to look at the Big Picture, so to speak, short, Donald J. Trump is the most evil man that has ever lived. Huh?He's going to kick off Armageddon, because he is singularly that evil. He and in particular, everyone who voted for him, are all evil people. Which is no surprise, because the United States has been the most uniquely evil nation of evil people, ever to exist.Right?There's something about TDS, that I have to admit that I sort of like. There is a significant swath of people out there, that for whatever reason, hate Donald Trump with a seething, visceral fanaticism that borders on (hell, exceeds!) pathological derangement. And, almost in every instance, these people are rude, arrogant, self-righteous assholes. Like you. As anyone who's read my comments knows, I don't like Trump, but I recognize why good people voted for him. Mainly, to end the wars. But when it comes to your type, Harold, I have to admit that I get a kick out of seeing Donald being sworn in today, not because he's going to be a good president, (he won't), but because of what it must do to people like you. LOLPeople so full of hate and bile, that they're unhinged in their vitriolic rage. You and Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff and Joy Behar and Adam Kinzinger and William Kristol and Max Boot and David Frum and Hillary...Just thinking about what today will mean for people like you, Harold, will put a little smile in my heart, in what would otherwise be just another day, when just another ZOG asshole will begin his betrayal of America. But you have cheered up this day, knowing how seeing Trump so triumphant, is going to effect you.For the next four years. Enjoy it, chump.Replies: @Harold Smith
Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts.. your signature deflective nonsense.. all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.
to look at the Big Picture, so to speak, Harold..
in short, Donald J. Trump is the most evil man that has ever lived. Huh?
He is certainly among the most evil men that have ever lived, and he could very well be THE MOST EVIL; otherwise he wouldn’t have been installed into the highest political office in the land – especially at a time when the evil empire is collapsing, the jews are desperate and the risk of nuclear war is greater than at any time in the past.
He’s going to kick off Armageddon, because he is singularly that evil.
Armageddon is part evil and part chance. For example, if someone else had been president of Russia instead of Vladimir Putin, e.g. Dmitry Medvedev, Armageddon might already have happened due to biden’s risky provocations against Russia. If trump was not evil enough to risk planetary extinction for evil’s sake, he would not now be president. Destruction is America’s self-imposed fate, whether a mentally and morally defective moron like you happens to realize it or not.
He and in particular, everyone who voted for him, are all evil people.
Obviously, simple reasoning isn’t your strong suit but try and follow along (or better yet, maybe you can find a sympathetic adult in your neighborhood who can explain the following to you in simple child-like terms commensurate with your profound cognitive impairment): during his first term, trump proved himself to be a liar, mass murderer and consummate jew tool. No morally competent person would vote to install such a scumbag into the highest political office in the land. This is because if someone is knowingly and willingly instrumental in empowering an evil person to do evil, that person bears moral responsibility for any consequential evil. Do you see how that works, goofball?
Which is no surprise, because the United States has been the most uniquely evil nation of evil people, ever to exist.
There’s something about TDS, that I have to admit that I sort of like. There is a significant swath of people out there, that for whatever reason, hate Donald Trump with a seething, visceral fanaticism that borders on (hell, exceeds!) pathological derangement.
Yo shit for brains, as I’ve said here many times in the past, I gave trump the benefit of the doubt in 2016 and voted for him. And he immediately betrayed me and the other anti-war/anti-interventionist voters who put him in office. He lied, he mass-murdered people, and he proceeded to do all kinds of evil and destructive things that went squarely against his election mandate and the best interests of his supporters and practically every living thing on this planet; trump set us up for biden and the evil that followed.
And, almost in every instance, these people are rude, arrogant, self-righteous assholes. Like you.
LOL! IOW I tell the truth and you Satanic judenfilth don’t like it. Coming from you, that’s a nice compliment. The only way you could actually insult me, you silly jew retard, would be if I somehow had your approval.
As anyone who’s read my comments knows, I don’t like Trump, but I recognize why good people voted for him. Mainly, to end the wars.
As always, nothing you say makes any sense, goofball.
But when it comes to your type, Harold, I have to admit that I get a kick out of seeing Donald being sworn in today, not because he’s going to be a good president, (he won’t), but because of what it must do to people like you. LOL
Yo shit for brains, you never run out of stupid things to say. The reinstallation of the evil orange clown as president is evil America’s fate. What trump’s win does to “people like (me)” is to prove me right.
People so full of hate and bile, that they’re unhinged in their vitriolic rage.
LOL! Yo shit for brains, you voted to install an unhinged, hate-filled, devil-worshiping, demon-possessed, psychotic psychopath into the highest political office in the land and then you try to project your pathetic assholish psyche onto me.
Just thinking…
…about what today will mean for people like you, Harold, will put a little smile in my heart, in what would otherwise be just another day, when just another ZOG asshole will begin his betrayal of America.
I guess no one here should be surprised that you can’t compose a meaningful sentence, you silly jew retard.
But you have cheered up this day, knowing how seeing Trump so triumphant, is going to effect you.
LOL! Yet another second grade level word salad from the silly jew retard. (BTW, that would be affect, not effect, you silly jew retard).
You’re a crack head.
USSF are the most robotic executioners of ZioCon policy HOOOORAH and it provides them a license to kill, pay & benifits, and all the low-end pussy they can tap. Expecting them to stand and deliver against the ZioCons when it HASNT HAPPENED ONCE IN 70 FUCKING YEARS isn’t idiocy – it’s open propaganda and retardery.
You’re a literal goddamn regard and I name you thusly, or more likely a snake.
Wow Rurik, your desperation is showing. No, it's not a "strawman." Obviously, it's an analogy, entirely apropos, which can be compared to Bush's war against Iraq (and for that matter, many other American crimes against humanity). The claim that Saddam Hussein was making WMD under the circumstances and the imploration that we urgently had to invade (ultimately resulting in the deaths of Saddam Hussein and hundreds of thousands of innocent people) as a matter of preemptive "self-defense," would be no less preposterous than a claim that your neighbor is actually an alien from outer space that you need preemptively kill before he kills you. Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts surrounding the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq in 2003 that you don't see it?wow Haroldnot only is that a strawman, but you fit in absurd, obnoxious and insulting too!
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?�
More of your signature deflective nonsense. Unlike my analogy, your "argument" here is an actual strawman. Regardless of whether or not 9/11 was generally believed to be a false flag attack (by March 2003), the attack on Iraq and the mass murder of Iraqis under the circumstances was an entirely different matter. As I recall, the U.S. "government" wasn't even trying to claim that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. The war was completely unjustified.In any case, as I already pointed out to you, Tillman himself said the Iraq war was "fucking illegal"; ipso facto he knew he was participating in mass murder. So why did he willingly deploy there in the first place? Apparently he either abdicated his due diligence or he didn't really give a damn. He could've refused to deploy there or "deserted" like a handful of war resisters did and he could've declared conscientious objector status; he would've had a good legal case. Instead he did neither. He stayed there, betraying his enlistment oath and knowingly participating in mass murder. Sorry but your implication that he was "misled" fails and you know it. Stop being deceptive about it.apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.Tillman obviously started out believing the lies about 9/11. Most people did. When he figured out that they were lies, they executed him. But that’s not good enough for you, huh Harold. He should have known from the beginning, because he had the Internet.How many people in the world knew in May of 2002, that 9/11 was a false flag attack? I’d say maybe one percent, at best. But for you, Harold, everyone who didn’t know it immediately, was an evil murderer for failing to stop the wars.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
Apparently the point escapes you. How do you know? Who appointed you general arbiter of who's "misled" and who isn't? Anyone can claim they were "misled" about anything and who are you to say otherwise? Can you cite any legal cases in the U.S. where someone who killed someone else was acquitted of any wrongdoing because they were presumably "misled" into making a bad decision because of propaganda?Do you remember the case of the murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi by Frank Roque? Mr. Sodhi was murdered by Roque in the aftermath of 9/11 apparently because he had a beard and wore a turban. Mr. Roque claimed "I’m a patriot. I stand for America all the way," yet instead of being acquitted because of the influence of "propaganda," he was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
By your "reasoning" Roque should've been acquitted, right?
Mr. Sodhi was a 49 year old Sikh American man, who owned a Chevron gas station in Mesa, Arizona. He was shot while arranging American flags in front of his gas station. His assailant, Frank Roque, wanted to ‘kill a Muslim’ in retaliation for the terrorist attacks. He selected Mr. Sodhi simply because he had a beard and wore a turban in accordance with his Sikh faith. Mr. Roque shot at Mr. Sodhi three times, then shot at another service station owned by a Lebanese American, and finally shot at a home of a family of Afghan descent. Fortunately, no one else was injured.[...]Frank Roque boasted during his arrest: “I’m a patriot.†“I stand for America all the way.†“Two years later, he learned the American way included a fair trial by jury. On September 30, 2003, an Arizona jury found Frank Roque guilty of first-degree murder for his hate crime murder of Mr. Sodhi, along with five other charges, including attempted murder and reckless endangerment related to drive-by shootings at other individuals he perceived to be Middle Eastern that same day in 2001.
How many people were murdered so far in Gaza, maybe 200,000 or so? According to a study published in The Lancet, that would be less that 1/3 the amount of Iraqis estimated to have died as a result of the 2003 war. according to you, if IDF troops are told by their religious and/or political authorities that they're "exceptional" and that Palestinians need to die en masse for some alleged offense, you'd find them guilty, but if U.S. troops are told by their authorities that they're exceptional and that Iraqis need to be attacked and killed for some alleged offense, they're not guilty?On the contrary, no. If "(the IDF) are all guilty" of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.And that's all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Rurik
If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I’d tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they’re all guilty.
Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts..
your signature deflective nonsense..
all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.
to look at the Big Picture, so to speak, Harold..
in short, Donald J. Trump is the most evil man that has ever lived. Huh?
He’s going to kick off Armageddon, because he is singularly that evil. He and in particular, everyone who voted for him, are all evil people. Which is no surprise, because the United States has been the most uniquely evil nation of evil people, ever to exist.
There’s something about TDS, that I have to admit that I sort of like. There is a significant swath of people out there, that for whatever reason, hate Donald Trump with a seething, visceral fanaticism that borders on (hell, exceeds!) pathological derangement. And, almost in every instance, these people are rude, arrogant, self-righteous assholes. Like you.
As anyone who’s read my comments knows, I don’t like Trump, but I recognize why good people voted for him. Mainly, to end the wars.
But when it comes to your type, Harold, I have to admit that I get a kick out of seeing Donald being sworn in today, not because he’s going to be a good president, (he won’t), but because of what it must do to people like you. LOL
People so full of hate and bile, that they’re unhinged in their vitriolic rage.
You and Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff and Joy Behar and Adam Kinzinger and William Kristol and Max Boot and David Frum and Hillary…
Just thinking about what today will mean for people like you, Harold, will put a little smile in my heart, in what would otherwise be just another day, when just another ZOG asshole will begin his betrayal of America.
But you have cheered up this day, knowing how seeing Trump so triumphant, is going to effect you.
For the next four years.
Enjoy it, chump.
He is certainly among the most evil men that have ever lived, and he could very well be THE MOST EVIL; otherwise he wouldn't have been installed into the highest political office in the land - especially at a time when the evil empire is collapsing, the jews are desperate and the risk of nuclear war is greater than at any time in the past.
to look at the Big Picture, so to speak, short, Donald J. Trump is the most evil man that has ever lived. Huh?
Armageddon is part evil and part chance. For example, if someone else had been president of Russia instead of Vladimir Putin, e.g. Dmitry Medvedev, Armageddon might already have happened due to biden's risky provocations against Russia. If trump was not evil enough to risk planetary extinction for evil's sake, he would not now be president. Destruction is America's self-imposed fate, whether a mentally and morally defective moron like you happens to realize it or not.
He’s going to kick off Armageddon, because he is singularly that evil.
Obviously, simple reasoning isn't your strong suit but try and follow along (or better yet, maybe you can find a sympathetic adult in your neighborhood who can explain the following to you in simple child-like terms commensurate with your profound cognitive impairment): during his first term, trump proved himself to be a liar, mass murderer and consummate jew tool. No morally competent person would vote to install such a scumbag into the highest political office in the land. This is because if someone is knowingly and willingly instrumental in empowering an evil person to do evil, that person bears moral responsibility for any consequential evil. Do you see how that works, goofball?
He and in particular, everyone who voted for him, are all evil people.
Which is no surprise, because the United States has been the most uniquely evil nation of evil people, ever to exist.Right?�
Yo shit for brains, as I've said here many times in the past, I gave trump the benefit of the doubt in 2016 and voted for him. And he immediately betrayed me and the other anti-war/anti-interventionist voters who put him in office. He lied, he mass-murdered people, and he proceeded to do all kinds of evil and destructive things that went squarely against his election mandate and the best interests of his supporters and practically every living thing on this planet; trump set us up for biden and the evil that followed.
There’s something about TDS, that I have to admit that I sort of like. There is a significant swath of people out there, that for whatever reason, hate Donald Trump with a seething, visceral fanaticism that borders on (hell, exceeds!) pathological derangement.�
LOL! IOW I tell the truth and you Satanic judenfilth don't like it. Coming from you, that's a nice compliment. The only way you could actually insult me, you silly jew retard, would be if I somehow had your approval.
And, almost in every instance, these people are rude, arrogant, self-righteous assholes. Like you.
As always, nothing you say makes any sense, goofball.
As anyone who’s read my comments knows, I don’t like Trump, but I recognize why good people voted for him. Mainly, to end the wars.
Yo shit for brains, you never run out of stupid things to say. The reinstallation of the evil orange clown as president is evil America's fate. What trump's win does to "people like (me)" is to prove me right.
But when it comes to your type, Harold, I have to admit that I get a kick out of seeing Donald being sworn in today, not because he’s going to be a good president, (he won’t), but because of what it must do to people like you. LOL
LOL! Yo shit for brains, you voted to install an unhinged, hate-filled, devil-worshiping, demon-possessed, psychotic psychopath into the highest political office in the land and then you try to project your pathetic assholish psyche onto me.
People so full of hate and bile, that they’re unhinged in their vitriolic rage.
Just thinking...
I guess no one here should be surprised that you can't compose a meaningful sentence, you silly jew retard.
...about what today will mean for people like you, Harold, will put a little smile in my heart, in what would otherwise be just another day, when just another ZOG asshole will begin his betrayal of America.
LOL! Yet another second grade level word salad from the silly jew retard. (BTW, that would be affect, not effect, you silly jew retard).
But you have cheered up this day, knowing how seeing Trump so triumphant, is going to effect you.
Thanks Chris,
Though Ron obviously doesn’t fall into this category, most ‘intellectuals’ don’t see the propaganda because they have lots of intellectual prestige on the line. That’s the vanity which you were pointing out in your comment.
and shekels
I don't think you'll find it easy to draw the line. The Volga Germans were settled there in the Eighteenth Century, I believe. Invited by Catharine the Great. (had to check that -- yep)
'Volga Germans
if it wasn’t their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.'
Hitler was doing the same thing: massive deportations of perfectly indigenous Poles from Western Poland.
simply because they were Poles? Or because they were hostile to Germany? Which, as I understand it, lots of Poles were at the time.
It seems to me a bit like what’s going on in Ukraine today, where subtle differences between brothers are being exacerbated to make people hate each other, in service to some nefarious agenda of the elites. Who most likely are not even Ukrainian or Russian.
‘I’m fighting because you’re down here.’
this is, I suspect why most Ukrainian men fight, and they haven’t got the slightest idea about slaughter of thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass, by their government.
The elites pull the strings, and average guys die. Same as it ever was.
Hitler framed his invasion of Poland as a matter of defending ethnic Germans — but that wasn’t exactly the whole story.
I suspect a lot of it had to do with the treachery at Versailles, and Germany wanting a certain, (understandable) reckoning.
Upon reflection, I’m forced to reverse my position about
the difficulty of defining “self-defense” as
it pertains to the U.S. since 1933.
Since “Zion Declares War on Germany,” all major wars
of the U.S., including proxy wars but excluding those in
East Asia, have been fought to advance Jewish
or Israeli interests.
In effect, “American self-defense” has become a largely
fraudulent term which can only be accurately defined as
Jewish-Zionist aggression, under our flag.
Americans have been badly used by the bribed and
compromised vermin who pose as our leaders.
This is common knowledge around the World,
but is classified top-secret in the U.S.
Recently the police in London have allowed Zionists to get close to pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Earlier they kept them far apart. I suspect the hope was some incident would give the authorities a pretext to ban the protests altogether, and Zios have been trying to provoke trouble. However, protesters have been disciplined in response and refused to be provoked.
As I see it, to the extent it may be “hard to define,” that’s generally only the case until you put everything into proper moral, historical, military and political context – by looking at the big picture. And this is precisely what the propagandists here don’t want anyone to do. Once you consider the important details, things usually become much clearer, IMO.
I was at this protest. I did not see this specific incident, but Zionist “counter-protesters” seeking to provoke people into attacking them is something I have seen. It looks like failure on this score caused the Zio to go on the offensive…
Nonsense. First, who's "we"? Second, both the Iraq war and the war against Afghanistan were "criminal atrocities." They were completely unjust wars of aggression and every person killed in those wars was murdered, whether you happen to like it or not.Not really. What we regarded as criminal atrocities, and often prosecuted, the Jews celebrated and endorsed.�
‘On the contrary, no. If “(the IDF) are all guilty†of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.’�
And then there were the smaller atrocities within the larger atrocities; e.g. those war crimes exposed by Chelsea Manning, for which she was prosecuted. @24th Alabama
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."�
The only “justified” wars are in self-defense, but that is hard to define or
apply in a good many specific cases, recently illustrated by the
complex origins of the Ukraine and Gaza Wars.
‘On the contrary, no. If “(the IDF) are all guilty†of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.’
Not really. What we regarded as criminal atrocities, and often prosecuted, the Jews celebrated and endorsed.
Nonsense. First, who’s “we”? Second, both the Iraq war and the war against Afghanistan were “criminal atrocities.” They were completely unjust wars of aggression and every person killed in those wars was murdered, whether you happen to like it or not.
“To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
And then there were the smaller atrocities within the larger atrocities; e.g. those war crimes exposed by Chelsea Manning, for which she was prosecuted.
Wow Rurik, your desperation is showing. No, it's not a "strawman." Obviously, it's an analogy, entirely apropos, which can be compared to Bush's war against Iraq (and for that matter, many other American crimes against humanity). The claim that Saddam Hussein was making WMD under the circumstances and the imploration that we urgently had to invade (ultimately resulting in the deaths of Saddam Hussein and hundreds of thousands of innocent people) as a matter of preemptive "self-defense," would be no less preposterous than a claim that your neighbor is actually an alien from outer space that you need preemptively kill before he kills you. Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts surrounding the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq in 2003 that you don't see it?wow Haroldnot only is that a strawman, but you fit in absurd, obnoxious and insulting too!
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?�
More of your signature deflective nonsense. Unlike my analogy, your "argument" here is an actual strawman. Regardless of whether or not 9/11 was generally believed to be a false flag attack (by March 2003), the attack on Iraq and the mass murder of Iraqis under the circumstances was an entirely different matter. As I recall, the U.S. "government" wasn't even trying to claim that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. The war was completely unjustified.In any case, as I already pointed out to you, Tillman himself said the Iraq war was "fucking illegal"; ipso facto he knew he was participating in mass murder. So why did he willingly deploy there in the first place? Apparently he either abdicated his due diligence or he didn't really give a damn. He could've refused to deploy there or "deserted" like a handful of war resisters did and he could've declared conscientious objector status; he would've had a good legal case. Instead he did neither. He stayed there, betraying his enlistment oath and knowingly participating in mass murder. Sorry but your implication that he was "misled" fails and you know it. Stop being deceptive about it.apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.Tillman obviously started out believing the lies about 9/11. Most people did. When he figured out that they were lies, they executed him. But that’s not good enough for you, huh Harold. He should have known from the beginning, because he had the Internet.How many people in the world knew in May of 2002, that 9/11 was a false flag attack? I’d say maybe one percent, at best. But for you, Harold, everyone who didn’t know it immediately, was an evil murderer for failing to stop the wars.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
Apparently the point escapes you. How do you know? Who appointed you general arbiter of who's "misled" and who isn't? Anyone can claim they were "misled" about anything and who are you to say otherwise? Can you cite any legal cases in the U.S. where someone who killed someone else was acquitted of any wrongdoing because they were presumably "misled" into making a bad decision because of propaganda?Do you remember the case of the murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi by Frank Roque? Mr. Sodhi was murdered by Roque in the aftermath of 9/11 apparently because he had a beard and wore a turban. Mr. Roque claimed "I’m a patriot. I stand for America all the way," yet instead of being acquitted because of the influence of "propaganda," he was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
By your "reasoning" Roque should've been acquitted, right?
Mr. Sodhi was a 49 year old Sikh American man, who owned a Chevron gas station in Mesa, Arizona. He was shot while arranging American flags in front of his gas station. His assailant, Frank Roque, wanted to ‘kill a Muslim’ in retaliation for the terrorist attacks. He selected Mr. Sodhi simply because he had a beard and wore a turban in accordance with his Sikh faith. Mr. Roque shot at Mr. Sodhi three times, then shot at another service station owned by a Lebanese American, and finally shot at a home of a family of Afghan descent. Fortunately, no one else was injured.[...]Frank Roque boasted during his arrest: “I’m a patriot.†“I stand for America all the way.†“Two years later, he learned the American way included a fair trial by jury. On September 30, 2003, an Arizona jury found Frank Roque guilty of first-degree murder for his hate crime murder of Mr. Sodhi, along with five other charges, including attempted murder and reckless endangerment related to drive-by shootings at other individuals he perceived to be Middle Eastern that same day in 2001.
How many people were murdered so far in Gaza, maybe 200,000 or so? According to a study published in The Lancet, that would be less that 1/3 the amount of Iraqis estimated to have died as a result of the 2003 war. according to you, if IDF troops are told by their religious and/or political authorities that they're "exceptional" and that Palestinians need to die en masse for some alleged offense, you'd find them guilty, but if U.S. troops are told by their authorities that they're exceptional and that Iraqis need to be attacked and killed for some alleged offense, they're not guilty?On the contrary, no. If "(the IDF) are all guilty" of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.And that's all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Rurik
If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I’d tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they’re all guilty.
‘On the contrary, no. If “(the IDF) are all guilty†of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.’
Not really. What we regarded as criminal atrocities, and often prosecuted, the Jews celebrated and endorsed.
A German reporter interviewed a teen Afghan Mujahideen during our ill-fated
War against an imaginary enemy and got a similar answer,
“because they are here.â€
Invading Afghanistan is always a mistake.
The only variable is how long it takes the invader to figure that out.
wow Harold
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?
apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance. If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I'd tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they're all guilty.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
Well, you're showing signs of humanity, so that's something. But what Tillman did, was the very definition of a hero. Because unlike you, not everybody knew exactly what had happened on 9/11, just as many people still don't know to this day. I know a waitress a few miles away who said she's too busy trying to raise her daughter, to worry about all the lies they tell us about all the wars and everything else. Should she be executed for failing to stop the wars?
I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don’t see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a “hero.â€
While I tend to agree vis-a-vis the 'defense' industry, I know people who voted for Trump because they wanted an end to the wars. Even if you insist everyone who voted for him, did so because they know to a certainty that Trump is going to start committing mass-murder and nuclear Armageddon on day one. I wish I was being silly, but that is actually, more or less how I perceive- that you perceive- the situation.
