- 2023/06/01(木) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/02(金) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/03(土) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/04(日) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/05(月) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/06(火) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/07(水) 21:25:00|
- 居合 業
無雙神傳英信流の師 梅本三男先生は私の現代剣道の癖が抜けなかった頃に「現代剣道は上から、居合は下から」と教えてくださったことがあります。これは大石神影流剣術でも同じです。
- 2023/06/08(木) 21:25:00|
- 剣術 業
- 2023/06/09(金) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
たとえば関東地方の撃剣の他流試合は農村地帯の方が武士階層よりも早く行われ、農村地帯や足軽といった身分の低い人たちに基盤を持っていた流派の方が他流試合をより早く始めているということから、剣術の試合(九州では撃剣という言葉が用いられるようになったのは関東地方の影響を受けた後だと考えており、撃剣という言葉が出てくるのはかなり後になってからです。)に達者であった、それまで使われていなかった長い竹刀を用いて突き技や胴切りなどの技を持ちて江戸を席巻した大石進種次もまた農村地帯に住んでいたことから関東の農民階層と同じような身分が低いもので土佐藩の下士や徳島藩の原士と同じように身分が低い半農半士であったから自由なことができたのだろうと推測されています。しかし柳河藩には下士や原士のような半農半士は存在せず、「在宅」という制度があって、許可を得て領地を直接知行する武士たちも多くいました(柳河藩は藩士が全員城下集住をしていたわけではないのです)。「在宅」の武士たちは実入りを多くするために自ら農作業もしていました。詳細は省きますが大石家は柳河藩でも由緒のある家で先祖は立花宗茂の父である高橋 紹運と共に城を守って討ち死にしています。立花宗茂が柳河を再び治めるようになり始めて、身を寄せていた熊本の加藤家を去り再び立花宗茂につかえます。それ以来領地を直接知行している「在宅」の武士です。また勝手に剣術・槍術を教えていたのではなく大石進種次の祖父である遊釼以来、柳河藩の師範に任命されており、他の流派同様柳河藩主の上覧を定期的に受けています。これは柳川古文書館の藩政日記を読み続けたことから得られた藩政日記に書いてある史実です。すべての藩が同一の制度を持っていたであろうという推測から言われていた身分の低い半農半士であるということが誤りなのです。
- 2023/06/10(土) 21:25:00|
- 武道史
- 2023/06/11(日) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/12(月) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/13(火) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/14(水) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
・ 常に両肩の重さを感じているか。
・ 常に両肘の重さを感じているか。
・ 鞘手・柄手ともに手首をひねったり指先を使っていないか。
・ 特に鞘引き時、鞘手の肩。手首・指先に力みが入り歪んでいないか。
・ 抜付けの最後で柄手の四指で柄を握っていないか。
- 2023/06/15(木) 21:25:00|
- 未分類
- 2023/06/16(金) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/17(土) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/18(日) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/19(月) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/20(火) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/21(水) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/22(木) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
- 2023/06/23(金) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
Describe the way to teach Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Iai Heiho.Learning to teach martial arts is an essential part of the education of the student.
The time when a student becomes a teacher often comes before you feel you are ready. Having the courage to proceed even if you are unsure of yourself is a test of character.
If done well, teaching makes you dig deeper into yourself and into the arts you train as you seek to convey to your students the lessons you have learned.
When teaching before you have reached complete mastery, it is important to understand what you know and can do as well as what you do not know and cannot do. You must only teach to the level of your ability and admit where your knowledge ends.
You should be honest with yourself and with your students. If you are honest with your students, they will be more likely to trust you. Then you can guide them while learning together.
This also requires humility as there are times when a student asks a question for which I have no sure answer. In that case, it is best to admit I do not know for certain but give the best answer possible based on what I know to be true from experience and personal instruction from my Sensei.
In teaching Japanese Kobudo, it is also important to understand the difference between “martial arts” as they are thought of – especially here in America – and Japanese Budo, as well as the differences between Modern Budo and Kobudo.
In America, martial arts are mostly associated with commercial dojos that teach for profit, children’s martial arts classes, mixed martial arts competitions, and fight scenes choreographed for movies.
This creates many misconceptions when talking with people about the kind of training we do.
Many modern martial arts, even the arts with roots in Japan and other Asian countries, focus mainly on fighting. The emphasis is on the development of external fighting skills.
In budo, the focus of training is on making the student a better person in addition to teaching self-protection skills. The “fight”, so to speak, takes place within oneself. However, in some modern budo like Kendo and Judo, there has developed an emphasis on sport and competition which is different from arts that focus on self-cultivation, such as Aikido, Iaido and Kyudo. Even within the modern budo there are different ideas about what training should accomplish.
