






《連載情報》 公立鳥取環境大学退任記念講演ツアー
(予報1)全体企画 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2870.html
(予報2)鳥取会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2871.html
(予報3)建築史学HP/鳥取02 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2873.html
(予報4)大阪会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2882.html
(予報5)東京会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2890.html
(予報6)資料集 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2892.html
(予報7)Xにアップ http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2899.html
(予報8)鳥取新聞告知 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2912.html
(予報9)東京会場02 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2926.html
(予報10)Xにアップ(東京) http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2927.html
(予報11)資料集アゲイン http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2928.html
(予報12)東京会場03 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2941.html
(報告1)鳥取三朝 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2913.html


Some Heritages of Bon or non-Buddhism behind Buddhism(4)

6. Conclusion: Inversion of Superiority and Inferiority

(1) Bon, or neither Bon nor Buddhism ?
 The non-Buddhist deities and their worship places of them investigated at the seven temples and residences are organized as follows;
  ① Chime Lhakhan: Am Chokim (witch idol) at the corner of the altar in the main hall 
  ② Kubun Lhakhan: Sippai Gelmo (Bon goddess idol) at Gyeongkhang 
  ③ Benji Village: Muktseon (intangible basin deity) at Gyeongkhang of Nagtsang
    with Katap idol (bouncer of the main god)
  ④ Chungdu Lhakhan: Chungdu & Joya (Watershed deity's idols) at the side
   of the altar of the main hall
  ⑤ Jung family: Chungdu & Jowya (Watershed deity's idols) in front of the side wall
   beside the altar
  ⑥ Dzong drakha Lhakhan: Danchen Dorji Lekpa (idol of the basin deity?)
   at Gyeongkhang with Kathap
  ⑦ Dichempu Lhakhan: Genyen (intangible Himalayan guardian deity) in stone 
 Although the number of cases may seem small, it took 10 years to enter and investigate Gyeongkhangs. Of these seven locations, only two, ② Kubun Temple and ③ Bemji village, are definitely related to Bon. ② used to be Yungdrung Bon temple. It is once again attracting attention as the only remaining Yungdrung Bon monumental heritage in Bhutan. ③ Bemji is a village of the Bon people, who are said to have fled from Lhasa in ancient Tibet. Their deity is Muktsen, the guardian deity of the watershed, lives in the high rock mountains.It is not divine spirit of Yungdrung Bon, but an intangible entity. In Nagtsang's Gyeongkhang, Objects symbolizing Muktseng is worshipped. It is noteworthy that modern non-Buddhist deities are associated with ancient Bon people, and there is a sense of continuity between the Kvaerne IV period (modern folk beliefs) and the Kvaerne I period (primitive Bon), but the relationship between the two forms of belief is not as certain as it could be.

(2) Non-Buddhist deities from the viewpoint of idols and ritual sites
 Some informants said that ④⑤ Chundu brothers are Bon, but this is not an idea shared by the entire local population. However, idolized deities are enshrined in the Buddhist hall, which, along with Witch Am Chokim in Punakha, are strongly influenced by Buddhism. Thus, the degree of Buddhistization of non-Buddhist deities can be estimated using ritual sites and idolization as indicators. Focusing on these two points, the survey cases were divided into three types. Namely;
  〈Type A〉 Enshrine an idol inside the Buddhist Hall;①④⑤
  〈Type B〉 Enshrine an idol in Gyeongkhang outside the Buddhist Hall;②⑥
  〈Type C〉 Enshrine the object symbolizing intangible deity hidden in Gyeongkhang outside the Buddhist hall;③⑦
 Type A, as mentioned above, corresponds to the witch Am Chokim ① at Chime lhakhang and the watershed deity Chungdu brothers ④⑤. These are land deities that were subdued by Buddhist meditation and transformed into guardian deities on the Buddhist side. The Buddhist conversion is significant in terms of its ritual site and idolization. Although the places of worship for deities are corner of Buddhist hall, the importance as land deities has not wavered, even though it has been converted to a guardian deity on the Buddhist side. The people still revere Chungdu and Am Chokim more than Buddhist dignitaries, as deities influence their daily lives, and hold a large festival once a year.
 Type B corresponds to the Kubun temple ② and the Dzongdrakha temple ⑥. Kubun was Yungdrung Bon temple and is therefore strongly influenced by Buddhism. Danchen Dorji Lekpha, the patron deity of Dzongdrakha, is worshipped in Gyeongkhang and has a Bon flag on the precinct. Lekpha and Khatap are idolized. In this respect, the influence of Buddhism is still felt strongly, but the Bon flag and the guardian deity are indigenous, and are representative examples of the fusion of both Buddhism and non-Buddhism.
 Typical type C is Muktsen ③ of Nagtsang in Bemji Village. The deity is enshrined in an independent Gyeongkhang deep inside the Buddhist Hall. Muktsen is essentially a mountain-dwelling deity, reflecting the ancient worship of natural objects. However, the warrior god Khatap, who serves as a bouncer, is idolized and is also found in the Dzongdrakha Temple, which shows the influence of Buddhism. The guardian deity Genyen ⑦ of the Dechenphu Temple also appears to be old-fashioned in that it uses a natural stone as object of worship. Until the meeting with Gawan Namgyel, the founder of the country, Genyen was an intangible entity, but after the meeting, Genyen became imbued with a stone, which became the de facto object of worship. The new Gyeongkhang is on the third floor of the newly built main hall and enshrines an idol, making it Buddhist. It is thought that the idolization of indigenous deities came after the acceptance of Buddhism, and that originally, special natural objects such as stones and mountains were the objects of worship, while the deities themselves were intangible entities.


