The US is controlled by jews….as the 50+ standing ovations from clapping american seal zog puppets attested to when war criminal netanyahu came to speak in front of the US congress.
Europe in turn is controlled by the US, so Europe is controlled by jews as well. You don’t think Europe is controlled by the US zog? Read the book “Presstitutes” by Udo Ulfkotte. He will educate you as to what is going on in Europe.
If you talk about the power structure in America and the UK or Europe and you don’t discuss the jews, you simply are not telling the full truth.
How much longer is this little prick Zelenski going to hang onto power? What a horrendous mistake Ukrainians made by electing this guy, whose expiry date has already long passed. As for NATO, wait and see what the reaction of a slew of members will be when told they will now have to fight Russia. The warmongering Limeys will be told to take a hike by other members, who will make it crystal clear they didn’t start the war. What a pathetic joke, with their endless “article 5†bullshit. Let’s wait and see what happens when their much-vaunted article 5 is “triggered.â€
Ask the “Catholic†to lend you his photo of the BMW dealership
That’s Roman Catholic or, as my grandpa used to say, “Roman Cat-licker.”
I watched the first 100 seconds of the video just to count the overweight women, and there were plenty of them. Didn’t you see all the fatties Nellie, or were you too busy looking for the walking skeletons of starving “Palestinians” (hint: there aren’t any) to miss seeing all the Muslim fatsos?
I felt sorry for all the thin donkeys that, unlike the fat “Palestinians,” looked malnourished. It was sad to see those small, underfed, animals forced to pull all those fat ass “Palestinian” around on carts. Maybe someone should inform the SPCA. I’d be up for saving the Palestinian donkeys: unlike the “Palestinians” they wouldn’t cause problems when the West took them in. I’d even wager that these poor donkeys would be far more grateful for their better life in the West than were the Moroccan-Muslim welfare lifers and ISIS supporters who lived near me in Brussels.
As for the BMW dealership. If it it’s not a pile of rubble, it is definitely closed. The dealership’s grand opening was within a month or two of Hamas enacting their “great idea” to attack Israel. No BMW dealership business in Gaza is going to survive what came next.
Meanwhile, petty theft is so rampant in California that grocery stores are locking up ALL product to be sold “over the counter,” from milk and eggs to dish soap.
Yeah, is especially unavailable when you misspell it.
There’s a ‘c’ in archive.
That DDN video is a straightforward indictment of Trump as a total stooge of the Jews. Here we go again.
Aurangzeb was a worthy ruler. No sense in indulging (((individuals))) who wish to undermine faith and society. The US did that and that’s why things are the way they are.
SSD sucks. Wears out FAR faster than spinning disks, and unlike a disk drive, you have very little warning before complete failure. And it gets WORSE with higher capacities.
I’ll take slightly slower boot-up and application start times in exchange for significantly longer MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) specs. And for significantly less cost. 1 TB 2.5-inch internal disk drive is around $90 retail in a brick and mortar store.
Was Sandy Hook actually real? Or what? I recall seeing a mountain of evidence that it was all a gigantic steaming pile of fabricated bullcrap. What’s the current state of play in the world of Sandy Hook truth discourse?
Still waiting for an answer …Replies: @Pierre de Craon, @Greta Handel, @RedPill Boomer
Another torrent of labels, jargon, and undemonstrated assertions packed around random social media clippings to tell us where he as a “radical centrist†fits in. Go back through his archive for a few minutes and you’ll see that Mr. Stark’s basically a meandering diarist obsessed with identity politics.
Can anyone explain how he earned this recurring role at TUR?
@ Thrallman
Tell me what of value this article provides to the readership.
It’s probably a boost for the Black population.
Of course we aren’t supposed to notice how the Democrats depend on Mulattoes for political leaders.
And in all fairness there aren’t enough decent White men to go around.
I live in an area where there is an excess supply of MAGA hat wearing White men with jacked up trucks.
The women ain’t buying what they are selling. But they’re not shacking up with Blacks. They’re buying cats and checking out.
Well, I love cat breeders, but we don't want them reaping all of the benefit do we?
The women ain’t buying what they are selling. But they’re not shacking up with Blacks. They’re buying cats and checking out.
I must add afterwards that I misunderstood Hitler’s words (due to the soft tone of my) loudspeaker. He did not say, “Die Juden haben dieselbe Erfindung” (“The Jews have the same inventionâ€), but, “Millionen haben dieselbe Empfindung” (“Millions have the same feeling”).
Too bad, it would have been too correct. But it makes no sense to talk about Jews at a harvest festival, given the fact that Hitler, contrary to all the lying “historiansâ€, rarely spoke of Jews in public. But it is precisely these few quotes that are repeatedly dangled in front of our noses.
Years ago, before we became even more overrun with invaders, there was a news story on TV about a Midwest town in which the “city fathers,” chamber of commerce, etc., demanded that the foreigners be rounded up and shipped out of town. Within a month those same townsfolk were demanding the feds leave so the foreigners would come back. Without the foreigners, the slaughterhouses and chicken houses lacked employees, stores lacked customers, and apartment owners lacked renters, so they wanted things to go back to the way they’d been before federal intervention.
Now that employers, merchants and apartment owners deal with far more invaders, I suspect we’ll see another round of “yes, take them away” that’s soon followed by “go away and let them back in.”
All White women are silent
Do you know how many White women got arrested this year for protesting?
I think a lot of White women are just awful But it’s not OK to lie and say none are speaking up against the rapes, when many of them have gotten arrested and fired or that they are the nuttiest of women when you can see videos of women of other colors who have massive gang fights out in the parking lot of stores and malls.
The lies are why I hate the left. They don’t even know the truth about men and women. Our head should be in reality, unlike them.
Muslims have vandalized and burned so many churches in France that it would seem obvious that in Paris, which is full of violent Muslims and other foreigners, this church was just another in a long line of arson jobs. If the government had said that was indeed what happened, the French might have awakened from their slumber and realized this kind of thing would only continue and the invaders had to go, so they had to be assured it was just “spontaneous combustion” and not a deliberate act.
Still, I can’t rule out worker stupidity. In the 1980s I was at an air base in Germany where the Base Supply warehouse roof was being repaired when the hot tar caught fire and burned the place down. It was made worse by all of the aircraft tires stored inside which burned up too, and you know what tire fires look like. Everything that didn’t get burned up was ruined by the smoke from burning tires.
Nearby was another big building, the base bowling alley. Same thing happened there on another occasion — the tar caught fire and burned it down. Bowling was a popular activity so a smaller bowling alley was set up in another building elsewhere on base. I’m not sure but I think that one burned up as well during its own roof work.
What a disgusting claptrap – ” you must kill them, before they kill you”.
Turn your eyes onto the future – you will discover harmony, free from the cacophony of the past.
These AI videos on YouTube are already starting to ruin the experience, IMO.
And it is really sad how a lot of them get more clicks than some amateurs who clearly put some time into researching things and who deserve more engagement.
When I first recently came across the video below, I thought for sure it was AI generated, but then found out it was quite real, though touched up a bit.
These AI videos on YouTube are already starting to ruin the experience, IMO.
