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The Kingdom of Judea vs. the State of Israel
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A geo-political reading of Israel’s incipient civil war

Israel is deeply fractured. The schism has become bitter and heated as both sides see themselves to be in an existential war for the future of Israel. The language used has become so venomous (particularly in reserved channels in Hebrew) that calls for a coup and for civil war are far from uncommon.

Israel is nearing the precipice and the seemingly irreconcilable differences may soon erupt into civil unrest – as Uri Misgav writes this week, the “Israeli spring” is on its way.

The point here is that President Trump’s utilitarian and determinedly transactional style may work effectively in the secular western hemisphere, but with Israel (or Iran) Trump may find little or no traction amongst those with an alternative weltanschauung that expresses a fundamental different concept of morality, philosophy and epistemology, to the classic western deterrence paradigm of material ‘carrots and sticks’.

Indeed, the very attempt to impose deterrence – and to threaten ‘all hell breaking out’ if his injunctions are not followed – may produce the opposite to that which he seeks: i.e. it may trigger new conflicts and wars.

An angry plurality in Israel (led for now, by Netanyahu) have taken the reins of power after a long march through the institutions of Israeli society, and now have their sights focussed on dismantling the ‘Deep State’ within Israel. Equally, there is a furious push-back to this perceived take-over.

What exacerbates this societal fracture are two things: Firstly, it is ethno-cultural; and second it is ideological. The third component is the most explosive – Eschatology.

At the last national election in Israel, the ‘underclass’ finally broke the glass ceiling to win election and to take office. The Mizrahi (Jews from the Middle East and North Africa) have been long treated as the poorer, lower order in society.

The Ashkenazi (European, largely liberal-secular Jews) form much of the urban professional (and until recently) the security class. These are the élites whom the coalition of National Religious and Settler Movement displaced at the last election.

This present phase to a long struggle to power perhaps can be put at 2015. As Gadi Taub has recorded,

“It was then, Israel’s Supreme Court judges removed sovereignty itself—that is, the power of final decision over the whole realm of law and politics—from the elected branches of government and transferred it to themselves. One unelected branch of government officially holds power, against which there are neither checks, nor balances, by any counterforce”.

In the optic of the Right, the self-awarded power of Judicial Review, gave to the Court power, Taub writes,

“to prescribe the rules of the political game – and not just its concrete results”. “Law enforcement then became the huge investigative arm of the press. As was true of the “Russiagate” hoax, The Israel Police and State Attorney were not so much collecting evidence for a criminal trial as they were producing political dirt for leaks to the press”.

The ‘Deep State’ in Israel is a consuming point of contention for Netanyahu and his cabinet: In a speech at the Knesset this month – as one example – Netanyahu savaged the media, accusing news outlets of “full cooperation with the deep state” and of creating “scandals”. “The cooperation between the bureaucracy in the deep state and the media didn’t work in the United States, and it won’t work here”, he said.

Just to be clear, at the time of the last general election, the Supreme Court was composed of 15 Judges, all of whom were Ashkenazi, bar one Mizrahi.

Nevertheless, it would be wrong to see the war of the rival blocs as some arcane dispute about the usurpation of executive power – and a lost ‘separation of state powers’.

The struggle is rooted rather, in a profound ideological dispute about the future and character of the State of Israel. Will it be a messianic, Halacha state obedient to Revelation? Or, in essence, will there be a democratic, liberal, largely secular ‘state’. Israel is shredding itself on the blade of this debate.

The cultural component is that the Mizrahim (loosely defined) and the Right view the European liberal sphere as barely truly Jewish. Hence their determination that the Land of Israel should be wholly immersed in Jewishness.

It was the events of 7 October that absolutely crystalized this ideological struggle, which is the second key factor largely mirroring the general schism.

Israel’s classical security vision (dating from the Ben-Gurion era) was configured to provide an answer to the enduring Israeli dilemma: Israel cannot impose an end to conflict on its enemies, yet at the same time, it cannot maintain a large army in the long term.

Therefore, Israel – in this optic – had to rely on a reserve army that needed adequate security warning before any war occurred. Advance intelligence warning of coming war therefore, was a paramount requirement.

And that key presumption blew apart on 7 October.

The shock and sense of collapse arising from 7 Oct led many to think that the Hamas attack had irrevocably broken the Israeli concept of security – the policy of deterrence had failed and the proof of that was that Hamas was not deterred.

But here, we approach the crux of the Israeli internal war: What was destroyed on 7 Oct was not just the old security paradigm of the Labour Party and the old security elites. It did that; but what arose from its ashes was an alternative weltanschauung that expressed a fundamentally different concept in philosophy and epistemology to the classic deterrence paradigm:

“I was born in Israel; I grew up in Israel … I served in the IDF”, says Alon Mizrahi;

“I was exposed to it. I was indoctrinated this way, and for many years of my life I believed it. This represents a serious Jewish problem: It is not just [a matter of one mode of] Zionism … How can you teach your children – and this is almost universal – that everyone who is not Jewish wants to kill you. When you put yourself in this paranoia, you give yourself permission to do anything to everyone … It is not a good way to create a society. It is so dangerous”.


See here in the Times of Israel an account of a High School presentation (post-7 Oct) on the Morality of Wiping out Amalek: A student raises the question: “Why do we condemn Hamas for murdering innocent men, women, and children – if we are commanded to wipe out Amalek?

“How can we have normality tomorrow”, Alon Mizrahi asks, “if this is who we are today”?

The National Religious Right is leading the charge for a radical change to the Israeli concept of security; they no longer believe in the classic Ben Gurion paradigm of deterrence – particularly in the wake of 7 October. Nor does the Right believe in reaching any settlement with the Palestinians – and absolutely does not want a bi-national state. In the concept of Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s security theory henceforth must include a continuous war against Palestinians – until they are expelled or eliminated.

The Old (Liberal) Establishment is outraged – as one of its members, David Agmon (former IDF Brigadier-General and former bureau chief to Netanyahu), articulated this week:

“I accuse you, Bezalel Smotrich, of destroying religious Zionism! You are leading us to a state of Halacha and Haredi Zionism, not religious Zionism … Not to mention the fact that you joined the terrorist Ben Gvir, who diverts lawbreakers, hillbilly boys, to continue breaking the law, who attacks the government, the judicial system, and the police under his responsibility. Netanyahu is not the solution. Netanyahu is the problem, he is the head of the snake. The protest should act against Netanyahu and his coalition. The protest should demand the overthrow of the malicious government”.

Netanyahu is in one sense secular; but in another, he embraces the Biblical mission of Greater Israel – with all its enemies annihilated. He is, (if you like a label) a neo-Jabotinskyist (his father was private secretary to Jabotinsky), and, in practice, exists in a relationship of mutual dependency with figures like Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

“What do these people want?”, asks Max Blumenthal; “What is their ultimate goal?

“It is apocalypse”, warns Blumenthal, whose book Goliath traces the rise of Israel’s eschatological Right:

“They have an eschatology that is based on the Third Temple ideology – in which the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be destroyed and be replaced with a Third Temple and traditional Jewish ritual will be practiced”.

And in order to bring that about, they need a ‘Big War’.

Smotrich always has been frank about this: The project of ultimately removing all the Arabs from the ‘Land of Israel’ will require an emergency – a ‘big war’ – he has said.

The big question is: Do Trump and his team grasp any of this? For it has profound implications for Trump’s methodology of transactional deal-making. ‘Carrots and Sticks’ and secular rationality will carry little weight amongst those whose epistemology is quite different; those who take Revelation literally as ‘truth’, and who believe it commands complete obedience.

Trump says he wants to end the conflicts in the Middle East, and bring about a regional ‘peace’.

His secular, transactional approach to politics, however, is wholly unsuited to resolving eschatological conflict. His bravura style of threatening ‘all hell will break out’ if he doesn’t get his way will not work, when one or other party actually wants Armageddon.

“All hell break out”? ‘Bring it on’, might well be the response Trump gets.

Video Link

(Republished from Strategic Culture Foundation by permission of author or representative)
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  1. muh muh says:

    This is why the matter of religion cannot be so glibly dismissed.

    Ultimately, it is responsible for Israel as we know it. Zionism is merely the secular clothing of a Judaism eschatologically bound to ancient ‘manifest destiny’ imperatives that seek complete ethnic cleansing of the land of biblical promise as described in The Book of Genesis.

    The irony here is that, using the Bible as a reference point, we see the Arab people — also the descendants of Abraham known as ‘Ishmaelites’ — have now come to ‘number as the stars in the heavens’ in that very same land of promise.

    Which would compel any serious scholar of scripture to rethink the subject of promise.

    Anyhow, steel-toned cumulonimbus blooming on the horizon. Take cover while you can.

    •�Agree: Xavier, Druid
  2. Anon[342] •�Disclaimer says:

    Crooke’s here with the CIA brainwashing slogans! First, that old Langley chestnut, pluralism. And factions! The fake drama of conflict between Jew supremacists who want extermination shading into genocide and Jew supremacists who want genocide disguised as extermination.

    All Izzies are genocidal maniacs. This Jewish spring shit (unless you mean soap that smells like falafel farts) is just traditional Jew mobbing & shunning rites. Because that’s how they respond to anything they can’t just kill. These are borderline retarded Bronze Age devil worshipers facing one more fed-up majority.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous45
  3. anonymous[170] •�Disclaimer says:

    For all his horrific failings, Netanyahu is correct about the need to curb Israel’s deep state judiciary … in any country, you simply cannot let the judiciary be the ‘last resort’ because the tendency of judges is to progressively seize control for some oligarchic faction … Bibi is democratically right to bring power back to Israeli voters, crazy as they are

    The USA has had the judge-oppression problem for at least 3/4 of a century, even though the neglected & ignored US Constitution makes Congress supreme over even the Supreme Court, with unlimited Congressional power to immediately impeach and remove any and all US Supreme Court Justices and federal judges at will, merely for ‘lack of good behaviour’, i.e., making shite decisions

    Team Trump’s MAGA initiatives to impeach US judges, may be, along with DOGE, one of the best parts of his re-creation of America

    For the USA, the policy answer is really simple re the two war theatres:
    Cut off all funding to Israel, cut off all funding to Ukraine
    Kiev’s killing of 13,000+ Russians 2014-22, voided their rights to retain rebel regions, which had a right to seek Russian protection against the massacres, as even war whore Ursula von der Leyen privately admitted
    Israel’s treatment of Palestinians places them in the same box, no one should arm or fund the Israeli state, as non-Zionist Jews around the world urge

    •�Disagree: muh muh
    •�Troll: Anonymous45
  4. Notsofast says:

    what israel fears most and has always feared, is peace. it is absolutely toxic to them and they have never wanted a peaceful solution, ever since they took palestine at gun point, led by terrorists, that later became their political hierarchy. their plan from day one was to drive out the indigenous palestinians or genocide them to extinction if they refuse to leave of their own volition.

    the state of israel was never fully ratified by the u.n. (not that they ever had any legitimacy to do so) because the israelis refused to declare their borders. they respect no borders whatsoever and refuse to follow any international laws, feeling themselves above the laws of man, they see themselves as chosen by god, and will only follow the bronze age dictates of their dark “god”.

    this is societal mass psychosis and the fact that these petulant and disgusting war criminals, have been allowed to transgress all social norms and mores with total impunity, has not only embolden them, it has fed their mental disorder. well now they have so painted themselves into a corner, they are beginning to turn on one another, like rats confined in a small cage.

    any peace seeking israelis (if they do exist), will find out what it feels like to be a palestinian, just as rabin found out, for his phony efforts at making peace with the palestinians. peace is the enemy of their ersatz israel genocidal plans for not only regional but global dominance. peace will shatter the psyches of these primitive and bloodthirsty supremacists and will end their delusional idea, of their god being the invincible and omnipotent deity, who leads them to their promise land.

    this will be the end of their bigoted, supremacist culture and it will most likely all collapse from within but if not it will be ended by force externally. these pampered and privileged people will simply leave, traveling to greener pastures in any number of countries of their origin. as the narcissistic and power drunk trump is finding out, the palestinians have no where else to go and wouldn’t leave if they could, they have nearly eight decades of suffering invested in their struggle, they will not leave.

    after threatening the iranians with total annihilation, trump immediately turned around and offered an olive branch (from a bulldozed palestinian olive tree), with a carrot tied to it, wanting to engage the iranians in talks about their nuclear program. for some reason the iranians turned him down and gave him some suggestions as to what to do with his carrot 🥕. tomorrow the idiot is calling putin to discuss dividing up the assets of ukraine, i can’t wait to see how that turns out.

