


ARCHOS 70 Oxygen: a second review, kind of

ARCHOS 70 Oxygen

So after 64 GB SD card fiasco*, I was thinking of trying a 32 GB card out. Today I just bought one and tried it. It works very well so far.

*This tablet simply won't work with a 64 GB SD card or so it seems. I gave up using a 64 GB SD card with this tablet.

I reformatted this 64 GB (micro) SD card as FAT (MS-DOS) using Linux. Knowing that a quick format won't do the trick (trick = for the card to be recognized by the tablet), I tried to secure-format it (actually writing and erasing on the card). After seeing the estimated time (1 hour and 40 minutes) to complete the task, I just cancelled it after 5 minutes and then quick-formatted it.

I inserting the SD card and it was recognized by the tablet and I could format it as a portable drive. After some glitches (not being able to create a folder or copy a file there), it seemed that the card was working OK. The card stopped working after sometime (one day). The symptom was that the file manager could not see any folders or files written on it. I rebooted the tablet and I totally lost it. The card was not recognized at all even though I repeatedly re-inserted it.

My conclusion is that this tablet can not handle a 64 GB card. The manufacturer's specification is a lie. I am not so pissed as the tablet is a cheap one but a bit disappointed. If I had money to burn, I will buy other kind (or from other trusted brands) of cards of capacity 64 GB and see if they work but I don't have any money to burn, so I won't.

32 GB will be, I hope, enough for the duty of storing the view in front while driving. Yes, I would like it to work as so-called a dash-cam. I need one more thing, a windshield suction cup tablet holder/mount to hold the tablet in position.

I have been watching some of those mounts sold on the ebay. I can not decide which one to buy.

ANT+ and other devices

First of all I have to root my tablet. Seriously, a tablet not rooted is a kind of disabled device. You can not do anything useful at all. I have several USB sticks but none of them are formatted as FAT. It is an archaic filesystem that almost nobody uses. Without rooting it I can not have my tablet recognize NT filesystem, EXT2/3/4 or others. Hopeless.

By the way ANT+ does not work at all. Official ANT+ drivers are too old and do not support Android Marshmallow. And ANT+ Enabler won't work on tablets that are not rooted.

I really have to have my tablet rooted.

A mouse worked. It is not a Bluetooth mouse but a wireless mouse. It was fun manipulating the tablet with a mouse although not too much.

USB connected Wifi adapters did not work.

A Bluetooth dongle seemed to be non-functional, either.

I connected a HDD and the tablet told me that the format (this HDD has the NT filesystem) was not supported (or something like that, I don't remember the exact error message). I know now at least that HDDs will work.

An optical drive (CD/DVD writer/reader) was not recognized.

Kernel compile options

I have been using Linux for more than two decades. I used to compile my own kernel. This was the time before Debian came along. Under Slackware Linux, users were supposed to compile their own kernel.

So I know something about compiling a kernel and deciding on the kernel compile options.

Here is my question. Is my Android kernel that my tablet is running compiled with some options like various Wireless LAN chips support, various filesystem support and others? Who compiled it? Is it ARCHOS, the manufacturer?

Or does Android kernel have different architectures from Linux kernel architecture? I really don't know.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[ARCHOS 70 Oxygen: a second review, kind of]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/31(土) 01:01:18|
  2. Android devices
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SRAM Red (10-speed) user woe

This destination page of this link (http://pass13.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-3154.html) is written in Japanese and the author provides no English translation. I am sure that Google Translate won't translate the contents too well.

The gist of this blog entry is ... Wait a second! First I have to provide the background of this blog.

This blog is authored by a bike shop owner who is a kind of maniac mechanic specially in the field of building wheels. His insight into what makes better wheel is appreciated by his fans. I regularly, almost everyday, check this site.

He is also very much skilled in repairing or making modification to bike frames, components and others. This skill has led to his various encounters with repairs that almost no one had ever blogged about.

This time it concerned me. I switched from Shimano to SRAM about 5 or 6 years ago. The reason? Because I SRAM components (at that time 10-speed series were the top layer components) were lighter in weight and also this is the reason for lesser mass, contained more carbon fiber reinforced resin parts.

I started with SRAM Rival component and eventually upgraded to Red two years ago as the overshadowed by 11-speed ones (and discontinued) 10-speed components became less expensive on the second-hand market or new market.

Back to the Japanese blog. This entry deals with a SRAM rear derailleur of his customer who had seen it suddenly broken when the cage just fell off during a ride. The customer brought the broken one and the same (seemingly) one but used and worn and asked the blog author to make a usable one by saving the parts not totally broken.

During the scavenging and repair, the author points out the structural weakness of the SRAM Red components. It (the weakness) is a trade-off of being light. Using lighter metal (titanium or others) will save some weight but they (those material) are not free from being easily worn out.

