Its NOT the same Palestine as in 1500 BC. You have forget that the so called “Jews” are imported Germans and Russians.
To mass murder humans in the hospitals, simply by foul them by media, and the central power structure of “UN” and “states” are a worse form of apartheid.
“Israel’s twin goals have been biblical vengeance and the elimination of Gaza” You left out the West Bank of Jordan, another genocide of 3,000,000 people and the Golan Heights of Syria and eventually all of Lebanon and Syria.
God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – destroyed the real Israel with Jerusalem and the temple in A.D.70, about 37 years after the Jews forced the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, Son of God, Savior. There is no “biblical vengeance” at issue here, the Jews were kicked out of Palestine by the very Romans they used to crucify the Son of God. After 2,000 years of ruining every Christian civilization where they settled, the Jews have been seizing the original promised land by force since the 1920s because the apostate gentile world has also rejected the Law of God and now has no moral foundation to oppose the demon-possessed Jews. Instead we see such “rapture freaks” as John Hagee preaching that Jesus will return and rescue his witless flock from their mortgages if only they will be faithful to give unlimited weapons and ammo and cash to the phony Israel. The phony Israel and the anti-Christian Jews have no blessing from God. Rather, all Jews and all others who reject Jesus the Christ face the real Supreme Court of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and are sentenced to the just burning wrath of God the Father for eternity.
You might want to know, the Supreme Court vote on the legal ruling in Bush v. Gore was 7-2. The vote on the order to stop the Florida recount was 5-4. You get less votes, you’ve lost. Even if it’s only 500 votes out of millions, you’ve lost.
This one was too big to steal with ballot boxes and bags of votes found at bus stops, under park benches and in car trunks weeks after the election. But don’t worry. The Democrats have refined their steal techniques since then. There’ll never be another Florida recount fiasco.
Keep in mind, the legal ruling as such in Bush v. Gore was the constitutionally valid ruling. Who voted against it? Ruth “Why did she need three names, she wasn’t on death row” Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. That should tell you something.
Most of the readily available articles about Bush v. Gore legal case is obstructive in nature, starting with the Wikipedia article. The Wikipedia article is written like a law journal article and it never states what the vote on the core legal ruling was. Other articles state the vote as 7-2 but do not name the dissenters. I hope my memory is correct, but I recall David Souter as part of the seven who were in the majority.
Remember, 7-2 on the core legal ruling. 5-4 only on the order to stop the recount.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, and those who do know history are doomed to repeat it anyway. It all gets to what you like better. Do you get off on watching the predictable spring to life around you? Or do you like surprises.
My other new old saying: When you have an overnight sensation, only the sensation is overnight.
The process for turning Ukraine into israel 2.0 is already in the works. I’ve been predicting it for some time now, using previous historical events to observe present-day actions.
You see, jews never change their spots.
During the jewish bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917, Christian Orthodox churches were closed down while church properties were confiscated by the jewish bolshevik communist state.
The same thing is occurring in Ukraine where Christian Orthodox churches have also been shuttered.
Keep in mind that not one jewish synagogue had been closed or repurposed during the jewish bolshevik communist revolution in 1917.
It’s the same thing in present-day Ukraine. Synagogues remain open while Christian churches are shut down.
History may not repeat itself, but it most certainly does rhyme.
I am imagining a region of Jewish habitation and Jewish predominance within a larger country, not the establishment of a new Jewish state.
What other potential European homeland and place of refuge exists for the European-descended Jew?Ukraine is an historic European Jewish homeland already. It doesn’t need to be made into one by fiat.
Since you want some engagement on this topic, I’ll share my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now, but I am unable to understand why this claim should be taken seriously.
I wish more people would pick up on the Israel 2.0 thing. I’ve only seen one other person say that in more than two years
The problem here is that “Jews being forced out of Palestine†does not equal “Jews needing a new Jewish stateâ€. The situation is now different than it was in the early 20th century. Critics might rightfully say: why couldn’t the Ashkenazim and Sephardim in Palestine just go live in the European countries that already exist? In Western countries, Jews probably have a higher standard of living than white people in general. I don’t know how advocates for Israel 2.0 would plausibly answer these questions in a way that would satisfy critics and garner support. I don’t think an argument such as “The European Jews are losing their special status in the West due to mass immigration and ethnic competition, so therefore they’ll need to have their own state in Europe to safeguard their ethnic purity†will be well received.
Ukraine will represent a place where the Europe Jew can go if Israel fails either because the Arabs become strong enough militarily to defeat Israel or because of some unforeseen political reason.
You entirely misunderstand what I have in mind. I am not postulating a new Jewish state, but rather a region of Jewish habitation and Jewish predominance within a larger country. I also am imagining Russia as the more likely patron of Israel 2.0 rather than America.
The foundation of my argument is the idea that the Jews of European descent will no longer see America as a refuge and will not accept being scattered around different nations all over the world again either. Ukraine will be seen, in that case, as the one available European homeland of the European-descended Jew.
It will not be the decision of the United States, NATO or the United Nations to make this so, but rather the decision of Russia and of whatever Ukrainian government exists at that time that will make it so. Not to mention, people voting with their feet. The deliciousness of the present situation (to dare use that term) is that Ukraine will be available to the European Jew regardless of the exact outcome of the present war.
Jewish migration may happen, and it may start happening as soon as the Russo-Ukraine war is over. By degrees, the non-European-descended Jewish population is starting to become predominant in Israel. The time may come when European-descended Jews who live in other countries may no longer want to go there and those who live in Israel may want to start leaving. Or, as I suggested, a catastrophic political or military event may force the issue.
As I have said already, here and elsewhere, a land without a people for a people without a land, anymore. And, I added to that, a land without farmers for farmers without a land, anymore. Work it out.
Other people think the same and see the Goyim being refugeed out of Ukraine or forced to fight the Russian, great way to get rid of the Christians. Little Israel or Isreal 2.0?
I wish more people would pick up on the Israel 2.0 thing. I’ve only seen one other person say that in more than two years
Since you want some engagement on this topic, I’ll share my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now, but I am unable to understand why this claim should be taken seriously.
My working assumptions: You envision this hypothetical Israel 2.0 as an American backed initiative, rather than a Russian project. I also infer from your comment that you believe at least Western Ukraine will remain outside Russian control, and that the population there will be greatly diminished due to death or emigration. It’s difficult to tell whether you’re using “Israel 2.0†in a literal sense or just a figurative sense, but I’m assuming you mean it in a literal sense. After all, what compelling reason would drive millions of Jews from Palestine to Ukraine specifically instead of branching out all over Europe and North America? I can think of nothing, so it must be something special like the formation of a Jewish state.
I’ll admit upfront that I personally think this is a fringe theory—a fringe on the fringe—which is why nobody accepts it. I don’t believe that all or most Zionist Jews, atheist Jews, or any combination thereof, would be willing to abandon Palestine in favor of setting up another Jewish state in Ukraine, which I consider to be an arbitrary location. I would be surprised if there was any actual evidence for that and none has been presented.
There’s something very important missing from the equation here: buy-in, or public support. Therefore, I will go over why I think people accepted Israel in the first place, and why they wouldn’t accept a hypothetical Israel 2.0.
