of views, it is so rare on the internet these days.
I can tell that you have some sympathy for Japan if not affection. Who can blame you, Japan is charming and beautiful in its arts and sensibilities and many Chinese appreciate it for that.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.
I personally know a gentleman (now deceased) who narrowly escaped the massacre because he had the presence of mind to rub off a inked chop on his hand that was given by the Kempetai when they rounded up the young men in Singapore shortly after the Fall of Singapore.
I also personally know the former Methodist Bishop of Malaya (now deceased) who walked with a heavy limp because he was tortured by the Japanese during the occupation.
My own parents who were children at the time could still sing the Kimigayo the Japanese national anthem because they were forced to at school. They also recall how you had to bow to every Japanese soldier, no matter how lowly a rank if you were to avoid a rifle butt in your face.
Here is an very personal and harrowing yet uplifiting account given by our late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his brother who lived through the period. Watch it, you will enjoy it.
Video Link
All this being said, I do enjoy going to Japan. It is a lovely place and the people are nice. But they have a dark side and past that they do not seem to be able to reconcile.
I don't apologize for Japanese war crimes, but it needs to be placed in perspective. 1. The Japanese commander in charge at the Nanjing Atrocity (1937-8), was dismissed partly for allowing it to happen.
But Japan does have a dark side to it, and sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two. The Japanese were absolutely brutal to their conquered territories in WW2. And in case some Western people think that is some dastardly Chicom propaganda, we here in Singapore have witnessed some of that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching�
The Chinese commander at Battle of Nanjing (1937), swore to defend the city to death, then tuck his tail and ran in the last minute, abandoning his soldiers and civilians.
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
*Shinshu 神州 Deital Prefecture is a poetic term used to refer to Japan. It's borrowed from Chinese who used it, also poetically, to refer to China.https://warbirdforum.com/end.htmReplies: @littlereddot
一æ»ä»¥ã¦å¤§ç½ªã‚’è¬ã—奉る 神州ä¸æ»…を確信ã—ã¤ã¤I—with my death—humbly apologize to the Emperor for the great crime. While convinced that Shinshu* is immortal. �
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
I am referring to the cultural tendencies of a country as a whole. It can be seen that when confronted with an overwhelming military superiority, the Japanese start to admire and start copying. These are illustrated in their contacts with Tang China and Commodore Perry’s gunboats.
The Japanese never planned to invade China, its not me saying this, an American historian did
The Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. It was part of an overall set of expansionist events as can be seen to the earlier annexation of Ryukyu and Taiwan.
Objectively, one can understand why the Japanese had this mindset, they were forced to strengthen militarily in the face of European and American predatory moves in the region. In resisting the Western powers, Japan became like one of them. But one still has to admit that Japan was in an expansionist mode at that time in history.
To an extent I don’t have a problem with this interpretation. But under Yuan, Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan, twice.
This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941
The Yuan were as Chinese as the US Occupation forces under MacArthur were Japanese.
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. But the Japanese as a country just don’t seem to have done that.
Some years back, a few Japanese tourists came to Singapore and were happily clicking photos here and there. Then in the middle of the city, they stumbled on the Civilian war memorial. They started crying when they learned that 50,000 civilians were killed by the Japanese in our little city.
See this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching
I have no doubt that the individual Japanese have good hearts. It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.
I would characterize it as a conflict between two territorially aggressive bullies. For example, the Chinese warlords attempted to invade Mongolia in 1919.
The Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. �
Sorry, this is a false equivalence. The French do not claim the Third Reich as a part of its history or any Germany territory. The PRC claims Yuan as a proper Chinese dynasty and Inner Mongolia as "intrinsically" Chinese.
This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941 �
Among them, Hongwu Emperor demanded the tribute to Ming and the suppression of Wokou from Prince Kaneyoshi of Japan, including military threats. However, Prince Kaneyoshi did not accept Hongwu Emperor’s request by sending a reply stating that if the Ming army invaded Japan, he would counter it. Hongwu Emperor was furious at this reply, but he stopped conquering Japan in view of Kublai’s defeat in the invasion of Japan. [421]
How are things going in Germany? In 30 years they could end up as Islamic Caliphate or Extreme right dictatorship.
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. �
I'm of proudly Chinese descent and thoroughly well read in the Confucian Classics å››ä¹¦äº”ç» and Twenty-Four Histories 二åå››å². I simply don't like it when other Chinese play victim vis-a-vie Japan, when the Chinese themselves bully the Vietnamese, Tibetans, etc.
It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.
What the Germans have “acceptedâ€, in the sense of having it enforced on them under military occupation and the “Reconstruction†(= deconstruction) of their society, is an overall false narrative based on a combination of outright falsehoods, and severe distortions.� And they have not “moved onâ€:� They are still in trapped a state where “due to our history†arguments, based on falsification of history, can be used to shut down most any political argument or even discussion, with the winning side being whoever can present Germans as guilty.
One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on.� But the Japanese as a country just don’t seem to have done that.
This is just incorrect. The Japanese invaded Burma partly to cut off the last US supply lines to China.
That’s why Chiang was reluctant to commit Chinese nationalist troops to fight the IJA in Burma because Southeast Asia was none of his business.
That’s exactly what I wrote in my last post: Chiang reluctantly agreed to deploy Chinese nationalist troops to fight the IJA after being cut-off from the US Lend-Lease supply-lines in Burma. After defeating the Japs in Burma which allowed the completion of the Ledo Road, Chiang ordered his Chinese nationalist troops back to China. The British under General Slim and the Americans under General Stilwell continued to fight on until the whole of Burma was ‘liberated’ from the Japanese. But Chiang didn’t want to commit his Chinese nationalist troops to that campaign because Burma was a British colony which had nothing to do with China.
