I once took a walk through Belize City on a bright September afternoon, with a group, of course. Absolutely horrific. It is something I would not suggest to anyone. Belize City was used as one of the locations for the movie The Dogs of War (1981), representing an African negro shithole. It fulfilled the role admirably.
I was in Belize City twice: on my way to Caye Caulker and back from Caye Caulker. It the short walk from the dock to the bus station I knew that I wanted nothing to do with that violent, thieving, dump. What I had heard out in the Cayes was that the responsible Belize City locals (they do exist) were nostalgic about the good old days when all the punk kids were stoned on weed, which made them unmotivated, lethargic, and lazy. Now the kids were wired on speed and crack, which hyped them full of energy and made them crazy, violent, and extremely dangerous.
OT: While out in Caye Caulker – this was around 15 years ago – I saw the neocon Bill Kristol standing out on the narrow sand road in front of a popular cafe where I was eating on the veranda above him. Nobody had a clue who he was, but when he looked at me he knew that I knew who he was. I kept my mouth shut, it being a Rasta kind of place and Bill being on (I imagine a diving) vacation.
You can’t blame us White men for freeloading. Your mother’s pussy is free for us to pleasure our penises inside of. She’s more fun to ride than the town motor scooter, fun to ride but you never want your family and friends seeing you ride her. How did the Presidential election turn out? Did Kamala Harris win and Donald Trump lose so you were going to whip us Trump supporters? That’s right, Trump won so we whipped you. I’ve never seen such a masochistic cum dumpster take so much written verbal abuse and whippings as you. You must love it because you keep coming back for more and more. Now go masturbate on the Maury Povich show where you can be on many TV episodes called ” Who is my White Daddy?”, Mulato boy! I wonder how many episodes on the Maury Povich show you will be on, don’t you?
America is a Black Country.
You’re freeloading here.
Realize who their real enemies are while still making them money in shit like BLACKED.
If the problem is white people, then why dont blacks take their black asses to a black country? Oh it’s because blacks are stupid, cant do shit if it weren’t for whites, and deeply hate each other. But I guess its white peoples fault that blacks murder eachother more than any other ethnicity in America other than Latino people who murder their own just as much.
It’s about time Blacks realised who their real enemies are, and it ain’t Whites.
Forty acres and a mule
Not even a tractor? How is the nigga goin’ to eat after consuming the mule because of his inability to grow cattle or crops?
All they are interested in are the gibs. Stealing is part of their identity. A failed race.
Watch The Lion King.
Scar is a perfect metaphor for Jews.
The hyenas are a perfect metaphor for black people.
Candace Owens turned against her Jewish boss Ben Shapiro. That was simply one of the first public hyenas turning against Scar.
In the end, they will all turn against Scar as Jews inevitably end up blaming blacks, hispanics, middle-class people, etc for everything gone wrong.
chigger plz.
conspiratorial statements are unacceptable.
Lookit all the CIA flunkies crawling to suck Avril’s two-pound clit. Fuck Chicago, let it collapse with the rest of Illinois.
“We want every single child in the city of Gaza to feel protected and loved, particularly right now in our Muslim community. Terrorism and hate crime charges should be filed against Bibi who, the world knows, murders Arab kids at play, in schools, and while receiving medical treatment 24/7/365.”
Antisemitism: “Seeking truth in a world run by satanic Juden.”
The problem is white people.
Getting rid of them would make it so that Black Folk don’t have to walk around with a millstone around their necks.
Forty acres and a mule. And might as well get a couple of snowbunnies because whitey is about 200 years late on his payment.
Not even a tractor? How is the nigga goin' to eat after consuming the mule because of his inability to grow cattle or crops?
Forty acres and a mule
That guy is the one guy in Chicago who ought to be running the public schools. School boards across the country will be recruiting him or should be.
This is good because it exposes to the average person who is really running things
Remember, the fake Jews do not have a base.
They are a top heavy movement.
The fake Jews much prefer to circulate among the highest levels of society
They fear and hate average working class people. (hence the need to have constant wars in which to kill them off WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam et al)
The fake Jews control over the average person is based on the credibility of the Jewish Press (mainstream media)
It is events like the above that get the ball rolling in whispering campaigns against them.
Once the credibility of the Jewish Press is gone the fake Jews will be seen as just another criminal gang.
So always call the mainstream media the Jewish Press and get other to do the same
It is the truth after all.
Once blacks were herded into Chicago’s Epstein-designed Cabrini-Green and other similar beyond hellish projects, any units burned out by fire were simply boarded over and the few grassy areas for children to play on were paved to save a few bucks on maintenance. The dark and dank corridors and deep shadows cast by these monstrous buildings, devoid of any trace of human scale or amenity, became incubators for every sort of vice and crime, but the depression, dependence, and disaffection toward America insured a reliable voting bloc that remains so today. You’d think Chicago’s blacks would get fed up with that lackey mayor’s step ‘n fetchit routine for his Jewish masters like the Pritzgers and the rest.
Slowly but surely I think that Niggass are gradually stopping being “good” Niggas. Once Niggas literally unhitch their hineys from the Jewopoly Monoply there will be a shift in how the general society sees things.
Blacks and Jews have a complex relationship, they ally on certain things but they don’t trust each other LMAO…
Jews and Blacks probably deserve each other…….in NYC in the 90s, they had a big feud in Crown Heights and Black Arabs don’t mess with Jews
Oh well……………..
Thank you for your reply Harry!
My perspective is exclusively Lead focused. Lead has been the central driver of human behavior over the last 200 years and will continue to shape our affairs over the next 50 years. The horrific wars that we have fought, the rise of big government, abortion, crime, intellectual disability, mental disorders, the divide between men and women/white and black, social collapse, … . Everything that is important to us has been centrally a problem with lead. The social dramas that have been enacted
supposedly to engage with these various social crises have occurred on the broader stage that has been conditioned by lead poisoning in which the various actors were entirely unaware of the role played by lead on degrading executive functioning at population scale. It is startling to realize how much truth there is in the lead perspective.
No, no, actually not, or I would not have posed the question. Particularly, taken in context with the videos I posted.
In an ironic twist, the government, which so cares for blacks, is now flooding the country with people who don’t like blacks. Knowing and working with many foreigners over the years, I can tell you that almost without exception, they can’t stand blacks. How’s that for karma bitches.
This is especially true with regards to the metastatic Hispanic population. They are taking the low wage jobs , low income housing and severely strained entitlements and taxpayer funded social services that the majority of urban , underclass blacks are dependent upon. When the tap runs dry, and the insolvent welfare state and creaking economy both collapse, American urban centers will be ground zero for bloody urban warfare between these two mutually hostile non-white groups. If you still live in a city, and you have the financial wherewithall to purchase a rural or suburban property as a safe haven and retreat when SHTF, do so.