Not even Nazis did this stuff… What a disgusting cancerous tumour on the face of humanity. Cut it off. Burn it out.
I’ve been a pretty good geopolitical theorist for some time now, although my methods admittedly often border on mysticism.
Going back 20 years, I came to the realization that Anglo California was an aberration of world history driven into existence by a series of never to be repeated events – the Gold Rush, the post-Civil War Anglo Westward migration, European mass immigration, the First World War, the Dust Bowl, the Second World War, the Postwar Defense and Aerospace boom and the 1960s-era hippie diaspora.
Don’t giggle at the latter. It was a real event which brought a lot of people all of a similar cultural ilk and almost all the them white to California (and Oregon). Their arrival represents the last Anglo in-migration to leave behind a significant demographic footprint. I specifically do not include the rise of Silicon Valley because this event has not and will not leave a mass demographic footprint downstream.
Maybe Israel as an outpost of the secular, socialist, non-religious, white bourgeois European Jew is likewise an aberration of world history.
Demographic forecasts already predict that within not too long, the majority of Jewish Israelis will be of non-European descent. These are people who actually do have nowhere to go, and when they are the majority, it will be a different ballgame between themselves and their neighbors. They will more religious, less racially distinct, and not European in culture. They may be less land hungry and more willing to declare defined boundaries (albeit unilaterally) and live within them.
Not too long after the start of the Russo-Ukraine war, I came to the realization that this war was paving the way for the establishment of an Israel 2.0. That was regardless of the outcome. Ukraine will represent a place where the Europe Jew can go if Israel fails either because the Arabs become strong enough militarily to defeat Israel or because of some unforeseen political reason.
I like to say, when you have an overnight sensation, only the sensation is overnight. The ground for whqt is happening right now was prepared a long time ago. Especially, a place for the European Jew to go has been prepared. A new land without a people for a people without a land. It could be a land without farmers for farmers suddenly without a land too, You figure that one out.
I wish more people would pick up on the Israel 2.0 thing. I’ve only seen one other person say that in more than two years
Since you want some engagement on this topic, I’ll share my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now, but I am unable to understand why this claim should be taken seriously.
I wish more people would pick up on the Israel 2.0 thing. I’ve only seen one other person say that in more than two years
The problem here is that “Jews being forced out of Palestine†does not equal “Jews needing a new Jewish stateâ€. The situation is now different than it was in the early 20th century. Critics might rightfully say: why couldn’t the Ashkenazim and Sephardim in Palestine just go live in the European countries that already exist? In Western countries, Jews probably have a higher standard of living than white people in general. I don’t know how advocates for Israel 2.0 would plausibly answer these questions in a way that would satisfy critics and garner support. I don’t think an argument such as “The European Jews are losing their special status in the West due to mass immigration and ethnic competition, so therefore they’ll need to have their own state in Europe to safeguard their ethnic purity†will be well received.
Ukraine will represent a place where the Europe Jew can go if Israel fails either because the Arabs become strong enough militarily to defeat Israel or because of some unforeseen political reason.
You don’t quite get it. The tax rate issue in America is closely tied into class conflict in America. Contempt is a big motivator. Having toward someone else is a motivator. Believing that someone has it toward you is a motivator.
You need to catch up with the times.
“Israeli society has completely normalised the idea that Palestinians are less than human and that any and every abuse of them is allowed.”
That’s the way Jews view all non-Jews. Palestinians are just within reach.
That’s the same old Israel, since 1947. Since 1500 BC in fact. NOTHING new.
(((mike jonesberg))) is hasbara
These mentally ill narcissists believe that deception, and trickery are “good” if they are “good for the jews” and they can pull one over on the non jews.
Sorry jonesberg, but you are full of shit. Stick your jewy used car salesman jive up your torah….Cynthia tells the truth. You don’t.
(((mike jonesberg))) says
The UK and US cannot allow Israel to lose anything because they then lose their control over the Middle East, and being Anglo-Saxon pirates, they cannot simply make nice and trade fairly.
Oh yes, just like the “leftwing” jews in the US that blame “White supremacy” for jews murdering Palestinians in Gaza, rather than blaming jewish supremacy and jewish religious extremism.
Or the lying sack of shit cowards like alex jones (a relative?), that will blame interdimensional space lizards, or the bohemian grove, or the bilderbergs, or klaus schwab, or the illuminati, or the cia….anyone BUT the jews.
Heard it all before (((jonesberg))), blame EVERYONE BUT THE JEWS, right?
Who are these “anglo saxon pirates” you claim are behind the msm, hollywood, and the israel middle east agenda? Name them!!!
Are these imaginary “anglo saxon pirates” of yours the ones currently running the UK?
If so, why then are they replacing their ethnic kin with infinity blacks, infinity pakis, and infinity indians?
If it is really gentile “anglo saxon pirates” in control of the UK, rather than the city of london jews and the jews that dominate the msm there, why all the political correctness in the UK? Why all the speech suppression laws (that are overwhelmingly used against ONLY the indigenous Europeans in the UK)?
mike jonestard…
What do you make of these books?
1. They Dare to Speak Out by Findley
2. Against Our Better Judgement by Weir
3. The israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer
And what Cynthia McKinney says about who rules over who? What do you think about what she says?
Literally all of these people are six million times more knowledgeable about the subject than you, and virtually all of them think you are a lying sack of shit because AIPAC and the israel firster jews control our so called “leaders”, rather than the other way around.
So why do the true experts say the polar opposite of you?
============================================================It will fall when the US politicos decide to abandon it ! Not before !You have to understand 2 things about Jews and they Goy need to note these:
Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down with It?
Well, in the Israelis’ defense, one of their companies does make a very nice magazine loader, has saved a lot of wear and tear on my thumbs. If nothing else, there is that……….
Well Israel lies so incessantly that there really is no need to give credence to any of their claims absent external evidence. For example, Hamas really did attack on October 7th -- we know that. We can always reasonably assume that if Hamas claimed to do something and Israel confirms it, that probably happened as well. Past that? It seems everything Israel claims turns out to be a lie. No forty beheaded babies, the photo of the 'Jewish' rape victim turns out to be that of Kurd from 2012, the 'Hamas rocket launch' was a Russian misfire from some years back, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...
'Fascinating that, for Cook, what Hamas did is mere “allegations†while no such uncertainty pertains to Israel. He goes straight to “crimesâ€.'
They Lie about everything Colin, thanks.
Israeli Propaganda Isn’t Fooling Anyone – Except Israelis.
‘Hasbara’ is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not ‘hasbarable.’ One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
Agree, completely.
What a frightening time to be alive.
Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down with It?
Actually, since the day that TUR came into existence.
"TUR has been predicting the downfall/destruction/implosion of Israel continuously since 10/7."
As I keep reminding the fools here. All your postings here are being monitored and when the time comes, you will answer for going against the real PTB.
Ooh I’m scared. The big Jew lawyers are coming after us with mountains of paper and sofiftimicated words.
The real Powers That Will Be in this context are the border guards posted on the walls around Clown World, which of you look at a map, is less than 5% of the actual land of any western country.
You limp wristed fucks will be begging to get out of the nigger ghettos and control grids being built right now.
You don’t make anything, you don’t grow food, you’re a useless eater living off the very quickly dwindling goodwill and grace of the common white sheeple.
