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Alastair Crooke Anatoly Karlin Andrew Anglin Andrew Joyce Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins E. Michael Jones Eric Margolis Eric Striker Fred Reed Gilad Atzmon Godfree Roberts Gregory Hood Guillaume Durocher Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Thompson Jared Taylor John Derbyshire Jonathan Cook Jung-Freud Karlin Community Kevin Barrett Kevin MacDonald Lance Welton Larry Romanoff Laurent Guyénot Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Kersey Pepe Escobar Peter Frost Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tobias Langdon Trevor Lynch A. Graham A. J. Smuskiewicz A Southerner Academic Research Group UK Staff Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Agha Hussain Ahmad Al Khaled Ahmet Öncü Alain De Benoist Alan Macleod Albemarle Man Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alexander Jacob Alexander Wolfheze Alfred McCoy Alison Weir Allan Wall Allegra Harpootlian Amalric De Droevig Ambrose Kane Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Anastasia Katz Andre Damon Andre Vltchek Andreas Canetti Andrei Martyanov Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew Hamilton Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew Napolitano Andrew S. Fischer Andy Kroll Angie Saxon Ann Jones Anna Tolstoyevskaya Anne Wilson Smith Anonymous Anonymous American Anonymous Attorney Anonymous Occidental Anthony Boehm Anthony Bryan Anthony DiMaggio Tony Hall Antiwar Staff Antonius Aquinas Antony C. Black Ariel Dorfman Arlie Russell Hochschild Arno Develay Arnold Isaacs Artem Zagorodnov Astra Taylor AudaciousEpigone Augustin Goland Austen Layard Ava Muhammad Aviva Chomsky Ayman Fadel Barbara Ehrenreich Barbara Garson Barbara Myers Barry Kissin Barry Lando Barton Cockey Beau Albrecht Belle Chesler Ben Fountain Ben Freeman Ben Sullivan Benjamin Villaroel Bernard M. Smith Beverly Gologorsky Bill Black Bill Moyers Blake Archer Williams Bob Dreyfuss Bonnie Faulkner Book Brad Griffin Bradley Moore Brenton Sanderson Brett Redmayne-Titley Brett Wilkins Brian Dew Brian McGlinchey Brian R. Wright Brittany Smith C.D. Corax Cara Marianna Carl Boggs Carl Horowitz Carolyn Yeager Cat McGuire Catherine Crump César Keller Chalmers Johnson Chanda Chisala Charles Bausman Charles Goodhart Charles Wood Charlie O'Neill Charlottesville Survivor Chase Madar Chauke Stephan Filho Chris Hedges Chris Roberts Chris Woltermann Christian Appy Christophe Dolbeau Christopher DeGroot Christopher Donovan Christopher Ketcham Chuck Spinney Civus Non Nequissimus CODOH Editors Coleen Rowley Colin Liddell Cooper Sterling Craig Murray Cynthia Chung D.F. Mulder Dahr Jamail Dakota Witness Dan E. Phillips Dan Sanchez Daniel Barge Daniel McAdams Daniel Vinyard Danny Sjursen Dave Chambers Dave Kranzler Dave Lindorff David Barsamian David Boyajian David Bromwich David Chibo David Chu David Gordon David Haggith David Irving David L. McNaron David Lorimer David Martin David North David Stockman David Vine David Walsh David William Pear David Yorkshire Dean Baker Declan Hayes Dennis Dale Dennis Saffran Diana Johnstone Diego Ramos Dilip Hiro Dirk Bezemer Dmitriy Kalyagin Donald Thoresen Alan Sabrosky Dr. Ejaz Akram Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad Dries Van Langenhove Eamonn Fingleton Ed Warner Edmund Connelly Eduardo Galeano Edward Curtin Edward Dutton Egbert Dijkstra Egor Kholmogorov Ekaterina Blinova Ellen Brown Ellen Packer Ellison Lodge Emil Kirkegaard Emilio García Gómez Emma Goldman Enzo Porter Eric Draitser Eric Paulson Eric Peters Eric Rasmusen Eric Zuesse Erik Edstrom Erika Eichelberger Erin L. Thompson Eugene Gant Eugene Girin Eugene Kusmiak Eve Mykytyn F. Roger Devlin Fadi Abu Shammalah Fantine Gardinier Federale Fenster Finian Cunningham The First Millennium Revisionist Fordham T. Smith Former Agent Forum Francis Goumain Frank Tipler Franklin Lamb Franklin Stahl Frida Berrigan Friedrich Zauner Gabriel Black Gary Corseri Gary Heavin Gary North Gary Younge Gene Tuttle George Albert George Bogdanich George Galloway George Koo George Mackenzie George Szamuely Georgianne Nienaber Gilbert Cavanaugh Gilbert Doctorow Giles Corey Glen K. Allen Glenn Greenwald A. Beaujean Agnostic Alex B. Amnestic Arcane Asher Bb Bbartlog Ben G Birch Barlow Canton ChairmanK Chrisg Coffee Mug Darth Quixote David David B David Boxenhorn DavidB Diana Dkane DMI Dobeln Duende Dylan Ericlien Fly Gcochran Godless Grady Herrick Jake & Kara Jason Collins Jason Malloy Jason�s Jeet Jemima Joel John Emerson John Quiggin JP Kele Kjmtchl Mark Martin Matoko Kusanagi Matt Matt McIntosh Michael Vassar Miko Ml Ole P-ter Piccolino Rosko Schizmatic Scorpius Suman TangoMan The Theresa Thorfinn Thrasymachus Wintz Gonzalo Lira Graham Seibert Grant M. Dahl Greg Grandin Greg Johnson Greg Klein Gregg Stanley Gregoire Chamayou Gregory Conte Gregory Wilpert Guest Admin Gunnar Alfredsson Gustavo Arellano Hank Johnson Hannah Appel Hans-Hermann Hoppe Hans Vogel Harri Honkanen Heiner Rindermann Henry Cockburn Hewitt E. Moore Hina Shamsi Howard Zinn Howe Abbot-Hiss Hubert Collins Hugh Kennedy Hugh McInnish Hugh Moriarty Hugo Dionísio Hunter DeRensis Hunter Wallace Huntley Haverstock Ian Fantom Igor Shafarevich Ira Chernus Ivan Kesić J. Alfred Powell J.B. Clark J.D. Gore J. Ricardo Martins Jacek Szela Jack Antonio Jack Dalton Jack Kerwick Jack Krak Jack Rasmus Jack Ravenwood Jack Sen Jake Bowyer James Bovard James Carroll James Carson Harrington James Chang James Dunphy James Durso James Edwards James Fulford James Gillespie James Hanna James J. O'Meara James K. Galbraith James Karlsson James Lawrence James Petras Jane Lazarre Jane Weir Janice Kortkamp Jared S. Baumeister Jason C. Ditz Jason Cannon Jason Kessler Jay Stanley Jayant Bhandari JayMan Jean Bricmont Jean Marois Jean Ranc Jef Costello Jeff J. Brown Jeffrey Blankfort Jeffrey D. Sachs Jeffrey St. Clair Jen Marlowe Jeremiah Goulka Jeremy Cooper Jesse Mossman JHR Writers Jim Daniel Jim Fetzer Jim Goad Jim Kavanagh Jim Smith JoAnn Wypijewski Joe Dackman Joe Lauria Joel S. Hirschhorn Johannes Wahlstrom John W. Dower John Feffer John Fund John Harrison Sims John Helmer John Hill John Huss John J. Mearsheimer John Jackson John Kiriakou John Macdonald John Morgan John Patterson John Leonard John Pilger John Q. Publius John Rand John Reid John Ryan John Scales Avery John Siman John Stauber John T. Kelly John Taylor John Titus John Tremain John V. Walsh John Wear John Williams Jon Else Jon Entine Jonathan Alan King Jonathan Anomaly Jonathan Revusky Jonathan Rooper Jonathan Sawyer Jonathan Schell Jordan Henderson Jordan Steiner Joseph Kay Joseph Kishore Joseph Sobran Josephus Tiberius Josh Neal Jeshurun Tsarfat Juan Cole Judith Coburn Julian Bradford Julian Macfarlane K.J. Noh Kacey Gunther Karel Van Wolferen Karen Greenberg Karl Haemers Karl Nemmersdorf Karl Thorburn Kees Van Der Pijl Keith Woods Kelley Vlahos Kenn Gividen Kenneth Vinther Kerry Bolton Kersasp D. Shekhdar Kevin Michael Grace Kevin Rothrock Kevin Sullivan Kevin Zeese Kshama Sawant Larry C. Johnson Laura Gottesdiener Laura Poitras Lawrence Erickson Lawrence G. Proulx Leo Hohmann Leonard C. Goodman Leonard R. Jaffee Liam Cosgrove Lidia Misnik Lilith Powell Linda Preston Lipton Matthews Liv Heide Logical Meme Lorraine Barlett Louis Farrakhan Lydia Brimelow M.G. Miles Mac Deford Maciej Pieczyński Maidhc O Cathail Malcolm Unwell Marco De Wit Marcus Alethia Marcus Apostate Marcus Cicero Marcus Devonshire Margaret Flowers Margot Metroland Marian Evans Mark Allen Mark Bratchikov-Pogrebisskiy Mark Crispin Miller Mark Danner Mark Engler Mark Gullick Mark H. Gaffney Mark Lu Mark Perry Mark Weber Marshall Yeats Martin Jay Martin K. O'Toole Martin Webster Martin Witkerk Mary Phagan-Kean Matt Cockerill Matt Parrott Mattea Kramer Matthew Caldwell Matthew Ehret Matthew Harwood Matthew Richer Matthew Stevenson Max Blumenthal Max Denken Max Jones Max North Max Parry Max West Maya Schenwar Merlin Miller Metallicman Michael A. Roberts Michael Averko Michael Gould-Wartofsky Michael Hoffman Michael Masterson Michael Quinn Michael Schwartz Michael T. Klare Michelle Malkin Miko Peled Mnar Muhawesh Moon Landing Skeptic Morgan Jones Morris V. De Camp Mr. Anti-Humbug Muhammed Abu Murray Polner N. Joseph Potts Nan Levinson Naomi Oreskes Nate Terani Nathan Cofnas Nathan Doyle Ned Stark Neil Kumar Nelson Rosit Nicholas R. Jeelvy Nicholas Stix Nick Griffin Nick Kollerstrom Nick Turse Nicolás Palacios Navarro Nils Van Der Vegte Noam Chomsky NOI Research Group Nomi Prins Norman Finkelstein Norman Solomon OldMicrobiologist Oliver Boyd-Barrett Oliver Williams Oscar Grau P.J. Collins Pádraic O'Bannon Patrice Greanville Patrick Armstrong Patrick Cleburne Patrick Cloutier Patrick Lawrence Patrick Martin Patrick McDermott Patrick Whittle Paul Bennett Paul Cochrane Paul De Rooij Paul Edwards Paul Engler Paul Gottfried Paul Larudee Paul Mitchell Paul Nachman Paul Nehlen Paul Souvestre Paul Tripp Pedro De Alvarado Peter Baggins Ph.D. Peter Bradley Peter Brimelow Peter Gemma Peter Lee Peter Van Buren Philip Kraske Philip Weiss Pierre M. Sprey Pierre Simon Povl H. Riis-Knudsen Pratap Chatterjee Publius Decius Mus Qasem Soleimani Rachel Marsden Raches Radhika Desai Rajan Menon Ralph Nader Ralph Raico Ramin Mazaheri Ramziya Zaripova Ramzy Baroud Randy Shields Raul Diego Ray McGovern Rebecca Gordon Rebecca Solnit Reginald De Chantillon Rémi Tremblay Rev. Matthew Littlefield Ricardo Duchesne Richard Cook Richard Falk Richard Foley Richard Galustian Richard Houck Richard Hugus Richard Knight Richard Krushnic Richard McCulloch Richard Silverstein Richard Solomon Rick Shenkman Rick Sterling Rita Rozhkova Robert Baxter Robert Bonomo Robert Debrus Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Fisk Robert Hampton Robert Henderson Robert Inlakesh Robert LaFlamme Robert Lindsay Robert Lipsyte Robert Parry Robert Roth Robert S. Griffin Robert Scheer Robert Stark Robert Stevens Robert Trivers Robert Wallace Robert Weissberg Robin Eastman Abaya Roger Dooghy Rolo Slavskiy Romana Rubeo Romanized Visigoth Ron Paul Ronald N. Neff Rory Fanning RT Staff Ruuben Kaalep Ryan Andrews Ryan Dawson Sabri Öncü Salim Mansur Sam Dickson Sam Francis Sam Husseini Sayed Hasan Scot Olmstead Scott Howard Scott Ritter Servando Gonzalez Sharmine Narwani Sharmini Peries Sheldon Richman Sietze Bosman Sigurd Kristensen Sinclair Jenkins Southfront Editor Spencer Davenport Spencer J. Quinn Stefan Karganovic Steffen A. Woll Stephanie Savell Stephen F. Cohen Stephen J. Rossi Stephen J. Sniegoski Stephen Paul Foster Sterling Anderson Steve Fraser Steve Keen Steve Penfield Steven Farron Steven Yates Subhankar Banerjee Susan Southard Sydney Schanberg Talia Mullin Tanya Golash-Boza Taxi Taylor McClain Taylor Young Ted O'Keefe Ted Rall The Crew The Zman Theodore A. Postol Thierry Meyssan Thomas A. Fudge Thomas Anderson Thomas Hales Thomas Dalton Thomas Ertl Thomas Frank Thomas Hales Thomas Jackson Thomas O. Meehan Thomas Steuben Thomas Zaja Thorsten J. 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    From the New York Times: Remember back when
  • Video Link
    Even though this is a poor recording, this Spanish/American plays it better than the rest, IMO.

    And I’ve listened to a whole lot of them.

  • Watch Ilana Mercer's discussion with David Vance on the role of “racism†in the George Floyd trial, based on the column, “Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!â€
  • Sean says:
    @Greta Handel
    Under her “Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!,†Ms. Mercer never responded to this comment:

    Ms. Mercer is trying to crawfish out of her June 4 “death by cop†take on George Floyd, in which she exalted the “determin[ation]†of “Dr. Michael Baden … [t]he nation’s foremost forensic pathologist†over the “comical†official autopsy report. Still no mention of the complete video withheld from the public by DA Keith Ellison, or Mr. Floyd’s abuse of various drugs that now seem to have contributed substantially to his death.

    Note, too, before taking seriously her high minded pleas here about “racism†that the June 4 column was entitled “Looting Is Local — Courtesy of Leroy & Lakisha.â€
    If she does so in her discussion with Mr. Vance, maybe someone can let readers know.

    Replies: @Sean, @BuelahMan

    The FBI have film showing Chauvin did something very similar to what he did to Floyd several years before to a 14 year old boy, who also was hit on the head with Chauvin’s torch for not doing what he said. Chauvin has a creepy thing for holding down handcuffed males on their chest for inordinate periods of time (against the police procedure that specifically forbids keeps someone like that) and choking them. As a result of not firing him over the previous incident–in which the boy lost consciousness–Floyd unsurprisingly did the same thing again, and to someone obviously not in the prime of life or best of health. I have no sympathy for Chauvin at all.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Greta Handel

    So what?

    My comments concern Ms. Mercer’s (1) jumping to conclusions and (2) hypocrisy.

    As to your, Ms. Mercer’s, or any other opinion about what happened to Mr. Floyd and Mr. Chauvin, I recently posted this on another thread:

    Those who weren’t directly involved in an event, are informed solely by another’s “journalism†or even short videos, and don’t sit through any subsequent trials should be equivocal.

    It’s much easier to see the manipulation of those on the other side of Divide & Conquer.

    Replies: @Sean
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • @Bill P
    Not only are they better shooters, but the guns are better, too. I mentioned Glock in a previous comment. Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn't compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you'll see what I mean.

    It's like the difference between a modern, high performance automatic transmission and a 1950s stick shift.

    Replies: @Thomm, @John Johnson, @Carol, @Whiskey, @SunBakedSuburb

    Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn’t compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you’ll see what I mean.

    I wouldn’t go that far.

    Most people will shoot a revolver more accurately in single action.

    Of course Glocks are better police weapons but for a single shot you would want the 38.

    Glocks are mostly popular because they are reliable and well known. They are the Honda accord of the gun world. So there is a government CYA factor at work. I actually doubt most officers would choose one over a Sig if they shot both. The Army recently chose Sig over Glock so it will be interesting to see how Glock responds now that they have some serious competition.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Old Prude
    @John Johnson

    My mother sent me her S&W .38 J- frame snobby. I took it to the range. Lovely ergonomics. It would be great for a gunfight in the dining room.
  • Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in...
  • @216
    @Passer by

    Every act of anti-system far-right violence in my lifetime has always led to:

    -Media condemnation
    -Increased security state crackdown
    -Tech censorship
    -decrease in public support for the far-right cause in question

    The Taliban could not have succeeded without support from nuclear-armed Pakistan. No rival hegemon has ever assisted far-right factions in the West.

    You may not understand it, but "fair play" is one of my people's most cherished values.

    Replies: @Passer by, @Robert Dolan

    Look you were 90 % of the western population for a long time and you complain that no one helped you? You allowed 2 % to fuck you up, lol. Russia btw supported Trump in the US, and he won. And he blew it, allowing himself to be wiped out like a total loser.

    It also supported Lega in Italy, FPO in Austria, AFD in Germany, Le Pen in France..

    No one stopped you from doing a military coup. By the way the world is a jungle, there is no fair play in it.

    It is precisely that that is killing you. Childish thinking of the type “look at what a white knight i’m”. “Look at how fair i’m”. “Look at my advanced values”.

    This is childish thinking. Sounds like decadence driven by the narcisism of all powerful wealthy empire and its people becoming decadent and obsessed with proving to each other how advanced and sophisticated (woke?) they are.

    You just bragged how you are woke (look at my values, lol) and you don’t even get it. Same thinking. They (woke ones) come from you. Other side of the medal.

    •ï¿½Replies: @216
    @Passer by

    You allowed 2 % to fuck you up, lol
    This was a fight between intellectuals, and last time I checked, the populist Right is not known for intellectualism.

    This is childish thinking. Sounds like decadence driven by the narcisism of all powerful wealthy empire and its people becoming decadent.

    No, it is what we did at the Congress of Vienna, and did again by forming the UN. We ended decades of ruinous wars, and brought untold peace and prosperity. I am not going to apologize for the superiority of my civilization's values. If the Right is to come back into power, we will do it by respectability not barbarism.

    Replies: @Passer by, @sher singh, @The Hard Life of Homo Erectus, @songbird, @Svevlad
  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • @Reg Cæsar

    Brazil says hi.

    Brazil says, "You should have copied our immigration policy. In addition, we can teach you a whole lot about maintaining linguistic integrity.

    "We can also sing, dance, and cook. And we look nice on the beach."

    Replies: @Dan Hayes, @SunBakedSuburb, @Spect3r, @martin_2

    We can also introduce you to heavily armed household guards who can protect you in your gated community!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    @Dan Hayes

    We can also introduce you to heavily armed household guards who can protect you in your gated community!

    Pois é!


    There are maps online showing the US distribution of gated communities. Unfortunately they are all buried in PDFs. Suffice to say they adhere to Moynihan's Law of the Canadian Border.

    Here is one for the world, albeit with the "gates" open:

  • Who here hasn’t been blocked on Twitter by Noah Smith yet?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    @Not Raul

    [Raises hand.]

    You can't get blocked if you don't participate.
  • Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. I will try to make a short summary (skipping a lot of details) in the bullet-point style: Whether Ze initially intended to stop the war in the eastern Ukraine we...
  • This pathetic russian whining is tiresome.
    We are bored with the Putin, the Gas Attendant.
    russia will never be anything other than a nuisance.
    Putin should continue to blow up Russian Apartment Blocks; a low-level thug, in charge of a Gas Station.
    Russia is still a Potemkin Village; scum country.
    A country of plaster, full of plastered people.
    Lavrov, a joke and a fool, confounded by the truth.
    Fuck Putin, and his bullshit; and God Bless America.

    •ï¿½Troll: Alfred
    •ï¿½Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Eamon O'Farrell

    As long as imperial elites and their paid trolls are deceived by their own lies and trapped in this kind of BS, Putin and Russia have nothing to fear.

    No enemy can ever harm the US as much as its own elites.

    Replies: @Serge Krieger
    , @annamaria
    @Eamon O'Farrell

    "God Bless America."
    -- Sounds like a battle cry of a X-tian zionist.
    "How the U.S. military and government have become Zionized:" https://israelpalestinenews.org/fighting-israels-wars-u-s-military-government-become-zionized/
  • I moved to Santiago, Chile during the Obama years: 2012, to be exact. I believed, as did many others, that the real financial reckoning was still to come, that race relations would worsen (bullseye there and then some!!), and that other countries were better prospects as havens for individual freedoms than a U.S. in decline....
  • @Boss Hogg
    I live here. Nine years. It is worse than the author writes. Do not even think of moving here. If you live here get OUT of Santiago and all the other principal cities in the 15 regions. Move to an isolated rural community. You will live more humbly but life is still more or less normal and maskless there, at least for now. It makes no sense to move to another country, except maybe Belarus, which ironically seems to have the most freedom loving populist government at this time. But seriously, no one can escape the coming fuedal nightmare. However, if you are far from government in an isolated rural area you buy your self some time and a simpler, humble life. That is not bad.

    Replies: @Yellowface Anon, @Jim Dorchak, @Sarah, @republic, @Ray Caruso, @GomezAdddams, @The Company, @S Mcgraw, @S Mcgraw

    I agree with Boss Hog.
    There is really no place perfect but out here in the campo it is closer to heaven and no masks.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain
    @Jim Dorchak

    No-one should wear masks outdoors, unless in a thick crowd in a country with a rampant epidemic. And then mostly to avoid contaminating others, and for the peace of mind of the rattled.
    , @Montefrío
    @Jim Dorchak

    Hello! Glad you're doing well out in the campo! Un saludo cordial from your fellow-campo dweller in Argentina. All is well here as well.
  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • Altai says:

    It’s a very weird notion that can only be held by people who don’t possess any sense of ownership of a place or people who should but feel better administering their coping mechanism of choice, that it doesn’t matter really and everything will be fine. To generate real social solidarity you need a sense of shared history and shared destiny. You don’t get this if the people of the land is taped over every 50 years.

    But class politics is also dependent on the assumption that the most important divide in terms of group resource allocation is class. But what happens when it isn’t? What happens when the most salient form of group difference isn’t class but race and ethnicity? You get Northern Ireland, where political parties are defined ethnically. Both groups there have long since come to terms with the other not going anywhere soon and yet, class politics doesn’t emerge.

    And in the US in many Southern states there is also undeniable ethnic bloc voting with old stock whites and blacks since the civil rights period. Those two groups have been there a long time too.

    Time and time again we’ve seen countries break away from richer ones to obtain self-determination, time and time again the Nordic countries with some of the most stable, ethnically homogeneous populations continue to manifest much greater amounts of social solidarity to support generous social welfare states and sensible long-term planning.

    Anytime a society is riven with serious ethnic diversity, democracy becomes an ethnic headcount, there is no exception. And if it doesn’t produce this result directly then a lowered sense of ownership and shared history and destiny will make many in the middle classes and up, indifferent to the public good.

    Brazil and Italy are great lessons that countries can and do fall into long-term intergenerational malaise that may be impossible to overcome. Picketty and others before him have noted that equality and high social solidarity are entropically unstable and immigration is the force of spreading inequality and low social solidarity like manganese diffusing through water.