White women.
You are wrong, Anglin; women are not vicious animals; they are deranged animals. Many of them.
Yes White women
black women are all charm and grace😆
Do you have a citation?
Like I said, if you were even remotely conversant in the history of the early era you wouldn’t need me to do your homework for you. Plus, I don’t want to.
You can go back and find earlier conversations on earlier posts about slavery and the circumstances under which it developed in British America and learn for yourself by tracking down the cited works. A good place to start would be to educate yourself on indentured servitude and why it was replaced by slavery. That you don’t already know something about this topic speaks volumes about your absence of basic historical literacy about early America. You’ve made it clear you aren’t the intellectual peer of the bulk of the people on this site and it isn’t anyone’s job here to get you to that point.
Now, run along back to your troll cave and quit bothering the adults.
They could have gone with a cool mutant rescue:
A roofing contractor, Ron Short, volunteered to go down the shaft. He had been born without collarbones and could collapse his shoulders to work in tight confines. The team considered his offer,[6][7][8] but ultimately EMT/paramedic Robert O’Donnell was the one who descended the shaft,
And how was he a roofing contractor?!
Organic food actually should be cheaper for lower fertilizer, no herbicides, no growth hormones, etc. How the hell they justify higher prices. It is all big uncontrollable scam. Food in Africa is all organic and that suppose to improve their life expectancy -bs.Replies: @John Johnson
in a free market, organic food will eventually be competitive, as people would accept to pay a higher price for it.
Organic food actually should be cheaper for lower cost…no fertilizer, no herbicides, no growth hormones, etc. How the hell they justify higher prices.
It isn’t a conspiracy. You can just go talk to a farmer.
It takes more labor to weed than spray round up.
Then there are crops that simply attract bugs. They aren’t using pesticides to be dicks and waste money. This has been a problem for thousands of years. Locus wiping out entire crops and causing famine.
Hot boomer take!
I hope to live long enough to see God’s justice upon you. That’s my daily prayer.
You’re most likely praying to the gay Jew Jesus.
But you can’t see the irony because….you’re retarded.
Is it an open question? I’m not so sure. Shortly after the fire began, there were several online videos that looked as if they had been made by people on the scene. I saw two different ones in which the audio content contained repeated shouts of “allahu akbar” coming from men who were clearly participants in the attack on the cathedral. Within a week of the fire, however, both of those videos had had their audio expunged.
The claim that Zelensky is trying to kill off the population so the country can be sold to blackrock is retarded.
1. If the Ukraine is depopulated, Russia would just take everything and blackrock would get nothing at all.
2. The hohol population is not any kind of impediment to selling the country off to blackrock. The hohol population wants their country to be sold to the USA. That’s why they fought the war in the first place.
It’s almost as retarded as E Michael Jones’s claim that Jews want to kill off hohols so they can move back to the pale of settlement.
The raw milk trend never took off and RFK is showing his vanity and cluelessness by making it an issue. Even hippies seem to have realized that buying milk at a farmer’s market isn’t such a good idea.
RFK’s life seems to be centered around finding new causes for the sake of them.
He isn’t looking at what is harming Americans on a daily basis.
Reminds of liberals that obsess over guns in Black areas while ignoring the smoking, drug use and stabbings.
The Taiwanese have had an almost three-year long tutorial on what happens when a US-supported country takes on a far more powerful neighbor. They've seen what happened to Ukraine after Zelensky was talked out of a nearly signed & sealed war-ending treaty with Russia. The USA promised Zelensky the moon to tear up that agreement and all Ukraine got in return were cities that look like lunar landscapes and a half-million dead. The entire world saw the destruction of Ukraine after it threw its lot with the USA; it's hard to believe that Taiwan (a much saner and far less corrupt country than Ukraine) will allow itself to be sweet-talked by America into going to war against China - into committing suicide - especially while Ukraine is still burning.Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain, @frankie p, @kulki
Let’s hope the Taiwanese reject the plan to ignite a proxy war that would destroy that island.
If you think the Ukrainians have only a half million dead, you’ve been watching far too much TV.
Over 1,000,000 in outright KIAs among military personnel, not counting DOWs (Died of Wounds — i.e. later, in a hospital) and civilian deaths.
More evidence that this is Trump’s plan. Zelensky wouldn’t be saying it unless someone in the USA told him to say it. They want to “freeze” the Ukraine war so that they can rearm the Ukraine and shift their focus to taking out Iran in the meantime. After that, they believe they can just restart the war against Russia from a stronger position, with full Ukraine NATO integration and a neutralized/puppetized Iran. The problem they face is that Russia has no incentive to freeze anything, and no amount of empty threats from Trump will change that.
Germany didn’t have to be contained. (((The Usual Suspects))) wanted it contained.
“By whom�
By the syrian army! With help from iran and russia and iraq
Did you not read my full comment? This is a cynical non-strategic attack just like kursk. They are sacrificing a few thousand barely trained child soldiers from the middle of central asia who thought they were gonna make some money. This is not the full 150,000 force of terrorists it took russia and iran years to kill (they killed them all)
Already these poor kids are frantically calling home because they realize they were marked as canon fodder by israel, turkey and the US. I predict they will either kill their commanders and surrender or just be killed in russian air strikes. Either way, i dont think the cia and mossad will be able to recruit anyone in central asia with ease after this. Who are they going to pay to fight against assad in the future?
The rise of China is primarily due to Wall Street shipping our manufacturing base to China.
I say Wall Street, because when you invest in a mutual fund the (((FUND MANAGER))) has control of the stocks, and therefore has the voting proxies. Same thing goes for ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).
The Wall Street Jews are using YOUR money to have control of greater than 50% of the proxy votes in every publicly held company in the country. You get SOME of the dividends… they take a skim off of that the top to outright buy and personally own more shares in other companies.
Our problem with China isn’t in Beijing. Our problem with China is in Manhattan.
A small quibble, but an important one.
The rise of China is primarily due to Wall Street shipping our manufacturing base to China.
Of course we did. I’ll never forget or forgive Nixon for opening the door after all the anti commie propaganda that was dished out to us in the 60’s. Yes, we participated in making China an up and coming world power. We got played by Wall Street and our occupied government. We have carved up the USA and sold it to the highest bidder. Since I retired from a blue collar career, I have had the time to find out how the world really works-it’s why I’ve landed here on the UR. I’m a boomer, yes. I can assure you, despite what you may have heard, it’s not a disease.
I look at the world so much differently now, and don’t fear Russia and China. I fear our occupied Jew ridden government so much more; I expect they will do something egregiously stupid very soon.
Wow! Where were you hanging out? Folsom St? And, you’re not homo? Was it a term paper or a “desperate” bi moment?
You DO realize that many homosexual males (who, out of pure moral terpitude) stay single, never marry a chick that they would promise themselves to perennially lie to??? You know, like the 100 % hetero guy with extramarital affairs with big titted chicks? Ever heard of a “bachelor?” Before it became a bad word? About 34% of white guys in urban areas with factories were “never married” at age 40, in the 1940 census. GASP! [oh, wait. The Baby Boom wasn’t on yet]
So, like, SINGLE = “UNCHECKED HOMOSEXUALITY.” Yup. Seen it a million times. The bastards copping a feel on you in the grocery store line. Creeps!
