Assume the stress position, criminal number two.
SERE was a torture TRAINING program, not a torture resistance program. Run by Martin Seligman, that monument to Judaic Moral Values.
The MSM vermin still talk of an ‘armed insurrection’ when the only ones armed were the police, one of which killed a harmless protestor in cold blood, after which NOTHING happened.
If just the truckers decided to stay off the roads for a month, the entire economy would grind to a halt. That’s real power and it’s in the hands of the people. The common people keep the country functioning to support the useless eaters at the top and the bottom. Ultimately, the working people have the power but they don’t know it because they’ve been taught to not recognize it.
Your attitude is defeatist and thereby encourages the creeping totalitarianism engulfing the entire world. People have been voting for decades in the current era and things have steadily gotten worse, not better. The lesson should be that voting for your master is no way to live besides being degrading.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
What you are advocating is the continuation of a policy that hasn’t worked for at least 100 years when currency was substituted for money.
That’s all illusory, Roatan. I’m talking about facts on the ground. They don’t care about symbolic gestures. The levers of oppression are already in place. We stop voting and then what? They interpret our absence as indifference and then institute a care-taker regime and continue on their merry way. Did anyone vote under monarchies? How about we all quit our jobs and stop spending money? Payroll and sales taxes evaporate. It will be a race to see who withers on the vine first–the people or the government.
The same congress peoples quivering in their boots over the ‘insurrection’ were cheering on protestors in Hong Kong who set counter protestors on fire, or who call for coup de tats against elected officials in Iran or Russia. Hell, they even set up an illegitimate parallel ‘president’ in Venezuela and just steal people’s shit, because they can. This is why it appears that many support Putin. Nobody loves him, it’s just that there is some semblance of competence and equity that doesn’t exist in the empire anymore.
You miss the point completely.
Voting is an admission that the voter is subordinate to the criminals in the political class. Voters should be humiliated by their undignified act of declaring their slave status openly and proudly.
Not voting for the right reason opens the mind to the realization that there is no such thing as a leader, only a slave master. The political class gets their power by the spineless people that voluntarily acquiesce to their rule and by the Judas types that wear gov’t costumes and carry weapons to enforce a creeping tyranny.
When people wake up to their own humanity and realize that no person has the right to rule over them is when their attitude changes to oppose the very idea of gov’t that is nothing more than organized exploitation.
The State – a criminal gang with flags.
Alan Turin
It is gov’t that instigates all the wars, constantly steals the people’s labor by euphemistically labeling it taxes, creates out of nothing ever more ‘laws’ that can’t identify a victim to fine and imprison individuals that have harmed no one. The political class is a parasite on the rest of the population that the voters keep installing to further the tightening noose around their own necks.
There’s talk of armed resistance that’s completely unnecessary if people would just stop supporting the very organization that is constantly encroaching on their liberty. Simply stop cooperating in what is ever more appearing to be a program to recreate feudalism.
But the POS, Anon, maybe working for the FBI wants to follow the Demorat line that it was an “insurrection” when it was no such thing.
In Australia trade unionists broke into the front doors of the (now replaced) Parliament demanding to speak to the Prime Minister (!) about their economic (!) grievances although there were strong political undercurrents associated with it.
They are now officially in the government sponsored Museum of Australian Democracy. The J6 Washington protest was tame in comparison and LURED for sure by instructed Security and FBI provocateurs, something that easily happens in the heat of a demo.
The demand on Trump should be for immediate release and substantial compensation to patriots who were merely protesting the violation of democracy.
You got a real stupid name too – What kind of Moron has a name like that ?
Great article. We need more like this.
Let’s see the Dissident Right take up the cause of the 6 January political prisoners. Since Conservatism Incorporated is not apparently interested, the Dissident Right could turn this into a major recruiting drive.
If votes don’t count, then how is the absence of said votes going to make any difference? Most of the people running the show now are appointees of outside interests anyway. Our representative organ Congress is an inept, ineffectual logjam. This “mandate” you refer to doesn’t have any more weight than fiat currency. But please—carry out the thought experiment. Nobody votes: Then what?
She’s Controlled Opposition.
They let her so they can use it against her, as in, She defends them! That kinda thing.
Wonder what they’ve got on her. Maybe nothing. Maybe they just tell people to follow orders or else. Would it surprise anyone?
Bold words from someone who hasn’t accomplished a damned thing either.
Watch the video.
They sang the star spangled banner & wonder why they get BTFO’d. They drab themselves in the stars & stripes flag – which is no different than the rainbow flag or the USSR’s hammer & sickle.
That’s part of the reason “conservatives” have been & will continue to be perpetual losers who suffer from a sort of masochism.
Its (((america))), NOT )))america(((
Or, keep enjoying the bitter taste of being an abused impotent chump if you see things differently.
You cannot be pro-white & pro american. You cannot worship the supposedly magic documents that are “muh constitution” or the magic founders of this color blind “city on a hill” puritanical mess.
And for the Gods sake, you cannot worship rabbi jesus & claim to be anti jewish or pro Aryan.
If you had any integrity, you’d fuck off out the pro-Aryan sphere & go to “your” church (that comes from (((judea))) where they certainly oppose pro Aryan racialism & preach that dripping “magic water” on non whites somehow “converts” them into Aryans. If “your” (death cult,from (((judea))) says an invisible magical transformation takes place with this water dripping, who are you to say that a 4 yr old boy cant change his sex?
Yeah, all that “leftist” garbage is indeed secularized (((christ-rot))), the “anti jewish” doomsday cult from judea that was invented by jews, promoted by jews, demands worship of jews & calls it “winning.” Just like q-cucking & the worship of zio don who gave us more winning than we could stomach.
Fuck every one of you (((christ-rat))) traitors like the faggot at the top of this comment thread who’s publicly weeping that the Jan 6 Trump-cucks arent getting nuff (((rabbi jesus))) in ZOG’s dungeons!
