Herr Field Martial Roberts:
You do not allow commentators on your own website, so forgive me for hijacking the good Mr. Unz’s site to go O.T. and offer feedback.
I think that V.V. Putin, if he or any of his lackeys reads your website, has heard your endless pleading for a pull-out-all-the-stops blitzkrieg against the Kiev regime, as opposed to his supposed tiptoe-through-the-china-shop approach that you so disdain.
As they say in our military, HUA: “Heard, Understood, Acknowledged”. If Shoigu drops dead of a heart attack, maybe you will have a shot at your dream job, Savior of All the Russias.
There's always a tendency for confirmation bias, but I also recall reading on the subject from Craig Murray's own website (again, some years ago now) which also confirmed that he was the mule between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I don't even know if he still has a website now.
Point is - weren't no Russians upsetting the apple cart way back then, and TBH probably still aren't.Replies: @RobinG
No effort involved. I was with Craig Murray that day (in the sense we were both at the same place) and my memory is crystal clear. John Kiriakou had just been presented the Sam Adams Award. We were milling outside the building at the corner of the AU campus, deciding where to go for beer and conversation. None of us noticed that Craig had slipped around the back and walked down Mass. Ave. to the Glover Park rendezvous. So believe me, when he started to speak and write about the exchange, I was reading very closely.
As for VIPS and the download speed, good as far as it goes. But they always neglect to note they’re only talking about one leak. There was something earlier, and they haven’t even addressed it. My memory for dates is poor, but refer to Lee Stranahan who actually communicated with Guccifer. He has a radio talk show 5 days a week. Call in and ask him, 4-6pm EDT.
I’m not saying it was Russians, just that you can’t conclusively rule them out. Nor conclusively rule Seth Rich in.
Really? Craig Murray, iirc, was notably circumspect. He said he met an [unidentified] individual who gave him [verbally?] some additional information about material that had already been delivered at an earlier date.
Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.
Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case – he did not seek to hide the fact.
Thanks for going to the effort of clarifying the matter.
My comment on Craig Murray’s involvement was purely recollection from assorted online news articles from over 5 years ago now (back when Big Tech censorship wasn’t quite so intense as it is today).
I stand by my recollection – once you properly assess and decide on an issue, it tends to become a part of the world-view landscape.
What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign?If you're referring to the Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Donald Trump Presidential election campaigns, then yes, Julian Assange through Wikileaks published some damning information that embarrassed the Clinton campaign.However, your belief that Russia was involved in that is IMO just plain wrong.Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case - he did not seek to hide the fact. If you doubt this, then feel free to get in touch with him and ask him yourself. It might be more difficult to get in touch with Julian Assange at this point, if you were inclined to ask him about the matter.Seth Rich was murdered for his troubles. Two bullets in the head - hard to categorise it as a "suicide" like the dozens of previous Clinton casualties, so it was reported as a "mugging gone wrong". Mr. Rich' assailants didn't make any attempt to rob him - they just outright executed him in the street. And beyond a cursory report, the police refused to investigate the matter.Moreover, expert forensic analysis determined conclusively that the DNC data published by Wikileaks was downloaded from the source PC at thumb drive speed, something that was simply not possible at that time over the internet.Russia had nothing to do with it. The narrative that Russia was behind the DNC leak is false - patently so - manufactured by Hillary Clinton and her stooges in the relevant law enforcement and intelligence agencies and promoted by the corrupt mainstream media to deflect accountability and bury issues around her conduct.It is quite remarkable that the truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and a lie substituted and so readily accepted in its place. Assange's fate demonstrates just how seriously the Deep State takes the threat of transparent disclosure - the danger of the common folk knowing too much.Replies: @JerseyJeffersonian, @RobinG, @Wizard of Oz
Admittedly my source is anti Russianso I’ll wait on more from you and your critic Robin G to learn more. Your account certainly hangs together lucidly but of course that is no guarantee.
Yes, but my point is that is a question that an Edward Snowden could have asked a lawyer without committing a crime and, depending on the lawyer chosen, with a fair expectation that the lawyer’s own questions would alert others who could look into it with relative impunity.
What stopping you…you should not be afraid in a “great” democracy like the USA is.
What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign?If you're referring to the Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Donald Trump Presidential election campaigns, then yes, Julian Assange through Wikileaks published some damning information that embarrassed the Clinton campaign.However, your belief that Russia was involved in that is IMO just plain wrong.Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case - he did not seek to hide the fact. If you doubt this, then feel free to get in touch with him and ask him yourself. It might be more difficult to get in touch with Julian Assange at this point, if you were inclined to ask him about the matter.Seth Rich was murdered for his troubles. Two bullets in the head - hard to categorise it as a "suicide" like the dozens of previous Clinton casualties, so it was reported as a "mugging gone wrong". Mr. Rich' assailants didn't make any attempt to rob him - they just outright executed him in the street. And beyond a cursory report, the police refused to investigate the matter.Moreover, expert forensic analysis determined conclusively that the DNC data published by Wikileaks was downloaded from the source PC at thumb drive speed, something that was simply not possible at that time over the internet.Russia had nothing to do with it. The narrative that Russia was behind the DNC leak is false - patently so - manufactured by Hillary Clinton and her stooges in the relevant law enforcement and intelligence agencies and promoted by the corrupt mainstream media to deflect accountability and bury issues around her conduct.It is quite remarkable that the truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and a lie substituted and so readily accepted in its place. Assange's fate demonstrates just how seriously the Deep State takes the threat of transparent disclosure - the danger of the common folk knowing too much.Replies: @JerseyJeffersonian, @RobinG, @Wizard of Oz
Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.
Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case – he did not seek to hide the fact.