Some Heritages of Bon or non-Buddhism behind Buddhism(3)

4. Bemji: the Hidden Village of the Bon people

(1) Descendants of Khri Srong lde brtsan
 According to the lore, in the latter half of the 8th century, the Buddhist king Khri Srong lde brtsan, who maximized the territory of Tibet, had three sons. The king sought the people's devotion to Buddhism to make it the state religion, turning the tide from the coexistence of Buddhism and Bön. The king's two sons followed suit, but only the youngest son could not abandon the Bon belief. So the king ordered, “You will not survive in Lhasa. You must flee far away.” It is Bemji the youngest prince fell away and settled in. At December 26th 2022, on having arrived at Bemji village, a villager told us, “Tomorrow we will have a festival, so today we re-erect the Bon flag”. We observed the process and ceremony of putting up the cotton-capped flag, which is completely different from the Buddhist flag. From the high ground where the flag is erected, one can see the mountain where Muktsen, the guardian deity of the watershed, lives. Between the hill and the landowner residence, there is a square with a Bong flag and a stone chair on which the nymphs flew down from Mt.Muktseon can sit. This place is also used as a stage for dance performances.

(2) Gyeongkhang of Nagtsan
 There still remain caste system and the Nagtsan, the former feudal lord's mansion, in Bemji village. Nagtsan is also a guesthouse, and in September 2023, we slept in a room on the third floor to conduct investigation. A matrilineal extended family are living here, and relatives from the neighborhood often gather for memorial services and meals. The central room on the third floor is a magnificent Buddhist-style Hall, and the grandmother over 90 years old, spends many hours every day here reciting sutras.
 In Bemji village, Gyeongkhang, located behind the Buddhist hall, occupies an even more important position than the Buddhist hall. There, Muktsen as the guardian deity of the watershed, is worshipped. Muktsen is an intangible divine spirit and has no idol. The object in which a deity resides is hidden in the chest. However, a life-size statue of Khatap as the god of valor and Muktseon's bodyguard, stands in the far left corner, glaring at the visitor, giving the dark room a terrifyingly powerful atmosphere. It has an aura of transcendence that surpasses that of Gyongkhang at Kubun Temple.
 When we stayed at Nagtsan, a niece of the female owner came to help prepare meals. She was going to immigrate to the U.S. soon, and hoping that her visa application would go smoothly, the family invited three Buddhist monks to perform a prayer in Gyeongkhang. It is important to note that the Bon people's deity in Gyeongkhang is Muktsen, which is not a Bon deity, but the guardian deity of the watershed. In other words, Muktsen is the folk spirit of the Kvaerne's IV period.
 If the tradition that the people of Bemji village are descended from the Bon people of the Tibetan dynastic period is correct, their beliefs may be inherited from the Kvaerne's I period. In other words, there is a possibility of continuity between the Kvaerne I period (primitive Bon) and the Kvaerne IV period (folk Bon) as non-Buddhist beliefs. In addition, the fact that the priests who worship non-Buddhist Muktsen are Buddhist monks gives the impression of a fusion of Buddhism and Bon/non-Buddhism, or the “Tibetanization of Buddhism” [Imaeda 2010].
 According to the man-owner of Nagtsang, the villagers revere Muktsen as the god of the Bon religion. Muktsen is regarded as an indispensable spirit that brings benefits to daily life and keeps evil away. On the other hand, Buddhism is a philosophical knowledge and practice that is important to the monks and other talented people who continue their training to enlightenment, but not necessarily important to the villagers.
 Note that at the Dzongdrakha Temple in Paro, which we always visit on the last day of our investigation, we found a Bon flag mixed in with numerous Buddhist flags. In addition, a Gyeongkhang at the back of the main hall was dedicated to the basin deity, with a statue of the warrior god Katap in front of it. We were able to confirm the Bemji-like aspect in the Buddhist temple.


