He was always Alcibiades actually.
Mary Beard and Bojo did a talk on “Rome or Greek civilization.†Bojo favored Greek city states over Roman Imperium. Beard preferred Rome.
The discussion is quite good fun but it does suggest that either segment of the British elite look at such things as utility in keeping their own plebs in line rather than anything transcendent. America and Russia are a blind spot for both thinkers. Today both of them take the easy path on what Putin represents.
I have always personally referred t0 Boris Johnson as a buttock. Lacking the development to, even be, a complete arse
Although he never saw the inside of a court over it, Lloyd George’s political career was undermined in part by corruption, mainly giving out peerages in return for cash. (There were other factors, like the general decline of the Liberal Party to which Lloyd George belonged.) Churchill’s career was on the back foot in the 1920s and early 1930s, though there was more than one reason for this.
Why would anyone follow English politics? That’s worse than following American politics.
Very predictable. This is because Johnson is absolutely Dutton’s kind of nigga.
These types admire each other a lot within their own hierarchy.
Dutton looks up to Johnson, as a superior rank of plummy voiced twit. Dutton in the heirarchy of plummy voiced twits knows he has to polish Johnson’s boots.
In fact Dutton would tear up all his works on “based science” just to polish Johnson’s boots and declare his allegiance to normie conservatism again if Johnson were interested to be amused in this way.
One more thing: Pascal’s Wager had no big cost. None really, if you intend to live a decent life trying to not harm anyone. The cost and harm of lockdowns or nut zero are enormous though.
But we all know that he is, was and always will be a man of no principle. First and foremost, he is a narcissist who wants to be loved by his peers. And that is easiest if you spend OPM on their pet projects and do their talk. Nut zero was also a, now clearly wrong and failed, strategic bet by him and his lot, reinforced by the nagging of his wife, to garner the green/young vote for the Tories instead of seeing it go to labour, in light of the absence of a meaningful Green party in the UK.
May I just add, that he is totally corrupt (speeches fees), though they all are (see Labour/Swift/Lord Alli) and that this kind of corruption is totally acceptable in the UK ever since Churchill’s lifestyle was financed by his Jewish and gentile owners.
And that he has the blood of everyone in Ukraine who dies or got maimed since April 2022 on both sides on his hand.
The real tragedy is that, that he always strived to be a Churchill but totally failed when his moment to become one occurred.
If he had stuck to his alleged libertarian instincts when the Covid Con appeared and just kept the UK on the existing plan, Swedish style, he’d now be regarded as one, and he’d still be firmly in power in a country with £500 bln less debt inhabited by free people.
‘Boris is self-aware enough to concede that he is “gaffe-prone,†but, then, he would concede this; it is part of his comic charm and of his cunning: Appear a tad helpless and people will love you. The women will want to mother you, the men won’t see you as a real threat and so will underestimate you, or they’ll believe that they can obtain true power with you as the comic frontman’
Dominic Cummings
Concerning the defenestration of Johnson, it is notable that two brown skinned subcons – who Johnson very foolish promoted into high cabinet way beyond their intellect and abilities, purely for PC reasons, of course – conspired together to politically assassinate him, so that a brown could sneak himself in as PM and lord it over white Englishmen, the former masters of India. The fact that Johnson is a blond man only intensified their determination to destroy him, and have a paki in charge.
That’s how the pakis think and act. Let that be a warning to you.
In the final analysis, Johnson was just a damned fool, and an immigrationist to boot.
He was an immigrationist.
When was the last time that the UK had a white male gentile as Prime Minister – i.e., an actual white British person? By my count it looks like Gordon Brown was the last in 2010.
Every subsequent Prime Minister:
David Cameron – part-Jew
Theresa May – woman
Boris Johnson – part-Jew
Liz Truss – woman
Rishi Sunak – Indian
Keir Starmer – white gentile (finally!)
Keir’s a white gentile, right? Except that Keir is (1) married to a Jewess, (2) raising his kids as Jews with whom he (3) regularly attends synagogue. So, it sounds like for all practical intents and purposes Keir is actually a Jew…
The UK is ruled by women and foreigners – mostly Jews. Sad. No wonder it’s going down the shitter.
But the part-Jews like Johnson and Cameron aren’t so bad, right? Wrong: https://www.unz.com/article/steyn-sticks-to-swine/#comment-6369548
Was Brexit a precondition for making war on Russia via Ukraine? Discuss…Bojo’s A-Level answer in to be found in the book.
Instead, you sit down in a pub with him and have a laugh, forgetting that he needlessly closed those pubs for the best part of two years, backing down to shrill, manipulative voices opposing the very sensible policy of herd immunity. Such is Boris’ skill and charisma, on such evident display in 700-plus pages of Unleashed.
Fact that he did close down the pubs and he’s 100% onboard with the Gaza genocide.
So when the private jets leave for New Zealand he needs to fight for his seat (not guaranteed).
Then start some serious groveling.
sycophantic tripe, written by the president of bojo the clown fan club. i wonder if he has his rejection letter framed or if he just keeps it under his pillow?
boris johnson is one of the most repugnant and arrogant, elitist swine imaginable and is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians that have died senselessly after he scuttled the istanbul agreement. he is a warcriminal, as are all involved in the promotion and planning of of their zato takeover of ukraine.
blowjo is as thick as the brick he wrote, that should be entitled “unhinged”. he is nothing but a reprehensible cur and how anyone could be impressed with this walking pile of dross, is beyond me. someone please put this overgrown, repulsive pug, back on it’s leash, before it shits on the rug.
Agreed, absolutely.
I’m tired of James Delingpole adolescents.
They have been using that trick* for centuries to rule and loot half the world.
Thanks for your reply.
I wholeheartedly agree: the British ruling class are the most supreme form of scum, a flow of stinking rot packaged in a scented glove. They take wickedness to another level altogether, a so far more refined wickedness than their savage Israeli, unsophisticated French, or blunt German politician counterparts. No wonder the Brits are worldwide renowned for hypocrisy.
But not everybody in Britain is as hypocritical as the Westminster Cabal. The ordinary people are not like that. Most are profoundly dumbed down by a state propaganda like no other. Britain invented propaganda on the eve of WW1; there is too much to overcome.
