All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The Empire of Chaos is relentless. Lawfare, destabilizations, sanctions, kidnappings, color revolutions, false flags, annexations: 2025 will be the year of BRICS – plus BRICS partners – as choice targets under fire.
Inestimable Prof. Michael Hudson coined “chaos” as official US policy. That’s bipartisan – and it runs across all silos of the Deep State.
In the absence of long-term strategic vision, and amidst the progressive imperial expulsion from Eurasia, all that’s left for the Hegemon is to unleash chaos from West Asia to Europe and parts of Latin America – a concerted attempt to Divide and Rule BRICS and thwart their collective drive affirming sovereignty and the primacy of national interests.
US Think Tank had already floated a year and a half ago the notion of swing states. Not the parochial American electoral version, but its transposition to geopolitics.
All six candidates at the time were BRICS members (Brazil, India, South Africa), or potential BRICS members or partners (Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye).
The code for “swing states” was unmistakable: all these are targets for destabilization – as in if you do not abide by the “rules-based international order”, you’re going down.
Saudi Arabia, wary of its wealth parked in London and New York financial markets, is still cautiously hedging its bets: theoretically Riyadh is a BRICS member, but in practice not really. Turkiye has been invited as a partner (no official response yet).
And then there’s Southeast Asia powerhouse Indonesia, which has just been admitted as a full member this week – under the Brazilian BRICs presidency. Call it BRIIICS: the predominant vector of a seismic recalibration of the geopolitical tectonic plates – bound to reshape trade, finance, and governance.
BRIIICS and selected partners are configuring a formidable network – bent on rewriting the rules of the game: currently 10 full members and 8 full partners – and counting, making up 41.4% of global GDP by PPP and roughly half of the world’s population. This is what the Empire of Chaos is up against.
Imagine China-India-Russia-Iran-Indonesia-South Africa-Brazil-Egypt-Saudi Arabia as the transcontinental pearls of the emerging multi-nodal world. Huge populations; massive natural resources and industrial might; myriad development possibilities.
The ruling elites of the Empire of Chaos have nothing to offer as a counterpoint to this growing geopolitical powerhouse – complete with its own development bank (granted, that needs a lot of work); full commitment to develop and test alternative payment systems; and a sprawling transcontinental trade alliance bent on progressively sidestepping the US dollar.
Instead of working on diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation, the Empire of Chaos – and the vassalized collective West – do “offer” something to the Global Majority: their full support for an ethnic cleansing genocide, and their full support for a suit-and-tie terror gang of “moderate” head choppers taking power in a former sovereign Arab nation.
Welcome to Terror and Genocide R Us.
When in Doubt, Annex Everything
Further developing on their accomplishments at the summit last October in Kazan , BRICS is essentially applying a Sun Tzu strategy. Deception. No grand proclamations. And no direct threats to the Empire of Chaos, except the clear focus on getting rid of the stranglehold of the IMF and the World Bank – as in increasing trade in local currencies.
The BRICS drive, slowly but surely, is already moving other multilateral pieces in the chessboard, from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to ASEAN.
Top BRICS China will be focused on a triad: the tech war against the US; increasing its share of global trade; and the recalibration of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects. In several aspects, BRI is the centerpiece of China’s approach to BRICS.
Beijing’s focus encompasses markets all across the Global South, BRICS, ASEAN free trade agreements and APEC (key for trade and investment across the Asia-Pacific). APEC happens to be closely linked to BRI. President’s Xi focus on building and reinforcing a Eurasia-wide market was first conceptualized by BRI, launched in 2013.
In parallel, since 2022 Foreign Minister Wang Yi has been steadily expanding on Xi’s call for a “new security architecture in the Middle East.”
For China, that means classic Balance of Power: Iran as a very strong pillar, partnering with China in West Asia to counter the US. In 2021, China and Iran signed a crucial 25-year blueprint on economic cooperation.
Then there’s energy. Roughly 50% of China’s crude oil imports come from West Asia. China’s suppliers – on oil and gas – are highly diversified: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Iran (through Malaysia).
In parallel, Beijing will have no problems keeping QUAD and AUKUS as minor nuisances. NATO pivoting to Asia is a non-starter: China is fast building a complex strategy of area denial.
In Africa, the Alliance of the Sahel States will keep expanding – and France as a neo-colonial power is done. In the rest of Africa, the New Decolonizing Resistance only starts now.
Latin America though spells major trouble. The Empire of Chaos under Trump 2.0 may go Full Monroe Doctrine – on top of the delirium of annexing Canada, Greenland, the Panama canal and any further unsuspecting latitudes. Overall, it will be a rough ride for selected nodes of the “backyard” – apart from devastated neo-colony Argentina.
Managing the US Defeat Against Russia
Europe’s collective suicide will reach a paroxysm – out of the utter corrosion of a social, industrial and cultural model.
The catalogue of ills includes full woke dementia in Brussels; no more cheap energy; accelerated deindustrialization; economies in free fall; unpayable debt – public and private; and last but not least, in NATOstan’s so-called democracy, the absolute contempt by the “leadership” of NATO-EU for the average European citizen/taxpayer when it comes to forcing severe cuts on social services to the benefit of increased weaponizing.
