Field Marshal Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb: “This is one of the great achievements of National Socialism. The excesses of National Socialism were in the first and final analysis due to the Führer’s personality.”
General Heinz Guderian: “The fundamental principles were fine.”
Leeb: “That is true.”
— excerpt from A secretly recorded conversation during allied captivity after the war
To the shock and dismay of those of a more mainstream, conservative persuasion, many different voices in dissident right, far right, and populist right circles have expressed adulation, admiration, and approval for Adolf Hitler, seemingly without qualification or reservation.[1]This phenomenon compelled Keith Woods to publish this essay, “National Doesn’t Need National Socialism.” Private correspondence demonstrates this treatise was already undergoing composition and revision before this essay by Woods was published. Particularly in “Culture as Programming,” I have expressed sympathy for and agreement with much of the German perspective in World War II (as it existed at the time), while still expressing strong aversion for Hitler, as I have done so in many different contexts and venues in my personal life and online for many years. More particularly, I, unlike so very many even today, understand and acknowledge the number of underlying causes that can be rightly discerned as the true origins of World War II, a litany of which is set forth below, as many of these causes and grievances reveal the Anglo-American alliance in the First World War and its aftermath to be anything but the force for good that so many believe it to be to this day. The piercing of this veneer further impugns and indicts the same alliance in the Second World War. Careless or casual readers, or those who simply stop reading upon encountering even one sentence sympathetic to Germany in World War II or the years before, might make the error of interpreting assertions on such matters as endorsing or approving of Hitler without reservation or qualification. To the contrary, this author embraces a more novel position that not only understands but endorses legitimate German grievances at the time, agrees with and admires many (but not all) principal tenets of National Socialism and more particularly fascist movements more broadly, while still harboring a deep aversion for Adolf Hitler due to his myriad moral, political, and military failures—to mention nothing of crimes against white Slavic peoples and the German people themselves.
This view is largely derived from the thinking of Ernst Nolte in particular. One might suppose that these views are also derived to a lesser extent from Patrick Buchanan’s Churchill Hitler and the Unnecessary War, except that I was already convinced of this Noltean position long before Buchanan’s excellent treatment of this subject matter was published. Furthermore, my position takes a more benign view of the German perspective than does the eminent American paleoconservative.
There is usually nothing the least bit interesting or novel about denouncing this dictator: denouncing Hitler is not only the safest take perhaps in the history of discourse, but is obligatory for most and almost a sort of daily rite in modern life, a sort of banal routine as common for many as everyday things like brushing one’s teeth or putting shoes on before going about one’s day. But as will be demonstrated, the reasons for my aversion and even contempt for the dictator distinguish this unique and admittedly controversial position from the sort of boring, garden variety denunciation of the Führer that pervades most all historical and cultural discourse—a position that alienates both mainstream conservatives and those of a more radical persuasion.
Stated bluntly, I do not denounce Hitler for the reasons Abraham Foxman, Jonathan Greenblatt, the Anti-Defamation League, or indeed the “post-war consensus” implore us to do; rather I denounce him for effectively losing the Second World War by way of a series of blunders, both tactical and strategic, outlined below, as well morally reprehensible policies in the treatment of White gentile Slavic peoples and even the German people themselves at the end of the war. It must be noted in passing that, while the Holocaust is, I suppose, to be condemned, it is, to quote the late Jean Marie Le Pen, a “mere detail in history” in a century in which over a hundred million people were murdered by various state powers in the twentieth Century, and certainly should never have been allowed to be used as a tool for blackmail and extortion by various Jewish organs, in the manner documented and exposed by Norman Finkelstein in The Holocaust Industry. Given that Europe is on the precipice of oblivion as European peoples propel themselves headlong into racial suicide and civilizational ruin, and given that many of the intellectual movements and various machinations underpinning these existential threats have a very strong Kosher flavor and aftertaste, to put it mildly, the Holocaust really should be of no import to anyone who discerns and recognizes the existential threats faced by the sons and daughters of Europe.[2]Anomalies such as reductions in deaths at Auschwitz from 3.5 million to 1.5 million are indeed interesting. It is also interesting that Unit 731, a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit—really a gruesome human experiment, torture, and murder factory—run by the Japanese in China, left very few surviving victims. Nonetheless, contesting or disputing figures insisted by Jewish and other interests is counterproductive and unnecessary. First, a critical mass of people will never be convinced otherwise. Second, this author wishes to continue to travel to Europe. With figures insisted upon granted, the Holocaust narrative can still be attacked as a “mere detail in history,” as the populist right can expose and decry the shakedown that Norman Finkelstein and others have criticized in books and essays like The Holocaust Industry.
This unique perspective may not be immediately apparent to those who survey my writings or utterances concerning the Second World War, or indeed those in my personal life or acquaintance who learn of my personal interest and even affinity for the German armed forces in World War II, as expressed in certain interests and hobbies, as well as a deep and abiding interest in the German perspective in the history of World War II and the years preceding it, revealing its true causes and origins. Stated another way, I am a hardcore and unrepentant “Wehraboo.” My increasing disillusion with and even disdain for democracy is also likely to mislead many into mistaking me for a Hitler fanboy. Examining this matter must first begin with a brief but concise synopsis of why so many Germans, without the advantage of hindsight, followed Hitler and embraced the swastika in the first place.
Sympathy for Nazi Germany: A Brief Synopsis on the Origins and Causes of World War II
The Treaty of Versailles is one of the greatest injustices in history, exposing the lie of so-called American exceptionalism to any person sensible enough to see the abject hypocrisy and monstrosity of American foreign policy at that time, and really ever since[3]On the particular matter of Pax Americana, I often think of the music of German aggrotech band Feindflug, particularly the spoken word sample s from the song Neue Sieger, which describe the account below of the millions dead attributed to U.S. military action (not all of it unjustified such as actions in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, as well as the initial response in Afghanistan), juxtaposing that with what appears to be a pronouncement of a death sentence for war crimes, possibly a recording from the Nuremberg Trials. One of course laments that Feindflug also did not recount needless millions of dead Germans that soil American (and British) hands. The first half of this juxtaposition reads as follows; note however that eight million figure does not include millions of dead from military action in Iraq, or most of the time in Afghanistan (the song is from 2005), Libya, Syria, or deaths resulting from billions given to Isreal, which in turn directly supports “crimes against humanity” perpetrated against the Palestinians. Even so, the first sound sample reads as follows:
Japan, China, Nordkorea, Bosnien, Sudan, Jugoslawien, Afghanistan
Alle diese Länder haben etwas gemeinsam, was ist es, he?
Diese Länder sind in den vergangenen 60 Jahren von Amerikanischen Truppen bombardiert worden
Das bedeutet 8 Millionen Tote in 22 Nationen. Wer glaubt das wäre gerecht?
Sowas wie Gerechtigkeit werdet ihr nirgendwo finden!
Japan, China, North Korea, Bosnia, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan
All these countries have something in common. What is it, eh?
These countries have been bombed by American troops over the past 60 years.
That means 8 million deaths in 22 nations. Who thinks that’s fair?
You won’t find any such thing as justice anywhere!— a lie obvious and in plain view to anyone who cares to see it. Although overshadowed by the monstrous and unconscionable fate of the Germans after the Second World War, the Versailles Diktat assigned sole blame of the Great War on the German people and imposed on Germany the requirement to pay reparations for all costs and losses associated with the Great War, notwithstanding the belligerence and provocations of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Russia, and even France which contributed more to the sudden chain reaction that very quickly unraveled into the outbreak of war than supposed German belligerence ever did. This is true even as Imperial Germany has been so effectively vilified that many ignorant Americans to this day think Germany alone was responsible for the outbreak of World War I or that the Kaiser sought world conquest. The blockade that preceded the signing of the Diktat led to mass starvation and deprivation, leading to the deaths of just under one million Germans. Danzig, Posen, and areas of West Prussia with either large German minorities or outright German majorities and which had belonged to Germany or predecessor states before German Unification in 1871 were wrongly taken from Germany and indeed violated the principle of “self-determination” that Woodrow Wilson and his supporters claimed to espouse. The Germans suffered hyper-inflation during several periods of the Weimar years. Requiring wheelbarrows instead of wallets, everyday Germans were not only paying millions of marks for a loaf of bread, but very often billions of marks for a loaf of bread.
This was compounded by a number of sharp business practices, principally perpetrated by Jews such as the Barmat Brothers[4]An internet search in both English and German will demonstrate this happened, but there is scant discussion of the precise nature of this scandal with detailed particulars, other than lamentations as to how the Nazis exploited this to fan the flames of so-called anti-Semitism, never mind that the charges made by the Nazis are doubtlessly true. The scandal is mentioned briefly in Before the Deluge: Portrait of Berlin in 1920s, but with no particular details. It is curious that so little information is available given that the scandal harmed the SDP dramatically in the polls, as SDP politicians in office were accepting bribes from the Barmat Brothers. It is peculiar indeed that there is so little content concerning such a momentous moment in Weimar Republic. Could it be that those who control the past, control the present, and therefore the future?, who were at the center of a bribery and currency speculation scandal that made headlines in 1925 and well afterwards. The hyper-inflation that afflicted Germany, rendering German currency worthless, provided opportunities for outsiders, usually Jews, to buy up real estate with foreign currency for practically nothing:[5]Darryl Cooper, better known as “Martyr Made,” stipulates this dirty little secret in his excellent commentary concerning the outbreak of war in Ukraine and its origins. In this excellent podcast, the right-wing historian compares and juxtaposes how American foreign policy “thanked” the Russian people for giving the world a bloodless, velvet Revolution in 1991 and afterward with the misery and death imposed on the German people by the do-goody Allies for agreeing to an armistice in 1918. In discussing the deprivations of hyper-inflation and what is in effect the death of a national currency, he comments briefly on how mostly Jews procured real estate and other holdings in Germany for next to nothing by obtaining foreign currency. an unconscionable exploitation of the suffering of the German people in the name of abject (Jewish) greed. It is of note that Germany’s first laws prohibiting sharp business practices were promulgated by the national socialist regime, and still exist on the books to this day.
Finally, Germany’s defeat in World I is directly attributed to the Balfour Declaration, which, at least according to what is known as the Benjamin Freedman theory (see also Thomas Dalton’s The Jewish Hand in the World Wars), the British government, at the behest of Lord Rothschild, would cede Palestine to Jewish Zionists in return for Jewish financiers and lobbyists in America to bring the United States into the Great War. The injustice and tyranny imposed on Germany by the United States in particular (Germany would probably have won without American intervention) sowed the seeds of World War II, even while the evils perpetrated by this country are cloaked with the sickly sweetness of Doris Day herself among other assorted delusions, hallucinations, and figments of American intermeddling and war-mongering as “American exceptionalism.” This in turn tragically led to even greater injustice and tyranny imposed on the German people, including the evisceration of East Prussia, Silesia, and East Pomerania, with the once great German cities of Danzig, Breslau, and Königsberg lost forever, all attended with wholesale murder and rape at the hands of a marauding Red Army, with approval from Churchill himself (as discussed below).
The most comprehensive map this author could find, illustrating the changes and losses of territory by various German states in the 20th Century. This map unfortunately does not depict the acquisition and lost of Memelland in 1939 and 1945. This map also does not depict Danzig as an independent city state—nor does it depict Berlin or Hamburg as independent city states.
The economic hardship, deprivation, and destitution suffered by the German people is compounded by the moral depravity that had descended on certain urban centers of Germany, most notably Berlin during the so-called Weimar Republic. The sexual libertinism and indeed profligacy that had descended on Berlin during this era is well documented, but curiously has not received nearly enough exposure. There is perhaps no better avatar for such degeneracy than Anita Berber, a notorious figure in Berlin’s “party” scene. Dead before her 30th birthday, she was a bisexual drug addict, who partook in cocaine, heroin, opium and other drugs with abandon. Among her various escapades of abject depravity was a threesome with another woman and that woman’s 15-year-old daughter, both of whom Berber kept as “sex slaves” (Gordon 57–58). On a societal level, not only was prostitution commonplace, child prostitution and prostitution of young girls just past puberty were rampant as well.
The appeal of National Socialism and its continued relevance to the problems of the modern world is revealed in other ways as well. The transgender menace plaguing modern society originated in Weimar Berlin. Magnus Hirschfeld, a homosexual Jew, founded the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, from which modern lunacy about transgenderism derives. The Nazis destroyed the Insitut and burned most or all of its writing, and were in the absolute right to do so. It is also illustrative that Cultural Marxism, an existential threat to Europe and the Occident, originates from the Frankfurt School, a cabal of Jewish academics who were unfortunately allowed to escape from Germany to the United States where they then reestablished the Frankfurt School at Columbia University, from which their insidious ideas soon infected all of American and then Western academia in the infamous march through the institutions.[6]See Chapter 5 of Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, for starters.
The rise of National Socialism was a response to these and myriad other outrages, and—without the advantage of hindsight—an eminently just and proper response that ameliorated these and other evils with unwavering conviction swiftly achieved. The specter of Soviet Bolshevism in Germany and Europe at large was also a reason for the appeal of National Socialism given the role of Jews in the communist revolutions of 1919. Moreover, German language newspapers, unlike their counterparts in the Anglo-American world at the time and even to a lesser extent today, documented what transpired in Stalin’s killing fields.
The legitimacy of Germany’s territorial claims on Danzig and Posen have already been mentioned. These claims were ultimately a principal if not the principal catalyst for the outbreak of war when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, but the post-war consensus almost uniformly condemns remilitarization of the Rhineland, the Austrian Anschluss, and the Sudetenland crisis as harbingers of what is perceived as Hitler’s unending conquest for more and more land that, according to conventional wisdom, implored a firm and proper response by the virtuous Allies. The failure of intervening during the Sudetenland crisis, conventional wisdom dictates, led to the outbreak of World War II by not nipping the supposed Nazi menace “in the bud,” as the war ultimately became the greatest disaster in the history of humanity.[7]This received orthodoxy never considers Hitler’s multiple attempts to negotiate peace with Britain.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Germany was right to remilitarize the Rhineland. It is after all German soil, and this is particularly so given France’s policy of placing Black colonial troops in the Ruhr region of Germany in the 1920s, which had led to instances not just of miscegenation on a consensual basis, but rape and sexual assault as well. In hindsight, the Anschluss is similarly decried, but both the Germans and Austrians wanted it. And the notion that Austrians are a distinct nationality separate and apart from Germany is somewhat dubious, as the difference in dialect, customs and so on is no more pronounced than certain other regions in Germany, from Bavaria to those who speak Plattdeutsch, or Plattd UEtsch as those Germans sometimes spell it; the exclusion of certain German-speaking peoples based on the legacy of the Hapsburg dynasty would seem to be a most dubious proposition if it were not settled by the dictates and whims of the ultimate victors. Germany also had legitimate territorial claims on Sudetenland, despite how appeasement on this matter is so often used to condemn Neville Chamberlain and indeed the very notion of appeasement in most any context in modern foreign policy.
The aftermath of the Sudetenland crisis, in which Hitler partitioned the rest of Czechoslovakia between the Reich and a newly formed puppet state of Slovakia in March of 1939, is the first outrage for which Hitler is rightly condemned. Unlike other territorial concessions, Germany did not have legitimate territorial claims on the rest of Czechoslovakia, namely Bohemia and Moravia. And in this push to grab land, Hitler utterly and permanently discredited himself and the legitimacy of Germany’s many grievances on the international stage. Chamberlain was outraged by it, and felt that he had been duped into agreeing to the reasonable and just concessions made during the Sudetenland crisis. Alienating Britain in particular in this way made it impossible to regain Danzig through diplomatic means, and the proximate cause of destroying such hope for diplomatic resolution of these matters was Hitler’s annexation and partition of Czechoslovakia. To this day, deluded Britons and others who clamor to the absurdity that Winston Churchill was the “greatest Briton” and deny that Britain would be better off had she sued for peace, either after Danzig or in the wake of Dunkirk and the Fall of France, routinely aver that Hitler “repeatedly” broke treaties and that it would have been absurd for Britain to trust him on anything.
The problem with this position is obvious: unlike Czechoslovakia, Britain had the Royal Navy and the English Channel as a protective barrier, as well as an Empire stretching across the globe, all of which would make such unilateral and sudden annexation and occupation of Britain by the German Reich impossible. Instead of being subjugated or subservient to Germany, she became subservient and beholden to the American Empire and all of its many ugly, pernicious, civilization-destroying proclivities.
Conventional wisdom—the orthodoxy of the “post-war consensus”—uniformly condemns any and all action by the German armed forces as barbaric, wanton, naked aggression, replete with delusions that Hitler somehow wanted to conquer the world: delusions that persist among the more ignorant, particularly in the Anglo-American world. This is especially preposterous because Germany never had, in either of the two world wars, even a fraction of the maritime power to threaten the Western Hemisphere at all, nor could she envision a period in which she could come close to achieving such capacity. In relation to the reasons for Fall Weiss specifically and the outbreak of war in September 1939, Germany had, as stated before, legitimate territorial claims on Poland, Danzig and Posen in particular. Despite Hitler’s dishonorable and deplorable actions in relation to the partition of Bohemia and Moravia, France and Britain would have been wise to seek a diplomatic solution (the loss of the British Empire, the demographic implosion in France and much of Europe attests to that). Onerous, deplorable occupation policies brutalizing Polish gentiles are to be condemned of course, but Germany nevertheless had legitimate territorial claims and war could have been avoided if Poland had ceded Danzig and other territories which rightly belonged to Germany.
Some even to this day are unaware that Germany did not declare war on France or Britain, but rather France and Britain declared war on Germany. In addition to the centuries of aggression inflicted on Germany by France (Otto von Bismarck once stated that Napolean did not leave a single tree in Germany left unscratched), this declaration of war by the Allies legitimizes the invasion of France as well as the invasion of Belgium and Netherlands out of military necessity: the Maginot line in particular required the invasion of the Low Countries for Germany to have any chance of success. Victory over France could only be achieved by some variation of the Von Schlieffen plan, notably with Manstein’s masterstroke, the Sichelschnitt.
Just as the flux capacitor makes time travel possible in the film Back to the Future, Manstein’s Sichelschnitt is what made the successful conquest of France possible, except the latter is no Hollywood fairy tale. A pity that such a spectacular victory sowed the seeds of such catastrophic ruin and defeat, largely due to the blunders and shortcomings of Adolf Hitler.
The invasion of Denmark and Norway was similarly necessary. In addition to plans on mining Norwegian waters, Britain, Churchill in particular before becoming Prime Minister, had designs on invading Norway. Germany invaded Denmark as a springboard to take Norway before the British did, and to secure vital Swedish ore through the port of Narvik. Those who villainize Nazi Germany routinely point out the conquest of Greece as an indictment of Germany’s militarism and wanton desire to conquer more and more land. Never realize that Mussolini first invaded Greece, not Hitler. Hitler was actually incensed Mussolini for doing this unilaterally, not just out of defiance of the pecking order in the Pact of Steel, but because it gave the British a foothold in southern Europe, ultimately requiring the Wehrmacht—not the Italian Army—to win the campaign in Greece after the Greeks stymied Italian forces in such embarrassing fashion. The Invasion of Yugoslavia was similarly necessary, as there was an anti-fascist coup just prior to Operation Barbarossa. As an aside, the invasion of Yugoslavia delayed the Invasion of the Soviet Union by a month or more; unleashing Operation Barbarossa a few weeks earlier may have given the Germans enough time to sack Moscow before being completely bogged down by the historic Russian Winter of 1941–1942.
Condemning Hitler, But Embracing the Swastika Still
While the invasion of these countries was justifiable and even necessary, brutal occupation policies in Southern and Eastern Europe in particular perpetrated not by combat units, at least not generally, but by occupation forces was repugnant and counterproductive. This salient passage from Tapping Hitler’s Generals between Oberst Horst Egersdorf and Major Ulrich Boes is most illustrative. After one of the German officers denounced “our behaviour in all the occupied territories—I witnessed it in Greece too,” the other[8]The transcript of the secret recordings identifies the officers present and speaking but does not identify who is speaking when. responded by stating:
The soldiers [of the deutsche Wehrmacht are] the best propaganda for the Third Reich that [one] could possibl[y] imagine. These people in France and in the Balkans whom I met were enthusiastic about the discipline of the German army. And the very moment the Party and the SS took. . . control, even the most harmless citizens became fanatics—against us. …Is that wise or part of the creed? If that really were a part of National Socialism, then National Socialism would be the greatest crime there is. But it isn’t so by any means-National Socialism is actually a wonderful creed! The people who are at present playing first fiddle aren’t national socialists at all, they are criminals (Neitzel 173) (grammatical and typographical anomalies corrected).
This brief synopsis and appraisal of Germany’s actions prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union does not suggest much reason to regard Hitler—or more particularly Germany’s—war effort with such aversion as alluded to earlier, the one exception of course being onerous occupation forces, not by frontline units but police and auxiliary units that were notorious for such things.[9]Given that terror bombings originated with the RAF, including such abominations as “calling cards” used as incendiary devices to burn down the Black Forest and civilian population centers as well as Allied policy towards German civilians both during the Second World War and at the end and during the aftermath of the First World War, to say nothing of the game with matchsticks described later and its grim consequences, such strong focus, as mandated by received orthodoxy, only on what the Germans did seems peculiar and hypocritical.
Many condemn Hitler for what is often regarded as a war-losing blunder of invading the Soviet Union. The invasion of the Soviet Union was ultimately a key, decisive factor in Germany’s catastrophic defeat, but it is unclear at all that the campaign was doomed from the start as some contend.[10]This is the position espoused by John Ellis in By Brute Force, among other historians. Others disagree. While this author is convinced Germany could have prevailed against the Soviet Union if winter clothing was not neglected, and more particularly if Hitler’s blunder at Stalingrad had been avoided, it is certainly a debatable question that will continued to be a subject of much controversy. More importantly, the decision must be appraised based on the information available at the time. The Imperial German Army made rather quick work of the Russian Empire in the First World War, although that adversary obviously did not fall in six weeks as France had in 1940. Earlier the Red Army failed in spectacular fashion to subjugate plucky Finland in the Winter War. It is also worth noting that American intelligence predicted, rather grimly given who controlled Washington even then, that the Soviets would collapse in a matter of months.
While Operation Barbarossa is properly assessed and analyzed based on the information available at the time, the invasion of the Soviet Union does inform the more enlightened sort of denunciation embraced by this author. This condemnation is however largely derived from blunders committed at Stalingrad and elsewhere, rejecting the premise that the decision to invade the Soviet Union was inherently a blunder, and instead focusing on various considerations that contributed directly to the capitulation and ruin of Germany.
First and foremost, invading the Soviet Union under the color of Hitler’s peculiar racial theories about European Slavic peoples allowed Stalin to consolidate power, rally the Russian and other Soviet peoples to resist what were arguably genocidal policies against them, the success of which ultimately allowed Stalin to defeat Hitler, and take Berlin and half of Europe in the process. If the Reich had invaded with far less malevolent intentions, solely as liberators of Soviet Bolshevism, rather than as quasi-genocidal conquerors brutalizing much of the Russian and other populations, a critical mass of Russian people would most likely have revolted and sided with the Germans, and Soviet Bolshevism would have been quickly vanquished. These and other such moral failings underscore how Hitler, contrary to those who eulogize him so crudely, was no pan-European nationalist, but a German nationalist with the very worst propensities for barbarism and brutality.
Condemnation of Nazi Germany’s treatment of the Russian people—at Hitler’s directive—must of course be prefaced with a number of qualifications. One important consideration is that the Soviet Union never signed the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. There are some indications German emissaries tried to persuade the Soviets to ameliorate that. Manstein’s memoirs and other sources as well contend that gruesome atrocities were first initiated by the Soviets against captured German soldiers, a credible allegation but not one that is universally acknowledged by all or even perhaps most historians. German treatment of the Ukrainian people is particularly confounding, as many accounts indicate the Germans did come as liberators for the Ukrainians and were received as such. This did not last, at least not categorically, as many Soviet partisans would ambush vulnerable contingents of German forces, before torturing and mutilating them, before and after death. Partisans would often perpetrate these atrocities in a way that would implicate a friendly or neutral Ukrainian town or village. German occupation forces regularly took the bait and carried out gruesome reprisals against innocent civilians framed by the partisan terrorists, which some historians falsely contend turned Ukrainians categorically against the Germans. This of course is belied by the large numbers of Ukrainians who volunteered to fight for the Germans to the end, a point of contention in the modern Ukrainian war, as some Ukrainian units adopt Third Reich imagery and symbols. This has created strange bedfellows in relation to the contemporary war, as the Canadian parliament even received a Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen SS.
Finally, large contingents of the German officer corps did not share Hitler’s dehumanizing view of the Russian people, as many veterans recount at least some friendly interactions with Russian civilians, the veracity of which is questioned by those insistent on condemning the entirety of the German armed forces to each and every single man[11]Off-hand this is evidenced throughout War Without Garlands and even Tapping Hitler’s General’s. Even though Neitzel and the publishing house tout the volume as somehow discrediting the supposed “myth of the clean Wehrmacht,” the impression it left on this reader was quite the opposite, as I reject the absurd complicity and knowledge standards of collective culpability described in footnote nineteen. One anecdote is intended to be particularly damning, concerning a captain who sat down with a Russian villager at a table before shooting him in cold blood in front of his wife and child, before shooting the deceased’s screaming wife, and then their baby. The entire unit was outraged, and the commanding officer had sought to court martial him for murder, punishable by death. The captain alleged in defense it was not murder because Russians are not human. A directive from the Führer was handed down asserting this is correct, requiring that the captain was to only face lesser charges. This is appalling, but it is of note that the entire unit was outraged and the commanding officer wanted him executed for it.. These and other qualifications and reservations notwithstanding, German barbarism regularly—but not, as if often contended, categorically—meted out to Russians is deplorable, and discredits Hitler apologists who falsely portray Hitler as a pan-European nationalist.
Tactical and Strategic Blunders
With these important qualifications regarding the treatment of Russians and other Slavic Europeans established, focus can again return to the question of how Hitler’s tactical and strategic blunders substantially contributed to Germany’s defeat and utter ruin. Some condemn Hitler for not going directly for Moscow, but instead delaying the push east to finish off isolated pockets of the Red Army in Ukraine and elsewhere that were surrounded and enveloped by quick advances of the German armed forces. Guderian, von Leeb, and others have articulated, somewhat persuasively but not conclusively so, why this decision was a blunder, but this question continues to be debated to this day.
Far more damning, and a central foundation for my condemnation of the Führer, was Hitler’s absurd decision to declare war on the United States while bogged down on the outskirts of Moscow in the midst of the worst winter seen in a century—this while Britain remained intact on the home islands and in Egypt. In other words, Hitler involved Germany in a war with a third peer power while desperately contending with two other great powers on two different fronts while defending the Atlantic coast of France and the lowlands as a third front. And he did so even though the first principle of military and political strategy for Germany and her predecessors, going back many centuries, was her vulnerability, sitting in the very center of Europe, and her first priority of avoiding entanglement in wars with multiple fronts and the necessity to avoid prolonged entanglements of any sort. Indeed, this first principle of German military strategy through the centuries was the genesis for the formulation of Bewegungskrieg, which has been the very core of German military doctrine going back to the Prussian Army, Fredrick the Great and before. One German officer rightly decried such madness “to think we could challenge the world” as “fatuously stupid” (Neitzel, 159).
Invariably such objections to and condemnation of Hitler have subjected this author to a torrent of criticisms and derisive comments, the vast majority of which are uttered by the irretrievably stupid and the intentionally obnoxious.[12]Note these insults are not directed at those in ideological and political affinity with this author who has a more benign view of Hitler, but is confined solely to those who spew such ridiculous blather, as discussed in this treatise. Very often detractors will accuse me of being ignorant of the circumstances leading up to Germany declaring war on the United States, while still desperately fighting with Britain and the Soviet Union. This author is of course well aware that the United States was “neutral in name only.” Lend-lease policies to both Great Britain and Joseph Stalin after the Invasion of the Soviet Union, loaning destroyers to Britain help fight the Battle of the Atlantic are just some of the provocations. The incident concerning the USS Reuben James, which attacked a German U-boat without provocation and was happily torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat is particularly noteworthy, as that incident has informed my denunciation of the Anglo-American alliance generally and the United States particularly for many years. American aggression against German U-boats, despite best efforts not to attack American ships, was such a problem that many high-ranking officers in the Kriegsmarine applauded the decision even though it an immediate and obvious strategic blunder that all but doomed Germany.
Some Hitler enthusiasts also aver that war with the United States was inevitable. That may or may not be true. Before Hitler stupidly declared war, duped, incidentally, by the Japanese with false promises of declaring war on the Soviet Union, American popular opinion was decidedly against joining the war. Pearl Harbor and Germany’s declaration of war changed that, and no longer required FDR or the Jews in his cabinet to try to persuade the American public to declare war on Germany. Hitler did that favor for them. Whether the American people would be so keen on declaring war on Germany, particularly if the Reich had been able to force the Soviet Union to capitulate, is equally unclear, particularly given the brutal fighting that occurred in the Pacific, in which the Japanese did not abide by Western norms such as surrendering when overwhelmed or defeated in battle.
Regardless, there is no advantage in not delaying war with the United States as long as possible, in the event that war would have been inevitable, precisely because Germany did not have the military capacity or wherewithal to prosecute a war against the United States with any prospect of success while also at war with the United Kingdom and pitted against the Red Army in the most brutal and horrific fighting on the Ostfront.
These and other considerations demonstrate conclusively that America’s many provocations and offenses against Germany do not change the analysis regarding the decision to declare war on the United States. If Germany and her war machine were a truly omnipotent force, as invincible as imaginary space invaders from Mars or some other fantastical distant planet, Germany would have been absolutely and utterly justified in declaring war on the United States. But even as the Wehrmacht was the very paragon of military discipline and one of the greatest fighting forces in the annals of military history, the Wehrmacht, although a most lethal instrument indeed, was not so omnipotent. Even the German military had its limitations as to what material superiority it could ever possibly overcome. Any sane, rational person is thus compelled to condemn the decision to declare war on the United States, which in effect gave both Churchill and FDR precisely what they wanted, and dooming Germany in the process. By involving Germany with a third peer power before pacifying either of the other two powers she was at war with, Hitler rendered Germany’s defeat virtually an absolute, mathematical certainty, regardless of the unparalleled sacrifice, valor, and fighting prowess of those fallen, tragic heroes, those great defenders of Germany and Mother Europa, those fearsome columns of feldgrau that were the vaunted deutsche Wehrmacht.
Compare and contrast Hitler’s megalomania which drove him to such a disastrous strategic blunder with how Abraham Lincoln handled the Trent Affair. The Trent Affair concerned the detainment of a British vessel called the Trent, which was transporting two Confederate delegates to the British Isles on a diplomatic mission. The USS San Jacinto of the Union Navy intercepted and detained the Trent, in contravention of international and maritime law, and impounded the Confederate diplomats, who were in British custody, thus violating British sovereignty and provoking the most powerful nation on Earth. This outraged public opinion in Britain, and created the real prospect of drawing Britain into the war on the side of the Confederacy, notwithstanding the aversion to the institution of slavery held by a large majority of the British. Despite the hawkish temperament of some in his cabinet, Lincoln released the confederate delegates. When some in his cabinet balked, Lincoln simply replied “One war at a time, gentlemen.” This temperance allowed Lincoln to win his war. The lack of such temperance, despite fairly outrageous provocations by FDR and his cabinet with a very strong kosher aftertaste, doomed Germany and made it well-nigh impossible for Germany to win the Second World War, likely dooming Europe and the West in the process.
One of the fallen heroes of Stalingrad. On the left is a famous image of one of the German soldiers to die at Stalingrad. Fairly well decorated, the captain’s Iron Cross First Class, wound badge, and combat clasp are in plain view, with the top of the combat clasp broken off, a practice adopted by German soldiers in Stalingrad to denote the particular brutality of the combat conditions they experienced. His name was Friedrich Konrad Winkler, and to the right readers will behold his wedding picture. He died shortly after surrendering in February 1943. Those who so cavalierly dismiss Hitler’s criminal malfeasance regarding Stalingrad and other debacles are to be reminded of the callous disregard for the lives of hundreds of thousands of men like Winkler, men far better than those who are so dismissive of the manner in which they were betrayed.
Despite how improbable German victory was after this decision, Hitler further failed Germany and National Socialism as a cause by other strategic and more particularly tactical blunders. First and foremost was Hitler’s absurd stand-or-die order in the wake of the Battle of Stalingrad. Many of his generals wisely did not share the fixation on Stalin’s namesake, as many historical books and treatises persuasively demonstrate Hitler’s insistence to capture the city under those particular circumstances was utterly foolish. But once the offensive broke down, and once the corridor, consisting mostly of Romanian, Hungarian and Italian troops was threatened, Hitler refused to react by withdrawing the beleaguered Sixth Army to safety, and instead issued his utterly absurd stand-or-die order. This order doomed the Sixth Army, and led directly to its encirclement and destruction. Even as Manstein orchestrated General Hermann Hoth’s heroic but failed effort to relieve the Stalingrad pocket, Hitler refused to allow von Paulus to withdraw and fight towards Hoth’s 4th Panzer Army[13]Hoth’s rush to Stalingrad reached as close as just 30km from the Stalingrad pocket., sealing the grim fate of the Sixth Army, with hundreds of thousands of German soldiers dying in the Stalingrad pocket or dying in Soviet captivity under unspeakably depraved conditions that typified life of German POWs in the Soviet gulag.
Similar orders were made in other contexts, including the German response to Operation Star, as well as in the aftermath of Rommel’s offensive being repelled at El Alamein, in which the Desert Fox disobeyed this suicidal Führerbefehl. Paul Hausser, commanding general of the SS Panzer Corps holding Kharkov, disregarded such orders by withdrawing his beleaguered forces. Had he not done so, three of the most celebrated—and feared—units in the German armed forces—Waffen SS Panzer Divisions Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) and Das Reich as well as Panzergrenadier Division Großdeutschland [14]Großdeutschland was not, of course, under Hausser’s direct command but the GD withdrew in concert with his decision to disobey Hitler and withdraw SS Panzer Divisions LAH and Das Reich.—would almost certainly have suffered the same fate as their fallen comrades in the Sixth Army at Stalingrad. Manstein disobeyed such an order as well in early 1943, but instead of flatly disobeying and retreating in defiance of the Führerbefehl, Manstein persuaded Hitler to come to his headquarters at Zaporizhia some 50 kilometers from the front, and convinced Hitler to sign off on the necessary withdrawal. Manstein saved Army Group Don on the Donbas basin through his masterful withdrawal, while establishing the precursors to his celebrated Backhand Blow at Kharkov.[15]For a general account of these and other events in the Donbas basin in the wake of the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, see generally Last Victory in Russia by George M. Nipe , particularly chapters four through seven. There are of course other volumes on this critical period on the Eastern Front. Had either Hausser or Manstein failed to disobey Hitler in their own particular ways, Hitler’s ridiculous “stand and defend” orders would have led to precisely the same or even worse disasters as had befallen the Sixth Army, hastening Germany’s defeat by a year or more, and likely allowing the Red Army to march through all of Europe all the way to the English Channel.
This offers just a small taste of Hitler’s abysmal failures operationally and tactically. There are others. For example, on the day of the landings at Normandy, the defending German forces were in a period of inaction during the most critical hours because certain generals prone to sycophancy refused to wake the Führer up, noting he likes to sleep in. This and other episodes were likely connected to addiction to opiates, amphetamines, and other illicit substances, an issue that Darryl Cooper expounded on at some length during his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Attitude toward the German People
These and other blunders are compounded by the callous disregard and even disdain he exhibited towards the lives of the German people and—as demonstrated repeatedly in the issuance of suicidal stand-and-defend orders recounted above—even the soldiers and officers fighting under his command. In the closing months of the war, this callous disregard for the lives of Germans escalated to mass murder of a different, more deliberate sort, when Hitler turned his demonic brutality against the German people outright. SS units of the Dirlewanger brigade sort—and generally not of bona fide combat units such as SS LAH, Das Reich—and other rogue elements went on killing sprees of any German even suspected of desertion, whether military or civilian. This was not done with any hope of changing the outcome of the war, but to buy Hitler and his top entourage a few more days to live before having to do the inevitable. Far more appalling was the Nero Decree given to Albert Speer, which quite thankfully Speer never considered carrying out. Had he done as ordered, this Nero Decree would have done far more than merely decimate the German population.
To be sure, the policy of unconditional surrender was a catalyst, cornering a vicious, dangerous, and wounded animal in a situation where it dies regardless of what it does. Despite the Allies deserving much more of the blame than the “post-war consensus” affords, Hitler’s intentions with the German people during the closing phases of the war are beyond repugnant. While Germany is in the throes of an existential threat she can barely perceive properly through the distorted perspective induced by war guilt, allied propaganda, and the various auspices of American Unkultur that have been installed [i][16]Several essays by this author explain how the externalities of a given cultural milieu greatly limit individual autonomy, and even serve as a sort of programming of the mind. into the German consciousness through nearly a century of occupation, Hitler’s designs at the end of the war would truly have been Finis Germania, as he would practically have carried out the Morgenthau Plan on his own, saving the Jews the trouble of doing much of the dirty work themselves. The order to burn Paris almost a year earlier, which was also refused, is also an indictment. Returning to what he intended for the large numbers of the German people because of his abject failure—morally and militarily, as demonstrated by Albert Speer’s blood-chilling account of what Hitler said to him when giving Speer orders to carry out the Nero decree:[17]The significance of this excerpt requires reproduction in Speer’s verbatim statement, in the German:
Wenn der Krieg verloren geht, wird auch das Volk verloren sein. Dieses Schicksal ist unabwendbar. Es sei nicht notwendig, auf die Grundlagen, die das Volk zu seinem primitivsten Weiterleben braucht, Rucksicht zu nehmen. Im Gegenteil sei es besser, selbst diese Dinge zu zerstören. Denn das Volk hatte sich als das schwächere erwiesen und dem stärkeren Ostvolk gehöre dann ausschließlich dte Zukunft. Was nach dem Kampf übrigbliebe, seien ohnehin nur die Minderwertigen; denn die Guten seien gefallen.
If the war were lost, the nation would also perish. This fate was inevitable. There was no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people would need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it would be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have prove[n] to be the weaker one and the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who would remain after the battle were only the inferior ones, for the good ones had been killed. (498)
Other statements demonstrate Hitler had the audacity to blame the German people and above all the millions of German soldiers and officers who fought so fiercely and bravely, dying all too often in the process for his blunders and failures.
None of this means that I regard or that anyone should regard the Allies and more particularly the Soviets as anything other than an evil unto their own, as bad or indeed worse than Hitler was. It must also be stressed that Hitler’s worst characteristics did not present themselves in earnest until after American provocations that preceded his disastrous decision to declare war on the United States (again, disastrous not because it was unjustified but because Germany did not have the material power or the tactical or strategic position to declare and prosecute a war against the United States successfully when embroiled with the Soviet Union and the British Empire). The matter is hotly debated among historians, and while I regard the Holocaust as “a mere detail in history,” I am persuaded by the likes of Richard J. Evans who argues that the Holocaust was only initiated after war with the United States seemed inevitable, describing the Final Solution as the “greatest hostage scenario” in the history of humanity. Indeed, Darryl Cooper recently noted that the yellow Juden star Jews were forced to wear in Nazi occupied Europe was implemented only after the publication and promulgation of Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman.
Brutal criminal occupation policies seemed to have stepped up as well once Germany was rendered as a wounded, trapped animal with no apparent escape. Those who have read and understood “The Scottish Play” understand how doom and despair leads to wanton and senseless killing, above all when contending with tyrants such as this. Quoting the once brave MacBeth when so cornered: “I am in blood / Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
The degree to which Allied policy, notably Britain’s refusal to negotiate peace after the Fall of France as well as the Anglo-American policy of “unconditional surrender” inform what may seem a contradictory view that, despite the list of indictments above, Britain in particular would have been better off had Nazi Germany prevailed, either with Lord Halifax prevailing during the War Cabinet Crisis or even in a less likely scenario in which Germany could somehow have managed the occupation and capitulation of Britain in 1940–1941.[18]The near total consensus is that Sea Lion could never have worked, although Manstein argues a somewhat persuasive counterargument in Lost Victories. Kurt Student was convinced that use of the Fallschirmjäger to capture key ports and areas long the coast would have been high-risk but feasible. In my mind the hypothetical that would have most likely led to a negotiated peace was if the Dunkirk contingent was properly destroyed or captured. Alas, it was not.
Nor is it the case that the Allies are really any better concerning the wholesale murder of innocent civilians or their unabashed war-mongering. Those who prattle on about the supposed “myth of the clean Wehrmacht”[19]Since an exhibition Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941–1944 and accompanying documentary Der unbekannte Soldat exposing or rather embellishing the crimes of the German military during the second world, a new generation of historians have unleashed a concerted campaign to impute culpability to the German military generally and, in practical terms, categorically to each and every German soldier and officer who served his country. The Myth of the Eastern Front, a laughably biased polemic that originally was subjected to many poor reviews on amazon.com (they were eventually deleted) and other websites is a notable exemplar of this school of thought. It is noteworthy that screeds like “Crimes of the Wehrmacht: A Re-evaluation” by Alex. J Kay and David Stahel and other texts, both “academic” and otherwise, assign guilt based on complicity and knowledge standards. If a solider was in the general vicinity of reprisals against Soviet partisans carrying out an order—even in the case of the systemic murder of Jews and others targeted by the Reich, this school of thought regards any such individual as similarly culpable based on this complicity and knowledge standard. It is laughably ridiculous to expect a solider or officer to take arms against his own military or commit desertion or some other act of disobedience, particularly when all these men were otherwise focused on fighting for their nation in the throes of a death struggle against Soviet Bolshevism while also trying to simply survive.
