In recent years Europa: The Last Battle has become a surprise underground sensation. The 2017 film is made by Tobias Bratt, a Swedish activist. It’s ever-increasing popularity is due entirely to word of mouth and shares on social media, as censorship has banished it to the far-corners of the internet. It’s popularity is an interesting phenomenon, as it promotes pretty radical views on things like Jewish influence, historical revisionism and National Socialism. A lot of people cite it as their major red pill, but I’ve seen some dismiss it as “meme history” and a propaganda piece.
Since it’s so popular, I’ve decided it might be worth giving it a serious treatment and fact-checking its claims as I watch it. I think most people that like the documentary probably don’t care much about the veracity of the individual claims, but it could still be an interesting way to look at some of the history covered in the documentary. Additionally, as someone who has been in dissident right circles for years now, I must admit to noticing a real decline in the intellectual quality of what’s being presented regarding the topic of Jewish influence (which is inevitable as it reaches a wider audience), as well as the spread of what I consider historically indefensible apologetics for National Socialism. So as much as this documentary isn’t a serious intellectual piece, I suppose I do feel some obligation to engage with something like this and try and offer a correction to some of these tendencies, even if it might fall on deaf ears
The full film is over 12 hours long, so I probably won’t cover the whole thing. This section alone consists of over 1,500 words, and that’s only on the first ten minutes. There are 6 ten minute segments in an hour, and 12 hours in the documentary, which would mean I would write 72 of these, or over 100,000 words, if I continued at this pace. I have included timestamps to make it easy to follow along while watching the documentary, which is available in full here.
So without further ado, fact-checking Europa: The Last Battle.
Moses Hess called Christianity “the religion of death” (03:40)
This is a real quote from page 76 of Hess’ Rome and Jerusalem. But when writing this, Hess was not taking an adversarial position against Europeans, but predicting the decline of Christianity would awaken more virile European nationalisms. For example, on the same page Hess writes that “On the ruins of Christian Rome there rises a regenerated Italian people.”[1]Hess, Moses. Rome and Jerusalem: a study in Jewish nationalism. Bloch Publishing Company, 1918. Pg. 76 Hess also wrote favourably of Christianity as a stage in human development in his early philosophical writings.[2]Hess, Moses. “The philosophy of the act.” Socialist thought. A documentary history (1964): 260-270.
Moses Hess predicted a race war in Europe involving Germany and Italy (03:45)
Hess had a heterodox view as a communist in holding an ethnocentric view of human history that saw racial conflict as a driver of history more than class struggle. He predicted Italy would unify, triggering German unification, and that the growth of nationalism would lead to conflict.
However, the point of this quote in the documentary seems to be to suggest he predicted a great racial conflict between the Germans and Italians against Jews, which obviously proved to be WW2. Although he did expect the rise in nationalism would increase antisemitism he didn’t make this kind of grand prediction. And he advocated a kind of European cultural unity that he predicted would come with the decline of the church:
Europe does not need to have imposed upon it one law, one form of government, one belief or any other one external coercive measure before it would feel unified and strong. Europe is already unified through its history and its culture. . . . The European nations are so near to each other in an essential way, that all one needs is the disintegration of these shallow powers which still exist on the surface— the external state and church— in order to bring about the emergence of the internal unity of the peoples of Europe. [Even] a general European war would lead to a general European alliance.[3]Sorin, Gerald. “Moses Hess: Prophet of Communism and Zionism.” (1987): 120-123.
Hess wasn’t hoping a European war would destroy Europeans, but that it would unify them.
Hess converted Marx and Engels to Communism and assisted them with the Communist Manifesto — This proves that socialism, communism, Marxism and Zionism have the same roots (4:00)
Hess first met Marx in 1842 and spoke fondly of him; he collaborated with him on writing The German Ideology in 1845; and he introduced Engels to communism. Hess was indeed involved with the original writing of the Communist Manifesto. However, in the final version of the manifesto Marx disparages the “utopian socialism” of Hess.
Marx likely would have been a communist without Hess. His intellectual origin was in the milieu of the young Hegelians, and he and Hess first came into contact while Marx was submitting articles for Rheinische Zeitung, which Hess edited. Marx was influenced early on by French socialist ideas, before developing his dialectical materialism through his materialist inversion of Hegel. Certainly, Marx didn’t adopt the ideas of the centrality of race and nation that Hess did, instead believing the rise in European nationalism was a transient, bourgeois creation. After 1848 they drifted further in their politics. Despite their relationship, Hess doesn’t belong alongside names like Hegel and Feuerbach as a major influence on Marx’s thought.
Karl Marx’s real name was Moses Mordechai Levy and he was descended from a long line of Rabbis (4:30)
Karl Marx’s real name was Karl Marx. His birth certificate spells it as “Carl”, which was the common spelling at the time, but in his adult life he always signed his name as Karl. Moses Mordechai Levy was the name of Marx’s grandfather. So yes, he was born to a long line of Talmudic scholars on his father’s side. Karl’s father Heinrich converted to Christianity around 1816, but likely as a way to circumvent Prussian laws that affected Jews.
Marx was related to the Rothschilds, who funded Marx (4:30)
Marx was a third or fourth cousin of Nathan Mayer, Lord Rothschild.[4]Gelles, Edward. The Jewish Journey: A Passage Through European History. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.
However, there is no evidence the Rothschilds ever provided funding to Marx. Marx, for his part, “vilified the Rothschilds as a quintessence of capitalist evil.”[5]https://time.com/archive/6734131/books-a-power-unto-...elves/
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism” — quote from Le Droit De Vivre on May 12, 1936 (5:00)
There is no May 12 edition of the magazine. It had weekly editions on May 9 and 16, but neither contain this quote or anything like it.
The Communist Manifesto is arguing for Jewish control of media and banking (5:40)
The Communist Manifesto doesn’t mention control of the media at all. It’s obviously the interpretation of the maker of the documentary that centralised control of the financial system was to empower monopoly bankers, but that certainly isn’t in the manifesto, and Marx’s theory predicted the final stage of communism as a stateless, moneyless society. So a centralised state-backed banking cartel definitely isn’t part of the vision.
The Communist Manifesto argued women should not focus on family or children anymore (5:47)
To support this, the documentary quotes “Communism aims to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production.” The placement suggests that the quote is talking about ending women as instruments of production of babies, but that’s not what’s being argued. Rather, they are arguing against the indignity of women being turned into instruments of capitalist production.
Marx encouraged genocide of Slavs and called them “racial trash” (6:25)
Marx is quoted as saying “The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way. They must perish in the revolutionary Holocaust”. The citation is wrong, and this is actually a mashup of two quotes. One is from an 1853 article by Marx: “The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” The other is from an Engels letter from 1849 where he writes that aside from a few European groups like Germans, Poles and Magyars “All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm.”
Marx and Engels did hold racist views of slavs (as was common in Germany at the time) and did predict the dissolution of their “petty nationalisms”, which they viewed as counter-revolutionary, as well as the elimination of “entire reactionary peoples” by future war. Engels termed these people Völkerabfälle, which has been translated as racial trash as the documentary suggests. It was Engels who described these people as “residual fragments of peoples” who had been swallowed up by more powerful countries in the progressive development of history. South Slavs were used as one example, but also “in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons” and “in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.”[6]https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/work...13.htm So this designation wasn’t necessarily biological when used by Engels, rather designating these as people in a more primitive stage of development left behind by the historical process.
The documentary suggests they argued for a targeted genocide of Slavs on racial grounds in a way they never did.
Winston Churchill argued international Jews would use communism in tandem with Zionism to achieve a one world communist government (9:10)
This is such a complete misinterpretation of Churchill’s argument in Zionism versus Bolshevism that it practically turns it on its head. Churchill’s argument was that Bolshevism was a Jewish movement, but that Zionism was the antidote and positive alternative for the Jewish people. In the essay, Churchill calls Jews “the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world”, and rather than seeing them as part of it, called on Zionist Jews to help thwart the global Bolshevik conspiracy.
In 1829, the Rothschilds “purchased Jerusalem” (9:30)
The source for this quote is indeed accurate, coming from the Niles Weekly Register in 1829
There is a report that the Rothschilds have purchased Jerusalem! We see nothing improbable that the Rothschilds should purchase the ancient capital of their nation . . . They [the Rothschilds] might instantly, as it were, gather a large nation together, soon capable of defending itself, and having a wonderful influence over the commerce and condition of the east, rendering Judea again the place of deposit of a large portion of the wealth of the ancient city.[7]Fein, Isaac M. “NILES’ WEEKLY REGISTER ON THE JEWS.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 50, no. 1 (1960): 3–22. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43059103
But this report, which the Register never sources, was obviously false. Jerusalem was under Ottoman control and remained so until after WW1, almost a century later. The Ottomans selling an entire city to a British-based banking family (however that would work) would have been pretty significant and probably reported elsewhere.
“It is believed that he (Rothschild) is the richest man in the world” (9:50)
Not sure who the man speaking here is, but although this is a common trope of conspiracy theory content, there is no evidence any Rothschild is close to being the richest person in the world.
“The wealthy Jews rule the world. In their hands lies the fate of governments and nations. They start wars between countries and, when they wish, governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along and meanwhile the Jews get richer.” — Theodore Herzl (10:40)
This is a real quote.[8]https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/theo...agine/
Researchers estimate the wealth of the Rothschild family at $500 trillion, more than the wealth of the entire world (14:03)
Who are the researchers? This is an incredible claim, but it’s baseless.
The Rothschilds bought Reuters in the 1800s (14:23)
Wrong. The Rothschild bank in London was an early patron of Paul Julius Reuter, the son of a Rabbi who founded Reuters.[9]https://www.rothschildarchive.org/collections/archiv...9_1938 Paul owned the business until his death in 1899, after which it passed to his son. Today, the majority of Reuters’ stock is owned by the Woodbridge Company, a Canadian investment firm.[10]https://fintel.io/news/woodbridge-co-ltd-discloses-s...554429
Reuters then bought the Associated Press. (14:29)
Wrong. Reuters never bought out Associated Press. They remain separate entities.
They [The Rothschilds] have controlling interests in three major television networks (14:39)
What networks? We aren’t told, and as this is said an image appears on the screen showing logos of Associated Press and Reuters, which aren’t television networks. I can’t identify any major television networks owned by the Rothschilds.
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Until recently the Rothschild family controlled England’s Royal Mint and continue to be the gold agent for the Bank of England (14:46)
It is true that Britain leased out administration of its minting refinery to Anthony de Rothschild, in 1852. This was a time of great colonial expansion for Britain, and:
Operating the refinery immediately put much of the new Australian and California gold production at the disposal of the merchant bank, later securing them a good share of early South African gold.[11]https://thebhc.org/n-m-rothschild-sons-royal-mint-re...tunity
Through this expansion, by the 20th Century more than half the world’s commercial gold was being treated by the Rothschild firm:
Rothschild, through its connection to the refinery, gained access to and
control over Empire gold, which in 1914 accounted for 70 per cent. of world output; the majority of which was shipped to London and treated at the Rothschild refinery.[12]Blagg, Michele. “The Royal Mint Refinery: a business adapting to change, 1919-1968.” PhD diss., King’s College London (University of London), 2013.
In 1968, the Rothschild group sold the Royal Mint Refinery to Engelhard Industries.[13]https://cdn.lbma.org.uk/downloads/Alch71.pdf
A report by the Bank of England in 1967 listed the Rothschild bank as one of five members of the London gold market — five banking firms allowed to “fix” the price of gold in a position created in 1919 — and reported the Rothschild bank was one of two tasked with processing and refining gold:
Two of the members (Johnson Matthey and Rothschilds) melt. refine, assay and process gold. Rothschilds act as chairman of the market and have done so since the market was constituted in its present form after the First World War. and the daily gold price fixing takes place on their premises.[14]https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/qu...et.pdf
So Rothschild bank had a more central role than any entity in managing Britain’s gold market. However, the Rothschilds are not currently serving as the “gold agent” of the bank, as Europa claims. In 2004, N.M. Rothschild & Sons withdrew from the gold market, including trading of gold and its role in “fixing” the price of gold with other London banks.[15]https://www.theguardian.com/business/2004/apr/15/1
The Rothschilds controls the Bank of England (14:52)
No evidence for this.
The Rothschilds control the London Bullion Market Association allowing them to fix the world’s gold price and earn millions in transaction fees (14:55)
As mentioned above, the Rothschilds were one of five firms in charge of the London Gold Market, which was tasked with fixing gold prices and overseeing the operation of the gold market in London. The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) was established in 1987 when the Bank of England decided an independent body was needed to handle this role.
The organisation gets its members from a number of banks, brokers and other firms involved in the precious metals market. You can find its board members here. No Rothschilds are involved, and there’s no evidence they have control of the body by any other means.
Over the centuries the Rothschilds have acquired trillions worth of gold and cornered the world’s gold supply (15:18)
If there’s any evidence for this, the documentary isn’t presenting it. In 2023, A Sunday Times wealth report estimated the Rothschild family fortune to be worth a modest billion dollars. It’s quite possible that it’s substantially more than that and the public is unaware of its true extent, but this this never seems to be substantiated by conspiracy theorists on this topic.
The Rothschilds own the world’s largest oil company, Royal Dutch Shell (15:27)
Not true. In 1912, Royal Dutch Shell bought out a Rothschild-owned oil company named Bnito, which operated in the Russian Empire. As part of the deal, the Rothschilds became shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell.[16]Yergin, Daniel. The prize: The epic quest for oil, money & power. Simon and Schuster, 2011. They never had a controlling share, and in 2022 Rothschild Investment Corp closed their position in Shell PLC, at which point they no longer held any shares in the company.[17]https://fintel.io/so/us/rds.a/rothschild-investment-...orp-il
Through Central Banks, the Rothschild family control the money supply of almost every nation on earth (16:23)
Wrong. Most central banks are controlled by governments and run through boards and committees. Most are entirely state-owned, and have quite a bit of transparency in their governance structure. In a couple of minutes we’ve heard the Rothschilds control most of the world’s wealth, most of its gold, major television networks, the world’s biggest oil company and most central banks, all without a shred of evidence.
In 1910, Seven of the world’s richest Jewish men held a secret meeting to establish the Federal Reserve (16:29)
The documentary only names five of these seven. These men — A. Piatt Andrew, Benjamin Strong, Nelson Aldrich, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg — did meet at Jekyll Island to devise a plan to reform the country’s banking system. But the claim they were all Jewish is false. Of these seven, only one, Paul Warburg, was Jewish.
The three most powerful men who opposed the Federal Reserve all died aboard the Titanic (17:00)
Benjamin Guggeneim, Isador Straus and John Jacob Astor are listed as three of the richest men in the world, whose deaths aboard the Titanic ended serious opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve. It is true they all died on the Titanic, and all were very wealthy, with Astor being one of the richest men in the world at the time of his death.
But there is no evidence any of the three were opposed to central banking or a Federal Reserve. In fact, a 1911 New York Times edition reported that Astor was a big supporter of the idea.[18]https://www.nytimes.com/1911/10/16/archives/isidor-s...n.html
But it gets better: Isidor Straus not only wrote in favour of establishing a central bank,[19]https://archive.is/qsOJv#selection-521.80-521.149 he actually served as treasurer of the New York branch of the National Citizens’ League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System, which existed to petition for the establishment of the Federal Reserve. Now guess who had a role in establishing this organisation? None other than Paul Warburg![20]https://histecon.fas.harvard.edu/crisis-next/1907/do...er.pdf If anything, a conspiracy centered around the Titanic sinking would make more sense if the filmmakers said it was targeting supporters of the Federal Reserve.
With many Congressmen and Senators home for Christmas, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve into existence (17:29)
The act had been debated for months before it came to a vote, it didn’t catch anyone by surprise while they were home for Christmas. The US House of Representatives approved the bill 298-60, and the Senate approved it 43-25.[21]https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/federal...signed Nothing would have changed with greater attendance or more debate.
The Federal Reserve gave control of the nation’s money supplies to private interests (17:38)
The structure of the US Federal Reserve is enormously complicated and makes good material for conspiracy theories. The Fed doesn’t fall under the executive branch but is supposed to be an independent agency with oversight from Congress. This is intended to give it some independence from day-to-day political pressures and oversight.
The Federal Reserve System is considered to be an independent central bank. It is so, however, only in the sense that its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive branch of the government. The entire System is subject to oversight by the U.S. Congress….the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government.[22]https://www.frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publicat...0roles
The Fed is structured like a corporation, and twelve Federal Reserve Banks are “owned” by private member banks in their districts, but this “ownership” doesn’t give them the kind of control ownership confers in any other corporate context. These Reserve Banks don’t operate for profit, and commercial banks own stock in them to satisfy a condition of membership in the system. The earnings of these Reserve Banks are required by law to be transferred back to the US Treasury. The Board of Governors is still appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
Woodrow Wilson wrote in 1913 that he regretted handing control of the country to a banking cartel (17:55)
Europa says that Wilson wrote these words in 1913:
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
Wilson never said this. This website breaks down the background to this quote. Basically, part of it is made up, and the rest is mined from two different paragraphs of a book Wilson wrote BEFORE establishing the Federal Reserve. So Wilson’s support for the Federal Reserve was actually motivated by this kind of sentiment about limiting the monopoly power of private bankers, it certainly wasn’t an expression of regret. I can’t find any speeches or writings after the act where Wilson expresses any regret over the creation of the Federal Reserve.
Jewish bankers and their Rabbis celebrated the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 (18:34)
It’s not clear what he’s referring to and I can’t find anything on this topic. It looks like someone attached this caption to an old photo of a Rabbi standing with businessmen and the film ran with it.
“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.” — Charles Lindbergh (18:45)
This is a real quote. It’s usually posted without a source, but I tracked it down to Chapter XIII of a book Lindbergh wrote called The Economic Pinch.[23]Lindbergh, Charles August. The economic pinch. Dorrance, 1923.
“The adoption of the debt-based financial system preached by Marx in the Communist Manifesto had been accomplished” (19:08)
Marx saw capitalist credit creation as exploitative and never advocated anything close to a “debt-based financial system”. Marx envisioned communist society as being classless and moneyless. With the means of production collectively owned, there would be no more profit-seeking or usury.
The elite that own the Federal Reserve control other banks, corporations, and the world’s money supply. It creates worthless money out of thin air, backed by nothing. (19:42)
As is common in this kind of conspiracy content, the filmmakers are really overestimating the role of the Fed in control of the world’s money supply.