Trump 2.0’s quite probable trade war against the EU will only accelerate the collapse of the European economy.
Take France, already in a terrible mess. French debt now trades at Greek 2012 level spreads above German bonds. Over 50% of the 2.5 trillion Euro French government bond market is owned by global vultures and hot money. There’s no Mario Draghi with an ECB bazooka to save the Euro from its new existential crisis. And Le Petit Roi is just a lame duck prisoner hated even by Paris gutter rats.
Historian, anthropologist and demographer Emmanuel Todd, author of the ground-breaking La Défaite de L’Occident (here is the first review in English ) is one of the very few French intellectuals who actually understands the new rules of the game.
In a startling interview to the privileged mouthpiece of the French haute bourgeoisie, Todd points to the absurdity of considering Trump victorious “amidst an economy in tatters”; and on top of it when “the US is losing a war, on a global scale, against Russia.”
So amidst all the hoopla about the “hyperpower of Trump as a magic individual”, Todd has come up with a stunning, crystal clear formulation: “Trump’s job will be to manage the defeat of the US against Russia.”
Syria as Libya 2.0
Well, all of us pop culture junkies know that the US will keep on “winning” – the Hollywood way; rather the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) way. What’s certain is that no matter which Trump 2.0’s missiles are launched in trade wars against Europe and Asia, the cornered, entitled elites of the Empire of Chaos will be driven to inflict tremendous harm to the Global Majority.
Victory in Syria has sent them into a drunken stupor – and the “real men go to Tehran” mindset is back with a vengeance (Iran, not by accident, is a top BRICS member).
All the conditions are met for Syria to become Libya 2.0. Yet that’s not a case of the House Always Wins – first of all because there is no “house”. In neighboring Lebanon, Hezbollah is already reorganized. The prospect remains that after regrouping and re-strategizing, Hezbollah, Ansarullah in Yemen, a new Syrian opposition and the IRGC in Iran will coalesce in a different formation and renew the real battle– against Eretz Israel.
No one knows what Salafi-jihadi in suit-and-tie Ahmad Al-Sharaa, previously Abu Mohammad Al-Jolani, is actually ruling over. At various degrees, the collective West, the Persian Gulf monarchies and Israel will never trust him, and will deem him disposable. He is just a temporary useful patsy.
Al-Jolani was the ISIS* emir of Nineveh; the emir of Jabhat Al-Nusra*; and the prime emir of al-Qaeda* in the Levant. He single-handedly personifies the whole gamut of manufactured Western propaganda on “terror”. His followers are already furious that he has not instantly turned Syria into an Islamic Emirate.
If he does not transfer power in 2025 – and not in four years – to a newly elected parliament, government and president, forget about sanctions being lifted on Syria.
The Empire of Chaos – not to mention Tel Aviv – in fact want a Syria in permanent chaos; certainly not a stable, representative government that will fight against the theft of their oil, gas and wheat.
Then there’s the looming frontal clash between Eretz Israel and Turkiye’s neo-Ottomanism. The Turkish project to control Syria is wobbly at best. The Empire of Chaos will not give up the Kurds; the Turkish Foreign Ministry is already spinning the possibility of a “military operation”. In parallel, Arab money will not start flowing to rebuild Syria unless Damascus is totally beholden to the Persian Gulf monarchies.
It’s All About Debt – and Industrial Production
BRICS of course is riven by serious internal contradictions, which will be ruthlessly exploited by the Empire of Chaos. Starting with Iran, UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia (when the Saudis show up for meetings) struggling to reach consensus on the same table.
Add to it the domestic contradictions of a powerful anti-BRICS lobby in Brazil, even inside the Foreign Ministry, mirroring the internal Iranian dispute between diehard Axis of Resistance supporters and the Atlanticist-leaning crowd.
What matters most, at the institutional level, is that China-Russia, at the highest BRICS sphere, and also across the soft power sphere, keep emphasizing equality, harmony and focus on human development as crucial politico-economic values – totally in synch with the Global Majority.
What will not change, even under relentless Empire of Chaos pressure, is the BRICS drive to build a parallel, really democratic system of international relations. That does not imply building a BRICS counterpart to NATO; even the SCO works as a loose alliance. Following the inescapable American defeat in Ukraine, NATO sooner or later will implode – side by side with its politico-propaganda arm, the EU.
Prof. Michael Hudson, once again, has hit the nail on the (collective) head . The crux of the matter is foreign debt: “There is no way that the BRICS countries can grow and at the same time pay the foreign debts that they’ve been saddled with for the last 100 years and especially since 1945.”
These dollar bonds are held by comprador/oligarchical elites “who don’t want to hold their own currencies because the Global South countries and their oligarchies realize the debts can’t be paid.” So “BRICS countries, in order to grow, have to write down their debts” and solve the clash between vested interests and national interests.
