In the Irish midlands, tradition says that if you put something blue outside on the eve of St. Brigid’s Day, when you bring it inside in the morning it will have curative powers.
This seems like a situation where the fund had a tiny % of its assets in the short. The fund managers were basically looking to pick up pennies lying on the street, and under the sofa cushions - add maybe 1/10 of a % point to their returns. When the short went bad due to the squeeze, they started having to sell a chunk of the 99% of the portfolio that wasn't short. That's why the indexes have fallen for several consecutive days - these funds are frantically raising cash, by selling their long positions, to unwind their short positions at prices an order of magnitude higher than what they had hoped to initially gain. It must be galling to try to make $1 at most, and end up losing $10, or worse.Replies: @James B. Shearer
Shorting serves an economic function and not just to make hedge funders rich (BTW, sometimes you get it wrong and it makes you poor – when you sell short you can lose more than you have invested). Short selling drives a stock down toward its true market price.
“… It must be galling to try to make $1 at most, and end up losing $10, or worse.”
This happens all the time on Wall Street. The kinds of strategies that can lead to that result are referred to as “trying to pick up pennies in front of a steam roller” (or numerous variants like “dimes in front of a bulldozer” ).
In honor of Black History Month I shall be 20 minutes late to work tomorrow.
Pah! I'm going to go play 18 tomorrow. Wait. That would be too White. Never mind. Guess I'll sit home, drink a case of Carling and smoke dope all day.
In honor of Black History Month I shall be 20 minutes late to work tomorrow.
Evelyn Waugh served with Randolph Churchill during World War II and knew him well. Upon reading, many years later, that surgeons had operated on Churchill to excise a benign tumor, Waugh wrote in his diary -
Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Theodore Roosevelt, for example, had sterling progeny. Gandhi and Churchill, not so sterling.
This may have been influenced by Lloyd George’s comment, “When they circumcised Herbert Samuel they threw away the wrong bit”.
I was thinking of the old cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt as world policeman (see Fig. 1 below). I remembered it showing him policing Latin America, but it actually shows him bestriding the world.
I agree with you that much of this was done for the benefit of American business concerns. But by Roosevelt’s day, the American government was certainly oligarchic, so those concerns were in fact national concerns. Even if this were not the case, the protection of commerce is not an illegitimate interest for a national government.
The “police actions” were not exclusively about business, though. The expansion of the US to the Pacific placed the USA firmly on course to become the anchor power in the western hemisphere. Once it survived the Civil War, and secured its borders against feeble, corrupt, squabbling Mexico, its power could only grow. By Roosevelt’s time, the USA was established as the regional anchor power, and anchor powers must show their satellites who’s boss.
Finally, it is important not to forget the very genuine missionary spirit that has animated Anglo foreign affairs since at least the beginning of the 19th century. It is certainly disputable whether these things have been effective or helpful, but unbelievable as it may seem to us, many of the foreign adventures of both the US and UK really were undertaken from a genuinely altruistic, indeed Christian, motivation.
Unfortunately, all of that Christian motivation soon rotted away and became purely liberal. Although most of this process occurred in the 1960s, the most destructive episode may well have been Wilson’s actions in Europe following the Great War, and against the Habsburgs in Austria (with the shameful support of George V), which I believe led directly to Hitler and WWII.
In our day, the liberal motivation is showing very worrisome signs of having rotted further into a demonic post-modern nihilism. The nadir of this has so far been, in my opinion, the “Arab Spring”, though I am confident the Biden administration are now busily exploring even greater depths of depravity. @Chrisnonymous
Right-wing propagandists will be exposed ... journalists, activists, allies will take action against ... right-wing targets will see influence diminish
Internet & social media platforms, like Google & Facebook ... will no longer host [the right]... Facebook will adjust its model ... Google will cut off access to revenue ... [Right-wing] campaigns will be punished & halted ... alt-right figures will lose credibility & influence
We're on track toward our top outcomes - defeat Trump 2020, change the balance of power ... defeat white nationalist awakening
& sabotage 2020 voting so Trump would lose.
Disappointingly, I looked but could not find this in the document.
Maybe the emergence of new strains have got them thinking more carefully about ADE, the danger that their former Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory disease, Michael Yeadon, resigned over.
the Pfizer European factory shutdown smells
Maybe the emergence of new strains have got them thinking more carefully about ADE, the danger that their former Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory disease, Michael Yeadon, resigned over.
Michael Yeadon last worked for Pfizer in 2011. I have no respect for him whatsoever, because he published his screed on December 1th, way too late to bring up his laundry list of issues which he claimed should immediately halt all research into COVID-19 vaccines, and precisely because he led off with the antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) concern.
As if it hadn’t already been addressed for SARS type coronavirus vaccines using the spike protein, and wouldn’t have already been found out the hard way in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Phase III trials, seeing as how both had already submitted their applications to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorizations by then. Not to mention his second concern about syncytin-1, which did not explain why a vaccine would be uniquely dangerous compared to a normal infection. He’s just laying down a marker in case something disastrous ended up happening with the vaccines.
I don't understand what you are talking about. Do you?Replies: @That Would Be Telling
As if it hadn’t already been addressed for SARS type coronavirus vaccines using the spike protein...
There is not a single republican who is principled enough to be trusted. Let us throw them all out and elect those with proper credentials properly vetted out to the new congress.
The problem is that there is not a single politician who is principled enough to be trusted. Liberal democracy is a political system that corrupts everybody who gets involved in it. It’s an inherently corrupt system. If you throw the present lot out and elect a new lot they will turn out to be exactly the same.
It’s like thinking that the Mob could be reformed by replacing the current leadership with a new lot of gangsters.
I was watching the Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona IMSA race today and they kept hyping a special NBC interview with Bubba Wallace and his take on the 2020 season and his thoughts on his new team owner, Michael Jordan. I made it a point to turn the channel immediately after the IMSA race finish.
Maybe the gutless Republican party needs to be gutted down. Let us hope from the ashes of the present GOP will rise a more solid Republican party dedicated to the principles on which this country was built with “liberty and justice†for all. It will take some time and we will have to face the indignity of being rulled by the numbskulls. There is not a single republican who is principled enough to be trusted. Let us throw them all out and elect those with proper credentials properly vetted out to the new congress. It will take time but we can rebuild our majority in the congress which will be
longer lasting than the present one.
Now you know why Michael Jackson’s sperm-donor-conceived children are so messed up.
Wait, I always just assumed you were Jewish. Are you not Jewish?
Insightful comment, either way.
Our expert on this stuff:
Here is a book by David Glantz that should clear up your misconceptions about the War (and you seem to have many).
Death toll for Tsar's peacetime famine:
LOL no. “Commies†were much better than the Tsar (as I showed you) that kept his peasants in constant starvation
Our expert on this stuff:
To be fair, Glantz has made valuable contributions to the field. But, and this is my impression, he, as a leading analyst of Soviet military forces during the Cold War, had a tendency, incentive perhaps, to overestimate Soviet capabilities (just as American military experts on China today often exaggerate Chinese military capabilities). Furthermore, Glantz, as a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, enjoys access, let’s say, less-Russophilic researchers are often denied, and, as the saying goes, access requires quid-pro-quo or at least “friendliness.†(In DC, it’s pretty well-known that foreign governments, for example, the Russians, the Chinese, and the Saudis to name but a few spread money around American researchers and analysts via think thanks and foundations to advance friendly policy advocacy).
He is not exactly an unbiased, neutral observer.
One can say the same of any anti-Soviet researcher that they ‘undersestimate’ Soviet capabilities due to Cold War bias or their own political bias.
That means nothing.
You failed to post evidence contradicting Karlin’s statement that about 30% of the Luftwaffe was fighting in the West.
BTW this is what the Americans supplied to the Soviets:
58% of the USSR’s high octane aviation fuel
33% of their motor vehicles
53% of USSR domestic production of expended ordnance (artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives)
30% of fighters and bombers
93% of railway equipment (locomotives, freight cars, wide gauge rails, etc.)
50–80% of rolled steel, cable, lead, and aluminium
43% of garage facilities (building materials & blueprints)
12% of tanks and SPGs
50% of TNT (1942–1944) and 33% of ammunition powder (in 1944)[52]
16% of all explosives (from 1941 to 1945, the USSR produced 505,000 tons of explosives and received 105,000 tons of Lend-Lease importsSo despite this massive assistance, Soviets still bungled the war and let almost 30 million of their people die.
LOL Glantz debunks it in the books I posted. He says that lend lease did not make a siginficant contribution to the war effort and that the USSR would have still won regardless
Nice try there wehraboo
Here is a breakdown on the amount of Luftwaffe in different theatres. Karlin’s assertion is wrong.
Death toll for Tsar’s peacetime famine:
Death toll from Soviet peacetime famines:
9 million
It was 2 million in the 1930’s. And next, all the dead (as was stated in screenshots previously could be attributed to Tsarist policies and laid at the feet of the Tsar.
So “commie” famine deaths are still less than Tsarist famine deaths.
Even your favorite Wikipedia says so
“Before the famine began, Russia had suffered six and a half years of World War I and the Civil Wars of 1918–20, many of the conflicts fought inside Russia”
The famine came at the end of six and a half years of unrest and violence (first World War I, then the two Russian revolutions of 1917, then the Russian Civil War)
And the “allies” would not send food aid
“Aid from outside Soviet Russia was initially rejected.”
It was only Bolshevik action in seizing Church property and profits that allowed them to put an end to the famine
“The Bolsheviks started a campaign of seizing church property in 1922. In that year over 4.5 million golden roubles of property were seized. Out of these, one million gold roubles were spent for famine relief”
Translation – only decisive action by the “commies” (when no help was forthcoming) put an end to the famines.
Guess my ‘sovok website’ is right again
But nice try pretending like you aren’t a Banderite ukranian nationalist LOL
Even a Soviet-biased historian admits that without Lend Lease, the Soviets would have taken 12-18 months longer to defeat the Germans.
He says that lend lease did not make a siginficant contribution to the war effort and that the USSR would have still won regardless
Your source proves that you are wrong as usual:
Here is a breakdown on the amount of Luftwaffe in different theatres. Karlin’s assertion is wrong.
Reality of estimates:
It was 2 million in the 1930’s.
It is convenient to pretend that the dead from 1921-1922 and 1932-1933 can be blamed on the Tsar who lost power in 1917.
