Petri explains that when the tears of an Elasian female touch a man’s skin, his heart is “enslaved foreverâ€.
That was in about 2268 or so. In 2025 a man’s wallet is what is enslaved forever.
Charlie was elected in 2000
OK, you got it. Good for you.
Charlie was elected in 2000. 😂😂
Charlie was the first rapper. Ever heard Garbage Dump? 😂😂
Cue: Look At Your Game Girl by Charles Manson
OK, you got it. Good for you.
Charlie was elected in 2000
That leads to a great trivia question; listen to the voice and look at the mannerisms displayed in the next clip:
Question: In what year was Charles Manson elected US President?
Didn’t read the article but just commenting on Manson since his photo accompanies the article. In his own words Manson told an interviewer he was “nothing more than a petty thiefâ€, I actually believe that take to be more truthful than the (((media creation))) of this tiny man. The “Helter-Skelter†story was probably 98% bullshit. Ironically Manson wanted fame and by golly he was one the most famous people around, infamous is still famous. The guy probably was less guilty than many “famous “ people. You can take that to the bank, Fred.
They get caught even if a lower percentage get away with it. And they caught even if they are smart like a nurse or medical doctor and try to make it look like a death from natural causes or by accident. [Note to anyone looking to kill a spouse: never, ever do it violently or involve a weapon and expect to be a good enough actor for them to believe it. There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently and claim their wife was the victim of a random attacker ]. The murder of one’s spouse and/or children are almost always related to adultery and money. When a woman murders her children it is almost always because the married woman’s paramour doesn’t want kids, or in much rarer circumstances she’s suffering from postpartum depression.Replies: @Thomasina, @Dave from Oz
But they never address the fact that women murder their husbands all the time, and seldom get caught. It’s notable how the disparity in male and female lifespan has been reducing ever since the liberalisation of the divorce laws.
There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently
Dude, they didn’t all choose to do it violently, it’s that only the ones who did do it violently got caught. The others had the common sense to poison their spouses.
Never marry a nurse or a doctor.
Honey bunny I have a graduate degree in this thus obviously have training in social science research unlike obviously you since your comment is incoherent.
What the hell does;
“You think of the perception and interpretations of the World [Induction > deduction] in digital terms, which is another way of saying an either/or interpretation”
…even mean? Do you even know what you tried to write? Why don’t you just write “ideation interpreted through an heuristics context negates post-hoc hypothesis-making” next time so social science wannabe’s might think you are profound.
Alan Sokal wrote about using big words to hide lack of meaning in the social sciences, I suggest going back and reading him.
Seriously who writes; “You think of the perception and interpretations of the World [Induction > deduction] in digital terms, which is another way of saying an either/or interpretation” Jeezus Louise.
Honey bunny go back to what I and Eddie wrote. I’m not the one searching for the Holy Grail and I’m the one pointing out there is never a perfect 1.0 correlation in the social sciences. In fact, Eddie is the one implying his theories have a perfect correlation (hence there is a Holy Grail to be acquired) whereas I’m consistent in pointing out any perfect correlation in social science is dubious at best.
Really read him and then read my comments. The evidence for this is that he agreed with a supposed fanboy (very likely him) who made this statement;” EVERY PREDICTION I’d made in my book Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism HAD COME TRUE.”- here it is: a total statement of the Holy Grail of a perfect 1.0 and then you accuse ME of looking for the Holy Grail of a perfect 1.0 correlation?
What kind of a social scientist agrees with “every prediction has come true”?-a true social scientist should not do that but quacks do it all the time. Hence Ed is a quack, isn’t he?
Look I understand my response is a bit insulting, sorry about this but I really think you got mine and Ed’s positions totally ass-backwards (how’s that for a technical term?). Again he is the one making perfect correlations and not me.
Seriously go back to Eddie’s writings and you’ll find out he is the one who is making perfect correlations not I. I’m the one who has the beef with Ed making perfect correlations. Really go back and read my comments. If Ed accepts that there is obvious uncertainty in the social sciences, I would like him better but he is too much of a hustler-quack and too far gone by now to accept that.
But, let’s just repeat what happened this week; Dutton read about a nut case who sterilized herself since she don’t like president Trump. Yes we all know that person is an obvious nut case but Ed being Ed and needing to sell, sell, sell his books links it to a bunch of stuff like eugenics, narcissism blah blah all linked to buying his book.
My point was that in a population of 330 million you’ll always find a nut case while Ed’s point is that that nut correlates with something. Well who is right? If one or a couple of dozen nuts sterilize themselves because of Trump then I am right because in a population of 330 million you’ll always find outliers BUT if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of women sterilize themselves because of Trump, Ed is right.
Hmmm… do you have any news about a mass sterilization happening? Hmmm who is right?
…I’m looking for a perfect correlation my ass. It’s Ed who is always finding a perfect correlation. How could anyone reading my comments and Ed’s articles get our viewpoints so totally reversed? Go back and do some reading and you’ll finding Ed is always correlating this and then and I’m pointing out that there might be other factors involved.
What a totally useless comment you made.
You are not as perspicacious as you represent yourself and neither as profound. If Dutton can look at studies [you do not know how many and to what depth], and extract or development WORKING hypotheses, and filter and sort them through his academic and personal experiences, then I want to hear it. What have you got to offer? A perpetual search for the Holy Grail of a perfect 1.0 correlation?
You are most certainly a collage undergraduate, or if older, then a student of intellectual and self-actualizing arrested development. I’ve lived through the world of accomplishment and choices of hard Realities, and its punishments for wrong choices.
You think of the perception and interpretations of the World [Induction > deduction] in digital terms, which is another way of saying an either/or interpretation. This is yuff full of it naivete. I was stupid and young once myself, but due to proactive and self motivation, I sloughed off that baby fat, that is congenital for those who are reared from less than ideal parents.
You comment is considerably insignificant.
There is also a school of thought that acting out with sex or crime (as risk-taking behavior) is governed by the same impulses that lead to addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, money, power, etc. The euphoria fades with time and repetition and eventually, as the old rockers had it, what were once vices now become habits. Recovery from such maladaptive behaviors is rare as insight, objectivity, and humility are among the first positive traits to fall to compulsive behavior. For the addict there is also the bizarrely counterintuitive but delightful frisson of self-loathing that accompanies his continuous failures to “get clean†unaided.