I purchased a used SRAM Red Wifli rear derailleur a while ago and I intended to set it up on my bike. Now after reading this blog, I have concerns or reservations or hesitation or fears.

First, I have to unscrew that tend-to-wear to check the wear. What if the screw is seriously worn out? What can I do?

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [SRAM Red (10-speed) user woe]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車用品 - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2016/12/26(月) 15:47:47|
  2. Bikes and related things
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Another espresso maker? No, I don't think I need it this time

ANT+ Enabler
I have a bit of uneasiness when I had three pieces of software installed on my tablet. ANT+ related software, I mean. Why? Because they were last updated like two years ago. I don't know why. Two years and no update? Isn't that usual?

Now I am looking deeper into the matter and found this ANT+ Enabler. It is a pricy piece of software that claims ANT+ support on newer devices or newer version of Android system.

Do I need this? It costs €10.76 (at the current exchange rate between US$ and €??). Let's see if I need this! First, I have to try the current setup on my tablet wth BKool ANT+ dongle with Garmin Speed/Cadence sensor when the OTG cable/adapter arrives.

This ANT+ Enabler is promising. It is actively working on Android 6 issues. It also says that it is not compatible with Android 7 and this means that he (or she?) is working on it.

Seeking a perfect espresso machine
I occasionally check on Kickstarter.com and Indiegogo.com for "espresso" to see if there are any attractive espresso machines (which do not depend on a wall plug) needing help.

There was a project which did not make it called "Sippy." I am not sure if the name was not catchy enough or the front movie was not juicy enough but they did not make it despite the fact that I helped (chipped in). It broke my heart (kind of). Soon after that I purchased minipresso NS, which had just come out. I am happy with it.

Today, I found this: Simpresso (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/simposh/simpresso-enjoy-espresso-beverages-anytime-anywher).

It is a hand operated pump expresso extractor just like my minipresso NS but it has several advantages over minipresso. First, it has a bigger tank. Secondly, it has greater extraction pressure. Thirdly, it may or will come with a device to make milk foam.

I don't intend to pre-order it this time because I have already have an espresso machine for me. It looks good so I hope it would make it.

I noticed this a while ago: Prexo (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/prexo-the-most-affordable-espresso-maker-ever-camping-coffee--2#/).

It has already made it.

If you are like me who love coffee (or espresso) and like outdoor camping, please help them by helping yourself order one or both of those expresso machines.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ

[Another espresso maker? No, I don't think I need it this time]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/25(日) 23:45:54|
  2. Diary
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

ANT+ support on Android devices: a quick study

In the last entry I hastily scribbled down what I learned about the topic above; ANT+ support on Android devices.

This time it is a follow-up. I have not yet received the OTG cables (two of them) and an adapter (solid piece) from Amazon (Germany). They will be here after these holidays.

This is ANT (www.thisisant.com) will be a good site to study further about the matter.

First, the basics.

1) My cheap, or reasonably priced, tablet does not have an ANT+ chip inside so it has to rely on an outer chip to have the ANT+ functionality. I have one from BKool. This is intended for use on a normal PC (of course, Mac included) and its interface is that big USB port.

2) The adapter is coming and the tablet has OTG functionality. They (ANT+ dongle and the tablet) will be joined with no problem.

3) The Android OS does not have ANT+ support built in. The drivers (or add-on software) will be needed.

This is a screenshot clip from the site above (www.thisisant.com). My tablet and my situation apply to the case described in the second row.

According to the recommendations, I have to install three separate pieces of software from Google Play Store. Two of them gave me no hassle but there was a minor problem with the last one. The Google Play Store tells me that my device is not compatible with this "ANT USB Service."

The small notes below the table mention this seeming incompatibility issue. It says basically that your gut feeling (or the tablet/phone manuals) tells you that it should be compatible with the device(s), you can go ahead and install the software from another source, which I did.

This is another screenshot clip from my tablet. It is under "Settings >> Apps."

So I am ready to have the delivery from Amazon. All I have to do is to plug. I hope.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [ANT+ support on Android devices: a quick study]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/25(日) 15:33:59|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

New Year's resolutions and Android OTG (On The Go)

What will they be? My New Year's resolutions?

I need some will power here.

1) I shall lose 8 kg of weight until Summer.
2) I shall regularly train on my bike.
3) I shall learn to do some tricks with my skateboard.

Three will be enough.

Every year, one after another, I keep saying that I will lose weight by 8 kg and none has happened so far. Luckily my gene keeps me my weight moderately under control despite the fact I eat a lot, way a lot. Thank God for that! I don't have anybody who are fat in my family. This is not to say that being fat is not healthy or anything.

I want to keep myself fit for cycling, specifically for climbing big mountains. Gravity is not your friend up there.

