By definition and written in stone - NO president can be worse than Trump.
Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone, who has a huge worldwide audience, opines that Biden is possibly the worst US president ever, worse even that his consistently denigrated predecessor and media punching bag Donald Trump.
Vince McMahon should run with Trump and trip over a picket fence at Pence Avenue.
Excellent observation regarding ‘German historical school’, which created huge confusions with their falsifications. They even invented the meaningless term ‘indo-germanische’ (language) which was after 100 years, when the balance of power changed and Anglo-Frenches asked for their ‘piece of action’, replaced with similarly meaningless, ‘indo-european’ language(s) and people. It is pointless repeating to some that Vikings were mostly Slavics (even Google says this) that ‘Rus’ was not a name given by outsiders (what about ‘rus’ in Prussia?) and that Goths and Geats (Beowulf) were the same people.
Just to add one thing about coin minting in the Roman Empire. All Roman money was minted in Sirmium, now Serbia, 50 km from Belgrade. They had 12 minting factories and they minted money since Alexander the Great. For him, they minted almost 250 tons of golden coins. The mainstream history does not say that the centre of the Roman Empire in last 200 or so years (of West RE) was in Sirmium, not in Rome, which was one of the largest cities at that time and which had the Colosseum bigger than that one in Rome. The minting stopped at the end of 6th cAC when Avars conquered the town. Diocletian was one of dozen Emperors who were born or ruled from Sirmium which was declared in 294 as the capital city of the Roman Empire.
The idea that Goths came from Gotland is the following text from Gutasaga (c. 1350 AD)
“Over a long time, the people descended from these three multiplied so much that the land couldn’t support them all. Then they draw lots, and every third person was picked to leave, and they could keep everything they owned and take it with them, except for their land. … they went up the river Dvina, up through Russia. They went so far that they came to the land of the Greeks. … they settled there, and live there still, and still have something of our language.”
But not everybody agrees with the interpretation. Gutes, people living in Gotland, were a North Germanic tribe, and one of the three ancestor tribes of modern Swedes together with Swedes and Geats. The Germanic tribe Swedes was called Roden and Roslagen, from which the name of Sweden in Finnish is Ruotsi and in Estonian Rootsi. They were those Vikings who gave the name Rus’ to Russia.
“Working with an iMac which has this auto-correct system, my original “Sprechen†was transmogrified by robotics into “Sprechernâ€. ”
What confused your autocorrection was that you put a verb in a capital letter. In German only nouns are in capital. And you put an article to Deutsch.
Working with an iMac which has this auto-correct system, my original “Sprechen” was transmogrified by robotics into “Sprechern”. It’s a pain in the region beyond the pudendal to need to hafta edit that “editorial” function. Usually, I succeed in that, but as my German vocabulary is little more than a thousand words and having to deal with a hopeless grammar; I acceded to that change.
A name such as Ketunnen is double-lettered, as I recall from a former acquaintance, although the Korhonens did not double. So Suomilainen can also be confusing to one who has had only nominal acquaintance with the Finnic.
My argument with you is precisely a “typical classification of Indo-European languages” as you note. This classification originated with German scholars and must be questioned on the basis of ethnocentric particularity.
I would agree that the Svensk does have a bit more grammatical similarities with the Deutsch than does the Norsk. However, the Islandic speech is closer to the original Gammle Norsk than is the somewhat Dansk inflected “Riksmal” of Norway. “NyNorsk” is an attempt by urbanized Norwegian academics to be more “with it” in cosmopolitan terms. This modification I find somewhat distasteful as it has so little “grunlage” (foundation in folk-culture).
As an American, and being quite aware of the homogenization state terrorism under the blackmailed Woodrow Wilson regime in World War One; my outlook on contemporary “Murrican” culture is that it has become devastatingly deracinated and almost utterly bereft of any form of cultural rootedness. It is a sad state of affairs.
Its quite likely that had you grown up in the Vasa region along the Bothnian coast, you would probably have had far less difficulty in dealing with Svensk.
Quit with the “Germanic” crap. The bolder and more adventurous of the Nordics moved through what is now Germany where their Nordic/Germanic cousins settled and kept on going northwards into new lands where they could live far away from the turmoil in the regions assailed by the Romans. As I’ve pointed out numerous times, the whole “Germanic” shtick was propounded by German historiographers in the 19th Century when German universities dominated academia.
Only in relatively recent times have the Goths been assimilated in Svearige…or Sverige, as runs the official designation for the realm of the Svear…originally an entirely different tribal grouping than the Gothar. The third grouping in what is now the Kingdom of the Svear, are the Scanians (from whence the term “Scandinavian”. Until the 17th Century, when the Svear finally defeated the Danes, the Scanians, centering on Malmo, were part of the Kingdom of Danmark.
As the central tribal nation amongst the Scandinavian people; the Scanians hosted the know virtually unknown “Thing” (council of individuals normally, but tribal nations in this instance) which assembled on that middle ground following Charlemagne’s destruction and enslavement of the Old Saxons; the Germanic cousins of the more advanced Nordics.
Along with the Jutlander’s construction of the Dannevirke between the Nordics and the conquered Germanics; that council came to an agreement that the Charlemagnian Empire and the Church of Rome were the enemy and needed to be taught lessons.
Lesson #1 was the sacking of the empire’s third largest city and the site of its mint, the now long deserted Dorestad. Lesson given. Thus began the Viking raids on imperial outposts and the centers of Roman Churchianity…the enemy.
The Lone Ranger was riding with Tonto when the Lone Ranger pointed to the band of Indians approaching and said to Tonto "Looks like we are in trouble!". To which Tonto replied "What you mean "we" white man"?
What we Americans need is not another war, but rather an end to war, particular those wars that can somehow kill most or even all of us.
USA will soon have the PLUS 84 Advantage –to hold office as President –a person will have to be 84 years young !!!
“Ich kann das Deutsch Sprechern”
Change to: Ich kann Deutsch sprechen.
“The “Die, Der, Das†business is hopelessly unevolved. What need for a gender-based modification for all nouns? The Nordic folk do not do that”
En versus ett in Swedish is difficult enough for us Finns, and what for to have any articles, Finnish does not have, nor any gender differentiation. It is enough to double letters every now and then.
After Anglo-Saxons came Vikings who changed English language, and English has lots of vocabulary from French, but despite all this, English and Swedish are Germanic languages in a typical classification of Indo-European languages to Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Greek, Baltic etc. subfamilies. In this classification Serbian is a Slavic language, and Corded Ware people (Eastern Battle Axe Culture) did have bronze battle axes as so many were found, and horses, they were not stone-age people like Y-DNA I2 hunter-gatherers were, and Vinca DNA shows Anatolian roots, not I2 people. But for my part, anybody can have whatever strange own ancient history theory, does not bother me.
Zo!!! Ich kann das Deutsch Sprechern, veileicht zo gut wie ein fier Jahre alt Deutscher. Aber nicht zo gut hohren als gesprücht –veileich wie ein zwei Jahre alt Deutscher. Aber Ich kann ganz besser als beiden lesen.
To a non German speaker by birth, placing the verb at the end of a sentence is “ruckwarts” (backwards, if my grasp of adding umlauts to words requiring them could be expressed) is convoluted and confusing. Flow of thought is thereby interrupted–even though there is a form of clarity. The Nordic system is far more evolved and simpler to learn without considerable mental gymnastics.
English, in both grammar and othography is based on Old Norse (Gammle Norsk) rather than Old Saxon. The “Die, Der, Das” business is hopelessly unevolved. What need for a gender-based modification for all nouns? The Nordic folk do not do that. Linguistically, the Nordic languages are smoother, simpler and more readily learned than the rank stupidity of inverted logic, still inherent in the Germanic formulations.
Though part of the Scandinavian peninsula pattern, the Finnish people are from a totally different linguistic heritage than the Nordic people, per se. Of course, you are quite aware of that. The Scandinavian people have long realized that linguistically their speech is but a cousin to the Germanic. Or as the Danes describe Germans: “Tysk, tysk, tysk”.
I asked couple times about Germans, when and where from they came to Europe, but no one could comprehend this question. It is difficult and pointless to have a discussion with a wiki guy. Why is so hard to understand that Germans are Asians (have a look at Foxyboy) while Nordics (so as Goths, but not Finns) are Europeans with different genetics and languages.
They will all appeal. So it’s not over for them yet.
AIDEN ASLIN Gets Death Sentence in Donbas
KYIV, Ukraine—Three foreigners fighting alongside Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed troops near Mariupol were sentenced to death Thursday….
“Scandinavian languages are Nordic.”
In linguistic there is no such concept as a Nordic language. Nordic countries is a concept that was invented in order to talk of a block including Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland) and Finland, because they voted as a block in the UK. Linguistically these Nordic countries comprise of five Germanic languages (Swedish, Danish, two Norwegean, and Icelandise) and two Fenno-Ugrian languages (Finnish, Sami). Scandinavian languages are Germanic, as you would easily deduce should you speak any of these languages and German (as I do).
Fuck Off!!! Scandinavian languages are Nordic. The German language is quasi-Nordic at its rootstock. You have been ensorcelled by 19th Century German historiography, a rather ethnocentric perspective.
