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Will Damascus Fall?

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#Israel is waiting… for #Homs to fall in order to annex the south of #Syria and call it a “buffer zone to protect against jihadists”, the same thing it has been supporting for many years. @Netanyahu is not hiding his ambition that helps his image domestically by adding more stolen territories to the “greater Israel”. Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai

In a matter of days, a small army of battle-hardened jihadists have swarmed across Syria shattering a fragile truce and threatening the regional balance of power. The surprise Blitz has sent the stunned Syrian Army into full retreat while mostly foreign militants have seized the country’s industrial hub, Aleppo, and its fourth largest city, Hama. The unexpected rout has delivered a knockout blow to the government of Bashar al Assad who must now appeal to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah to deploy troops and weaponry to stave off the devastating offensive and prevent the fall of Damascus. But allies must move quickly if they plan to save the regime and stop the relentless advance of the Turkish-backed invaders. Enemy forces are now gathering just 100 kilometers from the Capital suggesting that their intention is to topple the present government and install a regime that is aligned with its foreign benefactors; Turkey, Israel and the United States.

On Friday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan tacitly congratulated the terrorist militias that are on the verge of toppling Assad without explicitly admitting his role in the treachery. This is from an article at Reuters:

Erdogan said on Friday he hoped Syrian rebels will continue their advance against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria…. Erdogan told reporters after Friday prayers he was closely following the push which he said was heading to the Syrian capital….

“The target is Damascus,” he said. “I would say we hope for this advance to continue without any issues…
“These problematic advances continuing as a whole in the region are not in a manner we desire, our heart does not want these. Unfortunately, the region is in a bind,” he said, without elaborating….

Ankara has for years supported Syrian opposition forces looking to oust... Assad, but also views some regional players as terrorists, including Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Islamist former Al-Qaeda affiliate that is part of the rebel force. Turkey’s Erdogan Hopes Syrian Rebels Will Advance, but Raises Alarm About Some Fighters, US News and World Report

There it is in plain English; Erdogan supports the jihadist advance on Damascus and welcomes the ousting of the government. In truth, the war on Syria has been a long-term project for Erdogan dating back more than a decade leading to the splintering of the state into multiple parts controlled by the US, the Kurds (SDF), Israel, and a number of disparate militant groups under the control of Ankara. This latest onslaught poses the greatest threat the government has ever faced and it is increasingly likely that it will be unable to withstand a powerful and well-organized assault on the Capital. This, of course, puts Washington and Tel Aviv closer to realizing their dream of a “New Middle East” where the flow of critical resources to rival China is controlled by powerbrokers in the US and where Israel establishes its primacy over a vast area of the Arab world. If Damascus falls, the only obstacle to the long-awaited neocon plan, would be Iran which will be dealt with when Trump takes office.

Spearheading the ongoing rampage across Syria is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) which is an offshoot of al Qaida, the shadowy confederation of Sunni terrorists whose origins are linked to the western intelligence agencies. According to antiwar.com:

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) offensive has been backed strongly by the Turkey-backed rebels from the country’s northwest. There have been multiple reports that Turkey is backing the offensive, and indeed that Turkey may even be the driving force in the recent push. HTS fighters seem increasingly well-equipped and confirmed as using tanks in their assault on Hama.

With Hama taken, many analysts say that the next major target would be the city of Homs. That would be an obvious next step, as HTS continues their offensive south along the major M5 highway from Aleppo. Homs is just 25 km south of Hama. If Homs fell too, it is likely the capital city of Damascus would also be under major risk. …

…while HTS is labeled a terrorist organization broadly internationally, countries including Turkey and Israel are showing increased comfort in openly working with them against the Syrian government. The HTS has reportedly offered to open Israeli embassies in Damascus and Beirut if and when they conquer Syria and neighboring Lebanon. Al-Qaeda Linked Militants Seize Major Syrian City of Hama, antiwar.com

Let me get this straight: HTS is supposedly an Islamic militia that would rather devote its energy to overthrowing a secular Arab leader that opposes US and Israeli hegemony in the region, then contribute to the war effort against the genocidal state of Israel and its biggest enabler, the United States?

Is that what we are supposed to believe? Here’s how political analyst Alon Mizrahi summed up Erdogan’s pro-terror policy:

what Turkey is doing, when aligning itself with Israel and the US, and allowing itself to be perceived as the enemy of Palestine and the Syrian people – what Turkey is doing is alienating itself from its neighbours, and antagonizing itself to the powers that will shape the future.

By moving into Syria, Turkey enrages Iran and Iraq, two of its immediate neighbors. It opens a new Syrian front for internal oppression, constant bloodshed and risk of terrorist attacks. But it is also, and most importantly, is working against the interests of both Russia and China – the two regional and global giants, who are becoming more powerful and dominant.

Will Turkey be accepted into BRICS after this? Will it be granted a favourable trade status by China? I have serious doubts about that.

So, what is Turkey set to gain from this? Territory it doesn’t need and won’t be able to control? Severe reputational and diplomatic implications (seriously? Choosing to now stand with Israel’s genocide???) The hate of Muslims the world over, and the eternal rage of its neighbors? More tyranny at home, instead of more freedom? An assured economic disaster? A destabilized population, exposed to terrorism, economic hardship, and loss of young men in a stupid war? …With no possible upsides and a guaranteed huge diplomatic, economic and military drawbacks, Turkey’s Syria move must be the dumbest ever. Alon Mizrahi @alon_mizrahi

If there is some intangible benefit to Turkey, we don’t see it. What we see instead, is a geopolitical gun to Putin’s head forcing him to get more deeply involved in the Syrian campaign to prevent a US-Israeli takeover of the region thereby laying the groundwork for more mischief in the future. One can only wonder, why China—which aspires to a leadership role in the creation of a ‘new global security architecture’—remains on the sidelines while the Middle East is incinerated right below its nose? Why? If Xi Jinping assumes that China’s explosive economic growth is enough to ensure its ‘top spot’ in the world order without providing “rough men with guns” to achieve that objective, he’s got another think coming. The world is not run by clever merchants selling low-price widgets but gruff men with big fists who don’t mind using them. This is from an article at RT:

Beijing is willing to aid Damascus to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian has said.

“China is deeply concerned over the situation in northwestern Syria and supports its effort to uphold national security and stability,” Lin told a press briefing on Monday. “As Syria’s friend, China is willing to make an active effort to avoid further deterioration of the situation in Syria,” the official said…

China’s ties with Syria have been growing closer in recent years. Last September, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad inked a “strategic partnership” deal, pledging to work together in order to “jointly safeguard international fairness and justice” in the face of the “unstable and uncertain international situation.” China vows support for Syria, RT

Okay, so China has agreed to help Syria. What are they waiting for? The wolves are at the door and there’s no time to waste. This is from a post at the Iran Observer:

Timeline before the attack on Aleppo:
November 18, Israel’s Shin Bet Chief met with Turkey’s intelligence agency
November 25, NATO Chief met with Erdogan
November 26, Al Qaeda and ISIS launched an attack against the Syrian state

What does it mean?

It means that Erdogan hammered out the details of the attack plan (on Syria) with officials from Israel and NATO. It means that Erdogan got the ‘green light from foreign opponents of Assad. It means that Erdogan is a double-dealing, back-stabbing serpent who cannot be trusted and who disparages Israel in public while doing their bidding behind closed doors. That’s what it means.

Events on the ground are now moving so fast that this article will probably be obsolete before it ever goes to print. A Friday afternoon report from The Cradle states that panic has overtaken Homs sending thousands of civilians fleeing south for safety. Check it out:

Tens of thousands of people are fleeing in fear from Homs, Syria’s third largest city, as foreign-backed armed extremists continue to advance south from the town of Hama.

The joint operations center for Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a UN-designated terrorist organization and offshoot of Al-Qaeda which has long enjoyed US, Qatari, Turkish, and Israeli support, announced its militants have taken two towns, Rastan and Talbisseh, along the strategic M5 highway and are now within five kilometers of Homs.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) also reported that militants from HTS had taken the two towns and are threatening Homs. The SOHR said Russian warplanes had bombed a bridge in Rastan to block the extremists’ advance….

Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan acknowledged his support for the SNA and HTS on Friday, stating that the extremist invasion was in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s refusal to agree to Turkish demands in the Astana negotiations….

HTS leader Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, who was formerly an Islamic State of Iraq emir, continues to receive positive coverage in the Western and Gulf press – despite the atrocities his previous organization committed in Iraq and Syria, in particular against Christians, Yezidis, and Shia Muslims, but also against fellow Sunni Muslims.

Aaron Y Zelin, a terrorism researcher working for an Israeli-funded think tank, published an article in the UK Telegraph on 3 December describing Jolani’s HTS as “diversity-friendly jihadists” who want to secure the rights of Syria’s minorities.

On Friday, Jolani granted CNN an “exclusive interview” at an undisclosed location in Syria. The extremist leader said that his goal is to topple President Assad and the Syrian government, which has been a long-time US and Israeli goal. Jolani claimed his plan was to create a government based on institutions and a “council chosen by the people.” The Cradle

These are the people the United States is supporting in the war against Assad; Jolani and his barbarian head-choppers. Bibi and Erdogan are both on-board the program, in fact, each believes that—their ultimate objective of toppling Assad and moving on to Iran—is now within their reach. Fortunately, we think their plan could be derailed by the unexpected involvement of Iran and Russia, but it is too soon to say for sure.

What we do know is that the jihadist blitzkrieg is gaining pace and now just 100 kilometers from Damascus. We know that “Egypt and Jordan have called on Bashar al-Assad to leave Syria and form a government in exile.” (Wall Street Journal) We know that “Israel has informed Iran that it will attack any attempt to send weapons or forces to Syria.” (Israeli i24News Channel) We know that armed jihadists have taken over the southern city of Daraa... after they reached a deal with the army to secure its orderly withdrawal. (Reuters) And we know that officials from the IDF said Friday it was “reinforcing aerial and ground forces” in the occupied Golan Heights in response to sweeping advances by opposition forces in Syria. (Times of Israel) In other words, the IDF is gathering the forces it needs to invade southern Syria if Homs falls.

So, we can assume that the next 24 to 48 hours will be nerve-wracking, chaotic and violent. Either Assad will summon the resources to defend his country from the devastation his enemies have in mind, or we will see the US-Israel-Turkey Axis succeed in their perfidious plan to topple another sovereign government in the Middle East plunging the region deeper into anarchy, ruin and desperation.

It might be a good time to recall what Tom Paine said on a similar occasion:

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1776

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  1. Anon001 says:

    What we see instead, is a geopolitical gun to Putin’s head forcing him to get more deeply involved …

    Anyone who has relied on or trusted Putin (aka GloboVlad, aka Bald Judas) in some shape or form has paid the price for it – just ask Serbia, Libya, Armenia, now Georgia, and an endless row of countries. Even N.K. is now under permanent sanctions thanks to Putin and his West-pleasing ways.

    And of course, his hypersonic “deterrent” did not work [3]. Crimean Bridge out of commission again [4].


    Excerpt from [1]: The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived.

    Excerpt from [1]: He never finished clearing Syria of hostile forces. Consequently, he left Syria and Russian interests exposed to the current coordinated mercenary attack on Syria, which has overrun Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, forcing 280,000 Syrians to flee. This is a massive defeat for Syria and Russia. How is it possible that such an obvious thrust was a surprise? Has the inability to perceive threats become a Russian hallmark?

    Excerpt from [1]: Putin’s inaction has convinced the West that he will not act. This belief deprives the West of a reason to stop its provocations. Putin has again validated the West’s belief by cancelling any Western restraint from lowering the threshold of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons by giving assurances that Russia is threatening no one with nuclear weapons.


    [1] US Opens a Third Front Against Russia | Paul Craig Roberts | PCR | 2024-12

    [2] Georgia: A Second Front for Putin | Paul Craig Roberts | PCR | 2024-12

    [3] Putin’s Latest Red Line Has Already Been Crossed | Rurik Skywalker / Rolo Slavskiy Substack | 2024-11

    [4] Crimean Bridge Temporarily Closed After New Drone Strikes On Kerch | ZeroHedge | 2024-12

    700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR

  2. Anon001 says:

    The following short quote/comment [1], IMHO captures perfectly Putin’s Western-manager / liberal-globalist style of handling, or rather mishandling, of pretty much everything including Ukraine and Syria. That comment is from 2022 and still applies – nothing has changed.

    Here it is:

    Quoting [1]: It looks like Putin and his close advisors are trying to run a war on neoliberal lines. That relies on extreme parsimony, a just-enough just-in-time approach to logistics, reliance on managerial magic, a contempt for the enemy that works in the enemy’s favor, and an indifference to the well-being of the people doing the heavy lifting (not to mention the people abandoned in the withdrawals). It’s a corporate mentality, based on fantasies crafted by crackpot intellectuals.

    [1] Comment by “James” under “Ukraine’s counterattack: Unheeded warnings from Russia’s pro-war hardliners” | Riley Waggaman / Edward Slavsquat Substack | 2022-09

    700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
  3. HTS is supposedly an Islamic militia that would rather devote its energy to overthrowing a secular Arab leader that opposes US and Israeli hegemony in the region, then contribute to the war effort against the genocidal state of Israel and its biggest enabler, the United States?

    Some of these militants have relatives living in tents.

    Some of these militants lost relatives to indiscriminate Russian bombing.

    Not everything is about Israel or the US.

    Arab leaders are sometimes complete assholes that deserve to be removed.

    Read this report on the dictator you are trying to defend

    He had his troops go on a rape fest which included raping men. The guy is a complete psycho and the Syrian people don’t want to be ruled by him.

    They are currently voting by AK-47 and the election is not fairing well for Assad.

    Removing Assad is good for Europe and especially Germany. Israel is not the center of the universe and not every action needs to be measured relative to how they will benefit. We don’t know if a post-Assad government would be pro or against Israel. It’s too early to even speculate.

  4. What is Assad’s excuse for his army being so shit? He’s been at war since 2011, how come after all these years his army got so easily routed by some DEI-loving terrorists?

  5. Wokechoke says:

    Fascinating to watch what looks to be a proper genocide occur while the western press gloat about it.

    •�Agree: JR Foley, ld
    •�Thanks: Gallatin
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Priss Factor
  6. @Wokechoke

    Tough week for defenders of dictators.

    Putin couldn’t even spare a single 4�4 buggy or turtle tank regiment.

    Just awful. I’m really crying here.

    (lights cigar)

  7. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Syrian-ness was never a powerful thing to hold the country together, especially as it was ruled by Alawite minority, originally installed by Western imperialists.

    Iran has Islamism as foundation. It is also profoundly Persian.
    Turkey turned Islamist and has strong nationalist foundation. Turks know what a Turk is, whereas Syrian is rather vague as identity.
    Hezbollah was held together by the power of faith. People with faith are willing to fight and die for God.
    Hamas also has religious foundation. Though ravaged by Israeli, it it put up one hell of a fight.
    Israel has racial identity politics and religious basis.
    Saudis have the Wahabis to back them up spiritually.

    Secular Arab states, in contrast, failed to develop an ideology powerful enough to rally the people and make them want to fight and die for the state.

    No wonder Putin emphasizes revival of Orthodox Christianity. He understands secular modernism isn’t enough to hold a civilization together.

    If Assad were Sunni, he could have played up the religious angle and won support of the majority. But being an Alawite, he played up the secular Western-style pluralist version. It had its benefits but alienated the majority of Sunnis who felt left out, just like Shia and Kurds felt left out of Sunni-minority dominated Hussein regime in Iraq.
    The West consciously installed minority groups into positions of power.

    To create a powerful secular state, you need a man of powerful personality and imagination like Kemal Ataturk. Assad, who inherited power and was trained in the West, hasn’t the will or vision.

    Also, he foolishly thought the West would appreciate his Westernization of Syria. The Jewish-run West merely exploited the freedom as vulnerabilities through which to undermine the government.

    •�Agree: Gallatin, Joe Levantine
    •�Thanks: Sarah
    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  8. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    West supports Gaza Genocide. Hardly surprising. Appeasing Jews is the #1 pastime of the cucked West.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
    •�Thanks: Robert Bruce
  9. A123 says: •�Website

    There it is in plain English; Erdogan supports the jihadist advance on Damascus and welcomes the ousting of the government. In truth, the war on Syria has been a long-term project for Erdogan dating back more than a decade

    I concur. The Erdogan/Obama plan called for regime change. American policy fully diverged from Erdogan’s under Trump’s 1st term, to accepting Assad’s continued governance. Biden’s administration kept this “no regime change” stance. There are less than 900 U.S. personnel left in Syria, well away from Turkish and Syrian forces.

    Regardless of its origin, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is officially listed & cutoff as a terror organization by the U.S. Everyone serious understands that HTS’s sole sponsor, at this point in time, is Erdogan’s rebranded Türkiye.

    Here’s how political analyst Alon Mizrahi summed up Erdogan’s pro-terror policy:

    So, what is Turkey set to gain from this? Territory it doesn’t need and won’t be able to control?

    Erdogan has a Greater Türkiye plan to restore Ottoman supremacy. Why would anyone doubt that Erdogan believes that he both, “needs the land and thinks he can control it”?

    Severe reputational and diplomatic implications (seriously? Choosing to now stand with Israel’s genocide???) The hate of Muslims the world over, and the eternal rage of its neighbors

    Erdogan has cut off 100% of trade with Israel. They also recalled their ambassador, downgrading diplomatic relations from embassy to mission status. No one believes that Erdogan is standing with Netanyahu. Alon’s suggestion out of touch with reality.

    No one should be surprised that Erdogan’s #1 priority is Erdogan. He sensed a moment of maximum opportunity and is exploiting it.

    -1- Iran has been thoroughly discredited as a military force. Iranian Hamas crushed. Iranian Hezbollah losing, thousands killed or crippled. Iranian regular forces could not prevent Israel from operating freely in Iranian airspace.

    -2- Russia has larger issues in Ukraine

    -3- America’s token presence can be easily bypassed and ignored. Lame duck Biden’s administration has no political capital to escalate against Turkish HTS.

    -4- Erdogan’s enemy Israel is busy fighting Iranian Hamas and Iranian Hezbollah. Yes, Palestinian Jews are winning. However, they have neither forces nor logistics to reach northern Syria for another front.

    Türkiye has at least 2 months of freedom to act, probably 4 or more. Trump’s 2nd term administration is signalling they will will cut off support for Führer Zelensky. This will allow Russia to divert strength from Ukraine to Syria. However, those reinforcements will take time to reposition.

    In the short-term, Türkiye has the strongest hand. Does Erdogan have the will, finances, MIC capacity, and logistics to permanently annex parts of Syria? Only time will tell.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @JPS
    , @anon
    , @Common Time
  10. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    You are such bullshitter Jewboy.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  11. please make map a readable size

  12. ghali says:

    Despite warnings from Iran and Hezbollah, Russia has been very naïve in Syria, preferring to kowtow to the untrustworthy Erdoğan. Putin is more interested in selling oil and drowning in the illusion of being part of the U.S.-led West one day. Russia did its best to please the U.S., Israel, and the Turks at the expense of Syria. Sayyed Hassan Nessrallah was rightly suspicious of Russia’s “strategy,” if you can call it that. Despite the ongoing daily Israeli terrorist attacks, Russia turned a blind eye and forbade Syria from responding. Never believe the empty rhetoric: “Russia is defending Syria from terrorists.” Russia is a collaborator with the Jews, U.S. Zionists, and the Turks. All three are strongly supporting the Ukrainian Nazis in their war against Russia. Indeed, Ukraine is attacking Russia in Syria. NATO member Turkey has better Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles, the S-400 Triumf, than Syria, Russia’s only ally in the region. Turkey condemned Russian Military Operations in Ukraine and continues arming Ukraine. It is a criminal Slavic mentality. It is a criminal Slavic mentality.

  13. The answer is “yes”. Although it may not have fallen yet, Assad is almost totally reliant on foreign assistance to fend off the encroaching al Qaeda-linked jihadi group Hayat Tahrir al Sham aka HTS
    (once known as the Nusra Front. It has been designated a terrorist organization by both the US and Russia, but it controls Idlib) and an assortment of smaller groups. Should Erdogan cease hi support for HTS and the drive to Damascus sputter out, it will simply be a temporary reprieve. Assad may carry on as the titular head of Syria but it will be controlled by outsiders, regardless.

    What is an interesting set of corollary questions is:
    1) why Putin has not used blitzkrieg to decisively end the Ukraine war whilst HTS has so effectively done so against the Syrian armed forces?
    2) The initial takeover of Crimea (10 years ago) was led by Russian soldiers in unmarked uniforms infiltrating into ostensibly Ukrainian territory. This proved to be tremendously successful….why didn’t Putin do the same to Kiev?
    3) It would appear that this same hesitancy (either by design or nature) is occurring again in Syria with Putin proving to be lukewarm in his support.
    4) The only true beneficiaries of such lethargy has been the globalist neocons and the zionists. Is Putin a shill for these monsters OR is he a master chessman that is playing a long game that is hard to fathom at this stage?

    •�Agree: Biff
  14. Priss Factor says: •�Website

  15. Anon001 says:

    What is Assad’s excuse for his army being …?

    Considering that Putin (aka GloboVlad) is their “protector”, it is a miracle that Syria even exists [1].

    Excerpt from [1]: Pro-Kremlin analysts and propagandists have already started blaming Assad and the SAA for “not learning the lessons” from the Ukraine war and preparing for another round of fighting against Western-backed rebels. In reality, Assad is not an autonomous actor but a leader who remains utterly dependent on Moscow and Tehran. Therefore, for everything happening in Assad-controlled parts of Syria, Russia and Iran, as his significant sponsors, bear full responsibility.

    Excerpt from [1]: … many pro-Assad Syrians have already started blaming the Kremlin for the role it is playing in their country … Now that militants from the Jabhat al-Nusra group are advancing toward Hama, speculations in Syria are growing that Russia might betray Assad, which would have dramatic consequences for the Alawites, Christians, and other minorities in the Middle Eastern country.

    [1] Will Putin sacrifice Syria for Ukraine? | The Liberum | Nikola Mikovic | 2024-12
    700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR

    •�Replies: @Kurt Knispel
  16. Gallatin says:

    Maybe Assad got compromised. Plenty of other politicians seem to be.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  17. ANON[107] •�Disclaimer says:

    What is Assad’s excuse for his army being so shit?

    You are ignorant about the facts on the ground.

    The author is NOT honest with you. Eurdogan is a zionist terrorist who pretends to support Palestinian people, but in fact he was helping Israel and her genocide by letting the stolen oil from Baku to reach Israel through Turkey. But, what the author, does not tell you is the Role of Putin and Russia in the fall of Syria like in the fall of Libya. Don’t trust this author who is pro zionist Putin. Putin Sold Syria.
    As you have noticed, the Syrian army has not do much to prevent the fall of Syria, because a DEAL has been made against their WILL and they cannot do much. They know it.
    Everyone knows that Eurdogan is a zionist terrorist and a member of NATO, except Putin? No, because Putin like Erdogan is a zionist as well. Putin sold S-400 to Erdogan, but didn’t do the same for Iran. Why Putin should trust a zionist member of NATO? Putin FORCED ASSAD to ask Iranian forces to leave Syria and then asked Erdogan, a member of the NATO, to watch the security of these areas. People knew that the terrorists will be back because these areas were not under Assad’s control, it was under putin’s ally, Erdogan’s control. Do you believe that? Iranian forces due to Putin pressure were reduced GREATLY. Putin also did not allow Assad to defend itself because Putin turned the s-300 OFF to prevent Syria to stage a retaliatory attack on Israel. S-300, due to Putin’s order, were TURNED OFF to allow Israel to attack Syria repeatedly to weaken Assad and the army.
    Putin pretended that is an ally of Syria, but was close to zionist Erdogan and Pan Kurkism, because Erdogan is a member of the NATO and also part of PAN TURKISM who are zionists. Why should Putin trust Erdogan, but not Iran? Because Russia is not a friend of Iran but is close to Zionist Pan Turkism who are working closely with Israel. The Syrian Army is much larger unit than the terrorists, but they have come to the conclusion that a DEAL has been made between the traitors, including Putin, US, Israel and Turkey. Now, the target is Iran and the axis of resistance. The army has been told not to try to force the terrorists out. The west told Assad that if you want to survive then must cut ties with Iran and the resistance. I think Assad has been betrayed by Putin and soon he will leave Syria with millions of dollars to let a quiet life, but no one will forget the treason of the Russians and Erdogan Russia along with Turkey, a year ago, helped the Pan Turkists Baku against the interest of Iran in the fight for a passage, Zang-zur that connects Iran to Europe. All these traitors want to cut Iran from Europe including PUTIN.
    Turkey wants to cut this passage where Russia is siding with the Zionist PAN TURKISM against Iran and Christian Armenia. We spit at Russia and Turkey.
    Why doesn’t the author talk about the role of Russia and Pan Turkism in the fall of Syria. Putin and Russia played a role in the fall of LIBYA as well, to get CONCESSIONS from the west. They sell anyone to get concessions. Putin uses others and then go to another whore like Erdogan. Turkey, like Isreal, is seeking to expand their territories by attacking neighboring countries. Death to Erdogan and his allies. Those who are responsible for the fall of Syria should be executed as terrorists and genocidal bastard. Shame on Russia and China.

    Death to US/Israel/Erdogan and Pan Turkism

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Thanks: Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Colonel Dolma
  18. @Anonymous534

    Gee, maybe all those sanctions? Maybe the theft of Syria’s oil? Maybe the impoverishment of the people through those sanctions, theft of oil revenues and theft of wheat and grain? Perhaps the elimination of tax revenues that said impoverishment has wrought?
    Well, that’s just for starters.

    •�Agree: Thomasina, John Trout
    •�Replies: @anonymous
  19. Yababa says:

    The army has always relied on air power from Russia and Iranian proxies to do the fighting for them, while they only play a support role.

    This time neither Russia nor Iran have done anything serious to help them, because the Syrian army has been infiltrated at top levels, and its troops are demotivated. Assad has kept silent during the war with Israel, and did not take any direct action against Israel, because Putin protects Israel. Iranian proxies were delivering arms to Hezbollah while Assad turned a blind eye, and Syrian army Russian army gave away the location of arms shipments by Iran. Russia never provided help to Syria nor Hezbollah to defend them.

    The army recruits and Sunnis in Syria
    are no fools. They saw Assad as an Israeli puppet, just as Al Sudani of Iraq, and other Arab leaders. Never matching word with action.

    Once Hezbollah stopped fighting it became clear that Hezbollah was being abandoned by Assad, due to Russian pressure , and Assad was a de facto agent of Israel via his boss Jewtin.

    Why fight for a spineless puppet of Israel, when committed Jihadists promise to change things?

  20. Atle says:

    Yikes. The Syrian situation looks like it might spin out of anyone’s control. Israel and it’s catamite Turkey against little Syria and … China.

  21. Atle says:
    @John Johnson

    A post-Assad government would absolutely be pro Israel. That is the whole point. Bank on that.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
  22. Yababa says:

    Unfortunately for Israel, Iran turned out to be more clever than expected and did not fall into the trap.

    Minutes ago it was announced that all Iranisn advisors and personnel are leaving Syria due to the unwillingness of Syrian army to fight for Assad.

    Israel was hoping for a protracted proxy war between Jihadists, Assad, and Iranians, to keep them busy killing each other for years, just as the last time.

    Now Israel may face a united strong Jihadist run Syria in the near future and is taking steps to create a buffer zone between itself and them.

    Islamists in power in Syria may lead to Islamists taking power in Egypt or Jordan, and if that happens they are unlikely to side with Israel against Palestinians for very long, or they will lose popular support just as Assad did.

    It is good for Israel in short term of course. In the longer term, hopefully Turkey, Qatar, Ukraine, and the US will keep a leash on these Jihadists to protect Israel.

    The Jihadists are designated terrorists and we can expect the US to isolate and keep sanctions on them as it did with the Taliban, and prevent them from spreading Jihadi rule to other Arab countries.

    It would have been better for Israel if Assad stayed. Syria has not fired a shot at Israel since Assad dynasty took power. We wanted Assad, Iran, and Jihadis to fight one another but unfortunately Iran is no longer willing to play ball.

    Still, the US will keep a leash on the Jihadists to protect Israel, and split Syria into an Alawite, a Kurdish, an and ISIS enclave. In that case, it might give us the opportunity to annex southern Syria over time. And the Jihadists will control a small territory or fight Kurds, ISIS and Alawites, instead of Iranian proxies, for years to come.

    Syria will be partitioned and parts will go to Israel and Turkey A pro Israel Kurdish state is on the horizon.Russia will keep base in Alawite country separated from Syria if US allows.

  23. @Anonymous534

    Why don’t you do some research on this and read it back to us? Or are you just too fucking lazy and want bumper sticker answers?


    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  24. Phibbs says:
    @John Johnson

    Johnsonstein … President Assad protects the 11% Christian community in Syria, which your cherished “moderate” terrorists will murder or forcefully convert to Wahhabi Islam. Of course, the Jew-owned government in Washington D.C. despises Middle East Christians.

  25. I haven’t been following events, the players, and various other currents in this part of the world. It does seem, however, that the opposing blocs are bifurcated along the Shia versus Sunni chasm. Well, remember in the post medieval period, Catholics and Protestants went at each others’ throats.

    It seems that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait have made a deal with the Devil enlisting the assistance and support of the US to bulk up against Iran, Yemen, and Syria.

    Russia and China and India, on the other hand, just want to do business and treat everyone the same. What a contrast.

  26. My dear friends let me share with you the message of Mr Abdel Bari Atwan. He always speaks from heart.

    The fall of Damascus means the beginning of the Zionist era and the inauguration of Netanyahu as emperor..and life is a pause of glory

    Video Link


    In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Ladies and gentlemen, may God bless your time and welcome to this meeting that is always renewed, God willing. Today, I will not talk about analysis, information, or anything. We want to take a real position, meaning a position that stands against what is happening in the entire region, Syria in particular. It is subjected to a triple aggression, a triple aggression, an exclusionary, destructive aggression, an aggression consisting of three countries: Turkey, Israel, the United States, the United States, which plans, draws, implements, and finances. This is the truth.

    It is financed, of course, through Arab money, through governments and Arab countries, which have provided all their money or spent all their money, their oil and gas, in order to destroy this nation and pave the way for the Zionist era. This is the story.

    President Erdogan said frankly today that the goal is not Aleppo, Hama, or Homs. The goal is Damascus. The goal is to overthrow Damascus and control Damascus. He says to establish an institutional Islamic rule, that is, an Islamic rule. This is what he wants to support. From
    America and Israel, this is the truth,
    so let us be clear in a non-essential way.

    They are now moving with tanks, missiles and cars to liberate Damascus, not to liberate Jerusalem. It was supposed that all these efforts would be directed at Jerusalem. Now they want to abort the greatest achievement in the history of this nation, which is the Al-Aqsa Flood that destroyed the Zionist project from its roots. This story, they want to erase this great achievement, this great victory, this great movement.

    The issue is that Syria is being targeted. Syria is being targeted because it has stood firm, because it has not normalized because it will not slip into relations with this usurping entity. By God, if President Bashar al-Assad normalized relations with Israel and visited Jerusalem, Syria would now be the jewel in the crown of the Arab, Middle Eastern and global countries as well, but he refused this normalization and endured hunger, endured conspiracies and endured terrorism. This is the truth.

    This is what we must talk about and prove. The goal is to defeat Damascus, this capital that was Always means a base for Arabism and a base for Islam and a base for Islamic civilization and spreading the call in all parts of the world, this is its main goal Zionism wants to take revenge on Damascus Zionism wants to destroy the Arab homeland Zionism wants to ignite the fuse of a sectarian war in the entire region

    Now the battle is not between a Jew or between a Zionist and an Arab the battle now is between a Sunni and a Shiite they have failed in the past 13 years now they want to move this plan means

    unfortunately that Erdogan is the spearhead in this project the project that will destroy the entire region we are now destroying Syria destroying or destroying Damascus occupying Damascus in brackets this means the fall of Baghdad the fall of Tehran fall of Sana’a this is the truth

    means that if Iran intervenes it is defending itself and not Syria Also if Baghdad intervenes it is defending itself and not Syria

    I mean this is the truth I mean I do not know I mean I am surprised this is a case I mean stupidity that The whole region is black, they are not able to understand This project, they are not able to understand, and they waited for it when it reached them now,

    it is Beirut and it was taken out of the circle of resistance at all, and they want the same thing in Syria and they want the same thing in Baghdad and the same thing in Tehran, meaning Netanyahu said we signed or accepted a ceasefire agreement in Lebanon so that we can devote ourselves to …. its mystery And they see this truth, meaning, meaning, why is there no one who understands these things?

    It is very strange, Syria Because it has stood firm, Syria, meaning 13 years of standing firm They were not able to humiliate or degrade Syria at all, it has not retreated from its values ​​despite the hunger

    Now the Syrian pound has become, meaning 177,000 pounds in the Syrian wall for one dollar, which The Syrian currency was one of the strongest currencies in the region,

    they occupied all of Syria’s oil and gas And they also occupied what is east of the Euphrates, the most fertile region in the Middle East, which is the food basket Syria so that the Syrian people starve, Syria is targeted Because it fought four wars against this enemy The Israeli one is true, I mean I don’t want to go on any longer

    And I want to say very briefly, that is, this is The introduction, the fall of Damascus, meaning the beginning of the era The Zionist one, meaning the beginning of the Zionist time, meaning The beginning of Erdogan’s empire, no, sorry Netanyahu’s empire in the region, and Erdogan Will be subordinate to Netanyahu, this is the truth, meaning do you Accept that, do you want to live in the Zionist era The Israeli era,

    meaning this is even until the cancellation I mean, is the Arab League conference or the emergency Arab League meeting at the level of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministers, on Sunday, it was cancelled America told them that it is forbidden to mention the word Syria

    This file is finished, but I tell you I mean, we, or I personally, meaning, meaning, we Opposed the invasion of Iraq, we opposed the destruction of Iraq We offered to starve Iraq, and even when Iraq fell And through the unjust, immoral American invasion We stood with the Iraqi resistance, we also stood Against Oslo, and we disagreed with dear friends Very much so, and we did not stand in a trench.

    We originally expected that this agreement would be the destruction of the Palestinian cause, the destruction of the Arab nation, and the opening of the doors of normalization, or the granting of a normalization license to Arab governments.

    We, in fact, when you mentioned the Arab Spring, we lost more than 400-500 billion dollars. Did you see what happened in Libya because of the Arab Spring? Did you see what happened in Yemen because of the Arab Spring? Did you see what happened in Egypt because of the Arab Spring? Did you see what happened in Syria now?

    I mean, the truth is that now they are returning the region to starvation and the complete plundering of its wealth. We will not stand except in the Syrian trench, except in the Syrian state trench. We believe in the unity of Syrian soil. We believe in the Syrian role in the region, and as I said, if Syria falls, this entire ( Arab) nation falls.

    This means that in the end, I say with a full mouth, that life is a stand of honor, and I personally decided to stand this stand of honor and to stand in The Syrian trench, this trench that was, remained and will remain in the face of the Israeli enemy and the Zionist project. After that, it means we do not care about anything. We are in the resistance trench, in the trench of defending the jewel of the Arab crown, which is Damascus.

    Thank you and see you in the next video, God willing.

  27. https://www.moonofalabama.org/ has a lead article today with some background and detail of the various moving parts.

  28. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Imho – President Putin is going to be forced to either shit or get off of the pot in Syria because ” the west ” intends to force his hand one way or another.

    Ukraine will be put on a back burner or maybe even completely discarded while new “hot spots ” take its place.

    Trump as POTUS again will be a wild ride; many will be discarded or disappeared.

  29. Arab leaders are sometimes complete assholes that deserve to be removed.

    With a few exceptions, none of the filthy rich absolute monarchs have even the remotest resemblance to popular participation in the running of their countries. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, bankroll their puppet and tyrant, Egyptian president al Sisi to continue doing the bidding of Zionists and their American enablers. Bahrain has totally excluded the Shia majority from any participation in the political affairs of their government.

    In the case of Syria, it’s a classic case of replacing a secular tyrant with religious extremists. Should they succeed in ousting Assad, we shall hear from the usual suspects of a “new dawn”, “freedom, democracy and human rights” and similar bullshit. Before the dust settles, the Islamist zealots will be at each other’s throats jockeying for power.

    America will in all likelihood jump in and propose the partitioning of the country into ungovernable entities, with the US continuing to occupy the oil producing area and stealing Syrian oil, thanks to the MAGA idiot, who openly bragged about being a thief. Meanwhile, Russia will remain as a silent and passive observer of the unfolding events.

  30. ghali says:

    Putin is a master of empty rhetoric. Iranian Imam Ali Khamenei and Lebanon’s Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah have warned against trusting Russia in Syria. Both have emphasized remaining independent and self-sufficient. Iran and the DPRK are the best examples of independent nations. The recent agreement between Russia and the DPRK is benefiting Russia greatly. Russia is struggling in Ukraine and needs DPRK assistance, the only country that is actually backing Russia.

  31. Western News states that B Assad is leaving. Going back to Paris the continue his dental practice, I assume.
    Still the same. Political and Religious dogma used to shake this “Snow Globe” up for the enjoyment of the Great God, who looks on with the wonder of a 3 year old. But we all know kids, they break their toy, then cry to mommy. Flat Earth mentality. We may never have the chance to evolve past that.
    As an atheist, it seems that it’s the gas-chamber and oven for me.