    •ï¿½Agree: J.Ross
    •ï¿½Thanks: Gabe Ruth
    •ï¿½Replies: @Not Raul

    But class politics is also dependent on the assumption that the most important divide in terms of group resource allocation is class. But what happens when it isn’t? What happens when the most salient form of group difference isn’t class but race and ethnicity? You get Northern Ireland, where political parties are defined ethnically. Both groups there have long since come to terms with the other not going anywhere soon and yet, class politics doesn’t emerge.
    Speaking of Northern Ireland, a few days ago the leader of the DUP, Arlene Foster, announced that she would resign. She made the mistake of trusting Boris Johnson. While class might not be the main division in Northern Ireland, Boris Johnson had no trouble throwing the help under the bus.
    , @Anonymous

    It’s a very weird notion that can only be held by people who don’t possess any sense of ownership of a place or people who should but feel better administering their coping mechanism of choice
    Coping with what? What are they coping with?
  • “Adding diversity to our melting pot will speed up America’s inevitable and necessary transition from a ‘nation of all European races’ to a ‘nation of all races.’ The sooner that happens — the sooner people realize that America’s multi-racialization is a done deal

    Ah, Noah, you sweet Summer child, I see that you actually believe all that “multiracial” kitsch that they dish out to the rubes. I’ll explain it for you. A Multiracial USA will simply be a nation divided between the BIPOC (who are good, righteous, noble) and the whites (evil, parasitic, so vile that they do not deserve reverential capitalization).

    •ï¿½Replies: @Polistra

    It's funny that he says race replacement was "a done deal" back in 2012 but now accuses "Republicans" of racistly claiming that race replacement is underway in 2021.


    "Everybody read my article!"

    Replies: @syonredux, @Hernan Pizzaro del Blanco
  • Coates was already writing for The Atlantic back then.

  • Population is power, so it pays to keep track of it (along with national IQ and GDPcc), for those with an interest in geopolitics and futurism. I used to spend way too much time poring over statistics almanacs and the CIA World Factbook during my school years, so I have a pretty good fix on...
  • Dmitry says:
    @reiner Tor

    Germany dropped below replacement fertility during the Weimar years (interestingly it kept dropping despite the economic boom in the late 1920s before the Depression), but then reached replacement levels by the late 1930s. This despite living standards being lower than in 1928, due to the burdens of rearmament.

    However, the outbreak of the war resulted in a drop in fertility, for obvious reasons.


    Replies: @silviosilver, @Dmitry

    Because “total fertility rate” doesn’t measure what the fertility rate of the actual people was, but just how how many births were timed in each year relative to the age groups. It has a predictive value at the time, but if you look at the final fertility rates (cohort fertility rate), then Germany was just below replacement fertility apparently through all 1930s.

    Also note that at this time replacement level was higher than today’s 2,1.

    Germany is only seems to just temporary climb just above replacement fertility after the Second World War.

    •ï¿½Replies: @reiner Tor

    These are all good points, but I’d say it’s still an open question whether such an explicitly pro-natalist ideology did or could have made an impact on long term fertility trends. They certainly didn’t last for a long time, and half of it in wartime, so we cannot say how it’d be longer term.
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • @MC
    Every year watching "It's a Wonderful Life," I'm sort of taken aback when Bert the Cop in Pottersville takes several shots at a fleeing George Bailey from long distance on a busy street for the crime of, at most, accosting a woman in public. Surely under current police standards the risk to innocent bystanders would be considered way too high to bother discharging a weapon under those circumstances.

    Replies: @anon, @Joe Stalin, @J.Ross, @Tex


    Watch Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train some time, the gun use at the very end of the movie is just bizarre. Maybe it made sense back in 1951, but now it’s nuts.

    Great movie. Just not for the shooting at the fleeing felon part.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Harry Baldwin

    Strangers on a Train is my favorite Hitchcock movie after Psycho. His The Lady Vanishes has an extremely inept shootout near the end

    Replies: @Polistra
  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • Here’s a pretty I-Steve article about a talented Nigerian girl accepted into all the colleges.

    Apparently, it’s notable because she’s not Nigerian American but full blown Nigerian Nigerian.

    “They have made me truly feel proud about the hard work I have put into several areas of my life over the years. I am slowly beginning to realize that I deserve them,” she said.

    She seems smart, she’ll learn pretty quickly that hard work is a white supremacist dog whistle.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Steve Sailer

    , @Polistra

    Weird, but it reminds me of this. Do you think Kamala Harris is channeling her, or vice versa? She was Africa's richest woman until recently. No word on who is now.


    , @Paperback Writer

    Of course she's smart; her parents are elite Nigerians. (Not a joke, they really are.)

    Why, I foresee a time when all of the slots at our elite universities will be filled by the talented African tenth.

    Hollywood's top actors are African. Anthony Hopkins can't live forever. Why not the Ivy League?
    , @ben tillman

    Here’s a pretty I-Steve article about a talented Nigerian girl accepted into all the colleges.

    Apparently, it’s notable because she’s not Nigerian American but full blown Nigerian Nigerian.
    Shes not Nigerian-Nigerian. She's a mulatta.
  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • @Lee

    Anon said:

    How did North Vietnam threaten any political freedoms or civil liberties in America in 1965? Or in 1975 when they took over the south? How does Vietnam TODAY threaten any freedoms of any kind in America? What political freedoms did the Vietnamese take from us? What ones were they only prevented from taking because 58K Americans died in a useless war? Please specify.
    Your lack of understanding of US history is quite telling.

    NV obviously didn't threaten freedoms in the US but "creeping communism" as archaic as the term seems today, was thought at the time to be a major threat to freedoms worldwide.China used NV to fight a proxy war with the US to help them attain their expansionist goals. Pretty simple really.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Harold Smith, @anonymouseperson

    Your lack of understanding of US history is quite telling.

    Well look who’s talkin! Your lack of understanding of U.S. “government” evil is breathtaking.

    NV obviously didn’t threaten freedoms in the US but “creeping communism†as archaic as the term seems today, was thought at the time to be a major threat to freedoms worldwide.China used NV to fight a proxy war with the US to help them attain their expansionist goals. Pretty simple really.

    ROTFL! Just FYI, the U.S. “government” doesn’t give the slightest damn about your (or anyone else’s) “freedom” (except to routinely infringe it as the agenda requires); the U.S. “government” does what it does because it’s evil.

    •ï¿½Replies: @GeneralRipper
    @Harold Smith

    Harold you should get together with StevoStrongman.

    Maybe he can get you a gig down in Guatemala City.

    He hates himself and the rest of Americans as well.

    How do you like Senile Joe, asshat?

    Looks like the Pervert Jew Military Industrial Complex AKA the USA is rolling along, huh?
    , @Oldtradesman
    @Harold Smith

    ROTFL! Just FYI, the U.S. “government†doesn’t give the slightest damn about your (or anyone else’s) “freedom†(except to routinely infringe it as the agenda requires);
    That wasn't obvious to us back in the sixties and early seventies, 20-30 years after the "good wars" fought in Europe, in the Pacific, and Korea by our severely duped, drafted, AM radio-controlled fathers. No internet, remember? Three television channels, print magazines, and newspapers - all controlled by (((Noses))).

    We thought we had a stake in the country.

    the U.S. “government†does what it does because it’s evil.
    And you know this, in part, thanks to us. Some of us were there in the shit, not reading about it 50 years later.

    Replies: @Harold Smith
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Thomm says:
    @Bill P
    Not only are they better shooters, but the guns are better, too. I mentioned Glock in a previous comment. Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn't compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you'll see what I mean.

    It's like the difference between a modern, high performance automatic transmission and a 1950s stick shift.

    Replies: @Thomm, @John Johnson, @Carol, @Whiskey, @SunBakedSuburb

    Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn’t compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you’ll see what I mean.

    It’s like the difference between a modern, high performance automatic transmission and a 1950s stick shift.

    This is so true, and people don’t realize it. For example, my prized possession is my gold-painted Desert Eagle. But in 2021, I wouldn’t call it state of the art anymore.

    There was a short-lived TV series in 1986 called ‘Outlaws’, which was a Western version of the A-Team. Five men from 1899 were transported to 1986 by an act of nature. They kept using 1890s-era weaponry to beat 1986 criminals, and still won on account of superior marksmanship. But the technological inferiority of the antique-grade weapons was a side joke.

    Video Link

  • As we all know, race does not exist: there is the most genetic diversity among sub-Saharan Africans. Except, never forget, race totally exists when it comes to Black Women's Hair. From Manufacturing Business Technology: The Chinese guy is thinking, "Hair, hair, hair ... This is LABORATORY!"
  • @Anon
    From IMDb


    IMDB: 4.6

    Rizo is the story of an Afro-Latina actress, Cristina, who struggles with her natural hair during a busy day of auditions.

    Released: 2020-05-10

    Genre: Drama

    Casts: Laura Guzman, Tom Burka, Stephanie Chloé, Molly Densmore, Taylor Petracek

    Duration: 15 min

    Country: United States of America

    Production: N/A

    Replies: @Cortes

    Tom Burka?


  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • @Altai
    Brazil says hi.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Polistra

    Brazil says hi.

    Brazil says, “You should have copied our immigration policy. In addition, we can teach you a whole lot about maintaining linguistic integrity.

    “We can also sing, dance, and cook. And we look nice on the beach.”

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dan Hayes
    @Reg Cæsar

    We can also introduce you to heavily armed household guards who can protect you in your gated community!

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @SunBakedSuburb
    @Reg Cæsar

    "And we look nice on the beach"

    I wish I did. Maybe I should reconsider the speedo, but when in Rome.
    , @Spect3r
    @Reg Cæsar

    Are you serious about linguistic integrity?
    A country that uses (badly) a bunch of words from English mixed with the Portuguese? Like saying brekar (from brake) instead of the Portuguese "travar"?

    Come on now LMAO

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @martin_2
    @Reg Cæsar

    Here's what I wrote about Brazil some time ago on another forum.

    England, by becoming diverse, is by no means pioneering some brave new multiracial world. Brazil has been multiracial for centuries, with Spanish and Portuguese, Africans and native Indians in the mix, and it makes sense to look at what conditions are presently like in Brazil to see where we in England will most likely end up.

    Brazil has huge wealth inequalities. The Gini coefficient, a statistical index of wealth inequality, shows that Brazil is one of the most unequal societies in the world, and quite possibly the most unequal of all outside Africa.

    Brazil has minimal welfare provision, the shantytowns or “favelas†testify to this.

    Brazil has a phenomenally high crime rate. Here are some figures.

    Brazil in 2016 registered a record 61,619 murders, an average of 168 per day! (The number of violent deaths last year in Brazil is approximately equal to the number of people killed by the atomic bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki.)

    The number of civilians killed in police operations was 4,224 in 2016.

    The number of police officers killed was 437..

    The number of robberies in which the victim was killed was 2,514.

    To provide some perspective, the UK has roughly one third of the population and has roughly 600 murders in total in a year.

    Despite centuries with the different races living in the same country, Brazilians are not all one chocolate colour. And the Races are, to some extent, segregated, with blacks and multiracial individuals tending to live in the North and whites in the South. Brazil’s political and business elite appears to be almost all white. Brazilians celebrate the classical white Western standards of beauty, if their celebrities and beauty queens are anything to go by.

    Political corruption is an issue in Brazil. Brazil lies in 76th place out of 168 countries on the “Transparency International†corruption index. For perspective, India and China rank one and two places below them.

    Brazil has a strong patriarchal culture. There is pressure for men and women to behave according to (Catholic) societal norms. Men are expected to be strong and powerful. Women, in contrast, are considered weak, and are expected to defer to men. There are many articles on the Internet written by young white women who have visited Brazil and who describe the shock of being accosted and even physically assaulted by men who won’t take no for an answer. Brazil has the sixth highest rate of female murders in the world. In 2016, 4,657 females were murdered.

    It seems at least to be a reasonable hypothesis that Brazil reveals to us how a multicultural society will evolve over a sufficiently long period of time. De facto racial segregation. High levels of corruption. Massive disparities in wealth, with the most affluent living in secure, gated communities, and very high rates of crime, especially violent crime, affecting the quality of life of everybody else. Brazil has not given much to the rest of the world in the way of technology or invention. They don't have any great universities, and have never won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences. (They do have a successful football team , however.)

    Replies: @Paul Jolliffe
  • So, they did this “anti-black racism is white supremacy†thing. Then they started with an “anti-Asian attacks are white supremacy†thing. But the blacks are doing the Asian attacks. And the Asians are protesting against the blacks. Within the doctrine of the current system, this is white supremacists marching against white supremacists – while no...
  • Yevardian says:



    Have you been to Burrangong? I passed through there and saw signboards in Chinese saying "Welcome" ....We welcome you and we slaughter you, then we will build a nice garden to commemorate this massacre.

    They are trying to do it again.


    There are no limits to White people's evilness and depravity. It is genetic and hereditary. I don't see how Asia can survive as free nations except to extirpate white people that lives in Asia. It is absolutely great that Australia wants war with China...

    Here's another one for Unz and you on white people's evilness.


    Replies: @Yevardian

    The emotionality of your vitriol against Whitey suggests a personal origin, have you had negative experiences interacting with gweilo devils or what?
    Your attitude is curious, I had always assumed oriental resentment of whites was long in the past, since it seemed bred mostly of an inferiority complex when Asia was poor and backward, but that’s no longer the case. I could only really see it in places like Thailand that are inundated with sex-tourism, but even there, it seems now that are nearly as many seedy old Korean or Japanese men there as Germans or Australians.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Chinaman

    If you read my posts from pre-COVID, it was always civil. I enjoyed exchanging ideas on IQ ( which I am quite knowledgeable of), evolution and economics with various characters here. Not especially interested in politics. I even offered to help fellow Unz regulars here when COVID hit America.

    I guess my metamorphosis begun in 2018. Since I do a lot of biz with the West, the illegal kidnapping of Meng Wenzhou and sanctions on Huawei made it personal for me. After telling the Chinese that free trade, the rule of law and capitalism is the way forward, Whitey then proceed to go against everything they have preached when they fall behind the Chinese. It is not only hypocritical, it is absolutely despicable.

    Post COVID, I guess the racial animosity, dehumanisation and unabashed lies about China had an effect on me. You and Unz seem perplexed why I get so emotional and agitated by these issues. What is so difficult for whitey or Jews to understand that if you start hitting innocent Chinese old ladies, murder us or express the desire to nuke\genocide us, the Chinese might sense it is a threat, feel a little agitated and thus wants to retaliate? We are human just like you and have emotions\feelings ? Do you just expect us to just grin and bear it without saying anything?

    I have 20 Whitey working for me in the fields in Australia and had companies in America. Never felt inferior to anybody since I made it in ways you can’t imagine. I have cordial relationships ( or at least the pretension of it )with Whitey in my personal life so I guess this is where I come and vent my frustrations.

    If you consider China to be the enemy, the Chinese will become the enemy and your worst nightmare. I am just the Karma twin (and creation) of all the hate that Whitey have unloaded on us. What I realise now is that it is a endless pit and definitely unhealthy. As Nietzsche said, If you looked too hard into the abyss, the abyss looks back into you.

    This is my last post on Unz. Signing off. Thanks and farewell to all my compatriots here.

    Replies: @Marckus, @Truth, @Trinity, @Hacienda
  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • @Rich

    When I was in the US Army, I never met anyone who signed up to 'fight for the Anglo-Zionist empire'. We were there for a variety of reasons, no job, to get training, money for college, adventure or maybe running away from a crazy girlfriend. As the grandson of immigrants, I was probably the most patriotic, the rest of the guys, not so much. Young men will always join the military, whether the military oppresses its people or not. How many Irishmen served in the British military when they had few civil rights back home? In the military, a young White man can learn a trade, learn military tactics, earn money for college and become a real asset to his community. You can also get killed or maimed, but at 18 or 19, we didn't think about that.

    Replies: @Blodgie, @Harold Smith, @Oldtradesman, @Angharad, @anonymouseperson, @Alfred

    Uh oh! Basement-dwelling pissants with no concept of reality are going to jump your shit for “low IQ” and “moral incompetency.”

    Don’t sweat the small shit, brother.

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • My impression is that cops fired a lot in the past as well, but they were more likely to hit their targets only once or twice per fusillade. Now, cops are more competent, so, relative to the level of emergency medical care (which has vastly improved), they are more likely to kill their targets, which leads to increased complaints about police brutality.

    The difference is probably bullet technology. Modern engineering has made hollow points far more effective.

    You do not want to take a modern 9mm hollow point anywhere. Just look at videos on youtube where they do tests on ballistic gelatin. Older hollow points didn’t always expand while newer polymer core soft points not only reliably expand but maintain their shape and provide better penetration.

    When you hear about a gangster being shot 5 times and surviving that was cheap plinking ammo.

    I would bet that today’s police are actually less accurate. The guns might be faster and hold more bullets but police don’t practice enough. I remember coming across some old California Highway Patrol video where they showed how they were trained to shoot from the hip if needed. The video in post #2 shows sloppy training. Look at how they are bunched up and his hand isn’t near his gun. The cop behind him is firing as his buddy is trying to escape. That was hard to watch.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Cortes
    •ï¿½Replies: @John Up North
    @John Johnson

    All those veterans of the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and the recent foreign conflicts, who became police officers after their service, must have been capable marksmen.

    Replies: @Patrick Boyle
    , @James Braxton
    @John Johnson

    I don't know...old time cops I have known really practiced the craft of marksmanship to a degree I don't see nowadays. If you only had to put one round on the target at medium to long distace I would put my money on the old timer in the Weaver stance.

    Replies: @John Johnson
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Jim Fetzer says: •ï¿½Website
    @Max Payne
    Disclaimer: there was a conspiracy, but not the smokescreen controlled counter narrative here.


    A Montreal-based Italian-operated company was responsible for setting the concrete. In New York City. I can easily see the shody worksmanship that triple corruption can allow. Its more viable of an explanation than explosives. Just saying...

    Engineers are relying on specs and blueprints. Perhaps contractors don't follow specifications. Is that not more feasible than explosives? Its so feasible that shady construction companies are a trope/meme. NYC its legendary.

    Like American cars, American buildings can only pass "initial quality" (read: 90 days). Makes sense to me. We all see the quality of the infamous McMansions springing up everywhere glued together.

    And WTC 1,2 and 7 all had extensive internal modifications to support heavy cabinets, servers, water and HVAC systems, so on and so on. On already false foundations. Thousands of engineers with dependent jobs (based on contracts) signing off thousands of changes...

    Wtc7 had dumb secret service bums burning documents (assuming the country is at war my guess) which got out of hand and once again shody construction reveals itself.

    Can't trust the US government... But you can trust Giuseppe and his cousin doing construction on time, with high quality work and within the budget. Okay.

    You are witnessing a system that is too embarassed to admit obvious faults in harmful foreign alliances, internal organization security, national security, construction standards, and reaction time. "No one would have ever guessed they would use planes as missles". Just management pointing away from itself.

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer

    This is stunningly bad. The Twin Towers won praise and awards for engineering and design. Only one who has never looked at the sequence by which they were demolished could possibly take what you are suggesting serious. They were blown apart in every direction from the top down. The buildings were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. When it was over, there was (virtually) nothing there. Do you seriously suggest that this is the result of shoddy workmanship? It’s embarrassing.

    •ï¿½Agree: si1ver1ock
    •ï¿½Replies: @Mefobills
    @Jim Fetzer

    The buildings were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust.
    What is the energy per unit time required to convert concrete to dust, and then launch it into the atmosphere in a plume shape?

    For the non-scientific types, you can get out your sledge hammer and try to convert some concrete to dust. Good luck.

    Ooops, I am outside of my rules again ...sticking to building seven. I'm sure there will be some ankle biting about what should be obvious.

    Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
    , @Abdul Alhazred
    @Jim Fetzer

    Thanks Jim, all of your work!

    This photo basically says it all... Like a fountain!
    , @Wizard of Oz
    @Jim Fetzer

    Aha! You have an unusual personality but haven't gone mad. I expect your great Gotcha moment will come when you have reached some landmark figure of loony toons accepting your conspiracy theories with or without crazy modification.

    What is the c)ue that you, who couldn't have made such a
    ridiculous mistake, have just thrust before us?

    "They were blown apart in every direction from the top down. The buildings were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. When it was over, there was (virtually) nothing there".

    Just the most obvious nonsense here is the millions of cubic yards of dust and would have a mass, even without the steel members thrown sideways, of more millions of tons. As the mass of the main Towers was about 500,000 tons, each, you gotta be kidding.
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Video number 1, officer nails guy on a roof from the street with a single shot. https://youtu.be/PT6sxls2gWs
    Video Link

    Video number 2, motorcycle officer has to run for his life as gun firing motorist charges him, however officer turns around and returns fire nailing perp https://youtu.be/0vnq_-qfFJI
    Video Link

  • From my new column in Taki's Magazine: In contrast, in northwestern Africa south of Portugal, both the geography and the culture of the Sahara cut off Europeans from sub-Saharans until the 15th-century Portuguese mariners made their great leap arou
  • @Expletive Deleted
    @Dave Pinsen

    Puzzles me that nobody ever mentions the French, the Dutch and even the Danes in the context of colonialism in (what was to become) India.
    That shower got there before the Brits, and, as any fule kno, no Englishman never ever stirred either hand nor foot outside the Island but for the express object of Fucking With The Damn' Frogs.

    Either get there before them (the Pacific and Australasia) or shoving the garlicky buggers out (Canada, Spain, Louisiana and so on).
    So why does our evident superiority cause such resentment among the rag-headed multitudes? "Boohoo U steal our mega-diamond"? Yeh because before that the Maharaja used to let all the slaves/peasants into his palace once a year to lick the sacred rock? I somehow really doubt that.

    Fuck. I wish Hirohito had bagged you all after Singapore. Would have taught you some goddam manners, you incessant whingers and bludgers.

    Replies: @Etruscan Film Star, @Malla, @Reg Cæsar

    or shoving the garlicky buggers out

    The French are much less garlicky than the Italians, who in turn can’t hold a candle to the Koreans. A Korean gentleman just off the plane once nearly floored me with his breath.

    Korean Narrative: What’s With the Garlic?

    Something about being trapped on a peninsula with aggressive men?

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Jim Fetzer says: •ï¿½Website
    @Bill Jones

    If I were in charge of a Govt Conspiracy, My first priority on day two would be to create as many outlandish whack-job conspiracies as I could.

    And they did.

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer

    You are being silly, Bill. An adequate theory has to explain the available (authentic) evidence. As in the case of JFK, where they “patched” a blow out to the back of his skull, edited the home movies to take out the limo stop and impact of multiple shots, and staged the backyard photographs, the fabricated the 9/11 crash sites, invented passenger lists and (even) fake phone calls. You are allowing yourself to be played. No serious person should adopt your attitude, once they have reviewed the evidence. Take a look and tell me what you think I have wrong. This is a distillation of collaborative research by many experts across multiple disciplines. What do we have wrong and how do you know?

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @Bill Jones
    @Jim Fetzer

    I obviously wasn't clear in my comment.
    I do not know what happened on 9/11.
    I do know that the Govt story is clearly bullshit.
    I do know that the "little green men from Mars / Elon Musk did it" type stories are bullshit, and some of those are I assume deep state planted straw men to enable the "look at all the silly conspiracy theorists" mantra to be peddled.
    I don't know enough about directed beam weapons to have an opinion.
    I quite like your mini nuke explanation and will look at it more closely, it explains to a very large degree the lack of the rubble pile and the creation of so much dust. This was a niggle with my initial favorite of pre-planted thermite.
    If you put one of the towers in a huge vacu-seal bag and pumped all the air out, assuming air pressure compacted it perfectly there should have been what? a 60-70-80? foot high of solid mass. Where did it go?