Surely being a lone psychopath is not a good evolutionary strategy. You need to be a loyal member of a gang. A gang will always defeat a lone psychopath. But to be in a gang you need some degree of loyalty, empathy, give and take, etcetera.
In the film “Goodfellas” the psycho character played by Joe Pesci appears to be in his forties, but the real life person he is based on was executed by a Mafia gang for breaking the rules when he was twenty seven.
No doubt about Dutton has intriguing ideas but he really does have a problem in evaluating data-basically he scans research and consistently finds something that fits his pre-conceived notions discarding explanations which equally fits the facts but do not fit his pre-conceptions. Really next time he publishes something read his article in that spirit and you’ll find he really does that.
Case in point- just the other day he agreed with a “supposed” fan-boy that “every prediction I’d made in my book Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism had come true.â€. Just enjoy the phrase EVERY PREDICTION and HAD COME TRUE-look his book is trying to predict behaviors three or four generations in the future from now so obviously the predictions are not valid for this time period; we’ll know 75 or a hundred years from now it’s just too early to know now thus Dutton agreeing with a “supposed” fan boy that EVERY PREDICTION HAD COME TRUE show that he really doesn’t understand his own theory! Wouldn’t you agree?
Really his writings are a confused mess like this, a social scientist seeking out truth should never say MY EVERY PREDICTION HAS COME TRUE especially when he is doing research in social science where causal factors are never as fully clear as compared to the more hard sciences.
Another quite recent thing he wrote about is that a Michigan nut case had herself sterilized because of the Trump presidency-he wrote a 1,500 page article about how this significant and how this is linked to narcissism and woke eugenics blah blah BUT the law of large numbers does say in every large population you’ll find something to validate your theory. The US has a population of 330 million, a lone nut case sterilized herself because of Trump-big whoop dee doo. Instead of seeing it as due to the large population, Dutton wrote a big article how this validates his theories BUT a validation of his theories would require tens or even hundreds of thousands of women sterilizing themselves-that ain’t happening thus Dutton is…quite simply wrong.
Nah, Dutton scans research and the media and cherry picks examples-not much of a scientist but a total blowhard. He writes articles that have sciencey-tipey jargon thus some people think he really is a scientist.
They get caught even if a lower percentage get away with it. And they caught even if they are smart like a nurse or medical doctor and try to make it look like a death from natural causes or by accident. [Note to anyone looking to kill a spouse: never, ever do it violently or involve a weapon and expect to be a good enough actor for them to believe it. There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently and claim their wife was the victim of a random attacker ]. The murder of one’s spouse and/or children are almost always related to adultery and money. When a woman murders her children it is almost always because the married woman’s paramour doesn’t want kids, or in much rarer circumstances she’s suffering from postpartum depression.Replies: @Thomasina, @Dave from Oz
But they never address the fact that women murder their husbands all the time, and seldom get caught. It’s notable how the disparity in male and female lifespan has been reducing ever since the liberalisation of the divorce laws.
“When a woman murders her children it is almost always because the married woman’s paramour doesn’t want kids.”
And she also has no empathy or compassion, she’s self-centered/narcissistic, she plans the murders, but presents herself as an innocent victim. Calculating and manipulative. IOW, a sociopath/psychopath, someone who was always a dead mother.
“did it replicate or not?”
Good rhetorical question. Did it? And if not, was it because it was wrong, or just that no one tried to replicate it? If you don’t know one way or the other, how is your comment any better than what you are accusing Dutton of?
Agree with him or not, Dutton has some intriguing ideas.
Chaos; Charles Manson the CIA and the secret history of the sixties.
Tom O’Neill spent twenty years researching this wild book.
Now compare slum gangster problems to jewish ghetto problems, its ironic you can remove most populations from their ghettos and reform their populations into modern communities, but the jewish gangsters take their ‘problems’ or traits with them into the wider world.
They made a religion out of psychopathy.
Charles Manson being escorted to a court hearing on December 3rd, 1969.
Charles Manson. You probably would know him right off the bat if he had already tattooed the swastika between his brows…that came a bit later.
Good article.
Ever since the DotComCrash and 9/11… the U.S. (the entire Western world?) has morphed into a filthy 3rd-world shithole. This article helps to explain the difference between… the 1st-world that we were… and the 3rd-world that we’ve become… and the demographic processes involved.
Thank you Mr. Devlin.
BTW… as I read this article I was annoyed by the term “criminology”… I finally realized why… this article speaks about “blue collar” criminology. One of my favorite explanations for why the U.S. has become a 3rd-world shithole… comes from Bill Black’s amazing articles about “white collar” criminology… explaining how Bush & Cheney forced all the DOJ/FBI prosecutors/investigators to quit going after white-collar corporate/organized crime… and channel all the resources toward hunting down “terrorists”. Bill Black’s many articles during the 2008 crash convinced me we were doomed… removing ALL barriers to white-collar crime was the fastest way to reduce the U.S. to 3rd-world filth… probably more so than moving tens-of-millions of 3rd-world men into the U.S.
Who’s that in the lead photograph? I HATE pictures without captions. The subject LOOKS like someone one might recognize. Vaguely familiar (not me).
I think it was Michael A. Woodley of Menie who wrote a paper; if a man wanna father a child, he can…
Violence (at least credible threats of violence) is intimately related to reproductive success […]
Not sure… don't some tortoise and whale species live longer than humans do‽
Humans are the most ‘K’-selected animals in nature,
Criminology, like other social scientific disciplines, has long been dominated by environmentalist explanations […]
I actually think there is potential truth (some of it, at least) in the following:
The hold of the environmentalist model on the minds of mainstream criminologists must be very strong […]
"Life Imprisonment" concept seems rather useless, if not, straight-out bad – ethically and economically. Unless for the leader of the Mafia, or something to that effect.
A second pattern in criminology almost as reliable as the sex ratio is the age-crime curve […]
Dutton is a pseudo scientist who has limited ability to evaluate research-case in point the jerk-off study he found scanning the internet, did it replicate or not? The vast majority of these studies are “one-time blasts” which do not replicate but he doesn’t seem to know that.
But they never address the fact that women murder their husbands all the time, and seldom get caught. It’s notable how the disparity in male and female lifespan has been reducing ever since the liberalisation of the divorce laws.
