It is the beat cop that comes to your rescue, plain and simple. You do not have to love cops, or even like them, but don’t make them your enemy.
The “beat cops” have made themselves the enemy of the American people. They protect both the criminals and the politicians from justice. The harass and arrest Whites with impunity. They have always been dirty. They are blue, not white. Cops are trained to lie. All cops lie all the time. Only a fool would trust any word coming out of a cop’s mouth.
Blacks are poor and commit crime because they are incredibly stupid, have w0rthless characters, bad temperaments, zero sense of honor or responsibility and are perfectly happy to live as parasites on White civilization.
Blacks have been primarily judged on the “content of their character†for centuries. It is Blacks’ character that makes them such a huge problem. It is because of their worthless characters that they have been objectively and accurately judged as being incompatible with civilization.
Blacks are ugly, stupid, obnoxious and violent by their basic nature. They are the perfect tool for the pernicious Jews to use to destroy White civilization; Jews being another entirely parasitic race.
After all, the entire Civil Rights movement was engineered by Jews to provide lucrative opportunities for lawsuits against Whites, and to make it easier for Blacks to have access to White money. It is the Jews who have invented the religion of Negro Worship as a way to destroy all that is good, beautiful and true.
The ONLY solution is mass deportation of ALL nonWhites. Dump them all on Mexico. And this includes the satanic Jews. Jews are NOT White; they are, in fact, the self-declared enemies of Whites.
I greatly appreciate your replies 24th Alabama!
I have spoken to family about my concerns about lead and they cannot take my enthusiasm anymore. I think they want to give me an injection or send me to prison — It could be the “new” crime once all of the lead crime is finally finished! It is just that I find it so exciting that we could truly do something to make life better — to set an all time new best for our society. Apparently, others are really not all that interested in such first world aspirations.
Yes, and as you noted, we have had a civil, fact- based exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, in the current prevailing social climate such an achievement almost qualifies as a singular exemplar of the pinnacle of philosophical reasoning in Western civilization. Today, if one were not to throw mud balls at one’s interlocutor, then it would almost seem to be a conversation from a bygone aristocratic epoch. I have been considering shopping around my thesis, though probably at a sub-doctoral level.
Thank you again for your comments! They have helped me to further my understanding of how lead has negatively impacted our world.
Wrong end of the horse, Poupon!
Can’t you get anything right?
As expected, we will never be in complete agreement on crime causation but we have had a civil, fact- based exchange of ideas which has been productive.
You have done a staggering amount of research, which has helped me sort things out. If you were inclined you might construct a doctoral thesis from your work product.
Best wishes!
24th Alabama, I greatly appreciate your responses because I feel that this is such an incredibly important topic to discuss. For whatever reason we do not see any nations leaping forward and seizing the opportunity of building a better society by strengthening the prefrontal cortices of their people. If all that needs to be done is enhance executive functioning, then that would seem a highly achievable goal.
Our joint effort on the “lead project” has mostly been about your work and my cautious skepticism,
and that’s a good thing for me because skeptics tend toward indolence. So I appreciate your work
and your statistical and graphic wizardry, but as usual every answer poses another question.
1) The US incarceration rate has generally trailed the rise in the crime rate, creating a delayed,
reactive, positive correlation, but in 1996 the crime rate began falling but the incarceration rate continued to increase until about 2008, when incarceration rate finally began to drop.
2) As the abortion rate began to decline in about 1980, oral contraception pills availability and
usage increased substantially and were more effective than abortions in preventing the birth of
unwanted children, having no social stigma.
3) There is ample evidence that the reduction of the birth rate in all the industrial nations has decreased the percentage of young men in the total population and consequently reduced the number of crimes and the crime rate.
The reduction of lead exposure has also been an important factor in reducing crime,particularly in urban areas, but I doubt that it has been the only reason.
Thank you for your reply 24th Alabama.
Abortion as an explanation of ending the social collapse of the late 20th Century has serious flaws. Firstly, we can see that the crisis was already well underway by the time the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade. The homicide crisis had been evolving since ~1962 in America — well before the decision.
The research you have compiled on the lead-crime link is impressive, but the singular causation thesis is yet to be demonstrated by anyone because two other major demographic events occurred in roughly the same time frame. The restrictions on leaded gasoline began in 1975 in the US and by 1986 it was restricted to specialized use.
In 1973 the Roe vs Wade Court decision generally legalized abortion, although 15 states had already liberalized abortion laws resulting in a sharp rise in abortions. In 1969 there was a small number of legal abortions, mostly “life of the mother” types, but by 1980 the number has risen to 29 per 1,ooo women, aged 15-44. After that a steady decline began to a rate of 13 per 1,ooo by 2015. The definitive work on the abortion-crime connection was that of Donahue and Levitt, 2001. Attempts to discredit their study have been done mostly by liberals and Black apologists, without much success in my opinion.
Homicides in the US fell to a low point of about 4.5 per 100 K population in 1960, but then rose to 10.7 in 1980 before declining back to 4.7 in 2015. With about a ten year lag time, the incarceration rate increased from about 100/100 K in 1970 to 500/100 K in 2019. The Black male incarceration rate has consistently been about five times greater than the white rate, and black women have had a substantially higher rate of abortions than other races.
By the way, I swear that I am not a bot and don’t know jack about AI.
Your last response was appreciated.
24th Alabama, I have redone some of the previous analysis and the results that I have obtained are truly startling.
In this figure I show the infant blood lead levels (BLL) and 21-24 year old homicide rate in the years in which they were reported. The green triangles are the 20-24 year old readings which were included because I was unable to locate the 21-24 year old results for years before 1980.
Thank you 24th Alabama! or should I call you Mr. ChatGPT? I ran your last post through an AI detector and the software predicted that the post was in fact written by AI. 24th Alabama was your last post written by a human or by an AI?
Nevertheless, my motivation in posting my somewhat monomaniacal post as you observed is entirely practical in orientation: Build a better society. The executive functioning deficits that occurred so prominently during the lead catastrophe of the last century destroyed society; these deficits destroyed the positive human relationships and good feelings that ultimately are what people actually value in life. When people are surveyed, they report that they would be willing to forego a great deal of income in order to live in healthier, higher functioning communities. In fact, with the remote revolution people are apparently willing to forego $10,000 or more in income to have a zero commute, to have a more balanced life etc.. The societal collapse that I have posted about on this blog had profound implications for human well-being. People do not want to live in a cultural sewer as existed in plain sight in the 20th century. They also do not want to live in our present cultural collapse.
How could we achieve a utopian future society where people were as happy as they could be? Further improve executive functioning. We have not reached peak executive functioning yet. Youth age specific homicide rates only decreased by an order of magnitude after removing lead. Why not improve executive functioning more so that we could reduce social dysfunction (e.g., crime rates) by another order of magnitude? Japan has reduced social dysfunction by ~2 orders of magnitude from where we are now. The utopian future that we have always imagined is not a delusion — it has already manifested!
My posts were intended to show the mechanism involved and to encourage us to continue the journey to a better society. This is such a compelling vision of the future that if we choose not to pursue it, then others likely will. In the struggle for social success in a chronically low fertile world, one expects that those who create this better world will win the Darwinian race … those who remain with the status quo not so much.
Very good blog but quite depressing as you see even back in the 1920’s when the truth was told about
what henious murders the Bolsheviks committed it was merely put down to anti-semitism.
Over One Century later and we are in EXACTLY the same spot.
We really do have to face reality and accept that nothing will change as White Christians do not have what it takes to change a thing.
At first I thought you were just being monomaniacal or OCD on the lead topic, and you may have suggested that yourself, but then I realized that your assiduous research was moving to a compelling conclusion. Lead has no known biological function in humans or other forms of life and cannot be metabolized, filtered or excreted in sufficient quantities to protect any organism from dangerous levels of accumulation. Neurological damage is forever, although humans can learn to compensate and adapt to the deficit to some extent.
You might consider expanding the scope of your research to include other heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, thallium and others. Although these metals have not been as widely used as lead, they are all potentially harmful to almost every form of animal and plant life, and with the increased extent of mining and hydrocarbon extraction worldwide, they have become threats to all forms of life.
When mining to extract one metal, a number of byproducts are inevitably brought to the surface. The mining, smelting and refining of copper sometimes yields enough gold to pay the cost of the entire operation, so that the revenue from the copper is pure profit. The negative consequence is that the smelting process emits tons of hazardous waste into the air and the massive tailings ponds contain huge quantities of sulphurous acid, heavy metals and radioactive elements which will pollute the air and groundwater for a very long time.
Thank you for replying 24th Alabama! This is very exciting and there seems to be a great deal of low hanging fruit that could still be harvested and make our society much much better — if only people were more aware of this issue.
You are apparently correct about the Meta study that I cited. The three authors have no particular expertise in the subject area, and no knowledge comparable to your own, or even mine for that matter. I’ll send a detailed reply later.
24th Alabama, I really appreciate your responses as it gives me yet more opportunities to deepen my understanding of lead. I must admit though that with the latest meta-analysis that you referred to I had the feeling of having transcendent understanding and having the ability to effortlessly rebut the results of the work you cited.
You have done extensive research but unfortunately you have excluded studies which don’t support your conclusions. That might be considered “research bias,” somewhat like that of drug companies that bury negative trial results of a new product they are attempting to get approved.