    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  32. @Anonymous534

    Your question is quite legitimate. The very first thought that came to my mind is how could the Syrian army that heroically resisted for more than a decade the onslaught against Syria by the US and its proxies get routed so fast. And the answer is simple: the Empire is in desperate need to make up for its humiliating defeat in Ukraine. Here the Empire managed to isolate Syria from her allies aka the axis of resistance by an operation that started many months ago with the assassination of the hard line Iranian president Raisi, and continued with the brutal assault on Hezbollah’s civilian base, forcing the Shiites fighters to declare a ceasefire, thereby cutting off any effective response from Syria’s local allies Iran and Hezbollah. Russia has her hands full with the Ukrainian front and the Syrian army along with the Syrian society are living on subsistence basis with their energy sources and bread basket under the control of illegally occupying American forces. Syria has been reduced to utter poverty to be able to afford the arms purchase and training of her troops into the new kind of warfare that relies on guided drones and EW and the rest of the gamut.

    This incursion towards Damascus is a direct challenge to Russia and to China. I have already commented that the cautious and deliberate chess player Putin has a tough balancing act reacting to this bold challenge to Russian interests for if he is too slow to react, Damascus might fall, and if he is too rash he might be forced to divert manpower and resources from the Ukrainian front to the Levant. The stakes are very high for Russia’s centuries old aim to have a foothold in the warm waters of the Mediterranean and should HTS succeed at toppling Assad, all of Russia’s investments in Syria will be wasted.

    Another aim of this Turkish sponsored blitzkreig is the American deep state’s aim to force a status quo on the new Trump administration whereby seeking detente with Russia is made impossible.

    The Russians and their Allies should act fast or they will have to pay a far higher price for further hesitancy. Just by looking at what a field day Israel trolls are having on TUR, makes one sense the gravity of the situation.

  33. JPS says:
    @John Johnson

    Right, it has nothing to do with Israel. SURE. Just commences the very day of the fake “ceasefire” after the US issued an ultimatum to Assad to cut off Hezbollah.

    The US/Israel sure loves its Islamist terrorists that even call themselves “Al Qaeda.”

    They love the Azeris too, another aggressive Sovok kike-loving dictatorship. (Bertrand Russell said the Soviet Union was run by American Jews, looks like America is run by Soviet Zionist Jews these days)

    The whole foreign policy of the United States is controlled by Zionist Jews.

    •�Agree: Che Guava, John Trout
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  34. JPS says:

    There are less than 900 U.S. personnel left in Syria, well away from Turkish and Syrian forces.

    The moment the Syrians attempt to reclaim their oil wells and wheat fields the American Jews’ Air Force, the United Kike States armed forces will devastate the Syrians and send their proxy terrorists to murder more people.

    Putin “froze the conflict” and then let the IDF turn Syria into an IDF free-fire zone (some alliance where you “bomb terrorists” but let the Jews murder at will your allies), tampered with Iranian attempts to strengthen Syria. Syria is an impoverished state struggling under sanctions they don’t have the resources to be in a state of high military mobilization and readiness forever. They foolishly trusted their allies and the fraudulent peace that Putin “negotiated.”

    The youtuber “weeb union” says in Syria “the enemy of your enemy is your enemy.”

    More like Russia is friends with the Zionist enemy controlling all the enemies of Syria, Israel’s proxy forces the United Kike States Air Force, the US Jewish military industrial complex, the Kurds, ISIS, the head chopper “rebels” from Idlib, the Uighurs, Israel’s proxy Ukraine, and the backstabber Turks with their fake animosity towards the Zionist entity.

    •�Agree: Event Horizon
  35. Rush says:

    Turkey backstabbing of Putin shows the folly of Putin’s grand plans for his BRICS based alternative to the rules based order wherein he ignored the historical enmity between Russia and the Ottomans. Back to the drawing board Mr Putin.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
  36. It means that Erdogan is a double-dealing, back-stabbing serpent who cannot be trusted and who disparages Israel in public while doing their bidding behind closed doors.

    Color me shocked.

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
  37. “Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad inked a “strategic partnership” deal …”

    Chinese security guarantees are worth a steaming pile of cow manure. Xi Jinping has passed on countless opportunities to check U.S./U.K./Israeli aggression, and in the event has done close to nothing. As a result, the Empire of Lies continues to curbstomp whosever it wills, worldwide, without consequence.

    Were it not for the Russian Federation, Syria would have been torn to ribbons and carved up ten years ago.

    Count on China for “backup” at your own peril.

    •�Replies: @ivan
  38. @Poupon Marx

    Yes, I am just too fucking lazy and want bumper sticker answers. Can you provide them? Or you yourself have no idea but decided to reply anyway?

    •�Replies: @Kurt Knispel
  39. @Rush

    You cannot trust a Turk, old Serbian adage. The question is, what other better choice did Putin have re Turkey? Sometimes you must wait for the problem to happen to deal with it. Erdogan envisioned himself as the reincarnation of Suleiman the Magnificent. Hubris added to megalomania cloud discernment.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  40. “Fortunately, we think their plan could be derailed by the unexpected involvement of Iran and Russia, but it is too soon to say for sure.”

    Delusional thinking at its worst.

    Iran is already in the process of evacuating its military officers in Syria, the Russian naval assets at Tartus MTSP left the port on 3 December 2024, and Russian rotary wing aviation and air defense personnel are retreating west from Hama Governate.

    Syria is finished and although it is not Russia’s fault, it is nevertheless a strategic defeat for the Russian Federation.

  41. Anonymous[595] •�Disclaimer says:

    “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” – George Carlin

    …and this is what 99% of people don’t understand. They confer in secret and plan outcomes for their benefit, and the detriment of the 99%. They preen and perform, and you believe their centuries’-long hooey about politics and take sides, as if it were an eternal football match.

    Do you feel cucked? You ought to.

    •�Agree: Bro43rd
  42. @Phibbs

    Johnsonstein … President Assad protects the 11% Christian community in Syria, which your cherished “moderate” terrorists will murder or forcefully convert to Wahhabi Islam.

    So you’re calling me a Jew and then making an appeal to protecting Christians which shows that you don’t believe your own insult.

    Assad protecting Christians includes using them in frontline government positions and then shrugging when they are later attacked by resentful Muslim neighbors. Most of the Christians have already left since the war started. Assad puts Christian and Alawite minorities against the Sunni as a sort of buffer for the monarchy. They become hated minorities that are associated with government rule. The Alawites were used heavily for troops as Assad is afraid of a Sunni military turning against him.

    Syria naturally has a lot of divisions and Assad has made them worse.

    It’s a case of pick your poison. Assad leaving is good for both Germany and Ukraine so I’ll be pleased if he is removed. Clearly we have posters that spend all day thinking about Israel and seem to forget that Europe is overrun with Syrian refugees. They would load Germany with 1 million Syrian Muslims in the *hope* that Assad acts against Israel.

  43. Gallatin says:

    This whole “Turkey backs the West against Syria” thing was the Ace-in-the-hole the West has declined to play till now.

    Was somebody compromised? Erdogan? Assad? Anybody been caught in bed on tape with a dead girl or a live boy?

    This really a surprise development.

  44. eah says:

    >Will Damascus Fall?

    Currently it doesn’t look like Russian airpower alone will be enough to prevent it.

    As I recall, in comments here people were actually wondering why Turkey wasn’t helping the Palestinians — it ought to be clear now that there is no more untrustworthy and self-interested potentate than Erdogan.

    Elsewhere others wondered why Russia doesn’t provide AD systems to e.g. Syria — per this post, Russia does have AD systems in Syria, including the advanced S-400, but they are used to protect airbases where Russian warplanes are stationed.

  45. @JPS

    Right, it has nothing to do with Israel.

    I said that not everything is about Israel or the US.

    These troops were trained in Turkey with Ukrainian drone specialists.

    Turkey, Ukraine and these Syrian rebels all have plenty motive to work in an alliance against Assad.

    Not everything is some Jewish conspiracy.

    The whole foreign policy of the United States is controlled by Zionist Jews.

    That’s a separate subject and the self-described America First candidate just nominated the most pro-Israel cabinet in history which includes complete lunatics like Hegseth and Huckabee.

    I don’t support Israel First policies so take it up with Trump and his red hat followers. I support a position of neutrality in the Middle East and my main concern with Trump is starting a war with Iran. Those of us that did not support Trump or Harris were completely outvoted by the US public. I was of the opinion that an establishment Republican would be safer than Trump but the red hat cult has taken over the GOP and completely overruled that opinion.

  46. @Passing by

    You cannot trust a Turk, old Serbian adage. The question is, what other better choice did Putin have re Turkey? Sometimes you must wait for the problem to happen to deal with it.

    There was clearly an intelligence failure by Russia and the same thing happened with Kursk.

    A few dozen Russian snipers and machine gunners could have held Allepo for at least a week. Removing snipers from an urban area is difficult work.

    Russian jets also could have strafed the column as it came in from Turkey.

    By letting them take Aleppo so quickly it undoubtedly caused the rebellion to spread. That type of morale booster is fire for any Muslim revolution. Cousins and neighbors start joining in on the action. Government soldiers stop showing up for work.

    The Russians were caught napping. How? I have no idea, take it up with the dwarf. He is worse than Nicholas II when it comes to war tactics.

  47. Rebel Roy says:
    @John Johnson

    Your mother taught you all about”turtle”tanks didn’t she with all those late nights at the bar being good practice.

  48. @Priss Factor

    You raise a few interesting points …
    Sultan Reccep I´s backing of the headchoppers is just as much an attack on
    his own Kemalists as it is on the Kurds – for Europe that is mixed news;
    at least it lowers the possibility of the EU being forced to accept Türkiye
    (and, by logical extension, the Usurping Entity).
    The Jews must have the Litani and the Beka´ a – for that they must sic the
    Great Satan on the Land of the Aryans as they cannot beat the Party of God
    (otherwise they´d prefer Assad cling to power but only just).
    The wild card is the Syrian army – have they all been (((bought off)))?
    (not overmuch of a problem if you can print money*) In this case the Ruskies
    will throw Assad under the bus – bad for reputation but better than a pointless
    last stand.

    *Orange Man was right on one thing – without the reserve dollar the US aleady
    is a Third World country.

  49. @Anon001

    Ho, ho, ho… Riley santa louse Waggaman!

    Jew Snake! Propagandist! Agitator!

    Have you been away registering as foreign agent in St. Petersburg?

    Suka, register!

    Suka back to square wong: DIVIDEETIMPERA – attack and weaken Russia while Russia and its allies are under attack.

    After denegrading it, is it now opportune, sort of safeguard for jew to crawl under the hazeltree – oreshnik – in Novgorod Oblast? A hide to hide your agenda of Rand Corporation! Who pays you louse mercenary of splitting propaganda? Soros? Rand Corps? Chicago Council on global affairs?


    (Riley Waggaman is a former employee of RT who likes to operate as Anon001 or Rolo Slavski (y), Rurik, Edward Slavsquat and probably only him and hopefully the FSB know how many other anonymouses the subversive invader of Novgorod Oblast misuses in agitation and Jew prop ups, called Western propaganda.)

  50. Che Guava says:
    @Nick The Knife

    You are a moron. He wasn’t a dentist, but an ophthalmologist.

    In London, not Paris.

    His former patients speak very highly of him, both as a person and as a doctor.

    So many morons and Zionists (same thing), etc. in this thread, it is only readable as black comedy.

    Israel-Turkey and Israel-U.S. have been very evil in this for so many years, it is depressing to see that their combined operation has some success. WTF is Erdogan doing supporting Kurdish militia operations? Really, what the Kurds in Syria should have done is shake off Zio-U.S. control and made common cause with the Syrian govt., on condition of limited regional autonomy.

    They will surely be slaughtered if Erdogan the Donmeh’s pets take control.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  51. @Anonymous534

    First of all: Assad is an outstanding natural leader; he is alone.
    (He seems to be the only one speaking the truth about the Jews’ holo hoaxings. This is enough to be killed by Jew & hyena and even destroy your countrey if needed, as you probably know anyway.)

    Syria seems dependent on Russia and Iran and Iran ist not Persia.
    Iran is a Jewed snake today, operating oil business together with Israhell. Famous Iranian Revolutionary Guards were supposed to defend Aleppo and did not: packed up and left. The Iranian revolution was, like every “revolution” a Jewish one. Khomeni was a British agent. Plenty of Jews sit in the Iranian parliament.

    Maybe also read a bit at sodomite Jew Thierry Meyssan’s Voltairenet.org?

    According to TM Russia did destroy an Israeli oil pipe.

    Russia is in a very difficult situation at home and abroad, (just like Germany). A situation Putin is trying to mend (I hope).

    •�LOL: Yababa
  52. Unlike the Ukrainians, it looks like the Syrians did nothing to dig in and prepare serious fortifications around and in the cities they controlled.

    The question is should Russians evacuate and leave Syria to all these various militant factions that will fight it out once Damascus falld and the endless chaos to come. Is it worth Russians trying to do any more there? Once Homs falls their bases will be cut off from the rest of Syria with only an exit to the sea to get the hell out. Or perhaps they think they can retain their bases by negotiating with whoever takes over in Damascus. Some of the terrorists have said they do not want a conflict with Russia, and maybe Turkey told them not to worry as they can keep their bases. But trust the Turks at your own peril.

    Gaddafi warned the Arab leaders at an Arab League meeting a long time ago about what their fate would be and Assad laughed at him. Now they’re not attacking Syria directly with US/NATO forces but using international terrorist mercenaries as proxies in a hybrid war.

    Israel is flying air sorties in support of the terrorists, and the US too in support of the Kurds.

    Hezbollah may not be able to send many troops as there are so many ceasefire violations that they may need to stay at home to defend Lebanon. I doubt China will send troops and Russia needs them in the Ukraine. So it is up to Iran to go all out in Syria. But this was all timed now so that if Iran goes in then when Trump takes over he will fight the Iranians in Syria. China should really send its air force and navy in there and start bombing the terrorists in support of any Iranian intervention. Even if they cannot save Assad, at least the Chinese would have got some experience of using their planes and ships in real war and in the process wipe out as many Takfiri terrorists as they can. Then when Trump takes over, we can see if he will confront the Chinese presence there, because if he starts taking out their ships and planes they can annihilate US bases in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere in the Pacific. Trump has been threatening China so sending forces into the war in Syria will give them the opportunity to test Trump’s resolve and act and prepare accordingly.

    Lebanon will also be in serious trouble as Israel could resume its conquest of the south and direct the terrorists to enter north Lebanon. Even the Turks could enter north Lebanon supposedly to protect it from the Israelis and officially say that they are doing it to save what they can of the country, but obviously in secret agreement with Israel to partition the country.

    Interesting times and prepare for new waves of refugee immigrants no matter how it unfolds or who wins, if anyone will even win.

  53. @John Johnson

    I agree with you on Trumps idiotic voting block.

  54. Iran looks like its committed to fight the terrorist invaders in Syria.


    It mentions that the terrorist invasion could spread to Iraq and Jordan but it overlooked to mention the threat to Lebanon. It also seems to ignore the role of the Turks.

  55. @Kurt Knispel

    Well, that doesn’t explain how come the Syrian army is worse than a small lightly armed international ragtag gang of terrorists. I don’t know anything about military affairs, but I suspect even I could’ve built a better fighting force in 10 years if I was either a ‘brutal dictator’ or an ‘outstanding natural leader.’

    This Twitter post says some Russians who worked with the Syrian army say that it is very corrupt. How come an outstanding natural leader in a time of war was unable to beat corruption in the army in 10 years? If Assad’s plan was to do nothing and then have someone come and save him, then if his regime falls then it’s rightly deserved.


    Exposing the Holocaust hoax is well and good, but you have to have your army ready to defend your people against enemies that surround you.

    Maybe the Arabs are just genetically shit at fighting.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
  56. @Commentator Mike

    The Chinks seem to only care about themselves and won’t do shit. They are semi-Jews. They only care about what’s good for Chinks. Complete oppose of altruistic Americans who only care about what’s good for their precious Jews (well, I guess they also care about what’s bad for Whites, especially heterosexual White men).

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  57. Emslander says:

    Someone with deep knowledge of the geopolitical realities said that when you see a leader doing something that seems to go against his nation’s better interests it’s probable that he or she is taking in very large payments for his or her personal use. It’s called feathering the nest and it occurs much more often than anyone can imagine.

  58. Anynomous says:

    Video Link
    Hopefully Russia and Iran will legally kill as many american and british CIA and MI6 fuckers, that are disguised as terrorists and larp being “rebels” among jihadist terrorists.

    American are now cryinc to Russia “Plz. Plz. We have terrorists in Syria. Plz do not kill them. Plz.”.

    American and british sick and criminal fuckers are only good to have their heads legally under a muddy boot. No mercy to these sick and savage criminals and global imperialists. Death to the american and british empires!

  59. Boll says:

    Syria had five years plus to prepare for another uprising but it seems that its armies are even more useless than all the other arab armies ever were. I‘s not even an offensive, more a walk in the park so far for the anti-Alawi opposition. Not good for Russia, that doesn‘t seem to have interest in the matter or the muscle to intervene in the build-up of this march towards Damascus or has already made a deal with TelA or I‘bul. All sacrifices of the last 15 years might have been in vain.

    •�Agree: houston 1992
  60. @Kurt Knispel

    “ Syria seems dependent on Russia and Iran and Iran is not Persia.”

    In addition to my comment No 33, I add that Syria has been under the Caesar sanctions which added to her economic woes. This is how the Empire uses starvation to destroy a country that resists it.

    On the other hand, the reopening of the Arab League seat to Syria, that had previously been suspended, was meant to lull Assad into thinking that his troubles are behind him. That caused the Syrian Authorities to act in a cavalier and inconsiderate way with their closest allies, Iran and Hezbollah, such as by asking Hezbollah officers who were residing in Damascus during the Israel- Hezbollah war in Lebanon to leave their homes for fear that they might cause collateral damage should they be targeted by the IDF, while hoping that putting some distance from Iran would open the coffers of the rich Gulf Oil states to relieve Syria’s hopeless economic predicament. It looks like Bashar, while a great leader in many measures, has been taken for a ride and lacks the wiliness of his father Hafez.

    As far as the reliability of Iran as an ally, there is a powerful and rich faction within the Iranian population that has no qualms about reopening relations with the West by dumping all support to anti-Israel movements; Mohammad Javad Zarif is their spokesperson.

    Thus with Iran’s position compromised and Hezbollah being under Western-Israeli siege, the only reliable party that can check the advance of the HTS is Russia but she is hampered by her interests with Turkey as a conduit against the Western sanctions.

    The situation for Assad is bleak. If he has to go, I hope he will do it with dignity by fighting till martyrdom.

  61. anonymous[129] •�Disclaimer says:
    @kit walker


    You are a gullible and dumb Russian agent. We have enough trolls here, you are the dumbest of all.

    •�Replies: @rgl
    , @kit walker
  62. @Commentator Mike

    Very interesting analysis.

    I have often wondered how long the honeymoon would last between those historic enemies Russia and Turkey. Maybe Putin should soon realize that taming a snake gives no assurance about being safe from its bite. As Turkey is bound to keep upping the ante with Sultan Erdogan driven by his dreams of restoring the Ottoman Empire, it looks like a showdown between Russia and Turkey is unavoidable in the long run.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  63. Anonymous[129] •�Disclaimer says:

    He was compromised by fucking Putin and Russia. Why are you people so gullible?
    Have you seen the interview Carlson made with the zionist Lavrov? Weren’t you surprised of obvious kissing Americans’ ass for concession and willing to sell any asset Russia might hold for it, for example Syria? like what Russia did in LIBYA with Qaddafi?

    If you din’t get it, then check your head with a doctor as soon as possible.

    •�Agree: Rangewolf
  64. @Anonymous534

    “ Maybe the Arabs are just genetically shit at fighting.”

    The heart of Arab security is Damascus; that has been the consensus for ages. So if Syria falls, the Arabs are toast. But then all Arab states have been on their knees since the First Gulf War. The fall of Syria would simply remove the pretense of any sovereign Arab state.

    •�Agree: Yababa
  65. @Anynomous

    Here’s more from two usual pro-Putin suspects.

    Video Link

    They’re sanguine about the Resistance stopping these Takfiri terrorists and eventually annihilating them in Idlib, but is there enough time considering they take a city every other day? They took the 6 million population Allepo in a couple of days – unheard of success in recent military history.

    •�Replies: @Event Horizon
    , @Annony
  66. @Joe Levantine

    When that greatest patriot and benefactor of his people, Gaddafi, ended as he did, what can we expect for Assad? Assad was not cut out for this job as he is such a nice guy. I mean he has to deal with these terrorists now using millions of citizens as human shields in towns they occupied, and has he got the compunction to do what is required? First and foremost, Idlib has to be wiped off the face of the earth with all those terrorists festering in there.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  67. All roads lead to Washington as “the great game” unfolds on a new front. And like spoiled children the Zionists are certain it’s all about them, while their Hasbara workers are busy earning their shekels online today.

  68. Wokechoke says:

    They have inroads into Egypt.

    •�Replies: @TitusAlone
  69. @Kurt Knispel

    I have long suspected what you said here is true.

  70. @Commentator Mike

    I confess that I used to listen to these men and to Douglas MacGregor intently, and with careful consideration. I respected them.

    Over time I have come to view them all as clowns.

  71. Wokechoke says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Only an exit to the sea. Well that sea base is the whole point of their presence. But “cut off” in the desert is a misnomer. There’s a defensible ridge line between Latakia/Tartus estuary of the Orontes and desertified Homs/Hama. Arguably the coastal cities are a separate Phoenician sort of population too.

  72. @Joe Levantine

    Very educational comment, thanks much.

  73. Wokechoke says:
    @Che Guava

    Syria looks like it’s getting carved up. This means the Jews get to keep Golan, for reasons.

    •�Agree: Che Guava
    •�Replies: @John Trout
  74. Anonymous[203] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    “He had his troops go on a rape fest which included raping men. The guy is a complete psycho and the Syrian people don’t want to be ruled by him.”

    Of course you’re referring to Netanyahu, right?

    •�Agree: Druid
  75. Nat X says:

    The mohammadans haven’t wielded an effective field army since the crusades.

  76. @Anon001

    Much as I despise the head-chopping kidnapping cannibals John McCain et al. unleashed on Syria in 2011, and applauded Russia’s valiant demolition of ISIS from the air in 2015, the turn of events shows that Putin made the same mistake TWICE in a row without learning anything.

    He signed the Minsk Agreement for Ukraine in 2015. The conflict froze, frontlines stabilized, but the conflict was kept warm with 8-10 daily shellings. Meanwhile, the U.S. fed weapons & training to Ukraine to prepare for eventual reconquest. Putin let this happen, so when he finally shook awake after the Kazakhstan coup attempt in late 2021 and decided to preempt Ukrainian moves with his own, it was too late: Ukraine was fortified enough to resist providing someone else pushed spears into their backs.

    AND THEN he signed the Astana Agreement in 2017, providing the EXACT SAME formula as Minsk: a warm ceasefire with 8-10 daily shellings to remind everyone nothing’s solved, while the head-choppers received weapons & training and Syria was suffocated with sanctions and Israeli aggression.

    The difference is, the head-choppers are set to win, thus wasting 10 years of direct Russian intervention and making Putin look at best a confused fool, at worst an easy fool.

    In the meantime, the Christians of the middle east will finally be liquidated now that their last protector is being routed. I suppose their only hope is to pack into Latakia province and reverse roles: an Alawite state under Russian protection and barrier to the crazed cannibals.

    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  77. @Joe Levantine

    Remember how only recently Erdogan threatened to send his army to fight Israel in defence of the Palestinians. Obviously he would have to send them through Lebanon and maybe his intention was more to occupy Lebanon than to fight the Israelis. Then also he could suppress Hezbollah once he took over all, or part, of Lebanon. There was also a time when the Syrian army was in Lebanon for quite some time but now they can’t even keep their own country.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  78. Rich says:

    The war started because Assad refused to allow the Saudis, Americans and Europeans build a gas pipeline through Syria to the Mediterranean. This was the original plan to reduce Russian influence in Europe and reduce its income. Assad refused, the rebellion was born and eventually Putin sent enough help to keep Assad delicately in power. Russia could’ve done more, but didn’t. The deal may be give the Euros their new Saudi pipeline, Russians get a favorable peace deal in Ukraine. Long term, these radical islamists are a bigger threat to Israel than the minority Assad government. Short term advantage to Israel.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  79. Z-man says:

    There was this novel, Alas Babylon 1959, that I read in high school which predicted WWIII starting in Syria. 65 years ahead of its time. Good novel, even if it was written by a Joo.
    Get ready for the end. ⛑️ 🪖 ⛑️
    My basement is very warm in the winter. But there won’t be any heat! 😒

  80. Wokechoke says:

    Video Link

    Gleefully watching the regional genocide occur.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  81. Yababa says:
    @Kurt Knispel

    Russia despite having a military base and Assad flying to Moscow is excused, and Iran must do all the heavy lifting while SAA soldiers flee the battlefield, Iraq watches indifferently!

    Did Assad or Al Sudani declare war on Israel and support Iran? NO.

    You are a joker!

  82. @Anon001

    PCR is a Putin hater. I think he is a good source of information.

    •�Replies: @Silesian 2
  83. @Joe Levantine

    Thanks for your insights; yes, Assad is a rare man. May Assad be able to hold Syria together again!
    Apart from that it reads like everyone is stabbing everyone.

    •�Replies: @EdwardM
  84. Yababa says:
    @Commentator Mike


    Chinaware salesman hasn’t fought war for decades, joker. They like money more.

    What’s in it for China dumbfuck?

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  85. Rangewolf says:

    Putin and Erdogen did talk on the phone on November 24. Most likely, the details of this Syrian operation were confirmed by both sides during that call

    •�Replies: @A123
  86. Emslander says:
    @John Johnson

    This mess in Syria, which has no rational purpose, is the “Biden” mucking things up to make Trump’s inauguration difficult. Since it is entirely meaningless to any Trump voter, DJT will most likely just cut the funding and let the sandbox return to its natural state.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  87. Quit caring about things you can’t control if you aren’t going to do anything about it. Voting is a joke.

  88. Wokechoke says:

    I should have added, two Scots faking their Englishness talking about other people’s fights and struggles.

    Campbell is particularly loathsome as a Scotland supporting northern accented Labourite.

  89. anon[917] •�Disclaimer says:

    Okay, so China has agreed to help Syria. What are they waiting for? The wolves are at the door and there’s no time to waste. This is from a post at the Iran Observer:

    China never helped the resistance movement. China not only didn’t give arms, or fighters to fight for the interest of the movement which is the interest of china, but NEVER funded the resistance movement. It would have been good for HUMANITY to wipe off the criminal and genocidal Zionist WEST. The axis of Resistance was in need of FUNDING, but China never offered help.

    The only word China deserve is FUCK China, Fuck China, down with China, a billion of Petty and coward people who are good for NOTHING. They should continue to fuck each other because no one wants to come near these petty people.

  90. @Anon001

    But … but … but… Pedro says the BRICS will save the world! Any day now. Soon, I tells ‘ya, soon!

  91. No doubt this is a major tragedy for Syria.
    It gives many an opening to grind their particular demonization narratives.
    Western disinformation networks are working hard to demoralize the resistance.
    Recent statements by Erdogan tell us he is all in with HTS and Israel.
    Even I, an Armenian, didn’t think Erdogan would openly join hands with the perfidious genocidal Israelis.
    In time we will know if Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, and Iran can turn HTS into fertilizer.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Colonel Dolma
  92. @Wokechoke

    The Jews want all of Syria, it part of their quest for greater isreal. Saudis and Turks have their heads in the sand, a large part of Saudi Arabia and a part of Turkey is part of greater isreal.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  93. Billy Ash says:

    My question is why the US turkey and Israel want Asad gone?

  94. @Anynomous

    Hopefully Russia and Iran will legally kill as many american and british CIA and MI6 fuckers, that are disguised as terrorists and larp being “rebels” among jihadist terrorists.

    LOL go turn on live TV of Damascus. There are already rebels at the suburbs.

    It is looking like Russia didn’t even provide a single regiment.

    They did some bombing runs and called it a day.



  95. @Yababa

    What’s in it? Your lot and your hired Jihadis are wrecking China’s BRI, you idiot.

    •�Replies: @Yababa
  96. @Emslander

    This mess in Syria, which has no rational purpose

    There is a completely rational purpose for Turkey. The world dumped millions of Syrian refugees on them.

    There is a completely rational purpose for Ukraine. It can humiliate Putin and potentially exhaust forces that could be used in Ukraine. However it is looking like Putin is going to completely abandon Assad. What a pal. Turns out you can’t trust a 5’1 angry midget Tsar that poisons the opposition.


    Since it is entirely meaningless to any Trump voter, DJT will most likely just cut the funding and let the sandbox return to its natural state.

    Cut funding to whom?

  97. @Rich

    There will be no peace in Syria when Assad falls as these groups will fight it out. It is unlikely any unity government of all these different terrorists will hold together to threaten Israel. Especially given that there are alsoUS backed Kurds there.

    The Jihadis have reached the outskirts of Damascus.


    This is an impressive advance, although maybe not as fast as the Taliban takeover of US occupied Afghanistan. It took the Jihadis two days to take a 6 million inhabited Allepo while the Taliban took the 5 million populated Kabul in what time? Hours, with the US still getting off the airport. If the Russians leave, it will be more orderly than the panicked Americans running away with the Taliban blasting them away.

    •�Replies: @Rich
  98. Solutions says:

    The entire middle east, please tell me who is back stabbing who today.
    They all deserve each other, as outsiders why should we try to make sense of hundreds of feuding familiar factions going back millennia, these people obviously go to the highest bidder. These jihadis change their allegiance as often as their tunics.
    Syria has been fighting a civil war for what 12 years, and they are all of a sudden taken by surprise in Aleppo and then Homs and now on the outskirts of Damascus, just like Ukrainian’s incursion into the Kursk region and the October 7 fiasco – how on earth did they not see those things coming. Smell a rat anyone.

  99. A123 says: •�Website

    Putin and Erdogen did talk on the phone on November 24. Most likely, the details of this Syrian operation were confirmed by both sides during that call

    That is an interesting idea. What are you suggesting as their agreed end state?

    • Putin gets the Christian and Alawite areas as a small, but reliable client state?
    • And, Türkiye gets the rest for Erdogan’s Greater Ottoman Empire?

    I doubt that Erdogan has thought this through. He may be walking into a GW Bush style error.

    Does Erdogan believe that Türkiye can install a new cohesive, government in Damascus replacing Assad. Chances of that idea working seem slim to none. It is more likely that Syria would break up, one piece becoming a true Kurdish nation. Kurdistan would be a spectacular failure for Erdogan.

    Iran is taking the first steps towards writing off Syria: (1)

    The Islamic Republic of Iran began evacuating its Quds Force’s personnel and military officials from Syria into neighboring countries such as Iraq and Lebanon, The New York Times reported late Friday, citing regional and Iranian officials.

    The officials said that within the Quds Force, two of their top generals fled to Iraq. This move comes as rebels who oppose Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad have been seizing cities that are a threat to his rule.

    The NYT report also noted the evacuation of diplomatic staff of the Islamic Republic, their families, and Iranian civilians from the country as well.

    After their epic failure in Lebanon, it is unclear what Iran could achieve by staying.

    The impending succession of Ali Khamenei to Mojtaba Khamenei could be problematic. Iran is a theocracy not a monarchy. Military involvement in State Owned Enterprises gives them their own capitalist agenda, not aligned to the mullahs’. There are many reasons to expect instability after the current Khamenei passes away.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-832323

    •�Troll: Sarita
  100. Rich says:
    @Commentator Mike

    The advance appears to be too fast. Someone in the Syrian military, maybe many someones, must have made a deal. It wasn’t too long ago Syria had a decent military. This doesn’t look right. Could the Russkies really have missed a buildup big enough to pull this off?

    Syria is 75% Sunni Arab. The Assads are from the Alawite minority. Their days have been numbered for a long time. It’s possible we get another Libya, but eventually a new strongman will emerge, then anything can happen. The Israelis are probably hoping for a Sunni conflict with the Iranian-Hezbollah coalition. Maybe. Eventually, though, a Sunni leader is going to emerge that’s willing to go up against Israel.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
    , @Sarita
  101. Wokechoke says:
    @John Trout

    They may well view Damascus as doable. Gaza was just a warm up.

  102. Yababa says:
    @Commentator Mike

    China’s BRI? Explain.

    China’s BRI was centered around Haifa port where Chhina invested, but US didn’t like it.

    China has dropped Iran from BRI citing US sanctions.

    There is no railroad link from Iran to Syria. US blocked it forbidding Iraq to link up with Iran let alone Iraq with Syria.

    China’s BRI was supposed to go through Russia but Russia is now sanctioned.

    Instead China built up Gwadar in Pakistan with which it has a direct border to bypass Strait of Malacca.

    An alternate route through Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia or Turkey would avoid US sanctions. BUT Turkey is NATO and could be blocked by US.

    So BRl is shelved and a minimal version through Pakistan is the only viable option China has that is not yet sanctioned or blocked by US.

    BRI piopedream is Pepe Escobar’s bullshit. DON’T BELIEVE LIES.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  103. anon[424] •�Disclaimer says:

    Succor to terror outfits could accrue slowly,rapidly
    ,directly,indirectly,through intermediary ,by bribing,, through
    destruction of the enemy of the enemy, through creation of a new world
    view among the quiet indifferent majority , creating slowlymoving
    discord ,hatred,and distrust,using religious ardor fear and hatred.

    Supply of weapns to Hisbullah and Syria have been cut off by air
    pwoers of Israel and US.

    This article captures it perfectly.

    What British Governor General Lord Auckland did in 1938 in Indian
    subcontinent ( above) would be repeated in mid 1950 by Eishenhower

    “They pumped secret American military aid to tyrants in Saudi Arabia,
    Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon favoring puppets with conservative Jihadist
    ideologies that they regarded as a reliable antidote to Soviet
    Marxism. At a White House meeting between the CIA’s director of plans,
    Frank Wisner, and John Foster Dulles, in September 1957, Eisenhower
    advised the agency, “We should do everything possible to stress the
    ‘holy war’ aspect,”

    Sunni nor Shia learns .

    But there are many positive sides. Iran ,Russia,NK, Nicargaua,
    Venejueala and Belarus will stay and grow . Sunni muslims in Syria and
    Lebanon like in Gaza will pivot to Iran once the squeeze begins from
    Turkey- Israel-US and once the haughtiness of Saudis express itself.

    Once this particular theater get stabilized, China will meet US plus
    4 eyes plus few vassals from EU including independent Italy,Hungary
    joined by India Australia Japan . One hopes China gets a taste of western medicine,so that it changes.

    One hopes that like Stalin ,Iran engages in purges. One hopes like
    Mao, Iran kills the western sucking insiders 5 th columns , one hopes
    like Vietnam it destroys any ‘south’ Vietnamese in its midst .

    One hope Iran gets ICBM, nuclear submarine,and ICBM . One hopes that
    Iran then demands openig of trades shut off by sanctions and asks for

    reparation. Only having strong military wont bring food. It has to
    open the sources to food inlegitmate way and sanctions are illegal

    Anerica Israel Turkey Saudi Jordan – just borrowed time to stay relevant a little longer .

  104. The war on terror started with 911 and ended with the United States and the West cooperating with ISIS and Abu Mohammed Al-jowlani of Al-Qaida in Syria.

    It started with …..

    Video Link

  105. Demonic Israel and demonic ZUS and demonic Turkey and demonic ZBritain and their terrorist intel organs, the CIA and the Mossad and MI6 and demonic Erdogan have conspired and operated with and supplied AL-CIADA and ISIS Israel Secret Intelligence Service, for decades to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria and turn it over to the terrorists who owe their existence to the ZUS and Israel and Zbritain and ZTurkey.

    These countries are the real terrorists as they created the terrorists and NATO aka the ZUS controlled organ is the worst terrorist organ of them all and is also involved in the destruction of Syria at the behest of Israel and ZBritain and the ZUS.

    Messianic zionists are in control of the western regimes and are hell bent on destroying every western regime via a nuclear war with Russia over Iran and this nuclear war is coming, just as soon as the zionist front man and puppet is sworn in, then all hell breaks loose.

  106. Sarita says:

    The jihadists are already in Damascus.
    They will probably find the hundreds of thousands of mass graves that Assad will leave behind.

    All this because a few kids wrote graffiti on the wall in Der’a and the mukhabarat kept them in isolation, beating the shit out of them like they did, and still do to everyone who isn’t a a member of the 3% Alawite sect.

    Message to those who defended Palestine yet are with Assad and Iran:
    Your heroes in Iran failed, the mind games that the idiotic mullahs played got burnt, people got tired of their lies. I said it a million times; only a Sunni Caliphate will keep the powers that be in the west at bay.
    Watch how as soon as the jihadists take over the Israeli ultra right will be told to stay quiet.

    Kudos Erdogan, well played!

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  107. skrik says:

    IF Iran ‘lets’ Damascus fall THEN Iran will be next, fur shur.

    Obvious, but just had to say it.

    Regard this as a test of sorts [ME/Muslim resolve, ‘smarts’ etc.]. rgds

  108. @Hello00897

    PCR is more like a Putin Lamenter: he had high hopes from the man who spoke sense and demonstrated reason in comparison with the amateur hyenas in the West — but it all came to nothing as Putin failed to foresee the lengths his former “partners” would go to suppress Russian resurgence; he never imagined they would actually seize the heart of Russian interests, the cradle of Russian civilization & religion & culture — and Russian business & industry & agriculture & mining.