Worried about health care resources, babe? PUT THAT FUCKING PORK CHOP DOWN, you fat overweight diabetic pig! You smell like nail polish remover. And, no Outback for you!
“normal family?” LOL You need a collection of The Ozzie & Harriet Show. Yup. That’s just a distant memory. Harriet would be working up on a T crane these days
Most Americans also want to distance themselves from “the US,†if by the US you mean the deep state or evil empire demarcated in blue on that county-by-county 2024 presidential election map, the cabal that usurped power in the rigged 2020 election. Even within Democrat-held blue territory there are enough Americans left, maybe a majority as in the Donbas for Russians, to take that land back from the deep state, from its mainly Jewish owner-donors, and from white-hating BIPOCs like AOC.
It’s possible Trump would rather deal with someone other than Bibi, but his commitments appear to include completely abolishing what remains of Palestine and assisting Israel in annexing not just Gaza but the entire West Bank.
I imagine Trump wants a ceasefire because his plan is to expel the Palestinians to Egypt or somewhere similar. He will twist the arms of some of the Arab states until they agree to take them in.
Oh my. You’re not even misinformed, you’re simply not informed at all. No shit Giancana wasn’t an elected official. LOL I was referring to the ballot tampering that Giancana and Daley orchestrated in favor of JFK, without which he would have most likely not taken Illinois in 1960.
Look around you. Jews become more powerful, grow into a larger population every year, accumulate more resources. This is the reality of the world. Learn to accept this reality and get on with your lives.
“We are the Jews. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”
The man said that mixed race couples lead to inferior offspring, that that stupid people tend to do it.
If you’re going to shoot the messenger, start with the clerk who wrote the message.
No worries for the zionist genocidal lunatics, the UN/ICC/West are all fully dedicated to them.
The “French” Rothschild branch of the dynasty allowed its employee ‘Micron the small’ to declare that the country under their yoke won’t implement the warrants.
Ultra zionist #twotierkeir can pretend he will, we all know he won’t as the Rothschild British branch has it.
The ICC has been setup to target African, Serbian dictators or whoever displeases the ’empire’, they are indicting netanyahu because everybody knows it won’t have any concrete or negative consequences for the zionist criminals.
So, the UN can keep pretending it is some kind of benevolent, elected and respected body that acts for the good of humankind, as long as humankind doesn’t ask too many questions about this unelected, money laundering enterprise under control of those who want to impose on humankind their ‘one world government’, a neo-feudal global totalitarian regime under their control.
It is the UN who declared that half of Palestine was now ‘Israel’ in 1947, just like that and without asking the local populations of course.
We know how it ended-up after 77 years of ethnic cleansing, genocide and no concrete action from the UN to stop it.
So a white guy in a powdered white wig makes human trafficking “legal” and this malfesance defies criticism.
One doesn’t make assault legal, and it’s a terrible thing.
Got it.
No, lying troll. On the contrary I laughed at your absurd statement that it might be.
But it is ONLY performed ritualistically by a mohel or a rabbi on Jews. Never in a hospital by a physician.
Mohels are sometimes used for non-Jews. At a Jewish hospital you could end up with one. In fact they are sometimes the preference of non-Jewish parents due to their experience. They do them all day.
You made it sound like that was part of the routine.
Maybe make your off-topic rant a little clearer next time.
Not sure why we have a few posters like yourself that are obsessed with circumcision. Maybe we need an ongoing circumcision thread. Of all our problems I really don’t understand the obsession over an Egyptian penis trim. It is now up to the parents so why not let them choose and move on?
I have the Egyptian cut and I would never trade it in for the German banana look. Growing up we associated being uncut with Europeans. To us it was American looking vs European or Hispanic. That is what the locker rooms looked like.
Excuse that I posted this from Simplicius elsewhere.
Here is a picture of Perfidious Albion’s reasons for the manufactured war, slaughter (reputedly over 1 million, more disabled). This is the City of London.
Looks like it will be easy enough to convert into a mosque in the future.
When its run by people with arrest warrant on them for Genocide ?
They should get hunted down like the nazis in for example Argentina.
The nazis imported to the source for nazi Germany, “US”, instead get used for comedy’s like “nuclear weapons”, “moon landings”, “Nine Eleven”.
Most Ukrainians want their government in Kiev to not pay any attention to Moscow. What does that mean and how would that be possible? It was Putin that invaded Crimea and funded the separatist movements. Kind of hard to ignore Russia when they take land and try to undermine the government. The Ukrainians voted for Zelensky and not the Western backed candidate. So how are their actions deserving of an invasion? Well polls show that Ukrainians support the war so it isn't a subjective matter. Invading Russia did not warm the Ukrainians to the idea of being ruled by Moscow. Pro-Russian parties never did well outside of DPR and LPR. Even Crimea never had majority pro-Russian party rule. Why not just admit that the Ukrainians do not want to be ruled by Russia?Supporters of Hitler were fully aware that the Polish and French did not want to be under German rule. How is this any different? The man in the Kremlin told them ‘I’m making it my fucking business’, and full on invaded lest the Ukrainians mistake his meaning.Should Putin have invaded Finland first? Since they were able to join NATO while Ukraine still doesn't have approval? The result is Ukrainian males between 16 and 60 were forbidden from leaving the country.That is normal when a European country is being invaded. Conscription is enacted and it is not optional. The existence of the state is at risk and there will always be men that avoid war. Russia also locked in their men when they mobilized. But angry smurf did it in the wrong order and announced mobilization before locking the borders. Over 200k Russian men are in Kazakhstan.Replies: @Sean
Do most Ukrainians want freedom and elections or rule by Moscow?�
All that you say has much truth in it yet it’s too emotional. Since the pre Putin invasion of Chechenia, Ukraine worried about RusFed After the invasion of Georgia (mere months following the ‘Georgia/Ukraine will one day join’ Nato announcement) they could be under no illusion what kind of a country RusFed-with-Putin-running it was like. Then came the first use of force in 2014. In 2015 there seemed to be an overlap between the subjective logics of Ukraine and Russia. The Minsk agreement would have allowed development of free Ukraine, which would have given Russia some assurance about its security yet demonstrated the superiority of the Western economic model to Russians. Instead of an economic competition, Ukraine has ended up in a military hostilities one where Russia is holding all the cards.
As this war has already shown, one needs to be careful when your dreams for the future are built upon a house of cards:
Ukraine has ended up in a military hostilities one where Russia is holding all the cards. �
I watch Armstrong from time to time, but you should be super skeptical of anyone who claims to have a computer which accurately forecasts based on politics, etc. They do not exist, at least the way that Armstrong’s decades old Socrates allegedly does.
Greg Hunter is not very bright and he always gushes over Armstrong’s Socrates. Total load of shit and Armstrong is probably something of a conman.
this just in via al-jazzera:
Mossad/CIA/Turk – backed “moderate rebels” have taken control of main highway linking Aleppo and Damascus….