You can keep the 30% of whites who listen to the worm-tongue Jews. You can keep whatever productivity is left after reparation payments come out of their checks at Starbucks.
Online is forever. And the traitors have chosen their side. It’s in the libtard cities with an ever-increasing number of brown dependents.
Good luck with that.
Actually, since the day that TUR came into existence.
"TUR has been predicting the downfall/destruction/implosion of Israel continuously since 10/7."
All your postings here are being monitored and when the time comes, you will answer for going against the real PTB.
Memorialized for posterity.
The jews have made no secret of their willingness — eagerness, even — to nuke as much of the planet as they can, should they be attacked in any substantial way. Thanks to the shabbos goys in France, the UK, and the USA, which saw fit to arm Israel with nukes, it's no idle threat and everyone knows it. You don't have to roam far to see them bragging about this, you can click on Sailer's comments and find them every day. If you know of a way to disarm the jews, please share. The entire civilized world will thank you for it.Replies: @Heretic50, @hobnob, @Anonymous
Israel’s day of reckoning will definitely come, but hopefully it won’t be much longer. I really hope Hezbollah, Iran, and others bomb the shit out of Israel ASAP.
If they do, the last joo will be hunted for eternity and their putrid race will finally be dealt with. People will murk them on sight.
Joos are obsessed with being queer and perverted. When people talk about the ‘Nazis’ they are basing all their opinions on jooish media and jooish programming that has controlled the US for the past century.
Joos go to other countries and begin color revolutions lying about how YT has abused minorities. The joo is he foremost liar. But because it controls currency and media and politicians and education, there’s nothing that can happen without people in mass understanding what the joo is. If people knew, this could be fixed very quickly. They are a weak and cowardly people. But, very sneaky and manipulative. Minorities understand joos much better than YT.
‘Fascinating that, for Cook, what Hamas did is mere “allegations†while no such uncertainty pertains to Israel. He goes straight to “crimesâ€.’
Well Israel lies so incessantly that there really is no need to give credence to any of their claims absent external evidence. For example, Hamas really did attack on October 7th — we know that. We can always reasonably assume that if Hamas claimed to do something and Israel confirms it, that probably happened as well. Past that? It seems everything Israel claims turns out to be a lie. No forty beheaded babies, the photo of the ‘Jewish’ rape victim turns out to be that of Kurd from 2012, the ‘Hamas rocket launch’ was a Russian misfire from some years back, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc…
Etc. It gets boring: discovering that the latest Jewish claim is a lie.
This isn’t to say Hamas and the Palestinians must be paragons of honesty. But they’ve really no reason to lie. The truth is all too sufficient.
‘China,Russia, Iran are considered serious anti-Zionist powers.’
Of the three, only Iran would be seriously anti-Zionist — and they’d be overjoyed if Israel would just agree to leave them alone if they agreed to leave Israel alone. It could be like us and North Korea — occasional squawking, not much actual action.
But Russia and China are hardly anti-Zionist. They’re merely indifferent.
‘…Hamas’s attack on 7 October simply brought the long-standing moral corruption at the core of Israeli society more obviously out into the open…’
‘Moral corruption’ is charitable. Third Republic France in its final years was morally corrupt.
What if this is Judaism in its most complete expression? What if this is what Jews become if they are truly freed from their shackles?
Even Jews like Dave Smith who agree that Israel is committing genocide and that aipac’s influence is malign, scoff at the idea that jews run the world.
That’s the thing that can get us into trouble though. Jews do not control the world: they don’t control any of East Asia. They control hardly anything in Latin America. They don’t control much of anything in Africa.
The key is their phenotype. They look like “fellow White people”. That is precisely (along with their domination of the msm and control of censorship via the ADL and WJC and other jewish ngos) how they DO CONTROL Europe and the Anglosphere.
Emphasize this always. That jews do NOT control the world. They DO HOWEVER control Europe and the Anglosphere because our people don’t understand that just because they look like us, doesn’t mean they are us.
jews will NEVER be able to consistently subvert east asia, africa, or most of latin america because they simply do not look asian, or african, or indio/mestizo.
This is why our ancestors made jews wear things (like yellow stars) in the past. So when the backstabbing, hypocritical jews would say something like “hey fellow White people, here is why “we” should do x, y, and z”, our people wouldn’t be suckered by these subversives.
Tons of jews here tricking our people with the “dear fellow White people” ruse (and no doubt getting away with it):
Jews in Israel are like microbes in a Petri dish. Need a microscope to see them. There is a nuclear hammer hanging over Israel, ready to strike in less than a minute. Never hear about it in English language media, or most other places, for that matter. But it’s there. That is the only reason why Israel hasn’t destroyed Hizballah, Iran, etc., etc.
These articles serve as provocation for people to expose themselves, and be persecuted later on. I’ve said that before. That is the intent of the Israeli ‘antisemitic lab’. But it fails in the real world.
People named Jonathan, FFS! You are transparent! Live with it!
As much as I despise the Iranian mullahs, and Islam in general, I do not want to see Iran fall, simply because that provides the psychopathic Rothschilds with one of the two remaining money supplies they do not currently own. (The other being – of course – north Korea.)
The “shoah”. LOL
memejewjew says:
The Shoah is history. History has already been written. Step into the present.
I am stepping into the present shlomo. That is why I am commenting on your jewish terror being directed against Palestinian civilians.
Also why are you jews incessantly crying about almost 100 year history? Shouldn’t you move on shlomo? You jewish hypocrites are amazing…you want the world to obsess over something that allegedly happened to you jews almost 100 years ago, but you want us to all divert our eyes to the genocide you jews are committing against Palestinians TODAY!
History? History? You jews won’t allow any critique of the allied/jewish version of world war 2. This is not normal. You jews will get any professor fired from their job if they don’t agree with jewish cannon about ww2, Hitler, the jews and the National Socialists.
History ALWAYS gets revised. Once we find more information and the propaganda wears off, we revise history to try more closely represent the truth.
For instance, the lying allies for decades said that the evil nazis murdered 22,000 poles and buried them in a mass grave in the Katyn Forest.
They didn’t. The truth wasn’t revealed until the 1990’s that it was actually the judeo communists that did it.
Problem is, in much of europe, you cannot question the lies of the allies. Thousands of Europeans are jailed and/or fined every single year for questioning the “official version” of what happened during ww2.
We now know that:
-the story of humans being made into lampshades was a lie
-the story of humans being made into soap was a lie
-The 4 million dead at auschwitz was revised down to 1 million. So that original number was a soviet lie.
-The story about nazis shrinking jewish heads was a lie.
-The story about nazis using masturbating machines of death to kill jews was a lie.
-The story about peddle powered skull bashing machines to kill jews was a lie.
-The story about the nazis using a special cart on rails to roll jews (20 at a time in one car) down the tracks and dump them into an oven was a lie….and so on …
-they said that what motivated the nazis was their irrational jealousy of jewish people. That is simply untrue. A huge motivator was:
1. Jewish duplicity in helping Germany be defeated in WW1 so that the UK would give Palestine to the jews (see the Balfour declaration, and the video by Benjamin Freedman about this period in history)
2. Jewish people were at the forefront in the bolshevist revolution in russia (if you are fair minded and not just some lame sjw or hasbara jew, watch the video (goy guide to world history part 6) on youtube.
