Oh, is that what it explains, yes that’s obvious!
Yup. And I am serious.
Jews certainly ARE good at playing both sides to get exactly what they want. As far as over representation is concerned, look at their numbers compared to their population (here in America) in banking, news media, politics, replacement migration etc. The list goes on and on. To indicate that there is no conspiracy is nonsense. Here it’s part and parcel of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and in Europe it’s known as the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan. Why is there ALWAYS a jewish person/group behind every disruptive societal movement in modern Western history? Feminism? Jewish. Marxism? Jewish. Civil Rights? Yup, Jewish again! Sheer Cohen-cidence I tell ya!
I repeat, you have missed, or more likely chose to ignore, my original point. I said nothing about a woman playing in the NBA
Pragma says:
February 27, 2025 at 10:14 pm GMT • 16.2 hours ago ↑So, according to your theory, in order for women to be competitive against trans men, all they need is motivation? Physical realities play no part?
The way I read it, you said that you were ill-equipped to play in the NBA because you are a short, shrimpy white guy.
From there I posted a group of “short” shrimpy white guys who played in the NBA.
What now?
Great, and your comfort assured that outcome. Your implication was that you are too short and white to play in the NBA, I showed you that was not the case.
I am comfortable with the fact that I will never make millions in the NBA,
I repeat, you have missed, or more likely chose to ignore, my original point. I said nothing about a woman playing in the NBA. You are a record stuck in your own personal groove, defending your own narrative unrelated to the subject at hand. I doubt anything of value will be accomplished by continuing this thread.
Oh, is that what it explains, yes that’s obvious!
(Old Sport, that is what we, in English call; कटाक्ष, or ਵਿਅੰਗ, or கிண்டல்.You will have to ask your Uncle, the worldly one who who porked the Jat broad for 11 months to translate for you.
Yup. And I am serious.
Oh, is that what it explains, yes that’s obvious!
I did not say a change in your attitude would have resulted in NBA greatness.
Your original post said:
I am comfortable with the fact that I will never make millions in the NBA,
Great, and your comfort assured that outcome. Your implication was that you are too short and white to play in the NBA, I showed you that was not the case.
As to a woman playing in the NBA, that is irrelevant, you are not a woman, and as I said earlier, I could get into that, but trust me, it’s a rabbit hole.
You have, very successfully and completely, missed the point of my post by going off on a tangent, particularly in the context of the original article. The assertion that a change in my attitude would have resulted in NBA greatness is risible, and irrelevant. (And you didn’t answer the question)
Great, and your comfort assured that outcome. Your implication was that you are too short and white to play in the NBA, I showed you that was not the case.
I am comfortable with the fact that I will never make millions in the NBA,
The question is hypothetical if you are not a woman. Well… Sorta… but you don’t want to get into that.
Point being, that you are correct, the LOGICAL choice would not be for a man of your stature to become “a millionaire in the NBA, but now ask yourself, of the men you look up to, how many of them made purely logical decisions.
Greatness is about hearing you can’t do it and beating the odds. If those 8 non-black guys under 6 feet that I posted had your attitude…
Very true. This explains why the media hid the details of the Hoffmeyr skull, they want to push the propaganda that Black Africans went and populated the World for some ulterior motive.
Nice dodge, answer the question.
You’re a woman?
So, according to your theory, in order for women to be competitive against trans men, all they need is motivation? Physical realities play no part?
Ernie D’Gregorio was 5-8, that’s why I put him there, for motivation. How tall are you?
Here’s the great Monte Towe in the all-star game.
Here’s Billy Donovan with the Knicks.
Here’s Mark Price:
Here’s Jose Juan Barea:
Here’s Carlos Arroyo:
And a couple of modern-day personal favorite Yuta Tabuse and Yuki Karamura
Point being, nothing robs a man of potential faster than self-defeat.
I think It was Zig Ziglar who said it best; “Whether you believe you can do something, or you believe you can’t, you’re correct!
Have you gone through your ball-handling drills and take 500 jump shots a day?
I am comfortable with the fact that I will never make millions in the NBA,
No I haven’t. Will that give me another 10″ in height?
And what racial branch of humanity did that skull belong to? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid or some other extinct racial type of humans. Yes, many racial types have become extinct, some in Africa itself. There have been Caucasoid skulls found in South Africa like the Hofmeyr Skull which are older than any Khoi, San or Bantu Skull ever found. So we cannot come to the conclusion that because that 300,000 yrs old skull was found in Africa, it belonged to the Negroid branch of humanity.
The oldest skull on the continent Africa dates back about 300,000 years ago
Of course, you are correct. But we are not talking about civilizations here.Replies: @Truth
that would not rule out earlier human civilizations that simply have not been located and may never be locates.
I am comfortable with the fact that I will never make millions in the NBA,
Have you gone through your ball-handling drills and take 500 jump shots a day?
Video Link
Video Link
I would not take a Hindu fundamentalist’s take on history very seriously. Most likely made up B.S.
The oldest skull on the continent Africa dates back about 300,000 years ago
And what racial branch of humanity did that skull belong to? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid or some other extinct racial type of humans. Yes, many racial types have become extinct, some in Africa itself. There have been Caucasoid skulls found in South Africa like the Hofmeyr Skull which are older than any Khoi, San or Bantu Skull ever found. So we cannot come to the conclusion that because that 300,000 yrs old skull was found in Africa, it belonged to the Negroid branch of humanity.
that would not rule out earlier human civilizations that simply have not been located and may never be locates.
Of course, you are correct. But we are not talking about civilizations here.
I don’t understand what point you are trying to make. What is “this” that is not true? Evidence please.
“Potential for abuse” is why none of this is true.
I know, I was just joking.
I am not trying to insult
Apparently there was. And to be honest, the Israelis are not very pleased with these findings, to see blue eyed people living in Israel 6500 years ago. I am surprised that they even published these findings.
I don’t know if there were “blue-eyed folks” 6,500 years ago
Not really. The indigeys in tropical Indonesia or the Amazon rain forests do not look like the indigeys of tropical West Africa. Similarly the indigeys in cold Canada do not look like Europeans. You can have different looking people in similar climatic conditions.
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
question answered.
“That is the European looking Munot skull humans in the Middle East existed before Black African like people ever evolved, appeared on Planet Earth!!!!”
I may be misunderstanding what you are saying. However, I found your conclusion a tad dubious. The oldest skull on the continent Africa dates back about 300,000 years ago
And even your conclusion was accurate, that would not rule out earlier human civilizations that simply have not been located and may never be locates.
I will eschew a discussion about the efficacy of evolution. The planet is a dynamic place and its a safe bet there are humans we know nothing about and never will because the planet has swallowed their existence.
