With all the research this moron author cited, he still has no idea that it was American Jews and Communists and leftists who were against the Vietnam war.
Jews and Communists because the enemy North Vietnam was a communist country helped by China another communist country in the fighting
and Russia another communist country helped with weaponry and a massive propaganda pro North Vietnam and anti non communist South Vietnam and America who tried to avoid the communist takeover. The Catholic church, being more powerful at the time and extremely anti communist was also anti the communist countries of Russia China South Vietnam Cuba and the 11 European countries under Russian communist occupation at the time. Much of the cold war was Jewish Communists vs Catholic non Communists.
A major reason other than communism is that Jews are notoriously against joining the armies of the countries they live in until the next jump to the next victim. There’s a German saying translates to; Jews, happy to sell crap to the army but they will never serve in the army.
In world war two so many Jews managed to scam their way into the safe Coast Guard it was known as the Jewish Navy. Amazing how so many Jews managed to scam their way into supply, offices any and all jobs stay to remain state side or 40 miles behind the fighting. About the only fighting they did was torturing and abusing German prisoners of war.
The “holocaust” is the most profitable and most bizarre myth the Jew-controlled mass media and academia have ever perpetuated. On its face, if it had actually happened, if there were actually death camps where only Jews were gassed in mass and incinerated, there would be physical evidence of such facilities. Instead we have fantastic stories from such professional liars as Elie Wiesel, and suddenly everyone’s mother survived Auschwitz too. However, had the Germans in fact had such a program to exterminate the Jews under their control, (1) there would be massive facilities surviving the war and (2) Elie would not have survived to spin his tales.
But what we see are laws in countries that have a strong enough Jewish influence making it a crime to openly doubt the fantastic tales of the millions of European Jews who supposedly survived WWII in Nazi Germany. The effort required to gas, handle millions of bodies, and spend the energy and troops to exterminate Jews would have pulled the Wehrmacht away from fighting the entire world into the work of exterminating Jews. Hitler’s “Final Solution” was to ship the Jews to the island of Madagascar so they could no longer erode Christian civilization with their traffic in vices, fiat currency, sexual perversion, alcohol peddling, gambling, etc.
On the face of it, had there in fact been such a concerted effort to exterminate the Jews in Europe apart from all other peoples there would not be such laws: The truth doesn’t need the statutes of corrupted governments to protect it. So let’s please not perpetuate this hoax any more but rather seek the truth of what happened. The fact remains, that as General George Patton lamented after the war when he had to administer aid in the destroyed Germany, “The Germans were the only civilized people in Europe and we killed them all.”
“Consumerism” is just a euphemism for capitalism as seen from the demand side. It is not a “movement,” but simply the natural impulse of human exchange realized as mutual economic gain. And what’s wrong with that? Would you prefer socialism? I wouldn’t.
This article has a number of photos that have 404’ed out, they’ve no longer visible.
They can be seen, and the whole article read, at the Wayback Machine:
You mean De Paul.
‘LBJ offered Vietnam to the MIK instead of Cuba’ makes more sense
The NATO was created ‘to keep the US in, Germany down & Russia out’
That was London’s lesson from WWII, US has to deliver the firepower and the american war on Vietnam was a big step towards making the US economy dependent on producing the firepower. And where or what or who is Israels brain, is it Jerusalem or maybe the City of London or in the City of London ? Silence is the tradition of the City of London while noise is the US tradition. But we shouldn’t look in the direction of the most noise.
As I read this long piece I started having more and more doubts about it. When I got to the part about the USS Liberty, there was no longer any doubt in my mind.
My own hypothesis is, this is Israel’s big moment, the climactic of the Jewish people, a collective paroxysm-cum-orgasm. All the armed services want to get a piece of the action. The air force, the army, the navy.
The navy hadn’t yet seen real combat. As the war was winding down, they were probably anxious to be part of this glorious chapter. To play their part in the Jewish people’s revenge on the goyim.
This fellow is a professional bull-shitter, and though I don’t understand his motives, there were just enough plausible truths scattered around to make the lies palatable.
I’m surely glad that I don’t own any books by this person.
Regarding boundries of the 2 states, the sole internationally recognized borders remain those described in UNR 181.
Plenty of parties still mention this.
We just had another June 8, and I saw no commemoration of the anniversary of the attack on the Liberty.
I would ask one final question on this subject.
Was there ever a documented case where a family was told that their son was a POW—for months or years let’s say——but wasn’t in that group of 591 POWS repatriated after the war?
Mr. Unz, I read every article that you suggested above about POWs and appreciate you providing the links to these articles.
Below is a link found while reading articles suggested by Unz which discredits much of Schanbergs claims.
Please see my previous comment on the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty:
My comment from Aug. 7, 2020 has three great links on the treacherous Israeli attack, including one to a Chicago Tribune article from 2007 (!), “New revelations in attack on American spy ship,” where you can read about the “missing” tapes recorded by NSG Hebrew linguists aboard an EC-121 while the Liberty was under attack.
Key NSA tapes said missing
Asked whether the NSA had in fact intercepted the communications of the Israeli pilots who were attacking the Liberty, Kirby, the retired senior NSA official, replied, “We sure did.”
On its Web site, the NSA has posted three recordings of Israeli communications made on June 8, 1967. But none of the recordings is of the attack itself.
