Veteran librarian Jeff Brown has created a free online Living Library on Judaism. Warning: Not all of its contents are favorable to Jews! May be illegal in some jurisdictions! Consume with caution!
False Flag Weekly News co-host Cat McGuire, who recently published “America Is a Gentile Nation,” joins Jeff and me to discuss the project.
Jeff Brown: I think for a lot of us, the epiphany was October 7th, the Al-Aqsa flood. And seeing the just grotesque, heinous, criminal slaughter of likely hundreds of thousands of people and turning genocide into a TV show. And at that point, people started sending me stuff. And there’s a Muslim guy, I won’t say who he is, but he has been contacting me for the last few years. And he had been sending me stuff about Mohammed and Allah and everything else, but then he started sending me stuff about Judaism after October 7th.
And then the other big thing that really opened my eyes was was Twitter-X. And now that Elon bought it…for 10 years I had quit using it, because they completely shut me down. Anbd then all of a sudden I start seeing all these tweets about Judaism and Jews and everything else. And I was just like, what the hell is this? And I’m a veteran librarian at heart. And so I just started saving this stuff and I start putting it in files. And this thing just has a life of its own. It just took off. I’ve been working on it for six months. It’s 150 pages long. And I’ve transcribed as many of the videos as I can. I’ve transcribed all of the videos so that if anybody wants to copy that text and use it, they can, and also translate any of the text into any other language that they want. It’s massive.
And it’s just so… It’s sick. It’s sick. It’s a sick religion. And I’m just stunned at what I have learned. And it saddens me. And it disgusts me. And it’s actually been pretty… I mean, I’ve had some sleepless nights about this thinking… You mean you can have sex with a three-year-old girl? Really? I mean, this is just so psychopathic and just so demented and satanic and demonic. And they admit it. They admit it. They’re proud of it. “Yeah, we worship Satan.” There’s all these Jews that say they worship Satan.
I’ve got all that. But what really took me to the next level: I realized, well, hell, they’ve taken over the West. They control the West. The West is occupied and colonized. They have Weimerized it like they Weimerized Germany back in the 30s. And you wonder why Hitler was so popular. It is just total Weimerization. And I think it’s over for the West. The maggots are in the political muscle and the termites are in the wood, and…It’s over. I mean, they control the White House. There’s more Israeli flags in the U.S. Congress than there are American flags.
And so they’ve just taken over. The judgeships, state houses. I don’t know what you all think, but that’s my conclusion, that the West is finished. I mean, they will do to the West what they did to Germany in the 30s.

The Romans prosecuted three major wars against the Hebrews for their terrorism, according to the testimony of Tacitus (d. 118 A.D.), who carefully analyzed Hebrew ideology and determined their god (Yahveh) to be equivalent to Dionysus, the ancient form of irrationality and death. Although accurate, this Roman insight was not nearly deep enough.
The Romans were correct about the Hebrew menace (in what they knew as “Syria”) as irrational killers (just as in Palestine today) but in its naïveté Rome did not understand how the Hebrews reproduce themselves as an anti-human force by money-lending, for the Hebrews continued in ancient Rome as lenders just as usual without the least interference legally.
And in every land since their expulsion by the Romans (e.g., Spain, France, Germany), despite being found out publicly and repeatedly as pernicious anti-human monsters, the Hebrews endured and prospered, self-financed—and with ever-greater success incited the non Hebrews in war after war, profiting by war loans and reaping ever-greater power geopolitically.
Thus the “final solution” to the problem of Hebrew ideology (Judaism) is not to jail or kill them, for an idea cannot be overcome except by weapons of the Spirit (Mind), including not only religious insight but also philosophical and economic. Here is a clear and penetrating beginning to freedom from the Talmudic Monster, if indeed it is not too late:
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Israel’s misdeeds following the false flag event of October 7 opened many eyes. The mask fell off, and what has been revealed is inexcusably hideous. The sadistic glee exhibited by Israel in regard to the abject slaughter of the Palestinians has done more to promote “anti-semitism” than centuries of propaganda.
That world governments cannot bring themselves to utter a word of condemnation shines a light on the insidious cancer-like infestation of governments and business by Zionism.
I STAND WITH ISRAEL! The TikTok videos posted by “Code Pink” are especially telling — US Congress members running in fear of being asked if they support the Israeli slaughter. Spineless, gutless politicians unable to bring themselves to offend AIPAC in the slightest. It is beyond disgraceful, it’s criminal. Israel is a foreign country with a bizarre amount of sway, if not control, over our politicians. Not unlike the “facehugger” monster from the “Alien” movie.
Good News! Love to hear China has woken up regarding the Jewish parasite! That certainly explains why the jU-S-A considers China a threat! Go get ’em China!!
Atheist Communist China will never perceive that the problem in occupied Palestine, ZOG Washington, D.C., and the Zionist U.S. Senate is not “Jews” but JUDAISM. Are the marxist atheists in Beijing capable of discerning the essential satanism in the Hebrew religion? Answer: No, they are not.
The “final solution” to the problem of Hebrew ideology (Judaism) is a combination of religious, philosophical, and economic insight, since the bulwark of Talmudic Mendacity is FINANCIAL CONTROL OF CENTRAL BANKS. Here is a clear and penetrating beginning to freedom from the Talmudic Monster, if indeed it is not too late:
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Mr. Barret, thank you for your work. If I may, I would suggest you study the work of Christopher Jon Bjerknes on Judaism and what it portends. At the very top of the “Jewish” pyramid of power their Final Solution equals the end of humanity.
Keep hammering away, we just might save a tiny remnant of humans, although the bad news is that they always have the Samson Option (see the book of the same title) and they have the mindset to blow up the entire world if they can’t conquer it. We are in the very last struggle for human survival and time is running out rapidly. On the Anno Lucis calendar the first year of their “Sabbath Millenium” was back in 6001 AL = 2001 AD, which is why they pulled off 9/11 that same year. They are a quarter century behind schedule on their AL calendar. On their Anno Mundi calendar it looks like there’s an extra 215 years left till the absolute end of 6000 years. However, everything must be in place at least 200 years before the end of 6000, which means we have no more than a maximum of 15 years left till 5800 AM = 2040 AD. But, the catch is that WWIII must occur BEFORE that time. I’ll let you figure out the rest of this worst possible “news.”
Best of luck to you and the rest of humanity,
Perhaps; it’s a feast upon the deaths of ‘others’ for self hatred?
To those who have the (required) intestinal fortitude, and wish to peruse the discussed Judaism library at their convenience, here is the direct link:
Israel Shahak and other Jews outlined the true nature of Judaism long ago, as did goy observers like Voltaire, Schopenhauer and Tacitus among MANY others. And here we are, a ‘live’ demonstration ongoing in Gaza of its pitiless evil.
Oh, I do fear this. How can the Jews ever ‘feel safe’ in a ‘Jew-hating’ world? By getting rid of the ‘Jew-haters’ ie the goyim and the ‘self-hating Jews’. It only takes a few fanatics in the days of recombinant DNA, CRISPR and ‘spike proteins’ to craft the required means, and if you check out creatures like Alex Karp, the motivation is definitely there.