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Alastair Crooke Anatoly Karlin Andrew Anglin Andrew Joyce Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins E. Michael Jones Eric Margolis Eric Striker Fred Reed Gilad Atzmon Godfree Roberts Gregory Hood Guillaume Durocher Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Thompson Jared Taylor John Derbyshire Jonathan Cook Jung-Freud Karlin Community Kevin Barrett Kevin MacDonald Lance Welton Larry Romanoff Laurent Guyénot Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Kersey Pepe Escobar Peter Frost Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tobias Langdon Trevor Lynch A. Graham A. J. Smuskiewicz A Southerner Academic Research Group UK Staff Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Agha Hussain Ahmad Al Khaled Ahmet Öncü Alain De Benoist Alan Macleod Albemarle Man Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alexander Jacob Alexander Wolfheze Alfred McCoy Alison Weir Allan Wall Allegra Harpootlian Amalric De Droevig Ambrose Kane Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Anastasia Katz Andre Damon Andre Vltchek Andreas Canetti Andrei Martyanov Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew Hamilton Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew Napolitano Andrew S. Fischer Andy Kroll Angie Saxon Ann Jones Anna Tolstoyevskaya Anne Wilson Smith Anonymous Anonymous American Anonymous Attorney Anonymous Occidental Anthony Boehm Anthony Bryan Anthony DiMaggio Tony Hall Antiwar Staff Antonius Aquinas Antony C. Black Ariel Dorfman Arlie Russell Hochschild Arno Develay Arnold Isaacs Artem Zagorodnov Astra Taylor AudaciousEpigone Augustin Goland Austen Layard Ava Muhammad Aviva Chomsky Ayman Fadel Barbara Ehrenreich Barbara Garson Barbara Myers Barry Kissin Barry Lando Barton Cockey Beau Albrecht Belle Chesler Ben Fountain Ben Freeman Ben Sullivan Benjamin Villaroel Bernard M. Smith Beverly Gologorsky Bill Black Bill Moyers Blake Archer Williams Bob Dreyfuss Bonnie Faulkner Book Brad Griffin Bradley Moore Brenton Sanderson Brett Redmayne-Titley Brett Wilkins Brian Dew Brian McGlinchey Brian R. Wright Brittany Smith C.D. Corax Cara Marianna Carl Boggs Carl Horowitz Carolyn Yeager Cat McGuire Catherine Crump César Keller Chalmers Johnson Chanda Chisala Charles Bausman Charles Goodhart Charles Wood Charlie O'Neill Charlottesville Survivor Chase Madar Chauke Stephan Filho Chris Hedges Chris Roberts Chris Woltermann Christian Appy Christophe Dolbeau Christopher DeGroot Christopher Donovan Christopher Ketcham Chuck Spinney Civus Non Nequissimus CODOH Editors Coleen Rowley Colin Liddell Cooper Sterling Craig Murray Cynthia Chung D.F. Mulder Dahr Jamail Dakota Witness Dan E. Phillips Dan Sanchez Daniel Barge Daniel McAdams Daniel Vinyard Danny Sjursen Dave Chambers Dave Kranzler Dave Lindorff David Barsamian David Boyajian David Bromwich David Chibo David Chu David Gordon David Haggith David Irving David L. McNaron David Lorimer David Martin David North David Stockman David Vine David Walsh David William Pear David Yorkshire Dean Baker Declan Hayes Dennis Dale Dennis Saffran Diana Johnstone Diego Ramos Dilip Hiro Dirk Bezemer Dmitriy Kalyagin Donald Thoresen Alan Sabrosky Dr. Ejaz Akram Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad Dries Van Langenhove Eamonn Fingleton Ed Warner Edmund Connelly Eduardo Galeano Edward Curtin Edward Dutton Egbert Dijkstra Egor Kholmogorov Ekaterina Blinova Ellen Brown Ellen Packer Ellison Lodge Emil Kirkegaard Emilio García Gómez Emma Goldman Enzo Porter Eric Draitser Eric Paulson Eric Peters Eric Rasmusen Eric Zuesse Erik Edstrom Erika Eichelberger Erin L. Thompson Eugene Gant Eugene Girin Eugene Kusmiak Eve Mykytyn F. Roger Devlin Fadi Abu Shammalah Fantine Gardinier Federale Fenster Finian Cunningham The First Millennium Revisionist Fordham T. Smith Former Agent Forum Francis Goumain Frank Tipler Franklin Lamb Franklin Stahl Frida Berrigan Friedrich Zauner Gabriel Black Gary Corseri Gary Heavin Gary North Gary Younge Gene Tuttle George Albert George Bogdanich George Galloway George Koo George Mackenzie George Szamuely Georgianne Nienaber Gilbert Cavanaugh Gilbert Doctorow Giles Corey Glen K. Allen Glenn Greenwald A. Beaujean Agnostic Alex B. Amnestic Arcane Asher Bb Bbartlog Ben G Birch Barlow Canton ChairmanK Chrisg Coffee Mug Darth Quixote David David B David Boxenhorn DavidB Diana Dkane DMI Dobeln Duende Dylan Ericlien Fly Gcochran Godless Grady Herrick Jake & Kara Jason Collins Jason Malloy Jason�s Jeet Jemima Joel John Emerson John Quiggin JP Kele Kjmtchl Mark Martin Matoko Kusanagi Matt Matt McIntosh Michael Vassar Miko Ml Ole P-ter Piccolino Rosko Schizmatic Scorpius Suman TangoMan The Theresa Thorfinn Thrasymachus Wintz Gonzalo Lira Graham Seibert Grant M. Dahl Greg Grandin Greg Johnson Greg Klein Gregg Stanley Gregoire Chamayou Gregory Conte Gregory Wilpert Guest Admin Gunnar Alfredsson Gustavo Arellano Hank Johnson Hannah Appel Hans-Hermann Hoppe Hans Vogel Harri Honkanen Heiner Rindermann Henry Cockburn Hewitt E. Moore Hina Shamsi Howard Zinn Howe Abbot-Hiss Hubert Collins Hugh Kennedy Hugh McInnish Hugh Moriarty Hugo Dionísio Hunter DeRensis Hunter Wallace Huntley Haverstock Ian Fantom Igor Shafarevich Ira Chernus Ivan Kesić J. Alfred Powell J.B. Clark J.D. Gore J. Ricardo Martins Jacek Szela Jack Antonio Jack Dalton Jack Kerwick Jack Krak Jack Rasmus Jack Ravenwood Jack Sen Jake Bowyer James Bovard James Carroll James Carson Harrington James Chang James Dunphy James Durso James Edwards James Fulford James Gillespie James Hanna James J. O'Meara James K. Galbraith James Karlsson James Lawrence James Petras Jane Lazarre Jane Weir Janice Kortkamp Jared S. Baumeister Jason C. Ditz Jason Cannon Jason Kessler Jay Stanley Jayant Bhandari JayMan Jean Bricmont Jean Marois Jean Ranc Jef Costello Jeff J. Brown Jeffrey Blankfort Jeffrey D. Sachs Jeffrey St. Clair Jen Marlowe Jeremiah Goulka Jeremy Cooper Jesse Mossman JHR Writers Jim Daniel Jim Fetzer Jim Goad Jim Kavanagh Jim Smith JoAnn Wypijewski Joe Dackman Joe Lauria Joel S. Hirschhorn Johannes Wahlstrom John W. Dower John Feffer John Fund John Harrison Sims John Helmer John Hill John Huss John J. Mearsheimer John Jackson John Kiriakou John Macdonald John Morgan John Patterson John Leonard John Pilger John Q. Publius John Rand John Reid John Ryan John Scales Avery John Siman John Stauber John T. Kelly John Taylor John Titus John Tremain John V. Walsh John Wear John Williams Jon Else Jon Entine Jonathan Alan King Jonathan Anomaly Jonathan Revusky Jonathan Rooper Jonathan Sawyer Jonathan Schell Jordan Henderson Jordan Steiner Joseph Kay Joseph Kishore Joseph Sobran Josephus Tiberius Josh Neal Jeshurun Tsarfat Juan Cole Judith Coburn Julian Bradford Julian Macfarlane K.J. Noh Kacey Gunther Karel Van Wolferen Karen Greenberg Karl Haemers Karl Nemmersdorf Karl Thorburn Kees Van Der Pijl Keith Woods Kelley Vlahos Kenn Gividen Kenneth Vinther Kerry Bolton Kersasp D. Shekhdar Kevin Michael Grace Kevin Rothrock Kevin Sullivan Kevin Zeese Kshama Sawant Larry C. Johnson Laura Gottesdiener Laura Poitras Lawrence Erickson Lawrence G. Proulx Leo Hohmann Leonard C. Goodman Leonard R. Jaffee Liam Cosgrove Lidia Misnik Lilith Powell Linda Preston Lipton Matthews Liv Heide Logical Meme Lorraine Barlett Louis Farrakhan Lydia Brimelow M.G. Miles Mac Deford Maciej Pieczyński Maidhc O Cathail Malcolm Unwell Marco De Wit Marcus Alethia Marcus Apostate Marcus Cicero Marcus Devonshire Margaret Flowers Margot Metroland Marian Evans Mark Allen Mark Bratchikov-Pogrebisskiy Mark Crispin Miller Mark Danner Mark Engler Mark Gullick Mark H. Gaffney Mark Lu Mark Perry Mark Weber Marshall Yeats Martin Jay Martin K. O'Toole Martin Webster Martin Witkerk Mary Phagan-Kean Matt Cockerill Matt Parrott Mattea Kramer Matthew Caldwell Matthew Ehret Matthew Harwood Matthew Richer Matthew Stevenson Max Blumenthal Max Denken Max Jones Max North Max Parry Max West Maya Schenwar Merlin Miller Metallicman Michael A. Roberts Michael Averko Michael Gould-Wartofsky Michael Hoffman Michael Masterson Michael Quinn Michael Schwartz Michael T. Klare Michelle Malkin Miko Peled Mnar Muhawesh Moon Landing Skeptic Morgan Jones Morris V. De Camp Mr. Anti-Humbug Muhammed Abu Murray Polner N. Joseph Potts Nan Levinson Naomi Oreskes Nate Terani Nathan Cofnas Nathan Doyle Ned Stark Neil Kumar Nelson Rosit Nicholas R. Jeelvy Nicholas Stix Nick Griffin Nick Kollerstrom Nick Turse Nicolás Palacios Navarro Nils Van Der Vegte Noam Chomsky NOI Research Group Nomi Prins Norman Finkelstein Norman Solomon OldMicrobiologist Oliver Boyd-Barrett Oliver Williams Oscar Grau P.J. Collins Pádraic O'Bannon Patrice Greanville Patrick Armstrong Patrick Cleburne Patrick Cloutier Patrick Lawrence Patrick Martin Patrick McDermott Patrick Whittle Paul Bennett Paul Cochrane Paul De Rooij Paul Edwards Paul Engler Paul Gottfried Paul Larudee Paul Mitchell Paul Nachman Paul Nehlen Paul Souvestre Paul Tripp Pedro De Alvarado Peter Baggins Ph.D. Peter Bradley Peter Brimelow Peter Gemma Peter Lee Peter Van Buren Philip Kraske Philip Weiss Pierre M. Sprey Pierre Simon Povl H. Riis-Knudsen Pratap Chatterjee Publius Decius Mus Qasem Soleimani Rachel Marsden Raches Radhika Desai Rajan Menon Ralph Nader Ralph Raico Ramin Mazaheri Ramziya Zaripova Ramzy Baroud Randy Shields Raul Diego Ray McGovern Rebecca Gordon Rebecca Solnit Reginald De Chantillon Rémi Tremblay Rev. Matthew Littlefield Ricardo Duchesne Richard Cook Richard Falk Richard Foley Richard Galustian Richard Houck Richard Hugus Richard Knight Richard Krushnic Richard McCulloch Richard Silverstein Richard Solomon Rick Shenkman Rick Sterling Rita Rozhkova Robert Baxter Robert Bonomo Robert Debrus Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Fisk Robert Hampton Robert Henderson Robert Inlakesh Robert LaFlamme Robert Lindsay Robert Lipsyte Robert Parry Robert Roth Robert S. Griffin Robert Scheer Robert Stark Robert Stevens Robert Trivers Robert Wallace Robert Weissberg Robin Eastman Abaya Roger Dooghy Rolo Slavskiy Romana Rubeo Romanized Visigoth Ron Paul Ronald N. Neff Rory Fanning RT Staff Ruuben Kaalep Ryan Andrews Ryan Dawson Sabri Öncü Salim Mansur Sam Dickson Sam Francis Sam Husseini Sayed Hasan Scot Olmstead Scott Howard Scott Ritter Servando Gonzalez Sharmine Narwani Sharmini Peries Sheldon Richman Sietze Bosman Sigurd Kristensen Sinclair Jenkins Southfront Editor Spencer Davenport Spencer J. Quinn Stefan Karganovic Steffen A. Woll Stephanie Savell Stephen F. Cohen Stephen J. Rossi Stephen J. Sniegoski Stephen Paul Foster Sterling Anderson Steve Fraser Steve Keen Steve Penfield Steven Farron Steven Yates Subhankar Banerjee Susan Southard Sydney Schanberg Talia Mullin Tanya Golash-Boza Taxi Taylor McClain Taylor Young Ted O'Keefe Ted Rall The Crew The Zman Theodore A. Postol Thierry Meyssan Thomas A. Fudge Thomas Anderson Thomas Hales Thomas Dalton Thomas Ertl Thomas Frank Thomas Hales Thomas Jackson Thomas O. Meehan Thomas Steuben Thomas Zaja Thorsten J. 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    Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @ivan
    @Another Polish Perspective

    God does not dislike us for normal libido well not quite, but for libido dominandis - which manifests itself in homoexual dominance over other men. It may have happened that the odd ancient Jew tried to practised it but it was punishable by death. I don't have to tell you that superior morals and sentiments that the West developed would not have been possible had the dissolute morals of these degenerate men, the type one hears of in prisons in the USA prevailed. Among the gifts Christianity brought from it's Jewish roots was sexual continence, without which no moral progress is possible. I understand that homosexuals will always be with us, and many of us including myself find transgenders so alluring, but we must not succumb to promiscuity.

    Replies: @ivan, @Anonymous

    This book argues that Western secularism itself is product of Christianity. Against the claims of tribe , family etc, the distinctive personality of Western man is a product of a long development in the course of history.https://www.amazon.com/Inventing-Individual-Origins-Western-Liberalism/dp/0674417534

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @anonymous

    One of the more demoralising effects of ‘diversity’ drives is to leave whites without a social space to themselves of any significance to feel free to talk about certain topics or develop a collective trust.

    As Westerners have social worlds increasingly defined by their workplace, this will become ever more acute. Starbucks-Americans have a veto over the non-diverse.
    Back in the day, I worked as a waiter at Windows on the World. I was so happy to get that job at the time. It was hitting a milestone for me. The atmosphere was fairly corporate, very professional, the pay was excellent, and I was in a Union, which meant I couldn't be fired unless I pulled some wildly egregious act. For a kid in his twenties, it was a great job.

    So, one day, I'm fiddling around at my station, and there were five Filipino guys standing in a semi-circle, five feet away. They worked as busboys, and they were in the union too. As busboys, they'd hit pay dirt, we shared our tips with them, and they could move up to waiter at some point, if they had their shit together. They seemed to be mostly immigrants, and getting their job would have been a major milestone for them too.

    One guy was holding court, and I heard him say, "I fucking hate white people. I fucking HATE 'em! HATE... THEM! Fucking white people, think they can do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want. FUCK white people. I... fucking... HATE... white people!!"

    Again, they were only five feet away, there was no way they could miss me, yet they all stood around this guy, nodding their heads in sympathy.

    So, I interrupt him mid-rant, an say, "Hey! I'm standing right here, you know."

    He stopped, brow still furrowed, but he didn't start staring me down. Just looked from eye to eye at the others. Then they all slowly, quietly dispersed, with no closing argument about white people.

    I thought, "well, that's a shitty way to start brunch!"

    Anyway... I guess we were antithetical to each other's short-hand, but my response on the matter was trying to make them change their minds by my own behavior. I could have taken the matter to management, but that seemed like a cheap thing to do, and probably would have gotten the ranter fired. We were so spread out over there that re-connecting with those guys wasn't possible, so no progress was made that I know of.

    Eventually, I left Windows on the World for better things, leaving my hateful Filipino co-workers behind. I harbored no resentment.

    Hope they all did okay.

    Replies: @Muggles, @Lurker, @clyde, @Reg Cæsar, @notsaying, @Anonymous, @Peterike

    Hope they all did okay.

    Brutal. Lol!

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @foolisholdman

    Where did the Chinese rip off the successful (I.e. useable) re-attachment of severed limbs from? Who taught them how to wipe out Schistosomiasis Where did they rip-off the landing on the far side of the moon from? Whose designs did they steal to build the bridge across the Yangzi at Wuhan, that the Russian, British and American engineers all said was "Impossible"? You are shutting your eyes to the fact that the Chinese are very capable and getting more so as time goes by. It may be a comforting myth to you, at the moment, but, in the relatively short term it will not help you at all.
    Remember too, that as recently as 1949, almost all Chinese experts in STEM subjects (and there were precious few of them) were employed in the West.

    Replies: @anon

    China was trying to build a space program from the 70s onward with very little success.

    They were only able to get a program off the ground when they bought Russian technology and got Russia to train their taikonauts

  • From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a paper about how you want to stay very far, far away from "virtuous victim signalers," because they are bad news: Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Advance online publication. We investigate the consequences...
  • @Too Long Didn't Read
    Watch out for the Woke, they’re out to pick your pocket.

    No worries, we just send them to places like state capitols and Fortune 500 companies and DC. Safely out of the way where they cannot hurt the rest of us.

    Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter

    Where they can manipulate the proxy hands of the corporate managerial state to do all the dirty work of a pick pocket for them?

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @Ray Caruso
    Under its damnable creed of "All men are created equal", the US has become irretrievably committed to negrophilia. That being the case, its adoption of ever-more harmful and outlandish negrophiliac policies is a positive development since such policies can only accelerate its demise. The US cannot be saved. The best that can be hoped for it is that it unravels as soon as possible, and with it, its pernicious influence over the world's remaining White countries. The US is both the originator of egalitarian ideology and its thuggish enforcer. Its downfall, ideally while its cities are overtaken by negro riots and its military by sodomite orgies, will both weaken and demoralize egalitarians worldwide.

    Replies: @Yawrate, @AKINDLE

    Well, we are all created equal…under the law. Which is why so many black Americans end up in the slammer.

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • JMcG says:
    I think Starbucks got big in the 90s by quietly mostly restricting barista hiring to far-above-average-looking females.

    With excellent health. That allowed them to brag about their generous health plan, with full coverage for part-timers. Sure, it can work, if you cherry-pick the beneficiaries.

    It would not surprise me in the least if Chik-Fil-A derives similar benefits. Their workers seem even younger on average than Starbucks'. Amazon too, as the physical demands of most jobs select for a younger and healthier workforce.

    Replies: @JMcG

    I only have a couple of local examples to go by, but those Chik-fil-a stores hire by word of mouth and references. Mostly high school kids, mostly girls, and mostly private, charter, or Catholic school students. I don’t know if that’s corporate procedure or local preference, but it seems to work well.

    •ï¿½Agree: Harry Baldwin
    •ï¿½Replies: @prosa123

    The balance on any of your credit cards is likely greater than Chik-fil-A's corporate debt, which is zero.

    Replies: @JMcG
    , @stillCARealist

    Around here the word spreads through church youth groups and the homeschooling networks. All the Christian kids are trying to get a first job at either Chick Fil-A or In n Out. Those two local restaurants are always packed, too. Even before all the lockdowns their drive throughs were jammed constantly.

    The Starbucks phenomenon baffles me. High-priced coffee that makes you fat? What on earth? And you have to wait forever to get it... and then it's lukewarm. My coffee that I make at home is just how I like it, piping hot, not too dark, and calorie-free. Stop going there, people. It's a fattening waste of money. Judge, judge, judge.

    Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • Anonymous[744] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    When it comes to race, we are supposed to close our eyes and pretend that white racism – and only racism – is holding back blacks and Hispanics.
    Jared Taylor, you appeared on a popular talk and were asked your opinion about Jews, at which point you famously said, "They look white to me." So who is really guilty of "closing their eyes" and "pretending" Jared? It is you, Jared, who are perpetually bound and gagged by the same taboo as usual.

    Replies: @Old and Grumpy, @anon, @Anonymous, @Priss Factor, @Temporary Insanity, @noname27

    “They look white to me.â€

    So this is absolutely bonkers. Whites like Jared are part of the problem because they fail/refuse to address the Jewish Question.

    “Whites” have to stop identifying themselves and others by skin color. It is their downfall and weakness that the Jew exploits.

    Call yourselves Christian-Europeans. In that name, there is no question who is who. And it also avoids the stigma of racism.

    The Jew may look white, but he is not Christian-European. He can only be Jewish-European who share Christian-European history/culture in many ways, but remain different and separate.

    And as a sidebar, he is separate/different not because he is excluded from joining Christian-Europeans, but rather because he chooses to remain alien, distinct, separate and tribal.

    •ï¿½Replies: @orionyx

    Christian-European? There's your problem right there. As long as you allow yourself to be mind-fucked by Chalcolithic Middle-Eastern mythology, you're leaving a massive backdoor into your mind for others to exploit.

    What's wrong with 'Aryan'? That seems to be identified with our Yamnaya ancestors who emerged from the steppes some 4500 years ago and went west and south, replacing most of the local men and keeping the local women. Now, those were bold, brainy, ballsy men, and I for one am proud they were my ancestors. If you want to win, be like them!

    Replies: @Talha, @anon, @RSDB
  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @JohnnyWalker123

    That's what I was thinking too.

    I like the idea of a tangible, physical investment much more than something that exists in virtual space. How do you "guarantee" anything in a time of chaos? The volatile nature of crypto currency could sink its value during an era of turbulence.

    Replies: @bomag, @Old Prude, @mousey

    I have some tulip bulbs I’ll sell you……..

  • A New Dedicated Open Thread.
  • Happy and Healthy New Year to all!

    Dance the night away…

    Video Link

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @ViktorTempleton
    @gay troll

    You people seem to get awfully mad when somebody proves you wrong. Debunk the miracles I have shown you, or shut up.

    Replies: @gay troll

    Yeah, I’m not going to watch your YouTube “miraclesâ€. I’ve witnessed a miracle or two in my life and they did not involve any blood. In fact if you were not paying attention you would never know they happened. That is the true grace of God: salvation in a pinch. Rotation on a dime. Not some ostentatious display of magic.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ViktorTempleton
    @gay troll

    Yeah, I’m not going to watch your YouTube “miraclesâ€.
    "Give me evidence!"
    "Nevermind, I don't want it."
    Another brave skeptic makes an effeminate retreat from revelation.
  • @mcohen
    @Jack McArthur

    The drawing is interesting.i will read up on it.

    I also find Elephantine Island in Egypt a mystery and the connection between the Jews who lived in Egypt and ancient Egyptian beliefs.This is a quote from the link below

    The Jews had their own temple to Yahweh[5] which functioned alongside that of the Egyptian god Khnum. Along with Yahweh, other deities – ʿAnat Betel and Asham Bethel – seem to have been worshiped by these Jews, evincing polytheistic beliefs.[6]


    Replies: @Jack McArthur

    The Egyptians destroyed the temple of the Jews at Elephantine with the Oxford History of Ancient Egypt suggesting that they had come as mercenaries of the barbarians (I do not use the word lightly) who had invaded a much higher civilization.