  5. Anon[204] •�Disclaimer says:

    The kingdom of Jude, YOU the evil UK designed and implemented in order to steal the resources. Why don’t you expose your evil country, UK? we are fed up with your cheap talk.

    This is the ‘Israel project’ designed by your country, evil UK, to have a foothold in the region to create chaos and wars against the regional civilization like Iran to weaken and partition countries to make the Jewish dick strong to insert it into your politicians’ behinds. why don’t you talk about your fucking ‘israel project’ as a PROXY to be used against the region to destroy the region through wars and GENOCIDE. Talk now or get lost. We don’t need your cheap talk. We know 100 times more than the garbage you present here. The creation of the State of Israel was the evil UK-US project designed at the end of 19th century to control and steal the resources of the region to FEED yourselves, which belong to the population of the region. YOU, as a citizen of UK, always feed yourself by stealing and killing of other groups, so genocidal Americans who stole America by killing the indigenous population, using GENOCIDE.
    Today, UK is as active as US in this regard, but you never mention UK, why? You are mass murderers who implanted Israel in the region to do exactly what you are doing now. Why don’t you talk about your vicious plan for the region by UK, idiot?
    As long as your project ‘israel’ is alive, no peace will be possible in the region and YOU are the guilty one. You must be dead to bring peace. Israel established by your design, collecting East European criminals, Khazar, as your PROXY and sold them as Hebrew to the gullible west. We in the region know that these people are FAKE Hebrews, fake jews, fake hollowcos, fake everything. why did you do it and still are at i?. As long as you breath, you are a danger to the world security. The buffoon pimp and mafia asshole, trump, is working hand in hand with UK to kill everyone in the region and you bring your cheap talk here. Get lost.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
    •�Thanks: John Trout
    •�LOL: 36 ulster
  6. meamjojo says:

    “Israel is nearing the precipice and the seemingly irreconcilable differences may soon erupt into civil unrest”

    If wishes were money, you’d be a rich man. As they are not, you will remain rock poor.

  7. Miro23 says:

    How can you teach your children – and this is almost universal – that everyone who is not Jewish wants to kill you. When you put yourself in this paranoia, you give yourself permission to do anything to everyone … It is not a good way to create a society. It is so dangerous”.

    Standard criminal psychology. “He was going to steal from me but I stole from him first.” Added bonus that you’re the clever guy.

    My first job was with a friendly and charming Middle Eastern crook and he used it all the time.

  8. Jews may argue and squabble amongst themselves but if they feel threaten, will join together “thicker than thieves.” With thieves being the optimum word.

  9. Here is a short “wow” video. Jon Pollard of the CIA who was released to Israel after spending three decades in prison for spying for Israel — is angry. Most Israelis now accept that Oct 7th was a set up and hundreds died for Netanyahu’s “Greater Israel” plan. It would be hilarious if Pollard got whacked for this.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  10. Demographics of Israel re Wikipedia

    Isreal has a population of 9.8 million or so circa 2023, 7 million true blue jews, 2M misc peoples including Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, plus 500K other.

    The rabid religious types would purge Israel of this 2.5M peoples of the wrong type.

    Not a recipe for a stable moral society.

    Way worse than 20thC Northern Ireland ever was, because its a purely internal zealotry and theres almost no outside interference apart from financing.

  11. ghali says:

    Who will not celebrate the downfall of Jewish barbarism and savagery, which leads to the unnecessary and deliberate killing of unarmed Palestinian women and children?

    •�Thanks: John Trout
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  12. muh muh says:

    Team Trump’s MAGA initiatives to impeach US judges, may be, along with DOGE, one of the best parts of his re-creation of America

    Patrick Lawrence’s recent piece, “Season of the Sophists”, explains how Trump’s current abuse of power is but a retaliatory intensification of tyranny characteristic of the left:

    We find ourselves in another of those it-can’t-happen-here moments, don’t we? Put the thought out of your mind if you happen to entertain it. Even for those who have no use for Donald Trump, it was bad enough to watch the DoJ instrumentalize the law to attack a presidential candidate. Now we must face the bitter reality that those years of institutional misuse serve to license Trump and his people on the judicial side to carry on the abuses. I view the Khalil case, extreme as it is, not as a departure but as a dreadfully logical outcome. The Democratic elite of the recent past, this is to say, now stand as the Trump people’s enablers. Straight line between the two.

    Today’s trajectory favors neither the right nor the left. Its destination is totalitarianism, where partisan politics becomes mere window dressing, a hackneyed appeal to the superficial sensibilities of the consummate American plebe.

    It is purely wishful thinking to imagine this path will result in cutting off aid to Israel or Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  13. RobinDC says:

    Not to mention… British Christians invented modern Zionism, well before Herzl, et al, thus sparking the lust for “Israel.”


    •�Replies: @Digital Samizdat
  14. Joe Webb says:

    Jews love to kill, annihilate, and will nuke their amaleks.

    Trumpstein loves to Win. Trumpstein is in over his head.

    He does not really understand Jews. When Jews demand that he B-52 Iran, he will not know what to do except comply to his Jew and hope that his promises of hell to pay will work. They won’t.

    Iran has military treaties with Russia. Iran has hyper missiles that can sink aircraft carriers…all 12 or so of the US.

    Israel has no sympathy with #rule of war ….proportionality. Destroy Amalek completely.

    Trumpstsein may try to get an End to Ukraine war before he bombs Iran/Russia.

    Trumpstein is a cunt grabber. That is all he is, and an egotist of the first order.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Treaties
  15. I say give them what they want. Build the temple, start up the animal sacrifices. By my calculation, they’d need to perform about 10,000 a year, day in and day out, to meet the halacha rules.

    Perhaps they could be livestreamed, for the edification of rabbis worldwide.

    I can’t wait to see the whole world turn on them. No on gives a shit about Palis, but animals? Whoo boy! You’d see a wholesale “re-evaluation” of Moustache Man and his methods.

    “WASPS hate people, love animals.” — Gordon Gekko

  16. meamjojo says:

    I am sure that you meant to write:

    “Who will not celebrate the downfall of Jewish HAMAS barbarism and savagery, which leads to the unnecessary and deliberate killing of unarmed Palestinian women and children?”

    •�Disagree: rockatansky
    •�Replies: @Observator
    , @ghali
  17. J says:

    It is a pity that your image of Israel is formed by what is available in English. Only the Westernized intellectuals and foreign journalists produce that noise and reflect their vision alone. The large majority of the population is absent from your eyes. The 50% of the population, Jewish refugees from the Muslim world, who do not speak English, form the hard core of this country and have no confidence in the Arabs.

    •�Replies: @Digital Samizdat
  18. muh muh says:

    The actual reason Netanyahu is ramping up the genocide in Gaza:

    Once more, he needs a diversion.

    He’s facing prison time on multiple charges of fraud and breach of trust, as well as bribery charges.

    Netanyahu fumes at court in corruption trial testimony; ‘Lower your tone,’ judge responds
    Prime minister bangs on table, bristles at being told to speed up testimony, says should receive time to counter the charges in detail, accuses prosecution of ‘ruining his life’

    In retaliation, he hopes to fire both his security chief and Israel’s attorney-general.

    Netanyahu’s push to fire Israel’s domestic security chief sparks an uproar

    As if further proof is needed, Netanyahu pivots to Gaza while Israel’s military is stretched logistically thin, even after receiving so much American largesse:

    Facing Reservist Shortage, Israeli Army Units Resort to Dubious Recruitment Campaigns on Social Media
    After 18 months of war, Israeli reserve soldiers are tired, with barely 50 percent reporting for duty in some units. Commanders now post ads for everything from combat soldiers and cooks to medics and drivers

    Israeli army ‘in worst position’ to confront Hamas: Military source
    Any large-scale military operation against Hamas will require call-up of tens of thousands of reserve soldiers, Israeli media say

    Israeli Lawmakers Say Hamas Gaining Strength Despite War
    A group of Israeli Knesset members claimed that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have now returned to their pre-October 7 strength

    In spite of Gaza being decimated, it’s not defeated.

    And any who imagine Israel will fare any better there under Trump are utterly delusional.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  19. skrik says:
    @muh muh

    This is why the matter of religion cannot be so glibly dismissed

    Perhaps not ‘glibly’ but I can and do dismiss religion, and specifically, it cannot be deployed as ‘valid justification’ by the once aggressive invaders [mostly from E-Europe], now illegal squatters [on land/property *never* to be theirs in ex-mandate Palestine, see UDHR Article 17 • (2) “No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property”] That’s the international legal position. Then, the religious position:

    From [Moses’] “the Decalogue”

    �Thou shalt not kill
    �Thou shalt not steal
    �Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
    �Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house
    �Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour’s house
    �Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife his slaves, or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour

    IF ((they)) assert: “God promised us!” THEN ((they)) have to accept/honour God’s rules – that’d only be fair OR accept/honour the UN; UNGA181 is not law, UNGA194 (“right of return”) and UNSC243 “inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war” are. rgds

    PS “we are living in a material world” – ‘governed’ by the laws of physics. Here 3 snips from Richard Feynman:

    1. [As for energy so matter; e = mc**2]:

    To return then, to our list of conservation laws (fig. 14), we can add energy. It is conserved *perfectly*, as far as we know.
    “The Character of Physical Law” (pp77, penguin)

    2. The ‘attributes of life’:

    “There is nothing that living things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms acting according to the laws of physics”

    3. Re ‘the end’, he once said, “a man cannot live beyond the grave.”

    (1) Obviates any ‘need’ for a creator; (2) shows how ‘everything that is always was’ and is composed only of matter + energy = *nothing* supernatural plus (3) obviates any possibility of ‘life after death’.

    In short, that’s skrik’s eschatology; religion in my examples is shown to be utterly irrational. To base over 100 years [1920 bis datum] of bloody violence and mass-murdering to steal *cannot* be ‘justified’ by any sort of religion but is perpetrated by extremely sick psychopaths.

    •�Agree: Badger Down
    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @muh muh
  20. Jim H says:

    “I accuse you, Bezalel Smotrich, of destroying religious Zionism!” — David Agmon, quoted by Alastair Crooke

    ‘Religious zionism’ — now there’s an oxymoron on a par with ‘Judeo-Christian.’ Zionism was only ever a secular colonialist ideology, whose biblical allusions conferred a bogus historical legitimacy upon it — a truly poisonous cultural mixture of oil and water, imbued with the German Lebensraum obsession of a hundred years ago.

    ‘“All hell break out”? “Bring it on,” might well be the response Trump gets got,’ as Israel refused to implement Stage 2 of the ceasefire, blessed by Trump’s court Jew Witkoff. Now at least 250 Gazans are dead. This was foreshadowed by yesterday’s unsubstantiated, improbable Israeli claim that Hamas was preparing to strike again.