“What’s you take on Silver Codex? Do you see it as genuine or are there any doubts about it? ”
The Silver Bible, a 4th century translation of the Bible to Gothic language, is considered genuine. If this in some sense for you is a contradiction to placing the German language to the Migration Period, then think again: Goths were not in Germany before the Migration Period. Certainly they had a language of their own and certainly this language would be today classified as a Germanic language, but I would not call a language of a people, who were not in Germany, with the name German language. Indeed, as East Germanic language, Goth language is not a direct ancestor of German.
Goths were on the Black Sea before they escaped to Rome and finally sacked Rome (Visigoths, 410 AD). They were somewhere before that time since earlier in that area lived other peoples. Where they came from (Gotland?) and when is unknown to me.
“Beowulf was a hero of Goths/Geats, not a ‘Swede’.”
No, Beowulf was Geat, they lived in Gotland, Sweden. Goths lived in the Black Sea, e.g. in Crime. Their language was East Germanic, while Beowulf language is West Germanic. There is a tale that Goths came originally from Gotland, but it is a tale and a tale need not be always true.
“You overlooked the Serbian words ‘berg’ (Bergen, Gutenberg) and ‘holm’ (Stockholm). ”
If you find some words in a language and they clearly derive from words in some other language family, then the usual conclusion is that they are language borrowings. There are lots of language borrowings. Serbian is a Southern Slavic language, German/Swedish is a Germanic language.
“So as I2, the I1 haplogroup originated in Lepenski Vir/Vinca. Scandinavians originated in Vinca, the cradle of European civilization, before moving to the north. They are the closest genetic cousins of Serbs. So, I1 and I2 are not so-called ‘Indo-Europeans’ (whatever does it mean this meaningless term). ”
We already spoke of Vinca earlier. To me the main stream view that Vinca was not Y-DNA I2 seems correct. This is from Wikipedia. I have not made my own genetic studies of any ancient culture:
“The 2017 and 2018 archaeogenetic studies on 7 samples show that almost all belonged to the paternal Y-DNA haplogroup G-M201 (G2a2a; G2a2a1; 2x G2a2a1a; G2a2b2a1a-PF3346) with one to haplogroup H-P96, while maternal mtDNA haplogroup H, H26, K1a4, K2a, T2b, U2, HV.[12][13][14] According to ADMIXTURE analysis they had approximately 90-97% Early European Farmers, 0-12% Western Hunter-Gatherer and 0-8% Western Steppe Herders-related ancestry.”
You are free to have your own alternative prehistory. We simply agree to disagree and stop this discussion. I am no expert on this topic, but what I have read from main stream archeology, the explanation there seems correct to me.
Beowulf was a hero of Goths/Geats, not a ‘Swede’. We already established (did we?) that Goths were not Germanics. The official royal title of Swedish (and Danish) kings until 1973 was: Gustavus Adolphus, by the Grace of God, King of the Swedes, Goths, and Vandals…
So as I2, the I1 haplogroup originated in Lepenski Vir/Vinca. Scandinavians originated in Vinca, the cradle of European civilization, before moving to the north. They are the closest genetic cousins of Serbs. So, I1 and I2 are not so-called ‘Indo-Europeans’ (whatever does it mean this meaningless term). Scandinavians brought the language from Vinca and because there are similarities with Vinca Serbian language which also influenced the younger Proto-Germanic language. You overlooked the Serbian words ‘berg’ (Bergen, Gutenberg) and ‘holm’ (Stockholm).
Another question if you have some extra time: What’s you take on Silver Codex? Do you see it as genuine or are there any doubts about it? Thank you in advance.
“Which Historical School do you belong to?”
So called Schools of Thought appear only in soft fields of humanistic science where scholars have no way to tell if some view is correct and some not. Hard scientists, like me, abhor such a concept. There are contradicting views in hard science also, like my calculations show clearly that the relativity theory is false while the main stream think it is proven beyond doubt, but this is not any School of Physics. It is simply corruption of science that is today so prevalent.
History, especially ancient history, we cannot know and have to allow various theories to co-exist. Yet, each thinking person can form his opinion of it. It does not mean he belongs to any School of Thought, which is a self-declared group of people acting as referees and accepting works from like-minded and discarding those of other-minded. It you actively publish and act as a referee in historical journals, then you may feel like belonging to some School (implying that you have rejected well argued papers that did not match your favorite views), else you also do not belong to any School of History. I, as a hard scientist, reject papers only if they are poor or wrong, and do not do propaganda for some view.
“Q1: Which Historical School do you belong to?”
Belonging to a Historical School means that your scientific publications in the area of history belong to some viewpoint represented by a group of historians. I am not a historian and have not published anything on historical topics. A have published on technical and mathematical topics. Therefore I do not belong to any History School.
“Q2: In your opinion, how old is German language and English language, and can you quote some reference(s) supporting that?”
The oldest Old English surviving literary work, Beowulf, tells of a Swede going to Denmark. The events date to the 6th century when Anglo-Saxons came to England. Old English is the language of Anglo-Saxons, it is a West Germanic language, like is English and German, Swedish and Danish. Modern English and German have developed from Old West German languages. It is very unlikely that there ever was a single Old West German language, because tribal societies do not have a single language, see e.g. North American Indian languages – in tribal societies there are many languages, not a single proto-language (corresponding to the idea of proto-Germanic language). Modern English and modern German are still West Germanic languages and so they have been as long as they have existed, but we can set a time for a language that is called English. There could not be any English (like Old English) before Germanic language speakers came to England. That is, roughly 400 AD is about the earliest time. About the age of German, we have several poems. Iceland prosaic Edda (very late composition by Snorri) tells of Attila the Hun in one poem, which is Germanic origin. Certainly we can place German language to the Migration Period leading to the fall of West Rome, as before this Migration Period Germanic people were not in Germany and their language cannot be called German with the same reason why there was no West Germanic English language before West Germanic people were in England. This does not imply that the language of the Germanic people, who came to Germany in the Migration Period did not have a long history where they came from (which is not so clear, where did Y-DNA I1 actually came from, was it born in Denmark or maybe close to the Black or Caspian Sea?). I think this answer suffices to explain my view.
“Q3: You also said, “Slavic languages are not very oldâ€. Can you provide reference(s) that list Slavic languages, along with their estimated ages including some reasoning for the estimates?”
This time I simply give you a pointer to a Wikipedia page, you can find references from it. I have no theory of my own concerning Slavic languages. There have been many theories of these languages, starting from the Kurgan hypothesis. My view is about the one in this page starting with “Pre-Slavic (c. 1500 BC – 300 AD)”, that is, Baltic languages are older and they date to Corded Ware (Battle Axe, people who had Bronze battle axes)
Some questions if you would not mind answering:
Q1: Which Historical School do you belong to?
Q2: In your opinion, how old is German language and English language, and can you quote some reference(s) supporting that?
Q3: You also said, “Slavic languages are not very old”. Can you provide reference(s) that list Slavic languages, along with their estimated ages including some reasoning for the estimates?
Thank you in advance.
Very briefly:
Yamnaya (so-called ‘Indo-Europeans’) came to Europe from 2800-2500BC. They did NOT know for metals and came with stone maces. We don’t know about them before 3100BC (Anthony). It is a joke to think that they brought the language and spread to all swampy, wooded Europe without roads and bridges in few hundreds of years. They would need several thousands of years to develop their language from some pra-language. Where this could happen? Not in steppe during the Ice Age, not during the melting of ice. Only place where this language could develop was Lepenski Vir. What was Yamnaya mythology? Who were Aryans who brought Sasnkrit? NOT Yamnaya nomads whi eve did not know to build houses. Corded Ware is a pale reflection of Vinca culture. There is nothing there. Only Yamnaya burial practices and pottery performed by Vinca women. I2 (and I1) are European haplogroups and did not come from outside. Megaliths were built by I2 not by G2 who came from Caucasus and were well accepted by local Vinca population. Where are they now? There are still remaining 5% of I2 on British Isles and Scotland (down from 100% before Yamnaya). It is not true that Lithuanian is the most similar to Sanskrit. Where were they 2000BC? You are an Scandinavian, tell me where ‘berg’ and ‘holm’ in many names and toponyms came from. I2 mixed with R1a to create Slavics but they did not mix with R1b who conducted genocides on them. Where I2 Vinca Serbs and Slavics got their language(s) and from whom? Where Iranian (=Aryan) language originated?
Churchill tried to get Serbian King to order Chetnics to put themselves under Tito/Communists, but he refused. Blackmail and threats were used, as well as bombing of Serb civilians by Churchill (Serbian WW2 “Allies”) on King’s birthday as a punishment for not complying – showing him that they meant business. Just that part shows how sick and evil Churchill was towards Orthodox Christian Serbs. After all that failed, they found one Serbian-speaking character with similar voice and he did the reading for that radio broadcast. Radio broadcasts during WW2 were full of static/noise and distortions, so nobody noticed the difference.
Draza and Chetnics knew who Tito was and how evil he was, thus did not believe it and did not obey it. It would have been a suicide anyway, as communists were cowards, liars, and mass murderers of the Serbian people.
