Great reference citing H.G. Wells, whose stories contain deep and profound truths about man and human societies in general.
Absolutely true. Germany needs the U.S. like it needs a hole in the head. In fact, the very Nuremberg laws that nations were supposed to be guided by that were created after the Kangaroo Court war crimes trials against the German leaders, mainly by the Americans and British, have been violated by the Americans and British including several other nations in the world repeatedly since the creation of the Nuremberg laws. Hypocrisy has been the rule since WW 2 ended.
Phil, why don’t the share buttons work properly? When you hit the Twitter button it does not print the URL …
I want out of this psychodrama with the jews and the middle east.
I don’t care anymore about who is right or wrong.
And there are plenty of supporters who don’t make excuses but do note the positives and are pointedly critical of the failures.
I may support the executive, but I think it is fare to say —– speaking for myself — very critical on multiple fronts.
In short the executive has needlessly squandered opportunities and kicked sand in the face of his supporters.
Rectification (albeit minor) : JFK was selected too, he was the first president entirely made and defined by CBS-ABC-NBC and by Hollywood, and presented to the general public and then to History. His personality as presented on TV has absolutely nothing to do with the real character that existed before and anyway most presentations of JFK on TV after his victory were made by actors as the real guy was busy partying on boats. The real guy that existed before 1960 was the Bronfman Clan’s representative in the US and also a fan of lobotomy as the solution for crime and social indiscipline. Be assured of one thing : if JFK had deviated one line from the Bronfman’s clan’s expectations he would be remembered by all TV veiwers and University goers as somebody even more fascistic and tyrannical than Nixon, having nearly missed destroying the world in the intention of turning the US into a Nero-style empire, and he would have been forced to resign instead of being killed so grandiosely. His departure would have been remembered as the most intense sigh of relief of American history and the triumph of the hippie movement would have been most symbolic of the good old carefree days coming back.
I agree with you for Trump : he was selected while Hillary was too engrossed into her own ego to accept the fact that Israel didn’t want of her : she practiced demonic invocations on her own in Haiti being assured by maroon priests that she would have all the forces of Hell on her side but she was played. Trump is nothing more than Sheldon Adelson’s twin brother and business partner with a more passable face and having been baptized as a goy for carreer reasons like so many marranos of yore. He is Satan’s choice to destroy America. His mission is among others to destroy all American media and educational institutions by pushing them into utter decredibilization : now that they have done their job of making the American people a third world one, they are no longer worth their high revenues for Israel, they can be dispensed with like Big Unions and Big Marxism that were so powerful at one time were dispensed with under Reagan once tey had done their job of destroying small businesses by extorting impossible service fees and salaries and turning all workers into automated morons. Workers’ unions are now a minor despised partner of US society nobody notices the presence of any longer except when employed to chase out the last whites from the last good jobs to make room for migrant delinquents, and whose own more and more third world personel are paid third world salaries, the same will happen with media which are to be reduced in number and in hours of diffusion as people no longer have the time for such distraction, and more and more staffed in the South African way by volunteers : people from former TV channels and newspapers will no longer command respect, they will be treated by the general public and also prospective employers like very low grade prostitutes, as most rich people will get their news directly from paying stations directly from Israel. With the NYT going full woke and proving incapable of vanquishing Trump after predicting his sure defeat will result in any like East Coast highbrow-looking paper figuring as useless at best. All universities and colleges going woke will just go bankrupt as no employer will be foolish enough to pay for employees stupid enough to get indebted for life just to be stultified into neo-marxist propaganda. The few media that will remain will no longer pay their journalists but rather sell their page space to the highest bidder or resort to artificial intelligence.
The woke movement is not so much aiming at destroying whites, who are rather to be cowed into perfect obedience to the zionist order of things (preferably by adopting the idea that you are white only in as much as your blood is full of Jewish biblical genes) like the entrepreneurs were when big union and big marxism raged before being abandoned when that obedience was achieved and all conservatives turned into cuckservatives, as at destroying their own militants as is the general case with organisms of the marxist spawn. Even in USSR the ones that peopled the gulags the most were not so much the former bourgeois who could quite easily succeed in the new order when as it was most often the case they proved to be perfectly devoid of idealism, but the former communist militants among the workers and intellectuals having fought their best to destroy old Russia.
Thank goodness we have the lesser of two evils to sElect.
Germany agrees to a gargantuan energy pipeline from Russia, while the UK granted Huawei the 5g contract, which South Korea and Taiwan makes the microprocessors for. They wish to to be continued to be protected at American taxpayers' expense while they save on their own military spending and do business with who they are supposed to be scared of. All the while pursuing a subtly mercantilist export /exchange rate policy against the US. Rather than a crude style of delivery, it's the content of the utterance ( "Free ride is over" ) outraging their sensibilities.Replies: @jsinton, @Anonymous, @animalogic, @BL, @Irish Savant, @Aren Haich, @Antti Kukkonen
Donald Trump’s demeanor has alienated nearly all of America’s traditional allies
A clear majority of Germans want American troops out of their country as soon as possible. Why would they want to live in an occupied country? Would you like to see German occupying forces on U.S. soil? It is only the corrupted “Atlanticist” elite of Germany that want to keep them there. The Russian occupiers retreated already in 1989 so it’s about time for American occupying forces to leave, too. Germans have no objective need for them, whatsoever.
The biggest threat for Germany is the fact that Americans have to manufacture crises in order to justify their presence like they did in the ugly war in Kosovo.
Americans should go home, not only from Germany but from everywhere! This is what the Iraqi parliament also demanded. If US troops are there to do some good, how come they stay even though demanded to leave by a sovereign state. The answer is obvious, they are defending the interests od the empire, right?
The Washington Terror Regime overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in a campaign of CIA orchestrated terrorism and subversion, and placed their puppet dictator on the throne to serve Zionist and Big Oil interests. It is currently trying to repeat the process with its terrorist MEK catspaw. Iran is just one of the many countries making up 40% of humanity that are now subject to US economic terrorism. For the past 70 years, the US has rampaged around the world like Nazi Germany on steroids, slaughtering, butchering, starving and immiserating hundreds of millions. In Iraq alone, half a million children under 5 died as a result. The whole planet is starting to find unbridled US arrogance and egregious shitfuckery more than just a little bit tedious, even their formerly most obedient and servile satellites. Americans will soon find themselves treated as the international lepers and rabid rats they are, isolated in their US shithole to victimise each other instead of the rest of the planet. They may very well soon have to watch THEIR children dying in front of them for lack of food and basic medicine. Nothing in human history would be so richly deserved. Then they would finally understand the nature of their crimes and begin to clean up their act. Like the Germans starving and freezing in the rubble of their ruined cities in 1945. The Exceptional and Indispensable Folk have built up a colossal amount of very bad karma. There is a very weighty account to be settled. When it is (hopefully very soon) the rest of the world will pass the popcorn and laugh.
I would rather nobody on either side be killed over there, so I wouldn’t say “I don’t care as a human beingâ€, but certainly agree our government should stay the Hell out of it.
If there are so many N95 masks available, why do I see almost nobody wearing one? Why have they not been distributed effectively at all? They have had a long enough time to get it done.
As for ventilators, their use actually tended to increase the suffering of covid-19 patients and caused permanent lung and other damage in those who survived. So frantically making more ventilators had nothing to do with any supposed progress on this virus. It is not terribly unusually lethal anyway, so Trump is either lying like the rest or too unintelligent and uncurious to learn facts for himself:
A real accomplishment would be giving us back what freedom we had before this utterly unnecessary police-state lockdown, and fighting governors and mayors tooth and nail in court and by exec order to thwart their attempts to impose surveillance and house arrest on us.
Another real accomplishment— which very few Dems bother to call for either — would be building a national network of publicly owned medical factories to manufacture commonly prescribed medications, N95 masks, ventilators (to keep on hand for the future, not particularly for this virus), vaccines (not just for this virus), and widely used medical equipment like hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs, and back braces.
Cut out the profiteers and provide all these medicines and medical devices to all US Citizens at cost. No more pumping up the price in order to cover the big dividends (which go mostly to wealthy large shareholders), exorbitant executive salaries, and lobbying costs of Big Pharma and big med device corporations.
Trump’s efforts on behalf of the American people in the area of healthcare are a fucking joke, as they are in the area of immigration, physical safety for all Americans, and most other areas.
This guy has zero goverment experience. Working with govt enployees is, lets say, these guys do not like change. Or work. They are experts at stalling stuff. It is a truky herculean work
Trump tweeted a pullout of Afghanistan
30 minutes later some general said “no we’re not leaving.”
Trump tweeted a pullout from Syria
30 minutes later some general said “no we’re not leaving.”
We’re not going to war with Iran; it’s talk and posturing.
his people WANT war. Everyone in the zionist community does.
But they won’t get it. They can sell Trump bs intel that says we need to assassinate Soleimani but they won’t be able to sell him a larger war because he knows how that will end.
there are still a lot of things wrong but biden is advertised as a return to the status quo ante.
It is not different, both kill innocent people. Another similarity is I really don’t care who dies. As HG Welles has one of his characters say “the world is a world, not a charitable institution”.
Millie Weaver was arrested yesterday. Save and share that documentary while you can.
Trump Says US Will Trigger UN ‘Snapback’ Sanctions Mechanism Against Iran Next Week
“Earlier, the Trump administration voiced its opposition to the UN Security Council rejection to extend an arms embargo against Iran.
“Answering a question “When will you trigger a snapback of sanctions on Iran?”, Trump said: “Well, we knew what the vote was going to be, but we’ll be doing a snapback. You’ll be watching it next week”.
Trump was also asked whether he would participate in a video summit on Iran proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, to which he said “Probably not. I think we would wait until after the election”.
