People will need to sacrifice being comfortable to prevent the radicalized Jews from ending all life on the planet. At least as many people as the radical Jews that are working to kill the biosphere called “Earth.”
This planet and the life it sustains isn’t able to survive the abuse radical Jews and their shit-lib allies plan to subject it to to achieve their goals. Earth is a puny specimen as far as planets go. It’s a miracle a joint this small is able to have the quantity and biodiversity it has given the pure evil that rules much of it.
Not for much longer unless they are stopped.
Easy: the rules don’t actually matter and never have. What matters are the core principles and truths: Czech independence and the wider atomization of Europe was a Wilsonian & Zionist/Jewish conspiracy to smash apart Germanic Europe and turn it into an easily subjugated and controlled series of micro “ethno-states” despite, as your own internal seething against Whites notes…are all fundamentally White (shared Haplogroups, genetic dispositions, historical union, civilizational culture and all).
Hitler and the SS mostly got it wrong mainly in that, while the early USSR was a Zionist construct that wanted to exterminate Whites, Stalin had come in and largely purged the worst of the early offenders, and the Slavs were in fact still Slavic, and very White. That and early race science was fairly lacking in understanding of the genetic similarity between the European “races.”
Anyhow, the point is simple: you hate Europeans because they are one, and you seek their death and elimination (as the Jews do) as one (by keeping them separate and small). Therefore, their being one is natural and good.
A Catholic Pole, a Nationalist Russian with Marcionian Christianity, and an “atheist” secular Swede all have more in common on nearly every level, but ritual practice, than they would with a foreign co-religionist.
As with most of life's small-scale IQ tests, it depends.
I hate to break it to you but free pussy is the most expensive kind.
Joke the Second.
Man: Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?
Woman: Certainly.
Man: How about $20 then? What can I get for that?
Woman: How dare you! What kind of woman do you think I am?
Man: We've already established what kind of woman you are; now we are negotiating terms.
I was about 18 when it was first pointed out to me that non-working wives are selling their pussy to a far greater extent than the average hooker; it was also pointed out that the husband takes a very large bet on two things, neither of which are foregone conclusions:
A man goes to a prostitute, and as he's dressing to leave she says
"Hey - you can't leave yet: you haven't paid!"
The man reaches into his trouser-pocket and pulls out a 50c piece and tosses to her.
She is outraged.
"Well that's not going to cover it!" she shouts.
"Nor would a bin-lid, sweetheart." is the man's riposte
The vignette you posted about your college room mate doesn’t indicate who made the marriage go skew-whiff.
I don’t have full knowledge on the matter. My friend indicated that he was the one who filed and he claimed that part of the reason is his wife is O.C.D. and it’s driving him up the wall. The funny part is he has a psychology degree and didn’t pick up on his wife’s proclivities in the beginning of the relationship. I suspect another part is the fact that 30 years ago she was an ass hot blonde but she has long since hit the wall and he has always been one of those guys that loves to have the hot young babe on his arm. And, both of his two kids are now in college. He told me his wife is a pretty heavy smoker and she is in her 50’s. My advise was to put her on unfiltered camels and simply wait a few more years. But I guess he is not the patient type.
I have known for most of my adult life that for a man, marriage was a sucker bet. I know of one couple that I went to college with that were married some 40 years ago and are still together. As for myself…I never married. Partially because I knew it all favored women at the expense of men. Partially because getting hitched would have severely cut down on the amount of pussy I was getting.
I did circle the landing field once about 25 years ago. The girl I was living with then was about 20 years younger than me, stunningly beautiful, and great in the sack. She could have used a band aid for a feminine napkin. I actually went so far as to briefly be engaged to her. But all the time I was getting a yellow alert and I finally faced up to the fact that it was just hormones and brain chemistry that was leading me astray. Thankfully I broke it off.
Oh, by the way, nice post/rant. I have to agree with you. For about one couple in a hundred marriage seems to work out well for both of the parties involved. But for the other 99 it’s a shit show.
Another reason I never married was because I never wanted to go to prison. I know if I ever had the bad luck to have a bitch that was willing to put me through the ringer I would probably loose it and whack her ass, preferably in some calculated and creative way. And let’s face it. If any wife dies under strange circumstances the husband had better have an iron clad alibi because he is going to be the main suspect. I can do without all the drama. I know of a guy right now who had an ex gf disappear almost a decade ago and even without a body ever being found he has recently been charged with murder. As I said, I can do without all that.
Ok, here’s my topical joke. What is the best part about a blow job? The peace and quiet.
There are men who can trust their wives. A Christian man married to a devout Christian can trust his wife. I speak from experience, my own and by observing others in my community.
Only [a] man who can trust his wife is married to a women whose social status is so much lower than his own that she could not possibly...conceive of herself as being able to find a better man.
That was the word I was mewling about having ‘lost’ in this comment from August 17th.
Here we are, two days later, and I’m off the shitter but still blanking on the phenomenon whereby women are encouraged to have ridiculous expectations of their worth in the “mating marketâ€. Someone here will know – I’ve seen the word used here.
Chicklit, chickflicks and chick-oriented media – jointly and separately – encourage midwit females to think that they are ‘too good for their man‘.
It’s a primary cause of female unhappiness – and women are considerably more unhappy than men.
There’s literally a one-word name for it, but I am still drawing a blank.
Full disclosure: I’ve known for some time that I draw a blank for 3 words that are unrelated – gauntlet, thermite, and cortisol.
It’s as if the brain-meat in which those words were stored is gone – but not the memories of where I first encountered each word, or what each word means.
It’s got to the stage that I have stored them in my snippets file so that I can retrieve them easily, but I literally cannot ‘find’ them in conversation.
So this “chicks get above themselves†word might have to go on that list now.
Hypergamy: it’s in my snippets file now.
I hate to break it to you but free pussy is the most expensive kind.
Fat, Ugly, Stupid Men, on the other hand – which are just as plentiful as DUFS – either have to pay for every root, or wank.
I hate to break it to you but free pussy is the most expensive kind.
As with most of life’s small-scale IQ tests, it depends.
I met The Lovely when we were both undergraduates renting rooms in a shared house; so we were sharing all expenses from Day -80 and just kept that habit. Day 0 (Python indexing) was in 1992 – the day that The Adventures of Baron Munchausen was televised. I have the precise date noted in a text file, and about every five years I remember to look it up before it’s lapsed. (The Lovely can’t even remember what movie was on, let alone the precise date: it’s not a competition… ).
It’s really weird to me when I see all these marriages falling apart – all of my uni mates who got married, are divorced; same with my siblings. Meanwhile The Lovely and I float through life, unwed.
For me there is nothing less attractive than a woman who expects her food, drinks and entertainment to be funded by whoever’s trying to fuck her. In general, women like that become unbearable after about a fortnight and are usually stupid. In the 1980s I had two girlfriends like that: very lovely to look at, but dumb as a post.
It reminds me of two old jokes:
Joke the First.
Man: Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?
Woman: Certainly.
Man: How about $20 then? What can I get for that?
Woman: How dare you! What kind of woman do you think I am?
Man: We’ve already established what kind of woman you are; now we are negotiating terms.
Joke the Second.