    One cannot criticise PRC for his disappointment.

  109. ariadna says:

    As far as I know these are facts:
    “Putin sold S-400 to Erdogan, but didn’t do the same for Iran. Why Putin should trust a zionist member of NATO? Putin FORCED ASSAD to ask Iranian forces to leave Syria and then asked Erdogan, a member of the NATO, to watch the security of these areas. People knew that the terrorists will be back because these areas were not under Assad’s control, it was under Putin’s ally, Erdogan’s control. Do you believe that? Iranian forces due to Putin pressure were reduced GREATLY. Putin also did not allow Assad to defend itself because Putin turned the s-300 OFF to prevent Syria to stage a retaliatory attack on Israel. S-300, due to Putin’s order, were TURNED OFF to allow Israel to attack Syria repeatedly to weaken Assad and the army.”

    While some of us wanted to believe that these were moves of a grand chess master to fool USrael and Turkey, moves unfathomable to most of us but sure to pay off in the long term, the fall of Syria no longer allows us to nourish such illusions.
    It is possible to believe that Assad was taken by surprise by the Blitz attack of Turkey-sponsored and US-backed terrorists but it is impossible to believe that Putin, with all the intelligence–satellital and HUMINT, at his disposal was not fully aware of what was coming.
    That Putin let Syria go leaves only one puzzle: does he think that once Syria is cut up into portions to be served to Israel, Turkey and the US (Trump: “we keep the oil”), he can retain his base in Tartus? Did he make a deal with “our partners” and trusts them to keep it? Whatever he got, or thinks he got, in exchange for this vile act of enabling the death of Syria will be worth as much as the assurances Gorbachiov got from James Baker in exchange for giving away East Germany.

  110. rgl says:

    That’s your best response?? If there is a troll here, it is you.

  111. Amon says:

    Man, that entire post is just one big fat lie.

    North Korea has been brutalized by sanctions since July 27, 1953 when a ceasefire was declared. the country is still at war with the US since the jerricans flat out refuses to leave the little country alone.

    Cuba has been sanctioned to hell and back after Cuban rebels kicked out the satanic, child molesting priests, drug lords and their US political friends from the tiny island in the 1960s. Cuba has nothing of value except fertile farmland that is perfect for drug growing, something the CIA loves.

    Venezuela has been sanctioned for the crime of thinking their natural resources belong to their own people and not some tax dodging multinational corporations that claim they have no HQ in the US despite all its main office staff and CEO working out of a Washington DC skyscraper.

    Serbia was destroyed and betrayed in the 1990 before Putin took over. The US made up lies about a genocide to get rid of a Russian friendly leader and to break up the nation of Yugoslavia to make it easier to loot the county of its natural resources and businesses. Worse, the US allowed jihadists to seize Bosnia and convert it into a entry gate to Europe for terrorists.

    But what else could one expect from a hasbara operative on the CIA pay list except lies, damn lies and statistics.

    •�Replies: @Anon001
  112. Notsofast says:
    @Joe Levantine

    very good comment joe, i find it hard to believe that iran and russia having spent so much blood and treasure in syria, would just pull up stakes and run. the fall of syria, is the fall of lebanon as well, with iran having invested so much in the network of fighters willing to sacrifice their lives for a just cause, i feel there must be some other motivation at work.

    i would hate to believe some backroom deal could be made, for russia, iran and china to just leave syria at the mercy of these zionist backed mercenaries and allow these israeli, genocidal monsters to complete their dark vision for the near east.

    i get they same feeling here that i did when the russians pulled back and built their three layer defensive position, that the ukrainians fed at least two iterations of their army into, without once penetrating the first line of defense. this became the meat grinder that is still grinding through everything zato can throw at it. will we see something similar, or are they just out?

    the fact that assad has such backing from russia, china and iran, but has been so hollowed out from within, makes me wonder if this is some shake down of the syrian army, to see who fights and who runs, as a means of removing the cancerous element of the enemy within. if they do pull back and prepare a defensive position, they will be able to trust the remaining loyalists, before risking the lives of their fighters, who would be compromised by traitors within the syrian army.

    i see one other possibility but far less likely, that iran and russia have come to the conclusion that their best option would be for the iranians to strike israel, knowing it’s going to happen eventually anyway, as these bloodthirsty fiends will never back off and will become ever more murderous in their ways until they are confronted directly.

    hard to tell exactly what is happening but if syria falls, lebanon falls and the domino effect means in the end, the whole world falls to these disgusting zionist pigs, that are in such need of their comeuppance. we find ourselves in interesting times joe.

    •�Agree: ld
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @Joe Levantine
  113. ariadna says:

    Count Russia out, and Iran has been cut out by Russia when Putin forced Assad “in the interests of peace to make all Iranian troops leave Syria.

    •�Disagree: ld
    •�Replies: @ld
    , @ariadna
    , @Felpudinho
  114. Amon says:

    Looks like Ron Unz needs to do a purge of his site, it is being over run by CIA, MI& and Mossad agents spreading lies to protect their NWO project.

    •�Agree: Xavier, Anonymous534
  115. ariadna says:

    ‘I said it a million times; only a Sunni Caliphate will keep the powers that be in the west at bay.’

    An idiocy does not become wisdom by being repeated a million times.
    It boils down to: The only way to rid these people of ticks and lice is to set them all on fire.

  116. Wielgus says:

    Pro-Assad demo in Tadamon part of Damascus. I would link to it but can’t find the URL.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  117. @Joe Levantine

    The Russians and their Allies should act fast or they will have to pay a far higher price for further hesitancy. Just by looking at what a field day Israel trolls are having on TUR, makes one sense the gravity of the situation.

    So true.

    I believe that Russia will come in and make mincemeat of these new Muslim mercenaries. There is no way Putin will allow Damascus to fall, and after all the hands-on training in Ukraine his seasoned pilots will slaughter these ISIS 2.0 punks as they traverse the wide-open spaces leading to Damascus in their vehicles. Any survivors will be taken care of by seasoned Russian ground troops.

    This new jihadi group, ISIS 2.0, is the same as the original “Belgian”-Moroccan ISIS punks who were attacking Syria and Iraq in the recent past; the world will be a better place when the Russians turn them into dog food.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @Joe Levantine
  118. @Kurt Knispel

    Syria seems dependent on Russia and Iran and Iran ist not Persia.
    Iran is a Jewed snake today, operating oil business together with Israhell. Famous Iranian Revolutionary Guards were supposed to defend Aleppo and did not: packed up and left. The Iranian revolution was, like every “revolution” a Jewish one. Khomeni was a British agent. Plenty of Jews sit in the Iranian parliament.

    This seems dubious and improbable. Please provide some backing, references, source material. Otherwise, I consider it mouthings from a wimpy bar with never cleaned lavatories.

  119. ld says:

    US Empire trying anything to regain the Primacy it’s lost forever. When the Zionists began bombing Syrian targets it was clear something on the ground would happen in tandem, and we’ve seen what that is. The war to fully liberate Syria that ought to have concluded by 2021 will now end with more liberations than the Empire imagined and an even bigger defeat as its West Asian position will be lost forever. The war has just begun–again–and will escalate.

    I haven’t hidden my animus for Erdogan and the Turks in this event. What’s being said behind closed doors in Moscow, Tehran and Beijing about his actions is unknown. IMO, the diplomatic show at Doha was just that, a show. How the Global Majority sees Erdogan is probably similar to my great animus beginning with all his bluster about supporting Palestine while not so secretly providing strategic support for the Zionists that’s just as critical as the bombs provided by the Outlaw US Empire. Yes, I count him and his government as complicit in the Genocide.

    Yes, the situation is very ugly and will remain ugly until 2025 begins. And there’s more to the Big Picture as Lukashenko described to the media after the Union State Supreme Council met in Minsk yesterday–NATO on Belarus’s northern borders. The declining Empire will do whatever it can to try and staunch its decline. I expect more to be done prior to Trump’s arrival, although we’ve seen several failures already–South Korea and Georgia, while very little progress is being made with Armenia.

    Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 7 2024 18:36 utc | 233

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  120. Rurik says:

    maybe a deal has been struck

    Maybe the incoming Trump regime has told Russia, ‘how about we trade Syria for Ukraine?

    You agree to allow Israel and Turkey to carve up Syria, so Genie Energy can start pumping oil out of the Golan, and we’ll stop supporting Zelinsky.

    That’s exactly the kind of thing I would expect Trump to do.

    What is Putin to do? Face more years of a grinding proxy war with (((NATO))), or sacrifice Syria to the fiend, and have Crimea and Donbas and the territory currently Russian held, be recognized as sovereign Russian territory.

    I’m not saying that’s what’s happening, but I wouldn’t put it past Trump, who couldn’t give a rat’s arse about Ukraine, despises Zelinsky and his corrupt regime, and wants more than anything to harm Iran, and to bolster Israel, above all else.

    Sacrificing Syria would be catastrophic to Iran and Lebanon and the Palestinians and all notions of decency and fairness and the Rule of Law, but we’re living in a time when the Rule of Law is a joke.

    I hope that’s not what’s happening, but this new development in Syria seems more an act of backroom treachery than an organic development from the ground – up.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Poupon Marx
  121. raga10 says:
    @John Johnson

    Putin couldn’t even spare a single 4×4 buggy or turtle tank regiment.

    Heh, maybe he could send some North Koreans.

    While Assad’s regime has been deeply unpopular and managed to hang on for this long entirely thanks to Russian and Iranian support, I can’t get too enthusiastic about fucking jihadis either.

    Shrug, they are all Muslims in the end, let them kill each other. I just want to see Russia humiliated and preferably losing their bases in Syria. That’s what I want for this Christmas!

    •�Troll: ariadna, Druid
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  122. @Joe Levantine

    Thanks for some solid and actual information; a welcome departure from the usual uninformed, dulled edge gibberish and ejaculations of many of the “commentators” here. Years ago, a Black man who was running for some office, used the word “commutator” for “commentator”. I suppose nobody ever “axed” him what he meant.

    A commutator is a rotary electrical switch that reverses the direction of an electric current between a rotor and an external circuit. Commutators are used in DC generators and DC motors, and in some AC motors.

    Many posters here don’t care enough to validate their information, or discern opinion from fact.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
  123. @Anonymous534

    What is Assad’s excuse for his army being so shit? He’s been at war since 2011, how come after all these years his army got so easily routed by some DEI-loving terrorists?

    Good question.

    But have no fear, the leader of the Jihadist “rebels” in Syria has said that “Diversity is a strength,” this is the same phrase that Kamala Harris and AOC say. It looks like the Christians and Alawites in Syria will have nothing to worry about when the head-choppers take charge; apparently ISIS 2.0 has turned over a new leaf.

    “Leader Of Jihadist Rebels In Syria Declares ‘Diversity Is A Strength”‘:

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @anon
  124. Notsofast says:

    putin just agreed to send lukashenko, a holiday gift of some hazelnuts of his own, lukashenko looked delighted with the fine gift. wonder if vvp will send any hazelnuts to his subterranean zato friends in ukraine? but i hear they are allergic to hazelnuts, that send them into anaphylactic shock and awe.

  125. I still have hope. Remember what the Russians did to Napoleon. RT is currently censoring user comments that mention missiles. Could something dramatic be in the offing?

  126. ariadna says:

    But Syria is as good as gone. It is not only a tragedy for the Syrian nation but a but la big loss for Russia, strategically and in prestige and trust.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  127. @ariadna

    In time we will know if Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, and Iran can turn HTS into fertilizer.

    Or dog food. All those thousands of unowned, mangy, Syrian dogs deserve a few good meals in their miserable lives. HTS jihadis (cut from the same cloth as the hundreds of Moroccan Muslims from Brussels, Belgium, who joined the original ISIS) filling the bellies of hungry dogs would finally be a genuine positive gain for members of the planet after the huge negative of them having been born.

    •�Agree: Poupon Marx
  128. @John Johnson

    Well what do we have here?

    By golly it’s Johnny John the Chickenhawk gettin’ all hot and bothered about WAR again…lol

    Yes sir! War, that it just so happens he has no part in. Isn’t that something?


    What sort of “man” does that?

    You a “businessman”, right Johnny?

    •�Thanks: Thor Walhovd
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  129. raga10 says:

    What is Assad’s excuse for his army being so shit?

    For starters it’s largely made up of Arabs so it was never great. But today with their regime corrupt, economy nearly collapsed and their wages worth next to nothing many soldiers must ask themselves whether this is what they want to fight and die for – and they clearly come up with ‘no’ for an answer.

  130. ANON[854] •�Disclaimer says:

    The following shows that Putin and Erdogan have a bloody hand in the fall of Assad and Syria.

    Assad Abukhalil writes:
    Ibrahim Amin of Al-Akhbar wrote a few days ago that Russia had warned Bashshar Al-Asad that the axis is collapsing and urged him to reconcile with Moscow-approved Syrian opposition. He refused. Erdogan tried to reconcile with him and he refused. Not sure what he was counting on.

    This guy, Abukhalil, is an enemy of Assad and he deliberately does not tell you what was the condition of zionist Erdogan for ‘reconciliation’. Erdogan wanted part of the Syrian territory for ‘Ottoman scum’, and of course Assad refused. If I were Assad I would have done the SAME. But this guy does not expose the crimes of Erdogan in Syria either. He is an Arab secularist and a Trotsky ‘leftist’ fool!
    It seems to me, Assad was LOYAL to the axis of resistance despite treasonous act against him from the Russians and Eurdogan, a NATO asshole and an enemy of axis of the resistance who were working for the interest of imperialism and zionism. That’s why Assad was sacked by his fake ‘ally’ who is in bed with the enemy.

    However, who was Moscow-approved Syrian opposition? Was it the one that Israel would have agreed to. It is obvious that Putin and terrorist scum of humannity, Erdogan have made a DEAL with US/UK/Israel against Assad. That’s why Army is not fighting back, where could have, and Assad is fed up with so much treason from all sides against him, especially from the Russians whom he trusted the most and got killed for it.
    The Russians and Putin are on board with Israel/US on partition of Syria and erection of a terrorist entity, second Israel, called kurdish state.
    Iran and axis of resistance have offered their FULL SUPPORT of Assad and offered to fight against the enemy if the Army ask them to do. Since the army knows a DEAL has been made against them, then they had not many options to act on their own. Assad is sick and tired of the traitors.

    It is obvious that ASSAD did not sell the axis of RESISTANCE and stayed loyal to them to the end, contrary to Assad, Putin and fucking Erdogan, a WHORE of PanTurkism, put a knife on their backs.
    The following is the kind of ‘opposition’ Russians support:

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Pepé Le Pew
  131. Looks like Assads military have decided to let his government fall…no resistance.

    Oh well we will see what happens next, who is really in control?

    You can bet that if the U.S has any control of the rebels then Russia will be bombarded daily until they’re out of the middle-east.

    Sometimes I wonder whose side Putin is on?

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @raga10
  132. Rurik says:


    on some websites I’m seeing videos of the Syrian “rebels” executing men with machine gun fire just like they were doing back in the Daesh days.

  133. Notsofast says:

    i just can’t see that happening, it would be out of character for putin. if such a deal were constructed, it would have to include iran and china, as the russians aren’t going to throw over good and trusted allies, to make yet another deal with the backstabbing zioneocon empire, that has broken every deal they ever signed with the russians.

    like you say it is possible but i believe it to be extremely unlikely. i think it’s far more likely the chinese would make good on their word to help assad fight terrorism, that includes uyghur mercenaries that would fester in syria and come home to haunt them in the future.

    i want to know where the yemeni volunteers are, that we were told numbered over 10,000 in syria. yemen has declared war on israel and has a relatively large army, that is battle hardened. hopefully all this can come together quickly, as russia still has air dominance and their navy can still launch hypersonic missiles, even after pulling out of their base, where they would be the most vulnerable to terrorist fighters with drones.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  134. ariadna says:
    @Commentator Mike

    An old Arab saying was “There s no war without Egypt and no peace without Syria.”
    It has been rendered moot first with Egypt being securely captured by USrael and then with Syria after the death of Hafez Assad, none of whose intelligence, vision and will power were inherited by his chinless son, maybe a “nice guy” but a weak man, hopelessly unfit for the job.
    Too bad he didn’t pursue the career he trained for, he might been a good physician.
    He did not have the smarts to understand that above all he needed a a strong and loyal military on his side. They say the officers were very poorly paid– a great incentive for corruption.
    The way bis army peeled away from the sallafist terrorists has been so dramatic that it gave Russia the reason–or the pretext– to say “If they do not fight for themselves why should we jump in to defend them?”

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  135. Tweet from 2013:

    Deceased treasonite John McCain fully supported the use of Islamic Head-Chopper Terrorists to create mayhem abroad.

    Obama deliberately destroyed Libya and then had the keystone cop arseholes in the CIA run guns and money out of Libya to arm and fund the Islamic Radical Terrorists in Syria. Obama kept the war going in Syria to create more chaos in the Middle East. That is what his Jew donors wanted him to do, so he did it. Obama did this to please Israel and the Jew Democrats who fund the Democrat Party.

    Oil deal gone bad between the French/Italians/British and Libya’s Gaddafi and Gadaffi musing out loud about trading his oil in gold or some currency other than dollars.

    Gaddafi was taken out by the Ruling Class of the American Empire because the other Italo-Froggo-Limey boobs botched the hit. Gaddafi probably demanded to keep more of the oil loot, and the greedy oil boys and the politician scum gave the green light for a state-sanctioned plunder assassination.

    Troublemaker turds in CIA and other American Empire Ruling Class instability actors operating abroad go for a twofer to take out Gaddafi and Assad just for kicks.

    Hillary Clinton and the Humanitarian Interventionist harpies like the mentally deranged Leprechaun Samantha Power got all wet thinking about taking out Gadaffi. The treasonous rats in the CIA were using Libya as a staging area to support ISLAMIC TERRORISTS in Syria.

  136. anon[424] •�Disclaimer says:

    You can teach hpw ro say diversity in a sentence to a dumb and deaf as long as Israel is lip synching .

    “Former Israeli military intelligence officer Lt. Mordechai Kedar has added fuel to claims that Israel has ties with the Syrian Islamist fighters who have taken the city of Aleppo and surrounding area in the past week. Lt. Kedar says he is in “constant contact” with the Islamists and that they “do not consider Israel an enemy.”

    The talk of Israeli complicity with the Islamist offensive began virtually when the offensive started attracting attention. On Saturday the Syrian Army issued a statement saying that they are effectively fighting “the military arm of the Israeli enemy, falsely labeled as the ‘Syrian revolution.’”

    This is a particularly dramatic claim because the Islamists are led by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which was formed by the merger of various Islamist organizations built around Syria’s branch of al-Qaeda. Indeed, the former Syrian al-Qaeda leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani is the present leader of HTS.

    But Lt. Kedar offers considerable detail about the ties with the HTS, however, referring to them as “Syrian revolutionaries” and insisting that they “must be supported.” Israel sees them as having a common interest in regime change in Syria.

    That doesn’t stop at the Syrian border either. The Islamists reportedly told Lt. Kedar that they are ready for a peace deal with Israel after they take over all of Syria and Lebanon. They also said they plan to open Israeli embassies in both Damascus and Beirut.

    How far the contact goes right now isn’t totally clear, but Lt. Kedar did say that he recently passed a “detailed” list of requested items from the Islamist forces to the Israeli government. He didn’t say what items were requested.

    That’s not an unprecedented occurrence, however. Former Israeli Army Chief Gabi Eisenkot acknowledged in 2019 that Israel had supplied weapons to the Syrian Islamists, including the Nusra Front

    Dec2, 2024

    •�Thanks: ariadna
  137. ariadna says:
    @Silesian 2

    “the Christians of the middle east will finally be liquidated now that their last protector is being routed. I suppose their only hope is to pack into Latakia province and reverse roles: an Alawite state under Russian protection and barrier to the crazed cannibals.”

    Even of such a scenario had a sliver of hope of succeeding, why would they trust Russia’s protection after all that happened?

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  138. @Rurik

    Much of the World’s future prospects of prosperity and freedom depends on Russia, vanquishing the many headed hydra known as The West/NATO-and now the ambitious, disgraceful cabal of Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Turkey.

    It’s a sad, pathetic World we live in. Infused with evil, malevolence, greed, and numb to the mass suffering of millions. Suffering beyond the imagination of the populations of the aggressor, slave-mongering countries. The USA is the honcho, the principal, the Walking Woke Dead Heads Of Denial and Ennui. Their flag is contains the figure of an earthworm coiled up in a defensive position with the phrase, “Don’t Pee On Me, Please”.

    •�Thanks: Thor Walhovd
    •�Replies: @Rurik
  139. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    Looks like Assads military have decided to let his government fall…no resistance.

    Looks that way? From a glance, a distance, in passing. What do you have to share with us regarding some chronology, sequenced events, influences and influencers?

  140. Wokechoke says:

    The coastal strip could be an effective state Latakia & Tartus could be bordered by the dogleg on the Orontes and the ridge around it. Aleppo elected to be a Turk colony. The strange elements are what to do with Damascus given the city’s proximity to Israel.

    Perhaps gave it to Israel to populate and patrol. I’d like that. Lol.

    On another question Turkey should not have Antioch. It’s not theirs. Deus Vult.

  141. @John Johnson

    Meddlesome, trolling, CIA apologist. US presence in Syria and their decades+ funding of head chopping jihadists there is a blatant war crime and violation of both the UN Charter and principles behind the US Declaration of Independence.

    May the Syrians and their friends reclaim their country from the diabolical Anglo-Zionist thugs.

  142. ariadna says:

    Latest. Syria news from zerohedge:

    There are widespread reports that jihadist forces under Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and which are backed by Turkey have entered key districts of Homs in central Syria, and other convoys have already reached the outskirts of Damascus.

    Very little fighting has actually taken place, with the Syrian Army peeling back from position after position, and with heavy equipment including tanks seen being transported to the capital or in other instances to the coast. ZeroHedge’s contacts in Damascus strongly suggest a transition of power deal has already been made.

    Iranian advisers and IRGC officers have departed Damascus. This also partly explains why Syrian national forces have not put up much of a fight.

    Unverified social media reports further say that anti-Assad forces have essentially been able to walk into suburban or countryside areas of the capital with no resistance. Again, what points to the likely reality of a secret deal which allows Assad’s safe exit and that of his top officials is the fact that all of this is happening without much bloodshed.

    Whatever happens next, it is becoming clear that the Baathist Syrian state under the Assad family, which goes back to 1970 when Hafez Assad first emerged in power, will never be the same again – and is coming to a fast end.

    Many Christian, Alawite, and Sunni ruling families in the capital area are fleeing to the Lebanese border, not waiting around to take their chances under Taliban-style rule, despite dubious claims that HTS plans to respect ‘diversity’ and pluralism.

  143. anonymous[200] •�Disclaimer says:

    China probably won’t do anything.
    It is friendlier to the GloboHomo elites than Russia.

    Blinken and Biden were kissing Xi’s ass.
    If China can secretly help to weaken Russia it will be rewarded.

    Russia was seemingly forced into an alliance with China–otherwise–how come the neighbors didn’t have one years ago?

    Too many racial and cultural differences for them to really get along chummy.

  144. Rurik says:

    I agree it’s (way) out of character for Putin.

    And it would have required Chinese acquiescence.

    As for Iran, it could be a case of TPTB, (including Russia and China) telling Iran ‘you can keep selling your oil to China, and ZOG is going to lesson up on the sanctions and other provocations against you. You just have to look to a future more in the east, towards Russia and China, and less towards the west, where Israel (and Turkey) wants to carve up Syria, and of course you’re going to lose your ties to Hezbollah, as the new Trump regime has slated southern Lebanon and what remains of Palestine to Israeli annexation.

    ZOG has already demonstrated they can bomb Iran and Lebanon and Syria with total impunity. Not even Russia will protect Syria from relentless Israeli bombing campaigns within Syria’s sovereign borders. Israel commits heinous acts of terrorism in Lebanon, is currently starving Gaza, and all the leaders of the world can do, is wring their hands, and make feeble, (if that) protestations.

    It seems all ((NATO)) nations, and even previously neutral states like Switzerland and Sweden, are now on board to serve ZOG like castrated lickspittles.

    There are certain realities regarding the power to print infinite Federal Reserve Notes, that has created the world we live in. They own the media in the West. They own the politicians.

    If you were the president of Slovakia or Slovenia, and ZOG sent its emissaries, and said ‘you have a choice. As you know, ZOG is orchestrating an all out war between Russia and Europe, and you’ll be dragged into it. We, (ZOG) call the shots with ((NATO)), and you know it.

    So, either play ball, and go along with our destruction of Gaza and Syria and much of the Middle East, and we’ll set aside the war with Russia, and you can live out your lives in relative peace in Europe, and growing prosperity, when we allow you to buy Russian gas again.

    Of course you’re going to have to allow all the migrants and ‘refugees’ to flood in. We haven’t stopped being Jews, after all. But we’re willing to back off with the hot war with Russia, if Europe plays ball, and gives us a free hand in the Middle East.

    If you were the president of Slovakia, what would you do?

    Tell ZOG to fuck off, and you’re going to send soldiers to Syria to fight for Assad, or simply quietly acquiesce to things you can’t control in any case.

    Perhaps the same kind of ultimatum has been delivered to Putin by Trump’s nascent regime.

    What is Putin to do? Tell Trump to fuck off, and get ready for some hazelnuts?

    Or cut Syria loose?

    If ever Putin was put to the test, such a scenario would be it, no?

    Doubling down might lead to full-blown war. The very thing people like Vicky Nuland and the Kagan cabal dream of.

    I don’t know what I’d do. If Putin were to cut Syria loose, and watch Damascus fall to the fiend, it would no-doubt weigh very heavily on his soul, as Vlad Putin is very well aware of historical contexts and the weight of history. Sacrificing Syria would be an unthinkable betrayal, he’d have to live with.

    I hope this thing turns around, but I’ve been very concerned with the lack of any kind of global response to Israeli’s horrific acts of unprecedented widespread terror in Lebanon, it’s starvation campaign in Gaza, and it’s relentless bombing campaigns in Syria and Lebanon and elsewhere.

    There doesn’t seem to be anyone on the global stage, even collectively, that can rein in this fiend.

    Even in Romania, ZOG has used its stooges on the bench, to nullify the Romanian people’s vote, because it wasn’t what ZOG wanted.

    If Putin were to say ‘fuck it’, hazelnuts galore to London and DC and Tel Aviv.. ..perhaps there comes a time when things are so utterly corrupted, and the trajectory so dire, that the only ‘solution’ is to start over.

    I really don’t know.

    As usual, all I have is ethereal hope

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  145. @ariadna

    It is not over yet. I’ve yet to witness or apprehend an army or ground force that can prevail without mastery of the skies. Then there are the ARRAY of missiles-many are very cost effective-that Russia produces, Iran produces, North Korea produces, and China produces and can ramp up.

    China will become much more directly involved. One, due to direct economic interest, and two, never allowing Russia to fall or have reduced its military and offensive/defensive power.

    This whole enterprise has several objectives and effects in mind. One of the primary ones is to weaken BRICS vis a vis the JUSA raising its power influence in the Middle Beast.

    •�Replies: @raga10
    , @ariadna
  146. We are living in very confusing times where there are so many actors and agendas playing out.

    This is what happens when conflict breaks out, it unleashes built up angst and opportunity for cats waiting to pounce.

    Erdogan has made his play…his cards are now on the table using American supplied weapons in a manner the U.S probably didn’t approve of.

    So we can only wait until the dust settles before we understand what has taken place, it looks like Russia and Iran are not going to save Assad so he has upset them, and the U.S backed Kurds have taken a part of Syria so will Erdogan allow this, will he allow the Kurds a base to get stronger?

  147. Rurik says:
    @Poupon Marx

    It’s a sad, pathetic World we live in. Infused with evil, malevolence, greed, and numb to the mass suffering of millions. Suffering beyond the imagination of the populations of the aggressor, slave-mongering countries.


    The USA is the honcho,


    ZOG is the head-honcho. It rules over Western Europe and Canada and now Sweden and Finland and many other nations, like England, in even more absolute terms, than it does the ZUS, who still at least has its guns and its freedom of speech.

    But the ZUS is the most menacing of the Zionist occupied nations, because it’s the biggest.

    If we – the people of the planet are going to exert any pressure against our respective governments to rein in this fiend, we will all have to work collectively. Brit, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Yankee and all the rest, to inform those around us, and beyond, as to whom is pulling these devil’s puppet strings.

    It won’t help just to rail against one occupied nation, because it’s the biggest, while ignoring the festering rot that is laying waste to Western Europe, and now including states like Poland and others.

    That flag you’re talking about, represents the best spirit of the human species. It could be our collective flag, we should all be waving in ZOG’s face.

    It was Yahya Sinwar’s flag, right up until the end. It was Qasem Soleimani’s flag, and it is Gaza’s flag, and my flag.

    Telling the PTB to fuck off, and pound sand, is a good thing. And that is exactly what that flag represents, to every tyranny and wannabe tyrant the world has ever known.

    •�Agree: Druid
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  148. @Anon001

    every statement in MW’s essay is either nonsense or overtaken by events:

    the Russo-Syrian “Arab Army” has collapsed completely, the “diversity-loving” Jihadis are already filtering into the suburbs of Damascus, and all Iranian cognates of Assad’s rotten regime have fled back to Iran. And no, MW, Izrahell is not going to “invade southern Syria”. They Zionists already have a buffer in the Golan heights, and currently have all the wars they can handle.

    Putin? He has a tough choice to make: either attempt to maintain his two coastal Syrian lodgements (naval base @ Tartus, air base in Latakia) by creating a rump Alawite “state” along the coast, maybe with Assad as figurehead…..or doing a US-style (see: Afghanistan) quick bugout. Which could seriously effect the stability of his own regime. Glad I’m not in his shoes.

    “axis of resistance”? Gone: Hezbollah/Iran betrayed the Palestinians from the outset, and the fall of Syria to Izramerican-linked Jihadis competely isolates Hez from Iran. By my count, Iran itself has about 43 days to develop and test a nuclear weapon(s) and mate same to ballistic missiles. Otherwise: the Mullah’s rotten regime, after an Izramerican full spectrum blitz, will go the way of Syria.

    incidentally, I derive no pleasure about being right all along about the fabulous “axis of resistance”. But it is as I warned: sometimes the bad guys win…..and so far, they are.

  149. Sarita says:

    “Pro-Assad demo in Tadamon part of Damascus. I would link to it but can’t find the URL.”

    Don’t worry about it; no one will believe you.

  150. Voltara says:

    So it’s all Putin’s fault? Putin’s reluctance to be drawn into direct conflict with the west and their terrorist assets is caution, not a conspiracy. From the ridiculous support of this deflection it looks like the fedbot trolls see this narrative as important

  151. I have a feeling of dread after watching this train wreck style collapse of Syria, and I think it is probably similar to how the Germany must have felt after the surrender of the 6th Army at Stalingrad.

    Clearly, Erdogan has a secret alliance with Israel. The pager/radio attack on about day 2 is really proof that Erdogan was working extremely closely with Mossad. Of course the way that Azerbaijan walked over Armenia was a good indication of things to come. Azerbaijan was built up and supplied with Bayraktar and other drones and clearly also had access to US/Nato Satellite intelligence.

    Now we have Maidan V2.0 going on in Georgia, and a coup going on in Romania. Meanwhile all across the EU the Jew puppet governments are shutting down free speech and democratic institutions. Macron is going to turn into a dictator comprador to Israel, just like Italy, the Baltics, Scandanavia, the UK, Germany and Poland.

    In short, not only is Europe and the EU under total Hebrew domination, but they have allowed millions of these “Jihadis” and other POC’s into their countries.

    At some point the Jewish run MSM and the Jewish censored social media will send their dog whistle signal to the invaders and an uprising will start. Just as we have seen in Syria and in the Russian Revolution, the Jewish controlled puppets will then open the doors to the prisons and pandemonium will ensue.

    Meanwhile demographically the war is causing Ukraine to get ever closer to becoming Khazaria 3.0

    Putin is no Hitler, and it is only a matter of time before the Turkic and other Muslim states in Russia cause the break up and fragmentation of Russia too.

    The Jews have succeeded in rotting out European civilization at its core, and their next step will be the long awaited genocide of Rome.

    White Europeans have become extremely soft, and do not have the will to commit the kind of mass murder that would be necessary to save their civilization.

    The US should not get to cocky though, because Trump is a Jew stooge and the prospects there for the white European stock will also turn increasingly sour. In fact, the US nuclear arsenal has always belonged to Judea.

    Of course many people have been shouting that this is all according to Talmudic end time prophesies.

    Wolfgang Eggert’s War Prediction is Materializing

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  152. Anon001 says:

    Serbia was destroyed and betrayed in the 1990 before Putin took over.

    No, Putin just continued Russia’s betrayal of Serbia started by Gorbachev and Yeltsin [1][2].

    … to get rid of a Russian friendly leader and to break up the nation …

    Putin helped there too. Serbia was occupied in Oct 2000 in a coup d’état / color revolution helped by Putin/Primakov. Putin discussed Regime Change in Serbia with Bill Clinton prior to that [2], and further steps as well, post-coup.


    Many people miss the treachery of Putin (not the Russian people) towards Orthodox Christian Serbs/Serbia to suck up to and please the West, i.e. his much beloved and much worshiped “partners” including Turkey, as follows:

    1) Putin helped West’s colored revolution in Serbia in 2000 – when the West captured and colonized the entire country, installed their puppets, and looted everything. For this treachery, Putin got nothing from the West. Destruction of Serbia continues to this day in every way possible – NGOs, destruction of education, banks, economy, factories, culture, family, looting and theft of natural resources, dirty technologies, further hijacking/slicing of other areas of Serbia aside from Kosovo (like Province of Vojvodina, Sandzak/Raska Area), attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church using Phanar, etc.

    2) Putin withdrew Russian troops from Serbian province of Kosovo and from Serbian areas in Bosnia to please his beloved West, and got nothing in return.

    3) Putin helped break up unity of Montenegro and Serbia, by helping criminal and separatists elements in Montenegro. This was most likely done to please Russian oligarchs, that wanted Montenegro as their Adriatic Sea criminal vacation paradise and business operations base, and possibly to please the West again. After that separation was complete, Montenegro betrayed him and turned to the West. So he again betrayed Serbia for nothing.

    Those are the main treacheries of Putin towards the Orthodox Christian Serbs/Serbia, but not the only ones. There are many others, including UNSC Resolution 1244, allowing NATO to occupy Serbia’s Province of Kosovo!


    [1] Nine more declassified, revealing conversations between Vladimir Putin and Bill Clinton’s administration

    Some subtitles from the article [1]:
    – Putin asked Washington to mention sanctions against Russia less often
    – Putin asked Russia’s Central Bank to devalue the ruble
    – Putin promised to free an American spy before a court had even convicted him of espionage
    – Putin said he also would have bombed Iraq if he’d been in Clinton’s shoes


    [2] The regime changers Russia now rejects such talk as ‘color revolution,’ but Vladimir Putin and Bill Clinton discussed removing Slobodan Milosevic (Milošević) from power 20 years ago — Meduza

    700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  153. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Jihadis are cucks to Jews.

    Mohammad Marandi: Syrian Civil War, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Turkey, Israel, Russia, US, Iran, Palestine.

    Erdogan is worse than Netanyahu.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @Druid
  154. @Joe Levantine

    “Syrian Army that heroically resisted….”

    No: all the heavy lifting in the Syrian CW was done by Hezbollah and the Russian Air Force. The Syrian Army trailed along in the wake. And evidently nothing was done – by the Russians or the Syrians – to reform it since then. With most of Putin’s military bog’d in the Ukraine and Hez pulverized by Izrahell, NOW was the time for Izramerican/Turk proxies to strike at the weakest link in the chain of “resistance”: Syria. They have done so and won. For the time being…..

    •�Replies: @TitusAlone
  155. Sarita says:

    Putin sold, betrayed the Syrian regime ?
    Lol 😂😂😂
    Are you kidding?
    You’re all kind of late in realizing that.
    Israel attacked and killed many Syrian soldiers and civilians during the last ten years!!!!
    Every day or two Israel would bomb Syria!

    But Russia did nothing about it and while Putin played Assad and Iran the two just sat there mumbling as they got their asses kicked.
    Teheran never complained to Russia even thought it lost over 500 of its people including the ambassador!
    Where were the s-300s? Where were the s-400-s?
    Putin would be on the phone with Bibi everyday, laughing and joking!

    But Iran, Iran was good at killing their citizens during that period. There were riots twice in the last ten years with a terrible outcome: over two thousand people killed over a stupid hijab!

    Shame shame! 😞

    •�Replies: @Anon
  156. EdwardM says:
    @Kurt Knispel

    “Rare” in the sense that he is the fortunate son of a more effective tyrant. One of several sons, anyway; I don’t know why he got the job. Some comments above speculated that he’s a nice guy, not up for the role. Perhaps. Syria has been called a dictatorship without a dictator — i.e., ruled by the elite cabal, with Assad as the figurehead.

    He held it together and achieved modest prosperity for a long time given impossible circumstances. Syria has among the better human capital in the region (compared to the hapless Palestinians, Egyptians, Shia, etc.). Given the major internal divisions and Arabs’ propensity for squabbling in the most hostile of neighborhoods, that was quite an accomplishment. RIP.