Indeed, the declassified documents state that no recordings of the “actual attack” exist, raising questions about the source of the transcripts recalled by Forslund, Gotcher, Block, Porter, Lang and Kirby.
Two of the recordings were made by Michael Prostinak, a Hebrew linguist aboard a U.S. Navy EC-121, a lumbering propeller-driven aircraft specially equipped to gather electronic intelligence.But Prostinak said he was certain that more than three recordings were made that day.
As soon as the EC-121 landed at its base in Athens, Prostinak said, all the tapes were rushed to an NSA facility at the Athens airport where Hebrew translators were standing by.
Another linguist aboard the EC-121, who spoke on condition that he not be named, said he believed there had been as many as “five or six” tapes recording the attack on the Liberty or its aftermath.
Obviously, it’s not only NASA that can “lose” tapes.
The ‘missing POWs’ in Indochina lie is utter crap. Racist crap. It’s the sort of thing that Yanks might do, but the Vietnamese are rather more honourable.
someone around here is a racist, thats for sure
The ‘missing POWs’ in Indochina lie is utter crap. Racist crap. It’s the sort of thing that Yanks might do, but the Vietnamese are rather more honourable.
Actually, the evidence that many hundreds of POWs were kept by Vietnam seems absolutely overwhelming.
You might want to take a look at my short introductory column, then read Sydney Schanberg’s remarkable expose:
Here’s a closely-related follow up article I published a few years later:
Pretty interesting read………….
Transcript of Senate Select Committee on POW affairs——–Jan 1993
Internet search reveals nothing about circle K distress symbols——perhaps you could provide a link.There was a K symbol noticed in 1988 that attracted some attention but nothing came of it.Its discussed at the link above.
It was noted during the committee hearing that it would have been hard for a POW to construct a POW symbol large enough to be clearly seen by a satellite but yet small enough to avoid detention by his captors on the ground. IDK
You are dead wrong.
Liberal “journalist” Sidney Schanberg (of Cambodia genocide fame) thoroughly researched this and came up with the same conclusion. Only half of our POWs were returned.
Through the 2000s the “circle-K” distress signal kept showing up on satellite imaging photos. Not only that, some “journalists” observed and talked with westerners who seemed “out-of-place” in their environments, leading them to believe that they were POWs.
The same situation existed during the Korean “conflict” as well. American POWs with critical technical skills were sent to China and the Soviet Union, never to return. Many of them made the best of a difficult situation and established lives in their newly (forcibly) adopted countries.
Do the research yourself, if you dare.
Communists of any stripe were never “honourable”…
The ‘missing POWs’ in Indochina lie is utter crap. Racist crap. It’s the sort of thing that Yanks might do, but the Vietnamese are rather more honourable.
Actually, the evidence that many hundreds of POWs were kept by Vietnam seems absolutely overwhelming.
The ‘missing POWs’ in Indochina lie is utter crap. Racist crap. It’s the sort of thing that Yanks might do, but the Vietnamese are rather more honourable.
someone around here is a racist, thats for sure
The ‘missing POWs’ in Indochina lie is utter crap. Racist crap. It’s the sort of thing that Yanks might do, but the Vietnamese are rather more honourable.
LBJ didn't resign from the Presidency but refused to run for his second term.
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day. �
Really CRAP hasbara. In 1967 (the year the USS Liberty was deliberately attacked) McCain was US Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces Europe, stationed in London. He ordered the cover-up ‘investigation’ of the USS Liberty ‘incident’ in that position. Where he was in 1968 is totally irrelevant. Too much head-nodding and Talmudic babbling, I’d say.
Fair enough, Lysiass
Your post might help explain why some of the taped conversations between US and Israel military units are today considered “missing” and often cited in conspiracy circles. Provide a link to this if you would.
Turns out that Israel thought that the Liberty (and all US vessels) were 100 miles from the area when the war kicked off.They had sent a message requesting that the US clear out but it got hung in the Philippines for a couple of days and arrived a few hours after the attack on the Liberty was over.
Key NSA tapes said missing
Asked whether the NSA had in fact intercepted the communications of the Israeli pilots who were attacking the Liberty, Kirby, the retired senior NSA official, replied, "We sure did."
On its Web site, the NSA has posted three recordings of Israeli communications made on June 8, 1967. But none of the recordings is of the attack itself.
Indeed, the declassified documents state that no recordings of the "actual attack" exist, raising questions about the source of the transcripts recalled by Forslund, Gotcher, Block, Porter, Lang and Kirby.
Two of the recordings were made by Michael Prostinak, a Hebrew linguist aboard a U.S. Navy EC-121, a lumbering propeller-driven aircraft specially equipped to gather electronic intelligence.
But Prostinak said he was certain that more than three recordings were made that day.
As soon as the EC-121 landed at its base in Athens, Prostinak said, all the tapes were rushed to an NSA facility at the Athens airport where Hebrew translators were standing by.
Another linguist aboard the EC-121, who spoke on condition that he not be named, said he believed there had been as many as "five or six" tapes recording the attack on the Liberty or its aftermath. �
LBJ didn't resign from the Presidency but refused to run for his second term.
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day. �
Before commencing their attack on the Liberty, the Israelis jammed not only the International Distress Frequency, but also the US Navy radio frequencies the Liberty might use. Only the US Navy used the latter frequencies. The jamming continued, with only momentary breaks, during the attack. Of course the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship.
