Oh, I never changed her name to the appropriate
Yes, you’re welcome. 😊
Describing the Zionist blood lust has moved beyond words, and for most,
watching the “cleansing” as it happens is unbearable.
“Ethnic cleansing” should not be antiseptic, but rather “Airomatic therapy”
for a defiant people who refuse to abandon their home.
The Jews have tapped into the American digital printing machine that
now prints bomb for Arabs; mostly civilians, Please!
Gotta love those evil, exploding or hypothermic babies.
Furthermore, the Jewish advance in Syria has eclipsed their ongoing genocide in Gaza and the brutal, murderous ethnic cleansing of the West Bank. The “multi-tasking” campaign of the Greater Israel project overwhelms the short attention span of the average Westerner.
Judaism became a peculiar and degenerate, racist mental illness,
masquerading as a religion. Christianity was intended to be the
cure, but Judaism is a self-perpetuating group mania that has
proven itself resistant to all treatments.
Many European Jews have distinct genetic personality anomalies
which have compelled them to seek wealth and power but left
them devoid of empathy, compassion and sympathy.
Jews can see the pain of non-Jews and they understand it, but
they are mostly incapable of feeling it. And, there are many Jews
who also don’t give a damn about other Jews either, but pretend
they do in order to get along within the group.
There are many money-grubbing Gentiles who would be a good fit
had they been born Jews, but the JQ is not really
a personality problem.
The Jewish oligarchs and their lieutenants in the media, business
and academia are probably only the top one percent of the Jewish
population, but they are able to shape domestic and foreign policy
through their control of the Government, in coordination
with the Gentile oligarchs.
The wealthy are well aware of the Government policies that favor
their financial interests. Except for wages and prices, the rest of
the population barely has a clue.
In truth, you can love your enemies up to, but not beyond the realization
that they are hell-bent on killing you. Whatever the Palestinians do to
to prevent the Jews from exterminating them is virtuous and vindicated.
Survival is sort of basic, don’t you think?
First, they took our land and now they want our lives. There’s no wiggle
room, nor much to ponder or negotiate when it’s “kill or be killed.”
After my post this morning I saw the news of the three week old baby dying
of hypothermia in her family’s tent on the Gaza coast. It occurred to me that
all moral abstractions are utterly worthless when weighed against a child’s
life, and now the dead number many thousands
Any revenge the Palestinians take on the responsible Jews for their deliberate,
despicable murder of innocents is fully justified since other nations and courts
are unwilling to act. The U.S. Government, and Antony Blinken in particular,
have directed and supplied the weapons for this slaughter and should be
placed on trial, but that may never happen.
“I tried to phrase it in language which the other poster was familiar with. Nothing odd about that.”
In other words: “The readers are stupid. I can reach them only by making the effort of appearing even more stupid than I am.” Hence: “Hitler– a bad man.”
Let me then say it at your level: You are a pisspoor troll.
NOT if your ‘Government’ is evil and villainous, as ALL US regimes have been. The regime in Austfailia declares Hamas ‘terrorists’ while I see them as freedom fighters (despite despising their theocratic roots). For that honest opinion, that agrees with the facts, I could be prosecuted, as I would be if I declared that I saw the Judenreich and its butcher thug soldiers as the REAL terrorists. The West is IRREDEEMABLY evil.
I disagree with Prasad-the West has ALWAYS been genocidal and aggressive, and it all derives from Judaism, and other instincts more primeval still.
‘..love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’. The ABSOLUTE ANTITHESIS of Judaism. Is there a more sickening lie than ‘Judeo-Christian’?
Thank you. Enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve.
We had a surplus of adorable baby girls and toddlers this year,
but that’s a welcome abundance . My Wife is a seamstress,
so she will be very busy for a while to 20 years.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Merry Christmas!
Without getting too deep into biblical exegesis, the setting of this message is
the Last Supper before the Crucifixion and Jesus is preparing his disciples
for their mission after.
No doubt, his wish would be for universal love among humans, but that is
not the context here since he is urging his disciples to care for one another
after he leaves them. I did use the phrase in the universal sense,
which was somewhat misleading.
Another controversial passage is “…love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you…” Matthew 5: 44-45. This does not mean failing to resist harm,
but is a warning against becoming possessed by a spirit of revenge and falling
into an endless cycle of escalating reprisals which may destroy both parties.
This is happening in real time today in the Mideast and in Ukraine, and the
end of this can only be much worse than the beginning.
“What became of John 13: 34-35. “Love one another…As I have loved you.â€
Some claim that in an aside, sotto voce, John mused:
“Maybe “Love one another†is for saints. Honestly, some of you are too reprehensible to love. Is it too much to ask, however, to not kill, rob and hate one another?
And it is righteous to shun and cast out those who grievously transgress. The turning the other cheek idea has not worked out well.”
So you’re from America. multiple generations ago. I don’t recall asking you for that, certainly not for your detailed pedigree which again is basically European American but thanks anyway. It sure is deeply rooted into the fabric of the American nation!
Is Lipstadt subhuman or “Human, All Too Human?” All are human, but there is a
part of us that defiles our representation of God’s image.
The most outrageous Zionist blasphemy, believed and financially underwritten by
Satan’s favorite Evangelicals is that God is commanding the Israelis to murder
the Palestinians.
What became of John 13: 34-35. “Love one another…As I have loved you.”
She is clearly subhuman..
Here is an article from a Dutch anti-zionist jew, it is in the Dutch language, but can be translated to the Englisch language in a browser.
what’s that term the Russians use for “not capable of reasoning”?
Troll McNally distracts with counting the ashes in Dresden while ignoring the 130+ other German and Japanese cities and their civilians, plus their cultural heritage, that the Allies deliberately targeted for destruction.
IN ADDITION to Allied deliberate firebombing of Italian cities and villages, killing 60,000 Italian civilians after Armistice
(see Matthew Evangelista, Allied Air Attacks and Civilian Harm in Italy, 1940–1945
Evangelista’s work included reference to the movie Catch 22, in which Allied bomber squads attempted to exempt themselves from bombing campaigns against civilians; and also to John Huston’s film-documentary of the Allied assault on SanPietro, in Let There Be Light.)
nb. Evangelista is also author of
Law, Ethics, and the War on Terror
Well done, paisano.
what is odd, Patrick McNally, is that having read both Wise’s “Challenging Years” & other of his works, and Hitler’s Mein Kampf, if I were to assign a simple-minded One Word to one person or the other, Wise would take the epithet Bad.
Bad to his Hungarian bone.
(sidenote: “Our Crowd” — the wealthy German Jews who populated New York early on, mentioned the other day on Unz https://www.unz.com/article/why-did-churchill-have-britain-fight-on-after-summer-1940-its-bad-news/– those Jews were Sephardic. Interesting. I wonder if Hungarian Rabbi Wise was “someone we would visit”
Nobody Jews hate more than Jews who are not the ‘sort’ of Jews THEY are.)
Given the inverted moral universe that is the USA, that might explain why Jews name synagogues after him, to this day.
Genocide in Gaza: Western Moral Collapse in the Age of Hyper-Imperialism | Vijay Prashad
Video Link
Your argument is just another variation of, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
As perhaps the brightest Jew-troll around, this appalling logic is a disgrace.
