Did you read the link to the VDare article? It comments on Trump’s Queens NY upbringing and speculates how that dynamic may motivate Trump today.
That would be retroactive….I have been retired for years.
Paleocon retard brigade out in force, again.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu
How do comments like this pass Sailers censorship ? It contains swear words, openly insults others here, and even says jews run the media. Yet when I simply state jews do control the media I get censored ?
I agree with you. We are getting the real Donald Trump now. He is 69 and has kept a lot of his opinions quiet….for business reasons. He should chill on the insults but it sure seems to me he has bottled them up inside for years. And today he insulted John McCain as not being a was hero/ I will be voting Trump! I like where he starts with our immigration and free trade policies
Perry appears to have the IQ of a corn dog.
Don’t be surprised if corn dogs start a Twitter campaign to get you fired from your job.
I am no fan of Trump, but it is fun to watch him light up the ass of the other Republicans.
And he is right about Rick Perry taking a IQ test. Perry appears to have the IQ of a corn dog.
” am no fan of the uber-war-monger John McCain but I do respect his great dedication to the USA for serving bravely as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War …”
How do you know he served bravely?
The Vietnam war was a unnecessary war and we lost!
“This should and will sink Trump’s candidacy.”
Probably not a lot of people see John McCain as the brainless asshole he is.
How about Bergdahl he was a POW is he your hero?
Well, you probably shouldn’t always believe absolutely *everything* the MSM tells you about American politicians…
I am no fan of the uber-war-monger John McCain but I do respect his great dedication to the USA for serving bravely as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War and enduring brutal treatment by the North Vietnamese when he was a POW.
So as they say in the Navy, looks like Donald Trump really “screwed the pooch” with his senseless and rash comments denigrating McCain’s war record. This should and will sink Trump’s candidacy.
As a New Yorker who has observed Trump since the 1980s, I find Mr. Phillips piece naive at worst and misjudging Trump at best. Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist and a legend in his own mind. His politics are the politics of self aggrandizement and self-promotion. His latest foray into the political arena is simply to prove that being a TV personality is not enough for his bloated ego. We saw this some years back when he wanted to run for Mayor of New York. However, then as now, he was unelectable.
Donald Trump was born on second base and thinks he hit a double. He inherited money from his father to start his business. Over the years he has lied about his accomplishments, his aims, and his net worth. He lacks substance, consistency and has not a shred of presidential temperament.
Trump lives in a bubble and by his own rules. He is thoroughly out of touch with the average American and the idea that he knows what’s best for the country is risible.
His patriotism, like so many of his attributes, is based in self-interest. He has never served his country. He has no government experience and and is not qualified to speak on matters of national security. Completely lacking in tact and the ability to be diplomatic or compromise does not recommend him for office. His statements about, and behavior towards women guarantee he would never get the critical votes of women.
His strategy is also predictable: public threats and lawsuits. Those of us who have observed Trump are very amused by this latest bid for even more acclaim. Even more amusing is the terror he is striking in the heart of the Republican party. Then again, Trump loves to p** inside tents.
Paleocon retard brigade out in force, again.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu
I’ve always wondered how so many diverse peoples managed to arrive at the same conclusion: man, f*ck Jews. Thanks for proving my point.
It’s not about Palestinians you dumb sack of shit. Many Americans hate your guts and don’t want to spend a single red cent on your desert vipers. Rightly so. Wether that ends in your annihiliation or not is tangential, if even.
Pat Buchanan at the 2000 Reform Party Convention:
You know, up in Philadelphia, I was at the beach listening to the convention with my wife Shelly and I heard Senator McCain. And he got up and he began to denounce those who want to reform our immigration laws. And he said and I quote, “Walls are for cowards.” Let me tell the senator’s story about a woman who lives in his own home state of Arizona. Her name is Theresa Murray.
Senator, she’s 82 years old. She has arthritis and she lives in Douglas right on that border.
When Shelly and I went up to her ranch last winter, she was confined to her tiny home. And around her home is a chain-link fence. And on the top of the chain-link fence are rolls coiled razor wire as you see on prisons around the country. Every door and window of that little home had bars on it. And Mrs. Murray’s two pet dogs were killed by thugs who threw meat over the fence with cut glass in it. This lady sleeps with a gun on her bed table at 82 because she’s been burglarized 30 times.
Senator McCain, go down to Douglas and tell Theresa Murray that fences are for cowards. This is an American woman. Theresa Murray is an American woman living out her life in a maximum security prison in her own home, in her own country because of the real cowardice, the cowardice of politicians who refuse to do their duty and defend the borders of the United States.