Graham: UNSC Rejection of Iran Arms Embargo Extension ‘Makes Major Conflict Much More Likely’
“The United Nations Security Council overwhelmingly rejected an extension of the Iranian arms embargo. This was a major mistake by the UN. It also makes a major conflict with Iran much more likely as they build up their military arsenal”, Graham tweeted Saturday.”
The zionazi-gays continue prepping for a massive escalation in their war against Iran which is planned for after the pindo [s]election. It is not clear if the biden quislings will expand this war, but sure as hell israel’s trump quislings/war criminals will. There is absolutely no doubt about likud’s trump quislings war plans.
Here is an interesting documentary that addresses some of Mr. Giraldi’s points about what is going on in Washington DC.
Israel’s success isn’t explained by its brilliance, which it probably isn’t, instead Israel’s success is solely explained by their totally idiotic loser enemies; of which you are certainly one.
Israel is “successful” only when measured in Satanic terms and Israel’s “success” is purely due to the complete lack of scruples, ethics, morality, honesty and humanity of it’s inhabitants and enablers.
“Success” comes easy to psycopaths unconstrained by decency of any kind.
I’m sure you’re SO proud of your Jewish State.
Anybody whose paycheck depends entirely on government – all the way down to the janitors. And I have unreserved contempt for people who think that there is some subset of political parasites that has the best interests of the demos at heart. That’s not why people enter politics.
How far do you want to go with “depends entirely on government” The contractors who built and build the interstate highway system as dependent on government. In order to be big enough to bid on projects like that, at some point they have been the beneficiary of government policies. Companies in right to work states are dependent on the government for allowing them to screw employees. That is a deep rabbit hole.
There are a few people who enter politics, naively, believing that they can made a difference. I know one. When he told me he was seeking office, I laughed and told him he was to honest to be a politician. Somehow he got the nomination and was elected. By the end of his first term, he was still considered an outsider frozen out of meaningful participation in the party. By the end of the second, he was fully indoctrinated. My uncle commented 50+ years ago that politicians, regardless of their good intentions and beliefs will be corrupted by the real powers behind the political parties.
The point I was trying to make is much the same as yours. In politics, it is the same shit in a different pile.
Pat Tillman joined the for the very best reason, and was a true hero, until he figured it out, and they assassinated him.
Tulsi volunteered to join the murderers in the military. She’s a POS.
I suppose so..Replies: @RoatanBill
She’s a POS.
Apparently, you see shades of gray where I see only black or white.
Trump’s Justice Dept is helping Hillary to evade justice.
There are no ‘good guys’ in gov’t.
LOL!It is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel, so the world will embargo Israel and put it under sanctions to remove its' WMD. Israel days are numbered!
The incompetence of Beirut politicians regarding dangerous civilian chemicals is a more plausible explanation than ordnance blowing up.
MohamedReplies: @Ace
Sayyed Nasrallah statements appeared in a short video circulated via the social media websites.>
Mohammed, the false flag hypothesis got old a decade or so ago. They exist but an ipse dixit argument is not convincing. Nasrallah’s speech is vague and full of platitudes. Nothing to do with the explosion.
The thought that “the world” will embargo Israel has no basis in reality.
Israel cannot survive in the long run. For now it’s does so because it receives an ungodly amount of money from the US taxpayer every year and God knows what it gets from Germany.
And as we speak Israel’s military advantage diminishes with every passing day. SAMs, ATMs, drones, satellites, EW, and precision artillery all are in the hands of or available to Israel’s enemies. And fewer and fewer non-Jews think that Palestine is the ancestral home of the Khazars or that there was anything pretty or just about Israel’s founding and continued crimes.
“Let me observe that Trump and crew have absolutely done the right thing by stopping the PPP, NAFTA, the sellout to the CCP/China. Lots of foreigners are upset that we finally defend our jobs.”
LOL! Obviously, the evil team orange clown (that brought the world closer to doomsday than ever before, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, by trashing the framework of nuclear arms control and escalating tensions all over the world) doesn’t give a damn about “our jobs” any more than they give a damn about the value of our dollar, our economy, our health, our access to affordable health care, etc.
The only thing team orange clown is really concerned with is damaging/destroying Israel’s named and unnamed “enemies” at any cost, even if it means destroy what’s left of “America” to do it.
Let me observe that Trump and crew have absolutely done the right thing by stopping the PPP, NAFTA, the sellout to the CCP/China. Lots of foreigners are upset that we finally defend our jobs.
Take a gander at what the indie journalist “Sundance” has pulled together at his/her blog “The Conservative Treehouse”.
Lots of finding the dots and connecting the dots of the plot against Trump. Which was actually a plot by Invade-The-World-Invite-The-World-globalists against the middle-class American voters who wanted relief from endless war and to stop selling out to China. Those data points were missed by Durham, Barr, Devin Nunes, et al. But now they know.
The point is: the weaponization of the US I.C. and DOJ/FBI and other institutions was/is far, far worse than anyone realized. Trump was more hobbled than we know. Add in Paul Ryan taking a dive to deliberately put Pelosi in to conduct her witch-hunt, Mitch McConnell serving his Chinese in-laws, etc.
“Sundance” has arranged a sequential release of analysis and documentation to expose the rot. And to force Durham/Barr to indict the perps instead of letting them slide.
Yet Trump alone is responsible for hiring quisling personnel directors that stab him in the back, SMH. Personnel is policy, and is its implementation.
“One might make the case that Donald Trump was elected president on the antiwar vote. Running against Hillary the Hawk it was, of course, relatively easy to position oneself as a critic of the endless wars started and sustained under the Bush and Obama administrations.”
If one made that case, one would be correct in my view.
As I have said here several times in the past, I believe that Trump was the “deep state” choice for president. I believe that’s why Comey – apparently acting under orders – tried to undermine Clinton’s campaign with a phony email “investigation”. And I believe that’s why Obama attacked the Syrian army at Deir Ezzor in Sept. 2016 – thereby creating a WW3 scare – which apparently nudged some disgruntled Sanders supporters into Trump’s camp, giving him a narrow margin of victory in three key states, which put him in the White House.
Besides the fact that he was not a career politician, one of the reasons I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt and voted for him was because of the public statements he made back in 2013, admonishing Obama to stay out of Syria. Of course in retrospect it’s clear that those statements were intended to mislead, so I have to assume that the deep state plot to put con man Trump in White House began at least as early as 2013 and probably well before that.
“[…] Their argument starts with some generally legitimate observations, to include the fact that an Obama orchestrated conspiracy led by the intelligence and security agencies were out to delegitimize Trump and his team from the time he became a candidate until after he was actually inaugurated. Combine that with a hostile media and a Democratic Party that has been seeking revenge since the Clinton defeat, up to and including a phony impeachment, and it is easy to understand why Donald Trump has had to play defense since he took office.”
If that’s the case why did the democrats help put Trump in the White House in the first place and why were his impeachable war crimes in Syria not included among the impeachment charges against him?
There is only one explanation that seems to fit the facts (as I see them) and that is this: Given Trump’s psychosis and psychopathy, the “orchestrated conspiracy” (including the endless “hostility”) is intended to manipulate him into doing irrational things like trying to start a war with Iran.
According to the “World Mental Heat Coalition”:
“We have a U.S. president who is psychologically and mentally both dangerous and incapacitated. His presentation is consistent with a person who, when his falsely inflated self-image is questioned, or when his emotional need for adulation is thwarted, lashes out in an attempt to restore his sense of potency and command over others……We must also remember that his position makes him more dangerous, not less: he has the most destructive weapons and the greatest war-making powers at his disposal, but his mental defect also makes him a vulnerable target for manipulation by extremist forces within our country as well as in foreign nations.”
As I see it, the political ascendancy of Trump is the result of “deep state” desperation. They needed someone that could be manipulated into taking risks that their corrupt run-of-the-mill career political opportunists (e.g. Obama, Clinton, Biden) generally won’t, so we got the psychotic psychopath Trump, and they’re using a carrot and stick approach to manipulate him.
Wally does not understand this. That is why he still thinks Trump has some kind of merit that has so far escaped those of us who think he is an unprincipled moron and a treacherous Zionist sell-out.And his treachery is of an exponentially greater kind than the usual treachery from the political whores because he promised to be different.Replies: @Realist
They know that it doesn’t matter which low-talent megalomaniacal shit-for-brains is in office, the officeholder will do fuck-all to advance the interests of the demos.
Excellent points.
And his treachery is of an exponentially greater kind than the usual treachery from the political whores because he promised to be different.
Yes, he is playing a charade.
I came to see Trump’s treachery back in mid April 2017 (I posted it on Unz Review)…and I voted for him. He came out of the shoot screwing his supporters…many are too blind to see.
Excellent points.
To the extent there is any hope for America’s two party system (there isn’t, IMO), it would have to start with a total rejection of the GOP and its replacement with something legitimate.
There has been no hope for the two party system for decades.
The Deep State doesn’t care about the unimportant internecine squabbles of the two parties as long as their important issues are advanced (wealth and power). As a matter of fact it strengthens the false perception that there is a choice when voting.
Bastard Democrats keeps on cheering Israel and showcasing Max Boot or Rubin on MSNBC while maintaining pressure on Trump to make sure he continues to serve Israel ,the only part they don’t complain about .
Most Republicans are ass kissers of Jews. Trump needs no pressure to continue his obsequiousness toward Jews.
They know that it doesn’t matter which low-talent megalomaniacal shit-for-brains is in office, the officeholder will do fuck-all to advance the interests of the demos.
Wally does not understand this. That is why he still thinks Trump has some kind of merit that has so far escaped those of us who think he is an unprincipled moron and a treacherous Zionist sell-out.