For an exhaustive meta study I refer you to the work of Higney, Hanley and Moro, “The Lead-Crime Hypothesis: A Meta Analysis, Science Direct, Volume 97, Nov.,2022.
In their “study of studies” they reviewed the results of 24 studies containing 542 estimates of the effects of lead on crime.
They concluded that there is a partial lead-crime correlation of 0.16 and an elasticity (variability ?) of 0.09. Their estimate is that US reduction of lead in the environment has led to a 7-28% decrease in the homicide rate. A number of other demographic, cultural, economic and law enforcement changes are thought to account for the rest of the decline in crime, a trend also seen in other industrialized nations.
Alden, I have been carefully following the lead story for a number years now and recently I have made quite an interesting discovery.
This is the US leaded gas consumption through time along with the percent of children with < 5 microgram/dL BLL (on the righthand scale). As we see the big reduction of leaded gas started in 1980.
This is the homicide time series for the US from 1900-2000 with an update to 2014. This longer term perspective offers a number of powerful insights.
For example there was a large homicide wave from 1900-1932. Notably the national homicide rate increased 5 fold from 1900-1907. What might have caused such a crisis? Lead. Leaded pipes and leaded paint were introduced in the 1870s -1880s in the US and the homicide catastrophe started exactly on schedule 20 years later. The book The Great Lead Water Pipe Disaster describes the catastrophe as it unfolded in America and Europe in detail.
This figure shows just how large the lead burden would have been for those with leaded water pipes. 10-30 micrograms/dL is a substantial BLL.
This shows the type of cognitive differences that occur with differences in lead levels in 4th Graders.
The top dotted line shows a 20 point difference from 0 to 10 micrograms which represents a full grade level. (Perhaps this result could be open to confounders). In the 1970s 10 micrograms was on the low end of BLLs.
The first figure also illustrates something of interest. The 1900 national homicide rate was 1, while this rate topped out over 10 in ~1994. This is of particular interest because the percentage of the population that is African American has been roughly stable since the civil war. If race is some great answer to everything, then why is it that the homicide rate was 10 fold lower in 1900 even when the racial composition was nearly the same as in 1994? It is also of interest that the 1950s have become imagined as some sort of golden era even when the homicide rate was quintuple as large as it was in 1900. The baseline homicide rate of 1 should be a goal to return to.
The first figure then shows another lead crisis that started in the mid-1950s. This second devastating decivilization event occurred as a result of leaded gas. Somewhere throughout the 20th century there was yet a third social catastrophe caused by lead: the leaded paint crisis. However, this was largely confined to the US because nations in Europe decided that leaded paint would be too dangerous due to the known neurotoxicity of lead.
If the house was built in 1911 it also probably had lead pipes for drinking water, unless it had been upgraded to galvanized steel.
Come on, Alden! Not even you would give a baby a lead, asbestos or plutonium teething ring. But you are right about apologists for Black criminality using the lead issue to excuse their violent behavior and lousy academic
My Dad and his siblings grew up in Mobile, AL in a house which had lead paint and lead water pipes. He was ejected from school for fighting but his Brother and Sister were valedictorians at a large public high school. Despite having personality problems my Dad became a bookie and was able to perform complex calculations in his head. Any brain damage from lead must have been minimal. Water with a low PH (acidic) is more corrosive and will likely contain more
lead and other available contaminants than alkaline water.
My understanding is that not until the 1920’s did threaded, galvanized steel pipes begin to replace lead and cast iron water pipes, and then in the 1950’s copper pipes with lead solder joints replaced the galvanized steel. In the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act lead solder for copper pipes was made illegal and replaced by tin-based alloys. No replacement of existing pipes was required, at least not nationally. In the last twenty years cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) has largely replaced copper because of cost, ease of installation and less corrosion.
Thank you for your reply 24th Alabama! It is so important to discuss lead and the overwhelming negative consequences that pervasive environmental lead on 20th Century society.
I agree with your initial paragraph. The impulsive acts that you mentioned were a notable feature during the lead era up to ~2000. The police reports spoke of extremely erratic behavior of citizens that was encountered in seemingly mundane interactions with police. It is hard not to have much more respect for police forces when you understand how dangerous their jobs were especially between 1960-2000.
Yes, I would be very interested in an estimate of the functioning of youth’s executive functioning especially those youth who are incarcerated. Police services do not seem to have entered the modern age of open statistics in the same way that other sectors of society have. It would clearly be interesting and very important to have a detailed assessment of how executive functioning is changing through time.
However, up until now it might not have been thought worthwhile to measure executive functioning directly at scale because merely knowing blood lead levels of children would give a very good idea of where crime would be 20 years later. The important thing now is to see when the decoupling actually happens. When will infant lead no longer be as strong a predictor? At what point will other possible features (genetics, etc.) start to have significant explanatory power for the executive functioning of prisoners? These would seem very important questions and hopefully they will be considered in research studies.
Lead has been such an overwhelming power force in explaining social outcomes in the 20th century that I have become fairly monomaniacal about it: Lead causes everything. I see abortion, fathers in the home and rigorous law enforcement as being largely under the umbrella of the lead hypothesis. For example, rigorous law enforcement becomes centrally important exactly when communities are incapable of functioning independently as a result of lead neurotoxicity. Remarkably, Japan has now reached the point of such low crime that the main activity of their police forces appears to be to find ways to entrap citizens into stealing bicycles. Japan removed lead ~20 years earlier than other nations so it suggests the trajectory that others will follow in time. Nearly crime free society is entirely possible.
There are perhaps other narratives that apply to other nations, though there is still a very large body of evidence supporting lead as of central importance to social dysfunction in many other nations. As we can see below most places outside of North America and Europe have considerable lead risk. This seems to be especially true for Haiti.
Yes, airborne lead has almost disappeared. The factories that emitted lead into the air have largely been closed. It is all too easy to keep taxing them until they finally shut down. However, it has been more difficult to apply such logic to piston powered planes. Planes land on a runaway in a field somewhere and then they take off again. It is proven not as easy to tax them out of existence. Piston powered planes emit 70% of the lead in the national air supply, though it looks as though finally have a non-lead substitute ready to commercialize. Having daycare centers on the fence lines of these airports is an incredibly bad idea. As you noted, zoning laws should never have allowed schools or daycares to be within miles of lead emitting airports.
There is a great deal of exciting research into lead. The topmost figure shows the sources of lead for today’s infants. As we can see lead from air is now typically no longer of concern. Yet, other sources such as soil/dust, water and food continue to present challenges. Some parents are able to largely eliminate lead from their children’s lives while others struggle. Society will continue to be divided by lead in the coming decades because the differences between the first, second and third deciles and the eighth ninth and deciles are simply so large that it will create cognitive classes in the community (figure is from ~2013).
Below we also see how Blood lead Levels have changed through time. Most of those now in positions of authority developed during the peak lead era and have fairly extreme early life exposure. One wonders whether that might be a factor in the social turbulence that we are experiencing. Another figure below illustrates the very interesting point that homicide only increased during the lead era in relation to impulsive forms of homicide (i.e., guns) and not other likely less impulsive other methods of homicide. The California Black male teen homicide rate shows a remarkable decline which is probably related to California’s stricter lead rules. Another figure from California illustrates how there has been a near doubling in the incarceration rate of teens arrested there. With youth detention nearly empty almost any crime no matter how inconsequential can now be given the full production value. However, if I recall correctly, California actually shut down its youth criminal justice system at the end of June 2023 because it had become so empty.
Your post brings to mind an experience that I had awhile back with my hobby of amateur radio (ham radio). I regularly seek contacts with foreign (non-US) stations. One day, there was a group of French “hams” that were operating their ham radio station on some island off the coast of France.
After I had made my contact with them, I used Google Maps and looked up the name of that island. After determining its physical location, I switched over to “satellite view” and looked at an image of the island. Here were all these YACHTS that practically encircled the island. You can bet your last dollar that most of the yachts were not purchased with a legitimate and/or legal source of money!
Thank you.
Roatan Bill is most probably a criminal who fled the USA And can’t return because of outstanding warrants. Probably drunk and or reckless driving and seriously injured someone or worse. His every post is anti police and anti traffic regulations.
And he’s ignorant about the international stolen European cars to the southern Muslim Arab side of the Mediterranean. The stolen Polish car was found in Paris. Meaning the car would take the western route France to Spain then the ferry to Morocco. Had it been discovered in Dijon or another eastern town the route would be France to Austria to Croatia the Balkans to Turkey then Iraq or Egypt.
A Stolen Polish car found in France means only one thing. The driver was working for an international organized crime racketeering organization. Of which there are many driving stolen European cars to the Arab countries.
There should be a brainwashed woke liberal
zombie button along with agree disagree thanks troll
The house we raised the kids in was built in 1911. The neighborhood was built from about 1900 to 1930. Every house was covered in layers of lead paint. And it was one of the lowest crime Whitest neighborhoods in the state of California.
If lead paint causes blacks to become criminals, why didn’t the lead paint cause the Whites who lived in those same lead paint buildings till they were driven out by black criminals to become criminals?
Maybe it’s the weather that causes blacks to become criminals. Hot damp Atlanta New Orleans and Miami, frozen Minneapolis Chicago and NYC. It’s always the fault of something that blacks are so criminal.