This is a painfully complex topic, but I did my best to explain how the global financial system and its money supply really works in my article on the Eurodollar system, so to conclude, I’m going to suggest you go read that for some real red pills:
- The Shadow Money System That Rules The World
Keith Woods, July 15, 2024
In any alternative media space, you are sure to find much talk about US dollar dominance, as well as optimistic forecasts of its imminent decline. This is also true in the radical right, where nationalists pine after an end to US imperial hegemony and the rise of a more multipolar world.
One important takeaway for this though, is that while money is created out of thin air, through credit creation, this is not done by the Federal Reserve, but by private banks.
Every Federal Reserve Chairman since 1980 has been Jewish (20:14)
Almost, but no. From 1980 to the time of the film’s release the Fed chairs were:
- Paul Volcker (1979-1987): Not Jewish.
- Alan Greenspan (1987-2006): Jewish.
- Ben Bernanke (2006-2014): Jewish.
- Janet Yellen (2014-2018): Jewish.
Three out of four is obviously an enormous overrepresentation for a group that is 2-3% of the American population, but Europa still turns this into something that can easily be debunked by naming Volcker as a Jew.
Paul Volcker
The House of Rothschild owns 57% of the stock of the Federal Reserve (20:22)
Not true, and as I explained in Part 2, the Fed isn’t privately owned like a normal corporation anyway. The Fed’s “stock” is divided among member banks without the rights of traditional company stock ownership.
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Quote from a Jew explaining that they control the country through the Federal Reserve (20:58)
Europa includes a lengthy quotation from a Jew named Harold Wallace Rosenthal which includes the following:
“Our power has been created through the manipulation of the national monetary system. We authored the quotation. ‘Money is power.’ As revealed in our master plan, it was essential for us to establish a private national bank. The Federal Reserve system fitted our plan nicely since it is owned by us, but the name implies that it is a government institution. From the very outset, our purpose was to confiscate all the gold and silver, replacing them with worthless non-redeemable paper notes. This we have done!”
Rosenthal was an aide to a Senator killed in a terrorist attack in Turkey in 1976. The purported interview that contained this quote was released in 1978 in a pamphlet titled The Hidden Tyranny by a man named Walter White Jr.
We have no evidence this interview actually happened other than the word of White, and Rosenthal could not dispute it since it was published almost two years after his death. White nationalist Tom Metzger, who knew White, said the interview was bogus and considered White a liar. He said on his radio show regarding the interview:
That interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border. He was really shacked up with a younger woman in an L.A. motel. … That interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.[24]https://web.archive.org/web/20130510155235/https://w...8.html
Now it’s time for the Bolshevik Revolution.
State Department documents show a group of powerful Jews planned the overthrow of the Tsar in 1916 (24:09)
Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Isaac Seligman, and Mortimer Schiff are listed as part of this conspiracy. Europa doesn’t elaborate further on what these State Department documents were or what they proved, but I’ve been able to track down the source and to my surprise this claim actually has merit.
In the book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, author Antony Sutton traces this to a State Department Decimal File (861.00/5339) which contained a document titled “Bolshevism and Judaism”, dated November 13, 1918:
The text is in the form of a report, which states that the revolution in Russia was engineered “in February 1916” and “it was found that the following persons and firms were engaged in this destructive work”:
(1) Jacob Schiff – Jew
(2) Kuhn, Loeb & Company – Jewish Firm
Jacob Schiff – Jew
Felix Warburg – Jew
Otto H. Kahn – Jew
Mortimer L. Schiff – Jew
Jerome J. Hanauer – Jew
Guggenheim – Jew
Max Breitung – Jew
Isaac Seligman – Jew
The report goes on to assert that there can be no doubt that the Russian Revolution was started and engineered by this group and that in April 1917.
Sutton informs us that the documents anonymous author was a member of the US War Trade Board. In this context Sutton also quotes a British Intelligence report, which writes:
SUMMARY: There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing between the leaders in America, France, Russia and England with a view to concerted action…[25]Great Britain, Directorate of Intelligence, A Monthly Review of the Progress of Revolutionary Movements Abroad, no. 9, July 16, 1913 (861.99/5067).
Sutton notes that “none of the above statements can be supported with hard empirical evidence”,[26]Sutton, A. C. (2012). Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists. Clairview Books. since these purported letters have never been seen. He then writes a brief dismissal of a Jewish conspiracy by saying Jewish overrepresentation is meaningless because there’s no reason to think Jews would have supported Bolshevism just because of their Jewishness. Sutton doesn’t explain why that must be the case though, and I don’t find his way of dismissing this very convincing.
These documents are certainly interesting, but what to make of them on their own? It’s also worth noting that some of these names, like Schiff, were supportive of the Republican faction the Bolsheviks were fighting against. So at least from everything else we know about their views and patronage, it would be unlikely they would have supported an overthrow of the Republican government.
Alexander II of Russia was assassinated by a Jewish revolutionary named Vera Figner (25:10)
Vera Figner was not Jewish. She was born to Russian nobility on both sides of her family.[27]Hartnett, Lynne Ann. The Defiant Life of Vera Figner: Surviving the Russian Revolution. Indiana University Press, 2014.
“The Jew Alexander Kerensky” (25:44)
Kerensky was commonly rumoured to be Jewish, but there is nothing to support this. Nothing in his father’s biography suggests a Jewish identification. Interestingly, his mother’s name was Nadezhda Alexandrovna Adler, and Adler is a common Jewish name. However, Nadezhda was the granddaughter of freed serfs and the daughter of a General Alexander Adler, a nobleman and figurehead in the Kazan Military District.[28]Abraham, Richard. Alexander Kerensky: The first love of the revolution. Columbia University Press, 1987. So certainly not Jewish.
Kerensky received one million dollars from Jacob Schiff to free all political prisoners and welcome back political exiles (25:45)
A document by a Cyrus Adler which profiles Schiff writes that Schiff:
Was in sympathy with the Kerensky Government, and evinced this by a subscription of one million rubles to the loan issued by that Government which, for the time being, at least, is valueless.[29]Adler, Cyrus. Jacob Henry Schiff: A Biographical Sketch. Vol. 1. American jewish committee, 1921.
Ron Chernow also claims Schiff made a loan of this sum in his book The Warburgs.[30]Chernow, Ron. The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family. Vintage, 2016. Schiff, like many other Jews in America, was indeed intent on helping to overthrow the Tsarist regime they considered antisemitic.
Kerensky did release tens of thousands of prisoners — titled “Jailbirds of Kerensky” — in a series of amnesties in 1917. However, there’s no evidence Schiff demanded these prisoner releases, as Europa suggests.
Jacob Schiff handled contacts between the Jewish B’nai B’rith Masonic organisation and the Russian revolutionaries (26:14)
Schiff was a member of B’nai B’rith, but there isn’t anything to substantiate this.
Jacob Schiff
Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg sent Trotsky to Russia to complete the revolution (26:25)
There’s no evidence that Warburg or Schiff were directing Trotsky to return to Russia. It is worth noting though that Trotsky was granted a passport to return to Russia, with transit through Britain, by none other than Woodrow Wilson. As one biographer writes, “Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport.”[31]Wise, Jennings Cropper. “Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution.” (1938).
Sutton reports that Trotsky lived large during his time in New York, and was reported to have a fortune of $10,000 on him when leaving the country, despite his only profession being a communist revolutionary. The records show that an MI5 agent tasked with monitoring Trotsky dispatched a message to London about the sum saying Trotsky had set sail “with $10,000 subscribed by Socialists and Germans.”[32]https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/jul/05/humanitie...cation
This would have been a remarkable sum that would be worth hundreds of thousands in today’s currency. This has fueled subsequent speculation on if Trotsky was funded by sympathetic wealthy Jews in America. Trotsky biographer Kenneth Ackerman writes that Trotsky ingratiated himself well with the Jewish community during his period living in New York before the revolution:
“Many of these Jews in New York knew Trotsky as someone who had outspokenly denounced the Tsar for his anti-Semitism, so he was very popular.”[33]https://www.timesofisrael.com/trotskys-day-out-how-a...ution/
The agent who sent the telegram alleging Trotsky was carrying a fortune ordered that Trotsky be detained after his stop in Halifax, Canada. This was overruled by an MI6 Agent, who concluded the information originated with “an agent provocateur, used by the old Russian Secret Police”. Ackerman believes that:
If Trotsky in fact had been carrying it, he would have had to throw it overboard into the ocean or the deep waters of Bedford Basin to avoid the British finding it, highly unlikely given the hundreds of witnesses on board.[34]Ackerman, Kenneth D. Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution. Catapult, 2016. Pg. 248
Overall then, the evidence for Trotsky leaving the US with a massive fortune is a little dubious, but in any case there would nothing to connect it to bankers like Warburg or Schiff.
Schiff and Warburg supplied Trotsky with $20 million in gold, today worth billions (26:38)
Conspiracy websites say it was reported that Schiff’s son John in “The Knickerbocker Column” of the New York Journal American in February 1949. They seem to recirculate this quote:
“Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”
This doesn’t seem to me credible by itself, as it’s a second-hand account of a statement by Schiff’s grandson, which doesn’t seem to be corroborated with anything else. Moreover, Europa specifically adds that it was gold for some reason, which isn’t included in other versions of this conspiracy. Where did it get that from? Wouldn’t lumbering $20 million worth of gold — billions worth in today’s money — across the world present some practical problems for Trotsky? Wouldn’t it have been recorded in the report documenting the $10,000 fortune he left America with? Or noticed when he arrived in England?
‘Trotsky gets kicked out of Kuban’: a poster created for the anti-Bolshevik White forces during the Russian civil war, 1919
90,000 revolutionaries, mostly Jews and freemasons returned to Russia to join the revolution (26:44)
We don’t know exactly how many entered Russia to partake in revolution, but it’s nothing close to 90,000. So where did Europa get this figure? This is the number historians estimated were the “Jailbirds of Kerensky” released from prison in Russia. A pretty serious error on the filmmakers’ part. Also, it sure is convenient Europa tells us these tens of thousands of Jews not recorded anywhere changed their names to Russian.
Jewish-Swedish banker Olof Aschberg funded the Bolsheviks; his grandson is a former communist and anti-White activist today (26:57)
Jewish chairman of the executive committee Jacob Sverdlov ordered Jewish Cheka commander Jacob Yurovsky to kill the Tsar’s family under orders from Jacob Schiff (27:35)
Much like the Federal Reserve chairmen bit, this is a fairly typical case of Europa having information that’s remarkable in showing the extent of Jewish influence, but adding an outright lie to make it seem even more remarkable, thus discrediting the whole thing.
Yurovsky and Sverdlov were both Jews, Yurovsky was in charge of the murders of the Romanov family, and Sverdlov played a major role in organising it alongside Lenin and Filipp Goloshchyokin. But there is no source that suggests Yurovsky ordered this to appease Jacob Schiff.
Four Jewish assassins murdered the Romanov family (28:30)
Europa lists these assassins as Yurovsky, Grigory P. Nikulin, Peter Ermakov and Stepan Vaganov. Of these four, only Yurovsky was Jewish.
Jewish postcards prove the Tsar was killed in a Jewish ritual sacrifice (29:45)
Europa says this postcard depicting the Tsar being used in a Jewish sacrifice ritual was passed around Jewish shops after the murder of the Romanovs. But apparently, this postcard originates from 1905, over a decade before the Tsar’s death. The only thing it really proves is that Jews had long held a deep enmity for the Tsar.
In this regard, it’s worth noting that similar images were made of Hitler during his leadership of Germany:
Since it’s not proof for a Jewish ritual murder of Hitler, it only shows that Jews of the time had a similar hatred for the Tsar as they later did for Hitler.
“The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.” — David R. Francis, US Ambassador to Russia (30:37)
This is a real quote.[35]Francis, David R. Russia from the American Embassy (New York: 1921), p. 214.
“There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” — The Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919 (31:11)
This is also a real quote.[36]https://archive.org/details/B-001-018-446
Of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government, 17 were Jews (31:29)
This is probably based on a claim made by Solzhenitsyn that 17 out of 20 of the ministers in the first government were Jewish. I don’t know why the number 22 was used here. The first Soviet government, established after the October Revolution in 1917, appointed[15]https://www.theguardian.com/business/2004/apr/15/1 “people’s commissars” or ministers under Lenin.[37]https://soviethistory.msu.edu/1917-2/first-bolshevik...arkom/ Trotsky was the only one of these ministers who was Jewish.
Stalin spoke Yiddish and had three Jewish wives (31:41)
There’s no indication that Stalin spoke Yiddish. Karl Radl goes into detail debunking this claim here. Stalin had two wives, not three. His first wife, Kato Svanidze, was ethnically Georgian. His second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, was Russian with a small amount of Romani ancestry.
“Some historians claim that Stalin was Georgian, and some say that he was a Georgian Jew” (31:48)
No, they just say he was Georgian.
Los Angeles B’nai B’rith Messenger stated Stalin was a Jew (31:55)
The column, written in 1950, is an opinion piece titled “Here’s the Point”. The story of a former Soviet general who thought Stalin had Jewish ancestry is casually recounted as a way to make fun of antisemites:
A former Soviet General claims that Joseph Stalin is of Jewish ancestry. (Remember the fascists in this country who tried to Judaize Franklin Delino Roosevelt? Same type of mentality’). Bet a dollar that the guys who’ll throw it up to us, will forget that Jesus Christ was also a Jew.[38]Weissman, David. ‘Here’s the Point’, B’nai B’rith Messenger, 3rd March 1950, p. 5
Needless to say, “some Soviet General said it”, reported only by a Jew using the anecdote to make a joke about antisemites, is not really evidence of anything.
“Stalin’s real name was Losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili” (32:00)
Yes. Are the filmmakers dropping that in after saying some suspect Stalin was Jewish because they think it’s a Jewish sounding name? Definitely sounds Georgian.
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“The Jewish writer Moritz Steinschneider invented the term ‘antisemitic’ in 1860” (32:06)
True. The German Wilhelm Marr often gets credited with inventing the term (I’ve seen E. Michael Jones say this) but he only popularised it. Steinschneider used it in a piece arguing against the French philosopher Ernest Renan. Renan was a Semitic scholar who called Semites an “incomplete race”.[39]http://www.jstor.org/stable/24537109.
The very first piece of legislation passed by the communist regime was the “antisemitism act” in 1917 (32:20)
Not true. An official Soviet response to antisemitism didn’t come until 26 July 1918, when the Soviet government issued a decree on anti-Jewish violence.[40]McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019. In Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution, Historian Brendan McGeever explains this decree as the culmination of a months long lobbying effort from Jewish socialists outside the leadership of the Bolsheviks — beginning in April 1918 — in response to a series of pogroms against the Jews. McGeever explains that:
What we have come to know as the ‘Bolshevik’ response to antisemitism was the work of a group of non-Bolshevik Jewish radicals who coalesced around the regional apparatuses of the local Moscow Soviet government. Repeatedly, and often against great odds, they campaigned for and brought into being the first Soviet state response to antisemitism.[41]IBID. Pg 84.
(McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.)
Contra what we are told in Europa, McGreever notes that this was “the first intervention by the Bolshevik leadership on the question of antisemitism since the October Revolution of 1917”.[42]IBID. Pg, 79
(McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.)
Antisemitism was made a capital crime in the Soviet Union (32:29)
In the same book, McGeever explains how this decree included a provision for capital punishment in the case of partaking in anti-Jewish pogroms:
On 25 July…Lenin’s Sovnarkom met to discuss the question of antisemitism for the first time. The meeting had immediate results: the following day, a Sovnarkom decree on antisemitism was issued to all regions of Soviet Russia, and on 27 July it was published in the Soviet press. This was a significant moment: a Soviet government’s response to antisemitism had been set in motion.
It was Dimanshtein who had played the key role, not just in initiating the meeting, but in drafting the decree itself. Crucially, it was endorsed by Lenin, who personally added its concluding sentence in red pen: ‘The Sovnarkom instructs all Soviet institutions to take uncompromising measures to tear the antisemitic movement out by the roots. Pogromists and pogrom-agitators are to be placed outside the law.’ Shortly after, Dimanshtein proudly announced the significance of Lenin’s addition: ‘[This] is a very severe decree … that makes anti-Jewish pogroms punishable by death.’[43]IBID. Pg 78-79
(McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.)
He goes on to note that by the time the decree was issued, the Bolsheviks had already lost control of the regions of the former Pale of Settlement where the Red Army themselves had engaged in progroms against Jews, and the impact of the decree was thus negligible.
A year later in the Ukrainian city of Uman, where more than half of the residents were Jewish, an uprising against Bolshevik rule took place, leading to anti-Jewish violence. This reportedly continued afer a Bolshevik regiment again occupied the city, this time with the Red Army as perpetrators themselves. In response, “local Communist Party cells tried to fight the 8th Soviet Regiment, and several orders making pogroms punishable by death were issued.”[44]IBID. Pg. 103
(McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.)
Finally, McGeever reports that antisemitism led to more harsh punishments, including death, for those using it to stir anti-government sentiment:
There is evidence to suggest that punishments were more severe when antisemitism was used to incite workers and peasants against Bolshevik rule. In Myrhorod, a city in the Poltava region, the former officer of a Soviet battalion Sergei Dubchak led an uprising against the Soviet regime in early April 1919 under the slogan ‘Death to the Yids and Communists, long live Soviet Power!’ When the Bolsheviks regained control of the city on 4 April, Dubchak, along with seven other leaders of the uprising, was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Tribunal. Among the charges brought against them was their explicit use of antisemitism to agitate against the regime. This latter case is instructive, since it suggests that antisemitism was punishable by death not because the accused had participated in antisemitic political action in and of itself, but rather, because such action represented a crime against the Soviet state.[45]IBID. Pg. 119
(McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.)
Stalin’s 1936 constitution of the Soviet Union essentially codified hate speech laws, but these were not specific to antisemitism, instead having broad scope to target anyone advocating “national exclusiveness” or “hatred or contempt”, establishing:
Equality of rights of citizens of the U.S.S.R., irrespective of their nationality or race, in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life, is an indefeasible law. Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness or hatred and contempt, is punishable by law.