I added for good measure: Why are you trying? What is your relationship? You don't reply because you don't want to give an honest answer; instead you continue to promise one in the future (when you hope you can think something up). You talk around everything, which becomes extremely tedious. Don't you know that? Are you so lacking in self-awareness?
What is it about Hitler that inspires you? Have you just taken up Hitler as a way to give yourself some identity that you felt you did not have.
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me—then give a baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my honesty, when I address the latter while saying I will get to the former.� I will not descend to trading those types of personal barbs with you, although I must at least remark that I am disappointed in the soundness of your judgment.
I did not say you said you were a Jew, but only that you said you had wanted to be a Jew when you were involved with Jews.
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€ï¿½ As you know, that is an inflammatory allegation here.� It is not true, and it is not suggested by anything that I have ever said.
It’s not entirely unreasonable for you to mistake what I presume must be some other commentator’s statement that he lived in Australia for me; for to err is human.� But I do expect for you to know what you yourself said.
Starting when I was a lost youth in a degenerate society, some rather stereotypical Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, all based on lies, twisted half-truths, and perversions of the best parts of my character.� Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.� I am quite glad that I am not a Jew.
What I took to be the principal subject about which you inquired—“Why are you trying?â€, about the Germans—is an important subject to me.� I wanted to address it adequately—not only for your sake, since this is a public discussion; and I do strive to make comments that are worth reading.� I mostly drafted a short essay about it on the spot, but could not drop all else on-demand to finish it.� If you don’t want to read it when I publish it, that is not my choice and not my loss.
You have no basis for calling me a “charlatanâ€, any more than I could be called a “charlatan†because, without following any Greek philosopher to the letter, I learn from the apex of Greek civilization, and I sometimes quote Greek poets—including my application to Hitler’s Germans of the Iliad’s “αἰὲν á¼€ÏιστεÏειν καὶ ὑπείÏοχον ἔμμεναι ἄλλων†[a statement about “the bestâ€â€”see dedication at end of linked essay].� This statement has more to it than meets the eye, as I will explain in due course; and I don’t think that Hitler would disapprove, inasmuch as he himself quite justifiably compared his Europa to the ancient Greeks and Romans—long after Mein Kampf!� Hitler’s Germany was the true guardian of Western civilization; and as Professor Oliver said, the war against Germany was the Suicide of the West.
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.� If you were to read my blog (let alone my prior comments), you would notice a few more or less obscure National-Socialist things I put out as a hint for those who can recognize it.� You entirely missed my purpose, which is not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
As I remark in my essay that I might be finishing if I were not writing this, which you may freely disregard whenever I get to it:
If any truly German people survive the current attempts to exterminate them by miscegenation, their heirs will be repaid by my efforts for the glory, inspiration, and solace that I have found in the achievements of their best ancestors.
I frankly cannot say why you are suddenly so hostile to me.� You mentioned that I am discussing China—so what?� I do not need to discuss only German topics 24/7 to have a pro-German position—and indeed, that is precisely the political trap I am trying to escape, to normalize admiration of the German people.� And you would need categorically to repudiate Hitler’s foreign policy to suggest that it’s wrong to make allies in Asia.� Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany.�®
I did not misstate anything about you, I repeated what you said, that you had wanted to belong to militant zionism, to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You said of me that I "explicitly alleged that you formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.†Is that not identifying as a Jew and Zionist?! You're trying to play with language, and that, sorry to say, is a game of dishonesty. Here's the full quote from you in comment 352:
I think it’s rather unfortunate that you would ask me some questions compounded together with factual misstatements about me
Do you really want to accuse me of a
From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€. Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted. As is typical in such situations with Jews, the door was sort of implicitly left open that I may someday marry into quasi-Jewishness.
? I do suspect that it may have been here that you wrote that this was in Australia, where you live. I do suspect that you removed those words, but can't prove it, of course, and I could be wrong. So I won't mention it again.You also wrote
baseless and personally insulting response which traduces my [your]honesty
That more than implies that you wanted to stay with them, you wanted to be a Jew, because it hurt you when they "discarded" you. Now, you are trying to turn it all around on me being dishonest, which is a very Jewish tactic, as we all know.
Jews essentially scammed me into devoting some of the most valuable years of my life to them, ... Then, they stabbed me in the back and discarded me as an unwanted tool.
blah, blah blah. You chattering on about Greeks & Germans is just that. You're like a parrot - repeating something you heard somewhere. You're avoiding acknowledging why I call you a charlatan.
You have no basis for calling me a “charlatanâ€, any more than I could be called a “charlatan†because, without following any Greek philosopher to the letter, I learn from the apex of Greek civilization, and I sometimes quote Greek poets �
Yes, I do. Because you don't know anything but an assortment of odds and ends that are only a smidgen of the whole. And now here is what I really want to say to you: You are not the right person to be a spokesman or champion for Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists. You have no connection and no knowledge. You misunderstand it and I think that's a basic flaw in your being that can't be corrected. You didn't make it as a Jew and you're not going to make it as a Hitlerian. You said your goal was:
And you certainly have neither authority nor adequate basis for judging how much I know about German National Socialism.