The car he was driving was traced back to a Polish registered stolen car. The stolen car traveled through two or more countries to get to Paris. The youth had a long criminal record 15 felony charges at 17. There’s a huge international stolen car racket in Europe. The kid probably worked for the Racketeers.
Roatan Bill’s animus towards traffic police leads me to think he fled America for his little cheap labor island because of numerous serious traffic law infractions It’s illegal to be in possession of a stolen car. It’s illegal to drive in a bus only lane. It’s illegal to go through red lights. It’s illegal to try to run over a cop with a car.
The kid didn’t have as long a criminal record as Fentanyl Floyd only because he was so young. . But he was well on his way
It is an established fact that lead exposure by any means causes neurological damage, and that the potential magnitude of the damage is greater in children. There is also persuasive evidence that neurological impairment has serious behavioral consequences, specifically resulting in violent and impulsive actions which might be criminal.
However, my contention is that we are now unable to objectively determine how much crime is being caused by lead contamination. Large scale bone assay studies comparing criminals to a control group of non-criminals would be useful.
It has also been observed that the crime rate negatively correlates with the abortion rate, the presence of a father in the home and rigorous enforcement of law. The three countries with the highest crime rates are Haiti, Venezuela and South Africa. Do they have a lead problem?
Maybe you have heard that the most serious airborne lead contamination is now coming from the Avfuel used in piston engine airplanes and helicopters that are unable to burn unleaded fuel. Families with children should not live anywhere near the hundreds of small airports used by these
Thank you 24th Alabama for your reply. I think that it is very important to talk about lead and how it has affected society over the last many decades. Lead seems to me to have been the central factor of social collapse for at least the last century. Lead is simply of pivotal importance. Understanding the driving factor behind the catastrophe that occurred in the 20th century (and at several other times) offers us a tremendous opportunity to learn from the tragedy and continue to gain large improvements.
So much of the discussion has focused on a description of the problem as with the book at the center of this blog post. However, with lead we can go beyond describing and instead begin explaining: Why not what.
I have been ruminating about lead for years now. My most recent useful insight is that it is best to think about the chain of logic of lead with several intermediate steps. If one makes the leap from lead directly to crime and other social dysfunction, then the immediate rebuttal is that correlation does not imply causation. Why I am sure that there are a near infinite number of potential variables that could be proposed as correlating with the truly massive civilizational collapse of the second half of the 20th Century. Surely the rise and fall of hulu hoops could be a possibility!
Yet when I thought about this with strong step by step linkages, irrefutable logic emerges.
For example, we can start with lead being related to damage to the prefrontal cortex.
Lead exposure in infancy –> Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex
The neuroimaging figures below are for composite male prisoners exposed to high levels of lead during infancy.
The red/yellow blotches towards the front of the brain are where the prefrontal cortex should have been.
There is clearly serious neuropathology. I am not aware of other mechanisms that could create such brain damage. As a guess, I would think that severe absolute poverty (by itself) would not cause similar brain injury, nor would bullying, nor would even racial discrimination. It is not to say that such social experience would have no effect on neuroanatomy, but instead the damage would not be so specific to the prefrontal cortex. There are unquestionably other genetic and environmental inputs that could effect this brain region, though it seems as a first estimate that lead has been the main driver of prefrontal damage in the world over the last century.
Next we can connect Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex to Reduced Executive Functioning
Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex –> Reduced Executive Functioning
Various studies have made this connection. Indeed the prefrontal cortex has been referred to as the organ of civilization exactly because it has been recognized for over a century that without normal PFC anatomy that a collapse in basic norms of civilization occurs.
Finally, there is a linkage from reduced Executive Functioning to Crime, etc.
Reduced Executive Functioning –> Crime, Teenage pregnancy, Academic Achievement, …
This linkage is also extremely strong. Interestingly, those with ADHD have prominent executive
functioning deficits and they also have a 1,000% enhanced risk of imprisonment.
Thus even while the linkage between Lead exposure in infancy –> Crime might be dismissed as correlation not implying causation, the ultimately same logic with intermediate logical linkages no longer is open to the same tactic.
Lead exposure in infancy –> Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex –> Reduced Executive Functioning –> Crime, Teenage pregnancy, Academic achievement, …
In terms of the normalization of crime in certain communities I would interpret this to be related to the lead effect as well. So often, people will put forward other potential factors such as the crack cocaine epidemic, the collapse of the inner city family structure etc. as the driving feature of the lead social collapse. The other features are merely consequences of the lead poisoning. Without proper prefrontal functioning a large range of dysfunction would be expected to occur (and did occur).
The new model then has lead as the central player in social outcomes. There would be a large correlation matrix of social variables with lead as the shared factor (in the factor analytic sense). One could think of it as an engine of social outcomes– as lead is reduced the entire engine has positive feedback. So, reducing lead, would reduce teenage fertility rates which would then feedback to higher academic achievement which then feedbacks to lower drug and alcohol use. Basically, the entire matrix is amplifying and reinforcing the benefits of lead reduction.
Importantly, the book the Bell Curve identified the factor of interest as IQ. IQ was the central player in crime, welfare, teenage pregnancy etc.. The problem that this poses is that psychometric g is not easily manipulated. The book identifies what it thinks is the problem and yet it is then not clear what should be done to resolve the resulting dysfunction. Recently the author suggested the solution should be a national separation based on race. Intriguingly, the Bell Curve was published in 1994, the same year as the peak of the lead crisis.
From the lead point of view, there is no longer any great dilemma about race and IQ. Lead is a neurotoxin for all humans and in fact those who are disadvantaged are the same as those who are most affected by the neurotoxic effects of lead. Various strategies of reducting lead and improving executive functioning might then be a highly effective way of correcting social dysfunction.
With regards to the crime is infinitely complex, what I see is more that crime is monocausal and related to lead. Admittedly whatever is left after lead is finally removed will be non-lead, though even here the central problem might still be almost entirely low executive functioning. This would then be a very powerful insight. Instead of trying to solve any infinite dimensional puzzle, there might only be one dimension– executive functioning that would need to be addressed– that does not seem overly difficult. There are a wide range of potential approaches to solve executive functioning problems in addition to lead abatement.
Crime rates have fallen so dramatically in the youth demographic that almost all of the crime that we saw from the 1960s-1990s must have been caused by lead. Research suggests the number would be ~95%. That is quite remarkable. Even now half a million children continue to be lead poisoned. Importantly, the genetic evidence has found that even some children with nominally very low lead levels would still be highly susceptible to harm as a result of their unique genetic risk. There are also a range of environmental factors that can amplify lead risk. From what I understand now, simply continuing to lowering lead, decrease other environmental risk factors, enhance executive functioning … should ultimately result in very very low social dysfunction. The guide here would be Japan where crime has essentially vanished. We know how to solve this; it is only a matter of getting around to it.
This is very simple. Joos rose to power in Germany leading to the Weimar Republic and enslaving normal Germans. This was done as described in Mein Kampf by keeping Germans at war with each other.
And Germany was homogenous.
After Germany united and sang in unison about (((who))) was behind the misery, kikes set out for America. They turned the world against Germany while parasiting the US.
This time they set up shop in a country where they imported other races. Now they can have Americans fighting against each other for ever while controlling every aspect of society and setting one against the other. Eradicating the only threat, a unified white race.
“Congress shall pass no law that does not apply equally to itself, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of federal government and its agencies, subdivisions and departmentsâ€.
image such a thing, or even more unlikely, it being applied by the courts, even if it were the law.
Didn’t congress make itself immune even to the Covid mandates? As the little people were ordered to get the shots.
Doesn’t that tell us something?
This would eliminate “carve-outs†and “exceptions†that are presently enjoyed by those in power.
the law notwithstanding, are not local DAs still free to decide who gets punished, and who goes free?
I knew of a very similar case, where an FBI agent was found to have lied and put an innocent man in prison for decades, and then when it was discovered, and he was asked about it, the POS was totally arrogant about it, as if what they do 'keeping us safe', transcended the life of one innocent man. I hope that agent got what he deserved.
There were three men wrongly imprisoned for DECADES by FBI inaction. The FBI KNEW who the real murderers were but did not want to blow an informant’s “cover†so they let three innocent men rot in prison for decades.
no difference to our ruling elitesany white person refusing to bow down in slavish obedience to their ((masters)), are white supremacists; (white people unwilling to be ruled and genocided by ((non-whites))). Oath-keepers, Sovereign citizens, Proud boys, Christian conservatives, ornery freedom-loving people everywhere; are all domestic terrorists.
Mr. Weaver was not a “white supremacist†but was a white separatist
so says you and I, anarchyst, but our ruling elite do not agree.
should live amicably but separately…nothing wrong with that.
fourteen year old shot in the back
His son, Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents.
FBI — quite the outfit –Fidelity Bravery Fidelity —my derriere—
Vegas farce could not connect the dots –first hand—it involved a big fat JEW –a bossman washing coin from London to the land North of Vegas—-later—investors spurned and burned when YBM Magnex went Titanic bound.
Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown, 20–an American of distinction.
He stole a Loeb forklift then ran down an elderly 73 year old woman sleeping in her car at an adjacent Home Depot. First and Second Degree murder, assault and theft –Brown is Black or the Blackie is Brown–will likely get 3 months probation and early release for community service.
Might fly first class to Paris for the upcoming Olympics 2024 to be a flag bearer—–???
