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The Real Scandal of Hunter‘s Pardon
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Politicians and pundits spent much of last week commenting on President Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter for lying on a federal gun purchase form, failing to pay taxes, and any other offenses he may have committed over the past decade. Much of the controversy is because President Biden repeatedly pledged that he would never pardon his son.

Some have also observed that the pardon’s timeline starts the year Hunter Biden joined the board of the Ukraine energy company Burisma. This has led to speculation that President Biden is trying to block any investigation into links between his son’s business dealings and President Biden’s Ukraine policy.

What has not been widely discussed is the fact that Hunter Biden may be the only American President Biden has pardoned for violating unconstitutional federal gun and drug laws.

Hunter Biden was convicted of lying on federal Form 4473. This is a form Americans must fill out to get federal government “permission” to purchase a firearm. Specifically, Hunter Biden gave a false answer to the question, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

The Second Amendment forbids the federal government from limiting the ability of any American to exercise his natural right to own a firearm. Furthermore, federal drug laws are themselves unconstitutional.

The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. All other crimes are under the jurisdiction of state and local governments. So, the required use of this form is a constitutional violation of the rights of Hunter Biden and all other Americans who are subjected to it when they seek to obtain a gun.

Form 4473 warns Americans that “the use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.” Thus, someone could be prevented from exercising his Second Amendment right because of his activities that are perfectly legal in his state. This turns federalism on its head.

Hunter Biden was also convicted of, and pardoned for, tax evasion and the filing of fraudulent tax returns. It is hard for anyone who values liberty to get upset at those who violate the tax laws since the income tax is a form of theft by the government of people’s hard-earned income.

An outrage of Hunter Biden’s pardon is President Biden’s hypocrisy. When he served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s, then-Senator Biden played a major role in getting through Congress the Brady Law that created the federal gun purchase background check system that Hunter Biden was convicted of violating. Senator Biden also was a leading drug warrior who led the fight to pass the 1994 crime bill and was a champion of mandatory minimums and other infringements of civil liberties in the name of the war on drugs. President Biden also supported hiring more IRS agents to squeeze more money from taxpayers.

Then-Senator Biden wrote large parts of the PATRIOT Act. As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Biden also led the effort to pass the unconstitutional (and disastrous) “authorization for use of military force” against Iraq.

President Biden should spend his last month in office pardoning more Americans for violations of unconstitutional drug and gun laws. This would serve as a small gesture of atonement for a political career spent advocating policies destructive of peace, prosperity, and liberty.

(Republished from The Ron Paul Institute by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Judicial System, Pardons
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  1. Emslander says:

    The Biden regime was the first successful mob takeover of the federal government.

    Its very birthing was occasioned by the flooding of ballot boxes with 15 million illegally obtained votes. Because those numbers didn’t even show up in the 2024 election, it’s become obvious that they were products of a prolific counterfeiting operation. Anthony Fauci was an accessory before the fact with his CV19 project.

    Because of the investment by the Ukraine war complex in the Biden family through Hunter, the western world has become involved in a thoroughly unnecessary challenge to nuclear Russia.

    Payoffs to unknowable projects made possible by the horribly inflationary “anti-inflation” spending legislation that Republicans shared in has destroyed families, businesses and, eventually, the entire world economy with its massive increase in worldwide debt.

    The Biden mob, like any mob, had to exonerate the primary hit man and street collector, Hunter, or he would be spilling even more beans than he intentionally spilled by leaving his laptop in that repair shop and never retrieving it. That laptop was the warning to the Big Guy that he’d better take care of him.

    It will make a great movie when Jill finishes writing the script.

  2. ruralguy says:

    I’m a gun owner, having hunted and trapped much long ago. The gun culture in America developed from military principles to treat your firearms with ultra respect, as well as those around you. That culture vanished first in Hollywood, and then in our criminal culture. Today, many people should not own guns. They are simply too immature and violent. I’ve walked into two robberies, where a gun was held on me. I could have easily been killed in both.

