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I’m Literally Irish. I Can Say Whatever I Want About Peasants.
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They were freer than you. They worked fewer hours and the King was not allowed to show up at their houses and measure the length of their swords.

Previously: Tfw No One Told You Peasants are Peasants

People don’t want to hear the word “peasant,” as if it is some kind of nasty pejorative. What word are you supposed to use for the masses of people who make decisions based on something other than reality-based information?

What do you call people who believe that “trans kids deserve dignity” or that Trump is going to do mass deportations with an app? What word would you prefer I use?

They are peasants. That’s what they’re called. That’s what they’ve always been called. It is a group of people, the mass of people, who have simple drives and are not capable of complex critical or analytical thought.

For the record, I am Irish. I do not have patrician sensibilities. I am into grilled cheese, sex tourism, and jet skis. I listen to AC/DC. I support violence on principle, even if it serves no purpose. If black people are fighting outside a strip club for literally no reason, I start hooting.

I have taken professionally administered IQ tests, so I know where I sit, but I am a very humble man, and I don’t think I’m better than anyone (except Indians). I am not passing judgement. I am not insulting the peasantry, and in fact, I believe more capable people have a duty to protect them and provide them with lives of dignity. People who have an emotional response to the use of the word “peasant” are just emotional peasants.

But the peasantry exists. The majority of people cannot be reached with reality-based information, and must instead be appealed to with emotional materials.

You are not going to somehow convince the 90% of the population that has no interest in facts to look at the facts and make decisions based on the facts, and the people still trying to do that are actually insane. The only thing you could sway them with is an emotional appeal (which was the original goal of the Daily Stormer before the censorship made it impossible for it to reach anyone who wasn’t looking for it).

“Liberté, égalité, fraternité” failed. Actually, it’s the worst failure ever.

If you could have a discussion about the Jews, lay out all of the facts without irate lunatics screaming emotional slogans at you and claiming you are metaphysically evil for examining data, all of those capable of reality-based thinking would say “yeah, you’re right, we’re going to have to do something about these people.” Instead, we have a situation in this country where it is possible for Jews to make the argument that they are both the wealthiest and most powerful group in the world and also the most oppressed, and, from there, that they are being oppressed by Gazan infants and their only recourse is to burn them alive. And people take this seriously. Who takes it seriously? Only the peasants. No one engaged in reality-based thinking would take something like this seriously; it is drooling retard nonsense. But the Jews are able to charge it up with emotion, and the peasants will slurp it down like a delicious chocolate milkshake in the parking lot of UDF.

It used to be the happiest place on earth

The issue is genetic. That is a demonstrable fact. Intelligent people have intelligent children and intelligent people tend to marry one another.

We have now had 150 years of democracy, this attempt to raise the peasants out of the dredges and up into the realm of the enlightened, and there has thus far been zero progress. It is less than zero progress. Far from the advent of the middle class raising the peasantry into the ranks of the enlightened patrician, the peasants are getting dumber the more pampered they are.

It’s like the old saying goes: “Give a peasant a fish and he’ll eat it. Give a peasant a boat and he’ll go to some filthy manmade lake and drive it around in circles while wasted on Coors Light.”

I should add that I think social mobility and meritocracy are fundamental goods, especially in comparison to an exclusively blood-based class system. This is something closer to what many of the Founding Fathers were pushing for, which is why they formed a democratic republic, but limited who was allowed to vote, explicitly preventing the enfranchisement of the peasantry while also providing a clear ladder for those born into the peasantry to climb their way out. This is significantly better than the ancient aristocratic system, but the ancient aristocratic system is infinitely better than universal suffrage. Universal suffrage democracy has failed, and maybe the system of the Founding Fathers was always going to devolve into this, which would mean that the historic aristocratic system is the only viable option.

Imagine if you had a 150-year-long program to teach dogs how to talk, and there were still no talking dogs, and the primary issue of discussion in society was how we needed more money to develop more advanced methods for teaching dogs how to talk.