And what racial branch of humanity did that skull belong to? Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid or Australoid or some other extinct racial type of humans. Yes, many racial types have become extinct, some in Africa itself. There have been Caucasoid skulls found in South Africa like the Hofmeyr Skull which are older than any Khoi, San or Bantu Skull ever found. So we cannot come to the conclusion that because that 300,000 yrs old skull was found in Africa, it belonged to the Negroid branch of humanity.
The oldest skull on the continent Africa dates back about 300,000 years ago
Of course, you are correct. But we are not talking about civilizations here.Replies: @Truth
that would not rule out earlier human civilizations that simply have not been located and may never be locates.
To learn something else about Razib Khan, click on the following links to see a couple of Twitter/X screen caps.
‘My opposition to your kind is on my skin’
‘Somewhere a Neolithic farmer is smiling …’ (said in reaction to the news that white kids will soon be less than half of school age children in England)
I am not trying to insult you as I say this, you are an intelligent, well-read, and interesting man who is simply too emotional to be a good debater.
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
What does that have to do with Melanin???
I am not trying to insult
I know, I was just joking.
I don’t know if there were “blue-eyed folks” 6,500 years ago
Apparently there was. And to be honest, the Israelis are not very pleased with these findings, to see blue eyed people living in Israel 6500 years ago. I am surprised that they even published these findings.
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
question answered.
Not really. The indigeys in tropical Indonesia or the Amazon rain forests do not look like the indigeys of tropical West Africa. Similarly the indigeys in cold Canada do not look like Europeans. You can have different looking people in similar climatic conditions.
Anyways, you claim that the original Jews or chosen people were Black and you give Nasser’s qoute to support it. I doubt his qoute are enough to settle this issue. But, the original Jews MAY have been Black, it is possible, not impossible. If we accept that assumption, that does not compulsorily mean that the first humans in the Middle East were Black just on that account. The people self identifying as Jews is a very recent event compared to the time period the early humans went to the Middle East. Maybe some Black Africans went to the Middle East later on and God chose them as chosen people. Similarly, when I showed that blue eyed people lived in Israel 6500 years ago, that is not enough to indicate that they were the ancestors of Jews either. All I am saying that because it is the Palestine area, we just cannot conclude the race the early people of that place as White, Black, Brown etc…. Anything is possible.
However, the Manot skull (54,700 years old approx), one of the first human skulls found in the Middle East is already similar to European skulls, it is of the Caucasoid type.
Levantine cranium from Manot Cave (Israel) foreshadows the first European modern humans
“The overall shape and discrete morphological features of the Manot 1 calvaria demonstrate that this partial skull is unequivocally modern. It is similar in shape to recent African skulls* as well as to European skulls from the Upper Palaeolithic period, but different from most other early anatomically modern humans in the Levant. This suggests that the Manot people could be closely related to the first modern humans who later successfully colonized Europe. ”
Now you will say, it mentions recent African skulls*. OK, but which African skulls exactly? The paper will tell you the recent African skulls they talk about are the Afalou/ Taforalt skulls.
The scientific paper
“Clines and clusters versus “Race:” a test in ancient Egypt and the case of a death on the Nile”
clearly mention that “Late Pleistocene material from Afalou and Taforalt in North Africa had no similarity with Sub Saharan Africa.”
Also, the oldest found human skull belonging to the Black African Negroid branch of mankind is only about 11,000 years old. That is the European looking Munot skull humans in the Middle East existed before Black African like people ever evolved, appeared on Planet Earth!!!!
Oh, my mistake, I figured this conversation was with the same guy all along.
After a few years the posts… and opinions… have a way of merging.
Post #375:
I don’t remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
What I believe Nasser is saying is that "the original 'Jews' in the region were black, the people claiming to be Jews in the region now are white, ergo, they are not Jews so we cannot respect their right to be here."
Bombercommand says:
February 16, 2025 at 3:13 pm GMT • 4.5 days ago • 500 Words ↑
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians. If you want to see what the original “Anatomically Modern Humans” looked like, look at The Middle East. Black people did not appear until 60,000 years ago, 40,000 years after the appearance of “Anatomically Modern Humans”. The simple fact is, you can accurately predict the “race” of...
And that's the way it SHOULD be but in reality, when the King returns, if he is black (and I can't see it being any other way having read the bible multiple times, and having been in some pretty educated bible study groups) I would estimate, and this is merely my opinion, that 80% of white 'Christians' will abandon the faith overnight.
It wouldn’t bother me if Jesus was white, black or brown; it’s his teachings that matter not the colour of his skin.
That was bomber command not me.
I don't remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
I don’t remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
Post #375:
Bombercommand says:
February 16, 2025 at 3:13 pm GMT • 4.5 days ago • 500 Words ↑
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians. If you want to see what the original “Anatomically Modern Humans” looked like, look at The Middle East. Black people did not appear until 60,000 years ago, 40,000 years after the appearance of “Anatomically Modern Humans”. The simple fact is, you can accurately predict the “race” of…
What I believe Nasser is saying is that “the original ‘Jews’ in the region were black, the people claiming to be Jews in the region now are white, ergo, they are not Jews so we cannot respect their right to be here.”
It wouldn’t bother me if Jesus was white, black or brown; it’s his teachings that matter not the colour of his skin.
And that’s the way it SHOULD be but in reality, when the King returns, if he is black (and I can’t see it being any other way having read the bible multiple times, and having been in some pretty educated bible study groups) I would estimate, and this is merely my opinion, that 80% of white ‘Christians’ will abandon the faith overnight.
The Anti-Christ, it is argued by, I would say a majority of scholars, will be a ‘white man’ of Eastern or Southern European descent.
I responded NOT with my opinion, I responded with a quote from someone else, someone born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly), who is also much closer to the subject.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
Again, I am going to respond not with my opinion, but with a quote from someone else who is born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly) and is also much closer to the subject:
The Vikings, Saxons and Normans invaded the British isles much later yet nobody living there today bears any grudges about it or calls them “usurpers”. Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative
The fact that every vehicle on the planet has run on dead-dinosaur bones for 130 years now, is "a historical fact" is it not?
Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative and even though it is not established beyond any doubt it upsets you.
Where, exactly do you sense combativeness, or anger? Again, all I did was post a quote BY SOMEONE ELSE.
what’s wrong with you? You’re combative and angry
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
I don’t remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
I can agree with the first part of Nasser’s statement, that the present day Jews in Israel are mostly unrelated to the original Jews and are Goyim who converted to Judaism. The second part is not quite clear: they left black but came back white. But he just said that the white Jews there now are not originals so why “came back”? It’s not the same people who “came back”, nobody came back, the arrivals were new people.
It wouldn’t bother me if Jesus was white, black or brown; it’s his teachings that matter not the colour of his skin.