They get caught even if a lower percentage get away with it. And they caught even if they are smart like a nurse or medical doctor and try to make it look like a death from natural causes or by accident. [Note to anyone looking to kill a spouse: never, ever do it violently or involve a weapon and expect to be a good enough actor for them to believe it. There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently and claim their wife was the victim of a random attacker ].
The murder of one’s spouse and/or children are almost always related to adultery and money. When a woman murders her children it is almost always because the married woman’s paramour doesn’t want kids, or in much rarer circumstances she’s suffering from postpartum depression.
Dude, they didn't all choose to do it violently, it's that only the ones who did do it violently got caught. The others had the common sense to poison their spouses.
There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently
But they never address the fact that women murder their husbands all the time, and seldom get caught. It’s notable how the disparity in male and female lifespan has been reducing ever since the liberalisation of the divorce laws.
They get caught even if a lower percentage get away with it. And they caught even if they are smart like a nurse or medical doctor and try to make it look like a death from natural causes or by accident. [Note to anyone looking to kill a spouse: never, ever do it violently or involve a weapon and expect to be a good enough actor for them to believe it. There have been several murders of spouses by Harvard medical doctors here in the Boston area and stupidly they all chose to do it violently and claim their wife was the victim of a random attacker ]. The murder of one’s spouse and/or children are almost always related to adultery and money. When a woman murders her children it is almost always because the married woman’s paramour doesn’t want kids, or in much rarer circumstances she’s suffering from postpartum depression.Replies: @Thomasina, @Dave from Oz
But they never address the fact that women murder their husbands all the time, and seldom get caught. It’s notable how the disparity in male and female lifespan has been reducing ever since the liberalisation of the divorce laws.
Humans are the most ‘K’-selected animals in nature.
Dear author , f we are animals only with animal nature that you describe, how do you explain the inner person , inner thoughts and desires we have, just as it is written
Matthew 15:19
“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:â€
For we are spirit , soul and body and we have been dominated by flesh nature.
The question is why, just take on porn business to inflict us with sinful desires, look around, look at the women , the way they dress, that triggers in us 1 John 2:16
lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, .â€
The human heart has been taken over by body desires , and is not only about physical dominance but intellectual dominance as well.
Stay in faith in Christ.
Violence (at least credible threats of violence) is intimately related to reproductive success […]
I think it was Michael A. Woodley of Menie who wrote a paper; if a man wanna father a child, he can…
Join a Church. (if he is empathetic.)
Join a criminal gang. (if he is psychopathetic.)
Both would increase his chances of finding a woman – and, hence, have children.
Humans are the most ‘K’-selected animals in nature,
Not sure… don’t some tortoise and whale species live longer than humans do‽
Criminology, like other social scientific disciplines, has long been dominated by environmentalist explanations […]
The hold of the environmentalist model on the minds of mainstream criminologists must be very strong […]
I actually think there is potential truth (some of it, at least) in the following:
Social Scientists lack the IQ to incorporate Darwinism – hence, they cling to Environmentalism.
(I base this on having read papers that show Biologists are, on average, smarter than Historians, Sociologists etc.)
A second pattern in criminology almost as reliable as the sex ratio is the age-crime curve […]
“Life Imprisonment” concept seems rather useless, if not, straight-out bad – ethically and economically. Unless for the leader of the Mafia, or something to that effect.
Fun Fact:
I learnt from Edward Dutton that even RAPE can be evolutionarily-adaptative. A ‘proof’ of that: Men exposed to “gangbang porn” ejaculate more than men exposed to “one-on-one porn”.
Imminent death IS a deadline.
(((Freud))) pushing intoxicants.
Well, duh. (((The Tribe))) is utterly obsessed with getting as many people intoxicated, as often as possible. And it’s all about the “powers and principalities” mentioned in Ephesians.
Intoxicants open the door for demon possession.
Ah yes … the same discontented New England Karens that brought us Prohibition
(out of sexual envy towards Germans and Irish) had coke outlawed by unabashedly
painting the spectre of coked-up nigger fiends desecrating pure White damsels –
there are other ways 😛
Off the top of my head, I can think of two viable arguments: Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Zelensky. Cocaine is the drug of psychopaths.Replies: @AxeGryndr
If it were not for the blacks using cocaine to make crack, there wouldn’t really be a viable argument for banning cocaine.
I recall a story in perhaps, Rolling Stone, where Steven Tyler of Aerosmith related” I snorted my house, I snorted my car…..” Another admonition whose author escapes me, “Cocaine is God’s way of telling you, you have too much money”.
Interesting article and comment stream.
I’ve found that almost everything in Western society that is recommended aggressively as good is actually a deadly trap, either killing or sterilizing the acceptor.
Consider the “If you want a good job, get a good education!” slogan from back in the early 1960s, followed by “college loans”. The result is very many childless (effectively sterilized) women, men who are debt slaves and also effectively sterilized. Worse, we now have an active Turchin “circulation of the elites” conflict that could end the United States.
Couple this with alcohol, an anxiolytic that is mildly toxic and that can be used as a “social lubricant” but is often used as a way of ending paralyzing anxiety and regret — temporarily. In practice, alcohol simply inhibits coping with the anxiety producing situation or history. The delay in coping makes things worse, self administered alcohol in increasing amounts becomes cumulatively toxic, and the person dies. Yet it is widely used, even essential in some sub-societies that emphasize camaraderie. It is an essential part of US society, and most Western societies, and apt to remain so after the US Prohibition fiasco.
Couple that with the advertising of high interest loans, or “buying a house” as an investment right before Civil Rights destroys the neighborhood — also sure killers.
Or taking a job that will never pay enough to have a family. Or staying with a job that pays enough but takes 48 hours/week and precludes having a family through sheer stress and lack of time to form family relations.
In politics, we saw the attempted and partially successful destruction of male provisioning/protection of families.
I’ve seen all of the above, narrowly avoided some, got badly hurt by others, but survived. The US, and now the West, is full of death traps, all praised to the sky in US media. Most of them can be avoided by foresight and mobility, but unfortunately there is no way to avoid high mortality in children. Parents are vital, but not influential in how children grow up. Children adapt to the society in which they grow up, and almost entirely ignore parental influence. That’s one reason Trump was elected.
So Anglin’s article is just one more trap, and the Colombian President and Anglin are just more people advertising yet another path to an early death.