    Now, according to this morning’s NYT subhead, ‘Netanyahu’s office cited Hamas’s refusal “to release our hostages” in authorizing the first major strikes since the cease-fire.’ So this is just an application of naked force, using Trump’s 2,000-lb bombs, to renegotiate a ceasefire deal that agreement-incapable Israel unilaterally broke.

    Israel is our misfortune.

    •�Thanks: Notsofast
  21. skrik says:

    UNSC243 should be UNSC242

  22. It’s like a dream. The final solution to the Jewish Problem in Palestine. The “is” war against themselves and disappear from West Asia. Peace reigns.

  23. @meamjojo

    “It is always the oppressor, not the oppressed, who dictates the form of the struggle. If the oppressor uses violence, the oppressed have no alternative but to respond violently.” -Nelson Mandela, in The Long Walk to Freedom.

    “A slave-owner who through cunning and violence shackles a slave in chains, and a slave who through cunning or violence breaks the chains – let not the contemptible eunuchs tell us that they are equals before a court of morality!” -Leon Trotsky, 1938

    •�Thanks: RobinDC
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  24. muh muh says:

    First of all, you’re preaching to the choir on Israel’s rationalization of theft, rapine, and hypocrisy.

    Second, an honest atheist would aver that God can neither be proven nor disproven by standards governing the contemporary scientific method. Testing the existence of God as a hypothesis, our own inability to subject such a being to empirical scrutiny in order to perceive Him as He is defined by scripture makes the task logically impossible — save, perhaps, by deductive reasoning that does not constitute proof sufficient to convince every witness.

    That same inability of ours, however, compels us to concede that an absence of evidence does not constitute evidence of unequivocal absence. Science is engaged in a perpetual process of discovery. What it cannot perceive today, it may tomorrow, and as such, it cannot stake any reasonable claim to the absolute non-existence of a being who, by its very nature, transcends human perception.

    Of itself, matter is readily perceived as something which, in its raw form, consists of deaf, dumb, blind, lifeless, and unconscious particles, amassing and dissembling perpetually in forms intricate, organized, and comprehensive as it does by dint or absence of a force we call ‘energy’. Some atheists will tell us that is all there is to the grand affair of our cosmos.

    So be it. I do not think we need define God strictly by biblical parameters, nor does the quality of matter and energy as set forth by Feynman necessarily preclude any possibility of His being.

    Personally, I think the atheist adopts his position more as a reaction to the strictures of traditional religions that posit definitions of Him rather than as the conclusion of a purely intellectual exercise.

    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @skrik
  25. Teilhard says:

    From Times of Israel, 9/10/14: “Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry to a ‘bottleneck’ of just 350 individuals, dating back to between 600 and 800 years ago.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/ashkenazi-jews-descend-from-350-people-study-finds/

    This from a study authored by researchers from 20 American and Israeli universities. Thus the Zionists admit the Ashkenazim did not exist before 800 years ago. How then can they rationally claim rights to a land by virtue of their existence 2,000 years ago?

    They can’t, rationally. But rational thought does not control the tribe. From the study:

    Because the Ashkenazi community started out so small, and remained genetically isolated, it developed a higher load of disease-causing mutations . . . The researchers are already studying specific Ashkenazi diseases [including] schizophrenia

    Two prominent markers for schizophrenia are delusions and hallucinations. For Ashkenazim, this includes the delusion that Arab Palestine belongs to them. Call it Herzl disease. Cure? There is no cure. Treatment? None for them. But for us? Monitor and identify the afflicted population. Distinguish the sane from the deranged. Identify the deranged by their hallmarks, such as undue fondness for terms like “antisemitism,” “trope,” “blood libel.” They are prone to oxymorons, like “democratic Israel” and “Jewish humor.” They misuse common expressions, like “free speech” to mean “speech of which we approve” and “self-defense” to mean “insensate slaughter.”

    They are insane. It’s not their fault, maybe, but mental states are contagions. Avoid, if possible. Resist, always. They will self-extinguish. They are doing it now.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
    •�Replies: @J
  26. @muh muh

    ‘Anyhow, steel-toned cumulonimbus blooming on the horizon. Take cover while you can.’

    What a line! Brilliant!

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�Thanks: muh muh
    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  27. Shahnameh says:

    Kibbutz Berri was named for Beryl Katznelson an early Zionist. I believe he advocated for peaceful co existence with the already population. Uncle Beryl ran mule trains for the Brits inWw1 and would never have accepted these Likud fucks! Labor! So time to pay the piper Ben Nitay:) Me thinks the better hermano died @ Entebee

  28. @anonymous

    Not so sure. I think that in any ‘democracy’ – if we can use such antiquated words! – there needs to be a dance between the executive and judicial. Unfortunately, politics has become artificially polarised: one side must entirely govern the other; a trade-off or compromise is anathema. Without the dance, there can be no party. Instead of governance you have the emperor’s court; therefore, the dance is replaced with a bacchanalia of oily sycophancy. Enter Trump.

  29. Jim H says:

    Orange War Daddy kowtows to the Jew Lobby:

    ‘The Justice Department on Monday announced the creation of a task force to investigate Hamas for its Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel as well as potential civil rights violations and acts of antisemitism by anyone supporting the militant group.

    ‘Agents and prosecutors participating in Joint Task Force October 7, or JTF 10-7, will investigate and look to bring charges against Hamas militants directly responsible for the rampage in southern Israel, the department said.

    “The barbaric Hamas terrorists will not win — and there will be consequences,” Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement announcing the task force.’ — AP


    Ludicrous. The events of October 7 did not take place on American soil. Brainless shiksa Pam Bondi’s writ does not extend to a fly-blown little apartheid colony 6,000 miles away. But this is normal news in our utterly abnormal occupied country.

    They’re trying to create a precedent that antisemitism is a federal crime, even before the Antisemitism Awareness Act is passed — at the behest of an illegally unregistered foreign lobby. All corrupt; all lawless.

    Has Merrick Beria Garland left the DOJ building? How would we know?

    •�Thanks: Tennessee Jed, rockatansky
  30. Bama says:

    Is there any politic more base than the pandering by America’s presidents and Congress to Israel and its wars in the Arab countries.

    •�Agree: Anonymous45
  31. skrik says:
    @muh muh

    nor does the quality of matter and energy as set forth by Feynman necessarily preclude any possibility of His being

    Thanks for the concise and well-considered response.

    Scientists follow the scientific method, within which theories must be verifiable by physical experiment. The majority of prominent conceptions of God explicitly or effectively posit a being whose existence is not testable either by proof or disproof.[26] Therefore, the question of God’s existence may lie outside the purview of modern science by definition.[27] The Catholic Church maintains that knowledge of the existence of God is the “natural light of human reason”.[28] Fideists maintain that belief in God’s existence may not be amenable to demonstration or refutation, but rests on faith alone

    [my bolding] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence_of_God

    IMHO, the ‘problem’ comes down to a choice;

    1) WYSIWYG = the scientific method augmented with rational thought vs.

    2) What any person may believe, given the impossibility of any evidence.

    I made my choice looong ago, a) rejecting all superstition/supernatural, b) accepting/pursuing clear rationality. That choice has served me well; if I were to cite only one book I’d say Huxley’s “Island,” if I were to cite only one ‘mantra’ it’d be carpe diem = enjoy even the smallest parts of every pico-second, bonus video = “Harvie Krumpet”. rgds

    PS Why ‘His’ – do gods have sex?

    •�Replies: @Don Trumpleone
    , @muh muh
  32. A123 says: •�Website

    The author misses a key point. Israel was supposed to adopt a constitution. This never happened.

    The current high court system was intended to be temporary. It effectively allows judges and a narrow band of lawyers to select new judges. Opportunities for elected officials to influence the selection process are theoretical and largely ineffective. There are very few functional checks & balances to restrain judicial excess.

    The initial picks were strident progressives/socialists as the Labor party had the dominant hand when the court was formed. Move forward to today — The Israeli Labor party is moribund or no longer exists. Yet their out of date progressive/socialist ideology still dominates an unaccountable high court.

    Judicial reform or replacement is desperately needed to realign the court to the population. If Netanyahu does not accomplish the necessary changes, the next PM will have to take on the temporary high court.

    PEACE 😇

  33. Bitter to note: America’s so-called “leaders” continue to cuck for Israel. They’re Bibi’s buttboys and rumpswabs, punishing all who protest the ongoing jewnocide in the Levant.

    Jesus is pissed! While a handful of fragile, arrogant, pampered, christkilling Jewdents at Ivy League unis whine about hurt feefees, the Overseas Nose just murdered another 400 unarmed, trapped, parched, and starving Gazans:

    “Hamas says more than 400 killed as Israel launches ‘extensive strikes’ on Gaza Strip | BBC News”

    Video Link

    Jews apparently have no souls.

    They get rich by forcing goyim kids to attend mandatory propaganda classes wherein whoppers are told about Bigfoot, a fictive Holycost, and the adventures of the Great Pumpkin Golem. Said kikenheimers also routinely demonize 1933-45 Good Germans for not doing more to protect Matzonians. Yet those very same satan-worshippers ruin the lives of any who dare protest Israel’s genocide today.

    Talmudic hypocrites uber alles!

    Bob243 wrote elsewhere: “They are few, we are many. They only appear strong, but are weak….Another great anti-Jewish revolt is in the wind.”

    Indeed. I concur. And it can’t happen soon enough.

    Now, since most goyim can’t visit, much less counter the IDF (Israeli Donkey Farkers) “over there,” it’s most likely that Jews will be punished outside Israel. That is, finally fed up like Rome became per Jew sicarii, same folks around the world will target Mudtalists where they live. The Greedheads will be attacked collectively, too. Just like their Jewstate collectively attacked Palestinians for 76+ years!

    PREDICTION: No one will care when Jews…who cheered their State’s stomping of innocent Arabs…get stomped in turn. Again.

    You’d think “ultra-smart” Shlomos and Yentls would have learned by now. But no. Evidently 109 Nose-bloodying prior expulsions weren’t enough. Instead, the Unteachable Tribe willfully, arrogantly, and blindly continues to shite-stir. Like Terminators, they won’t stop until stopped.

    The good news is that the world is finally “noticing.” Billions of people now see why pogroms were invented: violence seems to be the only thing vile, greedy, racist, rabid rabbinicals understand.

    FACT: when semitism promotes genocide, antisemitism becomes the universal moral imperative!

    •�Agree: Jim H
    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Nothing will happen
  34. skrik says:
    @muh muh

    2nd ‘bite:’

    Of itself, matter is readily perceived as something which, in its raw form, consists of deaf, dumb, blind, lifeless, and unconscious particles, amassing and dissembling perpetually in forms intricate, organized, and comprehensive as it does by dint or absence of a force we call ‘energy’. Some atheists will tell us that is all there is to the grand affair of our cosmos

    Close. Following about one second after the ‘big bang’ [= a phase-change [*not* creation!], from super-dense similar to super-heated water under pressure when the pressure-seal self-destructs = explosively flashing over to super-heated steam], all the matter/energy in the universe [a great amount = actual infinities involved here] emerged [via ‘quark-soup’ perhaps] as a super-heated plasma [protons, neutrons, electrons and photons] which took about 380,000 years to cool sufficiently to form atoms, ‘allowing’ the photons to begin their own journey out towards infinity, observed ‘today’ as the CMB = cosmic microwave background. The atoms formed, mostly hydrogen then helium and lesser light-weights were certainly ‘deaf, dumb, blind, lifeless, and unconscious’ BUT some-when after some nova-stars provided the universe with heavier atoms and in some puddle of chemical-tainted water on our once perfect planet, some atoms [by random processes] formed into molecules, some of which were nucleic acids. Long-story-short, ‘life’ emerged, later to go even more complex ultimately resulting in ‘us, we the people.’