Soooooo. There are lots of things we are/were taught about that period that just aren’t true. Many of the nazis that “confessed” at nuremberg actually had their testicles crushed during interrogation. They “confessed” to whatever their british, jewish, and allied torturers wanted them to confess to.
There are just too many loose ends. I don’t believe the official narrative. Just too many jewish/allied lies.
You think our strategy is despicable.
But the history of mankind is the triumph of reason over sensibility.
We proceed from the facts.
Most critically, you will find that both the United States and the Soviet Union, which pursued irrational strategies, failed.
So fuck the mythical six million, right shlomo? It was a war after all....Replies: @meamjojo
War is hell. Shit happens in war. Who cares or why should anyone care?
The Shoah is history. History has already been written. Step into the present.
Someone should lop off your head as has happened to so many other Kings.
I am stepping into the present shlomo. That is why I am commenting on your jewish terror being directed against Palestinian civilians.
The Shoah is history. History has already been written. Step into the present.
The purest expression of the essence of Judaism-‘Let’s get on with the killing’. You must be a rabbi, or Torah Sage.
What sort of EVIL thug boasts of children ‘playing in the street’ while he and his tribe of genocidal psychopaths are slaughtering tens of thousands of children in their streets and homes, in Gaza?
China missed this moment big time. Extremely disappointed. Only three countries, China,Russia, Iran are considered serious anti-Zionist powers. Russia is in the war with Ukraine. Iran is sanctioned by US. China has its own economic problems but situation is not as harsh as those two countries. Chinese Statements on the Palestine-Israel Conflict at UN is fair and square. People’s confidence is boosted greatly. But that’s all, nothing more.
This is a turning point for China to win the world but the chance is thrown away.
Of the three, only Iran would be seriously anti-Zionist -- and they'd be overjoyed if Israel would just agree to leave them alone if they agreed to leave Israel alone. It could be like us and North Korea -- occasional squawking, not much actual action.
'China,Russia, Iran are considered serious anti-Zionist powers.'
That’s because he is polite, you slimy racist troll. What Hamas was accused of were LIES, the lingua franca of Judaism, Zionazism and hasbara insects like you. What Israel has done has been caught on video, by the butchers themselves, so constitute FACTS. Crimes for ordinary, decent, sane human beings, religious celebrations for scum like you.
War is hell. Shit happens in war. Who cares or why should anyone care?
So fuck the mythical six million, right shlomo? It was a war after all….
I guess it makes good clickbait for the people who apparently do very little all day except read TUR and then maniacally and viciously patrol the comments for anyone who deviates from Unz orthodoxy.
As the jew troll verbatim does what the hasbara tel aviv idf trolls do in DEMANDING that anyone that online that deviates from the kosher narrative get doxed, banned, censored, and deplatformed. You jews are constantly demanding that those that don’t tow the kosher narrative and those that dare to be counter semitic or critical of jews, israel or jewish power be censored and banned from twatter, faceberg, and jewtoob.
LOL. The jew accuses others what it itself is guilty of…
Who are Rhodies?
Fascinating that, for Cook, what Hamas did is mere “allegations” while no such uncertainty pertains to Israel. He goes straight to “crimes”.
Well Israel lies so incessantly that there really is no need to give credence to any of their claims absent external evidence. For example, Hamas really did attack on October 7th -- we know that. We can always reasonably assume that if Hamas claimed to do something and Israel confirms it, that probably happened as well. Past that? It seems everything Israel claims turns out to be a lie. No forty beheaded babies, the photo of the 'Jewish' rape victim turns out to be that of Kurd from 2012, the 'Hamas rocket launch' was a Russian misfire from some years back, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...
'Fascinating that, for Cook, what Hamas did is mere “allegations†while no such uncertainty pertains to Israel. He goes straight to “crimesâ€.'
This is really giving an indian burn to the kikebots’ deepest neuroses. Thrill to 209, primus inter kikies meamjojo THREATENING us! His Jewdaddy’s coming to the playground tomorrow or whatever. And you’re gonna get in trouble…
Sigh. Reminds me of my schooldays, giving swirlies to pencil-necked zionazi weaklings. That’s what they would say before we flushed the first swirlie. The second swirlie was in the adjoining stall, where Rufus laid a massive greasy meat dump for the occasion.
The Kike supremacists are getting those hyperhydrosis episodes again! What could it be? Jew supremacists got their very own stolen country, and they fucked it up? Where will they run now, now that everybody reviles them as genocidal vermin??
Whoever does the “take down” should act before the Sampson Option or use of a nuclear armed submarine, or affiliated operative acts. Some bunker busters and hidden linkages must be known in advance. The failure to do so means “the end”.
You’re a lot more fun when you pretend you’re not here. 😉
I don't know where you read that an all-out attack would result if Israel invades Gaza. I never saw it stated as official policy of the Iranian government, its supreme leader, or the head of the armed forces. Hezbollah would be even less likely to make such statements, because Lebanon is in the direct line of fire of Israel, and because many Sunnis and Christians (and probably many Shias as well) are not interested in war with Israel.
But both Hezbollah and the Iran Mullahs publically stated that an Izraeli ground invasion of Gaza would be their Red Line for an all-out attack on Izrahell.
Who said such a thing and when?
Nobody, at no time.
Yes, Muslim dominant nations don’t wage an ‘all out’ attack on Israel for the simple reason that none of them want to roll the dice on the Sampson Option. Israel’s the neighborhood maniac with a battery of warheads strapped to its chest, blowing raspberries at the gathering crowd as it gratuitously snipes children while exulting the virtues of anal rapists. Such is the fruit of our ‘enlightenment’.
Meanwhile, the poetic irony of its demise: the internecine conflict threatening to upend the judiciary, the rapid rise of religious fascism, the failing economy, the fact that it won’t have enough soldiers or workers to sustain it in a generation… all of this escapes the importunate soul whose plea for Armageddon that won’t come soon enough immobilizes him firmly in a torpor of cynical pessimism, just as his enemies like it. Viola!
Too many people think like this in the west, which is why I don’t need to wonder about our current state of affairs. Yet a senescent army of Zioboomers are nigh upon the compost pile and their replacement youth are informed enough to brush off Israeli propaganda as they would shoulder dandruff. That, the rising Muslim demographic, Israel’s irreversibly damaged political standing, and, of course, looming criminal charges against its leading ministers…
Well, most folks are just too ignorant (or too stubborn) to see it. I suppose when — not if — it happens, our resident cynics will just tuck tail and run, unable to live down their embarrassment.
Yeah. Sounds about right.
Israel in biblical times was the northern kingdom (that became the 10 lost tribes), jews come from Judah of the southern kingdom. So blessing Israel does not mean blessing jews.
Replies: @Anglo Mark, @6million Julies
Wondering….why do you hate White gentiles so much that you want them outnumbered by non Europeans in Europe…….but you would NOT support jews being outnumbered by non jews in israel?
Isn’t that hypocritical?
So why the hypocrisy shlomo?
Why is wanting the UK to remain European “hateful†or “xenophobic†or “notsee likeâ€, but wanting israel to remain majority jewish “utopian†in your mind?
