Robert Toombs appears to given a much better informed and more hopeful answer. Trumps judicial appointments should be good for sanity on bithright citizenship however much one may lament the reality of political appointments.
Thank you. I depart UR Comments on this occasion without feeling guilty about a time wasting indulgence 🙂
My knowledge of US law is not great and I hadn’t even heard of the case you cite. But I can try and sort out the different kinds of relevant argument..
1. Some immigrants could create a crime problem, though few do. That is maybe just an everyday police problem.
2. Poor people anywhere may be a source of cost to Americans as taxpayers or charitable givers. But it is arguable that letting them become a major cost within US borders is reason for throwing out the politicians who allow it.
3. Likewise they should not be allowed to disrupt the bottom end of the labor market and that’s a sustainable argument even if you don’t extend it to the effect of Indians taking the software jobs (which one probably should, in a nuanced way).
4. Some local effects on the housing market should be subject at least to light touch intervention. (Rather bizarrely, some would think, a Chinese billionaire was – at least supposedly – required to sell a $25 million established house that he had bought in Sydney. It would have been OK if the block was vacant after a fire and he had constructed an identical building). At least local lawyers should prosper finding the loopholes.
5. The big one – coequal with the next for the US – is allowing immigrants to become voting citizens before they have become fully American. I would say the general rule would be that a family should be net taxpayers/contributors for 15 years before becoming citizens – with a few exceptions only.
6. Birthright citizenship is the other big one. It seems unlikely that the 14th Amendment can be amended. So…. legal sanctions, direct and indirect, against the parents and extended families should be tough and nasty. As an offset the US government should pay for good maternity hospitals, and hostels for the very pregnant just over the Mexican border. Yes, in slack times they should be able to cater for poor Americans, not least PoC, with consular assistance for their further emigration. And, beyond that last, if-you-like flippant suggestion it may be worth makng sure some big city maternity hospitals are on foreign territory by reason of being or being in diplomatic premises. I’ld like to know I have got the law right there from someone entitled tto charge for giving an answer. (Back up the use of such maternity facilities by very heavy fines on parents who fail to).
Whatever used to be the case (points of which can be debated), the thing is, NOW it has become necessary to stop this practice. Foreigners heavily abused the U.S. immigration system, leaving us with no other choice than to take all steps possible to get the situation under control. Please note that the U.S. people didn’t bring this about; the ones who brought it about are the abusers. And they assuredly don’t care as much as actual U.S. citizens do that some disenfranchised individuals will have a long road ahead on the path of LEGAL immigration. The people to blame for all of this are the illegal cheats.
This is what is so contemptuous about the charade over Trump’s enforcement of immigration, asylum, and border laws, that technicalities and “due process” are having the INTENDED effect of ruining law and order.
Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Donovan who cited RILR v. Johnson, which said the Executive branch can’t discourage asylum. This is EXACTLY why there is a caravan now. The people know they can claim asylum and disappear in the US.
These economic migrant enablers are telling citizens, “fuck you,” so Trump is saying “fuck you, too.”
Good work, there, Toombs.
Let me add one more bit of reading to your list, and that is the Mexican Constitution. It clearly states that children born of Mexican parents are Mexican no matter where they are born. At this time, if they are born in America they also acquire American citizenship. But since they are Mexican everywhere and American only if born on US territory, then Mexico surely has the primary connection with these people, thus should have the say concerning “jurisdiction thereof.”
The “tourist baby” scam is just too transparent for words. The Wong Kim Ark case clearly gives two characteristics for considering an otherwise foreign child born on US territory to have citizenship. These are “permanent domicile” and “carrying on business”. Tourists are thus barred from getting American citizenship on their quickie vacation.
ACLU Jew Lawyer’s probably will do it 100% Free…Then get paid with usa taxpayer shekels$$, after the big win case. Especially now with us house reps under dem commie lefty lib control. ACLU is picky on types cases they agree to do though…They flat out refuse All pro 2nd amend gun Rights cases. They claim where 2nd states…”Right of The People” does NOT apply to Persons! What else can the people mean?….Pots and pans maybe? Between commie dems+ aclu+ Spineless Repubs, most anyways, Look for far greater illegal invader aliens to be allowed entry, and Fast Track citizenships…Later on, Look for vast war via fed up Whiteys.
One day in usa future, you just may see TV News debates on…”Just How Many avg sized human bodies can be supported on a single Stout Oak Tree Branch?” and, “Are we going to see massive national shortages of….ROPE?”
Surely if those aliens in Mexico – so far only illegally present in Mexico – think they can sue in the US it can only be because some shyster lawyers have said that if they just get up $25,000 in deposits a class action can be begun. Indeed I can imagine some non lawyer agents selling the proposition like some of the shysters who got people to sign up for ninja loans before 2008.
The Supreme Court has been overly generous in doling out “rights” that are not part of the Constitution. The 14th Amendment is not well defined enough to be a law unto itself and allowing the SCOTUS to write law based on it is why we have such a mess now and why people think Amendments they don’t like can be interpreted out of the Constitution.
Look at the nonsense now. Illegal aliens in Mexico on the caravan think they have a right to sue the US government on an equal protection basis for not letting them in. This is the kind of madness that grows from having court decisions establish law.
I was wrong perhaps to use the word “accord”. But it remains true that the Fourteenth Amendment logically requires courts, ultimately SCOTUS, to use their judicial techniques – quite different in the case of the two judges I have known and the one who used to correspond with my first boss, but honestly believed in – to determine what purported legislation or executive acts might be inconsistent with the citizenship of the US and therefore invalid. I don’t remember, if I ever did know, how far the due process and equal protection provisions which only refer explicitly to the states might have been held to apply to the US government also. Shades of the decision on Obamacare [I think that was the recent case where tricky use was made or proper use was avoided of the reference to states]. No doubt SCOTUS could decide now that the 14th Amendment didn’t prevent the US government discriminating between citizens but that would still come back to setting a base line of citizenship rights such as I suggested, not by “according” them but by recognising them. There could hardly be disagreement on the right to live in the country though….. what about provisions wrt loss of or renunciation of citizenship….?
A single Tomcat would quell a race war because blacks live in inner-cities.
for some reason you’re assuming that the military would be used against blacks and not whites
we already know the FBI, CIA, State Dept, and DOJ support the continued invasion of this country and for the most part appear to be anti-white as well.
Thank St. Ronnie the Lionhearted for creating those immigration courts as part of his amnesty.
Presumably there would be some absolutely minimum rights that SCOTUS would accord to all born in the US.
This is the heart of our problem with a Supreme Court. The SCOTUS is not there to accord people (any people) rights. It is there to determine if statutes passed by the Congress are consistent with the US Constitution. It should only do that. However, it is full of clowns who think their law degrees give them a superior knowledge of everything. It is up to Congress to clarify these issues. All the SCOTUS should do is punt it back to Congress for further clarification if there is no clear Constitutional issue.
They were more than happy to do that in the Miller case when they punted it back to the lower courts to buy time for the 1934 NFA. They made no decision but came up with the dodge that the weapon at issue had not been determined to be of militia use.
Yep, You got it down pat quite well. Glad to see yet another person so awake. Thanks for your reply too.
I too have wondered about these things.
The very powerful behind the scenes can read. And this gets into sensitive areas about belief, but, how far would some go to make events appear to be something of God when it wasn’t?
As you’ve mentioned these persons, just as you and I, can read both the New and Old Testaments.
I think it was the renegade Israeli spy Victor Ostrosky (IIRC) who said, paraphrasing, ‘I can think eight moves ahead to outwit them, but the people he dealt with could think twelve moves ahead.’
And then when you read the actual history of the Jewish return to the state of Israel, ie the Balfour Declaration and somewhere in there getting the US to join Britain in the war against Germany as part of the arrangement, you have to ask is that how God actually does things, or is it rather men manipulating events? And again it’s sensitive, but if it is man’s manipulations, how far back does it go? Hundreds of years, thousands potentially?
And yet many Christians not knowing all the details believe it’s all God when that may well not be the case in certain instances.
A few Koreans held them off in the LA riots. Hood Rats do not make great sharpshooters.