The larger American cities are no go zones for white Americans. Only a revolution will rectify that sad state of affairs.
Judaism spawned Feminism.
” … And your point is?” – Self evident.
Well, I’m sure with “proper training”, there are a few Subcons who can play cornerback in the NFL, NFL GMs like, apparently dog fighters, tend to hedge their bets on “innate characteristics.”
Correct, although I’ve also owned pit bulls and found that with proper training they aren’t any worse than any other breed I’ve owned.
Michelle Obama is a blatantly obvious, male to female, transsexual androgyne. “Her” real name is Michael Robinson. In many photos, you can see Michelle’s male genitalia at “her” crotch when “she” wears tight dresses, skirts, or pants. The “First Lady” to President Bwack Obongo, a female to male, transsexual androgyne. The Freemasonic mockery by the Controllers never ceases.
I thought if only we would become More Christian our problems would be solved!
Losing is deeply embedded in the subconscious mind of the believing Christian.
They want the public humiliation, the torture, the death that their Lord went through. They want to be the next martyr.
Christianity had no answer for The Black Problem, just like it had no answer to the pill or abortion.
Because it has no answer for anything.
But that hits too close for Tradcons, who would have a nervous breakdown if they let any of this into their tightly sealed minds.
So back to bashing joos!
My comment above explains how the white power structure in real estate, insurance, and corporate america is to blame for Chicago.
You really don’t know Chicago geography much to think that the traffic on the Dan Ryan is “white.” The Ryan ends at 95th street, entirely within the city, and two branches, the “Bishop Ford” (formerly Calumet Expressway) and I-57 track further south. The suburbs along those highways include all black Riverdale, Dolton, South Holland, Matteson, Markham, Harvey, Dixmoor, Chicago Heights and the like. There are smatterings of white people in the Southern Suburbs, but not really. The whites take trains into the City, or drive on the Edens, Kennedy, and Eisenhower expressways. Within the city, the North Side along the Red, Brown, and Blue lines of the CTA heading North from the Loop are white. Which was my point about development. Any money needed to gentrify is spent north of the loop. No money for anything heading South or West. It has always been that way.
The history behind that is simple, the south side in particular smelled bad. Chicago was a town with stock yards and steel mills. The South was where both were located. South Shore might have been a beautiful neighborhood, but it was at best only ever upper middle class store owners who lived there, not the real titans. To the South of South Shore sat the US Steel South Works plant. Further north, around 42ned and Halted sat the Stock Yards. East and South East of the Stock Yards smelled bad.
Around 115th street and the Bishop Ford highway was a Sherwin Williams plant that kids when I was growing up called the stink plant. That smell permeated the entire nearby Pullman Neighborhood.
I encourage you to take the time to find old factory locations in Chicago, and you will find nearby formerly blue collar neighborhoods which “back in the day” smelled really bad or were clouded by smoke from the coal burning boilers that powered the plants.
The other thing “true” about Chicago is that all the rail lines in the country converged in Chicago through the south side. Some rail yards still reach the downtown or loop. Much of the southern part of the city was blighted by dead zones which were rail yards. Some times there are overpasses. In many areas people waited long times driving at rail crossings. Again, the rail yards were in the black part of the city.
Chicago has long been the most racially segregated city in America. After WWII, the Irish won on the Democratic side and used their power for urban development to push the Italians out of the city, and some of there Germans and Polish as well.
Chicago is a long narrow city. If you live near 95th street on the South Side, you cannot get to Oak Brook, a near west side suburb to work. If you live at 95th street, you cannot get to a northern suburb to work at places where Walgreens or Abbott have their corporate headquarters. Corporate America learned how Chicago transit works and many companies, since the 1960s, located corporate headquarters in places where south side of Chicago blacks cannot get to work. South Side blacks are channeled by the transportation to jobs in the loop, which today often means city or federal jobs or no jobs at all.
Chicago’s problems have been caused by whites. Chicago today has a black mayor who has no money to solve any problems. The mayor likes to blame history. Chicago’s downfall was set in motion when Ronald Reagan failed to protect US steel manufacturing from foreign predation. Much of Chicago’s money came from the steel industry. When Reagan let US business begin to outsource in the 80s and the GOP failed to stop outsourcing in the 90s, the downfall was sealed because Chicago manufacturing closed down. The Reagan GOP also targeted Chicago’s south side for its war on drugs on the theory that if they gave enough black men felony records (and disenfranchised them) the GOP could still win statewide elections in Illinois, which was true until about the last 15 years. The downstate and suburban GOP vote could outvote the black women, latinos, and liberal north side whites in Chicago.
You are a negative person.Replies: @BrooLidd
I see two possibilities, two only:
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death. �
Great advice! But pretty negative. Right, Colin?
RT 241031:
EU citizens should start stockpiling three days’ worth of goods in order to be ready for various potential disasters, including a nuclear conflict, a report has warned…
The report encourages EU households to stockpile “basic self-sufficiency†goods that would last for at least 72 hours for fear of potential shortages in case of “armed aggression through conventional means†or other hostile activities such as “cyberattacks or the use of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons.â€
Obama ruined it for everyone, he had such a good chance to blend and equate the races in our nation into a color blind society, but he blew it.
Obama is one of those “weaponized niggroes” that I mentioned. Indeed, he was created –literally created— for that very role. He no more intended to promote harmony among the races than Jack The Ripper intended to rescue prostitutes.
I’ve been. They ARE bringing in blacks. The diaspora has gone global. There were Africans selling junk on the side of a bridge in a suburb outside Moskva in the middle of winter. I was baffled. There were African homeless wandering onto the bus and muttering to themselves just like they do here in America. I had a Zulu coworker. African presence is not that common (yet) and they still stick out like a sore thumb, but they are most definitely there and will likely be modestly growing. Realistically, though, the internationalism there is coming from the Stans and the Chechens. Tajiks and other steppe land Muslims were allllll over the place – they were all the cab drivers and visible low wage labor. Some Chinese and Vietnamese were also present. It does not compare to the US and UK at all, but the plans for more diversity are there, the population numbers are tanking, and the demand for the line to go up is real. Expect more secular Muslims to move in. The black plague of diversity is infecting the whole world.
And you know that, because, … you’ve been in a Russian jail?
Ergo: White flight…Got it!