General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office.
like I said, there are some things about which you and I agree. But there are also lots of people working at those places, that haven't got a clue. I know you harbor a deep hatred for America, and particularly for Trump, but there are lots of people in Canada and Europe working in munitions plants, who are no less or more guilty than Americans, (in the U.S.) doing the same. But then you don't agree, do you, because Canadians and Europeans didn't vote for Trump, huh?
Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?
And your point is that Americans are unique in this? Or do Canadians and Malaysians also work at such places?
And while I’m on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse?
Like I said, oftentimes we are on the same page.
Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities...
and Canada is any better? England? Ireland? Norway? Sweden? Ukraine?
As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don’t give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that’s why America is going down.
You conflate a tiny handful of Jewish supremacist bankers = America.
How much do you know about the role of America’s immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place?
blah, blah..
the USSR’s crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America’s global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
blah., blah..
Was America “completely under jewish supremacist subjugation†when when it started the imperial Mexican war, the Civil war or the Spanish American war? Can we blame the Sand Creek massacre or the Moro Crater massacre on the jews?
blah, blah, blah..
the kind of evil that America has been doing in the world for the last 250 years.
compared to whom?
the American government (i.e. the politicians who run things) sucks because the American public sucks.
just as did every American who fought in every war since 1812, which nearly all of them considered honorable and patriotic wars. Like my dad, who served in the Pacific theater during WWII as a teenager. But he should have known that Pearl Harbor was a deliberate ruse by FDR to drag the U.S. into the war on ZOG's behalf, and so I'm sure you'd call him evil as well.
Pat Tillman chose to join the U.S. army in the face of an absurd 9/11 official narrative which was completely lacking of evidence in support.
Good God, you can not be more wrong.
Government can only do what the people empower it to do.
No worse than Perfidious, and America does not = the elites, about whom you're right.
Anyone who follows the national news can see that America has become a nation full of psychopaths and sundry criminals of all stripes.
I don't defend the decisions of America's elite, whom I consider as evil as you do, (if not more so). But the boys sent to Vietnam, were not evil. They were mostly poor and were put into a situation where they might have even killed people, which had they not been sent there to do so, and ordered to do so, would not have died.
You mention Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, but did you know that America’s mass bombing of Cambodia
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?
wow Harold
not only is that a strawman, but you fit in absurd, obnoxious and insulting too!
Wow Rurik, your desperation is showing. No, it’s not a “strawman.” Obviously, it’s an analogy, entirely apropos, which can be compared to Bush’s war against Iraq (and for that matter, many other American crimes against humanity). The claim that Saddam Hussein was making WMD under the circumstances and the imploration that we urgently had to invade (ultimately resulting in the deaths of Saddam Hussein and hundreds of thousands of innocent people) as a matter of preemptive “self-defense,” would be no less preposterous than a claim that your neighbor is actually an alien from outer space that you need preemptively kill before he kills you. Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts surrounding the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq in 2003 that you don’t see it?
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.
Tillman obviously started out believing the lies about 9/11. Most people did. When he figured out that they were lies, they executed him. But that’s not good enough for you, huh Harold. He should have known from the beginning, because he had the Internet.
How many people in the world knew in May of 2002, that 9/11 was a false flag attack? I’d say maybe one percent, at best. But for you, Harold, everyone who didn’t know it immediately, was an evil murderer for failing to stop the wars.
More of your signature deflective nonsense. Unlike my analogy, your “argument” here is an actual strawman. Regardless of whether or not 9/11 was generally believed to be a false flag attack (by March 2003), the attack on Iraq and the mass murder of Iraqis under the circumstances was an entirely different matter. As I recall, the U.S. “government” wasn’t even trying to claim that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. The war was completely unjustified.
In any case, as I already pointed out to you, Tillman himself said the Iraq war was “fucking illegal”; ipso facto he knew he was participating in mass murder. So why did he willingly deploy there in the first place? Apparently he either abdicated his due diligence or he didn’t really give a damn. He could’ve refused to deploy there or “deserted” like a handful of war resisters did and he could’ve declared conscientious objector status; he would’ve had a good legal case. Instead he did neither. He stayed there, betraying his enlistment oath and knowingly participating in mass murder.
Sorry but your implication that he was “misled” fails and you know it. Stop being deceptive about it.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance.
Apparently the point escapes you. How do you know? Who appointed you general arbiter of who’s “misled” and who isn’t? Anyone can claim they were “misled” about anything and who are you to say otherwise? Can you cite any legal cases in the U.S. where someone who killed someone else was acquitted of any wrongdoing because they were presumably “misled” into making a bad decision because of propaganda?
Do you remember the case of the murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi by Frank Roque? Mr. Sodhi was murdered by Roque in the aftermath of 9/11 apparently because he had a beard and wore a turban. Mr. Roque claimed “I’m a patriot. I stand for America all the way,” yet instead of being acquitted because of the influence of “propaganda,” he was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.
Mr. Sodhi was a 49 year old Sikh American man, who owned a Chevron gas station in Mesa, Arizona. He was shot while arranging American flags in front of his gas station. His assailant, Frank Roque, wanted to ‘kill a Muslim’ in retaliation for the terrorist attacks. He selected Mr. Sodhi simply because he had a beard and wore a turban in accordance with his Sikh faith. Mr. Roque shot at Mr. Sodhi three times, then shot at another service station owned by a Lebanese American, and finally shot at a home of a family of Afghan descent. Fortunately, no one else was injured.
Frank Roque boasted during his arrest: “I’m a patriot.†“I stand for America all the way.†“Two years later, he learned the American way included a fair trial by jury. On September 30, 2003, an Arizona jury found Frank Roque guilty of first-degree murder for his hate crime murder of Mr. Sodhi, along with five other charges, including attempted murder and reckless endangerment related to drive-by shootings at other individuals he perceived to be Middle Eastern that same day in 2001.
By your “reasoning” Roque should’ve been acquitted, right?
If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I’d tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they’re all guilty.
How many people were murdered so far in Gaza, maybe 200,000 or so? According to a study published in The Lancet, that would be less that 1/3 the amount of Iraqis estimated to have died as a result of the 2003 war.
So according to you, if IDF troops are told by their religious and/or political authorities that they’re “exceptional” and that Palestinians need to die en masse for some alleged offense, you’d find them guilty, but if U.S. troops are told by their authorities that they’re exceptional and that Iraqis need to be attacked and killed for some alleged offense, they’re not guilty?
On the contrary, no. If “(the IDF) are all guilty” of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.
And that’s all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.
Not really. What we regarded as criminal atrocities, and often prosecuted, the Jews celebrated and endorsed.
'On the contrary, no. If “(the IDF) are all guilty†of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.'
to look at the Big Picture, so to speak, short, Donald J. Trump is the most evil man that has ever lived. Huh?He's going to kick off Armageddon, because he is singularly that evil. He and in particular, everyone who voted for him, are all evil people. Which is no surprise, because the United States has been the most uniquely evil nation of evil people, ever to exist.Right?There's something about TDS, that I have to admit that I sort of like. There is a significant swath of people out there, that for whatever reason, hate Donald Trump with a seething, visceral fanaticism that borders on (hell, exceeds!) pathological derangement. And, almost in every instance, these people are rude, arrogant, self-righteous assholes. Like you. As anyone who's read my comments knows, I don't like Trump, but I recognize why good people voted for him. Mainly, to end the wars. But when it comes to your type, Harold, I have to admit that I get a kick out of seeing Donald being sworn in today, not because he's going to be a good president, (he won't), but because of what it must do to people like you. LOLPeople so full of hate and bile, that they're unhinged in their vitriolic rage. You and Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff and Joy Behar and Adam Kinzinger and William Kristol and Max Boot and David Frum and Hillary...Just thinking about what today will mean for people like you, Harold, will put a little smile in my heart, in what would otherwise be just another day, when just another ZOG asshole will begin his betrayal of America. But you have cheered up this day, knowing how seeing Trump so triumphant, is going to effect you.For the next four years. Enjoy it, chump.Replies: @Harold Smith
Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts.. your signature deflective nonsense..all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.
A German reporter interviewed a teen Afghan Mujahideen during our ill-fated
War against an imaginary enemy and got a similar answer,
“because they are here.”
The kid had never heard of 9-11.
Invading Afghanistan is always a mistake.
A German reporter interviewed a teen Afghan Mujahideen during our ill-fated
War against an imaginary enemy and got a similar answer,
“because they are here.â€
Shelby Foote quotes an ordinary Southern soldier who was taken prisoner. He was asked by his Union captors why he was fighting, anyway.
'...There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction...'
I believe that ‘I’m fighting because you’re here’ is actually the correct quote, now that I think about it.
The parochial nature of your Yeshiva, Kike-centric education is exposed by your confusion of disassemble (take apart) with dissemble ( lie ).
Notice that your dissembling has been completely disassembled.
Lying is the task of fools, and a burden to the grave.
Return those ill-begotten Shekels to the mighty
Hasbara Kahuna, pray for forgiveness and
work on the stealth aspect of your deceit.
Most of the people I know still get their information from the msm. Or perhaps 'conservative' outlets like Dan Bongino or Mark Levin or Steve Bannon. It wasn't that long ago when I was listening to John Stossel, thinking here's a guy who has a clue. Only to find out he's just another stinking Zionist Jew.
I do think that beyond a certain age, for individuals; and for a society, after so much contrary information to the official narrative has emerged over a short span of time, yeah, I do think there is a certain expectation that a critical mass of people begin to agitate for justice even in the face of certain personal risks and costs.
I agree
it’s more like a profound disappointment.
or charlatans and their fools, like Hagee and his flock, or Brian Mast and those who voted for him.
It really can’t be that people can be this easily manipulated and for this long; or can it! So I’ve just assumed that they’re cowards.
Watch as the Russian people flock to the May Day celebrations in Russia
It really can’t be that people can be this easily manipulated and for this long; or can it!
they also caved on gun control
New Zealanders, but they didn’t exactly cut an independent figure during Covid �
perhaps, because we American still have our guns, and as such, free speech as well.
Can we really impute any virtues on them for which there is of yet not a shred of evidence that they might have wanted to exercise it?
well, I'm sure you'd agree that the 'most documented genocide in history', didn't happen.
But if they don’t know about the most documented genocide in history,
thank you, Chris. Well put.
‘don’t judge the depraved current state of the West while ignoring the unique innovation it had stood for in world history, and value system it developed and which it might stand for again when the wool has been raised from it eyes.’
I think it's more a case of Western values, (of fairness and rectitude and compassion) being their own worst enemy, by inviting in people who know not these values, but who are extremely adept at manipulation and treachery. Honed over millenniums of preying on societies with such naive values, as they see them. They come into a society of great trust, and it's a feeding frenzy.
which showed them [Western values] to have only been window dressing.
same here Chris.
… as disturbing as these topics may be, it’s always a pleasure discussing something with you, from my side also, Rurik.
Hi Rurik,
Yeah, I’m torn between agreeing and disagreeing with you. You make excellent and very valid arguments as usual of course.
But having thought about your points all week, I’m thinking that we are probably just referring to the different groups of people.
Ok, so on one hand I think your arguments refer to more long-term perceptions by the public, which really are difficult to see, for people not in the news-business, as it were. It’s also a bit of the boiling frog effect, that the narrative distortions have, in the past progressed slowly enough to be relatively imperceptible.
And it’s not just the house painter and secretary who may not see the perpetrated fraud. Our host here, Ron, self-admittedly, spent decades not seeing through the smoke and mirrors either.
Funnily enough, the house painter and secretary are much more likely to eventually see through the propaganda than their physician.
Though Ron obviously doesn’t fall into this category, most ‘intellectuals’ don’t see the propaganda because they have lots of intellectual prestige on the line. That’s the vanity which you were pointing out in your comment.
Their self-assessed prestige, which is constantly being stroked by the propaganda organs telling them how clever and brave they are for not falling for ‘conspiracy theories;’ just as they are being fed ‘conspiracy theories’ by the bucket as it were.
So, as far as I’m concerned, I think your arguments refer to and hold for everyone in society to some extent, assuming relatively slow propaganda cycle, as we all experienced until let’s say around 2016. Leaving out 911 of course, the Kennedys, the Liberty, etc, all relatively well spaced in time.
But since 2016, with Russia-gate, with the propaganda organs going full-kilter, with Covid, BLM, Ukraine, all the wars culminating in this grotesque display of Israeli criminal barbarity, it makes those holding on to the insane narrative roller coaster the biggest conspiracy theorists in the world.
And it’s these liberal, college education morons who have now become fanatical adherents of the wildest conspiracy theory ever: namely that the narrative is consistent.
Now some of them may have reached the point of being afraid to step off the speeding carousel for fear of not understanding anything anymore and of having to look for answers among the very conspiracy theorists they always loathed and felt infinitely superior over.
These intellectual morons were the moral shipwrecks and cowards I was referring to, the people who realize that in 2014 they were ready to destroy Syria because of the three year old boy who drowned on the beach and because Asad was using “barel-bombs†“against his own people†who now choose actively to suppress their clear memories of that and pretend that Israel has a “right†to “defend itself†even as it is crystal clear that their genocidal mass-murder has nothing whatsoever to do with defense and everything to do with barbaric pretend-revenge to mask stealing land.
It’s these scumbags my ire was aimed at.
and shekels
Though Ron obviously doesn’t fall into this category, most ‘intellectuals’ don’t see the propaganda because they have lots of intellectual prestige on the line. That’s the vanity which you were pointing out in your comment.
Consider how Julian Assange languished in prison for telling inconvenient truths, yet he's too circumspect, (cowardly?), to tell the truth about 9/11.
Their self-assessed prestige, which is constantly being stroked by the propaganda organs telling them how clever and brave they are for not falling for ‘conspiracy theories;’
Well, there is our partisan divide. The things you mention, Russia-gate, Covid, BLM, Ukraine, (and we could add Climate Justice, and trans-madness, and the dire threat of 'domestic terrorists', (white people) to the mix, are all shibboleths of the progressive left / DNC.
But since 2016, with Russia-gate, with the propaganda organs going full-kilter, with Covid, BLM, Ukraine, all the wars culminating in this grotesque display of Israeli criminal barbarity, it makes those holding on to the insane narrative roller coaster the biggest conspiracy theorists in the world.
Yours and mine both, Chris.
...pretend that Israel has a “right†to “defend itself†even as it is crystal clear that their genocidal mass-murder has nothing whatsoever to do with defense and everything to do with barbaric pretend-revenge to mask stealing land.
It’s these scumbags my ire was aimed at.
Patriotism isn't a vice, in and of itself, I would think.
their patriotism.
‘There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction.’
The thing is, the distinction can become a matter of opinion. Hitler framed his invasion of Poland as a matter of defending ethnic Germans — but that wasn’t exactly the whole story. LeClerc’s rather moving ‘Oath of Kufra’ where he had his little band of French renegades in the middle of the Sahara swear to fight until ‘our flag, our beautiful flag floats over Strasbourg Cathedral’ suffers from the minor flaw that Strasburg could reasonably be considered a German city.
Patriotism isn't a vice, in and of itself, I would think.
their patriotism.
‘…There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction…’
Shelby Foote quotes an ordinary Southern soldier who was taken prisoner. He was asked by his Union captors why he was fighting, anyway.
‘I’m fighting because you’re down here.’
with the deliberate intention of using starvation to kill civilians?
(3) Oh, the Germans certainly starved a lot of people. Jews, Poles, even Dutchmen (the ‘Hunger Winter’).
if there was no other way to get the soldiers manning the machine guns, out of the pillbox, than a flamethrower, then I'd say it seems almost justifiable.
Generally, they seem to have regarded them as regrettable necessities.
and generally today, they don't support wars based on lies. Or, more precisely, the German people don't. Can't say that about the elites, as I just wrote to Harold about. The elites of Germany, are not = the German people, any more than the elites of America = the American people.
Independent German states and societies have a long track record — and generally, they were at least as good as anyone else.
Well, I would include Bolshevik Russia as an effectively Jewish state. Just as I'd include Perfidious, starting at least as far back as the Boer wars, (for Oppenheimer), in South Africa, as a Jewish state. As indeed, it is today.
Now modern Israel is the only completely independent Jewish state that has existed in historical times. That’s what we have to judge Jews by. Here’s what they are, if they really get to strut their stuff.
I don't think Germany wanted war with France or England or anyone, really, except to get their lands back, and to neutralize the threat from the Bolsheviks/Soviets. But France and England declared war on Germany, (in obvious fealty to ZOG ; )
The footage I’ve seen shows the German people thoroughly enjoying their victories. Raining flowers on tanks returning from France, ecstatic crowds congratulating the heroes of Crete.
I don’t blame them — but I don’t think they were forced to conquer half of Europe against their will.
if it wasn't their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.
Volga Germans
‘Volga Germans
if it wasn’t their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.’
I don’t think you’ll find it easy to draw the line. The Volga Germans were settled there in the Eighteenth Century, I believe. Invited by Catharine the Great. (had to check that — yep)
Germans all over the place. Mennonites in Paraguay, for example.
Where would it have stopped? So Germany gets the Sudeten Germans — fair enough. But then there are the ethnic Germans in the 1918 version of Poland; after all, none of those areas were actually majority German.
Alsace is pretty German. Germans had been in Transylvania since the Thirteenth Century. Danube Swabians. Germans in the Banat. Bessarabian Germans…
The South Tyrol! It goes on and on.
It’s a problem. All too often, ethnicities tend to be scattered around rather haphazardly. ‘Greeks’ and ‘Turks’ — Ataturk was born in Salonika. Muslims and Hindus in India. Chinese and Malays in Malaysia. How many flavors of this and that in Syria? Shall we discuss Iran? Ethiopia?
Until a Stalin comes along and tidies it all up…but incidentally, Hitler was doing the same thing: massive deportations of perfectly indigenous Poles from Western Poland.
The notion that particular ethnicities are — or even should be — clumped in contiguous territories that ‘belong’ to them is actually a modern conceit. People often hadn’t nicely sorted themselves.
We have relatively fortunate nations where the state evolved along with the formation of a national identity. Spain, France, England, ourselves…so those who have come to think of themselves as ‘French’ are overwhelmingly in France.
That’s nice. But for most, it just hasn’t been that way. Germans got themselves into all kinds of non-contiguous places long before there was a Germany, and it’s obviously completely unreasonable to say that all such places should be incorporated into a unified Germany
simply because they were Poles? Or because they were hostile to Germany? Which, as I understand it, lots of Poles were at the time.
Hitler was doing the same thing: massive deportations of perfectly indigenous Poles from Western Poland.
this is, I suspect why most Ukrainian men fight, and they haven't got the slightest idea about slaughter of thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass, by their government.
‘I’m fighting because you’re down here.’
I suspect a lot of it had to do with the treachery at Versailles, and Germany wanting a certain, (understandable) reckoning.
Hitler framed his invasion of Poland as a matter of defending ethnic Germans — but that wasn’t exactly the whole story.
Thanks, regarding Pat Tillman and others I have observed the Americans greatest strength is their greatest weakness--their patriotism.Replies: @Rurik
But sitting here in my office, I’m not going to pass judgement on every American soldier who served in Vietnam, even if I do condemn and even damn Johnson and McNamara to the depths of hell, for the things, (treason, war crimes) they did.
their patriotism.
Patriotism isn’t a vice, in and of itself, I would think.
We’re all tribal beings, and it’s normal and healthy to support your own tribe/family.
It’s when it’s misplaced, that it becomes a folly, I would say.
the Zelinsky regime is using a healthy sense of patriotism to stampede the Ukrainian men into the meat grinder. They think they’re defending their homeland, but they’re not, they’re dying in service to their worst enemy. But simply resisting an invasion of your nation, in and of itself, is a virtue. One the people of the West would do well to muster.
Without any patriotism, (love of one’s own people and homeland), then why object when tens or hundreds of millions of foreigners come marching in and claiming the lands for themselves?
There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction.
at least, IMHO
Shelby Foote quotes an ordinary Southern soldier who was taken prisoner. He was asked by his Union captors why he was fighting, anyway.
'...There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction...'
The thing is, the distinction can become a matter of opinion. Hitler framed his invasion of Poland as a matter of defending ethnic Germans -- but that wasn't exactly the whole story. LeClerc's rather moving 'Oath of Kufra' where he had his little band of French renegades in the middle of the Sahara swear to fight until 'our flag, our beautiful flag floats over Strasbourg Cathedral' suffers from the minor flaw that Strasburg could reasonably be considered a German city.
'There is a big difference between defending home and hearth, from aggressive invasion, vs. deluded fools shouting USA! USA! for a regime that hates their guts, and seeks their destruction.'
wow Harold
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?
apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance. If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I'd tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they're all guilty.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
Well, you're showing signs of humanity, so that's something. But what Tillman did, was the very definition of a hero. Because unlike you, not everybody knew exactly what had happened on 9/11, just as many people still don't know to this day. I know a waitress a few miles away who said she's too busy trying to raise her daughter, to worry about all the lies they tell us about all the wars and everything else. Should she be executed for failing to stop the wars?
I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don’t see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a “hero.â€
While I tend to agree vis-a-vis the 'defense' industry, I know people who voted for Trump because they wanted an end to the wars. Even if you insist everyone who voted for him, did so because they know to a certainty that Trump is going to start committing mass-murder and nuclear Armageddon on day one. I wish I was being silly, but that is actually, more or less how I perceive- that you perceive- the situation.
General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office.
like I said, there are some things about which you and I agree. But there are also lots of people working at those places, that haven't got a clue. I know you harbor a deep hatred for America, and particularly for Trump, but there are lots of people in Canada and Europe working in munitions plants, who are no less or more guilty than Americans, (in the U.S.) doing the same. But then you don't agree, do you, because Canadians and Europeans didn't vote for Trump, huh?
Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?
And your point is that Americans are unique in this? Or do Canadians and Malaysians also work at such places?
And while I’m on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse?
Like I said, oftentimes we are on the same page.
Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities...
and Canada is any better? England? Ireland? Norway? Sweden? Ukraine?
As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don’t give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that’s why America is going down.
You conflate a tiny handful of Jewish supremacist bankers = America.
How much do you know about the role of America’s immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place?
blah, blah..
the USSR’s crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America’s global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
blah., blah..
Was America “completely under jewish supremacist subjugation†when when it started the imperial Mexican war, the Civil war or the Spanish American war? Can we blame the Sand Creek massacre or the Moro Crater massacre on the jews?
blah, blah, blah..
the kind of evil that America has been doing in the world for the last 250 years.
compared to whom?
the American government (i.e. the politicians who run things) sucks because the American public sucks.
just as did every American who fought in every war since 1812, which nearly all of them considered honorable and patriotic wars. Like my dad, who served in the Pacific theater during WWII as a teenager. But he should have known that Pearl Harbor was a deliberate ruse by FDR to drag the U.S. into the war on ZOG's behalf, and so I'm sure you'd call him evil as well.
Pat Tillman chose to join the U.S. army in the face of an absurd 9/11 official narrative which was completely lacking of evidence in support.
Good God, you can not be more wrong.
Government can only do what the people empower it to do.
No worse than Perfidious, and America does not = the elites, about whom you're right.
Anyone who follows the national news can see that America has become a nation full of psychopaths and sundry criminals of all stripes.
I don't defend the decisions of America's elite, whom I consider as evil as you do, (if not more so). But the boys sent to Vietnam, were not evil. They were mostly poor and were put into a situation where they might have even killed people, which had they not been sent there to do so, and ordered to do so, would not have died.
You mention Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, but did you know that America’s mass bombing of Cambodia
But sitting here in my office, I’m not going to pass judgement on every American soldier who served in Vietnam, even if I do condemn and even damn Johnson and McNamara to the depths of hell, for the things, (treason, war crimes) they did.
Thanks, regarding Pat Tillman and others I have observed the Americans greatest strength is their greatest weakness–their patriotism.