Many, many others have already done that, even yours truly. So even that is NOT a new idea from you. It's just one more thing you're copying. Unfortunately there are too many Germans who WANT non-Germans to take up battle for them; they think they cannot do it themselves. But that's preposterous. If it's to promote N-S, well those N-S leaders ideas were just that--that Germans would take over and run Germany. Not foreigners. If Germans are to do it they must identify themselves, not hide behind anonymity. Or behind some non-entity named Raches, or some other kind soul. So I ask you, Raches, who appointed you to this task? Just as I thought, you're self-appointed and you're more of a leech (parasite??) than a benefactor. Your last paragraph is of no consequence; the best I can do is quote the last sentence:
not to preach German National Socialism (as would be inappropriate for me), but to make it socially appropriate and intellectually respectable for others to admire Hitler and his Germans.
Yes, I am American and partisan for America, in spite of all its done (but all in the name of the Jews - your former friends). Adolf Hitler knew that, so he could still like America, which had attracted many, many Germans, he noted with chagrin. He knew America was not Frankie Roosenfelt and Henry Morganthau. But No, America is NOT still actively (or inactively) occupying Germany, or destroying it. All Germans have to do is stand up on their own two feet and take charge. They will find that America will fade out of the picture easily. The problem is the Germans now.Replies: @Raches, @Raches
Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany. ®
I remember a Chinese friend of mine (from Taiwan) was visiting some Beijing museum a few years ago, and noticed some old scroll describing how a delegation from "the island of the dwarf pirates" were bringing tribute to the Emperor and pledging their loyalty. He thought it very amusing and mentioned it to me.
Yes, thats right. The Chinese name for Japanese was Wo, meaning dwarf.
I hadn't realized that.
In the 16th century Toyotomi Hideyoshi planned to invade China after the conquest of Korea.
[This commentator, whom I banned from Proems on October�2, 2021 (announced October�5 for the reason thereby stated), suddenly popped up here to try to troll the Chinese about how they are “so mediocre†and “China is the extreme laggard of the East Asian people.â€ï¿½ I would usually just trash it; but I thought that Chinese commentators would want to know, if they are approached by this highly duplicitous commentator in other threads.� Just be wary that she is a hallucinogenic drug abuser with a history of trolling with ridiculous statements.� Replies hereto are off-topic, and will probably not be published.� —�Raches.�®]
(1)�I did not say where I live.� I don’t know where you get this.� I neither admit nor deny that I live in Australia, which I have not said.
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Sorry, I don’t appreciate your reply. And I don’t want another one.
I asked you two simple question and you didn’t reply to either of them.
What is it about Hitler that inspires you? Have you just taken up Hitler as a way to give yourself some identity that you felt you did not have.
I added for good measure: Why are you trying? What is your relationship? You don’t reply because you don’t want to give an honest answer; instead you continue to promise one in the future (when you hope you can think something up). You talk around everything, which becomes extremely tedious. Don’t you know that? Are you so lacking in self-awareness?
I thought I had read you say “…Australia, where I live” but when I looked for it again I couldn’t find it. It must have been someone else who I confused at the time for you. Too bad because I would like to know where you were born, that is, your nationality, but you like to play coy.
I did not say you said you were a Jew, but only that you said you had wanted to be a Jew when you were involved with Jews. I never said you were a National Socialist, or labeled you with anything, but only that you want to be a great champion for Germans, who never asked you to play that role. Or do you think they did?
Do you think that reading Mein Kampf, maybe not that thoroughly, is enough to be familiar with Hitler’s mind and personality? It appears you do. I will be as nice as I can since you’ve not done me any wrong, and just call you a charlatan. I won’t be participating on your blog in the future.
You explicitly alleged that I “formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.â€ï¿½ As you know, that is an inflammatory allegation here.� It is not true, and it is not suggested by anything that I have ever said.
I did not say you said you were a Jew, but only that you said you had wanted to be a Jew when you were involved with Jews.
I frankly cannot say why you are suddenly so hostile to me.� You mentioned that I am discussing China—so what?� I do not need to discuss only German topics 24/7 to have a pro-German position—and indeed, that is precisely the political trap I am trying to escape, to normalize admiration of the German people.� And you would need categorically to repudiate Hitler’s foreign policy to suggest that it’s wrong to make allies in Asia.� Maybe you dislike my opinions of America, because you are American—I will not accuse you of being a partisan for America here; but if so, just in case, I should remind you that America destroyed and is still actively occupying and destroying Germany.�®Replies: @Carolyn Yeager, @Carolyn Yeager
If any truly German people survive the current attempts to exterminate them by miscegenation, their heirs will be repaid by my efforts for the glory, inspiration, and solace that I have found in the achievements of their best ancestors.
I remember a Chinese friend of mine (from Taiwan) was visiting some Beijing museum a few years ago, and noticed some old scroll describing how a delegation from "the island of the dwarf pirates" were bringing tribute to the Emperor and pledging their loyalty. He thought it very amusing and mentioned it to me.
Yes, thats right. The Chinese name for Japanese was Wo, meaning dwarf.
I hadn't realized that.
In the 16th century Toyotomi Hideyoshi planned to invade China after the conquest of Korea.
Bertrand Russel’s “The Problem of China” (1922) is very good too, its interesting to read an intelligent commentators characterisation of China and his predictions for it, prior to the black-swan event of a Communist revolution (which is mentioned, but considered highly unlikely).
There is an element of this. As many Chinese perceived the Japanese to look down on them, who are both in turn looked down upon by whites. The Chinese themselves in turn then look down on Indians, Vietnamese etc., the same thing that they accuse the Japanese of doing.
