Three cheers for customary discrimination!
What a difference just two generations can make; riots of the sort described here used to go the other way around, you know:
The real America ended in 1945
Ha! The year I was born. No connection, I trust.
The first 15 years of my life, America was at its best. Far from perfect, but still a country one could be proud to be a citizen of.
I miss it. Now, despite having a U.S. passport, I have no country.
That’s really bad news, because I bought a new copy of the book, based on this review.
I bought a (used) copy of “A Nation on Fire” based on your glowing praise. Ye gods!!! It’s absolute irretrievable CRAP. The guy can’t write to save his soul, has a number of strange ideas about writing in the English language, and has ABSOLUTELY NO FRIGGIN’ IDEA about how the US Government, and most especially DoD, are organized and supposedly work.
There is some TEENY section (as poorly written as the later stuff) at the beginning of the book where the author simply can’t find enough nice things about ML King. He does suggest that King was kinda tired and had lost some focus. But, NO, absolutely NO ONE should bother reading “A Nation on Fire” to find out what was going on in the USA in 1968. ANY other book will be a better choice.
Besides largely ignoring King (King dies REALLY early in the book), bozo can’t find enough NICE things to say about LBJ. LBJ was DEEPLY involved in the murder of JFK, cheated in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION he was EVER involved in, and declined to run for re-election in 1968 because it was obvious to even a man as STUPID as Johnson that he didn’t have the, how you say, “snowball’s chance in Hell” of winning. That is, he didn’t want to be EMBARRASSED in public.
“A Nation on Fire” has managed to make it into the VERY small group of books that I will PERSONALLY toss into the county landfill to prevent some poor innocent from reading it.
the riots were not acts of war against whites. Instead they reflect a level of frustration that is self reflected and self directed.
The Black population is about 50% unable to work productively in an industrial society (that’s those with IQ below the mid 80s). Of course they are “frustrated”. So what? Do we destroy European society because the Black population can’t tolerate it? Do we abolish Black society because it is making industrialization uneconomic by diverting necessary capital investments to immediate consumption? Do we compromise and, if so, what is the compromise? Supporting the Blacks in their own neighborhoods has proven a disaster for all concerned, so what’s both better and feasible? Nobody knows, not you, not me, not anybody.
As it is, we’re headed for a HAL solution right out of 2001. “I propose that we replace the module, and let it fail. The cause of the failure will then be evident.”
ANTI-WHITE Jew fiction is all you’re spouting.
What I’ve written is accurate nation wide as well as of personal experience.
What you’ve written is totally inaccurate thus propaganda so far removed from the reality of those times you probably hadn’t even been born yet you claim superior knowledge.
“A person with a theory is always trumped by a person with experience” as the old saying goes which you reinforce with your nonsense.
If you’re not jew you’re their golem aiding in their #jew$4whiteGENOCIDE initiative.
I don’t know about her difficulty, relative to other tongues, but a very well-kept secret is that German is a beautiful language. She was my first love in West Germany.
Jesus commanded that we all turn the other cheek. A billion and a half Christians believe that a person should not fight. It would be wrong and sinful.
See the problem?
Confederate revenge.
If I had a son who was attacked and the School Administrators took the side of his attackers, The school administrators would be having funerals in a day or 2 (As would his attackers), Yes I would likely go to jail, but I would go down for my son.
I partially agree with you, but it is apparent that you did not understand the situation growing up in those times.
You would have to had experienced the feral behavior of blacks, which continues to this day. Violent tendencies are a part of black culture, PERIOD. Blacks were protected by the system…
You are correct, that “one-on-one” bullying can be stopped by fighting back, but what say you about blacks “ganging up” five against one?
You see, at that time, blacks were a protected species. As is the case today, any white kid who fought back would be punished more severely. The blacks would also claimed that the white kid called them n!ggers (not true), but the school administration ALWAYS took the side of the blacks.
Your assertions on bullying work in a monolithc society but when it comes to race, and blacks against whites, all bets are off.
The best policy is segregation by race.
“Lived it in real time. That’s how I know what I say is true.”
I am not sure what you lived. But it has little or nothing to do with the article. Race war really intended as color war paints a very specific scenario. In this instance blacks making war on whites and the article uses the riots as the key artifact. But the riots of the 1960’s by black citizens did involve blacks attacking whites by entering white neighborhoods. The anatomy of those riots have been well cataloged and as I say, whites did experience violence. But it simply does not rise to warfare. And when compared to whites rioting the 1960’s were more centered. That is not the case for whites engaged in rioting. They targeted blacks en masse.
Not the same thing at all. And none of that contradicts your personal experience — but your personal experience does not rise to the level of the riots in question.
Keep your kindness, unnecessary and totally irrelevant. There has been no war against whites or even the police for that matter.
If Whites and Asians did NOT fight back when attacked THEY DESERVE TO GET BEAT UP, Everyone has 2 arms, legs etc. you hit them right they will get knocked out, Humans are Animals and in the Animal World the strong ALWAYS prey on the weak, My observation in schools was bullies would pick on a kid, if the kid did not fight back the bullies would keep picking on him, if the kid fought back, the bullies would leave him alone. As for the pack/not fighting one on one thing there are more whites so if a white kid got attacked by 3, he could get 5 to help him if they get 10 he should get 20, A MAJOR PART of what made America great was we conquered EVERYONE we fought, That was before Korea and Vietnam where we DID NOT fight to win, but fought politically and even though we still kicked rear on the battlefield we lost politically (Korea was a draw), we need to get back to FIGHTING TO WIN, if they start a fight BEAT THEIR REAR, If they fight as a group, get a group or a weapon and take the fight to them, attack them at their home, in their grocery store wherever, make them wish they never started a fight with you, go after their family, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Grand Father, Grand Mother, their friends, Make them live in constant fear, but ONLY if they ATTACK YOU FIRST, If you attack them FIRST than you are the bad person, Demand the Politicians make it a death penalty offense if 2 or more attack one person, if they don’t, do it yourself, but I REPEAT only if they attack you first. If you are given A FAIR One on One fight and you lose DO NONE OF WHAT I SAID ABOVE, Just shake his hand and say you won fair and square and move on, It is OVER, Don’t hold a grudge, but give everything you have during the fight.
Lived it in real time. That’s how I know what I say is true.
The kindest that can be said about your comments is that you’re talking fiction about times and circumstances you never experienced.
Bet you’ve spent your entire life at a safe distance from blacks and kiss up disgustingly during your rare encounters because what you say obviously has no basis in reality or experience.
It was just as bad in the 1960s. In fact, Detroit’s Northeastern High School had a “black students union†that was successful in getting the American flag removed from the front of the school and replacing it with a “black nationalist†flag.