Prof. Hudson is adamant that “the domestic parasites need to be dealt with” so BRICS are able to “erect a new international trade and finance structure.” The Empire of Chaos, of course, “will ally with the local parasites” to foment – what else – chaos, regime change and terror.
As much as the BRICS will need to come up with a concerted economic philosophy – let’s say, realistically, over the next four years or so – the geoeconomic writing is already on the wall. Since the start of the millennium, US industrial production grew by only 10%; and since 2019, by literally 0%.
In comparison, since 2000, China’s industrial production grew by close to 1000%; India’s by over 320%; and Russia’s by over 200%.
Developed NATOstan has not been growing since pre-Covid 2019. Western Europe peaked in 2007-8 – and Germany peaked in 2017. Italy is a very sorry affair: industrial production actually decreased (italics mine) by 25% since 2000.
Add to it that the Empire of Chaos, compared to Russia, is absolutely non-competitive in weapons production, and frankly risible when it comes to hypersonics and missile defense.
A feasible road map for BRICS+ and the Global Majorityto counteract the imperial “strategy” of uncontrolled chaos would be to accelerate integration on all spheres; to apply Sun Tzu to increase the blowback quotient of Trump 2.0 moves; and to force silos of the Deep State to make serial miscalculated decisions.
Such approach will have to progress in synch with a BRICS-devised Diversity is Strength strategy, where each nation and partner brings to the common table a wealth of raw materials, energy resources, manufacturing know how, logistics and last but not least, soft power: altogether, the lineaments of a new equitable order capable of dissolving uncontrolled chaos.
*Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries
Stop your lies about Russia and coward Putin. BRICS is full of zionist servants of US where Russia is one of them. Don’t believe the LIES of Pepe. Putin is a criminal liar where SOLD Syria to gain concessions in Ukraine from the Zionist pimp, Trump. Putin is a TRAITOR selling partners to gain BONES from a coward Jewish mafia pimp, Trump.

Trump and Putin are two sides of the SAME COIN. Both criminal countries along evil UK support ‘greater Israel’ in the West Asia. The evil UK- US- Russia supported and implemented ‘Israel Project‘ against Muslim’ interests to control the region and steal its resources. Russia like US-UK is a zionist genocidal liar.
Russia is a Weak country that many fools here supports because Russia is a fucking ‘christian’ country.
Death to Russia and evil US-UK-Israel. Russia like US-UK-Israel is the enemy of Muslims and has shown it very well. There is NO difference between US and Russia or zionist trump with zionist putin, both must be destroyed.
The below photo shows ALL in the FAMILY, Netanyahu-Putin-Trump. Destroy them all now to bring peace on earth.
You should read the article, anon. Not only is the article interesting, but it makes no mention of the Russian president. In fact, one of the article’s main takeaways is that BRICS is a sizeable organization and bigger than any one person. See the following:
“BRIIICS and selected partners are configuring a formidable network – bent on rewriting the rules of the game: currently 10 full members and 8 full partners – and counting, making up 41.4% of global GDP by PPP and roughly half of the world’s population. This is what the Empire of Chaos is up against.”
BRICS is associated with Russia and China. Putin is one of the creators of BRICS, but pepe never exposes the true nature of traitor Putin, because he is one of the ‘leftist’ FOOLS who is blind to Russian’s role as a servant of empire in FALL of Syria.
I don’t know why Iran is signing a ‘security agreement’ with traitor Russia where is in bed with Israel and Trump supporter of ‘greater Israel‘, but these days Iranians, especially those who worked with traitor Russia in Syria have come forward to EXPOSE Russia as a TRAITOR and against Iran’s interest in Syria, where let Syria falls, despite the fact that Iranian government is silent on this issue for political reasons at THIS TIME.
Esbati exposed Russia’s role in weakening Syria and betraying Iran
Brigadier General Behrouz Esbati, head of the cyberspace headquarters of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and one of the senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria, in a speech examined Russia’s role in the developments of Syria and its impact on Iran’s interests.
Lack of weapons support and obstruction of arms supply
The IRGC commander referred to Iran’s request to receive 1,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles from Russia to protect one of the important lines, which was met with Russian opposition. Even a plane carrying Iranian weapons was not allowed to enter.
Targetless bombings and lack of focus on terrorist positions
Esbati criticized the strategy of Russian airstrikes in Syria, saying that instead of bombing the gathering centers of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists and weakening the proxy forces of Turkey and Qatar, they targeted residential areas and deserts, which had little effect on weakening the enemy.
Both Russia and Arab head of states, especially UAE, where Russia invited to join Bricks because Russia and UAE, both are enemies of Hamas but supporter of Mohammed Dahlan, a MOSSAD AGENT trusted by Israel, who poised Arafat on behalf of Mossad, his superior, in France when Arafat was seeking medical treatment. Mohammed Dahlan has been invited to Russia and has taken photos with his UGLY superior zionist traitor Lavrov to be crowned. Both UAE and RUSSIA are working against Iran and for the greater Israel. Shame on pepe who never talk about his traitor superior, Putin, thus behave like a lackey of Russia like a FAKE leftist where are few at this sites.