A man goes to a prostitute, and as he’s dressing to leave she says
“Hey – you can’t leave yet: you haven’t paid!”The man reaches into his trouser-pocket and pulls out a 50c piece and tosses to her.
She is outraged.
“Well that‘s not going to cover it!” she shouts.
“Nor would a bin-lid, sweetheart.” is the man’s riposte
I was about 18 when it was first pointed out to me that non-working wives are selling their pussy to a far greater extent than the average hooker; it was also pointed out that the husband takes a very large bet on two things, neither of which are foregone conclusions:
(1) that he is getting exclusive access to the pussy;
(2) that the relationship will not ‘sour’ enough for the wife to decide to take half his shit.
The vignette you posted about your college room mate doesn’t indicate who made the marriage go skew-whiff. If he broke his vows then he ought to have to pay some price; if she broke hers she should get nothing.
I know that’s not how the system works. I’ve always viewed marriage as retarded, and driven largely by stupid women wanting to be princess for a day to impress their equally-stupid friends.
The entire system is dumb, when it’s all boiled down.
Two people stand opposite one another in some overpriced function centre, and promise to put up with the other person under a range of conditions – when both parties know that they can break that promise for any reason (or none).
Then they have a shit meal; drink overpriced booze; listen to anodyne speeches and a shit band; then go home. And these days they pay $50-60k for a median version of that.
The Lovely is not stupid enough to fall for that midwit bullshit.
On the flip side, sometimes it works.
My beloved parents met on October 21 1963. They got engaged a month later – which was also the day JFK got shot, which completely took the wind out of their announcement. They got married a month after that… and they celebrate their 60th anniversary on Dec 21st this year.
The Lovely‘s parents were similar – they met and were married inside a few months – but her Dad died 5 months before they got to their 50th anniversary.
I don't have full knowledge on the matter. My friend indicated that he was the one who filed and he claimed that part of the reason is his wife is O.C.D. and it's driving him up the wall. The funny part is he has a psychology degree and didn't pick up on his wife's proclivities in the beginning of the relationship. I suspect another part is the fact that 30 years ago she was an ass hot blonde but she has long since hit the wall and he has always been one of those guys that loves to have the hot young babe on his arm. And, both of his two kids are now in college. He told me his wife is a pretty heavy smoker and she is in her 50's. My advise was to put her on unfiltered camels and simply wait a few more years. But I guess he is not the patient type.I have known for most of my adult life that for a man, marriage was a sucker bet. I know of one couple that I went to college with that were married some 40 years ago and are still together. As for myself...I never married. Partially because I knew it all favored women at the expense of men. Partially because getting hitched would have severely cut down on the amount of pussy I was getting.I did circle the landing field once about 25 years ago. The girl I was living with then was about 20 years younger than me, stunningly beautiful, and great in the sack. She could have used a band aid for a feminine napkin. I actually went so far as to briefly be engaged to her. But all the time I was getting a yellow alert and I finally faced up to the fact that it was just hormones and brain chemistry that was leading me astray. Thankfully I broke it off.Oh, by the way, nice post/rant. I have to agree with you. For about one couple in a hundred marriage seems to work out well for both of the parties involved. But for the other 99 it's a shit show.Another reason I never married was because I never wanted to go to prison. I know if I ever had the bad luck to have a bitch that was willing to put me through the ringer I would probably loose it and whack her ass, preferably in some calculated and creative way. And let's face it. If any wife dies under strange circumstances the husband had better have an iron clad alibi because he is going to be the main suspect. I can do without all the drama. I know of a guy right now who had an ex gf disappear almost a decade ago and even without a body ever being found he has recently been charged with murder. As I said, I can do without all that.Ok, here's my topical joke. What is the best part about a blow job? The peace and quiet.Sulu
The vignette you posted about your college room mate doesn’t indicate who made the marriage go skew-whiff.
Asian girls fuck like weasels on meth. They have totally put me off blondes. Japanese girls squeak like mice. Try it, you will like it.
We’re playing by the rules that Hitler himself said he was playing with. I don’t see your point, and I don’t think you can even see it.
Why would the opinion of a germanized Slavic minority matter more? (It wouldn’t, and only came to great suffering.)
The Hapsburgs were the best thing to happen to them.
The interjection of Feminism is what destroyed the Black Community. That has now spread to the White community as well.
Everyone was carpet-bombed by feminism, it did not “spread to the white community.”
The horrible fact is that the predator class, the democrat / liberal elite, were far more successful while operating against the Black community as they did not have their defenses up. Having a matriarchal “house nigger above field nigger” past surely did not help.
Try and tell my late grandfather to listen to a Jew! You’d get an earful and the guy was practically a fucking mute.
The poor Irish knew not to trust Jews, but Blacks did not understand how deceitful some people can be – and they may have mistaken Jews for Anglos / WASPs. We really aren’t all the same.
“Alex Jones is spending nearly $100,000 a month on food” —-
That’s just a bookkeeping and accounting trick to keep the IRS fedwolves off your neck.
And to his credit, Alex Jones says Jews each and every time he says “these evil Elite Globalists”. Everyone sooner or later says to him or herself, “Who are these evil Elite Globalists” that he’s talking about?” And with that one little question, you find some sunglasses and take a look. In due time, your dark shades allow you to put together a long list of say 100 or 200 names. Then you take the shades off for a while.
Then things keep happening, this or that is strange, and so you put on the shades again and bingo, it is another one and you say to yourself, “Dam, (((They))) are everywhere!” Then more months or years go by and you put the shades on just to see if it was a fluke, an abortion in time. You ask yourself “What kind of people are “(((They)))?” And you can’t help but notice that many or most are “atheists of Jewish decent”. Then as time goes by you can’t help but see all the time, no shades needed.
But that is not what is most astonishing. Your own circle of friends and associates around you is the most astonishing thing. You have lunch together, a brief walk down the hallway together, that car ride, that phone call or that email exchange — and NO, no one sees.
So you end up talking a little bit like Alex Jones, “It seems that there are some evil-minded Globalists out there. As if they don’t have enough power already, kinda scary dontchathink?!” And then you listen to them struggle and fumble to see just the “Globalists out there”.
So no, I don’t fault or blame AJ at all. Nor should you. I am guessing but I would say that 90% of AA readers came to him via AJ. So keep on talking about “evil globalists” Alex Jones, you’re opening eyes. Sooner or later they will put on the sunglasses and see that They Live.
He can be funny, sort of. But he’s mostly overrated. Of course!
What isn’t that they promote?
And make no mistake about it. They still promote him, exactly because he’s antiwhite. Blacks have often gone off the reservation by making anti-jewish remarks. But, aside from a rare exception or two they’re soon forgiven and their comments forgotten so as not to break that all important antiwhite alliance. Jews are addicted to scapegoating.
MOST negroes PLAY Christian only on Sunday, Mon-Sat, they steal, scam, drink, fuck anything, snort coke, etc., and hate Whitey. A good deal of Whites do the same, even hate themselves for being White, while worshiping evil non whites, and Satanic Christ hating Jews.
Only [a] man who can trust his wife is married to a women whose social status is so much lower than his own that she could not possibly…conceive of herself as being able to find a better man.