While in the military, I was in signals intelligence. It was part of my job to be familitar with militaries’ use of radio frequencies.
I bought the docuseries, but the website doesn’t let it play. The error message is: An entitlement is required to play this video.
I contacted the customer service 3 times!!! No resonse. I’d suggest, noone buy this…
LBJ didn't resign from the Presidency but refused to run for his second term.
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day. �
Lee writes: ‘IMO to say that Israel purposely targeted the USS Liberty seems unlikely.’
Lee, you seem to be quite the apologist for the crimes of the Apartheid Israeli state. Either that or you have done next to no research on the USS Liberty False Flag incident.
I suggest you read this article:
That’s right, before you pull out the race card and start shouting ‘Anti-Semite’, that article was from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
There is no grey area in this matter. It has been CONFIRMED 100% that the Israeli pilots knew it was an American ship. (One or more Israeli pilots with a conscience involved in that attack have in recent times personally apologised to the USS Liberty survivors for this egregious act).
After being ordered to attack, pilots involved in the incident radioed back to base words to the effect of: ‘This is an American ship. Are you sure you want us to attack it ?’.
And please quit with the ‘Israel was the only ally of the U.S during the Six Day war’ propaganda.
Israel has NEVER been an ally of the U.S. No ally kills your President and orchestrates an attack on your citizenry like they did on 9/11.
I don’t know what your last name is Lee but let’s hope it’s not Kaplan.
Watch the obnoxious apologist for Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and ongoing malfeasance in the Middle East in the following video from 17:00 – 21:00 as Dr Kevin Barrett chops him up:
There are no facts that suggest that LBJ or anyone else ordered a hit on HH.
It seems that LBJ’s malevolence knew no bounds and because Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt may not have been on board with escalation of Australia’s involvement in Vietnam, that LBJ ordered the hit on poor Harold.
Agreed. My suggestion that LBJ figured in the disappearance of HH was speculation on my part.
That said, seeing as LBJ was the most ruthless, unscrupulous S.O.B politician that the U.S ever produced (complicit in the murder of countless individuals), I wouldn’t put anything past him.
Vlad said:
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day.
LBJ didn’t resign from the Presidency but refused to run for his second term.
Admiral McCain was the CinC of the Pacific Command (1968-1972) so was most likely not in any position to”cover-up” for the screw ups that caused the USS Liberty incident.
A dozen investigations looked into the incident and all determined that the incident was caused by a series of mistakes mostly made by Israel. Many people including US Congressman and some of the Liberty crew refused to accept the these findings. Israel paid for the deaths/wounding of Liberty sailors, the repairs to the USS Liberty, and admitted to their culpability to the incident in under an hour.
IMO to say that Israel purposely targeted the USS Liberty seems unlikely.
The US was Israel’s only ally who were in the middle of the 6 Day War at this time. Future US help during this war and into the future might be jeopardized if you go after a US ship for any of the half dozen conspiracy theories that have been offered up over time.
TV said:
It seems that LBJ’s malevolence knew no bounds and because Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt may not have been on board with escalation of Australia’s involvement in Vietnam, that LBJ ordered the hit on poor Harold.
There are no facts that suggest that LBJ or anyone else ordered a hit on HH.
HH simply disappeared while swimming in the sea near Portsea,Victoria.Most of his friends refused to get in the water that day because it was too rough.They watched him get pulled out to deeper water by the current and then simply go under.
He was a notoriously bad swimmer having almost drowned the previous May.
John McCain was offered early release from captivity, but had to refuse as he would have been court-martialed for statements he made on behalf of the North Vietnamese. His prison nickname was “songbird” as he gave critical military information to the North Vietnamese. His statements and other records are still classified. When McCain was captured, he was given immediate medical treatment not given to others in the same situation. Sorta tells you something.
“Senator” McCain, along with John Kerry pushed for laws outlawing the search for American POWs left in Vietnam. It is known that only half of our POWs were released, the rest to be used as “bargaining chips” for “reparations” (which never materialized). Hence, their fate was sealed. From the 1980s to even the 2000s clear evidence of American POWs was evident but was covered up by the U S State Department and the Department of Defense. So much for “leaving no one behind”.
Mostly Agree, and I try never to miss a TruNews godcast: Wiles and company outdo even Unz in the otherwise verboten information they bring to the public.
It is especially significant that Wiles speaks directly to the Evangelical community to tell them how evil is their support for zionism.
BUT — Wiles drives me crazy when he rants for 20 minutes about “communism” and pleads for men to summon their courage to oppose, resist, call out the “communists,” then in the next breath Wiles cites the “evil Nazis” as the world’s greatest scourge.
Does he not realize what Herbert Hoover learned from his interview of Hitler and Goering in 1938: one of Hitler’s three “idee fixes” was to vanquish Russian Bolshevism, which was actively threatening the German homeland.
“White men” will never regain their manhood and sovereignty until they get the history right.
In the two world wars, “white men” were maneuvered, by Jews as well as American and British Christian clergy and leaders, into killing their own forebears and brethren.
And some Christians still celebrate that great victory.
Can you send me a link or fill me in on the WWI involvement?
I wonder if John McCain Jr was already a prisoner of war in Vietnam that June?
Nope. McCain was taken prisoner after being shot down on October 26th of the same year. So Admiral McCain wasn’t covering up to save his son out of fear LBJ would have been slack in attempting to get P.O.W.s freed.