In many modern budo which have their roots in the kobudo and koryu schools, the primary emphasis is on the external techniques or kata. Many have lost the internal secrets that make them effective.
The internal teachings are best preserved in the kobudo schools. Though much has been lost over the centuries, many schools still teach both the “inside” and “outside” of the technique.
This is what separates the kobudo ryu from modern schools, making them properly “martial ways”.
It is important to have this understanding, to explain to anyone who observes a training session the difference in what we train and why we train compared to other schools. Also, this helps develop advertising directed at the people who would be most interested in the styles we train.
It is also important to remember that students come to train with different needs, expectations, and physical capabilities. Are they interested in training for stress relief or better physical fitness? Are they interested in Japanese history and culture? Are they sincerely dedicated to training until mastery?
An instructor should be aware of the student’s goals and do their best to help the student achieve them.
It is also very important to set a good example both in and out of the dojo.
Ask yourself:
“Do I live honestly?”
”Do the values of kobudo reflect in my daily actions?”
“How do I include kobudo training in my daily life?”
“How deeply have the principles penetrated my spirit?”
“How often do I practice on my own?”
“Is there something I can improve?”
If you make the spirit of kobudo your foundation and let it guide the way you live, your life should be a good example for your students.
In the dojo, when you are demonstrating a technique, are you relaxed?
Even if your understanding of the technique isn’t complete, being relaxed and natural in your movements sets a good example for your students.
How well can you perform the role of uchitachi?
Can you lead the student through the technique?
Can you adjust your movements to their movements?
Can you observe your opponent’s mind and anticipate their attack?
Do you perform the technique with good intent?
Demonstrating a technique with lack of intent or in a way that your sword would fall short of its target is not setting a good example.
Even though people don’t fight with swords anymore and we don’t wish to harm our students or training partners, it is important to make them feel as though they must act to protect themselves to correctly teach the technique.
Teaching the arts from the uchitachi role should make the instructor think deeper about the meaning of the technique.
In teaching Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Iai Heiho, relaxation, mindfulness, and natural movements are the most important things.
Without these, making progress is unlikely.
Reiho should be taught first as it teaches the proper way to move in all the kata.
It is important to relax the arms when moving the sword into the proper position before the standing bow. The tanden must relax when performing the standing bow to make the bow natural. To drop into seiza, the tanden must be relaxed as well to perform the movement gracefully. When performing the seated bow, the tanden must move first and the arms must follow. This also applies to moving the sword before performing tachirei. When inserting the sword into the obi, your arm should be relaxed. You should not shove or force the saya into the obi. Using the left hand, you should adjust the obi, even pulling the saya from the end to bring the sword through. When standing from seiza, the movement should begin with the tanden and the right leg following. All movements should be natural, not jerky or stiff.
It is important for all the movements to be slow and performed with mindfulness. You are dedicating yourself to that time and place in which you are training. Performing the movements in this way helps the mind to be correct for practice.
Zangeki should be taught next.
In Zangeki it is important to teach how to hold a sword properly using Te No Uchi. The sword should rest lightly in the hands. It is also important to teach how to walk smoothly without bouncing up and down. It should feel as if you are gliding, sliding your feet instead of stepping. This is also when to teach how to correctly swing the sword. It should be raised slowly while focusing on your breathing. Breathing in slowly while raising the sword and breathing out while lowering it. If the student can understand that the breath comes from the tanden, up through the torso, through the back and into the arms causing them to lift, they will make progress. As in Reiho, a sense of relaxation and mindfulness should be present.
Using observation and awareness all these movements can be found in the kata.
The same sense of mindfulness should be present during the practice of all the sets, both individual and paired.
The awareness cultivated in the individual seated practice helps to develop an awareness of your partner during the paired sets.
In the first four techniques of the Omori Ryu, Shohatto, Sato, Uto and Toto you should not think of drawing with the right arm, but with the left side of your body. The right arm should stay relaxed as in Reiho.
This style of nukitsuke is also used in the first two techniques of Tachiuchi, Deai and Tsukeiri.
Now you must also judge distance as well as observe your opponent’s mind when performing nukitsuke.
In the next two techniques, Ukenagashi and Ukeiri. stepping into hasso kamae smoothly while the sword lifts naturally into position with the arms relaxed as in Zangeki, judging your distance while moving toward your opponent then cutting at them with your right body unified not just your arms.