Some Heritages of Bon or non-Buddhism behind Buddhism(2)

2. Folk world of Bhutan

(1) The underworld and the half-snake king 
 In 2023, our laboratory worked on the translation of a Bhutanese picture book of folktales, “Ashi Tshomen:Mermaid Princess”[Kunzan Choden 2021]. According to this book, the Bhutanese folk world is divided into the heavenly world where gods live, the earthly world where humans live, and the underground world where earth spirits live. Underwater areas such as lakes and rivers are also included in the underground world. The king who rules the underground world is called Lu, and the underwater goddess is called Tsomen. The bodies of King Lu and Princess Tshomen are human in the upper half and snake in the lower half. Snakes living underground are evil earth spirits that sometimes appear above ground to harm people. To prevent them from entering houses, small shrines called Lukhang (snake houses) are built at the corners and entrances outside houses. It functions as a kind of amulet.
 In Nagtsan, the former feudal lord's house in Oygencholing, seven Lukhang can be seen around the house. The large and magnificent one is called Luphodang (palace of the serpent). We found it in a corner of Punakha Castle. When the castle was being built on a sandbar at the confluence of rivers, the river overflowed several times, preventing the construction from progressing. So they built a Luphodang and presented offerings to the underground king Lu, and the disaster was quelled. There is no idol of Lu, and only a sign depicting his honor is pasted inside Luphodang, but there is a woven bamboo frame in the storespace, and once a year during the great festival, the frame is covered with paper and colorfully painted, and the idol is brought out to the palace square for a grand celebration. It should be noted that Lu, the serpent king, who has a strong image of a demon lurking underground, is in fact the object of a festival. On the other hand, Princess Tshomen, the water goddess, is enshrined in a corner of the temple. The idol is placed in a relief on the side wall of the temple or in a small rock cave like a niche.

(2) Garuda and Phallus:the repellent of evil spirits
 Along with Lukhang, the divine bird Garuda plays the role of destroying unlucky snakes. It descends from the heavens, instantly bites a snake crawling on the ground, and bites it off in midair. Such paintings are often depicted on the walls of private homes and other buildings. In this case, the garuda is a bird to ward off evil, but a giant phallus (po) is painted on the outer wall to fulfill a similar role. It is a very colorful expression. In some cases, small wooden carvings are hung from the eaves of the roofs, and in other cases, they are pierced into the lintel of the gate. While the garuda functions to keep out serpents, the phallus prevents the intrusion of witches. Originally, the entire Himalayan region was ruled by witches. There is a legend that King Srongtsan Gampo built Buddhist temples in various places and crucified “witches” to purify the land, and a painting called “Witch Crucifixion” (probably made after the 17th century) remains. In this case, the “witch” is thought to be the “goddess” or “authority figure” of the pre-Buddhist society, which the Buddhist side denied and called “witch”.

(3) Amchokim:the Witch of Chimelhakhan
 In the 14th century, a monstrous monk named Drukpa Kunley appeared. With his own giant dorji (five-pronged pestlea = metaphor for phallus), he confounded many witches hiding in the valleys throughout Tibet and Bhutan and incorporated them as guardian deities on the Buddhist side [Imaeda 2017]. In Bhutan, the anecdote of Chimelhakhan temple of Punakha district is so well known.
 Having made Amchokim (Aunt Chokim), the goddess of this land, his own, Kunley began to seduce a young girl in another village. Amchokim was furiously jealous and went wild. Kunley, upon hearing this, immediately returned to Chimelhakhan to soothe Amchokim and calm her down. If you visit Chimelhakhan today, you will see a black-walled stupa that Kunley built to contain the witch underground, and the main altar enshrines an idol of Amchokim on the far right and a wooden carving of Phallus on the far left. Amchokim was originally a land deity of the basin, but was converted to a guardian deity of the Buddhist side after the subjugation of Kunley. However, the local people still worship Amchokim and hold a grand festival once a year to pray to her for their wishes.