LBJ might have been our most unlikeable president. A 100% jerk.
People are frightened of the hissing, spitting, Judeofascist and Zionazi lynch-mobs. Scared shitless to be called ‘antisemitic’ for looking sideways at a Judeofascist thug, or daring to support the Palestinian ‘two-legged animals’. The sheer xenophobic hatred inculcated in 3500 years of fearing and despising non-Jews and non-conformist Jews (today’s ‘self-hating’ Jews)spews out like a laser beam, and it does intimidate-it’s used as a weapon.
Tell it to Billy Graham, Mike Pompeo, Al Sharpton, Obama, Oprah, MLK, Jerry Fawlwell and their ignorant friends who praise Zionist Jews non stop. Nothing against ordinary Jews.
I love to find some banned videos or books and constant brainwashing of public by Hollywood and The Jewyork Times and then share it with everyone and specially with those self proclaimed intellectuals/authors/ writers like Thomas “70s pimp” Friedman and George Will types. Hope to bring the facts to approximately 6 inches away from their faces. It is so refreshing that people are active in finding and disseminating truth or facts on a platform like this one.
It’s the land of the free and home of the brave of the White Christians!
Not this again! It’s a fine idea and quotation, but it’s entirely fictional, and Cicero never said it.
Perhaps the greatest of all fake news reporters was none other than Cicero (104-43 BC). He was an Optimat and thus was against Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) who was a member of the Populares — the people rather than the Oligarchs. The leader of the Optimates was none other than Cato. It was Plutarch who reported that when a friend of Cicero remarked that the constellation of Lybra was due to rise next day, Cicero snapped – “Yes, by edict.†This is merely an example that the Optimates were constantly complaining about every reform Caesar would make. Because of the fake news of Cicero, even Shakespeare bought into it and painted Julius Caesar as a ruthless dictator. However, when Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the cities all cheered and opened their gates. The Optimates had no support of the people for they were exploiting the Republic since they were the Oligarchs. It was Cato who instigated the Civil War.
Cicero paid not just with his life, but they cut off his hands and nailed his head on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum according to the tradition. According to Cassius Dio, Marc Antony’s wife Fulvia took Cicero’s head, pulled out his tongue, and jabbed it repeatedly with her hairpin in an act of final revenge against Cicero’s power of speech.
Fake News Has Been Around For Thousands of Years (Martin Armstrong)
Not this again! It’s a fine idea and quotation, but it’s entirely fictional, and Cicero never said it.
The quotation is by British-born American novelist Taylor Caldwell from her historical novel A Pillar of Iron, 1965, ch. 56
Bravo Zulu, from a retired Lieutenant Commander in the Naval Security Group.
Thank you Mr. Wright. I just ordered the DVD set. Perhaps one day there will be a USS Halbardier.
Thanks for reply.
I can’t debate because I have to tap a phone. I 10fingy type, would love to discuss. Cannot.
I consider myself a “Nazi”©™✓, White Supremacist.
FWIW. I guarantee my info at 90% accurate. That’s better than most. I read your stuff with interest.
Thanks again.
I’m willing to forgive Wellstone and Kucinich’s economic policy prescription shortcomings and tribal allegiances because they were questioning the official narrative of 9/11.
It’s well known that Wellstone was publicly criticising the decision to invade Iraq in the lead up to that 2003 war of aggression. In addition, I’m led to believe Wellstone was preparing to launch a Congressional investigation into 9/11 – that’s why they killed him.
So, in the big picture context, it didn’t concern me so much that Wellstone was a Zionist or that he made charitable donations to his local Holohoax museum.
If Wellstone could bring a critical mass of Americans to believe that 9/11 was a False Flag, and as a U.S Senator he had one hell of high profile platform, then I would have forgiven him for his other character flaws.
According to the late author Dave McGowan Admiral Morrison had a hand in the Gulf of Tonkin incident."It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia."The above is from McGowans book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon".http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/inside-the-lc-the-strange-but-mostly-true-story-of-laurel-canyon-and-the-birth-of-the-hippie-generation-part-i/Replies: @No jack London
An interesting footnote: Admiral Morrison is the father of rock musician Jim Morrison.
Can anyone dineate the wire diagram command
of USN Med with name and position titles?
Truth V. I don’t get your point. Wellstone was a
Jewish Zionist and Kucinich was no Jim Traficante.
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day.
LBJ didn't resign from the Presidency but refused to run for his second term.
President Johnson resigned not because of the Vietnam war but because he gave direct radio-telephone orders for the American fighter jets which were on the way to not engage the Israeli jets which were bombing USS LIBERTY. Treason. John McCain’s daddy, Admiral McCain (a Jew) was the military officer that covered up the attack. That cover-up stands to this day. �
Thanks for that video Alfred – some very interesting stuff there.
It seems that LBJ’s malevolence knew no bounds and because Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt may not have been on board with escalation of Australia’s involvement in Vietnam, that LBJ ordered the hit on poor Harold.
There are no facts that suggest that LBJ or anyone else ordered a hit on HH.
It seems that LBJ’s malevolence knew no bounds and because Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt may not have been on board with escalation of Australia’s involvement in Vietnam, that LBJ ordered the hit on poor Harold.
And I would bet that the Israeli subs are German made , which is another part of the Terrorist puzzle – thanks.