Thanks this was well put on what was going on with the partisan activities.
The Lone Ranger was riding with Tonto when the Lone Ranger pointed to the band of Indians approaching and said to Tonto "Looks like we are in trouble!". To which Tonto replied "What you mean "we" white man"?
What we Americans need is not another war, but rather an end to war, particular those wars that can somehow kill most or even all of us.
It is believed that 50-60% of Russia’s nukes don’t even work.
Nuclear weapons are tried and true, mature technology. Hydrogen bombs are from the ’50s, ICBMs from the early ’60s at the latest, multiple warheads are from the ’70s. Now, both Russia AND China have working scramjet hypersonic missiles.
Russia’s nukes work alright, as do America’s and everyone else’s.
The way to respond to someone rattling the nuclear saber is to laugh in his face. Only someone who is trying to convince you of his intent to commit suicide while taking you with him threatens use of nukes. It’s not serious when you have your own means to annihilate the other side, and they know it.
Putin is only giving us a taste of our own medicine.
The U.S., whenever it feels “inadequate” (and we often do) will reflexively say “NUKES!” out loud. Can’t win in Korea on the cheap? “Nukes!”. Can’t win in Vietnam? “Nukes!” Japan outcompeting us? “Nukes!” Iraqi and Afghan insurgencies? “Nukes!” (How DUMB is that? How do you use WMD on insurgents?) Someone so much as whispers China, or Russia, or Iran? “Nukes!’
Goddamn, I would be annoyed as f*ck if I were a citizen of another country. Now, Russia hints at “nukes” and we panic? Not so nice when someone threatens back, eh? In fact, I find the reports of the rapid build-up of the Chinese arsenal very credible – Russia estimates that they already have 1,500 strategic warheads (undeclared), set to double by the end of the decade. And the Chinese are old school types, they like to build their warheads huge, “salted” with Cobalt to boot.
Sooner or later, the insane, out of control hyper-aggressiveness of the U.S. was going blow up in our faces.
Well, that time has finally come.
The Dalmatian coast is the erstwhile Venetian realm, and culturally quite
distinct from the boonies; indeed Italy has always lusted after it,
mare nostrum an sheet. IIRC Vittorio Emanuele married a
Montenegrin princess for that purpose.
History is seldom pretty … so what?
The Italians made separate peaces all the time and traded with the communists.
– Draza knew he had been stabbed in the back by the flunkeys in London and
the lend-lease Cargo would no longer be forthcoming
(I admit a Cetnik division on the Eastern Front would have been
something to behold 😀 ).
I have no particular attachment to the Ustasha – just trying to be nice;
good, I found their Armed Christianization ™ drives (complete with
truck-mounted crucifixes) bloody hilarious – but I learned that was really
a Serbian invention.
“Thank you for your note. I guess we are on a different page, since you consider Indo-European theory valid. You have to remember that Germany and Vatican had a free rein on history as Serbia was under Ottoman rule, while Russia was under replaced Peter the Great, i.e. under German impostor. But we can agree to disagree. ”
We agree to disagree. It is always allowed to have alternative explanations to prevalent theories. I do not object to that, nor have I made own research on that field to confirm or reject the prevalent theories. However, concerning the calendar, I am quite certain that the Serb Calendar is the one from Septuagint. It is an essential part of Christianity, today ignored. The calendar is the tool to calculate the ends of the times and Judaism the arrival of the Messiah. Jews (i.e., Roman collaborators Shimon ben Zakkai and Yehuda haNazi) falsified their calculation and shifted the Anno Mundi year forward because they lost the First Jewish War and did not want the prophet Messiah of that war (i.e., Jesus) to be seen as the Messiah. That was mainly because Romans did not want more Jewish uprisings, so the time of the Messiah had to be moved to a faraway future. This is the only thing I wanted to comment of the Serb Calendar.
Y-DNA G2a people built megaliths, like Stonehenge. They had agriculture, but the did not have bronze weapons. Bronze was invented around 3300 BC. Yamnaya was an early Bronze Age culture, which had bronze battle axe and horses around 3000 BC or a bit before. To the British Islands they came a bit later, as you correctly point out. Bronze battle axe and horse helped Yamnaya pastorals to conquer old agricultural cultures in Europe, which were quite advanced e.g. in astronomy and also in some places had writing/proto-writing. In Europe agriculture continued without interruption from Yamnaya invasions, which is not strange as Yamnaya men took local women.
Y-DNA hunter gatherers did at some places adopt agriculture from Anatolian Y-DNA G2a farmers, but mainly Y-DNA I2 decreased in Europe because hunter gatherers only withdraw and mostly did not adopt to agriculture. Your claim that I2 people were farming before agriculture spread from Anatolia to Europe is in contradiction to archeological and archeogenetic research. Only in Baltic countries it seems that Middle East farmers never came there and I2 hunter gatherers adopted farming, but they did not invent it. As for cities, hunter gatherers could for instance be fishers/sealers and fishing/sealing cultures live in stable settlements. They may well have houses and even villages. In the Levant, long before agriculture, there were fixed settlements of Nabuteans who lived by hunting gazelles. Fixed settlements (and houses, villages) do not require agricultural lifestyle, only constant source of food from the area.
In autosomal DNA Serbs are very similar to other Eastern European ethnic groups. They do not differ much from e.g. Hungarians, Czechs, Moldavians etc. though these all have different languages. Old European genes did not disappear because of male likeages from Yamnaya, as women lineages did not change much. We find from Europe the following clusters in autosomal DNA: mediterranean, West European, East European, Russian, Finnish, and some outliners, like Basques, Sardinians etc. and some recent immigrant groups (Jews, Roma etc.).
In autosomalDNA Sardinians represent Neolithic Farmers, Baltic people are closest to European hunter gatherers of modern populations, Basques are a mix of West European hunter-gatherer and Neolithic farmers. Yamnaya is a main component in West and East Europeans. Serbs are in no sense half old I2 people and half some newer contributions.
You think that if Serbs have 50% I2 in Y-DNA, then they should have 50% I2 people’s genes in autosomal DNA. This is not the case. I give an example: Finns have 60% Y-DNA Hg. N, which is from Siberia, but they have only c. 5% Siberian autosomal DNA. How can this be so? It is simple: there was a migration bringing Y-DNA N to Europe. These men were the basis of a paternal ethnic group, i.e., it was their sons who formed the ethnic group, while many women were married to neighboring people. From these neighboring people these men took women. This brought over centuries much more genes to the gene pool than the original group of Y-DNA N men. Therefore in autosomal DNA Finns are practically completely European and their Siberian origin can only be seen in Y-DNA. The situation is the same for Serbs. Serb community was paternal and the men had Y-DNA I2. Then they married women from outside and the autosomal DNA changed over centuries and milennia so that today Serb autosomal DNA is very similar to other people in East Europe, even though these other people have e.g. Y-DNA Hg. R1a.
Slavic languages are not very old. This can be determined from comparative linguistic. The common language of Baltic languages (Latvian, Lithuanian) and Slavic languages dates to c. 1500 BC. It developed from the language of Corded Ware Culture (Bronze age Eastern Battle Axe culture), which dates to c. 2000BC. Earlier languages were not Indo-European in Europe, though one can find older Indo-European languages in Anatolia and Iran. Serbian language is not the closest to Sanskrit, the closest is Latvian/Lithuanian or Iranian.
I thought this is the result of more recent revisionism by the Croats themselves.
and rolled back the number to 70k
Regarding separatism in former YU and its breakup: All separatists claim that they are under someone’s rule, oppressed, exploited, etc, while it’s just a land grab and theft. You may notice one strange thing: all those “oppressed” were Nazi partners in the WW2 (Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Shqiptars/Albanians, Slovenians), while the “oppressors” were Serbs that fought against Nazis. And Germany/Austria/Vatican just happened to support their “struggle” to free themselves and take territories they picked for themselves decades earlier as they ruled Yugoslavia. That is how Croats got 90% of Yugoslavia’s Adriatic Coast. Russia was on its knees, so it was the Serbian people against NATO and the Western mass media that lied endlessly. However, fight of the Serbian people against NATO woke up Russia, so it’s now their turn to do their part and finish the whole thing.
I thought this is the result of more recent revisionism by the Croats themselves.
and rolled back the number to 70k
Well, Croats and Slovenians ran Communist Yugoslavia, plus Tito was not a Serb, so it was their revisionism.
Yes, some Serbian children were “saved” from genocide but suffered ethnocide as assigned to Catholic families. Communists destroyed the lists of those children after the war – probably at the request of the Catholic Church. Those numbers were only in several thousands though.
Only 60 prisoners survived Jasenovac. Tito’s communists gave advanced notice to Nazi Croats to clean up and leave Jasenovac complex. Jasenovac was never attacked, bombed, or had any operational interruptions. Chetnics asked the Brits to at least bomb the railways which were used to bring prisoners in, but they refused.
Thank you for your note. I guess we are on a different page, since you consider Indo-European theory valid. You have to remember that Germany and Vatican had a free rein on history as Serbia was under Ottoman rule, while Russia was under replaced Peter the Great, i.e. under German impostor. But we can agree to disagree.