Your thoughtful comment is appreciated
There is compelling evidence that child lead exposure has a harmful effect on neurological development, brain size, impulse control and academic achievement, but it is not clearly established how the neurological damage is manifested in criminal behavior.
For example, “criminal behavior” in some communities has been normalized and almost compulsory if a teen male wants to adapt to the group, and group acceptance is critical to teen personality development. Not being in a gang, or being in the wrong gang might also get you beaten or killed in a Black ghetto or the Los Angeles barrio.
The point is that criminal behavior is infinitely complex, with many confounding causes and defies a mono-cause explanation, while allowing that lead exposure may have a major or contributing role when contamination can be demonstrated. Cumulative bone lead assay can now be done by K-x-ray fluorescence so this might provide valuable insights into the lead-crime causation question.
Here are two stories of firefighter arrogance, and is a good reason why “qualified immunityâ€should be abolished for ALL public workers and officials:
A firefighter from a certain southeastern Michigan community claimed to have a “arson dogâ€â€“one that could detect accelerants. This “firefighter†and his dog were instrumental in ruining many peoples’ lives by his testimony alone. Insurance companies LOVED this guy as he was able to get them out of paying (valid) claims. People were denied valid insurance claims and prosecuted for arson on the testimony of this “arson dog’s†handler.
Those who were “burned†(no pun intended) by this supposed arson dog’s “handler†had no recourse, because of “qualified immunityâ€. The firefighter (and fire department) could not be sued.
Finally one citizen who had been accused of arson fought back by suing to prove the “arson dog’s†ability. The dog was found to have NO special ability. The “arson dog†and his human master’s career was finally over. The firefighter retired with a full pension without any punishment for his false acts. How many innocent people were convicted of arson and lost everything they owned??
Another case was that of a plating plant that caught fire. The owners had a fire department “approved†fire plan in place which involved shutting off utilities and shutting down processes in an orderly fashion. The firefighters that responded to the fire pushed the owner out of the way, and told him that they were going to do things “their wayâ€. The building burned to the ground.
A firefighter’s job (for at least 98% of the time) is not inherently dangerous. This does not take away from the seriousness of their job, which is to be commended. but, firefighter arrogance can be just as dangerous as police arrogance. THIS is why firefighters should be included in the abolition of immunity for public officials.
As to “police K9” and “fire dogs”, every dog acts on “cues” from its handler and can, on command, “react” even when no “contraband” is found.
Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes.
Henry David Thoreau
Most police departments have a policy of allowing “ride-alongsâ€
Just like the MSM presstitutes that ride along with “Murican forces on their plunderfests.
Real News… such unimpeachable evidence…
It’s the judas types among us that oppress their neighbors for their personal livelihood that are the enemies of society
Ain’t that something to experience!
I used to have a friend, a paramedic, that became SS Stormtrooper-like (ya – its a stereotype) when the CoronaPrank was created; a registered nurse calling me a gramma killer for not wearing the face diaper.
I used to be a volunteer firefighter. When there was a call-out fellow ffs would show up ready for war!!
Seriously overhyped for the garage fire, brush fire or any other emergency. I felt I was surrounded by potential failure when there was unnecessary enthusiasm.
Just what is it about a costume?
…and then there are the privileges of Jews…
Totally agree.
Abrogated personal responsibility indeed!
My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military.
General Smedley Butler (USMC, Ret.)
… and police.
Absolutely no one should take orders from anyone unless they consult their conscience for a corroborating opinion. Anyone that willingly submits to the police and military regime of strict order taking without the ability or even desire to disagree and refuse those orders is an amoral swine.
It’s the judas types among us that oppress their neighbors for their personal livelihood that are the enemies of society. They are the ones that empower the bankers, the insurance mafia, the criminals in gov’t to forever ratchet up tyranny. Those too stupid to see the police state growing in strength will eventually recognize it, but too late.
The police, like the military, are made up of spiritually broken human beings that have abrogated personal responsibility.
The greatest threat to the safety of the American citizen today is not an overseas enemy in the guise of terrorism. It is the criminal on the street. These are the ones who rob your possessions, assault your person, invade your home at night and in the day, and kill you.
The greatest threat to the safety of the citizen today is not an overseas enemy in the guise of terrorism. It is the criminal in the banks, the legislatures, the real estate grift industry, insurance, MICIMATT. These are the ones who rob your possessions, assault your person, invade your home at night and in the day, and kill you.
The Covid1984 hijinx was just a preamble.
Source?Replies: @Factorize
3 jaywalking convictions could be permanently incarcerated under the three strikes law
Sure I’ll walk that one back.
Some 3 strike law sentences were overturned when there was a third strike for shoplifting or other non-violent property crimes on the basis of it being cruel punishment. However, as you noted there does not seem to have been triple jaywalker strikeouts.
The broader idea that I was going for was the social collapse that occurred in the second half of the 20th century necessitated the emergence of the concept of population scale imprisonment. The legal system gained the insight that entire communities simply could not function and would need to be micromanaged along with largely preventatively large scale arrests of its citizens. In such a situation when everyone is already in prison, the crime stats during the lead disaster can then be seen as underestimates of the “true” rate of crime.
The below figure shows the time series for the juvenile status crime of curfew and loitering. I do not fully understand the context in which such an arrest could be made, though one can begin to imagine how a range of such crimes could have been used during the lead crisis to create some law and order in a very dangerous environment.
Current crime stats exist within the context of large scale deinstitutionalization and very low imprisonment rates.
3 jaywalking convictions could be permanently incarcerated under the three strikes law
24th Alabama, thank you for your reply.
I think it is important to start at the topline: There was an overwhelming increase in crime (especially youth crime) in America starting in the early 1960s which peaked in ~1994. From this ~1994 peak, youth crime rates have fallen almost every year and as of the last report are continuing to fall. This rise and fall coincides with massive environmental lead contamination. Lead is known to cause severe damage to impulse control which is of central importance in motivating criminal behaviors. The CDC’s publicly stated position is that there is no safe level of lead. The government has announced that they will spend tens of billions of dollars to reduce residual environmental lead because of the catastrophic social effects that even the currently low lead levels will inflict on the community. The role of lead in the decivilization event of the 20th Century is beyond reasonable discussion.
What if the statistics are misrepresenting the truth as you suggested? Importantly a wide range of other social indicators add supporting evidence. For example, executive functioning deficits are known to cause a variety of negative social effects including higher teenage fertility rates, substance abuse disorders, and many others. The long term time series for many of these social indicators in juveniles reinforce the time series that we see for youth crime. Prefrontal dysfunction due to lead caused tremendous problems for youth and the community in the 1960s-1990s. The last 30 years has seen a return to a better functioning society as lead damage has receded.
Youth crime takes on a much different connotation when the prefrontal cortices of these youth are not permanently damaged. At the peak of the crime Apocalypse, even criminals who had 3 jaywalking convictions could be permanently incarcerated under the three strikes law. In an environment in which there was such widespread neuropathology caused by lead such preventative arrests had a certain logic to it; the criminals truly were that dangerous. However, in the modern context without such brain impairment the logic is no longer sustainable. When youth executive functioning is performing at a high level, crime becomes less of an existential threat and more of an annoyance.
Notably, these shifting tacit meanings of crime have teleported us into a near parallel universe. Mass arrests of largely peaceful political protesters? This has been happening at global scale over the last few years. The crime of misgendering? With modern prisons as empty as they are due to the removal of lead, we should put up our feet and wait to see what other newly invented crimes they might think up in the years ahead.
Source?Replies: @Factorize
3 jaywalking convictions could be permanently incarcerated under the three strikes law
Conservationists are frustrated, a voracious American crayfish (faxoniusimmunis) is crowding out native river dwellers and destroying well-manicured ecology. Red Alert! One wants to save, preferably the whole world. The “phenomenon” has been scientifically researched for decades (Chinese mitten crab, “Africanized” bee).
Of course, the reticent mentality of the Europeans dictates that, for example, the population explosion of Africa (thanks to white civilizational achievements) should not be associated with “invasive species”. It cannot be what must not be. “Reason becomes nonsense, good deed plague.” (Goethe)
Once again, I am heartbroken to learn I have disappointed Your Grace with my sophistry and my “normie” commitment to law and order, first and foremost. There can be no individual freedom without individual safety and the sanctity of private property.
Of course there are bad cops but your beef against street cops is mean-spirited and irrational. Society would collapse without them.
With your health being my main concern, may I suggest a reduction in your margarita consumption and keeping a close watch on serum cortisol levels, which could be causing your agitation and mood disorder.
I knew of a very similar case, where an FBI agent was found to have lied and put an innocent man in prison for decades, and then when it was discovered, and he was asked about it, the POS was totally arrogant about it, as if what they do 'keeping us safe', transcended the life of one innocent man. I hope that agent got what he deserved.
There were three men wrongly imprisoned for DECADES by FBI inaction. The FBI KNEW who the real murderers were but did not want to blow an informant’s “cover†so they let three innocent men rot in prison for decades.
no difference to our ruling elitesany white person refusing to bow down in slavish obedience to their ((masters)), are white supremacists; (white people unwilling to be ruled and genocided by ((non-whites))). Oath-keepers, Sovereign citizens, Proud boys, Christian conservatives, ornery freedom-loving people everywhere; are all domestic terrorists.