    Anyone who knows anything about Ancient Egypt knows that divine monarchy was central to the development of this “wonderful people” ( as described by an Christian Egyptologist) and there is what to me is a prophetic utterance in a pyramid text warning about not letting whom Josephus would desrcribe as the ancestors of the Jews, the Hyksos into Egypt.

    This would be echoed 2000 years later in an Oracle of Isis who said that if the Jews are not put out they would close the temples. This happened in practice when the sibling of the Jews did exactly that.

    From your description of Kabbalah its just another demonic take on what was good in Ancient Egypt – Freemasons are another version – albeit I assume good faith on your unwitting part and that of most Freemasons.

    A Jew who professes an affinity to ancient Egypt misses entirely the point because it was never based on tribe or race.

    A Jew who loves the monarchy and ways of Ancient Egypt is no longer a Jew but an Egyptian. Freemasonry and Kabbalah are not Ancient Egyptian but the same old spirit of isfet that seeks to infiltrate and destroy by mimicry and demonic magic that comes from the dark side.

    All race based philosophies have no home in Ancient Egypt and neither does anti-clerical or anti-monarchial movements.

    •ï¿½Replies: @mcohen
    @Jack McArthur

    its ok jack i understand
  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • FB says: •ï¿½Website

    So Hitler’s Nazi ideology was pretty much molded by those pesky Russians?

    Brilliant. Another fantastic installment in the ‘Hitler dindu nuffin’ genre.

    I can guess we can now wave goodbye to the notion that the entire underpinnings of Nazi racialism were developed in the US, by the likes of Madison Grant [The Passing of the Great Race, 1916], Lothrop Stoddard [Untermensch, 1922], and ‘anthropologist’ Carleton Coon [the ‘Jewish nose’] et al.

    Hitler simply transplanted to Germany the racial ‘hygiene’ and eugenics theories that were already fully formed in the US long before.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dingo bay rum

    So true .Eugenics was well establisheded before the National Socialists came on the scene In fact , the Germans used laws on sterilization that were on books in several states in America as a defense at Nurenberg.

    Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Mikhail

    So Hitler’s Nazi ideology was pretty much molded by those pesky Russians?

    Brilliant. Another fantastic installment in the ‘Hitler dindu nuffin’ genre.

    I can guess we can now wave goodbye to the notion that the entire underpinnings of Nazi racialism were developed in the US, by the likes of Madison Grant [The Passing of the Great Race, 1916], Lothrop Stoddard [Untermensch, 1922], and ‘anthropologist’ Carleton Coon [the ‘Jewish nose’] et al.

    Hitler simply transplanted to Germany the racial ‘hygiene’ and eugenics theories that were already fully formed in the US long before.

    With the Russians getting the blame. Reminded of the Diehard movie with Samuel Jackson and Bruce Willis. The US version depicts bad guy Germans. In Germany, they're portrayed as Russians.
    , @fnn

    NSDAP was also the world's first Green Party. It's easy to find books and articles on the "Greenness" of the Nazis so I won't provide links. Madison Grant of course was also a pioneer environmentalist, but he didn't have his own party. Some free market extremists/libertarians used to make claims about the nazi roots of environmentalism.
    , @Petermx

    I suspect the whole idea of "Nazi racialism" is a gross exaggeration with the help of Hollywood studios and maybe some creative Jewish authors. The narrative today is different than 40 years ago. Now, according to the narrative, all Europeans were racist (and all whites still are today). Prior to 1945 Europe and Europeans dominated the world for centuries. They were so powerful, they killed each other off because all the top nations were European and the hatred they felt for each other unfortunately far exceeded any "racism" they felt for others. The problem the world (which was basically Europe) had for so long was the hatred Europeans had for each other, not any hatred for non-whites which most Europeans never even met during their lives, so they had no reasons to hate them. Europe ran the world for so long so they did feel like great cultures, which they were, and hopefully will be again.
  • Who were these White Russians that failed to notice the Nazi attitude towards Slavs? Lebensraum as a concept predated the Nazis by at least 20 years. Where did they think all that “living room” was going to come from?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Mikhail

    Who were these White Russians that failed to notice the Nazi attitude towards Slavs? Lebensraum as a concept predated the Nazis by at least 20 years. Where did they think all that “living room†was going to come from?
    Many and most of them appear to have done just that. Lumping some with all has at times led to some misconceived historical notions of reality.

    Reminded of this book which came out in the 1970s:


    BTW, some might recall the periodic White Russian character in the 1960s WW II sitcom Hogan's Heroes
  • From the Cornell U. Daily Sun: Curtains Close on The Vagina Monologues By Sophie Arzumanov The student actors of the play The Vagina Monologues unknowingly took their final bows last winter. The past sponsor of the popular show, the Women’s Resource Center, has announced that due to recent changes in its mission statement — the...
  • @Nico
    @Peter Akuleyev

    Not my experience. I have known “feminists†who are very close to their fathers, and conservative women whose fathers were total dirtbags. Like a lot of choices young people make, I suspect peer pressure has significantly more influence than parents.
    Key observation here. The most important thing a parent can offer throughout a an offspring's childhood is a well-exerted power of triage over the friends and peers their child meets. (This of course puts the 86 on just about every public school out there.) Most parents don't pay nearly enough attention to whom their children hang out with, especially since single motherhood and the two-breadwinner home have come to account for a majority of child-rearing situations in North America.

    Replies: @Dissident, @Dissident

    The most important thing a parent can offer throughout a an offspring’s childhood is a well-exerted power of triage over the friends and peers their child meets.

    Quite true.

    (This of course puts the 86 on just about every public school out there.)

    And probably most private ones as well, no? At least for the committed, unreformed traditionalist.

    (Might also add that the threat of pernicious influence that is posed by schools is not limited to that from the students but includes the faculty– both on the individual as well as collective levels; both official and unofficial.)

    Most parents don’t pay nearly enough attention to whom their children hang out with, especially since single motherhood and the two-breadwinner home have come to account for a majority of child-rearing situations in North America.

    For the conditions that led to the situation you describe, is unbridled corporate greed and predation, enabled by neoliberal economic policies, not at least as much to blame as anything else ? Ditto for the terrible scourge– one that can easily be a more malign influence upon an impressionable mind than any in-the-flesh relationship or encounter– that the blessings of technology have made largely inexorable.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Nico

    I expressed unqualified agreement with that statement in my initial reply. Upon reflection, I wish to amend my response somewhat by arguing that as critical as exerting control to the extent possible and reasonable over the individuals one’s child spends time and forms relationships with, there is something even more critical: Leading by example
    To be sure, I didn't want to imply that parents could just go off and laze about once they've secured a group of reliable peers for their little tykes. But a kid who comes from a broken home yet happens into a good peer group from early on may be very salvagable, although as you hinted in the next part on that may be in no small part due to benevolent other parents and teachers who assert a positive influence in loco parentis for a large part of the child's week. Conversely, almost every time I have seen nasty kids from good, upright and loving parents it's because the kids fell in with the wrong crowd and their parents didn't take decisive enough action to pull them out.

    I'm not just referring to politics, of course, but the fact that so many children of conservative parents become liberals after high school and (especially) college only underscores the point that what happens when the parent isn't around is just as important as what happens when he is.

    And probably most private [schools] as well, no? At least for the committed, unreformed traditionalist.

    (Might also add that the threat of pernicious influence that is posed by schools is not limited to that from the students but includes the faculty– both on the individual as well as collective levels; both official and unofficial.)
    Absolutely. And it's worse than ever, with many formerly solid Catholic or Protestant Christian schools waving the "Woke" banner now. Up until a few years ago I'd have said that the state-run Catholic schools in France were at least "better" than the fully-secularized public schools and they probably still are but after these past few years that much of "better" doesn't seem to count for much anymore.

    For the conditions that led to the situation you describe, is unbridled corporate greed and predation, enabled by neoliberal economic policies, not at least as much to blame as anything else ?
    I certainly think it is. Marketing students will be familiar with a target demographic called "DINK": dual income no kids. This is the most coveted segment for consumer-goods peddlers: the (mostly/formally) monogamous couple optimizing rent in a one-bedroom apartment in a large city with no one else to eat up disposable income and the least impetus to scrimp and save. There's a reason the plutocrats would rather yuppies not marry - and why they have been enthusiastic boosters of LGBT (gay male couple in particular make the picture-perfect DINK in the minds of the lazy).

    Ditto for the terrible scourge– one that can easily be a more malign influence upon an impressionable mind than any in-the-flesh relationship or encounter– that the blessings of technology have made largely inexorable.
    It is notable that Steve Jobs and so many other Silicon Valley moguls have been known to severely limit the screen time their offspring are allowed. The ones who deliberately make us addicted know exactly how and why this addiction is so dangerous. I don't like to judge because I don't have children yet and I imagine the temptation to hypnotize a whiny kid with an electronic toy must be overwhelming. Nevertheless, parents who allow minor children any unsupervised access to the Internet or television are courting disaster.
  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @martin_2
    Bitcoin will not die because it serves a purpose that no other form of currency can. It allows people - men, let's face it - to pay anonymously for illegal porn.

    Replies: @JMcG

    Illegal porn?

  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • So the “Lincoln’s Getting A Chocolate Hummer” statue is gone? This country is heading for a bad patch under China Joe and
    Willie’s Ho.
    Or as they referred to in Denco: Geezer and Skeezer until he gets a seizure.

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • JMcG says:
    @Old Prude

    A man comes up to me during the hard times and offers a Krugerrand for a roll of Charmin's finest. What am I going to do with a Krugerrand? Wipe my ass with it?

    Replies: @JMcG

    You’re going to take the krugerrand. Give him the tp. Accumulate the krugerrands. When or if things normalize ( a big gamble, I’ll admit) you’ll have a pile of krugerrands instead of a pile of toilet paper. You can thank me by sending ten percent to a Cayman Islands bank account the number of which I’ll send you under separate cover.
    That’s pretty much what George Soros did.
    Of course if society does completely and utterly collapse, which it won’t, you and me and George will look pretty stupid.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Old Prude
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • anon[162] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    US votes against UN budget, citing antisemitism and failure to pressure Iran
    Only Israel voted with US against United Nations’ 2021 programme budget, citing antisemitism and issues with Iran sanctions


    Well trained dog cant change bitch’s habit of sniffing at the anus . USA needs to be sent packing .

  • Almost Missouri on an often overlooked perverse consequence of old age government welfare benefits: Back in the days before the Great Awokening, when our rulers would at least put up a logical pretense for why they had to screw us over, we were told immigration was necessary to prop up our old age retirement programs...
  • @Dissident

    It does, in fact, take a village, even if the Wicked Witch of the West said it.
    I am reminded of an exchange between Madame (Rodham-)Clinton and Mitt Romney that occurred, if memory serves, at some point during the 2008 Presidential primary season. Ms. Clinton, then seeking the nomination of her party, had made some comment that I recall as expressing essentially the same view as the one that you alluded-to. In a critical, summarily dismissive, reflexively pro-simplistic "free-market" orthodoxy response, Mr. Romney suggested that Mrs. Clinton ought to read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. My reaction at the time was to think that this response of Romney's actually revealed more about his own ignorance of Smith's actual writing than anything about H. Clinton's comment (which I recall finding not unreasonable).

    I think it was somewhat after that I heard Noam Chomsky, in the course of one of his interviews or lectures, say (paraphrasing from memory),
    "Adam Smith, who we are all supposed to revere but not actually read...".

    NOTE: I would reject and repudiate any interpretation of "it takes a village" that minimizes the essential importance of the strong, solid, traditional, heteronormative family. The village must support, not supplant, that base.

    Replies: @iffen, @iffen

    The village must support, not supplant, that base.

    I’m not advocating for the abolishment of families. AFAIK I support all pro-family policies.

    I was merely expressing my support for the Social Security System. (The Disability program is a disaster and needs major reform, but we don’t do rational policy reform anymore.) I believe that “we” are better off if “we” force people to save for their old age.

    My “village” was community, local and nation-state.

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    So yeah, if you landed an Asian woman you are above-average attractiveness and status as a white male. Average white males and pedos have to settle for white women, Asian women can afford much higher standards.
    Delusional, Asian women go for White men solely because of their race, in fact Asian parents openly encourage their daughters to go for White men.


    Asian women exclude Asian men from their dating pool at by far the highest rate, with 40% excluding their own race, and only 6% preferring their own race. They also exclude White men at the lowest rates out of all races of women. This alone strongly suggests they have a strong preference for White males, simply because of their race, and they do not rate Blacks higher, most of them actively avoid Black males from their dating pools.

    Asian women are extremely undiscriminating when it comes to getting with White guys, as long as you are not truly ugly, they will settle for you. You can go onto the hapa subreddit or subreddits like AznIdentity to get hundreds of anecdotal stories and lived experiences by Asian males of this phenomenon of Asian women chasing White males simply for their Whiteness.

    Asian women are attractive if you have a fetish for epicanthic folds, but other than that they are not so great. They are however good for White males who cannot get with a decent looking White women and don't want to settle for some bitchy mid-tier White female and instead want an Asian who will worship them.

    Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter, @last straw, @Hapalong Cassidy, @Anonymous

    “Asian women are attractive if you have a fetish for epicanthic folds, but other than that they are not so great. ”

    Not to mention that they squeak like like a reed whistle in cheap plastic cry-baby doll when they have sex.

  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @Ugetit
    Good article, but what's with the references to the Protocols being fake?

    On what basis does anyone make the claim?

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Curmudgeon, @Pop Warner

    Because jews make the fallacious claim that the Protocols were literal in their claim to being the actual minutes of a meeting of jews. They can’t perceive the council as a narrative device to describe very real things going on. The inability (or unwillingness) of jews to make this distinction leads to the Protocols being called a “forgery” and allowing its critics to throw out the entirety of the work

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    @Pop Warner

    It does occur to me that the Czar's police and intelligence services may have had quite a few plants in Jewish organisations, most likely Jewish of mischlings who could easily affect to be genuine Jews.
    , @James O'Meara
    @Pop Warner

    "They can’t perceive the council as a narrative device to describe very real things going on"

    Unlikely. If Jews understand anything, it's narrative devices. They are the greatest storytellers of all time. Look at they've had the goyim larping for centuries trying to imitate Jewish "history". If anything, claiming it as a forgery is a deliberate misdirection -- something else they're good at.
  • What will it take for most white people to wake up to the growing threat of dispossession in our homelands? It is a central question facing our movement. Some answers to that question can be found in a series of first-person accounts written for American Renaissance (organized here by perspective and available here in book...
  • @Rosie

    saying white women are omnipotent would be the height of idiocy, and so that’s why you (also) dishonestly mischaracterize what I said.
    When I said that White women are as opposed to affirmative action as White men, you said:

    If that were true, there’d be no affirmative action.
    In other words, White women get what we want.

    are you suggesting that a majority of white women don’t think women should be in combat?
    A huge majority of men and women (73% and 76%, respectively) support women in combat roles, if they so desire. But therein lies the problem with your argument. Hardly any actually want these jobs, even among those who are already in the military!

    This is a big fat nothing burger. There have always been exceptional women who engage in gender-atypical activities. With so few volunteering, it's safe to assume that these are indeed exceptional women. Whether fitness standards should be changed to accommodate women is another question.


    I simply wondered out loud

    Lol my achin' sides! The dispassionate scholar routine, again.

    I just think they’re more naturally compassionate than men, and that was my only point.
    Indeed, and that's precisely why depriving women of the franchise would be a terrible idea. We need safe, humane prisons, provision for the elderly, wage and hour protections, child labor laws, etc.

    Of course, there is certainly such a thing as too much of a good thing, and you'd definitely have too much compassion with an all-female electorate, but noone is suggesting that men be disenfranchised. The beauty of complementarity is that we balance each other out. As the ideal home includes both a mother and a father, so the ideal electorate includes both men and women.


    Replies: @Rurik, @Tony Massey

    When I said that White women are as opposed to affirmative action as White men, you said:

    If that were true, there’d be no affirmative action.

    In other words, White women get what we want.

    not quite

    they get gender affirmative action, because they made a devil’s bargain with Jewish supremacy, to go along with racial affirmative action- so long as they too can get their unearned benefits from the bargain too.

    But that is hardly calling white women “omnipotent’, which is ridiculous. So why would you (dishonestly) suggest that I said something so patently ridiculous, unless it was intended as a smear?

    If blacks get what they want vis-a-vis affirmative action, does that make them ‘omnipotent”?

    Only a fool would suggest such a thing. And only a dishonest person would put those words in someone’s mouth, in order to discredit them.

    There is a certain de rigueur here, where misquoting is considered a most unseemly gaucherie. I’d advise against the practice.

    But therein lies the problem with your argument. Hardly any actually want these jobs, even among those who are already in the military!

    but my argument is against the rationality of the policy, not the actual number of women serving.

    Even if none were serving, my argument would be the same, vs. ‘theirs’; that women and girls should not be put in harms way by a sane society. A nation or tribe fights to protect their women folk. Only the worst cowardly cretins on the planet would send their women to fight and die (or worse) so that they could stay safe and cozy, as their womenfolk and girls absorbed the bullets.

    This is a big fat nothing burger.

    It goes to the heart of the sanity and moral health of a nation/civilization.

    There have always been exceptional women who engage in gender-atypical activities

    Indeed. And if they can muster the wherewithal, then I’d have no problem with letting women play in the NFL, or anywhere else they can prove they’re up to the standards. Even as firefighters, or what have you. If they are up to the standards. But I wouldn’t send women to fight men with guns, as a matter of principle.

    [women are] more naturally compassionate than men

    Indeed, and that’s precisely why depriving women of the franchise would be a terrible idea. We need safe, humane prisons, provision for the elderly, wage and hour protections, child labor laws, etc.

    Of course, there is certainly such a thing as too much of a good thing, and you’d definitely have too much compassion with an all-female electorate, but noone is suggesting that men be disenfranchised. The beauty of complementarity is that we balance each other out. As the ideal home includes both a mother and a father, so the ideal electorate includes both men and women.


    Thoughtful, tempered, well-considered, and on point.

    I’m at a loss over here.

    To your point, perhaps so.

    I really don’t know the answer, I was just more or less asking out loud what others thought.

    And really, it’s all completely academic. Women are not going to lose the vote in the West, unless or until Islam or some such less ‘enlightened’ people become ascendant, which seems inevitable at this point.

    And in the spirit of your last paragraphs, I’ll now wish you and Carolyn a very Happy New Year.

    •ï¿½Agree: Mike Tre
    •ï¿½Thanks: GeneralRipper
    •ï¿½Replies: @GeneralRipper

    I have noticed that on forums as well as IRL, the ladies tend to take criticism of their own gender from men, much more "personally" and "to the heart" than vice versa. I don't attribute it to some malicious innate flaw, probably just has to do with the way they're wired.

    We certainly could have never reached this point without gross failings on the part of both men and women, just as we'll never be able to work our way out of this mess without both working together.

    And before, Rosie, Carolyn or Alden pounce, I'll simply say that indeed more fault can probably be laid at the feet of men, since it is the role of the male to lead, more often than not.

    Anyway, having men and women divided is a key part of the strategy in the destroying our Civilization, as is the tranny/gender-blending/identify as you wish nonsense.

    I always enjoy reading your posts, Rurik.

    Have a Happy New Year.
  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @Zarathustra
    More or less ridiculous but hell why not.
    This is totally offensive to Germans.
    Whites did not have a territory, no government and no army.
    Basically Whites were horseman mostly Ukrainian Cossack.
    And ?
    And all Rosenbergs are Jewish clan. Nice people. (I did met some.)
    (You find nice people even amongst Jews.)

    Replies: @Hillaire

    True, the National Socialists were riddled with jews and mischlings at all levels, an uncomfortable truth for some.. Somewhat like their close dealings with financial zionists are memory holed.
    Also, see jews in the Wehrmacht and enlisted men. There were many traitors….

    •ï¿½Replies: @James O'Meara

    "... riddled with jews and mischlings at all levels, an uncomfortable truth for some.. Somewhat like their close dealings with financial zionists are memory holed....jws in the Wehrmacht and enlisted men. There were many traitors….Unsurprisingly."

    The Third Reich sounds a lot like the Trump administration. Perhaps he really was the Orange Hitler?

    Replies: @hillaire
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @Majority of One

    Victor: Thank you for acknowledging my vocabulary. That trait is an indication of erudition as against dogmatism, which is your wont. "Pygmy Savages"!!! My oh my aren't we a wonderful exemplar of the spirit of love for all as we are taught was the way of Jesus. Dogmatic AND hypocritical. Typical.

    Replies: @ViktorTempleton

    Jesus spoke ill of people on several occasions, as all righteous men must. John 8:44.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Seraphim

    The spawn of those people cannot suffer to be spoken 'disrespectfully'.
  • The Correlation of Armed Forces: U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $634.8 billion in 2019. Exports were $163.0 billion; imports were $471.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $308.8 billion in 2019. Trade in services with China (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $76.7 billion in...
  • TSS says:

    One thing I noticed there was how thin skinned and irrational some Chinese were about any perceived criticism no matter how truthful the observation. I learned to enjoy setting them off.

    Replies: @TSS

    Yes, as proven by the flood of defensive butthurt Chinese responses to your honest and sober observations earlier in the thread. The modern Chinese mentality is deeply flawed in its propensity for extreme hubris and arrogance, which makes the Chinese unable to endure honest and constructive criticism. Pride comes before a fall, they say.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anon

    Come on, now, let's be understanding of the sensibilities of our Chinese friends. For them, getting criticized is like the "century of humiliation" all over again. They are living in the 19th century and feel like that episode of history is being played out all over again on this online forum. They're also not used to free speech and come from a culture where you are supposed to let people save face. Show some respect.
    , @antibeast

    The modern Chinese mentality is deeply flawed in its propensity for extreme hubris and arrogance, which makes the Chinese unable to endure honest and constructive criticism. Pride comes before a fall, they say.

    Tell that to the "usanumberone" crowd. It's the Yanks who don't want to accept the fact that their time is up. The USA Empire is in irreversible decline and falling fast. And you have Yanks like TJH14 making "beggar-thy-neighbor" comments that don't even address the problems of the USA but criticize foreign countries to make himself feel better about the USA.
  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @Hillaire

    Indeed if they are a forgery then they are a prophetic forgery..

    also, they are often described as forgery, a forgery is merely a copy of an original, a fake also..

    the implication being that there is an original.

    Replies: @Schuetze

    The real question here is “forgery of what”. I have read that both Jacob Schiff (Russian Revolution) and Henry Morgentau (Morgentau Plan) carried their own special “versions” of the Protocols. Clearly there are various translations from various sources, but from which language and which source was “the forgery” originally written?



    “According to De Michelis the version that Nilius published in 1905 does not directly derive from the earliest known version published by Krusevan in 1903. This is evidence that there was an earlier version than Krusevan (1903).