I’m from partial legacy Spaniard stock from Northern Mexico that moved up into Texas but am mixed with other European. I do not recommend opening your door to the Mestizo. My grandmother is from a long uninterrupted line of landowners who owned haciendas, who had Indians and even Chinese as servants, but then got their land seized by the Communists in the Mexican Revolution (a communist revolution that began before the Soviet Union’s). The Communist takeover of all intelligentsia and media is at far more advanced stages than America’s. Despite my grandmother’s ancestry, the Communist propaganda did its dues, and she is boldly in favor of Cesar Chavez and every generically Mexican identitarian appeal or demand for favor over the Gringo. Mestizos in America are not to be trusted and will always elect for La Raza Uber Alles. Their values are quasi-fascistic, except ultimately Communistic, and their hatred of the Gringo is palpable. Quite frankly, my grandmother has no business being in the country. Sometimes I think, maybe that means that applies to me. I don’t think I would be bothered if it does, given the sheer absurdity of America’s demographic disaster at this point.
I’ve been to Mexico several times. There’s no real reason for Mexicans to be coming here beyond accelerating their economic ladder climbing or taking advantage of foreign exchange rates. They have poverty but it’s not so atrocious compared to other countries. I’d recommend their return en masse but Mexicans in America are becoming pansies and they’re afraid of it. I look like a white person by all accounts because I am a white person (at 85-95% possible European range), and I have never been bothered when in Mexico – not robbed, not harassed, nada. You really do have to walk into bad neighborhoods or look VERY gringo to be at risk – or be in an active conflict zone for the cartels, which are very specific: Michoacan, Sinaloa, and some other pockets. It’s a lot of wannabes out there snowballing a mythos of ever present horror that just doesn’t pan out in reality. That said, there are reports of highway bandits on long empty highway stretches in the countryside, so the bandito tradition continues apace. Just don’t drive on your own and you’ll be fine. If you’re a Blondie, consider temporary hair dye of dark brown for a time and don’t dress up overly nice, and no one will bother you.
Beware of the sin wave. It Hz when it washes over you.Replies: @Complex Pseudonymic Handle
Send a sin wave of 50hz to one electromagnet and a synchronously inverted sin wave to the other, wire the pair in opposite polarity. �
Heh heh he
Conversely, I think you using ChatGPT would be an excellent change.Replies: @Anymike
Troof, naw haw mini timez hav i toll yo blac azz ta stop usin GP CHAT ta comment?
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo niggaz dat speek a slang dialect of Swahili Zulu.
Writing dialects and accents phonetically is part of the literary art. Everybody does it.
A schoolgirl? Who? Big Mike?
Most of them, a smart person would wager, are purely imaginary, a few are true, makes no difference to me, humor is humor.
He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,†�
Beats the hell out of CQ's.
“Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
Replies: @ariadna, @the Man Behind the Curtain
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo n...
LOL how was that inarticulate? It was four words, an article, and an acronym.
You’re right. Oh the joys of Slavic immigration!
I realized Lincoln’s assassination likely had nothing to do with slavery.
Hard to say what Booth was up to, but it is clear he was justified in shooting lincoln since the war was NOT over with at the time, and killing the leader of your enemy in time of war is always ok.
Lee had surrendered a week before lincoln was shot but lee controlled only the Army of Northern Virginia. The other confederate armies fought on for another month and then the war ended.
The media and schools have lied about this for 160 years.
Send a sin wave of 50hz to one electromagnet and a synchronously inverted sin wave to the other, wire the pair in opposite polarity.
Beware of the sin wave. It Hz when it washes over you.
Really shocking to read this thread and realize that no one here ever got the memo about childhood lead poisoning. There was not even a hint of irony about driving on the Dan Ryan freeway into Chicago — no recognition how this act itself was the cause of the crime crisis. The suburbanites commuting into Chicago through low income (mostly black) communities actually caused the collapse of the inner cities.
Back in the 60s the Catholic bishop of Richmond, Va personally interviewed white parents seeking to enroll their kids in Catholic schools to make sure they weren’t trying to avoid integration.
Thanks gT. I’ve said the same thing a dozen times.
Wherever blacks go they break everything, so folks who don’t want everything broken then move to other areas. And then the blacks get tired of staying where everything is broken so they move to areas where everything is not broken…
Since this cycle can never stop in the West because the West worships Jews and blacks, it follows that this cycle will only be broken when the West collapses.
Replies: @Colin Wright
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death.
I see two possibilities, two only:
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death.
You are a negative person.
My grandfather was stationed at Andrews until 1959 and he and my grandmother lived in the Anacostia area of DC. My mom attended a junior high in the neighborhood and would often recount the day her school was integrated. There were only a few blacks and she said that she and the other white kids stared at them out of curiosity but weren’t mean toward them. After all, DC wasn’t Little Rock. My grandfather passed in 1972 before I was born so I never knew him and he’s buried in Arlington. After the funeral my mom and grandmother rode over to their previous neighborhood to reminisce and when they drove by my mom’s junior high every single kid out on the playground was black.
You be reading the wrong history, here’s what you be missing.
I read all over the place that Russia (proper) is getting mighty multicultural (and I don't mean other Slavs or European ethnics), though whether it is done "in pursuit of higher marginal profits" I could not say.Replies: @pyrrhus
What I’m getting at is as bad as countries like Russia and China have treated their own people, the idea they would demographically replace themselves in pursuit of higher marginal profits is completely alien to them. They might let in small amounts of immigration, but they don’t tolerate the kind of disruptive, violent, behavior we see in the West from illegal aliens.
Russia isn’t bring in blacks, that’s for sure.African studets dating Russian women in the ’60s were attacked, and at least a couple were killed..and by all accounts, Russian prisons do not in any way resemble Club Fed…Get out of line there, and you’ll be lucky to end up in a hospital…
Wherever blacks go they break everything, so folks who don’t want everything broken then move to other areas. And then the blacks get tired of staying where everything is broken so they move to areas where everything is not broken…
Since this cycle can never stop in the West because the West worships Jews and blacks, it follows that this cycle will only be broken when the West collapses.
Thanks gT. I’ve said the same thing a dozen times.
As you say, we’re locked in to this cycle. Only total collapse can break it.
Unfortunately an ‘easy’ break is not in the cards. It will take a true catastrophe.
I see two possibilities, two only:
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death.
You are a negative person.Replies: @BrooLidd
I see two possibilities, two only:
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death. �
When we were working in Chicago, decent black families all tried to get their kids into the Catholic schools, though it often meant the child being put back a grade, and a requirement to take Catholic religion classes…Catholic schools enforced strong discipline, and repeat offenders were kicked out permanently, so they were far superior to the public schools, except for some of the magnet schools..
We lived in Chicago for awhile….It was very nice in the ’70s and early ’80s, as long as you stayed away from the ghettos on the South and West sides….But avoiding the feral blacks was essential…As one cab driver told me, never pick up a black man who isn’t wearing a business suit…He also avoided picking up black women because they never tip and sometimes refuse to pay
May I be bold enough to assume that he wasn’t a Pit Bull?