They have already seized the inner-cities. We can forget about those and largely have, because post-industrialization makes them irrelevant.
Whites merely have to walk away, and they win.
Hoodrats are formidable fighters but war involves guns, sharpshooters, bombs. Blacks have yet to figure out how to rig a car bomb. If they could have, Crips and Bloods would have turned Los Angeles into Lebanon.
Hood Rats need to have another hit of crack or a blunt every three hours. Which requires them to be within 30 minutes of their dealer. Even if Tyrone and Shaquila had the gas money and arms to get 40 miles into the suburbs, their jones would gnaw on them.
Whites control the food supply.
After three weeks of race war the Hood Rats would say “Where da fuel and food and sheeit…Muh dick”
and we've already seen from Ferguson, MO and the trayvon incident what the jew media is able to get them to do. Shouldn't be much trouble to start a full on race war with all non-whites attacking whitesReplies: @Jeff Stryker, @Jeff Stryker
Although Jews may allow for a short reprieve of that lower than a real ape status, as long as most blacks are willing to do a full blown Race War against Whites in America..
Where would Jews live in a race war? Not Brooklyn, we already have seen the Crown Heights riots.
Oh, and yesterday some black guy vandalized a temple.
So would the Jews proclaim neutrality like Switzerland in a race war and blacks would respect that?
and we've already seen from Ferguson, MO and the trayvon incident what the jew media is able to get them to do. Shouldn't be much trouble to start a full on race war with all non-whites attacking whitesReplies: @Jeff Stryker, @Jeff Stryker
Although Jews may allow for a short reprieve of that lower than a real ape status, as long as most blacks are willing to do a full blown Race War against Whites in America..
A single Tomcat would quell a race war because blacks live in inner-cities.
They do not own the land or the primary resources-fuel, agribusiness, mining, forestry, cattle. They are not self-sufficient enough to wage a race war and win. They have no supply chains.
Do Hood Rats have an air force? How are Tyrone and Laquisha going to conquer the suburbs or rural areas? With one AR-15 and a spare clip?
Especially when every one hour or so they need another hit off a crack pipe or blunt. How can you conquer Idaho or DC when you have to be within 30 minutes drive of your local dealer?
If the CIA cut of the cocaine and weed supplies, they would probably surrender.
In fistfights, they are formidable. But guns even things out. And whites have a better capacity for organized military campaigns.
They could not figure out how to use explosives. This is why Crips never rig remote controlled car bombs.
Let’s face it. They would be mincemeat in a race war if they ventured out of their ghettos. Half of them would be blown to bits by improvised land mines.
for some reason you're assuming that the military would be used against blacks and not whiteswe already know the FBI, CIA, State Dept, and DOJ support the continued invasion of this country and for the most part appear to be anti-white as well.
RACE WARA single Tomcat would quell a race war because blacks live in inner-cities.
Because in their own country they can work hard, be of good character — and make $2 a day.
so, doesn’t mean they can come here and steal from me
cost of living is much lower there too
someone posted a chart the other day that said that Central American has expanded its population by like 27x in the last 50 or so years – its like feeding rats
Although Jews may allow for a short reprieve of that lower than a real ape status, as long as most blacks are willing to do a full blown Race War against Whites in America..
and we’ve already seen from Ferguson, MO and the trayvon incident what the jew media is able to get them to do. Shouldn’t be much trouble to start a full on race war with all non-whites attacking whites
I am not defending the migrants – I do NOT want to kill them – you want to kill them.
What is wrong with YOU!
i didn’t say that
if some get shot because they don’t respect the border that’s fine with me and will serve as a lesson to others who wish to try the same thing. once word filters around they’ll finally figure out “Uh oh, whitey’s serious this time, looks like the party’s over”
"invasion is war."
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
Art: Consider how some folks state that, if anyone enters their private home, like in a B & E robbery, or even any other nefarious reasons, they the home owner, will Not shoot dead such a perp. And will instead, as long s perp obeys command to halt actions, rather simply allow perp to just exit home and leave…Go else where….Okay…Now…What If…Said perp first armed home owner allowed to leave in peace…..Decides hey that was easy!…so Now I will try again at a different house!
How much Guilt is upon first home owner, when after releasing perp in peace, perp goes to another house, Rapes and Murders a women home owner at That 2nd location?…Suppose perp again escapes freely, and does the same rapes and murders at a dozen more homes?….Yet…If first home owner never let perp leave and did shoot perp dead….NO such future rapes or murders would have happened.
Perhaps having that info of every crime done since You let perp invader go scott free, on ones mind will be akin to a curse upon them. As in, If Only I did shoot that perp when at My home…Today all those dead women be still alive…
And incase you will say, they can instead call cops to arrest perp or can shoot to wound in arm or leg instead?…In Todays world, wound a perp only, get sued for All you ever own, plus perp is likely to return later to shoot You for wounding his leg. Cops and arrest? Then appear in a court as witness?
Re-Read part above on how, todays perp likely to Return to shoot You dead.
Any perp that decides to Invade a private and occupied home, Knows his or her chances of being shot dead by armed owner is very Highly possible..If they still invade? Too Bad if killed in action.
If Live By the sword and Die by the sword has any validity, and yes it does, then must there not be Good men with a sword also, willing to be that Good armed man whos ready and willing to Fullfil the karma like quote? How else will bad men that live by the sword be also killed by a sword?
See How it works Art?….Good swordsmen remain Good men….Bad men do not. Our Nation Is an Extention of Our private homes. Our safty apllies be we at home or out and about. Danger dont stop when one leaves his door step. And even if just one single alien invader from a caravan ends up as a, Bad man type discused prior?…Thats one too many.
No work for illegals, no illegals.
That’s the key. I think fines would suffice, the wallet is the most sensitive part of fat cats’ anatomy (as opposed to human anatomy).
Yes. Peace at times means violent death of those who make it impossible. What matters Most is that We maintain the Moral high ground upper hand. And those who use Rocks as a weapon, are no different than if used a gun or knife…Phys harm or death due to a gun, knife or rock, is still harm or death. Once an official notice has been given to invaders to Halt!…If they refuse to obey or go back…Oh well, we warned them. No not same as small pallie kids with rocks vs IDF armed soldiers. Small 5 yr olds with small stones are one issue…Adults with Large Rocks a whole new ballgame.
Just ask some dead White woman killed by a knife by her Black rapist attacker if she rather be dead from a plastic bag over her head so she suffocates instead.
Invasions Are an Act of War. Regardless who or what motivated said invaders. Anybody stupid enough to join in an invasion into another nation, too bad if They get hurt or killed.
What if once inside usa borders, the same perps who engineered this fiasco, tell the invader forces, that Now they need go into Individual, Personal Homes and Demand aide and food etc or else if denied asked for aide…Simply Take it! And do not let any home owner to resist. Because if they resist your demands and takings, then You can rely on self defense laws to protect Invaders from charges of B&E of occupied building and even of Killing home owners.
Yes sounds crazy, but so does 3 caravans with as many as 7 thousand invaders, each, headed into America.
Yet that is happening. You Cannot put Anything past those behind this invasion. They will do whatever it takes to destroy a White majority America. And now today, many or most such perps feel the vast Heat rising Hotter each day as far more folks awaken to it all. But the perps no matter how futile it looks for their total success at hijacking America, will Never stop trying.
We/You, are dealing with a mindless and robotic, rabid deep desire that knows No bounds in doing another Bolshevik Revolt like they did in 1917 Russia…No Bounds. It to them perps, is either total 100% success at destruction of ALL we/You hold near and dear, or else, period.
And remember we long ago past the point where…If You are a European White Male or Female, No Matter What You Say, or Do…..They the perps are going to call You a Evil Nazi Racist, and an Antisemite Hitler.
Just look at the too many to count examples of the many, many, White Officials, and Famous persons who even after repeated claims of, Sorry, I am so, so, sorry for this or that, and this or that changes and is added to Daily now, and yet they are Still massively Hated, and despised by Every form mass media especially TV News shows…Mel Gibson perhaps?…Millions Paid out to various Jew orgs. Many times stated how deeply sorry he is…To No Avail.