Patriotism isn't a vice, in and of itself, I would think.
their patriotism.
(1) You seem to be right there.
Because (1)the German military didn’t sodomize prisoners of war, to the cheers of the German people. Or (2) burn people alive, or (3) starve to death entire populations, or do any of the myriad horrors that (4) Jews seem to revel in.
the only case I can recall of Germans ‘burning people alive’, is a story about locking some villagers in a church, or something, and setting it on fire.
Is that what you’re talking about? Did it happen? Did it happen as an aberration, or was it sanctioned by the Nazi High Command?
If they did it, (which would be a terrible blight on them), I doubt it rises to the horrors of Dresden, or Waco *. Which were pure sadism. I’m not sure if the recent case of people being burned alive in Gaza, was deliberate or not, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
(3) Oh, the Germans certainly starved a lot of people. Jews, Poles, even Dutchmen (the ‘Hunger Winter’).
with the deliberate intention of using starvation to kill civilians?
(I’m not a scholar, and so I ask).
Generally, they seem to have regarded them as regrettable necessities.
if there was no other way to get the soldiers manning the machine guns, out of the pillbox, than a flamethrower, then I’d say it seems almost justifiable.
Independent German states and societies have a long track record — and generally, they were at least as good as anyone else.
and generally today, they don’t support wars based on lies. Or, more precisely, the German people don’t. Can’t say that about the elites, as I just wrote to Harold about. The elites of Germany, are not = the German people, any more than the elites of America = the American people.
Now modern Israel is the only completely independent Jewish state that has existed in historical times. That’s what we have to judge Jews by. Here’s what they are, if they really get to strut their stuff.
Well, I would include Bolshevik Russia as an effectively Jewish state. Just as I’d include Perfidious, starting at least as far back as the Boer wars, (for Oppenheimer), in South Africa, as a Jewish state. As indeed, it is today.
In fact, Israel would not, and could not exist without it’s vassal states, (U.S., UK, France, Germany, Belgium, et al..) run by and for Jews. Particularly Perfidious, where the City of London is ground-zero of Rothschild’s rat hole.
The footage I’ve seen shows the German people thoroughly enjoying their victories. Raining flowers on tanks returning from France, ecstatic crowds congratulating the heroes of Crete.
I don’t blame them — but I don’t think they were forced to conquer half of Europe against their will.
I don’t think Germany wanted war with France or England or anyone, really, except to get their lands back, and to neutralize the threat from the Bolsheviks/Soviets. But France and England declared war on Germany, (in obvious fealty to ZOG ; )
Volga Germans
if it wasn’t their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.
*having just written a long reply to Harold, I wonder how he feels about the Waco atrocity.
It was done to Americans, but then, I think Harold believes that is the very least that Americans all deserve, for all the things they’re guilty of, going back centuries. So was/is burning them alive, even a crime?
I don't think you'll find it easy to draw the line. The Volga Germans were settled there in the Eighteenth Century, I believe. Invited by Catharine the Great. (had to check that -- yep)
'Volga Germans
if it wasn’t their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.'
As I see it, neither the case of Pat Tillman nor that of Aaron Bushnell answer the question I posed to you nor do they support your implication that the people of the U.S. are somehow generally not responsible for America's long-standing record of heinous crimes against humanity. But being that you brought it up, imagine a similar situation in another context. Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it? I think not. Before voluntarily becoming an instrumentality of death for the U.S. "government" (either his own death or that of someone else at his hands), Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn't, and that was solely his fault, IMO.In any case, Tillman joined the U.S. Army in May 2002 (well into the age of the internet) as a 25 year old college graduate with a 3.85 GPA, who presumably would've had at least some meager ability to think and do some moral reasoning for himself. Moreover, his first military assignment was not deployment to Afghanistan but the invasion of Iraq, a country that obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, and there's evidence that Tillman knew it was illegal:I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.�
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?�
So why didn't he declare conscientious objector status at that point? Why didn't he go AWOL like Pablo Paredes or Camilo Mejia did rather than kill people in a war he knew was illegal? And why would he believe that the Afghanistan war was somehow legitimate (without any evidence) if the Iraq war wasn't?I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don't see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a "hero."
Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.“I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, ‘You know, this war is so f— illegal.’ And we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”�
I don't know much about Aaron Bushnell but as I understand it he wasn't involved in any combat anywhere. Apparently his spectacular suicide was an act of protest against immoral U.S. "government" foreign policy, particularly the unqualified military, economic and political support of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.In any case, I don't see how your examples undermine anything I said or support anything you said. By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you'd have to excuse them.
I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies.
As I see it everyone who works at the Scranton Army ammunition plant, Lockheed-Martin, General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office. Where are the mass resignations from the State Dept. and the DOD? Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?And while I'm on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse? Where are the mass resignations from the FDA and the CDC, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 scam? Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities where they do things like shoot up innocent people or throw flash-bang grenades into babies' cribs, or make a practice of immoral civil asset forfeiture? Where are the mass resignations from the tax claim bureaus and sheriff's offices that make people homeless because they can't pay the communistic, confiscatory, utterly unconstitutional tax on residential property?As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don't give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that's why America is going down.
Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it’s a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren’t too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
How much do you know about the role of America's immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place? How much do you know about America's treacherous role in promoting WW2, involving itself directly in the war and preventing an early end to the war?Anyway, I know enough about the subject matter to know that the USSR's crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America's global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across.�
What about pre-modern America? Was America "completely under jewish supremacist subjugation" when when it started the imperial Mexican war, the Civil war or the Spanish American war? Can we blame the Sand Creek massacre or the Moro Crater massacre on the jews?I bet there's not a single jew in the following picture:
Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation.
The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that’s one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today’s America.
You've just contradicted yourself.
The government was always evil...
As I pointed out to you above, the U.S. government is 545 people (who basically do nothing but shuffle papers and give speeches), and it takes a lot more people than that to do the kind of evil that America has been doing in the world for the last 250 years. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but just like George Carlin pointed out the American government (i.e. the politicians who run things) sucks because the American public sucks.
...but not the people.�
Well it's just gotten worse over time and the internet makes it more obvious and takes away the excuses of everyone who supports the evil in some tangible way.
Today America is unrecognizable.
"Madness" isn't something that can be "imposed" on someone by someone else. People make their own choices. Pat Tillman chose to join the U.S. army in the face of an absurd 9/11 official narrative which was completely lacking of evidence in support. Pat Tillman apparently knew the Iraq war he was participating in was illegal and he was presumably smart enough to realize that he was violating his enlistment oath and that every Iraqi killed by himself or any of his colleagues was murdered. Did he do anything about it? Apparently not. Had he become a "deserter" at that point he'd have had a good legal case just like Pablo Paredes and he'd probably still be alive today. Instead he imposed "madness" on himself.
But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who’re like most people, and don’t want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them.
As I've repeatedly stated and/or implied, we can refuse to give the evil our tacit approval and/or cooperation, and if enough of us do that, the evil will have to stop, not just the imperial treachery and mass murder, but evil across the board. As a humble start we could stop voting for establishment candidates like trump and biden, but we refuse to even do that.Government can only do what the people empower it to do. The problem in America is that too many people are corrupt/morally incompetent and we're way past the point where you can blame it on the effect of propaganda. Anyone who follows the national news can see that America has become a nation full of psychopaths and sundry criminals of all stripes.
You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don’t advocate Aaron’s ‘solution’, but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn’t a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who’ve showed up here, and ‘let’s git r done’.
I don't see a parallel either because contrary to your examples, America's evil is global in nature, has continued over the long term and the numbers of direct and indirect victims are far larger and continue to grow. You mention Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, but did you know that America's mass bombing of Cambodia was apparently instrumental in the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge? this is all the time I have at the moment.Replies: @RurikAs bad as America has been, I don’t see a moral parallel to Mao’s ‘agrarian reforms’, or Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?
wow Harold
Thanks, regarding Pat Tillman and others I have observed the Americans greatest strength is their greatest weakness--their patriotism.Replies: @Rurik
But sitting here in my office, I’m not going to pass judgement on every American soldier who served in Vietnam, even if I do condemn and even damn Johnson and McNamara to the depths of hell, for the things, (treason, war crimes) they did.
Wow Rurik, your desperation is showing. No, it's not a "strawman." Obviously, it's an analogy, entirely apropos, which can be compared to Bush's war against Iraq (and for that matter, many other American crimes against humanity). The claim that Saddam Hussein was making WMD under the circumstances and the imploration that we urgently had to invade (ultimately resulting in the deaths of Saddam Hussein and hundreds of thousands of innocent people) as a matter of preemptive "self-defense," would be no less preposterous than a claim that your neighbor is actually an alien from outer space that you need preemptively kill before he kills you. Are you really so stupid and/or ignorant of the facts surrounding the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq in 2003 that you don't see it?wow Haroldnot only is that a strawman, but you fit in absurd, obnoxious and insulting too!
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?�
More of your signature deflective nonsense. Unlike my analogy, your "argument" here is an actual strawman. Regardless of whether or not 9/11 was generally believed to be a false flag attack (by March 2003), the attack on Iraq and the mass murder of Iraqis under the circumstances was an entirely different matter. As I recall, the U.S. "government" wasn't even trying to claim that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. The war was completely unjustified.In any case, as I already pointed out to you, Tillman himself said the Iraq war was "fucking illegal"; ipso facto he knew he was participating in mass murder. So why did he willingly deploy there in the first place? Apparently he either abdicated his due diligence or he didn't really give a damn. He could've refused to deploy there or "deserted" like a handful of war resisters did and he could've declared conscientious objector status; he would've had a good legal case. Instead he did neither. He stayed there, betraying his enlistment oath and knowingly participating in mass murder. Sorry but your implication that he was "misled" fails and you know it. Stop being deceptive about it.apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.Tillman obviously started out believing the lies about 9/11. Most people did. When he figured out that they were lies, they executed him. But that’s not good enough for you, huh Harold. He should have known from the beginning, because he had the Internet.How many people in the world knew in May of 2002, that 9/11 was a false flag attack? I’d say maybe one percent, at best. But for you, Harold, everyone who didn’t know it immediately, was an evil murderer for failing to stop the wars.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
Apparently the point escapes you. How do you know? Who appointed you general arbiter of who's "misled" and who isn't? Anyone can claim they were "misled" about anything and who are you to say otherwise? Can you cite any legal cases in the U.S. where someone who killed someone else was acquitted of any wrongdoing because they were presumably "misled" into making a bad decision because of propaganda?Do you remember the case of the murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi by Frank Roque? Mr. Sodhi was murdered by Roque in the aftermath of 9/11 apparently because he had a beard and wore a turban. Mr. Roque claimed "I’m a patriot. I stand for America all the way," yet instead of being acquitted because of the influence of "propaganda," he was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
By your "reasoning" Roque should've been acquitted, right?
Mr. Sodhi was a 49 year old Sikh American man, who owned a Chevron gas station in Mesa, Arizona. He was shot while arranging American flags in front of his gas station. His assailant, Frank Roque, wanted to ‘kill a Muslim’ in retaliation for the terrorist attacks. He selected Mr. Sodhi simply because he had a beard and wore a turban in accordance with his Sikh faith. Mr. Roque shot at Mr. Sodhi three times, then shot at another service station owned by a Lebanese American, and finally shot at a home of a family of Afghan descent. Fortunately, no one else was injured.[...]Frank Roque boasted during his arrest: “I’m a patriot.†“I stand for America all the way.†“Two years later, he learned the American way included a fair trial by jury. On September 30, 2003, an Arizona jury found Frank Roque guilty of first-degree murder for his hate crime murder of Mr. Sodhi, along with five other charges, including attempted murder and reckless endangerment related to drive-by shootings at other individuals he perceived to be Middle Eastern that same day in 2001.
How many people were murdered so far in Gaza, maybe 200,000 or so? According to a study published in The Lancet, that would be less that 1/3 the amount of Iraqis estimated to have died as a result of the 2003 war. according to you, if IDF troops are told by their religious and/or political authorities that they're "exceptional" and that Palestinians need to die en masse for some alleged offense, you'd find them guilty, but if U.S. troops are told by their authorities that they're exceptional and that Iraqis need to be attacked and killed for some alleged offense, they're not guilty?On the contrary, no. If "(the IDF) are all guilty" of murder then so were all the U.S. troops that invaded Iraq in 2003, whether you happen to like it or not.And that's all the time I have for your hapless, tiresome bullshit at the moment.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Rurik
If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I’d tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they’re all guilty.
If, the German people's intent was to conquer other people in order to steal their lands, and impose the 'master race' upon them, then I would agree with you. But, I can't verify that was the intent of the Third Reich. I suspect the Third Reich was about allowing German people and territories, ripped from the Fatherland by the treachery at Versailles, to come home, which they did enthusiastically, like in Austria and elsewhere. And also to restore dignity and even greatness back to Germany.
I think that just as the Third Reich displayed some of the less appealing aspects of the German national psyche, Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
We don't know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany's historic borders, where German people still lived. But we do know Israel seeks conquest of lands that never belonged to them, (religious idiocy notwithstanding), and that they overtly practice murder and terror and ethnic cleansing, and the cruelest kind of genocide, (starvation, privation, indiscriminate bombing, terrorism, etc..). So yea, anyone, Jew or otherwise, who would defend what Israel has done since 1948, and in particular, what it's doing today..
Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
‘…We don’t know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany’s historic borders, where German people still lived. ‘
The footage I’ve seen shows the German people thoroughly enjoying their victories. Raining flowers on tanks returning from France, ecstatic crowds congratulating the heroes of Crete.
I don’t blame them — but I don’t think they were forced to conquer half of Europe against their will.
Also, ‘…where German people still lived…’…
Well, Germans were one of the more migratory peoples of Europe — Jews would top them, but that’s about it. There were Volga Germans, for Chrissake. Obviously, that couldn’t be used to confer title to everything.
If, the German people's intent was to conquer other people in order to steal their lands, and impose the 'master race' upon them, then I would agree with you. But, I can't verify that was the intent of the Third Reich. I suspect the Third Reich was about allowing German people and territories, ripped from the Fatherland by the treachery at Versailles, to come home, which they did enthusiastically, like in Austria and elsewhere. And also to restore dignity and even greatness back to Germany.
I think that just as the Third Reich displayed some of the less appealing aspects of the German national psyche, Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
We don't know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany's historic borders, where German people still lived. But we do know Israel seeks conquest of lands that never belonged to them, (religious idiocy notwithstanding), and that they overtly practice murder and terror and ethnic cleansing, and the cruelest kind of genocide, (starvation, privation, indiscriminate bombing, terrorism, etc..). So yea, anyone, Jew or otherwise, who would defend what Israel has done since 1948, and in particular, what it's doing today..
Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
Because (1)the German military didn’t sodomize prisoners of war, to the cheers of the German people. Or (2) burn people alive, or (3) starve to death entire populations, or do any of the myriad horrors that (4) Jews seem to revel in.
(1) You seem to be right there.
(2) The Germans did that on occasion.
(3) Oh, the Germans certainly starved a lot of people. Jews, Poles, even Dutchmen (the ‘Hunger Winter’).
(4) This is definitely a difference. The Germans don’t ever seem to have enjoyed committing their atrocities. Generally, they seem to have regarded them as regrettable necessities. Not so the Jews.
I’ll point out something else. Independent German states and societies have a long track record — and generally, they were at least as good as anyone else. Nothing particularly horrific about Nineteenth Century Prussia, for example. It was admirable, in fact. Ditto for Medieval Saxony under the Welfs or whoever, Hapsburg Austria, etc, etc. Pretty respectable, on the whole. So Nazism can be set against the whole range of outcomes. More usually, Germans were…
Now modern Israel is the only completely independent Jewish state that has existed in historical times. That’s what we have to judge Jews by. Here’s what they are, if they really get to strut their stuff.
with the deliberate intention of using starvation to kill civilians?
(3) Oh, the Germans certainly starved a lot of people. Jews, Poles, even Dutchmen (the ‘Hunger Winter’).
if there was no other way to get the soldiers manning the machine guns, out of the pillbox, than a flamethrower, then I'd say it seems almost justifiable.
Generally, they seem to have regarded them as regrettable necessities.
and generally today, they don't support wars based on lies. Or, more precisely, the German people don't. Can't say that about the elites, as I just wrote to Harold about. The elites of Germany, are not = the German people, any more than the elites of America = the American people.
Independent German states and societies have a long track record — and generally, they were at least as good as anyone else.
Well, I would include Bolshevik Russia as an effectively Jewish state. Just as I'd include Perfidious, starting at least as far back as the Boer wars, (for Oppenheimer), in South Africa, as a Jewish state. As indeed, it is today.
Now modern Israel is the only completely independent Jewish state that has existed in historical times. That’s what we have to judge Jews by. Here’s what they are, if they really get to strut their stuff.
I don't think Germany wanted war with France or England or anyone, really, except to get their lands back, and to neutralize the threat from the Bolsheviks/Soviets. But France and England declared war on Germany, (in obvious fealty to ZOG ; )
The footage I’ve seen shows the German people thoroughly enjoying their victories. Raining flowers on tanks returning from France, ecstatic crowds congratulating the heroes of Crete.
I don’t blame them — but I don’t think they were forced to conquer half of Europe against their will.
if it wasn't their historical lands, and if they were unwelcome there, they should have went home.
Volga Germans
I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies. Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it's a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren't too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across. Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation. The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that's one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today's America. The government was always evil, but not the people. Today America is unrecognizable. But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who're like most people, and don't want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them. You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don't advocate Aaron's 'solution', but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn't a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who've showed up here, and 'let's git r done'.
contemporary “America†is far more fundamentally evil than the USSR
As bad as America has been, I don't see a moral parallel to Mao's 'agrarian reforms', or Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust. The USSR started out that way, but then ran out of oppressors, (the productive classes), to kill. Stalin also eventually purged most of the psychotic Jewish supremacists, and hence the USSR became less murderous, if still oppressive.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
in that, your story is much like mine. I had a modestly successful and growing business, and when I figured out 9/11, and the implications of such a thing, I imploded the business. By the time Covid came around, I was already on the margins of society, and so ignoring the Covid bullshit, was very easy. But the sheep-like submission to the Covid tyranny, and the deplorable abuses of power by petty, power-crazed scumbags, was certainly something to see. Once while in Florida, with a loved-one in the hospital, I was told all visitations to all patients were all prohibited until 100% of the people of Florida were vaccinated. It was amazing, how humans can be so unfathomably rotten and power-crazed to the core. I see your More button on your comment, so I'll stop here.Replies: @ariadna, @24th Alabama, @Harold Smith
in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.And if 9/11 wasn’t enough, covid-19 should’ve sealed the deal.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?
I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.
As I see it, neither the case of Pat Tillman nor that of Aaron Bushnell answer the question I posed to you nor do they support your implication that the people of the U.S. are somehow generally not responsible for America’s long-standing record of heinous crimes against humanity.
But being that you brought it up, imagine a similar situation in another context. Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it? I think not.
Before voluntarily becoming an instrumentality of death for the U.S. “government” (either his own death or that of someone else at his hands), Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
In any case, Tillman joined the U.S. Army in May 2002 (well into the age of the internet) as a 25 year old college graduate with a 3.85 GPA, who presumably would’ve had at least some meager ability to think and do some moral reasoning for himself. Moreover, his first military assignment was not deployment to Afghanistan but the invasion of Iraq, a country that obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, and there’s evidence that Tillman knew it was illegal:
Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.
“I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, ‘You know, this war is so f— illegal.’ And we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”
So why didn’t he declare conscientious objector status at that point? Why didn’t he go AWOL like Pablo Paredes or Camilo Mejia did rather than kill people in a war he knew was illegal? And why would he believe that the Afghanistan war was somehow legitimate (without any evidence) if the Iraq war wasn’t?
I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don’t see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a “hero.”
I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies.
I don’t know much about Aaron Bushnell but as I understand it he wasn’t involved in any combat anywhere. Apparently his spectacular suicide was an act of protest against immoral U.S. “government” foreign policy, particularly the unqualified military, economic and political support of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians.
In any case, I don’t see how your examples undermine anything I said or support anything you said. By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it’s a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren’t too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
As I see it everyone who works at the Scranton Army ammunition plant, Lockheed-Martin, General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office. Where are the mass resignations from the State Dept. and the DOD? Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?
And while I’m on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse? Where are the mass resignations from the FDA and the CDC, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 scam? Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities where they do things like shoot up innocent people or throw flash-bang grenades into babies’ cribs, or make a practice of immoral civil asset forfeiture? Where are the mass resignations from the tax claim bureaus and sheriff’s offices that make people homeless because they can’t pay the communistic, confiscatory, utterly unconstitutional tax on residential property?
As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don’t give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that’s why America is going down.
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across.
How much do you know about the role of America’s immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place? How much do you know about America’s treacherous role in promoting WW2, involving itself directly in the war and preventing an early end to the war?
Anyway, I know enough about the subject matter to know that the USSR’s crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America’s global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
wow Harold
Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it?
apparently, he did, because ZOG put three bullets in his forehead at close range, when he did finally figure out the wars were based on lies.
Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn’t, and that was solely his fault, IMO.
If, they were indeed misled, then yes, I would consider that a mitigating circumstance. If an IDF soldier slapped his girlfriend, because his trusted buddy said she cheated on him, then in that context, I'd tend to be more forgiving. And would hold the lying scumbag responsible. However, in the current context of Gaza, I figure they're all guilty.
By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you’d have to excuse them.
Well, you're showing signs of humanity, so that's something. But what Tillman did, was the very definition of a hero. Because unlike you, not everybody knew exactly what had happened on 9/11, just as many people still don't know to this day. I know a waitress a few miles away who said she's too busy trying to raise her daughter, to worry about all the lies they tell us about all the wars and everything else. Should she be executed for failing to stop the wars?
I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don’t see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a “hero.â€
While I tend to agree vis-a-vis the 'defense' industry, I know people who voted for Trump because they wanted an end to the wars. Even if you insist everyone who voted for him, did so because they know to a certainty that Trump is going to start committing mass-murder and nuclear Armageddon on day one. I wish I was being silly, but that is actually, more or less how I perceive- that you perceive- the situation.
General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office.
like I said, there are some things about which you and I agree. But there are also lots of people working at those places, that haven't got a clue. I know you harbor a deep hatred for America, and particularly for Trump, but there are lots of people in Canada and Europe working in munitions plants, who are no less or more guilty than Americans, (in the U.S.) doing the same. But then you don't agree, do you, because Canadians and Europeans didn't vote for Trump, huh?
Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?
And your point is that Americans are unique in this? Or do Canadians and Malaysians also work at such places?
And while I’m on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse?
Like I said, oftentimes we are on the same page.
Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities...
and Canada is any better? England? Ireland? Norway? Sweden? Ukraine?
As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don’t give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that’s why America is going down.
You conflate a tiny handful of Jewish supremacist bankers = America.
How much do you know about the role of America’s immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place?
blah, blah..
the USSR’s crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America’s global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
blah., blah..
Was America “completely under jewish supremacist subjugation†when when it started the imperial Mexican war, the Civil war or the Spanish American war? Can we blame the Sand Creek massacre or the Moro Crater massacre on the jews?
blah, blah, blah..
the kind of evil that America has been doing in the world for the last 250 years.
compared to whom?
the American government (i.e. the politicians who run things) sucks because the American public sucks.
just as did every American who fought in every war since 1812, which nearly all of them considered honorable and patriotic wars. Like my dad, who served in the Pacific theater during WWII as a teenager. But he should have known that Pearl Harbor was a deliberate ruse by FDR to drag the U.S. into the war on ZOG's behalf, and so I'm sure you'd call him evil as well.