    “The story goes that Sergei Nilius got the document in 1897 but Okhrana learned of it and Pyotr Rachkovsky forbade him from publishing the document. In 1902 an unknown woman, probably not from Okhrana, had offered a different version of Protocols to Menshikov in April 1902 and this version had been published by Krusevan in 1903, but the Nilius version was not yet published.”

    After Napoleon III had fallen, French governments included many Jews and Freemasons all the time until the world war. As Rachkovsky wanted the Franco-Russian alliance, he would not have ordered any of his men to write the Protocols, which states that minister Léon Bourgeois is a trusted agent of Judeo-Masonic Elders and implies that the document is from the time circa 1895, and he would not base the conspiracy to France. At the time London and New York were the banking centers of the world. Thus, Okhrana did not write the Protocols.

    The Protocols are most probably based on real documents of the Paris Mizraim lodge, L’Arc en Ciel, and these documents may have been obtained around 1884, agreeing with the story how Glinka got them. But the Protocols have been worked out of these papers and the book of Maurice Joly, and the Protocols were finished around 1895.”


    “Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy, was a lifelong Mason and member of the “Lodge of Mizraim†where the Protocols document originated. He was the protege of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) the head of the lodge, founder of the Alliance Israélite Universelle and a Minister in the Jewish-backed government of Leon Gambetta.

    The plot is described in the Protocols as “centuries-old.†It most likely predates “Dialogue.†Joly was well versed in the Protocols and borrowed from it to flesh out the unpopular authoritarian position of Machiavelli, which he ascribed to Napoleon III.

    Joly, who committed suicide in 1879, was in the habit of “borrowing.†He is accused of plagiarizing a popular novel by Eugene Sue, namely “Les Mystères du Paris.†(1845) Also his work is predated by another of Cremieux’s proteges, Jacob Venedy, entitled, “Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau.†(1850)

    In 1884 Mme. Justine Glinka, the daughter of a Russian General living in Paris, hired Joseph Schorst, a member of Joly’s Mizraim Lodge to obtain sensitive information. For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.”


    “Were it not for Justine Glinka, daughter of a Russian general in 1884 living in France notifying General Orgevskii in St. Petersburg,[160] who sent 2,500 francs for Justine to buy a pilfered copy of the Protocols from her assistant Joseph Schoerst, a member of the Paris Jewish Mizraim Masonic Lodge, the world may never have even known about this historically revealing document.”


    “Out of them broke the ruthless and invariable orientation: exterminate all the kings and the race of the Bourbons, destroy the power of the Pope, preach freedom of peoples and found a universal republic (18). The Jews had inspired Masonic rites and secretly ran their obedience. The rite of Clermont, created in 1754, had been scattered in throughout Germany, by the outrageous Protestant pastor, the Jew of Portuguese origin Samuel Rosas. The three rites that divided the so-called Egyptian Freemasonry came from Jewish sources: the Coptic, from the Sicilian Jew Joseph Balsamo, who used the pseudonym of Count Cagliostro; the Misraïm, name of Egypt in the Bible, from the three Bedarride brothers, Jews of Avignon; the Memphis, from Samuel Honis, Jew from Cairo (19).”

    So the Misraim/Mizraim lodge was the original “source” of the Protocols, and that very same lodge was also played a significant role in the Jacobian destruction of Christian France in 1789. Yet from LAURENT GUYÉNOT we recently learnt that the Misraim cult was active back when the entire Christian Church got started with their Gospels and New Testament, or likely even hundreds or thousands of years earlier.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Hillaire

    Exactly.. it is never explicitly stated that they are a fabrication, there are many theories and much static but no real refutation.

    My view is they 'fit' into a canon of literature the jews have passed between themselves offering instruction and elucidation of method in their struggle with amalek.

    The goal being subjugation of the cattle and world dominion, this is undeniable, yet academics and suchlike won't go near it.

    Or rather those who have paid dearly.
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • The Islamic Golden Age is a myth. Christian Byzantium had already outpaced the Muslim world.

    •ï¿½Agree: Seraphim
  • From the New York Times' "Upshot" data journalism section: What Can Be Learned From Differing Rates of Suicide Among Groups White Americans have higher rates than most other racial and ethnic groups. By Austin Frakt Austin Frakt is director of the Partnered Evidence-Based Policy Resource Center at the V.A. Boston Healthcare System; associate professor with...
  • @Magic Dirt Resident
    Any theories as to why the Asian suicide rate is lower in America than it is in their home countries? The best I can come up with is the diversity of Asian groups in the US lowers the high rate among East Asians.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Bardon Kaldian

    And maybe Asians in America are self-selected survivors (ie, Vietnamese refugees), whereas Asians in Asia represent the total possible spectrum.

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • KenH says:

    When it comes to race, we are supposed to close our eyes and pretend that white racism – and only racism – is holding back blacks and Hispanics.

    The presence of white people is supposedly a clear and present danger to blacks and Hispanics yet Barack Hussein Obama even said that blacks and browns must be placed into a white zip code in order to have a chance at success. That is why he made the completely unconstitutional affirmatively furthering fair housing rule that SCOTUS managed to find “constitutional” since they adhere to the new post 1965 Constitution of black racial supremacy. AFFA forces working and middle class white communities that accept HUD block grants to build section 8 housing wherever HUD directs.

    If white people are truly so terrible and a dire threat to black and brown well being then there should be immediate racial segregation and blacks and browns shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near “whypipo”.

    •ï¿½Agree: frontier, europeasant
  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @Curmudgeon

    Actually, I prefer the Henry Ford response to the allegation: It does not matter if they are fake, it fits what is happening today.

    Replies: @Ron Unz, @Ugetit

    Actually, I prefer the Henry Ford response to the allegation: It does not matter if they are fake, it fits what is happening today.

    Well I’ll be…

    I bet ‘Ol Henry and I would be good friends; for one thing I have long responded that way and never knew he said it, so thanks! And another thing that I find interesting is that it’s happening here, today as well. Some things never change.

  • It used to be a post-Christmas tradition that mobs of black teens hyped up on the sugar from Christmas cookies would loot downscale shopping malls in flyover places like Louisville. In 2020, they mob Fifth Avenue and Rodeo Drive. But the big national news is that a 14-year-old black child was falsely accused of stealing...
  • @BenB
    @Achmed E. Newman

    It's for the best. This isn't getting better anytime soon, and balkanization won't be clean unless there's good pockets of White majority areas in the states.

    Replies: @AnotherDad

    It’s for the best. This isn’t getting better anytime soon, and balkanization won’t be clean unless there’s good pockets of White majority areas in the states.

    A key problem is that good whites take their cancerous politics with them. They’ll bitch and whine about taxes and crime and traffic and crappy schools and homelessness and filth and high housing prices …

    then move next to you and vote for Democrats … to subject you to the same “stuff”.


    We need an actual separation where sane middle class Americans can live sanely and protect their communities from interlopers.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous

    Old quote from National Lampoon, said to a Buddhist master by a person intent on taking over the dojo:

    I will show you the true meaning of detachment by detaching your head from your body!
  • One of the most perplexing narratives presented during the waning days of the administration of President Donald J. Trump is his apparent disengagement from dealing seriously or providing leadership regarding the surging Coronavirus while at the same time continuing an activist foreign policy that in no way benefits any American. Ironically, the new administration of...
  • @Sean

    Iran is too big and its territory too rugged for any invasion, it's also a dump, and what is keeping it that way is the sanctions which are ostensibly because of Iran's nuclear program. Spoiler Alert! The US is giving Iran feints in order to keep Iran's thermonuclear program going.

    In trying to defend against a phantom attack, the Iranians are wide open for the real assault, which is by means of economic suffocation and has been going on for decades, with Iran 100% convinced that they are fighting off the world's most powerful county. 'Irony' is what Iran ought to change its name to. With Iran being such a shithole, you would think the Iranians could recognize American BS, but apparently not even after forty years of nothing happening--a lot--has the truth dawned on Persia's geniuses.

    The leader of Iran used to beg outside mosques. Maybe he is not so stupid after all because the confrontation with America keeps him and people like him in power, and deep down they must know nothing will ever come of all these latest rumours of war, just like the countless previous ones.

    Replies: @El Dato, @Art, @Supply and Demand, @RedpilledAF, @Tom Welsh

    Iran’s thermonuclear program going.

    When did the incessant media stream of “Iran will have a Hiroshima-type bomb NEXT MONTH (presumably on a delivery vehicle)” into “Iran will have a fusion bomb”? That smoking laptop must be smoking more and more.

    One will also notice how smoothly the focus on “Saddam’s Bomb” was moved to “Mullah’s Bomb” once Saddam was no longer a factor.

    Ceterum censeo, all “journalists” who have been in on that nonexistent nuke program should be summarily “dealt with”. That includes everyone in the editorial offices. Man, woman, trans, gay, or bi/tri or extrasexual, above or below the glass ceiling. I don’t care. Clean up.

  • From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a paper about how you want to stay very far, far away from "virtuous victim signalers," because they are bad news: Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Advance online publication. We investigate the consequences...
  • @El Dato
    Anything on Dark Triad Headrot and the pretense on "following science" (muh science!) accompanied to violent demands that others do so, too?

    LA hospital workers balk at taking Covid-19 vaccine, media says they're somehow not ‘IN TUNE’ with science & Trump is to blame

    The Times quoted a 31-year-old nurse, April Lu, who made just such a calculation. She said that because she's six months pregnant, she chose the known risks of being infected with Covid-19 over the unknown risks of being vaccinated.

    Vaccine advocates reacted angrily, with some saying hospital workers who refuse the shots should be fired, or at least put at the back of the line for treatment if they become infected with the virus. “I can't believe this is happening,†one observer said. “This has to be a joke. How are people in the healthcare industry but ignore science?â€

    Replies: @J.Ross

    There have been totally mainstream people saying that pregnant women should skip it. That’s not even that hard to believe, of course pregnant woman have unique issues. What’s funny is that you have all these young people who are not at risk jumping queue so more nursing home deaths can remind us how medicine works.

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @anonymous

    One of the more demoralising effects of ‘diversity’ drives is to leave whites without a social space to themselves of any significance to feel free to talk about certain topics or develop a collective trust.

    As Westerners have social worlds increasingly defined by their workplace, this will become ever more acute. Starbucks-Americans have a veto over the non-diverse.
    Back in the day, I worked as a waiter at Windows on the World. I was so happy to get that job at the time. It was hitting a milestone for me. The atmosphere was fairly corporate, very professional, the pay was excellent, and I was in a Union, which meant I couldn't be fired unless I pulled some wildly egregious act. For a kid in his twenties, it was a great job.

    So, one day, I'm fiddling around at my station, and there were five Filipino guys standing in a semi-circle, five feet away. They worked as busboys, and they were in the union too. As busboys, they'd hit pay dirt, we shared our tips with them, and they could move up to waiter at some point, if they had their shit together. They seemed to be mostly immigrants, and getting their job would have been a major milestone for them too.

    One guy was holding court, and I heard him say, "I fucking hate white people. I fucking HATE 'em! HATE... THEM! Fucking white people, think they can do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want. FUCK white people. I... fucking... HATE... white people!!"

    Again, they were only five feet away, there was no way they could miss me, yet they all stood around this guy, nodding their heads in sympathy.

    So, I interrupt him mid-rant, an say, "Hey! I'm standing right here, you know."

    He stopped, brow still furrowed, but he didn't start staring me down. Just looked from eye to eye at the others. Then they all slowly, quietly dispersed, with no closing argument about white people.

    I thought, "well, that's a shitty way to start brunch!"

    Anyway... I guess we were antithetical to each other's short-hand, but my response on the matter was trying to make them change their minds by my own behavior. I could have taken the matter to management, but that seemed like a cheap thing to do, and probably would have gotten the ranter fired. We were so spread out over there that re-connecting with those guys wasn't possible, so no progress was made that I know of.

    Eventually, I left Windows on the World for better things, leaving my hateful Filipino co-workers behind. I harbored no resentment.

    Hope they all did okay.

    Replies: @Muggles, @Lurker, @clyde, @Reg Cæsar, @notsaying, @Anonymous, @Peterike

    Eventually, I left Windows on the World for better things, leaving my hateful Filipino co-workers behind. I harbored no resentment.

    Hope they all did okay.

    Wasn’t Windows on the World in one of the towers that went down on 9/11?

    Of course that was early in the day so probably before they were at work, if they still worked there.

    •ï¿½Replies: @prosa123

    Wasn’t Windows on the World in one of the towers that went down on 9/11?
    Of course that was early in the day so probably before they were at work, if they still worked there.

    The restaurant wasn't yet open for public business, however 73 workers were on duty serving breakfast for building employees.

    Replies: @Flimpkin-4
  • Trump did only marginally worse than Republican House members did. In two-way races, Biden beat Trump 52.3%-47.7% while congressional Democrats beat congressional Republicans 51.6%-48.4%. The Republican House outperformed Trump by 0.7 points. So while it is officially technically true that the party outperformed the president, it's hard to read much into its significance. For those...
  • @nebulafox
    >Why should the viewing public simply trust their findings?

    Why should the public accept the absurdity of the likes of Stacey Abrams demanding that the Republicans respect the electoral process, or the media breathlessly warning against a coup, especially after four years of idly indulging in fantasies of one?

    I'm not a fan of what Hawley is doing because unlike a lot of people here, I don't think it is exactly out of the question that an incumbent so visibly incompetent can lose fairly, but I have zero sympathy for the Dems. They are just getting pissy that the monster they used for decades every time a Republican won the Presidential election is now targeting them for once. You reap what you sow. Either Congress has a role in looking at certification of state elections and the Democrats are being hypocrites, or they don't and Democratic actions after the 2004 and 2016 elections were "coups in the making" too.

    Replies: @Corvinus

    “I don’t think it is exactly out of the question that an incumbent so visibly incompetent can lose fairly”


    “Either Congress has a role in looking at certification of state elections and the Democrats are being hypocrites, or they don’t and Democratic actions after the 2004 and 2016 elections were “coups in the making†too.”

    Let’s take a closer look here, as those two situations–as well as what happened in 2001–were NOT coups, but specific, tailored objections. Sour grapes, certainly.

    In 2001, a dozen members of the Congressional Black Caucus, joined by a few sympathizers, sought to block the counting of Florida’s 25 electoral votes, contesting that there were repeated efforts by officials there to disenfranchise black voters. In response, Vice President Al Gore repeatedly gaveled down those members, ruling their objections and parliamentary procedures out of order, and made official the election of his opponent, GW Bush.

    In 2005, a representative from Ohio and a senator from California objected to certifying Ohio’s electoral votes. Their complaints mirrored those from the Congressional Black Caucus four years earlier, and they were soundly rejected by a majority of both chambers. Republicans dismissed the effort as a political stunt, noting that investigations by news agencies and state officials into the allegations proved to be untrue. “But apparently, some Democrats only want to gripe about counts, recounts, and recounts of recounts,” said Rep. Deborah Pryce, an Ohio Republican. “So eager are they to abandon their job as public servants, they have cast themselves in the role of Michael Moore, concocting wild conspiracy theories to distract the American public.”

    In 2016, a representative from Texas and a representative from California, arguing “voter suppression”. Their effort was short-lived, as no Senator took up their cause. In response, Vice President Joe Biden repeatedly gaveled down those members, ruling their objections and parliamentary procedures out of order, and made official the election of Donald Trump.

    Those three situations are no where near what is occurring today, given how Republican officials and Trump appointed judges have indicated there was not the widespread voter/election fraud as claimed. NOTICE that Trump lawyers in their court cases around the nation were not making those charges in their court filings/hearings.


    For example, Trump lawyers sought to have the Bucks County (PA) Court of Common Pleas invalidate more than 2,200 supposedly “defective ballots†that were counted after a review by the Board of Elections. YET, they agreed to sign documents saying that there was zero evidence of fraud or misconduct when it came to said ballots. Attorneys for both sides signed a “joint stipulation of facts—an instrument meant to provide the court with facts relevant to the case that are undisputed by either party in the action—which clearly disavows any claims that voting in the commonwealth’s fourth-largest county was affected by any fraudulent conduct.†The joint statement literally reads: “Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any fraud in connection with the challenged ballots.†Additionally, both sides agreed that election observers from each party were allowed full access to view the pre-canvassing and canvassing processes.

    So, how will VP Pence respond on January 6 to Senator Hawley and others who seek to join his cause? Remember, Pence’s role is to merely oversee the joint session of the House and Senate that will officially count the Electoral College votes for president and vice president. He cannot simply “discount” or “dismiss” the results and declare Trump victorious.


    •ï¿½Replies: @V. K. Ovelund

    The debate, unfair on the one side and irrational on the other, is too hot for me to join. Regarding this isolated point, however:

    Remember, Pence’s role is to merely oversee the joint session of the House and Senate that will officially count the Electoral College votes for president and vice president.
    They will not remember, for they dispute that it is so.

    The Constitution has always been ambiguous on this point. When red-faced citizens leap to their feet to insist with raised fists that the Constitution “very clearly states” something or other, they backhandedly attest to the very ambiguity they wish to deny.

    Our problem is that the statute to which you refer is rooted in no authority clearly granted by the Constitution's Article�1, Section�8, nor granted by any other article or section. The statute nevertheless exists because no one has clear authority in the matter, so there the statue sits, trying to suspend itself in midair by its own belt, so to speak. It would be interesting in theory to hear what Blackstone had to say about a case like this, but I fear that tempers are too raw to consult that sage of yore now.

    I take no position as to whether Mike Pence or anyone else should force the issue Jan.�6. However, if both sides do force it, then we shall have the very definition of a constitutional crisis on our hands.

    By nature, constitutional crises cannot be resolved by principally legal means, but by violent or, preferably, political means.
  • (Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992.) Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country,...
  • L.K says:
    @Timur The Lame

    Well, Bubi "there you go again" (Ronny Reagan). Being referred to as being a troll for a purely historical issue, which shouldn't evoke any passions at all given that all issues associated with it happened over a 100 years ago makes me wonder where your fire comes from.

    Were the great schisms in Christianity, however confusing simply a matter parties 'trolling' each other in your parlance? Quit embarrassing yourself.

    I have Ferguson's book. Truth be told I couldn't get through it. He writes like a university professor and by that I am saying he makes a book unreadable by just vomiting out charts, quotes, and borrowed conclusions to create a farrago which, like the Bible has content in it that any twit can find what they want in it if a twit took a notion to do so.

    That it has gotten "laudatory reviews" means that it is stamped "approved" and means that every court historian has officially declared that Ferguson will be invited to sing a song at their next dinner. Think incestuous fraternity.

    Here is a little tip for you. History is still politics by a different name. Remember what Orwell wrote about controlling the past. Or better yet, ask why the subject of this post, David Irving has not been accorded the same adulation and media interviews as Ferguson has? I mean they both deal with long passed events and did their respective research with the exception that Ferguson was more likely a manager of collected and collated excerpts leading to a prearranged conclusion while Irving to his immense credit actually toiled with the archives and first person interviews.

    George 'Chimp' Bush wrote a book that may interest you. It would be a Guinness record of sorts in that it would be the first time that a person who never read a book wrote one. In plain English there hasn't been a reputable history book written since the 1970's.

    OK , enough paddling. Am I to assume that you are on record as stating that the imminent Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany in the ironclad era had NO influence on Britain siding against Germany in The Great War? If so fine that is your opinion. But that is all it is. If however you say well, maybe some influence then you are a time waster.


    Replies: @fact-checker, @Skeptikal, @L.K

    Time waster? Look at yourself in the mirror asshole. Your whole idiotic post was an exercise in wasting time, yours und others, and at OBFUSCATION.
    Your obfuscation about Niall Ferguson is probably the silliest of it all.
    Anyone who knows anything about the situation of WW I “scholarship” in the West, even more so in the Anglo sphere, understands very well that Ferguson tears up the establishmentarian version of the war to bits in that book, and this even though he pulls his punches a bit, perhaps out of necessity.
    That is exactly the reason why you and that other dork, ‘verymuchalive’, have disliked the book… if you even actually read it. Being an Oxford linked historian, and Oxford being evidently a place where A LOT of anti-German pseudo history has been cooked up for the last 100 years, makes it harder to just dismiss Ferguson out of hand though. That happens every once in a very long while. Another one was A. J. P Taylor, though through touching an even more taboo/sacred official narrative, that of WW2, it caused him a lot of trouble.

    American Jewish scholar P. Gottfried, describes the situation well in one of his articles:

    ‘Having devoted considerable time over the last forty years to studying the Great War, … I am no longer surprised or disappointed by fictional accounts of this conflict… This is seen particularly in the attempt to attach overwhelming responsibility to the losing side while making the Allied governments look better than they were. …
    I examine this skewed approach not as an exception to current historical studies but as characteristic of the way they are now done: although at no other time has there been so much available historical information, perhaps never before has historiography been so drenched in ideology. Historians and journalists now have at their command more data than was available to great historians of the past. But this opportunity for accurate depictions is squandered when readers are bombed with ideologically shaped stereotypes.
    One can cite as examples such journalists as Victor Davis Hanson, Max Boot, and David Frum, all of whom never rise above clichés in their condemnation of the losing side in World War One. …
    More relevant to my discussion, however, are those who know something about the War but who can’t resist serving us warmed-over platitudes. Someone who fits this category is the distinguished British historian Sir Max Hastings. …
    I am citing Hastings’s work not because it contains an unusual number of errors but because it typifies a widely accepted interpretation of the War. Unlike such publicists as Hanson and Max Boot, Hastings understands his subject. …
    Too often his anti-German, anti-Austrian bias gets in the way of impartial judgment.


    Am I to assume that you are on record as stating that the imminent Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany in the ironclad era had NO influence on Britain siding against Germany in The Great War?

    My point was made very clearly, do you have trouble understanding your own mother tongue?
    Once again, for the last time; the naval “rivalry” was indeed the PRETEXT for the British Empire siding against Germany in the years before the outbreak of the Great War. The British never really felt threatened by German naval power, and rightly so. The German navy was much smaller and Germany lacked the global naval bases that the Brits had in order to project power.
    Already in the year 1900, this was the conclusion reached by the British in their analysis of the naval balance of strenght between the 2 countries. British »Naval Annual« of 1900. (Schattenstrategen, Kriegstreiber, stille Profiteure 1914 und heute,WOLFGANG EFFENBERGER und WILLY WIMMER).
    The same can be said of other pretexts masquarading as real reasons, such as the dork ‘verymuchalives’ rehashing the notion that Russia entered the war because of Serbia.
    As Sean McMeekin explains in ‘The Russian Origins of the First World War’:

    Likewise, Russia’s real interests in July 1914 could not possibly have been as ethereal as her public posturing about “Slavic honor and the Serbs.†An extensive survey of Russia’s diplomatic correspondence in the months before the Sarajevo incident does not reveal undue concern with any sort of Serbian problem, nor, indeed, is concern voiced in the months after July. (Revealingly, one of Sazonov’s first diplomatic moves following the outbreak of the world war was to pressure Serbia to cede Macedonian territory to Bulgaria.)48 What it does reveal is a widespread obsession, bordering on panic, with the Straits question. Following the Italian and the two Balkan wars, it was now universally assumed that Turkey would not last for long in the face of the belligerent hostility of its neighbors. The question was, which power would swallow which pieces of the carcass as the Ottoman Sick Man was carved up? And for Petersburg, the question was starker still:
    who would now control Constantinople and the Straits?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Timur The Lame

    Your reply to me was indeed a time waster (mine) but I do want to make subsequent point. First off it is obvious to reasonable people that nothing historical is close to being black and white. Depending on the issue there are 10,000 shades of grey involved. Looking at issues from a century ago even citing documents of the time still takes one no closer to absolute truth in that real discussions, sentiments and decisions among those who end up implementing them are often unrecorded (also sealed or destroyed) or not revisited in memoirs written decades later. The individuals making fateful decisions at such time did not possess hind-sight which is an advantage for some students of history and an equal disadvantage to others such as yourself.