And you wonder why Aryans are losing & jews are wiping us out.
You are the worst problem.
You deserve nothing but contempt, & should be publicly crucified for being the traitors you knowingly become once “your” precious death cult (from (((judea))) has been exposed like right here in this comment.
You think any actual God worth a damn would forgive you for being a (((christ rat traitor))) who continues to spread this jewish poison even in ostensibly pro-Aryan spheres?
You wont be forgiven.
No, I am not a foreigner, but the 2 typos make it seem such.
S/B: “… this was a joke.” and “… suckers for believing…”
Sorry, but I was pissed.
Completely outrageous. One fucking congressman is all? Nuke DC.Replies: @true.enough, @HammerJack, @Franz, @profnasty, @follyofwar, @Harry E
With the instrumental help of Texas Republican congressman Troy Nehls, finally on January 23, the J6 inmates were able to have one-hour weekly visits and religious services.
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has also visited the J6 prisoners:
And most of these people still worship Drump, even after he set them up and then left them twisting in the wind. These people never learn.Replies: @Publius 2
The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAO
Yep no wonder the Jews are laughing at us.
Ean get with the program. Dear little zachary .smith is a jew troll. He always pops up with tripe about the jews being maligned and blamed for what others are doing as well.
It doesn’t speak well in not having clarity about Trumpstein and his personal cowardice concerning a coup d’etat that overthrew the voting democratic process and will of the people in the United States.
There is zero possibility that Biden was elected POTUS. But you live in a very extended, perverted, distorted anti-Christ culture of shitholes where truth is treason and therefore not really mentioned or defended.
Political prisoner…? Try Derek Chauvin.
Now go read the 2021 article. You'll learn this "Green" Liberal saw a well-mannered, polite, and peaceful bunch of people. But she was a bit puzzled that the Dirty Stupid and Dangerous N*ggers who are usually present at Trump rallies hadn't come to this one.
I am not a fan of Donald Trump, nor am I a “Q†devotee. I inherited a liberal Democrat tradition from my mother who is of Italian immigrant descent. Since 1992, I’ve always voted Green.
Yes, Ms. McGuire was outraged that the lawless obese pu**y grabber was betrayed by his VP's insistence on performing his ceremonial job. Now to a really curious part:
Walking to the Capitol, we learned that Pence was going to throw Trump under the bus. The feelings of injustice were palpable.
The Capital Building was wide open. Author McGuire was there early with virtually no cops in sight. The crowd of righteous patriots was excited but peaceful. Yet she didn't go inside. At this point I'm thinking Ray Epps in a skirt. A couple of more points. Green Party Platform - Green Party Liberal McGuire hasn't devoted ANY of her articles to topics Green. Or if she has, I sure couldn't locate any of them. Instead she has spent her time writing about 9/11 Trutherism, Anti-Vaxxing, and Trump Worship. With a few sides of Holocaust Denial. It doesn't really add up. Barrett and Cat McGuire share a video talk/talk here. The part which caught my eye was her being in central Europe on a secret visit to some undisclosed location. First thoughts: Mr. Barrett and his associates may not be able to freely travel to Europe to engage in visits with any of the regional Nazis there. Might not "Cat" be short for Cathy, Kathleen, Katrina, or some such? This would surely facilitate her getting through foreign customs without nasty questions about the real purpose of the trip.Any free jet rides around the world would enhance Ms. McGuire's income from her normal line of work in palm reading, telepathic channeling, spiritual advising and rendering visions. @eah
Spoiler alert: I did not make it inside the Capitol, but I was in the first 25% wave of people that arrived...
>regional Nazis
Sure dude — ‘racists’ and ‘Nazis’ and the ‘far-right’ oh my!
By the way, have you been on the lookout for ‘standard right-wing racist BS’? — maybe also non-standard ‘right-wing racist BS’? — anything to report?
What a fucking faggot.
I don’t know, Thomasina. I was going by LetMeTellYa’s lower bound. It does seem too high, and 41,000 obviously even more so. If you can explain, I’d be glad to read. (Seriously, no sarcasm or what-have-you intended.)
Absolutely ! And then some ! LOL
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.
For all you who criticize, look at yourself and see how you’ve been made a sucker by the Lyin’ Press yourselves.
No doubt, if you’re going to do something serious against the Potomac Regime, this was joke.
However, it was NOT an insurrection of any kind, just some people having fun during some rallying and a tad bit of rioting. You are suckers for believe the Lyin’ Press arm of the Regime that’s been saying “Insurrection!” so many times that you believed their garbage. Nice going, assholes!
There are no “rebels” in Congress. They’re all compromised and are all in the omnipresent gun sights of the Deep State that will destroy them if they get too serious about their oaths of office.
The U.S. Congress is today what the Roman Senate of the Fourth Century was: corrupt, impotent and useless.
“Vigils” and other non-violent protests won’t change a goddamned thing, or free one single political prisoner. ARMED ACTION by millions of angry citizen patriots will change things. Sadly, the majority is too gutless and spineless for any such move.
Our 18th Century forbears fought a pointless revolution and sacrificed and died in vain.
Why not enter the Capitol? It’s theirs and they were invited, even hustled in.
Arrests gonna be made. Pre determined. A set up.
Trump can’t read the mind of evil.
They should have taken up the job of killing 10 000 000 Russians without taking political power, without founding USSR. They should rather organized as an army of thugs killing the Russians they wanted to kill in the name of a religion (or better still, various religions at variance, making it impossible for any police force to attack them as a bloc) : it worked quite well in a country : Bengal where the thugs carried out the sacred mission of killing a certain percentage of population each year and had convinced all the devotees of Goddess Kali that you couldn’t get saved if your family hadn’t sacrificed at least one child.
I’d invite you to examine this article about the prisoners.