I’ve read “The Rape of Serbia” by Michael Lees which explains well what went on there during the war and the betrayal of the Chetniks by the British.
Be as it may, the King, who was Drazha’s supreme commander, did order him to join with Tito’s Partizans, on instigation of Churchill of course, which Drazha refused, so this could be considered “treason” of sorts. Not judging here what would have been the correct policy then and there, the general mood of the people, and other factors that were at play in a very complicated, confusing, and very deadly situation.
Yamnaya nomads came to Europe btw 2800-2500 (British Isles). They came to civilisation which 5000 years before them had metals, agriculture, buildings, trades, etc, etc. They did not know for agriculture nor for metals and houses. The mainstream attempt to persuade us that they brought the language which was spread all over the Europe.
We don’t know about Yamnaya before 3100BC, we don’t know where their language was developed. They lived as families who followed few domesticated animals. The othe mainstream falisification is that agriculture was brought by G2 people. I2 people already lived in urban settlements for a couple thousands of years and it is illogical that they were hunter gatherers. I2 built all megaliths (e.g. Stonehenge). If one half of modern Serbs (in some areas 70+%) have I2 which is in Europe for 30000+ years, it means that (at least one half of) Serbs are indigenous, did not come from anywhere and had the continuity of their language since the Ice Age.
The mainstream theory that Yamnaya in few hundreds of years influenced all Euro and many Asian language is a joke. Sanskrit is NOT Yamnaya language so neither mythology nor genetics. Where from Sanskrit came to India 2000BC? How come that modern Serbian language is the most similar to Sanskrit and not some other language? I can provide many words which can prove that Serbian is older than Latin, ‘ancient’ Greek, Hebrew and that many European languages adopted Serbian words (e.g. young languages such as English, German, etc.). Where people lived during the Ice Age?
Re-calendar (this is a Serbian word) next time. We should see from whom Romans took the calendar and from whom Egyptians took the calendar.
What can we expect from an Ustasha sympathiser?
“The Byzantine calendar, also called Roman calendar,[note 1] Creation Era of Constantinople or Era of the World (Ancient Greek: Ἔτη ΓενÎσεως Κόσμου κατὰ Ῥωμαίους,[1] also Ἔτος Κτίσεως Κόσμου or Ἔτος Κόσμου, abbreviated as ε.Κ.; literal translation of Ancient Greek Roman year since the creation of the universe), was the calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728 in the Ecumenical Patriarchate.[2][note 2] It was also the official calendar of the Byzantine Empire from 988 to 1453 and of Kievan Rus’ and Russia from c. 988 to 1700.[note 3] This calendar was used also in other areas of the Byzantine commonwealth such as in Serbia, where it is found in old Serbian legal documents such as DuÅ¡an’s Code, thus being referred to as the Serbian Calendar as well. Since Byzantine is a historiographical term, the original name uses the adjective “Roman” as it was what the Eastern Roman Empire continued calling itself.”
This calendar is central to Christianity. In Western Christianity the calendar was changed and the real meaning of this calendar was forgotten. It is the seven thousand year plan from which you can calculate the arrival of the Messiah and the end of the times. The calculation was many times changed, as the first Messiah was Cyrus the Great (the Anointed one in Isaiah 45:1), but shortly before the time of Jesus birth the calendar, in the Book of Daniel, was adjusted to give the end of one time in 33 AD. This is exactly 1000 years from the year that Josephus Flavius gives as the starting time of the building of the First Temple (968 BC). The seven thousand year plan is that a world (this means, a time period for a civilization) is composed of three 2000 years periods and then follows an intermediate time of 1000 years. One can say that the world lasts for 6000 years (the three 2000 year periods), but the cycle is 7000 years (as it must be, God created world in six days and rested on the seventh day, so it is seven days, not six). The periods are 2000 years before the flood. The flood can be dated to c. 3000 BC from the Bible. Then comes 2000 years of the law. This is not the Mosaic law, this is the Noahic law that was given just after the Deluge. This period ends c. 1000 BC, and exactly it ends according to Josephus in 968 BC. The last 2000 year period is the time of the Messiah. The first kind was Saul, then was David, but neither was fit to build the Temple. Thus, the first Anointed one to build the Temple was Solomon. Naturally the time of Messiah must have started when there were kings (anointed ones) in Israel. In the exact middle of this period was redemption, the Crucifixion. This redemption was needed because the people had sinned and God had allowed the temple to be destroyed. Therefore the people had to be redeemed. Without redemption they could not push out the invader, which in Jesus times was Rome. Redemption required a sacrifice, as only blood redeems. Therefore Jesus had to die and the main task of Jesus was to redeem the sins of Jews, but not only Jews, also of Israelites, who had been spread to the world. After the Crucifixion followed the second part of the time of Messiah: 1000 years. It ended 1033 AD. This time was the time of the Saints of the Church and at that time there was only one Church, not Western and Eastern. This time was a planned end of times, and it started the time of Crusades. The last 1000 years was time when evil forces gathered, as you now see having happened. The last time ends soon, in 2033 AD. OK, this is a Jewish theory of times. You can read my version of it here
As for this whether I am for or against Serbs, I can assure that I have no position at all towards Serbs. But the calendar of Serbs is the Byzantine Calendar and it comes from Jewish end of the world calculation shortly before the time of Jesus. This calculation is based on ancient believe that time is divided into periods. A period of a civilization is called a world. Our world lasts for 7000 years and it started from agriculture in the Middle Easts (the second time agriculture was tried). Before this world there were other worlds, and after this world there are other words. They are not all 7000 years long. This concept of words is also in Hinduism, there is the Day of Brahman, divided into parts. You find this concept also in Germanic myths, like the end of the world Ragnarok, which is not the end of everything but only of a period.
You mentioned that maybe I do not think that Serbs are the oldest people in Europe. The father lines some Balkan people have, notably I2, is the oldest in Europe and derives from paleolithic hunter gatherers. The language of Serbs is Southern Slavic, which means that it arrived to Europe with Slavs. Indoeuropeans came to Europe in Yamnaya invasions around 3000-3500 BC, but Y-DNA R1a came later, in Corded Ware invasions around 2500 BC. Baltic people (Latvians and Lithuanians) have a language that seems to derive from Corded Ware people. But Slavic languages are not that old. I think they came in a bit later invasion, around 1500-2000 BC. Therefore Serbian language is nowhere close even being the oldest language in Europe.
As for this that some people are putting down Serbian history (like Russians are now downplaying and falsifying Ukrainian history), this always happens, all bigger people always downplay the history of smaller people. But I am not one of those people. I have no reason whatsoever to downplay Serbs, but Serbian language is not especially old and Serbian calendar is not old at all and it was not Serbian invention, and Serbs did not invent first writing, it was agricultural people who did. But you can keep your beliefs if you want.
Draza was indeed contacted (the story would make for a real schmaltzy war flick)
late in the war; his offers were reasonable enough:
– Suspend the fight against Germans and Italians
– Furnish one division for the Eastern Front
– In the concentration government, he´d like to be minister of defense
– In case of Allied incursion, all guarantees are void
As making short (I mean, really short) of Pavelic was a conditio sine qua non,
it was vetoed by Hitler personally and the Brandenburger officers who arranged it
were disciplined.
(It was much harder for the communists to explain why they did not fight
the Germans before the start of Barbarossa)
and rolled back the number to 70k
I thought this is the result of more recent revisionism by the Croats themselves.
A few witnesses did survive Jasenovac but far fewer than survived Auschwitz. I also think that not all the captured Serbian children were killed but some were converted and raised as Ustashe. I hope you don’t interpret me pointing out these details as somehow justifying any of these horrendous crimes – just saying.
If you ask any other nationalities except the Serbs they will say that Yugoslavia, including communist Yugoslavia, was just Greater Serbia in reality and that it was the Serbs that dominated, and had it not been so that they would have stuck with it. I don’t think either side there can persuade the other that it was different from what they envisage it to have been no matter what evidence (selective perhaps) is presented. Parting of the ways was perhaps the best option, and should have been done peacefully, but then we come to the question of borders. And Odyssey says they were all Serbs anyway but that’s of no use if they themselves don’t think so. Of course new nationalities and nations are formed, like now the Montenegrins; this is what has always been happening in past history everywhere and it’s not the end of it – history and all that. And then accusations of what/who are fake/artificial nations/countries.
Pretty good overview, cassanderatmaildotkom.
Yes I’m aware about Drazha and the recognition he got from the Allies for his anti-Nazi activities. I thought that some who are covered by the “Chetnik” term may have gone out on their own collaborating with the occupiers.
Re Chetniks: There was no treason of Chetniks – that was just communist lies. General Draza Mihajlovic (leader of the Chetnics) was someone who served the King. Chetniks were special forces of the King that fought Nazi Germany, Nazi Croats, Nazi Bosnian Muslims, Tito’s communists, etc.
Photos communists like to show “proving” their claims, when not doctored, are just POW exchanges and not collaboration. Also, communists doctored many fake photos including ones with actors posing as Chetnics, as well as fake documents, to “prove” their lies.
For his fight against the Nazis, General Draza was awarded a medal by General Charles de Gaulle (France) in 1943, and in 1948, US President Harry Truman posthumously awarded him with the Legion of Merit.