I don’t think it’s productive, however, to accuse Chinese of an “inferiority complex†when they were the dominant regional power for ages
Yes there are exhaustive examples. If you simple search for my comment history for "Japan" you will see that much my efforts here is to highlight this.To begin with, there's this one here, Japan and Its East Asian Neighbors: Japan's Perception of China and Korea and the Making of Foreign Policy From the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
Japanese scholars who were pro-China�
I contend, however, that the Ryukyu-Taiwan policy, motivated by their concerns over national prestige and security in the Western-dominated international environment, did not come out of Meiji Japan’s desire to encroach upon and antagonize China.�
My comment 37 states that the Japanese helped the Han Chinese overthrow the Manchus, further background here
Inoue Kiyoshi has for example contrasted Modern Japan’s attitudes toward China as seventy years of aggression with two thousand years of friendship.
Whoops.� I lost track of the AK thread a few days ago (and by the way, my anonymous Internet has been very shaky today… hello, NSA!� I hope that I am joking.).� Thanks for the pointer—my apologies.
Some of what you say is consistent with my prior reading of this topic.� I do deliberately underplay what I know about the history here, or what I think I know, because I know that I am on shaky ground:� I have no working facility with the relevant languages, most of what I know is from Western sources, and I know that if I make any mistake, then for no reason at all, I may inadvertently offend the national honor of people whose nations I respect.� When I seek to learn, it is wiser for me to ask questions than to proclaim answers.
I need to do a bit of reading and digging.� I will follow up again with you later here.� Thanks for the information and references.�®
I cannot let this go by, as it epitomizes the disaster that people like you (those I earlier characterized as "wannabe Nazis' although not meaning uniform-wearing by that appellation) do to the reputation of Hitler and the National-Socialist period in Germany. I'm not wanting to be antagonistic or create enemies from friends, but TRUTH is essential and you're confusing it. What is it about Hitler that inspires you? Have you just taken up Hitler as a way to give yourself some identity that you felt you did not have. You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Thanks, but I am not a Christian. More inspired by Hitler.
Comment #352 From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€.Â
Why are you trying? What is your relationship? If you want people to engage with your blog articles, they have a right to answers such as that. I'm more than willing to be sympathetic, but so far I think that what you know about Adolf Hitler & N-S Germany I could put in a teacup. Unless you're really just about China and the far east, which is Ron Unz's ultimate interest.Replies: @Raches
I strive to put myself in the shoes of a German today. But who understands how a German must feel, based on real events that he is forbidden even to speak about? I try, as best I can. �
Factual corrections first.� I will write another reply to you later (maybe more than one), more at length when time permits, about how I see the Germans; that is largely topical here, and will place my discussion of that subject in proper context with others that I discuss.
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
(1)�I did not say where I live.� I don’t know where you get this.� I neither admit nor deny that I live in Australia, which I have not said.
(2)�Contrary to what you allege, in this thread, I explicitly said, “Of course, I knew that I was not a Jew; I was always almost-but-not-quite accepted.â€ï¿½ I have never identified myself as a Jew.� When I was a Zionist, I explicitly saw Jewishness as an ethnic matter; given how many self-identified Jews are atheists or otherwise “nonobservantâ€, I was never dumb enough (beyond my childhood) to fall for the notion that Jewishness is only a religious belief.� The far-right secular Israelis who got me into Zionism had a thinly-veiled general racism towards all Gentiles—some more, some less; and they encouraged my own racist tendencies.� Thus, it is unsurprising that I would see all of this in terms of heredity.
To the best of my knowledge (viz., without such extremely detailed, resource-intensive genealogical investigation as Hitler had done to disprove similar propositions about himself), I do not have even one drop of Jewish blood.� I was painfully aware of that when I was a Zionist, and wished that I could find a Jewish ancestor—and that would be a fair question here and now, but no one has asked it.� (Am I the only one who really sees it as significant?� I will be getting to Dr.�Nossig on my blog someday…)� I raise and answer it myself, despite my general concern for my privacy and my refusal to discuss myself personally.
It is relevant for people to know that I am not a Jew.� I do sow significant disinformation about myself, on points that are irrelevant and none of anybody’s business; and for various reasons, possibly including legal, I specifically do not wish to discuss whether or not I have any relation to the Germans.� Given that I already have some hostile parties obsessively seeking information about me, it should not be surprising that I take measures to protect my identity as I exercise free speech in very controversial ways.
(3)�I did not reveal “in this thread†my past Zionism:� In my extensive commentary at The Unz Review, I was quite open about this from early on—not even from making disclosures, but because it is an interesting subject that I wish to discuss.� Today, I agree with Kevin MacDonald’s thesis that Hitler adapted some aspects of Jewish group evolutionary strategy to Germans; thus, in a fundamental way, all that really changed about my opinions was that after I learned the truth about the Holohoax, I realized that I had been on the wrong side.� Of course, that one little change changed all.
I was drawn into Zionism in the naïvety of youth, coming from a liberal background that had clashed with my innate personality ever since early childhood.� (Indeed, Dr.�Nietzsche, I am a species of atavism.)� Thus, I think that in the abstract, I can fairly claim ideological consistency:� In principle, I have been an extreme racial nationalist for my entire adult life.� Perhaps I would be an interesting case study for Dr.�MacDonald; he is here at The Unz Review, so maybe I should ask him someday.
The general subject of my past Zionism is off-topic on this thread.� I reply here, because a well-known personality whom I respect has asked me about it here.� At some point in the near future, I intend to create a topic about this, where it can be discussed further; but I do not want for this to derail the other important discussion here, as it foreseeably could—and as some parties would much wish, including several commentators who have a history of trolling me.
