They certainly can be and are. What's worse is that they think they're smart, so their opinions must be valid. Most seem perfectly happy living lives of neatly packaged lies and there is no penetrating them after they're set. A good example of this is the product of "higher 'education,'" most of whom have a piece of paper supposedly certifying their knowledge and intelligence when the opposite is true, yet they think and act as if they have all the answers and that their "philosophizing" and pop psych explain everything. Among the worst are those with degrees in "history" and the situation is so horrendous that it has to be hilarious.Replies: @m___
High IQ people can be mislead and deceived.
Indeed. Knowledge has texture, not structure often.
Are you kidding? Unz is becoming a toxic wasteland of inane garbage worse than “The View.†Are Whoopi Goldberg articles going to be featured next?
I’d be happy to see Whoopi post here. If she did, she’d get the first real and intellectual pushback of her life. That would be good for her.
I wouldn’t count on it given the contents of the articles and the comments written by some of the prolific writers and riders, respectively, here at Unz; she’s pretty much a mainstream actress (and a black one to boot), and I doubt she’d take the opportunity to write a column here.
Never heard of that. I do recall cases where commenters spawned websites for viewpoints suppressed by the site owner. grew from Billmon’s website when he started suppressing criticism of more and better Dems as the solution to everything – and the offshoot has outclassed the original by leaps and bounds. is a less divergent offshoot of, who suppresses certain contentious topics to do his own thing. Typically, what happens is, the sharpest and most connected people swarm to the site that best reflects Article 19 freedom-of-information principles. The inverse is a site like Digby, a closet Dem apparatchik who tried to build a roach motel for party critics. She brought in a cartoonishly pompous Dem asshole named Atkins to ‘control the conversation,’ commenters vivisected him in hilarious technicolor, and now there are no comments and their influence, much like the Dems, is nil.
That was hilarious. It made my night.
There was an article here a while ago on proposals for military web censorship. One of the suggestions was for newspaper web sites to disable the viewer comment function. That speaks volumes. They want to lecture to us without being questioned. The New York Times had a forum a long time ago. It didn’t last long because they were getting skewered, even by their own subscribers. Now they have a comment function that is heavily moderated, with “Times Picks” comments highlighted in a separate tab.
I can’t remember the name of it, but there was a beta application back in the 1990s that would provide an overlay for any other webpage where users could post comments on a third party server that was out of reach of the site host itself. You could annotate the overlay of any site- from a news story to a politician’s web page. I thought it was a terrific idea, with marketable potential, but something seems to have killed it off.
Of course mass media is crap. Remember the McBride report? That’s why the government hates UNESCO. The last 20 years has been CIA’s futile struggle to a controllable mass medium of the Internet.
Remember, back in the 90s, the people who thought they owned the web pushed ‘push?’ Rather than let you pick what you want, they were going to shove it down your throat. That flopped. Then CIA invented its first human terrarium, AOL (headquartered in Dulles, VA.) CIA was going to press their nose against the glass and watch while you paddled in the basin and basked on the rock and ate your lettuce. AOL shelled you with hundreds of those stupid CDs but you didn’t want it, so Time Warner was forced to swallow it. Now a dwindling niche of technically illiterate elderly people use it, most famously John Brennan.
Then there was Myspace, the next terrarium. Now unsuccessful musicians put their music on it but its mostly been supplanted. DoD killed it by censoring Iraq war reports from the troops. Meanwhile disseminated the combat photos that embedded journalists couldn’t get. It was based on a simple agreement: you get an account by supplying pictures of Iraqi corpses – or your girlfriend, naked, if you didn’t have any corpses. It got suppressed, but by then the troops were trading CIA torture porn so nobody missed it.
Now Facebook is struggling to manipulate the most passive and least politically engaged segment of the population as their market ages and begins to die off. Young people don’t use it and older people are embarrassed to admit they do.
Mass media have no role in civil society. Nowadays you can coordinate a vanguard for any feasible purpose with open-source software using your own little box as a server. These internet ads — what are they? I have never seen one. With tor browser bundle and noscript or umatrix, or Tor hidden services or i2p or any blockchain network, you are out of their reach. Anyone who doesn’t know how to use that stuff is politically irrelevant. Those poor bastards can’t do anything but vote.
Whatever you say, Corvinus.
I am of German, Polish, and Dutch descent
But are you, or are you not, a Jew ?
the tipoff is in #110
“Why hello fellow whites” lol
I am of German, Polish, and Dutch descent
Whatever you say, Corvinus.
But are you, or are you not, a Jew ?
the tipoff is in #110
But are you, or are you not, a Jew ?
Jesus Christ. Are you serious ?Replies: @Jeff Stryker
On a purely economic/social level, Jewish promiscuity has no affect on society.
How many Jewish girls end up 3 kids from 3 different fathers starting at age 15 that the taxpayer has to cover?
Is teen pregnancy really a problem for Jewish girls?
Sarah Silverman probably ranches more peckers in a weekend that Shaquina or Bobby Sue Joe or Cholita does.
But you won’t see many Jewish single mothers.
I’m not a “shill” or anything else. But if we are going to deal with facts, lets deal with them. It is blacks, Hispanics and poor white girls from the underclass who suffer from these social pathology.
But... but... you DO know that's because the global JEWISH pornography industry - centred in the Los Angles valley just a few miles from Hollywood's main studios and entirely set up, run, managed, and staffed by hundreds of moonlighting Hollywood writers, cameramen, editors, distributors and promoters - is NOT allowed to distribute across Israel. You DO know that... right ?So good little Avis and Dovs have to play with themselves a lot more than most western teens, instead of having sex-obsessed access to good little Rachels and Miriams - who have to do the same in the privacy of their beds instead of going out unsupervised with boys - exactly as used to be the case in White lands until JEWISH social engineering wrecked the social order in the 1960's. And so there is NO porn brainwashing, moral-poisoning, mind-decaying cesspit filth, early-teen sex or associated early-pregnancy, ruined-life disasters for good little Jewish children.No, no... Not at all. Israel is a CLOSED land for Jew-produced, Jew-promoted, Jew sex-obsessed degradation and nation-wrecking propaganda porno filth. Jews save all that satanic shit solely for the hundreds of millions of innocent, trusting, unsuspecting goyim children across the west, who are watching anal penetration on their bedroom computers whilst still trying to concentrate on their school homework - and wondering why they feel "strange" down below, and can't wait to meet that nice boy or girl who smiled at them in the cafe as soon as possible.Jew murder of our society will not end until we end it.Replies: @Jeff Stryker
The Jewish teen pregnancy rate is not an epidemic
Well a good many Jews seem fully prepared to leap into porn as adults, that is for sure. And while Sarah Silverman probably was that nerdy virginal girl until 18 I am sure that she made up for lost time.