Pat Tillman chose to join the U.S. army in the face of an absurd 9/11 official narrative which was completely lacking of evidence in support.
Good God, you can not be more wrong.
Government can only do what the people empower it to do.
No worse than Perfidious, and America does not = the elites, about whom you're right.
Anyone who follows the national news can see that America has become a nation full of psychopaths and sundry criminals of all stripes.
I don't defend the decisions of America's elite, whom I consider as evil as you do, (if not more so). But the boys sent to Vietnam, were not evil. They were mostly poor and were put into a situation where they might have even killed people, which had they not been sent there to do so, and ordered to do so, would not have died.
You mention Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, but did you know that America’s mass bombing of Cambodia
My. I prefer to stick to what I think is completely defensible. Do Armenian contractors suck? I won't say -- not enough personal experience. Does two and two make four? Definitely.
'...((Michael Rapaport)) responding to the Israeli terror attack using beepers to kill and maim mostly civilians, including children...'
I think that just as the Third Reich displayed some of the less appealing aspects of the German national psyche, Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
If, the German people’s intent was to conquer other people in order to steal their lands, and impose the ‘master race’ upon them, then I would agree with you. But, I can’t verify that was the intent of the Third Reich. I suspect the Third Reich was about allowing German people and territories, ripped from the Fatherland by the treachery at Versailles, to come home, which they did enthusiastically, like in Austria and elsewhere. And also to restore dignity and even greatness back to Germany.
So it all boils down to ‘Was the Third Reich, intent upon imperial conquest of lands that were not historically German? And for the purpose of stealing those lands, rather than a war against ((Global communism)).
Have the scholars settled this question?
Because if I tend to knee-jerk defend the German people of that era, it’s because I don’t know of a time or people who’ve been so energetically demonized and lied-about. Everything I was told about Germany and the World Wars has turned out to be lies. Did I miss something? Is there evidence that the German people wanted to conquer Serbia or Ukraine or Russia, and then ethnically cleanse all the Slavs out, and steal those lands for German ‘living space’? It doesn’t seem to me that German occupation of France led to genocide for the French people. Indeed, it looks to me like Vichy France was a thousand times better than today’s ZOG France, where the French people actually are being genocided.
I know what the Jews and their lackeys have told me about WWII Germany my entire life; lies.
But is there any truth to it?
On a side note, I’ve been to Germany, and I know some Germans. Exemplary people, (most) of them. One thing that I noticed in Germany, is that at a crosswalk, when there were obviously no cars in sight, anywhere. And this is a village, not a city. The Germans would all wait dutifully for the ‘walk’ sign to change. None of them would dare just strolling across the street, (because there obviously were no cars anywhere!). And when they saw the American doing so, they were almost shocked, it seemed to me. They do seem to be a rule-following kind of people. So there’s my anecdote for the day.
Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
We don’t know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany’s historic borders, where German people still lived. But we do know Israel seeks conquest of lands that never belonged to them, (religious idiocy notwithstanding), and that they overtly practice murder and terror and ethnic cleansing, and the cruelest kind of genocide, (starvation, privation, indiscriminate bombing, terrorism, etc..). So yea, anyone, Jew or otherwise, who would defend what Israel has done since 1948, and in particular, what it’s doing today..
..must be by definition; utterly amoral, cruel, unjust, and basically a loathsome pig of a human being.
Because the German military didn’t sodomize prisoners of war, to the cheers of the German people. Or burn people alive, or starve to death entire populations, or do any of the myriad horrors that Jews seem to revel in.
If we could end the Fed, and stop these people from being able to print our money, and use it to destroy us, and everyone else, that would be a good thing.
(1) You seem to be right there.
Because (1)the German military didn’t sodomize prisoners of war, to the cheers of the German people. Or (2) burn people alive, or (3) starve to death entire populations, or do any of the myriad horrors that (4) Jews seem to revel in.
The footage I've seen shows the German people thoroughly enjoying their victories. Raining flowers on tanks returning from France, ecstatic crowds congratulating the heroes of Crete.I don't blame them -- but I don't think they were forced to conquer half of Europe against their will.Also, '...where German people still lived...'...Well, Germans were one of the more migratory peoples of Europe -- Jews would top them, but that's about it. There were Volga Germans, for Chrissake. Obviously, that couldn't be used to confer title to everything.
'...We don’t know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany’s historic borders, where German people still lived. '
This statement was supposedly covertly recorded in 1990 at Finks Bar in Jerusalem, a well known Mossad hangout. ? Bibi Netanyahu stated
If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what WE do to countries that We hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.
This is what WE do to countries that WE hate ….. So who is WE?
The implication is that this destroying of countries has been done before, as per The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. Such countries would be Germany, Russia, taking over the Bank of England and The City of London, to a certain extent China during the opium wars, ( and asking who really controls the Financial markets of China ? )
?? So the WE are those who carry out the instructions in the Protocols?
Can Netanyahu’s lineage be traced back to the temple destroyed in 70AD and the Jewish officials that Jesus called the synagog of Satan, “who say they are Jews and are not”. In the Dead Sea Scrolls??? Called “the lot of Belial”.
Again see Albert Pikes Plan for 3 World Wars. It is not just about Greater Israel, but also about total world control?
I didn’t know of that asshole’s support for bombing and horrors of Gaza
and tragically, it seems his house survived.
But even had it burned down, the loss and sorrow can’t come close to the anguish and outrage, of when your house is destroyed deliberately.
The timing of these catastrophic wildfires was strategic
The fake Jews needed a big distraction right now because of their up-coming capitulation to the resistance’s demands in Gaza
Meaning defeat for the invincible Israeli army
So they started this fire
The proof is in the pudding
The Jewish Press is only talking about the LA fires and sweeping Israel’s defeat under the rug.
I keep wishing and hoping to find the elusive holy grail, the big mistake these bastards will make that will finally get their sorry asses nailed to the wall.
that’s why the main issue I harp on, is 9/11
They did it, and Building 7 is the smoking gun. If the American people understood this, not only would support for Israel dry up, but it could be, that finally, the righteous wrath of the American people could be directed at its actual enemy, for once.
It’s so frustrating to live through an ongoing genocide of innocent human beings and not be able to make it stop!
I admit, I read of the tales of Rwanda and Darfur, and I just kind of sighed, with a resignation of savages being savages. Like the horrors in Haiti today. America had nothing to do with these things.
But with Gaza, that’s on us. Our government, our clergy, our institutions at the UN and our dollars and weapons are being used on those defenseless people, including endless thousands of women and children.
It’s an unholy sin, and an enormity that has stained the character of America in very dire ways. Brain Mast was reelected. The people who voted for him, are a disgrace, and I am loath to call them fellow Americans. Ditto the horrors in Syria, because it was America that set that conflict in action, in service to, (as usual) Israel and Jewish supremacism.
For how long will America continue to lick the gnarled hand of this fiend, as America is fast going over the cliff.
How many ship-loads of American blood must be spilled, how many trillions of dollars down this rat hole of endless wars for Israel?!
Even Europe is demanding more escalation with Russia, obviously in service to ZOG, who also demands that Europe commit suicide.
‘You will allow homosexuals to be ordained Catholic priests. You will celebrate deviant perverts as role models for your children, you allow your ancestors and heritage to be demonized, and the scum from the streets to be heralded as heroes, with statues of St. Floyd to replace all the evil white (redundant) men like your Founders.
And the American people obey, and crawl, in homage to their most depraved and intractable enemy.
It’s really quite a sight to see, eh?
God bless Dutch, and God speed in your efforts.
I'll point out that this has happened before.
'...So now, this event saved Bibi’s political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza..'
My suspicion is that Hamas overperformed. They were supposed to manage to kill four or five; not seize kibbutzes, overrrun a military command center, kill hundreds, etc.
after the deliberate provocations, and the warnings of an imminent attack, for the IDF to have stood down for, (I’ve read) seven hours, as Hamas killed IDF soldiers and collected hundreds of hostages…
.. seems to me a stretch. But then perhaps the IDF really is that incompetent or cowardly or a combination of the two. I don’t know. They weren’t able to sink the defenseless USS Liberty, even with fighter jets and torpedo boats and napalm and thousands of 30mm machine gun bullets.
Anyway, as it’s played out, it certainly hasn’t saved Netanyahu’s arse.
My sense of it, is that had it not been for Oct. 7th, he would be facing corruption charges by now. I think he was on the brink, before the attack.
He’s going to have to engineer another war, or he’s dead.
I could be that, (like the USS Liberty and 9/11), Oct 7th was arranged by Israel ultimately to get America to fight more wars for the Jews. And the scorched earth bombing of Gaza, and the starvation and assorted horrors, are just added benefits for these fiends.
‘beep beep, hahahaha’
Thanks Phil. That’s all I was hoping for. We’ll have to see where it leads. Judge Napolitano seems to be dipping his toes into 911 Truth. Do you think Judging Freedom will examine that issue in the near future? Clayton at Redacted seems to be going there. I’m just wondering…
Dutch – Thank you but I have looked at it very carefully and thought it worth passing it on to others who would find it interesting, which I have done. Whether they want to run with it is up to them!-Phil Giraldi
Reminds me of a drunken gendarme in The Good Soldier Å vejk who opines that wars are a good thing because not only are good people killed “but lots of rogues and bastards too”. (Though rogues and bastards might find ways of avoiding danger – anyway, the gendarme’s perspective on WW1 was an interesting one, to say the least.)
Could most of these fires be arson by the poor and homeless? Most of the owners are absentee landlords anyway. There are so many images of houses and cars burnt down but unscathed trees around. If these fires were spread by wind they you’d expect trees to be burnt down too. There could be forest fires in the general region and then firebugs go around and torch the houses and cars under cover of these forest fires. The rich landlords don’t care anyway, they collect the insurance. Or they may be burning their own houses to collect the insurance payments as times are hard and even the rich could be short of cash.
Thanks Dutch, (I didn't watch the whole video), but they're on the right track, I think.My take on Oct, 7th, is that Bibi was conducting overt provocations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere, leading up to the attack. Then, Israel was warned by Egypt that an attack was coming. Then, it seems like the IDF stood down, when the attack happened. Then, the IDF came in like gang-busters, with Blackhawks and tanks and just blasted everything in sight, killing Israelis and Hamas alike, then they lied about it, saying Hamas had sliced the heads off forty babies and put them in ovens and raped and killed everyone they could get their hands on.. blah, blah, blah..Bibi said it was Israel's 9/11, and ironically, that may be more true than people realize. So now, this event saved Bibi's political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza. Did Bibi orchestrate this?I don't know.but as with everything, there is always the cui bono. However, it could also be that Oct, 7th was an act of historic bravery and heroism from Hamas. Certainly, living under Bibi's and Israel's cruelty, must be intolerable. No humans should be subject to that kind of soul-crushing humiliation and torment, generation after generation. Their children murdered in the streets, or put in dungeons for years and subjected to torture. It is a blight on humanity that it has gone on, and continues to go on, without a global outrage. It's particularly a blight on the wealthy Arab and Muslim regimes who were on the verge of making nice with Bibi and his genocidal goons, until Oct, 7th, put the kibosh on such infamy. So there is good reason to see Oct, 7th as the last straw of a heroic and victimized people rising up with the best of the human spirit, to say 'enough!And even if they knew many civilians would suffer, perhaps the feelings of the Palestinians is that 'we will endure it, for the sake of our as yet unborn children, so that someday, they can know peace and justice. And that's where were at. Hamas and the Palestinians showed and are showing the world what heroics really is, in the face of genocidal tyranny and Bibi's sadism and a corrupt world's indifference. If the Israelis are using AI to create videos that will try to demonize Hamas, I would be shocked if they weren't.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Dutch Abraham
the evidence the Israeli Government showed to the world as proof of the October 7th Hamas attacks.
Thanks Rurik. Very well said! I’ve been at this for quite awhile now and I keep wishing and hoping to find the elusive holy grail, the big mistake these bastards will make that will finally get their sorry asses nailed to the wall. It’s so frustrating to live through an ongoing genocide of innocent human beings and not be able to make it stop!
Anyway, I’ve shared that video with everybody I know and there’s a chance it will be looked at by Whitney Webb and David Icke and Ryan Cristian at Last American Vagabond. I’ve tried on this very thread a couple of times to get Phil Giraldi to look at it but he hasn’t responded. It’s probably too hot of a potato for the folks at Judging Freedom.
that's why the main issue I harp on, is 9/11They did it, and Building 7 is the smoking gun. If the American people understood this, not only would support for Israel dry up, but it could be, that finally, the righteous wrath of the American people could be directed at its actual enemy, for once.
I keep wishing and hoping to find the elusive holy grail, the big mistake these bastards will make that will finally get their sorry asses nailed to the wall.
I admit, I read of the tales of Rwanda and Darfur, and I just kind of sighed, with a resignation of savages being savages. Like the horrors in Haiti today. America had nothing to do with these things.But with Gaza, that's on us. Our government, our clergy, our institutions at the UN and our dollars and weapons are being used on those defenseless people, including endless thousands of women and children.It's an unholy sin, and an enormity that has stained the character of America in very dire ways. Brain Mast was reelected. The people who voted for him, are a disgrace, and I am loath to call them fellow Americans. Ditto the horrors in Syria, because it was America that set that conflict in action, in service to, (as usual) Israel and Jewish supremacism. For how long will America continue to lick the gnarled hand of this fiend, as America is fast going over the cliff.How many ship-loads of American blood must be spilled, how many trillions of dollars down this rat hole of endless wars for Israel?!Even Europe is demanding more escalation with Russia, obviously in service to ZOG, who also demands that Europe commit suicide.'You will allow homosexuals to be ordained Catholic priests. You will celebrate deviant perverts as role models for your children, you allow your ancestors and heritage to be demonized, and the scum from the streets to be heralded as heroes, with statues of St. Floyd to replace all the evil white (redundant) men like your Founders. And the American people obey, and crawl, in homage to their most depraved and intractable enemy.It's really quite a sight to see, eh? God bless Dutch, and God speed in your efforts.
It’s so frustrating to live through an ongoing genocide of innocent human beings and not be able to make it stop!
GARRRRRRRRR-Bage!!!!!! Houses burned next to intact survivors are common in fires in Austfailia. Fires are fickle-no need for space lasers, either. Simple incendiaries would do the job.
The very worst are the Western MSM presstitute Sabbat Goyim, who, when the internet is full of vids by IDF butchers of their escapades, and when Israeli organs like Haaretz, are replete with details of barbaric savagery, suppress every single report. There must be, in some new world to come, trials for complicity in genocide for these vermin, with NO ‘Statute of Limitations’. Hound the scum to their unquiet graves.
try to imagine the very worst Nazi ever, acting like this towards his victims
*Any people on the planet, but one.
James Wood, the ‘actor’, gloated over the Gaza killings, then his house burned down. There may be a of, after all.
Thanks Dutch, (I didn't watch the whole video), but they're on the right track, I think.My take on Oct, 7th, is that Bibi was conducting overt provocations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere, leading up to the attack. Then, Israel was warned by Egypt that an attack was coming. Then, it seems like the IDF stood down, when the attack happened. Then, the IDF came in like gang-busters, with Blackhawks and tanks and just blasted everything in sight, killing Israelis and Hamas alike, then they lied about it, saying Hamas had sliced the heads off forty babies and put them in ovens and raped and killed everyone they could get their hands on.. blah, blah, blah..Bibi said it was Israel's 9/11, and ironically, that may be more true than people realize. So now, this event saved Bibi's political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza. Did Bibi orchestrate this?I don't know.but as with everything, there is always the cui bono. However, it could also be that Oct, 7th was an act of historic bravery and heroism from Hamas. Certainly, living under Bibi's and Israel's cruelty, must be intolerable. No humans should be subject to that kind of soul-crushing humiliation and torment, generation after generation. Their children murdered in the streets, or put in dungeons for years and subjected to torture. It is a blight on humanity that it has gone on, and continues to go on, without a global outrage. It's particularly a blight on the wealthy Arab and Muslim regimes who were on the verge of making nice with Bibi and his genocidal goons, until Oct, 7th, put the kibosh on such infamy. So there is good reason to see Oct, 7th as the last straw of a heroic and victimized people rising up with the best of the human spirit, to say 'enough!And even if they knew many civilians would suffer, perhaps the feelings of the Palestinians is that 'we will endure it, for the sake of our as yet unborn children, so that someday, they can know peace and justice. And that's where were at. Hamas and the Palestinians showed and are showing the world what heroics really is, in the face of genocidal tyranny and Bibi's sadism and a corrupt world's indifference. If the Israelis are using AI to create videos that will try to demonize Hamas, I would be shocked if they weren't.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Dutch Abraham
the evidence the Israeli Government showed to the world as proof of the October 7th Hamas attacks.
‘…So now, this event saved Bibi’s political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza..’
I’ll point out that this has happened before.
Israel enters a political crisis/they carefully bait the Palestinians/the Palestinians respond/enemy at the gates!
All good Jews stop their kvetching and rush to man the ramparts.
My suspicion is that Hamas overperformed. They were supposed to manage to kill four or five; not seize kibbutzes, overrrun a military command center, kill hundreds, etc.
Anyway, as it’s played out, it certainly hasn’t saved Netanyahu’s arse. He’s going to have to engineer another war, or he’s dead.
after the deliberate provocations, and the warnings of an imminent attack, for the IDF to have stood down for, (I've read) seven hours, as Hamas killed IDF soldiers and collected hundreds of hostages...
My suspicion is that Hamas overperformed. They were supposed to manage to kill four or five; not seize kibbutzes, overrrun a military command center, kill hundreds, etc.
My sense of it, is that had it not been for Oct. 7th, he would be facing corruption charges by now. I think he was on the brink, before the attack.
Anyway, as it’s played out, it certainly hasn’t saved Netanyahu’s arse. �
I could be that, (like the USS Liberty and 9/11), Oct 7th was arranged by Israel ultimately to get America to fight more wars for the Jews. And the scorched earth bombing of Gaza, and the starvation and assorted horrors, are just added benefits for these fiends.
He’s going to have to engineer another war, or he’s dead.
My. I prefer to stick to what I think is completely defensible. Do Armenian contractors suck? I won't say -- not enough personal experience. Does two and two make four? Definitely.
'...((Michael Rapaport)) responding to the Israeli terror attack using beepers to kill and maim mostly civilians, including children...'
No, dropping the bombs was the right thing to do, and I become impatient with those who would argue otherwise. If anything, we should give ourselves a pat on the back for not dropping the third, and for not nuking Kyoto. The bombs made it possible for the Japanese to throw in the towel, to say, ‘look, there’s no fighting this.’ They obviously saved American lives, but they also saved Japanese lives. What would have been criminal would have been to not drop them. That would have just prolonged and worsened the agony.
try to imagine the very worst Nazi ever, acting like this towards his victims
*Any people on the planet, but one.
‘…((Michael Rapaport)) responding to the Israeli terror attack using beepers to kill and maim mostly civilians, including children…’
My. I prefer to stick to what I think is completely defensible. Do Armenian contractors suck? I won’t say — not enough personal experience. Does two and two make four? Definitely.
That said, I think that just as the Third Reich displayed some of the less appealing aspects of the German national psyche, Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
We have, for the first time in historical experience, a state run entirely and solely by Jews. And what do we get?
They will never be able to condemn anyone else, ever again.
No, dropping the bombs was the right thing to do, and I become impatient with those who would argue otherwise. If anything, we should give ourselves a pat on the back for not dropping the third, and for not nuking Kyoto. The bombs made it possible for the Japanese to throw in the towel, to say, ‘look, there’s no fighting this.’ They obviously saved American lives, but they also saved Japanese lives. What would have been criminal would have been to not drop them. That would have just prolonged and worsened the agony.
If, the German people's intent was to conquer other people in order to steal their lands, and impose the 'master race' upon them, then I would agree with you. But, I can't verify that was the intent of the Third Reich. I suspect the Third Reich was about allowing German people and territories, ripped from the Fatherland by the treachery at Versailles, to come home, which they did enthusiastically, like in Austria and elsewhere. And also to restore dignity and even greatness back to Germany.
I think that just as the Third Reich displayed some of the less appealing aspects of the German national psyche, Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
We don't know if the German people were onboard for imperial conquest beyond Germany's historic borders, where German people still lived. But we do know Israel seeks conquest of lands that never belonged to them, (religious idiocy notwithstanding), and that they overtly practice murder and terror and ethnic cleansing, and the cruelest kind of genocide, (starvation, privation, indiscriminate bombing, terrorism, etc..). So yea, anyone, Jew or otherwise, who would defend what Israel has done since 1948, and in particular, what it's doing today..
Israel stands as an indictment of Jews.
they would have jailed or executed meI'm the type that never goose steps to any 'authority', and as soon a people start acting like they have power over me, my reaction is immediate and instinctive - fuck off. The only man I can say I've ever 'followed', was Ron Paul, and not because of the man, but because of his message; individual liberty. At some level, Ron Paul's world view, and that of the Nazis, are mutually exclusive, and I'm 100% on the side of Dr. Paul.
Nazis indeed weren’t as bad as Israel, I’ll let you work on whether they were bad at all.
Well, there was that 'master race' talk, if they really did say that shite. That's pretty evil stuff, but I'm very skeptical of anything they tell us, about what ideas they put into practice.Yes, they were brutal on the Eastern front, but wasn't Stalin just as brutal, and even more callous when it came to Russian civilians?How much more brutal can you get than the Holodomor, and systematically starving to death millions of the world's best farmers and their families? Perhaps in an existential conflict with such fiends, brutality meets brutality.I don't know. You tell us about these ideas they put into practice. I'm aware, as we all are of the lamp shades and soap, and the 'gas chambers' and pulling babies out of the back of lorries, and tossing them onto bonfires, and sewing feet onto arms, and hands onto legs, and so forth, but I doubt those stories. Did they ever do anything as monstrous, or evil, as Dresden? I've read that ((Bela Kun and his girlfriend)) liked to tie Russian POWs to wooden boards, and then burn them alive by the thousands. Did the Nazis ever do anything like that?
I also think they had some pretty evil ideas — ideas that they put into practice.
I don't think the Nazis ever gang raped their prisoners, to the cheers of the German people. But I agree with your point, and the vile, pervasive hypocrisy of our times, to provide funding and 'moral' support, for what Israel is doing, is a blight on every government and person doing so, (Brian Mast, et al). And ironically, even as I don't believe the Nazis were engaged in an overt campaign of genocide for the Jews, and that it is a calumny against the German people that they knowingly were going along with that, the sad and tragic fact is, that today's German government, is going along with this genocide. But they're doing so, obviously under occupation by ZOG. Were it up to the German people, would they be supporting genocide? I don't think so. I don't think any people on the planet*, if they knew what was going on, would be OK with the horrors in Gaza. *Any people on the planet, but one.Replies: @Rurik
At the end of the day, though, I don’t see how one can simultaneously condemn them and accept Israel. Everything that was unacceptable about them is also true of Israel. That’s the essential point.
*Any people on the planet, but one.
try to imagine the very worst Nazi ever, acting like this towards his victims
((Michael Rapaport)) responding to the Israeli terror attack using beepers to kill and maim mostly civilians, including children.
that’s a window into the id
My. I prefer to stick to what I think is completely defensible. Do Armenian contractors suck? I won't say -- not enough personal experience. Does two and two make four? Definitely.
'...((Michael Rapaport)) responding to the Israeli terror attack using beepers to kill and maim mostly civilians, including children...'
If you want to argue the Nazis indeed weren't as bad as Israel, I'll let you work on whether they were bad at all. Personally, while I think there was much to be said for them, I also think they had some pretty evil ideas -- ideas that they put into practice.