Then you trot out the lame euphemism, reaching “out to Stalin through extra-legal
routes.” The word is “spying” and when you spy for a foreign Government
you are a traitor.
Frank Collin, born “Cohn”, was the son of a Catholic mother and a Jewish father.
He was, in fact, an apparently sincere Jew-hater, a convicted pedophile and later
an imaginary archeologist. He was Oedipus Rex with a perverse, Kosher twist
If you cannot muster a bit of sympathy for this tortured man,
you are also defective.
As Bernard Lazare, a French Jewish intellectual and defender of Dreyfus, observed, late in the 19th century, Jews had been hated in almost every society where they settled, despite differences of race, religion, social arrangements, history, geography etc of the host society. He surmised that some of the blame must lie with ‘Israel’, ie the Jews themselves. You see, he was a ‘self-hating Jew’ and ‘antisemite’, obviously.
First, State governments have no authority to suppress free speech
or to regulate foreign trade, making me confident that all the state
laws and regulations on BDS will be overturned.
The Congress can regulate foreign and domestic trade, but the BDS
issue is, in some respects also a free speech matter so I would expect
a lot of parsing, fudging and nuanced doubletalk when this reaches
the Supreme Court.
Moderator: This is off-topic so it’s okay to move it to “open thread” if you see fit. Thanks
( JM: This is a long answer to your short question, taken from a family history.
In answer to your question I was born in Mobile, Alabama. My father’s mother
was German (Saxon) and his father was Norman English (Y-DNA) with some
maternal admixture of Swede-Finn. His family had originally settled in New
England and Western New Jersey in the 17th Century and moved to Alabama in
the 1840’s, building ships to transport cotton to the English mills and as well as
building and managing cotton gins.
My Mother was a British Isles mix with some South Carolina Huguenot ancestry
from the de Chastaigner and St. Pierre planter families who had married into her
Broughton English family.
She also had a German g-Grandfather (Wagner)and a Native American g.g.
Grandmother, a Princess of the Natchez Tribe of Mississippi who we remember
as Haw Stiggins, or Mother Haw. Her husband, Joseph Stiggins, was the first
English speaking settler, a farmer in the Spanish ruled territory.
If Scots are considered English speakers, then two of their traders were there first,
also married Native women and were the fathers of two prominent half-breed
military commanders. William MacIntosh, was a Brigadier General under
Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New of New Orleans, and William Weatherford
(Red Eagle) was defeated by Jackson at Horseshoe Bend in Southern Alabama.
Weatherford’s third wife was my Aunt, Mary Stiggins, 1783 -1832
Merry Christmas, and thank you for the kind words.
Perhaps Rosenberg knew that the USA had taken over from the Nazis, recruited the Gehlen intelligence network, aided Nazi escape and transfer of money to South America and received Nazi technology and even uranium for the first nukes, delivered by U-boat. And after the war, scores of Nazis like Klaus Barbie were recruited by the West, to work on terrorising the non-Western world. And they supplied Banderite fascists inside The Ukraine until c. 1952.
Dresden and the Japanese fire-bombings were carefully prepared by the USA from the 1930s. They studied wildfires like the Peshtigo fire in Illinois on October 8, 1871 that killed two thousands, and created mock settlements that were set alight for ‘research’. The Japanese cities were called ‘..teeming Asiatic ant-heaps’, by one USAF luminary, but I don’t know what they called Dresden and the others like Hamburg. ‘Killing is our business, and business is always good’.
How do you know the courts will stand up to them when THEY own the United States in the first place? That would mean the courts are likely to comply with their demands. They sure as hell comply with everything else these fuckheads are guilty of doing.
I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden bombings..
Indeed. What we get handed to us as bonafide history is the least trustworthy information of all. It all has to be figured out; cleansed of it’s commentary and narrative weaving. It is always our responsibility to understand what exactly the “record” is meant to get us to believe.
You make sincere and reasonable assessments while you focus on understanding the truth, Mr. Wear. This Patrick is not engaged in the same way. It is understandable that the minds of most at this time have been stacked with the agenda of our enemy, and their hysterical narrative. It took me some years to clean out the brainwashing, seeing the patterns of behavior and historical occurrences without their usual ((commentary)). Perhaps Patrick is eagerly defending his Joo programming, or maybe he is just a typical Joo.
Thanks for sharing your useful thoughts. They are wasted on this Patrick, but not on me.
You write: “Right there we can see why the 100k+ figures are insane. If anything like that were true, the German police would not be arriving at the counts and estimates which they give.”
My response: I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden bombings.
A British sergeant reported on the disposal of bodies at Dresden:
“They had to pitchfork shriveled bodies onto trucks and wagons and cart them to shallow graves on the outskirts of the city. But after two weeks of work the job became too much to cope with and they found other means to gather up the dead. They burned bodies in a great heap in the center of the city, but the most effective way, for sanitary reasons, was to take flamethrowers and burn the dead as they lay in the ruins. They would just turn the flamethrowers into the houses, burn the dead and then close off the entire area. The whole city is flattened. They were unable to clean up the dead lying beside roads for several weeks.” (Source: Regan, Dan, Stars and Stripes London edition, Saturday, May 5, 1945, Vol. 5, No. 156).
Do we know that the dead bodies burned by flamethrowers were ever reported to the Dresden police?
Other historians cite evidence that many bodies were incinerated beyond recognition. The incineration of large numbers of people in Dresden is indicated by estimates of the extreme temperature reached in Dresden during the firestorm. While no one took the actual temperature reached during the Dresden firestorm, many historians estimate that temperatures reached 1,500° Centigrade or 2,732° Fahrenheit). (Source: McKee, Alexander, Dresden 1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox, New York: E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1984, p. 176).
Since temperatures in a cremation chamber normally reach only 1,400 degrees to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit , large numbers of people in Dresden would have been incinerated beyond recognition from the extreme heat generated in the firestorm. (Source: http://nfda.org/planning-a-funeral/cremation/160.html#hot).
Were the Dresden police and other authorities able to determine the number of dead bodies that were totally incinerated beyond recognition at Dresden?
Finally, Marshall De Bruhl notes that numerous other skeletons of victims were discovered in the ruins of Dresden as rubble was removed or foundations for new buildings were erected. De Bruhl states:
“One particularly poignant discovery was made when the ruins adjacent to the Altmarkt were being excavated in the 1990s. The workmen found the skeletons of a dozen young women who had been recruited from the countryside to come into Dresden and help run the trams during the war. They had taken shelter from the rain of bombs in an ancient vaulted subbasement, where their remains lay undisturbed for almost 50 years.” (Source: DeBruhl, Marshall, Firestorm: Allied Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden, New York: Random House, Inc., 2006, p. 254).
So, I think a substantial number of bodies were found after the final Dresden report was made. I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden bombings.
Indeed. What we get handed to us as bonafide history is the least trustworthy information of all. It all has to be figured out; cleansed of it's commentary and narrative weaving. It is always our responsibility to understand what exactly the "record" is meant to get us to believe.
I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden I question whether the Dresden police and other authorities would know how many people died in the Dresden bombings..
You, Patrick
..But Irving was still promoting that stuff decades after he admitted it to be false in the 1960s. That should have tipped him off that he didn’t have a case…
He didn’t have a case for what?
Dresden was massacred. Simple fact. Nobody knew, nor knows how many, as is the case in war. Let’s just use the usual figure 6M. Better?