On a purely economic/social level, Jewish promiscuity has no affect on society.
Jesus Christ. Are you serious ?
The Jewish teen pregnancy rate is not an epidemic
But… but… you DO know that’s because the global JEWISH pornography industry – centred in the Los Angles valley just a few miles from Hollywood’s main studios and entirely set up, run, managed, and staffed by hundreds of moonlighting Hollywood writers, cameramen, editors, distributors and promoters – is NOT allowed to distribute across Israel. You DO know that… right ?
So good little Avis and Dovs have to play with themselves a lot more than most western teens, instead of having sex-obsessed access to good little Rachels and Miriams – who have to do the same in the privacy of their beds instead of going out unsupervised with boys – exactly as used to be the case in White lands until JEWISH social engineering wrecked the social order in the 1960’s. And so there is NO porn brainwashing, moral-poisoning, mind-decaying cesspit filth, early-teen sex or associated early-pregnancy, ruined-life disasters for good little Jewish children.
No, no… Not at all. Israel is a CLOSED land for Jew-produced, Jew-promoted, Jew sex-obsessed degradation and nation-wrecking propaganda porno filth. Jews save all that satanic shit solely for the hundreds of millions of innocent, trusting, unsuspecting goyim children across the west, who are watching anal penetration on their bedroom computers whilst still trying to concentrate on their school homework – and wondering why they feel “strange” down below, and can’t wait to meet that nice boy or girl who smiled at them in the cafe as soon as possible.
Jew murder of our society will not end until we end it.
Of course. You know who.
Now, first, more left-liberal outpourings of vigils, flowers, candles and calls for an end to “hate”. Tirelessly organised, orchestrated and promoted by Jews.
Then, respectfully after the funerals – but on the same day – the full blast of mindless hate-filled leftie faux-outrage against those evil right-wing White nationalists – the naziswhowanttokill sixmillionjews. Outrage, lies, intolerance and anti-White racist hatred wholly led, paid for, orchestrated and broadcast by Jews, of course.
Next comes the generalised anti-alt-Right lie-fest across all media. Published by Jews.
Then the top-volume political calls – backed and bribed by Jews – for yet more gun-control, which of course just happens to wholly support 40-year-long Jewish political and social policy across the USA.
And of course, all wrapped up and saturated in the six million ways in which poor Jews feel unsafe in the USA, and are the most important and defenceless of all peoples, and the most helpless, innocent, law-abiding, loyal citizens of the land they never stop criticising and undermining, the dying canaries in the mineshaft of satanic White intolerance… etc, etc.
Yawn. Fancy a drink, Wally ?
the first step is to separate from non-whites. any plans before this are a waste of timeReplies: @Dave Bowman
We must stop making sweeping statements at international conferences and start building local Democracy in local communities (bottom up democracy). Local people talking about local and national issues and voting issue by issue.
the first step is to separate from non-whites
The first – and last – step is to separate – and permanently, militarily, reinforce separation – from non-whites and Jews. If this is granted, all else will follow naturally, towards the salvation and happiness of higher intelligent White mankind.
Fixed that for you.
You’re welcome.
We just need it made clear to everyone that it’s not a world parliament or a world government with dominion over its member states.
I’m pretty sure Israel understands only too clearly that the UN has absolutely no power or dominion whatever.
Close it down. Invade Israel, disband every part of it as a “functioning” state, and hand the land back to the Palestinians.
Then get the hell out of Dodge and leave it the hell alone.
Why not go fishing instead?
Bowling, for Christ’s sake. At least it involves the acquisition of some skill.
willfully burden themselves with the bilge of popular culture
No. Total immersion / brainwashing / secret hypnotism is not “willfully”.
Relax. Unz is doing what he promised to do. A forum for alternative views on both the left and right. I like my views being challenged by smart people. That makes me think. That makes me smarter. If you want an echo chamber, there are plenty of places for you to go.
And since you obviously disagree vehemently with this piece, then tell us why. As opposed to just attacking the website.
I’d be happy to see Whoopi post here. If she did, she’d get the first real and intellectual pushback of her life. That would be good for her.
I wouldn't count on it given the contents of the articles and the comments written by some of the prolific writers and riders, respectively, here at Unz; she's pretty much a mainstream actress (and a black one to boot), and I doubt she'd take the opportunity to write a column here.I’d be happy to see Whoopi post here. If she did, she’d get the first real and intellectual pushback of her life. That would be good for her. �
Are you kidding? Unz is becoming a toxic wasteland of inane garbage worse than “The View.†Are Whoopi Goldberg articles going to be featured next?
and 100% cuck
Actually, the societies that the Europeans bulldozed were quite content with how they ran things.
if that were true they wouldn’t be trying to flood into Europe and the U.S. today
Midwestern, Generation X, fellow white man.
if that were true they wouldn't be trying to flood into Europe and the U.S. today
Actually, the societies that the Europeans bulldozed were quite content with how they ran things.
Midwestern Gen Y, doubtlessly, with that background.
(((we)))Replies: @Jeff Stryker, @Corvinus
we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places
“Just ignore Corvinus. He’s a Jew.”
In reality, I am of German, Polish, and Dutch descent. Perhaps you are Jewish and are ashamed of who you are.
Whatever you say, Corvinus.
I am of German, Polish, and Dutch descent
they revealed themselves when they decided that the law and the border didn't apply to them
Now, the problem I have is assuming that most non-European immigrants are decidedly “badâ€, i.e. criminals, terrorists.
where is that?Europeans built what those people were incapable of and if it weren't for Europeans most of these third worlders would still be living in mud hutsReplies: @Anonymous, @Corvinus
Well, in some cases, we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places for free stuff and gimmedats.
“where is that?”
You mean what is that. It’s called imperialism. And the Europeans were quite good at extracting resources by way of the gin and cannonball.
“Europeans built what those people were incapable of…”
Actually, the societies that the Europeans bulldozed were quite content with how they ran things.
“and if it weren’t for Europeans most of these third worlders would still be living in mud huts”
They didn’t all live in “mud huts”.
(((we)))Replies: @Jeff Stryker, @Corvinus
we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places
I don’t think Jews actually believe the Leftist BS they preach for money. He’s a true believer, as only a Gen Y born in the Clinton Era when PC took over the land could be.
they revealed themselves when they decided that the law and the border didn't apply to them
Now, the problem I have is assuming that most non-European immigrants are decidedly “badâ€, i.e. criminals, terrorists.
where is that?Europeans built what those people were incapable of and if it weren't for Europeans most of these third worlders would still be living in mud hutsReplies: @Anonymous, @Corvinus
Well, in some cases, we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places for free stuff and gimmedats.