'...Sorry, I got stuck on number 1
I’ll try to respond to the other numbers, (in a more succinct way!) later.
Nazis indeed weren’t as bad as Israel, I’ll let you work on whether they were bad at all.
they would have jailed or executed me
I’m the type that never goose steps to any ‘authority’, and as soon a people start acting like they have power over me, my reaction is immediate and instinctive – fuck off.
The only man I can say I’ve ever ‘followed’, was Ron Paul, and not because of the man, but because of his message; individual liberty.
At some level, Ron Paul’s world view, and that of the Nazis, are mutually exclusive, and I’m 100% on the side of Dr. Paul.
I also think they had some pretty evil ideas — ideas that they put into practice.
Well, there was that ‘master race’ talk, if they really did say that shite. That’s pretty evil stuff, but I’m very skeptical of anything they tell us, about what ideas they put into practice.
Yes, they were brutal on the Eastern front, but wasn’t Stalin just as brutal, and even more callous when it came to Russian civilians?
How much more brutal can you get than the Holodomor, and systematically starving to death millions of the world’s best farmers and their families? Perhaps in an existential conflict with such fiends, brutality meets brutality.
I don’t know. You tell us about these ideas they put into practice.
I’m aware, as we all are of the lamp shades and soap, and the ‘gas chambers’ and pulling babies out of the back of lorries, and tossing them onto bonfires, and sewing feet onto arms, and hands onto legs, and so forth, but I doubt those stories.
Did they ever do anything as monstrous, or evil, as Dresden? I’ve read that ((Bela Kun and his girlfriend)) liked to tie Russian POWs to wooden boards, and then burn them alive by the thousands.
Did the Nazis ever do anything like that?
At the end of the day, though, I don’t see how one can simultaneously condemn them and accept Israel. Everything that was unacceptable about them is also true of Israel. That’s the essential point.
I don’t think the Nazis ever gang raped their prisoners, to the cheers of the German people.
But I agree with your point, and the vile, pervasive hypocrisy of our times, to provide funding and ‘moral’ support, for what Israel is doing, is a blight on every government and person doing so, (Brian Mast, et al). And ironically, even as I don’t believe the Nazis were engaged in an overt campaign of genocide for the Jews, and that it is a calumny against the German people that they knowingly were going along with that, the sad and tragic fact is, that today’s German government, is going along with this genocide. But they’re doing so, obviously under occupation by ZOG.
Were it up to the German people, would they be supporting genocide? I don’t think so. I don’t think any people on the planet*, if they knew what was going on, would be OK with the horrors in Gaza.
*Any people on the planet, but one.
try to imagine the very worst Nazi ever, acting like this towards his victims
*Any people on the planet, but one.
Interesting. I did not hear of that. I guess we will see what happens. Hard to blame Netanyahu when you have so many of their leaders and soldiers brazenly documenting their crimes along with the 96% of Jews that APPROVED of their actions. Of course Jews will lie constantly and governments let them get away with it because thwyvwere bought by Jews and our supposed “free press†intended to protect US from liars is controlled by the same Jew liars. 🤪🤪🤪
the raison d'etre of public (government) "education"
Pat Tillman was betrayed by his teachers and professors who taught him what to think, instead of how to think.
I would go a little further, at this point, and suggest we're way beyond a stubborn skepticism, and have entered into the realm of ((the media and government)) are our existential enemy. Handing over your children to today's government schools, is guaranteed to crush their spirit, and destroy their faculties of reason.
A stubborn skepticism about the media and government propaganda is the strongest defense against being suckered.
I would say the same thing about every American man who died in both World Wars, and who died in all the post-9/11 wars as well.Janissaries all. Killing and dying in slavish service to their enemy. The ultimate humiliation. And, 'such a deal!'Replies: @Colin Wright
Of course, Pat was a brave man and a true patriot, but like millions of others his life was lost for no good reason, and in a cause contrived by evil men, servants of a foreign power.
‘I would go a little further, at this point, and suggest we’re way beyond a stubborn skepticism, and have entered into the realm of ((the media and government)) are our existential enemy. ‘
That does describe the transition.
‘Funny, you should mention that but it did not end well for
Mel Gibson when he was stopped by a Jewish cop and Mel
addressed him as an “oven dodger.‒
The worst of it was that this sort of verbal abuse seems to be a pretty standard form of antagonistic discourse among Australians. Had the cop been short, Gibson would have brought that up. The cop was Jewish, so…
I remember thinking at the time that Gibson was just being Australian — for better or worse.
Pat Tillman was betrayed by his teachers and professors who taught him what to think, instead of how to think.
the raison d’etre of public (government) “education”
A stubborn skepticism about the media and government propaganda is the strongest defense against being suckered.
I would go a little further, at this point, and suggest we’re way beyond a stubborn skepticism, and have entered into the realm of ((the media and government)) are our existential enemy. Handing over your children to today’s government schools, is guaranteed to crush their spirit, and destroy their faculties of reason.
Of course, Pat was a brave man and a true patriot, but like millions of others his life was lost for no good reason, and in a cause contrived by evil men, servants of a foreign power.
I would say the same thing about every American man who died in both World Wars, and who died in all the post-9/11 wars as well.
Janissaries all. Killing and dying in slavish service to their enemy. The ultimate humiliation. And, ‘such a deal!’
That does describe the transition.
'I would go a little further, at this point, and suggest we’re way beyond a stubborn skepticism, and have entered into the realm of ((the media and government)) are our existential enemy. '
what exactly was that cause?under the MoreI was raised to believe the Nazis were the most evil people that ever existed, and that their cause was to take over/enslave the whole world, (ban Christianity, which didn't endear them to my mother), and then basically kill everyone who didn't have blue eyes and blond hair. And of course, because they were so evil and full of hate, they particularly persecuted the most innocent and victimized of all people, the violin-playing, utterly blameless Jew. That, in a nutshell, is what the Nazi cause was all about, according to everything I was taught or led to believe. Then, I started to question everything I was taught or led to believe, and now, today, I think the Nazi cause was basically to rebuild Germany, restore it to dignity, (in much the same way Putin has restored Russia), regain the German territories that were ripped from Germany by a treacherous and perfidious Anglo-Zionist West at Versailles, and return the German people to greatness, sort of like a MGGA. Did Nazi Germany have imperial ambitions to conquer Russia and enslave the Slavs?I don't know, but I doubt it. I think Germany went into Russia because it recognized Bolshevism as an existential threat. Intending to do to Germany what it had done to Russia, and then Ukraine, 'kill the best of the Gentiles', by the millions, and in the most cruel way possible. I think, looking at it all, Nazi Germany, (ascendant, unapologetic, perhaps a bit self-righteous over the treachery at Versailles, and the Weimar humiliations, and virulently proud of who and what Germany was, with every intention of having their place in the sun, so to speak), and an ascendant ((Bolshevism/Western 'capitalism')) were two mutually exclusive things. A strong and proud Germany was unacceptable to ZOG.In much the same way, (or exactly the same way) a strong and proud Russia today, is unacceptable to ZOG. Consider.. if Russia is driven into WWIII, by the intrigues of the ((West/NATO)), and she is crushed and dismembered and all Putin nationalists are jailed or hanged in show trials, a la Nuremburg / Saddam..What will the history books and Hollywood and Western politicians all say? That Putin was a crazed and deranged evil man, hell-bent on conquering all of Europe, because he hated freedom and wanted to kill everyone who didn't want to submit to Putin's Russia? Of course that's what they'll say. They're already saying it. But since I've come to be very, very cynical at whatever narrative ZOG is trying to force-feed us all, I don't believe them about Putin, about Saddam, about Hitler or the Nazis, or about even one thing these congenital liars ever say. It even seems odd to me, that anyone believes anything they say, ever. They have lied to us about every single issue of consequence going back to Egypt and their 'four hundred years of slavery, blah, blah.. Up though the Crusades and Inquisition, where evil whitey tortured and killed everyone in sight, because evil whitey is, evil and racist and full of hate, after all. And this is the founding principle of everything I was raised to believe since I was a child. And Hitler was the king of evil, because he was unapologetic in his fervent pride in the German people, as German people. When he should have been ashamed! As all Germans should and must be ashamed for all time, until they're replaced with refugees and blended out of existence. Which is also the fate of all evil white, (redundant) nations. And that's what's happening, because at the end of the day, it was Jews who orchestrated communism and both World Wars, and if they get their third one, it will be because Jews orchestrated it, in order to destroy Western civilization and its people. Something Jews are feverishly working to accomplish every day, with their immigration schemes and tyrannical crack downs in places like England and Ireland and elsewhere. Looking at the big picture, it seems to me white people, living and prosperous in their own lands, harming no one and raising happy families..and Jewish global contentment..are two mutually exclusive things. And that an Ireland, happy with prosperous and contented Irish people, having Irish babies..Drives Jewish supremacists apoplectic with rage. And they will not allow it. That's what I see, in any case, and so what I tend to do, is extrapolate the truths I see, with my own eyes, to what it might have been back long ago, when I wasn't around. Because I already know everything I've been told are basically Jewish lies, and so to figure out what it might have been like, I look at how people act today. And I don't see a genocidal hate in the German character, or the Russian character, or in anyone's character, except the Jews. Is it possible it was like that in the 1930s and 40s as well, but that we're lied to about those years, and the roles of victim and villain have been reversed? Would Jews do that? If they controlled the narrative? Would they use their media and control over academia, to paint their victims as if it was the Jews who were the victims, and everyone else was/is pure evil?Sorry, I got stuck on number 1I'll try to respond to the other numbers, (in a more succinct way!) later. Thanks.Replies: @Colin Wright
In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but…
‘…Sorry, I got stuck on number 1
I’ll try to respond to the other numbers, (in a more succinct way!) later.
If you want to argue the Nazis indeed weren’t as bad as Israel, I’ll let you work on whether they were bad at all. Personally, while I think there was much to be said for them, I also think they had some pretty evil ideas — ideas that they put into practice.
At the end of the day, though, I don’t see how one can simultaneously condemn them and accept Israel. Everything that was unacceptable about them is also true of Israel. That’s the essential point.
they would have jailed or executed meI'm the type that never goose steps to any 'authority', and as soon a people start acting like they have power over me, my reaction is immediate and instinctive - fuck off. The only man I can say I've ever 'followed', was Ron Paul, and not because of the man, but because of his message; individual liberty. At some level, Ron Paul's world view, and that of the Nazis, are mutually exclusive, and I'm 100% on the side of Dr. Paul.
Nazis indeed weren’t as bad as Israel, I’ll let you work on whether they were bad at all.
Well, there was that 'master race' talk, if they really did say that shite. That's pretty evil stuff, but I'm very skeptical of anything they tell us, about what ideas they put into practice.Yes, they were brutal on the Eastern front, but wasn't Stalin just as brutal, and even more callous when it came to Russian civilians?How much more brutal can you get than the Holodomor, and systematically starving to death millions of the world's best farmers and their families? Perhaps in an existential conflict with such fiends, brutality meets brutality.I don't know. You tell us about these ideas they put into practice. I'm aware, as we all are of the lamp shades and soap, and the 'gas chambers' and pulling babies out of the back of lorries, and tossing them onto bonfires, and sewing feet onto arms, and hands onto legs, and so forth, but I doubt those stories. Did they ever do anything as monstrous, or evil, as Dresden? I've read that ((Bela Kun and his girlfriend)) liked to tie Russian POWs to wooden boards, and then burn them alive by the thousands. Did the Nazis ever do anything like that?
I also think they had some pretty evil ideas — ideas that they put into practice.
I don't think the Nazis ever gang raped their prisoners, to the cheers of the German people. But I agree with your point, and the vile, pervasive hypocrisy of our times, to provide funding and 'moral' support, for what Israel is doing, is a blight on every government and person doing so, (Brian Mast, et al). And ironically, even as I don't believe the Nazis were engaged in an overt campaign of genocide for the Jews, and that it is a calumny against the German people that they knowingly were going along with that, the sad and tragic fact is, that today's German government, is going along with this genocide. But they're doing so, obviously under occupation by ZOG. Were it up to the German people, would they be supporting genocide? I don't think so. I don't think any people on the planet*, if they knew what was going on, would be OK with the horrors in Gaza. *Any people on the planet, but one.Replies: @Rurik
At the end of the day, though, I don’t see how one can simultaneously condemn them and accept Israel. Everything that was unacceptable about them is also true of Israel. That’s the essential point.
the evidence the Israeli Government showed to the world as proof of the October 7th Hamas attacks.
Thanks Dutch, (I didn’t watch the whole video), but they’re on the right track, I think.
My take on Oct, 7th, is that Bibi was conducting overt provocations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere, leading up to the attack. Then, Israel was warned by Egypt that an attack was coming. Then, it seems like the IDF stood down, when the attack happened. Then, the IDF came in like gang-busters, with Blackhawks and tanks and just blasted everything in sight, killing Israelis and Hamas alike, then they lied about it, saying Hamas had sliced the heads off forty babies and put them in ovens and raped and killed everyone they could get their hands on.. blah, blah, blah..
Bibi said it was Israel’s 9/11, and ironically, that may be more true than people realize.
So now, this event saved Bibi’s political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza.
Did Bibi orchestrate this?
I don’t know.
but as with everything, there is always the cui bono.
However, it could also be that Oct, 7th was an act of historic bravery and heroism from Hamas. Certainly, living under Bibi’s and Israel’s cruelty, must be intolerable. No humans should be subject to that kind of soul-crushing humiliation and torment, generation after generation. Their children murdered in the streets, or put in dungeons for years and subjected to torture.
It is a blight on humanity that it has gone on, and continues to go on, without a global outrage.
It’s particularly a blight on the wealthy Arab and Muslim regimes who were on the verge of making nice with Bibi and his genocidal goons, until Oct, 7th, put the kibosh on such infamy.
So there is good reason to see Oct, 7th as the last straw of a heroic and victimized people rising up with the best of the human spirit, to say ‘enough!
And even if they knew many civilians would suffer, perhaps the feelings of the Palestinians is that ‘we will endure it, for the sake of our as yet unborn children, so that someday, they can know peace and justice.
And that’s where were at. Hamas and the Palestinians showed and are showing the world what heroics really is, in the face of genocidal tyranny and Bibi’s sadism and a corrupt world’s indifference.
If the Israelis are using AI to create videos that will try to demonize Hamas, I would be shocked if they weren’t.
I'll point out that this has happened before.
'...So now, this event saved Bibi’s political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza..'
It's getting to be that way. In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but...2. More honesty about what they were about.3. Less evident delight in their atrocities. The original Nazis literally hated shooting untermenschen. The Jews openly rejoice in it. They sing songs about it.4. No demand that others support and applaud their crimes.5. Not our fault. We can't say that about Israel.6. The targeted group was arguably responsible for their sufferings. Jews in Weimar Germany. Palestinians in...where?7. A viable vision for the future. Megalomaniac schemes for massive ethnic cleansing and resettlement notwithstanding, Nazi Germany worked. Can't say that for Israel. The various flavors of Jew won't even let their kids go to school with each other.In defense of the Jews, I can offer...1. They haven't actually started gassing Palestinians, have they?But they would if they thought they could get away with it.Wouldn't they?Replies: @Rurik
'Calling Zionists ‘Nazis’, is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis.'
In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:
1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but…
what exactly was that cause?
under the More
If you want to argue the Nazis indeed weren't as bad as Israel, I'll let you work on whether they were bad at all. Personally, while I think there was much to be said for them, I also think they had some pretty evil ideas -- ideas that they put into practice.
'...Sorry, I got stuck on number 1
I’ll try to respond to the other numbers, (in a more succinct way!) later.
Why would you need an “Iron Dome” to stop wildfires?
Unless the fires were being started by a laser carrying drone?
If that is the case, then it would explain how seemingly random buildings were destroyed next to unburned structures.
This is more evidence that these fires along with the Lahaina and Northern California fires were started by lasers from drones rather than downed powerlines.
On Twitter, such counter-demonstrators are always portrayed as noble heroes. Does anything ever happen to them?Replies: @Wielgus
'...When I go on London pro-Palestinian demos, the occasional counter-demonstrator sign may accuse us of supporting terrorism (a bit of a laugh when Al Qaeda terrorists were the implicitly pro-Zionist strike force in Syrian regime change) but it is not as if the Metropolitan Police can arrest thousands of “terroristsâ€.'
They tend to be well-protected by the police. I have never seen anyone react to them and this may be wise, as the intention seems to be to provoke a reaction. The last march I was on, on November 30, the pro-Palestine procession had to pass between a small number of people with Israeli flags on the left, and another small group to my right who mostly seemed to be Iranian exile royalists. I was closer to the latter group and there was a uniformed cop with them operating a film camera – I peered into its lens in fact. Irritating, but if anyone reacted to them it would be trumpeted as terrorists attacking noble ordinary members of the public, you would be arrested by the police and there might even be film used against you in evidence in court.
What makes you believe that to be true?
No disassembly required. You demonstrate that you’re a lying troll who can’t prove your claims or refute what you deny.
What would be your purpose for doing that, besides trying to paint me as what you are?
Sounds like lying Kol Nidre boy behaviour to me.
Yes, I’m pleased with the optics.
I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies. Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it's a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren't too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across. Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation. The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that's one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today's America. The government was always evil, but not the people. Today America is unrecognizable. But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who're like most people, and don't want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them. You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don't advocate Aaron's 'solution', but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn't a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who've showed up here, and 'let's git r done'.
contemporary “America†is far more fundamentally evil than the USSR
As bad as America has been, I don't see a moral parallel to Mao's 'agrarian reforms', or Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust. The USSR started out that way, but then ran out of oppressors, (the productive classes), to kill. Stalin also eventually purged most of the psychotic Jewish supremacists, and hence the USSR became less murderous, if still oppressive.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
in that, your story is much like mine. I had a modestly successful and growing business, and when I figured out 9/11, and the implications of such a thing, I imploded the business. By the time Covid came around, I was already on the margins of society, and so ignoring the Covid bullshit, was very easy. But the sheep-like submission to the Covid tyranny, and the deplorable abuses of power by petty, power-crazed scumbags, was certainly something to see. Once while in Florida, with a loved-one in the hospital, I was told all visitations to all patients were all prohibited until 100% of the people of Florida were vaccinated. It was amazing, how humans can be so unfathomably rotten and power-crazed to the core. I see your More button on your comment, so I'll stop here.Replies: @ariadna, @24th Alabama, @Harold Smith
in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.And if 9/11 wasn’t enough, covid-19 should’ve sealed the deal.
Pat Tillman was betrayed by his teachers and professors who taught him
what to think, instead of how to think. A stubborn skepticism about the
media and government propaganda is the strongest defense
against being suckered.
Of course, Pat was a brave man and a true patriot, but like millions of
others his life was lost for no good reason, and in a cause contrived
by evil men, servants of a foreign power.
the raison d'etre of public (government) "education"
Pat Tillman was betrayed by his teachers and professors who taught him what to think, instead of how to think.
I would go a little further, at this point, and suggest we're way beyond a stubborn skepticism, and have entered into the realm of ((the media and government)) are our existential enemy. Handing over your children to today's government schools, is guaranteed to crush their spirit, and destroy their faculties of reason.
A stubborn skepticism about the media and government propaganda is the strongest defense against being suckered.
I would say the same thing about every American man who died in both World Wars, and who died in all the post-9/11 wars as well.Janissaries all. Killing and dying in slavish service to their enemy. The ultimate humiliation. And, 'such a deal!'Replies: @Colin Wright
Of course, Pat was a brave man and a true patriot, but like millions of others his life was lost for no good reason, and in a cause contrived by evil men, servants of a foreign power.
Have to remember that. Try it on the next cop who stops me.Replies: @24th Alabama
'...Be gone with you, oven evader,
and most unsavory troll of Satan’s spawn.'
Funny, you should mention that but it did not end well for
Mel Gibson when he was stopped by a Jewish cop and Mel
addressed him as an “oven dodger.”
Mel was forced to eat poisoned matzah, kiss a disgusting
array of Rabbinic ass and he struggled to obtain funding
for his movie projects.
The worst of it was that this sort of verbal abuse seems to be a pretty standard form of antagonistic discourse among Australians. Had the cop been short, Gibson would have brought that up. The cop was Jewish, so...I remember thinking at the time that Gibson was just being Australian -- for better or worse.
'Funny, you should mention that but it did not end well for
Mel Gibson when he was stopped by a Jewish cop and Mel
addressed him as an “oven dodger.â€'
Hi Phil. I was wondering if you had any comment in regards to my post #88.
Most of the people I know still get their information from the msm. Or perhaps 'conservative' outlets like Dan Bongino or Mark Levin or Steve Bannon. It wasn't that long ago when I was listening to John Stossel, thinking here's a guy who has a clue. Only to find out he's just another stinking Zionist Jew.
I do think that beyond a certain age, for individuals; and for a society, after so much contrary information to the official narrative has emerged over a short span of time, yeah, I do think there is a certain expectation that a critical mass of people begin to agitate for justice even in the face of certain personal risks and costs.
I agree
it’s more like a profound disappointment.
or charlatans and their fools, like Hagee and his flock, or Brian Mast and those who voted for him.
It really can’t be that people can be this easily manipulated and for this long; or can it! So I’ve just assumed that they’re cowards.
Watch as the Russian people flock to the May Day celebrations in Russia
It really can’t be that people can be this easily manipulated and for this long; or can it!
they also caved on gun control
New Zealanders, but they didn’t exactly cut an independent figure during Covid �
perhaps, because we American still have our guns, and as such, free speech as well.
Can we really impute any virtues on them for which there is of yet not a shred of evidence that they might have wanted to exercise it?
well, I'm sure you'd agree that the 'most documented genocide in history', didn't happen.
But if they don’t know about the most documented genocide in history,
thank you, Chris. Well put.
‘don’t judge the depraved current state of the West while ignoring the unique innovation it had stood for in world history, and value system it developed and which it might stand for again when the wool has been raised from it eyes.’
I think it's more a case of Western values, (of fairness and rectitude and compassion) being their own worst enemy, by inviting in people who know not these values, but who are extremely adept at manipulation and treachery. Honed over millenniums of preying on societies with such naive values, as they see them. They come into a society of great trust, and it's a feeding frenzy.
which showed them [Western values] to have only been window dressing.
same here Chris.
… as disturbing as these topics may be, it’s always a pleasure discussing something with you, from my side also, Rurik.
Hi Rurik. I was wondering if you have seen this video from Max Igan regarding AI generated fake videos of the evidence the Israeli Government showed to the world as proof of the October 7th Hamas attacks.
In my opinion, it is Building 7 level smoking gun evidence that October 7th was a major false flag operation showing premeditation on the part of the Israeli Government and blatant mainstream media complicity in spreading the propaganda that instigated and perpetuated the Genocide. I respect your opinion and would love to hear what you have to say about this. Thanks!