  157. @Felpudinho

    “there is no way Putin will allow Damascus to fall”

    he already did. The only question is whether Babyface Tsar will fight to hold his military lodgements along the Syrian coast. I think the Russians might hang on for another month or two, then slink away.

    if not, when/if the Jihadis manage to distill some order out of the current Syrian chaos, they will certainly mount a direct attack – with Izramerican assistance – on those bases. Now….that will be “interesting”.

  158. raga10 says:

    Looks like Assads military have decided to let his government fall…no resistance.

    I don’t think Assad’s military have much say in this matter, not with their rank and file simply not willing to fight. Remember Afghanistan, how its military that Americans spent billions upon billions of dollars building up folded like a house of cards once Americans pulled out? The moment America stopped propping up the government that was never all that popular in the first place, rats jumped the ship in a matter of days even though their military actually was superior to Taliban on paper.

    Syria is going to be Russia’s Afghanistan unless they commit serious force to support Assad, like they did in 2016.

    (Actually Afghanistan *was* Russia’s Afghanistan, if you go back a bit further. Never mind…)

  159. anonymous[854] •�Disclaimer says:

    Look what an assassin and a zionist TRAITOR said:

    BREAKING: ‘US Shouldn’t Get Involved in Syria War’, Says Donald Trump –

    The following is a gift for the LIARS and ASSASSINS

    This was twitted by a zionist ASSASSIN and a liar:

    Opposition fighters in Syria, in an unprecedented move, have totally taken over numerous cities, in a highly coordinated offensive, and are now on the outskirts of Damascus, obviously preparing to make a very big move toward taking out Assad. Russia, because they are so tied up

    US is the main actor in Syrian war. Stop your fucking lies traitor. You and your whore going to WHORE House to collect money from the gullible Arab dictators to have a business in whore houses instead of ‘hotels’ where you could not run and all were bankrupt. You are a petty thief as well.

    How much did you sell the Nude photos of your whore?

  160. Outstanding article! Thank you.

  161. Wokechoke says:

    These points are more or less true.

    However sentiment in Montenegro is broadly anti Israeli and pro Palestinian. Who the elites are is another question.

  162. Sarita says:
    @Priss Factor

    “Jihadis are cucks to Jews.”

    That’s what Israel planned with Hamas. That’s what the US planned with Al Qaeda.
    They turned on them.
    Hamas used Israel.
    Al Qaeda used the US.
    Jihadists know what Jews are, more than Christians obviously.
    That guy in there pfffffffffffffff

  163. Wokechoke says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    What Trump does is largely moot.

    Whites have badly slipped in the US. Even here it’s just a matter of time.

    •�Agree: Pepé Le Pew
  164. @raga10

    Shrug, they are all Muslims in the end, let them kill each other. I just want to see Russia humiliated and preferably losing their bases in Syria. That’s what I want for this Christmas!

    I agree and it looks like Christmas is coming early.

    The rebels are on the outskirts of Damascus.

    •�Disagree: Druid
  165. @Wokechoke

    Egyptian friends of mine are very worried about the current situation. They know the score with Syria. There is a similar offensive going on in Sudan – backed by Israel’s ally, the UAE.

    Egypt is between Libya, Sudan and Gaza. All territories devestated by war. Egypt could be next.

  166. Rurik says:


    Opposition fighters in Syria, in an unprecedented move, have totally taken over numerous cities, in a highly coordinated offensive, and are now on the outskirts of Damascus, obviously preparing to make a very big move toward taking out Assad. Russia, because they are so tied up in Ukraine, and with the loss there of over 600,000 soldiers, seems incapable of stopping this literal march through Syria, a country they have protected for years. This is where former President Obama refused to honor his commitment of protecting the RED LINE IN THE SAND, and all hell broke out, with Russia stepping in. But now they are, like possibly Assad himself, being forced out, and it may actually be the best thing that can happen to them. There was never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obama look really stupid. In any event, Syria is a mess, but is not our friend, & THE UNITED STATES SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT. LET IT PLAY OUT. DO NOT GET INVOLVED!


  167. @Haxo Angmark

    As you say – for the time being. It ain’t over till it’s over, as we saw in Afghanistan.

    A player which will enter the mix in Syria is Iraq. They detest Turkey, for good reason, knowing that Turkey inflicted ISIS upon them.

  168. It’s time for Iran to come to the party BIG TIME. They’ve been promising Operation Payback or whatever they’re calling it – now’s the time to hammer Israel with a zillion unstoppable missiles – along with US bases in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Washington wants to spread Russian commitments – maybe time to find out how much Russia’s allies can share the load.

  169. DanFromCT says:

    You raise the most obvious point that’s lacking in many analyses—your point that Russia could not have missed so massive a build-up, and because they obviously did not, what are the implciations.

  170. @GeneralRipper

    LOL you are upset with the wrong person.

    It’s the dwarf king you idealize that abandoned Assad.

    Everyone can see what happens when you put trust into a mass murdering Tsar to provide the security.

    I’m gonna take a nap and then I’ll check the progress of the rebels. Should be good. I’ll crack a beer and put a live cam of Damascus on the big screen. Let me know if you want to rant at me later.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @GeneralRipper
  171. raga10 says:
    @Poupon Marx

    I’ve yet to witness or apprehend an army or ground force that can prevail without mastery of the skies.

    Taliban: Zero presence in the sky, swift victory nevertheless. And that’s against the opponent that did (in theory at least) have an air force of their own.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  172. Notsofast says:

    the situation may already be turning as the russians have returned to tartus, after a naval exercise in the mediterranean, readying their hypersonic missile response, this is a message to the entire mediterranean region that they are easily within reach of unstoppable russian missiles. zato got the message but the zogstream media reported the russians were pulling out. gee, how could they have gotten it so wrong? oh that’s right that’s their job!

    the russians don’t telegraph their intent, while beating their chests like wardrums, they keep a low profile and play their cards close to the vest. the lack of public response from them, as well as the iranians and chinese is a sign of strength, not weakness. even as the zogstream media, light their heads on fire, celebrating the “rebel freedom fighters”, just as they did when zato began their ill-fated “invasion” of kursk.

    the russians kept a low profile allowing the idiots, to walk into a trap, that has destroyed the last of ukraines serious storm troopers and zato mercenaries, leaving them to now conscript the 18 yo. as the new solution. when they attacked russia, all bets were off. now erdogan has made the same mistake and all bets are off once again.

    i’m a little surprised by mike’s response, as well as pepe escobar’s similar reaction, i guess that keeps their followers hanging on the edge of their seats and allows the follow up articles of the cavalry coming to the rescue.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
    , @ariadna
    , @Wokechoke
  173. bjondo says:

    Damascus will not be taken by lunatics.

    DC has fallen, Jerusalem will fall.
    Errdogone will become dog food.

    The City of London becomes sewage.

    Minarets replace the Eiffel monstrosity.

    Welcome 2025. Men replace Agenda 2030


  174. Quite disspiriting for those of us raised in a ‘High Trust’ culture.

  175. Hegar says:
    @John Johnson

    You are quoting Reuters about the horrible Assad, and you pretend that the SYRIAN PEOPLE are “voting by AK-47.” And pretending that Israel isn’t involved.

    Filthy Jew propaganda. The Islamists are Erdogan-armed Turkmen Erdogan-armed foreigners, which anyone who reads up on them the slightest will know. The war started with Iraqi Sunnis and Kurds attacking the government. Every story about the Islamists in northern Syria has confirmed that they are Turkmen and foreigners.

    And Israel has been bombing Syria’s military infrastructure for years, and bombed those Iraqis and Iranians who have tried to help them.

    Israel demanded that Syria be sanctioned and the obedient U.S. did so, destroying 85 percent of Syria’s economy.

    Now keep lying, Schmuel.

    •�Agree: Titus7
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  176. @Anon001

    Watching the russboos and Putin blowjobbers eat crow for the last 3years has been great. The betrayal at khashem, retards thinking Utkin and Prigo weren’t right to march on Moscow, allowing shoygoy and gerasimov to turn Ukraine into a meat grinder. Putin had his chance to prove himself great instead he’s been revealed to be another grifters. Same will be for the drag-on emperor xi when he is encircled by all his customers but wouldn’t dare get involved militarily. They all sell out.

  177. Anon[327] •�Disclaimer says:

    Quite a commotion by the JTRIG pedobots! Let us parse the message: Putin is an unreliable ally; [losing Where, in Ukraine, where’s that?]; WWII Blitzkrieg shit.

    We shall see.

  178. Mossad’s execution of 9-11 should have been a wake up call.
    You guys subscribed to the phony WMD and coyote planes dissapearing into the babylonian twin towers whilst your intuition should have kicked in and told you something is not right.
    9-11 should have been the litmus test for truth but you conveniently ignored it. You looked the other way due to cognitive dissonance.
    With all these bogus wars on terror and non-ending hoaxes you have unwittingly supported the Zionist Satanic push for one world disorder.
    At this point, all you can do is repent for your sins and start fighting back the criminal enterprize who are in charge of orchestrating all these bogus war on terror, creating these monstrous, diabolical, sinister ISISraHELL with the help of al-CIA-da and MOSSAD.
    Alternate would be to sit back and enjoy bigger fireworks than 9-11 coming near you whilst they prepare greater IzraHELL for the coming of their Yahweh, The Anti-Christ dajjal who will globalize his reign of terror from Jerusalem.
    Either way buckle up for a roller coaster ride with some of these demonic, totally psychopathic, diabolical, sinister, pathological liars and corrupters of mother earth. You reap what you sow.


    •�Replies: @Anynomous
    , @Titus7
  179. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Vileness of the Ugly American. Intervenes in other countries and mess things up but the argument is “We shouldn’t get involved”.

    •�Replies: @Thrallman
  180. Rurik says:

    Well, from my perch, unlike Pepe or others, who’ve got more inside info than I do, it’s hard to say.

    I hope you’re right that the ((Western media)) is getting this wrong, but the news coming from Russia and elsewhere doesn’t sound too good.

    My theory is that what’s behind this, is Israel’s determination to annex the Golan Heights, with UN recognition, (or at least the UN looks the other way) so Genie can start pumping, and Bibi can ethnically cleanse out all the non-Jews.

    As long as it’s officially sovereign Syrian territory, it makes doing those things inconvenient.

    Also, a failed Syrian state, can be carved up by the jackals like Turkey, who even now claims the Hatay Province as its own, even tho it’s arguably still Syrian territory. Certainly it’s disputed.


    What I’d like to see are more hazelnuts, making an appearance. The Russians seem to be the only adults in the room. China too, but this doesn’t seem to involve them too much. We all need to see lots of hazelnuts, as I’m hoping they’re being manufactured with great enthusiasm.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  181. @Notsofast

    “if Syria falls…the whole world falls to these disgusting Zionist pigs”

    no, it means no such thing. The current collapse of the Shi’a “axis of resistance” in the Middle East is only one element of the much larger struggle of ethno-nationalism against Judeo-globohomo. The struggle will continue, and the ultimate outcome remains to be determined.

    just in: some indications that Russian naval units – a couple destroyers and some auxiliary vessels – have sailed from Tartus. But similar reports came out several days ago, and were false.

    just in: thousands of Assad troops in southeastern Syria, cut off from Damascus, fleeing into Iraq.

    Putin’s dim-bulb FM Lavrov @ Doha confab w Turk/Iran FM: “we weren’t supporting any particular faction…”. And this idiot expects to be taken seriously on any issue?

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  182. ariadna says:

    I think you are wrong on this one.

    “the russians don’t telegraph their intent, while beating their chests like wardrums, they keep a low profile and play their cards close to the vest.”

    They kept their profile low so successfully that they made themselves nearly invisible.
    Whatever cards they kept ‘close to their vest’ are useless now. Les jeux sont faits, riens vas plus, Monsieur Putin. It’s late, very late and the croupiers are already counting the House take. The Russians were not fooled; they threw the game.
    They will come to regret it. That will come when they attempt to cash their chips and find out they are fake. In the game of deceit and double dealing they are 3,000 years of experience behind their opponents.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  183. Wokechoke says:

    Most likely this is the great divorce between Alawites and their landlocked desert dwelling Sunni cousins.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  184. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    You are the one attached to Assad. by no means does the dissolution of Syria affect Russian naval basing.

    It does however allow the Israelis to take over Damascus. If they dare.

  185. @John Johnson

    LOL you are upset with the wrong person.

    It’s the dwarf king you idealize that abandoned Assad.

    Everyone can see what happens when you put trust into a mass murdering Tsar to provide the security.

    I’m gonna take a nap and then I’ll check the progress of the rebels. Should be good. I’ll crack a beer and put a live cam of Damascus on the big screen. Let me know if you want to rant at me later.

    Once again, what sort of man cheerleads for wars that he has no stake in, and sacrifices NOTHING for?

    We all know you’re a sick weirdo Chickenhawk fuck, but we’re just trying to narrow it down.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  186. anon[314] •�Disclaimer says:

    The real question is: Where the f…. are Iran, Russia, Iraq, Hezbollah?

    At least Russia never bragged about sending troops to Syria like Iran, Iraq and Hezbollah did.

    As for the usual US-zionist lackeys Egypt and Jordan, no surprise, they are the biggest israeli puppets in the region.

    The Russian attitude is extremely strange.

    NATO/US/turkey/israel attacks Syria: they do the minimum, they have naval forces in the Mediterranean and yet don’t even use them.

    They let the double faced coward Erdogan publically mock and insult them by his permanent stabs in the back and treachery.

    They let the US/NATO perpetrate a coup in Romania cancelling fair elections because they own the prostitutes of the actual Romanian establishement.

    They let Georgia becoming another Ukraine at theri southern door.

    After having let the same enemies intent on destroying Russia helping Ukraine to send missiles in Russia.

    what is wrong with them?

    Suicide, complicity, paper tiger ?

    If they lose Syria, they will lose very big.

    Again, if Putin and his government are not up to the task, let real nationalists take command.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  187. Anon[177] •�Disclaimer says:

    But Iran, Iran was good at killing their citizens during that period.

    You are too gullible to talk about Iran. The point is that Assad is with the resistant movement and Iran for over 5 decades and continue to be, contrary to the faggot Arabs who are serving the genocidal zionists like whore Erdogan : Saudis, UAE, Kuwit, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar and the rest of the clowns that you are with.
    You are not in a position to talk about Iran. Iran is under severe sanction by the genocidal West to create economic dissatisfaction to bring people into the street to do regime change. How many times the genocidal West have tried to topple the Iranian government with FAGGOT Arabs’ funding but it failed? Iran is not Saudi Arabia where people are jailed, even executed, for expressing their views on tweeter. In Saudi Arabia you will be jaiedl for 35 years if you re-twit a fucking message critical of the faggot MBS.

    over two thousand people killed over a stupid hijab!

    You are so gullible to believe the lies of the West and the traitor opposition groups who LIE to get money. Fuck the gullible people who belie 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas, Fuck the gullible people who believe the zionist lies that the ‘hostages’ were raped by Hamas. Israel raped Palestinians, but the whore, Ammanpour, never make an issue to talk about it.
    Fuck the gullible people who believe the lies intelligence services, Christian Amanpour, a MI6 agent who poses as a Journalist, spreading zionost lies that Iranians are raped by the guard in prison with Zero credible document. Propaganda LIES is the weapon of the west against humanity is believe by the illiterate people ONLY.
    You can listen to the LIES of the following Mossad agent as much as you want until you drop dead.

    •�Agree: JPS, Quincas Borba
  188. Anynomous says:

    People must always remember that when the sick and criminal american and british empires finally fall, terrorists are not human or soldiers, they are all “enemy combatants”, terrorists and bad guys. American and british do not give their enemies their rights, you must never give this animal scum either.

    We will eventually set up Nuremberg 2.0 for american and british sick fucks as well. Their empires need to die before justice can be finally served to this animal waste.

    •�Troll: JPS
  189. ivan says:
    @Event Horizon

    The internet is overrun with pro-China trolls who will retail tales of Chinese intervention to support
    the righteous. This was true even in 2016, when Chinese were supposed to intervene in Syria according to the trolls. In reality the Chinese are only concerned about their own interests.

    Putin was high-fiving Erdogan – apparently he had warned Erdogan about that attempted coup some time back. He certainly looks like a chump now.

    As to what Chinese intervention really looks like on the ground, one can find no better example than their interference in Myanmar, where they play all sides against each other, to secure their own material interests.


    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
  190. @GeneralRipper

    Once again, what sort of man cheerleads for wars that he has no stake in, and sacrifices NOTHING for?

    I stated the reasons why I’ll be happy if Assad is removed. I want him out, you want him in, what difference does it make if I have opposing reasons? It’s in the best interest of Ukraine and Germany for him to be removed. I’ve explained why and can elaborate further if you would like. If you prioritize other countries or reasons then so be it. That’s often the nature of politics.

    Do you really have that hard of a time with someone on the internet disagreeing with you?

    It’s not up to us so calm down. You are getting far too emotionally agitated by a forum.

    The Syrians are voting by AK-47 and the results could be in by Monday.

    Looks like your dwarf king is going to completely abandon him. Hmmmmm….pity…..(cracks open a beer).

    •�Troll: Thrallman, Xavier, Anonymousrgc
    •�Replies: @GeneralRipper
  191. @raga10

    That was a twenty year war of attrition. The country of Afghanistan has no major urban centers and is extremely mountainous. The war was fought in the shadows in classical guerillafashion, i.e., hit and run, with no front or fixed battlement position. The theater of war was their home country; they were not invaders or interlopers.

    Syria is quite different in all aspects from the above mentioned. Every aspect of the war machine of the multi-national invasion force is equipment, materiel*

    *”Materiel” is the equipment or supplies used by military forces.

    They have taken over or will develop many physical plants of buildings, generating equipment, ammo dumps, defense emplacements that are fixed and permanent. Like Ukraine, the Russians and Iranians will wear them down and bleed them to death.

    This entire enterprise will ultimately fail. The US does not have the capacity to maintain a force presence or logistical supply line. The dim bulbs who organized and funded this invasion will regret it due to the lasting stigma of working with Israel against the interests of their Muslim cousins. The entire World’s opprobrium directed at Israel will now extend to the aforementioned nations run by fools who cannot see beyond the short horizon.

    NATO and the EU are breaking down steadily. The big loser of all this will be Turkey. Its standing among the -stans of Turk people will be reduced, its relationship with Russia damaged perhaps beyond repair, and hitching its wagon to the fading star of the Western powers will cause it long lasting harm.

    I believe Erdogan’s standing with the Turkish people will suffer and may result in his removal.

    •�Thanks: Anonymousrgc
    •�Replies: @raga10
  192. @AriusArmenian

    ever hear of donmeh, aghpair? you shouldn’t be the least surprised… what may surprise you is that the Young Turks were crypto jews and THEY were the architects of our people’s Genocide with the turks and kurds doing the evil bloodwork. get and read cjb books… The Jewish genocide of the Armenian Christians… your world will change

    •�Agree: John Trout, Quincas Borba
  193. Sarita says:

    “Most likely this is the great divorce between Alawites and their landlocked desert dwelling Sunni cousins.”

    Those were never cousins or whatever because Sunnis consider shias, alawites, yazidis, Fatimids etc to be kafirun.

    Takfirism is the idea that involves accusing other Muslims of being infidels or apostates.

    They hate each other.
    This ignorant, retarded way of life has led to self destruction.
    Tensions between the two groups have increased in recent decades, especially in the Middle East. The Iranian Revolution led to the rise of a Shia theocracy that has supported Shias in other countries, and Shia-dominated governments in Iraq and Syria have committed violence against Sunni populations.
    Sunnis make up the majority of the world’s Muslim population, estimated to be 90%.

    Bye, Gotta go watch the novela in Telemundo.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  194. Sarita says:

    “Eventually, though, a Sunni leader is going to emerge that’s willing to go up against Israel.”
    Damned right!
    You mean a Calipha?
    Once installed, hopefully the victory will dramatically reverberate (lol, what a word) throughout the 23 Arab countries -and beyond- and every single one of them mfukin zionist rulers will be chased and hanged Ceausescu style.
    Iran will then explode and the mullahs will be chased, caught, decapitated and castrated. Castrated first, then decapitated.
    I want MBS. Wanna see what’s under that “Abaya”.
    (Probably tiny).


  195. meamjojo says:

    “Will Damascus Fall?”

    It has! Hey Palestinians, need a place to move?

    Assad regime collapses as Syrian rebels enter Damascus
    Barak Ravid
    7 Dec 2024

  196. well… don’t need to read this now… Syria has fallen and the Zionist are pretty much untouchable now. It’s a very dark day. I suspect Syria will be carved up and be a mess for the foreseeable future, and Israel will benefit greatly. I have no clue what Russia is going to do they just lost an extremely valuable port. Let’s hope these extremists that the zio cucks in Washington and the Israelis armed and aided in taking over the country don’t start mass murdering people, which is not out of the realm of possibilities.

    Whatever Assad was he was holding the country together. I imagine he was probably a decent guy since he was so heavily demonized by the devils that run things. I hope he escapes are has a swift end and doesn’t get sadistically murdered like Gaddafi.

  197. Anynomous says:
    @Yehudi Arabia

    It wasnt just Mossad. 911 was coalition of american, british and many elite jews. They all split a pie, war booty. Normal american and british have always hugely benefited from american and british imperialism, as well as strong state.

  198. ANoN[212] •�Disclaimer says:

    FUCK LAVROV, shame on Putin. Death to China

    Lavrov at the Doha Forum:

    “I’m not in the business of guessing” – Russian FM Lavrov on whether Assad in Syria will survive or fall. Lavrov goes out of his way to avoid criticizing Turkey and its role in Syria.

    •�LOL: John Johnson
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  199. meamjojo says:

    This does seem like a good point in time to redraw the Middle East Map!

  200. Anonymous[212] •�Disclaimer says:

    fuck off Jewish mafia Troll!

  201. @JohnSmith001

    Whatever Assad was he was holding the country together. I imagine he was probably a decent guy since he was so heavily demonized by the devils that run things.

    You would imagine wrong.

    His government relied heavily on torture to suppress the Sunni majority.

    He maintained a professional appearance but was a complete psycho.

    Assad didn’t even put up a fight. He hopped on a plane.

    •�Replies: @JohnSmith001
  202. raga10 says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Syria is quite different in all aspects from the above mentioned.

    Be that as it may, you claimed that you are “yet to witness or apprehend an army or ground force that can prevail without mastery of the skies” so I gave you just such an example, end of story. I might only add that Taliban actually accomplished this feat twice – recently against the American puppet government, but before then also against the Soviets who definitely had significant support from their air force.

  203. Common Time says: •�Website

    ..U R a cheap Russian troll..!

  204. Will Damascus fall?

    It has fallen.

    Will the American and Russian presents now be removed by force.

    Erdogan has succeeded.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  205. @Rurik

    ZOG is the head-honcho. It rules over Western Europe and Canada and now Sweden and Finland and many other nations, like England, in even more absolute terms, than it does the ZUS, who still at least has its guns and its freedom of speech.

    I know that. ZOG is the hub, the central command post, but I am talking about one of its appendages, one of its spokes, as it does not often act directly.

    The rest of your posting is rather vague, a “Let’s get together”, campus like rally of featured speakers. I never spent more than a few moments of these or rallied, or marched, etc. while in university. Hippie and glassy eyed college chicks were so eeeaassy– as a colleague of mine from Sweden said about his old country’s women. [He hated Sweden and considered Swedes to be greyed out bots.]

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  206. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    So, we’re back to AlQaeda are freedom fighters. Surreal.

    In a way, this is a ‘Western’ backed coup.
    In another way, it’s the final removal of a power structure imposed by the Western Imperialists.
    Alawite rule in Syria was never natural. A small minority ruling over Sunnis and other bigger groups?
    It was a ploy used by Western Empire to indirectly rule Syria. Place a minority in power and it will rely more on foreign support(which was then entirely Western).

    Now, that last remnant of Western historical creation is gone from Syria.

    Syria will be a hellish mess(once against for Arab Christians) but arrive at a more natural equilibrium, like when Iraq went from minority Sunni rule to majority Shia rule… ironically as the result of US invasion.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  207. Sarita says:

    “Will Damascus Fall?”

    It has! Hey Jews, gotta place to move to?
    Get your ugly asses ready!

  208. @meamjojo

    I don’t think so…its the opposite…Israelis should look for a new home.

  209. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Not necessarily.

    New Syria may turn out to be worse for Israel.
    Remember Israel once backed Hamas and Hezbollah against secular PLO and Lebanese regimes. How did that turn out?

    Also, even though Russia and Iran has advantages in Syria, it also had burdens there. Now, they’re free of the obligations. Was the US hurt by leaving South Vietnam and Afghanistan?

    Syria was a huge headache for Russia and Iran. A setback but they’re now free of that clusterfuc*.
    Let Syrians, the lunatics and moderates, make their own bed.

    It won’t be easy for Turkey, Israel, and the West to sort things out in Syria. They own it now, like Iraq and Libya(that set off a huge migrant crisis to the West).

    •�Agree: Poupon Marx
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  210. Thrallman says:
    @Priss Factor

    Trump knows Americans all too well. “Stay out of it” is a popular thing to say. In February this year, most Americans were unaware of US involvement:

    The majority of respondents were unaware U.S. troops are currently stationed in Syria.


  211. anon[213] •�Disclaimer says:

    Christaine Amanpour talks one on one with Syria’s controversial president, now at odds with the White House.


    AMANPOUR: It accuses you of facilitating, providing safe haven, and now actively supporting the insurgency in Iraq.

    The Syrian government is clearly not doing everything that it could to stop the flow of people, money, equipment across the border from Syrian into Iraq to support insurgent activity there

    American officials say Syria continues to allow scores of young Arabs from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Syria, itself, to cross into Iraq to fight

    Aamanpour: Mr President, you know the rhetoric of regime change is headed towards you, from the United States. They are actively looking for a new Syrian leader. They are granting visas and visit to Syrian opposition politicians. They’re talking about isolating you, diplomatically, then perhaps a coup d’etat or your regime crumbling. What are you thinking about that?



    Terrorists coming from Saudi,Yemen ,Egypt?

    Why did not Bush bastard go Egypt or Saudi?

    Why does Bush bastard say now nothing about terrorists coming to Syria?

    Why does not or cant US control its Mexican border?

    Whenever this bastard country points a finger at another, four fingers are pointed back at it. But those fingers are frozen, still pointing at its soulless, zombie-like body.

  212. raga10 says:

    I imagine he was probably a decent guy since he was so heavily demonized by the devils that run things. I hope he escapes are has a swift end and doesn’t get sadistically murdered like Gaddafi.

    No mate, he was not a decent guy but it looks like you’ll get your wish: he got on a plane and vanished, apparently literally – the plane he was allegedly on vanished from the tracking system.

    Now the question is, will *I* get my wish? Regarding Russia being humiliated, yes – mission accomplished. But as for them losing their bases in Syria… probably not. I suspect that whoever takes control now will want to avoid open confrontation with Russia. Russia on their part will get over their humiliation and as long as they get to keep their bases I suspect they won’t miss Assad all that much.

    •�Replies: @Robert Bruce
    , @Haxo Angmark
  213. raga10 says:

    I am really curious as to what happened to Bashar’s plane… the reports say it “disappeared from the radar” but that’s according to data from the site Flightradar, which contrary to its name doesn’t actually rely on any radars but on ADS-B signals transmitted by the planes. The difference is that if the plane really disappears from the radar, as used by traffic control, it often means it crashed. Loss of ADS-B signal on the other hand will often mean that the plane turned its transmitter off, possibly because it doesn’t want to be tracked.

    We will see.

  214. It’s over. Our only concern should be the fate of the Christians in Syria.

    •�Agree: Quincas Borba
    •�Replies: @Anonymous534
  215. @raga10

    Putin is a globalist pure and simple. He needed to go all in full force in Ukraine. He will give Western international finance Ukraine and Russia. Face it boys, the jig is up. Nobody is coming to the rescue. We need a second revolution, pure and simple. There are no proxy armies for those who love freedom.

    •�Agree: Event Horizon
  216. Druid says:
    @Priss Factor

    How can he possibly believe 911 was al qaeda and not an onside job by mossad, neocons, etc. amazing oversight on hispart. All the proof is available

  217. that mizrahi tweet was some “god mode” forward thinking and he’s probably right to the point of almost objective certitude.

    assad is done for now. the jew nazis are also spread thin, though. they rushed this when it was supposedly scheduled for march and the faggot trash talk of “any aid or troops will be attacked” would be less faggoty if they hadn’t already done just that for several years already.

    as for china, it’s funny how putin simps use the excuse of “OMG 404 THO” yet they’ve never heard of two little towns named “hong kong” and “taiwan” (and for that matter, “japan” or “seoul” or “india”). manage those threats while growing like a confucian kaiju feasting on a nuclear power plant. do that. then lecture us all about “derp china doesn’t send cannon fodder”.

    if someone turned my comments that “this shit ain’t checkers: it’s chess” into a drinking game there would be a rush on liver transplants, but…yeah. T S A C I C.

  218. @Priss Factor

    Syria was a huge headache for Russia and Iran. A setback but they’re now free of that clusterfuc*.

    LOL you should apply for Lavrov’s job. The guy is probably about the blow his brains out just like a dirty lawyer that has to lie for a murderer.



    Nevermind that Putin was paid to defend Assad.

    Putin’s reputation just took a bigley dive in the Middle East.

    The Muslims only respect strength and Putin didn’t even put up a fight.

    Not even one turtle tank was left defending Damascus.

    •�Replies: @barr
    , @Wokechoke
    , @Priss Factor
  219. @ANoN

    “I’m not in the business of guessing” – Russian FM Lavrov on whether Assad in Syria will survive or fall. Lavrov goes out of his way to avoid criticizing Turkey and its role in Syria.

    Baghdad Lavrov is one of the most entertaining personalities in international politics.

    ……Gosh…….Syria…..what is happening there…….a lot could happen………I’m not in the business of guessing

    Well Lavrov your country was paid to protect them and you somehow missed an armored column coming in from Turkey.

    Putin defenders this is probably your best opportunity to find a new hobby.

    Russia somehow missed both the Kursk and Turkish incursions.

    Russia had jets in the air over Aleppo which means in theory they could have strafed the column as it entered. But they missed it.

  220. @Notsofast

    From the latest news, it looks like the Syrian secular regime is done.

    This all goes into the plan stated by Albert Pike in his ‘Three Wars Letter” whereby the last world war would pit the Muslim world against the Zionists (de facto the Western powers) in a struggle that is so devastating that people will look for salvation from Lucifer.

    Syria is the cradle of Christianity and despite all the Muslim and Mongolian-Turkic invasions and occupations of Syria, Christianity managed to survive. Now most Syrian Christians would end up with few unpalatable options: convert to Islamic fundamentalism, live as second class Dhimmy, or leave the country. The third option is the most probable. The Christian in Lebanon, already battered and mostly spread in the diaspora will get thinner. The Gulf war against Iraq reduced the Christian community to a shadow of its previous self, and the 20% Christian community in Palestine went to below 2%.

    So one would ask “where all of this should lead”, and the answer is the gray color( Middle Eastern Christians) in the world of East and West will have been totally erased in favor of Black and White with the West looking at the East as culturally hostile and vice versa. And Israel is bound to be the greatest winner from any such conflict. And let us review how this unholy state came into being: the idea was imposed on the British during WWI, executed during and after WWII, expanded during the Cold War, and WWIII should simply lead to Greater Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile.

    Satan is summoning his columns towards the greater showdown. The prospect of a peaceful solution to great powers rivalry has taken a mortal blow.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  221. @Phibbs

    The Jew-owned U.S. government hates all Christians.

  222. Bad news for Lebanon. This means the supply lines to Hezbollah from Iran are cut. Big advantage for Israel.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Xavier
    , @Miro23
    , @A123
  223. @meamjojo

    Meamjojo :

    “Will Damascus Fall?”

    It has! Hey Palestinians, need a place to move?

    The Pals could potentially relocate to Syria under a globally coordinated population transfer plan.

    Meanwhile Gamal Suleiman, a member of the Syrian opposition and a famous actor of Palestinian origin, has announced that he intends to run for the presidency of Syria in a transparent, open and fair election under the auspices of the United Nations.

    •�Replies: @A123
  224. Smith says:

    I cannot believe a 10 year war can be lost in 10 days.

    I’m gonna shed a tear.

  225. Well Damascus has fallen. What we are seeing is not possible without complete collusion between all the ‘actors’ involved in Syria, including Russia, Iran, USA and the supporting cast.

    I cannot but wonder what kind of a foul deal has been struck between these minions of the Synagogue of Satan. This should tell us that all of the main players are in on fulfilling the “Protocols” for their masters and a scripted world war is coming to massively cull the herd of us useless eaters (especially white people).

  226. Israeli patrols entered the town of Khan Arnabah in Quneitra province, killing one man.

    Well that’s good to know, eh? And

    Reports by the Times of Israel indicate that artillery strikes were launched in the region, although the specific targets remain unclear.


  227. barr says:
    @John Johnson

    What does West respect? Israel.
    What does Israel respect? Benjamin.
    What does Benjamin respect?Oil.
    Muslims have oil.

    Look at Gazan. Without US daily supply of everything the battlefield needs,the counyry worshipling Benjamin would have been missing from the map months ago.

  228. @raga10



    with Jihadis now w/in 20 miles of the Latakia airbase – and not much further from Tartus – Putin may have decided on an orderly pull-out now rather than a catastrophic rout later. Fact is, if they are willing to take some heavy casualties — and using captured Syrian AFVs — the Jihadis could storm both bases within hours.

  229. Xavier says:
    @Commentator Mike

    This is by far the worst outcome. Hezbollah was the only force that could somewhat keep that nasty squatter state in check. But on a somewhat optimistic note, it is interesting to see how the world is becoming more jew-wise. No matter how this ends, Jews will from this point on forever be seen as race of gangsters and parasites.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine, John Trout
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  230. Here is a link to another very detailed article about what has been happening in Syria:

    Source of whole article: https://marxist.com/the-unravelling-of-syria-a-legacy-of-imperialist-war-and-meddling.htm

    In yet another sudden and sharp event, highly characteristic of the period of history we are living through, a surprise offensive by Syrian Islamist militants is fast unravelling Syria. Israel’s western-backed wars against Gaza and Lebanon have upended the fragile equilibrium in the Middle East and pulled a thread that has begun unwinding the fabric of the region.

    Starting on 27 November, as a ceasefire was being implemented in neighboring Lebanon between Hezbollah and Israel, the offensive launched by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) who control the northwestern governorate of Idlib, rapidly overran Aleppo – the country’s second-largest city – and as of yesterday, the strategic city of Hama. The city of Homs, yet another key city, is now under threat and could fall at any moment. This would leave the regime controlled coastal areas of Latakia split from the capital, Damascus, with a total collapse of the Assad regime a direct possibility. Syria is staring down an abyss of barbarism.


  231. @ANON

    We will know for certain whether Putin was in on it at the next BRICS emergency meeting, or by the lack of it.

    If BRICS makes no statement or sanctions against Turkey for their proxy invasion of Syria, then we can in the future refer to them as the CUCKS alliance.

    The UN and the EU will also have to address what happened. At some point humanity is going to have to deal with the flagrant violation of “sacrosanct” borders that Judea can walk all over with impunity.

  232. Wokechoke says:
    @Priss Factor

    40% chance the coastal area becomes a new Phoenicia.

    The Alawites can’t easily live in the same state as Sunnis. Kurds might as well be a separate state.

    Turn Damascus into a Jew occupation like Gaza too.

    •�Replies: @Priss Factor
  233. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    We know you are Jewish. Enjoy the apparent victory over Assad via support for radical Sunnis. By all means enjoy!

  234. Here is a great debate about what is going in Syria

  235. @anonymous

    Well articulated response. Interesting to note you seem to have multiple accounts, a good troll indicator.

  236. Wokechoke says:

    If I understand the case against Assad correctly he’s cornered the Middle East meth market. This isn’t the first narco state to come and go.

    The Russians can sponsor the Alawites on the coast even if the Jews run Damascus via their new shiny Sunni proxy army. Damascus is an inland city. It’s not Tartus and Latakia. Much less an Alawites stronghold. Let the Jews run Damascus. Enjoy!

  237. We are in the middle of a world war of the rich against the poor.

    From my own perspective, what we are witnessing in this world is really a class world war, of the poor against the rich. Notice how the majority of poor lower income and lower middle class people of the world all support the Palestine cause, the progressive anti-imperialists, anti-zionism forces of this world, (Putin, Iran, China, Maduro, Nicaragua, Bashar-Al Assad, Cuba, Colombia, the working classes and the other progressive popular organizations of the world, etc), and here in USA the lower income sectors who are not part of the bourgeoise upper middle classes all support grass roots movements, alternative websites, Jill Stein, Berny Sanders, Judge Napolitano, Paul Craig Roberts, Chris Hedges, etc

    The low-income sector of the USA and the whole world who is smarter than the higher income sectors are not celebrating christmas, are not decorating their houses with christmas lights and christmas trees, because the low income sector not only doesn’t have a lot of money for christmas, but also is aware that we are living at the edge of a nuclear war, climate disasters, genocide, hunger, poverty etc. And you cannot celebrating any thing when the whole world is collapsing

    It is almost impossible for a bourgeoise high-income yuppie to support and read Chris Hedges, or Paul Craig Roberts

    While the higher-income sectors of the world, including the upper layer of the the middle classes are totally zionists.

    Because if you think about it, the middle class is really a class that is very anti-change. They are all celebrating christmas, the zionists anti-change middle classes are very loyal to christmas, they have a lot of money for pleasures.