There’s nothing selective about treating the internal records of the German police of that time as a primary source. Irving himself was at one time doing that:
He didn't have a case for what? Dresden was massacred. Simple fact. Nobody knew, nor knows how many, as is the case in war. Let's just use the usual figure 6M. Better?
..But Irving was still promoting that stuff decades after he admitted it to be false in the 1960s. That should have tipped him off that he didn’t have a case...
I tried to phrase it in language which the other poster was familiar with. Nothing odd about that.
Even the pics of Dresden in 1945 available on Joogle look pretty severe.
Your selective reading is very poor. You obviously seek confirmation of your brainwashing and can’t discern clear patterns. That is what differentiates the foolish from the wise.
We can safely debunk the lie about 100k+ dead at Dresden by going off of the facts which Irving himself acknowledged as far back as 1966:
Thursday July 7, 1966
From Mr. David Irving
… have now supplied to me a copy of the 11-page “final report” written by the area police chief about one month after the Dresden raids, and there is no doubt as to this document’s authenticity…
The crucial passage reads:
“Casualties: by 10th March, 1945, 18,375 dead, 2,212 seriously injured, and 13,918 slightly injured had been registered, with 350,000 homeless and permanently evacuated.” The total death-roll, “primarily women and children”, was expected to reach 25,000; fewer than a hundred of the dead were servicemen. Of the dead recovered by then, 6,865 had been cremated in one of the city squares. A total of 35,000 people were listed as “missing”.
The general authenticity of the report is established beyond doubt, because within a very few days of receiving the first, a second wartime German report was supplied to me, this time from a western source. It repeats exactly the figures listed in the above report, upon which it was evidently based.
Right there we can see why the 100k+ figures are insane. If anything like that were true, the German police would not be arriving at the counts and estimates which they give. After almost a month of digging for bodies in the ruins of Dresden, the German police would not be reporting 18,375 bodies and projecting a final count of 25,000. They would be reporting a much higher count and projecting a much higher final toll.
Julius Rosenberg was recruited into Soviet intelligence in 1942, at a time when Hitler’s invasion of the USSR seemed to be on the verge of succeeding. Sure, once people are drawn into an espionage network, they don’t easily leave. Hitler was defeated in 1945, but by that time the Rosenbergs were incontrovertibly involved with Soviet espionage. The fact remains that if Hitler had never come to power, someone like Julius Rosenberg would have taken no interest in Soviet espionage. As with Harry Dexter White, there’s nothing in Rosenberg’s biography which suggests that he took up an interest in Lenin’s theory of a proletarian vanguard party. He simply viewed the alliance with the USSR in 1942 as highly important and became involved in something which he was thereafter bound to.
Speaking of National Socialism parades…
In 1977, a (supposed) National Socialist (Nazi–I hate that term) parade was supposed to take place in Skokie, Illinois, a haven for (supposed) “holocaustâ„¢ survivors”.
It was litigated in the courts, with even the jew-owned and run American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) coming out in favor of holding the parade.
The parade never occurred, instead the National Socialists held a rally in Chicago.
Now for the rest of the story…
The “leader” of the so-called Nationalist Socialist organization (Frank Collins) was himself jewish.
This “rally” was a jew-owned and run operation meant to evoke pity and sympathy for the supposed “holocaustâ„¢ survivors” by showing that jews were hated for “just being jews”.
This was no different that the present-day (self-inflicted) vandalism that appears at jewish synagogues from time-to-time.
This vandalism is perpetrated by jews themselves, in order to give themselves a “pity party” (which they are so good at) and to further reinforce their (misplaced mental illness) sense of “victimhood”, claiming that the whole world hates (((them))) just for being jews.
McNally finally achieves the crystal-clear simplicity and unique concision that only a thinker possessed of authentic genius can dream of, one that makes forever superfluous any future attempts to characterize Hitler:
“… the man was bad.â€
Whether you like it or not, it’s just a fact that if Hitler had never come to power then White would never have involved himself in a Soviet intelligence network. Nothing in White’s biography shows him as someone who took an interest in Lenin’s theory of a revolutionary party. He was only interested in helping Hitler’s enemy. Most likely is that without Hitler in office, White would simply have been a conventional New Dealer. Supporting Roosevelt, but with no reason to reach out to Stalin through extra-legal routes.
One can simply look at Hitler’s own words to see that the man was bad.
It is not Danzig that is at stake. For us it is a matter of expanding our living space in the East…
— Hitler memo of March 23, 1939, reprinted in Max Domarus, Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations, Volume 3, p. 1619.
Hitler delivered his four-hour secret speech to his C-in-Cs on May 23, 1939, in his lofty study… In many respects his language was no different from the other key speeches of 1938 and 1939 that have since been found: he stated that Danzig was not his ultimate objective — that would be to secure Lebensraum in the east…
— David Irving, The War Path, 2013 FP edition, p. 208.
Some excerpts from Wise’s account can be worth noting, since they fit so perfectly well with everything else that is known.
One letter from Berlin dated April 2 reached me giving details of the horrors of April 1 for Jews throughout Germany. It added:
“Over here they have made the Jews and everyone else think that this boycott was only a retaliatory measure because of the action of the Jews in England and America and that nothing would have occurred otherwise. Lies — all lies. It was prepared months ago. I know! ….
“They claim that all this was done in retaliation of what was done to Germany in foreign countries. Could any country in 48 hours have a complete list of every Jewish shop in Germany? This, mind you, included seamstresses, little shoemakers, tiny shops in basements that sell vegetables, and all this in the smallest hamlets and towns. You have no idea how all this was organized to the nth degree. They had speakers in every factory throughout the country telling workmen and the masses that through a boycott instituted by the Jews against Germany they, the workmen, would be the ones to suffer and so they must help in rooting out these people and hitting them in their most vulnerable spot.
“Thank God that the other countries know and, despite what this country is preaching that the mass meetings of the Jews in England and America has reacted injuriously to the Jews in Germany. I tell you that this is not so. No matter how much they suffered in humiliation last Saturday it is not one-hundredth of what we are all convinced was REALLY planned. According to their real plan [the Boxheim documents and others] they had intended not only to close the shops but to plunder them everywhere and do a lot of other things far worse than what they did, and which they brag about as having been carried out in strictest discipline.
“Hitler made the statement that the ‘People’ wanted to carry all this through themselves and that only by organization and by their storm detachments and the regulations which they carried out to the letter were atrocities averted. That wasn’t it. They were afraid now that the outside world knew to completely carry out what they had systematically planned and organized — a huge program. They had to let their troopers loose but they limited their dirty work to only one day, ordering that the boycott should be over by 7 P.M.”
— Challenging Years: The Autobiography of Stephen Wise, pp. 247-8.
Everything which Wise’s correspondent recounts here there is consistent with the known behavior of the SA during March and February 1933. The signs were that the SA was building up a wave of violence, with multiple assassinations in the streets of Jewish shopkeepers, which were intended to build into something much bigger that the 1-day boycott of April 1. It was the campaign launched by people like Untermeyer and Wise which, despite a general lack of support from the wider community, persuaded Hitler that he needed to pull the SA in for a while as Germany rearmed.
Werll said. BTW: where are you from?
Please let us know when the first Nazi parade takes place on the
mean streets of Canberra. Heil Hitler!