Really? Craig Murray, iirc, was notably circumspect. He said he met an [unidentified] individual who gave him [verbally?] some additional information about material that had already been delivered at an earlier date.
It is not too remarkable that the unknown truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and an urban legend substituted and so readily accepted in its place.
There's always a tendency for confirmation bias, but I also recall reading on the subject from Craig Murray's own website (again, some years ago now) which also confirmed that he was the mule between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I don't even know if he still has a website now.
Point is - weren't no Russians upsetting the apple cart way back then, and TBH probably still aren't.Replies: @RobinG
What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign?If you're referring to the Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Donald Trump Presidential election campaigns, then yes, Julian Assange through Wikileaks published some damning information that embarrassed the Clinton campaign.However, your belief that Russia was involved in that is IMO just plain wrong.Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case - he did not seek to hide the fact. If you doubt this, then feel free to get in touch with him and ask him yourself. It might be more difficult to get in touch with Julian Assange at this point, if you were inclined to ask him about the matter.Seth Rich was murdered for his troubles. Two bullets in the head - hard to categorise it as a "suicide" like the dozens of previous Clinton casualties, so it was reported as a "mugging gone wrong". Mr. Rich' assailants didn't make any attempt to rob him - they just outright executed him in the street. And beyond a cursory report, the police refused to investigate the matter.Moreover, expert forensic analysis determined conclusively that the DNC data published by Wikileaks was downloaded from the source PC at thumb drive speed, something that was simply not possible at that time over the internet.Russia had nothing to do with it. The narrative that Russia was behind the DNC leak is false - patently so - manufactured by Hillary Clinton and her stooges in the relevant law enforcement and intelligence agencies and promoted by the corrupt mainstream media to deflect accountability and bury issues around her conduct.It is quite remarkable that the truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and a lie substituted and so readily accepted in its place. Assange's fate demonstrates just how seriously the Deep State takes the threat of transparent disclosure - the danger of the common folk knowing too much.Replies: @JerseyJeffersonian, @RobinG, @Wizard of Oz
That is a lot of truth packed into your comment, clearly written, and meticulously sequenced in its delivery of a coherent account of both the facts as well as your rationale for a logical interpretation of same. Bravo.
Snowden, Assange, and Beasts of C.I.A., with 3 insiders.
Thanks for the tribute, Paul Craig Roberts, and joining your and others’ salute and good wishes to Edward Snowden.
And to other heroes, known and unknown, celebrated or anonymous, that have, are now or will in any capacity or at any level fight against the Beast to bring it down.
And you, agent of that Beast reading this article, what do you think our opinion is of you?
Maybe you know the answer to that question.
Repentance, changing your mind/direction, is the best way.
And you can do that right now.
While I am deeply sympathetic to Secretary Clinton’s humiliatingly period as the 1st Lady, sincerely. As a conservative, I was deeply disappointed about the mud wallowing — and at the end of the day, conservatives were more negatively impacted as republican after republican had personal matters revealing just how vulnerable they were to improper relations. I would that I could reach inside her and heal those wounds that remain open, in my view.
However, she did not lose because of Russia. She supported the interventions that damaged the US and as Secretary she supported interventions, including in Ukraine that were destabilizing and detrimental not only to US policy but the regions in question. Her inability to take any responsibility, and uniquely, i.e. Libya Ambassador episode was deeply troubling
She openly insulted the people she needed to vote for her. Now maybe all of that was the damage from two tenures. But a look at her history revealed that she was as strategically devious as any male and sometimes appeared worse. And that is why she lost the election. The destruction of the Embassy files might have hurt a tad, but she had plenty of cover even from republicans.
All in all she suffered the same fate as republicans who seemed oblivious to the electorates shifting to a more US first disposition.
I am conflicted with Mr. Snowden, because of the document dump as opposed to something more prudent. And he did make his point, but to what end and what cost — a more prudent course of action, would have been more to my liking.
You are a bitch and a coward. Anyone looking sideways at ZOG is already on a list. Even the freaks at Kiwifarm got served a subpoena. You are not safe. Nobody is.
Also, you still haven’t answered why should the kikes be legally considered humans. Their satanic cult is the ONLY one on Earth that decrees non-ethnics to be Sub-Humans, deserving only to be human cattle. This is irrefutable. This is the doctrine of the Talmud. Not even the totally fake ISIS is this extreme. How is mankind to coexist with such a poisonous, Sub-Human, parasitic, hostile race, the jews?
Fence-shitters will be the first to face the wall and eat the lead. The jews will find you before anyone else and give you a punishment befitting of bad goyim.
No, Julian Paul Assange had the opportunity to flee to Russia; but, Julian Paul Assange did not do so.
Julian Paul Assange delusionally believed that, the cabal of America-Britain-Sweden protects human-rights, human liberty, and human freedom for the pursuit of happiness.
Julian Paul Assange delusionally believed that, there are few good people in America-Britain-Sweden who stand for truths!
Julian Paul Assange is a nasty, arrogant man who fell on his own sword of delusion.
Edward Joseph Snowden is a master of computer intelligence; so, he can assist the govt. of the Russian Federation in computer intelligence to counter American military softwares that help operate American military machine.
Lol good one!
The particulars are always the most important factors. That’s why casual legal advice is generally not to be given reliance, certainly not mine.
What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign?
If you’re referring to the Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Donald Trump Presidential election campaigns, then yes, Julian Assange through Wikileaks published some damning information that embarrassed the Clinton campaign.
However, your belief that Russia was involved in that is IMO just plain wrong.
Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.
Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case – he did not seek to hide the fact. If you doubt this, then feel free to get in touch with him and ask him yourself. It might be more difficult to get in touch with Julian Assange at this point, if you were inclined to ask him about the matter.