There are other problems with this reasoning, including how men who served for example in an artillery battalion would be in anyway responsible, or for that matter panzer crews in das Heer and even the Waffen SS. The reputation of the Waffen SS in particular has been so tarnished as to seem utterly beyond redemption, but it remains unclear how a man like Michael Wittmann and his crew were war criminals or did anything other than engage and destroy Soviet and later allied armor in a heroic bid to save their country. In defiance of a new consensus among an academic elite subject, to put it mildly, to ideopolitical capture, I submit that the vast majority of the Wehrmacht and even appreciable numbers of the Waffen SS fought fiercely and with honor and incredible fighting prowess the likes of which the world may never see again, and did do in ways that do not deserve being branded as war criminals or the like. Unfortunately, what passes as modern historical scholarship, subject to certain ideological-political capture, is so uniform and lockstep on this matter it is difficult to find recent works which rebut or even criticize this mantra. While consisting of anecdotes from Germans who lived during this time, as recounted over half a century, Professor of Germanics Frederic Tubach reaches a somewhat similar conclusion in German Voices, in which he makes a firm distinction between what he calls German patriots and nationalists on one hand and bona fide Nazis on the other. One interview of a German veteran who was captured in Italy is particularly moving, as Tubach recounts that he sensed, with disapproval, that the veteran was despondent even in old age that they lost. like to carry on about the war crimes of an isolated occupation unit in this or that village in Yugoslavia or some terrible happening in a Russian village, whereas the entirety of the American and British air forces were targeting the entire German population through terror bombings, campaigns that were known about and universally supported by the Anglo-American world at large. While rear-guard units would shoot a hundred or even a thousand civilians as reprisals for illegal partisan atrocities against the German military—and did so while looking their victims in the eye, the self-righteous Americans and British were killing tens of thousands and on some occasions such as the Bombing of Dresden even hundreds of thousands of German civilians on a daily basis, sight unseen.
Stalin and Churchill arranged the fate of Prussia and Silesia by agreeing to the revision of Soviet, Polish, and German borders with three matchsticks. The consequence of this was “ethnic cleansing” of all Germans from East Prussa, Silesia, and other areas, replete with wholesale murder and rape by the marauding Red Army.[20]See generally de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge and After the Reich by Giles MacDonogh, among other works. Statistics on number of dead from Churchill’s and Stalin’s matchstick play vary, but most estimates place the number under or a little more than two million, not counting those who lost everything, rape survivors, and so on. Despite having the leverage of the atomic bomb, the do-goody Allies acquiesced and allowed the Soviets to partition what was left of Eastern Germany into the German Democratic Republic, more commonly known as East Germany. This of course followed complicity if not tacit approval of the wholesale rape and murder of German civilians in Prussia, Silesia, and other areas populated by Germans.[21]See e.g., the illustration of Churchill and Stalin playing with matchsticks and the accompanying footnote. One third of German and allied fatalities suffered in the last six months could have perhaps been avoided if unconditional surrender had not been insisted upon. The fate of German POWs handed over the by the Western Allies to the Soviets as well as German POWs who died in Allied captivity—the statistics of which are murky at best—further bloody the “cleans hands” of the Allies.
Finally, most do not consider just how close the infamous Morgenthau Plan was to being implemented, although it seems that it was implemented, just on a much gentler, more gradual scale. Deluded and brainwashed by a constant, unremittent diet of Allied post war propaganda and war guilt, many modern “good” Germans somehow think Americans—more precisely the American Empire—are their friends.
It must also be noted—not conceded, but noted, as I have never suggested otherwise—that Hitler did desire peace early on and tried to negotiate with Britain several times as the French Campaign was winding down. Churchill and later FDR after him were as much war mongers and mass murderers as Hitler was, but at least the latter’s characterization is taken at face value rather than cloaked with the absurd national myth that is so deeply imbued on both sides of the Atlantic as to be indelible.
Regrets and Consequences
Two letters from British veterans who survived long enough to see Britain in modern times, taken from the book The Unknown Warriors . However damning the assessment of Hitler may be, this author agrees with their assessment, notably because the worst propensities of the Führer were only exhibited once utter doom and despair had taken hold, a concept readily accessible to anyone who has read and understands MacBeth.
Despite whatever hollow or empty assertions offered by those who support the Austrian painter so unreservedly, the bottom line is Hitler Lost the War. The consequences of that are manifold, obvious, and incalculable. The partition of Europe between the United States and the Soviet Union solidified the rise of the American Empire, with the United States being the lone super power for almost 35 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The United States is certainly in decline and has proven unable to defeat a variety of rag-tag, sandal-shod, Third World adversaries, from the rice patty farmers of North Vietnam to the Taliban in Afghanistan, both armed with not much more than AK-47s and improvised explosive devices. Even so, blessed with two oceans, a nuclear arsenal and sufficiently formidable armed forces (at least on paper), the decline of the United States may be inevitable, but it will just as assuredly be slow, almost imperceptible as it transpires over many decades or even a century or longer, the ultimate effect of which will be that the United States will, in all probability, remain just long enough to consummate the death of Mother Europa and the posterity of her sons and daughters. While there is still hope for Germany in particular, prospects seem grim at times as the German national consciousness has been subject to a deep marinade of war-guilt, augmented by the steady, inexorable evisceration of their language and culture by the import of American Unkultur, the saturation of German and other cultures in English language advertising, music, and other media, as well as the infusion of shit music and shit culture into all aspects of European society. The defeat of Nazi Germany, for which Hitler bears so much responsibility, has allowed America, the “nation producing this “culture,” to the extent one can call it culture at all, to occupy Europe, while reducing the nations of Europe to “vassal states—above all sacred Germany.”
Looking Forward: Out from under His Long Shadow
The many credible and tangible benefits and advantages of National Socialism particularly but right-wing authoritarianism more generally have been so thoroughly discredited by these and other failures by the Führer, both morally and militarily, that European civilization may never disabuse itself from the lie—from the self-destruction—that is modern liberalism and democracy itself. This is particularly critical because the democratic system has proven itself utterly unfit and unable to respond to a multitude of evils that threaten racial suicide and civilizational ruin, from the Great Replacement and the demographic winter, to unbridled capitalism’s propensity to peddle any number of vices, from pornography to illicit drugs, from sports and other gambling to garbage fast-food that is not fit for consumption by anyone, most particularly European men and women.
These and other failures demonstrate that, while authoritarianism is capable of implementing state policy through actions that are actually capable of solving real problems, having one man as absolute ruler is a most dangerous prospect. The risk of vesting absolute authority in one man leading any such authoritarian movement to disaster is too great. Some recommend limiting the vote to landowners, never bothering to notice the sorts of people that own land in far greater proportion to their numbers while overlooking the problems of generational wealth and similar considerations. Thomas Jefferson envisioned what he called a “natural aristocracy,” whereby those who have the raw, native traits of high intelligence, good health, and some semblance of a classical education—irrespective of the family wealth or poverty they were born into—should be hoisted into the highest stations of a more enlightened society. This ideal was actually embraced by the Nazis in a concept known as Volksgemeinschaft, which emphasized the importance of downplaying and diminishing class differences that existed between the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat, and awarding and recognizing the individual based on merit, while fostering greater cohesion and unity in the German people. As I and many others have written, Robert Heinlein offers a large part of the solution in the society he envisioned in the unfortunately named Starship Troopers: “Service guarantees citizenship,” i.e., those who serve or have served the nation, in the military or in other important areas of public service alone have a say. Jettison the multi-culti, united-peoples-of-the-world love of the novel and infuse society with the first principles of race, blood and soil. If that is accomplished, a solution to the sorts of problems presented in Hitler’s catastrophic failure would be revealed. Churchill, FDR, and the cabal of International Jewry certainly wanted the destruction of Germany, but if Hitler and a handful of his more odious henchmen such as Himmler, Goering, and Goebbels somehow died in a plane crash as Fall Gelb was underway and a sort of grand national socialist council consisting of Germany’s finest military and other leaders were given power, or if Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess or an equivalent had assumed leadership, it is doubtful many of the war-losing mistakes outlined above would have been made.
Setting these colossal problems with Hitler aside, and even presupposing that each of these strategic and tactical blunders as well as monstrous, barbaric acts against White Slavic Europeans and the German people themselves could somehow be overlooked, as various detractors so foolishly insist, those who support right-wing populism and share either a skepticism or even disdain for democracy and the American Empire should and must regard Hitler with a comparable level of aversion simply because, even if one could overlook, excuse, or explain these gigantic flaws, the public view of Hitler will never be reformed by a sufficiently large number of the populace to make such rhetoric a viable strategy for convincing a critical mass of people on the issues that National Socialism shares with today’s dissident right, ethno-nationalist right, and right-wing populist movements.
This is not to suggest that any discussion of the Third Reich or the legitimate grievances of the German people and the issues that National Socialism discerned correctly should not be discussed or embraced; however, to whatever extent Hitler believed in the tenets that are applicable to the problems faced by the Occident in modern times, he ultimately betrayed those principles by failing in such catastrophic and gruesome fashion as outlined above. Dick Morris’s genius strategy of triangulation, which allowed Bill Clinton to win reelection in 1996 by absorbing many of the strengths of the Republicans in the wake of the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress while deflecting criticisms of the Democrat party at large reveals how this can be done. Instead of absurd memes that foolishly eulogize Hitler, we should embrace the unique vision proffered in this essay and most especially by Ernst Nolte, enunciating that most essential distinction between the German people as well as the deutsche Wehrmacht (and even many combat units of the Waffen SS) on one hand and the political leadership at the top so irredeemably marred and discredited by the crimes and failures outlined above on the other. Despite twenty plus years of an insidious but largely successful effort to criminalize the entirety of the deutsche Wehrmacht that impugns any charitable or favorable view of the men who fought and all too often died for Germany, large swathes of the Anglo-American world nonetheless admire the fighting prowess of the German armed forces to this day. Using the Wehrmacht and the Noltean view of the German perspective can redeem those principles of National Socialism that are still relevant to the salvation of European peoples today, while disavowing the many liabilities associated with Hitler and those who eulogize him in such simplistic and ignorant fashion.
Despite blithe and often petulant insistence to the contrary, the unique perspective and insight described here will be key for any resurgence of right-wing authoritarianism in the Occident, as this perspective recognizes the legitimate grievances of the German people at the time; it recognizes and embraces the many advantages of National Socialism in principle, while still recognizing both the evil personal propensities of Hitler, as well as how the defeat and ruin of Germany resulted directly from these propensities. As Heinz Guderian so aptly quipped to his colleagues while in Allied captivity, “the principles were fine.” It was a problem of leadership—the leadership of Adolf Hitler.
Other articles and essays by Richard Parker are available at his publication, The Raven’s Call: A Reactionary Perspective, found at theravenscall.substack.com. Please consider subscribing on a free or paid basis, and to like and share as warranted. Readers can also find him on twitter, under the handle @astheravencalls.
Buchanan, Patrick J. Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. Crown, 2008.
Cooper, Darryl. “Enemy: The Germans’ War, Prologue.” The Martyrmade Podcast.
https://martyrmade.com/ Audio.
Cooper, Darryl. “Thoughts on Ukraine (Remastered).” The Martyrmade Podcast,https://martyrmade.com/. Audio.
Evans, Richard J. The Coming of the Third Reich. Penguin Books, 2004.
Evans, Richard J. The Third Reich at War. Penguin Books, 2009.
Evans, Richard J. The Third Reich in Power. Penguin Books, 2006.
Feindflug. “Neue Sieger.” Volk und Armee, 2005, Album.
Finkelstein, Norman. The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. Verso, 2000.
Friedrich, Otto. Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s. Harper & Row, 1972.
Glantz, David M., et al. Slaughterhouse: The Handbook of the Eastern Front. Aberjona Press, 2005.
Gordon, Mel. The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber: Weimar Berlin’s Priestess of Decadence. Feral House, 2006.
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1959.
Jelavich, Peter. Berlin Cabaret. Harvard UP, 1996.
Kaufman, Theodore N. Germany Must Perish! Argyle Press, 1941.
Kay, Alex J., and David Stahel. “Crimes of the Wehrmacht: A Re-evaluation.” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 55, no. 2, Apr. 2020, pp. 236-258, doi:10.1177/0022009419864166.
Kershaw, Robert J. War Without Garlands: Barbarossa 1941-42. Ian Allan Publishing, 2000.
Le Pen, Jean Marie. [Specific work unknown; quote attributed to interview or speech, publication details unavailable].
MacDonald, Kevin. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements. Praeger, 1998.
Manstein, Erich von. Lost Victories. Translated by Anthony G. Powell, Zenith Press, 2004.
Neitzel, Sönke . Tapping Hitler’s Generals: Transcripts of Secret Conversations, 1942–45. Translated by Geoffrey Brooks, Frontline Books, 2007.
Nipe, George. Last Victory in Russia: The SS-Panzerkorps and Manstein’s Kharkov Counteroffensive, February–March 1943. Schiffer Military History, 2000.
Nolte, Ernst. Three Faces of Fascism: Action Française, Italian Fascism, National Socialism. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966.
On Moonlight Bay. Directed by Roy Del Ruth, performances by Doris Day and Gordon MacRae, Warner Bros. Pictures, 1951.
Pringle, Nicholas. The Unknown Warriors. Lulu.com, 2012.
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine, Folger Shakespeare Library, Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Smelser, Ronald, and Edward J. Davies. The Myth of the Eastern Front: The Nazi-Soviet War in American Popular Culture. Cambridge UP, 2008.
Tubach, Frederic C. German Voices: Memories of Life during Hitler’s Third Reich. U of California P, 2011.
United States Congress. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume XVI. Library of Congress, 1946, https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/llmlp/2011525338_NT_Vol-XVI/2011525338_NT_Vol-XVI.pdf .
United States Congress. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume XLI. Library of Congress, 1946, https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/llmlp/2011525338_NT_Vol-XLI/2011525338_NT_Vol-XLI.pdf
Woods, Keith. “Nationalism, not NS.” Keith Woods, March 5, 2025..
YouTube. “The Norway Campaign 1940.” Uploaded by Zoomer Historian, 9 Jun. 2023,
[1] This phenomenon compelled Keith Woods to publish this essay, “National Doesn’t Need National Socialism.” Private correspondence demonstrates this treatise was already undergoing composition and revision before this essay by Woods was published.
[2] Anomalies such as reductions in deaths at Auschwitz from 3.5 million to 1.5 million are indeed interesting. It is also interesting that Unit 731, a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit—really a gruesome human experiment, torture, and murder factory—run by the Japanese in China, left very few surviving victims. Nonetheless, contesting or disputing figures insisted by Jewish and other interests is counterproductive and unnecessary. First, a critical mass of people will never be convinced otherwise. Second, this author wishes to continue to travel to Europe. With figures insisted upon granted, the Holocaust narrative can still be attacked as a “mere detail in history,” as the populist right can expose and decry the shakedown that Norman Finkelstein and others have criticized in books and essays like The Holocaust Industry.
[3] On the particular matter of Pax Americana, I often think of the music of German aggrotech band Feindflug, particularly the spoken word sample s from the song Neue Sieger, which describe the account below of the millions dead attributed to U.S. military action (not all of it unjustified such as actions in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, as well as the initial response in Afghanistan), juxtaposing that with what appears to be a pronouncement of a death sentence for war crimes, possibly a recording from the Nuremberg Trials. One of course laments that Feindflug also did not recount needless millions of dead Germans that soil American (and British) hands. The first half of this juxtaposition reads as follows; note however that eight million figure does not include millions of dead from military action in Iraq, or most of the time in Afghanistan (the song is from 2005), Libya, Syria, or deaths resulting from billions given to Isreal, which in turn directly supports “crimes against humanity” perpetrated against the Palestinians. Even so, the first sound sample reads as follows:
Japan, China, Nordkorea, Bosnien, Sudan, Jugoslawien, Afghanistan
Alle diese Länder haben etwas gemeinsam, was ist es, he?
Diese Länder sind in den vergangenen 60 Jahren von Amerikanischen Truppen bombardiert worden
Das bedeutet 8 Millionen Tote in 22 Nationen. Wer glaubt das wäre gerecht?
Sowas wie Gerechtigkeit werdet ihr nirgendwo finden!
Japan, China, North Korea, Bosnia, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan
All these countries have something in common. What is it, eh?
These countries have been bombed by American troops over the past 60 years.
That means 8 million deaths in 22 nations. Who thinks that’s fair?
You won’t find any such thing as justice anywhere!
[4] An internet search in both English and German will demonstrate this happened, but there is scant discussion of the precise nature of this scandal with detailed particulars, other than lamentations as to how the Nazis exploited this to fan the flames of so-called anti-Semitism, never mind that the charges made by the Nazis are doubtlessly true. The scandal is mentioned briefly in Before the Deluge: Portrait of Berlin in 1920s, but with no particular details. It is curious that so little information is available given that the scandal harmed the SDP dramatically in the polls, as SDP politicians in office were accepting bribes from the Barmat Brothers. It is peculiar indeed that there is so little content concerning such a momentous moment in Weimar Republic. Could it be that those who control the past, control the present, and therefore the future?
[5] Darryl Cooper, better known as “Martyr Made,” stipulates this dirty little secret in his excellent commentary concerning the outbreak of war in Ukraine and its origins. In this excellent podcast, the right-wing historian compares and juxtaposes how American foreign policy “thanked” the Russian people for giving the world a bloodless, velvet Revolution in 1991 and afterward with the misery and death imposed on the German people by the do-goody Allies for agreeing to an armistice in 1918. In discussing the deprivations of hyper-inflation and what is in effect the death of a national currency, he comments briefly on how mostly Jews procured real estate and other holdings in Germany for next to nothing by obtaining foreign currency.
[6] See Chapter 5 of Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, for starters.
[7] This received orthodoxy never considers Hitler’s multiple attempts to negotiate peace with Britain.
[8] The transcript of the secret recordings identifies the officers present and speaking but does not identify who is speaking when.
[9] Given that terror bombings originated with the RAF, including such abominations as “calling cards” used as incendiary devices to burn down the Black Forest and civilian population centers as well as Allied policy towards German civilians both during the Second World War and at the end and during the aftermath of the First World War, to say nothing of the game with matchsticks described later and its grim consequences, such strong focus, as mandated by received orthodoxy, only on what the Germans did seems peculiar and hypocritical.
[10] This is the position espoused by John Ellis in By Brute Force, among other historians. Others disagree. While this author is convinced Germany could have prevailed against the Soviet Union if winter clothing was not neglected, and more particularly if Hitler’s blunder at Stalingrad had been avoided, it is certainly a debatable question that will continued to be a subject of much controversy.
[11] Off-hand this is evidenced throughout War Without Garlands and even Tapping Hitler’s General’s. Even though Neitzel and the publishing house tout the volume as somehow discrediting the supposed “myth of the clean Wehrmacht,” the impression it left on this reader was quite the opposite, as I reject the absurd complicity and knowledge standards of collective culpability described in footnote nineteen. One anecdote is intended to be particularly damning, concerning a captain who sat down with a Russian villager at a table before shooting him in cold blood in front of his wife and child, before shooting the deceased’s screaming wife, and then their baby. The entire unit was outraged, and the commanding officer had sought to court martial him for murder, punishable by death. The captain alleged in defense it was not murder because Russians are not human. A directive from the Führer was handed down asserting this is correct, requiring that the captain was to only face lesser charges. This is appalling, but it is of note that the entire unit was outraged and the commanding officer wanted him executed for it.
[12] Note these insults are not directed at those in ideological and political affinity with this author who has a more benign view of Hitler, but is confined solely to those who spew such ridiculous blather, as discussed in this treatise.
[13] Hoth’s rush to Stalingrad reached as close as just 30km from the Stalingrad pocket.
[14] Großdeutschland was not, of course, under Hausser’s direct command but the GD withdrew in concert with his decision to disobey Hitler and withdraw SS Panzer Divisions LAH and Das Reich.
[15] For a general account of these and other events in the Donbas basin in the wake of the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, see generally Last Victory in Russia by George M. Nipe , particularly chapters four through seven. There are of course other volumes on this critical period on the Eastern Front.
[16] Several essays by this author explain how the externalities of a given cultural milieu greatly limit individual autonomy, and even serve as a sort of programming of the mind.
[17] The significance of this excerpt requires reproduction in Speer’s verbatim statement, in the German:
Wenn der Krieg verloren geht, wird auch das Volk verloren sein. Dieses Schicksal ist unabwendbar. Es sei nicht notwendig, auf die Grundlagen, die das Volk zu seinem primitivsten Weiterleben braucht, Rucksicht zu nehmen. Im Gegenteil sei es besser, selbst diese Dinge zu zerstören. Denn das Volk hatte sich als das schwächere erwiesen und dem stärkeren Ostvolk gehöre dann ausschließlich dte Zukunft. Was nach dem Kampf übrigbliebe, seien ohnehin nur die Minderwertigen; denn die Guten seien gefallen.
[18] The near total consensus is that Sea Lion could never have worked, although Manstein argues a somewhat persuasive counterargument in Lost Victories. Kurt Student was convinced that use of the Fallschirmjäger to capture key ports and areas long the coast would have been high-risk but feasible. In my mind the hypothetical that would have most likely led to a negotiated peace was if the Dunkirk contingent was properly destroyed or captured. Alas, it was not.
[19] Since an exhibition Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941–1944 and accompanying documentary Der unbekannte Soldat exposing or rather embellishing the crimes of the German military during the second world, a new generation of historians have unleashed a concerted campaign to impute culpability to the German military generally and, in practical terms, categorically to each and every German soldier and officer who served his country. The Myth of the Eastern Front, a laughably biased polemic that originally was subjected to many poor reviews on amazon.com (they were eventually deleted) and other websites is a notable exemplar of this school of thought. It is noteworthy that screeds like “Crimes of the Wehrmacht: A Re-evaluation” by Alex. J Kay and David Stahel and other texts, both “academic” and otherwise, assign guilt based on complicity and knowledge standards. If a solider was in the general vicinity of reprisals against Soviet partisans carrying out an order—even in the case of the systemic murder of Jews and others targeted by the Reich, this school of thought regards any such individual as similarly culpable based on this complicity and knowledge standard. It is laughably ridiculous to expect a solider or officer to take arms against his own military or commit desertion or some other act of disobedience, particularly when all these men were otherwise focused on fighting for their nation in the throes of a death struggle against Soviet Bolshevism while also trying to simply survive.
There are other problems with this reasoning, including how men who served for example in an artillery battalion would be in anyway responsible, or for that matter panzer crews in das Heer and even the Waffen SS. The reputation of the Waffen SS in particular has been so tarnished as to seem utterly beyond redemption, but it remains unclear how a man like Michael Wittmann and his crew were war criminals or did anything other than engage and destroy Soviet and later allied armor in a heroic bid to save their country. In defiance of a new consensus among an academic elite subject, to put it mildly, to ideopolitical capture, I submit that the vast majority of the Wehrmacht and even appreciable numbers of the Waffen SS fought fiercely and with honor and incredible fighting prowess the likes of which the world may never see again, and did do in ways that do not deserve being branded as war criminals or the like. Unfortunately, what passes as modern historical scholarship, subject to certain ideological-political capture, is so uniform and lockstep on this matter it is difficult to find recent works which rebut or even criticize this mantra. While consisting of anecdotes from Germans who lived during this time, as recounted over half a century, Professor of Germanics Frederic Tubach reaches a somewhat similar conclusion in German Voices, in which he makes a firm distinction between what he calls German patriots and nationalists on one hand and bona fide Nazis on the other. One interview of a German veteran who was captured in Italy is particularly moving, as Tubach recounts that he sensed, with disapproval, that the veteran was despondent even in old age that they lost.
[20] See generally de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge and After the Reich by Giles MacDonogh, among other works. Statistics on number of dead from Churchill’s and Stalin’s matchstick play vary, but most estimates place the number under or a little more than two million, not counting those who lost everything, rape survivors, and so on.
[21] See e.g., the illustration of Churchill and Stalin playing with matchsticks and the accompanying footnote.
Yes. Adolf Siklgruber was a Judeofascist psychopath, programmed by his Satanic background to fanatically pursue totalitarianism and world conquest to the point of suicide–similar to fanatic ((Lenin)), similar to fanatic (((Trotsky))), and not unlike the Zionist monster Churchill.
Synagogue of Satanism has its hooks in all of these.
I hereby denounce Genghis and Kubla Kahn, who operated in the 13th and 14th centuries, for being the embodiment of evil…
Thanks for this exposition, lots of good matter to study and ponder. The war’s outcome seems inevitable. A nearly landlocked Central European nation of eighty million souls found itself forced into nonstop military engagements with four great global empires that held over a billion and a half people in them. Just look at the recent relentless provocation and demonization of Russia by the Biden administration – the narrative that Putin decided one day to invade Ukraine for no reason was built on the success of similar lies about Germany and Czechoslovakia, Poland, England, France, Norway, the USSR. It’s not hard to detect the hand of FDR behind it all, orchestrating global war for US global hegemony, with the American homeland safe from harm behind two wide oceans and the people thoroughly misinformed by a compliant media. The Third Reich was faced with relentless, implacable enemies that wanted no peace. Hitler was offered the same choice that western imperialism gave Saddam Hussein: commit suicide or we’ll kill you.
With the passage of decades, and now of almost all of its generation, that war seems like the beginning of the end of the good our benighted species strove so hard to do. We came into the light of science, but we still managed to remain blinded by our primordial aggression and savagery. The psyop techniques perfected then now define our sources of information, and yet the terrific butcher’s bill didn’t even slow down our explosive overpopulation. Maybe this is why we’ve never met an alien species – life can only grow so far, and then it implodes in on itself.
Intriguingly, neither the Communists nor the Nazis perceive themselves in the same bad light that the rest of the world does. Both movements perceive themselves as the only truly good people, and believe that their millions of victims deserved everything they got. Basically, they were millennial cults with their own versions of the Final Battle, which lead to their own version of Utopia: that is, of Paradise on Earth. In this way, they were like certain Christian Zionists sects, in the United States of America!
Bohemia and Moravia was taken as a “Protectorate”, as it was inside the boundaries of Greater Germany.
The Czech population was better off, and they knew it.
Hitler’s biggest blunder was not pursuing a policy of neutrality after the Sudetenland crisis like Switzerland. His second biggest blunder was not agreeing to an alliance with the USSR in 1940. Why be friends with Stalin, a guy who took a country with horse and plow and left it with an atomic bomb, when you can try to be friends with an Anglo shabbos goy alcoholic who liquidated his empire for nothing instead? The Anglo slave race of kikesuckers and the “Aryans” were always meant to be best friends forever, he thought. Both turned out to be equally worthless and pathetic, as is evident today. Their sole purpose of existence now is to stand with Israel, their most cherished “ally”.
Hitler wanted an empire to rival the British Empire, but he and his “Aryan” compatriots got fucked in the ass instead. Quite a blunder. It might be the biggest blunder in all of history.
The “Aryans” turned out to be not suited for these fundamental principles. They are evidently more suited to be willing slaves of Jews. Standing with Israel and voting for shabbos goy politicians who flood them with non-Whites are their fundamental principles now. Like trannies, they were born in wrong bodies and now they have finally transitioned to their true selves.
Were it not for The State of Israel, what country would most Americans feel patriotic toward? Americans certainly are not patriotic to America, especially since America lost in Vietnam. The US Military happily fights most of Israel’s wars.
Hitler and Mussolini should have placed more pressure on Franco in Spain to allow Axis forces to attack Gibraltar from land, even to the point of landing forces in Spain without Franco’s permission. Taking control of Gibraltar would have made a huge difference.
Somehow this author overlooked the great David Irving, who was the most aggressive in revealing the truth about Hitler after the war and suffered greatly from his honesty. This short video has a great clip of him speaking about Hitler’s efforts at peace.
Video Link
While he had heroic intent and did many heroic things, he fell apart towards the end and it cost Germany greatly. I’d attribute it largely to his drug use, but his generals should have done more to take war powers.
This well known “fact” was invented by British historians after the war and now cited as the truth:
Hitler didn’t invade Czechoslovakia or “carve away” Slovakia. It declared independence as the mini-Czech empire invented by the Brits in 1920 fell apart. Germans, Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians and Ukrainians (Rus) were the majority in Czechoslovakia and rejected the rule of Prague. Hungary was angry after losing most of its land in 1920 and its troops began moving very slowly into Slovakia as the “Czech” army weakened when its non-Czech troops returned “home”. They asked Hitler to send forces to deter Hungary. The Czechs had food shortages as their mini-empire collapsed and asked Hitler for help, so he agreed to provide food aid, free trade, and improve their industries as they became a German protectorate while keeping their own army and government.
An example of truth can be seen in a newsreel from the AP Archive. The Associated Press is a long-standing official American propaganda outlet. AP posted the video on Youtube in 2015 after heavy editing, with an all CAPS title: NAZI INVASION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA.
These old videos have narration, which was replaced with sinister music that contrasts with the video of locals cheering on German troops. It shows Emil Hacha, President of Czechoslovakia, being greeted warmly in Berlin with full diplomatic honors. It shows German troops peacefully marching through Prague with Czech and Slovak leaders and their Generals on the reviewing stand. The editor made an awkward attempt to freeze frame a few shots of people who might be upset.
Video Link
And here is the truth about 1938 Munich, a successful peace conference that freed people ruled by Prague and prevented war. It had nothing to do with events later in Poland yet remains a rally cry by warmongers even today – APPEASEMENT!
Video Link
David Irving says at least 4 million Jews were killed by Holocaust masterminded by Himmler.
Watch video at 53:00 mark.
Video Link
1. Had Hitler not invaded the USSR, Germany would have dominated all of Europe minus Russia and a few neighboring states.
2. Had Hitler invaded the USSR as a liberating force than as an enslaving/exterminating power, he might received widespread support from anti-communist elements. He might have won or fought to a stalemate.
He invaded… and he did it the wrong way.
Growing up as a kid in the 60’s I heard endless tales of the most evil man who ever lived. Hitler would hypnotize men and make them kill Jewish babies, Eva Braun would urinate on him then tie him up and whip him, he even had gay orgies with the Hitler Youth and on and on. It seems in recent years they’ve toned it down a bit and now would have us believe he was just a common junkie.
The major problem with Hitler was that he was an Anglophile and anti-Russian, not that he alienated Britain. Hitler should have done more than alienate Britain. He should have carpeted all British population centers with nerve gas and wiped the Anglo menace from history for good. Unfortunately, he was too much of a pussy to do that and preferred to burn Germany to the ground rather than wage a real war of extermination against his precious Anglos (a sentiment that was not reciprocated by Anglos, given their genocidal treatment of Germans).
It is clear in hindsight that if Hitler were truly interested in saving Germany, then he should have renamed his party the “Socialism in one country with German Characteristics Party” and allied with the Soviet Union to take down global Anglo/Jewish capitalism. But Hitler was too anti-Russian and too pro-Jewish and pro-Anglo to do that.
Their plan to invade Italy by landing at the southern tip and fighting all the way up the long mountainous peninsula was idiotic.
Video Link
They wanted to allow more time for the Germans and Soviets to bloody each other. If they wanted to win the war quickly, they could have skipped the entire African and Italian campaigns and invaded Sardinia in late 1942. After building up forces there, the Allies could have attacked France from two ends in 1943.
Video Link
This makes him a Holocaust denier because he failed to blindly endorse the official tally of 6 million killed.
Excellent piece. While I disagree with some conclusions, such this is a very well articulated piece that points out the very real pitfalls of Hitler while also realizing the core competencies of national socialism and Europe in todays age. While we disagree about some semantics, I back your writings and most opinions
A Russian and German conflict was unavoidable regardless of methods
Hitler’s great crimes were expansionist aggression and mass murder. If he’d stayed in Germany c. 1939, Germany would probably have been one of the greatest states on Earth. But expansionism creates opposition, as the Judeonazis are learning, so it becomes a ‘necessity’ to ‘exterminate the brutes’, so you become Evil and deserve the inevitable reciprocal destruction.
Expansionism far abroad, as in the British ripping forty-five trillion out of India, is safer, and with little risk of repercussions. Attacking your contiguous neighbours is fraught with peril.
Zoomer Historian at YouTube presents excellent videos about what really happened in World War II, including this one about Czechoslovakia and “appeasement”.
Video Link
I agree with much of what you said and you presented a great deal of excellent information in a very interesting and digestible layout.I greatly disagree that Hitler did anything incorrectly and he behaved as a loyal German and Christian till the very end.Yes even Christians must be hard men to save their people and culture from all Satan throws at it.The Christians of today stand for nothing and defend nothing excepting race mixing and the Jews.Lastly I will say that I have always been supportive of what Christians of the former Russian Empire went through under the Jewish/Bolshevik mass murder regime.I do however draw the line at calling these Slavic/Asiatic peoples White in any sense of the word.Huge numbers of these corrupt,violent and dim potato heads have moved into my area of the U.S. and they do not impress me in the least.The are crude,unfriendly,rude and will cheat Americans and our system in any way they can.They are ungrateful and as trustworthy as Gypsies.They are not White kinsmen to me.If you consider Mongols to be as worthy as the grand Germans of the Third Reich then I am at a loss for words.Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed your article and look forward to reading more.God bless.
Imagine thinking you are pro white
and calling yourself a white nationalist
while supporting a guy who killed many many millions of white people.
Just admit it you are neonazi or nazi apologist, not pro white.
Anglo menace?Are you a dumb ass.Anglo-Saxons are German peoples.Just because England was ruled by Jews we can’t wish death on the masses.America was and is ruled by Jews as are all White nations.So do you think all Whites should be gassed?Russian potato heads aren’t White,and while I have nothing against them I do not feel they are my kinsmen.They are a backward and corrupt people just like their Mongol forefathers.Hitler was not pro-Jew at all.And that you believe the Jew propaganda that Hitler was so infatuated with the English that he allowed himself to make great errors proves you are an airhead.I’ll give you some advice:don’t learn about history from Jewish TV and Jewish history books.It may actually take a little effort but if you use your brain then you will eventually see through the lies that are our history.
I disagree. It was Hitler’s peace(with the USSR) to lose.
Yes. Anglos are the villain of history and the enemy of all European peoples (and non-European peoples, except for their beloved Jewish masters). They’ve shown they have no problem mass murdering Germans, Irish, Dutch Boers, Russians, etc. Anglos are a genetic disease and will need to be exterminated if Europe is ever to know peace. Luckily, Anglos are the most hated ethnos on earth and there is no shortage of people waiting for the opportunity to line them up, pump them full of lead, and cave their worthless skulls in with hammers, so after American hegemony has ended, it will be open season on the Anglo menace.
Of course not. Russians are high quality people. They could never be considered kin to the subhuman Anglo slave race. Anglos have no kin. They only have their masters, the Jews.
He openly declared his admiration for the British empire, the most Jewish political entity in history, as well as his desire to work with this Jewish empire. Furthermore, he refused to wage a real war against the empire, due to his fondness for it, even while this empire signalled its genocidal intentions towards German people. So yes, he can only be said to be pro-Jewish. Being pro-Anglo makes one de facto pro-Jewish, since Jews and Anglos act symbiotically.
How much longer will the world be subjected to posts like this?
Hitler did absolutely everything to advance the cause of that element of Judaism that just so happens to be located at the top of the Jewish power structure: https://cjbbooks.com/
As another author put it, Hitler was the enemy of the Germany people, although in reality he was the enemy of all Amalekite/Edomites/Esau/Rome (2.0) etc.:
All these blatant lies about the foreign-born part-Jew with the Chaplin-esque mustache were debunked years ago, and yet here we have the latest piece of garbage. It’s getting boring.
If you just take Hitler’s unilateral decision to declare war against America, which he made at least as early as mid-August 1941 [based on ULTRA/Enigma intercepts of Japan’s Ambassador in Berlin communications to Tokyo], you have a slam-dunk case that Hitler was the living embodiment of FALSE opposition — he worked for the other side.
If you research statements Hitler made in November 1941, July 1943, etc. about the DESTRUCTION of the German people and Germany, it’s another slam-dunk.
If you research Hitler’s “Nero Order” from the second half of March 1945, in which he provided IN WRITING the ORDER TO DESTROY GERMANY, it’s yet another slam-dunk that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hitler was FALSE opposition working for the other side. Who the hell would issue a written order to completely destroy a country unless they’re all about destroying that country? There’s no two ways about it, and there’s no way any of you shmoronic neo-Nutsy scumbags can twist those facts around. It makes perfect sense that Hitler did all he could to destroy not only Germany. He was always a part-Jewish foreigner inside Germany (Stalin was a foreigner in Russia, too).
Hell, even in “Mein Kampf” Hitler provided the formula for the destruction of Germany: make a pact with the USSR and there will be a war with the British and French empires. So, what does he do in the late summer of 1939? The very thing he had written about in his book. He makes a pact with the USSR, invades Poland, knowing that Britain would then go to war and drag its empire and the Frogs into it, and lo and behold, on Sep. 3, 1939, bingo, we have WWII.
And that picture you posted of Gen. Mannstein? He was one of Hitler’s Jewish Generals and Admirals.
I’m getting tired of these disinformation articles.
Jewish author and blogger Henry Makow has been doing yeoman’s work on this, and other related topics, which you can find at his site https://www.henrymakow.com/
Use the search box and type in words like “Hitler” or “Bormann” or “Rothschild” etc. etc. etc.
His fourth book came out a few weeks ago.
There are many other researchers out there whose works definitively disprove the main thesis of this article.
Instead of subscribing to the deceitful writer’s transparent deception, grown-ups ought to research the subject matter more thoroughly by looking into examinations of the true history.
Here is merely one example of one of the latest works, released last year:
I shall also try to have this link posted in the comments of the recent “Europa” article on the Unz.com site.
When did the Anglos go bad, according to you? Shakespeare, Dickens and Orwell were all antisemites. How could the Anglos always have been rotten and jewish (according to you) and produced the most sublime antisemites in history? Why were they (eventually) so eager to turn against their own Saxon kin, when they were in fact earlier kin enemies of the jews?
I’ll tell you why: the Synagogue of Satan targeted them for infiltration, corrupted, and then putrified their elites, the same as its done in the US.
Hitler seemed to have undergone a similar process of cognitive infiltration. You see, these clever jews know how to get in the psyches of weak minds, and drive them to fits of psychotic hate, which leads to lousy decisions — all the moreso if the target has a Sos background, which makes it prone to haughty tantrums.
And yet certain elements of Russia fell for SoS Bolshevism on a mass scale, and then they again fell for Sos Neoconservatism. Not very bright. They should have recognized that they were dealing with an anti-Christ entity in both cases. I mean, how stupid (or corrupt) do you have to be not to see what was going on? Just like with (((Zelensky’s))) takeover of Ukraine. How stupid and corrupt did these Ukrainian “Christians” have to be not to recognize (((Zelensky))) as an agent of Satan? And now possibly a million of them are dead.
I keep trying to tell people: you have no idea of the level of evil you’re dealing with in these Satanists. I keep getting proven right again and again, and the retards keep doubling and tripling down on their jew-stoogery. At some point, you’ve just got to throw up your hands.
It’s a shame you weren’t there to run the show. Everything would have turned out just fine I’m sure.
The simpler, less biased explanation is that Hitler lost, therefore the history was/is written by the victors.
China shook off the Century of Humiliation and now strides the global as a superpower, therefore Mao is revered, despite murdering 40-60 million of the Chinese themselves.
The USSR won, so despite later “de-Stalinization” and the implosion of the USSR itself, Stalin remains a figure venerated by many. Putin’s SMO to “denazify” the Ukraine shows the power of Stalin’s image.
If the UK had lost, you’d be reading articles like this one, about how Churchill was “obviously” a drunken degenerate and a military moron (remember Gallipoli?)
Indeed, those who realize that the UK did lose, with the USA taking over the Empire, also have started denouncing Churchill.
The ultimate victor was the USA, where the Churchill cult remains strong.
A reader supplies context:
This comment was written by someone wearing an IDF uniform.
The go back home to Jerusalem and take a rest.
My granddad was a WW 2 veteran, he came back from north Africa and Italy with PTSD and a drinking problem, but later recovered. He never had anything bad to say about Germans or Italians.
So Richard, do you consider yourself the alter ego of a teen aged Hindu alien presently living in Canada?
It’s you who are fanatical, right..
Hitler was not extreme, read Stolfi, MS King, August Kubicek “The Hitler I knew”. Trotskij et al sionistbolshjevics, yes, but not Hitler and Nsdap. They fought an adversary with an army the world had neever seen before or after. Who could sample 2milj paratroopers, had 25000 of worlds best tanks, could produce during 6month as many as Germany had produced from 1933 to 22 june 1941..and so on (Victor Suvorov, AJP Taylor). And this army, with the bloodthirsty sionistbolshjevic horde, wanted to do away with aall of Europe (Kaufman; “Germany must perish”, “The Morgenthau plan”, “Kill kill kill” by Iliya Ehrenburg).
Nsdap didn’t have any option, but to be preemptive. Hitler didn’t want to, and he warned the bolshevic czech Benes to stand down and treat the Sudetengermans with respect and stop starving and killing them (Georg Lane-Fox Pitt Rivers; “The czech conspiracy”) and with the polish megalomanic Smigly who betrayed his troops and fled october 1939. First he was warned by Hitler in numerous times, but Smigly just couldn’t or wouldn’t stop killing and raping Germans wich culminated in the Bromberg 50 000 massacre.
Hitler warned the drunken sionistbytch Churchill not to bomb civilian. The attack came the 1 day the alcotard became pm (aand he was selected..not elected) and it was by the psychopat bomberharris on Freiburg 10 may 1940 while the drunken bastard sat cheering. Hitler warned the alcoholic again and again, but he just kept going on bombing innocent children and workers. At the 10th time Hitler had enough, and began bombing military targets, but the sionist thugs had their filthy “media”, so all ‘was Germanys fault’.. This sadistic narrative is today, and all western youths has to ‘learn’ the lies.
Furthermore, nobody (of course) in sionistbytchmedia says anything about the blackmailprocedure from Unthermayer and the psychos in World talmudic (‘jewish’) organisation; ‘judea’/”The talmudists declares war on Germany 1933″…60% of Germanys gdp was by import, so Hitler had to accept the boycott or ‘help’ the talmudists to transport ordinary sc jewish people to Palestine (Haavara’agreement’/-blackmail). And so on. Before that nobody of ordinary sc jewish people had to fear aanything (Benjamin Freedman in his speech at Willard Hotel 1961). And not after, not from Nsdap. It was forbidden to hurt innocents of all creed. But butcherbolshevics was not innocent (Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebechnect etc) of course, so they were hunted down, rightly so. Or..