There are men who can trust their wives. A Christian man married to a devout Christian can trust his wife. I speak from experience, my own and by observing others in my community.
Hypergamy is real, but it’s an animal instinct. Christianity, besides being true, has the utilitarian benefit of suppressing or harnessing the animal instinct in order to allow we human-animals to live virtuous lives, lives in which our children can flourish.
But still, we live in a fallen world. But not just fallen, we live in a profoundly corrupt and decadent society, one which is in the process of inevitable unavoidable collapse, one in which positions of economic power are held by corrupt and vengeful people.
In such a society, it is sometimes necessary to lie to protect one’s family. After one’s faith in God, one’s first responsibility is to protect his family. If it is necessary to lie (or even kill) to protect one’s family, then one has a responsibility to do so.
Hypergamy: it's in my snippets file now.
Here we are, two days later, and I’m off the shitter but still blanking on the phenomenon whereby women are encouraged to have ridiculous expectations of their worth in the “mating marketâ€. Someone here will know – I’ve seen the word used here.
Chicklit, chickflicks and chick-oriented media – jointly and separately – encourage midwit females to think that they are ‘too good for their man‘.
It’s a primary cause of female unhappiness – and women are considerably more unhappy than men.
There’s literally a one-word name for it, but I am still drawing a blank.
Full disclosure: I’ve known for some time that I draw a blank for 3 words that are unrelated – gauntlet, thermite, and cortisol.
It’s as if the brain-meat in which those words were stored is gone – but not the memories of where I first encountered each word, or what each word means.
It’s got to the stage that I have stored them in my snippets file so that I can retrieve them easily, but I literally cannot ‘find’ them in conversation.
So this “chicks get above themselves†word might have to go on that list now.
many (most?) Negros are Christians,
Oh, for God’s sake, grow up. There are many of us very attractive women who adore our husbands “for richer and poorerâ€, have an excellent attitude and read the better part of sites like this. We are trustworthy and for real. Get off the internet a while, why don’t you.
If I give you a P.O. Box # would you send me a tissue sample? If you are really what you claim to be we do need to clone you because you are a Unicorn. Most women I have met are vapid, shallow, gold digging ho’s with the intellectual ability of a house fly and the body count of a 3rd World dictator. And I have crossed the mighty Pacific more than 50 times so I think I qualify as pretty well traveled.
This may be the best thing you have ever written.Replies: @G. Poulin, @MacOisdealbhtoo, @in the middle
Another part of engaging in the truth of reality is that you start to be able to feel the truth. It builds upon itself, and the world opens up. You start to be able to see things. Denial of the truth has the opposite effect, like losing your vision.
Denial of the truth has the opposite effect, like losing your vision.
The worst thing that was thrown over man’s eyes, is religion. Through religion, man’s mind was enslaved. Through religion, you are to pray for ‘Jerusalem’, and to support Kazharia no matter what. Kazhars/Talmudists are the chosen, and you are just there to be ripped off, spit on, as jews are doing to Christians in Israel right now. You are the Amalekite! The Kazhars are the wolves, you are the sheep, and yet, you worship a god that hates you, the god of the Talmudists.! If you don’t believe me, read the Old Testament, read their loved and guide of the Kazhars, their Talmud. Yes, Americans are circumcised at birth. Americans call themselves Christians, and yet love and defend to death, Christ’s worst enemies, the Jews. When I was in churchianity, for too long, the Talmudists were god’s chosen and glorified people! I learned better when I was ‘exited’ from churchianity for opposing this teaching.
Instead of listening to the ‘church’ leaders”, I read the NT! John 8:44 “thou are of your father the devil…’ Christ called them! Rev 2:9 “the synagogue of Satan…” Rev 3:9, “the synagogue of Satan…”
Enough said! If you are still in churchianity, please consider leaving, to be free!
Thou shall know the TRUTH, and the truth shall set you free!!
Scientists are humans of course, but the extent to which Scientists in Medicine, and ‘Climate’ have betrayed themselves was jaw-dropping for me.
Which just goes to show the need to pay off the mortgage, put a few hundred grand back for the kids tuition and get the wife a new car so you can forestall her divorcing you for at least a couple more years beats truth any day of the week. Humans are weak and easily corrupted.
I used to worship at the altar of science, having gotten a B.S. and B.A. many years ago. But the Covid scamdemic has opened my eyes in a big way. I knew doctors were influenced by money but I assumed most at least tried to follow the Hippocratic oath. Now I see most of them are hucksters, murders and frauds. I have zero respect for the lot of them.
Oh, I agree that a scientist needs intelligence and curiosity. But you left out one essential ingredient. To succeed in science one needs a fair to large amount of mathematical ability. In my very early days at University I fancied I might get a degree in Physics. I was quite naïve. Physics majors tend to be math minors or even majors. I learned in short order that I didn’t have the talent in math needed for such a degree. I was lucky to get my B.S. in Geology and my B.A.
Anglin and the French version of the Stormer are celebrating the demonstrations against Israel by mainly Muslim and their White leftist “allies” as a big win, hint hint, they both hate us and want us dead, Hamas was created and is funded by Israel, this was a false flag, we’re going to lose as usual.
The French far left barely disguise their genocidal intent on the French population, they just call it “créolisation” (race-mixing basically). Both sides hate me, no thanks.
At least dempart while they support Putin do remind us that he is and always has been extremely “philosemite”, they’re lying a tad less.
Speak for yourself, AA. You sound like you had a Catholic background if you associate guilt with sex. The closest I have ever come is managing to feel slightly guilty about not feeling guilty. Like yourself I spent considerable time in S.E.A. and I can truthfully say it ruined me. 18 to 23 year old girls with perfect bodies that are willing to literally line up to fuck a White guy. I even used to have gf's show up at a prearranged meeting with me bringing along their cute room mate for a somewhat spontaneous 3 some. What was it Al Pacino's character said in Devil's Advocate? "Guilt is like a fucking bag of bricks. All you gotta do is set it down."
That is: the experience of sex is not proportional to the drive. You do not typically feel better after having ejaculated. In fact, your body is totally drained, and your testosterone drops massively. You feel exhausted and guilty.
Only chick who would ever make me go Yellow Fever, she is…something.
Chapelle says some truths now and then but ultimately he cucks to the kike, just like west will do after his little tirade. The Jews showed him who is boss, now he loves the Jews again, the mental midget.
I was right, you are a fag.
It’s the ability to see the consequences of the present condition.
The interjection of Feminism is what destroyed the Black Community. That has now spread to the White community as well.
Everyone was carpet-bombed by feminism, it did not "spread to the white community."
The interjection of Feminism is what destroyed the Black Community. That has now spread to the White community as well.
Example: “(I think) people should study Dave. (I think) he’s an important figure in society, and (I think) it’s important that …†Message: “You are too stupid to realize that these are my thoughts, therefore I have to point out this fact to you excessively.â€
(I think) You’re correct, but your comment lacks nuance. (I think) Everyone says whatever he thinks right now at the moment. (I think) There’s no instance where a people doesn’t say anything that doesn’t involve “I think that…”
.â˜ ï¸ Globalists Carry Water for the Cold-Blooded Draco Reptilian Empire ☠ï¸.