And his treachery is of an exponentially greater kind than the usual treachery from the political whores because he promised to be different.
Yes, he is playing a charade.I came to see Trump's treachery back in mid April 2017 (I posted it on Unz Review)...and I voted for him. He came out of the shoot screwing his supporters...many are too blind to see.
And his treachery is of an exponentially greater kind than the usual treachery from the political whores because he promised to be different.
Further details reported:
Greek Shippers Threatened With Sanctions, Forced to Hand Over Iranian Oil Cargo to US, Report Says
“The ships in question, reportedly owned by Greek Vienna LTD and Palermo SA, were said to be loaded with Iranian oil, despite the sanctions imposed on Tehran. According to the report, their owners “grew frightened†due to the threat of US sanctions that could target the shippers and their crews, potentially depriving them from access to US banks and dollar depositions.
After a US federal prosecutor filed a suit to seize the tankers, the shippers agreed to transfer the oil cargo to Greece’s Eurotankers and Denmark’s Maersk vessels. They were subsequently expected to arrive in Houston, and according to US President Donald Trump’s comments to the press, might have already come to the US port. If the oil cargo will be recovered from the court, the money from its sale will go to the US Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism Fund, the Department of Justice said in a press release. According to sources familiar with the transaction, the cargo has already been paid for by Venezuela.
The operation was confirmed by the US Justice Department, which said that oil cargo was confiscated from four Greek vessels: the Luna, the Bella, the Bering and the Pandi, which were heading to Venezuela. The development took place in international waters, with no physical presence of US authorities, insiders revealed, including one unnamed American governmental official. There was no personal communication between the owners of the ships and the US officials, the sources said.
The DoJ thanked US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook for assisting the department and the Homeland Security office in the cargo’s confiscation.”
Extortion, rather than outright piracy. The israeli’s colonial trump regime is essentially a wing of the Jewish mafia organised crime network, and quite proud to be of service. Trump has extorted Greeks to hand over oil paid for by Venezuela. In effect the war criminal has committed an act of war against both Venezuela and greece.
The excuses for Trump will never stop. GOP voters in the US have heard excuses for their entire lifetime and they have learned to stop worrying and love being conned.
Rush Limbaugh’s formulation on Trump from some weeks back summed up decades of his shtick to GOP voters – “folks, we just don’t have any better choice.” Demonrats so bad, must vote GOP.
It’s obvious that when you accept that formula, the GOP will simply take your vote for granted and give you nothing. “We already have their votes, they’re not going anywhere else.”
To the extent there is any hope for America’s two party system (there isn’t, IMO), it would have to start with a total rejection of the GOP and its replacement with something legitimate.
And the voters would have to stop making or accepting excuses.
There has been no hope for the two party system for decades.
To the extent there is any hope for America’s two party system (there isn’t, IMO), it would have to start with a total rejection of the GOP and its replacement with something legitimate.
Who is throwing bones to who? UAE is on borrowed time.For now its survival depends on Israel and USA . A dirty little scumbag rules UAE and wants to be the leader of the Arab world .
Dream on!
I was as a child raised in Dubai, a very small place in those days. Use to play soccer with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. So, I know the UAE rulers very well.
Sheikh Zayed (Allahiramhu) bin Sultan Al Nahyan was the ruler of Abu Dhabi for more than 30 years. He was the founding father and the principal driving force behind the formation of the United Arab Emirates, becoming the Union’s first Raʾīs (Head), a post which he held for a period of almost 33 years used to visit our school at the time!
Your knowledge of UAE is very, very limited. They threw a bone to the rabid Netanyahu to keep him busy for a while! To make sure his head become more and more of hot air, and he stays as haughty and arrogant like Satan!
Dream on!
Hey, Mohamed. You must’ve heard my stomach start to grumble, lolReplies: @Larchmonter420
And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.
Hey, Mohamed. You must’ve heard my stomach start to grumble, lol
LOL Geo, I felt your stomach rumble on my keyboard!
Peace on you my sweet brother,
Thanks JWR. Nothing can/will change until enough people awaken to the plain as day fact [to me], that government solutions never work, and that, at the very least, the federal government needs to be drastically shrunk down to its original size and constitutionally designated functions, if not completely abolished, at the federal level.
“Why Government Doesn’t Work†[pdf available here]:
“Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure†Robert LeFevere
“The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic†H.L.Mencken
Regards, onebornfree
I believe Lebanon (Beirut) is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel. Then there will be embargo and sanctions to remove the WMD from Israel. After that Israel is history!
Oh if it could be that easy.
Cynthia McKinney: Israel Controls U.S. Congress and Foreign Policy
Today on TruNews we… share an interview with former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who details the pledge of allegiance to Israel she was ordered to sign to serve as a lawmaker in America.
Putin Sees US & Iran Headed Toward War – Proposes Urgent World Summit To Stop It
— TYLΞR ðŸ´â€â˜ ï¸ (ymous_ib) August 15, 2020
Kamala Harris’ Yiddish Nickname Shows How Close She Is With Her Jewish Family
So Iran’s politics is heavily invested in making war on its enemies.
This is different from poor widdle inbred racial-supremacist israel how?
Rest assured that if the US and/or its vassals attack russia or seriously threaten its sovereignty or territorial integrity, the Russian Federation will fire nuke weapons at the mainland US. No way will Russia just accept getting pounded, let alone invaded, and confine the war to european soil. Who the Hell would do so in their position?
You miss the point entirely.
Dementia Joe and the Hindu Dindu are not on ‘our’ side – anyone who thinks that is a moron.
Likewise, anyone who thinks that Cheeto Jesus is on ‘our’ side is a moron.
The word ‘our’ in this controversy denotes a very very broad category: it’s any individual who is not a member of the political class or its apparatchiks.
The political class and its apparatchiks are not on ‘our’ side.
Americans are objectively the dumbest people in the Anglophone world, yet even given their manifold (and manifest) cognitive shortcomings, almost half of all eligible US voters understand this very basic truth about the political class – and so they don’t vote, even in the elections with the greatest symbolism (i.e,. the quadrennial RealityTV show where the winner is Temporary King of the US).
For elections where the office up for grabs has a genuine, tangible effect on people’s lives and livelihoods (state governor, state senator, mayor, councilmen, dog-catcher, DA, judges) even fewer people turn out.
They know that it doesn’t matter which low-talent megalomaniacal shit-for-brains is in office, the officeholder will do fuck-all to advance the interests of the demos.
Wally does not understand this. That is why he still thinks Trump has some kind of merit that has so far escaped those of us who think he is an unprincipled moron and a treacherous Zionist sell-out.And his treachery is of an exponentially greater kind than the usual treachery from the political whores because he promised to be different.Replies: @Realist
They know that it doesn’t matter which low-talent megalomaniacal shit-for-brains is in office, the officeholder will do fuck-all to advance the interests of the demos.
The thing is, nobody on the [alt-]Right is clinging to some stupid Q-tard narrative whereby HopeyChangey was actually in the proles’s corner playing 17-D tiddly-winks.
That’s the key difference. People who took nanoseconds to correctly identify the Magic Mulatto as a fraud, and his entire schtick as marketing pabulum, are trying to raise on a busted flush when it comes to Cheeto Jesus.
In reality, it means that they probably didn’t identify HopeyChangey as a fraud &c.: they simply identified that he wasn’t on ‘their’ side of the false political dichotomy, and therefore were therefore obliged to oppose him, as sure as Blues were obliged to opposed Greens in Byzantium.
However Combover-in-Chief is on ‘their’ side of the false dichotomy… and thus must be defended, even to the point where the defence is objectively stupid and absurd.
That’s literally the stupidity level of people clinging to the wreckage of the USS 17-D Tiddly-winks. In other words, they’re not remotely interested in cutting off the Hydra’s head, or draining any swamps, or undermining any Deep Something-or-other… they have the same puerile view of politics, as they have of the Sportsball Bowl.
My own view is that anything that disrupts the internal workings of any government death machine is an unalloyed positive.
Changes of which party controls the executive branch, are a really nice bit of sand in the gears, because Presidents appoint (or rather nominate) heads of bureaucracy. Just the infighting associated with cleaning-house in the senior bureaucracy, sees a bunch of plans jettisoned: the incoming Secretary of [X] will dissolve entire plans – irrespective of merit – simply so that the plan does not bear the name of their forebear.
A 1-term president seldom gets anything done. (The best of all worlds is a first-termer with a hostile House and Senate).
The added benefit of a (D) win this year will be that the BlackRobes will be able to stop playing “Weekand at Bernie’s“: there is some injustice involved though – RBG’s corpse will get the unmerited dignity of a funeral, rather than just being thrown into the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.
RBG’s replacement will be picked by the (D)s, which will keep the BlackRobes in a situation of relative balance – where they’re aren’t just an extension of a single political party.
Don’t be alarmed though: the BlackRobes will still be 100% reliable .gov lickspittles in any controversy between the political class and the Great Unwashed. Better that, than them being an (R) or (D) plaything.
Yes – I hate them all. Anybody whose paycheck depends entirely on government – all the way down to the janitors. And I have unreserved contempt for people who think that there is some subset of political parasites that has the best interests of the demos at heart. That’s not why people enter politics.
How far do you want to go with "depends entirely on government" The contractors who built and build the interstate highway system as dependent on government. In order to be big enough to bid on projects like that, at some point they have been the beneficiary of government policies. Companies in right to work states are dependent on the government for allowing them to screw employees. That is a deep rabbit hole.
Anybody whose paycheck depends entirely on government – all the way down to the janitors. And I have unreserved contempt for people who think that there is some subset of political parasites that has the best interests of the demos at heart. That’s not why people enter politics.
