I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Well, I’ll be curious to see her “trove of evidence” that Mrs. Macron is a man when she releases it.
If you’ve read my American Pravda series, you’ll have encountered a long list of previous examples in which I’d been totally wrong on other “conspiracy theories.” So perhaps I’m entirely wrong about this one. But I doubt it.
Owens recently got huge visibility for interviewing a survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty and someone said that her number of subscribers passed those of the Neocon Daily Wire, where she’d previously worked.
So I wonder if some people didn’t get fed up with her success and put in the effort to concoct a batch of fake documents as poisoned bait in order to finally destroy her.
I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Well, I'll be curious to see her "trove of evidence" that Mrs. Macron is a man when she releases it.
I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Thanks for the tip. A very interesting development.
Frankly, this smells a lot like the “poisoned bait” trick that Karl Rove and the Bush people used to destroy Dan Rather and Sixty Minutes for causing them so much trouble over the Iraq War.
Obviously, there are lots of groups gunning for Owens, and providing her with a trove of fake documents that she publicizes would be a typical strategy to use. She strikes me as exactly the sort of very gullible individual who would easily fall for something like that.
On the other hand, maybe she’s 100% correct about the marriage between Mr. Macron and…Mr. Macron! If so, I’ll have been proven totally wrong on yet another “conspiracy theory.”
There will be some news on the subject quite soon.
BREAKING: In mid-November, I made contact with a journalist claiming to have a trove of evidence proving Brigitte Macron was born a man. In December I flew to Europe to examine the evidence and to interview the journalist for over two hours.
Just 10 days after our initial…— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) January 10, 2025
Candace is in the process of publishing a new piece on her blog. Based on further évidence from a French journalist, this would reflect the entire, quite complex story I heard of.
Mr Macron had a légal letter sent to her.
Very strange letter apparently
In times past a ruling King would give a good pension to people such as those who landed on moon.Replies: @Looger
"His wife (Aldrin) said no one offered him a job. Consequently the Aldrin's (like the families of the other astronauts) never had any money. He was forced to sell his house and slipped into depression and alcoholism. He and Joan divorced. In his books Aldrin has been brutally honest about his drinking and mental health issues and depths of despair he reached. His is perhaps the best account of the other side of travelling to the Moon." (Apollo 11:: The Inside Story, David Whitehouse)
In times past a ruling King would give a good pension to people such as those who landed on moon.
Trying to draw conclusions from flimsy evidence left all over the place by a quarter-trillion dollar defense contractor started by nazis and freemasons is a fool’s errand.
NASA obfuscates on purpose. They leave bread crumb trails for the conspiracy crowd on purpose.
Why is the laser reflector left our of every moon hoax discussion?
Someone put it there, no?
As best I know there is no Jewish relatives in my family - not that it would be bother me if there were as race is no barrier to me. Did you not notice that the video you link to as an authority for your conspiracy theory has as a channel logo a Star of David embedded in it?
Thanks Choke, that’s what I was looking for.
Yes, it is pretty evident that Jack McArbeit-Macht-Frei is covering for the (((tribe))).
You simply repeating the same thing over an over does not make your claim true. There is an ancient Egyptian post mortem judgment scene in which the aspirant to eternal life declares "I have not closed my ears to the words of truth" https://www.kemetexperience.com/the-42-ideals-of-maat
I already answered the point regarding the Van Allen belt here:
https://www.unz.com/runz/youtube-censorship-and-the-curious-case-of-candace-owens/#comment-6730960 which links to this: https://www.unz.com/runz/judith-miller-david-cole-and-the-holocaust/?showcomments#comment-6437629
The NASA engineer says:Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
“As we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion."
�We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
Christianity teaches:
The Prophet said, "A man utters a word pleasing to Allah without considering it of any significance for which Allah exalts his ranks (in Jannah); another one speaks a word displeasing to Allah without considering it of any importance, and for this reason he will sink down into Hell." https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1514
Before any inclination to self righteousness be taken recall Shakespeares "Measure for Measure" (the title comes from the gospels) and that "some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall". Those who like a Grand Inquisitor proclaim their own virtue and Truth are given the same measuring rod they used for other poor souls. They are held to the same standard they proclaim in the name they gave themselves.Replies: @QCIC
2475 Christ's disciples have "put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." 274 By "putting away falsehood," they are to "put away all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander." 275
2476 False witness and perjury. When it is made publicly, a statement contrary to the truth takes on a particular gravity. In court it becomes false witness. 276 When it is under oath, it is perjury. Acts such as these contribute to condemnation of the innocent, exoneration of the guilty, or the increased punishment of the accused. 277 They gravely compromise the exercise of justice and the fairness of judicial decisions.
2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury. 278 He becomes guilty:
- of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor;
- of detraction who, without objectively valid reason, discloses another's faults and failings to persons who did not know them; 279
- of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them.
2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor's thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another's statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved. 280
2479 Detraction and calumny destroy the reputation and honor of one's neighbor. Honor is the social witness given to human dignity, and everyone enjoys a natural right to the honor of his name and reputation and to respect. Thus, detraction and calumny offend against the virtues of justice and charity.
2480 Every word or attitude is forbidden which by flattery, adulation, or complaisance encourages and confirms another in malicious acts and perverse conduct. Adulation is a grave fault if it makes one an accomplice in another's vices or grave sins. Neither the desire to be of service nor friendship justifies duplicitous speech. Adulation is a venial sin when it only seeks to be agreeable, to avoid evil, to meet a need, or to obtain legitimate advantages. https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/catechism/index.cfm?recnum=6322
Radiation resistant electronics exist and are typically used for spacecraft, especially satellites in high orbit and space probes. The parts are expensive, like everything else on a typical satellite. Low altitude satellites are exposed to lower radiation doses and can use less expensive electronics closer to standard commercial parts. This information should be taken into consideration.
"Did you know that the Soviet physicists who built the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were (ironically?) worshipping Satan during a physicist's day parade in 1984, and it was captured on film?
3 years ago, I released this footage and translated it:"
I just stumbled onto something that for me is quite a revelation, if true…
Hartmann Heinrich Wirz (1823-1865) – SABBATEAN FRANKIST FREAK
“Henry Wirz was the only man executed for Civil War war crimes and has been characterized ever since as either monster or martyr.
He was born Heinrich Hartmann Wirz on November 25, 1823 in Zurich, Switzerland and attended university there. He married in 1845 and had two children. In spring 1849, he sailed from Le Havre in France for the United States.
He apprenticed in a doctor’s office in Kentucky and later practiced as a homeopathic physician, treating mostly plantation slaves in Madison Parish, Louisiana.
The butcher of Andersonville was a Sabbatean Frankist, a follower of the androgyn Baphomet. This is one thread that leads to Mr. Brigitte and Mr. Michelle.
Kaplinski’s 1823 Congress Bid
“Eliasz Adam Kaplinski, a cousin of Hartmann Heinrich Wirz, made an attempt to organize a Frankist congress in Karlsbad in 1823. The Frankist movement, a jewish mystical and messianic movement, was active in Poland and other parts of Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Key Points
• Eliasz Adam Kaplinski, a member of the Kaplinski family, sought to convene a Frankist congress in Karlsbad (now Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) in 1823.
• The congress aimed to bring together Frankist adherents and leaders to discuss and advance
their beliefs and practices.• Hartmann Heinrich Wirz, Eliasz Adam Kaplinski’s cousin, is notable for his own historical significance as the Confederate commander of Andersonville Prison during the American Civil War.
• The Frankist movement, with its emphasis on mysticism and messianic expectations, was a significant cultural and religious phenomenon in Eastern Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.â€
The tragedy of Andersonville : trial of Captain Henry Wirz, the prison keeper / by N. P. Chipman
Thanks Choke, that’s what I was looking for.
Yes, it is pretty evident that Jack McArbeit-Macht-Frei is covering for the (((tribe))).
As best I know there is no Jewish relatives in my family – not that it would be bother me if there were as race is no barrier to me. Did you not notice that the video you link to as an authority for your conspiracy theory has as a channel logo a Star of David embedded in it?
The video declares as its header “NASA admits we never went to the Moon” and also concludes with the same alleged damming evidence of an admission by a NASA engineer however, I have previously answered this claim you made in #794 and once again copy below :
I already answered the point regarding the Van Allen belt here:
https://www.unz.com/runz/youtube-censorship-and-the-curious-case-of-candace-owens/#comment-6730960 which links to this: https://www.unz.com/runz/judith-miller-david-cole-and-the-holocaust/?showcomments#comment-6437629The NASA engineer says:
“As we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion.”
Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
https://www.space.com/33948-van-allen-radiation-belts.htmlWe are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
You simply repeating the same thing over an over does not make your claim true. There is an ancient Egyptian post mortem judgment scene in which the aspirant to eternal life declares “I have not closed my ears to the words of truth” https://www.kemetexperience.com/the-42-ideals-of-maat
Islam teaches:
The Prophet said, “A man utters a word pleasing to Allah without considering it of any significance for which Allah exalts his ranks (in Jannah); another one speaks a word displeasing to Allah without considering it of any importance, and for this reason he will sink down into Hell.” https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1514
Christianity teaches:
2475 Christ’s disciples have “put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” 274 By “putting away falsehood,” they are to “put away all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander.” 275
2476 False witness and perjury. When it is made publicly, a statement contrary to the truth takes on a particular gravity. In court it becomes false witness. 276 When it is under oath, it is perjury. Acts such as these contribute to condemnation of the innocent, exoneration of the guilty, or the increased punishment of the accused. 277 They gravely compromise the exercise of justice and the fairness of judicial decisions.
2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury. 278 He becomes guilty:
– of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor;
– of detraction who, without objectively valid reason, discloses another’s faults and failings to persons who did not know them; 279
– of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them.
2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another’s statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved. 280
2479 Detraction and calumny destroy the reputation and honor of one’s neighbor. Honor is the social witness given to human dignity, and everyone enjoys a natural right to the honor of his name and reputation and to respect. Thus, detraction and calumny offend against the virtues of justice and charity.2480 Every word or attitude is forbidden which by flattery, adulation, or complaisance encourages and confirms another in malicious acts and perverse conduct. Adulation is a grave fault if it makes one an accomplice in another’s vices or grave sins. Neither the desire to be of service nor friendship justifies duplicitous speech. Adulation is a venial sin when it only seeks to be agreeable, to avoid evil, to meet a need, or to obtain legitimate advantages. https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/catechism/index.cfm?recnum=6322
Before any inclination to self righteousness be taken recall Shakespeares “Measure for Measure” (the title comes from the gospels) and that “some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall”. Those who like a Grand Inquisitor proclaim their own virtue and Truth are given the same measuring rod they used for other poor souls. They are held to the same standard they proclaim in the name they gave themselves.
The references were given in #808 ("Return to Earth", "Magnificent Desolation") which you could not have overlooked since you replied to it. Why does somebody called "Truth" project lying onto others? https://www.unz.com/runz/the-controversy-over-mr-brigitte-macron-and-mr-michelle-obama/?showcomments#comment-6775057
The references were supplied AFTER I pointed it out.
The point is Buzz Aldrin was at an Omega Watch function, the magazine was Revolution - a watch periodical, the article was dealing with Omega watches. What has Omega watches to do with your montage? I wrote:
I have cited roughly 75 celebrities doing 75 different photos with. I would guess 65 different photo shoot directors, and I guess they were all doing a pun on the Big-O Omega?
You offer no evidence to support the case that Buzz Aldrin by his own volition and not the named photo shoot director was the drive for the pose on the front cover or that he understood the meaning you give to it..
If you are suggesting that he was deliberately making a pun on the big O Omega Watch (with the eye) symbolism and an occult meaning then you have to show the elderly Buzz Aldrin was in on it and understood that connection. Furthermore you then have to establish that even if he was that proved there was a moon hoax.
You also ignore the above because you would rather think evilly of Buzz Aldrin and not consider that an old man was having cognitive difficulties and was asked to pose the way he did.
Note that around the time of the Omega watch photoshoot his children were seeking a court order to take him into guardianship because :“The alleged incapacitated person suffers from cognitive decline,†according to the petition. “This cognitive decline has resulted in loss of memory, confusion, general delusions, paranoia, and unusual behavior. He is now associating with new acquaintances who appear to be manipulating him with false information to their own benefit and his detriment.†https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/legendary-astronaut-buzz-aldrin-overwhelmed-sorrow-amid-nastylegal/story?id=56162053
Please do expand. Be explicit. Who is "Your" and who is the slavemasters". So far I am only one who has given citation to reliable sources and you are the one making accusations but without anything substantial to back them up.
Your slavemasters always give you a mixture of truth, falsehood and ridicule.
Buzz Aldrin has a Doctorate degree, that means he had already written a book, 311 pages in his case, and it was apparently well-received….BECAUSE he was awarded a Doctorate.His thesis was on "LINE-OF-SIGHT GUIDANCE TECHNIQUES FOR MANNED ORBITAL RENDEZVOUS". The style of writing is very different compared to that which is meant for mass market book and not everyone can do it hence they are paired with somebody who can.The first video you link to with no description is blocked because of "Incitement to hatred". The second video doesn't play. The third image (photograph) of Donald Trump you describe as "This one here is good. You can see that the symbol basically means “I’m lying.†So you are saying Buzz Aldrin is telling the world "I am lying" in the Omega watch photograph?The next two videos you provide, again with no description of their contents or what your point is, are just grey boxes with the message "old.bitchute.com refused to connect". The final video shows and opening picture of 666 but it does not play either.