    You argue on the basis that you know every fear or concern that responsible people involved had at the time which means that you think you have a precognition on what the German navy may have looked like in say, 1925 if WW1 hadn't broken out as well as how submarine development would have proceeded, the geopolitical implications of navies switching to oil subsequently not needing coaling bases but needing guaranteed sources of petroleum and making appropriate alliances and then protecting those sea lanes etc etc etc...

    Got it? You post as if you are in possession of the absolute truth and the final word on a superbly complicated matter and get rude with people who may not adopt your line wholesale.

    Your points, my points and Ferguson's conclusions are in the final analysis just our respective opinions. We have all done our reading, obviously some more than others and equally obviously from disparate sources and as such formulated our conclusions as best as the analytical parts of our brains allow. No one is the final arbiter unless they can claim and prove divine status.

    So P-off with your selected quotes and abrasive rejoinders. The only purpose they serve is to show that your brain is calcified on the issue and not open to objective revisions.

    Paraphrasing Keynes, when fact based opinions change I may change my mind, what do you do? You offered a good perspective but it didn't change my mind. I obviously didn't influence you. Is historiography advanced? It is if someone was reading our respective arguments and formed a valid synthesis as a result of that. That is what history is about.

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @Reg Cæsar
    @Alan Mercer

    I think Starbucks got big in the 90s by quietly mostly restricting barista hiring to far-above-average-looking females.
    With excellent health. That allowed them to brag about their generous health plan, with full coverage for part-timers. Sure, it can work, if you cherry-pick the beneficiaries.

    Interestingly, at the Mpls-St Paul airport, almost all the Starbucks baristas were East Africans, though still young, healthy, and handsome. It was hometown Caribou that made sure to balance their staff with stereotypical Nordic kids. (Though the two tall blondes I made sure to buy from when there had a French and a Czech surname. They looked Nordic.)

    Somehow, Caribou lost the baggage claim spot at Lindbergh to Starbucks, which is no way to greet visitors to your own city.

    Starbucks got big in the 90s
    That was a happy accident. They were just selling by the bag in Seattle when new CEO Schultz got bored a some cafe convention in Milan and skipped out to explore the local alleys. He copied the Milanese practice at the flagship store, and it exploded from there. Others were already doing this in Seattle, but Starbucks had a different clientele-- the bag buyers. They wanted a quick shot at lunch break.

    Replies: @Lot, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Starbucks also followed McDonald’s route to success–put as many stores in as many parts of the US as possible. Flood the nation with the stores, and squeeze out mom and pops cafes in the process. Regarding coffee stores, to place them en masse everywhere possible, no one else in the US had that vision or goal.

    Starbucks, the McDonald’s of coffee. Quantity over quality. No matter where you buy a cup of standard coffee in Starbucks, no matter its location in the US, it uniformly tastes the exact same. Just like McDonalds; uniformity brought Starbucks untold profits in the same manner.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Just like McDonalds; uniformity brought Starbucks untold profits in the same manner.
    Is that also true of Edward Jones, the Subway of brokers?
    , @Jim Don Bob

    No matter where you buy a cup of standard coffee in Starbucks, no matter its location in the US, it uniformly tastes the exact same...
    Burnt and expensive.

    Replies: @Jim Don Bob
  • From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a paper about how you want to stay very far, far away from "virtuous victim signalers," because they are bad news: Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Advance online publication. We investigate the consequences...
  • Sort of on topic

    Dirty pool is OK when our guys win..

    •ï¿½Replies: @res

    And not even a "this is contested" or such flag anywhere in sight. The double standards are mind blowing.
  • The end-of-the-year murder count articles are starting to come out, so the New York Times is providing leadership in how to spin away the fact that the Racial Reckoning has gotten thousands of incremental Americans murdered since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day: blame it on Covid. What a crazy year it's been!...
  • @Brian Reilly
    @Buffalo Joe

    Buffalo, I don't obey laws quite a lot. I have never liked following rules, and have the checkered employment history to prove it. I just don't shot at people when I am pissed off or feeling otherwise disrespected or aggrieved. If the young negro men would just stop shooting at each other, the murder rate in the US would be entirely negligible, not worthy of notice or report.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    People, especially credulous woke millenials, really have no idea how wierd obedience is. It’s like how they want us all in self-driving cars linked to eachother to program perfect traffic (cf The Italian Job) but nobody who has ever driven to work can disagree that very few people drive the speed limit except when they can see a cop. The first day of automation, everyone will be late, and will comment on how strangely long it takes compared to yesterday.

  • From the Associated Press: Will Little hold the record for long? Kenyan immigrant
  • Little’s story is based on falsehoods, used for creating more panic and fear.

    Read this incredible account of Little’s skating through the Justice system.

    From his wiki entry:

    “In 1982, Little was arrested in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and charged with the murder of 22-year-old Melinda Rose LáPree, who had gone missing in September of that year. A grand jury declined to indict him for her murder. However, while under investigation, Little was transferred to Florida to be brought to trial for the murder of 26-year-old Patricia Ann Mount, whose body was found in September 1982. Prosecution witnesses identified Little in court as a person who spent time with Mount on the night before her disappearance. Due to mistrust of witness testimonies, Little was acquitted in January 1984.[13]”

    Convenient. What happened to the inherent racism in the American Justice system?

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • anon[129] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    Mr Taylor

    You forgot to mentioned that China have about 25-35 times ( depending on your estimate of China’s average IQ, I use 108 based on PISA scores ) the number of Individuals with an IQ above 140 than America. There are at least 10 million individuals with a 140 IQ In China.

    America cannot compete with China NOT because of its blacks, but because its Whites ain’t smart enough. Thankfully, America already found the solution through its IMO Math team (which beat China)- all but one on the IMO team are Chinese-

    Counterintuitively, the solution is actually *MORE diversity* and to import more Chinese to replace Whites to balance out low black IQ and thus, increase the average IQ of America.

    It is a good thing because it would improve the IQ of *BOTH* countries. Only the most stupid Chinaman go to America nowadays.

    Replies: @Thomasina, @anon, @anon, @Genrick Yagoda, @thotmonger

    China has never won a Fields Medal. Statistically, they should be winning all of them with its population size and supposes IQ advantage .

    This holds true going back in history as well. Chinese have contibuted nothing in mathematics. All advances have been made in India and Europe.

    The world would be bereft if it had to depend on Chinesse mathematicians

    •ï¿½Replies: @martin_2

    The real anomaly in respect to the IQ data is the difference in achievement between Europe and the Orient. Whites score higher than blacks in IQ tests and history reflects that fact quite well, with blacks lacking high culture and whites richly endowed with it. But the Chinese score higher than whites yet white cultural accomplishments are incomparably greater. Why is this?

    I offer some plausible explanations.

    Most of the early and major scientific breakthroughs come not from Europe as a whole but from the British Isles, Italy, Germany, and France. It might be that IQ of these nations was higher in the past than it is now. The composers, mathematicians, and philosophers coming out of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth century would surely make one suspect that Germans were more intelligent then than they are now.

    Something to do with the lower Verbal IQ of Orientals. China has never had any kind of philosophical tradition. For examples, the tradition of Anglo Saxon political thought, Hobbes, Locke, Bentham and Mill; or Empiricism represented by philosophers such as Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. There is nothing in Chinese history like this.

    Christianity, where God, not the King, has the last word. So it was possible to ask, "Is the King wrong?" In China the Emperor was God, and was always right. There was nothing in politics or metaphysics to discuss.

    More whites at the extreme end of the Bell curve. There is one ethnically Chinese mathematician who is world renowned, Terry Tao, which is unusual, since there have historically not been any. All the cutting edge mathematicians have been white (many Jews of course) with the odd Indian (who are close genetically to whites anyway).

    White people are for genetic reasons, simply more curious about the world. They are endowed with a Faustian spirit. Because the gaps persist. I just looked up the 3n+1 problem on wikipedia, a notoriously hard, if not impossible, maths problem, posed by a white man eighty odd years ago. Every one referenced in the article is white, with the exception of Terry Tao. There are no Xi's or Wang's. Yet this kind of research is inexpensive and the problem is hardly inaccessible to even the amateur.

    Replies: @antibeast, @Anon, @Thoth
    , @Marshal Marlow

    In about a decade we'll know for sure whether it was culture or IQ that held China back for a 1000 years. I'm guessing that it was culture and that Mao's Cultural Revolution has fixed the problem.

    In a sense the Cultural Revolution is an event as transformative for China as the Reformation was for the west.
    , @Trickster

    The Chinese never contributed anything to the field of Mathematics ??

    I disagree. Who came up with the fortune cookie. Try to come up with the correct formula for the dough and bake it without burning the paper fortune forecast inside.

    What do you say now !

    Replies: @PolarBear
  • I wish my readers the best of spirits and great success in 2021!
  • @Yevardian
    @Kent Nationalist

    It feels to me there's a recurrent pattern of Indians online insulting Europeans and championing their supposed superiority, only to get extremely angry and butthurt when they're inevitably destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC.
    It's odd, because you don't see Chinese, Turks or even the Arab world so obsessively engaging in such aggressive online behaviour, presumably because they have or had real achievements. When was the last genuinely indigenous significant Indian civilisation? The Guptas? The Cholas? Practically in antiquity anyway.

    Ð’Ñе равно, Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ годом

    Replies: @sher singh, @The Spirit of Enoch Powell, @EldnahYm, @Beckow, @Cato, @AltanBakshi, @Morton's toes

    It’s odd, because you don’t see Chinese, Turks or even the Arab world so obsessively engaging in such aggressive online behaviour

    Did you miss out on the KARA BOÄžA meme?

    Arabs merely wish for death upon Europe, while crying about Islamophobia and burning French goods (after they have paid money for them) in protest.

    The Chinese are nicely sequestered behind their Great Wall.

  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • @Female in FL
    The bronze statue features an inscription that reads, “a race set free and the country at peace.â€
    I’ve heard and read a lot of bullshit over the years, but that statement is a real doozy.

    Replies: @PO'd in PG County, @Boy the way Glenn Miller played, @Twodees Partain

    The bronze statue features an inscription that reads, “a race set free and the country at peace.â€

    If I give the author the benefit of the doubt, it might have been accurate for 15 or 20 minutes.

    ” A race repatriated to their homeland and the country at peace.”. Now that would have been an epitaph to a hero.

  • Back in September, the CEO of Bitcoin firm Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, issued a memo to employees telling them that their job was to do their job, not engage in social justice activism on company time. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has been out to get Coinbase ever since. How can we have a Great...
  • @Wilkey

    By the way, what examples are there of firms that prospered by hiring discriminated against blacks and women?
    Theranos. Duh.

    If they had an example of a company succeeding by hiring lots of discriminated against minority talent you would hear about it almost non-stop. You don't. Therefore it doesn't exist.

    But I'm back to argue for my cause: lying about your race or ethnicity whenever you are asked by employers, colleges, banks, etc. There is no punishment for it, and it is extremely unlikely you won't get hired or will be terminated for it. In fact in most cases employers, etc., will be more than happy to report you as whatever minority race or ethnicity you claim to be. It makes their numbers look better.

    The government has targeted whites for discrimination. It is time for us to bring this system down.

    Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    I think in context, you mean that there’s no direct punishment if a POC lies about their race: look at the direct consequences for Rachel Dolezal. She made a career about lying about her race, pretending to be a POC. When she was found out, she fell from grace and favor and had to give up her position as a race hustler (among other things). It made national news.

    Currently about the only thing a white could do in regards to lying about one’s race would be to emphasize their orientation, as in, non-straight. That might be permitted, but whoa to that person if indeed they get caught lying about such a sacrosanct community as the LGBTetc, e.g. claiming to be a part of it when in fact they are not.

    Probably could get fired over it, no telling how far the vengeance mob could go.

  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @for-the-record
    @Carlton Meyer

    Note that millions of ethnic Germans once lived in Russia.

    There importance was far more than their numbers alone would suggest. From Slezjine's Jewish Century:

    From the late eighteenth to the twentieth century, Germans constituted from 18 to more than 33 percent of the top tsarist officials, especially at the royal court, in the officer corps, diplomatic service, police, and provincial administration (including many newly colonized areas). According to John A. Armstrong, all through the nineteenth century the Russian Germans “carried about half the burden of imperial foreign relations. Equally indicative is the fact that even in 1915 (during the World War I anti-Germanism), 16 of the 53 top officials in the Minindel [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] had German names†... In the 1880s, the Russian Germans (1.4 percent of the population) made up 62 percent of the high officials in the Ministry of Posts and Commerce and 46 percent in the War Ministry.

    ... Germans were, occupationally and conceptually, the Jews of ethnic Russia (as well as much of Eastern Europe). Or rather, the Russian Germans were to Russia what the German Jews were to Germany—only much more so.
    The Russian Revolution, according to Slezkine, essentially served to replace the German elite by a Jewish one.

    Replies: @Skeptikal, @Jett Rucker

    Catherine the Great was a German princess. It was Catherine who picked up the baton of Peter the Great and transformed Russia into a great European power

    From Wiki:

    ” she strongly encouraged the migration of the Volga Germans, farmers from Germany who settled mostly in the Volga River Valley region. They indeed helped modernise the sector that totally dominated the Russian economy. They introduced numerous innovations regarding wheat production and flour milling, tobacco culture, sheep raising, and small-scale manufacturing.”[55]

    55. “The Economic Contributions of the German Russians to the Imperial Russian Economy.” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (2012) 35#2 pp. 1–34.

  • 2021, the centennial of Mao’s founding of the Communist Party, was long planned to be a breakout year. When the Party took power in 1949, China was the poorest country on earth, which makes these achievements the more remarkable: GDP will expand by 10%. Western experts predict 8% and, since their predictions are always low,...
  • @d dan

    "Dude, you(Chinaman), as a Hongky with a deep set distrust and revulsion to the CPC, I completely understand you are unhappy when “Godfree Roberts†pumps out “how great China is†info."
    After getting to know "Chinaman" more in the other thread by reading carefully some of his comments, I can safely tell you that you misunderstand what he says. Readers need more intellectual efforts and focus to read his posts before jumping to conclusion.

    Anyway, you too always have great comments that I enjoy reading.

    I don't have much to add, no great predictions like Godfree, but just some new year wishes:

    1. The orange man has the DECENCY to leave White House without any more drama.
    2. Biden has the COURAGE to lead.
    3. The West has the WISDOM to conquer the pandemic.
    4. China has the MOMENTUM to continue what she is doing.
    5. The world has the WHEREWITHAL to resist wars and disasters.

    Happy New Year to you, Godfree, Chinaman, and other great commenters here. May 2021 bring health, happiness and successes to every single one of you.

    Replies: @Chinaman, @GreatSocialist


    Happy new year, bro. I hope this will be great year for China!

    My English is not as good as yours so I often have trouble expressing myself properly. My sarcasm is often taken literally and misunderstood. I also know my aggression also put the team in a difficult position sometime but I can’t help it when dealing with these dumbasses.

    Anyway, I would like your take on Godfree and his motives. I don’t think it is in China’s best interest to let Americans think China is doing TOO well.

    Not doubting you but I hope you are not doing the same thing.

    •ï¿½Replies: @d dan

    "My English is not as good as yours"
    You are being modest.

    "I also know my aggression..."
    The aggression comes even more from the other side.

    "... put the team in a difficult position sometime"
    We are all learning.

    "Anyway, I would like your take on Godfree and his motives. I don’t think it is in China’s best interest to let Americans think China is doing TOO well.

    Not doubting you but I hope you are not doing the same thing."
    The following is my very superficial opinions. Feel free to criticize.

    I think highlighting China's technical achievements has the same effects as talking about China's economic achievements, Chinese IQ level, or other positive things:

    1. For the racists and White supremacists, it would put them into defensive. They would have to come up with more excuses to deny those facts/figures - (e.g IP theft, fake data, less creativity, ...) The more ridiculous their arguments, the better it is.
    2. For the more reasonable Westerners, the positive info would help to convince them that China is doing the right things. So they are likely to be more friendly to China.
    3. If the West and/or other countries in the world decide to put more resources/efforts into those positive things - than that is good for them, for the world, and for China too. I don't think China is afraid of competition - that is the official position in Beijing - and I fully agree. When Chinese focus on a competition, they either win or at least get close to the top.
    4. What we don't want to see is when those (deep states or not) SOBs decides NOT to compete, but try to break the rules, or cheating (quitting WTO, WHO, starting wars,... ), or to bully to win (e.g. the way they bully Huawei). For these people - they are likely well aware of China's strengths/weaknesses - so nothing we say is going to affect them/their decisions.

    So, overall, I think it is still a good thing to talk about China's achievements - as long as they are the truth.

    Replies: @Chinaman, @Anonymous, @GreatSocialist
  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • Joseph Doaks…no, that’s just the latest iteration. Might I suggest this read (by long forgotten worthy, Garet Garrett):


    Here’s the first two paragraphs of the introduction:

    There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. It went by in the Night of Depression, singing songs to freedom.

    There are those who have never ceased to say very earnestly, “Something is going to happen to the American form of government if we don’t watch out.” These were the innocent disarmers. Their trust was in words. They had forgotten their Aristotle. More than 2,000 years ago he wrote of what can happen within the form, when “one thing takes the place of another, so that the ancient laws will remain, while the power will be in the hands of those who have brought about revolution in the state.”

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @Old and Grumpy

    Jews don't want to be considered white now. Ancient DNA says they are. They at one point said they were. Now after a successful campaign of black vs white, Jews are shapeshifting to color. Why would you oblige them of their backdoor to all the white hating they have created? Call them the true ancient Aryan supremacists, and use their figurative bull feces against them. Most of the world dislikes them, it wouldn't be that hard to flip their script.

    Oh I know your dead fuhrer said they were not. The manlet who lost a war that was a mass white killing event. Without him and all that death (especially that of alpha white males), we wouldn't be in the state we are. Have you ever considered you are ultimately kosher controlled opposition? Keeping Hitler alive has become the noose around all our necks.

    Replies: @frontier, @foolisholdman, @noname27

    Jews don’t want to be considered white now. Ancient DNA says they are. They at one point said they were. Now after a successful campaign of black vs white, Jews are shapeshifting to color. Why would you oblige them of their backdoor to all the white hating they have created? Call them the true ancient Aryan supremacists, and use their figurative bull feces against them. Most of the world dislikes them, it wouldn’t be that hard to flip their script.

    First suggestion of a way forward I have seen in a long time. In any situation there is always one problem which is more important than all the other problems. If one does not tackle that problem many of the other problems are insoluble. If one does solve that problem many other problems will clear up of themselves. In the case of the West this (problem) is obviously the dominant parasitic minority that are mostly (though not entirely) Jews.

    I look forward to seeing suggestions as to how to “flip their script”!

    The problem of our rulers stirring up race hatred as a way of avoiding class hatred, is clearly a less important problem than the rulers themselves.

    The question of “what sort of USA does China want” is really an unimportant question, for the simple reason that the Chinese are far away and have much less influence on what happens in the US than have its inhabitants. In addition, the Chinese are not minded to be the World’s Policeman.

  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • @Feedsackroad

    ...because people are offended that a black man would kneel before a white man.
    How much longer until Jesus meets a similar fate? Blacks fill the pews on Sunday morning seemingly oblivious to the roll the White man's religion played in saving their black savage souls. I've always been puzzled by the psychology behind adopting the religion of your captors. Why would you kneel before the God of the people who placed you in chains?

    Replies: @Wyatt, @Rooster10, @Sin City Milla
    •ï¿½Thanks: Feedsackroad
  • One of the most perplexing narratives presented during the waning days of the administration of President Donald J. Trump is his apparent disengagement from dealing seriously or providing leadership regarding the surging Coronavirus while at the same time continuing an activist foreign policy that in no way benefits any American. Ironically, the new administration of...
  • @LondonBob

    Replies: @El Dato

    Pentagon says Biden is full of shit

    ‘Interviews with over 400 officials & 5000 pages of documents’: Pentagon pushes back against Biden’s claim it obstructs transition

    Shortly after Biden took a swipe at the Department of Defense, among other agencies that he accused of obstructing the transition, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller shot back, saying that the Pentagon has gone to greater lengths than “recent administrations†in facilitating the process.

    Meanwhile, cash-in (aka “sale”) event:

    US green lights sale of 3,000 bombs worth $290 million to Saudi Arabia & flurry of other Middle East arms deals

    The US State Department has approved the possible sale of 3,000 precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, alongside more than $4 billion in arms transfers to other regional states, arguing the deals support “national security.â€

    I’m sure it does.

    The munition sale to Saudi Arabia was authorized by the State Department on Tuesday, according to a Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notice, giving the go-ahead for a transfer of 3,000 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs to the Gulf monarchy, worth some $290 million.

    What does Saudi-Arabia do with 3000 GBU-39 250lbs bombs?

    Lollercaust the entirety of Yemen?

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @ViktorTempleton
    @Another Polish Perspective

    That's a interesting idea, but still inadequate.
    Hellenistic philosophy lacked a coherent metaphysics, which is why the Platonic Academies fell into teaching sorcery in a few centuries. Roman Stoicism was no better. Science as it is is the product of the Christian idea of a rational Creator behind a comprehensible universe.

    Replies: @anon, @Majority of One, @Laurent Guyénot, @Olivier1973

    BULLShit. Science and the JudieChristie Magickmagickmindfuck are essentially polar opposites. It was not until refugees from Constantinople made their way to Italy and that after the universality to be found within Andalusian Spain that the knowledge of matters scientific, mathematical and philosophical (upon which the Renaissance was erected) managed to return to Western Europe.

    Within the broad scope of European tradition the roots of intellectual development were almost uniformly to be found within the syncretic experience of the ancient Hellenes. Once Constantine castrated the loving ways of the Jesusites and the Gnostics; the Roman Imperial State religion of Churchianity destroyed the wisdom schools and burned the books. The only book which was allowed was Constantine’s Bible and various exudations from that tormentive document. But even that book was kept away from the commonality of the people, because it may have “given people ideas” in opposition to church doctrine.

    It was during those DARK AGES when unquestioned churchianity was the norm and where mass illiteracy was the product. People were not ALLOWED to think for themselves. Critical reason was taboo. Millenias of human knowledge and wisdom was lost to the West.

    Though the Vikings and later the Lithuanians valiantly fought off the Imperialist onslaught of kingship and churchianity, the connivers and the Teutonic Knights ultimately brought down the last of the resistance to the monomania of the GREAT HISTORICAL DOUBLECROSS engendered upon a population subject to the twin evils of the Roman church and the Holy Roman Empire State of that butcher, Charlemagne.