This isn’t reasonable. In fact, it is pathological.

Mitch McConnell, as well as many others among the most powerful in government, often have approval ratings below 20%. Some of these “woke” policies that were forced down everyone’s throats by the government and media had less than 10% popular support. The will of the people is not being represented, because the masses of people are incapable of engaging the system in the way that supporters of democracy imagine they should be able to engage it. What you end up with, in a democracy, is a minority of people controlling the majority of people and enforcing their will on them. That is, the same thing you had in an aristocracy. It’s just that in an aristocracy, the elite typically felt some kind of compassion for the peasantry, and further, everyone knew who was in charge, and if the elite got out of control, the peasantry knew who to riot against, whose heads to put on stakes. So in an authoritarian system, there is an actual, working system of checks and balances.

In a modern universal suffrage democracy, no one has any idea who is responsible for anything. Further, if leaders are so hated that they are forced to resign, they are very easily replaced by people bought and paid for by the exact same interests. New leaders can just be slotted in, while the people behind the scenes, who actually run the mechanism of state, remain unchanged.

Democracy is the worst system imaginable, and it will always devolve into the most aggressive form of tyranny, which is what has happened in the modern West. The peasantry obviously does not like the situation, but they have no recourse, and if they complain, they are told to vote. But the system of voting is completely controlled by emotional appeals, perfected in a laboratory setting by the financial interests that own the politicians.

There is no way to fix the system. At this point, the only plausible solution to the Western empire is for the empire to overextend, to collapse internally, and to be replaced with some form of despotism. That is not ideal, obviously. But there is no other path out of this corner we’ve been boxed into by democracy.

This is all very obvious. I am not saying anything here that is not right in front of everyone’s faces. The problem is that people who should know better – smart people – have a religious devotion to the concept of universal suffrage democracy, because they have a mystical belief in the nobility of the peasantry. Peasants are not nobles. If they were nobles, they would be called “nobles” and not “peasants.”

When I see people who believe in democracy lamenting that the peasants don’t care about the facts, it makes me sick. They appear to be insane. I used Caitlin Johnstone as an example of someone doing this because she came across my feed doing this. I didn’t mean to target her specifically, and I do generally appreciate her work. But I would challenge her or anyone else who believes in democracy to a debate on how exactly you are going to convince the 90ish percent of the population that has no interest in facts to be concerned about facts.

I know Johnstone bans anyone who uses the word “Jew” in her comments section, so I’d be happy to put it in writing that I will only speak of “Zionists” during our debate, and never say the word “Jew.” This issue is only tangentially related to the Jews anyway. It’s a question of human nature, which existed long before Jews took over Western civilization. It just so happens that the situation was very good for the Jews, as they are the ultimate experts at manipulating the peasantry.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. despite their intentions the elites aren’t entirely wrong when they talk about whittling down the human population to millions

    •�Agree: Sharonbaron, meamjojo
    •�Disagree: Rich
    •�Troll: Tallest Skil
  2. Mustardoe says:

    Reality can be brutal, so people ignore facts because it helps them get through life. Look at the EU leadership or rather listen to them. They sound insane to me. They cannot come to grips with the fact that Russia has won the war against NATO and the US. They just cannot accept it. Trump and his little band of gallopers cannot accept it either. Instead, they pretend they actually matter when they don’t. So, it isn’t just the peasants, it’s also the elites who indulge in fact ignoring. In fact, I think it’s just human nature to ignore facts. As a matter of fact, I think we all do it to some degree.

    •�Agree: Bumpkin
  3. Most of the most educated people in the world advocated and took the COVID-19 Jab. You couldn’t have prevented them doing with this with mountains of peer reviewed independent scientific studies. How are these people smarter than anyone on the lower economic strata?