    Now, ‘life’ is peculiar, because it constructs complexity from ‘simple’ components; ta ra! – ‘Life’ contradicts the 2nd law of thermodynamics = entropy tends to the maximum.

    *This* [the formation of ‘life’] is where the god-squad could make its ‘spiritual home’ and generate its [still imaginary!] deity.

    IF I may be truly free, THEN kindly do any deities without me AND I’ll stick to

    purely intellectual exercise

    Really; what else is there?

    Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?
    When you’re alone in your head..


    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  35. The best solution would be to dismantle the Mosque in Jerusalem, piece by piece, to rebuild it in Jordan or the new Syria, where they can use the religious-tourism to regenerate their devastated economy and to teach the coming generations of Muslims that Mohammed flew, aboard his donkey, to that location and the previous version was a big misunderstanding and have a fatwa issued to that effect by some hotshot blind cleric, who is the latest rage at the Al Azar “university” out of Egypt and backed up by the usual suspects like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Sudan et al and let the crazy Mizrahim build the Third Temple.

    After all, if there is GOD then let IT show up to see what a mess the world has become and to OLAM TIKKUN it, instead of relying on those crazy yentas out of Brooklyn.

    •�LOL: rockatansky
    •�Troll: Jim H
  36. @skrik

    I made my choice looong ago…rejecting all superstition/supernatural

    Hmmm. So do you “believe” in Evolution? After all, it’s also “not testable.” That is, the time-frames needed to confirm the theory are eons long.

    •�Replies: @skrik
  37. Rich says:

    Hezbollah is defanged, Israel now controls Syria south of Damascus, Jordan is a puppet state and Hamas is trapped in tunnels. Israel is winning on all fronts. Expect a big push in the West Bank soon. Bibi isn’t going to be stopped. Not by judges or the Palestinians or the Syrians, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iranians or Turks. It’s a bad time to be a Palestinian. That’s reality.

  38. amman says:

    Shame on YOU, A. Crooked. Your PROXY, the Jewish Mafia genocidal asshole, Netanyahu, where you designed and implemented Palestine, killed more than 400 Palestinians last night.

    The genocidal Jewish Mafia Tribe never would have been able to kill so many people without full complicity of Americans and British terrorists and thieves, you are one of them MI6 agent. You are not welcome here. Go to hell, you are a liar, liar, liar that still keep the establishment of the fucking ‘israel project’ in the region SECRET. Death to the west including genocidal Trump, Starmer and the rest of the genocidal western states. fuck with Russia and Chin. Death to US-UK-Israel, genocidal states. Assassin Trump, Netnayhu and Starmer now. The US and UK regime must be totally destroyed now.
    We want the US regime and UK regime end up like these children who were massacred by a genocidal faggot and a thief, Netanyahu. Crooked go to hell MI6 agent and a liar.

    •�Replies: @Jim H
  39. @muh muh

    Well “The Great Beast” Aleister Crowley would write regarding the issue

    “To take refuge in a physical Zion seems to me an anticlimax, a confession of defeat, and an acquiescence in that materialism which you deplore as the mark of your own Sadducees.”

    — Aleister Crowley, An Open Letter to Rabbi Joel Blau

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  40. Boulder says:

    Maybe Qatargate will wake the Western right wing populist movement up, to the absolute Polish Schtetl-fraud Oct7 was.
    Kissingers prediction should be fulfilled by now!
    Meaning leaving the Mediterranean husk for greater Israel.

  41. Anonymous[377] •�Disclaimer says:

    14, right, RobinDC, and the funny part is their influence agent Herzl had the classic μ92 Jew IQ. Brit toff pedos had to spoonfeed the poor simpleton all his fake heritage shit. It was like the ultimate agent-running drudgery job.

  42. skrik says:
    @Don Trumpleone

    Hmmm. So do you “believe” in Evolution?

    It’s not a matter of “belief;” it happened.

    The problem for all god-botherers is that there is no and can be no mechanism for a ‘supernatural’ anything to ‘manifest’ [= (of a ghost) appear]. See Feynman’s statement about atoms + the conservation ‘laws.’

    IF any ‘message’ [= data to arrive, or some manipulation] were to ‘happen’ THEN that would mean changing the state of some [sub-atomic, molecular, nerve-fibre etc.] entity AND that would a) be detectable and b) form a contradiction of conservation. Do you understand impulse/action? *No* impulse, *no* action?

    Newton’s first law: An object at rest remains at rest, or if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force

    No message/manipulation pathway = no possibility of supernatural interference. rgds

    •�Replies: @Rich
    , @Don Trumpleone
  43. Anon[551] •�Disclaimer says:

    This post clearly drove the kikebots up the wall – especially the ones with no education or credentials, who can’t get out. Note all the poignant Jew chest-thumping by Jew cowards who hide in the safety of 30-meter guard towers to shoot out teen girls’ eyeballs, or who torture protected persons, once they’re all tied up for safety. When Izzies meet armed people who fight back they shit their pants and go into therapy.

    Imagine an ethnic group bred over scores of generations to combine all the most contemptible character traits. That’s the Jew State. The only mistake was sending them to the desert instead of Kerguelen Island with a neutron bomb labeled Personal and Confidential / Do Not Open.

  44. Jim H says:

    Hey, hey, Donald J
    How many kids did you kill today?

    •�Replies: @amman
  45. Trinity says:

    ALL Jews support Israel don’t believe the kike script from these PROVEN PATHOLOGICAL LYING UBER RACISTS ON STEROIDS. Judaism is a so called “religion “ where the Jew believes he or she is God. Lol. 😆

  46. @Notsofast

    A great expose to the saga of Jewish supremacism in Palestine.

    Though one fact related to Israeli wars is very relevant to the essence of this article.

    In 1982, the Israeli Army marched into Lebanon all the way to the capital. The aim was to crush the PLO, that was acting as a state within a state, by confiscating and destroying its arsenal and pushing the organization outside of Lebanon. The President elect Bashir Gemayel, who was elected during the Israeli invasion and who belonged to the Christian Rightist movement, had been at war with the Palestinian resistance movement since 1975, and was very accommodating of this Israeli objective except that he refused to sign a peace treaty with Israel without the approval of the legislative branch, something that infuriated Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during a meeting between Gemayel and the latter. Soon after this stormy meeting, Gemayel was assassinated, an event that seriously dented the erstwhile cooperation between the Israelis and the Christian right wingers who procured most of their weapons from the Israelis.

    The assassination of Gemayel was followed by a horrific massacre that was perpetrated by Christian militias in the largely Palestinian inhabited Sabra and Shatila camps killing more than 1500 Palestinians. The massacre happened in an area that was under Israeli army control led by Ariel Sharon who was no stranger to war crimes.

    Soon after the massacre the Israeli public went into huge demonstrations denouncing the massacre of the Palestinians and clamoring for an investigation leading the Kahani commission to implicate both Sharon and Begin in the responsibility of the massacre and eventually pushing the two Israeli leaders to resign.

    Begin started his political career as war criminal of the Irgun membership and was an Ashkenazi but had his support base dominated by Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews. Begin was followed by other extremist leaders, bar the moderates in style but hardly in substance Rabin and Perez, leading to the predominance of Netanyahu as the longest serving PM. Thus extremism that borders on the psychopathic and the sadistic has eventually taken hold of a society that lost all sense of pragmatism and restraint pretty much assisted and abetted by cowardly and opportunistic Western leaders who view Jewish money as indispensable to their quest for power.

    Now Israel has descended into a dangerous form of religious extremism that prioritizes religious dogma over realpolitik and most Israelis have no qualms about the massacres in Gaza that make the Beirut massacres of 1982 look trivial by comparison. That trend is pushing the Middle East into an existential danger which could eventually destroy the Israeli entity.

  47. amman says:
    @Jim H

    He does not care how many children he has massacred. This is his job, as an American. Remember how ‘America’ was brought under control, it is the same, GENOCIDE.

    Thus, he has no time to know how many kids he killed last night, however, it is important for him to know how kids he is going to rape or be receiving ‘hand job’, or if he is lucky, ‘blow jobs’ today. He does not read and has forgotten how to read, he is only interested in ‘doing’ and ‘watching’. This is ‘American civilization’ unique in the history of mankind, totally evil, totally corrupt and genocidal.

  48. Notsofast says:
    @Diogenes Snr

    it is a brilliant haiku, i was going to make mention of that myself but you beat me to it. also a brilliant example, of how zen can overcome zion. thanks to muh muh for this gem.

    •�Thanks: muh muh
    •�Replies: @muh muh
  49. @RobinDC

    The Jewish Mafia has controlled British ‘Christianity’ since the time of Oliver Cromwell. Thus, British Zionism is really just more Jewish Zionism.

    •�Replies: @RobinDC
  50. @Joe Webb

    Trump understands the Jews only too well. After all, he’s worked for them faithfully his entire, adult life. He is not being deceived by the Jews; rather, he is one of their many goyishe deceivers.

  51. @J

    Crooke mentioned the Mizrahim several times in his article.

  52. Notsofast says:

    did it ever occur to you that if your big bang is exactly what you say it is, that is is proof that the entirety of the cosmos is almost exclusively emptiness, your atoms are internally projected holograms, the mere appearance of “solid matter”, more energy than matter, an elaborate illusion of “reality”. in fact what you are describing implies that reality is actually a state of consciousness and we are using the same neural complex, to interpret this consciousness, as we use to interpret our dream consciousness, that completely fools us into believing it is “real”.

    can you do empirical scientific research in a dream? if so you are dreaming your results into existence and have been completely fooled by maya. the science you cite is theoretical and can not actually be “proven” and in the end you find a paradoxical situation, as relativistic physics of the macrocosm, cannot be reconciled with the quantum physics of the microcosm. if you can do so, show us your unified field theory. this is the very cosmos itself, telling you to wake up, as you are living in what amounts to an elaborate dream state of your own consciousness. you are the very cosmos, that you are preceiving, it just hasn’t occurred to you yet. as alan watts said, your mind is not in your body, your body is in your mind.

    •�Thanks: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @skrik
  53. Rich says:

    Which “evolution” happened? Have you found the missing link? Why haven’t you published your findings? Or are you just saying there is a survival of the fittest where the best adapted survive? They say Genghis Khan’s troops used to kill anyone taller than a wagon wheel, I guess the fittest were the shortest. There is zero evidence of a fin turning into a hand or an amoeba becoming elephant. You take “evolution” on faith because it’s part of your religion. Intelligent Design is obvious and makes the most sense.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  54. Anon[197] •�Disclaimer says:

    “The cooperation between the bureaucracy in the deep state and the media didn’t work in the United States, and it won’t work here”, he said.

    What a farce!

    The Deep State and Media combination in USA is wholly Jewish controlled!

    Netanyahu is part of it in the USA as well! His getting standing ovations in Congress is evidence enough.

  55. Rob misek says:

    Erect and use a gallows.

    Put the noose around Netanyahu first, then his complicit ministers one by one, then their military leaders, then all their key accomplices.

    Expose the world leaders enabling the genocide and work with the United Nations to name them as complicit and exclude them from commerce until they too are brought to justice

    Then welcome the Palestinians back home and usher in a lasting peace.