And next, all the dead (as was stated in screenshots previously could be attributed to Tsarist policies and laid at the feet of the Tsar.
Yes, years before the famine began.
“Before the famine began, Russia had suffered six and a half years of World War I and the Civil Wars of 1918–20, many of the conflicts fought inside Russiaâ€
Yes, exactly. The Soviet government initially refused aid from the West to save the lives the starving peasants. West offered help, Lenin refused it.
“Aid from outside Soviet Russia was initially rejected.â€
If I were a Banderite Ukrainian nationalist I would be happy with the Soviet efforts to rid the world of 5 million Russians in 1921-1922. I would only complain about the Ukrainians killed in 1932-1933.
Banderite ukranian nationalist
A fifth reason I just thought about is with the Israel piece that you mentioned above. As everyone knows, the Neocons in America have strong connections to Israel, with a high likelihood that they coordinate policies with the Israel Government. If the Neocons wanted to handicap China and cement the highly pro-Israel US country as number 1, why would the Israel government allow the dissemination of a report on their newspaper that would undermine the United States’ credibility?
Unlike America, where Trump had no control over his own government, the Israel government seems very much in control. If I was using my controlled forces in another country to sabotage someone else, I would not want to disseminate anything implicating my ideological forces. The fact that the Israeli government hasn’t taken that report down indicated they think that it is a complete joke of a notion.
Also, like my point 4 says, the US was clearly seen as the superior country before COVID, especially when you consider the fact that China has 6x the workforce yet a smaller nominal GDP, which is the metric that most countries use when evaluating and comparing with each other including the PRC government’s favored metric. There was clearly no upside to sabotaging China, especially when the Chinese are very favorable to Israel, who the Neocons strongly support. Indeed, as many news organizations point out, Israel is the most popular foreign country on Weibo:
Another elaboration of my point 1:
As I mentioned there was roughly a 100 day period from when the Virus would have entered China in your theory, during the Wuhan games, to when the Chinese government instituted the first lockdown. In America, the first virus cases began circulating in January itself, and 100 days later in late March, early April, we were already at 2000 deaths a day or so, and that was with *some* if marginal policy responses, especially in your state of California. China’s *total* deaths was around 4,600 people.
So, if China had a similar time span of doing absolutely nothing, from the Wuhan games to the first lockdown, why didn’t China, with a larger population density, had a much lower final caseload and total deaths than America did in a *two* day period at the 100 day mark?
The only explanation for such a discrepancy is either your theory is wrong, that the virus didn’t appear during Wuhan games, or that the Chinese have some sort of immunity to COVID that the other races of the world lack, which then would make them vastly more suspect than the United States.
Frankly, my guess is that the coronavirus is endemic to East Asia, and as such, them and other related people will naturally do a better job resisting the disease compared to other groups. There was certainly no bioweapon, and it was a naturally reoccurring endemic. But then again, that is my personal view and it can certainly can be wrong.
Not sure where the fuck you got your history knowledge - but I hope you didn't pay for it. The German army post-1933 was the fittest, most heavily-trained, technically-knowledgeable and genuinely fearless militia in Europe. You might want to research the strategy, tactics and German "cut-and-run" - stand-and-fight - losses at Stalingrad alone, before you decide to offer us any more of your laughably-stupid military wisdom.
When the Red Army shows up though, it’s “cut and run
Great stuff from you in this thread, Dave Bowman. I’ve added you to my list, alongside Marckus, of commentators around whom I don’t want to write anything stupid.
I’m not anything close to an expert on movies, and I can think of no more than 4 movies I have actually watched in a theater the last 30 years, but your response to troof about Stalingrad reminded me of the German movie (I think of the same name). That is one of the four movies I saw in a theater (it was in Washington DC in 1995). I left that theater feeling so disturbed and depressed, it took a few days to get over.
By the way, I think it’s better than an even bet that troof is either a bot or paid to fuck with people at Unz Review.
If you say the White élite won’t renew its habits, and the bulk of Whites will thus remain asleep, I agree. But it’s not an inherent fault in the mass of Whites, it’s in the élite.
The reason Whites don’t wake up is that in reality life is still pretty damned good for most of them. They have their smartphones and their porn, they have their celebrity gossip and their cheap consumer goods, they have their comic-book movies and their professional sports to watch. They don’t see any real reason to rebel. They’re not starving. Most are not homeless. The ones who are homeless are so crazy and/or drug-addled that they will never rebel against anything.
The big weakness of the populist right is that they exaggerate how bad things are for most Whites. Most Whites are not conservative Christians so they aren’t worried by the rising tide of degeneracy. Most Whites do not have strong opinions (they just go along with whatever the media and social media and their schoolteachers tell them) so they couldn’t care less about losing freedom of speech.
The populist right/dissident right was based on the idea that things were so bad for White people that a revolutionary situation existed which they could exploit. But that revolutionary situation does not exist. Things are nowhere near bad enough to persuade the average White person to risk everything the have to become an active dissident.
The populist right/dissident right also made the mistake of making claims that were clearly wildly exaggerated and/or absurd. Such as the “white genocide” nonsense. That led most normal White people to dismiss them as cranks and loons.
The populist right/dissident right was right from the start too dominated by people who were too crazy and too extreme to have any real mass appeal. They were also pushing agendas which horrified most normal Whites – things like race war and mass deportations. There are elements within the populist right/dissident right who would like to return to the social, sexual and cultural mores of the 1950s and that’s an idea that has zero appeal to most normal Whites.
Plenty of normal Whites think that the Cultural Revolution has gone way too far but that doesn’t mean they want to turn the clock back to the 1950s.
Most normal White people are also repulsed by the Hitler fanboys, the knuckle-dragging racists, the drooling antisemites, the crazed conspiracy theorists and the ultra-conservative Christians who infest the far right. Most normal White people are not going to buy into lunatic conspiracy theories about Satanists or elite plans for global genocide.
The populist right/dissident right is now bewildered that most normal White people are just not interested in the political/social counter-revolution they have to sell. Most normal White people have drawn the conclusion that the populist right/dissident right is much crazier and much more dangerous than the Establishment.
Just a doggone minute! it’s all about Hollywood and this personage is pure fiction. Women picketing a pure fiction is as absurd as hysterical fans throwing their diamond wedding rings onto the stage of performing artists like Glen Campbell. We’ve seen this wild reaction(s) before, The Beatles for instance ( no not the bugs in your garden) with droves of young girls screaming at the top of their lungs for the Fab Four musicians. Again, this is Hollywood, as fake as classy wood veneer, as authentic in terms of reality as the made-for-TV series, Have Guns will travel, “Gun Smoke” whilst off screen, their actor, “town marshals” were screwing Cuban girls in Havana clubs owned by the NYC and Florida Mobsters. My God America, where is your brain? !
Let’s move ourselves back into reality, and review the case of one, Allen Dulles (the two brothers) tough guys- of the first order, their “magnum gun” was subterfuge, dis-information, coercion, corruption of elected officialdom, outright assassination of any governmental leadership (domestic or foreign) that did not adhere to the then, Rockefeller(s)/Brzezinski/ Kissinger world takeover of government authority by transnational corporate entities, conspiracy PLAN. Dulles a proverbial scumbag CIA Field Operative responsible for orchestrating the Kennedy murders-and beyond. Not colorful, without personality, no flashy badge, bearing no gun, control freak. A “white savage” no more sophisticated than a 500 B.C. hunter looking for shiny eyes in the forest- or anything else that moved along with defiance against authority. Allen’s life long wife hated him and before his death he became a mumbling idiot, lying in his own bedridden excrement , meanwhile his other half partied with friends at home, downstairs.
THINK! will you all ever….
Perhaps the Scots recall the more recent Highland Clearances, a small genocide by English standards, but one that still rankles.
Why don’t they celebrate White History Month?
Because every month is White History Month. Mwahahahaha!
Bingo! Thank you ALL. You likely know that the inventor of the “RT-PCR” testing apparatus explicitly stated that it was intended ONLY for experimental/laboratorial purposes and NOT for diagnostic use. The inventor’s suspicious death (pneumonia in August?) was followed by the patent rights being sold at some $300 M and has produced profits in the Billions.
Some years ago, I spent several days at the Patent Trademark Office (PTO) in Crystal City which is magically located between the Pentagon and the Naval Annex. My first day at the PTO took place on a Friday afternoon which, for some, is the eve of the sabbath and I counted an alarmingly high number of yarmulkes. And some among you (Roatan Bill) might appreciate that I once owned a 220-Volt Black & Decker side-grinder. Best to all.
Have ye nay heard of ‘hybrid vigour’, sonny?
i love google’s passive aggressiveness – you can’t even delete it. a-holes.
Wee Nicola Sturgeon will do her duty and sabotage the independence movement from within. The Scots stand no chance.
It is the reason for the changes that is radical; erasing white cultural heroes and by extension white culture. That’s radical.
Don’t be so niggardly. Live a little.
my favorite demonstration of our deepstate's love of democracy was when Victoria Nuland bragged about spending five billion dollars of our money to promote 'democracy' in Ukraine, so that she could imperiously and unilaterally declare that 'Yats is the guy' who she decided will be the new president on the country - where she spent our billions promoting 'democracy'.
What does that say about the liberal establishment’s love of democracy
Is Leahy a fag?
Leahy is viscerally hostile to Trump
The top three State Department diplo-thugs are Zionist Jews, so there will be blood. A mere goy may not observe that phenomenon and comment on it, without being damned as an ‘antisemite’, but Jewish publications on-line are crowing with delight. Perhaps they are all ‘self-hating while self-congratulating Jews’.
“America was founded on vigilante justice, not “police—
You act like nothing existed before America,………..”America was founded”
I don’t believe anything I read either in Russian or Western MSM. They both lie. RT or CNN, both are propaganda tools. We live in a post-Truth world.
While this is true in general, there is a difference how much you need to lie when you are OK with 2x2=4, or when you claim that 2x2=5.5. A simple example: Ukies need to lie a lot more than LDNR, even though I don’t doubt that LDNR leadership would stoop to lies whenever they feel the need.Replies: @Bashibuzuk
RT or CNN, both are propaganda tools.
Not believing anything is foolishly childish and that part about post-truth world is just a worn-out cliché. Not all propaganda are equal, some propagandists have it easy because what they are propagandizing about is closer to the truth.Replies: @Bashibuzuk
I don’t believe anything I read either in Russian or Western MSM. They both lie. RT or CNN, both are propaganda tools. We live in a post-Truth world.
