In Japanese:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/25(火) 06:28:40|
- Tour de France
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Now, Monday evening. I am home after work. Now I go to bed and wake up early in the morning. I will start loading the luggage and leave for Nice.
I am driving through Alsace region (France) and then Basel (Switzerland) to Lugano, and I will enter Italy before passing Monaco and finally arrive in Nice (France).
More than 1,000 km in one day.
In Japanese:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/24(月) 23:47:52|
- Tour de France
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It is Sunday morning here in Luxembourg. I will go see Andy Schleck, Laurent Didier and Bob Jungels (Lux TT champion) in the afternoon.
It is held in an area not far from ville de Luxembourg (the capital). Wherever it will be held, it won't be far from me since Luxembourg is a small country anyway.
This year, French championship is held in Brest (so I heard from a person I got to know during this year's Ardenne races (he was a camping neighbor). I ran into him during Tour de Suisse.
The weather is OK; it is not sunny but not rainy. It may shower a bit in the afternoon.
Oh, Tour de France is just around the corner. I had bad news. My traveling mate had something to do at home and will not make it here to Luxembourg. I will be joined later on somewhere, possibly in Nice.
The routing plan is done. I will not publish it here but has been sent to my traveling mate.
In Japanese:
昨日はドイツでオイル交換。エンジンオイルの交換のみ。待ってる間に街を散策。旧市街の商店街を散策。 C&Aにてジーンズを物色。3本購入した。数年買ってなかった?のでこんなもんでしょう。半ズボンのジーンズが欲しかったのだが、夏ものは売り切れだった。いやそうではなく、半ズボンジーンズは大量に売ってたのだが、サイズが50台とかばかり。欧州のサイズ表示なので、イメージが沸かないかもしれませんが、サイズ50台だと身長180cmから190cmの人がビール腹だとちょうど良いです。まあ多くのドイツ人でも遠慮するサイズです。夏ものはもう売り切れなんですね。だから、売れ残り品しかなかったのです。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/23(日) 08:44:09|
- Tour de France
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Tour de France roster:
Jan Bakelants @Jan_Bakelants
Laurant Didier @laurent_didier
Tony Gallopin @tonygallopin
Markel Irizar @Markelirizar
Andreas Klöden
Maxime Monfort @maximemonfort
Andy Schleck @ancy_schleck
Jens Voigt @thejensie
Haimar Zubeldia @hzubeldia
I did not expected Jan Bakelants but I others were more or less expected. No American (USA) riders included. Since RadioShack has already announced their exit, the team did not have to include any of them, I guess.
From my point of view, I have not had Jan Bakelants' autograph yet.
I am busy making the Tour de France itinerary. It takes a huge amount of time. I am almost done. The Tour-following plan is fluid not solid. I have to be ready to handle the unexpected and unforeseeable events.
Here is the overview of the route.

It is a doable plan. I realized that this year I have to drive around a lot.
In Japanese:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/19(水) 17:32:30|
- Tour de France
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The revised and more realistic simulation (route planning) will appear in a couple of days as "Tour de France 2013 Routing Part III."
The difficulty with the routing is that you have a time limit (just like those time limits that riders have to beat at the end of stages so that they can start the stage next day).
1) A stage finishes around 17:30 to 18:00
2) A typical feed zone passage is around 14:30 to 15:00
3) A camping site's reception office closes typically around 17:00 or 18:00 **1**
4) 200 km (130 miles) is the normal daily transfer **2**
5) It gets dark around 21:00 and after this driving is more of a pain
Many municipal camping sites' reception close around 16:00
Many private camping sites' near parcours stay open late for visitors like me
200 km is the typical stage length so is my typical transfer
It could be 100 km post-stage and 100 km pre-stage transfer
(Arriving at a camping site 20:00 and check-out 08:00)
OK, I will clarify the above by an example. This is a simulation. As the character played by John Travolta in "Broken Arrows" said, "... a combat situation is highly fluid ..." (something like that, not an exact quote)
First, I make a rough A to B planning just by looking at the map. Then, I lay it out on Garmin MapSource and see if it is feasible.
The stage following plan is very fluid. This fluidity does not allow one thing. Booking hotel rooms well in advance. You are seldom sure of your arrival time at places you are heading for.
You may find a lodging where you'd like to stay by chance. The question is how much it costs and if you can afford it. Sometimes you can find a great deal unexpectedly.
For example, in 2011 I could find a room very close to Col du Galibier, where they close off the traffic. It cost (a room with a shared bathroom) 20 euro or so. I stayed here (Sunday) and the next morning (rest day = Monday) I drove up to snowy Galibier (before the road closure), where I stayed one more night on the road side in a tent.
Remember it snowed back then on the Col du Galibier.
Stage 5 (Wednesday, July 3) Cagnes-sur-Mer -- Marseille - 219 kmThe previous stage is a TTT in Nice. Immediately after the stage I will try to reach a camping site near Stage 5 feed zone near Entrecasteux. There are, according to "
Michelin Camping Guide," camping sites in Aups, Salernes and Villecroze (nearby towns).
(Click on the image to magnify)