    Still, no matter how ludicrous, the Govt story served its purpose.
  • Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in...
  • 216 says: •ï¿½Website
    @Passer by

    It is not "denied", you are simply cowards and cuckolds who do not react to hostile activity. Who allows to be taken over in their own country without doing anything? Learn from Afghanistan, a bunch of sandal wearers kicked out combined NATO and the US from their own country.

    They have will, and you don't, because you are psychologically paralysed, and you have been since 1945, just like those insects paralysed by spiders and then waiting to be eaten.

    And you are being slowly eaten right now.

    Replies: @216, @Boomthorkell

    Every act of anti-system far-right violence in my lifetime has always led to:

    -Media condemnation
    -Increased security state crackdown
    -Tech censorship
    -decrease in public support for the far-right cause in question

    The Taliban could not have succeeded without support from nuclear-armed Pakistan. No rival hegemon has ever assisted far-right factions in the West.

    You may not understand it, but “fair play” is one of my people’s most cherished values.

    •ï¿½Agree: Robert Dolan
    •ï¿½Replies: @Passer by

    Look you were 90 % of the western population for a long time and you complain that no one helped you? You allowed 2 % to fuck you up, lol. Russia btw supported Trump in the US, and he won. And he blew it, allowing himself to be wiped out like a total loser.

    It also supported Lega in Italy, FPO in Austria, AFD in Germany, Le Pen in France..

    No one stopped you from doing a military coup. By the way the world is a jungle, there is no fair play in it.

    It is precisely that that is killing you. Childish thinking of the type "look at what a white knight i'm". "Look at how fair i'm". "Look at my advanced values".

    This is childish thinking. Sounds like decadence driven by the narcisism of all powerful wealthy empire and its people becoming decadent and obsessed with proving to each other how advanced and sophisticated (woke?) they are.

    You just bragged how you are woke (look at my values, lol) and you don't even get it. Same thinking. They (woke ones) come from you. Other side of the medal.

    Replies: @216
    , @Robert Dolan

    Actually....it's much worse than you mention...because a good 90% of "rightwing violence" are false flags and outright hoaxes.

    There is almost no rightwing political violence at all. The jews lie and claim that Jan.6th was a "violent takeover" when it was just Trump supporters walking around taking selfies.

    The jew media lied egregiously regarding Charlottesville as well.

    The combined "violence" of Jan.6th and Charlottesville is almost nothing....while the BLM riots were off the charts violent and yet the jews lie and claim they were peaceful.

    I'm an information junkie and I'd be hard pressed to come up with more than a couple of incidents of what I'd call violence from the right.

    In fact....I'm blanking altogether. Okay, Dylan Roof I guess.

    Generally, white people are not violence prone, and the Christian value system causes whites to be very hesitant to do violence.
  • From the Daily Mail: REVEALED: Feds 'had secret backup plan to ARREST Derek Chauvin in court if he was cleared of killing George Floyd' - and now the DOJ plans to pursue hate crime charges against him and the three other cops By RACHEL SHARP FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 22:37 EDT, 28 April 2021 | UPDATED:...
  • @RichardTaylor

    This is why the anti-White dynamic will just get stronger: it pays politically. Of course, potential for the opposite reaction will always be present.

    Is a lot of Latin American politics just Whites under the guise of so-called "fascism" struggling with Browns under the guise of "socialism"?

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Poirot

    “…Browns under the guise of “socialismâ€.â€

    Amy Chua argues in her book that most “nationalizations” are less about socialism than about taking assets from market-dominant minorities.

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Wow, only one of 216 comments (#106) mentions the 8,000 pound elephant in the room…the elephant which bears the entire modern zeitgeist on its shoulders.

  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • “Adding diversity to our melting pot will speed up America’s inevitable and necessary transition from a ‘nation of all European races’ to a ‘nation of all races.’ The sooner that happens — the sooner people realize that America’s multi-racialization is a done deal — the quicker our political debate can shed its current ethnic overtones and go back to being about the issues.â€

    Oh sure …


    ‘Structural racism’: UN urges reforms in Brazil after deadly beating of black man

    •ï¿½Replies: @Polistra
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Neither the UN nor the Guardian has ever shown any interest in beatings and killings of white men. 'Structural' or otherwise.

    Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • @Mr. Common Sense
    "..But unless whites are treated better within this bizarre postmodern imperium, they will cease to identify with it and will focus on building alternatives here at home..

    One option for the 'Alternative at Home" is described here - -

    Replies: @BeeGee

    Such a compact of states is interesting. You should add a contact facility to the website. My first suggestion would be to solicit and publish comments from an established Constitutional attorney whose opinions you trust.

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • @MarkU
    A fairly reasonable piece, ironic that it should come from a man who helped to undermine the 9/11 truth movement. It was Fetzer who did as much as anyone to discredit the 9/11 truth movement by promoting utter garbage such as Judy Wood's 'Dustification beams from space' hypothesis. Lets have a little look at Judy Wood's 'dustification theory' in an interview with a physicist....


    Starting with the hunch that there isn't enough debris, when questioned she reveals that she has done nothing to back up that hunch with any calculations, not even a 'back of a envelope' calculation.
    Next she infers that if the debris didn't come down it must have gone up, she has nothing to back that up but a photo and that is later revealed to be a line of sight effect anyway.
    If it went up she surmises, then it must have been in the form of dust.
    If it was in the form of dust then something must have turned it to dust.
    The next and most ridiculous leap is to suppose a dustification beam presumed to be in orbit.
    Asked if the dustification process had ever been demonstrated even in a lab, she answers in the negative. She had absolutely no suggestion as to specifically what sort of beam might produce that effect.
    Asked if she had calculated the energy requirement for turning steel into dust she answers no. (Breaking the bonds between atoms requires energy btw and that energy is calculable according to known physical laws)

    Twenty years later there are no signs of any 'dustification beams', nor any new physical principles that might lead in that direction.

    Fetzer conveniently forgot to mention the other type of conspiracy theory, the deliberately fostered false-flag garbage theories promoted by the establishment to cause confusion and ultimately undermine the search for the truth.

    Thank you James Fetzer for absolutely nothing you damned traitor.

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer, @Avalanche, @noname27, @St-Germain, @Loup-Bouc, @Bill Jones, @the grand wazoo

    A fairly reasonable piece, ironic that it should come from a man who helped to undermine the 9/11 truth movement.

    Jim Fetzer did not derail the 911 Truth Movement. That movement was hijacked, to misdirect and prevent getting to the truth; which would have meant prosecutions.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Jim Fetzer
    @the grand wazoo

    What do you think you are talking about? I created Scholars and made it world-famous in months. I was responsible for posting every article, video, press release and such published on the web site to the point where a faction led by Kevin Ryan and Steve Jones sabotaged the society by conducting a fraudulent "membership vote" because they were unhappy that I had featured Judy Wood on my radio show on 11 November 2005. I wanted to expand the range of theories considered. They, alas, did not.

    I had long since become disenchanted with the nano-thermite theory (on which T. Mark Hightower and I would publish three articles during 2011 that demolished it in ways that nano-thermite could not demolish the Twin Towers)! You appear to have been played. But that's how it's done. Infiltrate a truth group and when it gets serious, take it out. For an accurate history of the society, check out "Founder's Corner", where I explain what happened to the society. We were too successful and they had to end it.

    , @the grand wazoo
    @the grand wazoo

    Jim, though maybe I didn't word it as I should have, I said: "Jim Fetzer did not derail the 911 Truth Movement".
    I know, from your explanations, the the 911 Truth Movement was hijacked. As every sincere movement always is. From the KKK to the Black Panthers and from the John Birch Society to the Beverly Hills Sewing Sewing Group (if such exists), are compromised.
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Underperformance of “minority” quota hires must be covered up, by virtue of anti-racist gag orders in force.

    I would venture that quota hiring of physically weak women and intellectually and psychologically weak Somali minority police officers would decrease qualifications of police.
    Addidionally, promotion and hiring of those faithful to political correctness excludes all the old high testosterone cowboy types.

  • From The Atlantic in 2012: And the next year began The Great Awokening, and so our political debates stopped having their ethnic overtones and went back to being about the issues.
  • Brazil says hi.

    •ï¿½Agree: JimDandy
    •ï¿½Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Brazil says hi.

    Brazil says, "You should have copied our immigration policy. In addition, we can teach you a whole lot about maintaining linguistic integrity.

    "We can also sing, dance, and cook. And we look nice on the beach."

    Replies: @Dan Hayes, @SunBakedSuburb, @Spect3r, @martin_2
    , @Polistra

    South Africa pushes Brazil out of frame.
  • Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig joins Truth Jihad Radio to push back against the insane censorship of all views that deviate even slightly from some vague notion of COVID-19 Orthodoxy—including last weekend’s YouTube censorship of False Flag Weekly News. In his new article “Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless ‘Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate’...
  • @That Would Be Telling
    @Cynthia Allaire

    The comparison has to be “deaths from all causes†comparing 2020 to recent years. In Ireland, slightly more deaths in total occurred in 2017 than in 2020, according to statistics presented by Ivor Cummins, yet they’ve suffered extreme recurring lockdowns in 2020. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/year-covid-ireland-timeline-incredible-23585166
    Any particular reason you're cherry picking the example of an island nation, vs. for example the US which has all cause mortality substantially in excess of Official COVID-19 deaths?

    the vaccines which could yield $200 billion in profits for Bill Gates
    Citation to his owning that much of the industry? Or profits in this notoriously low profit pharmaceutical segment being that high any time soon? Also see Oxford's insistence that their precious strong women grift be sold at no profit, which along with the U.K.'s decision to give Merck a pass resulted in no experience in vaccines AZ getting the primary contract. Which they now are sorely regretting as the EU deflects blame for spending an extra three months hammering even further down the price of the vaccines they bought while for AZ insisting on setting up factories in the EU, which are therefore three months shorted in their learning curve, and that much further behind in ordering supplies.

    Another thing to factor in is that for Western vaccines, absolutely none of them except Janssen's is a product of "Big Pharma," see for example giant in the field Sanofi's total V1.0 failure for the elderly (they're trying again, might succeed by the end of 2021). BioNTech has famously partnered with Pfizer, but is setting up their own massive factory which is coming online about now. Moderna and Novavax are doing it all, but I'm getting concerned about the latter's not yet getting U.K. emergency approval. Sputnik V was also the product of a small institution, the manufacturing is also being done by small entities that are messing it up per Brazil's FDA equivalent.

    I also wonder about this thesis because early on Gates said he'd be spending billions to establish factories for all types of vaccines then in development or testing, but that didn't as far as I know actually happen, and with Operation Warp Speed didn't need to happen in the US (also note at this point vaccine production is entirely limited by factory capacity and especially supply chains).

    And are you really sure Gates owns Tedros vs. the PRC/CCP, which previously held the top position after SARS made that a priority? Someone pulled strings to get this nobody who wasn't a M.D. at the top of that body. Mid-March is also getting to the point where the WHO wouldn't maintain any credibility without declaring a pandemic was in fact occurring, which was obvious to all.

    Gates is a great bogyman, from his bad behavior at Microsoft to obviously being the world's least convincing vaccine salesman, but I think you've got an idée fixe about him and our ruling trash in general that's blinding you to what's actually going on.

    Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain

    The WHO declared a global health emergency long before a pandemic. Why? Because of pandemic bonds, that’s why, a topic that the Western fakestream media lying presstitute vermin have TOTALLY suppressed and Memory Holed.

  • So, they did this “anti-black racism is white supremacy†thing. Then they started with an “anti-Asian attacks are white supremacy†thing. But the blacks are doing the Asian attacks. And the Asians are protesting against the blacks. Within the doctrine of the current system, this is white supremacists marching against white supremacists – while no...
  • Yevardian says:
    @Jeff Stryker


    1. If Islam is intrinsically vile why are Muslim cities like Dubai superior in everyway to USA ones in terms of infrastructure, lower crime, better public transport, superior skyscrapers, zero to no homelessness, no shootings, no meth zombies like the USA or Australian suburbs who will rob anyone for the next bag of P2? If Dubai or Kuala Lumpur are vile, what does that make USA cities?

    2. Chinese fill the same market-dominant minority in Southeast Asia as Jews in the West, but they don't have the verbal dexterity to underwrite the culture via the media. Chinese are left-brained & skew towards the Autistic, which is why they have socialization issues or become gun-wielding incels. They are good at math but not so good at writing screenplays or political PR. So the question becomes....if you cannot subvert the culture & you are an alien & somewhat snobbish elite who treat the locals like farm animals...how long before you have an Indonesia?

    3. Had PC not been exported from the USA 30 years ago would the Muslims have been able to do anything. In the days of Pauline Hanson nobody gave Lebanese or Cypriot Muslims airtime, did they? What changed down under?

    4. What has the effect of Islam been on the world?

    5. If Chinese investment is massive in Australia...does that mean you will become one more Indonesia or Philippines where the population lives in poverty run by a syndicate of Chinese merchants?

    6. In that case, should we Americans be grateful that Jews & Irish Catholics are so deeply entrenched in finance, politics, banking, media that the Chinese cannot infiltrate?

    7. What happens in Australia when Muslim backwardness clashes with Chinese elitism when some Lebanese rape a Chinese girl at the beach or the Chinese raise the cost of real estate so high the Muslim Australians are homeless...what will their reaction be?

    Replies: @Yevardian

    1. Well obviously, Dubai has enormous oil reserves and a tiny native population. Being a giant mall that depends on near-slave labour, and being famous for hosting luxury brands and expensive prostitutes is hardly something to be proud of.

    2. I don’t subscribe to anything so fixed as that, and your ‘gun-wielding incels comment’ is a bit much, that sort of thing seems far, far more common amongst European countries, frankly. I also didn’t understand the implication regarding Indonesia in your last sentence.

    3. Pauline Hanson (an anti-immigration politician whose popularity peaked in the early 2000s) was always vilified on national media. And the obvious answer to the latter question is just that first-generation immigrants rarely rise to high-positions in their new country, that’s for their children.

    4. That’s a huge tangent, but to be brief Islam was a religion that was founded by a violent tribal warlord, and which spread almost entirely via violence throughout it’s history, the only notable exception (and it is in fairness, a huge one) I can think of being Indonesia.

    5. I don’t know much about the Philippines or Indonesia (I suspect you don’t either), but I strongly, strongly doubt that those countries are being kept in poverty by malicious “syndicates of Chinese merchants”.. both are totally artificial countries with hundreds of ethnic groups, of course they have issues. But I avoid arguing about topics I know nothing about, but your statement seems extremely ignorant to me.
    Australia is in a very precarious position in relation to China though, which is almost entirely it’s own fault, it has the least-diversified and most resource-dependent economy of any first-world country. I can’t even think of a single internationally known Australian company not related to mining.

    6. ‘Irish Catholics’… lol. But being grateful that your government is so totally infiltrated by one people representing one foreign interest, that it’s near-impossible for another alien group to do the same seems a rather sad state of affairs to me.

    7. East-Asians in Australia tend to be quite affluent, so they rarely live in the same suburbs, both tending to live on the opposite sides of the major cities and rarely interact. Anyway, Australia has had a few local terrorist attacks and riots (like practically any non-Islamic country where Muslims live..) but the problem is relatively minor here, since the Muslim population isn’t large and Anglophone countries are very easy to assimilate into. It is absolutely not comparable in any way to Europe, which is undergoing a slow-motion demographic catastrophe.
    But immigrant doomsayers then take the same rhetoric to Australia or the US, whose situations are so completely different that most of their arguments don’t apply at all… it would simply be much more honest if they admitted they want to preserve the racial character of their country, which is a perfectly fine argument, and not resort to so much nonsense.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Jeff Stryker

    1. Dubai does not roll out the red carpet for these South Asian workers & while human rights violations exist, no question about that. That supply-demand correlates with Bangladesh or Pakistan's push-pull factors which Dubai exploits. Dubai did not create the situations in their countries that drive these economic migrants, however. High-class prostitutes? Well...at least unlike Australia or the USA you don't have emaciated meth-addicted females from the unfettered white underclass with disgusted rotted teeth coming out from Australia's poor suburbs & the USA's drab poor white margins to work the streets high on P2. Both Australia & the USA have this problem: Dubai does not. They can be very proud of their infrastructure & skyline. I'll say this, too: an oil worker's family of noisy white trash moved into my building. The punk teen son smashed up a sports car for no reason at all. And the Emirate government deported them. Instantly, they were gone. Similarly, one Indian man in our building constantly bashed his wife & the police came...jailed & deported...instantly gone. The American oil worker's white trash punk teen did not work his way up to burglarizing his neighbors or stealing their cars, the police did not keep coming over & over every time the Indian had a few jars to drink & came out & beat up his wife...gone. Removed surgically. I loved it.

    2. I was saying that the Chinese unlike the Jews or Biden's small but powerful Irish-American elite of the USA the Chinese do not rule through verbal dexterity by way of using the media as a PR branch to brainwash the public. Chinese IQ is left-brained & autistic which means that as a market-dominant minority they lack the ability to use the media to brainwash the public or couch their profit-making agenda behind nationalism. As a result, the Austronesians eventually weary of it & their fiery reprisals to their economic exploitation...They just don't have the screenwriting ability to brainwash the public.

    3. Yes, they do seem seem to be enriching Australian beaches with gang rapes. I will say however, the fact that the President of the BANDIDOS in Australia is now a Lebanese-apparently so psychopathically ruthless that even US Club Chapters make excuses not go Down Under-speaks volumes about the power of assimilation in Oz.

    4. You brought up Islam as a purportedly barbaric religion. I pointed out Dubai to you.

    5. I worked in the Philippines for 3 years. No Gap Year Holiday, as you would call it (I sense you did not have one). Don't believe what Kevin Bloody Wilson sang about American ignorance of geography...we did not culturally colonize the world without traveling overseas. I know your culture...you don't know mine. I've spent a considerable amount of time in Cranberra, dropping in & out, but of course Cranberra is the business district & capitol & not that faithful of a reflection of Oz. My point was that Chinese would dominate the economy of Australia like the rest of SEA-which you seem not to be aware of-and you might be reduced to squirming peasants like the Austronesians in countries like Philippines or Indonesia. You are unaware of this Chinese market-dominant minority in SEA because you have not done business there...I have. I've lived there.

    6. What nationality do you believe Biden was? See, in Oz, the Irish-Catholics like Ned Kelly's family ended up scrappy squatters in the bush or on mining camps up in Darwin...different dynamic. Anyhow, our ruling elite are still white. They cannot be easily displaced as they are deeply entrenched in banks, finance, legislature, politics, media. The Chinese on the other hand can easily displace you.

    7. Australian gets loads more Lebanese, Turkish & Sudanese immigration that the USA. Much more. The USA might get ME wars because of its own elite's religion & loyalties, but they will fight Islam tooth-and-tail. One single terrorist incident on USA soil led to a 20 year war. Now our immigration issue are the Indians & Mestizos from Latin America. In some ways they're more savage & primitive than the Muslim refugees. But they have no political agenda. They are not proactive either. Apart from language differences, they have a manana attitude.

    Preserve Australia's racial character. If you are using your real name, then you would be an example of the later Balkans whites to Australia yourself. The Anglo-Celtic character of Australia seems to diminished somewhat because the later white immigrants were, well, wogs.

    This is what an American Yank feels. This is how I see Australia. This is how I perceive the world. What is your take on my point of view?

    Replies: @Yevardian, @Al Ross
  • As I've been pointing out for quite a few years, the United States is undergoing a revival of superstition and witch-hunting in the name of Anti-Racism. Millions of modern Americans are deeply concerned that a vast secret coterie of White Supremacist Terrorists are signaling to each other on your favorite TV shows. For example, from...
  • @brabantian
    In Steve's boyhood home city of Chicago, Lake Shore Drive has now been cancelled


    Replies: @Joe Stalin, @Fred C Dobbs, @Arthur Biggs

    Just another attempt by blacks and their woke allies to make it seem as if blacks had any role in creating what was once a great city.

    They’ll do the same thing to every great northern city that they have ruined.

  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • @Chrisnonymous
    @Fred Gregson

    • Two Minutes Hate: Chrisnonymous

    Tucker is doubleplusbad, eh?

    Replies: @Odin

    Tucker is doubleplusbad, eh?

    The expression you seek is doubleplusungood.

    The b-word you inserted brings crimethink.

    Prepare for joycamp. Or vaporization.

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Polemos says:
    @The Old Philosopher
    @Jim Fetzer

    Unfortunately for you, Jim, I know for a certainty that a plane crashed into the south tower because I was standing at the exit to the Wall Street subway stop on Broadway having just gotten off the train to go the the office at 42 Broadway when I both heard and saw a plane flash by between the buildings abutting an alley (I believe Exchange place) and slam into the south tower that produced a massive explosion. I had just enough time to say to my self "what the fuck are you doing" to the pilot.

    And that's an absolute fact. So anything you say to the contrary that no plane crashed into the building is plane old bunk.

    Now, whether the videos of the effect of the crash on which you rely to claim the crash was a conjuror's trick have been falsified and that this video was fed into the broadcasts is an entirely different matter,

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer, @Iris, @Polemos, @ivegotrythm, @Truth Vigilante

    I have seen folks suggest what had been there was a cruise missile, a large one with characteristics similar enough with a small plane (I recall listening to initial radio reports that the first plane was a small one) —do you think what you saw was quite large or medium-sized, or how do you describe what you saw?

    Or, maybe better, how do you describe what it sounded like?

    •ï¿½Replies: @The Old Philosopher


    It was a twin engined, large plane that appeared to be about the size of an airliner. It made a roaring sound before I saw it which prompted me to turn from watching the smoke and papers fluttering in the wind from the north tower and look to my left to see what was making the approaching noise (I was standing on the east side of Broadway having just crossed the street after getting off the southbound #4 or #5 train. The aircraft whizzed by and I turned to my right since it was obviously going to hit the tower because it was so low. I was just in time to see it crash and fold itself into into the building and produce a large explosion that billowed out of the building.

    The aircraft did not have any airline markings I could observe within the split seconds that I saw it whiz by.

    It is beyond absurd for Fetzer to imagine this was all the hologram creation unless and until he identifies the exact location of the projectors used to make the image move hundreds of feet and about 600 feet off the ground when such images are apparently created by projecting the image from a projector upon a "screen" within a space of a pyramid like structure standing on its apex. And while the image moves on the projection screen within the space enclosed by the pyramid, it does not move beyond the limits of that space.

    Thus unless and until Fetzer pinpoints the exact location of the holographic projectors that would be required to project aircraft moving for hundreds of feet several hundred feet in the air, his claim that this technology was used to create the image I saw with my own eyes is IMHO pure hogwash.

    It is important for people to note that unless someone was already focusing cameras or video equipment at the WTC towers or surrounding areas when the plane went by, they would have had no opportunity to direct photographic equipment at the scene to record the event because it happened so fast. Moreover, there were not many people walking around the area who could have observed it first hand because it was early in the morning before many tourists would have been in the area who would be the ones most likely to be carrying photographic equipment they would have readily available for recording the event. And it would be unlikely that people heading for their offices would be carrying photographic equipment.