He was featured on the cover page of the Time Magazine in 1942 [1] for his bravery and fight against Nazis. Americans even made a full-length movie in 1943 (20th Century Fox) glorifying Chetniks bravery in the WW2 (trailer [5], full movie [6]). Many articles were written about General Draza, and one of them described him as AH’s #1 headache [4]. Chetniks fight against the Nazis was also featured in many comics [2a] [2b] [2c]. Also, check out Operation Halyard [3].
In the end, he was betrayed by the British, whom he trusted – they lied to him, essentially kidnapped and handed him over to Tito/communists on a silver platter without them even lifting a finger. The story of how communists have captured him in some kind of special operation was a lie. He was then put through a sham trial and executed. Communists even hid his burial location to prevent people from paying homage.
[1] TIME Magazine Cover: Draja Mihailovich – May 25, 1942:,16641,19420525,00.html
[2a] Draza Mihailovich: Comic Book Hero:
Draza Mihailovich: Comic Book Hero
byu/MikssElBarabaro inserbia
[2b] American Serb History 101:
[2c] General Draza Mihailovich: Comic Book Hero:
[3] Operation Halyard – Serbs Rescued 500 American Pilots in WWII:
[4] Hitler’s No. 1 Headache by Robert Low (Liberty Magazine April 25, 1942, page 18):
Hitler's N.1 headache! #RobertLow
The headache: General #DražaMihajlović, #Yugoslav war minister and #Chetnik commander in chief…— Ivana Pavlovic (@ivanajpavlovic) January 2, 2022
[5] Trailer: Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas (1943) – YouTube:
Video Link
[6] Full Movie: Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas (1943) – YouTube:
Video Link
Your Kingdom appears not to be of this world.
CM is a respected founding member of our ‘Trier micro-community’ and he knows very well the history, including Serbian history, old and new. He knows well about ww2 genocide conducted on Serbs and recent Nato aggression. He may not know all details of communist ruling in Yugoslavia and their sneakiness but, he still knows much more than many Serbs. I owe him the explanation about the relation btw Serbs and Ottomans after the Kosovo battle.
Re calendar, I think that the oldest artefact of the calendar is the monument from 631AC, where, the date according to the Serbian calendar, was written in Cyrillic. The year zero is assumed to coincide with a great flood when Pannonian Sea broke the Djerdap and flooded the Black Sea which was a freshwater lake. Its level increased by 101 meters and the area doubled in one year. The banks of the lake were densely populated, and all these places were flooded. It is all proven by US scientists. Most likely, this period was used later as the beginning of the creation of the world by religious writings. It is untrue that Serbs adopted so-called Byzantine calendar. Serbs (and Armenians) ruled the ‘Byzantine’ until the 9th cAC, when Greeks took over. Justinian was a Serb who introduced the Roman Law, the foundation of the modern European legal systems (except England). Another falsification is that Serbs adopted their coat and arms from Byzantine (cross with 4S). In fact, it was used by Serbs for several thousands of years since Vinca, where it was one ‘letter’ in their alphabet.
Communists did the absolute minimum since they could not hide it completely, as it was huge. For example, they dismantled Jasenovac extermination camp completely, although it was 5 times the size of Auschwitz, and built one concrete monument there. All the mass-murder sites across the entire country were closed up with concrete and no excavations of remains were allowed. Also, as the forensics death estimates reached 700k just in Jasenovac, communists stopped all of their work, which was still in progress at that point, and rolled back the number to 70k. One of the forensics had to flee the country as communists wanted him assassinated due to him seeing the truth. There were 1100 locations in the Catholic Nazi Croatia (NDH) were Orthodox Christian Serbs were slaughtered. There were also many extermination camps – Jasenovac was just the biggest one. Catholic Nazi Croatia even had a separate extermination camp for the slaughter of Serbian children.
Estimates of Serb deaths just in Jasenovac, according to Gideon Greif, is at least 1.4 million. He also mentioned that the total number is higher for sure as many victims were not buried in mass graves, but rather thrown into Sava river, burned in furnaces, made soap of (yes you read that right – Croats made soap of murdered Serbs), etc. Note that those were extermination camps and not concentration camps, as Croats did not feed the prisoners, since they were brought in to be slaughtered asap.
According to American WW2 findings/reports, around 1300 Croatian Catholic priests took direct part in murders, rapes, etc. Yes, you read that right – Croatian Catholic priests slitting throats, raping women and girls, torturing people, etc.
Yes, some people were allowed to write about it later on when the dusts settled, but there were no actions taken by the communists based on those. E.g. Vatican and Croats were never asked to apologize and pay any reparations, etc. Actually, tens of thousands of Catholic Croatian Nazis changed the side at the end of the war, upon Communists and Vatican agreement, and proceeded to be the rulers of Communist Yugoslavia. Communist Yugoslavia was ruled by Croats and Slovenians – Nazi partners of the infamous Austrian. Tito never went to Jasenovac for any remembrance event.
Denazification of Croats, Slovenians, Bosnian Muslims, and Shqiptars/Albanians has never been done – even to this day, they are proud Nazis as their crimes are hidden by the West as they are useful and obedient servants and bloodthirsty murderers and butchers of the Orthodox Christian Serbs.
[1] Jasenovac – Auschwitz of the Balkans by Gideon Greif – Amazon:
I thought this is the result of more recent revisionism by the Croats themselves.
and rolled back the number to 70k
You seemed to have fallen for one of the strategies of Vatican/Austrian/German propaganda and schol(i)ars which can be described as follows: If you cannot deny/hide existence of something Serbian that is ancient, original, and unique, simply claim that it is somebody else’s, and that the Serbs just co-opted it. This tactic was/is used for everything Serbian and not only Serbian Calendar – architecture, ethnic clothing, any customs, military armor and weapons, any skills including trade skills – everything. Complete negation of everything. This was used combined with another lie, that the Serbs came to the Balkans in the 7th century and that are not indigenous people. German historical school actually recanted this 7th century “migration” story in the 1980s – admitting that they lied.
Only Serbian civilization (kings, czars, rulers, as well as the Serbian Orthodox Church) used this calendar and nobody else. There are multitudes of Serbian documents showing it [1].
When this “Byzantium” Calendar lie did not help enough, Austro-Hungarian Empire actually threatened war if Serbs did not stop using it and switched to the European one, so Kingdom of Serbia stopped using it in 1881 for the sake of peace.
By the way, did you know that the name Byzantium is just another invention of the Vatican/German liars? It was called East Roman Empire, which Vatican did not like, so German “historian” Hieronymus Wolf invented “Byzantium” in 1557 AD, as their propaganda replacement name for the original name. They wanted that removed from history in order for Vatican/Rome to be the only Roman Empire. Just as another German, this time a “geographer”, replaced Peninsula’s name “Helm” (Serbian) with “Balkan” (Turkish) in 1808 AD to hide Serbian origins and roots there. Vatican/Austrian/German lies everywhere!
[1] Old Serb calendar – The Serbian Time Machine:
“Or your Polish fact checkers are releasing fake info to cover up for the Colonel. Let me know when the Colonel himself gives a statement, but maybe they’re waiting for him to be extracted if he’s at all alive or not already in captivity. ”
Obviously this 50 years old vice-rector of a military university was not street fighting in Ukraine as he was 6. June 2022 participating in a conference and can be seen in this photo:
So, he did already debunk this false news, as you would have easily found by simply searching the web.
A Polish PESEL number really does start yymmdd, so the colonel would have 721216.., not 711117…
I found several Dariusz Majchrzaks from the web, one was for instance a karate trainer, maybe a better candidate to street fighting, but more probably the correct person is someone unknown.
Or your Polish fact checkers are releasing fake info to cover up for the Colonel. Let me know when the Colonel himself gives a statement, but maybe they’re waiting for him to be extracted if he’s at all alive or not already in captivity.
“Evidence of NATO soldiers participating in the war in Donbass
No, this is evidence of poor Russian propaganda and that Commentator Mike was taken by it. Dariusz Majchrzak is a fairly common name in Poland and you should first check if you hav e the correct Dariusz Majchrzak. You do not, the car registration paper has the PESEL number (i.e., the Societ Security number). It starts with the birth year, month, day and is 711117, meaning that this person was born 1971. Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak was born 1972.
Wiki about Constantine the Great (one excerpt):
Reign: 25 July 306 – 22 May 337 (alone from 19 September 324)
Predecessor: Constantius I (as emperor of the West)
Constantine II
Constantius II
Constans I
Co-rulers or rivals:
Galerius (306–311)
Severus II (306–307)
Maxentius (306–312)
Maximian (306–308, 310)
Licinius (308–324)
Maximinus II (310–313)
Note: All people mentioned above were Serbs.
I read those links but nowhere does it explain what and why was year Zero in that calendar.
Interestingly all those Vincha statuettes look like aliens, or like modern representations of what aliens may look like.
Evidence of NATO soldiers participating in the war in Donbass
Serbian history was composed in the latter half of the 19th century –
it was a cottage industry; not that it matters.