Why should you never buy a black smartphone?
It doesn’t work .
Me, I'm not ordering pizza this month because it denigrates blacks.. Why, you ask? Because a pizza can feed a family of four. Is that ray-ciss?
Why should you never buy a black smartphone? It doesn’t work .
I don't nitpick typos unless necessary.
...this defend the police garbage
LOL……..I was in a rush and somebody was knocking on my door as I was typing…
As Jay Gould, a mega-plutocrat said back in the first Gilded Age, ‘I can ire half the working class to kill the other half’. In any case ecological collapse will soon render all these fripperies moot.
That’s exactly what many of the ‘anti-vaxxers here†are questioning you supercilious c*nt. So why don’t you do the analysis? Let’s start with the numbers. How many have died of the disease? We don’t know do we. How many cases have there been? We don’t know do we. How many lost years of productive lives have we lost due to increased deaths of despair, depression, increased levels of substance of abuse, mass unemployment and business failures, children frightened of any social interaction outside their home? How much farther have we slipped behind in international academic standards as children yawn through Zoom classes? When any objective analysis must include the serial deception of worthless tests, intentionally inflated death statistics, all the while trillions of dollars of wealth is transferred only a fucking idiot like yourself would gloss over the fraud while wading around in the minutiae of whether the Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines are more effective at reducing symptoms of the virus. Despite your cringe-inducing pleadings (“oh when will they stop slandering the vaccines as ‘experimental?’â€), these are still experimental by any standard vaccine protocol, and they are already questioning their effectiveness against new variants. This has to be one of the most hysterical, “we have to do something!†American-style ‘we bombed them to save them’ campaigns with no real thought given to the fallout of operation warp speed, a medical oxymoron if there ever was one.Replies: @onebornfree, @HA, @Mike Tre, @TKK
And in general, the anti-vaxxers here need to learn the concept of risk/benefit tradeoffs.
This “That Would be Telling” person is a sockpuppet. He popped up on Sailer’s blog when the vaccine story got hot and he/she is conducting a full court press of pro-panic, pro-vax hysteria.
If I post more than a couple comments in a short period of time I get a “You’re commenting too much. Take a break” message. But this sockpuppet has logged 27 comments today in this thread alone. Uh, maybe thou art protesting too much???
It couldn’t be more obvious that this hack is peddling some pro-panic agenda. He should be placed on ignore and shame on Sailer and Thompson for lending him credence.
You need to learn the definition of words like "sockpuppet", and could you show me where I'm being "pro-panic" or engaging in hysteria? You won't be able to because you lie about the simplest of things:
This “That Would be Telling†person is a sockpuppet. He popped up on Sailer’s blog when the vaccine story got hot and he/she is conducting a full court press of pro-panic, pro-vax hysteria.
15, "but who's counting?" Still, it's a very simple and trivially checked thing, which couldn't possibly be related to promoting this old topic of Mr. Thompson's at the very top today. That's brought out of the woodwork a host of NPCs, and trolls like you, who I've been systematically shooting down today. The joys of being retired without many day to day responsibilities, and having a strong formal background in biology and an informal one in medicine starting with my mother the RN.
If I post more than a couple comments in a short period of time I get a “You’re commenting too much. Take a break†message. But this sockpuppet has logged 27 comments today in this thread alone.
I probably wouldn't still be here or at iSteve's without their personally thanking me for information I brought to their attention. They approach the subject of COVID-19 vaccines seriously and rationally.
shame on Sailer and Thompson for lending him credence.
By "progressive," I mean simply a person who believes in progress. I have said before that I consider myself a cautious progressive. That is to say, I don’t believe that change is always good like radicals nor always bad like reactionaries. Deterministic utopian believe that history proceeds according to mechanistic forces that are impersonal yet mysteriously teleological. Hence, any movement must necessarily bring us closer to the glorious end of history. Reactionaries look back to a Golden Age from which any incremental departure is necessarily decadent.
Well, perhaps we are using the word "Progressives†in different ways.
by my broader definition, progress was already well underway by the Founding. I am skeptical that a modern state could be built on the constitution, strictly construed. If China had our Constitution, would their spectacular rise have been possible, or does state protectionism and investment in infrastructure play a role?
I think that constitutions are more a symptom of liberty than a cause. There are a lot ofAfrican countries with very progressive constitutions but which are appalling to live in.
Black Hysteria Month.
I find that a brief re-acquaintance with Walter Karp’s ‘Indispensable Enemies’, concerning the numerous incidents in US history where the oligarchs co-operated, across ‘party’ lines, to destroy populists who threatened elite rule, explains the Trump Derangement Syndrome pretty well. Clinton lost because they believed their own propaganda and didn’t properly prepare to steal the election, as she stole the primary from a co-operative Boynie. NO such mistake this time.
Hey– If you don’t like it, then go build your own calendar (like that Jaktober guy did)
The rival churches in the pre-Council of Nicaea era spilled a lot of ink arguing about feast days. Disappointing that Ron still hasn’t switched the site to ISO Week Date
The devil's in the details -- or, more accurately, in the physics. If your son fired an S&W snubnose titanium-framed "Airweight" revolver chambered in .357, the recoil is not jus unpleasant but literally painful.On the other hand, a heavy, all-steel, full-size revolver with a longer barrel full underlug is quite controllable and pleasant to shoot in .357.For decades the French special forces used extremely high-quality Manurhin .357 revolvers with 8" barrels with great success. @Chris Mallory, @Cauchemar du Singe
Yes, well my son who served in the military fired the 357 of a friend and got a most unpleasant surprise similar to what you experienced. You wonder why people dont ask “if this is such a cool weapon why do virtually no armies use the thingâ€.
A couple of years ago, the French Railway police were still issuing 5 shot SP101 .38 revolvers by Ruger. There were a few that ended up on the US market as contract overrun. They had 3 inch barrels and a lanyard loop on the base of the grip.
It’s funny watching liberal Western media crying about Navalny’s arrest while gloating about American dissidents being arrested for four-year old memes or putting their feet up on a desk.
That, too. The West has become self-parody. While Obama’s Nobel peace prize was a farce, nomination of BLM bandits is a sick joke. I think Putin wants to look better than the Empire, not in the eyes of the vassals (those are blind, anyway), but in the eyes of 4/5th of the world made of non-vassals, or countries where a tiny compradore elite wants to serve the Empire, whereas 95% of the population hates imperial guts, like Latin America.
Also, considering how pathetically puny those “protests†are, Putin can afford to treat them with kids gloves. That creates a strong contrast with brutality of “liberal†imperial elites, who are anything but liberal. Internally, these protests appear ridiculous. Most people see “protesters†as escaped mental institution inmates, feeling a mix of contempt, disgust, and pity. For the world they look like an illustration of humane nature of alleged “authoritarian†state, in contrast to ruthless brutality of self-appointed “democraciesâ€.
Famously the first of February is also St. Brigid’s day whose feast day was likely set as such since it is the day before Candlemas and February in general used to be the time of Pagan cum Christian tradition in Europe of burning the fields before replanting to kill weeds/fungi and ‘purify’ the land as well as other traditions of purification on the theme of welcoming the coming of spring and rebirth. Now the land must be purified of ‘whiteness’.
Also somewhat on topic, in the ever ongoing PR battle to convince (Non-black, convincing blacks is impossible) Americans that Kamala Harris is African-American, Twitter had a brief spasm where her coat and it’s ‘connection to Oakland’ made it to the top of Twitter trending. Entirely organically I’m sure. Who can’t stop talking about Kamala Harris’ coat, it’s just so interesting.
I spoke to Sydney Hawes, the designer that made the custom coats Kamala Harris' great-nieces wore to the inauguration, which were a loving tribute to their Auntie.
— joshua (@joshua_bote) January 29, 2021
Cool!St. Brigid's cross:´s_day_cross.jpg
Famously the first of February is also St. Brigid’s day
Better to be her grandniece than Mohandas Gandhi's!
...the custom coats Kamala Harris' great-nieces wore to the inauguration, which were a loving tribute to their Auntie.
Can you say front running, boys and girls?
“Snooze†sounds like “Nooseâ€: it would clearly be a hate crime!
Here’s the test replacing the SAT, for all you poors to bone up on.
Fill in all circles completely.
23. It’s 30° F. What wax (glide, not klister) do you use?
â—‹ Blue
â—‹ Purple
â—‹ Kick
â—‹ No Mo-Stache Lip Wax
24. You’re sailing back into the sound at sunset. Where is the wind coming from?
â—‹ East
â—‹ South
â—‹ North
â—‹ the air
25. You’re the Captain of the Oppidans. What kind of oarlock do you have?
â—‹ Swivel
â—‹ Fixed pin
â—‹ Thole
â—‹ I don’t have earlocks, I’m reform
26. Your family office is considering a privacy jurisdiction for domiciliation of your trust fund. Which jurisdiction is least constrained by FIU Best Practices?
â—‹ Cook Islands
â—‹ Panama
â—‹ Switzerland
â—‹ Office Max
Why has this article been banned from Facebook?
From your comment history you seem to be new here. Because all of Unz Review and hence all articles linked to UR are banned from Facebook.
Why has this article been banned from Facebook?
What in the article is hysterical?
The author is skeptical, for the reasons he provides.
Your neighbor’s experience is anecdotal, and refutes nothing.
As you say, sheesh.
Reg, where're you getting this number? The 1860 census shows 86% white, 14% black. Maybe 97% was the portion of free population that was white?
1861-65 was Peak White for the United States–97%.
Sick from Freedom, an important book provides part of the answer.
“ At least one quarter of the four million former slaves got sick or died between 1862 and 1870, Professor Downs writes, including at least 60,000 (the actual number is probably two or three times higher, he argues) who perished in a smallpox epidemic that began in Washington and spread through the South as former slaves traveled in search of work — an epidemic that Professor Downs says he is the first to reconstruct as a national event.â€
American history, and especially Civil War history, is an virtual black box of buried stories revealing the wrong truths. The Soviets didn’t invent the disappearing of historical events. Post war Northern hagiographers and revisionists were way ahead of them.
Regardless, most blacks of the civil war era were in the South and approximately 1,000,000 of them perished before Reconstruction was through.