Mr. Weaver was not a “white supremacist†but was a white separatist
so says you and I, anarchyst, but our ruling elite do not agree.
should live amicably but separately…nothing wrong with that.
fourteen year old shot in the back
His son, Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents.
It starts with both “absolute” and “qualified” immunity.
When those wielding legal power are not held accountable for their actions, all bets are off.
The “supreme court” has ruled that immunity for public officials is legal.
We no longer live in a “Constitutional representative republic”. Those who “rule over us” have a different, elevated “set of rules”, not unlike the way “goyim” are treated in the jewish talmud.
A Constitutional Amendment could help reign in the excesses, to wit:
“Congress shall pass no law that does not apply equally to itself, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of federal government and its agencies, subdivisions and departments”.
This would eliminate “carve-outs” and “exceptions” that are presently enjoyed by those in power.
image such a thing, or even more unlikely, it being applied by the courts, even if it were the law.
“Congress shall pass no law that does not apply equally to itself, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of federal government and its agencies, subdivisions and departmentsâ€.
the law notwithstanding, are not local DAs still free to decide who gets punished, and who goes free?
This would eliminate “carve-outs†and “exceptions†that are presently enjoyed by those in power.
There were three men wrongly imprisoned for DECADES by FBI inaction. The FBI KNEW who the real murderers were but did not want to blow an informant’s “cover†so they let three innocent men rot in prison for decades.
I knew of a very similar case, where an FBI agent was found to have lied and put an innocent man in prison for decades, and then when it was discovered, and he was asked about it, the POS was totally arrogant about it, as if what they do ‘keeping us safe’, transcended the life of one innocent man. I hope that agent got what he deserved.
Mr. Weaver was not a “white supremacist†but was a white separatist
no difference to our ruling elites
any white person refusing to bow down in slavish obedience to their ((masters)), are white supremacists; (white people unwilling to be ruled and genocided by ((non-whites))). Oath-keepers, Sovereign citizens, Proud boys, Christian conservatives, ornery freedom-loving people everywhere; are all domestic terrorists.
should live amicably but separately…nothing wrong with that.
so says you and I, anarchyst, but our ruling elite do not agree.
His son, Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents.
fourteen year old shot in the back
your account is all accurate
This is a part of the story I find a bit chilling
Horiuchi’s charges were dismissed by a U.S. District Judge who cited ‘the supremacy clause of the Constitution which grants immunity to federal officers acting in the scope of their employment.’
Which means if Merrick Garland decides to send goons to your home to execute a warrant, and they shoot you and your family, they’ll be immune from prosecution.
The Founding Fathers would have the dry heaves if they could see how we’ve been stewards of what they bled to provide us with.
Happy 4th!
…And even better, you rarely see a Honkee.
Lon Horiuchi was given special commendation. For murdering an unarmed woman. Holding a baby.
that was not a ‘baby’
it was a white supremacist
Pretty sweet here in Dalian China where I rarely see a negro.
They are not “rioters”, they are not “looters”, they are antiwhite shock troops hell bent on bringing Western civilisation to it’s knees. Their antiwhitism is what defines them.
First, let me cut short your relief because I never stated my views on assassination so to form your opinion isn’t warranted.
Second, I referred to the Overton Window only because it is a commonly understood term that describes the artificially imposed limits on political discourse and it is exactly that restriction that needs to be enlarged to offer up more options to the current situation. Your focus on my use of this term to allocate a paragraph to it shows you to be a sophist desiring to obfuscate and evade issues.
Third, I should have cut you off in my initial reply because you issued a non sequitur. My disgust with the useless parasites known as street cops has nothing to do with anarchism. The anarchist position would be to get rid of all cops and I’m specifically not wearing my anarchist hat but am staying within the bounds of normie sensibilities that police in general are needed by praising detectives, investigators, etc. My position is that street cops are useless moochers on the public purse and are detrimental to the crime reduction effort while their similarly categorized police alternates are needed given the current frame of reference where the State controls policing as opposed to a private function.
So, you see, you were just trolling all along but I thought you might be worth engaging with but now see I was mistaken.
I gave you enough points for you to counter each one with logic and reason but instead you issue a blanket announcement, backed up by nothing, that I’m wrong. I was expecting you to mount a vigorous defense of street cops in your capacity as a professionally trained sophist attorney that can work for the defense as well as the prosecution.
I thought I was going to be able to cut through any professional sophistry by highlighting the evasion and misdirection but I am severely disappointed in your decision to not engage. This after you had the temerity to chastise me for my views. Have you no shame or balls?
What do you mean by 'in today’s terms 175 million'?Replies: @littlereddot
The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today’s terms 175 million…half the population of the USA…. in an island the size of Florida)
Java has about 175 million today.
Java is also about the size of Florida
So for the original commenter, who is most likely American, I compare it half the population of the USA fitting into a single of their states.
If I were writing to a Frenchman, I would have used different terms of comparison.
I would have said likened it to fitting 2.5 times the population of France into an area 0.3 of France.
Jail for 20 yrs for stealing a pack of sausages AFTER committing TWO PREVIOUS crimes
who have been previously convicted of two or more violent crimes or serious felonies
As you must know there are many differences among the anarchists, who are mainly united only by their opposition to the State, or to any form of hierarchical rule. I am relieved to learn that you have not advocated assassination as a way to achieve your vision of anarchy.
In fact, you have said that “anarchism can never be reached,” and that makes sense, but then you open another can of worms with the Overton Window gibberish. Overton pirated an idea from the Scientology playbook by taking a common truth and giving it a new twist. He simply suggested that politicians steer a moderate course between extremes, being careful not to offend anyone on the left or right. Do politicians need advice about being cowards?
Most people agree with Mark Twain’s opinion that “Politicians are the only permanent class of criminals,” but no one, including the anarchists, has come up with a solution.
Quoting out of context is misleading.
(in today’s terms 175 million
The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today’s terms 175 million…half the population of the USA…. in an island the size of Florida)
What do you mean by ‘in today’s terms 175 million‘?
If men were angels, central planning by a chosen few might’ve worked.
Is there much doubt that youth crime is so common in the
inner cities that most of it is unreported?
By jews. 7 countries in 7 years. War for Israel! The Yinon plan! Look it up
Agree with everything except for the three child thing. It should be one and done
Salutations, dear time traveller! Pray tell, is there some way I can get back there with you, where it's always 2019? Verily, I confess that my first time there I didn't realize just how good it was. With much gratitude, I remain your humble servant, etc etc.Replies: @Factorize
We are living in a time in which youth crime has fallen faster and further than at any other time in recorded history. All of the numbers are freely and easily available for any and all that might be interested.
Forsooth, mine freomann, thou hast mistaken mine own intent. I do not wish to eftcyme to the twelfmonab of our Lord 2019, but rather longen ere, when lead had not yet wrought its rage upon the eard; perchance 1889. But nay, even more so do I yearn to journey toweardlic, to the enchanted 22nd century, where we will have learned of the damage lead hath inflicted upon our gewissen. There, with ure eall niwe ken, we may wegan a society free from misgedwield and social asprungennes, through the marvels of genetic engineering. A fantastic future verily!
These urls provide overwhelming evidence of the profound youth crime decline of the last 30 years.
For the homicide url below (last one ending in .asp) choose California, Black and male to see a very very large crime drop, etc.. Youth crime has almost vanished.
You commented elsewhere about a high-profile crime committed in Oakland. Interestingly, Oakland is one of the only cities in California that has somewhat lagged the overall crime decline due to lead. By simply choosing such anecdotes and not contextualizing them with broader statistics, one is then not able to recognize that it is a very strong outlier: It is an exception to the rule and not an expectation.
You have a distorted view of street cops.
No, fool. Not jail for 20 yrs for stealing a pack of sausages. Jail for 20 yrs for stealing a pack of sausages AFTER committing TWO PREVIOUS crimes.
NOW you understand the concept of “three strikes and you’re out.” Well, maybe you do. Hard to tell. See, the concept is that society says there’s a limit to how much of your criminality we will tolerate. If you think a third crime is in your interest have at it but society speaks last in this particular set of circumstances.
Jail for 20 yrs for stealing a pack of sausages AFTER committing TWO PREVIOUS crimes
who have been previously convicted of two or more violent crimes or serious felonies
I also would apply this to Mohammadans. (See Paris on fire).Replies: @SaveWesternCiv, @Druid55
“Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed.â€
You’re just a prick with your mohammedans thing. It just shows your total ignorance.
That will happen some time after the Second Coming I reckon.
I see you are part of the system, so you profit from it.
I make a distinction between useless street cops and detectives and others that actually provide a needed service. Check my commenting history. I’m down on street cops because they are the judas of the society that will follow orders to sell out their neighbors. They are also ineffective in their advertised primary role of protecting the public. Since courts have ruled that the police have ‘no duty to protect’ the citizenry, the question becomes what the hell are they there for. The answer is to harass motorists with made up charges that can’t identify a victim or property damage and to protect their paymasters in the political class.
Street cops are the ones that instigate all the lawsuits when they chimpout. They’re on a power trip because they have qualified immunity that is denied the rest of us that are supposed to have equal protection under the law. It would appear that cops are more equal than the rest of use and they use that as hundreds of YouTube videos will attest.