Seth Rich was murdered for his troubles. Two bullets in the head – hard to categorise it as a “suicide” like the dozens of previous Clinton casualties, so it was reported as a “mugging gone wrong”. Mr. Rich’ assailants didn’t make any attempt to rob him – they just outright executed him in the street. And beyond a cursory report, the police refused to investigate the matter.
Moreover, expert forensic analysis determined conclusively that the DNC data published by Wikileaks was downloaded from the source PC at thumb drive speed, something that was simply not possible at that time over the internet.
Russia had nothing to do with it. The narrative that Russia was behind the DNC leak is false – patently so – manufactured by Hillary Clinton and her stooges in the relevant law enforcement and intelligence agencies and promoted by the corrupt mainstream media to deflect accountability and bury issues around her conduct.
It is quite remarkable that the truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and a lie substituted and so readily accepted in its place. Assange’s fate demonstrates just how seriously the Deep State takes the threat of transparent disclosure – the danger of the common folk knowing too much.
Really? Craig Murray, iirc, was notably circumspect. He said he met an [unidentified] individual who gave him [verbally?] some additional information about material that had already been delivered at an earlier date.
Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.
Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case – he did not seek to hide the fact.
In regards to Victor Bout there was a whole web of lies which had been spun up to the time of his arrest. Up to and including Hollywood’s bunch of blatantly lying fairy tales (e.a. “Lord of War”). So there was “international” pressure on Thailand to begin with.
These days the US would play it along the same lines when it comes to Snowden (and Bout for that matter). They’d claim he basically “murdered” people by being a whistleblower etc. And the msm (and Hollywood) would support this narrative by all means. Or ignore any fact not in support of the “official” narrative.
In regards to Assange they’re already trying to murder him “by jail” before he has to be extradited to the US. Any criticism will be ignored and/or countered with similar “arguments” (e.a. him endangering and murdering people etc.). They’ll claim he’ll have a “fair trial” – which he sure as hell won’t! Same story with the msm – ignore or claim the opposite if the “narrative” demands it.
The Wizz, like all Rightists, believes in The Golden Rule-he that has the gold makes the rules.
You almost make sense here. The ‘Austfailian’ regimes have performed ABYSMALLY regarding Assange, but exactly as our US Overlords demand. The Clinton cabal embarrassed themselves by being caught in a tiny fraction of their criminal behaviour, and they murdered the leaker, Seth Rich (NOT ‘the Russians’) for it, and the Clintons ARE skunks, not ‘like’ skunks.
What you’re missing is an increasing number of your brain cells, Wizz. What sort of idiot thinks that having a lawyer will stop the Real Evil Empire killing one of its enemies or dragging them to SuperMax Hell for decades?
Yes, I’d like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Roberts as well.
Remember: the soundtrack of sub-Saharan Africa ….the entire mass of the continent – is black American rap “music.â€
No, it isn’t. American rap is the “music” of American of European white youth. African music is this:
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.
Dr Philip Giraldi was a CIA intelligence analyst.. By his own admission, he also ran agents, but he was not an agent, the person who is directly invoved in espionage. Edward Snowden was a subcontractee for the NSA. Depending on whose word you take, he was a systems administrator or infrastructure analyst. Only if he were directly involved in espionage, would he become an agent.
"Educated" Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.Replies: @mike99588, @TKK, @Nervous in Stalingrad
Average Americans don’t know who he is, while most “educated†Americans think he’s a TRAITOR!
“Educated†Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.
I would not say they are “stupid.” I would say they have been trained to both think and view the world in a predictableway.
It is not a coincidence that many, if not most, of the politicians and directors of NGOs hold university degrees. By the time the university gets through with them, they have been rendered “safe” and are unlikely to make trouble by asking questions.
Dismissing them as “stupid” overlooks the fact that these are serious and capable people. The problem is that their abilities are used to keep the system going rather than asking what the system is all about and why it might not be worth keeping going.
“We’ve got to start us a new revolution
And get back to the old constitution
We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
Its time to start over againâ€
However, Binney exposed the illegal spying internally through the official whistleblower program, and he did not take any documents as proof of the illegal spying on US citizens.
Does the US government define of “taking” only as the physical removal of sensitive documents?
Or, rather, does “taking” mean making them available in any form (e.g. photographs)?
Just to clarify, I believe his wife is American—his former girl friend, now his wife.
Some readers might infer from the comment that his wife is Russian.
Thanks . Yes, but. How about ” I have this evidence of what seems to be a great crime committed by the government. Advisement first about its criminality or otherwise and, second, as to what I can do about it?”
A real difficult language is Arabic.
Difficult to learn? Not really. It has very structured and logical grammar (much more so than English) and an alphabet that makes perfect sense once you understand how it works (most letters have an initial, middle, and final form, depending on where their placement is in a word). Sure, there are some concepts that are a bit difficult to wrap your head around (like the absence of an exact equivalent of the Indo-European “to be”) and some idiosyncrasies around vowel sounds, but once you grasp those things, it’s pretty easy to acquire fluency over a short time. And that’s Foos-ha (classical or standard literary Arabic). The spoken Arabic dialects, the vernacular of everyday use (Egyptian, Levantine; Iraqi, etc.) usually dispense with all of the complexity are even easier to learn.
The language I pity anyone having to learn as a second language is English. My wife is a native Spanish speaker who is only just now beginning to start tackling English and I sometimes cry with her in sympathetic frustration at having to grasp all of the oft-broken rules, illogical orthography, and maddening homonyms of English. Once we move back to her native country for good she can dispense with English altogether if she wants to (I prefer speaking Spanish with her and my in-laws anyway).