God Bless you Sam.
There never was a more inspiring, stronger, representative of our beseiged people. And I think, unaccidentally, from the scion of ‘purest Presbyterianism’ which has a meaning few understand.
Merry Christmas…MATE!
P.S. I know not a few young men of my acquaintance and ‘in1fluence’ who have dreams of living in a quiet cul-de-sac with Sam in one place, Kmac in another and…yes..the great..but ‘flawed’ (lol!) Jared Taylor two houses removed and I’d add, Ron Unz ‘not that I’d agree with everything he says’ (lol!, a Jew can’t be expected to jump out of his skin) nearby…
But why is that happening? Just ask the Chosen — they brag on being the main battering ram against immigration sanity, the mainspring of “diversity” promotion and goyish racial guilt.
They’re the ones that force all this on us through control of media, courts, edjewcation and politics.
But Deborah dear, WHY have Jews been hated throughout the world for millennia?
By any logic there has to be a legitimate reason. You and your lackeys call “anti-semitism” a form of mindless blind hatred, but even among the maddest of scientists no goyish gene for it has been reported.
Prof. MacDonald — Mr. Unz — no words could express my appreciation to you gentlemen for your truth propagation. You make history over and over again. There is no greater urgency in the world than busting Jewish supremacism, because it plagues literally every aspect and department of life while remaining the most taboo of subjects.
Does this mean Taylor is back on Twitter? Has Kevin Mac tried to make a new account and return to X?
Jared Taylor's whitest Christmas ever — even without snow. pic.twitter.com/Tivsxy5RjE
— American Renaissance (@realAmRen) December 20, 2024
Individual Jews have contributed greatly to positive aspects of ‘Western Civilization’, and the negative. But Judaism, the Bronze Age, xenophobic, genocidal, supremacist ideology, has contributed, GREATLY, to ONLY the worst of the West’s negative attributes, and more so today, where support for genocide is being made mandatory in the West, than ever.
“If I cannot understand or comprehend something of another person’s actions, then any interpretation I apply is valid and true.â€
That, in a nutshell, is pretty The Unz Review’s very own obnoxious Nellie (aka ariadna); whether it’s Jews/Jew lovers being in the woodwork, Putin, and/or anything else, if Nellie thinks it’s true it’s true, and if you disagree you’re automatically a troll.
You write: “All of 100k+ numbers were propaganda by Goebbels.”
My response: Nobody knows for sure how many people died in the Dreden bombings. However, I think it is probable that more than 100,000 peope died in these bombings. You can read my article at
http://www.wearswar.com/2019/02/14/the-dresden-firestorm-massacre-was-a-botched-allied-mission-if-the-official-death-toll-is-to-be-believed-the-victims-are-conveniently-vaporized-from-history/ for more information.
You might also want to read my article at http://www.wearswar.com/2018/11/17/written-to-discredit-david-irving-lying-about-hitler-by-richard-j-evans-a-refutation-of-the-dresden-firestorm-chapter/ for more information.
On the topic of Jewish intellectuals siding with the Soviet Union during its most murderous period, McNally comes up with:
“The problem with that is that this period of siding with the Soviet Union matched exactly with the time when Hitler was in power. It’s not shocking that most Jews, when forced to pick between Hitler and Stalin, would have picked Stalin.”
Hitler had been dead for quite a while the Cold War was on, so American Jews like the Rosenberg couple and their team– all Jews– were not “forced to pick between Hitler and Stalin,” when they decided to betray the country where they had been born, at least nominally theirs. What a stupid, ignorant argument to make.
My uninformed guess is that such laws were to please the Jews as
that is the case with the Anti-BDS laws in the U.S., which are
clearly unconstitutional and will be struck down by the courts.
Fortunately, banning ideas is the best way to call attention to them
and invite the curious to taste the forbidden fruit.
Please let us know when the first Nazi parade takes place on the
mean streets of Canberra. Heil Hitler!
As you know the Government may not limit free speech in the U.S.,
but employers, even government employers may sack you without
cause under some conditions or make your situation unbearable.
Please let us know when the first Nazi parade takes place on the
mean streets of Canberra. Heil Hitler! �
Israel is burning tonight, Death to genocidal Jewish mafia Tribe.
Israel has NO right to exist. Death to genocidal Biden, Trump and Erdogan.
Houthis Attack Israel: Tel Aviv Burns Amid Airstrikes, Israel’s Defense System Fails |Netanyahu
Houthi Ballistic Missile Burns Israel Tel Aviv, Israel Defence Fails
The military stating that “one projectile launched from Yemen†was identified after sirens went off in “central Israel†and that “unsuccessful interception attempts were madeâ€.
A spokesperson for Yemen’s Houthis confirmed the group had hit a “military target†in the Jaffa area with a ballistic missile.
LONG LIVE YEMEN, Death to US, UK and Israel.
” This is something bigger and more significant”…….”I don’t know of a single country,democracy,that is not facing this (Antisemitism) issue on some level and struggling with how to respond,including our own.”
– D.E. Lipstadt
Yes D.E. L., rather insurmountable to respond to a historical shift; Antisemitism is a logical, rational and eventually, effective reaction to Jewish behaviour.
Jewish Gangster Paradise
🛑 GERMAR RUDOLF IMPRISONMENT UPDATE: holo caust expert Germar Rudolf is being left to rot in jail in New York, awaiting transport to Pennsylvania to face charges he'd previously been told by authorities they weren't going to press.
Prison transfer normally happens within 72… https://t.co/KLc2PTGjzr pic.twitter.com/ZiP5YDkC9v
— Sam Parker 🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) December 21, 2024
🛑 DID YOU KNOW jews used to admit they were primarily responsible for American slavery?
"During the seventeenth century the sugar industry was monopolized by the jews, and…the cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the jews, and as a… pic.twitter.com/MQnjKePzkq
— Sam Parker 🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) December 21, 2024
Another Jewish organization, Tikvah, has been functioning under leadership of Elliott Abrams to, in effect, re-define USAmerica in Hebrew terms, starting with American universities.
"Jews dominate the West to the point that Jewish interests and attitudes have come to virtually define the West. "
It's difficult not to see the agenda of "teaching Western literature, history, philosophy . . . from a Jewish perspective" as a quiet coup.Replies: @Jim H
AI Overview
Jewish classical education master's to debut in fall - JNS.org
The University of Dallas offers a Master of Arts in Humanities with a concentration in Jewish Classical Education in partnership with the Tikvah Fund's Lobel Center for Jewish Classical Education. The program is designed to train educators in Jewish Classical Education and is the only program of its kind in the world.
The program aims to:
Provide a comprehensive understanding of Western Civilization from a Jewish perspective
Equip graduates to teach Western literature, history, philosophy, and the arts from a Jewish perspective
Enhance graduates' ability to teach traditional Judaic studies
Inspire young Jews to understand foundational Jewish ideas, stories, and texts
Help young Jews understand how Jewish ideas shaped America and the West
‘The program aims to: Provide a comprehensive understanding of Western Civilization from a Jewish perspective’ — quoted by Zumbuddi
‘Western civ from a Jewish perspective’ is an oxymoron on a par with ‘Judeo-Christian.’