Just ignore Corvinus. He’s a Jew.
we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places
Now, the problem I have is assuming that most non-European immigrants are decidedly “badâ€, i.e. criminals, terrorists.
they revealed themselves when they decided that the law and the border didn’t apply to them
Well, in some cases, we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places for free stuff and gimmedats.
where is that?
Europeans built what those people were incapable of and if it weren’t for Europeans most of these third worlders would still be living in mud huts
(((we)))Replies: @Jeff Stryker, @Corvinus
we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places
what's a "bad white"? someone who wants the border enforced?
“Who is “weâ€? I’m white.â€
I am also white. But am I a “good white†or a “bad white�
“what’s a “bad whiteâ€? someone who wants the border enforced?”
Actually, I support that endeavor, as well as limiting immigrants. It’s not about being a “bad white”, it’s about being a good citizen. Now, the problem I have is assuming that most non-European immigrants are decidedly “bad”, i.e. criminals, terrorists.
“someone who doesn’t feel sorry for would be “immigrants†who all have plenty of land of their own but instead of building their own countries (because they are too lazy or too stupid?) insist they have the right to crash into yours.”
Well, in some cases, we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places for free stuff and gimmedats. So perhaps it is the chicken coming home to roost. Also recall that a number of European immigrants also “crashed” into our nation, with nativists not too happy with this “invasion”.
they revealed themselves when they decided that the law and the border didn't apply to them
Now, the problem I have is assuming that most non-European immigrants are decidedly “badâ€, i.e. criminals, terrorists.
where is that?Europeans built what those people were incapable of and if it weren't for Europeans most of these third worlders would still be living in mud hutsReplies: @Anonymous, @Corvinus
Well, in some cases, we, meaning Western nations, came crashing into those places for free stuff and gimmedats.
Can someone explain to me why, whenever propaganda is the topic, the chances are Goebbels' name is almost inevitably used to damn both him and the subject as if he was some evil master of it when Bernays is both an earlier and better example of such and practically never mentioned?Note the date.:
[Goebbels'] Speech on 9 January 1928
Replies: @jilles dykstra
Mr. Bernays is no common press-agent, assaulting the plain people with tales of stolen jewels and banal adulteries, but a shrewd and well-informed professor of the new sort, playing upon the mob in a highly scientific manner. His treatise is grounded upon a thorough study of the chief authorities upon mob psychology— Le Bon, Trotter, Martin, Lippmann, MacDougall and the rest. -H.L. Mencken, Training for Press Agents, (Review) ,Crystallizing Public Opinion, by Edward L. Bernays, The American Mercury, May 1924, p. 123 - PDF
Propaganda is as old as the world, the point is that present rulers want us to think that it just existed in Hitler’s Germany.
Philip M. Taylor, ‘Munitions of the Mind, A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day’, 1995, Manchester
Philip M. Taylor, ‘The Projection of Britain, British Overseas Publicity and Propaganda 1919-1939’, Cambridge 1981
Sir Campbell Stuart K.B.E., ‘Secrets of Crewe House, The Story of a Famous Campaign’, 1920, London
Heath W. Lowry, ‘The story behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story’, Istanbul 1990
Thomas Fleming, ‘The Illusion of Victory, America in WW I’, New York 2003
Winston Churchill, ‘The Story of the Malakand Field Force’, 1898, 2004, New York
Larry Zuckerman, ‘The Rape of Belgium, The untold story of WWI’, New York 2004
Thomas E. Mahl, ‘Desperate deception, British covert operations in the United States 1939-44’, Dulles, Virginia, 1998
Useful information can be gleaned from the alternative media, but it is a little bit like dumpster diving. We need a high-traffic referral page like Drudge with links to quality alternative sources. Too many of them are low quality or seeded with false information in order to discredit other information on the site. There are armies of trolls scouring the net in pursuit of special interests.
Sometimes I have to wonder who is paying for some of these sites.
“Who is “weâ€? I’m white.â€
I am also white. But am I a “good white†or a “bad white�
what’s a “bad white”? someone who wants the border enforced?
someone who doesn’t feel sorry for would be “immigrants” who all have plenty of land of their own but instead of building their own countries (because they are too lazy or too stupid?) insist they have the right to crash into yours
whittes haven’t been kicked out of 350 countries, city-states, etc
come to think of it neither have black, brown or yellow
Richard Spencer and Tommy Morrison are not exactly my idea of white leaders. One was a professional college student and the other is a high school dropout.
“Who is “weâ€? I’m white.”
I am also white. But am I a “good white” or a “bad white”?
“‘Race traitor’ and ‘cuck’ are buzzwords and someone like you is conditioned to believe that any realist fits into the Right-wing redneck mode that uses them.”
Buzzwords employed by the Alt Right who condition their adherents to use them whenever they can.
what's a "bad white"? someone who wants the border enforced?
“Who is “weâ€? I’m white.â€
I am also white. But am I a “good white†or a “bad white�
hmm, if it happened what brought it on?for some reason jews seem to have problems getting along, over and over and over againReplies: @Corvinus
No scam, just death and destruction against Jews by Germans and their acolytes.
“for some reason jews seem to have problems getting along, over and over and over again…”
You mean for some reason whites like yourself seem to have problems getting along with non-whites.
“Except that you have no proof of such silly nonsense, i.e.: we witnessed your demolition, and others like you, here:”
That would be Fake News.
[Goebbels’] Speech on 9 January 1928
Can someone explain to me why, whenever propaganda is the topic, the chances are Goebbels’ name is almost inevitably used to damn both him and the subject as if he was some evil master of it when Bernays is both an earlier and better example of such and practically never mentioned?
Note the date.:
Mr. Bernays is no common press-agent, assaulting the plain people with tales of stolen jewels and banal adulteries, but a shrewd and well-informed professor of the new sort, playing upon the mob in a highly scientific manner. His treatise is grounded upon a thorough study of the chief authorities upon mob psychology— Le Bon, Trotter, Martin, Lippmann, MacDougall and the rest.
-H.L. Mencken, Training for Press Agents, (Review) ,Crystallizing Public Opinion, by Edward L. Bernays, The American Mercury, May 1924, p. 123 – PDF
John Scales eh!
when a commentator talks about population reduction it raises my red flag. I suspect all such commentators are elitist and or clandestine.. may not even be aware of their deep racism and personal threat to humanity in their own being
who are to be reduced? who are to do the reducing by effective implementation of reductive plans or by direct killing, sterilization etc?
as I understand it, the material development of life is a serious brake on population increase. so why don’t we let that take its course while we develop global democracy and the well being of all people. and if that is in fact the case, in the most comprehensive material development of human conditions, those alive at the time will develop a major survival problem in how to keep human numbers on-going species survival levels?
my point is that I hope commentators like this one here..Scales.. has only their own opinion to give, then as now.. and can command not even the power of a paper like this one to spread it far and wide, that ,
otherwise increases the weight of their points of view
this article I guess has its positive points but Scales is elitist. the answer lies in converting ownership of human productive forces into popular ownership, ending the capitalist relation, social decisions to be made by the people for the people by organizational social structures they create and evolve to hand to effect such democracy as they go.