Some Heritages of Bon or non-Buddhism behind Buddhism(1)


Sep.03 KIXーBKK
04   BKK – Paro – Punaka(Lobesa Hotel)
     1400: Meeting with Mr. Samten Dorji (Gaselo School)
05   Punaka – Kunzangling, Nyisho Gewog (23kms, 1hr)
     Kunzangling village, Sewgang Lhakhang, Kunzangling Lhakhang
06   Punaka – Jangbi (Trongsa, 160 kms, 5 hours)
     Jangbi village and lhakhang
07   Jangbi(Langthel) – Tashidingkha -
08   Trongsa – Ogyencholing(Bumthang, 150 kms, 4 hrs 45 mins)
     Ogyen Choling Heritage House, Jakar Dzong, Pem Lhakhang
09   Ogyencholin – Nagor (Mongar, Approx. 200 kms, 6+ hours)
10   Nagol – Thimphu (Approx. 300 kms, 11+ hours)
11   Lecture at Bhutan Brand Centre in Thimphu
      Presenter: Shigeo Asakawa
      Title: Some Heritages of Bon or non-Buddhism behind Buddhism
          - From the secluded regions of Bhutan
      Date and Time: September 11th(wed), 6:00 p.m -
12   Paro-BKK
13   BKK-KIX

 ①セワカン寺(Sewgang Lhakhang): 昨年まで三度訪れたクブン寺(元ユンドゥンボン)の女神シッパイゲルモの冬の住まい。同じウォンディポダン県のクンサリン(Kunzangling)郡にある民家に Agay Masa というボン教の神が祭られている。耳に病のある人はその神に魚を奉納する習慣がある。5日訪問。
 ④ブムタン県のKurje寺とJambey寺の間に位置するPem Lhakhangはボン教寺院。Jambey寺建設で残った資材を使って建てられた。本堂には金で書かれた経典Geytongpaがある。以前は霊が住み着く場所として恐れられていたが、今はそうではなくなった。8日訪問。






20240808鯖ナレズシ03塩振り01 塩ふり殺菌



  ④鯖のナレズシpH5~6 *カビ発生(白米系)冷蔵庫保管 
  ⑧鮭のナレズシpH5 *カビ発生(雑穀赤米系)スタジオ保管  

20240808鯖ナレズシ02 20240808鯖ナレズシ05塩振り02





20240807鮭ナレズシ02カビ02 20240807鮭ナレズシ01カビ01


  ④鯖のナレズシpH5~6 *カビ発生(白米系)冷蔵庫保管 
  ⑥鮎のナレズシ(1)pH6 *カビ発生(白米系)冷蔵庫保管 
  ⑧鮭のナレズシpH5 *カビ発生(雑穀赤米系)スタジオ保管  

20240807奈良漬け02 20240807鹿・猪ナレズシ01上澄み液01
左:分けた奈良漬け 右:鹿肉・猪肉ナレズシ上澄み液


20240807鮭ナレズシ05カビ03 20240807鮭ナレズシ03
左:カビが発生した鮭ナレズシ 右:処理後


20240807鯖ナレズシ01カビ01 20240807鯖ナレズシ02
左:カビが発生した鯖ナレズシ 右:カビ接触部を切り落とした切り身


20240807鮎ナレズシ(1)01カビ01 20240807鮎ナレズシ(1)02
左:カビが発生した鮎ナレズシ 右:処理後







令和21~24年度科学研究費基盤研究(C)成果(ASALAB報告書 第43輯)

表紙+目次 01
表紙裏(例言) 02
口絵:全国ツアーチラシ   03
   鳥取三朝チラシ    04
   東京大塚チラシ    05
   大阪堺チラシ     06(ここまで隠しノンブル)

第1章 仏教に潜むボン/非仏教の遺産
       -ブータンの秘境から《概要》      07-10

中間口絵 菅原遺跡復元CG A案      11(隠し)
     菅原遺跡復元CG B1案      12
     菅原遺跡復元CG B2案      13
     菅原遺跡復元CG A案      14(ここまで隠し)