Thanks Dutch, (I didn't watch the whole video), but they're on the right track, I think.My take on Oct, 7th, is that Bibi was conducting overt provocations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere, leading up to the attack. Then, Israel was warned by Egypt that an attack was coming. Then, it seems like the IDF stood down, when the attack happened. Then, the IDF came in like gang-busters, with Blackhawks and tanks and just blasted everything in sight, killing Israelis and Hamas alike, then they lied about it, saying Hamas had sliced the heads off forty babies and put them in ovens and raped and killed everyone they could get their hands on.. blah, blah, blah..Bibi said it was Israel's 9/11, and ironically, that may be more true than people realize. So now, this event saved Bibi's political arse, and gave Bibi and his cabinet of genocidal psychopaths everything that they wanted, a pretext to do a Dresden on Gaza. Did Bibi orchestrate this?I don't know.but as with everything, there is always the cui bono. However, it could also be that Oct, 7th was an act of historic bravery and heroism from Hamas. Certainly, living under Bibi's and Israel's cruelty, must be intolerable. No humans should be subject to that kind of soul-crushing humiliation and torment, generation after generation. Their children murdered in the streets, or put in dungeons for years and subjected to torture. It is a blight on humanity that it has gone on, and continues to go on, without a global outrage. It's particularly a blight on the wealthy Arab and Muslim regimes who were on the verge of making nice with Bibi and his genocidal goons, until Oct, 7th, put the kibosh on such infamy. So there is good reason to see Oct, 7th as the last straw of a heroic and victimized people rising up with the best of the human spirit, to say 'enough!And even if they knew many civilians would suffer, perhaps the feelings of the Palestinians is that 'we will endure it, for the sake of our as yet unborn children, so that someday, they can know peace and justice. And that's where were at. Hamas and the Palestinians showed and are showing the world what heroics really is, in the face of genocidal tyranny and Bibi's sadism and a corrupt world's indifference. If the Israelis are using AI to create videos that will try to demonize Hamas, I would be shocked if they weren't.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Dutch Abraham
the evidence the Israeli Government showed to the world as proof of the October 7th Hamas attacks.
I actually don't think that's fair to the Germans/National Socialists/Nazis,who were purging the Jews out of their (German/Christian European) lands, in a desperate bid for survival. The Jews having orchestrated a genocidal threat in Bolshevik/Soviet Russia, for the purpose of crushing and subjugating and yes, genociding the best of the European people and enslaving the rest. Exactly like they did with the Kulaks and at Katyn Forest. Whereas by contrast, the Zionist Jews in Palestine, are trying to steal the Palestinian people's ancient lands.So from my perspective, the Germans were very much more like today's Palestinians, who're desperately trying to exist on their own lands, while the Eternal Jewish supremacist think he's entitled to it all. So while I agree with your using Nazi to describe Zionists, I still don't think that's fair to the actual, National Socialist 'Nazis', who were fighting a defensive war against ZOG. (I don't think you see it that way, Notsofast, if I'm not mistaken. I think you're more convinced that the Nazis were out to kill and/or enslave every Slav, but I don't think so.)Had there been no existential threat to Germany emanating out of Russia, Barbarossa would never have happened. It would never have even been conceived. (Hitler's early talk of Lebensraum notwithstanding). There would have been no reason for it. Yes, Germany would have still invaded the intractable Poland, who refused to allow the very reasonable Corridor. But without the ((existential threat)), holed-up in Russia, Hitler would have left it at that. We in the West were all lied to about the Holodomor, by particularly by the NYT, and Walter Duranty. But in Germany, they saw what happened, and they knew the nature of the ((Soviet fiend)).It is this same fiend, (genocidal, supremacist, fanatically crazed in their cultist-racist zeal) to murder all their ethnic rivals and steal everything in sight- that is plaguing Palestine as I write this. But in the early part of the 20th century, it was Germany who was menaced and savaged by these eternal Jews. During the Weimar regime, after having betrayed Germany into abject and depraved slavery, ZOG was content. But when Hitler pulled the Jewish fangs out of Germany's jugular... well!, just imagine what would happen if Hamas triumphed in Gaza, and drove the Jews out of their (Palestinian) lands.Can you imagine the unholy rage from the fiend? Can you imagine the glorious celebrations of humanity, by such a David vs. Goliath-like triumph of goodness over evil? That is, how I'm sure the ((Weimar)) Germans felt, when those fangs were pulled out and the Jewish boot was lifted off their necks. Calling Zionists 'Nazis', is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis. But then, most people haven't looked as deep into this issue as I feel I have. I'm aware that my perception of the Nazis is not generally accepted, and the Nazis also did perpetrate some very vile crimes, but then, some could say the same about Hamas, as they too, are trying to free themselves from this eternal, demonic evil.Replies: @Notsofast, @Colin Wright
every single thing the germans were accused of doing to the jews, has been done by these zionist butchers in occupied palestine.
‘Calling Zionists ‘Nazis’, is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis.’
It’s getting to be that way. In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:
1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but…
2. More honesty about what they were about.
3. Less evident delight in their atrocities. The original Nazis literally hated shooting untermenschen. The Jews openly rejoice in it. They sing songs about it.
4. No demand that others support and applaud their crimes.
5. Not our fault. We can’t say that about Israel.
6. The targeted group was arguably responsible for their sufferings. Jews in Weimar Germany. Palestinians in…where?
7. A viable vision for the future. Megalomaniac schemes for massive ethnic cleansing and resettlement notwithstanding, Nazi Germany worked. Can’t say that for Israel. The various flavors of Jew won’t even let their kids go to school with each other.
In defense of the Jews, I can offer…
1. They haven’t actually started gassing Palestinians, have they?
But they would if they thought they could get away with it.
Wouldn’t they?
what exactly was that cause?under the MoreI was raised to believe the Nazis were the most evil people that ever existed, and that their cause was to take over/enslave the whole world, (ban Christianity, which didn't endear them to my mother), and then basically kill everyone who didn't have blue eyes and blond hair. And of course, because they were so evil and full of hate, they particularly persecuted the most innocent and victimized of all people, the violin-playing, utterly blameless Jew. That, in a nutshell, is what the Nazi cause was all about, according to everything I was taught or led to believe. Then, I started to question everything I was taught or led to believe, and now, today, I think the Nazi cause was basically to rebuild Germany, restore it to dignity, (in much the same way Putin has restored Russia), regain the German territories that were ripped from Germany by a treacherous and perfidious Anglo-Zionist West at Versailles, and return the German people to greatness, sort of like a MGGA. Did Nazi Germany have imperial ambitions to conquer Russia and enslave the Slavs?I don't know, but I doubt it. I think Germany went into Russia because it recognized Bolshevism as an existential threat. Intending to do to Germany what it had done to Russia, and then Ukraine, 'kill the best of the Gentiles', by the millions, and in the most cruel way possible. I think, looking at it all, Nazi Germany, (ascendant, unapologetic, perhaps a bit self-righteous over the treachery at Versailles, and the Weimar humiliations, and virulently proud of who and what Germany was, with every intention of having their place in the sun, so to speak), and an ascendant ((Bolshevism/Western 'capitalism')) were two mutually exclusive things. A strong and proud Germany was unacceptable to ZOG.In much the same way, (or exactly the same way) a strong and proud Russia today, is unacceptable to ZOG. Consider.. if Russia is driven into WWIII, by the intrigues of the ((West/NATO)), and she is crushed and dismembered and all Putin nationalists are jailed or hanged in show trials, a la Nuremburg / Saddam..What will the history books and Hollywood and Western politicians all say? That Putin was a crazed and deranged evil man, hell-bent on conquering all of Europe, because he hated freedom and wanted to kill everyone who didn't want to submit to Putin's Russia? Of course that's what they'll say. They're already saying it. But since I've come to be very, very cynical at whatever narrative ZOG is trying to force-feed us all, I don't believe them about Putin, about Saddam, about Hitler or the Nazis, or about even one thing these congenital liars ever say. It even seems odd to me, that anyone believes anything they say, ever. They have lied to us about every single issue of consequence going back to Egypt and their 'four hundred years of slavery, blah, blah.. Up though the Crusades and Inquisition, where evil whitey tortured and killed everyone in sight, because evil whitey is, evil and racist and full of hate, after all. And this is the founding principle of everything I was raised to believe since I was a child. And Hitler was the king of evil, because he was unapologetic in his fervent pride in the German people, as German people. When he should have been ashamed! As all Germans should and must be ashamed for all time, until they're replaced with refugees and blended out of existence. Which is also the fate of all evil white, (redundant) nations. And that's what's happening, because at the end of the day, it was Jews who orchestrated communism and both World Wars, and if they get their third one, it will be because Jews orchestrated it, in order to destroy Western civilization and its people. Something Jews are feverishly working to accomplish every day, with their immigration schemes and tyrannical crack downs in places like England and Ireland and elsewhere. Looking at the big picture, it seems to me white people, living and prosperous in their own lands, harming no one and raising happy families..and Jewish global contentment..are two mutually exclusive things. And that an Ireland, happy with prosperous and contented Irish people, having Irish babies..Drives Jewish supremacists apoplectic with rage. And they will not allow it. That's what I see, in any case, and so what I tend to do, is extrapolate the truths I see, with my own eyes, to what it might have been back long ago, when I wasn't around. Because I already know everything I've been told are basically Jewish lies, and so to figure out what it might have been like, I look at how people act today. And I don't see a genocidal hate in the German character, or the Russian character, or in anyone's character, except the Jews. Is it possible it was like that in the 1930s and 40s as well, but that we're lied to about those years, and the roles of victim and villain have been reversed? Would Jews do that? If they controlled the narrative? Would they use their media and control over academia, to paint their victims as if it was the Jews who were the victims, and everyone else was/is pure evil?Sorry, I got stuck on number 1I'll try to respond to the other numbers, (in a more succinct way!) later. Thanks.Replies: @Colin Wright
In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but…
‘…When I go on London pro-Palestinian demos, the occasional counter-demonstrator sign may accuse us of supporting terrorism (a bit of a laugh when Al Qaeda terrorists were the implicitly pro-Zionist strike force in Syrian regime change) but it is not as if the Metropolitan Police can arrest thousands of “terroristsâ€.’
On Twitter, such counter-demonstrators are always portrayed as noble heroes. Does anything ever happen to them?
‘…Be gone with you, oven evader,
and most unsavory troll of Satan’s spawn.’
Have to remember that. Try it on the next cop who stops me.
Young Latino youth, the Chicano types.
They get along with the Black base, the Cubans, Mexicans, Venezuelans don’t get along with Blacks.
i can never accept the excuse that the germans had to attack them first,
I wouldn’t go with “had to”, but as to the Soviet’s imperial ambitions, I think they settled that when they didn’t leave Eastern Europe, or the Baltic states, where they imposed horrors, after the war, and then occupied them for generations.
Would they have marched across Germany into France and eventually England? I’d say, based on their nature; absolutely. A friend of mine even said the West did Dresden, as a warning to the Soviets of what they’re capable of, if Stalin gets too greedy.
Of course I can’t know any of that, because they were stopped in eastern Germany, but I can know their nature, by what they did.
the soviets they most likely would have been destroyed
what’s wrong with that?
When I learned about the Kulaks, I came to hate the Soviets for being sadistic monsters. They could have machined gunned the Kulaks, but even tho it wasted time and resources keeping an eye on the Kulaks for weeks and months, as they died slowly, excruciatingly, watching their children starved to death day by horrific day, to the glee of the ((NKVD)), was all I had to learn about their nature.
i have heard it said that the soviets had positioned their troops in an offensive manner
I don’t think it matters. If a man tells authorities he tried to kill his neighbor, because he was certain that the neighbor was going to rape and kill his wife, and so he’s sent to jail, whereupon the neighbor rapes and kills his wife, then I’d let the guy out, because obviously his actions were prescient and defensive based on what turned out to be true.
the soviets had lost a war with poland in the 30’s, losing territory they would then retake
retaking Poland, (which I’d say is a stretch), could perhaps be justified under certain circumstances, but then what they did at Katyn, for me was just more proof of the nature of the ((Soviets)).
And the way the West lied about it, and blamed the Nazis, was just more proof for me of the nature of the ((West)).
don’t get me wrong i’m not a fan of communists
and I’m not a fan of the Nazis. Their arrogant uber-racism was their undoing.
and attempted to take their land and resources in much the same manner as israelis grabbing palestine.
Had the Nazis conquered Russia, I don’t know if they would have stayed, or simply de-Bolshevised Russia, (expelled the Jews), and then went home. I honestly don’t know, but I could believe either scenario, (staying and keeping, or leaving). Unlike with the Soviets, (who we know stayed and enslaved), with the Nazis, we’ll never know, but they weren’t Mother Theresas.
find it strange that people take umbrage at my use of the word nazi,
perhaps they don’t consider the word bad enough. Like I said, in some ways, the Nazis are more like the Palestinians, who both were/are trying to survive Jewish supremacism. Germany was betrayed and enslaved by Jews, at the Armistice, and then at Versailles.
both hitler and stalin saw palestine as a convenient dumping ground for their jewish populations, caring not for the indigenous people of the levant and leaving us a lasting legacy of hate, that threatens the peace of the entire planet to this day.
Didn’t the Mufti like Hitler? I’m not a scholar, alas. But I’m aware of Hitler’s collaboration with some Zionists to move Jews to Palestine. And you’re 100% right, that such a plan was incredibly unjust to the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. The JQ is a tough one, I guess.
let me go on record as saying i’m not a fan of any totalitarian system of governance,
while i might be described as a putin fan boy,
exigencies are- after all- exigencies.
vvp has done a magnificent job of balancing the concerns of all russians, in an incredibly diverse and huge country that contains so many different cultures and religions.
the world’s only true statesman.
while i don’t know as much about china, i get the feeling xi, is much the same way
without near the challenges of Putin, but yea, I more or less agree.
these two intelligent and modern leaders give me hope for the future of the world as a whole.
also with many people in Europe electing leaders who’re shunning the Ukraine madness.
i only wish that we had intelligent adult leadership in this country instead of the sycophantic supremacist suckup/fuckups we are given by our hidden oligarchic ruling class.
to add insult to injury, their (Brian Mast, et al) supremacism is for an enemy nation and its people, not even their own.
Talk about a humiliation, when your (admittedly corrupt) leaders consider the people of another nation (and a vile one at that), as supreme.
I could get dry heaves thinking about it.
good communicating with you as always, best of luck to you and yours.
Same to you, Notsofast. God bless.
Netanyahu has had no better friend and supporter than Biden. While VP, Biden earned the fury of Hillary and Obama to pull Netanyahu's chestnuts out of the fire.
It’s well known that Biden also hated
the Israeli maniac, but was compromised by threats of blackmail and by his senility.
I was referring to Biden’s personal relationship with Nutty Nettie,
not his well-paid love for Israel.
Senator Menendez has sharp attorneys who will argue that
“all the other kids were taking bribes,” so why single out me?
A Talmudist sprouting Amalek wings and awkwardly spewing anti-Semitic
“tropes” may be an optical delight, but more a hideously absurd reality.
The art of dissembling requires a skill beyond your reach or sight.
I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies. Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it's a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren't too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across. Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation. The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that's one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today's America. The government was always evil, but not the people. Today America is unrecognizable. But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who're like most people, and don't want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them. You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don't advocate Aaron's 'solution', but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn't a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who've showed up here, and 'let's git r done'.
contemporary “America†is far more fundamentally evil than the USSR
As bad as America has been, I don't see a moral parallel to Mao's 'agrarian reforms', or Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust. The USSR started out that way, but then ran out of oppressors, (the productive classes), to kill. Stalin also eventually purged most of the psychotic Jewish supremacists, and hence the USSR became less murderous, if still oppressive.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
in that, your story is much like mine. I had a modestly successful and growing business, and when I figured out 9/11, and the implications of such a thing, I imploded the business. By the time Covid came around, I was already on the margins of society, and so ignoring the Covid bullshit, was very easy. But the sheep-like submission to the Covid tyranny, and the deplorable abuses of power by petty, power-crazed scumbags, was certainly something to see. Once while in Florida, with a loved-one in the hospital, I was told all visitations to all patients were all prohibited until 100% of the people of Florida were vaccinated. It was amazing, how humans can be so unfathomably rotten and power-crazed to the core. I see your More button on your comment, so I'll stop here.Replies: @ariadna, @24th Alabama, @Harold Smith
in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.And if 9/11 wasn’t enough, covid-19 should’ve sealed the deal.
Agree (but ran out of buttons..)
I actually don't think that's fair to the Germans/National Socialists/Nazis,who were purging the Jews out of their (German/Christian European) lands, in a desperate bid for survival. The Jews having orchestrated a genocidal threat in Bolshevik/Soviet Russia, for the purpose of crushing and subjugating and yes, genociding the best of the European people and enslaving the rest. Exactly like they did with the Kulaks and at Katyn Forest. Whereas by contrast, the Zionist Jews in Palestine, are trying to steal the Palestinian people's ancient lands.So from my perspective, the Germans were very much more like today's Palestinians, who're desperately trying to exist on their own lands, while the Eternal Jewish supremacist think he's entitled to it all. So while I agree with your using Nazi to describe Zionists, I still don't think that's fair to the actual, National Socialist 'Nazis', who were fighting a defensive war against ZOG. (I don't think you see it that way, Notsofast, if I'm not mistaken. I think you're more convinced that the Nazis were out to kill and/or enslave every Slav, but I don't think so.)Had there been no existential threat to Germany emanating out of Russia, Barbarossa would never have happened. It would never have even been conceived. (Hitler's early talk of Lebensraum notwithstanding). There would have been no reason for it. Yes, Germany would have still invaded the intractable Poland, who refused to allow the very reasonable Corridor. But without the ((existential threat)), holed-up in Russia, Hitler would have left it at that. We in the West were all lied to about the Holodomor, by particularly by the NYT, and Walter Duranty. But in Germany, they saw what happened, and they knew the nature of the ((Soviet fiend)).It is this same fiend, (genocidal, supremacist, fanatically crazed in their cultist-racist zeal) to murder all their ethnic rivals and steal everything in sight- that is plaguing Palestine as I write this. But in the early part of the 20th century, it was Germany who was menaced and savaged by these eternal Jews. During the Weimar regime, after having betrayed Germany into abject and depraved slavery, ZOG was content. But when Hitler pulled the Jewish fangs out of Germany's jugular... well!, just imagine what would happen if Hamas triumphed in Gaza, and drove the Jews out of their (Palestinian) lands.Can you imagine the unholy rage from the fiend? Can you imagine the glorious celebrations of humanity, by such a David vs. Goliath-like triumph of goodness over evil? That is, how I'm sure the ((Weimar)) Germans felt, when those fangs were pulled out and the Jewish boot was lifted off their necks. Calling Zionists 'Nazis', is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis. But then, most people haven't looked as deep into this issue as I feel I have. I'm aware that my perception of the Nazis is not generally accepted, and the Nazis also did perpetrate some very vile crimes, but then, some could say the same about Hamas, as they too, are trying to free themselves from this eternal, demonic evil.Replies: @Notsofast, @Colin Wright
every single thing the germans were accused of doing to the jews, has been done by these zionist butchers in occupied palestine.
hey rurik, please notice i said the nazis were “accused of”, not what they did. as fas as barbarossa is concerned, i can never accept the excuse that the germans had to attack them first, before they were attacked, this is exactly israel’s excuse, for the 67 war of aggression that was painted as self defense.
at the time the soviets were no match for the wehrmacht and were selling oil to germany. without the allied lend lease program arming the soviets they most likely would have been destroyed. i have heard it said that the soviets had positioned their troops in an offensive manner but remember they heard the germans may have intent to do exactly what they did and tried to show a strong face to dissuade them.
the brits were planning on bombing the soviet oil fields in just a couple of weeks, which would have probably made germany and the soviets allies in a combined struggle. the soviets had lost a war with poland in the 30’s, losing territory they would then retake, when the germans invaded poland in 39. the idea that the soviets were going to attack all of europe let alone germany is absurd considering they couldn’t even handle poland. barbarossa sealed germany’s fate and was one of the greatest strategic blunders of all time, imho.
don’t get me wrong i’m not a fan of communists but the germans saw slavs as untermensch and attempted to take their land and resources in much the same manner as israelis grabbing palestine.
i’m not a fan of “nazism” as you know and find it strange that people take umbrage at my use of the word nazi, that was in fact a slur, given to them by ashkenazis, that they never used in reference to themselves. both hitler and stalin saw palestine as a convenient dumping ground for their jewish populations, caring not for the indigenous people of the levant and leaving us a lasting legacy of hate, that threatens the peace of the entire planet to this day.
let me go on record as saying i’m not a fan of any totalitarian system of governance, while i might be described as a putin fan boy, that is because i don’t see the russian federation as a totalitarian government and think that vvp has done a magnificent job of balancing the concerns of all russians, in an incredibly diverse and huge country that contains so many different cultures and religions.
while i don’t know as much about china, i get the feeling xi, is much the same way as putin and these two intelligent and modern leaders give me hope for the future of the world as a whole. i only wish that we had intelligent adult leadership in this country instead of the sycophantic supremacist suckup/fuckups we are given by our hidden oligarchic ruling class.
good communicating with you as always, best of luck to you and yours.
I wouldn't go with "had to", but as to the Soviet's imperial ambitions, I think they settled that when they didn't leave Eastern Europe, or the Baltic states, where they imposed horrors, after the war, and then occupied them for generations. Would they have marched across Germany into France and eventually England? I'd say, based on their nature; absolutely. A friend of mine even said the West did Dresden, as a warning to the Soviets of what they're capable of, if Stalin gets too greedy. Of course I can't know any of that, because they were stopped in eastern Germany, but I can know their nature, by what they did.
i can never accept the excuse that the germans had to attack them first,
what's wrong with that? When I learned about the Kulaks, I came to hate the Soviets for being sadistic monsters. They could have machined gunned the Kulaks, but even tho it wasted time and resources keeping an eye on the Kulaks for weeks and months, as they died slowly, excruciatingly, watching their children starved to death day by horrific day, to the glee of the ((NKVD)), was all I had to learn about their nature.
the soviets they most likely would have been destroyed
I don't think it matters. If a man tells authorities he tried to kill his neighbor, because he was certain that the neighbor was going to rape and kill his wife, and so he's sent to jail, whereupon the neighbor rapes and kills his wife, then I'd let the guy out, because obviously his actions were prescient and defensive based on what turned out to be true.
i have heard it said that the soviets had positioned their troops in an offensive manner
retaking Poland, (which I'd say is a stretch), could perhaps be justified under certain circumstances, but then what they did at Katyn, for me was just more proof of the nature of the ((Soviets)). And the way the West lied about it, and blamed the Nazis, was just more proof for me of the nature of the ((West)).
the soviets had lost a war with poland in the 30’s, losing territory they would then retake
and I'm not a fan of the Nazis. Their arrogant uber-racism was their undoing.
don’t get me wrong i’m not a fan of communists
Had the Nazis conquered Russia, I don't know if they would have stayed, or simply de-Bolshevised Russia, (expelled the Jews), and then went home. I honestly don't know, but I could believe either scenario, (staying and keeping, or leaving). Unlike with the Soviets, (who we know stayed and enslaved), with the Nazis, we'll never know, but they weren't Mother Theresas.
and attempted to take their land and resources in much the same manner as israelis grabbing palestine.
perhaps they don't consider the word bad enough. Like I said, in some ways, the Nazis are more like the Palestinians, who both were/are trying to survive Jewish supremacism. Germany was betrayed and enslaved by Jews, at the Armistice, and then at Versailles.
find it strange that people take umbrage at my use of the word nazi,
Didn't the Mufti like Hitler? I'm not a scholar, alas. But I'm aware of Hitler's collaboration with some Zionists to move Jews to Palestine. And you're 100% right, that such a plan was incredibly unjust to the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. The JQ is a tough one, I guess.
both hitler and stalin saw palestine as a convenient dumping ground for their jewish populations, caring not for the indigenous people of the levant and leaving us a lasting legacy of hate, that threatens the peace of the entire planet to this day.
let me go on record as saying i’m not a fan of any totalitarian system of governance,
exigencies are- after all- exigencies.
while i might be described as a putin fan boy,
the world's only true statesman.
vvp has done a magnificent job of balancing the concerns of all russians, in an incredibly diverse and huge country that contains so many different cultures and religions.
without near the challenges of Putin, but yea, I more or less agree.
while i don’t know as much about china, i get the feeling xi, is much the same way
also with many people in Europe electing leaders who're shunning the Ukraine madness.
these two intelligent and modern leaders give me hope for the future of the world as a whole.
to add insult to injury, their (Brian Mast, et al) supremacism is for an enemy nation and its people, not even their own. Talk about a humiliation, when your (admittedly corrupt) leaders consider the people of another nation (and a vile one at that), as supreme. I could get dry heaves thinking about it.
i only wish that we had intelligent adult leadership in this country instead of the sycophantic supremacist suckup/fuckups we are given by our hidden oligarchic ruling class.