I would imagine then that a sensibility and outlook as represented by Mr Scales wont even exist at such a time if the revolution succeeds. and that to my mind would be one of the best developments of popular social revolution..the elimination of the means that produce social elitism of all and every kind
“Adolph Hitler will be seen as someone who tried to save his country, and was later demonized by the jews, making it possible for the holocaust scam to go on as long as it has. â€
I’d like to see you defend your “no.”
On the other hand the verity of the original claim should be obvious by now to anyone with at least the ability to gum his oatmeal. You’ve at least heard of the colonizing empires and the “world revolutionists” and their targets and victims, have you not?
High IQ people can be mislead and deceived.
They certainly can be and are. What’s worse is that they think they’re smart, so their opinions must be valid. Most seem perfectly happy living lives of neatly packaged lies and there is no penetrating them after they’re set.
A good example of this is the product of “higher ‘education,’” most of whom have a piece of paper supposedly certifying their knowledge and intelligence when the opposite is true, yet they think and act as if they have all the answers and that their “philosophizing” and pop psych explain everything.
Among the worst are those with degrees in “history” and the situation is so horrendous that it has to be hilarious.
Do they really get paid just for being Jews in the United States?
Can Jews qualify for Affirmative Action?
Why do so many Jews do porn, petty-ante white collar scams, fraud etc if they have gigantic advantages?
Meh, just give it time. Antifa will lose it’s Soros funding, just like BLM and Occupy did. The deep state is being exposed but give it time. Things will get better.
As said in the initial comment, our elites are way smarter, there is an enormous gap, be it by proxy (paid brains) and directly …as to the commoner (us, we happily count ourselves in), the deplorable, the sans-culotte, the Sovjet imperial soldier in the first days after the Tsar.
As said in the initial comment, our elites do not level up to cope with the derivatives of their smartness (dominating the populous crowds and tricking and bombing them into laughable tarps of molten plastic) taking over in importance as to the benefits of their rule.
The second statement matters only as with regard to the “sustainability” of their rule, and it is diminishing. Toxicity, climate, inaccessible parts of the globe to them, the grinding to a standstill of the progress in controlling crowds with regard of the waste that these crowds do produce as compared to the energy they can be extracted of. There is no “policing” solution to that. Their position gets weaker, not as to these same crowds globally, but as to the permeability of their own live bulbs. They are basically throwing more grinded apples into the mash (the end of the growing season is way past), to retard the effect of the ferments in it to mature and explode into snaps (German for moonshine). Let us get drunk, “them and thou” included.
Now all this is relative to the brain power one invests in it. If you see progress in all, after all, as to the elites’ de facto position of power, then so be it.
Of course the free, unearned, undeserved cash & preferential treatment that Jews get just for being Jews rather complicates your position.
In fact so many Jews are what could rightly be described as parasitical ‘welfare bums’.
“So you’ve been sleeping with the enemy?
I’ve been around Jews all my life. They seem very mainstream to me no different from the rest of us Whites re: sex.”
At the time I simply took the path of least resistance.
Nothing exceptional about being around Jews, most Euro gentiles have been around Jews all their life, as Jews follow us everywhere, and are everywhere as they are obviously not the rare commodity they would have us believe.
Some valid points, thanks
The author points out that we are suffocating in a cunningly disguised totalitarian state. Think how many millions you need to spend to become a representative of the people. So-called.
To enforce conformity with all these nostrums [such as elimination of corporate greed] would require a suffocatingly totalitarian state. �
‘…How could a totalitarian ruler, not beholden to any plutocrats, the powerful lobbies now all powerless, suffocate more?’
There is a way to find out.
To enforce conformity with all these nostrums [such as elimination of corporate greed] would require a suffocatingly totalitarian state.
The author points out that we are suffocating in a cunningly disguised totalitarian state. Think how many millions you need to spend to become a representative of the people. So-called.
How could a totalitarian ruler, not beholden to any plutocrats, the powerful lobbies now all powerless, suffocate more?
Who is “we”? I’m white. I myself was a prole of sorts who simply ended up overseas so young that dependents or spouses or financial obligations did not lock me into the usual set of circumstances.
One day I was a single male in Phoenix navigating around Cholos, tweakers, Hood Rats, rednecks and then the next week I was in Dubai and all of these things had vanished.
I view everything empirically. Cause and affect. These observations were based upon experience.
“Race traitor” and “cuck” are buzzwords and someone like you is conditioned to believe that any realist fits into the Right-wing redneck mode that uses them.
[You have been previously warned about cluttering up comment-threads with your endless personal rambling. More and more of your comments will be trashed until you start behaving yourself.]
I don’t care what Sarah Silverman types do-they are not crushing the country welfare office with out-of-wedlock kids. Teen pregnancy is not an issue destroying the fabric of their society. Society is not complaining about the “destruction of the Jewish family”.
What do I give a shit if Sarah Silverman how many men have badly used her? She probably loved every minute of it.
Do I care if young Jewish women do pornography? It doesn’t make a shit to me. They manage not to get pregnant and become destitute single mothers.
On a purely economic/social level, Jewish promiscuity has no affect on society.
Jesus Christ. Are you serious ?Replies: @Jeff Stryker
On a purely economic/social level, Jewish promiscuity has no affect on society.
…You won’t find any Jewish women down the county welfare office as single mothers, pregnant a fourth time by an unknown father and seeking fiscal support from the tax-payer.
I don’t doubt that Sarah Silverman was badly used by the age 18 or that she did some sexual favors for half of Hollywood.
But she is not some single mother seeking tax-payers support.
The Jewish teen pregnancy rate is not an epidemic.
The absence of Jewish fathers in households is not destroying the Jewish family. Jews are not writing articles about how bastardy is destabilizing their society and Gentiles have to do more to assist them in restoring the Jewish family.
There is no question that many Jewish women have become sex workers. Look at the porn industry.
But few of them become single parents unable to support their children.
The same might be said for Asian women.
Asian women have also been involved in the sex industry. Visit a massage parlor nearest you. But you’d be hard-pressed to see many Asians at the welfare office. Out-of-wedlock Asian teen pregnancy is low.