Those who don’t fall for it are scared. Smarter and principled people tried to stop the war on Iraq: their attempts ended by the blatant murder of weapon inspector David Kelly, hunted and executed like a dog, passed for “suicided”, his family too frightened to speak up.
Look at the sadistic torture inflicted upon Julian Assange, a daily reminder of what it costs to challenge the Anglo-Zionist empire, in the country who boasts about inventing the habeas corpus and Magna Carta, two pillars of modern “democracy”.
Or the very likely murder of Princess Diana, who dared campaigning against anti-personnel mines.
The British political system is corrupt beyond words, shrouded into the most sophisticated “legal” disguise to hide under. But British people, whether it is pro-Palestine anti-war activists, Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Jews, or rational lawyers, can do absolutely nothing about a rot that has built up for over a millenary. The system is too far gone, in a way even more hopeless than the US political catastrophe, because far-longer entrenched.
The only good thing about the UK is its ordinary people and their civilisation: but it is a strictly divided class society, in which power can never revert to them.
One thing is 100% certain: Britain’s current situation will end up in socio-economic catastrophe. The country’s situation is disastrous; corruption and cynicism have reined for so long that the trouble ahead is irretrievable and unmanageable.
Both your interpretations are correct.
1) All PMs meet your assessment of Boris; or
2) The PM in “Boris as PM†means Post Mortem.
{….despite a panel of senior British lawyers warning in an open letter that such weapon supplies constitute a violation of International Law……}
It’s all theater.
I don’t know for whose consumption, but the British lawyers know UK rulers will not stop helping Israel to commit Genocide, so they are throwing more of the BullS____ Anglos are famous for: pretend and preach that they are for law & order, but are International Gangsters since the days of their empire. They have been using that trick* for centuries to rule and loot half the world.
Same with all the rabbis that are supposedly against Gaza Genocide: don’t believe it.
It’s theater.
A Dog & Pony show.
Going back to the Brits: after the fact, The British Chilcot report found that UK’s invasion of Iraq was NOT justified.
Diplomatic speak for an ILLEGAL invasion.
An illegal invasion is a war crime.
The several hundred thousand Iraqi civilians who were killed by US&UK were murdered, because the invasion was illegal.
Yet, is war criminal Blair sitting in jail?
Of course not: he is a “respected” (sic) “statesman” (sic).
After destroying Iraq, the same criminal gangs almost destroyed Syria, causing the deaths of ~500,000 Syrians.
* i.e. convince large numbers of people that they are supposedly for law & order, that they respect agreements, “my word is my bond”……….
Thanks for your reply.I wholeheartedly agree: the British ruling class are the most supreme form of scum, a flow of stinking rot packaged in a scented glove. They take wickedness to another level altogether, a so far more refined wickedness than their savage Israeli, unsophisticated French, or blunt German politician counterparts. No wonder the Brits are worldwide renowned for hypocrisy.But not everybody in Britain is as hypocritical as the Westminster Cabal. The ordinary people are not like that. Most are profoundly dumbed down by a state propaganda like no other. Britain invented propaganda on the eve of WW1; there is too much to overcome.Those who don't fall for it are scared. Smarter and principled people tried to stop the war on Iraq: their attempts ended by the blatant murder of weapon inspector David Kelly, hunted and executed like a dog, passed for "suicided", his family too frightened to speak up.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvDP2qSmOJV0O3t91M-E0slOmNIu6EbjQXOpTt0UfHELopdh6DGF7MY8YAcw3plTx0cFJKasO_8e5HSXMmTwC8aYPX0yUrFv_iHORLIV7_rYNcwcywkfG3pscghFGKQGCda-uSv9ODAAk/s1600/10297667_344966552317459_8582508559355671096_n.jpgLook at the sadistic torture inflicted upon Julian Assange, a daily reminder of what it costs to challenge the Anglo-Zionist empire, in the country who boasts about inventing the habeas corpus and Magna Carta, two pillars of modern "democracy".Or the very likely murder of Princess Diana, who dared campaigning against anti-personnel mines. The British political system is corrupt beyond words, shrouded into the most sophisticated "legal" disguise to hide under. But British people, whether it is pro-Palestine anti-war activists, Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Jews, or rational lawyers, can do absolutely nothing about a rot that has built up for over a millenary. The system is too far gone, in a way even more hopeless than the US political catastrophe, because far-longer entrenched.The only good thing about the UK is its ordinary people and their civilisation: but it is a strictly divided class society, in which power can never revert to them.One thing is 100% certain: Britain's current situation will end up in socio-economic catastrophe. The country's situation is disastrous; corruption and cynicism have reined for so long that the trouble ahead is irretrievable and unmanageable.
They have been using that trick* for centuries to rule and loot half the world.
Put that along with "And still some want Boris as PM" from the first "X" post. There are 2 possible interpretations:
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.
1) All PMs meet your assessment of Boris; or
2) The PM in “Boris as PM†means Post Mortem.
Both your interpretations are correct.
1) Inside the UK’s foremost Conservative Party, any contender for the position for Prime Minister can only make it if he is the most obsequious stooge of Israel. The are all Boris Johnson in waiting.
The Conservatives have just announced that the will NOT stop arm sales to Israel, despite a panel of senior British lawyers warning in an open letter that such weapon supplies constitute a violation of International Law. To them, being punished by Israel, a foreign country, is scarier than the prospect of ending on the genocide dock.
2) The PM for Post Mortem acronym is very apt. It applies to all of formerly-Great Britain, not just to BoJo, as they call the Zionist buffoon Johnson.
Is this related to India? Apollo is a big chain of hospitals here.
Can’t you lazy pansies do anything else but beg for commodities? Pathetic.
So why do people diagnosed with sleep apnea actually live longer on average than those without?
If he did Kibbutz then he was involved in armed patrols. Target shooting etc. Possibly more.
What fun would the Kibbutz be if he didn’t get to aim his rifle at a Palestinian and gently squeeze?
Years ago, Boris spent his school holidays at a kibbutz in Israel. I think Boris has an interest in this conflict that many are unaware of.
1 in 10 of the 5000 had depression, and that goes up to 1 in 5 in the 18-25 age group. We often read about suicides because of academic pressure, and the data backs that up.