    Platonic academies teaching sorcery? Man, your understanding of history is the typical pretzel-logic of the dogmatically terminally confused. But then, demonization of perceived opposition to your dogmatic postulations is generic to the JudieChristie Magickmindfucked.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Seraphim
    @Majority of One

    What a pile of BS in one go!
    , @ViktorTempleton
    @Majority of One

    It was not until refugees from Constantinople made their way to Italy and that after the universality to be found within Andalusian Spain that the knowledge of matters scientific, mathematical and philosophical (upon which the Renaissance was erected) managed to return to Western Europe.
    Bede. Robert Grosseteste. Albert Magnus. Isidore of Seville. Albert of Saxony. Jean Buridan. Parish schools. Cathedral Schools. Universities. The dark ages were a convienent myth cooked up by atheist writers and their Jewish publishers.

    As for the vikings, how do you explain their capture and trade of European slaves to Jewish and Arab slavers?

    Some reading:

    Replies: @Majority of One, @Seraphim, @ivan
    , @Laurent Guyénot
    @Majority of One

    Agree. In 1463, the Florentine court of Cosimo de’ Medici made acquaintance with the Neoplatonic philosopher George Gemistos, known as Pletho, whose discourses upon Plato so fascinated them that they decided to refound Plato’s Academy in Florence. This is perhaps the best evidence that the rebirth of science was directly connected to a reconnection with the Platonic (=Pythagorician) tradition.

    Replies: @ViktorTempleton
  • @Muggles

    And I remember they made the mistake of having Letterman host the oscars once.
    The last to (and nearly only) Oscar hosts who were funny were British commedian Ricky Gervais and Family Guy (and others) cartoon creator Seth McFarland.

    Both are out of the Hollywood PC mainstream though McFarland (being gay I think) is a bit more lefty. Both are never going to be invited again, as they both said in their performances.

    They lampooned the Hollywood elites (and feminist 'warriors') mercilessly. In both shows you could tell that the high and mighty in the audience were not happy with being lampooned so honestly. Pompous assholes don't like to be mocked. Overdressed bimbos in particular.

    Lately since about 2016 due to humorless Woke fascism, the Oscars have done away with the hosts entirely as no real comic would agree to appear and behave like a Soviet 'comedian'. Progressives are readily identified by their thuggish lack of humor. Like all authoritarians they can only laugh at their enemies crudely, which is rarely amusing.

    Replies: @I, Libertine

    Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globes several times. His opening monologues from them are among the funniest routines ever. They’re all on Youtube.

    I don’t recall his ever having hosted the Oscars.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Muggles
    @I, Libertine

    You are correct.

    I was mistakenly conflating his Golden Globe speech with the Academy Awards hosting. In the most recent Globes speech Gervais roasted the virtue signaling Academy hosts and actors who had turned the most recent one into a Woke virtue signaling hatefest.

    So no Oscar hosting for him...
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @Jimmy1969
    @Tom Rogers

    Totally wrong they were cunning and clever, not intelligent ...their IQ scores were actually quite low and SAT who knows, but I suspect that neither of them could get into an Ivy League University without some form of grade inflation and affirmative action.

    Replies: @Tom Rogers

    I didn’t say they had high IQs. I don’t know about that one way or the other. Before telling me I am “totally wrong”, could you please try reading my actual comment, rather than reading into it what you think (a different thing). It would save us both time.

  • Israel is pulling away from the rest of the world in getting its citizens vaccinated.
  • anon[162] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    Israel was early buying multiple different vaccines. They paid $30 a dose for Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine - which was a clever gamble, and a sign the authorities were correctly prioritizing speed over price per dose.

    On the other side, they also paid $275 million for doses of Arcturus vaccine, which was likely a failed gamble. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/arcturus-phase-iii-corona-vaccine-trial-results-prove-underwhelming-653791

    Israel's inefficient bureaucracy also slowed trials of their domestic vaccine. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-covid19-vaccine-head-we-lack-support-1001351425

    Probably for a health emergency, that is the correct decision of governments to prioritize speed, and therefore buying and importing as many different vaccines as possible, as soon as possible, rather than focusing on import substitution.

    Another thing Israel's vaccine rollout is doing which could allow an earlier exit to the health crisis in the first half of 202, is only vaccinating people who are over 60 years old.

    If sufficient vaccine rollout is targeted at vulnerable groups there is not a need to achieve herd immunity to exit the crisis, as COVID-19 has a very different death rate depending on the age of the population group. If over 60s are vaccinated, the health crisis could finish before herd immunity (i.e. the health crisis could be considered finished, while the virus still has reproduction number ≥ 1).

    Replies: @anon, @Hippopotamusdrome

    “On December 21, the United States Congress passed the COVID-19 Relief Package, as part of a larger $2.3 trillion bill meant to cover spending for the rest of the fiscal year. As usual, US representatives allocated a massive sum of money for Israel.” and “The last four years, however, required little lobbying by these groups, as powerful agents within the administration itself became Israel’s top advocates.” https://original.antiwar.com/ramzy-baroud/2020/12/30/the-us-money-tree-the-untold-story-of-american-aid-to-israel/

    Is Israel paying from its tax dollars or from the US tax dollars?

    Israel is also covering his back by lying that Arabs dont’ want to be vaccinated .

  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • Kellogg demonstrates how the Nazis may have had excellent reasons for their anti-Semitism

    Everyone has those.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Frank johnson

    You do realize that the word "nazi's" Is a contraction of AshkeNAZI, one of the jewish tribes, right? So "nazi's" could not be anti semitic. It was/is inter tribal warfare. So the AshkeNAZI jews were against the Sephardic jews. The rest of the world was drawn in to do the fighting for them. So the holocaust was not the death of a few million jews, at the hands of other jews! The holocaust was the death of the tens of millions of non jews who were misdrawn into the battle.

    Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  • At least in the state of Georgia: The sample sizes for Hispanics and Asians are small but the general philosophical preference for simple measures to protect election integrity is clear. Despite Democrat pols and their allies screaming bloody murder about voter ID requirements, a slight majority of their actual voters--and most of the independents they...
  • dfordoom says: •ï¿½Website
    @V. K. Ovelund

    @iffen and @dfordoom:

    The Anglosphere has placed classical liberalism on the political Right since�1870 or so, because of private property, as you observe. However, is there not an older, European, altar-and-throne tradition which, if anything, would place classical liberalism on the political Left?

    Russell Kirk identifies Right and Left respectively with the "party of permanence" and the "party of progress." Kirk's identification seems sound to me, but if so, then which wing subsumes classical liberalism?

    Did Britain have it wrong in the days of Salisbury the Conservative and Gladstone the Liberal?

    If one judges modern liberalism to be an excess or mutation of classical liberalism, how then?

    Replies: @dfordoom

    The Anglosphere has placed classical liberalism on the political Right since 1870 or so, because of private property, as you observe. However, is there not an older, European, altar-and-throne tradition which, if anything, would place classical liberalism on the political Left?

    Yes. The Left-Right thing doesn’t work does it? The conservative-liberal thing doesn’t work either since virtually all modern conservatives are in fact liberals – what they want to conserve is liberalism. A single political axis doesn’t work. Even if you use two axes you still have problems.

    You need multiple political axes. There’s the collectivist-statist axis which works OK if you’re dealing with economic issues. You have free-marketeers at one end and communists at the other.

    There’s the authoritarian-libertarian axis which works OK if you’re talking about social issues.

    But as you point out, there’s also traditionalism versus progressivism. There’s social conservatism versus social liberalism which often aligns with authoritarianism versus libertarianism. But not always. Today we have, perversely, social liberals who are authoritarians. And we even have social conservatives who see themselves as libertarians (or maybe we have libertarians who see themselves as social conservatives).

    Russell Kirk identifies Right and Left respectively with the “party of permanence†and the “party of progress.†Kirk’s identification seems sound to me, but if so, then which wing subsumes classical liberalism?

    But then we’ve had political leaders who identify themselves as being on the Right but who are actually revolutionaries who aim to overturn the established order (Margaret Thatcher comes to mind).

    •ï¿½Replies: @V. K. Ovelund

    Yes. The Left-Right thing doesn’t work does it? The conservative-liberal thing doesn’t work either since ...
    Your tour de force merits a reply for courtesy's sake, but really, leaves nothing to which I can add or subtract.
    , @anon

    You need multiple political axes.

    Yes. One could get a dissertation out of that idea...if it had not already been done over 50 years ago.



    Replies: @dfordoom
  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • @Observator
    Ordinarily taking down statues doesn't disturb me all that much. After all, Jefferson famously said the present belongs to the living generation, and if this old stuff bothers them, they should do as they want with it. But I was born within walking distance of the statue and passed by it many times over the years. It stood near where the old bus stations were. Plenty of whores, pimps, and dope dealers loitered in that little forgotten triangle where it was located. But more to the point, it is a copy of an 1876 statue that was erected in DC. Fred Douglass himself delivered the dedicatory address, a fact of which perhaps today's indignant children are unaware. He spoke candidly of Lincoln's flaws, yet affirmed, "Despite the mist and haze that surrounded him; despite the tumult, the hurry, and confusion of the hour, we were able to take a comprehensive view of Abraham Lincoln, and to make reasonable allowance for the circumstances of his position. We saw him, measured him, and estimated him; not by stray utterances to injudicious and tedious delegations, who often tried his patience; not by isolated facts torn from their connection; not by any partial and imperfect glimpses, caught at inopportune moments; but by a broad survey, in the light of the stern logic of great events, and in view of that divinity which shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will, we came to the conclusion that the hour and the man of our redemption had somehow met in the person of Abraham Lincoln."

    The statue's enemies are also ignorant of the powerful symbolism of the kneeling posture of the freedman. This pose, often captioned "Am I Not A Man And A Brother" was iconic in the anti-slavery movement for generations, appearing on everything from Wedgwood pottery to bronze tokens. The act of elevating the former slave from this stance of submission was a most powerful gesture, that spoke to the men and women of the 1870s of a great, long-sabotaged fight for elemental justice finally fulfilled. When Colin Kaepernick revived kneeling as a reminder of how far we still have to go to realize the high ideal of equal protection under the law, he was greeted with a storm of rage by others equally unaware of the heritage of this simple, deeply moving gesture.

    That its significance is lost to those who benefited the most is simply sad. Noisy demands for "reparations" also neglect the debt owed to some three hundred thousand loyal white men who lost their lives in the terrible war. Its object was never to abolish slavery but that is nevertheless what their sacrifice accomplished.

    Replies: @Oil 'n Water

    Noisy demands for “reparations†also neglect the debt owed to some three hundred thousand loyal white men who lost their lives in the terrible war.

    Three hundred thousand lives; an investment of 22 trillion dollars in a failed 55 year experiment to ‘prove’ equality; the lives of countless good White people suddenly ended and relatives forever traumatized; laws bent to accommodate the savage standard along with forced association in schools, the work place and the streets; once safe prosperous cities now reduced to decay, filth and crime.
    And somehow all of it revolves around the failings of those who have provided advantages to another race unheard of in any other country or any other period of time.
    I’ll repeat this until my last day on this earth:

    •ï¿½Replies: @AnalogMan
    @Oil 'n Water

    Note the "three hundred thousand loyal white men", not including, of course, the Confederate dead.

    How do you like your "country at peace"? Thank Abe Lincoln for that.

    Replies: @dindunuffins, @Oil 'n Water
  • 170 days of racial terrorism struck the White residents of San Francisco from October 20, 1973 until April 16, 1974. Known as the Zebra murders or Zebra killings, four Black men—Jessie Lee Cooks, Larry Craig Green, Manuel Moore, and J.C.X. Simon murdered 15 Whites. 13 victims were shot to death, while the killers hacked the...
  • @archives

    Interesting. Curious to read your source material regarding Manson's relations in prison with Black Muslims. Thanks.

    Replies: @Starviego
  • I wish my readers the best of spirits and great success in 2021!
  • sher singh [AKA "Jatt Aryaa"] says:
    @Kent Nationalist

    It feels to me there's a recurrent pattern of Indians online insulting Europeans and championing their supposed superiority, only to get extremely angry and butthurt when they're inevitably destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC.
    It's odd, because you don't see Chinese, Turks or even the Arab world so obsessively engaging in such aggressive online behaviour, presumably because they have or had real achievements. When was the last genuinely indigenous significant Indian civilisation? The Guptas? The Cholas? Practically in antiquity anyway.

    Ð’Ñе равно, Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ годом

    Replies: @sher singh, @The Spirit of Enoch Powell, @EldnahYm, @Beckow, @Cato, @AltanBakshi, @Morton's toes

    What am I butt hurt about & it’s funny how you make Dharmic V Abrahamic into Indian V European.

    Can genetic white trash only see things in racial terms?

    Anyway, you’re Armenian you genocided your Hindus in the name of Christ god now he rebukes you।।


  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @G J T
    How many times can Jared Taylor rehash the same analysis without naming the 800 pound sewer rat in the room? I have heard every argument and cope imaginable as to why deliberate avoidance of the J word isn’t necessarily an indictment on the person’s honesty, integrity, usefulness, etc. Every one is some variation of optics cucking, ceding ground to the enemy, and trying to bide time we simply don’t have. Granted, for some it may just be a blind spot, but those types tend to fall somewhere other than the explicitly racialist dissident-right on the ideological spectrum. Jared Taylor is already deplatformed and marked forever as a Nazi, white supremacist, anti-Semite extremist and so trying to play nice with the Jews is just inexcusable. I can’t even bring myself to read the man’s articles in full, it’s just maddening to do so.

    American society tells blacks from the day they’re born that they are just as smart and hard-working as white people, and that they are poorer and more likely to be in jail only because white people grind them down

    No, Jared, American society does not tell them this. Jewish media, Jewish academics, Jewish activists, Jewish supremacist groups, and all other manner of Jewish-controlled entities tell them this. American society is dragged along as a helpless hostage, and unfortunately many of them have chosen to join the chorus in the interest of survival and acceptance. American society, or the last remnants of it, do not lend their voice to encouraging black victimhood and anti-white hatred. What can still be considered American society has literally zero influence over the direction of the country and therefore plays no part in the incitement of blacks except sitting by helplessly since they have no other choice.

    Jared Taylor and all the other dissident-right personalities who refuse to name the Jew are in a futile struggle to cure a disease by only addressing the symptoms. Blacks are a problem that can only be addressed when the Jewish problem is dealt with. And the same goes for mass immigration, social degradation, homotransindustrial complex, economic parasitism, and on and on and on. All of these societal ills are symptoms of a problem JT steadfastly avoids as if his life depended on it.

    Truthfully, I have very little animosity towards blacks. I don’t particularly want to live near them, nor do I want my children around theirs, but prior to the Jewish civil rights movement we got along with blacks relatively peacefully. Despite their low IQ, low impulse control and high time preference, there was order, and interracial conflict was mostly avoidable. Jews changed that, and it is almost exclusively Jews who are agitating blacks to this day. Certainly the blacks that are out of control need to be dealt with, but sharing a country with a limited number of them is still not impossible if Jews are completely removed from the picture. Even if you believe the damage is done and sharing a country will never again be tenable, focusing on the black problem while ignoring the Jewish problem will yield precisely zero results. Might as well just become a conservative or check out on political activism altogether, since both are equally ineffective and will spare you a whole lot of aggravation and stress in the process.

    To hold racialist and anti-Zionist positions and dance around the JQ, if not done in pure dishonesty and disingenuousness, implies such breathtaking cognitive dissonance and logical contradiction that it boggles the mind. Jared Taylor is an intelligent man with immense knowledge, so whatever his explanation would be for this aversion, we can be sure it’s not holding contradictory opinions or simple cognitive dissonance. I don’t expect every writer and commentator on the DR to go full Nazi, but there is a difference between appealing to a wide audience with a certain decorum, and pandering to the point of compromising your cause. There is being thoughtful and eloquent in how you approach controversial subjects, as the JQ is, and continuing to play by the rules your enemy has already trapped you in. Unfortunately JT and AR fall unequivocally in the latter category.

    The natural progression of this journey inevitably leads to the JQ, one way or another. Stopping short of there and permanently setting up camp in a comfortable position means you’re doomed to fail. Should we achieve victory over the regime of Jewish supremacy it will be because of the people on the DR who were uncompromising, consistent and fearless in their approach, unwilling to give an inch to the enemy who seeks to destroy us. Regardless of how many sympathetic individuals are brought into the fold by such an approach, victory will not come at the hands of those who make placating the enemy a focal point of their program. I would have thought that at this stage of the game, especially for those of us who have been in DR politics for years and longer, there would no longer be any illusions or misunderstandings about this.

    I will beat the dead horse for as long as it takes. There are no longer any other options.

    Replies: @Jimmy1969, @Tom Rogers, @Not Only Wrathful, @Oemiktlob

    The biggest enemy of white people is white people themselves.

  • From the New York Times' "Upshot" data journalism section: What Can Be Learned From Differing Rates of Suicide Among Groups White Americans have higher rates than most other racial and ethnic groups. By Austin Frakt Austin Frakt is director of the Partnered Evidence-Based Policy Resource Center at the V.A. Boston Healthcare System; associate professor with...
  • @Truth

    OK, so Occam’s Razor might suggest, therefore, that African-Americans aren’t suffering much from pervasive racism, indeed, that they aren’t suffering all that much in general.

    Or maybe African-Americans just value their lives more?

    Replies: @anon

    Or maybe African-Americans just value their lives more?

    Could be. However, they sure don’t seem to value other people’s lives very much.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Truth

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @Anonymous

    > Go run around the woods

    Why are you desert-cultist in such rebellion against mother nature's trees? You despise any indigenous—i.e., native/nationalist—religion, including the White man's. The White man used to worship his native gods among a blessed grove of trees, at least until jew-addled globalist-internationalist missionaries cut them down.

    Painting source: ABC News, 2016

    Yet the symbol of the White man's indigenous religion lives inside your living room (unless your wife took it down early.) Repent, White man, before you die in thrall to a foreign middle-eastern desert Rabbi. Hug a tree today, like all of your native ancestors did before being conquered by jewish fanaticism. You can again be as loyal as a holy fir through the winter of our discontent.

    ♫ O Tannenbaum 🎄 O Tannenbaum, how loyal are your needles! ♪

    Replies: @anon
    •ï¿½Replies: @ViktorTempleton

    Christmas Trees didn't appear until the 1600's when Lutherans first used them.
  • The end-of-the-year murder count articles are starting to come out, so the New York Times is providing leadership in how to spin away the fact that the Racial Reckoning has gotten thousands of incremental Americans murdered since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day: blame it on Covid. What a crazy year it's been!...
  • @Days of Broken Arrows
    The writer of this story, Ali Watkins, slept with one of her sources when she was covering the Senate Intelligence Committee in DC. His name was James Wolfe.

    But the NYT didn't fire her. They "relocated" her to NYC, where she is now writing this tripe. This is indicative of how low journalism has fallen. And how politically correct it's gotten -- protected classes can do no wrong.

    My question is: How do we know articles like this aren't tainted by who she's having sex with now?

    (For more info, Google her name with words like sex, scandal and DC. The is an unbelievable story that's been forgotten. I'd include links, but they put me in moderation limbo.)

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Wade Hampton

    >how low journalism has fallen

    Everything you need to know is that Brian Williams is still working as a talking head after openly admitting to years of outrageous lying.

    •ï¿½Agree: Days of Broken Arrows
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • One part of me is ambivalent for what I’m about to write but what the hell…

    If Target wants to create environments that are welcoming to blacks they’ll have to build their stores without cash registers.

  • Mr. Taylor, you’ve pointed out the many endeavors and attitudes of the mainland Chinese, including their attention paid to the influence of I.Q.

    Assumedly, if a people have pursuits in furtherance of technologically raising their intelligence and the scientific prowess to do so, they must have some intelligence to begin with.

    The Chinese also recognize who rules the USA, and they have been jealous. They want a piece of that subversive takeover pie too.

    But, it was not they who had intentionally created the toxic poison of cultural marxism to destroy the West. You’d certainly have much less grievance about racial issues had this poison never been injected.

    The Chinese understand the hand who plucks Uncle Sams’ strings, Mr. Taylor, as per the 2009 Tablet Magazine article “The Chinese believe that Jews control America. Is that a good thing?”

    The Chinese know that jews are not Whites, something which jews themselves heartily admit.

    If the imminently pragmatic Chinese can see all this, then;

    Why. Can’t. You. ?

    Cartwheels and handsprings by many a Western Nationalist are surely to be if this day finally arrives.

  • @Georgia

    I believe your banned off "comments" on Taylor's AmRen site if you mention that? Correct me if I'm wrong. American Thinker censors you if you mention it as does Breitbart....The Tribe has the power.

    Replies: @anarchyst

    I am PROUD to state that I have been banned from American Renaissance for over a decade.
    Attempts to get “reinstated” have been futile. Moderators have promised to “reinstate” me but have not done so.
    I still frequent American Renaissance and have noticed that the statements on the “jewish question” that got me banned are starting to appear on Jared Taylor’s site.
    I believe that American Renaissance is “controlled opposition”, nothing more.

    •ï¿½Agree: Jimmy le Blanc
  • (Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992.) Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country,...
  • @Colin Wright
    'The aristocratic and upper middle class did not do too well either. It is striking how bad WW1 generals were, their tactics not keeping pace with technology and huge slaughter among their troops was the result.'

    Actually, if one looks at American Civil War battles such as Murfreesboro and Gettysburg, it becomes obvious that the pre-modern scale of slaughter could easily equal that of World War One. There's not much to choose between Pickett's Charge and the First Day of the Somme. Ditto, say, for Borodino.

    The difference is that after a bloody-but-not-particularly-decisive Civil War Battle, everyone was more or less out of ammunition and replacements for a while. Everyone sort of backs off and thinks about that one for a month or two.

    I'd say the critical difference in World War One was that modern bureaucracy, transportation, and industrial production was such that more men, equipment, and munitions could just be funneled in in a constant stream. The Somme didn't have to come to a grinding halt after three days. It could continue virtually indefinitely.

    Replies: @Timur The Lame

    I was always struck by the passage in Robert Graves’ book ‘Goodbye To All That’ when a snotty British Colonel walked into the barracks of his previously shot up battalion to announce that he had great news in that they were granted the opportunity to “avenge their comrades” presumably with another charge in no man’s land against barb wire and machine guns. They went.

    Interestingly perhaps is that in the next war the “Blighty” was considered a lottery win and a wound that evoked envy. In present wars at least in the forces of the “Coalitions Of The Willing” hearing shots in the distance or an Iraqi child fart brings about disablement due to PTSB.

    Are soldiers degenerating or are they getting smart? My guess is both.


    •ï¿½Replies: @Wielgus
    @Timur The Lame

    Difficult to say - military discipline was draconian. The British executed over 300 of their own soldiers for desertion or cowardice in WW1, although there were over 3,000 death sentences not carried out. The Italians shot large numbers of retreating soldiers, including officers, after Caporetto. Troops who did not attack had to factor in the real possibility that they might be shot for not attacking.

    Replies: @Verymuchalive
    , @Skeptikal
    @Timur The Lame

    "Are soldiers degenerating or are they getting smart? My guess is both."

    Hmmm I guess some people never heard of shell shock.

    It sure seems like the seriousness of shell shock has been degraded since the advent of more jargony and trendy terms such as PTSD.

    If Lame has actually been in active combat he might have the right to comment on the mental and nervous condition of others who have been in active combat.

    If not, he really should go to his corner and be quiet.


