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はてなキーワード: over timeとは




気候変動について 日本語版:


  • Please organize how climate change over the past 500 years has affected agricultural production, economic systems, and political structures in various regions by citing specific historical examples. In each case, analyze the causal relationship between climatic fluctuations and social transformations, as well as the differences in regional responses.

架空国家創造政治的寓意 日本語版:


  • Regarding the settings of fictional nations depicted in films, television dramas, novels, etc., please select specific works as examples and analyze how these nations are created against the backdrop of particular political systems, social structures, and international relations. In particular, organize your analysis to address how the settings of these fictional nations function as reflections or critiques of real-world political ideologies and international affairs, while also touching upon their evolution over time and the common themes that emerge.






The virus that causes COVID-19 will continue to evolve

For viruses to survive they must continually make copies of themselves and infect new cells. Like other viruses, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to evolve because it makes errors, or mutations, when it is creating copies. Some mutations help the virus survive better or spread more easily, leading to different variants over time. During the analysis period, many different variants were infecting people.





Updated COVID-19 vaccine protects against many variants

CDC data show that vaccination offered significant protection. People who received the updated COVID-19 vaccine were 54% less likely to get COVID-19 during the four-month period from mid-September to January. The vaccine provided similar levels of protection against XBB lineage variants and the JN.1 variant.


To estimate vaccine effectiveness of the updated COVID-19 vaccine, CDC analyzed data from the Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) COVID-19 pharmacy testing program. The protection provided by the updated vaccine was compared to not receiving an updated vaccine, regardless of a person’s infection history or the number of previous COVID-19 vaccines they received. That means these estimates reflect the additional protection provided by getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine dose above protection that people have from any previous vaccination, infection, or both.





最新のCOVID-19ワクチン有効性を推定するために、CDCはICATT COVID-19薬局検査プログラムデータ分析しました。 最新のワクチンによる保護効果は、最新のワクチンを受けていない人々と比較されました。これは、個人感染歴や以前に受けたCOVID-19ワクチンの回数に関わらずです。つまり、これらの推定値は、以前のワクチン接種や感染から得られる保護に加えて、最新のCOVID-19ワクチン接種によって提供される追加の保護を反映しています。)



COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness|February 1, 2024, 1:05 PM EDT|CDC



[] 無限の探求 マルチバースへの旅

In the year 3000, humanity had finally discovered the secrets of the multiverse. Using their most advanced technology, they had found a way to travel between different parallel universes, each with their own unique physical laws and structures.

As the first explorers set out on their journeys, they encountered a myriad of strange and wondrous worlds. Some universes were filled with infinite copies of themselves, while others were constantly shifting and changing, their physical laws in a state of constant flux.

As they traveled deeper into the multiverse, the explorers encountered universes that seemed to follow completely different sets of physical laws. In some, time flowed backwards, and cause and effect were reversed. In others, matter was made up of entirely different particles, and energy behaved in completely unexpected ways.

As the explorers continued to journey further, they began to encounter universes that seemed to be simulations, created by beings in higher dimensions. They encountered universes where the laws of physics were entirely mathematical, and others where the very fabric of reality was made up of pure information.

At last, the explorers came to a universe that seemed to encompass all of the many-worlds interpretations. In this universe, every possible outcome of every possible event was played out in infinite parallel realities. The explorers marveled at the incredible complexity and diversity of this universe, as they watched endless versions of themselves carrying out endless variations of their own adventures.

As they prepared to leave this universe and return home, the explorers realized that they had only scratched the surface of the multiverse. They knew that there were still countless more universes to explore, each with their own unique physical laws and structures.

And so, they set out once more, to journey deeper into the multiverse, and to discover the secrets of the infinite many-worlds that lay waiting to be explored.

As the explorers continued their journey, they encountered a universe where time did not exist, and another where the laws of physics were governed by emotion rather than math. In yet another universe, they discovered that consciousness itself was the fundamental building block of reality.

As they explored further, the explorers encountered universes where the laws of physics were not constants but varied across space and time. They found a universe where entropy decreased over time, and another where gravity was repulsive rather than attractive.