N.b. that I usually do not create a blog post without spending very significant dedicated effort on it, especially not when I myself consider the topic to be quite important.� If Carolyn Yeager is interested in this, I will probably prioritize it.
I will note in brief for now, such that there should be no surprises:
I have repeatedly said that I am not a National Socialist; and in the above article, I pointedly linked to my prior statement on that.
That disclaimer was highly respectful—almost reverent.� With less respect, and with some irritation at the assumptions people make about me, I also said early on, “I am also not a white nationalist, an alt-righter, a ‘movement’ follower, or whatever else people may imagine me to be.â€ï¿½ Although I have a considerable respect for some serious WN thinkers, such as Dr.�Pierce, I am not their follower; and when the American “movement†is considered as a whole, I concur with Mr.�Unz’s conclusions about it, from drastically different premises and with quite different sympathies.� (Yet another future topic…)
As a highly effective political philosopher and strategist, Adolf Hitler himself aptly explained some of the excellent reasons why I, who claim to be original and radical, should make such a disclaimer, and should not defer to others.� When taken as a whole, the general body of my work will speak to what ends I serve.
(As for the wannabe-Nazis endemic in English-language fringe politics, I wonder if they ever actually read Mein Kampf.� I have considerable respect for native-born Germans who have an organic connection to German National Socialism; but I do not think anyone else should be pontificating on “true National Socialismâ€, as foreign pretenders and costume-players are wont to do, or treating Adolf Hitler as other than a great historical figure and a profound political philosopher who almost saved Western civilization.)
As aforesaid, I intend to follow up with a statement about how I see the Germans—a topic on which I will elaborate in the future, and which, indeed, was intended from the start to be a regular feature on Proems.�®
I added for good measure: Why are you trying? What is your relationship? You don't reply because you don't want to give an honest answer; instead you continue to promise one in the future (when you hope you can think something up). You talk around everything, which becomes extremely tedious. Don't you know that? Are you so lacking in self-awareness?
What is it about Hitler that inspires you? Have you just taken up Hitler as a way to give yourself some identity that you felt you did not have.
There is a side of the German mentality for better or worse, that still exists.� I can’t remember where or who it originated from but well expressed by the saying, The French control the land, the British control the seas and the Germans control the clouds.
Although Nietzsche infamously, lamentably did not get along with his fellow Germans, I really need to point out how exquisitely German he was, despite all his own protestations:
I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous.� The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins—it wanteth to laugh.
I no longer feel in common with you; the very cloud which I see beneath me, the blackness and heaviness at which I laugh—that is your thundercloud.
Ye look aloft when ye long for exaltation; and I look downward because I am exalted.
Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?
He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.
Since there are Germans here, I will quote Nietzsche’s famously poetic German:
Ich will Kobolde um mich haben, denn ich bin mutig.� Mut, der die Gespenster verscheucht, schafft sich selber Kobolde,—der Mut will lachen.
Ich empfinde nicht mehr mit euch: diese Wolke, die ich unter mir sehe, diese Schwärze und Schwere, über die ich lache—gerade das ist eure Gewitterwolke.
Ihr seht nach oben, wenn ihr nach Erhebung verlangt.� Und ich sehe hinab, weil ich erhoben bin.
Wer von euch kann zugleich lachen und erhoben sein?
Wer auf den höchsten Bergen steigt, der lacht über alle Trauer-Spiele und Trauer-Ernste.
Speaking of which, Anonymous German:
“Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöneâ€
I must admit, I have watched your video more times than I care to admit.� I also intend to blog about it.� It must drive the German-haters crazy that no matter how badly your nation is wrecked, no matter how you are fired with justified wrath, you still love cute kittens and cute puppies.� Hail the indomitable German spirit.�®
See my response to you on AK’s blog
I don’t think it’s productive, however, to accuse Chinese of an “inferiority complex†when they were the dominant regional power for ages
There is an element of this. As many Chinese perceived the Japanese to look down on them, who are both in turn looked down upon by whites. The Chinese themselves in turn then look down on Indians, Vietnamese etc., the same thing that they accuse the Japanese of doing.
Japanese scholars who were pro-China
Yes there are exhaustive examples. If you simple search for my comment history for “Japan” you will see that much my efforts here is to highlight this.
To begin with, there’s this one here,
I contend, however, that the Ryukyu-Taiwan policy, motivated by their concerns over national prestige and security in the Western-dominated international environment, did not come out of Meiji Japan’s desire to encroach upon and antagonize China.
Inoue Kiyoshi has for example contrasted Modern Japan’s attitudes toward China as seventy years of aggression with two thousand years of friendship.
My comment 37 states that the Japanese helped the Han Chinese overthrow the Manchus, further background here
Chiang Kai-shek with Black Dragon Society members and founder TÅyama Mitsuru (center), 1929
Thanks, but I am not a Christian. More inspired by Hitler.
I cannot let this go by, as it epitomizes the disaster that people like you (those I earlier characterized as “wannabe Nazis’ although not meaning uniform-wearing by that appellation) do to the reputation of Hitler and the National-Socialist period in Germany.
I’m not wanting to be antagonistic or create enemies from friends, but TRUTH is essential and you’re confusing it. What is it about Hitler that inspires you? Have you just taken up Hitler as a way to give yourself some identity that you felt you did not have. You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
Comment #352 From there, it is only a few short steps to having militant Zionism fulfill my latent craving for a group identity—to be no longer an individual atom floating in an anthropoid sea, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to have “my peopleâ€.Â
I strive to put myself in the shoes of a German today.
But who understands how a German must feel, based on real events that he is forbidden even to speak about? I try, as best I can.