The author of this review seems not to know what coup d’etat means.
It’s clear that in the case of the McCain family corruption and assery are a genetic trait.
To paraphrase a popular meme, “Around Israel, never relax.”
Modern Zionism survives by pandering to goy. To pagans, to Christians, to whites, to women, to blacks and other racial minorities. Yes, it panders to homosexuals too. Are you too daft to understand that none of this is sincere? Zionism lost the goodwill of mainstream Western culture and for this reason has been forced to turn to the fringes for democratic support. The same people that the Jewish Bible and the “apostle†Paul want YHWH’s followers to hate and kill (ie, homosexuals), are now told to co identify with Jews as victims of Christianity, and support the construction of Zion for their volcanic demiurge. But we know YHWH wants to kill homosexuals, just as he wants to kill goyim, like you. Gays are a natural ally in the fight against Zionism and you would be better off to clue them in to the pandering of mass media which you have only recently begun to free yourself from, rather than persist with the Jewish mind control meme that homosexuality is an abomination unto God. Unless of course you are a Christian, in which case you can continue to be schizophrenic.
The Talmudist LOATHE Christianity. They are rather better disposed to Islam, particularly their Wahhabi ‘cousins’. As far as the Talmudists are concerned, Jesus sits in Hell, up to his neck in boiling faeces, his mother, Mary, was a whore, and spitting at Christian churches is a mitzvah.
The Zionazis not only hated JFK for his veto on their A-bombs but also for his plans to end the Federal Reserve, the real source of Zionazi control of the USA.
Most likely the USS Cole, as well. Damage was more consistent with a torpedo than the alleged dingy bomb, with half the damage below the water line.
Thanks for the information. Los Angeles is a big Jewish center. Of course they won’t mind killing a few of their own.
You did not mention President Kennedy´s assassination & the takeover of the political, intelligence & military power in the country. We still are in it.
This article expands on Johnson’s live in Israeli lobbyist.
What with Jews having turned the Holy Land into Sodom and Gomorrah with all those globo-homo parades and degeneracy, the notion of Christian Zionism no longer makes sense. Israel is Sleazrael now.
Christian Zionists are now effectively Christian Sodomists. They not only support the transformation of the Holy Land into a homo brothel but take it up the ass from AIPAC.
Your statement: /It’s very possible there’s an American Samson option as Israel has in Europe; nuclear bombs aimed at every major city airport etc on the continent./ …doesn’t go far enough.
No “launch systems” are needed as israel’s nukes are already in place in major cities around the world. Diplomatic pouch makes this possible…
Rome, Brussels and Paris are the three European cities that are already “wired” with nukes in place. You see, israel would LOVE to destroy the Catholic Church. Hence Rome is a primary target.
Here in the “good ol’ USA”, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Chicago are three israeli nuke “targets”. New York City is “off limits” as it is the North American operation center of world jewry. Washington D.C. is also “off the list” because of its large population of jews.
The Samson Option is very real…
OK Profane.
I got your message not directed at me but many others. You were busy spewing filth at other and just opted to LOL me. We are going to have some fun. Are you a troll? how much you are paid by your handlers or your just volunteering because you have nothing to do and you are devout Zionist.
You could be just a delusional person most likely a Talmudist as you have exhibited those characteristics.
Now if you are Talmudist please reply I just want to have some interesting dialogue with you. I was in Israel before Covid and observed and learned some interesting things. There are many decent Israelis but I would say the problem lies with Zionists and Talmudist. I learned about Talmud. Of course learning never stops.
Just one question? Why Israelis are so pissed off at Christians despite all that money they get from Christian Nations and countries. Why
Israel is the second most unequal society in the OECD, so it only has a better standard of living than the USA, because the USA is last. And the alleged exchange between LBJ and Golda Meir at JFK’s funeral is HILARIOUS. I’d bet the real one went, LBJ: ‘Well done. You got the son-of-a-bitch. Now for his little brother’. Meir: ‘ The antisemite thought he could stop our A-bombs, and close the Federal Reserve! It was a mitzvah!’
‘Horses’ being a euphemism for ‘goyim’. Israeli humour.
Interesting until it starts spouting garbage about China in footnote 4. To understand Israel you must understand the Judaic psychology, and the latter-day manifestation of Zionazism, ie Judaism plus State power. As for Chinese ‘collectivism’, that is trying to judge, let alone understand, China according to Western Rightwing verbiage. Collectivism in China is the way of life of many thousands of years. The group, ie ALL the individuals, comes first, then the family, the ancestors and finally the living individual. It seems to work for them, as recent history proves.
“Laughing all the way to the bank” sorry— you mean to their own banks. That is in their genes.
The holoohoox survivors insurance scandal passed by US congress ??, and implemented by IMF and World bank to favor Jews monetarily in 1990s. The Jews in Germany/Europe who bought insurance after 1922 received holocosssttt survivor benefits even they moved to other countries before 1939 or who died before the war. Their children received the payments despite the guys died before the start of the war. Forget about them being in concentration camps with swimming pools, post office, Theaters, Baby sitting facilities, Soccer matches, having plots for growing vegetables.
No Poland is being screwed by a new law passed in 2017-18 to pay over $300 billions to Polish Jews for their properties. I did not read the law but have read the Poles are up in arms on this law.