    Among the information I learned early on that made clear this was an extraordinary event totally unlike the official story about it was that a person from the Mayor's legislative staff I knew well who took visiting VIP's to the site told me that it was highly puzzling that they were finding very few pieces of concrete within the rubble despite the thousands of tons that made up the floors of the building, nor were they finding much office equipment like computers, telephones, desks, chairs or filing cabinets. And little or no identifiable traces of over a thousand victims were ever found.

    Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Polemos, @durd
  • Population is power, so it pays to keep track of it (along with national IQ and GDPcc), for those with an interest in geopolitics and futurism. I used to spend way too much time poring over statistics almanacs and the CIA World Factbook during my school years, so I have a pretty good fix on...
  • Dmitry says:

    France was surely the most culturally fertile in the 19th century, and produced much of the world’s best literature, visual arts and architecture (as well as dominating consumer trends like design).
    In the 19th century Russia easily surpassed France in literature.

    Here is a "top ten list" of books of the 19th century. It is not authoritative, of course, but such lists always end up being dominated by Russian books:


    Only one book by a French author, Madame Bovary (I personally found that it paled in comparison to Dostoyevsky). 50% of the these 10 books were Russian. Even if Balzac were added, Russia would still dominate.

    Another list; Russians dominate the 19th century here, also:


    Music? Germany was the leader. Also in philosophy. But France did clearly dominate the visual arts. Architecture? I am not an expert, admittedly my knowledge is rather parochial to the USA, which produced the first skyscraper in Chicago in the late 19th century. But this random list does not suggest French dominance:


    Replies: @reiner Tor, @utu, @Dmitry

    Russia easily surpassed France in literature.

    It’s surreal and bizarre to say that Russia could be somehow above France in literature – it’s not just that the greatest novelists of the 19th century are French (Flaubert, Huysmans, Victor Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Dumas, et al), but also direction of inspiration, writing technique, and trends – which was from France to Russia.

    I would say the standard of French novelists are the highest of any nationality I have tried to read, and obviously France was the dominant country in 19th century literature even above England.

    “top ten list†of books of the 19th century.

    Because these are recent American lists, that reflects the taste of current American college students.

    I think normal Americans don’t read French literature much, because they are told by critics that they have to read the books in the French original language, and this raises the barrier to entry to small circles of sophisticated French reading people. Educated people were expected to know French even in America (which was partly result of the relative prestige and high quality of French literature).

    On the other hand, ordinary Americans are happy to read Russian literature in English translations, without feeling pressure that they have to read in the Russian language (as unlike French language which was expected to be common knowledge for educated people everywhere).

    There’s an strange influence of the Cold War with American evaluation, so their confrontation with the Soviet Union, has forced them more to compare themselves to Russian culture, which like America was also a junior culture, lower than the European one.

    To compare American and French culture, would be too much of embarrassment for American culture.

    But Russian and American culture have been more parallel levels, as both are late arriving students of Europe, and Russia’s cultural flowering has preceded America by some decades.

    There is a secret similarly of Russia and America, in this sense of insecurity to Europe, and a lot of the second half of 20th century Russian/American cultural contests are in the sphere of trying to emulate European culture, with Russia as the better student than America.

    Hence, the American cult around Van Cliburn, and the highest honour for 20th century American culture, was when Van Cliburn won the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958.

    This is when American culture felt like they had finally succeeded in the world, and today American classical musical culture and pedagogy remember it as their ultimate moment of glory: one of their “native guys†from Texas has been recognized Russia, the better and even more high-achieving, because insecure, strict and hardcore student of European culture.

    •ï¿½Agree: AltanBakshi
    •ï¿½Replies: @AP

    Russia easily surpassed France in literature.

    It’s surreal and bizarre to say that Russia could be somehow above France in literature
    You are a Francophile but it is so.

    it’s not just that the greatest novelists of the 19th century are French (Flaubert, Huysmans, Victor Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Dumas, et al)
    Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky stand well above them all.

    “top ten list†of books of the 19th century.

    Because these are recent American lists, that reflects the taste of current American college students
    The pattern is true of non-American lists also.

    Here is a UK list:

    “top ten list†of books of the 19th century.


    British authors dominate, but Dostoyevsky comes in at 10th place. Dumas at number 49.

    Britannica places Anna Karenina in the top position:


    (no French authors but they have Toni Morisson who is merely a sub-Faulkner)

    This list is interesting:


    Top 100 Works in World Literature by Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute
    The editors of the Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, polled a panel of 100 authors from 54 countries on what they considered the “best and most central works in world literature.†Among the authors polled were Milan Kundera, Doris Lessing, Seamus Heaney, Salman Rushdie, Wole Soyinka, John Irving, Nadine Gordimer, and Carlos Fuentes..

    Russia wins the 19th century. Dostoyevsky has more books than any other author (4). Russia has 9 (including Gogol) from the 19th century. France only has 4. England also has 4.


    I understand that in Russia they emphasized French literature, which may have inflated its image for Russians. My wife has a bizarre over-valuation of Dumas, for example.

    I think normal Americans don’t read French literature much, because they are told by critics that they have to read the books in the French original language
    I have never heard of this. No normal American has been told this.

    more to compare themselves to Russian culture, which like America was also a junior culture, lower than the European one.
    From the middle of the 19th century and onward, Russia compares fine with any European culture. Its writers are arguably the best.

    Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • Anonymous[247] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Jonathan Mason

    He, like his counterpart Anderson Cooper, is very good at reading off a teleprompter and pretending to be extremely indignant while reading a screed that somebody else has written for him. (Perhaps he has edited it a bit.) He also has some TV interviewing skills.

    This is a very useful and lucrative skill as a Rupert Murdoch’s vicar on earth, but this skill set does not necessarily translate to running the largest government on Earth and appointing wise people to advise him and make decisions that affect the lives of millions of people.
    I suppose his book could have been ghostwriten also. But he also goes on podcasts where he's all by his lonesome and he comes across as pretty quick on the uptake to me. He's also, like Trump, a pretty nice guy in person when he's off of Fox.

    Replies: @TG, @Anonymous, @black sea

    I saw Tucker Carlson once around 2007 or
    2008 at Reagan National Airport in D.C. I guess I had known of him since his McLaughlin Group or CNN days. Anyway, he was with his sons near a U.S. Airways kiosk with his suitcase open, moving stuff around, obviously to get under 50 lbs. As he’s frantically trying to repack his bags his sons are horsing around and slap boxing. Tucker’s telling them to knock it off as he’s repacking bags and they just ignore him and slap box each other over him. Funny scene.

  • Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig joins Truth Jihad Radio to push back against the insane censorship of all views that deviate even slightly from some vague notion of COVID-19 Orthodoxy—including last weekend’s YouTube censorship of False Flag Weekly News. In his new article “Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless ‘Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate’...
  • @Rahan
    In geopolitics this RNA vaccine is potentially a major "wild card" to be played against China and Russia.

    In the sense that if and when the shit starts hitting that fan and half the planet buckles and reels from this experiment in un-transparent post-democracy, especially if there are, God forbid, millions dying or becoming cripples in one way or another -- the possibility of nukes flying will, at least for some time, become less "unimaginable" for the population, as it will already have been crushed and demoralized by the vaccine crisis.

    This will make the negotiating position of globohomo's stooges much stronger, in the sense of "buddy, our population is sterilized condemned men walking and no longer really cares if we nuke Moscow or Beijing, and what you'll do in return, so you got no play here".

    Sacrifice some gullible biomass and through its corpse achieve world domination? Are they psychopathic enough?

    Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Are you joking? They are far beyond Evil enough to commit such a crime, and thoroughly enjoy their God-like power to do so.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Rahan
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    They are far beyond Evil enough to commit such a crime, and thoroughly enjoy their God-like power to do so.
    If we are to assume that some or all of the RNA vaccines are poison to some or all of the population (or conversely make them into walking biological bombs that generate killer mutations for the unvaccinated), then there are four logical stages approaching.

    Stage 1: Everything is still seemingly fine. This is the window of opportunity for neo-gulag structures and turbo-conditioning to be enforced upon the populace. Some temporary allies are motivated by incredible corruption opportunities that seemingly make them rich and important. If this doesn’t work out completely, then just suck up all the wealth and buy yourself all the govts that are for sale. If all this DOES go by plan—proceed to Stage 2.

    Stage 2: Shit starts happening to the populace, but the recently enforced total control grid does not allow for any organized pushback, or even truthful information sharing. Crucial allies-in-corruption assist in the maintenance of the control grid, while the non-crucial ones find out that their recently achieved riches and high positions were imaginary. If this doesn’t work out completely, then use your wealth and influence to create a false reality where this is all someone else’s fault. If all this DOES go by plan—proceed to Stage 3.

    Stage 3: The population is demoralized and broken, kept going by a mix of tranquilizers, speed, porn, hypno programs, and conditioned fear of punishment and pain. Perhaps some scapegoats are assigned as well, to appeal to the remaining shreds of unextinguished human impulses.

    If Stage 1 was the window of opportunity to achieve internal dominance, then Stage 3 is the window of opportunity to achieve global dominance. Using the still-moving corpse of the West, with “a severely traumatized population that feels it has no options and nothing to lose anymoreâ€, to face down with nukes all alternative power centers with populations that do have something to lose, and thus make them submit. Fifth columnists inside the alternative power centers are motivated by incredible corruption opportunities that seemingly make them rich and important.

    If this doesn’t work out completely, then just be content to have a continent or two under your thumb. Raise somehow new brainwashed and genetically modified generations that will do your bidding, and just wait for another chance for world dominance. If all this DOES go by plan—proceed to Stage 4.

    Stage 4: Globotopia pax psychopathica
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Jim Fetzer says: •ï¿½Website
    Conspiracies happen; no ifs, ands or buts.

    But re 9/11: *No* dustify, *no* nukes and *no* DEW etc.; people advocating for any such = *no* sense, *no* feeling. I don't have to prove it; simply *no* 'new' physics, just good old pre-planted explosives. rgds

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer, @Jim Fetzer

    No. Unlike WTC-7, the Twin Towers cannot have been demolished by classic controlled demolitions.


    WTC-7: All the floors come down at the same time in roughly free fall into its footprint, and there is a debris pile (characteristic of controlled demolitions) equal to about 12% of the original 47 floors = 5.5.

    WTC-1 & 2: All the floors remain stationary until they are “blown to Kingdom Come” (as Morgan has put it), where both buildings are destroyed (externally viewed) from the top down using some massive source of energy and, when its, done, there’s nothing in their footprints (much less 12% of 110 floors = 13.5).


    5.5 floors of debris (WTC-7 to the left); 0.0 floors of debris (WTC-1 to the right).

    •ï¿½Replies: @skrik
    @Jim Fetzer

    I have done, it's coming up to 20 years! I started countering Khalezov's 'dustification' rubbish over at ICH, many years ago. I'm supposing that you know the form of WTCs 1 & 2, namely soda-cans with crowbars as central elements. The cores were truly massive, the (comparatively) less-massive perimeter wall-panels almost unconnected except by an extremely lightweight steel truss/metal sheet/10cm concrete topping floor construction [det-cord threaded into the concrete produced the billowing *white* dust clouds]. The outer 'connection' of each of the floor-trusses were 2 5/8inch bolts in a sliding arrangement, such that the perimeter walls could move 'with the wind' relative to the core [until the 'hat-trusses' bonded the cans to the crowbars at the very top.]

    Now, we do know that some/many of the perimeter wall-panels were ejected outwards, at high-speeds and covered quite some distance from the towers. See your own cited photos.

    OK; let's assume nukes in the basements. Without an 'air-burst,' the nukes would have to be below the containment depth [= a looong way 'down under'], and if there was any upward 'force-field' projection, you have to explain how such an essentially upwards force was translated into horizontal acceleration of the perimeter wall-panels? [Recall conservation laws, here momentum.] I'll try to save you some effort: Can't be done. IF WTC7 was control-demolished [it was] THEN Occam's razor says WTCs 1 & 2 were also control-demolished [they were, see a representative video]. Since pre-loading [conventional = chemical, *NOT* nukular] explosives into WTCs needed 'privileged' [= US-internal] access, it pins the whodunnit quite precisely. Those who argue against 3 * control-demolition are arguing in support of the actual, traitorous perpetrators. rgds
  • Population is power, so it pays to keep track of it (along with national IQ and GDPcc), for those with an interest in geopolitics and futurism. I used to spend way too much time poring over statistics almanacs and the CIA World Factbook during my school years, so I have a pretty good fix on...
  • AP says:

    Well, the one thing that the US didn’t do after mid-19th C is go downhill.

    I don’t blame Eldnah for thinking that the US would have become even more prosperous if it had only accepted Anglo-Germanic immigrants but I don’t know how possible that was at a time when it sought large amounts of settlers for its frontier lands and workers for its growing economy.
    The frontier was long settled by the time Italians, Irish, Ashkenazi Jews, and eastern Euros were entering the U.S. in massive numbers. They came in as laborers, created ghettos, and had the effect of making the natives leave the cities for other places, which fed more into the "need" for labor. It's the exact same pattern Blacks had in northern cities. A smaller amount of labor in northern cities would have necessitated higher wages for natives, and probably would have increased fertility. The interests of industrialists should be not be assumed to be the same as the country as a whole. Moreover, the problems these people brought were larger than these supposed economic benefits.

    And perhaps it would have also become more liberal, like Northwest Europe. .
    The most harmful effects of liberalism are mass immigration and increased crime. The Ellis Islanders were a group of immigrants who caused a large increase in crime(or rather, subsets of them did). So whether the U.S. would be more liberal or not, the entrance of these people has had a radical and negative effect.

    Personally I do not think the U.S. would be more liberal without Ellis Islanders. The first reason is because there would be less Jews. The second reason is that the logic of how liberalism operates is to find a minority/victim group and organize them to undermine a majority. With mass immigration you not only get more members of minorities, but you have a less cohesive society as a whole, the latter state being not only a result of the newcomers competing with the older stock, but also competing with each other.

    The U.S. being more like Denmark is hardly the worst outcome one can imagine.

    The current woke movement looks full of Puritan and Anglo-Protestant streaks to me.
    Descendants of Puritans are less powerful and culturally significant by the day, but somehow the frequency with which they are blamed for various ills is increasing. It is at the point that any movement which is moralistic and activist that people don't like can be called Puritanical. Classic Puritanism has been dead since the latter half of the 18th century, and its New England theology mutation died in the 1880s. The last President who was a New Englander with Puritan roots was Calvin Coolidge 90 years ago. The last intellectual movement I can think of which originated with or was centered by Puritans would be the American eugenics movement.

    If I look to immigration reform, I see a lack of Puritans. The Hart-Celler Act which replaced the Coolidge administrations restrictions was created by Jews, and brought into being by Kennedy and his various Irish-Catholic appointees(some of whom later regretted what happened). The Reagan administration's immigration reforms are another example. Neo-conservatism is a movement from Jewish former Trotskyists. The turn in anthropology away from biology was started by a Jew. Refugee resettlement has been dominated in order by Jews, Lutherans, and Catholics. The next group, Methodists, have been very much a distant contributor compared to the first three. Hollywood has never had much Puritan influence, and since the end of the silent era has been mostly purged of old stock Americans of any sort. Most of the social science "disciplines" which inspire wokeism, I won't bother to name them all, are European, particularly Jewish imports. In the art world, you will struggle to find many Puritans contributing to modernism art. Instead you see a whole lot of French and Spanish, and an over-representation of Jews.

    I fail to see any evidence that Puritans are behind the decline of the United States. It's closer to the opposite. After WW2 their influence was reduced effectively to zero and everything has been downhill since.

    Replies: @Znzn, @Mikel, @AP

    A smaller amount of labor in northern cities would have necessitated higher wages for natives, and probably would have increased fertility

    It wouldn’t have compensated for the immigration. An America of only Protestant British, Germans and Dutch would have had, perhaps, Britain’s (white) population. This would not have been enough to create the industrial juggernaut that America became. Moreover, the black population would have been the same you would have a country that was 70 million Anglos/Anglo-ized Germans and 44 million blacks. And that’s without immigration from Latin America. But no pizza restaurants, mafia, and corrupt Irish cops.

    The U.S. being more like Denmark is hardly the worst outcome one can imagine.

    It wouldn’t be because Ellis Island didn’t bring in the slaves. Rather, US would be like Brazil except more segregated and with Anglos rather than Latins in charge. A weird alternative England with some significant South African characteristics.

    Descendants of Puritans are less powerful and culturally significant by the day

    The lady who came up with the idea of White Privilege was a WASP whose entire background was stereotypically WASPy:


    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that such ideas are most popular in places settled by Puritans, in institutions founded by Puritans, etc..

    Classic Puritanism has been dead since the latter half of the 18th century, and its New England theology mutation died in the 1880s.

    Wasn’t the Temperance movement a Puritan thing?

    •ï¿½Thanks: AltanBakshi
    •ï¿½Replies: @reiner Tor

    An America of only Protestant British, Germans and Dutch would have had, perhaps, Britain’s (white) population
    You are making assumptions about fertility rates without immigration, when it’s likely that immigration lowers real wages and increases housing costs (not to mention other costs like the need to move away from immigrant ghettos when they spring up around you - perhaps they could stay in the middle of some little Poland, but they didn’t feel comfortable and so as Poles moved in, they felt that they needed to go), and I would be surprised if it didn’t actually depress fertility. As far as I know, even as it is, American whites’ ancestry is roughly half Anglo, so your estimate is probably way lower. But yes, it’s a big question what would have happened with blacks in such a scenario.

    One point raised by EldnahYm is that the last big movement of New England WASPs was eugenics. So perhaps there’d have been more sensible policies regarding blacks.

    Replies: @AP
  • Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig joins Truth Jihad Radio to push back against the insane censorship of all views that deviate even slightly from some vague notion of COVID-19 Orthodoxy—including last weekend’s YouTube censorship of False Flag Weekly News. In his new article “Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless ‘Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate’...
  • There are very many extremely sinister developments. The active suppression of highly effective medications eg HCQ and ivermectin, aided and abetted by the lying Western fakestream media presstitute vermin. The targeting of the AstraZeneca vaccine when the mRNA vaccines’ numerous side-effects are TOTALLY ignored. Not even denied, but NEVER discussed. The villainous media lie-campaigns, the totalitarian suppression of ANY contrary opinions, the absolute refusal to abjure patent ‘rights’ and mega-profits, the villainous disinformation campaigns to denigrate the Russian and Chinese vaccines etc, etc. Just the standard moral insanity and Evil of the West, but to what purpose? The mRNA vaccines must hold the answer.

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • MC says:

    Every year watching “It’s a Wonderful Life,” I’m sort of taken aback when Bert the Cop in Pottersville takes several shots at a fleeing George Bailey from long distance on a busy street for the crime of, at most, accosting a woman in public. Surely under current police standards the risk to innocent bystanders would be considered way too high to bother discharging a weapon under those circumstances.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anon


    Watch Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train some time, the gun use at the very end of the movie is just bizarre. Maybe it made sense back in 1951, but now it's nuts.

    Great movie. Just not for the shooting at the fleeing felon part.

    Replies: @Harry Baldwin
    , @Joe Stalin

    Every year watching “It’s a Wonderful Life,†I’m sort of taken aback when Bert the Cop in Pottersville takes several shots at a fleeing George Bailey from long distance on a busy street for the crime of, at most, accosting a woman in public.
    I'm not. I've actually seen a Chicago cop do that in the late '60s. I heard a loud crash and looked out the window (night time). A cop car had crashed in a traffic light next to a bank, and a prisoner had escaped, running down the sidewalk. The cop gave chase for about 70-80 feet, then started firing his revolver in front of a supermarket. Still remember the muzzle flashes. Don't think he hit the fleeing suspect, as he suspended his chase.

    So, it's pretty normal to see a cop engaging in "Bert the Cop" gunfire in Chicago.

    Replies: @anon
    , @J.Ross

    That's a crazy lefty fantasy twice over, a "dream sequence" type scene in a Frank Capra film.
    , @Tex

    The famed Bud Russell was for decades the Texas Prison system's transport man. He hauled convicts to the pen for over 40 years.

    He only lost one. In Abilene a convict broke free. Russell could have shot the man easily, but he ran into a crowd of people emerging from a church. For those who assume Russell was only restrained by racism, the convict was Mexican and the churchgoers black.

    Standards for lawmen were uneven in those days, but common sense and decency were far more common than is often assumed.

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Once we acknowledge the obvious—that the “official account†of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory we are no long able to avoid…”

    Did you mean to say ‘longer‘?

    My all time fav’s Ötzi.

    Aka The Iceman. A dead dude, found high up in the Alps back in 1991, who singlehandedly, and completely involuntarily, proved science to be wrong about when the copper age started.

    Back and to the left.

    Back and to the left.

    Back and to the left.

    Anyone that’s fired a rifle and shot something [not somebody :o], knows the effect a bullet has on what’s being shot at.

    Back and to the left.

    Back and to the left.

    Back and to the left.

    Video Link
    Thank you, Jim.

    I salute you.

  • In the process of sleuthing through political campaign donations by industry to show how absurd the idea that Republicans are the party of Corporate America is, we stumble across an interesting albeit small industrial category: "Pro-Israel". Given the pro-Palestinian sentiments among many rank-and-file Democrat voters, the influence of Christian Zionism among rank-and-file Republicans, president Trump's...
  • @Yahya K.
    @Bardon Kaldian

    They are a mixture of various Arabs & not a people at all. Not there is anything wrong with that – but I don’t see why would I care about some Arabs being anywhere around Israel (Jordan, Egypt, occupied territories,…)- even 20% of them in Israel proper?
    Palestinians aren't just any generic mix of "Arabs". They are the descendants of the Biblical Jews and the Samaritans:

    The close relationship of Jews to Palestinians is not surprising. Jews are reputedly a Levantine population by origin, and the historical and genetic evidence points to Arabicization in the Levant and Mesopotamia as having occurred through acculturation, and not population replacement. Many of the Palestinians are likely of original Jewish or Samaritan origin, though I would guess that they were likely at least nominally Christianized during the Byzantine persecutions of the 6th century.



    In other words, they are the same people who've been living on the land since time immemorial. The same people who came up with the Abrahamic religions (whose influence on the world exceeds anything written by Boehme, Kant, Schopenhauer, Koch etc). They have their own unique culture, history and identity which ought not to be diluted away into the broader Arab world.

    Why, anyway, whining about those Arabs? And not Tibetans, Kurds, Copts, Assyrians, Afrikaners/Boers, ….?
    AnonStarter is a Muslim so naturally he will empathize more with Arabs than Tibetans, Copts, Assyrians, Afrikaners/Boers. With regards to why this particular conflict attracts more international attention; part of that is due to the historical/religious significance of the Holy Land, another part is due to the outsized role Jews have on the media, and another part is due to the interesting nature of the conflict (though this is more subjective).

    I agree that interest in the conflict is disproportionate to it's importance on a demographic level (the combined population of Israel and Palestine wouldn't amount to Los Angeles). Though because of Israel's outsized influence on American foreign policy, it's significance goes beyond the core population.

    Replies: @AnonStarter, @Bardon Kaldian, @AnonStarter

    Something else worth considering …

    Whether we agree with it or not, international law is the standard to which the vast majority of nations adhere in order to resolve issues of territorial integrity. Now either we adhere to the rule of law to accomplish this with civility or conflict becomes uncivil. The only alternative is for contending parties to negotiate directly with each other — another potentially civil means of resolving such issues.

    So any talk of “ancient Jewish connection to the land” means nothing with respect to Israel’s legal right to possess any part of Palestine. It’s entirely irrelevant to the matter of Israel’s occupation.