Why wouldn’t he consult a lawyer about it so as to make it privileged and then make sure the lawyer was asking questions of enough Congressional and government bodies to ensure it got out?At some level, it's useful to have someone being the Devil's advocate in any controversial discussion. At the very least, it helps to showcase the flaws in a particular line of reasoning by exposing it to the light of day - examining a proposition through the lens of reality, so to speak.What you suggest might be perfectly reasonable if the polity and judiciary were trustworthy and true to their obligations to the American people. In the self-evident case of both being rotten to the core in much the same way as the very intelligence agency exposed by Snowden - not so much.As Dr. Roberts illustrated, Snowden's predecessor Binney sought to use the official whistle-blower facility established specifically to anonymously expose malfeasance by government agencies - and barely survived by the skin of his teeth. Analytically objective minds can draw their own conclusions - which Snowden arguably did.Assange - not even an American citizen, nor active in the USA - was engaged in legitimate journalism in the public interest, and look what they did to him. In comparison, one might conclude that Snowden made the smarter choice.Replies: @Wizard of Oz
Thanks for your considered reply. Indeed I suppose if Trunp can’t rely on lawyers in the US maybe it would be hard to make sure that one was protected there.
I am almost as outraged by the UK government’s dealing with Assange as I am with the American. And Australian governments haven’t behaved well. What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign? Does it matter that Clinton’s people were behaving like skunks?
What do you make of the fact that he was almost certainly the conduit for Russia embarrassing the Clinton campaign?If you're referring to the Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Donald Trump Presidential election campaigns, then yes, Julian Assange through Wikileaks published some damning information that embarrassed the Clinton campaign.However, your belief that Russia was involved in that is IMO just plain wrong.Seth Rich downloaded information from a DNC computer onto a thumb drive, personally handed it to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who personally handed the thumb drive to Julian Assange, who then published the relevant information via Wikileaks.Craig Murray openly stated this to be the case - he did not seek to hide the fact. If you doubt this, then feel free to get in touch with him and ask him yourself. It might be more difficult to get in touch with Julian Assange at this point, if you were inclined to ask him about the matter.Seth Rich was murdered for his troubles. Two bullets in the head - hard to categorise it as a "suicide" like the dozens of previous Clinton casualties, so it was reported as a "mugging gone wrong". Mr. Rich' assailants didn't make any attempt to rob him - they just outright executed him in the street. And beyond a cursory report, the police refused to investigate the matter.Moreover, expert forensic analysis determined conclusively that the DNC data published by Wikileaks was downloaded from the source PC at thumb drive speed, something that was simply not possible at that time over the internet.Russia had nothing to do with it. The narrative that Russia was behind the DNC leak is false - patently so - manufactured by Hillary Clinton and her stooges in the relevant law enforcement and intelligence agencies and promoted by the corrupt mainstream media to deflect accountability and bury issues around her conduct.It is quite remarkable that the truth can be so thoroughly and comprehensively buried, and a lie substituted and so readily accepted in its place. Assange's fate demonstrates just how seriously the Deep State takes the threat of transparent disclosure - the danger of the common folk knowing too much.Replies: @JerseyJeffersonian, @RobinG, @Wizard of Oz
Notice neither of these frauds ever revealed that 9/11 was a CIA-Mossad black op or that Jews own all the central banks & governments of the world…
One could make the argument that both of these are sofa king obvious that they don’t even need to be brought to an intelligent audience’s attention.
You haven’t traveled internationally much.
Oh yes, I have. Hence my statement.
It is YOU who clearly haven’t done much sojourning, if any, outside of Anglophone North America if you think “reading Aristotle and grafting new hybrids of vegetables as their hobby as strains of Rachmaninoff play softly” is either 1) what “educated” Americans do in any significant number, or that 2) highbrow cultural affectations are indicative of th he ability to process facts critically.
Nice try, but no cigar.
“Americans have no idea of anything that is really happening in the world. They only get officially approved narratives handed to a media that serves only as a Ministry of Propaganda.”
I live in eastern Europe and it’s the same here, except that I believe the media creates the narrative in both the US and Europe. People that mostly think identically run both the media and the governments. Before I moved here I assumed Europeans were more knowledgeable about things, especially those things occurring in Europe. Unfortunately, like most of their governments leading them, most Europeans are ignorant. The US plays a big role in the news Europe gets, with many US propaganda TV networks like CNN delivered into peoples homes here. Like Americans, Jews seem very favorably viewed. Europe’s own media outlets often or mostly sound like American outlets, mimicking them.
If I was a European politician I would ban American media in my country and I would ban George Soros’ organizations and other similar NGO’s from operating unless I thought they did good. All three of these and America’s European “puppet media” are working at full throttle. This is the new “democratic” Europe. Extremely leftist and ignorant.
20 years ago I wanted the EU to succeed and make Europe an economic powerhouse that would lead the world but Europe has elected and picked unserious, ignoramuses to lead them. I have read some people speculating the EU will break up. I could see that and now hope for it, thinking maybe that would force countries to behave more responsibly but maybe they will behave just as stupidly when they are independent. If these are the new battle lines, the leftist, ninny type countries of Europe versus Russia, China and others, I’m rooting for the Russians and Chinese.
I was hoping they put a gun in his hands and send him to the front lines.
I noticed the same. Perhaps all the men are in uniform fighting Nazis at the front. May this hasten peace for all these good people.
Notice neither of these frauds [i.e., Assange and Snowden] ever revealed that 9/11 was a CIA-Mossad black op or that Jews own all the central banks & governments of the world …
Snowden has, very wisely, revealed only what he can verify with documentation. If he were to make claims for which he couldn’t supply documentation, especially about the Jews, the (((media of the world))) would work twice as hard as they are now working to discredit him. They would also happily cooperate with the Mossad’s and CIA’s plans to murder him.