But... but... you DO know that's because the global JEWISH pornography industry - centred in the Los Angles valley just a few miles from Hollywood's main studios and entirely set up, run, managed, and staffed by hundreds of moonlighting Hollywood writers, cameramen, editors, distributors and promoters - is NOT allowed to distribute across Israel. You DO know that... right ?So good little Avis and Dovs have to play with themselves a lot more than most western teens, instead of having sex-obsessed access to good little Rachels and Miriams - who have to do the same in the privacy of their beds instead of going out unsupervised with boys - exactly as used to be the case in White lands until JEWISH social engineering wrecked the social order in the 1960's. And so there is NO porn brainwashing, moral-poisoning, mind-decaying cesspit filth, early-teen sex or associated early-pregnancy, ruined-life disasters for good little Jewish children.No, no... Not at all. Israel is a CLOSED land for Jew-produced, Jew-promoted, Jew sex-obsessed degradation and nation-wrecking propaganda porno filth. Jews save all that satanic shit solely for the hundreds of millions of innocent, trusting, unsuspecting goyim children across the west, who are watching anal penetration on their bedroom computers whilst still trying to concentrate on their school homework - and wondering why they feel "strange" down below, and can't wait to meet that nice boy or girl who smiled at them in the cafe as soon as possible.Jew murder of our society will not end until we end it.Replies: @Jeff Stryker
The Jewish teen pregnancy rate is not an epidemic
I’m seeing the Huxleyan and Orwellian impulses working well in concert to create and manage a pliant, morally enervated public. Plata o plomo, depending on the sub-population.
Alienated and just plain crazy Blacks and Whites get the slammer, a gangbanger’s death, or the OD. Upmarket Whites and “talented tenth” Blacks get good salaries and wages for playing ball with the corporate man, and imagine themselves to be autonomous moral actors whose opinions count for something. I can’t count how many “opinions” I’ve heard from such folks that are derivative of yesterday’s editorials, warmed-over corporate propaganda, and suchlike, yet they believe their thoughts are, well, high-toned and somewhat original with them.
I know. Sounds too glib, too pessimistic, to be sure. But, what was Sinclair Lewis’s quip? Something about the difficulty of persuading someone of something when his salary depends on him not being persuaded?
If you actually work for a living, watching TV from time to time ( Netflix etc) is a harmless diversion…
Sounds like another comforting myth to me.
Freedom to choose- indeed to have the luxury of leisure time-is what separates us from North Korea and other labor prison countries.
Arrrrgggghhh! What do you know about North Korea, anyway?
I’m with UC. I’ve never allowed the toob in my house, and more and more people are doing the same. Not a shred of redeeming value in it. Utter rot, but be my guest.
It is up to our educational systems to decide…
No, it ain’t.
It’s up to us to decide not to rely on “systems” and especially what we erroneously label “educational.” The system we have now is brainwashing for the masses and is therefore anti-educational.
Huxley was a psychologist of a higher run than Orwell (and thus, possibly, a higher writer.
This may be not unrelated with the fact that Brave New World has earned much lesser a mainstream creed than has 1984.
regards “.. the application of the science of Psychology to media and the danger to humanity that is associated to uncontrolled omnipresent media and your point that ” it[engineered propaganda] does not seem to work so well on Jews… ????
I think your observation (“d/n seem to work so well on Jews”) may confirm the needle threaded accuracy of engineered media; it the hidden subliminal messages (stimuli) are transparent to non targets.. If Jews are separately identifiable, by their cultural, psychology, psychology or mental profiles, and the content designers might make the stimuli visible only to the target.
Psychology documents sensory system detected behavioral responses to stimuli within a given set of environments. If sensory systems are insensitive to, or have been conditioned to be insensitive to, non targets, the stimuli would be transparent, and no response would be expected.
Probably Google, Twitter and Facebook can shed a great amount of light on these issues? Your observation is well taken..
Corvinus is our resident IDF unit 8200 hasbara. Beware!
So you’ve been sleeping with the enemy?
I’ve been around Jews all my life. They seem very mainstream to me no different from the rest of us Whites re: sex.
Today we are faced with the task of creating a new global ethic in which loyalty to family, religion and nation will be supplemented by a higher loyalty to humanity as a whole. In case of conflicts, loyalty to humanity as a whole must take precedence.
Demanding loyalty to “humanity” over loyalty to family would require strong propaganda indeed, because it would be pushing against millions of years of evolutionary pressure.
When global humanity cares about me and mine, I’ll care about global humanity.
For the last 50 years global humanity and its leaders want me and mine to be eradicated from the earth.
No scam, just death and destruction against Jews by Germans and their acolytes.
hmm, if it happened what brought it on?
for some reason jews seem to have problems getting along, over and over and over again
“No scam, just death and destruction against Jews by Germans and their acolytes.”
Except that you have no proof of such silly nonsense, i.e.: we witnessed your demolition, and others like you, here:
American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz:
on Irving & ‘holocaust’: Ron Unz: A Defender of Truth:
That was easy.
October 17, 2018 American Friendly Fascism Not So Friendly Anymore
“It is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.†— Hermann Goering, head of the Nazi army’s equivalent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Head of the Luftwaffe (April 18, 1946).
“Jews watch Sarah Silverman but they don’t all go out and act like sluts.”
Yes they do. You can’t be serious.
Some the loosest women I’ve ever seen have been Jews, in fact most were very easy ‘first daters’ … if even a date was required.
Please show the authentic, original German document for your English text.
And now the fake package bombs to Leftist Dems.
Pure coincidence, of course.
Who benefits?
19th 20th century French newspapers were famous for that. But at least every reader knew what faction owned which newspaper
For a long time American cities had at least one Republican, one Democrat newspaper. Now they’re all democrat.
Indeed, the dead give away is Avery’s false use of the Goebbels quote, who was referring to the world around them, not NS Germany.
Avery, another communist, all dressed up & no place to go.
Read that plus Further Confessiins of an Economic Hitman. In Further Confessions he blames all the problems in S America on the international banks and American companies
He makes a good case good read
Thank you for the link and the recommendation of Bardèche’s work. I think I’ve heard the name before but that’s all. I almost didn’t read your comment because I saw references to the Nuremberg trials. I’ve had it up to here with talk of Nazis, pro or con.
“As Orwell observed about Hitler:
‘Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people ‘I offer you a good time,’ Hitler has said to them ‘I offer you struggle, danger and death,’ and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. ‘ ”
Except that Hitler never ever said that.
Yawn. Hitler, Schmitler.
The author of this article is European – perhaps he can be forgiven not using the word “Jew†when discussing popular media.
In America it would be an intellectual crime not to consider Jews when analyzing the media.
In America we have both Orwell and Huxley at the same time – negative news about Jews and Israel is not reported, and Jew controlled popular entertainment is a cacophony of mind-numbing hyped up sex and violence.
Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art
I agree with how some of the others that the Western (USA, Canada, Australia and the EU) media is rife with shoddy “journalism” and biased reporting. But I have wonder about the Russian media and how it measures up in comparison.