We didn’t go to war cause there was no appetite. Trump has been trying to start a war but Generals know they cannot win a war without a coalition. See Iraq. Now allied with Iran. Not that that’s a bad thing, but counter productive to their cause.
Here is the point that Girardi is missing:
The Middle East is not important.
When you have oil prices crashing so severely that even production cuts can’t raise them, then guess what? The problems of these countries don’t matter.
Trump simply recognizes this. This is why he pursues the policies that he does. He’s just humoring the participants, withdrawing and granting support at random to keep the participants off-balance in ways that benefit the United States.
Remember, the only policy they want for Trump to pursue is a land war in Iran. As long as we avoid this, we are ahead of the game.
I mean, what does Girardi want? Israel is not going to respond to shaming language and open its territory to a Right of Return for half the Middle East. Iran is not going to stop waging war on its enemies since so much of their politics is heavily invested in it. Nobody wants peace on disadvantageous terms so peace is not possible.
The question is…what does any of this have to do with the United States?
“All of the right-wingers believe that Hillary and Trump are the same, but no leftist believes that Trump and Hillary are the same.”
It’s actually the opposite of that zionazi-gay bs, shlomo. But you know that.
Which one(s)?
Where did these neocon commenters come from?
In your favor: you come promptly when called, not even by name….
All of the right-wingers believe that Hillary and Trump are the same, but no leftist believes that Trump and Hillary are the same.
Thanks for signaling your virtue! The ease with which you do it suggests that you get a lot of practice.
I know how to read! You are implying that it was Israel's choice on becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region?You think it is Israel's choice or dream?UAE threw a bone to keep the salivating rabid Netanyahu busy from destructing world, until Israel's WMD are removed through sanctions by the world, if you catch my drift! Then Israel days will be numbered!
Learn to read.
Like I said get your tiny weeny head out of where sun never shines. And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.MohamedReplies: @geokat62, @KA, @Not Only Wrathful
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
Israel’s success isn’t explained by its brilliance, which it probably isn’t, instead Israel’s success is solely explained by their totally idiotic loser enemies; of which you are certainly one.
Let yourself stop talking like a halfwit 8 year old and you might feel less disrespected.
Israel is "successful" only when measured in Satanic terms and Israel's "success" is purely due to the complete lack of scruples, ethics, morality, honesty and humanity of it's inhabitants and enablers."Success" comes easy to psycopaths unconstrained by decency of any kind.I'm sure you're SO proud of your Jewish State.
Israel’s success isn’t explained by its brilliance, which it probably isn’t, instead Israel’s success is solely explained by their totally idiotic loser enemies; of which you are certainly one.
Looking at the photo heading this article showing abrams, is that of a human being? I’m serious. The thing appears to be a real life example of what a neanderthal would look like if groomed to modern fashion.
I realise that the far right views neanderthals, especially their incest and cannibalism as a positive thing for their view of humanity.
The zionazi-gays double down:
DOJ confirms ‘largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel’ on 4 ships bound for Venezuela
If the zionazi-gay quislings are being straight, they have engaged in piracy, if not, they are liars.
Either way, these zionazi-gay scum are not fit to run a real country, though ideal to run a zionazi-gay colony.
Aiding and abetting the scamdemic is a negative accomplishment, in my view, but lowering the price of prescription drugs is huge. He’s actually going toe-to-toe with Big Pharma, and how do we know it’s huge? Because the corporate media won’t say anything about it.
Look, Trump has taken control of the Fed, speaking of huge. What do you think is up with that? I keep saying — it still all remains to be seen with Trump.
Dead wrong, he is in fact endowed with a polished, sophisticated sense of humor which Liberal Dummkoepfe simply cannot comprehend.
Then, now would be a good time for him to unveil it.
In this day and age nobody’s stupid enough to believe that ‘buck stops here’ shit. CIA has been furiously criminalizing unsupervised diplomacy for four years now. CIA made fools of two presidents, purged two, and shot two, then inserted their senior cadres in the slot.
Remember when CIA coerced a confession out of Jeb Stuart Magruder, plea-bargained the poor patsy into “Conspiring to misrepresent the Central Intelligence Agency as having an interest in limiting the investigation?”
Well everything old is new again! Kevin Clinesmith is the new Jeb Stuart Magruder, getting framed for a CIA ratfuck!
These CIA moles show once again that Trump, like any presidential puppet ruler, has slightly less workplace discretion than the average McDonalds cashier. The buck doesn’t stop with the president, that’s bullshit. The buck stops with Gina, who can torture you or kill you and get away with it, even if you’re the titular head of state.
Hi Phil,
Someone posted this survey [and results] on Twitter:
Who’s vaccine would you trust the most?
Bill Gates ….. 4.9%
Big Pharma ….. 7.7%
China….. 3.6%
Russia….. 83.8%
(3,039 votes · Final results)
LOL, that was my answer, before I saw the vote. In fact, I’ve wondered if it will be available here. I guess they’ll be sending it over for the Embassy staff. That would be quite a spectacle if some of us lined up for a dose. Or doses… since it’s 2 shots.
But I’m curious what the track record is. We’ve heard the theory that a Soviet made TB vaccine may account for low Covid-19 rates in former USSR. We also know that faulty vaccine [in Pakistan?] caused Polio cases? Which parties were responsible for that? Worldwide, how do the developers and manufacturers stack up?
Yesterday (due to a small injury) I got my years-overdue Tetanus booster. Great experience at the CVS Minute Clinic… efficient and painless, and did wonders for my vaccine anxiety.
[Had wanted to direct this to Anon from Tenn. Isn’t he a biologist or something? But IDK how to search for a commenter here. 🙠]
Your link had extraneous modifiers after “.gif” that the site did not parse correctly.
Let us see if this embeds….
[A] It would be blatantly illegal.
Since when did [A] make one fcking bit of difference to the “Administration†in power.
Presidents try to work within the rules. Or at least, try to look & act like they are working within the rules.
The American people know that the system is damaged and will accept a fair amount of bending. However, outright criminal conduct is not in vogue(*).
(*) If the Durham investigation does not arrest people, I reserve the option to change this statement.
I wholeheartedly agree [about your general strategy to win back our country] but we’re not even within sight of first base. In reality the vice is tightening.
I concede your points. We’re way behind and almost locked out by the Zios and their half-awake army of pro-Israelite zombies. Our only hope at this point is to preserve/regain the right to Free Speech (even when the subject is Israel and America’s ruthless Jewish lobby) and to maintain America’s majority-White demographic. These two battles are still winnable.
Keeping the web open and uncensored and finding a lawful way to demand and receive guaranteed access to social media might yet find Constitutional protection. It all depends upon the makeup of the SCOTUS. Once we regain Constitutional Speech protection, we’re on our way back to a finding ourselves on a level playing field at least as far as Speech is concerned. And our message is highly compelling.
Unfortunately, don’t expect the once-guaranteed Constitutional right to criticize anything (yes, including Israel) to be protected aggressively by libertarians such as Charles Koch or Ron Paul or the (((ACLU))). No one dares–certainly no high-profile gentile.
As for the ACLU, that that Jewish-dominated organization is very selective about what ‘liberties’ are worth fighting for. I wouldn’t be surprised if a substantial number of ACLU contributors are also supporters/contributors to the ADL. After all, both organizations are rife with Jewish gatekeepers. That’s their purpose. The fix is in.
It’s worth noting that the ACLU seems to spend more time protecting the alleged rights of ‘undocumented immigrants’ inside America than the the right and necessity of American citizens to openly discuss, address, publicize, and criticize the astounding impact of the one foreign-linked lobby that no one in Washington dares resist. But there it is. Yes, we have our work cut out for us.
Even though Trump recently signed off on yet another ADL-sponsored provision which criminalizes anti-Jewish utterances, he probably remains our best bet. This is why I plan to vote for him. Sleepy Joe and Camela will bend over even more readily for the Zios than Trump. Sad but true. Yes, it’s a long, tough slog ahead, but it’s far from hopeless.
It helps to see it in context.When the previous presidents claim to be for peace, but then always betray the American people- and wage immoral wars of aggression on innocent nations, mass-murdering and maiming and displacing millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children .. and plunging their erstwhile stable nations into dystopian hells on earth for generations- who did us absolutely zero harm, and did not threaten any American in anyway whatsoever, but were slaughtered wholesale simply because power-drunk Jewish supremacists wanted them slaughtered..... then the American people start to become benumbed by the relentless evil and lies and betrayals after betrayals after betrayals. We start to wonder if there's anything any of us can do to end this relentless evil in our name. This insane ((imperative)) to murder and torture and destroy. Regime after regime. Bush - Clinton - Bush - Obama, always lying us into wars. Always betraying us, and slaughtering innocent people in our name, and always because J-supremacists like the slaughter and horrors and death and torture. But we don't!So we go slogging back into the voting booth, praying that this time, we won't be betrayed. Like we always are. So we pulled the lever for Trump, praying 'Please God! that he wasn't just like all the rest, and would betray us all and start a war with Iran, or finish off Syria, or both, and then stick the proverbial stick into the Russian bear, and start WWIII, if the Jews figured doing so would slaughter off the last remnant of white Christian peoples they hate so monomaniacally. We're jaded by the endless, relentless, moral atrocities and abominations of these Eternal Wars for Israel- whom every thinking person knows did 9/11- just as they did the Liberty, with perfect impunity. (because our entire government and media are all absofuckinglutely corrupt).So it is in that context of all of this that Americans are holding their breath and still praying to their Gods that somehow Trump doesn't turn out to be like all the rest. Like for instance we all know Biden/Kamala will turn out to be. Only 'woke' on top of it all.We can't just end the federal government by sticking our heads in the sand. That isn't going to work. We have to work with what we have, and today, that is Donald Trump vs. Biden/Kamala.I like that Mr. Giraldi and others are very critical of Trumpenstien. They should be. We all should be. Eliot Abrams is a POS. There's no doubt about that. And we should say so.But when the rubber hits the road, for me anyways, it's the wars. Tulsi is woke (anti-white), but if Biden had selected her, I think I would have voted for the old rat, assuming he'll be incapacitated very soon, and his VP will be the next president. Because with Tulsi, America can aspire, in a measured way, to try to make amends with the world. For the unimaginable and incalculable evil America has rained down for so long on innocent people - all in the service to J-supremacists. Duh.But Tulsi isn't the VP. An opportunistic bitch is, who'll absolutely no-doubt continue with the wars, only there'll also be a concurrent war on middle and working class white Americans. Which brings us back to Trump. And our prayers.Replies: @RoatanBill, @Authenticjazzman, @FLgeezer, @Sean
Many here have tried to use what Trump didn’t do as some sort of positive, like he hasn’t (yet) started any new wars. Well, do you get any credit for not robbing the neighborhood bank?