4/8 pic.twitter.com/9cQPK9ubIl
— Deedy (@deedydas) April 9, 2024
I’m starting to believe the inbreeding theory to explain the deranged and psychopathic nature of these “people”. Nothing else explains it. Well maybe that paired with their bloodthirsty religious beliefs. There just isn’t anything in their conduct and actions that’s normal. Every time you think you’ve seen it all, there’s a new bizarre outrage.
Their imitation of the type is an act.
Cameron was in fact a very good MP. He took care of constituents.
Fucked up Yentas
I just see conscripted ravers /goas dancing to prog or some other psytrance music. I am no expert in this scene though.
It is the same type of music one would find on the nova festival.
They are most likely trying to relief their stress, or celebrating dead goyim, or both.
Kikes are definitely not of European lineage, so their not European. They are alien invaders who infiltrate, replicate, and spread like a bactrium in a healthy host. Then they try to consume the host like a maggot. The same goes for negroes, mu-slims, chinks, gooks, etc. Also like I said before the red-coats are still an enemy of this country and also want to suck it dry like a vampire.
Boris Johnson and David Cameron are Jewish, or at least have Jewish ancestry.
Their names can fool a lot of people (“oh look at those British last names, it must be WASP ruling things…”).
Praise is due where praise is due.
Its the Jewish community that is demonstrating at the doors and events where evil congregates, it may be their people who are committing the Genocide but who are giving them the bullets, flying it to them, earning their daily bread working in factories to produce the weapons?
No more excuses for the goy…their efforts could go to sending food aid, construction materials and much more to struggling countries not machines of death and destruction…and don’t forget the goy also vote Democrats or Republican when the circus comes to town.
No this is a community effort of people of all stripe to deal with evil and smash it into a thousand pieces as a murdered President once said.
Boris [pig Dog] Johnson is the one who is insane. He drifts farther away from reality every day, why anyone even remembers his name any more is beyond me. Boris , he was not for us is what will be remembered.
Seems that the news of what’s going on in Gaza has been awfully quiet of late. The tentacles of Zion are making sure that it stays that way.
Boris Johnson has Jewish ancestry (like Tony BLiar), so his urges to continue the slaughter of Palestinian women, children, elderly with UK weapons, contrary to international law, fits the picture. Same thing aborting peace proposals in Ukraine.
UK Establishment, influenced by ziohofjuden, appear to believe that they can simply continue in the Perfidious Albion “gunboat diplomacy”..
Here’s a recent example of their (reported) military input jfyi.
Kherson direction, Krynki.
Assault squad of the 328 Regiment took 4 AFU soldiers prisoner.
A militarily pointless “demonstration of the presence” of the AFU on the left bank of the Dnieper.The failed landing operation, which was prepared by the British, led to nothing.
Boris Johnson is a three dollar whore for the JEW/ENGLISH Ruling Class of England.
Boris Johnson is a three dollar politician puppet whore for the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
Boris Johnson is a complete and total stooge whore for Jews Organized Globally(JOG).
The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire and the JEW/English Ruling Class of England is in the last ditch — using monetary extremism to cling to power — but they will soon be routed and dislodged from power.
Boris Johnson is a big backer of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and Boris Johnson wants to cut down every tree in England to provide rack and stack housing for the foreigners flooding into England. England is one of the most densely populated parts of Europe — or off the coast of Europe — and Boris Johnson is waving in the foreigners in a manner no different than Tony Blair or Gordon Brown or David Cameron or Theresa May or Rishi Sunak or the vile banker scum at The Economist magazine.
White Core Americans and True Core English patriots must be prepared to bang it out bravely against the Republican Party and the Tories to win back control of their land.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
He’s a PhD, not actual doctor of medicine/physician.
He’s also a communist who grifted with “fellow-travelers” to get rich in Ethiopia.
He colluded with Fauci to push Covid lies to make buckets of money from Big Pharma for Tony and himself.
Tedros is to the WHO like quisling Mahmoud Abasshole is to Palestinians: a fraud, hustler, sharptonite.
“Look blokes I’m as kosher as a Rabbi’s foreskin! I may look like an Albino Ape but I’m a kike, a hooknose, a heeb, ima Red Sea pedestrian and I hide it well enough behind the toffee nose bluster of an old Etonian. So you blame the English for my obnoxiousness.â€
The only thing that would make the Jews cease bombing Gaza would be an arms embargo.
A fuel cut off would accelerate Jewish desperation and trigger them nuking Damascus or Tehran.
“To understand Russia’s attitude toward having NATO missles right next door, one has only to remember that the US would flatten Mexico like a tortilla were that country ever to host Russian
missles; or better still to remember how the US reacted when Kruschev began installing missles in Cuba.”
If the Russians put missiles in Mexico today, the sclerotic Biden administration would protest and stamp their feet, they might talk about more sanctions against Russia, but wouldn’t dare do anything to aggravate the hispanic electorate in the US. The US today is nothing but a shadow of what it was 62 years ago.
The US supplies the Israelis with unlimited arms. And you moan about Russia selling fuel?
Where was I moaning?
I pointed out the fact that Putin could use his oil line to Israel as leverage for a ceasefire and yet he chooses not to.
You obviously have a hard time with that fact because you decided years ago that your dwarf hero was on your side in an imaginary war against the Jews.
Oil embargo’s are US policy since they successfully triggered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. Oil embargo tends to encourage desperate moves by the subject of the punishment.
I never suggested a full embargo. But Japan actually offered to limit their expansion into Manchurian China in exchange for oil. Meaning they were willing to change their imperial plans which shows that oil pressure works.
Netanyahu is running around like the bully that needs a simple slap.
All Putin would have to do is talk of oil tariffs in the billions and Netanyahu would suddenly have a new plan.
Or Putin could talk of cutting off their raw diamond supply which is around half a billion a year.
You just have a hard time facing the fact that Putin doesn’t give a flying fuck. You still want to believe in some grand “us vs the Jews” global conspiracy and can’t face that Putin is pals with Netanyahu and doesn’t share your goals. You’re basically a child that can’t face reality. You emotionally attached yourself to the dwarf just like Anglin and can’t face that he not only likes Israel but is quietly siding with them while the world is horrified.