Old Sport, I’m afraid your own history books peg you as mistaken… again.
The white man stayed aboard ships on the coasts in Africa until the 1850’s when quinine was discovered as effective against malaria.
Perhaps we can come up with an answer. Let’s see,
Moving on, I ask, “In light of these thousands of negative experiences of blacks, how can whites’ ‘taking a knee’ in 2020 be explained?â€
National Socialism is founded on the exact opposite premise : that all men are not created equal.
Animals help animals that are related to them. Makes perfect evolutionary sense since relatives share many genes. Same with people.
A lot of popular “science” since the 60s can be safely dismissed as junk, and frequently is. The only science you can trust is that which is leveraged by the military or elites. Rocket science isn’t up for creative interpretation.
Animals of different species can have symbiotic relationships. Anyone with an outdoor cat has likely been thanked with delivery of dead birds, or fish plucked from their aquarium, all left on their pillow. Dogs (wolves) will share kills with you (and each other) through “games” of carcass tug-of-war, if they like you.
The other day I accidentally caught a raccoon. He caught his hand in one of the trap’s hinges trying to escape and it was a bloody mess. He was hostile as I approached with boltcutters but he calmed down as cutting away the trap relieved the pressure; he even held still as I made each snip. When he was free he wandered off but didn’t know what to do with himself since it was daylight; he started coming back to me but had second thoughts and pivoted again to hide in the bushes.
Human relations aren’t much different than animal domestication in my experience. The only thing I know to be true is that not every animal can be tamed. Some people would rather kill you than share anything with you, same as any other animal. We put ourselves above animals despite being members of the same kingdom, yet the same rules governing their behavior apply to us too. We delude ourselves by saying animals are unintelligent or dont feel pain, but some humans are just predators with no need for self-deception and cannot be dissuaded from their natural role. This isn’t a racial thing, it is a matter of evolutionary genetics and behavioral conditioning.
Not all minorities are bad, but the frustrating thing about forcible race relations is that all trust-building is deliberately skipped in implementation. Pitbulls get thrown into the doberman cage and the poodles are told both are the same as them. Everyone is fed lies and tricked into a cage match, where the winner becomes beholden to the mercy of the justice system on account of having committed multiple murders. The (((lawyers))) always win no matter the participants, so go figure. There is no opportunity to learn how to coexist peacefully because the shock of forced integration triggers instinctual defensive behavior from all sides.
Psychologists have studied prison dynamics long enough to know this, which is why this is being weaponized on a societal level now (flood the black prison with whites and Mexicans; it’ll be a laugh riot). You can’t wage psychological warfare without the invaluable contributions of psychologists after all. They deny gambling addiction is real because they are consulted to help make games addictive. They are also behind the algorithms driving social media engagement. Everything in society is being deliberately socially-engineered these days. The “help” offered is always iatrogenic and implemented so poorly it is indistinguishable from malevolence.
Funny you should mention this… I had a dog (extremely human friendly) that was occasionally hostile to other dogs, but NEVER to one of his own breed.
Most of them, a smart person would wager, are purely imaginary, a few are true, makes no difference to me, humor is humor.
He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,†�
Beats the hell out of CQ's.
“Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
Replies: @ariadna, @the Man Behind the Curtain
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo n...
“Most of them, a smart person would wager..”
How would you know?
Black History 101
The first white explorers 500 years ago knew how to read and write, they documented subsaharan feral Africans who still hadn’t used a wheel or learned simple masonry skills until whitey tried to teach them mysterious ways of their new white masters.
As far as personal experience goes…suffice it to say that mine came both at an earlier age and with greater intimacy than the author’s. But ideology is a powerful thing. I didn’t consciously connect the dots until I was about twenty. Been connecting them ever since.
As far as news items that finally woke me up, I can recall two — perhaps minor, but each telling in its own way.
The first was an article from around 1980 in the San Francisco Chronicle. The author noted that the suspension rate for black males in the city’s schools was far higher than for other populations and took it for granted that this was evidence of racism. Obviously, anyone who was familiar with black male behavior would have assumed a different cause. In terms of ideology and reasoning, it really was a preview of ‘Black Lives Matter’ — albeit in lower case characters.
The second was a murder around the same time in a liquor store parking lot opposite a black housing project in East Oakland: ‘Ravenswood’ or something like that. What would certainly have been a black had attacked an Asian retard and knocked him down. He was kicking his skull in, surrounded by a crowd of cheering onlookers. The retard’s sister happened to be driving by. She jumped out and started doing the mother cat routine: desperately trying to break through the circle of spectators and rescue her brother. The (certainly black) crowd held her back, so she couldn’t interfere with the good fun. The retard was finally killed.
Picture the scene.
The thing was, this horrific and hopefully rather rare crime was only mentioned on page eighteen of the above San Francisco Chronicle — with as little detail as possible. Just a paragraph. Hey: we reported it.
Hush, now. It’s always that way. It really is.
Michelle Obama’s comment (as cited) is telling.
Yes, people are running away from “you” (i.e. Blacks).
This is the result of the reactionary stance of the Black Male mindset: Instill fear if you can’t win actual respect.
So the ‘tough gangsta’ meme has been in full flower for decades.
Why wear a “Hoodie” unless you want to pretend to be (or are) some armed store robber thug?
Of course, dumb young Whites pick up on that as a style.
Black prison wear has long been transitioned into merch for the Kool Kids.
So, Michelle, no one runs from you and Barrack when lounging in elite real estate enclaves full of safe White trust funders and oligarchs.
If you Mau-Mau the average Whites with crime, yes, they sensibly run as far as the can get.
The Blacks I personally know and deal with are nice, intelligent safe people. They don’t want to scare people or trade respect for their achievements with mere fear by projection.
Lower class Whites sometimes affect a motorcycle gangster motif. Tats and sleeveless jean jackets.
Yet this style is not respected and only serves to identify social failures and ex cons. A marker for people and places to avoid. Just like “acting gangsta”….
“Oh lawzy! I wuz be a slave!â€
Well, your Mom did tell you not to marry her…
LOL how was that inarticulate? It was four words, an article, and an acronym.
No…no…no. One Unzista antidote a month makes me laugh.
He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,â€
Most of them, a smart person would wager, are purely imaginary, a few are true, makes no difference to me, humor is humor.
I especially liked your ebonics at the end:
“Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
Beats the hell out of CQ’s.
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo n…
You’re right. Oh the joys of Slavic immigration!
LOL how was that inarticulate? It was four words, an article, and an acronym.
The White-race’s woosification is 100% attributable to metastatic, radical feminism.
Feminism is at the root of Western Culture’s downfall.
Our leaders don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them
Oh, bullshit.
They do care, as much as the plutocrats who run them. They care more than you can imagine.