    Go to any middle class, or talk to any of your middle classes families who have their kitchens full of food, who own big houses and big vehicles and you will see how pro-Israel, pro-Trump, pro-Democrats they are. And talk about how Israel is mass-murdering Palestines and they will tell you that Hamas and Hezbollah are evil terrorists. all support pro-zionists governments, oligarchic neoliberal governments.

    And probably the middle class feels very happy when they see that one of their enemies (Bashar Al Assad) is falling down. Like when Obama killed the fake-Bin Laden (Because the real Bin Laden died in 2001. And when Hillary Clinton killed Qaddafi many of my middle class families were happy, when Hugo Chavez was killed by the CIA, many anti-change middle class people probably were very happy

    People are wrong in blaming and attacking only Netanyahu, Joe Biden, Trump, NATO and the oligarchy. The middle class because of their size, which is larger than the zionists ruling classes represents a much harder enemy to defeat ideologically and politically. They are totally mind manipulated by their middle class media (FOX news, CNN, CBS, NBC, Univision, Telemundo, Washington Times, New York Times, USA Today, Miami Herald, talk shows like Bill Maher, progressive anti-change middle class networks like Thom Hartmann, The Young Turks, David Pakman, (fake-leftists for bourgeoise leftists revisionists)

    And there is no way in this world that you will be able to reason with a mind controlled middle class person. If you tell them that Israel is very evil and that USA needs a second war of independence against the zionist-oligarchic ruling class and against the state of Israel, they will hate you for ever !!

    Read this article about how counter-productive for a true change the middle classes are:


  238. 1-Bad news for Pepe. The axis of resistance has been broken.
    2-Iran is next in line.
    3-Putin has lost the remainder of his always doubtful credibility.
    4-Russia will loose the war in Ukraine.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  239. @Felpudinho

    It is done and the Syrian regime is finished.

    The Empire struck back with vengeance in response to its humiliating defeat in Ukraine. But before the Zionists start cheering, I would remind them that this is one battle won among many others lost in a long war that will go on for years. The Russians have surely made contingencies for the possibility of the Assad regime falling and what might follow. Syria looks like it is bound for partition and the coastal area which is dominated by the Alawites would most probably coalesce in its enclave while keeping a close relationship with Russia. The Russo-Turkish detente will be under enormous strain from Turkey’s stab in the back to Putin’s Russia. And the one thing that the Empire seeks to preserve as the holy of holies, the unipolarity of the Washington-London axis will not survive a full showdown with the Russo- Chinese challenge that will not settle for less than multipolarity.

    The biggest loser in this unfolding scenario is the Islamic Umma that has failed miserably to unite against the Israeli assault against the people of Gaza. Muslims are bound to stay in disarray with each block kowtowing to the dominant power in their regions. The biggest losers among Muslims will be the Arabs who for all of their history managed only once to unite under the banner of Islam as long as Prophet Mohammed was still in charge.

    The three main powers contesting the dominance of West Asia, Israel, Turkey and Iran will have to slug it out politically or militarily to determine who will be the dominant power.

    Interesting times are surely upon us.

    •�Thanks: Felpudinho
    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @Anonymous534
    , @Rurik
  240. General Ahmed Rahal of the HTS ( led by Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani, who is listed as a terrorist by the United States ) informed Sky News Arabic that his organization had a meeting with both American and European sides months ago and it was agreed that the United States would remove the HTS from its terrorist list if certain conditions were met. That means there will be no videotaped atrocities and poor treatment of minorities.

    General Ahmed Rahal also admitted that the Tajiks and Uyghurs were fighting on their side as members of the HTS.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  241. Wokechoke says:

    It gets really annoying.

    Do you think that a commenter who knows who the Alawites are doesn’t also know something about the ethnic religious conflicts with the region and Islam more generally?

    Too dumb to be good at being patronising.

  242. Wokechoke says:
    @Regnum Nostrum

    Lol. If the US UK and Israel had to move heaven and earth to deprive Russia of Tartus, frankly a port I’d never heard of before 2015, they won the geostrategic equivalent of the Special Olympics.

    •�Replies: @Regnum Nostrum
  243. skrik says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Israel, Turkey and Iran will have to slug it out

    1. Israel [= illegitimate, rogue-regime] has ‘screwed the pooch’ [= brought itself undone] by its setting out to slaughter many/most Palestinians. Despite their holohoax, anti-Semitism filthy tricks, they have lost any chance of [continued] acceptance in the civilised world. US, UK and possibly the rest of the ‘five eyes’ [plus possibly D & F] are also likely to be ‘sent to Coventry’ for their supporting of of Israel

    2. Turkey is in similar dire straights, apart from its ‘Kurdish problems’ it is too close to Israel and so will suffer well-earned opprobrium [= spiral down the gurgler].

    3. Iran will likely turn its back on ‘the West’ entirely as it switches full-on into BRICS+. rgds

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  244. @Wokechoke

    They did not have to move anything. Russians just run away. They are out of Middle East. An excellent result even for a special Olympics event.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  245. Wokechoke says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Right, there will be no slaughter, at least not any broadcast by western media. Lol.

    •�Replies: @Wielgus
  246. Wielgus says:

    Western media have often suppressed nasty stuff Israelis and others do. For example a Turkish twitter feed showed an Israeli policeman on the West Bank gunning down a Palestinian youth for talking back to him, in December 2022. I didn’t find it picked up in the Western media, though.
    These swift regime changes sometimes lead to massive bloodletting, sometimes not. When the Communists took South Vietnam in 1975, there were no massive slaughters as predicted by some, though many former ARVN and government officials spent years in “re-education camps” where some died. Cambodia, however did see massive slaughter.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  247. Iran is the prize. Stay tuned.

  248. @Wokechoke

    First of all it is not clear from your statement who or what is delusional. Whoever or whatever it is this is not an argument. Provide some facts backed up by some reasoning otherwise I am not interested in further exchange.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  249. anonymous[333] •�Disclaimer says:

    The following propaganda is circulated by an EVIL western propaganda outlet, Reuters, established by zionist Rothschild family:

    Syrian rebels declared President Bashar al-Assad’s ouster after seizing control of Damascus on Sunday, forcing him to flee and ending his family’s decades of rule after more than 13 years of civil war in a seismic moment for the Middle East.

    Reuters, is saying that the terrorists forced him out. NO, Assad made a DEAL with the terrorist ‘OPPOSITION’ not to harm anyone and not to destroy treasures of the country, then peacefully transferred the power.
    Down with US/Israel/UK, DEATH to GENOCIDAL Biden and Netanyahu.
    It is interesting to know that Assad did not accept the demands made by the traitors and genocidal evil US/UK/Israel to cut ties with Iran and Hizbollah. He rather wanted no blood shed anymore for his people and did not want to betray Iran and Hizbollah who supported him to the end. Iran and Hizbollah offered him to fight along with the Syrian Army against the EVIL West and its terrorists, but it was refused by Assad, because a deal was made with the ‘opposition’ for peaceful transfer of power. Assad showed his LOVE for Syria and his people and NOT for power like the EVIL west who has done so many genocide, massacre, terrorism, assassination, invasion, rape and wars.
    Death to EVIL US/ISRAEL/UK.
    Russia was working closely with the scum Erdogan and the terrorist ‘opposition’, but Assad did not give in into their criminal demands, and preferred to make a deal with the ‘opposition’ himself, to make sure that the Syrian people will not be harmed.
    It is interesting to know that the TRUE friends of Syrian people, Iran and Hizbollah, withdrew all of their personnel and assets from Syria after a deal was made, but NOT traitor RUSSIA. Russia said that they have not made any changes in their embassy or their military bases in Syria and everything remains the same.
    Apparently the terrorists have NO fight against Russia, only against Iran and Hizbollah, the true friends of Syria. Fuck Russia, death to traitors who betrayed Assad.
    Now, there is a RUMER that Assad’s airplane crashed while was taking him out of Syria. If this news is true, then it is possible that the information was leaked by a traitor to genocidal Netanhyhu to act on it. Did Russia knew about Assad’s departure? I hope she didn’t.
    Apparently the Russia knew Assad left Syria, but not Iranian.

    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @antibeast
  250. A couple quotes abt the fall of al-Assad govt.
    from RT Live Updates on Syria.

    08 December 2024
    13:33 GMT

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recorded a public address from the Syrian border, touting the fall of the Bashar Assad government as “a historic day” for the Middle East. “The Assad regime, a key link in Iran’s axis of evil, has fallen. This is a direct result of the blows we have dealt to Iran and Hezbollah,” he said.

    12:07 GMT

    The fall of Assad’s government will not bring peace to Syria but will rather bring new struggles to the country, Seyed Mohammad Marandi, a Tehran University professor and political analyst, has told RT.

    “I do not believe the situation in Syria will get better. These extremist groups, after a period of celebration and quiet, will start turning on each other. When they were in Idlib [province], they were constantly at each others’ throats,” he said.

    There are various others, incl Germany’s Annalena Bareback, fyi at

    •�Thanks: Daniel Rich
  251. Miro23 says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Bad news for Lebanon. This means the supply lines to Hezbollah from Iran are cut. Big advantage for Israel.

    So they get some of their Great Israel lebensraum. What do they do now? Install an Israeli Generalgouvernement in Syria? In effect they have a whole new population of Arabs to deal with.

  252. @Commentator Mike

    How do these Syrian Christians behave in Europe? Do the Europeans want them there?

    If they behave like the rest of Third World barbarians, why would you care about the fate of the Christians in Syria?

    This Christian universalism is mental cancer.

  253. Wokechoke says:

    The Alawite area on the coast is a perfectly viable enclave either way. Mountains to the north and east and the valley cut by the Orontes. No reason that Iran and Russia can’t sponsor such a state.

  254. @John Johnson

    No. Everything is some Jewish conspiracy.

  255. A123 says: •�Website
    @Commentator Mike

    Bad news for Lebanon. This means the supply lines to Hezbollah from Iran are cut. Big advantage for Israel.

    Bad??? — Try GOOD. The collapse of Iranian Hezbollah presents real opportunities to create permanent stability.

    Partitioning Lebanon would yield strong Maronite and Druze states in a cooperative federation. Yes, there would be relocations both ways akin to the India/Pakistan breakup. Short term pain for long term gain.

    Are Syria and Iraq also headed to partition? An independent Kurdistan combining land from both would redress a number of past wrongs.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  256. A123 says: •�Website
    @Charles Martel France

    The Pals could potentially relocate to Syria under a globally coordinated population transfer plan.

    A workable arrangement would transfer populations both ways.

    • All Christians in the Turkish HTS zone move to Gaza
    • All Muslims in Gaza move to Syria under HTS

    This sounds like an incredibly fair, win-win deal. It would open the door for credible treaty negotiations. How much “compensation” would be required for the new Syrian regime to permanently concede the Golan to Israel?

    PEACE 😇

  257. @Arthur MacBride

    Saw that interview myself, it was quite good.

  258. @Joe Levantine

    Even when some of the Arabs do unite under one banner, like during multiple Arab–Israeli Wars, and when they do have strong armies, as was the case when the USSR was arming them, they mostly get easily defeated. The Islamic Umma is good only for migrating to Western countries and raping and murdering women and children, with occasional unprovoked knife attacks on civilians mixed in. I guess they’re also good at passionately talking about ‘resisting the Great Satan and the Little Satan’ while doing nothing.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Egyptian army, the largest Arab army, would run away from a moderately strong enemy just like the Syrian army did. Even rich Arab states like Saudi Arabia have completely useless armies that can’t fight for shit.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
    , @Wokechoke
  259. anonymous[279] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Assad voluntarily transferred the power PEACEFULLY, but his enemies, the EVIL genocidal West US/ISRAE/UK will not stop at this point. They used the terrorist Opposition groups and Kurdish group to force Assad out, but soon enough they will call the traitor opposition its true NAME, the TERRORIST and will kill them to bring an ‘opposition’ desirable to genocidal jewish mafia and Evil US/UK. They have done it in Egypt, Libya, Sudan and elsewhere. These terrorists will not stay in power for long time. The evil West uses them as a tissue and after USE, they will be discarded.

    Assad loves his country and did not want to be involved in another blood shed of his people in the hands of the US/UK/Israel/Turkey and their terrorists. He left peacefully to protect the interest of Syria.

    •�Agree: Rurik
  260. skrik says:

    ‘Scuse pliz:

    NO, Assad made a DEAL with the terrorist ‘OPPOSITION’ not to harm anyone and not to destroy treasures of the country, then peacefully transferred the power

    Errr .. can you supply reference(s) [credible, accessible] to justify this and/or any of your assertions?

    Thanks in advance; asking for a friend ..

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  261. antibeast says:


    Russia was working closely with the scum Erdogan and the terrorist ‘opposition’, but Assad did not give in into their criminal demands, and preferred to make a deal with the ‘opposition’ himself, to make sure that the Syrian people will not be harmed.

    It is interesting to know that the TRUE friends of Syrian people, Iran and Hizbollah, withdrew all of their personnel and assets from Syria after a deal was made, but NOT traitor RUSSIA. Russia said that they have not made any changes in their embassy or their military bases in Syria and everything remains the same.


    It looks like Trump made a secret deal with Putin to dump Assad in exchange for a deal with Zelensky, as reported by RT Today:

    RT Today

    Trump calls for Ukraine ceasefire | Russia-Ukraine conflict

    8 Dec, 2024 08:03

    Ukraine ‘would like to make a deal’ with Russia – Trump

    The US president-elect says the time is ripe for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between Kiev and Moscow
    Ukraine ‘would like to make a deal’ with Russia – Trump

    French President Emmanuel Macron, US President-elect Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky outside the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, December 7, 2024. © Getty Images / Chesnot

    Ukraine “would like to” make a peace deal with Russia, US President-elect Donald Trump has claimed after a meeting with Vladimir Zelensky in Paris. In a post on his Truth Social platform on Sunday, Trump called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between Moscow and Kiev.

    Trump’s remarks came after reports emerged of regime change in Syria, a key ally of Russia in the Middle East. Jihadists have taken over the Syrian capital Damascus and toppled President Bashar Assad’s 24-year rule. In his post Trump speculated that Assad’s “protector,” Russia, “was not interested in protecting him any longer.”

    “[Russia] lost all interest in Syria because of Ukraine, where close to 600,000 Russian soldiers lay wounded or dead, in a war that should never have started, and could go on forever, Trump stated, claiming that Russia is currently “in a weakened state… because of Ukraine and a bad economy.”

    “Likewise, Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal and stop the madness. They have ridiculously lost 400,000 soldiers, and many more civilians. There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin,” the President-elect said, adding that if the conflict is not resolved, “it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse.”

    Good news for Israel but bad news for Iran and the Hezbollah.That’s classic Trump in Making Israel Great Again!

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @anonymous
  262. anonymous[378] •�Disclaimer says:

    Do you expect the zionist propaganda media tells you the truth that Assad transferred the power voluntarily? Only the gullible people expect that.
    The following news is circulated in the Iranian news media:

    Russia”: Bashar Assad ordered the transfer of power after negotiating with the opposition

    The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement about the fall of the Russian government and announced that “Bashar Assad left the presidency and Syria after negotiating with a number of participants in the Syrian conflict and ordered a peaceful transfer of power.”
    The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that “Russia did not participate in these negotiations” and added: “We are in contact with all opposition factions in Syria and demand respect for the opinions of all ethnic groups and sects.”
    As stated in this statement, “Russian military bases in Syria are on standby and there is currently no serious threat to the security of Russian military bases in Syria.”

    •�Replies: @skrik
  263. @Arthur MacBride

    And as totally expected, except by low-grade mouth breathers, devotees of Horseface “Kerry” and similar morons —

    — ❗️🇮🇱/🇸🇾 NEW: So far, from what we know, Israel entered 5 towns in the Syrian Golan Heights

    Three of those towns are located within the 1974 UN-Supervised Zone, which Israel captured in the 1973 war and returned to Syria:

    – Al-Qunaitra
    – Al-Hamidiyah
    – Madinat al-Baath
    – Al-Qahtaniyah

    However, Israel also advanced into one town beyond the 1974 Disengagement Line, which Israel never previously controlled:

    — ❗️🇮🇱/🇸🇾 NEW: Israel carried out several airstrikes against buildings in Damascus, including the passport & migration office

    — 🇮🇱/🇸🇾 NEW: Israel has captured the Syrian side of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  264. Wokechoke says:

    Typically a peaceful enough tradition is something like Monckton marching on London to bring back Charles II.

    Essentially respected generals steal a March and do what’s on most people’s minds anyway.

    In the case of Vietnam the South Vietnam regime was an American project. The North didn’t really have much of an ax to grind.

  265. Wokechoke says:

    I have to assume that Trump has the straight dope on how many Ukies were gunned down. 400,000!

    Russia however could easily sacrifice 2,000,000 to keep Crimea. They’ve done it before.

  266. Wokechoke says:

    Lebanon has ports. Only a blockade can cut them off from arms and food.

  267. anonymous[302] •�Disclaimer says:

    Thanks. You are right, especially when Trump said: ‘US should not get involved in Syrian war’.

    Everyone knows that US along with evil UK/Israel and terrorist Erdogan not only are involved, but they initiated the bloodshed in Syria. This is part of the evil empire’s plan ‘seven countries in 5 years’. Only a Jewish mafia whore like Trump makes such a laughable statement to fool others, but he fools no one except himself. He is so gullible that does not know people laugh at him and they know about the role of evil US/UK in these wars and GENOCIDE.

    •�Replies: @antibeast
  268. Rurik says:
    @Poupon Marx

    rather vague, a “Let’s get together”, campus like rally

    if that’s what you read, then you dreadfully misinterpreted my words.

    First, there is the problem. ZOG, is the problem.

    How many people on the street, if you ask them, ‘Do you think ZOG is a problem?

    97.1488 percent of those people will respond, WTF is ZOG?

    If you ask them, ‘Should we capitulate to Russian aggression in Ukraine?

    73.482% of them will respond, ‘No! It will only encourage Putin’s aggression.

    And so forth.

    Because the main problem right now, you see, is that very few people know what’s going on. And the solution, is for all of us in the know, to do whatever we can, to remedy that tragic fact.


    It’s not about a singing kumbaya at a university campus hug fest, but rather an acknowledgement that there is a problem, (Zionist Jewish subversion of our societies and especially foreign policies), and that in order to solve that problem, it first has to be recognized as such.

    The way to accomplish that isn’t to howl your butt-hurt at some amorphous ‘Merika’, and Murkans as the cause of all injustice and iniquity- because they’re racist!, because for one, that’s absurd. And for two, it accomplishes nothing, but to deflect the blame for our current and dire situation, onto an easy patsy, while giving cover to the actual problem; ZOG.. The entire media and university academics are your loudest amen corner, Poupon. ‘Whitey did it!’ ‘Any talk of some so-called ZOG is anti-semitism!

    But rather to get people to see what actually is the problem. And once we all know and understand what the problem is, then we can work, (yes, collectively) to solve it.

    •�Agree: Daniel Rich, Titus7
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  269. skrik says:

    Thnx [I didn’t mention “zionist propaganda media”]; IF I do a search for

    “Bashar Assad left the presidency and Syria after negotiating with a number of participants in the Syrian conflict and ordered a peaceful transfer of power”

    THEN I get lots of ‘hits,’ mostly MSM = mostly of questionable credibility.

    Q: Why all these ‘non-URL-cited’ assertions? After all, IF you want ‘credibility’ THEN why not cite your sources? Then readers can directly assess the source.

    You read something somewhere, why not just say where? [Instead of wasting reader-time questioning credibility?] grrr

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  270. @Arthur MacBride

    And to nobody’s surprise but doubtless delight of Horseface, ZionDon, Stammer, Micron, the Dog etc as the real reason for the destabilisation of Syria (which everyone with functioning brains knew anyway) is openly declared by Israel.
    There must be questions for VVP in this fiasco, imho.

    — ❗️🇮🇱/🇸🇾 NEW: Israel destroyed Mezzeh Military Airport in Damascus

    — ❗️🇮🇱/🇸🇾 BREAKING: ‘Starting tonight, the main battle front will move to Syria. We will start fighting on the Syrian front and will not allow anyone to reach our borders’ – IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  271. @Anonymous534

    In the Yom Kipur war of 1973, the Soviet Union demanded that the Syrian army stops its advance from the Golan Heights moving down towards Palestine proper. The reason was that Israel was ready to use a nuclear warhead on Damascus. The Soviets were the main weapon suppliers for the Egyptian and Syrian armies. The U.S. started a massive aerial bridge to supply the Israelis with the most up to date weapons. Most striking was Golda Meir’s call, the second day of the war, for America to save Israel.

    All the protagonists in the Middle East are hardly in charge of their destiny. It is big power play that can decide the fate of any of these weak states, and that includes Israel. If and when the PTB deems Israel to be a liability, this artificial setup will just fold.

    Hitler dismissed the idea that Germany can become a superpower for he specified the two conditions that are sine qua non for such a classification: a huge land mass and a big demography. If the Arab nations unite into one, they would make a formidable power; history proved them to be nothing more than backstabbing tribes. As such, only the U.S., Russia and China can qualify for superpower status and any permanent solution in the Middle East would need an agreement among those superpowers.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  272. Rurik says:
    @Joe Levantine

    The biggest losers among Muslims will be the Arabs who for all of their history managed only once to unite under the banner of Islam as long as Prophet Mohammed was still in charge.

    Syria will be carved up, Lansky style

    Here’s a piece for you, Erdogan

    Here’s a piece for you Bibi

    Here’s a piece for you Kurds

    Here’s a piece for you Sunnis

    As yet another Arab nation is destroyed on the rocks of Zion.

    Good job Sunnis, you’ve traded Assad for Bibi.

    It isn’t just Muslims who’re willing to see it all destroyed out of a burning hatred and rivalry with their brothers.

    England destroyed itself, to keep Germany down.

    Now Islam and Arabs and Kurds will fight each other, as ZOG laughs.. ‘such a deal!

    And more and more, I may have been right about a deal between Trump and Putin.

    Putin has been slaughtering the Sunni Wahhabists for years now. If they allow Russia to maintain its presence in Syria, I would say to a certainty a deal was cut. Else their first demand, upon Assad’s capitulation, would be for Russia to get out. It was Assad who invited Russia in, if they’re allowed to stay, it just goes to show the depths of geopolitical treachery.

    •�Agree: ariadna, Titus7, Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Rurik
  273. @Poupon Marx

    Thank you for your encouraging comment.

  274. Wokechoke says:

    The issue with Arabs is that they do not know how to manufacture things like a tank or a jet. Blacks can’t do that either. But even then war is changing technologically. There is definitely a window for small UAV, which is well within their technical ability and beyond that of blacks.

    I might add that Arabs were never unified. Their Kings were always British or American pawns. The military dictatorships were merely nationalists who wished to get rid of British direct rule. Any firm anti semitic fight back would have taken decades to form up into anything useful.

    Jews are a very different political problem for the Arabs and Muslims in general. The earliest Muslims appear to have been produced in Medina from the interbreeding of Arab men and Jewess’ while Muhammad was a magistrate in Medina.Al Andalus was a Jewish/Muslim occupation of Spain. The Muslim conquest of Byzantine Jerusalem used Jewish infantry.

  275. anonymous[302] •�Disclaimer says:

    What is your point?
    My source is the Iranian media and also from the youtube, in Persian, that I have seen when the Russian official was analysing the situation. I have made my opinion based on these sources. Have you read anywhere that the Syrian Army was fighting against the terrorist? If you did, it is a LIE. because the DEAL was made and the army allowed the terrorist ‘opposition’ to enter the cities with NO challenge, otherwise the terrorist who were defeated last time would have been exposed as lackeys. Those who have their fingers in the Terrorists’ behinds want to stage a show that the ‘opposition’ reached Damascus by fighting not selling themselves to Israel, Turkey and evil US/UK.


    The fact is that Bashar Assad did not allow the Syrian Army fight back against the TERRORISTS, otherwise it was strong enough to kick these terrorists out. He was fed up with the bloodshed the evil West imposed on him. If he were to enter another war, where was the guaranty that would be another one. We know the West does not stop, this is the way they have stolen the land of others including Israel, America, Canada, Australia, and many more in Africa and Asia. They are nothing but thieves and rapists.

    •�Replies: @skrik
  276. BSerlet says:
    @John Johnson

    Removing Assad is good for Europe and especially Germany.

    You probably aren’t actually German but if you are you are then you are confirming my suspicion that in a very close field of dolts, the Germans are the dumbest people in the world today. Last time Assad started to lose the war Germany was overrun by refugees. This will happen again. What did Assad ever do?

    Other dumb people in the world are the Arab Islamists who are the Zionist controlled opposition in Syria, and the Americans who are cheering on Al Queda taking on Assad, although they’ve been led to believe it was Al Queda who bombed the twin towers. This is a world full of dolts. But Germans are the worst.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @John Johnson
  277. @Rurik

    But rather to get people to see what actually is the problem. And once we all know and understand what the problem is, then we can work, (yes, collectively) to solve it

    Please see my latest comment. (Click on my name twice to see a list with the latest at top). While your general statement is generic and true in the abstract, the level of IQ (including the reverse Flynn Effect), level of cogitation, curiosity, respect for learning (information and wisdom, has declined to the point of dullness and inaccessibility of stimulation or edification of the average person. IOW, he is what the General Culture-low, emotionally laden with starch and sugar-emotional triggers of reflex, and the mentality of a crack addict without the physical drug.

    The West has a runaway problem of general mental illness which is now way past epidemic levels. Notice the death of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology (my former aspiration and professional goal).



    Silent Epidemic: A Study of the Growth of Mental Health Problems
    in Modern Society
    Yulia K. Vasilyevna1, Mark P. Moshkov2, Egor A. Rybnikov3
    1,2,3 Ural State University named after V. F. Yakovlev, Ekaterinburg, Russia
    1 [email�protected]
    2 [email�protected]
    3 [email�protected]

    Annotation. Mental health is a topic that has often been hushed up for a long
    time. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the growth of mental illness in
    modern society and their impact on individuals and society as a whole. We will also
    look at some of the most effective ways to address this problem and ensure that people
    receive the help they need to live a happy and healthy life.558
    modern society and their impact on individuals and society as a whole. We will also
    look at some of the most effective ways to address this problem and ensure that people
    receive the help they need to live a happy and healthy life.

    Prevalence of mental health problems
    Mental health problems are more common than many people think. According
    to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, one in eight people on the planet,
    a total of 970 million people, had a mental health disorder, with anxiety and depressive
    disorders being the most common24. In 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the
    number of people suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders increased
    significantly. According to preliminary estimates, in one year alone, the prevalence of
    anxiety disorders and major depressive disorders has increased by 26% and 28%
    respectively.25.[WHO. 8.06.2022] These are staggering statistics and highlight how
    widespread mental health problems are.

    In the US alone, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one
    in five adults experiences some form of mental disorder each year.
    [In the US, one in three] The most common
    mental health disorders include anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and substance
    abuse disorders. These conditions can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of
    life, affecting their ability to work, communicate and engage in everyday activities.
    It is worth noting that mental health problems are not unique to adults. Children
    and young people can also experience mental health problems, with anxiety disorders,
    depression and ADHD being the most common. According to the Centres for The CDC
    estimates that approximately one in five children in the United States is diagnosed with
    a mental health disorder

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  278. anon[655] •�Disclaimer says:


    the problem if the zionists run Damascus and the areas around it is that they will get their ‘great israel’ bs project realized in parts of Syria, netanyahu might get more popular as a result and they will avoid Iran to transfer wepaons to Hezbollah and other Resistance movements.

    Eventually, as usual, if they take a finger, they will take the hand, the arm and the all body along with their goatfucking turkish allies.

    The Jews/NATO/US behind Ukraine, Syria, Georgia and now Romania are targeting Russia and Russia is playing small by focusing mainly on Ukraine (a campaign of gaining few miles in 3 years is not a success) and letting their enemies surrounding them, waging war inside their territory, sabotaging their infrasrtuctures (Northstream), destroying their plans in West Asia and invading their allies under protection.

    How can Putin trust a turncoat like Erdogan, mamber of NATO, daring to ask to become a BRICS member and backstabbing Russia as soon as his puppetmasters in DC or tel aviv demand?

    We also have to wonder why Iran, Hezbollah and the ‘resistance is doing actually nothing. The zionists keep exterminating people in Gaza, keep violating the mock ‘ceasefire’ by bombing Lebanon every single day and now are invading Syria.

    Where is the mighty attack Iran promised on israel? It was supposed to be the mother of all attacks.
    Where are the troops they promised to Syria?
    Where is Hezbollah who also promised to send troops in Syria?
    Iraq: same?

    It reeks like all of them (US, israel, turkey, Russia, Iran, Iraq) have arranged some shady deals between each others on the back of Assad who has been let down while he pays for having helped the Resistance all these years.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  279. Wokechoke says:
    @Regnum Nostrum

    Russia’s not run off.

    The two installations they lease are probably going to remain in their hand. A port to repair ships in and an airbase they can deliver or pick up supplies.

    Animus toward Russia among the Alawites at least seems non existent. The Turkish/American trained army that marched into Damascus isn’t going to demand concessions from Russia.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  280. Titus7 says:
    @Yehudi Arabia

    Their demon Yahweh does not exist, and many of them know it, which makes their machinations even more evil and insane.

  281. Wokechoke says:

    Historically the Russians understand the Turks and before them the Emperors in Constantinople. All their depictions in the history suggest the Emperors and Sultans were mercurial.

  282. @BSerlet

    Removing Assad is good for Europe and especially Germany.

    You probably aren’t actually German but if you are you are then you are confirming my suspicion that in a very close field of dolts, the Germans are the dumbest people in the world today

    I’m an American of German descent.

    Last time Assad started to lose the war Germany was overrun by refugees. This will happen again. What did Assad ever do?

    What did Assad ever do? Are you really asking that question? To start with Assad could have tried implementing a limited democracy under the rule of a monarchy instead of trying to suppress the majority. That is half the reason the war started.

    Other dumb people in the world are the Arab Islamists who are the Zionist controlled opposition in Syria, and the Americans who are cheering on Al Queda taking on Assad

    It’s not Al Queda. Why don’t you actually try reading about the group before commenting.

    This is a world full of dolts. But Germans are the worst.

    Well those dolts somehow outproduce the Russians in areas like medicine at rates of over 100 fold. Dumb stupid Germans.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  283. @Arthur MacBride

    As suspected.
    A whole new can of worms is opened if these reports are true.
    Following the news that al-Assad/family arrived safely in Moscow where Rus govt gave them refuge, statement from Iran.

    — 🇸🇾/🇮🇷 NEW: ‘Iran warned Assad two months ago that HTS was preparing to make a move, but he dismissed the threat. So the Turkish Foreign Minister gave us assurances that nothing will take place, which turned out to be a lie. After HTS entered Western Aleppo, Iran expected Assad to ask for military assistance, and we were fully prepared to oblige with troops and whatever else was needed – but no such request came. After Aleppo fell, it became clear that Assad had no real intentions of staying in power, so we started to engage in diplomatic talks with the opposition, and arranged the safe exit of our troops from Syria. If the SAA does not fight, neither will we risk our soldiers’ lives. Russia and the UAE had managed to convince him to step down, so there was nothing we could do.’ – Iranian Officials

    After Israel tv reported that al-Assad prevented attacks on Israel from Syria.

    — It’s now widely known that Iran, Hezbollah and other Shia factions asked Assad for permission to open a front in the Golan Heights after October 7th to support the resistance in Gaza & Lebanon.

    However, Assad refused, reportedly saying he did not want to drag Syria into a possible open confrontation with Israel & he did not want to risk jeopardizing his normalization progress with the Gulf States.

    As is also well-known the Gulf States are clients of London.

    •�Thanks: ariadna
  284. @Joe Levantine

    You have, perhaps inadvertently, given the explanation for the Western Nations propensity and desire for Russian land and resources-not to mention enslavement of its people, as inferior of course.

    Apologists for Hitler and National Socialism undergo virtual lobotomies in rapture of Adoph and his steerage of the Mass Formation Psychosis of Germania.

    The psychologist Carl Jung was a Swiss national, served in World War I, and kept a close eye on Germany when Hitler and the Third Reich were spawned. In 1936 Jung acknowledges in an article the growing German menace, comparing Hitler to the Norse God Wotan who represented irrationality and apocalyptic events. Wotan was the Nordic god of war and had long been a cult figure among Germanic people. Wotan was known as a great magician and could intervene magically in battle with his paralyzing power. This god was also a shapeshifter, taking on guises and other personas as he saw fit. Wotan was an actor in dark and dangerous theater.

    Jung is trying to get to the core of the Germany psyche. He refers to other German writers, including Goethe, Heine, and Nietzsche, who have been struck by the inferiority of the Germans and how this state manifests itself in dissociation of personality, ignoring one’s shadow, and looking for the darkness in others. He summarizes this condition:

    “All these pathological features — complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow man (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing — all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?”


    Jung suggests a more accurate diagnosis of Hitler’s condition “would be ‘pseudologia phantastica’ which is characterized by a peculiar talent for believing one’s own lies.” For a short time, such people can meet with remarkable success, and are therefore dangerous. Jung writes that Hitler’s theatrical, hysterical gestures struck most foreigners as ridiculous. He adds a personal observation:

    “When I saw him with my own eyes, he suggested a psychic scarecrow (with a broomstick for an outstretched arm) rather than a human being. It is also difficult to understand how his ranting speeches, delivered in shrill, grating tones, could have made such an impression. But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria. It is not without serious misgiving that one ventures to pin the label of ‘psychopathic inferiority’ on to a whole nation and yet, heaven knows, it is the only explanation which could any way account for the effect this scarecrow had on the masses. A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face. His gesticulations were all put on, devised by a hysterical mind intent on only making an impression. He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the somber, demonic ‘man of iron’ of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films.

    “These personal observations led me to conclude at the time (1937), when the final catastrophe came, it would be far greater and bloodier than I had previously supposed. For this theatrical and transparent impostor was not strutting about on a small stage but was riding the armored divisions of the Wehrmacht, with all the weight of the German heavy industry behind him.”

    Jung concludes this thread with this somber assessment: Eighty million people crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction at the hands of a narcissist.

    (Jung could not have known that Hitler apparently received psychological help when he was in the Landsberg prison in 1924. His doctor Alois Maria Ott revealed in 1990, at age ninety-eight, that Hitler displayed magical, mysterious thinking.)

    I’m so tired of dealing with the inferior, shallow, materialistic determinism, and the absolute measure of success and divineness being the counting of physical wealth accumulation. This author Rache and his middle school drooling and slavering over the NS “miracle” (measured over a very small timeline), their abdication of personhood, individuation, and uniqueness as individuals, is omitted, as children do for whom the mysteries of the World are unknown and unknowable to them.


    “When I saw him with my own eyes, he suggested a psychic scarecrow (with a broomstick for an outstretched arm) rather than a human being. It is also difficult to understand how his ranting speeches, delivered in shrill, grating tones, could have made such an impression. But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria. It is not without serious misgiving that one ventures to pin the label of ‘psychopathic inferiority’ on to a whole nation and yet, heaven knows, it is the only explanation which could any way account for the effect this scarecrow had on the masses. A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face. His gesticulations were all put on, devised by a hysterical mind intent on only making an impression. He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the somber, demonic ‘man of iron’ of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films.

    “These personal observations led me to conclude at the time (1937), when the final catastrophe came, it would be far greater and bloodier than I had previously supposed. For this theatrical and transparent impostor was not strutting about on a small stage but was riding the armored divisions of the Wehrmacht, with all the weight of the German heavy industry behind him.”

    Jung concludes this thread with this somber assessment: Eighty million people crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction at the hands of a narcissist.

    (Jung could not have known that Hitler apparently received psychological help when he was in the Landsberg prison in 1924. His doctor Alois Maria Ott revealed in 1990, at age ninety-eight, that Hitler displayed magical, mysterious thinking.)

    Jung continues to probe and to wonder why no one intervened. He refers to Göring as a good fellow and a cheat; and Goebbels as a dangerous character. The psychologist joins these men with Hitler in an unholy trinity. All were united in pathology. Hitler was exalted to the skies. Some theologians saw him as the Savior, a precursor of the Second Coming.

    The psychologist wonders why army commanders didn’t intervene when Hitler’s intentions were clear. He wonders why there is no evidence of any such action. He concludes that this lack of action can only be described as the outcome of a particular state of mind, a chronic disposition which, in an individual, we call hysteria. He suggests that this condition influences mind set, character and will. Jung concludes that this state produces great energy and tension as well as inner contradiction, such as conflict of conscience, disharmonies of character; in short, everything we see in Goethe’s Faust, who sinks to the level of charlatan and mass murderer. Faust, like Hitler, seems to have no real insight and suffers no remorse.

    “After the Catastrophe” seems prescient, even though written right after World War II. For Jung, the devil stole a march on the Germans, dangling in front of them the bait of power, aggrandizement, and national arrogance. They were led to imitate their prophets and to take their words literally, without understanding them. Germans allowed themselves to be deluded by their disastrous fantasies.

    Jung writes that we must open our eyes to the shadow that looms behind contemporary man. “We have no need to hold up the devil’s mask before the Germans.” Individuals as well as nations have individual and collective shadows that keep us from consciousness. Jung warns against science and technology as dangerous playthings in the hands of people not psychologically equipped to handle them.

    Jung considered the Hitler era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world. For him, the way to avoid such an outcome is self-knowledge, psychological awareness, public clamor, intervention from others in power, and the capacity to call out the false gods and religions.