    Anyway, there is a world of difference between intelligence and wisdom. It’s something you have no clue about with your high IQ and your depraved humor and lifestyle. Wisdom is knowing God’s law. It is submitting your life to Jesus in all things you do. This what the socalled peasants have always tried to do since the inception of Christianity. This is the true meaning of the word peasant and why they have always been looked down upon with disdain.

    The rabble you describe are just carbon copies of the elites of the world sans 50 points in IQ.

    •�Agree: Mosafer Hastam
    •�Replies: @don't care
  4. SteveK9 says:

    You want rule by elites but then argue that is what we already have. The logic escapes me. The problem is that our elites (largely Jews) are rotten. So, how do you get a better class of elites? That comes from the culture, but changing that for the better seems like a very lengthy if not hopeless endeavor.

    The idea that rule by Kings and/or Aristocracy was better, is not very well supported by History.

  5. I don’t think I’m better than anyone (except Indians).

    Dot, Feather or both?

    As for Johnstone, she is rather thin skinned and bans on anything that might embarrass her; as for banning for the use of the J-word, one might be forgiven for thinking Johnstone is controlled opposition.

    •�Replies: @Eustace Tilley (not)
  6. Winston Churchill is often quoted as saying, “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others.” This implies that democracy is be-all and end-all of political systems. Don’t complain, folks, this is as good as it gets!

    What Churchill actually said is “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” Those last four words change the meaning completely, as the implication is that we haven’t tried everything and there may well be a better system out there just waiting to be instituted. Perhaps one day we will live under such a system. If so, it certainly won’t be because anyone capable of fogging a mirror voted for it.

  7. Anonymous[341] •�Disclaimer says:

    The really momentous question for England, as a nation, is the presence of three sections of the Celtic race still on her soil : the Caledonian, or Gael ; the Cymbri, or Welsh ; and the Irish, or Erse ; and how to dispose of them. The Caledonian Celt touches the end of his career ; they are reduced to about one hundred and fifty thousand; the Welsh Celts are not troublesome, but might easily become so ; the Irish Celt is the most to be dreaded.

    The Races of Men: A Fragment –
    Robert Knox · 1850

    •�Replies: @JPS
  8. Piffle says:

    My half American mother claimed she was Irish. She was really Scot-Irish, a group that had a stop over and few intermarriages in north Ireland before coming here. If the “Irish” family tree was here before about 1860 or so and seems to have a lot of Protestant Bibles around, it’s not that part of the Irish who celebrates St. Patrick’s day.
    Unfortunately, there’s no more Scot-Irish/English thing to do than to co-opt a (romantic) Irish identity, because “peasant” is absolutely not okay in their cultures.
    Meanwhile real peasants without social ambitions are universally suspicious of the agenda of the elites at all times. Maybe I can’t get the average Dollywood attendee to fly a Palestinian flag. Maybe they can’t explain their position well. Maybe they’ve been convinced by a charismatic pastor that to bless Israel is to bless themselves. The vast majority still don’t want to go to war for Israel. It’s a far away, dumb conflict over a tiny piece of desert.
    It is pretty elite trait however to show contempt the mass of humanity. I can agree that “democracy” which we don’t have is not a good idea. Joining the peasantry spiritually is not be impressed with the “nobles” either.

  9. JPS says:

    The really momentous question for England, as a nation, is the presence of three sections of the Celtic race still on her soil : the Caledonian, or Gael ; the Cymbri, or Welsh ; and the Irish, or Erse ; and how to dispose of them. The Caledonian Celt touches the end of his career ; they are reduced to about one hundred and fifty thousand; the Welsh Celts are not troublesome, but might easily become so ; the Irish Celt is the most to be dreaded.

    Religious bigotry masked by racialism or is it personal aversion and fear? A clan based tribal society produces a different personality type that the Anglo finds unsettling.

    All an Irishman has to do is scream in a dudgeon and the Anglo must invariably cower in fear.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  10. @Solemn Balderdash

    Your handle suits you.