The ordeal that white students had to go through was harrowing, to say the least. White students did not use the restrooms, as a “beatdown†by multiple blacks was usually the result. Blacks never fought one-on-one, the “pack mentality†was evident then as is today.
Blacks did not want to learn, the same situation that still exists today. Teachers were deferential to blacks, although there were a few teachers who tried to carefully shield their white and asian students from predatory blacks, giving them additional attention and coursework, knowing that they could excel in spite of the, violent, raucous atmosphere.
Anywhere blacks go, they destroy…
Generally, I find the comments on Unz enlightening, but nine tenths of these seem to have been written by trolls or by persons with a reading disability. Most of you either didn’t get the gist of the article or wanted to expound on some personal-pet theory of power politics etc. You shouldn’t do that. The article stands as it is. It doesn’t need embellishment. It is very accurate and puts the emphasis in the right places.
I lived through the era and was old enough to understand what was going on. I attended an integrated high school and actually experienced the change in attitude of my black buck classmates. They definitely acquired attitude in the wake of the rioting. It was a watershed moment in modern American history.
Once again, well done, Mr De Camp, and don’t let the commenters attempts to derail your excellent analysis prevent you from contributing here again.
I would deconstruct the black anger issue. But instead of allowing the matter at hand to be further cluttered, let’s just admit that blacks regardless of their supposed anger are short in the pole of engaging in color warfare (war against whites 0 in the scale or magnitude as that of whites in the opposite direction.
One of the tools of white warfare of course has been to gin up the numbers and the a priori assumptions about blacks as excuse for police misbehavior in the name of law and order. And it is accurate that an increasing number of blacks began to engage in more direct confrontation to those tactics – hence the term “black militant”.
even here the number of supposed intelligent commenters defend violations against blacks by whites for something as innocuous as making passes at white women, a common variant of the black rapist mystique.
1968 is a watershed moment for whites because behaviors refrained by blacks, even the “good blacks” regarding police behavior were captured live on screen. But until technology loaded up everyone’s phones with cameras and hand held cameras hit main street such as the case with Rodney King, whites could dismiss blacks as suffering from mental illness en masse. Sadly, they have evidence that the police lie about whites they encounter.
I am not condoning riots. But clearly, the riots were not acts of war against whites. Instead they reflect a level of frustration that is self reflected and self directed.
It is akin to the contend that there was a war on police and by supposition that war was being conducted by militant blacks —
hysterical nonsense based on the numbers of police deaths by homicide committed by others.
The Black population is about 50% unable to work productively in an industrial society (that's those with IQ below the mid 80s). Of course they are "frustrated". So what? Do we destroy European society because the Black population can't tolerate it? Do we abolish Black society because it is making industrialization uneconomic by diverting necessary capital investments to immediate consumption? Do we compromise and, if so, what is the compromise? Supporting the Blacks in their own neighborhoods has proven a disaster for all concerned, so what's both better and feasible? Nobody knows, not you, not me, not anybody.
the riots were not acts of war against whites. Instead they reflect a level of frustration that is self reflected and self directed.
laughing. Oh brother . . .
“Just about every last race killing in the North during the Sixties was black militant(s) murdering white is cities small and large. For the big city experience, can’t wait until “anarchist†from Detroit weighs in on the white experience there during the ’60s . . .”
It’s one thing to make the comments you do. It’s quite another to support them. And i am very confident that there is little to nil evidence that blacks in response to the issues that sparked riots went rampaging white neigborhoods.
That reality juxtaposed against the record I noted more than once on the history of rioting in the US as it relates to “race” (color). The intention is to demonstrate that 1968 was a period in which blacks acted out as if in war with whites —–
The riots do not make that case, not even close. race war is a misnomer. But if you take the time to sift through the riot history, you will find that whites did in fact attack en masse black populations, even going into black neighborhoods. Now whether the record was written by Jews, aliens, devils, muskrats, or Taylor Swifts, it is corroborated in other accounts. Race war in this understanding has been largely one way — whites warring against blacks. And that historical record is to both direct, indirect passive aggressive and aggressive behavior.
I could not and do not make a case that some blacks have not acted out in violence against whites they have – no question. But by and large those instances have been individual in nature completely opposite in the other direction. That is that whites have engaged violence against entire black populouses and individuals as well.
Here it is August but the comment to which this responds is nothing but Jew-lie after Jew-lie instead of August after July.
Obviously written by somebody at a safe distance by time and/or space from the very real black militant murderers of whites during the 60s. Probably somebody who’s never had to confront anybody black about anything and whose sole demeanor towards blacks is to sickeningly and disgustingly kiss up in repulsive insincerity.
Some sure are bold when not under threat of black violence – an insulated experience compared to those of us who had to speak the truth to Black Power in words and actions daily during that era to survive and thrive amidst the constantly threatening presence of black militants.
The commenter is obviously Jew or shabby goy leftist peck’ hater of whitey spewing lies as revisionist history to further the #jews4whiteGENOCIDE pogrom.
Disgusting August Jew-lie #1:
whatever the cause blacks did not engage in violence against whites during that period. There is nil evidence that black populations went to white neighborhoods and engaged in violence against them specifically.
 Just about every last race killing in the North during the Sixties was black militant(s) murdering white is cities small and large. For the big city experience, can’t wait until “anarchist” from Detroit weighs in on the white experience there during the ’60s.
Jew/shabby goy vilifying enforcement of law and order as racist white evil:
Now clearly, said violence could serve as warning of what could take place if said blacks decided to engage in the same color warfare tactics used by the same police and more poignantly tactics by police at the behest of whites — no need to retrace that history the record is outlined pretty well.
Fiction like Jew Hollywood; never happened in real time, only in Jew fantasy projected onto whitey on the silver silver screen:
So whites looking at the self flagellation, on considering what could happen if said tactics were turned on them could certainly be cause for fear. But we just don’t have that history on record. What we do have for all of US history is whites engaged in violence individual, group and enmasse against black populations:
Even Jew Hollywood hasn’t produced fiction this far removed from historical reality:
literally going into black neighborhoods because:
some black
1. got a promotion

2. moved into the neighborhood

3. got a job

4. came home in uniform of service

5. walked in a white neighborhood

6. visited a public beach

7. supposed flirtations with a white women

8. was elected to officeall of these and more have provoked mass violence by whites specifcally targeting black populations and black property
Here’s the classic Jew / Shabby goy leftist peck’ twisting theme: speech they don’t like is violence that should be prosecuted, violence they like is speech to be protected by right:
They even go so far as to mischaracterize civil unrest in a deliberate attempt to distort truth from reality.