So would I be correct in assuming your point is that Buzz Aldrin is a mason, masons are of the devil 666, they use the finger round the eye like in the Omega photoshoot to covertly wink at other mason that they are lying about the moon landing (even though the link you provide indicates they opposite i.e. they believe he did and are proud of it).
Which, of course, Buzz is a member of: https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/to-the-moon-and-back-with-buzz-aldrin
The point is everyone knows it is Buzz Aldrin unlike an anonymous commentator on UR using a handle "Truth".
“Buzz†is a fake name. His real name is “Edwin.â€
Old Sport, you seem like a nice guy, and I know this is overwhelming for you, but let me promise you one thing; If you don’t start searching for the Truth, it WILL start searching for you.I am not your "old sport" and the only presence I feel in contact with you is not the spirit of truth. Some might think it is pedantry that I always link where possible to reliable sources in comments and that I use my own name. This is because I believe the source of all goodness watches over us and I will have to give an account shortly for any unjust word I speak or write . Nothing you write remotely causes me to fear in anyway.Replies: @Jack McArthur
Realise how far people are willing to go in attributing evil to others in order prop up self-deception on a grand scale.
“Truth” writes:
Not only is moonlanding a myth, the earth is probably fixed and flat, it does not rotate or encircle the sun, the “planets†are just other stars, and “gravity probably does not exist. https://www.unz.com/article/hyped-figures-john-glenn-and-the-pc-myth-of-katherine-johnson/#comment-1690835
The references were supplied AFTER I pointed it out.
The references were given in #808 (“Return to Earth”, “Magnificent Desolation”) which you could not have overlooked since you replied to it. Why does somebody called “Truth” project lying onto others? https://www.unz.com/runz/the-controversy-over-mr-brigitte-macron-and-mr-michelle-obama/?showcomments#comment-6775057
I have cited roughly 75 celebrities doing 75 different photos with. I would guess 65 different photo shoot directors, and I guess they were all doing a pun on the Big-O Omega?
The point is Buzz Aldrin was at an Omega Watch function, the magazine was Revolution – a watch periodical, the article was dealing with Omega watches. What has Omega watches to do with your montage?
I wrote:
If you are suggesting that he was deliberately making a pun on the big O Omega Watch (with the eye) symbolism and an occult meaning then you have to show the elderly Buzz Aldrin was in on it and understood that connection. Furthermore you then have to establish that even if he was that proved there was a moon hoax.
You offer no evidence to support the case that Buzz Aldrin by his own volition and not the named photo shoot director was the drive for the pose on the front cover or that he understood the meaning you give to it..
Note that around the time of the Omega watch photoshoot his children were seeking a court order to take him into guardianship because :
“The alleged incapacitated person suffers from cognitive decline,†according to the petition. “This cognitive decline has resulted in loss of memory, confusion, general delusions, paranoia, and unusual behavior. He is now associating with new acquaintances who appear to be manipulating him with false information to their own benefit and his detriment.†https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/legendary-astronaut-buzz-aldrin-overwhelmed-sorrow-amid-nastylegal/story?id=56162053
You also ignore the above because you would rather think evilly of Buzz Aldrin and not consider that an old man was having cognitive difficulties and was asked to pose the way he did.
Your slavemasters always give you a mixture of truth, falsehood and ridicule.
Please do expand. Be explicit. Who is “Your” and who is the slavemasters”. So far I am only one who has given citation to reliable sources and you are the one making accusations but without anything substantial to back them up.
Buzz Aldrin has a Doctorate degree, that means he had already written a book, 311 pages in his case, and it was apparently well-received….BECAUSE he was awarded a Doctorate.
His thesis was on “LINE-OF-SIGHT GUIDANCE TECHNIQUES FOR MANNED ORBITAL RENDEZVOUS”. The style of writing is very different compared to that which is meant for mass market book and not everyone can do it hence they are paired with somebody who can.
The first video you link to with no description is blocked because of “Incitement to hatred”. The second video doesn’t play. The third image (photograph) of Donald Trump you describe as “This one here is good. You can see that the symbol basically means “I’m lying.†So you are saying Buzz Aldrin is telling the world “I am lying” in the Omega watch photograph?
The next two videos you provide, again with no description of their contents or what your point is, are just grey boxes with the message “old.bitchute.com refused to connect”. The final video shows and opening picture of 666 but it does not play either.
Which, of course, Buzz is a member of: https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/to-the-moon-and-back-with-buzz-aldrin
So would I be correct in assuming your point is that Buzz Aldrin is a mason, masons are of the devil 666, they use the finger round the eye like in the Omega photoshoot to covertly wink at other mason that they are lying about the moon landing (even though the link you provide indicates they opposite i.e. they believe he did and are proud of it).
“Buzz†is a fake name. His real name is “Edwin.â€
The point is everyone knows it is Buzz Aldrin unlike an anonymous commentator on UR using a handle “Truth”.
Old Sport, you seem like a nice guy, and I know this is overwhelming for you, but let me promise you one thing; If you don’t start searching for the Truth, it WILL start searching for you.
I am not your “old sport” and the only presence I feel in contact with you is not the spirit of truth. Some might think it is pedantry that I always link where possible to reliable sources in comments and that I use my own name. This is because I believe the source of all goodness watches over us and I will have to give an account shortly for any unjust word I speak or write . Nothing you write remotely causes me to fear in anyway.
Not only is moonlanding a myth, the earth is probably fixed and flat, it does not rotate or encircle the sun, the “planets†are just other stars, and “gravity probably does not exist. https://www.unz.com/article/hyped-figures-john-glenn-and-the-pc-myth-of-katherine-johnson/#comment-1690835
Instead you not only claim he was living an enormous lie for most of his life but now smear him with 666 rather than considering what was written in #816 (Matt7:1-2). You also deny (#498) that Werhner Von Braun can be a Christian as he was not a bible literalist who believed in a flat earth as if you are some sort of infallible True Believer who sits on judgment on others and who dares to use "Truth" as a fake name.Replies: @Truth
As a Presbyterian elder, Aldrin was the first and only person to hold a religious ceremony on the Moon. He radioed Earth: "I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours, and to give thanks in his or her own way."[78] Using a kit given to him by his pastor,[79] he took communion and read Jesus's words from the New Testament's John 15:5, as Aldrin records it: "I am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me."[80] But he kept this ceremony secret because of a lawsuit over the reading of Genesis on Apollo 8.[81] In 1970 he commented: "It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the Moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements."[82] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_Aldrin
No apology for claiming that the book references were not supplied?
OK, last one, this time I mean it.
The references were supplied AFTER I pointed it out.
No reply to post 816 above?
You missed out what I said about the photo shoot director normally being in charge of the composition.
I have cited roughly 75 celebrities doing 75 different photos with. I would guess 65 different photo shoot directors, and I guess they were all doing a pun on the Big-O Omega?
Do you really want me to respond to this?
There is nothing at all unusual for people who have no experience in writing books…
Buzz Aldrin has a Doctorate degree, that means he had already written a book, 311 pages in his case, and it was apparently well-received….BECAUSE he was awarded a Doctorate.
Buzz Aldrin does not hide this but puts his collaborator’s name on the front page, as the cover of the book notes: “It is the revelation, in Aldrin’s own words …â€
Your slavemasters always give you a mixture of truth, falsehood and ridicule. Don’t worry about why, it’s complicated, but it has to do with Karmic debt and brotherhood organizations.
Which, of course, Buzz is a member of: https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/to-the-moon-and-back-with-buzz-aldrin
Instead you not only claim he was living an enormous lie for most of his life but now smear him with 666 rather than considering what was written in #816 (Matt7:1-2).
Old Sport I can only show you the world’s largest “coincidence” so many times.
This one here is good. You can see that the symbol basically means “I’m lying.”
and who dares to use “Truth†as a fake name.
“Buzz” is a fake name. His real name is “Edwin.”
Old Sport, you seem like a nice guy, and I know this is overwhelming for you, but let me promise you one thing; If you don’t start searching for the Truth, it WILL start searching for you.
No apology for claiming that the book references were not supplied?
No reply to post 816 above?
There is nothing at all unusual for people who have no experience in writing books to have a collaborator provided by the publisher who can help bring a readable structure to the subjects thoughts and experiences. Buzz Aldrin does not hide this but puts his collaborator’s name on the front page, as the cover of the book notes: “It is the revelation, in Aldrin’s own words …” but you have to twist this into something evil.
As a Presbyterian elder, Aldrin was the first and only person to hold a religious ceremony on the Moon. He radioed Earth: “I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours, and to give thanks in his or her own way.”[78] Using a kit given to him by his pastor,[79] he took communion and read Jesus’s words from the New Testament’s John 15:5, as Aldrin records it: “I am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.”[80] But he kept this ceremony secret because of a lawsuit over the reading of Genesis on Apollo 8.[81] In 1970 he commented: “It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the Moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements.”[82] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_Aldrin
Instead you not only claim he was living an enormous lie for most of his life but now smear him with 666 rather than considering what was written in #816 (Matt7:1-2). You also deny (#498) that Werhner Von Braun can be a Christian as he was not a bible literalist who believed in a flat earth as if you are some sort of infallible True Believer who sits on judgment on others and who dares to use “Truth” as a fake name.
OK, last one, this time I mean it.
No apology for claiming that the book references were not supplied?
No reply to post 816 above?
I have cited roughly 75 celebrities doing 75 different photos with. I would guess 65 different photo shoot directors, and I guess they were all doing a pun on the Big-O Omega?
You missed out what I said about the photo shoot director normally being in charge of the composition. �
Buzz Aldrin has a Doctorate degree, that means he had already written a book, 311 pages in his case, and it was apparently well-received....BECAUSE he was awarded a Doctorate.
There is nothing at all unusual for people who have no experience in writing books...
Your slavemasters always give you a mixture of truth, falsehood and ridicule. Don't worry about why, it's complicated, but it has to do with Karmic debt and brotherhood organizations.
Buzz Aldrin does not hide this but puts his collaborator’s name on the front page, as the cover of the book notes: “It is the revelation, in Aldrin’s own words …†�
Old Sport I can only show you the world's largest "coincidence" so many times.
Instead you not only claim he was living an enormous lie for most of his life but now smear him with 666 rather than considering what was written in #816 (Matt7:1-2). �
"Buzz" is a fake name. His real name is "Edwin."
and who dares to use “Truth†as a fake name.
The eye symbol alone signifies three-sixes. They get a little creative from there, the left hand signifies “the left hand path” with is an attraction to the dark arts.
The right eye, I would assume, is mockery of Matthew 5:29.
Both books were cited i.e.:
And of course you never bothered to cite the name of the book you were quoting.
As of course, I could have told you without researching, his books were (ghost)written by two fiction writers.
Wayne Philip Warga (January 26, 1938 – April 27, 1994) was an American author, journalist, and foreign correspondent who wrote largely about entertainment and penned several novels.
Once again; See Spot Run.
You’ve got pictures of 75 celebrities making the same hand sign there, and I guess none of them “understood the connection?”
OK, this is where I tap out. You won. Good luck.
Sigh... I just can never get past See Spot Run around here.
Looks like a product placement shoot:
Hey sport, can you provide any info as to the meaning of the left eye vs. right eye in the photos you provided?
1) Mr Obama is a closeted homosexual.
2) Mrs Obama is a closeted lesbian (allegedly Valerie Jerrett is her lover?)
5) The ‘Michelle Obama is a man’ issue is a smokescreen to divert attention away from the Obama’s sexual preferences.
I’ll have to think about that for a long time.
1) Mr Obama is a closeted homosexual.
2) Mrs Obama is a closeted lesbian (allegedly Valerie Jerrett is her lover?)
3) The Obama’s marriage is a marriage of convenience that was arranged through the church they attended in Chicago (Trinity United Church of Christ).
4) The Trinity United Church of Christ was well known in the black community for facilitating marriages between black homosexuals and lesbians so that they could keep their sexuality private.
5) The ‘Michelle Obama is a man’ issue is a smokescreen to divert attention away from the Obama’s sexual preferences.
6) Mr Obama and his family (mother, father, grandparents) have strong ties to US intelligence.
7) Mr Obama’s mother (Stanley Anne Dunham) was a US citizen.
8) His mother spent most of her life overseas working for CIA front operations e.g. USAID and the Ford Foundation.
9) Mr Obama was more than likely born in Hawaii.
10) It wouldn’t have mattered if Mr Obama was born in Kenya as his mother was an American citizen (which meant that he was a US citizen).
11) Mr Obama’s political rise was meteoric – he came out of nowhere.
12) The ‘birther’ issue was another smokescreen that was used to divert attention away from his CIA links.
And of course you never bothered to cite the name of the book you were quoting.