Why are you trying? What is your relationship? If you want people to engage with your blog articles, they have a right to answers such as that. I’m more than willing to be sympathetic, but so far I think that what you know about Adolf Hitler & N-S Germany I could put in a teacup. Unless you’re really just about China and the far east, which is Ron Unz’s ultimate interest.
(1)�I did not say where I live.� I don’t know where you get this.� I neither admit nor deny that I live in Australia, which I have not said.
You revealed in this thread (thank you) that you live in Australia, and formerly had identified as a Jew and a Zionist.
There is a side of the German mentality for better or worse, that still exists. I can’t remember where or who it originated from but well expressed by the saying, The French control the land, the British control the seas and the Germans control the clouds.
Although Nietzsche infamously, lamentably did not get along with his fellow Germans, I really need to point out how exquisitely German he was, despite all his own protestations:
There is a side of the German mentality for better or worse, that still exists.� I can’t remember where or who it originated from but well expressed by the saying, The French control the land, the British control the seas and the Germans control the clouds.
Since there are Germans here, I will quote Nietzsche’s famously poetic German:
I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous.� The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins—it wanteth to laugh.
I no longer feel in common with you; the very cloud which I see beneath me, the blackness and heaviness at which I laugh—that is your thundercloud.
Ye look aloft when ye long for exaltation; and I look downward because I am exalted.
Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?
He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.
Speaking of which, Anonymous German:
Ich will Kobolde um mich haben, denn ich bin mutig.� Mut, der die Gespenster verscheucht, schafft sich selber Kobolde,—der Mut will lachen.
Ich empfinde nicht mehr mit euch: diese Wolke, die ich unter mir sehe, diese Schwärze und Schwere, über die ich lache—gerade das ist eure Gewitterwolke.
Ihr seht nach oben, wenn ihr nach Erhebung verlangt.� Und ich sehe hinab, weil ich erhoben bin.
Wer von euch kann zugleich lachen und erhoben sein?
Wer auf den höchsten Bergen steigt, der lacht über alle Trauer-Spiele und Trauer-Ernste.
I must admit, I have watched your video more times than I care to admit.� I also intend to blog about it.� It must drive the German-haters crazy that no matter how badly your nation is wrecked, no matter how you are fired with justified wrath, you still love cute kittens and cute puppies.� Hail the indomitable German spirit.�®Replies: @Truth Vigilante
“Für die Töchter, für die Söhne, für das Wahre, Gute, Schöneâ€
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Pvo5veOss �
This is not to belabor the point or be overly defensive of Japan; but I don’t want anyone to misinterpret my “Thanksâ€.� I don’t use the Reaction as a simpleminded “Like†button.� Sometimes, I give “Thanks†when I am grateful for what I see as good-faith discussion (a rarity on the Internet!), or to comments that I think are otherwise valuable even if I partly disagree with them.
Only when it is clear to Japan that the US relative power has declined so much that it cannot defeat China, is when Japanese attitudes will change. Any warming of relations between China and Japan will come after that.
[…] The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
This is a point that I see similarly to the Germans, although the Japanese did not suffer the extreme destruction that the Germans did.
Please imagine the nightmare if your country were occupied under the authority of such a character as General MacArthur, who expressed a great condescension about how the Japanese must be “tamedâ€, and expressed what I could fairly call Christian missionary motivations.� I base this statement on U.S. official sources, which I will cite and quote in the unfinished blog post to be published at the broken link appended to the above article.
From my discussion with some Japanese some years ago, I heard that the Japanese Teacher’s Association is very leftist, and trains Japanese children with American types of ideas.� I don’t think it can be a total coincidence that the country is still, in fact, under military occupation, similarly to Germany.
The Japanese confronted the Americans in WWII.� Their loss was tied to their principal European ally’s loss in an overwhelming two-front war between US-USSR.� They were subjected to the only acts of nuclear terrorism that have ever yet occurred in history; and they thereafter had before their eyes the extreme brutality that befell the Germans, which could also have been meted to them.� They did not entirely escape from such measures, some of which I believe were simply an American show to balance out the image of what the whole world could see was done to Germany.
I said somewhere earlier, I think that this post-1945 era is Japan’s “Century of Humiliationâ€.� Surely, it is a position that Chinese can understand.� I don’t see it as derogatory to the Japanese character.�®
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
The Chinese commander at Battle of Nanjing (1937), swore to defend the city to death, then tuck his tail and ran in the last minute, abandoning his soldiers and civilians.
Whereas no Japanese Army unit surrendered as a unit in any theatre of WWII.
The Supreme War Council (SWC) was still deadlocked after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Soviet entry.
Foreign Minister Togo (the leader of the doves)
Prime Minister Admiral Suzuki (77 and very flaky)
Navy Minister Admiral Yonai
Army Minister General Anami (the leader of the hawks)
Army Chief of Staff General Umezu
Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Toyoda
Until Hirohito intervenes on the part of the Doves.
Then a coup by young hothead Army officers starts, to kill the Doves and kidnap Hirohito.
Anami, leader of the Hawks, stops the coup. Then returned home and committed seppuku, leaving the message,
一æ»ä»¥ã¦å¤§ç½ªã‚’è¬ã—奉る 神州ä¸æ»…を確信ã—ã¤ã¤
I—with my death—humbly apologize to the Emperor for the great crime. While convinced that Shinshu* is immortal.
*Shinshu 神州 Deital Prefecture is a poetic term used to refer to Japan. It’s borrowed from Chinese who used it, also poetically, to refer to China.