Cutting Jews off from ammunition and other gear would be the best way to stop Israel from bombing Gaza.
I support ending US aid to Israel but it wouldn’t deplete them of ammo. US aid amounts to around 20% of their military budget and they could buy the difference from Russia.
But if the Maga House Republicans merely discussed the idea I guarantee that Netanyahu in that scenario would also change his plan. He isn’t going to throw away billions of military aid.
I support economic pressure on Israel from any country. You can’t face that Putin has the option but chooses to not use it.
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.Replies: @Kolya Krassotkin, @Curmudgeon
I comforted myself with the thought that even Socrates was very doubtful whether virtue could be taught.â€
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.
Put that along with “And still some want Boris as PM” from the first “X” post. There are 2 possible interpretations:
1) All PMs meet your assessment of Boris; or
2) The PM in “Boris as PM” means Post Mortem.
I would prefer the latter.
Both your interpretations are correct.
1) All PMs meet your assessment of Boris; or
2) The PM in “Boris as PM†means Post Mortem.
Yes, though it appears, probably due to translatory difficulties from Hebrew and Ukrainian into English, there are different versions of this original quote, my sources say f.ex.
“Boris gives the best Johnson” alt. “Boris sucks the best Benjamin”
-Voholodomor Straponski and BJamin Nutsackyou.
Can anyone confirm these independantly?
Thanks for the link, did not know that…
The relevant passage reads:
“2.Boris feels Jewish (sometimes)
Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather, Elias Avery Lowe, was a Moscow-born Jew born to a textile merchant. Johnson confirmed this in a 2007 interview for the Jewish Chronicle.
“I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out,†Johnson said. “When I suddenly get a whiff of anti-Semitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.—
Good to know.
This dance looks like a hysterical reaction to the situation these women find themselves in. I don’t see any joy or sensuality in their dancing, but I’m no psychologist.
The truth is that Israel's position is actually worse than ever before. Not only has the latest genocide of the natives of Palestine has been a PR disaster for Israel (when even Hindoos are turning pro-Palestinian, you know you have f%%ked up). Even though Israel has gone out to make an example out of Gaza, to show all the nations in the Middle East, what it was ready to do, if attacked, the truth is Israel is looking more and more weak than the image it had puffed up for others to see. The IDF is not looking like the great indestructible force, many believed it to be. It is actually looking quite weak and incompetent.
It was about Bibi Netanyahu and his people wanting to clear out all of the supposed enemies of Israel from the region.
What does competence mean in military terms though?
The key is having a first rate airforce. First rate air defences.
Armies without air cover are always vulnerable.
‘House Republicans plan a vote to rebuke Biden’s call for Gaza ceasefire.’ — John Johnson
Traditionally, such non-binding resolutions ghost-written by AIPAC easily garner over 400 votes on 24 hours notice.
What with at least 40 House Democrats including Nancy Pelosi now urging a halt on arms shipments to Israel, AIPAC’s latest self-serving, one-sided screed may achieve only 390 votes as it’s whooped through.
This will be a dark day for AIPAC — the fall of the 400-vote threshold, after all these decades.
Must. Lobby. Harder.
{To understand Russia’s attitude toward having NATO missles right next door, one has only to remember that the US would flatten Mexico like a tortilla were that country…….}
US would indeed flatten Mexico.
And this is nothing new.
All the way back in 1823 (!) Americans declared* to the European powers of the time that ALL of Americas — North and South — are US’s sphere of influence and were warned to stay away.
And US has always interfered in South America as soon as a government was formed that wasn’t to US’s liking. US still is trying to destroy both Cuba and Venezuela, because they refuse to become GloboSorosa puppets of the Anglo-American empire. Your garden variety Anglo-American (Anglo-Saxon ?) hypocrisy.
US overthrew the Aliende gov in Chile.
US is constantly interfering in Brazil’s elections.
Anglos invaded/settled/conquered half the world — US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand — and don’t like it when Russia tries to eliminate a real existential threat right on its border: imagine that. Your garden variety Anglo-American hypocrisy.
Same with China: Anglos give themselves the right to lecture China about everything.
Putin was right: the 500 year Anglo-American Vampire Ball is ending.
Good for us here in the US too: US’s Empire has brought nothing but trouble for people/taxpayers of US: we grow poorer and more enslaved every year.
* https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/monroe-doctrine
You misunderstood him. Watch again. The deal was that Ukraine would not join NATO and Russia would drop the demand that it "denazify"
Bennett is spinning a BullS____ yarn of his own imagination.
The notion that Putin would have withdrawn Russian goals of de-Nazification and that Ukraine could join NATO is fantasy.
Russia has the largest natural gas reserves in the World, … by far. And, they have not finished finding more gas. Why would they need or have any interest in Ukrainian gas, if there is any. Putin actually seems to be eager to sign a truce … he has been from the start. The Istanbul agreement would even have given back Crimea !! Russia is fortunate that the US will not let them stop fighting.
“ The tides are shifting and people are starting to see the ziojews for what they really are: nazis! â€
I beg to differ. The Zionists are acting so evil that they exonerate the Nazis. The Nazis stuck to the Geneva convention, allowing regular visits to the concentration camps. They never attacked hospitals. They never made a deliberate policy to beat the enemy through planned starvation.
We were taught at history classes that Hitler’s wars on the Eastern Front were wars of total annihilation. When listening to a translated speech of Hitler on the first day of the assault on Poland, he was cautioning his Luftwaffe pilots to do their best avoid bombing civilian targets.
The total war of annihilation is what we have been witnessing in Gaza and that earns the Zionist Israelis the worst record of crimes against humanity.
Add to your list David Irving’s book on Goebbels
He’s probably a pedovore too… Just like his hero “Winnie the stink” Churchill who had to wear a nappy as he was constantly crapping himself due to his drunkenness 😅
“Both Putin and the House Republicans have the power to pressure Israel. Neither wants to do it.”
Putin??? You meant Biden, yes?
The House AND senate Republicans are all on Israelis side. It’s only the liberal Dem Jews who think they can dictate how Israel is run from the USA. Instead, they should just go back to planting a tree in Israel and STFU.
Biden and the Dems are doing a good job of setting up a Trump victory and a full Republican Congress. THEN watch the support that Israel gets!