The magenta line: Nice to Entrecasteux
Previous day's Post-stage transfer: 120 km Nice to Salernes
Camping site check-in: 20:30
Camping site check-out: 12:00 latest
Pre-stage tansfer: Salernes to Entrecasteux -- 10 km
If this camping site is equipped with a nice laundry room, you can do your laundry and have time to dry it. This year I am touring with someone. There is a huge advantage with this. **3**
If I am luckier, I might have the time to shop by a supermarket on my way to Salernes for some food. Otherwise, I will be eating Pasta Bolognese for dinner.
After watching the peloton feed, I may decide to chase the peloton to Marseille via a toll road. It is 135 km and within 2 hours I will be in Marseille. I remember being in Marseille back in 2008 (?) and it was scorching hot and damp. I did not like it. I wonder going to Marseille to watch the peloton will worth the trouble.
After the stage, I will try to reach Beaucaire (Stage 6 Feed Zone). I can find a camping site nearby. By the time I arrive there (130 km transfer), it will be 20:30 or 21:00.

The green line: Entrecasteux (FD) to Marseille -- 135 km

The red line: Marseille to Beaucaire -- 130 km
Post-stage transfer: 130 km
Daily transfer summary: 10 km 135 km + 130 km = 275 km (up to 5 hours of driving)
Camping check-in: 21:00
Camping check-out: 12:00
Pre-stage Transfer: 10 to 20 km
I had to put the bike (normally on the bike rack) inside the car while shopping or making pee stops. This year, one of us can stay by the car.
I can go shopping by car while the other person stays by the tent doing other chores.
Stage 6 (Thursday, July 4) Aix-en-Provence -- Montpellier - 176 kmAfter watching the peloton feed, I may be able to overtake them and wait for them in Montpellier. It is 95 km via a toll road. After the stage, I may try to reach Col de la Croix de Mounis. It will be 190 km. I may stop before reaching Col de la Croix de Mounis and check in a camping.

The yellow line: Beaucaire to Montpellier -- 95 km

The cyan line: Beaucaire to Col de la Croix de Mounis (via Montpellier) -- 290 km
Post-stage transfer: 190 km
Daily transfer: 10 km + 95 km + 190 km = 295 km or less
(Pre-stage tansfer: rest of remaining 190 km)
Stage 7 (Friday, July 5) Montpellier -- Albi - 205 kmI may wait for the peloton on the climb of Col de la Croix de Mounis. After watching the peloton suffer, I may try to reach AX 3 Domaines.