So…If You are a European White Man or Woman, and even a small kid, you may as well, Go All Out. Because you at this point either have zero, nothing to lose…Or…Very Soon will.
Thanks for the reply. And the news info links too. I fully agree, they always know in advance since it is They who conjure up and cause these issues and agendas to happen. I recall also viewing tv cspan one day during senate committee hearings on Hate speech and Hate Crimes…Eric Holder, acting AG under Hobammy Our first 1/2 monkey prez, was the only person present when I tuned in.
When one committee senator asked Holder about, why it seems Only Whites so far have ever got charged in such hate crimes or hate speech?…Holder sprang to action, and stated how…He will NEVER even consider any charges criminal or otherwise on ANYBODY else But a White person. When senator again asked Why it that?…Holder stated verbatim the exact same crap teachings todays college and public school kids receive as if Factual and true…Holder said, because All Whites and Only Whites are Racists! And how, this is due to they are Born a racist! Its in their DNA Makeup! So therefore, Holder would never, ever even consider to charge any of, “His people of Color” in such hate crime acts……He added how his minds made up this is true fact and nothing will convince him otherwise.
If Any White official, or even a reg avg whitey guy from main street usa said what Holder stated, about Blacks or Jews instead of Whites as born a racist?
That White would get roasted alive and worse. Eric Holder is immune due to being a superior African Black. Holder is too stupid and blinded to realize his, Noble Savage status is a Temporary status from his Jewish masters, and will expire the same day Jews decide they have enough total control to announce it as new official policy of 100% Jew run American control…by That afternoon every usa black will be treated lower than a Real Ape by 99+% of usa Jewry.
Although Jews may allow for a short reprieve of that lower than a real ape status, as long as most blacks are willing to do a full blown Race War against Whites in America..But once war ends, negroes be back to less than a real Ape in eyes of most Jews.
But America just may be the place in history where international Jewry discovers that this time around, they have Bit Off far More than they ever can, Jew….Time shall tell, Tic-Toc.
and we've already seen from Ferguson, MO and the trayvon incident what the jew media is able to get them to do. Shouldn't be much trouble to start a full on race war with all non-whites attacking whitesReplies: @Jeff Stryker, @Jeff Stryker
Although Jews may allow for a short reprieve of that lower than a real ape status, as long as most blacks are willing to do a full blown Race War against Whites in America..
This is one of the biggest loads of old libtard bollocks ever written! (and I just read the first 3 lines!)
I think Jews behind all these major issues, read the Old Testament bible, and have been Making things happen per it. In order to convince folks that every word written is Gods words and commands etc….Especially all those mid east wars that suddenly began after, 9/11 events.
And boy oh boy, this sure has worked swell in totally convincing 65 Million Evangelical apostates eh….Mondays TV News reports that…USA Military just Carpet Bombed 10 thousand Innocent non-combatants in, name any mid east nation other than Israel…And all are dead. Then a few usa planes had several remaining lazar guided precise rockets left…And flew over a Wedding reception of 200 other Islamic party goers, and carpet bombed them too for good measure…OK..Now Go ask your nearest member of that squad of Jew worshipping Evangelicals, what does it all mean, that News….Their answer will be…”Oooooo Oooo Looky Looky Gods Prophesy is being fulfilled as we speak!…And rah Rah Rah go America, we gotta Bless them Jews or Gods gonna Curse us and America too!….Just oooie gooey all about dead, non-Jews, eh.
Just listen to most any of that bunch of loons, about all they talk of is how…Look what happened with or about this or that war or event or issue last week….Its OT Gods word being fulfilled folks!
However none ever mention nor likely know that their KJV of OT books have been Re-written at least 3 times by those Ancient and post AD eras Jewish Scribes (lawyers?) The latest most current is, IIRC, the Masoretic versions….Worse yet even their often touted bible version of Cyrus Scofield’s demented, drunken mind, has also been Re-written at least 3 times!..The last being just prior to 1967 Israel instigated and started War…..Someone re wrote several parts to make Jews look more like Victims, and to obtain yet Greater support from evangelicals for all issues Jewish & Israel.
And just look how good it all worked!..The duped apostate souls fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Now I am not saying the bible isn’t gods words, but one must understand that not every single word wrote is to be taken as absolutely word for word as written. Many parts are written to cause you to see things in a certain light. Example…Some sections refer to a week of 7 days equals 7 thousand Years, a 1,000 yrs per each Day of 24 hrs….Other parts state a day as One year.
When Christ stated he’d return in Two days or less…Then added that, A Day with the LORD is as a thousand years as we humans know it…That does NOT mean take it literally as an exact 2,000 yrs and He’d return back to earth…Obvious today since it is now 2018.
It was more meant to convey a Very Long time frame, so folks Back in His times should not worry nor be very concerned about His actual Return. Better to be mindful of their Current events and lives etc…..Yet if each word is an exact thing and means it as per word written, evangelicals can be easy to dupe and scam.
Plus most of their pastors and leadership are nothing more than modern day, Judaizers.
Those so duped mostly ignore the entire or almost entire NT which is mainly the Main play book and rule book of Christianity…Those dupes remain stuck in old testament scriptures, and strive to be like, act like, Speak like Puritanical OT Jewry…Sort of copy cats with deep desires to Be a Jew!
As “If” speaking such as, Thou haseth to Beith likeith theeith etc…Is the Key secret method to enter heaven, and maybe even get a Free Pass into it like those born Jewish get!…As…IF!
Of all combined problems we see and endure today and all our lives so far, that any truly awake folk Know is and has been the evil work of international Jewry and Zios. Most would never have occurred in America, if they didn’t receive such vast support, and defense of Jewry from those 65 million Duped apostate souls…..If they Did read their NT books, perhaps they’d stumble upon a few Paul written verses, that describe of and Warn about what will happen to those who fall for and follow teachings of the, Judaizering Pastors and Priests…It states that. They are going to Lose their Salvation already gained. And be then Unable to ever regain salvation again. The dupes claim a once saved, always saved counter spin. So, is ok to murder a person, then die a moment later, and still enter heaven? Not very likely…..Their, Just recite the Jesus prayer and instantly saved and its forever claim is Pure Bunk.
Any wonder why those NT books speak a lot about the Many so called Christians and folks who believe they are saved, will end in Hell too?…Lost Salvation, that’ll do it, eh! And the Fast Track to Loss is to follow after and be like the, Judaizering fool pastors.
There also is a big deal in OT made of how one of the many curses from God, is going to be that, (means as a Nation and pertained to Ancient 12 tribes Israel,) that first they shall Be Lenders to many, and top Rulers…But due to their failures to Obey their OT covenant, will get cursed to become Borrowers in deep debt, and loss of national leadership to a Lesser Alien type of Invaders!
Exactly what we see happening across America, No? USA Was main Lender nation on earth, lending and assisting most other countries….Also we had European White Men as Leaders and Rulers of America….Today its changed into Borrower nation deeply in debt, with mainly Blacks and Jews as leaders….With Jew run Banksters in control of purse strings.
Did God cause this mess?…To make OT Curses Prophesy accurate and word for word correct as written?…NO!…Satanic minded People did all this crap…and just maybe one major reason is to convince folks the OT biblical Prophesies about so called self chozens, is all correct etc.
This way folks be far more easy to swindle and scam into a real solid belief that, Jewry can do NO wrongs and really are some special chozen sect…A great scam to gain full control of a Nation and its Money Powers, eh. Yet still a huge scam. Except for those 65 million dupes it seems.
Yes. Thankyou for the clarification.
"invasion is war."
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
‘p.s. Again – I believe in a strong border – ZERO leakage – but NO killing of migrants.’
A law mandating a week in the pokey for any employer who cannot demonstrate he checked every hire’s right to work would solve the problem.
I’ve given up and hired illegals. I wouldn’t have done it if there’d been a meaningful risk of having to go to jail as a result. Few people find the thought of jail attractive.
…and if there’s no work, they won’t come.
they are invaders nonetheless. the ones who do work are SCABS looking to undercut wages and of course the business owners are happy they don't have to pay American workers an honest wage. The ones who don't work are basically coming here as thieves and parasites.If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren't they building their own countries?Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army....
‘…If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren’t they building their own countries?’