    •�Agree: skrik
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  56. Notsofast says:
    @Joe Levantine

    thank you very much, for that excellent and detailed explanation of the events of 1982. it was the massacre of those 1500 palestinians, that first made me aware of the true nature of the so called state of israel. i was only 21 at the time and my understanding of the situation was rather superficial and largely formed by the msm of the day.

    after this henious massacre, i never viewed israel in the same way and began to see things in a more accurate historical light. i think the events of the past year and a half have done exactly the same thing on a global scale. the civilized world (nonzog) will never see israel in the same way again. there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle, their attempt to finish their genocide of the palestinians,will in the end lead to the destruction of their dark plans.

    the suffering of the palestinians is unimaginable, to those of us who have lived in our comfortable western bubble but in the end it is their unbreakable will, that will free them from this suffering, as israel descends into societal madness and in fighting. the entire world owes them a bill of thanks, for ripping the mask off these fiends.

    •�Agree: Jim H, Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Jim H
  57. @Notsofast

    Well stated and complete. Nothing is unrelated to some whole. All the actions we take are part of whole. Hence, on a large scale of countries and larger interests and power, all actions will cause reactions. The fools who make decisions affecting us simply want to believe that all their actions are separate, erased by time, deleted due to lack of observation, and countered by lies. This is not Reality.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
    •�Thanks: Notsofast
  58. anonymous[242] •�Disclaimer says:

    It says in the Bible that Jews did not originate in Palestine and came from the East somewhere.
    An Asiatic origin seems likely given certain behavioral and physical characteristics.
    Whatever group was the original Israelites doesn’t matter much–the fact is that no one talked about their “return” to Palestine until the middle of the 19th century.
    Seems likely that when the Bible was pushed into Europe–Israelites were meant to represent some evangelical multiculturalism—Jesus was the Superman of his day–the savior foreigner. Those who converted where the Chosen people.
    Later when Zionism came along, they shifted the story so that dumb Christians would see Jews or Khazars or whatever you prefer as the Chosen people.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  59. J says:

    Ashkenazi Jews did not emerge from the earth like the Greek god Anthaeus. The yeshiva (School) of Mainz (Mayence) headed by Rabbi Gershom, in the 10th Century, attracted intellectually inclined German/French Jews, who formed study groups and seeded the Ashkenazi population. Rabbi Gershom issued strict religious decrees known as “takanot” (enactments), including:

    A ban on polygamy for Ashkenazi Jews for a thousand years
    A prohibition against reading another person’s private mail
    A requirement for consent from both parties in divorce

    His teaching and rulings established distinct Ashkenazi (i.e. German) religious customs separate from Middle Eastern, Italian, and Spanish practices.

  60. @meamjojo

    No, I think this is correct.
    Two strands weave through Jewish history. We see them in the Torah. One is particularistic, tribal, them-and-us. “… in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes….” (Deuteronomy.) Another strand also exists, a vision of the universal, the God of the Book of Job, creator of the world. (” ….where were you when I set the four corners of the world…. “).
    The two strands fit together uncomfortably. To see God as a universal deity de-intensifies tribal solidarity by reducing any particular tribe to being one among many. However, for generations the Jews were immune to tribal de-intensification. They enjoyed the benefits of tribal solidarity while at the same time they were able to occupy the moral high ground of belief in a universal deity. What made it possible for them to have their cake and eat it too was an external force, anti-Semitism. Their cake was a vision of themselves as a light among the nations ; their « eating it, too » was to be able to operate as a coherent (quasi-mafia) tribe among the goyem.
    With the establishment of Israel, the synthesis of the universal and the particular broke down. No external force, called “anti-Semitism,” has been there to hold them together as a distinct “us”» while allowing them to bask in the sunlit uplands of the moral high ground.
    The Israelis have to make a choice. Go with the particular or with the universal. The fear of the particularists is that universalism will dissolve them into a people who lose their Jewishness. The fear of the universalist is endless conflict. An indication of the intensity of emotion generated by these two conflicting tendencies was the murder of Rabin, who wanted to swing Israel towards universalism.
    Judaism seems to be a flower that only thrives in the diaspora. The Israelis have proved to be unable to reconcile the contradictions of their history and now have pulled the temple down around themselves.
    How much damage they will do to the rest of us remains to be seen. However, given our leadership (we non-Jews) I expect that of all the possible ways to handle the crack-up of Israel, our leaders will choose the worst.

  61. meamjojo says:

    “It is always the oppressor, not the oppressed, who dictates the form of the struggle. If the oppressor uses violence, the oppressed have no alternative but to respond violently.” -Nelson Mandela, in The Long Walk to Freedom.

    “A slave-owner who through cunning and violence shackles a slave in chains, and a slave who through cunning or violence breaks the chains – let not the contemptible eunuchs tell us that they are equals before a court of morality!” -Leon Trotsky, 1938

    I enjoy quotes also. Here’s one for you:

    “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk [write] and remove all doubt of it.”
    — Unknown (definitely not Lincoln or Twain)

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
    , @rockatansky
  62. RobinDC says:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Do you have references for that?

    (Serious question. I will pass it on.)

  63. The BIG mistake is to believe that the true Judaics, the blood-crazed Amalek hunters, only despise Palestinians, Arabs and Moslems. They hate and fear ALL goyim. And they control nukes and a giant bio-warfare establishment, plus, with their allies in goy realms, the likes of Alex Karp et al, the cyber realm in the West. The use of AI in the genocidal Gaza Holocaust, to identify Gazan ‘two-legged animals’ AND THEIR FAMILIES, for The Final Solution, presages our global future.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  64. anonymous[263] •�Disclaimer says:

    This is a message from an Indian racist WHORE and a fucking zionist, that opened her legs to get a job, and the gullible people here were kissing her smelly pussy, considered her as ‘anti war’ candidate, even the gullible philip Giraldi did. Now, I want to see their fucking faces.

    Tulsi Gabbard Wants Other Countries To Join the US in Attacking Yemen

    Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard has called for other countries to join the US in attacking the Houthis in Yemen, a country she previously strongly opposed intervening in.

    Fuck you whore, fuck you warmonger, fuck you dick licker MAFIA member, trump.
    Assassinate these scum of humanity.

  65. @anonymous

    I’m afraid I agree with Hitler here. The Zionists wanted a redoubt, a safe HQ from which to run their rackets, without fear of pogrom and expulsion. To run Mafia operations from a sort of Kosher Nostraland, but the ‘religious’ zealots ruined the plan with their Messianic ambitions.

  66. meamjojo says:

    “Which “evolution” happened? Have you found the missing link? Why haven’t you published your findings? Or are you just saying there is a survival of the fittest where the best adapted survive? They say Genghis Khan’s troops used to kill anyone taller than a wagon wheel, I guess the fittest were the shortest. There is zero evidence of a fin turning into a hand or an amoeba becoming elephant. You take “evolution” on faith because it’s part of your religion. Intelligent Design is obvious and makes the most sense.”

    I’ve never associated with or known people with IQ’s under 95. Thanks for introducing yourself!

    •�Replies: @Rich
  67. @Joe Levantine

    You’ve left out the 40,000 Lebanese massacred in the Judeonazis’ bombardment of West Beirut. The live and love to kill. Read Chomsky’s ‘Fateful Triangle’ for a compendium of Zionazi barbarism, which also proves that not all Jews are monsters.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
  68. @Notsofast

    Another way of putting it: genocidal and supremacist Israel is in alliance with equally genocidal America, Britain, Germany, Canada, France, Australia and other vassals.

    A kinship of death and destruction dating back to the founding in case of America and Israel and colonialism and genocide on a massive scale in the age of barbaric European “enlightenment” and “discovery” of natives witnessing with horror their being discovered by pale faces with an insatiable lust for blood.

  69. @mulga mumblebrain

    The Gaza holocaust is a harbinger of what is to come. The jews plan to reduce the worlds population by two thirds by 2150. The remaining population will be their slaves.

    •�Agree: Tennessee Jed
  70. peterAUS says:

    Excellent, isn’t it?

    A sure way for Israel to lose all support in the civilized world, enable strong pushback which will help Hamas immensely, extend and exaust Israeli capabilities and conseqently assure the distruction of the state of Israel and probably even Jewish Power in the world.
    That’s for 95 % of people in this online pub.

    For a couple of apparent Israeli lovers (keyword apparent….), by the book, a?

    Now….for those …say…..4… % remaining. Looking for a wider conflict in months to come?!

  71. Anon[842] •�Disclaimer says:

    Oct. 7th was, in a word, BRILLIANT, ladies and Gentile-men. Like Netanyahu’s other masterpiece in state-sponsored terrorism, i.e. 9/11, it resulted in EXACTLY what it was that the Jypsy State needed in making good on her 3,000 years old plans, meaning a globally-recognized narrative rooted in ‘self-defense’ that would facilitate the very same WWIII/Armageddon which the Pirates of Judea need in order to achieve that thing which Torah Judah-ism and its primary deity ‘yahweh’ command be done, the creation of ‘Greater Israel’


    A new McCarthyism is taking hold in America, and this time, it is not communists in its crosshairs. It is anyone who refuses to fall in line with Israel’s agenda.
    Trump and his allies have built their brand on railing against political correctness. They claim to be defenders of free speech, warriors against censorship. Just a few weeks ago, Trump’s vice president, JD Vance, stood at the Munich Security Conference and scolded European leaders for restricting expression. He lamented the West’s supposed retreat from free debate.

    And yet, in the US under Trump and those who champion his ideology, free speech does not apply if the topic is Israel. Pro-Palestinian students are arrested, expelled and stripped of their degrees. Professors who challenge Israeli policies are pushed out. Journalists who report on Israeli war crimes are blacklisted, harassed and silenced. Films documenting Palestinian suffering are cancelled. Human rights organisations are smeared as terrorist sympathizers.”

  72. Notsofast says:

    so why don’t you take that good advice? your day is coming in less than a fortnight, fool!

  73. @mulga mumblebrain

    The official figures from the Lebanese government stated that upward of 15,000 Lebanese civilians died during the Israeli operation in 1982. That is still a lot of innocent people sacrificed on the altar of Western backed IOF brutal expansionism and imperialism.

    “ which also proves that not all Jews are monsters.”

    I never thought that all Jews are monsters. Unfortunately, the Jewish collective is by and large under the thumb of bad Jews. Many commenters on TUR including myself have often listed the names of many heroic and decent Jews who have taken the proper stand against the monstrosity of Zionist Talmudists.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
  74. Treaties says:
    @Joe Webb

    Russia may have a treaty with Iran – but what support is Russia supposed to offer while it’s embedded in this Ukraine war?

    Complete brainfart here on my part but could Team Zion have cooked up the Ukraine conflict specifically to occupy Russia as they themselves prepared to get USA vs Iran underway?

    Also – these carrier-destroying Iranian missiles. Can they destroy carriers? How do we know?

    •�Replies: @Samavar
  75. @Don Trumpleone

    They own the US. Not in a million years will any sort of violent action against Jews be permitted anywhere.

    US would be in like a flash, if needed. But they wouldn’t be needed, because all the other western governments are owned too, so their police and state forces would already be cracking down.

    Don’t be delusional.

    •�Replies: @Don Trumpleone
    , @frankie p
  76. Notsofast says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    the cracks are forming in their wailing wall of supremacism. pollard owes his freedom to netanyahu, who ordered trump, to let my people go. if pollard is willing to bite the hand that freed him, how many other israelis are ready to do the same?

    with the icc kidnapping duterte, after marcos gave the greenlight, perhaps bibi might think twice about waltzing around the world, flaunting his impunity to international laws and arrest warrants.

    oh, to see bibi in chains, like some shorn sampson, would be a most delicious irony. to see israel engaged in a civil war, might actually kill me, from a schadenfreude overdose, but what a way to go!

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  77. Notsofast says:
    @muh muh

    agree and the walls may be closing in on bibi, who would have the horns of the scape goat hung on him, if the israelis decide they need someone to blame. pollard’s tweet, while leaving out the hannibal doctrine, points an accusing finger a bibi and his inner circle, calling 10/7 an inside job. bibi may find out what it’s like to be crucified.