“This is not the man to lead Americans forward.”
Who is?
….”but in the long run he hurts the cause , making it easier for the Left and the media to mock “Republicansâ€
What cause is that?
When has the media found it hard to mock Republicans?
I think Trump’s personality, itself, makes him popular with the average American voter. Unlike Hillary, or Jeb Bush, he doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s egoistical, self-promoting, and rich. He doesn’t give you this “human rights” nonsense like Hillary, Obama, and the Neocons. He also doesn’t pretend that he’s a victim of discrimination, which is how one scores political points these days.
True, they were hounded out of their jobs and this is why Trump has the freedom to add this argument….He should highlight the criminal element and the economic reasons for keeping down immigration…but he wants amnesty and more legal immigration to keep wages down.
Nevertheless it is good to see someone with a voice critical of illegal immigration, but legal immigration is doing more harm to American workers, and Amnesty would be horrendous for the future of America
Kirt, did you read the VDare link in the article? Trump is really rich, obviously, but has never been entirely accepted into those circles. The article speculates that Trump has a chip on his shoulder toward the Establishment because of this. The analysis rings true to me. I think his over-the-top ostentatiousness illustrates this as well.
Need to frame the immigration debate as an economic issue, as immigration drives down wages for all Americans
I think Tom Tancredo and Lou Dobbs tried that and they were either ignored or hounded out of their jobs. People are sick of PC and Trump is making the media look bad and stupid.
Why hasn’t another candidate picked up on immigration as an economic issue then?
So True, he is a phony
He supports Amnesty for 30 million Mexicans , yet is able to ignite the anti-immigrant crowd by calling some Mexicans rapists.
This is not the man to lead Americans forward..although I admit he is fun to watch and helps entertain us, so the media love him…but in the long run he hurts the cause , making it easier for the Left and the media to mock “Republicans” and others on the left of the Democrats for they “racists” views about Mexicans.
Need to frame the immigration debate as an economic issue, as immigration drives down wages for all Americans
If nothing else, Trump has made immigration an issue we can actually talk about.
Between Hilly and Jeb, no preference and I’m not sure whether to call them oligarchs or oligarchs’ puppets. They have the class solidarity thing and Trump has it as well as his donations to the Clinton foundation show. For my part, I’ve not been hesitant in the past to cast write-in votes for president, to vote for very obscure 3rd party candidates or (horrors) not to vote on that line at all. I know I have zero influence over who ends up on top, so if I vote, I might as well vote for someone who is really good rather than just the ever lesser and ever evil “lesser evil”.
They don’t need a middle man. They already created an improved version of the F-35
The F-35 is the worst combat aircraft every built. Likely the Chinese tried to copy it and failed, hence creating a better product purely by default.
the real potential of Trump is not in his becoming president. The president is constrained by congress.
The potential of trump is to be able to shift the overton window and move certain forbidden topics into public domain and debate. He is showing white americans that we can fight back against CorpGovMedia.
Inspiration is what he brings…and perspective….and a counteracting of propaganda inseminated into white minds long ago.
While I may not like him personally, I’d still vote for him because he’s EXACTLY what this country needs. And the powers-that-be can’t stand him which for me is almost like a ringing endorsement. His “outsider-ness” reminds me of when Ronald Reagan started campaigning way back when 30+ years ago. And that’s the other attraction about Trump – his “outsider-ness” which I hope works and gets him elected too. This country has had enough of the D & R duopoly….
I thought Pat Buchanan should have sought the Constitution Party nomination in 2000, instead of the Reform Party nod, but that said, the RP treated Buchanan shamefully. Perot initially indicated that he would be supportive of a Buchanan RP candidacy, but later changed his mind and stabbed Buchanan in the back. That the RP social liberals were willing to support an eccentric like John Hagelin in order to tank a Buchanan nomination says all we need to know. Note that Buchanan has had nice things to say about Trump’s candidacy despite the negative things Trump had to say about him in 2000, which is a testimony to Pat’s decency as a human being.
Paleocon retard brigade out in force, again.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu
It is about American national security and interest. I preferred my pre-9/11 world thank you very much. I want it back.
(check the date on this one):
I really wish I had the power to give Israel and the Saudis to Russia and the China then they’d have a full house of nuts along with Iran. The Chinese can steal American technology on their own. They don’t need a middle man. They already created an improved version of the F-35. They are already very effective at killing their own people. I doubt Israel can teach them anything there. They are also interested in economic growth so why would they support the Clean Break strategy which is anti-growth?