Same to you, Notsofast. God bless.
good communicating with you as always, best of luck to you and yours.
every single thing the germans were accused of doing to the jews, has been done by these zionist butchers in occupied palestine.
I actually don’t think that’s fair to the Germans/National Socialists/Nazis,
who were purging the Jews out of their (German/Christian European) lands, in a desperate bid for survival. The Jews having orchestrated a genocidal threat in Bolshevik/Soviet Russia, for the purpose of crushing and subjugating and yes, genociding the best of the European people and enslaving the rest. Exactly like they did with the Kulaks and at Katyn Forest.
Whereas by contrast, the Zionist Jews in Palestine, are trying to steal the Palestinian people’s ancient lands.
So from my perspective, the Germans were very much more like today’s Palestinians, who’re desperately trying to exist on their own lands, while the Eternal Jewish supremacist think he’s entitled to it all.
So while I agree with your using Nazi to describe Zionists, I still don’t think that’s fair to the actual, National Socialist ‘Nazis’, who were fighting a defensive war against ZOG. (I don’t think you see it that way, Notsofast, if I’m not mistaken. I think you’re more convinced that the Nazis were out to kill and/or enslave every Slav, but I don’t think so.)
Had there been no existential threat to Germany emanating out of Russia, Barbarossa would never have happened. It would never have even been conceived. (Hitler’s early talk of Lebensraum notwithstanding). There would have been no reason for it. Yes, Germany would have still invaded the intractable Poland, who refused to allow the very reasonable Corridor. But without the ((existential threat)), holed-up in Russia, Hitler would have left it at that. We in the West were all lied to about the Holodomor, by particularly by the NYT, and Walter Duranty. But in Germany, they saw what happened, and they knew the nature of the ((Soviet fiend)).
It is this same fiend, (genocidal, supremacist, fanatically crazed in their cultist-racist zeal) to murder all their ethnic rivals and steal everything in sight- that is plaguing Palestine as I write this. But in the early part of the 20th century, it was Germany who was menaced and savaged by these eternal Jews. During the Weimar regime, after having betrayed Germany into abject and depraved slavery, ZOG was content. But when Hitler pulled the Jewish fangs out of Germany’s jugular… well!, just imagine what would happen if Hamas triumphed in Gaza, and drove the Jews out of their (Palestinian) lands.
Can you imagine the unholy rage from the fiend? Can you imagine the glorious celebrations of humanity, by such a David vs. Goliath-like triumph of goodness over evil?
That is, how I’m sure the ((Weimar)) Germans felt, when those fangs were pulled out and the Jewish boot was lifted off their necks.
Calling Zionists ‘Nazis’, is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis.
But then, most people haven’t looked as deep into this issue as I feel I have. I’m aware that my perception of the Nazis is not generally accepted, and the Nazis also did perpetrate some very vile crimes, but then, some could say the same about Hamas, as they too, are trying to free themselves from this eternal, demonic evil.
It's getting to be that way. In defense of the original Nazis, I can offer the following:1. A cause more closely related to reality. Not actually just, or right, but...2. More honesty about what they were about.3. Less evident delight in their atrocities. The original Nazis literally hated shooting untermenschen. The Jews openly rejoice in it. They sing songs about it.4. No demand that others support and applaud their crimes.5. Not our fault. We can't say that about Israel.6. The targeted group was arguably responsible for their sufferings. Jews in Weimar Germany. Palestinians in...where?7. A viable vision for the future. Megalomaniac schemes for massive ethnic cleansing and resettlement notwithstanding, Nazi Germany worked. Can't say that for Israel. The various flavors of Jew won't even let their kids go to school with each other.In defense of the Jews, I can offer...1. They haven't actually started gassing Palestinians, have they?But they would if they thought they could get away with it.Wouldn't they?Replies: @Rurik
'Calling Zionists ‘Nazis’, is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis.'
The language I used to summarize your exchange with Rurik was not precise, and probably misleading. I should have said “no single answer†or “no easy answer.†It’s hardly fair to compare an ordinary married couple, with low paying jobs and children, to a wealthy, educated couple with politically influential friends, a nanny and scads of free time. Their relative moral and political culpability is vastly different.
I could’ve been clearer myself. My point was that as I see it, the general moral character of the people in the U.S. has been on the decline and is now so bad that we’ve passed a point of no return and “America is hopelessly doomed” accordingly. (As I see it, Ben Franklin’s prophecy has unfortunately been fulfilled).
Anyway, to illustrate my point in the context of your example, I would opine that if you were to offer the “ordinary married couple, with low paying jobs and children” higher paying jobs working on the assembly line at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, for example, making artillery shells that will be used in support of the mindless carnage in the Mideast and/or Ukraine, they would likely take the jobs without hesitation. And if challenged regarding the morality of their decision, they might say something like: “well, if we don’t the jobs somebody else will, so we might as well get the nice paycheck since the outcome wouldn’t change anyway” or something like that.
(I say this based on abundant personal experience).
Did Trump set up his supporters to take a fall on Jan 6? Trump can be recklessly malicious, but it would be odd if he calculated to have his supporters take a fall.
I didn’t mean to imply that it would’ve necessarily been trump’s idea to set up his supporters, but if his “deep state” handlers/enablers wanted to entrap and make an example out of some of the more radical MAGA cultists, I believe that trump would’ve knowingly and willingly gone along with it.
Best wishes.
Thanks. Same to you, 24th.
They can try to target them, but it is much harder.
When I go on London pro-Palestinian demos, the occasional counter-demonstrator sign may accuse us of supporting terrorism (a bit of a laugh when Al Qaeda terrorists were the implicitly pro-Zionist strike force in Syrian regime change) but it is not as if the Metropolitan Police can arrest thousands of “terrorists”.
On Twitter, such counter-demonstrators are always portrayed as noble heroes. Does anything ever happen to them?Replies: @Wielgus
'...When I go on London pro-Palestinian demos, the occasional counter-demonstrator sign may accuse us of supporting terrorism (a bit of a laugh when Al Qaeda terrorists were the implicitly pro-Zionist strike force in Syrian regime change) but it is not as if the Metropolitan Police can arrest thousands of “terroristsâ€.'
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line? Even Netanyahu and his willing mass murderers can claim they were "brainwashed" or otherwise somehow manipulated into being the inhuman monsters that they are, right?I don’t argue that there’s something very corrupt about the West today, but I don’t think they did that to themselves, any more than the Russian people did it to themselves a hundred years ago, or the German people did it to themselves after the wars. This rot and corruption was done to them.
People aren’t robots; they’re morally responsible for their own actions. If a majority of the people of the “West†were not so personally corrupt the “West†wouldn’t be destroying itself. �
That's not really a valid qualification under the circumstances IMO; not for a long time at least. We're not living in caves and being forced to watch shadows; we've had the internet for 30+ years now. Moreover, in the aftermath of 9/11, the propaganda became so absurd and the evil so in-your-face that everyone's excuse was taken away. I was subjected to the same propaganda/brainwashing as everyone else around me was, and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.
As to robots, do you think you could resist propaganda and indoctrination, if that’s all you had ever known?
Well let's see, being that the people have allowed themselves and their children to be injected with toxic vaccines; being that they don't seem to have a problem with "their" "government" as it presently flirts with economic ruin, nuclear war and planetary extinction; and being that they just reelected a psychotic psychopath for president who for example makes no secret of the fact that he's willing to risk starting WW3 in the Mideast...I wouldn't bet against it. (BTW it wouldn't actually have much to do with "resources"; it would mostly be about trying to hinder the arctic ambitions of Russia and China, i.e. it's the same old Satanic whack-a-mole game they've been playing for decades).If Trump declared war on Canada, because he wanted to force it into the fifty first state status, against the Canadian people’s will, do you think the American people would rally around Trump, and suit up their children, to go kill and die in Canada, so that Trump and his billionaire buddies could loot the resources?
The bombs, missiles and artillery shells being used to mass murder Palestinians, for example, don’t make themselves, they’re made by the masses of our mentally and morally defective neighbors who’ll do anything for a lie and a paycheck.
I say that would say ‘no’. Because they wouldn’t go to war based on morally defective reasons. �
Unfortunately however, lies are the coin of the realm. If the people accept the official narratives of 9/11, covid-19, Russia bad, Ukraine good, Hamas and Iran bad, Israel good, etc. it seems they'll accept any lie, no matter how absurd.
You would have to lie to them, and tell them Canada is trying to subvert our democracy, and is supporting terror, blah, blah..
I disagree. At some level of consciousness, they know they're being lied to; they're just too corrupt, morally cowardly and vested in the system, to accept the horrific reality for what it is, so they allow themselves to be "deceived."
The only reason they do that for Ukraine and Gaza, is because they’re lied to.
I disagree. For example, they reelected bill clinton, who presided over genocidal sanctions estimated to have killed 500,000 Iraqi children; they reelected warmonger George W. Bush; they reelected warmonger Barack Obama; they elected warmonger joe biden; and trump was certainly no "peace candidate" in any meaningful sense of the word.In every case, going back to Woodrow Wilson and FDR, to Obama and 2016 Trump, the American people always vote for the peace candidate.
continually reaffirm their moral culpability by knowingly and willingly voting to install the same kind of liars, murders and thieves into high political offices.
Well we've argued this point about trump in the past and my position hasn't changed. He's not anti-war and he's certainly no "peace candidate." If trump was a "peace candidate" he would've ended the war in Afghanistan; pulled the illegally deployed troops out of Syria and not attacked Syrian government forces; he wouldn't have repudiated the JCPOA agreement with Iran nor would he have risked war by murdering General Soleimani; nor would he have refused to negotiate with Russia and pulled pulled out of the INF treaty; nor would he have gone along with the plan to start a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine by arming the illegitimate junta in Kiev; etc.
Just as they just did with Trump, vs. Kamala- the war candidate.
If you think voting is the answer, you vote for a third party candidate who's not known to be a murderer supported by jews; IOW you don't vote for someone who accepts millions of dollars from jewish extremist billionaires.
If you’re a truck driver, and you don’t want more wars, how are you going to effect policy, in your aspiration for peace, unless you vote? �
On the contrary I would make that claim, because evil is a matter of degree and I see America as being far more evil than any other country on earth right now; America is leading the world to Armageddon.
I agree that there is widespread moral cowardice. But I wouldn’t claim that (the U.S) Americans, per se, are any more or less guilty than the Canadians, or Scandinavians, or Australians or Western, (and increasingly Eastern) Europeans, who’re all being ruled by ZOG whores,
The evil in America is literally everywhere; almost everything and everybody is on the take in some way. Look at the so-called health care system in America. Yes the extortion racket is "government" sanctioned but it's an example of neighbor-on-neighbor treachery. They're killing people. Look at the failing school system. Look at the confiscatory taxation of residential property - it's completely out of control in many if not most areas of the country; it's neighbors robbing neighbors at gunpoint. Look at the carnage of the "war on drugs" and civil asset forfeiture. Look at the economy: basic necessities in America are becoming unaffordable while government at all levels openly steals and squanders everything of value. Look at the almost daily assortment of heinous crimes, mass-murder suicides, etc. Look at the breathtaking level aggressive, reckless driving and road rage happening everywhere. Let's face it, American society is collapsing and it's because the American people are exceptionally corrupt.Replies: @Harold Smith, @24th Alabama, @Rurik, @Rurik
But the endemic, moral cowardice and moral failure of the West, is in refusing to question the special relationship. And the reason for that, it that they want to be ‘good’ people, and if you start to question Jewish power, then the Pavlovian saliva kicks in, and the fear that you might be entertaining Nazi, (read: evil) ideas, and so they do a ‘get thee Satan behind me’, because of their programming.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?
I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.
I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies.
Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it’s a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren’t too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
contemporary “America†is far more fundamentally evil than the USSR
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across.
Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation. The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that’s one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today’s America. The government was always evil, but not the people. Today America is unrecognizable.
But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who’re like most people, and don’t want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them. You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don’t advocate Aaron’s ‘solution’, but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn’t a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who’ve showed up here, and ‘let’s git r done’.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
As bad as America has been, I don’t see a moral parallel to Mao’s ‘agrarian reforms’, or Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust. The USSR started out that way, but then ran out of oppressors, (the productive classes), to kill. Stalin also eventually purged most of the psychotic Jewish supremacists, and hence the USSR became less murderous, if still oppressive.
in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.
And if 9/11 wasn’t enough, covid-19 should’ve sealed the deal.
in that, your story is much like mine. I had a modestly successful and growing business, and when I figured out 9/11, and the implications of such a thing, I imploded the business. By the time Covid came around, I was already on the margins of society, and so ignoring the Covid bullshit, was very easy. But the sheep-like submission to the Covid tyranny, and the deplorable abuses of power by petty, power-crazed scumbags, was certainly something to see. Once while in Florida, with a loved-one in the hospital, I was told all visitations to all patients were all prohibited until 100% of the people of Florida were vaccinated. It was amazing, how humans can be so unfathomably rotten and power-crazed to the core.
I see your More button on your comment, so I’ll stop here.
As I see it, neither the case of Pat Tillman nor that of Aaron Bushnell answer the question I posed to you nor do they support your implication that the people of the U.S. are somehow generally not responsible for America's long-standing record of heinous crimes against humanity. But being that you brought it up, imagine a similar situation in another context. Suppose I told you (without providing any evidence) that your next-door neighbor was actually a monster from outer space who posed an extreme threat and that you should preempt the threat by killing him, accordingly, and you subsequently did kill him; would a jury acquit you of murder because you were ignorant, stupid/intellectually lazy and morally incompetent enough to take my barely asserted claim at face value and kill someone because of it? I think not. Before voluntarily becoming an instrumentality of death for the U.S. "government" (either his own death or that of someone else at his hands), Pat Tillman had a civic and moral duty to at least do a little research into what he was getting himself into. Apparently he didn't, and that was solely his fault, IMO.In any case, Tillman joined the U.S. Army in May 2002 (well into the age of the internet) as a 25 year old college graduate with a 3.85 GPA, who presumably would've had at least some meager ability to think and do some moral reasoning for himself. Moreover, his first military assignment was not deployment to Afghanistan but the invasion of Iraq, a country that obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, and there's evidence that Tillman knew it was illegal:I consider Pat Tillman [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, everything he believed was a lie.�
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line?�
So why didn't he declare conscientious objector status at that point? Why didn't he go AWOL like Pablo Paredes or Camilo Mejia did rather than kill people in a war he knew was illegal? And why would he believe that the Afghanistan war was somehow legitimate (without any evidence) if the Iraq war wasn't?I feel sorry for Pat Tillman but under the circumstances I don't see how he can be excused for what he did, certainly not as a "hero."
Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.“I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, ‘You know, this war is so f— illegal.’ And we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”�
I don't know much about Aaron Bushnell but as I understand it he wasn't involved in any combat anywhere. Apparently his spectacular suicide was an act of protest against immoral U.S. "government" foreign policy, particularly the unqualified military, economic and political support of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.In any case, I don't see how your examples undermine anything I said or support anything you said. By your reasoning, anyone e.g. cartel hitmen, IDF killers, etc. can say they were misled into doing something immoral and you'd have to excuse them.
I also consider Aaron Bushnell [RIP] to have been a genuine American hero, even as it turns out, he figured out all the lies.
As I see it everyone who works at the Scranton Army ammunition plant, Lockheed-Martin, General Atomics, Raytheon is complicit in mass murder, as is anyone who votes to install a known mass-murderer into a high political office. Where are the mass resignations from the State Dept. and the DOD? Where are the mass resignations from the companies whose hands are drenched in blood?And while I'm on the subject, where are the mass resignations from United Health Care and the other health insurance companies that are extorting and killing people en masse? Where are the mass resignations from the FDA and the CDC, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 scam? Where are the mass resignations from the FBI, CIA and police departments across the U.S. that pursue the self-destructive war on drugs, engage in treacherous SWAT team activities where they do things like shoot up innocent people or throw flash-bang grenades into babies' cribs, or make a practice of immoral civil asset forfeiture? Where are the mass resignations from the tax claim bureaus and sheriff's offices that make people homeless because they can't pay the communistic, confiscatory, utterly unconstitutional tax on residential property?As I type this America is filled with way too many corrupt/morally incompetent people who don't give the slightest damn about anything but themselves, and that's why America is going down.
Somewhere in between is the rest of us. So there is no visible line, it’s a gradual awakening. But the good news is, there aren’t too many more Pat Tillmans out there ready to kill or die, based on Zio-lies.
How much do you know about the role of America's immoral involvement in WW1 as it relates to fostering the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the first place? How much do you know about America's treacherous role in promoting WW2, involving itself directly in the war and preventing an early end to the war?Anyway, I know enough about the subject matter to know that the USSR's crimes as bad as they may have been are almost insignificant compared to America's global crimes over the last 250 years of its history.
how much do you know about the Red Terror? How much do you know about the Holodomor? The Soviets sent the Red Army rapists across Europe who raped, (it is said) every female from 8 to 80, and not just Germans, but any European woman or girl they came across.�
What about pre-modern America? Was America "completely under jewish supremacist subjugation" when when it started the imperial Mexican war, the Civil war or the Spanish American war? Can we blame the Sand Creek massacre or the Moro Crater massacre on the jews?I bet there's not a single jew in the following picture:
Modern America is running a torture camp, and waging endless wars based on lies, but that is only because, (just like Bolshevik Russia), our nation, (since 9/11) has become completely under Jewish supremacist subjugation.
The America I grew up in, would never have operated a torture facility. Perhaps that’s one of the distinctions between the America of my youth, and today’s America.
You've just contradicted yourself.
The government was always evil...
As I pointed out to you above, the U.S. government is 545 people (who basically do nothing but shuffle papers and give speeches), and it takes a lot more people than that to do the kind of evil that America has been doing in the world for the last 250 years. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but just like George Carlin pointed out the American government (i.e. the politicians who run things) sucks because the American public sucks.
...but not the people.�
Well it's just gotten worse over time and the internet makes it more obvious and takes away the excuses of everyone who supports the evil in some tangible way.
Today America is unrecognizable.
"Madness" isn't something that can be "imposed" on someone by someone else. People make their own choices. Pat Tillman chose to join the U.S. army in the face of an absurd 9/11 official narrative which was completely lacking of evidence in support. Pat Tillman apparently knew the Iraq war he was participating in was illegal and he was presumably smart enough to realize that he was violating his enlistment oath and that every Iraqi killed by himself or any of his colleagues was murdered. Did he do anything about it? Apparently not. Had he become a "deserter" at that point he'd have had a good legal case just like Pablo Paredes and he'd probably still be alive today. Instead he imposed "madness" on himself.
But that is not because of the intrinsic nature of the American people, who’re like most people, and don’t want to starve to death innocent people. This madness is being imposed on them.
As I've repeatedly stated and/or implied, we can refuse to give the evil our tacit approval and/or cooperation, and if enough of us do that, the evil will have to stop, not just the imperial treachery and mass murder, but evil across the board. As a humble start we could stop voting for establishment candidates like trump and biden, but we refuse to even do that.Government can only do what the people empower it to do. The problem in America is that too many people are corrupt/morally incompetent and we're way past the point where you can blame it on the effect of propaganda. Anyone who follows the national news can see that America has become a nation full of psychopaths and sundry criminals of all stripes.
You may say they should break those chains! And I agree, but Aaron looked at it, and figured there was only one way he could think of, to protest what the Jews are doing to America ~ turning it into a genocidal fiend. And I don’t advocate Aaron’s ‘solution’, but I honor his sacrifice as a Christ-like martyr. The point is, there isn’t a lot we can do. Unless you want to take the advise of the Fed(s), who’ve showed up here, and ‘let’s git r done’.
I don't see a parallel either because contrary to your examples, America's evil is global in nature, has continued over the long term and the numbers of direct and indirect victims are far larger and continue to grow. You mention Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, but did you know that America's mass bombing of Cambodia was apparently instrumental in the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge? this is all the time I have at the moment.Replies: @RurikAs bad as America has been, I don’t see a moral parallel to Mao’s ‘agrarian reforms’, or Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. Communism, like Zionism, is evil, because these ghastly regimes are hate-fueled, homicidally maniacal in their sadistic blood-lust.
It could further be argued that the USSR and the Warsaw pact (as bad as they may have been) were in fact defensive in nature vis-a-vis the well documented imperial treachery of the corrupt West.
Talk is cheap. Hoping that someone else will do what is necessary is even cheaper.
= Fed
What makes you believe that to be true?
You haven’t proven anything you claim or refuted anything that I’ve said.
I’m pleased with the optics.
Spread the activities of this organisation to your countries so as to ensure justice for perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Maybe that Sixty Minutes expose was a shot across the bow.
If Israel doesn’t agree to a ceasefire, we can end American support for her REAL QUICK.
Everything you say is a transparently comedic attempt to
impersonate a critic of Israel and Zionism. Unfortunately
for you, you lack the smarts to spoof the least talented
anti-Semite imaginable. Be gone with you, oven evader,
and most unsavory troll of Satan’s spawn.
Have to remember that. Try it on the next cop who stops me.Replies: @24th Alabama
'...Be gone with you, oven evader,
and most unsavory troll of Satan’s spawn.'
My everyday experiences in dealing with people in this society would force me to disagree with this view. While there are still some good people here they're a minority. As I see it America is hopelessly doomed because there are now just too many people who either don't know right from wrong, simply don't care and/or are completely lacking of common sense, etc. The self-destructive behavior has become so bad in the last few years that I would have to call it a case of mass insanity or mass demon-possession or something like that.
This question of citizen responsibility raised by you and Rurik has no answer..
Perhaps, but as I see it, that doesn't necessarily mean that the subhuman filth at the top see any acute threat to their control from angry Americans. I think the filth understand that as they continue to pursue their Satanic agenda (i.e. complete world domination and control at any cost) they're ineluctably creating serious domestic hardships such that even the most self-deluded, amoral/immoral plebians may at some point become a threat, so they're being proactive about mitigating that threat.
...but the mini-revolution of January 6 illustrated the fear that our rulers have of angry Americans trying to influence their Government.
Indeed, and I think that's all part of the shell game they're playing. As I see it, they want the bloc of trump supporters focused on "wokeness" and its sundry manifestations rather than on trump's calculated betrayals and the big picture, i.e. the nuclear war they're setting us up for, for example.
This was in sharp contrast with the tacit and sometimes vocal support they gave to the violent anti- White George Floyd riots.
Apparently. Perhaps it was mainly because they see the trump voting bloc they created (of necessity) as a double-edged sword that could become a problem at some point and the boot-on-the-neck is proactive. Although sometimes I wonder whether they underestimate the degree of control they actually have or whether they may just enjoy humiliating the plebians.
The harsh prison sentences were a warning against any idea that we impotent nobodies are entitled to even walk the halls of power, much less express opinions.
You may disagree with me on this but I believe that trump most likely knowingly and willingly set his supporters up for Jan. 6. If he'll do things like preside over the covid-19 scam/mass-murder; pull out of the INF treaty knowing that the plan is to reintroduce dangerously destabilizing intermediate range missiles to Europe; start arming the illegitimate junta in Kiev knowing that the end game is a proxy war with Russia that could escalate to a nuclear war; why wouldn't he go along with lesser betrayals?Replies: @24th Alabama
With the election won, Trump is walking back his previous promise to pardon all the convicted Jan. Sixers. Now it will be done on a “case by case basis,†although the worst crime committed was misdemeanor breaking, entering and shoving the police. How does that compare to the Congress funding the murder of millions over the last 25 years?