The Jewish talmud endorses Jewish supremacy and exploitative behaviour against non-Jews (34:35)
This is accurate. A good source on this is the Israeli scholar Israel Shahak, specifically his book Jewish history, Jewish religion.[46]Shahak, Israel. Jewish history, Jewish religion: the weight of three thousand years. Pluto Press, 1994. Another good, and more accessible explainer, is Ron Unz’s article Oddities of the Jewish religion.[47]https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of...igion/
That Alexandr Solzhenitsyn quote (34:52)
Europa includes this lengthy purported Solzhenitsyn quote saying the Bolsheviks were Jewish
The Europa version is longer than the one normally attributed to Solzhenitsyn, including a section saying “the blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” I can’t find this part of the quote anywhere else but in the documentary. The source for the rest of it comes from David Duke, who claims in his book The Secret Behind Communism that these are words Solzhenitsyn said to him in a meeting in Moscow in 2002. This is the full quote as recounted by Duke:
You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.[48]Duke, David. The Secret Behind Communism: The Ethnic Origins of the Russian Revolution & the Greatest Holocaust in the History of Mankind. 2013. Pg. 13
Since we have no source other than David Duke for this, whether or not the quote is real comes down to how much you trust Duke’s testimony. But Europa still changes the quote and includes parts not found in Duke’s book.
At this point, a good portion of the documentary becomes clips of documentaries about the Holodomor, which are fine. Then we get to a Lenin quote:
“Now and only now, when people are being eaten in famine-stricken areas, and hundreds, if not thousands, of corpses lie on the roads, we can (and therefore must) pursue the removal of church property with the most frenzied and ruthless energy and not hesitate to put down the least opposition.” — Lenin (47:26)
This is a real quote.[49]https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/trans-ae2bkhun.html
“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negros, whom we will give such a tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be on the right, but on the left, and not white, but red. In the literal sense of the word, red, for we will shed such streams of blood, before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and pale. The largest bankers overseas will work closely with us. If we win the revolution, crush Russia, then on its burial debris we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world will kneel. We will show you what real power is. By terror blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete dullness, to idiocy, to an animal state.” — Trotsky (48:18)
The source of this quote is a small Russian fascist newspaper from the 1930s named Nash Put, which was purporting to paraphrase Rasputin’s secretary Aron Simanovitch from his book Rasputin: The Memoirs of His Secretary. I can’t find anything like this quote in the English translation of his memoir,[50]Simanovitch, Aron. Rasputin: The Memoirs of His Secretary. Edited by Delin Colon and Bryna Kranzler. Annotated edition. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. or anything else to corroborate it.
“The Jew Vladimir Lenin” (50:13)
Lenin was only a quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather was a Ukrainian Jew who reportedly converted to Christianity to escape the Pale of Settlement.[51]https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2011/05/31/lenins-jew...-a7314
The Cheka was led by a Jew, Felix Dzerzhinsky (50:17)
Dzerzhinsky was not Jewish. His ancestry is fairly easy to track, since he was actually of Polish noble origins.[52]Riga, Liliana. “Reconciling Nation and Class in Imperial Borderlands: the Making of Bolshevik Internationalists Karl Radek and Feliks Dzierżyński in East Central Europe 1.” Journal of Historical Sociology 19, no. 4 (2006): 447-472.
Felix Dzerzhinsky
Jews made up nearly 80% of the rank and file Cheka agents (50:18)
It is claimed that this fact comes from the historian Bruce Lincoln. This is actually true, but more specifically it was Cheka agents in Ukraine, which Europa does not specify. Of course, that’s still an astonishing figure.
A 1990 archived edition of the New York times confirms this is Lincoln’s finding in a review of his book Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War:
Mr. Lincoln argues that more Russian priests were killed at the hand of Red mobs than by state-sanctioned execution. He also says that the Reds, always anxious to use racial hatred to their advantage, exploited the grief of the persecuted Jews and made them a substantial component of the Cheka, the new secret police, in the Ukraine (he figures Jews made up 80 percent of the Cheka cadre in the region).[53]https://archive.is/TRVV4
Stalin’s second wife was Lazar Kaganovich’s sister, Kaganovich likely controlled Stalin through her (51:50)
Wrong. Lazar’s sister Rosa was “believed to be intimately involved with Stalin” In the West during his lifetime, it was rumoured Stalin may have married Rosa, but this never happened. In fact, Rosa probably never existed at all.
Karl Radl has a detailed article on this which concludes Rosa never existed as:
The people who should know of her existence don’t and those who claim she existed were in no position to actually know and seem to have been relying on rumours that simply evolved, clarified and magnified over time.[54]Karl Radl. Was Rosa Kaganovich Joseph Stalin’s Third Wife?
He concludes that the rumour probably originated among victims of Stalin’s repression as a way to express the Jewish character of the tyranny:
‘Rosa Kaganovich’ was…a phantasm created by the (often non-jewish) victims of Stalin’s Soviet Union to express and explain – basically ‘Rosa Kaganovich’ controls Stalin (with sex) and Lazar Kaganovich controls ‘Rosa Kaganovich’ and thus Stalin – the overwhelming jewishness of that genocidal regime without overtly observing that jewishness because that would go against their Marxist or broadly leftist beliefs.[55]IBID
(Karl Radl. Was Rosa Kaganovich Joseph Stalin’s Third Wife?)
Many churches were burned, but synagogues were left standing. Soviet leaders held Rabbis in high esteem (52:08)
The Soviets passed a law on 2 February 1918 enshrining the separation of church and state which declared all property of religious associations to now belong to the public. This allowed the seizure of those buildings to be reconstituted as housing or for other needs of the state.
In 1921, the Soviets closed a number of synagogues in the city of Vitebsk to convert to schools, to heavy protests from the Orthodox Jews administering them. The policy didn’t become common until the late 1920s, though. A paper on this gives numbers to how this affected synagogues:
Confiscation of synagogues was carried out on a much greater scale after 1927. According to the Bezbozhnik (The Atheist) in 1914 there had been 1,400 synagogues in the Ukraine, in 1927 only 1,034, and from then until early 1929 one hundred more were closed. By 1927 about 100 synagogues in Byelorussia had been closed down. In the entire USSR, according to Izvestia, 354 churches, 38 monasteries, 59 synagogues, 38 mosques and 43 other prayer houses were closed in 1928.[56]Yodfat, Aryeh Y. “The closure of synagogues in the soviet union.” East European Jewish Affairs 3, no. 1 (1973): 48-56.
In 1929, more than 100 synagogues were closed. A research paper on this concludes synangogues were actually being closed at a greater rate than other religious buildings because of a greater cost of maintenance.[57]IBID
(Yodfat, Aryeh Y. “The closure of synagogues in the soviet union.” East European Jewish Affairs 3, no. 1 (1973): 48-56.) By late 1930, no synagogues remained in Kiev, where there had been 44 before the Bolshevik government. The “great purges” of 1937-1939 brought about the closure of most of the remaining synagogues.
As far as the claims of burning specifically, in the city Bobruysk its three major “great synagogues” were confiscated by the government and had their Holy Arks smashed and burned. So synagogues don’t seem to have been spared from any of the Communist targeting of religious buildings.
“We must hate. Hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not communists.” (53:07)
This is not a real quote. It appears to be based on something Lenin wrote in his tract Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder:
The writer of the letter is full of a noble and working-class hatred for the bourgeois “class politicians” … In a representative of the oppressed and exploited masses, this hatred is truly the “beginning of all wisdom”, the basis of any socialist and communist movement and of its success.[58]Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich. ” Left-wing” communism: an infantile disorder. 1920.
“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”-New York American Hebrew, 20 September 1920. (53:20)
The article from The American Hebrew is called “Jews in World Reconstruction”, written by Svetozar Tonjoroff, who was not a Jew. The phrase “Bolshevist/Bolshevik revolution was the work of Jewish brains” does not appear in the article, which was discussing the fall of Tsarism in Russia:
The workings of this unrest are to be seen in the events that have accomplished, since the fateful year 1914, a task that looms far larger than the French Revolution—the annihilation of the must firmly entrenched, the most selfish and most reckless autocratic system in the world, the Russian Czarism. That achievement, destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the world war, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.[59]Quoted in General Jewish Council (US). Father Coughlin, His” facts” and Arguments. General Jewish Council, 1939.
So the article is commending the earlier, Republican revolution by the Kerensky faction in Russia that was overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
This version of the quote which includes “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains” appears to have first been published in 1959 in a Christian fascist publication called The Cross and the Flag.[60]https://books.google.com/books?id=UVQfAQAAMAAJ&d...brains
“Zionism is a political program for the conquest of the world” (53:52)
A real quote from Henry H. Klein, who wrote “Zionism Rules the World.”
“Some call it communism, I call it Judaism” — Rabbi Stephen Wise (54:16)
This is often posted online with the source always given, as it is here, as “The American Bulletin, May 15, 1935.”
The American Bulletin was a pro-Nazi American newsletter, so it seems pretty unlikely a liberal Rabbi like Stephen Wise would have been a contributing columnist. If the Bulletin was quoting some other speech of Wise, there doesn’t seem to be any other record of it.
“We will make our hearts cruel, hard, and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood.” — Gregory Zinoviev (57:35)
This Zinoviev quote is real.[61]https://spartacus-educational.com/RUSterror.htm
“You are Starving? This is not famine yet, when your woman start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving.” — Trotsky (1:07:32)
Not a real quote.
Jews were commandants of 11 out of 12 main gulags (1:12:27)
This apparently originates in an anti-communist work written in 1937, but it doesn’t seem to have any basis in fact.
Jews certainly had a disproportionate representation among the administrators of the gulag system, though. The Jew Lazar Kogan was head of the gulag system from 1930 to 1932, then became deputy to the new head of the system: the Jew Matvei Berman who held the post from 1932 to 1937. Berman was succeeded by another Jew, Israel Pliner, meaning three Jews consecutively ran the gulag system from 1930 to 1937.[62]Jakobson, Michael. Origins of the gulag: The Soviet prison camp system, 1917-1934. University Press of Kentucky, 2014. After that, the position was held by Russians or Ukrainians.
“Without big banks socialism would be impossible” — Lenin (1:13:15)
This is a real quote from a Lenin essay called “Can the Bolsheviks retain state power?”[63]Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich. Can the Bolsheviks retain state power?. Progress Publishers, 1967.
And that concludes Part One of Europa: The Last Battle!
[1] Hess, Moses. Rome and Jerusalem: a study in Jewish nationalism. Bloch Publishing Company, 1918. Pg. 76
[2] Hess, Moses. “The philosophy of the act.” Socialist thought. A documentary history (1964): 260-270.
[3] Sorin, Gerald. “Moses Hess: Prophet of Communism and Zionism.” (1987): 120-123.
[4] Gelles, Edward. The Jewish Journey: A Passage Through European History. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.
[5] https://time.com/archive/6734131/books-a-power-unto-themselves/
[6] https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1849/01/13.htm
[7] Fein, Isaac M. “NILES’ WEEKLY REGISTER ON THE JEWS.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 50, no. 1 (1960): 3–22. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43059103
[8] https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/theodor-herzl-founder-of-zionism-not-quite-what-you-might-imagine/
[9] https://www.rothschildarchive.org/collections/archivists_choice/february_2019_telegraphic_code_books_south_american_business_1909_1938
[10] https://fintel.io/news/woodbridge-co-ltd-discloses-stake-in-ca-tri-thomson-reuters-corp-0.10888386676554429
[11] https://thebhc.org/n-m-rothschild-sons-royal-mint-refinery-golden-opportunity
[12] Blagg, Michele. “The Royal Mint Refinery: a business adapting to change, 1919-1968.” PhD diss., King’s College London (University of London), 2013.
[13] https://cdn.lbma.org.uk/downloads/Alch71.pdf
[14] https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/quarterly-bulletin/1964/the-london-gold-market.pdf
[15] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2004/apr/15/1
[16] Yergin, Daniel. The prize: The epic quest for oil, money & power. Simon and Schuster, 2011.
[17] https://fintel.io/so/us/rds.a/rothschild-investment-corp-il
[18] https://www.nytimes.com/1911/10/16/archives/isidor-straus-urges-new-banking-plan-replies-to-jj-hills-attack-on.html
[19] https://archive.is/qsOJv#selection-521.80-521.149
[20] https://histecon.fas.harvard.edu/crisis-next/1907/docs/Chen-Warburg_Final_Paper.pdf
[21] https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/federal-reserve-act-signed
[22] https://www.frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publications/doctor-econ/2003/09/private-public-corporation/#:~:text=Yes%20and%20no.,in%20fulfilling%20its%20varying%20roles
[23] Lindbergh, Charles August. The economic pinch. Dorrance, 1923.
[24] https://web.archive.org/web/20130510155235/https://www.resist.com/updates/2010/NOV_10/NAV-20101128.html
[25] Great Britain, Directorate of Intelligence, A Monthly Review of the Progress of Revolutionary Movements Abroad, no. 9, July 16, 1913 (861.99/5067).
[26] Sutton, A. C. (2012). Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists. Clairview Books.
[27] Hartnett, Lynne Ann. The Defiant Life of Vera Figner: Surviving the Russian Revolution. Indiana University Press, 2014.
[28] Abraham, Richard. Alexander Kerensky: The first love of the revolution. Columbia University Press, 1987.
[29] Adler, Cyrus. Jacob Henry Schiff: A Biographical Sketch. Vol. 1. American jewish committee, 1921.
[30] Chernow, Ron. The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family. Vintage, 2016.
[31] Wise, Jennings Cropper. “Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution.” (1938).
[32] https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/jul/05/humanities.highereducation
[33] https://www.timesofisrael.com/trotskys-day-out-how-a-visit-to-nyc-influenced-the-bolshevik-revolution/
[34] Ackerman, Kenneth D. Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution. Catapult, 2016. Pg. 248
[35] Francis, David R. Russia from the American Embassy (New York: 1921), p. 214.
[36] https://archive.org/details/B-001-018-446
[37] https://soviethistory.msu.edu/1917-2/first-bolshevik-decrees/first-bolshevik-decrees-texts/soviet-of-peoples-commissars-sovnarkom/
[38] Weissman, David. ‘Here’s the Point’, B’nai B’rith Messenger, 3rd March 1950, p. 5
[39] http://www.jstor.org/stable/24537109.
[40] McGeever, Brendan. The Bolshevik Response to Antisemitism in the Russian Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
[41] IBID. Pg 84.
[42] IBID. Pg, 79
[43] IBID. Pg 78-79
[44] IBID. Pg. 103
[45] IBID. Pg. 119
[46] Shahak, Israel. Jewish history, Jewish religion: the weight of three thousand years. Pluto Press, 1994.
[47] https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/
[48] Duke, David. The Secret Behind Communism: The Ethnic Origins of the Russian Revolution & the Greatest Holocaust in the History of Mankind. 2013. Pg. 13
[49] https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/trans-ae2bkhun.html
[50] Simanovitch, Aron. Rasputin: The Memoirs of His Secretary. Edited by Delin Colon and Bryna Kranzler. Annotated edition. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
[51] https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2011/05/31/lenins-jewish-roots-on-display-a7314
[52] Riga, Liliana. “Reconciling Nation and Class in Imperial Borderlands: the Making of Bolshevik Internationalists Karl Radek and Feliks Dzierżyński in East Central Europe 1.” Journal of Historical Sociology 19, no. 4 (2006): 447-472.
[54] Karl Radl. Was Rosa Kaganovich Joseph Stalin’s Third Wife?
[55] IBID
[56] Yodfat, Aryeh Y. “The closure of synagogues in the soviet union.” East European Jewish Affairs 3, no. 1 (1973): 48-56.
[57] IBID
[58] Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich. ” Left-wing” communism: an infantile disorder. 1920.
[59] Quoted in General Jewish Council (US). Father Coughlin, His” facts” and Arguments. General Jewish Council, 1939.
[60] https://books.google.com/books?id=UVQfAQAAMAAJ&dq=%22The+Bolshevist+Revolution+in+Russia+was+the+work+of+Jewish+brains
[61] https://spartacus-educational.com/RUSterror.htm
[62] Jakobson, Michael. Origins of the gulag: The Soviet prison camp system, 1917-1934. University Press of Kentucky, 2014.
[63] Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich. Can the Bolsheviks retain state power?. Progress Publishers, 1967.
People do not understand the power of a central bank; it is powerful even when there is a gold standard, and it becomes more powerful when the currency is fiat. Because the legal tenders issued by it can simply absorb the entire surplus of the economy (not merely the tax revenue, which used to be around 3 – 4% of the National Income), and direct it to whichever lucky people to whom the central bank directs it. This is the real secret of central banking.
Judaist roots are much earlier. The Romans prosecuted three major wars against the Hebrews for their terrorism, according to the testimony of Tacitus (d. 118 A.D.), who carefully analyzed Hebrew ideology and determined their god (Yahveh) to be equivalent to Dionysus, the ancient form of irrationality and death. Although accurate, this Roman insight was not nearly deep enough.
The Romans were correct about the Hebrew menace (in what they knew as “Syria”) as irrational killers (just as in Palestine today) but in its naïveté Rome did not understand how the Hebrews reproduce themselves as an anti-human force by money-lending, for the Hebrews continued in ancient Rome as lenders just as usual without the least interference legally.
And in every land since their expulsion by the Romans (e.g., Spain, France, Germany), despite being found out publicly and repeatedly as pernicious anti-human monsters, the Hebrews endured and prospered, self-financed—and with ever-greater success incited the non Hebrews in war after war, profiting by war loans and reaping ever-greater power geopolitically.
The “final solution” to the problem of Hebrew ideology (Judaism) is a combination of religious, philosophical, and economic insight, since the bulwark of Talmudic Mendacity is bond-holdng and behind-the-scenes financial control of Central Banks, including the PBOC. Here is a clear and penetrating beginning to freedom from the Talmudic Monster, if indeed it is not too late:
Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
A lot of nitpicking going on in this article. All you need to know, which everyone already knows is the Jews are evil and run everything.
We cannot blame a criminal group for begging their way into modern western society with the aim of harnessing said society, like a virus to a cell, for its own purposes.
We western Christians brought into the thought of endless wealth by the buying and selling of bits of paper that represented real things once. People forget what the stock markets original purpose was, for enterprises to sell a piece of hard assets for liquidity to develop their enterprises through expansion of an idea or innovation or facilities. This original purpose is now lost among the drama and practices of a casino.
Western liberal societies are too inflexible to recognise perceived dangers and heading them off at the pass. The parliamentary system allows corruptible groups to control the parliamentary through its inflexible traditions and procedures.
What has been lost is western democracies is the moral hazard. Reward for hard work not the reward for gaming of the system.
Democracy only works if the level of the population understanding is equal, honest and up to date and is of sufficient logic of mind to understand what they’re being told.
What we have is a duplicitous state media and a brought and paid for private media beholden to the very group that corrupted the system in the first place.
If democracy is to continue in the West then it’s time for a new form of parliament, a licence to vote only issued on the basis that the person who is to receive it by can demonstrate an understanding of the system and has uttered at least one sensible statement per day!