And of course violence against whites by blacks is never racist or even wrong but white violence against blacks is the ultimate evil:
Now clearly there have been blacks that have attacked whites. No question. But warfare by color —
Blacks would be so much better off if this lie were true instead of the truth being that black behavior is practically universally acknowledged to be at the opposite extreme for lack of impulse control:
If anything when it comes to anger by people of color blacks have historically demonstrated far more restraint in targeting.
Like Dr. Patrick Slattery says: Jews are like bats who say to birds “Look I’m a bird, too, I have wings”, then go to mammals and say “Look, I’m a mammal, too! I have fur.”
The “Chicago Seven were mostly spoiled Jewish kids of privilege typical of what is always seen, there only being Jew privilege and there is no such thing as white privilege because whites are the second class citizens of the USA, not a “protected class” like blacks and jews:
Whites didn’t get until the 1968 democratic convention. White kids of priviledge rioting over an election.
“Our lives are short. Biology is long. Our species is still in its early stages. Many problems which now seem impossible to resolve will be resolved in due time. Race is a valid concept. Am I a racist? Absolutely. Does that mean I perceive individuals of other genetic groups as inferior and that therefore I need to dominate them? No it doesn’t.”
But it does to them. And because it does
they will never listen to you
they will never let you have any political power
they will and are doing everything they can to make sure you and yours have no future
What social institution today will allow you to say in public what you wrote in your comment?
Educational Institutions? No!
Government Institutions? No!
Economic Institutions? No!
They will brand you a “White Supremacist” and you’ll be finished, or worse.
Your comment might make sense to itself. But it has no bearing on reality.
You declare as a fact that human beings are capable of perfect adaptation.
You don’t even assume it, or suggest it. You just state it as fact without offering any proof. Which, of course, you can’t because there is no proof.
Comments like yours, written mind you at a time when we have more precise knowledge of ourselves than ever before (that’s quantity and quality of knowledge), is one of the many reasons why
we shouldn’t laugh at the dinosaurs for getting themselves extinct.
After all, they were around a lot longer than we’ve been so far.
The fact is, human beings seem to be doing everything they can to prove to themselves that they’re a biologically maladaptive species.
But, of course, whether we are or not will only be known when there are no human beings to know it.
So, until then, we shouldn’t assume we’re capable of perfect adaptation.
Instead, we should be doing all we can to improve our chances of survival.
But we’re not.
Most WNs prefer Bernie Sanders
Wat? Bernie Sanders the Communist Jew? Really?
Even after the acquittal of the police officers loopholing extrordinaire the slow boil that erupted despite the clear video evidence and change of venue loopholing — laugh.
The black engaged in violence were limited to their neighborhoods. It’s not innocent , make excuses for blacks engaged in violence, it’s suspect logic to hide the obvious social construction and or to justify violating the constitutional rights of a certain segment of the population.
I guess the tact of “race war” is something new to the discussion. Let’s first explicate the riots of 1968 and others of that period correct. What the author means is color war. And by that that blacks engaged in a war against whites.
The false assessment here is simple,
whatever the cause blacks did not engage in violence against whites during that period. There is nil evidence that black populations went to white neighborhoods and engaged in violence against them specifically. No. In fact one of the peculiar staples in these incidents is that the neighborhoods were nearly exclusively black.
So race war or more accurately “color war” is not supported by the data, despite the destruction. In other words what occurred were more akin to self frustration in which the actor acts out against self interest. It’s John McEnroe smashing his own racket. In fact in nearly all such incidents, the only confrontations were to police authorities understood in said communities as the source of troubles.
Now clearly, said violence could serve as warning of what could take place if said blacks decided to engage in the same color warfare tactics used by the same police and more poignantly tactics by police at the behest of whites — no need to retrace that history the record is outlined pretty well.
So whites looking at the self flagellation, on considering what could happen if said tactics were turned on them could certainly be cause for fear. But we just don’t have that history on record. What we do have for all of US history is whites engaged in violence individual, group and enmasse against black populations: literally going into black neighborhoods because:
some black
1. got a promotion
2. moved into the neighborhood
3. got a job
4. came home in uniform of service
5. walked in a white neighborhood
6. visited a public beach
7. supposed flirtations with a white women
8. was elected to office
all of these and more have provoked mass violence by whites specifcally targeting black populations and black property
I am not condone violence. However, when it comes to “race war” color warfare both direct, indirect violent and passive aggressive — whites own the matter to this day. They even go so far as to mischaracterize civil unrest in a deliberate attempt to distort truth from reality. Now clearly there have been blacks that have attacked whites. No question. But warfare by color —
the author ought to be ashamed at the pandering. I guess one could cling to the escape clause that said property was not really owned by blacks in the neighborhood. But then that’s just loopholing and whites own the market on that well as part of the color war. If anything when it comes to anger by people of color blacks have historically demonstrated far more restraint in targeting.
Whether that is because they know they are outnumbered or merely because they simply preferred to get the matter out of their system probably has not been thoroughly investigated.
Whites didn’t get until the 1968 democratic convention. White kids of priviledge rioting over an election.
One of my favorite presidents was elected that year.
 Just about every last race killing in the North during the Sixties was black militant(s) murdering white is cities small and large. For the big city experience, can't wait until "anarchist" from Detroit weighs in on the white experience there during the '60s.
whatever the cause blacks did not engage in violence against whites during that period. There is nil evidence that black populations went to white neighborhoods and engaged in violence against them specifically. �
Fiction like Jew Hollywood; never happened in real time, only in Jew fantasy projected onto whitey on the silver silver screen:
Now clearly, said violence could serve as warning of what could take place if said blacks decided to engage in the same color warfare tactics used by the same police and more poignantly tactics by police at the behest of whites — no need to retrace that history the record is outlined pretty well. �
Even Jew Hollywood hasn't produced fiction this far removed from historical reality:
So whites looking at the self flagellation, on considering what could happen if said tactics were turned on them could certainly be cause for fear. But we just don’t have that history on record. What we do have for all of US history is whites engaged in violence individual, group and enmasse against black populations: �
Here's the classic Jew / Shabby goy leftist peck' twisting theme: speech they don't like is violence that should be prosecuted, violence they like is speech to be protected by right:
literally going into black neighborhoods because:
some black
1. got a promotion

2. moved into the neighborhood

3. got a job

4. came home in uniform of service

5. walked in a white neighborhood

6. visited a public beach

7. supposed flirtations with a white women

8. was elected to office
all of these and more have provoked mass violence by whites specifcally targeting black populations and black property �
And of course violence against whites by blacks is never racist or even wrong but white violence against blacks is the ultimate evil:
They even go so far as to mischaracterize civil unrest in a deliberate attempt to distort truth from reality. �
Blacks would be so much better off if this lie were true instead of the truth being that black behavior is practically universally acknowledged to be at the opposite extreme for lack of impulse control:
Now clearly there have been blacks that have attacked whites. No question. But warfare by color — �
Like Dr. Patrick Slattery says: Jews are like bats who say to birds "Look I'm a bird, too, I have wings", then go to mammals and say "Look, I'm a mammal, too! I have fur."
