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Weird Slob James Bowman Says Trump Will Escalate Israel’s War in Gaza

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Is Bowman saying he’s going to send US troops to Gaza?

Is that what is actually going on here?

Post Millennial:

Vice president-elect JD Vance explained what President-elect Donald Trump meant when he threatened “all hell to pay” if the almost 100 hostages, including 7 Americans, still held by Palestinian terrorists are not released by Inauguration Day on January 20.

During an interview with FOX News on Sunday, Vance said “It means enabling the Israelis to knock out the final couple of battalions of Hamas and their leadership. It means very aggressive sanctions and financial penalties on those who are supporting terrorist organizations in the Middle East.”

He added, “It means actually doing the job of American leadership which Donald Trump did very well for four years, and he’s gonna do very well for the next four years.”

Vance continued that he was hopeful that a deal was close but that it might happen in the last few days of the Biden Administration. He said, “But regardless of when that deal is struck, it will be because people are terrified that there are going to be consequences for Hamas.”

I guess this is really popular with Trump’s base.

These people love the Jews.

It’s sickening.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Darkwing says:

    Trump will back jew land with what ever they want, money, arms, US military

    •�Replies: @AxeGryndr
  2. Rich says:

    Only about 25 Israeli hostages are still alive. They’ll be released around the time Trump is inaugurated. Israel has won its war. Gaza is destroyed, Hezbollah has stopped bombing the north and Israel now owns 40% of Syria. No need for American troops.

  3. Piglet says:

    Yet another reason no sane white person should join the US military. US foreign policy is completely controlled by Israel, and using the US military is part of that foreign policy.

  4. Patriots serve America.

    Traitors serve Israel.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  5. Godly85 says:

    Almost 70% of structures in Gaza have been destroyed. There’s practically nothing left to bomb. These weirdo jewish freaks who are walking around in MAGA’s dead skin are truly repulsive.

  6. AxeGryndr says:

    Being that Trump’s CONgress 1st day accomplishments was a get out of jail free card for Bibi passing the house, the stage is now set for more Atrocities ‘R’ Us.

  7. AxeGryndr says:

    Yup. It started with CONgress neutering the ICC on Jan 3.

  8. DanFromCT says:
    @John Gruskos

    Such elaborate efforts at concealing from the American people the truth about (1) the USS Liberty, (2) Israel’s obvious role in the assassination of the Kennedys, and (3) its hand in 9/11 provide powerful evidence of complicity in the worst combined acts of war and terror against the US by a single enemy. Such elaborate concealment amounts to capital treason and it characterizes almost all of AIPAC’s stooges in each successive Congress, as well as both the mainstream and social media down through the years.

    As one UR commenter has mentioned, when he called in to Sean Hannity’s radio show and asked about Israel’s attempted sinking of the Liberty with all hands on board, Hannity’s response was the same as you’ll get from the rest of the media and from nearly every member of Congress—that is, Hannity hung up on him.

    According to the Watson Instiute at Brown University, even by 2022 or so these wars of Israeli supremacism have cost the US something over $8 trillion, to which can be added at least that amount for this nation’s prior support for Israel’s Yom Kippur War resulting in a quadrupling of the cost of oil all the way back in early 1974. Imagine what could have been done had that money been spent here in America and had not been wasted supporting a people who despise Christians more than they do any Palestinians or Muslims.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  9. meamjojo says:

    “These people love the Jews.”

    And you should learn to do the same thing!

    You know that Mossad knows exactly where you are and could take you out at any time they desired?

    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
    , @Henry Ford
    , @anon
  10. @meamjojo

    Not only can they take you out any time they want, but also in any part of the world they want. Thanks for your honesty at least we both agree that Jew World Inc. controls the planet.

    •�Replies: @bike-anarkist
  11. @Tennessee Jed

    Thanks for your honesty at least we both agree that Jew World Inc. controls the planet.

    … and will be destroyed. They can’t help it when they start eating each other.
    And they will.

  12. @meamjojo

    You are correct! The Chinese, Russian, Iranians, and what is left of the the rest of the world has only 2 choices. Completely bow down and submit to the rule of the .02 percent or fight . There is no in between. Thank you for your candid observation

  13. anon[204] •�Disclaimer says:

    And you should learn to do the same thing!

    You should learn to stop sniffing Palestinian panties, you fruity queer.

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