  78. Jim H says:

    ‘thank you very much, for that excellent and detailed explanation of the events of 1982. it was the massacre of those 1500 palestinians, that first made me aware of the true nature of the so called state of israel.’ — Notsofast

    Well, I’m a little slower on the uptake. Heard about the Sabra and Shatila massacres, but dismissed them as an ugly one-off event perpetrated by Christian militias and the Israeli thug, Ariel Sharon.

    It was Israel’s deliberate murder-by-bulldozer of Rachel Corrie on March 16, 2003 that red-pilled me. It made me realize that Israel systematically kills non-Jews, and subscribes to a totally different value system than we do.

    The nullified Palestinian legislative elections of January 2006 demonstrated that Israeli and US claims about sharing democratic values are cynically false. When their preferred candidates from the Fatah party failed to win a majority, the USrael co-conspirators just kiked kicked over the chess board and claimed, ‘That don’t count.’

    But none of this compares to Israel’s wholesale destruction of Gaza during 2023-2025, and America’s complicity in it. When Bernie Sanders sought to block arms sales to Israel on 21 November 2024, here was the dismal result:

    Eighteen Democrats voted in favor of blocking the transfer of the $774 million sale of tank rounds, 19 Democrats sought to block the $61 million sale of mortar rounds and 17 Democrats tried to stop the $262 million sale of joint direct attack munitions (JDAMs).

    Every Republican senator present and a majority of the 51-member Democratic caucus rejected all three Joint Resolutions of Disapproval led by Senator Bernie Sanders, which were known ahead of time to be dead on arrival due to bipartisan support for Israel’s offensive against Hamas.


    The satanic Jew Lobby has hijacked America’s soul. Any scale of zionazi atrocities on behalf of Israel’s ethnic cleansing and land theft is applauded and supported. I PROTEST.

  79. @skrik

    It’s not a matter of “belief;” it happened.

    That’s what Christians say to “scientifically prove” Jesus exists/existed.

    And how Muslims “proved” Mohamed flew on a horse.

    And Mormons “demonstrate” the power of magic underwear.

    And so on.

    All are religious…beliefs.

    Assertions aren’t proofs. Neither is yours per Evolution.

    I suggest you read some Fred Reed’s articles on the matter:








    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  80. skrik says:

    did it ever occur to you that if your big bang is exactly what you say it is, that is is proof that the entirety of the cosmos is almost exclusively emptiness, your atoms are internally projected holograms, the mere appearance of “solid matter”, more energy than matter, an elaborate illusion of “reality”

    BS, possibly ‘po-mo’ BS.

    In clear text: The ((illegal invaders)) etc. of ex-mandate Palestine must be stopped, restrained then ejected. ((They)) cite some esoteric belief in some [non-existent!] deity, then embark on genociding the natives.

    It’s *wrong* and must be stopped, and any sophistry must also disappear. rgds

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  81. muh muh says:

    Thanks for the concise and well-considered response.

    You are welcome. In these discussions, however, such concision is not always possible. I try my best.

    1) WYSIWYG = the scientific method augmented with rational thought vs.
    2) What any person may believe, given the impossibility of any evidence.

    No, this is a false dichotomy.

    Earlier, I referenced deductive reasoning that does not constitute proof sufficient to convince every witness. I did not say that the result of said reasoning lacks the force of proof for every witness, for whom the cosmos they behold comprises evidence of God as evidently as smoke constitutes evidence of fire. To them, the evidence is clearly not impossible, though it remains so as a means of convincing everyone.

    PS Why ‘His’ – do gods have sex?

    ‘His’ is a minimally necessary referent implying a powerful individual with whom interaction is made possible. ‘Its’ depersonalizes and ‘Her’ connotes tacitly subordinate strength, while ‘Their’ becomes superfluous to the clinically binary issue of existence versus non-existence.

    Your question might take on the veneer of merit if we regard such phrases as ‘Son of God’ to be literal denotations. I doubt those who originally used them had this in mind.

    And to consolidate this reply with one to your second response, I address your question therein:

    Really; what else is there [other than purely intellectual exercise]?

    Use search terms ‘the little brain of the heart’ to answer that.

    First hit:

    The Heart’s “Little Brain”

    What science has recently discovered is that the heart quite literally has a mind of its own, independent of the autonomic nervous system so long held to be the sole determinant of reason. Its mind is capable of learning, remembering, sensing, and feeling on its own, sending signals along afferent nerve pathways to the brain that influence perception, decision-making, and other cognitive processes.

    ‘Purely intellectual exercise’ implies cognitive activity consigned to the cranial brain. Today’s science no longer recognizes this paradigm.

    As such, this method of ontological approach is not merely outmoded, it provides little satisfaction to the more salient questions of our existence.

    •�Replies: @skrik
  82. JonRay says:

    When the Bible speaks about Israel, it means one of two things:

    1. The nation of Israel as established in the Old Testament, which pretty much ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD; or 2. The new Israel, which is the Christian Church.

    Prophecies about Israel in Revelation have nothing to do with the first one and everything to do with the second one. They certainly do not speak of the Israel which was established in 1948 AD.

    Biblical Israel is not the same as today’s secular state.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  83. muh muh says:

    After publication, I had considered parenthetically adding ‘or possibly mushrooming’.

    High praise coming from you and Mr. Diogenes. Thanks.

  84. @Notsofast

    Except you forget that Bibi is not some nobody ruling over a third world nation rife with poverty who owns a super power nation called the United States of America. That’s like saying Putin better watch his back or he’ll get arrested if he travels anywhere while having a warrant on him. The ICC can’t touch Putin no more than they can mess with Bibi. It’s Laughable. It’s like saying “Watch out Soros!” They can’t fuck with him either.

    All they ever do is pick on leaders that they know they have a 100 percent chance of arresting. Which is why they get criticize for always going after African and Asian leaders of the third world. If Bibi gets arrested, someone else just like him will take his place.
    Plus Duterte was arrested in his own country. Bibi came straight to the U.S. and not a single U.S. soldier put their hands on him. Even after he outright threaten the damn President with a gold pager. ICC was warned what would happen if they target those that the U.S. fully supports. Trump had a guy assassinated before, I’m sure he’s not afraid to have it done to members of ICC.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  85. The author is clearly in some sort of cognitive decline, not just dissonance. Its devolved into delirium. lol.

  86. Albino says:

    Calls for a coup and for civil war are far from uncommon as well in the rotten to the core “west”, under the yoke of the same evil tribe shat from the ass of the devil on one of his diarrhea day in hell.

    The fact is that most of the world problems come from them and they won’t stop until they are stopped for good.

    Subhuman garbage individuals like Trump/starmer/macron/leyen/merz and all other goy cucks deserve nothing less than the death penalty or the most brutal death served by their populations in fury, prior to deal with the enemies of humanity proper for a final final solution.

  87. @Nothing will happen

    “Don’t be delusional.”

    Don’t be blind to History.

    “After a short introduction…Ceaușescu began to speak… Just over a minute into the speech, a high-pitched scream was heard in the distance….A few seconds later, he ceased speaking completely, raised his right hand and stared silently at the unfolding chaos…The Ceaușescus were executed at 2:50 p.m. local time at Military Unit UM 01417 from Târgoviște on 25 December 1989.”

    Similarly, many thought the Berlin Wall would never fall. Or the USSR “disappear.” Yet many “impossible” things can and do happen.

    As the inestimable Mr. Unz, host of this site, wrote:

    “some forms of shared belief may have great breadth but little depth…[D]octrines that have long been held in place… may be much weaker than anyone realizes…Then one day, a gust of wind came along, and the entire gigantic structure collapsed.”

    The “One Hoss Shay” was a poem, but also a paradigm and prediction:

    “What do you think the parson found,
    When he got up and stared around?
    The poor old chaise in a heap or mound,
    As if it had been to the mill and ground!
    You see, of course, if you ‘re not a dunce,
    How it went to pieces all at once,
    All at once, and nothing first….”

    Stampedes, earthquakes, riots, and revolutions transpire. Always have. Always will. The irksome aspect is their unpredictability. Those seeking/deserving justice often cannot predict if or when they will receive it. Yet paybacks do occur.

    For Juden and others who deem themselves invincible, I say: hubris has resulted in disasters before. Supporters of Bibi should heed the warning: “Garde toi bien de le suivre!”

    At least 109 (some say 1,030) times to date, Jews got their arses kicked via expulsions. Hell, the Tribe itself admits to being punished multiple times by their own god(!), Yahweh, for disobedience. Yet the “smartest people on the planet” seem never to learn.

    Today the world watches the very folks who’ve profited mightily from promoting antiteutonism acting like brazen Nazis themselves. The very group that claims to “heal the world” now mercilessly and repeatedly stomps helpless, weaponless, starving, parched Palestinians …with both glee and impunity.

    And just when you think Jews can’t get any more vicious, heartless, cruel, or sadistic…they act even more craven and depraved. They show the world, without shame, that they truly do view non-Jews as animals worthy only of slaughter.

    Again: anyone who thinks there will be no blowback knows little of History.

    The Romanovs, Louis 16, Robespierre, Beria, and others all never saw their sudden demises coming. And not all were guilty.

    FACTS: Israel is the Jew State. Jews are just .2% of the world, Muslims 25% (some 2 billion strong). The latter are increasingly pissed at Matzonian mayhem. Most followers of Islam know they cannot punish the Tribe in the physical Levant. The vulnerability of diaspora Jews is another matter.

    In wars, sooner or later all bets become “off.” Jews are currently waging ceaseless, terminal war on Palestinians. The world witnesses the horror, seeing Jews…who get rich chiding others to ‘act’ when seeing The Other oppressed…now act collectively like Adolf, Inc. 2025.

    So don’t be surprised if a time comes, hopefully sooner rather than later, when morality trumps(!) money and normies seek…and attain…revenge against christkillers. Yellenated yentas and sadistic shlomos screeching “antisemitism!” won’t mean shit to a tree when semitism is seen as genocidal. The ADL’s money and ACLU’s media mavens didn’t save Leo Frank from his rendezvous on the Day of the Rope. The bought commutation from the governor (who retired soon after to join the law firm of Frank’s lead attorney: Luther Zeigler Rosser) failed to stop those seeking justice for raped/murdered 13-year-old Mary Phagan who cheapskate 29-year-old Frank paid 10 cents-an-hour for her 55-hour work week.

    It’s one thing when bartenders, serving honored guests, graciously say, “You’re money’s no good here.” It’s quite another when bloody-handed Shlomo, surrounded by a lynch mob, tries to buy his way out of neck-stretching (by offering a gelt-bribe) and hears: “Your shekels are no good to us now!”

    Marquis St. Evrémonde, like Frank and other Juden, felt himself invulnerable:

    Video Link

    So did Trotsky. Santa Ana. Mussolini. And now…Israel’s vicious-yet-cowardly kosher nosetra boss.

  88. Notsofast says:

    i remember the 73 yom kippur war, that was on the news and worrying that these horrible arabs, were going over run poor little israel. of course, i was only 12 years old and they sold that pretty hard in those days, when there were 3 sources of news on the television airwaves. that’s why it was such a shock to me in 82, to see israel as a villain, rather than a victim. there was a little more effort then by journalists, to report on massacres, after my lai, which blew up the tv news for months.

    i see this situation today as a similar awakening, around the world but now involving social and alternative media, blogs and the ever expanding sources of information. once awaken, it’s hard to view israel’s actions as justifiable and the idiots have compounded their problems, with the heavy handed crackdown on free speech and denial of civil rights and liberties.

    now they are not only seen as abusing the palestinians but also abusing our rights to speak out about it. they have gone from mere war criminals, to totalitarian overlords, attacking our civilizational rights. they have done more to alert the world, to the zionist occupation of their governments, than any other group on the planet.

    americans have suffered from this stockholm syndrome, for so long they seem unable to break free from decades of conditioning, but it’s getting harder for even them, not to understand the level of evil being perpetrated against innocent civilians, in an obvious collective punishment of a captive civilian population.

    this is soleimani’s design from the start, when the idf couldn’t quickly finish off hamas, erase them and quickly memory hole the palestinians, they were caught in the well laid trap. they have screwed the pooch this time and there’s no unscrewing it.