Dave Chappelle hates Whites, is afraid to go “defcon” on kikes.
Still waiting for retard “Ye” to go “defcon” on The Nose. P.S. “Ye” is just another White hating negro like Dave Chappelle.
All these leftist white traitor trash crying for brown Palestinians, but they won’t say shit about kikes and nigras killing Whites in White nations or destroying White nations.
Is Alex Jones the real (((comedian?)))
Doing and speaking of holy things in an unholy world is what a Prophet does .
Speaking more important than doing, expressing the holiness is the key.
This may be the best thing you have ever written.Replies: @G. Poulin, @MacOisdealbhtoo, @in the middle
Another part of engaging in the truth of reality is that you start to be able to feel the truth. It builds upon itself, and the world opens up. You start to be able to see things. Denial of the truth has the opposite effect, like losing your vision.
Told the truth for the last three years about the scamdemic, on Saturday night at a party with old friends who all “othered” me for three years, two of my best buddies of 50 years waited for the girls to go to the washroom and then said to me:
” You were frickin right about absolutly everything” during the last three years
My reply was it was not about being right, but trying to tell the truth as i saw it to help people i cared about.
And i meant it.
And it felt good, because that is the damn breaking open i hope.
First class comments. Right from the heart. Burning for the Truth is a real emotion — if you have it you must go with it, screw everyone else.
The trouble is that there are little girls who have graduated Summa Cum Laude from American Universities who think that screeching about Climate Change and eliminating internal combustion engines is engaging their passion for Truth.
The passion for Truth has a way of enabling idiots.
if only one is willing to do so
Yes, choosing to see reality or be in denial about it is a conscious choice.
Bit rambling but one of your best articles. I know exactly what you mean about the ‘truth’. I used to tell people that there were just two essential ingredients to becoming a Scientist, intelligence, and curiosity about the natural World (why does …?). But, I might add an innate dedication to the truth. That is why Covid and to a lesser degree the Climate mania, have been such a shock to me. Scientists are humans of course, but the extent to which Scientists in Medicine, and ‘Climate’ have betrayed themselves was jaw-dropping for me.
Which just goes to show the need to pay off the mortgage, put a few hundred grand back for the kids tuition and get the wife a new car so you can forestall her divorcing you for at least a couple more years beats truth any day of the week. Humans are weak and easily corrupted.I used to worship at the altar of science, having gotten a B.S. and B.A. many years ago. But the Covid scamdemic has opened my eyes in a big way. I knew doctors were influenced by money but I assumed most at least tried to follow the Hippocratic oath. Now I see most of them are hucksters, murders and frauds. I have zero respect for the lot of them.Oh, I agree that a scientist needs intelligence and curiosity. But you left out one essential ingredient. To succeed in science one needs a fair to large amount of mathematical ability. In my very early days at University I fancied I might get a degree in Physics. I was quite naïve. Physics majors tend to be math minors or even majors. I learned in short order that I didn't have the talent in math needed for such a degree. I was lucky to get my B.S. in Geology and my B.A.Sulu
Scientists are humans of course, but the extent to which Scientists in Medicine, and ‘Climate’ have betrayed themselves was jaw-dropping for me.
This may be the best thing you have ever written.Replies: @G. Poulin, @MacOisdealbhtoo, @in the middle
Another part of engaging in the truth of reality is that you start to be able to feel the truth. It builds upon itself, and the world opens up. You start to be able to see things. Denial of the truth has the opposite effect, like losing your vision.
I read somewhere that the definition of a prophet is not so much a magical ability to see the future, as it is an inherent ability to see the present as it actually is, if only one is willing to do so. It is an enhancement of vision. Intriguing idea.
Yes, choosing to see reality or be in denial about it is a conscious choice.
if only one is willing to do so
I’m afraid most conversation do not even have the luxury of going into anything:
Dad: Do you believe in the Holocaust?
You: I don’t believe in fake shower room gas chambers, no.
[Dad recoils as if bitten by a snake. Goes to toilet, then starts helping in the kitchen]
I once talked to the partner of my girlfriend’s friend, and we got to some more ‘based’ stuff. No problem. Then something with banks, and I said well you know there is a huge over-representation of Jews. The guy instantly jumped back and physically FLED, fear was in his eyes. “No, I’m not going there!”
That’s the current state of the majority.
Oh, for God’s sake, grow up. There are many of us very attractive women who adore our husbands “for richer and poorer”, have an excellent attitude and read the better part of sites like this. We are trustworthy and for real. Get off the internet a while, why don’t you.
~ Miss Elegant
If I give you a P.O. Box # would you send me a tissue sample? If you are really what you claim to be we do need to clone you because you are a Unicorn. Most women I have met are vapid, shallow, gold digging ho's with the intellectual ability of a house fly and the body count of a 3rd World dictator. And I have crossed the mighty Pacific more than 50 times so I think I qualify as pretty well traveled.
Oh, for God’s sake, grow up. There are many of us very attractive women who adore our husbands “for richer and poorerâ€, have an excellent attitude and read the better part of sites like this. We are trustworthy and for real. Get off the internet a while, why don’t you.
Fat, Ugly, Stupid Men, on the other hand – which are just as plentiful as DUFS – either have to pay for every root, or wank.
I hate to break it to you but free pussy is the most expensive kind.
I have an old college room mate that thinks he has never paid for sex. But he told me that as part of his divorce settlement he is giving his soon to be ex wife a house worth 1.2 million. And I’m pretty sure she and her lawyer are just getting started considering that his net worth is somewhere North of 10 million and he lives in a community property state.
As with most of life's small-scale IQ tests, it depends.
I hate to break it to you but free pussy is the most expensive kind.
Joke the Second.
Man: Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?
Woman: Certainly.
Man: How about $20 then? What can I get for that?
Woman: How dare you! What kind of woman do you think I am?
Man: We've already established what kind of woman you are; now we are negotiating terms.
I was about 18 when it was first pointed out to me that non-working wives are selling their pussy to a far greater extent than the average hooker; it was also pointed out that the husband takes a very large bet on two things, neither of which are foregone conclusions:
A man goes to a prostitute, and as he's dressing to leave she says
"Hey - you can't leave yet: you haven't paid!"
The man reaches into his trouser-pocket and pulls out a 50c piece and tosses to her.
She is outraged.
"Well that's not going to cover it!" she shouts.
"Nor would a bin-lid, sweetheart." is the man's riposte
I don’t find Chappell that funny. Its more his opinions are interesting. But I don’t watch TV.😉
In practical terms, this means fat, ugly, temperamentally revolting hose-beasts are the only trustworthy women these days.
Bruh. I mean … bruh.
Dumb Ugly Fat Slags (DUFS) are even less trustworthy than basic, reg’lar-featured, midwit bitches – because DUFS absolutely seethe 24/7 and are encouraged to blame others for their uglitude, stupidity and fatness.
In a monoculture the DUFS would make some effort to clean themselves up, because otherwise they genuinely would be stuck with the bottom-of-the-barrel males.
In the US – and much of the modern West – they have another option: they can just become mudsharks and squirt out a bunch of mulatto kids who have no permanent male authority figure in their lives.