….while the Putin/Assad “army” is “regrouping to counter-attack” (tr.: disintegrating)
if Putin has any troops to spare, he needs to start flying them in pronto. Before his airbase gets overrun.
Forgive me if I don’t really have any faith in a typical African country’s government to keep reliable death, or birth, or any, records.
Unfortunately, they are occupied by the US military, their economy is dictated to by the US, and all of their politicians are owned by the US.
The economy is the big issue. Europe could expel the US military quite easily. The real problem is that all European economies are fake and are very dependent upon the USA. The time for Europe to break out of America’s orbit would have been in 2022 with the start of the Ukraine war. Now they have been cut off from Russia, and the USA has been successfully working to cut them off from China as well. The anti-farming movements that have been building in Europe are aimed at making them dependent upon the USA for food. Soon, Europe will be completely enslaved with no possibility of gaining independence (at least not without severe pain).
The penalty is excessive but there was a female judge. Society gets more bizarre, sickly and dies when women are allowed into the public square.
With a male judge, I think the results would’ve been much different. We don’t allow women into public because they are irrational and look to punish and scorch the earth in minor issues. This was a minor issue that could’ve been settled with a few million in damages.
Hey Land of Lakes, I love your investigative journalism skills-oooh a story from a Russian (oooh the guy has a background of butter and gold bars) oooh and a video of a shoplifter and a store heist great. That never happens outside of Russia. I think we talked about this before-do you remember-how many Russians are there and how many Russians have an opinion? Nonetheless combine this with an hard news expose from KGTV San Diego and I am beginning to believe that their going to a string up Putin (probably next Tuesday) but you know what?….probably not. Please learn to think before responding to future posts, thank you-remember I gave you some advice before about this but you don’t remember. Con men love suckers like you. Hey but we are still friends are we not?
You can’t be sure, he maybe earns more on mass murder in Palestine.
In the best of Worlds, the so called “Jews” have blow up in their face.
American, british and israeli terrorists are now attacking against Syria.
I’m sure you love dogs, too. especially when they maul Gazan “retardsâ€.
Or kids.
Or civilians in general.
But they shouldn’t be there in the first place, right? So no skin off your nose.
Or am I being anti-Semitic when pointing these facts out, Uncle Leo…
Once again, not the point he was making. You’re really into the obfuscation thing lately.
Virtually all history of “Africans” sailing is Egyptians and other North Africans.
Sub-Sahara Africans have virtually no sailing history (except maybe occasional primitive canoe type crafts that were limited to river and coastal fishing and never used for exploration).
They did not even reach Madagascar just off their East Coast. In fact, Madagascar was colonized by South East Asians and Austronesisns.
Read sources other than Jared Diamond. While interesting, he presents a somewhat different viewpoint than others that is more “politically correct”.
A ceasefire of dupes
Few days after the ceasefire started, israel has already violated it every single day, while Hezbollah and the Resistance groups are still celebrating their victory.
But was it really a victory?
The zionists violating this ceasefire is not a surprise, nobody of a sane mind could expect zionists to ever honor their engagements.
But the main problem is not there, if the zionist occupiers keep violating the ceasefire, Hezbollah will eventually resume the hostilities and will be commanded to do so.
The problem lies in what this ceasefire really entails.
The so-called ‘Lebanese army’ is moving in South Lebanon after a ‘ceasefire’ designed by the zionist Jew and US envoy Hochstein and accepted by the Lebanese “government”, an entity under heavy US influence, so-called “israel’ and the main defender of Lebanon’s territorial integrity, Hezbollah.
What will be the role of the US trained and captured ‘Lebanese army’ in relation to the real Lebanese army, Hezbollah?
How are they going to or will they manage southern Lebanon together?
What are the real goals and accords the Lebanese “government”, their US stakeholders and ‘israel’ have agreed to?
So far, the israelis have been violating the ceasefire, shooting at civilians who went back to their homes, even kidnapping two Lebanese who attended a funeral. The alibi they use is that these civilians were in a so-called “buffer zone”.
I am not aware of any buffer zone or no man’s land being part of the ceasefire agreement and Lebanese being forbidden to access their lands.
Have Hezbollah or the Lebanese government agreed to let Israel control part of their territory?
While I believe the US controlled Lebanese ‘government’ could agree to such a betrayal, I don’t think Hezbollah would, especially when they were winning the war on all fronts.
We must remember that Hezbollah decision to get into the conflict was to defend Palestine and end the genocide in Gaza.
An objective they haven’t achieved, yet.
So, logically, they should be still fighting the zionist occupiers until they leave completely Gaza and end their genocide.
This is not happening as the genocide continues unabated in almost complete indifference from MSM and alt-media worldwide (especially western ones).
Instead, what we have is yet another US/israeli led aggression against a new target: Syria.
The US/israel controlled terror groups started their new attack against Syria the day after the ceasefire was implemented in Lebanon.
This is not a coincidence and proves again that this ceasefire was allowed to happen to free the downtrodden israeli army for another conflict, as the zionists have bombed various border areas in Syria.
They even admitted that this ceasefire will allow them to focus on their main target: Iran, while warning their troops and population to prepare for extensive wars.
How the actual losers of both genocidal wars in Gaza and Lebanon can think they have the ability to sustain even more extensive wars while they weren’t able to win any of the local ones is beyond any logic.
One has probably to be versed into very twisted cabalist or talmudic thinking to understand such delusions.
Is not the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results?
For sure, in Syria, this time, they let the US proxies do the dirty job which won’t cost them too much and won’t impact the already below sea level popularity of the netanyahu bunch of criminals’ regime.
One thing remains though, is that Hezbollah might have agreed to a truce of dupes, freeing the zionist army that was losing big time to replenish, regroup and continue its genocidal wars against Gaza and now Syria.
The recent bombings of Yemen by zionist controlled UK and US coincided with the attacks on Syria, again it is not by chance, it’s a coordinated effort at destroying the Résistance groups one at a time, while Hezbollah is, for the moment, not active.
I am confident that they understand the situation as much as anyone else.
Just in case any of you gay BroadWAY aficionados would like to know, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein destroyed the musical theater of New York. How? you ingenuously ask.
Well, before that, Broadway music was mostly jazz. Or jazz-able.
Rodgers deliberately wrote his 1950s musical tunes to be resolutely un-jazz-able. Compare, say, Blue Moon to Edelweiss. After that, it was all mostly cheesy late-period-Lawrence Welky operetta. Until, with Jesus Christ, it became cheesy rock with too many words-per-second, which is what it has been for the last 50 years. Think Disney latterday cartoon musicals. So many things have got stuck intime in this latterday world. Wonder why.
They're all coming here to work in our vibrant kebab shop and Kurdish barber sectors.
The ONS revised long-term immigration up by 82,000 in the year to June 2023, while emigration was shifted down by 84,000 - giving an overall net increase to the headline figure of 166,000. In that period 1.3million arrived and 414,000 left.
The net migration total for 2023 as a whole was increased by 181,000.
The ONS said it now thought 43,000 more Ukrainians had come to the UK in the year to June 2023, and 30,000 more in the year to December.
