Brett Redmayne-Titley says the explanation for corporate support of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians is that corporations have a Zionist mentality. A better explanation is that they are controlled by Jews.
The Jew Larry Fink of BlackRock has arranged for his company (which controls about $10 trillion in pension fund assets) to be the largest stockholder in virtually every major U.S. corporation along with Vanguard and State Street (which control another $10 trillion).
That gives Fink the power to order corporations to support Israel, DEI, CRT, ESG, SEL, BLM, WEF, MIC, WHO, LGBTQ+, UN Agenda 21/2030, Great Replacement (of whites with browns), discrimination against whites (especially males), vaccine mandates, plandemic lockdowns, “climate change”, sex change hormones for kids, hardcore porn for kids, war on “terror” and anything else Jews want. The UC regents who sit on corporate boards have gotten the message loud and clear.
That being said, Redmayne-Titley’s account of UCSD students defeating the police and campus administration is worth reading.
Since we’ve gone acronym crazy here at Unz, I’m going to follow my own suggestion and spell them out at the end of my comments.
DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
CRT: Critical Race Theory
ESG: Environmental, Social and Governmental
SEL: Social and Emotional Learning
BLM: Black Lives Matter
WEF: World Economic Forum
MIC: Military-Industrial Complex
WHO: World Health Organization
LGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer +
UN: United Nations
UC: University of California
UCSD: University of California at San Diego
Better yet, minimize your use of acronyms.
Stinky old boomer. Yuck.
Washington Post Under Fire For Story Alleging Outsized Influence By Jewish Donors.
— Owen Shroyer (@OwenShroyer1776) May 23, 2024
Antigenocide is even more revolutionary than antiwar. Most CIA ratfucks depend heavily on genocide. And now that CIA gets their ass kicked worse and worse in every war, they need genocidal lets-you-and-him-fight more than ever. CIA’s inadmiissible interference in Ukraine quickly escalated to genocide in Donbass when Russia didn’t take the bait quick enough. CIA can survive for a while without war but genocide is like oxygen for them.
Redmayne-Titley is a national treasure.
Sweetie Pies/Life Partner’s late hubby was Berkeley from Missoula, then Hah-vahd Law.
Before he died from dementia, his comment was that he’d have gone to USC if he knew how bad UC would become. His family had the $$$ for that, when it was $100/credit hour in the late 1960s.
Starkvegas was $108/semester in 1970-71. Bama MBA was $350/semester in 74-76.
Instead of sappy protests, we had NAKED STREAKING.
Isrealis see the Germans as a cash crop to be harvested. the jews see everybody else as either cattle to be exploited or vermin to be exterminated.
A suicidal nation, one armed with nukes… I can sleep comfortably at night now.
Poll: 1 in 3 Germans say Israel treating Palestinians like Nazis did Jews
Another 25% won’t rule out the claim;
Well they are at war with Haman. When they were children, they tore Haman candy to pieces at the festival of Purim. Were the Gazans lured into a linguistic mouse trap?
You are right, the Jews of Israel (but not the 20% Arab minority) are almost unanimously genocidal. Ilana Mercer and I have written about it.
I agree with nearly everything Brett Redmayne-titley said except for one thing: that the policy of genocide is solely product of Netanyahu and that the people of Isreal do not support it. I base this on the statements made by Norman Finkelstein in a recent interview, wherein he states that the people support this policy and if they didn’t as claimed would have easily removed Netanyahu a long time ago.
Video Link
I’m not a Jew.
And for the zillionth time, you types vindicate my point, namely (slightly rephrased):
The reason you’re condemning alleged Israeli war crimes it is not that it’s war crimes, but that it’s Israel. Because you don’t care about war crimes as such – your motivation is just Jew-hatred.
"Hindu" crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means "The Awakened One"), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant "Public Disturbance" (e.g., claiming to be "The King of the Jews" -- IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).Islam's founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
There is nothing "Unfortunate" about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
False statement.Islam's 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:[][] is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29). Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, "The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him."So according to [Islam's founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been "Sectarian" whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi'ites of Iran, etc.Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam's followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.Replies: @Anonymous, @mulga mumblebrain, @Commentator Mike, @RSSNAZI
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
1-Full fledged with royal supports of the Brahmin ,militarism aginst other developed in Indian subcontinent from 8 th century onwards starting in temple- supported establishments and also in Vedic school or matha . Epigraphic references , descriptions in Manipravda, Chandrotsavam ( 15 th century ), and Keralopatti ( 17 th century ) texts inform us of the regular attacks on Jain and Buddhist by the temple militia and by arm- bearing Brahmin .
2-While Buddhist monk Divyavadana in 3 rd century wrote of the royal violence against Buddhism . Uddyotakara , popular Hindu sophist of7 th century ,Vachaspati Mishra of 9 th century ,Udayana , contributor to Navy’s Nyaya school in 10 th century ,Kumraila Bhstta and Shankara of early medieval time offerEd arguments in most vicious languages against Jain and Buddhist.
3-. Hindu Religious texts did not ignore the development , It combined the hatred ,polemic , eulogy , and panegyrics into easily digestible hymns for the public to imbibe and absorb the hateful message against the non – Hindus .
4-Pratisarga Parva of the Bhavishya Purana described how the best of the Brahmanas kept the Buddhist under control and annihilated 4 million Buddhist after performing sacrifice on the top of a mountain and reciting Vedic mantras .
5-The constant theme in these arguments ,themes and empowered Brahminism is obvious – destruction of the ‘other
There is no tolerance in Hinduism.
We dont have to travel back in history. Thie entire past is being enacted in India .The morally pervert Brahminism got its boost after 911 as it had received earlier after 1857. The adherents ofis thuggish philospohy seels protection from the powerful Thats what they did under Mughal oppressing their own lower caste repeatedly .
"Hindu" crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means "The Awakened One"), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant "Public Disturbance" (e.g., claiming to be "The King of the Jews" -- IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).Islam's founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
There is nothing "Unfortunate" about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
False statement.Islam's 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:[][] is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29). Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, "The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him."So according to [Islam's founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been "Sectarian" whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi'ites of Iran, etc.Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam's followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.Replies: @Anonymous, @mulga mumblebrain, @Commentator Mike, @RSSNAZI
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
Baddha may have been just a philosopher, but most Asian Buddhists treat him like a God and pray to him for whatever Christians pray to Jesus/God, like for health, wealth, etc., with the exception that they don’t pray to get to Heaven but to be reincarnated as richer and more powerful in their next lives.
Ironic, isn't it. These Marxist-Zionist golden calf voodooists and idol worshipers have made themselves the authority on religion. The Synagogue of Satan is "God's chosen" according to the ZOG narrative.
All the passages in the Old Testament about the giving the idol-worshipers the edge of the sword are fine. The calls to Jihad in the Koran are fine. It’s relatively tolerant Christianity that’s been singled out.
Hey—get the Bible and the story in Genesis about Abraham and Isaac. Long story short: Abraham was told by god to kill his son Isaac but when the altar was prepared GOD told Abrahan not to kill his son.
The Jew has 2 gods and changes back and forth for the best deal.
They crucified Christ to free Barabbas and Barabbas was a murderer and thief.
Judas Iscariot sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver–predicted in Old Testament Zechariah–11;14
Virgin birth –Isaiah 7:14
Satan –Isaiah 14; 13
Christ crucified ==Psalms 22
Christ rejected and shunned by the Jews –Isaiah 53
John —Jews and synagogue of satan.
If only the Jew would read their Old Testament—rather a big pity.
BUT to be Jew is to be NON Christian —sorry John Hagee.
Black and White –the plain truth –unread by most today.
"Hindu" crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means "The Awakened One"), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant "Public Disturbance" (e.g., claiming to be "The King of the Jews" -- IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).Islam's founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
There is nothing "Unfortunate" about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
False statement.Islam's 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:[][] is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29). Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, "The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him."So according to [Islam's founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been "Sectarian" whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi'ites of Iran, etc.Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam's followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.Replies: @Anonymous, @mulga mumblebrain, @Commentator Mike, @RSSNAZI
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
A pretty open defence of universal genocide, I must say. Verbose, too.