– The Germans are notorious for bungling their diplomacy (that includes
the recent Kosovo) – i.e. their approach worked well in Africa but in both the
Ukraine and the Balkans they should have listened to the Austrians;
area expertise is a thing. They gambled away at least three opportunities:
– forming a Government of National Unity under Nedic
– earlier negotiations with Draza
– Gen. Löhr (and many others) wanted to be rid of the Poglavnik, but we all
know what it availed him.
– In two World Wars Serbian self-immolation saved Mother Russia so it is only
apt that Mama Bear should be grateful; everybody else wishes them where the
pepper grows (thanks for providing a List 😀 ).
Individually I have found most Serbs rather gregarious but when they wax
political it is Annie Get Your Gun.
The question of unity of Faith and identity would make for an interesting thread –
the kat holon (lit.: “towards the Whole”) have discouraged it a bit too much
(except in Poland and Ireland). We might say the Serbs are the Shiites of Europe,
complete with martyr complex (except of course the Shia´t Ali was the uprising
of an ancient high culture against arrivé barbarism while in the Balkans it is the
other way round).
(And what´s that number with the three aliases – are we really supposed to believe
you are Legion?!)
It isn’t true that the Jasenovac genocide was hidden by the communists. Avro Manhattan in his book acknowledges the assistance and research done by the Yugoslav government under Tito. Vladimir Dedijer a Yugoslav communist made it his life’s work to expose the crimes of Jasenovac. A memorial centre there was built by the communist Yugoslav government. Recent historical revisionism is trying to twist much of the earlier reality. Sure the communists hid a lot of things and many of their crimes but not Jasenovac or the crimes of the Ustashe. They may have placed undue emphasis on the crimes and treasons of the Chetniks but that’s about it.
Thanks, I’ll look up those links.
Of course Serbs, and others in the Balkans, had bad experience of European Crusaders who pillaged and looted throughout the region and sacked Constantinople so perhaps they thought it was a better idea to throw their lot in with the Ottoman Turks.
There is something not quite clear to me about the medieval history there. Serbs started off being a vassal kingdom/s under the Turks where their state/s and rulers were recognised and had their power over their kingdoms/principalities and their subjects but were required to fight for the Turks in their campaigns to where these vassal states were abolished and they became Ottoman colonies. When, why and how this happened is not clear. Maybe they were too much trouble as vassals and some sultan decided to marry a Serbian queen or princes and thereby “unite” i.e. abolish the vassal status of the Serbs. It is clear that there was some profound change there but it doesn’t seem to have been adequately explained by historians.
“Re Serbian Calendar: The diff is 5508, ”
Serbian Clendar is simply Byzantine Calendar and the year 5508 BC is Anno Mundo (creation of the world) calculated from Septuagint (LXX), which is the origin of the Bible of Orthodox Christians. Septuagint is not older than 3rd century BC and some of it, like the Book of Daniel, much younger, conventional dating puts it to 167 BC, but it refers to the war between Octavian and Marc Anthony, so it is still younger.
CM, you are right. Archaeologists in the 20th cAC found this ancient calendar. This is so interesting stuff; a whole book can be written about this. It was officially used in Serbia until 28 Jun 1881. Btw, ‘calendar’ is a Serbian word.
In the following link you can see the ‘pocket ’version of the ancient calendar and many other things.
Re #338, it is a selective, a bit naïve and torn out from the context version. ‘Christians’ definitely were not ‘coming to save them from the Ottoman Muslims’. I may squeeze this in the agenda of the next ‘Trier micro-community’ meeting as a discussion topic.
Yep, kengurko is ashamed of his/her Balkan roots. It must be awful to belong to a group without any history, without language, without moral and shame, which members committed the worst atrocities in the human history ever and to come here and pretend that you are a regular guy/girl as everyone else. I do not consider them stupid per definition but after stupidities in #337/341, I contemplate to put him/her in the same box with the Elite guy from #314.
Though, having said that, regarding ‘classical’ Greeks I bet that no one here (except maybe Laurent) knows when and where from they came to today’s Greece and which language they spoke.
Re Serbian Calendar: The diff is 5508, so e.g.:
1) Kosovo Battle, year 1389 = year 6897 SC
2) Smederevo Fortress, built between 1427 and 1430 = 6935 – 6938 SC
( )
3) year 2022 = year 7530 SC
Note: There’s intra-year (May) year switch as it’s not Jan-01-Dec-31. I.e. similar principle as with the Hebrew Calendar, except theirs switches in Sept, and the diff is 3761 rather than SC’s 5508, if I remember correctly, but want to keep it simple for the audience.
Well, obviously represents Nazi Croatia no matter where he lives/resides, as his M.O. is exactly the same as with all others of his converts kind posting here. Projections, lies, misinterpretations, ad-hominem, racist, etc., while at the same time, full of respect for the bosses – Vatican, AHE/Austria, Prussia/Nazi Germany, etc.
He’s totally predictable and transparent.
In my opinion, “the goal justifies the means†rule is the most freqently used by
Jews, Brits, Germans, probably Chineses, Americans.
Bullshit. Maybe in foreign policy but among people, “Goal justifies the Means” is classic Third World mentality. I ,ive in the Third World, I know. The most dominant mentality among most of the Third World populations. Africans, Indian subcons etc….you name it. And also Communists.
Judging by your subservient reference to Austrian/Venetian standards, you must be commenting from Nazi Croatia (NDH #2)? As you may know, Croats are catholic converts and became a “nation” in the Austro-Hungarian Empire just before the 20th century when all Catholics there were forced to declare themselves as Croats no matter the ethnic background. That was most likely Vatican’s request.
Most of Croatian “history” including Croatian “kings” and “kingdoms” are either stolen or invented – just as with all other invented/artificial nations like Macedonians, Albanians, Bosnian Muslims, Montenegrins, and many others). E.g. apparently even Marco Polo was a Croat.
But here’s some true Croatian history – one of the most gruesome genocides in the history of the World – one done against Orthodox Christian Serbs in Nazi Croatia in the WW2, but hidden as Catholics and communists took over the Balkans after the war and hid it. Genocide planned, initiated and blessed by heretics (Vatican, Pope Pius XII), and done by converts (Croats and Bosnian Muslims). See below [1][2][3][4]. Providing more links as some may disappear later on.
[1] Online Book HTML – The Vatican`s Holocaust by Avro Manhattan:
[2] Book Scan #1 – The Vatican’s Holocaust by Avro Manhattan – Internet Archive:
[3] Book Scan #2 – The Vatican`s Holocaust by Avro Manhattan – Internet Archive:
[4] Amazon hardcopy – The Vatican’s Holocaust: Avro Manhattan:
Hadn’t seen this before. Here is Eva, in her own words.
Ukraine has a kill list, and I’m on it
Video Link
Characters that hate the Serbs and the Russians and all other Orthodox Christians and done evil to them are among the following groups:
1) heretics/schismatics (Vatican)
2) historical losers (Germans, Austrians, etc.)
3) religious converts (Croats, Bosnian Muslims, etc.)
4) primitive/criminal (Shqiptars/Albanians)
5) many misc others
Slaughtered Serbs, Russians, and all other true OCs, are martyrs. All in all, there’s underlining reason for this hate, and it’s spiritual first and foremost.
Re Habsburg Jaw: As explained by medical professionals, it was the result of inbreeding that caused severe degeneracy across generations of these unfortunate “royal” characters. This also spread through Europe as they married into other families – it’s all documented, but not talked about.
It´s a bit too stereotypical Jewish revenge porn –
the World Court at the Shrine of the Prophets in Jerusalem where the peoples of the World gather to bring tributes and receive judgment, as Ben Gurion envisioned.
Pardon if the humor is a bit too dark and bitter 😉
Thanks for that. I’ve never been a fan, no matter what he was.
Now, not sure why rates a LOL. Is it dark humor? Or perhaps the idea of “Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the International Law.†Maybe I do get it.
US is helping Israel to steal Lebanese gas by allowing Israel to begin drilling for gas in the disputed maritime region, and DENYING Lebanon of her right to drill its own crude oil and natural gas from its territorial waters.
US in not only stealing Syrian and Iranian oil, but also Lebanese crude oil and natural gas by denying Lebanon access to its OWN oil and gas, but supporting a thief, Israel, to steal Lebanon oil and gas for the use of an apartheid entity and its superior, the EVIL empire.
“The US is the main opponent to Lebanon’s extracting of its crude oil reserves and enjoying its own national wealth,†the head of the resistance group’s Executive Council, Hashim Saffieddine, said during a ceremony in the southern town of Al-Ansariah on 5 June.
He went on to add that some Lebanese have been helping the US “stonewall the exploration.†There is
traitors as FIFTH column in many states in the region where should be destroyed in every single country including Lebanon.
Saffiedine also emphasized the need for the Lebanese state to clearly affirm its rights in the maritime dispute, adding that Lebanon has the ability to exploit its own natural wealth for the benefit of the country.Saffiedine’s comments came as Israel is expected to begin drilling for gas in the disputed maritime region.