If it were not for the blacks using cocaine to make crack, there wouldn’t really be a viable argument for banning cocaine.
Off the top of my head, I can think of two viable arguments: Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Zelensky. Cocaine is the drug of psychopaths.
Turned out many a snowbunny with that powder!
isn’t that saying supposed to be about deadlines?
If they don’t make amends in the near future it may be necessary to aerially bomb a Latin American or Mexican city. This will get their attention. Or, as has been said, “It’s amazing how the prospect of imminent death focuses the mind.”
there is a big difference between chewing coca leaves and snorting or smoking cocaine. freud suggested taking cocaine for anything that you’d take aspirin and got half of vienna hooked on coke.
Cocaine would not be taken in powder form were it not for Prohibition.
It’s pure economics. Originally it was in drinks but, if it’s going to be smuggled it’s a whole lot easier to ship powder vs. transporting liquids with diluted strength.
That’s just one example. All these natural substances have been put here by God for our use. Only those in GovCo think it knows better than the Creator. Arrogant SOBs…
agree, coke is the drug of idiocy, it turns people into babbling idiots. i’ve seen people wreck their lives on this stupid shit. in my life, i’ve spent a total of $10 on coke, i snorted it and then thought, that’s all you get for $10? fuck this shit! i could get a quarter oz. of weed for $20 a the time. it also fucks up people’s minds, eventually, they become coke zombies and women become coke whores. i’ve never seen a woman sell herself for weed. anglin’s got a monkey on his back but doesn’t know it. it’s good on weekends and at parties, lol, that’s what junkies call a “chipper”.
yeah, just look at yours.
Fucks up your nose!
The last time some places legalized drugs they turned into complete madhouses. Look at alaska and colorado....they debunked all those claims from the "just legalize it" crowd. Maybe selling coke like wine was fine 100+ years ago but people these days are a different breed, out of control. Imagine the societal costs of giving these scum license to go wild with coke, too. You're literally better off with drug cartels and keeping this shit behind doors, just as marijuana and mushrooms once were.Replies: @obwandiyag
Petro went on to argue that the “business†from criminal organizations engaged in drug trafficking could be “easily dismantled if cocaine were to be legalized around the world.â€
Cokeheads act like complete assholes. They are impossible to be around. If you want to make it legal, make it legal only in certain designated safe houses where they can be separated from regular people.
We’ve seen the results of coked-up degenerate bureaucrats running the world at USAID.
Do we really want that everywhere?
I luv ya Andy, but you’re fuck’n crazy if you think Cocaine is just another run of the mill, no big deal drug, kinda like weed.
I have done coke back in the day, it was kinda fun, bad hangovers. It ruins your schedule and you can’t participate in sports for 2 or 3 days after you do it. Wasn’t worth it at all.
In addition, I have known, very, VERY good friends who – NO SHIT – did it once and never quit doing it! It consumed their lives.
It is, depending on your genetics, insanely addictive and while I am sure many of us experimented with it back when we were young, there is no way, to predict the effect it will have on you.
America is bad enough now, I do NOT want to finish out my days living in the United States Of Amsterdam.
Legal status of cocaine
Cocaine is 100% legal in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and some other countries. At least to possess and cultivate. American junkies travel there, buy it at about $2 per gram and go on a 6 months binge. Then return to the US, roll up their sleeves and participate in soaring, surging, booming, vibrant US economy – as if nothing happened.
Compared to synthetic stuff which appears at a rate of 5 new designer drugs per month cocaine may be even considered “organic”, “green”, “wholesome”, “nutritious” etc ðŸ˜
Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic
Imagine – fentanyl is 160 times more potent than morphine. And carfentanil used by game wardens to tranquilize large animals is 100 times more potent than fentanyl.
Mr. Petro is the gift that keeps on giving. This individual’s elevator obviously doesn’t go all the way up. Also, the fact that the drug trade is Colombia’s #1 source of revenue I’m sure has at least a little something to do with his position. All this being said, however, just like a broken clock is always right twice a day, the illustrious Colombian President might be onto something here. Cocaine is most definitely nowhere near as bad as the vast majority of Big Pharma products.
Petro must’ve been taught by liberal idiots from America. Does he really believe cocaine is illegal because it’s from Latin America? Can he be that stupid? Is heroin illegal because it originates in Afghanistan? Acid because it’s made in a basement? Meth because it’s made everywhere? Idiota.
Fword does not mean fuck in that comment.
You’re a five foot four fword.
You’re cucked out of your fword mind.
Go date Laura Hall and get back to me idiot.
Without getting into the originator:
First the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man.
Cocaine is no different. I knew a guy who tied steel frameworks for in ground swimming pools. He brought home 523 dollars a week, in the mid eighties, pretty fair money for a tradesman. On Friday, he would find his dealer, and buy 100 dollars worth. He would snort that, and go back, repeat process, until he had 23 dollars in his pocket. He had a wife, and child on the way.
Don’t do it, Petro.
Petro went on to argue that the “business†from criminal organizations engaged in drug trafficking could be “easily dismantled if cocaine were to be legalized around the world.â€
The last time some places legalized drugs they turned into complete madhouses. Look at alaska and colorado….they debunked all those claims from the “just legalize it” crowd. Maybe selling coke like wine was fine 100+ years ago but people these days are a different breed, out of control. Imagine the societal costs of giving these scum license to go wild with coke, too. You’re literally better off with drug cartels and keeping this shit behind doors, just as marijuana and mushrooms once were.
He didn’t “spit” it, you nigger.
and about the crime committed by the Soviet Union just before World War II in preparation for it
and about exposing defenseless Poles to the Germans in the Warsaw Uprising
Moreover, there was a murderous installation of communism in Poland after the war, in which the Russians replaced the murdered elites with Jews.
There was more, but enough of these Russian crimes for this short post.
I bet you’re teutonic/amglosaxon/jewish/banderite POS.
(who never did a genocide against them} yes they did Andrew, read about Katyn.
Based huh-white brudaHOOD. I encourage a million more polacken und hindus to come to the monkey island, EACH.
But how could Poles be criminal elements in Unilateral (English) Kingdom when entire state there represent criminal enterprise?
As Europeans, Poles have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they saving it for Western world. As Slavs, Poles again have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they just taking back what was stolen from Slavs. As Christians, Poles also have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they protects it for Christianity.