Regime after regime. Bush – Clinton – Bush – Obama, always lying us into wars. Always betraying us, and slaughtering innocent people in our name, and always because J-supremacists like the slaughter and horrors and death and torture.
But we don’t!
Muslims speaking the same language began to slaughter one another as a result of ancient vendettas as soon as the West freed them from the Ottoman empire and are still at it. Israel would not last two minutes against a united Arab world (neither would Iran). America is to blame for everything, in the opinion of cowardly Muslims who cannot run away from the fighting in their own societies fast enough.
Trump is a deformed swamp. People took him for being organic in the fruit market .
I know how to read! You are implying that it was Israel's choice on becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region?You think it is Israel's choice or dream?UAE threw a bone to keep the salivating rabid Netanyahu busy from destructing world, until Israel's WMD are removed through sanctions by the world, if you catch my drift! Then Israel days will be numbered!
Learn to read.
Like I said get your tiny weeny head out of where sun never shines. And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.MohamedReplies: @geokat62, @KA, @Not Only Wrathful
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
Who is throwing bones to who? UAE is on borrowed time.For now its survival depends on Israel and USA . A dirty little scumbag rules UAE and wants to be the leader of the Arab world .
Netanyahu doesn’t give a shit to him .Neyanhuu knows how vulnerable that scumbag is .
He also knows that America even possibly Russia will welcome if Israel decides to nuke the entire world . Thats how fucked up these countries are. They might even jointly arrange a parade before the carnage . Always hoping somehow this time at least Israel’s actions will not met the expectation of the evil .
Dream on!I was as a child raised in Dubai, a very small place in those days. Use to play soccer with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. So, I know the UAE rulers very well.Sheikh Zayed (Allahiramhu) bin Sultan Al Nahyan was the ruler of Abu Dhabi for more than 30 years. He was the founding father and the principal driving force behind the formation of the United Arab Emirates, becoming the Union's first Raʾīs (Head), a post which he held for a period of almost 33 years used to visit our school at the time!Your knowledge of UAE is very, very limited. They threw a bone to the rabid Netanyahu to keep him busy for a while! To make sure his head become more and more of hot air, and he stays as haughty and arrogant like Satan!Dream on!
Who is throwing bones to who? UAE is on borrowed time.For now its survival depends on Israel and USA . A dirty little scumbag rules UAE and wants to be the leader of the Arab world .
Germany agrees to a gargantuan energy pipeline from Russia, while the UK granted Huawei the 5g contract, which South Korea and Taiwan makes the microprocessors for. They wish to to be continued to be protected at American taxpayers' expense while they save on their own military spending and do business with who they are supposed to be scared of. All the while pursuing a subtly mercantilist export /exchange rate policy against the US. Rather than a crude style of delivery, it's the content of the utterance ( "Free ride is over" ) outraging their sensibilities.Replies: @jsinton, @Anonymous, @animalogic, @BL, @Irish Savant, @Aren Haich, @Antti Kukkonen
Donald Trump’s demeanor has alienated nearly all of America’s traditional allies
America’s alliances are military shields to enable it fight eventual wars thousands of miles from its own shores. This makes going to war easy to exert and maintain global domination.
A serious military engagement, with Russia would be fought in the heart of Europe, perhaps with Russian territories also included. If Russia in desperation resorts to nuclear weapons, they would be hurled at battlefields on the European soil and NOT at continental USA. America will then have the choice of responding in kind on Russia and risking retaliation on American soil or look the other way to keep the US homeland out of the military conflict altogether.
European decision makers should realize American public and government will never choose expose their homeland to nuclear attack on behalf of “ungrateful Europeans”.
[A] It would be blatantly illegal.[B] Dead foes can never be forced to admit that they were wrong. And, they escape having to live as a failure.[C] RussiaGate is finally ending. A suspicious death would create another round of distracting investigations.[D] Look who will inherit control of the Soros family organizations when George IslamoSoros is no more.... Open Muslim Society Foundation will not become less crazy with new leadership. Given the Jihadi love of martyrs, it could easily become worse if George IslamoSoros death looked suspicious.
If Soros is indeed Trump’s biggest enemy, then why is Trump ... unable to take Soros out?
Since when did [A] make one fcking bit of difference to the “Administration” in power. Soros is just a card board cut out to whom all the money is funded anyway.
Presidents try to work within the rules. Or at least, try to look & act like they are working within the rules.Since when did [A] make one fcking bit of difference to the “Administration†in power. �
[A] It would be blatantly illegal.
“Agree” and “Thanks”. So many today have no clue as to what you are even saying. Old fcks like me know everything you are saying is true and appreciate you saying it.
Speaking of middle school...when do you think you will leave? Anyone who can not see the charade that Trump is playing is to the left on the curve.Replies: @BL
You’re not really saying anything. Again, this is the sort of thought you should have left behind after finishing middle school.
Uh huh.
Are these characters in on the “charade” with Trump:
You just don’t understand. You thought you heard MAGA but you actually heard MIGI (Make Israel Great Immediately). Trump has been an excellent Prime Minister of Israel.
Mr. Giraldi´s approach to the Trump question would have been interesting a couple of years ago. But today, when Trump’s betrayal of the people who gave him their votes, is a little … well, boring, to say the least. S0-called “conservative” Americans — I still don’t understand what the hell they want to “conserve” — always vote for what they consider the lesser of two evils. The problem with that approach is that things in America have reached a point where even the lesser of two evils is too evil for us. This seems to be the case with Donald Trump.
Louis Farrakhan once said: “Obama was not elected, he was selected.” He was right on the money. But it not only applied to Obama, but to most American presidents with the exception of John F. Kennedy, and you know how he ended. Nevertheless, every four years the sheeple waste their time going to the polls expecting their vote will bring change.
Initially, American presidents were selected by Rockefeller’s CFR agents at the secret conciliabula in the Bohemian Grove, in the woods north of San Francisco. Later, when they became internationalists, they are selected at the Bilderberger secret meetings. Once they are selected a well-orchestrated mise-in-scene i carried out to fool the sheeple into believing they have elected the person who will save America.
Hillary had already promised she would be selected, that’s why she was so sure about the process. But then, at the very last moment, they pushed Donald Trump. Why? It cannot be more evident. If Hillary had tried to do only half of what Trump has done to destroy America, the red necks already be in arms on the hills. But no. They can’t do that when a Republican is in the White House.
I think that Donald Trump has done an excellent job, and the globalist conspirators will select him again for a second term so he can continue the accelerated destruction of America. I hope I am wrong.
That seems counter intuitive to me Mr. G.
When the Washington Post’s leading Zionist Jennifer Rubin attacks you ... you should know that it was the wrong move.
Yet this is something I read recently from a reliable source:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin put bounties on the heads of U.S. troops. "
So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish? It is probably intended to keep a “defensive†U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump. The end result could be to secure the election of a pliable Establishment flunky Joe Biden as president of the United States. How that will turn out is unpredictable, but America’s experience of its presidents since 9/11 has not been very encouraging.
"Ill-conceived"? withdrawal from Syria?
He reaped the benefits of an ill-conceived withdrawal from Syria, a betrayal of our Kurdish allies. He has watched with glee as the United States unilaterally planned to pull thousands of troops from Germany. Trump publicly took Russia’s side over intelligence experts regarding Russian interference in our election — and consequently never took defense of our election systems seriously.
Fuck the NATO alliance. It's nothing more that zion's golem, and we all know it.
Trump continually undermines and whines about the NATO alliance. He was ready to throw Ukraine to the Russian bear — and betrayed national security — to help his reelection chances. And Republicans, rather than remove him, mouthed Russian propaganda. Any Cold Warrior who would defend that record has lost their soul.
Let that sink in. If you notice and mention that a zio-slag like Rubin, is (obviously) a lying cunt, and an enemy of the American people, then telling that simple and obvious truth will finally give the world's dictators a free hand, since being a dictator means you have to get permission by innuendo from Donald Trump in order to harass your enemies.
He praised illiberal autocratic regimes in Eastern Europe. And his denunciation of the domestic media as an “enemy of the people†empowered dictators around the world to jail, kill and intimidate their own journalists.
A "values-based foreign policy" eh?
Nevertheless, history will record Trump as the worst foreign policy president since Lyndon B. Johnson. ... ...Trump, who revels in his own ignorance, never bothered to learn about the world and never cared for a values-based foreign policy.
Which only seems to suggest, that for all his bungling, he certainly seems to be doing some things, very, very right indeed – if Jennifer Rubin hates him that much.
Indeed. Trump’s devotion to all things Zionist is not quite good enough for the likes of Jennifer Rubin.