Most depict Jesus as White or slightly briwn but there are some depictions of a black Jesus. If different people want him to look like them it doesn’t bother me, even a yellow Jesus, if it helps spread the message.
Post #375:
I don’t remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
What I believe Nasser is saying is that "the original 'Jews' in the region were black, the people claiming to be Jews in the region now are white, ergo, they are not Jews so we cannot respect their right to be here."
Bombercommand says:
February 16, 2025 at 3:13 pm GMT • 4.5 days ago • 500 Words ↑
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians. If you want to see what the original “Anatomically Modern Humans” looked like, look at The Middle East. Black people did not appear until 60,000 years ago, 40,000 years after the appearance of “Anatomically Modern Humans”. The simple fact is, you can accurately predict the “race” of...
And that's the way it SHOULD be but in reality, when the King returns, if he is black (and I can't see it being any other way having read the bible multiple times, and having been in some pretty educated bible study groups) I would estimate, and this is merely my opinion, that 80% of white 'Christians' will abandon the faith overnight.
It wouldn’t bother me if Jesus was white, black or brown; it’s his teachings that matter not the colour of his skin.
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses. Saar. I really feel tha pain, Saar. (I iz wobbling muh head as I type and shite....)
I don’t even know why I am lowering myself to respond.
How do we know that? Maybe....maybe not.
the whites in the Middle East are usurpers
Sunshine (h)
Turkey is not hot,
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses
I am not trying to insult you as I say this, you are an intelligent, well-read, and interesting man who is simply too emotional to be a good debater.
blockquote>Anyways, you earlier wrote that those Blue Eyed light skinned folks in Palestine 6500 yeats ago would not “survive” in that region because they had no melanin.
I don’t know if there were “blue-eyed folks” 6,500 years ago.
What does that have to do with Melanin???
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
Great, question answered.
I know, I was just joking.
I am not trying to insult
Apparently there was. And to be honest, the Israelis are not very pleased with these findings, to see blue eyed people living in Israel 6500 years ago. I am surprised that they even published these findings.
I don’t know if there were “blue-eyed folks” 6,500 years ago
Not really. The indigeys in tropical Indonesia or the Amazon rain forests do not look like the indigeys of tropical West Africa. Similarly the indigeys in cold Canada do not look like Europeans. You can have different looking people in similar climatic conditions.
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
question answered.
It matters to the ex-President of Egypt, as a matter of fact, he said, in the quote I provided, that this is the source of Israeli-Arab tension. That is significant, no?
It would also matter to the roughly One Billion white Christians in the world that the tribe that produced Jesus* was black, ya think*?
Where did I bear a grudge?
You originally made the following statement, which you presented as fact, not your opinion:
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
I responded NOT with my opinion, I responded with a quote from someone else, someone born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly), who is also much closer to the subject.
The Vikings, Saxons and Normans invaded the British isles much later yet nobody living there today bears any grudges about it or calls them “usurpers”. Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative
Again, I am going to respond not with my opinion, but with a quote from someone else who is born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly) and is also much closer to the subject:
Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative and even though it is not established beyond any doubt it upsets you.
The fact that every vehicle on the planet has run on dead-dinosaur bones for 130 years now, is “a historical fact” is it not?
what’s wrong with you? You’re combative and angry
Where, exactly do you sense combativeness, or anger? Again, all I did was post a quote BY SOMEONE ELSE.
*1: IF the tribe that birthed Jesus was black, well, I will leave the next, logical step in understanding to you.
*2: What do you think? Are you a Christian? You are white, I would assume. OK, so let’s go with what I feel is the next logical step in understanding from directly above. If you are a Christian, what does this do to your Christianity…
…Great, now you understand what the apocalypse is. Apocalypse is a Greek word that means, roughly, uncovering. The secrets will soon be uncovered. Then it’s Katy Bar the Door!
I don't remember writing that. Could you point out in which comment I wrote that? I think someone else made that statement.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
You are correct, but the point being that all Jewish traditions started in the Middle East and the adherents spread outward.
I don’t know where “Egypt” came from, but the term in Arabic for Egypt is Misri as well, Egyptians are “Misirim.”
What does it matter if Whites displaced blacks in Palestine six and a half millennia ago other than establishing historical truth? But you are still obviously emotional over this, calling them “usurpers”. The Vikings, Saxons and Normans invaded the British isles much later yet nobody living there today bears any grudges about it or calls them “usurpers”. Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative and even though it is not established beyond any doubt it upsets you. What’s wrong with you? You’re combative and angry about something that may or may not be true six and a half millennia ago.
I responded NOT with my opinion, I responded with a quote from someone else, someone born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly), who is also much closer to the subject.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
Again, I am going to respond not with my opinion, but with a quote from someone else who is born much earlier than you (I think) or I (certainly) and is also much closer to the subject:
The Vikings, Saxons and Normans invaded the British isles much later yet nobody living there today bears any grudges about it or calls them “usurpers”. Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative
The fact that every vehicle on the planet has run on dead-dinosaur bones for 130 years now, is "a historical fact" is it not?
Even though the latter is a historical fact while your thesis is speculative and even though it is not established beyond any doubt it upsets you.
Where, exactly do you sense combativeness, or anger? Again, all I did was post a quote BY SOMEONE ELSE.
what’s wrong with you? You’re combative and angry
A peculiar perversion of the Not A True Scotsman Fallacy.
I don’t even know why I am lowering myself to respond.
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses. Saar. I really feel tha pain, Saar. (I iz wobbling muh head as I type and shite….)
Anyways, you earlier wrote that those Blue Eyed light skinned folks in Palestine 6500 yeats ago would not “survive” in that region because they had no melanin. Then you say that the Anglos who settled Australia did so after creating a civilization in cold Europe. What does that have to do with Melanin??? Did the Anglos increase their melanin after building Civilization in Europe? I not understand, Saar.
The one tech which would have helped those de-melanated Anglos “survive” sunny hot Australia (or say Nevada) would be clothing. Since the populations under discussion started the Chalcholitihc era (Copper Age) in Palestine, they would have been late Neolithic (second stone age), and humans were already weaving clothing from plant fibers during the Neolithic period. In the earlier Paleolithic era or first stone age, humans used animal skins and leaves and shit….but by the Neolithic (just before the Chalcholithic), humans were weaving clothing.
the whites in the Middle East are usurpers
How do we know that? Maybe….maybe not.