This is open history today, so do your f…ng homework, it’s embarrasing to read what you write
Return when you have used your head..properly.
Lots of people online will tell you that if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War everything would be great now. Nothing bad that happened would have happened, and nothing bad that didn’t happen would happen. History is more complicated than that. Avoid one pitfall and you fall into another. The Germans relied on slave and conscripted labor for their war effort. Who’s to say they wouldn’t have done the same if they’d won? And having run through Europe’s workforce, who’s to say that they wouldn’t have imported labor from outside Europe? Germans, as a technologically advanced “Master Race” — were they really going to be contented doing stoop labor on farms? Doubtful. We don’t know exactly what would have happened if the Germans won, but given how they treated conquered peoples, it wouldn’t have been pretty.
Was Hitler controlled opposition? In a sense, he was a founding father of Israel, but consider the possibility that he was far from perfect and his “thinking” was a jumble of incompatible ideas.
No. I just *really* like tigers. And ravens.
While Mr. Parker claims to be an independent thinker for rejecting some of the establishment propaganda, his writings show that he still accepts most of it as fact. This is not necessarily to dispute his honesty. But it does render his conclusions quite invalid.
I see that Carlton Meyer has already covered the topic of Czechoslovakia in 1939 in some detail, so I will not go into that here. Although I’ll note in passing, there’s still another dimension to that, involving the US Treasury Department and the Czech gold reserves. A topic for another time.
Taking on now a few critical points.
Part the first:
These are completely mythical claims. As the regime apologists for American and Israeli mass murder of civilians in war and peace never tire of explaining to us, “genocide” means intentional destruction of a people. Hitler never wished for this for the Russians.
What happened was that millions did die of starvation under the German occupation. But this was mainly because the Soviet government had launched a campaign of scorched earth warfare that mercilessly destroyed infrastructure, farms and not least food stocks. See this essay, from a far-right source, but anyone can check his references:
Stalin’s own order in his own words, confirming what Sanning writes:
Under these conditions, especially in 1941 and early 1942 before they could rebuild things somewhat, the German army could hardly even feed itself. They tried to restore services, but of course they prioritized their own needs over those of the locals. Would any soldier have fought for Germany otherwise? And so, because of the cynical Soviet Communist policy and the inadequate resources of the Germans to respond, there were huge disorders that greatly hampered the German military effort (just as Stalin intended, desperate and starving people created chaos), as well as mass death.
But this was quite contrary to Hitler’s own intentions, as is demonstrated by the following document. The translation comes from the Nuremberg Trials, so it is hardly some forgery by neo-Nazis:
This is General von Gravenitz, chief of the Wehrmacht supply services, describing the situation to Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels in a top secret, internal conference. There are no lies here for propaganda purposes, it is in fact a very frank report.
There is also reference to a specific order by Hitler that disarmed Soviet POVs should be given adequate rations, so they could be used for unarmed work by the German military:
Apparently Hitler had heard of the poor conditions of the Russians quite early on in the invasion and demanded improvements. However, because of the horrible logistics situation and food shortages caused by Stalin’s officially organized terrorism, this simply was not possible to anywhere near the needed extent. Even though it was Hitler’s own order. So the helpless victims still died in large numbers. But contrary to what Mr. Parker and his sources allege, this was in spite of Hitler’s intentions rather than because of them. As is sometimes the case, authentic German documents tell a different story than the meanderings of biased historian like Richard Evans.
No. I just *really* like tigers. And ravens.
You embarrass too easily. You wilt too easily. It’s not a good look.
The fact of the matter is, we’re not dealing with an issue of hindsight, and never were. Hitler was not operating blind, or taken by surprise, or naively trusting this person or that person, this nation or that nation… Once it was obvious he was up against the Jesus Christ-named Synagogue of Satan, everything should have been clear to him.
Why did Jesus go out of his way to explicitly condemn the Synagogue? If you take him seriously, there’s ZERO possibility for the Synagogue to be “Jewish” and in line with the Prophets and the rule of law. NONE.
Yet sick, weak, corrupt or stupid people WANT to believe that “Oy, some of them jews ain’t so bad. You can trust ’em! You can trust them’s that’s in bed with them, too!”
If they identify as “Jewish”, no you can’t — because they’re lying, right off the bat. And if they pretend to believe the “good” jews are Jewish, they’re liars and self-deceivers themselves.
Dumb Charlie Brown kept trying to kick psychotic whore Lucy’s football, and dumb Charlie Brown ended up flat on his back every time. Dumb, worthless, suicidal cucks and doormats think (or pretend to think) there’s nobility in getting taken in by jews, or that they’re showing tolerance and good will and doing the Christian thing or the humanitarian thing by ignoring Jesus Christ’s warnings — and then end up getting killed by the Synagogue of Satan, or committing suicide, like Hitler did.
You want me to cry for them or sympathize with them or understand where they were coming from when God Himself told them exactly what they were dealing with? I mean, what planet are you from?
The “American History Channel” in the USA should be renamed the “American Hitler Channel” for all the falsehoods and propaganda that it portrays and disseminates about WW2, Germany and Adolf Hitler.
According to programs on the “American History Channel”, Hitler was a drug addict, impotent, riddled with syphilis and other STDs, yet possessed highly technical “superweapons”, possessed “alien technology”, advanced flight and anti-gravity technologies, and still could not “win” WW2.
Anyone with an open mind who watches the Hitler lies and fabrications on that channel can easily see that it is all BS, especially when the so-called “holocaust™” propaganda is inserted into just about all of these programming “gems”.
The same old photos of emaciated typhus victim bodies due to the result of the camps infrastructure collapses, NOT “gas chambers” are constantly being paraded around to remind “us” how evil Hitler truly was. (Yeah, right).
In fact, Hollywood movie producers were dispatched to Europe in order to “document” and preserve the propaganda (lies and fabrications) of that greatest jewish grift—the so-called jewish “holocaust™”.
Germany was much more advanced than even the USA of the time, hence “Operation Paperclip” commenced in which the USA snatched up Germany’s greatest scientific minds after the summation of WW2.
Looking at the big picture (which is usually ignored), the “German state” was attacked by the rest of the world, and held on to its principles for over 6 years, far longer than expected.
Hitler’s greatest “sin” was the monetization of labor (giving labor true “value”) and going against the Rothschild banks. Going against the jew-run banks made him “enemy #1”.
In fact, Germany’s recovery from the Great Depression and the excesses of the Wiemar Republic was much quicker than that of the western countries and the USA. In fact, it took a World War for the USA to recover from the Great Depression.
He also KNEW that there was a subset of Bolshevik jews who were fomenting communist revolution within Germany. Most people are unaware of the secret agreements that he had with the zionists to “encourage” jewish emigration to what was then known as Palestine.
These agreements were celebrated by both the German government and the zionist leaders at the time. A commemorative coin was even issued to celebrate the agreement. THAT aspect of history is never mentioned on the “American Hitler Channel”.
When it comes to WW2, Germany, and even the Allies, the “American History Channel” is 99% propaganda and 1% truth.
If those of “the greatest generation” could see the jew-run world of today and what it has become, being jew-controlled, they would have thrown off their American uniforms and fought on the side of the Germans…
Observe the present genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. That’s what (((they))) plan for all of us (gentiles).
Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the western civilized world).
Incarcerating 90-plus age women for “thought crimes” is right out of the jewish playbook. Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer come to mind, incarcerated for questioning the so-called jewish “holocaust™”.
Even Canada has criminalized honest investigation into the so-called “holocaust™”.
This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “holocaust™” fable which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
It was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done. Hollywood could not have done a better job in perpetuating the falsehoods and propaganda.
In fact, Hollywood producers and directors were flown to post-war Germany in order to document (and propagandize) the non-existent “death camps” claiming that typhus victims were “gassed”. Of course, they were not shown the true genocides (total destruction) committed at Dresden and other German cities.
It is long overdue for Germany to throw off the shackles imposed on it by the “Allies” which themselves murdered Germans in Eisenhower’s Rheinwiesenlager death camps–true “death camps” unlike the artificially-contrived “holocaust™” labor camps described as “death camps”.
Getting out of NATO should be a first response…
Thank you. There’s a lot of that going on…
Part the second:
The coming of the war with America really deserves a special post for itself, if not a whole book, but again that must wait for another time. But I will offer some very brief counterpoints:
First, on November 13 Congress had already voted in favor of armed convoys carrying weapons to Britain. They would go all the way and attack all Germans that tried to stop them. Accepting this meant conceding the blockade and sea war against Britain entirely. Either Germany could resist, or for all intents and purposes surrender without a fight. Those were their only options. Within a few months at most, they would have to make their decision.
Second, Roosevelt had already promised literally to “destroy the Nazi tyranny” in so many words in public speeches, and most famously the Atlantic Charter of August 1941. He was only waiting for the best time to strike. There were no significant public protests against these premeditated threats. The isolationists in America First were still trying to avoid war, but knew they had lost with essentially the whole media in the hands of the war party and the passing of the warmongering law mentioned above. A historian called Justus Doenecke has published a selection of their archives (a book called In Danger Undaunted), and it shows that by this time they already felt depressed and defeated.
Third, a few days before Pearl Harbor, a whistleblower had revealed that Roosevelt was already and at a frantic pace building a huge expeditionary corps of millions of soldiers to invade Europe as soon as possible, which was estimated to be sometime in 1942 or 1943. Such a colossal investment is not made as a mere contingency. Since there was still a little bit of a free press left in America in 1941, this became front page news in the Chicago Tribune on December 4 (this was the one big national newspaper that wasn’t pro-war). Here Hitler had yet more crystal clear evidence, from public sources no less, that FDR et al would attack him at earliest convenience. Whether he declared war on them or not, they were already gearing up for it.
Fourth, Hitler was bound to assist Japan once it came to war with the US. Not by the Axis Pact, which was a purely defensive treaty, but by additional commitments he had made later. Of course, he could have ignored his word. But any questions of personal honesty or honor aside, that would have been absolutely devastating both for German morale, and especially for that of their allies. It would show all the world that Germany was frightened and helpless. And as shown above, Hitler knew it would buy him at best a few months more of “peace” (=undeclared war, as opposed to declared) with the US.
There are many more points like this that should go into a complete treatment of this topic, and the ones given should be expanded and fortified with many more quotes and references. But all the data given are sufficiently basic that a simple search should back them up. At the least this should already suffice to show beyond any possible doubt that whether Hitler’s decision to declare war was mistaken or not, it was certainly not crazy or absurd.
It should of course be emphasized that Hitler himself was very well aware of the fateful nature of this struggle. He went to very great lengths to avoid war with the US, tolerated provocations that no American government would ever have accepted from any country without bombing it to cinders.
But when, finally, he was forced to conclude that FDR and friends didn’t want peace no matter what, but war, he picked what he thought was the least bad moment for Germany to indulge their wishes.
If anything, a rational case can actually be made that both Hitler and Japan were far too timid and tardy for their own good in finally hitting back against the American provocations, attacks and gradually tightening economic strangulation that ultimately doomed their nations. For example, if Japan had seized Indonesia and its oil reserves in 1940 after France fell, instead of after Pearl Harbor in early 1942, their situation would have been infinitely better than it turned out. At that point in time, FDR probably couldn’t have gone to war over someone else’s distant colonial possessions (more time was needed to work on public opinion and boil the frog first), and with those reserves Japan would have been immune to the global embargo in 1941 which in real life forced them to fight or die.
That decision was predicated on the Sixth Army being able to hold out for a time, with emergency supplies by air, until relieved. Hitler was assured by his generals that the resources for this were available. It was not an absurd assessment on the face of it. Earlier in the war, notably on the Moscow front, large German formations had successfully weathered just such situations.
By contrast, an immediate retreat would not only have meant leaving all heavy equipment behind (and suffering personnel casualties as well while withdrawing), but also threatened to open a vacuum in the front that the large Soviet armies held up at Stalingrad could then have exploited. Not least to cut off the forces that were then deep in the Caucasus. Then historians (and Mr. Parker) would no doubt be lampooning Hitler for that “needless idiocy” instead.
In reality, Hitler chose to have the latter pulled back while Stalingrad held. He had two bad options but took the one he thought was less bad. As it turned out the generals were wrong (not enough planes for supply, nor strong enough relief forces available), but of course by then it was too late to reverse course. And Stalingrad became a disaster.
Would it have been better to retreat immediately? Even today with total hindsight we still can’t say for sure, though it’s at least a credible possibility. But Hitler, of course, was not Monday morning quarterbacking a century later. He worked with the information he had at the time. From that perspective, his decision was completely reasonable and anything but absurd.
Which is a complete smear concocted out of nothing more than rumors and Allied propaganda. We have Hitler’s actual medical journals, published in both German and English by David Irving. His doctor carefully noted everything about his health, from headaches to flus to bad digestion. Also every single pill he was given to cure or alleviate any of his ailments. Nothing is said about oceans of narcotics.
After he was bombed by Stauffenberg in 1944, Hitler had a new doctor for a bit, one Erwin Giesing. He did give him a treatment (a perfectly normal, medically justified one) that included cocaine substances. When Hitler found out, he quit it because he didn’t want to risk developing an addiction.
Which of course agrees with the established fact, Hitler was a vegetarian and health nut who didn’t even drink coffee. Even mainstream books don’t deny that, they just try to make him look silly for it. How then does it make any sense that he would at the same time be a raging drug fiend? Even without contrary documentation, basic critical thinking should tell something is not right when that story comes up.
I am glad to see this documented and well reasoned article. For some years, I have been countering the Hitler worshiper little chippers – including women – who attribute wholesome, demi-god status to this mentally unstable guy whose frequent brain misfiring had profound repercussions.
It wasn’t about the German people, who had and have their own collective neuroses similar to Scanduhnavelians. The leaders, going back to the 19th century, are chosen as reflections of their people, whatever and whoever they may be, their positives and negatives.
The fact is, no other people have developed mas hysteria and hypnosis at Hitler’s mere existence, except Negroes and Holy Rollers in backwoods Protestant churches; Hallejewy’alla. Hitler did not appeal to Germans’ logic, empiricism, causal analysis, remediation healing. He was the timeless medicine man shaman, for a people who were superficially sophisticated and materialistically adroit, but infantile, spiritually.
To gain deeper insight, it is necessary to read C G Jung’s analysis and trepidation of brain damaged neurotic and the pathological relationship with his people. All these Central European wars!! For centuries. What arrogance, moral vacuity, greed, and sub-animal behavior [animals kill out of necessity to survive, not for ego or enrichment and new pairs of python boots]
German peoples’ misery is largely a story of the many failures and shortcomings or its intellectual classes. Growing up in Central Texas, it is not uncommon to witness a subtle underlying “German superiority” expresses as a negative down rating of other peers, etc. I have experienced this among marine technicians from Germany and German Swiss. Even today, a woman responds on German TV to the question, “Do you really believe that Slavs are not quite as human as Germans? Yes, I do.”
Or the response of Ole Oaf Scholz, the Muffin Man with his anus located in his armpit, when informed that Russian technology is the equal of the Germany’s: “These people are not capable of such a thing”. No outrage, because Germans are inculcated with this little bug in the cranial software, from and early age.
Well, so what? It’s all part of the matrix of causality that results in a precipitous, discreet event[s] that causes great pain and less frequently, rapture. In my field, I was spurred on to become maxxed out in my abilities and knowledge and capabilities. I have a mind that notices small irregularities, disturbances in a pattern complex or combinations, an incompleteness. Innately, I have many “Germanic” traits, e.g., perfectionism, obsessive-compulsion, and a high tolerance for the pain of persistence.
So, when I interfaced with factory technicians or engineers, sometimes over extended periods of overhauls or shipyard periods, I not only matched their knowledge, but frequently outperformed them as well on certain tasks. These are the kinds of people who automatically assume or presume
that the local help is just goof offs or minimalists. The Swiss service engineers go through a rigorous process of training that takes years, starting at the foundries where metals are cast and machined.
Well, anyway, I earned their acceptance and even respect, especially when I had to correct one of them on a rebuild of one of the generator engines. This guy was shocked, and attempted to ignore me. But I was in charge of ship’s machinery. I had to stop him and talk sharply, because these people are hard headed. If you don’t project authority, they run right over you, or -worse – they ignore you. It’s tough work, but he I showed him his error, and he just froze, and after a pause he said, “You are correct. Thank you”, in an entirely different tone. After that, these cold shouldered guys were quite cordial, because I had demonstrated I was on their plane. The Finnish field engineers are completely different. They are a study in soft spokenness and gentility.
In general terms, Germans are not very introspective and self-questioning. They are production and outcome driven, so tend to exclude peripheral thoughts or related and sometimes distant phenomenon.
So, to the average and above/below Heiney, Hitler became the concentration of a nucleus, the epicenter which all planets revolved. Germans were like a girl who was raised in a strict Protestant upbringing so sever that dancing, sensual pleasures were temptations of the devil, and that constant vigilance was necessary [Calvinism] to avoid the sulfurous vapors of Fire and Brimstone. But then when she moves out and experiences life, a coiled spring explodes and she goes full tilt buggy, and straddles the loins of every Tom’s hairy dick.
Finally, as I have said several times, it was Richard Wagner who with Schopenhauer, attempted to fuse Buddhism and his German Western Mechanical Determinism compatriots, but he was too much above and was not granted greater attention. His last symphony/opera was based on the themes found in Buddhism, but he died before it was completed. A fateful and tragic loss for Tchermans.
Part the third:
Albert Speer was saying whatever the Allies wanted him to to save his own neck. All the other Germans at Nuremberg hated him as a sell-out. He is not a credible witness.
What’s more, look at what he actually says. It’s undeniable to anyone that Hitler was a very strongly identified German nationalist. If he was then also such a fanatical anti-Russian racist as Mr. Parker argues earlier, would he say that this supposedly inferior people morally deserved to supplant the Germans on the mere basis of superior numbers of cannon fodder to drown them in? That beggars belief.
What we have here is rather a concoction by Speer, and/or his Allied ventriloquists, presenting a crude caricature of what they think an evil “Social Darwinist” ought to sound like. It’s a mere cheap attempt to discredit Hitler in the eyes of posterity, at a time when he could no longer speak on his own behalf.
That this is so is conclusively proved by Hitler’s own undisputed words in his last days, recorded in his signed and attested last will and testament. There he writes:
This is the official translation from the prosecution at the Nuremberg Trials, freely available to check online. It’s clumsy and flat out wrong in some places, but I use it so our readers should not have to take any private translation from the German by me on faith. In any case, we can be reasonably sure they are hardly trying to paraphrase things to make Hitler look better.
Even so, not much in the way of disdain for the German people or hopes for it to be supplanted by the “stronger” Russians, is there? Unconditional resistance to unconditional surrender is enjoined, but in a quite different tenor. So far from wanting the Germans destroyed, Hitler is convinced that his people’s sacrifices (and his own) will have meaning precisely because they will one day inspire a better future for them.
Very obviously, the man’s own words weigh heavier than what a turncoat told at second hand to save himself in a kangaroo court.
Finally, whatever we may think about Hitler otherwise, unlike Albert Speer and any number of other cowardly politicians before and since who call on us (but not themselves) to sacrifice everything for their crappy ideologies, he did put his money where his mouth was in the end. He didn’t try to sneak away and hide, or cut some private deal, or plead to be spared. He died for, and with, his fellow Germans.
That he did. The man himself did not dispute it. Nor does anyone else.
What people differ over (and not a little, at that) is the evaluation of his efforts.
We can disagree on the reason for his degraded thinking towards the end of his life, but the fact remains, it was degraded by something.
Ironically, if the state of Israel didn’t exist Americans would feel patriotic towards America.
” The Germans relied on slave and conscripted labor for their war effort”
And who didn’t?
Lots of smoke, very little light. Chancellor Hitler’s NSDAP put itself in place of the Prussian Monarchy instead of using its electoral victory in 1933 to put the chancellor’s office at the service of the King of Prussia, who was then still living in abdication outside the country and who was obtusely upholding the demands made by the American Zionist Empire in 1918.
William II should have committed martial suicide so as to enable fresh leadership of Germany by the Prussian Crown Prince. Instead, the new chancellor–when speaking publicly–misleadingly displayed the symbols of Royal Power in a glass display case to construct fake “Third Reich” propaganda for his anti-monarchical regime.
The fatal flaw of the NSDAP’s “democratic socialisn” was evident from the start. If Chancellor Hitler were to die unexpectedly, a “Kronrat” (Crown Council) would have to immediately choose by lot a new Chancellor, unleashing a behind-the-scenes struggle for power indistinguishable from those evident in communist Politburos. (This is what monarchy forestalls.)
As for what actually happened (1933-1945), the main takeaway for Unz.Com readers about the Third Reich is that THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS. In German concentration camps everyone including the guards starved from the effects of British carpet-bombing that had been executed by “Mad Harris”–a true War Crime never prosecuted.
Another true War Crime never prosecuted was Gen. Eisenhower’s immediate post-war brutality against German POWs, a million of whom were ground into the mid-winter mud (probably 1946) by order of the future President of the United States, whose anti-German hatred was well-known and never ceased, leading later to the Kangaroo Court known as the Nuremberg Trial.
This is not the time for ‘good look’, when the world is in flame, again due to the neocontrotskijstscum of the earth. The scum who blackmailed Germany with a worldtradeboycott, and Hitler tried to give a knockoutblow that almost was a success. And still there are people who do not know the context. Amazing, though i don’t know if you are one of them…are you.
And no, i don’t want you to wipe. Why should i. Read real books. Then you will stop confuse talmudists with normal sc ‘jews’, aand life will be easier to live when understanding suddenly pops up.
True, towards the end he did falter a bit. However, that is hardly a reason for anyone to overlook his many earlier wonderful accomplishments.
I now see your mistake. You think “Talmudists” are the extent of the problem, and you think there are “normal” Jews somewhere. But a) The Satanists killed the Prophets, and then put the last nail in the Jewish coffin when they (tried) to kill Christ. b) The Synagogue of Satan has always been here, working within the Jews, opportunistically killing off the best of them. c) The same historical forces that culminated in the crystalline purity of Jesus Christ also culminated in the crystalline evil of the Satanists.
Get those three aspects strait in your head, as Adolf Shiklgruber should have, and then his mistakes born of Satanism will be much clearer.
Since almost everyone has seen Satanist Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones movies, allow me to use them to explain to you what Spielberg did with the Nazis in them: he projected his Zionist gang’s own Satanic voodoo onto the Nazis. But still, he wasn’t wrong about them, for like the Zionists, the Nazis were also engaged in a form of Satanic, ephemeral voodoo, as were the Marxists/Communists.
This is the problem with the outcome of the 20th Century (“Jewish Century”) wars and revolutions: they were and are all pursing the Satanic “values” of the golden calf voodoo Ponzi scheme.
“There are things worse than war, and they all come with defeat.” — Ernest Hemingway
“A truly European Hitler would have concentrated on the USSR exclusively, and pushed it east of the Urals where it could foster alone and leave Europe in peace.” — John Lukacs, historian (not to be confused with the communist George Lukacs)
This article is fine so far as it goes. The myth of the American Empire is becoming seriously outdated, however.
Americans are now and have been sending tribute to Israel since before it existed. Israel trains our police in some cases, and many if not most of our politicians take their furlough in Israel to be lectured as to how well they can best serve the chosen people in the next political year
This is not debated, nor is it conjecture. The Five Eyes are the information sharing English-speaking nations united to serve the bankers who own them. They even have a wiki page.
As Hollywood’s degenerate culture is an example here, the town and film industry were barely started when the tribesmen had their European relatives shipped over to write, direct, score, and sell “American movies”, a moniker that was a joke as far back as the mid-1930s.
Hollywood makes Jewish movies. Need proof? The Oscars. That’s an old joke, too.
As long as you keep naming the wrong enemy you will keep losing
His criminal malfeasance is directly attributed to the death of hundreds of thousands if not millions of German soldiers, as well as the parade of horribles set forth in my essay, you absolute gobshite idiot.
The more I learn about The Soviet Union, the more I wonder why the same people who hate Nazism would not also hate Communism. After all, the Communists did many of the same types of bad things that the Nazis did. Think only the Nazis sent their victims to Prison Camps? Think again. What do you think the Gulag actually was? I wonder. Still, strangely, many have the vague notion that the early Bolsheviks were some form of naive idealists who intended to create a paradise for the workers and peasants of the world!
Having said that, those in the West do not seem to appreciate how much the Gulags of Soviet Russia resembled the Death Camps of Nazi Germany!
Despite the fact that the late Gerald Reitlinger, a Jew, also came up with 4 million and is not classified as a HD.
The late Raul Hilberg, another Jew, calculated 5.1 million and is also not classified as a HD.
Of course, the holocaust is a HollowHoax because the number of Jewish deaths in the 15 major concentration camps was between 250,000 (Red Cross) and 765,000 (World Almanac Book of Facts) – 500,000 seems a reasonable balance. BTW, none of those happened in homicidal gas chambers as there were no such chambers.
Hmm..”get it straight in your head”..
Ok, according to me it’s your thoughts that are spiralling away, in an for you unpleasent way. Be careful so you don’t end up being a ‘new haigee’. To me it sounds like you are an antisionist’christian’, and that’s good enough but try not to do harm to yourselfe along the way.
As i said; you confuse ordinary people with The bastards/the Pharisees/The Vomits/The Pedophilescum and the ritualmurderers. Haven’t you understood anything yet..that it’s aalways the Chiefbastards, it’s always about them, first and foremost. Follow the money…ehh. Why do you think Christ whipped the pharisees sorryasses, why do think Christ talked to the People and made a shame of the ‘learnd’ when he was only 12.
Or do you reealy believe that it was the poorest in Palestine who killed Christ..Or ‘maybe’ it was the ‘richest’ who cunned the poorest (for a loaf of bread) and shut the doors to the templeyard so they couldn’t get out but had ‘to vote’ or else they would be punished.. Do you really believe the vote was not rigged…”Vote like we say, or you die”.. do you reeally believe the phariseescum didn’t threathen the impoverished that had been lured in ‘to cast a vote’…that the assholes wouldn inflict pain to the absolutely most vulnerable…do you really believe the Scum of then as today has any moral limits what so ever. You have seen what they are doing to the Palestines…and the people of the time of Christ were Palestinians…remember.
And by the way, Christ was Palestinier. His last word was to Eli, the Deity of the Palestians.
Zoomer Historian mentions “The Focus”, the grouped that financed Churchill personally. Funny ZH omits to mention The Focus was a group of wealthy Jews, which means Jews had the UK in a stranglehold through Churchill, and made it do anything they wished, incl. going to a disastrous war, though victorious for the Jews who finally got their genocidal sewer where they had no business.
Does anyone known anyone at Castle Hill Publishers who might get the 3rd edition of Ingrid Weckert’s book on the Jewish false flag “Feuerzeichen – Die Reichskristallnacht Anstifter Und Brandstifter Opfer Und Nutznießer” (2016) translated into English?
People need to know this is one of the most often used Jewish Zionist methods, using “agent provocateurs” to create a self-fulfilling prophesy. They have used the same method innumerable times throughout history (in different forms and variations, i.e. the Jewsus Christ project, the Rabbi Muhammad project, the Rothschild’s Dreyfus affair was a Jewish Zionist setup, Hitler’s Zionism was the biggest Jewish Zionist project of the 20th century, the USS Liberty attack was a Jewish Zionist false flag, ditto 9/11, the future war against the Persians will be the same, the list is endless).
Meant…amoral limits
The dumb, savage, evil hebroid mob that the Pharisees easily whipped into a Christ-killing frenzy that chose the criminal Barrabas over Jesus was comprised of the “average Jew”, poor to rich.
The hebroids are too stupid and criminal-loving to see through the evil Pharisees. They’re the swine Christ said not to throw pearls before.
Similarly, the anti-Christ mob in the U.S. (including Zionist John Haigee, who pretends to love Christ but is a fat, stupid, murderous demon, like Lindsey Graham) loves being taken in by kykes; loves being bought bought off by kykes, because it’s the path of least resistance.
They’re all the dumb, ignorant mob that couldn’t see or wouldn’t see that 9/11 was an inside job even though a child could smell a rat.
Yes, it is truly astonishing the extent to which since his death nearly 80 years ago, Hitler lives, elevated by Hollywood, academe, and all the organs of popular culture as a kind of evil god that always seems to be incarnating himself in some homicidal maniac designated by the New York Times scribblers, highly useful for Holocaust industry and the Israel lobby.
This “safe take” is so pervasive, so deeply seeped into our consciousness, that it’s hard to see how it can ever be repudiated to an extent that changes our corrupt politics.
That pervasiveness and extent of the seepage hit me the other day as I wandered through the book stacks of a small, county public library in a very conservative Ohio village. Many if not most of the history books were on the Holocaust, Anne Frank, the barbarism of Nazi Germany, etc. The propaganda is ubiquitous and relentless. Hitler as anything other than pure evil cannot be discussed with the average American.
Agree with you concerning the pedophiles haigee, graham et al but please do not compare parasitic murderers with nice animals. When Christ talked about ‘swines’ he meant the pharisees and not the common people (or swines for that matter). Those he tried to protect. You have to understand this, or you will miss the point of today.
The pedophilic’learnd’ were all (no, not Nicodemus) babykillers and ritual murderers, as they are today (1milj youths ‘disappear every year, 100 000 only in Usa). Thats why Christ sacrified Himself and commanded people to lay of the abomination of sacrifying humans and animals. His Body was the last, and the coming symbol of was what Not to be continued with.
The 70ad surviving rest of the talmudicpharisees did not listen, were disillusioned and scared (they are easy scared, thats why they constantly hide and operate in murk) and to lose their ‘oral traditions’ so they codified the talmudshitt and spread around europe and caucasus and finally sniffed out a new colony to pervert; the kasars.
There were 20milj of them and after the destruction ca 1000 (by the Russians who were descendants of Rurik the Viking) of their sc kingdom, they also spread (the ‘elite’ went to Venice, you know..black ‘nobility’..).
Ca 5milj became hardlinetalmudic bastards, 6milj lives in the illegal settlement of ‘Israhell’, and not all of them are talmudists but just ordinary decent people. 20% (same amount who did not take the c19poision) of world population (including in israel) has woken..up to what is going on. But only 10%, maybe more maybe less, understand that it is the talmudists who are behind it all. They, the talmudists say it themselfes. And the topechelon of the today phariseetalmudic pedophilic sacrifying scums are those situated in “city of london”.
Got it..
I am not so sure!
Even Germans — and American descendants of Germans — who weren’t alive during WWII have an extreme mentality of guilt over what their descendants are blamed for. Hence, the reparations to holocaust “victims” and their descendants still continue to this day. And synagogues in Germany are guarded 24/7 by German police. All at the expense of Germans who had nothing to do with WWII.
A brilliant article to which I can add a striking example of British perfidy. When Albert Speer was due for release from prison after the war the BBC invited him to the UK for an interview. He was put up in a hotel in Egham, near London, where I happened to live at the time. Speer was killed by the British in the night before the interview. Rudolf Hess, who was due for release at the same time, suffered the same fate. He was killed 2 days before his release date in Berlin. Obviously, certain powers wished to ensure that those two individuals – who would have had a lot to say – stayed “stumm”.
Yeah, the churmans were the good guys.
Except that was the case – never.
The Red army should have exterminated all churman scum and replace the “mute people” (as churmans are known to Slavs) with true Aryans – the Slavs.
The most stupid Nazi crap was just this: that the Germanized Celts of Germany and Austria were “Aryans”, while the genuine brothers of Aryans were not Aryans.
Why stupid? Because linguists had already before Nazi rise concluded that the closes relatives to Aryans within Europe were Slavs and Balts. Literally every decent scholar knew that, but the Nazi gangsters did not like knowledge if it did not suit their Germanized Celtic worldview.
Now that genetics has confirmed that Slavs are the Aryans whereas vast majorits of Germans are of mostly Celtic origin, we can laugh at how idiotic these Westoid Nazis were.
Had Hitler not invaded the USSR, Stalin would have steamrolled through Europe.
Hehe..yeea, as a f…head nobody can blame you for being an illiterate
Ajaj, Ester… that was really a lousy (falseflag) try. First you pretend to ‘kick’ the sionistasses, and then you try to mix Jesus, Mohammed and Hitler into the sionistswamp. A bad bad bid
How do you know what he meant? I believe he meant ALL hebroids had become swine.
The jew was not to be continued with. He was fed up with them all. The New Testament records his growing anger and alienation. It records the gutlessness and worthlessness of his own followers.
You keep trying to pick fly shit out of pepper, and you keep failing. The Talmudists are fly shit, the jews are fly shit, and the jew-stooges (zoglodytes) are fly shit. I think Christ realized, before his death, that all hebroids are fly shit, which is why his spirit has taken control of the spiritual world via Christendom, and commands to finish the job. I understand why fly shit want to preserve their ego, preserve their nation, preserve their bank accounts… It’s understandable, but no longer affordable.
I don’t think there was ever such a thing as “free will”. That’s a lot of hebroid and zoglodyte double talk and grifting. I think he gave us “free will” to show us how stupid, selfish and lost we are, what fly shit we are, and how we simply can’t survive without him in total control because we’re children.
St. Paul said: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Jesus became a man when he was crucified, and then became Christ. Now He’s commanding us to put away our toys, zoglodyte. And we will put away our toys, and we will put down these Voodooists. All if them.
Absolutely true. Suvorov, AJP Taylor, several more proved the same
The word ‘jew’ didn’t exist 2000years ago. Not before and not after, until ca 1880. It’s a construct and a psyop to fool gullibles or fanatics to believe that the ashkenazis ‘belong’ to the hebrews/in this case the Judatribe (Juda as one of 12 sons of Jakob, nicknamed Israel (and the ashkenazis stole).
Levit was another son and from that tribe Mose came. And none of the 12 were ‘jews’. Can you dig that, or is it absolutely too troublesome for you.. to understand.
Or as Benjamin Freedman said; “it is as with the material, artificial silk..until they came up with the word Rayon, a concept everyone could accept”.
The noneword ‘jew’ is meaningless and invented by Chatham house (or its predecessor) that became Tavistock institute, (now completely overtaken by the rotschilds), for the purpose of being ‘accepted by everyone’. And you are obviously one of them. Or, can you give me a definition, a clear definition, to what a ‘jew’ is..
I myself call them ashkenazitalmudists.
Ordinary none’jews’people, i call…ordinary people.
Ich liebe die Deutschen, aber diesen Adolf? Den liebe ich nicht!
A great summary, and some good jokes too.
Two questions for anyone who thinks Adolf was basically a good guy, but got a bit stressed towards the end of the war.
Why did Adolf evacuate the villages of his ancestors (Strones and Doellersheim) to expand a military base? Hitler and Poelzl are Jewish names and he has Salomons and Frankenbergers as well.
What was Adolf doing in Munich during the Jewish Communist revolution there in 1919? He is very coy about the details in Mein Kampf.
Will anyone offer answers?
The answers have already been supplied by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Leonard Sax and a host of others.
Just to give you another source, Jewish, who gets it:
Look. I’d have to write a book to explain it all, and that’ll never happen (I know, “never say never” — but I don’t have writer’s DNA, so forget about it).
I suggest you make a study of Christopher Jon Bjerknes’ books, not limited to the Hitler series, but including his almost 3,000 page Einstein book from almost 20 years ago, the 2 books on Judaism (“Beware” and “Rise” — which outline the 100% extermination of humanity coming sooner than you may think to your neighborhood), the books on Jewsus, and some of the free videos.
Look up Judaism.is on the Wayback Machine (archive.org), which has lots on the world wars, etc.
See what I mean. I don’t want to end up writing an article, then an essay, then a booklet, then a book, then a book series.
Over & out.
Jewish author/blogger Henry Makow, PhD has been supplying the replies to your query for the past two decades or longer: https://www.henrymakow.com/
Jewsus, Muhammad and Hitler were all Jewish projects to get to where we are today.
Adam Green’s upcoming book on the Jewsus deception ought to come out this year, but you can already educate yourself by going through 500+ surviving videos (many more deleted by Jewtube):
The Bjerk is the real grand Zen master of all this stuff: https://cjbbooks.com/
There’s more than enough evidence: https://www.cureforchristianity.com/
Similarly on Judaic Islam, but I’m wasting my precious time on ignorant brainless ignoramuses.
You can use online search word combos like Hitler and Talmud and/or Kabbalah.
There used to be a site run by Christcucks that had a page and an additional PDF on this:
You can still find it here:
(be patient – takes time to upload the page – just wait and it’ll eventually pop up)
CAUTION: like one of the previous commenters, it’s essential to reiterate that you have to understand any such materials like Judaism.is put together by victims of Judaism (Jewish “Christians”) are literally 100% wrong on Jewish Christianity. Anyone imprisoned on that Jewish plantation, inside that Jewish Matrix, that Jewish mental concentration camp, is a VICTIM of 2000 years of Jewish psyop. To say that the solution to the JQ is to pray to the fictional king of the Jews is the very definition of absurdity, insanity, stupidity, oxymoronity. So, understand that what you read on any such site, or in any such book, videos, and so forth, on Jewish Christianity is the exact opposite of reality. Among the innumerable sources proving all this, start by checking out videos on https://twitter.com/seethroughitall?lang=en (first create your own x.com account if you already haven’t done so).
Several previous comments prior to the present one provide a plethora of evidence on Hitler as a function of the Jewish project to conquer the world, so I won’t regurgitate all that. Refer to those links, there’s thousands of pages and many hours of video.
However, all that being said, the info on Hitler as a function of the “Toirah”, Talmud and Kabbalah, and their cleverly packaged “Zionist” cloak, is useful on this deleted Judaism.is site.
(P.S. Any of you Jewish Christian victims of Jewish Christianity going bonkers, move to Yonkers. Study all those hundreds of books and thousands of videos that provide the evidence that Jewish Christianity has been a 2000 year psyop on the gullible Goyim, which is why the world today is where it is today. The next stop on this Jewish train to Judaism’s worldwide Auschwitz is WW3, and then the complete extermination of the human species. The most brainless of you “Christian Zionists” [talk about oxyMORONS !!!] are actually trying to plunge the planet into WW3.)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume I: Communism (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume II: Zionism (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume III: World War I (Second Edition)
Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist – Volume V: Premonitions (Second Edition)
[Volumes IV and VI future publication dates undetermined]
“Es ist doch so: Irving ist Halbjude, seine Mutter war Jüdin!”
“The fact is: Irving is half-Jewish, his mother was Jewish!”
– Rolf Hochhuth, David Irving’s friend, quoted in an interview in defense of David Irving:
JUNGE FREIHEIT Verlag GmbH & Co., Ausgabe 08/05 vom 18.02.2005
S. 3 [p. 3] IM GESPRÄCH
“Die Würde des Ortes respektieren”
Der Schriftsteller Rolf Hochhuth über seinen Vorschlag für ein Bombenkriegsmuseum, David Irving und Winston Churchill
Moritz Schwarz
Don’t mean to bring this up since it has been discussed before on this site, but having a Jewish maternal line (ask the rabbinate) makes David Irving a Jewish provocateur, who has successfully accomplished his life’s mission, much like Hitler, who was also a 100% success story.
Indeed, Hitler’s success rate is a virtually unmatched 100%. Very few in history did more for Jewry than everything rabbi Uncle Adolf managed to pull off. An absolutely brilliant performace.
Hitler will forever remain one of Zionism’s all-time most celebrated heroes.
H. Kardel was spot on to call Hitler the founder of Israhel.
Similarly, Irving is the man who did more than most others postwar to get the Goyim deeper into the Jewish Edom prison.
David Irving, if you’re reading this, you pulled off a superb Zionist messianic performance. Your Jewish mammalah would be beaming with pride if she could see the results all over Edom today (don’t worry America, it’s coming to every Stateside neighborhood sooner than you can imagine).
Check out the comment in this post:
Something about 300,000 Auschwitz victims
Search this site for Hitler, Zionism, etc.:
Agree, better juze your presses time, doing better than writing nonsense..so chop..chop away you go
Why does Unz.com continue to promote the greatest and most destructive hoax in the history of the world?
Video Link
Start here
Russia is multi-ethnic. There are White kinsmen in Russia. Maybe not the ones you know but they have there. Have lived there.
It would be like Mexicans and Blacks moving to Russia and Russians going, these Americans are not my racial kin.
In fact, because of the American/Western media foreign races/peoples are already getting confused about who we are. Even European and British media portray them as muds.
Easy to get confused.
Hitler was just the tool the Jews needed to destroy Europe and force the Jews to Palestine. Whether or not he knew he was said tool doesn’t really matter. The Jews got what they wanted:
The destruction of Europe/The West/Aryans/Esau/Rome/ Amalek or whatever you want to call it. And it continues, as we know, to this day. Jews get their greater Israel while we are destroyed forever.
How can anyone think that a homeless, uneducated bum could become leader of Germany without the doors magically opening by the wizards behind the scene is beyond comprehension. And that he could write a book is laughable. Where did he get all this knowledge about Russians and slavs? He never had been there and there was no Internet.
The author seems to ignore that the rearmement of G.Y and the rise of H…R have been financed by the us and gb bankers, with the scope of launching G..Y against ussr. After their both collapse, they were to fall like ripe fruits in the hands of the financiers. In fact, h…r had been programmed to destroy g..y and the ussr.
The Poles are extremely ungrateful to Germany and the German people. I recently visited Poland, and I noticed that German industries and products were everywhere. Furthermore, there are over a million Polish people working in Germany, sending remittances back to their families and supporting the Polish economy. In comparison to Germans, Poles are perceived as extremely unfriendly and backward.
Yes, pretty good summary, and the world Jews have been creating will be without a single Goy, not even a Shabbes Goy. We will ALL be genocided by the Jews.
Piss Factor writes:
I have a ton of respect for David Irving, and what he wrote/spoke about in his various speeches and conferences was top notch stuff – up until about 20 years ago.
Deborah Lipstadt and Malignant International Jewry targeted Irving and bankrupted him – further compounded by the suicide of Irving’s daughter Josephine.
Irving lost everything, including his home in London’s Mayfair*.
(*If you’ve ever played the British version of the Monopoly board game, Mayfair is THE most expensive property on the board).