The body is also estimating that fewer EU nationals departed the country, and more students from outside the EU stay after finishing courses.
The ONS said that while remaining high by 'historic standards', net migration is now 'beginning to fall'.
Director Mary Gregory said: 'Since 2021, long-term international migration to the UK has been at unprecedented levels'.
� @Mike Tre
The streets around Westminster were blocked by raucous crowds waving Albanian flags and setting off fireworks last night, with Audis, Mercedes and convertible sports cars seen driving on the pavement and honking their horns.
Some people were seen waving flags while standing through the sunroofs of moving vehicles, while regular traffic trying to get through the capital was brought to a halt after the rally caused roads to be closed.
Cops from the Metropolitan Police were filmed desperately trying to hold back the mob in roads to allow cars to slowly inch their way forward through the capital's clogged streets.
Another clip from the mayhem appears to show a group of outnumbered officers being forced back by the crowd of Albanians as some of those rallying goad cops, chanting and hurling drink at them. �
So the photograph is the car with the foreign flag is interesting. The last couple of years here in the Chicago area (so I assume it is similar in other parts of the US) during May 5th and for Mexican Independence the mestizos now cover the hood of their cars with Mexican flags and drive around for a week like that.
Oh no, they’re not invading and taking over or anything; they’re natural conservatives, conserving Mexican culture.
True, they are not the natural conservatives George W fantasized about, but they aren't into the woke BS the left is pushing and many voted for DJT. I'll bet there aren't any trannys on Mexican girls soccer teams.Replies: @guest007, @Pixo
Oh no, they’re not invading and taking over or anything; they’re natural conservatives, conserving Mexican culture.
“Sweden” have no “democracy”.
You are not asked if you want to join a Genocide organization, NATO, or if you want to be murdered in the hospitals by poison. Its supposed to be natural for a death cult.
Hang up the filth, the regime, the secret police, the police, the bureaucracy. The parasites have reach a “critical mass”, its time to explode it.
The Fairy Tale “democracy” are a terror regime built on stupidity, sadists and whores.
They have actually mass murder in the hospitals, its ruled by a non-human entity, once again the Pharma Industry make big business by mass murder, as in nazi Germany.
No Newtons laws in “US”, then they have to be not valid in “Sweden” also.
“Oreshnik” can not fall where filth rules, they think.
Thanks to those who checked my calculations. Based on the comments, I went back and discovered I didn’t calculate my orders of magnitude properly. The energy released on impact is actually equal to that produced by 2.8 pounds of TNT. That’s orders of magnitude smaller than the yield from even a very small tactical nuclear weapon. However, as commenters noted, penetration and concentration of blast would probably end up making one of these close to as damaging as a very small, tactical nuclear weapon. I suspect that one could devastate a large aircraft carrier.
The ICC is and always has been an arm of American imperialism. That will not change.
Yep. This is a critically important point. Fat--eating it, not having it--is good.
I think this is part of the whole fat free craze which has paradoxically made people fat. Eating a little bit of fat makes you feel full in a way that no amount of lean protein will.
People–including a bunch of commenters here–come up with these triple bank shot theories. But the reason Americans–and increasingly the world–have gotten so fat, is mostly the basic metabolic issue: Lots of carbs which jack up blood sugar–which almost no one is working off in the fields or factories anymore–which creates a strong insulin response, packing the carbs away as fat … and the dropping blood sugar making people hungry again for … more carbs!
How many of you have actually been around fat Americans? I mean not overweight but actually fat as in zero male or female lines. Couples that have the same body.
They don’t need one special trick to lose weight.
These are not people that order a #1 medium sized with a diet coke at McDonald’s. They order a #1 large with regular coke, an extra burger and an apple pie. Then they pause for a second and add a McChicken. Then they decide that they want the sweet tea.
If you go into an American mini mart you will see an isle filled with full sized candy bars. How many in shape people do you know that buy a full sized candy bar and a 20 oz coke when they fill up for gas? Those stores clearly sell enough of them to have an entire isle.
Just go to a Starbucks around noon and have a look at what people order for lunch. It’s insane. You will see people buying a Venti frap with 4 shots and extra sugar. For some Americans that counts as “just coffee” for lunch. It’s like a thousand f-ing calories.
I’ve honestly never met an obese person that ate normally. If you don’t see them eat much in public then they most likely have a food addiction that they try to hide. I thought I knew one that ate somewhat normally and then I learned that she drinks 12 cokes a day. Yes a day.
And the rest of it is filled with other savory snacks and drinks. I'm quite fascinated by this; I occasionally walk around such stores, just trying to get a pattern of the tastes and varieties. Interesting that we have the bandwidth to discern between the various powdered donuts and chocolate bars.
[in] an American mini mart you will see an isle filled with full sized candy bars
JJ, you're talking about the really obese which has a huge class element. These are people who simply have poor discipline with regard to food--and much else--and simply demonstrate what that means with the end of scarcity.But all these obese blobs floating to the surface, are not the crux of the issue. Americans have gotten quite a heavier across all social classes and weight percentiles the past 50 years. I.e. it is not just the grotesque outliers, the whole scale has shifted up. For example, I was at my neighbor's for brunch of Thanksgiving. Their friends are an upper middle class bunch, several aerospace engineers, school teacher, pilot, etc. etc. There were a couple genuinely trim (and one "thin") people there. (And one of their friends' 20-something daughters is fit and just yummy--and headed to the altar next year.) But overall the group would look better--and more like a similar group from say the 1960s--if everyone lost 20 pounds.These people are not fat because they are knocking back Big Gulps and full sized candy bars at the convenience store.Replies: @John Johnson, @Jack D
I’ve honestly never met an obese person that ate normally.
As Reg appears to be otherwise occupied it falls to me to ask: Does one have to row out there for the candy bar? Is there a causeway accessible at low tide? A pedestrian bridge?Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
If you go into an American mini mart you will see an isle filled with full sized candy bars.
Yeah, the notion that such a loathsome “fuck you, I got mine” mentality would be characteristic of any “good” race is laughable.
ghali… you are not precious you are cheap and I just outed you. What gave you up was calling me a jew, that’s funny.
Thank your boss for hiring you.
Back when Ukraine was neutral, they didn’t have any problems with Russia. In fact, Russia spent a lot of money subsidizing Ukrainian gas supplies, and Russia certainly didn’t invade.
So Ukraine suddenly demands to join NATO, so they can have protection from Russia, and they are willing to destroy their own country fighting Russia so they can have protection from fighting Russia, which they would not have had to do if they had not said that they wanted to join NATO. And in any event, NATO doesn’t want them.
This makes sense. Not to me, but it makes sense.
Marshall Berman’s words “All That Is Solid Melts into Air” could be handily invoked to answer a lot of questions on WHEN.
LOL.A few updates
Well… “as long as we’ve got each other,†as the song goes…hand in hand, to the dustbin of history.
— 🇸🇾/🇮🇷 NEW: Iranian advisors are present in Hama, and are jointly planning with Syrian commanders to organize a defense of the city
Heavy Rus/Syrian AF strikes against HTS HQ in Idlib.