Good Te No Uchi and relaxed shoulders are necessary to receive the strike when Uchitachi swings to clear the sword from the center turning it into ukenagashi. The same relaxed shoulders and soft hands are needed to turn Uchitachi’s strike into the cut ending Ukeiri.
In Shinmyoken, the draw is performed while moving like a combination of Seitoken and Koranto from the Omori Ryu. Here the smooth walking style of Zangeki is built upon along with the nukitsuke.
These are only a few examples of how teaching good fundamentals in the early stages of training creates good technique in the later stages of training. As I mentioned earlier, these observations are from an instructor without full understanding of the style. I am sure my understanding will grow as my journey continues.
In conclusion, I would say that perhaps the most important point to keep in mind when teaching and training kobudo is patience. This is true for new students as well as the more advanced who are leading the group. Kobudo training is deeply personal. Not every student will understand every lesson at the same time or in the same way. What seems simple for one student may take a great deal of time and effort for another. By being patient and keeping the above points in mind, I have found that the students I am leading have made progress since their training began. I hope that as I continue to grow in my practice, I will be able to guide students to grow in theirs.
This is how we pass on The Way.
- 2023/06/24(土) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文
Shodan Paper
Shibukawa Ichi-Ryu Jujutsu
To train in Budo is to train a way of thinking. While learning different techniques and styles, the practitioner is also honing their mind. Understanding that one’s body, heart, and mind must become one is an important part of studying budo, although it can be a difficult concept to master. Etiquette helps to achieve this goal. Respect requires using all three pieces - the body for the movements of respect, such as bowing; the heart for showing sincerity; and the mind for focusing on the act. Respect is also shown in other types of actions. For example, when the sensei is teaching, the student should actively listen and be open to receiving the information. The student should also actively watch the demonstrations of techniques. Passively listening or passively watching leads to failure of the heart and mind as full concentration is needed to properly absorb the information given. This also extends to senior students - be receptive to any comments made so that one can continue to improve. In addition, the concept of zanshin is required for Budo arts. Zanshin is awareness of a sparring partner’s mind and creating a connection between it and one’s own mind. It is also actively observing one’s surroundings but remaining in a state of relaxed alertness.
In Shibukawa Ichi-Ryu Jujutsu, the first set of kata begins with the basics of empty-handed movements while engaging the entire body. The techniques require suppleness and softness - rigid movements can lead to injury of muscles or failure to defend oneself properly. When practicing with a partner, care must be taken to create zanshin. The student trusts that their partner will guide or follow the steps in each kata accurately. Zanshin also leads to respect of one’s training partner - when practicing a kata, one becomes aware of the state of their partner. The kata is done with the proper force applied; however, the student is receptive to seeing or feeling their partner’s response, such as knowing when to stop applying increased pressure to prevent injury.
To create the beginning of zanshin with a training partner, there is the opening reishiki of Shibukawa Ichi-Ryu. To begin, each person stands facing the other in a relaxed standing position. Then, moving at the same time, both lower to a squatting position, arms lightly resting on the top of the legs. Once both have reached the depth of their squat, both proceed to lower their arms slowly in front of them with their hands curled into fists with the knuckles touching the ground. Unlike the Oishi Shinkage-Ryu opening rei, the thumb is not extended. After pausing for a moment, both training partners bring their arms back up into the resting position on their legs. Finally, both rise back into the standing position. During the opening of reishiki, it is important that both training partners maintain eye contact throughout their movements.
Unlike the other two styles practiced (Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho and Oishi Shinkage-Ryu Kenjutsu), Shibukawa Ichi-Ryu contains other starting reishiki for the different sets of kata. In the Kutsugata set, both training partners stand facing each other. The designated person steps forward to the correct distance apart and attempts to strike the other with a low stabbing movement (hand curled into a fist) while using the ki-ai “ei!”. The following steps happen:
1.) the defender steps back to receive and catches the opponent’s fist with the left hand from underneath
2.) the defender steps forward while hooking the opponent’s elbow with their other arm then pulls back - the opponent is turned around with their arm bent behind their back
3.) the defender, after pausing for a moment, gently slaps the back of the opponent’s right shoulder and lets both hands align at the same height
4.) once the hands are at the same height on the opponent’s back, the defender pushes them away
5.) the defender steps back with their left foot and goes down onto their left knee; at the same time, the opponent is turning around to face the defender with feet together
6.) the defender bends both arms, elbows facing out and fingertips of each hand facing each other in front of the chest; the opponent does the same thing while standing
7.) both extend their arms out to the sides with a ki-ai of “ei” (the opponent should step backward with the left leg while doing this)
8.) while maintaining eye contact, both lower their arms slowly, creating zanshin between them
Once this has occurred, the defender stands up by rising and bringing their left foot to rest next to their right in a standing position. Both training partners are now ready to start on the kata. They should ensure that, during training, zanshin and supple movements are used. Once the training session is over, both practitioners bow to each other as a sign of gratitude for training with them. The phrase “doumo arigatou gozaimashita” can be used to verbally thank the sensei and the other students.