The green line: Col de la Croix de Mounis to AX 3 Domaines -- 395 km
Ooooops! Post-stage transfer is 400km! This is not good. No time to check in a camping.
I will make chages then. According to my blog (written July 2010), AX 3 Domaines was closed at the foot around 17:00.
The new altered plan will be 1) watching Stage 7 earlier around noon and then drive to AX 3 Domaines so that I can beat the time limit at the foot of AX 3. I will stay in the mountain - not at a camping site. I remember there were thousands of people doing the same in the mountain. There was music, fire, drinking and etc. till late in the evening.
Stage 8 (Saturday, 6 July) Castres -- AX 3 Domaines - 194 kmSomething like this.
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/18(火) 14:17:34|
- Bike Races in France
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I am writing this for my travelling companion, who is arriving in Luxembourg on 24?? There will be a briefing.
Sunday, 23/06 National Championship Luxembourg
Monday, 24/06 work is a good source of information if you don't have the official guide book. German version of the official guide book is the best one as it has more maps than others.
Tuesday, 25/06 -- All day driving --
In the morning leaving Luxembourg for Nice
There are two possible routes:
Route 01 Lux-France-Nice = 1,000km
Route 02 Lux-Alsace-Switzerland-Lugano-Milan-Genova-Monaco-Nice = 1,000km

Route 01
Pros: Less tunnels? Mostly flat
Cons: More toll charges
After 500km, I will be near Lyon, where I will take a couple of hours to sleep in the car.