    For Jung, Hitler was a charlatan who lead his country into a disastrous war. His prototypes, in various forms, still strut on the world stage.

    Jung’s warnings still stand, prescient as ever.


  285. antibeast says:

    The US Deep State was trying to prevent Trump from doing a secret deal with Putin which is what forced the lameduck US President Biden to hurriedly authorize the transfer of long-range missiles to Ukraine shortly after the US Presidential Election. Knowing that Trump is a Zionist agent serving the State of Israel who was willing to offer him a deal on Ukraine in exchange for Syria, Putin must have told Assad that Russian strategic interests in Ukraine outweigh his regime’s survival in Syria. Ukraine is strategically important to Putin because its potential membership in NATO poses an existential threat to Russia while Syria is strategically important to Israel because it is where the Hezbollah gets their weapons from Iran which stand to lose the most from Assad’s departure.

  286. Notsofast says:

    turns out pepe got it 100% correct. looks like assad was the only who didn’t know, as he was assured backing by russia, iran, china, iraq and many other arab countries.

    this deal must have been put in place with complete agreement amongst all the aforementioned parties. this is what i am having a hard time digesting, there are so many different agendas in play and for everyone of them to agree to this, makes no sense to me.

    if this just carving up syria, obviously ukraine is next. but what about lebanon and gaza, do the butchers get their way? the iranians are reducing their numbers but staying, the russians afb and tartus naval base are being protected by the the new friendly terrorist government headed by a born again al qaeda member with a 10 million dollar u.s. bounty on his head.

    i find it hard to square the circle on this, there must be some larger explanation to this bizarre chain of events. how can all this struggle and sacrifice end up coming to such an anticlimactic end. is this the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper? the only thing positive i can take away is that there will be no ww3…. for now and i find myself being somehow horrified at the thought.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  287. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    It’s all academic though as you are a Jew.

  288. Notsofast says:

    it’s not just the russians, it’s the iranians and chinese as well, everybody knew what was taking place but assad and myself. i can’t get my head wrapped around this. there must be something more happening here, if palestine and lebanon are crushed and these filthy zionist pigs have their way, i see no hope at all for mankind. please tell me you come to some other conclusion.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  289. Priss Factor says: •�Website
    @John Johnson

    No, there’s no 5D chess move here.

    Russia just gave up Syria cuz Syrians refused to fight.

    The point is there is no 5D move on any side. This may blow up in Erdogan’s face, like the US playing fire with Alqaeda. And keep in mind the US backed Hussein in the 80s against Iran. But then, US was soon at war with Hussein.
    Also, US invasion of Iraq was supposed to hurt and threaten Iran. It actually helped Iran as the US removed Hussein, arch enemy of Iran. Also, the Shia majority government of Iraq was more willing to work with Iran.

    Foreign policy is like what Mike Tyson said. Everyone has a plan before he gets hit.

    Take US and China. US cozied up to China as ally against big powerful Soviet Union. US helped build up China’s economy to serve US global interests. But China now throws its weight with Russia.
    So, what the US initially helped build to use against USSR/Russia ended up being an advantage to Russia.

    5D chess moves don’t work in foreign policy. Too many variables.

    And Syria is a big mess. Russia and Iran will lick their wounds like the US did after Vietnam.
    But Turkey and its allies now have to deal with what they now own in Syria.

    From your Zionist perspective, of course it’s the Jewish supremacist nihilism that takes giddy joy in goyim fighting goyim, but then, Jews are the enemies of humanity, so that’s that.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @John Johnson
  290. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    That would actually be good. The formation of organic nation-states upon the fall of a fake country whose lines were actually drawn by Western Imperialists long ago.

    Oddly enough, US intervention, in messing up the Middle East, is actually erasing the legacy of the European imperialists whose pen drew the ‘national’ borders of the Middle East.

  291. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    this world is so bassakwards and upside down, even you are starting to make sense now.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  292. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    Erdogan has succeeded.

    US/NATO has succeeded in delivering Syria to greater isreal–a dirty job.

  293. Wokechoke says:
    @Poupon Marx

    This doesn’t explain the Japanese who killed around 20 million chinks.

    Impersonal forces were far more important than flawed people being people. The sheer unfair size of the closed off British Empire probably made the Germans a little annoyed. The bizarre evil of Bolshevism to the East perhaps?

    The only real error was finally his assessment that the Russians would just give up and surrender after 3.5 million were captured or killed.

    Who could have guess the Russians would turn around in Moscow after that mauling and inflict one back?

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Odyssey
  294. anonymous[163] •�Disclaimer says:

    China has a plan to restore Pakistan’s domestic railway but no plan to build a railway between China and Pakistan.

  295. Annony says:
    @Commentator Mike

    They took the 6 million population Allepo in a couple of days – unheard of success in recent military history.

    When you have not understood the reason behind this FAKE ‘success’ then you become ‘surprised’. No, they ‘capture’ a city every two days because NO ARMY was there to fight them back. When the first time these terrorists brought from the central Asia to Syria, were defeated by General Soleimani, Syrian Army and Russian bombing, in one of the meeting in Astana, where Turkey convinced the gullible to leave ‘ the Syrian fighters’ in Idlib under Turkey’s supervision let by Erdogan. General Soleimani was against this idea, but since Assad decided to go for it, General Soleimani did not push it. What could he do when president Assad decided to go along. But, the whore Erdogan had something else in mind. He decided to use this situation to blackmail Assad and later he demanded certain areas become part of Turkey as ‘buffer zone’. When Assad DID NOT agree, then Erdogan use the terrorists against Assad. Erdogan mobilized and trained these terrorists using Arab, Qatar, funding for the final blow to Assad with full support of US/UK/Israel.
    The criminal West pushed Assad to the edge and prevented the faggot Arab head of states to build Syria with Arab money. This is another genocide made possible by the criminal West. These terrorists have NO support among Syrian and soon will be toppled by another terrorist group or Army. Syrian people are civilized and have no connection with these terrorists, whom majority of them are from Central Asians countries including Tajikistan, and Chinese Muslims who are fighting for the interests of Turkey, US/Israel. These terrorists are lackeys of Israel, Turkey and US/UK.

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
  296. Rurik says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Syria has fallen.

    I’m interested in analysis, and thoughtful prognostications.

    If you want to demean the people of the Western world as stupid and crazy, that’s your right, (many are), but it doesn’t enlighten as to what happened, why and how did it happen so quickly, and who must have seen this coming a mile away, and what is going to be the long-term Russian response. How will this effect Gaza and stability in the Middle East. Are we on the brink of a “Rules-based Order, where whatever Bibi decides at any given moment, is the ‘rule’?

    Will there be any resistance to Israel’s land-grabs in Syria?

    In what feeble way, will the UN make tepid protestations?

    How is Iran going to respond to a Syria dominated by Sunnis and Zionists?

    How is this going to effect Lebanon, (badly, I’m sure).

    Are the Kurds going to get their state?

    Will Russia have to quit the Med completely, or will Turkey allow them a base? (iow, was a deal cut?)

    How many more tens or hundreds of billions are the American and German tax slaves going to hand over to Israel, as penance, because of these developments?

    There’s a lot going on with this. It’s bigger than just ‘Americans are fat and dumb’, (even if that’s often true ; )

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  297. @Spender_CGB

    The so called “rebels” will find that, in delivering Syria to isreal, they have cut off their nose to spite their face. The jews want Syria as part of greater isreal, sans Arabs.

  298. Annony says:

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family are in Moscow under asylum, Russian news agencies say

    Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and his family have arrived in Russia and have been granted asylum by the Russian authorities, Russian news agencies reported on Sunday, citing a Kremlin source.
    The Interfax news agency quoted the unnamed source as saying: “President Assad of Syria has arrived in Moscow. Russia has granted them (him and his family) asylum on humanitarian grounds.”

  299. @Spender_CGB

    Partly true.
    The first paragraph and the first sentence of the second paragraph are undoubtedly true.

  300. Notsofast says:
    @Joe Levantine

    i’m having a hard time with this joe. everybody was in on it with the exception of assad, they kept telling him, we got your back but then they all let this happen. the russians, the iranians and the chinese must have agreed to this, along with the entire syrian army, this was totally orchestrated. i can’t keep track of the players, to all let alone their motivations. the russians and iranians are supposed to sign a mutual defense treaty in january, much like the one they just ratified with korea. will that still happen?

    are these zionist scum going to be allowed to finish their attempted genocide of palestine and now lebanon as well? iraq is moving tanks to the border with syria, are they just getting ready to grab a piece for themselves? is this just a finalization of the new world order or a repositioning for the coming final showdown?

    i’m going to have to think on this for a few weeks, there’s a whole lot here that isn’t clear. just how all of this will interplay, will begin to reveal itself in the coming days. i keep thinking of what castro said after the fall of the soviet union, i never thought i’d see a day when the sun didn’t shine.

    •�Agree: Liza
    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @Joe Levantine
  301. skrik says:

    What is your point? … Have you read anywhere that the Syrian Army was fighting against the terrorist? If you did, it is a LIE

    1. My original point is that your assertions lacked substantiation.

    2. We do know that the MSM lies, so we need to identify bona fide truth sources. Your original assertions came with zero substantiation, a situation you may now improve upon.

    this is the way they have stolen the land of others

    Yes, we also know that.

    BUT: What what we do not know is *why* RoW has tolerated alien-invading jews mass-murdering native Pals to steal their land, and that since latest Nakba#1 1947 [~77 yrs!] rgds

  302. @John Trout

    Nevertheless, I suspect that in some time those rebels – officially a chaotic entity without supervisor – will strike Israel together with Hezbollah and Hamas, fsomething Assad would be wary to do, fulfilling the prophecy of Israel surrounded by enemies.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  303. For those of you inexperienced or uninterested in concepts and constructs that explain the external world [just as ideas translate into action, or mathematics describe physical properties and objects], allow me to explain to you the essential elements of my integration of the ideas of C G Jung and Hitler in a way that confines itself to the concrete and observable and palpable.

    Some people are on an exploration of a remote, mountainous area that is has several rapidly flowing streams that move down steep slopes, fed by melting snow. They are competent and knowledgeable, in a concrete and physical sense.
    They get lost with no references or instruments to fix their position or escape avenues. Their food runs out and they are now starving and becoming hyper-thermic. Death seems to stalk them from the shadows.

    They build a raft and launch it with all aboard. Fighting the rapids, near drowning with loss of strength, chilled to the bone and sensing death, the raft suddenly runs aground in the bend of the river. They clamber to solid ground and lay exhausted, barely able to stand.

    Suddenly they hear the sound of an engine. After staggering toward the sound, they spot a man in a beat up pickup truck, stopped and inspecting his truck. It is the man known as “Weird Aardvark”, a hermit who lives in solitary in the woods, and whose mannerisms are, well, “non-standard”. Many people pawn him off as a crank, delusional shambles who hallucinates, but seems to be nonthreatening.

    He is now the rescuer of a lost group of exceptional people, which raises himself to heroic and epic demi-god in his eye and the exhausted puppies, desperate for rescue. See Beethoven’s Fidelio. Wierd A. now starts to hallucinate and transposition himself as a deity, omnipotent and commanding reality, a savior or people, a Salvador. The barely conscious rescued people are so convinced that his must have a connection to Divine Providence.

    Off they go down the dirt road, bouncing along. But that inconvenience represents salvation to the rescued. W. H. starts to babble incoherently about his destiny and fate to do great, big things that effect the lives of people in a big way. He sputters that he ALWAYS KNEW he was destined for this.


    W.H. is now sees images like a “heads up display” on a fighter jet’s windshield where he is elevated as a chieftain and leader of people. These hallucinations to W. H. ARE real, to his miswired brain, and he loses his sight of the road and what approaches the moving truck; he has withdrawn into his own “Reality”.

    But the real Reality does not change. As a consequence of his misdirection and absence of sensate information, the truck leaves the road, hurtling out into space and down the steep cliff, which is festooned with sharp and jagged rocks. The Real Rocks shred the truck and all of its human cargo into barely recognized parts of bone, sinew, and flesh.

    Epitaph. Some people venerated Harold as an exalted being who had received revelations and divine whispers. Thus, his being “led” to the half drowned Uber Mensch. The demise of him and his passengers was ascribed and imputed to be the rocks and poorly kept mountain road, and the condition of his truck, with its faulty and quixotic breaks, etc, etc. According to this ingenuous reasoning, this was not W. H.’s fault, as the World did not allow him to make sufficient money to maintain his equipment, and some postulated that his “different” behavior was the result of social isolation and rejection by a selfish world of das kleines Licht.
    It was not W. H. and his folly that ended him and his delusional cargo, but the World.

    They are all wrong, in part or whole. Continuous Causation is how all everything happens. W. H. had war injuries, a cause not of his making, His parents lacked understanding. A series of people who should have given him short shrift, instead encouraged him. And their ideas and weakness are the cumulative results of their faulty societies and its values. These are relative in measure.

    German Collective Consciousness missed its on ramp to enhancement when it ignored the writings and thoughts of one of its greatest philosophers and creative geniuses, Richard Wagner.

    In September 1854, when Wagner encountered Schopenhauer’s monumental work, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (The World as Will and Representation), the philosophical approach in Wagner’s creative activities came to one of the major turning points in his life. Some of the revisions he made for ongoing projects and new projects, such as Tristan und Isolde, The Victor, and Parsifal support the theory that Wagner’s interest in Schopenhauerian thinking and Buddhism introduced through his work influenced a shift in Wagner’s dramatic works in comparison with his earlier works. Additionally, Wagner’s letters and interactions with his lover, Mathilde Wesendonck are clear evidence of Buddhist ideas in his works and philosophy surrounding his art. In one of his letters to Mathilde, he remarked, “What a shameful place our entire learning takes confronted with these purest revelations of most noble humanity in the old orient.”[1] In this paper, I would like to explore a thread of Wagner’s inspiration, interpretation, and application of Buddhist ideas in three major breaking points: the discovery of Buddhism and its relevance with his art through Schopenhauer, the unfinished Buddhist opera, The Victor and its vision until the moment of his death, and Jonathan Harvey’s opera, Wagner Dream, which integrates Wagner’s unfinished Buddhist opera project into the day of his death. The essay focuses on the trajectory of how Buddhism influences Wagner as a human being and a creator over time through the present day.


    Oh well. “My words but a whisper, your deafness a shout”.

  304. @Spender_CGB

    The infamous “Praktischer Idealismus” of Koudnenhove-Kalergi made clear that the end goal of the elite is “the new Egyptian” and not a new Jew. Since Osiris and Jahwe are clearly not the same god, and Egypt and Israel did not glue well together, it cannot be that all is about the victory of Jahwe and his chosen people..

  305. @Wokechoke

    This doesn’t explain the Japanese who killed around 20 million chinks.

    Impersonal forces were far more important than flawed people being people. The sheer unfair size of the closed off British Empire probably made the Germans a little annoyed. The bizarre evil of Bolshevism to the East perhaps?

    Incomprehensible and nonsensical.

    Who could have guess the Russians would turn around in Moscow after that mauling and inflict one back?

    His best military minds. Intellectuals of Russian history, culture, topography, and military analysts. All afraid to speak the truth to the “Furor”-the most childish, cartoonish, buffoon of Western Civilization. Uniquely, the degraded, fear based, Mass Formation, and inferiority of the German Collective Unconscious mesmerized them into magical thinking.

  306. skrik says:

    are these zionist scum going to be allowed to finish their attempted genocide of palestine

    Quite possibly; there is a German expression “Da ist der Wurm drin.”

    Possible tip:

    if you bless Israel God blesses you

    Me: [Stupid, superstitious, totally fictitious-based, wanton] religion could be the death of us all.

  307. Here is a fascinating thread by Sam Parker that compares all this double crossing and back stabbing to the back stabbing and double crossing from the lead up to WWII all the way back to the Russo-Japanese war of 1905. Parker lays out how back then it was Bernard Baruch and the Rothschilds. The additional tidbits of information concerning how Japan was duped into starting wars on behalf of the Jews is worth the read on its own.

    ” the war between Russia & Ukraine was being waged, in part, to weaken Russia & keep it from being able to effectively intervene in the Middle East, especially on behalf of Iran. We see that being manifested in real time as Russia cannot defend its ally Syria against the US-israel backed “terrorist rebels.” Russia has been weakened by a jewish-engineered war now, just as it was in 1905 by Japan, in that jewish-engineered war.

    The lessions of waging economic warfare on Japan in order to provoke it to attack should remind you of sanctions on Russia, and the encroachment of NATO on Russia’s border, provoking Russia to attack Ukraine. We also see the encroachment on Iran playing out in real time as well. The jewish playbook doesn’t change (Literally, The Protocols). They’ve been trying to goad Iran into attacking israel for over a year in order to provide the pretext to justify an all-out attack on Iran by israel & the United States.

    Once Iran falls, and without any meaningful resistance by Russia via Syria, the way will be paved for Greater Israel. War between US-israel & Iran, and NATO-Ukraine & Russia would almost certainly draw China into the broader conflict. The West and the Far East would be reduced to economic & physical rubble in this WW3, from which Israel would rise as the new hegemon of the 21st century with control of the “World Island.”

    •�Thanks: Arthur MacBride
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  308. ariadna says:

    “it’s not just the russians, it’s the iranians and chinese as well, everybody knew what was taking place but assad and myself.”

    Everybody knew, including Assad, who cowered and made himself smaller than he was. The Iranians said that if he asks for help they would send troops but he never did. Don’t blame Iran for doing nothing. Hadn’t Assad made Iranian troops leave earlier at Putins request? He acted like cowardly battered woman who think that if she opposes no resistance she will be hit less.

    The Chinese had no business intervening. It would be bad for commerce. Let the Round Eyes kill each other; the survivors will still be their clients.

    Obviously the Russians knew. They decided that all they were willing to offer Assad was asylum. He and his family are probably now in that special gated community where Yanukovich was also given a condo. The Russians made a deal: Take Syria, partners, let us just keep the port and let’s talk nicely about a Ukraine “negotiation that takes Russia’s security interest into consideration.” Could you maybe also see your way to lifting at least a few of those sanctions?”
    Nevertheless, no matter how placating the Russians are, the “West” is not done with them because they are bankrupt and cannot survive and install the NWO without grabbing Russia and feeding on its vast resources. That is a long established axiom for them.
    Conquering the ME and humiliating Russia and dragging the Ukraine disaster long past where it should have ended weakens Russia much more than all the sanctions ever did. It will also help brew internal dissent that favors arranging a color revolution. All the demonstrations of hazelnuts now look like bravado.
    Putin wanted Russia to be invited at the Big Boys table’ and kept calling them “our partners” hoping for a reciprocal gesture that never came. On the trajectory on which it is now, Russia may given a small trough outside near (or even in) the dog house.
    I have been rooting for Russia not because I am fan of Putin but because I was hoping Russia could give the psychopaths a bloody nose at least sufficient to destabilize the “rules-based” order of USrael’s hegemony and create a new version of the old two power blocks that checked each other.

    “…if palestine and lebanon are crushed and these filthy zionist pigs have their way, i see no hope at all for mankind. please tell me you come to some other conclusion.”

    Sorry. It looks so bleak right now that only a cataclysmic natural disaster (a few well aimed asteroids?) may straighten things out.

    •�Agree: Titus7, Liza
  309. Anon[786] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Trout

    The jews want Syria as part of greater isreal

    Now, that Assad transferred the power peacefully, the ‘rebels’ should sodomize the filty genocidal zionists with sticks to run over these scum of humanity.

  310. Some interesting thoughts on the situation in this long Twitter post

    and this one

    •�Replies: @barr
  311. @Rurik

    If you want to demean the people of the Western world as stupid and crazy, that’s your right, (many are), but it doesn’t enlighten as to what happened, why and how did it happen so quickly, and who must have seen this coming a mile away, and what is going to be the long-term Russian response. How will this effect Gaza and stability in the Middle East. Are we on the brink of a “Rules-based Order, where whatever Bibi decides at any given moment, is the ‘rule’?

    I’ve already written about this. Check by clicking on my name two times.

  312. Titus7 says:
    @John Johnson

    How is it good for Germany? Very few of those “refugees” will ever go back, except on vacation.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @John Johnson
  313. ariadna says:
    @Poupon Marx

    In scientific publications the authors are allowed (or sometimes persuaded) to do a “retraction,” i..e, acknowledge that their study was flawed and should be erased from the record.
    This site could use a mechanism like that and you could avail yourself of it to retract your characterization of the situation in Syria (below) whose flaws I don’t need to point out:

    “It is not over yet. I’ve yet to witness or apprehend an army or ground force that can prevail without mastery of the skies. Then there are the ARRAY of missiles-many are very cost effective-that Russia produces, Iran produces, North Korea produces, and China produces and can ramp up.

    China will become much more directly involved. One, due to direct economic interest, and two, never allowing Russia to fall or have reduced its military and offensive/defensive power.”

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  314. @Notsofast

    “even you are starting to make sense now”

    I made sense all along: about Babyface Tsar’s shortcomings, about the fabulous “axis of resistance”, about the Wrath of Zion, and all else.

    next time, listen. Then you won’t be so shocked when the bad guys win. And:

    you won’t go off the “all is lost” deep end when they do win a (temporary) victory.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  315. Wokechoke says:

    But you see Syrians will be the new Germans and Jews will be resented for these changes. But if it doesn’t happen Europe will die you stupid goy.

  316. @ariadna

    “all the demonstrations of hazelnuts look like bravado”

    that’s right. Neither wunderwaffen nor the fabulous “axis of resistance” nor the BRICS are/were going to stop Judeo-globohomo.

    what would (among much else): the downfall of Babyface Tsar and his replacement by a Jew-wise Russian Nationalist.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  317. Sarita says:

    This is what I’m talking about!
    Read these three titles of articles at Press.TV and see how stupid and hypocritical those people in the regime are (the three are lies):
    1- Iran’s president urges dialogue among Syrians to reach consensus.

    2-Iran: Only Syrian people must decide Syria’s fate without foreign meddling.

    3-President Assad left Syria, gave orders for peaceful power transition.

    1-Iran’s president urges dialogue among Syrians to reach consensus.
    None of your business, jerk.

    2-Iran: Only Syrian people must decide Syria’s fate without foreign meddling.
    None of your business, idiot! What are you but also a foreigner entity, shut up and stay within your borders
    3-President Assad left Syria, gave orders for peaceful power transition.
    Really? How sweet! What had he done other than death, massacres, oppression, refugees, blood, pain, destruction?

    Go to hell mullahs!

    •�Troll: Arthur MacBride, ariadna
    •�Replies: @Anon
  318. Odyssey says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Thanks for the quotes, some of which I will re-quote. This is important because Jung’s observations have retained their relevance to this day when, even here, we have unthinking admirers of Hitler, what speaks not only of their intelligence but also of the pathological state of the entire panunzer group.

    From this state no one can separate themselves with an individual opinion, which only confirms my earlier observation that the panzers and Zionists are made of the same material (another comparison would be with the Albanian Muslim goatbotherers, who use their primitive horde behaviour for conspiratorial narco-trafficking). Of course, the theory of a preemptive attack on the Soviet Union is just one imbecile consequence of that pathology.

    Apologists for Hitler and National Socialism undergo virtual lobotomies in rapture of Adolph and his steerage of the Mass Formation Psychosis of Germania.

    Jung is trying to get to the core of the Germany psyche. Jung summarizes this condition:

    “All these pathological features — complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow man (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing — all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?”

    But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria.

    A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face.

    Germans allowed themselves to be deluded by their disastrous fantasies.

    His gesticulations were all put on, devised by a hysterical mind intent on only making an impression.

    He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the somber, demonic ‘man of iron’ of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films.

    This author Rache and his middle school drooling and slavering over the NS “miracle” (measured over a very small timeline), their abdication of personhood, individuation, and uniqueness as individuals, is omitted, as children do for whom the mysteries of the World are unknown and unknowable to them.

    Jung considered the Hitler era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world.

    Jung concludes this thread with this somber assessment: Eighty million people crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction at the hands of a narcissist.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  319. Rurik says:

    russia, iran, china, iraq and many other arab countries.

    this deal must have been put in place with complete agreement amongst all the aforementioned parties

    I agree there was a deal

    And Trump was in on it


    Russia tossed Syria under the bus to get concessions from the U.S. and UK, (ZOG iow), over Ukraine.

    Zelinksy’s days are numbered.

    In a way it seems to me, looking at the Romanian election, and Syria, and so forth..

    that Frank Zappa’s prediction is coming true as I write this.

    “democracy” and the “rule of law”, and so forth, have simply become too inconvenient for the ((PTB))

    the mask is coming off

    all the horse shit they’ve been screeching about the sacred borders of sovereign states must be respected, blah, blah..

    Is now going to be seen for the hogwash it always was. We’re entering a new time, when even the pretense of following the rules, are too burdensome for ZOG. They’re going to start simply taking what they want. And who’s to stop them?

    Russia? China? The Multipolar world? If the Multipolar world and the UN and the rest.. will countenance what’s going on in Gaza, they’ll countenance anything.

    And the Jews have noticed that. No one can muster the wherewithal to oppose them. They’re unleashed, and part of that is Trump’s doing.

    China could do something, by why should China risk so much for the West and Middle East.

    So our last hope was Putin’s Russia, and tragically, it looks to me like he made a deal.

    The enslavement of the planet to the most evil people on earth, was knowingly set in motion by Woodrow Wilson. After what he did, it was really only a matter of time.

    Uruguay looks better every day.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  320. Odyssey says:

    The only real error was finally his assessment that the Russians would just give up and surrender after 3.5 million were captured or killed.

    Can you give us the context or a quote for that important information?

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  321. @Wokechoke

    Animus toward Russia among the Alawites at least seems non existent. The Turkish/American trained army that marched into Damascus isn’t going to demand concessions from Russia.

    You do realize that most Syrians are Sunni?

    The Alawites no longer have a member in charge.

    They’re now just another minority.

  322. @Titus7

    How is it good for Germany? Very few of those “refugees” will ever go back, except on vacation.

    Germany isn’t Britain.

    They have to pass a language test and show employment to stay permanently.

    It’s not some free for all on the dole.

  323. Anon[155] •�Disclaimer says:

    You are gullible beyond repair. Have your milk and go to bed, NOW.

  324. @Priss Factor

    Russia just gave up Syria cuz Syrians refused to fight.

    Stop trying to do damage control.

    Russia missed them coming over the border.

    It would have been Russia’s job to attack the column first before even assessing the Syrian reaction.

    The point is there is no 5D move on any side. This may blow up in Erdogan’s face, like the US playing fire with Alqaeda.

    The rebel leader was already in a deal with Western powers. He has to protect the minorities in exchange for normalized relations.

    These aren’t rando Jihadists that were picked from the camps.

    Erdogan played everyone and especially Putin. You’re just upset that the dwarf was humiliated on the world stage.

    From your Zionist perspective, of course it’s the Jewish supremacist nihilism that takes giddy joy in goyim fighting goyim, but then, Jews are the enemies of humanity, so that’s that.

    I’m not Jewish and you are the confused White that cheers the Russian war where Orthodox men kill each other.

    I’ve been against the Russian invasion from the beginning.

    Now get back to defending the dwarf dictator who this year gave a speech where he said that the Jews promote moral and patriotic values in the youth. Did you agree with Putin? Strange how Putin defenders call their critics Jews and then completely ignore how der dwarf king openly praises the Jews and Netanyahu. Why would that be?

    •�Troll: 36 ulster
    •�Replies: @rebel yell
    , @Anon001
  325. A123 says: •�Website

    There are ties between Türkiye and Russia. Did Putin make a deal to help Erdogan? It is not hard to envision a West Syria territory of Christians and Alawites operating as a Russian protectorate.

    Think about it in the most cynical Erdogan manner possible — Turkish HTS Sunni Syria winds up land locked. That means that Erdogan will have massive control over Sunni Syria, as the bulk of their import/export activity will flow through Turkish ports. Locking in logistical advantages over client states is hardly new as colonial methodology.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Troll: Sarita
    •�Replies: @Anon
  326. @John Johnson

    I don’t know I have heard both sides. I know how the Jew media works. But, whatever its not interesting, I know who benifits from this. The Donmeh jews in charge in turkey… The Jews In Israel. I also know who loses. The USA cause our shabbos goy in Washington. Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese, etc.

    I am pretty sure Russia is all theater (they are run by Chabad and the Jewish oligarchs). China probably is too, Kissinger and a bunch of other jews set that up. I am pretty black pilled at the moment,

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  327. Anon[786] •�Disclaimer says:

    ‘Albanian Muslim goatbotherers’

    Why do you insult a people?

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  328. Anon[786] •�Disclaimer says:

    That is what you want, not Turkiye.

  329. @John Johnson

    You’re just upset that the dwarf was humiliated on the world stage.

    Now get back to defending the dwarf dictator

    der dwarf king

    Why do you say dwarf? Why do you use the German article? Is that supposed to mean something? Are you afraid you can’t win a rational argument? Do you do this kind of name calling with people in the same room with you? Poison pen commentors are usually cowards. Are you a coward?

  330. Anon001 says:
    @John Johnson

    I see that you are using italics for quoting, which is hard to see, especially if there are many. Why don’t you use:

    1) Blockquote button? It’s right next to Italics button. Like so:

    Quoted Text

    2) If not a preference, consider at least prefixing quoted comments in italics with ‘>’ in the first line. Like so:

    > Quoted Text

    Just a suggestion

    700+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR

  331. Odyssey says:

    It would be paradoxical if the panzers that have been starting wars for centuries and causing tens of millions of casualties in ww2 alone, would be insulted by that comparison.

  332. blaqua says:

    Syria is a big pie whose pieces will be taken by Turks (North), Americans and Israelis (South, parts of the West). Russians are busy in Ukraine. This summer Russia told Assad to change his stance, to back down on some issues. He refused. Russia gave him up, but will keep her two bases.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  333. barr says:

    This means Iran cant trust Saudi or UAE .It cant rely on Russia. Close the borders,build nuke ,ICBM, and develop economy from within.

  334. @blaqua

    “but will keep her two bases”

    not for long:


    though apparently the neo-Jihadis and the Russians have cut a deal whereby they will be given sufficient time to make an “orderly withdrawal”.

  335. 36 ulster says:

    Unfortunately, yes. But for how long? The whackamole game played on the Syrians is likely not over.

    •�Agree: Liza
  336. @Priss Factor

    5D chess moves don’t work in foreign policy. Too many variables.

    Erdogen just played chess against everyone and especially Putin.

    The tricky Turk put himself in a win/win.

    Worst case: Syria is taken over by Sunni extremists. Turkey now trades with Jihadists instead of Assad. Sunni refugees return.

    Best case: HTS maintains power and rewards Turkey as a top trade partner. HTS abides by their agreement to protect minorities in exchange for an end to sanctions. Most refugees return.

    Breakup case: Turkey takes northern Syria and moves the refugees into what becomes a Turkish protectorate.

    He can’t lose.

    Boy I bet you wish the dwarf was that tricky.

    Putin’s answer to NATO and a neighbor that prefers the West? Oh how about a lazy 1930s style border invasion that fails to take Kiev and sends Finland and Sweden into NATO. Well played dwarf. NATO has expanded and with even more funding. Oh and only at the cost of the ruble and a hundred thousand Russians.

    Ruble: 10 year low.

    Russian birth rate: Lowest since 1991.

    What a model. Now get back on your knees for a 5’1 angry dwarf who just got played by a Turk.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
  337. “Russia gave him up, but will keep her two bases.”

    This is a curious comment under the circumstances. You could be correct, depends on what the next leadership wants. I have heard the news about people dancing in the streets, but the images don’t look like a national celebration. It looks like Iraq when the US entered Baghdad. Hard to imagine that what is pictured on the news is a joyous population. But since Russia has left Syria as has Iran, I cannot believe she has any control over anything in the country.

    How negative for Russia depends in whether being freed up in Syria , enables Rusia to make moves in Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @blaqua
  338. @ariadna

    I do not see where you pointed to or referred to any flaws of mine. I was not referring to the immediate timeline of this week or even next month. This will be an ebb and flow situation. It may take a year or two to “settle”.

    I don’t think you have considered more factors that may be relevant or come into play. In warring or military operations, assets that one side has and how they are used is paramount. Sustainability is another. Obviously, these two factors were under/overestimated, gotten completely wrong by the ENTIRE Western intelligence and political leaders leading up to the SCO into Ukraine.

    Why was this so? Because these “experts” and “analysits” were nothing of the sort. Andre Martinov calls them out as pseudo-nothings because they have no direct experience, backgrounds include MBAs, political science, and “International Relations”.. Just like Condo lease-a Ripe, “I had no ideas that anyone would fly planes into buildings in America as a terrorist act”. National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, CERTIFIED RUSSIAN EXPERT, studied with Madelaine Albright’s Father.

    But several people had opposite opinions. Col. Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Larry Wilkerson, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern. Time and grade. It turns out that Putin had been preparing for 2022 since 2015. It’s called “The Long Game”, aka sometimes drawing someone into a trap, letting them in so that they are in a finite space and you can use the density of targets for effective killing or “liquidation”, which sometimes is actually “vaporization”.

    Many people belief that deep or extensive knowledge of the past is a sure fire road map to navigating the future or knowing the outcomes. Slippery, tenuous, and with skush gush for firmament.

    A quick check with 1 800 Buddhahelp will inform you that nothing is permanent in this life, which all is impermanence is and constant.

    It’s time to think that there are other considerations in this game of pieces. Before, these rag tag forces without a country were hiding out and scattered. Now, the door is open and they are in the building. They can be seen, quantified, qualified, counted and evaluated. And then killing them with ordinance from above; fish in a barrel, huddled up in tight bunkers. The local population feeding constant intel on there movements. Such a force has to be fed, paid, and logistically maintained. Who is going to do that, and for how long?

    Almost all commenters on here base their opinion on the immediate sequence of events, or…extrapolate the past behavior through the present toward the future like a fast train. The fast train does not keep up in real time and does not predict conditions ahead. Now, is that anyway to run a railroad?

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  339. Sarita says:

    This whole show looks like the US and Turkey had planned it just like the pagers drama the Mossad performed; there were phone calls.
    Afterwards, the Jews didn’t waste five minutes; they’re already in Syria.
    They’re bombing the place left and right, up and down.

    This is why they keep winning. While the resistance sits around talking about accords, and two state solutions, and normalizing relations… and “thinking” about getting a single nuke while Israel got 400.
    The resistance doesn’t have air defence systems, why attack Israel who got 500 fighter planes? 👀
    Next time think 🤯

  340. blaqua says:

    If Russia loses her two bases, it will be a huge defeat for Putin, because in that scenario, Russia loses access to the Mediterranean Sea, something I fail to imagine Putin would ever accept. He and Lavrov knew in advance that a shockingly fast Syrian capitulation would ensue after the counterattack. Russians, Turks, USA and Israelis plotted Assad’s downfall and cut the Syrian pie in various pieces, making sure every side is satisfied with its share. Although Russians will get the smallest Syrian piece, they will get bigger Ukrainian pieces.

  341. OmK says:

    It is crystal clear.
    Turkey suffered from Kurds.
    More accurately, Turkey suffered from the PKK(Partiya Karkeren(Worker’s) Kurdistan). PKK is a communist party.
    In Kurdish region many people have been opposing the PKK.
    Kazar Rothschilds are supporting the PKK. (So, there are trans genders in PKK army.)

    Bashar al Assad has been compromising with this PKK and with Israel. Erdogan knows it very well.

    And Putin also knows it very much.
    Putin persuaded Assad.
    So, Assad fled to Moscow :

    【In BRIEF :
    Assad in Moscow,
    security of Russian bases :
    what Kremlin source said】
    World TASS
    🔶 https://tass.com/world/1884227

  342. An interesting interview : Roula Nasr with prominent Lebanese journalist Faisal Abdul Sater (shi3a )


    Hezbollah suffers from a special problem with the developments in Syria and our communication channels with the party

    Faisal Abdul Sater, writer and analyst, welcome and welcome with us today via Skype, of course, today the events are very fast-paced in a number of minutes in a series of dangerous events that are happening in Syria starting from yesterday until now. What is your reading?

    The first thing is how Syria fell in ten days after it had stood firm for 11 years in the face of terrorism.

    No, it stood firm for 13 years. First of all, my greetings to you and to all the viewers. Thank you for this quick hosting. I mean, I think that keeping up with all these developments is true that the interview is short in time, but it will be rich, God willing, in positions related to the developments in Syria.