They want you dead, so that they can rape your kids or grandkids.
And they think it’s hilarious.
You don’t appreciate in the slightest how MUCH they want to see that happen.
For Cuba
Simple AC generation
An electromagnet charged with 10 watts can exert a pull of 10kg over a few millimetres. Place two electromagnets just far enough apart for some copper wires to run between. Send a sin wave of 50hz to one electromagnet and a synchronously inverted sin wave to the other, wire the pair in opposite polarity.
This arrangement could induce 500 kg per second across the copper wires, over a day more than 43 000 tonnes would be pulled across the wires, using a quarter kilowatt hour’s electricity.
A device using this principle was patented in 1902, by Clemente Figuera* a former physics professor of impeccable character. Internet available itterations of this invention add a third electromagnet between the two, claiming that is what’s shown in the patent. The rectangle labelled ‘y’ I believe is a thin arrangement of induction wires positioned in the vertical ‘y’ axis placing the electromagnets a few millimetres apart.
Where could the power come from? A pendulum pulled a distance from the vertical travels many times that distance before coming to rest. Nobel winner Richard Feynman said there is enough energy, in a light bulb’s volume, of the zero point field, to boil the world’s oceans. I think when you charge an electromagnet, you are inducing order in the ZPF, which elastically returns to disorder and by using a sin wave with this arrangement the electromagnets act as a pendulum.
Spinning neodymium magnets or a signal and amplifier could generate the opposed sin waves in addition to CF’s method.
*this page is pretty comprehensive on CF’s device, note the octagon with cross, diagram about half way down the page showing arrangements of two adjacent electromagnets with induction wires (not a third electromagnet) between.
Beware of the sin wave. It Hz when it washes over you.Replies: @Complex Pseudonymic Handle
Send a sin wave of 50hz to one electromagnet and a synchronously inverted sin wave to the other, wire the pair in opposite polarity. �
..Except for their clear and precise history of blacks taking other blacks into slavery. Those books somehow survived.
I knew it!
Thanks for the detailed information. Several years ago, I stumbled upon the “greenback†aspect of Lincoln’s presidency, and having studied on Andrew Jackson’s war against central banking, I realized Lincoln’s assassination likely had nothing to do with slavery.
I knew about Judah Benjamin, but only superficially. The Jews of (old) Mississippi are also an interesting study. It’s rather fascinating how the world’s oldest and greatest victims are/were perpetually pulling strings everywhere; I’m beginning to think they are exaggerating about their historical grievances….I wonder if they lied about the Holocaust?
Is it far-fetched to say that this would not have happened if the author’s grandfather and the rest of the US had fought on the right side of WWII – or at least stayed neutral?
Only whining I hear is, “Oh lawzy! I wuz be a slave!”
Well, your Mom did tell you not to marry her...
“Oh lawzy! I wuz be a slave!â€
It wasn't a priesthood, it was a simple screw up. Jefferson did not lean onto his standing desk, and look out at his negroes working the fields, and say, "yes, them too."It was white Colonials saying to the white British, HEY! We are equal to you, why are you putting us into debt slavery? At that time, the "London Creditor Class" had already forced demonetization of Colonial Script, and the Colonies were in a long depression as they had lost their sovereign money.Franklin made things worse, when he coerced Jefferson to change the wording from "pursuit of property," to pursuit of happiness. Franklin was a deist, and was in pursuit of the Logos, not revealed Christian truth. Franklin looked at the priesthood with suspicion, as they seek the bible for all truth - hence revealed truth (from a book), not what is observed in the real world. The declaration is not the law of the land, the Constitution is. The statue of liberty poem, by the Jewess Emma Lazarus, is not the law of the land either. But, that doesn't stop propagandists from implanting false ideas into the soft heads of the goyim.Replies: @Liza
It begins right there. The priesthood that wrote these words into the Declaration of Independence believed them to be correct. They believed that they were sourced in Christian truth.
Re Memories of a Monticello Slave
The author of this article still doesn’t “get itâ€.
It is unclear to me why you assert this. And is it you who does not get that at least half the problem is the XXs?
Also, you are free to set up residence in a full Latino immigrant neighborhood, or Chinatown, but it’s certainly not for me. I’m really not sure what it is that you are getting at. I’m glad you recognize that black dudes are a problem, but there is a little more than that.
I do have an affinity for some anarchism though, hypothetically, but I don’t think it’s possible without mainly good people to fix the mess we are in. It’s rare, if even possible, to have good people who are interested in getting into other people’s business.
What I’m getting at is as bad as countries like Russia and China have treated their own people, the idea they would demographically replace themselves in pursuit of higher marginal profits is completely alien to them. They might let in small amounts of immigration, but they don’t tolerate the kind of disruptive, violent, behavior we see in the West from illegal aliens.
I read all over the place that Russia (proper) is getting mighty multicultural (and I don’t mean other Slavs or European ethnics), though whether it is done “in pursuit of higher marginal profits” I could not say.
Let me guess… they had, among many other treasures of knowledge and civilization, the famous Library of Kampala with branches in Nairobi and all other major metropolitan cities on the African continent. But the Whites came, carted away all its precious holdings and razed them to the ground, sinking the Africans into illiteracy and despondency for the next centuries.
It can work the other way too. I remember being a White boy from Pittsburgh in 1961 in Batesville, Mississippi (I was going to attend the Univ of Mississippi in nearby Oxford Mississippi). I had arrived at night by train (Illinois Central) I had somehow found a hotel and had checked in but I was hungry. I told the desk clerk that I wanted to eat something but that I was scared of the large number of Black men and boys milling around the streets of Batesville. “Oh Hell!,” I was told by the White clerk, “just walk by them and they will let you pass”. Sure enough, they politely let me pass and even greeted me , Good evening, Sir.” When I got back to the hotel, I told the clerk of my experience and how shocked I was. He just said, “the niggers know how to act in Mississippi, that is all.”
I had a friend who was doing his internship at the hospital in 1971 who was assaulted, robbed and beaten up near the hospital upon coming out of his night shift. He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,†immediately scaring himself even more when noticing the cab driver was Black. But the cab driver simply said “Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
What exactly provoked your inarticulate hilarity?
You find this a highly improbable anecdote that contradicts your experience and available statistics? The way you as a Black person take your life into your hands, shaking with fear of being robbed and beaten, even knifed, any time you find yourself in a place with many Whites?
Most of them, a smart person would wager, are purely imaginary, a few are true, makes no difference to me, humor is humor.
He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,†�
Beats the hell out of CQ's.
“Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
Replies: @ariadna, @the Man Behind the Curtain
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo n...
I don’t disagree with your analysis, however, I think it’s worth noting that all the European countries that had overseas colonial empires for the past 500 years used third world labor. Compare that to say world powers like Russia and China which never had overseas colonial empires, and they’re much more homogenous in their racial/ethnic composition.