At the edge of the multiverse, the explorers discovered a universe that seemed to contain all of the other universes within it. This universe was infinite in size and contained infinite variations of itself, each one a slightly different version of the universe they knew.

As they traveled through this universe, the explorers encountered versions of themselves that had made different choices and lived different lives. Some of these versions were almost identical to their own, while others were wildly different, with entirely different personalities and goals.

At last, the explorers returned to their own universe, their minds reeling from the incredible sights and experiences they had witnessed. They knew that the multiverse was an endless sea of possibility, and that there were still countless more universes to explore.

As they shared their discoveries with the rest of humanity, they realized that the true nature of the multiverse was still a mystery. They knew that there were many theories and hypotheses, but no one could say for sure which one was right.

And so, the explorers continued their journey, driven by a hunger to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and to understand the true nature of reality itself.





If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of search engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.












anond:20220114171723 anond:20220114173359



















"Current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines appear to be providing protection with high antibody titers; the possibility of ADE risks associated with waning titers of antibodies over time remains unknown. " だし



"A note for concerned parents: Zero vaccines given today cause ADE. An older measles vaccine and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine were removed from use after showing evidence of causing ADE. A dengue virus vaccine causing ADE was also discontinued for young children."








"Current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines appear to be providing protection with high antibody titers; the possibility of ADE risks associated with waning titers of antibodies over time remains unknown. "





































⭐️ 入院させたのは病院判断じゃねーの? → 常識の補足をいくつか⭐️

  1. PCRの結果は出るまで自宅待機だよ。入院なんかしないよ(出来ないよ)
  2. PCRが陰性でも発熱がある・原因が特定出来ていない状況で一般病棟には入れないよ(偽陰性があるため)
  3. 一般国民は手術が急遽中止になってたりするし、そもそも不急の入院・手術延期を要請通達が出てるよ
  4. 余力がある病院認識しているならなぜ福井和歌山墨田区みたいに地域医療グループ化を先導しないのか?
  5. 民間病院にも税金が入っているし、そもそも保険証というシステムだよ
  6. 行政責任者から直ちに優先的に対応する必要があったってそれはコロナとか死にかけている場合のみでは?










"Current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines appear to be providing protection with high antibody titers; the possibility of ADE risks associated with waning titers of antibodies over time remains unknown. " だし



"A note for concerned parents: Zero vaccines given today cause ADE. An older measles vaccine and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine were removed from use after showing evidence of causing ADE. A dengue virus vaccine causing ADE was also discontinued for young children."



⭐️ 選挙で落とせない内閣府や省庁や経済会議民間議員部員メンバー自民党である限りどうにも出来ないんだなぁ。むしろ立憲でもどうにかなるかどうか・・・⭐️

古市憲寿 (院は東大だが 慶應義塾大学環境情報学部卒、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所上席所員)
  → 日本学術振興会「育志賞」受賞する肩書き社会学者
  → 民主党の時から自民現在に至るまで内閣府の様々なメンバー厚生労働省雇用女性支援プロジェクトチームメンバー
  → 高齢者に「十年早く死んでくれ」と言うわけじゃなくて、「最後 の一ヶ月間の延命治療はやめませんか?」と提案すればいい。
  → [小山田圭吾氏の障害者虐待について]
  → [ホームレス生活保護者に差別発言をしたDaiGo氏について]

新浪剛史 (MBAハーバードでとってるが慶應義塾大学経済学部卒)

伊藤穰一 (慶應義塾大学大学院政策博士慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科非常勤講師)

竹中平蔵 (慶應義塾大学名誉教授)

  → 株式会社KADOKAWA社長で(内閣府)規制改革推進会議議長デジタル有識者メンバーオリンピックでは組織委員会参与を勤めた


⭐️なお、(内閣府)規制改革推進会議議長デジタル有識者メンバー夏野氏ありがたいお言葉の数々 ↓
















 ※小馬鹿にして「はあ。」と返すのがお好きなようで @tnatsu はあ で検索するとたくさん引っかかる

夏野氏竹中さんに大いに期待する。竹中さんの明確すぎる論に反発する感情的な人たちが日本のガンなのだ。 / 英雄?悪玉?竹中氏に再び脚光 戦略特区メンバーの有力候補浮上」