After reading one of Anatoly Karlin’s articles on Russia Insider, there were a few comments remarking on how the Russian media is just as biased as (if not more so than) the Western media. This made me disappointed for a while; until then, I had the impression that Russian media was more objective/less biased than Western media granted that:
1. Russia is being unfairly attacked by the Western MSM and,
2. unlike the USA (and its lapdogs) with its internal problems (e.g. LGBTism) and external meddling in other countries’ affairs, Russia just simply minds its own business.
Eventually I found a page of Mr. Karlin’s site with a section discussing the differences between American and Russian media. While it’s helpful to a degree, I doubt it says enough.
The reason I ask is that, while I applaud the existence of alternate media, however, I don’t want to give up on radio, TV or newspapers completely. Not to mention there are some people who don’t have internet connectivity. (correct me if I’m wrong, but Mr. Karlin also said on his site that internet connectivity in Russia is not as developed as that of the US)
I’d be grateful if anyone here can confirm or dispute any points I made.
They know only one way: forward into oblivion. Elite circles are Superbowl watchers with just better seats to the game.
Pretty much.
Sounds as a plan.
…can we reside in our own “ghetto†without the violence and Sharia and poverty?
Don’t think so, but, well, free will.
…what exactly was it at Waco that the feds had to intervene in 1993?
Well….I could write around 100 pages about that but already done by much smarter people than I am.
We don’t want a repeat of that.
So….either ghetto or Waco?
Makes sense.
Now, I just feel there are other options and possibilities, but…neither the time nor place.
Say….five years from now, we could chat about them, over coffee, in a park somewhere. Maybe.
“I kind of wonder if whites must be gullible or some part of their existence must have an emptiness that Jews or Asians don’t.”
There is no need to wonder. Whites aren’t gullible or have this emptiness. Rather, they are human beings who use their ability to reason when making decisions about race and culture. And some of those decisions we, as white people, make may upset or frustrate you, which in turn you lash out by saying this group are “cucks” or “race traitors” or some other type of term to make you feel better about yourself.
“The “media†works better on whites is not due to gullibility, but is a result of the incessant push of “multiculturalism and diversity†by the jewish-run media that is the problem, along with the demonization of any whites who dare to stray from the “we are all equal†mantra that the jewish-run media has been pushing for the last 80 or so years.”
LOL. And if there is this “incessant push”, and whites buy into it, then the cause is their collective “gullibility”.
“It is us whites, who have been forced to externalize our altruism, by the false guilt trip pushed on us by theâ€civil-rights†movement, who have to come to grips with the fact that every other race, group, and culture has always internalized their altruism, which is healthy for any society. We must do the same.”
First, there was no “false guilt trip” or “externalizing altruism” by whites when it came to the Civil Rights movement. It was a genuine movement to ensure basic rights for specific citizens of our nation. Second, this notion that other races have “internalized their altruism” is nonsensical. Third, white people make their own decisions about race and culture, and need not be virtue signaled to death by you when such choices are made that run counter to your beliefs.
“Holocaustianityâ€, the religion of the jews is finally meeting its match as more whites are becoming aware that is is the “scam of the 20th centuryâ€.”
No scam, just death and destruction against Jews by Germans and their acolytes.
“The two world-wars were done at the behest of jewish bankers and oligarchs.”
“Adolph Hitler will be seen as someone who tried to save his country, and was later demonized by the jews, making it possible for the holocaust scam to go on as long as it has. ”
Anything else you want to misrepresent?
hmm, if it happened what brought it on?for some reason jews seem to have problems getting along, over and over and over againReplies: @Corvinus
No scam, just death and destruction against Jews by Germans and their acolytes.
I'd like to see you defend your "no."On the other hand the verity of the original claim should be obvious by now to anyone with at least the ability to gum his oatmeal. You've at least heard of the colonizing empires and the "world revolutionists" and their targets and victims, have you not?No.
“Adolph Hitler will be seen as someone who tried to save his country, and was later demonized by the jews, making it possible for the holocaust scam to go on as long as it has. â€
You underestimate our rulers (or owners as George Carlin quipped), they’ve been doing this along time and are very farsighted. They have access to any and all resources including unlimited paid thinkers and field operatives.
“The case of Scandinavia–once war torn, now cooperative–shows that education is able to bring out either the kind and cooperative side of human nature, or the xenophobic and violent side. Which of these shall it be? It is up to our educational systems to decide, and the mass media are an extremely important part of education.”
Well I got about that far and was fixin’ to get ready to get sucked in by the “old hippy” in me.
Very poorly chosen example (Scandinavia) to make whatever your point was going to be Mr. Avery. I stopped reading right then and there.
The safe-haven concept requires balls and brains to up it to a certain level of viability. That supposes some prepositions: no drugs, physical fitness, generational leads, diet (corn syrup and palm oil won’t do). No overload of junk (tv, the internet as used by the commoner) communication etc. .
The above is being taken care of by conventional education, politics, entertainment, consumer toys. To break the cycle requires a monster that breaks the cocooning in sludge and bad taste of the commoner. Do not think too high of “autonomous” Muslim ghettos in Europe (Schaerbeek Brussels), the level of autonomy in the streets is about that of a negro block in downtown L. A. Once a level up, a political strategy, a social system, biological drift, calls at arms, solidarity, stealth, it all degrades when the first armored car shows up. Admittedly the ex patria experience in the Middle East of a few has helped the stamina and courage, the self-consciousness of the younger generation of Sunny Muslims. For what it is worth. The cocaine trade environment was soft core compared to beheadings and getting bombed. So there is “progress”.
Consumerism is such an important religion, anything bleaks in the shine of it to simple minds. Christianity, Islam, Judaism… six days of capitalism, six nights of suckling consumerism, and a single day of church or jamiah is about the best of it.
“Amen” definitely is meant to be consumerism. Nothing like it in history.
Nothing wrong with nationalism provided it has the true interests of the nations people as its core value. US has a kinda perverse nationalism involving football, flags, beer, soldiers, and a bewitched population. If 9/11 could be more widely exposed as being a false flag event, maybe folks would fight to get our country back.
The only real problem the few alert thinkers of the long term within the global elites is how to stay in power and not being suffocated by the derivatives of growth. How can the elites augment their hold and preserve enough of the living environment, reduce the population globally, do away with the derivatives of pollution, toxicity, climate change …without loosing power, keep privilege.
They are at a loss, that is the human limit of them. Our elites are engineered for local, conflictive, and the short term. Way smarter tops too dumb to a standoff with nature. The elites have a furious headache wrapping their mind around population dynamics, consumer dynamics, how to enlarge the power grip without creating cheap humanity, growing humanity, a toxic global tarball.
They know only one way: forward into oblivion. Elite circles are Superbowl watchers with just better seats to the game.
Pretty much.