Kan-ou-Kan (English)
“Budo Etiquette” article by Tanukidojo
Classical Budo: The Martial Arts and Ways of Japan, Volume Two by Donn F. Draeger
“Zanshin: Learning the Art of Attention and Focus From a Legendary Samurai Archer”
by James Clear
- 2023/06/25(日) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文
Shodan Paper
Oishi Shinkage-Ryu Kenjutsu
In Budo, there is a phrase that many dojos use when speaking of etiquette: “Begin with rei and end with rei.” Respect is an integral part of practicing martial arts. When a person gives respect, it should come from three areas: from the body, from the mind, and from the heart. In the dojo, bowing shows respect to the sensei, to the dojo, to the equipment used, and to their fellow students; however, it must be done using all three parts (body, mind, and heart) or the respect may not be received as sincere. For training that involves a partner, the practitioner should show their earnest heart with their bow, aiming to seek a connection with their training partner by closely bowing at the same time. Senior students lead by a breath of a second with the idea that the kohai follows shortly behind. The idea is to sync their minds and dedicate focus to their partner and to their practice together.
To delve deeper into the rei of the mind, there is a term used when two practitioners are about to perform paired work with each other: zanshin. Zanshin is having awareness of the self as well as the awareness of an opponent or sparring partner. The intent is to connect with the other person’s mind and be ready for their movements. The best way to describe zanshin is that of creating and maintaining a mental connection with an opponent. One’s entire focus is on observing in a state of relaxed alertness. As Oishi Shinkage-Ryu Kenjutsu requires paired work to perform the kata, it is important that both sparring partners practice and hone zanshin.
The opening reishiki for Oishi Shinkage-Ryu Kenjutsu differs from Muso Shinden-Ryu Iai Heiho. To start, the sword should already be placed in the saya with the sageo tucked beneath the hakama ties to secure the saya in place. For Oishi Shinkage-Ryu, the practitioners use long wooden bokutō. Oishi Shinkage-Ryu’s opening rei does not use seiza because it is meant to be practiced outside. To perform the opening reishiki:
1.) Stand with feet together in a relaxed but alert posture
2.) Grip the saya near the tsuba to prevent the sword from sliding out
3.) Bring the right leg back and down, so that the right knee is close to the left foot
4.) Move both hands forward into fists with the knuckles down on the ground, thumbs pointing outward, then bowing forward with both the head and body
5.) Hold the bowing position for a few seconds then move left hand back to the tsuba and rise into a standing position
6.) Face the sensei or lead student and bow, holding for a few seconds before returning to the standing position
Beyond the opening reishiki, there are other etiquette points to follow in Oishi Shinkage-Ryu, depending on the kata. For the first set of kata, once a student has been partnered with another student, both should face each other and bow while standing up to show respect and to show that they are ready to begin practicing with each other. Once both draw their bokutō, they are ready to take three steps forward to cross swords near the kissaki to begin kurai wo miru. While based on improving technique and less with showing etiquette, the action of kurai wo miru helps to build the control of the tanden while performing zanshin with an opponent. After training is done with the current partner (depending on the number of techniques performed together), both practitioners sheath their swords at the same time. Then, both bow to each other to signify the end of the current training bout. If there is a new partner to practice with, both students will bow to start and to end the training bout with each other.
During training, it is important to show intention behind movements - strikes, cuts, and other technique movements should aim to hit without actually landing the hit. The idea is that it forces the student to read their opponent’s movements and react accordingly, not just going through the motions without focus. At the same time, if the learning student makes a mistake in timing or fails to remember the next step, the more experienced student must know when to pull back to prevent injury. This is why zanshin is performed every time practitioners are paired together. After each kata, it is also important to return to the center, the kissaki of each sword touching while the students maintain zanshin throughout.
Once the day’s training session is coming to a close, the ending reishiki is performed. The movements are the same as the opening reishiki, starting with having the sword secured in the obi. From there, perform the bow by lowering down on the right knee, hands turned into fists with knuckles down on the ground and thumbs facing outward. Then rise to a standing position and perform a standing bow to the sensei. Using the words “doumo arigatou gozaimashita” will convey the student’s gratitude toward the sensei for the training session.