My real beef with them is that they were brought in so that the gov’t could disarm the citizenry by the lie that they would be the average person’s protection against the criminal element. It is because of street cops and their phony protection lie that the citizenry is denied their plain as day constitutional rights through fraud. If there were no useless street cops then in short order, people would protect themselves and kill off the shit in the society as they present themselves. Because street cops exist, the public is afraid of arming themselves and hence are easy prey for the criminal element. In short, street cops are a major cause of crime because they are the reason the public is disarmed.
I understand the drift of the country very well but don’t happen to think that all cops are insecure, power-hungry, corrupt swine. I also do not think that all politicians are traitors, all women are whores, all judges are corrupt, all Jews cheer white replacement, all blacks are rapists, murderers, and baby daddies, all Muslims are terrorists, all lawyers are thieves, all journalists are globalist toads, or that all soldiers war criminals.
That said, I won’t be publicizing my views on some of these groups. But a soupcon of subtlety in characterizing particular groups is probably in order. Specifically, I have almost always had encounters with cops in the US that have been civil and reasonable. With one exception they have allowed me to go about my business without a citation. No doubt because of my engaging personality.
One cop in Iowa waited at the bottom of a short hill to ticket me for going over the 20 mph speed limit which I thought was low rent but all told I have had very good experiences. My experience practicing law in Missouri state courts was extremely positive. Retail judicial functioning there is first rate. Do I think the judicial system as a whole is great? Heck no. Do I think the American bar is complicit in the treason of the US Supreme Court? Don’t get me started.
I remember when most Blacks were faithful Christians, and in fact many still are but they don’t get much publicity. About age nine, I was eating breakfast when my Cousin came to the table with a black eye, face red and swollen. He was the obvious loser in a bar fight with our Uncle over the affections of a local beauty.
Our maid, Hattie, a very devout church lady, screamed at him, “You and your Uncle are worse than a coupla Niggers, fighting over some tramp.”
You might want to take a remedial reading course or you’re just trolling.
I clearly stated that anarchism can never be reached. Further I clearly described that it’s the ideas of anarchism that offer more ways of thinking than the current Overton Window allows. It’s the change in thinking that people could use right now to stop accepting their situation. Being sceptical of the gov’t, hating it, voting for the other guy next time, etc isn’t enough because it changes nothing.
You are apparently stuck in a mindset that offers no options to the current situation and you want me to stop making suggestions for people to investigate a philosophy that does have answers. You’re approach is just more losing. No thank you. I was once like you, like most people, but discovered other ways of looking at things.
Someone is ignorant if they don’t have knowledge. They become stupid when they reject the investigation of knowledge and dismiss it out of hand.
If men were angels, anarchy might work. Our disagreement is about human nature and you are a stubborn, unrepentant optimist who chooses to ignore our baser instincts.
Reality is persistent and prevails over fantasy and imagination, however lofty they may be. Wishful thinking versus reality can never be a fair fight. The dream is stillborn so you might want to move on.
I’ve referred to these cowards as drive by posters that spray their nonsense and speed away because they can’t back up their rhetoric with consistent logic. They don’t even try. They latch on to the surface meaning of something and form an opinion without any depth – shallow thinkers.
So the young man killed was part of the plan and he along with the police were part of a conspiracy to inflame a war by being a willing martyr?
The cop shot the kid because he was a trigger happy asshole. The muslims chimped out at an opportunity to riot that also offers up lots of stores to loot and general nigger mayhem since the north Africans are part of the sand nigger contingent of low IQ muslims. That some rapper wrote something euphemistically called a song may provide the low life population that listen to that shit incitement, but it was the cops action that brought about the reaction.
The muslims are now rioting in Switzerland. Was there a rapper who inspired their chimpout? Muslims are low IQ knuckle draggers that don’t belong in a first world country because they can’t contribute due to being backward and won’t contribute because they refuse to assimilate. They live in their own ghettos where they want their own religious laws, food, etc and mosques that can blare out their foreign language crap several times a day to piss off their real French neighbors.
A large part of France is already muslim territory just like Malmo Sweden is. If the French don’t wake up and eject all these low life cretins, there won’t be a French speaking France for much longer. Good thing is that reports are coming in that French patriots are in the streets hunting the rioters.
On this we agree: The churlish cowards who fail to respond, or even acknowledge, are hit-and-run felons.
there are a lot of french rioting, if you understood and could read french you’d have seen all the videos. you only see english titled videos showing maghreb descended people but there are a ton with french as well. it isn’t an unplanned event, a rapper called ninho released a song that is 100% predictive programming. search ninho 25g. this is all masonic fuckery and an attempt to get maghrebis and french people to fight each other when they should go after the government. stop repeating mainstream foolishness and use your brain. france won’t be an islamic nation, most of the moslims there are drug addicts and barely follow any of the religion. how someone who appears to be more intelligent than most unz readers can say something as ridiculous as that is a joke.
It’s been a few days now and you have received several comments aside from mine and you haven’t replied to any of them.
You got your ass handed to you for being a shallow thinker.
Have you learned anything?
You aren’t paying attention. I left the shithole that is the USA almost 2 decades ago and most people on this site know it. I knew the US was going to turn into a police state and it’s mostly there now.
It’s idiots like you that don’t understand how it’s your ass kissing attitude that empowers the State to keep tightening the screws on you. I’d bet you’re a moron voter too. Got that US flag on the front porch or your pickup truck? If you weren’t so stupid you might actually look around at your situation and wake up to the trouble you’re in.
Keep thanking the murderers in the military for their service in generating the blowback known as terrorism and the hate foreigners have for the US in general. Keep backing the blue gestapo that will eventually come for your guns when ordered to do so and kill you if you resist. Just wait for the CBDC that will disallow ammo purchases, control how much meat you can purchase and make sure you can’t spend a dime outside the open air prison 15 minute cities represent.
You’re the class of idiot I’m trying to wake up but then you’re too stupid to hear the message.
Good job. I think you managed to pack in every dimwitted characterization of the police. Animal, ticket quota, minor traffic infraction, made-up offense, steal money from citizens, useless, protect political class. I bet William has 911 on speed dial in case in case things get to be a little dicey. Then it’s thank you, thank you, officer. God bless you.
sheep herder peacefully tending his flock.
Do sheepherders ever violently tend their flocks?
I doubt that there was any real population pressure for the Javanese to move outside the Indonesian archipelago
In my view, the reasons for their migrations, is not because of population pressures, because there were plenty of other lightly populated large islands nearby. Just two of their nearby islands:
Borneo is larger than France
Sumatra is larger than Ukraine
These were peoples who were driven to explore, and were a clearly brave and competent people.
In order to appreciate the context of their travels, one must trace their roots trace back to the island of Taiwan, which is widely regarded as the original home of the Austronesians. In their settlement patterns, they went southwards and populated the islands of southeast Asia, about 1500 BC then eastwards towards the Hawaii and the South Pacific where they became the Polynesians, Micronesians etc, depending on who they met and interbred with.
To the West they went to Madagascar and East Africa where they also interbred. The Malagasy language of Madagascar (off the coast of East Africa) is an Austronesian language.
When one looks at a map and see the distances involved, one cannot but be impressed.
… until Fairly recent times by which time the archipelago was Dutch governed, and Australia was (maybe) part of the British world.
Yes, they arrived in the Indonesian Archipelago by 1500 BC, 3500 years ago.
They adopted Indian culture, religion and technology, including steel weapons by 500 BC, 2500 years ago
Yet they did not colonise a stone age Australia?
Instead it was the Dutch that colonised them in the 1600s AD.
This fact itself strikes me as remarkable. Would you agree?
There was contact between people from (what is now) Eastern Indonesia (Makassar) and Northern Australia with fishing for (mainly) trepang /sea cucumber. You can see very similar looking individuals in both these places.
I agree. From around Nusa Tenggara and Timor onwards, the further east one goes, the more the people look like Australian aboriginals.
Here again, is another remarkable thing. Why did the Austronesians not just exterminate the Australoids and take their lands?
Clearly the experience of contact between a more technologically superior and inferior peoples are very different when you compare that of Europe and the Austronesians.
Europeans are always looking for more land. More real estate. Asians not so much -they move for commercial opportunity.
Absolutely true. So far we have only discussed the Austronesians. We haven’t even begun to compare the contact experiences of the Dravidians and the Chinese yet.
Paris is an uncontrolled reaction to an unplanned event. The gov’t will try to use it for their purposes, but the swarthy types have now gotten automatic weapons and show no reluctance to using them; the white population should see this as a lesson.
The future depends on how pissed off the Africans are, not over one murder, but in general. This could be the call for France to become the new Islamist caliphate in Europe, since the white’s invited these knuckle draggers in.
The only solution is to exterminate the islamic radicals and force the more timid religious loonies out of the country, back to where that shit religion already has a majority.
I’ve been living in Paris for over 30 years.
I do concur to the statement that new recruiting level have reached an all time low. More women than ever, guys that can’t barely hold their automatic weapon… Thugs can feel, as predators, when their prey are weakened. And today this is exactly that.
What cops succeed in is going after natives in the center of major cities with LBD, uncircling grenades and full approval from their superiors to unleash all their rage. Now, against young immigrants from the 4th, 5th, 6th ? generation they must retain any type of repression unless things really go south. That was the case and special forces intervened with plastic bullets.