If anything when it comes to anger by people of color blacks have historically demonstrated far more restraint in targeting. �
Whites didn’t get until the 1968 democratic convention. White kids of priviledge rioting over an election. �
This guy in Texas appears to have a Jewish background.
Very interesting. Do you have a link to a source?
Just out of curiosity, what country were you thinking of moving to? I can’t think of a first world country that doesn’t have some sort of affirmative action program for women.
Which is why the employer class is importing Mexicans by the millions despite having a built-in laboring class.
Wherever blacks go, you get black culture. Wherever whites go, you get white culture. Funny, that.
I’ve said for the longest that since “the civil rights movement in the early ’60s” most whites have “admired blacks from a safe distance”.
I’ve also said with regard to an individual white person’s opinion on the character of an individual black person that I put no trust in that opinion unless it comes from a white deeply experienced in athletics or law enforcement because only those white populations have real experience borne of intense interface with blacks such that the novelty and corresponding predisposition toward inflation has expired.
…the US might regret not showing an appropriate level of force at a time when it still could have made a difference.
This is absolutely true as mentioned in my prior comment on this article’s mention of “Jim Crow” and the reality that only harsh deterrents* will stifle black violence.
Instead, we elect leaders who punish the people who actually make the country work, who pander to the problem-children, and then we whine while we reap what they sow.
True, and the cause being Jew donors controlling the candidates and the jewdia and Jew owned cyber social media tricking the electorate as a main part of their #Jews4whiteGENOCIDE goal.
*In comment last month referencing United States Colored Troops Civil War Veteran Amputee William Hannibal Thomas’ endorsement of corporal punishment, I mistakenly, writing from memory, indicated he favored public punishment when subsequent rereading shows he advocated for private infliction.
> The more they use their weapons on each other
Only blacks do that. Rural white America is chock full of guns, and enjoys an extremely low violent crime rate.
So true.
We’ve all heard the right wing saying “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
Query if we compared the totals to see which number is greater, killings by blacks or killings by gunfire (knowing most killings will probably fall into both categories but counting those in each to see which total is greater).
There’s a likelihood the conclusion would be “Guns don’t kill people as often as blacks kill people.”
And of course most of the people blacks kill are black and very few blacks are killed by whites so we don’t need a detailed study to say “Whites don’t kill as many people as blacks kill black people.”
The American Race War of 1962-69
That would be the title necessary to accurately describe the realities that occurred in my rustbelt hometown and, I believe, nationally as per the article’s mention of 1965 Watts and riots preceding it.
Have said ever since that the murders of whites by the black militant killers of the 1960s both:
1) had infinitely more impact than MLK in causing the social changes that occurred as the result of the 1960s to the now-in-hindsight obviously severe detriment of both blacks and whites; and
2) instilled in white people a Stockholm Syndrome type permanent mortal fear of blacks which destroyed whites’ immunity to untruth leaving them vulnerable to the “Political Correctness” disease which has infected the white population causing them to embrace obvious falsehoods to such an extreme that ever since they have compulsively, eagerly and relentlessly repeated lies glorifying blacks knowing them to be untrue.
Now that we’ve had fifty years of giving every bias in favor of promoting blacks, the harsh reality of experience leads the unsheltered to this inescapable conclusion which “Political Correctness” and the Jews (which are really one in the same because “PC” is Jew-imposed Bolshevik speech code) have made quasi-criminal to express despite the deep-grooves pattern leaving no doubt as to its truth:
Black management of any institution has the same effect as untreated high blood pressure on a person’s body: At first there are no symptoms, and then one’s heart explodes.
The key thing is that black leaders – unless they are being supported by whites, and even then it’s iffy – make a series of small, bad decisions that compound over time.
And what we’ve experienced beginning in the ’60s to present also gives new light to the prior policies of white Southerners who had all the authority but in many regions lived as a minority among blacks:
…the Watts Riot of 1965. Watts wasn’t the first black riot of the 1960s, but it happened in a place where the economy was good and there was no long-standing history of “racism,†as in the South.[3]
[3] A case can be made that the Watts Riot demonstrated that blacks can’t fit into white civilization at all, and that this was the reason for Jim Crow in the first place.
Everything that’s happened since the “Civil Rights” era has revealed that absent harsh deterrents like “Jim Crow” black violence devastates those in proximity to blacks, most of whom by definition are black, thus the victims of “tolerance” are primarily black.
Well said, Ilyana.
Just like the big banks, other large corporations and lazy white trash!Replies: @RadicalCenter
Practically all are in government payroll.
Jacques, you’ve been around here long enough to know that most of us aren’t real fond of bankers and big corporations, either, considering them to be mostly disloyal to our country, our people, and basic fairness.
Sticking to the point she made, which was overwhelmingly and obviously accurate, Africans in the USA are a constant threat to the rest of us of all races. You haven’t contradicted the statement that Africans (and the many millions of Halfricans) are by far the least productive, least economically and socially useful, most violent, most CRUEL, and least assimilable major group here.
The number of bankers and people running big companies pales in comparison to the tens of millions who comprise this African dead weight, this cancer on decent white, Asian, and Hispanic people in our society.
If you know how the language groups relate to each other, Tovarish 😉 then you’ll know that German is NOT especially difficult for a reasonably bright native speaker of English.
Mandarin, yes, extremely difficult not just for Yankees but for you too. But not difficult when they learn as small children, as our children are. Plus my white/Asian children appear to be well above average in intelligence, LOL.
As for Russian, it is typically ranked as harder for English-speakers to learn than the Romance languages (easiest) and Germanic languages (next easiest), but not as hard as Asian languages such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese.
As for the status of English around the world, that doesn’t change the fact that it is being pushed aside by Spanish on our territory in the USA. Anyone sensible and proud SHOULD be “insecure†and angry about that. I can see English remaining the international common language for quite some time while Spanish — and ignorant, low-quality, very limited-vocabulary English — supplant actual English here in the USA. It should be easy for you to understand how this would be a negative development for us here, and perceived by us as such.
As for Spanish being the first in the New World, you are presumably ignoring the Indian tribes and the Swedish explorers. Strange, because I mentioned that in my comment to you. Ignoring an argument or evidence doesn’t casually rebut it, you know.
You also seem to have ignored my comment about the negligible presence of the brutal Spanish and savage Indians alike over this vast land mass.