I am referring to the cultural tendencies of a country as a whole. It can be seen that when confronted with an overwhelming military superiority, the Japanese start to admire and start copying. These are illustrated in their contacts with Tang China and Commodore Perry's gunboats.
The Japanese tend to defer to power when confronted.
The Japanese never planned to invade China, its not me saying this, an American historian didThe Japanese attempt at conquest of China in the 1930s was definitely not an accident. It was part of an overall set of expansionist events as can be seen to the earlier annexation of Ryukyu and Taiwan. Objectively, one can understand why the Japanese had this mindset, they were forced to strengthen militarily in the face of European and American predatory moves in the region. In resisting the Western powers, Japan became like one of them. But one still has to admit that Japan was in an expansionist mode at that time in history.
To an extent I don’t have a problem with this interpretation. But under Yuan, Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan, twice.This kind of argument is trying too hard to defend Japan by artificially heaping guilt on the Chinese. China was a conquered country. The Yuan was simply the part the Mongol Empire that was present in China. To say that China invaded Japan is like saying that France invaded Russia in 1941The Yuan were as Chinese as the US Occupation forces under MacArthur were Japanese.One thing I admire about the Germans is that they have accepted their part in WW2 and moved on. But the Japanese as a country just don't seem to have done that.Some years back, a few Japanese tourists came to Singapore and were happily clicking photos here and there. Then in the middle of the city, they stumbled on the Civilian war memorial. They started crying when they learned that 50,000 civilians were killed by the Japanese in our little city. See this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_ChingI have no doubt that the individual Japanese have good hearts. It is your establishment that refuses to acknowledge and properly address the past. That is why you still make arguments like you do.Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Raches
I think there’s a lot of truth in the Japan being the Britain of the Far East hypothesis in it’s relationship with the United States.
Interestingly, the Japanese East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere it attempted to create during the war, was something like the Japanese attempting to create their own independent ‘little’ British Empire in the Pacific, something which could not be tolerated by the US/UK.
On the other hand, if after their defeat and subjugation due to WWII, the Japanese are open to becoming the Britain of the Far East, albeit under the US/UK thumb, that’s another story.
Japan to Become Britain of the Far East
‘The accord between the United States and Japan calling for strengthened bilateral military and security ties – ties already reinforced by China’s military buildup, North Korea’s nuclear crisis, and the global threat of terrorism – marks the evolution of the US-Japan relationship and signals a critical historic phase in the early 21st century. With possible flashpoints ranging from the Middle East to Northeast Asia, the US global military transformation – under fire from many quarters – is transforming Japan itself into a reliable and unswerving “Britain of the Far East”.’
The Tang was a military powerhouse unmatched in world history; this was a such an insignificant affair that the they barely bothered to record it in their history. It was like a "war" between US and Panama.
First China and Japan war was at 663 AD, Tang Dynasty, caused by Japanese invasion of Korea. �
The Wokou å€å¯‡ Dwarf Pirates were up to 70 percent ethnic Chinese (and also some Koreans)
1363-1624 AD Japanese pirates ravaged Chinese coastal land. �
I can get into length about this. But a few main points--
1931-1945 Japanese invasion of China. �
Nomonhan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat, 1939
In 1937, however, the Japanese found themselves fighting an unplanned war against China, a classic case of the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time against the wrong enemy �
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/太平洋戦争#日本ã«ãŠã‘る評価Replies: @Raches, @Joe Wong
While the United States sells oil and supplies to Japan, it continues to provide strong assistance to the Republic of China, and it was difficult from the beginning to continue the war in conflict with the United States in both Japan and China. Since the United States had a decisive influence on Japan and China even before the start of the war, it is believed that the Pacific War was a measure for the United States to weaken both Japan and China. �
Thanks for the input of differing perspectives on history.� I don’t think it’s productive, however, to accuse Chinese of an “inferiority complex†when they were the dominant regional power for ages, they hit an historical low point that collided with the modern rise of Japan and the implosion of Western civilization in World Wars, and they are in a national recovery that is objectively brilliant.� When I compare what I can see of Chinese discourse today to the propaganda that I mentioned from only about 50–70 years ago, agitprop which even included glorification of “Martin Luther Kingâ€, I am especially impressed because the West has been going further in a worse direction as China finds a better direction; and I see that the Chinese themselves have a sense of humor about this, especially about America’s cultural revolution suicide.
The historical moment may well be ripe for a realignment in the region, as I respectfully suggest to both sides.� To effectuate this would probably require some candid discussions and debates about history, in a scholarly way and without personal animosity or insult to national honor.� Then, the only losers would be those who desperately need an ignition point for a catastrophic Third World War—a hot one.
There are a few historical points I want to ask you about, or to inquire if you have more information—I need to dig through my notes and find something I saw years ago about Japanese scholars who were pro-China, among other matters.� Note that I undid your more-tag in another comment—thanks for the politeness; but the information is relevant, and albeit probably well-known to educated people from the East, you provided a handy key for Westerners.�®
There is an element of this. As many Chinese perceived the Japanese to look down on them, who are both in turn looked down upon by whites. The Chinese themselves in turn then look down on Indians, Vietnamese etc., the same thing that they accuse the Japanese of doing.