Turkey is not hot,
Sunshine (h)
Month Haifa Ankara +/-
Jan 8.32 6.43 -1.89
Feb 9.25 7.65 -1.61
Mar 9.95 8.64 -1.31
Apr 11.38 10.42 -0.95
May 12.47 11.64 -0.83
Jun 12.95 12.88 -0.08
Jul 12.76 13.50 0.74
Aug 12.15 12.39 0.25
Sep 11.18 10.97 -0.21
Oct 10.12 9.29 -0.83
Nov 8.79 7.64 -1.14
Dec 8.00 6.58 -1.43
⌀ Month 10.61 9.84 -0.77
Not much of a difference and in July & August, Ankara gets more sunshine than Haifa.
I am not trying to insult you as I say this, you are an intelligent, well-read, and interesting man who is simply too emotional to be a good debater.
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses
Do the Indigeys in Australia look like Paul Hogan?
What does that have to do with Melanin???
The term “Sephardic” means “Spanish”. The Middle Eastern Jews would be “Mizrahi” which means “Egyptian”. The term for Egypt in Hindi language is “Misar”.
But the Sephardi are, at least Middle Eastern.
That’s what it appears.*
(Technically, not the Sephardi, they are usurpers as well. Some say they are the Assyrians who got sent to Israel to imitate the ***black*** Jews who got attacked by lions, but that’s a WHOLE other post. 2 Kings 17:25-27)
So Nasser is claiming that the Sephardi are Black?
The answer to this is so obvious, I don’t even know why I am lowering myself to respond.
Whites in Australia moved to Australia AFTER they established a civilization in cool Europe, Turkey is not hot, and the whites in the Middle East are usurpers who came from cooler areas to replace the original dark-skinned people.
Saar, I feel your pain, that you have to lower yourself to respond to my responses. Saar. I really feel tha pain, Saar. (I iz wobbling muh head as I type and shite....)
I don’t even know why I am lowering myself to respond.
How do we know that? Maybe....maybe not.
the whites in the Middle East are usurpers
Sunshine (h)
Turkey is not hot,
Malla apparently forgot to add his/her/it’s own name after Donald Trump.
LMFAO. European origin Whites are doing good in sunny Australia. Indeed many Iranians and Turks and even many in the Levant today look White like European and do well there.
Ahed Tamini, the blonde brave Palestinian Arab girl who slapped Israeli soldier, did preety well in sunny Palestine.I have light skinned Indian friends living in sunny India, never ever heard them complain about the sun.
All nonsense.
How did people without melanin live in an area where it is over 100 degrees for months on end?
Gamal Abdel Nasser never lived to see this archeological find.
What were Blue Eyed People doing in Northern Israel 6,500 years ago?
A large-scale genetic study of the ancient population of Peqi’in revealed that the Chalcolithic culture in the region developed by waves of migration from Anatolia and the Zagros mountains about 6500 years ago. This study was carried out by an international team of researchers led by Dr. Hila May and Prof. Israel Hershkovitz from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Dr. Dina Shalem from the Institute for Galilean Archaeology Kinneret College and the Israel Antiquities Authority, and Éadaoin Harney and Prof. David Reich of Harvard University.
It shows that the people of Peqi’in have ancestry related to that of earlier ancient groups from Anatolia and Iran – and not seen in earlier peoples from the Levant. This suggests that a migration into the region, bringing people who our genetic data showed had a high rate of blue eyes that were previously rare in the region, may have triggered the development of the Chalcolithic (copper age) culture.
DNA Study Finds Early Inhabitants of Israel Were Blue-Eyed and Fair-Skinned
Interestingly this was before the Aryan expansion from Central Asia-Ukraine into Iran (Persia), Anatolia (Hittites) and Syria (Mittani).
till only a Mestizo population is left
It would be mulatto, not mestizo. Why not give Brahmin women to Blacks to improve the Black race?
I wonder why no one suggests this?, is a completely valid solution apart from segregation.
“Whitey become brown like us Indians by mixing. We cannot stand such a good looking high achieveing race, it is scary and gives us an inferiority complex. Mixup Whitey, ingest Black DNA, join our brown world”
Legalize Pajeets doing doodoo & urinating in public all over the western world NOW !
Sign the petition below.
Fight the Power
Yes. We will win.
using the rancid pajeet’s art of race deflection (incorrectly I may add)
but what I do know is that at least Western blacks are not running wild raping women of any race o
Nah! Blacks are more rapey than South Asians. Fact.
Woaw woaw woaw......Servi, where did that outburst against Pajee....I mean Indians come from? This was about chinks and your homo erectus kind, why drag in Paje....I mean Indians in this. You need to chill in your Dada Idi Amin (the anhailater of Indians in Uganda and ruler of the British Empire and fishes or whatever) T-shirt under your Dada Idi Amin autographed poster and drink some juice from your Dada Idi Amin water bottle and just chill.
Hopefully the Chinks will do the same with pajeets to bring their parasitism and carpetbagging
It’s amazing how pajeets see themselves above blacks when the ‘High IQ Indians’ shit in the streets, wash in Ganges sewage,You will be pleased to know that the "High IQ Indians" shitting on the streets and washing in Ganges sewage not only look down upon your Homo Erectus mix Black kind, they look down upon Whiteys, they look down upon Chinks, they look down upon the Ar-yabs too. Your Black Homoi Erecti kind are not alone. Of course they worship the Joo with great devotion, in that the Joo is alone in this adulation and they are a people who shall dwell alone (with respect and adoration) in the minds of street shitting Indians.
Yes we brown Paj...oops....I mean Indians beleive we invented everything, all civilizations on Earth including the Egyptian, the Aztec, the Chinese, the Sumerian, Greece etc... were created by Indians only. All technology wuz of Indian origins and wuz stolen by foreign barbarians. All wealth belonged to Indians only, outsiders stole the wealth, the entire Global GDP outside India is because of stolen wealth of Indians only. It should all come back to India. So Indians feel cheating Mleccha barbarians is justified, becuz, that wealth EVERY non-Indian has, has it's origins in the ancestors of Indians only. If you are non Indian, your wealth belongsto our ancestors and we deserve it. Indians feel they are rightfully taking back their ancestor's property when they scam an Australian grandmother or loot out some African country.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @ServesyouallWhite, @TheGreatFlemishHope, @EliteCommInc.
All I fucking hear are boasts of flying machines and the invention of 0 before the White man
Note: I appreciate your previous outreach, though it might have been sarcasm — no issues.
—- sadly I am overly cautious.
Hmmm and ? That is the point, juxtaposed against the complaint that somehow blacks are getting these obs and white men are having to take a back seat t blacks . . . and on and on . . . So there is no mandate to hire blacks that the conceit
That was VP Vances game the day after the air accident, that was the president’s game, DEI . . . white men turned away with higher points. This is not in defense of DEI as I have contended for quite some time, the numbers tat blacks are the winners inthat game is false and always has been. That is why in 1968when the atter of redres became acongressional matter, the south sougt to sink the whole endeavor by adding women — and it backfired , except it gave the case of discriminations a way out — te issue becme diversity — and in a bid to escape the whole black case, the government hire white women, same relational practitioners, his[anics ad ten blacks and it only became more of a gambit as white women looked out for whites — utterly upending the complaint against the black citizen as some manner of theif. But the current admin and most whites — still make those claims.