Esbati exposed the cooperation of Assad with genocidal zionist Arab states and ally of Russia, UAE (which has been exposed by others as well:
Bashar al-Assad’s relations with Arab countries ignoring Iran
Assad was an Arab secular who never was an ally of Iran, opposite to his father, Hafiz Assad who helped Iran against ALL ARAB STATES during the invasion of Iraqi Soldiers into Iran territory with GREEN light from the EVIL genocidal US supported by the Arab head of states and full support of genocidal Russia. All of these evil countries were sending arms to Iraq but did not sell arms to Iran including RUSSIA. Putin like Yeltsin is another zionist member of the Jewish mafia tribe like coward Trump, a genocidal pimp.
Stop believing in Putin, he is a philo-Semite or a crypto-Jew, he sold out Syria, he never allowed the Syrians to use the anti-missile system he gave them, he gave it to them as decoration, Israel bombed Syria with Putin’s consent. Iran should distrust the defense agreement they are going to sign with Russia this month. Why only now? this agreement will be a blindfold on the Iranians’ eyes so that they do not see what is already evident, Putin is a crypto-Jew. Iran made a big mistake by not developing its own nuclear bomb because it was influenced by Putin. Now they will make another mistake. Putin does not defend Russian territory from attacks by the US and NATO. Will he defend Iran from an attack by the US and Israel? Allow me to laugh, if you believe that, you are an idiot.Putin will betray Iran in 1 or 2 years.
You have a bizarre fixation on the Russian president, as if he controls the fate of the world. But your hardly relevant screed fails to address the assertion made by the author of this article:
All the conditions are met for Syria to become Libya 2.0. Yet that’s not a case of the House Always Wins – first of all because there is no “house”. In neighboring Lebanon, Hezbollah is already reorganized. The prospect remains that after regrouping and re-strategizing, Hezbollah, Ansarullah in Yemen, a new Syrian opposition and the IRGC in Iran will coalesce in a different formation and renew the real battle– against Eretz Israel.
this is a good assessment of the situation, explaining the bizarre nature of his behavior. he’s terrifying his his vassals, so they will be in a state of shock and unable to respond, when he throws the truncated tar baby rump of ukraine in their laps. simplicius has a good take on this in his latest, with a hilarious robert kagan, op-ed in the atlantic, entitled “trump is facing catastrophic defeat in uikraine”, blaming trump rather than his petunia pig wife, lol. so it’s hot potato time.
as simplicius points out the 15 trillion dollars of former ukrainian assets are now permanently part of russian federation and blackrock is shit out of luck. so what now? why invade greenland of course! what a confidence builder for the humiliated former world hegemon. think of it as a big, cold granada, the perfect solution and their tranny army can surely handle denmark right? well not so fast, denmark has restaked their claim to the semi autonomous region by placing a reference to greenland, on their bizarre coat of arms, containing two gay cavemen, for some reason.
there’s only 50,000 people living there, he’ll probably just attempt a leveraged buyout, after recognizing their independence movement, using his new government issued unlimited plutonium card. if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit.
It really does not matter if you like Russia or Putin or not. The truth is Russia is winning, and Putin is one of the most smart leaders on this plant. Go cry me a river
Don’t feed the trolls. If you feed them, like pigeons, they keep coming back & shitting all over.
The truth is Russia is winning,
Fuck off. You can say the same thing about the genocidal Israel, US and UK. Death to all. US and Israel assassinate those who are against genocide, apartheid and terrorism, not Putin and Russia who are their informant among Muslims, and support ‘greater Israel’. That’s why they assassinated General Soleimani who defeated ISIS. You are all genocidal terrorists who have destroyed country after country, with no shame. I hope America burns in FIRE including your house, so you understand what have you done in the region. You must read about the Syrian lives, how they lived under your fucking Caesar sanctions, genocidal. You simply say does not matter because they are winning. Shame on you. I hope Iran builds her fucking nuclear bombs to pour over your heads so you find out how evil you are, rapists,, thieves and terrorists.
Then I don’t understand why Iran, Yemen, Hizbollah and others are working and sacrificing their lives to stop the genocide to bring down evil like you who have no sense of decency. Human being is against evil and would not cooperates with the genocidal asshole like US, Israel, Russia, UK.
We wish you nothing but harm and want these genocidal assholes be assassinated or burned in the FIRE. We have no other means other than to pray for destruction of America because Russia is a traitor and sells her partners. Imagine, if US and the west did not support the genocide Israel in Ghaza, then Israel and US would have been big loser and Palestinians would have been the winner. If Russia was not a traitor. then Syria would have not fell into the hands of ISIS. Russian treason supports genocidal Israel and the ‘greater Israel’, that’s why Russia is an enemy of Muslims. You support this genocidal and criminal state because is a FAKE ‘christian’ state. shame on you.
Syrian situation in 2011 was FAR WORSE than today, yet, General Soleimani managed to defeat ISIS and saved Syria and feeble Assad, by giving the genocidal Americans a kick in the ass.