I tried hard to be accommodating and diplomatic, and emphasize areas of likely agreement. Please try not to simply repeat what you wrote before without addressing criticism and refinements.
You should also know, and maybe do know, that Yankee/Yanqui has long been used in a derisive and resentful way against Americans, especially white Americans, and the USA. It’s not alright for you to be a wiseass and continue calling me that while pretending to be interested in a civilized discussion….. Also, Genosse, when you make comments about “Yankeesâ€, I wonder why you are always leaving out the Red Sox, the Mets, and the other teams,
What country are you from, then? Then the fun can begin. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. (You seem to know a lot of English — you know, the language that I shouldn’t care about weakening and disappearing from my Balkanizing country so long as some simplified bastardized form is used by foreigners abroad — I’m sure you’ll understand the goose-gander expression.)
it looks like the African is not really into sustained “war”–prolonged bouts of terrorism and hit and run ambushes, yes, but a race “war”? Doubtful. (the coloureds win because the Whites capitulate.) Thus their hit and run campaigns.
White appeasement creates black crime exactly the way Neville Chamberlain helped create Adolf Hitler and World War II. Appeasement never works. When you’re dealing with a ruthless sociopath, the only thing that works is a gunshot.
There’s a truck stop south of Nashville on I-65 that I patronize, excellent food.
“The guilt trips won’t work on them.”
You could convict O.J. Simpson in Los Angeles today.
There is a temptation to believe that somebody, somewhere, knows what is going on and has a plan to deal with it. That human reality is observable and controllable. You might read some of my previous posts concerning the Bolsheviks, a group of smart planners if ever there was one, and their heir, Stalin. They really did out-think the entire West, including Germany, and they they out-executed the entire West. The number of completely obvious things they overlooked is hilarious.
So whoever controls these two political parties would not get into over complicating the system by adding a third wheel but if possible break it down to and dividing it to the already two opposing blocks which would be easier to control.
Well, …. a way out? J. Peterson? Neither the way out nor Peterson can help you unless you are an easterner to understand it. You see, Peterson is from a western upbringing (catholic or whatever) so he cannot help you but to help on some level be at peace with the western materialistic ownership and emptiness of soul (how the west lost it’s way is another story).
Nobody knows what’s going on???? No, nobody dares calling it what it really is!!!
A preserved ID of the terrorist in a rubble of WTC without any piece of the airplane remaining? What is that an example of if not for a planted fake evidence?
It’s not that nobody knows what is going on but that nobody understands/ recognizes anything that they see in front of their eyes. It is called neocortical war. And yes, they have a plan for everyone’s mind to be in a state of cognitive dissonance.
As far as Bolshevik’s and communists, the only country that made a cleanup from them were the East Germans up to a point, but immediately were sucked in the NATO/Western/Gladio system. The rest of the eastern block was allowed for the communists to change flags and call them selves Democrats and socialists or whatever without serving jail time.
The west doesn’t see beyond fattening their coffers and expects everyone else to follow their model as if it’s the only way worthwhile.
….. Plus c’est la même chose.
You believe in the mainstream lie about 911? Really? Stay here long enough and awaken. That’s just nonsense. Plus, they were Saudis, so your claim about the false flag being perpetrated by third world immigrants is refuted
Uh, not exactly. Stick around and you'll get religion on that issue.
... 9/11, an incident caused by Third Word immigrants.
And another detail— Saudi Arabia is NOT a third-world country
“Blacks have ZERO agency but what they get from the jews.”
Apparently, someone who doesn’t know the meaning of the word agency.
Michael Fitzsimmons.
One of the earliest and most influential concepts associated with these efforts was Herman Kahn’s “escalation ladder,†which defined 44 “rungs†on a metaphorical ladder of escalating conflict. The rungs ranged from “sub-crisis maneuvering†to civilization-destroying nuclear exchanges. In between were two dozen distinct levels of escalation beyond the threshold of nuclear use, including such “limited†attacks as non-lethal demonstrative detonations, tactical strikes on military forces, and small-scale attacks on civilians.
In this context, Kahn also introduced the term “escalation dominance,†which became shorthand for one school of thought in deterrence and nuclear strategy. The idea posits the ability of a state to maintain such a markedly superior position over a rival, across a range of escalation rungs, that its rival will always see further escalation as a losing bet. Such dominance, the thinking goes, serves as the most effective possible deterrent to conflict, as well as the most reliable means for managing escalation if deterrence fails.
Blacks have ZERO agency but what they get from the jews.
Blacks have no dominance of any kind.
Blacks (and ALL non-whites) are simply tools of the nose to wreck western civilization.
I would bet that all of the self hating whites here belong to one of two extremes: They have actually never interacted with a negro in their entire life, or they have 3 or 4 kids with 2-3 different negros.
Well then I guess that leaves somewhere between zero and one self-hating whites here. Congratulations Rabbi Mordechai.
Hey, hey, I just flew in from Dayton, and boy are my arms tired… because I didn’t land till Connor Betts ran out of ammo…
Unless for vacations, or if they live in the border, learning Spanish isn’t worthwhile for Americans.
Most of the Hispanics speak only limited Spanish as they are Indians from Indian areas of Mexico and Central America.
(Rolls eyes…) Welcome back, Aldey: To 1964.
Now I do feel that I am just as smart as Jefferson.
I would say in 1913 when the zionist banking kabal fastened their FED and IRS on America.
Michael Fitzsimmons.
One of the earliest and most influential concepts associated with these efforts was Herman Kahn’s “escalation ladder,†which defined 44 “rungs†on a metaphorical ladder of escalating conflict. The rungs ranged from “sub-crisis maneuvering†to civilization-destroying nuclear exchanges. In between were two dozen distinct levels of escalation beyond the threshold of nuclear use, including such “limited†attacks as non-lethal demonstrative detonations, tactical strikes on military forces, and small-scale attacks on civilians.
In this context, Kahn also introduced the term “escalation dominance,†which became shorthand for one school of thought in deterrence and nuclear strategy. The idea posits the ability of a state to maintain such a markedly superior position over a rival, across a range of escalation rungs, that its rival will always see further escalation as a losing bet. Such dominance, the thinking goes, serves as the most effective possible deterrent to conflict, as well as the most reliable means for managing escalation if deterrence fails.
One of the most interesting comments I’ve ever read on a forum. Very convincingly stated. I could read a whole book written along those lines.
What a load of crap, but than what can anybody expect from a Jew.
Pendejo de los cojones , gilipollas
And thus we return to Alden’s original comment: it isn’t worthwhile for the average American to learn Spanish. I did, a bit, and look at the sparkling repartee I get above. Justifies every second I spent learning the small bit of the language I learned.