Now in many ways I think its a good deal — as the facde of who we are and what we di is stripped aways. White liberals are no less duplicitous than whites of any oter brand.
And no noone was forced to do anything. Companies that received any federal funds were expected hen to ensure that all citizens who applied and were qualified were treated equaly — and that is perfectly reasonable expectation. Further once the evidence demonstrated that qualified blacks had not been interviewed or even considered a historical case of discriminations was pressed and AA was an attempt to redress that issue. But as you quite rightly note, it has not worked as intended. In order to avoid government scrutiny, organizations diversified. And a program that was meant to taager the AAmerican and native american population in the then patriaerchaical family structure got swept aside as women empowered crached te gate. Now it is accurate that some blacks dud advance and certainly some gains could be noted, but the overall agenda and goals — as is the case routinely hijacked by whites.
I won’t speak to the DR, though I I get the example.
Woaw woaw woaw......Servi, where did that outburst against Pajee....I mean Indians come from? This was about chinks and your homo erectus kind, why drag in Paje....I mean Indians in this. You need to chill in your Dada Idi Amin (the anhailater of Indians in Uganda and ruler of the British Empire and fishes or whatever) T-shirt under your Dada Idi Amin autographed poster and drink some juice from your Dada Idi Amin water bottle and just chill.
Hopefully the Chinks will do the same with pajeets to bring their parasitism and carpetbagging
It’s amazing how pajeets see themselves above blacks when the ‘High IQ Indians’ shit in the streets, wash in Ganges sewage,You will be pleased to know that the "High IQ Indians" shitting on the streets and washing in Ganges sewage not only look down upon your Homo Erectus mix Black kind, they look down upon Whiteys, they look down upon Chinks, they look down upon the Ar-yabs too. Your Black Homoi Erecti kind are not alone. Of course they worship the Joo with great devotion, in that the Joo is alone in this adulation and they are a people who shall dwell alone (with respect and adoration) in the minds of street shitting Indians.
Yes we brown Paj...oops....I mean Indians beleive we invented everything, all civilizations on Earth including the Egyptian, the Aztec, the Chinese, the Sumerian, Greece etc... were created by Indians only. All technology wuz of Indian origins and wuz stolen by foreign barbarians. All wealth belonged to Indians only, outsiders stole the wealth, the entire Global GDP outside India is because of stolen wealth of Indians only. It should all come back to India. So Indians feel cheating Mleccha barbarians is justified, becuz, that wealth EVERY non-Indian has, has it's origins in the ancestors of Indians only. If you are non Indian, your wealth belongsto our ancestors and we deserve it. Indians feel they are rightfully taking back their ancestor's property when they scam an Australian grandmother or loot out some African country.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @ServesyouallWhite, @TheGreatFlemishHope, @EliteCommInc.
All I fucking hear are boasts of flying machines and the invention of 0 before the White man
mister Malla
seriously funny
So groovy it almost made me cry
No shortcuts would suffice to express that shit looooooooooooooooool
Legalize Pajeets doing doodoo & urinating in public all over the western world NOW !
Sign the petition below.
Thank you very much.
Fight the Power
Thanks a million Ron for this amazing forum (although it really sucks that you are a jew)
Legalize Pajeets doing doodoo & urinating in public all over the western world NOW !
Sign the petition below.
Yes. We will win.
Fight the Power
How old are you?Replies: @Bombercommand
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
If you think the first Anatomically Modern Humans were Black, explain why there there have never been any Black people in the Middle East.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
How old are you?
That´s a fundamentally dishonest play with numbers …
If you mandate an employer to hire anything but able-bodied White hetero males
(= DEI) he will start filling positions and gathering brownie points with the least
undesirable alternatives; in ascending order of undesirability:
– White hetero females
– White deviants (female for trucker, male for the artsy-fartsy stuff)
– White male obsessive-compulsive axe-murderers
– White male drug-addled babykillers (“veterans”)
– blacks (female)
– blacks (male)
It follows effortlessly that White females profit most, followed by “White males”.
My favorite example of such perverse incentive was in the whilom GDR, after the
Wiedervereinigung it became legal to hide a pregnancy during interview but
illegal to fire the dame when the pregnancy became manifest, with the employer on the
hook for three years for nothing but unable to hire a replacement because he was
required to rehire her; so the employers took to hiring only females with an attest
of having their tubes tied, which was a disaster for everybody.
No one seems to be thinking this shit through.
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians. If you want to see what the original “Anatomically Modern Humans” looked like, look at The Middle East. Black people did not appear until 60,000 years ago, 40,000 years after the appearance of “Anatomically Modern Humans”. The simple fact is, you can accurately predict the “race” of an individual if you know the percentage, and type, of archaic introgression, and all cases fall into the traditional three race paradigm, and even the complex situation in The Sundas, with the Negrito/Papuan/Melanesian/ Australian Aborigine problem, does not invalidate, but confirms this thesis. Europeans have 1%-2% Neanderthal introgression. Black West Africans have 8% unknown archaic non human introgression. Blacks have 4 times to 8 times the archaic introgression, so it is reasonable to assume the archaic introgression in black people has produced much more radical alterations in physiognomy. But the much greater archaic introgression in blacks is not the only factor, it is the genetic distance of the archaic introgression from Anatomically Modern Humans that is likely of greater importance. Look at the photo at the head of this article. That is a reconstruction of Turkana Boy, a Homo Erectus Ergaster fossil assemblage from SubSaharan Africa, the most primitive version of Homo Erectus, with a brain barely larger that Homo Habilis. Does Turkana Boy look familiar? You bet it does, just turn on the Black Entertainment Network, or walk around Atlanta or Baltimore. Remember, the introgression in Caucasians is known: Neanderthals. In East Asians it is known: both Neanderthal and Denisovan. It appears that the introgression in blacks is “unknown”. The list of possible candidates is short. There were no Neanderthals or Denisovans in SubSaharan Africa. There is no evidence that Homo Heidelbergensis survived until the Eemian Interglacial, so H Heidelbergensis can be ruled out. That leaves one candidate: Homo Erectus. Did Homo Erectus survive until the Eemian Interglacial? The answer is yes, in SubSaharan Africa(Iwo Eleru skullcap), and in The Sundas(Solo River fossils). The Iwo Eleru skullcap date from a mere 13,000 years ago, just before the end of the last Ice Age, giving plenty of opportunities for multiple hybridization events(the alert reader will note the close physical resemblance, and behavior, of SubSaharan Africans and Papuans). SubSaharan blacks likely had numerous inbreeding events with Homo Erectus over tens of thousands of years, which has degraded black genetics into the equivalent of toxic waste. And it gets worse…much worse. It appears black Africans have an introgression of not one but two archaic nonhuman hominins. It is a certainty that one is Homo Erectus Ergaster, but what of the other? There is Homo Naledi, and I have seen numerous blacks that bear a striking resemblance to H Naledi, but the sole find of H Naledi fossils date from 230,00-330,000 years ago, so it would be unsound to suggest H Naledi, at this point. There might be an as yet undiscovered archaic hominin that fills the bill, and it is a certainty it is an abomination as foul as Homo Erectus or Homo Naledi. It is of existential importance that black genetics are purged from the human gene pool. Certainly blacks breeding with non-blacks is a genetic disaster, but the extinction of black people is the only sound policy.