    •ï¿½Replies: @nebulafox

    If one cites an "ancient Jewish connection", one might as well cite an "ancient Roman" one, too. (What I'm trying to stress is that it's a bunch of nonsense. Judaism underwent such a rewrite in places like Babylon and Susa after the diaspora that it is more accurate to call it a sister religion of Christianity rather than a parent.) That's what Palestine was for 700 years before the Arabs conquered it. For perspective, that means there was as much a distance between Pompey and Muhammad as there is between our time and the final fall of Constantinople.

    The name Palestine itself is Roman, after the Philistines, those ancient Biblical enemies of the Hebrews. It was an intentional dig at the Jews after their failed revolts and the subsequent Roman attempt to culturally genocide them. I suspect that the majority of Palestinians, genetically, are Islamicized descendants of the citizens of Roman Palestine, who underwent a process of Arabization much like they underwent Romanization centuries earlier: just like Syria and Egypt. Some probably are the descendants of Samaritans. Aka: completely indigenous.
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Vojkan says:

    It is implied in my statement that the other side is bona fide.

    In your first example, you are either a troll or an idiot. By definition, a troll doesn’t act in good faith. As for idiots, they may actually be genuine but the first rule in dealing with them is to not descend to their level. Therefore, a side acting in good faith will remain unresponsive to your solicitation.

    In your second example, you are a group of trolls setting up a fake polemics. On top of having no authentic side, fake polemics have a built-in glitch (or is it a feature), it is very hard to not notice their futility. That’s two reasons to simply ignore you.

    •ï¿½Agree: Iris, Polemos
  • Like everything else in modern America, the Covid poke or parry is highly partisan: If there is a Covid kill switch, too many deplorables are going to escape it. If refusing to take the jab is playing Russian roulette with one's health, too many deplorables are going to... die? That doesn't sound like an outcome...
  • @John Johnson

    Hospitalizations dropped for all groups.

    Hospitalizations have increased for non-vaccinated groups

    Time to pull your head out of the sand. The vaccine is working.

    Replies: @Anonymous Jew, @Rumpelstiltskin

    If you actually parse the language in that article, it does not say what you say, it just leaves it to you to infer it. Once you become attuned to this kind of innuendo you’ll see it constantly. Last year we were hearing about a rise in Kawasaki syndrome in children. Bogus. The corporate mass media at work.

    Arguing the other direction,

    Dr. Harvey Risch: 60% of New Covid Patients Have Been Vaccinated

    Both these sources are anecdotal, though I trust Risch more than MSN-com. More definitive info is needed.

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Even being hit by one bullet is enough to incapacitate almost anybody.

    The force alone would knock them off their feet and the injuries and shock caused by shattered bones and arteries would immediately render them incapable of fighting back.

    I suppose there might be a few cases in which a dying person raises their pistol and fires off an accurate shot with their dying breath, but probably not many.

    So taking multiple bullets in the torso is really certain death. With one bullet and immediate removal to an emergency room there is some possibility of survival.

    Maybe the cops also formed their impression of the amount of damage done by a bullet from The Lone Ranger. Even with a gunfight every week, I don’t think one of them was ever hit, and if they were it was a flesh wound in the shoulder that just needed a Band-Aid.

    I know the cops do have tasers and are encouraged to use them instead of shooting, but in certain cases it’s not possible to get close enough.

    Perhaps they could be trained to shoot for the hip when the person does not have a gun. Most likely they will still be crippled for life, which might be enough.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Bill P
    @Jonathan Mason

    You must never have hunted. Miss the vitals and animals will run or fight like hell until they bleed out or collapse from exhaustion. Humans are the same. There's nothing magical about bullets.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Sean
    , @Dave Pinsen
    @Jonathan Mason

    The issue isn’t whether the shot is fatal but whether it stops the person immediately. A recent example is the shooting by the Minnesota lady cop who confused her Glock with a Taser. The black guy she shot died, but not before driving off.

    Replies: @Paperback Writer
    , @LordDerp
    @Jonathan Mason

    2 robbers take 18 bullets and still almost put down 8 FBI agents. Explains a lot of current law enforcement tactics. Like not shooting a leg.

    , @Sean
    @Jonathan Mason

    The US army is having to use bigger caliber rifle ammunition because flak vests are so common among near peer countries. Most US cops wear body armour now, but few criminals do. So usually it is a cop wearing a vest and in a stable shooting stance against a criminal who is trying to get away. The police have not been allowed to shoot at people for simply trying to evade arrest by running away since the early eighties, that may explain the reduction in wild shooting. People get shot for holding a gun while running from the police though.
    , @Polistra
    @Jonathan Mason

    There's a theory that whoever uses the most words generally knows the least about the topic. You sir are Exhibit A.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Alfa158
    , @Rob McX
    @Jonathan Mason

    Taking someone down with one shot - especially if it's from a handgun - seems to be the exception rather than the rule. People whose vital organs aren't hit will keep attacking after being shot, sometimes without even knowing they've been hit.

    A few months ago a commenter here posted a video of a police officer in Michigan shooting a man who was charging at her with a knife. It took 14 shots to stop him.
    , @J.Ross
    @Jonathan Mason

    Be patient with Mason, he knows nothing, but, as a doctor, doesn't understand what he sounds like.
    , @Whiskey
    @Jonathan Mason

    Is this a parody account?

    People, good and bad, have been killed by a single 22, and survived multiple 44 magnum hits.

    What matters in gunfights is who hits first with the most powerful incapacitating shot. The late Jim Cirillo, who led the NYPD Stakeout Squad in a series of gunfights (died in his seventies in a Texas car accident) in Guns, Bullets and Gunfights goes into great detail on this.

    The bullet must hit an important area: the brain, heart, lungs. OR pierce a major artery. Not all bullets are the same, design, weight, power/velocity, all play a part in expansion (or not), penetration, and accuracy. For example, 9mm is known to experience "trans sonic shift" a number of yards out of the muzzle, particularly in short barreled guns. This means going from supersonic (roughly 1100 ft / sec at sea level) to subsonic (less than that). Causing disruption and tumbling. Bullseye shooters like the 1911. The big heavy fat subsonic bullet not only did not undergo this shift but had lots of momentum to fight off the effects of wind. Plus the trigger is the best of any handgun, period. Straight back 4 lb pull like breaking a glass rod.

    However, all that being said on average in center mass hits certain calibers are known to be more effective and others less. The 44 mag has too few incidents to draw any conclusions, but the most noted manstoppers are .357 and .45 ACP, with the magnum being somewhat more effective. The 9mm and .38 special are very dependent on load, bullet design, and platform, but are roughly equivalent. The .40 S&W is just a tad under the .357 and .45 ACP. The lesser calibers such as .22, .25 ACP, .32 ACP, 32 S&W, .380 and 9mm Makarov are known to be less effective.

    With a massive crime spike we are likely to get a real look at bullet and caliber effectiveness. God help us.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @J.Ross, @TWS
    , @Johann Ricke
    @Jonathan Mason

    Even being hit by one bullet is enough to incapacitate almost anybody.
    Oddly enough, it is possible to receive multiple mortal wounds while continuing to pose a mortal threat to your opponent:


    Reconstruction will show from the first shot of the gunfight to the last, 56 seconds have elapsed. During this time 54 pistol shots have been fired, 33 from Gramins’ GLOCK .45, and 21 by Maddox from two pistols.

    Wound Assessment

    Raymond Maddox did not survive. Autopsy showed he had been hit by 17 of Gramins’ 230-gr. Speer Gold Dot .45 hollowpoints. Some had hit extremities, including upper limbs as the officer’s bullets tracked up the gunman’s arms while he was firing at the cop. But Maddox had also been hit in one kidney, both lungs … and the heart. All three of Gramins’ last carefully braced, precisely aimed shots had indeed hit the head, but two had smashed into his face and only the last had pierced the brain and ended the fight.

    Gramins did not emerge entirely unscathed. He caught a bullet fragment in one shin, and bullets going through the glass of the car had sent fragments into his face. He also suffered a significant hearing loss in his left ear, most likely due to firing 13 rounds from his .45 from inside the closed patrol car.

    He, at the hospital in a room adjacent to where the medicos were trying to save Maddox’s life, also had to hear a doctor angrily cry, “Why did the cop have to shoot him so many times?†If only the physician had known …

    Aggressive humans can soak up multiple lethal wounds and still continue homicidal action for surprising periods of time. People have taken multiple, massive wounds even from high powered rifles and shotguns, and stayed in the fight. Contrary to popular belief, a heart shot like the one Maddox sustained well before Gramins’ brain shot killed him does not necessarily guarantee the hoped-for “instant one-shot stop.†The medical journals devoted to treatment of trauma show multiple survivors of gunshot wounds to the heart, and forensic pathologists have recorded numerous cases of people who continued conscious, purposeful, sometimes successfully homicidal actions after being shot in the heart. Even if cardiac function is completely shut down, the recipient of the wound has up to 15 or 16 seconds of action left before blood pressure drops below the level it will no longer sustain consciousness, and not all wounds of the heart cause total shutdown. This appears to have been the case with Raymond Maddox in this shooting, who by the way had a “clean toxicology screen,†which showed no alcohol or drugs on board.

    Forensic pathologists tell us there is no post-mortem artifact for adrenalin dump, and even if there was, its effect on the given person experiencing it cannot be precisely predicted. This shooting appears to be a classic example. Mortal wounds are not necessarily instantly fatal. The study of gunfights is replete with cases of “men who were dead, but didn’t know it yet.†It was not possible to reconstruct exactly when Maddox took the cardiac hit, but it is absolutely possible he was up and running for almost a minute despite a .45 caliber gunshot wound to the heart before the final bullet to the brain short-circuited his central nervous system and ended the encounter.

    Replies: @Rob McX, @Jonathan Mason
    , @additionalMike
    @Jonathan Mason

    No offense intended, Mr. Mason, but you do not know a goddamned thing about shooting handguns.
    Can I assume that you are just here to break balls?
    , @TWS
    @Jonathan Mason

    You seriously need to keep your ignorance to yourself. You simply beclown yourself every time you put pixels on a screen. Stop it.

    What you 'know' about this subject could fit into a peanut shell with room to share with a peanut.
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • @Iris
    @Ray Caruso

    I have an open mind about the incidents of 9/11/2001, but bullshit like yours doesn’t help to make the case against the official story.
    More imbecilic crackpottery .

    The Twin Towers structural steel was at places as thick as the skin of an armoured tank.

    To perforate an armoured tank, an anti-tank missile must:
    (1) move at a high speed, at least Mach 2 to Mach 3, so 1500 to 2200 mph, far above the alleged 500 mph the alleged WTC ghost-planes were allegedly flying at.

    (2) be made of a material harder than the target's material, hence missiles are fitted with warheads covered in tungsten or the infamous depleted uranium.

    No aluminium plane can perforate a high-rise building's steel structure.

    If it were possible, Afghanistan's Talibans would have decimated US armoured fleet by hand-throwing makeshift grenades made in Coke aluminium cans. Beyond ludicrous.

    Replies: @Sparkylyle92, @dimples, @Ray Caruso

    Copper plated lead bullets from an AR-15 easily punch holes in 1/8″ steel plates. Yet consider how soft lead is. I have no difficulty believing an airplane at 500 mph can punch through the side of a steel frame building. It’s a question of a lot of energy delivered to a small spot in a short period of time.
    In my opinion Mr Fetzer is a disinformation agent trying to rebuild his credibility. He lost it all previously because of the nuke nonsense. But you get a lot of information from people like him. His bosses have to give him something to work with. So he’s on my read list.
    Some free advice, Jim. Stop trying to explain the nuke business. You’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Iris

    Some free advice, Jim. Stop trying to explain the nuke business. You’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself.
    The "nuke business" has been demonstrated by scientific calculations, made by a Physics PhD and French university professor with impeccable credentials, who used the century-old, universal and unchallengeable laws of thermal transfer. See link below.


    It is now beyond discussion that the WTC came down by nuclear demolition.

    Since it has been proven by perfectly sound scientific calculations that the amount of heat released, in excess of 1 peta Joules, was in the order of magnitude of a nuclear reactor's monthly output, only a fool or a lunatic will dispute that the explosives used were of nuclear nature.
  • @Mefobills

    “The reason I bring up chaos theory is†– because you do not know what you are talking about. I know what you are trying to convey but I won’t be helping you to articulate it. There are just too many parameters at play to easily exclude this or that.
    I understand your point about finite modeling. It would be hard to do a model on something that was post collision, without making new assumptions. The parameters of a known building suddenly changed, and hence the model changed.

    This is why I always default to building 7, because it is such a clear empirical case.

    I have history with a group of research engineers, all of them very high IQ, believing in the official narrative. It took weeks for some of them to come around; I made some of them derive equations for me.. to try to rough out a model for what had happened.

    In one heartbreaking case, I was taken out for lunch, where one of my fellows confessed. He told me that he couldn't talk to his wife on this subject (911) because he now understood the impossibility of the official narrative. There was now a wedge between him and his wife.

    We didn't need the University of Alaska study, or any other studies (none available at that time) to figure things out. It takes a certain willingness to look at data, to be empirical about it, and let the data take you to logical conclusions. This group of engineers was trained to solve thorny problems that escaped others; the whole reason for the existence of the specialized team was to fix and solve intractable problems. Yet, even this group did not want to admit to themselves that their own country could be capable of evil, so it caused an emotional and blinkered reaction out of variance with their training.

    Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain, @utu

    “We didn’t need the University of Alaska study, or any other studies (none available at that time) to figure things out.” – You can’t be taken serious just as I thought when you started mumbling about the chaos theory. You are a buffoon.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Mefobills

    We didn’t need the University of Alaska study, or any other studies (none available at that time) to figure things out.†– You can’t be taken serious just as I thought when you started mumbling about the chaos theory. You are a buffoon.

    Normally you are intelligent and reasoned. But, you are digging yourself a hole and making yourself look bad.

    The fact that there were asymmetrical forces, such as occurs during an airplane strike, and non-linearity (chaos) is not debatable by anybody with a modicum of scientific training.

    This is why I stick to building 7, so I don't have to argue what should be obvious.

    I'm sorry I went outside of my own rules, with the predictable results - I'm just surprised it is you.

    Replies: @Mefobills
  • Philosophy professor and practicing attorney Sterling Harwood didn’t have time to discuss his take on the moon landing controversy last time he was on the show. So let’s bring him back! Sterling Harwood’s highly recommended book The Greatest Mystery of the Beatles: Critical Thinking on Paul is Dead & the Skeptical Sixties examines several 1960s...
  • @Alfa158
    @Alberta Vince

    Here you go, it looks “ very much like a lander leaving the ground here on earth: slow and smooth ACCELERATIONâ€


    Oh wait, slow and smooth acceleration would be what you get with a “lander leaving the ground here on earthâ€, therefore this must have been filmed on earth, and therefore this must be fake.

    Replies: @Rdm, @Alberta Vince, @Ererr

    Yeah, the liftoff in this scene looks somewhat plausible all right. It’s not the same video I was referring to however … but the one I recall seeing is no longer available on Youtube due to “violation of policy” censorships.

    But even this one … doesn’t correctly display the acceleration. If you look at shuttle launches, you’ll see that the exhaust from the engine blows out vociferously whilst the payload is standing nearly still. This goes on for a second or two as the load gradually starts to rise and “speed up” more and more.

    And that’s because acceleration is exponential. The speed doubles every second.

    In the Apollo 17 LEM launch seen in this video, the module leaves immediately and fast enough that we don’t even get to see the background through the exhaust “plume”. Even IF the flame was perfectly clear, the introduction of a foreign substance into the vacuum of space would create refraction of light bending. This is unavoidable. Every substance has its own unique refractive index and this changes with temperature as well. What we SHOULD have seen in this video is a shimmering of the background as it appears through the stream of hot gas being blown out by the LEM engine.

    Then there’s the “jerking” of the object, up and down on the left side near the end of the video. What’s going on to cause that? Can you explain it?

    And finally, if you compare this video with the one for Apollo 16 … why is there a difference in space “light”? A-16 looks as though it were shot on a very misty morning or during a forest fire on the moon! Or MAYBE … it’s accidentally showing the EXHAUST of the module as it’s leaving?!?


    Video Link

    You see the discrepancy there? These two ascents should have looked pretty much the same … but they CHANGED something because they realized that they didn’t get it right the first time.

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • In a world where Holobusine$$ justifies budgets, grants, donations and buyoffs to place puppet presidents and congressmen and design policy, none of these open conspiracies should be any surprise. With 9/11 and the plandemic, the Ziocorporate terrorists have ensured they’re gonna keep consolidating their “world order” from the top of the pyramid, with the taxcattle assuming all the costs of their profiteering power games in blood and treasure.

  • Recently there have been some appalling cases that underline how far the American Congress has separated itself from any tangible national interest. Mark Twain once wrote that “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.†Some developments over the past several weeks would...
  • Say what they will when they are out of office, but when they take that oath of loyalty to the constitution it means that they are pledged to support all of those structures and safeguards that that foundational document has established.

    There is no security within guarantees provided in long-since violated documents –
    which has been shown time and again, historically.

    The Constitution had/has no enforcement provision against its member states, notably.

    Its Arch-Federalist creators were forced to enacted it as a voluntary compact, due to Madisons’ recognition that his Yankee financier partners would turn on him once they had what they wanted from him – and they did. The deliberate denial of any codified enforcement provision in the Constitution, that Madison presided over and documents in his notes, did not stop the later violent conquest of his people and destruction of their society, minus any legal basis.

    The Constitution is also in no way meaningfully connected to the Bill of Rights, which was vehemently opposed by virtually all of the Arch-Federalists who enacted the Constitution.

    The same Arch-Federalists who tossed out all term limits, ensuring the emergence of lifetime officeholders, who effectively own their seat of office – which is the central enabling feature of all the ills that you correctly note above.

    The only affirmative protection that any people potentially have come not from long violated documents, but from the ability to peaceably and in an organized fashion ‘walk away’ when a society splits apart into incompatible peoples.

    If competing populations, harbored under the same failed system, think that they can demand endless concessions from other factions, without any ability to refuse or split away as a consequence, you will end up in the current scenario of endless demands.

  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • @anonymouseperson
    @Harold Smith

    How did North Vietnam threaten any political freedoms or civil liberties in America in 1965? Or in 1975 when they took over the south? How does Vietnam TODAY threaten any freedoms of any kind in America? What political freedoms did the Vietnamese take from us? What ones were they only prevented from taking because 58K Americans died in a useless war? Please specify.

    Replies: @Lee, @Harold Smith

    I have no idea so why ask me?

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Cops nowadays have to shoot with higher efficiency, i.e. kill more with less. That is because ever-increasing amounts of tax dollars, nominally appropriated for police services, get diverted to PERS.

    Recent newspaper headlines (articles behind paywalls) state that for every $1 that CA spends on CHP, it pumps another 64� (lowball) into PERS.

  • � ~ Fake News. Final unraveling of the Russian Bounties "story." As I said from the beginning, if you believe that the Taliban need Russian rubles to kill Americans, you're either a neocon or a moron. Glenn Greenwald on this topic. ~ Scott Alexander - Prospectus On Próspera. Think of the flies. (Or, why I'm...
  • JC Denton:
    You said “outside influences.” What does China fear?

    China is the last sovereign country in the world. Authoritarian but willing — unlike U.N-governed countries — to give its people the freedom to do what they want.

    JC Denton:
    As long as they don’t break the law.

    Listen to me. This is real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.

    JC Denton:
    Our governments have limited power by design.

    Rhetoric… and you believe it! Don’t you know where those slogans come from?

    JC Denton:
    I give up.

    Well-paid researchers –how do you say it? — “think tanks”, funded by big businesses. What is that? A “think tank”?

    JC Denton:
    Hardly as sinister as a dictator, like China’s Premier

    It’s privately-funded propaganda. The Trilateral Commission in the United States, for instance.

    JC Denton:
    The separation of powers acknowledges the petty ambitions of individuals: that’s its strength.

    A system organized around the weakest qualities of individuals will produce these same qualities in its leaders.

    JC Denton:
    Perhaps certain qualities are an inseparable part of human nature.

    The mark of the educated man is the suppression of these qualities in favor of better ones. The same is true of civilization.

    JC Denton:
    I’ll have a drink.

    It smells like Deus Ex spirit….

    I hope he didn’t forget to turn on his anti-virus. Wouldn’t want him to download the corona virus by accident.

    •ï¿½Replies: @AnonZero
    @Max Payne

    D E U S E X!

    A Windows PC game that has never been approached, much less equaled. I still play it every couple of years - dated graphics and sound, but excellent story and branching choices.

    Deus Ex is like the South Park of PC games - there's so much in there that turned out to be prescient, even prophetic.

    They got the timeline wrong, but the Deus Ex designers saw the global trends in the year 2000 and extrapolated them - and got a lot of things right, it turns out.

    Glad to know someone else here appreciates that game.
  • Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in...
  • @216
    @Caspar von everec

    The US Right is the real "wretched of the Earth", denied any and all forms of cultural self-determination.

    Should we make it through this crucible, we will not forget who was ready to shiv us.

    Replies: @Caspar von everec, @Passer by

    It is not “denied”, you are simply cowards and cuckolds who do not react to hostile activity. Who allows to be taken over in their own country without doing anything? Learn from Afghanistan, a bunch of sandal wearers kicked out combined NATO and the US from their own country.

    They have will, and you don’t, because you are psychologically paralysed, and you have been since 1945, just like those insects paralysed by spiders and then waiting to be eaten.

    And you are being slowly eaten right now.

    •ï¿½Agree: Supply and Demand, AltanBakshi
    •ï¿½Replies: @216
    @Passer by

    Every act of anti-system far-right violence in my lifetime has always led to:

    -Media condemnation
    -Increased security state crackdown
    -Tech censorship
    -decrease in public support for the far-right cause in question

    The Taliban could not have succeeded without support from nuclear-armed Pakistan. No rival hegemon has ever assisted far-right factions in the West.

    You may not understand it, but "fair play" is one of my people's most cherished values.

    Replies: @Passer by, @Robert Dolan
    , @Boomthorkell
    @Passer by

    It's remarkable what propaganda and twisted social values can do to a people.

    Then again, the Russians lost Russia to a form of this madness for a time, and it took concerted action from leadership in the late 90s-present to counter act its more modern iteration. What I mean from this is that, in time, White (and the other) Americans may yet pull themselves out of the abyss they have both forged and been led into, and make a better system for themselves.

    Of course, all people must suffer, especially for the sins of apathy and ignorance, let alone the sins of Empire.

    Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  • � ~ Fake News. Final unraveling of the Russian Bounties "story." As I said from the beginning, if you believe that the Taliban need Russian rubles to kill Americans, you're either a neocon or a moron. Glenn Greenwald on this topic. ~ Scott Alexander - Prospectus On Próspera. Think of the flies. (Or, why I'm...
  • 216 says: •ï¿½Website
    @Passer by
    @Anatoly Karlin

    ~ Woke Spooks. I suppose it was the inevitable that the CIA would eventually drink its own Kool-Aid.

    The CIA was woke even under Trump, there were active diversity quotas and PC being implemented by his own CIA pick Gina Haspell.

    The process to diversify the CIA started even earlier, during Obama.

    Generally speaking, non-military related intel agencies are more woke and there is trouble between the military run (aka white males) NSA and the civilian (aka women and minorities) CIA.

    Replies: @216, @AnonfromTN

    Starting in the 1980s, conservatives in Congress have succeeded in getting legislation passed that forced public education institutions to allow military recruiters.