    Syria stood firm for 13 consecutive years and the circumstances were much more difficult than they are now, but it is clear that there is a major decision taken at the level of the decision-making capitals in the world that things are no longer viable in Syria for several reasons, including perhaps also what has It is basically related to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and that the Russian president is in a difficult situation and he must make a decision in this context. It seems that something happened between him and the US President-elect Donald Trump that there will be a quasi-barter or a trade-off, perhaps in that there will be flexibility from the Russian side in Syria and flexibility from the American side in Ukraine. Of course, this matter will mean we will follow it. I do not want to be certain now, but these are readings in this context. Of course, this matter is coordinated with the Iranians and coordinated with more than one capital including Turkey as well, which had many moves in this context, especially since the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rejected many of the offers presented to him by the Turkish President Erdogan regarding some matters in Syria, and this is what President Assad rejected. Of course, President Erdogan expressed this matter and it is no longer hidden from anyone that he wants some gains in in exchange for the danger of what he calls Turkish national security from a potential Kurdish state and Kurdish expansion that he calls terrorist groups The Syrian president also refused to negotiate with armed terrorist groups such as the Jan and others, and he also rejected what the Turkish president offered regarding the file of the displaced Syrians, who number at least three million Syrians in Turkey. All these matters combined, especially since the Iranians are also in a difficult situation in the face of these major equations that are being drawn in the region, and so that Syria does not go to a new devastating war in which the sectarian and religious issue is used as one of the elements of the conflict, perhaps these three saw that there should be a choice for the Syrian president, meaning that we cannot continue to support, meaning to support your remaining in power at the expense of the great tensions in the region. Of course, this is a reading I said I do not want to be certain of, but it is clear that it has nothing to do with the facts in such an issue, and the Syrian president may have given himself a choice between two things in return for surrendering to the Americans and the Israelis regarding a normalization agreement or taking Syria into the bosom of Israel, and this is what he rejected and rejects, and he also refused to surrender. Erdogan has no ambition and gave him a blank check that Turkey, which was a major cause of what happened in Syria, would turn this page. He preferred to stay away from the issue and chose to leave the presidential position without any commitment from him to anything. However, in return, he obtained an issue related to his exit from Syria without being exposed to a certain environment or a certain party or perhaps also a certain sect in this context or perhaps to those close to him and not attacking public institutions and maintaining security in the country and not having revenge operations. Perhaps these conditions were logical and were actually presented and President Assad agreed to such a matter. Therefore, we saw that there were orders for the army to withdraw in exchange for the advance of the armed opposition, which is now called the armed opposition, but it is a terrorist opposition and the situation will not change unless it presents a different model. In any case, this opposition, which is supported by international groups and parties and major capitals in the world, came on a silver platter and began to present One city after another until it reached the capital Damascus without a single bullet being fired. Whoever says otherwise, I think he is speaking other than the facts.


    Ustaz Faisal, you mentioned an important point, which is President Assad’s refusal to hand over the country to American, Israeli or Turkish hegemony, but in this dramatic manner that happened from yesterday until today, in the past hours, did he not actually hand over the country to Turkish, American and Israeli hegemony?

    In my opinion, who bears responsibility? Of course, this is from my point of view, and this is a reading. I do not want to be more of a king than the royalists themselves, but I consider myself, if I were in President Assad’s place, I would have chosen between having a large bloodbath, especially since a decision was taken in this context, and we know that this regime started from Gaza and came to Lebanon and fell in Lebanon, but it did not fall completely, but Hezbollah was able to regroup and gather its ranks, and what was required was to be completely eliminated and to throw Iran into this fierce battle. So far, Iran has been able to deviate The same way or another, but the danger has not gone away from Iran and Iraq is in the throes of danger if I were in President Assad’s place and there was a decision at this level, especially since the capitals that provided him with all this support all these years are the same ones that are now putting him between these options. Before that, there were American-Turkish contacts in one way or another. I think that I may have done the same way, that I would leave the matter to these people and not me who bears the responsibility. I mean, it will be said that the Syrian president did not go to an agreement with Israel and did not go to hand over to Erdogan what he wants inside Syria, and he handed over power to these groups that say they are a bracelet and an opposition, and they are the ones who bear the responsibility. Of course, I do not want to be here, or even a liar with the Syrian president, as others are doing now. It is said that the president fled and left the people and I do not know what, etc. I am not one of those who turn overnight. I consider myself, in my opinion, with an objective reading, and President Assad, who has endured for 13 years, may not have returned.

    With his ability to continue, especially when the full support is lifted, especially from capitals that were essential to him, and of course they do not want to continue with him for reasons also related to his security and fear of a major war breaking out in the region. This is a matter that must be read objectively, because these groups that came, that were transformed from al-Jolani to al-Sharaa and from other names to other names, by the way, al-Julani is still wanted on the international terrorism list, and there is a reward for whoever captures him, meaning in the sight and hearing of the Americans.

    Now he is walking around and he is the commander-in-chief. Yes, it turned out that he obeyed, of course, of course. This means that America is the one leading the world with hypocrisy and lying to the world, as it did with the case of Bin Laden. It will do now with the case of al-Julani or al-Sharaa.

    In any case, what concerns us now, I believe. As Minister Gebran Bassil said, What is happening in Syria concerns the Syrian people. As for us, we want to be, meaning, to protect our country and protect Lebanon from any negative effects in this context, and we will follow up on what is happening. Perhaps this is the best statement.

    The other statements that we have heard from some Lebanese are all related to revenge or vengeance or gloating or, meaning, anger to the point that some do not want to comprehend what happened. We cannot get angry and upset, but this also cannot avoid the facts or make us insult other parties. I am one of those who got angry and upset a lot and got very angry, and I am also sad if you want to say in this sense. Yes, I loved President Assad and I do not like to see Syria in this way, but in the end, there are facts that we must deal with, hopefully for the best, but what is happening now does not bode well for there to be matters that call for good, and we hope that we are wrong in this context, especially since the major Israeli development that has happened now may inform us of the future of the coming days.

    In any case, Syria will move to a completely different place that has nothing to do with it. With the resistance and the axis of resistance, and I believe that the major crime that President Assad committed from the point of view of these people, especially America and other countries and some Arab countries, is that he was on the side of Iran, on the side of Hezbollah and on the side of the resistance in the region, and here he paid a great price and perhaps he will also be the subject of a great deal of discussion and perhaps he and his family will be exposed to slander and abuse and a lot will be said about him, but fairness requires us to also be objective. This man has endured a lot, a lot, regardless of the internal issue now that has to do with the nature of the regime’s behavior on the internal level, and this is something I do not want to get into because it is also open to interpretation. Whenever we hear someone here criticizing that he was unjust, I do not believe that anyone in the Arab world, I mean, he is a red flag in the era, in justice and fairness.


    Of course, there are many today, Ustaz Faisal, who are celebrating as if they personally were taking this battle. I wanted to ask you about President Assad when you say that he was receiving guarantees that there would be no chaos and that there would be no harm. With state institutions and so on, but What has happened since the early hours of the morning until now portends the exact opposite. State buildings Were burned, the central bank was robbed, and a little while ago there was also a video that spread on social media. We saw armed men directly targeting citizens who were robbing in the street, whether on foot or in cars. How scary the scene is.

    How much Syria is facing the danger of civil war. It is the same scene that we witnessed in Iraq after the entry of American forces And the occupation of Iraq and the chaos that prevailed in Iraq and the looting and the destruction of the state’s capabilities, which The Iraqi people are still paying the price for, of course, with a difference in method and style and a difference in personalities, of course. I mean, Bashar al-Assad is not like Saddam Hussein, of course, but also I mean, what is being practiced now in Syria, especially in the capital, has destroyed you. I don’t know if it was in the capitals of other cities. What happened happened in them, but Damascus, as the capital, is comparable to Baghdad in 2003. What happened happened in it. And the Iraqi Republic continued to collect the stolen antiquities until yesterday, and some antiquities are still stolen, and the Central Bank, and Iraqi money, and the looting and the destruction of the army that happened and Iraq is still suffering until this moment. I hope that the Syrians will learn from this bitter experience that the Iraqi people went through.

    I said, and I emphasize with the difference in the method and the model and the difference between the two countries and the way in which the regime fell, they now say that they are the Syrian opposition. If the Syrian opposition now acts in this way, this is a catastrophic matter. In any case, I do not want to say that everyone is on the same level. There are those who are respectable by nature, but we know that when such societal phenomena rule in civilized and civilized societies, many crimes and many violations will occur, which may reach the point of killing in the streets and revenge despite all the instructions that were given that there should be no violations, but who can implement it?

    As long as some are trying to present terrorist groups to us as revolutionaries. And they struggled and they got what they wanted with all their might. This model now we hope that they will avoid what many of them are doing now in the streets of Damascus and other cities because this matter may push things towards the worst and towards street wars and revenge and gangs and mafias. This is a catastrophic situation by nature. Was it possible to avoid what happened if Russia and Iran wanted this?

    At the time we all know that with the fall of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, Iran was expelled from Syria and also the Russian position, meaning it also lost a very important element of power for it in the Middle East. We are talking about the bases that it possesses in its only home.

    …., without a doubt, there are multiple readings, Ustaza Rula. I do not want to mean that I am more clever than others in my reading of what is happening, that Russia lost an important position and so on and a strategic position. And the warm sea waters in the region were lost and I don’t know what and the important rules but Perhaps there are priorities for Russian President Putin in relation to the backyard(Ukraine ) that are much more important than the strategic location… if there is an understanding between him and the US President elect Donald Trump, especially since this matter may also be linked to a strategic alliance between him and Iran in the coming few days according to what was said

    and therefore these major countries want to preserve their long-term interests and not just short-term interests sometimes may be fraught with risks especially since there is in Syria,

    let’s be frank, Syria surrounded by a group of dangerous factors that may not be safe for Russia in the future or may not be a suitable ground or so it may be thought knowing that Russia could have offered what is better than this output but perhaps the Russian influence when the Syrian president gave the reins of affairs to the Russians greatly, the Russians opened a wide area of ​​relations with the Turks and this is a …… who wants to if he does not lose in this the relationship that The Syrian people,

    of course, this matter comes in a sectarian and religious context, and we all know this matter, and many Arab countries helped with it because Iran,Persian Iran, is seen by them as the enemy , ….therefore Iran, meaning, tried to look into this issue, and thought so why go far and also inflame ( Suni-Shia sectarian war ) again such matters?

    Regardless of whether I was for or against, I mean, I am now speaking here with the mind of someone who analyzes, meaning, but, meaning, these matters are also upon us. Sometimes, there is some enthusiasm that possesses us, and I am one of those who, meaning, cannot believe what happened now, and they do not obey to comprehend what happened, and I will not be one of those who move the rifle from shoulder to shoulder, because I still have my convictions, and what happened in Syria, is happening in Syria, and will happen in Syria in a preemptive manner will not be in the interest of the principles, doctrine, and supreme national interest of our region, especially in what is related to the Palestinian issue and confronting American colonialism and Western colonialism.

    This is my reading, and I hope I am wrong, meaning, these people (Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani and his HTS ) will not turn into fighters for Israel, they will be Normalizers for Israel .

    Of course, it is clear that an attempt to polish the image ( from Al-Qaida extremists to Freedom Fighters ) will not work on us and will not pass us by. What is happening in Syria is a big and dangerous matter, the repercussions of which may appear in weeks or months or perhaps in I mean more than a few months, maybe a year or two, God knows, and perhaps before that.


    Yes, I have a final question for you, because you started to market a little on the Internet, you mentioned that there may be a Russian agreement with the new president, Trump. This is contrary to everything they said about Biden igniting the region in the face of Trump before he took office. And the last question is, just as they sacrificed Syria, there is a possibility that the Palestinian issue will be sacrificed. I am talking about countries.

    In my opinion, now, it is not the axis countries that want to sacrifice the Palestinian issue. I believe that the matters are the same that led us to such a matter. Hezbollah alone remained the head of this axis, which was able to spare Lebanon what is very bad. It can maintain its strength and its resistance, and of course the battle is long

    because practically Now what happened is the actual implementation of Resolution 1680, the way Or in other words, perhaps we will go to a new dispute About 1559 and redefining the resistance and the militia

    If we go to Hezbollah as a militia, there will be a big problem in Lebanon, and if we go to Hezbollah as a resistance and it is a resistance and it is a result of the occupation, this means that everyone Shut up and be silent and benefit from this power for the benefit of Lebanon unless some people start preparing Lebanon to also be part of the normalization countries, and this is something that will have many consequences

    And we will not accept it even if this matter means that it will lead to their execution and to our killing in our homes At least I am talking here about what concerns me on a personal level,

    but regarding what is related to the fact that Biden wants to ignite the region in front of the coming Trump, I do not think so because Biden wanted Ukraine to be on fire and he wanted the war in the region (our region ) not to expand ….. it is possible that sometimes they may hit or miss, meaning not everything is American destiny,

    but in relation to Trump and Putin, yes, it seems clear that there is talk that Trump will be lenient on the issue of Ukraine, but it is not necessary that the matter will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or months after Trump comes,

    because a short while ago we heard a statement by Trump which says that this is the fate of those who seek refuge with President Putin, meaning tha the Ukrainian-Russian war will be possible to end in the near future or perhaps be lasting forever. Such a statement is frightening, meaning that President Putin has been deceived if it is true that there was an agreement,

    I do not want to say that there was an agreement, I want to say that there is a consensus in the region that occurred between the concerned countries, perhaps the Arab countries contributed to showing it in this way, but they have to feel their heads, their heads in one way or another, because practically, whoever shaves his beard, his neighbor should not pour water on his beard,

    and if These terrorist groups had transformed overnight into groups that believe in democracy, which means that the matter may also extend to groups present in more than one Arab country, and no country will be spared from what happened in Syria.


    Excuse me, it was announced a little while ago that President Assad is in Moscow with his family. In your opinion, what do you think he was supposed to address the Syrian people before leaving Damascus?

    I mean, perhaps in my opinion, it would have been better for him not to address any word. What does he want to say in this speech? He says that these capitals have abandoned me, and I am leaving you now in God’s care. I mean, look, at the psychological level, one cannot. Now, at the level of responsibility, perhaps you are right. I mean, there was supposed to be a word, but what happened happened.

    Perhaps things were fast, but in my opinion, it was What happened and what appeared today in Doha and began to leak to the media was The steps on the ground were much faster than announcing this agreement and giving President Assad a chance To have a word in any case, meaning the word did not advance or delay the agreement.

    It is present In the hands of the groups that entered the Syrian capital Damascus and is present in the capitals that witnessed and signed, meaning Turkey, Russia and Iran on the one hand, and Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Jordan And Iraq on the other hand, they all have knowledge and they have a signal, meaning all of this that happened and they have to Assess the matters.

    If there is someone to blame the Syrian president for not saying a word These capitals were supposed to say in their statement clearly and not in two words That an agreement was reached on a broad political process. They were supposed to say that such and such an agreement was reached and the Syrian president will be removed in one way or another, but these people perhaps preferred not to be part of this announcement and the Syrian president himself preferred not to be in this position, so he saved face to Somewhat from his point of view,

    Of course, this issue may be that I do not want to be here, as if I am the one who owns the matter in this framework. Everyone has a point of view in this circumstance. It is a difficult circumstance, of course, but things were much faster than we all imagined

    By the way, I was a guest on Syrian TV yesterday night, I mean, at 11 pm or 11:45 pm. I was probably the last guest on Syrian TV, live from Beirut, and this picture was not this fast. Unfortunately, we were surprised by this type.

    Can I say, unfortunately, others may say that this is our joy? Everyone has a reading of what happened. They are happy, I mean, congratulations to them for their joy, but they must be careful in this joy and not turn this joy into pessimism later on or not harm or provoke others. And the angry person, like me, they must also not have their anger, their anger, that it may affect them or others or provoke others. We must accept things as they happened.

    This is how it happened in More than one country, even if Syria has its own privacy, but in the end, what happened happened, but what matters to us in Lebanon is that we are aware and very attentive and that our enthusiasm does not lead us to ignore what the Israelis are doing or not to be oblivious to what the Israelis are doing in Syria, in Lebanon, and in Gaza as well.

    Of course, we are not asking in order to condemn. We are asking because there are many people who love and love President Assad, and there are also people who are afraid of what is happening from the ambiguity. True, and it is true, and it is their right to ask questions, but they also have to be accepting because I heard, I mean, many people have turned against him and many people have started to talk and so on.

    On a personal level, even if I am a loser, I have to adhere to my the principles .No one is above criticism, not President Assad or anyone in the world, but criticism is something and to change the course is something else entirely.

    Finally Pessimistic, afraid or we should wait I am not afraid of anything, I mean in my life I have been through everything, I mean I fear for the fates of our peoples and our countries, I fear a new Sykes-Picot that may Be much more dangerous than the Sykes-Picot that passed,

    especially since Netanyahu, I mean, came out and spoke today Clearly and began to implement it, I mean, he has now trampled on the old Sykes-Picot ….

    he added, I mean, several kilometers of Syrian territory … more and more in The West Bank, and if he can in Lebanon, but this will not be with the presence of the resistance and Hezbollah ….

    I mean, I am afraid, I am definitely afraid But I am not one of those who are afraid to the point that they might change their orientations, I do not I care about anything in this world as long as I am on the right side.

    Thank you very much, ustaz Faisal. We salute you. May God make these days pass in peace and we ask this. We ask that it be good for Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iraq. O God, keep this bitter cup away from Iraq, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, and all Arab countries because I mean, I feel a real danger in this context. Amen, O Lord. Thank you very much, ustaz Faisal. Thank you. Good bye.

  343. @JohnSmith001

    Dont worry, I’m becoming too damn black pilled myself, and I use to think this was an incel issue but it’s not. Either way I think some of us would be better off staying off sites like this, health wise I feel that it’s mentally damaging to me now. Especially because there’s nothing but “IT’S THE END IT’S OVER THE DEMON HAS WON!” I’m so sick and tired of shit like this. The more I keep seeing as to how every “leader” in the world is no man of his own, and they all take the “selected ones” dick deep up the asshole….I become more and more pissed off and irritated with humanity. And then all that talk about how that one little disease part of the world was going to fall or crumble, but instead they get to fucking expand even more. Someone will start to say “well now Iran is going to fall!” I don’t know about anyone else here, but times like this makes me regret that I didn’t pass on and die earlier in life of natural causes. I’m so sick and tired of humanity now.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  344. @ariadna

    It seems reasonable to see that Bashar, a medical student in London, was not the right mettle to rule Syria, incl ruling his own officials which his father would have been. Too soft. Place like that needs a General Suvorov, able to take/implement hard decisions. Eg —

    — 🇸🇾/🇾🇪/🇸🇦 Yemen’s Ansarullah reveals more about Assad: ‘He closed our embassy in Damascus, in exchange for Saudi Arabia letting him open a Saudi embassy there’

    For those having emotional meltdowns (not a few here), there are a couple things to say, apart from “Man Up”.
    1. We can generally trust what high officials in Iran/Axis of Resistance countries say as being true. As opposed to western “governments” (esp USUK) and western media. This is not unknown but said as a reminder to those Americans who rather laughably continue to put faith in tv anchors or believe that ZionDon wishes to combat the Deep State.

    2. Not everybody is having emotional meltdowns.

    🇮🇷| Iranian FM Aragchi: Iran will continue support the resistance & Hezbollah

    We’ve received guarantees in Syria that the embassy & consulate of Iran will be protected, and more importantly the shrines of Lady Sayyede Zainab & Hazrat Ruqyah will be protected & respected.

    The attack on the embassy this morning was not done by the actual groups but by bystanders for looting purposes.

    Iran’s position is to support the wishes of the Syrian people, but it is not easy to reach an agreement between all the different groups.

    The resistance may have setbacks or undergo changes, like losing dear figures in Lebanon for example, but resistance continues.

    Again — the sooner that Americans recognise the true nature of their “government” and society, including elected officials, members of its spy agencies and the very many thousands of Americans who continue their country’s war on the world, forgetting Hollywood fantasies and self-comforting “feelings” the better all round.
    If the Syria fiasco achieves only this it will be something.

    •�Agree: nokangaroos
    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @ariadna
  345. @Pepé Le Pew

    Thanks. I have made the same points and agree with yours.

    Larger strategies not apparent likely are in play.

    A big question nobody asks is what are unintended consequences and what new forces and pressures have been created?

  346. Nat X says:

    It fell. What next incels?

    •�LOL: John Johnson
  347. @blaqua

    He and Lavrov knew in advance that a shockingly fast Syrian capitulation would ensue after the counterattack.

    There was no counterattack by Assad’s forces.

  348. @NoBodyImportant

    Don’t take it so hard and be happy that you live in interesting times where great changes happen in years and days that would have taken decades or centuries in the past. Yes, Iran is next in line and we all knew that from that list of countries to destroy even before 911. But let them spread chaos and turmoil, something will emerge out of all this. Even if the Palestinians are matched out of Gaza and the West Bank, there will be some Palestinians somewhere who will not let the world forget their plight and the crimes of the Jews by launching something spectacular. The fight continues …

  349. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    While you and I may agree on facts on the ground (at least some of them, some of the time), the difference is that I sincerely deplore them whereas you do not succeed in masking your glee with ridiculous miming devices like using triple parentheses to signify “Jews,” or using terms like “judeo-globohomo.”
    Second,by suggesting that stopping “judeo-globohomo” can be achieved by the “downfall of Babyface Tsar and his replacement by a Jew-wise Russian Nationalist” you ruin your disguise. The idea is a patent Jewish shtick advocating a color revolution in Russia.
    Whatever Putin’s flaws are, and they are quite a few, his removal and the ensuing “creative chaos” would give the “judeo-globohomo” (whom you root for while pretending to be against) the golden opportunity to break the RF into manageable chunks to devour as they are currently doing in Syria, as they did in the former Yugoslavia.
    They might install a “Yatze” type of self-professed “Russian nationalist” (the same kind as the crop of “nationalists” and “White advocates” the Jews have produced in the US in recent years) to lead the “transition.”

  350. @Arthur MacBride

    The attack on the embassy this morning was not done by the actual groups but by bystanders for looting purposes.

    Then how come the Russian and other embassies weren’t looted? Obviously the rebels and whatever security forces did not want to protect the Iranians.

    But yeah, Assad was not the right guy for the job. He had no choice but to take over the country after his father’s death and there was probably nobody more suited for the job. I am glad he and his family got away so that he didn’t suffer the fate of Gaddafi and Saddam, two other great Arab leaders. In fact, these three were my favourite Arab leaders, as all others pale by comparison, but the forces against them were too big to handle alone.

    Interestingly, this leader of the main jihadi group that took power in Syria and used to be the No. 2 in ISIS was inspired by the Palestinian intifada to become a terrorist. So he sold out to Israel, Turkey and the West, but we’ll see if he will continue being their agent in the future. In the Arab world alliances can quickly change. Treachery is the name of the game of politics in the Middle East.

  351. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    I agree except for the last paragraph.
    The Americans are not going to have an epiphany as a result of the destruction of Syria.
    They are so far behind in experiencing epiphanies (none after JFK’s assassination, none after USS Liberty, none after Jonathan Pollard, none after any of the Jewish wars in the ME, none after the ongoing extermination of Palestine) that Syria will affect them as much as the weak sound of a distant small bell would a deaf man. No hope there.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  352. ariadna says:
    @Poupon Marx

    My bad.
    I have no excuse.
    I should have known better.

  353. Latest development …….

    Scene from Moscow, the Russian capital, Moscow
    where Bashar al-Assad, the former president, fled to
    with his family …..

    We are following with you, this scene of changing the flag in the
    Russian capital Moscow at the headquarters of the Syrian Embassy

  354. @Poupon Marx

    The scarecrow analogy by Jung is extremely perceptive. Notice how many New Hitlers were created by the Western mind. The two that stuck to my brain from the nineties were Milosevic and Saddam Husain. And as of recently, the winner of that assigned title by the Western intelligentsia is Putin.

    With all due respect to Jung, a man of true genius, who managed to combine his psychological capacities with a spiritual orientation, something that that Freud had not, I have often wondered why Jung singled out Hitler from among the various protagonists of the bloody chapter of WWII for such a scathing analysis. How much moral courage Jung had I truly have no idea, but singling out the loser when among the winners we had far more worthy people of psychological analysis like Winston Churchill, FDR, Stalin and Eisenhower, makes me believe that Jung was jumping on the bandwagon of Hitler bashing just like the once Hitler faithful, Otto Dietrich, the SS officer who served as Hiltler’s press chief.

    Some people are born to dwell in the world of ideas, mainly in the abstract, others see their fulfillment in the material world. Hitler was of the latter type just like one of the greats of Russian history, Peter the Great. Which type fits better will always depend on the situation of a the society and its more pressing needs. Had there been no Treaty of Versailles that was meant to impoverish and humiliate the one nation that was least prone to resort to force and that was the most reluctant warrior in WWI, Hitler would have never had the motivation nor the chance to lead Germany.

    Notwithstanding who is right or who is wrong, history is always written by the winner. An academic has the luxury of time to analyze matters after the fact, whereas someone in a position of responsibility for the security of the nation is hostage to the cascading events when taking a decision and does not have much room for higher spiritual analysis.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Poupon Marx
  355. ariadna says:

    I agree.
    As for “Uruguay looks better every day.” it is partially true only insofar as it is a handkerchief-size country with no natural resources to covet, no geostrategic position that beats what next-door neighbor Argentina (captured already) has to offer, so Uncle Sam only keeps only a relaxed eye on it.
    Probably the most secular country in South America so no danger of a religious nationalist rearing his ugly head to stir the masses like Romania’s Georgescu. Cultural marxism did not make much headway after the only trans elected as senator was caught in a scandal of financial fraud and outright theft and oh, my, casts a negative light upon all trans…
    It is probably the most expensive country in SA.
    People are tolerant and rather passive and above all value… tranquility. “Tranquilo” is the adjective that denotes the best quality they can imagine. One of the most popular bars is called “Bar Tranquilo”… Like Argentina it is the Whitest SA country. The few natives left are seen only during Carnaval, in colorful costunes, beating their candombe drums. The very few Blacks come from Venezuela and don’t stay. As soon as they save enough money they start their trek to the Darien pass.
    The Uruguayans don’t react to the fact that, for one example, Uruguay exports grapefruit but in local stores the only grapefruits you can buy are imported from Israel and carry the label “Jaffa.” They only laugheed dismissively that the outgoing president, Lacalle Pou, the scion of an old, well-known local family (his own father was president in the past) saw fit to declare that he suspected that his grandmother might have been Jewish because some family members recalled that she lit candles on Friday nights… A defensive shield, he probably thought, because his father had been accused of being an anti-semite,
    They accepted to avoid using the term “Easter weak” and calling it instead “The Week of Tourism” and say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. They don’t wish to offend…
    There is “traditional’ anti-semitism but it is not religion-based. It is more like a reflex, personal experience-based anti-Jewish attitude that considers Jews more likely to be dishonest, stingy and pushy than any other group. “The slur “los roñosos” is only used to refer to Jews.
    There are not yet, so far, any laws to punish “hate speech.”
    The best feature in recent years was the refusal of the government to obligate people to get “jabbed” (it was called “Liberty with responsibility”) or to impose any lockdowns.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
    , @Felpudinho
  356. @ariadna

    I’m sorry to hear it, dear Ariadna, but it does very sadly ring true.
    In my mind, this/other factors place a question on their future and hence on that of USA. If Americans are unwilling to go for “what is morally correct” or indeed for anything except the soft option and Mickey Mouse cartoons, there can be no future except decline and ruin. Continuing to make war on the world does not have any upside.
    For this reason I was glad to read Ron Unz’s profile of your Ambassador Freeman earlier this morning. USA cannot afford to continue to sideline people of this calibre while the neocon Crazies run rampant and threaten the world.
    While Americans believe that ZionDon will build their Wall.
    And that will save them from “inferior people”.

    Btw, knowing that you are female obviously means that the injuction to “Man Up” was not directed at you, but to those American males commenting who need to hear it.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @ariadna
  357. @Commentator Mike

    Thanks, Mike.
    I didn’t know that abt Jolani or whatever his name is.

    Treachery is the name of the game of politics in the Middle East.

    Who can disagree with this ?
    He will continue, as you say, as long as he gets Swiss Bank a/c status, (limited) local power for the usual extortion etc and the very clear threat that failure/backsliding will mean a sudden and/or painful death.
    The powers that control him will also wish to dispose of him anyway before long and replace him with an equally low-quality bandit leader.

    Agree your take on Saddam and (especially) Ghadaffi. The corrupt Clintons that murdered Gadaffi are simply gangster gutter trash by comparison.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  358. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    “If Americans are unwilling to go for “what is morally correct” or indeed for anything except the soft option and Mickey Mouse cartoons, there can be no future except decline and ruin.”

    It is not just moral blindness. It is not only that they are unwilling to go what is morally right. It is worse than that: they are unwilling even to go for what is patently obviously selfishly right: their own interests.

    “Btw, knowing that you are female obviously means that the injuction to “Man Up” was not directed at you, but to those American males commenting who need to hear it.”

    “Man up” is an exhortation unsuitably addressed to an already castrated bunch.
    At any rate it would not offend me since in this era of dictated dysphoria I may well be considered (not biologically but ideologically) a male chauvinist pig in a woman’s body…

  359. @Notsofast

    I am more perplexed than you are. Are we seeing here a pragmatic Putin who wants to relieve himself from the vipers’ nest that Syria was made to be with Iran following suit, leaving the Western created mess to haunt those who cooked it? From the news I managed to get from Syria insiders, the army did not even put a pretense of a fight.

    Another speculation is that Assad refused to accept a compromise with the Israel created islamists contrary to Russia’s wishes. His father before him had rebuked the most generous offer that Israel had given to Syria under Yehud Barak under the auspices of America around the end of the Clinton mandate, for Assad’s father Hafez insisted that for any peace with Israel, the latter had to accept the status quo ante of the coast of lake Tiberias to the Syrian side remaining with Syria. As much as the Assads are known for their pragmatic approach, they never compromised over national principles.

    Something is amiss. There is no way the Syrian or Russian or Iranian intelligence were taken by surprise with an operation that took more than a year to prepare. Is there a big power covert agreement for the New Middle East?

    Too many questions that require sometime to understand. From the experience we have had in Iraq and Libya, Syria is heading for partition.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @John Johnson
  360. A123 says: •�Website
    @Joe Levantine

    Too many questions that require sometime to understand. From the experience we have had in Iraq and Libya, Syria is heading for partition.

    It is an opportune time to create new boundaries within what we currently call Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. The big winners will be:

    • Kurdistan obtaining land from both Iraq and Syria.
    • Maronite and Druze sovereign states from Lebanon.

    Other gains — In Iraq, Shia and Sunni would be able to formally part ways. A Christian & Alawite enclave on the coast from Syrian land.

    New borders that prohibit destabilizing religious migration would lock in national character. Those who stay on the wrong side of the new lines would be “permanent residents” not citizens. There will always be a few, usually elderly, holdouts. For example, a Maronite Lebanon would be guaranteed Christian continuity of rule and a demographic super majority.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Troll: ariadna, John Trout
  361. @Joe Levantine

    And as of recently, the winner of that assigned title by the Western intelligentsia is Putin.

    Strongly disagree. More later. Thanks.

  362. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    One who “manned up” in Romania, won the presidential election, so they simply cancelled the election…

    “In Romania, the Constitutional Court has for the first time canceled the results of a presidential election because a “right wing” candidate unexpectedly won the first round. The government claims Calin Georgescu received an online boost on his campaign TikTok account from Russian sources and this represented a “distortion of the vote”. The court has produced no concrete evidence to support this claim, nor have they explained how artificial Russian traffic on Georgescu’s TikTok account translates to Romanian votes.

    The courts are now determining if they will bring criminal charges against Georgescu. After all, they can’t run another election only for the candidate to win again and prove the Russian accusations are a hoax. Prosecutors are raiding his apparent campaign financiers looking for proof of election interference. Georgescu says he has never had any ties to Russia or any other foreign entity; he called the Constitutional Court in Romania a ‘mafia court’ participating in a coup against the Romanian people.”

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  363. @Arthur MacBride


    According to Jolani’s Wikipedia bio

    According to an interview with Frontline in 2021, al-Julani stated he was radicalized by the Palestinian Second Intifada in 2000 when he was 17 or 18 years old. “I started thinking about how I could fulfil my duties, defending a people who are oppressed by occupiers and invaders,” he said.

    His family is from the Golan Heights and was displaced by the Israeli occupation. His father was a nationalist and cooperated with the PLO. Strange that he should betray to the Jews and Americans but he may yet betray his new masters.

  364. @blaqua

    He and Lavrov knew in advance that a shockingly fast Syrian capitulation would ensue after the counterattack. Russians, Turks, USA and Israelis plotted Assad’s downfall and cut the Syrian pie in various pieces, making sure every side is satisfied with its share.

    Then why did the Russians attack the rebels with airstrikes after they had entered Aleppo? Why not attack them as they entered from Turkey if he knew about it?

    It’s on video so don’t bother trying to deny it.

    Stop trying to pretend that Putin is playing 5d chess.

    He got played by Erdogan.

    There are in fact reports of Russian military equipment being seized.

    •�Replies: @blaqua
  365. blaqua says:
    @John Johnson

    Did I say that Russia wanted to protect and keep the Assad regime? No, because Russia is very busy in Ukraine and doesn’t want to send troops to fight the jihadists. Her airplanes dropped some bombs just to show that Russia reacted somehow. In summer, Russia told Assad to back down on some issues. Assad refused, was adamant and was kicked from Syria.

    As for Erdogan and Turks in general, they are backstabbing Zionist allies who pretended that they were against Israel and yet never stopped Azeri oil from flowing to is**el.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  366. @ariadna

    Yes I saw that. Thanks. Desperation connected with, among other pending failures, Perfidious Albion War Bonds. Or so I read. Plausible.
    Apt comment from Margarita Simonyan.

    Western democracy is dead and the only thing left is to offer condolences, according to RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan. She was commenting on the cancelation of the results of the presidential election in Romania, in which independent candidate Calin Georgescu, a NATO and EU critic and a staunch opponent of aiding Ukraine, won the first-round vote.


    About failures, Tblisi has been another western F grade. Apparently up to ~33% of rioters were western imports. Terrible shame really, all those queers travelling all that distance to practice riotous democracy and it ends in Null Points. Tragic.

    Georgia has prevented an attempted overthrow of the government orchestrated by foreign powers, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has said. He compared the scenario allegedly prepared for the nation with the situation in Ukraine in 2014.


    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  367. @Commentator Mike

    What a rat to betray his own father and evicted family to fight for the evicters.
    No way they will ever trust him (not that they would anyway).

    Short life imho.
    Meanwhile Israel reported advancing on Dara’a, centre of opposition to al-Assad.
    “What Goes Around, Comes Around”.

  368. @Arthur MacBride

    Lamebrain Lammy speaks out.

    🇬🇧🇬🇪⚡️The UK will suspend all aid programs to Georgia and limit interaction with the Georgian government, the Foreign Minister announced.

  369. @blaqua


    I find it hard to believe that Russia who aided Pres Assaad’s government is going to be given a pass, he government was as bad as claimed. But time will tell. If there is actually a deal in place to let those bases remain or even allow them an exit that includes theor aicract ad materials — then this so called boon for the west is suspect.

    •�Replies: @blaqua
  370. blaqua says:

    Russians, Turks and Iranians considered Assad incapable of stopping the Kurds from reaching the Mediterranean and they ousted him. Kurds have been USA and Israel allies for the last years and aspired to create their own State, Kurdistan. However, the fall of Assad serves the interests of USA and Israel too. Many are the winners, and the main loser, Syria and its people.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  371. @blaqua

    Did I say that Russia wanted to protect and keep the Assad regime? No, because Russia is very busy in Ukraine and doesn’t want to send troops to fight the jihadists. Her airplanes dropped some bombs just to show that Russia reacted somehow.

    Russia would want to protect the Assad regime if they thought it was possible. They assessed the situation and decided it was best to leave. That was after they attacked the rebels which shows an intelligence failure on their part as they missed them coming in. There is no reason to believe that they knew this was coming. The rebels are riding around in Russian equipment and a Russian unit is currently trapped and posting to telegram.

    Russia can only lose in this predicament. Any post-Assad government will not be giving Russia equal treatment. The Syrians are not going to forget that Assad only won the previous civil war through Russian military aid. They will be anti-Russian for decades.

    As for Erdogan and Turks in general, they are backstabbing Zionist allies who pretended that they were against Israel and yet never stopped Azeri oil from flowing to is**el.

    Erdogan backstabs everyone and yet Putin keeps talking to him.

    It was Erdogan who was depicting himself as a neutral mediator on Syria while secretly building up this military force with the help of Ukrainian drone advisors. Of course he had to keep it secret from Putin. Involving Putin would involve too much risk of a double cross where those Ukrainian drone advisors get killed.

    Erdogan is obviously a snake but this was well played. I don’t know in what pit the Turks found this guy but he is crafty.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  372. @Commentator Mike

    ….. betray his new masters. ( betray ? Ha ha ha !!!)

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @Anon
  373. @Joe Levantine

    Something is amiss. There is no way the Syrian or Russian or Iranian intelligence were taken by surprise with an operation that took more than a year to prepare. Is there a big power covert agreement for the New Middle East?

    Seems like a reasonable question but the Ukrainians somehow snuck an army group past the front and into Kursk. This would be the second time that the Russians somehow missed an armored column on the sats. So it wouldn’t be without precedent.

    Iran may have known but wants Assad out. Maybe they decided that a Sunni government would be preferable to the Alawites. Maybe they decided that Assad was too weak on Israel. Or maybe Erdogan also snuck it past them or even offered them a cut.

  374. A123 says: •�Website

    Russia can only lose in this predicament. Any post-Assad government will not be giving Russia equal treatment. The Syrians are not going to forget that Assad only won the previous civil war through Russian military aid. They will be anti-Russian for decades.

    HTS is listed as a terror organization. Its head has a $10MM bounty. That may not hold, but they need a plan if it does. Turkey and Russia cooperate (e.g. TurkStream pipeline). It seems likely that Russia will retain its bases.

    Has Erdogan learned from GW Bush’s mistake in Iraq?

    Winning militarily is only the first step. Trying to hold fractious Syria together by force is likely impossible. Some sort of partition (or “partition lite” autonomy) would be vastly more practical.

    Countries plagued with Syrian refugees are the big winners. (1)

    European leaders and Syrian opposition groups alike are urging refugees to consider repatriation, as the reasons for their initial flight no longer apply.