If a country has a reasonable population of darkies, there is some cachet associated with “white” – call it “white DUFS privilege” – so that stupid obese white chicks can get laid on the regular; there is a breakdown of ‘market discipline’, because low-grade black men would rather fuck a fat white woman than a fat black woman. (Fat white women are objectively less unattractive than fat black women, at all levels of fatness; probably less stupid, too).
Fat, Ugly, Stupid Men, on the other hand – which are just as plentiful as DUFS – either have to pay for every root, or wank.
Nobody – man, woman or tranny-freak – feels sorry for them, which is exactly as it should be: they should cut out the fizzy drinks and carbs; walk around the block a couple of times a day; and do ‘girlie’ (incline) pushups until they can do the real thing. Alternatively they could off themselves; almost nobody would mind.
He obviously didn’t have a priest that was very skilled with his hands.
That’s the bad news. The good news is you can sin and be forgiven all at the same time.
Do Holocaust skeptics disbelieve in this as well?
“That is: the experience of sex is not proportional to the drive. You do not typically feel better after having ejaculated. In fact, your body is totally drained, and your testosterone drops massively. You feel exhausted and guilty.â€
“Every animal is sad after coitus except the human female and the rooster.â€
Galen, circa 180 A.D.
The hardest thing to realize (talking to myself as well) – is convincing folks that even if the majority knew the truth about the jews who control our world, or even the fact that they do…NOTHING WOULD CHANGE…. other than more censorship.
There was some bigshot jew who said it himself , after admitting how useless the writing, talking, discussions about them were….- “if they ever put down the pen and pick up the sword…. we’re done.”
Willful ignorance of the self-determination of the Czechs, I see.
“That’s a good point. Also keep in mind that Samuel Goldwyn exposed himself to the 12-year old Shirley Temple in 1940”
He tried the same thing with Rock Hudson and it woiked very well.
Speak for yourself, AA. You sound like you had a Catholic background if you associate guilt with sex. The closest I have ever come is managing to feel slightly guilty about not feeling guilty. Like yourself I spent considerable time in S.E.A. and I can truthfully say it ruined me. 18 to 23 year old girls with perfect bodies that are willing to literally line up to fuck a White guy. I even used to have gf's show up at a prearranged meeting with me bringing along their cute room mate for a somewhat spontaneous 3 some. What was it Al Pacino's character said in Devil's Advocate? "Guilt is like a fucking bag of bricks. All you gotta do is set it down."
That is: the experience of sex is not proportional to the drive. You do not typically feel better after having ejaculated. In fact, your body is totally drained, and your testosterone drops massively. You feel exhausted and guilty.
“That is: the experience of sex is not proportional to the drive. You do not typically feel better after having ejaculated. In fact, your body is totally drained, and your testosterone drops massively. You feel exhausted and guilty.”
He obviously didn’t have a priest that was very skilled with his hands.
That's the bad news. The good news is you can sin and be forgiven all at the same time.
He obviously didn’t have a priest that was very skilled with his hands.
Circumcision is one of the reasons put forth as to why there is so much insanity in Jews and probably Muslims too. The pain trauma of being circumcized as a baby affects them for the rest of their lives and probably has a lot to do with their weird sexual obsessions too.
I also lost a lot of friends because of the redpill, but it was me rejecting them because I could no longer live with their shitlib jewy bullshit and lies.
I, also, have lost my share. But one of the best tests for a person’s intellect is whether or not they are aware of the Jewish problem in America. It is also somewhat age dependent. If you are 20 and you don’t know about the Jews it frequently means you are simply young and ignorant. But, if you make it to 30 and you are unaware of the Jewish influence in America then you are either stupid or at best willfully ignorant. One of life’s greatest pleasures is when you broach the issue to someone young and you receive the smile, and you realize that they know.
The biggest problem to overcome is the fact that by definition half the people out there are dumber than average. Most of those people can’t be made aware of the problem. But the ones that do know or that can be made aware make up for the failures. The other problem is the fact that the Jews control virtually all of the news apparatus and we are all bombarded with Jew friendly propaganda 24/7.
The longer Israel continues the war the easier it will be to wake normal people up to the subject. I really do suspect America is near a turning point regarding the Jews. Assuming we all escape nuclear Armageddon, of course. The 24 election is going to be the most important in the history of America. I feel like I am watching the unfolding of history. History that may provide for the resolution of the Jewish problem once and for all.
If you are going to use Ad Hominem at least don’t use niggerspeak. Anglin and Weev made out like bandits. I don’t feel bad for Anglin. If he had actually burnt his life down, taking direct action against the Jew World Order, instead of fucking flip whores in the early 2010’s I’d respect his claim. Alas he did not now give him his internet shekels paypig.
You don’t enjoy sex as much as you think you should, probably because as a US male you were circumcised. A REAL reason to hate the Jews!
Male circumcision is near-universal in the Muslim world, as well.
On one of Chappelle’s more recent specials, his closing act was a rambling fantasy about blasting white people with his shotgun that didn’t really contain any jokes.
No surprise. They’re all the same. I can’t listen to uppity bigmouth niggroes. He isn’t funny, ever. If he makes the Noses uncomfortable, good. If they chastise his schitt-colored ass, even better. If that increases issues between Noses and niggs, sounds good to me.
Some will downplay AA’s influence, but I think he’s been very influential, along with TRS, Ramz, DD, SF, RedIce, Vince James, Nick Fuentes.
Like the comment regarding the contemplation of your own death because it really does put things in perspective. The only other person on the far right to speak of this is Don Black, and Don often says that we should simply tell the truth because we are all going to die anyway, and what’s the worst that can happen if you speak the truth.
I don’t consider Mel Gibson a sellout at all. Mel is a total badass and his father was too.
The jews will never forgive Mel in any case.
I have hammered everyone around me on the JQ…..some listened and some did not. Some have come around and some have not. I also lost a lot of friends because of the redpill, but it was me rejecting them because I could no longer live with their shitlib jewy bullshit and lies.
I, also, have lost my share. But one of the best tests for a person's intellect is whether or not they are aware of the Jewish problem in America. It is also somewhat age dependent. If you are 20 and you don't know about the Jews it frequently means you are simply young and ignorant. But, if you make it to 30 and you are unaware of the Jewish influence in America then you are either stupid or at best willfully ignorant. One of life's greatest pleasures is when you broach the issue to someone young and you receive the smile, and you realize that they know.
I also lost a lot of friends because of the redpill, but it was me rejecting them because I could no longer live with their shitlib jewy bullshit and lies.
Speak for yourself fugu.
Christ, Anglin is such a fucking loser.
The holocaust was just like the japanese interment, aside from all the killing.
But I suppose the Einsatzgruppen was just a jewish fantasy, right?
In practical terms, this means fat, ugly, temperamentally revolting hose-beasts are the only trustworthy women these days.
Not even them.
That is: the experience of sex is not proportional to the drive. You do not typically feel better after having ejaculated. In fact, your body is totally drained, and your testosterone drops massively. You feel exhausted and guilty.