My original statement was "his estimate would be double or more than what I provided."Reading is hard for you. The wiki article on the Soviet famine of 1932-1933 provides numbers that are generally not even twice lower than Conquest's. According to that article, Conquest claimed 8 million victims while "R.W. Davies and S.G. Wheatcroft, gives an estimate of 5.5 to 6.5 million deaths"
So Ronald Suny agrees with my original statementDon’t lie. Your original statement was that Robert Conquest overestimated his numbers by 2x when in reality it was by 4x. Wrong again!
According to a Sovok website. Maybe the same one that taught you about Gallipoli? Or that lower rate of cancer is something to brag about (when it just means people die too early to get cancer) Even Russian Duma estimates it at 7 million.
Wrong again! It was 2 million deaths over the entire course of the famine.
According to a Sovok website.Meanwhile: in 1914.Last major peacetime famine under the Tsars was in 1891-1892. 375,000-500,00 dead.Now let's look at civilian deaths due to the war from famine and disease: Russia, total wartime civilian losses in 1914-1917 due to hunger and disease (typhoid epidemic) ranged from 730,000 to 1.5 million. Not "millions."This number on per capita terms was fairly low. Germany had 424,000 to 763,000. France had 500,000 civilian deaths from privations and epidemic during this time. Italy - 589,000. Little Romania - 200,000.Civilian deaths as % off population:Russian Empire - 1.6% to 1.9%Italy - 3% to 5%
millions of Russians died due to Tsarist policies from hunger and disease.
They died at rates lower than in 1921-1922 and lower than did French, Germans, Italians, and Turks (see above).
“In Imperial Russia Peasants have no food at all. They are not subsisting. They are dying
You mean Russia was controlled by the Tsars in 1920? 1919? LOL.Here is a map of Soviet-controlled territory in October 1919: is a map of the area where about a million Russians starved in 1921: you can see, most of the area where the 1921-1922 famine occurred had already been controlled by Bolsheviks for more than a year by the time the million or so people starved. It was precisely in areas controlled by the Bolsheviks for a long period of time where the people starved. Regions that the Bolsheviks did not control for a long time did not experience famine. Consolidation of Red rule led to mass starvation. Areas where Bolsheviks didn't rule for along time such as Ukraine did not starve in 1921-1922. These areas would starve later in the 1930s, after Bolsheviks consolidated their rule.Your claim is the opposite of reality, as usual.
1921 famine began about 4 years after the Tsar was deposed, it cannot be blamed on his government.Yes it can. It’s literally in the screenshot I posted in my previous post. 1921 was when the Soviet Union was formed and the Soviet govenrment consolidated power. Before that it was either under Tsarist or Provisional government.
See above how you are "showing me."
LOL but you are always wrong as I keep showing you.
I posted numbers, from your own pro-Soviet source, that showed that Soviets consumed 1/6 of the cars, 1/2 the TVs, 1/6 the radios, 1/2 vacuums, etc. of Americans. So average Soviet was about as poor if not poorer than poor Americans.Moreover, not only did Soviets have fewer goods but the ones they did have were of poorer quality. Americans had twice as many televisions and they had color televisions sooner. Americans had six times more cars, and this was a typical Soviet car from 1980: was the most commonly purchased American car in 1980, Oldsmobile cutlass: @Xi-jinping
As I wrote, middle class Soviets lived materially worse than American poor people like inner city blacks.That’s your assumption. I offered actual numbers.
My original statement was “his estimate would be double or more than what I provided.â€
Reading is hard for you. The wiki article on the Soviet famine of 1932-1933 provides numbers that are generally not even twice lower than Conquest’s. According to that article, Conquest claimed 8 million victims while “R.W. Davies and S.G. Wheatcroft, gives an estimate of 5.5 to 6.5 million deathsâ€
That’s according to Wiki which is full of cold war propaganda.
The real number as I said is closer to 2 million. And the Russian duma just says things to give themselves ‘more legitimacy’ over the soviet regieme.
For exmaple, China said that Mao’s era was 70% good and more people died at that time than in the USSR. So that means the USSR was 80% good.
According to a Sovok website.
All of his information is cited. Check for yourself if you don’t believe ‘sovok websites’ LOL
God damn you’re one of the densest people i’ve ever met. Sounds like you have an emotional fantasy of “evil commies” that your Banderite ancestors taught you, eh
Nothing in 1914.
Last major peacetime famine under the Tsars was in 1891-1892. 375,000-500,00 dead.
Cold war propaganda. Plus when the war was happening there was no ability to take a census. So of course there wasn’t any knowledge of famines. I have have given you data from the world bank on that time period, where the ‘sovok website’ draws its info.
Guess you’re wrong again eh.
In Russia, total wartime civilian losses in 1914-1917 due to hunger and disease (typhoid epidemic) ranged from 730,000 to 1.5 million. Not “millions.â€
This is not including those that were under constant starvation as the tsar requisitioned all the grain and cattle.
You display your ignorance about basic historical facts when you bring up civilian deaths from famine and disease in World War I as an example of Russian government incompetence.
The Imperial government did not fight on its territory so no shit they had fewer deaths than the other great powers. But the fact that the had more than 1 million deaths on their territory and they weren’t even fighting in Russia proper indicates that the Tsar was incompetent lol
They died at rates lower than in 1921-1922 and lower than did French, Germans, Italians, and Turks (see above).
False you gave data from 1917, deaths from tsarist mismanagement which led to revolution and civil war led to higher rates of death than anywhere in europe.
As you can see, most of the area where the 1921-1922 famine occurred had already been controlled by Bolsheviks for more than a year by the time the million or so people starved. It was precisely in areas controlled by the Bolsheviks for a long period of time where the people starved. Regions that the Bolsheviks did not control for a long time did not experience famine. Consolidation of Red rule led to mass starvation. Areas where Bolsheviks didn’t rule for along time such as Ukraine did not starve in 1921-1922. These areas would starve later in the 1930s, after Bolsheviks consolidated their rule.
False. As I’ve shown you in my previous posts, these places where hardest hit by Tsarist grain requisitions (remember I even quoted saying that ‘the productive agricultural sectors where hardest hit’) because they had the most grain to requisition. Tsarist requisition policies led to utter destruction of agriculture in those areas and it takes more than one year to rebuild agriculture as I have shown you in previous charts.
I posted numbers, from your own pro-Soviet source, that showed that Soviets consumed 1/6 of the cars, 1/2 the TVs, 1/6 the radios, 1/2 vacuums, etc. of Americans. So average Soviet was about as poor if not poorer than poor Americans.
Do you not know what an “average” means? Just because an “average” american had that does not mean that a “poor” american had it LOL.
It turns out that not only can you not read you also have trouble with basic math. It must be a zapadenic thing
Moreover, not only did Soviets have fewer goods but the ones they did have were of poorer quality
That’s your opinion
Americans had twice as many televisions
So what? Americans also had more crime and worse education.
and they had color televisions sooner
so what?
America also had 4000x the amount of cars Tsarist Russia had…what’s your point exactly?
LOL. You don't even know who was fighting where.
You display your ignorance about basic historical facts when you bring up civilian deaths from famine and disease in World War I as an example of Russian government incompetence.
The Imperial government did not fight on its territory so no shit they had fewer deaths than the other great powers.
Tsarist grain requisition in 1914-1917 did not produce the famine of 1921-1922. Soviet grain requisitions combined with drought that Soviet incompetent government couldn't deal with, did that.
False. As I’ve shown you in my previous posts, these places where hardest hit by Tsarist grain requisitions (remember I even quoted saying that ‘the productive agricultural sectors where hardest hit’) because they had the most grain to requisition.
Your empty assertions doesn't make it so. Again, the hardest hit places of the 1921-1922 famine were those with the longest Bolshevik control of the countryside:
Tsarist requisition policies led to utter destruction of agriculture in those areas and it takes more than one year to rebuild agriculture as I have shown you in previous charts
You don't know basic statistics either.
"I posted numbers, from your own pro-Soviet source, that showed that Soviets consumed 1/6 of the cars, 1/2 the TVs, 1/6 the radios, 1/2 vacuums, etc. of Americans. So average Soviet was about as poor if not poorer than poor Americans."
Do you not know what an “average†means? Just because an “average†american had that does not mean that a “poor†american had it LOL.
Homicide rate in 1988 was 9.6 in the USSR and 8.4 in the USA.
Americans had twice as many televisions
So what? Americans also had more crime
Another failure of the Soviet system - despite high education, people were poor, had shorter life expectancy, and lived in a violent place.Replies: @Xi-jinping
worse education.
But, Jack D does have a point that Jews are over-represented in almost every activity that requires intelligence, whether those activities are benevolent or malevolent.
Furthermore, while i understand you’re just doing your lawyering, every single time some yokel here pipes up with “every single time†you explain how that’s because Jews are just way, way smarter and punch way, way above their weight so are wildly over-represented in media, academics, politics, business, finance. Then–a comment or two later–it’s poor little old 2% me can’t do nothing.
PhysicistDave here makes number of good points but some here fixate on particular groups for all of mankind’s evils.
Jew hating is something of a minor religion and was once part of a major one. Things are slow to change.
It can make life easier to have identifiable groups to pin blame on. But reality is not so easy.
I too was a personal friend of Murray Rothbard, a great thinker and very nice person to be around. A real genius. So I may well know Mr. Dave or have heard of him. People who knew Rothbard well are a dwindling number.
I once asked Rothbard why Jews had faced such hostility, aside from Catholic/Christian blame for fellow Jew Jesus Christ’s death, a theological matter. His answer was essentially that they were clannish and self isolating, which tended to make others suspicious. They moved around a lot (of necessity, from Khazaria mainly) and as newcomers with separate religion and customs, made them unpopular. Also being more or less forced into certain occupations by limitations on professions and even ownership, they developed intellectually and valued knowledge as a cultural trait. My non Jewish father used to tell us, “they can’t take what’s inside your head”. A very Jewish thing to say.
As often adjuncts to state rulers (kings, emperors, etc.) and advisors/bankers, Jews were often seen as ruling class allies. When the ruling classes weren’t persecuting them.
It was a brief conversation and very thoughtful. Though he acted at times in the classic NYC Woody Allen fashion (liked cities, good food, didn’t like wilderness, etc.) Rothbard wasn’t religiously Jewish. An atheist married to a Catholic woman. Fellow NYC Jew and atheist Ayn Rand kicked him out of her inner circle because he wouldn’t leave his wife!