People who produce hard evidence of Jewish crime and conspiracy still have their lives ruined every day. People who cry out against the Jews without hard evidence become permanently unemployable if they’re lucky—and permanently dead if they aren’t.
If you have a clandestine video showing the world’s Jewish bankers lounging at poolside in Cancún while they discuss their plans for destroying all the economies of the world’s Gentile societies, why are you waiting to post it online? I’m sure that I’m not the only person who would be really eager to see it.
I write on RT.com and every time I write a comment it is being stored I have no doubt
Nothing new: Big Brother is watching you.
You think Thailand would turn him over right now??? It’s been a good few years that the US has been at odds with the Thai government. The NED is very active there to try to turn it over.
Ask Trump how that worked out. “Privileged†is extinct.
Why wouldn’t he consult a lawyer about it so as to make it privileged
Privilege doesn’t cover evidence of a crime being processed. It can cover discussions after a charge of a crime has been made, but nothing that furthers the criminal activity.
It’s already grounds for arrest. Every week there is an fbi raid on some Christian doing his duty. I write on RT.com and every time I write a comment it is being stored I have no doubt
Nothing new: Big Brother is watching you.
I write on RT.com and every time I write a comment it is being stored I have no doubt
And what do these so-called “followers of Christ†do? Act like Jews in the desert after Moses ascended Mt. Sinai: worship golden calves!
The most egregious of their crimes is placing a man on a pedestal. In doing so, they became the idolaters. God has cursed the idolaters.
You should add that to your list.
Snowden is a limited hangout,he fails the crucial 9/11 litmus test as he accepts the official government position on what happened on 9/11.
Assange also fails this test:
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” (Julian Assange, July 19, 2010 )
There are lots of journalists and public intellectuals with integrity out there, it’s just that they are all shadow-banned by Big Tech and our Imperial Media so you have to give a rip and dig a little. Most of our journalists self-publish on their own sites, like Unz, or on blogger sites. But of course folks reading this know that already, as should Roberts, who let hyperbole run wild again.
Wow, that’s a heroic effort. Like all Slavic languages, Russian is very hard for a non-native speaker (and many native speakers, as well): mind-boggling grammar, nouns have gender (three total, like German, French, or Spanish: masculine, feminine, and neutral) and six cases, adjectives change by gender and have singular and plural, verbs change by tense (fewer tenses than in French or Spanish, but more than in English), have singular and plural, and change by the gender of the noun they apply to, etc. I was taught correct grammar and punctuation for eight (out of ten total) years of school in the USSR. The sound structure is very different from English (close to Spanish, though; hence similar-sounding accent). Not to mention cultural references that even the least cultured Russians are aware of and numerous derivatives of swear words: you can compose a variety of meaningful sentences using only words with swearword roots. But you can get away with a lot less in everyday life. Besides, Russians will try to understand what you say despite broken grammar and weird pronunciation.Replies: @Francis Miville
They’re learning Russian
No. Russian is less heavy to learn when you come from a Romance language horizon than English. It has declensions but their presence simplifies most everyday sentences. Gender is not a big problem as it is generally predictable from the noun-ending. The real tricky thing in Russian is the handling of perfective and imperfective verbs especially when it comes to verbs of motion and transformation. A real difficult language is Arabic.
Difficult to learn? Not really. It has very structured and logical grammar (much more so than English) and an alphabet that makes perfect sense once you understand how it works (most letters have an initial, middle, and final form, depending on where their placement is in a word). Sure, there are some concepts that are a bit difficult to wrap your head around (like the absence of an exact equivalent of the Indo-European "to be") and some idiosyncrasies around vowel sounds, but once you grasp those things, it's pretty easy to acquire fluency over a short time. And that's Foos-ha (classical or standard literary Arabic). The spoken Arabic dialects, the vernacular of everyday use (Egyptian, Levantine; Iraqi, etc.) usually dispense with all of the complexity are even easier to learn.
A real difficult language is Arabic.
Waiting? Nothing move without the energy input. Unfortunately the "fall of Imperial Washington" will never happen by waiting.Replies: @WorkingClass
Keep your head down and your powder dry and await the fall of Imperial Washington.
The Soviet Union fell to outside pressure. Putin and Xi are not waiting. If you want to move against Imperial Washington (beyond voting or complaining) I wish you well. But I will not join you.
Yeah, it’s pretty great over here. I’m originally from Montana. Been here for many years. One must speak Russian to be here. The level of English isn’t enough to get too close with many people apart from the younger generations. I feel like I’m in the eye of the storm right now. It’s calm but there’s chaos all around. Hopefully America and NATO back down before this crap escalates and gets ugly. I don’t trust Washington to make the right decision. The Neoconservatives should all be shot. Pure evil they are.
Just another phony CIA disinfo agent like Julian Assange. Notice neither of these frauds ever revealed that 9/11 was a CIA-Mossad black op or that Jews own all the central banks & governments of the world…The transnational Jewish Overlords are simply playing their fake Antifa USA vs. Antifa Russia game, even though they control both governments.
Snowden has, very wisely, revealed only what he can verify with documentation. If he were to make claims for which he couldn't supply documentation, especially about the Jews, the (((media of the world))) would work twice as hard as they are now working to discredit him. They would also happily cooperate with the Mossad's and CIA's plans to murder him.People who produce hard evidence of Jewish crime and conspiracy still have their lives ruined every day. People who cry out against the Jews without hard evidence become permanently unemployable if they're lucky—and permanently dead if they aren't.If you have a clandestine video showing the world's Jewish bankers lounging at poolside in Cancún while they discuss their plans for destroying all the economies of the world's Gentile societies, why are you waiting to post it online? I'm sure that I'm not the only person who would be really eager to see it.