So whoever controls these two political parties would not get into over complicating the system by adding a third wheel but if possible break it down to and dividing it to the already two opposing blocks which would be easier to control.
There is a temptation to believe that somebody, somewhere, knows what is going on and has a plan to deal with it. That human reality is observable and controllable. You might read some of my previous posts concerning the Bolsheviks, a group of smart planners if ever there was one, and their heir, Stalin. They really did out-think the entire West, including Germany, and they they out-executed the entire West. The number of completely obvious things they overlooked is hilarious.
Nobody knows what’s going on, nobody has a working plan. They’re just treading water, pursuing local optima. Not even in theory is there an algorithm for observing human society, much less controlling it. It’s disillusioning, I know, and it means that some day you’re going to get tagged, unless you die of old age first. If you figure a way out, let me know. I’m interested. Till the, Jordan Peterson seems to have the best tragic view of life available.
The real America ended in 1945
Ha! The year I was born. No connection, I trust.
The real America ended in 1945 �
extreme left-wing economic views.
Thomm, you are repetitive in revealing your low IQ understanding of politics. Do it all you wish, but know that’s your sole accomplishment here.
There is only one thing to bet on: minorities have no long term future living among White people. That separation may play out over the next fifty or over the next two hundred years, but it will play out. Whites will be better for that separation and minorities will be worse for it assuming that they survive it. If being better off is trashy in your estimation, then so be it.
Agreed. A person can belong to one race, yet be socially and intellectually aligned to another culture.
I disagree. Though, it depends on what culture we are speaking of. The better races will have cultures for which their is a behavioral and cognitive barrier to entry that is largely determined by racially conferred ability. For example, no African is going to be able to ape the cognitive processes that are the foundation of German social culture. They aren’t going to have the emotional responses, control, nor judgement to integrate.
the host race is willing to accept and overlook obvious differences.
Well, there it is. There will be differences. And many of us believe cultures shouldn’t have to overlook differences, essentially changing their culture and probably for the worse in most instances.
Excellent article, and the first 20 or so comments are very good as well.
After that… well, then all the dirtbags start waking up from their previous night of meth smoking and furniture polish drinking and presto chango: The discussion nose-dives by way of the usual dim witted assortment of non African POC’s, with their lies and revisionist histories, then the negros show up and start ebonicking on about dindo this or dindo that, and then the best of them all arrive: The self hating whites who’s entire shtick around here is to, once they put their clown nose on, morally equivocate, remove all agency and accountability from other races, completely avoid and or ignore all relevant data, and mostly just worship the myth of the negro’s “equipment.”
I would bet that all of the self hating whites here belong to one of two extremes: They have actually never interacted with a negro in their entire life, or they have 3 or 4 kids with 2-3 different negros.
Well then I guess that leaves somewhere between zero and one self-hating whites here. Congratulations Rabbi Mordechai.
I would bet that all of the self hating whites here belong to one of two extremes: They have actually never interacted with a negro in their entire life, or they have 3 or 4 kids with 2-3 different negros.
Women’s suffrage, feminism, feelings…
“Perhaps if after stealing the land from the native Americans, the “whites†shouldn’t have shipped in all those Africans.”
Oh aren’t you so cute with your kindergarten fairy tails!
“What was the Civil War’s effect on American culture? The only important legacies were the income tax, Jim Crow and Universal Public School education, which might have happened anyway. The people really screwed by the Civil War were actually American Indians, who might have gotten a way better deal were it not for the Civil War. ”
Oh yes, nevermind the 850,000 dead Americans. No impact at all!
Possibly oxygen deprivation + a lotta car exhaust in the cities. Also limited and inadequate samples.
The US military think tank elite is Jewish supervised.
The Jewish books call for the outright destruction of the United States and Europe, as supposed continuations of Rome, so that the Jews can inherit the Earth. See Zohar Shemot 32a.
Agreed. A person can belong to one race, yet be socially and intellectually aligned to another culture. Individuals of an alien race can and occasionally do cross the cultural divide to another civilization (race) when they are willing to change and adapt to the new culture, and the host race is willing to accept and overlook obvious differences. This is easier if done at an early age and where the numbers of foreigners are small, so that the host race does not feel overwhelmed, and the aliens do not assert themselves in a threatening manner. Thus one culture does effectively die out as another one prevails.
Most multicultural/racial societies have been dominated by one group, or become balkanized and disintegrated.
I disagree. Though, it depends on what culture we are speaking of. The better races will have cultures for which their is a behavioral and cognitive barrier to entry that is largely determined by racially conferred ability. For example, no African is going to be able to ape the cognitive processes that are the foundation of German social culture. They aren't going to have the emotional responses, control, nor judgement to integrate.
Agreed. A person can belong to one race, yet be socially and intellectually aligned to another culture.
Well, there it is. There will be differences. And many of us believe cultures shouldn't have to overlook differences, essentially changing their culture and probably for the worse in most instances.
the host race is willing to accept and overlook obvious differences.
Why so many here love the mexicans I do not understand
The commentators in this post are not reflective of the overall opinion of Unz readers regarding the great cultural /economic harm of the Mexican invaders. The blacks have been contained due to their very high abortion rate,but the Mexicans breed like rabbits.
And you are for maximum profits and hence the cheapest possible quasi slave immigrant labour only. And zero employment and no welfare nor health care for whites. Great system you promote.
The jews have weaponized ALL of the non-whites against us, and they brought them in to usher in communism.
Yup that is the game all along. Eventually Communism will be enforced upon the entire World when the NWO One World Govt comes out. Except maybe the ruling state of Greater Israel.
Not only is communism a good ideology to control a society and to create rootless automon workers, it satisfies one of the key beliefs in Judaism. That we Goyim are cattle and thus all our properties and things we own do not belong to us but to the Jews. After all, does your cattle get to own the cow shed? To have property rights? No. Same for the Goyim.
In the coming NWO Communism, everything from your underwear to your house will be owned by the state. You own nothing not even your bodies.
“But Aha”, says the idiot, “but we the people own the State”. Only a idiot can fall for some drivel that in communist countries the common man owns the state.
In the future Communist Orwellian One World government, the State will own everything and Greater Israel will own this Communist World State. Thus the holy jews will own everything and goyim like cattle will own nothing. Thus this element of Judaism will be satisfied by Communism.
A future one world with communism, full of rootless, soulless, raceless, brown, gender fluid people. That is what is coming.
The USSR was one preliminary attempt in Communism that most probably went wrong. People’s Republic of China is an experiment in Corporate Communism where crony capitalism/big business seamlessly comes together with Marxist State/big Government. Wait…. that is kind off happening in the USA too but in a different way.