Over and above Irving’s bankruptcy, the Jews no doubt threatened and intimidated Irving (likely with what might happen to his remaining four daughters and multiple grandchildren).
And Irving has been broken. So UR readers, I urge you to pay close attention to this:
Now, I’ve seen more than a little of his output over the last 20 years and, aside from the matter of the Holohoax, his output is still excellent and he’s a wealth of information.
But when it comes to the Holohoax, Irving NOW READS FROM A ZOG DICTATED SCRIPT.
As for the author of this article (Richard Parker), even though I didn’t read his article in its entirety (I only skimmed through it – often shaking my head), there’s more than a little B.S (or at least lies by omission), in what I observed.
I didn’t see Parker mention the REAL REASON that Germany attacked the Soviet Union. ie: because the Soviets were poised to attack Germany – so Hitler beat them to the punch and thus got first mover advantage.
Parker DESPERATELY needs to read the masterclass of objective WWII history (aka John Wear’s book ‘Germany’s War’), which is available to read here in UR for free (link below):
I looked at the summary of works cited by Parker, and John Wear’s masterpiece was not there – but it should have been the FIRST BOOK HE READ.
Parker, get to it and learn some REAL HISTORY. Germany’s War will improve your knowledge base ten fold.
And, seeing as John Wear is gracious enough to contribute to the commentary in UR on occasion, he may spare a few moments to post some comments of his own here.
Listen carefully to what he has to say. John is invariably a gentleman and goes to great lengths (time permitting), to answer all sensible questions.
To understand why the Big Jews created Operation Hitler for their own purposes, get a glimpse of how the Jewish mind works: https://henrymakow.com/2025/03/march-21---satanyahu-covers-hi.html
There were some small territorial changes on the Netherlands, Belgium and German border regions also:
Dutch annexation of German territory after the Second World War
Belgian annexation plans after the Second World War
There was an alternative and more fruitful plan to win WWII but Hitler rejected it.
The Victory Strategy Raeder Proposed to Hitler
Saying Chamberlain was outraged by German dismemberment of Czechoslovakia is like saying Donald Trump cares about territorial integrity of Ukraine and is outraged by Russian annexation of Ukraine territory. The “outrage” was fake buddy. Just a show to appease British public opinion. Don’t take it too seriously.
Carroll Quigley put it:
“…In this way, the government put London into a panic in 1938 for the first time since 1804 or even 1678. And by this panic, Chamberlain was able to get the British people to accept the destruction of Czechoslovakia, wrapping it up in a piece of paper, marked “peace in our time,” which he obtained from Hitler, as he confided to that ruthless dictator, “for British public opinion.”
Once this panic passed, Chamberlain found it impossible to get the British public to follow his program, although he himself never wavered, even in 1940. He worked on the appeasement and the “peace at any price” groups throughout 1939, but their numbers dwindled rapidly, and since he could not openly appeal for support on either the anti-Bolshevik or the “three-bloc” basis, he had to adopt the dangerous expedient of pretending to resist (in order to satisfy the British public) while really continuing to make every possible concession to Hitler which would bring Germany to a common frontier with the Soviet Union, all the while putting every pressure on Poland to negotiate and on Germany to refrain from using force in order to gain time to wear Poland down and in order to avoid the necessity of backing up by action his pretense of resistance to Germany. This policy went completely astray in the period from August 1939 to April 1940.
Chamberlain’s motives were not bad ones; he wanted peace so that he could devote Britain’s “limited resources” to social welfare; but he was narrow and totally ignorant of the realities of power, convinced that international politics could be conducted in terms of secret deals, as business was, and he was quite ruthless in carrying out his aims, especially in his readiness to sacrifice non-English persons, who, in his eyes, did not count…”
http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/Tragedy_and_Hope.pdf (page 584)
See my comments 196, 205, 263, 266, 343, 346, 383, 388, 405, 437, 488, 518, 535 here:
A kompromat bonanza of a comments section, except for mumbles, who appears to be programmatically limited to cant.
My read is that Hitler’s talent became his albatross. His decisions have a dramatic logic, as if he fully expected the Sturm und Drang of Act 2 to resolve with tears and embraces by the end of Act 3. The repeated cries of ‘Brother, brother!’ across the North Sea are particularly sad and foolish, heard from the muffled nicety of the theater lobby. He sent a madness through the people. What a mess was left there afterwards.
Now we live in the curative arrangements of sensible men.
American and british war criminals and terrorists really do not understand and do not care that “I was just obeying orders of my government.” isnt going to be any defence in future Nuremberg 2.0 trials. They could have all said no to the government and to the system, but they chose not to say. Just like american and british said to german, as they massmurdered them in hundreds of thousands, even after the war was over and american and british terrorists finally took over.
Every single american and british who worked for the government, for the system, for the arms companies etc., will get a verdict in justice. We will find all of you after the sick and criminal empire finally collapses.
Stupidity and arrogance were, and will remain in the eyes of history, the main characteristics of the German version of National Socialism.
Not just the party elites, with the notable exception of one Goebbels, but all the morons who took the good jobs after 1933, with no qualifications other than their following of the Führer and the smashing of political opponents in the street.
Perhaps we can say that the most capable individuals in the movement were liquidated in 1934, Roehm, Strasser and others, when Hitler capitulated to the army and industrialists who wanted the “Nazi leftists” dead.
The obsession of Hitler and most of the Nazis with the racial question led directly to the incredible stupidity of the occupation policy in Russia, a policy denounced by Goebbels himself.
Hitler thus went against a large part of the German high command, which had always had a favorable view of cooperation with Russia. But no, the Russians were subhuman and were to be treated like American Indians, and European Russia was to become a colonization area for the “German race ».
The racial question had taken on such proportions in Nazi Germany that the Germans themselves were questioning whether they belonged to the “master race”.
A letter sent to a Nazi minister by a German worried about not physically fitting the stereotype of the tall, blond, blue-eyed man got the following response:
“If it is true that blonds represent the ideal of the German race, the browner elements, however, may have for themselves the ideal of patriotism…”
In the same vein, an article by one of Himmler’s henchmen, or perhaps that imbecile Himmler himself, teaches us that “if we have to choose between a blond nordic man, perhaps a bit intellectualy « slow », and a more “quick-witted” latin type, we should favour the nordic type because he embodies all the qualities of « the race « ……
This is exactly how you win wars …
I’m a German speaker who spent many years surrounded by these people. Everything you say here is correct. It’s amusing for me to read all the articles and comments on this website that fetishize Germans as the “true heirs of the genius of the white race”. If you people only knew. Germans are emotionally stunted, arrogant know-it-alls who cannot process subtlety, who live for control and punishment, who have no idea how to take pleasure elegantly, and who are incapable of questioning themselves. All of their European neighbors correctly regard them as essentially defective people. I suspect they were “chosen” for the Hitler psyop precisely because of how autistically gullible they are. There is no hope for Germany or Germans. As all Frenchmen and Poles know, they are very dangerous.
Nazis den.
Where is multiple reasons, why you are wrong:
1. Third Reich economy was a scam. Third Reich need quick military victory just to solve immediate problems; after every victory they spend everything very quickly. They physically can’t stop.
2. WW2 was not the war between Axis and Allies: it’s war betwee USA and Great Britain for world domination. USSR just a collateral damage in such war. Germany was remilitarized, and prepared for war exactly with this reason. GB attempted to direct it to USSR (allow Germany to destroy USSR army and government, and later with the help of France take most of territory from weakened Germany). USA just need a major war in Europe, making GB dependent on USA aid. USA won.
3. Nazies do not perform anything unusual or unknown to Europe for the USSR citizens, including Jews. All whose “burning the villages”, “make population die from famine”, “exterminate POWs”, “mass killing” – it’s old time European (and USA) custom to properly subdue freshly acquired colonial territory. If you want to have colony, you make all those obvious steps.
The main failure of Hitler is that he, as sore looser he is, lost in the colonial war and even lost his country.
Original plans for WW2 is: Germany takes Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and attack USSR. After half/year, USSR is in ruins, but German army a) have significant losses b) outside of German territory in hostile place with bad logistics.
French army + GB army and fleet takes Western Germany and dictate post-war world. Splitting USSR territory in colonial pieces.
Stalin (and Lenin) predicted all this, performed quick and high-pricey (in human lives) industrialization, and make tactical decision to sign Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement.
As result, the plan was broken, and USA and even GB was forced to fight as Allies with USSR.
It is very difficult to tell if he is against or for. His position is very ambiguous.
I’ve already explained several times that the whole purpose of David Irving’s career has been to lead the opposition. The Jewish dialectical construct means they control everyone at the top echelons, thereby controlling everyone. That’s all it takes. David Irving has been no different. His Jewish mother gave him a Jewish upbringing during the time his old man was at war. As a Jew, he worked for British intelligence in Germany. Set up “credibility” by ghost-writing several early books. Gathered a following and a reputation. Then, the bait was switched. His Jewish actions have done an immense amount of damage to the Gentiles. Mission accomplished.
If you don’t understand Jewish “dialecticism” (to coin a word), you will fall for the scam.
Has anyone been to Moscow to test “Hitler’s DNA”?
How does anyone even know those are pieces of Hitler?
Have the Ruskies done DNA test on “Hitler’s” remains?
Everyone in Unzland is silent on this.
What’s the story?
See: Solzhenitsyn.
And wonder no more.
The real question should be: The more I learn about the world, the more I wonder why the same people who hate Nazism and Communism would not also hate Judaism?
Yes, the holo louse is to be despised, because it should have happened in hindsight, but did not.
That was the first major failure of the imposter & screamer.
The previous one was that the impersonator paid the Satanists handsomely and bought some things back The Scum had embezzeled and captured in the years before and after their First Jewish World War.
Most they could keep anyway, and double down during and especially after their Second Jewish World War.
(So much for “Hitler taking money from the Jews” – he gave to The Scum).
The defeat had little today with a declaration and hardly much with the appearance of the Americans. It was literally secondary in the fields and only primary in subversive Jewish propaganda in the cities.
Defeat was due
to the murder of the Austrian emperor’s son & wife and subsequently emperor Franz-Joseph’s untimely death and succession by a filthy bastard Jew, namely Charles the Last of Lorraine, who refused against the Austrian-Hungarian Empire to follow the German Empire into the Imperial Battle called Enterprise Michael (Unternehmen Michael or Kaiserschlacht), the imperial battle with a lesser emperor Wilhelm II – of Jewish descent – behind the front and the great emperor – Franz Joseph – in the eternal hunting grounds out of the way.
The last battle had to be fought alone by the German Empire without the important, then crucial Austrian-Hungarian Armies.
Nevertheless: Operation Michael was a success…
In summer the first American troops started to appear… German breakthrough was vital before the Americans could land en mass. This prospect – the light at the ende of the tunnel for the Jews – was the basis for foreign (Jewish) propaganda and agitation behind the German lines (into the backs).
Since General Ludendorff failed to break through, the enemies „offered“ an „armistice“, (while Ludendorff wanted to fight on); all thanks to Austria-Hungary (and who would have cared about the Americans then? The sharks in the English channel?)
to the Dolchstoß – stab in the back by the (German) Jews
The German troops could have been supplied and fought on well despite the sea blockade thanks to the Romanian corn- and oil-fields besides others.
Since the Jews could already run public opinion and sabotage allround the armistice played fully into the semites’ hands of splitting and ruling. DIVIDE ET IMPERA after Ordo ab chao.
(That is why they want now an armistice with Russia, because after that the Russian front will fall apart. The Scum plays its book time and again. See their plandemics. The script is always the same. Only make up and/or actors change over time)
That is very interesting. What do you make of analysis of German psychology on page 409 of this book? :
Is national socialism possible without militarism, without all the uniforms, saluting, marching and black leather? If so, it would appear to be preferable to democracy with militarism, American style.
The Jewish (jUSA and jUK) victory at Nuremberg is exactly what Hitler was trying to prevent. Crypto-Jews like Churchill betrayed both the jUSA and jUK in favor of the zionist cabal that is still causing rot and devastation throughout the known world. Thank you Mr Hitler for trying!!
Paulo (I’m guessing that you’re Italian from that handle of yours) writes:
WHAT THE EFF do you know about winning wars Paulo?
How well have you Italians done in recent centuries ? This is what Hitler had to say* about the Italians after their defection to the Anglo-Zionist empire in 1943.
(*He was quoting word for word what Napoleon had said around 140 years prior):
With the limited resources available to him (esp. oil) in comparison to the IMMEASURABLE quantity of men and materiel available to the Anglo-Zionist empire and the Judeo-Bolshevik Soviet Union, what Hitler and the German people achieved during WWII was HERCULEAN in its dimensions.
It will be spoken about for millennia as far the greatest military accomplishments in recorded history are concerned.
His was a MORAL victory, because he and the German people had the courage to take on (and almost free the world from the shackles of indentured servitude), the ZOG financiers in the Square Mile that control the entirety of the western financial system.
For this, those of us with a moral compass will forever be grateful for.
It continues to inspire the rest of humanity to never give up, to never rest, until the demise of ZOG has come to fruition.
The content of this article is tripe for the average Unz reader – go and read David Irving’s Hitler’s War if you really need to brush up on the minutiae – and the style in which it is written is atrocious in its self-importance.
This is unreadable
One could argue that there was good and less good in Anglos like in every other European nation until the English Revolution, that they entered a moral downspiral when Oliver Cromwell buddied up with Dutch Jews and definitely went down the drain when Rothschild made a killing from Waterloo. But then one is reminded of the Hundred Years War and of the state-sanctioned policy of piracy to plunder French and Spanish ships. The reputation of perfidy isn’t exactly undeserved. Most British are probably fine people like most people everywhere but the British “deep state” stinks and has stunk for a long, long time.
People who excoriate Communism but don’t excoriate Judaism are either dishonest or dimwits immune to cognitive dissonance. Likewise people who excoriate Nazi racial supremacism but (feign to) ignore Jewish supremacism.
An excellent article. WWII is the great catastrophe for white peoples.. And Hitler fooleries made him the best ally for his mortal enemies
I only add peripheral issues
Indeed. But, also Czechoslovakia had a gross fault. I have a warm sympathy for czechs, but in the ’30 their top-brass headed by Benes, were bolsheviks stooges. And Czechoslovakia was a giant highway of more than 1000 km which could be used by soviets to move their troops near Munich and Berlin. Czechoslovakia didn’t had direct border with USSR, but after Poland partition this impediment was eliminated. So it was a vital task to resolve in a way or another the Czech potential danger before Poland
Imperial Britain wanted Germany to hammer USSR and both to bleed to death so it can overcame the Heartland.
USSR wanted Germany to break Western Europe and Britain so USSR can take whole Europe.
US wanted Germany to smash British Empire so they can put foot in Europe.
Germany didn’t know well what they wanted and they found themselves in the two front war. Hitler didn’t finished GB at Dunkirk hoping some miracle peace. But he massacred in a total war russians as subhumans instead proclaiming a real liberation from communist yoke.
Dunkirk… First serious strategically blunder: Hitler expecting that his goodwill would convince Imperial Britain to make a win-win agreement. The fool…
Imperial German Army had a quick work till the end of 1915. Brusilov offensive of summer of 1916 demonstrated a major turning point in WWI. Without 1917 February “Revolution” and bolshevick turmoil (Lenin being actively helped by germans) the Tsarists Russia would probably marched in Berlin in 1918. All that germans realized was a delay of 27 years. But instead Tsarist Army they got Red Army with it’s pillaging and gruesome horrors occupation.
I think that this was a brilliant maskirovka, more deceitful because it was unintended. Finns had the advantage of fighting home for their homes in a glacial winter with an impossible terrain consisting of lakes, woods, snow, rocks and no roads. With Mannerheim fortified line and brave soldiers willing to die free than to rotten alive in gulags next to their families. The fact that, despite all this, red army grasp a partial victory is an extraordinary feat of arms. And induced the idea of a weak, unprepared army: one of the best advantage in war – to be underestimated by the enemies
This indeed could be put as a motto.
Let’s do not forget about the noble french which deliberately used colonial troops – blacks and north africans to mass rape and murder italian (marocchinate) and german women.
The curios thing is that Morgenthau Plan was stopped by the existence of communist DDR. It wouldn’t seem nice to have a pasture in West Germany and an industrialized functional East Germany.
Just a “small” correction:
Number of victims of communism between 1949 and 1987 in PRC: 76,702,000.
Estimated by R J Rummel.
Markus 11:15
When they arrived back in Berlin, Hitler entered the Reichsbank and began to drive out the people buying and selling children for sex and pornography. He foreclosed the mansions stolen thru hyperinflation and unseated the trade unionists, communists, and liar journalists whose wealth arose from alliance with Satan.
You can critique and analyze Adolph all you want, rooting out every detail and action and either praising or condemning.
However, what in human nature has changed since then ? What in human nature was different before then ?
Strike his name from the analysis, change the dates etc and insert the name of any other political leader.
What you then have in another political cockroach who was and is no different.
These character breakdowns are a load of shite because in millions of years the nature of man has not changed !
Have you ever heard of Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor? The final chapter 6, Revolution versus Reactionary goes into detail about the small yet very effective aristocrats in civilian and higher ranking military officers that did all they could to sabotage the war effort, Halder, Canaris etc. In the end they all found out that it was never about Hitler but bringing Germany to heel, he was just an excuse to finish off what they couldn’t do in WW1. The Versailles Treaty authors had to have known their effort would help cause future conflict down the road enabling them to settle all accounts.
hitler was naieve and a little too impetuous – he underestimated his enemies, particuarly the jews.
he also made a deal with stalin re poland – and got shafted. stalin held back from going into poland and germany got all the blame. who would trust stalin?
hitler was in too much of a hurry and over reached, if he had been patient and less emotional he might have achieved more without triggering a war
Nope. Not even close.
Those in the West – know virtually nothing about the work/internment camps of Germany, with the libraries, orchestras, theatres, hospitals, etc., nor much about the Gulags/Holodomor/true ethnic nature of the “Russian” revolution.
This article together with Wood’s recent piece of crap seems to be the result of the 20 fold increase in Hasbara spending.
One of the most enduring german feature is their sadomasochist trait. From this starts a lot of troubles.
I have a few Germans acquaintance. They are reliable and loyal. Can be good friends. As I saw, Germans are marvelous in time of adversity. You can bet that will find a way out in most negative circumstances. But in fortunate times, Germans are a pain in the ass with their arrogance and dim-wittens. Don’t ever dare to leave Germans in charge: they will make a mess.
The best thing is love germans as they are and restrain them when start their craziness. Restraining means generally one thing: be more powerful than they are and kick them again and again till they cave in.
Agree with the second point.
For the first point, you could trust Stalin same way you could trust a man-eating tiger: never in his proximity
too convoluted. there is merit in the suggestion that stalin wanted to take europe. germany wasnt ready for war in 1939, ussr was more ready for war in 1939, but stalin chose to buy more time
Unfortunately our human nature pushes us ALL to make gross stupidities like this and even more. The important fact is how we get up and don’t repeat the same mistake again. Variation in errors maintain our youthfulness 😀
Small minds have much to say about great men. It is of no consequence. Like leaves on a tree they make a lot of noise, but eventually they fall off and become dust. The tree remains.
what a video this is:
I never understood this argument. Nobody had ever convincing answers to the following:
1) Stalin’s regime was absolute terror. Even the suspicion that somebody had anti-communist sympathies was a death sentence. Partisans and secret agents anywhere. How do you think somebody can come out welcoming the German Army, even after the liberation?
2) Should the Germans have given uniforms and weapons to any Slav waving a swastika flag? How to separate them from partisans?
3) The Germans were notoriously short in arms, uniforms, food. Even if they wanted, they could not provide it to many Slavs.
4) There were Waffen-SS units with Slavs (remember the one presented in the Canadian parliament recently?), but they needed to be selected cautiously.
Richard Parker is not worth a pimple on Goering’s ass.
Who the fuck cares about his 20/20 view of hindsight.
Was he there when the Heer Generals wanted to oppose the retaking of the Rhineland?
Was he there when Der Fuehrer thru away the Schlieffen Plan Part Deux and embraced Von Manstein’s first Master Stroke?
Was he there when Hitler kept the front from collapsing in December 41 / January 1942?
Was he there when Hitler warned Halder first, about the left flank on the Don River in 1942?
Was he there when July 20th occurred, that would have collapsed any other government in existence? Was he there when Hitler kept Germany fighting to the very end, against certain catastrophe from Worldwide Jewry’s full on combined Communist Capitalist (Jew’s Two Golems) coming rape of German women?
I thought not.
What pray tell besides getting swirlied in Junior High did Master Parker ever do himself that was noteworthy?
Yeah, nothing.
But the story told in the video is complete drivel.
“…While all this was going on, the remorseless wheels of appeasement were grinding out of existence one country after another. The fatal loss was Czechoslovakia. This disaster was engineered by Chamberlain with the full co-operation of the Milner Group.
The details do not concern us here, but it should be mentioned that the dispute arose over the position of the Sudeten Germans within the Czechoslovak state, and as late as 15 September 1938 was still being expressed in those terms. Up to that day, Hitler had made no demand to annex the Sudeten area, although on 12 September he had for the first time asked for “self-determination” for the Sudetens. Konrad Henlein, Hitler’s agent in Czechoslovakia and leader of the Sudeten Germans, expressed no desire “to go back to the Reich” until after 12 September. Who, then, first demanded frontier rectification in favor of Germany ? Chamberlain did so privately on 10 May 1938…”
Parker thinks he is a bit of a clever Dick!😉
“…This event of March 1936, by which Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland, was the most crucial event in the whole history of appeasement.
So long as the territory west of the Rhine and a strip fifty kilometers wide on the east bank of the river were demilitarized, as provided in the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pacts, Hitler would never have dared to move against Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
He would not have dared because, with western Germany unfortified and denuded of German soldiers, France could have easily driven into the Ruhr industrial area and crippled Germany so that it would be impossible to go eastward.
And by this date, certain members of the Milner Group and of the British Conservative government had reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany and Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.
In this way they felt that the two enemies would stalemate one another, or that Germany would become satisfied with the oil of Rumania and the wheat of the Ukraine.
It never occurred to anyone in a responsible position that Germany and Russia might make common cause, even temporarily, against the West. Even less did it occur to them that Russia might beat Germany and thus open all Central Europe to Bolshevism…”
I agree sir. Hitler should have done nothing and everything would be perfectly fine today.
Hitler didn’t move against Austria. It suffered after the British broke up its empire and had no sea or mineral access. They also gave its German inhabited industrial region of Sudetenland to their new Czech state, so the wealthy elite in Vienna suffered. The vast majority of Austrians wanted to join their prosperous neighboring German state but the Versailles Treaty specifically forbade that as the Brits didn’t want a strong German state.
As I already mentioned in an earlier post, Hitler didn’t move against Czechoslovakia, even though large numbers of Germans lived in Bohemia and Moravia. Germany was asked for protection and economic assistance by the Slovaks and Czechs.
As for Poland, it was led by a dictator who also grabbed a small Polish region of Czechoslovakia and one-third of Lithuania. He probably would have returned a few small German areas along his border with Germany to allow peace, and Hitler wanted Poland as an ally against the Soviets. But British warmongers invented the myth of a “Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia” to argue that if Poland gave up anything, Hitler would take all of Poland.
The British signed a commitment to defend Poland to prevent a peace deal and anger Hitler. When he later invaded, the British and French did nothing to help defend Poland and refused Hitler’s peace efforts afterwards. Poland was destroyed and remained a Soviet client state for decades after the war. As Irving explains in the video I linked above, Churchill won his foolish war, but Britain was destroyed as Roosevelt desired.
You can post your explanations until the cows come home – but no one is paying attention.
Because you’re evidently an ignorant fool.
Even Blind Freddie can see that David Irving was extremely damaging to the Holohoax narrative.
And not just that. Irving exposed how the Jewish financier Henry Strakosch paid off Churchill’s enormous debts. He also brought to attention the latter’s control by the Jewish Focus group.
In other words, Churchill was a Jewish sock puppet, who conducted British war policy to advance the ZOG agenda – not for the benefit of the British citizenry.
In a nutshell: David Irving exposed Winston Churchill for the traitor that he most assuredly was. He was the stand-out traitor in all of Britain’s history (second place was trailing far off into the distance).
That is something that the Talmudic degenerates could never forgive him for.
And to that end Malignant International Jewry mobilised colossal resources to destroy Irving.
They needed to make an EXAMPLE OUT OF HIM, in case other historians got uppity in future and decided to tell the truth about WWII and the conjured up fable of ‘6 million Jews killed in Gas chambers’.
Irving’s words had enormous gravitas. He had (and still commands), a HUGE following.
People’s ears pricked up when he spoke (unlike you – who no one pays heed to).
I hold no grudges against him for that. Can any of us honestly say they wouldn’t crack if subjected to intolerable threats/intimidation?
For what Irving has done in the past, posterity will judge him as the hero and living treasure that he was. For standing up to Malignant International Jewry for as long as he did, those of us with a moral compass will forever be grateful.
So, I’m in agreement that one of us has indeed fallen for a scam.
And it is clear that YOU are the dupe that has swallowed the ZOG conjured disinformation campaign to smear Irving.
As for your obsession with ‘dialecticism’, you can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.
I wouldn’t insult Goering’s arse!
Although I agree that Versailles was a colossal injustice, and although I am no Wilsonian; I should not pin 28 June 1919 upon the Americans nor upon Wilson, even Lloyd George.
This was sprung upon the world by Clemenceau and the French, and permitted by the effective German government collapse leading into the signing-chamber. Also after the Treaty, Wilson stroked out in October so was in no position to rein in the excesses.
All I know is the pledge to Poland was the stupidest thing the British ever did. What would have been a Russo-German war became a continental and later global war. And in any event there was no way the Poles could have been helped in 1939, even if they had been worth helping. The Poles were almost as stupid in believing in the pledge as the British were in making it.
Thanks. I too have been struck by the recent increase in the idea of “Germany good, even National Socialism tolerable to good, but Hitler bad.” Hitler cannot be redeemed under any circumstances. This is not new, but may be undergoing a revival of sorts? –sponsored by the usual suspects which I will call Globalists.
National Socialism is Hitler, and Hitler is National Socialism. Same with NSDAP and/or 3rd Reich. You cannot separate them. Once Ron Unz found it humorous that I so fervently rejected the words “Nazi” and “Nazism” but was fine with Hitlerist and Hitlerism. The reason is Hitler is real and “Nazi” is not. I’ve never run away from Hitler.
I also want to ask: Who the hell is “Richard Parker?” A pen name, certainly. So what can his purpose be in writing this error-ridden article with all the usual tired old historical ass-umptions that we learned in high school. A lot of water has gone over the bridge since then. Kevin MacDonald at TOO allowed this essay to be described as “a Noltean perspective on WWII.” Does anyone else find that incorrect?
Bottom line: Richard Parker is a hack-writer for sale.
You’re pushing a false misrepresentation of that film clip again. It begins from October 1938 when the Sudetenland was occupied and the German Sudetenlanders were cheering. Then it shifts to March 15, 1939, when Czechia was taken over, and the Czech population does not cheer. They look very wary of the German occupiers. The film does not support your description.
Neither is it correct that the Slovaks simply decided to declare independence. Hitler threatened them that if they didn’t declare independence and request a protectorate from Germany, then he would support an attack by Hungary against Slovakia. But in August 1938, it was Horthy who had sought to reach amenable relations with Prague and Hitler pressured him to break this off. The whole appearance of a crisis in March 1939 was manufactured by Hitler to create a pretext for taking over lands which he always intended to do. All of this described clearly by David Irving in The War Path, so it’s not like one has to depend on Richard Evans for this.
Telegram comment posted by National Socialist World:
Here is a map of German majority areas along the Polish border gifted by the Brits in 1919. If Poland had given most of these back to Germany, they could have allied against the Soviets who had invaded Poland in 1920. If war broke out, Poland would have got lots of Soviet land, but fell for the British trick. In recent years the Brits have been trying to trick the Poles to confront Russia.
Generally agree. But Anglos are themselves victims starting with 1066. Don’t blame them so harshly.
The “pledge” was a calculated move intended to bring benefits through war. Also remember Boris Johnson guarantees to Zelenski
There wasnt never going to be a war between Germany and Russia in the first place. Rulers of Germany and Russia were close relatives and had good relations. American and british with many elite jews staged yet another coup in Russia, murdering the entire Romanov family and then american and british continued to massively support the bolshevik communists to invade Russia. American even sent troops to eastern Russia just to buy their bolshevik communist allied time to invade whole Russia.
American and british are always so stupid and dishonest even about whats openly admitted.
American and british are also complete narcissists, who act and pretend as if they know everything, as if everything is under control and as if they know what they are doing. These bunch of idiots never know what they are doing. Its all a big show. Thats what they are. And naive people always fall for american and british show.
Of course Hitler spoke sincerely. After all, he succeed in being the gravedigger of Germany
One might wonder where all the memorials are for all the Jews that were killed when the Allies carpet bombed Dresden and all the other German cities, which was the true Holocaust of WWII. Oh yeah that’s right, the Zionist element embedded in Hitler’s regime moved all the Jews out of the cities into work camps because they knew what was coming. All of the Zionist overt actions are used to cover up their covert actions. The west is all in on the Holocaust diversion to lend cover for the atrocities they committed on the civilian populations of Germany. The lowest form of life are those men who knowingly drop bombs on innocent women and children. And the weakest excuse is that the soldiers are hiding among the civilians. And that is really all they have….
Concluding paragraphs to a rebuttal to this article from Gregory Conte, Hitler is National Socialism and National Socialism is Hitler:
There’s the Synagogue of Satan jew on the mix. The ear-whispering Serpent doing its worst.
It’s the scale and institutionalization and industrialization of evil that makes it Satanic. And top jews scale their evil massively. And they know they’re doing it, so it’s premeditated. This is why Synagogue of Satan’s destruction on a massive scale is essential — and just.
The Satanists painstakingly cultivate a Judas Class, which then profiteers with them on their institutionalized evil, and becomes a party to their treachery. In for a penny, in for a pound.
9/11 is a prime example. Any treacherous “deep state” anywhere is inevitably a Judas Class, because the jews operate their fronts exactly as they operated Judas. And they operate them internationally.
Don’t forget the small, but rabid, contribution of Austfailia’s ‘Little Digger’, Billy Hughes. He was one of those who pushed for heavy reparations from Germany.
Adolf Hitler was the man in the arena, as Theodore Roosevelt might have said. To censure Hitler’s conduct in hindsight is too easy, especially when Hitler’s magnificent Germans had been outnumbered by foes five to one.
I want to like any author that (a)�supports his writing with adequate citations, (b)�dismisses Jewish caterwauling, and (c)�seeks to be fair to the Germans. Nevertheless, I find myself unsympathetic to this article’s line of attack. Hitler made mistakes, it is true, but so what? Is there any state leader of the era that did not make mistakes? Lebensraum was a central tenet of National Socialism yet the article does not mention the word. Theodore Roosevelt had been as keen for Lebensraum as Hitler later was: would the author have denounced Roosevelt on the same ground? (Not that it would necessarily be incoherent to denounce the drive for Lebensraum. It wouldn’t, but I do not think that the matter of Lebensraum should here be ignored.)
As I said, I want to like the author and his article, but unfortunately just cannot. The article lacks in magnanimity. For all the article’s splendid other virtues, the article’s lack of magnanimity is hard to overlook.
That’s one of the great ironies of WWII: the Boers, instead of getting rid of their British oppressors, fought with them against the Germans, who not only never threatened them, but whose race and worldview was very close to their own.
The result can be inspected in current South Africa.
You do realize that Hitler was not a martyr who’s seed someday may bring fruits but a statesman who had the power and utterly fail?
he and the German people had the courage to blunder at Dunkirk expecting what? flowers from Imperial British? Or, courage to start a total war in the east, and seal his defeat?
MORAL victory doesn’t count. It’s only the achievement of the defeated ones.
1) General Vlasov gathered an army of russians willing to fight communists even if germans waged a real annihilation war. How many times more x50? x100? x200? russian volunteers germans would have gathered if not their hatred and idiotic strategy.
2) Real partisan war started only when russians realized that germans want them all dead. Without aforementioned german idiocy no need to distinguish between “good guys” vs “bad guys”
3) So after all you do realize that a real alliance of Germany with russian people would have brought many volunteers?
Anyway the question premise is false: germans had plenty of supplies to arm and feed hundreds of thousands of european volunteers and russian minorities (caucasians, turkmens, tatars). So it could give all this to an all russian volunteer force.
4) The answer is point 2). Of course, when you realize that “liberators” bring you even more terror than your odious tyrant you’ll support the second.
The Poles are no less grandiose and ethnocentric than anyone else. The official German position was that they had been subject to ethnic cleansing in the interwar period. I find it extremely tedious to read complaints about germanization under the Third Reich in western Poland, when the Poles waged their own culture wars, performed their own political housekeeping, during the Second Polish Republic and, of course, after their great triumph over evil incarnate.
Here again is the German policy document fwiw: https://archive.org/details/PolishAtrocities_201904
Yes the royals were all related. Family ties got closer after the reformation because of religious taboos. So many Queens of England were French or Spanish before the reformation. Because Medieval England invaded France about every 30 years And France invaded Spain about twice a century. After that mostly from north and east Protestant Germany
The Europeans spent their time warring on each other. Most of those royal marriages were part of peace treaty parents of Louis 14 etc. Henry 5 and Katherine princess of France . History of Europe is war even if the enemy Queen is your sister. Or the king is your uncle or nephew . Or a half sibling
For most of its history Muscovy warred with its northern eastern and southern neighbors especially the Tatar and Turk slave raiders and bandits. Got involved with Western Europe around late 18 century. Then the war against Turkey in Crimea Being close family never prevented European royals from warring on each other.
I reckon that Richard Parker’s ponderous critique of “Nazi” Germany, would have been more fruitful, if he had shown some discipline, by not inserting the slang derogatory smear “Nazi” /“Nazis” twelve times in his clumsily disguised re-education article ‘Denouncing Hitler for Very Different Reasons’, as the made up slang derogatory smear ‘Nazi’, (popularised by the Jewish communist Konrad Heiden) is analogous to using a smear like ‘Filthy Commie’ or the like.
Richard Parker could have easily substituted ‘The NSDAP’ or ‘Nationalist Socialist Germany’ for the slang derogatory smear ‘Nazi’, that many fools have been conditioned to use by Judeo-Hollywood, but I am sure it would not have achieved the same mental picture, that he was looking to create in the readers minds.
The problem with you is that you’re too stupid to realize that you’re an idiot. However, it seems like most people have come to the same, or similar, conclusion about you, which is perhaps a silver lining in this cautionary tale.
Germany lost the war because of overwhelming odds lined up against her. Hitler was forced into WW2 and and there was nothing Hitler could do to stop the jews from making war on Germany. To illustrate this obvious fact, jews reveal themselves, and their media, the press, in the following limited sampling of dated quotes. There are volumes of evidence, but these few statements and quotes by prominent jews and their organizations should illustrate the point conclusively, that Hitler, no matter what he did, could not avoid war:
“The German race has to be annihilated, there is not the slightest doubt about this”. — Bernard Lecache, President of the Jewish World League + LICRA, July, 20, 1932
Did you know: “The Roosevelt Administration has selected more Jews to fill influential positions than any previous administration.” — Brooklyn Jewish Examiner, October 20, 1933.
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.” – Daily Express, March 24, 1933
“The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business.”– Samual Untermeyer 1933
‘The present Congress is duty bound to put the Jewish problem in Germany before the entire world…(We [Jews] must) destroy, destroy, destroy them, not only with the boycott, but politically, supporting all existing forces against them to isolate Germany from the civilized world…our enemy [Germany] must be destroyed.” — (Speech by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Polish Jew, on June 16, 1933)
“The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses… by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed. The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time…. In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.” — The Jewish newspaper, Natscha Retsch, 1933
Vlladimir Jabotinsky, jew-communist and founder of the Irgunterrorist organization wrote in the January 1934 issue of Natcha Retch:
“The fight against Germany has been carried on for months by every jewish community, conference, congress, trade organization, by every jew in the world, There is reason to that our part in the struggle will be of general value. We shall let loose a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany’s ambition is to become a great nation again, to reconquer her lost territories and colonies. Our jewish interests on the other hand demand the complete destruction of Germany. The German nation is collectively and individually a danger to us jews.“ — Vlladimir Jabotinsky, jew-communist and founder of the Irgun terrorist organization, the Jan 1934 issue of Natcha Retch
“We Jews are going to bring war on Germany.”— David Brown, President of American Hebrew, in 1934, quoted in Edmonson’s I Testify, page 188.
“Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…” (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)
“Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but soon…” (The Jew Emil Ludwig Cohn, LesAnnales, June, 1934)
“Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.” (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)
“We managed to bring the United States into the First World War and if you tow our line over Palestine and the JEWISH fighting force, then we can persuade the JEWS of the United States to drag the United States into it again this time.” — CHAIM WEIZMANN letter to Churchill, Weizmann Archives, Tel Aviv
“Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us.” – Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book Epitres aux Juifs (1938)
“Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War.” – Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy (p. 11)
“Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German — wipe them out!” — (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111) 1938
‘Even if Hitler at the last moment would want to avoid war which would destroy him he will, in spite of his wishes, be compelled to wage war.’ — Emil Ludwig Cohen wrote in his book The New Holy Alliance, Strasburg, 1938
‘It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.’ — Bernard Lechache, jew, The Right to Live (December 1938)
“Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. One may be sure of this: We will lead that war!” – Bernard Lecache, the president of the “International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism,” in its newspaper “Droit de Vivre” (Right to Life), 9 November, 1938.
“The Jewish serpent will show its hydra’s heads everywhere, blocking the way to a relaxation of international tensions. We Jews will not allow peace in the world, however hard statesmen and peace advocates try to bring it about.” — London Jewish Chronicle, March 3, 1939
“The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end.” – The jewish newspaper Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939.
“When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right.” – The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago (8 October 1940)
“When the Nazis across the frontiers, or their hirelings in Britain and France, yell or whisper that this is a Jewish War,
they are perfectly right.”– Zionist leader Ze ‘ev Jabotinsky 1940
“The reason for this war has never been as clear as it is now. It is a struggle of the jewish conception of life against the Gentile conception of life. It is the lifestyle of the jews against the lifestyle of the enemies of the jews. That is what one is fighting for throughout the world in this war.” (The American Hebrew, New York, 20.12.1942)
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, on October 8, 1942 declared: “The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Germany had only a slim chance of freeing herself from the bankster parasites. Under Hitler’s leadership, she almost succeeded.
Speer had been out of prison for 15 years when he died, wrote two books, had been interviewed by the BBC before and had been available that whole time to reporters and historians. The way you have framed his death is just simply not true.
As well, Hess was given a life sentence, he wasn’t about to be released, he had spent 40 years in prison, was NINETY-THREE YEARS OLD and was the last prisoner in Spandau.
It’s not a surprise he hung himself.
And they were not at the same time, Speer died in ’81 and Hess in ’87.
The way you are presenting these two deaths is false.
Thank you truth and reality on this Hitler Admiration Society site. From someone who knows the era and the German behavior in the occupied countries.Ukrainians welcomed the German Army for a few months. Because the Germans treated them far worse than the Soviets did The soviets viewed dissidents as class enemies bourgeoisie Not sub humans. As the Germans did.
Poland all the memoirs show the Russians treated the Poles far far worse than the Germans did. The Russian atheists didn’t even execute Catholic priests as the Germans did. First mass excursions at the railroad town of Auschwitz October 1939 5,000 Catholic priests Germans detained on their way into Poland.
Hitler, Norway to the north and west Egypt to the south Russia to the east. As if an American midwestern state tried to conquer the other 49 states plus Canada Mexico and Central America. 21 years after losing a similar war. A genius
This site, Hitler, who lost a war and gave half of Germany and 11 other countries to Germany was the greatest man of the 20th century l Not Spanish General Franco who fought the soviets and Jews and won his war . Franco the greatest man of the 20th century.
This site it’s really 1325 AD not 2025 AD Gregorian calendar was created some unknown time between 400 and 600 AD, not 1582.
The 1968 Moon Landing never happened, filmed in a movie studio. A very small studio hidden away in a forest in the east west mountains bisecting Los Angeles The Santa Monica Mountains.
Hitler was elected president of Germany in the 1932 election. Not appointed by the president several months later after intense political maneuvering . Said assertion by Americans who don’t know the difference between the American system and the European Parliament system.
Playwright wasn’t Shakespeare based on one book the author read. Alias Shakespeare written by a man, Joe Sobran who knew nothing of Shakespeare or 1500s England. A clip and paste book hurriedly cobbled together from other books written by authors who knew nothing of 1500s England. And didn’t read the plays either. Authors who believe the Merchant of Venice was Shylock the money lender not Antonio the man who who borrowed the money
More woke right garbage.
You see a lot of this now from morons who were demoralized on pol.
“Hitler was bad, not because I’m a liberal, but because he was a moron/jewish puppet/wasn’t good enough. We need a role model who is superior (and conveniently undefined)”
“White people SHOULD be genocided, not because I’m a leftist, but because they aren’t BASED enough”
The impetus for a lot of this stuff is jewish in origin and spammed endlessly until it makes a dent into the demoralized right.
Richard Parker writes: “Any sane, rational person is thus compelled to condemn the decision to declare war on the United States, which in effect gave both Churchill and FDR precisely what they wanted, and dooming Germany in the process.”
My response: Hitler’s decision to declare war on the United States was saner and more rational than many people think.
Hitler’s decision to stay out of war with the United States was made more difficult on December 4, 1941, when the Chicago Tribune carried in huge black letters the headline: F.D.R.’s WAR PLANS! The Washington Times Herald, the largest paper in the nation’s capital, carried a similar headline. Chesly Manly, the Tribune’s Washington correspondent, revealed in his report what Roosevelt had repeatedly denied: that Roosevelt was planning to lead the United States into war against Germany. The source of Manly’s information was no less than a verbatim copy of Rainbow Five, the top-secret war plan drawn up at Roosevelt’s request by the joint board of the United States Army and Navy. Manly’s story even contained a copy of President Roosevelt’s letter ordering the preparation of the plan. (Source: Fleming, Thomas, The New Dealers’ War: FDR and the War within World War II, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 1).