    •�Agree: muh muh
  89. Notsofast says:

    you’re missing my point, if there are internal divides within israel, he could be given up, by his own people, who wouldn’t have to bloody their own hands. i’m not saying it’s likely but bibi better watch his back, he has powerful enemies within his own country and government. couldn’t happen to a nicer genocidal psychopath.

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  90. Gore 2004 says:

    Jews are White.

    Jews are the Whitest political bloc the Democrats have left….

    If Dems shift on Israel, they have no whites left except for White libs….and some White blue collar people that still vote for them

    Jewish support is crucial for Democrats.

    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  91. frankie p says:
    @Nothing will happen

    “Not in a million years will any sort of violent action against Jews be permitted anywhere.”

    It will happen, whether or not it is permitted.

    History’s big changes were all actions that were not permitted.

  92. Rich says:

    Wrong again. My IQ is well above mere mortals. Of course someone like you, who I’d estimate between 105 and 110, wouldn’t be smart enough to recognize extremely high IQs. Not your fault, you can only work with what God gave you.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  93. @Anon

    Americans…stole America by killing the indigenous population, using GENOCIDE.

    Actually, no.

    The “indigenous” Injuns (feather, not dot) were actually transplanted Siberians who migrated over the Bering Strait during various Ice Ages.

    Once here, they fought, captured, tortured, scalped, mutilated, enslaved, and stole from each other long-long-long before Whites ever showed up.

    Most (95%?) of Injuns subsequently died from diseases (smallpox, etc.) they contracted when interacting with Whites, not being immune to European illnesses.

    Early-arriving Whites lived with Injuns, traded with them, and got along for a goodly while. The problem was that Whites kept coming…like an Injun tribe that hyper-expanded.

    In the ensuing competition for resources, Injuns gave as good as they got. When introduced to horses and modern-weapons, they used both expertly. In fact, the US Army admitted that many Injun tribes, particularly the Comanche, had superior cavalry. Even Sheridan tried various ways to co-exist with Injuns. When Injuns couldn’t accept the flood of Europeans, all-out war was declared, but only as a last resort…and after many, many Injun-committed massacres.

    The war with Whites was, in fact, as honorable and justified as any wars Injuns waged against each other. The problems (for them) were twofold: (1) there were just too many Whites and (2) said Whites had too many superior technologies, particularly war-waging ones.

    Still, after being militarily defeated, Injuns were not only given sovereignty on Reservations, they were also made equal citizens, free to leave the Res and do all that Whites do…including vote. Many tribes now own very successful casinos. And enjoy numerous compensatory affirmative-action bennies.

    Injuns today are also honored by (admittedly symbolic and often sycophantic) “land acknowledgments” and mascotry. Personally, I’ve never understood how changing a sports team’s name from “braves” to “birds” made sense. I mean, c’mon: did anyone not like Tonto? Plus do any sane folks think Geronimo, Powhatan, Sitting Bull, Pontiac, Cochise, Crazy Horse, Osceola, Quanah Parker, Red Cloud, Joseph, Tecumseh, Black Hawk, and other renowned chiefs were mockable weenies or lesser others?

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @Anonymous
  94. @meamjojo

    At least one thing is for certain meanjuju, your pleasuring of your mother – in all manner of speaking, will continue.
    I guess you are still traumatized from being cocksucked by a diseased rabbi at your circumscion. Lol

  95. @Don Trumpleone

    You would be better off listening to Fred Flintstone.

  96. Notsofast says:

    funny, it was you that brought up the big bang and started pontificating on it, didn’t see anything about your clear text. listen, you don’t need to enlighten us, as too the evils of the occupation, why don’t you go tell some people who don’t know, rather than stating the obvious here, as if it was some new information you’ve sharing with us.

  97. Eduardo says:

    Totally agree, thank you.

  98. @Gore 2004

    Jews are not White they are a long suffering, persecuted non-White semitic people, if you don’t believe me just ask one. In the very near future the newest and fastest growing wing of the Democrat party the “angry trannies” will most likely outnumber and replace the Jews anyway.

  99. Anon[321] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Don Trumpleone

    Most (95%?) of Injuns subsequently died from diseases (smallpox, etc.) they contracted when interacting with Whites, not being immune to European illnesses.

    This fairly tale is good for the gullible who have stolen land and resources through centuries. Israel has been erected the occupied Palestine using the same ROAD MAP that was used in America and Canada by the European colonists. You have killed, intentionally, millions of the indigenous population in order to steal their land and resources using biological weapons, viruses from diseases.

    The British give smallpox-contaminated blankets to Shawnee and Lenape (Delaware) communities—an action sanctioned by the British officers Sir Jeffery Amherst and his replacement, General Thomas Gage.
    “Out of our regard to them … we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect.” —An eyewitness, quoted in Elizabeth A. Fenn, Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775–81, 2001


    Therefore, it is not surprising that the colonists who traveled to the New World used biological warfare to defeat the Native Americans, on purpose. In this sense, the greatest exponent of the use of disease to subdue a population was an English officer: sir Jeffrey Amherst. Commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America during the 18th century, this military man became infamous for having proposed to his subordinates to send the native smallpox-infested blankets to spread smallpox among the people besieging Fort Pitt in 1764.

  100. @JonRay

    “Biblical Israel is not the same as today’s secular state.”


  101. anonymous[158] •�Disclaimer says:
    @muh muh

    Today’s trajectory favors neither the right nor the left. Its destination is totalitarianism, where partisan politics becomes mere window dressing, a hackneyed appeal to the superficial sensibilities of the consummate American plebe.

    Not totalitarianism so much as a unified effort, this time by the White population, so survive. Trump is dropping everything outside the western Hemisphere, but holding on very tightly to that.

    At this point, there is no way to prevent the end of the European Union and the absorption of its component nations by the Russian Federation. Further, China will probably be undoable (and largely unwilling) to extend its influence beyond the South China Sea. (taking Taiwan, but refusing to take Korea and Japan. The most serious threat to the US is probably the Mexican Cartels, who have taken over Mexico and may show themselves able to take over the Hispanic population of the US.

    As for the Jewish US population, they seem to have been forced to ally themselves with Trump. That isn’t safe, as Trump is well aware of who was responsible for much of the lawfare against him.

    And the Black takeover under Obama was a repetition of the Black Star Line fiasco. Street level Blacks recognize a con when they wee it, and will have some difficulty in following leaders after that repetition.

    So we are probably looking at increased White cohesion, cause by the sheer difficulty of realizing Trump’s programs in a country that has wasted its present and much of its future resources and has also delegitimized its institutions. (Example: The Supreme Court’s Chief Justice should not have supported district judges, but should have denounced the poliiccalization and incoherence of the Judicial Branch in this present emergency. Roberts may have delegitimized the Judicial system as thoroughly as Pres. Jackson.)).

    So: Not a totalitarians outcome, but rather a society that lets nothing get in ithe way of iits survivval.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  102. muh muh says:

    Even Israel’s former defense minister calls it a war crime on Israeli television.

    "It’s a war crime."Israel’s former defence minister Moshe Yaalon calls the Israeli military and the Netanyahu government war criminals over their actions in Gaza pic.twitter.com/MkuqIOaPSI— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) March 18, 2025

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @meamjojo
  103. Anonymous[158] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Don Trumpleone

    North American Indian (NAI) populations could not survive on hunting/corn/squash after European gunpowder weapons came into wide use and lead to over-harvesting the game. The buffalo were doomed by the introduction of horses to North America. Survival of large NAI populations would have required wide scale farming, which NAI societies did not support.

    Even the Cherokee relocation, the “Trail of Tears” was caused by very low populations for the areas the Cherokee occupied. This led to political pressure to assign Cherokee territory to the surrounding denser populations. We are seeing something similar today in the Republic of South Africa and the White farmers vs. the Black population.

    The US apparently treated the NAI as well as was physically possible, especially considering the various NAI atrocities committed against White farmers. Most of the land acquired by Whites was sold by to them by NAI farmers or hunters who found the land worthless after the game was hunted out.

    When your time is over, it is over. The Whites who displaced the NAI are now being displaced in their turn, under the rules of their own political system.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  104. @Anonymous

    Apologias for genocide are ALL the rage these days. The Day of the Racist Scum has arrived.

  105. @muh muh

    ‘Antisemitic’ garbage!! It’s their RELIGION!

  106. @Rich

    Funniest post yet! Idiot Quotient, possibly.

    •�Replies: @Rich
  107. ghali says:

    Meamjojo, If you are in NY, I am happy to help you with your very low IQ. I carry a 14-inch black trout and is ready to orally induce your IQ.

  108. The Kingdom of Judea vs. the State of Israel? I think it is even more fundamental, the real struggle is the myth book vs. personal identity. There is no good reason to be a Jew – the myth book (Torah) is fiction – it is not historical, it is not moral, it does not present a correct view of god. So why bother being a Jew and putting yourself in harm’s way? Why move to Israel, another man’s land, when the claim to that land is religious fiction?

    In The Invention of the Jewish People, Shlomo Sand scrutinizes the origins and evolution of historical narratives surrounding Jewish nationhood. He argues that a cohesive Jewish identity was carefully crafted and promulgated to serve Zionist ambitions and establish Israel as a state uniquely tailored for the Jewish population.

    If you are not a Torah literalist, and are of modern scientific mind which needs proof to hold a belief, why go along with this God giving some ancient Israelites some land nonsense? Why would anyone in the modern world be doing what Israel is doing, stealing Palestinian land because you believe some words in some ancient bronze age book? Why be a pawn in this political struggle, when the real battle is with yourself and what you ascribe to for your personal identity?

    Ai: Many scholars believe there is no archaeological evidence to support the existence of Abraham, viewing the stories about him as literary constructs rather than historical accounts. The consensus is that the narratives in the Bible were likely written long after the time they describe, with no direct evidence of Abraham as a historical figure.

    To be a religious Jew you must believe in Abraham. But Abraham is only a fictional character in a religious narrative based on older myths. If you are secular, not a myth believer, and understand that Abraham is respun Hindu myth about Brahma, then why be a Jew and why risk your life living in modern Israel hell bent on endless war? If Abraham never existed and Jews are an invented people, why be in this conflict, why live in Palestine, because if you are a secular Jew you do not believe the Torah literal nor do you believe in the claim to Palestine.

    Netanyahu is in one sense secular; but in another, he embraces the Biblical mission of Greater Israel – with all its enemies annihilated. … “What do these people want?”, asks Max Blumenthal; “What is their ultimate goal?” … “It is apocalypse”, warns Blumenthal

    Nutjobyahoo is running Israel (into the ground). The psychopath in charge is pushing Israel toward the apocalypse. If you are a non-believing secular Jew, why live in a place where the leader wants the Apocalypse so religious Jews can rebuild some temple and barbarically kill baby red heiffers? That is batshit crazy on the face of it – but it is the all consuming dream becoming reality for those who believe. Therefor, living in Israel 2025 is like living at Jim Jones utopia in 1978. Netanyahu and Trump both have drank the Chabad koolaid and are planning on a big mass suicide for all involved.

  109. Samavar says:

    Russia may have a treaty with Iran – but what support is Russia supposed to offer while it’s embedded in this Ukraine war?