Trump isn’t the answer because he is locked into the Israel project to maintain the middle-east sphere of interest, this project is a black hole that will consume all the savings Trump is now persuing.
The time is nigh for forums held around the western world on structural changes to subordinate media and parliament to serve the nation state and its people, not the few criminals who have asset stripped the west for trinkets, and they called the American India stupid they only lost Manhattan, Westerns lost their sovereignty and Empire.
Thx for the fact check. It’s very important to define what is true, rumour, lies.
This is a seriously misleading presentation of Churchill’s analysis. See the title, and his sections on “International Jews” and on “Terrorist Jews” in the essay.
Thanks for the fact checking! I’ve seen some of Europa at various times, and, while a lot of it is correct, I’ve always concluded that the percentage of wrong stuff is too high for me.
One quibble on the Churches and Synagogues.
The Orthodox church was formally attacked. Cathedrals in Moscow were obliterated.
The Synagogues became redundant after the Soviet Revolution emancipated Jews. Jews who had been excluded from power over Russians suddenly didn’t need to congregate as they could now just administrate. Thus many Synagogues were converted to school houses to brainwash Christian children.
You are correct. This article articulates and expounds on the diseases and deficits you reveal:
Thanks for this.
Has there been any communication between you and Karl Radl about his upcoming revision of Europa?
Hopefully, you will learn that ‘jews’ are not semites! Arabs, are. Since most so-called Jews come from eastern Europe, one has to ask, who are they? well, they are Kazhars, or more accurately, from the house of Tagarmah! So, any argument evolving them, is inaccurate because, even when they say that Jesus Christ was a ‘jew’ God forbid! Christ was descended from Hebrews, and was not even from judeah, He was from galilee! So, get your point straight. Also, Judeans, are not jews, because the word Jew was created in the 1800s. Prior, the word, Judean was used, an inhabitant of the roman province of Judeah. That word should be removed from the Bible, since it is a made-up word. In the roman province of Judeah, were Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians, etc. So, a Judean is basically someone living back then in that province.
Jews claiming semite ancestry, is like Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Pocahontas’, claiming native American ancestry! So, you are anti Native American if you criticize her!
I’m confused about the name of Carl Marx. “Moses Mordechai Levy was the name of Marx’s grandfather. So yes, he was born to a long line of Talmudic scholars on his father’s side.”
If Modechai Levy was his grandfather on his father’s side, wouldn’t his father receive his grandfather’s name and he receive his father’s? It seems like that would only not be true if he was illegitimate or his name was changed by his father to disguise his Jewish heritage.
And Marx and Rothschild being the third generation of sisters, with Jewish lineage passed through the mother, is a very significant connection.
I recently read and posted the 7th chapter of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. This chapter looks at Jekyll Island and the passage of The Federal Reserve Act, called the Owen-Glass Act. Wilson never would have been elected if Morgan hadn’t run Teddy Roosevelt in the ‘Bull Moose Party’ to divert votes away from Taft: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/07-the-incomplete-revolution
I write, “Congress had been struggling with the need for a sovereign currency since the summer; the Act was seen as a compromise and was worded so confusingly that no representative had time to decipher it. William Jennings Bryan believed that the banks had given in. Triumphantly, he assured the House that control of the money had not been relinquished to the bankers. It passed overwhelmingly the same day, supported by the anti-banker Democrats and opposed by the pro-banker Republicans.”
To say that those who drowned on the Titanic were in favor of a Federal Reserve is not the same as being in favor of the banking cartel that’s called the Federal Reserve. It’s not what the bankers in charge of it make from the Reserve, it’s what they make from the banks authorized to create 94% of the credit that circulates. The banks usurp ownership of all property in this process.
I appreciate the deep attention to the details, some of which furthered Europa’s point. None completely discredit that Bolshevism was instigated and carried out by Rothschild agents, as was the coup of the Fed, as was US involvement in the ‘Great War,’ in exchange for the Balfour Declaration. To point to non-Jews involved in central banking and media conglomerates are the exceptions that prove the rule.
Not quite correct. Read this:
Thank you.
Keith Woods – go fuck yourself
Why didn’t Keith “fact check” the 100% true claim that Stalin said antisemitism gets you the death penalty in the Soviet Union?
>”Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.”
I watched Europa years ago and did some real-time fact-checking and it was shocking how much of it was true. That particular quote from Stalin is the big one in particular I remember still years later.
I read the first one or two of Keith’s essays and found it extremely tedious, so with the later ones I simply kept an eye out to see if he’d at least address this quote, because to me it was so shocking and damning that all the smaller things are irrelevant.
I also agree with the general sentiment that Keith has been increasingly subversive the last couple years. This latest trend of him boosting figures like Hunter Wallace and Matt Parrott, while attacking even his own capos like Joel Davis for being too National Socialist, is just a continuation of the trend in his “content” the last couple years. He also facilitated the coup in the National Party in Ireland, ousting Justin Barrett. There’s too much to recount. The impression I get is he’s just out for the money, the grift, and doesn’t care about anything.
Nitpicking, as usual (see his Counter-Currents article).
Some of his fact-checking details are interesting, but none invalidate the basic conclusions of “Europa, The last battle”.
Joel Davis’ response to Woods’s CC article is much deeper:
Perfect. Best comment on the page.
Who in the hell is Keith Woods?
This quote is well known:
Video Link
Keith Woods (real name Keith O’Brien):
Without the Jews there would not have been the English Revolution 1640 -1689. Cromwell, financed by the Amsterdam Jews, then let the Jews back into England after being expelled by King Edward in 1290.
There would not have been the American Revolution, financed by the Jew Haym Salomon:
There would not have been the French Revolution, nor the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the 1949 Chinese Revolution.
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2
Who profited from all those Wars and Revolutions with more than 100 million dead Goyim if not the Jews ?
Without the Jews there would not have been an Israel (created by Rothschild), the IMF, World Bank, BIS, EU, total control of the Media, Big Pharma, Jew Klaus Schwab and his WEF telling the world what to do and what not to do, etc.
The world would be a far better place without the Jews. Without the Jews we would not be drowning in this JEWISH SHIT today.
As Bobby Fisher (1943-2008) a Jew himself, American chess grandmaster and World Chess Champion, said:
“My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me.
They’re not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I’m not just doing this for myself… This is life and death for the world. These Goddamn Jews have to be stopped.
They’re a menace to the whole world.”
The Jews throughout history and present were/are very cunning and always had/have the Goyim fight each other. About time the Goyim of the world, Black, White, Brown, realised that they have ONE common enemy: THE JEW.
Goyim of the world: UNITE AND FIGHT, DESTROY THE JEW !
Fact check that, Keith Woods !
Even if true, the conclusions are hardly made more convincing if the evidence offered is false, exaggerated, or undocumented.
If the basic conclusions are indeed valid, they would be far better served if the evidence offered was confined to the irrefutable, factual, and documented. Which is more impressive? If I claim ‘all’ of the members of committee x were Jews, and a critic immediately points out three who were not — or if I claim twelve of twenty were and cite biographical details to support that for all twelve?
I recall someone (it may have been Karl Radl, or maybe Keith himself) proposed to create a fact-checked version of Europa.
That would be a useful thing to do.
My impression with a lot of heterodox “conspiracy” material (at least that of a political nature, the production of which is strangled by the powers that be) is that, while it often contains mistakes on the details, (perhaps stemming from a lack of quality control due to shoestring budgets and the clandestine nature of the work) the basic thesis is nevertheless correct.
If, for example, some dissident researcher in North Korea were to publish material documenting crimes on the Kim regime I’d hardly be surprised if it were riddled with errors, exaggerations and frequent polemical mischaracterization of rumor as fact. At the same time, would the basic thesis about the enormity of Kim’s tyranny be correct? Yes, it probably would. The same could be said of a dissident publishing material critiquing the CCP or the early Soviet government or the Medicci family in the 15th century … or the Jews and the Western governments they occupy right now.
Production values, including the kind that a fact-checking department provides, often isn’t there when doing this kind of work – work done out of passion and for little to know pay but where the more balanced and objective hand of an editor and third party researchers would be of use in finding flaws and curbing artistic excesses.
It’s not unusual, in the history of the world, for researchers to get the big picture correct but make mistakes on the details. Copernicus, for example, correctly recognized that the planets orbited the Sun but mistakenly believed that they did so in perfect circular orbits.
It was long understood that cleanliness, both of oneself and one’s environment, was conducive to health and the prevention of disease but the reason why was poorly understood. Hippocrates famously proposed the “miasma” theory – that “bad air” caused disease. Only centuries later were the microorganisms which were the true etiological agents (sometimes carried through the air, and sometimes not) discovered.
Nevertheless, if something smells bad it’s probably because it is bad, regardless of whatever the underlying technical explanation (and the correctness of the details thereof) might be.
Presently Westerners find themselves living under occupation by a (((regime))) which they can sense is bad – certainly the fruits of it are bad (mass immigration; diminishing standards of living; being turned into hated, powerless minorities in their own nations, homelands and “democracies”; endless “pointless” wars in the Middle East; etc.) but they don’t understand why. Defenders of the regime talk about vague sociological and historical forces – society “just changes.” It’s “inevitable.” Like a miasma, the changes that we’re experiencing are “just in the air.” (And are not the result of very specific and identifiable disease-causing agents.*)
In opposition to the court historians and regime “social scientists” the producers of such works as Europa and Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told put forward a different theory; the dystopia we find ourselves in is a direct consequence of WWII, its true (((victors))) and the power which these victors have gained over our nations. They identify the real bacillus and etiological agent of our demise as the Jew – a small, almost invisible, parasite which has wormed its way into our national and body politic.
Unfortunately, in putting forward their own theory – The Jew Theory f National Downfall – they have made certain errors in detail (and all dissident critiques inevitably do) and this provides regime propagandists and pushers of the traditional “miasma” theory of the West’s dysfunction (that every ill is caused by vague sociological and cultural forces beyond our understanding) an opening to attack.
(Notably, the regime would never hold court historiography (like
Swindler’s Grift, which, whatever it technically claims to be, is very much taken by audiences as a documentary) to the same standards that they hold Europa or, even, David Irving.).It would be helpful if, going forward, the producers of such media as Europa and The Greatest Story Never Told consulted the likes of Keith and Karl Radl to help fact-check their work and make them more resistant to attack. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too difficult update/re-edited the existing works taking the critiques of Keith and Radl in mind.
* More on the specific mechanism behind the West’s downfall: https://www.unz.com/isteve/me-in-dc/#comment-6819533
It is a long movie, and very informative. It is not difficult to find. The best coy is available at;
It is equally important to identify who really owns and controls much of the truth, rumor, lies. As is the importance of identifying the culprits who own the tools for re-shaping, inventing and dispersing them.
Yet another Rothschild agent sez the Rothschilds dindu nuffin… sure, pal.
Things are getting bad in Europe, but what Europeans supported in the Middle East on behalf of Zionism is far more horrible.
If you’re not arguing from facts you’re talking rot which is a rhetorical own goal.
Fact-check “fact-checkers.” ALWAYS. Nobody is an exception. Including yours truly.
Example 1:
Fact-check the British Rothschild’s relationship with the Bank of England before the BoE became a national bank. You can start with an online search for relevant archives, such as:
You could also start by reading some of the basic and freely available online literature, such as these two:
There is tons more to research, such as the crucial City of London’s relationship with Hitler’s NS Germany. Yes, the Bank of England was the spider at the epicenter of its global web, but it extended way beyond just the BoE, and thus the Rothschild influence had a much broader reach than just the BoE. Merchant banks, armaments industries, the empire’s worldwide commodities markets, the list goes on and on.
Example 2:
Examine Rothschild and Royal Dutch Shell more carefully. For instance:
You just might discover from Royal Dutch Shell’s own archives that the Rothschilds in France were in control of RDS, and as such, fueled Hitler’s war machine. If you’re still an unconvinced non-believer, make a trip to the RDS archive in The Hague and let the original documentation convince you. If you then still remain a skeptic, try getting a brain implant and see if that might be therapeutic enough of a remedy.
These are merely 2 examples, because the entire piece the author wrote is full of holes through which you could drive a fleet of Mack trucks.
The point being, that, while the “fact-checker’s” “fact-checking” is an appreciated necessity, it needs to be fact-checked itself by other more savvy and unbiased fact-checkers. After all, we learn from the author’s own description of himself that he is a so-called “right-winger,” whatever that means in a world in which there has never been any such left-right paradigm (other than a deliberately misrepresented mirage, e.g. Hitler and Mussolini were extreme ultra mega ZioSocialists — you can figure out what that means).
So, if someone truly wants to fact-check a horrid piece of shlock like “Europa,” they will first have to wear the hat of a genuinely impartial academic, otherwise we get the kinds of results we see in this part one of the analysis.
If the author examines the other 11 parts, hopefully he will put in a much more concerted and objective effort. Best of luck to you.
Same type of “central banking” is happening in the crypto market with the crypto exchanges. Bitcoin was never meant to be sold through these exchanges, it was to be used peer-to-peer.
The control is now through the exchanges which are currently being regulated by governments who will also be able to shut down an individual’s access and usage of their digital currency.
Is it all satanic?
Revive Rapallo:)
“The documentary only names five of these seven. These men — A. Piatt Andrew, Benjamin Strong, Nelson Aldrich, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg — did meet at Jekyll Island to devise a plan to reform the country’s banking system. But the claim they were all Jewish is false. Of these seven, only one, Paul Warburg, was Jewish.”
Henry Davison means Davidson. To me it seems to be a jewish name. Can somebody check.
Karl Marx (1845), from his “The German Ideology”, complains about “the division of labor”:
“The division of labour is at this stage still very elementary and is confined to a further extension of the natural division of labour existing in the family.”
Marx finds it in the family but more specifically he finds it in the sex act:
“With these there develops the division of labour, which was originally nothing but the division of labour in the sexual act,…”
Karl Marx called for the ” That the abolition of individual economy is inseparable from the abolition of the family is self-evident.”
Communism DOES SEEK the dissolution of the Family!!! That is why they preach Unisexism. Feminism is central to Marxism. What you see is Gnosticism. Marx is attacking Nature.
A tedious article. An unnecessary article. A futile effort on the part of Mr. Woods.
Were jews behind the bolshevik revolution?
Were jews behind the Federal Reserve?
Were jews behind the world wars?
And on and on….
These are the questions we are asking, right? Well, ‘history’ can’t answer them. You must answer them for yourself. And you don’t need to crack a book to do so.
The answer to all these questions is yes. The ‘proof,’ or as near proof as is possible, is found in a group of living (and recently dead) persons we all know.
Here are some of them:
Reflect on these persons. And the questions. Do you begin to get an inkling?
If not, reflect on Gaza. That should do the trick.
Part of the problem with deciphering exactly how wealthy the Rothschilds actually are is the issue of front companies, offshore banking etc – this Russian oligarch said the Rothschild was the ultimate beneficial owner in this instance ; https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-05-27/mikhail-khodorkovsky-names-lord-jacob-rothschild-ultimate-beneficial-owner
Regarding Iossif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili
Real: “Joseph Jugashvili”
“The surname can also be spelled Djugashvili or Dzhugashvili.”
Jewgashvili’s birth name was Iosseb Bessarionis the Dzhughashvili, Joseph Vissarionovich “Stalinski” was born Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhughashvili (or Joseph David Djugashvili) in Gori near Tbilisi, Georgia. In Georgian, “Djuga” means “Jew”. “Shvili” means ‘son’.
In German, he would therefore be called Joseph David Judensohn.
JewGASHVILI was the successor of Jew Lenin’s absolute power in the party-state hierarchy of Soviet Russia, the creator of the totalitarian state in the USSR. Every “revolution” was and is a Jewish one. Latest examples: Maidan/Kiev or today Belgrad.
They were all and still are all Jews; e.g. the Jewkrainian war of Jewish regimes in Kiev & Moscow (and now Jew Trump is buddying in instead of Jewess Nudelman & Cons).
Jewgashvili was born in the family of a shoemaker-artisan, he was educated at a Gori Theological School and the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary of Jesuits (a Jewish controlled org.) etc. pp.
“Stalin”, is derived from the surname of the translator of Rustaveli’s poem in Russian Stalinski. Since the age of 15 the Jew in revolyutsii or pubertsii movement (according to a conversation with him by a E. Ludwig Krutz. Activity prompted him to a “bully regime” and “Jesuit methods” from the seminary;
Stalin(ski) met Lenin at a Tammerfors Conference-in person. Seeing in S. a devoted like-minded man () – Jew meets Jew – and appreciating his apparent “simplicity” (“one wonderful Georgian” — from Lenin’s letter to Gorky), Lenin begins to “put forward” the idea of a “new Georgian”. Is that Jewish?
Till then Lenin knew Stalinski by the party nickname Koba. Initially, Jewgashvili had been given the code name “Koba” or “Kochba”, after the Jewish leader Bar Kochba, who had supposedly led the last Jewish uprising in the Roman Empire.
After the October Revolution, as a member of the Soviet of People’s Commissars (Jews), Stalin served as People’s Commissar for Nationalities and subsequently as People’s Commissar for State Control (later Workers ‘and Peasants’ Inspection), and from 1919 as a member of the Politburo (one of 5). One of five Jews only!
1922, at Jew Lenin’s suggestion, Jewgashvili was elected to the Jews’ Olymp on top of Russia.
Do you know the stories around the embezzeled Russian (“Romanov”) Gold as the basis of the Jewish Federal Reserve as the basis of the First Jewish World War?
Do you know that Banka Rossia – “The Russian Central Bank” – is owned by Jews too – hello, Jeffrey Jew Sachs…
Why did BR – Jews – transfer 300 billion dollars of gold and what not to The West right at the start of the Jewkrainian war?
Why is the IMF allowed to audit Banka Rossia?
Why does Banka Rossia run a base rate of 21 % in war times for Russians?
Ron- THIS is THE conspiracy which takes the lid off all the lies and deceit of how we arrived at our current situation in this world today. We are all ‘slaves’ to monetized debt created for corporations- one of which is our own government.
They don’t keep it a secret. Jews have dreamed of an east/west war destroying both since the time of Abravanel. And now, the MAD doctrine has been abandoned and forgotten. Rabbis explain in this 1 hour vid
Video Link
and this 1 minute vid
Video Link
Agreed, Disclaimer. And although I’ve heard the ‘official’ explanation, I’m certain there’s a connection with cryptocurrency and crypto-Jew. Another of the ‘tells’ that are part of the game.