Notice neither of these frauds [i.e., Assange and Snowden] ever revealed that 9/11 was a CIA-Mossad black op or that Jews own all the central banks & governments of the world …
One could make the argument that both of these are sofa king obvious that they don't even need to be brought to an intelligent audience's attention.
Notice neither of these frauds ever revealed that 9/11 was a CIA-Mossad black op or that Jews own all the central banks & governments of the world…
You do not read anything besides CNN, do you?
This is sound advise. Were I to live in the USA (not been there in nearly a quarter century) and in conditions to make such a move, I woud do so; if not, try andcreate the conditions. Become a gray man, or at least discrete, try and forge local ties in a new community and keep a metaphorical monkey wrench for personal use only.
It must be a chore to moderate comments and I’m glad PCR has opened them up for this article.
Did not see this mentioned in the piece or the comments:
Snowden publishes from time to time. I submit to the commentariat that they’d not be wasting any time reading his most recent piece:
Free to read, but for a nominal subscription fee we can send American Hero Edward Snowden a little care package from home.
June 10, 2013 yes, the nsa can spy on every us citizen
On June 9, two reporters from the Guardian newspaper announced to the world the source of one of the most significant classified-document leaks in history. Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old national-security contractor from Hawaii, revealed that he was compelled by conscience to inform the world about a massive abuse of authority perpetrated by the US National Security Agency. According to the documents Snowden provided, which have been authenticated, the US government has been systematically collecting the phone records and online communications of millions of American citizens.
Oct 10, 2014 NSA May Have Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies
As a much-anticipated documentary about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden premiers in New York this evening, new revelations are being published simultaneously that expose more information about the NSA’s work to compromise computer networks and devices.
Deep State Agent was literally his job, troll. That’s what working for the NSA is.
Good. Now he can fight in the Ukraine! The Russians must be desperate for soldiers to do this.
He overuses the term but it fits.
Most Americans are engrossed in their lives. They have no idea what’s happening to them in the USA or what being done in their name overseas. They will care if one day reality really bites them in the rear but so far that hasn’t happened.
Reality has bitten on a micro level, that guy who lost his manufacturing job and never found a similar level wage again, but he has been marginalized and forgotten.
Wizard of Oz, you believe in the Rule of Law. Sorry to disabuse you, there is no such thing.
Keep your head down and your powder dry and await the fall of Imperial Washington.
Waiting? Nothing move without the energy input. Unfortunately the “fall of Imperial Washington” will never happen by waiting.
We can also be grateful for Paul Craig Roberts and this opportunity to comment.
True. PCR is overly sensitive about comments. What he should keep in mind is that 80 to 90% of us support him. So what if a crazy minority and deep state trolls attack him? They really don’t matter.
Edward Snowden is an American patriot and hero for exposing the illegal and Unconstitutional spying of every American. Snowden also revealed that some of his cohorts in the “intelligence community” were using this tools to spy on girlfriends and wives.
What’s so disturbing is that so many witless, flag waving Americans believe the hate propaganda directed against Snowden. This isn’t unlike the (((Soviet Union)))where dissidents who showed the world that it had no clothes were subjected to hatred and ridicule by Pravda.
Trump the buffoon had said in 2015-2016 that Snowden deserved the death penalty. He might feel differently now that the deep state has been trying to destroy him. Trump stupidly renewed the USA Patriot Act during his presidency. The Unconstitutional and broad powers granted to federal agencies and the intelligence apparatus has allowed them to attempt to destroy is candidacy and presidency and now his life now that he’s out of office.
Why wouldn’t he consult a lawyer about it so as to make it privileged
Ask Trump how that worked out. “Privileged†is extinct.
Yes, indeed.
Old Soviet Union was far less vicious than many present Deep States, especially after Stalin years.
"Educated" Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.Replies: @mike99588, @TKK, @Nervous in Stalingrad
Average Americans don’t know who he is, while most “educated†Americans think he’s a TRAITOR!
You haven’t traveled internationally much.
What do you think- billions of people in Indonesia, China, Cambodia, Brazil or India are reading Aristotle and grafting new hybrids of vegetables as their hobby as strains of Rachmaninoff play softly?
They are just as ignorant and addicted to their smart phones as mainstream Americans. Also fed a diet of state propaganda. American propaganda is more repulsive due to its self righteous meddling.
Remember: the soundtrack of sub-Saharan Africa ….the entire mass of the continent – is black American rap “music.”
Oh yes, I have. Hence my statement.
You haven’t traveled internationally much.
No, it isn't. American rap is the "music" of American of European white youth. African music is this:
Remember: the soundtrack of sub-Saharan Africa ….the entire mass of the continent – is black American rap “music.â€
What a load of Q-type BS.
So, are you Henry Makow, or Brabantian?
Or is Brabantian aka Henry Makow? Not very anonymous.
Snowden, Binney, Drake, are human rights defenders, and thankfully they’re free. They ratted out NSA’s rights derogation.
It’s when somebody exposes CIA repression that the hammer comes down.
Doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t do it, a scripted puppet court convicts you on CIA’s unsupported say-so, no evidence needed. CIA tortures you in freezing cells with isolation and gags you in a 11X7′ psychological torture chamber for life.
Josh Schulte is a human rights defender and secular saint up there with Assange. A world citizen.
Binney and Snowden are heroic, but true heroes don’t get the press.
Besides William Binney don’t forget Thomas Drake.� He is very articulate about the relevant history and political philosophy.