Speak for yourself, AA. You sound like you had a Catholic background if you associate guilt with sex. The closest I have ever come is managing to feel slightly guilty about not feeling guilty. Like yourself I spent considerable time in S.E.A. and I can truthfully say it ruined me. 18 to 23 year old girls with perfect bodies that are willing to literally line up to fuck a White guy. I even used to have gf’s show up at a prearranged meeting with me bringing along their cute room mate for a somewhat spontaneous 3 some. What was it Al Pacino’s character said in Devil’s Advocate? “Guilt is like a fucking bag of bricks. All you gotta do is set it down.”
But seriously, it does seem that people are being more Jewish aware due to the internet and actions of writers such as yourself. The Jewish bitch getting whacked in Detroit is proof that this country is moving in a more anti Jewish direction. Eventually White America is going to put those parasites in the oven. Happy days.
Part of me hopes the entire Middle East unites and destroys Israel with atomic weapons. Of course the down side would be the survivors would immigrate here and probably demand their own state that they would eventually turn into another country. But hey, you can’t have everything in life.
Thought-provoking remarks, but the questions you ask are indeed head-spinning. My intuition is that the universe itself is easier to understand in all its complexity than the perverse psychology of Jews and the interplay between their biology, their sick, fetid Darwinian niche which is the millennia-old cultural quagmire of a civilizational parasite, and the negative and subversive gentile groups, demographics, and organizations which historically and contemporarily collaborate with Jews to serve themselves (Jews being the cross-cultural human archetype of the parasite which intra-ethnic parasites themselves emulate, either intentionally or not, when attempting to despoil their own co-ethnics and countrymen to their own asymmetric benefit — Jews have often pioneered the cultural trends, institutions, and interpersonal practices which allow parasitic elites to suck even more blood from their beleaguered proles whom they view as property). In other words, focusing on higher truth and our own telos as human beings is likely to be a more fruitful pursuit than “figuring out” the Jew and the convoluted, nesting sets of factors contributing to the persistence of historical evil, of which Judaism is nevertheless undoubtedly a significant factor. This stance may be unsatisfactory to many rationalistic types, but in my case the Nietzschean maxim on gazing long into the abyss outweighs my admitted morbid fascination with the perplexing, Protean nature of the Jew and the labyrinthine, internecine historical thicket of Jew lies, prevarications, provocations, iconoclasms, conspiracies, etc.
“you feel exhausted and guilty”
that’s interesting. In my experience,
the satiated chick rolls over and falls asleep; e.g.,
I lay there and stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night.
I met (ran into) Dave Chappelle once about 15 years in a public place. He was nice, funny and larger than life.
U need to get wit X & Fleece, breh.
Fleece said he would get at ya, X, if you dropped the soap back in the day. Fleece said he likeded fat, black man booty.
Frankly, since we’re being frank, reading Shahak got me thinking about your take on it. I could always see the atavistic cultural tendencies of Judaism, but I focused on the institutional mechanisms Jew supremacists could use to kiss up and kick down. Change the institutional mechanisms back to what they were before the drug war, COINTELPRO, National Security Act, terror war, etc., etc., and organized cults of all sorts are hampered in imposing their totalitarian pschoses. Otherwise Opus Dei or Mormons or Scientologists or Heaven’s Gate or whoever will just take over CIA and crush you.
But it may well be the case that US institutions like using Jews for oppression, just like Jew supremacists like using the institution. The model thrived in various regimes and historical eras, after all. It’s very convenient for CIA to blame everything it does on The Jews. Court Jews were symbiotic with respect to authoritarian ruling castes and parasitic with respect to the subject population. Shahak seems to see that as a Jew problem, but the Enlightenment fixed it. The current totalitarian tendency that started in the 20th century and abated everywhere but in the Western bloc, is that a Jew theocracy project, or a swing of the pendulum Jew supremacists exploited? Dunno.
I don’t think he likes white people very much
Leave his women alone.
You wish Fleece was around to toss your salad don’t you incel? I always knew you were an undercover sissy.
But on the whole, in observing myself, I see an overwhelming drive that I was born with to tell the truth for no logical or specific reason.
That’s Christian Logos at work. It makes sense to believe and have faith in Christendom and Logos because they’re ultimately the “recipe” that works best for humanity. And it makes logical sense to aggressively oppose the malignant narcissist Judeofascists out of long-term thinking about survival, because ZOG is essentially empty calories (fiat currency) and hatred (of non-Jews and non-Zoglodytes) rolled up into one big package of lies that could lead to the end of the world.
If one was to go back and catalogue all of the curses upon the Hebrews leveled by the Prophets, and the Hebrew retaliation, it makes logical sense that the Jewish messiah would be a figure like Jesus Christ, who was murdered in epic fashion by instigation of his own people for exposing what they had become (or what they always were at their essence). And indeed, he became the spiritual leader of Western Civilization, and “antisemitism” (anti-Satanism) became its modus vivendi and zeitgeist, for two thousand years.
This, too, was Christian Logos at work.
The Judeofascists say We’ve been picked on our entire existence, even by our own Prophets! And we’re entitled to revenge on the upstanding and honorable world, which we will attain by mimicking dead Jews and invoking our Hebrew background and calling ourselves “chosen” prophets and “victims” of intolerance and imposing our jewish eugenics (Zionist) program and Zoglodyte deviance, deviousness, and crime rackets globally upon every nook and cranny!
It’s a very simple yet complex scheme that only pure evil minds could formulate, and that whipped, bitter or evil Zoglodyte minds are drawn to — proving the antisemitic words of Jesus Christ and Christian Logos correct, sublime and the proper course now, and for the foreseeable future, yet again.
The Zionists and their mini-me Zoglodyte tools will be exposed and brought to heel, or they will continue to run amok and human civilization will come to an end.
That’s really what all of the shouting is about.
That sounds like a good thing. Good things typically aren’t funny, but I’m glad that Dave was sharing positive vibes.
So you concur it is a mystery that he doesn’t kowtow?
I have not read the documents but I suspect he was pretty darn picky and got smart lawyers and never signed anything stupid after the first couple times he got screwed.
Andrew Anglin, the article.
There is a term “data-gram”(data-gram, as in dense thoughts expressed in words, the power of poetry in prose, as in Nietzsche). This term is not customarily abused, as most words. As “semite”, being anti-semite, is not exclusive, being anti-Jew is. “The Truth is a bitch that no-body wants to lay down with”. “No Jews, starts with devaluating Jew coining, Jew data-printing.” Connecting both is too far fetched for normies (we should forgive them, as the notes of Anglin state so well).
I’d like to add some to the pertinence of Anglin in this article: agency. Agency makes writing as in “notes to self”, hence data-grams, short notes to who might feel concerned. Writers do not have agency, they could generate agency once in a while, when their ideas are co-opted. This is a second “impossible process”. Simple minds, hence revolution, even change, requires simple ideas who obviously leave the complexity of society in the dark. Chapelle manages to hover in this area of converting some of the complexity into the results. Care or not. The power game itself, human agency, the ones that do have such a thing, bankers, few states-men, administrators of dumb hulls as corporations, in our day and times, is itself a narrow band-width game, leaving out the complexity of Planet, food-chain, bio-diversity(as in exo-human). Sad and sod, but genetically wired in.
As such data-grams pull in complexity, the contrary of five-thousand words nit-picking, regularity in blogging. Thus most data-grams are notes to one-self. A few comments here on count as such.