Congressional Report Details Squalid Conditions Faced by Jan. 6 Defendants
I’m willing to wager that it’s mostly correct, for the author is careful in attributing the claims to the rightwingnut Congressmen or to the whining of the Jan. 6 inmates. Well down it the piece is this:
With regards to the mistreatment of alleged Jan. 6 participants currency held in the D.C. jail, the New York Times has started to strike a completely different tone, publishing a headline that read, “Problems at D.C. Jail Were Ignored Until Jan. 6 Defendants Came Along,†on Nov. 11.
Nobody cares about the horrible conditions within US jails and prisons until Very White Folks are exposed to them. The US of A has always been Exceptional in having crappy jails/prisons, and nobody has ever cared.
The Seriously Patriotic Martyrs in jails and prisons should not be mistreated, but neither should any other inmates in those facilities. It’s clear from the first link that they’ve chosen to misbehave – believing their Very White Skin entitles them to be above the rules. They don’t understand that unless they’re Jeffrey Epstein types with lots of money, that’s not the way thing work out.
Epstein was allowed out of the Palm Beach County lockup for up to 12 hours a day on work release, six days each week, during his 13-month jail stint there after pleading guilty to prostitution-related charges filed by state prosecutors in 2008.
The first link says prisoners can spend $125/week on food, so I doubt that fellow with celiac disease is really suffering. Having haircuts or going to religious services is conditional on getting their Covid vaccinations. But no, the whiney-ass ti**y babies are Standing On Their Rights!
It’s 41,000 hours of surveillance footage, not 14,000.
The largest manhunt in U.S. history continues apace as Americans connected to January 6 are being silently hunted down and persecuted. The Feds are rounding up people at an average rate of about one a day now, according to Randy Ireland, founder of Americans for Justice and a prominent activist for J6 inmates.
The rhetoric after J6 was eye-opening, and one of the things that convinced me the divide in America is unbridgeable — simple questions like how was the ‘insurrection’ going to succeed?, how many of the ‘insurrectionists’ were armed?, how many military personnel and tanks are within an hour of Wash DC?, etc, got no answer, just more mindless vitriol — I understood better how witch hunts came about.
Think about this for a minute: in Europe, urban centers are prized, expensive living space, full of beautiful architecture, cultural venues and other urban amenities like restaurants, etc — yet in the US, Blacks have turned large sections of American cities of all sizes into unlivable, crime-ridden shitholes, where homicide rates often exceed those found in the third world — but there is zero discussion of this, and certainly no effort to ‘hunt down’ those responsible.
This is a very curious little essay. I’ll admit to being a careless reader, but in this piece author Cat McGuire doesn’t go out of her way to brag about being present at the Holy Insurrection event. There is a story she published two days after the event where described her impressions at the time.
I was at the Washington, D.C. “Save America†rally January 8, 2021
I am not a fan of Donald Trump, nor am I a “Q†devotee. I inherited a liberal Democrat tradition from my mother who is of Italian immigrant descent. Since 1992, I’ve always voted Green.
Now go read the 2021 article. You’ll learn this “Green” Liberal saw a well-mannered, polite, and peaceful bunch of people. But she was a bit puzzled that the Dirty Stupid and Dangerous N*ggers who are usually present at Trump rallies hadn’t come to this one.
Walking to the Capitol, we learned that Pence was going to throw Trump under the bus. The feelings of injustice were palpable.
Yes, Ms. McGuire was outraged that the lawless obese pu**y grabber was betrayed by his VP’s insistence on performing his ceremonial job. Now to a really curious part:
Spoiler alert: I did not make it inside the Capitol, but I was in the first 25% wave of people that arrived…
The Capital Building was wide open. Author McGuire was there early with virtually no cops in sight. The crowd of righteous patriots was excited but peaceful. Yet she didn’t go inside. At this point I’m thinking Ray Epps in a skirt.
A couple of more points. Green Party Platform –
Dedicated Green Party Liberal McGuire hasn’t devoted ANY of her articles to topics Green. Or if she has, I sure couldn’t locate any of them. Instead she has spent her time writing about 9/11 Trutherism, Anti-Vaxxing, and Trump Worship. With a few sides of Holocaust Denial. It doesn’t really add up.
Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire share a video talk/talk here. The part which caught my eye was her being in central Europe on a secret visit to some undisclosed location. First thoughts: Mr. Barrett and his associates may not be able to freely travel to Europe to engage in visits with any of the regional Nazis there. Might not “Cat” be short for Cathy, Kathleen, Katrina, or some such? This would surely facilitate her getting through foreign customs without nasty questions about the real purpose of the trip.
Any free jet rides around the world would enhance Ms. McGuire’s income from her normal line of work in palm reading, telepathic channeling, spiritual advising and rendering visions.
The fight continues. This is true internationalism in action. We in the Western nations have the same fight against all the New World Order Ultra-Imperialist subversives…
*All* government agents have a secret, from dog catchers all the way up to the President.
Qualified Immunity – A Legal, Practical, and Moral Failure
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.Replies: @Anon
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ?
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.
Absolutely ! And then some ! LOL
The writing about the US Govt has been on the wall for a long time. No one however bothered to read the message. You dont bring a walking stick to a gunfight.
These days there is all this jargon about “Talking truth to power”. This is all bullshit. Power replies simply ……….”rat tat tat tat”
When you decide to go on such a course of action its either all the way or stay home.
I am a giant piece of SHIT and I am heading out for a nice dinner in a few hours. Steak, lobster, a salad, South African wine. And our brave revolutionaries ? Some old peas from a can, powdered mash potato (after the black guards stir it with their dicks), a piece of 40 year old pork and a glass of water. And then a return to a cosy cell.
The handlers are all free and living the high life. Not a single politician is lifting a finger to help or even protest. They are in jail for years. They deserve to get fucked up. That is what happens when you are a dunce.
Dont mix with slime, if you cant do the time. I hope it was worth it.
Yours truly
Don Turdo……LMAO
Exactly! I watched Trump’s speech on TV that morning, which started an hour late and went on far too long. He said that he would march to the Capitol with the protesters. Hundreds had already stopped listening and were proceeding to storm the building. But he ducked out to the White House and watched the proceedings on TV, waiting too long to tell his acolytes to leave and go home.