    Wisdom is understanding gained by personal experience. That’s not something one magically gets by knowing “god’s law” or bowing down to jeebs.

    •�Replies: @Solemn Balderdash
  11. “The issue is genetic. That is a demonstrable fact. Intelligent people have intelligent children and intelligent people tend to marry one another.”
    Unfortunately, I have to partially disagree. Most men may be clever guys in everyday life, but their choice of partner is based on other criteria. Let’s put it this way, the decision about a new car is more carefully considered than the decision about who to tie the knot with. In my observation, only intelligent mothers have intelligent children. Don’t get me wrong: Women with an ivy-league degree rarely have biological offspring because they realise too late what is important in life. Men, on the other hand, know this instinctively: the partner should be young and good-looking (= physically healthy), then there is a chance of having a lot of physically healthy children. This approach has proven itself over hundreds of thousands of years, so the issue is of course genetic.

  12. eyeaye says:

    just to quote a mobster from cleveland, “hey I like this guy”, let me get this about the peasant thing, if you give an elitist some caviar he’ll eat it, and if you give him/her/? a yacht, well you know.

  13. Rich says:

    The peasants are the people rejecting tans surgeries, rejecting unfettered immigration, rejecting affirmative action, short prison sentences and ladyboy leaders. I agree with Orwell that “if there’s hope, it lies with the Proles”. It’s the wealthy, for the most part, that have trans kids and homosexual sons and daughters. The peasants are the good guys. I’m with Captain Daniel Shays, not General Benjamin Lincoln.

    •�Agree: Huabinbllsht
    •�Replies: @Saggy
    , @Cloudwalker
  14. democracy is the worst system imaginable, and it will always devolve into the most aggressive form of tyranny, which is what has happened in the modern West.” – quite correct. So what is the alternative? Theocratic democracy. Now, this is not an oxymoron, the theocratic part simply means somethings cannot be accepted in the society, regardless of what the majority want or don’t want: for example, anything that is a threat to the traditional family (eg lgbtq+ lifestyle; no invading other nations unless in self defence,etc). In short, the government policy/policies should be guided by the moral teachings of the religion brought by Jesus (AS). The democratic part- vote for those you believe will best follow Jesus (AS).

  15. “as they are the ultimate experts at manipulating the peasantry.” They’re manipulating just everyone, because they’ve got the means to do so. How come? Because whoever refuses to earn their money with honest labour has enough time at hand to study those fools who are engaged in productive work day after day. They know people’s strengths and weaknesses, they know the sensitive issues and emotional trigger points. Our invisible world government (‘those who must not be named’) also control currencies and financial flows; now they are about to bleed us financially dry. As they also control the flow of information, they make up narratives and determine what are facts and what are lies. However, since the invention of the internet and the rise of social media, they have lost some control, so it is mandatory for them to re-establish supremacy over the ‘truth’ with the tool of state-imposed censorship.

    •�Agree: Thomasina
  16. “People don’t want to hear the word “peasant,” as if it is some kind of nasty pejorative. What word are you supposed to use for the masses of people who make decisions based on something other than reality-based information?”

    Okay, Okay AG I’ll change my handle to “eurolord”.

    I feel better already. Not wealthier but better. No, I’m not the black guy on facebook calling himself Eurolord.

    Signed “eurolord”

    •�Replies: @JPS
  17. The issue is genetic. That is a demonstrable fact. Intelligent people have intelligent children and intelligent people tend to marry one another.

    Good grief. Anglin is either incredibly naive or impossibly stupid. European aristocracy interbred and produced legions of degenerates and retards. The Windsors of the UK are a perfect example of the end game of aristocracy. They can barely recruit women outside the extended family to serve as brood mares. Would any of you take a hill for these idiots?

  18. @don't care

    As does yours.

