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Who Murdered Savimbi?

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Why did President Joe Biden visit the African nation of Angola in the dwindling hours of his presidency? No other US president has visited this resource-rich southern African nation. Biden was just finishing presiding over the slaughter of over 50,000 Palestinians.

The real reason is likely money. It may have been a repeat of a shady deal with Ukraine which put Biden’s ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, on the board of a large Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. I almost bought a Ukrainian industrial company and saw the level of corruption involved.

As far as we know, the younger Biden got paid off handsomely; Biden senior did not receive funds from the Ukrainian firm. Still, the whole business has a smell of high-level corruption. Biden recently pardoned his son, shocking many Democrats.

But why Angola? I covered the civil war there in 2000. The Soviets and Cubans were waging a fierce bush war in southern Angola against South African expeditionary forces, quietly backed by CIA based in Kamina, Congo (today Zaire). Angolan anti-communist forces known as UNITA, led by the charismatic Jonas Savimbi, a close ally of South Africa, were battling the Marxist forces (known as MPLA).

It was a fascinating war fought in one of the world’s remotest places where wild animals competed with heavily armed guerilla bands. I was with Savimbi in his remote bush camp at Jamba and spent time with this remarkable man, whom I thought of as the most intelligent, inspiring leader of southern Africa.

Savimbi started off as a Moscow-based Marxist but later became a pro-western ideologue who sought to bring free markets to Angola, a rich nation with an undersized population.

Angola and its Cabinda Enclave were important producers of oil, always catnip to the Americans. In 2002, the US made an important oil deal with the Angolan communists. Washington no longer needed Savimbi and this UNITA movement. The Marxists of MPLA were suddenly America’s new best friends in post Cold War Africa.

That year, Gen. Savimbi was heading to the town of Moxico when his small convoy was ambushed. Savimbi was riddled with bullets and buried in the bush. The Angolan army claimed credit for killing Savimbi. This was false.

Savimbi was tracked and killed by an elite Israeli hit squad paid for by the US government. This fact was confirmed to me by a high-level American diplomat who was then in Angola. Washington no longer needed its old ally Savimbi and decided to get rid of him. As Henry Kissinger famously said, ‘it’s often more dangerous being America’s ally than its enemy.’

Watching Biden make nice to Angola’s Marxist rulers is revolting. Is there no honor or loyalty? Not, apparently, when it comes to oil. The US invasion of Afghanistan was sparked by Washington’s desire to secure oil pipelines south from Central Asia.


Savimbi himself was no angel. Brutalities in Angola’s 27-year long civil war were common. But Savimbi was head and shoulders above the other African leaders of his time. He was right to align himself with white-run South Africa to win the war and modernize Angola. Today, Angola is an utterly corrupt backwards mess. But, like Ukraine, it knew which American politicians and officials to buy. So why did the doddering Biden go all the way to Angola, so distant that planes had to refuel in the Cape Verde Islands to get there from the US? We wonder.

•�Category: Foreign Policy, History •�Tags: Angola, Assassinations, Jonas Savimbi
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  1. deejay says:

    The author asks, “So why did the doddering Biden go all the way to Angola…?”

    Ostensibly, the corrupt Joe Biden went there to secure energy resources, like he did in Ukraine. But didn’t his work in the Ukraine also pave the way for the present proxy war between NATO and Russia?

    The author states, “The US invasion of Afghanistan was sparked by Washington’s desire to secure oil pipelines south from Central Asia.” Again, allegedly, this is true. But didn’t the American military presence also destabilize Iran’s neighbor, which is convenient for a country which constantly speaks of war against Iran?

    Couldn’t there be more going on in Angola than a simple resource grab? The Americans pretend to merely be greedy, when their government is actually maniacal and hell-bent on death, destruction, and domination.

    •�Replies: @sarz
  2. I wonder if many of Biden’s odd pardons are the result of secret payments to family members, with 10% going to “the big guy.”

    Here is more on our CIA Angola exploitation.

    Video Link

  3. Savimbi was tracked and killed by an elite Israeli hit squad paid for by the US government. This fact was confirmed to me by a high-level American diplomat who was then in Angola.

    Angola’s successful operation against UNITA and Savimbi is often credited to the Western mercenary company Executive Outcomes.

  4. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Pat Buchanan’s favorite Negro because the dude done side with apartheid South Africa against Cuban-backed ‘Marxist’ Negroes.

    Our Negro or their Negro, Negro is a Negro.

    This is why Russia should stay out of Africa. Just do business. Don’t get involved as the Black Hole will just suck you in.

  5. sarz says:

    Couldn’t there be more going on in Angola than a simple resource grab? The Americans pretend to merely be greedy, when their government is actually maniacal and hell-bent on death, destruction, and domination.

    Good question. You have to consider that the ‘values’ of death, destruction, and domination are not American founding Protestant ones. Greed is. These new ones belong more to the new establishment – and its Talmudic Judaism.

    It helps to know Biden is a fanatic halachic Jew pretending because of an Irish father to be a Catholic. He was quite open about his Jewish side in 2005 when as Senator Biden he voted in the Iraqi US-sponsored election using his prominently displayed Iraqi great-grandfather’s Torah as proof of Iraqi descent. CNN covered the event extensively and then scrubbed all traces when Biden ran for VP in 2008. The mother was a fanatic Zionist, taking her poor mick to live on a kibbutz.

    Biden, for understandable post Oct 7 reasons, wanted to celebrate his parents Zionist heroism, so he forgot himself and mentioned his dad returning to the rubble of his kibbutz home. The Jews had to go into immediate damage control and the job was handed to the goy comedian Jimmy Dore.

    The explosive news that not only was the Biden cabinet 80% Jews but so was the top guy – “So where’s America, then?” – had to be hidden fast. Damage control was entrusted to a goy comic. He did his job by showing there’s nothing to it. It’s just that as we all know Biden is nuts. Hilarious.

    Video Link

    The archive of CNN coverage of Biden in Iraq is partly preserved through the actions of a since-ADL-murdered ‘self-hating Jew’ who knew where all the Judaic bodies were buried and dug a few up every week – the much-missed webmaster of judicial-inc.biz.


    (((ChatGPT))) tells me this archival link does not prove anything about Biden because judicial-inc is known to be antisemitic.

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