You jews never seem to be able to rationalize this blatant double standard. Why is that shlomo?
They seem to be completely lacking in insight. Even Jews like Dave Smith who agree that Israel is committing genocide and that aipac’s influence is malign, scoff at the idea that jews run the world. He actually said he feels sorry for people that believe that. To be fair there are a few jews who not only see it but are willing to name their tribe: Gilad Atzmon, Benjamin Freedman, etc.
That's the thing that can get us into trouble though. Jews do not control the world: they don't control any of East Asia. They control hardly anything in Latin America. They don't control much of anything in Africa.The key is their phenotype. They look like "fellow White people". That is precisely (along with their domination of the msm and control of censorship via the ADL and WJC and other jewish ngos) how they DO CONTROL Europe and the Anglosphere.Emphasize this always. That jews do NOT control the world. They DO HOWEVER control Europe and the Anglosphere because our people don't understand that just because they look like us, doesn't mean they are us.jews will NEVER be able to consistently subvert east asia, africa, or most of latin america because they simply do not look asian, or african, or indio/mestizo.This is why our ancestors made jews wear things (like yellow stars) in the past. So when the backstabbing, hypocritical jews would say something like "hey fellow White people, here is why "we" should do x, y, and z", our people wouldn't be suckered by these subversives.
Even Jews like Dave Smith who agree that Israel is committing genocide and that aipac’s influence is malign, scoff at the idea that jews run the world.
the same consortium of mainstream news agencies known as the mockingbird media and mighty wurlitzer, that people are dumb enough to believe. i saw the brooks brothers revolution with my own eyes, i live in florida where shrubs brother jeb was governor and his florida campaign manager was the secretary of state charged with certifying the election. don’t try to sell me piss and tell me it’s lemonade.
It must be said that Lebanon and Syria have pathetically poor public relations. In response to these daily outrages, they should be howling in the UN for a emergency Security Council meeting to stop the thuggish Israeli bombings.
Look out all you “he’s a schill!” accusers, I know he’s at best a scam artist hoovering up public money.
Elon musk brought something to western public discourse that’s actually worth a damn, and it’s what I’ve heard from Africans all my life:
The UN does nothing and is nothing but globalist shitheads, all they really do is medical experimentation and child trafficking in war zones.
The positive aspects of the UN exist only in the brains of propagandized westerners who were fed a steady diet of school and star trek.
When musk pointed out the uselessness of the UN, it came up in daily discussions including with my sister (a barometer for normie dipshittery if ever there was one). She couldn’t believe that a rich and prominent world citizen would reduce the stature if the United Nations! I told her, “you know that they have their own TV and newspapers in Africa, right …?”
The UN is garbage and much of the world knows this. Grandstanding and playing the globalist tune gets you nowhere.
The syrians and Lebanese have figured this out already.
When will we?
It is not only that Israel is not going anywhere, it is growing and getting stronger. It is the only non-African country that is not dying off, with children playing in the street, and building more schools and universities. “Death spiral” applies accurately to Europe, and I am sad about that.
Once again the Chomskyist reversal of situation. In which direction does the tribute flow?
Your hatred of all things Protestant is a bit overblown.
“TUR has been predicting the downfall/destruction/implosion of Israel continuously since 10/7.”
Actually, since the day that TUR came into existence.
As I keep reminding the fools here. All your postings here are being monitored and when the time comes, you will answer for going against the real PTB. Think Jan 6 people spending years in jail, their lives totally ruined.
Memorialized for posterity.
All your postings here are being monitored and when the time comes, you will answer for going against the real PTB.
Ooh I'm scared. The big Jew lawyers are coming after us with mountains of paper and sofiftimicated words.
As I keep reminding the fools here. All your postings here are being monitored and when the time comes, you will answer for going against the real PTB.
Iran’s reply to Israel:
War is hell. Shit happens in war. Who cares or why should anyone care? Let’s get on with the killing.
So fuck the mythical six million, right shlomo? It was a war after all....Replies: @meamjojo
War is hell. Shit happens in war. Who cares or why should anyone care?
Hell is the grave, and because the Bible teaches the mortality of man and does not teach the immortality of the soul, evil people who were so powerful and important in this life will suffer the ultimate indignity of ceasing to exist forever. Faithful Christians can hope for resurrection of the body at the return of Jesus, and immortal glorification of the body, similar to what happened to the Lord Jesus after his resurrection.
How did Israel succeed in assassinating Haniyeh in Iran?
I worry about harm to Iran, to its people and to its priceless heritage sites.
Gosh, that’s interesting! According to you, it wasn’t the “is” who murdered, and not even Jews, but “two Iranians”. Or were they (((Iranians)))? And “whisked out of” Iran, but where to? Surely not “israel”?! They don’t allow Iranians to immigrate, do they? Or were these two Iranians unaware that they weren’t delivering Pizza? Or was bribery and corruption involved?
Your cartoonish story conjures up all kinds of images and questions. “Two Iranians”! Whoda thunkit!
This quote is a recent addition to the Bible when it was rewritten by Scofield. It does not exist in older Bibles.Replies: @dimples
†whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God, whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by Godâ€
The Scofield claim is an interesting question. The quotation is from Numbers 24:9
For example:
Good News Bible:
“If, as seems certain, Israel’s commanders are unwilling or incapable of reining in these excesses, then the World Court will find it impossible to ignore the charge of genocide against Israel and the ICC will be compelled to issue arrest warrants against more of the military leadership.”
This author seems to be seriously naive. Yidsrahell isn’t going to collapse until the Jew-owned JewSA collapses. Why would the Yids’ military leaders give a rat’s arse about having arrest warrants issued against them by some toothless international court? They can always retire in Jew-owned JewSA whose Jew-owned government will not only pay their pensions, chauffeur and bodyguard expenses but thumb its nose at any ‘rules based international order’ it doesn’t like while insisting the ‘rules based international order’ be strictly followed by others. All the while being cheered on by the Jew-owned media.
If we actually were teaching them our liberal way of life, I would support it, but we are not. We are caving in to every demand these people make, while giving them plenty of money as well. Plus, we are using the full force of the law on anyone who protests against this madness.Replies: @dimples
He tried lecturing me about the importance of letting in the Afghans and teaching them “our†liberal way of life.
He said it was our duty to bring the spirit of 17th/18th century enlightenment to such creatures, he could not imagine that they want to keep their identity, let alone force it upon us. Absolutely delusional.
“He tried lecturing me about the importance of letting in the Afghans and teaching them “our†liberal way of life.
He said it was our duty to bring the spirit of 17th/18th century enlightenment to such creatures,”
Notice the implicit white supremacism of this rancid leftard idiot. This attitude of ‘lets do good by bringing them over here to break them out of their primitive atavism and teach them our superior ways’ was extremely common amongst the leftard elites only a few years ago. I recall arch-leftard propagandist Phillip Adams espousing this view at one time. I assume by now it’s been replaced by some other shit-brained ideological justification after the rank hypocrisy was pointed out once too often.