Route 02
Pros: Less Toll charges (I have Swiss vignette!)
Cons: Slightly ups and downs. More tunnels.
I am leaning toward Route 02.
After 500km, I will be in Switzerland, where I will nap for a few hours in the car before heading further south.
Wednesday morning arrival in Nice or Monaco (I'll be like a zombie by then).
Wednesday afternoon in Nice
13:00 check-in at the port
Light meals also reserved and paid for but I would like to sleep if possible.
Wednesday evening in Bastia
20:00 check-in near Bastia
Accommodations: not yet booked but there are some camping sites near Bastia
Thursday morning moving to Porto-Vecchio = 180km
Thursday evening in Porto-Vecchio: Team Presentation
check-in near Porto-Vecchio
There are a lots of hotels and camping sites. Three or four nights here.
Friday free
Spend some time on the bike. Also on the beach?
Saturday Stage 01 grand Depart
Porto-Vecchio - Bastia
Watching the ceremonial start in Porto-Vecchio. It seems that it is impossible to drive pass the peloton. So that'll be it for the day.
Sunday Stage 02 Bastia - Ajaccio
Mountain stage - category 2/3 climbs. Feed zone near Vivario (also a camping site there)
I would like to get on the bike there.
Monday Stage 03 Ajaccio - Calvi
Col de Marsolino (Cat 2) near Calvi is the place to be?
Stay near Bastia for the night.
Tuesday morning in Bastia
07:00 check-in at the port
Tuesday afternoon in Nice
Stage 04 TTT
Finding a parking place in Nice could be a pain in the ass. Otherwise, I think I have enough time to enjoy the TTT event. After the race, I will be leaving for next day's feed zone and find a lodging.
Wednesday Stage 05
Watch the peloton at the feed zone and the try to over take them by toll roads. See the peloton in Marseille again.
After the race, I will drive to drive to next day's feed zone????????
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/18(火) 01:47:41|
- Tour de France
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I came home safe and sound. It was a beautiful tour. The Tour de Suisse 2013 was a magnificent one.
Saturday morning, I went up to Flumsberg all the way to the stage finish. I started from the camping site I was staying in Bad Ragaz. So I almost did the same parcours as the real race.
Sunday morning after checking out the camping site, I drove to Flum, the town at the foot of the climb and parked the in a parking lot of a DIY store. Many people seemed to have done so. Then I climbed the climb.
Saturday I could go all the way without stopping to rest but on Sunday I had to stop many times. My legs were tired and not recovered yet. I knew I needed more training before TdF.
I installed a 12-28 cassette on my Zipp 404 just before this TdS trip. I did not have time to tune the rear deraileur. I did the tuning several times during the trip. I think 34-28 (front-rear) is a tricky combination. 34-28 requires higher cadence but my heart went over the red zone. 34-25 was easier to handle on Flumserberg (mostly 9% max. 12%) with lower cadence.
There are big differences between Tour de Suisse and Tour de France. One exampl is that the security measures enforced by the organizers.
TdF has, of course, stricter safety measures. They shut out the streets and mountains long long before the peloton passes. Normal street are closed before the passage of publicity caravan until the end marker (voiture balai = broom stick car) and the remaining cars and motor bikes following the race (sponsors, journalists and others). We, general public, are allowed to use the streets sometime after. Category HC and first passes are almost always closed in the evening preceding the stage. Very well known passes like l'Alpe d'Huez or Tourmalet are closed days before the stage.
TdS, on the other hand, uses practical and relaxed safety measures. Streets are closed oly 15 minutes or 20 minutes preceding the passage of the peloton.
Flumsberg was closed at noon on Sunday.
Among other differences between the two tours is that TdS offers plethora of "petits cadeaux (free promotional givaways)." They gave us drinks, ice cream, flashlights with batteries, hats, caps, bags, crackers, cheese, sunglasses, sticky mats, mini sewing kits, towels and etc.
Oh my god! It pays to go and watch the race! Some items are going to be used during TdF. Thank you very much TdS! I love TdS.
Tour de Frace used to more giving years ago. Because of the economic problems France (European Union in general) is facing, petits cadeaux have been reduced in amount and quality. This year, I guess, will be no exception.
I will take pictures of those petits cadeaux later.
In Japanese:
土曜日はバード・ラガス(スイスドイツの会場アナウンスだとバード・ラガツが正しい)のキャンプ場から(キャンプ場は土曜日のステージのゴールからほんの400mくらいの場所)自転車で出かけました。そして Flumserbergを登りました。ギヤは34-28で登ってるつもりだったのですが、実際には34-25で上りきりました。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/17(月) 14:39:06|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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Did you see that? Le Gruyère air-pumped gate collapsed! What happened?
I have seen a very similar but minor incident exactly like this during the Giro d'Italia (belgian stages) years ago. I think it was a small Mazda float. It was not over the parcours but placed roadside.
Cause: the blower's fuel ran out. It could be a combination of gasoline engine power generator + electric blower or gasoline engine electric blower that was pumping the air into that gate. When the fuel runs out and the blower stops, the air pressure goes down quickly bringing the whole structure down. I believe that this was the case.
In Japanese:
- 2013/06/14(金) 21:39:15|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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June 14, Friday. I got up and took a shower. This region, "Heidiland," is for the moment cloudy and earlier it rained. Today it is no as hot as yesterday.
Later, I drive toward Klosters-Serneus, a category 1 summit and see if I can take out my bike and enjoy (synonym = suffer from) riding. I don't intend going to La Punt.
So who's gonna be selected for the Tour? And also importantly, who's gonna be the title/sub sponsors next year?
Now the clouds are clearing and the blue sky is showing up after 09:30. Gooooood!
In Japanese:
Andy Schleck
Jens Voigt
Maxime Monfort
Andreas Klöden
Haimar Zubeldia
Tony Gallopin
Gregory Rast
Yaloslav Popovych
Hayden Roulston
Ben King
Matthew Busche
- 2013/06/14(金) 08:18:18|
- はじめに
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I was informed that 3 packages had been in the PO BOX of my work place. I think they were those items I ordered at DX. I'm going to be busy next week.
In Japanese:
- 2013/06/13(木) 23:13:50|
- Tour de France
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I arrived around 20:45 as my Garmin estimated. I will stay here three nights. This town is a kind of cross road for the next three stages. Tomorrow it is the feed zone area and the town name appears large and bold in the final two stages.
Anyway, wifi is available with no extra charges and a swimming pool is also available; only I didn't have swimming pants with me, duh!
This camping site is small but comfortable and well organized. I like it.
So good night.
Oh today I saw on TV by the RadioShack-Leopard bus Gregory Rast win. The shout coming out of the bus was already upbeat during the four-man porker game and I heard @&$;/-:($ when he attacked under the 1km gate and more screams when he won. Exciting!
Today I rode more than 50km, I think. I am building up for the Tour.
In Japanese:
- 2013/06/13(木) 20:50:58|
- Camping in Europe
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Now June 13, shortly before noon, I'm at Meilen. The peloton finishes on the main road along the "See" (lake) called Seestrasse. I parked my car along Seestrase off Meilen. This was the closest free parking I could find. In the shade by the way. Since yesterday we have summer here in Seitzerland. It is hot under the Sun. Who said good things come in two? I found a free WIFI here, too!
I'm going a bit of dirty repair job on my bike and intend to ride on it.
Later I will watch the race on TV by the team bus parking.
Later in the evening I will drive to Bad Ragaz.
It 14:30 and I did the last category 3 hill. It was fun!!! Nice weather! Maybe too hot for the riders but a good preparation for the "Tour".