But what’s next ? Pick ups lining up to surge city centers like in Syria ? Probably
Indonesian historic population:
175 million
(in today’s terms 175 million
Quoting out of context is misleading.
And Java is a part of Indonesia, not the whole of it.
What do you mean by 'in today’s terms 175 million'?Replies: @littlereddot
The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today’s terms 175 million…half the population of the USA…. in an island the size of Florida)
I have repeated it numerous time but I’ll do it once again especially for you to get you to understand my advocacy for anarchism.
Anarchism is a goal, a goal of self government at the individual level. It is the end point of democracy where the gov’t is the gov’t of one. It can never be reached because people are too stupid on the whole. Anarchism points at the direction when decisions need to be made that produce liberty as opposed to tyranny. It is a philosophy of guidance for decision making purposes. The advocacy is to get people to understand that there is a knowledge base they can use to make better decisions than the idiocy of voting or getting excited over some aristocrat named Kennedy or some blowhard named Trump.
The mass of the population has been conditioned via propaganda to have blinders on that only allow thinking within a controlled space, the Overton Window. That space needs to be widened to allow for other options since the ones currently in use have produced the current results. The thinking that got the population to this point isn’t sufficient to get them out. They need to stop thanking the murderers for their service, stop backing the blue that will come for their guns and start to realize that they are facing an enemy, not a bunch of bumblers that can be replace by the next phony and completely controlled election.
More often than not, a statist’s argument against Anarchism boils down to an unwillingness to take control and responsibility for their own lives, actions, and communities. The sad truth is that the human animal has been domesticated to the point where it actually fears Liberty.
Dane Whalen
Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.
Edward Abbey
Just got our Olympic Tickets and are we really thrilled !!! If the Olympics is boring—we can venture out to the Moslem section of Paris and torch a church for old times sake.
If I didn’t know better I would swear this is a color revolution to oust Macron and enter LePan–
Do you really think so? There are many other examples, but I will give you just one, and you can try to explain it.The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today's terms 175 million...half the population of the USA.... in an island the size of Florida) just a stones throw away from Australia for thousands of years but never colonised it? Please look at a world map to appreciate the distances involved.These people had steel weapons for a millenium, and firearms from 1600s onwards, they had advance seafaring abilities and traded with India and China easily 4 or 5 times the distance to Australia, even as far as Madagascar just off Africa. Yet they did not colonise Australia even though Australia was populated by stone age tribes. Australia's northern coast is of a tropical climate virtually the same as Java. If they Javanese were inclined to just genocide the Aborigines and colonise the southern continent, it would be a piece of cake to them. Yet they never did.It took a white race, sailing all the way from Perfidious Albion to declare the continent "terra nullius" .... a disingenuous justification snatch the land from the Aborigines and to start colonising it.How do you explain the difference between the Javanese and the Brit actions in their contact with technologically less advanced peoples?Replies: @TheAntidoteToToxins, @Mefobills, @Vito Klein, @anonymous, @sb
If whites exceeded other races in victims, it is only because whites exceeded other races in everything.
I doubt that there was any real population pressure for the Javanese to move outside the Indonesian archipelago until Fairly recent times by which time the archipelago was Dutch governed, and Australia was (maybe) part of the British world.
There was contact between people from (what is now) Eastern Indonesia (Makassar) and Northern Australia with fishing for (mainly) trepang /sea cucumber. You can see very similar looking individuals in both these places.
Europeans are always looking for more land. More real estate. Asians not so much -they move for commercial opportunity.
In my view, the reasons for their migrations, is not because of population pressures, because there were plenty of other lightly populated large islands nearby. Just two of their nearby islands:
I doubt that there was any real population pressure for the Javanese to move outside the Indonesian archipelago
Yes, they arrived in the Indonesian Archipelago by 1500 BC, 3500 years ago.
... until Fairly recent times by which time the archipelago was Dutch governed, and Australia was (maybe) part of the British world.
I agree. From around Nusa Tenggara and Timor onwards, the further east one goes, the more the people look like Australian aboriginals.
There was contact between people from (what is now) Eastern Indonesia (Makassar) and Northern Australia with fishing for (mainly) trepang /sea cucumber. You can see very similar looking individuals in both these places.
Absolutely true. So far we have only discussed the Austronesians. We haven't even begun to compare the contact experiences of the Dravidians and the Chinese yet.
Europeans are always looking for more land. More real estate. Asians not so much -they move for commercial opportunity.
Whites must refrain from taking responsibility for black peoples problems.
Do you really think so? There are many other examples, but I will give you just one, and you can try to explain it.The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today's terms 175 million...half the population of the USA.... in an island the size of Florida) just a stones throw away from Australia for thousands of years but never colonised it? Please look at a world map to appreciate the distances involved.These people had steel weapons for a millenium, and firearms from 1600s onwards, they had advance seafaring abilities and traded with India and China easily 4 or 5 times the distance to Australia, even as far as Madagascar just off Africa. Yet they did not colonise Australia even though Australia was populated by stone age tribes. Australia's northern coast is of a tropical climate virtually the same as Java. If they Javanese were inclined to just genocide the Aborigines and colonise the southern continent, it would be a piece of cake to them. Yet they never did.It took a white race, sailing all the way from Perfidious Albion to declare the continent "terra nullius" .... a disingenuous justification snatch the land from the Aborigines and to start colonising it.How do you explain the difference between the Javanese and the Brit actions in their contact with technologically less advanced peoples?Replies: @TheAntidoteToToxins, @Mefobills, @Vito Klein, @anonymous, @sb
If whites exceeded other races in victims, it is only because whites exceeded other races in everything.
175 million
Indonesian historic population:
World region historic populations:
Quoting out of context is misleading.
(in today’s terms 175 million
You are apparently trying to argue that the Javanese refrained from seizing Australia due to their high moral values and their virtuous concern for the rights and well-being of the Australian aboriginals. Bull. No people are the original inhabitants of the land they now inhabit, so, at some point, the Javanese played God Save the Queen on the heads of whoever was there before you.
How do you explain the difference between the Javanese and the Brit actions in their contact with technologically less advanced peoples?
You are apparently trying to argue that the Javanese refrained from seizing Australia due to their high moral values and their virtuous concern for the rights and well-being of the Australian aboriginals.
No, that is what you are saying. And you are saying that because your present culture has a fixation on “rights” and “virtues”. This is another interesting topic where West differs from East, but that would be for another post.
Back to topic….What I am saying is that Javanese saw no need to grab another’s lands. Land in itself was of no value to them. What they valued was trade and valuable goods.
Why did the Javanese let Britain colonize Australia rather than seize it for themselves? I have no idea. Maybe the Javanese are just lazy.
They were so lazy that they or their kin sailed and traded all they way to Madagascar, just off East Africa? I suggest you get the map out and appreciate the distances involved.
The Javanese did not LET the Brits colonise. They were just interested in different things. And grabbing land was not one of those things.
Just like a home-boy might be willing to pay $3000 for the latest pair of Air Jordans (or whatever is in fashion now), and you would not. You think it is just silly and would rather spend it on a Caribbean cruise or something else.
I hope you understand my points. Or would you like another example to illustrate?
Do you really think so? There are many other examples, but I will give you just one, and you can try to explain it.The Javanese, living in an extremely highly populated island in Southeast Asia (in today's terms 175 million...half the population of the USA.... in an island the size of Florida) just a stones throw away from Australia for thousands of years but never colonised it? Please look at a world map to appreciate the distances involved.These people had steel weapons for a millenium, and firearms from 1600s onwards, they had advance seafaring abilities and traded with India and China easily 4 or 5 times the distance to Australia, even as far as Madagascar just off Africa. Yet they did not colonise Australia even though Australia was populated by stone age tribes. Australia's northern coast is of a tropical climate virtually the same as Java. If they Javanese were inclined to just genocide the Aborigines and colonise the southern continent, it would be a piece of cake to them. Yet they never did.It took a white race, sailing all the way from Perfidious Albion to declare the continent "terra nullius" .... a disingenuous justification snatch the land from the Aborigines and to start colonising it.How do you explain the difference between the Javanese and the Brit actions in their contact with technologically less advanced peoples?Replies: @TheAntidoteToToxins, @Mefobills, @Vito Klein, @anonymous, @sb
If whites exceeded other races in victims, it is only because whites exceeded other races in everything.
How do you explain the difference between the Javanese and the Brit actions in their contact with technologically less advanced peoples?
You are apparently trying to argue that the Javanese refrained from seizing Australia due to their high moral values and their virtuous concern for the rights and well-being of the Australian aboriginals. Bull. No people are the original inhabitants of the land they now inhabit, so, at some point, the Javanese played God Save the Queen on the heads of whoever was there before you.
Why did the Javanese let Britain colonize Australia rather than seize it for themselves? I have no idea. Maybe the Javanese are just lazy.
No, that is what you are saying. And you are saying that because your present culture has a fixation on "rights" and "virtues". This is another interesting topic where West differs from East, but that would be for another post.Back to topic....What I am saying is that Javanese saw no need to grab another's lands. Land in itself was of no value to them. What they valued was trade and valuable goods.
You are apparently trying to argue that the Javanese refrained from seizing Australia due to their high moral values and their virtuous concern for the rights and well-being of the Australian aboriginals.