What I and many others here find, despite some others, is that good and bad come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Taking stereotypes too seriously becomes just another set of blinders. Generalizations can only go so far.
The real persecuted minority in America now are those of above average intelligence. They are mocked, punished with special burdens, and mostly seen as some kind of “evil” going under different names. Those who are above average aren’t necessarily “better” but overall far more beneficial to mankind. Those who are smarter have to hide it. And pretend that everyone else is equally bright. It is now part of the Woke dogma.
At the behe$t of THEIR direct $hotcallers, aka The Agency; The Feebie$ are there to CREATE criminal$. Their control over state and local police agencies through their Fu$ion center$ expands the nexus of control down to the grassroots level through warToys for the cops and Scadzillions of $hekels to go along with the program.
I’m so old & old fashioned that I would buy a paperback edition of American Pravda in an instant. Hope there might still be some chance of this. Congrats, Ron.
Life has disabused me of my old “the worse things get, the better†idea (i.e., people would wake up and react against the status quo). What actually happens is that the worse situation becomes the norm.
The worse situation becomes the norm so then people react against it not by returning to the old values but by adopting ever more radical beliefs and practices.
Civilians are government employees not in the military. All cops are civilians.
Now that you mention the second movie, Magnum Force, I remembered that it had a young Robert Urich as a bad cop in it. In later years he starred in “Spencer for Hire.†That show wasn’t bad. Good music. Nice Mustang fastback. Really colourful settings and filming. It always seemed to show the autumn leaves and wet roads and reflections. Boston I think.
I don’t know. Machismo tends to be machismo. The hallmark trait is an aggressive desire to impose oneself on others, through either psychological or flat out physical intimidation. I am not saying that all macho guys are murderers, but there is a linear trend towards increased aggressiveness and decreased empathy the higher up you go the scale of masculinity, with the top 2% most masculine men being responsible for most violent crime.
One of the things that I think make Cuban women so incredibly attractive is their idiosyncratic looks. They have a Caucasian skin tone and facial features, but their hair and eyes tend to be very dark. I find that combination of pale skin with black hair lovely. But if you are going for Cuban women, you really need to bring your good ol’ boy, frat-boy, football jock act, because they really have no hots for “los nerds”. Anglo and Asian women tend to have more patience with shy, awkward, obsessive young men. But those gorgeous Cuban “chicas” like their men macho, outgoing and self-confident.
To a person, my family members are staunch conservatives, and I've never heard a single one of them mention QAnon. I don't even know what it is and have no interest in finding out about it. I doubt the majority of conservatives are being driven insane by cognitive dissonance to believe fantasies. There is no need for fantasy when we can simply observe what's taken place over the past 12 months; e.g., the entire country wearing masks and distancing themselves from one another like gas molecules, watching the cities burned and looted all summer long, statues being defaced or toppled without consequence, Obama and his criminal cabal not merely getting away with their crimes but becoming rich with book deals, professorships, etc.Neither I nor any Trump supporter I know thought he was "really a secret superhero coming to save them." That's an insult, along the lines of what my one Lefty friend (not sure for how much longer) said, with a shudder...that Trump's rallies reminded her of Hitler and the Nazis. No, we thought he was an outsider who was unafraid to speak some simple truths and didn't back down when confronted about them. He wasn't perfect (who is?), but he did a lot of very good things as President, and there is no way I see him as "incompetent," unless, by that, you mean appointing three purportedly conservative justices to the SC (time will tell) and hundreds of other federal judges, fast-tracking a vaccine, doing his best to halt illegal immigration and immigration from countries with poor screening of Islamic jihadists, and, one that gets zero media attention -- decimating ISIS. My main complaint about Trump is that he did nothing to rein in government spending and start chipping away at the national debt. I think he might have turned his attention to that in a second term.Replies: @Thomas, @Harry Baldwin
The cognitive dissonance is driving these people insane and forcing them into ever-more-tortured fantasies of pedophile cabals, “Communists†rigging elections, “Muslims†running the federal reserve, and that a shifty real estate tycoon and realty TV star turned incompetent politician was really a secret superhero coming to save them.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment.
As far as QAnon, I too had never heard it discussed among the many conservatives I know personally. I had seen references to it on VoxDay, back when I still looked at his site, and assumed it was a sort of strategic prank, calling Democrats pedophiles in return for them calling us white supremacists. Then, last fall, I noticed that the progressives I know were getting all fired up about the QAnon menace, and it seemed to me something like the fabled “Boogaloo Bois–something that leftists were very concerned about, but right-wingers had never heard of. (After the rioting last summer, my progressive friend in Minneapolis was considering getting a gun out of fear that the Boogaloo Bois might invade his suburban neighborhood.)
Scott Adams wonders if once the QAnon phenomenon got some traction, some department of the intelligence community took notice and began steering it in the way most useful to its agenda. He assumes as a matter of course that that’s the sort of thing intelligence agencies routinely do and he’s probably correct.
I’m surprised it didn’t say “First Day of The Lunar New Year of St. George”…
This is an interesting article that presents plausible historical facts. Not knowing much about these events, I’ll leave it at that for now, interesting and stimulating, pending further confirmation.
However, there are two points that left me unconvinced.
1. Just because the final phase of lethal infections from the “Spanish” flu involved bacteriae gives absolutely no indication as to the initial infection. Cov-sars-2, for example, breaks down the lung’s immunity to allow pharyngeal bacteriae and viruses into the lungs, causing pneumonia. (See At any rate, meningococcus does not cause pneumonia, so it remains to determine whether it facilitates opportunistic lung infection.
2. The idea that the Chinese nationalist Chiang Kai-Shek would have provided Chinese slaves to the West defies belief and sounds more like Maoist propaganda than anything else.
Sorry, but there is zero peer-revied proof of the existence of Cov-sars-2. So unicorns cannot be the cause of an initial infection.
" Cov-sars-2, for example, breaks down the lung’s immunity to allow pharyngeal bacteria and viruses into the lungs, causing pneumonia."
China was just fine in 1930.
No it was not!
Obviously, you don’t know anything about the history of China in that era. Doubtless you have no familiarity with the May 30th Movement or the April 12 Incident, just to mention two episodes from that time frame.
You claim to be an educated reader, so I would have assumed that you would have read two of the excellent novels set in those times, André Malraux’s La condition humaine (of course, being well educated, you can read French!), and Richard McKenna’s The Sand Pebbles.
China suffered through one hell upon another through most of the 19th and 20th centuries and the era of c.1930 was one of the worst. It should not be forgotten or — worse — misrepresented as “just fine.”
How can I get this article onto Facebook, please, who have apparently banned it?
Gandhi was lucky it was the British who ruled India. Way before Hitler, Germany had already shown their capabilities with the Hereros in what is now Namibia.
“If I were a Jew and were born in Germany... I would claim Germany as my home even as the tallest gentile German may, and challenge him to shoot me or cast me in the dungeon.... And suffering voluntarily undergone will bring them an inner strength and joy.... The calculated violence of Hitler may even result in a general massacre of the Jews by way of his first answer to the declaration of such hostilities. But if the Jewish mind could be prepared for voluntary suffering, even the massacre I have imagined could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy that Jehovah had wrought deliverance of the race even at the hands of the tyrant.â€
Looking back on the Holocaust Gandhi stated, “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions.†He also said that had the Jews committed collective suicide, that would have been “heroism.â€
He gave similar advice to the British people during the war. After advising the British to lay down their arms and surrender to the Nazis, he advised the British people that if the Nazis “do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child, to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them.â€
Finally, in regards to his own people’s attempts at passive nonviolence to British rule in India, he wrote, “Our rulers may have our land and bodies but not our souls. They can have the former only by complete destruction of every Indian – man, woman and child. For, if a fair number of men and women be found in India who would be prepared without any ill will against the spoliators to lay down their lives rather than bend the knee to them, they would have shown the way to freedom from the tyranny of violence.â€
In other words again, as a general rule, if enough people let themselves be killed, the world’s evil, bloodthirsty maniacs and their armies will somehow be defeated and become peaceful. What Gandhi failed to realize is that when dealing with moral or at least somewhat humane governments, nonviolent resistance has its place. But when dealing with murderous barbarians...
see even MG didnt believe it was 6
There will never be a Republican president, not ever, again.Replies: @Curle, @JMcG
Biden continues in office for four years to be replaced by Cruz or Hawley.
I don’t think the Hispanics have an overly long incubation period before they quit voting handouts for blacks. They voted to refuse them Affirmative Action in CA and I’ve had Mexicans make it very clear to me that they don’t care much for either blacks or Jews.
The White/Hispanic coalition Jeb dreamed about may come into being with or without him. And, if Whites could stop importing Europeans in large numbers during the 1920s I fail to see why Mexicans couldn’t shut off the Mexican spigot.
Things may work out in unexpected ways.
In the Census of 1790, blacks constituted 19.3% of the total U.S. population, so without immigration, blacks would constitute at least that percentage of the population. The fact that the percentage of the American population that was white rose by a relatively small amount (from roughly 80% in 1790 to 90% in 1930) despite the immigration of tens of millions of white people into the country during the same period indicates that blacks had a substantially higher natural growth rate.
If the U.S. had received no immigration at all after 1790, the country’s white population would be much more homogeneous than it is now, and there would be very few people who were anything other than white or black, but the country as a whole might not be much whiter than it is today.
whether in our calculations we are willing to roll the dice on a vaccine or not
No – a very substantial, and possibly growing, percentage of “we” are not. But the politicians, for purely political reasons, most certainly are.
Austria: Muslim gang of Sharia enforcers threatens to behead children
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…†(Qur’an 47:4) — The notorious moral guardian gang of devout Muslim Chechens does not shy away from the brutal extortion of protection money. A father of two was threatened in Vienna with the beheading of his sons.||culture-society||
The three attributes are not mutually exclusive and there's a shortcut: He's a Jew.Replies: @dfordoom
You are either very ignorant, very stupid or a liar.
The three attributes are not mutually exclusive and there’s a shortcut: He’s a Jew.
You’re one of the “anyone who disagrees with me must be a Jew” brigade.
Sometimes people disagree with you not because they’re Jews, but simply because you’re wrong and foolish.