I have repeatedly stated here that my iPhone 4 (purchased on October 10th, 2010 in Paris at the Apple Store Louvre Museum) is out of shape. Its home button is totally not responding and so on. My deepest woe about it is its lack of BLE (Bluetooth 4.0 protocol) support and the fact that Wahoo Fitness app does not work on it.

For this I recently purchased a cheapish Android tablet. It is working OK; the only issue I am having is this micro SD 64 GB thing.

It supports BLE and is working fine.

I am preparing for the next Spring and Summer when I start going to bike races. I am guessing that in Belgium and the Netherlands DBV-T is still in use and although DBV-T2 has been making its debut in France and Germany, most of other part of Europe is still broadcasting in DBV-T standard.

I am going to buy one or two of those micro USB connection DBV-T2 tuner sticks for Android devices from China. Many ebay sellers are eager to offer me ones. I believe (or hope) that my old trusty DVB-T devices still work in most of European countries.

I am planning to use this tablet for indoor cycling. If it successfully connects to the ANT+ power meter (still to be delivered) Limits, I will want to use the Wahoo Fitness app on my Android tablet as a display. For this I need to use an ANT+ adapter on the tablet. I have purchased one from BKool. Will it work on my Android tablet? I don't know but I will try.

So I bought some things from Amazon Germany. They are OTG (On the Go) cables and adapters. These OTG cables and adapters will let you use USB sticks, mouse and others o Android devices. I would like to see my ANT+ dongle work on the tablet.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [New Year's resolutions and Android OTG (On The Go)]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/25(日) 00:30:20|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Schleck Grand Fondo and my tablet's trouble

UCI Grand Fondo World Series


Also at www.ucigrandfondoworldseries.com

ARCHOS 70 Oxygen micro SD card 64 GB fiasco

1. ARCHOS support replied finally after 1 week (supposed to be within 2 days)
2. The trouble persists
3. Should I try 32 GB card?

So the support finally replied. It read (past tense, of course) that I had to format the SC card to FAT32 (a.k.a. MS-DOS style) to use it on the tablet.

Formatting the card on my MacBook is easy but a simple quick format did not do anything. So I secure-formatted it, in other words I needed an hour or so to do it.

After secure-formatting (actually write and delete something on the card to entire wipe out what is written on it), I inserted the card in my tablet. The tablet reconized it and I was prompted to choose between using it as an internal drive or a portable drive. I chose it as an internal drive (just to satisfy my curiosity to found out what happens). It was a big mistake.

Never use a 64 GB micro SC card as an internal drive! The formatting process exited with a success. The system then prompted to move some date on the SC card. I agreed. It took another one hour or so to do that. I think (almost for sure) that downloaded TomTom Go entire European map data went to the SC card.

The problem occurred when I restarted the system. The card was not recognized again despite my efforts. I lost the map data and TomTom Go refused to start. It is OK as I knew that all I have to do is to re-installed the app and download the map again. It costs me time, though.

After this I re-formatted the SD card on my MacBook (the same way described above) but the card got never recognized again on the tablet. What should I do?

I am giving up with this. The support sucks and the hardware sucks. Should I try 32 GB micro SD card to see if it works? So far 2 GB and 8 GB cards worked.

I don't want to write again to the support. They suck anyway.

As I don't have root on this device, my options are really limited.


It is almost sure that the campaign will hit US $1,200,000 soon before the campaign ends. We will get the one-year warranty on our BLINKS instead of just 90 days. We have already secured the second charger and the SB backpack.

I am expecting mine by the end of January or sometime in February, 2017 depending on the waiting queue that I am on.

I don't know exactly how many European residents have been on the queue. I hope they are not too long.

LIMITS Technology

The latest update reveals that they were hoping to receive the shipping from China and they would have enough units to meet the initial EU (ironically not including UK, to which LIMITS had separately sent out the units) demand and they were planning to ship them out to the continental outpost.

This was supposed to have happened one month ago. There was, I believe, an update which told us that EU shipping would be done by November 15 or by some date.


In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Schleck Grand Fondo and my tablet's trouble]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車レース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2016/12/17(土) 14:47:07|
  2. Bike Races in Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Android File Transfer is from Google and not from App Store (Apple)

I don't know but I think I wrote somewhere that I downloaded "Android File Transfer" from App Store. This app is from Google, namely www.android.com.

The App Store choice, namely HandShaker, is from Smartisan, a company that develops (or just sells) some Android devices.

It did not work on my MacBook Pro so I immediately uninstalled. That was why I downloaded and installed "Android File Transfer."

Maybe I did not write about the story above or did I?

Friday and Saturday, May 19 and 20, 2017

info at Shcleck Gran Fondo (http://schleckgranfondo.com)

I think I will be volunteering to help. I will ask my employers to give me two days off during the event.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Android File Transfer is from Google and not from App Store (Apple)]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/13(火) 23:07:24|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

FC2 BLOG app installed and then uninstalled

I am using Google handwriting input right now. And it works amazingly well. I am very impressed

Well back to normal screen keyboard on my tablet. I did not PRINT but Google handwriting input recognized my handwriting very well.