Kan-ou-Kan website (English)
“Rei: Mastering the art of Japanese politeness” article by Kuma Sensei
Classical Budo: The Martial Arts and Ways of Japan, Volume Two by Donn F. Draeger
- 2023/06/26(月) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文
- 2023/06/27(火) 21:25:00|
- 居合・剣術・柔術 総論
Shodan Paper
Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho
In Budo, there is a feeling of reverence and respect given. This feeling is shown through etiquette. Etiquette is defined as “the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.” Budo, with its long history, is steeped in rules of etiquette. Most of these rules involve showing respect to the art, to the teacher, to the dojo, to fellow members, and to the weapon used in training. Carelessness has no place in budo.
When entering or exiting the dojo practice space in budo, bowing is important. Bowing expresses respect for the teacher, for fellow students, and for the art itself. In addition, when learning the particular art being practiced, the learner should follow the instructions of his or her teacher and seniors wholeheartedly. The guidance from the teacher is invaluable. There are also the simple etiquette rules one should follow for any practiced art: show up to training on-time and prepared to start with proper training attire; be earnest in training to the best of one’s ability; and clean up the area to return it to the good condition it was in prior to training. Etiquette is important when training in budo.
For Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho, there is additional etiquette to follow to practice the art properly. Many of these points of etiquette happen during the opening and ending reishiki of practice, but there are also etiquette rules in-between during training too. It is important to follow these points of etiquette to show both respect and a willingness to learn.
Once the learner has dressed in proper attire for training (such as wearing hakama), they should approach the edge of the training area and bow toward the teacher before stepping forward. The learners should line up facing the teacher according to their level - from senior student to novice student. The sword for Iai Heiho should be in its saya, held with the cutting side facing up on the right side of the body. The sageo should be held around the middle finger of the hand with the extra length dangling down. Following closely behind the teacher, the steps for the opening reishiki are:
1.) flip the sword delicately with the cutting side facing down; the sageo should still be held in the proper manner - then, the learner should bow and flip the sword back to its original position
2.) enter the seiza position with the saya still next to the body - the saya should then be placed quietly next to the body, with the loop of the sageo resting to the side
3.) bow while in the seiza position to the teacher, placing first the left hand then the right hand; after a few seconds, return the hands (first is the right hand, second is the left hand) to the natural resting position in the lap
4.) place the middle finger in the loop of the sageo, gently pick up the saya, and stand the saya at an angle - the cutting side of the sword should face toward the learner with the saya touching the floor on the right side while the left remains in the air
5.) lower the saya to the floor completely, then straighten the sageo so it is parallel with the saya
6.) bow to the sword to show respect, following the same hand movements as before
7.) once the learner has returned to the natural seiza position, grab the sageo where the middle finger creates the loop again; then, stand the sword in its saya vertically in front with the cutting side facing the learner
8.) place the second hand on the lower end of the saya
9.) bring the saya to the left side of the body and gently work it beneath the cords of the hakama and obi so that one layer of the obi remains between the saya and the hakama itself
10.) take the length of the sageo and loop it first below the sword, then beneath the cords of the hakama, creating two loops to keep the saya in place
11.) rise by using the right leg until in a standing position with both feet underneath; the left hand should be holding the saya while rising up
As shown above, there are many steps to perform the proper etiquette for the opening reishiki of Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho. Each step must be taken with care, as respect should be given to each person and item used for training. The movements should be slow and flow naturally - jerky, rushed movements do not show the proper respect.
During kata practice, the senior student should lead with the other students following closely behind in performing the steps of the kata. Again, the movements should flow with emphasis on being slow. Rushing may lead to incorrect technique. If the teacher is reviewing or showing a new kata, the students will be respectful in silently observing the kata being shown. The expectation is that the students will practice this kata afterward. Once training is over, the students will line up again from seniority and perform the ending reishiki by taking the steps in the opposite manner. This means that the student will go into seiza and place the sheathed sword in front of them, bowing to it. Once the students reach the end of the ending reishiki, they should bow to the teacher and thank them for the training.
There is more to Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho as there is also paired practice. The etiquette for the paired forms is to bow to each other respectfully before beginning and after finishing training. When starting each technique, the shidachi should first begin moving into their position - the ukedachi will follow immediately behind in moving into their position (the technique will dictate which form to use).