Now, we just pray to see America burns in FIRE.
listen cornholio, russia is signing a defense treaty with iran, in a weeks time and there’s more to the situation, than fits into your tiny beavis brain….fire, fire, fire!!!🔥🔥🔥
If the USA were master of its own destiny all this would matter.
It isn’t so it don’t. Trump will sluice more money to Israel, sometimes by way of that Ukrainian fraudster who resembles Trump in several ways: They are both paid entertainers with their leashes held by Israel and either would be helpless if not destroyed the minute the leash is dropped.
Forget the USA, Greenland, Canada, & all that. The European peoples have a choice and it has to do with declaring independence from the non-European and quite anti-white power configuration.
It’s getting late in the game and Trump is just another distraction.
Oh goody, another brilliant and well thought out comment from this talented wordsmith.
Greenland, Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Taiwan, …bouts of consolidation, …in the short term yes, but in the long term really irrelevant. For now, including China, “negotiated primitive globalism” is the norm.
Organizing the global landscape along the lines of territory “held” is quite Ghenghis Kahn, Roman Empire, old historical concepts to me. Quite inappropriate seen the digital overlayers and yes, the biological realities that are undeniable.
Trans-territorialism, and it’s agencies cannot be left out in a lasting global functional model. This model of territorial autonomy only has value after a reduction of complexity imposed by “hard” policies. For one, the imposition of a reduction of the liability side of the global populations, for accomplishing such, war is mostly obsolete. We need another Fauci, not a Putin. More bull-dozers(as seen in Gaza), not tanks. That is what is going to be observed, as much as consolidation of a limited pool of global agents that recognise “as we go” their mutual interests.
Maria Draghi never saved but spent us for his personal banksterdom.
Jewmerica’s most willing and eager executer Draghi never saved anything but profits for Goldman-Sux and the Italian Mafia including the ones who are co-owners of the Jews’ illegal Federal Reserve on America.
Draghi is the personal cause of the Euro’s devaluation. He is a bankster begging every day of his rotten life for the gallow. Draghi & Merkel, the Polish Jewess…
Talking about central banksters and other brics: Jewed up Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether.
Jewtin said, he can not do anything about it, because the central bank is independent. ()
Literally minutes before the SMO Elvirus transferred billions abroad; the money that is now financing the Jewkrainian war against Russia / Europe
(China just delivered Jewkraine 200.000 coils of fibre-optic-cords for Jewkraine’s drone war against Eastern Europeans).
BRICS v West is the Jews’ usual trickery in dialectics.
Israel does not sanction Russia or any BRICs but forces Europe via the Jews’ EUSSR to do sanctions plus countless other self-damages.
ORDOABCHAO – order (out) of chaos; good order for the self-chosenites and rubbish for everyone else on these 5 continents (out of how many we are not allowed to know about?). (re. The “arctic” interest in Greenland).
If the US and Israel attacked Iran, would Putin attack the US and Israel in defense of Iran’s territory? Hahaha. In my opinion, it’s just a trick to the Iranians so that they continue to trust Putin, which is going to be a big mistake for Iran. IRAN MUST BUILD ITS OWN NUCLEAR BOMB, there is no time left.
Agree. Thank you
Will he defend Iran from an attack by the US and Israel?
The answer it big NO. Not only Putin and Russia won’t defend Iran, like when the US supports Israel, but Putin with NO doubts will cooperates with these genocidal assassins against Iran. Russia supported US and Saddam against Iran in 1980s, sending weapons to Saddam to kill Iranians. Russia has done the same for all of its history, why should be different this time. Russia is using her partners as a bargaining chip to obtain concessions from the west because Russia is WEAK and has no other options. Russia SOLD Libya and Syria, does not hesitate to sell Iran.
This fact is known to every single Iranian, yet they want to sign the ‘security agreement’. I think the reason is not trusting Russia, it is opposite of it. Iran wants to ‘neutralize’ Russia in the case of danger, where I doubt it works. Russia has always cooperated with the West and Israel AGAINST Iran although Iran has signed NPT.
Russia was against Iran’s enrichment of the uranium at home and wanted to be under Russian’s control, but Iran never accepted that. This policy was IDENTICAL to Israel where both were against
Iran enrichment of Uranium at any percentage. Russia and Israel were against Iran’s enrichment at home, period. Thus Russia, at least, three or four times voted yes for the illegal sanctions at the UN against Iran, like Israel. Putin and Netanyahu are both faces of the same Coin when the interest of Iran is concerned. Russia has not transported all the weapons suppose to sell Iran for the Iranian drones and missiles yet. Russia always deceived Iran and Iran had to go to International organization to get them.
nukes are so 20th century. iran already has hypersonic weapons, that shred israel’s 20th century defenses, if they wanted to irradiate israel, all they have to do is take out dimona. but why would they want to do that to the palestinians?
who do you think helped the iranians develop their hypersonic missiles that the u.s. and israel don’t have? my guess would be the same country selling them su-35s. russia and iran are better friends than you know.