So something happened in modernity with the great European powers. Was it the aristocracy’s growing comfort with third worlders? Aside from providing the elites with a cheap source of labor to harvest sugar, cotton and tobacco, it also served to pit working class White Europeans against their darker, indigenous, counterparts (think divide and rule). This factored into the industrial revolution as well where in America, cheap, black, labor could be pit against higher cost (and quality) White labor.
What I’m getting at is as bad as countries like Russia and China have treated their own people, the idea they would demographically replace themselves in pursuit of higher marginal profits is completely alien to them. They might let in small amounts of immigration, but they don’t tolerate the kind of disruptive, violent, behavior we see in the West from illegal aliens.
I read all over the place that Russia (proper) is getting mighty multicultural (and I don't mean other Slavs or European ethnics), though whether it is done "in pursuit of higher marginal profits" I could not say.Replies: @pyrrhus
What I’m getting at is as bad as countries like Russia and China have treated their own people, the idea they would demographically replace themselves in pursuit of higher marginal profits is completely alien to them. They might let in small amounts of immigration, but they don’t tolerate the kind of disruptive, violent, behavior we see in the West from illegal aliens.
For me it was 2 weeks working in Baltimore. Last minute arrangements, I had to book hotel and rental car myself. Decided to get a hotel close to the Amazon (whole other topic) and walk every day.
Turned out to be an ‘urban’ area. Right near “Jimmy’s famous seafood” from that drive ins and dives show hosted by the troll doll guy.
From the incompetent black hotel staff to the reluctantly efficient white staff, to the ‘black comedians ” who only say “nigger” every second or third word to the howls and jeers of the crowd, and walking the surrounding few miles of urban decay, it took me 2 weeks to become a racist.
If in the area check out the Smithsonian in DC. Air and space museum is crowded but worth the zero dollars to see.
Troof, naw haw mini timez hav i toll yo blac azz ta stop usin GP CHAT ta comment?
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo niggaz dat speek a slang dialect of Swahili Zulu.
Conversely, I think you using ChatGPT would be an excellent change.
Diversity is a horrible idea since racism is hard-wired into all of us.
Evolutionary biologist william hamilton created the theory of kin selection in the early 1960s. Animals help animals that are related to them. Makes perfect evolutionary sense since relatives share many genes. Same with people. When someone looks different or talks different we instinctively know they are not a relative and are not to be trusted. Mixing races and languages and cultures always leads to trouble.
A lot of popular "science" since the 60s can be safely dismissed as junk, and frequently is. The only science you can trust is that which is leveraged by the military or elites. Rocket science isn't up for creative interpretation.
Animals help animals that are related to them. Makes perfect evolutionary sense since relatives share many genes. Same with people.
My favorite nigga pastor Manning telling the truth others refuse to admit.
Well; I...I guess you COULD put it that way...
Sad. Poles of the older generations, like White folk of other ethnicities, knew how to deal with troublemaking niggroes.
I find it hilarious that niggaz like Troof always use white hoes with other niggaz to show their power over whitey, when very rarely will you see whitey with a nappy haired sista.
There’s a reason God chose the color of schitt for niggaz. He had a since of humor.
Wherever blacks go they break everything, so folks who don’t want everything broken then move to other areas. And then the blacks get tired of staying where everything is broken so they move to areas where everything is not broken. Blacks actually don’t want to stay with other blacks, they want to stay where things are easier and everything functions properly. So then the next functioning area again gets invaded and broken by our beloved black brothers so the move to the next functioning area happens again ad nauseum until everything is broken everywhere. Since this cycle can never stop in the West because the West worships Jews and blacks, it follows that this cycle will only be broken when the West collapses. Hopefully the West collapses soon, the “accelerationalists” definitely want the West to collapse soon but alas, some ships sure do take a long time to sink even when holed beyond repair.
Thanks gT. I’ve said the same thing a dozen times.
Wherever blacks go they break everything, so folks who don’t want everything broken then move to other areas. And then the blacks get tired of staying where everything is broken so they move to areas where everything is not broken…
Since this cycle can never stop in the West because the West worships Jews and blacks, it follows that this cycle will only be broken when the West collapses.
Replies: @Colin Wright
1) The reduction of the US to a smoking pile of radioactive ash, or
2) Sweet meteor of death.
Thank you for taking the time to write this, I’ve done my best to screenshot it because it’s one of the most succinct descriptions of black blight I’ve ever seen. One addition I’d like to make is it’s not just “White†leaders criminally destroying their own Country, but (((white))) leaders who’ve done horrible things to it as well. Your message especially rings true to me as my city is in the early-mid stages of black destruction, mostly brought on by lenient liberal government and very liberal voters. Year by year I see the city decline, the increase in violence, “teens†mulling around what used to be safe parks, the dark blank stares of sullen youths who would kill you in a heartbeat given the chance…it’s tough to remain upbeat and optimistic when you know how the horror movie ends.
Nigga Pleezzzz…
Troof, naw haw mini timez hav i toll yo blac azz ta stop usin GP CHAT ta comment?
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo niggaz dat speek a slang dialect of Swahili Zulu.
Conversely, I think you using ChatGPT would be an excellent change.Replies: @Anymike
Troof, naw haw mini timez hav i toll yo blac azz ta stop usin GP CHAT ta comment?
Dey still hav no Ebonics algorhythm tranzlashun fo niggaz dat speek a slang dialect of Swahili Zulu.
The mestizos are not as savagely violent, with the exception of those MS 13 tattoo-faced goblins, but they are certainly deleterious to American society and anti-White, especially the Aztlan sect – they are just as resentful and hostile as the blacks. I think South America/Mexico is still full of Aztecs and Mayans, who weren’t peaceful by nature. Texas is full of them, too; especially since Mayorakas “closed†the border pipelines.
In Texas, there is a discernible difference between the mestizo-Mexicans and the legacy Spaniards, who often have a bit of indigenous ancestry and/or connections to Mexico. Whilst the Spaniards mostly throw in with advocacy for Mexicans/South Americans, they react with great hostility if you insinuate they are the same as the border hoppers of the past few decades.
When American citizen Spaniards from Mexico say they can’t go visit back home because it’s “too dangerous,†which I am frequently told, you get a better understanding of the inherent behavioral differences. But, the Mexicans elected as president a Jewish woman, whose Spanish is atrocious, so things are really getting dicey down South.
All one has to do is look at any American city that is run by blacks. Even though the commercial business areas may show some semblance of civilization, the neighborhoods are where the real dysfunctionality of blacks is evident.