It’s pilpul and proof of Schopenhauer’s observation that Jews are, often, consummate liars. But we must remember that for every lying, genocide supporting, Jew, there are others, many if not yet enough, Jews who recognise the genocide for what it is, and condemn it utterly. Just because evil Jews exists, does not mean that all Jews are wicked. And there are plenty of Evil goyim who support the genocide, although, in the world’s population, they are a tiny, malignant, minority, like our little mate Charles Martel.
Barbarians like you detest humanities because, as a truly dedicated misanthrope, you despise other people, except as means to your ends, and cannot abide culture and creativity because they symbolise the shared human condition and our common hopes, joys and travails. Yours is that simple Yankee Doodle Hellscape of greed, and nothing much else. Johnny Rocco’s dreamworld of ‘More!’.
You’ve identified, at least partially, that which shouldn’t exist at all. The economies of the ‘west’ are loaded up with churn generators that show activity but little that resembles real production when the dust settled. Moving papers from hand to hand with everyone taking a cut eventually leaves little left over for reality to build upon.
The entirety of the ‘humanities’ and ‘social sciences’ needs to be jettisoned wholesale to get rid of the professional grifters that have shit for brains but are currently in control. They have destroyed their economies with phony money (currency/banking/finance/insurance) and political favoritism (politics/sports/media/MIC) to promote their own kind into positions of unearned power. Their economies are mortally wounded and leaning over at a sharp angle but just haven’t hit the floor yet; the thud should be heard soon. The parasites have killed their host.
The BRICS+ are just another set of grifters determined to introduce a new ‘currency’ to fool the terminally stupid (voters) into believing they have an altruistic desire to help ‘the people’, all the while just concentrating power in another block of sociopaths. Best buds Russia and China will be at each other’s throats as soon as the stench of the US’s rotting corpse dissipates. That may take a few decades but the ignorant rabble’s desire to be enslaved and farmed like human animals will always cause to surface the human filth that wants to be the world’s hegemon. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Hey–do NOT overlook those who today contribute mightily to the US elite economy—hedge fund managers, pro wrestlers, NFL NBA NHL players–LOBBYISTS in all shapes colors and sizes— communication –ALL Manner of man Woman trans and all —to communicate what the MIC in DC is contemplating—and theology with RELIGION —many many many many types – breeds- cross links and televangelists–turn on the boob tube and if not for 24/7 sports –there are the religion shows and preachers “For Christ Sake !!” and marketing managers —layers upon layers upon layers of lawyers –the brains who make the system function —-
((((It all began years ago with —
Water the plants —–Jimmy Page- Robert Plant -John Paul Jones and the late John Bonham –?”Communication Breakdown” and how right they indeed were- spot on !!!))))
The US as a political entity NEVER WAS any force for light and goodness. Had they failed to form on the map, the world would be in a far better shape. In the same way all communist regimes would have achieved more of the very benefits they claim to have brought, and this with far less undesirable side effects, had they been simply fascistic, Mussolini’s style, America would have achieved an even richer way of life had they remained in the British Empire or had the 1776 revolution failed or been nipped in the bud. The US’ Founding Fathers were clearly intent in giving birth to a clearly reptilian political entity. Corporations didn’t highjack the US government : bringing about corporate law as we know it today, that is to say virtual persons having all the rights of the living ones minus the original sin (which means a status of pagan gods claiming to be worshipped through their logos, icons and slogans) was the gist of the wording of the US constitution right from the beginning. The first Founding Father, Ben Franklin, was very clearly a Satanist and practitioner of occult arts of the darkest kind as well as the co-founder of lodges such as Skulls and Bones, and the concluding one, Monroe, clearly stated that the US had the manifest destiny to be an empire already claiming exclusive supremacy over the whole American hemisphere, not an isolationist republic devoted to the better life of its own citizenry first and foremost.
Manusmriti is only “Smriti” meaning remembrance from such and such individual’s dictum; therefore, if one likes them or dislikes them is entirely up to his or her choice, which has NO bearing in Sanãtana Dharma.
In Sanãtana Dharma, an individual can worship one God (Goddess) or many Gods (Goddesses) in ANY form s/he wants to for her/his spiritual quest or absolutely NO God (Goddess) whatsoever.
Whereas Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism†means that — if I translate correctly — I will command you to worship me only; because, if you do not worship only me, you will experience death, deformities and destitution on earth and eternal HELL in after life!
Media widely trumpeted out the stories about “mass rape” alongside the decapitated babies immediately after the Hamas raid. Later on an “official” report came out saying that there was evidence of it and it is well documented. Well, it turns out that “evidence” was solely based on eyewitness testimony, as it so often is with these people. They even talked about Hamas raping women so hard their pelvises broke, I wonder what workouts they do to get the power of hydraulic presses in their pants.
But in this case, they screwed up, because one of the actual hostages, one of the younger, prettier women the media blasted out immediately to curry sympathy from the goyim, stated flat out that she was NOT raped. Although she did claim something like she was raped with her eyes and the only reason the captor didn’t rape her was because his wife and children were down there in the tunnels with him. Two questions immediately come to mind, why would these “human animals” respect their marital vows over some feral desire, and why didn’t some other guy rape her if it not the married one and they were as obsessed with rape as Israel claims. These question was not asked.
As usual, it seems this obsession with rape and defilement is a projection and more of a fantasy about what they would do to Amalek if they get the chance.
And the winner is------- feudalism.
My bet is the people will demand to be further enslaved because most are dumb as a stump.
As unhinged as this sounds, I suspect there is a lot of truth in it.
"Hindu" crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means "The Awakened One"), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant "Public Disturbance" (e.g., claiming to be "The King of the Jews" -- IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).Islam's founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
There is nothing "Unfortunate" about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
False statement.Islam's 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:[][] is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29). Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, "The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him."So according to [Islam's founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been "Sectarian" whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi'ites of Iran, etc.Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam's followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.Replies: @Anonymous, @mulga mumblebrain, @Commentator Mike, @RSSNAZI
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
one of the worst solutions ever forced on human being is the rules embedded in Vedic and Manu Smriti ‘ prescriptions ,clauses and laws . To keep in bondage, hinduism invoked god and told gold has told that certain categories and all foreigners were to be professionally,culturally and religiously subjugated to the carnal and financial needs and emotional whims of the priestly and warrior classes . For them to reach salvation and enter heaven or get freedom from cyclical oppression , they should accept total subjugation of the Hindu elite .
It has not changed . Now it is done by police,military, judiciary, and financial houses .
Opinion: The antisemitic lie at the heart of too many campus protests
Opinion by Frida Ghitis
University, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota made what she may have thought was an enlightened statement. “We should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students,â€Â she declared, “whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide.â€Â Omar, whose daughter was arrested in the protests, appeared to be implying that students who back Israel’s actions in Gaza are supporters of genocide
The claim, the chants, the smearing of President Joe Biden as “Genocide Joeâ€Â (to former President Donald Trump’s delight) for his support for Israel are part of an astonishingly successful campaign to paint Israel’s defensive war against Hamas as an act of genocide.
Will supporting Hitler be seen in same fine grained way ?
People might cite his economic policies , people might see
merits in his war efforts to enlarge his living space,people might see his attempt to house the Jewish people in camp as separating anti -Germany Jewish people from regular Jewish.
If current Israeli action supporter isnt supporting genocide or ethnic cleansing , they must be supprting
lyings ,creation of famine condition , destruction of schools
and universities and hospitals and levelling of the city.
So lools like there are more cogent reasons to supprt Hitler than we have for Israel.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
“Hindu” crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means “The Awakened One”), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant “Public Disturbance” (e.g., claiming to be “The King of the Jews” — IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).
Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.
In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).
Islam’s founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
There is nothing “Unfortunate” about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
False statement.
Islam’s 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.
Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.
Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:
[][] …here is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:
[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29).
Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, “The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him.”
So according to [Islam’s founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been “Sectarian” whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi’ites of Iran, etc.
Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam’s followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.
My bet is the people will demand to be further enslaved because most are dumb as a stump.
And the winner is——- feudalism.
I’d bet everything I have on it.
The joo bankers have it all wrapped up in a bow. And you have to give them credit, what they have done is clever. Your average Joe and Joanne have no idea what is about to befall them.
I’m just trying to keep a low profile.
After 9/11, the extra-special immigrants arrested were released, freed of charges and sent back on special planes. Random patsies from central and west Asia were kidnapped and sent to Guantanamo Bay as “evil-doers”. Your country is too far gone.