How old are you?Replies: @Bombercommand
The first “Anatomically Modern Humans” were not black, they were Caucasians.
You what I hate about being a conservative —- running into content such as this from people on the opposiye side of the coin
And she echoed the one thing that really concerns me — the purging of history, thst kind f conduct ids a very unhealthy sign.
Travarious Washington… had 15 children,
You lost right there.
Bulgarians do not have Denisovan introgression,
I didn’t say they did. That was just an example.
He ran a 4.3 40 yard dash and could catch anything you threw his way. One of 27 children, who grew up in the mean streets of Memphis, he was also an accomplished rapper and poet. … How ’bout a little respect?
Recognition has been slow for Travarious, despite seven PBS series (28 episodes in all) devoted to his triumph over widespread indifference. Although nominated five times for the Nobel Race Prize, principally for his graphic novel Bury My Duodenum in the Old Root Cellar, he was not selected or mentioned in news releases.
However, his rap group Glock Trigger da Dick Dick was invited to perform at a Nobel awards dinner. Once.
I think I read that book . . .
I can recommend a third;
See Spot Run by William S. Gray.
I can find no relevance of your comment so I have no response. But to my own comments
There are two books I reccommend you read.
Africa, a biography of te Continent John Reader
Fortunes of Africa a 5000 year history of wealth, greed and endeavour Martin Meredith
I have not read the texts front to back, however they have served as a very effective reference.
Nigger post
I think you would be surprised by how many White women privately believe that should be done and not because they are brainwashed.
They view it as the only solution to what they see as the unbearable problem of inequality. Highly educated liberal White women are fully aware that the system has to lie and they don’t see any solution.
Women have a harder time with racial inequality. White women most likely have higher levels of empathy from Whites surviving long winters. They basically have egalitarian genes that go haywire over racial inequality.
Con Inc is led by White men and really no different. Anyone that lives in a city like DC is fully aware that race exists. Con Inc views miscegenation as the only way of saving America. They are privately afraid of Whites someday turning on the system. Both establishment left and right only fear White people. This was also true during the peak of Communism. The Communists only feared the Anglo/Germanic nations and viewed most of the world with disdain. They expected the rest of the world to fall in line once they flipped Germany, Britain and America. Marx was actually derisive of Russians and viewed Germany as the key to Europe. Amusingly the Russians still have statues of Marx even though he viewed them as tools to getting a revolution near their German neighbor. Marx was not a racial egalitarian as many assume. The left-wing claim that race doesn’t exist came much later.
Very interesting.
What is to be done about it? (((American lefties))) have a solution. Brainwash moron white women to interbreed with the sub-species to make them more human.
Not a word about Judea, Palestine, Samaria, king David, king Solomon, and such.
Thus far, all analyses aimed to geo-localize Ashkenazic Jews identified Turkey as the predominant origin of Ashkenazic Jews.
‘Turks’ in the original sense of the word, that is people from Turkestan in central Asia, did not enter the Anatolian peninsula until the latter middle ages.
The Ashkenazi gene pool had established centuries before that.
Barbados has a horrifically high per capita murder rate.
Likely the rate of physical maiming due to personal attack is also high, as again, I would wager theft, burglary, robbery and criminality of all types.
For some odd reason, a myth that Barbados is a ‘little England – (before the days England was enriched, mind you) – beyond the seas’ has taken hold.
Basically it’s just your garden variety black Caribbean shit hole.
Exactly. We have had three years of Covid insanity and humanity is possibly on the brink of nuclear war. We have bigger fish to fry than this nonsense.
“The Genetic Structure of Ashkenazic Jews:” https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/genetics/articles/10.3389/fgene.2017.00087/full
Thus far, all analyses aimed to geo-localize Ashkenazic Jews identified Turkey as the predominant origin of Ashkenazic Jews.
Not a word about Judea, Palestine, Samaria, king David, king Solomon, and such.
Ashkenazic Jews are Turks, and their alleged superior intelligence is of Turkish origin.
So many upper and middle class White people today (?) can be considered useless… Lots of “prestigious” professions which actually give little real contribution to society, if not negative one.
Yes, there are a few places where Blacks congregate that are relatively “normal” in a European/White sense.
I believe there is a neighborhood outside Washington DC inhabited by African American Federal workers that has high wealth, fairly low crime and fair schools.
But these are exceptional, Elite Blacks, the “Talented 10%”. And most have high percentages of White genes, via hybridization. Also they are extremely lucky to be imbedded in a rich White nation which provides every possible advantage for Blacks (Affirmation Action, free schooling, training programs, etc.)
But except for these rare enclaves, almost always in rich White nations, Black communities tend to be a complete disaster — brutal, savage, lawless, cruel, ignorant, and poverty stricken and drug infected.
I have read that, as predicted by Regression to the Mean, that their children do not do as well as their exceptional parents. ,
Barbados is an interesting case – it remains to be seen for how long, but the
ghost of the British administration keeps it functioning (of course it is the
proverbial exception proving the rule).
“Yes, there are many Black people who can go through their lives as a neutral or net positive to White or Asian societies.”
Even those you claim are neutral or net positive are really a negative due to their unwillingness to condemn (or even make excuses for) those of their race who live as criminals.
I knew a smart young Nigerian who came to America for graduate school. Based on the lying Media and Hollywood movies and TV, he assumed that America was violently racists, so he immediately got an apartment in the Blackest part of the city
To his shock, the American Blacks who were his neighbors absolutely abused him — muggings, beatdowns, constantly scamming him. After 6 month, he mover to the Whitest part of town and has been happy ever since.
Yes, Blacks (and Jews and Leftists) constantly complain how racists white nations are, but they spend their lives trying to get away from their fellow Blacks and into a White nation or community.
Examples include the millions s of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. Most Black athletes and entertainers quickly move out of the hood and into white neighborhoods and many try to marry Whites.