Why is the Nepalese IQ so low?
That was his famous Riverside Church speech that directly lead to his assassination by the deep state
Uh, not exactly. Stick around and you'll get religion on that issue.
... 9/11, an incident caused by Third Word immigrants.
Of course, but this is marginal to the article.
I no longer pay attention to public figures (pols, academics, writers, etc.) mouthing the required platitudes. The 9/11 mainstream is falling apart as we breathe, but it’s still too annoying as a public figure to go into those side debates.
The author may believe the official 9/11 lie or he may be tactical about it – small difference in the end, given the topic at hand.
This is a very important article, and very well put. Given my shaky knowledge of recent American history, I can’t myself ascertain its main thesis, but I will certainly keep it in mind.
The main point seems to be that by the mid 60s, the white mainstream was in the process of detaching from what is still the ruling narrative: black oppression and basic virtue. The detachment occurred surreptitiously, i.e. without formal declarations, but substantially, i.e. voting with one’s feet and ignoring mediated reality.
The cause for detaching is the same as today: black dysfunction and media mendacity.
I think the riots of 1968 were mostly confined to the larger cities. Small cities and towns were not greatly affected. In my city in Florida (one of the larger), I was called up by the Nat. Guard. We were posted on street corners in the Black section of town; one guardsman and one policeman on every corner. There were rumors of some small fires and possible shots fired but I never saw any. After about 3 days we were sent home and it was over.
One interesting item is that in those days we were given live ammo. Our instructions were to fire back only if we were fired upon. That was it. I don’t think it is that way today.
“A Nation on Fire is the first mainstream book on the “civil rights†movement that I’ve read that even gets close to hinting that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. was not the saintly genius that the mainstream media made him out to be.â€
Are there any other books that come to mind?
I’ve come to see that the mainstream historical narrative of the 1960s is unique in how incorrect the conventional understanding of it is
The whole mess that the US is currently in, came as a result of the 60’s. The US elites overestimated the revolutionary potential of the hippies and the civil rights movement.
Basically, the US elites panicked, they thought that they are facing a perfect storm of the civil rights movement, anti-Vietnam war protests and the hippie movement, which they thought might result in a socialist revolution.
So in order to combat the civil rights movement – the US elites invented the civil lefts movement – multiculturalism, and thus their reply to the civil rights movement became the civil wrongs movement.
Multiculturalism was the bright idea of the US elites to plagiarize socialism -with all its talks about equality and to introduce a limited edition equality – limited basically to just racial “equality†– sans the all-important economic equality.
That’s what happens when you try to play smart. The limited edition socialism (otherwise known as multiculturalism) will end up doing far more damage to US than if they tried to introduce some real socialist measures which would have brought some real equality instead of a phony one.
Thank you . So Europe will be desestabilized , the europeans are not going to like it . We all be at the brink of a total , and final , war .
Pendejo de los cojones , gilipollas
Pendejo de los cojones , gilipollas
Michael Fitzsimmons.
One of the earliest and most influential concepts associated with these efforts was Herman Kahn’s “escalation ladder,†which defined 44 “rungs†on a metaphorical ladder of escalating conflict. The rungs ranged from “sub-crisis maneuvering†to civilization-destroying nuclear exchanges. In between were two dozen distinct levels of escalation beyond the threshold of nuclear use, including such “limited†attacks as non-lethal demonstrative detonations, tactical strikes on military forces, and small-scale attacks on civilians.
In this context, Kahn also introduced the term “escalation dominance,†which became shorthand for one school of thought in deterrence and nuclear strategy. The idea posits the ability of a state to maintain such a markedly superior position over a rival, across a range of escalation rungs, that its rival will always see further escalation as a losing bet. Such dominance, the thinking goes, serves as the most effective possible deterrent to conflict, as well as the most reliable means for managing escalation if deterrence fails.
I’m afraid that if I agree with you, we’d both be wrong.
The political system in USA hasn’t changed for (I cannot recollect how long), and in all of this lays just power and privilege. Both political parties(ecosystems) are controlled by some “invisible†(visible but for all other(practical) reasons shrugged to the side so that it wouldn’t overburden anyone’s gray cells for everyone is used to their “roleâ€(how easy it is to fall in to a comfort zone and how hard to get out of)) influences, a different class all for itself (I would not get myself into the subject). So whoever controls these two political parties would not get into over complicating the system by adding a third wheel but if possible break it down to and dividing it to the already two opposing blocks which would be easier to control.
Anyway, have a jolly good day.
There is a temptation to believe that somebody, somewhere, knows what is going on and has a plan to deal with it. That human reality is observable and controllable. You might read some of my previous posts concerning the Bolsheviks, a group of smart planners if ever there was one, and their heir, Stalin. They really did out-think the entire West, including Germany, and they they out-executed the entire West. The number of completely obvious things they overlooked is hilarious.
So whoever controls these two political parties would not get into over complicating the system by adding a third wheel but if possible break it down to and dividing it to the already two opposing blocks which would be easier to control.
Huey P. Newton’s Whip — intra party membership requirements were enforced
October 1966 Black Panther Party
Platform and Program
What We Want
What We Believe
1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.
We believe that black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny.
2. We want full employment for our people.
The US already has these intermediate missiles ready for testing as they were based on treaty-breaking target drones that were already in inventory. The US will attempt to secret these models into the Mk. 41 launcher tubes at Deveselu, ROM and, by the end of 2020, at its new Redzikowo, POL launcher base. Once launched, they are 10 to 15 minutes flying time to large Russian cities such as St. Petersburg and Rostov. The Russian 500km range Iskander missiles will be aimed at US military puppet capitals and bases in Europe such as Warsaw, POL and Bucharest, ROM. Russian ICBM’s will be what the US will receive in a Russian response. The strategy behind the US move is to limit the Russian retaliatory nuclear response with a decapitating first strike. The US military-think tank elite apparently believe they will be able to fight Russia and have the war stay limited to Europe. Putin said last March that any attack on Russia will be met with a nuclear response.
Por alma de dios, no mas de este toanteria!
Our lives are short. Biology is long. Our species is still in its early stages. Many problems which now seem impossible to resolve will be resolved in due time. Race is a valid concept. Am I a racist? Absolutely. Does that mean I perceive individuals of other genetic groups as inferior and that therefore I need to dominate them? No it doesn’t. Nonetheless I do not need to deny my own needs and lie to myself and pretend it is appropriate for other genetic groups to have dominion over me. I have worked with and for human individuals of many different genetic groups for many years. There are individuals of every group that I respect and admire and like, and some of every group that it seems clear to me the world would be a better place without. The process of biological evolution will resolve every one of these issues by means of its own dynamics. It isn’t necessary that I do nothing. But I also don’t need to do anything daring, or decisive, or all-encompassing to try and bring about the ultimate state of things, which, simply given enough time, will eventuate correctly as legitimate outcomes of the real nature and character of these realities themselves.