Western civilization was established despite the Jews, who as late as the 19th century were illiterate, superstitious peasants lacking surnames. Thus the ‘kikel’ marks of eastern European immigrants in the late 1880s (to Americans’ eternal remorse).
‘Western civ from a Jewish perspective’ is like ‘quantum physics from a Papua New Guinean perspective’ — either a self-evident absurdity, or an elaborate, self-parodic joke.
If Western civ knuckles under to this brazen Jew hubris, then it is over. China will pick up the broken pieces.
Fortunately the University of Dallas is a third-tier college with a mere 1,447 undergrads — a dung beetle in danger of being trod upon by dinosaurs; and weak, easy prey for zionist usurpers, subverters and vandals: southern-fried freaks on a crucifix. Jesus wept.
In Australia, virtually all the states (and then caused everywhere through federal laws) from 2022-2024 banned the sale, or public display of anything Nazi related, people are arrested for doing a Roman salute.
Why? Why was this all brought in over 75 years AFTER the war finished? If it didn’t need to be outlawed in 1939 or 1946 why the fuck was it brought in when 99% of the people who experienced this time in history (who weren’t young children) have since died?
one should ask the question: what was the one thing that Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Iran have in common? They refused the Central Banking Cabal’s memership.
Yes indeed
Something went wrong in this post. Multiple paragraphs are repeated, multiple times, marring its impact and message.
Is there no copy editor at unz dot com??
As a defender of all things Jewish, it is hardly surprising that you would
take up the cause of Boston-born, Jewish traitor, Harry Dexter White.
White was the German- hating Undersecretary of the Treasury who
wanted to make Germany into a cow pasture after the War. He was just
one of a host of genius, American Jews who effusively dedicated
themselves to serving that notorious philosemite, Joseph Stalin.
Isn’t it remarkable how people too clever to be fooled by others, always
manage to deceive themselves?
Jewish insistence on everyone believing big lies and their insistence on murdering large numbers of people based on those big lies means they worship Satan, the father of lies.
Replies: @NoBodyImportant, @EL_Kabong
Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would hardly be a matter of much consequence.
Vile and disgusting.
The blind, idiot “owner” of the rabid Jew- dog is blithely
unaware that he is on the wrong end of the leash.
How this came to be is a mystery that is beyond human
understanding except for the love of money,
the authentic religion of man and
the “root of all evil.”
Hitler bad.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how and from where that concept embedded itself so thoroughly in your worldview?
Stephen Wise spent his career working for the zionist cause. No lie was too ludicrous, no defamation of Germans too dishonest to serve Rabbi Stephen Wise’s purposes.*
Contrary to the belief that Wise was an assistant to Louis Brandeis; in fact, Wise played the major role in introducing Brandeis to the zionist cause. One might say Wise was Brandeis’s handler. In turn, Wise, Brandeis and Henry Morgenthau Jr. (and a few others such as Bernard Baruch who had very frequent, even daily access to The President) handled FDR.
Wise, Brandeis, Frankfurter & associated influential and wealthy American Jews played a role in taking control of the Versailles negotiations, shutting out Wilson and his promises to Germans and former Ottoman states in favor of the Jewish zionist agenda. Thereby, the same pre-neocons set the stage for the war to destroy Germany and other parts of Europe.
* By May 1933 Wise’s son, James Waterman Wise, published Swastika, the vilification of the symbols of the German government. The vilification survives to this day.
* Wise himself spread the propaganda that “Germans were making soap and lampshades of Jewish flesh.” So Wise told Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in Morgenthau’s office at US Treasury.
“Jews dominate the West to the point that Jewish interests and attitudes have come to virtually define the West. ”
Another Jewish organization, Tikvah, has been functioning under leadership of Elliott Abrams to, in effect, re-define USAmerica in Hebrew terms, starting with American universities.
There’s a grand irony in that Tikvah is calling for Jews to “Exodus” from the elite universities formerly favored by Jews, because they are “woke” and preaching unacceptable concepts.
Most of those universities — Harvard, Yale, Princeton as well as Lipstadt’s own Emory University were established by American Christian leaders, in general, for the purpose of training future Christian leaders/pastors.
In one of her many public speaking appearances, Amy Jill Levine, who specializes in defamatory commentary of New Testament topics, commented that when she took one of her children to the Emory campus, she took pains to distract the child from seeing the crucifix atop a campus building.
Now that Jews have distorted and deformed the character of American universities founded by old-line Christians, as the Tikvah agenda reveals, Jews are setting their sights on other universities, in some instances with the support of their non-Jewish leadership: Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College has been a guest speaker at Tikvah events, as was Ben Sasse, formerly (for a remarkably short-term) president of University of Florida.
Roman Catholic universities seem a delectable morsel: University of Dallas is in the process of establishing a department for the latest twist on US education, Classical Education:
AI Overview
Jewish classical education master’s to debut in fall – JNS.org
The University of Dallas offers a Master of Arts in Humanities with a concentration in Jewish Classical Education in partnership with the Tikvah Fund’s Lobel Center for Jewish Classical Education. The program is designed to train educators in Jewish Classical Education and is the only program of its kind in the world.
The program aims to:
Provide a comprehensive understanding of Western Civilization from a Jewish perspective
Equip graduates to teach Western literature, history, philosophy, and the arts from a Jewish perspective
Enhance graduates’ ability to teach traditional Judaic studies
Inspire young Jews to understand foundational Jewish ideas, stories, and texts
Help young Jews understand how Jewish ideas shaped America and the West
It’s difficult not to see the agenda of “teaching Western literature, history, philosophy . . . from a Jewish perspective” as a quiet coup.
You are absolutely correct. What insight! To prove conclusively that he is not Jewish controlled and a crypto Jewdo, he needs to nuke Israel toot sweet. C’mon Vlad.. a couple of snorts of blow, a teleporn call to the Sarmat 2 silos, and then you can show your face publicly without the suspicion of hallucinojewic accusers. “What a relief that will be to me”.
“No matter how absurd or preposterous,, tortured the logic, I gotta maintain my image. Like a simpletonian, I have to speak extemporaneously whatever, without reservation or reflection, is no my mind. In an instant.”
Your only acceptable person then is an obsessive-compulsive with Tourette Syndrome. All of this is an outgrowth of “If I cannot understand or comprehend something of another person’s actions, then any interpretation I apply is valid and true.”
There is no possibility that Putin’s words or lack of have any relevance or purpose, such as a larger integration of strategies. Only a retiree living far from this theatre can know this surely.
That, in a nutshell, is pretty The Unz Review's very own obnoxious Nellie (aka ariadna); whether it's Jews/Jew lovers being in the woodwork, Putin, and/or anything else, if Nellie thinks it's true it's true, and if you disagree you're automatically a troll.
"If I cannot understand or comprehend something of another person’s actions, then any interpretation I apply is valid and true.â€
Right, but according to the Jews’ stooges in Congress, to say so is a hate crime!
“Our antiwar president going to war right off the bat. Very disappointing, and a horrible way to start Trump 2.0.”
well, Began first admin by attacking Syria.
First, Pres elect Trump, just folded on the budget.
Second, he folded on immgration – something as simple as building a useful barrier.
Third, took no action when Mexican bationals accosted US military personnel of the US side of the border.
Fourth, new NAFTA agreement benefitted . . . uhhhhhhh . . . in the US . . . uuuhhhhhmmmmm . . . oh WS.