They know only one way: forward into oblivion. Elite circles are Superbowl watchers with just better seats to the game.
A consumer who subscribes to the “package†of broadcasts sold by a cable company can often search through all 100 or so channels without finding a single program that offers insight into the various problems that are facing the world today.
Sorry – I just couldn’t resist. 😉
Yup. is this kind of alternative universe, not just media, that needs to be created so that we can exist in it and cooperate with each other. You can’t beat the global establishment in their world. You just have to create a new world.
Well, the alternative universe I am hoping for is a refuge for our resistance. As far as I know the Deep State leaves the Amish alone. There’s a partial model for us. And the Amish establish physical places for themselves to reside, to have refuge. That’s what is needed for us – just not 1835. Then we support each other like the Amish do – with our own media; buy and sell to each other; stick together.
Another thing that scares me but also inspires me is how the Muslims in Europe have ghettos that even the police won’t go into. So don’t they get left alone to their own devices? Is this also true of East Saint Louis and Camden? So can we reside in our own “ghetto” without the violence and Sharia and poverty?
I think places in the depopulating great plains would welcome a new community. And plenty of fertile land to feed each other.
But what exactly was it at Waco that the feds had to intervene in 1993? We don’t want a repeat of that.
Seriously – you can’t dox an Amish.
Don't think so, but, well, free will.
...can we reside in our own “ghetto†without the violence and Sharia and poverty?
Well....I could write around 100 pages about that but already done by much smarter people than I am.
...what exactly was it at Waco that the feds had to intervene in 1993?
We don’t want a repeat of that.
“Today we are faced with the task of creating a new global ethic in which loyalty to family, religion and nation will be supplemented by a higher loyalty to humanity as a whole.”
I must disagree, I think. The problem with “higher loyalty to humanity as a whole” is that it leads inevitably to the tragedy of the commons. The biggest problem the world faces today is that of open borders. With closed borders – every nation looking after its own – the problems of one country stay in that country. With open borders, the power of exponential population growth means that inevitably the entire world will soon be reduced to the level of Bangladesh.
Yes, consider Bangladesh. Right now the population is around 200 million, and growth is slowing because chronic malnutrition is limiting the fertility rate. Suppose countries did not favor their own citizens, and the Bangladeshis had equal access to the world’s resources.
Population of Bangladeshis (in and out of the country):
2020: 200 million
2040: 400 million
2060: 800 million
2080: 1.6 billion
2100: 3.2 billion
2120: 6.4 billion
2140: 12.8 billion
etc. You get the idea. And this is just Bangladesh. Don’t forget Pakistan, or India, etc.etc.
We need urgently to return to a moderate nationalism. It sounds good to talk about humanity as a whole, but in reality the consequences would be to strip mine the planet into a wasteland that would make those “Mad Max” movies look like a garden party.
>”I’ve heard You Tube referred to as J Tube but in point of fact it has democratized the media. Anybody can post electronic information on it.”
Theoretically. Until you get banned or have your videos sandboxed for saying things the owners/operators/trained censor monkeys don’t like, even though it breaks no actual rules. Probably half of the people I subscribed to on Youtube have ended up banneed outright. Even the comedian Sam Hyde and his group’s channel, Million Dollar Extreme, got banned.
The “media” works better on whites is not due to gullibility, but is a result of the incessant push of “multiculturalism and diversity” by the jewish-run media that is the problem, along with the demonization of any whites who dare to stray from the “we are all equal” mantra that the jewish-run media has been pushing for the last 80 or so years.
It is us whites, who have been forced to externalize our altruism, by the false guilt trip pushed on us by the”civil-rights” movement, who have to come to grips with the fact that every other race, group, and culture has always internalized their altruism, which is healthy for any society. We must do the same.
Thanks to the internet, the jewish grip on white culture is loosening, perhaps not fast enough, but change is coming.
“Holocaustianity”, the religion of the jews is finally meeting its match as more whites are becoming aware that is is the “scam of the 20th century”.
It takes a hundred years or so for history to “straighten itself out” and the real TRUTH to become evident…to wit:
The two world-wars were done at the behest of jewish bankers and oligarchs. Adolph Hitler will be seen as someone who tried to save his country, and was later demonized by the jews, making it possible for the holocaust scam to go on as long as it has. Let’s not forget that world jewry declared war on Germany in 1933…
The “fourth turning” is coming soon…
….it is this kind of alternative universe, not just media, that needs to be created so that we can exist in it and cooperate with each other. You can’t beat the global establishment in their world. You just have to create a new world.
And, well, somebody would first need to describe how that “alternative universe” will look like.
Of all alternatives I haven’t seen one I’d be ready to confront a SWAT team in my street. They do come after riot police fail. And, riot police come when TPTBs start getting uncomfortable.
Let’s leave armed forces out of it, for the moment. Start slow…haha.
One day that vision will come up somewhere. Even a simple text file on a Dark Web. Hopefully between 500 and 1000 pages.
I hope, just a little.
The government is already censoring books and articles ( self censorship for example on "sensitive" topics such as Palestine, or Israel's influence on US politics). So Orwell was right and so was Huxley. We're also seeing mass irrelevance, passivity and egotism. From personal observation very few people read books, mostly due to entertainment and social media (inc. Unz Review - it's also social media - but more relevant than the cat photo type).
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.â€
Yes, with a passive population, control of the media is a key to power.
Today, state-controlled or money-controlled newspapers, radio and television are widely used by the power elite to manipulate public opinion. ... For example, during the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the official version of events was broadcast by CNN, and criticism of the invasion was almost absent from their transmissions.
I would extend that to say advanced societies are built on cooperation AND trust. Tribal emotions don't "balance" cooperation - They are the basis of co-operation and trust - hence the historic evolution of tribes into nations and nation states. It's not an accident that ethnic Chinese live in China, ethnic Germans in Germany, ethnic Poles in Poland and ethnic Jews in Israel (and that multi-ethnic states and Empires eventually break up and fail).
The success of our species is built on cultural evolution, the central element of which is cooperation. Thus, human nature has two sides; tribal emotions are present, but they are balanced by the human genius for cooperation.
"Other powerful lobbies" read Jews (Is it good for the Jews?). The article would be improved by saying it.
Do they give us unbiased news? No, they give us news that has been edited to conform to the interests of the military-industrial complex and other powerful lobbies.
If a small minority of plutocrats want to impose themselves on a country it has to be weakened socially and democratically. Active low level Democracies with full citizen participation are successful at resisting Special Interests since they raise and spend their taxes on local activities and have no interest in sending money to Israel, or funding ME wars.
The Roman emperors gave their people bread and circuses to numb them into political inactivity. The modern mass media seem to be playing a similar role.