I don’t think it’s productive, however, to accuse Chinese of an “inferiority complex†when they were the dominant regional power for ages
Yes there are exhaustive examples. If you simple search for my comment history for "Japan" you will see that much my efforts here is to highlight this.To begin with, there's this one here, Japan and Its East Asian Neighbors: Japan's Perception of China and Korea and the Making of Foreign Policy From the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
Japanese scholars who were pro-China�
I contend, however, that the Ryukyu-Taiwan policy, motivated by their concerns over national prestige and security in the Western-dominated international environment, did not come out of Meiji Japan’s desire to encroach upon and antagonize China.�
My comment 37 states that the Japanese helped the Han Chinese overthrow the Manchus, further background here
Inoue Kiyoshi has for example contrasted Modern Japan’s attitudes toward China as seventy years of aggression with two thousand years of friendship.
I remember a Chinese friend of mine (from Taiwan) was visiting some Beijing museum a few years ago, and noticed some old scroll describing how a delegation from "the island of the dwarf pirates" were bringing tribute to the Emperor and pledging their loyalty. He thought it very amusing and mentioned it to me.
Yes, thats right. The Chinese name for Japanese was Wo, meaning dwarf.
I hadn't realized that.
In the 16th century Toyotomi Hideyoshi planned to invade China after the conquest of Korea.
In the 16th century Toyotomi Hideyoshi planned to invade China after the conquest of Korea.
This is correct. But there’s another side of the story.
The PRC claims more or less Yuan (Mongol) and Qing (Manchu) borders
And uses the term ä¸åŽæ°‘æ— Zhonghua Minzu as a macro-ethnicity to include Han, Mongol, Manchu, Tibetan, etc.
To an extent I don’t have a problem with this interpretation. But under Yuan, Kublai Khan attempted to invade Japan, twice.
If PRC claims that Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty, then logically by extension, China has attempted to invade Japan, twice during Yuan.
Xia å¤ dynasty (2070 – 1600 BC)
Shang 商 dynasty (1600 – 1046 BC)
Zhou 周 dynasty (1046 – 256 BC)
Spring and Autumn 春秋 period (722 – 476 BC)
Warring States 战国 period (476 – 221 BC)
1st Empire
Qin 秦 dynasty (221 – 206 BC)
Han 汉 dynasty (206 BC – AD 220)
Three Kingdoms 三国 (AD 220 – 280)
Jin 晋 dynasty (AD 266 – 420)
Northern and Southern dynasties å—åŒ—æœ (AD 420 – 589)
2nd Empire
Sui 隋 dynasty (AD 581 – 618)
Tang å” dynasty (AD 618 – 907)
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 五代å国 (AD 907 – 960)
Song, Liao, Jin, and Western Xia dynasties å®‹è¾½é‡‘å¤ (AD 960 – 1279)
3rd Empire
Yuan 元 dynasty (AD 1271 – 1368)
Ming 明 dynasty (AD 1368 – 1644)
Qing 清 dynasty (AD 1644 – 1912)
Republic of China (AD 1912 – present)
PRC (AD 1949 – present)
If PRC claims that Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty, then logically by extension, China has attempted to invade Japan, twice during Yuan.The first part of your statement is true but the second part of your statement is false for the following reasons:When Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he had become the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire after winning the Toluid Civil War in 1264. Kublai Khan then tried but failed to invade Japan twice, in 1274 and 1281, which occurred when the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire. After the death of Kublai Khan in 1294, the Yuan Dynasty became politically independent of the Mongol Empire which disintegrated into the Buddhist Yuan and three other Muslim Khanates. Only during the post-colonial period (1294 to 1368) could the Yuan Dynasty be considered 'Chinese' because the colonial period (1271 to 1294) saw the Yuan Dynasty become part of the Mongol Empire.The PRC (and ROC) do claim that the Yuan dynasty is a proper Chinese dynasty after the death of Kublai Khan because the Mongol Empire disintegrated leaving behind the Confucianist/Buddhist Yuan Dynasty which became politically and culturally independent of the three other Muslim Khanates. To use an analogy, the British Raj fought in Europe not because the Indians were fighting for India but because the British used the Indians as their sepoys during WWI and WWII. Nobody can claim that India was fighting Germany because the British Raj was part of the British Empire which fought Germany during WWI and WWII; ergo, nobody can claim that China was trying to invade Japan because the Yuan Dynasty was part of the Mongol Empire when Kublai Klan attempted to invade Japan twice during his reign.Replies: @Raches, @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms
As seen in Seishisai's writings, Japanese nationalism had always been anti-Western. Hitler's mistake was to choose Japanese imperialists who wanted to conquer and unite the whole of Asia AGAINST the West over Chinese nationalists who were AGAINST the Japanese imperialists. That's why Chiang was reluctant to commit Chinese nationalist troops to fight the IJA in Burma because Southeast Asia was none of his business. Contrast that to the Japanese imperialists who promised to 'liberate' Southeast Asia from Western colonialism, supporting Asian independence movements from Sukarno of Indonesia to Subhas Chandra Bose of India.
"Our Divine Land is where the sun rises and where the primordial energy originates. The heirs of the Great Sun have occupied the Imperial Throne from generation to generation without change from time immemorial. Japan's position at the vertex of the earth makes it the standard for the nations of the world. Indeed, it casts its light over the world, and the distance which the resplendent imperial influence reaches knows no limit. Today, the alien barbarians of the West, the lowly organs of the legs and feet of the world, are dashing about across the seas, trampling other countries underfoot, and daring, with their squinting eyes and limping feet, to override the noble nations. What manner of arrogance is this!"
That’s why Chiang was reluctant to commit Chinese nationalist troops to fight the IJA in Burma because Southeast Asia was none of his business.
This is just incorrect. The Japanese invaded Burma partly to cut off the last US supply lines to China.
Later on in the Chinese Civil War, Burma was for the KMT a strategic rear,