Take as much as possible from Britain. Save it, take it back, protect it.
That is what they write in English…
You don’t want to know what they write in polish
Virtually all of the [hispanic immigration dumb irish fucks whine about] in the West was a result of the US starting all these wars over there.
glad i could fix that for you.
this won’t just be a “the 100 guys who didn’t leave or get bodied by russia are back and they want to eat things while fucking those things” kinda issue. it’s that plus “we know where the shit ended up after getting ‘black holed’ the second it left the US cargo planes”. ukie+PTSD is unpleasant enough. that plus “nicked a few grenades and full auto rifle that he keeps in the basement” is a future “breaking news” headline waiting to happen.
Poland will have to be partitioned between Germany and Russia so the spice must flow.
Polish benefits guide 'encourages' people to come to UK because of our 'VERY GENEROUS' welfare system
The detailed 'how to' guide gives step-by-step instructions in how the unemployed can get benefits and has a smiling cartoon man standing beside a tree growing pound signs �
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer
Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of "child benefit", or you just want to be a "job seeker" and live for free. it's all here in these websites :) �
Replies: @Anonymous, @HeebHunter, @HeebHunter
Many polish criminals have chosen to go to Britain to ply their trade, the pickings are easy. UK prisons and sentences are very soft compared to Poland. in fact I know they are encouraged to go to Britain, one prison in Poland put up a poster that encourages people to visit brighton. �
But how could Poles be criminal elements in Unilateral (English) Kingdom when entire state there represent criminal enterprise?
As Europeans, Poles have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they saving it for Western world. As Slavs, Poles again have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they just taking back what was stolen from Slavs. As Christians, Poles also have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they protects it for Christianity.
Take as much as possible from Britain. Save it, take it back, protect it.
Based huh-white brudaHOOD. I encourage a million more polacken und hindus to come to the monkey island, EACH.
Payback for 1919 and 1945.
too late, no backsies, they broke it, they bought it. they annexed the sudetenland and now their stuck with it, banderites and all. perhaps galicia can be renamed pohoholand.
it is a match made in heaven.💞
Polish benefits guide 'encourages' people to come to UK because of our 'VERY GENEROUS' welfare system
The detailed 'how to' guide gives step-by-step instructions in how the unemployed can get benefits and has a smiling cartoon man standing beside a tree growing pound signs �
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer
Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of "child benefit", or you just want to be a "job seeker" and live for free. it's all here in these websites :) �
Replies: @Anonymous, @HeebHunter, @HeebHunter
Many polish criminals have chosen to go to Britain to ply their trade, the pickings are easy. UK prisons and sentences are very soft compared to Poland. in fact I know they are encouraged to go to Britain, one prison in Poland put up a poster that encourages people to visit brighton. �
Oh ho, another day, another fact coming out on this supposed “BASED” and “HUHWHITE” fake cuntry of white-niggers and kike lovers.
The only reason they don’t pay Holohoax money is because when it comes to their own pockets they are as stingy as the yids.
Poolacken are filth. Whatever damage they are causing is the result of 1945.
Enjoy your animated, walking abortion “white bruder”.
Polish benefits guide 'encourages' people to come to UK because of our 'VERY GENEROUS' welfare system
The detailed 'how to' guide gives step-by-step instructions in how the unemployed can get benefits and has a smiling cartoon man standing beside a tree growing pound signs �
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer
Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of "child benefit", or you just want to be a "job seeker" and live for free. it's all here in these websites :) �
Replies: @Anonymous, @HeebHunter, @HeebHunter
Many polish criminals have chosen to go to Britain to ply their trade, the pickings are easy. UK prisons and sentences are very soft compared to Poland. in fact I know they are encouraged to go to Britain, one prison in Poland put up a poster that encourages people to visit brighton. �
The Pakistanis and all the other damned wogs in the UK are the *REAL* ‘benefit scroungers’.
I remember there were reports about polish websites giving advice in polish language on how to exploit social security benefits in the UK.
Googling even now you will find:
Polish benefits guide ‘encourages’ people to come to UK because of our ‘VERY GENEROUS’ welfare system
The detailed ‘how to’ guide gives step-by-step instructions in how the unemployed can get benefits and has a smiling cartoon man standing beside a tree growing pound signs
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer
Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of “child benefit”, or you just want to be a “job seeker” and live for free. it’s all here in these websites 🙂
Many polish criminals have chosen to go to Britain to ply their trade, the pickings are easy. UK prisons and sentences are very soft compared to Poland. in fact I know they are encouraged to go to Britain, one prison in Poland put up a poster that encourages people to visit brighton.
Based huh-white brudaHOOD. I encourage a million more polacken und hindus to come to the monkey island, EACH.
But how could Poles be criminal elements in Unilateral (English) Kingdom when entire state there represent criminal enterprise?
As Europeans, Poles have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they saving it for Western world. As Slavs, Poles again have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they just taking back what was stolen from Slavs. As Christians, Poles also have every right to take whatever they want in Britain. When they take it they protects it for Christianity.
Take as much as possible from Britain. Save it, take it back, protect it.
Poles are not ‘stereotyped as benefit scroungers in the UK’.
On the contrary, the complaint is the other way – They are job thieves. Which happens to be true. They have stolen employment opportunities from the native British.
Polish benefits guide 'encourages' people to come to UK because of our 'VERY GENEROUS' welfare system
The detailed 'how to' guide gives step-by-step instructions in how the unemployed can get benefits and has a smiling cartoon man standing beside a tree growing pound signs �
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer
Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of "child benefit", or you just want to be a "job seeker" and live for free. it's all here in these websites :) �
Replies: @Anonymous, @HeebHunter, @HeebHunter
Many polish criminals have chosen to go to Britain to ply their trade, the pickings are easy. UK prisons and sentences are very soft compared to Poland. in fact I know they are encouraged to go to Britain, one prison in Poland put up a poster that encourages people to visit brighton. �
Maybe the Poles will conclude that Russian occupation of Galicia is the lesser of evils.
When even the Poles – who are the stereotypical thieves in Germany, and social benefits scroungers in the UK – accuse others of crime threat, then there must be a problem.
they hate when women outperform them
Please tell us. In what arena do women routinely out perform men? Are they stronger than men? Can they lift more weight? Are they better at golf, track, baseball, basketball? Oh, I know, they are better boxers than men. Oh, wait. That’s wrong. Women don’t have any venue where they routinely out perform men. None. Zero.