Fourth, COVID . . .
Fifth, actually practices measuring economic health of the country by looking at stock prices and stock growth . . . yikes.
Sixth, no rebuilding of US infrastructure . . .
Just last night folded on the drain the swamp ——
Ohhh my folding on immigration — well I guess he will boat loads of whites of to choose from —-
More people from Israel —– shocked shocked and more shocked
The attack in Germany was carried out by Mossad or pro Israel terrorist to blame Muslims.
Death to Israel, and the Jewish mafia tribe in the world.
The attacker in Germany is a pro-Israel Islamophobe:
The guy turned out to be anti-Muslim so the attack is not billed a suspected terrorist attack—just a suspected attack. Zionist media, the NYT, writes the following:
Driver Rams Christmas Market in Germany, Killing at Least 2 in Suspected Attack
Now, that it has been revealed the terrorist was an anti Muslim (agent of Jews), NYT called it an ‘attack’, not a terrorist attack, because it is not good to bring attention to expose Jewish terrorism.
Usury is the root of all Destructuion/Power.
Start calling out Christian Zionist.
Video Link
These are the real cowards. These Snake Oil Salesmen sell out the future of America. Lining their pockets with Jew money.
Some 30 Million Americans believe, “We Must Stand with Israel”. Most of these 30 Million are Baby Boomers…..within 20 years all those idiots will die off old age (The real Rapture).
Our US Congress is infected with these cowardly CUNTS cloaking their actions with Christian Zionism:
All of them waiting for the Rapture:
What a Ridiculous Thumb sucking Toddler World we Live in.
Another Jewish organization, Tikvah, has been functioning under leadership of Elliott Abrams to, in effect, re-define USAmerica in Hebrew terms, starting with American universities.
"Jews dominate the West to the point that Jewish interests and attitudes have come to virtually define the West. "
It's difficult not to see the agenda of "teaching Western literature, history, philosophy . . . from a Jewish perspective" as a quiet coup.Replies: @Jim H
AI Overview
Jewish classical education master's to debut in fall - JNS.org
The University of Dallas offers a Master of Arts in Humanities with a concentration in Jewish Classical Education in partnership with the Tikvah Fund's Lobel Center for Jewish Classical Education. The program is designed to train educators in Jewish Classical Education and is the only program of its kind in the world.
The program aims to:
Provide a comprehensive understanding of Western Civilization from a Jewish perspective
Equip graduates to teach Western literature, history, philosophy, and the arts from a Jewish perspective
Enhance graduates' ability to teach traditional Judaic studies
Inspire young Jews to understand foundational Jewish ideas, stories, and texts
Help young Jews understand how Jewish ideas shaped America and the West
Our antiwar president going to war right off the bat. Very disappointing, and a horrible way to start Trump 2.0.
Disappointment? Yes. Surprise? No. america just doing america things as usual.
> If democracy was a Jewish ideal, … Jewish intellectuals wouldn’t have sided with the Soviet Union during its most murderous period.
The problem with that is that this period of siding with the Soviet Union matched exactly with the time when Hitler was in power. It’s not shocking that most Jews, when forced to pick between Hitler and Stalin, would have picked Stalin. Someone like Harry Dexter White was never a Marxist-Leninist and would not have become a Soviet agent if Hitler had not been power. Of course, even when Hitler was in power, it was only a small minority who became Soviet agents like White. Stephen Wise was never working for the Soviet government. He merely supported the Roosevelt policy of aligning with Stalin against Hitler while the war was in process. Not at all shocking.
“respected” simon wiesenthal was a liar too:
He said 5 million non jews were “exterminated” by the National Socialists too. Why? Of course because he felt that lying about it would be “good for the jews”.
These people are sick, sick, sick…
Replies: @NoBodyImportant, @EL_Kabong
Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would hardly be a matter of much consequence.
Damn man…I’ve no idea they really did that. I thought all this talk about them doing this was just people messing around but damn.
> hundreds of volunteers to sift through Irving’s many thousands of pages of published books and articles.
Bollocks. Richard Evans and two assistants, Nikolaus Wassermann and Thomas Skelton-Robinson, were the only ones involved in reviewing Irving’s work. It had been obvious for a long time that he had repeated a Goebbels lie about Dresden. The actual internal report from German officials on the spot, which Irving had himself acknowledged back in the 1960s, arrived at the likely estimate of 25,000 dead. All of 100k+ numbers were propaganda by Goebbels. But Irving was still promoting that stuff decades after he admitted it to be false in the 1960s. That should have tipped him off that he didn’t have a case.
Those damn dirty Nazis exterminated not Just the Jews but all the downtrodden - The Gypsies, The Poles, the blacks, the infirm. "We Jews fight for all Oppressed peoples". America is a Judeo-Christian NationThe ADL Protects ALL minority Groups from those damn dirty White European Nationalist. The Jews March arm in arm with Oppressed Negros. Now, Anti-Semitism = anti-democracy, anti-capitalism, anti-Western values ???????These fucking shape shifting Jewish hucksters really know how to roll out the Propaganda. Now you are not just an Anti-Semite.....you are anti-democracy, anti-capatalist....aka...really a foaming at the mouth, "Domestic Terrorist". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It will be really interesting to see just how much all of America will accept the soon to be installed Federal Hate Speech Laws. I am so tired of these shit bag Jewish LIARS. Why do we have to dance their horseshit LIES:https://www.defiantrequiem.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Deborah.jpgThis scroungy ass LYING GRIFTING motherfucker and his horseshit book is required reading in half the High Schools across America. https://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/https://eliewieselfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/elie-wiesel-man-of-faith-2.jpgHow did we let this spindly, ugly ass, cowardly LYING shit bag, turd of a man, dictate what our children are taught in school???https://simplynovel.com/cdn/shop/products/[email�protected]https://img.haarets.co.il/bs/0000017f-e5a9-dea7-adff-f5fba0910000/79/2a/10efec3e1ed5bb63b46b23d0de7d/1018316866.jpg------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Leadership at universities are beginning to recognize that these protests that are ostensibly about Gaza, about Israel, about Israel-Palestine really are a foil or an entry point for a much bigger issue of anti-democracy, anti-capitalism, anti-Western values that we often see campuses latching on to. But it’s got bigger implications,†Lipstadt explained.
Lipstadt appears, in her trade-mark reptilian manner, to be uttering an ‘argument’ that I have seen several Judeonazis and Sabbat Goy stooges hissing recently. That the genocide in Gaza, the mass murder and maiming of children, the devastation, the sniper killings of children, the mass torture, even to death, the deliberate destruction of health facilities and murder of health workers, the murders of journalists, often with their families, the whole bestial outburst of raw EVIL, is in defence of ‘civilization’. That this Judaic insanity of blood-lust is GOOD and necessary. And, increasingly, it is uttered in that familiar manner of the Judeonazi bully, shouted and with the rage within setting the whole organism vibrating with malice and contempt.
In other words, these Judaic monsters and their stooges are proposing an inversion of the moral universe, in which concerted evil becomes the highest virtue, solely because the monsters perpetrating it are Jews. It’s as if Auschwitz would be OK, if Jews were running it, and annihilating some species of goy untermenschen therein. Moreover, it is a claim that Judaics are the moral arbiters of humanity, or the stinking shit-heap that is ‘the West’, at least.