I did this episode comparing Bitcoin to my caret system, in which the community owns the mortgages: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/bitcoin-vs-the-caret
This fact checking article needs to be fact checked.
Something to think about is the intellectual quality of the Jewish activism used to pull down European Americans over the last 40 years.
The high volume propaganda delivered through a captive media is hypocritical, illogical, contradictory, biased and full of outright lying.
So “intellectual quality” doesn’t seem to be such a critical issue. It’s more who controls the megaphone.
The Talmudists are just reminding the cattle they’re in charge and the consequuences of stepping out of line.
The Jews ARE the authors of Communism:
“The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”. ~ ‘Rabbi’ Harry Waton (honorary title)
“But the tents of Shem are communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and peoples, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class, and the human society.” Wanton, Harry (1939) A Program for the Jews; An Answer to all Anti-Semites; A Program for Humanity. Committee for the Preservation of the Jews Astoria Press: NY. http://mailstar.net/waton-program.html… pg 74.
I have the book–read those myself.
When overwhelmed with facts of minutae – step back to look at a bigger picture.
In order to gain an understanding of DaJewish question and in context of history, we have to go beyond the material mind to a spiritual level – meaning Biblical perspective – but don’t expect any revelations from your typical churchian gathering…….they’re as deceived as anyone else.
I have archived a series of articles – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Synagogue+of+satan&updated-max=2022-10-15T10:01:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 – on DaSynagogue of Satan – a list of headnotes here which will be useful for any researcher on the subject.
Very simply, this is not only a spiritual battle, it goes back to the beginning and manifests itself in various forms……but in essence…it always was, is and will be a war on Christ…..until His ultimate victory…..which is only a matter of time – http://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html –
Overall….it’s a fascinating journey!
This is American foreign policy and has nothing to do with the genocidal jews. Israel is a proxy of the west, a mad dog. The American gullible and genocidal faggots are trying to transfer their war crimes activities to other groups. This is the policy designed at the end of the 19th century by EVIL UK-US using a genocidal group, the fucking Jews, as PROXY. If faggot trump wants to stop the war he can, but he will not do it because the West including the genocidal and terrorist Americans use wars, genocide to steal resources. |The American gullible are told by CIA agent, P. Giraldi, that this is not their fucking responsibility, it is the Jews who does not let the genocidal and rapist Americans, like CIA, to do good for the people. Fuck you and fuck your reason to present yourself as ‘innocent’. You are guilty as charged. Trump has started a war like other genocidal ‘presidents’ and has nothing to do with the fucking Jews. The erection of Israel is the UK-US PROJECT, therefore what they are doing is to protect their ‘project’ in the middle east to steal the resources by killing large number of people, wedging wars and partitioning the regional countries.
Now, it is necessary for Russia and china, if they really want peace where I doubt it, especially fucking Russia who is part of the criminal West, along with other countries to attack Americans in the region to destroy all of their bases and soldiers. Trump the genocidal assassin must be assassinated now. If you don’t do it then fuck off, we are tired of your fucking cheap talk.
Your citation is out of context. He was talking about capitalism abolishing family.
A made a copy of Europa: The Last Battle.
At some point in time, it will no longer be available to the public.
The traitor Iran opposition groups who were attacking Iran every single minutes for anything from politics to economy, to breathing Iranians, now are shocked how undemocratic is the US, especially when this pedophile and thief cut their salary at the propaganda outlet like fucking ‘voa’.
One of these gullible traitors is KAVEH SHAHROOZ who lives in Canada who posted the following:
“Crypto” simply means “hidden”.
Cryptography is the art of hiding secrets.
“Crypto”currency is a currency which uses cryptographic primitives.
Crypto-jew is a jew who hides his true identity.
OK, but what is the ultimate source of AJs? Is it Neanderthals? Is it the “Sea Peoples” = Phoenicians?
It is interesting that historians “don’t know” what ever became of the so-called Sea Peoples — they just disappeared from history. Same with the core population of the Phoenicians (i.e. those that did not become Carthaginians)…
What method did Keith Woods use to fact check all this?
“A lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boots on”
Mark Twain
The lesson to be learned from this article is that Rabid Talmudic Lies generated daily by the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9, 3:9) must be cautiously countered with fact-checking and scientific objectivity.
It is not fair. Why Chosenites have all the fun ?
“Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’
I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Lewis Carroll
Yesterday I practiced, practiced and practiced and ended up believing that I miraculously survived Auschwitz, Maidaneck, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Buchenwald & Sabra & Shatila.
KW, 2 suggestions:
1. Drop any work you may be doing on Part II and instead use these comments, links, sources, etc. for a much needed ADDENDUM to Part I. You’d do everyone a favor by revising, correcting and expanding this initial part through such an addendum.
2. If you haven’t read the 4 (of 6 planned) “Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist” books, first do so before you proceed with fact checking that vile 12-hour disinfo/misdirection “Europa.”
The quartet is about 1500 pages long altogether. Actually, there’s lots more info along those lines online, about the Talmudic-Kabbalistic (i.e. Sabbatean-Frankist) nature of WWII, but this will get you going along the correct path.
Holy, moly: unziation seems contagious!
Meanwhile, as hairs are split per the Tribe and its history, the Nose itself continues to kill-kill-kill Palestinians at-will.
Woods spends an eternity untying the Gordian Knot of Judaism while Zionazis themselves “solve” the Gaza Problem by using…instead of Alexander’s sword…2000-lb American bombs on trapped, starving, sick, unarmed, helpless Palestinian babies.
The Ashkenazi are the descendants of converts to Judaism.
The ethnogenesis happened like this:
About 11,500 years ago, K1a1b1 arrived in Italy from the Middle East. It dates to about 11,700 years before present.
K1a1b1a arose from K1a1b1 some 4400 years ago, due to three mutations.
Before 3000 BC, there was a dispersal from the Near East into Italy of the N1b2 lineage.
The four major founder lineages of Ashkenazic mtDNA within lineages K and N1b, namely K1a1b1a, K1a9, K2a2, and N1b2, are of southern European origin. Most of the minor mtDNA Ashkenazic lineages investigated by Costa et al. originated in prehistoric southern Europe as well. K1a1b1a, K1a9, K2a2a, and N1b are actually southern European lineages and that this conclusion also holds for most of the minor lineages.
Around 1 AC, N1b2 was assimilated into the ancestral Ashkenazi population in Italy.
During Greco-Roman times, Jews, or Phoenicians (the Punic theory), came to Italy and converted Italians and have married Italian women carrying K1a1b1a.
Recorded mass conversions led to up to 6 million people practicing Judaism in Roman times or up to 10% of the population of the Roman Empire.
As a result, the Italiani community was created. (Italiani was the self-designation of Italian Jews in Rome)
How did the Ashkenazi end up in Eastern Europe?
This is explained :
1. Italiani who had converted to Judaism went to Eastern Europe. The Italiani had high status among the EE Jews and their genetic material would have spread rather fast among the few Jews living there, or among the ones who arrived after them, thereby forming a large component of the DNA of the East European Jewish community.
The earliest Italiani that reached Poland were the Jewish Slave traders from Firanja (Italy is meant here (not France), it is described as a place from which Sicily could be seen).
The migrations continued also in later times, due to established trade and migration routes larger groups of Italiani were involved.
2. Southern Loez speakers (Italiani) also migrated to Germany. Yiddish shows evidence of southern Loez components. Later, Yiddish speaking rabbis migrated to EE.
It is thus possible to explain that East European Ashkenazis spoke Yiddish in the end, with only a small number of them originating from a German-speaking area.
We are dealing here with a linguistic replacement. An appropriate model for the replacement of Slavic by Yiddish is provided by Ehret (1988): the »language-cum-ethnic shift«.105 The Jews in Eastern Europe were mostly living in villages and small towns (shtetls). The people to whom East European Jews looked up were the rabbis who came from the west. As mentioned before, the level of religious knowledge was very low among East European Jews. The traits in question was the nusah ashkenaz, the German Jewish rites, the rabbis brought along. The rabbis spoke Yiddish. The »language-cum-ethnic shift« fits the situation in Eastern Europe perfectly.
Jits van Straten* The origin of East European Ashkenazim via a southern route
“there is strong proof for actual southern Loez immigration: the Italian pedigree of certain Loter celebrities, and primarily the tradition about the Calonymuses; southern Loez names of Jews who died a martyr’s death in Loter at the time of the First Crusade; and the evidence of the Loez component in Yiddish, representing not only western Loez, but also southern Loez elements.
Max Weinreich – History of the Yiddish Language
3. Italiani also moved to Byzantium, and to the region around the Black Sea, and Khazria. These Italiani were also a source of the major and minor mtDNA lineages in East European Ashkenazis. They were carriers of K1a1b1a and N1b2 (and most of the minor lineages) as well. They then later moved to Eastern Europe.
“Later, during the eighth and tenth centuries, Jewish women with their families from Byzantium (certainly Italy, and Greece) arrived in Khazaria, who may have been carriers of K1a1b1a and N1b2 (and most of the minor lineages) as well.”
Jits van Straten
4. Back-migration into Italy and conversions from Judaism to Christianity
Jits van Straten posits that the strong genetic similarity between modern Italians and Ashkenazi can also be, at least partly, explained by migrations into Italy. Jews (or the southern European populations who were the source of conversions to Judaism) migrated to Italy and that is the reason that they are genetically so close.
Jits van Straten’s argument is that Ashkenazi (or the European population who were the source population of the converts to Judaism) migrated to Italy and became modern Italians.
And there were also large conversions from Judaism to Christianity in Italy.
It’s been a slow, grinding, and inevitable process. Swiss Canton system, local control to the maximum is one cure.
Yup. Better for plebes to trust Juden and read the Tribe’s endlessly repetitive terror-terrorism-terrorists-filled hasbara screeds…the ones that demonize any and all goyim who begin to “notice.” No need for noobs/normies to be introduced to truths via YouTube, right?
Nah. There’s more than one way to skin a judenrat. In addition to Europa, consider exposing the yet-to-be-enlightened to the glorious lilies-of-the-field this was the late/great Murdoch, Murdoch series! A sample:
The whole ineffable enchilada:
Another long video I won’t watch, thanks to this article. As to Marx and the Rothschilds, his grandmother, Nanette Barent-Cohen, was the first cousin of Henriette Barent-Cohen, who married Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Marx came from a family of wealthy Jewish merchants, the Pressburgs (now Bratislava). Marx had a very close family connection to another wealthy Jewish family, the Philips, today of Philips Electronics. Marx’s mother’s sister, Sophie Pressburg, married Lion Philips, a wealthy Dutch merchant. The Philips remain the wealthiest family in Belgium after the royals. The idea of Marx living in poverty I think has little basis in reality, even though the historical narrative insists on it.
Who knew Unz would take the zide of the zionists. What a clown show!
This notion that Israel is merely a tool of the US/UK is not wrong in the sense that Jews are running the US and UK and they use those governments to support the Jewish government in Israel. So yes, in that sense, Jewish exremists running Israel are working hand in glove with extremist Jews who are running the US/UK. So this argument that it is the US/UK who is at fault and not the Jews in Israel is a distinction without any real meaning.
These Jewish powers have proven their willingness to destroy gentile nations where they hold sway in order to advance Jewish interests. They are lining up the goyim for another major blood letting. They may have overplayed their hand this time. Previously Jewish power operated in the shadows behind frontmen. Today Jewish domination of the US and the West is on open display for all to see. They are counting on the goyim to be too domesticated to rise up, but are we really? Jewish power only exists so long as we continue to accept their financial system. Were we to sweep aside the banksters and let their system collapse, Jewish power would collapse along with it. The debt that is crushing us is only real so long as we continue to maintain their system. There is not a single problem facing the USA today that would not be made better by the destruction of Jewish power.
They are few, we are many. They only appear strong. but are weak. We are told that we are weak and powerless, but we are in fact strong, much stronger than them. Another great anti-Jewish revolt is in the wind. You can smell it. You can feel it. The only question is if it will arrive in time to avoid WWIII.
“Stupidity is worse than evil.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Video Link
Central banking is a ruthless criminal scam. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson both knew this. The only way to deal with these parasites now is to destroy them completely and if that means exterminating the people that run it all the more better.
It is never to late…
“the issue of front companies”. Indeed. They have been doing that since at least the financial market killing they made just after Waterloo. It is very foolish to assume that just because there are no Rothschilds on the register of shareholders, that they don’t own the company.
The native indians like I’ve said before were not American! As you all know America was named after Amerigo Vespucci the Florentine Italian explorer in the service of the King of Spain in the 1500’s. These 2 continents before Europeans arrived were not even called America, you dolts…
Your point being?
An awful lot of material to be discounted.
It isn’t like having disgust towards a comment made by meanjojo
Excellent observation that errors in presentation don’t negate the overall weight of reason which in many cases amounts to common sense backed up by evidence.
The same could be said about the moon landing debate or the Protocols debate. Many times debates over details overshadow good common sense reasoning.
this is gay. by 1928 the politburo was judenrein. then one jew, kaganovich, until stalin’s death, after which again judenrein until dissolution.
the soviets beat the jews. as soon as communism fell the jews took over again. then putin shoah-ed them.
jewish power is the power of the purse and mass media. when there are no billionaires and media is state owned there is no jewish power.
the nazis INCREASED jewish power as hoess explained. the soviets ELIMINATED it.
putin eliminated it because russia is no longer controlled by its oligarchs, UNLIKE THE US. russia’s oligarchs are controlled by a chekist, putin. the same is true in china. the billionaire class is a tool of the government and has no power.
people who talk about “judeo-bolshevism” today are BRAINWASHED by capital.
yagoda was the ONLY head chekist who was jewish. it was a chekist who took away the oligarchs’ power and expropriated most of the jewish ones.
Video Link
It’s ironic, isn’t it, that the purported champion of the Working Class never actually worked a day in his entire life.
A privilege afforded very few…
If bullshit was music this post would be a symphony.
French Member of the European Parliament Raphael Glucksmann has urged the United States to return the Statue of Liberty. Another Ashke-nazi kike who wouldn’t even know what a Bill of Rights is or individual liberty is. Many of them are so disgustingly vile…
The weaselly ‘Fact-Checking Europa: The Last Battle’ by the weasel Keith Woods, is analogous to the dishonest, negative and gratuitous fact-checking footnotes by the weasel Ralph Manheim, in his Manheim edition of Adolf Hitlers magnum opus ‘Mein Kampf’.
Let’s take a look at some real world Bitcoin implementation examples. (Maybe you could send these to Matthew Crawford.)
El Salvador disaster for instance:
Libertarian dream becoming Hell on earth
Bitcoin mining health disaster
Libertarian Bitcoiners acting like entitled elitists
Bitcoin leader says to sell your kidney not your Bitcoin.
(fyi – Bitcoin holding HODL causes an artificially high price per Bitcoin, that’s the real reason they don’t want people to sell their Bitcoin.)
I could go on…..
Your boy Prof. Kevin MacDonald disagrees. And that includes Ashkenazi Jews.
BTW, one thing most people don’t realize is that a large portion of the Jews in Israel are refugees from Muslim countries who kicked out all their Jews upon the creation of the Zionist state.
These are Semites through and through.
” as well as the spread of what I consider historically indefensible apologetics for National Socialism. ”
Uh huh… in that case before I read another word, a question to Mr. Woods:
Holocaust: did it happen? Yes or No only please.
I appreciate your efforts so very much.
Henry Pomeroy Davison wasn’t Jewish, so far as I’ve been able to find out. Unzland forgets just how good the Anglo-Americans were at business and at banking. Since WWII, the US moved to a corporate model and CEOs became organization men, colorless company men who rose up through the corporation without making much noise. Not many Morgans or Carnegies or Vanderbilts or Fords among them. The mansions, the clubs, even the nepotism aren’t much in evidence anymore. So you have a few stand-outs — Gates, Jobs, Buffett — a lot of interchangeable gray figures.
Also more than a few Jews, so people who like to find Jews find them and single them out. You do the country and the culture a disservice, though, if you don’t see that WASPs built up a lot of corporations, before they left to wherever it was they went. It’s similar when people blame all the changes in the Western world on Jews. You don’t think Western Man is perfectly capable of messing things up on his own? You don’t think that countries with few Jews might have gotten where they are now on their own?
Djugashvili doesn’t mean son of the Jew either. The closest I’ve been able to find out it means son of iron in Georgian or son of a shepherd (or herdsman or sheep) in Ossetian. Of course there are rumors about a Jew somewhere in Stalin’s ancestry (as there are with Hitler), but it’s the same thing: not being able to admit that they could have gotten where they did and done all the harm that the did on their own.
Mitochondrial DNA shows descent in the female line. There are indications that Ashkenazim have more Middle Eastern DNA in the male line.
American and british have always constantly played the victim, claiming that they are the victims, while they are the terrorists, the murderers and the invaders, who have constantly pushed to lands of others and have been taking what isnt theirs.
Instead of continuing to be hypocrite victims, leave lands of others and stop invading and stealing what isnt yours and never has been.
These criminal animals never stop and until now, they are quickly seeing lands that they settle even temporary and as guests as theirs.
We will fight you until end of times and get every single one of you out from our countries american and british. What gives you any right to push your views, your perspectives and your ways upon us, while terrorizing, murdering, invading and robbing us? What gives you the right to say who can and who cant come to lands that arent yours and never were?
Interesting, I didn’t watch the film but in general the “fact checking” exercise and ‘fact checkers” are suspicious since “fact checking” started to appear when the truth became too widespread thanks to internet.
So I took the liberty to ‘fact check’ the ‘fact checker’:
No Rothschild name on the board but a number of Jewish names who could be just associates as the Rothschild are famously known (by theorists of course) for not wanting to be in the limelight.
As an example:
Blackrock who has stakes in almost all major global corporations is said to be owned by Vanguard:
who owns Vanguard?
“Wrong. Most central banks are controlled by governments and run through boards and committees. Most are entirely state-owned”
Then you describe later how they are in fact owned by private and commercial banks that own stocks in them:
“”The Fed is structured like a corporation, and twelve Federal Reserve Banks are “owned” by private member banks in their districts. These Reserve Banks don’t operate for profit, (REALLY?) and commercial banks own stock in them to satisfy a condition of membership in the system.””
So, basically they are privately owned.
Every Federal Reserve Chairman since 1980 has been Jewish (20:14)
Almost, but no. From 1980 to the time of the film’s release the Fed chairs were:
• Paul Volcker (1979-1987): Not Jewish.
• Alan Greenspan (1987-2006): Jewish.
• Ben Bernanke (2006-2014): Jewish.
• Janet Yellen (2014-2018): Jewish.