Because in their own country they can work hard, be of good character — and make $2 a day.
I don’t have anything against them. I don’t have anything against you. No, you can’t move into my house, and no, I don’t think we should let any more people into our country. It’s nicely filled already, thank you.
so, doesn't mean they can come here and steal from me
Because in their own country they can work hard, be of good character — and make $2 a day.
So move to amend the Constitution to bar birthright citizenship.
It’s a win-win. It’ll energize the right and get them to the polls, and it’ll put the left in the position of defending a manifest absurdity and abuse of our laws.
It all sounds good to me. The sooner we start, the better.
"invasion is war."
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army hell bent on destruction.
Looking for work?? They are looking for tribute. That is what conquerors expect from the conquered.
I do not get why you are so insistent on shooting and death? Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art p.s. Again – I believe in a strong border – ZERO leakage – but NO killing of migrants.
If they surrender peacefully and go back, there won’t have to be any killing. But they have to go back.
That's absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.I knew that at the right time he would offer Iran a similar pathway as he did North Korea. As I mentioned before, most allies and adversaries alike suffered for listening to the Democrats' and Bush Republicans' assurances that they would remove POTUS Trump from power and then get back to business as usual. In other words, screwing over the American nation.Just ask Justin from Canada about how resisting this President works out. POTUS Trump (Pompeo, actually) has laid out the US position. He's in no rush to negotiate as he'll monkey-hammer their economy until they get smart.Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
‘…POTUS Trump (Pompeo, actually) has laid out the US position. He’s in no rush to negotiate as he’ll monkey-hammer their economy until they get smart.’
Nonsense. They got smart. That’s why they signed the 2015 deal.
We’ve decided to start a war with them anyway. Israel has told us to.
‘…Would the congress of 1868 have moved forward with this amendment if that time the US had been a welfare state as it is today? No, of course not. Enough said…
There’s also the point that in 1868, getting to the United States was extremely expensive, time consuming, and unpleasant. No one of ordinary means was going to come here just to have an anchor baby.
‘Iran has a great opportunity under this America First POTUS to get it together. Or it can suffer the consequences.’
Bull. The idea is that we are going to invade Iran no matter what it does.
‘…Too bad Trump focuses on totally irrelevant wall, where some fat cats can make money, instead of fining the employers for hiring illegals, where fat cats would lose.’
You need jail instead of fines, and you also need to nail career mom looking for cheap house-cleaning and roofer dude looking to fill out his crew for the week.
…but start enforcing it, and employment opportunities for illegals are going to dry up fast. No work for illegals, no illegals.
That’s the key. I think fines would suffice, the wallet is the most sensitive part of fat cats’ anatomy (as opposed to human anatomy).
No work for illegals, no illegals.
that was my question tooReplies: @Art
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
that was my question too
Please see #107 – thanks Art
they are invaders nonetheless. the ones who do work are SCABS looking to undercut wages and of course the business owners are happy they don't have to pay American workers an honest wage. The ones who don't work are basically coming here as thieves and parasites.If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren't they building their own countries?Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army....
If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren’t they building their own countries?
I am not defending the migrants – I do NOT want to kill them – you want to kill them.
What is wrong with YOU!
Think Peace — DO NO HARM — Art
i didn't say that
I am not defending the migrants – I do NOT want to kill them – you want to kill them.
What is wrong with YOU!
That's absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.I knew that at the right time he would offer Iran a similar pathway as he did North Korea. As I mentioned before, most allies and adversaries alike suffered for listening to the Democrats' and Bush Republicans' assurances that they would remove POTUS Trump from power and then get back to business as usual. In other words, screwing over the American nation.Just ask Justin from Canada about how resisting this President works out. POTUS Trump (Pompeo, actually) has laid out the US position. He's in no rush to negotiate as he'll monkey-hammer their economy until they get smart.Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
That’s absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.
Come on – you are not that naïve – are you?
Daddy Trump killed the Iran nuke deal, not for America – he did it for Jews – that means Javanka! America and the world do not need this upset and harm generated on Israel’s behest.
Trump is driving a wedge between America and the world, only for the benefit of Israel. The Iran sanctions are not going so great – he exempted eight countries from the oil embargo. As soon as they find ways around the sanctions – it happens.
Trump’s love interest in East Asia is talking more nukes.
Netanyahu is making Trump play kissy face with the murdering Saudi prince – MBS.
I am not saying all is lost but maybe we should sober up a little.
Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art
"invasion is war."
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army….
they are invaders nonetheless. the ones who do work are SCABS looking to undercut wages and of course the business owners are happy they don’t have to pay American workers an honest wage. The ones who don’t work are basically coming here as thieves and parasites.
If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren’t they building their own countries?
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
“invasion is war.”
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army hell bent on destruction. There is a difference, that requires a different reaction.
I do not get why you are so insistent on shooting and death?
Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art
p.s. Again – I believe in a strong border – ZERO leakage – but NO killing of migrants.
they are invaders nonetheless. the ones who do work are SCABS looking to undercut wages and of course the business owners are happy they don't have to pay American workers an honest wage. The ones who don't work are basically coming here as thieves and parasites.If they really are hardworking and of good character why aren't they building their own countries?Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
No way — that is wrong — migrants looking for work are not an invading army....
Socialism, warts and all, was not meant to be a shield for propagandists paid by the 1% or brainwashed libtards
No. It was a recipe for power, pure and simple.
Likewise, the Democrats have decided the American people are their enemy and are attempting to import enough migrants to ally with to fight the American people.
too true
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
that was my question too
Please see #107 - thanks Art
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
that was my question too �
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
That’s absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.
I knew that at the right time he would offer Iran a similar pathway as he did North Korea. As I mentioned before, most allies and adversaries alike suffered for listening to the Democrats’ and Bush Republicans’ assurances that they would remove POTUS Trump from power and then get back to business as usual. In other words, screwing over the American nation.
Just ask Justin from Canada about how resisting this President works out.
POTUS Trump (Pompeo, actually) has laid out the US position. He’s in no rush to negotiate as he’ll monkey-hammer their economy until they get smart.
Come on – you are not that naïve – are you?
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
That’s absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.
No agreement survives too long if conditions change drastically in comparison to the condition under which the agreement was made. It is only fact of life.
Is Trump taking America off the deep end with false security claims?
No, he is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the country.
Justice, tranquility, Blessing of Liberty?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Justice, tranquility, Blessing of Liberty?
To ourselves and our Posterity. Posterity is our American babies and our future descendants, who belong in America. They are not Honduran babies or Guatemalan babies who are not our Posterity and do not belong in America. They belong in their own native countries, so if they come here, we have to send them back.
I believe 100% in strong borders – that does not mean solders killing rock throwers, follows the intent of the Constitution – period.
Did you try the rock-throwing experiment? If so, how did it go?
Think Peace
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
"invasion is war."
Immigration is invasion…and invasion is war. So to have peace we must defend our borders…with violence if necessary against rock throwers who bring violence. That is the logical conclusion.
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
Gee – it was easy – you said something about Trump putting his foot down – and it triggered thoughts of the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
This Iran sanctions thing is not working out to the benefit of America or the world. Think of all the people of the world paying more for gas – just to benefit Israel.
Obama’s Iran nuke deal was the only big thing, he really got right. But Netanyahu and Javanka did not like it – therefor harm to the world must be done.
Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art
That's absurd and you know it. Look, give the man a chance.I knew that at the right time he would offer Iran a similar pathway as he did North Korea. As I mentioned before, most allies and adversaries alike suffered for listening to the Democrats' and Bush Republicans' assurances that they would remove POTUS Trump from power and then get back to business as usual. In other words, screwing over the American nation.Just ask Justin from Canada about how resisting this President works out. POTUS Trump (Pompeo, actually) has laid out the US position. He's in no rush to negotiate as he'll monkey-hammer their economy until they get smart.Replies: @Art, @Colin Wright
. . . the mess he has created in the ME sucking up to the domestic Jews and Israel.
Is Trump taking America off the deep end with false security claims?
No, he is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the country.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Justice, tranquility, Blessing of Liberty?
I believe 100% in strong borders – that does not mean solders killing rock throwers, follows the intent of the Constitution – period.