    I don’t know why people like you hate Jews so much when you have so much in common. You both are pinhead, racial supremacists that hate God and think you know better.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  19. @The Alarmist

    Anglin means “dot”. He is upset by all the hungry Dots coming to Silicon Valley on H1-B visas as de facto indentured servants, lowering wages for native (not “feather”) Americans. And Dot Vivek is quite mistaken on this issue.

    Please read the excellent essay “India: It’s Worse Than You Think” still available on this website, thanks to the grace of the actual aristocrat Ron Unz.

    If we include Pakistan in the term “India” (as we should when speaking of the Indian character in general), we can only conclude that India is a mess. Even if we exclude Pakistan, we can only conclude that India is a mess.

    A few years ago, a mob of Hindus tore down a centuries-old mosque (illegally, but the government did nothing) to erect an expensive Hindu temple to Lord Ram on the site. They just love tribal conflict.

  20. DanFromCT says:

    Why do so many Jews passionately hate the Irish? Consider the mystery movies so popular during the 1930s and 40s. Hollywood’s Ashkenazis portrayed scientist, judges, doctors and the like as squat Jews like themselves, usually complete with Yiddish accent and rudeness being passed off as genius, while the Irish were almost invariably portrayed as blockheaded cops incapable of solving the case without superior Chinese or Jewish intellectual guidance, which at any time in history is an inversion of the advance from the latter’s primitive tribalism to universalist civilization.

    •�Replies: @don't care
    , @ganainm
  21. Now Anglin has decided he is “Irish”, “literally”. In other words, he has been watching Hollywood Jew content his whole life, and still does, and Hollywood always boosts the Irish, so Anglin has decided “if it is good enough for Hollywood it is good enough for me, so now I am Irish. Literally.”

  22. Anonymous[330] •�Disclaimer says:

    The man simply hated White people. In his youth he whined about Boers oppressing darkies. He paid people to kill the White peasantry for him to get more corpses to play with. Everyone hated him while he scurried away until he finally choked.

    It’s one of many examples of Saxon scum. Shifting blame onto Anglos lets them leave laughing all the way to the bank with their tribesmen.

  23. @DanFromCT

    >the 1930s and 40s

    Yeah well that sure changed. Be sure to get wasted on your saint “paddy” day, goy. Whooo!

    *celebrates their shit culture*
    *makes endless films about the poor oppressed blacks irish*
    *packs ur government with millions of white-hating micks*
    *breeds with them*

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  24. DanFromCT says:
    @don't care

    You need help with your psychotic hatred of the Irish, but you know that well enough based on your emotionally incontinent comment. You must be one heck of a mess in person.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  25. ganainm says:

    It’s bizarre why the jews hate the Irish. Various Israeli politicians have been openly boasting recently that they will send millions of Palestinian refugees to Ireland. They gloat that this move will destroy Ireland. Very provocative stuff, almost as if they are challenging us to a fight.

    That’s why we support the Palestinians: We know that when the Israelis have killed and eaten the very last Palestinian baby, then Paddy is the next on the list for extinction.

    There’s a great recent video of two Dublin girls tracking down an Israeli soldier in a Dublin bar. He was on a business trip to a cyberwarfare conference. They confront him, give him the finger and spit on him. He calls the cops, but complains that they didn’t seem interested. Hahaha! You betcha they weren’t interested…

    He also claims that none of the other people in the bar helped him, that he was terrified, that he didn’t sleep that night and, best of all, he will never set foot in Ireland again.

    Beir bua!

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  26. @don't care

    I think maybe they should whittle you down first.

  27. @DanFromCT

    Reactions like yours are the same as saying anti-semitism when someone points out jews jewing. I’m not going to worship your sacred irish cows just because they’re (nominally) white. There was never a worse race from europe nor better shabbos goyim.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  28. Intelligent people have intelligent children

    what really happens more often than not is regression to the mean, anglin, and you know that

  29. Saggy says: •�Website

    if there’s hope, it lies with the Proles

    I’m not going to look it up, but Orwell must have written that as irony, because my favorite quote from the book is

    Proles and animals are free

    and that perfectly sums up the reality,

    And this article by Anglin is the damndest thing I’ve seen on the subject, (after Orwell), I think Anglin is …. fantastic, if uneven.

