Genocidal Scorecard
The latest U.N. report chronicles Israel’s advances in its genocidal assault in Gaza. Israel is intent, the report warns, on expelling the Palestinians, recolonizing Gaza and turning on the West Bank.
Chris Hedges
Oct 30, 2024
Iran waited 2 months to respond to Israel’s assassination in its capital because the US said they were “working” on a ceasefire in Gaza, which never happened, then Israel expanded its war to Lebanon. Israel is “retaliating” to a retaliation.
🇺🇸🇵🇸 Tucker Carlson On Christians Supporting Israel
"If you wake up in the morning and decide your Christian faith requires you to support a foreign government blowing up churches and killing Christians, I think you've lost the thread."
In a recent interview, far-right Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, claimed that Israel would expand “little by little” and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia
このような発言をアドルフ・ヒトラーの発言とみなし、まさにこのような大胆な公的征服計画こそ、ナチス・ドイツを倒し滅ぼした世界同盟の形成を正当化したと洗脳された多くの欧米人は信じているに違いないが、これは全く、たわ言だ。ドイツが弱体化していた時期、95%がドイツ人である都市ダンツィヒをポーランドが違法に支配し、ヒトラーがドイツの他の国境紛争を全て平和的に解決した後、唯一残った要求はダンツィヒをドイツに返還することで、その小さな火種が第二次世界大戦の引き金になったのだ。この重要な歴史は、2011年にドイツの軍事専門家で歴史家のゲルト・シュルツェ・ロンホフが出版した『1939 - The War That Had Many Fathers(1939年 - 多くの父親がいた戦争)』で詳しく論じられている。
スモトリッチが宣言した中東の大半を征服して大イスラエルを建設する計画は極端に思えるかもしれないが、実際の信念そのものより、公の場での率直さこそ異例に思える。実際、2012年にシュロモ・サンド教授が著した素晴らしい著書『The Invention of the Land of Israel(イスラエルの地の発明)』で述べている通り、そのような考えは常にシオニスト運動の本当の狙いを表してきた。
"No one in the world will allow us to starve to death 2 million citizens, although it may be just and moral."
Far-right Israeli minister Bezalel Smotrich expresses his frustration that Israel isn't allowed to starve 2 million Palestinians to death in Gaza.
長年、世界中で何百万人もの非ユダヤ人を虐殺しようとしているとイスラエル著名人が頻繁に公の場で宣言して悪名を馳せてきた。2018年に、将来の首相アリエル・シャロンが1980年代初頭、イスラエルを代表する文学者の一人アモス・オズから長時間インタビューを受けた際にした劇的発言に私は注目した。その後、オズは匿名を装い、これら発言を1983年の随筆集『In the Land of Israel イスラエルの地にて』の一章として発表した。
URGENT! These 6 Palestinians are among the last journalists surviving Israel's onslaught in Gaza (with 130+ of their colleagues killed in the last year). Declaring them "terrorists" sounds like a death sentence. They must be protected at all cost.
— Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (@FranceskAlbs) October 23, 2024
敬意を持って歴史的観点からイランを扱うことは、その目標実現に役立つはずだ。アメリカの政策は、イラクへの誤った介入に先立つ状況を不吉に想起させる、現在の不自然に緊迫した雰囲気に左右されるべきではない。ロサンゼルス・タイムズ記事「Been there, done that 既に経験済み」ズビグニュー・ブレジンスキー
注目すべきは、イランは中国に石油の15%を供給しており(中国最大の石油供給国)、国際南北輸送回廊(インド、イラン、アゼルバイジャン、ロシア、中央アジア、ヨーロッパ間の貨物輸送のための船、鉄道、道路の7200キロの多様なネットワーク)に積極的に参加しており「中央アジア、南アジア、中東アラブ諸国の交差点に位置している」ことだ。イランの戦略的位置と豊富な天然資源により、イランはワシントンの陳腐な「ルールに基づく体制」に急速に取って代わりつつある新興の多極世界秩序の重要な一部になっている。ロシアも中国もイランが壊滅したり、イラン政府が追放されたりすることは許さない。著者Digby James Wren博士によるSubstackの詳細な背景情報は下記の通り。
They waited until everyone who was running toward the wounded child had finished arriving.