I saw that article this morning. It made me think of a statistic that claims China graduates 6,000,000 engineers per year while the US graduates 200,000. 30 to 1 is tough to overcome. Sure, the US also graduates social workers, psychiatrists, economists, political scientists and other assorted bullshit artists, but they survive on the grift and scams built into the economy. Once the SHTF, they are toast along with the rest of the low IQ drones the article mentions.
The US has been a phony economy for decades, relying on the Dollar’s status and the murderers in costume to get by. That is all ending right now in real time so soon, Depression 2.0 takes over where the plan for the human farm animals has already been determined. It’s feudalism for generations unless the guns come out to kill off the controllers. My bet is the people will demand to be further enslaved because most are dumb as a stump.
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken
And the winner is------- feudalism.
My bet is the people will demand to be further enslaved because most are dumb as a stump.
People are just now beginning to smell the coffee.
I do not find Jesus the Nazarene Jew was telling his apostles to go out and kidnap and rape (or torture) non-believers' mothers, wives and daughters. can find tracts in the writings of ALL religions that are odious.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others. Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus. Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades. Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
"Hindu" crown prince Siddhartha Gautama (i.e., Buddha, which literally means "The Awakened One"), Mozi, Laozi, Confucius, et al. were all Pagan philosophers whereas Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was a Jewish rabbi who was executed for creating constant "Public Disturbance" (e.g., claiming to be "The King of the Jews" -- IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM).Pagan philosophers, by the way, NEVER instructed their followers to kill non-believers.In fact, Buddha said 2600 years ago, there is no singular creator of the universe (i.e., no God or Goddess).Islam's founder Muhammad the Arabian bastard told his Muslim followers to kill all non-believer males of arms-bearing age and to sell all non-believer females and children into either sexual slavery or household slavery.
Yeah, the Nazarene, if he existed, peddled a fine philosophy, like Gautama, Mo Zi, Lao Zi, ‘Confucius’, and many others.
There is nothing "Unfortunate" about White greedy Christian bloodsuckers of Europe and America; because, greed is the prime motivating factor of the followers of 2000 years old Christianism.
Unfortunately ‘Christians’ have rarely followed his teachings, and many have plainly preferred the blood-curdling xenophobia of the Old Testament/Torah.
False statement.Islam's 1400 years old teachings for child-marriage, polygamy, and sexual slavery are not humane, by any humane account.Furthermore, Islam does not honor Jesus.Here I quote Dr. Stephen M. Kirby:[][] is what [Islamic] Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:[Islamic] Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); [Islamic] Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk (e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); [Islamic] Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g., 3:151 and 5:72-73); [Islamic] Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell†(98:6); [Islamic] Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29). Imam Ahmad recorded that, Abu Hurayrah wrote, the Prophet said, "The Prophets are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to ‘Isa [Jesus], son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend… He will break the cross [i.e., destroy Christianity], kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, [Islamic] Allah will destroy all religions except Islam…’Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him."So according to [Islam's founder] Muhammad, Jesus would return to earth, destroy Christianity, and call people to Islam, while [Islamic] Allah would be destroying all the other religions. Jesus, being only a man, would then die after forty years. [][]
Islam contains many humane teachings, and honours Jesus.
The military-political ideology of Islam has always been "Sectarian" whether you call them Alawites of Syria, Hashemites of Jordan, Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan, Shi'ites of Iran, etc.Muslims attach themselves to Christian West in order to obtain financial benefits from Christians of North America and Western Europe.
Sects of Islam, like Wahhabism, are indeed vile and murderous, but have been in close alliance with the Christian West for decades.
I cannot be pluralistic when dealing with military-political ideology of Islam and its followers; because, the only way to sustain peace on earth is to kill Islam's followers and Israelis are doing the hard-work for the benefit of rests of the humanity.Replies: @Anonymous, @mulga mumblebrain, @Commentator Mike, @RSSNAZI
Your simple-minded Islamophobic hatred does NOT impress.
There is no crime that the Zionazi Reich has not committed since 1947. None. And, yet, we in the West, are ordered, at risk of slander, arrest, lifelong pursuit by The Swarm, law-fare and more, to worship and adore these monsters.
Furthermore, the ‘antisemitism’ racket openly asserts that NO Jew, anywhere, ever, has committed an act, even by accident or inadvertently, worthy of criticism or condemnation. ALL criticism of any Jew is always nothing but ‘Jew-hatred’, that mysterious virus that has infected people almost everywhere that Jews have lived.
Unfortunately, slimy, mendacious, racist troll, you are lying and peddling the Zionazi untruths, again, like a rabid dog returning to its vomitus. Where is the evidence of Hamas torture of Israelis? I don’t mean some lies from a guppy-mouthed female after release by Hamas. And it total contrast, your beloved Chosenite brethren have tortured tens of thousands of Palestinians, men, women and children, some to death, over decades, some to death, as attested by numerous international bodies and Israeli groups like B’tselem, and have been doing so throughout this genocide.
As for ‘targeting’ civilians, your dementia is showing. The ones who target civilians, and BOAST that they are exterminating ‘Amalek’, are your Chosenite brethren, who have murdered whole families in order to kill hundreds of journalists, aid workers and others in Gaza, no doubt to your onanistic delight. As for hospitals being used, the ever lying Israelis have produced NO real evidence to justify their foul war crime of destroying EVERY hospital in Gaza and murdering hundreds of medical staff in cold blood etc. And only an evil psychopath like you would assert that there is no difference between the victims of unbridled racist and religious blood-lust, and their persecutors. That is EXACTLY akin to asserting equivalence between the inmates of the Warsaw Ghetto and the German Wehrmacht.
Rep. Brian Mast, the Zio-maniac, is being challenged.
I pledge to NEVER accept AIPAC donations now or ever. I will vote to cut off all U.S. funding to Israel. No need to worry about AIPAC donating to me. They despise me. But they LOVE @RepBrianMast He's their boy.
— Rick Wiles (@realRickWiles) May 7, 2024
There’s nothing in actual written binding international law that says the “right to resistance” is ABSOLUTE, any more than there’s anything in such law saying the right of a nation to self-defense is ABSOLUTE.
International law comes about by agreement of existing world governments. Obviously, those governments would not “stack the deck” AGAINST THEMSELVES by agreeing to binding international law that would excuse rebellions against them from ANY obligations or rules while still imposing such obligations on those nations!
Nor does it make any logical or moral sense to say that a “right to resist occupation” should somehow allow acts forbidden to established states including TORTURE, TARGETING CIVILIANS, USE OF MEDICAL FACILITIES AND INSIGNIA AS COVER FOR MILITARY OPERATIONS, FALSE SURRENDERS, etc.
There’s no reason for you to be so outraged by nation-states doing these things, unless you believe those things are inherently MORALLY wrong and not just violations of technical requirements. And if they’re MORALLY wrong for governments, they’re morally wrong for everybody, including “resistance” movements.
Query for UCLA students, their parents, and its faculty – why was an IDF “veteran†or active, staging with law enforcement, apparently while pro-Zionists attack the protesters? Why did he do an “infiltration†into the peaceful protester encampment before? Why does he call the “infiltrators†into a Gaza hospital as “his unitâ€?
Ran a quiet infiltration operation into the UCLA encampment and now down here with LASD who’s staging now and preparing to make entry onto the to begin taking down the pro terror antisemitic encampment. Also had a good chat and deep dive with @drphil who came down for a debrief…
— Aaron Cohen Official (@aacohenofficial) May 2, 2024
Let me add to the list of the more direct methods of murder: starvation, bombing buildings (homes, hospitals, etc,) to crush occupants, enforcing exposure of the displaced to the elements, poisoning water, random murder to harvest organs, blocking travel to medical facilities, blocking medical supplies, burying people (including patients) alive.
It is not just the Reich. The bulk of the vermin are complicit.
I do not find Jesus the Nazarene Jew was telling his apostles to go out and kidnap and rape (or torture) non-believers' mothers, wives and daughters. can find tracts in the writings of ALL religions that are odious.
Only in the military-political ideology of Islam we find that kidnap, rape, arson, stoning, amputation, beheading, and ransom are “Divineâ€.