Both books were cited i.e.:
Sigh... I just can never get past See Spot Run around here.
Looks like a product placement shoot:
You missed out what I said about the photo shoot director normally being in charge of the composition. If you are suggesting that he was deliberately making a pun on the big O Omega Watch (with the eye) symbolism and an occult meaning then you have to show the elderly Buzz Aldrin was in on it and understood that connection. Furthermore you then have to establish that even if he was that proved there was a moon hoax.
Note that around the time of the Omega watch photoshoot his children were seeking a court order to take him into guardianship because :
“The alleged incapacitated person suffers from cognitive decline,†according to the petition. “This cognitive decline has resulted in loss of memory, confusion, general delusions, paranoia, and unusual behavior. He is now associating with new acquaintances who appear to be manipulating him with false information to their own benefit and his detriment.†https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/legendary-astronaut-buzz-aldrin-overwhelmed-sorrow-amid-nastylegal/story?id=56162053
Thanks Choke, that’s what I was looking for.
Yes, it is pretty evident that Jack McArbeit-Macht-Frei is covering for the (((tribe))).
The Apollo programme was a hoax. Sure, ten or twenty cents in the dollar of taxpayers money went towards spacecraft that actually went into Low Earth Orbit.
The rest was pocketed by ZOG and/or went towards subsidising the Apartheid Israeli state and its murderous ways.
So, for those dunces that still believe that Armstrong and Buzz Lightyear went to the moon, here’s a 9 min refresher course:
As best I know there is no Jewish relatives in my family - not that it would be bother me if there were as race is no barrier to me. Did you not notice that the video you link to as an authority for your conspiracy theory has as a channel logo a Star of David embedded in it?
Thanks Choke, that’s what I was looking for.
Yes, it is pretty evident that Jack McArbeit-Macht-Frei is covering for the (((tribe))).
You simply repeating the same thing over an over does not make your claim true. There is an ancient Egyptian post mortem judgment scene in which the aspirant to eternal life declares "I have not closed my ears to the words of truth" https://www.kemetexperience.com/the-42-ideals-of-maat
I already answered the point regarding the Van Allen belt here:
https://www.unz.com/runz/youtube-censorship-and-the-curious-case-of-candace-owens/#comment-6730960 which links to this: https://www.unz.com/runz/judith-miller-david-cole-and-the-holocaust/?showcomments#comment-6437629
The NASA engineer says:Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
“As we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion."
�We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
Christianity teaches:
The Prophet said, "A man utters a word pleasing to Allah without considering it of any significance for which Allah exalts his ranks (in Jannah); another one speaks a word displeasing to Allah without considering it of any importance, and for this reason he will sink down into Hell." https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1514
Before any inclination to self righteousness be taken recall Shakespeares "Measure for Measure" (the title comes from the gospels) and that "some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall". Those who like a Grand Inquisitor proclaim their own virtue and Truth are given the same measuring rod they used for other poor souls. They are held to the same standard they proclaim in the name they gave themselves.Replies: @QCIC
2475 Christ's disciples have "put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." 274 By "putting away falsehood," they are to "put away all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander." 275
2476 False witness and perjury. When it is made publicly, a statement contrary to the truth takes on a particular gravity. In court it becomes false witness. 276 When it is under oath, it is perjury. Acts such as these contribute to condemnation of the innocent, exoneration of the guilty, or the increased punishment of the accused. 277 They gravely compromise the exercise of justice and the fairness of judicial decisions.
2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury. 278 He becomes guilty:
- of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor;
- of detraction who, without objectively valid reason, discloses another's faults and failings to persons who did not know them; 279
- of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them.
2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor's thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another's statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved. 280
2479 Detraction and calumny destroy the reputation and honor of one's neighbor. Honor is the social witness given to human dignity, and everyone enjoys a natural right to the honor of his name and reputation and to respect. Thus, detraction and calumny offend against the virtues of justice and charity.
2480 Every word or attitude is forbidden which by flattery, adulation, or complaisance encourages and confirms another in malicious acts and perverse conduct. Adulation is a grave fault if it makes one an accomplice in another's vices or grave sins. Neither the desire to be of service nor friendship justifies duplicitous speech. Adulation is a venial sin when it only seeks to be agreeable, to avoid evil, to meet a need, or to obtain legitimate advantages. https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/catechism/index.cfm?recnum=6322
Replies: @Anonymous534, @Truth
Buzz Aldrin: "My theme for the three speeches I would give that day was that the footprints we had left on the moon...." (p. 24, Return to Earth)
"I say to you today what no men have been privileged to say before: "We walked on the moon" (p. 37, op. cit.)
"I took communion on the moon, reading to myself from a small card I carried on which I had written the portion of the Book of John used in the traditional communion ceremony". (p. 161, op cit.)
"I noticed immediately that my inertia seemed much greater on the moon than it was on earth". (p. 163, op cit.)
"For the first time I paused and glanced out my window. The Sun was out, the sky was velvety black, and the surface appeared even more desolate than I had imagined. The gray-ash colored rocks and pockmarked terrain, which now for the first time in its existence hosted human beings....." (p. 22, Magnificent Desolation)
"Although we were now perched on the lunar surface, we didn't know yet whether we could stay,..." (p. 23, op cit.)
"Outside that window (LM), the lunar surface awaited mankind's first footprints." (p. 26, op cit.)
"After Neil had been on the surface for about twenty minutes, it was time for me to join him". (p. 32, op. cit.)
"Once I set foot on the lunar surface, my first responsibility was to examine and photograph the condition of the Eagle's landing gear" (p. 35, op cit.)
etc. etc. etc. etc. �
And of course you never bothered to cite the name of the book you were quoting.
Both books were cited i.e.:
And of course you never bothered to cite the name of the book you were quoting.
Looks like a product placement shoot:
Sigh… I just can never get past See Spot Run around here.
Yes they’re all doing watch ads…
Sometimes, Old Sport, the humor really keeps me from being suicide-level depressed.
"The alleged incapacitated person suffers from cognitive decline,†according to the petition. “This cognitive decline has resulted in loss of memory, confusion, general delusions, paranoia, and unusual behavior. He is now associating with new acquaintances who appear to be manipulating him with false information to their own benefit and his detriment.†https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/legendary-astronaut-buzz-aldrin-overwhelmed-sorrow-amid-nastylegal/story?id=56162053
Abram Maccabee.
That photo has been doctored to make her jawline appear more square and masculine. Here's the actual photo:
REMINDER: Scroll up to comment # 61 and look carefully at the photo I have posted there, at a time when Big Mike was in his early 20’s.
As you can see, Mike was ALL MAN
Most black women look interchangeable with black men.
The photograph is from the cover of Revolution watch magazine
Looks like a product placement shoot: “On his right wrist he wears the new 60th anniversary Speedmaster” WATCH (see looky here) and an Omega (Big O hint, hint) one at that. Those kinds of photo shoots are usually directed: “Portrait Photography: Ben Harries, Creative Direction: Jo Grzeszczuk, Grooming: Sarah Exley”.
With conspiracy cranks it is always a moving target i.e. Aldrin is supposed to deny having gone to the moon which is debunked, it then moves on to the pedantic i.e. the word “moon” is missing from an interview when the clear meaning does not require it, so when written evidence is given which debunks that they then move on to something else.
If one of them wishes to press the point then they have to establish that it was the aging Buzz Aldrin who determined the pose and overruled the shoot director and that the pose had nothing to do with the Omega watch but was meant as an occult coded message to tell the world that he never went to the moon.
Sigh... I just can never get past See Spot Run around here.
Looks like a product placement shoot:
Replies: @Anonymous534, @Truth
Buzz Aldrin: "My theme for the three speeches I would give that day was that the footprints we had left on the moon...." (p. 24, Return to Earth)
"I say to you today what no men have been privileged to say before: "We walked on the moon" (p. 37, op. cit.)
"I took communion on the moon, reading to myself from a small card I carried on which I had written the portion of the Book of John used in the traditional communion ceremony". (p. 161, op cit.)
"I noticed immediately that my inertia seemed much greater on the moon than it was on earth". (p. 163, op cit.)
"For the first time I paused and glanced out my window. The Sun was out, the sky was velvety black, and the surface appeared even more desolate than I had imagined. The gray-ash colored rocks and pockmarked terrain, which now for the first time in its existence hosted human beings....." (p. 22, Magnificent Desolation)
"Although we were now perched on the lunar surface, we didn't know yet whether we could stay,..." (p. 23, op cit.)
"Outside that window (LM), the lunar surface awaited mankind's first footprints." (p. 26, op cit.)
"After Neil had been on the surface for about twenty minutes, it was time for me to join him". (p. 32, op. cit.)
"Once I set foot on the lunar surface, my first responsibility was to examine and photograph the condition of the Eagle's landing gear" (p. 35, op cit.)
etc. etc. etc. etc. �
Any person of goodwill can watch the video and conclude that Buzz Aldrin is describing his landing on the moon but for those who would like written citations:
Buzz Aldrin: “My theme for the three speeches I would give that day was that the footprints we had left on the moon….” (p. 24, Return to Earth)
“I say to you today what no men have been privileged to say before: “We walked on the moon” (p. 37, op. cit.)
“I took communion on the moon, reading to myself from a small card I carried on which I had written the portion of the Book of John used in the traditional communion ceremony”. (p. 161, op cit.)
“I noticed immediately that my inertia seemed much greater on the moon than it was on earth”. (p. 163, op cit.)
“For the first time I paused and glanced out my window. The Sun was out, the sky was velvety black, and the surface appeared even more desolate than I had imagined. The gray-ash colored rocks and pockmarked terrain, which now for the first time in its existence hosted human beings…..” (p. 22, Magnificent Desolation)
“Although we were now perched on the lunar surface, we didn’t know yet whether we could stay,…” (p. 23, op cit.)
“Outside that window (LM), the lunar surface awaited mankind’s first footprints.” (p. 26, op cit.)
“After Neil had been on the surface for about twenty minutes, it was time for me to join him”. (p. 32, op. cit.)
“Once I set foot on the lunar surface, my first responsibility was to examine and photograph the condition of the Eagle’s landing gear” (p. 35, op cit.)
etc. etc. etc. etc.
Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Truth
Hear Buzz Aldrin tells the story of the first Moon landing
LMAO! Thanks Bro. I needed that.
Yes, I wasted 10 minutes of my life watching this ridiculous video, and do you know what word Aldrin NEVER mentions during the whole thing? I’ll give you a second, go ahead, watch again if you have to…
This clown never ONCE in 8+ minutes says the word “moon!”
“The rockets…”
“The landing gear…”
“Neil Armstrong….”
But he never once F- says MOON!
You see, Old Sport, you made an INFERENCE (look it up) that he was speaking about a moon landing when all he was describing was a journey and some apparatus.
Once again, may I remind you:
OK Bud, I’ll will make you a deal right now; if you tell me that you believe that it is pure coincidence that a guy would describe in detail, the moon landing without saying the word “moon,” I will leave you alone and not bring this up with you again. Quite frankly there would be no point.
No this is my real name and I have never posted anything on UR other than using this name. “Jack” as in Jack Kennedy because somebody once confused me with a better known “John” that I am not related to.
Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Truth
Hear Buzz Aldrin tells the story of the first Moon landing
I wonder, are you like ‘Shlomo’ Patrick McNally, who uses an Anglo-Celtic handle to deflect attention away from the fact that he’s part of the (((tribe)))?
Your real name is probably something like Yacob Maccabi or similar.
“His wife (Aldrin) said no one offered him a job. Consequently the Aldrin’s (like the families of the other astronauts) never had any money. He was forced to sell his house and slipped into depression and alcoholism. He and Joan divorced. In his books Aldrin has been brutally honest about his drinking and mental health issues and depths of despair he reached. His is perhaps the best account of the other side of travelling to the Moon.” (Apollo 11:: The Inside Story, David Whitehouse)
In times past a ruling King would give a good pension to people such as those who landed on moon.
Trying to draw conclusions from flimsy evidence left all over the place by a quarter-trillion dollar defense contractor started by nazis and freemasons is a fool's errand.
In times past a ruling King would give a good pension to people such as those who landed on moon.
There are countless video’s, interviews, books in which Buzz Aldrin describes being on the moon. People can choose between those or a hacked video you source which misses out the crucial part.
Hear Buzz Aldrin tells the story of the first Moon landing
Well, wait, this one is a little more interesting IF this photo is real and not manipulated. Study all of it, the nose, smile and teeth are identical, not similar. Remove the false eyelashes and liner of Brigette on the left and the eyes are the same too. Add the chin too. Weird...
...Owens seemed to find it extremely strange and suspicious that Mrs. Macron closely resembled her own brother, hardly a great mystery whether or not one has studied simple genetics.
Whilst many weird stuff, like the only source of public but hard to get “proof” like a photo of a local newspaper announcement (only nothing from the newspaper itself no archive or only in French national librairy)
Comes from a family relative photographer who did provide his archive just before Macron was elected,
There is one thing very basic once has to look when discussing this matter : it s the body structure size and feet
I’m sorry unless Brigitte was transsexual midget, she s a woman her feet are quite tiny for a someone who grew as a boy
The video you chose to cite misses out the above dialogue but the following does not:
BA: (1:48) Then we did a lot of things but we hadn’t really sent people to the moon so we did send people and they went around the moon. Then we sent people another crew to go around the moon and then practice everything but landing and then a very fortunate person with many things going right in my life gave Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin the opportunity to make an attempt to make the first landing and all of us want to succeed and we did.