    Replies: @Timur The Lame
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @Alfred
    @Temporary Insanity

    Ghali is an Arab name

    As you pointed out, Ghali is not necessarily a Muslim name. It means "expensive" in Arabic.

    BTW, "Khan" is a term of respect and it also means "landowner"

    Replies: @Temporary Insanity

    I didn’t know what it meant, so thanks for that and I found out that Boutrous Boutrous meant Peter Peter, so, now I can say, rest in peace, Peter, Peter Expensive. And I knew about the Khans because every other man in Bangladesh and Pakistan is named Kahn it seems.

  • The end-of-the-year murder count articles are starting to come out, so the New York Times is providing leadership in how to spin away the fact that the Racial Reckoning has gotten thousands of incremental Americans murdered since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day: blame it on Covid. What a crazy year it's been!...
  • From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a paper about how you want to stay very far, far away from "virtuous victim signalers," because they are bad news: Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Advance online publication. We investigate the consequences...
  • @Altai

    Case in point, the main celebration for the unbanning of abortion in Argentina.


    So much BPD in such a condensed space. (I guess covid also knows this is an 'okay' packed gathering of people without masks.)

    Replies: @The Alarmist, @theo the kraut, @njguy73, @Expletive Deleted

    Not with a stolen dick.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Expletive Deleted

    Not with a stolen dick.
    Or even its own long-discarded one.
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • anon[299] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    That's a interesting idea, but still inadequate.
    Hellenistic philosophy lacked a coherent metaphysics, which is why the Platonic Academies fell into teaching sorcery in a few centuries. Roman Stoicism was no better. Science as it is is the product of the Christian idea of a rational Creator behind a comprehensible universe.

    Replies: @anon, @Majority of One, @Laurent Guyénot, @Olivier1973


    noticed from archive you were parachuted in just for this article.so aggressive.pincer movement almost bowel like.an attack on all fronts.zipper undone,in attempt to hose down the fires of an insurrection,you accidentally got foreskin caught and now the insanity of the trinity has joined with the bonfires of vanity and the pain is excruciating.

    bless you my son.circumcision by zipper is crippling but welcome to the jewish tribe anyway.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ViktorTempleton

    You seem to have a Jewish obsession with scatological insults. Very telling.
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @JohnPlywood
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    1. University educated males who have studied a STEM discipline

    2. Elon Musk’s ‘Pedo guyâ€

    Overall, such an arrangement is beneficial to both parties, the White guys get some and the Asian females have the prospects of “upgrading their genesâ€
    There is no data to support your assumptions at all. White men with Asian women are the most attractive:


    Note also that Asian women did NOT rate white men as more attractive than black men, meaning they do not value white men for their looks. The trend is entirely pursuit of Asian women by all races of men, not pursuit of white men by Asian women, who don't desire "white genetics" (after all, European features would be a downgrade for an Asian female):


    White men don't preter white women:


    In experiment 1, Caucasian participants rated own-race composites as more attractive than other-race composites, but only for male faces. However, mixed-race (Caucasian/Japanese) composites were significantly more attractive than own-race composites, particularly for the opposite sex.
    Swedish exexutives ditch their wives for Asian women in Singapore:


    Not as posh as Chinese whiteness
    In the US Swedish women were the whitest of the white, and they were sometimes over-sexualised. But Swedish whiteness did not fit into society in Singapore at all. According to Lundström there is much focus on whiteness in Singapore. Ads for skin whitening products are common, and whiteness is the ideal. But the ideal of beauty is not a white, blond western woman.

    “Western women were ranked below the Chinese in the racial hierarchy. The western whiteness is not as posh as the Singaporean, Chinese whiteness,†says Lundström.

    Swedish women in the US were very preoccupied with American men, whereas the Swedish women in Singapore were not the least interested in Asian men. They focused on their Swedish husbands. Asian women, on the other hand, represented a possible rival, since Swedish men found Asian women attractive.

    “The Swedish women in Singapore were almost desexualised. They felt less feminine,†says Lundström.

    But on the other hand they didn’t have to relate to local beauty standards. Most of the 13 women who lived in Singapore were accompanying spouses to working husbands. Their husbands’ job contracts included a house with a maid, swimming pool and tennis courts.
    Why Asian women are more beautiful:


    Marriages between White men and Asian women are over twice as frequent as those between White women and Asian men. Recent research has proposed that this imbalance may be explained by the finding that, on average, White men are perceived as more attractive than Asian men, and Asian women are perceived as more attractive than White women, possibly because Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Here, we explore whether Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Thirty-five Malaysian Chinese (20 male) and 30 Australian White (12 male) participants manipulated 100 face photographs (50 Asian; 50 White; half male) on a masculinity/femininity axis to optimize attractive appearance. As predicted, White women’s faces were increased more in femininity than Asian women’s faces, and White men’s faces were feminized more than Asian men’s faces to optimize attractiveness. These findings suggest that White faces are perceived as more masculine than Asian faces.
    All races of men go for Asian or Latina women:


    So yeah, if you landed an Asian woman you are above-average attractiveness and status as a white male. Average white males and pedos have to settle for white women, Asian women can afford much higher standards.

    Replies: @Garliv, @The Spirit of Enoch Powell, @anon

    So yeah, if you landed an Asian woman you are above-average attractiveness and status as a white male. Average white males and pedos have to settle for white women, Asian women can afford much higher standards.

    Delusional, Asian women go for White men solely because of their race, in fact Asian parents openly encourage their daughters to go for White men.

    Asian women exclude Asian men from their dating pool at by far the highest rate, with 40% excluding their own race, and only 6% preferring their own race. They also exclude White men at the lowest rates out of all races of women. This alone strongly suggests they have a strong preference for White males, simply because of their race, and they do not rate Blacks higher, most of them actively avoid Black males from their dating pools.

    Asian women are extremely undiscriminating when it comes to getting with White guys, as long as you are not truly ugly, they will settle for you. You can go onto the hapa subreddit or subreddits like AznIdentity to get hundreds of anecdotal stories and lived experiences by Asian males of this phenomenon of Asian women chasing White males simply for their Whiteness.

    Asian women are attractive if you have a fetish for epicanthic folds, but other than that they are not so great. They are however good for White males who cannot get with a decent looking White women and don’t want to settle for some bitchy mid-tier White female and instead want an Asian who will worship them.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    "Asian women are attractive if you have a fetish for epicanthic folds, but other than that they are not so great. "

    Not to mention that they squeak like like a reed whistle in cheap plastic cry-baby doll when they have sex.
    , @last straw
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    Yahoo Personal is the best source of data you can find? Please kid yourself not.

    From 2010 U.S. census data, 82.5% Asian wife has an Asian husband.


    From 2008 Pew Research (same source above):

    41.7% of native-born Asian men out-married, while 50.8% of native-born Asian women out-married. The difference is not that great. The impression that many more Asian women out-marry than Asian man do is limited to non-native born Asians, or first generation immigrants.
    , @Hapalong Cassidy
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    “You can go onto the hapa subreddit or subreddits like AznIdentity to get hundreds of anecdotal stories and lived experiences by Asian males of this phenomenon of Asian women chasing White males simply for their Whiteness.“

    Now there’s one disadvantage for a White man marrying an Asian woman: If you have a son, he might end up hating your guts.

    Replies: @Frank frank
    , @Anonymous
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    Asian women are attractive if you have a fetish for epicanthic folds, but other than that they are not so great. They are however good for White males who cannot get with a decent looking White women and don’t want to settle for some bitchy mid-tier White female and instead want an Asian who will worship them.
    BS, before contracting yellow fever I only dated top-tier-looking white women (mostly blondes, my favorite at the time).

    Dude, if you think yellow fever is due only to Asian women’s eyes you have obviously have zero experience with Asian women. Granted, the almond-shaped eyes are a feature which attract the white male, and never get old, but so to with all the other feminine physical features and personality. No white male who ever experiences the Asian woman will ever be able to go back to white women.

    As a younger man I too once thought white males with Asian females was unnatural and bad. Ironically it was probably my delving more into racialist literature by Jared Taylor, J. Philippe Rushton, et al., which planted the seeds for my appreciation of the NE Asian woman (Rushton: big brain, small vagina, docile personality, faithful).
  • 2021, the centennial of Mao’s founding of the Communist Party, was long planned to be a breakout year. When the Party took power in 1949, China was the poorest country on earth, which makes these achievements the more remarkable: GDP will expand by 10%. Western experts predict 8% and, since their predictions are always low,...
  • @GreatSocialist

    Dude, you(Chinaman), as a Hongky with a deep set distrust and revulsion to the CPC, I completely understand you are unhappy when "Godfree Roberts" pumps out "how great China is" info.

    All part of the information wars, dude.

    I think Godfree Roberts is doing a lovely job by compiling info that is pro-China, as a small counterweight to all the false accusations and fake info being pumped out by the western media.

    So refreshing is Godfree Roberts, dude.

    I think there is a certain truth to what Miss Larry Romanoff said about you. You may well have the yellow skin, but subconsciously, u see yourself as white, like that disappointing Taiwanese refugee Michael Chang, the tennis player, who I think despises his own race, culture and heritage, preferring to see himself a white New Yorker.

    Nothing wrong with that, but I am always sad to see other races despising their own roots, ethnicity and culture, and trying so hard to be desperately something they never will be, except in their own delusions.

    Replies: @d dan, @Chinaman

    You got it all wrong, man.

    I HAD mixed feeling about the CCP ( like every Chinese ) from being bombarded by the disinformation campaign in Hk, Taiwan ( I lived there too) and Western media for the last 20 years but I have come to see the CCP as the saviour of all Chinese people. Xi is a great leader and will guide China to a great Han-naissance. This is best time to be a Chinese in the last 1000 years. Unity and camaraderie is the only way we can prevail in the coming civilisational struggle between East and West. You are right that most HKer still have superiority complex ( and inferiority complex to whitey) but I assure you I am different from them. These Hanjian å°é»ƒäºº are all moving to the West now so that’s the best outcome.

    No one hates Hanjian 漢奸 more than I do.

    I am proud to be a Chinaman. My kin have achieved more than I ever imagined when I first went to China in 1995. This pandemic have awaken every Chinese. I also think that it is too early to rest on our laurels and we need to vigilant against hubris. There are many problems in China.

    Godfree said he was not praising China but trying to warn the West about China’s rise. He actually said he have been doing it for a long time without any results. He is not pro-China, he sees China as a threat. It is an insidious form of reverse psyop to galvanise Americans to catch up. He wants another Sputnik moment. I am surprised you and others don’t see it by now. I have always been skeptical of his motivations and glad to be vindicated. What we need is 拋光隱晦, not 夜郎自大.

    This is not the time for a victory lap but China is is at its most dangerous hour as the barbarian are really at the gates now. We don’t want a repeat of 八國è¯è», do we ?

  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @greysquirrell
    China ripped of high speed rail technology from Japan and France. Their Maglev is German (Siemens) technology.

    China's commercial aircraft manufacturing uses Western Avionics and technology theft fromt he West. They copied Russian fighter engine and airframe technology. Plus they ripped off American technology when Israel sold them the technology in the Israeli Lavi fighter, which burrowed American technology

    China is only a dominant economic power right now because Western policy wonks and the donor class enabled, helped it, and turned a blind eye to the unprecendented intellectual property theft. If the Western establishment ever get their act together and cut China off from technology, they aren't going to dominate.

    Replies: @Rahan, @Thulean Friend, @Rocko, @Anonymous, @foolisholdman, @foolisholdman, @last straw, @Garliv, @LesterWashington, @Anon

    China ripped of high speed rail technology from Japan and France. Their Maglev is German (Siemens) technology.

    China’s commercial aircraft manufacturing uses Western Avionics and technology theft fromt he West. They copied Russian fighter engine and airframe technology. Plus they ripped off American technology when Israel sold them the technology in the Israeli Lavi fighter, which burrowed American technology

    China is only a dominant economic power right now because Western policy wonks and the donor class enabled, helped it, and turned a blind eye to the unprecendented intellectual property theft. If the Western establishment ever get their act together and cut China off from technology, they aren’t going to dominate.

    China studied and improved high-speed rail technologies from other countries. Modern technologies are so complex, what’s the point of reinvent the wheel? When it comes to science and technology, it’s always the case that everyone learns from everyone else, while industrial espionage is universal.

    China buys civilian avionics and aviation technologies from western companies in the hope that their civil airliners will be competitive on the international market in the future. Their military aviation use domestic products almost exclusively, including engines nowadays. Even their 5th gen. fighter J-20 is being equipped with domestic WS-10C, while the high bypass WS-20 sees application on the strategic air lifter Y-20 starting this year.

    China becomes the world’s dominant power because it not only established the world’s largest manufacturing base and built some of the world’s best infrastructure, it also created some of the world’s best academic institutions and R&D programs.



    Some examples of China’s recent achievements: 5G/6G, quantum communications, quantum computer, Hualong One 3rd gen. nuclear reactor, fusion reactor, Beidou Satellite Navigation, Chang’e-5 moon sample return mission, HIV vaccine , Million-Mile EV Battery, super-fast-charging battery.

    Finally, with the signing of RCEP and the soon to be ratified EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, any anti-China alliance, not matter it’s Transpacific, Indo-Pacific, or Transatlantic, will remain a pipe dream. So keep telling yourself that China has stolen its way to the top, or China is containable in any shape or way, if that makes you feel any better.

  • White guy who freed the slaves isn't free from the woke wave overtaking America...[Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln That Celebrated Emancipating Slaves — Because He Was White, The Gateway Pundit, December 29, 2020]: Confederates fell first. The Founding Fathers came next. Abe Lincoln and other white men are now falling. Our job was never to...
  • Biden has already thrown BLM under the bus. BLM served as a conduit of funds to the DNC. Their job complete, they are disposable until more street violence is needed. Next, Biden has to revive our military efforts in Syria and gear up for the propaganda and ultimately, the military campaign against Iran. Take pleasure in seeing Biden screw his base almost as much as Trump screwed his.

    I don’t think the elite believe their social justice bullshit as much as many of us think they do. Yes, they’ll tolerate the articulate negro, muslim, whatever in their midst. And publicly, they’ll throw a few bones to the ghetto thugs. But they probably believe in it as much as Elon Musk’s investors believe in the profitability of martian colonies. It’s a cover for something.

  • From the New York Times' "Upshot" data journalism section: What Can Be Learned From Differing Rates of Suicide Among Groups White Americans have higher rates than most other racial and ethnic groups. By Austin Frakt Austin Frakt is director of the Partnered Evidence-Based Policy Resource Center at the V.A. Boston Healthcare System; associate professor with...
  • Black males don’t need to commit suicide, they can always get a brother to off them.

  • From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a paper about how you want to stay very far, far away from "virtuous victim signalers," because they are bad news: Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Advance online publication. We investigate the consequences...
  • SFG says:

    The signaling of virtue is a problem that bedevils the design of consumer and marketing surveys.
    Does it really brake down in terms of gender?

    I’ve consistently observed that women often view politics/cultural norms as a fashion accessory. That what to say (not so much what you do) determines your status. Probably the key to the LBGTQ success in gaining national support was conditioning women to view LBGTQs as victims that could provide women an opportunity to present their self-righteousness. Women then could flaunt their pro-LBGTQ views as marking them as high status.

    Replies: @SFG

    I mean, it makes sense. The long period of incapacity during pregnancy and the task of childrearing mean you need a steady flow of resources. Conformity is a good way to do that–you don’t want to stray too far away from the herd, and women who wanted to be ‘pioneers’ often had to forgo family life.

    Men are more free to take risks given our longer fertile period (you can wait until 40 if it actually gets you rich, though for most of us it’s a bad idea) and desire to stand out (demonstrating confidence and the ability to succeed despite deviance) and gamble on high-risk, high-reward strategies.

    It makes as much sense to ding women for conformity as it does men for violence–it’s what we were made to do. Whether by evolution or God (or both!), take your pick.

    •ï¿½Replies: @nebulafox

    It's a suboptimal idea mostly for two reasons. One, older sperm has more of a correlation with birth defects, mental and physical. Two, the physical demands of fatherhood are harder to handle.

    This can be mitigated if the guy takes care of himself, though, and if a 40-something man has attracted a woman a decade younger than him, he probably has.

    >It makes as much sense to ding women for conformity as it does men for violence–it’s what we were made to do. Whether by evolution or God (or both!), take your pick.

    I agree. I've never been a fan of the whole "who has it worse" or "who is worse" schtick. The two sexes are different, think differently, and face different challenges: men and women are supposed to like each other because we're different. That doesn't mean we aren't all human beings who don't usually want the same results or anything, but it is pretty disturbing that many younger Americans don't seem at all able to happily accept the foibles of the opposite sex in stride with a smile.

    The thing is, though, women aren't openly criticized for going about things in their own way like men are in 21st Century America. Take therapy culture, for example: most men just don't effectively deal with personal torment or problems by sitting around and talking about them. It isn't about some patriarchal conspiracy to degrade feminity, it's just that most men don't intuitively work their way toward solving problems in the midst of a conversation in the way that women often do. It's not better or worse, it's just different. So rather than attacking men for not doing well with approaches not at all geared to their strengths, why not culturally encourage men to do what tends to work for them: new projects, new goals?

    (Answer: that would mean touching a bunch of inconvenient stuff that we're not even allowed to honestly admit the existence of, let alone talk about solutions to. That's a general problem across American society, really, but that's also another thread.)
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @JohnPlywood
    @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    1. University educated males who have studied a STEM discipline

    2. Elon Musk’s ‘Pedo guyâ€

    Overall, such an arrangement is beneficial to both parties, the White guys get some and the Asian females have the prospects of “upgrading their genesâ€
    There is no data to support your assumptions at all. White men with Asian women are the most attractive:


    Note also that Asian women did NOT rate white men as more attractive than black men, meaning they do not value white men for their looks. The trend is entirely pursuit of Asian women by all races of men, not pursuit of white men by Asian women, who don't desire "white genetics" (after all, European features would be a downgrade for an Asian female):


    White men don't preter white women:


    In experiment 1, Caucasian participants rated own-race composites as more attractive than other-race composites, but only for male faces. However, mixed-race (Caucasian/Japanese) composites were significantly more attractive than own-race composites, particularly for the opposite sex.
    Swedish exexutives ditch their wives for Asian women in Singapore:


    Not as posh as Chinese whiteness
    In the US Swedish women were the whitest of the white, and they were sometimes over-sexualised. But Swedish whiteness did not fit into society in Singapore at all. According to Lundström there is much focus on whiteness in Singapore. Ads for skin whitening products are common, and whiteness is the ideal. But the ideal of beauty is not a white, blond western woman.

    “Western women were ranked below the Chinese in the racial hierarchy. The western whiteness is not as posh as the Singaporean, Chinese whiteness,†says Lundström.

    Swedish women in the US were very preoccupied with American men, whereas the Swedish women in Singapore were not the least interested in Asian men. They focused on their Swedish husbands. Asian women, on the other hand, represented a possible rival, since Swedish men found Asian women attractive.

    “The Swedish women in Singapore were almost desexualised. They felt less feminine,†says Lundström.

    But on the other hand they didn’t have to relate to local beauty standards. Most of the 13 women who lived in Singapore were accompanying spouses to working husbands. Their husbands’ job contracts included a house with a maid, swimming pool and tennis courts.
    Why Asian women are more beautiful:


    Marriages between White men and Asian women are over twice as frequent as those between White women and Asian men. Recent research has proposed that this imbalance may be explained by the finding that, on average, White men are perceived as more attractive than Asian men, and Asian women are perceived as more attractive than White women, possibly because Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Here, we explore whether Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Thirty-five Malaysian Chinese (20 male) and 30 Australian White (12 male) participants manipulated 100 face photographs (50 Asian; 50 White; half male) on a masculinity/femininity axis to optimize attractive appearance. As predicted, White women’s faces were increased more in femininity than Asian women’s faces, and White men’s faces were feminized more than Asian men’s faces to optimize attractiveness. These findings suggest that White faces are perceived as more masculine than Asian faces.
    All races of men go for Asian or Latina women:


    So yeah, if you landed an Asian woman you are above-average attractiveness and status as a white male. Average white males and pedos have to settle for white women, Asian women can afford much higher standards.

    Replies: @Garliv, @The Spirit of Enoch Powell, @anon

    “Average white males and pedos have to settle for white women, Asian women can afford much higher standards.”

    No kidding!

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @ViktorTempleton
    @Majority of One

    You sure have a large vocabulary for someone with little use for it.
    You want to bask in " indigenous spiritual wisdom"? Go run around the woods with some Pygmy savages looking for some rats to eat.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Majority of One

    Victor: Thank you for acknowledging my vocabulary. That trait is an indication of erudition as against dogmatism, which is your wont. “Pygmy Savages”!!! My oh my aren’t we a wonderful exemplar of the spirit of love for all as we are taught was the way of Jesus. Dogmatic AND hypocritical. Typical.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ViktorTempleton
    @Majority of One

    Jesus spoke ill of people on several occasions, as all righteous men must. John 8:44.

    Replies: @Seraphim
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • The encouragement to rioting is real; but it is not stupid or well-intentioned. It proceeds from revolutionary totalitarianism.
    US blacks, together with some other minorities with subversive claims, are being used as proletarians and peasants were by bolsheviks and maoists.

    And now that the revolutionaries have stolen the elections, down will go the wall that protected the US from illegal immigration from Africa. The onslaught on freedom is only beginning.

    Societies with multiple races can prosper if there is respect for law and order, and basic moral values.

    Summarizing human intelligence in a single figure is dehumanizing, as it counts for nought wisdom and spiritual intelligence.

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • ivan says:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Maybe Tiberius, but really not every Roman Emperor was a child rapist. One, Heliogabalus was even a castrate.
    However, the fact that Julian the Apostate, trying to outdo Christians, went very ascetic, to the detriment of his friend Libanius, suggests that people understood there was some problem in sexuality and the Christians won the contest in this respect pretty early.
    The question is why. Were ancient corteges with phalluses not fun or what?
    That even Plato tried to justify homosexual love in his philosophy, shows there was a problem. But I am afraid Plato's Eros had as much common with the reality, as the courtly love with the passions of our age. No man after Plato made philosophy out of sex (not talking about 20th century of course Foucault etc, when it was again adopted as 'transgression' etc)
    Plato gives a goal for such a love, which may suggest such a relationship was seen as a kind of pointless, without the natural end created by a child.
    Maybe gods dislike us for the libido?
    Whereas ancient women tended to engage in sacred prostitution, priests were sometimes castrated, as Heliogabalus, the Roman emperor, was said to be.
    Who knows what does really taurobolium symbolize:

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @ivan

    God does not dislike us for normal libido well not quite, but for libido dominandis – which manifests itself in homoexual dominance over other men. It may have happened that the odd ancient Jew tried to practised it but it was punishable by death. I don’t have to tell you that superior morals and sentiments that the West developed would not have been possible had the dissolute morals of these degenerate men, the type one hears of in prisons in the USA prevailed. Among the gifts Christianity brought from it’s Jewish roots was sexual continence, without which no moral progress is possible. I understand that homosexuals will always be with us, and many of us including myself find transgenders so alluring, but we must not succumb to promiscuity.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ivan

    This book argues that Western secularism itself is product of Christianity. Against the claims of tribe , family etc, the distinctive personality of Western man is a product of a long development in the course of history.https://www.amazon.com/Inventing-Individual-Origins-Western-Liberalism/dp/0674417534
    , @Anonymous

    > the gifts Christianity brought from it’s Jewish roots

    You've got to be joking. Can you tell any difference between Rabbi Jesus/John the Beloved and Zeus/Ganymede homosexual artwork? There is lots of seed sproutin' in a Christian semen-ary, and that sad tradition has been passed down since the very beginning with Rabbi Jesus' love affair with John the Beloved, and the Jew St. Paul's love affair with Philemon. Priestcraft corn-holing choir boys is an original feature (for perverts) of the desert cult's Jewish roots. Confirming interviews with priests can be found in "Sex Rites: The Origins of Christianity: The Ritual Use of Sex, Drugs, and Human Sacrifice" (Agorio, 2010) if you can find a copy for under $100.