    •�Replies: @Rich
  30. Fentinil says:

    Actually the facts display otherwise. The controllers massively fake
    The votes besides choosing the
    Candidates and murdering or shutting out any viable alternative. I mean like how many politicians are murdered
    Blackmailed attacked bought off
    Anyway even within the purportedly failed
    Model. There isn’t any actual voting just as there’s no actual
    Capitalism. Beyond their affiliation JFKj and Sanders even
    Jerry Brown are summerly dismissed from running. They even black balled the Green Party disqualifying their paltry
    1-2% of voters. When Jill Stein
    Challenged the fraud in 2015
    The judge ruled there was admissible evidence but they
    The Greens had No Standing but
    When the DNC was offered to
    Challange the results they demurred. IE, there’s no democracy allowed in the first
    Place to condemn therefore this
    Entire argument is spurious.
    Lincoln arrested politicians to get his ” vote” passed to initiate his Civil War. Anglin jumps the gun on this one. I know from direct experience that any unvetted candidate even at the
    City council level will be poisoned or equally effectively deterred. This is a one man one
    Phone call system. Diary of An Economic Hitman, this discussion of political systems is
    Peasant opium for the Amy Goodman types who don’t recall
    What they ate for breakfast.

  31. Rich says:

    “Proles and animals are free” is a salute to the Proles. Unless you’re against being free.

    The context of the quote I cited was that only the Proles weren’t completely brainwashed and could still act human.

    •�Replies: @Saggy
  32. DanFromCT says:
    @don't care

    Usually there’s a very little man puffing himself up behind such big bad tough talk. Is that you? Obsession with politics that transmutes into such hatred is what the Underground Grammarian, the late Richard Mitchell, described as a worm that eats its way through the brain.

    If he were alive today, he might add that its terminal stage often takes the form of TDS and blind hatred toward those who disagree. It is madness and a signature trait of the left to assume anyone who disagrees with one’s sacrosanct assumptions and opinions is evil and deserves to die.

  33. @don't care

    The biggest problem is that the Elites produced by Anglo-Zionism want all whites who are part of historic Christianity (all forms of Protestantism are heretical movements against historical Christianity) and all white peoples who also live according to the values of historic Christianity to be chief among those culled.

    Malthusianism is of the Devil.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  34. Linus says:

    You are not going to somehow convince the 90% of the population that has no interest in facts to look at the facts and make decisions based on the facts.

    I can remember it like yesterday when Bill Clinton said:

    I believe that every American should get a college degree.

  35. Saggy says: •�Website

    It’s not a salute to the Proles, Orwell is making the point that the Party mind control measures are required only for Party members, as the Proles, like animals, are easily controlled by simpler measures, food and amusement, they present no problems to the Party.

    I’m surprised he would say the Proles were the only hope in the same book, but not surprised enough to look it up to see the context.

    Who said it …. All the negroes want is loose shoes, tight pussy, and a warm place to shit.

    •�Replies: @Rich
    , @Eustace Tilley (not)
  36. Herding peasants requires a noble lie.

    You don’t have one.

  37. Bumpkin says:

    Much truth here, that one usually only realizes in middle age, like Anglin and me, and later. I disagree that we “have a duty to protect them and provide them with lives of dignity” though, they deserve the grinding poverty they’ve always endured, nothing more. If they are willing to limit their children and practice some discipline in their lives, they can earn some dignity for themselves.