Truly, how are we ever supposed to “reach” monsters like lipstadt and others like her (which seem to be about 97% of jews in my estimation)?
Literally, lipstadt and the overwhelming majority of jews seem to believe:
1. If you are a racially motivated jew, you are moral, holy, and beyond reproach….but if you are a racially motivated White gentile, you are an evil racist nazi that should be censored, fired from your job, have your life destroyed, and you should made to be a social pariah.
2. If you criticize anything any White person did 200, 300, or 400 years ago, you are a “truth seeker”, a “historian”, and a “seeker of social justice”……but if you criticize anything jews did 200, 300, or 400 years ago or even today, you are an evil antisemitic nazi that should be censored, fired from your job, have your life destroyed, and you should made to be a social pariah.
3. If you insist Europe, Russia, the Ukraine, and the Anglosphere should be ethnostates for White gentiles, you are an evil racist nazi that should be censored, fired from your job, have your life destroyed, and you should made to be a social pariah….but if you insist israel should be an ethnostate reserved for jews, you are a moral, holy, and decent human being that seeks justice and goodness for the jews.
4. If you say things that jewish ethnic warriors don’t like, you should be censored, fired from your job, have your life destroyed, and you should made to be a social pariah…..but if you are a jew that says things that White gentiles don’t like, nothing bad should happen to you.
And on and on and on
jews are just impossible. They have literally NO ability to put themselves in the shoes of others and cannot see anything from any perspective EXCEPT “is it good for the jews”. This has been the problem for over 2,000 years.
They aren’t hated for who they are….they are hated for their hypocritical behaviors….and for pushing a “jews first” agenda, regardless of how that harms their hosts.
jews will never get it…..they are either too brainwashed, or there is something missing in their genetic/intellectual makeup.
I’ve never seen such a pathologically hypocritical group in my life.
Could get much worse. Imagine having your bloody penis being sucked by a Pedo Rabbi.
These Jews are some weird motherfuckers. Half of them actually pray to Satan and are required to caste spells and curses upon the gentiles. They worship Satan. They are in no way shape or form….Christian. Not even close.
For America to be labeled a Judeo-Christian Nation is absolute heretical apostasy.
Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would hardly be a matter of much consequence.
As always, conflicts of interest are at the root of anti-Semitism, and Jewish activists frame their interests as a moral crusade
No truer words could be said.
THIS has been the problem with jews since time began.
They push what’s “good for the jews” no matter how harmful the jewish agenda is to their hosts.
Jews, because of their backstabbing, ethno cult religio-culture of self worship, and obsession with destroying anyone that stands in the way of “jewish interests” should never ever ever ever ever be permitted to live among non jews.
They will always cause trauma, problems, and suffering.
If you don’t confront the gangsters and kill them they will try to own you.
“In the US, every president since Reagan, at least, must be photographed sitting down in the Oval Office, surrounded by these creeps, and obviously signing whatever it is they’d put in front of him to sign.”
Plus the obligatory visit to the (Roman) Wall, kippa on head, eyes closed as if in prayer. I’d have respect for ANY Western leader who accepted to visit, respectfully but without a kippa, without performing the pantomime, and explained “This is your faith, not mine. I am not demanding that you visit any Christian shrine wearing a cross around your neck.”
I like the way your mind works! 😉
Love your handle, and agree with your line of questions.
Putin was being too kind. Jews are much worse than "Godless", for these creatures do indeed worship a "god", their god: the devil himself. In other pronouncements, Putin has hinted he knows this, for calling out the "satanists" in the west (see the article "Putin declares holy war on Western 'satanism'"). But what he really means -- and he's getting a bit closer to saying so directly -- is that the Jews are the ones leading the whole west into worshiping Satan: and Satan is really none other than the Jews themselves.
Regarding the Russian Orthodox Church, what is happening is unprecedented—a blatant and outrageous violation of human rights and the rights of believers. The church is being persecuted, akin to being slaughtered, yet the world chooses to ignore it. Those perpetrating these acts will inevitably face the consequences of their actions; the boomerang effect is unavoidable. They are tearing the church apart, but they are not even atheists. Atheists, after all, hold beliefs—they believe there is no God, and that belief is their conviction. These individuals, however, lack any belief. They are godless.
They are ethnic Jews, yet they are not seen in synagogues. They are not Orthodox, as they do not attend church. Nor are they followers of Islam, since they are absent from mosques. These are people without kin, memory, or roots—people who do not value what we and the majority of the Ukrainian people cherish. They won’t go to church; they’ll go to the beach instead. That is their choice. Yet, I believe that, at some point, they will remember. The Ukrainian people, most of whom are connected to the Orthodox Church, will one day evaluate and judge their actions.
“Putin told the truth about the Jews,” you say. Sort of…
Note how he cleverly left himself a bolt hole so that he could tell his trusted friends the Lubavitchers, that he was only criticizing the Jews who left their faith, who are worse than atheists, are “godless” and never go to the synagogue, in short, the “bad Jews” not THE Jews. Just some rogue elemenst among the Jew:, see…”
“They are tearing the church apart, but they are not even atheists. Atheists, after all, hold beliefs—they believe there is no God, and that belief is their conviction. These individuals, however, lack any belief. They are godless.
They are ethnic Jews, yet they are not seen in synagogues.”
Patton’s quote about nearly losing his lunch because of the foul smell of those people reminds me of my own experience about 10 years ago. I had to take my mother to a colonoscopy appt and I went to get back in the elevator to go downstairs and out to smoke a cigarette and when I got on the elevator there was an older Jewish man on there with me. Wearing the beanie, and dressed in obviously filthy 1950s looking style clothes. I only had to be afflicted with his presence for 3 floors but his B.O. was so horrendous that I had to contain the gag reflex all the way down the short elevator trip which seemed like a lifetime. What was even worse is that after being outside for 15+ minutes, I came back in and got back on the elevator to go back up and though this retch wasn’t onboard, the odor had permeated the elevator so badly that I nearly vomited. I had to find a restroom when I finally got off that elevator because I thought I was going to puke. I have never experienced anything like that around any human being in my life before that and I’ve even been in the close proximity of homeless people who haven’t bathed in some time yet they did not have such a deathly sick odor about them. I was already aware of the Patton statement back then but that experience brought the reality to my own awareness and how.
Replies: @NoBodyImportant, @EL_Kabong
Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would hardly be a matter of much consequence.
“ and eating some sausage that smelled so foul that people in the vicinity had to ring for the attendant to do something about it. “
After the fall of Germany during WWII, General Patton ended up meeting some of those you describe and was so appalled by their hygiene that he had his road to Damascus moment thereby declaring that the U.S. fought the wrong enemy. He was determined to seek a career in politics to push his ideas about the WWII having boosted Jewish Bolshevism more than the communists ever hoped for. He was then liquidated at the hospital that was supposed to have treated him for the injury he suffered in a suspicious car accident in Germany.
The funny thing is that the Orthodox Jews are the fastest growing community in Israel and they were despised by the secular founding fathers of Israel. They were barely 1% of the population in 1948. Now they make at least 10% of the Israeli population and they are bound to be the biggest group in two generations. Assuming Israel will still be around by then, and taking into account that they are the least productive segment of Jewish society, the secular Israelis would have some job supporting the extended welfare state. That in itself could be a leading cause of Israel’s implosion.