Rainbow Five called for the creation of a 10-million-man army, including an expeditionary force of 5 million men that would invade Europe in 1943 to defeat Germany. On December 5, 1941, the German Embassy in Washington, D.C., cabled the entire transcript of the newspaper story to Berlin. The story was reviewed and analyzed in Berlin as “the Roosevelt War Plan.” On Dec. 6, 1941, Adm. Erich Raeder submitted a report to Hitler prepared by his staff that analyzed the Rainbow Five plan. Raeder concluded that the most important point contained in Rainbow Five was the fact that the United States would not be ready to launch a military offensive against Germany until July 1943. (Source: Ibid., pp. 1-2, 33).
On December 9, 1941, Hitler returned to Berlin from the Russian front and plunged into two days of conferences with Raeder, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, and Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. The three advisors stressed that the Rainbow Five plan showed that the United States was determined to defeat Germany. They pointed out that Rainbow Five stated that the United States would undertake to carry on the war against Germany alone even if Russia collapsed and Britain surrendered to Germany. The three advisors leaned toward Adm. Raeder’s view that an air and U-boat offensive against both British and American ships might be risky, but that the United States was already unquestionably an enemy. (Source: Ibid., pp. 33-34).
On December 9, 1941, Roosevelt made a radio address to the nation that is seldom mentioned in the history books. In addition to numerous uncomplimentary remarks about Hitler and Nazism, Roosevelt accused Hitler of urging Japan to attack the United States. Roosevelt declared:
“We know that Germany and Japan are conducting their military and naval operations with a joint plan. Germany and Italy consider themselves at war with the United States without even bothering about a formal declaration…Your government knows Germany has been telling Japan that if Japan would attack the United States Japan would share the spoils when peace came. She was promised by Germany that if she came in she would receive control of the whole Pacific area and that means not only the Far East, but all the islands of the Pacific and also a stranglehold on the west coast of North and Central and South America. We know also that Germany and Japan are conducting their naval operations in accordance with a joint plan.” (Source: Ibid., pp. 34-35).
All of Roosevelt’s statements are obviously lies. Germany and Japan did not have a joint naval plan before Pearl Harbor, and they never concocted one for the rest of the war. Germany did not have foreknowledge and certainly never encouraged Japan to attack the United States. Japan never had any ambition to attack the west coast of North, Central, or South America. Germany also never promised anything to Japan in the Far East. Germany’s power in the Far East was negligible. (Source: Meskill, Johana Menzel, Hitler and Japan: The Hollow Alliance, New York: 1955, pp. 1-47).
On December 10, 1941, when Hitler resumed his conference with Raeder, Keitel, and Göring, Hitler said that Roosevelt’s speech confirmed everything in the Chicago Tribune story. Hitler considered Roosevelt’s speech to be a de facto declaration of war. Since war with the United States was inevitable, Hitler felt he had no choice but to declare war on the United States.
Hitler declared war on the United States in his Reichstag speech on Dec. 11, 1941, stating among other things:
“Since the beginning of the war, the American President Roosevelt has steadily committed ever more serious crimes against international law. Along with illegal attacks against ships and other property of German and Italian citizens, there have been threats and even arbitrary deprivations of personal freedom by internment and such. The increasingly hostile attacks by the American President Roosevelt have reached the point that he has ordered the American navy to immediately attack, fire upon and sink all German and Italian ships, in complete violation of international law. American officials have even boasted about destroying German submarines in this criminal manner. American cruisers have attacked and captured German and Italian merchant ships, and their peaceful crews were taken away to imprisonment. In addition, President Roosevelt’s plan to attack Germany and Italy with military forces in Europe by 1943 at the latest was made public in the United States, and the American government made no effort to deny it.
Despite the years of intolerable provocations by President Roosevelt, Germany and Italy sincerely and very patiently tried to prevent the expansion of this war and to maintain relations with the United States. But as a result of his campaign, these efforts have failed.” (Source: Weber, Mark, “The Reichstag Speech of 11 December 1941: Hitler’s Declaration of War Against the United States,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 1988-1989, p. 412).
Hitler ended this speech with a declaration of war against the United States. Roosevelt had finally gotten a declared war with Germany using Japan as a back door to war.
So, the leak of Rainbow Five, which outlined the plan of the United States to invade Germany by July 1943, persuaded Germany to declare war on the United States. Hitler’s decision to declare war against the United States might have been a mistake, but it is an understandable mistake since Hitler knew that the United States would enter into war against Germany eventually.
> If Poland had given most of these back to Germany, they could have allied against the Soviets
Hitler states clearly in his own records that he is not merely seeking some little bits of territory but aims for the whole enchilada.
“It is not Danzig that is at stake. For us it is a matter of expanding our living space in the East…”
— May 23, 1939, meeting of Hitler with his officers following the funeral of Graf von der Schulenburg.
> who had invaded Poland in 1920.
Poland invaded the USSR in April 1920.
> “The German race has to be annihilated, there is not the slightest doubt about this”. — Bernard Lecache, President of the Jewish World League + LICRA, July, 20, 1932
That’s a fake quote. No one was making such statements in 1932, more than 6 months before Hitler gained the Chancellorship. Lecache later on became a strong advocate of firmness towards Hitler’s Germany, but that was in 1938, not 1932. This fake attribution seems to be a result of people muddling the date of a specific statement in a newspaper with the date of the founding of that paper. In 1932, the French newspaper Le Droit de Vivre was founded. In December 1938, a month after Crystal Night, the paper printed the statement by Lecache:
“It is our task to organize the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.”
No such statement has ever been found from 1932.
You’ve misrepresented what Fleming actually wrote.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt probably engineered the sensational leak of America’s military-preparedness plans on the eve of World War II, even though it ’embarrassed and made a liar out of him,’ American Heritage magazine reported Wednesday…
‘Why would Roosevelt have deliberately leaked a sensitive military document that embarrassed and made a liar of him?’ the magazine asked and then presented historian Thomas Fleming’s theory that, frustrated by isolationist sentiments, the president wanted to ‘goad Hitler’ into declaring war before Britain and the Soviet Union were defeated.
Fleming understood very well that Roosevelt could nothing about Rainbow Five without first a declaration of war by Hitler. Roosevelt likely released the documents with the assumption that Hitler would not appreciate how limited Roosevelt’s own authority and would respond as if Roosevelt was a dictator like himself.
I wish people wouldn’t use “young girls” in this way. If we take women to be those over 18 years, then it’s better just to say “girls”. Young girls and little girls should be reserved for those below, let’s say, eight years old.
I dont really understand what your message was supposed to mean. Its a fact that Germany and Russia wouldnt have gone to war with each other because of good relations. Only because of american, british and many elite jews they ended up going to war, as they arranged the bolshevik communist revolution, as american and british massively supported the bolshevik communists and the bolshevik communist Soviet Union. American and british were enraged when Russia finally became independant again.
Whole view of history has been corrupted by all the american and british lies, as well as lies of many jews. We will finally purge these lies and teach our children the truth when american and british will finally be wiped out legally and all of their lies and degeneracy with them.
You’re on an American website. Why comment you want us to be wiped out? And exactly what are you? My DNA is mostly Scandinavian. Will that save me when Barbarossa wakes up and saves his people.?
This site gets crazier and crazier every week. Articles and comments
You’re another ignoramos who knows absolutely nothing about European history. And the fact that the Royal families of Germany and Russia were cousins second cousins uncles aunts nieces and nephews grandchildren and grandparents and still went to war at various times.
Dumb dumber dumbest
Thanks, you may be an old style Soviet communist but you’re correct unlike most of these commenters.
My hero is General Franco who fought the Communist Jew invaders of Spain wiped them out abd sent the survivors whimpering back to Russia Brooklyn Columbia University and City College of New York. And LaSalle st Chicago.
Not Hitler who gave half of Germany and 11 other European countries to the horrors of Soviet economics and governance
Here is the full text of the article about Rainbow Five that you seem to quote from:
The Big Leak
You may want to look at the German language Wikipedia page about the Kriegserklärung (if you can’t read German, translate it):
Kriegserklärung Deutschlands und Italiens an die Vereinigten Staaten
Note sections Vorgeschichte, Verzögerte Anpassung des Dreimächtepaktes, and Nach Pearl Harbor — the text of the declaration given to the American representative in Berlin is also given — it focuses on US actions in the Atlantic since the outbreak of war in Europe, which were anything but neutral (‘ … an alle Regeln der Neutralität in immer steigendem Maße zugunsten der Gegner Deutschlands auf das Flagranteste verletzt …’).
The emphasis is on considerations regarding Germany’s relationship with Japan as the primary motivation for the decision to declare war on the US, i.e. rather than anything specifically to do with Rainbow Five — if you’re looking for a rationale as to why Hitler declared war, this makes more sense — especially when you remember the general timeline: Barbarossa began in June 1941, by December the Wehrmacht had suffered approx 35% casualties, and it was clear the war against the Soviet Union would continue in 1942 — Hitler still hoped to secure direct help from Japan in the war, e.g. via an attack on the Soviet Union in the Far East.
Well, who’s the nazi now?
Adolf Hitler was one of the greatest men to ever live. Our race will never have another society like Germany was. The Zionists have destroyed nearly every Christian nation on earth. They seek the total destruction of the real chosen people. Here is a link to the Greatest Story Never Told. https://www.aparat.com/v/p91klu6
We continue to witness efforts to revise the history of World War II and portray the Germans as innocent victims—an overly simplistic perspective that ignores the most crucial facts. At least, in the main text and comments (except marginally in one or two cases), we do not see the absurd thesis that Germany preemptively attacked the Soviet Union and swiftly overtook the Russians in a matter of weeks. The sole “evidence” for this claim is a book by a Ukrainian junior officer, a defector, who supposedly saw what almost no historian in the world has seen.
Furthermore, it is consistently ignored that Hitler and the German leadership had been planning the conquest of Soviet and other Slavic territories for at least 15 years. Operation Barbarossa was fully operationally defined at least six months before Germany launched its attack. Yet, it is somehow considered normal and even legal for Germany to commit aggression, occupy Soviet territories, and engage in genocide—while partisan resistance is labelled as “illegal.”
Nowhere in the discussion is there mention of Soviet casualties—over seven million civilians directly killed, burned, or buried alive, out of a total of 14 million civilian deaths. This does not even account for the millions of prisoners of war who perished from starvation or the millions of military personnel who died at the front. The idea of winning the “hearts and minds” of the Soviet people seems absurd while, at the same time, the blockade of Leningrad was causing mass starvation, cannibalism, and the deaths of a million people.
The term Lebensraum is conspicuously absent from both the text and the comments, as if it had never been a factor. Meanwhile, we see outbursts of Hitler worship, reminiscent of the adoration seen in North Korea, directed at a man who nearly physically destroyed the German nation. The Battle of Stalingrad serves as a stark illustration—of a million soldiers, only 6,000 returned to Germany—demonstrating both the mental instability of the commander-in-chief and the absurdity of those who still refer to him as Mein Führer (like Big Sys) in the comments.
Additionally, there are contradictory claims regarding Hitler’s treatment of Jews. On one hand, he is hailed as a great fighter against Jewish influence; on the other, some argue that he did not kill Jews but rather provided them with amenities such as swimming pools, international football matches, vocational courses, maternity hospitals, and even brothels in Auschwitz.
Once again, we see a focus on allegations of Russian rapes while Western atrocities are ignored. This was previously explained by an American officer’s report, which claimed that German women were willing to sleep with any Westerner (even Black soldiers) in exchange for chocolate, socks, or a piece of soap. By this logic, it seems the only Russian mistake was not distributing soap to their soldiers, making rape “unnecessary.”
Equally absurd is the legitimacy given to Germany’s demand for Danzig—a city originally founded by Serbs. Similarly, Dresden, often mentioned in crocodile tears (usually to criticize Churchill), was also a Serbian city where indigenous Serbs were assimilated.
There is even an attempt to justify the German aggression against Yugoslavia and the sponsorship of genocide against 1.5 million Serbs—solely because the Yugoslav government that signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany was overthrown. A truly feeble excuse for war, especially considering that these two months of delay in attacking the Soviet Union ultimately contributed to Germany’s defeat.
Actually, the Ron Unz quote you gave describes the current US situation.
The comment stream thus far is disturbing, to say the least.
The American government supposedly runs on “check and balance”. Three branches, no one branch powerful enough to dominate the other two. But that hasn’t been the case for a very long time, perhaps from the early 1800s. The “political party” and “political machine” have dominated all three branches.
And now the political machine has failed. The Uniparty has existed at least since LBJ introduced the “Great Society” expansion of government, and arguably since Congress delegated the power of making laws (regulations with the force of law) to the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC).
But this time the Uniparty and the bureaucracy have both failed. The Uniparty has fissioned to MAGA and the Democrats. About the same number of US citizens have faith in the Democrats as believe that the Earth is not round. The bureaucracy has run up a debt that probably can’t be paid off, and also demonstrated an ability to run an industrialized country that was equaled only by the USSR and Argentina. The US government as it stands is unworkable, its days are numbered.
Except for the Executive Branch. Pres. Trump appears to be cutting back US bureaucracy to a rump state with expenses so small that it might be possible to pay off the US debt without hyperinflation. It appears that the MAGA coalition has the support needed to do that.
Trump has tole the Judicial Branch to either stop interfering with the Executive Branch or be marginalized. It’s happened before, Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee case. The MAGA Representatives have the votes to dismiss district judges (and the Supreme Justices) for “bad behavior” on a simple majority vote or, failing that, to simply refuse to fund specific districts.
And the Democrats have hurt/killed enough US citizens that the above actions would be cheered by most. That “castrate or spay your kids” campaign was apparently a step too far, or maybe it was the “establish cartel dominance in the Hispanic communities” campaign.
OK, so the above is bad enough. Not the effort, really, or even the magnitude and crudity of the change. I’ve been saying for years on this site that a reorganization, a thorough one, was on the way.
No, the big thing is that it is now, within a month, a national topic of interest to talk about the Jews as a problem making group, and simultaneously to talk about Hitler and to invalidate the West’s WW II “good war” myth. Not just here, unz.com, but other venues as well. And it isn’t the sort of overnight change that identifies a propaganda change, it’s what I’d expect from a gradually dawning realization that discussing Jews is somehow necessary.
The Jews, per se, are not the interesting part here — it’s that a long held Western taboo (albeit artificial) is being broken. Others (judicial independence? Methods of selecting Representative Branch members? Duties of the Executive? ) will break shortly, whether from politics or finances.
You can see what’s going to happen: this reorganization is entering a crude part (maybe one of several), analogous to a person who finally sees a dentist after a decade of tooth decay. He will eventually be released and cured, but the interim won’t be fun for anybody.
Rough weather ahead, folks. And that includes the rest of the world, which wants a change in system but is not prepared for the magnitude of what’s coming.
Hitler’s megalomania resulted in the deaths of 60 million Caucasians
Austrian swindler and maniac cost 60 million lives of Europeans, not counting the terrible destruction throughout Europe.
Whilst the lunatic Hitler had nothing to lose his people did. His desperate attempts to delay his well deserved execution cost the lives of miliions of innocent Germans.
Since he had absolute power , and was, unfortunately, neither deposed nor assassinated, Germany paid the price for his madness.
Good systems have to have some provisions to address that. Nazi regime didn’t.
As you might know, I have made this thesis here and years ago on The Occidental Review. I am not a historian, nor academician, but a humble, retired marine engineer officer, lifelong cultural anthropologist field researcher, marine superintendent for joint operations of American shipping companies and the Department of Defense, marine surveyor in Panama and Florida, Over The Road Truck Driver [Class A CDL,See The USA In Your Kenworth”] for a year and a half, a technical manager at a Waste Management Turbine Generating Station from waste, and a unrequited Clinical Psychologist who “Tuned In, Turned on, and Dropped out” after 5 years in university. I might add that I was for a few years a self test subject in psychedelic drugs of the 60s spectrum.
I always read a lot, trying to apprehend, gather, and assimilate large amounts of data, observations, facts, as well as opinions and analyses. I still do that. Every day. I find my own ways of collating, processing of information, relating and organizing to arrive at a deduction that fits the inductive information and intelligence. I usually overdo it, in regard to source material, references, and breadth of inputs from all points of the compass.
All in all, I agree with your general opinions about Hitler and his High Command. These determinations and opinions are based on what empirical research uses called Confidence Level, which encompasses correlation, causation, observation, repetition, replication, and consonance of data. And number of instances [N = x]. Initially, for me this came about due to increasing inconsistencies and incompatibilities with the prevailing and trendy revisionism and reconstruction of A. H. So much of these evaluations-private, casual, or professional/public- are made from one or two causative agents, or a very short list of precursors and late events. This is fine for entertainment, but that is not how history and Reality are in actuality.
He read books and periodicals.
Thank you, TV, for the excellent comments. Reading through Richard Parker’s article, I also noticed some deficiencies, personal bias and half-truths in his polemic.
John Wear’s book would be a good antidote to this article, including the great work by R.H.S. Stolfi, ‘Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny,’ which addresses arguments raised against A.H. by modern day court historians, including decisions he made during his war campaigns. Stolfi was both a scholar and a military historian.
Hitler was nobody’s stooge, but
you are someone’s clown.
I’m starting to like Hitler.
Hitler killed 6 milions Germans in war which he couldn’t won (he had not enough resources to win attrition war).
Germans lost (almost) all lands they conquered in last 1,000 years in Central and Southern Europe.
Jew power increased (USA) instead of being weakend.
Germany is now petty puppet state of USA with no political power, no moral compass, nothing to impress other nations.
Germany today – no culture, no military power, no political power.
That are results of Hitler policy.
Hitler was a good killer of Germans.
One more world war and Germany will be destroyed like Carthage. Fast forword Germans!
Yep, I remember your Jung quotes here at unz and I will repeat some of them here which are illustrative and you could add if I missed something:
Apologists for Hitler and National Socialism undergo virtual lobotomies in rapture of Adolph and his steerage of the Mass Formation Psychosis of Germania.
Jung is trying to get to the core of the Germany psyche and summarizes this condition:
“All these pathological features — complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow man (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing — all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?”
But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria.
A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face.
Germans allowed themselves to be deluded by their disastrous fantasies.
His gesticulations were all put on, devised by a hysterical mind intent on only making an impression.
He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the sombre, demonic ‘man of iron’ of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films.
This author Rache and his middle school drooling and slavering over the NS “miracle” (measured over a very small timeline), their abdication of personhood, individuation, and uniqueness as individuals, is omitted, as children do for whom the mysteries of the World are unknown and unknowable to them.
Jung considered the Hitler era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world.
Jung concludes this thread with this sombre assessment:
‘Eighty million people crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction at the hands of a narcissist.’
What I do realise Dimitrie, is that you likely have either a Jewish or Slavic axe to grind and thus have been denigrating Hitler unfairly.
As for the ‘achievement of the defeated ones’, Hitler and the Germans of the first half of the 20th century have produced a template that all of us can follow in our never ending efforts to bring about the demise of ZOG.
THAT is an achievement that will be spoken about for millennia.
You Dimitrie may be unaware of what you’re doing in the capacity of a useful idiot who unknowingly (or perhaps knowingly?) advances ZOG’s agenda.
Hopefully, for your sake, one day you may accumulate the necessary life experience to reflect back on how foolish you were in the past.
Then you’ll acknowledge the sacrifices Hitler and the German people made so that we too may be freed from the tentacles of the Vampire Squid (aka the Talmudic financiers that control the entirety of the western financial and political systems).
I’m sure those books gave him the on the ground, first hand experience a person would need to know a people. And I’m sure while those books transported him to Russia he interacted in the Russian language for, as everyone knows, you need to know a people’s language to know and understand them.
In conclusion, Hitler was completely ignorant about the people he hated.
And, someone else wrote the book. Writing back then took skills that the man simply did not possess.
It only appears stupid if you disregard the fact that the goal of the Judeo-British was to not allow Germany to become too strong by conquering large parts of Eastern Europe. They wanted to keep Germany down.
No need to be emotionally invested in the cult of Hitler.
He had some good ideas but too many bad ones too.
And you cannot deny the outcome, and that is all that matters. Germany and Europe lost and were destroyed and the Jews won and got their Israel.
And now we all suffer from this.
Whether or not he was a stooge we don’t know. More likely they played him, he got off the leash but in the end they got the end result they wanted.
Just like they created the Mujahadeen, Taliban, ISIS, Azov, and on and on….These people are just tools. Yeah, they get off the leash but they do the bidding of their creator and master anyway.
Same same but different.
One would be more likely to succeed by proclaiming Satan as their hero rather than Hitler.
It doesn’t matter how based or heroic Hitler supposedly was, his public image is too bad to be of any use as a hero for the masses. Of course various Nazi LARPers don’t care about it. They are not concerned with winning, they are concerned with maintaining purity of though in their LARP cult.
Moreover, the “socialism” part off National Socialism won’t sell well with the Western masses after decades of anti-communist propaganda.
If Hitler is National Socialism and vice versa, then fuck them both. Their brands must be left behind for any non-LARP purposes.
How long had the Bolsheviks/Communists/Reds/Soviets/Organized Jewry been meddling/encroaching/inciting/harvesting within Germany/Eastern Europe? Just one example –
Heinrich Heine was a member of “Young Germany” movement of mid-1800’s. Primary members:
Heinrich Heine – Jewish; third cousin to Karl Marx.
Ludwig Boerne – Jewish.
Karl Immermann – ?
Karl Georg Buchner or Buechner – I think, an actual German –
“Buchner was a political activist, an organizer of and participant in secret societies of communistic stamp, who holds his place, as a minor, of course, among the predecessors of Marx and Engels. His pamphlet, “Der Hessische Landbote”, which was distributed among the peasants of his native Hessen to arouse them to rebellion, shows him as an aggressive agitator and ruthless demagogue.”
Somehow, the ideas of “social justice” for common Germans evolved into a focus on the emancipation of the Jews, as well, and what’s interesting is the very fact that Adolf Hitler succeeded in bringing prosperity and equality to all Germans, which seems to have been the goal of the original Young Germany movement, by reversing Jewish emancipation in Germany….therefore, and as usual, the emancipation of Jewry is/was not the solution to solving (mitigating ) the universal problems of mankind.
The Germans invaded overtly. They did not use or hide amongst civilians; they were uniformed; they did not don the uniforms or clothing of others in order to hide their identities or intentions. Treachery and subterfuge was a tactic of the Soviets, Slavs, and Jews.
How many Russians were killed by the Soviets/Bolsheviks? How many shipped to Siberia/Gulags? How many starved to death due to collectivism?
There is no actual contradiction – there are the lies and exaggerations asserted by mainstream authorities and by many Jews over German policies towards them. Germany never made a secret of what they expected from the Jews who remained in Germany or that they were to be denied power and influence within same.
The fact is there were theaters, orchestras, and hospitals at certain camps – at camps claimed to be “death” camps. The fact is that Shoah witness testimonies contradict and vary wildly, which indicates an underlying deception regarding the official claims. The fact is that many Shoah witnesses reported what they heard was happening rather than what they observed. A great many professed a preference for rule under German authority rather than Soviet. The official story is a fabrication; the “real” story, in part, can be gleaned from the individual testimonies if one takes the time to listen.
Don’t be ridiculous. What the Soviets did to women/girls, en masse, was nothing to do with responses to solicitation for survival. Rape and pillage was a sanctioned method of Bolshevik/Soviet war strategy and there is written documentation of this fact.
The greatest crime committed by the West was the destruction of Germany. And, the fact that their leaders lied incessantly to their citizens about Germany/Germans, and they obscured the truth on the actual power/influence of International Jewry within Western nations.
What was the founding date? How many Serbs/Poles/Slavs in Danzig in 1939? What is the appropriate statute of limitation on adverse possession?
John, it’s great to see you in this thread and enlightening many in desperate need of it with some REAL HISTORY.
Richard Parker (assuming that’s your real name – and not just covering for the fact that you’re a mendacious Jew), I see you’re strangely silent now that John Wear is on the scene.
Hmmm, just as I expected.
‘Parker’, you’re just a chicken-shit gutless propagandist.
You know you’re out of your league when up against the likes of John Wear.
You know he’ll wipe the floor with you.
As for the rest of you ZOG apologists (like you Miriam Alden-son/aka Alden), why don’t you confront John Wear with your take on WWII?
(You know – the indoctrination you got at that yeshiva you attended when you were a wee little Jewess ).
Patrick ‘Shlomo’ McNally (someone that Ron Unz himself has called out on numerous occasions as an individual likely in the employ of the ADL – and whose sole purpose in the UR commentariat is to disinform and muddy the waters), writes:
That’s right UR readers. Shlomo’ McNally has personally perused:
And after scrutinising all the countless billions of them, he assures us that no such statement was made.
Well then, now we can all sleep easy tonight.
What would we do without the unwavering commitment of the likes of ‘Shlomo’ McNally?
He is truly one of Zions greatest sons.
All that is happening today and will continue happening, the worship of Israel, Whites cucking for black and brown , the degeneration of Whites emulating and following black trash immoral culture.. all of it , trans, men dressing as women, men in women’s sports , on and on. All of this is just proving Uncle Adolf right. Look at all of White Western Civilization across the world . Being bred out of existence. Good luck cuck.
LOL. More McNally Zioslop hogwash. The “Schmundt protocols”, protocols which Jews insist in this case were not “forged”, appeared miraculously at Nuremberg from some bunker in Berlin where they had survived the Red Army, without any chain of custody. Not only were they not signed by Hitler, they were just a type written “copy”, based on hand written notes that were never found, about some meeting concerning Werhmacht contingency plans.
They are almost as worthless as proof of a “conspiracy” by Germany as similarly faked “Hossback memorandum”.
McNally specializes in making Judeo-communist propaganda “gotchas”, all without any credible non-Kosher supporting facts.
McNally is one of many here who refuse to accept that the zeitgeist has turned, and that now the burden of proof lies with the communist jew-lovers like himself. He is the one who has to prove the validity of these memos and protocols beyond the shadow of doubt. That discussion has remained suppressed for 80 years now, thanks to douchebags like Patrick McNally.
Ah, now it is clear why Hitler wanted to be allies with the Judeo-Anglos so much. They shared the same worldview.
“The German race has to be annihilated, there is not the slightest doubt about this”. — Bernard Lecache, President of the Jewish World League + LICRA, July, 20, 1932
“If the war were lost, the nation would also perish. This fate was inevitable. There was no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people would need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it would be better to destroy these things ourselves”. – Adolf Hitler
They both just wanted the “German race” annihilated.
For UR readers not familiar with the comment history of Odyssey, he is still sulking over the fact that he and his assertions (esp. about the alleged millions of Soviet civilian casualties that he alleges the German’s were responsible for), were comprehensively swatted down in previous UR threads.
The fact of the matter is that Stalin’s own Scorched Earth Policy was responsible for the overwhelming number of deaths due to starvation among the Soviet citizenry during WWII.
Click on the link below that will direct to a previous comment posted in UR:
Taken from the link above:
Of course a considerable portion of those million or so Jewish refugees mentioned above that were transported to Siberia, were worked to death in horrific conditions and conveniently blamed on the Germans post war – as being part of the Holohoax dead.
The link below is for another comment that further expands on what ‘Scorched Earth/Mass Deportation’ involved:
This is an excerpt from that link above:
Lastly, Odyssey keeps endlessly droning on about (and mocking) the assertion that:
‘Jews … [were] … provided with amenities such as swimming pools, …. football matches, vocational courses, maternity hospitals, and even brothels in Auschwitz.
Many UR readers are well aware that Jewish Holohoax survivors are RECORDED ON VIDEO (in The Shoah series of documentaries made by Steven Spielberg) AS ADMITTING THAT SUCH FACILITIES EXISTED FOR THEM in the work camps (and incl. regular theatre and musical productions using a Jewish orchestra – which is not mentioned by Odyssey).
Odyssey, I don’t know what else to tell you other than: ‘Seek, and ye shall find’.
Fascism and Mussolini are far more defensible than Nazism and Hitler.
If the answer is “more than zero”, then the Germans were justified in killing any number of Soviet civilians, be it ten million or one hundred million, correct? Is this your argument?
Mr Eff-U/Eff-U writes:
For those not familiar with Mr Eff-U/Eff-U, I have been unfortunate enough to cross paths with this mendacious Jew (or perhaps a shabbos goy), in UR threads from the past.
He invariably goes in to bat for his Jewish overlords and smears Hitler and the Germans at every opportunity.
He may not quite be in the league of vermin like John’s Johnson, Mean Joo Joo and Incactus (the last has been assigned to spread his falsehoods in the various WWII related UR threads of late), but he’s nevertheless quite an abhorrent wretch of a man.
UR readers would be well advised to treat with caution anything coming from this individual.
This is a good article that exposes the truth: AH was a political genius and NS is the best political ideology suited for European peoples, but in the end, AH is responsible for conducting and losing WW2.
At minimum, he should have tried to stop the war in the East after Kursk and negotiate a settlement with Stalin.
He did not, and the result was Germany and Europe were utterly defeated and Jewish rule installed in the West.
You write: “At least, in the main text and comments (except marginally in one or two cases), we do not see the absurd thesis that Germany preemptively attacked the Soviet Union and swiftly overtook the Russians in a matter of weeks. The sole “evidence” for this claim is a book by a Ukrainian junior officer, a defector, who supposedly saw what almost no historian in the world has seen.”
My response: Germany’s attack of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 was preemptive. Some of the reasons why we know Stalin was preparing to attack Germany and all of Europe are:
1. Stalin was moving approximately 24,000 tanks to his western front. Why did Stalin need so many tanks on his western front?
2. The Red Army lost 20,500 tanks between June and November 1941, amounting to 80% of its armored strength. (Source: McMeekin, Sean, Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II, New York: Basic Books, 2021, p. 381).
3. The Soviet Union built an entire family of BT tanks—the BT-2, BT-5, BT-7, BT-7A, and BT-7M. BT stands for bystrokhodnyi (high-speed) tank. At the beginning of World War II, the Red Army had 6,456 BT tanks, as many as all other operational tanks in the rest of the world. The BT tank’s most important characteristic–its speed–was achieved through the use of its wheels. The wheels of the BT tank made it impossible to use the BT tank successfully off the roads, or on the bad roads of the Soviet Union. In the battles fought on Soviet territory, thousands of BT tanks were abandoned. Historians say that Stalin’s BT tanks were not ready for war. This statement is not true. The BT tank was ready for an offensive war on German territory, but not in a defensive war fought on its own territory. (Source: Suvorov, Viktor, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008, pp. 52-53).
4. The Soviet Union also built an outstanding family of amphibious tanks: the T-37A, T-38, and T-40. By June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union had over 4,000 amphibious tanks in its arsenal. The Soviet amphibious tanks in 1941 became unnecessary and played no role in the war. But the question remains: Why were the amphibious tanks developed and built? Why did Stalin need 4,000 amphibious tanks which could not be used in a defensive war? The obvious answer is that Stalin planned to use the amphibious tanks in a massive military invasion of Europe. (Source: Ibid., pp. 55-57).
5. Airborne assault troops were also part of Stalin’s plans. According to the official Communist Party newspaper, Pravda, on Aug. 18, 1940, the Soviet Union had more than 1 million trained parachutists at the beginning of the war. Airborne assault troops can only be used during offensive operations and only in conjunction with regular troops advancing against the enemy.
6. The Red Army needed an air armada of transport planes and gliders to deliver hundreds of thousands of paratroopers. Soviet factories started the mass production of cargo gliders beginning in the spring of 1941. On April 23, 1941, Stalin and Molotov signed an order to accelerate the production of an 11-seat glider with a deadline of May 15, 1941, and of a 20-seat glider with a deadline of July 1, 1941. The gliders that were produced in the spring of 1941 had to be used by the latest in the early fall of 1941. Gliders had light and fragile bodies and wings and could not be parked outdoors. Keeping a huge cargo glider outdoors during fall winds and rains would harm it beyond repair. Since all available hangars were already full with previously produced gliders, the mass production of gliders in the spring of 1941 meant that they had to be used either in the summer of 1941 or early fall at the latest. (Source: Ibid., p. 76).
7. Cargo warplanes are used to deliver assault forces with parachutists to the enemy’s rear. Soviet war-transport aviation used the American Douglas DC-3, which was considered to be the best cargo plane in the world at the start of World War II, as its primary cargo plane. In 1938, the U.S. government sold to Stalin the production license and the necessary amount of the most complex equipment for the DC-3’s production. The Soviet Union also bought 20 DC-3s from the United States before the war. In 1939, the Soviet Union produced six identical DC-3 aircraft; in 1940, it produced 51 DC-3 aircraft; and in 1941, it produced 237 DC-3 aircraft. During the entire war 2,419 DC-3s or equivalent planes were produced in Soviet factories. (Source: Ibid., p. 77).
8. The Soviet gliders and transport planes would be easy prey for enemy fighters if the Soviet Union did not secure complete air superiority. The Red Army had to begin the war with a massive air attack and invasion against the enemy’s air bases. Tens of thousands of paratroopers could then be dropped to seize and control key bases and strategic sites. Any other scenario was not viable. Instead, it was Hitler who carried out a preemptive strike, and Stalin’s strategy to strike the first blow was aborted. The Soviet Union’s carefully designed plan to mount a massive air offensive followed by an assault of airborne troops had to be abandoned in the desperate rush to fight a defensive war. (Source: Ibid., pp. 77-78).
9. In the years 1937-1941, the Soviet Army grew five-fold, from 1.1 million to 5.5 million. This huge increase in the size of the Soviet Army was accomplished primarily by ratification of the universal military draft in the Soviet Union on Sept. 1, 1939. Several age groups were drafted into the Red Army at the same time; in essence, all of the young men in the country. The duration of army service for the majority of the draftees was two years, so the Soviet Union had to enter a major war within two years. If war did not start by then, all of the young people would have to go home on Sept. 1, 1941, and then there would be almost nobody left to draft. Stalin knew when he established the draft that in two years, in the summer of 1941, the Soviet Union must enter into a major war.
10. Stalin’s more than 200 submarines and the rest of his navy were ineffective at the start of the war because it was an attack fleet. Stalin’s navy was built for aggressive war and could not be used effectively in a defensive war.
11. The Ammunition Commissariat was created as a separate ministry to take care exclusively of the production of ammunition. This ministry had to determine where to locate all of the new factories that would be producing shells, gunpowder, cartridges, missiles, and other weapons. If Stalin had planned to conduct a defensive war, the new ammunition factories would have been built either behind the Volga River or even farther inland in the Ural Mountains. But no defensive options were ever discussed. Since Stalin planned to conduct an offensive operation into a war-devastated and weakened Europe, all of the new ammunition factories were built near the western border regions of the Soviet Union.
12. During the course of the Bessarabia campaign, the Soviet Union captured 141 locomotives, 1,866 covered train cars, 325 half-covered train cars, 45 platforms, 19 cisterns, 31 passenger cars, and two luggage cars. But this was not enough for Stalin. At the Soviet-Romanian talks in July 1940, Soviet representatives demanded that Romania return all captured mobile railroad units. On July 31, 1940, Romania agreed to transfer 175 locomotives and 4,375 cars to the Soviet Union by Aug. 25, 1940. None of these trains would have been needed in a defensive war. Stalin could only use these trains seized in Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina in an offensive war designed to take over all of Europe. (Source: Ibid., pp. 156-157).
13. On May 5, 1941, Stalin made it clear to his generals that the Soviet Union would be the aggressor in a war with Germany. At a banquet a Soviet general toasted Stalin’s peaceful foreign policy. Stalin intervened:
“Allow me to make a correction. A peaceful foreign policy secured peace in our country. A peaceful foreign policy is a good thing. For a while, we drew a line of defenses until we rearmed our army [and] supplied it with modern means of combat. Now, when our army has been rebuilt, our technology modernized, [now that we are] strong [enough] for combat, now we must shift from defense to offense. In conducting the defense of our country, we are compelled to act in an aggressive manner. From defense we have to shift to a military policy of offense. It is indispensable that we reform our training, our propaganda, our press to a mindset of offense. The Red Army is a modern army, and the modern army is an army of offense.”
The general who made the toast to Stalin’s peaceful foreign policy was discharged a few days after the banquet. (Source: Ibid., p. 205).
14. The Soviet Union was sending a massive amount of troops to the western border. This massive troop movement could not have been defensive. Troops preparing for defense dig themselves into the ground, close off roads, establish barbwire barriers, dig anti-tank trenches, and prepare covers behind the barricades. The Red Army did none of these things. Instead, the additional Soviet divisions began to hide in the border forests just like the German troops preparing for invasion. (Source: Ibid., pp. 207-217).
15. Suvorov also mentions that Soviet soldiers and officers were issued Russian-German and Russian-Romanian phrase books as part of their preparations for an invasion of Europe. Thousands of Soviet troops did not think to get rid of this compromising evidence when they were captured in the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The Russian-German phrase books were composed very simply: a question in Russian, followed by the same question in German written in Russian letters, then in German in Latin letters. If the Soviet soldier did not know how to pronounce the needed German phrase, he could point to the corresponding lines in the book and the Germans could read the lines themselves.
The phrases indicated that the Soviets were planning to conduct an offensive war in Europe. For example, some phrases asked: “Where is the burghermeister? Is there an observation point on the steeple?” There were no burghermeisters or steeples in the Soviet Union. These questions are relevant only if the Soviet soldiers were in Germany. Here are other examples: “Where is the fuel? Where is the garage? Where are the stores? Where is the water? Gather and bring here [so many] horses [farm animals], we will pay!” These questions and phrases would not be relevant on Soviet soil. The following phrases are also revealing: “You do not need to be afraid. The Red Army will come soon!” These phrases are not relevant for a war conducted on Soviet soil. (Source: Ibid., pp. 257-258).
16. Within less than a year, the Soviet Union destroyed a Japanese army in Mongolia, took over the eastern part of Poland by military force, conducted an extremely difficult and successful invasion of Finland, forced the Baltic nations of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia to join the Soviet Union against their will, and took possession of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania. These Soviet military conquests and ultimatums expanded the Soviet Union’s territory by 426,000 square kilometers, approximately equal to the surface area of the German Reich in 1919. (Source: Hoffmann, Joachim, Stalin’s War of Extermination, 1941-1945: Planning, Realization, and Documentation, Capshaw, AL: Theses & Dissertations Press, 2001, p. 31).
17. After the division of Poland by the Soviet Union and Germany, Soviet troops could have created a powerful barrier on the new Soviet-German border. In 1939 conditions for defense along the Soviet-German border were highly favorable: forests, rivers, swamps, few roads, and lots of time. However, instead of making the area impassable, it was quickly made more penetrable. The Red Army tore down previously existing fortifications and buried them under mounds of ground. The Soviet Union also stopped producing anti-tank and anti-aircraft cannon. The Soviet Union had huge land mine production that could have been used for defense, but after the new borders with Germany were established this production was curbed.
18. The Red Army also dismantled the security pale created earlier on the old western borders, and failed to create a new security pale on the Polish territory annexed to the Soviet Union.
19. The Soviet Union also constructed new railroads and railroad bridges in the western border regions. Almost all railroad troops were concentrated in the western border regions. The railroad troops worked intensively to modernize old railroads and build new ones right up to the border. Simultaneously with the construction of railroads, automobile roads were built in the western regions. The Red Army was building railroads and roads from east to west, which is usually done when preparing for advance, for a quick transfer of reserves, and for further supplying the troops after they crossed the borders. All of this work was designed for offense and hurt the Soviet Union in a defensive war. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, German troops used the roads, bridges, supplies, rails, and sectional bridges constructed by the Soviets in the western regions to aid their advance into Soviet territory.
20. From 1926 to 1937, the Soviet Union constructed 13 fortified regions along its western borders known unofficially as “the Stalin Line.” There were many differences between the Soviet Stalin Line and the French Maginot Line. Unlike the French Maginot Line, the Stalin Line was built in secrecy and not publicized. The Stalin Line was much deeper and was built not only to stop infantry, but mostly to stop tanks. The Soviets also used huge quantities of steel and granite boulders in addition to concrete. The Stalin Line was built from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south and could not be bypassed. Finally, unlike the Maginot Line, the Stalin Line was not built at the very border, but further into Soviet territory.
The 13 fortified regions on the Stalin Line were built for defense and came at a tremendous cost in effort and money. Each fortified region was also a military formation that could independently conduct military operations during a long period of time and in isolated conditions. In 1938 it was decided to strengthen all 13 regions by building heavy artillery installations within them. The Soviet Union also started construction of eight more fortified regions. Then, when the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact created a common border between Germany and the Soviet Union, Stalin ordered further construction of the fortified regions to stop. The existing fortified regions were disarmed, and everything connected with defense was dismantled and destroyed.
20. The construction of a new line of fortified regions began during the summer of 1940 on the new Soviet-German border. These new regions were unofficially referred to as the Molotov Line, but they were never finished. The defense buildup on the new borders proceeded very slowly, while the destruction of the Stalin Line was surprisingly fast. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the Molotov Line was not yet built. Soviet generals and marshals after Stalin’s death expressed their anger. They asked: How could Stalin liquidate and disarm the fortified regions on the old borders without building the necessary defenses on the new western borders? The answer is that Stalin was not planning to fight on his territory; Stalin was planning an offensive war against all of Europe.
21. The records of a conference of the Soviet High Command held in Moscow from Dec. 23, 1940, through the evening of Dec. 31, 1940, also indicate that the Soviet Union was planning a massive offensive against Europe. This extremely secret meeting was attended by 274 of the highest-ranking leaders of the Red Army. Most of the speakers discussed the importance of the new tactics of sudden surprise attack. Defense at the primary locations of attack was not foreseen, even theoretically. The Soviet military leaders made it clear at the conference that they had no established contemporary defense theory. Soviet military leaders also did not work on questions of defense after the conference. The goal of the Red Army was to conduct grandiose sudden offensive operations that overwhelmed the enemy on its own territory.
22. During the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Yakov Iosifovich Dzhugashvili, the son of Stalin, was taken prisoner by the Germans. Stalin’s son was searched and questioned. A letter dated June 11, 1941, was found in his pockets from another officer stating: “I am at the training camps. I would like to be home by fall, but the planned walk to Berlin might hinder this.” German intelligence officers asked Yakov Dzhugashvili to clarify the statement about the “planned walk to Berlin.” Stalin’s son read the letter and quietly muttered: “Damn it!” Obviously, the letter indicates that Soviet forces were planning to invade Germany later that year.