    One of the few levers of power than the US Right has to get cultural autonomy is a refusal to enlist by the rural conservative whites that disproportionately enlist in combat arms. For now this isn’t much supported by low-level conservative officials, but the law prevents us from simply banning recruiters in the institutions we do control.

    In a society increasingly driven by a spoils system, “veteran” is largely the only A/A category that a white male can obtain.

    No Wars for GayPride

  • Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in...
  • @216
    @Caspar von everec

    The US Right is the real "wretched of the Earth", denied any and all forms of cultural self-determination.

    Should we make it through this crucible, we will not forget who was ready to shiv us.

    Replies: @Caspar von everec, @Passer by

    I think in the long run, majority of whites in the us will be wiped through violence, low birt rates, race mixing and general zombification.

    White liberals are a different species nowadays.

    I think in the end, a small nucleus of white righters will survive. About 20-40 million. They’ll teeter on the edge of annihilation due to the woke regime in DC and Chinese encroachment.

    However, I expect a number of hardened survivors to coalesce and carve out a state in the north the Midwest, rocky mountains and the Canadian border.

    A new nation will rise from there

    •ï¿½Replies: @El Dato
    @Caspar von everec

    Sounds rather optimistic.

    There will be relentless attacks from the Negro & Bluehair hegemonizing menace. Israel will provide fully autonomous killtech because "friendship". Very hard to survive.

    Replies: @Caspar von Everec
    , @Philip Owen
    @Caspar von everec

    Doesn't rain much in Idaho. The aquifers won't support potatoes and people.

    Replies: @The Wild Geese Howard
    , @Cutler
    @Caspar von everec

    A new White majority nation in what is now the US is going to happen in time.

    White Liberals will be replaced by the four factors you mentioned however White conservatives will not, Conservative Whites have a big fertility advantage that will grow even more pronounced over time and the woke or brain washing factories we call universities colleges etc are all going broke in the mid to long term which is leading to less centralized ways of learning inc home schooling.
    Together with the baked in differences between Normal Whites and Liberals with regards to everything from the flag to raising children we are going on divergent paths, I think we are seeing the beginnings of this divorce in movements like greater Idaho the recent Texit bill as well as West Virginia inviting Virginia counties to move there.

    When you consider that at least 75 Million people voted for a guy the elite told them was a Nazi 24/7 that's further underlines the fault lines we can all observe.

    Borders will change and not just in the US but Canada too in time.
  • Why does America in the early Biden Era appear to be coming apart at the seams? One clear reason is because our culture is increasingly based on the sacralization of blacks. For example, the ruling party has, in all seriousness, transformed itself into what I jokingly called The Black Party. Thus, we are supposed to...
  • Fran800 says:
    @Vincent Greggs

    Like Leonard Pitts has said white males tend to forget who has enslaved who.
    That is true! Many whites don't even know how black africans enslaved black africans, continuously for aeons, and then sold them for a piddling, requiring the white man to come along and free them from their chains.

    Replies: @S. Anonyia, @Spect3r, @Fran800

    And Americans tend to forget that white people were enslaved for centuries by Muslims, mostly Turks in the Mediterranean. Famous white men who were enslaved until they escaped include the writer Cervantes and the future Jamestown colonist John Smith. Muslims also enslaved Blacks for centuries. They also enslaved white women for centuries for their harems — the so-called White Slave Trade. What are now South Russia, Ukraine and Georgia were very hard hit by this trade. It explains why so many “Turks” in Turkey appear to be white.

  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • Whiskey says: •ï¿½Website

    By the next presidential election your comments will be doubly laughable.

    Bleating "separatism" constantly here won't make that happen either.

    I wonder who and what the motives are for those constantly preaching "catastrophe" or else. The 'else' being separatism.

    The races and politics of Americans are intermingled and not defined by geography other than in a rough sense. These crazy ideas never include any reasonable or even suggested methods for achieving this end.

    Sure, Texas would favor this, or some would, All but NW Oregon is ready to separate from "Oregon" and join Idaho. Better idea: join rebel Oregon to southern Idaho and make a new state, South Idaho. Western WA could join N. Idaho. So two new (mainly GOP) states, vs. DC.

    Okay, great idea on paper. Still not very probable.

    Something like 75 million Americans voted for Trump. No way to effectively separate the cream from the dreck. So stop fantasizing and think about how quickly things can and will change.

    Unless you believe that the Woke ideology will somehow usher in a new permanent state of affairs, that provides peace and prosperity for all, the End of The Nation theory is just junk.

    Reality has usually sent Bad Ideas into the proverbial 'dustbin of history' fairly quickly.

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @Whiskey

    That was the view post Tito in Yugloslavia. But that nation did not long survive its dictator.

    Black people clearly HATE HATE HATE most Whites. All blacks? No. But most. Its pretty clear from actions and deeds.

    Whites are themselves divided into an elite and palace guards and functionaries who hate the dirt people, and the dirt people who hate them back.

    Latinos see themselves as variously Greater Cuba, Greater Mexico, Greater Honduras, …

    Muslims want an Islamic State.

    A powerful dictator can keep that in check, generally by suppressing one group and favoring another. Usually a minority: Saddam’s Tikrit clan, the Assad’s Alawis. Here it is blacks.

    A Dem Congressmen openly talks about nuking Nebraska. So I’d say the odds of a violent falling out are pretty much guaranteed.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Nicholas Stix

    "Black people clearly HATE HATE HATE most Whites. All blacks? No. But most. Its pretty clear from actions and deeds."

    This is only true of, at most, 95% of blacks.
  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • Sean says:

    The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China

    If America is picking a fight with Russia it cannot see China as a near peer competitor at all. China is piling up relative economic power, and Russia is not. So why treat Russia as the danger? Russia cannot be isolated from China by Western punitive measures, quite the opposite. I think the people really running America see China as a source of profit, and that is why the geopolitical strategists are concentrating on Russia as an enemy to be sanctioned. China is winning every hand, and Biden is facilitating that; he is a corporate front man.

    •ï¿½Agree: Johnny Rico
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • Iris says:

    Please consider, the WTC towers were somewhat complex steel structures. While very strong and durable when intact, when damaged to the point of collapse, they were just "house of cards". When the interconnections in the structure failed a domino effect ensued resulting in free fall collapse. And the only way was down - into their own footprint. That's just what happens to such structures. No controlled demolition needed to explain this.

    Keep in mind, two things kept the towers standing, the load bearing structures; Outer shell, and the inner core beams. Importantly, the top truss (the very top of the towers) shared the load between these two structures.

    When the towers start to come down one thing is certain - the connection between the outer load bearing shell and the inner core beams is gone. When collapse start it's load sharing function is gone. On top of that the connections between the two structures is also gone in the collision area where the airplanes hit. And then we have house of card coming down with almost no resistance.

    With the enormous weight of the top section coming down on the lower part, we saw air escaping through windows, throwing material out of the buildings - leaving some to believe controlled explosives were used. And with the long core beams buckling some material, even large chunks are thrown sideways, far out of the footprint, even damaging nearby buildings.

    Consider the top section tilting. How far could it tilt before the connection between the core and the outer shell failed. After that it couldn't tilt anymore because the support, meaning the building below, had lost structural integrity and was failing. So the only way was down.

    Still, I find it plausible explosives were indeed used to make sure the towers collapse. This theory is supported by witness testimonies and the fact that destroying several of the core beams would ensure a total collapse after damaging the outer shell with airplanes.

    Replies: @Iris, @Truth Vigilante

    This “pancaking collapse” nonsense has been debunked a million times.

    It is actually very similar to the preposterous NIST official version, for which NIST has lost all credibility because they weren’t able to provide the modelisation data, by which they allegedly proved the global collapse, for cross-examination and peer review.

    So for the umpteenth time: a sky-scrapper civil structure is firmly anchored in the bedrock and calculated so that it can, at any given point, support all the weight above the considered point. The lower part cannot collapse under the weight of the upper part because it was designed to support it.

    •ï¿½Agree: Truth Vigilante
    •ï¿½Replies: @Jim Fetzer

    Iris has been doing brilliant work here in responding to efforts to resurrect the "official narrative". T. Mark Hightower and I have just received a communication from Richard Gage about nanothermite:

    (1) Letter from Richard Gage to me and Mark:

    On Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:39:27 AM PDT, Richard Gage, AIA wrote:

    Hi Jim and Mark – I just became aware of this important and very well-sourced paper by Kevin Ryan. It shows several scientifically backed claims that superthermite can be made even more powerful than conventional explosives. I wish I was aware of this earlier when we were debating the subject. I believe that it should put an end to the argument that “nanothermite is not explosiveâ€.

    The explosive nature of nanothermite:



    ​Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

    (2) Response by Mark to Richard Gage:

    Hightower rebutted Kevin Ryan's article and citations on July 6, 2011: Re: The explosive nature of nanothermite

    12:08 AM (10 hours ago)
    to me, AIA

    Dear Richard,

    I really have to thank you for sending me this, as it motivated me to look back and actually find and listen to when I was on Jim Fetzer's show The Real Deal on 7/6/2011, closely coming up on the 10 year anniversary of this. It also motivated me to give Jim a call, for which I am even more grateful.

    So I was able to find the show, and I just got through listening to it, all nearly 2 hours of it.

    This is where I found it.


    The charts I was referring to during the show are preserved and available on Peter Meyer's site.


    At about the 1:25 point I start talking about Kevin Ryan's paper, but then Jim decides to have the final break of the show early, so I don't really get into addressing all 10 of Kevin Ryan's citations from his paper until after the break at 1:33:33.

    The best way I can describe what Kevin Ryan has done in his paper is he has taken any little verbiage or comment he can find that associates nanothermite or even just the word nano with explosive, especially in an impressive way, and he has run with that without looking deeper into what each of these papers he refers to actually say. In my interview on Jim's show I go over every one of of those 10 references and unveil what they really say, not what Ryan wishes they said or wants other to believe that they said.

    I promise you and Jim this. If you take the time to listen to the show (from 7/6/2011) and want to bring any specific issues you have with regard to my analysis of Ryan's paper and the 10 references he cites, I will be glad to answer them as best I can.

    In my opinion, the theory of WTC destruction that comes the closest to explaining what was observed is that presented in the book "The Ground Zero Model" that came out about one year ago.


    Here is my review of the book on Amazon from June 15, 2020

    NYC 911 WTC Twin Tower and Building 7 Nuclear method of destruction Clearly Explained
    Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2020
    The Ground Zero Model by Heinz Pommer and Colleagues presents a compelling model for how underground nuclear devices of very high energy were likely used to bring down the Twin Towers and Building 7, explaining very well much of what was observed in their destruction. Calling their explanation a model is very much in keeping with the scientific method when one is seeking to explain observations without knowledge of exactly how the deed was carried out.

    When I was on Jim Fetzer's show The Real Deal on July 06, 2011 I presented rough calculations for how much conventional high explosives would have been needed to bring the Twin Towers down by just severing the load bearing members. I did not attempt to calculate or estimate what additional quantity of explosives would have been needed to account for the high degree of comminution or pulverization observed. The calculated result was on the order of hundreds of tons of TNT for each Twin Tower.

    When information estimating the quantity of iron rich spheres produced by the Twin Tower destruction was considered, on August 25th 2011 in a blog post I presented a calculation that if the iron rich spheres came from steel, heating and melting it, that this energy alone would have accounted for multiple kilotons of TNT energy equivalent for each Twin Tower. But here again this is not including what energy was needed to accomplish the large degree of pulverization of most of the building materials and contents of the buildings.

    I was open to the possibility that nuclear devices could have been used but exactly how seemed impossible to narrow down. If such nuclear devices existed they would have been used, I thought, because they would be more effective and efficient than conventional explosives. I did continue to follow presentations of those presenting nuclear hypotheses to some extent through the years but I was usually feeling the explanations were too far beyond my areas of expertise to fully understand and fairly judge.

    Reading The Ground Zero Model is the first time I feel a nuclear model comes closest to explaining the observable facts, and the researchers have done a good job of making it mostly understandable to me at my level of nuclear expertise, having taken just one course in nuclear engineering as an undergraduate, but never really working in that field during my career.

    I would like to see others with different hypotheses present their models to the same degree of clarity that these researchers have done with The Ground Zero Model. They have set the bar very high indeed.

    The most significant aspects to me of The Ground Zero Model are the underground nuclear device not violently exploding like a nuclear bomb but burning slowly or deflagrating more like a nuclear powered rocket engine or a nuclear Roman candle, and the tremendously high energy 150 kiloton estimate for each Twin Tower. I look forward to following up and studying all of the many links that are in The Ground Zero Model book. I am particularly interested in learning how much of the 150 kilotons went into waste heat to the environment including the heat that continued to be produced by nuclear reactions that continued for many months underground and in the pile after the initial destruction of that day.

    Kind regards,


    T. Mark Hightower

    (3) Response to Richard Gage by me:

    James Fetzer
    8:41 AM (1 hour ago)
    to T, AIA


    Surely you jest! As you know very well, Mark and I have refuted your, Kevin and Steven's claims about nanothermite several times. Mark had even demolished Kevin's paper before it appeared:


    We published three articles during 2011 that surely did not escape your attention. My inference is that, in relation to the latest round of 9/11 inquiries, you want to resuscitate the nanothermite theory:

    “Has nanothermite been oversold to the 9/11 Truth community?â€



    "Is '9/11 Truth' based upon a false theory?"



    “Nanothermite: If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!â€



    Here's my most recent take about your role in these matters, where I have been forced to conclude that you and A&E911 are a limited hangout, offering partial truths with major omissions:

    "On C-SPAN, Richard Gage leaves 9/11 Truth in a time warp"


    I hereby invite you and Mark to do a video interview about nanothermite with me in the near future. It could be as soon as this Sunday, say, at 1 PM/CT (2 PM/ET; 11 AM/PT). Does that work?

  • Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for the “murder†of the beatified George Floyd. The jury, consisting of only two white men among twelve, found him guilty within a matter of hours. It was a quick decision that sent a clear message to America: black lives matter more than yours. Despite being...
  • 9 minutes, that’s all I need to know.
    All you white suckers whine as much as you want.
    9 minutes, that’s all I need to know.
    P.S. I am a white man

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Not only has police training given us cops who can shoot well, but I imagine their training gives us cops who actually shoot less often. IA and stuff. What I have noticed is that there are more video cameras than there used to be.

  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • @Poirot

    Noah Smith in 2012: “Adding diversity to our melting pot will speed up America’s inevitable and necessary transition from a “nation of all European races†to a “nation of all races.†The sooner that happens — the sooner people realize that America’s multi-racialization is a done deal — the quicker our political debate can shed its current ethnic overtones and go back to being about the issues.†(https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/10/the-secret-to-us-growth-in-the-21st-century-more-asians/263161/)

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Nicholas Stix


  • The following graph shows how positively (or negatively) Americans, by partisan affiliation, view several other countries: The most striking thing is how much the Establishment's bipartisan foreign policy consensus is shared by an allegedly increasingly restless, increasingly populist electorate. There are huge partisan divides on domestic issues like immigration, abortion, and race relations. But when...
  • @Wency

    I'm not an expert on Japan but I at least spent a few weeks there, and my sense is that well-adjusted Japanese people look at the freaks marrying anime characters or whatever, and also consider them freaks, just as we do. They might despise them even more. Whereas Americans sometimes seem to have an impression that a typical Japanese man can tell his parents that he's marrying a cartoon and they'll be cool with it.

    It's just that well-adjusted people are an ever-shrinking share of the population, wherever you are. Maybe they're shrinking faster in Japan, because being well-adjusted there is tougher, a lot more social rules to comply with. And yeah, cultural self-confidence might be a part of it all, part of why Japan in some ways seems more decadent than the US (though this was clearer 10+ years ago than today, before we got pummeled by the Great Awokening). Really I think it all ties back to the whole complex of civilizational decadence and leftward drift.

    Replies: @Mark G., @Chrisnonymous

    The Japanese have a problem with youth culture. Young people are all obsessed with pop music, which is dominated by boy bands that were literally created by a gay music tycoon and that reflect gay ephebophile aesthetics. Young people also like “cool” hobbies (eg, soccer) rather than traditional culture. They love shopping, and they are obsessed with their smartphones. Moreover, most are largely ignorant of history and culture, on a level you would be surprised at. When you talk to young people, it’s difficult to find points of connection because they know nothing beyond the pop culture displayed to them on their phones.

    In short, Japan is facing an upcoming generation that is deeply unserious and unprepared to defend itself against threats coming either externally or internally.

  • As I've been pointing out for quite a few years, the United States is undergoing a revival of superstition and witch-hunting in the name of Anti-Racism. Millions of modern Americans are deeply concerned that a vast secret coterie of White Supremacist Terrorists are signaling to each other on your favorite TV shows. For example, from...
  • @Altai

    Millions of modern Americans are deeply concerned that a vast secret coterie of White Supremacist Terrorists are signaling to each other on your favorite TV shows.
    Millions of modern Americans are deeply concerned excited by the thought that a vast secret coterie of White Supremacist Terrorists are signaling to each other on your favorite TV shows.


    It's all a game, these people know there is no threat and we can know this because they're not acting like there is a threat. They're acting like people who like witch hunts and people who get a thrill out of the idea of a vast threat of white racism and how they would like to beat it down.

    Replies: @Charon, @ic1000, @James Forrestal

    It’s all a game, these people know there is no threat and we can know this because they’re not acting like there is a threat. They’re acting like people who like witch hunts and people who get a thrill out of the idea of a vast threat of white racism and how they would like to beat it down.

    Sure. But they’re not just doing it for the thrill. If they constantly promote a narrative that “proves” that evil White supreemist not-sees are hiding behind every bush [and podium], secretly conspiring to shoah anyone who’s not Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype… that sounds like a pretty serious threat to any vibrantly diverse, tolerant society in the current year, doesn’t it? And a serious threat “justifies” serious measures taken in response to that “threat”…

    •ï¿½Replies: @S
    @James Forrestal

    And a serious threat “justifies†serious measures taken in response to that “threatâ€â€¦
    Wokedom has all the characteristics of a gigantic cult according to Robert J Lifton's 'eight criteria for thought reform (ie brainwashing). Note that #8, 'dispensing of existance', is 'usually not literal', except of course when it is, ie Pol Pot's Cambodia, Jim Jones early woke autonomous zone Jonestown, Red China, and the Soviet Union, etc.

    They've been propagating 'good whites' and 'bad whites' for some time, too, in places you might not immediately expect. Good Whites who follow the cult and submit willingly to Black rule, while they still ought to be imprisoned and will be at times on whim, will be tolerated but only as subjugated second class citizens/serfs.

    Bad Whites, ie those who disagree in any meaningful way with the program, have no right to life, or anything else.

    An example of imprisoned 'good Whites' below with a token Black. The White guy up front had accidently said the 'n-word', the word 'no', which was forbidden for Whites to say.


    Warlike and violent Bad Whites below, who are mutants and not even really human, and have no right to life.

    I've always found it telling that the so called 'progressives' in this series of movies present Blacks as apes, but then, it was the US progressives political and spiritual forebears in New England who were instrumental as slave dealers in enslaving Africans in North America.

    The so called progressives are ultimately neither Whites or Blacks friends, but only care about using others to obtain power.


    Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.
  • From the President's quasi-State of the Union address: And we won’t ignore what our intelligence agents have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism. We are not going to ignore that either. My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of...
  • @ben tillman

    You fucking called the majority of your countrymen terrorists not ten paragraphs before.
    Agreed. The Feds are engineering a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman, @J.Ross

    Afghanistan The Model. Inshallah!

  • “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.†– Thomas Jefferson The trial was pointless. We knew...
  • @JimmyBee
    @Jimmy le Blanc

    'The funny and ironic thing about all of this is, (((they))) will suffer as much as any White at the hands of the Frankenstein’s monster they created.'

    Yup. (((They're))) cunning, but not wise...

    Replies: @36 ulster

    One of the Tribe, David Cole, has written frequently in Takimag about the this unwisdom. His columns from the previous year about Golems makes for reading that is at once informative, entertaining, and despairing–and not just for The Chosen, who could benefit from his warnings about this Dangerous Liaison or Valse Macabre with their Vibrant Golems.

  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • Cucker Tarlson encourages public ridicule of facediaperist covidiots, something I’ve done since March 2020. Glad to see you’ve joined my team, Sailer.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    Got a link for that, Mr. Mateen? That would make my day.
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Tariq Nasheed was once a guest on Late Night with Conan O’Brien:

  • Recently there have been some appalling cases that underline how far the American Congress has separated itself from any tangible national interest. Mark Twain once wrote that “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.†Some developments over the past several weeks would...
  • People are tired of the jewing.

    Hollywood was never a collective institution for America at large; it has always been a major propaganda tool.

    But you’re right that there is no longer anything to rally around or unify people….they even had to ruin sports.

    Thank the small hats for multiculturalism and the total destruction of the western world.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Miro23
    @Robert Dolan

    People are tired of the jewing.

    Hollywood was never a collective institution for America at large; it has always been a major propaganda tool.

    But you’re right that there is no longer anything to rally around or unify people….they even had to ruin sports.

    Thank the small hats for multiculturalism and the total destruction of the western world.
    Agreed that there's little credibility left. Even in top level diplomacy they're saying it directly.

    Example the March 18th US/China Alaska Summit: Yang Jeichi to Antony Blinken - "Is that the way you hoped to conduct this dialogue?"
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Hunsdon says:

    Techniques, training and procedure have evolved a great deal during my lifetime regarding the effective combat use of a pistol. Jeff Cooper, who developed the so-called modern technique of the pistol in the late 1950s and early 1960s, had a great deal to do with it. While the once iconic Weaver stance has mostly been abandoned in favor of a modern isosceles technique, a great deal has been learned from instances such as the infamous FBI shootout in Miami.

    •ï¿½Agree: Twinkie, Harry Baldwin
  • � ~ Fake News. Final unraveling of the Russian Bounties "story." As I said from the beginning, if you believe that the Taliban need Russian rubles to kill Americans, you're either a neocon or a moron. Glenn Greenwald on this topic. ~ Scott Alexander - Prospectus On Próspera. Think of the flies. (Or, why I'm...
  • Came across this venue which appears to favor the likes of Galeotti, Jankowiz and Stoner:


  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • My impression is that tasers have been a failure and that perhaps the last alternative before deadly force should be rubber bullets from a weapon that can easily be distinguished from a real ammo loaded gun.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anon

    The problem with tasers is that the leads have to be able to penetrate. They're not very useful in winter when the perps are wearing puffy coats. They also can't do much to someone who's crazed on drugs.
  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • @Fred Gregson
    Tucker Carlson should be imprisoned and have his ill-gotten property confiscated. His rhetoric and demagoguery are directly responsible for the epidemic of violence and hate sweeping the nation culminating in the January attack on democracy. This includes the rash of anti-Asian violence and murder of Black People. Only when evil like him is silenced will society be healthy

    The best of us agree. Just read this Twitter feed of former Marine Corp officer and historian scholar and father with a beautiful wife


    Replies: @Nico, @Chrisnonymous, @Reg Cæsar, @Nicholas Stix, @cosMICjester

    Just read this Twitter feed of former Marine Corp officer…

    •ï¿½LOL: Hibernian
  • Whiskey says: •ï¿½Website

    True, Demographics has doomed any prospect of a political solution within the current United States. Our freedoms have been taken away, no longer do we have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, due process nor even religious freedom. The new populace opposes the bill of rights. The clampdown will continue. Ones ideology or religious creed can be criminalized. All of our institutions, universities, and corporations have embraced the woke ideology. There are not enough whites to form a political opposition. Biden could piss his pants while giving the State of the union and the press would praise him for his courage, while the networks would just ignore it and social media would ban mention of it. They got away with an attempted coup d'état. They are able to portray a protest as an insurrection frame Trump supporters for murder. They can blacklist the President of the United States from social media. There are zero consequences to their egregious actions.