In Japanese:
夕刻にはレース観戦し、その後は、Bad Ragazへ移動です。
- 2013/06/13(木) 10:23:56|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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Now, Wednesday June 12 evening, I am at a camping site in Zürich. Not far from tomorrow's finish Meilen. I thought, TomTom on my iPhone led me to believe, that there was a camping site near Meilen but I could not find it. I crossed the lake on a ferry for nothing!!
This morning I woke up early and spun my legs. I was in Buochs and had fun climbing the local hill. At the lake level, the altitude was about 400 meters. I climbed up 470 meters in altitude. OMG, it was not easy at first. I haven't been a good boy and did not train much. And hills are scarce in Luxembourg. That is why I came to Switzerland, to train.
Tomorrow I will drive to Meilen and try to find a good place to park. Then I will get my bike out and ride.
At the end of tomorrow, I will drive to Bad Ragaz and check in a camping sute (hope it not full).
In Japanese:
- 2013/06/12(水) 11:44:42|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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OK, I am leaving for Quinto in about four or five hours. I have to pack now.
The tentative plan is not too good. According to the plan, I am going to stay here for two days. The town is located by the lake but not so hilly. Should I bike around while waiting the peloton to arrive? Or should I relax myself by the lake?
OK, Don't forget the following things.
1) Passport (Yes, I am crossing the border as a foreigner)
2) Debit card and Credit card (They use a different currency and I don't want SF coins left in my pocket)
3) bike and Co. (I want to ride)
4) Big team flag
5) TVs (DVB-T and DVB-S)
Other things like camping equipment and Co.
I will transfer the waypoints to my nüvi 2340.
As I have already once written somewhere, gas price policy is different in Switzerland. Diesel is more expensive than gasoline. In most European countries gasoline is more expensive than diesel. I guess the tax policy in Switzerland is based on the assumption that diesel fuel used by big trucks and rigs pollute the air more than gasoline fuel cars.
And they want to more from those truckers passing Switzerland.
In Japanese:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/07(金) 15:48:28|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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A tentative rough plan
First, I make routes on Garmin Mapsource (with a help of Google Earth) then (IMPORTANT!!!) I have to check the routes with a paper map.
Do you know why it is sooooo important to look at a paper map? Because of the ups and downs. Generally you can save a lot of time and money (fuel) by taking a longer flat route than taking a shorter hilly route.
You never leave home without a paper map. It is traveling 101.
Friday, 7 June:
16:00 Leave for Quinto ----> 560km
(After 5 hours, nap at a gas station somewhere near the border)
Saturday, 8 June: Stage 1 Quinto - Quinto Individual Time Trial
07:00 Continue on to Quinto arriving there around 10:00
Watch point: Probably stay by the team bus.
Post-stage transfer: 160km ---> Crans-Montana
Overnight: (camping sites available) Sierre, Montana, Salgesch or on the way
Sunday, 9 June: Stage 2 Quinto - Crans-Montana
Watch point: Crans-Montana
Post-stage transfer: 140km ---> at the foot of Hasliberg-Winterlücke
Overnight: Camping sites available near Innertkirchen
Monday, 10 June: Stage 3 Montreux - Meiringen
Watch point: ?? Hasliberg-Winterlücke (GPM 1395 m)
Activity: ride my bike
Post-race transfer: 60km ---> Buochs
Overnight: Camping site available in Buochs
Tuesday, 11 June: Stage 4 Innertkirchen - Buochs
Watch point: Buochs (Finish)
Post-race transfer: 0km
Overnight: Camping site?
Wednesday, 12 June: Stage 5 Buoches - Leuggern
Watch point: Buochs (Start)
Post-race transfer: 70km ---> Stage 6 Category 3 GPM near Altendorf
Overnight: Near Altendorf but no camping sites visible
Thursday, 13 June: Stage 6 Leuggern - Meilen
Watch point: Category 3 GPM near Altendorf
Activity: ride my bike
Post-race transfer: 100km direction Klosters (Davos)
Overnight: Camping sites available in Bad Ragaz
Friday, 14 June: Stage 7 Meilen - La Punt
Watch point: GPM near Klosters (Davos)
Activity: ride my bike
Post-race transfer: ?? 20 to 30 km??
Overnight: Bad Ragaz?
Saturday, 15 June: Stage 8 Zernez - Bad Ragaz
Watch point: Bad Ragaz (Finish)
Post-race transfer: None
Overnight: Bad Ragaz
Sunday, 16 June: Stage 9 Bad Ragaz - Flumeserberg
Watch point: Flumserberg (Finish)
=== park the car at the foot of the climb: Flums
Activity: ride my bike, provided they allow bikers to climb up*
Post-race transfer: take a slow boat home
Overnight: probably stay at a camping site nearby
Note: *Sometimes only spectators on foot are allowed to go up on narrow paths.
Monday, 17 June
Slowly drive home