Again, he said nothing that definitively established that he had been to the moon, anymore than he had mad a propaganda film.
“It’s nice to do something that other people haven’t done”
“But you don’t want to do dangerous things. You want to do successful things.”
“And if it’s new and different, there may be some things that something can go wrong so you want to be prepared.”
“Prior planning prevents poor performance.”
People had gone up and down without staying in orbit.”
“It gave all of us… the opportunity to make the first LANDING.”
“Did it feel like the rocket was fast when it took off? It was very surprising that it was so gentle leaving… and it was a very smooth slow rocket going up.”
“And the rocket sometimes doesn’t work, and that is a very dangerous part.”
“But we are optimistic, and so are the people who built this.”
“But you’re floating because there is no gravity, but that’s just a description.”
“I want to know, but I think I know. We didn’t go there and that’s the way it happened, and if it didn’t happen, it’s nice to know why it didn’t happen because in the future if we want to keep doing something, we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going.”
“You know when we toured around the world after we came back, the most fascinating observation was signs that said ‘we did it,’ Not just us, not just America, but we the world, they felt like they were a part of what we wanted to do, and that just made us feel special.”
All deception for suckers, and I could go on… and on… and on.
Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Truth
Hear Buzz Aldrin tells the story of the first Moon landing
By George, I believe he is starting to get it!
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true
To repeat what you have already been told:
It appears that none of the fact checkers or the hoaxers listened to the beginning of the chat with the little girl but instead headed straight to the alleged admission. If they had listened they would have heard Buzz Aldrin say:
BA: (1:48) Then we did a lot of things but we hadn’t really sent people to the moon so we did send people and they went around the moon. Then we sent people another crew to go around the moon and then practice everything but landing and then a very fortunate person with many things going right in my life gave Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin the opportunity to make an attempt to make the first landing and all of us want to succeed and we did.
The video you chose to cite misses out the above dialogue but the following does not:
Video Link
Why is Buzz even addressing this? It’s weird. I watch this and I see an old man with his hat out looking for donations. ” There may be aliens. Or not. Give us money.”
In times past a ruling King would give a good pension to people such as those who landed on moon.Replies: @Looger
"His wife (Aldrin) said no one offered him a job. Consequently the Aldrin's (like the families of the other astronauts) never had any money. He was forced to sell his house and slipped into depression and alcoholism. He and Joan divorced. In his books Aldrin has been brutally honest about his drinking and mental health issues and depths of despair he reached. His is perhaps the best account of the other side of travelling to the Moon." (Apollo 11:: The Inside Story, David Whitehouse)
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true
By George, I believe he is starting to get it!
The video you chose to cite misses out the above dialogue but the following does not:
BA: (1:48) Then we did a lot of things but we hadn’t really sent people to the moon so we did send people and they went around the moon. Then we sent people another crew to go around the moon and then practice everything but landing and then a very fortunate person with many things going right in my life gave Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin the opportunity to make an attempt to make the first landing and all of us want to succeed and we did.
Maybe not officially "on the table" but "out of the back door" NASA has often fed info to counter-narratives. When NASA's budget was toast and the Russians were running all the space traffic, Buzz Aldrin went on CNN and in one of the weirdest clips I've even heard of he went on and on about "monoliths" on Phobos of all places (second 'moon' of Mars), complete with grainy photographs and speeches about "who put that there was it aliens" etc. It was like a knock-off of a bad conspiracy show on the history channel.
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
The video clip clearly has Buzz describing an unusual shape and which some people (presumably moon hoaxers type) “are going to say who put that there?” but he then says in reply to the hypothetical question “the universe put it there. If you choose God put it there” i.e. nothing to do with any NASA or alien conspiracy.
Video Link
Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
"As we get further away from Earth we'll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion.
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOLReplies: @anonymous, @Looger
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
Maybe not officially “on the table” but “out of the back door” NASA has often fed info to counter-narratives. When NASA’s budget was toast and the Russians were running all the space traffic, Buzz Aldrin went on CNN and in one of the weirdest clips I’ve even heard of he went on and on about “monoliths” on Phobos of all places (second ‘moon’ of Mars), complete with grainy photographs and speeches about “who put that there was it aliens” etc. It was like a knock-off of a bad conspiracy show on the history channel.
So I wouldn’t put it past them.
Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
"As we get further away from Earth we'll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion.
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOLReplies: @anonymous, @Looger
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
Why not? Lies alway have holes in them. They depend upon the guillibity of the public—or the collusion of other liers. Which are you?
It did not work. You are deluded my friend.
The equipment they had back then was basically a flying tin can. But it worked.
I already answered the point regarding the Van Allen belt here:
https://www.unz.com/runz/youtube-censorship-and-the-curious-case-of-candace-owens/#comment-6730960 which links to this: https://www.unz.com/runz/judith-miller-david-cole-and-the-holocaust/?showcomments#comment-6437629
The NASA engineer says:
“As we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion.
Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
Maybe not officially "on the table" but "out of the back door" NASA has often fed info to counter-narratives. When NASA's budget was toast and the Russians were running all the space traffic, Buzz Aldrin went on CNN and in one of the weirdest clips I've even heard of he went on and on about "monoliths" on Phobos of all places (second 'moon' of Mars), complete with grainy photographs and speeches about "who put that there was it aliens" etc. It was like a knock-off of a bad conspiracy show on the history channel.
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOL
The entity called “Brigitte” is neither a man nor a woman, but probably some kind of demon. Just look at her videos and pictures, it doesn’t look human.
There are extra considerations, for which I believe you'd need at least two stages - lift the crew to space, and build the interplanetary ship in space. The idea that we can launch a rocket and go to Mars in one "shot" I find to be almost unbelievably silly.
To do a Moon mission, you need sufficient lift capability. You need a command module. You need a lander. For Mars, it’s just a longer mission.
My money is on previous human occupation. But generally speaking you're correct, there's no real value there besides bragging rights. It's basically a big asteroid, no magnetic field, no atmosphere to speak of, cold as hell.
What a manned Mars mission might be able to answer is whether there is or ever was life on Mars and whether there ever was a civilization there. Other than that, a box of rock and some glory.
I think we have the opposite problem. People don't read enough science fiction.
Some people read too much science fiction. They think it is all easier than it actually is.
What you’re speaking of is basically the correct idea. I truncated process. If the countries of the world combined their resources in a coherent way, we could do Mars right now. But I have to think, it’s less that 50-50 the crew survives the mission. There are too many possible fatal events to not think that the mission would be extremely risky.
It is only our age that is so extraordinarily risk adverse. In the bad old days, expeditions and voyages of exploration took off all the time even with both the sponsors and the participants knowing that it was 50-50 any individual would come back alive.
Sometimes I think maybe in the old days it was easier to be brave when you were never certain you were to live another year. Even the aristocrats could never be sure. Probably, it was easier for young men to be brave too. They knew they were lucky to have survived childhood at all and they knew it was never certain that they would live to see the future.
When I said people read too much science fiction, what I meant is that people sometimes get inflamed at the thought of adventure out of among the stars. It not only is not easy, it may not even be possible.
The science fiction genre actually has a pretty good record as predictive fiction. You just have to be discerning in your judgement. The human spirit may be a wonderful thing, but it can’t survive more than a few minutes without oxygen or otherwise proceed in the face of any other terminal hazard.
Well, there we have it. Like the "Khazar Hypothesis," "Talmudic Jews", Frankism, Christian-based anti-Semitism ("They killed God!"), the idea is to divert anyone becoming Jew-wise into absurd rabbit holes that 1. absolve actual Jews, God's Chosen Lambs, from the crimes of the "fake Jews" while also 2. associating "anti-Semitism" with crank theories and other nonsense.
Moreover, Owens and her ideas now seemed to move in even stranger directions. She began claiming that most Western governments were secretly controlled by networks of Satanic pedophiles who merely pretended to be Jewish while viciously slandering as “antisemitic†anyone who challenged that deception.
Well played Sir.
The heart of a poet.
To do a Moon mission, you need sufficient lift capability. You need a command module. You need a lander. For Mars, it’s just a longer mission.
There are extra considerations, for which I believe you’d need at least two stages – lift the crew to space, and build the interplanetary ship in space. The idea that we can launch a rocket and go to Mars in one “shot” I find to be almost unbelievably silly.
What a manned Mars mission might be able to answer is whether there is or ever was life on Mars and whether there ever was a civilization there. Other than that, a box of rock and some glory.
My money is on previous human occupation. But generally speaking you’re correct, there’s no real value there besides bragging rights. It’s basically a big asteroid, no magnetic field, no atmosphere to speak of, cold as hell.
Some people read too much science fiction. They think it is all easier than it actually is.
I think we have the opposite problem. People don’t read enough science fiction.
Kim Stanley Robinson (commie but capable author) lays it out quite expansively, he obviously did his homework on his three-volume “Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars” trilogy. In “Red Mars” or the trip there to start:
1) they build a ship in space
2) they account for sunspot activity including having a place in the ship to shelter during a “storm” on the sun (or just hiding in a big tank of water would work too)
3) hundreds of shipments to Mars precede them, these ones are launched from Earth to Mars in one stage rockets as unmanned supply dumps. Similar missions to the drones we send now. Except instead of rovers they send food, supplies, oxygen tanks, things to build greenhouses, etc.
People watch too much tv. That’s where ideas such as “single stage rocket to Mars” come from, not books.
It is not that hard if you control the media.
The equipment they had back then was basically a flying tin can. But it worked.
It did not work. You are deluded my friend.
No one doubts that UNMANNED missions (launched by several nations), have gone to the moon and beyond. But no flesh and blood creature has gone beyond Low Earth Orbit (because they would be fried in the Van Allen Radiation Belts).
NASA Engineer Kelly Smith admits (in this video titled ‘NASA admits humans can’t pass through the dangerous Van Allen Belts’), that they are working on a technology that will SHIELD the astronauts on a proposed future moon mission and that:
‘THEY MUST FIRST SOLVE THAT CHALLENGE’ before they embark on the journey (1 min video):
Note he does not mention humans in that passage but rather the danger to modern microelectronic devices which if they fail can indeed endanger astronauts. Apollo used discrete electronic components and some early integrated circuits but modern microelectronics are working to an incredibly smaller scale that makes them more susceptible to radiation.
"As we get further away from Earth we'll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, on board computers or other electronics on Orion.
We are supposed to believe that a NASA engineer on a NASA approved video admits that the moon hoax is true . LOLReplies: @anonymous, @Looger
On the 60th anniversary of Explorer 1, NASA said that studies of the Van Allen belts are even more important today. “Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics,†said David Sibeck, Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in a 2018 statement. “As technology advances, it’s actually becoming even more pressing to understand and predict our space environment.â€
To do a Moon mission, you need sufficient lift capability. You need a command module. You need a lander. For Mars, it’s just a longer mission. What a manned Mars mission might be able to answer is whether there is or ever was life on Mars and whether there ever was a civilization there. Other than that, a box of rock and some glory.
What do you get for your trouble? You get a box of rocks and some publicity. The way we would do it today would be more technically advanced than how they did it in the late 60s and early 70s. The equipment they had back then was basically a flying tin can. But it worked.
Some people read too much science fiction. They think it is all easier than it actually is.
It did not work. You are deluded my friend.
The equipment they had back then was basically a flying tin can. But it worked.
There are extra considerations, for which I believe you'd need at least two stages - lift the crew to space, and build the interplanetary ship in space. The idea that we can launch a rocket and go to Mars in one "shot" I find to be almost unbelievably silly.
To do a Moon mission, you need sufficient lift capability. You need a command module. You need a lander. For Mars, it’s just a longer mission.
My money is on previous human occupation. But generally speaking you're correct, there's no real value there besides bragging rights. It's basically a big asteroid, no magnetic field, no atmosphere to speak of, cold as hell.
What a manned Mars mission might be able to answer is whether there is or ever was life on Mars and whether there ever was a civilization there. Other than that, a box of rock and some glory.
I think we have the opposite problem. People don't read enough science fiction.
Some people read too much science fiction. They think it is all easier than it actually is.
The success of Apollo program ended the otherwise pointless Moon race.
Success? What success?
Oh, you mean how they conned the gullible dupes into believing that man walked on the moon?
And how they got the American taxpayer to pony* up scores of billions for the Space Programme, only to see the bulk of it pocketed by ZOG and its cronies?
(*With a fair bit of it siphoned off by the Apartheid Israeli state – seeing as only a small fraction of funding earmarked for Space exploration actually ended up there).
Well then, I guess you’re right. The hoax was certainly successful on that score.
You also wrote:
There is a reason why no one has been back to the Moon since the cancellation of Apollo.
Indeed there is a reason that all who have researched the topic (in at least moderate depth) are well aware of.