23. German intelligence officers also asked Stalin’s son why the Soviet artillery, which had the best cannon and howitzers in the world, fired so poorly. Stalin’s son truthfully answered: “The maps let the Red Army down, because the war, contrary to expectations, unfolded to the east of the state border.” The Soviet maps were of territories in which the Red Army planned to advance, and were useless for defending the country. Storages of topographic maps located unreasonably close to the border were either destroyed by the advancing German army or by the retreating Soviet forces. In 1941, the Red Army fought without maps, and the Soviet artillery could not fire accurately without maps.
24. Every Soviet commander, starting with regiment level and higher, had in his safe a so-called “Red Packet,” which contained the plans for war. When Germany invaded, the commanders opened their “Red Packets,” but they did not find in them anything useful for defense. The Red Army had neither prepared for defense nor conducted any training in defensive operations. The defensive operations of the Red Army in the summer of 1941 were pure improvisation.
25. Further evidence that the Soviet Union was planning to attack Germany is provided by Andrei Vlasov, a Soviet general who had been captured by the Germans. During a conversation in 1942 with SS Gen. Richard Hildebrandt, Vlasov was asked if and when Stalin had intended to attack Germany. Hildebrandt later stated: “Vlasov responded by saying that the attack was planned for August-September 1941. The Russians had been preparing the attack since the beginning of the year, which took quite a while because of the poor Russian railroad network. Hitler had sized up the situation entirely correctly, and had struck directly into the Russian buildup. This, said Vlasov, is the reason for the tremendous initial German successes.”
26. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact began to unravel when Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov arrived in Berlin on Nov. 12, 1940. Molotov presented to Hitler a long list of ridiculous territorial claims on behalf of the Soviet Union. Molotov demanded strongholds in Yugoslavia, in the Adriatic Sea, in Greece, in the Bosporus and Dardanelles, in the Persian Gulf; he demanded that countries south of the Baku-Batumi line, in the direction of the Persian Gulf, be given over to Soviet control, including eastern Turkey, northern Iran, and Iraq.
27. Hitler had been preparing for an invasion of Great Britain when Stalin demanded new territories in Europe–territories on which Germany’s economy and armed forces heavily depended. After Molotov’s departure, Hitler gathered his most trusted subordinates and clearly let them understand that he planned to invade the Soviet Union. (Source: Bassil Henry Liddel Hart, The second World War, Moscow: Voyenizdat, p. 145).
28. Suvorov states in “The Chief Culprit” that both German and Soviet forces were positioned for attack on June 22, 1941. The position of the divisions of the Red Army and the German army on the border mirrored each other. The airfields of both armies were moved all the way up to the border. From the defensive point of view, this kind of deployment of troops and airfields by both armies was stupid and suicidal. Whichever army attacked first would be able to easily encircle the troops of the other army. Hitler attacked first to enable German troops to trap and encircle the best units of the Red Army.
29. Hitler states toward the end of his speech on June 22, 1941 that he was invading the Soviet Union to prevent an attack on not only Germany, but all of Europe.
30. Gen. Heinz Guderian expressed his opinion after the war: “…The Russians would have won the war even without the help of their Western allies and would have occupied the whole of Europe. No power on earth could have stopped them.” (Source: Guderian, Heinz, Panzer Leader, New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1952, p. 283).
31) The Dnepr military flotilla was created in the early 1930s to prevent the establishment and crossing of temporary bridges across the river. The flotilla included 120 warships and motorboats, as well as its own air force with shoreline and air defense batteries. The Dnepr flotilla could securely close off the roads to the industrial regions in the south of Ukraine and to the Black Sea bases of the Soviet Navy. A German attack could be stopped on the Dnepr line, or at least held up for several months. However, when Hitler attacked France, Stalin ordered the removal of mines from the Dnepr river bridges and disbanded the military flotilla. The Dnepr flotilla could only be used in a defensive war on Soviet territory, and Stalin did not believe he needed it. (Source: Suvorov, Viktor, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008, pp. 190-191).
Stalin divided the defensive Dnepr flotilla into two flotillas: the Danube flotilla and the Pinsk flotilla. The Danube flotilla would be useless in a defensive war. In an offensive war, however, the Danube flotilla could be deadly for Germany. It only had to sail 300 or 400 kilometers up the river to the strategically important bridge at Chernavoda, where it could disrupt the petroleum supply from Ploieşti to the port of Constanza. The entire German war machine could be stopped simply because German tanks, planes, and warships would be out of fuel. However, when Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the Danube flotilla found itself cut off from Soviet troops without the possibility of retreat. Most of its ships had to be sunk, while gigantic supplies were either destroyed or left behind. (Source: Ibid., pp. 191-192).
The Pinsk flotilla would also be difficult to use for defense. The Pinsk flotilla had 66 river warships and cutters, a squadron of airplanes, a company of marines, and other units. In the defensive war of 1941, the Soviets had to blow up and abandon all of the ships of the Pinsk flotilla. However, in a war of aggression, the Pinsk flotilla could have used the newly constructed canal from Pinsk to Kobrin, which would then allow its ships to reach the Vistula basin and head further west to the German rivers. In 1945, a Soviet admiral reached Berlin with his flotilla. (Source: Ibid., pp. 193-194).
32) The actions of the Red Army during the first days of the war speak best about Soviet intentions to conduct an offensive war. Up until June 30, 1941, Gen. Zhukov insisted on advance and demanded that commanders of Soviet forces aimed at Romania and Hungary exclusively attack. Zhukov stopped the attack only when he and his colleagues concluded that his armies could no longer advance. On June 22, 1941, several other Soviet commanders also followed prewar plans without awaiting orders from Moscow, and attacked the following regions: the Rava-Russkaya region, Tilzit in Eastern Prussia, and the Polish city of Suvalki. (Source: Ibid., p. 255).
33) The actions of the Soviet fleet during the first days of the war also show with sufficient clarity its plans for offense. On June 22, 1941, the submarines of the Baltic fleet sailed toward the shores of Germany with the objective of sinking all enemy ships and vessels according to the rules of unrestricted warfare. No exceptions were made, not even for medical vessels sailing under the Red Cross flag. Soviet submarines from the Black Sea fleet immediately sailed into the sea toward the shores of Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. On June 25 and 26, 1941, the Black Sea fleet’s cruisers carried out an intensive artillery raid in the vicinity of the Romanian port of Constanta. At the same time, the Danube military flotilla began an assault in the Danube river delta. The garrison of the Soviet naval base Hanko also conducted intensive assault operations during the beginning of the war, taking over 19 Finnish islands in the course of several days. (Source: Ibid., pp. 253-255).
34) The Soviet air force also acted in an aggressive manner at the start of the war. On June 25, 1941, despite losses suffered during the first days of the war, Soviet air forces bombed all known air fields of the southern part of Finland. On June 23, 1941, acting according to plans, the Soviet long-range bomber air force carried out a massive attack against military targets in Koenigsberg and Danzig. Soviet long-range bombers also began to bomb the Ploieşti oil fields in Romania on June 26, 1941. After a few days of raids, the amount of oil Germany obtained in Romania was reduced almost in half. If Hitler had not attacked first, the Soviet air force would have been much more dangerous, and could have totally paralyzed the entire German war effort through its strikes against the oil-producing regions. (Source: Ibid., p. 254).
35) If Stalin was preparing for a defensive war, he should have ordered his plane designers to create the best fighters in the world, capable of defending the skies over the Soviet Union. But fighters did not interest Stalin. Stalin ordered his fighter designer to drop all his work on the creation of a fighter and start developing a light bomber, named the Ivanov originally, and later the Su-2 in honor of its creator, P. O. Sukhoi.
36) The ideal combat plane Stalin developed was a light bomber designed to operate free of enemy resistance. Record-breaking characteristics were not required; Stalin demanded only simplicity, durability, and firepower. Stalin planned to create a plane that could be produced in numbers exceeding all warplanes of all types of all countries in the world. Literally, Stalin planned to build as many light bombers as there were small but mobile horsemen in the hordes of Genghis Kahn.
Germany carried out a preemptive strike on Soviet air bases when it invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Hitler’s preemptive strike did not permit the Su-2 to do the work it was primarily designed to do. The Su-2 was ineffective and not needed in a defensive war. Production of 100,000 to 150,000 Su-2 planes had been planned for conditions in which the Red Army would deliver the first attack, and nobody would hinder production of the plane. Hitler’s invasion ruined Stalin’s plan. Production of the Su-2 was stopped, but the Soviet Union produced tens of thousands of planes later in the war that were much more complex in terms of production than the Su-2. (Source: Ibid., pp. 64-65).
37) The Soviet air force exceeded that of Germany both in plane quantity and plane quality at the start of the war. Suvorov asks: Why then in the first stage of the war did the Soviet air force lose air superiority from day one? The answer is that the majority of Soviet pilots, including fighter pilots, were not taught dogfighting. Soviet aviation was designed to conduct one grandiose, sudden, aggressive operation to crush the enemy’s air force on the ground in one raid and obtain air superiority. Hitler’s preemptive strike prevented Soviet aviation from accomplishing its planned aggressive operations of unheard-of dimensions. (Source: Ibid., pp. 69-72).
38) In the summer of 1940, Stalin brought Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into the Soviet Union, and concentrated his forces in that region on the border of Eastern Prussia. The occupation of these Baltic countries by the Red Army made sense only if there were plans for an aggressive war against Germany. The Red Army transferred its air bases to the very front edge of the German border. From the air bases in Lithuania the Soviet air force could support the advance of Soviet troops to Berlin. The Soviet navy also transferred primary forces and reserves to naval bases established in Tallinn, Riga, and Liepāja. Since it was a short distance from Liepāja to the routes taken by German vessels carrying ore, nickel, and wood to Germany, a strike from this area could be sudden and devastating. (Source: Ibid., pp. 150-152).
39) On June 13, 1941, TASS broadcast that “Germany was following the conditions of the Soviet-German pact as flawlessly as the Soviet Union,” and that rumors of an impending German attack on the USSR “were clumsily fabricated propaganda by the enemies of Germany and the USSR, interested in broadening and prolonging the war.” The TASS announcement also stated, “Rumors that the USSR is preparing for war against Germany are false and provocative.…” However, the reality is that Soviet troops were already traveling to the western border. June 13, 1941, marked the beginning of the biggest organized movement of troops, arms, ammunition, and other military supplies in history.
For example, the First Strategic Echelon of the Red Army had 170 tank, motorized, cavalry, and rifle divisions. Fifty-six of them were already located right on the border and could not move any farther ahead. All of the remaining 114 divisions began to move toward the border in the wake of the reassuring TASS announcement on June 13, 1941.
Suvorov writes: “I have interviewed hundreds of people from that generation, and they all had forebodings of war. Where did they come from? They could not have known about Hitler’s preparations. They must have seen the preparations of the Red Army and understood that war was unavoidable…Between June 12 and June 15, all the western military districts were issued an order to move all deeply located divisions closer to the state borders.” (Source: Ibid., pp. 207-217).
40) Suvorov shows a picture of a Soviet 8-inch Howitzer B-4. He writes: “Each projectile weighed 220 pounds. These guns were used primarily for an offensive war in order to break hardened enemy defenses or during an assault on cities. By the summer of 1941 the Red Army had concentrated hundreds of them on the German border, each with a supply of 600 rounds of ammunition. In a defensive war, they proved to be of little use, until 1944 when the Red Army crossed into Germany for the final offensive during the war.”
41). In another picture, Suvorov writes: “The Red Army was trained to cross rivers, a key element in an offensive war. In a defensive war, a retreating army uses its own bridges and then destroys them.”
42). Suvorov writes in other pictures: “T-34 tanks, abandoned by the Red Army in the summer of 1941, fought under the German flag for the rest of the war…Even the best German Panzer divisions were using Soviet T-34 tanks.”
43). German soldiers soon found out the extent of the Soviet preparedness when they invaded the Soviet Union. A prime example is German pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, who flew a Ju-87 and completed 2,430 battle missions. He wrote shortly after the German invasion of the Soviet Union:
“While flying over these numerous airbases and fortifications, we all had the same thought in our heads–how lucky we were to have struck first. It seemed that the Soviets were feverishly readying the groundwork for an attack on us. And which other Western country could Russia have attacked? If the Russians had completed their preparations, there would have been almost no hope of stopping them…” (Source: Ibid., p. 252).
44). Marshal of the Soviet Union I. K. Bagramian said: “When I was studying the operational plans, I was struck by the following fact—our frontier army had neither a deployment nor a border-protection plan.” Bagramian said that during the training exercises only offensive tactics were worked on, and on the maps the war took place on German territory. (Source Ibid., p. 199).
Thank you for the Leonard Sax reference. Makow and Bjerknes provide details which seem fantastical at first, but seem to be true.
It’s true that Jews have heavily infiltrated Christianity. The Council of Nicea in 300 AD made the evil Old Testament part of Christianity, which is an obvious disaster.
New Testament Christianity regards orthodox Juadaism as devil worship and urges fans of Jesus to gather a crowd of lads with whips and rock up to your local synagogue and whip them all out of it. Check out the Proddie boys at the Christiansfortruth website. They’ll give you chapter and verse in ancient Greek…Most Trad Catholics are singing from this hymn sheet too.
Is the Jewish Hitler hypothesis common in the Jewish community?
{The term Lebensraum is conspicuously absent from both the text and the comments, as if it had never been a factor.}
Hitler wrote about Lebensraum in the East in Mein Kampf.
Published in 1925.
Hitler invaded USSR in the Summer of 1941.
Hitler, a brave frontline soldier in WW1, saw first hand the results of British Naval blockade of Germany — including food — which resulted in ~ 1 million German civilian deaths due to starvation, and diseases caused by malnutrition. He was determined that Germany would never be so vulnerable to food embargo.
The obvious “solution” was to take the vast, practically endless fertile agricultural lands in the East.
The minor problem of those lands belonging to and being populated by Slavic peoples was a minor problem that his panzers would take care of in a jiffy*.
Or so he thought.
* “‘We have only to kick in the front door and the whole rotten edifice will come tumbling down’. “ Hitler speech to his generals just before Operation Barbarossa.
As a scholar of Russia I can tell you that the USSR had its problems, but you’re right in the fact the country was advancing by leaps and bounds. I think that the painter’s ideas of German racial supremacy over other Europeans was his undoing. You’re also right to point out that Jews had their claws sunk deep into the British Empire. In the end I think Hitler didn’t know enough about Russian culture or history. If he was adequately educated he’d see they were struggling to fight Jewish power in their own right. Hell look at the Jewish war against Russia and Putin that’s ongoing. I feel like many people get stuck in the past on the fight against judeo corruption and power. Time to live in the now and challenge these monsters in our new and modern concept.
The SrbianChicken, aka Odyssey, bangs on, incessantly, about the death of millions of Slavs; he blames the Germans almost wholly for theses deaths, and he makes the allegation of a maniacal quest for Lebensraum as the primary impetus for the destruction of Slavic/Russian/Eastern European peoples by NS Germany.
He refuses to answer/discuss the issue of the ongoing extirpation/elimination, by death/forced labor/collectivism, of the ethnic Russians/Slavs at the hands of the Bolsheviks/Soviets, which began before 1933, or the very simple fact that the Soviets/Bolsheviks and their minions had been attempting to infest themselves and their New World Order throughout Germany and much of Europe, and therefore brought the ire of the fed-up Germans upon themselves/their nation.
I have repeatedly asked him for the official death count of Russians/wreckers killed by Revolutionary Russians; he will not answer.
Read a little Ilya Ehrenburg to discern exactly what it was that Germany was up against. Germany never had an official policy of targeting civilian populations; the same can’t be said for the Soviets.
Thank you for counting them (12 times!) and for speaking out on this obvious propagandist device.
People like ‘Anonymous534″ want to portray such a concern as ridiculous or laughable because they know or suspect that the generally negative view of National Socialists or “Hitlerists” would be so much harder to maintain without the ubiquitous appearance of that “derogatory smear” term wherever one looks. The argument is made that it’s the “people’s choice,” when it’s actually a media invention & campaign. It expresses lack of respect for that which Adolf Hitler stood for, and for the German people, too, and their aims as a whole. Why not call them Germans? Especially if they were not members of the Party? The word is used out of habit more than anything else by the majority of people today.
It takes some effort to break habits; it’s not going to happen by itself. It’s easiest to correct in writing. So let’s start to work on it by noticing, as Crass has done, writers who use it excessively or habitually. It will spread from there. And thank you.
Is anyone going to read this? Comments sections are not where you write essays.
Hitler’s colossal incompetence makes you wonder who was running the show from Tibet and why they considered world war 2 to be a “joke”.
Some readers will, some won’t. Either way, the information listed by John Wear in his comments are accurate and relevant to the discussion at hand. They demonstrate that Operation Barbarossa was preemptive in nature, and that it was clear that Stalin had serious intentions of invading Germany and conquering all of Europe. Other historians of this period have reached the same conclusions.
The detailed information provided by Wear also helps readers new to this subject to understand what Germany was trying to do when they preemptively struck Russia, including why it was necessary in light of the Red Army’s extreme military buildup.
People calling for the revival of Hitler and actually expecting it to happen only harm us.
Its a cult.
If you are German and your family was intimately connected to Hitler and the 3rd Reich, then you have an excuse at least. Every0ne else, what is the point?
History done and gone.
Move on.
Fight our battles we have now.
Were these advancements instigated by/under Tsarist Russia? Why was Stolypin assassinated?
I’m not so sure about this assertion. Was it the Russians he was opposing?
It must never be forgotten that the present rulers of Russia are blood-stained criminals, that… overran a great State, degraded and extirpated millions of educated people out of sheer blood-lust, and that now for nearly ten years they have ruled with such a savage tyranny as was never known before. It must not be forgotten that these rulers belong to a people in whom the most bestial cruelty is allied with a capacity for artful mendacity… It must not be forgotten that the international Jew, who is to-day the absolute master of Russia…
To-day Germany is the next battlefield for Russian Bolshevism…[Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler]
I read it.
Pithy comments aren’t always possible; read it and learn something. Fact check it and learn even more…
I don’t see anyone on this webzine asking to kindly refrain from calling Jews “kikes” or calling Africans “niggers”, or communists “Commies”, yet this is not the first time I see someone asking not to call National Socialists “Nazis”
I do indeed find such a concern ridiculous and laughable. It exposes Nazi fragility.
#204 Truth Vigilante
“(…) to cross paths with this mendacious Jew (or perhaps a shabbos goy),(…)”
And you will meet me again, every time you will spread stupid myth about “innocent Germans”.
Surprised that there are people who still remember German’s crimes during WWII (esp. against Slavs) and talk about them loudly?
I’m really, really … not sorry.
Let’s go back to your funny leader – painter from Austria.
What should have been done by Adolf if he wanted to make “Germany great again”?
Make “Lebensraum” in western Europe at a cost of Frenchmen, Englishmen, Belgians, etc.
Extermination of Westerners would have given Hitler following advantages:
– destroying two main economical foes (England, France)
– direct access to neutral countries via Atlantic Ocean ( support for military effort)
– limiting financial power of Jews ( City of London; rich Jews lived in Western Europe not in Eastern Europe)
– easy assimilation of remnants of local people ( they had similar culture)
– eradication of main centers of Jewish-based religion ( Christianity- which gave Jews special status in Europe)
Sounds strange?
If Westernes don’t care about Slavs (milions of Slavs slaughtered by Germans during WWII) then why Slavs should care about Westerners?
Yet another cuckservative who punches in all kinds of right directions.
The correct take is, of course, for those in favour of NS, to not try to clumsily shake up myths.
Like it or not, Hitler has become mythologically fully ascended person, like Hercules, Cesar or Orion. Today he radiates – objectively! – a far more palpable and active presence than most religious Godheads. His ever present shadow towers over the lives of billions of people.
While in antiquity most Gods or spirits were thought to be at least neutral or benign, starting from the middle ages, the mysterious presence of ontological evil became manifest in European thinking. Judeo-christian religion desperately needed a boogeyman. This anti God was thought to be the Devil (also known as Satan) who on closer inspection revealed himself to be a stand-in for everything ethnic European spiritualism had to offer. Just like Hitler today, everything going against the power or in favour of ethnic Europe could easily be classified as of the Devil, i.e. sinful, evil, demonic, blasphemous.
After WW2, the classic blueprint for Satan was still in place.
Yours truly regularly argues for the notion of a belief vacuum: Humans are not meant to be atheists, most of us simply cannot work properly without a broadly polytheistic religious structure. The moment we are in some way forced to not believe anymore, other ideas move into the cognitive space of religion. As empirically observed time and again, these will easily coopt the role of the sacred, of karmic causality and other concepts. The so called “Social Justice” movement is a well known example of such a pseudo-religion, as are other flavours of hyper liberalism.
Having to live in this liberal empire which spans almost the entire world, including Russia, we’ve all been socialised into a strong but incoherent worldview. In this post WW2 Weltanschauung, Hitler is the evil antipode of everything the system is associating itself with.
As a kid, I found it fascinating to experience the image switch of giant companies like Shell or McDonald’s. Over night, the uncoolest, most hated players became sensible actors whose green portfolios, NGO work and substantial donations let them easily shake off their transgressions.
They were able to pull if off by appealing to mythology. They did not tear down their own image, they transformed it.
Whether you like Hitler or not, doing the enemy’s work is downright idiotic. There is no rehabilitation of NS through bashing Hitler, on the contrary. This is not how the world ever worked, how control over anything can be seized.
The rabbi Jesus transformed from a total loser to a God. It is infinitely easier to invert meaning than to change through a rational inquiry, step by step. This never happens anywhere but in a few technical fields which don’t exist for normies.
Without a mythological God or anti-God any movement is useless anyhow. See Lenin, Mao, Churchill and Joseph Smith.
You have to make do with Hitler, dear sirs.
You write: “Is anyone going to read this? Comments sections are not where you write essays.”
My response: I think some people will read it.
Odyssey on other discussion threads has stated that no one has given him any credible information that Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union was preemptive in nature. Odyssey now has what most people will regard as credible information.
Always these excuses for Hitler! He should have stayed behind reasonable lines, not invading Russia or declaring war against the US. Not release hostage army at Dunkirk, und so weiter.
He really seems to have behaved after the script the allies wished for.
He is so noble and klug and just has to be offensive.
No sir, this has more than you try to picture it as.
And do not forget the Marcionite character of the Nazi establishment.
This is clue to his/ their betrayal.
Yes. Jung is essential in understanding what really the undercurrent of causality really is. This is akin to a car, with people make all sorts of claims and opinions, but no one looks under the hood, at the engine.. Or inside the engine and drive train.. All they see are nice upholstered seats and a good paint job.
Thank you for your insight and penetrating analysis. A deeper dive into the darker regions of the ocean of Consciousness and Reality.
I would add that Hungary and Romania were also concerned by Soviet aggression so joined Germany’s attack.
People say the Germans failed to reach Moscow before winter because they didn’t attack until June 22nd. They should have attacked as planned in April, but this was delayed as they shifted 150,000 troops and equipment to deal with Yugoslavia and Greece.
Of course invading the Soviet Union was a massive effort and the Germans would have postponed those side shows to attack in April. The Germans were also fighting in Egypt with a good chance at smashing the British, taking the Suez canal and oil riches in Iraq. Best to send more forces to finish off the Brits in Egypt in mid 1941. Attacking the Soviet Union in 1941 was insane, especially waiting until June 22nd, UNLESS THEY HAD NO CHOICE!
The Soviets were still selling the Germans all the oil and materials they needed, so if Hitler wanted to invade the Soviet Union, they would have waited ten months and attacked in April 1942 after Egypt and Iraq were secured and most forces returned from Greece and Yugoslavia.
Obviously, those like you with a juvenile attention span, that absorb all their info from 30 sec sound bytes and bumper stickers, are not the intended recipients of John Wear’s output.
He appeals to serious individuals that want to know the whole truth about WHY the campaign in the east was initiated during WWII.
After reading everything in John Wear’s comment # 206 (complete with citations), it is beyond a reasonable doubt that Stalin was preparing an invasion of Germany.
And thus Operation Barbarossa was launched so as to beat the Soviets to the punch.
Anyone claiming otherwise, in light of that torrent of verified information, is not an honest broker. Their sole intent is the demonisation of Hitler and the Germans, seeing as they have an ulterior agenda.
I was going to pass by this article as just another stale rehashing of was or was not Hitler to blame for everything until the following comment needled me into warming up my key board:
That conclusion is rank nonsense as proved by the following:
Among those blunders are Hitler’s supposed directive to halt the panzers from cutting off the BEF and French from the coast and destroying them instead of enabling the miracle of Dunkirk.
Nothing could be further from the truth as proved by the entry in Jodl’s diary cited by Jacobson that on 20 May after Guderian’s troops reached the channel at Abbeville, Hitler directed “1. the wiping out of the enemy north [e.a.] of the Somme and the occupation of the coast” (Han-Adolph Jacobsen, Dunkirk (Casemate Publishers, Haverton, PA 2019), p. 40. Nothing could be clearer than this order to wipe out the BEF-French forces that had been cut off from France to the north of the Somme. No illusion by Hitler later attributed to him by his generals that he wanted them left to the Luftwaffe or even wanted to let them escape as a peace gesture to the Brits.
No. Wipe out the BEF and that would have been a material gesture to the Brits they were completely defeated and time for Churchill to exit the scene barely after having stepped on the stage.
The evidence it was the nut job generals who were prepared to ruin everything was Halder’s May 18 diary entry where he declared that “the whole operation must be continued in a south-westerly direction without the slightest doubt with concentration of effort south of the Somme [Jacobsen’s emphasis]. Every hour is precious” [p.34].
So before the Germans had even reached the Channel, nut job Halder wanted to redirect the offensive in what direction – oh, toward Paris. What an idea! And if a recall correctly, in that entry Halder had the nerve to downgrade Hitler for losing his nerve.
So now flash forward to May 24 after the halt order to the panzer forces was issued to stopp at the Aa can south of Dunkirk.
And what does Jacobsen tell us how that went down?
Wewll, as Jacobsen’s fairy tale abouty this would have it, “Whereas Guderian mentioned the ‘Closing Up ” [to the canal] O of 23 May as little as did ‘Panzermeyer’ of SS-LAH, it would appear thate the ‘Halt Order’ of 24 May left them both speechless. “Not knowing the reasoning behind it, it was difficult to speak out against it’ [p. 85].
Guderian being left speechless about speaking out against an order was a truly historic first and only time that happened because Guderian in fact made it a habit to not only speak out but entirely disregard orders that he didn’t like as he did countless times.
In fact, in house book Panzer Leader (I can’t lay my hands on a copy at this time) he wrote that on learning that Sepp Dietrich had ignored the halt order and launched an attack to capture the high ground on the other side of the canal that enabled the Brits to bombard his troops on the flat ground beyond, Guderian hotfooted to Dietrich for disobeying the order until convinced it was necessary to capture the high ground to protect his troops from the targeted fire the Brits could rain down on them from their high ground.
So Guderian by noting his wanting to ho,d Dietrich to his orders, he betrayed his agreement with it to halt the Panzer forces that was what enable the Brits to make their getaway.
And this author by blaming Hitler merely adopts the false history the generals have peddaled since they helped lose the war for Germany.
What was really going on here that has been entirely obscured and obfuscated by the generals after hindsight made it clear that failing to destroy the BEF went far toward losing the war for Germany, and the role they played in it they did their best to hide thereafter.
In my view, it’s quite simple, and Guderian even refers to it elliptically when he noted that on reaching the channel, he sought directives from above from how to proceed from there. On hearing none, he proceeded to launch attacks to capture Boulogne and Calais.
The German operations plans went no further than making the Sedan breaktrough and head for the channel to cut off the BEF and French forces north of the Somme from France and leave the decision on how to proceed from there to how the situation developed. That’s actually sound strategic thinking.
But they were not prepared to decide immediately and how to proceed from there. Cut off the BDF and French north of the Somme and destroy them? Well, how long would that take since it was an army of at least 400,000 that may have been a tough nut to crack. Moreover, cutting them off would have left them no choice but to fight bitterly, and that could have taken time.
If the GErmans took the time to destroy the cut off allied force. could the French rejuvenate themselves with a new miracle on the Marne and be reinforced by the Brits?
So what what if we instead enable the Brits to withdraw but under circumstances that enable us to effectively make the BEF combat ineffective for a long time?
Which is the better course?
I am not going to argue the Germans faced a clear cut choice.
But, and not in light of the outcome, completing the encirclement and seeking to destroy the BEF was the far better choice because succeeding meant sure victory over Britain when the loss of the entire British army would without doubt have destroyed the morale of the Brits to keep going, especially if Hitler offered them good terms.
Moreover, even had the cut off forces managed to escape south by breaking though the encirclement had the sea evacuation been cut off. it was unlikely to be a miracle on the Marne but merely a brief respite from the further onslaught from the Germans that would follow.
This was an argument the German generals could not even acknowledge much less explain how they decided in view of the outcome.
Far easier to blame it all on the dead Hitler.
And that in my view is the real history behind this event rather than the author of this piece simply blaming Hitler..
Yes, people who are interested in facts and truth, which apparently doesn’t include you.
Didn’t say anything about Barbarossa.
Calm down.
It’s neither hear nor there.
The lady doth protest too much!
I have sort of an offhand question for you: Was “The Austrian Corporal” how Hitler’s subordinates actually referred to him behind his back, at the time? Or was that slur a post facto fabrication?
You are misguided and lost your way. Hitler picked up people on the side of the road who were starving and destitute. On the way to the hospital and town, he exhibited increasingly bizarre behavior, yammering incoherently, evidently possessed by internal demons, with spittle flying out from between his lips, hitting the dash and windshield.
So, animated and self-absorbed was this pudgy, otherwise unremarkable man with a history of mental illness and solid reputation for ingestion of many types of drugs, including methamphetamine, that he failed to notice and the sharp curve and warning signs. One of the rescued shouted at him, but he took offense and did not deviate.
He drove the car over the cliff, still maintaining that the road construction was at fault, not his; this reationale had been repeated many, many times in his quixotic and mysterious rise to power.
He saved the people, only to DESTROY them by his magical, phantasmagorical world he inhabited. A world that only serious students of mental and spiritual disease seem to understand.
I am so tired of pointing out that the ocean is more than 100 feet deep. See my comment here with Odyssey, and my collection going back YEARS on Hitler.
Why should anyone read an essay on comment sections? Why waste your chi on some random anonymous commenter writing an essay?
Get your own blog for that. Write a few words and send us a link.
What an utterly imbecilic take on Hitler, it’s like saying that a cancer sufferer who didn’t get a satisfactory cure for his disease goes on a rampage killing hundreds but gets killed in the end by the security guard, the one that penned this nonsense would say he doesn’t blame the man at all for what he did he blames him for losing in the killing spree.
The German unwashed had a real grievance after WW1, the victors punished them not the high echelons of the German leadership, Hitler fed on the grievance whilst feeding it in return, the WW2 was inevitable because the corrupt West itself desired to destroy the communist Russia, it was only thanks to Winston who figured that the greater threat to the British Empire was the deranged painter and not the Georgian thug, Britain joined forces with the Red Army, the Americans followed after Pearl Harbour.
After WW2 the victorious allies did the opposite of what was done after WW1, they punished the top layers of the Axis, hanged some, jailed others, banned many from ever holding public office, but offered loans and other financial assistance through the Marshall Plan for the Europe’s unwashed, that’s why we still enjoy peace, but only just.
Spot on, Poupon Marx, the best response to the imbecility, pour yourself a double.
So the inhuman treatment of the Poles, the gassing of the Jews, the homosexuals, the sick was what if not an official policy of targeting the civilian population, arghhhh
Thank you for your laborious and informative post John Wear.
Although I was aware of much of what you wrote, from reading Viktor Suvorov’s book ICEBREAKER Who Started the Second World War?, many moons ago, some of what you posted was revelatory.
You can see that in John Weir’s comment:
Thanks for that low confidence, hazy, interpretation, from a couple of lifetimes ago. “Churchill wanted”, and imputing the motives and reasons from such a hazy and foggy distance is really just a form of easy, casual talk at a bar that veterans frequent. I’ve been in several, as I have Veterans of Foreign Wars pass for my military contract service.
The Croat Tito, who is guilty of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, ‘indoctrinated a Serbian lad’?
I’m sure you can think of something more plausible.
Do you want to compare the indoctrination of Serbs and Australians? We shouldn’t go any further than Covid in Australia and especially in Victoria, which were chosen as a test room, because the people there (along with Canada) are the most indoctrinated, i.e. as Covid creators said – ‘the most socially trained’. All the way with LBJ!
Germany had been planning the invasion of Russia for over 15 years? If so, the planning wasn’t done by Hitler or the Nazi’s, who were only in charge of the German government since January of 1933-6 and a half years before the war began! Hitler was a grassroots anti communist leader who rose to the head of the class in Germany, as Franco did in Spain and Mussolini did in Italy. All 3 of these anti-communist leaders learned that 80% of the Communist party members in their respective nations were Jewish-what a surprise that they concluded that Jews were their enemies!
Great contribution, well presented.
Question: What do you think of the idea that Stalin encouraged Hitler to invade Russia, just as Roosevelt encouraged the Japs to bomb Pearl harbour?
Some of the info you provide supports this view: The Soviets showed the Germans they were preparing to invade them, and they also made things easier for the German invasion – improved rail links into Russia, removing internal Russian defences.
Specifically, it is said that soviet spy Richard Sorge working from Japan, told Stalin about German invasion plans months beforehand. Stalin apparently had several other sources giving him this information, and even the date. Just like Pearl Harbour, he did not tell his local commanders.
The Plan: Encourage the Germans to invade and stretch their supply lines. Stalin knew the Japs were about to stop fighting with the Soviets, and that would free up 2 million Soviet troops, with full winter gear, to attack the frozen Germans in winter.
Of course this implies Stalin was a monster, prepared to sacrifice millions of his own people in order to massacre millions of Germans and invade Europe.
Quite true. The question is why did Hiller decide on such an irrational move that almost destroyed the German nation and state?
Because of the primordial hatred of Serbs, ever since the time when, during the time of Charlemagne, the German ancestors crossed the Rhine River, entered present-day Germany and took the land from the indigenous Serbs, and killed or assimilated them. In the First World War, there was another unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Serbs, but it ended with a Serbian (Pyrrhic) victory and the collapse of the Austrian Empire.
And now, a German, an illegal, self-appointed representative of the West in Bosnia, is placing himself above the Constitution and the law, and has been trying for a couple of years in alliance with Muslims to destroy the Serbs, to seize their property (half of Bosnia), to remove the Serbian president and put him in prison for disrespecting his decisions.
We can also see the continuous German hatred towards the Serbs in the comments here. It is particularly frustrating that not a single panzer, a false Goth and a false Aryan, knows the meaning of his own name – German.
The favorite gift to Hitler after the bombing of Yugoslavia was a memorial plaque from Sarajevo dedicated to Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian hero, who fought against the Austro-German occupier.
So, one fake quote or not, the many other quotes show that the jews wanted to force war on Germany. The point I made is that if it had been up to Hitler, there would have been no war. Not only did World Jewry desperately want Germany destroyed and even the elimination of the German people, but these two degenerate fiends, FDR and Churchill, plotted and planned together along with the jews for years to cause this war that Hitler never wanted. How can Hitler be blamed for anything? He did all he could in the interests of his country and his people, but sadly for the world, his enemies were too strong.
Roosevelt declared in 1934 in the U.S. Congress : “There will be a war with Germany” and elaborated, “In world politics nothing happens by chance; everything is planned and prepared for.”
Churchill said, “We will force a war on Hitler whether he wants it or not.”
On September 3, 1939, the day England declared war on Germany in a radio address, Churchill declared: “This war is England’s war. Its aim is the total destruction of Germany. Onward Christian soldiers!”
Thanks, B. I just calls ’em as I sees ’em.
Good Advice:
He had a typical Western European attitude towards Russia, which I’d argue is the most misunderstood “European” nation. I’d attribute that to the fact that Russia is basically another “Western” civilization unto itself in parallel to Europe as the kiddies in Brussels call it. After 8 years in Russia, speaking the language to complete fluency and “Russifying” as much as one can I only now deeply and almost fully understand them. What I’d like to know is the root cause of unjustified hatred towards Russians is.
Gdansk (previously Danzig) is a city founded by the oldest inhabitants of Poland, the Serbian-Kashubs. The Kashubs are an autochthonous Slavic people who live on the most beautiful shores of the Baltic Sea. They have a fund of Serbian speech tradition in their vocabulary.
The Kashubs in the south of the Baltic have – Serbian village and Serbian lake. The Kashubs are a remnant of the medieval Pomeranian people, who came to the territory of the province of Pomerania before the Poles. One of the capitals of the Kashubian princes in the Middle Ages was called Belgrade. That city, unfortunately, no longer exists.
During the division of spheres of interest at the Versailles Conference, their area of Pomerania or Kashubia was assigned to Poland. During the WW2, the Kashubs were the only ones with an organised partisan movement. About 51,000 people in Poland declared that they speak the Kashubian language. Their language as an original heritage has the status of national.
It is believed that there are about 300,000 people of Kashubian origin in Poland. The Kashubs do not have the status of a nation, but rather a regional ethnic community. Today there are more than 5,000 of them in Poland.
Their birth rate is quite high, although they are subject to assimilation and emigration. Their national costume resembles Serbian. It is characterised by folk embroidery, which have Serbian shirts, aprons and dolamas. We remember Kashubs from the movie The Tin Drum. One panzer told me that Günter Grass was Kashub, too.
Why even ask? Do you crave attention that much? Skip on down the line if your attention span can’t keep up.
Your last sentence is a silly non sequitur. WTF are you even talking about?
Tiptoe: The sky is blue.
Baron: SO!.. The sky isn’t purple, green red or orange! Checkmate!
Is that why Britain dissolved the British empire and became an American client state? Serious question since I can tell you’re a highly intelligent person with much knowledge on the subject.
Brilliantly summarised. Thanks Oddysey. Look at the avalanche of sore Nazi losers go into frenzy…
Mein Kampf (1925).
Hitler believed that for Germany to expand its influence, it would have to rely on continental space and abundant arable soil, which could only be found eastward.
Influenced by Haushofer’s theories, Hitler believed it was Germany’s right to seize the cultivatable land in Russia, since the earth belonged to those people willing to till it “industriously”. Describing the Russians in the harshest of terms while intimating that the German people were more deserving by virtue of their alleged superior intellect, Hitler stated:
Presaging this Nazi goal, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:
Awwww…Too bad the post didn’t meet your expectations, your Pompous Majesty. But you read the entire thing anyway.
What might have been:
Years ago I heard the story of a former Hitler Youth who said, “If Hitler had stopped after Czechoslovakia he would have gone into the history books as the greatest German stateman of all time.” It’s true. Check out Albrecht Speer’s book with Hitler’s designs for Berlin as the capital of the European Reich; this city would have surpassed Rome, London and Washington. The British and French Empires might still exist and the Pound would be the world reserve currency. Palestine would be Mandate Palestine.
What lingers to this day:
Yesterday I read an article with an illustration of the Starry Dipper around the Polaris in the spring summer autumn winter positions; it was the Swastika! How could I have not seen this before? This is why it was sacred to Greeks, Balts, Hindus, Navajos—everybody. Surely the swastika will re emerge. Each time I drive on the Interstate, I’m reminded Eisenhower copied the autobahn which Hitler designed for military use. Each time I see a jet trail or put a chicken pot pie in the microwave I think of National Socialist engineering.
The Silver lining:
Big Jew wanted to impose The Morgenthau Plan on Germany to depopulate and pastoralise the country. The Soviet Union would have been given a much larger zone than East Germany but Stalin wanted no part of it. His plan was the militarisation and industrialisation of the Eastern Bloc. So West Germany got the Marshall Plan which enabled it to rebuild into one of the largest economies in the world and a member of NATO. In creating the Eastern Bloc and assisting Socialist Countries in The Third World (blood suckers) Stalin swallowed a poison pill that eventually collapsed the Soviet system.
It seems that you have (again) managed to fascinate (with quantity) some gullible readers, probably das panzers. I don’t have time to deal with the statistics of your texts, but someone has already done so. I can’t remember who, but probably TV, your great admirer, indoctrinated follower, pretender to be your biographer, who rubs shoulders with Albo and Snoop Dogg at the South Sydney Footy Social Club, and in his free time chases farting dingoes around the outback with mulga to prevent the creation of an ozone hole over the Red Centre.
What did he register in the previous text with a similar theme (Why Did Churchill Have Britain Fight On After Summer 1940? It’s Bad News.), and will we watch a repeat for the umpteenth time, and in this text?
But it’s just one dimension of a broader strategy:
1. Snow-jobs: Overwhelm with sheer volumes of extraneous text:
• 3,400-words (Wear #640) in response to 400-words (#633);
• 4,100-words (Wear #696, #697, #698, #699) in response to 1,000-words (#694).
2. Spam: Paste pre-written evasive or irrelevant text in large quantities:
• 3,271 of 3,400-words (96.21%) of Wear’s #640 are pasted boilerplate;
• 1,199 of 1,300-words (92.23%) of Wear’s #696 are pasted boilerplate;
• 885 of 1,000-words (88.5%) of Wear’s #686 are pasted boilerplate;
• 824 of 1,000-words (82.4%) of Wear’s #825 are pasted boilerplate;
• 1,245 of 1,500-words (83.0%) of Wear’s #482 are pasted boilerplate;
• 1,497 of 1,900-words (78.8%) of Wear #683 are pasted boilerplate.
3. Repetition: Post false and unproven claims until accepted as true:
• “The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact began to unravel…” is pasted nine (9) times (#455; #477; #553; #640; #686; #751; #763; #774; #875) in posts totalling 11,000-words;
• “Hitler gathered his most trusted subordinates…” is pasted fifteen (15) times (#455, #477, #553, #640, #686, #751, #763, #774, #800, #825, #834, #854; #875-3x) in posts totalling 11,900-words;
• ‘Ridiculous territorial claims’ and/or ‘ridiculous demands’ is pasted eighteen (18) times in 13 comments (#455; #477; #553; #640; #686; #751; #763-3x; #774-2x; #800; #812-2x; #825-2x; #834; #854) in posts totalling 13,400-words.