75% out of four. Why did you stop in 2018???
Antony Sutton. Doubting Antony Sutton?
May i ask: who are you again?
If I had a choice to make between believing you or Antony Sutton, I would believe him.
“The Jew Alexander Kerensky” (25:44)
“Adler is a common Jewish name.”
So he is a Jew.
Please show a picture of his parents, brothers sisters and him and then we will be able to tell if they are Jews or not.
Question: Lavrov (Russia’s actual FM): Jew or not? (There is a catch).
Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport.”[31]
Woodrow Wilson , again, helping the Jew Trotsky to go back to Russia. The same one with the “federal reserve’
Just saying…
“Jewish postcards prove the Tsar was killed in a Jewish ritual sacrifice”
The postcard is real, who knows when it’s from, the fact is Jews do that. Look at Gaza.
The association with Hitler is both irrelevant and designed to debunk something that can’t be by this kind of techniques (Hitler liked dogs, I like dogs, therefore I am a Nazi).
Doubting of Solzhenitsyn?
Again who are you?
If I have to choose between you and the great writer Solzhenitsyn, I choose him without a doubt, please read again “200 years together” .
“Some historians claim that Stalin was Georgian, and some say that he was a Georgian Jew” (31:48)
Yes indeed, some historians claimed he was also a Jew, I personally doubt it but some historians said it.
“The Jew Vladimir Lenin” (50:13)
Lenin was only a quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather was a Ukrainian Jew who reportedly converted to Christianity to escape the Pale of Settlement.[51]
So he was a Jew , a closet one at that.
I have noticed 4 or 5 times this sentence in your article (a little joke to finish):
“This is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.”
4 or 5 times in the same text.
Are you Jewish?
Question to Fact Checkers:
Do you realize that the things you select to fact check expose a whole lot more about you than they do about what you labor to parse?
The Woods’ whitewashing of Jacob Schiff’s visceral hatred of Russia and Schiff’s exceptionally active participation in two Russian revolutions, 1905 and 1917, are particularly disturbing.
AI Overview:
AI Overview:
This propaganda was paid by Schiff. The returned POWs were active during the First Russian Revolution in 1905. Closer in time, the same jewish scum has been active in the Nazification of Ukraine. Here is a speech by Gershman (NED), glorifying the “Ukrainian democracy” where Stepan Bandera (a prominent Nazi collaborator) has been celebrated as the Hero of Ukraine: https://www.ned.org/democratic-ukraine-and-the-struggle-against-anti-semitism/
Gershman, the Kagans’ clan, and Holobiz museums have brotherly fused with banderites:
Video Link

New jewish hero Stepan Bandera:
I wonder if Keith bothers to fact check stuff like, oh I don’t know, the ADL’s output.
It sure is. Keith seems to have a problem with it. All “Fact Checkers” are faggots. It’s pretty simple. They can present their view… but they do the jew thing instead. Women like fact checking. Women and fags.
Marx’s wife was an aristocrat and one of her brothers was the Interior Minister of Prussia and a good friend of Marx.
Thanks for the link to Davis’ reply. Davis makes his case, for sure, but he’s not the best writer. He could benefit from an editor. I’m impressed by his general mastery of the subject though, something that Keith Woods lacks. Counter-Currents has always been anti-Hitler, so Woods is just following in that tradition — under the mentorship of Greg Johnson.
You probably remember in 2012 when Greg Johnson published an article titled “Dealing with the Holocaust” at The Occidental Observer that questioned the value of pursuing ‘Holocaust Revisionism.’ He argued we could just “step over” the Holocaust and sort of leave all those difficult questions (for him) behind. It drew over 700 comments on that website before comments were closed, which was unheard of at the time! And now here is one of G.J.’s proteges telling us (more than once) to “step over” Adolf Hitler also! I just say, Thank God for Joel Davis for making a debate of it. Kudos to him. And to you, E. Perez.
If only. That would give some prospect of at least eventual sanity and decency.
No. This is Israeli foreign policy. We are proxies of Israel, a mad dog…
And she really is.
So step over Hitler already.
It really is becoming increasingly counterproductive. Who do you think you’re helping, in the end?
HAVE your goddamned not-a-holocaust. I happen to think Urban II did not in fact instigate the First Crusade. I don’t let that belief get in the way of more immediate issues.
I think we can all agree (?)
1) Accuracy is very important
2) As is to keep seeing the forest despite of the trees, i.e. a balance of details and overview.
3) Scrutiny/critique is important
4) As is to apply this 360 degrees, i.e. balance of outro-and intro-spection, being equally rigoros/critical to oneself as those one criticizes.
When investigating whether Keith Wood`s recent critical article regarding Tobias Bratt`s “Europa The Last Battle” series, sadly it appears that the author does not adhere to these rules and also rather ironically shows in his article examples of the very same lack of thoroughness/accuracy in investigation that he so loudly berates Bratt for:
Young Swedish film-director Tobias Bratt`s 2017 documentary film series “Europa The last Battle” for all its undeniable flaws regarding certain details of the information presented is an extremely extensive 12 hour professionally made cinematographic product into which very obviously an enormous amount of work, resources and dedication had gone.
None of which could have been motivated by anything even remotely to do with personal or monetary gain, since firstly the film was and is made available entirely for free to anyone and secondly -as expected from the beginning- has been nothing but detrimental to the directors official public standing and career within the establishment of his profession, given the extremely unpopularity of the topics and conclusions discussed in the movie.
In short -without attempting to sound pathetic, simply factually- it was an enormously extensive work done purely out of love/dedication for the overall topic of European History, Culture and Truth in Historiography with no monetary or any other reimbursement asked and made freely available for everyone worldwide.
Most importantly it was done by someone with the extremely rare abilities and possibilities of working with and within the increasingly popular and effective field of cinematography, accessable to mere the tiniest fraction of all those active within the general so-called right-wing/nationalistic milieu.
Infact a mere handful of other persons (Stephen Wise`s “Greatest story never told”, Tom Goodrich`s “Hellstorm”, formerly Eric Hunt “Last Days of the Big Lie”, Germar Rudolf “Chemistry of Auschwitz” etc..) seem to have ever created and are able to create anything on this level of professionally produced visual media, while the perhaps overall hundreds of podcasters, bloggers and online commentary-writers, like Keith Woods are in comparison, sorry to say, legion.
Purely practically what Woods does (and to give him credit where it is due, the amount of his online activism and commentary-writing is not to be overlooked) in the end hundreds/thousands can and do do, or to put it bluntly and pragmatically, the sad irony is that on the level of Bratt`s work, that Woods uses so much time to extensively pick apart he never has operated on himself nor probably ever will, for -to be proven wrong- the nagging question from the start is rather simple, given that he himself states that without doubt Bratt`s documentary in rather short time and despite all censorship entirely by word of mouth has become something of a sensation and very popular among people within the nationalistic/ (alt-)right community and even more importantly also outside of it:
“Well, Keith, if you really think Bratt`s documentary is so bad, why not follow the first rule of constructive critique and instead of lazy armchair-criticizing/nitpicking apart other`s creative work, practically get up and produce an equal but better creative documentary work?”
And this is not necessarily even meant in an argumentative way, infact, I personally would welcome and encourage him very much to actually do that, for as said, indeed since the overall aim and resulting style of “Europa” seems to have been that of a generally comprehensive first introduction into the vast topic of WW2 revisionism and the conspiracies (both real and imagined) related to it rather than an academically rigorous study of details thereof, so naturally some half- and even un-true information is indeed at times unintentionally woven into the presentation and should be followed up by sooner or later producing an even better work of the same kind with clarifications and supplementing corrections.
Sadly of course, this is exactly what Keith of course does not -and will never?- do…
Instead he seems to have chosen the path and role of the classic unfortunate 180 degree sceptical smartass who rather than creating a better version of an art-work merely lazily armchair-secondguesses those who have put in the work and dedication to actually create one.
And this does everything but not shine too flattering a light on him nor his ability to look at himself, the missing 180 degrees, equally critical as everything he so enthusiastically scrutinizes around him.
The strength of “Europa” seems to be, as Woods infact mentions as well, that it has apparently opened up and reached new -and potentially large- audiences that otherwise all those alt-right podcasters and writers like Woods are not able to get the attention of, mainly because absorption of information through professionally created visual media is far more comprehensive, convenient and effective than having to read through long texts or truncated and often context-poor social media posts.
-Which is something that I personally have experienced first hand as well, given that I myself, though ironically having been part of the alt-right for many years and living in Sweden (as Tobias Bratt does), first got to know about that particular movie via an otherwise entirely a-political young english woman who never had heard about revisionism before, but been in turn introduced to the movie by another rather a-political friend. And given that me subsequently showing the film (and to be noted -as a general comprehensive introduction and starting point for further research, not an end-all perfect doctrine) to formerly un-interested friends has proven surprisingly fruitful as well, I cannot but -despite as said its undeniable flaws- overall take my hat for Bratt and his work.-
With that in mind and as a last and not least note, an even more unflattering general picture of Woods is painted when taking the overview one step further out still:
Tobias Bratt and his dedicated political activism is -as proven by his work- clearly following the spirit of protecting and promoting European Heritage, Culture, National Freedom and Seeking Historical Truth.
Pragmatically EXACTLY the same general trajectory as (hopefully) Keith Woods ìn his activism and in both cases in constant struggle against the overwhelming majority of the established left-wing establishment/media/lobby.
Yet apparently Woods, seemingly totally unable to set aside the Ego -and its inevitable (in overall relation minor) fault-finding in colleagues regarding details- under a greater common cause, knows of nothing better to do than follow the classic small-minded approach of fruitless infighting among beleaguered minority brothers in arms, which unfortunately is as common in as poisonous to any idealistic movement.
All of which is simply a sad statement about maturity of character, not to mention his at times almost comical bouts of arrogance:
“I think most people that like the documentary probably don’t care much about the veracity of the individual claims…”
– Right, oh all those unenlightened plebs…
“Additionally, as someone who has been in dissident right circles for years now, I must admit to noticing a real decline in the intellectual quality of what’s being presented regarding the topic of Jewish influence (which is inevitable as it reaches a wider audience), as well as the spread of what I consider historically indefensible apologetics for National Socialism. So as much as this documentary isn’t a serious intellectual piece…”
– Thank God for Old (Twenty-something?) knowledgable Keith telling us poor unenlightened souls how the world really works…and most of all thanks for his humbleness….
Sorry Keith, but really, is this the best you can do?
Ok, so far regarding the overview, regarding the exact details of his article, if interested, please see
PART TWO (comes tomorrow, sorry to tired now to post more today..)
Meticously debunking the forest for the trees? For a technical knock-out? Catch a fly, and rip all her legs out. One by one. Same thing. Only cheaper.
Step outside for a breath of fresh air. You will find out, that the world has moved on.
Mazel Tov
Au contraire, Monsieur!
‘Moses the Sorcerer’ shows the ascendancy of the Hebrew killers since ancient times has been self-financed and moreover supplemented by Black Magic, which only they (evidently) possess as a matter of ancient practice for use against their enemies. They use it to supplement genocide and murder.
The clincher is that consideration of Absolute Time shows that the endless drumbeat of bloody wars throughout the checkered career of benighted Mankind will soon be brought to halt regardless of creaturely desires, thank God:
Note that to view the articles, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
Thank you. Fact-checking in the face of abundant and obvious facts to those who see them for what they are, instead of what Jewish power wants us to believe.
Although your remark had me LOL spontaneously, the very core of is nothing but true.
Thanks for the videos. I have seen so many of those Rabbi videos. Here another Rabbi video:
Here a few more from Seethroughitall:
The Jews created Judaism, their God, Mr. Yahweh, Christianity and Islam. Now half the world’s population, Christians and Muslims worship the Jewish God and do believe the Jewish Bullshit stories in the Jewish Torah / Bible.
As Pope Francis said: “Inside every Christian is a Jew.” The same could be said about the Muslims.
Hassan Nasrallah, the former leader of Hezbollah, assassinated by the Jews on September 28, 2024, once said:
“We keep repeating this lie about the Zionist lobby that the Jews rule America and are the real decision-makers, and so on. No. America itself is the decision-maker.
Israel used to be a tool at the hands of the British and now it is a tool in the hands of America.”
It is clear that Nasrallah, a Muslim, was deluded, even he could not see that the Jews rule America and that THE JEWS used the British and American Empires to conquer the world for them. Christians and Muslims have been totally mind fucked by the Jews.
ISRAEL’S WARS AND INTERVENTIONS IN THE MIDDLE-EAST, WORKING THROUGH ITS US PROXY, were the direct catalyst for the European refugee crisis which boiled over in 2015 and has lead to violence, terrorism, rape and political repression against native Europeans.
That is a Jewish lie, vile Jewish propaganda.
Naeim Giladi: Former Mossad Agent, Forced Jews to Move to Israel
The Jews from the Muslim countries had been lied to and put into a panic by the MOSSAD bombing Jewish targets in Arab countries. The Muslim countries did NOT kick out the Jews.
That is why about 125,000 Jews left Iraq for Israel in the late 1940s and into 1952 and many more from other Muslim countries.
The principal interest Israel had in Jews from Islamic countries was as a supply of cheap labor, especially for the farm work that was beneath the urbanized Eastern European Jews. Ben Gurion needed the “Oriental” Jews to farm the thousands of acres of land left by Palestinians who were driven out by Israeli forces in 1948.
Zionist atheist and first Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion, real name David Grün, born in Plonsk, Poland, declared Israel a JEWISH STATE on 14th of May 1948.
Video Link
Rothschild’s family tomb in Ramat Hanadiv, near Zikhron-Yaakov, Israel, is the burial place of Edmond James de Rothschild, the founder of Israel, and his wife.

“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”
– From the ‘Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst
It is not true that “the word Jew was created in the 1800s”.
Ezra 4:32, KJV: “Now when the copy of king Artaxerxes’ letter was read before Rehum, and Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem unto the Jews, and made them to cease by force and power.”
Maybe the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, will now finance Keith Woods to Fact-Check Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf, after Woods influence operation at ‘Fact-Checking Europa: The Last Battle’, which was more than likely undertaken with he help of Wikipedia and Artificial intelligence, on the beck and call of a cryptocracy, after Keith Woods unmasked himself with his very revealing declaration “as well as the spread of what I consider historically indefensible apologetics for National Socialism.”.
It was Rome vs Persia back then
It is America vs China now,
This one minute ‘enlightening’ worth 16yrs of ejewcation, if this can’t wake normie the fk up,
Nothing will
Israel’s outrageous fabrications about the immigration of Arab Jews to Israel in the 1940s and 50s are an attempt to mask the injustices meted out to Palestinians.
Israel’s fabrications about the immigration of Arab Jews to Israel are so outrageous that the country holds a commemoration on 30 November each year. This date just happens to coincide with the ethnic cleansing by Zionist gangs of Palestine, which began on 30 November 1947, a day after the UN General Assembly adopted the Partition Plan.
Israeli propaganda about the “expulsion” of Arab Jews from Arab countries in the late 1940s and early 1950s continues without respite.
Israeli fabrications, with which Israel always hoped to force Arab countries into paying Israel billions of dollars, have a second important goal: to exonerate Israel from its original sin of expelling Palestinians in 1948 and stealing their land and property.
Zionists were also active in bringing about the emigration of Morocco’s Jews to Israel. Morocco was under French colonial occupation at the time, so the Jewish Agency had to strike an agreement with the French governor of Morocco to bring about the emigration of Moroccan Jews, who had to face horrific conditions on Israeli ships, according to Segev and other sources.
Some of the 100,000 Jews who left, according to the Jewish Agency emissary, had to be virtually “taken aboard the ships by force”.
That Aron may have written this but how reliable is it that a dedicated lifelong anti-capitalist revolutionary may have said something like that? Or something like this:
LOL. Sounds like a very loose interpretation of Trotsky’s advocacy of Red Terror.
I’ll add one more time that I’ve heard the official explanation, Chicken 😉 But I don’t think we should be taking language at face value.
….and then this drunken clown went on to fight the regime that had the solution to the problem he apparently knew about. Solution meaning to keep them out of positions of power and influence.
Putin is a fanatic philosemite, retard
March 14, 2025 Restructuring of Empire IV: New Trump Approach to Greenland, Panama, Canada, Ukraine and Beyond Part IV
“It’s a restructuring of the Empire a la 1980s economic restructuring, a la World War II 1944, Bretton Woods, a la 1917-18. The Empire goes through these periodic restructurings. It changes the mix of its economic policies. It forges new political institutions global, and that’s how you must see what’s going on!” – Dr. Jack Rasmus, from this week’s interview
Thanks for this, Disclaimer, and thanks for reading my article. After I posted it, I found out one of my friends had her cryptocurrency account hacked and emptied two years ago. They then used the transfer mechanism to empty her bank accounts. She was 67 and it was all her life savings.
I would never have guessed this from knowing her now, where she’s one of the most positive and uplifting people I’ve ever known. She says, looking back, that it was the best thing that could have happened. She was trusting in herself and now she trusts in God–by which she would mean goddess, since the divine feminine is what she writes about.
If she could snap her fingers and get it back, she certainly would. But she’s found that what she needs is always there. She does practical things, like making sure she always has roommates to help with the mortgage. But it also pushed her to take her work in mentoring others seriously, and publicize herself in a way she wouldn’t have if she didn’t need any money.
I also did a follow up to Mathew after his article in response to this, where he calls me mentally ill and does a parody of me as a nuclear protester named Gaia: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mathew-crawford-and-digital-god
Retard normie: Killing jews is evil. Hitler killed jews so he’s evil.
Retard internet fake Nazi: Killing jews is evil. Hitler didn’t kill jews so he’s good.
You miss the point, Colin, and you overestimate yourself. Who do I think I’m helping?? My purpose is not to “help” (which could only be MY Idea of what help is needed), but to speak the truth to the best of my knowledge. The Truth. That is the only help we need or should ask for.
You clearly think you’re capable of “helping” others with your wise counsel on whatever issues appear on our paths. Colin the helper, the advisor, the one of sound mind, sounder than others. I disagree with that premise, on the grounds that mere opinions are not helpful to anyone. I appreciate all fact-checking. You might tell people we can never know all the truth, but should rather aim to be decent human beings, amenable to the common welfare. And get on with it. Even if we run red lights to do so.
If you’re feeling that confident Keithy boy, do the lolocaust next. Let’s see the size of ya plums lad.
That was before little Winnie became a fat DRUNK, and money jews paid off his extensive gambling debts.
Thanks! I live to serve!