The F-35 is the worst combat aircraft every built. Likely the Chinese tried to copy it and failed, hence creating a better product purely by default.
They don’t need a middle man. They already created an improved version of the F-35
He didn’t have to go on Israel TV and pay his respects. Also he has taken Netanyahu’s side concerning the deal with Iran.
He wants to bomb oil fields and the US already tried that. I like his opposition to NAFTA. I find his illegal immigration positions are confusing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=34&v=nH5SfF12MFg
He used to at least not want to kick people out who have been here for a two decades but now he is all up in arms about illegal immigration. Will the Real Donald please stand up! I wish the Paleoconservatives who put illegal immigration above all else would at least check him out on this before they join hands with the Neocons with Donald the Republican unity candidate.
Pat deliberately chose that black woman as his running mate. And then he seemed to do nothing during the campaign. You and I seem to be the only people in america asking this question. Or maybe there are more than two of us, but certainly not much more than 2 of us. Makes you wonder why mankind is so unable to break free and form his own opinions.Replies: @Weaver, @Jeff Albertson
USA has been badly needing the Reform Party since Pat Buchanan took it over in 2000, leading it into oblivion, like a pied piper losing it in the swamp lands of central Alaska (literally). I am convinced that Pat – although an excellent commentator and writer – acted as an RNC shill to deliberately put an end to the Reform Party in America.
My recollection is that Russ Verney was the brains behind Perot’s run, and that he personally dynamited Buchanan’s run when he determined that Pat was too right-wing. He also jerked support from Jesse Ventura when Jesse was getting too popular. It is my opinion that he was a Democratic Party operative all along and was also involved with the Dick Armey Libertarian fiasco, possibly with Armey’s knowing cooperation; its hard too say, but Armey may have been smarter than he’s given credit for.
The function of third parties as spoilers for one or the other “real” parties is generally unrecognized, as well as the methods of cooperation between them to crush their own reformers, for the benefit of their ostensible opposition. The Libertarian party was subverted early on to become a sink for those voters unwelcome in the mainstream, although it was seriously libertarian when it was formed.
These tendencies, (as well as the propensities of candidates such as Mondale, Dukakis, Dole, McCain, and Romney to run curiously lackluster campaigns – “take a dive”, if you will), lead one to suppose that what is unseen and prior to the actual elections is determinative rather than the ass and elephant show. That’s why Justin Raimondo’s theory of Trump as false-flag candidate makes so much sense: roll up all the conservative votes for one seemingly real and serious candidate, dispose of him one way or the other e.g. Muskie crying, ” the scream”, McCain pretending (or not) to be crazy, etc. I think Trump, being a pretty smart guy is in on it, but I’m hoping he will see how desperate people are for a lifeline that he will start to buy into his own bullshit and go for it for real. I’m trying to find out if Verney is involved in any way, because he seems to be the or one of the main Machiavellian vectors of the deception circus. It’s a club and we aren’t members.
The PTB think that part of enlarging our Empire is making other countries dependent on their industries dumping their products into the US. That is the only reason I can think of why protectionism is a 4 letter word to our elites.
Did the British aristocracy care that Tommy was sitting in some crappy barracks in some third world country? Why should our aristocracy care that Americans don’t have jobs?
Most people voting for Congressmen know even less about the candidates than they do for President. Past “R” and “D” they are completely clueless.
What about fining and jailing the employers of illegals? It is already against the law to knowingly hire an illegal but the laws have been written in such a way as to make it impossible to enforce. Raising the minimum wage on people already breaking the law won’t work as well as you think it will.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu
Paleocon retard brigade out in force, again.
Get this through your thick, paleocon skull: The American people do not give a rat’s ass about the plight of the Palestinians. The Jews do not control the media in places like Russia and China and yet those countries populations ALSO do not give a flying fuck about the Palestinians.
Even if by some miracle your homo idol Ron Paul were to become President, it still wouldn’t save the Palestinians. We have over 100 nuclear warheads with the ability to rapidly make many more. We also have far and away a stronger technological/industrial base than the entire Arab-Islamic world combined to make weapons even IF the US were to cut off weapon supplies (which will never happen) and no other country like China or Russia was willing to pick up the slack (which wouldn’t happen).
And yet, one cannot help but admire your fidelity to such a lost cause. You are an inspiration to us all, Mr. Paleocon Dumbass.