And of course that reason is (other than the fact that men never went there in the first place):
The soviets did intend to go and win the race to the moon using the N1 rocket but due to failures (and maybe the death of the driving force behind their space program - Sergei Korolev) the US beat them to it and the project was cancelled in the early seventies. Being second to the moon was a lot less attractive as JFK said.
If we could go to the moon in the 60s, why did the USSR never go? Why has nobody gone since?
The Moon race was a scientifically premature and scientifically meaningless political stunt. President Kennedy’s geopolitical thesis was that the allegiance of the Third World masses would be the fulcrum on which the outcome of the Cold War would turn. The argument is that if the United States was first to the Moon, it would demonstrate the superiority of the Western system in relation to Soviet and world communism. President Johnson evidently signed on to the Kennedy thesis and so did President Nixon, though undoubtedly with a reserve of skepticism.
The success of Apollo program ended the otherwise pointless Moon race. Thereafter, an ad hoc division of labor developed. The United States concentrated on unmanned interplanetary probes and the commercial development of space. The Soviet, with their heavy lift capabilities and their greater willingness to accept human risks, concentrated low Earth orbit manned missions. The military use of space is another issue.
There is a reason why no one has been back to the Moon since the cancellation of Apollo. It is only now that any country or other entity is seriously working on returning to the Moon. If it was up to me, I would bypass the Moon entirely and send a manned mission to Mars. Both the people who were going and the world would have to be apprised of the risks. There is a good chance the mission would fail and the exact fate of the astronauts would be unknown.
Success? What success?
The success of Apollo program ended the otherwise pointless Moon race.
Indeed there is a reason that all who have researched the topic (in at least moderate depth) are well aware of.
There is a reason why no one has been back to the Moon since the cancellation of Apollo.
I can do whatever I want. The law is the law, and I've already addressed this. I have no way of knowing what happened with you, or with Michelle Robinson, or most anyone else, but I do recall my own grade school years in Illinois in the 1950s, and I recall both the exams I had, and the law.
You can’t just recite what the rules were. You have to know what actually happened, and that could have been something different than what the rules say was supposed to happen.�
Go jump in a lake!Replies: @Anymike, @Anymike
Once again, you’re making me wonder, do you know what country you’re living in?
I contacted my brother and he told me what he recalled. He said he recalled a physical exam prior to ninth grade but was not sure of its purpose. Now that I think about it, it probably was for the purpose of getting medically excused from gym class. He quite overweight and also had asthma. He nearly died from it in early childhood but fortunately it abated en0ugh as he grew older that he was able to live without treatment. It was fortunate he did not need treatment because we had no medical care. The two medical contacts I previously described were the only ones I had during childhood. After being treated for asthma and later by an allergist at a public clinic, my brother had no medical contact except the one contact I have just described.
People do not want to accept these things about American society, but they were and still are true.
I’m not going to elaborate on the sociology of the South Side of Chicago as it existed then unless I am asked. The social conditions of the place had a lot to do with what my family experienced. Essentially, we were redlined along with the red of the South Side. It only became a benefit when we applied for need-based college age. Because of our zip code, our applications were not scrutinized. Our family’s finances were irregular, there were no financial records and some years my mother didn’t even file a tax return.
You just don’t know. There’s a reason why things have to be kept loose. If people would just understand, all welfare is corporate welfare, they would feel better.
A court on Thursday ordered two women to pay €8,000 in damages to French First Lady Brigitte Macron after making false claims she was transgender, sparking online rumour-mongering by conspiracy theorists and the far right. https://timesofmalta.com/article/brigitte-macron-awarded-damages-false-trans-claim.1098015
“old Halloween parade from Greenwich village“. LOL. with signs in Cryllic/Russian and a narrator speaking Russian.
This article drills down to the Chernobyl disaster and its Chabad Lubbowitzer origins:
Did Chabad Jews Orchestrate Ukraine War To Establish Their ‘Third Khazaria’ Kingdom?
On the 26th of April 1986 an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl atomic power station, equivalent in power, as has been recently determined, to 500 Hiroshimas. This was the “bomb†which cracked the foundations of the great empire, whose “indestructibility†no one doubted up to that moment.
The “fissioning process†took on an irreversible character….A gaping hole in the country’s economy opened up: unprecedented “unscheduled†financial expenses for the liquidation of the catastrophe, a general, army-style mobilization of “liquidatorsâ€, enormous resettlements out of the contaminated territory, the erection of the “sarcophagus†and so forth.
For the first time in our decades-long life as a “single family†mutual accusations began to fly and the “brotherly nations†began presenting demands to each other. And finally, the Radioactive Desert, which turned the very heart of the Slavic World into a “no-man’s land,†poisoning the hearts and souls of the “Great Soviet People†— pushed the Socialist Empire over the brink, into the “black hole†of the Third Khazaria.
This whole Apocalypse was touched off by a single….experiment! Uh-huh, that’s right — a certain “unsuccessful unscheduled experiment†carried out (by whom we don’t know to this day) on the eve of the Celebration of the “Great Khazarian Architects†[May 1st, International Workers’ Day — Editor].
Can we even imagine the unthinkable — that someone knowingly decided to play the role of “experimenter†— risking a “diversion†which was to signal the beginning of the end for the socialist Leviathan? Yes, we can! As horrible as that sounds. For the right sum, as it turns out, anything is possible (even organizing the simultaneous hijacking of several airliners to attack the World Trade Center!).
This ties it all together, your beloved Lubbowitzer brethren in “Greenwich village”, Chernobyl, 9/11, the genocidal civil war in Ukraine and Satanic Frankist parades in 1986.
It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky [allegedly] wiped out the “Chernobyl branch†of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl — which the whole world regards as a “tragedy†and a “catastrophe†— is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder.â€
It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season†on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland [Unfortunately, the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias†— Editor].
That’s why my theory of a planned diversion — the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl — has a perfect right to exist.
It’s the business of the French. I don’t care about it any more than I care whether the Jews or the Arabs call the shots in Israel or Palestine or even what they call it.
As for Candace Owens getting busted just serves to reinforce the current Ron Unz proposition. To quote the eminent John McEnroe,
You cannot be serious
I’m sorry Mr. Unz, but this article fails on the count which is always your strongest point: you go and search for the original sources yourself.
Candace Owens is NOT AT ALL the original source of this material (as she has always and very clearly stated), and in my opinion she presents it quite poorly.
Without going to the Faits et Documents publications, you or anyone else is not in a position to say anything about this case, and everything is just speculation and off-hand dismissal, the absence of which makes me come to read your articles.
The issue with Brigitte Macron / Jean-Michel Trogneux is not that she most probably is transgender. That’s in fact the minor part of the story.
The central part is that she has stolen the identity of her very real sister! Of course there is a birth certificate: nobody denies that Brigitte Trogneux was born as a girl.
The facts however point very strongly at the possibility that somehow, for some reason (this investigation is far from over), Jean-Michel Trogneux not only changed gender, but more importantly assumed the official identity of his/her own sister, and has been living as that person since decades.
That is extremely explosive, and if you want to have an opinion on it, you have to do the due diligence of looking at the source material for yourself. However unbelievable or odd it may seem, the case is made very intelligently and very well sourced and supported. Xavier Poussard is a highly intelligent person who is not just screaming vague nonsense, but does research and journalism.
The slander around the case is of the same disinformative and manipulative MSM quality as all slander of all real journalists and truth tellers.
And to disprove most of your argumentation in this article, YT has removed Candace’s video that you link to.
You really owe it to yourself to look into this much deeper and more seriously.
You cannot be serious
The same study is available in English and has been posted a dozen times already, have you still not read it? http://pressibus.free.fr/gen/trogneux/indexgb.html
Well, I don’t read French
Don't you think it's a bit foolish to comment on a topic without having studied it? Candace merely discussed the study mentioned above and you've never even read it?
I don’t really know anything about the Mrs. Macron controversy other than what I saw on those Candace Owens podcasts.
Not really. She obviously has had facelifts and many of her published photos have been photoshopped. This is a genuine photo of her/his at age 74, with artificial hair of course:
She really looks awfully well-preserved to be 80 years ago…
Mr. Unz should have replied to this and other good posts instead of the low hanging fruit.
Well, I think my analysis has now been confirmed...
Yes Ron, I watched that video featuring Candace and Rabid Dog Shmuely earlier on (it was posted in Open Thread # 10), and it was very entertaining.
How in the world does that confirm your theory?
We all know that YT doesn’t allow certain topics, it was just a matter of time before they got rid of her if she didn’t toe the line.
But if your theory of her discrediting “real” conspiracies with “nonsense” was correct then she wouldn’t be suspended now.
"Did you know that the Soviet physicists who built the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were (ironically?) worshipping Satan during a physicist's day parade in 1984, and it was captured on film?
3 years ago, I released this footage and translated it:"
The video is an old Halloween parade from Greenwich village.
This ties it all together, your beloved Lubbowitzer brethren in "Greenwich village", Chernobyl, 9/11, the genocidal civil war in Ukraine and Satanic Frankist parades in 1986.
On the 26th of April 1986 an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl atomic power station, equivalent in power, as has been recently determined, to 500 Hiroshimas. This was the “bomb†which cracked the foundations of the great empire, whose “indestructibility†no one doubted up to that moment.The “fissioning process†took on an irreversible character….A gaping hole in the country’s economy opened up: unprecedented “unscheduled†financial expenses for the liquidation of the catastrophe, a general, army-style mobilization of “liquidatorsâ€, enormous resettlements out of the contaminated territory, the erection of the “sarcophagus†and so forth.For the first time in our decades-long life as a “single family†mutual accusations began to fly and the “brotherly nations†began presenting demands to each other. And finally, the Radioactive Desert, which turned the very heart of the Slavic World into a “no-man’s land,†poisoning the hearts and souls of the “Great Soviet People†— pushed the Socialist Empire over the brink, into the “black hole†of the Third Khazaria.This whole Apocalypse was touched off by a single….experiment! Uh-huh, that’s right — a certain “unsuccessful unscheduled experiment†carried out (by whom we don’t know to this day) on the eve of the Celebration of the “Great Khazarian Architects†[May 1st, International Workers’ Day — Editor].Can we even imagine the unthinkable — that someone knowingly decided to play the role of “experimenter†— risking a “diversion†which was to signal the beginning of the end for the socialist Leviathan? Yes, we can! As horrible as that sounds. For the right sum, as it turns out, anything is possible (even organizing the simultaneous hijacking of several airliners to attack the World Trade Center!).
It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky [allegedly] wiped out the “Chernobyl branch†of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl — which the whole world regards as a “tragedy†and a “catastrophe†— is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder.â€It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season†on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland [Unfortunately, the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias†— Editor].That’s why my theory of a planned diversion — the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl — has a perfect right to exist.
You seem uncannily like Colon Wrong, in both demeanor and cleverness. Multiple personalities? But I'll play along.1) Certainly not in it, and I would bet probably not even on it.
1) Has mankind ever walked in the moon?
2) Have men from any nation, gone further from the Earth than Low Earth Orbit?
3) Did 19 Arabs hijack four aircraft and crash them on 9/11?
4) Were the Covid ‘vaccines’ a net benefit to the world (ie: save more lives than they took), or were they responsible for the ongoing mass cull of millions?
5) Did you take the Covid vaxxes?
6) Who killed the man/men who killed JFK? (Assuming they were in fact killed, and didn’t end up living to a ripe old age).
Congratulations Hymen Sniffer, you passed the test.
And well done on the ‘walking IN the moon’ question.
I posted that to determine if you’d suffered neurological damage from the clot shots, seeing as those spike proteins are working away at this very moment in the brains of the fully vaxxed Big Gubmint groupies who lined up to take it.
From what I’ve been able to determine, many of the vaxxed not only believe Armstrong and Buzz Lightyear walked on the moon, but that the cast of Toy Story have walked IN the moon as well.
Bad example. It is worth studying carefully and reporting objectively on the coup d'état agaisnt Romania's leader Ceausescu, because it was one of the earliest "colour revolution" to unfold under the eyes of the global public. It was a stunning example of how opinion can be manipulated with absolutely ludicrous, fabricated facts, in total impunity.
End Result: Within a few hours of that speech, both Ceausescu and his wife were DEAD – shot by the insurgents.
Thank you.
A lot of people that are unmarried have something on their ring finger - it means nothing.
Did your vetting of this photo include noticing the ring on Barry’s finger, and the fact that the two were supposed to be married in 1992? �
Meanwhile, I would not be surprised that you are clueless on a range of issues.
I would not be surprised to find out Michel is a Mike, but surely one must rule out faked photos FIRST. �
1) Has mankind ever walked in the moon?
2) Have men from any nation, gone further from the Earth than Low Earth Orbit?
3) Did 19 Arabs hijack four aircraft and crash them on 9/11?
4) Were the Covid ‘vaccines’ a net benefit to the world (ie: save more lives than they took), or were they responsible for the ongoing mass cull of millions?
5) Did you take the Covid vaxxes?
6) Who killed the man/men who killed JFK? (Assuming they were in fact killed, and didn’t end up living to a ripe old age).
You seem uncannily like Colon Wrong, in both demeanor and cleverness. Multiple personalities? But I’ll play along.