    Most Whites are choosing acceptance. They will not be showing up for a civil war, they will not even bother protesting. The average white American is pushing 50 and does not have the energy to fight against it. Those with corporate jobs fear getting blacklisted. Most of the younger whites are fully on board with the progressive ideology. Fewer and fewer are forming families or having children. It will get much more difficult over the next decade, as 26 million whites pass away and just 18 million white babies are born while another 16 million non-whites immigrate into the US.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @AnotherDad, @Whiskey

    I think you are misreading the dynamic.

    Most Whites are going to be fired anyway. Those jobs need to go to the ever greater number of blacks, vibrant immigrants, trannies, and other freaks and weirdos of the ruling elite coalition. Already its being talked up in Congress, a “max number” of Whites and White men in jobs.

    The Military is purging itself of White men just as it gears up to fight Russia over gays (really) and maybe or not China.

    Meanwhile blacks are openly talking of killing all the Whites. And saying it louder and louder and louder, to mainstream applause. Disney had one of the Marvel Streaming Series imply that killing all the White people and taking their stuff and giving it to blacks was the only moral thing to do. [Falcon and Winter Soldier] With a side note of killing cops and soldiers was a good thing.

    Meanwhile food inflation is out of control, and inflation in general is rampant with all sorts of supply chain breakdowns (chicken shortage) caused in part by vibrancy. And the ever present menace of labor camps.

    This dynamic of quiescent, submissive Whites only works when they still have jobs and houses and mortgages and feel they have things that matter to lose. Put them out on the street in a homeless encampment and they have nothing to lose. Convince them that the ADL and BLM wants to put them in Uighur Style work camps for Apple and Nike’s profit and they can flip radically. Again their desire to prevent loss can cause them to do all sorts of things. Napoleon’s Army ran on small landholders given aristocratic holdings sliced up, and they fought for obvious reasons.

    Most people are risk averse. But once risk is seen to be greater and catastrophic from the ruling elites the action can be quite vicious. And the ruling elite cannot dial down the anti-White hate. Their own people are addicted to it, its a feelz high and they want more and more. The ruling coaltion can’t give them yachts, supermodels, and private jets so feelz it is to keep their loyalty. Which creates fear and loss prevention among Whites.

    None of the ruling class are men of ability who are respected in power centers. When crisis comes, say an order leaks out to put most Whites or Trump voters (all 75 million) in work camps, or seize White houses for blacks, then its on as most will have nothing to lose.

    The rulers now think that their need be no rules but power which was the lesson of Trump (that their end of history stuff was bogus). But everyone knows it, so its merely a Phony War before the BLM Blitzkrieg.

    •ï¿½Replies: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen

    I agree.
    The Covid con has allowed a lot of really wealthy people to get wealthier but we are closer and closer to full bubble. There is going to be a correction. It could end up making 1929 look like a cakewalk.
    What happens when the suburbs are full of people with no jobs and no prospects? Will they voluntarily hand the keys over and trundle off somewhere to pitch tents?
    I wonder if we are heading for something that may be so shocking and brutal that many, particularly women, won't be able to cope.
  • Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in...
  • @Caspar von everec
    @Passer by

    Both China and Russia have a vested interest in seeing the US decline and wokeness is the way to go. Last thing they need is a resurgent white nationalist America.

    That being said, they might help white right in the future whem their potential is only to breakup the US

    Replies: @216, @Almost Missouri, @xyzxy, @Mulga Mumblebrain

    The US Right is the real “wretched of the Earth”, denied any and all forms of cultural self-determination.

    Should we make it through this crucible, we will not forget who was ready to shiv us.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Caspar von everec

    I think in the long run, majority of whites in the us will be wiped through violence, low birt rates, race mixing and general zombification.

    White liberals are a different species nowadays.

    I think in the end, a small nucleus of white righters will survive. About 20-40 million. They'll teeter on the edge of annihilation due to the woke regime in DC and Chinese encroachment.

    However, I expect a number of hardened survivors to coalesce and carve out a state in the north the Midwest, rocky mountains and the Canadian border.

    A new nation will rise from there

    Replies: @El Dato, @Philip Owen, @Cutler
    , @Passer by

    It is not "denied", you are simply cowards and cuckolds who do not react to hostile activity. Who allows to be taken over in their own country without doing anything? Learn from Afghanistan, a bunch of sandal wearers kicked out combined NATO and the US from their own country.

    They have will, and you don't, because you are psychologically paralysed, and you have been since 1945, just like those insects paralysed by spiders and then waiting to be eaten.

    And you are being slowly eaten right now.

    Replies: @216, @Boomthorkell
  • The blog's raison d'etre is to empirically assess the (in)validity of stereotypes. File this one in the valid drawer: Because expanding the definition of marriage from being a union between two members of opposite sexes to being a union between two people had nothing to do with redefining the the parameters and expectations of the...
  • @John Johnson
    @Bardon Kaldian

    By the way, evolution or God did not make these sexual things optimally …

    They made men always insecure about their size. It would be better that male organ is, statistically, 20% bigger.

    The penis distribution curve is especially cruel. If a penis is small enough then women simply won't stick around even if they like everything else about the man. Women don't like admitting to this but just about all of them have a story about some guy in college that made them snicker. It was probably less of an issue in the days of early monogamy whereby a woman simply wouldn't have as much experience to compare it to.

    It seems that God could have set a consistent or minimum size as this is clearly the case for vaginas.

    Theologians don't have solid answers to these types of observations but their overall outlook is still preferable as their inherited wisdom better addresses inequality. I can do fine with women but I get that society needs to be designed around averages and that religion in part exists to help temper nature and inequality among men.

    A guy with a small penis is better off being in a strict Christian or Muslim society than the liberal world where most women have shopped around. I think an underlying cause of incels is that they are men that have genes that better fit a more traditional society. Liberalism doesn't have an answer for them and still clings to idealized egalitarian views of female sexuality (though the incel view is worse as it is extremely cynical).

    Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    Women say their optimal size is from 15 to 18 cm (one inch is 2.5 cm). They say, apart from size queens who are perhaps 10-20% of females, that over 20 cm (8 inches) is, generally, too big & unpleasant.

    But here the nature was not fair to Asians. Why are they not “bigger”?

    Blacks have minimally bigger erect size in comparison to whites (0.25 cm), but it is visible in really big areas (8 to 10 inches). More is weird, and a source of diseases for men when defecating.

    Although, what seems to matter more is athletic body. Most women will choose athletic body with average/less than average member over a big schlong attached to a skinny or a fatty. And even here nature was not fair to Asians, because they have more body fat.

    Anyway, for stats lovers..



    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Although, what seems to matter more is athletic body. Most women will choose athletic body with average/less than average member over a big schlong attached to a skinny or a fatty. And even here nature was not fair to Asians, because they have more body fat.

    Maybe but I'm not convinced that is something you can poll.

    What women say they want and what they actually stick with can be two completely different things. It's not like women will poll that they would stay with an abusive man but it happens all the time.

    I have no doubt that men are likely to think about penis size than women. But I have also met couples where the man seemed completely worthless in all areas so you have to wonder what was keeping her around.

    Women aren't as picky as men think but it is something that women will drop men over if they are too far below the minimum. Not that I fault the women as it is really just another unfair aspect of nature that is beyond their control. I've known some women that seemed nice and sweet in public but had a story about dumping some poor bastard that was too small. One even giggled after he took it out. If those are nice girls I can't imagine what the bad girls have to say.

    Replies: @Rosie, @Bardon Kaldian
  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Bill P says:

    Not only are they better shooters, but the guns are better, too. I mentioned Glock in a previous comment. Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn’t compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you’ll see what I mean.

    It’s like the difference between a modern, high performance automatic transmission and a 1950s stick shift.

    •ï¿½Agree: Carol
    •ï¿½Replies: @Thomm
    @Bill P

    Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn’t compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you’ll see what I mean.

    It’s like the difference between a modern, high performance automatic transmission and a 1950s stick shift.
    This is so true, and people don't realize it. For example, my prized possession is my gold-painted Desert Eagle. But in 2021, I wouldn't call it state of the art anymore.

    There was a short-lived TV series in 1986 called 'Outlaws', which was a Western version of the A-Team. Five men from 1899 were transported to 1986 by an act of nature. They kept using 1890s-era weaponry to beat 1986 criminals, and still won on account of superior marksmanship. But the technological inferiority of the antique-grade weapons was a side joke.

    , @John Johnson
    @Bill P

    Glock is by far the most popular police sidearm, and for good reason: superior ergonomics, safety and capacity. The old S&W .38 special doesn’t compare. Feel free to go down to a range, rent one and give it a try. Then try a .38 special single/double action revolver and you’ll see what I mean.

    I wouldn't go that far.

    Most people will shoot a revolver more accurately in single action.

    Of course Glocks are better police weapons but for a single shot you would want the 38.

    Glocks are mostly popular because they are reliable and well known. They are the Honda accord of the gun world. So there is a government CYA factor at work. I actually doubt most officers would choose one over a Sig if they shot both. The Army recently chose Sig over Glock so it will be interesting to see how Glock responds now that they have some serious competition.

    Replies: @Old Prude
    , @Carol
    @Bill P

    I had both and don't see how anyone can hit anything with a .38 except < 5 yards.

    I sold the Smith and kept the Glock.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @anon
    , @Whiskey
    @Bill P

    Nonsense. First, the double action revolver is INHERENTLY more accurate -- no slide bouncing around and a one piece barrel that does not move or tilt like nearly all autoloaders, which use the Browning modified short recoil system (the barrel tilts down to separate from the locking lugs in the slide to let the slide continue on its travel rearward when pressure has been reduced).

    Second, the Glock has a 5 lb trigger with manual safety. Meaning NDs are common, often when reholstering and stuff (clothes, drawstrings, etc) get in the holster. The double action revolver is more difficult to shoot well, due to a 12 pound plus trigger pull, but is far more forgiving of mishandling. It is also far easier to handle administratively.

    One issue with auto loaders is that the magazine needs to be dumped, the slide locked to the rear, and the round in the chamber if there was one caught. Doing this even a few times can cause the bullet to set back, and possibly cause dangerous pressures particularly with high pressure cartridges like the 9 mm, .357 SIG, .40 S&W, and the 10mm.

    Also, to combat these issues agencies like the NYPD install the NY Trigger, bringing the trigger press to a horrible and gritty 12 pounds. At least a double action revolver has a smooth trigger press. Reholstering a revolver is safer too -- thumb on the hammer and any obstruction causing the trigger to move backwards will be felt immediately and retarded by the thumb. True the "gadget" from Tau Industries can somewhat replicate this on a Glock, but good luck finding one nowdays.

    The Glock is good for what it is, a robust, simple, affordable polymer military pistol meant to be carried with an empty chamber and loaded magazine by the Austrian Military. Without a round in the chamber it is completely safe. And also slow. FWIW Larry McGill of the Glock store has a YT video where he shows how he carries his Glock -- Condition 3 with no round in the chamber, loaded magazine.

    I think cop shooting ability varies. The LAPD did not display good marksmanship when they shot up the newspaper delivery SUV they thought was Christopher Dorner but turned out to be a couple of nice Mexican ladies. LAPD SWAT is supposedly very good though, the same for the FBI SWAT but various FBI agents have shown (on the dance floor) appalling gun handling and basic lack of familiarity with firearms.

    More than likely, more cops are turning to private trainers to supplement the meager training they get with their departments. This also gives them extra legal protection if involved in any shooting -- "I went to this noted trainer to get even more training and did as I was trained, here he is to testify!"

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Bill P
    , @SunBakedSuburb
    @Bill P

    "The old S&W .38 special doesn't compare"

    A .38 snub nose is a great coat pocket piece. No worries about whether you put one in the chamber. Perfect for stoners.
  • If Tucker Carlson is forced out of his gig at Fox by the ADL-led boycott of advertisers, he then might not have anything better to do than to run for President.
  • @Charon
    If only someone like Trump would put his ego aside and finance Tucker's run. For the good of the country. And then butt out. But then he wouldn't be Trump.

    Who else is there with the money? And would Tucker have the sense to sequester his family in some castle hidden in the hills of West Virginia?

    Tucker is about 1000x better candidate material than Trump ever was, and Trump actually won the presidency, at least once.

    Also, btw, why exactly is it that the woketard left is privileged to be able to exercise a veto over any possible opposition, even if that opposition actually represents the majority? What's this "democracy" thing again?

    Mass media sampling:



    If they're calling race replacement an "antisemitic theory" they're running scared. Good.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Reg Cæsar, @Curle

    Boycott? Please do! Please, please throw us in that briar patch!

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Altai says:

    An interesting altercation recently in NYC. Guy at top of a stairwell fires 3 shots into a mass of NYPD right infront of him. One bullet grazed two of them. It looks like at least 3 or 4 NYPD then quickly return fire but fail to hit the guy. Turns into a standoff and he eventually gives himself up.



    The officers then engaged him in conversation regarding the 911 calls for a male shot. At this time, the perpetrator pulled out a 38 caliber revolver from under the blanket and displayed it toward the officers. The officers drew their service weapons and stated multiple times for him to drop his firearm. The perpetrator ignored the multiple commands and fired his revolver three times towards the officers at approximately 10 feet away.

    The police officer who was first in the single file line instinctively turned his body, bladed himself and was able to avoid a direct impact to his bullet resistant vest. The bullet grazed the front of his vest, which struck his body worn camera magnet. Another bullet grazed the shin of the fourth officer in the line, police said. Both officers were taken to a hospital for evaluation and were in stable condition. Police say the suspect then retreated back into his apartment. Investigators say none of those shots struck him. The suspect, identified as 44-year-old Ridwan Abdul Rashid, barricaded himself in the unit and took a hostage. After about an hour, hostage negotiators were able to bring him out, and take the him into custody.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Polistra


    Anyone who wants to supply a narrative for this one, be my guest. Homie in back seat of SUV gets mad, jumps out of vehicle, opens rear tailgate,shoots driver, gets back in SUV, driver continues on, but is also dead. No wait a minute.
    , @TontoBubbaGoldstein

    Ridwan Abdul Rashid

    Amish dude?

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @Almost Missouri

    It looks like at least 3 or 4 NYPD then quickly return fire but fail to hit the guy.
    To be fair to the cops, it looks like at that point they were just trying to retreat back down the stairs, so their shooting was essentially just "suppressible fire" to keep the perp from making aimed shots until they got under cover. Which worked.

    Replies: @Almost Missouri, @John Johnson
  • Only in a nation with as perverse an elite and leadership cabal as the United States of America would the death of George Floyd be cause for remaking our society and the horrific murder of a white cop by a black criminal barely be mentioned in local papers/local newscasts. But that's where we find ourselves...
  • @loren

    are you thinking she is promoted as a 2 fer...female n non yt?

    Replies: @Lancelot_Link

    I was attempting humor, as she is part Asian I felt the “Kang” reference might get a chuckle.

  • My impression from watching a lot of videos of cops that BLM complains about is that the quality of cops has gone up a lot over my lifetime. Here's an objective metric: what percentage of bullets fired by cops strike the target vs. missing or hitting some bystander? On the campaign trail last year, Joe...
  • Quicker-firing automatics replacing revolvers probably has had an impact too.

    •ï¿½Agree: Sean
    •ï¿½Replies: @Nlc
    @Dave Pinsen

    , @TWS
    @Dave Pinsen

    Nope. Glocks have the extra heavy trigger pull of a double action revolver. It's the gun for the D student.

    Replies: @Bill P
  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • @Polemos
    @Jim Fetzer

    You're saying he's being evasive when he points out that it's not an Australian Military Manual as you claimed? Even links to the thing!

    Where did you get the idea it was Australian?

    onebornfree, Sparkon and Stephane all come across as reasonable people thinking through this and exhibiting patience and diligence, and you're coming across over the course of this conversation as someone progressively losing his patience or his focus or his self-awareness. Your initial essay was alright, but probably because you had time to slow down, edit, and check your work. Slow down, read what they're writing, because how you missed/misinterpreted what onebornfree was saying about things is odd —unless you weren't taking the time to get it. I like that you're willing to engage your audience directly, but take your ego out of it and let yourself be wrong, confused, or mistaken.

    But don't accuse others of doing what others see you do.


    Replies: @Iris, @Loup-Bouc

    (1) You hallucinate both the content of tephane’s comment and the content of Professor Fetzer’s reply.

    (2) You wax presumptuous (a) with your pseudo-psychoanalytic, incompetent attempted incursion into the operation/effect of Professor Fetzer’s ego or other manifestation of Professor Fetzer’s psyche and (b) with your obnoxious advice rendered to a person of mind and pertinent aptitude many times your superior.

    Oddly, though, you do not present even a speck of legitimate criticism of any aspect of Professor’s Fetzer’s article.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Polemos

    I have already submitted this comment twice, and neither time was it approved. I suspect it was because I used anchor tags, and Fetzer has not enabled the use of anchor tags although other unz posts do allow this. This attempt, I will avoid anchor tags and edit the following for in-line citations. Hopefully the comment numbering will not change, nor the meanings lost.

    Loup Bouc,

    You like it when I'm right about you, but then despise it when I'm wrong about someone you (momentarily) find common cause with. You appreciate when my same inferential abilities lead me to conclude things you like about your capabilities, principles, intentions, and ethos, but then disregard and defame those same inferential abilities when applied in a manner you dislike. I'm nobody, so I don't expect to be remembered by those whose lives have more going on than mine or whose attention focuses elsewhere. But I pay attention, aware of my own flaws in doing so. Maybe you forget our conversations, but I have no cause to when engaging with someone as lovely and beautiful as you —being surrounded by people many times my superior, how could I not be impressed with them?

    Still, you said I hallucinate Stephane's comment (singular instance or categorical totality?) and Fetzer's reply (also singular? was there only one?) —but in leaving off onebornfree and Sparkon, do you in your precision and keen attention to detail —as you have said and still will say, we mean what we say, no more, no less— thus imply you accept that no such hallucinations occurred in seeing how onebornfree or Sparkon commented?

    I don't see any ad hominem in Stephane's comments either here (#62) or here (#71). Stephane engages with Sparkon without disparaging, denigrating, {add in Vojkan's updated list from #156}, anyone up to that point. The first time Fetzer interacts with (#73) Stephane is to say "I think we have reached beyond the point of physical absurdity." While not yet inflammatory, it seems unwarranted (to me) to put Stephane's comments so far into "the point of physical absurdity" when clearly eah and Stephane had already been making the point that it's not a wall that the plane (allegedly) flies into but a mesh with regions of higher and lower densities —a situation that Stephane compared with making french fries out of potatoes and which, Alfred, in an attempt (#110) apparently to refute eah's own argument, compares with making grated cheese out of a grater. In other words, when facing a surface of differing resistances, an object impelled to move through it will flow around the hardened points —the cheese gets pushed through the holes and becomes grated, the potato gets pushed through the holes and becomes fries, yet the plane stays completely outside the building? Is the surface of the Towers not like a grating, with the columns spaced apart from one another? Fetzer's argument depends on the assumption that we're all talking about aluminum (tubes/cans/wings) striking a steel wall —his own video uses the collision of a plane with a thickened concrete wall to demonstrate by analogy that the plane would become pulverized outside the wall rather than penetrate it. Having nowhere to go inward, the plane's decomposed particles flow along paths of less resistance. But if the outer surface of either Tower is less an intact, complete wall and more a surface having different densities and responses to collision —are there windows? are there gaps between the columns?— then it seems reasonable, given both the cheese grater and the fry maker analogies, that we'd see the plane continue to flow forward while becoming grated into pieces. Does alumnium flow when striking surfaces more dense than itself? The point here is that it is not so absurd, physically, to notice that the cheese and the potato undergo deformation and fragmentation while they are continuing to move past the grate or the slicer —the point eah is making and complementary to the points Stephane is making. So then, is the outer surface of the Tower like an intact, compact, continuous bunker wall, or were the columns spaced apart, with some sections having regular openings through which a plane could flow?

    Then after citing his video, Fetzer says of Stephane —who is asking questions about the given theories suggesting that no plane could possibly have penetrated the surface of the Towers— "I am baffled that anyone would come here and offer completely indefensible replies."

    Completely indefensible? That's hyperbole: Stephane comments (#81)

    From peoples on the “a 767 would have been able to break the perimeter columns†side of the argument, I am able to find papers trying to calculate what would have happened, explaining their modeling hypothesis and the conclusion they reached.

    From the other side, I have not yet been able to. I would really be interested in demonstrations of the implausibility of the official impact scenario, as long as they are backed up by numbers rather that gut feelings.
    eah's response (#92) concurs, and eah posts a link to the Purdue simulation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UvPWny_PBc) demonstrating how an airplane could puncture and pass into one of the Towers. One of the interesting details about the simulation is how it does demonstrate that the Tower is not a monolith of steel and concrete —lots of gaps, or else where did all the people fit inside or how else did they look outside or find ways to leap to their deaths afterwards?

    This is just in reference to these initial (hallucinatory) observations I've made following the constraint you offer here by addressing Stephane's comments alone. If I am hallucinating, then please show me where Stephane makes any kind of derisive commentary about Fetzer's capacity to make inferences, follow logic, or state reasonable claims, the kind of activity that would warrant Fetzer's heightened aggression —what Iris posits (#136) as the slow degradation of one's patience in the face of Vojkan's list of interlocutory grievances. You know how to cite, clearly.

    The following portion of my comment will address some things that arose in these comments and in Fetzer's own cited video. I believe, given the rest of the comments don't discuss the video in the detail I will, I am the only person (commenting here?) who actually took some time to watch the video. I will talk in the following about the hologram proposal, among other things.

    If, though, I may. After Sparkon challenges some of the reasoning and questioning Stephane proposes, Fetzer responds to Sparkon (#75) by saying

    Thanks, Sparkon. Does Stephane seriously believe anyone is going to buy such a preposterous account once they understand the physics involved? Your posts are a breath of fresh air!
    But after Sparkon disagrees with Fetzer's claim (#82) about the use of holographic imagery having been proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" in response to onebornfree's repetition that the videos themselves are suspect due to video insertion technology (and note how onebornfree and Fetzer have previously engaged on this very point according to onebornfree's own analysis (https://onebornfrees911researchreview.blogspot.com/2013/11/911-scams-professor-jim-first-blush.html) of their conversations on Fetzer's own show and on Veterans Today, so the two have history) and after Sparkon begins asking for demonstration of holographic projection and after Sparkon says that he tried to watch the video but didn't find any reference to holographic projections after ten minutes of watching (maybe he doesn't use the option to shift things up to 1.75x or 2x speed, which I find useful?), Fetzer posts a response that begins to turn from "breath of fresh air" to dismissal of Sparkon —while this first turn isn't itself inflammatory beyond accusing Americans of being impatient and then accusing Sparkon of being less patient than even Americans, it's when Sparkon claims the holographic projection claim is "BS" that Fetzer says (#89) Sparkon's behavior is "pretty pathetic" and claims Sparkon is "like a child who has to be spoon-fed. Frankly, it’s childish and rather embarrassing."

    From "breath of fresh air" to "childish and rather embarrassing" in four days and three comments.