The Anti-White Totalitarian(AWT) Democrat Party and the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire are using this so-called January 6 “insurrection†nonsense as a distraction to keep people from focusing on inflation, monetary policy extremism, endless overseas war, violent Black crime rates, multicultural mayhem, globalized plutocrat plundering, racial replacement(White Genocide), mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, refugee overload, asylum seeker inundation and nation-wrecking open borders.
All this recent clamor and unrulyness regarding inflation and interest rates and the like has begun to take on the roar of an age somewhere close to being done and over and a new age is yet to be won and the first sonofabitch who can convince the brutes that central banker shysterism is the whole ballgame shall win the day and provide cold delicious ale and porter and a green lush profitable AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION future bounty for the historic American nation and the proud patriotic people of WHITE CORE AMERICA.
Trump and his Great Lakes Tribe of German American voters who gave Trump the victory in 2016 visited the US Capitol and they became intoxicated with herd poison and they ran amok like over-excited sports fans and Trump loves his people but sometimes Trump goes too far and he misleads his people as when he led them out of the Great Lakes area and brought them to the foggy swampy river Potomac upon which the new Rome sits squatting in the mud and Trump riled them up and they lost themselves in the wonder and magic of this Trump and they ran amok and scared the Hell out of the Ruling Class of the American Empire because once were safe and distant in their Great Lakes tribal territory were now sacking and pillaging and terrorizing like the great hordes of Germans who overran Rome 1500 years or so ago.
If Trump wants to win the presidency in 2024 he must utilize the GERMAN STRATEGY to defeat his opponents.
The GERMAN STRATEGY is to win the votes of German Americans in the Great Lakes states in combination with the votes of Anglo-Celts in the Southern states. In 2016, Trumpy put the cherry on top of the GERMAN STRATEGY by winning Florida with the votes of Anglo-Celts in the Northern portion of Florida in combination with the votes of the snowbirds from the Great Lakes states and the Northeast.
Kudos to Cat McGuire. DC is headquarters now for our fascist corporate Uniparty empire. Endless wars abroad, death and injury to freedom and human rights, and glib PR and gaslighting for the whole world.
Pelosi returned after the exorcism… it was therefore deemed a failed attempt.
New Video PROVES January 6th WAS A SET UP.
Spook With EARPIECE CAUGHT Pulling Patriots Into U.S. Capitol.
Video Link
Thanks, Agent76.
The establishment f’d up. They went full war-on-terror on conservatives, and now they can’t back-peddle without losing face.
There are hundreds of police and security functionaries who can blow the whistle, from ‘Scaffold Commander’ to ‘Bulwark Fence-Cutter’ to the imaginary pipe bomber. The J6 plot they were a part of was criminal, and what they are doing is criminal by concealing evidence of the fedsurrection.
This is a ride on the back of a tiger that the establishment can’t exit from. There is no way out. They are doubling down, because they fear exposure by the foot soldiers they employed to carry out J6.
Ray Epps was just one cog in the machine. There are many others and they should be promised immunity if they come forward now. If not, they will be found guilty before the courts like the Watergate crew.
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ? Umbrellas, walking sticks, crutches, a leader, obviously mentally defective, doped to the heavens, dressed in animal skins and Texas steer horns. And then, lunch of soup and a sandwich across the street with selfies ultimately posted on SM. It was more like a circus. All the overthrows in history involved force of arms and bloodbaths. People in power are not going to give it up like that. These chumps thought the walking stick was mightier than the sword. LOLWhen it comes to the ways of the world, in foreign lands or even in the USA, the average American has the IQ of an old shoe. . Once the " heroes" were used they were swept off the Board and onto the scrap heap. The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAOReplies: @MGB, @Hulkamania
I feel sympathy to all of these people who have been jailed… but calling them heroes? ALL of them? Including the dipshit filmed with his feet on Pelosi’s desk? That’s a bit much.
The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAO
And most of these people still worship Drump, even after he set them up and then left them twisting in the wind. These people never learn.
Even before 1917 Revolution , on the Second Congress of RSDLP 1903 Jews Zinoviev and Kamenev ( names are not real taken for conspiracy) were insisting to include in Final Resolution the necessity to kill 10,000,0000 millions of Russian
GULAG was organized immediately after Revolution and was under control by JEW to the END .
“Gulag Archipelago ” Solzhenitsyn .
“It is particularly demeaning for these highly patriotic inmates to be lorded over by foreigners.”
More like niggers than foreigners, some would say!
Losers who fell for Trump’s “stop the steal” grift and decided to spend January 6th chimping out in Washington DC do not deserve sympathy.
Nobody cares about the horrible conditions within US jails and prisons until Very White Folks are exposed to them. The US of A has always been Exceptional in having crappy jails/prisons, and nobody has ever cared.
With regards to the mistreatment of alleged Jan. 6 participants currency held in the D.C. jail, the New York Times has started to strike a completely different tone, publishing a headline that read, “Problems at D.C. Jail Were Ignored Until Jan. 6 Defendants Came Along,†on Nov. 11.
Epstein was allowed out of the Palm Beach County lockup for up to 12 hours a day on work release, six days each week, during his 13-month jail stint there after pleading guilty to prostitution-related charges filed by state prosecutors in 2008.
WTF? Is that a sentence on your planet?Replies: @complex pseudonymic handle
the Stoll that the American citizens took in the own capital
Try this alternate reading-
“The stroll they took in their own capital.”
Trump lacks the empathy or integrity to do that. Trump was the tremor that exposed the fault lines. The populist enthusiasm Trump generated scared the shit out of the Deep State actors. The retarded Woke quislings were [are] perpetually offended by his antics. Final analysis, Trump is a competing oligarch and fake populist.