1) Certainly not in it, and I would bet probably not even on it.
2) I don’t know. Impossible to prove that and it shows your intellect that you would frame the issue in such a way. They do lie an awful lot, however, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Van Allen Radiation Belt, etc, would preclude that accomplishment.
3) Of course they ditten, you ninny. Gasp! I don’t think the vids of jets flying at the towers are legit.
4) Let me raise the ante. Virology is bullshit, ergo vaccines are all frauds. And yes action about perceived “overpopulation” is of course within their power, so they are doing things.
5) See no.4, you presumptuous cretin.
6) Stupid question that presumes LHO, the patsy, shot JFK. But the Jew Jacob Rubenstien killed Osawald.
Do you have any more orders for me, madam?
I know of a case which is very early and very interesting. I do not believe that it is valid, but I will repeat the argument.
King Henry VIII (of six wives fame, two decapitated) had little interest in his daughter Elizabeth during her childhood. As a child Elizabeth had been sent to live out in the countryside in a town called Bisley southwest of London, with a family which was lower nobility. Reportedly, at around age ten or 11, Elizabeth became seriously ill with an infectious disease and died. The theory is, the family, fearing Henry’s possibly homicidal wrath, replaced Elizabeth with a local boy who had red hair and who was known to be very arty and effeminate, and also very talented intellectually.
Thereafter, the boy, known to history only as the Bisley boy, decided that he enjoyed being Elizabeth and cooperated in continuing the ruse.
There are certain arguments in favor of this possibility. One of them is that soon thereafter, Elizabeth started to display intellectual talents which she had not been known for previously. Then there is the fact that she never married, never bore children (some argue she had secret children) and was extremely and publicly insistent about declaring her intention never to marry.
Another argument is that members of the nobility who were in on the secret, for reasons of dynastic politics, assisted in maintaining the ruse.
Then there is my own addition. The nobility and the high gentry of that era had connections reaching into every part of the known world. Maybe there was some form of primitive gender reassignment surgery which existed somewhere, perhaps not known to European physicians but known to courts and physicians in the Levant or Asia. Maybe physicians from some remote land were brought in to perform the surgery and provide information about the aftercare protocols. The results would have been sufficient to pass cursory examination, meaning that the person would have the appearance of being female.
Did it happen? Probably not. Could it have? Let me put it this way. There is very little a human being can imagine that hasn’t happened somewhere. If it is physically and materially possible, it has happened.
I see your point, but my sense of Candace Owens' take (though I haven't really taken in very many CO vids, ... but this her vibe is obvious to me) is this: I think CO believes that the root of the spiritual problems we are now experiencing in the faux-west (i.e. - 'faux-west' as descriptor because what the west has become is now fake-west) is the kabbala (or at least its use as a vehicle very open to varied interpretations, which is problematic if it is also to be taken very seriously in some partitioned circles with some power). So it's like this (as per CO, to my mind as to her precise take):Kabbala => informs Judaic sense of 'God's Chosen People' => inevitably begets Frankism (a form of satansim), + a vast sea of bunk beyond just that (much of which also possesses satanic overtones like the derivative western freemasonry, for instance).OK, .... assuming I have accurately absorbed some of CO's supposed key insights, then here are some interesting downstream questions:1) Is it off-base to wonder if the kabbala arose as a vehicle to uphold the Judaic sense of 'God's Chosen People'? (i.e. - I am insinuating the CO has cleverly trolled absolutely everybody with influential platforms around this precise 'God's Chosen People' Judaic issue, and yet has not said one negative thing about this Judaic concept that upholds the Institutional [fake] Christian sense of 'the Christian inheritance of the Jews blood covenants with God').2) Perhaps the answer to question #1 is: 'yes it is off-base', ..... which logic would emerge from a deep study of the kabbala that shows that indeed, at least one specific interpretation, proves its provenance as much more than a cover story for a wonky wrong-headed belief (that anyone could be dumb enough, to deceive themselves, that God speaks to them above all others).So to me, ... this is 'put up or shut-up' time, for the Judaic kabbala-ers (seemingly the Hasidic specialty), which all of the Judaic seem to be reliant upon, for the logic of their 'God's Chosen People' stance. Prove to me that what has occurred via the Judaic prophesy-making machinations that are clearly meant to uphold this 'God's Chosen People' meme, is anything more than people trying to force reality into their fantasy-version-of-reality. See here though, ... there is no such proof.And here we are (in great part, thanks to Candace Owens).Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
"The point I am making here is that what Owen’s calls “Satanism†for her Boobus Americanus audience, is quite possibly Frankism and Kabbalism, both forms of Judaism."�
I am not Jewish nor I have never studied the Talmud or the Torah.
It is my understanding that Kabbalism first infiltrated Judea during their exile in Babylon. I do not know the exact relationship between Orthodox Jews, Hassidic Jews, Kabbalistic Jews, Communist Jews, Zionist Jews and Frankist Jews.
Clearly there are Rabbis that waste an entire lifetime trying to understand and control all these inbred and insane racial supremacists.
I find it amazing that Jews are allowed to play the “good Jew” card whenever one of their cousins is exposed for belonging to one rabid goyim hating sect or another. Basically the majority of Jews in the US are pretending that Zionists are not like American Jews and that American Jews are truly integrated patriots who love America even more than the stupid goyim.
Meanwhile all the Jews pretend to not anything to do with AIPAC, ADL, Sewer Jews, Sodomite Jews or genocidal Zionist Jews. Simultaneously they insist that all Germans were Nazis and all Palestinians are Hamas.
But I think it actually supports my analysis...
Mea Culpa Ron Unz?
She’s been demonetized and banned from posting for a week.
Is this part of the ‘promoted opposition psy op? Or does it prove that the concept ‘promoted opposition’ is eternally plastic enough to accuse anybody of anything?
Mr. Unz, above in your article you said:
“Part of the secret to Owens’ huge success had apparently been the highly controversial nature of the topics that she covered in her new videos, some of which involved very sharp criticism of Jews and Israel. For example, she denounced Jewish groups for regularly and falsely accusing all their opponents of “antisemitism.†Other videos explored controversial alternative perspectives on important historical events relating to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and World War II or describing the strong evidence of Israeli involvement in the 9/11 Attacks. Just a couple of weeks ago, she endorsed and retweeted the claim that the ADL had been founded to protect Jewish child rapists and murderers from receiving their just punishment, a posting that attracted well over a half-million impressions.”
So, first you accuse her of being ‘promoted opposition’ because her denunciation of Jewish groups doesn’t result in a suspension from youtube.
And now you say her denunciation of Jewish groups DID result in a suspension from youtube. Thus somehow proving she was ‘promoted opposition’?
Thus your ‘proof’ is true when she is NOT suspended, AND when she IS suspended, for doing the same thing. Frankly I think that indicates your concept of ‘promoted opposition’ is only useful as a type of smear.
I think even the concept ‘controlled opposition’ is flawed because it cannot be proven without access to secret documents of one kind or another that are rarely if ever revealed.
Certain media personalities I do consider ‘deep state actors’, for example Tucker Carlson. This is based on my interpretation of his family background and his long public career.
I don’t think Owens is in the same category. She goes after the most controversial/taboo stories because she’s an ambitious journalist.
"Did you know that the Soviet physicists who built the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were (ironically?) worshipping Satan during a physicist's day parade in 1984, and it was captured on film?
3 years ago, I released this footage and translated it:"
“The point I am making here is that what Owen’s calls “Satanism†for her Boobus Americanus audience, is quite possibly Frankism and Kabbalism, both forms of Judaism.”
I see your point, but my sense of Candace Owens’ take (though I haven’t really taken in very many CO vids, … but this her vibe is obvious to me) is this: I think CO believes that the root of the spiritual problems we are now experiencing in the faux-west (i.e. – ‘faux-west’ as descriptor because what the west has become is now fake-west) is the kabbala (or at least its use as a vehicle very open to varied interpretations, which is problematic if it is also to be taken very seriously in some partitioned circles with some power). So it’s like this (as per CO, to my mind as to her precise take):
Kabbala => informs Judaic sense of ‘God’s Chosen People’ => inevitably begets Frankism (a form of satansim), + a vast sea of bunk beyond just that (much of which also possesses satanic overtones like the derivative western freemasonry, for instance).
OK, …. assuming I have accurately absorbed some of CO’s supposed key insights, then here are some interesting downstream questions:
1) Is it off-base to wonder if the kabbala arose as a vehicle to uphold the Judaic sense of ‘God’s Chosen People’? (i.e. – I am insinuating the CO has cleverly trolled absolutely everybody with influential platforms around this precise ‘God’s Chosen People’ Judaic issue, and yet has not said one negative thing about this Judaic concept that upholds the Institutional [fake] Christian sense of ‘the Christian inheritance of the Jews blood covenants with God’).
2) Perhaps the answer to question #1 is: ‘yes it is off-base’, ….. which logic would emerge from a deep study of the kabbala that shows that indeed, at least one specific interpretation, proves its provenance as much more than a cover story for a wonky wrong-headed belief (that anyone could be dumb enough, to deceive themselves, that God speaks to them above all others).
So to me, … this is ‘put up or shut-up’ time, for the Judaic kabbala-ers (seemingly the Hasidic specialty), which all of the Judaic seem to be reliant upon, for the logic of their ‘God’s Chosen People’ stance. Prove to me that what has occurred via the Judaic prophesy-making machinations that are clearly meant to uphold this ‘God’s Chosen People’ meme, is anything more than people trying to force reality into their fantasy-version-of-reality. See here though, … there is no such proof.
And here we are (in great part, thanks to Candace Owens).
Well, I think my analysis has now been confirmed...
Yes Ron, I watched that video featuring Candace and Rabid Dog Shmuely earlier on (it was posted in Open Thread # 10), and it was very entertaining.
It seems like you are saying the ADL has a big budget and a pretty big big army of employees and volunteers that can look into the past of its targeted enemies, like a Candace Owens or a Judge Napolitano, to see if it can conduct a smear campaign that way, and if they can’t (because person is pretty much squeekee clean, let’s say) then they look for other methods (like the more diffuse criticisms upholding the one you describe with youtube striking).
OK, …. then why isn’t anyone trying to deflect these very tactics back onto the ADL? Why isn’t the key ADL personnel smeared like that, for instance? Smeared about what, though? I don’t think the regular populace would care too much if it turned out Johnathan Greenblatt were a closeted tranny-wannabe, for instance (cross-dresser, let’s say). But what the regular populace would care about is if key personnel at the ADL were people that towed this emerging, official but covert, Judaic line of ‘Jewish soul supremacism’.
It is Candace Owens that made this new possible opening, against the ADL.
Mea Culpa Ron Unz?
She’s been demonetized and banned from posting for a week.
Is this part of the ‘promoted opposition psy op? Or does it prove that the concept ‘promoted opposition’ is eternally plastic enough to accuse anybody of anything?
But I think it actually supports my analysis…
For weeks, she’d been mixing bits of 9/11 and WWII “conspiracy theories” with a huge amount of material claiming that Mrs. Macron was a man and other totally ridiculous things, and getting gigantic video viewership. So the ADL felt that she was being “useful” and made sure that she remained on YouTube despite saying things that would normally get someone kicked off.
But then she went on the Piers Morgan show and did a really great job, crushing that crazy Rabbi Shmuely about Israel/Gaza, the Holocaust, and other things, with that video from just a few days ago already getting 2.5M views.
So the ADL decided that she was no longer being “useful” and told YouTube to get rid of her.
I think her best strategy for saving her channel would be doing a lot of videos arguing that the Earth is Flat…
Well, I think my analysis has now been confirmed...
Yes Ron, I watched that video featuring Candace and Rabid Dog Shmuely earlier on (it was posted in Open Thread # 10), and it was very entertaining.
So Ron, do you now withdraw your accusation that she is ‘promoted opposition’?
And do you also agree that ‘promoted opposition’ is an accusation impossible to prove or disprove and therefore worthless?
Perhaps, but I was not talking about Schneerson personally. The Chabad page you gave is followed by current members of that movement.
Well, I think my analysis has now been confirmed...
Yes Ron, I watched that video featuring Candace and Rabid Dog Shmuely earlier on (it was posted in Open Thread # 10), and it was very entertaining.
Mea Culpa Ron Unz?
She’s been demonetized and banned from posting for a week.
Is this part of the ‘promoted opposition psy op? Or does it prove that the concept ‘promoted opposition’ is eternally plastic enough to accuse anybody of anything?
But I think it actually supports my analysis...
Mea Culpa Ron Unz?
She’s been demonetized and banned from posting for a week.
Is this part of the ‘promoted opposition psy op? Or does it prove that the concept ‘promoted opposition’ is eternally plastic enough to accuse anybody of anything?
On the topic of Satanic/Frankist elites, who can forget the famous wikileaks email from Hillary Clinton where she talks about sacrificing a chicken to Molloch:
Liz Crokin ties Hillary’s chicken sacrifice back to voodoo and Haiti:
In addition to this, as we see Haitian illegal immigrants and illegal aliens from other countries who openly worship Satan and engage in Satanic rituals flood into this country, let’s not forget that Bill Clinton admitted in his own damn book that he and Hillary went to Haiti and engaged in voodoo rituals. They’re obviously part of the same Satanic cabal running the country right now allowing these demonic zombies to come into our country illegally to literally ritualistically kill and EAT your pets simultaneously as over 200,000 migrant children have gone missing! And as President Trump has accurately stated, many of these kids have been sex trafficked and/or are already dead.