第2章 菅原遺跡「円堂」の復元 15-36

第3章 菅原遺跡円形建物SB140の復元に係る再検討
     -発掘調査報告書の刊行をうけて-    37-65

裏表紙+奥付+α  66 






第2回 12月7日(土)13:30~16:30  定員50名
   会場:筑波大学東京キャンパス118講義室 〒112-0012 東京都文京区大塚3-29-1
     申込サイト: https://forms.office.com/r/Qtg9KDK0c8 第2回東京講演_参加申込フォーム_2次元バーコード

    主題: 南アジアの宗教的交錯と民族建築・生活空間  司会:栗原伸治(日本大学教授)
      *④は9月11日(水)夕刻、ティンプーのBhutan Brand Centreでも英訳講演の予定

《連載情報》 公立鳥取環境大学退任記念講演ツアー
(予報1)全体企画 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2870.html
(予報2)鳥取会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2871.html
(予報3)建築史学HP/鳥取02 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2873.html
(予報4)大阪会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2882.html
(予報5)東京会場01 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2890.html
(予報6)資料集 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2892.html
(予報7)Xにアップ http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2899.html
(予報8)鳥取新聞告知 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2912.html
(予報9)東京会場02 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2926.html
(予報10)Xにアップ(東京) http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2927.html
(予報11)資料集アゲイン http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2928.html
(予報12)東京会場03 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2941.html
(報告1)鳥取三朝 http://asaxlablog.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2913.html


Kesuke Honda exhibition match in Thimphu, Bhutan



《参考サイト》本田圭佑が約2年8カ月ぶり復帰! ブータンデビュー、リーグ戦急きょ出場し勝利に貢献


諏訪神社のドジョウずし: 漬けられるドジョウ(歴博リポジトリ)


 歴史遺産保全特論の期末レポートとして提出されたドジョウ鮓の話題に興味をもった。院生SMさんが引用したのは日比野光敏の論文「ドジョウずしが語るもの」(『国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告』162号:pp. 271-295, 2011) である。これが泥鰌ズシに関する唯一の本格的論考だと言って間違いない。全国数ヶ所の泥鰌スシを紹介しており、なかでも兵庫県丹波篠山市岡屋の諏訪神社の神饌となる「ドジョウずし」は、栗東市大橋の三輪神社のドジョウ鯰ズシと類似する点が多々あり、情報を集めた。ネット情報によると、どうやら8月初旬に泥鰌ズシの漬け込みがあり、ひと月後に開封と奉納がおこなわれるという。結果としては、残念ながら、すでに泥鰌ズシづくりはおこなわれなくなっていたが、日比野氏の論文を読んだり、神社の関係者に電話でヒアリングした結果を報告しておく。

諏訪神社ドジョウずし02 諏訪神社ドジョウずし03






0803オーキャン01 0803オーキャン03


 今年も2日間採点マシーンに化そうと決めていた。果たして、その状態が数時間続くも、14時ころ来室者あり。 なぜか母校(西高)1年と城北の1年女子。情報筋によると、昨年度の高校入試で西高は定員割れしたらしい。来室した後輩は「誰でも入れるんですよ」と卑下した。いま人気があるのは城北なのだという。相撲が取り柄かと思いきや、勉学の方でも評価が上がっているそうだ。もう一人の高一女子は城北の生徒だった。二人とも、地元に残るか、都市部に出るか迷っている。

0803オーキャン02 0803オーキャン04



《圧縮》1972年6月1日 松田家 切支丹灯籠_page-0001 1972年6月1日 毎日新聞




《圧縮》2007年11月6日(火) 日本海新聞 松田家 切支丹灯籠_page-0001     《圧縮》2007年11月8日(木) 朝日新聞 松田家 切支丹灯籠_page-0001
(左)2007年11月6日 日本海新聞   (右)2007年11月8日 朝日新聞








第1回 10月5日(土)13:30~16:30 定員30名
   会場:三徳山三佛寺正善院 〒682-0132 鳥取県東伯郡三朝町大字三徳1013(史跡名勝・日本遺産)

   主題: 古代の段台状仏塔と行基の供養堂

第2回 12月7日(土)13:30~16:30 @東京大塚  定員50名:続きに掲載



第3回 2025年1月13日(月祝)13:30~16:30 定員100名
    会場:土塔町公民館 〒599-8234 大阪府堺市中区土塔町2107
     申込サイト: https://forms.office.com/r/SVukUbTMJD 

    主題: 行基の建築考古学  司会:岩永省三

事務局・問い合わせ先: 公立鳥取環境大学保存修復スタジオ/東鯷人の会
         〒689-1111 鳥取市若葉台北1-1-1 e-mail:[email protected]





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