They’re learning Russian
Wow, that’s a heroic effort. Like all Slavic languages, Russian is very hard for a non-native speaker (and many native speakers, as well): mind-boggling grammar, nouns have gender (three total, like German, French, or Spanish: masculine, feminine, and neutral) and six cases, adjectives change by gender and have singular and plural, verbs change by tense (fewer tenses than in French or Spanish, but more than in English), have singular and plural, and change by the gender of the noun they apply to, etc. I was taught correct grammar and punctuation for eight (out of ten total) years of school in the USSR. The sound structure is very different from English (close to Spanish, though; hence similar-sounding accent). Not to mention cultural references that even the least cultured Russians are aware of and numerous derivatives of swear words: you can compose a variety of meaningful sentences using only words with swearword roots. But you can get away with a lot less in everyday life. Besides, Russians will try to understand what you say despite broken grammar and weird pronunciation.
"Educated" Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.Replies: @mike99588, @TKK, @Nervous in Stalingrad
Average Americans don’t know who he is, while most “educated†Americans think he’s a TRAITOR!
Educated to be crucially misinformed, especially in certain professions.
Just like the results of a trial can be totally turned by one crucial point, whether true, false or misrepresented, each successful piece of misinformation can help even smart people do stupid or even fatal things.
Rather than just intellectual laziness, one way is to flood people with work and information that they don’t have or make time to critically assess most of it. Like wise education often grades students adversely for not following the company li(n)es and often quickly destroys or washes out resistors.
Why wouldn’t he consult a lawyer about it so as to make it privileged and then make sure the lawyer was asking questions of enough Congressional and government bodies to ensure it got out?
At some level, it’s useful to have someone being the Devil’s advocate in any controversial discussion. At the very least, it helps to showcase the flaws in a particular line of reasoning by exposing it to the light of day – examining a proposition through the lens of reality, so to speak.
What you suggest might be perfectly reasonable if the polity and judiciary were trustworthy and true to their obligations to the American people. In the self-evident case of both being rotten to the core in much the same way as the very intelligence agency exposed by Snowden – not so much.
As Dr. Roberts illustrated, Snowden’s predecessor Binney sought to use the official whistle-blower facility established specifically to anonymously expose malfeasance by government agencies – and barely survived by the skin of his teeth. Analytically objective minds can draw their own conclusions – which Snowden arguably did.
Assange – not even an American citizen, nor active in the USA – was engaged in legitimate journalism in the public interest, and look what they did to him. In comparison, one might conclude that Snowden made the smarter choice.
Heh.Replies: @Sam Smith, @Republic
The tie-in between these two true Heroes is fascinating. Edward Snowden’s escape to Russia via Hong Kong is like a real James Bond thriller movie. And it was because of the help of Julian Assange
The U.S. will cease to exist in a few short years.
Yes. Or in a few weeks, by means of armageddon. Either way, Snowden at least tried to stop it, by using the means that were at his disposal, at great personal cost. I admire his willingness to do that. I was a student exactly where and when the insanity began – – late 60s, a very elite New England university. Spineless students like me, and spineless faculty and administrators, could have stopped it all right then and there. But we did not act: we had too much to lose personally; the non-Snowdens.
Heh.Replies: @Sam Smith, @Republic
The tie-in between these two true Heroes is fascinating. Edward Snowden’s escape to Russia via Hong Kong is like a real James Bond thriller movie. And it was because of the help of Julian Assange
I am just over-blown by your extremely convincing logic and arguments . . .
Personally, I do not believe that the rule “the enemy of my enemy is my friend†is wise. But here Putin wanted to send a loud and clear signal who he considers the enemy of the RF. In that he is 100% right. Snowden citizenship was just a handy pretext. The guy lucked out.
Knock it off. You’re either a federal government provocateur or a fool writing something like that.
Good advice, and I’d add: move to a somewhat freer, safer, more stable and normal part of the USA — and simultaneously acquire a residence permit in at least one other country. You won’t want to put your family’s lives, rights, and property all at the mercy of one thug regime, whether the US or someone else.
We’d gladly take Russian residence, then citizenship, for our children too. They’re learning Russian, and we will not have them sit here and go down with the ship.
Wow, that’s a heroic effort. Like all Slavic languages, Russian is very hard for a non-native speaker (and many native speakers, as well): mind-boggling grammar, nouns have gender (three total, like German, French, or Spanish: masculine, feminine, and neutral) and six cases, adjectives change by gender and have singular and plural, verbs change by tense (fewer tenses than in French or Spanish, but more than in English), have singular and plural, and change by the gender of the noun they apply to, etc. I was taught correct grammar and punctuation for eight (out of ten total) years of school in the USSR. The sound structure is very different from English (close to Spanish, though; hence similar-sounding accent). Not to mention cultural references that even the least cultured Russians are aware of and numerous derivatives of swear words: you can compose a variety of meaningful sentences using only words with swearword roots. But you can get away with a lot less in everyday life. Besides, Russians will try to understand what you say despite broken grammar and weird pronunciation.Replies: @Francis Miville
They’re learning Russian
It makes perfect sense, and now is the perfect time. Lavrov’s speech made it explicit: if you believe in rule of law, you can’t be subject to the CIA regime. Every day you acquiesce to it you’re undermining rule of law, a little wheel in the CIA impunity apparat.
Most of the world backs rule of law but Russia can enforce it at gunpoint, so they’re the de facto standard bearer. It’s a country you don’t have to be ashamed of. Living under Langley’s arbitrary rule you’re a good German nazi.
That Russia has belatedly granted Snowden citizenship will be used by the US presstitute media as proof that he is a Russian spy out to discredit the NSA. Many Americans, the least educated and aware of all peoples, will fall for this story.