I was simply referring to phrase that is used to deflect a politician screw up on intelligence. If these intelligent officers are incompetent why they are still holding their position. Before the Iraq invasion, War Criminal Cheney practically used to go to CIA office to ensure that things were going according to the plans Media did not report his visits to Langley because it was unheard of VP visiting the WMD desk. He was making sure the contained essential fakery.
Then we had a Black Mr. Clean Colin Powell. Who pretended that his famous lie in UN was unknown to him and found out later. First time when received a draft of the speech he threw it or tore it and said he was not going to do it. Well, he had a son Mike Powell as FCC chairman. You got the picture.
Powell settled on lame duck or slam dunk Tennant to with him in UN. That is why Medal winner George could be seen behind Powell in UN.
During Iran Contra scam, Ronnie used to say “mistakes were made” . By who no one bother to ask.
The point is that we should be aware of such brainwashing
I really don’t think you appreciate who’s running this hot dog stand. 911 was the lesson. 2008 was the proof.
Covid-19 years after 911, well, this may be the coup d’gras.
“We thought the ship was carrying horses! We like horses, but when you’ve got a war on it’s better to play safe and kill them all.” –“israeli” “intelligence”.
Hi Alfred-
As usual, an excellent comment with a superb link and a great supporting photo. Thanks!
For decades the USS Liberty has been a ‘thing’ with me and a long-time buddy who is friends with author Jim Ennes (“Assault on the Liberty”), a somewhat famous member of the Liberty crew that fateful day. Once we learned what actually happened, we’ve been apoplectic and frothing at the mouth over this for about 25 years, and I cannot tell you how glad I am to see this documentary was made. About damned time!
“Furthermore, it is my belief that this American spy ship was recording all these events. The Israelis felt compelled to destroy the evidence.”
Actually, it’s pretty well-established that the Liberty (while anchored off the west coast of Africa @ Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 5/23/67) was suddenly ordered to IMMEDIATELY set sail post haste, first for Spain and then the eastern Mediterranean, cancelling long-overdue and much needed crew R &R and ship repairs, and sailing at a breakneck pace, which set the crew to worrying. They all knew something was really, really ‘wrong’ with their orders. It was too fast, too sloppy, too weird. The crew was really anxious. As the days passed, they eventually learned they were ultimately being sent into a hotbed of war, and worse, being sent in an almost reckless fashion, i.e., naked and defenseless.
In other words, the hit was ‘in’ long before the orders were given for the Liberty to speed into a war zone with no protection, no cover, and literally almost no means to defend herself. Sitting ducks, with no escort, and basically no weapons (the Liberty’s only four machine gun turrets were taken out immediately by the IDF pilots at the beginning of the attack), it was a situation literally custom made to order for the cowardly IDF.
So there isn’t an iota of spontaneity. This was planned top-down, and almost assuredly many months in advance by LBJ, his zionist controllers, and some very high-ranking US military officers.
When you read just how many US Admirals were in on it and the cover-up (especially that uber-asshole Rear Admiral Isaac Kidd!), it is simply mind-blowing (and nauseating). And it wouldn’t be the Liberty incident if we didn’t have Senator John “Songbird” McCain’s dipshit dad, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., allegedly making sure no help was sent, and that any USN air support help on the way was ordered immediately back to their carriers. And all of these actions were ultimately ordered by LBJ at the very time the attack was going on: “Need help, Liberty? Too bad. We need you sunk with NO survivors so we can nuke Cairo in retaliation. But we deeply thank you for your service (to Israel.)”.
Although I have four books on the subject, I found “Remember the Liberty!” (by Phillip F. Nelson) to be a really great read on the incident, and being newer, it has some recent evidence that the other authors didn’t have at the time they wrote theirs.
And best of all, “Remember the Liberty!” has a number of the surviving Liberty crew members being given a podium from which to finally tell their stories in their own words, reliving for us the events of that day. Not for those with weak of stomachs (the crew members give some gut-wrenchingly horrifying accounts of how their fellow sailors died. If you have any heart, tears will flow……. )
Lastly, it must be said that, once again, Russia may have ‘saved the world’ (hat tip to Edgar Cayce), as Liberty crewman Ernest A. Gallo stated that it appears the attack on the Liberty may have been terminated prematurely by Israel because a not-too-distant Russian navy vessel (a destroyer) apparently got ‘curious’ and began to ‘investigate’ what was going on, and the IDF called off the commando raid via helicopter at the very last moment, as these IDF armed paratroopers were directly overhead, waiting to rappel onto the Liberty to slaughter the crew and send her to the bottom……
Be well, Alfred! 🙂
Israel’s cover story for any and every hostile action it perpetrates is Israel has the right to defend itself. This is based more or less on the myth that Israel’s right to exist can be traced back to King David, or the Balfour Declaration, whichever one prefers to blather on about. Both are myths. Israel’s right to exist is a canard.
Moreover, is Israel even necessary?
Even Craig Murray won’t allow comments on 9/11 on his site.
An interesting footnote: Admiral Morrison is the father of rock musician Jim Morrison.
According to the late author Dave McGowan Admiral Morrison had a hand in the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
“It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.”
The above is from McGowans book “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon”.
Stop all immigration legal or otherwise.
There is no benefit to immigration, with maybe one exception. You need specialized skills, which are to be transferred in a school setting.
This legal immigration is ok argument does not stand. It is propaganda used to acquire cheap labor and deracinate the country.