Think Peace — Do No harm — Art
They did, alas the whites disregarded every agreeent
A treaty between nations, by definition, is not an immigration policy. A treaty is an agreement between two nations. An immigration policy is the code a nation defines itself alone…to determine who may or may not enter the nation.
The Wampanoag confederation disregarded its own immigration policy to allow the Pilgrims to settle. Previously, they did not allow European settlers in their lands. That changed because Massasoit, the head of the Wampanoag confederation, was concerned about his enemies the Narragansett. He made a decision to allow the Pilgrim colonists to settle to have an ally to help him fight the Narragansett.
Likewise, the Democrats have decided the American people are their enemy and are attempting to import enough migrants to ally with to fight the American people. Disregarding your own immigration policy to fight your enemies is always a disaster…but supporting Trump will help place the worst effects of the disaster on the Democrats instead of the American people.
too true
Likewise, the Democrats have decided the American people are their enemy and are attempting to import enough migrants to ally with to fight the American people.
My point exactly.
Too bad Trump focuses on totally irrelevant wall, where some fat cats can make money, instead of fining the employers for hiring illegals, where fat cats would lose.
They did, alas the whites disregarded every agreeent
You are in the know and here is all you need to share with folks so they will know the government is a criminal organization!
“If Holder didn’t know about Project Gunrunner, why did he give a speech about it back in 2009?â€
U.S.-Mexico Border Security Policy Mar 24, 2009
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg and Deputy Attorney General David Ogden held a news conference to announce the U.S.-Mexico Border Security Policy.
“If Holder didn’t know about Project Gunrunner, why did he give a speech about it years ago?â€
Folks - it is all for the Jews - Ivanka and Jarad and grandchildren!
Commentary: Five reasons why Trump’s Iran sanctions will fail
Third, U.S. sanctions have laid the groundwork for a historic change in the global financial system. For many decades, the U.S. dollar has dominated the international financial markets. However, American withdrawal from the JCPOA has encouraged countries such as Russia, China, India and Turkey to use their local currencies to trade with Iran. If Europe succeeds in creating a financial system that is separate from the U.S. dollar, other states can use euros in trade with Iran, diminishing U.S. domination of global markets.
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
Iran has a great opportunity under this America First POTUS to get it together. Or it can suffer the consequences.
You shouldn’t be snookered by headlines/articles like this. There is a long list of countries — purported allies and adversaries alike — that have come a cropper resisting, rather than negotiating with, this President.
that was my question tooReplies: @Art
How in the world did you get yourself from Birthright Citizenship to Iran, Ivanka and the Jews!
You’ve got a valid point about the emotionalism bit.
It’s shameless.
Regarding these ‘caravans’ it’s almost as though some of the powerful people likely sponsoring it behind the scenes had read Camp of the Saints and were deliberately attempting to recreate the scenario the book describes as something of an inside bad joke.
North American Indians also did not have an immigration policy. Look what happened to them.
Which is why Americans today need Trump’s immigration policy. So what happened to them, does not happen to me and my posterity.
North American Indians also did not have an immigration policy. Look what happened to them.
Babies of Mama rabbit are little rabbits. Babies of mama wolf are little wolfs. Babies of mama illegal are little illegals.
You hit the nail on the head. However, libtards would never acknowledge that 2�2=4.
And when grow up in US will demonstrate and burn American flag and put up Honduras flag.
If that is no invasion than I do not know what is.
well, thank you for reposting those fine words of hard truth.
how you really feel.
reminds me of Robert Reich demanding that no stimulus money ever get to any "white male constructions workers".
Trump’s “base†of racists and chauvinists.
My previous post in response to your earlier entry somehow got largely chopped. If the moderator will allow for it, this was the original response in its entirety:
Now, tell us how you really feel. 😉
This is all dejavu the past half century.
In the mid to latter 19th century a serious attempt was made to flood by diktat both the US and Australia with tens of millions of Chinese wage slaves (ie so called ‘cheap labor’) via ‘mass immigration’. Elements of the corporate media in the United States were declaring it a done deal, were all for it, and that nothing would stop the soon to be Asiafication of the country. (After all, according to one 1870 publication, the long US Pacific coastline just couldn’t be controlled to stop Chinese entry, though inexplicably Spain and then Mexico had had no problem doing so for centuries).
However, in both the US and Australia a growing resistance to this phenomena (a resistance which the linked and excerpted 1874 London article below laments and loudly decries) would ultimately put a stop to it by about 1900.
Race according to the article (and ‘a dread of what might happen’ to it) was specifically identified as the primary impediment to the implementation of this scheme in both countries.
“A dread of what might happen if capitalists could command and control these vast hordes of workmen as against men of their own race, has made the labouring class, at any rate, blind to their good qualities.â€
They, the former chattel slave dealers of the British Empire (ie powerful elements of the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish people and their respective hangers on) didn’t give up though.
To combat this ‘dread’ they’ve since adopted Pavlovian conditioning (aka positive re-inforcement) with their devolopment and promotion of the cult/ideology of multi-culturalism and its integral anti-race campaign known as ‘anti-racism’, so that the people so affected will embrace their own physical, cultural, and economic displacement/destruction as all being good for them.
Sad to say such efforts have worked with a great many, though, as is readily apparent, not with all. 🙂
Pall Mall Gazette (Spring 1874) – Chinamen Out of China
‘OF late years we have heard so much of “Chinese cheap labour†from various parts of the world that it is somewhat difficult to realize the fact that not more than 200,000 Chinamen are working in foreign countries at the present time. Even this number is quite an outside estimate. America and Australia have so far been the favourite resorts for Chinese emigrants. Allowing 130,000 for the former country and 30,000 for the latter, 40,000 are left for Peru, the Sandwich Islands [ed. Hawaii], and other places; evidently a more than sufficent margin. Yet the anxiety and alarm shown have been altogether out of proportion to these figures. We cannot help thinking that this is one of these cases – more common perhaps than is readily admitted – in which imagination plays a considerable part.’
Below is a link to the full article which first appeared in a Spring 1874 edition of The Pall Mall Gazette of London and is republished here in the April 11, 1874 issue of Littell’s Living Age pg 124-127;view=1up;seq=136;skin=mobile
How can they pass thru Mexico armed?…Mexico has very antigun laws. I recall articles and tv news a few yrs ago, where some White guy from Texas went hunting in his state of Texas. Then a couple weeks later, went for a visit to shop or party in Mexico…All was swell, until he got stopped by Mexican Police/Military and after an extensive vehicle search, they found ONE single 12 Ga. Shotgun shell. The Texas guy totally cleaned his vehicle of all weapons and ammo, yet missed One 12 ga shell that rolled under back seat area or something like that. A simple mistake is all.
He ended up getting tried and convicted in a Mexican court and sent to 3 yrs Prison term in Mexican jail. And no matter what American and Texas officials tried to do to help him, it was all to No avail.
IIRC? I Think he finally got early release after he spent a full Two years in jail there!
So how does a caravan that is also Illegally entering into and passing thru the entire nation of Mexico able to be armed?…Did Our ATF & FBI Pull yet another, Fast and Furious scam again? Someone sure must have!…..People cannot buy any guns at any Mexican gun stores..Such stores do not exist there. If any do?…They exist Only for Police and Military to buy guns at.
And remember when it involves Any 3rd worlder’s, regardless what nation from, do NOT fall victim to emotional “feelings”, when they and their small kiddies stare into a tv new camera with vey sad looking eyes. They will stand there all alone like, shuffle feet a bit, stare down at ground, then stare right at camera lens and put on the sadist face and sad eyed look possible. This is for No other reason than to convince You to feel very sorry for their lot. And they also have all been highly trained and well practiced in doing this very thing….Geared totally to trigger Your, especially if a White person, pure Emotions. To be unable to think straight or think of Anything else but of how sorry you Feel for them!…DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!!!
A total, Put On. Behind those sad and sorry looking eyes and faces…Lies a wicked mind full of Gringo Hatred. Which has also been life long instilled into their minds by corrupted commies promoting and teachings this stuff. Don’t be shocked to find another Jew in the wood pile behind such stuff either.