“btw, I wouldn’t worry about the Chinese demographic crash – there are still an awful lot of them, and making babies is an enjoyable process, even if raising them’s more challenging.” That’s assuming the magical 2.1 TFR, which the country is no where near. Add in the millions of men who don’t have a spouse and , yeah, there is a crash, but I don’t worry about it. Watching countries screw themselves is amusing.
Historians realize that no generation can impose its will on the following years – as the German novelist Martin Mosebach, who knows even more about Western and Christian civilization than I do, recently pointed out, the entire culture of a people, 100 years after the end of a given year, is always something profoundly different after the end of any given year in the future – and by 100 years in the future, all the victories of evildoers are sad memories —- Faulkner wrote about this on his best days …. and it is a repeated theme in the best lyrics of the writers of what we Americans call the Delta blues ///////the victories of evildoers and the victories of the virtuous do not last in this world, although of course any moral victory is an eternal benefit to the person who does the right thing for other men and women ….
as individuals, all we can do in the meantime is say what is true, and stand with those who support truth, justice and the American way.
For the record, Cruz is a great guy but he has emotional issues, he could not stand up for a month against what Trump stood up to for 4 years. Right now my money is on Hawley or Rand Paul. Those guys know how to stand up to the super-creepy left of today.
and … you heard it here first …. there is a huge chance that in 24 months people are gonna be talking about a Trump as VP.
“Should PS #106 be named after Lincoln or Obama?â€
GOPs clash with DEMs only on matters of style.
Both parties signal, through the spending of more tax dollars (as though it were a bidding war), their strong support for public education.
Then what is he? H-1B? Do you have to hire them? Are you forced to apply?
U.S. Justice Department probes SpaceX after hiring discrimination complaint
“Specifically, the charge alleges that on or about March 10, 2020, during the Charging Party’s interview for the position of Technology Strategy Associate, SpaceX made inquiries about his citizenship status and ultimately failed to hire him for the position because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent residentâ€, DOJ attorney Lisa Sandoval wrote in the complaint filed on Thursday.
U.S. Justice Department probes SpaceX after hiring discrimination complaint
“Specifically, the charge alleges that on or about March 10, 2020, during the Charging Party’s interview for the position of Technology Strategy Associate, SpaceX made inquiries about his citizenship status and ultimately failed to hire him for the position because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent residentâ€, DOJ attorney Lisa Sandoval wrote in the complaint filed on Thursday.
Ugh. My brain just screams “Go away!”.
To quote myself: “Minoritarianism is the health of the state.”
Our Founders would be rolling over in their graves at this minoritarian garbage. The state endless bullying people about over private decisions is precisely what they wanted to prevent.
We must either destroy minoritarianism or minoritarians or separate. There is no compromise here for a free people.
It’s not minoritarianism. The foreign applicant is complaining the American company gave a preference to American citizens.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Our Founders would be rolling over in their graves at this minoritarian garbage. The state endless bullying people about over private decisions is precisely what they wanted to prevent.
� Dr Goldstein is a friend of Fauci
See Dr. Anthony Fauci, Keynote Address, Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY CFAR Symposium, 3 of 6
Video Link He also mentions the term stamping out a secret buzz term??? Maybe a hat tip to …. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. George Orwell.
Amid a boycott in response to its politically motivated decision to drop Mike Lindell’s MyPillow products, shares of Bed Bath & Beyond plunged 36.4% at the close of trading Thursday.
“I know everyone on this site prefers to play the role of the UN”…..go wash your mouth out with soap RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN!…… oh ,great comment , I totally agree.
Has there ever been a vaccine approved which didn’t contain some form of the virus?
Has there ever been a vaccine approved with trials lasting less then one year?
Has there ever been a vaccine approved using mRNA technology?
That’s exactly what many of the ‘anti-vaxxers here†are questioning you supercilious c*nt. So why don’t you do the analysis? Let’s start with the numbers. How many have died of the disease? We don’t know do we. How many cases have there been? We don’t know do we. How many lost years of productive lives have we lost due to increased deaths of despair, depression, increased levels of substance of abuse, mass unemployment and business failures, children frightened of any social interaction outside their home? How much farther have we slipped behind in international academic standards as children yawn through Zoom classes? When any objective analysis must include the serial deception of worthless tests, intentionally inflated death statistics, all the while trillions of dollars of wealth is transferred only a fucking idiot like yourself would gloss over the fraud while wading around in the minutiae of whether the Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines are more effective at reducing symptoms of the virus. Despite your cringe-inducing pleadings (“oh when will they stop slandering the vaccines as ‘experimental?’â€), these are still experimental by any standard vaccine protocol, and they are already questioning their effectiveness against new variants. This has to be one of the most hysterical, “we have to do something!†American-style ‘we bombed them to save them’ campaigns with no real thought given to the fallout of operation warp speed, a medical oxymoron if there ever was one.Replies: @onebornfree, @HA, @Mike Tre, @TKK
And in general, the anti-vaxxers here need to learn the concept of risk/benefit tradeoffs.
“Let’s start with the numbers. How many have died of the disease? We don’t know do we.”
You keep telling yourself that. It doesn’t make it true. The excess death numbers indicate that the number who have died is about the number reported — i.e. we know that about as well as such things can be measured to a first pass — to the extent that the “motorcycle-accident COVID deaths” the truthers keep obsessing about cancel out to some extent those nursing home deaths that never got a COVID test to begin with. Maybe that means we’re off by 20% or 30%, but even so, that’s a lot of excess deaths. Yes, most of them are elderly, so that the 10 years of life this thing takes away, on average, maybe aren’t “productive” according to you, but their loss is highly disruptive in the sense that many of those post-retirement deaths are lives that still matter to someone. Sometimes grandma takes care of the kids (or at least takes care of grandpa), to the extent that her well-being is actually pretty important, even on the purely economic level you seem to want to reduce us to. It’s great if you can afford to put all your kids into daycare staffed by bright young things, and shunt off your elderly to AZ or FL where they can be readily ignored, but much of our population cannot do that, and they don’t regard those old people as expendable as you do.
In any case, given the numbers of excess dead we’ve seen, we can say with some confidence that the “just a flu, bro” deniers who have now recast themselves as mere lockdown skeptics (so as not to be tarred by their earlier catastrophically bad set of projections) were pretty dumb, in hindsight. So why should I listen to their rebranded forecasts — the kind you seem bent on spouting?
It's rich to blame Brazilians for a Chinese virus created in an American lab (well, that's what Mr. Unz says). If you want, take the stupid vaccine and stay home afraid of "viruses" like a little bitch, but don't force this mRNA concoction on others, and don't defend those crazy authoritarian measures. Don't forget to wash your hands too.Replies: @HA
(the Brazilians who helped incubate the most worrisome strain of COVID currently available mostly did that), let us know. For now, I’m marking “unwieldy contagion issues†as yet another one of those gifts that globalism keeps giving.
Instead of White Genocide” or “the Great Replacement”, perhaps we should call it “the Great Dilution”. Every one should download this… also answers the question… Why are there Jellyfish genetic components in some of the vaccines??? Answer it is for phosphorescence of certain genetic and cell markers so that they can be tracked and researched in Human populations
The “Spaghetti Westerns” were not even filmed in the United States, they were filmed in Spain.
The guy playing the “Mexican” [Eli Wallach] was really a New York Jew. Yet those films really captured the essence of the American West like no other. Sometimes it helps to be on the outside looking in. It’s kind of like a bunch of skinny White boys from England playing American Black Blues music [the British Invasion] then re-selling it back to an American audience.
Trump was doomed from day one. Reince Preibus and Kelley Ann Conway were fully committed to Trump’s total destruction. As if it wasn’t obvious. Why did Trump keep Conway whose husband worked on the Lincoln Project committed to Trump’s destruction? Conway has always been an establishment Republican mouth piece, and so was Priebus, in fact, everyone in Yrump’s team was, except for Jared and Ivanka who were mouth pieces for Netenyahu. Now, the Lincoln Project has bern totally dicredited for pedophila. I wish that I could say that it is surprising, but unfortunately, it is not surprising at all.
Andrea Iravani
128/comment 63, the Gaussian copula is just a fancy interpolation model, like all option pricing. It’ll put any real mathematician to sleep. And while interpolation is more consistent that you can be in your head, it likes pathological, terminally corrupted markets just fine. So the higher-order cognitive functions that let you sell too soon are ultimately more important. And most of the quants of 2008 lacked that.
You know best what you are talking about, much better than I or anyone else. That would be called “living in a bubble” – whether by inclination or being pushed into it, it does not matter.
Many British people have a cultural inferiority complex with mainland Europe, believe it or not. Many British people would regard Russians and Slavs generally as more cultured, more civilised and better educated than themselves.
So this works both ways really, the idea that most British people look down on Slavs as culturally inferior third worlders is far from the truth. I would not describe Britain is a culturally self-confident country these days. The prevailing mentality amongst the middle and upper class British is that there is no one more uncivilised and uncouth than the working class British, desparagingly referred to as “chavs”. Think “gopnik” but said with even more venom and hatred.
You come across people who give this impression but I wonder how genuine it is, because there is this trait among some progressive British middle class people of denigrating Britain and British culture and ostentatiously showing respect and consideration for other countries and peoples as a way of criticising things they don't like in their own.But, as I wrote in my comment above, wealthy and powerful figures from the pre-1917 Russian Empire, they would show unfeigned respect to and have actual interest in (you see this a fair bit with the Romanovs), the KGB was genuinely respected and feared as an intelligence agency etc. In some way you can see this in books and cultural publishing, there was a healthy interest in books about many aspects of the Soviet Union and people would study them to measure Western institutions against them and learn new things. This was in the 1945-1980s period, pre-glasnost.
Many British people have a cultural inferiority complex with mainland Europe, believe it or not. Many British people would regard Russians and Slavs generally as more cultured, more civilised and better educated than themselves.
the Pfizer European factory shutdown smells
Maybe the emergence of new strains have got them thinking more carefully about ADE, the danger that their former Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory disease, Michael Yeadon, resigned over.
Perhaps the potential for an ADE catastrophe created by the emergence of new covid strains explains the very late-in-the-day national quarantines being established in the UK, Canada and elsewhere.
In any case, there are much better reasons than the Tuskagee experiment for people of any skin color to be hesitant about being subjected to a novel vaccine technology deployed prior to long-term testing. To call these people anti-social, is idiotic. And if you don’t agree, take a look at the record of harm caused by Bill Gates’ vaccines deployed in India and Africa without adequate evaluation.