As much as I detest the Bush Crime Family, it’s simply absurd to still believe that Gore won the election and the Bush association stole it. The reality is just the opposite. I recommend you read the superbly researched book, “At Any Cost”, by Bill Sammon. The SCOTUS reluctantly intervened at the last minute to prevent a huge travesty of justice which the Florida Supreme Court was about to impose upon all of us. A consortium of mainstream news agencies reported after the Bush inauguration that its painstaking recount of Florida votes demonstrated conclusively that Bush had won the election.
Jews as an organized nemesis have been around far longer than “Anglo-Saxonsâ€. The Jews used the latter group to their own ends before acquiring their own state in the Middle East which they hope to use to subjugate the whole world, including the “Anglo-Saxonsâ€. These “white†folks will continue to be used so long as they are useful to further the interests of the Jews’ very-long game of world domination.
†whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God, whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by Godâ€
This quote is a recent addition to the Bible when it was rewritten by Scofield. It does not exist in older Bibles.
Replies: @Anglo Mark, @6million Julies
Wondering….why do you hate White gentiles so much that you want them outnumbered by non Europeans in Europe…….but you would NOT support jews being outnumbered by non jews in israel?
Isn’t that hypocritical?
So why the hypocrisy shlomo?
Why is wanting the UK to remain European “hateful†or “xenophobic†or “notsee likeâ€, but wanting israel to remain majority jewish “utopian†in your mind?
You jews never seem to be able to rationalize this blatant double standard. Why is that shlomo?
Zionism is not really hypocritical, but rather a political dogma based on Jewish Supremacy and the rabbinical interpretation of the Torah (or the first five books of the Old Testament) by Jewish Supremacists. Although a double-standard and facially hypocritical, Zionism or true Judaism seeks to enslave the gentiles of mankind to serve the Jews. As Jews become more powerful, Jews unmask more of their evilness. The power Jews feel today is witnessed by their willingness to defend the rape of gentiles – acts that Jews would denounce years gone by, but only in pretense. Today because of the surge of Jewish power and invincibility, Jews admit to more and more abhorrent acts – abhorrent acts by non-Jewish standards, i.e., every popular religion with the exception of Judaism.
I would recommend a book of more than one thousand pages by Michael A. Hoffman II: Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit. The book explains the narcissism of Rabbinical Judaism and the mind-set of meamjojo and other Zionists.
You’d have to have the same smooth brain as a Christian Evangelical to believe the Jews gave themselves the same poison they gave the goyim. You are a stupid fellow.
We have a global strategy in mind, and we aspire to be a nation that the world can embrace as its king without the use of force.
Shut up coward. Go and play with your dick if you have one, I doubt it. Fuck your global strategy, when you have no guts, you are good for nothing. Wherever you go when US does not want you there, and ask you to leave, you immediately get lost because you are afraid of fighting back. This has been said by many people. That’s why NO ONE can trust you. Now, you are talking about ‘a global strategy’ which is laughable.
You used to be US servants until few years ago, helping the criminal west to defeat the Soviet Union. In fact you were a PIMP. Who can trust a pimp like you? No one. Go and play with your balls if you have one, I am sure you don’t.
TUR has been predicting the downfall/destruction/implosion of Israel continuously since 10/7.
I guess it makes good clickbait for the people who apparently do very little all day except read TUR and then maniacally and viciously patrol the comments for anyone who deviates from Unz orthodoxy.
It probably works primarily to put money in the pockets of the owners and writers.
But, don’t yall grow weary of reading the same old shopworn reheated horseshit every day?
“Israel is in a death spiral.â€
Haha LMAO. Israel isn’t going anywhere. A year from now, five, ten, they’ll still be sitting right there.
You don’t have to be a fan or lover of Israel to acknowledge that it isn’t going to implode or disappear.
Now…..where my barking dogs at?
Actually, since the day that TUR came into existence.
"TUR has been predicting the downfall/destruction/implosion of Israel continuously since 10/7."
As the jew troll verbatim does what the hasbara tel aviv idf trolls do in DEMANDING that anyone that online that deviates from the kosher narrative get doxed, banned, censored, and deplatformed. You jews are constantly demanding that those that don't tow the kosher narrative and those that dare to be counter semitic or critical of jews, israel or jewish power be censored and banned from twatter, faceberg, and jewtoob.
I guess it makes good clickbait for the people who apparently do very little all day except read TUR and then maniacally and viciously patrol the comments for anyone who deviates from Unz orthodoxy.
You’re new here, I take it.
Meamjojo’s rationale for defending the particular breed of vampire you mention is typically summarized by some hackneyed aphorism like ‘War is hell’.
Let’s just say you won’t get much mileage out of that lemon.
But unfortunately, this is not the best time.
Both whites and Muslims need to wake up to themselves, most of them lack the will to fight, and some of them do not even know who their enemies are.
If they are really willing to fight Israel with their lives, then there will be plenty of cheap drones from us worth buying.
Besides, we are not the Soviet Union, we don’t have to choose to export force to other countries.
If we were really exporting force on an industrial basis, what country would you think would exist?
We have a global strategy in mind, and we aspire to be a nation that the world can embrace as its king without the use of force.
But if it is true that certain countries, people, races, do extreme things to us, then they need to consider whether they should exist at all.
Garden of Paradise and the talking snake. Adam and Eve ( made from one of Adam’s ribs) and 2 sons—Cain and Abel.. Cain slew Abel –Cain the original Zionist —who later also appeared at the Warsaw ghetto playing Heydrich’s violin,…Golda Meir in rhythm on Jews Harp.
” whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God, whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by God”
Yeah, Genesis 12:3 from that stupid fuckin book. I’ve asked several Christians I know if it appears the US has been “blessed” by our support of Israel. $billions$ in US taxpayer money, 34 dead US sailors from the USS Liberty. 911, etc etc Israel is a mortal enemy of the US and increasingly, so are Evangelical Christians.
This guy(a former minister) has it down –
This quote is a recent addition to the Bible when it was rewritten by Scofield. It does not exist in older Bibles.Replies: @dimples
†whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God, whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by Godâ€
I was talking about the killing of Haniyeh, a top Hamas member. I didn’t think it was necessary to add that Israel carried it out. But they managed to two Iranians to help.
I am not a Jew (or evangelical Christian). Just someone who reads outside the fever swamps of the Unz Review.
He tried lecturing me about the importance of letting in the Afghans and teaching them “our†liberal way of life.
He said it was our duty to bring the spirit of 17th/18th century enlightenment to such creatures, he could not imagine that they want to keep their identity, let alone force it upon us. Absolutely delusional.
If we actually were teaching them our liberal way of life, I would support it, but we are not. We are caving in to every demand these people make, while giving them plenty of money as well. Plus, we are using the full force of the law on anyone who protests against this madness.
so sick and twisted in their thinking, and so opposed to Christendom
Actually they are opposed to:
-being consistent
-seeing things from the viewpoint of their competitors
-doing anything that is “bad for the jews” even if it helps the host people that host them
-freedom – if that means you disagree with them
-free speech
-equal rights to non jews
-treating non jews the same as jews
Their mental illness stems from their religion, that has infected their culture…and possibly as you said, their gene structure itself due to hundreds of years of genetically selecting for the most ultra tribal, narcissistic, unfair, and uncompromising traits.