There seems to be some kind of Satanic/Frankist psyop going on with Haitians killing small animals and pets, especially in Springfield Ohio. Just as with the Macron/Obama tranny scandals and so much else going on, it is nearly impossible to discern the truth behind the mind control psyop.
Some Haitians eating pets material behind the more.
This 4min video is quite fascinating and it relates to Candice Owen’s discussions about Satanists:
“Did you know that the Soviet physicists who built the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were (ironically?) worshipping Satan during a physicist’s day parade in 1984, and it was captured on film?
3 years ago, I released this footage and translated it:”
RWA (Russians with Attitude) does not seem to realize how this links “Satanism” to Sabbatean Frankism. If you watch the video there are several Frankist themes mixed in with the Satanism, one of the most obvious is this one:
This definitely is Frankist.
That Satanism, or Frankism, was present and allowed in the USSR is quite interesting. That the “the Soviet physicists who built the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were (ironically?) worshipping Satan during a physicist’s day parade in 1984” is even more so.
The point I am making here is that what Owen’s calls “Satanism” for her Boobus Americanus audience, is quite possibly Frankism and Kabbalism, both forms of Judaism.
I see your point, but my sense of Candace Owens' take (though I haven't really taken in very many CO vids, ... but this her vibe is obvious to me) is this: I think CO believes that the root of the spiritual problems we are now experiencing in the faux-west (i.e. - 'faux-west' as descriptor because what the west has become is now fake-west) is the kabbala (or at least its use as a vehicle very open to varied interpretations, which is problematic if it is also to be taken very seriously in some partitioned circles with some power). So it's like this (as per CO, to my mind as to her precise take):Kabbala => informs Judaic sense of 'God's Chosen People' => inevitably begets Frankism (a form of satansim), + a vast sea of bunk beyond just that (much of which also possesses satanic overtones like the derivative western freemasonry, for instance).OK, .... assuming I have accurately absorbed some of CO's supposed key insights, then here are some interesting downstream questions:1) Is it off-base to wonder if the kabbala arose as a vehicle to uphold the Judaic sense of 'God's Chosen People'? (i.e. - I am insinuating the CO has cleverly trolled absolutely everybody with influential platforms around this precise 'God's Chosen People' Judaic issue, and yet has not said one negative thing about this Judaic concept that upholds the Institutional [fake] Christian sense of 'the Christian inheritance of the Jews blood covenants with God').2) Perhaps the answer to question #1 is: 'yes it is off-base', ..... which logic would emerge from a deep study of the kabbala that shows that indeed, at least one specific interpretation, proves its provenance as much more than a cover story for a wonky wrong-headed belief (that anyone could be dumb enough, to deceive themselves, that God speaks to them above all others).So to me, ... this is 'put up or shut-up' time, for the Judaic kabbala-ers (seemingly the Hasidic specialty), which all of the Judaic seem to be reliant upon, for the logic of their 'God's Chosen People' stance. Prove to me that what has occurred via the Judaic prophesy-making machinations that are clearly meant to uphold this 'God's Chosen People' meme, is anything more than people trying to force reality into their fantasy-version-of-reality. See here though, ... there is no such proof.And here we are (in great part, thanks to Candace Owens).Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
"The point I am making here is that what Owen’s calls “Satanism†for her Boobus Americanus audience, is quite possibly Frankism and Kabbalism, both forms of Judaism."�
The butcher of Andersonville was a Sabbatean Frankist, a follower of the androgyn Baphomet. This is one thread that leads to Mr. Brigitte and Mr. Michelle.
Hartmann Heinrich Wirz (1823-1865) - SABBATEAN FRANKIST FREAK
“Henry Wirz was the only man executed for Civil War war crimes and has been characterized ever since as either monster or martyr.
He was born Heinrich Hartmann Wirz on November 25, 1823 in Zurich, Switzerland and attended university there. He married in 1845 and had two children. In spring 1849, he sailed from Le Havre in France for the United States.
He apprenticed in a doctor’s office in Kentucky and later practiced as a homeopathic physician, treating mostly plantation slaves in Madison Parish, Louisiana.
The tragedy of Andersonville : trial of Captain Henry Wirz, the prison keeper / by N. P. Chipman
Kaplinski's 1823 Congress Bid
“Eliasz Adam Kaplinski, a cousin of Hartmann Heinrich Wirz, made an attempt to organize a Frankist congress in Karlsbad in 1823. The Frankist movement, a jewish mystical and messianic movement, was active in Poland and other parts of Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Key Points
• Eliasz Adam Kaplinski, a member of the Kaplinski family, sought to convene a Frankist congress in Karlsbad (now Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) in 1823.
• The congress aimed to bring together Frankist adherents and leaders to discuss and advance
their beliefs and practices.
• Hartmann Heinrich Wirz, Eliasz Adam Kaplinski's cousin, is notable for his own historical significance as the Confederate commander of Andersonville Prison during the American Civil War.
• The Frankist movement, with its emphasis on mysticism and messianic expectations, was a significant cultural and religious phenomenon in Eastern Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.â€
Yes Ron, I watched that video featuring Candace and Rabid Dog Shmuely earlier on (it was posted in Open Thread # 10), and it was very entertaining.
Well, I think my analysis has now been confirmed…
Candace Owens had been talking about the Israeli involvement in 9/11 and that everything about WWII was a lie, yet she hadn’t gotten purged from YouTube.
So I suggested that might be because those topics were 2% of her content and ridiculous nonsense like Mrs. Macron being a man was the bulk of it. So the ADL people probably decided that her crazy nonsense would damage the credibility of those other issues and let her stay around.
However, just a few days ago, she did a really great job debating that lunatic Rabbi Shmuely fellow on the Piers Morgan show, and I congratulated her excellent performance.
Therefore, I’m not surprised that the ADL had the same opinion, and she just got a YouTube Strike, suspending her channel:
There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because @YouTube has issued me a strike and a one week suspension for my sit down with Kanye. They also removed the interview as “hate speechâ€, as it was mass reported by Zionists.
Their tactics never change. pic.twitter.com/fTeI7VQvZH— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 9, 2024
Allegedly it was because of some video with Kanye West, but I think her great performance on the Piers Morgan show was the real reason. If she’d just continued to focus on the diabolical transgenderism of Mrs. Macron she would have been fine.
> while their countrymen bomb Gaza to smithereens?
While there are good criticisms which can be made of the way the Chabad movement went under Menachem Mendel Schneerson, it is obviously meaningless to wonder about something happening today. The Chabad movement had rejected Zionism under Sholom Dovber Schneersohn (1860-1920) but became sympathetic under his son Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), before his son-in-law Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) made the movement into a prominent part of US Zionism which was hailed by Congress-critters. Since he died in 1994, criticisms should be focused on the movement he had supported until then, not something happening in 2023-4. I would certainly assume that he fulsomely supported the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. That’s the sort of thing where he should be criticized, not wondering about Gaza today.
Barack Obama’s real father was Muhammad Subuh who had sex with and impregnated Ann Durham while on tour in Hawaii.
I’ve heard about the letter. That was strange, and I think it was real. I’ve heard the rumors about Obama’s life in Chicago. I left in the 1970s, but I still know the ground there. He used to take quick trips from Hyde Park up to the North Side to go to his high-end athletic club. Not much on the South Side for the cosmopolitan types. Hyde Park didn’t have the population to support the necessary amenities. In every direction except east (which was water), there is nothing but endless miles of lower middle class black neighborhoods, and, beyond that, more endless miles of lower middle class white neighborhoods and towns. Nothing there at all for the cosmopolitan types in Hyde Park.
If I lived there, I would have to drive pretty darn far to shop at what the rest of America considers a mainstream supermarket. Just to get out of the neighborhood, I would have to go north on Lake Shore Drive to the Stevenson Expressway and then southwest. In Chicago, if you are white, you can’t haul through the black neighborhoods on the boulevards without eventually being targeted.
There is a Trader Joe’s and a Whole Foods in Hyde Park. These are boutique-ish markets with high prices which appeal to middle and upper middle class liberals and leftists. You can eat if you live there. I wouldn’t. If I had to live in the Chicago area for some reason, I would live in the Western suburbs.
Over the years, a number of supermarkets have failed there, most recently a local independent chain which opened up a branch in Hyde Park a few years back. Now I have something new to keep track of. What happens to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and also the Aldi’s on E. 47th Street.
The same accusations come from the other side towards the no-planers.Replies: @Looger
The fascinating thing about the “nukesâ€, “no planesâ€, “holograms†pushers:
They focus entirely on the ultimately meaningless unprovable, and accuse anyone who doesn’t tow their line IMMEDIATELY as “schill†“fed†disinfo†etc.
The same accusations come from the other side towards the no-planers.
You mean the sock-puppet accounts that showed up by the dozen overnight so these guys could “argue” with themselves?
You should see the server logs posted by Dr. No Fun Club back on the Jack Blood Forum.
The theory pushers and their “opponents” were often from IPs at the same military bases!
Boy they didn’t even try to hide back then. Those were the days haha
I can’t believe that 18+ years later, people are STILL ensnared by this stuff!
The good news is these people are 100% keyboard warriors and do not interact with the normies by pushing their crazy onto them. So it’s not all bad. Just funny.
I’m pretty sure the couple of “girlfriends” he was reputed to have dated came before he landed in Chicago. One in NYC he supposedly wrote a letter to saying he was attracted to men. Who in any universe would actually write that to his girlfriend? There were also many stories floating around about “bathhouse Barry” who was known as a “selfish lover” in Chicago’s homosexual scene. Ed Koch in NY actually hired a former Miss America to pretend to be his “girlfriend” when he ran for mayor. The list of active homosexuals in politics who have “beards” is too long to list.
Too much of a stretch. Especially, in his Chicago neighborhood, too many people knew him or knew who he was. I grew up there, though I was gone long before he got there. If the woman represented as his girffriend has not been going with him, it would have been exposed. Probably, he lived with her between when he arrived in Chicago and when he left for law school at Harvard.
One thing I know for sure, knowing the neighborhood, it that it was absolutely impossible for him not to have known Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. The place is a little hothouse, though considerably opaque to the outside world.
Sure, I understand what you are saying.
One minor objection: staying out of religion does not entail atheism necessarily. Not that I have anything against atheists. But those are different concepts.
Anyway, all that discussion about having “genuine concern for their fellow” while their countrymen bomb Gaza to smithereens?
Thanks for locating that evidence that confirms Shahak's surprising claim, and I'll keep in mind if the issue comes up again. But I'm really not too surprised.
More follows, but the above seems enough to validate Shahak’s quote, regardless of any alleged imprecisions in it, and to cast doubt on the impartiality of those commenters on Mi Yodeya, to whom I am nevertheless grateful for pointing out that a textual source by Schneerson indeed exists for Shahak’s quote.
Orthodox Juddhuism, the costumed kind not the Jared Kushner/Joe Lieberman variety, is LARPing where central and eastern Europeans dress up like 19th century Polaks* and pretend they’re doing what people did (in their telling) 3-5,000 years ago. Tribalism being part of the LARP, they and the Brooks Brothers variety are excellent pawns, kapos and consiglieri for the Israeli gummint which is the real source of terrorism in the Middle East.
*Polak is the Polish word for Polish person. Don’t start none, won’t be none.
As Kamala would say “You bettuh THANK a Bosniak** workuh!”
**It’s a real word.
More follows, but the above seems enough to validate Shahak's quote, regardless of any alleged imprecisions in it, and to cast doubt on the impartiality of those commenters on Mi Yodeya, to whom I am nevertheless grateful for pointing out that a textual source by Schneerson indeed exists for Shahak's quote.Replies: @Wild Man, @Ron Unz
As I have noted at several intervals of this book, foundational to Ḥabad’s philosophic orientation is the presumed ontological difference in the constitution of the Jew and the non-Jew, both psychically and somatically, a point sorely missed by those who uncritically use the term ethical to characterize the spiritual pietism of Ḥabad. (33) While hardly unique to this corpus, each of the seven masters in the Lubavitch dynasty has accepted such a view, apologetic denials on the part of some scholars and practitioners notwithstanding. The textual evidence to support this assertion is overwhelming and it would be impractical to offer even a small percentage of the sources that substantiate the point. A striking way that this dogma has been expressed is the claim that non-Jews possess an animal soul that derives from the demonic, whereas Jews possess a divine soul that equips them with the capacity to uplift their animal soul and to transform it into a vessel for holiness.
More follows, but the above seems enough to validate Shahak’s quote, regardless of any alleged imprecisions in it, and to cast doubt on the impartiality of those commenters on Mi Yodeya, to whom I am nevertheless grateful for pointing out that a textual source by Schneerson indeed exists for Shahak’s quote.
Thanks for locating that evidence that confirms Shahak’s surprising claim, and I’ll keep in mind if the issue comes up again. But I’m really not too surprised.