There aren’t as many of us as there used to be who are unaware. Awareness, however, and the ability to resist any of it are two different pots of fish.
Two additional points:
1. “Snowden”, the movie, is a very good movie.
2. It’s been clear since the 90’s that the US government was capable of doing this mass spying on electronic communications. It was once called “Ultra”. The process used is that all data is stored and searchable. If you or anyone comes up as too pro-life or pro-Putin, they can just call up all of your communications and send out a swat team.
Since about 1982, because I worked for the government, I assumed that anything I wrote or said was available for examination. I knew people who didn’t make that assumption and got severely screwed.
If the ‘R’s’ do not take both branches in November, ALL Conservatives will need a 1 way To Russia!
Look at what the our country has become since the filthy jew has taken power from WASPs.
The NSA spies on Americans in order to make this information available to israel (lower-case intended) and thus ensure continued trillions in handouts to this parasitic, ficticious, welfare state. This is why the Pentagon is infested with filthy jew necon rats.
Even if the case can be made that the NSA spies on Americans to “fight terrorism”, where did terrorism come from? Support by the U.S. (through filthy jew nefarious means in the media, bribes, blackmail, political donations, etc.) for israel to the detriment of the entire Arab world AND true Americans. You think Arabs just woke up one day and wanted to blow themselves up because “Americans are free”????
Hitler had it right.
TIL, in Luhansk People’s Republic, only women vote.
The fact that the corporate media praised Snowden is reason to be extremely suspect, Snowden releasing the data before he got to ground is another.
Sam Smith
The tie-in between these two true Heroes is fascinating. Edward Snowden’s escape to Russia via Hong Kong is like a real James Bond thriller movie. And it was because of the help of Julian Assange
Anon nailed it. The whole “Snowden†story is a psy-op. It’s far more effective social control for the public to believe it’s being spied on than for the govt to do it secretly. Someone who thinks he’s being watched will check their own speech and behavior. Psych 101 chilling effect
I wish Roberts would stop using the adjective, “insouciant” to describe most Americans. That implies that Americans are care-free. They’re not. Americans are amoral, cowardly, willfully ignorant and hypocritical.
Agreed. Elections and political campaigns at this point are useful in organizing like-minded white Americans and preparation for the system to collapse. The sheer weight of the welfare parasites, both white ( think Brett Favre etc.) and nonwhite, put an enormous economic burden on an already precarious fiscal situation ( United States GDP = $23 trillion USD. Federal debt = $30 trillion USD , and counting), with no end in sight to theneoconservative foreign policy that is driving the bloated military expenditures that have greatly expanded the debt-to- GDP ratio. Even under these dire financial circumstances, somehow the Israeli government continues to receive a big fat welfare check from the United States Treasury Department totaling some $3.8 billion USD every year , no questions asked. Between the domestic welfare parasites and the foreign welfare parasites, the decaying American body politic is steadily being decomposed.
The healthy and productive segments of the current American population will have to build something healthy and clean out of the ruins that Washington DC is steering the nation towards at the moment.
He developed the spy program that was supposed to be used against America’s enemies, but was illegally used against the American population.
By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War
Another more contemporary example of this can be found in the opening line of today’s other featured article by Phil Giraldi. A line that serves as an answer as to why it’s a waste of time to expect any straight talk from them – ever.
It has been a normal couple of weeks for reporting on what is going on in Israel, which is to say that the bad things it has been doing have been carefully suppressed by the US government and the media.
They’ve been at this a long time. Here’s just a tiny sample for your dancing and dining pleasure.
The Controversy of Zion
The Iron Curtain Over America
American Pravada: Understanding World War II
He has wife and child in Russia and US will not become normal in his lifetime.
The U.S. will cease to exist in a few short years. Not that Snowden (or any other American living abroad) will want to return to whatever replaces it. He made a wise decision taking Russian citizenship.
Average Americans don’t know who he is, while most “educated†Americans think he’s a TRAITOR!
“Educated” Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.
I would not say they are "stupid." I would say they have been trained to both think and view the world in a predictableway.
“Educated†Americans are some of the stupidest people humanity has ever produced.
Absolutely, an astute observation, jo-jo. His intimate knowledge of American spy satellite intelligence gathering would assist Russia immensely in it’s war against the evil neo-cons like Victoria Nuland.
I would think that Glenn Greenwald, or Ron Unz for that matter, has the journalistic integrity to (hypothetically) be hired by Mr. Roberts. I am not being a smart-aleck, I am only stating I believe Mr. Roberts overlooked two men who obviously are willing to fight The System.
Very good news. Mr Snowden is a top notch addition to the Russian Federation. Intelligent, competent, and possessing a deep understanding of the evil empire, which America has morphed into. Vlad made the right call. May many more currently working inside the dark underbelly of the American intelligence agencies also see the light, as well.
You missed something in life.Replies: @Wizard of Oz
Did I miss something in the article?
Come to think of it, is it a too unfair challenge to seek an intelligent comment from you on the issue I raised wrt whistleblowers?
Come again!?
The seething hatred of a kike for any uppity goy.
Just wait, Shlomo. Soon it will be an international, legal obligation to kill a KIKE on sight.
I am not convinced the details about 9/11 are much different than they appear. What is always missing with regard to Muslim terror attacks is how probably all of them could have been avoided, including 9/11, if we were not Israel’s tool box. Our mindless support for Israel is why we suffer the attacks.
We don’t know the truth of the matter – only Snowden and the US and Russian Governments do. But, given the background to all of this, any reasonable person must suspect that Snowden was a US Deep State agent, not a bona fide whistleblower.
Regardless, the Russians have Snowden now, and will use him to their best advantage. It will be interesting to see what they have planned for him next.