    Yet, the nation cannot control guns. Americans own 400 million of them. They outnumber the population. Like drugs, there is no feasible way of controlling them. Almost all problems in this nation arise from our poor, criminal, and violent underclass, and our effeminate way of dealing with them. It’s time to start deporting those that don’t belong in a first-world country to Africa, or Central/South America. That solves all problems, not just the problem of dealing with violent criminals using guns. Hunter Biden should be deported, rather than charged ineffectively with violating gun laws.

  3. @Emslander

    The shameless acts of the Biden family and others should not be confused with the causes of the war between Ukraine and Russia, which have slightly more complex geopolitical motives, which I believe the Bidens are not even concerned about because they are busy with their own business.

  4. @Emslander

    (If the Constitution legalizes corruption, you deserve it.)
    – From what I understand the fun part is that Brandon now has to pardon
    his entire extended family because Hunter can now be compelled to testify
    without being able to take the Fifth; so, what´ll it be?
    – slammer for contempt
    – slammer for perjury
    – contract on your head for sending Big Guy to slammer

  5. Keir Starmer regretted letting David Lammy force MI6 to use anti-White laws to recruit spies.

  6. Rich says:

    Dr Paul is, of course, correct. The Constitution has been twisted, ripped apart and stomped all over by America’s ruling class. It’ll be a great day if we ever get it back.

  7. Jokem says:

    Much of the controversy is because President Biden repeatedly pledged that he would never pardon his son.

    The promises of a politician, anyone surprised here?

  8. Jiminy says:

    I wonder if the pedo Maxwell is going to be pardoned as well?

    •�Replies: @EggCorn
  9. EggCorn says:

    I bet Trump pardons her, since he was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

  10. Thrallman says:

    Since the 2nd Amendment says “a well-regulated Militia,” federal gun laws are not as such unconstitutional.
    The 21st Amendment returned control of intoxicating liquors to the states, but marijuana is banned by international treaty.
    The Constitution mandates that our most cherished rights must be surrendered as demanded by a treaty ratified by 2/3 of the Senate.

    Ron Paul means well but the Constitution does not say what he wishes it said, and will not protect American freedoms.

    •�Replies: @Jokem
  11. But hey meh on warp speed murdering Epstein guilty Israeli dingus slurping traitor POS jew antichrist Trump pardoning lotsa Jared gurlyman kushner crooks on his way out eh

  12. Solutions says:

    The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.

    Ironic is it not that those 3 federal crimes could accurately describe the federal governments modus operandi.

  13. Jokem says:

    well-regulated Militia

    The meaning of this has been disputed by 2nd Amendment opponents.
    They say it means ‘controlled’, where advocates say it means ‘competent’.

  14. Carney says:

    The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.

    Well, there is also participating in the slave trade. Even before the constitutionally-permitted window of importing slaves ran out in 1808, the federal government in 1794 banned US ships from participating in it and in 1800 banned any American from investing or participating in it (even on foreign vessels). In 1807 Congress promptly banned the slave trade itself, to take effect at the earliest possible date: on Jan. 1, 1808.

    •�Agree: Alden
    •�Replies: @Jokem
  15. Jokem says:

    Right. Interstate commerce is also regulated by the Federal Government.

  16. @Emslander

    > 15 million illegally obtained votes. Because those numbers didn’t even show up in the 2024 election

    Where the heck do you get that from? The numbers show that 158,429,631 votes were cast in 2020, and 155,419,638 in 2024. So, 3,009,993 fewer votes were cast in 2024. Your “15 million” is pure fantasy.

    •�Thanks: Carney
  17. Emslander says:

    Your “15 million” is pure fantasy.

    You appear to be correct. My totals don’t match yours, but I see that the 15M difference was an early figure, which has now evaporated.

    (Forehead on the ground in abject shame.)

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