4. Denial: Never accept an answer or concede a point, no matter how obvious.
5. Swapping: Answer questions that haven’t been asked:
• #694 (1,000-words) cites Hitler’s conquests as one reason Stalin kept divisions on his western border; Wear posts four comments (#696, #697, #698, #699) totaling 4,100-words on why Hitler invaded and occupied those countries: a question never asked. Much of the text reuses spam previously pasted in Wear’s #482 (1,500-words).
6. Evasion: Go to any length to hide or deny obvious flaws in arguments:
• Wear’s #640 and #683 (42 supposed reasons for Barbarossa) total 5,300-words;
—532-words are original, 4.768-words (89.96%) are pasted boilerplate;
—The 42-reasons detail irrelevant Soviet capabilities and hypothetical intent;
—There’s no proof of German awareness of hypothetical Soviet plans;
—Actual German objectives (well documented) remain unrefuted and ignored.
7. Excessive Text Volume: Burden interlocutors with massive amounts of irrelevant pasted text:
• Wear posts 131 comments from #201 to #890 totaling 93,300-words:
• 74,640-words (80% average) are likely spam repeated multiple times;
8. Stonewalling: Fail to acknowledge contrary evidence, repeat questions already answered.
9. Deception: Never give a straight simple answer.
10. False Equivalence: Dodge valid points by introducing extraneous subjects.
11. Parse Words: Belabor to reverse valid points or render them meaningless:
• Wear’s #788 “Hitler knew there was a risk in attacking Poland. However, he did not know that his attack on Poland would result in a world war.”
• Wear’s #774 “Hitler considered the Soviet Union to be a rotten house of cards that was totally corrupt and evil. However, Hitler was aware of the Soviet Union’s plan to invade and conquer all of Europe.”
12. Co-option: Falsely attribute ‘agreements’ from opponents:
• Wear’s #854 “We also both agree that, after signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, the Soviet Union invaded Finland…”
• Wear’s #854 ”As we have discussed on this discussion thread, the evidence is overwhelming that Stalin was planning to invade Germany and all of Europe.”
13. Finality: Always have the last word.
The West wanting their land, resources, and women. Just plain ole human evil of taking what is not given.
Ohhweee, pulling out dem big words.
I agree with that. If Hitler had died in April 1939, he would had gone down as one of the greatest German rulers of all time. But he died in April 1945.
Postwar Testimony Christa Schroeder and Gerda Daranowski:
“Well children!”, Hitler exclaimed. “Now put one here and one here,” tapping his cheeks; “One peck each! This is the most wonderful day of my life. I have now accomplished what other strove in vain for centuries to achieve. Bohemia and Moravia are back in the Reich. I will go down as the greatest German of all times.”
Hitler mistake was to invade Poland. There was no reason for him to do so. None at all. Britain had already accepted German domination of eastern Europe and wanted to negotiate spheres of influence agreement with Germany and to ditch the Polish guarantee but Hitler wanted war for war’s sake. Hitler didn’t think that UK would fight over Poland after the surrender of Czechoslovakia at Munich. So a war over Poland would be a small limited war that would wipe out the shame of German defeat in WWI and display German military power again for everyone to see.
11 August 1939: Ribbentrop is evasive whenever I ask him for particulars about the German line of action. His conscience bothers him. He has lied too many times about German intentions toward Poland not to feel uneasy now about what he must tell me and what they are getting ready to do.
The decision to fight is implacable. He rejects any solution which might give satisfaction to Germany and thus avoid the struggle. I am certain that even if the Germans were given more than they ask for they would attack just the same, because they are possessed by the demon of destruction….
Before dinner, in a casual atmosphere, Ciano tried to pin Ribbentrop down.
While we were waiting to be seated at the dinner table, Ribbentrop informed me that the storm must break, as he would have talked with me of a minor, ordinary administrative measure. “Well, Ribbentrop,” I asked, “what do you want? The Corridor or Danzig?”
“Not that any more,” he said, gazing at me with his cold expressionless eyes, “we want war!”
12 August 1939: Hitler is very cordial, but he, too, is impassive and implacable in his decision…. I realize immediately that there is no longer anything that can be done. He has decided to strike, and strike he will. All our arguments will not in the least avail to stop him. he continues to repeat that he will localize the conflict with Poland, but his affirmation that the great war must be fought while he and the Duce are still young leads me to believe once more that he is acting in bad faith.
13 August 1939 Weizsäcker Diary Entry
In the past weeks, there has been growing here strongly a desire for war. Himmler, Ribbentrop, and Gauleiter Forster (Danzig) have each been promoting the idea of war in their own spheres. Ribbentrop says he will guarantee English and French neutrality, provided we administer annihilating blows to the Poles in the first three days of fighting. This he thinks is certain.
22 August 1939 Engel Diary Entry
The Führer repeated that he now looked more quietly upon developments than he had for some months. The fronts were now drawn, and the other side can choose. His greatest fear is that some “stupid emotional acrobat would approach him with weak-kneed proposals” in the last minute and thus destroy his whole game plan and force him once again to give in.
24 August 1939 Helmuth Groscurth Diary Entry
Reported to Frankenberg and then to the chief (Canaris) and Tippelskirch. It seems that the war against Poland is fixed for the 26th. The chief showed me for two hours long his diaries, and especially his notes that he had taken from the Führer’s speech before the commanding generals. He is done in by it. Everything in it is lies, and deceptions, not a single element of truth….
The Führer insisted that we could only hold out as we are now for a very few years, and so we must now conquer. Only he and the Duce are capable of this. But either one of them could “on any day and at any hour be destroyed by a criminal or an idiot.” Therefore, he was forced to act quickly.
29 August 1939 Engel Diary Entry
But if the other side was so dumb as to bring one about, then they bore the responsibility and must be crushed. He only desired a (limited) “First Silesian War” (i.e. Frederick the Great’s brief war which captured Silesia from Maria Theresa of Austria), nothing more; for the newly created flags of the Armed Forces;an armed force which he had formed;need some victory ribbons, or otherwise the idea of a glorious army has lost its meaning.
25 February 1939 Helmuth Groscurth Diary Entry
Visit Berlin … In the morning a visit to the office and talk with the Admiral [Canaris], Radke, and Oster. The Admiral appeared very nervous and depressed… Oster showed me a written account of the Führer’s latest talk before the commanding generals…
According to this, he had been forced in September to pull back and thus had not been able to reach his goal. He has to lead a war in his lifetime, for never again will a German leader enjoy such unlimited confidence of the people, and thus only he is capable of a war. His war aims: a) domination of Europe; b) world pre-eminence for centuries. War must be undertaken soon because of the armaments pace of the other powers. The officer corps must unconditionally stand behind him, even should the party, etc. break away. The commanding generals must swear allegiance with drawn daggers…
23 August 1939 Weizsäcker Diary Entry
Since Herr von Ribbentrop has flown to Moscow, I participated in the preparation and course of the Führer’s conversation with the British Ambassador…. The goal of the Führer was directed toward getting the British government to drop its guarantee for Poland. The Führer expects that by 24 August, under the impact of our coup in Moscow, the Chamberlain government will fall, and with it the idea of a guarantee of Poland.
My own judgment of events is quite different, and I explained it to the Führer in the following words: the English are prisoners of their own politics. They are neither a logical nor a systematic peoples, but rather emotional, and must be understood accordingly. Psychologically, they are, so to speak, under the influence of Whiskey. Whatever they do cannot be judged solely as tactics, etc. etc. If Chamberlain wishes, he could give out a call for war, and have the entire Parliament behind him.
The Führer does not agree with this version. He is pointed more directly than ever at war, and shows no hesitation in his determination to have a war. Furthermore, he expects the war to be only a local one with Poland, but he does speak;at least he did today;of being able to conduct a general war. Only a few days ago, he was of quite a different opinion.
“…The German Foreign Ministry memorandum on this conversation makes it perfectly clear that the Germans did not misunderstand Halifax except, possibly, on the last point.
There they failed to see that if Germany made war, the British Government would be forced into the war against Germany by public opinion in England. The German diplomatic agents in London, especially the Ambassador, Dirksen, saw this clearly, but the Government in Berlin listened only to the blind and conceited ignorance of Ribbentrop.
As dictators themselves, unfamiliar with the British social or constitutional systems, the German rulers assumed that the willingness of the British Government to accept the liquidation of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland implied that the British Government would never go to war to prevent this liquidation.
They did not see that the British Government might have to declare war to stay in office if public opinion in Britain were sufficiently aroused. The British Government saw this difficulty and as a last resort were prepared to declare war but not to wage war on Germany.
This distinction was not clear to the Germans and was not accepted by the inner core of the Milner Group. It was, however, accepted by the other elements in the government, like Chamberlain himself, and by much of the second circle of the Milner Group, including Simon, Hoare, and probably Halifax.
It was this which resulted in the “phony war” from September 1939 to April 1940…
The efforts of the Chamberlain group to continue the policy of appeasement by making economic and other concessions to Germany and their efforts to get Hitler to agree to a four-power pact form one of the most shameful episodes in the history of recent British diplomacy.
These negotiations were chiefly conducted through Sir Horace Wilson and consisted chiefly of offers of colonial bribes and other concessions to Germany. These offers were either rejected or ignored by the Nazis.
…If, by means of another Munich, he could have obtained a German-Polish settlement that would satisfy Germany and avoid war, he would have taken it. It was the hope of such an agreement that prevented him from making any real agreement with Russia, for it was, apparently, the expectation of the British government that if the Germans could get the Polish Corridor by negotiation, they could then drive into Russia across the Baltic States. For this reason, in the negotiations with Russia, Halifax refused any multilateral pact against aggression, any guarantee of the Baltic States, or any tripartite guarantee of Poland. Instead, he sought to get nothing more than a unilateral Russian guarantee to Poland to match the British guarantee to the same country. This was much too dangerous for Russia to swallow, since it would leave her with a commitment which could lead to war and with no promise of British aid to her if she were attacked directly, after a Polish settlement, or indirectly across the Baltic States.
Only after the German Soviet Non-aggression Pact of 21 August 1939 did Halifax implement the unilateral guarantee to Poland with a more formal mutual assistance pact between Britain and Poland. This was done to warn Hitler that an attack on Poland would bring Britain into the war under pressure of British public opinion. Hitler, as usual, paid no attention to Britain. Even after the German attack on Poland, the British government was reluctant to fulfill this pact and spent almost three days asking the Germans to return to negotiation.
Even after the British were forced to declare war on Germany, they made no effort to fight, contenting themselves with dropping leaflets on Germany. We now know that the German generals had moved so much of their forces to the east that they were gravely worried at the effects which might follow an Allied attack on western Germany or even an aerial bombing of the Ruhr…
You write: “It seems that you have (again) managed to fascinate (with quantity) some gullible readers, probably das panzers.”
My response: In the past you have said that no one has ever given you a good reason to read Viktor Suvorov’s book “The Chief Culprit.” I was hoping my lengthy comment #206 would give you many reasons to want to read his book. Do you ever plan to read it?
You then go on to post a lengthy comment by Incitatus from another discussion thread in which he calls me “an exceptional troll.” I am not a troll. I do not get paid to write comments on Unz discussion threads. I simply attempt to respond to comments on Unz discussion threads in an informative and polite manner.
Russia is not a Western country. It is a separate orthodox civilization from Western civilization.
See page 81 here:
I think Westerners see Russia as an Asiatic barbaric country. They don’t respect Russia. Russia in their eyes is culturally and economically backward, doesn’t have advanced technology or any competence.
But yet Westerners are unable to destroy and finish off Russia like other backward countries in the world. They are sometimes even subjected to Russian pressure. This enrages the West and explains in my view why they always try to destroy Russia.
I always tell Russians online: develop your economy, develop your technology. Westerners don’t respect you because you have backward economy and backward technology. Learn from China. Study China.
Swallow your pride and seek chinese help in economic development.
The only thing worse than knowing how thoroughly fraudulent and Jewified the history of the western world, and especially WW2, are, is the ignorant filth who vociferously defend the delusional kosher fairytales. Fuck off.
To all readers of UNZ, who are citizens of NATO countries, I congratulate you on the anniversary of the beginning of the bombing of Serbia.
Idiots abound around here.
Hitler’s mistake was not quashing Britain at several opportunities, thereby denying a US beachhead, and preventing a western front. Of course, Dunkirk was well before Pearl Harbor, and Hitler’s decency and desire for fraternity with his Anglo Saxon “cousins” blinded him to the extent of threat of International Jewry.
Germany was targeted and slated for destruction by International Jewry. Hitler and Germany were in a literal existential crisis, with agents of zionist Judaism threatening from all sides. All the clowns here who think Hitler was seeking to conquer the world, or that Germany had any choice but to fight, are lost in the Jewish Matrix.
The holocaust didnt happen, as is well documented and easily disproven along several vectors. Those who continue in this age to give the holohoax credence, can no longer be taken seriously among authentic students of history. Such absurdity is right there with those logically-challenged pundits who think Trump was actually shot in Pennsylvania.
The main point of the Jewish strategy/methodology revolved around SECRECY. The only way they ever could have pulled off their Hitler project was through UTMOST SECRECY. “Stalin” (fake name) was a NATIONAL Socialist, NOT and INTERNATIONAL Socialist. Remember that Bronstein (fake named “Trotsky”) should have followed in the footsteps of “Lenin” (another fake name). That didn’t work out for Jewry, now did it? The man who succeeded “Lenin” was a NATIONAL Socialist and that was a huge problem for Jewry. Further, their attempted post-WWI war against Germany and Hungary (disguised, as always, as “revolutions”) didn’t get any traction. Further, their kinetic war against Poland, also post-WWI, failed. Further, their “Aliya” to Palestine (post-WWI) also failed. You can see that they needed FALSE opposition to get their project done ACCORDING TO THEIR PRESCRIPTED SCHEDULE. And that’s one of the keys to all of this. They had written long before what was going to happen in 5708 AM (1948 AD), just like they had written the threefold “Gog and Magog” war (WWI, WWII, WWIII). They knew they had a deadline to meet, a deadline their ancestors had written and plotted out. That’s why they SECRETLY put Hitler, their FALSE “Messiah ben Joseph” in power to carry out their plan IN TIME for 5708/1948. That’s why they SECRETLY financed Hitler with CASH and other physical assets (like gold).
I could go on, but hopefully you get it. They have THE highest IQ by far, and they’re the most evil of the evil by leaps and bounds. Now they’re busily “packaging” their last installment of their three-part world war against all of us. Very few people realize just how screwed humanity is. They will NEVER stop, and if the world ever were to wake up in the remaining few years that we have, they’d blow up the planet just so that nobody else can have it for themselves. People have NO IDEA what evil-beyond-the-banality-of-evil we’re dealing with.
CJB is full of shit, and your post might as well include flat earth links.
To all the Zionists on this site pretending to be Hitler apologists and leading the Gentiles into the slaughterhaus, thank you for your confirmations thereof in your comments.
That’s also been the purpose of this entire website for years.
Even wiki doesn’t get into histrionics like this.
Dirlewanger, like Mengele, Himmler and Hitler, became the target for a massive dog piling of propaganda focused on hatred of Germany and German people. Nobody in history comes close to Jews when it comes to the ability to focus hatred on their victims. “Lets you and him fight” is the byword here. Now Jews have Slavs hating Slavs in Ukraine the same way they have Shia Arabs hating Sunni Arabs throughout the middle east.
This recent Dailymail article is quite relevant here:
Revelling in rape, torture and brutal executions: How Putin’s Wagner mercenaries’ terrifying brutality echoes another group of criminals-turned-soldiers… Hitler’s reviled Dirlewanger brigade
The author of this article, like Odyssey, McNally and the other German haters, constantly resort this same hyperbole in the idiotic belief that the more outrageous their claims, the more guilt is projected upon the victims of the vitriol. We can see the same idiocy all around us today, its as if the Jews think that by claiming 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas then at least 2 have to have been true and their satanic blood lust fantasy is therefore “real”. Of course Jews, humanities biggest pedophiles, casting aspersions at Dirlewanger for having “raped” a 14 year old also fall short of sincerity in light of their coverups of Epstein, Maxwell, Saville and of course Polanski.
The author of course also fails to take into account the countless war crimes committed against civilians and the German military throughout Eastern Europe that lead directly to the, at the time legal, reprisals by the Wehrmacht and the SS. By casting his scorn in such a biased manner, the author loses all credibility.
Below is a fascinating interview of a Dirlewanger brigade member made in 1989. Two things are of particular interest here:
1. Look at all the medals awarded to Dirlewanger for heroism, honor and duty. Before the revolution the officers of the Russian army were also devoted to honor and reputation. Of course the Judeo-Bolshevics murdered all of them within a few years, and USSR ended up with the murderous and dishonorable Red Army, commanded by Jewish Kommissars, whose biggest achievement was projecting all the blame and punishment for their own crimes back onto the Germans. Just consider Katyn Forest as a case in point.
2. Here is what the Dirlewanger veteran Karl had to say about shooting of deserters:
Interview with Karl-Heinz [last name deleted to protect identity], Dirlewanger Brigade veteran. Halle, Germany, 1989.
Karl says:
LOL. Imagine if the Russuians had shot every Red Army soldier caught attempting rape. The entire Red Army would have self destructed.
Inhuman treatment of the Poles? In what way exactly?
Are you aware of the concentration camp in Poland, Bereza Kartuska?
Miejsce Odosobnienia w Berezie Kartuskiej, “Place of Isolation at Bereza Kartuska” was operated by Poland’s Sanation government from 1934 to 1939 in Bereza Kartuska, Polesie Voivodeship. Because the inmates were detained without trial or conviction, it is considered an internment camp or concentration camp.
Apparently, Poland wanted certain population groups out of Poland…including Germans.
There were no homicidal gas chambers in any German labor/transit/concentration camp.
Magnus Hirschfeld, the famous homosexual Jew/father of transgenderism, and most of his ilk, was/were neither gassed nor killed by the NSDAP. In fact, it was von Papen who began the campaign against public displays of sexual perversion; Adolf Hitler finished the job.
The policies of the NSDAP towards the disabled/infirm/incurable were NO different than those of most other nations on earth at one time or another. In fact, when the German public objected to certain practices, said policies were amended in deference to the will of the German people.
Civilians often suffer during times of war/conflict. Are you suggesting that ONLY Germany has ever acted against civilians, whether intentionally (such as partisans) or collaterally, throughout the history of War?
Nothing in your post refutes my assertion/the fact of Russians using rape, robbery, and gratuitous violence against civilians as a sanctioned method/tactic of war.
Do you want me to admit that soldiers sometimes act abhorrently during military conflicts? Sure, I know they do. Women are horrifically abused; the men/boys who seek to protect them are abused/killed, as well. However, neither Germany nor America held officially sanctioned policies against civilian populations during WW2. The Russians deliberately targeted civilians. The Soviets/Bolsheviks openly admitted to it. Many Shoah “survivors” attested to it.
If a (Jewish, but any) woman freely admits that whilst interned in a death camp, she looked forward to the daily meetings with her male German captor, to review sheet music, no less, because he was handsome and kind, and/or if multiple (Jewish, but any) women say they sought protection from the Germans against the Soviets, then something is awry with the German Monstrosity Tale.
The MoFo writes:
I agree.
We should not waste time with anonymous/random commenters who haven’t earned their stripes.
But comment # 206 is NOT from a random commenter. It’s from the great historian John Wear.
This man has a PROVEN record of truth telling and meticulous research.
If we lived in a just world, the book(s) he’s authored would be best sellers – not the fantasy fiction conjured up by mendacious Jews like Elie ‘the Weasel’ Wiesel.
Why don’t you (and every other apologist for the official ZOG scripted narrative for how WWII went down), get off your high horse and spend some time perusing John Wear’s website and learn some REAL HISTORY? (click on the link below):
If you weren’t so lazy, the evidence that John Wear brought to your attention in his lengthy comment could have been absorbed through much shorter comments of his in other UR WWII related threads posted in recent months. ie: threads like these:
Or this one (to name just two among many UR threads that he’s participated in over the years):
You could’ve read them there if you were genuinely interested in knowing WWII history.
But I don’t recall seeing you participating in any of these threads.
You were too busy reading ZOG funded crap that demonised Hitler and the Third Reich from pillar to post. That’s how eff’n stupid you are.
In my comment # 98 earlier in this thread, I posted a link to John Wear’s brilliant book ‘Germany’s War’ which is available to read for free because of the generosity of Ron Unz.
You see, there is a REASON that book can be read for free in HTML format in this webzine.
It’s because Ron Unz PAID John Wear for that privilege.
And it was money well spent.
So Mr MoFo, stop whining and make time to read Mr Wear’s earlier comment (and his book).
It will increase your WWII knowledge base many fold.
And in time, hopefully, you’ll have an epiphany and realise that pretty much everything you’ve been taught about WWII (and Hitler), is a ZOG scripted lie.
Thanks John,
for your informative and polite post, and for your book.
Both saved.
The success of the National Socialists lay above all in their incorruptible basic principle of uncompromisingness. Like oriental market traders, they demanded 200 percent in order to always get 100 percent. I agree with Joel Davis on this point.
The problem with a willingness to compromise is that you get less and less of what you actually want, first only half, then half of half and so on. In the end, you even settle for one percent. The choice of the worse evil, or the vote for half-hearted and mediocre politicians.
However, Anglos and Germans do not have to turn away from the injustice happening in Gaza as morally depraved as he does, because the state of “Israel” came into being through Anglo-German policy. And in this respect, Mark Collett is emotionally more mature, far-sighted and more willing to take responsibility.
Nathan was born in southern Sweden in 1977, has a Swedish father and a Scottish mother, emigrated with them to the USA and later to Canada, and now lives with his geisha and their children as a photographer in Japan. But even there he asks himself forbidden questions.
For those with much time on their hands, I
recommend this epic “document”, pure unin-
tentional gold against Jewish disinformation.
A pact with the USSR was the correct move. In fact, it should have been upgraded to a full alliance instead of just a non-aggression pact. The war did not become a “world” war until Barbarossa, which was the mistake. Britain and France were not a threat on their own, especially not if Germany formed a real alliance with the Soviets instead of a phony non-aggression pact that they very obviously intended to violate from the start. Germany+Russia is the dream team, and the allied political block spanning all the way across Europe and Asia would have been practically invincible. Instead, Hitler wanted to ally with the Perfidious Albion (gay).
Aren’t Croats also Srbs/Slavs?
Didn’t the Slavs from Russia originate from the Russian steppes?
Where were the golden-haired, blue-eyed, Devils, who descended upon the peace-loving Srbs of Serbiaopolis with theretofore unknown physical violence and lactose tolerance, before and during the Younger Dryas?
I agree that one of us is certainly badly misinformed on Hitler and WWII history.
Rather than responding to your comment at length and dishing out one almighty shellacking, I will refer you to comment # 242 from DICARLO which nicely encapsulates my sentiments.
BTW, in relation to John Wear’s comment # 206, which of those points that he made do you disagree with? (It’s not enough just to say ‘I disagree because my Jewish funded WWII history books state otherwise).
What I need is proof from reputable sources that refutes anything that John Wear included in his statements.
Of course, we won’t be a getting a response from you in relation to that.
Because you have NOTHING.
As far as you’re concerned, after watching Sophie’s Choice and Swindlers List:
‘Dem Germans are irredeemable. Dey iz juz plain evil. Ohhhh those poor Jews and how they suffered’.
Odyssey, it’s sad that you would be sucked in by (and re-post) those smears from the KNOWN Jewish disinformer Incactus (aka Incitatus) who did nothing but disrupt in that other UR thread.
Here’s some background information for UR readers that were not participating in that thread (as I was and Old Philosopher were).
This vile fellow called Incactus posted one unsubstantiated B.S comment after another.
And EACH time John Wear pummelled him into the turf with a comprehensive refutation.
So Incactus got all flustered and would launch these spittle laden tirades of his, hoping someone ….. anyone …. would pay attention to him.
Odyssey, that you would stoop so low as to take these excerpts (taken out of context from the commentary that preceded it), from the known LIAR Incactus, is pretty shameful.
It’s a pity that you feel the need to resort to this.
Kotsu, the known apologist for Jewish malfeasance, writes:
This Kotsu bloke has demonstrated in spades that his knowledge of WWII history comes straight from the Jewish playbook. Kotsu is one very slippery character indeed.
So, once again I will include a link to John Wear’s masterclass of a book:
And UR readers, I ask you to take the time to focus on ‘Chapter Three • The Forced War: How WWII Was Originated’ from his book.
It’s quite a long chapter, so scroll down to the two sub-headers titled ‘Polish Atrocities Force War’ and the one following titled ‘Polish Atrocities Continue Against German Minority’ and read ALL OF THOSE SECTIONS (esp. the second one which has more details of the atrocities committed).
Now, seeing as many of the ignorant Jewish apologists and shabbos goys have short attention spans or are TOO EFF’N LAZY to do the research about WWII, I will post excerpts from the section above detailing the atrocities the Poles were perpetrating on ethnic Germans living within Poland’s borders (no doubt at the behest of Malignant International Jewry who promised them that the Anglo-Zionist empire had their back):
And what I’ve written is just the tip of the iceberg. Those chapters of John Wear’s book contain much more info.
So UR readers, was Bankotsu right to say ‘There was NO reason for Hitler to invade Poland’?
OR is Kotsu a BALD-FACED LIAR employed by ZOG to peddle the official Jewish narrative on how WWII began?
UR readers, whenever you see this Kotsu Klown, treat him as you would a rabid dog.
I certainly will be. He is a rotten liar right through to his gangrenous core.
Quinn, you are wise beyond your young years.
Thank you for speaking the truth.
As a matter of FACT, both sides of this argument are presented, with varying sources and opinions. When you say “proof”, it indicates that you are confused as to the precise meaning. The easiest for you in this area, is to import the scientific concept and construction of “proof”. The first requirement is verifiable information, data, observation, evidence, etc. Of course, interpreting 2nd and 3rd hand so-called “authentic” documents from such a distance is very problematic.
I find it a bit distressing that I have to remind and reproach you on your overreach and over extension in coming about a decisive opinion on this matter. For example, many opinions exist on Russian contemporary life. But unlike vicarious sources, I have been there. And Ukraine. Plus I have known many Ukrainians personally, and have a good, concrete grasp of their character.
Unless you were alive during that period, lived in Germany, and am now 105 years old, or had your father, a former high official in The Reich, lay it out for you, your opinion is gaseous and amorphous, and carries no special weight or valence.
Try something else that you know about, first hand, not sources in the library.
Hulking Maniac writes:
Germany + Russia (ie: a christian Russia led by a Romanov – or someone with integrity like a V.V.Putin) would indeed have been a dream team.
But Hitler did not have the luxury of being presented with that option.
Instead there existed a Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union – led by Stalin (a man that John Wear proved comprehensively, in his comment # 206, was in the late stages of preparation for an attack on Germany).
And thereafter on conquering and annexing the rest of the European continent.
Hulking Maniac, I suspect you’ve been TOO LAZY and didn’t read the entirety of comment # 206 by this great historian. (In fact I suspect you read no portion of it whatsoever).
After you’ve read all of it, get back to me and tell me if a sustainable pact with the dishonourable Soviet regime was even remotely possible.
Stalin had NO intention of honouring an enduring peace with Germany.
Hitler knew this – so he pursued the ONLY option available to him (invasion of the Soviet Union), that might give Germany some prospect of victory.
Everyone should realize that Incitatus was the name of Caligula’s horse, which is why I have identified the source of all he says as coming from s horse’s ass.
> Heinrich Heine – Jewish; third cousin to Karl Marx.
So, what’s your point?
In the isolation he felt after the Börne debacle, Marx’s friendship came as a relief to Heine, since he did not really like the other radicals. On the other hand, he did not share Marx’s faith in the industrial proletariat and remained on the fringes of socialist circles…
Heine always had mixed feelings about communism. He believed its radicalism and materialism would destroy much of the European culture that he loved and admired.
> Adolf Hitler succeeded in bringing prosperity and equality to all Germans,
Utter nonsense. Germany began suffering from food shortages as early as 1936. That was a big motivator for Hitler to occupy the Rhineland. He needed some kind of quick success story to cover over the tensions which were developing domestically.
But the rearmament drive was now seriously threatened by the food crisis. In spring 1936 Hitler again personally intervened, in the face of Schacht’s bitter objections, to allocate Darre once more scarce foreign currency — 60 million Reich Marks on this occasion — for the purchase of seed-oil. The armaments position was becoming desperate. Schacht had to explain to Blomberg in December that an increase in raw-material imports was out of the question. By early 1936, available supplies of raw materials for rearmament had shrunk to a precariously low level. Only one to two months’ supplies were left. Schacht demanded a slow-down in the pace of rearmament.
As Hitler entered his fourth year as Chancellor, the economic situation proved a real threat to rearmament plans. At the very time that international developments encouraged the most rapid expansion possible, the food crisis — and the unrest it had stirred — was sharply applying the brakes to it. Other indicators were also discouraging. Fears of a new rise in unemployment seemed likely to be borne out. In January 1936 the Reich Labour Ministry was gloomily reporting unemployment still running at around 2.5 million, with, it seemed, little prospect of a further lasting reduction. Any slow-down in rearmament, as Goerdeler and Schacht were advocating, would inevitably bring increased unemployment in its train.
— Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936, Hubris, pp. 580-1.
Since all of the economic steps taken by Hitler in 1933-5 had been centered on rearmament, the apparent economic recovery in those years was dependent upon achieving some kind of returns from rearmament itself. Hence, Hitler was pressed to either reorient the economy with less dependence on the arms industry (as Schacht advocated) or else start achieving victories based on the arms build-up.
Since your entire comment #218 is such a nothing-burger, I decided to apply my own advice to it, which is Tell the truth and leave it at that.
All you’re saying is that being concerned about the ubiquitous substitution of “Nazi” for National Socialist when writing/speaking about anything to do with Adolf Hitler is laughable because it “exposes Nazi fragility.” This is because when Jews are called “kikes” or Africans “niggers”, or communists “Commies”, we don’t hear complaints on Unz Review.
Are we comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges?
To compare apples to oranges is a common maneuver used by those who can’t win by sticking with the facts or with the truth.
Looking through the long article by “Richard Parker” and all the 273 comments (as of now), how many times do you find the words ‘kike, nigger or commie’ as substitutions for their proper names? For me the answer is “no times” but you may be able to find one or two. How many times do you see “Nazi”? Many, many, many times. So this is a big “tell” about the different reasons for why these words are used.
The purpose for the former slur words is different than the purpose for using the word “nazi” instead of National Socialist, NS, NSDAP or even Hitlerist. The purpose for “nazi” is to create a false reality of what the 3rd Reich was all about. “Nazi” is part of the intelligence services*/media-made myth that NS Germany was an aggressive entity that “wanted to take over the world” and “force the whole world to speak German.” This is grossly untrue, but nevertheless is the myth that is intended by changing their name to “Nazi.”
This is NOT the case with kike, nigger or commie.
*British intelligence is probably the major proponent in demonizing NS Germany and A. H. to the world, even to the point of involving the Church of England in its lies. Please see https://carolynyeager.net/britain%E2%80%99s-collusion-creating-%E2%80%9Cdeath-camp%E2%80%9D-atrocity-lies-exposed for the shocking truth about who is most fragile. It’s always the liars.
You’re still fighting WWII.
Get over it.
Learn from it.
And we go forward.
It would obviously be hard for anyone to go through every single statement by anyone that ever appeared in any media source, but this doesn’t need to go so broadly. The issue is over Bernard Lecache and the International League against Anti-Semitism which he had formed in 1929. The record there shows that he had been involved in protests over actions against Jews in Romania and Poland before 1933, but his focus on Germany only began when Hitler took power in 1933.
PooBear! Meine Kröte, you knew (hoped) I’d come calling and here I am….
I wish I knew how to quit you!
This old, tired, ineffective, utterly preposterous, written bloviation of an abject failure of an analogy again? You need new material. Or, perhaps stick to schooner puddling/aground-running whilst first-mate diddling for want of an Aryan girl who will have you…and whiskey swilling, squirrel chasing, and pot-belly (wheat belly?) rubbing.
On old material –
PooBear declares – I will, in a future post, explain why the German mentality, mind-set, and Collective Consciousness creates the basis, ground for which Mass Formation Hypnosis and Delusion flourish at a deeper and more trenchant level than many other cultures.
PooBear’s beloved Fraulein responds – I’m not going to let you malign Adolf. Regarding your upcoming post, I’ll be waiting.
I’m still waiting, meine Kröte; fire away.
Because your expertise is in denying the obvious?
The SrbianChicken has a bee in his bonnet over people of “Asiatic” origin, so beware.
I have been around the world, lookin’ for that woman-girl
Who knows love can endure
And we never failed to fail; it was the easiest thing to do
You will survive being vested
But somebody fine will come along, make me forget about loving you
Do you have the same criticism and disdain for the Japanese leadership who will instead of helping the Germans break the back of the bolshivek occupied soviet government, went and attacked America instead? Let me guess if I go thought the collection of your nuanced and novelty writings the only person you will focus on is Hitler. Funny how despite your radical departure from the myth of the 20th century, you still blame the same demon as the mainstream narrative you say you disagree with.
> as similarly faked “Hossback memorandum”.
All of the essentials of the Hossbach memo have been repeatedly confirmed. To the extent that there was anything to quibble about, it was not in contents of the Hossbach memo but in the form of significance which Allied prosecutors gave it. Allied prosecutors at Nuremburg were aiming to produce a document which showed that Hitler had planned to start a full-blown Second World War. The Hossbach memo was presented as such. After wrangling over the matter, historians have drawn the conclusion that it was not so much a fixed plan for a war that had been decided upon but more a way of feeling out the responses of the military officers.
What happened after the meeting on November 5, 1937, was that all of the military officers who had expressed qualms about the prospect of another major war were fired. Sometimes this involved sex-scandals involving charges of homosexuality and prostitution. But Hitler made sure to remove any officer who had not been fully on board with his program of November 5, 1937. That was the real import of the Hossbach memo. After in 1938 pushing out officers who were hesitant in 1937, Hitler was now ready in 1939 to go ahead with steps which he knew would entail a calculated risk of war.
> Why was Stolypin assassinated?
There are two plausible reasons given for that. One is that the mediocre attempts at land reform which Stolypin had advocated for may have irked the landlord classes sufficiently that they had their allies in the secret police assassinate him. The other is that the assassin, who is known to have been an agent of the Czarist secret police, may have simply found himself in danger of being compromised in the face of the Social Revolutionaries whom he had infiltrated and therefore sought to recapture credibility by assassinating someone who was hated by both the SRs and the Right-wing.
One of the small details which gives some credibility to the first scenario is that Nicholas II ordered the investigation stopped and Bogrov was executed without further ado. Though it’s not likely that Nicholas II would ever know about any conspiracy, he was the easily manipulated type. The Right-wing newspaper Novoe Vremia, September 13, 1911, made up a story that Bogrov had said to a rabbi that he “struggled for the welfare and happiness of the Jewish people.” In reality, Bogrov refused to see a rabbi before his execution and came from an assimilated family where the grandfather had converted to Orthodox Christianity and the father belonged to the Kievan Nobles’ Club. The fact that Novoe Vremia made up such a story can only encourage a conspiracy hypothesis.
> Stalin knew the Japs were about to stop fighting with the Soviets, and that would free up 2 million Soviet troops,
Stalin kept 1.1 million troops in the east throughout the entire war.
Soviet troop strength in the east never fell below 1.1 million men, with significant military assets deployed throughout the war…
“Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.” – JFK
> the jews wanted to force war on Germany.
In reality, it was the SA which instigated a fight from the first days of February 1933. All of the records from that time indicate the SA was planning a major pogrom against German Jews from the first day that Hitler took the Chancellorship. Hitler seems to have given them some latitude simply to test for the world’s response. When Samuel Untermeyer issued his calls for an attempt to boycott Germany in late March 1933, Hitler pulled the leash in on the SA, and they simply held a one-day boycott of German Jewish stores.
Already in the autumn of 1932, indeed, brownshirts had carried out a series of bomb attacks on Jewish shops and businesses, synagogues, and other premises. In the weeks following Hitler’s appointment as Reich Chancellor, stormtroopers broke into synagogues and desecrated the religious furniture, smashed the windows of Jewish shops, and subjected Jews to random acts of humiliation, shaving off their beards or forcing them, in an imitation of a punishment devised by the Italian Fascists, to drink large quantities of castor oil. The violence reached new levels in the aftermath of the elections of 5 March. The day after the election, gangs of brownshirts rampaged along the Kurfürstendamm, a fashionable shopping street in Berlin, which many Nazis saw as an area where Jews tended to congregate., hunting down Jews and beating them up. In Breslau, a gang of stormtroopers kidnapped the Jewish director of the theatre, beating him to within an inch of his life with rubber truncheons and dog-whips. A synagogue was set on fire in Konigsberg in East Prussia, and a Jewish businessman was abducted and beaten so badly that he later died of his injuries. Gangs of stormtroopers daubed and blockaded Jewish shops in several localities.
— Richard Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich, pp. 431-2.
All of this was spreading across Germany before Samuel Untermeyer said anything at all. The general impression was that something much bigger was being prepared. The evidence is that a much bigger action was being prepared by the SA, but Hitler put a stop to it after Untermeyer had spoken out. Perhaps that was not a good thing. Supposedly, Pilsudski had proposed to France early in 1933 that they should go to war right then and there before Hitler became too strong. The French apparently turned Pilsudski down. But maybe if Untermeyer had stayed quiet, and the SA had gone ahead with a full-scale pogrom such as they likely intended, then perhaps Pilsudski’s would have gotten more traction. We’ll never know. But certainly, it was the SA which started all of the trouble here.
> The man who succeeded “Lenin” was a NATIONAL Socialist and that was a huge problem for Jewry.
It’s hard to reconcile that claim with the fact relations with the USSR were openly improved while Stalin was in power. The Roosevelt administration, like most governments in the world at that time, never allowed Trotsky to take a refugee status in its domain. Trotsky finally landed in Mexico, the only country in the world willing to admit him. Instead, Roosevelt eagerly opened diplomatic relations with Stalin’s USSR. I’m not saying they shouldn’t have. Political realism made this inevitable at some point. But there simply is no evidence of any significant figures ever having shown any type of favoritism towards Trotsky. It was mostly the opposite way around, with Stalin being accepted as the responsible socialist.
Intellectually, people like you are underwhelming and tend to be influenced too much by collective thoughts, ideas, doctrines, memes, etc. All this is like bar talk at Wesley’s Wimpy Bar on Slacker Court. The alley in back reeks because the patrons cannot brave the stench of the restrooms, whose cleaning last date is beyond memory.
I Real Life, causes>effects>causes, etc. go on and on and are vectored frequently from more than one source or direction. Thus, to arrive at Germany’s choices requires a broadening of the search for causative and affective agents. This takes work and broad knowledge, sometimes across several disciplines. So go back to Bismark. Was it necessary for the all the principalities to be unified? Under one authority and command? Did the “German Character” of martial tradition contribute to the preceding wars and booty of the past before WW II? Could have WW I been avoided by prescience and prediction and calculation?
Is Germany a passive agent flotsam upon the roiling sea that had no locomotive will or agency to maneuver itself outside of contingent factors or the immediate causal phenomenon? The answer is: of course it did. It just didn’t have wise enough leaders. Politicians are usually mediocre people who are crowd pleasers. They lack wisdom, especially in contrast to ambition and fame and power.
When I used to camp, I was told early never to have food inside the tent you are sleeping in. Suspend it from a tree. My first wife and I were camping in Yosemite and only left an unopened jar of mayonnaise on the picnic table. A big black bear opened the vacuum lid and tongued out the mayo. Then he sniffed around our tent. His huge. form was silhouetted against the sides of the tent from the street light. I signaled to my wife not to make a sound and not to move. The smell of the bear was enough to induce expectoration. However, the bear left.
Like many other phenomena and real events, “inevitable”, the use of this adjective is to easily used and applied. This is your lax and relaxed context here. “Germany didn’t have any choice!!!”. Sure, if they were asleep for 50 years and just moved into a neighborhood they were unfamiliar with.
Like so many other people, you assume and consume and exhale the accepted palaver and constellation of cliches and worn out, soggy, moldy blankets to wrap your superficial opinions in.
Keep a-moving on……
> Are you aware of the concentration camp in Poland, Bereza Kartuska?
The camp had only a tangential relation to Germans, and this came at the end when Hitler had already occupied Czechia and was now preparing to move into Poland.
In addition to those suspected of subversion and political opponents of the Sanation (especially communists and nationalists), it also imprisoned economic criminals accused of speculation or suspected of such crimes, common criminals – especially repeat offenders, and in the final phase of its existence – suspected of sabotage and spying for the Third Reich…
Among them were not only activists of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Communist Party of Poland (KPP), the National Radical Camp (ONR), illegal or banned by the Sanation governments, but also people associated with the People’s Party (SL) and the Polish Socialist Party (PPS). The largest group of prisoners were communists – 1400–1500 prisoners out of a total of over 3000[12]. Other sources say that 55% were communists among the prisoners, 4% Ukrainian nationalists, 2% nationalists, 1% people’s activists, 1% Nazi sympathizers, and the rest were “economic harmers”[13].
And you would eat anything as long as it was dusted with white powdered sugar. What is Truth? Ask the female – or other – in your life when it better to be circumcised or not. That is, if you have the courage and fortitude to receive bad news, and crestfallen consequences.
Nice bear story.
I’m a scientist by nature, have a 140+ IQ, and my stated opinion/conclusion is valid and inescapable. I dont pretend to be an exhaustively scholarly researcher, but im very good at spotting patterns and formulating or disproving theories with logic, even with incomplete information (I spot BS very quickly). In fact, much seemingly relevant information is often superfluous. Nothing in your pedantic musings invalidates my concise executive summary information.