🇸🇾 Visual confirmation: The Syrian Arab Army has full control of the town of Qomhane, North of Hama, and fire control over the M5
Replies: @Arthur MacBride, @ariadna
— 🇸🇾🇮🇶 🇮🇶 Abu Alaa al-Wala'ee, Secretary General of the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite 'Sayyed al-Shuhadaa' Brigade:'The Turkish government is determined to drag its economically deteriorating people into losing battles in which it has no interest. Although the collapse of the Turkish currency almost led the Turkish economy into the abyss, had it not been for the rise in the volume of trade with Iraq, which mitigated the impact of that and was a lifeline for this ungrateful neighbor. Erdogan is still gambling with his political future, thinking that he will be part of the 'new Middle East' that his secret ally Netanyahu preached about.What everyone must understand, especially the Turkish regime and the Zionist entity, is that Syria will not be a dumping ground for your human waste again. Just like we contributed to repelling your plots against it in the past, we are ready again today with even more determination and deeper faith.'�
and, not a “controlled substance” either. 1975 I was doing echocardiograms then. Had an unlocked drawer full of “poppers.” Coulda distributed them as I wished.
“The problem with your examples is that you have good taste in movies, so you are citing films by big time directors who get to do what they want. You might well be right when it comes to movies directed by nobodies, but Scorsese, Redford, and Nolan get to pick their casts. ”
And what you don’t seem to realize is that your comment doesn’t disprove anything I said, and you expounding on Turturro’s casting by the Coen brothers actually reinforces what I said.
FTR, The Quiz Show is a laughable and thinly veiled yarn about fictional Jewish Moral Superiority. The scene where the jewish investigator chides Van Doren about not being able to despise and envy him (the investigator) at the same time was a legitimate laugh out loud moment of peak jewish projection.
Call your nurse and she can up your meds.Replies: @Corvinus
Right, I’m calling him out on it. Just like I’m calling you out. So what do you do? Run away.
See, you’re running away. And you’re employing as hominem to boot.
You confidently made this claim “Moderns have a hard time believing that moving to slavery was touted as a reform measure in Britainâ€
Do you have a citation? Do you have any evidence to support it? Go right ahead. If you’re that sure about it, provide a source and your commentary.
You had stated that the historians I refereed to has weak evidence regarding Jews and their level of involvement in the American slave trade. But you never offered reasons directly relating to their positions. Go right ahead. If you’re that sure about it, provide a source and your commentary.
Like I said, if you were even remotely conversant in the history of the early era you wouldn’t need me to do your homework for you. Plus, I don’t want to.
Do you have a citation?
Yes – but not actually to be used for free speech. It’s restricted by the corrupt and criminal Metropolitan Police who have nothing better to do, and monitored by the Moslem lobbies in full sight of the police day and night.
Try reading my comment a bit more carefully before overreacting. What I described was an ideal scenario, of what we ought to do. What’s likely to happen is exactly what you described in your comment, which I agree with.
You call white people racist, and then that’s what you say about Asian people? So I guess you are racist too. What’s the point of bringing it up if we are all racist?!? Then I guess it’s a routine thing that shouldn’t even be brought up.
‘…That’s defending a sleezeball politician that had sex with a 17 year old.
You’re trying to downplay his actions by showing that it happened in the medieval period…’
No, that’s you taking my words out of context. I wasn’t interested in Gaetz at that point. I was responding to Corvinus’ idiotic drivel what about the traditional values of Western civilization are.
You should stick to your buggy videos and googlings. Go bother someone else, attention whore, LOL.
I’m sorry but this is an open forum and not your personal echo chamber where you can check in to have your assumptions affirmed.
Ukrainians are still in Kursk while the Putin bootlicking bloggers (Larry, MacGregor, Ritter) were all wrong about how they would be destroyed in a quick counter-strike.
So the self-described military experts got it wrong….again. Thus we see it is important to have a variety of sources and viewpoints instead of trying to recreate the MSM but with a smaller audience.
Putin has a new headache in Syria so you might want to reconsider your dedication to a 2.5 week special operation that now has North Koreans and passenger cars being used in combat.
In case you hadn’t noticed it isn’t going as planned. You should have realized that years ago or at least when Putin started using Chinese 4�4 buggies and motorcycles in Mad Max style attacks.
Maybe go have some tea with the ladies if you find the open forum format to be so threatening to your delicate sensibility.
Two hundred years ago in the aftermath of the French Revolution, Notre Dame was in such disrepair that it was about to be demolished. The genius architect responsible for saving it, Eugene Viollet-le-Duc, was severely criticized for his choices despite his restoration being authentically medieval. He could sit and accurately draw an entire section of the cathedral in a few hours.
The forces at equilibrium between the upper walls and flying buttresses defied analysis some years ago by a super computer at MIT and yet these structures from the 13th and 14th centuries designed by master masons are still standing so many centuries later. Beyond the genius in stone, master carpentry and advanced wood science was needed to support the stone during construction and assembly the framework of the massive roofs.
What is also amazing and we should all be grateful for is that the skills to put Notre Dame back together again were available in this age of synthetic building materials that look as fake as they are and age about as well as plastic or painted cardboard.
=if Sweden is attacked, ‘everyone must do their part to defend Sweden’s independence – and our democracy=
Sweden is already attacked non-stop since 1990 by the mysterious NGO using bioweapons.
Arabs in Sweden
My dear efterbliven Swedish Brothers and Sisters !
1. Sign up to fight Evil Vlad ASAP !
2. Look sincere while signing, don’t smile, try to look like Waffen-SS soldiers on WWII recruitment posters.
3. Ask to be assigned Military Occupational Specialty 11B “Infantryman” aka Body Bag aka Bullet Catcher.
4. Finish Basic Training. Nowadays it should be a cakewalk during warm spring breeze. Your Drill Instructor most likely will be caring, gentle, understanding, well-endowed Blonde Chick.
5. Tightly pack into your Saab all the gear issued to you – M16, Kevlar helmet, bulletproof vest, combat boots, 10,000 rounds of 5.56X45 and other useful toys.
6. Then smile politely, say FAN ER ALLLA
7. Drive home and start fighting the REAL ENEMY. Sapienti sat.
That’s one possibility. But there’s also Turkey.
‘Iran foreign minister says ‘rebel attacks in Syria were part of an Israeli-U.S. plan to destabilize the region”
To those people being occupied and invaded by the american and british enemy, be patient, prepare, co-operate and network with your own people, be patient and do not attack the american and british empire yet with legal means. They are incapable, degenerate and stupid people, but they have guns and they control your officials, politician, media etc.
Wait to attack the american and british enemy with legal means when their empire will start to collapse soon.
Agreed. Every bit helps. Simplicius ends his piece, containing coverage of the western “ceasefire” ploy and Boris openly admitting the nature of the conflict, with a touching scene of two kindred souls Piano Player and Micron
Well… “as long as we’ve got each other,†as the song goes…hand in hand, to the dustbin of history.
A few updates
Apparently the Rus Commander of RF Forces in Syria has been replaced.