It’s very possible there’s an American Samson option as Israel has in Europe; nuclear bombs aimed st every major city airport etc on the continent.
Kennedy’s death also made it possible for Johnson and his vp Humphrey to implement the Jewish agenda of civil rights unlimited non White immigration in 4 years. And the war on poverty program gave billions and billions to Jewish NGOs to practice the lawfare that led to vastly increased black on White crime.
Humphrey was another Jewish puppet. He was recruited in the late 1940s to join Jewish organization NAACP and endless Jewish causes.
One of the most sickening displays showing “jews as victims” advertising campaigns is one hosted by Mike Huckabee, showing “destitute holohoax (oops, I mean holocaustâ„¢) survivors”. Not only are they condescending to those they are asking for support, they are arrogant enough to demand a specific amount-$25.00 for a “jew box”.
Jews are laughing all the way to the bank while their Christian dispensationalist supporters are considered to be “useful idiots” who have no shame…or common sense.
The blatant Zionist attack on the USS Liberty is just another scar of relentless attacks perpetuated on humanity for over two thousand years.
The object of that diatribe of Cicero’s was Catiline, whom supporters of the plutocracy in Rome like Cicero hated because he stood for such populist measures as the cancellation of debts.
The day, June 8, 1967, when Israel effectively declared war on the United States—it should have lived in infamy...
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcmprxReplies: @Defender, @anarchyst
This video represents the first of a series on the Unholy Alliances that are now -- and long have been -- shaping our world for the worse, with an emphasis on Zionism and Israel's leading role on 9/11, which has been thoroughly documented.
An interesting note to the cover-up of the USS Liberty “act of war” is that there was another Admiral involved who vehemently protested against the cover-up. Admiral George S. Morrison protested vehemently against the cover-up and wanted a proper military response, but was overruled by traitor Admiral John S. McCain.
It is probable that Admiral Morrison’s career was “dead-ended” by traitors Admiral McCain and Lyndon Johnson.
An interesting footnote: Admiral Morrison is the father of rock musician Jim Morrison.
According to the late author Dave McGowan Admiral Morrison had a hand in the Gulf of Tonkin incident."It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia."The above is from McGowans book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon".http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/inside-the-lc-the-strange-but-mostly-true-story-of-laurel-canyon-and-the-birth-of-the-hippie-generation-part-i/Replies: @No jack London
An interesting footnote: Admiral Morrison is the father of rock musician Jim Morrison.
The Australian ex-Prime Minister was sticking his neck out just to say what he did about the Liberty incident, hoping he could get some truth out without too much blow back. Evidently, he miscalculated and that’s what brought about his demise.
Of course he would’ve known that 9/11 was a False Flag perpetrated on behalf of the Apartheid Israeli state, with the help of bought-and-paid for traitors within the U.S government, military and Intel agencies (they all do). That said, in public he obviously made a conscious decision that it’s better to play along with the official cabal dictated narrative.
Macolm Fraser was only concerned about trying to disconnect Australian foreign policy from US control. The number of countries the Americans destroyed in the Middle East was of secondary consideration. Australia was his priority.
The problem is that we are far past the point where the fate of ourselves and our own families merit this reticence. In a nuclear conflagration, we are all doomed anyway. Sydney and Melbourne are on the front line just like London and Washington. Politicians are notoriously unable to look more than one step ahead – quite different from statesmen.
Here is an example of what happened to an earlier Australian prime minister who did not follow the script. The video is total tosh for public consumption. Harold Holt was taken away and murdered. Malcolm Fraser, like everyone else near the top knew that. Interestingly, it happened only a few months after the Liberty attack. Holt upset LBJ.
And the devout Christians like Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and their followers busy raising money for poor displaced Israelis, and the band kept playing.
I dont understand the “Maverick” pope goes to Israel to kiss Natan Yahoooooo’s rear end.
Peace negotiations between Israelis and neighbors.
The USS Liberty is (unfortunately) small potatoes compared to the overall death and suffering caused by Jewish bankers in the last 125 years.
This Jew has guts. He could use some help from ADL and US congress under upcoming Antisemitism legislation.
Under the freedom of information act. This was released about a great Israeli Jon Pollard There are so many Israeli patriots in State and treasury departments who fought for Israeli several wars but forgot to register with the US defense forces.
Our “elder brothers”: Christians in Israel face rise in hate crimes:
A solution:
*Stop all illegal immigration
*Offer blacks money to move to Africa (or anywhere else they please)
*English to be the one and only language to be spoken–exception being when a person(s) is in his/her own home.
Problem is if we destroy Israel then all those jews will come to the west. Do you want them over there or over here.
Hello White Christians. No whites christian wont stand this kind of crap from anybody.
JESUS Gittin 57a (Talmud) “Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dungâ€
Where are proud Christian Zionists including Biden
When a nation abandons Christ and continues to dress themselves with the mantle of Christians values, they become more evil and treacherous than the openly atheistic nation.
The day, June 8, 1967, when Israel effectively declared war on the United States—it should have lived in infamy...
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcmprxReplies: @Defender, @anarchyst
This video represents the first of a series on the Unholy Alliances that are now -- and long have been -- shaping our world for the worse, with an emphasis on Zionism and Israel's leading role on 9/11, which has been thoroughly documented.