Why are you trying to DECEIVE the public. Russia did not help Iranians to built hypersonic missiles. They made it themselves idiot. Russia did even refuse to sell RADAR to Iran where agreed earlier, but they denied Iran later although Iran had paid down payment for them.
the same country selling them su-35s.
BS. how many years the Russian agreed to sell Iran Su-35, but None has been transferred to Iran. ALL of their words are LIES. It is about, at least, 4 years that fucking Russians suppose to sell Iran Su-35, but nothing has happened. We read in the news:
Iranians transferred the weapons they promised to Russia, which helped Russia with their war in Ukraine, yet the world is waiting for Russia to do the same. Iranian officials have denied media reports about the imminent delivery of new Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Iran. Reports in the Iranian media that the country is to receive the latest generation of aircraft in the next few days are incorrect,
What does Iran get for sending drones and ballistic missiles to Russia?
But, Russia completed the deliveries of Su-35 fighter jets to China in 2019.
Pepe Escobar has become so predictable in the way he tries to wrangle positive views of BRICs etc, that he is no longer interesting.
His writing belongs to an earlier phase, when many more of us believed in some kind of ‘opposition’ to the globalist oligarchy, that has turned out to be essentially a mirage – particularly regarding never-really-trying-to-win-the-war Russia, and not-really-resistance Iran.
Many Unz readers and commenters still ‘believe’, but increasingly fewer, as the hopium becomes more and more untenable.
In an end-game way, the Beijing Chinese are likely on their own agenda rather than the globalist one, but it seems that China still has too much fragility due to trade dependence and lingering shortcomings, to fight the final control-of-earth battle yet.
It’s all so sad I no longer laugh recalling Pepe Escobar’s many breathless ‘It’s a game changer!’ articles, and how they were all wrong.
Mortgages in Russia are now subsidized and directly regulated by the government. The key rate affects this only indirectly.
The main problem of the Russian economy is severe overheating and, as a result, a severe shortage of skilled workers and engineers. And again, the key rate has little effect on this due to direct government support.
Everything is very simple. The Russian economy has been successfully operating in an emergency mode for a long time. Nabiullina has done a lot for this.
In short, shove that 21% up your ass.
Right on, @ anon. We need a Tolkien-middle-earth-style ultimate battle of good against evil, where the one ring is wrested away from the Ziomericans and tossed back into the fires from whence it came. Russia, China, and Iran should hire you to run their foreign policies.
You write:
it seems that China still has too much fragility due to trade dependence and lingering shortcomings, to fight the final control-of-earth battle yet.
China seems to be concerned with its sphere of interest in East Asia, and the Chinese have not expressed any desire to fight a final battle for control of the earth. This is a Jewish desire.
Likewise, it is Jews who love war, because they make money and Gentiles die. But rational state actors do not want to see millions of their citizens dead and their cities in ruins.
If Russia can prevail in the Ukraine by a slow grind and winning a war of attrition, then it is preferable to giving NATO an excuse to launch a nuclear assault.
And Iran is surrounded by American military bases and has seen what happened in Iraq. They are walking a tightrope, defending their interests while trying not to provide the Americans with an excuse to start bombing. Conflict avoidance is preferable to having their country destroyed.
Was thinking about this…surely these rates simply destabilise the status of corrupt grifters who’ve been profiting from the post Cold War doldrums in Russia?
Russia has been consistent in it’s betryals of Iran and of Syria. But Syrian Ex- leader Basher was worst enemy of Syria. At least Putin came to understand the nature of forces arrayed aginst him and he took measures. This guy Assad was looking for accecptances byUS UK and their Arabian vassals.
Turkey figured Russia out year’s ago.
Only silver lining for Iran is Russia needs Iran to carry its wares to India or to the sea for distant lands and India wants same route .
Brics will be a trade union until the us$ is replced. The $ will not be replaced with another fiat currency as long as the current paradigm exists that all central banks participate in. Directly interchangeable with specie is the game changer that PE wishfully says is always on the horizon. All it will take is 1.
you’re either a dedicated zafo troll or just a dedicated idiot. isn’t it strange that all those with next generation hypersonic missiles, are allies of russia? let’s assume you’re just ignorant and don’t understand, that the u.s. and it’s vassals, don’t have the metallurgic skills necessary to produce mach 9 and up missiles, hell, they don’t even have a mach 5 missile in service.
the only country advanced enough in metallurgy, is russia, because of their soviet era space program. this is why the u.s. was buying mothballed soviet rocket engines until recently and they still don’t have those skills today. you probably believe the houthis developed the technology on their own, as well. well here’s your education if you’re ignorant or your worst nightmare if a zafo troll, russia has united china, korea, iran and her proxies, in defense treaties and is sharing technology with all of them.
the russian military industrial complex outcompetes all of zato on its own and now has the combined strength of these 4 state owned and run military complexes, it’s over for you. you’re 3 generations and 3 decades behind in the arms race and will never catch up, because they won’t let you catch up. import as many indian engineers as you want but you’re done, your military industrial complex is a ponzi scheme, that can never compete with state own and run industries.