A Sat, today, News feed I saw says the 3rd caravan has started to head to usa.
Trump needs to order a usa military Cobra chopper to fly over Mexican land close to usa border and let loose with a Chain Gun. That fires about, 2,000 rnds Per Min!…Just aim for ground areas close to caravan criminal invaders. A Strafing mission it can be called on tv news. 2,000 .308 rnds per min..Yep outta do fine job of convincing, Americans are fed up.
And You can do a start up business making nice gold badges similar to police badges. Then sell or, pass them out to everyone you consider an anti-Semite, who can then Proudly Wear said anti-Semite gold badges. This way far more folks will learn of whom and how many we number. Plus such nice gold badges worn as anti-Semite ID’s, are certain to stir up many interested folks into questioning we badge wearers. Then we can have a better chance to Jewise Up them other folks too. Then You can sell yet more gold anti-Semite badges…Soon, America will contain a vast majority of badge wearers, and it won’t take much longer for America to Proudly become, Nation #110 to give that Tribe another much needed, Big Boot Out!…..MAGA Via make America Nation #110 & Never Again!
A Chinese enrolls at UCLA. In his sophomore year, the US and China go to war.
Does the Chinese UCLA student still have to obey our traffic laws?
Can we draft him into the military to fight against China?
Therefore, not under the jurisdiction.
Babies of Mama rabbit are little rabbits. Babies of mama wolf are little wolfs. Babies of mama illegal are little illegals.
You hit the nail on the head. However, libtards would never acknowledge that 2x2=4.
Babies of Mama rabbit are little rabbits. Babies of mama wolf are little wolfs. Babies of mama illegal are little illegals.
This guy pretends to be basing his argument in the Constitution. He is just plain wrong. He and his ilk want us to believe that the sentence
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.â€
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.â€
and that the clause
and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
was added as decoration.
It’s a little dishonest not to mention that the United States did not have an official immigration policy at the time and that there was no need to make any such provisions for immigrants, legal or otherwise (a little shortsighted, I admit). It could also be argued that in the case of illegal immigrants that while they fall under the jurisdiction of our laws, we do not have sole jurisdiction because they are citizens of another country.
It’s also paranoid to fear that the Supreme Court will rule with the President’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, especially when “conservative” Justices are typically textualist. The most efficient way to determine whether or not the Constitution is open to interpretation in this regard–that “subject to the jurisdiction of” would allow for an end to automatic birthright citizenship–would be for the President to go ahead with the Executive Order, for it to proceed through the Courts, and get a SCOTUS ruling on it. If SCOTUS agrees with the President, then there is no need to change the Constitution; should they side against him it will mean an Amendment to fix (which would allow President Trump to work on some other campaign promises, such as term limits for Congress).
Would the congress of 1868 have moved forward with this amendment if that time the US had been a welfare state as it is today? No, of course not. Enough said.
Patrick, you need to step up your history. The guy who created the amendment wrote that it did not apply to non-nationals. So your charges of this being unconstitutional are false See youtube, Tom Woods show for 1 Nov. on Birthright Citizenship. He actually knows his history.
Excuse me! There is no “current” meaning of the constitution. It means what it always meant.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to say, “… to interpret its meaning in today’s language by understanding its meaning in the language of the day.”
No, we have cause to fear migrant invaders.
yep – violence, crime, and disease
He’s going to put his foot down. (Trump)
Commentary: Five reasons why Trump’s Iran sanctions will fail
Third, U.S. sanctions have laid the groundwork for a historic change in the global financial system. For many decades, the U.S. dollar has dominated the international financial markets. However, American withdrawal from the JCPOA has encouraged countries such as Russia, China, India and Turkey to use their local currencies to trade with Iran. If Europe succeeds in creating a financial system that is separate from the U.S. dollar, other states can use euros in trade with Iran, diminishing U.S. domination of global markets.
Folks – it is all for the Jews – Ivanka and Jarad and grandchildren!
America can just suck it up!
Think Peace — Do No harm — Art
FYI – Sep. 14, 2017 A permanent emergency Trump becomes third president to renew extraordinary post-9/11 powers
Proclamation 7463 declared a state of national emergency that has persisted for 16 years and continues to enlist 18,000 guard and reserve Exactly 16 years ago Thursday, President Bush signed Proclamation 7463, giving himself sweeping powers to mobilize the military in the days following terrorist attacks that crashed planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field. It allowed him to call up National Guard and Reserve troops, hire and fire military officers, and bypass limits on the numbers of generals that could serve.
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” Mark Twain
13th Amendment XIII
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen = SLAVE
Prior to the alleged ratification of the 14th Amendment, there was no legal definition of a “citizen of the United States”, as everyone had primary citizenship in one of the several states. The Constitution referred to the sovereign state citizen, and no one else.
Is Trump taking America off the deep end with false security claims?
No, he is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the country.
Is Trump leading us down a very negative fear laden path?
No, we have cause to fear migrant invaders.
Really — rock throwers and babies?
If you like, have you and a friend stand twenty feet apart from each other. Now throw rocks at each other. Let us know how the experiment progresses.
As for the babies, they can’t come here. Honduran babies belong in Honduras. Guatemalan babies belong in Guatemala. If they come here, we have to send them back.
yep - violence, crime, and disease
No, we have cause to fear migrant invaders.
Is Trump taking America off the deep end with false security claims?
No, he is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the country.
Justice, tranquility, Blessing of Liberty?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
“So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?â€
“Beto Staffers Apparently Used Campaign Funds to Support the Migrant Caravan”
He wants America to go down the Israeli road of death and war. He wants to kill rock throwers just like his Jew relatives do
i’ve had these beaners throw rocks at me before – BIG ROCKS
they don’t care if they kill you – someone they don’t even know
it could be why so many people hate them
If birthright citizenship is such a wonderful and just policy, why does no other country follow it?
Here, watch the President and then tell me whether he’s playing around:
He’s going to put his foot down.
Folks - it is all for the Jews - Ivanka and Jarad and grandchildren!
Commentary: Five reasons why Trump’s Iran sanctions will fail
Third, U.S. sanctions have laid the groundwork for a historic change in the global financial system. For many decades, the U.S. dollar has dominated the international financial markets. However, American withdrawal from the JCPOA has encouraged countries such as Russia, China, India and Turkey to use their local currencies to trade with Iran. If Europe succeeds in creating a financial system that is separate from the U.S. dollar, other states can use euros in trade with Iran, diminishing U.S. domination of global markets.
Is Trump taking America off the deep end with false security claims?
He wants America to go down the Israeli road of death and war. He wants to kill rock throwers just like his Jew relatives do (remember blood splattered daughter and son-in-law – Javanka – celebrating with Netanyahu, the giving of Jerusalem to Israel at the very same time Palestinian children were being murdered by the IDF)!
Now Trump has a new thing to fearmonger and go nuts over – anchor babies!
Is Trump leading us down a very negative fear laden path? Really — rock throwers and babies?
Is Trump politically pumping himself up, fixing FAKE fears?
Think Peace — Do No harm — Art
p.s. I love the economy and defending the border – but the rest of it is getting more and more grading.
i've had these beaners throw rocks at me before - BIG ROCKSthey don't care if they kill you - someone they don't even knowit could be why so many people hate them
He wants America to go down the Israeli road of death and war. He wants to kill rock throwers just like his Jew relatives do
For reference, the unequivocal meaning of “…and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” as explained by the Senate author of the phrase is in the 14th Amendment’s debate record, available online: Congressional Globe, 39th Congress, Pg. 2890, May 30, 1866, under the print heading “Reconstruction”.
The Federalist Society, whose list of nominees has provided the Federal and Supreme courts with its conservative appointments since the Reagan era, has birthright citizenship on its kill list. The odds are good that the current Supreme Court will end it; the odds that the court without Ginsberg will end it are 100%.
“Such an order would apply immediately to the nearly 300,000 children born to undocumented immigrants in the United States each year. If applied retroactively, it would deprive millions of young people of citizenship rights. By one estimate, such a move would double the “illegal immigrant†population overnight, increasing to 24 million the number facing the terror raids, detention and mass deportation carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”
I am not sure the complaint here. And it would empower millions of citizens to take their rightful place as citizens and the rights, responsibilities and benefits that come with it.