Kan-ou-Kan Website (English)
Budo Secrets: Teachings of the Martial Arts Masters by John Stevens
Japanese Swordsmanship by Gordon Warner and Donn F. Draeger
- 2023/06/28(水) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文
Describe the way to teach Oishi Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu.Becoming a kenjutsu instructor is not a casual decision. You are taking the responsibility of not only teaching students but of understanding a school that comes from a different time and place.
It is something you should feel passionate about. The work you put into creating good conditions for training will be more than expected. If you are passionate about bringing kobudo to your area it will make the extra effort more than worth the time.
For a Westerner, part of this responsibility is learning about the history of Japan, as well as making your best effort to learn Japanese language. If you understand where these arts came from in a historical sense, it can help to clarify what we are doing and why we are doing it. Also, if you know something of the language and culture it can increase you appreciation of the arts you practice.
In Japanese Kobudo the sensei is the source of the school. The wisdom of the generations before is represented in them.
When taking on the responsibility of teaching before having a complete understanding of the lessons contained in the school it is important to proceed with care in how to present the parts of the school you have some understanding of.
For every tekazu there is a deeper lesson. You can teach the outside of a technique but there is still more to learn before you can truly teach the style.
The deeper lessons are taught by your sensei as you become ready. However, I have found that to teach at even a basic level it is important to reflect on some basic ideas.
To ask yourself why we train kenjutsu is like the inner idea related to the outer shapes of the tekazu. Asking ourselves why we do something shapes how we do it.
Why do we train kenjutsu in the 21st. century? Certainly, we don’t learn it for its original purpose which was to defeat enemies in combat. In the modern era there is little use for the sword on the battlefield or even in most self-defense situations as it is difficult to carry a sword in daily life.
In my experience, most people who train in budo, old or new, are all looking for a way to live a better life.
It has been said to me that while modern martial arts can help you develop excellent fighting skills, kobudo training teaches you how to live. It has also been said to me that the purpose of kobudo training is learning how to die well.
Living and dying.
Things that all sentient beings struggle with.
How did the arts of the battlefield become ways of living a better life? Is it something do to with the taking and preserving of life that has always been inherent in those arts?
At a basic level the tekazu help us to strengthen our bodies which can help to live a better quality life.
Having a way to exercise the body that can even improve as you grow older gives a way to keep the body active promoting better health and mental clarity.
They also help us strengthen our minds.
One of the most important qualities we develop in kenjutsu training is zanshin, complete concentration in the moment. When someone is trying to cut you down you don’t have time to think. When the movements have ended you are focused on your opponent.
You are practicing “not thinking”.
Like in the practice of zazen, the clearing of the mental clutter that clouds our senses allows us to hear the natural wisdom within us. Clearing the mind can help us better observe our actions and thoughts leading to better decisions about how we choose to live.
As with every Japanese classical martial art, it begins and ends with reiho.
The reiho for the Oishi Shinkage Ryu is very simple compared to Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu. The Oishi Shinkage Ryu was often practiced outside so a single bow to the shrine or shomen with the thumbs touching the ground, then a bow to your training partners is all. The tanden should be relaxed and the bow starts from there. The bow should be as unfurling a roll of silk.
After this it is best to begin with how to stand and how to hold the sword.
In the Oishi Shinkage Ryu we open the left hip further creating hanmi stance with a larger angle. To draw the sword, you must open the body keeping the right arm close to you, pulling back with the left body. In many ways it is like the standing draw in Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu.
The sword should be held gently, gripping only with thumbs and little fingers. The wrists are rolled slightly inward. The kissaki should be low. As an instructor it is easy to tell if a student is gripping too tight or their upper body is tense because the kissaki will rise.
It is a good practice to lead students through raising the sword into jodan, then lowering back into shinken while following your timing. This will help them practice how to connect the movement of raising into jodan with their breathing and tanden. It will also help them develop the internal sense needed in later tekazu.
This can also be done leading the students through all of the kamae of the style.
The basics of the style are all taught in Shiaiguchi.
The development of sensitivity to your opponents’ movements learned in Kurai No Miru, how to generate power from your tanden using Haru, reading your opponent and closing the distance as they move as in Suigetsu, stepping off the line of the strike as in Ichimi. All of these reappear again in You No Omote and You No Ura.
A foundation must be strong so it can be built upon.
In Youken, the first tekazu of You No Omote, the lesson is to learn to strike just as your opponent is striking. I have been told that the true technique is to cut through their strike and cut them down.
As it is performed during training you meet their strike and suppress it covering their right side using Noru. This movement is similar to Haru, but the weight is lowered using the entire body in a coordinated fashion.