My point is I regard’s Wood’s reasons for picking apart “Europa” are HIGHLY suspicious. Perhaps some of the details are wrong. It’s a MASSIVE work – and it’s what 90% CORRECT AND ACCURATE
ANYTHING that breaks through the massive wall of jewish “Holocaust Religion Dogma” is a spectacular achievement of dedication and integrity. Please tell me that you ARE AWARE of the brutal punishment for any whisper of doubt against the High Holy Holohoax. Europeans are brutalized with severe legal ramifications if anyone dares to publicly voice skepticism. 5 years in jail is what you get in Germany itself if you voice doubts. Never mind the revisionists who have been physically assaulted and KIDNAPPED. The Trumpenbergsteinowitzsky Admin is attempting to implement these “legal” persecutions for any criticism of jews at all in the USA, thus finishing off the US Constitution Yet Woods is “taking apart” this one documentary when there so many more important things to address vis a vis the kosher planned demolition of the West aka Whitey World.
It seems to me that Woods is going the route of the drunken traitor Churchill. He’s taken the shekels, and the only thing he cares about is being retweeted by Elon Musk.
The blogger you linked to seemed to conflate being the single largest shareholder in a company with being the majority shareholder or having a controlling interest. Looking at his cited sources, none of them state that the Rothschilds owned the majority of Royal Dutch shares, only that they were the single largest shareholder in 1918. You can be the largest shareholder and still have less than a majority. What percentage they actually owned in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s is also not made clear, although the source suggests they had a falling out with Henri Deterding. That blogger also implied that Joseph Stalin was a Rothschild agent, possibly a Zionist stooge, who helped Hitler commit el holocausto in order to establish the state of Israel, or something like that. I had to read between the lines a little bit.
The seething and coping from the JQtards in the chat is nothing short of hilarious. They give genuine scholars/intellects/intelligent curious people interested in the Jewish problem a bad name. Calling out this retardation elevates my opinion of Keith to no end. Good on him.
One of those things must be your better half.
Hard to believe, isn’t it? I would recommend, to anyone interested, the booklet: Trotsky(ism): Tool of Imperialism. Written by Harper, Ranjeet and Joti Brar as well as Alexander McKay. Hard copy available from thecommunists.org. Goes into a detail on Trotsky’s disruptive influence, opportunistic behaviour and liberalism (rings the bell?) as well as his hate of peasentary and subversive elitism. Lenin despised him. The party got fed up with him. Stalin got rid of him.
cuba has sent so many high IQ pipo to the US. like mark ruby. sad!
the cuban revolution WAS ORGANIC!
SO 90% (of oligrachs in 1999) TO 20% (today) = PHILOSEMITE?
Good research. A hard read for those of us who have internalised many of these claims, and similiar ones, for decades, since well before Europa came out!
But is central banking truly so benign? James Franco was just making a glib joke when he tweeted “CNN said that the world is in $271 trillion debt. Who the f— do we owe money to- the Decepticons?”
Who DO we owe $271 trillion to? Is it indeed “the Decepticons”? Why is practically every country in debt, despite the abundance of our advanced economies, which produce more food than we can eat, and more clothes than we can wear?
How is all the excess profit so efficiently scraped off, and where does it all go? Leaving the common man to fight over scraps from the table, now more than ever?
Of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government, 17 were Jews (31:29)
“This is probably based on a claim made by Solzhenitsyn that 17 out of 20 of the ministers in the first government were Jewish”….. “Trotsky was the only one of these ministers who was Jewish.”
In a speech, made on June 13 2013 by Russian president Vladimir Putin (formerly a lieutenant colonel in the KGB security agency for the Soviet Union), stated that ‘Jews made up “80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917‘.
I am sure that Vladimir Putin, as a former lieutenant colonel in the KGB and as President of Russia for over 20 years, would be far more privy to the ethnic and religious make up of the first Soviet government, than a weaselly ‘Fact-Checker’ like Keith Woods.
If Mr. Unz would be so kind as to post this, I’d appreciate it (duplicate from comments on the latest Hitler article on this website)
Here is merely one example of one of the latest works, released last year:
‘Is this’ a desperate try, to convert people to believe that the talmudists ((i dont’t say ‘jews’ (and all ‘jews are definitely not talmudics) because it’s still an undefiend concept. Maybe Kevin can give one, a defenition)) do not have anything to do with world havoc of today…nooo, i don’t think so. So why this factchecking, it’s not necessary…at all, we all no the talmudists are trying to subvert all societies. They say it themselfes. Or is Kevin a bolshevic…nooo, don’t think so.
But Kevin, read the article by Israel Shamir on Unz, from 24 april 2003; The shadow of Zog, and the exegesis of Luc Besson
I think this requires some elaboration because of the great variations in attention of Unz readers. It’s the historical and holocaust revisionists who put up the “red lights.” In a well-run society, all law-abiding individuals STOP at red lights and allow the opposing traffic to have their turn at moving forward in the shared lanes. “Running a red light” means you don’t respect the rights of the opposing, or differently directed, traffic (or citizenry) and might even cause a crash (bring about disaster). This has been the case of our Western WW2 establishment historians, as enabled by the dominant Western governments, all along. Keith Woods, as well as Colin Wright, are a part of this establishment, despite that they pretend to be critical of it.*
So, to be perfectly clear, when red flags are thrown out, we need to stop and investigate them as thoroughly as possible before determining what information is beneath our “need to know.” Fact-checking is a part of this ‘investigation’. This is why coming to a full stop at a red light is necessary, in order to break our momentum forward to allow the mind to consider something different. It’s elementary.
*I love that Keith Woods describes himself as someone who has been in dissident right circles for years now. Since 2019?! Two words also give him away as only half-baked: “dissident” and “circles.” But that is definitely the careful, even timid language I’m accustomed to at The Occidental Observer.
Mathew (with one t)….how pretentious! It suits him perfectly!
I have been studying the Bitcoin cult members, one in particular, Robert Breedlove. He has a youtube channel. So far from the interviews I’ve seen, the Bitcoiners are told they are special and smarter than everyone else. They are told they are important and special because of all the money they are worth from their Bitcoin holdings. They are being told by their leaders that their Bitcoin will go to astronomical value, and they will be in-control of the world. They are told that everyone else will be so poor that they will need Universal Basic Income to survive.
It kind of reminds me of people who were raised to believe that they are “god’s chosen people”. With this mindset, everyone else is seen as having less worth, not part of the club, or not enlightened with the “truth”. They claim that Bitcoin is god’s currency and that if you don’t believe in Bitcoin then god has not chosen you to be rewarded.
Mathew seems to fit that characterization by his view that others who don’t “believe” are stupid, beneath him, and not worthy of his precious energy or time.
What a perceptive observation, Disclaimer. Yes, it definitely has that cult aspect of ‘specialness.’ It doesn’t solve the problem for everyone because that’s not really its goal. It shows the superiority of those ‘in the know.’ And yes, UBI is for the plebes who didn’t get on the Bitcoin gravy train. It’s refreshing to hear it put so clearly.
(better never than late..)
I) Of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government, 17 were Jews (31:29)
This is probably based on a claim made by Solzhenitsyn that 17 out of 20 of the ministers in the first government were Jewish. I don’t know why the number 22 was used here. The first Soviet government, established after the October Revolution in 1917, appointed[15] “people’s commissars” or ministers under Lenin.[37] Trotsky was the only one of these ministers who was Jewish.
– False.
This “Europa” quote obviously stems from a document that was/is presented by at least 2 different authors:
1- Robert Wilton, a contemporary London Times correspondent and WW1 veteran of Russia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wilton) in his 1920 work “Last days of the Romanovs” (https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/65453).
2- Andrey Dikiy, a Russian WW2 -Vaslov battalion- veteran (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Dikiy) in his 1967 work “Jews in Russia” (https://www.pseudology.org/ADyliyEvrei/).
Given that this document is mentioned prominently also in the very main Wikipedia entry on the “Council of People`Commissars” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_People%27s_Commissars_of_the_Russian_Soviet_Federative_Socialist_Republic), which Woods explicitly cites and where he gets his Sovnarkom poster from, this shines a rather poor light on his claim of thorougness of research.
Regarding the document in question-
The exact original source that both authors cite seems unfortunately difficult to find (if anyone has, please share) and its copies in mentioned works sadly suffer from somewhat unclear dating/reference and some spelling and translating errors.
Nonetheless the majority of data within that document appears to be correct:
The exact list mentioned by Wilton is this (conclusions and links regarding the alleged jewish persons added by me):
The Council of the Peoples Commissars
22 Members 17 Jews 5 Gentiles
Ministry Name Nationality:
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian (part Jewish) CORRECT
Army & Navy
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jewish CORRECT
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jewish CORRECT
Lourie (Larine) Jewish CORRECT
Voldarski (sic correct: Volodarsky)Jewish CORRECT
Ouritski Jewish CORRECT
Isidore Goukovski Jewish CORRECT
I. Steinberg Jewish CORRECT
Fenigstein (Doletsky) Jewish CORRECT
Refugees (assist.)
Savitch (sic correct: S.Ravich) Jewish CORRECT
Social Relief
E. Lelina (sic correct E. Levina, born Bernstein, also known as Evnovna Zlata Lilina, Zina or Zinaida Levin(a)) Jewish
State Lands
(The name seems to refer to A.A.Kaufman, author of “Migration and Colonisation” 1905)
State Control
Refugees (assist.)
Zaslovski Jewish UNCONFIRMED
Foreign Affairs
Tchitcherine Russian
Public Instructions
Lounatcharsky Russian
Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Protian Armenian
The majority names and position out of the 17 appears to be fully correct (10) and likely correct (2), what is unclear is if this list attempts to sum up the overall picture of de facto leading personalities 1917/18-19 in leading political administrative positions or the de jure official administration of a particular year.
Given that other differing official lists were published as well (see the one Woods uses) and we do not seem to have (if anyone has please share?!) found the original Soviet publication sources that Wilton took the lists from originally, this so far remains unsolved.
What is not is that despite some apparent errors (some regarding ethnicity and some positioning, f.ex. officially Kamenev was not named Council Commissar of the “Interior” and Kaufman`s and Spitzberg`s designations “State and Lands”/”Religion” are so far unclear) for the most part the names of people and their posts are indeed correctly given, resulting in a picture of astonishing jewish over-representation (even when subtracting all the 5 ethnically undetermined cases, still at more than 1000%) in overall central leading positions.
Hopefully further research will show more clearly exactly how much power they could and did wield through those.
BUT/AND this brings us to the main and most important aspect and flaw of Woods` (and unfortunately otherwise also widespread) approach of “debunking” the claim of Jewish Influence in the Bolshevik government by merely presenting the Council of People`s Commissars list (which merely is a fraction of the entirety of the government) and then counting together the total seats.
This unfortunately reveals either a sad total ignorance or dishonesty about how the governing and government of Soviet Russia actually de facto worked in those days/years:
What even the most mundane mainstream Wikipedia entry on the subject tells us (and Woods either apparently never bothered to seek out or successfully ignores) is that despite and ironically of course in total contradiction to its outwardly claimed democratic all-equality, the Bolshevik and Soviet government was very hierarchical and the de facto and de jure powers were often very different things:
On the very top of decision making from which everything else downstream flowed, the most powerful institution within the overall Soviet government and with the power to overrule all others -including of course all the mentioned (council of people`s-)commissars- and bend the Central Committee votes to their will if necessary, was the Politbureau:
(Wiki)”(The)Politbureau was the highest political body of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and de facto a collective presidency of the USSR”
Established as early as Aug. 1917 (!) this firstly was THE de facto leading institution of government responsible for the entire October Revolution. Its members according to Wikipedia were:
“Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Joseph Stalin, Grigori Sokolnikov and Andrei Bubnov”.
Bubnov and Lenin were Russians, Stalin a Georgian, the rest Jews.
=4 Jews out of 7 = 57% Jewish
(And this is not even taking into account the key role that another Jew, Yakov Sverdlov, played, according to Wikipedia:
“After the 1917 February Revolution overthrew the monarchy, Sverdlov returned to Petrograd and was appointed a secretary of the party’s central committee. In this capacity, he played a key role in planning the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks came to power. Sverdlov became one of most powerful figures in the Soviet regime, with Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin.”)
The same politburo, with the exception of a short period in 1918 (where the Central Committee took over), forthwith remained the seat of de-facto central power in the early Bolshevik/Soviet State throughout the following period 1917/18-24 (until Stalin gradually changed it into the Secretariat under his one-man dictatorial leadership).
And again, as even so mainstream a source as Wikipedia tells us, also within these top governing bodies the power distribution was hierarchical, in 1918 and until Lenin`s death in 1924, as this official poster perfectly demonstrates, the very “Top Authority of the USSR” trojka was (see top three largest photographs):
1. Lenin
2. Kamenev (as Lenins deputy chairman of Sovnarkom)
3. Trotsky
= 2/3= 67% Jewish (plus Lenin being 1/4 Jewish)
Or when taking into account the overall power structure within the Soviet Government including the actual Head of State (Chairman of Party Secretariat and Chairman of Central Executive Committe), “Red Czar” Yakov Sverdlov, the four most powerful men in the first years of the Bolshevik government were:
1. Lenin
2. Trotsky
3. Sverdlov
4. Kamenev
= 3/4 =75% Jewish
As again Wikipedia states:
“For the first 16 months after the Bolshevik revolution, Sverdlov was the third most powerful figure in the Soviet regime, after Lenin and Trotsky.”
After Lenins death (and against his testamentary will) Trotsky was slowly pushed aside and the most powerful men from 1923 on and until Stalin`s gradual takeover as dictator were:
1. Stalin
2. Kamenev
3. Sinoviev
= 2/3 = 67% Jewish
It was EXACTLY this hierarchical structure that Winston Churchill explicitly emphasized and explained already in 1920 in the very article that Woods cites (“Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of the Jewish people,” Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920.) :
“Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek — all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses (seems to refer to “Demon” Rosalia_Zemlyachka:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalia_Zemlyachka)”
And again, the fact that Woods cites that very Churchill article while obviously not reading or understanding what is written there, does not make his investigatory skills look very impressive.
And all this does not even take into account that:
A) The second most powerful institution within the Bolshevik government after the Central Committe -and as its communist representative worldwide- the COMINTERN was entirely under jewish leadership all the way up to 1926 (Chairman Zinoviev, secretary Radek):
B) The second most powerful executive branch of the Soviet government (after the Armed Forces, which were under Leon Trotsky`s authority), the Secret Police (Cheka: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheka) -besides the mentioned incredible fact that its on-the-street operatives
at times apparently consisted of up to 80% Jew- had among its very founders and governing 5-men Presidium the Jews Unszlicht and Belenky:
= 2/5 = 40% Jewish
The former was also the second most powerful person in the Cheka only to Dzherzhinsky from 1921-1923 and from 1923/24 all the way until 1936 the Cheka was completely de facto jewish run under the leadership of Genrikh Yagoda:
(Wiki) “In January 1924, Yagoda became the deputy chief and the real manager of the State Political Directorate (OGPU), as the chairman Vyacheslav Menzhinsky had little authority because of his serious illness.”
It was under his leadership that the Gulag system was established in collaboration with another Jew, Naftali Frenkel and one more Jew, which later became the longest running head of Gulag, Matvei Berman (see link further down):
(Wiki)”One of the Gulag system founders was Naftaly Frenkel.”
And as mentioned the entire GULAG system
– with the exception of the first 6 weeks (!) (25.april-16.Juni 1930) when Teodors Eichmans
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teodors_Eihmans) was temporarily the leader- from 1930 all the way to 1938 was interestingly exclusively run under the leadership of Jews:
C) In addition should be mentioned many more jewish key politicians and their role, like Litvinoff, Joffe, Krassin, Kun, Zemlyacha etc. etc… but to keep this list short, I will take those up in a later article instead.
Back to the top authority figures from Lenin`s death on until Stalin`s takeover:
A very interesting and demonstrative fact is, that THE key role in changing the former power-structure (1.Stalin,2.Kamenev,3.Sinoviev) into gradually and finally bringing Stalin to dictatorial power was played by none other than (Jewish) Lazar Kaganovich, from 1924 on(and again from 1928) as Secretary of the Communist Party and later full Politburo member and deputy chairman of Soviet Union, by firstly ingeniously eliminating all party-members and secondly also all votes opposed to Stalin:
(Wiki)“In 1933 and 1934, he (Kaganovich) served as the Chairman of the Commission for Vetting of the Party Membership (Tsentralnaya komissiya po proverke partiynykh ryadov) and ensured personally that nobody associated with anti-Stalin opposition would be permitted to remain a Communist Party member. In 1934, at the XVII Congress of the Communist Party, Kaganovich chaired the Counting Committee. He falsified voting for positions in the Central Committee, deleting 290 votes opposing the Stalin candidacy. His actions resulted in Stalin’s being re-elected as the General Secretary instead of Sergey Kirov.”
Free elections Kaganovich style…..
During this period and until the outbreak of WW2, Kaganovich was Stalin`s deputy and the third most powerful man in the Soviet Union, second only to Stalin himself and Molotov, the latter of whom interestingly was married to none other than the first -in 1939- female Minister of the Council of People`s Commissars, Jewess Polina Zhemchuzhina:
Resulting in the top power-trojka of that era until WW2 being:
1. Stalin
2. Molotov (jewish wife/children)
3. Kaganovich
= 33% Jewish
As sidenote also perhaps interesting to note that Lazar Kaganovich`s brothers Yuri, Israel and Mikhail all also had managed to gain prominent positions within the aviation and other industries and even the Orgburo and Central Executive Committee (see above link and:):
So, how in light of all these facts writers like Woods can refer to merely one Sovnarkom poster and sheepishly count seats and thus prove that “only 1 Jew -Trotsky-= Jews had no power” and still claim intellectual honesty is utterly beyond me I have to admit…
Bùt ok, since by employing this method we also know that claiming the Trump-family has power in todays America is mere a classical myth and case of anti-Trumpitism:
US 2025 Cabinet has 24 seats, but only 1 is a Trump-family member = 1/24th= 4% = No Power…..
These are actually good news, Thank God and Keith Woods!
II) Alexander II of Russia was assassinated by a Jewish revolutionary named Vera Figner (25:10)
Vera Figner was not Jewish. She was born to Russian nobility on both sides of her family.