    Yet, while watching the very section Fetzer himself points to in his own video after Sparkon asked for demonstration of the reality of the use of holographic projections —and, we should not forget, technology on the scale necessary to create for tens of thousands of people (potentially, Fetzer in his video mentions only "apparently hundreds" who "described it in many ways approach the South Tower" {1:11:30ff}) and dozens of video cameras the sight of a large airplane flying at a high rate of speed so low to the ground into an extremely conspicuous skyscraper, timed especially to align with preset explosions {yet aren't precise enough to not project the nose passing through the building! or as Fetzer himself says at 1:52:35, "How embarrasing is that?"}— I did not notice any demonstration of other uses of holographic projections, whether on small scales or large. At 1:10:42, the absence of a wing is indication that they used holograms, so Fetzer says, and then he says, around 1:11:45 that he'll go into the holographic projections.

    It is at 1:17:35ff that Fetzer begins to talk about holographic projection technology —why didn't he just link Sparkon there, directly to the material he was asking about?— but then wraps up his discussion at 1:18:22 (so, not even a minute! on a key aspect of the theory!), and says after reading from the same graphic he's posted here (#94), "Isn't that stunning?" Prior to this in the video, Fetzer cites Richard Hall's investigation of the radar data to make the conclusion ("So this is what appears to have happened" around 1:17:16ff) that the plane (or aerial vehicle, to be less conclusive) observed by the military radar/recorded in the military radar data is the one projecting the image of the 767 —the aerial vehicle has to be moving faster than the 767 image "to preserve the integrity of the holographic image", so Fetzer claims. But if there were a holographic image being projected by the object observed by the military radar, why didn't people observing the holographic airplane see the object projecting the image, the object that was there according to the military radar? Fetzer doesn't even address this part here —it's as though there's no thought given to showing why nobody sees the object projecting the hologram, why no camera, no observer, report that they witness two objects moving at high rates of speed through the air, with one colliding with the Tower and the other proceeding on. How big was it? How big would the projecting aerial vehicle need to be to generate such a large and defined hologram while also moving faster than the 767 itself appears to move, all the while remaining invisible to civilian radar, to people looking up, to all the video cameras?

    But only as though there's no thought, because it's not until 1:50:37ff (I am still an American with my patience, though, because I had to switch to 2.0x to see if they ever went back to this topic) that Brian Ruhe asks Fetzer about the "other plane", the projecting aerial vehicle: "Wouldn't they see the other plane, or did they have some cloaking device to hide the other plane?" Fetzer responds

    Oh yeah, it's painted the color of the sky and it's twelve hundred feet apart, yeah. That would be relatively simple right, but they heard it!
    Brian clarifies, and asks again at 1:51:10, with a little bit of surprise in his questioning, "So they had a cloaking device!?" Fetzer, wiping his bottom lip and chin, responds

    Well, cloaking or just painting it—you could paint it the color of the sky, you won't be able to see it, yeah. That's trivial, Brian. That's as elementary as it gets in this kind of, uh, deception warfare.
    And when Brian reiterates that the military might have technology in advance of what they publicly acknowledge, such as holographic projection, Fetzer responds that you can go online and see occasions where people go into auditoriums and attend lectures, only to discover the person giving the lecture was a hologram. He then, again, refers to the Australian military manual, while tipping his head back and forth to emphasize "Airborne holographic projector," concluding "People who dispute this, Brian, haven't thought it through."

    Advanced projection technology to create a plane, trivial paint job to obscure one. How did they get the pigment just right to match the sky just during those moments? I'm not sure, but being an idiot who's not thought it through, I am not able to solve such a trivial problem. Does the sun glint off paint jobs that match the color of the sky? What happens when a sky-colored plane passes in front of the NYC skyline at low altitudes? And if the plane was flying faster (or just ahead?) than the projected image, how did it project a plane right up to the skyscraper without glare or reflection effects on the surfaces of the Tower? How did it project the hologram plane on the other side of buildings as they passed in between the projecting vehicle twelve hundred feet away and the projection? Wouldn't the buildings have gotten in the way? Are these questions answerable by someone who has thought it through? Why aren't we asking questions about the key part of the hologram assertion?

    (I know I'm an idiot, but the rest of you can't be, so surely some of you thought this through. I mean, do you think we can make a plane invisible to multiple witnesses by painting it the color of the sky?)

    So, when Stephane points out that his own web search for the provenance of Fetzer's graphic (#94) is not what Fetzer claims, Fetzer responds (#98) by redirecting and asks Stephane if he has a better explanation for the impossibles, and says "You seem to have become evasive. Is that the best that you can do?"

    This is when I responded (#128), because it was clear that the person evading such a revelation is Fetzer. Notice that after more than 300 comments, Fetzer has still not responded to this part and thus continues to evade.

    This is the part that's key. Fetzer's entire argument about holographic images rests upon (at least) two givens: that an airplane cannot penetrate the Towers (this a premise whose soundness he establishes through reductio) and the other that people observed something in the air striking the Tower that they believe was an airplane (one such observer in this thread he mocked in response (#204): "How much of a philosopher can you be to allow yourself to be played so effortlessly?" ignoring how onebornfree is making the exact same point about Fetzer's reliance upon doctored videos), and from these denies that it could have been solely CGI or video insertion (his only other two possibilities, ignoring some combination of observed object and video insertion), and thus concludes beyond reasonable doubt it is a hologram, citing as existence of these technologies in 2001 a source he misidentifies and which Stephane finds is actually a document from the US military indicating theoretical technologies they want but do not have. I note that the only time Fetzer comes close to explaining why he thinks the Airborne Holographic Projector is legitimate is found in his comment (#85) where he states

    . . . and notice I was sent the page from an Australian military manual for an Airborne Holographic Projector.
    What I notice here is passive voice. He didn't find it, didn't acquire it, didn't discover this, it was sent to him: by whom? what for? why did he accept it on face value (or, as onebornfree plays with Fetzer's language, prima facie)? Why should we, especially now that we know it's not what he says it is? Who sent it to him? He doesn't say. Why did they lie to him about the source? And if Stephane —who might not do this for a living or writes books he'll sell about this— can find this source and its context fourteen hours later from the time Fetzer posts it, why didn't Fetzer figure out its from the US military and not Australian?

    If you are right, Loup Bouc, that Fetzer is many times superior to me or to Stephane, then why has he been making this mistake for at least three years when us idiots could correct it in under fourteen hours?

    But that's it! There's no other reference to large holographic projections, just a passing reference to online instances of lectures in auditoriums given by holograms. No other technical descriptions of how a holographic projection of a massive airplane works, or why the projector will need to move faster than the projected image "to retain the integrity of the holographic image" —yet there are all these discussions here about the finer points of structural deformation of aluminum, radioisotopes observed in the area, airflight trajectories impossible to physically occur? And the most significant conclusion —these are holographic projections we're witnessing recorded on video and observed by people such as The Old Philosopher— relies on source material Fetzer doesn't even get right?

    . . . or am I hallucinating? Maybe I missed it. It could have been in the hour prior to the time Fetzer told Sparkon to start watching. Starting from there, I watched.

    Replies: @Jim Fetzer
  • Some people like to imagine that the CIA is an ultra-competent organization of master spies concocting and implementing vast world-historical plots. But now the CIA has, once and for all, disproven all such conspiracy theories: "I am a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder."
  • Sparkon says:
    @Art Deco

    After the WW2 guys — Dulles, Angleton, Wisner, Helms — left the scene in the 1970s the action shifted to the military. In the 1980s two more WW2 guys — H.W. Bush and William Casey — brought the good times back to the Agency although most of the interesting stuff was left to private networks run by guys like Ted Shackley.

    George HW Bush was director of the CIA for one year, not in the 1980s, but during 1976 and 1977. Nixon and Ford used him as a utility man and he had a series of brief turns at quite disparate jobs.

    Wm. J. Casey's innovation was to (1) develop alternative assessments from advisory committees staffed with people from the outside and (2) rehire some clandestine services people that Stansfield Turner and James Schlesinger had retired. On observing some of them at work in Nicaragua, Morton Kondracke had this to say, "He couldn't get the best of them; they have other things to do with their lives; so he got the worst".

    After 9/11 Cheney helped geld the CIA so his buddy Rumsfeld and Rummy’s neocons in the Pentagon could dominate the dark enchantment for themselves. The 9/11 deep event made permanent the private sector intelligence-espionage establishment.

    Cheney had a largely ceremonial position and could accomplish nothing except by persuading people in meetings. As for the CIA, it was run successively by a Clinton holdover (who had previously been a congressional aide), a member of Congress who had been career CIA for a time ca. 1965, and an admiral who was also a Clinton holdover (having previously run the National Security Agency).

    Replies: @Sparkon, @SunBakedSuburb

    George HW Bush was director of the CIA for one year, not in the 1980s, but during 1976 and 1977.

    Odd then – isn’t it? – that the CIA named its headquarters after such a short-timer…

    George Bush Center for Intelligence

    ‘Seems like Poppy Bush must have made a lot of friends and forged lasting relationships in a short time during his 11+ month stint as DCIA.

    I mean, when you’re good you’re good, and George H.W. Bush must have been very good indeed at CIA-type matters for the outfit to have named its headquarters after him – the guy former Tex. Gov. Ann Richards once hilariously described as having been “born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

    You also wrote:

    Cheney had a largely ceremonial position and could accomplish nothing except by persuading people in meetings.

    Do you mean meetings and persuasion like this?:

    MR. MINETA:… There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, “The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out.†And when it got down to, “The plane is 10 miles out,†the young man also said to the vice president, “Do the orders still stand?†And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?â€

    Of course, when VP Cheney “whipped his neck around,” its position was largely ceremonial.

    But he did accomplish the goal of having his plane fly over the Pentagon without being shot down.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Art Deco

    Odd then – isn’t it? – that the CIA named its headquarters after such a short-timer…

    They didn't. The name was prescribed by an act of Congress in 1999; Bush was the former President at the time.
    , @Alden

    It was named after Bush sr because he’s the only CIA director who ever became President. When Chalmydia Grumpybitch becomes president HUD buildings will be named after her because she’ll be the only section 8 clerk to become President.
  • Putin’s address to the Russian Federal Assembly – a de facto State of the Nation – was a judo move that left Atlanticist sphere hawks particularly stunned. The “West†was not even mentioned by name. Only indirectly, or via a delightful metaphor, Kipling’s Jungle Book. Foreign policy was addressed only at the end, almost as...
  • @annamaria

    "how the hell..."
    -- I am not a victim of holobiz. Are you?

    Replies: @Parbes

    We were talking about Hitler’s attack on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, not “holobiz”.

    •ï¿½Replies: @annamaria

    And I found your Germanophobia childish.
    Germans have gifted humanity with the best in math, physics, music, philosophy... The 20th-century German supremacism had arisen in a historical context. See the story of WWI reparations. For instance, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/World_War_I_reparations

    ...the principal representative of the British Treasury at the Paris Peace Conference, John Maynard Keynes, resigned from the Treasury in June 1919 in protest at the scale of the reparations demands...

    Many Germans came to the conclusion that the Treaty of Versailles was indeed punitive and “vindictiveâ€, a view increasingly shared by opinion makers and politicians .... According to A.J.P. Taylor, the Versailles Treaty lacked “moral validityâ€

    There were 440 articles in the Treaty of Versailles, and 410 of them described Germany's punishment...
    The proverbial cherry: https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=40

    ON MARCH 24 1933 on the front page of the London Daily Express, appeared the headline:" Judea Declares War On Germany: Jews Of All The World Unite." The headline followed with: “The Israelite people of the world declare an economic war on Germany. It is not sufficient that we should buy no goods made in Germany. We must refuse to deal with any shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods. What we are proposing is to bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.
    More: http://jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/judeadeclareswar.pdf
    Today, it is the Russian Federation that has become an "Amalek".

    Replies: @Avery
  • Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for the “murder†of the beatified George Floyd. The jury, consisting of only two white men among twelve, found him guilty within a matter of hours. It was a quick decision that sent a clear message to America: black lives matter more than yours. Despite being...
  • Bronek says:
    I'm not a huge fan of law enforcement officers because just like politicians, these professions are a magnet that attracts the worst personalities society has to offer and probably the last kind of people who should be serving the public. Huge egos that require constant stroking and an exaggerated sense of self-importance yet cowardly and lacking principles as displayed before and during the trial.

    Chauvin was innocent of the charges but he was always going to be convicted and I'm sure everyone knew that deep down however, this didn't prevent his colleague and comrades completely throwing him under the bus when they knew he hadn't murdered Floyd. These kind of people are not to be respected and should never be given any respect. They exposed themselves for the world to see..

    Replies: @AgBars, @Bronek

    Yeah, they all threw him under the bus. Heartbreaking, to say the least. Let that be a lesson of today’s reality for all of us. No doubt most of us here have kids, grandchildren or other family members attending anti-W indoctrination schools. We are now seeing a lesser entity over take a more advanced civilization. Notice that W females are about a third of all anti-majority riots. We could converse all day on this state of affairs.

  • � ~ Fake News. Final unraveling of the Russian Bounties "story." As I said from the beginning, if you believe that the Taliban need Russian rubles to kill Americans, you're either a neocon or a moron. Glenn Greenwald on this topic. ~ Scott Alexander - Prospectus On Próspera. Think of the flies. (Or, why I'm...
  • @Anatoly Karlin
    This is the current Open Thread, where anything goes - within reason.

    If you are new to my work, start here.

    Commenting rules. Please note that anonymous comments are not allowed.

    Replies: @Passer by

    ~ Woke Spooks. I suppose it was the inevitable that the CIA would eventually drink its own Kool-Aid.

    The CIA was woke even under Trump, there were active diversity quotas and PC being implemented by his own CIA pick Gina Haspell.

    The process to diversify the CIA started even earlier, during Obama.

    Generally speaking, non-military related intel agencies are more woke and there is trouble between the military run (aka white males) NSA and the civilian (aka women and minorities) CIA.

    •ï¿½Replies: @216
    @Passer by

    Starting in the 1980s, conservatives in Congress have succeeded in getting legislation passed that forced public education institutions to allow military recruiters.

    One of the few levers of power than the US Right has to get cultural autonomy is a refusal to enlist by the rural conservative whites that disproportionately enlist in combat arms. For now this isn't much supported by low-level conservative officials, but the law prevents us from simply banning recruiters in the institutions we do control.

    In a society increasingly driven by a spoils system, "veteran" is largely the only A/A category that a white male can obtain.

    No Wars for GayPride
    , @AnonfromTN
    @Passer by

    A lot of people in the world would find it very satisfying to see CIA committing suicide. The earlier it started, the further it advanced, the better it is for the world.

    Replies: @Xi-jinping
  • As I've been pointing out for quite a few years, the United States is undergoing a revival of superstition and witch-hunting in the name of Anti-Racism. Millions of modern Americans are deeply concerned that a vast secret coterie of White Supremacist Terrorists are signaling to each other on your favorite TV shows. For example, from...
  • @syonredux

    He apparently answered “Who are the Gypsies?â€
    Yeesh. It's pretty amazing how a once-neutral term has been turned into a slur. On several occasions, I've had to point out to Woke students that an author using the term "Gypsy" in the 1930s was not engaging in hate speech.

    And non-Woke students are simply confused, as most of them have not gotten the memo that the great and the good have decided that Gypsy, like "Negro" and "Oriental", is a slur that must be purged from the language.

    But some viewers were struck by Donohue’s specific finger positions, which, according to the open letter, “whether intentional or not, resembled very closely a gesture that has been coopted by white power groups, alt right groups, and an anti-government group that calls itself the Three Percenters.†(According to the Anti-Defamation League, the “‘okay’ hand gesture†began as a hoax but has been used by right-wing trolls and white supremacists.)
    If only White supremacists would start using other words, gestures, and symbols, like the Black Power salute, Mickey Mouse Ears, the Gay Pride Flag, the Black Lives Matter hashtag....

    Replies: @Anon, @Charon, @epebble, @Ripple Earthdevil, @Old Prude, @James Forrestal

    He apparently answered “Who are the Gypsies?â€

    Hey, at least he didn’t say anything about the “High-functioning Gypsies.”

    And non-Woke students are simply confused, as most of them have not gotten the memo that the great and the good have decided that Gypsy, like “Negro†and “Orientalâ€, is a slur that must be purged from the language.

    That kind of “euphemism treadmill” is mostly aimed at White shitlibs, anyway. They need to stay on top of it to signal that they’re fashionable/ high status/ better than those badwhytes. A slipup can be very… problematic for them. It’s not really that critical for non-Whites, so they probably don’t worry about it nearly as much.

    The people pointing out that there’s nothing intrinsically “bad” about the word “gypsy” itself are correct, but they’re also missing the point. Any word that refers to a [people, thing, concept, whatever] that is viewed negatively will eventually acquire those negative connotations, which are then perceived to be an intrinsic property of the word itself — which gradually becomes taboo. Sure, the media/ academia co-opt this process to a certain extent, but the underlying phenomenon is organic, and is not one that applies solely to terms that describe particular groups of humans. [See the latrine >> water closet >> toilet >> bathroom >> restroom sequence cited in the link above, for example]

  • The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such...
  • @Iris

    I haven’t forgotten everything I learned when studying Mechanical Engineering,
    Clearly, you weren't a very gifted student. Conservation of momentum is a simple and intuitive concept taught at 12th-grade equivalent classes, not even college.

    It’s about energy and momentum, not soft vs hard materials colliding.
    More exactly, it is about conservation of momentum.

    The law of conservation of momentum requires that the reverse/equivalent situation would produce exactly the same result: if the aluminium plane was hypothetically suspended and static in the air, and if it was the 200,000++ tons steel structure which had been flying towards it and had smashed it at 500 mph, which retard would expect the plane to pierce and penetrate the steel structure?

    When you brandish a steel hammer and forcefully whack an empty aluminium Coca-Cola can, what happens in your parallel universe? Does the can pierce and entirely penetrate your hammer, like what allegedly happened at the WTC?

    Can we please move on?
    Indeed, do yourself a favour, show some healthy egoism, stop disrespecting the author of this article who is a thousand time more intelligent than you are and move on from subjects you are clueless about. Cheers.

    Replies: @niceland

    I believe there was a foul play 9/11 2001.

    But we will never get any closer to to truth by ignoring facts and scientific knowledge. This author is way off in his analysis, and why should I respect that? Your ad-hominem is pointless. Waste of time and energy.

  • My vague impression is that blacks have been acting particularly exuberant lately. (Exuberant is like vibrant, only more so.) Is it due to remembrance of George Floyd or the stimulus checks? For example, from the New York Post: Somebody was hangry. The suspect's name is Arkies Tykill Somerville, and, yeah, he's black. This kind of...
  • @Carbon blob
    Obligatory video


    Replies: @El Dato

    That’s an age-restricted video.

    But this is not.

    As Fred Flintstone would say: SUSAAAANNNNN!!

  • US Embassy in Moscow: Trump - Muslim travel ban. Biden - Russian travel ban. Anyhow, as I keep saying, this "social distancing" from the US and the West in general is a good idea. It blunts the impact of bad Western memes and tars their promoters within Russia by association. Meanwhile, it's not as if...
  • @Passer by

    not the vatniks who constitute the Putin base.
    The stongest Putin voting block is old women, not vatniks. Most pensioners are women and almost all of them vote Putin.

    restrictions on travel will probably ramp up....between China and the US
    The Democratic party will not stop chinese immigration. Trump would have done that, but not Biden. It is against Dem party diversity ideology. Also the US, under the Dems, will not economically decouple from China. Silicon Valley is against it, and so are many others in the US oligarchy. GM alone sold more cars in China than in the US. If anything, a record amount of chinese companies are applying for listing in the US.


    because Europe follows America’s lead
    Europe does follow America's lead, after the wipe out of the retarded Trumpists and a total take over by the Dem party, the Green Party has become the most popular party in Germany.


    Which implicates a significant worsening of relations between woke germans and russians. This time, Germany will be the "Ethical Reich", the high priests of liberalism, trying to put the barbaric unwoke russians in their place.

    Why do Russians need the US when they have this at home?
    Or this


    Replies: @Anatoly Karlin, @216, @Mitleser, @xyzxy, @Icy Blast

    The Chinese government may want to stop emigration.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Marshal Marlow

    I'm guessing emigration of higher IQ people is rapidly decreasing due to China's high economic growth, its long-run demand for smart labour and fast career progression.
  • I can't begin to make sense of what this tweet from Minneapolis is describing? There's some sort of barricaded No Go zone in Minneapolis in which the victims of the post-apocalyptic endemic violence have to drag themselves out of to be picked up by an ambulance? Remember when Minneapolis was the most boringly sensible big...
  • Anonymous[247] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    You're BAP. Email me if you'd like to know how your cover was blown

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Anonymous, @photondancer

    You’re BAP. Email me if you’d like to know how your cover was blown

    I use to swear that Sailer was Jack Burton and Ricky Vaughn on Twitter. I guess I was wrong about the latter one. 😀

  • The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their...
  • @Chris Moore
    Never underestimate the insanity of Zionists, be they full Jews, half-Jews, or soulless Jew-wannabes like Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden. We're in unprecedented territory -- an empire run by Zoglodytes. They'll run it into the ground sooner or later, but just how quickly and at what cost to the humanity is anyone's guess.

    Of course, none of it would be possible but for the Anglo-elites doing deals with ((bankers)) in search of post-Imperial easy-living. In fact, that's probably what caused WW2.

    Today, gangsters from every creed, race and religion want in on the Zionist action, and happily signal to their criminal lodestar that they're "all in" with virtually unlimited aid, wars and diplomatic support in Congress for the Jewish state.

    The New World Order. How do you like it, whitey? You just had to listen to the gold-plated promises of the Jew confidence man. The streets will be paved with gold, right?

    Replies: @GomezAdddams, @Jake, @BorisMay, @Haxo Angmark

    YT will continue to march lockstep toward extinction,

    at the hands of the globohomo Eternal Jew,

    so long as he/she continues to experience

    their daily warm shower of Jewbucks.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Angharad
    @Haxo Angmark

    Hello Haxo! It's me! Denise
  • Our men should read about their history and stay fit and work and pray, and of course take care of their families

    But all good American men should not have TV in their homes. TV is Jew/Deep State poison for them and their children,

  • Watch Ilana Mercer's discussion with David Vance on the role of “racism†in the George Floyd trial, based on the column, “Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!â€
  • hlgohio says:

    Enjoyed the David Vance – Ilana Mercer video – a rare gem of the endangered species of homo sapiens (being replaced by homo politcorrectness) talking Oldspeak (e.g. not Orwell “Newspeak”). Unlike the Reason-Magazine “libertarians”, I have gotten less and less concerned over the alleged differences between “private” denial of rights and “government” denial of rights – again the Prophet Orwell “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” I truly have become very apathetic on the difference between the NSA spying on me, Blackwater spying on me, Facebook selling my information, the FBI leaking my information, Apple unpersoning me, the TSA unpersoning me … if there is a difference, I am getting too cynical, stupid, or disgusted to care or ascertain.

    As for “universities” – the liberal arts and sciences were lost a long time ago (I did learn Electronic Warfare taking liberal arts – just regurgitate the bull the professors said back with a phase shift to get your easy A – repetitive jamming) but now the BoweL Movement (BLM) et al are coming for the sciences and engineering just like the commies and Nazis went on their Lysenko and “Jewish Physics” idiocies. Likely winner – China – yes, a reality-based authoritarian state can dominate an idiotic self-hating nation of scared sheeple.