Perhaps Trump can learn something from these eternal ingrates and haters and stop his slavish fealty to Zion and align himself with those who could be loyal to him if only he could be loyal to them.
Yes, its bizarre that there are Still people Who believe Trump is here to “drain the swamp†when he keeps appointing well know swamp creatures to positions of power. Its obvious that Trump, instead of draining the swamp, decided to make full use of his position and took over as Head of Swamp.
I know how to read! You are implying that it was Israel's choice on becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region?You think it is Israel's choice or dream?UAE threw a bone to keep the salivating rabid Netanyahu busy from destructing world, until Israel's WMD are removed through sanctions by the world, if you catch my drift! Then Israel days will be numbered!
Learn to read.
Like I said get your tiny weeny head out of where sun never shines. And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.MohamedReplies: @geokat62, @KA, @Not Only Wrathful
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.
Hey, Mohamed. You must’ve heard my stomach start to grumble, lol
LOL Geo, I felt your stomach rumble on my keyboard!
Hey, Mohamed. You must’ve heard my stomach start to grumble, lol
That seems counter intuitive to me Mr. G.
When the Washington Post’s leading Zionist Jennifer Rubin attacks you ... you should know that it was the wrong move.
Yet this is something I read recently from a reliable source:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin put bounties on the heads of U.S. troops. "
So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish? It is probably intended to keep a “defensive†U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump. The end result could be to secure the election of a pliable Establishment flunky Joe Biden as president of the United States. How that will turn out is unpredictable, but America’s experience of its presidents since 9/11 has not been very encouraging.
"Ill-conceived"? withdrawal from Syria?
He reaped the benefits of an ill-conceived withdrawal from Syria, a betrayal of our Kurdish allies. He has watched with glee as the United States unilaterally planned to pull thousands of troops from Germany. Trump publicly took Russia’s side over intelligence experts regarding Russian interference in our election — and consequently never took defense of our election systems seriously.
Fuck the NATO alliance. It's nothing more that zion's golem, and we all know it.
Trump continually undermines and whines about the NATO alliance. He was ready to throw Ukraine to the Russian bear — and betrayed national security — to help his reelection chances. And Republicans, rather than remove him, mouthed Russian propaganda. Any Cold Warrior who would defend that record has lost their soul.
Let that sink in. If you notice and mention that a zio-slag like Rubin, is (obviously) a lying cunt, and an enemy of the American people, then telling that simple and obvious truth will finally give the world's dictators a free hand, since being a dictator means you have to get permission by innuendo from Donald Trump in order to harass your enemies.
He praised illiberal autocratic regimes in Eastern Europe. And his denunciation of the domestic media as an “enemy of the people†empowered dictators around the world to jail, kill and intimidate their own journalists.
A "values-based foreign policy" eh?
Nevertheless, history will record Trump as the worst foreign policy president since Lyndon B. Johnson. ... ...Trump, who revels in his own ignorance, never bothered to learn about the world and never cared for a values-based foreign policy.
“ be doing some things, very, very right indeed – if Jennifer Rubin hates him that much.â€
But not doing enough . That’s the problem .
The Zionist have played it very well. Look at Oslo . It’s not enough for the settler -AIPAC – Zionist . Actually it’s a hoax . Jews can gloat that they forced Oslo , they can go to world and ask for acceptances by India China by Cuba Russia etc and later by Arab while giving nothing to Palestinian in return .
Then the ‘enough part ‘ kicks in . Arabs aren’t doing enough . Arabs haven’t done this , that , and those etc .
America knows the deception but it keeps on marching with Israel asking Arab to do more . The world joins . Just yesterday
UAE joined the circus .
Trump is the Arab part of Oslo giving away all the cards while getting nothing in return .
To keep Trump on leash , Rubin and other holds his feet to the fire while Israel milks the cow .
Bastard Democrats keeps on cheering Israel and showcasing Max Boot or Rubin on MSNBC while maintaining pressure on Trump to make sure he continues to serve Israel ,the only part they don’t complain about .
Most Republicans are ass kissers of Jews. Trump needs no pressure to continue his obsequiousness toward Jews.
Bastard Democrats keeps on cheering Israel and showcasing Max Boot or Rubin on MSNBC while maintaining pressure on Trump to make sure he continues to serve Israel ,the only part they don’t complain about .
You're not really saying anything. Again, this is the sort of thought you should have left behind after finishing middle school.
Trump is doing the bidding of the Deep State…as their minion.
You’re not really saying anything. Again, this is the sort of thought you should have left behind after finishing middle school.
Speaking of middle school…when do you think you will leave? Anyone who can not see the charade that Trump is playing is to the left on the curve.
Below is a video which claims that the ship didn’t contain AN, but rather dirt and rocks. I am no expert on these types of things.
I believe Lebanon (Beirut) is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel. Then there will be embargo and sanctions to remove the WMD from Israel. After that Israel is history!
Oh if it could be that easy.
I believe Lebanon (Beirut) is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel. Then there will be embargo and sanctions to remove the WMD from Israel. After that Israel is history!
It helps to see it in context.When the previous presidents claim to be for peace, but then always betray the American people- and wage immoral wars of aggression on innocent nations, mass-murdering and maiming and displacing millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children .. and plunging their erstwhile stable nations into dystopian hells on earth for generations- who did us absolutely zero harm, and did not threaten any American in anyway whatsoever, but were slaughtered wholesale simply because power-drunk Jewish supremacists wanted them slaughtered..... then the American people start to become benumbed by the relentless evil and lies and betrayals after betrayals after betrayals. We start to wonder if there's anything any of us can do to end this relentless evil in our name. This insane ((imperative)) to murder and torture and destroy. Regime after regime. Bush - Clinton - Bush - Obama, always lying us into wars. Always betraying us, and slaughtering innocent people in our name, and always because J-supremacists like the slaughter and horrors and death and torture. But we don't!So we go slogging back into the voting booth, praying that this time, we won't be betrayed. Like we always are. So we pulled the lever for Trump, praying 'Please God! that he wasn't just like all the rest, and would betray us all and start a war with Iran, or finish off Syria, or both, and then stick the proverbial stick into the Russian bear, and start WWIII, if the Jews figured doing so would slaughter off the last remnant of white Christian peoples they hate so monomaniacally. We're jaded by the endless, relentless, moral atrocities and abominations of these Eternal Wars for Israel- whom every thinking person knows did 9/11- just as they did the Liberty, with perfect impunity. (because our entire government and media are all absofuckinglutely corrupt).So it is in that context of all of this that Americans are holding their breath and still praying to their Gods that somehow Trump doesn't turn out to be like all the rest. Like for instance we all know Biden/Kamala will turn out to be. Only 'woke' on top of it all.We can't just end the federal government by sticking our heads in the sand. That isn't going to work. We have to work with what we have, and today, that is Donald Trump vs. Biden/Kamala.I like that Mr. Giraldi and others are very critical of Trumpenstien. They should be. We all should be. Eliot Abrams is a POS. There's no doubt about that. And we should say so.But when the rubber hits the road, for me anyways, it's the wars. Tulsi is woke (anti-white), but if Biden had selected her, I think I would have voted for the old rat, assuming he'll be incapacitated very soon, and his VP will be the next president. Because with Tulsi, America can aspire, in a measured way, to try to make amends with the world. For the unimaginable and incalculable evil America has rained down for so long on innocent people - all in the service to J-supremacists. Duh.But Tulsi isn't the VP. An opportunistic bitch is, who'll absolutely no-doubt continue with the wars, only there'll also be a concurrent war on middle and working class white Americans. Which brings us back to Trump. And our prayers.Replies: @RoatanBill, @Authenticjazzman, @FLgeezer, @Sean
Many here have tried to use what Trump didn’t do as some sort of positive, like he hasn’t (yet) started any new wars. Well, do you get any credit for not robbing the neighborhood bank?
Bravo Rurik. You are at the top of your game and thanks!
The today´s Aug 14 lead articles both.
Lame, worse so since Giraldi has some kind of a reputation to keep up. Deadbeat, McDo for the brains of the many of the readers. Base stirring of elections and nominations as having any meaning.
Hexbollah would have had to have discounted the possibility of having a huge store of ordnance in a port area like that escaping the notice of Israeli intelligence. It would also have had to discount any possibility of Israel attacking such a lucrative target.
Iranian al’Hezbollah is a big believer in using human shields. What better protection could they have than placing something this dangerous near civilians?
Nasrallah had Lebanese Customs Col. Joseph Skaf assassinated to keep him from ordering the removal of the Ammonium Nitrate from Warehouse #12.
Sheldon Adelson wanted a war with Iran. Netanyahu wanted a war with Iran. Adelson’s boy John Bolton wanted a war with Iran. All the neocons wanted a war with Iran. But Trump didn’t start one. Instead he fired Bolton.
if Trump would but only bomb Iran, then Jennifer Rubin would be calling him the greatest statesman since Sir Winston Churchill!
CNN and the NYT and WA PO and all the rest of them, would herald Trump as America’s savior!
Even Adam Schiff and Nadler would concede that they were wrong about President Trump.
Only Tucker Carlson and those pesky ‘Alt-righters and a few alternative websites like Unz would be pooh-poohing Trump.
The word would go out that every inhabitant of the Third World that enlists in the Z.U.S. military, would be guaranteed citizenship and full benefits for their extended families.
Trump would be guaranteed not just a second term, but the full presidential treatment for himself and the rest of his family for life.
And yet, he hasn’t done so.
That seems counter intuitive to me Mr. G.
When the Washington Post’s leading Zionist Jennifer Rubin attacks you ... you should know that it was the wrong move.