Pat deliberately chose that black woman as his running mate. And then he seemed to do nothing during the campaign. You and I seem to be the only people in america asking this question. Or maybe there are more than two of us, but certainly not much more than 2 of us. Makes you wonder why mankind is so unable to break free and form his own opinions.Replies: @Weaver, @Jeff Albertson
USA has been badly needing the Reform Party since Pat Buchanan took it over in 2000, leading it into oblivion, like a pied piper losing it in the swamp lands of central Alaska (literally). I am convinced that Pat – although an excellent commentator and writer – acted as an RNC shill to deliberately put an end to the Reform Party in America.
leftist conservative,
Pat wanted to unite populists. Blacks should have backed him. Buchanan’s policies are still more pro-black than Obama’s. Pat is more pro-Latino than is La Raza. He was truly a man for the people; The people are just stupid.
Floods of unskilled immigrants coming in and floods of jobs going out help no blacks.
Randall Burns of Vdare.com tops Unz for a great proposal: a separate, higher minimum wage for immigrants.
And personally, I’d likely vote for Unz just to get his minimum wage and resulting reduction in immigration. No one else has come up with such a great proposal to reduce immigration.
that sounds even better. Steve Sailer also suggested similar improvements in a post. He said teens could be paid less, thus they’d be more readily hired.
I wish we’d supported such years back, before the demographics changed so.
See #42, above. And use the correct REPLY button next time.
I thought you could pick the one “who sucks the least” on your own. So, if Hillary disgusts me (and she does), that would lead you to support her? If they really do make a difference to your choices in life, what other assumptions about my views are you making?
Or are you just scrappy?
The Farmer-Labor Party sent a number of representatives to Congress from two or three states. That party survives, more or less, in Minnesota’s DFL. Splitting FL from D might be a place to start.
However, on Trump’s issues, labor has sold out and farmers are on the other side. So scratch that idea…
And personally, I’d likely vote for Unz just to get his minimum wage and resulting reduction in immigration. No one else has come up with such a great proposal to reduce immigration.
Randall Burns of Vdare.com tops Unz for a great proposal: a separate, higher minimum wage for immigrants.
But even Burns is too timid. We need a nosebleed-level wage for the imported coolie. Mexico already has this, though it’s expressed in monthly income rather than hourly wage
Also, an excise tax on H1Bs (I forget where the hyphen goes) to make employers prove how “needed” these guys are.
“I think of immigration patriotism and economic nationalism as being solid, …”
The whole Republican field believes that….not a dimes difference between them.
“you’re posting at a Jewish website.”
Even though Ron is Jewish I doubt he would consider this a Jewish web site.
USA has been badly needing the Reform Party since Pat Buchanan took it over in 2000, leading it into oblivion, like a pied piper losing it in the swamp lands of central Alaska (literally). I am convinced that Pat – although an excellent commentator and writer – acted as an RNC shill to deliberately put an end to the Reform Party in America.
Pat deliberately chose that black woman as his running mate. And then he seemed to do nothing during the campaign. You and I seem to be the only people in america asking this question. Or maybe there are more than two of us, but certainly not much more than 2 of us. Makes you wonder why mankind is so unable to break free and form his own opinions.
Do you have a link to Webb’s paper against affirmative action and multiculturalism?
I have not seen the paper, but I read a description of it on the net. Google it. He also was quoted last fall as saying that “Liberals make a whipping post of white males”, or words to that effect.
The main thing for me about Trump is that in his initial campaign talk at, I believe, Trump Tower (NYC) he said that he would not be cutting Social Security or Medicare. His attitude suggested that he considered Republicans who advocate such cuts to be politically daft. That’s exactly how I see those issues. So, Trump to me is a “common sense†kind of guy.
Trump is also for national healthcare. Just a couple of days ago when he was speaking to his supporters in phoenix, he said that we need to supply healthcare to all americans. A great idea! We have not had as good as a candidate since Perot, and in fact trump is better than perot because he fights back against the media and its demonization of those who dare speak politically incorrect speech.
GW writes of “immigration patriotism” and “economic nationalism” and of “conservative/traditionalist views” (conservatism, traditionalism), as well as of “egalitarianism and “internationalism” —
But what about plain old PROTECTIONISM? I don’t get it why ‘protectionism’ is so neglected by all of our alternative political leaders. Where is the downside to ‘protectionism’ – I don’t see any downside at all! Are they all afraid of appearing to be seen as opposed to ‘free trade’ or are they afraid of stepping on Chinese toes? What’s the problem?