I would never celebrate myself as some kind of ultra-moral person. Forgive me if it has ever sounded like I was doing that. I don’t really believe that about myself.
who then launches into a “time to have a talk” with his imaginary son, this is getting weird, even for anglin. frankly, i think chappelle’s skillful matador performances showing him, that the minotaur can be confronted directly, without sacrificing your career, has blown his mind.
here’s the take away: chappelle ended with this: “you’re damn right, free palestine”. there it is, right there, you won’t listen to me, but listen to him, free palestine, free the world, free your mind.
What an asshole. Is he advocating that?
That’s a good point. Also keep in mind that Samuel Goldwyn exposed himself to the 12-year old Shirley Temple in 1940 – in the height of Pedowood’s ‘Age of Gold’. Clown World has been around quite a while but by has now bulldozed most of what little remains of the older civilization. In 1914 Leo Frank raped and murdered a 13-year old shiksa and very nearly got away with it. Fortunately the citizens of Georgia took matters into their own hands hand gave him far more mercy than he deserved at the business end of a rope. By 1940, the likes of Samuel Goldwyn could get away with exposing himself to a 12-year old and nothing was done. He likely could have gotten away with far worse – and for all we know he did. The Kosher Nosetra enforces the omerta very ruthlessly even upon members of the tribe who spill the beans too much.
I’m fairly sure that I don’t know a single woman who would tolerate her husband and father of her children decreasing his income in service of his own human dignity and love of God and truth. If you have a wife and children and a job that requires lying, they’re a package deal. You can’t stop lying or your wife will manufacture a case against your entire life as cause for leaving you and finding a man of higher personal financial bracket to take care of her “needs.” The dignity of men is being cannibalized in service of pedestalizing women and maximizing their social status. There is practically no such thing as a man who is immune to this phenomenon. Only man who can trust his wife is married to a women whose social status is so much lower than his own that she could not possibly, under any delusive fugue state of narcissistic striving, conceive of herself as being able to find a better man. In practical terms, this means fat, ugly, temperamentally revolting hose-beasts are the only trustworthy women these days.
Not even them. Sulu
In practical terms, this means fat, ugly, temperamentally revolting hose-beasts are the only trustworthy women these days.
Bruh. I mean ... bruh.
In practical terms, this means fat, ugly, temperamentally revolting hose-beasts are the only trustworthy women these days.
There are men who can trust their wives. A Christian man married to a devout Christian can trust his wife. I speak from experience, my own and by observing others in my community.
Only [a] man who can trust his wife is married to a women whose social status is so much lower than his own that she could not possibly...conceive of herself as being able to find a better man.
it would be better if anglin ended this essay with this song:
I have two Jewish friends from way back (1981 and 1995) who are both black sheep who got fed up with their families and tribe. I just learned that one of them is an Andrew Anglin fan. The other bought a paid subscription to my Substack because he liked my post-Al-Aqsa Storm “anti-Semitic” truth jihadi stuff.
These two guys have experienced the tribal BS up close and personal. There are actually quite a few people like that out there. But I’m kind of surprised there aren’t more.
He didn't take any loans from Jews. This is not rocket science.
I don’t really understand it, beyond some vague black privilege and the fact that he’s just been smart about shit.
He took $50M from Comedy Central after season 2 of “The Chappelle Show”. During filming, after seeing a white cameraman enjoying the humor too much, he quit on the spot and flew to S. Africa.
He totally took the ticket, screwed over all of his writers, and left the carnage behind him.
In 2021 he did 3 Netflix shows for $60M. So AA has the story down pat.
Dave also did note the “put on the dress” phenomenon that the paymasters did to many of his peers.
Chappelle on Iceberg Slim’s book, “Pimp”:
Neil Brennan on working w/ DC and their “post-racial” breakup:
There was no golden age of Hollywood from a cultural standpoint. The Jews have been using cinema to push hedonism, sex, and to normalize their alien appearance in the roles of scientists, thinkers, scholars, etc. since the 1920’s. More recently they’re going straight for the jugular with porn and relentless blasphemy. Virtually every documentary on TV is a vehicle for the Jews’ hatred for Western Civilization and the white race.
Self-proclaimed “Christian” Jew-Shill Jones now going totally nuts.
Alex Jones on how the ‘flatten’ Gaza: I would use MOAB carpet bombing in lanes…†
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) October 23, 2023
For me, the ultra-subjective “texts” of this self-proclaimed writing genius are hard to bear. It just drips with excessive self-importance and imagined grandiosity. His egocentricity can be seen just from the self-referential pronouns “Me, Myself and I” used in an incomprehensibly childish manner in every sentence.
Example: “(I think) people should study Dave. (I think) he’s an important figure in society, and (I think) it’s important that …” Message: “You are too stupid to realize that these are my thoughts, therefore I have to point out this fact to you excessively.”
A single imposition to the less immature reader. It is difficult for outsiders to judge whether Mr. Anglin’s deeds are in fact courage or wantonness. Apart from his delusional pseudo-religiosity, who is convinced in all seriousness that his fictitious skydaddy will open the gates of heaven for him, of all people, on the “Day of Judgment.”
(I think) You're correct, but your comment lacks nuance. (I think) Everyone says whatever he thinks right now at the moment. (I think) There's no instance where a people doesn't say anything that doesn't involve "I think that..."
Example: “(I think) people should study Dave. (I think) he’s an important figure in society, and (I think) it’s important that …†Message: “You are too stupid to realize that these are my thoughts, therefore I have to point out this fact to you excessively.â€
Stopped reading when Anglin went with the sob story of blowing up his life. You and Weev made out pretty good with your buttcoin donations.
“You: No, I don’t think there was a plan to Germanize America. If you look at the world right now, it doesn’t look like white Christian America won a war, it looks like we lost one…. so a world where Germany had won, and become the cultural and economic center of the world instead of America, probably wouldn’t have these things.”
Your concise summary of the “Black Legend” of Germany`s villany and a realistic picture instead in dialogue form is well done I think, though probably none of us has ever experienced a dialogue like this succeeding/ending positively in real life…nonetheless it is a pleasant fiction/hope that maybe someday I/we will I think.
Regarding the idea that Germany ever intended to “Germanize” America, this stems from a claim made by FDR in famous adresses in 1940/41 where he also triumphantly held up a “secret map” -as he claimed-obtained secretly “from Hitler`s inner circle” which showed a map where all South and partly North America had germanized names and a plan to take over those countries was attached..
The fascinating thing is that the american public then -and even to some degree now-believed him, without checking where that map had come it only later turned out/was admitted officially it came from the british secret service and was a totally fictional fabrication by their black propaganda department.
The minutes of the original official response to those fantastical accusation by Roosevelt during a Reichstags-speech by Hitler in 1940/41 are freely readable online and it recorded that the whole Reichstag burst out in uncontrollable laughter when hearing of those…
Germany was asking the US and other countries to simply adhede fairly to the “self-determination of people” international law they themselves proclaimed and let the (after 1918 illegally taken by the Allies) ancient (95% german populated) german city of Danzig return to Germany after a plebiscite had just been held there and over 90% voted to join the Reich again.