— 🇸🇾/🇮🇷 NEW: Iranian advisors are present in Hama, and are jointly planning with Syrian commanders to organize a defense of the city
🇸🇾 Visual confirmation: The Syrian Arab Army has full control of the town of Qomhane, North of Hama, and fire control over the M5
Heavy Rus/Syrian AF strikes against HTS HQ in Idlib.
HTS post vdo of themselves desecrating Shia mosques …
Imho the DOG is going to very much regret his latest adventure.
This is just from an Iraqi Brigade Commander, but …
— 🇸🇾🇮🇶 🇮🇶 Abu Alaa al-Wala’ee, Secretary General of the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite ‘Sayyed al-Shuhadaa’ Brigade:
‘The Turkish government is determined to drag its economically deteriorating people into losing battles in which it has no interest. Although the collapse of the Turkish currency almost led the Turkish economy into the abyss, had it not been for the rise in the volume of trade with Iraq, which mitigated the impact of that and was a lifeline for this ungrateful neighbor. Erdogan is still gambling with his political future, thinking that he will be part of the ‘new Middle East’ that his secret ally Netanyahu preached about.
What everyone must understand, especially the Turkish regime and the Zionist entity, is that Syria will not be a dumping ground for your human waste again. Just like we contributed to repelling your plots against it in the past, we are ready again today with even more determination and deeper faith.’
Have always assumed that they had to take apart the engines or service them in some way. They had to do it with the Shuttle. And seems like part of the motivation to switch to nat gas.
I know they replace the landing legs. That is part of the reason for the catchtower for Starship, to avoid the time for that step.
There was a book published very recently about the development of reuse for the Falcon 9. It is pretty long, so I assume the author goes into some basic technical details. But I haven’t read it.
Russia made the decision in the late 1970s to develop conventional weapons with the ability to fuck up an opponent but without leaving radioactive residue. I forget the Russian general's name now... but they were forward looking back then.
After the controlled demolition of the USSR, funding for hypersonic development in the USA seems to have decreased. The Russian work continued in pilot-light mode. Scientists presented mockups of Russian hypersonic weapons for decades so it was no surprise they were working in this area. Funding was apparently increased as the West made many aggressive moves against Russia after 2000.
A very comprehensive take and analysis of monetary factors, political factions and structures from a very rare individual with profound and wide knowledge and Time and Grade. Martin Armstrong.
It’s your ‘Marcionist’ moment. Actually the text is ὑμεῖς á¼Îº τοῦ πατÏὸς τοῦ διαβόλου á¼ÏƒÏ„á½³.
Latin: vos ex patre diabolo estis.
… technology companies usually enforce those terms quietly and do not step in to public court battles, said Eric Goldman, an associate dean and professor of tech law at Santa Clara University School of Law.
What is the ‘quiet’ way for X Corp. to enforce its ToS and block the sale of the account? — the proposed sale is part of a bankruptcy proceeding, so it’s necessary to publicly intervene via a court filing.
I think what Goldman means is that technology companies are usually subservient to government influence, and since he’s probably Jewish, his personal view is likely that they should be — the Twitter Files showed that in its previous incarnation/under earlier management, Twitter censored at the behest of the government (homosexual Jew Yoel Roth was heavily involved), as did Facebook.
I am more convinced than ever that judaism is a cancer upon the world and must be outlawed if the world is to survive.
Here in the USA, we should declare judaism to be a foreign political system, its adherents and supporters to be recognized and “outed†as “agents of a foreign governmentâ€.
Revoke tax exempt status from every jewish organization, to include synagogues and those most repulsive of jewish edifices, their phony, contrived “holocaustianityâ„¢ templesâ€.
Jewish organizations could easily be sued for fraud, its holocaustâ„¢ to be declared a massive fraud and grift.
Every perversion known to mankind has its roots in judaic practices and in judaism itself.
From genital mutilation of male infants to all sorts of financial schemes and swindles, the human organ trade, adrenochrome harvesting, child trafficking, child sacrifices, pornography and outright genocide itself, all of these are accepted as a valid part of normal judaic behavior.
Slavery is still an accepted tenet within judaism.
An interesting, largely unknown tidbit attributed to judaism, the world’s largest purveyor of pornography (porn hub) is owned by a jewish rabbi and his wife.
As to the “transgender†movement, this vile concept is right out of judaism which states that there are “8 genders†within jewish belief, two of which are achieved by “human interventionâ€.
Sound familiar?
The books being burned in Wiemar Germany were not the classics, but were gender-bending advocacy books published and promoted by the Hirschfeld Institute, a jew-owned and run “sex research institution†which advocated the promotion of homosexuality and transgender “lifestylesâ€. That fact has been left out of the history books.
We are living in today’s version of the Wiemar Republic, in which all sorts of perversions and licentious behavior is being foisted on the “goyimâ€, being promoted by jewish interests.
Jewish supremacy is the concept that “holds it (judaism) all togetherâ€. Their Kol Nidre “prayer†is an absolution for nefarious, criminal acts committed against the “goyim†for the past year.
The jewish talmud declares that all “goyim†are inferior beings whose only purpose is to “benefit the jewsâ€.
If THAT isn’t supremacism, I don’t know what is.
Judaism is a supremacist foreign political system which must be recognized as a mortal danger to the world, the sooner the better…
Any diet of cheap and easy (to acquire and consume) high calorie foods is potentially fattening regardless of the proportion of carbs to fats. Modern people didn’t get so obese eating their traditional peasant high-carb and low-fat but also high-fiber, high-bitter vegetable flavor, and (relatively) labor intensive meals like lentil and barley stew. Anyone who has eaten such a traditional grain/legume/vegetable-heavy diet with little meat and everything made from scratch can confirm that overeating is not so easy!
As you allude to, the killers are the things that are low effort to acquire, offer little satiating pushback from fiber or strong vegetable flavors, and are deliciously calorie-dense: soda, juice, and cereal (high-carb) but also chips/fries (high fat and carb), frozen meals/takeout (ditto), and fried chicken (low carb!! But finger lickin’ good.)
in short:
any supposed “right wing” movement that is not explicitely and programmatically anti-Jew
is a fraud. In fact, worse than a fraud:
because, as the author points out, it serves to channel hardRight/White currents in a direction benefiting only the Jews….and their corrupt shabbatz goyim. As to the latter,
the author errs: the Jews take very good care of their treacherous collaborators, and Churchill – who lived a pampered, Jew-$ubsidized life (via Rothschild, Jew South Africa diamond magnates, Cassels, etc.) – is one example among many. WC — the one man intimately involved in arranging both rounds of the 20th century world war that mortally wounded both Western Civilization and the White race — died rich and feted with honors.
Don’t place any confidence in her. She’s so fond o’ lyin’.