PROTECTIONISM could be a great winning slogan for a new Reform Party!
Wow, Trump’s really got you riled up doesn’t he?
The very reason he currently has my support.
Diversity Heretic says: “Years ago Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota [1998 on the Reform Party ticket], more or less as a charismaticc, anti-Establishment candidate. He found himself unable to do much because he had no base in the legislature.”
USA has been badly needing the Reform Party since Pat Buchanan took it over in 2000, leading it into oblivion, like a pied piper losing it in the swamp lands of central Alaska (literally). I am convinced that Pat – although an excellent commentator and writer – acted as an RNC shill to deliberately put an end to the Reform Party in America. With Perot, Reform had shown its ability to impact any election and throw off the calculated campaign devices of the RNC and/or the DLC (based on the traditional presumption of what George Wallace identified as the ‘Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum’ duopoly). People are disgusted with the two-party system. We need a new Reform Party that aggressively pursues seats in the Congress!
The problem with the Reform Party – and also with the Green Party or the Libertarian Party – is that neither ever prioritized congressional elections. How many Reform or Green or Libertarian members of Congress are there? Exactly none. The last time that a ‘third party’ successfully challenged (and changed) the system was in 1860, when Lincoln was elected on the Republican Party populist slogan of “Free Speech, Free Press, Free Soil, Free Men”- ‘Free Soil’ referring to expansion of the Homestead Act, while ‘Free Men’ referred to limiting the expansion of slavery. But the point here is that the Republicans in 1860 were already a plurality in the House of Representatives.
Pat deliberately chose that black woman as his running mate. And then he seemed to do nothing during the campaign. You and I seem to be the only people in america asking this question. Or maybe there are more than two of us, but certainly not much more than 2 of us. Makes you wonder why mankind is so unable to break free and form his own opinions.Replies: @Weaver, @Jeff Albertson
USA has been badly needing the Reform Party since Pat Buchanan took it over in 2000, leading it into oblivion, like a pied piper losing it in the swamp lands of central Alaska (literally). I am convinced that Pat – although an excellent commentator and writer – acted as an RNC shill to deliberately put an end to the Reform Party in America.
On this very website, Mr. Sailer has a picture of Mr. Trump in his Red hat golfing with Mr. Clinton in his Blue shirt.
Those who think this offers a “rational choice” will, once again, be treated like ball washers.
Do you have a link to Webb’s paper against affirmative action and multiculturalism?
That’s a plus, but I am not ideological in my politics so that isn’t the main thing for me.
The main thing for me about Trump is that in his initial campaign talk at, I believe, Trump Tower (NYC) he said that he would not be cutting Social Security or Medicare. His attitude suggested that he considered Republicans who advocate such cuts to be politically daft. That’s exactly how I see those issues. So, Trump to me is a “common sense” kind of guy.
Thanks for calling attention to Webb in the Democratic contest. I will be paying much more attention to him, and I don’t understand how he isn’t one of the, or the leading Democatic candidate at this time.
Thanks too for your blog ‘Leftist Conservative’.
I have not seen the paper, but I read a description of it on the net. Google it. He also was quoted last fall as saying that "Liberals make a whipping post of white males", or words to that effect.
Do you have a link to Webb’s paper against affirmative action and multiculturalism?
Trump is also for national healthcare. Just a couple of days ago when he was speaking to his supporters in phoenix, he said that we need to supply healthcare to all americans. A great idea! We have not had as good as a candidate since Perot, and in fact trump is better than perot because he fights back against the media and its demonization of those who dare speak politically incorrect speech.
The main thing for me about Trump is that in his initial campaign talk at, I believe, Trump Tower (NYC) he said that he would not be cutting Social Security or Medicare. His attitude suggested that he considered Republicans who advocate such cuts to be politically daft. That’s exactly how I see those issues. So, Trump to me is a “common sense†kind of guy. �
Rick Santorum also thinks that way. I mean he’s not going to get the nod, but he should be encouraged for his perspective.
you’re posting at a Jewish website. And personally, I’d likely vote for Unz just to get his minimum wage and resulting reduction in immigration. No one else has come up with such a great proposal to reduce immigration.
Randall Burns of Vdare.com tops Unz for a great proposal: a separate, higher minimum wage for immigrants.