In Gekken it feels like a string connects the two opponents. Shitachi should again observe Uchitachi’s mind, moving back to avoid the first cut then moving back in to cut similar to Suigetsu. The movement off the line and deflection are similar to Ichimi.
The opening cut in Muniken should be committed. If Uchitachi does not deflect the strike it should connect. The relaxed grip practiced early in training will help control the sword once the strike has been deflected.
In Nishou we begin practicing projecting our spirit to drive Uchitachi back after the first cut has missed. This projection is not done by making an intimidating face or shouting kiai from the lungs. It is more subtle and powerful. I cannot speak past his point yet.
There should be a connection as well when they draw back into jodan after the missed cut. As in Suigetsu and Gekken Uchitachi’s backward movement should pull Shitachi forward instantly.
In Inazuma the three cuts should be smooth before they are powerful. It takes time to learn how to use your body instead of your arms to cut rapidly in succession.
I have read that Aizu Ikou who founded the Kage Ryu developed some of his techniques after watching a monkey reach for a piece of fruit with a long stick. Taiyouken has the same idea. Using distance and relaxing your tanden you can strike your opponent while staying out of their range. It is important to keep the arms relaxed while reaching. You must watch for Uchitachi to commit to their strike before making your cut.
Seitoken is the first time we see a low block from Jodan. Relax the arm and guide its fall using gravity and your tanden to assist. It doesn’t take much force to deflect the thrust enough to create an opening to perform Noru.
In Muiken we perform Haru from two different angles. The first is the same as Isshin in Shiaiguchi. The second is very different requiring a different understanding of how creating Haru works. It is difficult for me to say more as I am still working to understand it.
Norimi blends ideas from earlier in the set. It is important to not only catch Uchitachi’s timing by observing his mind before he is able to come all the way from Waki No Chudan into Jodan, you must drive him back before striking the wrist.
Chidori seems like it is preparing the student for You No Ura as it’s opening movements are similar to Seiryu and Sachin. We see the raising of the knee at the same time as the sword is lifted over the left shoulder. Again, this is a tanden driven movement which I am still practicing. The cut down seems like it could be a continuation of the downward block in Seitoken.
The above is all Shitachi’s part of the technique. Once you understand it you can become Uchitachi. Uchitachi much lead Shitachi through the technique.
When performing Uchitaci’s part it is important to bring good energy and intent to performing these techniques. That’s what makes our arts alive where many other koryu or kobudo arts have become like imitations of the original.
Shitachi must feel as though if they do not move you will cut them down with your strikes. This is part of transmitting the original intent of the techniques as well as the deeper lessons of the style.
In this way we keep our arts alive for future generations.
This is the goal of a kenjutsu instructor.
- 2023/06/29(木) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文
Describe the way to teach Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu. The most correct answer to this question is the way my teacher Morimoto Kunio sensei has taught me. Morimoto Kunio sensei has stated to me that he wished to teach me in the Japanese way. he believes, as do I, that this is the ideal way to pass along the ideas and knowledge of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu.
Now what is the "Japanese way to teach"? I never attended a Japanese school, so I have no firsthand experience in the "Japanese way". My only knowledge in this is Morimoto sensei's explanation. My understanding is that the "Japanese way" involves the teacher in this case Morimoto sensei performing the technique, being waza, kata, tekazu or whatever lesson is being imparted and the student again in this case myself, watching and then performing said technique in the same fashion. There is no questions asked, no explanations given just a physical repeat of what was shown with an inherent trust in what your teacher is showing. Mimicking exactly what was shown by Sensei. Again my understanding is that the lesson is shown only once or twice and in this time all information is given and expected to be learned. As is obvious this requires exceptional observational and memory skills.
I think this " Japanese way" is the ideal way for its time. But as the saying goes, time marches on. One such example is in the area of technology. This is manifested in the ability to take video easily. Morimoto sensei would perform a kata for example, and still expects me to watch and learn, no questions asked but allows a video to be taken for later reference.
Back to our original question of describe how to teach Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu. In the United States, where I live, we have an instant results, instant gratification and it is someone else's responsibility society. For the most part the new student expects to be taught and given the knowledge with the minimum amount of effort. The responsibility is on the teacher and not on the student. Because of this expectation , I have found that for new students I would need to follow more "modern" teaching methods such as the demonstration method, the lecture method, the interactive method or a combination of methods. This allows the student to start an introduction of an art they have an interest in but in most cases have no actual knowledge of.