I think the high key rate and subsidies allow the Russian government to concentrate resources on the right areas of the economy. This is probably the main goal. And it looks like it’s working.
And it is unlikely that these rates affects corrupt grifters more than others. Rather the opposite. They have more opportunities to maintain or increase their legalized capital in conditions of high inflation (with a very high key rate, inflation is also high).
You are a Russian propagandist and a fool. Russia did not sell RADAR to Iran, and Iranian had to build it themselves, then Russia is going to give Iran ‘hypersonic’ idiot? Use your brain if you have.
Russia does not give Iran s-400, but has given Turkey, a NATO country and a terrorist state in bed with Israel and US, then Russia is going to give Iran ‘hypersonic’, liar? Do you really think that Yemen is using Russian hypersonic missiles. Russia is an ally of Israel and has betrayed Iran in Syria. Wake up. Russia was working with Netanyahu against Iranian in Syria, do you think Russia will give Iran hypersonic ballistic missiles, idiot? Russia is against Iran’s enrichment of uranium at home but has been shut up on Israel’s illegal nuclear weapons, liar. When Russia has refused to give a fucking RADAR, do you think is going to give Iran ‘supersonic’?
According to recent reports, Iran claims its “Fattah” missile is a domestically developed hypersonic ballistic missile, meaning it is considered to be indigenous, with Iranian officials stating that it is their first homegrown supersonic missile with high maneuverability to evade missile defense systems.
According to the recent reports, Russia’s hypersonic ballistic missile, often referred to as the “Oreshnik,” is said to travel at speeds exceeding Mach 11, which translates to over 13,000 kilometers per hour (8,000 mph).
Iran hypersonic ballistic missiles travel at speeds Mach 15 with HIGH maneuverability.
US SHOCKED! New Iran Hypersonic Missile Can Destroy US In 30 Sec!
Video Link
you are an idiot and a nafo troll, who doesn’t understand the metallurgical skills necessary, to develop these missiles. iran did not develop these on their own. isn’t it funny the only countries that have hypersonic missiles are working closely with the russians?
Shut up Russian TROLL!
[{Metallurgical skills are used in the extraction, processing, and refining of metals, including activities like mineral processing, metal production, heat treatment, failure analysis, and joining metals through welding, brazing, and soldering; essentially, any application where understanding the properties of metals and alloys is crucial to create useful products across various industries like automotive, aerospace, construction, and healthcare. }}
Do you think Iran does not have this fucking skill?
Why Israel does not have hypersonic ballistic missiles when is in bed with coward Putin, idiot? Why the terrorist Erdogan who is close to coward and zionist Putin does not have it. Turkey is very close to fucking Russia, so Israel, liar? Russia sold S-400 to Turkey long time ago but NOT to Iran, Troll.
this proves what an idiot you are, if putin was in bed with your zionist masters they would have hypersonic missiles, troll. instead your stuck with antiqued u.s. garbage like your useless missile defense systems that were so humiliated by iranian and houthis hypersonic missiles.
the reason putin sold s-400’s to turkiye , was to drive a wedge between them and zato, which it did beautifully and now the russians, iranians and turks are all working together, whether you can figure it out or not, moron.
sure looks like the russians are helping out with iran building air defenses as well, judging by they way they shut down your last zionist attack that involved over 100 fighter jet of israel and the u.s. combined, how embarrassing for you.
no one but the russians have such advanced skills, why do you think the combined west and israel don’t have them? must suck to be a nafo troll these days, why don’t you get a real job? i hear 7-11 is hiring.
You liar Troll. Do you think the zionist Russia would have given the technology to Iran, fool? Russia Didn’t transfer RADAR liar to Iran when Iran paid the down payment, and had to build it themselves. Iran bought the obsolete S-300 and paid the price, but Putin, due to US-Israel order promising CONCESSION, did not transfer the the goods Iran had purchased earlier, liar. Iran had to go to International Organization to push Russia to transfer after years of fighting. Now, do you, Troll, think that zionist Russia, a coward and weak country, gives such a technology to Iran? US does not have this technology with HIGH maneuverability which is an important asset to have, while American supersonic DOES NOT have it where put Iran in a better position. Do you think the coward and zionist Russians give Iran such a technology to be able to defend herself against fucking Americans?
Russia is in bed with the west against Iran, liar. Russia is using Iran as a bargaining chip to get concession from the West, like when sold Libya and Syria.That’s why the Iranian are changing their policy regarding Russia since the Syrian fall where Putin made it possible to be able to get concession in Ukraine, idiot.
Why fucking Putin has not transfered Su-35 and S-400 to Iran that was agreed to give long time ago in exchange for the Iranian drones and missiles. Iran transferred to Russia where helped her to change the momentum. Iranian policy has been changed since lost of Syria. they are looking for a better relations with the West in order to have a balanced relations with Russia, so Russia is not able to stab Iran in the back AGAIN and sell Iran for concession from Trump.