And personally, I’d likely vote for Unz just to get his minimum wage and resulting reduction in immigration. No one else has come up with such a great proposal to reduce immigration.
better an oligarch than an oligarch’s puppet.
I’m sure you prefer Hillary over Jeb, no? I expect a Democrat will be better than a Republican, for conservatives – exception Trump.
Mr. Ive,
Trump is from New York. What do you expect?
Jews (not only neocons/Likud) largely supported the Iraq War early on, yet Trump did not. So he’s not blindly following Likud foreign policy.
“Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish”
Perfect is the enemy of good. You cannot operate in NYC without being tainted by Jews and their demands.
For sure, Trump will proclaim Netanyahu is to be his best friend – he will proclaim his love for the bastard – that is how things work in those circles.
But when all is said and done, Trump is the most fervent can do American running for president.
Perot talked about Japan in his ’92 and ’96 campaigns. Public perceptions often lag behind reality.
Taj Mahal Casino
Doesn’t he write for the Atlantic?
I have never, in my entire adult life, been able to vote for a candidate that truly represented my best interests. “The one that sucked the least” has always been the rational choice.
Sort of like W getting religion and going on the wagon in his ’40s. Better to learn the lessons of life late than never, but not my idea of a President.
Yea, the bully pulpit. Only leftists like our Prez use it anymore, and Trump is a man of the Establishment, in no way a true populist, and he won’t use it either.
I’m open to Trump, but I’m also skeptical. Otherwise, there is absolutely not a single candidate to vote for, because I literally hate every GD one of them. I’d rather see the rest of them hanging from lamp posts than sitting in the White House.
Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish and the son of a Jewish real estate developer who is a major donor to the Democratic Party and was convicted in federal court for making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering:
“That said, at least Trump really does seem to care about the wellbeing of his country and its people.”
An unabashed American – no Jew sugar daddy – an end to the emblematic rhetorical downness on America – oh my god’ a proud white male – how refreshing.
No question he would be good for America.
p.s. Of course the Jew cannot let this happen.
Taj Mahal Casino opened in 1990, went bankrupt in 1991. Although it was the largest Casino in Atlantic City and had the highest revenue of any casino in America, he could not earn any profits.
The Trump Castle, he bought at a good price in 1985, $400 million, when the Atlantic City Casino Control board denied a license to the Hilton Corporation which built the brand new Casino in 1984. Trump Castle Filed for bankruptcy in 1991. He sold it for $35 million in 2013 and the new owners were profitable in 2014 and remain profitable today.
he bought the former Playboy Hotel and Casino and in 1996 for $90 million and named it Trumps’ World Fair. It never earned a nickel….He soon tore down this modern glass and steel structure in 2000, claiming to have plans for a new mega resort…the land was sold at auction during bankruptcy proceedings in 2004 to Toll Brothers for just $15 million.
hard to understand how he failed to make money in 2000 , during the boom times in Atlantic City. His casinos struggled to earn a profit, while others casinos expanded around him. While his revenues grew from 2000 to 2004 he lost more and more money each year, as the competition earned higher and higher profits. in 1999 he owned 4 of the 10 casinos in Atlantic city, but was unable to earn a profit. In 2004 Atlantic City had more Revenues than the Vegas Strip, no competition within the East Coast, a virtual monopoly…
Trump Entertainment Resorts, the owner of 3 casinos, filed for corporate bankruptcy 3 times 2004, 2009 and 2014.
From my perspective, Trump syphoned off billions of dollars out of Atlantic City, and never showed a profit because he used the Casinos to pay huge salaries to himself and family members, while also paying others to actually run the casinos..No other Casino CEO made as much as he did in Atlantic City, and yet he had to pay others millions each year to run the casinos…
for example, the CEO of Harrahs earned less than Trump in the 90s, yet Harrahs owned 20 casinos and he was a full time CEO. Same can be seen at Tropicana, Bally’s Park Place, Caesars…these other gaming firms were larger and had casinos in Vegas yet paid their CEO less. Trump was a figurehead CEO , earning a higher salary than the actual CEOs who ran larger Gaming companies.
While other gaming CEOs were helping their firms earn Billion, Trump was hosting a game show on TV while his Casinos bled cash…
Doesn't he write for the Atlantic?
Taj Mahal Casino
He implies that some of our allies are freeloading off our military strength and spending and should be carrying more of their own weight.
The military industrial complex steers that ship, and they love the fact that they’re tasked to rule the world via militarism. It’s the bread on the table, and I don’t think that Trump as president could ever take that away.