Did you see the women’s Olympic soccer team a year or so ago that decided to have an exhibition game where they played a soccer team consisting of 15 year old boys? The boys wiped the field with them. It was hilarious to watch because in the beginning you could tell the delusional women expected to win. But as the game progressed and the boys scored goal after goal you could see the anger and frustration of the women. So think about that for a moment. Not only can women not out perform men they can’t even out perform boys that are a few years into puberty.
If you think that women routinely outperform men in anything you are delusional.
Oh, wait. Now that I think about it there is one thing women seem more adept at than men. They are much better at talking and not getting a damn thing done. They certainly do manage to excel men in that category.
The participation of women in public society, and the way that this has created modern political leftism and triggered a cascading wave of more and more extreme tyranny, is the core of what is happening in the West.
No. The core of what is happening in the West is genetic decline due to us removing Darwinian natural selection starting a couple of centuries ago. We flooded our own population with inferior people by stopping natural selection removing half of all our children before they could reproduce – generally the worst, lower-IQ, more-toxic half were removed.
For more details on genetic decline, e.g., the decline of genetic IQ in the West of perhaps around 1 point per decade since the late 1800s at least, see Professor Edward Dutton’s work such as The Rise of Spiteful Mutants at,
Video Linkalso see Woodley of Menie’s work, and others.
The toxic femininity in the article is a symptom or a result of our long-term genetic decline – removing women from public life will not work. When our elders complain about “children these days”, they are right.
I’m pretty sure the Taliban has banned alcohol. Ban alcohol.
While I believe secular revolution is necessary to clarify the gene pool, we see now that universal suffrage is not a panacea for corruption.Replies: @deejay
For example, a petition from the people of South Shields requested reform as they felt they deserved a right to vote and wanted more parliamentary representation.
The petition was created by ‘merchants, manufactures, shipowners and other inhabitants of the town’, but these groups would continue to be excluded from voting even following the 1832 Act.
The fight for women to vote in America began as opposition to joining the war in Europe during the First World War. The right was only granted, however, after the war was over. So, what did women do with their new right? They voted to ban alcohol and America got Prohibition.
Just like with migrants and abortion, women tend to feel strongly about certain issues and these feelings determine how they will vote.
Universal suffrage allows our rulers to use these issues to steer the electorate to vote in a particular way, although this power is not absolute. Sometimes the electorate doesn’t vote the way our rulers want.
But who really wants to be debating endlessly about budgets and rules, and doing the daily business of governing a country? Most people don’t want to govern, but to focus on their daily lives, and every few years to do their civic duty of voting.
Is an aristocracy so bad? Certain people used to be raised from early childhood and trained to one day manage the affairs of the nation.
Universal suffrage may be just as good or worse, but it is hardly an improvement over aristocracy. It provides the appearance of a mandate from the people to the winner of an election, granting that person the authority to do whatever he wants.
We might note that the first generation of America’s founding fathers, men like Patrick Henry, spoke only of “We, the estates”. But they were old men by the time of the writing of the Constitution, replaced by a younger generation, who said, “We, the people”.
I stopped reading at this quote. A quick scan of the rest suggests that he went on the topic of atheism and religion, which is equally foolish.
Women tend to be nurturing and largely disregard harsh realities (men who have feminine traits tend to follow women on this), while men understand that the world isn’t fair and you need authority based on hierarchy in order to maintain order.
> He’s saying things that are not true. How could one say that harm-aversion of leftists/women is “disregarding harsh realities?â€
You are right that women and effeminate men are more risk or harm averse. But Anglin didn’t say they aren’t. He said they disregard harsh realities. Not necessarily because of risk aversion.
Good example is the nuclear power debate. Women don’t like it because they find it dangerous. Which is retarded, as it’s less dangerous than other sources of power. It’s just scary, in a childish way, as it’s associated with explosions.
Not unlike hoplophobia. Guns are scary, so let’s forbid them. It’s kind of risk aversion as well, but more of it is just stupidity. The harsh reality, which they disregard, is men need guns to defend themselves and their women from feral niggers.
How about not going out in public, whether in Peoria or Patagonia or Peking, without a water bottle to sip on like a baby bottle?
Is it possible, as things are, to guarantee the welfare of the populace and pull universal suffrage. Americans have no aristocracy; Americans have parasites. The line between restoration and extinction, for the moment, lies between nationalists and capitalists. The only way to ensure good government is to breed good governors. For that project, you need to ensure that the women are mentally fit, happy, healthy, and willing to cooperate.
In the UK, the franchise was only extended to all men in 1832.
For example, a petition from the people of South Shields requested reform as they felt they deserved a right to vote and wanted more parliamentary representation.
The petition was created by ‘merchants, manufactures, shipowners and other inhabitants of the town’, but these groups would continue to be excluded from voting even following the 1832 Act.
While I believe secular revolution is necessary to clarify the gene pool, we see now that universal suffrage is not a panacea for corruption.
Fine article by Anglin.
In “Twin Peaks” and his last two films David Lynch depicted the state’s promotion of feminism leading to catastrophic consequences including the deaths of women.
FBI agent Cooper is called the doppelganger of the ostensible killer.
Lynch couldn’t say it outright for to do so would have made him a pariah in Hollywood. He had bury the message so that the wise could find it.
I warned my friend not to marry her but when he told me she was his “best friend†I knew the dumb bastard was in love.
Dear Lord, I need a drink after reading your post. And your above statement reminds me of a friend who fell under the sway of a native pajeeta. Like your buddy, he too ignored my advice. Hopefully his family will be able to claim his body when it’s found floating the Ganges.
I haven’t seen her in person in years but I have seen a recent picture of her. She is a fat, ugly, hag with a face that would force a skunk off a narrow trail.
I believe it. Hot women, unless their appearance is a perpetual meal ticket, immediately go all ‘rotten Halloween pumpkin’ after marriage.
My friend’s net worth is somewhere North of 10 million dollars
*Banging my head against a wall*
I know his strategy is to simply wait for her to die. I have called him on it, and he denies it, but I know it’s true.
That’s all he can do. Any more slips and she will destroy him utterly.
I told him to give her unfiltered camels and pray.