Sounds on target to me.
Certainly the founders stated why they wrote the Constitution. Somewhere the founders stated it’s purpose. And it seems a tad odd that they did not indicate to whom the Constitution applied, just in case it might not be obvious.
Oh my. Federalist papers? Court cases? Recorded discussions of congressional minutes? Recorded discussions of amendment applications? Good golly miss molly where oh where and why and oh why did the founders make this obscure and legalistically complex . . .
Ohh no, this is so hard to figure out. So hard and difficult lions and tigers and bears —
Ohhhh wait a minute . . . maybe, just maybe . . . aha
Here it is:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Ohhh I get it. For the descendants of US citizens — that’s what posterity means. To become a citizen one must belong to a stock already a citizen.
The article from top to bottom is nonsense. Obviously sarcasm or it ought to be.
The Constitution is not applicable to anyone except citizens. It is not universal it is locked in the frame of “We the people of the United States . . .
Though not a huge fan of the term we the people — it has no meaning for anyone outside of the US – even if they are here as guests or illegal visitors.
By the way — the president has authority over immigration enforcement.
Now, tell us how you really feel.Replies: @Rurik
It’s never a problem unless it slows down the genocidal campaign to marginalize and ultimately put a boot on the neck of the despised and fucked-over working class white man..
..They hate our guts, and demand our total capitulation. They want the little brown boys here, and the more the merrier.
And that dovetails nicely with our cultural (((elites))) agenda of turning us into the new Kulaks / Rhodesians.
Note to cock sucker: We know what you have in mind for us, and we’d simply rather not. ;)
Second class citizen status for decades has taught us that your ilk are our mortal enemies, and that there is no bottom to the depth of your depraved hatred for us.
how you really feel.
well, thank you for reposting those fine words of hard truth.
Trump’s “base†of racists and chauvinists.
reminds me of Robert Reich demanding that no stimulus money ever get to any “white male constructions workers”.
While our government subsidizes (((Goldman Sachs and Hollywood))).
They take the few scraps the guy makes working construction and then give it to wealthy corporations that make movies demonizing them.
I’ve simply had it with their butt-hurt.
Robert Reich may be one of the most butt-hurt little Jewish supremacists in the land, but that still doesn’t give him the right to use his office and power to fuck over a segment of society he’s racist against.
These shitballs slime their victims by projecting all their hatred and bile upon a group that has done them nor anyone else any harm. (“white, male construction workers” did not enslave the blacks or gas the Jews or impose gender on humanity. No. They did not loot the economy, or foist serial wars, or shoot an innocent Travon walking to the store to buy Skittles. And yet they’re blamed for all of that and everything else. And the second they point out that Affirmative Action is wrong and racist and unconstitutional… out comes the screeching shitlibs with their eternal smears of “racist!!!”.
Fuck these worthless lying scum. The real racists are the progressive left, BLM, La Raza and their Jewish supremacist handlers, driving Western civilization to the brink.
It’s just pure race-hate, 24/7, 365.
and it’s way past time they’re called out for it.
They, the former chattel slave dealers of the British Empire (ie powerful elements of the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish people and their respective hangers on) didn't give up though.To combat this 'dread' they've since adopted Pavlovian conditioning (aka positive re-inforcement) with their devolopment and promotion of the cult/ideology of multi-culturalism and its integral anti-race campaign known as 'anti-racism', so that the people so affected will embrace their own physical, cultural, and economic displacement/destruction as all being good for them.Sad to say such efforts have worked with a great many, though, as is readily apparent, not with all. :-)
“A dread of what might happen if capitalists could command and control these vast hordes of workmen as against men of their own race, has made the labouring class, at any rate, blind to their good qualities.â€ï¿½
Below is a link to the full article which first appeared in a Spring 1874 edition of The Pall Mall Gazette of London and is republished here in the April 11, 1874 issue of Littell’s Living Age pg 124-127;view=1up;seq=136;skin=mobile
Pall Mall Gazette (Spring 1874) – Chinamen Out of China‘OF late years we have heard so much of “Chinese cheap labour†from various parts of the world that it is somewhat difficult to realize the fact that not more than 200,000 Chinamen are working in foreign countries at the present time. Even this number is quite an outside estimate. America and Australia have so far been the favourite resorts for Chinese emigrants. Allowing 130,000 for the former country and 30,000 for the latter, 40,000 are left for Peru, the Sandwich Islands [ed. Hawaii], and other places; evidently a more than sufficent margin. Yet the anxiety and alarm shown have been altogether out of proportion to these figures. We cannot help thinking that this is one of these cases – more common perhaps than is readily admitted – in which imagination plays a considerable part.’�
We need to thank President Trump for taking up the issue of so-called “Birthright Citizenship.†I believe that this might be the most important thing that his administration can accomplish.
I want to provide some further information in support clarifying the invention of “birthright citizenship.â€
Readers might want to review some of the cases I will cite in the course of this letter and review the amicus brief in the case of Hamdi v Rumsfeld, heard by the Supreme Court a few years ago. (It is available online.) It is the view of the Hamdi amicus brief that children of aliens, not lawful permanent residents, while born in the United States are not citizens of the United States. This is a deliberate or ignorant misinterpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment. The key paragraph in the Fourteenth Amendment states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.â€
The important operative part of this Amendment is the phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.†It has been said by many commentators that this language was certainly clear enough when passed in 1868 but has lost its meaning with the passage of time. Therefore, reviewing some cases will show that not only have you taken the correct position but it is also the constitutional and lawful position of the United States.
I would recommend that persons desiring to become informed on this issue review the following five cases:
1. In The Slaughterhouse Cases 86 U.S. 36, (1873), we find that the Court clearly held that the Fourteenth Amendment excludes the children of aliens. In that case, the Court ruled:
The first observation we have to make on this clause is that it puts at rest both the questions which we have stated to have been the subject of differences of opinion. It declares that persons may be citizens of the United States without regard to their citizenship of a particular state, and it overturns the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States. That its main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the negro can admit of no doubt. The phrase, “subject to its jurisdiction†was intended to exclude from its operation the children of ministers, counsels, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.
Plainer language can seldom be found in the Supreme Court decisions.
2. The Fourteenth Amendment draws a distinction between the children of aliens and the children of citizens. See Minor v Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874).
3. The question of “subject to the jurisdiction†has been ruled not to mean mere presence here in the United States and subject to the laws but a direct, immediate allegiance to the United States. See Elk v Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884).
4. The Supreme Court has also held that there is no automatic birthright citizenship. See the Wong Kim Ark case, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). In this case citizenship was granted to Wong Kim Ark because his parents were permanent, lawful residents of the United States and not employed by the Chinese government.
5. Even in recent cases, the Supreme Court has refused to confirm so-called “birthright citizenship†for children of illegal aliens, temporary workers or tourists. In the case granting illegal aliens’ children the right to education, this step was rejected. See Plyler v Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 210, Note 10 (1982).
It is further shown that birthright citizenship was not created under the Fourteenth Amendment as it took an act of Congress to give American Indians (or Native Americans, if you prefer) American citizenship. This was not enacted until 1924 and clearly would have been an unnecessary step if the Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to anyone born in the United States. The Amendment was adopted in 1868, well before it was thought necessary to give Indians citizenship by Congressional action.
The Hamdi case is an example of just how stupid the interpretation popularly given by our ruling savants is.
In the Hamdi case dating from 2004, we find that the child of Saudi subjects happened to be born in the United States when his parents were on a temporary work visa here. Hamdi was then taken out of the country when still an infant and apparently has never returned to the United States since then.
He next came to the attention of the United States when he was captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan. When captured, Hamdi informed the United States Military that he was a Saudi citizen, born in America. Only later did the idea that he was an American arise.
In the Hamdi case, the Supreme Court never did reach the question as to whether or not he was actually a legitimate American citizen but simply took it as an assumption that he was. Thus, the opportunity to definitively rule in a more modern case on the phrase, “subject to the jurisdiction†was ignored by the Court.