Once Iran is taken out, you can look for a new Trump hotel on the nice beaches of the Gaza, Israel settlers in Gaza and Gazan Palestinians forced marched into Jordan.
This is a good article:
Biden Loses the Plot on Israel
By Jessica Costescu
April 4, 2024Six months. That’s how long it took for President Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terrorists who killed some 1,200 people, raped women, tortured and murdered children, and took more than 200 captives, including American citizens, into the maze of tunnels, spider holes, and underground bunkers known as the Gaza Metro on October 7.
According to the White House, Biden on Thursday called for an “immediate ceasefire” and told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “strikes on humanitarian workers” and “the overall humanitarian situation” are “unacceptable.” Biden went on to say that “U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action” and on steps to “address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers.”
This is a demand that Israel appease Hamas at the negotiating table. This is a threat to condition military assistance to Israel based on absolutely no evidence and grounded in a ridiculous and unachievable standard of conduct. The move is cynical, opportunistic, and counterproductive. Biden has lost the plot.
What happens in Israel now foreshadows the situation in Europe if the progress of Islam is resisted.
London now foreshadows the situation in Europe if the progress of Islam is not resisted.
Jewish racial nature on display. I would not be surprised that Jewish women back in Roman times danced in a similar fashion.
Neither Middle Easterners nor Europeans behave in this way, at least dance in this way. Strange because Jews fall genetically in between Middle Easterners and Europeans.
It was about Bibi Netanyahu and his people wanting to clear out all of the supposed enemies of Israel from the region.
The truth is that Israel’s position is actually worse than ever before. Not only has the latest genocide of the natives of Palestine has been a PR disaster for Israel (when even Hindoos are turning pro-Palestinian, you know you have f%%ked up). Even though Israel has gone out to make an example out of Gaza, to show all the nations in the Middle East, what it was ready to do, if attacked, the truth is Israel is looking more and more weak than the image it had puffed up for others to see. The IDF is not looking like the great indestructible force, many believed it to be. It is actually looking quite weak and incompetent.
Israel may even try to expand the war in the Middle East, use the opportunity for some Greater Israel expansions, maybe against say Jordon for example. But the IDF has been far more incompetent than expected. Of course Israel may call in big Daddies like USA and UK to send their forces in the region by wailing and crying about this being anada Shoah.
Israeli genocide against Palestine is a repeat of the genocides in Dresden and Tokyo. Rabbi Smelly or Smuelly has even morally compared the bombing of Axis nations during WW2 with the Gaza bombings. For Israelis, Palestinians are the Nazis. Anybody to fights Satanic-Globalist-Jewish power is after all…. a Nazi.
You misunderstood him. Watch again. The deal was that Ukraine would not join NATO and Russia would drop the demand that it "denazify"
Bennett is spinning a BullS____ yarn of his own imagination.
The notion that Putin would have withdrawn Russian goals of de-Nazification and that Ukraine could join NATO is fantasy.
It is well to remember the OUN (Stepan´s old outfit) waged a CIA-backed
partisan war against the USSR until the mid-70s (!); IOW we are seeing
(((their))) Plan B developing; VVP will be forced to show his true colours
soon enough – the only hope is the Hohols are smarter than they are given credit for.
It’s also a reminder how the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and the attempts by the Israelis to start a regional war with Syria and Iran are actually one and the same war.
Russia blocks war on Syria in 2013.
Neocons flip the table and lose their shit.
Orange revolution and coup in Ukraine starts in 2014.
Not really. Orange revolution in the Ukraine was in 2004-2005, the one when Yushchenko was installed. 2014 was a different ‘revolution’,
Before that there was also the ‘Rose Revolution’ in Georgia in 2003 when Saakashvili was installed. There hasn’t really been much change in US policies in Eastern Europe and ex-USSR countries since the 1990s. The US goal since then has been and still is maintaining hegemonic dominance as the sole superpower everywhere in the world. They’ve been expanding NATO and installing pro-US governments in the region for the last 30 years. In 2008 the talks about Georgia and Ukraine joining NATO got more active, but they started even before that.
Syria and Iran were supposed to be long gone by 2014. Remember ‘7 countries in 5 years’ after 9/11? So, the US was making moves in Ukraine well before Russia got involved in Syria. It was after the US had installed their Banderite neo-Nazis in Kiev and Russia annexed Crimea in response that things escalated. But American puppet Saakashvili flipped out in Georgia in 2008 in a similar way, long before Syria.
The only hitch has been the fuckup with Ukraine.
In the Middle East the goal was to destroy 7 countries in 5 years, and that has been a real fuckup. Iran is still there and the US can’t launch an attack on it from east and west simultaneously as they left Afghanistan and don’t have much presence in Iraq anymore. Assad is still there. The Arabs in the region hate Israel so much now. Things haven’t been great for the hegemon in this ‘New American Century’. The jews seem to be determined to destroy America from within for whatever reason, and nobody in the world is buying American foreign policy as “benevolent global hegemony” because the US is acting like a mad drunk brute that goes around the world smashing everything up while laughably lying about its own “benevolence,” not to mention trying to force trannies and homos on everyone. If even sandal-wearing Houthis are able to resist US hegemony (now that’s a fuckup and an embarrassment) you know the US dominance is on its way out.
What’s the problem if the US stops sending free money and weapons to Israel and Israel asks China and North Korea for free money and weapons?
Below is my reply to those who promote the idea that the Israelis were behind the 10/7 attack.
There’s a lot of Israelis shills promoting the idea that 10/7 was a false flag attack.
That in it self should give any truth-seeking person pause
They promote this theory so as to confuse and more important to attempt to shore up the destroyed reputation of the IDF
They imply that the attack was planned by of all folks; the Israelis.
Why would the Israelis do this to themselves?
The fact is they wouldn’t in a million years.
So that leaves the question;
How did the Palestinians do it?
This is how they did it and this is the only way they could have gotten away with it.
Palestinian double agents have been feeding false information to the Israelis and receiving secret information from them since early 2022.
The Israelis have for years controlled Gaza through high ranking collaborators.
That is why there would be these short conflicts where a few rockets would fly, a few hundred Palestinians would be slaughtered and most important several up and coming Hamas resistance commanders were blown to hell by the Israelis.