Now what I teach is what I have learned and am still learning from Morimoto sensei of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu. I start by teaching what Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu is not. By dispelling some of the myths surrounding Japanese martial arts. I explain that it is not like what is shown on TV or movies, that it is not a sporting competition or like modern martial arts.
Next we perform a demonstration of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu to further show what is involved. This is done by myself and all the students. This is to show the different ability levels of all involved. Since I teach all the schools of the Kanou Kan, this demonstration involves Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Iai Heiho, Oishi Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu as well as Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu.
The first lesson is how to bow and the reiho of the school. This is the first time the relaxation of the body is introduced. This is a recurring theme in every class and something the students, myself included need to work on. At the beginning obvious tension points are pointed out and the student is asked to start looking for the not so obvious ones. For example in Oinage the first kata in the Kutsugata set obvious tension points would be the shoulders or the upper arms when positioning to throw your opponent, the not so obvious ones would be raising or thrusting your hips forward when throwing your opponent.
In following the way I have been taught, the first kata of the set is demonstrated a couple of times and then the students practice it and then we move on to the next one and so on until the set is finished. I try to follow this pattern as much as possible but with the inclusion of an explanation of what is happening in the kata.
There are many general, fundamental points that are the basis of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu a unique art. I focus on one of these points in every class and return to them frequently. These lessons include relaxation of the body, movement and breathing by Seki Tanden, control of your opponent and not to have rigidity in action or thought. These points must be learned not just by definition and mimicking another but by instinctively moving correctly when needed.
The first of these concepts I introduce to the student is relaxation of the body. The body must be completely relaxed in order to have the most efficient movement of the body. These movements must be done naturally with an absences of body tension. These tension points in the body retard movements making them slower and less effective.
Breathing patterns is also introduced to the student early on. Everyone comes in breathing instinctively and reflectively, but there is a correct and more efficient way to breath. Besides the obvious need to breath to maintain life, the flow of oxygen in correct amounts is needed to perform strenuous physical activities and mental focus. I teach one to breath by inhaling through the nose and to exhale through the mouth. We use a deep breathing technique of filling one's lungs from the tanden on up as opposed to the shallow breathing where only the upper chest is filled. This type of breathing creates a natural rising and falling of the body and I believe an increase in the production of one's own ki. I just explain and demonstrate the points of when to inhale and exhale and let the student learn and practice this point on their own.
Controlling your opponent is the ultimate goal of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu. Your opponent is attacking you with a knife, sword. stick or some other weapon, even bare handed, you must control them or they will control you and you will lose. This control is accomplished by taking the initiative and reducing your opponents choice of movement options until they have none left. For example the kata Kuedome from the Kutsugata set, your opponent attempts to stab you, You seize the initiative by immediately grabbing his right hand and moving it away from your body, you must maintain control of this hand if not they can attempt to stab once again. You then step through and your left hand in shuto against their triceps and bring them to the ground. Again it is not enough just to let them fall for they may rise and attack again. You must control where they fall so you have an advantages position for your body. Your knee is placed at their armpit and your left hand is placed in front of their elbow allowing an arm bar to be performed. This now leaves you in complete control of your opponent. This gives them the only option to surrender or suffer a debilitating injury. At any point where control is lost the opponent can escape and resume his attack.
I teach that rigidity of thought and action is to be avoided, I call this fluidity of movement. Morimoto sensei has taught me not to count my movements, in other words no step one do this then step two do this and so on. I pass this knowledge onto my students. Physically when doing this it leads to very choppy movements, when moving one action should flow into another. More importantly mentally this leads to a break in concentration. Where one stops to think of, in the case of kata, what movement comes next and then the kata movements look non-natural. In the case of an actual fight or confrontation if one freezes to consider what your opponent is going to do next or what one should do next this pause could lead to a fatal conclusion. In fluidity of motion I teach the students to eliminate these pauses. I do this by constant repetition of the kata and by demonstrating the correct movement. Constant repetition of an action creates muscle memory where one begins to move instinctively in a given situation. Correct demonstration must also constantly be shown because , just as correct movements can be instinctively learned so can incorrect behavior be ingrained by the student.
In summary while I would prefer to teach in a teacher demonstrates and students copy and improve over time with repetition and experience method, I have found to have a more successful student, I need to include some more modern methodology. In this way I hope to remain true to the ideals of Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu and Morimoto Kunio sensei.
My Tutor Source Global - website, by Chloe Daniel, September 11, 2021
Personal classes with Morimoto Kunio sensei
- 2023/06/30(金) 21:25:00|
- 昇段審査論文