    And since it's Christmas-time still, one can't ignore the perverted Christian narrative of the Carpenter Cuckold: "His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant." (Matthew 1:18) Do tell what is so holy and wonderful about Joseph's cuckoldry. If it is divine jewmagical cuckoldry, does it make submissive cuckold behavior somehow acceptable?

    P.S. I'm quite familiar with all the good passages in the Bible that you want to quote to me to cover up the above perversions found in the New Testament. To save you the bother, I like those decent passages too, and often quote them myself. But the White man didn't need the Jew to tell him how to behave sexually and raise a family, that notion is just pure stupid. How do you reckon "pagan" Whites reproduced successfully before the Northern Crusades without the "gifts" of the magical chosenites?

    Replies: @ViktorTempleton, @ivan
  • It used to be a post-Christmas tradition that mobs of black teens hyped up on the sugar from Christmas cookies would loot downscale shopping malls in flyover places like Louisville. In 2020, they mob Fifth Avenue and Rodeo Drive. But the big national news is that a 14-year-old black child was falsely accused of stealing...
  • @Jack D
    @Sebastian Hawks

    All she wanted was for the kid to show her that it was his phone and not hers. This would have taken 5 seconds to resolve if he had cooperated. I would have been glad to show the woman that it's my phone with my contacts, pics, etc. on it.

    The woman was hysterical because people keep their whole lives on their phones now. It's not just the cost of the phone.

    Replies: @BenKenobi, @Achmed E. Newman, @Technite78, @RadicalCenter, @AnotherDad, @AnotherDad, @Supply and Demand

    The woman was hysterical because people keep their whole lives on their phones now. It’s not just the cost of the phone.

    Mobile telephony was a big win for people whose work really is “off the grid”–ex. construction trades. For everyone else, it’s merely a nice to have. Oooh, i’m never, ever, ever out of touch.

    Unfortunately phone+social media seems like heroin to a fair number of women. They’d rather give up their children–if they have any–than their phone.

    Maybe we’d all be better off with a phone-free-month once a year so everyone could be reminded what normal life is like. You talk to people–in person. And spend lots of time alone with your own thoughts. It’s not terrible. It’s kinda nice.

    Take away phones maybe we’d have higher fertility and more sanity.

  • The Correlation of Armed Forces: U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $634.8 billion in 2019. Exports were $163.0 billion; imports were $471.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $308.8 billion in 2019. Trade in services with China (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $76.7 billion in...
  • @anonymous

    The population density of Germany is 240 people per square kilometer, and Germany is the one that is expected to bear the brunt of massive inflows of third-world migrants. For the UK, it's 270 people per square kilometer, even more than that of Germany. Some countries in Europe are extremely densely populated: Belgium (378 people/sq.km), Switzerland (209.60 people/sq. km). By comparison, the US has 35 people/sq. km, and China 148 people/sq. km. So relatively speaking, China is much less densely populated than say Germany or the UK, despite being more densely populated than the US.

    If you were to subdivide China and examine it on a regional basis or per province basis, you would find that Xinjiang, Qingdao, and the Western Provinces are not densely populated at all and have plenty of room to accommodate new immigrants.

    You say China has its own problems, but the Asian supremacists and Han supremacists here (like @Chinaman, who says he doesn't want to "stoop to nigger levels" and @d dan, who calls Indians commenters "house niggers") clearly believe that China has surpassed the US economically, so according to them, China has the ability to provide for these migrants. And China is not "educating African technocrats." First of all the number of African students studying in China is not that great - being 50,000 in 2015. That number might have gone up to around 80,000 recently. In any case, that's hardly enough people to lead Africa to a technoutopian future. Those students are, for the most part, studying Chinese language so that they can act as liaison for Chinese investors who go to Africa and invest in infrastructure projects, which end being a jobs program for Chinese people, who provide the bulk of the labor. Chinese infrastructure projects in Africa provide jobs for Chinese people, not Africans, except for maybe some menial labor that gets allocated to the Africans. As far as humanitarian efforts go, China doesn't come nowhere close to France, UK, and Spain in terms of the number of hospitals, orphanages, Christian missions, cultural institutes, and schools that it has founded and opened all over Africa. Further, the US and Western countries have trained Chinese technocrats to help China and enable it to become a more powerful country (with 300,000 Chinese in the US compared to the measly 10,000 American students in China or the measly 80,000 African students in China), and yet you come here bashing and ridiculing Americans as "white supremacists."

    You say that by 2030 or 2050, China will finally realize it's goal of being a superpower? Can you at least promise that by then China will be willing to take in more migrants?

    Replies: @showmethereal

    “Xinjiang, Qingdao, and the Western Provinces are not densely populated at all and have plenty of room to accommodate new immigrants”

    First of it’s Qinghai. Qingdao is a beautiful city – but that is on the east coast. The reason Tibet and Xingjiang and Qinghai have such low population density is because they have incredibly harsh climates. You might as well recommend Greenland for European population expansion. The snow leopard population has been expanding in Qinghai – thankfully. But that’s the point – it’s a place for them – not major cities.

    “You say China has its own problems, but the Asian supremacists and Han supremacists here ………. clearly believe that China has surpassed the US economically,”

    The US – Germany – Japan still leads China in certain aspects of technology – but that is closing rapidly. In terms of economy – China already past the US in 2014 in GDP by Purchase Power Parity. It passed the US as the largest trading nation and the largest consumer market. So yes it has passed the US economically. But China has more people than the continent of Africa. There are still hundreds of millions of people who do not have developed world living standards. So yes the government has given the goal of developed status by 2035 and leading technologically by 2050. If I was a gambler – I would put it at 2030 for technology. 2035 seems reasonable for developed status in terms of HDI (human development index).

    But I don’t understand why you want China to take in more migrants. You should hope that each continent is prosperous enough that people don’t “have to” migrate for economic reasons..

    •ï¿½Replies: @anonymous

    Yes, I meant Qinghai. Thanks for the correction.

    But China has more people than the continent of Africa. There are still hundreds of millions of people who do not have developed world living standards.
    Well, I don't think you understood me. I never meant that China should take in all of Africa or something extreme like that. My only point was that China has hardly taken in any migrants at all, and that it could take in a lot more. Even if it didn't want to take in African migrants, it could still take in poor migrants from Asian countries (India, Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, etc.), which might be more culturally compatible. Taking in Indian immigrants could go a long way in helping to bring reconciliation between China and India.

    But I don’t understand why you want China to take in more migrants. You should hope that each continent is prosperous enough that people don’t “have to†migrate for economic reasons..
    Of course we all hope for that. We hope for many things. We hope for an end to war. We hope for an end to poverty, disease, and famine. At the same time, we have to deal with the reality of the world as it is, not as we would like it to be. I wish we lived in a world where nobody "had to" migrate. You are right. However, given that the world has a long way to go until we get to that point, humanity has to learn to live in harmony until then. We have to learn to get along with each other and develop greater social consciousness. China has integrated a fairly large number of African migrants in Guangzhou (maybe several hundred thousand, according to some estimates), proving that Africans can integrate into Chinese society and that Chinese and Africans can get along. Hong Kong is also another example where Indians and Pakistanis have become part of the cultural and social life of the city to a certain extent. That being said, China has the capacity to help out more, and it should look to South Korea, which has recently accepted many more migrants despite being more densely populated than China and having its own issues, as an example. Again, I'm not saying that China has to bear the burden of taking in all of Kenya or all of the Congo. It can create a new visa category that offers refugee status to people who are in desperate need and also limit the quota for people get this visa. Maybe 1 million people would be reasonable. That's all I'm saying.

    Replies: @antibeast, @showmethereal
    , @xcd

    One major approach that China used to close the gap was to give incentives for domestic innovation. It applied this to materials, machines, tech and science. In most of its major cutting-edge projects, almost all the contribution was domestic.

    As for the populace achieving prosperity at a furure date, China is playing it down. All those tourists from China supporting global tourism cannot be poor.
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @HA

    "No, we’re merely informing you. You’re taking it far too personally, which is why you erroneously perceive it as 'dictation.'"

    Again with all the dictating on how personally I take things, and how erroneous I am.

    "Ah, but you weren’t complaining about criticism of your statements, you were complaining about criticism of your 'household,'"

    The household from whence those statements came. A criticism of those statements is a criticism of that household. At least, that's if someone else can get in on all that semantic RedQueen dictating.

    "Let us concede, arguendo, that Islam is my 'household'"

    Let us not pretend that a brief look at your comment history doesn't tell me everything I need to know about whether Islam is indeed your household, arguendo or not. I mean, get a clue.

    "If, however, you claim that the perspective I offer is not consonant with Islam, you cannot — without self-contradiction — tell me to reform my own house..."

    Exactly -- there we have it. That is precisely the reductio ad absurdum that gives lie to any depiction of Islam as some Jeffersonian federalist religion of peace or whatever mealy-mouthed aspirational platitudes are used to hide the grim reality of those who for centuries regarded their pillaging and carnage to be divinely motivated. And it only took you only, what?, five posts to finally stumble into the truth? (though I'm so foolish or given to wishful thinking as to think you'll ever concede that). Congratulations.

    Replies: @AnonStarter



    Always a pleasure to help a troll realize his true potential.

  • I wish my readers the best of spirits and great success in 2021!
  • sher singh [AKA "Jatt Aryaa"] says:
    @Kent Nationalist
    @sher singh

    Enjoy your religion and its rituals involving sex with horses!


    Replies: @Yevardian, @sher singh, @AltanBakshi

    Enjoy your rituals involving holy prepuce and negrolatry

    Link broken boomer it’s called Ashwamedha and your ancestors did it too.

    Enjoy your ritual cannibalism and degrading European ancestors while being a ‘white nationalist’

    Among the anthropologically defined 356 contemporary societies of Euro-Asia and Africa, there is a large and significant negative correlation between Christianization (for at least 500 years) and the absence of clans and lineages; (race)

    Idk why you’re offended by western universalism being attacked. The Pagans get to poke fun at Holy Prepuce, the Christcucks can feast on it. 🤷â€â™€ï¸

    Everyone gets a stronger identity instead of this soft globohomo bs.

    Read: https://akarlin.com/2009/09/struggle-europe-mankind/

    •ï¿½Troll: Mr. Hack
  • What will it take for most white people to wake up to the growing threat of dispossession in our homelands? It is a central question facing our movement. Some answers to that question can be found in a series of first-person accounts written for American Renaissance (organized here by perspective and available here in book...
  • @Rosie

    did white women vote for Trump at the same rate as white men?
    No. He didn't give them any reason to. If the White man hadn't been the GOP's bitch for several decades, maybe they would have had to actually do something for you.

    are white women as nationalistic as white men?
    No. We're more nationalist than you.


    fuck off slag
    Caught in a lie, the misogynist screeches. Mr. McDermott, why are you bothering to moderate these comments if you're going to allow this? Just open up the thread and let us go at it.

    Replies: @Rurik, @Tony Massey

    Caught in a lie,

    what lie?

    according to your survey there, it suggests white women are more racially conscious and ethnically nationalist than white men.

    But that is contrary to everything I’ve ever glimmered, living on this rock for nearly six decades.

    Are white women more inclined to support white racialist politics- than white men?

    Do they vote for (how did you put it?) ‘nativist’ politicians and policies more than white men do?

    Or, is the truth completely different than what you and the survey are trying to suggest?

    And more to the point, if I’m convinced that white women do not vote for or support white ethno-nationalistic policies more than men do, then how is saying that (obvious) truth~ a lie?

    And if I’m simply stating what I consider to be the (obvious) truth, then by what kind of vicious and malicious motivation would you have for calling me a liar? (other than to be deliberately obnoxious)?

    You know, I don’t mind when people disagree with me. Many do, and good on them for doing so, so long as they’re participating in good faith.

    That’s my criteria for determining when someone deserves to be treated with the kind of decorum and respect that we should all aspire to here on Mr. Unz website.

    But when someone dishonestly, and relentlessly calls me a liar, when I’m obviously telling the truth, then that sort of breaks the code, so to speak, and they lose all the respect that otherwise honest and decent people are entitled to, regardless of their opinions.

    If I’m mistaken about something, (which is certainly possible) then I’m mistaken, (even tho in this case I’m not ; ), but it doesn’t mean I’m lying.

    Do you understand the (very significant) difference?

    And if you don’t, you have no business participating here on this forum, if you’re that dumb.

    But sadly, I don’t think you’re that dumb. Rather I think you feel entitled to smear, lie, mischaracterize and otherwise conduct yourself like a pernicious slag, because what I said, or how I said it, made you angry, and wrathful, and so in your state of mind, you considered your feelings all the justification you needed to dishonestly call me a liar, when you (and everybody else) knows damn well I’ve been doing nothing but telling the truth.

    •ï¿½Thanks: FLgeezer
    •ï¿½Replies: @Mike Tre

    Rosie is very good at producing statistics that support her notion of white women are the real race loyalists, the more healthy sex, the more intelligent sex, etc. However, statistics have to run at least somewhat congruent with the reality we see everyday with our own eyes, at least to some extent, doesn't it? Also, it seems statistics should at least somewhat support the natural aspects of the human condition.

    For example, most people who don't live in a cloud see the negro for what it is, a lesser intelligent being prone to poor decision making, emotional overreaction (often leading to violence) and laziness. Statistics mostly back that up.

    So when Rosie comes in with her obscure references that contradict pretty much everything we see and hear not just from media, but from the dozens/scores/hundreds of females we interact with at some degree throughout the course of our daily lives, and everything we've learned from studying the history of mankind, then of course our BS detector starts going off.

    Now Rosie is intelligent. She often has insightful things to say about many topics. Her problem is she engages in the same type of tribal virtue signaling that she herself sees minoritarians engagiing in for the benefit of their own groups. She applies blank slatism to the sexes. She does not like it when men point of some very obvious truths, that in general (yes there are exceptions, but not enough to justify feminizing every possible institution) men are better suited to build, manage, maintain, and defend our society and its infrastructure. On the other hand, women, by nature have been given the most important responsibility of all: Raising capable boys to continue building, managing, maintaining, and defending our way of life, and capable girls to continue raising more capable boys and girls.

    I and many other men here have conceded the point about the most important role woman have been given by nature. Sadly, it isn't enough for those women who feel they are entitled to more.

    FTR: voting rights should be limited to 1 vote per property owning married (that would be a man and a woman; not homosexuals) couple with at least two non-retarded biological children.

    Replies: @I'm Tyrone
  • (Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992.) Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country,...
  • @Timur The Lame

    Well, Bubi "there you go again" (Ronny Reagan). Being referred to as being a troll for a purely historical issue, which shouldn't evoke any passions at all given that all issues associated with it happened over a 100 years ago makes me wonder where your fire comes from.

    Were the great schisms in Christianity, however confusing simply a matter parties 'trolling' each other in your parlance? Quit embarrassing yourself.

    I have Ferguson's book. Truth be told I couldn't get through it. He writes like a university professor and by that I am saying he makes a book unreadable by just vomiting out charts, quotes, and borrowed conclusions to create a farrago which, like the Bible has content in it that any twit can find what they want in it if a twit took a notion to do so.

    That it has gotten "laudatory reviews" means that it is stamped "approved" and means that every court historian has officially declared that Ferguson will be invited to sing a song at their next dinner. Think incestuous fraternity.

    Here is a little tip for you. History is still politics by a different name. Remember what Orwell wrote about controlling the past. Or better yet, ask why the subject of this post, David Irving has not been accorded the same adulation and media interviews as Ferguson has? I mean they both deal with long passed events and did their respective research with the exception that Ferguson was more likely a manager of collected and collated excerpts leading to a prearranged conclusion while Irving to his immense credit actually toiled with the archives and first person interviews.

    George 'Chimp' Bush wrote a book that may interest you. It would be a Guinness record of sorts in that it would be the first time that a person who never read a book wrote one. In plain English there hasn't been a reputable history book written since the 1970's.

    OK , enough paddling. Am I to assume that you are on record as stating that the imminent Naval rivalry between Britain and Germany in the ironclad era had NO influence on Britain siding against Germany in The Great War? If so fine that is your opinion. But that is all it is. If however you say well, maybe some influence then you are a time waster.


    Replies: @fact-checker, @Skeptikal, @L.K

    Hmm, Bubi yourself!!

    Not sure I follow your logic.

    I am not a huge fan of Ferguson, but the Ferguson quote/info cited seems to me to support the contention that Britain was determined to get into a war with Germany (i.e., WW1).

    Not sure how this plays into the Irving position, but it seems to me that placing more responsibility on Britain for fanning the flames of war pre-WW1 would tend to support the gist of Irving’s contentions, or at least his general revisionist stance as to who were the true “villains” of WW2.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Timur The Lame

    So you are saying that Ferguson agrees with me? Good on him!

    , @Skeptikal

    That is what it looked like to me. Not that Ferguson "agrees with" you---Ferguson is unaware of you and your positions---but that the excerpt presented seems to present info that aligns with your position.

    So not sure why you attacked "Bubi" for presenting this info.

    Replies: @Timur The Lame
  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • @gay troll

    There is Nothing
    This statement is absurd on its face. There is not nothing: nothing does not and cannot exist. In fact there is only everything. We call it the universe. And some of us refer to the whole of everything as God. Is Yahweh the whole of everything? Obviously not. Yahweh is nothing, because Yahweh does not exist.

    So what is this Nothing you say exists? Where does it exist and how do you know about it? You say there is only dust and nothingness, this is so wrong. There is only dust and energy.

    Everything is real and nothing is not.


    (And a special fuck you to all the lurking Christian apologists. If you want to have faith in nonsense that’s fine. If you want to promote certain moral teachings that’s fine. But if you must validate your faith through fake history, and then defend that fake history because your survival depends on it, you’re not defending your faith, you’re defending a fraud.)

    Replies: @ViktorTempleton, @Dacian

    You people seem to get awfully mad when somebody proves you wrong. Debunk the miracles I have shown you, or shut up.

    •ï¿½Replies: @gay troll

    Yeah, I’m not going to watch your YouTube “miraclesâ€. I’ve witnessed a miracle or two in my life and they did not involve any blood. In fact if you were not paying attention you would never know they happened. That is the true grace of God: salvation in a pinch. Rotation on a dime. Not some ostentatious display of magic.

    Replies: @ViktorTempleton
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • Anonymous[414] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I am not white and I am racist…as other non whites are also (Most JEWS). I am a racist because I believe that the closest you are/remain to your race the higher your IQ and they usually lead more productive peaceful lives. Its good that we used the term average IQ because even among the same race there are wide differences in IQ..is it nationality? rural vrs Urban? CLASS$$?? etc. BUT I can not understand, explain, ascertain, comprehend this obsession with IQ specially among WHITE non jews in today AMERICA…the jewish/cartels had exploited blacks, hispanics, women, lgbt, etc. to their advantage wisely and obviously susccesfully (BLAMANTIFA). On teh other hand this obsession with IQ among (some) WHITES is counterproductive it furthers divides and demolishes any hope for a MULTICULTURAL MAGA NATIONALIST movement in USA… BLACKS HISPANICS ASIANS etc, are a FACT of everyday life in AMERICA today…WHITES non jews not yet understand the virtues of living “present CONCIOUSNESS” …lets remember that communism says to each according to his/her necessities and from each according to his/her labor..CAPITALISM (multicultural) must be FROM each according to hi/her condition (iq),,,from eac accodring to his capacity…CAPITALISM has the virtue f of allocating resources efficiently even LABOR,and salaries …IT follows that each individual regardless of his/her race will rise/fall according to his/her capacity (iq)…unfourtuanley JEWISH SOCIAL engineers that seek jewish supremacy use blacks, andother non whites to subvert, displace, desinetgrate. erase teh white race…BUT denying blacks (because of iq)they rightful place within a MAGA NATIONALIST MOVEMENT is not only UNproductive, misguided it is just DUMB…stupidity..

  • With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union...
  • @Schuetze
    @Ron Unz

    From the Protocols:

    "But you yourselves perfectly know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.

    But if we give nations of the world a breathing space, the moment we long for is hardly likely to ever arrive."
    Hmm. The second wave of the Spanish Flu was perfectly synchronized with Communist Revolutions across the entire planet in November 1918 - June 1919. The Covid Flu was perfectly synchronized with the "Great Reset", "Climate Crisis" and of course the "Food Revolution" of 2020.

    Nothing to see here, move along. The Protocols are a just a historically perfectly synchronized forgery .

    Replies: @Hillaire

    Indeed if they are a forgery then they are a prophetic forgery..

    also, they are often described as forgery, a forgery is merely a copy of an original, a fake also..

    the implication being that there is an original.

    •ï¿½Agree: Commentator Mike
    •ï¿½Replies: @Schuetze

    The real question here is "forgery of what". I have read that both Jacob Schiff (Russian Revolution) and Henry Morgentau (Morgentau Plan) carried their own special "versions" of the Protocols. Clearly there are various translations from various sources, but from which language and which source was "the forgery" originally written?


    "According to De Michelis the version that Nilius published in 1905 does not directly derive from the earliest known version published by Krusevan in 1903. This is evidence that there was an earlier version than Krusevan (1903)."
    "The story goes that Sergei Nilius got the document in 1897 but Okhrana learned of it and Pyotr Rachkovsky forbade him from publishing the document. In 1902 an unknown woman, probably not from Okhrana, had offered a different version of Protocols to Menshikov in April 1902 and this version had been published by Krusevan in 1903, but the Nilius version was not yet published."
    After Napoleon III had fallen, French governments included many Jews and Freemasons all the time until the world war. As Rachkovsky wanted the Franco-Russian alliance, he would not have ordered any of his men to write the Protocols, which states that minister Léon Bourgeois is a trusted agent of Judeo-Masonic Elders and implies that the document is from the time circa 1895, and he would not base the conspiracy to France. At the time London and New York were the banking centers of the world. Thus, Okhrana did not write the Protocols.
    "The Protocols are most probably based on real documents of the Paris Mizraim lodge, L’Arc en Ciel, and these documents may have been obtained around 1884, agreeing with the story how Glinka got them. But the Protocols have been worked out of these papers and the book of Maurice Joly, and the Protocols were finished around 1895."

    "Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy, was a lifelong Mason and member of the “Lodge of Mizraim†where the Protocols document originated. He was the protege of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) the head of the lodge, founder of the Alliance Israélite Universelle and a Minister in the Jewish-backed government of Leon Gambetta.

    The plot is described in the Protocols as “centuries-old.†It most likely predates “Dialogue.†Joly was well versed in the Protocols and borrowed from it to flesh out the unpopular authoritarian position of Machiavelli, which he ascribed to Napoleon III.