See Interest over time on Google Trends for AWS Amazon, Azure Microsoft, GCP Google - Worldwide, 2004 - present - https://trends.google.com/trends/explore/TIMESERIES/1610632200?hl=en-US&tz=-540&date=all&q=AWS+Amazon,Azure+Microsoft,GCP+Google&sni=3



lso for some of the main characters.[145] The themes may evolve over time, as Daenerys Targaryen's theme started small and then became more powerful after each season. Her theme started first with a s











れい新選組立憲民主党 どちらが正しいか (自民党とどちらが正しいか追記しました)








デフレ放置した民主党政権下で雇用ヘロヘロだったのも、2014年に成長率の名実逆転を解消し(17年ぶり)、2017年需給ギャップを解消した(9年ぶり)安倍政権下で雇用が劇的に改善したのも、経済学的にはまったく理に適っています(なお、先日朝日新聞に"年収200万円未満が75% 非正規リアル政治は"という記事がありましたが、この記事アベノミクスによっても雇用に成果がでていないというのであれば明確に誤りです。また雇用環境改善したのは少子高齢化や団世代の大量退職のせいだという人がいますが、それも誤りです。この記事はその点を説明するためのものではないので、詳しくは論じませんが、失業率の分母は生産年齢人口ではなくて労働力人口で、労働力人口民主党政権化では増えておらず、安倍政権下では増え続けているとだけ指摘しておきます。)。






"The FOMC noted in its statement that the Committee judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent (as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, or PCE) is most consistent over the longer run with the Federal Reserve's statutory mandate."



"The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability. The ECB aims at inflation rates of below, but close to, 2% over the medium term."



"To keep inflation low and stable, the Government sets us an inflation target of 2%. This helps everyone plan for the future."



"The Governor and the Treasurer have agreed that the appropriate target for monetary policy in Australia is to achieve an inflation rate of 2–3 per cent, on average, over time. This is a rate of inflation sufficiently low that it does not materially distort economic decisions in the community. "







dc42jk 現在経済状況から金融緩和財政拡張政策の両方が必要だと思う。その両方を掲げているのはれいしかない。自民金融政策に触れてないし立民は金融引締めを示唆している。







"Macroeconomics"(12th Edition) " Robert J Gordon2013年


(未翻訳ですがアメリカ代表的マクロ経済学教科書です。IS-LM分析の箇所で日本に対する処方箋が取り上げられています。"combined monetary-fiscal policy expansion""The IS and LM curves shift rightward together"れいわの政策はそれに合致しています。)








[] 2018香港深圳広州の旅 Day.4























「oh, do you have shop card?」






「I can’t open dore at my room.」

「Check out time passed, you over time. check out time 12.」





「Thank you. I had a great time! 再見


「I had a great time.」




「Please keep my baggege.」






「When are you coming back?」

「7 O,clock. take care.」









































「coffe, ice




























Guy’s, I’m Foreigner. Can i take your photo?」

「Of course.」

「3,2,1, Shoot!」

「have a goot time ;)」

「Thank you!」




ホテルに戻り「Mr,I want pick up my baggege.」








Hong Kong Airport.」








「For you.」







「I want carge Moba battery.」







重量チェックの前でキャッキャウフフしているGirlsに困った顔で「Pleeease ><



「I want store my baggege.」

















「Ser, i had a great time.我好鐘意香港。」



Hey! Also hong kong into come back!」




Communicating underwater is challenging.

Light and odors don't travel well, so it's hard for animals to see or smell.

But sound moves about four times faster in water than in air, so in this dark environment, marine mammals often rely on vocalization to communicate.

That's why a chorus of sounds fills the ocean.

Clicks, pulses, whistles, groans, boings, cries, and trills, to name a few.

But the most famous parts of this underwater symphony are the evocative melodies, or songs, composed by the world's largest mammals, whales.

Whale songs are one of the most sophisticated communication systems in the animal kingdom.

