


A typical (ProTour level professional) cyclist needs a lot of dough

Wort.lu has an interesting piece of news here.


It shows (although the prices are just suggested retail prices) how much a typical professional cyclist puts on when he is training or participating a race. It does not include the spare bikes, TT bikes, spare wheels and so on. If all those spares are included, the cost estimate will at least get four to five times.

Trek Factory Racing definitely wants a second title sponsor but none has come out yet. Shimano and other equipment suppliers will share the burden but Trek is shelling out most of the needed money.

Bontrager, under Trek's control, is also supplying a lot. Bontrager's equipment may be more popular in the USA but here in Europe they (Bontrager's products) are less exposed and less accessible.

Between Trek and Bontrager there's almost everything except for the Shimano components and SRM power meter. Do I own any products from Trek and Bontrager? I have water bottles that I did not buy so they don't count. I buy new kits from Bontrager or Trek. This is my contribution to the funding of the TFR. My newly ordered team kits are arriving sometime soon from Germany.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [A typical (ProTour level professional) cyclist needs a lot of dough]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2015/04/09(木) 22:06:47|
  2. Trek Factory Racing
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Trek Factory Racing 2015 jersey and bibshorts on sale

It is the time of the year when I pay for those jerseys and bibshorts. Last year I bought the jersey (Replica, short sleeve) at a local sporting goods store (namely, Asport) in Luxembourg. They did not have anything else (bibshorts, caps, gloves or socks). I asked my Dutch friends to buy the socks and the bibshorts for me at their local shop in the Netherlands.

This year I found them on an online store that I frequently use, namely Bike24 (Germany).

I did not expect Bike24 to carry TFR clothing so I did not look for them when I shopped earlier this year. They do carry what i want. I will order some items so that I have them for the Ardenne week (Amstel Gold Race / la Fléche Wallonne / Liège-Bastogne-Liège).

This will make me shop from this store 3 week in a row. This will also make me feel stupid and inefficient. I could have saved the shipping and handling fees (up to 12 euros).

So this time (hopefully the last time for the next at least several months) I will carefully choose what I order. I will certainly order (at least one more) "E" spacers of Rotor.

Bike24 offers free shipping only within Germany for shopping values from 100 euros. They don't offer free shipping for any countries other than Germany. Oh, well.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Trek Factory Racing 2015 jersey and bibshorts on sale]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車(スポーツ用) - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2015/04/02(木) 23:43:52|
  2. Trek Factory Racing
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

TFR team kits needed!

I wondered why I could not get any of them in the previous entry. I still don't know why and I know my guesses are far from the truth. So I don't conjecture any further.

I just hope that I eventually get them before TDF 2014 this summer.

Oh I am busy packing for one-week camping trip. I can not find the Trangia cooker in my room. Oh well, I give up.

I'll be in the climb of Cauberg in several hours from now. I will be painting something there.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [TFR team kits needed!]の続きを読む
  1. 2014/04/19(土) 23:05:42|
  2. Trek Factory Racing
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

TFR (Trek Factory Racing) Team Jersey wanted!

Today (Friday, April 18) I drove to Asport Ingledorf (a sporing goods chain) to get TFR's jersey or something.

A kind personnel asked me what in particular I was looking for. I said that I wanted to get the items above mentioned.

His answer was that he had only three L-size jerseys and that otherwise everything was sold out. I also asked if he knew the shipping date for the next batch. His answer was no and he believed that the next shipping is before the Tour de France.

Sold out!

1) Because Keith Bontrager (I thought the founder's name was Keith but I could be wrong) made a fatal error in the estimate number of first batch of the production (too few).
2) Because the capacity of the sewing facilities located somewhere (Malaysia, Indonesia, China or ??) is not ample enough and those factories can not meet the demand.
3) Trek is negotiating a sub-sponsor deal with some company (or companies) and the team jersey design is about to change so the production is being on a halt.
4) The truth is none of the above.

Whatever! I don't have them. [TFR (Trek Factory Racing) Team Jersey wanted!]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2014/04/18(金) 23:28:42|
  2. Trek Factory Racing
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0