He even astonishingly in more than fairness offered the Poles a guaranteed independant access to the Baltic through Danzig and to keep the whole “Corridor” region in return.
The answer by the Allies/US being to back unconditionally Polands ongoing widespread mistreatment and even random killing of Germans in the region and refusal to even discuss the topic while inventing and deceitfully publicizing stories of Germany wanting to conquer the whole world and especially America…
So, after gaining composure again Hitler simply replied to Roosevelt in that speech: “World domination? Is Danzig the whole world?”
The facts are that :
1. there has until now never been found any documentation or evidence that Germany had any such plans of world/american domination .
2. Germany did not have nor ever build any aircraft carriers or navy forces, essential for any such plan.
3. Germany made over 20 (!) peace offers to the Allies before and after the break out of ww2, which not only made no demands of any further territory than the original pre ww1 Germany, let alone any of the Allied`s or former german colonies, but even offered to restore the polish state and cede former rightfully german lands to the Poles…
4. Former US President Herbert Hoover visited with Hitler and officially denounced Roosevelts fantastical claims about any such plans (see his book “Freedom Betrayed”).
5. Germany`s economy was ever only a fraction of the American and she never showed any animosity nor aspirations towards America before entering the war and even then as said, made tens of peace offers to end the conflict without any territorial claims.
The fact that such a narrative still today is lingering on probably gives a good insight into the astonishing power of propaganda and media…
Another part of engaging in the truth of reality is that you start to be able to feel the truth. It builds upon itself, and the world opens up. You start to be able to see things. Denial of the truth has the opposite effect, like losing your vision.
This may be the best thing you have ever written.
Between Magic Negro Dindoo Chapelle and Phat Phuc Alex Jones, who’s show is an endless infomercial for selling useless supplements to feed his ugly fat ass, CQ would rather watch cat tv than a funny nigga wif uh mic and uh obese snake oil salesman selling doomsday bs.
As for AA, just be thankful peepooz can read.
Breh, they need some real gangsta nicca like Fleece Johnson to rep the hood.
Fleece keeps it a hunnert even though he likes men’s booty. Ain’t no slack in his act though, no shame in his game, Fleece being a fag might hurt him in the Black community though. Lots of niccas on the DL but it would shame them to go public.
Put Fleece in Washington!!
Funny, reading this article, I got the distinct feeling, Andrew, you recently read J.D. Salinger’s “Catcher in the Rye” and you tried, consciously or unconsciously, to replicate his style.
I don’t really understand it, beyond some vague black privilege and the fact that he’s just been smart about shit.
He didn’t take any loans from Jews. This is not rocket science.
Read Dave Ramsey. Then read it again. Keep it on your front book shelf.
Clayton Bigsby was so committed to “White Powa” that he divorced his longtime wife for being a ” nigger lover.”
Clayton Bigsby 2024 For Sure!!!
” White Powwwwaaaaa”
15+ years ago Chappelle disappeared to South Africa or something and came back, in the middle of a giant negotiation for a $50M “ticket taking.”
The kinds of things he accused the Jewish screenwriters of at the time were very interesting.
His bit part in “Blue Streak” was re-written on the spot to include cross-dressing, which apparently is a big thing in the tribe. They can’t let a nigger just do his thing, he’s got to go drag. Wesley Snipes. Eddie Murphy. Martin Lawrence. Etc.
I think he spilled a bunch of that on Oprah but I can’t find the exact clip, just an edited version of the whole interview. It’s probably on bitchute somewhere but their search function is ass.
Yes he took the ticket.
And also like Bob Dylan (Ed Bradley interview 60 minutes) he really did tell the story and what goes on behind the scenes.
You don’t enjoy sex as much as you think you should, probably because as a US male you were circumcised. A REAL reason to hate the Jews!
Male circumcision is near-universal in the Muslim world, as well.
You don’t enjoy sex as much as you think you should, probably because as a US male you were circumcised. A REAL reason to hate the Jews!
“I mostly just want my computers, cigarettes, vodka, and fish. In that order. ”
-To prevent imagination from running wild- Could you please explain what you are doing with the fish?
Regarding Dave Chapelle- just realized (everyone else probably did long before me) recently that he was the guy who played Ahchoo in Mel Brooks 1993 Robin Hood:
Somewhat funny film (for its time), but also interesting how dominated by Brooks typical jewish Hollywood style:
a) always inserting jewish themes into the story which have nothing to do with the original story (Brooks himself playing the Mole/Rabbi traveling along Hood and Co, unnecessarily bringing in all kinds of circumcision humour, jewish drinking and religious traditions etc..
b) making derogatory fun of Germans ( Maid Marian`s servant Broomhilde, fat, ugly and with thick accent)
c) movie dominated by cheap over sexualized below belt humour.
(Maid Marians iron chastity belt/lock, “fucking” used as term regularly, Latrine`s sexual fantasies about the Sheriff, camouflaged sex scene between Hood and Marian, Blinken`s feeling up of roman statues breasts, etc, etc….)
Which makes one wonder if this is really all what dominates those people`s minds …?
First class comments. Right from the heart. Burning for the Truth is a real emotion — if you have it you must go with it, screw everyone else.
The trouble is that there are little girls who have graduated Summa Cum Laude from American Universities who think that screeching about Climate Change and eliminating internal combustion engines is engaging their passion for Truth.
First class comments. Right from the heart. Burning for the Truth is a real emotion — if you have it you must go with it, screw everyone else.
Find a new livelihood you worm
On one of Chappelle’s more recent specials, his closing act was a rambling fantasy about blasting white people with his shotgun that didn’t really contain any jokes.
No surprise. They're all the same. I can't listen to uppity bigmouth niggroes. He isn't funny, ever. If he makes the Noses uncomfortable, good. If they chastise his schitt-colored ass, even better. If that increases issues between Noses and niggs, sounds good to me.
On one of Chappelle’s more recent specials, his closing act was a rambling fantasy about blasting white people with his shotgun that didn’t really contain any jokes.
Ha, ha, ha, it’s good to read you, AA. But people don’t read you only in USA. I read you from Perú. Thank God I’m not Jewish or American (fron usa) in these crazy years.
This particular stream-of-consciousness essay is a good read. Anglin is correct – there is no point in destroying family or friend relationships. Pragmatically nothing will change in the other person’s thinking; if anything, their resistance will probably harden. Of course there are outliers, but your sibling or aunt or friend from high school most likely is not one.
It is also true that Dave Chappelle is a very gifted comedian. There certainly is a black man who should be president of the USA – Clayton Bigsby.
“The point is: Dave is the kind of person who should be in charge of the black community.”
That way of thinking, HNIC head nigger in charge, is what has crippled the dindoo community over the years and they have been piss poor leaders for the dindoo community…
I’m guessing Anglin doesn’t have kids. When telling the truth means losing not only your personal livelihood, but the livelihood of those that depend on you, I don’t see how there is any other choice but to lie.
Chappelle barely touched on the Kike issue during that (((SNL))) stint. The nigra mostly ranted against Whites. Chappell is a funny nigra, ” The Black White Supremacist” is comedic gold, but the nigra is skraight up rayciss against Whites and skeered of Kikes.