Michael Yeadon last worked for Pfizer in 2011. I have no respect for him whatsoever, because he published his screed on December 1th, way too late to bring up his laundry list of issues which he claimed should immediately halt all research into COVID-19 vaccines, and precisely because he led off with the antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) concern.
Maybe the emergence of new strains have got them thinking more carefully about ADE, the danger that their former Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory disease, Michael Yeadon, resigned over.
A couple of important words missing there. Yeadon resigned as Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer, the vaccine maker. As for the way in which the political establishment is handling potentially deadly risks such as ADE that are posed by minimally tested nucleic acid vaccines -- risks that Yeadon refused to sweep under the rug, it's worth reading this BMJ Editorial: Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,†and suppression of science.And for anyone interested in why the emergence of multiple strains of Covid raise the spectre of widespread vaccine-caused injury or death they should consider the case of the dengue-vaccine, dengue being a disease with multiple strains.
Maybe the emergence of new strains have got them thinking more carefully about ADE, the danger that their former Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory disease, Michael Yeadon, resigned over.
2) Why did Sydney Powell drop her suit in Georgia when asked to submit evidence, considering she claimed she had bombshell revelations how the U.S. Army seized servers in Germany that switched voters from Trump to Biden?
“These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims,†reads the rest of the statement. “It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.â€
Replies: @Cking
For example, they sought have the Bucks County (PA) Court of Common Pleas invalidate more than 2,200 supposedly “defective ballots†that were counted after a review by the Board of Elections. Trump lawyers agreed to sign documents saying that there was zero evidence of fraud or misconduct when it came to said ballots. Attorneys for both sides signed a “joint stipulation of facts—an instrument meant to provide the court with facts relevant to the case that are undisputed by either party in the action—which clearly disavows any claims that voting in the commonwealth’s fourth-largest county was affected by any fraudulent conduct.†The joint statement literally reads: “Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any fraud in connection with the challenged ballots.†Additionally, both sides agreed that election observers from each party were allowed full access to view the pre-canvassing and canvassing processes.
I’ll tell you right now, neither I and most of the US electorate, believe for a minute that Joe Biden received 12 million more votes than President Obama. And I’m sure Obama received a lot of ‘help’ in his election. It’s just not possible.
I am not familiar with your information, it’s not broadcast on the MSM, I can’t speak to it. What’s an apology to $millions spent in court costs? That’s almost a win-win. However, you of the sophisticated class know; you don’t have to be guilty to be sent to prison in this country. Why do people ‘settle’, ‘plead’, ‘apologize’ ‘allocute’? Because the in this country, the accused, victims of crimes, the injured, and the innocent, can’t afford justice. At some point in the entanglements of the legal system, all-of-a-sudden, ‘It’s not about justice’. I’m sure there are plenty of lawyers that can inform you on the subterfuge and its’ inherent inducement of hopelessness in the courts system. People do what they do, on the information they have, the resources available, and able to access if more resources are needed. And if you are unfortunate, you can only think in terms of survival and that includes innocent men and women accepting a very qualified ‘justice’ and/or a sentence that sends them to prison for a few years. Happens all the time, I’m told. You should be concerned.
How come the only sources for Putinist embezzlement happen to be the same Western propaganda tools? After 2020, how can you still believe anything you read in the official Western press?
“Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister in charge of Olympic preparations, has argued that the $51 billion number is misleading. Only $6 billion of that is directly Olympics-related, he says; the rest has gone to infrastructure and regional development the state would have carried out anyway. That may be true, though it’s hard to imagine the Russian government building an $8.7 billion road and railway up to the mountains without the Games.”
NYC and Boston have spent 2 billons each for three additional subway stations. SF is spending one billion on an extension with 3 tram stations. Have they no shame? The NYC subway was running two blocks away already. Infrastructure for me, not for thee. High bills from my contractors, not yours.
That’s exactly what many of the ‘anti-vaxxers here†are questioning you supercilious c*nt. So why don’t you do the analysis? Let’s start with the numbers. How many have died of the disease? We don’t know do we. How many cases have there been? We don’t know do we. How many lost years of productive lives have we lost due to increased deaths of despair, depression, increased levels of substance of abuse, mass unemployment and business failures, children frightened of any social interaction outside their home? How much farther have we slipped behind in international academic standards as children yawn through Zoom classes? When any objective analysis must include the serial deception of worthless tests, intentionally inflated death statistics, all the while trillions of dollars of wealth is transferred only a fucking idiot like yourself would gloss over the fraud while wading around in the minutiae of whether the Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines are more effective at reducing symptoms of the virus. Despite your cringe-inducing pleadings (“oh when will they stop slandering the vaccines as ‘experimental?’â€), these are still experimental by any standard vaccine protocol, and they are already questioning their effectiveness against new variants. This has to be one of the most hysterical, “we have to do something!†American-style ‘we bombed them to save them’ campaigns with no real thought given to the fallout of operation warp speed, a medical oxymoron if there ever was one.Replies: @onebornfree, @HA, @Mike Tre, @TKK
And in general, the anti-vaxxers here need to learn the concept of risk/benefit tradeoffs.
“you supercilious c*nt. “Nailed it!
“only a fucking idiot like yourself would gloss over the fraud while wading around in the minutiae of whether the Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines are more effective at reducing symptoms of the virus.”
Nailed it again!
Thanks for that 😎
Regards, onebornfree
Maybe you can rush to the morgue to tell this little white girl beaten to death by khoons that she’s not a victim.
Then go around to the other million(s) of White victims of black crime over the years.
I don’t know. The neighbor got the shot. She’s 80 with a pace-maker and co-morbidities galore. No problem.
So we get hysteria from one side, and now you give us hysteria from the other.
(((Pauline Kael)))
(((John Milius)))
Siegal also directed Coogan’s Bluff another rogue cop played by Clint Eastwood. This one did have a Lalo Schifrin musical score and had Eastwood, as an Arizona cop tracking down a pyscho killer in New York City. It has the same elements as Dirty Harry and Madigan. A repulsive hippie type who kills for fun ( but is protected by the authorities) Best scenes are Coogan telling a Arizona Indian fugitive who has gone native and is hiding naked in the wilderness to ‘put his pants on’ then handcuffs him to a a porch beam so he can go in and get it on with a voluptous Sheree North.
"Embrace the healing power of 'and'." While we believe the current source of significant COVID-19 variants are individuals in which the ecological battle is inside their bodies as you bring to our attention, sooner or later that ecological battle will become significant between humans who mostly have immunity one way or another. As it is, once the B.1.1.7 British variant broke out into the general population it out-competes "classic COVID-19" because while not more pathogenic or immunity evading as far as we know, it transmits even better. Hmmm, Wikipedia has substantially increased the R0 range to 3.3-5.7, but there's still plenty of room for more without going as high as measles, which used to be compared to taxes as being inevitable.
Not really, if we are to believe the ‘science’
Those considerations and predictions of yours sound plausible enough. It bothers me a little that no one predicted that those “chronic Covid” cases could breed these new variants. Perhaps they could have isolated those patients for a longer time. In fact, it also bothers me that I had never even heard about “chronic Covid” before. Well, I guess I have a naturally suspicious temperament. But I do respect your informed opinions, for which I thank you once again.
It appears that you are in the point 3 camp, and probably the point 3A, camp: a bioweapon attack on Washington’s geopolitical rivals with unintended blowback. The Flu Hoaxers would generally be in the point 4 camp. However, it is important to consider that there are intermediate possibilities, point 3Bi, for example. It certainly seems quite suspicious that Iran appears to have been hard hit by this illness and soon after the fiasco with the martyred general, and that the PRC was hit around the time of its troubles with the Hong Kong color revolution. However, as I don’t live in either of those countries, I cannot verify what life is like on the ground there. However, when it comes to my life here in the US, I would not describe what I have been living in as a pandemic, but as a scamdemic. So, without further ado…Mario’s Case for No Pandemic: Let’s consider the following pieces of information: 1) In March, the Italian government published perhaps the first study of COVID19 deaths: average age of 80 and 98% with one or more serious comorbidities . In the spring of 2020, Iceland found that half of those who test positive for Sars-cov-2 are without symptoms. Replicating, to some degree, the findings of the Iceland, were the tests conducted on those “stranded†on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The top method of testing, Kerry Mullis’ RT PCR, is, according to Mullis and apparently the advice on the testing kits, not to be used as a diagnostic tool. When run at sufficiently high amplification cycles it will generally find everyone to be positive for anything. 5) Contradicting the official story line regarding the Wuhan “origins†is yet another study out of Italy that found that blood samples from summer of 2019 tested positive for Sars-cov-2 antibodies. The Reuters article I am citing states that the authors say this doesn’t contradict the Wuhan origin story, but umm...yeah whatever (why would they feel the need to say that?) Deborah Birx, the head of the Trump coronavirus task force, advised health professionals to be very liberal with COVID19 diagnoses, and this appears to be incentivized financially by the CARES act. above points have to make one ask: what kind of rational public health response consists of using a flawed method to test completely healthy individuals, ritually report “pandemic†case numbers and deaths without any context or details, engages in lockdown policies when counter examples (Sweden, Netherlands) have demonstrated that they are of little help, while financially incentivizing hospitals to report as many Pandemic deaths as possible, while massively censoring any contradictory information on the social media platforms? I recently asked a friend of mine who is a believer of sorts: if the media wasn’t reporting this stuff and we didn’t have the lockdowns, would you believe you were living in a pandemic? Answer: No!In short, any bioweapon hypothesis regarding events in Iran or China has to also contend with the facts that indicate that in the West this pandemic is largely a forced narrative built on a foundation of sand. Furthermore, it is interesting that although the Chinese seem to have indicated that they thought this was a bioweapon attack, they seem to have stopped massive testing way back in March of 2020. Having plotted the data from WHO “situation reports†as part of a stock trading hobby it is clear that at around 80,000 cases the Chinese just stopped, as the numbers flat lined. Interestingly, it was right around that time (week of Mardi Gras, 2020) that Europe and the US starting their massive testing regimes. It’s almost as if they said, we can’t let the Chinese end this now. So, in my view, we have elements of a means and opportunity case for a pandemic hoax. What, however, might the motive be? Here I will have to delve into speculation, but maybe what we are experiencing here is a case of a Plan B. What about this: we live in world of 7 billion people, and finite resources. On top of this, the US is a declining empire, living on borrowed time and money. Twenty years ago the US launched a series of wars aimed at securing the US empire for the 21st century, a series of wars consisting of installing client regimes on the massive lakes of Middle East oil and keeping world resources on the dollar. The aim was to have a energy and dollar veto on Chinese global ambitions. But the wars (seven in five years) took way too long and hit major road blocks (insurgencies, Russia intervention, etc.) By the time the Trump admin wanted to go after Iran, the window of opportunity had closed: China and Russia were too strong, Iran had means of retaliating. Enter Plan B: a massive collapse of the global economy. Perhaps the elites decided, we cannot address the fundamental issue anymore via military confrontation due to mutually assured destruction, so what now? Let’s unite together and push the costs onto our own “peasants.†Plan A was to keep one's nation rich at the expense of other nations. Plan B is to keep the global elite rich at the expense of the global peasantry.Replies: @acementhead, @Wizard of Oz, @Ron Unz
Competing hypotheses on the Chan Question: 1) Official story: COVID19 originates in a Wuhan “wet†seafood/exotic animal market in late 12/19 and begins to spread throughout the PRC due to authoritarian cover-ups and then to other East Asian nations and eventually to the West due to mistakes.2) Pro-Empire conspiracy theory: COVID19 was invented by the Chinese as a bioweapon and accidentally/intentionally leaked into the Chinese population. Contagion exacerbated by PRC authoritarian state and initial cover ups. The West is now having to deal with the “Chinese Virus.â€3) Anti-Empire conspiracy theory: COVID19 is a bioweapon produced by the Empire to attack enemies of the Empire.A. Appearance in the West is due to accident/incompetence.B. “Appearance†in the West is intentional and part of “the plan.â€i) The “appearance†in the West or at least the US is a lie or intentionally being blown out of proportion.ii) The appearance in the West is real, it is serious, and the internal chaos is an “opportunity.â€
4) Much ado theory: COVID19 is just a bad flu that kills mostly old people and people with preexisting conditions being hyped by an hysterical media for attention or something.�
Excellent analysis. Thanks very much.