The language I used to summarize your exchange with Rurik was not precise,
and probably misleading. I should have said “no single answer” or “no easy
answer.” It’s hardly fair to compare an ordinary married couple, with low
paying jobs and children, to a wealthy, educated couple with politically
influential friends, a nanny and scads of free time. Their relative moral and
political culpability is vastly different.
Did Trump set up his supporters to take a fall on Jan 6? Trump can be
recklessly malicious, but it would be odd if he calculated to have
his supporters take a fall.
A meaningful, constructive political movement to change a society can only
occur when a sizable majority become fed up with the government, usually
for economic reasons, but our alignment with Israel could precipitate
a military or geopolitical disaster.
Best wishes.
I could've been clearer myself. My point was that as I see it, the general moral character of the people in the U.S. has been on the decline and is now so bad that we've passed a point of no return and "America is hopelessly doomed" accordingly. (As I see it, Ben Franklin's prophecy has unfortunately been fulfilled). Anyway, to illustrate my point in the context of your example, I would opine that if you were to offer the "ordinary married couple, with low paying jobs and children" higher paying jobs working on the assembly line at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, for example, making artillery shells that will be used in support of the mindless carnage in the Mideast and/or Ukraine, they would likely take the jobs without hesitation. And if challenged regarding the morality of their decision, they might say something like: "well, if we don't the jobs somebody else will, so we might as well get the nice paycheck since the outcome wouldn't change anyway" or something like that.(I say this based on abundant personal experience).
The language I used to summarize your exchange with Rurik was not precise, and probably misleading. I should have said “no single answer†or “no easy answer.†It’s hardly fair to compare an ordinary married couple, with low paying jobs and children, to a wealthy, educated couple with politically influential friends, a nanny and scads of free time. Their relative moral and political culpability is vastly different.�
I didn't mean to imply that it would've necessarily been trump's idea to set up his supporters, but if his "deep state" handlers/enablers wanted to entrap and make an example out of some of the more radical MAGA cultists, I believe that trump would've knowingly and willingly gone along with it.
Did Trump set up his supporters to take a fall on Jan 6? Trump can be recklessly malicious, but it would be odd if he calculated to have his supporters take a fall.
Thanks. Same to you, 24th.
Best wishes.
Reply to comment 126
You might want to take a look into the following:
Theodore Newman Kaufman, who wrote and publicised the genocidal booklet “Germany Must Perish” was one of the Ritchie Boys (US army intelligence).
His name is also in the OSS members list that is opened to the public since 2008.
I haven`t checked his DD214 or the papers in this OSS database because i don`t think someone from germany should ask for this since its a other nail to pin down the ongoing occupation and genocide of the german people.
Definitly something someone from the US should look into and, of proven right make universally known without denial so it can`t get prosecuted in places like germany if spread.
Your government has used propaganda against you for centuries.
It’s modern form refined by Sigmund Freud through reverse engineering psychosis.
Make any issue emotional and the facts don’t matter. Post truth.
All that’s needed is control of the media and the willingness to lie and coerce.
This documentary lays it out perfectly clearly.
The Zionist cabal has plenty of money for them.
I used to say to my multidisciplinary team members, when they started acting like puppies getting out of a box, “I want each of you to be successful, when you’re successful, the project will beâ€.
Yeah, you got me on that one bud. I realized the futility of that after two election cycles and just didn’t bother. Too many built in obstacles for a 3rd party to overcome. Getting on the ballot would take most of their money .
Former AIPAC employee speaks out about what he saw on the inside 👀
— Red Pill Media (@RedPillMediaX) January 13, 2025
The difference here is that you do not perceive the Jewish Holocaust narrative to be in conflict with any of your own interests, so you don’t see any problem repeating it.
But to be fair, I don’t know if it’s less or more effective than other “strategies” if the goal is just to maximize loathing for one and generate sympathy for the other. From the perspective of the US State, was it the best strategy for Western media to compare the Russia-Ukraine situation to the Germany-Poland situation? In order to demonize the PRC, was it a good idea to compare the Uighur situation to the WWII concentration camps? I don’t know if Russia or China adjusts their behavior based on any of this propaganda coming from the West, but I can’t say it’s ineffective either. At least within the West, it seems like it helped galvanize negative attitudes towards those countries.
I’ve been clear.
We develop a plan in the open to irrefutably expose their criminal behaviour leaving the justice system no choice but to convict them.
Do you really think that the plan with the greatest chance for success is having the few of us who recognize the Zionist cabal forcefully 1776ing the many headed hydra who has the military, drones, killer robots and spies on every aspect of our lives? I don’t.
Hell it’s like pushing a rope to get these complacent hostages to participate without breaking any laws. I could use some legal help to put their minds at ease.
In the meantime sharing what you have demonstrating their corruption will help develop the plan.
Just the development of the plan in the open in this town square will demonstrate that we are serving justice legally.
We still need participation from multidisciplinary professionals in banking, media, government and industry to identify where the Zionist cabal is vulnerable.
First, by this reasoning anyone and everyone could be excused/held morally blameless for whatever heinous crimes they commit. Where do you draw the line? Even Netanyahu and his willing mass murderers can claim they were "brainwashed" or otherwise somehow manipulated into being the inhuman monsters that they are, right?I don’t argue that there’s something very corrupt about the West today, but I don’t think they did that to themselves, any more than the Russian people did it to themselves a hundred years ago, or the German people did it to themselves after the wars. This rot and corruption was done to them.
People aren’t robots; they’re morally responsible for their own actions. If a majority of the people of the “West†were not so personally corrupt the “West†wouldn’t be destroying itself. �
That's not really a valid qualification under the circumstances IMO; not for a long time at least. We're not living in caves and being forced to watch shadows; we've had the internet for 30+ years now. Moreover, in the aftermath of 9/11, the propaganda became so absurd and the evil so in-your-face that everyone's excuse was taken away. I was subjected to the same propaganda/brainwashing as everyone else around me was, and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I gave up a high paying career in and around DOD because the evil could no longer be rationalized away and I refused to carry water for the evil.
As to robots, do you think you could resist propaganda and indoctrination, if that’s all you had ever known?
Well let's see, being that the people have allowed themselves and their children to be injected with toxic vaccines; being that they don't seem to have a problem with "their" "government" as it presently flirts with economic ruin, nuclear war and planetary extinction; and being that they just reelected a psychotic psychopath for president who for example makes no secret of the fact that he's willing to risk starting WW3 in the Mideast...I wouldn't bet against it. (BTW it wouldn't actually have much to do with "resources"; it would mostly be about trying to hinder the arctic ambitions of Russia and China, i.e. it's the same old Satanic whack-a-mole game they've been playing for decades).If Trump declared war on Canada, because he wanted to force it into the fifty first state status, against the Canadian people’s will, do you think the American people would rally around Trump, and suit up their children, to go kill and die in Canada, so that Trump and his billionaire buddies could loot the resources?
The bombs, missiles and artillery shells being used to mass murder Palestinians, for example, don’t make themselves, they’re made by the masses of our mentally and morally defective neighbors who’ll do anything for a lie and a paycheck.
I say that would say ‘no’. Because they wouldn’t go to war based on morally defective reasons. �
Unfortunately however, lies are the coin of the realm. If the people accept the official narratives of 9/11, covid-19, Russia bad, Ukraine good, Hamas and Iran bad, Israel good, etc. it seems they'll accept any lie, no matter how absurd.
You would have to lie to them, and tell them Canada is trying to subvert our democracy, and is supporting terror, blah, blah..
I disagree. At some level of consciousness, they know they're being lied to; they're just too corrupt, morally cowardly and vested in the system, to accept the horrific reality for what it is, so they allow themselves to be "deceived."
The only reason they do that for Ukraine and Gaza, is because they’re lied to.
I disagree. For example, they reelected bill clinton, who presided over genocidal sanctions estimated to have killed 500,000 Iraqi children; they reelected warmonger George W. Bush; they reelected warmonger Barack Obama; they elected warmonger joe biden; and trump was certainly no "peace candidate" in any meaningful sense of the word.In every case, going back to Woodrow Wilson and FDR, to Obama and 2016 Trump, the American people always vote for the peace candidate.
continually reaffirm their moral culpability by knowingly and willingly voting to install the same kind of liars, murders and thieves into high political offices.
Well we've argued this point about trump in the past and my position hasn't changed. He's not anti-war and he's certainly no "peace candidate." If trump was a "peace candidate" he would've ended the war in Afghanistan; pulled the illegally deployed troops out of Syria and not attacked Syrian government forces; he wouldn't have repudiated the JCPOA agreement with Iran nor would he have risked war by murdering General Soleimani; nor would he have refused to negotiate with Russia and pulled pulled out of the INF treaty; nor would he have gone along with the plan to start a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine by arming the illegitimate junta in Kiev; etc.
Just as they just did with Trump, vs. Kamala- the war candidate.
If you think voting is the answer, you vote for a third party candidate who's not known to be a murderer supported by jews; IOW you don't vote for someone who accepts millions of dollars from jewish extremist billionaires.
If you’re a truck driver, and you don’t want more wars, how are you going to effect policy, in your aspiration for peace, unless you vote? �
On the contrary I would make that claim, because evil is a matter of degree and I see America as being far more evil than any other country on earth right now; America is leading the world to Armageddon.
I agree that there is widespread moral cowardice. But I wouldn’t claim that (the U.S) Americans, per se, are any more or less guilty than the Canadians, or Scandinavians, or Australians or Western, (and increasingly Eastern) Europeans, who’re all being ruled by ZOG whores,
The evil in America is literally everywhere; almost everything and everybody is on the take in some way. Look at the so-called health care system in America. Yes the extortion racket is "government" sanctioned but it's an example of neighbor-on-neighbor treachery. They're killing people. Look at the failing school system. Look at the confiscatory taxation of residential property - it's completely out of control in many if not most areas of the country; it's neighbors robbing neighbors at gunpoint. Look at the carnage of the "war on drugs" and civil asset forfeiture. Look at the economy: basic necessities in America are becoming unaffordable while government at all levels openly steals and squanders everything of value. Look at the almost daily assortment of heinous crimes, mass-murder suicides, etc. Look at the breathtaking level aggressive, reckless driving and road rage happening everywhere. Let's face it, American society is collapsing and it's because the American people are exceptionally corrupt.Replies: @Harold Smith, @24th Alabama, @Rurik, @Rurik
But the endemic, moral cowardice and moral failure of the West, is in refusing to question the special relationship. And the reason for that, it that they want to be ‘good’ people, and if you start to question Jewish power, then the Pavlovian saliva kicks in, and the fear that you might be entertaining Nazi, (read: evil) ideas, and so they do a ‘get thee Satan behind me’, because of their programming.
I wrote a longish reply to you Harold, but somehow it got glitched
I can see both sides of this.
As long as you fear being labeled a “holocaust denier†you are lost “right out of the gate.â€
thank you for your rational view point rurik. every single thing the germans were accused of doing to the jews, has been done by these zionist butchers in occupied palestine. they seem to use it as a check list, just like they use the u.n. convention on genocide as a check list, while denying they are committing genocide. to me this is the obvious point of attack, that stands the best chance of waking people from their stupor.
i swear this seems like a curse has been placed on mankind, that allows these fiends to carry out their unspeakably evil deeds, in broad daylight, while people pretend not to see. these are the real “not-sees” and my family is full of them. well it’s time to break the curse, by simply asking how do they differ?
i’m not here to rewrite the history of ww2, i just want to see an end to the genocide that is ongoing in palestine.
I actually don't think that's fair to the Germans/National Socialists/Nazis,who were purging the Jews out of their (German/Christian European) lands, in a desperate bid for survival. The Jews having orchestrated a genocidal threat in Bolshevik/Soviet Russia, for the purpose of crushing and subjugating and yes, genociding the best of the European people and enslaving the rest. Exactly like they did with the Kulaks and at Katyn Forest. Whereas by contrast, the Zionist Jews in Palestine, are trying to steal the Palestinian people's ancient lands.So from my perspective, the Germans were very much more like today's Palestinians, who're desperately trying to exist on their own lands, while the Eternal Jewish supremacist think he's entitled to it all. So while I agree with your using Nazi to describe Zionists, I still don't think that's fair to the actual, National Socialist 'Nazis', who were fighting a defensive war against ZOG. (I don't think you see it that way, Notsofast, if I'm not mistaken. I think you're more convinced that the Nazis were out to kill and/or enslave every Slav, but I don't think so.)Had there been no existential threat to Germany emanating out of Russia, Barbarossa would never have happened. It would never have even been conceived. (Hitler's early talk of Lebensraum notwithstanding). There would have been no reason for it. Yes, Germany would have still invaded the intractable Poland, who refused to allow the very reasonable Corridor. But without the ((existential threat)), holed-up in Russia, Hitler would have left it at that. We in the West were all lied to about the Holodomor, by particularly by the NYT, and Walter Duranty. But in Germany, they saw what happened, and they knew the nature of the ((Soviet fiend)).It is this same fiend, (genocidal, supremacist, fanatically crazed in their cultist-racist zeal) to murder all their ethnic rivals and steal everything in sight- that is plaguing Palestine as I write this. But in the early part of the 20th century, it was Germany who was menaced and savaged by these eternal Jews. During the Weimar regime, after having betrayed Germany into abject and depraved slavery, ZOG was content. But when Hitler pulled the Jewish fangs out of Germany's jugular... well!, just imagine what would happen if Hamas triumphed in Gaza, and drove the Jews out of their (Palestinian) lands.Can you imagine the unholy rage from the fiend? Can you imagine the glorious celebrations of humanity, by such a David vs. Goliath-like triumph of goodness over evil? That is, how I'm sure the ((Weimar)) Germans felt, when those fangs were pulled out and the Jewish boot was lifted off their necks. Calling Zionists 'Nazis', is for me, a slur upon the actual Nazis. But then, most people haven't looked as deep into this issue as I feel I have. I'm aware that my perception of the Nazis is not generally accepted, and the Nazis also did perpetrate some very vile crimes, but then, some could say the same about Hamas, as they too, are trying to free themselves from this eternal, demonic evil.Replies: @Notsofast, @Colin Wright
every single thing the germans were accused of doing to the jews, has been done by these zionist butchers in occupied palestine.
I would say that we are all doing plan 1 already, exposing their lies and peddling the truth.
But this won’t be enough. We can’t destroy evil with words only.
Actions are needed.
1/ Actions supported by the constitution (which they violate everyday with their political lackeys) aka the legal and official way.
2/ Direct action, or let’s call it popular justice. It doesn’t need to be told, identified or attached to the first actions but the end goal is the same.
Those doing actions 1 condemn of course those doing actions 2, but both share the same goals.
The global parasites do not respect laws or anything else, they understand only strength and weakness, that is violence or submission.
They won’t go like that, we need to eliminate them.
We are all doing part 1 of the plan, like generals but an army needs soldiers and very few soldiers implement part 2 (and 3).
The symbol of Luigi Mangione is therefore appropriate, he alone created a rift, a lone soldier worth a thousand.
Of course United Health CEO wasn’t the worst scumbag out there when we think of the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, Gates & co but he was part of this self titled ‘elite’ that has sold itself and us out.
The best example of a successful multi-tiered group is Hezbollah, a militia, a political party, a humanitarian and social welfare organization (at least until November 27, 2024), a feared and respected armed branch, a popular group among civilians and a strong political party.
The advantage of the US to setup such a multi-tiered organization is its vastness, its immense resources and human resources and a well armed population.
But it needs to be made of independent cells with no connection to each other’s so as not to end-up like an easy to target centralized organization, (like Hezbollah did).
Decentralization and ‘compartmentation’ are key. .
As a famous writer said: “Nothing is done as long as there is no blood in the streets”.
The psychopaths in power fear one thing more than the truth:
Our united and organized wrath.
stupid straw man argument, get a brain scarecrow.
Well, this is kind of curious.
An ‘Iron Dome’ to stop wildfires: Israeli startup’s ‘FireDome’ is based on missile defense.
This is basically a conservatard argument. Over the years, I've come across several conservative "thought leaders" who believed the key to defeating "the leftists" was to show how "Nazi" they really were. And people generally believe this is the secret formula for destroying the image of their enemies. It's like calling a person a Satanist, which conservatives also enjoy. So today, we live in a society where conservatives call their political opponents "Nazis", the leftists call conservatives "Nazis" of course. Zionists call Muslims "Nazis", and Muslims call Zionists "Nazis". I think even after the Sino-Soviet split, China and Soviet Russia called each other "Nazis". Western media always compares the Putin regime to the Nazi regime, and Putin refers to the West as "Nazis". Despite all this rampant "Nazism" going on in the world, there's only one group of people who actually feels the need to prove or demonstrate how anti-Nazi they really are, and it's not really Zionist Jews.Replies: @Notsofast
the thing zionists fear most is being compared to nazis, it completely takes away their victim card.
i have expressed my opinion, as to what i believe, to be the most effective way, of pointing out the hypocrisy, of the zionist genocide of palestine, to the average person. so what’s your’s, start out with “the holocaust never happened”?
i would be willing to wager that most supporters of the palestinian cause, would disagree with that approach. i’ve heard no rational strategy from anyone attacking my position.
As long as you fear being labeled a “holocaust denier†you are lost “right out of the gate.â€
I can see both sides of this.
Yes, they’ve spent the last several decades blubbering about how the ‘Holocaust!’ and how ‘evil the evil Nazis were, blah, blah..
and so I do think it stings them, (or did) to have the very-charged word flung in their faces. I used to call them Zio-Nazis, until I think, (and you may be right about this), that the word has lost its mojo. Like ‘racist’, it’s becoming a badge of honor.
Also, if you’re trying to reach a wider audience, I wonder if saying ‘Yes, I am a Holohoax denier, because it never happened, it was all lies.
This might be counter-productive at this time, because so many have seen newsreels of emaciated dead bodies bulldozed into graves from the liberated camps, and assorted photos of Jews behind the barbed wire, and so forth, that to say it was all a hoax, might strike some people as too radical.
At least, that’s my sense of it. I could be wrong.
sorry ariadna, you got the question wrong, the answer was (d) all of the above.
Good comment. Thanks…
However, you need to rephrase your statement:
They control the environment in Gaza, Israel. Truth isn’t valued, there is no right or wrong there. They are boldly committing a [real] holocaust [unlike the phony jewish WW2 “holocaust”] there and could care less in a world that increasingly doesn’t value truth or right versus wrong behaviour.
Thank you,
Text should read:
Since he was leg-free after September 2010, I imagine his usefulness to the IDF was somewhat limited. He has made up for it since then by being a representative for Israel more [rather] than Florida.
I do think that beyond a certain age, for individuals; and for a society, after so much contrary information to the official narrative has emerged over a short span of time, yeah, I do think there is a certain expectation that a critical mass of people begin to agitate for justice even in the face of certain personal risks and costs.
do they know?
Do the American people know what’s going on in Gaza?
I’m actually not angry at all, it’s more like a profound disappointment.I feel like I have actually nothing in common with the people who are too cowardly to look into these major crimes committed in their names. It really can’t be that people can be this easily manipulated and for this long; or can it! So I’ve just assumed that they’re cowards. Even Yahoo in his famous quote acknowledges that:
There are some, Chris, who definitely deserve your ire, and then some. But not the vast majority of them, who’re no different than the Germans or Belgians or Norwegians.. who’re being lied-to, and having their ancient nations destroyed, by the same people starving the people of Gaza today.
â€it’s absurd!†he adds at the end, and I agree with him on that.But if they’re just bamboozled, if it really is like this then what can I say? Then maybe there’s no point in educating any of them, you can’t be angry at someone with Downs-syndrome for not understanding something.Western values can be seen in the West today, the farther away from the City of London that you get.
America is something that can easily be moved
Maybe I don’t know much about New Zealanders, but they didn’t exactly cut an independent figure during Covid. And as far as I know, Iceland is the nato gas station in the North Atlantic with gigantic reserves parked there, so if there’s the least bit of insubordination there, not that there seems to be any, they’ll redo the Romanian election interruption on them. I also suspect the Danes will cave and “sell†Greenland for the offer they literally won’t be able to refuse (Make Greenland Green Again; rah, rah, rah).
Two outposts, Iceland and New Zealand personify those values the best, because they’re farthest away, (culturally or geographically) from ZOG, and ZOG is the existential antithesis of Western values.
Yeah, if they tried and got clobbered for it, it would be one thing; but what are we to read out of the fact that they haven’t even tried? Can we really impute any virtues on them for which there is of yet not a shred of evidence that they might have wanted to exercise it? Reminds me of that famous quote from Joe Sobran discussing Ted Kennedy’s religiosity where he said that Ted’s religion was so private that he wouldn’t even impose it on himself. Ibid with the Western exercise of their own values.
The answer; is that they can’t do anything about it. If they held a protest, the ((Western media)) would simply ignore it.
But if they don’t know about the most documented genocide in history, then how can we enhance their understanding of it? There is something called responsibility! The buck has to stop somewhere in their sphere of understanding also. Assuming they have no agency in this matter is, I think, letting them off the hook a little too easily.
What if they knew?
What would the reaction be if the American, (or British or German or Canadian..) people understood what’s going on in Gaza?
Yeah, it’s as good as gone, in all matters concerning Israel. So yeah, it’s like still saying that the Catholic Church values chastity when they themselves don’t do so anymore.
There is perhaps no value that is as quintessentially Western, than the right to free speech, and that value, like most other Western values, are all being systematically subverted by ZOG.
No, sadly it certainly isn’t. And I do get your point though, Rurik; you’re saying: ‘don’t judge the depraved current state of the West while ignoring the unique innovation it had stood for in world history, and value system it developed and which it might stand for again when the wool has been raised from it eyes.’ If I have that right, then it’s the the collapse of its universal values we are currently witnessing which showed them to have only been window dressing. But as I try to work myself through this chasm I’ll definitely now leave this as an open question to be determined upon further review :-) ... as disturbing as these topics may be, it’s always a pleasure discussing something with you, from my side also, Rurik.Replies: @Rurik
... perhaps that’s because the ((West)) today, isn’t the West of Marcus Aurelius or Thomas Aquinas. It isn’t the West of Thomas Paine or Benjamin Franklin, but rather a defilement of those ancient values like honor and integrity.
I do think that beyond a certain age, for individuals; and for a society, after so much contrary information to the official narrative has emerged over a short span of time, yeah, I do think there is a certain expectation that a critical mass of people begin to agitate for justice even in the face of certain personal risks and costs.
Most of the people I know still get their information from the msm. Or perhaps ‘conservative’ outlets like Dan Bongino or Mark Levin or Steve Bannon. It wasn’t that long ago when I was listening to John Stossel, thinking here’s a guy who has a clue. Only to find out he’s just another stinking Zionist Jew.
It took Russia seventy years to pull themselves out of the communist enslavement of their great nation, and even at that, they went from Jewish supremacist commie slavery, to Jewish supremacist ‘capitalist’ slavery. Such a deal! Until Vlad Putin came out of nowhere, and salvaged Russia from this eternal fiend.
If the Romanov dynasty, or the Austro-Hungarian Empire were defeated by this demon, then how is Scott, the house painter in Ohio, or Kendra the secretary in Utah, going to sort it out?
If you ask Scott and Kendra, ‘what ails our lands? They’ll say ‘Democrats’ and ‘Climate Justice’, respectively. And they will mean that, as sincerely and deep down as it goes.