By having the Israelis assassinate the young Hamas commanders the high up Hamas collaborators removed threats to their control
This went on for a while
Then the Palestinians got wise.
Somehow they caught the traitors, but instead of killing them they used them against the Israelis.
This has been going on since early 2022.
Think for your self of the implications of the Hamas having the complete trust of the Israelis
The possibilities are endless.
One thing it means is the the Palestinians are prepared for everything the Israelis have because the Israelis have told them what they have.
The surprise attack is one of the greatest turn-arounds in the history of conflict.
I could go on,
Why not? When people tell themselves they're special, have the best and most moral army on the planet, but forget what kind of genie can come out of that wretched bottle, you might find yourself where the squatters of Occupied Palestine are right now. Lost.
"So the argument that the Jews let 10/7 happen doesn’t make any sense."
If the Israelis were in control of the situation
Then they would have at least laid some groundwork
A head of this attack so as to be able to achieve their goals
That obviously wasn’t done
No, this was the real thing
This was the result of a desperate oppressed people
Planning and preparing for a ground changing raid
And then carrying it out
An attack that apparently went better than they ever could have imagined
Imagine the Wehrmacht behaving like that. Or indeed any other army. For one thing, real armies don’t have women in fashion parades with guns. In 1945 in Berlin, the civilian population suddenly engaged in frenetic dances even in the Chancellory. So there might be some parallel there.
Simply cutting off arms shipments would make Israel stop the bombing.
Yes and I supported doing that years ago.
Israel can buy their own damn weapons.
By all means write your rep and ask why the “America First” Republicans want endless aid to Israel when polls show that the public wants a ceasefire. Or ask why Israel gets free US toys when they have a budget surplus due to cheap Russian oil.
Both Putin and the House Republicans have the power to pressure Israel. Neither wants to do it.
Putin??? You meant Biden, yes?
"Both Putin and the House Republicans have the power to pressure Israel. Neither wants to do it."
Biden Loses the Plot on Israel
By Jessica Costescu
April 4, 2024
Six months. That's how long it took for President Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terrorists who killed some 1,200 people, raped women, tortured and murdered children, and took more than 200 captives, including American citizens, into the maze of tunnels, spider holes, and underground bunkers known as the Gaza Metro on October 7.
According to the White House, Biden on Thursday called for an "immediate ceasefire" and told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that "strikes on humanitarian workers" and "the overall humanitarian situation" are "unacceptable." Biden went on to say that "U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel's immediate action" and on steps to "address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers."
This is a demand that Israel appease Hamas at the negotiating table. This is a threat to condition military assistance to Israel based on absolutely no evidence and grounded in a ridiculous and unachievable standard of conduct. The move is cynical, opportunistic, and counterproductive. Biden has lost the plot.
False. Anglin has recently discussed that issue in at least two articles:
Funny how slavish MAGA support for Israel is never mentioned by Anglin (...)
That’s a criticism of Trump and not House Republicans. Trump does not have political office.
He doesn’t talk about how the House Republicans want to write a 14.5 billion dollar check to Israel while Jewish Schumer called for new elections in Israel to remove Netanyahu.
Kind of complicates his “one big Jew conspiracy” narrative.
The Jews in the Senate want a ceasefire while the non-Jewish Republicans in the House want to send Israel a check. Can provide quotes from either if you would like. Speaker Johnson in fact is willing to have an up or down vote on aid for Israel but not the border.
He also doesn’t talk of Putin’s support for Israel and especially Netanyahu. Doesn’t fit his fantasy of Putin somehow sticking it to Western Jews by slaughtering Orthodox families. Still no explanation from any of Putin’s fans on how that makes sense.
Goebels never killed anyone. He didnt even carry a gun as far as i know. But his lies and manipulations got him sent to the gallows.
Goebels committed suicide with his wife and children, it doesn’t affect your argument noticeably but some of us think that historical accuracy is a thing.
The US supplies the Israelis with unlimited arms. And you moan about Russia selling fuel? What kind of an argument is that? You just twist yourself in knots. Oil embargo’s are US policy since they successfully triggered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. Oil embargo tends to encourage desperate moves by the subject of the punishment.
Cutting Jews off from ammunition and other gear would be the best way to stop Israel from bombing Gaza.
Funny how slavish MAGA support for Israel is never mentioned by Anglin (…)
False. Anglin has recently discussed that issue in at least two articles:
And you think MAGAts would do that?
Also we must fuck the pig head. If we do not fuck the pig head we capitulate to the kind of savages who will not fuck the pig head, not its mouth, not its ears, not its nostrils, not its eye sockets, not even its neck hole. We must jizz massive wads into the pig head with paroxysmal grunts and gasps, Auuhh UHHH, Pig Head I LOVE YOU!!! We cannot let the sinister pig head celibates win.
I’d like to read say 1/2 dozen of Goebbel’s statements that are asserted to be lies.
According to Churchill there were far fewer lies told in Germany than in the so-called democratic states.
If a genocide, a fun one at least.
EXPLAIN? pic.twitter.com/W0nxg8Am3j
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) April 7, 2024
I haven’t heard “let happen†as much as I’ve heard “literally purposely caused it to happen themselves, given that they created and run Hamas.†As others said, Israel was on the “brink of civil war†(read: there was domestic unrest because of four wishy-washy Knesset dissolutions right after one another), and so they created a false flag to galvanize the population, prevent the top brass from being imprisoned for procedural crimes, and to further the goal (they literally all share) of exterminating all gentiles within the borders of Greater Israel and annexing all that land to Israel proper.
Why wouldn’t they have caused it themselves? How does it make sense to just “let†something happen from a real enemy? Does that sound like what jews do? Or does it sound like jews would false flag themselves (or others) to get their way internationally? Answer honestly. Really think about it. For five seconds. I’m sure you know the real answer.
Trading for fuel isn’t supplying arms.
The Arab Muslims also mostly use Russian designed weapons against Israel.
So JJ is wrong.
I never said that Russia is supplying arms to Israel. Go ahead and quote me (You can’t).
Stop making stuff up in a pathetic attempt at defending your dwarf dictator.
I said that Putin could use his oil line to Israel as method of pressuring a peace agreement.