Ordinary Palestinian civilians are doing more important journalism filming their own genocide from the windows of their homes than the entire western press has done for an entire year.
George GallowayもBRICSサミット参加のためカザンにいる。ロシア制裁で欧米は疲弊しているが、ロシアに、マクドナルドはなくとも、あらゆる製品を自給自足して繁栄しているという。 ちなみに、マック店舗は全てВкусно – и точка(Vkusno i tochka うまい、以上終わり)という自国チェーン店に変わっており、似たメニューが揃っている(と言う=小生、ロシアに行っておらず直接食べていない)。
Oxfam condemns in the strongest terms the killing in Gaza today of 4 water engineers working with our partner on their way to repair water infrastructure. They had coordinated their movements with Israeli authorities and were traveling in a marked vehicle.
Israel has lost so much credibility, western govts are enforcing their propaganda matrix by raiding journalists who criticize them. Full solidarity with @AsaWinstanley
Just over a week ago Asa Winstanley published this. Today his home was raided by counter terror police, electronics seized—WITHOUT CHARGE—as part of a police investigation into charges under the Terrorism Act. Every journalist should be shouting from the rooftops about this.
Interesting how Sky News have now deleted this post (without explaining)
It was interesting how 19 year old Israeli *soldiers* in a military base during a war, elicited more sympathy than innocent Arab babies killed by Israel
Over the last year the narrative being pushed by our media has become ever more blatant. Some lives matter more than others.
Israel will continue its mass killing to achieve its immediate goals, but in the long run the blowback from its genocide will doom the Zionist state.
Chris Hedges
Oct 14, 2024
There is a civil war within capitalism. Kamala Harris is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the mascot of the oligarchs. Either way, we lose.
Chris Hedges
Oct 19, 2024
.@NBCNews claims US officials have discussed joining Israel in offensive strikes against Iran, and passing them off as “defensive" after the fact.
This should raise alarm bells - Congress has not declared war on Iran, which would be disastrous for the U.S. and the region.
Trump says Israel should "hit" Iran's nuclear facilities. Yet another bold "anti-war" statement on his part -- a terrifying blow to the Deep State and military-industrial complex
"I met an emergency medicine physician who had worked in a different hospital in Gaza two months before me. 'I couldn’t believe the number of kids I saw shot in the head,' I told him. To my surprise, he responded: 'Yeah, me, too. Every single day'."
45 American surgeons, physicians, and nurses who volunteered in Gaza said in a letter to Biden that “every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head.”
This is blatant state propaganda, and is a complete brazen lie. Shame on Politico for printing this headline. The Biden administration has all the influence in the world to stop this. It's had the power to end Israel's atrocities this entire time and has knowingly chosen not to.
.@tombateman: In 1982 Reagan phoned the PM of Israel and told him to stop bombing Beirut or US-Israel relations would be endangered…you have not used leverage
Pretty hard to take this supposed 'rejection of terrorism and extremism' seriously when Senator Wong and the Labor government she's part of have never seen fit to condemn the decades of terror inflicted by Israel on the Palestinian (and Lebanese) people.
shameful racism from the media, from politicians, from our institutions. the continued harmful & divisive treatment of Palestinians, Lebanese ppl, Arabs, Muslims, is disgusting, and we all need to be saying so.
As an Australian, I don't feel terrorised by Hamas, Hezbollah or the Houthis. But I do live in abject fear & terror of the Australian Govt &the politicians who seek to jail those who oppose genocide & censor those who seek to get the truth out about Israel's extermination agenda.
— 🇵🇸🔻🍉🕊 🏳💔 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 Emma Meconi🔻 (@SpotlightForYou) September 30, 2024