Donald Trump should have told the protesters not to enter the Capitol and not to get arrested. Perhaps they would have listened to him. However, Trump looks out for number one, and that is a weakness in him.
I heard it was 14,000. Still, even that seems crazy: 2 years of film for one day?(40,000 hours is 4.6 years.)Finally, while the Left continues to endlessly break laws, the Right does nothing but talk. The country is going under and all Conservatives do is cluck like castrated cucks.Mayorkas swears he's "following the law" by letting anyone who claims to be an asylum-seeker... (1) enter the USA illegally;
Story is kevin mccarthy gave tucker carlson 40,000+ hours of video footage of the j6 incident
Another little “tidbit”…
Illegal aliens are not constrained by U. S. laws that prohibit suing drug manufacturers for adverse effects due to the mRNA “vaccines”.
Illegal aliens who received the “jab” are fully “enfranchised” and may initiate lawsuits for harm caused by the mRNA “vaccines”.
Native-born and naturalized American citizens are now second-class residents in the U. S. A.
Completely outrageous. One fucking congressman is all? Nuke DC.Replies: @true.enough, @HammerJack, @Franz, @profnasty, @follyofwar, @Harry E
With the instrumental help of Texas Republican congressman Troy Nehls, finally on January 23, the J6 inmates were able to have one-hour weekly visits and religious services.
I’d like to know how many times Donald Trump has visited, especially since all those patriots are being persecuted for believing in him.
The political prisoners are not being held by communists. They are being held by order of lackeys of the capitalists who fund political campaigns.
Waiting for Tucker to show beating/murder of Boylan.
Completely outrageous. One fucking congressman is all? Nuke DC.Replies: @true.enough, @HammerJack, @Franz, @profnasty, @follyofwar, @Harry E
With the instrumental help of Texas Republican congressman Troy Nehls, finally on January 23, the J6 inmates were able to have one-hour weekly visits and religious services.
Nukin’s too good for ’em.
Dox the names and addresses of abusive jailors.
Immediate release and exoneration of ALL J6 victims.
Plus a cash payment, say, $100-2000k to each and every one.
Then we can talk about White reparations.
Deport deport deport.
This thing needs a complete rebuild.
This is a violation of the 8th Amendment.
For the past two years, unlike other jail inmates, the January 6 inmates have been allowed no family visits, religious services, or medical treatment �
The courts all all in the bag. It is just paperwork. They will, as does the FBI and Deep State, ignore the law and do what they want.
Seems most people do not know that the District of Columbia is not part of the United States of America. The District of Columbia is not bound by the Constitution nor by the laws of the US. That means they can do to you whatever they want. …..and they do what they want to you.
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ? Umbrellas, walking sticks, crutches, a leader, obviously mentally defective, doped to the heavens, dressed in animal skins and Texas steer horns. And then, lunch of soup and a sandwich across the street with selfies ultimately posted on SM. It was more like a circus. All the overthrows in history involved force of arms and bloodbaths. People in power are not going to give it up like that. These chumps thought the walking stick was mightier than the sword. LOLWhen it comes to the ways of the world, in foreign lands or even in the USA, the average American has the IQ of an old shoe. . Once the " heroes" were used they were swept off the Board and onto the scrap heap. The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAOReplies: @MGB, @Hulkamania
I feel sympathy to all of these people who have been jailed… but calling them heroes? ALL of them? Including the dipshit filmed with his feet on Pelosi’s desk? That’s a bit much.
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ?
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.
Absolutely ! And then some ! LOL
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.
Yes, and thank you. Whenever people make excuses for why massive immivasion and other destructive practices continued under Trump — I ask, what did he even TRY to do by executive order (including pardons)?
Because by definition, he doesn’t need congressional approval for exec orders (if within the scope of a valid EO), and he never needed approval to pardon the January sixth political prisoners and many others who deserve it.
Just issue the damn exec orders and keep issuing them, then let the other side challenge them in court. Fire and if possible prosecute fed employees who refuse to implement them.
This is a violation of the 8th Amendment.
For the past two years, unlike other jail inmates, the January 6 inmates have been allowed no family visits, religious services, or medical treatment �
Yes, we should have started baking preparations for hone(s) and citizenship abroad years ago. But better late than never.
Get going. We are.
Alright, but you could have ended the sentence before “unless.” He needs to go, as does most of congress of “both” parties. NOT “stay if they make confessions”, but get the Hell out. Already enough is enough.
Trumpstein could have issued a blanket pardon to all his magatard J6 groupies before leaving office. He didn’t. Instead the old fraud pardoned a swaggle of jew swindlers, the izzie handler of arch jew spy Pollard, a rapper critical to the advancement of western civilization, several war criminals convicted of murdering unarmed civilians, and various other miscreants. One needs priorities……….
“Which one looks like a coup?”
Exactly. Thank you. Damn right.
Former Rep Dennis Kucinich (D) speech at “Rage Against the War Machine” rally
Video Link
They went to the wrong building on Jan 6th………
Trump was worried about his losing the election but not who controls the country. So he lead his followers on a path away from those whom he answered to when President.
and those folks are part and parcel over at the Federal Reserve.
Every single last one of them deserves to be in there. Zero of them brought guns to DC. Zero of the people at that rally intended any harm whatsoever to the “people†in Congress who had, by then, publicly admitted that they were committing treason.
By refusing to fight, the DC inmates ensured their fate, and they deserve it. If the January 6 rally had simply stormed the capital (not a spelling error) and hanged every member of Congress and their staff from lampposts, we wouldn’t be in this mess today. Their subservience to the jewish false dichotomy is what put them in prison. They deserve it, and so does everyone else who hasn’t been arrested but went there “peacefully.â€
Get a view from the scene for insight, and the setup.
The storming of the capital building was not a “failure of security†as multiple camera angles and videos show police letting protesters beyond the barricades and in some cases they march them right up to the front.
Which one looks like a coup?