Behavior patterns are significant part of culture. The Blacks were not even able to adopt that part of white culture. That is why Blacks do have such a great problems with police.
Volume is definitely the deciding factor. Once the volume of foreign culture reached certain magnitude, than the members of the foreign culture do not find it necessary to accept the assimilation into native culture. In US both foreign cultures negroid and Hispanics did reach that level.
And so it is double trouble for US.
where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.
History is fractal–Frederick Douglas had no idea he would be talking about future white people.
May 1, 2015 #BlackSpring in “BALTIMORE” from the forthcoming Nina Simone tribute album
In the 1970’s the legendary artist and civil rights activist, Nina Simone released a song entitled “BALTIMORE.” It spoke to the challenges of urban living, particularly for people of color.
Video Link
April 14, 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speech at Stanford
This speech is known as “The other America”
Video Link
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” Frederick Douglass
History is fractal--Frederick Douglas had no idea he would be talking about future white people.
where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.
‘This guy in Texas appears to have a Jewish background’
Both shooters were crypto-jews.
‘issued handguns and machine guns at the age of twelve.’
Deringers when theyre four. Mini samurai swords even earlier.
Truth you really have to stop with these devastating in depth rebuttals… please we just cant take it🙄
In the 1st semester of 2019 , Mexico dethrones China and Canada and becomes the 1st commercial partner of the USA in the world .
‘Why, whites, have you allowed this to happen?’
In 1944 a survey of Americans was asked who posed the most danger to America. A clear majority replied it was the Jews. The civil rights movement was a way for Jews to remove White ethnocentrism barring them from seizing power by using blacks as their proxies.
Do not try and re-write history. We will not be so easily disheartened.
‘Why so many here love the mexicans I do not understand.’
The commenters here are a group of Jewish mischlings who fear White autonomy because they will not be included. They want the White working class gone and they rather like the idea of a relatively docile (takes a couple of generations and also a rather less violent Mexican environment, but Mexican Americans really do not bother with voting/rioting) underclass/ menial class to take the place of lazy blacks and potentially unruly genuine Whites. Black neighbourhoods cannot be gentrified (no businesses can function, too much random violence) whereas hispanic ones can etc.
See Ron Unz himself for the best example.
And NONE could have flown any of the planes involved.
9/11 was orchestrated by the same (((globalists))) behind the mass migration and open borders agenda. Virulently anti-white and anti-Christian.
‘unfortunately, whites managed to manipulate the message by honing in on the image of Panthers as violent dangerous beasts’
The black panthers were so out of control that Huey Newton had to resort to bringing back the whip. True story. Look it up.
‘It would have been like colonization everywhere else the native peoples were able to put up a fight, which is to say, not very successful in terms of establishing a permanent and thriving European community and culture.’
That`s not true . Mexicans , argentinians , colombians etc…. have a command of spanish as good as Spain . You do not know what you are talking about . It is like saying that all the US is a black country .
Certainly there are poor indian isolated minorities who may not speak spanish , or very little , like in Guatemala , and low class people with borderline IQ , like in all the countries , maybe they are the ones who emigrate to the US , to the Imperial Valley .
In the US there is at least 20-25 % of the population wih borderline IQ , less that 80 . I have seen in the US lots of adult people who could not read and write adecuately , functional illiterates , of all the races , blacks , browns and white . But it does not mean that the whole country is like that .
So being MUSLIM has nothing to do with it? Are Vietnamese, Thai, and Sri Lankan people just as prone to fly planes into buildings?Oh, and Saudi Arabia is not a 'Third-World country'. It is one of the richest countries in the world, even if only due to oil.Get a clue.This 'Morris de Camp' fool is pretty high on the WN wigger tinfoil scale.Replies: @anonymous
directed the belated response to 9/11, an incident caused by Third Word immigrants.
Not high enough for me I blame the Jews!
By the way why without Jewish-led mass immigration would muslims be in America in the first place?
No consulting the hasbara textbook.
In recent weeks a number of trolls have invaded the forum and you are one of them. Only an idiot like this would talk about enslavement and rape when Africa is the poster child for such problems. They still sell each other into slavery. And contrary to the raping of blacks by whites during the slavery years it was very small. Most of such genes in blacks are the result of black men who typically seek white women because of looks, and higher social status which enrages black females. Any modern day analysis would show that and even today white males raping black women is almost unheard of compared to black males raping white women which is national problem not talked about in the media.
Hispanics are NOT preferable to blacks.
Hispanics are every bit as ethnocentric, and they are slightly more intelligent.
They hate white people just as much as the blacks do. I worked with both groups. The blacks tried to guilt me over slavery, the Hispanics said I stole their land.
Why so many here love the mexicans I do not understand.
The jews have weaponized ALL of the non-whites against us, and they brought them in to usher in communism.
The Great Replacement is real.
Yup that is the game all along. Eventually Communism will be enforced upon the entire World when the NWO One World Govt comes out. Except maybe the ruling state of Greater Israel.
The jews have weaponized ALL of the non-whites against us, and they brought them in to usher in communism.
The commentators in this post are not reflective of the overall opinion of Unz readers regarding the great cultural /economic harm of the Mexican invaders. The blacks have been contained due to their very high abortion rate,but the Mexicans breed like rabbits.
Why so many here love the mexicans I do not understand
Mandarin, German , Russian … interesting languages but difficult for the yankees tovarich .
I speak english , I like english , and I believe I know quite well the US culture and people , I have a lot of apreciation for the US .
. Yankees should study Spanish as a second language because it is an american language . Most Spanish speaking countries study English at school as a second language , and we don`t lose our identity because we study english . But if you do not want to know anything about spanish language and culture , if you reject it , the hispanic people , dissapointed , will end up rejecting yankees also .
After all you are neighbours of a lot of spanish speaking american countries , like it or not , you should communicate better with your neighbours . In Texas , New Mexico , Arizona , California and Florida spanish is the second language , like it or not , it is the natives , the spaniards , the history , the spanish were the first european to arrive to America , like it or not . before than the english pirates .
English is the first language of the world , it is a strong language , it is studied all around the world , why are you so insecure ?
Very good point, that about many Latin Americans speaking little Spanish and in the case of Brazil, Portuguese, although I can’t truly speak to the latter. I have a lady friend with a vacation home in a Peruvian highlands town of about ten thousand inhabitants, more than half of whom are native Quechua speakers and frequently have only the most rudimentary Spanish. Go further up the mountains and the percentage of Spanish speakers drops to single digits.