I have an old college roommate that married an ass hot blonde back in 97. I first met her in 93 and she was in her mid 20’s and about an 8. I warned my friend not to marry her but when he told me she was his “best friend” I knew the dumb bastard was in love. By the time he did marry her in 97 she had fallen from an 8 to a 7.
My friend recently confessed to me that she basically stopped fucking him shortly after they married. I haven’t seen her in person in years but I have seen a recent picture of her. She is a fat, ugly, hag with a face that would force a skunk off a narrow trail. My friend’s net worth is somewhere North of 10 million dollars and he and his wife live in a community property state. They are separated but not divorced and she is living in his 1.2 million dollar home while he lives in an apartment.
The dumb bitch smokes and my friend doesn’t. I know his strategy is to simply wait for her to die. I have called him on it, and he denies it, but I know it’s true. I told him to give her unfiltered camels and pray.
I love the picture that draws. And it is so often true.
‘nightmares with tits’
It’s not worth it. I have seen men engage with women who were clinically insane because they had no other options and were terrified of ending up alone. Or women who were pathological con-artists who took them for every last cent (on that note, you only hear about female victims of ‘lonely heart’ con-men, but it happens just as often to men)
Because of the unfair protections that women enjoy, it is many times more difficult for the man to recover from female predators than vice-versa.
LOL, Good gravy man, you remind me of a kid at my old grade school who would have to ‘educate’ any lunch lady who put his fries on the left side of the plate and his hot dog on the right:
‘Because when you put the fries on the left, the Earth’s rotation slows down by 1%, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, some old guy’s rhoids flare up, but at least you put the weeny in the bun facing north to south, rather than south to north.‘
That’s the key point he missed. Ideology, morals, beliefs are top down. Remove the Jews and put the Taliban in their place and American women will become the most trad and based women in the world after a generation or two. More trad and based than American men even.
I think Anglin mixes up cause and effect. Women are more susceptible to propaganda and conforming to social norms, they are more easily shamed into believing what they are told to believe. So, when you see women support all this ‘virtue signalling’ destructive garbage, it’s not because it’s women who invented said garbage and are the main promoters of it. It’s that the powers that be invented it and promote it and women fall for it more easily than men. I bet German and Italian women in 1930s-1940s were the biggest supporters of the masculine regimes in their countries. Is there any evidence that the Nazi party had any less electoral support with German women than with men?
Sure, modern Western women should be re-educated. But the solution is to have someone based and redpilled in power who will have them re-educated, not changing voting rules. Voting never does anything anyway, no matter who is allowed to vote.
It depends on what media you let yourself be exposed to. FCC and GDP are acronyms people are supposed to know. I don’t know about USD. United States Dollar? University of South Dakota, or maybe San Diego. Or something else. Dubya was president. MGT (Marjorie Taylor Greene) is only a member of Congress.
Sorry about slowing down your excited mind there, but it happens. At least you don’t capitalize whole words for emphasis. Doing that is the mark of a true idiot. Yes, you pay attention. Yes, you ignore.
Thank you so much for your question. It is straightforward and clearly sincere.
So far have East and West drifted apart since King Menandros (a Greek in India who followed in the wake of Alexander the Great) engaged in philosophical dialogue with the Buddhist monk Bhante Nagasena (this is preserved in a still-extant Pali scripture called the Milindapanna) that India and Europe, which almost used to speak the same language, can now barely understand what the other is trying to say.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explains to his charioteer Arjuna that the very core of our being is the “atman”: the indestructible, eternal self. The Christian idea of the “soul” comes very close. Every being “has” an atman just as every cannonball has a center of gravity.
If one were to descend in a hot air balloon above the limestone landscape of fantastically- sculpted mountains characteristic of the coast of South China, and there was present a very heavy and level cloud cover, it would appear that the mountains were separate, individual “entities” distinct from one another. Descending through the cloud cover, which in Sanskrit is “Maya” (delusion), we would discover that the mountains are actually not separate, but part of one thing, the Earth.
In Sankrit, this “Earth” which is the actual ground and essence of the seemingly-separate “peaks” is called “Brahman”, the true, eternal unity of all not-actually-separate souls. All individuation is only appearance. The three characteristics of Brahman are “Sat, Chit, Ananda”: Being, Consciousness, Bliss. That can be translated as “God” in the sense that Baruch Spinoza spoke of “God”. You are not separate from God: you are God. Just as everything else is.
When Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa was a boy in 1880s Bengal, he was out on a summer’s day among the vibrant green of rice paddies. A storm suddenly came up. The sky turned dark gray. A flock of cranes suddenly rose up from the rice field, shafts of sunlight highlighting them as blinding white against the grey sky. Ramakrishna was overcome with ananda: Bliss. He went into samadhi and fell backwards into the rice paddy. At that moment, there was no “Ramakrishna”. He was the cranes; he was the dark sky, he was the Bengali boy, he was the rice paddy. All was Brahman; All was God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss. No separate self, no space, no time. Only Brahman.
Henry Higgens asks “Why does every one do what the others do?”
All these women baking sour dough bread when women haven’t baked bread (outside the bread machine fad) for nigh on decades. And they won’t use regular yeast. They’re not interested. Just sourdough. Because that is (or was) the millennial fad. (just like raising chickens, like Heinrich Himmler!)
That is really the truth about these creatures, they are slaves to fashion, and we know who is in charge of “fashionable opinions.”
Women, when they think they have power, are as keen on bullying as men, you wouldn’t think it given the lower testosterone that they’d have quite the same inclination, but they really are keen on it, and it is very dangerous because they so readily say and do what all the others are saying and doing.
The support for feminism on the Right is truly an abomination but it isn’t surprising given the dissenter Protestant roots of America.
Thank you for entirely proving my point.
I love it when that happens and it does often.
Such huge blind spots you critters have.
You could drive a truck thru them.
‘nightmares with tits’
I love the picture that draws. And it is so often true.
I eventually figured out, MTG is U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sprinkle your prose with undecipherable acronyms, and it just become your own private Newspeak.
That acronym is not something I invented. How can you possibly not know that Marjorie Taylor Greene is referred to literally everywhere as ‘MTG’? That’s like not knowing that ‘Dubya’ meant Bush Jr’s simple-minded, privileged ass.
But when I see or hear MTG, a song pops into my head.
