Brompton C-Line Explore 6-speed Black UsedI don't believe what I have just did now.
Wind up some time, shall we? Recently I was looking at some Bromptons on my ebay searches.
It started a while back when a friend of mine said that she was looking to get a Brompton for her as she wanted to have a means of local transport around the places she visits for sightseeing trips.
I am a long time owner of Birdy myself and actually considered purchasing it for a short period of time shortly I decided to buy the very Birdy that I own now.
I looked at the official site (Brompton's site, that is) and also started looking at the ebay listing of Bromptons to see how they were selling in the market.
I also, out of curiosity, started looking at many YouTube videos related to Brompton bikes. I learned a modest amount of information about them.
I did not know how they had developed since I got to know them (Bromptons) in 2003.
For a starter, in 2005 (or late in 2004) Brompton bikes had a major (according to the articles I read) make-over to change the geometry of the bike.
It seems that the wheelbase got elongated by 3 cm (or 20 millimeters) from 1,015 to 1,045 millimeters.
Some people think it is a big thing.
"I immediately felt a huge difference: the newer frame and longer wheelbase made for a much stiffer and more predictable ride"
This is the testimony I found when I searched on the Internet for "old Brompton vs newer Brompton".
My thought when I read it was, "Really?" When I pump up the tires to inflate them and I immediately feel a big difference: it makes the ride stiffer and much more predictable.
Anyway, I could not stop (looking at Brompton stuff on the Internet) since then. It started as a research to give a friend of mine some practical advices when she gets to decide which one to buy. Now I am searching for more ways to make a Brompton comfortable to ride.
I am currently renovating my Birdy as it began to show its ages for some time. I want to ride it from time to time. It takes some time.
In the meanwhile, I want to have a bike to help me make short quick shuttles between my apartment to the train station and the destination train station to the work place.
It would be very nice if I could do away with driving a car to the work on normal weekdays to save some money. As you may know, the public transportation in Luxembourg is free of charge.
It saves much money as I pump around 200 to 300 euros every month if I exclusively drive to work (and come back home).
The more I take free public transportation, the more I save. I have to have a good bike to take with me on board the train. Unfortunately, my Birdy is out of order for the moment.
So I blatantly bought a Brompton. From the UK and I hope it is coming to me soon. And I hope that I don't have to pay too much import charges when it does arrive.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2023/10/20(金) 19:44:12|
- Bikes and related things
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