We must stop making sweeping statements at international conferences and start building local Democracy in local communities (bottom up democracy). Local people talking about local and national issues and voting issue by issue.
We must achieve a steady-state economic system. We must restore democracy in our own countries when it has been replaced by oligarchy. We must decrease economic inequality both between nations and within nations. We must break the power of corporate greed. We must leave fossil fuels in the ground. We must stabilize and ultimately reduce the global population. We must eliminate the institution of war.
Rather than Speaking to the World, start by planting shrubs or a tree in your own garden, increasing green cover of soil and recycling (composting) garden waste. All sorts of animals and insects will welcome the new habitat.Replies: @anon, @Cagey Beast, @peterAUS
... combined with respect for nature.
Pretty much.
Good one.
Agree, overall.
Today we are faced with the task of creating a new global ethic in which loyalty to family, religion and nation will be supplemented by a higher loyalty to humanity as a whole.
Stopped reading here.
LOL! Don't kid yourself, Trump loves the MSM and its BS narratives. He launched missiles at Syria after the fake chemical attacks to please the warmongers in the MSM.
What if nobody in the United States paid attention to the media at all? What if they simply accepted it as a load of shit?
Like Donald Trump has.
Isn’t he accused of being a Russian spy of sorts by Clinton? Isn’t Hillary still accusing Russia of tampering with the election?
The MSM does not love him. That is obvious.
The whole of the comment.
Right on, in many less words then the naive article. And yes there are practical methods to bend the systemics into a sustainable state. A bulk humanity of eight billion must melt by the historically unknown, untried bends that are required. And that is a good thing.
Disparate inequality should be battled on both ends. Less calories (energy and consumer items, and literally calories for the developing world) for the masses, thus less “wealth” to be made for the elites. Shifting aside derivatives while mentioning progress, is blindsided. As growth is, shrinking must become the new keyword. The actors are the powers that be, no room nor time for crowds, voting, democracy, local fiefs. The stage must be global.
That is where nature has headed, microplastics are in the hair of our media stars, in the poo of the producers of entertainment, in the stomac of a surfing fish or two left. Toxicity and climate changes ar e broadband, span generations of humans, and that is the new powers to be if not.
Our message to our elites, buy, cajole, prostitute yourself to adopt the talent needed to go from growing to shrinking mode.
LETHAL WEAPON 2 – An Examination of Stupidity
Twenty years later I caught the film on cable in the Philippines and could not believe how stupid it seemed and what an obvious attempt at discrediting South African government by Hollywood liberals it was.
Diplomats selling heroin in Los Angeles! Embassy Staff breaking into police officers houses and beating them up! White South African Embassy staff doing drive-by’s police officers…
As an adult who’d by then spent 10 years overseas I could not believe how stupid it seemed. To think that the public could be made to believe this Leftist Garbage.
Not long ago I saw the trailer for BLACK PANTHER. Some stiff-looking black actor in a silly costume-doubtlessly white thespians playing the villains.
To think some young woman will watch that and go out and seek some black thug for a boyfriend who will do her in, as so often happens to white women who get mixed up with them.
Of course I have no choice. When I first moved overseas there was no cable and I lost track of the media anyhow.
I did not have much interest in it.
Look at the list of alternative media that is provided at the right side of this web page. Can the leaders of these sites / organizations overlook their differences and collaborate to provide a world class alternative media?
Such an enterprise would instantly become a target for deep state sabotage – it would be defamed in the MSM, fed disinformation, infiltrated by impostors, entangled in lawsuits, physically attacked, you name it. The fragmented and anarchic state of alternative media affords some measure of protection against this.
What if nobody in the United States paid attention to the media at all? What if they simply accepted it as a load of shit?
Like Donald Trump has.
LOL! Don’t kid yourself, Trump loves the MSM and its BS narratives. He launched missiles at Syria after the fake chemical attacks to please the warmongers in the MSM.
He has gone along with insane sanctions on Russia based on the BS MSM narrative Russiagate/election hacking BS.
The MSM whining over separating families at the border, Trump folds.
The list goes on………….and he loves Fox “News”
Wake up buddy.
John Perkins, author of Confessions of an economic hit man. Watch and listen.
It does not seem to work on Jews themselves. Although they are themselves white (Sort of) they don’t seem to be as affected by this psychology.
Jews watch Sarah Silverman but they don’t all go out and act like sluts. They don’t want to enter into interracial relationships with black thugs like the one who killed the Irish-American girl the other day at college. They don’t have children out-of-wedlock.
For some reason, the media seems to work better on whites.
I kind of wonder if whites must be gullible or some part of their existence must have an emptiness that Jews or Asians don’t.
Not really. High IQ people can be mislead and deceived. The MSM is pretty sophisticated in creating narratives that has no basis in reality. You live in a foreign country so you are out of the self-contained bubble and can get a different set of perspectives, most people never go abroad. Or even if they do it is on a short term basis.
They certainly can be and are. What's worse is that they think they're smart, so their opinions must be valid. Most seem perfectly happy living lives of neatly packaged lies and there is no penetrating them after they're set.A good example of this is the product of "higher 'education,'" most of whom have a piece of paper supposedly certifying their knowledge and intelligence when the opposite is true, yet they think and act as if they have all the answers and that their "philosophizing" and pop psych explain everything.Among the worst are those with degrees in "history" and the situation is so horrendous that it has to be hilarious.Replies: @m___
High IQ people can be mislead and deceived.
Look at the list of alternative media that is provided at the right side of this web page. Can the leaders of these sites / organizations overlook their differences and collaborate to provide a world class alternative media? Can they pool their resources / take donations to purchase professional equipment and send investigative journalists (an endangered species) out into the world? Surely most readers here would recommend the newly created alternative media channel to friends and families. It would grow, it would snowball, and it would also meet resistance. Maybe you could even pull your mama or grandpa away from CNN and Fox to look at the new channel online? Online, because it won’t be on TV, and it won’t be taken too seriously on public access TV.
But it is this kind of alternative universe, not just media, that needs to be created so that we can exist in it and cooperate with each other. You can’t beat the global establishment in their world. You just have to create a new world. And soon! One day it might not even be possible.
One more thing: Can our resistance collaborate with non-English speaking kindred spirits in Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland, or is the language barrier too great?
Such an enterprise would instantly become a target for deep state sabotage - it would be defamed in the MSM, fed disinformation, infiltrated by impostors, entangled in lawsuits, physically attacked, you name it. The fragmented and anarchic state of alternative media affords some measure of protection against this.
Look at the list of alternative media that is provided at the right side of this web page. Can the leaders of these sites / organizations overlook their differences and collaborate to provide a world class alternative media?
Yup. is this kind of alternative universe, not just media, that needs to be created so that we can exist in it and cooperate with each other. You can’t beat the global establishment in their world. You just have to create a new world.