‘MTG against the FCC about the GDP and the USD eating Chef Boyardee’
I cite the people elected by blacks as an example in support of my position. Hank Johnson and Maxine Waters are two of the stupidest people ever to walk the planet and have won a combined 35+ elections via the black vote.
Don’t forget to include this ‘Yippee-Ki-Eh’ Coon:
Floridian nig-nogs, kikes, and White leftists have kept this rodeo clown in office since 2011.
I think it's a perennialist thing. An archetypical way of viewing the world common to all cultures. At least that is my guess. The basic or fundamental human dichotomy is male-female. Thus it is not surprising to find that language often follows this pattern. However arbitrary the results might sometimes seem.
Yin and yang is Asian nothing to do with some European languages. Lê and la..
La for nouns ending in E is one of the rules of French grammar. But there are exceptions. Lê and la have absolutely nothing to do with sex. The use of lê or la is solely dependent on the last letter of the noun.
It developed 3 or 4 thousand years ago in Latin. And has been preserved in all the Latin languages.
What those grammarians did thousands of years ago doesn’t make sense to us today. . It is what it is.
If you want to learn a Latin language it’s best to just memorize lê lá el the correct article with each noun.
Jeez, ‘Washerwoman-Repulse’ is one hideous kike, Jews generally look like sheep (Barbara Streisand) or rats/mice (Ben Stiller) but she looks like Don Knotts transvestite great-grandson. Seth Rich’s ghost should come back to get revenge on her.
About 3 or 4 thousand years ago people speaking and reading certain languages decided well, the experts decided that lê la un une sounded better with certain last letters of nouns.
Which you would know if you ever took a high school freshman language course And heard your teacher explain it all to you. And told the class not to try to make sense of it. Just memorize lê or la with each noun.
There are a few rules hence la beard or la mustache because both words in French end in E. But there are so many exceptions it’s not worth trying to understand.
Just memorize lê or la with each noun.
But since you were on the mental disability track you never took a foreign language course in high school ignoramos of unz
Anglin is amusing. But you commenters are the dumbest of the dumb.
Whites comprised close to one-third of the global population in 1900. Today, it’s probably 7-8% at best. But if that’s the price that must be paid to have fewer White women in the world, then it’s a fair trade-off. The c#### will kill off their own children out of sheer selfishness, so the fewer WW we have, the better.
Acronym police here. You ask, Can you imagine MTG’s husband telling her that she is wrong on anything or to STFU and cook him an omelet?
I eventually figured out, MTG is U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sprinkle your prose with undecipherable acronyms, and it just become your own private Newspeak. The AP (Associated Press) is an execrable organization but they get a few things right. They have a list of acceptable acronyms you do not have to spell out, and the rest, you do.
Thank you for this thoughtful and interesting comment.
Forgiveness comes after repentance.
When Anglin prints profane and ridiculous things, the Overton window within his blast radius is entirely destroyed. He is a suicide bomber whose work counteracts crimestop.
I thank him for the sacrifices, and this publisher too, for recognizing the importance of these writings. Once the vanguard clears the area, others can follow and refine.
Yin and yang is Asian nothing to do with some European languages. Lê and la..
I think it’s a perennialist thing. An archetypical way of viewing the world common to all cultures. At least that is my guess. The basic or fundamental human dichotomy is male-female. Thus it is not surprising to find that language often follows this pattern. However arbitrary the results might sometimes seem.
In Chinese, for instance, pronouns are not gendered in speech, but are in their respective written characters.
Considering French, it may not be at first intuitive, or maybe it is, but both ‘belle’ and ‘bete’ use the article ‘la’. That sort of surprised me at first. But once you think about it…
I admittedly know basically nothing about Hinduism, but the quotation you provide seems to support rather than refute Anglin’s point. “I am that,” i.e., the “limitless Being,” certainly indicates that each person is the ultimate being, a concept that is 100% consistent with egoism. If not, what am I missing?
Maybe, maybe not. I’m not at all sure.Is it accidental that femme, frau, donna, and mujer are grammatically feminine, while homme, Mann, uomo, and hombre are grammatically masculine?It’s an interesting question. How did ‘femininity’ and ’masculinity' creep into ‘grammar’ if not by some natural affinity?Any philologists here today?Replies: @Alden, @Az2121
The gender noun endings and the... words have absolutely nothing to do with sex. Or objects commonly used mostly by men or mostly by women.
Fair point. I am certainly not a philologist, but note anecdotally that the German word for milk – “Milch” – is feminine, “die Milch.” Coincidence? Yeah, maybe or as you posit, maybe not.
I stopped reading at this quote. A quick scan of the rest suggests that he went on the topic of atheism and religion, which is equally foolish.
Women tend to be nurturing and largely disregard harsh realities (men who have feminine traits tend to follow women on this), while men understand that the world isn’t fair and you need authority based on hierarchy in order to maintain order.
The flaw in YOUR theory is that while supplanting control and safety to the “group” supposedly benefits the group, the truth is that in fact doing so gives control to the mean, including some of the dumbest of the group. I don’t want or need people dumber than I making decisions for me. A hierarchical/performance-based order is more likely to develop leaders who are at least above the mean in terms of intelligence and accomplishment.
I cite the people elected by blacks as an example in support of my position. Hank Johnson and Maxine Waters are two of the stupidest people ever to walk the planet and have won a combined 35+ elections via the black vote.
The comment from the Dostoevsky character is demonstrably true. I have found that fortunately, very slim girls tend to remain slim, and girls with any amount of excess mass tend to become fat, even obese. Lesson: Date only very slim girls and then marry only a slim girl.*
* Note that this advice removes about 95% of black and Latin girls from the dating pool and encourages relations with fit white girls and Asians. Anecdotal evidence in support of the theory.
I never made that claim. Where did I mention 'sex' in language? Reading comprehension is important.
The gender noun endings and the and a words have absolutely nothing to do with sex.
Yin and yang is Asian nothing to do with some European languages. Lê and la un and une is according to the last letter of the noun. That’s all.
I think it's a perennialist thing. An archetypical way of viewing the world common to all cultures. At least that is my guess. The basic or fundamental human dichotomy is male-female. Thus it is not surprising to find that language often follows this pattern. However arbitrary the results might sometimes seem.
Yin and yang is Asian nothing to do with some European languages. Lê and la..