True, the extent to which Islamists mirror the Judeofascists, they are part of the fallen; part of zoglodytism. But the same goes for “Christians” like Nazis and Anglo-Imperialist and Anglo-Zionist, golden calf-worshiping “Christians” who want to kill off the human race for their Satanic master as Judas killed Christ for his handful of silver. Worse yet, they want to launder their treachury by hiding behind “Jews”.
He that goes about calling himself a “Christian” or a “humanitarian” or a “progressive ” should be put to the acid test: Does thou worship Mammon, but launder it through “God”?
Because to paraphrase Jesus Christ, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich kike or zoglodyte to enter the kingdom of God.â€
Not only hostage-taking of tens of thousands since 1947, but mass torture, assassinations, land theft, dispossession, slander, humiliation, deliberate mass slaughter of children-every evil act that religiously motivated psychopaths can imagine, and this sordid swine supports it all with lies and hypocrisy.
Mulga “Hebrew brush” Mumblebrain, why do you keep insisting these Marxist-Zionist Judeofascists are “religiously motivated” without stating that any religion they practice would be Satanism? Is it because you’re one of THEM? Is it because you want to imply that all “religiously motivated” deserve their fate, including “Islamofascists” and “racist antisemitic” Christians? Is it because you’re a hyper-materialist, Golden Calf Marxist who hates Christians and Jesus Christ? Or are you just another schizo Hebrew brush freak venting out of all sides of your mouth through your forked tongue?
You need to get right with the Trinity because it’s in the process of triangulating all kikes and zoglodytes, and soon there will be nowhere else to turn. At that point you’ll have to decide: Make peace with Christ, or die a bitter and broken kike.
I really doubt the Trinity cares either way. It is what it is: ethical, but relentless, discipled, and totally indifferent to the ultimate fate of fallen humanity.
A man who was torturtured and died on the Cross for his faith and became one with God has little tolerance for whiny little zoglodytes, and especially for the kvetching little kikes who killed him.
…you can find tracts in the writings of ALL religions that are odious.
I do not find Jesus the Nazarene Jew was telling his apostles to go out and kidnap and rape (or torture) non-believers’ mothers, wives and daughters.
I do not find Jesus the Nazarene Jew was advising his apostles to kill non-believers for their disbelief.
Only in the military-political ideology of Islam we find that kidnap, rape, arson, stoning, amputation, beheading, and ransom are “Divine”.
True, the extent to which Islamists mirror the Judeofascists, they are part of the fallen; part of zoglodytism. But the same goes for "Christians" like Nazis and Anglo-Imperialist and Anglo-Zionist, golden calf-worshiping "Christians" who want to kill off the human race for their Satanic master as Judas killed Christ for his handful of silver. Worse yet, they want to launder their treachury by hiding behind "Jews".
Only in the military-political ideology of Islam we find that kidnap, rape, arson, stoning, amputation, beheading, and ransom are “Divineâ€.
Whether Voltaire ever said, “To learn who rules you, simply consider whom you are not allowed to criticize†is irrelevant, because it is true.
It may be true, but you should first ask yourself what Voltaire even has to do with it.
The quote has merit, and it should be attributed to its original author, whom you failed to mention: Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993, who never claimed that Voltaire said it.
What’s remarkable about the misattribution to Voltaire is how quickly and widely it spread, as if by that infinite number of monkeys with typewriters, even when numerous sources have called it out and noted that the actual author was Strom, not Voltaire.
But still it lives!
Because, after all – cough cough –
A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Mark Twain
Twain, Lincoln and Churchill get a lot of false attributions, but actually it seems this sentiment and similar words were first penned by Jonathan Swift in 1710:
Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it.
Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…
[my bold]
It’s always best to be completely 100% accurate, and not hitch your ride to any misattributions or falsehoods, nor play any role in their further dissemination.
But cut to the main script.
I’ve said I think it was irresponsible of Hamas to have launched its Oct. 7, 2023 attack from Gaza when it had no way of defending Gaza from the predictably intense Israeli retaliatory aerial bombardment. Hamas seems to have about zero antiaircraft capability to prevent the IAF from engaging in a systematic reduction of Gaza to rubble. I can’t find up-to-date reports or satellite imagery to see if any of the so-called Gaza Strip remains standing, but back in January the report was that 65% of Gaza was in ruins.
But an important point is that students didn’t really started protesting until the middle of April 2024 – 6 months after 10/7 and the brutal Israeli retaliation – when USC rather foolishly decided to deny valedictorian Asna Tabassum the valedictorian’s normal and rightful valedictorian’s speech at graduation, apparently because somebody notified USC about links Ms. Tabassum had posted to websites that the university – or somebody – considered antisemitic.
Well it’s too bad the LAPD couldn’t have turned out in force for the BLM riots and looting like it has for a bunch of students in tents at USC and UCLA. No doubt various troublemakers and outside agitators took advantage of the protests to mingle among the peaceful demonstrators as agents provocateurs, and guess who? would have a motive to do that kind of dirty work.
Thanks for your great comments, dear, you have both a superlative instinctive insight, as well as an outstanding soul. A rare combination.
Correction to my post
should read
Failing to distinguish between “Protest” and “Terrorism” based on the actions of a mob or an individual is just more “rationalization of one’s preferences.” Both sides of this insanely divisive coin are responsible for this behavior.
“Protest” is something an individual does with words, leaving others to go about their business as usual.
“Terrorism” is something done with actions deliberately aimed at disrupting lives and instilling fear in EVERYONE whether or not they hear the words that go along with the violence and forceful upending of civilization.
The generation most supportive of Israel is dying off.
I am not sure there’s anything the youth can do to save us from this monster.
That is a nice thought, but survival in what kind of world? The Globalist have the next Pandemic already planned, something called disease X. The lockdowns from the last hoax were done to induce the Stockholm Syndrome into our youth. Every country in the West has declared war on their own citizens and people are afraid.
For a moment I thought we might gain hope from the Yellow Vest movement, but they were crushed in the blink of an eye. This issue with Genocide of the Palestinians is, for the moment, uniting people around the world. Even non Zionist Jews are standing with the Palestinians. Maybe here and now is where humanity makes its stand.
The group most represnted in the ranks of slumlords ie landlords of slums, throughout the USA are Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews. Not content with letting their slums deteriorate, they add to the ‘good’ relations with their goy tennants by often refusing to shake hands with such low life.
The slithering troll lies with religious conviction. The ‘right to resist’ of the Palestinians is absolute under International Law. The Zionazi Reich, in TOTAL contrast, breaches International Law EVERY DAY of its sordid existence. Not only hostage-taking of tens of thousands since 1947, but mass torture, assassinations, land theft, dispossession, slander, humiliation, deliberate mass slaughter of children-every evil act that religiously motivated psychopaths can imagine, and this sordid swine supports it all with lies and hypocrisy.
Mulga "Hebrew brush" Mumblebrain, why do you keep insisting these Marxist-Zionist Judeofascists are "religiously motivated" without stating that any religion they practice would be Satanism? Is it because you're one of THEM? Is it because you want to imply that all "religiously motivated" deserve their fate, including "Islamofascists" and "racist antisemitic" Christians? Is it because you're a hyper-materialist, Golden Calf Marxist who hates Christians and Jesus Christ? Or are you just another schizo Hebrew brush freak venting out of all sides of your mouth through your forked tongue?
Not only hostage-taking of tens of thousands since 1947, but mass torture, assassinations, land theft, dispossession, slander, humiliation, deliberate mass slaughter of children-every evil act that religiously motivated psychopaths can imagine, and this sordid swine supports it all with lies and hypocrisy.
Yes, hate pustule-you can find tracts in the writings of ALL religions that are odious. And others that are not. Do you realise that basing your existence on raging hatred will give you a cursed life? Or is your religion based on the hatred of others?
I do not find Jesus the Nazarene Jew was telling his apostles to go out and kidnap and rape (or torture) non-believers' mothers, wives and daughters. can find tracts in the writings of ALL religions that are odious.
This website has been on the radar of various organized Jewish groups who’ve been trolling the comments and trying to subvert genuine discussions. The website has also been subjected to hack attacks in the past as well. You can see the sheer rabid hostility of some of these commenters directed at the student protesters, for example.
Parts like John chapter 8? Rest assured there is no shortage of heretics in high places.