    Russia never been an ally of Iran. Russia and Iran have signed a cooperation agreement, not military cooperation, although Iran helped Russia with drones and missiles when Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia never been an ally of Iran, always an ally of the genocidal Israel and the West. Russia, in the time of war, always cooperated with Iran’s enemies, the West and Israel. in fact, Russia has stolen large part of the Iranian territory in the early 19th century. Russia uses Iran as a bargaining chip to obtain concessions from the west. Russia occupied the northern part of the Iranian territory, Azerbaijan, through its proxy, wanted to partition this part from Iran, but it was defeated by the Iranian people along with US help, in 1945.
    Also – these carrier-destroying Iranian missiles.
    No US carrier has destroyed Iranian missiles. These are war propaganda. If trump dares to hit Iranian territory, all American bases in the region, including Israel, will be targeted. Iran’s existence has been targeted since 19 th century when the evil UK-US designed ‘Israel Project’ 150 years ago, which meant erection of Israel in the occupied land as a PROXY, to have a foothold in the region to destroy the regional CIVILIZATION, like Iran with 7000 years of written history. Iran’s legal nuclear program has been weaponized to be used as an EXCUSE to implement their plan. Trump and FAKE jew Netanyahu are using this excuse to attack Iran in order to partition the Iranian territory. That’s why all of these genocidal assassins including trump, are supporting and funding the genocide by the Jewish mafia tribe, because Israel as a proxy is their INVESTMENT. Russia has been part of this project. Without Russian’s vote in 1948 at the UN, the erection of Israel would have not been possible, that’s why Lavrov is parroting the same nonsense, ‘Israel has a right to exist’, where the world says absolutely NOT.This is not a plan that was designed after the false flag terror 9/11, this is a plan that was designed in the 19th century, to topple Ottoman empire and partition it into smaller pieces in order to erect Israel, as proxy, in the occupied Palestine. Iran has every single right to destroy this plan that has targeted the existence of Iran, by her enemies, UK -Israel-US. You should read what British PM, Bannerman, visioned for the future of the region in 1906:
    Henry Campbell Bannerman became the first PM of G Britain after Lord Balfour’s Conservative Government failed.Campbell Bannerman appointed Three Secret Royal Commissions to
    direct British Foreign Policy specifically focused on the Ottoman Empire
    and the Arab Muslim Worlds:
    1.How to Divide and take up parts of the Ottoman Empire.
    2.How to take over Newly discovered Oil fields for the Benefit of Britain
    3. How to plant a Foreign body [Israel as PROXY] in the middle of the Arab Countries to protect the British interests, sow the seeds of discord between them and allow Great Britain to “divide and rule” their new possessions in the Near East
    Then destroy the regional civilization like Iran, to create chaos, wars to partition the regional countries based on religious and ethnic divide. Iran will defend herself and we want these genocidal criminals be destroyed, assassinated and killed one by one. All the western bases in the region should be targeted and destroyed, We are fed up.

  110. muh muh says:

    Not sure where to start with your kool aid trip.

    Trump isn’t ‘dropping everything outside the Western Hemisphere.’ Miriam Adelson is getting what she paid for: the golem of her dreams, fixing Iran in the crosshairs with predatory anticipation while crushing the constitution firmly underfoot, all in the obsequious service of Israel. To describe that as ‘Jews being forced to ally with Trump’ stretches the boundaries of credulity to excruciatingly record-shattering limits.

    And Russia wants to wear the albatross necklace that is Europe? Where do you get this stuff?

    Enjoy your long march through the institutions. By the time you’re done stripping everything bare and hoisting yourself by your own petard, I want you to remember this brief moment we shared together.


  111. Samavar says:

    Trump not only is a criminal assassin, but also a pathalogical LIAR. The following is what has been reported by trump on his talk with Putin:

    According to a report: “The leaders of Russia and the United States agreed that Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel.”
    This is part of a statement released by the White House hours ago about a phone call between the presidents of the United States and Russia.
    The Kremlin has not yet released its own version of the call,
    The Iranians have difficulty to believe this statement. But, I have no difficulty to believe such a stupid statement said by Putin, knowing the position of Russia and Putin on Israel. Russia is supporter of the Israel project. UK-US and Russia created Israel. That’s why Putin and Lavrov are parroting the same stupid slogan that Trump and Biden have repeated many times: “Israel has a right to defend herself.”

    Putin, like Trump, cannot be trusted. Russia like US cannot be trusted.

  112. Rich says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    My biggest fan, still following me around this site, desperate for attention. Look inside yourself to determine what the problem is and take slow steps to improve. If you turn out to be that chubby girl from high school who used to write me notes and come to all my games I’ll die from laughter.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  113. skrik says:
    @muh muh

    @Don Trumpleone
    �Omnibus response:

    ‘Purely intellectual exercise’ implies cognitive activity consigned to the cranial brain. Today’s science no longer recognizes this paradigm

    This is irrelevant to my current task, which is to identify *why* RoW does not move effectively to stop the Nuremberg-class criminality being perpetrated by self-proclaimed Judaics upon the hapless natives of ex-mandate Palestine.

    adjective relating to Judaism or the ancient Jews

    Since Judaism = the monotheistic religion of the Jews [= quite possibly, even most likely fake Jews], based on the Old Testament and the Talmud, I identify religion as being at the heart of the problem, then I mention the big bang [= phase-change, *not* creation!] obviating any ‘need’ for either ‘creator’ and/or belief, then [as a bonus] I try to prove the impossibility of supernatural interference. The next step is linking erroneous belief to the RoW non-response, so far the only theory I’ve found is the Scofield/Hagee threat, but that really only ‘appeals/applies’ to believers like the nutter evangelical Zionists; still looking.

    So, I mention the big bang for a purpose, not to have a discussion on cosmology; I mention belief [in the impossible] in the religion-context [not to tread on believers’ sensibilities although that’s likely unavoidable]. Also, trying to divert the discussion to belief [or not] in evolution, say, is tu quoque fallacious reasoning as well as being unhelpful.

    Repeat: *Why* does RoW not move effectively to restore justice, and *how* could they be prompted to do so? Suggested methodology: Locate-Identify-Operate. rgds

  114. An intelligent guy, Alon Mizrahi. Sorry for him, that he had to serve in the butcherers army

  115. @Don Trumpleone

    The Romanovs, Louis 16, Robespierre, Beria, and others all never saw their sudden demises coming. And not all were guilty.

    The difference I guess is that these were singular persons or mere families.

    I don’t think they can be compared to a globally-spread clan-minded people who are overwhelmingly /disproportionately in high office and key positions across governments, media, finance and so on.

    Even the fall of communism was more geographically limited.

  116. meamjojo says:
    @muh muh

    “Even Israel’s former defense minister calls it a war crime on Israeli television.”

    That is why he is a “former” defense minister.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  117. anon[655] •�Disclaimer says:

    @Don Trumpleone

    Well said and I will add that Trump who sees himself as some kind of giant while being a pathetic jewish boot-licking dwarf is giving his enemies (of which he has plenty) and his masters (who installed him in power) the rope they will use to hang him quick and high.

    From the insane video of bearded women dancers on ‘truth” social to the even more insane calls for genocide and actual menaces and promises of genocide to the Palestinian civilians in Gaza, he has signed his own arrest warrant for genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

    When Trump promises ‘hell” and his henchmen actually follow his orders with actual genocidal hell (with Trump weapons without congress approval and your taxes), it is not anymore passive complicity, it is first degree guilt and active complicity.

    He is actually the head of the genocide. he allows it and commanded it.

    Should the regime change and it will change, anyone disliking Trump, and there are many, could use all that to make mash potato of him.

    And that would only be justice.

    And not even that, even his handlers might just discard him like an squeezed lemon when they have got what they wanted from this bloody clown. It might even be already plan that he won’t finsih his term.

    I don’t know how these people can live with themselves with the crimes they commit everyday but I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes. They probably have no mirrors in their homes.

    That includes controlled opposition goons like RFK Jr. and the buffoon woman from Hawaii who now call for more strikes on Yemen.

    Do they lobotomize in some israeli labs them as soon as they get a “job” (if you can call that a job) in the regime administration?

    •�Agree: NobodyImportant
  118. muh muh says:

    That is why he is a “former” defense minister.

    Come now, dodo. You know full well he resigned in 2016.

    But yes, firing people is what Nettles does best when he can’t win an argument.

    Between that and starting genocide to keep himself out of jail, he’s the consummate professional. 🕶️

  119. @Anon

    You are correct in most part of what you are saying. But, and it’s not a small but; all is about who controls sionistwashington (and it’s not the americans), the brusselstooges (and it’s not the europeans), telaviv (and it’s not the ‘israelis’) (a people who do not ‘exist’ anymore, because the Israel tribe constitute only of 5% of the inhabitants in Palestine, and as you say the present people/the invaders, the ashkenazitalmudists has nothing to do with Palestine. The ‘country’ Israhell is an illegal settlement, owned by rotschilds, protected by the scumorganisation ‘United Nations’, no more important but more filthy than was the organisation United Fruit) and the controllers, the navigators to the bottom are rotschild and rockefellers.

  120. @anonymous

    In the US,

    “For all his horrific failings, Netanyahu is correct about the need to curb Israel’s deep state judiciary … in any country, you simply cannot let the judiciary be the ‘last resort’ because the tendency of judges is to progressively seize control for some oligarchic faction … Bibi is democratically right to bring power back to Israeli voters, crazy as they are . . .”

    The judiciary is not the last resort and battles between courts and executive branches are not anything new. From Pres Adams forward, judicial review and rulings thaht buck presidents or Congress are not new. Since Israel has no constitution and the court rulings have far greater discretion when rendering decsions because they can limit their scope what is stated in the laws or they can render enire laws unjust and thereby eleiminate the law itself.

    The only way to supposed reign in the Supreme Court is by changing the actual structure, which would be diffcilut as the court also have review of said attempyts and why Pres Netenyanu recent attempt in a head to head fell flat as the court rejected portions that would have curbed their authority to adjudicate. Furthermore, the government executive has a another problem — the public. Andthe public will matters in Israel.

    “Deep State” has come mean and organization that disagrees with the current executive. That is not deep state.

    As explicated by former congressional aide Mike Lofgren

    “Instead of a group comprised exclusively of government entities, Lofgren calls the deep state in the United States “a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.”

    Let’s take the current favorite whipping boy USAID, not a deep state that rendering. USAID had congressional oversight, was audited routinely, questioned, and books open to debate and discussion. USAID did nt govern the US it actuality it advanced the agenda of the different administrations at the time. That is what makes the DOGE mess such an issue. It mischaracterized what USAID was, made false and unverifiable claims as though because the public did not know it must be fraud. Wrong on all fronts. And as is being demonstrated all throughout the country apparently the bureacracy has not been serving itslef, but large swaths of the US public and largelt the white US public. Nebraska, Idaho, Kansas and others are feeling the pinch of federal subsidies. Suddenly subsidies that werre denied to black farmers are not being cut off in general and te agricultutral states are in quite a huff. That reverse discrimination welfare it seems is a myth.

    The fact the current admin has a different agenda does not mean by definition that oter agendas by other organizations is deep state.

    Whether the Israeli court system is deep state has yet to be demonstrated. Laugh – depending on one’s definition of deep state.

  121. @meamjojo

    Because he tells the truth-very un-Judaic. Meanmeanjew is more typical.

  122. @Rich

    All your games? Tiddlywinks? The famous ‘squidger jock’. Why did you never answer?

  123. Anon[130] •�Disclaimer says:

    Cut funding for Ukraine? A dead ruzzian is a good ruzzian, comrade .

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