Yet this is something I read recently from a reliable source:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin put bounties on the heads of U.S. troops. "
So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish? It is probably intended to keep a “defensive†U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump. The end result could be to secure the election of a pliable Establishment flunky Joe Biden as president of the United States. How that will turn out is unpredictable, but America’s experience of its presidents since 9/11 has not been very encouraging.
"Ill-conceived"? withdrawal from Syria?
He reaped the benefits of an ill-conceived withdrawal from Syria, a betrayal of our Kurdish allies. He has watched with glee as the United States unilaterally planned to pull thousands of troops from Germany. Trump publicly took Russia’s side over intelligence experts regarding Russian interference in our election — and consequently never took defense of our election systems seriously.
Fuck the NATO alliance. It's nothing more that zion's golem, and we all know it.
Trump continually undermines and whines about the NATO alliance. He was ready to throw Ukraine to the Russian bear — and betrayed national security — to help his reelection chances. And Republicans, rather than remove him, mouthed Russian propaganda. Any Cold Warrior who would defend that record has lost their soul.
Let that sink in. If you notice and mention that a zio-slag like Rubin, is (obviously) a lying cunt, and an enemy of the American people, then telling that simple and obvious truth will finally give the world's dictators a free hand, since being a dictator means you have to get permission by innuendo from Donald Trump in order to harass your enemies.
He praised illiberal autocratic regimes in Eastern Europe. And his denunciation of the domestic media as an “enemy of the people†empowered dictators around the world to jail, kill and intimidate their own journalists.
A "values-based foreign policy" eh?
Nevertheless, history will record Trump as the worst foreign policy president since Lyndon B. Johnson. ... ...Trump, who revels in his own ignorance, never bothered to learn about the world and never cared for a values-based foreign policy.
Good post. That was a bad call by Giraldi.
Given a life sentence in November 1985, Jonathon Pollard was paroled 30 years later in November 2015.
That goddam anti-Semitic Muslim Obama pardoned Jonathon Pollard.
Lo and behold!
Former FBI Lawyer to Reportedly Plead Guilty to Falsifying Docs for Russia Probe
The plea plays into the hands of President Donald Trump’s accusations against the FBI, claiming that the agency’s investigation into now disproven allegations of collusion with Russia was politically motivated and not based on hard evidence.
Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plans to plead guilty in an investigation into the possibly illegal origins of the Russia probe and the spying on Trump’s campaign in 2016, The New York Times reported. Clinesmith is expected to admit that he falsified a document that contributed to the start of the investigation against Trump and his team.
LOL, disproven or unproven!
“But he didn’t destroy Syria and hand it over to al-Qaeda and ISIS.”
Not for want of trying which included funding and arming terrorist groups, sanctions aimed at preventing the country from recovering/rebuilding from civil war, two cruise missile attacks, stealing Syrian oil and letting the Zionists bomb the place at will.
The Syrian Gov’t turned out to have a lot of popular support-not surprising when the US backed alternative is a bunch of crazy head choppers. And the small Russian military commitment turned out to be incredibly successful with their aircraft fly 6-7 times the number of sorties against ISIL than did NATO forces.
Good news for a change! 😎
Judge: Principal should not be fired for comments
By Lois K. Solomon
The incompetence of Beirut politicians regarding dangerous civilian chemicals is a more plausible explanation than ordnance blowing up.
It is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel, so the world will embargo Israel and put it under sanctions to remove its’ WMD. Israel days are numbered!
Sayyed Nasrallah statements appeared in a short video circulated via the social media websites.
Hexbollah would have had to have discounted the possibility of having a huge store of ordnance in a port area like that escaping the notice of Israeli intelligence. It would also have had to discount any possibility of Israel attacking such a lucrative target.
Personally, I do not think Hezbollah commanders are that dumb to let a hugely valuable store of ordnance to sit there begging to be attacked by Israel. Immediate dispersal is guaranteed to be the priority for any weapons or ordnance delivered to Beirut. Nor would the Russians have failed to call attention to the folly of such concentration.
The incompetence of Beirut politicians regarding dangerous civilian chemicals is a more plausible explanation than ordnance blowing up.
Call me crazy but I rather doubt that the “current Iranian Theocracy” has remained set in stone since 1979.
LOL!It is a false flag which will be pinned on Israel, so the world will embargo Israel and put it under sanctions to remove its' WMD. Israel days are numbered!
The incompetence of Beirut politicians regarding dangerous civilian chemicals is a more plausible explanation than ordnance blowing up.
MohamedReplies: @Ace
Sayyed Nasrallah statements appeared in a short video circulated via the social media websites.>
Iranian al'Hezbollah is a big believer in using human shields. What better protection could they have than placing something this dangerous near civilians?
Hexbollah would have had to have discounted the possibility of having a huge store of ordnance in a port area like that escaping the notice of Israeli intelligence. It would also have had to discount any possibility of Israel attacking such a lucrative target.
He’s still better than all the rest. No ifs ands or buts about it. Most of Europe and Australia and Canada are run by screaming liberals. NWO types who dare not step out of line. He’s still better than all the rest.
It’s not a civil war in Syria. The participation of tens of thousands of foreign jihadi scum is like a clue. Including some 18,000 ethnic Uyghurs from China recruited by the intelligence agencies of U.S., Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Also here.
Syria was and is an extraordinary, rational, secular state led by a decent, educated man. The aggressive war being waged against him and the Syrian nation is putrid.
If you want to get a good idea of the entirely artificial Salafist agenda (“Alawites to the grave! Christians to Lebanon!”) that flat out guaranteed — and led to — armed conflict read “The Salafist Roots of the Syrian Uprising.” By William Van Wagenen, The Libertarian Institute, 4/28/20.
Since when Presidents decide forigen policy?
Hillary won the presidency we’d already be engaged in world war three.
Since when Presidents decide forigen policy?
People on this site should know that it’s the men in dark suites that run things, not the POTUS.
Don’t be ridiculous, of course presidents have a great degree of power in foreign policy. More so than in any other sector. It was Trump’s decision for example not to start a war with Iran in September 2019, like the neocons and much of the Deep State had been working for. He was the one who said no to starting the bomb raids that would have sunk Iran’s economy and also the U.S. economy when the Strait of Hormus would be mined shut in retaliation.
Hillary would have started that war, and she would also have bombed Syria’s defenses, handing over the country to al-Qaeda in the guise of “moderate rebels”.
Hillary would also have started a war or a semi-war with Russia over Ukraine.
Yes, Giraldi. Trump withdrew from the JCPOA and has given neocons power in foreign policy. He has also withdrawn from a nuclear agreement with Russia and santioned them. But he hasn’t started any new wars.
Trump has caved to a large degree, but that’s the point – he caved. It wasn’t what he wanted. Because of the Mueller probe he had to show himself Tough on Russia. And to get the top donor Sheldon Adelson on his side, as well as the others of his Tribe, he had to make concessions constantly. And because he worships Israel he probably didn’t mind much when it came to ruining the economy of Israel’s pro-Palestinian target Iran.
But he didn’t destroy Syria and hand it over to al-Qaeda and ISIS. And he hasn’t started a new war or semi-war with Russia over eastern Ukraine and Crimea, as Hillary Clinton very well could have done.
As for Iran he sought “a better deal” with them, which would no doubt include them withdrawing their forces from Syria and Iraq, where Iran’s general Soleimani more than any other saved the world from ISIS. They, of course, refused to negotiate with the man who sabotaged the JCPOA and ruined all the business deals they had struck with other countries.
But his intention was to make a new agreement – stupidly handled though it was. And he never started a war with Iran.
Sheldon Adelson wanted a war with Iran. Netanyahu wanted a war with Iran. Adelson’s boy John Bolton wanted a war with Iran. All the neocons wanted a war with Iran. But Trump didn’t start one. Instead he fired Bolton.
And that was the moment when Matt Drudge turned against him in 2019. Since then the Drudge Report has been used for endless anti-Trump propaganda, to hand over the presidency to a Democrat president who can start the war the Zionists want.
Facing that, I prefer the caving, miscalculating Trump.
if Trump would but only bomb Iran, then Jennifer Rubin would be calling him the greatest statesman since Sir Winston Churchill!
Sheldon Adelson wanted a war with Iran. Netanyahu wanted a war with Iran. Adelson’s boy John Bolton wanted a war with Iran. All the neocons wanted a war with Iran. But Trump didn’t start one. Instead he fired Bolton.
She would : †Try to make amends with the worldâ€
Hogwash, she is a DEMOCRAT,
you’re probably right
Tulsi volunteered to join the murderers in the military. She’s a POS.
Pat Tillman joined the for the very best reason, and was a true hero, until he figured it out, and they assassinated him.
Tulsi also figured it out, and I don’t blame her for her (or Pat’s) early gullibility. So long as she isn’t shilling for war now. And she isn’t, quite the contrary.
She’s a POS.
Apparently, you see shades of gray where I see only black or white.
I suppose so..
Israel napalmed, rocketed, torpedoed the USS Liberty and fired 50 caliber machine guns at US sailors in life boats, killing and wounding almost 200 Americans.
Learn to read.
I know how to read! You are implying that it was Israel’s choice on becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region?
You think it is Israel’s choice or dream?
UAE threw a bone to keep the salivating rabid Netanyahu busy from destructing world, until Israel’s WMD are removed through sanctions by the world, if you catch my drift! Then Israel days will be numbered!
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
Like I said get your tiny weeny head out of where sun never shines. And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.
Hey, Mohamed. You must’ve heard my stomach start to grumble, lolReplies: @Larchmonter420
And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.
Trump is just another zionist controlled puppet, just like Obama and the Bush’s and the Clintons and every potus since they had JFK shot, and Biden aka the village idiot is just another puppet, there is nothing new under the sun.