Blacks know the truth. They know that Black nations and communities are shitty.
Maybe work on your reading comprehension?
I suppose with an anti-Mormon BIGOT like yourself (I’m proud to be a PRO-LDS ‘bigot’), your ride gets thirty hogsheads to the furlong, as did the fictional Abe Simpson’s ride, and that’s they way you both likes it.
Please understand the difference between “intelligence” as evaluated in any accepted IQ test, versus CUNNING. Jews are the most proficient in the latter. Yes, there ARE extremely intelligent Jews, even when you discard the phonies like Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein. But there are likewise hyper-intelligent blacks, Arabs, Persians, Asians (of many different types), and WHITE EUROPEANS. The question isn’t whether any people will produce a gaggle of intellectual superstars. It’s how well that race/ethnic group functions AS A GROUP, and WHY.
We need to import NO ONE, save for refugee South Africans who face certain extinction in the country THEY built. Jewish, Communistic forces have ruined a once great nation. What’s interesting is that during that period of Apartheid, black Africans were trying to GET IN from abroad. Even being officially a lower caste, with lesser privileges and travel restrictions, was PREFERABLE to living in a nation poorly ruled by other blacks. Partly b/c they’re so corrupt, that one tribe, or a faction within, uses and exploits the others until they become vulnerable, then overthrown in a violent revolution, to repeat the cycle. The Republic of South Africa from 1948 to 1994 was PROOF that the more intelligent blacks would rather live under dominance of whites than with each other!
“Da Trooth (Truth) be ‘raciss’ and she-itt!”
Like so many assertions of idiotic liberal thought, especially WRT race, the truth is rather inconvenient. While certainly there have been many accomplished, thoughtful, industrious, inventive, peaceful, and USEFUL black folks, when examined OVERALL, as a RACE, well, the simple fact is they are incompatible with White Europeans, Asians, and even Semites (Arabs and Jews). Their attributes are well-suited for the savannahs on the central and eastern African plateaus, or the dense jungles of Western Africa, at least within 250 miles of the Atlantic, from the Gambia to the Congo rivers. They don’t do so well in temperate climates where long-term planning and establishing alliances of mutual benefit are more important than self-interest. They’re an violent and impulsive people simply because that nature best facilitated their survival in their lands of origin.
Blacks could only be brought in as slave or indentured labor (typically by JEWISH slave traders and merchants) as long as, in effect, they were handled as semi-intelligent, two-legged LIVESTOCK. Any notions that as a people they could successfully “integrate” with Europeans were well-meaning but utterly foolish. The relative few that do are typically the more intelligent, often having significant admixtures of European or Asian stock themselves, becoming what they themselves derisively coined “Oreo Cookies” (dark brown on the outside, WHITE on the inside).
Just today I read of what’s practically a trope in American pro sports, especially the NFL and the NBA. Yet another star “Knee-Grow”, blessed with uncommonly great ability, even for his kind, and a fruitful career with the Pittsburgh Steelers, is now BROKE, only a few years out of playing ball. As usual, financial and lifestyle indiscipline (too much “bling”, “posse”, and “hoes” when he wuz “ballin’ “) caused him to piss away nearly $100 million in earnings over his football career. Shame. Not saying there having been “white boyz” that haven’t lost it all, but the black ex-athlete that managed to hang on to his earnings and wisely invest, as well as not let his celebrity go to his head, seems to be the EXCEPTION rather than the rule. Too bad most blacks aren’t like Dr. Ben Carson or Professor Thomas Sowell.
Thanks for your note. Yes, I agree with nearly all you say. To save time and space I said Jews had the highest recorded IQ, but actually, that only applies to Ashkenazi Jews. Other Jews have lower IQ, and Israel as a whole scores low.
Ashkenazi tend to be super smart and verbal, but have low morality and empathy for others.
Not a word about Judea, Palestine, Samaria, king David, king Solomon, and such.
Thus far, all analyses aimed to geo-localize Ashkenazic Jews identified Turkey as the predominant origin of Ashkenazic Jews.
Agreed that USA is stuck with Blacks. But at least maybe we can stop importing them by the 100’s of thousands every year, and also end the lie that all of Black failure is due to racism
Why are you spreading disinformation? The IQ numbers for different nations are still available on the net. The jewish state of Israel’s IQ is behind (behind) 49 (forty nine) more ethical and more intelligent countries. Asians have the highest IQs. As for the obvious jewish stupidity and tribal degeneracy, please, check the televised genocide in Palestine and the support for this genocide from all major jewish organizations, colleges, synagogues, and holobiz museums in the collective west.
Here is the source of their alleged “superior intelligence:” Kol Nidre, a legal formula declaring the violation of all promises made by jews between the last and present Yom Kippur. Shamelessness and supremacist dishonesty are principal jewish tools for leaching to other peoples’ civilizations and feasting on them. Jews were never able to create a distinct jewish civilization. Only a thoroughly assimilated jews have contributed to humanity, otherwise, they create the anti-human Chabad and oded yinon plan for erzats yisrael; see the destroyed Iraq, Libya, Syria.
Also, what is thoroughbred about milejkowsky (bibi), Cardin, Browder, Nukland-kagan , Strauss, dog-faced jabotinsky, dwarfish Grun, et al.? Ashkenatzi are of Turkish origins, are you aware of this published scientific research?
Because as far as Blacks and America, that’s fait accompli. American Blacks are American. They are not African: culturally, ethnically, and morally.
Britain is another question altogether, and the rest of Europe for that matter.
Modern civilization is a disaster for population IQs. Today, low-IQ individuals are breeding 4 times faster than high IQ people.
There has actually been a decline in USA average IQ over the last 60 years.
Many Low IQ women start having babies as young as 16 and may have 6 children, each by a different man.
High IQ people often marry after med, law or graduate school, at age 30 and have 1 or NO children.
Hence a single low IQ woman can produce 6 offspring in 30 yrs, hence tripling female numbers.
Meanwhile A high IQ couple will produce on average maybe 1/2 child in their lifetime.
Hence every generation low IQ couples triple their population while high IQ people HALF their population.
The West is doomed, unless we turn this around.
Are you insane?
Jews, NE Asians, and Europeans have the highest IQs of all races (in that order). All 3 groups have a long and rich history/civilization.
Why would they want to destroy that by breeding with less intelligent, more violent, primitive, failed people?
If you had a Thoroughbred horse, that you paid $5 million for, would you breed it with a some useless cart horse from, wherever?
Let each race live in their own lands, free and unencumbered by other races. Free to develop and live as they please. Why do Leftists and Jews want all Western peoples to be replaced by immigration and interracial breeding.
Note: the Jews DK in Israel do not allow immigration of non-Jews, and at this moment even ethnic cleansing other races near Israel’s border.