    The overthrow of Assad has brought wild celebrations in Syria among exiled Syrians, with thousands taking to the streets of European cities this weekend to rejoice over the end of his 24-year-long regime.

    Crowds have already begun forming at the Masnaa border crossing in Lebanon, with refugees waving green opposition flags and singing in celebration. Similarly, vast queues were seen at the Turkish border.

    Despite elite European elite resistance, many Syrians will be sent home in the near future.

    Remigration is Coming!

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://rmx.news/article/calls-grow-for-syrian-refugees-in-europe-to-return-home-after-assads-fall/

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @John Johnson
  375. @Charles Martel France

    terrific vid:

    a batshit-crazy West Bank settler-colonist Jewess exulting about her future manse on scenic Mt. Hermon.

    message to Jewess: might not want to hire any building contractors just yet….

  376. @A123

    “likely that Russia will retain its bases”

    thanks for the laugh.

    “Bush’s mistake in Iraq”

    there was no “mistake”. WMD was a fig-leaf. Actual purpose of the war was to force Iraq oil sales back on the dollar and only the dollar. Mission Accomplished.

  377. Anon[792] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Fuck off GENOCIDAL!

  378. anon[410] •�Disclaimer says:

    Syria now belongs to Israel. What is next? Well, Venezuela and Cuba will be easy conquests. Israel can easily order NATO to bomb both Cuba and Venezuela. Trump will make this happen. China and North Korea will self-destruct from extremely low birthrates. Israel is very closely monitoring the birthrates of both China and North Korea. Israeli feminism will increase in intensity to reduce Chinese and North Korean birthrates to almost zero levels. But, scientifically speaking, the low birthrates of these two nations is not the result of Israel, but rather dysgenics.

    Russia is failing at a very “good” rate. Russia has just now lost Syria, and they will lose Ukraine as well. Trump, taking orders from the Likud Party, will keep on attacking Russia through Ukraine. Eventually, Russian citizens will capitulate to Israel and embrace Western Liberal Cultural Marxism. The key is to keep on bombing Russia for the next one hundred years. All of Europe can be used to keep on bombing Russia. Russia is now 50% Brown, and will soon become almost all ethnically Brown. Russia will become the equivalent of Mexico and Brazil, and will be easily taken over by Israel.

  379. Wokechoke says:

    If you’d told Hitler that in a couple of months the Wehrmacht would capture or kill around 3.5 million Soviet soldiers, if he was resolute enough to invade the USSR. He’s also have imagined he had won the war doing it.

    The Soviets had around 3.3 million surrendered men starved to death in German custody. It’s a well documented total. Most of these men were captured in the summer and fall 1941.

  380. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Erdogan is the inheritor of the sort of back stabbery, essentially what Eastern Roman Emperors were known for in Russian historiography. There’s a certain amount of geographical determinism at work with any boss running Constantinople. He’ll play off those around him much as Ergodan continues to do so.

  381. Wokechoke says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Jolani is a Palestinian in essence? What gives. Assuming he’s alive in six months eh?

    •�Replies: @AnoN
  382. @A123

    HTS is listed as a terror organization. Its head has a $10MM bounty. That may not hold, but they need a plan if it does.

    They are working with the US to get that removed in exchange for a requirement that they do not attack Christians or other minorities.

    There are also supposedly talks in the work to get the sanctions removed as part of the deal.

  383. Rurik says:

    Thank you for the interesting scoop in Uruguay. It’s somewhere I’ve never been, but I wonder if I’m not going to end up one day in some Latin American country. And what you touched on, (it’s remote and low down on ZOG’s list of nations to destroy), are good points.

    They accepted to avoid using the term “Easter weak” and calling it instead “The Week of Tourism” and say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. They don’t wish to offend…

    however, I don’t think I could stand this.

    I’m not a religious person per se, but one of the things I cherish, are the Christian holidays like Christmas. Not the commercial aspect, but the other stuff, like wishing people a Merry Christmas in the best sense of bonhomie and good will towards man, and woman and child. Just the festive attitude and smiles on people’s faces, because it’s Christmas. (not the ((holiday season))).

    So just that, a cowardice to express the best of intentions all around, because doing so might offend less than one percent of the population who’re full of hate and determined that no one have a reason to smile, ever. Especially the children.

    If a Western nation or society, one whose heritage is Christian, feels like they’re too ashamed to wish each other a Merry Christmas!, then that’s a place I would prefer to avoid.

    There are not yet, so far, any laws to punish “hate speech.”

    well, if they’re low on Negros and los roñosos, then what’s to censor?

    The best feature in recent years was the refusal of the government to obligate people to get “jabbed” (it was called “Liberty with responsibility”) or to impose any lockdowns.

    I want to visit many places, but for anywhere I’d settle down, what you mentioned about the lockdowns, would be a huge criteria. I’d never settle down in a nation or place that enforced those draconian petty tyrannical edicts.


    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  384. Rurik says:


    good insights


    Bashar al-Assad was not up to the challenges of his office. Too much corruption and poverty, it seems.

    •�Replies: @GeneralRipper
  385. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    that was just a joke haxo, don’t get carried away. there’s not enough information out there, to fully understand this situation right now. i’m reserving my judgement until the picture becomes more clear. to put this into terms you can understand “reply hazy, try again later”.🎱

  386. @blaqua

    Th Kurds have had several opportunities to have their own country. Each time the attempt ended because Kurds began fighting each other.

    Time will tell.

    I am sill waiting o see what the opposition does wih respect to Russia’s bases.

  387. Sarita says:

    Mr. Mike Whitney, dear sir

    Don’t you think that things are going so fast that the title

    Will Damascus Fall?

    Should probably be replaced with

    Will Tel Aviv Fall?

    I mean the distance between the Golan Heights (or southern Lebanon) and Tel Aviv is way shorter than the distance between Aleppo and Damascus.
    Let me look it up..
    Hold on…

    Got it!

    The distance between South Lebanon and Tel Aviv is 234 km

    While the distance between Aleppo and Damascus is: 399 km.

    Ooops my Jewish friends are probably very worried 😫 😫 😫

    •�Replies: @A123
  388. A123 says: •�Website

    😂😆😂 ROTFLMAO 😆😂😆

    I mean the distance between the Golan Heights (or southern Lebanon) and Tel Aviv is way shorter than the distance between Aleppo and Damascus.

    For obvious reasons, there are specific rules for attacking nuclear powers.

    • How far is it from Turkish HTS lines to Russian “colonists” in Tartus? 20+ miles? Guess what… Erdogan’s HTS is not attacking Russia.

    • How far is it from Turkish HTS lines to the Jewish Golan Heights? 50+ miles? Guess what… Erdogan’s HTS is not attacking Israel.

    You may find this surprising… Erdogan is about renaming Constantinople. He does not want it turned into a radioactive, water filled crater.

    How much does Iran pay you to be a pathetic Taqiyya Troll lying for the greater glory of Khamenei? Whatever it is… based on your total incompetence… It is too much.

    Have you considered leaving Unz Review to post at DNC establishment, pro-Iranian outlets like NYT or WaPo? They would love you over there.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Troll: Sarita
    •�Replies: @Sarita
  389. Sarah says:
    @Joe Levantine

    On the other hand, the reopening of the Arab League seat to Syria, that had previously been suspended, was meant to lull Assad into thinking that his troubles are behind him. That caused the Syrian Authorities to act in a cavalier and inconsiderate way with their closest allies, Iran and Hezbollah, …

    Do you mean to say that he has somehow rested on his laurels? That he has dozed off?

    •�Troll: Che Guava
  390. AnoN[407] •�Disclaimer says:

    This traitor is in fact JORDANIAN and his masters present him as Syrian to be used for their criminal act in the region. He is a terrorist in the service of the criminal West and its servants, the faggot Arab head of states and of course Nato member Turkey. I don’t know since when he became a Syrian. The following is being circulated in the news:

    According to the Iranian officials, this constructive chaos (for the planners) will quickly engulf Turkey, because the United States has promised Massoud Barzani the territorial connection of the Kurdish state from Iran to the Mediterranean Sea by 2025, and Turkey cannot remain silent about it. The friends of the terrorists south of Damascus in Daraa and Sweida, despite being nameless and anonymous , are completely at the disposal of Jordan and the Zionist regime.

    However, today, the Zionist authorities are extremely concerned that the situation will spread to Jordan and get out of their control. Although Abu Muhammad al-Julani is a Jordanian, he has become a champion of the rights of the Syrian people and, under a false mask, seeks to present a civilized behavior and has promised that the transfer of power will take place under the supervision of the United Nations.

    Death to al-Julani the terrorist of the criminal US/Israel/Turkey/Qatar

    This means that by building a new government in Syria, an international context will be provided for the United States to take over the management of the war project. What the United States and the Zionist regime will carefully follow in the next stages of the Syrian proxy war project is its extension and expansion to Iraq and Iran so that the order promised by Netanyahu and the current and former US regime in the West Asia can be formed. There is no doubt that the Golani and a large part of the terrorist groups have a phased expiration date and will play a role as long as they are useful idiot for their plan and then will be wiped off the map.

  391. Sarita says:

    “How much does Iran pay you to be a pathetic Taqiyya Troll lying for the greater glory of Khamenei?”

    You’re not only an idiot but a blind man who hasn’t been reading my moments:
    Here is an example of one of my comments answering another idiot by the name of hulkmania:

    “Killing retarded Arab zio-muslims is a good thing. It’s only sad that more were not exterminated.”

    Those retarded Arabs as you call them reached Damascus and Assad, that bottle-necked Iranian stooge flew to Moscow.
    I don’t know about the “Zio” part that you include in there to describe them when they have announced that next is Jerusalem;
    Something Iran will only dream of reaching BECAUSE they are not welcome since they worship graves, commit self flagellation, marry 7 years old in the new Shia Iraq law and curse all the Prophet’s companions while supplanting Mohammed with Ali.
    Those in Damascus are Al Qaeda you’re dealing with.
    Maybe the son of scumbag Persian Khameney will realize that and stop getting Arab shias to fight Arab Sunnis.

    Iraq is next, you know? Inform that little punk and coward, treacherous and pedophile Al Sistani in Karbala to get his skinny ass ready

  392. Odyssey says:

    What other conclusion can be drawn from the events in Syria? It should be known that Syria was a more civilized and educated state compared to the petro-states that were parasitic on large oil reserves while the Syrians still had to earn something real.

    Assad was also an educated man with great experience inherited from his father. That is why all this happened. It should be remembered that in addition to a small number of Christians, various Muslim factions live in the country. Assad’s faction, the Alawites, make up 10% of the population.

    However, Syria is still a tribal society that has not yet matured to be a real state. That is why Assad had to stay in power even with the use of force. The various factions will only now see what it means to live without a state when external enemies can provoke a conflict at any moment. This means that there will be no economic development, but foreigners will take everything of value and the people will struggle to survive with small family businesses.

    Paradoxically, this is exactly the model of the so-called ancient (Athenian) democracy that everyone thought was the most advanced in history. In fact, ‘Athenian democracy’ meant tribal rule and was a tribalistic system, highly corrupt and lived on a large number of slaves that exceeded the number of free people. Demosthenes himself bought the position of mayor and while he gave speeches against Philip and Alexander, he secretly worked for the Persians.

    The most similar model of democracy that was similar to the Athenian one is actually Lebanon, which we know how it works. Now it will be Syria, which will be divided, dependent on great powers and Israel and will hardly ever be integrated again. That is why Assad had no chance of surviving no matter how advanced his state policy was or not.

    We have reflections of such a phenomenon in the US, where until recently we knew which denomination could produce a president, and we remember that even Mondale was an outsider because he had Scandinavian origins. Now we have tribalism again in the US, where belonging to a chosen tribe (or complete obedience) guarantees participation in government.

  393. _It turned out that Bashar al-Assad did not flee, but rather left under an agreement sponsored by Russia and America, along with several Arab countries, Iran and Turkey.

    _The agreement consists of six points and was supposed to be implemented starting from Tuesday, but Assad was forced to leave earlier due to the rapidly changing military situation in the country.


    Conditions for Bashar al-Assad’s departure from Damascus

    _It turned out that Bashar al-Assad did not flee, but rather left under an agreement sponsored by Russia and America, along with several Arab countries, Iran and Turkey.

    _The agreement consists of six points and was supposed to be implemented starting from Tuesday, but Assad was forced to leave earlier due to the rapidly changing military situation in the country.

    Good evening

    _Assad did not flee, but rather left under a six-point agreement guaranteed by a draft, let’s say this agreement. I got this draft from one of my friends who is informed

    _I don’t know, I think it was not published with these details, and it seems that this explains some of the events that took place and had no explanation, such as the withdrawals of the Syrian army because it turned out that the Syrian army did not have instructions to attack, but rather to withdraw and defend, because negotiations were ongoing with Bashar al-Assad to get him out of Syria without fighting, to spare the Syrian cities from destruction and to spare the Syrian citizens from the tragedies of clashes.

    _If these had happened in the cities, the cities would have been destroyed. If the Syrian army clashed with the army of these armed factions inside the cities, the cities would have been destroyed and thousands of people would have been killed.

    _This point is recorded as a credit to all those who participated in the establishment of this agreement, and to Bashar al-Assad because he agreed to this agreement .

    _The conduct of the prime minister after the departure of Bashar Al-Assad was based on the agreement and not on his own initiative or instructions from Al-Assad as some observers thought.

    _As part of the agreement, Assad would leave for Abu Dhabi. Apparently when he arrived in Abu Dhabi he then requested asylum in Russia.

    _As part of the agreement the Prime Minister will hand over the keys to this military body, which will ask him to continue the ministerial process until ….
    what happens, i.e. elections or something like that.

    _ I said before that Bashar al-Assad left for Dubai to the Emirates.He left to the Emirates because this was a main part of this agreement that he leave not to Russia, that he leave to the Emirates and he left to Abu Dhabi specifically to an airport called Al-Bateen from there to request humanitarian asylum in Russia.

    _That’s why if you go back to the statements of the Russian Foreign Minister, the first statements that came out ….he told you that he doesn’t know where Assad is because he wasn’t in Russia ….I mean, he hadn’t he applied asylum in Russia at that time.

    _Let’s say the draft that was engraved and not published because it wasn’t published, but it was circulated among the concerned parties

    _That means I am not quoting from any newspaper.I am quoting it from an email.

    _In fact, a special informed source sent me an email revealing a six-point paper that pushed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to surrender the capital Damascus without any resistance.

    _Unannounced meetings were held in three Arab capitals during the past 72 hours, laying the foundation for an unannounced agreement sponsored by several international capitals to put an end to the Assad regime in Damascus to avoid a major bloodbath that could lead to deep repercussions in the region as a whole.

    _After realizing that the regime had reached a stage of weakness in its capabilities, especially with the repeated collapses in Aleppo, Hama and Homs.

    _The negotiations were held under Russian and American sponsorship and in Arab countries, but the agreement was Russian and American.

    _It seems that Trump played a major role in this agreement.

    _The most important points that were agreed upon first Securing a safe exit for Assad and his family

    _Assad and the pillars of his rule to Abu Dhabi as I said

    _They did not go directly to Russia and from my intimate friend … no no they went
    on a private plane to an airport called Al-Bateen. I don’t know when this airport was built. I was in Abu Dhabi….

    _Secondly of course when he arrived in Abu Dhabi he went to Dubai. I think he was crying and he wanted to go visit his sister or something like that.

    _And from Dubai he took the plane to Russia after he obtained humanitarian asylum.

    _Two not to attack the holy religious shrines or minorities …Religious and sectarian minorities.

    _Iran oh I forgot ….I say that Iran was part of this agreement I mean Iran was aware of these details and it was one of the most important clauses for Iran to withdraw its fighters from Damascus who were guarding the shrines and also that the shrines would not be hit and this guarantee was Turkey’s guarantee.

    _I mean, the Turkish representative said, I guarantee this.

    _This also explains that Iran withdrew all its experts, all its military personnel, and all its guards, including those who belonged to Hezbollah.

    _The shrines did not have guards around them because they were protected by this agreement.

    Thirdly, preserving the state institutions, while the prime minister remains. Assigning the prime minister because I don’t know what his name is.
    …..You will continue to manage the issues. Assad will leave and you will run the state until elections are held.

    Fourthly, preserving the state institutions, while the current Syrian prime minister remains to manage the government with the ministers, with Turkey’s guarantee.

    _I mean protecting the ministers because there is no state. The state collapsed. So who will guarantee the protection of the Council of Ministers, the ministers, and the work in the ministries, etc.

    _Turkey said, “We are the guarantor if Assad leaves Damascus according to a political agreement between all of these countries that did not announce it.” It seems that it was not officially established.

    _This draft that I received from one of the people who are familiar with these matters, and I tell you that all the capitals of the region knew about the zero hour for the collapse of the regime in Damascus.

    _They had a complete conviction that the regime would collapse, so an agreement was made with Bashar al-Assad on these arrangements.

    _The agreement to remove al-Assad was the ideal solution to avoid Syria slipping into a major war that could lead to difficult mazes.

    _It is noteworthy that Washington was in harmony with these solutions, and it was the one who pressured several parties, internal and external, to proceed with them.

    _It seems that some parties did not like this talk.


    _The United States used its weight to implement these steps. The negotiations took place between Russia, Tehran, Ankara, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Cairo, and Qatar.

    _These countries knew about the existence of such negotiations and knew about the points that were included.

    _These countries are the ones that embraced the final path, in which the final agreement was reached, which was the final outcome on Tuesday. This means that Bashar al-Assad would leave next Tuesday.

    _Well, why did he leave before Tuesday to hand over power to the Syrian opposition?

    _But what happened in the disarray of the Syrian army led to Bashar al-Assad leaving three days before the date agreed upon in Doha.

    _It remains that what happened in the disarray that occurred in the army and the withdrawals that occurred and in a group that fled and in I don’t know 2000 3000 to Iraq.

    _And so this brought the date of Assad’s departure closer, so when Assad left, it was in some countries, some capitals, …. I still don’t know

    _That’s why the Russian Foreign Minister, when he first spoke about this subject, said, “I don’t know where Assad is.”

    _Even Iran said, “We don’t know where Assad is because the exit was sudden.”

    _It seems that the only one who knew that Assad had left Damascus was Abu Dhabi, because he sought refuge there.

    The fifth point: Not allowing any ethnic cleansing operations or revenge.
    Or looting of institutions, and preserving the army and not dismantling it.

    _Of course, this point was violated. We saw the attack on the banks ….banks went bankrupt.

    _They robbed the Central Bank.All the banks in Aleppo were emptied.

    _No ethnic cleansing operations ! No ethnic cleansing occurred !

    _ I have footage that I can’t show, which is … The torture operations that Shiite soldiers are being subjected to . After asking What, are you Shiite …..And they beat him. You are a Shiite and they start beating him.

    _Or revenge or looting of institutions occurred ? Looting of institutions ? Ask the people of Aleppo

    _ and to preserve the army and not to dismantle it ?

    _Sixth,: to provide pledges to prevent any threats to neighboring countries, so neighboring countries ….. borders were closed and their armies were mobilized …. Iraq and Jordan

    _ …. meaning pledges were taken with Russian-American guarantees that only they would reach Damascus, the armed forces, I don’t know what the opposition is
    …..and after Assad leaves it and implements these conditions with Turkey’s guarantee, the transfer of power to the Syrian Prime Minister,

    _so the Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed al-Jalali announced that he hopes that he will prevail, I thought that he is the one who initiated it, ….infact it is not the initiative from him. It is part of the agreement – that you sit in your office and a group comes representing the military body, I don’t know what, so that you can announce or not, they went and took him ….from home even and go to the office and announce that you remain and the ministers remain, he attributed to him that

    _I mean there was a belief in the press circles and maybe we mentioned that Assad asked him to hand over the keys to Damascus and so on. No. No. It turned out that there was an agreement,

    _…. so that’s why he was. Sadiq al-Jalali, when he came out and said that I don’t know Assad and his hand and the agreement was not with Assad.

    _It’s true that the agreement was not with Assad. The agreement was among these countries that set the six points and he was officially informed through an intermediary. I don’t know who the intermediary was who informed him that he officially handed over the reins and that he was then officially assigned by the military body to continue working with the ministers. That’s what happened.

    _If there was no escape in Syria, whatever it was, in most countries that had a relationship with the situation, they knew exactly what was going on.

    _I don’t know why, these points may also be revealed later. Why didn’t the Syrian president himself announce these items? Why didn’t he submit his resignation? Why didn’t he address the Syrian people? No one knows, as I said,

    _the operation the exit was to Abu Dhabi because he was in when I said I said in two episodes, the morning episode and the evening episode, that he was in the Emirates

    _and Anwar Gargash knew that he was in the Emirates, so when he was asked, he said no, but he did not say I do not know. He did not say no, it is useless, but he said I do not know because he was not authorized, but he Gargash was aware of these terms.

    _It seems that because the exit was urgent and sudden, and three days before his departure date, he was to Al-Bateen Airport. Where do they come from? This is Al-Bateen. I know the Al-Bateen area, but there was an airport in it. It is reasonable in Abu Dhabi, meaning a military airport, maybe.

    _He stayed for two or three days in this Al-Bateen until he obtained Russian approval or until he made a contact with Russia, or he decided that he wanted to seek refuge in Russia and not stay in any of the Emirates.

    _He did well because if he had stayed in the Emirates, they would have bargained, and by God Almighty they would have sold him. If he had stayed in the Emirates, it would have happened.

    _As it happened in any Emirati guarantees to Al-Bashir, do you remember Omar
    Al-Bashir of Sudan , and what happened to the Egyptian general, the candidate for
    presidential Shafiq Shafiq, man, ……

    _I mean, he apparently knows the game (that the Emiratis are not to be trusted) So he requested residence with his family as a political or humanitarian refugee in Russia. ….and the Russian government officially announced that he requested Asylum and ….. that Russia agreed to grant him this asylum

    _Of course, now, of course, this agreement raises many questions about its composition, I mean …. the coastal area …for example, the existing Russian naval bases and the air bases, what is their story ?

    _Has Israel been informed? Well, what is Israel doing? Is it part of the agreement to occupy Mount Hermon and the areas …. and carry out raids that destroy weapons depots and so on ?

    _I mean, because until this moment, not even the Prime Minister who was assigned to continue his work has not issued a complaint or protest on what Israel did, was it part of the agreement? Was this part of the secret agreement?

    _That we are taking Israel’s opinion so that it doesn’t matter, but come on, give it Mount Hermon and all of it. Mount Hermon is occupied

    _ and bombed three or four Syrian airports and weapons stores, and so on. Who gave this right to them(to the Israelis )?

    _Okay, I don’t know. In any case, every day, new information is being revealed.

    _because I mentioned the names of those who went out with him(Assad) under the agreement, he has the right to take the group of leaders he wants.I mean, we talked about Mamluk. Mamluk, I don’t know.

    _Someone sent me a message and told me that Mamluk was killed in his house. I don’t know. I didn’t read this news.

    _ …… according to this agreement, he(Assad) could have taken all of the(his ) money.

    _I just wanted to dot the i’s and cross the t’s about this issue, and God knows what will happen in the coming days, secrets will be revealed that we may not be aware of …. especially since the first signs have begun to talk about disagreements between 37 armed factions that participated in the invasion of Damascus …. and these factions have begun to announce, in one way or another, their demands and conditions.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  394. skrik says:

    Assad has flown the coop [= to leave suddenly or secretly, to escape or go away.] His parting wish was reportedly to ‘keep the power-transfer peaceful,’ and presumably ‘don’t slaughter any innocent citizens.’ Assad is now reportedly granted asylum in Russia – presumably watching what’s going on from afar [and good luck to him + family].

    Last night, on a PFBC’s [= publicly financed broadcaster’s] evening news, videos were shown alleging over-full jails in Syria, and associated allegations of mass-torture.

    Q: Where did these videos come from? It was only Sunday that the al-Jolani terrorists reached Damascus, so who took the videos, and how did they get to the PFBC within ~24 hours?

    Asking for a friend.

    •�Replies: @skrik
  395. @Charles Martel France

    Thanks for the translation. Your Arabic is impeccable Monsieur Charles Martel.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  396. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    @Charles Martel France
    Thanks for the translation. Your Arabic is impeccable Monsieur Charles Martel.

    Neither of you are supposed to speak or understand Arabic, are you both Mossad or Savak?

  397. @ariadna

    About twenty years ago, I took the Buenos Aires ferry to Uruguay and stayed for a week. It was a nice, peaceful, friendly country, and a few of the smaller beach towns I visited were excellent places to live a tranquil life. Also, when I was there, less than 300 Muslims and very few black lived in Uruguay, a huge plus in my book.

    The additional good news is that, since my visit, ungrateful Muslim refugees have made it clear that they hate Uruguay; there’s not enough free – and especially endless – handouts; they hate that after two years they’ll have to work to completely support themselves like everyone else. No special treatment. They hate THAT, Germany is where they want to go – which is another great reason for non-Muslims to move to Uruguay.

    Uruguayans became extremely pissed off with their ungrateful Syrian-Muslim “refugees.” You just know the deadbeat “Palestinians, after a lifetime on welfare, would act even worse:


    •�Thanks: meamjojo
  398. @John Johnson

    Do you really have that hard of a time with someone on the internet disagreeing with you?

    No, certainly not, but I do have a hard time with filth who want to further indebt this Nation and involve it in wars that are not IN ANY WAY in it’s interests.

    And then of course, the cherry on top is the fact that you’ve never managed to actually step up and put your Chickenhawk ass where your big pussy mouth is.

    Shit son, Weepy Adam Kinzinger and Fat Fuck Chow Thief Alex Vindman got you beat by a country mile…lol

    •�Agree: Rurik
    •�Thanks: John Johnson
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  399. @Sarita

    LOL.I was joking. He probably used a voice to text Arabic to English translator. The things AI does for you, unless Charlesd Martel is an AI commentator himself.

  400. @Rurik

    Glad to hear that he and his family got out to Russia.

    The last refuge of Christian Civilization it seems.

    •�Agree: Rurik
  401. @GeneralRipper

    No, certainly not, but I do have a hard time with filth who want to further indebt this Nation and involve it in wars that are not IN ANY WAY in it’s interests.

    Are you talking about Ukraine? We have a duty to defend them as part of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. Most of the aid has been in the form of decommissioned hardware. Do you have a problem with giving them Bradleys?

    I don’t know why you assume I support running up debts. We could easily fund Ukraine by simply closing US military bases in Germany. Republicans seem to think we should continue to have a military presence in Germany and Japan. That’s a much bigger cost than Ukraine. Take it up with them.

    And then of course, the cherry on top is the fact that you’ve never managed to actually step up and put your Chickenhawk ass where your big pussy mouth is.

    You’re saying I should be fighting over there? It isn’t my war.

    It was your hero Trump that told Rep Johnson to pass Ukraine aid. So Trump and I have the same position.

    You sound really angry. Maybe give the internet a break for a while.

  402. @I have Your 6

    I have been thinking lately that Putin is a Crypto-Jew, and his pro-Orthodox Christianity is a cover for killing hundreds of thousands of Christians.

    Past reading that I can’t now source indicated that Putin’s mother was identified on her Soviet documents as Jewish.

    Putin from that would have “Right of Return” to move to Israel.

  403. marylinm says:

    US and IDF recent poof-poofs are clear evidence of panic. Meaning, they lost Syria, while the Russkies got millions of new grateful citizens, and the new Syrian management will eagerly stand their ground, with some Iranian, Turkish and Saudi help. The planning was under way for the last two years in earnest, with all local parties participating. The Russki bear never acts hastily. Smoke that for a while.

  404. @Sarita

    I attended a private Catholic school when I was a child. My fascination with the Arabic language arose from that moment.

  405. Oh, it fell ultimately, but to whom and what kind of monsters in the service of the USA?

    Moreover, what were the motives and the means employed by these mercenary head-choppers in the employ of America. We know they are disgusting murderous lunatics that will kill and/or torture anyone for a dollar or the chance to exterminate their religious competitors.

    When I was growing up seems like everyone in the USA preached “show me your friends or associates and I will show you the mirror image of yourself.” So, in addition to being consummate liars, cheaters and thieves (as publicly confessed by CIA Director Mike Pompeo), we are eager and proficient mass murderers.

    It is being recorded for history right now: America of the 21st century was a vile, despicable, cabal of depraved maniacs who not only slaughtered innocent civilians to attain great power, but were also traitorous to the principles underlying their own rules of governance, spelled out in unmistakably stark detail by their own “constitution.” America’s leaders have always operated on basically the same sick, immoral level as famous historical figures such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Genghis Kahn, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Hillary Clinton whom they ostentatiously labeled “the new Hitler” while they themselves act exactly as Hitler.

  406. @Commentator Mike

    I’m not a fan of any of these leaders.
    But they should have tried to escape at least, if they knew they were going to be captured or executed.

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
  407. @Rurik

    I loved getting toys and new video games when I was a kid and in my teens. Seeing the decorations on the tree made every day in December feel like a good day, and sometimes we use to leave it up even in January instead of taking it down. Because I always felt good seeing it in the living room every morning.

    If I’m walking down the street, and see no decorations, lights in anyone’s windows, etc then to me it might as well be July or any other month. Because the decorations at least let you knew that it was December and that jolly time of year. I feel the same way about Halloween another time of year I use to like because of the cool looking decorations I use to see in people’s yard and people dressing up just to have fun. I at least want there to be some expression to know that it’s Christmas, and having a Christmas tree in the house with colorful lights always put me in a good mood. I use to sit there and just stare at the lights all night when I was a kid.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  408. skrik says:

    No response = DIY =

    ““Fake News” and Crimes against Humanity: Amnesty International Admits Syrian “Saydnaya” Report Fabricated Entirely in UK”



    “However, there is another aspect of the report that remains unexplored – the fact that Amnesty International itself has openly admitted that the summation of the report was fabricated in the United Kingdom at Amnesty International’s office, using a process they call “forensic architecture,” in which the lack of actual, physical, photographic, and video evidence, is replaced by 3D animations and sound effects created by designers hired by Amnesty International.
    Amnesty Hired Special Effects Experts to Fabricate “Evidence”
    In a video produced by Amnesty International accompanying their report, titled, “Inside Saydnaya: Syria’s Torture Prison,” the narrator admits in its opening seconds that Amnesty International possesses no actual evidence regarding the prison”

    This fake story is being pushed by, presumably amongst other agencies I don’t see, PFBCs [= publicly financed broadcasters] = taxpayers are paying for filthy lying propaganda to be catapulted at themselves. grrr

  409. @John Johnson

    Hmmmm . . . I will go a step further. It is our business. Russia made it our business, when they threatened the US in an attempt to dictate who we can dance with or else a wider war and more — a nuclear war.

    In my view, the pressures on Russia could have been applied three fold and faster had NATO moved to Ukraine’s defense as opposed to this long drawn out mess. The fact that Syria fell, in many respects is unfortunate. I have not seen millions of Syrians on the capital marching and dancing in the streets. And that the supposed revolution was not spontaneous as what occurred in Ukraine, in which millions poured out into the street to make their case, may be a sign of trouble.

    But Russia’s threat made this fight ours.

    As for the constant nonsense about having to go over and fight or else . . .

  410. Anonymous[416] •�Disclaimer says:

    Hmmmm . . . I will go a step further. It is our business. Russia made it our business, when they threatened the US in an attempt to dictate who we can dance with or else a wider war and more — a nuclear war.

    CUBA .

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  411. Rurik says:

    Imagine people offended by a Christmas tree, celebrated by Christians in their own lands.

    Imagine the kind of person you’d have to be, to demand that people, (in whose lands you’re living or visiting) stop celebrating their most holy and joyous holiday, because it offends you.

    Imagine going to Brazil during Carnival, and demanding people stop celebrating and dancing and having fun, because seeing the people so happy and festive, is like acid on your soul.

    Once you can appreciate the depths of such a person’s depraved hatred for humanity, you’ve began to understand the Jewish supremacist.

  412. @Anonymous

    There was no Cuba invasion, and the attempted coup was called off by Pres. Kennedy.

    And the Naval blockade was about nuclear missiles, not invasion, not about whether Cun=bans were Russians or hanging with communists, or supporting same relational marriage, or anything else.

    Ukraine entering NATO was a discussion, but had no plans, in fact, the matter was even up for a vote, as I recall and had it been it would have failed. This entire NATO threat by Pres utin is nonsense. While Russia was not a part of NATO, they were repeatedly invited to into NATO meetings , and had a Russian liason contingent that was present during NATO meetings.

    There was never any untent to ivade Russia.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  413. @EliteCommInc.

    NATO Reference: Hoover Institution, General Mattis’s remarks

    Ukraine entering NATO was a discussion, but had no plans, in fact, the matter was not even up for a vote . . .

  414. @John Johnson

    You’re saying I should be fighting over there? It isn’t my war.

    Coulda fooled me…lol

    For a supposedly grown man with a family, who spends his time talking the amount of shit you do about a Country and it’s Leader who hasn’t done jack shit to harm America or it’s people, I’d have to say you should seek counseling and/or medication.

    That shit’s not healthy, bro.

    Either that or go join the fight for what “you believe in”.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  415. @Joe Levantine

    With all due respect to Jung, a man of true genius, who managed to combine his psychological capacities with a spiritual orientation, something that that Freud had not, I have often wondered why Jung singled out Hitler from among the various protagonists of the bloody chapter of WWII for such a scathing analysis. How much moral courage Jung had I truly have no idea, but singling out the loser when among the winners we had far more worthy people of psychological analysis like Winston Churchill, FDR, Stalin and Eisenhower, makes me believe that Jung was jumping on the bandwagon of Hitler bashing just like the once Hitler faithful, Otto Dietrich, the SS officer who served as Hiltler’s press chief.

    Jung was a Swiss German. Hitler had bee observed by him up close. He was very frequently in Germany, professionally and otherwise. The German Nation impacted his country by impingement and juxtaposition. None of the others had the “Swami” effect upon their population that Hitler had.

    The greater meaningful response for you is to read more Jung, what he wrote about Hitler, and watch some Academy of Ideas videos, Joe.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
  416. @GeneralRipper

    For a supposedly grown man with a family, who spends his time talking the amount of shit you do about a Country and it’s Leader who hasn’t done jack shit to harm America or it’s people, I’d have to say you should seek counseling and/or medication.

    How many times do I have to point out the Budapest Memorandum:

    That was an agreement to protect Ukraine and they in exchange hand over their nuclear weapons to Russia.

    If you think the US should abandon its security agreements then feel free to argue that position.

    Unlike you I don’t become hysterical when someone disagrees with me.

    And you’re wrong about Russia never doing anything to the US. They admitted to interfering in our elections and laughed about it on Russian State TV.

    The UN voted 143-5 that Russia is the unjust aggressor and should return to its borders. I really don’t see why you find it so outrageous that someone here could share the same opinion. Did you want Unz to be your personal echo chamber where you are never challenged?

    You and others here put your faith in a mass murdering dwarf to somehow change the world. Yea well so did Assad and yet here you are still thinking it is a good idea to defend a dictator that just abandoned one of his closest allies.

  417. That was an agreement to protect Ukraine and they in exchange hand over their nuclear weapons to Russia.

    No, that was an agreement to protect the Jew World Order from any hostile States getting ahold of those weapons.

    And you’re wrong about Russia never doing anything to the US. They admitted to interfering in our elections and laughed about it on Russian State TV.

    Well we’re still waiting for the proof, Johnny. All of your Obama/Hillary/Brennan/Clapper nonsense has been proven to be old really shitty lies…lol

    Futhermore, the shitheel Jew Crew who call’s itself the “United States Government” routinely INTERFERES in “democratic elections” all over the fucking world.

    The UN voted 143-5 that Russia is the unjust aggressor and should return to its borders. I really don’t see why you find it so outrageous that someone here could share the same opinion. Did you want Unz to be your personal echo chamber where you are never challenged?

    The “UN” is another bunch of fat and happy US/ Jew bought BUREAUCRATS. They’ll do pretty much whatever they’re told to maintain their Rockstar lifestyles.

    Try again.

    You and others here put your faith in a mass murdering dwarf to somehow change the world. Yea well so did Assad and yet here you are still thinking it is a good idea to defend a dictator that just abandoned one of his closest allies.

    Actually, President Putin and Russia have shown incredible restraint in dealing with the dirty Jew bought West and their amoral puppets. And of course your definition of a “dictator” is as changeable as your “moral compass”, which is to say it’s pretty much non-existent.

    But hey, the good news is Ukraine really needs some fresh cannon fodder.

    C’mon boy! Step up to the plate and go kill them dirty Russkies!

  418. @Poupon Marx

    I admit that my knowledge of Jung is nil and had it not been for your post I would have never have heard of him. Psychology was never of any interest to me.

    I tried to focus on the historic perspective and societal norms with respect to winners vs losers. The last show came to me courtesy of the events in Syria. I was hardly amazed when I saw those people in media, politics and internet influencers turn on a dime from solid supporters of Assad to outright enemies.

    Hitler was hardly a philosopher and more like a showman. According to Michael Jackson, Hitler was the world’s greatest showman. If his oratory seemed odd to Jung it did nonetheless manage to unite a deeply humiliated and downtrodden nation into standing up to her oppressors. The fall of the Third Reich came through external aggression rather through internal implosion.

    Jung had the intellectual luxury to see the deeper man in Hitler. Most of the people were in dire need for a man of action that could relieve their misery. Hitler’s economic achievements were unparalleled before the outbreak of hostilities. That was what the common person cared for.

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