HE was being friendly with the Clintons because he was doing the DONE THING in his earlier lesser role as mere billionaire. Picture a right-wing college professor being nice to the horrible left-wing professor, no reason to cause a scene, because he can’t enforce his distaste without power.
All of Trump’s earlier more liberal statements were de rigeur dealing as MERELY-BILLIONAIRE with a left-wing press and are to be disregarded. He is giving his actual views now, while really running, get with the program.
“Trump just sucks less.”
No reason to ever vote for someone.
Yes, Trump is a one trick pony….or perhaps one trick horse’s ass.
Fingleton doesn’t agree that Japan sucks.
“This line of thought was particularly prominent in the 90’s and early 2000’s when Japan was looked at as an economic model to emulate. This argument has been less prominent since Japan has fallen on hard times and no longer looks like the economic juggernaut it once did.”
Japan fell on hard times right around 1990 and really has never recovered. I don’t think anyone was looking at Japan as “the economic model to emulate” for the vast majority of 1990s, let alone the 2000s
So if there is one inconsistency with trump we are supposed to ignore the dozens with Hillary and the disgust I have with the typical Republican candidate who won’t even address immigration or wants unlimited guest workers and to continue the free trade farce.
Trump just sucks less.
He had a fat head in the 80s and started a lot of enterprises where he had to pledge some personal wealth like when he bought that big yacht and created that high end commuter eastern corridor airline for big shots (he was jealous of Branson). He learned his lessons and has stayed away from that nonsense and only uses borrowed money tied to the corporation now.
He can also go to the people on really popular issues. He can ask Congress for money for a border fence. When they him and haw about relations with Mexico he can go on TV and demand people call their Congressman and threaten to do it with the Army Corps of Engineers without them. Behind the scenes he can also be sure to let them know he will endorse their opponent at the next election.
Would one of you supportive of Trump please address, specifically, his documented inconsistencies on issues and/or his relationship with the Clintons? See #4, above. When these questions are ignored, my impression is that you may be paid posters.
paid poster, huh? Gosh, I wish!
Look, there are far far far more important things than the issue you raise. Most important is that the white majority gain some measure of control over this nation and that the white majority become more unified. If we cannot get this, this nation will become even more of a livestock pen for third worlders. The overclass will cram 1 billion or more third world human livestock into america if they can. Do you know what america will become if that happens?
The only way to stop them is to unite. Trump can do that.
And Trump is attacking the media, disrespecting the media. This is radical and very important. We have to fight back against media propaganda, against media control of the overton window via intimidation and demonization. Trump is showing the way with his combativeness.
This is important stuff. Who cares about the clintons?
Donald Trump is an opportunist and a fraud. He is certainly no genuine populist conservative. As I wrote in a previous post, Pat Buchanan should sue Trump for intellectual theft. However, according to James Antle in The Daily Caller Trump smeared Buchanan as a racist and anti-semitic, “Look, he’s a Hitler lover,†Trump said of Buchanan. “I guess he’s an anti-Semite. He doesn’t like the blacks, he doesn’t like the gays.â€
Would one of you supportive of Trump please address, specifically, his documented inconsistencies on issues and/or his relationship with the Clintons? See #4, above. When these questions are ignored, my impression is that you may be paid posters.
Thank you.
paid poster, huh? Gosh, I wish!Look, there are far far far more important things than the issue you raise. Most important is that the white majority gain some measure of control over this nation and that the white majority become more unified. If we cannot get this, this nation will become even more of a livestock pen for third worlders. The overclass will cram 1 billion or more third world human livestock into america if they can. Do you know what america will become if that happens?The only way to stop them is to unite. Trump can do that.And Trump is attacking the media, disrespecting the media. This is radical and very important. We have to fight back against media propaganda, against media control of the overton window via intimidation and demonization. Trump is showing the way with his combativeness.This is important stuff. Who cares about the clintons?
Would one of you supportive of Trump please address, specifically, his documented inconsistencies on issues and/or his relationship with the Clintons? See #4, above. When these questions are ignored, my impression is that you may be paid posters.
yes, he had significant finical problems in the late 80s early 90s when he went bankrupt.
watching him fail over and over again in Atlantic City still has me scratching my head ..how was he able to go bankrupt over and over when he had a near monopoly on East Coast gaming, as the other casinos made money hand over fist ? Not surprised he stayed out of Vegas , where he faced true competition.