Trash strewn all over despite trash cans being available, the slow, dull-witted black “teens†hanging around on street corners and around local business establishments (run by non-blacks), and incentive being lacking to clean up one’s own environment. Let’s not forget “drive-by shootings†due to the misperceived “disrespect†that blacks always seem to find, even in their fellow blacks.
Here is my story:
There are many corporate efforts to “reach out†to the community and provide “help†for those who are elderly, “disadvantaged†and “poorâ€. Although such programs are well-meaning, they don’t help the people who truly need it.
One such effort in Detroit was a program called “Paint the Townâ€. This effort involved local businesses that would “volunteer†their employees to provide help to the elderly and those who were deemed to be “disadvantagedâ€.
My company “volunteered†a number of us employees to contribute to this effort. Initially, I looked forward into helping out those who were “disadvantagedâ€, making things easier for them in their community. The gamut of services provided varied from picking up trash and landscaping to painting houses and doing minor repairs. At least, this was my initial perception.
Was I ever wrong…
My “crew†was assigned to paint a house. There was a family consisting of a man and woman (not elderly) and three (grown) men (children), approximately 14 to 18 years of age.
These “children†watched us work, scraping and painting the house while smoking “blunts†(marijuana) and drinking their “fortys†(alcohol), while laughing at us white “foolsâ€. The “man of the house†was OK with the color while the woman of the house constantly complained about the color.
The question that I never vocalized, but was in the back of my mind was “why don’t these people clean up and paint their own house�
I, for one would be ashamed if “outsiders†came into my neighborhood to do things that I should be doing for myself.
After my stint on “Paint the Townâ€, I told my employer that I would NEVER participate in such a project ever again.
I had a friend who was doing his internship at the hospital in 1971 who was assaulted, robbed and beaten up near the hospital upon coming out of his night shift. He managed to get a cab and was in such a shock that when the cab driver asked “where to?†he could only stammer “I don’t care. I want to see White,†immediately scaring himself even more when noticing the cab driver was Black. But the cab driver simply said “Why are you here? You didn’t got to be here.â€
Unzista story of the month.
All you racist bastards got it all wrong! In 1968, directly out of college, I joined the Oakland California Police Department. It was like Wakanda! The population loved us! Flowers were routinely strewn ahead of our patrol cars.
They would often weep at our presence….
America is experiencing its own self inflicted Black Plague 2.0. Its destroyed countless cities, towns and neighborhoods on par with any war fought in the last two hundred years.
That boiling pot has reached the pressure point of no return, and those responsible will be the primary target while eradicating the Black Death mobs who burn-loot-murder-rape-smash and grab with impunity.
And at the heart of this evil are the real criminals funding our demise as they lay in wait to buy it up at pennies on the shekel. They too will be dealt with in a very special way.
Their imaginary Holocaust is soon to be a reality.
"Our" leaders have weaponized the niggroe against us. This was their intention and their plan from the very beginning. The difference between "then" and now is that we've figured out what they're doing and are finished putting up with it. TPTB know this, and are therefore desperately deploying the nastiest and most lethal niggrabombs they can muster up. It's only going to get uglier from here.Replies: @anonymous
Our leaders don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, and the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.
“Our†leaders have weaponized the niggroe against us. This was their intention and their plan from the very beginning. The difference between “then†and now is that we’ve figured out what they’re doing and are finished putting up with it. TPTB know this, and are therefore desperately deploying the nastiest and most lethal niggrabombs they can muster up. It’s only going to get uglier from here..
I agree with your statement above. One day the whites will be treated by the USA, its agencies and police as Israelis treat the Palestinians in Gaza. If the white house queen wins the Presidency I predict the ugly will explode in many places almost simultaneously.. Obama ruined it for everyone, he had such a good chance to blend and equate the races in our nation into a color blind society, but he blew it. Government agencies aim the race weapon Minorities are favored.. everyone else is a target.
By 1951, many families with children left Washington DC.. The 1947 integration turned DC into a war zone.. My friends and I used to ride our bikes all over: Maryland, Arlington, Alexandria, Washington’s home, Arlington national Cemetery, the Smithsonian Institute, the Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln’s statute and bridge, the Capital, Pentagon, Washington Monument, RR station and Masonic Temple in Alexander and go swimming and make things in the shop at the Downtown Washington WMCA.. between 1947 and 1951 all of Washington, and nearby Arlington and Maryland became unsafe, no one could safely ride the buses, at the WMCA white boys were beat up and molested by gangs of older blacks.. Whites quit going to the WMCA, quit riding buses unless escorted, and were careful where they cycled. God forbid a white would get delayed and miss his or her ride. Bicycles would be stolen wherever they were left. Mobility was reduced to a few safe places.
You could track the misery of government enforced racial integration as it moved south. The 1954 Act hit the campus by 1960.. The FBI was everywhere protecting several blacks in several schools Selma march, JFK, Kassinback, AG <=not sure the spelling.. States rights resistance Governor George Wallace.. Georgia governor Maddox and Mississippi.. all over it was the FBI.. making sure White people were suppressed and dispossessed. Klux Klux Clan member once implied funding came from government sources; i have not seen proof of that claim. .
Obama is one of those "weaponized niggroes" that I mentioned. Indeed, he was created --literally created-- for that very role. He no more intended to promote harmony among the races than Jack The Ripper intended to rescue prostitutes.
Obama ruined it for everyone, he had such a good chance to blend and equate the races in our nation into a color blind society, but he blew it.
In 1981, I followed a good friend minister from a largely white church to his ‘calling’ in a mostly poor inner city church. I thought this would help me become post racial and my influence might even be transformative. Boy was I wrong, I was the one transformed.
After my car being broken into, windows smashed, hearing gun shots leaving church and driving my small kids to weekly confirmation class through darkened virtual war zones, I asked myself, “what the hell are you doing!!!”
What I saw cleared my thinking for the next 40+ years and even today my observations, while based on real life experiences, aren’t received well by my white liberal friends who fall back on opinions based on “liberal white shame” which I now see as nothing more than virtue signalling within their own liberal group. None of them would ever venture, as I did, into such a diverse church, as they stick closely to their all white churches which fly the “inclusivity flag” and post lawn signs: “hate has no place here’.
Finally, I confronted my minister friend and told him what he was trying to do was hurting more than helping. He was thwarting real change by making his black congregation believe they were all victims of an unjust society. I told him that his weekly passing-out of clothes, food, high prices sneakers, gift cards were the only reason most people hung out at church. They rarely attended church services and NEVER contributed financially. I tried to have a rational discussion. Soon thereafter, we parted way as friends.
Most Whites are still conditioned by Jew controlled information systems to ignore what blacks do to cities or they believe it’s related to racism and discrimination. Government mandated integration has proven to be a failure and no amount of money or assistance will cause blacks to suddenly be productive members of society. Time to cut the losses.