– Correct, BUT why not -in the sense of constructive instead of merely destructive critique- mention the jewish woman who actually WAS the one taking part in that fourth attempt on Czar Alexander II `s life, which was successful, unlike the other 3 before:
And maybe giving the entire overview:
In the previous 3 murder attempts on the Czar`s life these Jews participated:
a) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Zundelevich
Quote: “Zundelevich participated in the assassination by Sergey Kravchinsky of Nikolay Mezentsov on 4 August 1878 and the preparation of Alexander Soloviev’s attempt on the life of Alexander II on 2 April 1879.”
b) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aizik_Aronchik
Quote: “In November 1879, he was involved in an attempt by Narodnaya Volya to kill the Tsar by exploding a mine under the Moscow – Kursk railway as his train passed. ”
c) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigory_Goldenberg
Quote: “He was then rearrested on November 14, 1879, in Elizavetgrad with a suitcase full of nitroglycerine, which he intended to deliver to associates in Moscow to blow up a train carrying the tsar.”
And most importantly the revolutionary group that had ordered (and finally executed) and was responsible for the regicide was:
“Land and Liberty” (“Zemlya i Volya”) and its later offspring
“The people`s will/liberty” (“Narodnaya Volya”):
Prominent among the very founders of Land and Liberty were these Jews:
The leader of their second largest section (St. Petersburg) and main collaborater/supporter of the 1863 Polish Uprising was this Jew:
And generally within “The people`s will”, as jewish historian Avraham Yarmolinsky has documented in his work “Road to Revolution” (1956) where he lists the original member lists of that group, Jews were the most overrepresented group of all, though only 2-5 % of overall population, every 6th man in that radical group was jewish (i.e. 300% overrepresented) and interestingly every third woman. And most importantly :
“Jews were outstanding among the radical leadership. Mark Natanson founded the Chaikovsky Circle and rallied the scattered forces of revolution under the banner of Land and Liberty; Lev Ginzberg headed the Lavrovist faction; Pavel Axelrod saved the frail barque of Black Repartition from foundering; Savely Zlatopolsky was prominent in the ‘Executive Committee(of “The people`s will”)`; his brother Lev invented the code used by the People’s Will.”
III) The very first piece of legislation passed by the communist regime was the “antisemitism act” in 1917 (32:20)
Not true. An official Soviet response to antisemitism didn’t come until 26 July 1918, when the Soviet government issued a decree on anti-Jewish violence.[40] In Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution, Historian Brendan McGeever explains this decree as the culmination of a months long lobbying effort from Jewish socialists outside the leadership of the Bolsheviks — beginning in April 1918 — in response to a series of pogroms against the Jews. McGeever explains that:
– Largely incorrect.
The problem with McGeever`s writing and Woods citing is that neither apparently has done thorough objective research into the history of alleged pogroms in Russia of which the alleged 1917 ones were the latest version, starting in the 1850s, 1870`s and 1903/05.
As official british governmental investigations (Blue Book) and american authorities in Russia have documented extensively and the extensive works by UCL and Harvard/UC Proffessors John Doyle Klier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Klier) and Albert S. Lindemann (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Lindemann) have summarized:
Exactly those widely accepted (McGeever/Woods)views and depictions of those pogroms for the most part were and are deliberate falsified propaganda narratives stemming from the Russian Jewish Communities and their Propaganda organs situated in the West (Russo-Jewish-Committee, Jewish World Council etc….):
If interested I would recomment reading the original books by Klier (Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881-1882. Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011) and Lindemann (The Jew Accused: https://archive.org/details/jewaccusedthreea0000lind/mode/2up?q=kishinev), but in short format these facts are also explained in these 3 detailed articles by Phd Andrew Joyce:
(link at bottom of article to part 2 and 3 respectively)
Stalin was a plain Jew (with an Jesuit dressing).
E.g. his mother was Jewish; her grave is a Jewish grave.
Plenty of physical proofs are possible.
I will not link those for fear of censorship.
Anyone really wanting to know the truth about Stalin will find it.
Hitler’s DNA?…
I think it was Nietzsche who said that, having numerous enemies can be a reflection of one’s strength. I’ve read numerous commentors over-the-years who’ve indicated they “don’t like” Carolyn Yeager. Maybe it’s because, in reality, they simply envy the clean and rarefied mountain air that she breathes, or maybe it’s simply because she’s willing to call-out all of the imposters using sophistry, the pseudo-historians, sell-outs, mediocre minds, and overall riff-raff that pervades these topics. If one asks me- we need more Carolyn Yeager’s, not less!
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume I: Communism (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume II: Zionism (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume III: World War I (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume V: Premonitions (Second Edition)
[Volumes IV and VI future publication dates undetermined]
“Es ist doch so: Irving ist Halbjude, seine Mutter war Jüdin!”
“The fact is: Irving is half-Jewish, his mother was Jewish!”
– Rolf Hochhuth, David Irving’s friend, quoted in an interview in defense of David Irving:
JUNGE FREIHEIT Verlag GmbH & Co., Ausgabe 08/05 vom 18.02.2005
S. 3 [p. 3] IM GESPRÄCH
“Die Würde des Ortes respektieren”
Der Schriftsteller Rolf Hochhuth über seinen Vorschlag für ein Bombenkriegsmuseum, David Irving und Winston Churchill
Moritz Schwarz
Don’t mean to bring this up since it has been discussed before on this site, but having a Jewish maternal line (ask the rabbinate) makes David Irving a Jewish provocateur, who has successfully accomplished his life’s mission, much like Hitler, who was also a 100% success story.
Indeed, Hitler’s success rate is a virtually unmatched 100%. Very few in history did more for Jewry than everything rabbi Uncle Adolf managed to pull off. An absolutely brilliant performance.
Hitler will forever remain one of Zionism’s all-time most celebrated heroes.
H. Kardel was spot on to call Hitler the founder of Israhel.
Similarly, Irving is the man who did more than most others postwar to get the Goyim deeper into the Jewish Edom prison.
David Irving, if you’re reading this, you pulled off a superb Zionist messianic performance. Your Jewish mammalah would be beaming with pride if she could see the results all over Edom today (don’t worry America, it’s coming to every Stateside neighborhood sooner than you can imagine).
Check out the comment in this post:
Something about 300,000 Auschwitz victims
REALLY ?… Carolyn Yeager, the ardent Trump supporter ?…
Supporting Trump, who is telling Israel “to finish the job” in Gaza and will start a War with Iran on Israel’s behalf ?
Trump’s Gaza video, his idea of ‘what’s next’ for Gaza:
Trump: “I am THE FATHER of the Vaccine. I recommend it to everyone.”
Carolyn Yeager – October 21, 2020 at 11:35 am
Hitler, Zionism, etc.: https://www.palestineremembered.com/
Good catch.
Most Arab states in the 1940s were occupied by either Britain or France. Two nations that were not about to let Jews get specifically pogromed by Arabs and Berbers.
Admittedly the Jews were all driven out a bit later by around 1956.
Thanks for your reply.
All Jews ?…
Arabs expelled Arab Jews from their countries after 1948.
Zionist activism convinced some Egyptian Jews to migrate to Palestine before 1948. However, it was only after Israel’s establishment that affluent Egyptian Jews opted to leave Egypt, primarily relocating to France rather than Israel.
The majority of Egypt’s Jewish population remained in the country until 1954, when a small group of Egyptian Jews was recruited by Israel to carry out terror attacks in Cairo’s cinemas, train stations, and educational institutions.
Following these attacks, many Egyptian Jews were either expelled by the Egyptian government or fled out of fear of reprisals. Once again, those with the means chose to emigrate to Europe or the U.S., not Israel.
Lavon Affair
The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.
From The Jerusalem Post: Iran’s Jews offered cash to make aliya
The Int’l Fellowship of Christians and Jews offers $10,000 to every Iranian Jew who comes to Israel.
Iranian Jews Dismiss Outside Calls to Emigrate
The Iraq Jews left in the mid to late 1950s.
Don’t bother looking for Europa on you tube, everyone is smothered like this article by jews saying “we didn do nuffink
To understand why the Big Jews created Operation Hitler for their own purposes, get a glimpse of how the Jewish mind works: https://henrymakow.com/2025/03/march-21---satanyahu-covers-hi.html
Kool article..!
Dear ‘In The Middle’,
1. I hope said below link finds you well. I guarantee it will be of interest to you. given your stance on Ashkenazim-Khazarian-Jews !
2. https://qed.exposed/
3. However try NOT to forget that the true enemy of humanity pulling the strings is in fact the Fallen-Angels above the Judeo-Mongols. They are the one’s you seek !
P.S. I am ‘The Gray Stanton’ and felt compelled to communicate with you as those like yourself are few and far between. Blessings to you.
Dear In The Middle,
The below podcast episode links also bolster and clarify your points and end ALL speculation by anyone refuting that which you say is in fact correct !
• https://qed.exposed/2025/01/10/destroyers-of-the-world-podcast-series-the-jews-did-not-kill-jesus/
• https://qed.exposed/2025/02/07/destroyers-of-the-world-podcast-series-the-chosen-people-syndrome/
NOTE: You will find also on said QED podcast episode pages said REFERENCES with a plethora of FORNESIC EVIDENCE that cannot be debunked in the slightest. Hence WHY I researched and placed said documents etc to end those that are truly blind, and ignorant to say the very least.
Jeremiah 5:21 …
“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:” King James Version (KJV)
1. I hope this response finds you well. Regarding your comment to IN THE MIDDLE is fact wrong / incorrect !
2. To help guide you in the right direction than the plethora of misinformation / disinformation / intentional misdirection by our own institutions and government pawns you would do well to go and LISTEN to said QED podcast platform listed below – AND READ ALL THE irrefutable documented forensic evidence INCLUDING the peer-reviewed genealogy journals debunking in spades everything you have said.
• https://qed.exposed/2025/01/10/destroyers-of-the-world-podcast-series-the-jews-did-not-kill-jesus/
• https://qed.exposed/2025/02/07/destroyers-of-the-world-podcast-series-the-chosen-people-syndrome/
3. WHERE you say, “These are Semites through and through”… is just sheer ignorance ‘through and through’ !
• https://qed.exposed/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/flinders-university-adelaide-australia-the-origin-of-eastern-european-jews-revealed-by-dna-genaeology-research-study-2010.pdf
• https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2964539/
• https://qed.exposed/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/dr-a-oppenheim-13-september-2000-haplogroup-specific-deviation-from-the-stepwise-mutation-model-at-the-microsatellite-loci-dys388-and-dys392.pdf
P.S. I know Prof. Kevin MacDonald very well and some of WHAT he says is in fact correct ! Having doctorates myself in three (3) disciplines (i.e., Criminology, Military History, and Theology) it isn’t hard to locate hard findings of fact(s) (i.e., forensic evidence) to show that the Jews are imposters whichever way you slice and dice it !
Dear anon,
1. And just to add on my earlier point regarding, Prof. Kevin MacDonald; regarding one of his comments being 100% correct…
e.g., MacDonald argues that Nazism emerged as a means of opposing, to use MacDonald’s term, “Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy”. He contends Jewish “group behavior” created understandable hatred for Jews. Thus, in MacDonald’s opinion, writes Beirich:
“anti-Semitism, rather than being an irrational hatred for Jews, is actually a logical reaction to Jewish success. In other words, the Nazis, like many other anti-Semites, were only anti-Semitic because they were countering a genuine Jewish threat to their well-being.”
2. Subsequently, his stance is backed up here by said reference that has proven true again, and again in spades. That is, Nazism / Patriotism was the ONLY response to combat against BOLSHEVISM – period ! It is the ONLY response to fight back against anyone, and anything whose agenda is to annihilate a peaceful people. KJV Matthew 5:9.
• https://barnesreview.org/product/communism-in-germany-the-truth-about-the-communist-conspiracy-on-the-eve-of-the-national-revolution/
3. Furthermore, this book, based on original police case files from the time, shows how leftist radicals and their Socialist Party allies waged a campaign of violence, terrorism, armed uprising, forgery, subversion and espionage from 1918 to 1933.
4. It was Communism’s violent attacks on ordinary Germans which forced the Nazis to develop their self-defence units, the Brownshirts (SA)—who are nowadays quite falsely portrayed as the aggressors.
5. The aforementioned book link confirms that the Communist conspiracy for a 1918-style Bolshevik Revolution in Germany was well advanced. Arms had been stockpiled in secret underground armouries in the Communist Party headquarters. Bombings, assassinations and a planned list of murders and street violence were already under way when the Reichstag arson—even today falsely attributed to the Nazis—took place as part of their plan to create a Soviet Germany.
6. Thus, said Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College By Thomas Gray
To each his suff’rings: all are men,
Condemn’d alike to groan,
The tender for another’s pain;
Th’ unfeeling for his own.
Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies.
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more; where ignorance is bliss,
‘Tis folly to be wise.
NOTE: If such knowledge / truth brings discomfort or worry, staying ignorant might be more peaceful for you.
ATTENTION: Makow reader,
1. By the way, even Henry MAKOW (whom I know very well) gets some things wrong these days in his own research simply because he’s NOT as informed as you have clearly illustrated by your comment posted in this forum:
“To understand why the Big Jews created Operation Hitler for their own purposes, get a glimpse of how the Jewish mind works: https://henrymakow.com/2025/03/march-21---satanyahu-covers-hi.html”
His article is good, but not entirely accurate.
NOTE: Whilst NETANYAHU is an evil individual he like all the others is nothing more than a useful pawn by their masters, ‘The Judeo-Mongols’. And the ‘Judeo-Mongols’ are under the direct control of the Fallen-Angels ! Here is said podcast link to educate yourself on many truths omitted by the MSM and many on the alternate-media as well. This is truly a biblical war and one (1) the masses must wake up to or suffer THAT which is already inbound as we speak; and well out of our control.
• https://qed.exposed/
2. As for Adolf HITLER he was not created by the Jews – that’s a farcical observation. Adolf HITLER acted as any sane, balanced human being would WHEN faced with his own people facing a real ‘Threat-To-Life’; the likes you cannot begin to imagine was actually inside their own borders murdering their own countrymen and women and children in the tens of thousands. Hence the following book you would do well to purchase and READ ! A Bolshevik invasion not unlike WHAT happened to RUSSIA.
• https://barnesreview.org/product/communism-in-germany-the-truth-about-the-communist-conspiracy-on-the-eve-of-the-national-revolution/
3. Furthermore, the aforementioned book titled: Communism-in-Germany-The-Truth-About-The-Communist-Conspiracy-On-The-Eve-Of-The-National-Revolution, is in fact based on original police case files from the time, and shows HOW leftist radicals and their Socialist Party allies waged a campaign of violence, terrorism, armed uprising, forgery, subversion and espionage from 1918 to 1933.
4. Consequently, it was Communism’s violent attacks (i.e., Bolsheviks) on ordinary Germans which forced the Nazis to develop their self-defence units (i.e., Close-Protection-Officers), the Brownshirts (SA)—who are nowadays quite falsely portrayed as the aggressors.
5. Again, the above book link confirms that the Communist conspiracy for a 1918-style Bolshevik Revolution in Germany was well advanced. Arms had been stockpiled in secret underground armouries in the Communist (Bolshevik) Party headquarters. Bombings, assassinations and a planned list of murders and street violence were already under way when the Reichstag arson—even today falsely attributed to the Nazis—took place as part of their plan to create a Soviet Germany.
6. As for Henry’s comment regarding SHIN BET and HAMAS; Might I suggest you listen to the end soundbite of this latest podcast episode WHERE Dr. Steve PIEZCENIK admits WHO created HAMAS and LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY ! I used to work with Dr. PIEZCENIK and given he is Jewish himself and is NO supporter of ISRAEL, let alone Judaism (aka Pharisaic Babylonian practices).
• https://qed.exposed/2025/02/16/destroyers-of-the-world-podcast-series-israel-is-the-problem/
… “The seed of one’s destruction often comes from within” …
From predicting Kamala’s inevitable victory on account of abortion to “fact-checking” a “far-right” website.
Keith O’Brien is not of the Right. Neither is Ed Dutton. Beware of the astroturf Right. The Zio-Right, like Costin Alamariu. Somehow they are always sucking oxygen out of the social media presence of the genuine Right.
Seriously, this is one step away from something the ADL would put out.
There are so many ways to address potential issues of websites like the one discussed in the OP without legitimizing the “fact-checker” censorship regime. He’s posing the way Richard Spencer did, he’s done a lot of stuff with Richard Spencer. All feds are pro-abortion. All pro-abortionists are pro-Jew. (if they had to choose between Jews running society and severe criminal penalties for abortion, it’s not difficult to intuit their choice)
And the Trump administration is carrying out the will of the ADL. Israel first, ADL first, Right-wingers, they’re hoping to put in prison.
See comment 131 above (link to books/videos)
The Untold Stories of Hitler’s ‘Children’
Dive into the chilling untold stories of Hitler’s ‘children’-two girls whose lives intertwined with the heart of the Nazi regime. Discover the shocking tale of Bernile Nienau, the Jewish girl affectionately called “the Führer’s child,” and Edda Göring, the pampered daughter of Hermann Göring, whose title as “The Princess of the Third Reich” masked a world of terror.
Uncover how both girls became symbols of a propaganda machine that exploited innocence while hiding the regime’s dark truths. Their stories reveal the stark contrasts of childhood amidst war, innocence alongside complicity, and the tragic consequences of ideology.
interesting debate. thanks
Thank you Ed; I just now saw this (Thurs. 3-27 — I don’t check that email account often enough), or I would have replied & thanked you earlier. I’ve come to believe that sticking with the truth and only the truth is the most powerful response any of us can make about anything. It can work miracles. I am convinced that Adolf Hitler was a good and sincere man, and also that Trump is. That doesn’t mean either of them are perfect.
Pity the commenter “Han” who can recite more than the usual knowledge of events in history & books written about them, but has to do a lot of lying and dissembling to support some of the arguments he wants to make. He’s willing to do that! For instance, about Donald Trump. As an American, (is Han an American? – a relevant question), I am glad & relieved that Trump is now our president in spite of his support for Israel against the Gazans. That is not my position, but I do recognize that it’s the position of the vast majority of Americans, especially the political class in Washington DC . It’s due directly to the establishment Media.
For me, “America First” and the support it gives to Nationalism vs. globalism’ is “most important.” The incredible damage to this country done in just the last 4 years of Joe Biden, following upon 8 years of Barack Obama, is not acceptable, and only Donald Trump could have stopped it. We have to separate that Trump from the “friend of Israel” Trump.
We must keep in mind that our (Democrat) President Truman was the FIRST world leader to approve of “the State of Israel” in 1948. He didn’t have to. There is no way real opposition to Israel/Jews could succeed in the US government. I challenge Han to tell us how he would work toward that goal. All he and the rest of the “orange-man”-haters do is write shit under assumed names on the Internet. Children playing in a sandbox; nothing is for real.