Good, you capitalized at the end. 🤣
english rules, are for english fools, like all school marms, such as youz. next you’ll be telling me, our usage of parenthesis, are offending your sensitive grammatical views.
if you can’t understand my comments, feel free to ignore them, as a whole lot of people do…..oh yeah, i almost forgot, FUCK YOU!
there’s some capitalism in action.
Trump is a stopgap to slow the rot via immigration and abortion and whatever perversion they want to teach next to our children.
The generation most supportive of Israel is dying off.
I am not sure there’s anything the youth can do to save us from this monster.
Wait to the youth want jobs and entry into the upper enchelons of society. They youth will fall in line real fast. Everyone know who controls the doors of opportunity.
“Will Americans wake up in time to stop the rot? Not likely, as the mainstream party choices Biden and Trump will do whatever the Jewish state demands. ”
Of course not, the Americans like most other people worldwide had the unique and timely chance of waking-up and taking down the criminals who organized and implemented the covid coup from 2020 on and, instead of fighting back for their rights, they cowed at home and complied.
Only a minority fought back the takeover until the end of the covid hoax operation.
Since then, the architects behind all crises in our sick world know that the people they hate and try to kill and enslave have, for the mots part, no courage, no will, no intelligent and no capacity to even organize.
Today is the same, a minority is fighting back and the majority is what majorities always are: sheeple, who follow.
The good news is never in history the majority has made history, it was always very motivated minorities who changed things.
10% of the population, even less can do this absolutely crucial change, it is not an option, it’s a survival obligation.
Projecting much with the horseshit remark? You're the sort that flings it when you are expressing it.
The Jews will occupy Amman Damascus and Beirut just as they have planned it.
It’s not like the Israelis have not occupied Sinai, Beirut and East Jordan before. They’ve even bombed Baghdad.
[][] Islam does not respect all religions and Muslims do snatch away the rights of non-Muslims.
Islam is an Intolerant Religion
“But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them…†(al-Quran 4.89)
“If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.†(Sahih Bukhari 3017)
“And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter, he shall be one of the losers.†(al-Quran 3.85)
“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam… And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.†(al-Quran 3.19)
“And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere.†(al-Quran 8.39)
“He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), that He may make it (Islam) superior over all religions…†(al-Quran 48.28)
“Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (see V. 2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.†(al-Quran 9.5)
“O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the al-Muttaqun (the pious – see V. 2:2).†(al-Quran 9.123)
“(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, ‘Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes.’ †(al-Quran 8.12)
“For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.†(al-Quran 8.55) [][]
Podcast Alert!
Three-hour podcast titled “America’s Christian Beginningsâ€, aired Friday May 3rd, at Christogenea Radio. Listen at Or read the article on same page. William Fink explains, among other things, how the states perceived inalienable rights, why there was a separation clause, and how ALL American aid to Israel is unconstitutional. We’ve been gaslighted for 200 years now, he says.
If people don’t stand up, there will be nothing left for which to stand up. I said years ago that Malheur was America’s last gasp for freedom… after that assassination hit squad murdered Finnicum…, while a group of peaceful protestors were peacefully exercising their constitutional rights AND NO ONE STOOD UP WITH THEM… everyone knows NO ONE WILL HAVE MY BACK IF I DON’T STAND UP… so NO ONE WILL, except those willing to give their lives as martyrs. I have written for over 2 decades our people are like the people in the original movie Time Machine, who lived in peace and tranquility until the hideous violent ape-like savage Morlochs came and dragged one of them off to be torn to pieces and eaten… and everyone else pretended it was not happening; because they thought there was nothing that they could do, so just enjoy life until it is your time. Our Founders expressed,
“What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a price on its goods, and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.†—Thomas Paine
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.†—Samuel Adams (speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776)
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.†—Benjamin Franklin
Even the psychopathic madman Churchill expressed,
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.â€
And Gulag survivor and Nobel Prize Winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn expressed,
“And how we burned in the labor camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive, and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if people had not simply sat there, palling with terror, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up an ambush of a half-dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The cursed machine would have ground to a halt. If, if, if! We didn’t love freedom enough. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.â€
Christ Jesus, the Personification of Wisdom declares,
“But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death†(Proverbs 8:36)
Stand up and do what’s right or embrace death!
“You took the good things for granted—now you must earn them again. For every right that you cherish, you have a duty that you must fulfill. For every hope that you entertain, you have a task that you must perform. For every good that you wish to preserve, you will have to sacrifice your comfort and ease. There is nothing for nothing any longer.†—George Washington
[quotes from, booklet / book series: America, Christianity, Liberty & Truth: ]
Read and learn and do what is right… or stop pretending you care… embrace barbarism, tyranny, oppression, injustice, wickedness, and perversion… for it is what you want. I have written for over a decade: “Why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?†God commanded us to hate evil, not ignore, tolerate, or embrace it. You reap what you sow.
Whether Voltaire ever said, “To learn who rules you, simply consider whom you are not allowed to criticize” is irrelevant, because it is true. Those who cannot argue the facts, respond emotionally. This is dishonest, immature, and unchristian. The Israelites in the Land of Israel (and every other nation in the middle east) were REPLACED by Edomite and other Canaanite imposters (even as before our very eyes all the true people of the nations of Christendom are being replaced by the Third World) who masquerade as God’s people. What’s good for the Kosher Goose should be good for the Halal Gander…! Why is it that African, Asiatic, and Hispanic “migration” and “dreamers” are not welcomed into the State of Isra-lie or the Muslim nations… Why is the “migration” and “dreaming” solely ONE WAY…? Africa is has some of the most-sparsely populated regions on earth… why do they flood into those nations that are already densely populated? (such as the Netherlands, one of the most-densely populated on earth). They have their own nations and their own continents… why do they want to take ours from us…? It is a hate crime of the higdest order, and it is genocide, and all those in government positions of trust who do not fight it, and who aid and abet and promote it, are guilty of high treason. If such nations are our “equals” why do they flee their nations to enter ours…? Why do they need our money and technology…? Why don’t they “prove their equality” and build, with their own ideas, their own initiative, their own skill, and their own money a nation that is worth not fleeing from? Simply speaking truth causes those who champion “luv, tolerance, acceptance, inclusion, and equality” to become the most-hateful and most-intolerant, discriminating and excluding of people. Why is that…? They hate the truth because the truth is not on their side, and proof of their dishonesty, ineptness, inequality, and immorality, they demonize and attack and attempt to ruin anyone who disagrees with them.
It may be true, but you should first ask yourself what Voltaire even has to do with it.The quote has merit, and it should be attributed to its original author, whom you failed to mention: Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993, who never claimed that Voltaire said it.What's remarkable about the misattribution to Voltaire is how quickly and widely it spread, as if by that infinite number of monkeys with typewriters, even when numerous sources have called it out and noted that the actual author was Strom, not Voltaire.But still it lives! Because, after all - cough cough -
Whether Voltaire ever said, “To learn who rules you, simply consider whom you are not allowed to criticize†is irrelevant, because it is true.
Twain, Lincoln and Churchill get a lot of false attributions, but actually it seems this sentiment and similar words were first penned by Jonathan Swift in 1710:
A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.--Mark Twain
[my bold]'s always best to be completely 100% accurate, and not hitch your ride to any misattributions or falsehoods, nor play any role in their further dissemination.But cut to the main script. I've said I think it was irresponsible of Hamas to have launched its Oct. 7, 2023 attack from Gaza when it had no way of defending Gaza from the predictably intense Israeli retaliatory aerial bombardment. Hamas seems to have about zero antiaircraft capability to prevent the IAF from engaging in a systematic reduction of Gaza to rubble. I can't find up-to-date reports or satellite imagery to see if any of the so-called Gaza Strip remains standing, but back in January the report was that 65% of Gaza was in ruins.But an important point is that students didn't really started protesting until the middle of April 2024 - 6 months after 10/7 and the brutal Israeli retaliation - when USC rather foolishly decided to deny valedictorian Asna Tabassum the valedictorian's normal and rightful valedictorian's speech at graduation, apparently because somebody notified USC about links Ms. Tabassum had posted to websites that the university - or somebody - considered antisemitic. Well it's too bad the LAPD couldn't have turned out in force for the BLM riots and looting like it has for a bunch of students in tents at USC and UCLA. No doubt various troublemakers and outside agitators took advantage of the protests to mingle among the peaceful demonstrators as agents provocateurs, and guess who? would have a motive to do that kind of dirty work.
Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…
Or more simply a sign that the writer may have dyslexia and can do nothing about it. Why not focus on the very interesting content instead of the form?Replies: @Z-man
is not a sign of maturity but of immaturity attempting to display bravery and pretending to know better
Notsofast is very good but I also complained about his grammar a while back. It takes away from the good content of his posts.
All the passages in the Old Testament about the giving the idol-worshipers the edge of the sword are fine. The calls to Jihad in the Koran are fine. It’s relatively tolerant Christianity that’s been singled out.
Ironic, isn’t it. These Marxist-Zionist golden calf voodooists and idol worshipers have made themselves the authority on religion. The Synagogue of Satan is “God’s chosen” according to the ZOG narrative.
But their “tolerance” for Satanic/reptilian jews and their fiat Ponzi grift is what did these half-baked Anglo-Zionist “Christians” in.
This is how the Synagogue operates: incrementally. The 9/11 ZOG inside job, had it been properly investigated and prosecuted, could have been used to hang the Synagogue high. But the jackassess weren’t interested. It would have interfered with their stock returns and tee times and shopping sprees.
No, these zoglodytes chose the status quo golden calf fiat and their grand pose of “tolerance” (to conceal their greed and cowardice)… and so, here we are.
“When his body is returned to his relatives the organs will be missing. Israel is the global center of the illegal organ trade.”
And the only place in the world commercially dealing in Human Skin for graft Replacement.
The Cunts will find anyway of making money from any source!
The Israel National Skin Bank: Quality Assurance and Graft Performance of Stored Tissues.
This is a llttle O.T., but it seems that at the time of the ‘war of independence’, the larger portion of people there would have preferred to remain loyal to the crown of England, a smaller portion, for Washington and the French, and the majority just wanting events to be over A.S.A.P.
I supposed that the war of 1812 would have changed it a little, but Fenimore Cooper’s much later Miles Walsingham tales (which I greatly enjoyed, parts too melodramatic, published in 1840s) would imply that the split endured until at least the 1860s.
Christian ethics would have people tortured and murdered for expressing unorthodox opinions. Christianity caved to Enlightenment ethics. Christianity is currently supporting open borders, miscegenation, foreign aid, other crimes against humanity. Gullible brainwashed Whites have propped up Christian charities which are contributing to the ongoing White holocaust. That isn’t a good thing for any living creature on Earth, in the long run.
The “Nazi” genocide theory has been thoroughly debunked. If it isn’t a big lie, why do the Jews push so hard to make it a crime to even discuss the issue? White people should be free to discuss or investigate any topic they choose. Ethnic replacement is ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is genocide. The real Holocaust is happening now, being perpetrated by the same people who created and worship a god of genocide, and promote a tax-funded, self-serving myth about fictional German atrocities.
The true genocide is happening by racial replacement in America and other White nations. The Jewish people have been openly behind this. This is what authentic Americans should be concerned about. However, Jewish expansion in Israel and the Ukraine, and Jewish aggression in general (e.g., Iran) could very possibly cause WW3. That should be a concern to everyone. But no, the Palestinian cause is the distraction of the day.
The Jews will occupy Amman Damascus and Beirut just as they have planned it.
Projecting much with the horseshit remark? You’re the sort that flings it when you are expressing it.
Some folks on here think Israel is going to go DOWN. And then clowns like you think they are going to somehow absorb the entire Levant.
Really, which is it? All the Joooos are going to be pushed into the sea? Or take it all over?
Make up your mind, why doncha.
is not a sign of maturity but of immaturity attempting to display bravery and pretending to know better
Or more simply a sign that the writer may have dyslexia and can do nothing about it. Why not focus on the very interesting content instead of the form?
That is certainly true. The questions is will it really make a difference to Israel's survival as a Jewish state? Minorities do rule majorities in some instances.
For starters, it’s got a very firm demographic trajectory which will almost certainly imperil it. No, it’s not about the Palestinian birth rate as much as it is about that of the ultra-Orthodox, the highest growing population among Israeli Jews.
Knowing some Israeli citizens, this is also true. On the other hand, the ones I do know that fall into this category are royally pissed off about what happened on October 7th, which is why what Hamas did was truly stupid. Hamas should have simply created the best economic situation it could in Gaza, lay low for the long term, and let demographics take over. But no, these clowns really really want to drive Jews from the river RIGHT into the Sea. But long term strategic thinking is not a strong suit for their leaders who if they aren't scurrying about in tunnels are -- or were -- living it up in 5 star Doha hotels.
The more secular Jews are the ones in the workforce, paying taxes and serving in the armed forces. It’s becoming increasingly disconcerting for them to do all the heavy lifting for the religious right, particularly when the latter are pushing every manner of reform to transform Israel into an open theocracy.
Correct which is why the "seculars" are really pissed off.
And, of course, the sense of security that once was is now shattered,
Perhaps more temporary than you might think. And what does it mean, really, for the "nations of the world turning against it." The ICC? Toothless. Sanctions? Temporary. All the previous conflicts, and there have been many, eventually ended in everyone moving on. Will this be different? Maybe. But maybe not.
The economy is hemorraging, and slowly but surely, the nations of the world are turning against it.
The beliefs of "US Officials" are hardly a reliable gauge of how things will go. It also depends on how you define "beating" Hamas. There is no doubt they have taken a serious hit. I have always been skeptical that Israel can "annhilate" Hamas given how the death cultists sneak around amongst civilian populations and rely on folks here (maybe even you) to scream "genocide!! genocide!!" Maybe they don't have to annihilate.
So many factors here, not to mention the determined attrition of the Axis of Resistance. American officials themselves are beginning see the signs:
There’s ‘Widespread’ Belief Among US Officials That Israel Can’t Beat Hamas
The Jews will occupy Amman Damascus and Beirut just as they have planned it.
Projecting much with the horseshit remark? You're the sort that flings it when you are expressing it.
The Jews will occupy Amman Damascus and Beirut just as they have planned it.
If you want to be easily understood, it is best to use conventional English rules, because that is what readers expect, and any deviation from those conventions delays the reader and interferes with his quick understanding of your written statements. This means it is necessary to capitalize the first letter of a sentence, avoid joining together two or more independent words, use quotation marks correctly, and capitalize letters appropriately according to the rules of the language. If you don’t know these rules you can learn them. People who persist in misusing them are often perceived as blatantly rebelling, and rebelling is not a sign of maturity but of immaturity attempting to display bravery and pretending to know better, when, in fact, if you want to improve things, it takes time and effort which needs to involve a respect for the way things actually work, and this knowledge takes many decades to acquire. May as well learn to use English correctly in the meantime. You might need it.
Or more simply a sign that the writer may have dyslexia and can do nothing about it. Why not focus on the very interesting content instead of the form?Replies: @Z-man
is not a sign of maturity but of immaturity attempting to display bravery and pretending to know better
The Chosen agenda of confusion . For, once upon a time , they stole the nuke secrets and gave them to the Russians . So , when they were the engineers of The Chosen’s mythical …Utopia. Communalists of the Grand Kibbutz Plan from Outer Space . All was good then , the Rabbi assured me ! Yes , it was all hippy once . Guess who are the communists now ? And who … are the fascists ,that do plow and toil for this so called New World Murder ? The game and brand is over . But , can the myth of this economic system outlive the DJINN that owns your soul ? Anyway , a great hymn , written by a Jewish convert into Greek Orthodox history …. I ZOI EN TAFO ( you tube it ) A good version is by XYLOURIS, MITSIAS . Basically . LIFE IS A TOMB !!!! Happy Easter Orthodox Christians ( of Apollonius)
Your so-called 'Christ' was a con-artist fraud of a jew rabbi.Replies: @Another Dude
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children, according to the King James Bible, and so said the US Congress and administration in a direct repudiation of Christ.
Please reconsider your nasty, sophomoric comment. Christians and Christian charity have built and operated more hospitals, more schools, more universities, more food banks and more counseling centers more efficiently and for longer periods of time than any group in history.
It is Christian ethics at the root of Western civilization that allows you to freely express your opinions, however offensive and idiotic. Perhaps the comedian was thinking of you when he offered, “Jesus IS coming back….And boy, is he PISSED.”