They left out Buzzy Krongard executive director of the CIA on 9/11 and former investment banker who placed extraordinarily high volume of “put options” on United and American Airlines stocks one week before 9/11. Also, how do you go from an investment banker to director of the CIA. Where is the crossover there.
ANTIFA is free. Black Lies Movement is brave. White men crossdress and pflhate each other.
Life goes on, until it doesn’t.
Thanks Alfred, I always figured that the US Marine compound in Beirut, was blown up with the help of the Israelis too. They are the best at making mini nukes and use them all over the world , while the other major countries like the USA, China and Russia , look the other way.
Nothing new.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for s/he is known and carries his/her banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his/her sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; s/he speaks in accents familiar to his/her victims, and s/he wears their face and their arguments, s/he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men (and women). S/He rots the soul of a nation, s/he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, s/he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.â€
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
I don’t know if any other commenters brought it up, but my hat’s off to Rick Wiles and the men of TruNews. They may not always have all the facts right in their entertaining daily “Godcasts,” but they break more stories in a week than CNN breaks in a year.
Matt Skow often appears with Wiles and his other two panelists when not pre-occupied with his latest film project. Skow is the director this documentary, (which I haven’t seen yet, but plan to), but it couldn’t have happened without the backing of Wiles and thousands of people sending in donations.
I’m not a Christian and often turn off their podcast when Wiles starts hawking his book, “Final Day.” Yet they are the only Christian podcast that I’m aware of with the guts to take on the JQ and the scourge of Christian Zionism. They also take on the Covid Plandemic and the danger posed by these rushed vaccines, plus many other topical issues. They’ve been banned by YouTube and other platforms. Yet they are thriving on Wiles own TruNews channel. If you’re never checked out their Godcast, it’s well worth the look.
And thanks to Mr. Ron Unz for his support of independent journalism, and for his willingness to risk his reputation and health to publicize information that is anathema to our so called “free press.”
Truly a remarkable individual our corrupted world offers few examples of today.
The truth shall set all of us free.
Put a full sized replica of the attacked
USS Liberty in front of the DC Yid museum.
The ground in front of Yid doors covered in blood.
Napalm the LBJ Traitor Museum in TX.
Replace with full sized replica of the destroyed USS Liberty.
Letters ‘LBJ’ in pond of pig manure.
US allowed Israel to attack its neighbors and grab whatever she could in 6 days war. But forbid them to get carried away in land grab. USS liberty was monitoring the situation and paid the price. That is one version I remember reading.
There’s a story that’s been told many times about Johnson. He would force aides to stand there and take notes as he would dictate to them while taking a shit with the bathroom door open.
If true, that would fit with two things Jews hold dear; feces and humiliating Whites.
The Australian ex-Prime Minister was sticking his neck out just to say what he did about the Liberty incident, hoping he could get some truth out without too much blow back.
Evidently, he miscalculated and that’s what brought about his demise.
Of course he would’ve known that 9/11 was a False Flag perpetrated on behalf of the Apartheid Israeli state, with the help of bought-and-paid for traitors within the U.S government, military and Intel agencies (they all do).
That said, in public he obviously made a conscious decision that it’s better to play along with the official cabal dictated narrative.
But, at the end of the day, the 9/11 crime is a line politicians won’t cross – lest it have repercussions for not only himself, but also his family (as it did for Senator Paul Wellstone, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s next of kin).
The epilogue added in the paperback edition of John Newman’s “Oswald and the CIA” makes it clear that Angleton also played a key role in the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.
A little extract:
“If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum.
Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
1. Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
2. Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons†in a form of “quiet warfare†and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.
The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option.”
Infamy Denied
Israeli attack on USS Liberty
Normally, on the 50th anniversary of just about any historical “event”, the mainstream media generally makes an acknowledgement as such, noting historical facts along with the date of the “event”.
Not so for the USS Liberty (GTR-5).
On 8 June, 2017, there was not a peep from ANY media outlet about this major historical event.
The lack of 50th anniversary coverage of the USS Liberty (GTR-5) is PROOF of who owns the media…
Interesting how the Israeli army act just like those “evil,despicable” Germans.eh. Blitzkrieg…no prisoners…attacking and killing Americans….interesting indeed. Makes you wonder about all the BS lies about “evil” Nazis and the Holohoax.
Judea Declares War On Germany
Jews Of All The World Unite
Boycott Of German Goods
Mass Demonstrations
And now look at what is happening in America. Just one big USS Liberty…and Germany and Bolshevik Russia….what a COHENcidence ,interesting indeed
The link works where I am. Here is the article. It refers to only “dozens” of prisoners. I am convinced it was in 10’s of thousands. In the 1956 war, they killed in cold blood a truck full of workers of my dad in Sinai. They were retreating from at Abu Zenima where we had a jetty for loading ships with manganese ore. 31 unarmed workers were killed. The driver (Deeb) and his mate (Yusef) escaped by running away from the other side of the truck. They hid by day and walked at night along the Gulf of Suez until they reached the canal and were able to cross.
This link is a Google Map of the jetty. As you can see, most of it is now under the sea. It was 220 meters long. It had a miniature railway with one ton wagons. It is the work of my dad and his two brothers. 🙂
A nation of cowards, bitching endlessly.
And what exactly are you doing? Other than sitting on the sidelines, trying to be edgy with a devil’s name, and bitching endlessly about other men?
Come on, step up, hoist the black flag and sharpen your dagger. Show all us “cowards” how it is done.