Any southerner, reading these comments on Mr. Kennedy’s article, will find them bizarre in the extreme.
How could yanks and Westerners ever have been so naive, so clueless?
The New York banking class, broke it off in the Southern Ass. Not just once but twice, with the second time raping still on-going today.
Here is a reprint from June 2023:
London and the Jews became attached at the hip after the nameless war, and installation of the BOE in 1694.
London was incensed about the Colonials having the temerity to issue Script (Bills of Credit), and they were equally worked up later in history, about Treasury Money, like Greenbacks.
How many of those popular narratives infused into the western zeitgeist over the decades even acknowledge the simple fact that John Wilkes Booth was carrying a $500 bank draft signed by Ontario Bank of Montreal President Henry Starnes (later to become Montreal Mayor) when he was shot dead at Garrett Farm on April 26, 1865?
How many people have been exposed to the vast Southern Confederacy secret service operations active throughout the civil war in Montreal, Toronto and Halifax which was under the firm control of Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin and his handlers in British intelligence?
There was a series of screw ups, mostly involving Lincoln having his head up his ass, and not realizing that the South was back-sliding into the London system. Lincoln’s enemies were in both Wall Street, and in the South. Of course, Lincoln releasing the slaves and not sending them back to Africa can never be forgiven, as this is a massive on-going sin against white people. Lincoln knew that blacks and whites were not equal.
Lincoln could have simply rebated the Morrill Tariff and there would have been no war. Then all he had to do was tariff London goods. He already had treasury greenbacks at his disposal. The Greenbacks could have been used for both negro removal and southern rebate – but Lincoln’s mind apparently couldn’t go there. This is what I mean, if you don’t understand how the money works, then you make fatal mistakes. Trump doesn’t get it either – so he will make fatal mistakes. The West is now degraded due to a series of fatal mistakes, because westerners believe things that are simply not true. For example, all debts should be paid. Or, that sovereign money issued by government is bad, despite evidence to the contrary.
With regards to the first Southern raping, that was the Civil war and then negro release to wreak havoc. The second raping was the New York banking class (yes – many Jews) carpet bagging, and installing their negro agents into Southern governorships. The intent was to indebt the South and hence make southerners into debt slaves to the New York banking class. This was the same banking class that wanted high interest rates on money they didn’t have, which then forced Lincoln to turn to Congress for Treasury Greenbacks. Lincoln being an ignoramus did not invent the greenbacks, it was Elbridge Spaulding, for whom there are no statues.
There was a possibility that Lincoln was pulling head out of rectum at war’s end, as he noticed the beneficial action of the greenbacks. This is why Lincoln ultimately was assassinated by orders from City of London Cousin-hood, via Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin and his handlers in British intelligence.
Lincoln was intending to industrialize the south at wars end, probably using greenbacks, which would be a belated admission of his former ignorance.
The finance capitalists are usurers and at war with humanity; they use negroes as agents of chaos. It was also the New York banking class that funded the NAACP into existence, to then do lawfare against whitey. As Marcus Garvey noted, there was not one negro at the New York NAACP when he visited, they were all Jews.
Here is a list of negro governors put into positions of authority over whites, to then indebt said whites and put them into debt slavery.
In 1867, Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts, requiring new state governments to be set up based on universal suffrage in states that were part of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. New elections took place in 1867 and 1868. States like Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina were, at the time, close to a majority Black and elected Black men to statehouses and local positions for the first time.
Universal suffrage democracy is NOT what the founders intended. Lincoln’s death led to even more “winning” by the Jewish finance capital system, controlled by their sayanim string pullers hiding out in international finance zones.
Ironically, once Whitey is vanquished
A little fatalist, aren’t we, Old Sport?
Sad. Poles of the older generations, like White folk of other ethnicities, knew how to deal with troublemaking niggroes. Fortunately, this might become a revived art in the near future as the country breaks apart in Civil War II.Replies: @Truth
Sponsored by a major Catholic high school, this was the largest Polish festival in the southeastern Michigan area and was a major community event and entertainment venue for many decades…
Now spoiled by the “fellas†and “teensâ€â€¦
Sad. Poles of the older generations, like White folk of other ethnicities, knew how to deal with troublemaking niggroes.
Well; I…I guess you COULD put it that way…
I’m just saying, I keep reading here that the Africans never had a written language. Therefore they didn’t have libraries or newspapers, how do you know what happened in Africa in 1524?
What’s pathetic about American Reinassance and hugh-whites like Jared Taylor and probably Hugh himself is that they avoid the elephant in the room: The Jews. Get this through your head, Hugh: the Blacks are not the main problem. The Jews are the problem. If it weren’t for the Jews, the Whites would have resolved the Black Question a long time ago. Better yet, the Black Problem in White countries wouldn’t have surfaced in the first place without the treachery of Jews.
Again: Whites can solve the Black Problem — No Problem. But the Jews not only prevent whites from solving the Black Problem, but the damn Jews do everything they can to make the problem worse. Here is a quote from the book Jews are the Problem, by Black Nationalist Ayo H Kimathi, the Irritated Genie:
Jews make sure aggressive, self-respecting Black leadership and powerful Anglo-Saxons never sit down at the negotiating table without them present. It is a traumatizing fear of theirs. They know the most dangerous combination of forces against their tyranny are Black Nationalists and Anglo-Saxons. These are the two most violent and capable groups when they organize to resist opposition forces.
…Both groups have a hostility toward one another that has been developed over centuries of life in America. And as we proceed in this book, we will see that much of the animosity was instigated by Jews. It has been their best weapon at managing the overthrow of this Republic — pitting Anglo-Saxons and Black people against one another.
American Reinaissance is just a tool of the Jews. We all know that Jared Taylor literally has connections with Mossad, as Michael Collins Piper’s Coup d’Etat proved. Here is a quote from that book:
Jared Taylor’s critics have noted that he tends to surround himself with a variety of Jewish intellectuals who have been waggishly (if insensitively) dubbed as “Jared’s Jews.†Taylor has particularly close ties with one Rabbi Meyer Schiller, a hard-line Zionist based in New York, who has publicly bragged that his friendship with Taylor has helped diminish anti-Zionism within the ranks of Americans who are among Taylor’s followers.
So this is another “Look! Squirrel!” article and anybody who buys into it is being blinded by a bunch of Jew-connected weasels. I’m not saying the Black Problem doesn’t exist: I’m saying that the Jewish Problem is infinitely worse and should be our main focus. And Blacks such as Kimathi might actually be important allies in our struggle to break out from under the Heel of the Jew. So beware of Jew-controlled operations such as American Reinaissance: not only are they not helping with anything, they are a noxious Jew divide-and-rule psyop designed to crush both Blacks and Whites.