What’s with all these new accounts of patriotards blessin’ izzrahel, lampooning bloody protesters, and raging on muslims? Anyone else notice? Are they really as advertised?
I recommend that people accept the fact that the constitutional republic as it was founded no longer exists. Voting for either party will only serve Israel and the wicked Zionists. Break the cycle of self harm. Even if we never forge a new and free America, we can free ourselves at least save our minds and souls by refusing to be a party to their sick games.
Shill alert
Free press? Oh good Lord you’re joking right ??
Hamas can as just Zionsit did – killing,sabotaging , wearing Arab dress,sending letter bombs recruiting children to kill, lying about intentions from the get go soldiering along with Nazi and Mussolini.
Their charter in 1917 was different by 1920 and was differnt again by 1930, then again by 1947 which changed again in 1948 which chaged after 1967.It is still changing by its imaginative abstract existence .
Washington and Madison forced Britain to leave. They did not have a nation or country.
Hostage taking business is Israeli way of doing war and maintaing oppressive illegal power and ransoming.
“Rachel Corrie’s college commits to divesting from ‘Israel’, dad proud”- No more bulldozing of person .
“In one case, a young Black woman is violently shoved to the ground by a crazed Zionist man, while in another case that was caught on video, a young man is caught yelling the N-Word repeatedly.”- No more wedging in the issues for tribal gain.
Pro-Palestine activists say dozens were injured when pro-Israel demonstrators attacked the California college encampment.”
Ban JDL from the universe.
During a May 1 press conference, just hours after the New York Police Department [Counterterrorism unit] arrested nearly 300 people on university grounds, Adams praised adjunct Columbia professor Rebecca Weiner, who moonlights as the head of the NYPD counter-terrorism bureau, for giving police the green light to clear out anti-genocide students by force.
“She was the one that was monitoring the situation,†Adams explained, adding that the crackdown was carried out after “she was able to — her team was able to conduct an investigation.†consortiumnews
Remove this person from the university .She should be barred from academia.
“The violence at UCLA is instructive. The pro-Israel counterprotesters were organized by a group funded by billionaire Bill Ackman and friends, including Jessica Seinfeld (wife of the comedian Jerry Seinfeld). Many of the hired protesters seem to have been Iranian monarchists—a group that tends to be pro-Israel because of the old alliance between the deposed shah of Iran and Israel.
As both the Los Angeles Times and The Forward have reported, the pro-Israel counterprotesters were extremely violent. According to the LA Times:
Perhaps you’re asking the wrong person the wrong question.
Your Neanderthal brethren are the ones who’ve been chalking up the higher kill count on Israeli “civilians.” As far as atrocities go, again, the fertile imagination of the jew propaganda machine at work. None of it happened. But, if it did…
Good! Any and all of it wouldn’t be an infinitesimal fraction of what every single miserable jew rightly deserves. Fuck your awful race. Hamas are heroes doing Gods’ work. Inshallah fellas!
The reason you’re condemning alleged Israeli war crimes it is not that it’s war crimes, but that it’s Israel. Because you don’t care about war crimes as such – your motivation is just Jew-hatred.
” If we don’t save them, no one will be there to save us when world Jewry turns its vile eye stateside.”
It has already done so and will do so again and again as it sees fit until it is stopped , brought to justice and expelled from the western world. How many wars, terrorist attacks, financial crimes, genocides, demoralizations and revolutions does it take before people get the idea that Jews and Israel are not godly people and are not safe to have around?
You are forgetting one…the “kosher food tax” that is imposed on almost all foods within the USA. Billions of shekels are extorted from food producers every year…
NYPD=Netan Yahu Police Department
All the proof in the world is the cover up of the jewish ritual child sacrifice tunnels under the synagogue that were filled in by New York City authorities. Any evidence within these tunnels was destroyed.
Hezbollah is still a threat to Israel and it seems 100% certain that the US will be drawn into fighting them for Israel.
Then Iran.
It doesn’t take heroes to kill defenseless women and children.
Shame on Israel. Shame on us.
I've always been reluctant to make any kind of prognostication, particularly about matters such as these, but I think there's good reason to believe that Israel is on its way out. I give it a generation or so, tops.For starters, it's got a very firm demographic trajectory which will almost certainly imperil it. No, it's not about the Palestinian birth rate as much as it is about that of the ultra-Orthodox, the highest growing population among Israeli Jews. The men don't do military service, and even if they're forced, they're entirely unfit for it. Add to that the fact that they live entirely off the government dole, contributing no tax revenue, and Israel's got itself a recipe for military and economic disaster.The more secular Jews are the ones in the workforce, paying taxes and serving in the armed forces. It's becoming increasingly disconcerting for them to do all the heavy lifting for the religious right, particularly when the latter are pushing every manner of reform to transform Israel into an open theocracy. So a lot of them have left and more will continue to leave because of this.You can read more about this here:Can Israel Survive the Rising Forces of Theocratic Populism?
It will be over for Israel this time next year.
For starters, it’s got a very firm demographic trajectory which will almost certainly imperil it. No, it’s not about the Palestinian birth rate as much as it is about that of the ultra-Orthodox, the highest growing population among Israeli Jews.
That is certainly true. The questions is will it really make a difference to Israel’s survival as a Jewish state? Minorities do rule majorities in some instances.
The more secular Jews are the ones in the workforce, paying taxes and serving in the armed forces. It’s becoming increasingly disconcerting for them to do all the heavy lifting for the religious right, particularly when the latter are pushing every manner of reform to transform Israel into an open theocracy.
Knowing some Israeli citizens, this is also true. On the other hand, the ones I do know that fall into this category are royally pissed off about what happened on October 7th, which is why what Hamas did was truly stupid. Hamas should have simply created the best economic situation it could in Gaza, lay low for the long term, and let demographics take over. But no, these clowns really really want to drive Jews from the river RIGHT into the Sea. But long term strategic thinking is not a strong suit for their leaders who if they aren’t scurrying about in tunnels are — or were — living it up in 5 star Doha hotels.
And, of course, the sense of security that once was is now shattered,
Correct which is why the “seculars” are really pissed off.
The economy is hemorraging, and slowly but surely, the nations of the world are turning against it.
Perhaps more temporary than you might think. And what does it mean, really, for the “nations of the world turning against it.” The ICC? Toothless. Sanctions? Temporary. All the previous conflicts, and there have been many, eventually ended in everyone moving on. Will this be different? Maybe. But maybe not.
So many factors here, not to mention the determined attrition of the Axis of Resistance. American officials themselves are beginning see the signs:
There’s ‘Widespread’ Belief Among US Officials That Israel Can’t Beat Hamas
The beliefs of “US Officials” are hardly a reliable gauge of how things will go. It also depends on how you define “beating” Hamas. There is no doubt they have taken a serious hit. I have always been skeptical that Israel can “annhilate” Hamas given how the death cultists sneak around amongst civilian populations and rely on folks here (maybe even you) to scream “genocide!! genocide!!” Maybe they don’t have to annihilate.
The other thing that is happening is that the IDF is taking this “increased tempo” opportunity to go after Hizbollah, who have also taken some serious hits. It’s a two front war. See the IDF’s telegram channel.
So this all has yet to play out. I guess we will see.
Israel sucks .It says Sharaih coming to USA whiel Shariah is already here for muslism to follow like paying zakat,praying 5 times, eating halal or kosher, avoiding alochol, abslutely avoiding gambling ,pork,lying for gain or hurting someone,causing false alleagtions ,being false witness ,and spending modestly and dressing with modesty and tells not to enggae into usuary .
It says Sharaih applies to muslim.
But Israel makes laws for other- One cant criticize Israel or Zionsist or Jews for 1 polluting atmosphere, for charging 50% usuary , for insider trading,for lying on TV, for inciting vioelnce agisnt otehr nations, one cant object to — for askimg money to protect its religious symbols,schools,synagogues, for selling IDF bond, for pressuring universities to follow whats in the interest of Israel, it makes alws abinst those for reminding what Israel did yesterday , for stealing from US military, for stealing nuke, for causing trade imbalances and stealing trade ,intelligence and military secret .
Israel says – attack Iraq for 911.
.Once its done it says attcak Iran .It says attack Pakistan . Israel makes demands through Kaplan Kuthamere, Kristol,Podohiretz, Bernad Lewis, Goldberg, Wolfowitz,Perle, and WSJ ,NYT,Fox.