Israel is deploying a full blown divide and conquer strategy in the Muslim world, first get the sunnis and shiites to hate on each other, then take down the shiites, after that the sunnis.
Dream On!
Islam and Ummah have never been United in the last 1500 years, as they are today. Ummah is becoming ONE!
Mohamed (a Shia Muslim).
Hi Philip. Thank you for the shrewd assessment. Yes, Trump has manifestly failed to bring in the right team to achieve the goals he outlined as a candidate. With the recent appointment of Abrams, it's undeniable. The President has tossed aside key campaign promises. This includes ending "unnecessary wars" and normalizing relations with Russia. What needs to be done? Restore Free Speech. Build a mass movement. This must be our strategy. To get there, we must end the deplatorming and wholesale censorship now being orchestrated by ADL operatives in Washington, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley. Call out these supremacist gatekeepers for what they are: enemies of the people. Special Israeli interests must be forced to yield to broader American interests. Give me liberty or suffer the consequences. Disqualify and remove warmongering neocons, neoliberals and the Israel-firsters from top government positions. Reform election finance laws as well as the corrupt Zionist Media Complex, which needs to be exposed for the cabal it is. Terminate Washington's contrived 'special relationship' with Israel. It's always been a losing, injurious, one-way affair. America First means Israel must be treated as the aggressive foreign power that it actually is. We are distinctly different countries. Like China, the Jewish state should be viewed with extreme caution. Americans play on and for a separate team. Step 1: Call out the treasonous crypto-Israelis and their subordinates who now dominate America's political landscape. Their presence has, for decades, not only distorted US foreign policies, but quietly chipped away at the exercise of Free Speech by White Americans (see: Hate speech). It's time to put these criminals on the defensive, which is where they belong.This de-Israelification of America will be a huge, multi-tiered undertaking. But it is essential if we are to restore the health of our republic and regain our independence. A transformation of this magnitude will require an energized mass movement. But if we can get White children in American classrooms to confront 'White privilege' (while US cities are being torched and looted) then maybe American grown-ups can face the reality of 'Zio-Jewish privilege' with its vast and disquieting consequences.Zionists presently dominate/own/influence most modes of mass communication in the US, including the networks, cable, film, social media, and Search. Their astounding ethnic overrepresentation must be exposed for the clear and present danger that it is. Spread the word.Replies: @lavoisier, @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid, @Irish Savant
It is past time to stop making excuses for the president and instead begin to consider what needs to be done to repair the damage.
I wholeheartedly agree but we’re not even within sight of first base. In reality the vice is tightening.
I concede your points. We're way behind and almost locked out by the Zios and their half-awake army of pro-Israelite zombies. Our only hope at this point is to preserve/regain the right to Free Speech (even when the subject is Israel and America's ruthless Jewish lobby) and to maintain America's majority-White demographic. These two battles are still winnable. Keeping the web open and uncensored and finding a lawful way to demand and receive guaranteed access to social media might yet find Constitutional protection. It all depends upon the makeup of the SCOTUS. Once we regain Constitutional Speech protection, we're on our way back to a finding ourselves on a level playing field at least as far as Speech is concerned. And our message is highly compelling. Unfortunately, don't expect the once-guaranteed Constitutional right to criticize anything (yes, including Israel) to be protected aggressively by libertarians such as Charles Koch or Ron Paul or the (((ACLU))). No one dares--certainly no high-profile gentile. As for the ACLU, that that Jewish-dominated organization is very selective about what 'liberties' are worth fighting for. I wouldn't be surprised if a substantial number of ACLU contributors are also supporters/contributors to the ADL. After all, both organizations are rife with Jewish gatekeepers. That's their purpose. The fix is in.It's worth noting that the ACLU seems to spend more time protecting the alleged rights of 'undocumented immigrants' inside America than the the right and necessity of American citizens to openly discuss, address, publicize, and criticize the astounding impact of the one foreign-linked lobby that no one in Washington dares resist. But there it is. Yes, we have our work cut out for us. Even though Trump recently signed off on yet another ADL-sponsored provision which criminalizes anti-Jewish utterances, he probably remains our best bet. This is why I plan to vote for him. Sleepy Joe and Camela will bend over even more readily for the Zios than Trump. Sad but true. Yes, it's a long, tough slog ahead, but it's far from hopeless.
I wholeheartedly agree [about your general strategy to win back our country] but we’re not even within sight of first base. In reality the vice is tightening.
LOL, "UAE and takes yet another step to becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region.", which part of the region are you talking about?It you ever get your head from where the sun doesn't shine, you will realize that UAE is already an accepted member of the world, and not first world country, but first world ++ country. Economically a power house!Did you stop to think what did UAE get from this deal? They got nothing, zilch, nada.So, why they entered in this deal? You think?MohamedReplies: @Not Only Wrathful
Israel makes formal peace with the UAE and takes yet another step to becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region.Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
Learn to read.
I know how to read! You are implying that it was Israel's choice on becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region?You think it is Israel's choice or dream?UAE threw a bone to keep the salivating rabid Netanyahu busy from destructing world, until Israel's WMD are removed through sanctions by the world, if you catch my drift! Then Israel days will be numbered!
Learn to read.
Like I said get your tiny weeny head out of where sun never shines. And, quit insulting Mr. Giraldi as they are quite a few of us on this site who are capable to eat your lunch and I am one of them.MohamedReplies: @geokat62, @KA, @Not Only Wrathful
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
It helps to see it in context.When the previous presidents claim to be for peace, but then always betray the American people- and wage immoral wars of aggression on innocent nations, mass-murdering and maiming and displacing millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children .. and plunging their erstwhile stable nations into dystopian hells on earth for generations- who did us absolutely zero harm, and did not threaten any American in anyway whatsoever, but were slaughtered wholesale simply because power-drunk Jewish supremacists wanted them slaughtered..... then the American people start to become benumbed by the relentless evil and lies and betrayals after betrayals after betrayals. We start to wonder if there's anything any of us can do to end this relentless evil in our name. This insane ((imperative)) to murder and torture and destroy. Regime after regime. Bush - Clinton - Bush - Obama, always lying us into wars. Always betraying us, and slaughtering innocent people in our name, and always because J-supremacists like the slaughter and horrors and death and torture. But we don't!So we go slogging back into the voting booth, praying that this time, we won't be betrayed. Like we always are. So we pulled the lever for Trump, praying 'Please God! that he wasn't just like all the rest, and would betray us all and start a war with Iran, or finish off Syria, or both, and then stick the proverbial stick into the Russian bear, and start WWIII, if the Jews figured doing so would slaughter off the last remnant of white Christian peoples they hate so monomaniacally. We're jaded by the endless, relentless, moral atrocities and abominations of these Eternal Wars for Israel- whom every thinking person knows did 9/11- just as they did the Liberty, with perfect impunity. (because our entire government and media are all absofuckinglutely corrupt).So it is in that context of all of this that Americans are holding their breath and still praying to their Gods that somehow Trump doesn't turn out to be like all the rest. Like for instance we all know Biden/Kamala will turn out to be. Only 'woke' on top of it all.We can't just end the federal government by sticking our heads in the sand. That isn't going to work. We have to work with what we have, and today, that is Donald Trump vs. Biden/Kamala.I like that Mr. Giraldi and others are very critical of Trumpenstien. They should be. We all should be. Eliot Abrams is a POS. There's no doubt about that. And we should say so.But when the rubber hits the road, for me anyways, it's the wars. Tulsi is woke (anti-white), but if Biden had selected her, I think I would have voted for the old rat, assuming he'll be incapacitated very soon, and his VP will be the next president. Because with Tulsi, America can aspire, in a measured way, to try to make amends with the world. For the unimaginable and incalculable evil America has rained down for so long on innocent people - all in the service to J-supremacists. Duh.But Tulsi isn't the VP. An opportunistic bitch is, who'll absolutely no-doubt continue with the wars, only there'll also be a concurrent war on middle and working class white Americans. Which brings us back to Trump. And our prayers.Replies: @RoatanBill, @Authenticjazzman, @FLgeezer, @Sean
Many here have tried to use what Trump didn’t do as some sort of positive, like he hasn’t (yet) started any new wars. Well, do you get any credit for not robbing the neighborhood bank?
She would : ” Try to make amends with the world”
Hogwash, she is a DEMOCRAT, meaning she is insane and her version of “amends” would be to rain hellfire down on hapless people, period, plus she would bring along the total bonkers Democrat package starting with reparations, etc, etc, etc.
The Republicans are bad enough, but there is never, ever, any justification for voting a Democrat into power : They are, each and every one of them without exception, insane.
you're probably right
She would : †Try to make amends with the worldâ€
Hogwash, she is a DEMOCRAT,
” Trump is an unfunny clown”
Dead wrong, he is in fact endowed with a polished, sophisticated sense of humor which Liberal Dummkoepfe simply cannot comprehend.
And as far as him being an “egotist/egotist” : Every single human is egotistical, some more than others; however a certain degree of egotism is absolutely necessary in order to simply survive.
Then, now would be a good time for him to unveil it.
Dead wrong, he is in fact endowed with a polished, sophisticated sense of humor which Liberal Dummkoepfe simply cannot comprehend.
Israel makes formal peace with the UAE and takes yet another step to becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region.
Mr Giraldi, how will you cope?
LOL, “UAE and takes yet another step to becoming an ordinary and accepted state within the region.“, which part of the region are you talking about?
It you ever get your head from where the sun doesn’t shine, you will realize that UAE is already an accepted member of the world, and not first world country, but first world ++ country. Economically a power house!
Did you stop to think what did UAE get from this deal? They got nothing, zilch, nada.
So, why they entered in this deal? You think?