Milos Obilic is roughly as historical as Wilhelm Tell (and serves the
same psychosocial function), and Murad I died of constipation;
it is not terribly important what happened at Kosovo Polje; or Lake Peipus;
or in the Hohle Gasse; or OK Corral 😀
– Marx´claim was that “geschichtslose Völker” were ethnographic detritus that was “by nature reactionary” as their very existence (read: their impertinent refusal to die out) was a rebellion against the victorious march of history. This has to be understood from the Revolution of 1848 where the minorities by and large sided with the monarchies i.e. Magyars and Croats made his list too (re: the abovementioned “German invention”, as you know the crna ruka still wore the colors of the National Revolution (“gunpowder, blood and fire”) – you may have seen them one time or another recently 😛 – and that “Grand Orient” stuff is discredited; Col. Milutinovic of Serbian military intel was the spiritus rector). Lenin, as we know, turned that on its head and relied exclusively on unpopular minorities.
I thought the old Serbian Calendar is counted from the biblical Great Flood. Vinca and Lepenski Vir were only discovered in the 20th Century so although some modern Serbs may be descendants of the people of that culture they wouldn’t have known about it until quite recently.
Serbs do have a history as who fought at Kosovo? They do sometimes betray their own interests as just seven years after the Battle of Kosovo the Serbian cavalry defeated a huge multinational European Christian army and saved Bayezid’s ass at the Battle of Nicopolis. And they kept on fighting on the side of the Turks against Christians coming to save them from the Ottoman Muslims. Still they’re a resilient people.
Classical Greeks (= the Dorian Invasion) regarded the contemporary
Macedonians as a kind of backwoods hicks but definitely kin and not
barbaroi (lit.: “the blabbering” i.e. those who do not speak Greek).
However a lot has happened in the intervening more than two millennia –
present-day Macedonians are Bulgars and present-day Greeks –
let us cover that with the mantle of love.
Odyssey is a Balkan-Hotepist (complete with pyramids in Bosnia) and holds
some rather peculiar views.
WTF…. An Actual Hit-List……
“PEACEMAKER” (МИРОТВОРЕЦЬ), with HQs in Langley and Warsaw!
Eva Bartlett is now on this list (says Andrei Martyanov).
“Center for Research of Signs of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the International Law”
Kengurko, it would be handy for a potential discussion if you, optionally, disclose your background, we would know the root of your serbophobia. But you are not brave enough to do that. No worries. You are wrong with Rhine to Volga, it is actually Atlantic to Pacific, i.e the territory where Serbian language was spoken. It is illusory to tell you more about the Roman Empire, you should watch the Hollywood movies produced by the Tribe.
Btw, you probably know that Tribals were Serbs and that the term, ‘tribe’ was derived from their name [so as: race (rasa) = serb].
Only specific thing mentioned above was the calendar. Serbian calendar is the oldest (I may write a separate comment), originated in Vinca and used by the Serbian state and Church in all documents until the end of the 19th c.AC. You already know that Austria blackmailed Serbia to abandon this calendar.
Have a look the Smederevo Fortress (40 km from Belgrade) built in 1428 AC by the Serbian Despot Dj. Brankovic, who left the text carved in the stone that it was built in 6939. According to the Serbian calendar, we now live in the Year 7533.
Did you watch Eurovision 2022, French song (sang in Bretonnian) with Tribal (Serbian) sign? Where this came from? I wonder why Marx proposed the extinction of Serbs and Bretons?
The enemy of the Iraqi people with foreign agents complicity are trying to stage a violent protest taken to the Street of Baghdad against the resistance movement isolating to benefit the “Muqtada-Halabusi-Barzani” coalition. The Iraqi analysts are warning people not to cooperate with this dangerous people.
According to the news, “Muqtada-Halabusi-Barzani” coalition, has failed to form a government, is planning to bring its supporters to the street to protest in order to repeat the scenario of Tishreen (the fall of Abdul Mahdi’s government in 2019).
The tripartite coalition is outraged by the failure to elect a president and prime minister, is trying to bring the Shiites of the central and southern Iraq to the streets under pretext of poor economic condition of the country.
As it was mentioned earlier, the Barzani faction (Kurdish) has long been training and arming the militant groups covertly to kill rivals then blaming these killing on Basij forces.
A summary of the reports shows that this events are taking place with the cooperation and coordination of the government and foreign regimes, intends to organize a street coup to eliminate political rivals (especially the Shiite coordination framework) in the first stage to seize power. And then Continue paving e the way for dissolution of the popular mobilization units. According to the reports, the executive agents of the tripartite coalition in this pre-arranged scenario are focused on the capital (Tahrir Square and Al-Wathbah Baghdad) and the city of Nasiriyah, two strategic cities of Iraq for the unrest.
According to the information received from the source, elements affiliated with the Kurdish Democratic Party (Barzani) have been activated to destabilize Baghdad and the southern provinces.
The field source, who is closely following the developments in Iraq, said: “The Kurdish Democratic Party has a lot of plans for the capital and in this regard has selected and organized several leaders for demonstration and clashes in the street of Baghdad.”
The source clarified: Ali Askar Muslim al-Mandlawi is another element that has been commissioned by the Barzani party to create unrest and conflict in central and southern Iraq.
So, what was he?
From the Rhine to the Volga, right?
Do not get me wrong – I decry the unearned travails of one people caused
by the vagaries of the freaking Roman Empire as much as the next guy;
but do not overstretch my patience:
The Serbs cannot have a calendar as they have no history – other than being
a furuncle on Europe´s ass ever since Prince Eugen took Beograd from the Turks.
(the Croats are inured to somewhat Western standards, first Venetian,
then Austrian)
The Panserbists are just as pathetic as the Hotepists, but without the excuse of
being as stupid.
It is well to remember that modern nationalism is a post-Napoleonic German
invention; if you cannot muster the detachment to spare at least a crooked grin
at the irony, you better retire to the nearest safe space brzo.
(I guess you mean Gurko the father, as the only one with a relation to the Balkans
[blush] my pleasure 😀 )
Just for the record, Alexander was not a Greek. The truth is that they benefited the most from his creation of the global, borderless Empire but they hated him and pompously celebrated his death. His successors, dukes and generals also were no Greeks. There are no Greeks genetic traces in South Asia than someone else’s. There are few remaining groups of Alexander’s soldiers descendants in S.Asia but they do not have Greek genes.
Janez? Which territories did I claim, kengurko?
Lots of people like that…I remember some old auntie once taking pride in being descended from Genghis Khan. Some in the area take pride in being descended from the Prophet (saws) – we call these people Syeds. And again, many take pride in being descended from Sufi shaykhs…they call these people “pir zadeh†which is kind of like “shah zadeh†(which means “prince†or “noble born†in Farsi). “Pir zadeh†basically means “son of the shaykhâ€. The last names often give it away. For instance the Faridis or Fareedis are a clan descended from the famous Shaykh Baba Farid (aka Fariduddin Ganjshakar).
“Biden lashes out against “enemiesâ€
thats exactly what the old fart in teheran was doing last week when sh@t hit the fan because a building just exploded and food prices are as high as the flames on the poor building.
and putin says the same!
enemies, enemies, enemies!
all over the place.
what a planet!
come on mr kim Youn Un hit that botton already!
Then we have to agree to disagree. Being Islamic can be an identity, but not an identity which can stand on its own.
Of course it’s an identity in and of itself – just not one you agree with. The identity comes with complexes like any other.
Yes, I am the same person.
South Asians are interested in lineage and many of them derive their names as descendants of these same Sufis – like my family.
No identity completely stands on its own; a person is an amalgam of various identities. If a German (who considers his primary identity to be “Germanâ€) is asked, “are you male or female?†– “German†is not a good answer. If asked what his religion is; “German†is not a good answer.
Likewise, Pakistanis will say Punjabi or Sindhi or Baluchi, etc if asked what their ethnicity is (their certainly won’t say “Arab†or “Turk†nor do they dress, speak or eat the same as Arabs and Turks – or even each other – ie. Pathans don’t even wear the same hat as Sindhis), but it is their primary Islamic identity which gives the nation cohesion. It harkens back to the identity of some enterprise like the Abbasid Empire which was primarily and Islamic institution which was composed of various Arabs, Persians, Central Asians, various Africans, etc. all tied together through a primary Islamic identity.
But, no matter…we can agree to disagree.
Of course it’s an identity in and of itself – just not one you agree with. The identity comes with complexes like any other.
Then we have to agree to disagree. Being Islamic can be an identity, but not an identity which can stand on its own.
South Asians are very interested in ancestry and lineage.
You are the same person as the one I originally replied to, right?
As for my membership in the CIA, I think I got the boot when I opposed the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I lost more than my membership in any possible employ. I am of the view that had we not done so — Ukraine and threats of nuclear war from Russian would not be an issue today. One should never underestimate the power of fear mongering.
“In sum, your current designation is – ‘imbecile’, i.e. it is still IQ < 60, what is my threshold for communication."
There's a shock jumping to some perso9nal attack to avoid dealing with the data set.
The issues
1. Serbs engaged in geniocide
2. Muslim retaliation also included genocide
the evidence indicates that both sides so engaged, the Serbs it seems on a much larger scale
This information is not new nor does it require a high IQ to obtain. As for the tangled troublesome history of Serbia as a source of conflict — the record speaks for itself. As i recall, Princes Ann(?) . . ."not troublesome Serbia again."