Feb 20, 2023 Dennis Kucinich – Rage Against The War Machine
Feb 9, 2023 The Best Speech I Never Gave
Scott Ritter pulls out of the Feb. 19 anti-war rally. [Note: I was going to speak at the Rage against the War Machine rally, scheduled for February 19 at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, D.C. For personal reasons, I will no longer be speaking.
With the right media coverage or lack of it and this type of corrupt judiciary, I think the government could lock up millions of Whites and still manage to keep it as low profile as this. Very scary.
It’s a shame none of these terrorists got the Ashli Babbit treatment.
Dear Cat Maguire
Please know we don’t want an American Democracy = Mob Rule
We need to capture what is owed to us by the law of the USA Constitution Article IV section 4. That would be a Republic with its Republican form of government implemented in each and every State’s Constitution.
The template for each State Constitution Preamble should read as follows.
Note: The future of our Posterity depends on a proper understanding of the Source of our Rights.
Declaration Of Independence: Our Rights Come from God, and the Constitution.
I feel sympathy to all of these people who have been jailed… but calling them heroes? ALL of them? Including the dipshit filmed with his feet on Pelosi’s desk? That’s a bit much.
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ? Umbrellas, walking sticks, crutches, a leader, obviously mentally defective, doped to the heavens, dressed in animal skins and Texas steer horns. And then, lunch of soup and a sandwich across the street with selfies ultimately posted on SM. It was more like a circus.
All the overthrows in history involved force of arms and bloodbaths. People in power are not going to give it up like that. These chumps thought the walking stick was mightier than the sword. LOL
When it comes to the ways of the world, in foreign lands or even in the USA, the average American has the IQ of an old shoe. . Once the ” heroes” were used they were swept off the Board and onto the scrap heap.
The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAO
so, they were inept insurrectionists so they deserve to rot in jail, deprived of basic rights given to non-citizens? what a POS. your mother is right. you are pathetic.Replies: @Anon
I dont feel any sympathy for them. What sort of insurrection was this ?
And most of these people still worship Drump, even after he set them up and then left them twisting in the wind. These people never learn.Replies: @Publius 2
The J6 crew deserve to rot in jail because they were stupid pawns. In the meantime, the Donald is rocking his golf, fine wines and gourmet foods. His mutts will have to be content with their three meals of pig slop served through a metal grill on paper plates. Bon Apetit ! LMAO
I heard it was 14,000. Still, even that seems crazy: 2 years of film for one day?(40,000 hours is 4.6 years.)Finally, while the Left continues to endlessly break laws, the Right does nothing but talk. The country is going under and all Conservatives do is cluck like castrated cucks.Mayorkas swears he's "following the law" by letting anyone who claims to be an asylum-seeker... (1) enter the USA illegally;
Story is kevin mccarthy gave tucker carlson 40,000+ hours of video footage of the j6 incident
Mayorkas is a dirty jew nation wrecker.
Where is Trump with his tough-talk and billion$? He could raise a stink about Jansixers, yet does nothing. They went to bat for him. He responds by swinging golf clubs.
The average Mutt forever believes that the Politician spouting promises from his soapbox will work night and day for and in their interests. They keep on believing even when they get shafted balls deep.
It happens with whites and it happens with the Blacks. They all thought Bruck Bammer was going to look out for them. Prominent blacks wept with joy when the MacDaddy became President. DUH ! The man looked out for himself. After two terms he moved into a predominantly white area. I guess elite blacks like Ocra Windfree and Jay XYZ stopped being joyous a few weeks into the Barracks’s tenure.
You can tell the populace their political representatives dont give a shit about them. However, they want to believe. The politicians know this so they pay their constituents with a gust of fine words and then screw them. This happens over and over ! The Donald is no exception to this and one has to be a complete ass to think he cares one whit about anyone but himself.
Its a awful thing to say Lemmy, but its every dog for himself now. Anyone who thinks someone else is looking out for them lives in a dream world. I dread to think where this is heading and where it will end up.
Mao said that, “Power stems from the end of a gun barrel”.
There is NO Rule Of Law. There are no Rules Of Engagement and in fact, no rules at all. The “One Ring To Rule Them All” DNC, elevated a doddering, drooling, senile, superannuated sock puppet to high station (Along with dozens of other Fascists) by way of election fraud, criminality, legerdemain and deception that is part and parcel of what we have come to expect from countries in darkest Africa.
Those forces, aligned against us, are at this point, omnipotent by way of Mao’s gun barrels. They didn’t just steal a march on us, they stole the country.
The Administrative Deep State, Big Media, Big Tech, Wall Street, Hollywood, Academe in conjunction with foreign countries now like a progressive penumbra, spread the social credit score shadow across our Republic and yes, this bell tolls for you.
It is too late for anything to be done at the ballot box and if indeed, we are to come back from these many defeats, it will be by way of bloody constraint.
Cat McGuire has been doing fantastic work for years, much of it behind the scenes. Among other things she’s a regular at False Flag Weekly News where she’ll co-host this coming Saturday. The show will be posted around 1 pm Eastern:
As the Left has shown, you must Vigil the Judges. Forget the general public.
In SERE we were told we would be considered as war criminals rather than as POWs, and would be treated outside the bounds of international law as established by the Geneva Conventions.
The inversion of the Iron Cutain over the last 33 years is breathtaking.
I heard it was 14,000. Still, even that seems crazy: 2 years of film for one day?(40,000 hours is 4.6 years.)Finally, while the Left continues to endlessly break laws, the Right does nothing but talk. The country is going under and all Conservatives do is cluck like castrated cucks.Mayorkas swears he's "following the law" by letting anyone who claims to be an asylum-seeker... (1) enter the USA illegally;
Story is kevin mccarthy gave tucker carlson 40,000+ hours of video footage of the j6 incident
Lemmy, that’d be EXACTLY my take on Donald Trump too!
Regarding the traitorous Dept. of Motherland Security head Mayorkas, well, I read VDare, so I know about at least all that you listed here. At the TSA area in the airport I saw this guy’s mug on the TV overhead and told one of the “agents” that the guy should be hanged.