(image borrowed from the official site:

This is the provisional and tentative plan that I made on Garmin MapSource. I don't want to drive too long or go to far. I would like to save money as the Tour de France is approaching.
In Japanese:
8日(土曜日): Stage 1 Quinto - Quinto 個人タイムトライアル
レース後の移動:160km 翌日のゴールの街の Crans-Montanaへ向かう
宿泊:付近のSierre, Montana, Salgeschの街にキャンプ場があるし、移動途中のどこかでキャンプ場
9日(日曜日): Stage 2 Quinto - Crans-Montana
観戦場所: Crans-Montana
レース後の移動: 140km 翌日の山岳ポイントのHasliberg-Winterlückeへ向かう
宿泊: Innertkirchenの近くにキャンプ場がある
10日(月曜日): Stage 3 Montreux - Meiringen
観戦場所: Hasliberg-Winterlücke (GPM 1395 m)
すること: 自転車で登る
レース後の移動: 60km Buochsへ向かう
宿泊: Buochsにはキャンプ場がある。ここで連泊するかもしれない。
11日(火曜日): Stage 4 Innertkirchen - Buochs
観戦場所: Buochs(ゴール)
レース後の移動: 0km
宿泊: キャンプ場で連泊
12日(水曜日): Stage 5 Buoches - Leuggern
観戦場所: Buochs(スタート)
レース後の移動: 70km 翌日のStage 6のカテゴリー3級の山 Altendorfの近く
宿泊: Altendorfの近くに泊まりたいが、キャンプ場は無さそうだ。野キャンプとなるかもしれない。多分山岳ポイントの付近にはキャンピングカーも泊まってるだろうし、問題は無いだろう。
13日(木曜日): Stage 6 Leuggern - Meilen
観戦場所: カテゴリー3級の山岳ポイント Altendorfの近く
レース後の移動: 100km 翌日のカテゴリー1級の山岳ポイントのKlosters (Davosの近く)へ向かう
宿泊: Bad Ragazにはキャンプ場がある
14日(金曜日): Stage 7 Meilen - La Punt
観戦場所: カテゴリー1級の山岳ポイントのKlosters (Davosの近く)
すること: 自転車で登る。クロスタースの近くまで車で行けるかもしれないし、規制されてるかもしれない。
宿泊: Bad Ragazに連泊?
15日(土曜日): Stage 8 Zernez - Bad Ragaz
観戦場所: Bad Ragaz(ゴール)、ちょっと手を抜いて、移動せずに待つ
レース後の移動: 無し
宿泊: Bad Ragazに連泊
16日(日曜日): Stage 9 Bad Ragaz - Flumeserberg
観戦場所: Flumserberg(ゴール)
Flums(登る麓)に車を止めるか、あるいはBad Ragazのキャンプ場から直接自転車で登る
宿泊: きままにどこかのガソリンスタンドで仮眠
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/06(木) 17:57:58|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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I am not yet sure if I can have days off to get to Switzerland to see the race.
I will know it for sure Thursday so I have to plan it really quick if I can make it.
Tour de Suisse 2013 begins Saturday, June 8. It is far away from Luxembourg so I need Friday to travel to Quinto, where the prologue takes place.
I haven't done any planning yet.
Let's see.
In Japanese:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/05(水) 17:59:41|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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Tagesblatt online, which seems not to offer English version unlike, reports that the negotiations between Flavio Becca and Trek had been over. Trek is set to take over the team beginning 2014.
The speculations around Fränk Schleck, Bob Jungels and Leopard-Trek (continental team for young riders) are not so rosy.
Tagesblatt's source speculates that Fr&ank could be fired. It is may be because by doing so (firing Fränk), Mr. Becca can save a lot of money by not honoring the contract.
In Japanese:
来期からはルクセンブルク人にこだわりがなくなるわけだ。多分チーム国籍を米国にするだろうし。欧州に国籍を置くかもしれない。管理会社を現在の総マネージャーのLuca Guercilena氏の指揮下に置くなら、彼が欧州にチーム国籍を留めるだろう。
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/05(水) 15:45:53|
- Bike Races
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There is a slim chance that I can follow Tour de Suisse. I am not sure yet.
This is going to be fun (if I can make it).
In Japanse:
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2013/06/04(火) 22:26:54|
- Bike Races in Switzerland
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| コメント:0
This is about Japanese Input Method in Linux (Lubuntu) environment. So readers of English version (if any ????) will not be interested. I am very sure that no one will read this.
In Japanese:

テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ
- 2013/06/03(月) 22:27:36|
- Linux
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OK, I sent two support requests, one nüvi 2340 lifetime map update installation error and the other City Navigator Europe NT re-installation on a PC.
Both of them were received by the support. I have two confirmation e-mails.
The first one was promptly replied and after further correspondence, the problem has been solved. I now have latest map on my nüvi 2340 (on an SD Card, which I hastily bought today, Saturday, June 1.). OK, one down.
The second request has not been replied yet. They (Garmin) say that "normally" within 3 days or so the request should be replied. I will wait until Monday or Tuesday. When it is still not replied, I have to send another service request describing the same problem.
I think the problem is easily solved. The only problem (on Garmin's side) is that someone has to verify that I am not making a false claim to use Garmin's software illegally. The only thing they have to do is "to reset the already activated product key" on their server.
I had successfully done that before when my PC and nüvi 245W were stolen by submitting the police report of the theft, which by the way was issued by Luxembourg Police written in German, I think. Or was it in French?
This time, the reason I need the "reset on their server" is because my PC was sent to a repair service and came back with a wiped-out HDD.
That is why I need to re-install the software. To do this, Garmin's server has to accept my product key, which had been already activated months ago. I think the product key is only accepted once. So I am asking to reset the count to zero for me.
In Japanese:
さて、ガーミンの件ですが、二つのサービス要請を依頼しました。一つは返事が来て、その後もう一回こちらから「不具合が改善しない」の返事を書いて、そしてその後に向こう(ガーミン)でサーバー(が参照してる)データのリセットをしてくれました。そしてGPS機器(nüvi 2340)への最新地図インストールは成功しました。
一方トムトムはGoogle MapとかOpenStreetMapと同様に道がただしく表示さてれる。仕方ないです。
- 2013/06/01(土) 21:50:46|
- GPS Navigation
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