I suppose he was using his profits in Atlantic City to pay off his creditors in manhattan and the Japanese who bailed him out in New York City…so this may have been a wise long term plan, to destroy the value of his New Jersey Casinos to prop up his Manhattan investments which had more long term value.
I think of immigration patriotism and economic nationalism as being solid, conservative positions (more so than the bland “free market economics”) which are practical responses of a conservative/traditionalist view of the world given the current paradigm. At its root Trump’s ideology rejects the anti-liberal notions of egalitarianism (we’re all essentially the same) and internationalism (borders don’t protect actual interests of the populace but only hinder them). He’s the most conservative candidate we’ve had running for president since at least Eisenhower. Name another American with $10b who thinks this way. Name another candidate running for president who thinks this way. Arguably the second-most conservative in the field (Scott Walker) is pushing “reform, growth, and safety.” We don’t need reform, we need nationalism. We don’t need growth, we need a nation. We don’t need safety, we need our people’s interests to be looked after.
Trump 2016. Make America America again.
The comment about relations with Congress is astute. Years ago Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota, more or less as a charismaticc, anti-Establishment candidate. He found himself unable to do much because he had no base in the legislature. Trump would face a similar situation.
Another problem would be staffing his administration. Would he pick assistant secretaries (where the rubber meets the road in policy implementation) with a Democratic or Republican background?
On the other hand, he could simply follow the Obama “Rule as an Emperor” model and implement his agenda through executive orders and administrative regulations.
Donald Trump is Ross Perot redux. The past 24 years of presidency should have been a stark example to us that the election of the President of the United States has been reduced to a joke. How else can you explain 20+ million Americans seriously watching the silliest of beauty pageants that we call a “Presidential Debate”? We watch an exhausted, pretty much dumb-as-a-post candidate stumble his/her way thru an answer that might, sort of, be loosely be considered having anything to do with the question, a question the candidate forgot before the “moderator” finished asking. And all so the average Amerikan can rest assured that he/she KNOWS the candidates. Their candidate, who will forget any campaign promises made faster than they can forget moderators’questions, is relying on the comfortable numbness of the voters who, since the particular idiot of the moment is now President, feel obligated to make excuses for the ahole.
The United States’ Presidential Election Farce is much, much more about the perennial and easily tapped stupidity of Amerika than anything to do with the Presidency. Do I “understand” the politics of Donald Trump? Or any of the “candidates” for that matter? Fark no! What’s the point? Whoever is elected, their “Presidential” political views and attitudes will be handed to them right after they finish with the oath of office.
I don’t know about the race–the media’s got lots of time to take him down and anoint Hillary, and remember, they’ve got lots of local stories from his time in their backyard to take him down with. Having grown up in NYC, I always remember him as a buffoon who was losing money constantly. Still, I like what he’s saying enough I’ll give him a second chance. At least he may shift the Overton window a little.
Yes, Trump is this year’s Ross Perot and yes, he is a typical politician who will change position (i.e. say whatever is pleasing to the base he appeals to) in order to get votes. Whether he wins the Republican nomination (unlikely), runs as a third party candidate (likelier), or simply stirs things up, he will also prove similar to Ross Perot in helping elect a Clinton to the presidency. Not that Hilly actually needs his help but she’ll take it. And, of course, he’s in the pocket of the Israeli lobby, but he’s both a politician and an oligarch, so that kind of goes without saying.
Yeah, but which of his immigration positions is greatest?
Congratulations if you were mocking the gulls. But based on your other comments on this site, my best guess is that, sadly, you’re sincere.
Earlier tonight he was on Hannity singing the standard Neocon Zionist tune– “Our best friend in the Middle East”; ” the Iran deal is a bad deal for Israel”– all of it. I guess we know now why the media has paid attention to him.
I think that if trump stays in the race, he will not only win the GOP nomination, but will also win the race. He is a great candidate. Jim Webb is the only other candidate I like near as much. I like webb because he wrote a paper stating his position against affirmative action and multiculturalism.
I like trump a lot. His immigration position is great, but he also has other positions that I like. He is an advocate of national healthcare, which I like.
But what I like best about his is that he attacks the media. He disrespects the media. And I suspect that most of Trump’s popularity these days is true to his antagonistic stance towards the media. The media is the ringleader in pusing anti-white multiculturalism on us. And so a lot of american whites hate the media. They like Trump because he is not afraid of the media.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu: https://youtu.be/tm5Je73bYOY
Video Link
I rest my case.
Paleocon retard brigade out in force, again.
Trump endorsed Netanyahu