LOL no. "Commies" were much better than the Tsar (as I showed you) that kept his peasants in constant starvation. They were much better than modern RF too in most parameters. Why is this not mentionedHere is an open source link on Soviet Operational Art @AP
Commies were bad for Russia and Ukraine. Although the Commies were deliberately bad to Russians and Ukrainians. Nazis starved others, not their own people, on purpose.
Here is a book by David Glantz that should clear up your misconceptions about the War (and you seem to have many).
Our expert on this stuff:
To be fair, Glantz has made valuable contributions to the field. But, and this is my impression, he, as a leading analyst of Soviet military forces during the Cold War, had a tendency, incentive perhaps, to overestimate Soviet capabilities (just as American military experts on China today often exaggerate Chinese military capabilities). Furthermore, Glantz, as a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, enjoys access, let’s say, less-Russophilic researchers are often denied, and, as the saying goes, access requires quid-pro-quo or at least “friendliness.†(In DC, it’s pretty well-known that foreign governments, for example, the Russians, the Chinese, and the Saudis to name but a few spread money around American researchers and analysts via think thanks and foundations to advance friendly policy advocacy).
He is not exactly an unbiased, neutral observer.
You failed to post evidence contradicting Karlin’s statement that about 30% of the Luftwaffe was fighting in the West.
BTW this is what the Americans supplied to the Soviets:
58% of the USSR’s high octane aviation fuel
33% of their motor vehicles
53% of USSR domestic production of expended ordnance (artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives)
30% of fighters and bombers
93% of railway equipment (locomotives, freight cars, wide gauge rails, etc.)
50–80% of rolled steel, cable, lead, and aluminium
43% of garage facilities (building materials & blueprints)
12% of tanks and SPGs
50% of TNT (1942–1944) and 33% of ammunition powder (in 1944)[52]
16% of all explosives (from 1941 to 1945, the USSR produced 505,000 tons of explosives and received 105,000 tons of Lend-Lease imports
So despite this massive assistance, Soviets still bungled the war and let almost 30 million of their people die.
LOL no. “Commies†were much better than the Tsar (as I showed you) that kept his peasants in constant starvation
Death toll for Tsar’s peacetime famine:
Death toll from Soviet peacetime famines:
9 million
Latter occurred in the 20th century, moreover, after world improvement in agriculture.
One can say the same of any anti-Soviet researcher that they 'undersestimate' Soviet capabilities due to Cold War bias or their own political bias.
Our expert on this stuff:
To be fair, Glantz has made valuable contributions to the field. But, and this is my impression, he, as a leading analyst of Soviet military forces during the Cold War, had a tendency, incentive perhaps, to overestimate Soviet capabilities (just as American military experts on China today often exaggerate Chinese military capabilities). Furthermore, Glantz, as a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, enjoys access, let’s say, less-Russophilic researchers are often denied, and, as the saying goes, access requires quid-pro-quo or at least “friendliness.†(In DC, it’s pretty well-known that foreign governments, for example, the Russians, the Chinese, and the Saudis to name but a few spread money around American researchers and analysts via think thanks and foundations to advance friendly policy advocacy).
He is not exactly an unbiased, neutral observer.
LOL Glantz debunks it in the books I posted. He says that lend lease did not make a siginficant contribution to the war effort and that the USSR would have still won regardless
You failed to post evidence contradicting Karlin’s statement that about 30% of the Luftwaffe was fighting in the West.
BTW this is what the Americans supplied to the Soviets:
58% of the USSR’s high octane aviation fuel
33% of their motor vehicles
53% of USSR domestic production of expended ordnance (artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives)
30% of fighters and bombers
93% of railway equipment (locomotives, freight cars, wide gauge rails, etc.)
50–80% of rolled steel, cable, lead, and aluminium
43% of garage facilities (building materials & blueprints)
12% of tanks and SPGs
50% of TNT (1942–1944) and 33% of ammunition powder (in 1944)[52]
16% of all explosives (from 1941 to 1945, the USSR produced 505,000 tons of explosives and received 105,000 tons of Lend-Lease imports
So despite this massive assistance, Soviets still bungled the war and let almost 30 million of their people die.
It was 2 million in the 1930's. And next, all the dead (as was stated in screenshots previously could be attributed to Tsarist policies and laid at the feet of the Tsar.
Death toll for Tsar’s peacetime famine:
Death toll from Soviet peacetime famines:
9 million
And the "allies" would not send food aid
"Before the famine began, Russia had suffered six and a half years of World War I and the Civil Wars of 1918–20, many of the conflicts fought inside Russia"
The famine came at the end of six and a half years of unrest and violence (first World War I, then the two Russian revolutions of 1917, then the Russian Civil War) �
It was only Bolshevik action in seizing Church property and profits that allowed them to put an end to the famine
"Aid from outside Soviet Russia was initially rejected." �
Translation - only decisive action by the "commies" (when no help was forthcoming) put an end to the famines.
"The Bolsheviks started a campaign of seizing church property in 1922. In that year over 4.5 million golden roubles of property were seized. Out of these, one million gold roubles were spent for famine relief"
So maybe its der ewige Holländer, who we must thank for all this madness?
This is absolutely correct. And that is why Peter the Great fascination with Netherlands is so interesting.
Judeo-Capitalism basically started there with the Stock Exchange etc.
And the idiotic public continues to wear masks!
Thanks, I'd never heard of this, but it's an example of modern life (treatment and avoidance of serious bleeding in men ) working against the body's Paleolithic derived health maintenance system. Same as modern life removing the need for active physical work - contributing to a whole host of "diseases of affluence" (obesity, circulatory, heart, strokes etc.).
Let me give you just one example of several dozen I could give: You may know that free iron in the body is a major free radical and oxidant (Google the Fenton reaction). It is at least in theory a major cause of accelerated aging. The levels of free iron are fairly well controlled in women by their menstrual cycles but have been rising in men over the course of increasing civilization, simply because we are able to avoid or treat episodes of serious bleeding. The free iron builds up when haemoglobin from red-blood cells breaks down.
Your assertion that reproduction fitness is the ultimate test is already a bad simplification. It’s rather that reproduction defines the initial priority, and remains fundamentally important even over the long haul, but has a tendency to move to the background over time. This is similar to the change of priorities which affects a business growing from a small private enterprise to a big public corporation. If you opened a small burger joint on your street corner today then your priorities would be different from what happens when your business has grown into McDonald’s.
Similarly the earliest species in the evolutionary chain were much closer to insects and bugs that we see today. Eggs would be hatched en masse the way that a queen ant does. This was clearly the best form of reproductive fitness imaginable. At a later stage of evolution we saw mammals appearing which now gave birth to much fewer offspring, such as a litter of kittens. Eventually humans appeared with an even more significantly reduced capacity for breeding usually only 1 offspring per time with about a year usually separating births in even the most highly breeding cultures. That clearly shows how the evolutionary pattern shapes the reproductive behavior of a species in the fashion of a growing corporation so that once the business is well-established from high rates of reproduction there is a natural tendency for the corporate body of the organisms to shift towards developing other traits while lowering reproductive capacity.
The riddle that always remains open is, when has this gone too far? People have said that Gillette pushed things too far with their hokey ad that poked at the male customers. A small business owner would know not to do this. Has Gillette become so intoxicated with the corporate world that they have actually forgotten how to run a business? That may be true. Is something similar happening among sectors of the human population? Again, that may be true. But it still is clear from the record of evolution that reducing reproduction is not by any means always contrary to the natural pattern.
Both small businesses and large businesses seem to be exposed to environmental pressure. For example only 60 firms remain in the Fortune 500 from the 500 listed in 1917.
The riddle that always remains open is, when has this gone too far? People have said that Gillette pushed things too far with their hokey ad that poked at the male customers. A small business owner would know not to do this. Has Gillette become so intoxicated with the corporate world that they have actually forgotten how to run a business? That may be true. Is something similar happening among sectors of the human population? Again, that may be true. But it still is clear from the record of evolution that reducing reproduction is not by any means always contrary to the natural pattern.
It’s a hoax and a medical coding fraud. End of discussion.
• Agree x1000: Adam Smith
Take the demon beast out to the parking lot and plant one in its Eggplant.
Any caliber will do, although a solid copper frag hollowpoint 357 would be cinematic, an sheeit.