He doesn’t take that action because he doesn’t give a flying F if people in Gaza starve. He’d rather have the cash from his close trading position with Israel.
Can you not face that like a man? Is Putin your imaginary Hitler claus? You call me a Jew at every waking moment and Putin spends an actual lifetime serving Israel and yet you get on your knees to defend him. Pathetic.
It’s not just oil. Russia also supplies Israel with raw diamonds. Putin could at any moment threaten to turn off the diamond supply but he doesn’t share your hatred of the Jews. He thinks they are great and in fact values Israel as a sort of Russian trading island. It’s one of the few places where Russian is commonly spoken.
Israel’s Russian dilemma
The diamond trade is a particularly difficult area. Last year, Israel imported $400 million worth of diamonds from Russia, accounting for two thirds of its total imports from that country. Russia currently controls about a third of raw diamond exports to the rest of the world, and the Israeli diamond industry is a big buyer of these diamonds.
Russia allows Israel to dominate the global diamond trade. That’s a fact you can verify on your own but you probably don’t have the guts. You’ll just mumble DERPA DERPA JEW because that is all you have. You can’t face that your king dwarf in Russia loves the Jews and will yawn if the people of Gaza starve. It was the dwarf that thought it was a good idea to turn his corrupt Jewish chef into a billionaire private warlord. Great thinking dwarf.
“Side note: for years I heard of Kruschev’s attempt to put nuclear missiles in Cuba, but it was not until years after that that I first learned that this was in reaction to the US installing missiles in Turkey. Maybe this was when I first began to recognize how one-sidedly history is sometimes taught.”
Ditto here. In hindsight, most of what I was taught in various schools turned out to be nothing but polished turds and blatant lies.
Trading for fuel isn’t supplying arms.
The Arab Muslims also mostly use Russian designed weapons against Israel.
So JJ is wrong.
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.Replies: @Kolya Krassotkin, @Curmudgeon
I comforted myself with the thought that even Socrates was very doubtful whether virtue could be taught.â€
“[Boris Johnson] is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.”
IOW, Boris is a merchant. (Anyone have pictures of him clasping?)
“So the argument that the Jews let 10/7 happen doesn’t make any sense.”
Why not? When people tell themselves they’re special, have the best and most moral army on the planet, but forget what kind of genie can come out of that wretched bottle, you might find yourself where the squatters of Occupied Palestine are right now. Lost.
Remember the US of A in Viet Nam?
Remember the US of A in Eyerack?
Remember the US of A in Afghanistan?
Yeah, the mightiest Army on the planet, right?
Still doesn’t make any sense…?
Cut off weapons to Israel and they may have to turn to other sources? North Korea? China?
Be VERY careful Biden!
BoJo’s mother was jewish and BoJo was born in nyc. Why wouldn’t BoJo be ok with the bombing of women and children in Gaza? Almost everyone with his demographics has the same view. Good luck to the English people.
To understand Russia’s attitude toward having NATO missles right next door, one has only to remember that the US would flatten Mexico like a tortilla were that country ever to host Russian m issles; or better still to remember how the US reacted when Kruschev began installing missles in Cuba.
Side note: for years I heard of Kruschev’s attempt to put nuclear missles in Cuba, but it was not until years after that that I first learned that this was in reaction to the US installing missles in Turkey. Maybe this was when I first began to recognize how one-sidedly history is sometimes taught.
Ditto here. In hindsight, most of what I was taught in various schools turned out to be nothing but polished turds and blatant lies.
"Side note: for years I heard of Kruschev’s attempt to put nuclear missiles in Cuba, but it was not until years after that that I first learned that this was in reaction to the US installing missiles in Turkey. Maybe this was when I first began to recognize how one-sidedly history is sometimes taught."
Goebbels was not sent to the gallows:
as the Reds closed in on the Berlin bunker, Goebbels and his wife poisoned their children, then arranged for one of the local SS to shoot them both in the back of the head. This said,
his diaries are among the best literature to come out of the Third Reich:
Helmut Heiber, ed.: The Early Goebbels Diaries, 1925-26 (NY, 1962)
Fred Taylor, ed.: The Goebbels Diaries, 1939-41 (NY, 1984)
Louis Lochner, ed.: The Goebbels Diaries, 1942-43 (NY, 1948)
Hugh Trevor-Roper, ed.: Final Entries 1945, The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels (NY, 1978)
Then they need to be exterminated. Including that anglo-zio piece of red-coat shit.
I would love to see Bojo held to full account for the unnecessary deaths he has caused, (along with The war pig Nudelman and homosexual manlet Zelensky), but little I see convinces me that will happen. At this juncture a sentence of life in prison for war crimes would be sufficient.
re BJ:
it applies the (((lotion))), or it gets the (((hose))) again:
same as the rest of the Jew-owned anglo/’murkan political class.
Finally, you’ve posted something that actually makes sense.
Bennett is spinning a BullS____ yarn of his own imagination.
The notion that Putin would have withdrawn Russian goals of de-Nazification and that Ukraine could join NATO is fantasy.
You misunderstood him. Watch again. The deal was that Ukraine would not join NATO and Russia would drop the demand that it “denazify”
I am convinced there will never be a peace deal, Putin learned not to trust the west and has said so. Prolonging the war and the terror attacks now make it impossible. Russia will take all of Ukraine and kill any NATO soldiers who stand in the way. Russia will then control Ukrainian natural gas.
The facts on the ground are … not simple;
clear is Hamas were using US-supplied weapons (those vz-58s sure were an
eye-opener); also the ghetto uprising (a limited-objective raid to make prisoners)
was a bit too successful.
OTOH it is undeniable that it derailed the Abraham Accords – why would anyone
on the Great Satan´s side want that? Brandon trying to extirpate Orange Man´s
legacy? I mean, gimme a break.