Anyway, great comment, and regarding the video footage:
There are LOTS of cameras in about everyone’s hands and then the fixed “security” cameras all over. Still, 14,000 hours, even if people had their iCrap “taping” for 2 hours a piece, that’s 7,000 people’s phone data, but then you could subtract out how many (?) fixed cameras of which 5 or 6 hours each one (pointed the right way) would suffice. 1984 had nothin’ on today’s America (much less China, in which the AI with it makes society hyperOrwellian)
V.K.:”The Constitution means nothing. Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial? Don’t make me laugh.”
Therefor I say:
“We’ve got to start us a new revolution
And get back to the old constitution
We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
Its time to start over againâ€
Song: “New Revolutionâ€:
Regards, onebornfree
I heard it was 14,000. Still, even that seems crazy: 2 years of film for one day?(40,000 hours is 4.6 years.)Finally, while the Left continues to endlessly break laws, the Right does nothing but talk. The country is going under and all Conservatives do is cluck like castrated cucks.Mayorkas swears he's "following the law" by letting anyone who claims to be an asylum-seeker... (1) enter the USA illegally;
Story is kevin mccarthy gave tucker carlson 40,000+ hours of video footage of the j6 incident
Lemmy, you lack patience. You must learn to trust the plan.
The main reason why Trump is not succeeding is because you people lack the patience to trust the plan.
If any time you feel doubt just remember this: you must trust harder.
Rudy “the Great†Giuliani promised that he would stand by those who would fight against the steal. His inspirational speech regarding standing by those who will invoke trial by combat was an inspirational clarion call for American patriots to enact the plan that we must all dutifully trust.
Moreover, let us remember that Jared Kushner is from God’s Chosen People and as Christians, we are morally bound to stand by them in all that they do. Because Israel is our most important ally.
Treasonous U.S. FBI/DOJ.
Confidential Human Source Program. Corruption Networks.
Video Link
Where is Trump with his tough-talk and billion$? He could raise a stink about Jansixers, yet does nothing. They went to bat for him. He responds by swinging golf clubs.
Trump also let SMG (social media giants) ban his supporters…like Milo Y, the one guy who risked his neck at “woke” colleges to promote “Daddy” Don for prez.
Don Trumpleone promised to bring troops home, build a WALL, make the USA a manufacturing giant again. And so on. In reality, he hired his daughter and nose-in-law to simp for Israel. He did jackshit for whites, especially white men (his core constituents!).
Fart-of-the-Deal Don also hired Swampeteers, skunks who sandbagged him for 4 years.
The Swamp won.
Repdems ensconced Matzonians in powerful positions…like AG Meritless Garfinkel and border czarina Alexandra Thedorkass. Both do Bibi’s bidding, flooding the USA with illegals and filling classrooms with CRT crapola. The result? An entire generation filled with ahistorical, hysterical retardates who think men are women are horses are Easter Bunnies.
Currently DSDPTs (deep state double-penetrated traitors) bait the Russian Bear. I hope re-Christianized Russia ruins Ukraine, then bombs any Juden who rush in (to rob it!) to shitereens. I also hope China aids Putin and BRICS trumps Democrat-ruined USA.
2024: Sadly, only Trump has the balls to take on Dems. But Don refuses to clang ’em when and where it matters.
America is like Weimar Germany in its last days: filled with perversion, laziness, indecency, criminality, and rabid zionazism.
Story is kevin mccarthy gave tucker carlson 40,000+ hours of video footage of the j6 incident
I heard it was 14,000.
Still, even that seems crazy: 2 years of film for one day?
(40,000 hours is 4.6 years.)
Finally, while the Left continues to endlessly break laws, the Right does nothing but talk. The country is going under and all Conservatives do is cluck like castrated cucks.
Mayorkas swears he’s “following the law” by letting anyone who claims to be an asylum-seeker…
(1) enter the USA illegally;
(2) get handed a court date which they all fail to show up to;
(3) not be hunted down when they don’t show up;
(4) not be deported if issued a deportation order;
(5) get free transportation to anywhere in the USA;
(6) get free housing while actual citizens remain homeless;
(7) get free food while natives go hungry;
(8) get free healthcare while Vets die;
(9) get free education while American kids become enstupidated;
(10) get free assistance to bring in other family members;
(11) get free instructions on how to vote; and
(12) take jobs from US citizens.
Both parties work together to destroy the America as it’s been known. What do they care. They’re all set for life. The suffering of “deplorables” remains abstract to them.
FACT: Shit doesn’t stop happening on its own.
No, true Bolsheviks are the types that tear down traditional society and kill their own people out of resentment. That’s why the Cubans called them “”Los Resentidos“. Are you sure you are not one of these Communists, Mr. Slav?
Thank you, Vito. I don’t know about “literal descendants”, but if you meet one of the antifa types in the street, you could just imagine him with nicer clothing and no piercings and tattoos, and he could be a reincarnation of the same type, a Bolshevik, from a century ago in Russia or Germany.
Peak Stupidity called it 5 1/2 years ago: Commies crawling out of the woodwork… it’s about that time. History may not repeat, but it does rhyme. In this case, the Commies in American have screwed the pooch by not having taken away the guns on schedule. Right now, Americans feel themselves too prosperous, with too much to lose, but when that changes … yeah, Regime Change with extreme prejudice.
Thank you so much, Ron Unz, for posting this article with top billing! We may not agree on a few things, but I sure hope you’d agree that this Anarcho-Tyranny going on for over 2 years is one of the worst domestic abuses of the Potomac Regime.
I think you, Cat McGuire, for giving us this information that seems so hard to root out. All I had was this list of about 900 people arrested, charged for various ridiculous slights, and held for various amounts of time.