    Anglin seems a bit naive though to think that “a minority of people controlling the majority of people and enforcing their will on them” has not been the constant for millenia now. Yes, every once in awhile, the masses get so fed up that they revolt, but the elites know and track that carefully now. As Andrew says, enfranchising only the 2%, the white male property owners when the US was founded, worked well for decades, before it was inevitably debased into the doddering bureaucracy we see today.

    Big changes are coming. If we can kill off the murderous jews before they set off a nuclear war, we may survive them.

  38. Rich says:

    I’m surprised that you misinterpreted Orwell completely. I’m going to assume you’re young and went through the public school system. That you could misunderstand such a basic thesis of Orwell’s, that appears in all his writings, is almost mind-boggling. Except that most younger people I communicate with are equally miseducated. You aren’t interested, but if, as you mature, you aquire more interest, read more of Orwell to get a better understanding of his politics and themes.

    •�Replies: @Saggy
    , @Commentator Mike
  39. @Rich

    I agree with Orwell that “if there’s hope, it lies with the Proles”

    Confucius had his visions for a harmonious society,
    He put social ranks as below :
    Intellectuals –> Farmers (2nd) –> Workers (Manufacturing) –> Merchants (lowest)

    Note how high he regards peasants, and merchants as the lowest in social ranks, telling it he understands the nature of merchants, always leeching on someone’s else labors/creations, be it farmers, workers or intellectuals, they do engage in creation and merely just flying around other’s labor and products for a few silver coins, therefore they are always principle-less, greedy, sleazy and have a tendency of fence-riding on ‘values’ and ready to throw society under the bus for some marginal gains.

    •�Replies: @Cloudwalker
  40. @Cloudwalker

    they do engage in creation and

    They do NOT engage in creation and,,,

  41. Saggy says: •�Website


    I’m a big fan of Orwell …. but …. he was writing about the past …. not the future ….

    •�Disagree: Rich
  42. @don't care

    As long as they start with themselves and YOU, I’m fully onboard.

    Same with eating cloned meat and bugs.

    It’s an old fashioned notion known as “leadership by example”…lol

  43. It’s the religion, stupid. And you’re still promoting it!

  44. DanFromCT says:

    It is bizarre. Years ago I heard about a meeting with Ayal Ofer in that Israeli shipping magnate mobster’s NY office, where Ofer offered this man, who could have been Irish or anything, an apple cider Snapple. Ofer said, I bet you wish that was a bottle of whiskey, to which the man, who actually was of Irish descent immediately replied, Not as much as you wish yours is a bottle of my piss. The meeting didn’t end well with some back and forth about IDF recriminations. Who knows if it’s true or not.

  45. JPS says:

    If the people were really peasants their attitudes would be entirely different.

    Peasant sounds a lot like goy, when used in the wrong way. Very few middle class whites have only a few recent small-farmer ancestors. A failure to appreciate the “genius” of our peasant ancestors by conflating them with contemporary college educated degenerates is a grave error.

  46. @Rich

    There are some who say that Orwell and Huxley weren’t critiquing society or predicting the future but actually advocating and promoting, writing up blueprints for the coming dystopia and total government control. I prefer to think that it was not so and that they were genuine in trying to save the world from the dystopias they anticipated. However some claim that they were part of the elite and looking out for the interests of the elite and not the people.

    •�Replies: @Rich
  47. @Don Quixote

    you’re pretty full of yourself to be calling pastor malthus a tool of the devil

  48. What you end up with, in a democracy, is a minority of people controlling the majority of people and enforcing their will on them. That is, the same thing you had in an aristocracy. It’s just that in an aristocracy, the elite typically felt some kind of compassion for the peasantry, and further, everyone knew who was in charge, and if the elite got out of control, the peasantry knew who to riot against, whose heads to put on stakes. So in an authoritarian system, there is an actual, working system of checks and balances.

    Indeed. “Authoritarian” leaders, from Caesar to Moustache Man, rule by truly representing the will of the People. MM correctly despised “democracy” because it resulted in a system where no one was responsible for anything.