It also (and perharps more importantly) derailed the Litani Project;
we would have to assume Bibi is going full Apocalypse, heifers an sheet 🤪
this is the real reason behind the jewish circumcision ritual; so the shabbos goyim sluts like johnson and biden don’t gag as hard when they deep throat.
he’s just another fat whore who proves that the only, single source of power for zionists is money and the hookers in “power” who will let bibi “lewinsky” them for it. they have no ideas. they have no moral standing. they have no allies (and as the hannibal directive and the recent charlottesville-ish protest ramming show they can’t even tolerate OTHER ZIONISTS).
if the “diaspora” scum want to keep funding this prostitution then they (and the funboys like boris) should put their blood money where their mouth is and move to hell aviv. hopefully the ongoing “masada 2.0” in gaza will cause actual humans to make them that uncomfortable.
If anyone doubts this, watch this short video:
Never forget Boris also helped scuttle any peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine, before hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died unnecessarily.
Bennett is spinning a BullS____ yarn of his own imagination.
The notion that Putin would have withdrawn Russian goals of de-Nazification and that Ukraine could join NATO is fantasy. Russia could not and cannot allow Ukraine to join NATO.
It’s an existential matter for RF.
You misunderstood him. Watch again. The deal was that Ukraine would not join NATO and Russia would drop the demand that it "denazify"
Bennett is spinning a BullS____ yarn of his own imagination.
The notion that Putin would have withdrawn Russian goals of de-Nazification and that Ukraine could join NATO is fantasy.
Replies: @Iris
“The Balliol College Register for 1983 contains an entry which begins: ‘JOHNSON Alexander Boris de Pfeffel: JOHNSON, Boris – b. 19 June 1964. New York. American. Generally known while at Balliol as Boris Johnsonâ€â€¦â€œI last saw Boris in May 2017 at Jasper Griffin’s eightieth birthday party… He read a witty poem he had written in honour of Jasper. But he was not welcomed by many of the guests, and some seriously considered walking out when he entered…As he departed, I reflected ruefully on the college’s part in his education... But what had we done for Boris? Had we taught him truthfulness? No. Had we taught him wisdom? No. What had we taught? Was it only how to make witty and brilliant speeches? I comforted myself with the thought that even Socrates was very doubtful whether virtue could be taught.â€Anthony Kenny, Brief Encounters: Notes from a Philosopher's Diary (London: SPCK, 2018), pp. 73-74
I comforted myself with the thought that even Socrates was very doubtful whether virtue could be taught.â€
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.
Put that along with "And still some want Boris as PM" from the first "X" post. There are 2 possible interpretations:
This judgment in a single phrase strikingly summarises Boris Johnson: he is in essence a greedy mercenary opportunist, for whom human virtues mean absolutely nothing.
It’s also a reminder how the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and the attempts by the Israelis to start a regional war with Syria and Iran are actually one and the same war. Johnson famously went all the way to Kiev in April 2022 to convince him to stop negotiations with the Russians. What did he say? We don’t know but the war has ground on for another 2 years and all Ukraine got was more dead, more destruction and no doubt an even worse final resolution with Russia and horrific “reconstruction” by the West.
Russia blocks war on Syria in 2013.
Neocons flip the table and lose their shit.
Orange revolution and coup in Ukraine starts in 2014.
Instigate and escalate resulting ethnic civil war in Donbass throughout the last 10 years.
Finally provoke Russia to go to war, leaving them no alternative other than submission in 2022. Russian military and navy now tied down fighting massive land war in Ukraine.
Begin the “Outside In” process in 2023, Hamas has no choice but to start a war with Israel to stop it.
Have media and normie cons and normie libertarian dolts like Musk into justifying the inevitable massive Israeli war crimes.
Kill two birds with one stone, ethnically cleanse Gaza and in doing so provoke a regional war with Iran, Syria and Lebanon and get your American golem to fight Syria and Iran for you.
The only hitch has been the fuckup with Ukraine. They put more legitimacy on the line there than they had originally budgeted. I suspect this was due to TDS and the successful transference of it to Putin. Women on social media who had no understanding of the context went hysteric on social media and they put so much on the line rhetorically and in terms of their potential red-pilling when they realise what’s going on that the US can’t afford to lose what was previously just a freebie proxy war, only Ukraine was supposed to lose.
With US hegemony now waning and about to be demolished (Kicking Russia out of SWIFT and forcing them to build an alternative they never would have bothered with otherwise will go down as the biggest mistake) there is also the sense of it being “now or never” for the US to finally go to war with Iran and Syria for Israel.
It’s also a reminder how the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and the attempts by the Israelis to start a regional war with Syria and Iran are actually one and the same war.Russia blocks war on Syria in 2013.Not really. Orange revolution in the Ukraine was in 2004-2005, the one when Yushchenko was installed. 2014 was a different 'revolution',
Neocons flip the table and lose their shit.
Orange revolution and coup in Ukraine starts in 2014.
In the Middle East the goal was to destroy 7 countries in 5 years, and that has been a real fuckup. Iran is still there and the US can't launch an attack on it from east and west simultaneously as they left Afghanistan and don't have much presence in Iraq anymore. Assad is still there. The Arabs in the region hate Israel so much now. Things haven't been great for the hegemon in this 'New American Century'. The jews seem to be determined to destroy America from within for whatever reason, and nobody in the world is buying American foreign policy as "benevolent global hegemony" because the US is acting like a mad drunk brute that goes around the world smashing everything up while laughably lying about its own "benevolence," not to mention trying to force trannies and homos on everyone. If even sandal-wearing Houthis are able to resist US hegemony (now that's a fuckup and an embarrassment) you know the US dominance is on its way out.
The only hitch has been the fuckup with Ukraine.
“BJ gives the best BJs”
– Volodimir Selensky and Benyamin Mileikovski.
My sentiments exactly.
Well if what you say is correct
It looks like the Israelis
Jumped from the frying pan
Into the fire
But they didn’t
They got caught with their pants down.
Never forget Boris also helped scuttle any peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine, before hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died unnecessarily.
If anyone doubts this, watch this short video:
Israel was heading for a civil war before the 10/7 attack. Regular (huge) street demonstrations against the Netanyahu government. Netanyahu himself was looking at possible prison time on corruption charges. Military personnel (including pilots).coming out and saying that they would refuse to serve in the event of an attack. Israel supporters saying that Israel is “facing an existential crisis” etc. Anybody who believes the cockamamie official story is deluded at best.
Another political serial killer who goes on a rampage in the hope of being granted another opportunity as a leader and being able to directly participate in the bloody spectacle in Palestine.