“Leadership at universities are beginning to recognize that these protests that are ostensibly about Gaza, about Israel, about Israel-Palestine really are a foil or an entry point for a much bigger issue of anti-democracy, anti-capitalism, anti-Western values that we often see campuses latching on to. But it’s got bigger implications,†Lipstadt explained.
Those damn dirty Nazis exterminated not Just the Jews but all the downtrodden – The Gypsies, The Poles, the blacks, the infirm. “We Jews fight for all Oppressed peoples”.
America is a Judeo-Christian Nation
The ADL Protects ALL minority Groups from those damn dirty White European Nationalist.
The Jews March arm in arm with Oppressed Negros.
Now, Anti-Semitism = anti-democracy, anti-capitalism, anti-Western values ???????
These fucking shape shifting Jewish hucksters really know how to roll out the Propaganda.
Now you are not just an Anti-Semite…..you are anti-democracy, anti-capatalist….aka…really a foaming at the mouth, “Domestic Terrorist”.
It will be really interesting to see just how much all of America will accept the soon to be installed Federal Hate Speech Laws.
I am so tired of these shit bag Jewish LIARS. Why do we have to dance their horseshit LIES:
This scroungy ass LYING GRIFTING motherfucker and his horseshit book is required reading in half the High Schools across America. https://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/
How did we let this spindly, ugly ass, cowardly LYING shit bag, turd of a man, dictate what our children are taught in school???
It is astounding to me that here we are in 2024 and all of America believes these hucksters and their horseshit Holocaust Hoax. It must be our Christian morals and values —-We cant imagine people would lie at such an industrial level.
Their entire Jewish Race should be sued for Hate Speech. Every fucking Jew propagating this lie should have their assets seized and deported to Israel. How many Diaries did these Palestinian children have. Where is their story?
I don’t know about you, but this site is starting to get boring. Seems like every day there’s more and more we must surrender because they own us, talk. Well people on Twitter obviously haven’t stop exposing and talking about them and a lot of those people have their pictures visible. People in America can either choose to live in fear, or they can exercise their second amendment rights. If they refuse to do that, then maybe they should end their own life instead. Because suicide is better than slavery and living in fear.
5.1, hmmm… let’s talk six.
6lbs of ash bone and teeth from a professional cremation.
36,000,000 lbs. 18,000 tons. 10 tons to a truckload.
1,800 truckloads of Jew.
Where are they ?
who is firmly on the left
kmac thinks professional wrestling is real.
remember kmac: if you refuse to participate in the school play you won’t graduate.
kmac is like the gentile steve sailer.
Ya I know, I had a freind that retired from the military in the late 80s and he made 1600 a month after 20 years , that was a long time ago so he probably makes a whole lot more today . But he loved flying airplanes so he bought a hanger and started working on planes while he flew also – he was a good guy and said he could have gotten another job as a civilian and double dipped but he did what he liked to do. I knew 2 other guys that double dipped from the military and they are well off – but the two guys swear by the Government narratives – always – where the the pilot friend didn’t and knew the score.
The Government has made sure there are tens of millions that are not going to buck their system – Money talks and Honor and Honesty takes a back seat.
The Creature From the Black Lagoon.
You’re blind if you can’t see it.
OBTW, The Holocaust is a Big Lie.
Interesting post but you can’t ban usury when the usurers make the laws. And they would never give it up willingly. The usurers have to be removed from the societies they prey on.
And usury is but a fraction of the damage they do to their host countries.
jews have always had a penchant for poor hygiene.
You see, the rabbis control jewish behavior, even down to the cleansing of one’s self after defecation on the Sabbath. It is a rabbinical “sin” to unroll and tear toilet paper on the Sabbath. The rabbinical solution is to get a gentile to wipe the jew’s ass.
As an alternative, toilet paper can be torn into sheets prior to the Sabbath to be used on the Sabbath. It would seem that the mere act of defecation could be construed as “work” by rabbinical decree.
This is not sarcasm.
Rabbis have total power over jewish behavior; hence the rabbinical “ok” to lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder of the “goyim”.
General George S. Patton had much to say about the unsavory, disgusting unsanitary habits and lack of hygiene inherent in jewish behavior.
The Polish Warsaw “ghetto” during WW2 was another little-known problem for Germans who ran the whole operation. Attempts to institute healthy practices among the jews were rebuffed. Although jews were required to observe normal human hygiene practices, many of them refused, choosing to live in filthy unhygienic conditions.
Jews who were “connected” lived normal and even extravagant lives within the ghetto while lesser-affluent jews were marginalized by their own jewish leaders.
Not too long ago, a gaggle of stinky jews were removed from a flight from Detroit to Miami because other passengers complained about their stench. They were given a “free” hotel room in which to “clean themselves up”. They were put on a flight the next day. They are now suing the airline for refusing to allow (((them))) to “fly while stinky”.
Jews gonna jew…
Seems like they all gotta try and defend the indefensible. Like the genocide she and the other Zionist apologists find it necessary to try and rationalize. I have my own ideas about why all the unnecessary killing is happening: https://folkpotpourri.com/do-people-get-addicted-to-killing/
On a flight some years ago from Sydney to LA these orthodox Jews were doing that head bobbing while facing the door, others in the aisle near me, and eating some sausage that smelled so foul that people in the vicinity had to ring for the attendant to do something about it. After the dinner meal when the lights were turned down so people could rest or sleep, these Jews started singing and sent their kids running up and down the aisles. This wasn’t the first flight to and from the Jewish colony of Australia where I encountered these people’s hateful rudeness. On one flight it seemed we waited and waited after being seated, only to find the flight had been delayed for a handful of families of these creeps. In the US, every president since Reagan, at least, must be photographed sitting down in the Oval Office, surrounded by these creeps, and obviously signing whatever it is they’d put in front of him to sign.
Boys, boys, boys… can we at least save a little of that energy spitting on jews for the CCP?
Can you believe this is a US NAVY Recruiting Office in Alhambra, CA? EVERY recruiter here is Chinese, as well as all the people coming to enlist. The working language here is also Chinese.
The video was filmed by a Chinese language YouTuber, and the US NAVY recruiter who took… pic.twitter.com/GeP7xZgJQL
— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferzeng97) December 10, 2024
Trump’s appointments to the Middle East are all pro-Israel fanatics…
Is the phrase pro-Israeli fanatics a euphemism for Jews?
I think it is weird that I have the actual quote in full and Kevin refuses to print it.
“Lipstadt said, looking back on her time in the position. In those conversations, she leaned on relatability: America doesn’t have it all figured out, either. “I didn’t say, ‘You have a problem.’ I said, ‘We have a problem.’â€
I was there and this is what I heard.
Lipstadt said, looking back on her time in the position. In those conversations, she leaned on relatability: America doesn’t have it all figured out, either. “I didn’t say, ‘You have a problem.’ I said, ‘We have a problem. I am glad we are having this conversation and I think it is so very important that we are able to communicate off of the radar. Let me give you this pager so I can contact you whenever something blows up and we need to talk.”
You’re welcome.
what have we become
said the father to his son
we have failed to respond to
the battles they have won
we have turned our heads.
in hopes they do not tread
on what little we have left
as we eat our daily bread
It is hard to comprehend
our willingness to bend
as we shamble toward the end
of all that was