“ Lots of black people who are not like these wild savages we see wrongdoing every day. They dont deserve to pay for others bad actions”
Yes, there are many Black people who can go through their lives as a neutral or net positive to White or Asian societies.
But their close relatives destroy that same society. In addition, regression to the mean requires that the children of exceptional Blacks will, on average, revert back to the norm, and hence, burden society.
Thus, a society cannot “keep only the good Blacks”. If you have any Blacks, then your society will suffer.
Best is for each race to live in its own land. Africans should live free and unencumbered in Africa, in whatever manner they choose. God bless them, and good luck.
Of course, hybrids who are 80% Asian or White will have better behavior and IQ, but what’s the point. Would it be moral to replace the people of Japan with people who are 80% Japanese and 20% African??
Why can’t the Japanese remain 99% Japanese and the Nigerians 99% Nigerian?
What’s wrong with that? A serious question. Please answer.
This only partly explains it. Partly true. But there is more to it. For example Indians perceive China to be tough and strong, but this triggers a rebellious nature in Indians against China. Hindus look as Muslims as violent, barbarian and tough but again this triggers a rebellious instinct in Hindus against Muslims.
So basically Indians admire everybody who is tough and strong.
Malla apparently forgot to add his/her/it’s own name after Donald Trump.
Malla apparently forgot to add his/her/it’s own name after Donald Trump.
The black man's abnormal obsession with cock. No wonder, they love prison so much.Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
Impotence? Big Mike Obama has a bigger cock than 100% of pajeet monkey-men. No wonder pajeetas are such mouthy, cackling, whores, they are never sexually satisfied. A ‘good poke’ would give them a case of STFU.
Poor Malla, using the rancid pajeet’s art of race deflection (incorrectly I may add) It’s Whites, blacks, latinos, true asians who are all ‘picking on the totally innocent superior Indian race and culture.’
The black man’s abnormal obsession with cock. No wonder, they love prison so much.
I would not know, but what I do know is that at least Western blacks are not running wild raping women of any race on the level of pajeet monkey-nen when they get an ‘itch’ in their unwashed, crab-infested testicles. (and that goes for the ‘pajeet derivatives’ of pakis, bengladeshis, sri-lankans, etc)
Where in the hell is a Brahmastra when I need one?
using the rancid pajeet’s art of race deflection (incorrectly I may add)
Nah! Blacks are more rapey than South Asians. Fact.
but what I do know is that at least Western blacks are not running wild raping women of any race o
In other words, blacks are less evolved. I once saw on an episode of Ultraman a scientist said monkeys evolved into kokojin and kokojin into Whites and Whites into Asians. So the Asians definately know blacks are less evolved.
Impotence? Big Mike Obama has a bigger cock than 100% of pajeet monkey-men. No wonder pajeetas are such mouthy, cackling, whores, they are never sexually satisfied. A ‘good poke’ would give them a case of STFU.
The black man’s abnormal obsession with cock. No wonder, they love prison so much.
So basically Indians admire everybody who is tough and strong.
This only partly explains it. Partly true. But there is more to it. For example Indians perceive China to be tough and strong, but this triggers a rebellious nature in Indians against China. Hindus look as Muslims as violent, barbarian and tough but again this triggers a rebellious instinct in Hindus against Muslims.
One thing true is Indians trust more tough straight talking politicians than pussy wussy hgh morality talking ones. leaders who say things as it is. Leaders like Bal Thackeray, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump etc….
Indeed. The importing of slaves was more or less cut off after 1807.I've often wondered what proportion blacks would make up of America today if white immigration had been stopped at that point as well. After all, as it was blacks managed to make up a roughly constant percentage of the American population from 1860 to about 1990 --in spite of there being massive white immigration for about half of that period and no black immigration to speak of.Replies: @Malla, @Cool Shoes
'Since 1860, blacks have outbred Whites in America. I went through every census up to 2000 and tallied all the numbers. What’s amazing is that this includes all the White immigrants to America during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.'
Just imagine the numbers if Blacks didn’t have such a high abortion rate
Leftist brains are different. They are deficient and would not have evolved in an unforgiving environment of sparseness and danger. Modern civilization has allowed them to exist.
There, there.
face your racial anxiety and impotence like a man.
‘Racial Anxiety?’ I suppose a farmer has ‘anxiety’ when parasitic locusts fly in to devour crops and starve his countrymen.
Impotence? Big Mike Obama has a bigger cock than 100% of pajeet monkey-men. No wonder pajeetas are such mouthy, cackling, whores, they are never sexually satisfied. A ‘good poke’ would give them a case of STFU.
Too bad I find them hideously repulsive as they reek with the sickening odor of unwashed underarms complete with dingleberry-scented asscracks. I put down gas masks as a fucking tax write-off.
The black man's abnormal obsession with cock. No wonder, they love prison so much.Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
Impotence? Big Mike Obama has a bigger cock than 100% of pajeet monkey-men. No wonder pajeetas are such mouthy, cackling, whores, they are never sexually satisfied. A ‘good poke’ would give them a case of STFU.
So do you think a peaceful Black person who is against stuff like anti White racism and DEI doesnt deserve any consideration, she must be treat just like a Black thug?? About USA, your country, like ir or not, was not founded and built only by White people. About Europe, we have a different situation…
About White risk of SELF anihillation, that is, one of the biggest responsible for it are Whites themselves, of course, not you or most people here, but a sizable part of your own demographics. Yes, Jews have no doubt a pivotal role, but without, specially White “elites” support, they couldnt be capable to reach such level of success convincing so many Whites that their racial identity doesnt matter.
Funny, the other obvious solution to this problem is to interbreed all the problematic blacks with whites till only a Mestizo population is left. I wonder why no one suggests this?, is a completely valid solution apart from segregation.
It would be mulatto, not mestizo. Why not give Brahmin women to Blacks to improve the Black race?
till only a Mestizo population is left
I wonder why no one suggests this?, is a completely valid solution apart from segregation.
>I think we need to consider both collective and individual perspectives.
No, you can’t — when you are trying to save your race or ethnic group and its homeland from demographic annihilation, you cannot afford to ‘consider individual perspectives.’
Watch this short video to see what’s at stake — this is the inevitable result of ‘considering individual perspectives.’
Not that it matters 😀
I think we need to consider both collective and individual perspectives. Lots of black people who are not like these wild savages we see wrongdoing every day. They dont deserve to pay for others bad actions and i say this also for White people because lots of Whites throughout human history did and doing bad things with catastrophic consequences like destroying natural environments for “profits” (not just Whites and jews do this but in terms of repercussion levels and historical, they have been very disproportional on it if compared with other groups like chinese, just more recently start by copying western “modernization”/industrialization steps).