    “I signed an EO but some judge says I can’t do it, so at least I tried, so vooot for me again next time.”

    If you think about it, the various plots to kill MM were themselves proof that he was in charge and implementing the people’s will. Ernst Jünger and the other conspirators just wanted to bring back their Junker aristo bullshit. But they knew who to target.

    In the USA, the targets are always randos in a church or school, or some replaceable insurance exec.

    These two facts show that 1. JFK was truly in charge and 2. he must have been killed by someone from outside the USA (an American would have shot someone in the crowd)..

  49. @i'm not sure

    In the 2001 movie “The Believer” Ryan Goslings character is also Jewish.

    “the film follows Daniel Balint, a Jew who becomes a Neo-Nazi. The film is loosely based on the true story of Dan Burros,[4] a member of the American Nazi Party and the New York branch of the United Klans of America who died by suicide after being revealed as Jewish by a reporter from the New York Times”


    A must see.

  50. Rich says:
    @Commentator Mike

    As he matured, Orwell became adamantly opposed to tyranny and communism after having been a true believer in his youth. I’ve heard people say the left is using his novels as handbooks instead of warnings, but he broke with the left after seeing its authoritarianism. He was also extremely anti-homosexual which would make him anathema to today’s left.

    I’ve read some Huxley, but I don’t know a lot about him. I kind of remember something about him getting deep into drug use at some point in his life.

    •�Replies: @JPS
  51. JPS says:

    Aldous Huxley was well-informed about globalist circles, and would have to have been, because of his family connections. 1984’s satirical elements relate to his work for the BBC during WWII.

    Aldous Huxley is satirizing the real ideas of people he was around, no doubt about it.

    Orwell had a good intuition about the desire of the state for total awareness and total control.

    We now have brazenly open total surveillance via cell phones and computer microphones recording conversations (not just phone conversations, every conversation in earshot of the microphone) and the media doesn’t even acknowledge it.

    You might want to read “The Art of Being Ruled” by Wyndham Lewis to supplement those two books and get a broader view of the thought at the time.

    A good conspiracy source is “Cutting through the Matrix” by Alan Watt (not Watts). He passed away a few years ago, a great resource for the ideas of these crazy people, like Bertrand Russell.

  52. JessicaR says:

    Fact: in the leadup to the Iraq War, the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal–newspapers for the cultural, political, and financial elites–were gung ho for the war. While the NYT’s editorial page might have been restrained, the paper published endless articles by Judith Miller about the alleged WMD even though its editors knew that she had hawkish, pro-Israel leanings and had publshed a book about WMD and therefore had a financial interest in hawking the WMD story.

    A second fact: the Knight Ridder-McClatchy papers–the ones read by “peasants”–took a skeptical stance on the war.

    The Iraq War increased our national debt by 8 TRILLION dollars and strengthened Iran’s position in the Middle East. That war was a debacle.

    Sometimes, the high-IQ elites are wrong and the peasants are right.

    Other examples: in the 2016 Democratic primaries, the elites favored hawkish Hillary Clinton while the “peasants” in West Virginia favored Sanders. Yes, I know, Mr. Anglin, how you feel about Jews but given a choice between a hawkish Christian and a relatively dovish Jewish man, I am going with the dove.

    •�Thanks: Eustace Tilley (not)
  53. You promoted McGregor for the Irish presidency in some of your older posts. Well, Conor has accepted your invitation and will be running for the presidency of Eire. He even met with Trump.


    Come on, we’re waiting for your news commentary. Since you’re failing to produce any serous essays get back to the news.

  54. @Saggy

    Earl Lauer Butz (1909-2008), Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Nixon and Ford.

  55. Antiwar7 says:

    By the way, I don’t think Caitlin Johnstone thinks voting will make any difference. In that sense, contra Anglin, she doesn’t believe in democracy.

    For the record, I still think it’s good to vote third party; it makes them nervous.

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