Only a few species are known to sing.

Blue, fin, bowhead minke whales, and of course humpback whales.

These are all baleen whales which use hairy baleen plates instead of teeth to trap their prey.

Meanwhile, toothed whales do use echolocation, and they and other species of baleen whales make social sounds, such as cries and whistles, to communicate.

But those vocalizations lack the complexity of songs.

So how do they do it?

Land mammals like us generate sound by moving air over our vocal chords when we exhale, causing them to vibrate.

Baleen whales have a U-shaped fold of tissue between their lungs and their large inflatable organs called laryngeal sacs.

We don't know this for sure because it's essentially impossible to observe the internal organs of a living, singing whale, but we think that when a whale sings, muscular contractions in the throat and chest move air from the lungs across the U-fold and into the laryngeal sacs, causing the U-fold to vibrate.

The resulting sound resonates in the sacs like a choir singing in a cathedral making songs loud enough to propagate up to thousands of kilometers away.

Whales don't have to exhale to sing.

Instead, the air is recycled back into the lungs, creating sound once more.

One reason whale songs are so fascinating is their pattern.

Units, like moans, cries, and chirps are arranged in phrases.

Repeated phrases are assembled into themes.

Multiple themes repeated in a predictable pattern create a song.

This hierarchical structure is a kind of grammar.

Whale songs are extremely variable in duration, and whales can repeat them over and over.

In one recorded session, a humpback whale sang for 22 hours.

And why do they do it?

We don't yet know the exact purpose, but we can speculate.

Given that the singers are males and they mostly sing during the mating season, songs might be used to attract females.

Or perhaps they're territorial, used to deter other males.

Whales return to the same feeding and breeding grounds annually, and each discrete population has a different song.

Songs evolve over time as units or phrases are added, changed, or dropped.

And when males from different populations are feeding within earshot, phrases are often exchanged, maybe because new songs make them more attractive to breeding females.

This is one of the fastest examples of cultural transmission, where learned behaviors are passed between unrelated individuals of the same species.

We can eavesdrop on these songs using underwater microphones called hydrophones.

These help us track species when sightings or genetic samples are rare.

For example, scientists have been able to differentiate the elusive blue whale's populations worldwide based on their songs.

But the oceans are getting noisier as a result of human activity.

Boating, military sonar, underwater construction, and seismic surveys for oil are occurring more often which may interfere with whale's communication.

Some whales will avoid key feeding or breeding grounds if human noise is too loud.

And humpback whales have been observed to reduce their singing in response to noise 200 kilometers away.

Limiting human activity along migratory routes and in other critical habitats, and reducing noise pollution throughout the ocean would help ensure whales continued survival.

If the whales can keep singing and we can keep listening, maybe one day we'll truly understand what they're saying.



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福島原子力発電所CNNコメント欄 MIT科学者見解2【東日本巨大地震

When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did.

Within the 8 hours, another power source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the earthquake. The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were trucked in.

This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out, the residual heat could not be carried away any more.

At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown.

It was at this stage that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.

But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems.

Because cooling the core is such a big deal, the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time.

So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about 550°C.

This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in. I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health.

At some stage during this venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment (our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has no function in keeping the radioactivity contained. It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima. The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment.

So the pressure was under control, as steam was vented. Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass (hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail.

And this started to happen. The cooling could not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had started melting. What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay – radioactive Cesium and Iodine – started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control, because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the atmosphere.

It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods somewhere was about to give. The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean water needed for the regular cooling systems.

The water used in the cooling system is very clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core – it does not care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.

But Plan A had failed – cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable – so Plan B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened:

In order to prevent a core meltdown, the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment, immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us.

The point is that the nuclear fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago, there is only very little residual heat being produced now. The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat. Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is “liquid control rod”. Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further speed up the cooling down of the core.

The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would then either be repaired or dismantled.

Now, where does that leave us?

・The plant is safe now and will stay safe.

Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.

・Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.

・There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.

・The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.

・The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water

・The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.

Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.

・The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)

・I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.

If you want to stay informed, please forget the usual media outlets and consult the following websites:




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