阿東村雪山の麓で 帰国して六日経ち、黄昏の散歩道を周回した。3週間ぶりのことである。少し足をのばせば畦に彼岸花の咲く季節になっている。初秋の空気は気持ちよく、ようやく人並みの体調に戻りつつあることを体感した。
One day in the Tibetan farm village, we stopped our car on the road. A truck of the Tibetan
farmer which stopped in front of our car went back suddenly. As cornstalks more than 3 meters
in height were piled up on the carrier, the Tibetan driver could not watch the rear and could not
hear the sound of the horn. The truck just hit our car and destroyed its bonnet, but as cornstalk
bunches became the cushion, the front window was not broken. I sat in the seat next to our
driver, but there was no injury miraculously.
On the mountain path of the way home, there were traffic jams more than two hours by
the rockfall. So It was a terrible day, but Mainri Snow Mountains(
Min gling gangs ri) which
hid in the heavy clouds appeared when I came back to the town. It seems to be three months
since the holy mountain for Tibetan people having exposed the whole view last really.
We succeeded in praying the holy mountains of a sunset and the morning glow from a distance,
which made us feel that trouble was rewarded and we were very lucky and happy.
阿東村プゾナヨン寺 後半のパラグラフに注目いただきたい。関空水没によって行程をぐしゃぐしゃにされた我々は、阿東で交通事故に遭い、その帰途、落石の山道で二時間以上の渋滞に悩まされた。艱難辛苦の途を歩み金沙江を越えて旧チベット領カム地方までやってきた意義ははたしてあったのか否か。関空の水没はこの地に「行くな、行ってもろくなことはない」という自然界からの警鐘であったのだろうと思いたくなるほど忸怩とした時間を過ごしていた。