But jews would be opposed to the fairness and thoughtfulness of buddhism and other religions as well. It’s not just about cuckianity. jews are simply collectively a spoiled child that will destroy anyone that dares to oppose their power or their “jews first” agenda. They believe if anyone opposes their agenda, they are “oppressing the jews” and will “kill the jews at any moment, so they must be destroyed”. It’s what their whole religion/culture is about.
Makes for really, really shitty neighbors if you aren’t jewish.
You are referring to epigenetic mechanisms. Behaviour traits are now understood to propagate across generations. So your thesis is correct.
Go to:
Parental behavioural traits can be transmitted by non-genetic mechanisms. This is especially true of maternal transmission. Physiological effects of psychological stress and infection in mothers can increase the incidence of anxiety and psychiatric diseases in offspring and in subsequent generations. Intergenerational inheritance of neurological traits is propagated across multiple generations independently by parallel non-genetic mechanisms involving independent segregation of epigenetic loci.
Indeed we are surrounded by people who cannot help their behaviour. This continues through multiple generations. Naturally if Jewish women marry Jewish men certain traits become predictable. Simply, because they are reinforced, certain traits are thought and said to be typically Jewish.
Of course trait propagation is not exclusive to Jews! We are not all alike. Far from it, each person is unique. There are millions of factors indicative of our uniqueness.
Lawless Jews, just doing what they do every Christ-forsaken day — committing fresh cross-border war crimes:
‘Following late night explosions being reported in the central Syrian region of Homs, state media SANA has subsequently confirmed that an Israeli airstrike has wounded at least four soldiers and caused “material losses” at the Shayrat Airbase.
‘The Israeli attack came from the direction of northern Lebanon. It has become common for Israeli jets to use undefended Lebanese airspace from which to attack targets inside Syria. Images showing a series of large explosions have circulated on social media.
‘Shayrat Airbase has long been well-known also as a base of Russian troop operations over several years. It remains unknown if Russians were present at the base when it was struck late Thursday night. Some Israeli sources have said ammo storage depots were hit, or else ‘Iranian assets’ were targeted – as is the usual refrain after such operations.’ — Zerohedge
It must be said that Lebanon and Syria have pathetically poor public relations. In response to these daily outrages, they should be howling in the UN for a emergency Security Council meeting to stop the thuggish Israeli bombings. Russia, with sophisticated diplomats, could train them in the basics.
Syria and Lebanon don’t protest through available channels. In response to their tongue-tied muteness, sadistic Israel kicks them in the teeth, again and again.
It must be said that Lebanon and Syria have pathetically poor public relations. In response to these daily outrages, they should be howling in the UN for a emergency Security Council meeting to stop the thuggish Israeli bombings.
I wrote the following to memejewjew….I bet he doesn’t respond at all…or on the off chance he does, it is with mealy mouthed jewy hasbara bullsht…
Wondering….why do you hate White gentiles so much that you want them outnumbered by non Europeans in Europe…….but you would NOT support jews being outnumbered by non jews in israel?
Isn’t that hypocritical?
So why the hypocrisy shlomo?
Why is wanting the UK to remain European “hateful†or “xenophobic†or “notsee likeâ€, but wanting israel to remain majority jewish “utopian†in your mind?
You jews never seem to be able to rationalize this blatant double standard. Why is that shlomo?
A rabbi. A priest. What is supposed to be a "holy man" that is full of kindness, tolerance, and empathy...These hypocrites literally claim they are a "light unto the nations."They lie and say they are the "world's most "moral" army."These people can't be reasoned with. They are sociopathic ethnic supremacists. They have been for centuries due to their sociopathic ethnic supremacist ethno cult "religion". That is the root of the problem.Nobody on earth behaves like these people. They have been a plague on the European peoples for centuries. It is no wonder they have been expelled so many times. There needs to be another full expulsion, but some guarantee in some way that they will never return to Europe or the Anglosphere.They are just too much of a danger to non jews.Replies: @6million Julies, @Eduardo
In 2016, for example, the Israeli military appointed Colonel Eyal Karim as its chief rabbi, even after he had declared Palestinians to be “animals†and had approved the rape of Palestinian women in the interest of boosting soldiers’ morale.
They have been expelled from several countries over the centuries, the guarantee that they will never return is to reform or better yet, destroy the Bible, it is a brainwashing book, many evangelical Christians are idiotized by the mantra that the Jews are the chosen people of God, that salvation comes from the Jews, whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God, whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by God, etc. I have evangelical Christian relatives who support Israel for being “God’s Chosen People “, these brainwashed idiots are idolaters of Jews, that is the reason why the Jews always come back.
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Meamjew is a hopelessly deluded racist idiot. But at least has the sense to live in the US ….because, well….moving to israel and putting your body in the direction where your shit talking mouth spews incessant shit means a long swim to Cyprus. So…
Meamjoojoo? You moving to your all powerful omnipotent israel any time soon?
I didnt think so mofo.
How did Israel succeed in assassinating Haniyeh in Iran?
I worry about harm to Iran, to its people and to its priceless heritage sites.
lemme guess: your source for that story speaks in a language that sounds like throat is full of pus.
Alastair Crooke (clipped British accent) told Napolitano that he worked with a person who was on the second floor in the building where Haniyeh was on the fourth floor.
He said the fourth floor was attacked from the outside by a projectile. He witnessed that the building’s walls were caved in from the outside.
~14 minutes
Video Link
Or they really are a “Synagogue of Satan”. It’s difficult for me to understand how a people could become so evil, so contrary to the rest of humanity, so dishonest, so sick and twisted in their thinking, and so opposed to Christendom, without thinking of what Jesus called them.
I know, that’s silly talk.
Actually they are opposed to:
so sick and twisted in their thinking, and so opposed to Christendom
Launch ’em Hymie!
If they existed, they’d have used them. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are inhabited, Chernobyl is a fucking wildlife sanctuary. And that’s not even taking into account the two members of your tribe that the nuclear age is attributed to. The fraud Einstein or the fraud Oppenheimer.
Let Israel launch the Cobalt encased super blozon neutrino field Goyim smasher.
Says the jew that thinks raping women and raping men with broomsticks is what it means to be "a light unto the nations".
Better go find a stray dog to kick.
Ignore the Zionist; not only does this hard-core Zionist openly and proudly support the genocide of children, but this hard-core Zionist supports the extermination of Whites and openly and proudly supports the Jewish murderer Trotsky. This is pure evil on display at the TUR; but we people who stand for truth, righteousness and everything good in the world must allow this evil to vent their evilness on TUR – as the masks continue to slip from the Zionist/Trotskyite face, the world builds an everlasting hate for the Zionist/Trotskyite. As our day of victory moves closer, their day of crushing defeat moves even closer. The U.S. now spends 76% of its budget on interest and is doomed. Israel, hence, needs to find another host to parasitically suck-dry – an increasingly daunting task because of its increasingly display of true evilness.
Replies: @Anglo Mark, @6million Julies
Wondering….why do you hate White gentiles so much that you want them outnumbered by non Europeans in Europe…….but you would NOT support jews being outnumbered by non jews in israel?
Isn’t that hypocritical?
So why the hypocrisy shlomo?
Why is wanting the UK to remain European “hateful†or “xenophobic†or “notsee likeâ€, but wanting israel to remain majority jewish “utopian†in your mind?