    Joly, who committed suicide in 1879, was in the habit of “borrowing.†He is accused of plagiarizing a popular novel by Eugene Sue, namely “Les Mystères du Paris.†(1845) Also his work is predated by another of Cremieux’s proteges, Jacob Venedy, entitled, “Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau.†(1850)

    In 1884 Mme. Justine Glinka, the daughter of a Russian General living in Paris, hired Joseph Schorst, a member of Joly’s Mizraim Lodge to obtain sensitive information. For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt."

    "Were it not for Justine Glinka, daughter of a Russian general in 1884 living in France notifying General Orgevskii in St. Petersburg,[160] who sent 2,500 francs for Justine to buy a pilfered copy of the Protocols from her assistant Joseph Schoerst, a member of the Paris Jewish Mizraim Masonic Lodge, the world may never have even known about this historically revealing document."

    "Out of them broke the ruthless and invariable orientation: exterminate all the kings and the race of the Bourbons, destroy the power of the Pope, preach freedom of peoples and found a universal republic (18). The Jews had inspired Masonic rites and secretly ran their obedience. The rite of Clermont, created in 1754, had been scattered in throughout Germany, by the outrageous Protestant pastor, the Jew of Portuguese origin Samuel Rosas. The three rites that divided the so-called Egyptian Freemasonry came from Jewish sources: the Coptic, from the Sicilian Jew Joseph Balsamo, who used the pseudonym of Count Cagliostro; the Misraïm, name of Egypt in the Bible, from the three Bedarride brothers, Jews of Avignon; the Memphis, from Samuel Honis, Jew from Cairo (19)."
    So the Misraim/Mizraim lodge was the original "source" of the Protocols, and that very same lodge was also played a significant role in the Jacobian destruction of Christian France in 1789. Yet from LAURENT GUYÉNOT we recently learnt that the Misraim cult was active back when the entire Christian Church got started with their Gospels and New Testament, or likely even hundreds or thousands of years earlier.

    Replies: @Hillaire
  • @Jack D
    @Barack Obama's secret Unz account

    The black woman assistant was fired after four months because she couldn't type or transcribe her notes accurately, which was supposed to be her job. She lost her suit completely. I don't know whether the result would be different in 2020 vs 2006 but I suspect it might. The court pointed out that Friends was a show where sexual situations were often part of the plot so if the writers couldn't discuss sex they couldn't write the show and that the woman had been warned about this going in and told her employer that she had no problem with this. Maybe if this was the writer's room for the Mr. Rogers Show it would have been different.


    The real lesson to be drawn is to never hire a black or a female because they will sue you if you try to fire them later no matter how incompetent they are.

    Replies: @Marty

    Around ‘00 a receptionist named Queen Udofia, fired by a SV architectural firm, sued for race discrimination. She had charged up a credit card shorthopped from the inter-office mailer.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Johann Ricke

    Around ‘00 a receptionist named Queen Udofia, fired by a SV architectural firm, sued for race discrimination. She had charged up a credit card shorthopped from the inter-office mailer.
    If this is the same young lady (at the time), her bio is as you might expect:


    Graduating summa cum laude as a double major in African-American Studies and philosophy, with a minor in education, Udofia hopes to pursue a career in law. With her extensive list of achievements, which include becoming a UCLA School of Law Fellow and, most recently named UCLA’s Senior of the Year, Udofia is well on her way to rising to the top of the legal community and becoming a great role model for future Bruins.
  • I wish my readers the best of spirits and great success in 2021!
  • Yevardian says:
    @Kent Nationalist
    @sher singh

    Enjoy your religion and its rituals involving sex with horses!


    Replies: @Yevardian, @sher singh, @AltanBakshi

    It feels to me there’s a recurrent pattern of Indians online insulting Europeans and championing their supposed superiority, only to get extremely angry and butthurt when they’re inevitably destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC.
    It’s odd, because you don’t see Chinese, Turks or even the Arab world so obsessively engaging in such aggressive online behaviour, presumably because they have or had real achievements. When was the last genuinely indigenous significant Indian civilisation? The Guptas? The Cholas? Practically in antiquity anyway.

    Ð’Ñе равно, Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ годом

    •ï¿½Replies: @sher singh

    What am I butt hurt about & it's funny how you make Dharmic V Abrahamic into Indian V European.

    Can genetic white trash only see things in racial terms?

    Anyway, you're Armenian you genocided your Hindus in the name of Christ god now he rebukes you।।

    , @The Spirit of Enoch Powell

    It’s odd, because you don’t see Chinese, Turks or even the Arab world so obsessively engaging in such aggressive online behaviour
    Did you miss out on the KARA BOÄžA meme?

    Arabs merely wish for death upon Europe, while crying about Islamophobia and burning French goods (after they have paid money for them) in protest.

    The Chinese are nicely sequestered behind their Great Wall.
    , @EldnahYm

    Indians are more argumentative than those other groups. It's not an entirely bad quality, though people are often annoyed by it.
    , @Beckow

    Indians don't like themselves or India. They are angry about who they are, where they live, and the fact that nothing can ever change it. (There is some injustice in it if you want to be open-minded.) It is like the unfairness of some people being smart, others stupid, some tall, others short, ugly or good-looking - those are unfair, in a sense that they are true and permanent.

    The condition of being an Indian is also permanent. Indians know that they can push their way into the West, learn the language and mores, and yet they are still Indian, they will not shake that. It drives them berserk with anger, and when you push an Indian it comes out. They are living in a state of permanent suppressed hatred towards anything white, Christian or European. One wonders who were the geniuses in the West who thought that mass migration from South Asia was just the thing the already wobbly Western civilisation needed. I think it's too late now.

    Happy 2021 !!!!
    (The first full post-collapse year. Now for the consequences.)

    Replies: @sher singh, @Yevardian
    , @Cato

    Actually, the most recent significant Indian civilization was "co-produced" (an Elinor-Ostrom-ism) with us Anglos: Silicon Valley. Who is the CEO of Alphabet? of Microsoft? Who, in every engineering school in the US, is considered to have their shit most together? From which country does the largest stream of H-visa holders come to usurp our jobs? Admire or resent, you must admit that Indians are having a major impact, and a positive one, measured in quality of output produced.

    Replies: @EldnahYm, @Tor597, @Yevardian
    , @AltanBakshi

    If Mughals dont count, because of Islam, then the Marathas in the 18th century?

    But are then Christian civilizations of Europe genuinely European? Islam has longer history in Pakistan than Christianity has in Nordic countries.

    Replies: @Yevardian
    , @Morton's toes

    In one of the Gurdjieff transcripts somebody asked him about yoga and he dismissed all yoga and all Indian product--the British have utterly destroyed that once-great country and there is nothing of any value left in it whatsoever. (not an exact quote; it has been awhile since I read it and large swaths of his alcohol inspired monologues got written down so I am not sure how heartily he subscribed to it.)
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @Ghali
    @Temporary Insanity

    What is your evidence, you dirty racist maron?

    Replies: @Georgia, @Temporary Insanity

    I think he was being sarcastic….

  • Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary...
  • Anonymous[386] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Majority of One

    You sure have a large vocabulary for someone with little use for it.
    You want to bask in " indigenous spiritual wisdom"? Go run around the woods with some Pygmy savages looking for some rats to eat.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Majority of One

    > Go run around the woods

    Why are you desert-cultist in such rebellion against mother nature’s trees? You despise any indigenous—i.e., native/nationalist—religion, including the White man’s. The White man used to worship his native gods among a blessed grove of trees, at least until jew-addled globalistinternationalist missionaries cut them down.

    Painting source: ABC News, 2016

    Yet the symbol of the White man’s indigenous religion lives inside your living room (unless your wife took it down early.) Repent, White man, before you die in thrall to a foreign middle-eastern desert Rabbi. Hug a tree today, like all of your native ancestors did before being conquered by jewish fanaticism. You can again be as loyal as a holy fir through the winter of our discontent.

    ♫ O Tannenbaum 🎄 O Tannenbaum, how loyal are your needles! ♪

    •ï¿½Replies: @anon

    christmas tree origin


    Replies: @ViktorTempleton
  • @Garliv

    I find it extremely odd that he gets Bible and accompanying theology wrong but somehow seek to convince Christians that their beliefs are inadequate and therefore an alternative should be found. How? To me, the type of Christianity he is arguing against does not exist. Virgin birth and Jesus's death and resurrection cannot be understood in total isolation from anything else in the Bible. To do so leads to error and confusion of what Christianity is all about

    Replies: @Majority of One

    Such ignorance. Viktor, you don’t appear to even understand the difference between pedophilia and pederasty, to say nothing of ephebephilia. Any fully sexual relationships between adults and pre-pubescent children can be quite damaging to the latter, both physically and psychologically. This may not be the case with horny adolescents.

    However, the blackmailing regime commencing with the self-hating drag-queen J. Edna Hoover and more recently with hundreds of prostiticians, ranking military officers and others sucked into their dragnets by the likes of Epstein, the Maxwells and Wexner; those very prostiticians were drawn into passing legislation where adolescents were infantilized under both state and federal laws. That made things very easy for the likes of the Mossad and the CIA to keep their marks in line and ensure the parades to prison on the part of those who might be considered as “collateral damage”.

    Up until very recent times, historically, the last hundred years at most, teens were generally treated as adults in even this deeply corrupted culture. Adolescent-adult relationships of all types were commonplace throughout the Western experience—some of them included a sexual side. Generally, but not exclusively they were samesex. However, within my own family background, my 20 Y.O. grandfather married my grandmother when she was 15 and bore her first child before her 16th birthday. Nowadays, that’s highly frowned upon within our infantilizing nanny-culture.

    Both during the American Revolution and the Civil War, man-youth relationships appear from the historical record to have been quite commonplace. Teenage guys are besotted with libidinal energy. In France, many married women are delighted to cater to horny young studs. Generally, their husbands also have mistresses, so their relationships totter along.

    From what I recall of the U.S. between the late 60’s and mid to late 80’s was that with the advent of the Pill, teen boys and girls were happily getting it on. Not many years later divorce rates skyrocketed. Any connection there? Early indulgence between the sexes within the same age group is highly contra-cultural. Once they start sleeping around serially, young people have a difficult time adjusting to faithful marriages.

    Though Gore Vidal may have had some Jewish ancestry on his paternal side, that does not appear to be the case among his matrilineal Gores. To the best of my knowledge the man never identified as Jewish. So it appears yours judgementality is showing just a bit. That’s a rather commonplace affliction among the JudieChristies.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ViktorTempleton
    @Majority of One

    So you don't like Christianity because you want to have sex with teenage boys? I figured as much. You've already lost the first fight.


    Replies: @Majority of One
  • @Rich

    Whether in some cases Christians learned from past civilizations, or "stole" wise ideas from them, doesn't matter. The point that you, and Mr Guyonet, miss, is that as Christians, the White race ruled the world and reached their highest accomplishments. As the West has abandoned Christianity, it has begun. to fall. Only by returning to its Christian roots can the White race secure the future for its children.

    Replies: @Corvinus, @showmethereal

    ” is that as Christians, the White race ruled the world and reached their highest accomplishments”

    Except that goes against everything said in the gospels and the epistles…. “supposing that godliness is a way of gain”… that leads to many dangerous and hurtful lusts…
    Heed the words of the Messiah “the last will be first and the first will be last”. There are many good reasons to return to the scriptures – but power and might are NOT the reasons

    •ï¿½Replies: @Rich

    Okay, but the fact remains then when Whites were faithful Christians, their people ruled the world. I'm not pretending to have all the answers, but that's the historical record. The only conclusion I can reach is that Christianity has something to do with the rise of the European people. And that as we have abandoned our Faith, we have begun to fall.

    Replies: @Laurent Guyénot, @Laurent Guyénot
  • Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites...
  • @G J T
    How many times can Jared Taylor rehash the same analysis without naming the 800 pound sewer rat in the room? I have heard every argument and cope imaginable as to why deliberate avoidance of the J word isn’t necessarily an indictment on the person’s honesty, integrity, usefulness, etc. Every one is some variation of optics cucking, ceding ground to the enemy, and trying to bide time we simply don’t have. Granted, for some it may just be a blind spot, but those types tend to fall somewhere other than the explicitly racialist dissident-right on the ideological spectrum. Jared Taylor is already deplatformed and marked forever as a Nazi, white supremacist, anti-Semite extremist and so trying to play nice with the Jews is just inexcusable. I can’t even bring myself to read the man’s articles in full, it’s just maddening to do so.

    American society tells blacks from the day they’re born that they are just as smart and hard-working as white people, and that they are poorer and more likely to be in jail only because white people grind them down

    No, Jared, American society does not tell them this. Jewish media, Jewish academics, Jewish activists, Jewish supremacist groups, and all other manner of Jewish-controlled entities tell them this. American society is dragged along as a helpless hostage, and unfortunately many of them have chosen to join the chorus in the interest of survival and acceptance. American society, or the last remnants of it, do not lend their voice to encouraging black victimhood and anti-white hatred. What can still be considered American society has literally zero influence over the direction of the country and therefore plays no part in the incitement of blacks except sitting by helplessly since they have no other choice.

    Jared Taylor and all the other dissident-right personalities who refuse to name the Jew are in a futile struggle to cure a disease by only addressing the symptoms. Blacks are a problem that can only be addressed when the Jewish problem is dealt with. And the same goes for mass immigration, social degradation, homotransindustrial complex, economic parasitism, and on and on and on. All of these societal ills are symptoms of a problem JT steadfastly avoids as if his life depended on it.

    Truthfully, I have very little animosity towards blacks. I don’t particularly want to live near them, nor do I want my children around theirs, but prior to the Jewish civil rights movement we got along with blacks relatively peacefully. Despite their low IQ, low impulse control and high time preference, there was order, and interracial conflict was mostly avoidable. Jews changed that, and it is almost exclusively Jews who are agitating blacks to this day. Certainly the blacks that are out of control need to be dealt with, but sharing a country with a limited number of them is still not impossible if Jews are completely removed from the picture. Even if you believe the damage is done and sharing a country will never again be tenable, focusing on the black problem while ignoring the Jewish problem will yield precisely zero results. Might as well just become a conservative or check out on political activism altogether, since both are equally ineffective and will spare you a whole lot of aggravation and stress in the process.

    To hold racialist and anti-Zionist positions and dance around the JQ, if not done in pure dishonesty and disingenuousness, implies such breathtaking cognitive dissonance and logical contradiction that it boggles the mind. Jared Taylor is an intelligent man with immense knowledge, so whatever his explanation would be for this aversion, we can be sure it’s not holding contradictory opinions or simple cognitive dissonance. I don’t expect every writer and commentator on the DR to go full Nazi, but there is a difference between appealing to a wide audience with a certain decorum, and pandering to the point of compromising your cause. There is being thoughtful and eloquent in how you approach controversial subjects, as the JQ is, and continuing to play by the rules your enemy has already trapped you in. Unfortunately JT and AR fall unequivocally in the latter category.

    The natural progression of this journey inevitably leads to the JQ, one way or another. Stopping short of there and permanently setting up camp in a comfortable position means you’re doomed to fail. Should we achieve victory over the regime of Jewish supremacy it will be because of the people on the DR who were uncompromising, consistent and fearless in their approach, unwilling to give an inch to the enemy who seeks to destroy us. Regardless of how many sympathetic individuals are brought into the fold by such an approach, victory will not come at the hands of those who make placating the enemy a focal point of their program. I would have thought that at this stage of the game, especially for those of us who have been in DR politics for years and longer, there would no longer be any illusions or misunderstandings about this.

    I will beat the dead horse for as long as it takes. There are no longer any other options.

    Replies: @Jimmy1969, @Tom Rogers, @Not Only Wrathful, @Oemiktlob

    You hit the nail on the head.

  • What will it take for most white people to wake up to the growing threat of dispossession in our homelands? It is a central question facing our movement. Some answers to that question can be found in a series of first-person accounts written for American Renaissance (organized here by perspective and available here in book...
  • @Rurik

    Your claim that White women are omnipotent is particularly risible
    another one!

    don't you idiots realize that every word I wrote is right here on this thread?

    saying white women are omnipotent would be the height of idiocy, and so that's why you (also) dishonestly mischaracterize what I said.

    Look, if you have a point, then just make it. You don't need to come off like a harridan with a battle axe, in order to show us all how 'smart' white women can be.

    like the petulant child you are.
    'creep, petulant child'.

    Thank God you're not representative of women, (white or otherwise), as the human species would flatline in a generation.

    because women demand to be Marines and firemen

    Meanwhile, here on planet Earth,

    are you suggesting that a majority of white women don't think women should be in combat?

    or, are you just continuing with your tiresome ogress impression?

    A little math to show how stupid and irrational your hatred of women is:
    ahh, I was too kind in referring to you as an ogress. That's unfair to ogresses everywhere.

    Rather, you're a putrid skank and a lying POS.

    For the record, (and I'm not talking to the skank here) I simply wondered out loud whether or not giving women the vote has resulted in a more liberal trajectory for the Western world.

    It's not a slight against women, (ugly slags like Rosie notwithstanding ; ), because women are generally beautiful souls.

    I just think they're more naturally compassionate than men, and that was my only point.

    then somehow Rosie comes along to call me creepy


    Replies: @John Johnson, @Rosie

    saying white women are omnipotent would be the height of idiocy, and so that’s why you (also) dishonestly mischaracterize what I said.

    When I said that White women are as opposed to affirmative action as White men, you said:

    If that were true, there’d be no affirmative action.

    In other words, White women get what we want.

    are you suggesting that a majority of white women don’t think women should be in combat?

    A huge majority of men and women (73% and 76%, respectively) support women in combat roles, if they so desire. But therein lies the problem with your argument. Hardly any actually want these jobs, even among those who are already in the military!

    This is a big fat nothing burger. There have always been exceptional women who engage in gender-atypical activities. With so few volunteering, it’s safe to assume that these are indeed exceptional women. Whether fitness standards should be changed to accommodate women is another question.


    I simply wondered out loud

    Lol my achin’ sides! The dispassionate scholar routine, again.

    I just think they’re more naturally compassionate than men, and that was my only point.

    Indeed, and that’s precisely why depriving women of the franchise would be a terrible idea. We need safe, humane prisons, provision for the elderly, wage and hour protections, child labor laws, etc.

    Of course, there is certainly such a thing as too much of a good thing, and you’d definitely have too much compassion with an all-female electorate, but noone is suggesting that men be disenfranchised. The beauty of complementarity is that we balance each other out. As the ideal home includes both a mother and a father, so the ideal electorate includes both men and women.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Rurik

    When I said that White women are as opposed to affirmative action as White men, you said:
    If that were true, there’d be no affirmative action.
    In other words, White women get what we want.
    not quite

    they get gender affirmative action, because they made a devil's bargain with Jewish supremacy, to go along with racial affirmative action- so long as they too can get their unearned benefits from the bargain too.

    But that is hardly calling white women "omnipotent', which is ridiculous. So why would you (dishonestly) suggest that I said something so patently ridiculous, unless it was intended as a smear?

    If blacks get what they want vis-a-vis affirmative action, does that make them 'omnipotent"?

    Only a fool would suggest such a thing. And only a dishonest person would put those words in someone's mouth, in order to discredit them.

    There is a certain de rigueur here, where misquoting is considered a most unseemly gaucherie. I'd advise against the practice.

    But therein lies the problem with your argument. Hardly any actually want these jobs, even among those who are already in the military!

    but my argument is against the rationality of the policy, not the actual number of women serving.

    Even if none were serving, my argument would be the same, vs. 'theirs'; that women and girls should not be put in harms way by a sane society. A nation or tribe fights to protect their women folk. Only the worst cowardly cretins on the planet would send their women to fight and die (or worse) so that they could stay safe and cozy, as their womenfolk and girls absorbed the bullets.

    This is a big fat nothing burger.
    It goes to the heart of the sanity and moral health of a nation/civilization.

    There have always been exceptional women who engage in gender-atypical activities

    Indeed. And if they can muster the wherewithal, then I'd have no problem with letting women play in the NFL, or anywhere else they can prove they're up to the standards. Even as firefighters, or what have you. If they are up to the standards. But I wouldn't send women to fight men with guns, as a matter of principle.

    [women are] more naturally compassionate than men
    Indeed, and that’s precisely why depriving women of the franchise would be a terrible idea. We need safe, humane prisons, provision for the elderly, wage and hour protections, child labor laws, etc.

    Of course, there is certainly such a thing as too much of a good thing, and you’d definitely have too much compassion with an all-female electorate, but noone is suggesting that men be disenfranchised. The beauty of complementarity is that we balance each other out. As the ideal home includes both a mother and a father, so the ideal electorate includes both men and women.

    Thoughtful, tempered, well-considered, and on point.

    I'm at a loss over here.

    To your point, perhaps so.

    I really don't know the answer, I was just more or less asking out loud what others thought.

    And really, it's all completely academic. Women are not going to lose the vote in the West, unless or until Islam or some such less 'enlightened' people become ascendant, which seems inevitable at this point.

    And in the spirit of your last paragraphs, I'll now wish you and Carolyn a very Happy New Year.

    Replies: @GeneralRipper
    , @Tony Massey

    I'm just saying, Rosie, i really believe in the effectiveness of women in a combat environment.
    I served with a number of women. I had 3 in the command at one time along the way.
    I really think women should stay out of actual trigger pulling duty.
    Notaltogether mind is. Sure, gals, pull that trigger.
    But, no, you have to stay out of actual combat arms.

    Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not ever gonna agree to a woman commanding in the field under fire.
    In all due respect.
    But, right, sure, i completely agree with ya.
  • (Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992.) Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country,...
  • Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @Colin Wright

    The aristocratic and upper middle class did not do too well either. It is striking how bad WW1 generals were, their tactics not keeping pace with technology and huge slaughter among their troops was the result.

    Replies: @Colin Wright

    ‘The aristocratic and upper middle class did not do too well either. It is striking how bad WW1 generals were, their tactics not keeping pace with technology and huge slaughter among their troops was the result.’

    There may have also been a simple problem with coordinating and controlling such huge masses — particularly given that the shelling was going to promptly destroy what ability there was to control those masses. I believe it was Loos that first clearly demonstrated this inability to find out what the hell was happening and respond appropriately — but maybe it was some other early slaughter.

    Largely, German infiltration tactics can be seen as a solution to this. ‘We’re not going to be able to tell you what to do next — so here’s how you decide for yourself and keep going.’

    But that took several years to come up with. Equally to the point, it went directly against the European tradition of very rigidly controlled masses of perfectly drilled troops doing exactly as they were told — although the Prussians had begun emphasizing initiative among their junior commanders back in 1866-70.

    But more generally, the First World War presented the spectacle of huge and unwieldy masses of men lurching forward clumsily into devastating artillery and machine-gun fire, coming to a halt, and then not getting told what to do next. Put that way, it becomes more of a problem of technology and communication than of the individual inadequacy of the commanders.

  • I wish my readers the best of spirits and great success in 2021!
  • https://www.rt.com/news/511261-canada-minister-resigns-lockdown/

    The hypocrisy of it all. Everyone went on vacation during this “crisis”. Vacations are, after all, essential travel. The internet needs to regress back to 2005 days. Its empowering plebs to stay in full-retard mode.