Israel says those who working for governemnt or private should be given time off for observing sababth but it doesnt allow gentile working for Jewish business or syanagogue or school take time off on Christams or Easter.
Pretty full of yourself, aren't you? FYI, not bothering to 'debate' a troll isn't an admission the troll is "right on every single thing."Replies: @Carney
You also did not address a single point I made, instead changing the subject. That constitutes an admission that I’m right on every single thing I said.
It’s one thing to decline debate. It’s quite another to decide to respond, and in so doing to type a LONG response, while STILL refusing to directly address a single thing the other person said, instead changing the subject. THAT deserves to be called out as evasion and cowardice.
The right to resist is literally in international law, heck this is from Wikipedia:
And you can’t cite SPECIFIC LANGUAGE in a SPECIFIC LAW that is ACTUALLY IN EFFECT that confers such a “right†to commit such crimes
How they choose to resist is up to them. You don't like it? Then see my suggestions above.
In international law, the right to resist is closely related to the principle of self-determination.[9] It is widely recognized that a right to self-determination arises in situations of colonial domination, foreign occupation, and racist regimes that deny a segment of the population political participation. According to international law, states may not use force against the lawful exercise of self-determination, while those seeking self-determination may use military force if there is no other way to achieve their goals.[30]
Nope, I already anticipated your attempt to cite the “right to resist”. As I already said, and as you deliberately and dishonestly refused to address, there is no specifically granted exception in the the laws of war in the “right to resist”. If there were, you’d have triumphantly cited that specific language. But no such exception-granting language exists.
The “right to resist” is therefore no different from the right of a recognized, sovereign nation to defend itself from outside attack and invasion. Such a nation has the right to engage in military force and deadly violence, but the right of a nation to engage in a justified, defensive war does not carry with it a right to violate the laws of war. It is NOT “up to them” how a nation can choose to wage war – it cannot commit perfidy, hostage-taking, etc.
And it is NOT “up to them” how resisters of “occupation” choose to engage in that resistance – they cannot commit perfidy, hostage-taking, etc.
You do realize that what I wrote was sarcasm s/. Knock knock..helloooo..
The make believe Jewish state is an illegitimate Zionist occupying parasitic cancer in Palestine and the world.
Take your brainwash Zionist love and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
God the creator is beyond your comprehension, not some two thousand years old mythical figure crucified by Jews for hate speech.
I wear a cross to remind myself what they did to Jesus, they’ll do to me.
No, I’m not the second coming, I’m just an awakened soul on a mission from God of the universe.
Quite extraordinary the spying without warrent to protect Jews as they commit the most public genocide in human history. It’s shocking the total Jewish occupation of America and much of the west using local peadosadist slaves to routinely cull the population with flu, war and other fake crap. It has never been clearer who the enemy is – Jewish elites and their peadosadist slaves.
ZOG might think they can use police brutality and Bill Ackman style economic intimidation to shut down your finances to end students protests. It won’t work. ZOG has made enemies of the children of the rich and powerful. Students at elite schools attend these schools because of their very powerful families. Not a smart move by ZOG.
1-Why is this Israeli obsession that the steps taken by its friends and advarsiers have to be exact to its demands to the tee? Why does it want the words have to be perfect mirror of what it thinks at that time ?
At That Time— part , is important.Because if its not delivered right on time without delay and without doubt, Israel will cancel the offer and move the goalpost making more demands .
2- Israel lies after promising – latest lie ‘ Israel will not attack Iran before Passover’ – America who rescued its ass in 1973 , who supplied maps of the airforce location in 1967, who sent billions in 2006 and who this time has emptied its coffers and ammunitiin inventory since 7th Oct and who vetoed UN resolutions and who intercepted 100% of the incoming Iranain drones and missiles was lied by Israel.
If Hamas lies, US will take it to UN and get ICC ,get IMF,get UNWRA get Lebanese banks ,get Qataris royals to destroy Gazan in the name of standing up to terrorism.
3 So the charter is imporant . Hamas cant get away changing its idea .Israel changes its minds in AM and PM in same 24 hiur cycle .
Once Hamas changes, US being prompted by Israel woukd demand to change more and more and more .
4 Israel can agree to 10 or 20 yrs truce .It religiously and territorially agreed to stay away from Palestine for 2000 yrs . Think of that. It can agree to live with 10 or 20 yrs uncertainty ,dream , and prepare itself for any surprise. Cant it?
Cant one add one senstence in Talmud again? It can.
5 Hamas is not like Israel who signed a charter- Oslo peace process- and then next day after signing started gutting it .
I haven’t evaded anything you illiterate moron, I addressed a specific point of yours. I don’t approve of Hamas’s methods, but you can’t invoke self defense while literally invading and occupying another people’s land. You don’t like Hamas’s tactics? Give them tanks and an airforce, and watch them route the cowardly Israelis. Or else, grant them an independent state. Or make all Palestinians full Israeli citizens. Those are the moral choices. Ethnic cleansing isn’t a moral option, and neither is keeping a people permanently stateless as refugees in their own land. Not sure why you can’t get that through that thick yarmulke.
And you can’t cite SPECIFIC LANGUAGE in a SPECIFIC LAW that is ACTUALLY IN EFFECT that confers such a “right†to commit such crimes
The right to resist is literally in international law, heck this is from Wikipedia:
In international law, the right to resist is closely related to the principle of self-determination.[9] It is widely recognized that a right to self-determination arises in situations of colonial domination, foreign occupation, and racist regimes that deny a segment of the population political participation. According to international law, states may not use force against the lawful exercise of self-determination, while those seeking self-determination may use military force if there is no other way to achieve their goals.[30]
How they choose to resist is up to them. You don’t like it? Then see my suggestions above.
Troll harder, hasbara ass clown.
Compounding your original inanity by silly references to football bubbleheads in the highly corrupted by gambling corporation known as the NFL is not gonna get you anywhere.
So you admit to being “nobody”…”who takes your sort seriously”. Speak for yourself, muttonhead.
When the SHTF you will still be stuck in the “Nutmeg State”…yes, those wooden nutmegs which Yankee peddlers foisted off on frontier women looking to add a bit of flavor to their Christmas baking. On a per capita basis, Connect I Cut, is the richest state in the nation. How much of those fortunes are connected to crimes against the common-weal is something for researchers to discover.
A disproportionate percentage of people in your state are on the take…whether in banking, insurance or other non-productive corporate “enterprises”. $habos Goys are abundant amongst you Nut-Meggers. No sense of shame…someone else is always to blame.
SHTF time and there will be very few survivors in CT…a bunch of sub-urbanites with more money than common sense.
5000 yrs of antisemitism?
Among European nations, I can quote two among the less chauvinistic, less racist, and most open to other non-European civilisations, where the national flag is most frequently exhibited in great pride.
It is to honor the founders of our once great country, the founders who, I believe, were very great men, who did the best that they could do in setting up a “more perfect government.â€
In the fall of 2019, I spent 3 weeks in Sweden, visiting my distant relatives and also many of the amateur radio (ham radio) operators with whom I have communicated over the years. Many, many homes had very nice flagpoles and most had small Swedish banners flying from them. On their national holidays, they would replace the banners with their full-size flags and fly them.
Thank you.
I am well aware of the ongoing controversy concerning the founding of our country. I stand by my words – I believe that our Founding Fathers did the best that they could do, insofar as to what they had to work with.
I am of the belief that 95% of our country’s problems could have been avoided if the politicians, over the years, had honored the INTENT of the U.S. Constitution. Also, I believe that between 25 and 50 percent of the laws that have been passed by the U.S. government are unconstitutional, especially the law which created the “Federal” Reserve System.
Thank you.
Oh, that’s got to be spread out that Seinfeld’s wife supported the Zionist thugs.
Sad but true.
The only positive thing with Trump is that he is still hated by most jews, apparently.
The other thing is that he might be the anti Christ. That’s not including most of the world’s Joo-ish population. (Grin)
Celestia: You are RIGHT ON.
Those who bless Israel will be blessed.
Those who curse Israel will be cursed.
Let’s not forget our Holy God in heaven who spoke those words and will continue to divinely protect and ultimately save Israel.
Anti-semites really just hate God.
Let’s fear God, keep His commandments and pray for the peace of Jerusalem!