There is ample non-mainstream and suppressed information available today that fully proves my contention. Germany needed to be stopped by International Jewry, for they would have brought an end to the Jewish power that has dominated the world for centuries, simply by bringing light to it. It’s as simple as that. Even with their defeat, their struggle proved the truth. None of this patent fact excuses Germans or any politician of responsibility for human failings or poor choices. But Germany literally had a choice between fight, or be cucked/enslaved/slaughtered.
Germany’s loss of WW2 has left the world in quite a state today. And the true culprits of WW1, WW2 and other major wars of the last 100+ years, are going fully mask off. The fact is, Jews and Zionism have dominated this world for centuries via the British Empire first, and now the JUSA Empire. It could not be more apparent prima facie. Germany tried to escape that prison, amd was punished.
Sure, any day now. Two more weeks.
Well, you could have added that Mussolini and Ciano clearly told Hitler they were 100% sure that an attack to Poland would have started WW2.
Not only, Mussolini and Ciano the 1st of September started frenetic multilateral contacts to launch the proposal of an immediate cease fire and a diplomatic conference. The 3rd of September -obtorto collo- Hitler gave his consent.
The negotiation failed because GB requested not only a cease fire, but also the retreat of German troops.
A classic example of when the better is surely the enemy of good….you need to be really false, twisted and hypocritical, a BrUtish classic, like declaring war to Germany in 1914 “to defend the neutrality of Belgium”, or firing Boris Johnson ” because he drank at Downing Street”.
The Brits are always false, hypocritical, stone faced liars.
Many, if not most of Mr. Parker’s claims are simply not true except in a simplistic way.
“These claims [to Danzig and Posen] were ultimately a principal if not the principal catalyst for the outbreak of war when Germany invaded Poland in 1939…”
This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry. They recognized immediately that Hitler was their enemy and they had to destroy him, and that was the reason for the 1933 Declaration of War against Germany.
“And the notion that Austrians are a distinct nationality separate and apart from Germany is somewhat dubious, as the difference in dialect, customs and so on is no more pronounced than certain other regions in Germany…”
Very true. One might speak of the Germanies rather than Germany per se. Austria is simply one of the many German states which became divided between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire. Originally the Holy Roman Empire encompassed all the various German states, which fragmented and then were consolidated under either Austrian or Prussian suzerainty. Thus, the anschluss was actually a reunification of the Germanies into the Prussian German State, with its various duchies, principalities, etc. Hitler actually created the modern German state by getting rid of these and making federal states. Of course, Austria was ripped from Germany proper in 1945.
“The aftermath of the Sudetenland crisis, in which Hitler partitioned the rest of Czechoslovakia between the Reich and a newly formed puppet state of Slovakia in March of 1939, is the first outrage for which Hitler is rightly condemned.”
Untrue. The Czech state was a frankenstein multi-ethnic state created by Versailles (much the same as Poland) with German, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, and Hungarians within it. When Germany saved the persecuted German minority, Poland and Hungary wanted their citizens back as well. Thus The Czech state was collapsing, and did collapse after Slovakia declared their independence. So Czechia asked Hitler to become a Protectorate and did so.
As Parker notes “Germany did not have legitimate territorial claims on the rest of Czechoslovakia, namely Bohemia and Moravia.” Which is true, but Germany did not absorb Bohemia and Moravia (i.e. Czechia) they accepted it as a German Protectorate which was not subject to German laws, were not drafted, and basically sat the war out in peace.
So Parker’s conclusions from this “grab” for land bears no truth. Likewise it did not alienate Britain, which had determined to go to war against Germany, but not in 1938 because their defense industry was not yet strong enough.
“Manstein’s masterstroke, the Sichelschnitt.” It was shown that this was, in fact, Hitler’s plan, but he had trouble selling it to the General Staff. When Manstein presented his plan, which was basically the same as Hitler’s, Hitler could sell it to the General Staff.
“A pity that such a spectacular victory sowed the seeds of such catastrophic ruin and defeat, largely due to the blunders and shortcomings of Adolf Hitler.”
This is untrue. The war was lost, not because of Hitler’s “blunders and shortcomings”, but because of traitors within the nobility who sabotaged Hitler’s plans, poisoned him during the invasion of Russia, and through high treason sold out Germany to the Allies for their pieces of silver. Not to mention some 80 attempts to kill their legitimate leader.
Mr. Parker should acquaint himself with the work of Prof. Dr. David Hoggan, and modern scholarship on this subject.
It’s difficult to say who did and who didn’t refer to Hitler in such a way during the war, but obviously at least some officers must have. After all, there were a few planned assassination attempts by some of the generals, and probably more officers were at least vaguely aware of such plots even though they escaped arrest. However, not all the generals felt that way, the most obvious examples being Generals Jodl and Keitel. They maintained a high opinion of Hitler and worked with him daily. Field Marshall Manstein also appears to have had some respect for Hitler’s abilities, while also maintaining some important criticisms. Even though Field Marshall Rommel was suspected of being part of an assassination plot, he also had much esteem for Hitler. There’s also some evidence that Admirals Raeder and Donitz thought highly of Hitler, so it was at least a mixed bag. It also stands to reason that in an attempt to preserve the army and disassociate it from the Nuremberg trials, many officers did throw Hitler under the bus after the war.
Your stated conclusion, via the process you describe is not a scientific one. It is highly inferential, and indirect, far removed in origin from today, and many if not all live sources are dead. This is NOT forensic evidence, e.g., pottery shards, DNA, writing, etc. These are observations from human beings. I should not have to tell you the built in low confidence level and fragility upon relying solely on recitations, memoirs, and group consensus.
I don’t know your scientific field, but I doubt it is a STEM one. You do not display healthy skepticism and objectivity. And you completely fail to address my concerns, ipso facto, that all events of this dimension have multiple antecedents. Your credentials are irrelevant, though of peripheral concern.
The Germans were the fertile soils where Amschel and his brothers first convened with other financial Jews to pool their monies and “take over the World”. Over centuries, Germany not only assisted with the germination of these Parasites, but provided them with resources at the cost of their own populations commonweal. And then finally when they have gained strength, like the movie Alien the body burst from the belly of the host.
You should read the servile, lickspittle, and abject concession of the Europeans to the Rothchilds in the 19th century, and their extracted wealth.
Finally, to me you display an intellectual smugness and sloth. Your analysis and explanation does not match who and what you say you are. Think like an epidemiologist or a marine engineer like me. I once had an essential piece of equipment that failed and had two causes, independent and unrelated simultaneously fail. In the future, don’t worry. AI will do everything for you.
Glad to see that you responded objective to my points: ZOG is responsible that Hitler didn’t took Britain in 1940 and start a ethnic cleansing in the East.
Now it’s all crystal clear
Spain under Francisco Franco was the only country which won in XX century against the flow. He put a solid start for Spain.
Franco, nearing the end of his life, predicted what would happen after his death: ‘Spain will go a long way down the road that [the West] wants: democracy, pornography, drugs and so on. There will be a lot of crazy things but nothing terminal.’ I hope his right with nothing terminal.
He also added how that is so sure, ‘Because I’m leaving something that I didn’t find on taking over the government of this country 40 years ago: the Spanish middle class… There won’t be another civil war.’
I 2019 remains of Franco were removed from the Valley of the Fallen. That’s speaks a lot about the gratitude of kings (Felipe has the crown because Franco enthroned his father) and peoples alike.
Remind me of the Kipling verses:
Take up the White Man’s burden—
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard—
> This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry.
Churchill never said anything of the sort.
This quote appears to have been invented in 2001 and inserted into the foreword to a new edition of a book first written in 1938, Propaganda in the Next War. Since the book is out of copyright and the original author is dead, the new foreword could’ve been written by any lunatic with an account on a self-publishing site.
All we know for sure is that the quote doesn’t appear anywhere before 2001.
If somehow Germany had won
it would have been worn down by the kosher parasitism eventually.
It appears the inevitable cycle–like a flea infestation on a dog.
You write: “Churchill never said anything of the sort.”
My response: Udo Walendy on page 276 of his book “Truth for Germany” wrote that American General Robert E. Wood stated at a Senate committee that Churchill had said to him in November 1936:
“Germany is getting too strong, and we must smash her.”
Udo Walendy’s sources for this quote are:
1) J.F.C. Fuller, Decisive Battles of the Western World, vol. III, p. 369;
2) Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill–British Bulldog–His Career in War and Peace, New York 1955, p. 145; and
3) “Hearings on Lend and Lease,” February 1941, p. 275.
Udo Walendy also quotes from a conversation Churchill had with the High Commissioner of the League of Nations, Carl J. Burckhardt, at the beginning of 1937:
“Churchill was telling me that Germany was again getting too strong, the Germans were only impressed by power; in the event of an armed conflict, the excessive encroachments of National Socialism would help the British to a strong system of alliances.” (Source: C.J. Burckhardt, Meine Danziger Mission 1937-1939, p. 70).
Achtung, Achtung Panzers!
(by Major-General Heinz Guderian)
Weisung Einundzwanzig
The Fuehrer and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces
OKW/WFSt./Abt.L(I) Nr. 33 408/40 gK Chefs.
The Fuehrer’s Headquarters
18 December 40
(only through officer)
9 copies, 4th copy
Directive Nr. 21
Case Barbarossa
The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign (Operation Barbarossa) even before the conclusion of the war against England.
For this purpose the Army will have to employ all available units, with the reservation that the occupied territories must be secured against surprises.
For the Air Force it will be a matter of releasing such strong forces for the eastern campaign in support of the Army that a quick completion of the ground operations can be counted on and that damage to eastern German territory by enemy air attacks will be as slight as possible.
I shall order the concentration against Soviet Russia possibly 8 weeks before the intended beginning of operations.
Preparations requiring more time to get under way are to be started now – if this has not yet been done – and are to be completed by 15 May 1941.
It is of decisive importance, however, that the intention to attack does not become discernible.
I’ve being changing gradually my opinion about uncle Adolf in the last year or so.
While he had many qualities it’s undeniable that he was the biggest catastrophe that has befallen upon Aryans since Constantine and the adoption of Xtianity.
Whilst the lunatic Hitler had nothing to lose Aryans did. His desperate attempts to delay his well deserved execution cost the lives of milions of innocent Aryans.
Since he had absolute power , and was, unfortunately, neither deposed nor assassinated, the Aryans paid the price for his madness.
Good systems have to have some provisions to address that. Nazi regime didn’t.
The Untold Stories of Hitler’s ‘Children’
Dive into the chilling untold stories of Hitler’s ‘children’-two girls whose lives intertwined with the heart of the Nazi regime. Discover the shocking tale of Bernile Nienau, the Jewish girl affectionately called “the Führer’s child,” and Edda Göring, the pampered daughter of Hermann Göring, whose title as “The Princess of the Third Reich” masked a world of terror.
Uncover how both girls became symbols of a propaganda machine that exploited innocence while hiding the regime’s dark truths. Their stories reveal the stark contrasts of childhood amidst war, innocence alongside complicity, and the tragic consequences of ideology.
“(…) neither Germany nor America held officially sanctioned policies against civilian populations during WW2.”
German policy against civilians in Poland (I have not enough knowledge about other countries where Germans also terrorized civilians).
– 196,000 Polish children were kidnapped by Germans and moved to German families for Germanization
– 100,000 Polish educated people were killed by Germans in Intelligenzaktion AB
– 120,000 Polish civilians were ousted by Germans from Zamosc area* in order to make space for German colonists
– Poles who were helping Jews were put to death (including their families**); in Western Europe there was no such draconian law.
– many Poles were used by Germans as “living shields” during Warsaw Uprising’44.
More examples of German brutality and perfidity against civilians you will find in
“The War Report in English – Abridged Version” ( https://instytutstratwojennych.pl/en/abridged-war-report);
esp. chapters “Stolen children”, “Losses in Polish intelligentsia”.
* “Expulsion of Poles by Nazi Germany”
“The Expulsion of Poles by Nazi Germany during World War II was a massive operation consisting of the forced resettlement of over 1.7 million Poles from the territories of German-occupied Poland, with the aim of their Germanization (see Lebensraum) between 1939 and 1944.”
** “Józef and Wiktoria Ulma with Seven Children”
“The Ulma family (…) were a Polish Catholic family in Markowa, Poland, during the Nazi German occupation in World War II who attempted to rescue Polish Jewish families by hiding them in their own home during the Holocaust. They and their children were summarily executed on 24 March 1944 for doing so.”
That Jews are often over-represented in movements to inorganically restructure society; their goal is not to benefit society at large, but to emancipate Jewry to further subjugate the “little guys” for whom they pretend to advocate. They care NOT for Gentile society unless they can benefit or use it for gain; or to disrupt their classic enemy – a homogeneous “White” nation; say, perhaps, like the real purpose of the NAACP….
Oh? So, he disavowed Marx, communism, and the Jewish element thereof? I’m guessing – NO.
Does Ian Kershaw also say that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews in gas chambers? And, that he sacked Austria? And, that Germany had their Evil Eyes on South America until the SLB got his paws on that Secret Map? And, that Churchill and SLBFDR were fine statesmen who saved the World from tyranny to establish a Democracy that has been used to magically shift the demographics within Europe/European nations to include black/brown cesspools of ineptitude and crime in the interests of Never Again! and to install a democratic process that We never actually wanted/approved/voted on?
Stop supporting/spreading lies, exaggerations, obfuscations, and more lies, Pretzel.
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?
Is there NO forensic evidence that refutes the official narratives of WW2/so-called Holocaust? Is there any forensic evidence that supports the so-called Holocaust? What, then, is/was the point of creating such a fantastic story with essentially no forensic evidence, but gobs of “personal observations?”
How has the concocted tale been maintained/protected from scrutiny?
No one denies this, meine Kröte. But, was there something elemental, beyond just human nature, at the core of the 20th century conflicts?
No, not “Germany,” just like not all Americans support Israel; the truth of “Israel” and their shenanigans is obscured/unknown, generally, and have you been reading Mein Kampf again?
Did anyone in Europe try to stop this madness? I wonder….
1. Whiskey swilling.
2. Lack of oversight due to excessive pining-away over that blonde steward who rejected you.
Long afloat on shipless oceans…
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
Exactly right on the money.
It’s probably what prompted the Milner group to reevaluate at the last minute their plot to push Germany into a war with Russia as Quigley recounts the events.
All anyone has to do to figure out the driving force behind the Brits using Poland as their excuse for launching a war against German is the difference between the condition of Germany’s economy in 21939 and the depression both England and US continued to be mired in as reflected in economic statistics.
Indeed, the US today under TRump is seeking to turn itself into a variant of national socialism that Hitler proclaimed that is at bottom a union between capitalist corporations and the state. The only real difference is that under Hitler’s national socialism, the national part was the predominant force as reflected by Hitler exercising primary power, whereas in the US it’s the corporate power that predominates.
The quotes which you allege have a very different tone to them from the claims about “debt free … economy … banking.” A statement like “Germany is getting too strong” is simply a reference to military strength, independent of economics. Churchill was certainly aware of the German military build-up. 1936 was an important year because that was when Hjalmar Schacht decided that the German military had achieved enough for a basic defense. From that point on, Schacht argued that Germany needed to know give more attention to conventional economics, i.e., development of export trade.
Instead, Hitler resolved to accelerate the military build-up with the intent of achieving expansion within a few years. This greatly stressed the German economy, since a large portion of labor was focused on non-productive military industries. Churchill never made any statements which indicated a high respect for the German economy outside of military applications.
Of course there are, you dolt. Using a general query outside and without reference to the quotes under discussion is a weak logical fallacy and diversion; which is your forte these days, Miss Bo Peep.
The rest of your comment consists of intellectually lazy and meaningless questions. Ask a more profound one, for example: “How much is that doggy in the window. The one with the waggety tail?”
> movements to inorganically restructure society
The type of movements which were occurring in the mid-19th century were much more naturally organic than anything which can be said about the German National Socialist Party in the 1920-45 period. The only functional program which Hitler had was to prepare the German military until it was ready to expand and then set out to acquire living space. If Hitler had died of a stroke in early 1939, then he probably would have been remembered much better as some kind of “organic” leader. But his determination to sweep across Czechia as preparation for a drive to the east for living space was a very personal agenda that did not spring organically from anywhere else.
The development and growth of the Social Democratic Party from the late 19th to early 20th centuries was probably the most significant organic development that ever happened in Germany during the 19th & 20th centuries. Unfortunately, the Social Democrats did well as labor leaders but were not prepared for dealing with the emergence of Germany as a major imperial power. They voted for war credits in 1914, when all labor parties across Europe should have been denouncing the war. The Social Democrats played a central role in enabling the continuation of the war for 4 years, and then the scoundrel Ludendorff simply smeared them with charges of a stab in the back. If the Social Democrats had simply disintegrated as a party in early 1914, then it is likely that the German war effort would have broken down in 1916 at the latest and this would have been better for the world. After World War I all of the parties showed a lot of confusion and none of them can really be characterized as “organic” in the way that the influences of people like Heine and Marx in the 19th century often were.
Thanks. I have cited Franco as one of Spain’s excellent heroes and saviors. Same with Generalissimo Augusto Pinochet. After departing, both countries were again suffused with the same rodents and cucarachas. Same vermin. I visited Spain under Franco in the 70s. Beautiful and prosperous. Same with Brazil under the Generals. Safe, calm, and expanding economy [given the low IQ population of Brazil, much of which is a suburb of Africa].
Something tells me this comment won’t age well. But, only time will tell.
Thank you, Truthor, for stating that “Manstein’s Plan” was Hitler’s Plan, which AH had designed in greater detail before Manstein told him about his own plan! According to Hitler’s friend & architect, Hermann Geisler, the Fuehrer had already been secretly working on the plan and it was far advanced in tactical details by the time Manstein reported his similar plan to AH in the middle of February, 1940. But Hitler was thrilled that Manstein saw it the same way; that gave him even more confidence in his own conclusions. Read it in Hitler’s own words in Giesler’s memoir Ein Anderer Hitler, 1977, Druffel-Verlag or in Wilhelm Kriessmann’s English translation “The Artist Within the Warlord,” 3rd edition August 2018, pp. 43-45.
“I still kept silent … It would not have been prudent to let Manstein know how far advanced beyond the basic strategic concept the tactical details had already been worked out.” p. 45
This is provably true, and should be emphasized more than it is. See Chapt. 7, pp. 115-122 in the above mentioned translation “The Artist Within the Warlord.” Again, thank you for doing so.
Patrick ‘Shlomo’ McNally writes:
Well, it looks like John Wear has slapped you down once more (refer to his comment # 304).
It could well be in the three figure territory that John Wear, through countless hammerings he’s dished out your way over the years, where he exposed you as a BALD-FACED LIAR.
And in return, you have not refuted A SINGLE THING that John Wear has ever posted.
Shlomo, you really are a glutton for punishment. You just keep lying and posting Jewish talking points.
Why don’t you sit back, relax, and learn TRUE HISTORY from Mr Wear?
Surely that would be a better option than getting battered to a pulp day in and day out, after being exposed yet again as a peddler of falsehoods?
Stalin kept 1.1 million troops in the east throughout the entire war.
How many did he send West?? I’m basing that 2 million number from the memoirs of a participant.
Such as?
Which quotes are those to which you are referring? The one about your first escapee and a scary bear? Or, this one – Germany’s loss of WW2 has left the world in quite a state today – ?
On the state of the world today, as Nathan/SnorkelGuy said, [Post WW2] “Immigration laws changed within ten years…reformed or restructured to such a degree that they basically abandoned all of the racial make-up of the native people of their places, and this didn’t matter if you were the winner or the loser of that horrible war against the “horrible Nazis.” Whichever side of that war you were on, your future was, your native population would eventually be replaced in numbers; by the birth rate or the names of the people coming in being foreign; or in your school system, the native population being demonized as especially bad, especially needing change….”
The utter falsehood known as the Holocaust/Shoah, which is now used as the justification for the entire war against Germany, mostly, and is the utmost indictment/denunciation against the character of Adolf Hitler, is the relevant issue about/on which I diverted.
Unlike Germany under Hitler before the western world descended upon the Germans in a way not done to the others?
Meine Kröte, the problem is this – YOU are one of those foreigners who prospers within the nations of your classic enemies – Whites, Saxons, Germanics…whatever you want to call us, and that’s why you can not/will not admit that Hitler was a hero/defender of Germany/Europa. He was your classic enemy; same as that of Barbara Spectre, et al.
I was in San Antonio recently; what happened to all the White Peoples? Barbara Roche would happily put down her desert fork to admire the dark splendor…
For my dreams, I hold my life
For wishes, I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
Hitler had no intention of “dominating” Europe.
What is the evidence that Operation Barbarossa was executed in an “enslaving” and/or “exterminating” manner? Be specific please.
John F Kennedy once said this about Adolf Hitler
“Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest men, the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country….Within a few years Adolf Hitler will emerge from the hatred which surrounds him as one of the most significant figures that ever lived”
Hitler was a histrionic madman
Hitler only stayed in power despite his stupidity because the German people in general are stupid and Hitler and his government was their reflection.
The guy spent years in front of thousands
and thousands of screaming adoring fans, especially FEMALE fans. Plus the fact that he had many people constantly telling him how great they thought he was. And after years of all this adulation, he believed it was all
Instead of praising the mad man and explain away his stupidity, Aryans, especially Nordic blonds, should spit on him for what he did to the (dying) European civilization
He is the gift that keeps on giving for the jews.
Everything Hitler did only ended up benifiting the Jews and the Left. Everything.
An ill-educated corporal, delusional, irrational, with an infantile psychological make-up, that ruined Europe and Europeans.
Utter nonsense (not to mention the “Jewish Hitler”, a fantastic fairy tale by the sensationalist Jewish “psychologist” Sachs). Irving himself has confirmed that his mother was not Jewish.
You write: “Churchill never made any statements which indicated a high respect for the German economy outside of military applications.”
My response: Udo Walendy on page 276 of his book “Truth for Germany” has an interesting quote from Winston Churchill. On January 18, 1945, and again in Fulton, Missouri in March 1946, Churchill in the presence of U.S. President Harry Truman stated:
“It [the Second World War] was also about the acquisition of the German markets.”
Walendy’s source for this quote is from Der Ring, April 1959, p. 4.
I think by now it’s fair to say that JFK’s comment didn’t age well.
BTW, the full quote is
Hitler’s attitude towards Slavs was one of contempt (wich I don’t entirely disagree to be honest, I’m a Mexican myself and despise all Mexicans around me)
He wanted to colonize Eastern Europe for Germans up unto the Urals, in the process partly murdering, partly expelling and partly enslaving the local Slavic population.
He ultimately accepted Slavs as soldiers in his army was only born of necessity when he began losing the war. It didn’t mean he had changed his attitude towards Slavs.
In 1941, a few weeks before the attack on the Soviet Union, Hitler uttered his famous words: “The struggle for world hegemony in Europe will be won by the conquest of Russian space… Russian space is our India. As the British rule there through a handful of their people, so we will rule that colonial space of ours. We will bring scarves, glass beads and other things that colonial peoples like to the Ukrainians.”
Hitler expressed his idea of the future of the Russian people in another well-known formulation from the same year: “Our Mississippi should be the Volga, not the Niger.”
You are not César Tort, but a faker, an imposter who would have fit well alongside Walter Langer, who wrote anti-Hitler propaganda for the OSS-CIA in the 1940’s. Go back to the hole that you crawled out of.
I don’t know what happened to César and his very interesting blog/website. I lost track of him and now don’t find it online. Does anyone know or have a url for it?
Though I agree with this so-called “César Tort”, I also do think he is a fake.
The real César Tort has a “frozen” website with only praise for Hitler, here:
Besides, he has another website, still active, here: https://westsdarkesthour.com/
Among others, you can find there this message, which sounds genuine:
In the past I used to comment on his website, but I left in disgust, because of his openly touted genocidal fantasies, which he proudly calls “exterminationism”. He seems to be made of the same psychopathical stuff as your beloved Adolf.
For me, a pure white man who tells me he’s going to marry a Chinese woman, I’ll stop talking to him for life. And if it doesn’t affect my job or income, I’ll spit on the ground and tell him I’ll see him and his new family on the Day of the Rope. But nationalists never talk like that, not even remotely! Like good Christians or neo-Christians they believe in loving everyone, even the traitor.
I was forced to leave the house that me and my siblings inherited from our parents in Mexico city. I’m living in a village now.
I need some bucks in donations or else I’ll be forced to cease my activities.
I’m an honest believer in the one-drop rule, albeit to my own personal detriment.
The fact is that I’m too racially aware not to notice, much to my chagrin, disturbing Black / Indian / Mestizo personality traits in myself, traits that demand, from my part, an eternal surveillance in order to be properly suppressed or controlled.
Believe me, a partially non-White person will always and inevitably have some (literally) dark corners in his soul.
I promised not to leave offspring. (Remember the lesso by Helmut Stellrecht: “But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last.”
Since the early 1970s, the trips I have made to the UK were intended to meet English women with blond hair, since to my eyes English roses with blond hair are the most beautiful girls on earth.
I know some people say that human beauty is in the eye that sees it, but something inside tells me it is something fairly objective: something like the teleological goal of our universe.
How many Englishman could be incapable of seeing such beauty and go and fornicate on the other side of the world with male coloureds is an affront to my religion (I’m a priest of the 14 words) and that disturbs me very deeply.
For me, a pure white man who tells me he’s going to marry a Chinese woman, I’ll stop talking to him for life. And if it doesn’t affect my job or income, I’ll spit on the ground and tell him I’ll see him and his new family on the Day of the Rope. But nationalists never talk like that, not even remotely! Like good Christians or neo-Christians they believe in loving everyone, even the traitor.
In three sessions, at midnight I once again watched the 1995 film Sense and Sensibility
I think a priest of the holy words should see it, say, every year.
It visually depicts the ethnostate we must reach: After the extermination of the Neanderthals, a world with diminished technology, without a single non-white or mudblood (as in the film), where it is possible to court English roses as the axis around which all culture revolves (though I find disturbing so few English roses with blond hair).
Even mudblood Russia has much more roses with blond hair.
You write about Hitler: “He wanted to colonize Eastern Europe for Germans up unto the Urals, in the process partly murdering, partly expelling and partly enslaving the local Slavic population.”
My response: I think this is a highly questionable statement.
For example, Hitler made a peace offer on October 6, 1939, that was quickly rejected. Included in Hitler’s peace offer was the evacuation of Poland by the Wehrmacht, except for Danzig and the “Corridor.” Hitler obviously would not have made such a peace offer if he had wanted Poland as “Lebensraum in the East.” (Source: Schultze-Rhonhof, Gerd, 1939—The War that Had Many Fathers: The Long Run-Up to the Second World War, 6th edition, München, Germany: Olzog Verlag GmbH, 2011, p. 667).
Also, Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 was preemptive in nature. I document this extensively in comment #206 on this discussion thread. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union was not about “partly murdering, partly expelling and partly enslaving the local Slavic population.”
Thank you, Franklin. I’ve looked at his new sites and find them disappointing. It was always the artistic design of his websites that made them so appealing. César never had an accurate understanding of Adolf Hitler’s views, of National Socialism or the NSDAP. He was actually into the “image” of the NAZI Superman and total Aryan. Several times I refuted what he wrote, and he sometimes changed it. To his credit, he was/is always respectful, which is more than can be said of so many of the commenters at Unz Review. I have to admit that you are too, although not toward AH and Germans.
Speaking of respect, I was struck by replies in these comments from “Richard Parker;” they are as snotty as can be. That’s the best word I can come up with to describe them: He’s a real Snot. That has to mean he’s thin-skinned; not confident about what he writes. He shouldn’t be.
#321 Tiptoethrutulips
” I was in San Antonio recently; what happened to all the White Peoples? “
I’m sorry, 50 milions of whites were killed by Hitler in war he couldn’t have won (he didn’t have resources for attrition war).
No 50 milions whites – no new generations of white emigrants to USA who could have reinforced “white element”.
Blame Hitler.
The Soviet Union was much less Jewish than the British empire that Hitler wanted to ally with. And the Soviet Union asked to join the tripartite pact, so Hitler was directly presented with that option. Hitler rejected it because it would have made war against them more difficult.
This is not “proved” in any way. It’s speculation, based on circumstantial evidence (and selectively ignoring other evidence against it). Even if we assume it is true, it is not apparent that the Soviet Union would have planned any such attack if Germany had allied with them in good faith. But it was obvious to everyone that
Hitler had not acted in good faith and had always intended to break the non-aggression pact. For example, Ribbentrop wanted to invite the Soviet Union to the tripartite pact, but Hitler rejected it. The Soviet Union also asked to join the pact, as I mentioned above, but Hitler rejected it. If the Soviet Union had indeed planned to attack Germany (which, again, is speculative, but with most evidence pointing to the contrary), then it would have only been to try beating Germany to the punch. Stalin was a practical man and saw the benefit of a German-Soviet alliance. If only Germany had been run by someone of his caliber, instead of by a Jew/Anglo-worshipping ideologue who thought Perfidious Albion would join hands with him because they were “Germanic.”
Hello, littlebunny – still seething over – Co niemcy muszq zrozumiec?
No, not killed by Hitler, nor by Germany.
And, Poland didn’t have the resources to fight the Soviets and the Germans. Still, they chose to fight, didn’t they? But, that’s somehow a different matter altogether, yes?
Non-white immigration is destroying all European nations, and in that manner, WW2 still wages on. Why don’t/can’t we place the blame where it actually belongs? We have to hold ourselves somewhat responsible, but we no longer recognize ourselves for what/who we are, and the very same element that has deemed Europa the enemy of the world is the very same element that has sought/enabled massive immigration of non-Whites into every European nation on earth because multiculturalism, aka the elimination of “White” peoples, is their comfort zone. Adolf Hitler made this element rather uncomfortable in Germany; you Slavs need to get over yourselves; you’re on the chopping block with the rest of us.
> Jews have Slavs hating Slavs in Ukraine
Poles, Russians and Ukrainians have fought with each other for centuries without needing any egging on from Jews.
> Well, it looks like John Wear has slapped you down once more
He did nothing of the sort. He simply changed the point of reference. The original phony quote was about Churchill allegedly claiming that Hitler had achieved some economic miracle which was avoiding all problems of debt. The statement which JW substituted was about German military potential and had nothing to do with issues of a debt free economy. One can find many records of Churchill making statements about German military potential in The Gathering Storm, the 1st volume of Churchill’s account of the war. But no one has ever found any statements where Churchill credits Hitler with a debt-free economic miracle.
It may have been confusing to use the term “free up” in this context. The Soviet army in the west at the time of Barbarossa had about 2.9 million men. That was independent of any agreement with Japan.
In response to the deluge of evidence that Stalin was in the late stages of preparation for his invasion of Germany when Hitler instead beat him to the punch, you responded with:
Mr Hulking Maniac, what are you smoking? That response demonstrates that you did not read John Wear’s comment # 206 (each point is backed up with citations).
All on its own, this comment of his is quantitatively and qualitatively superior (by a factor of dozens or more), to any spurious ‘evidence’ you’re likely to accumulate in two lifetimes to suggest otherwise.
All you Hitler smearers have one thing in common. All of you are EFF’N LAZY.
Meanwhile, I have news for you. I have been reading John Wear’s output for many years now in this webzine (I was first alerted to the world class historian Mr Wear in 2014, through an article Paul Craig Roberts posted on his website featuring Chapter 8 of his John’s book Germany’s War).
And, as comprehensive as John Wear’s comment # 206 is (over 5000 words), there is actually even MORE PROOF that Mr Wear could post to support his theory.
But you wouldn’t know that, would you now? Because you seldom (if ever) participate in the WWII and Holohoax threads here in UR like many other very intelligent individuals do.
(For example: TipToeThruTulips, HdC, Carolyn Yeager, Old Philosopher and one or two others).
People like you Hulking Maniac (although I commend you for being pretty good on most other topics), are way out of your league in comparison to the four individuals aforementioned.
And of course there’s the incomparable John Wear himself.
BTW, Poupy Marx (if you’re reading this), I have been reading the nonsense you’ve been writing too in this thread, and I just don’t have time to respond to it. I’m just left shaking my head.
I did notice that TippyToe Lady was wiping the floor with you.
My advice to you Poupy Marx, keep a wide berth from TippyToeLady – because she will shred you.
She is one seriously well informed individual on WWII and a range of other topics.
I certainly won’t be challenging anything she says anytime soon.
If I did, I’d likely end up with egg on my face.
> Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest men, the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country
Where did you get that from? I just looked in Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy. That particular phrase could not be found. I see that for August 1, 1945, there are passages about visiting the Eagle’s lair:
The lair itself had been stripped of its rugs, pictures, and tapestries, but the view was beautiful — the living room being round and facing out on every side on the valley below.
After visiting these two places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.
He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.
Some parts of that match with some parts of what you put up, but the first passages which you gave are not there.
>was also about the acquisition of the German markets
I certainly don’t find that in what is a 1981 edition. Neither on page 276 nor on page 298, which is where the references to Robert E. Wood are in this 1981 edition. You may have to check the actual source once more. I found no references to Der Ring.
You write: “I certainly don’t find that in what is a 1981 edition.”
My response: The edition of Udo Walendy’s book I am referencing on this discussion thread was published in 2013 by The Barnes Review. If you would like, you can order this book online at https://barnesreview.org/product/truth-for-germany-the-guilt-question-of-the-second-world-war/.
I admire your scholarship, but your premise is dumb. You’re longing for a Third Reich without Hitler, but without Hitler there could not have been a Third Reich. It seems clear that Stalin was assembling the biggest army in history to conquer Europe and Roosevelt likely would have helped him. Germany under a conservative democratic government would have collapsed rapidly. Mainland Europe would likely be communist to this day with a brooding, wary and crumbling British Empire falling apart like its latter day Turkish analogue. The sick man of Europe.
Oh, I see a fan of nazi propaganda from 1940? But nope, despite all the efforts of Goebbels, Germans were not “subject to ethnic cleansing in the interwar period”. Not in Poland.
So a piece by another nazi fanboy, whose primary complaint about Hitler is that he lost the war?
Fortunately, the entire story is built from the very beginning on false foundations. Let’s begin with this: “Danzig, Posen, and areas of West Prussia with either large German minorities or outright German majorities”. Nope – even according to German statistics from before the war, the areas ceded to Poland were majority Polish areas, with a Polish:German ratio of somewhere between 3:2 and 2:1. And Polish statistics found soon after the war that in reality these numbers were significantly fudged, on the one hand by having many Kashubians and Masurians, but also Poles working in goverment-dependent positions, listed as Germans, and on the other hand, having listed as local residents many ethnic Germans who left the area. It is also important to note that to become an “ethnic German” it sufficed to change your name and many of the local “Germans” were actually germanized Poles and other Slavs.
So the first and foremost argument does not survive confrontation with reality. One can only imagine the rest is of even lower quality.
Hebrew Fascism in Palestine 1922-1942
Betar Naval Academy
The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel’s Fascist Past
Zionist-Revisionism: The Years of Fascism and Terror
Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 10)
When Jews Praised Mussolini and Supported Nazis: Meet Israel’s First Fascists
The Jewish Mother of Fascism
Mussolini’s Jewish Lover Who Crafted Italian Fascism
[Too much spamming. Stop spamming and leave substantive comments or all your future comments will get trashed.]
> Stalin was assembling the biggest army in history to conquer Europe and Roosevelt likely would have helped him.
That’s an absurd statement which shows no understanding of what Roosevelt was even capable of doing, never mind what we would have wanted to do. If Stalin had been so crazy as to attempt to conquer Europe, then what would follow would depend on how the initial steps went. There’s a high probability that any attempt at a Soviet offensive made in 1941 would have bogged down quickly at the Polish border. In that case, one might plausibly expect that Churchill would have offered Stalin a temporary alliance against Hitler. Roosevelt, on the other hand, would have been faced with rabid isolationist sentiment. Congress and the Senate would have been overwhelmingly against any type of intervention which sought to aid such a Soviet offensive. It was not in Roosevelt’s power to defy this. Only the circumstances of 1941 as they actually unfolded, when the Wehrmacht appeared to be on the verge of capturing Moscow in the fall of 1941, made it possible for Roosevelt to win support for the Lend-Lease that was offered to the Allies. Roosevelt did not have the power to simply decree that aid should be given to Stalin such a venture.
On the other side of the world, it’s an unanswerable just what would Japan have done and how the Allies have responded. At the time when Japan signed a neutrality agreement with Moscow in April 1941, it would have seemed like Germany was a pretty secure power. How Japan would have responded if Stalin had struck first against Germany is an open question. Even assuming that Japan simply went ahead with the full occupation of Indochina as happened in real history, it’s hard to imagine this resulting in US sanctions on Japan. Roosevelt was able to push through the full embargo and sanctions on Japan in the 2nd half of 1941 because the way the international situation looked at the time. German armies were racing towards Moscow, while Japan occupied Indochina, and the Axis powers appeared ready to conquer Eurasia. That was how the Congress and Senate came to support Roosevelt’s actions.
The alternative scenario is one where the Soviet army achieves a swift drive into Germany and Hitler is overthrown in a matter of months. In that case, we know that Churchill would promptly begin demanding that Stalin turn around and get out of Poland. We know from the records of Operation Unthinkable that Churchill in early 1945 had been advocating to his staff that they should prepare to launch a war against the USSR using German troops as allies in July 1945. This never came about because Churchill’s military staff told him that Britain was exhausted in 1945. But in 1941 or 1942 the situation was very different. In such a context, not only would Churchill himself have aimed to go to war to drive the USSR out of Europe, but he would likewise have been firmly supported by people like Chaim Weizmann and Stephen Wise. None of these Zionist figures had any interest in supporting a Soviet conquest of Europe apart from seeking the defeat of Hitler. With Hitler quickly crushed by Soviet forces, all of the attention would swiftly focus on driving Stalin back. It is also quite likely in such a context that Churchill would seek alliance with Japan against Stalin. Meanwhile, Roosevelt would come under domestic pressure to add the force of the United States to the demand for a Soviet withdrawal. There is nothing about Roosevelt’s record which suggests that he would want to stick his neck out in defending Stalin under such circumstances. More realistic is that Roosevelt would put himself at the head of any coalition aimed at forcing a Soviet withdrawal.
All of these are exactly the types of scenarios which Stalin would have personally weighed when considering what steps to take. People who claim that Stalin was about to try conquering Europe are just projecting Hitler’s own recklessness onto Stalin. No Soviet leader was ever this careless. Not Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Khrushchev or any other.
My attempts to look up on Google for the quote “was also about the acquisition of the German markets” simply lead me back to this exact webpage. Ignore the page number and simply identify the relevant chapter by title.
You write: “Ignore the page number and simply identify the relevant chapter by title.”
My response: The 2013 edition of Udo Walendy’s book “Truth for Germany” does not list chapters.
This quote is found under the title “The Foreign Policy of the Great Powers on the Eve of War” and then lists Great Britain. After these lines there is a line stating: “The Policy of ‘European Balance of Power’ during the Pre-War Years.” There is about six pages of writing until we get to the quote in question.
I hope this helps.
In my opinion, you mischaracterized how this actually worked. Lend-Lease legislation was passed in early 1941. The President did have the authority to designate any country as a recipient of Lend-Lease aid, and he did not have to confer with Congress in order to do that. The main reason he hesitated to provide aid to the Soviet Union immediately was because he was given the impression by his advisors that the USSR would fold within a couple months. It was only after he sent Harry Hopkins to Russia in July that he received confirmation that Stalin would hold out at least to the end of the year, and that’s when he decided to make Russia a Lend-Lease recipient. Under unusual circumstances, Congress could’ve tried to counter FDR, but that would’ve been outside the original intent of what had already been passed. I admit it would’ve been harder for FDR to publicly commit aid to Russia had they attacked Germany first and Congress may have tried to somehow impede the President, but it all depends on the specific circumstances. In our timeline, Roosevelt and the Joint Chiefs knew that Germany was going to attack, and the President had tried to warn Stalin beforehand because FDR was sympathetic to the USSR. If Stalin had attacked first at that point, and preempted Germany, then FDR still could’ve tried to sell it as a “defensive” manuever. At least initially.
I don’t like the way you presented this, either. The American public had wanted the US government to embargo Japan all the way, as Canada had already done. They already hated Japan. At the same time, the public didn’t want to go to war against Japan over China. Like many individual voters, the public as a whole was not intelligent enough to understand that one could easily lead to the other, nor is the public really ever prepared to pay opportunity cost. Of course if Japan attacked America, then the public would have no problem going to war anyway. If Congress had pushed back against the embargo, then the President could always turn to the public and fire up the anti-Japanese propaganda until Congress was flooded with hate mail. But the administration knew full well that embargoing Japan’s oil meant war, and up till then they were biding their time until the US military was better prepared. Barbarossa certainly made Roosevelt’s heart flutter which helped him take the kid gloves off, so to speak. But the bottom line was that FDR had made the decision to embargo Japan’s oil because he was prepared to go war in the second half of 1941.
That PigChurchill never ceased to bloviate contradictions, as if nothing he previously said/wrote could be remembered or thrown back in his swollen face; he pretzeled his way around/about the disasters and perfidy of two wars, as if his/England’s ruinous/shameful shenanigans in the service of a group he obviously despised could not be remembered or thrown back in his swollen face.
I checked my copy of The Gathering Storm; there were a few omissions, as follows – mostly the truth was omitted –
By 1937, the Third Reich was providing a bigger market for British goods than which existed between any two continents on earth. At the end of the 1930s, with Hitler set to initiate another European war, Britain’s principal trading partner was Nazi Germany. [Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, p. 224]
Oh, I’m sure the Honorable PigChurchill was completely unaware of this economic reality….
November 1935
By Winston Spencer Churchill
[…] then it was that one Austrian corporal, a former house-painter, set out to regain all.
… he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very large extent, reversed the results of the Great War. Sir John Simon, as Foreign Secretary, said at Berlin that he made no distinction between victors and vanquished. Such distinctions, indeed, still exist, but the vanquished are in process of becoming the victors, and the victors the vanquished. When Hitler began, Germany lay prostrate at the feet of the Allies. He may yet see the day when what is left of Europe will be prostrate at the feet of Germany. Whatever else may be thought about these exploits, they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.
The end.
And, SLBFDR really had a Secret Nazi Map of World Conquest…
And, Allison Somogyi never wrote that Jews were over-represented in the Bolshevik/Red Terror in Hungary…