What Progressed the Human Species? Mating and Selective Breeding. Whenever there is the creation of a stable society, (food, water and shelter) then Societal Culture determines mating rituals and mate selection. 1) I think it was the Transition from Hunter / Gatherer to Agrarian Farmer that began the true progression of the human race. Only by first satisfying the need for food, clothing and shelter does the Neanderthal have time to pontificate on life's mysteries. In today's society our Academics come from wealthy families...."Poor Boy goes to Work....Rich Boy Goes to College". It takes time to sit and read. 2) Nature - Vrs - Nurture: If we look at Developmental Psychology ---We now know the Formative Years of Brain Development (Birth to about 8 years old). So adequate food to build our bodies and brains and a culture that values interaction, training and education of the young. Culture only develops out of a stable tribe environment. Those tribes with plentiful access of high quality protein evolved. Protein is key for survival. The Invention of the Written Language: This staggering leap in cognitive development set the stage for Intellectual thought. Before the written Language, only tribal elders could pass down campfire stories containing nuggets of wisdom (Oral Tradition). After written language ----The ability to Read greatly enhanced our success in life ---We could become wise without gaining access to Tribal Elders. We could learn all sorts of things. A similar shift in cognitive advancement is now occurring with the Smart Phone. Consider this ---The Chat GPT AI App on a 12 Year old's Smart Phone is more powerful than all Brick and Mortar Libraries on the face of the earth COMBINED. Knowledge used to be power. The you young had to cautiously approach a tribal elder with their questions. Now the young have access to more wisdom and understanding than their parents every knew. It is revolutionary. The American Indians were eventually obliterated by similarly armed English settlers because they had NO Written Language. They could not organize, unite and create meaningful military strategy...they could not unite themselves. The English settlers quickly figured them out and realized they were stupid children who could be lied to and played against each other. They sold their land for Shiny Mirrors and Beads. Their military strategy was to get high on peyotes, dance around a campfire and pray to some White Buffalo. Why do Jews excel in Law and Finance? Because 2000 years of selective breeding. Attaining the level of Rabbi was the holy grail of self development for a young Jewish boy. Valuing intelligence and reading at an early age. Mastering the Talmud, the Torah and all other documents of Jewish life required intense study. Those who had the knack were elevated in their society and had their pick of mates. Even today the very big difference between a Jewish Home and a Gentile home is that the Jewish home has a library trove of BOOKS and the Gentile home has PS2 and X-Box.
If this theory is true, then war is anything but a creation of advanced society — peace is the exception to the rule of endemic tribal, territorial aggression. War is fundamental to human nature because war created human nature.Something clearly changed with the advent of sedentary civilised society, a change that sublimated human competition into managerial and memetic alternatives to martial conflict. But have the stakes changed all that much? Just because it’s now mostly performed with popular narratives and public notaries instead of bare knuckles and bloody knives matters little in the grand scheme of things. The future still belongs to those tribes who defend their territories.
As sentient beings with the ability for Empathy --I do not think it is in our nature to kill / harm and mutilate each other. These are cultural traits. An infant has to be taught to hate and kill and harm. War takes a heavy toll on those men who proudly march off for Glory and Fame ---and maybe some pussy when they return triumphantly. 20 Veterans a Day commit suicide in America. They suffer from PTSD. If killing is so naturally hard wired into our DNA why is there such regret for the ones we kill. Do you think this kid returned home in one piece? He is terrified. He sits in utter fear, which drives extreme violence and cruelty. Kill or Be Killed: peoples, cultures and societies are known for their cruelty. Societal norms EVOLVE without Darwinian Pressures. What is in vogue in one century becomes aberrant in the next. Boys in early Europe used to hunt, capture and horribly torture house cats. Cats were considered Evil. Now they are treasured pets. America we slaughter and eat pigs, yet pigs are more intelligent and loyal than Dogs. And other Countries love Dog Meat. Readily available Food Sources determine our Societal Norms. Food Sources vary greatly by Geographical Location. One perverted tribal elder can lead his entire tribe down the wrong path and before you know it, you have a whole culture of perverted weirdos ---and that ridiculous shit is passed down from one generation to the next. do we still War in Modern Times? War is Profit --For many, It is a Business Model. War just another expression of Capitalism. The average person does not want war. It is only Fear and Propaganda and Societal Pressures crafted via sustained Propaganda Campaigns (i.e. The White Feather Movement of WWI) that send young men off to war. Those who have studied the human condition know how to appeal to emotion, and fuel the Fear that creates war. Governmental Drafts are non-negotiable. Those elites instituting Drafts do not send their own sons into war. @Solutions, @Anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon
War is fundamental to human nature because war created human nature.
Young men will willingly go off to war if they think it is for a just and noble cause (thus the necessity of propaganda), then the PTSD and depression kicks in when they learn how they were simply used as useful idiots for the benefit of some heartless fat cats.
During the military expansion of most empires, the conscripted rank and file were usually more terrified of their own officer class than of the enemy and for good reason.
Actually, most European and American jews would prefer Ukraine to the present-day israel.
Not only is the climate more amenable to Europeans and Americans, the lack of a “middle eastern†flavor is a plus.
Establishing Ukraine as a European “base of operationsâ€, makes the loan sharking, financial scams and schemes, child sacrifice, prostitution, adrenochrome and organ harvesting and selling operations much closer to their intended markets.
Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0.
The jews have already started by closing Christian Orthodox churches–the same as was done in the jewish bolshevik revolution in Russia. Synagogues are still open for business.
The jewish cancer is metastasizing in Europe as we speak, Ukraine being the “hostâ€.
Not good…
No, it was a male cat
putin has said they achieve 4,000 c. and compared them to a meteor strike. the russian’s metallurgy is light-years ahead of the u.s., this is why we were buying mothballed, decades old, soviet rocket engines for our space program. they will never catch up.
Third most likely option: The cat was hiding up underneath the RV, then crawled out at a gas station on the way home.Replies: @Jack Brand, @Pbar, @Sharonbaron
The cat would have to have some kind of psychic powers, or be guided by supernatural forces. Those are the only two options.
Too bad I already used up my trolls!!!
A photographic memory is a big plus when casting the lead for a sitcom and especially a full hour show. The former has line changes all day on the day of the shoot, and during the filming, and the latter can be worse, including brand new monologues. Imagine being handed a passionate monologue you only have a short time to memorize, zero time to rehearse, and deliver it without sucking. Under those circumstances, adequate is fine.
We don’t know if they are good at memorizing their lines and shooting scenes without multiple retakes, but this must be a huge element for deciding who gets the large parts in TV serials, especially in comedy.
Thank you. I hate all those actors. Especially Harry Morgan.
Now, finally, it makes sense.
Hey butterball, thank you for supplying me with that news story- yup I’m sure KGTV San Diego has a Russian office which doesn’t provide pictures or video but just says “it’s trueâ€.
Another Putin defender that desperately tries to live in a bubble. Yea it’s a made up story from a San Diego new outfit. That must be it. They must have had Russian butter shipped over so they could fabricate this story just to annoy Putin fans.
The Bank of Russia admitted that inflation continues to exceed expectations but the story can’t be true. There are numerous articles on how certain items like butter continue to increase in price due to inflation and sanctions.
All you had to do was search for “russian butter” on youtube and you could learn about how butter related crimes have actually happened and were not a creation of a San Diego news outlet. Please learn how to use the internet before responding to future posts, thank you.
Here is the story from a Russian:
Right, I’m calling him out on it. Just like I’m calling you out. So what do you do? Run away.
Call your nurse and she can up your meds.