I’d heard that when Shahak originally published his books in the 1990s they were reasonably popular among the secular Israelis who hated all the “crazy rabbis” and were glad to see them exposed and ridiculed. So if Shahak’s statements had been wildly wrong, someone probably would have noticed.
But as I mentioned, Shahak’s work then got into circulation among anti-Jewish activists in America, who regularly quoted the juiciest bits over the last couple of decades, while Shahak included many dozens of absolutely shocking claims.
According to Wikipedia, the ADL has an annual budget of around $100 million, with 500 full-time employees and another 3,500 volunteers. It seemed to me that if Shahak had made any significant number of blatant errors, the ADL people would have found those and blasted him for it. That’s one reason I assumed he was probably pretty accurate.
I assume you’ve already read my 2018 article that discussed his work, but if not, you might want to take a look:
Was America in 2008 ready for a niggerfaggot president married to an openly tranny husband?Replies: @Truth
Please apply Occam’s razor. It makes no sense for Michelle or Brigitte trying to be stealth trannies.
What benefit does this charade provide?
Well, your Mom did win the PTA election…
OK, so let me summarise what you wrote. Seeing as:
1) You are an epileptic
2) You are considered as somewhat disabled in the language-learning part of your brain
3) You have no speaking skills with any language other than English, yet somehow you can produce a translation of something in French (although not to a professional standard),
this ability to translate in French emboldened you to learn the language of the Heebs?
Hmmm, seems like a lot of obfuscation to me.
You still have not explained how someone like yourself, who by your own admission is terrible with foreign languages, would even attempt to learn/read/translate Hebrew in the first place.
I mean, this is a ghastly language spoken by ghastly people. WHY choose the language of these hideous misfits?
This is the last language in the world that a goy would even contemplate messing with, UNLESS there was a valid reason for doing so.
(eg: like you married a Jewess, and to appease the in-laws living in the Apartheid Israeli state, you decided to learn the lingo.
Or at least how to read/write so you could exchange letters with them in the pre-internet era).
The fascinating thing about the “nukesâ€, “no planesâ€, “holograms†pushers:
They focus entirely on the ultimately meaningless unprovable, and accuse anyone who doesn’t tow their line IMMEDIATELY as “schill†“fed†disinfo†etc.
The same accusations come from the other side towards the no-planers.
You mean the sock-puppet accounts that showed up by the dozen overnight so these guys could "argue" with themselves?
The same accusations come from the other side towards the no-planers.
Here's the passage from The Tanya:
An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non- Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
https://www.chabad.org/library/tanya/tanya_cdo/aid/1028872/jewish/Chapter-1.htmReplies: @Patrick McNally
The explanation [of the questions raised above] is to be found in the light of what Rabbi Chayim Vital wrote in Sha'ar ha-Kedushah (and in Etz Chayim, Portal 50, ch. 2) that in every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, are two souls, as it is written, "The neshamot (souls) which I have made," [alluding to] two souls. There is one soul which originates in the kelipah and sitra achra, and which is clothed in the blood of a human being, giving life to the body, as is written, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood." From it stem all the evil characteristics deriving from the four evil elements which are contained in it. These are: anger and pride, which emanate from the element of Fire, the nature of which is to rise upwards; the appetite for pleasures— from the element of Water, for water makes to grow all kinds of enjoyment; frivolity and scoffing, boasting and idle talk from the element of Air; and sloth and melancholy— from the element of Earth. From this soul stem also the good characteristics which are to be found in the innate nature of all Israel, such as mercy and benevolence. For in the case of Israel, this soul of the kelipah is derived from kelipat nogah, which also contains good, as it originates in the esoteric "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever, as is written in Etz Chayim, Portal 49, ch. 3, that all the good that the nations do, is done from selfish motives. So the Gemara comments on the verse, "The kindness of the nations is sin,"— that all the charity and kindness done by the nations of the world is only for their own self-glorification, and so on.
This has reminded me a lot of various arguments around the Bible and homosexuality. The Bible is unquestionably hostile towards male homosexuality. It seems more tolerant with lesbians. But even before the wave of homosexual activism began in the late 1960s, a lot of Christian leaders had sought to play this down. There were some fundamentalist Christians who strongly harped upon it. But most average Christian leaders seemed to incorporate the formal teachings of the Bible about homosexuality into a larger framework which allowed them to emphasize or deemphasize whatever was convenient, whenever it was convenient.
There were some Reformist Jews who played down certain aspects of the Talmud in similar fashion. But Schneerson was supposed to be an Orthodox Jew and someone like this would have to be sharply aware of everything ever claimed in the Talmud. But his activities in New York, he did not live in Israel, would have entailed having contacts with Gentiles and keeping a functioning status quo.
Hence statements like this:
It should be noted that among the nations of the world, there are also to be found those whose souls are derived from kelipat nogah.33 Called “the pious ones of the nations of the world,†these righteous individuals are benevolent not out of selfish motives but out of a genuine concern for their fellow.
That creates a degree of leeway similar to the fashion which could allow a Christian priest to be on good terms with a known homosexual man. This is why it’s always complicated to make sense of what this or that religion is really preaching and why one should go as close as possible to original sources.
Of course, I would say that it’s better to just stick to atheism and avoid religion altogether.
So you're not 'really' competent in Hebrew? (implying that you have a foundational knowledge of it that is somewhat competent).
I’ve played it cautious since, as you point out, some things are in Hebrew.
Since I’m not really competent with that, I had hoped to find something that was fully in English.
Of course, nothing wrong with being Jewish, if you're a rank and file Jew with some semblance of morality and decency that genuinely wishes for a world of peace and prosperity.
Finally, we have an admission from Shlomo that he is Jewish.
(Ron Unz has written recently that he believes 'McNally' does not fit the profile of a typical Jew, but I suspected early in that he was - as evidenced by every knee jerk reaction of his in defence of Jewish mischief making).
Dumb, dumb, dumb. Actually, because of my epilepsy, I am considered as somewhat disabled in the language-learning part of my brain. Although I had no problem picking up English as a child, I have no speaking skills with any other language. As an undergraduate at UMass, Amherst, I was forced to drop out of the first-semester German class and appeal to my neurologist to testify that I should be released from the foreign language requirement.
Since then, I’ve occasionally practiced purely dictionary-based translations of some foreign language items for purely private use. I would not be competent to professionally produce a translation of something in French, though I can often make sense out of limited passages for my own private reading. I wasn’t originally planning to go into any of this, except that your lunacy meant that I should elaborate on how I am not competent in these things.
You make a crackpot like RU sound sane. No matter how stupid his notion of me, a private citizen with absolutely no financial backers or assistants, may be, you go way beyond even that level of silliness. This board is hilarious with the type of lunatics it draws, from the top management on down.
Drop their drawers and find out! I’m disappointed in Unz on this one… a counter hit piece.
So what, all our western leaders are either Sabbatean Frankists, Satanists, Kabbalists or Pedos. There’s nothing wrong with that. Candace Owens is just a run of the mill conspiracy theorist…
Besides, the trannies in Hollywood think its cool.
The fascinating thing about the “nukes”, “no planes”, “holograms” pushers:
They focus entirely on the ultimately meaningless unprovable, and accuse anyone who doesn’t tow their line IMMEDIATELY as “schill” “fed” disinfo” etc.
And Fetzer has always from day one needed to be on the leading, bleeding edge of any conspiracy, he can’t just investigate the facts surrounding these events. Listening to him give an on-the-spot EULOGY for Ace what’s his name when he faked shooting himself in the head during a phone interview might be one of the funniest fake debates of all time. Was Ace a no-planer?
All these retards do is try to wreck.
There is plenty of evidence of the government lying to us, the conspiracy theory they give us just does not hold up.
Was 9/11 truth truly sent off the track by the wacko theories? I’m still not convinced. The people hoodwinked by the latest sexy theories simply didn’t do the legwork, the groundwork, they did not research even the basic things themselves. So why worry about what rabbit holes they go down?
They are best ignored.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of serious researchers and works on the subject. Spending all your time on “maybe how” instead of the provable “how we were told things happened is impossible” is best left to the -tards.
The same accusations come from the other side towards the no-planers.Replies: @Looger
The fascinating thing about the “nukesâ€, “no planesâ€, “holograms†pushers:
They focus entirely on the ultimately meaningless unprovable, and accuse anyone who doesn’t tow their line IMMEDIATELY as “schill†“fed†disinfo†etc.
Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement, (1984), p.78 (iirc).
Quoted from Autobiography of Stephen Wise, The Challenging Years, p. 240.
Those sources put the number of Jews in Germany at “587,000.”
“I’ll let the discerning reader decide which one of these is probably fake.”
I’ll raise you 1
Barking Mad writes:
I always thought it was odd that after 9/11 a slew of crazy conspiracy theories were promoted on the internet.
No, the owners of expensive web-sites were telling us that no planes hit the WTC.
It was actually a hologram! Or someone put a nuclear bomb under the building.
Or a rocket hit the Pentagon.
Something only appears crazy to you because you’re been TOO LAZY to put in the hard yards and actually investigate these events, and see for yourself the deluge of evidence available that nukes were employed in the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11.
You could start by reading this book below co-authored by Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer:
The use of nukes to bring down the WTC towers has also been extensively covered here in various UR threads dealing with 9/11 (not so much in the articles posted here, other than one written by Mark Gaffney as I recall – but there’s a ton of it contained in the comments themselves).
Admittedly, the stories about No Planes and holograms is quite far fetched – I’m yet to see any solid evidence to support either hypothesis.
As for the ‘rocket hit the Pentagon’ story, I suggest you listen carefully to the individual(s) that gave you that info, because they’re on the right track.
USMC Lt-Col. (ret) Field McConnell, who along with Christopher Bollyn are the two stand-out experts in the world in relation to the 9/11 False Flag, has stated that a Raytheon owned and operated remotely guided Douglas A-3 Skywarrior drone crashed into the Pentagon on that fateful day.
BUT, milliseconds prior to impacting with the west wall, it fired an Air-to-Ground missile (possibly an AGM-65 Maverick), that punched three nice round holes in the C, D and E rings of the Pentagon.
So Mr Barking Mad, you have demonstrated that you are completely ignorant in regards to the events pertaining to 9/11.
It’s best that you stay out of harms way and keep your mouth shut, until such time as you’ve researched the output of objective individuals that are infinitely wiser than yourself.
Here’s a serious question… how do you know Barack Obama is a real person? How do you know he isn’t a computer-generated person? How can you be certain of that? Have you ever met Barack Obama in real life? Probably not. Neither have I. But even if you did, how do you know that memory wasn’t implanted? He could be a computer-generated character that is projected onto television screens, projected into digital photos. Everyone else who appears with him might be computer-generated or a paid actor. You don’t know if they are or if they aren’t. Your memories could be fake. You don’t know what kind of technology the deep state has, so they might’ve had that capability back in 2007 or even earlier. I know you don’t know, so you can’t tell me they don’t. Even if they didn’t have it, then maybe he’s a paid actor. Maybe they’re all paid actors with different names and different real lives. You don’t know if that’s true or not. Maybe Barack Obama is a female playing a male. How do you know he isn’t? Prove to me that he isn’t. Prove to me that Barack Obama even exists in real life and that he’s not just a made up person.
This post should be titled “This is your brain on (((alternative media)))”
But you ignored that and blustered:
But in fact some guys apparently do like big rear ends. To each his own.
There is little point in trying to have a discussion with someone who does not understand basic English, or who ignores it trying to score points for the "Michelle Is A Man" crowd, who've latched onto that fake meme like a rat-terrier on a cheeseburger, and refuse to let go.
Were you asleep a bit over 30 years ago when “Sir Mix-a-Lot’s†rap tune, “I Like Big Butts (and I cannot Lie!)†was all one heard over the airwaves. [?]
If Obama can deceive on the simple level of the nature of his *ahem* “marriage”, then what ELSE is he LYING about?
There’s a very good chance that the “girlfriends” of Obama were paid to say they were his “girlfriends”, or are part of the same cult. There is no chance a normal, heterosexual man would write the things he wrote about “yearning” after men. Guy’s a fruitcake, always been a fruitcake.
Patrick ‘Shlomo’ McNally writes:
I’ve played it cautious since, as you point out, some things are in Hebrew.
Since I’m not really competent with that, I had hoped to find something that was fully in English.
So you’re not ‘really’ competent in Hebrew? (implying that you have a foundational knowledge of it that is somewhat competent).
I ask you UR readers, how many of the goyim have even a partial competency in Hebrew – perhaps (at best) 1 in a 1000?
Finally, we have an admission from Shlomo that he is Jewish.
(Ron Unz has written recently that he believes ‘McNally’ does not fit the profile of a typical Jew, but I suspected early in that he was – as evidenced by every knee jerk reaction of his in defence of Jewish mischief making).
Of course, nothing wrong with being Jewish, if you’re a rank and file Jew with some semblance of morality and decency that genuinely wishes for a world of peace and prosperity.
But Shlomo McNally is none of those things. He is a Malignant Jew, someone who has constantly been posting disinfo in an attempt to deflect attention away from the heinous crimes of ZOG.