“Capitol Breach” is the title of that web page I linked to. After Americans all saw the ’20 summer of violence and previously the rioting of the left at Trump’s inauguration in ’17, we ought to all understand the Anarcho-Tyranny. People of BLM and the Communist antifa who destroyed businesses, burned down buildings, and attacked people violently not only didn’t stay in jail one night, but most didn’t even get arrested.
Make no mistake, these J6 patriots are Political Prisoners of the Potomac Regime.
Keep voting. Vote harder. If you hold your breath and tense your muscles till your head is about to explode and then vote, maybe that will help make your vote count the next time.
It’s you voters that keep this shitshow going that are responsible for everything the Fed Gov does. It is you that gives them their mandate to fuck the whole world.
Hate to say it, but these prisoners are simps. They were used, and are paying a hefty price for it now…
Smashed balsa chairs in the fake Red+Blue wrestling. Yet we learn here that many in the dungeon and those gathered in sympathy comfort themselves with praytriotism, singing hymns to a flag and chanting “USA! USA! USA!â€
Before falling for Trump 2.0, ask yourself: Did a single sitting politician show his face at this vigil? Or at the Rage Against the War Machine rally? By Ms. McGuire’s account, apparently not. Too busy rehearsing for the next show hearing in the newly GOP majority House.
No one from the Establishment is going to rescue the tax aphids and cannon fodder from itself.
the Stoll that the American citizens took in the own capital
WTF? Is that a sentence on your planet?
These are absolutely Bolsheviks, dumb ass. The only reason they aren’t mowing us down in the streets is because they don’t quite have the power yet. In fact these are the literal descendants of the Russian Khazar Jews who murdered 66 million Russian Christians beginning in 1917. They were imported under the 1991 Lautenberg Act
that’s not right… but there’s really nothing heroic about their blind and downright stupid actions.
They were there that day, and you weren’t, so stfu.
This is a violation of the 8th Amendment.
For the past two years, unlike other jail inmates, the January 6 inmates have been allowed no family visits, religious services, or medical treatment �
Gosh, where have you been? The Constitution means nothing. Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial? Don’t make me laugh.
I was surprised to meet Nicole Reffitt whose husband, Guy Reffitt, was famously the first January 6 protester to be convicted. Their son, Jackson, had been wired by the FBI to rat on his father. Besides the FBI, Nicole explained that her son had also been highly manipulated by his school as well as social pressure from his friends to testify against his father.
Jackson earned thousands of dollars from a GoFundMe he set up after turning his father in. Nicole is from Texas, but is at the vigil every night because she understands this issue is bigger than her husband’s imprisonment. I got goosebumps hearing her family’s ongoing Shakespearean saga. It was truly chilling.
You are right. This is like something out of the Soviet Union. In particular, the story of Pavlik Morozov.
His politicized and mythologized story was used to encourage Soviet Bloc children to also inform on their parents.[1]
Of course, the whole story was fabricated by the Bolsheviks, as the article shows. Stalin diaspproved: “What a little swine, denouncing his own father,” is one remark attributed to Stalin.[2] He even suppressed a 1937 film by Eisenstein based on the story.
In 21st Century America, there is no need to fabricate such stories. The state has indoctrinated many millions of morons who will willingly inform on their parents, especially if they get a little money for it. They don’t have any of the moral backbone of 20th Century Russian kulaks. Even in the Bolshevik fabrication, there was never any insinuation that Morozov would gain financially.
The people behind this are in many ways worse than Stalin. They have no moral qualms about what they’re doing. On the other side, the large numbers of state-indoctrinated White morons threaten disaster. If they are not politically bypassed, White America is doomed.
True Bolsheviks would send your ruling class into true gulag. Don’t use terms unless learning definitions.
Thank you, Cat, for this report. And Ron for publishing it.
This country is hopeless. If your friend calls this an “insurrection,” punch him.
What else would you believe – the people incharge in Washington are major fans or descendants of the 1920s and 1930s Ukrainian Jewish club called the Cheka. In todays Ukraine, they are called Bandera Nazis and their leader is the famous piano player – another Zionist Jew that has been elevated to hero status by the 90% jewish owned medias. Don’t expect much help from the people that watch the MK Ultra box in their living rooms either. I liked the statement from President Putin when asked about the J 6 ” riots”. He said ” You mean the Stoll that the American citizens took in the own capital” ?
WTF? Is that a sentence on your planet?Replies: @complex pseudonymic handle
the Stoll that the American citizens took in the own capital
For the past two years, unlike other jail inmates, the January 6 inmates have been allowed no family visits, religious services, or medical treatment
This is a violation of the 8th Amendment.
Has anyone filed suit under CRIPA? If not, why? CRIPA- Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.
Holding the vigil is important and moving, but this must be taken to court because it is open and shut- no prisoner can be denied medical treatment in America.
If this level of corruption exists….if any federal judge denies this and there is no corresponding media outrage or most importantly- immediate reversal by some judge, any judge- we need to pack up and leave this country before the end of the month. I am not kidding.
Completely outrageous. One fucking congressman is all? Nuke DC.Replies: @true.enough, @HammerJack, @Franz, @profnasty, @follyofwar, @Harry E
With the instrumental help of Texas Republican congressman Troy Nehls, finally on January 23, the J6 inmates were able to have one-hour weekly visits and religious services.
One fucking congressman is all?
Either they kept him on ice or forgot his pod.
Only question for the piece’s author is why “Bolsheviksâ€? In quotes? They were the last HONEST pack of human locusts. Ever since they pretend to save us from what they are.
Completely outrageous. One fucking congressman is all? Nuke DC.Replies: @true.enough, @HammerJack, @Franz, @profnasty, @follyofwar, @Harry E
With the instrumental help of Texas Republican congressman Troy Nehls, finally on January 23, the J6 inmates were able to have one-hour weekly visits and religious services.
This disgrace is what passes for the “Rule of Law” and “Our Democracy” in the ex-USA now.
It’s the Thug State in all actuality, and woe to you if you find yourself on the wrong side of it.