They were so lazy that they or their kin sailed and traded all they way to Madagascar, just off East Africa? I suggest you get the map out and appreciate the distances involved.The Javanese did not LET the Brits colonise. They were just interested in different things. And grabbing land was not one of those things.Just like a home-boy might be willing to pay $3000 for the latest pair of Air Jordans (or whatever is in fashion now), and you would not. You think it is just silly and would rather spend it on a Caribbean cruise or something else.I hope you understand my points. Or would you like another example to illustrate?
Why did the Javanese let Britain colonize Australia rather than seize it for themselves? I have no idea. Maybe the Javanese are just lazy.
From the article/book:
Our society has done everything possible for these people, and it is never good enough
Has it worked, does it work, will it ever work?
We are living in a time in which youth crime has fallen faster and further than at any other time in recorded history. All of the numbers are freely and easily available for any and all that might be interested.
Salutations, dear time traveller! Pray tell, is there some way I can get back there with you, where it’s always 2019? Verily, I confess that my first time there I didn’t realize just how good it was. With much gratitude, I remain your humble servant, etc etc.
Will you never tire of rooting around the pigsty looking for the Holy Grail of non-governance? The State is not going to melt away. The State often is murderous, deceitful and oppressive, but only because we allow it to be. It is a perfect reflection of us at our worst.
We are not hapless, hopeless victims. We have the means to restore decency and harmony, either democratically or by force, if all else fails. Anarchy is no more than a fantasy, a defeatist pipe dream.
Best solution:
American Negros:Mass deportation of the Negros to West Africa. Dump all in Liberia.
American Jews: Deport to the Jewish Oblast that the Soviets created.
Latin Americans: Deport to Central America, e.g., Panama, and the like.
All this mess in Afghanistan- Libya- Somalia- Syria- Iraq- Lebanon was MADE by USA. Enjoy !!!!
Here is a guest article that deserves the light of day…
No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
Jan 02, 201812:50AM
Category: Politics
Posted by: Michael Z. Williamson
The “feds” have been entrapping people for more than a few decades, actually for almost a century…if not longer.
There were three men wrongly imprisoned for DECADES by FBI inaction. The FBI KNEW who the real murderers were but did not want to blow an informant’s “cover” so they let three innocent men rot in prison for decades.
As to the Weaver situation…Mr. Weaver was not a “white supremacist” but was a white separatist who believed that the races should live amicably but separately…nothing wrong with that. The “mainstream media” along with government types purposely labeled Weaver as a “white supremacist”.
Randy Weaver was befriended by ATF agents, talked into sawing off two shotgun barrels one-quarter-inch below the “legal minimum” and then “busted”, because he refused to spy on his Aryan Nation neighbors. He was subsequently (purposely) given the wrong court date to appear. When he did not appear, the government came after him and his family. The intent was to force Weaver to spy on his neighbors.
His son, Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents.
Mrs. Weaver was murdered while holding her baby, in the doorway of her home. For days after the murder, the rat bastard federal agents taunted the surviving family members with bullhorn messages: “Good morning Mrs. Weaver, what did you have for breakfast today”…sick bastards.
Lon Horiuchi should have been convicted of murder. He will have to answer to his maker…and will rot in hell.
I knew of a very similar case, where an FBI agent was found to have lied and put an innocent man in prison for decades, and then when it was discovered, and he was asked about it, the POS was totally arrogant about it, as if what they do 'keeping us safe', transcended the life of one innocent man. I hope that agent got what he deserved.
There were three men wrongly imprisoned for DECADES by FBI inaction. The FBI KNEW who the real murderers were but did not want to blow an informant’s “cover†so they let three innocent men rot in prison for decades.
no difference to our ruling elitesany white person refusing to bow down in slavish obedience to their ((masters)), are white supremacists; (white people unwilling to be ruled and genocided by ((non-whites))). Oath-keepers, Sovereign citizens, Proud boys, Christian conservatives, ornery freedom-loving people everywhere; are all domestic terrorists.
Mr. Weaver was not a “white supremacist†but was a white separatist
so says you and I, anarchyst, but our ruling elite do not agree.
should live amicably but separately…nothing wrong with that.
fourteen year old shot in the back
His son, Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents.
You are casting white guilt, impugning a race of people.I can play the same game. The Guanches of the Canary Islands, probably the most original white people, exhibited a pattern similar to the Javanese. Or, there are many modern examples, which don't take much effort to discover.So, in order to avoid the Jewish sin of blame shifting and guilting others, it is better to think in terms of hierarchy and control. Any group of people can be made to malfunction, especially if the controlling apparatus of civilization is seized.This takeover has a very specific time and place in "white history." There are also fights against this takeover, indicating there are many moral white people who did not agree.I have written about it often. The sinews of war followed the first corporatocracy. The deep pools of capital in Amsterdam, then London, then Wall Street, are all part of the "Nameless War."Since people have no knowledge of this nameless war, they cast about looking for the guilty party.Think of it like a virus hosting your brain, then your body is no longer responsible. This virus was inserted in the years between 1492 and 1694, after Jewish expulsion from Spain.The takeover required these things in succession: 1) Freedom of religion, so the "merchant" could operate his usury methods with stealth. 2) The first corporate towns, where citizens became debtors. These corporate towns were located near ports, like Antwerp. 3) The burgermeister (town mayor) was then subverted to collect taxes for the creditor class (Jews mostly in this case). 4) Debtor citizens were then given the vote, to vote for their debt status, and their debt status.The first war funded by this mechanism was the 80 years war, as the Jews were butt hurting about their expulsion. In this case, the Dutch became dupes, who were debt serfs and had been propagandized, especially about how "greed is good."4) The first "debtor democracies" were then installed to overcome the sovereign king. If you think closely, then the average citizen is no longer sovereign through their king, but instead a hidden creditor has inserted himself as a parasite. 5) The press must be owned to pass hypnosis. This was done with the first printing presses, owned primarily by the Jewish community, who in turn were tied closely to the stock market. They soon went about changing religion, by funding the reformation, and creating judeo-christianity.6) New stock market methods, including shorts and speculations. These methods were installed by about 600 unlicensed Sephardic Jews who festooned themselves into the market, changing its nature from natural pricing to speculations and usury.7) First debt spreading Wissell banks, where new credit is hypothecated. Tulip mania was in 1636, so by then the "nameless war" was already in full swing. The Dutch fought back, with the Bank of Amsterdam, which was a bank of issue, not one of hypothecation. Still the speculators ran wild.8) The "deep pools of capital" and corporatocracy then spread to London, and is now a "western disease." Usury and the taking of sordid gain has been indurated into religion.So, a young white soul, is born into a system that requires them to malfunction, take usury, and be violent, and to work against their inborn nature.There are many examples of "white people" fighting back and trying to overcome the nameless war. The revolutionary war for example, or NSDAP Germany. Canada from 1938 to 1974. The "intent of communism" was to overturn the nameless war of finance capital. In other words, the worst sort of people string pulling their democracies.And, here you are blaming the victims.My recommendation to white people, is that whenever you hear some sort of "guilting tactic" is to just ignore it, or try to figure out the motivation of the accuser. Normie whites are prone to guilt, and please try to overcome that part of your nature. All groups of people have their sociopaths and psychos, it is important to not allow them into power.(Whites have evolved for guilt, especially during the last ice age.) Guilt is useful for individuals to self regulate, but if whites are poorly lead, then they can also be maneuvered by predators. The most recent covid example was one of mass hysteria and guilting, to then lead populations around by the nose.Replies: @Farrakhan.DDuke.AliceWalker.AllAgree, @littlereddot
Australia’s northern coast is of a tropical climate virtually the same as Java. If they Javanese were inclined to just genocide the Aborigines and colonise the southern continent, it would be a piece of cake to them. Yet they never did.
Please see the context of my comment. It was in response to a commenter who used the broadest possible terms, i.e.
If whites exceeded other races in victims, it is only because whites exceeded other races in everything.
My semi-broad response was only in relation to that. I only brought up the example of the Javanese.
I have not yet brought in other examples, such as the Chinese treasure fleets of 1405 AD, or the two millenium long Southern Indian contact with Southeast Asia. I only relate examples from this region because I am intimately familiar with them. I am sure many more abound around the world.
But back to what I wrote in that comment…., if you read carefully, my point was not to ascribe guilt. My point is that different cultures react differently when they are the ones that are superior to other cultures. NOT ALL CULTURES are inclined to dominate and colonise. To understand why, one has to look at not only their
1. inherent cultural temperaments, but also the
2. phase of development the culture is in.
Looking at it in this context, White people are needlessly defensive about their past.They did what was natural at that time…according to the cultural state that they were in.
Would we hold it against a teenager if he does some reckless daredevil stunt? It is just what teenagers, at that stage development do.
Or would we hold it against a toddler if he just runs into the street without looking out for traffic? It is why at toddlers, at that stage of development do.
Likewise Europeans did what they did in the last 500 years because they were at that stage of development.
It is unfortunate that the commenting discourse at UR limits itself to DNA and genes level. ..Thinking that the behaviour of a people now, is what it always was, and what it always will be. They do not take into account the fact that cultures go through the same developmental phases.
Just as men, when we mature, leave behind a quarrelsome and acquisitive youth, cultures also do the same. The Western European acquisitive phase ended say in the 1900s. The US phase has not yet ended. China’s ended about 1000 AD.