The Hamdi case shows the present interpretation of birth citizenship can lead to a perfectly ridiculous finding. Hamdi is considered to be a citizen merely because he was born in the United States, moved out of the country when an infant, and finally took up arms against the United States and was captured on a foreign battlefield by our military. As Charles Dickens’ character Mr. Bumble stated, “If the law supposes that the law is a ass, a idiot.â€
I believe this issue of immigration and particularly birthright citizenship is the most important faced by the country at the moment. It may even prove to be more important than our conflicts overseas as the actual nation is being invaded by many hostile to our Constitution.
We should stop making the argument that we need to change the law. We must assert that the law must be properly enforced.
Permit me to make two rhetorical arguments to further this cause.
We all presume that United States citizenship has some value. If parents of a child robbed a bank, we would immediately recognize the fallacious argument that they could give the proceeds of their theft to their innocent children. So it is with citizenship. The unlawful entry of the parents into the United States should not vest their children with any right to American citizenship.
The decision by many pregnant women to come to the United States and give birth to a child should not vest those children with any rights to citizenship. We hear that Mexican mothers have been doing that for years. News reports talk about “birth tourism.†I have heard about flights from Beijing to Pacific Island American territories by late-term pregnant women organized by the Chinese to ensure that the newborns get Social Security cards immediately upon birth. What the practice of birthright citizenship has done is to take the question of who becomes an American away from the Congress and the people of the United States and entrusts it to non-citizens. In short, the birthright citizenship practice, never a real part of American law passes control of our citizenship process to foreigners, not Americans.
In summary, an executive order or a new law is not necessary. However, it would be desirable to make sure that the errors that have plagued citizenship issues for one half century or more can be clarified by either executive order, or, more concretely, legislation.
I trust this information may be of some use to the readers.
November 2, 2018 Third Migrant Caravan Is Reportedly Armed, Clashed At Border
Following clashes at the Southern Mexican border Trump escalated rhetoric and may send up with 15,000 soldiers in total to the southern US border.
Of the Fourteenth Amendment:
Trump’s threat, whether or not he carries it out, is a significant step towards a presidential dictatorship in America. It is the first time that a president has claimed the right to rewrite the text of the Constitution to suit his political preferences. It flies in the face of the plain language of the Constitution itself, ...
If a president can rewrite the Fourteenth Amendment, claiming that immigration poses a threat to US national security, why not the First Amendment,
and yet an entire class of citizens have been denied equal protection of the laws for a generation - White men.
The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".
Just consider that one statement for its grinding dissonance with the truth.
Trump’s threat, whether or not he carries it out, is a significant step towards a presidential dictatorship in America. It is the first time that a president has claimed the right to rewrite the text of the Constitution to suit his political preferences.
It’s never a problem unless it slows down the genocidal campaign to marginalize and ultimately put a boot on the neck of the despised and fucked-over working class white man..
..They hate our guts, and demand our total capitulation. They want the little brown boys here, and the more the merrier.
And that dovetails nicely with our cultural (((elites))) agenda of turning us into the new Kulaks / Rhodesians.
Note to cock sucker: We know what you have in mind for us, and we’d simply rather not. 😉
Second class citizen status for decades has taught us that your ilk are our mortal enemies, and that there is no bottom to the depth of your depraved hatred for us.
Now, tell us how you really feel.
well, thank you for reposting those fine words of hard truth.
how you really feel.
reminds me of Robert Reich demanding that no stimulus money ever get to any "white male constructions workers".
Trump’s “base†of racists and chauvinists.
“In 2015, Trump made repeal of birthright citizenship a major part of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, which he launched with a racist diatribe against Mexican immigrants, vilifying them as rapists and murderers.”
I don’t know what University you attended, or whether you attended any at all, but at the one I did, you would have been warned about this kind of writing and then, if you persisted, simply kicked out of the program. Here’s a sane rewrite, minus the hyperbole and hysterical adjectives and adverbs.
“In 2015, Trump made repeal of birthright citizenship a part of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination which he launched with a discussion about Mexican immigrants, some of whom, as he correctly pointed out, were “not the best” ie they were criminal rapists and murderers.”
and, the following is simply wrong:
“All of these countries’ independence followed in the historical wake of the American Revolution, which established a republic based not on race, religion, ethnicity or even geography, but on enlightenment ideals. This democratic heritage is what Trump is seeking to end with his calls for an American nationalism defined by bristling hostility to enemies foreign and domestic. This reeks of the “blood and soil†nationalism espoused above all by the Nazis and illuminates why Trump’s nationalism is intrinsically bound up with authoritarianism.”
should be:
“All of these countries’ independence followed in the historical wake of the American Revolution, which established a republic based on race, religion, ethnicity and even geography, enshrined in then-current enlightenment ideals. This democratic heritage is what Trump is seeking to perpetuate with his calls for an American nationalism defined by justified hostility to enemies foreign and domestic. This bracing nationalism espoused above all by e.g. contemporary Israel, illuminates how Trump’s patriotism is intrinsically bound up with healthy mutual respect for and celebration of the benefits of liberty enjoyed by the American people.”
This could trigger a Constitutional Convention being called, which is already, more or less, balanced on a knife edge to happen, which could fundamentally change everything (i.e., go completely haywire).
But, whatever. If this cohort is allowed entry as asylum seekers, then in short order there’s going to be 30,000-ish immediately, and repeatedly, on their way, because the legality will’ve been demonstrated. This is going to get very interesting.
This could trigger a constitutional convention being called, which is already, more or less, balanced on a knife edge to happen.
But, whatever. If this cohort is allowed entry as asylum seekers, then in short order there’s going to be 30,000-ish immediately, and repeatedly, on their way, because the legality will’ve been demonstrated. This is going to get very interesting.
If you don’t soon grow a set about this stuff your Kids will be in the trenches when the shooting starts and that will be much sooner than you think. Go Trump!
‘…including the dispatch on Monday of 5,200 heavily armed troops to the US-Mexico border, more than the Pentagon presently deploys in Iraq or Syria..’
No one seems to notice the incongruity here. It’s actually seen as outrageous that we would deploy more troops to defend our own borders than we would send to muck around in Iraq and Syria at the behest of Israel.
‘What, our troops are being sent to defend our own borders? Send them off on futile missions on the other side of the planet, where they belong!’
Common sense! The children of parents are natural citizens that the parents are natural citizens of no matter where they are born. I believe this has applied to American kids born in foreign lands. Why pass a law if you then want ppl to break it and indeed, give them incentives to do so. We know why hostile elites do it, we know why multi-culturalist Jews do it but for the vast majority it makes no sense. On fortunately, those two groups believe truth is whatever makes their group stronger. We need to come to terms with that reality and start demanding more from them for they will take whatever we allow
One noticeable irony is that the very same people who practically make a profession of attempting to subvert and circumvent the Second Amendment are aghast that Trump would engage in similarly dubious tactics when it comes to the Fourteenth.
Anyway, there’s no real problem. Just ban all visitors who cannot demonstrate they are not pregnant until we get the Constitution amended. That, we can legally do.
If a president can rewrite the Fourteenth Amendment, claiming that immigration poses a threat to US national security, why not the First Amendment, guaranteeing freedom of speech, assembly and the press, under conditions where the president has defined the press as “the enemy of the people?†Why not tear up the Fourth Amendment protection against illegal searches or the Fifth Amendment guarantee of due process and protection against self-incrimination, in the name of supporting “our great police officers,†as Trump would put it?
He will do more than that, but only after the midterm elections.
Antisemitism will be the excuse, and the whole bill of rights will be a relic of the 18th century. It won’t be the press that suffers, but unmoderated comment sections on websites like this. It won’t be the billionaire club suffering from unwarranted searches, it will be low income Trump supporters. It won’t be the JDL getting their firearms seized; it will be you. The trick is to go after them one by one, and to use the partnership between government, media, and industry – Fascism.
National security first, Trumpsters! I will be laughing when your “god-emperor” stabs you in the back.
Find where Mr. Martin lives, pick-up some illegal aliens and drop them on his property after telling them he wants them to live there and he will provide for them – and then leave a photographer behind standing duty so he can document when Martin calls the cops to have them removed.
Do this to every proponent of the illegal invasion
gee, i wonder what their ethnicity is?