You jews never seem to be able to rationalize this blatant double standard. Why is that shlomo?
How did Israel succeed in assassinating Haniyeh in Iran?
I worry about harm to Iran, to its people and to its priceless heritage sites.
Very often its Mossad, if not american and british also being heavily involved with the terror operations and war crimes. But if american and british are not always involved directly in terrorism and murders, they are giving Israel massive amounts of intelligence, also where, how and when to best murder civilian, as seen in Gaza, Syria etc.
For 1967. When Sudan joined the war in ’67 various Zionazis promised vengeance. Breaking the place in two might have satisfied your ordinary vengeful psychopaths, but not our Zionazi betters. ‘Unto the third generation’, as they boast.
Do you really think that the ‘vaccine’ administered in Israel was the same as that injected into the goyim? I’d bet that there was a difference between the substance injected into ‘Israeli Arabs’ in their ghettos, and that which the Supreme Beings of the Universe were given, too.
How did Israel succeed in assassinating Haniyeh in Iran?
I worry about harm to Iran, to its people and to its priceless heritage sites.
And with Zionazis like you it’s ‘I hate the goyim’, over and over again. And the lying-Schopenhauer certainly was correct. The ‘details’ are plain-Zionazis are supremacist racists, and LOVE killing. Simples. And most make plain that they despise the Zionazis, not all Jews. The Judeophobes are cretins, acting like Judaics, or Zionazi disinformers.
Clowns are part of the Purim costume celebrations (like a Jewish Mardi-Gras) The not so subtle subliminal message of this ad is anyone who questions opposes or resists the vaccine is just a clown!
I dont doubt that Israel with USA support can WIPE OUT/Genocide all Palestinians/Jordanians/Syrians/Lebenese and may even exterminate all/100% Muslims/Arabs nations/populations from the face of the Earth. It is obvious and expresly clear that Zio/Jewish/Israel has no Legal/Moral/ethical/human limits to genocide anyone anywhere…and then WHAT?? What kind of world do JEWS want? How many Musims/Arab/GOyim will they genocide to be happy? Jews can inplement their global gay/pedo/sex/child/trans/pormo/transhumanist world and then what? They can force teh goyim to adopt Noahide laws, accept talumdic 8-100 genders assigaments, reassigaments, insitute bestiality, eternal debt servitude,financial debt global servitude and then what? Jews/Israel wants to become a HATED empire/peoples? a Fort Apache in a goyim universe? Jews can destroy Al-Aqsa, REbuild the 3th temple, sacrifice a red cow, 100 red cows to bring back teh Moschiac for what? unblemish red cow,,,once that redcow was born a breaths polluted air then is NO longer unblemish..IF Jesus or the Jewish Moschiac demands that I kill close to 1Billion human beings, for him to come I woudl say..NO thankyou..dont bather coming at all…IF ISRAEL WERE GIVEN THE POWER TO WIPE OUT ALL ARABS/GOYIM INSTANTLY …I dont doaubt they woudl do IT…and then what??? Jews want to live on Earth by themselves? or as master rulers of the entire galactic universe surrounded by Zombie goyim slaves..?? and then what?? what kind of world do JEWS want? what kjind of world will make them happy/satisfied? and live in PEACE? can they live in peace with goyim?? is it in their nature? Moloch/Satanic INHUMAN nature that makes them incapable of NEVER being happy without death/blood/destruction/?? what kind of wold do jews want?? when is enough enough?? how many chidlren must they genocide/mass killings/rape/sodomize/ to be “happy”? Maybe jews are slaves to their darkest inhuman nature??
I worry about harm to Iran, to its people and to its priceless heritage sites.
How did Israel succeed in assassinating Haniyeh in Iran?
They got two Iranians to deliver the bomb, which was later detonated by remote control so no one but Haniyeh would be hurt.
The two Iranians were then whisked out of the country.
It seems there’s a large number of Iranians who don’t like the ayatollahs.
Views on this site are cartoonish in their lack of understanding of details of the conflict. It’s just “I hate Jews†over and over.
But both Hezbollah and the Iran Mullahs publically stated that an Izraeli ground invasion of Gaza would be their Red Line for an all-out attack on Izrahell.
I don’t know where you read that an all-out attack would result if Israel invades Gaza.
I never saw it stated as official policy of the Iranian government, its supreme leader, or the head of the armed forces.
Hezbollah would be even less likely to make such statements, because Lebanon is in the direct line of fire of Israel, and because many Sunnis and Christians (and probably many Shias as well) are not interested in war with Israel.
Be more specific. Who said such a thing and when?
Nobody, at no time.Yes, Muslim dominant nations don't wage an 'all out' attack on Israel for the simple reason that none of them want to roll the dice on the Sampson Option. Israel's the neighborhood maniac with a battery of warheads strapped to its chest, blowing raspberries at the gathering crowd as it gratuitously snipes children while exulting the virtues of anal rapists. Such is the fruit of our 'enlightenment'.Meanwhile, the poetic irony of its demise: the internecine conflict threatening to upend the judiciary, the rapid rise of religious fascism, the failing economy, the fact that it won't have enough soldiers or workers to sustain it in a generation... all of this escapes the importunate soul whose plea for Armageddon that won't come soon enough immobilizes him firmly in a torpor of cynical pessimism, just as his enemies like it. Viola!Too many people think like this in the west, which is why I don't need to wonder about our current state of affairs. Yet a senescent army of Zioboomers are nigh upon the compost pile and their replacement youth are informed enough to brush off Israeli propaganda as they would shoulder dandruff. That, the rising Muslim demographic, Israel's irreversibly damaged political standing, and, of course, looming criminal charges against its leading ministers... Well, most folks are just too ignorant (or too stubborn) to see it. I suppose when -- not if -- it happens, our resident cynics will just tuck tail and run, unable to live down their embarrassment.Yeah. Sounds about right.
Who said such a thing and when?
The piece really agitated the kikebots. I love it when you guys fishhook their neuroses and make them have hysterical shitfits.
Lots of pounding puny concave Jew chests. Even some holocaust whining, if you can believe that! Wartime supply line disruption from Allied saturation bombing starves a bunch of interned persons. Jews make it all about them. And they have a bigger better, intentional, livestreamed genocide in their 22K km2 concentration camp because the sniveling pussies didn’t get over it yet.
Check out this ad of Bibi shilling for the vaccine. The ad was released on the Jewish holiday of Purim which explains its symbolism. You can see why Bibi is such a dangerous person as he’s a masterful liar:
There clearly is not. So what is your plan B?Replies: @James Goldstein, @King Edward I
"If there is a God, and any justice to our existence, the Jewish scumbags, and those who have supported these murderous racists, including the American political class of whores, are hell-bound."
There clearly is not. So what is your plan B?
Regardless of what plan B is, it is certain to make you effeminate jews whine like little girls about it. “Oye vey, the anti seeeemitism…..esau is always out to get us poor oppressed jews for no reason….we’ve never bragged or done anything to piss off our hosts.”
It’s been the same lie/story for 2k years now, right shlomo?
Better go find a stray dog to kick.
Says the jew that thinks raping women and raping men with broomsticks is what it means to be “a light unto the nations”.
You and your people are sociopathic hypocrites.