A few years ago I watched a video of a local festival, a gymkhana, in (which region, I don’t remember) Pakistan. They interviewed the owner of the estate where it was held. He traced his ancestry to the Greek invaders of Alexander. He was Muslim, but this Greek heritage seemed to convey some kind of status, and he WAS the rich landowner patron.
Of course politicians are just hired hands; bribed, blackmailed, and threatened. They’re the ones who appear to make the decisions and policies on behalf of the populace, but in reality on behalf of the bankers, deep state, the hidden rulers in the shadows behind the scenes.
Of course it’s an identity in and of itself – just not one you agree with. The identity comes with complexes like any other.
People in Pakistan far more identify their adoption of Islam to the many Sufi Pirs and Shaykhs that came through places from Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia and even India and are buried in Pakistan.
As far as the Pakistanis are concerned, the Arabs and the Turks established the political dominance of Islam…the Sufis won over their hearts. That is why you may see a mausoleum for this or that conqueror, but the joyous celebrations happen where the Sufi saints are buried.
Then we have to agree to disagree. Being Islamic can be an identity, but not an identity which can stand on its own.
Of course it’s an identity in and of itself – just not one you agree with. The identity comes with complexes like any other.
[The people in many countries may have become more aware of their malfeasance but …]
You are absolutely right about this part that many in the world have become more aware of the Tribe’s crimes against humanity, and this is the KEY.
The Tribe does not have many supporters among world population. They have influence in the Western capitals around the world where has become a source of tension with their non Jewish population. Who won the propaganda war when Israel attacked Gaza last? The Palestinians WON. For the first time, the majority of the Western population attacked the apartheid state, not because Israel commits crimes against humanity, but because the Jewish lobby controls freedom of speech using ‘holohoax’ and phony charge of ‘Antisemitic’ to silence critics and in many occasions punish them with prison sentence and destruction of their incomes.
Now, the mafia is focused more on phony ‘Abraham Accord’ to control some of the damages.
The Arab population hate ‘Abraham Accord’ and there are many protests against it, however, the reactionary Arab head of states are weaker and afraid of their angry population. These reactionary have been tricked into believing that Israel can use its magic on the ‘leaders’ in the capitals of the West to buy protection for them. Israel is milking the Arab wealth through traitors like MBS and Mohamed bin Zayed of UAE leaving the Arab population poor.
MBS and UAE are very angry with Washington not given them enough attention after spending $billions of dollars buying American WMD and funding Washington/Israel terrorist proxy and campaigns against Iran. The reactionary Arab head of states have NOTHING to show to Arab population for billions of dollars that they have spent promoting the zionist interests.
Israel is desperate to bring Saudi Arabia into ‘Abraham Accord’ although Saudi Arabia, MBS, has ‘secret’ relations with Israel for decades. Israel thinks if Saudi Arabia comes out of the closet, like UAE and Morocco did, then it will be the end of the Arab resistance to Israel’s existence.
Recently, we have seen the Jewish mafia put a lot of pressure on zionist Biden to visit Saudi Arabia to promote MBS. Biden is reluctant, but he needs the support of the Jewish lobby for ‘his re-election’. Thus, Biden agreed reluctantly. Biden was scheduled to go to S.A in the beginning of June. All of a sudden the visit has been postponed. Israel stuck in the mud.
[But how do you reform a belligerent, racist, terror State, with nukes, that controls Western politics and is governed by psychopaths?]
No, I don’t. The Israelis know it as well, that’s why their ‘leaders’ think Israel cannot survive any longer. The Mafia is focused on the phony ‘Abraham Accords’ now to save itself, where the Arab population worldwide is against and number of Arab countries criminalize ‘normalization’ with Israel and few punish it with death, Iraq, Tunisia, are few to mention.
LOL LOL LOL. Every population on Earth does that and among them Germans are a population far less likely to do that, they would come far down in the list.Replies: @Fufu
Also, Germans tend to follow the principle “the goal justifies the means†and proceed to lie, cheat, forge and do everything they can to support their strategic goals whatever they may be.
#296 Malla
‘Also, Germans tend to follow the principle “the goal justifies the means†and proceed to lie, cheat, forge and do everything they can to support their strategic goals whatever they may be.’
LOL LOL LOL. Every population on Earth does that and among them Germans are a population far less likely to do that, they would come far down in the list.”
It is about proportion.
Some countries use this rule occasionally.
Germans use it as a basic tool.
In my opinion, “the goal justifies the means†rule is the most freqently used by
Jews, Brits, Germans, probably Chineses, Americans.
Bullshit. Maybe in foreign policy but among people, "Goal justifies the Means" is classic Third World mentality. I ,ive in the Third World, I know. The most dominant mentality among most of the Third World populations. Africans, Indian subcons name it. And also Communists.
In my opinion, “the goal justifies the means†rule is the most freqently used by
Jews, Brits, Germans, probably Chineses, Americans.
Well being Islamic is not an identity in and by itself – Pakistan has massive complexes about its origin. It either tries to identify its origin with Arab invaders of Sindh during the 8th century or with later Turkic invaders in the second millenium, because they introduced Islam in Pakistan.
It would like Italians or even Europeans putting aside their Roman past because it was non-Christian.
Small but important correction. “World ruled by politicians”, you say. As I was beginning to further the quote, my finger hit the “I” instead of the adjacent “u”, so initially the second word became “riled” rather than ruled. Freudian slip or happy happenstance?
Anyway, the pro$titicians may run the world, but they do not rule. That actuality is waaaay beyond the pay-grade of the (s)elected “faces of free-dumb”.
The Bank$ters, highest finance capital, rules and reigns over this pretend democracy which is actually an oligarchy of Talmudists and their various minions and stooges.
Our war against the enemies of humanity is first and foremost a spiritual conflict. One of the weapons they have used against us for millennia is a false organized religion which is properly called the JudieChristie MagickMindfuck. The other branch is their dialectical “solution” to the first problem; nothing less than academicist materialism and its concomitant atheism.
The Way of Spirit is that of atonement with both the natural world, the created one and with the entirety of the Cosmos, where All is One and where the Whole is equal to, yet greater than the sum of its parts.
As if being Islamic is not an identity in and of itself…this can only make sense to a post-Christian society that has replaced its own former Christian or Christendom identity and rather take pride in labeling themselves with everything else besides.
I can’t remember what the original argument was when you were assessed with IQ=57, but it seems that it was OR too generous OR your condition deteriorated in the meantime.
So, according to international classifications you cannot be considered as – ‘moron’.
Your bracket is now different, and the Standard says about this:
“It includes people with an IQ of 26–50, between “idiot” (IQ of 0–25) and “moron” (IQ of 51–70). In the obsolete medical classification (ICD-9, 1977), these people were said to have “moderate mental retardation” or “moderate mental subnormality” with IQ of 35–49.â€
In sum, your current designation is – ‘imbecile’, i.e. it is still IQ < 60, what is my threshold for communication.
The “Habsburg lower lip” hails back to the wifey of Ernst der Eiserne,
Cymburgis von Masowien, of purest Slavic nobility and reportedly strong
enough to “pull nails out of the wall with her fingers and lift a wagonload of hay”.
So there 😛
I spent the war up close – in Odyssey-claimed territory – in a segregated
(“Croatian”) firm, and the level of animosity was otherworldly …
wake up and smell the music – no one likes the Serbs; the Croats hate
their gut, the Bosniaks would rather worship carpets and forgo the slivovica
than being ruled by their wild-eyed psycho brethren, and don´t get me started
on the (Bulgarian) Macedonians.
Tito papered it over by:
1) being Croat (= not-Serb)
2) being communist (= ethno-denialist)
3) blaming the Svaba (= like Anon001)
With his death, it was only a question of time.
(and what´s that shit about a calendar ultimatum?)
Serbian rule should be reserved for those who want it, or about 30-40% of
actual Serbs.
– I agree it could have been done better, and the blame is like rain (Matt 5,45);
USrael saw it as a dandy opportunity to humiliate Russia and China by
proxy and embassy, but not a trace of “vengeful Germans” (the Kosovo thing
was clumsy, yes) – it is dangerous to teach such crap to your little ones.
The famous ‘Rules Based International Order’ in all its glory!
Anglo-Zionists have been growing stronger over the years so I doubt that. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain all of Eastern Europe has joined the Anglo-Zionist EU and NATO project and they have destroyed a number of rising independent Arab countries like Libya, Iraq and Syria. The Oded-Yinin plan is still on and now the project for a New Khazaria in the Ukraine has been set in motion. The only positives have been the rise of PR China, Russia getting on its feet, and North Korea developing a nuclear arsenal. Zionist/Jewish influence has grown tremendously over the past 40 years and they have more allies than ever to fight their wars. The people in many countries may have become more aware of their malfeasance but what do the people count for in a world ruled by politicians?
They plan ahead, frankie, often decades ahead. Wikileaks released a list of ‘protected sources’ of the US Embassy in Australia. Numerous members of the Rightwing of the ALP were there, and it was they who led the party coup to knife Kevin Rudd as PM, when he upset the US and Israel. I have NO proof that Cai was recruited, but if it waddles, quacks and craps like a duck….