Why does not Russia transfer S-400 to Iran but has sold S-400 to Turkey, a NATO member and an enemy of Iran, long time ago? Why does Russia is strengthening the hands of Iran’s enemy, Turkey, if Russia is really a strategic partner of Iran? Wake up and Get lost, Russian Troll.
Yeah, China’s ‘fragile’. It only possesses, according to the Pentagon, 233 times the ship-building capacity of the USA. That is 23,300 percent greater. According to Sun Zi, the best victory is gained without fighting, or, as Napoleon said, ‘Never disturb the enemy when he is making a mistake’.
Mulga Mumblebrain writes:
Yeah, China’s ‘fragile’. It only possesses, according to the Pentagon, 233 times the ship-building capacity of the USA…or, as Napoleon said, ‘Never disturb the enemy when he is making a mistake’.
What is this in reference to? Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Are you saying that China is wasting big money on shipbuilding and America shouldn’t disturb the Chinese from building more boats?
Is it China who keep silent and not tell America to build more boats?
Thanks for your invitation to my backside, even so you are not the host; bloody poofter, get off my back! Your (and my) response must be very pleasing to your chief Jews.
Besides your back-problems I would like to think that you are right with your exclamation, because I wish all Russians all the best – excluding all Jews and their Antifa poisonings – bloodying the soul of Russia for over „200 years“ and everyone associated with Russia… (I assume you even despise my best wishes for Russians).
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glazyev noted in a conversation with Tsargrad TV that it is now impossible to find an investment project at 20% per annum, and deposit rates make it possible to earn even more without making any effort. Accordingly, the choice is obvious: why take risks when you can get a guaranteed profit, and a more impressive one at that?
„In the end, what did this lead to? To the fact that banks have stopped lending to productive projects. Well, only if state owned banks are forced to reluctantly lend something sometimes to someone on instructions from above. But the share of investment loans for the real sector in the assets of our largest banks is about 5%. And it tends to decrease. In other words, commercial banks, including state-owned ones, have stopped working as banks. They do not fulfill their main function – the transformation of savings into investments, Instead, financial institutions simply take savings at a high rate and invest this money not in the development of the economy, but place it on deposit with the Central Bank. And the Central Bank prints more and more money, more and more, to pay the banks this insane percentage. This is an absolutely absurd policy that leads the country to the abyss, to degradation,
And there are about 3-4 trillion rubles on deposits. And then there are Central Bank bonds. (sic) So why does the regulator pay insane interest – at the level of the key rate-on deposits, rewarding commercial banks for not working – just putting money together and doing nothing? By issuing money, of course, by printing money,“
Glazyev noted.
The effect is that the Ruble and with it the Russian purchasing power is again and again decreasing.
To ease your pain: It is the same here, it is the same everywhere; apart from Jew & hyena. They just take x-times more out of the till to not just make up mutliple times for their caused inflation, but to use it to prey on the cheap side on defaults of inflation. Slawa Russia and to hell with… you?
July 2024 saw a sharp 71% increase in corporate lending in Russia, and for the first time it will not be able to be covered by oil and gas revenues, which now amount to about $ 250 billion and are falling.
Since February 2022, a hidden military budget was introduced to amendments to the law “On State Defense Order”, when banks, under state pressure, began to issue almost non-repayable loans to military-industrial enterprises. Military spending has its own caveat. A loan issued for a conditional agricultural combine will bring profit for 10-15 years, since it drives, it is there! Shells and tanks as war-consumables shot and do not. Although it is expensive, the costs are mostly covered by sales from oil and gas. Such a large flow of money increases the growth of inflation (money printing) and as the greatest mistake the growth of the key rate, which suffocates small businesses with huge interest rates on loans.
Maxim Kalashnikov talks about a recent article by Ex-Morgan Stanley banker Craig Kennedy, in which he examines the prerequisites for the financial crisis in Russia. (I lost the link).
MK’s article correlates VERY WELL with the latest steps taken by the Jewnighted States of Israhell on Europe, which are seeking to further reduce Russia’s oil and gas revenues in the short term, which in the future may lead to a severe crisis if Russia allows The Elvirus to keep putting Jewmerican policy on Russia.
Numerous attacks on oil refineries by UAVs of the Jewkrainian Evil Forces, stopping the supply of Russian gas to Europe – all links in the same chain with one task: The sanctions lever will be used by the Jewed global West against Russia as long as possible, until you are disarmed from nuclear weapons and completely destroyed. Only a complete victory over the Jewish regimes inside and outside of Russia can put an end to this. Any “agreement” without destroying Russian enemies within and outside will not imply the lifting of sanctions – as Jewed down Anglo-American politicians openly say. The noose will be reaped for years to come.
As long as Jewmerica has its regime in Kiev.
Kalashnikov calls for changing the course of the war – a long trench meat grinder will eventually end either with the depletion of the army and a counterattack by the enemy, or with the freezing of the front for natural reasons with the resulting crisis and collapse of the Russian economy.
AK- sound is the only language Jew & hyena understand and you do the Jews’ bidding for attacking Russia’s true friends – lovers of truth.