I am writing this with Fire Fox and it is working. I have to conclude that that weird squashed letters were caused by some glitch that lies with Chrome.

Back to handwriting:

It turned out that FC2 blog app existed but it, actually tur of them, was not available from Google play store. I found the link and installed one of them, specifically marked as for tablets, and used it for a bit.

I did not like the UI so I uninstalled it.

From here onward, I am writing on a regular keyboard on my MacBook Pro (as I blind-type, it is much much much faster this way).

FC2 blog entry app tries to exploit the tablets' function but it fails. As I rotate the tablet, the app also rotates and show different panel. When it is in landscape mode, it rotates to show one more panel (the contents of the blog entry). It is clever but the in both orientations, the app does not give me the option to change the size of the panels. The icons and their description letters are not fully shown and I found them too crammed.
This was how I found the UI too clumsy. I am happy with Fire Fox

No more free navigation this month

I installed "TomTom Go mobile" on the Android tablet and installed the entire Europe map on it. It (app) said that I had up to 50 miles (about 80 km) of free navigation every month.

I did not know at that time whether this meant that I could use the map only 50 miles while heading to some destinations (the app continuously indicating the way to go) or it meant that I could only drive (move) 50 miles with the app running.

I was testing the tablet's assisted GPS accuracy and to do that I kept the app running while driving but no navigation on (in other words, I just watched the map with no destination).

It turned out that the latter was the case. It expired on me! At least for this month. The app prompted me to upgrade. I can still keep using the app this month without moving the tablet, I guess.

Should I upgrade? Shall I pay for the subscription? The entire European map will cost me €19.99 for a period of 1 year and €49.99 for 3 years. If I pay for 3-year subscription, it will cost me €17 per year. It is not too much.

As my main navigation tool is my trusty Gamin nüvi and I also have TomTom Western Europe map on my ageing (aging) iPhone 4, I will not upgrade.

The accuracy of this tablet's assisted GPS function was, I found, OK. As long as it is moving, it is acceptably accurate. When it stops, the map swerves a bit as it loses its sense of direction.

Some words on Android File Transfer on Mac

It is almost the only choice when you seek a tool to transfer files between an Android device and Mac(Book or desktop iMac and so on) that you can download from App Store. I did and used it. I found it useful.

It shows the internal drive and external (inserted SD card) drive as well. There is not much to expect from it. It is good.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [FC2 BLOG app installed and then uninstalled]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/12(月) 16:11:37|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Android hidden game/developer options

Easter eggs found

I accidentally became a developer and stumbled upon the hidden game on my tablet.

I was just looking at the system overview (firmware = kernel version, kernel build and others) and touched on the screen to see if touching on the individual item would show me more details. I clicked several times on the kernel build information and saw some message appear. It said something like, "You are 3 steps away from becoming a developer." I kept clicking on it and became a "developer."

After this an extra menu item (Developer options) started to appear next to "About tablet." This developer menu will let you change some system settings. Interesting!

I also found this hidden game.

After, only after, stumbling upon these things above, I belatedly googled for "Android hidden ..." It told me that that this hidden game is a kind of clone of Flappy Bird. I have never played that game anyway and will not play this game either.

These "hidden" things are easily found as they are widely exposed on the net. Finding them on my own by quite chance will not make me a genius at all. They were supposed to be found by chance in the first place anyway.

Screenshots needed on my Android tablet

Taking screenshots is sometimes, if not frequently, required to collect some images that carry the information on the screen. A pictures speaks a thousand words. One picture is worth a thousand words.

The current problem, not so major, that I am experiencing on my Android tablet concerns Google Chrome and. I don't exactly know what is causing this mess. I don't have the wish to investigate the cause. I wonder if Fire Fox will handle this well.

So this is the a clip of the screenshot. Let it speak!

All the letters in the editable areas are squashed! How can I write or edit anything?

Rogue One

A Star Wars story. I am curious how much money it will make in terms of box office sales during the holiday season all over the world. It opens earlier than anywhere else in Los Angels, where else?, on December 10th. I won't be there. It opens here in Europe on December 14th in some French speaking countries and the fact that it opens here in Luxembourg on the same day (14th) reminds me that Luxembourg is a predominantly French speaking country.

I don't know why that the movie opens a bit later in Germany. I thought that the big movie complex in Luxembourg was owned by a German company (it was previously owned by a Belgian or French company). Despite this German ownership, the movie opens on the same day when it opens in French speaking countries.


It hit the US $1,000,000 stretched goal and is going toward the next stretched goal, US $1,200,000. It is successful, all of us will get a 1-year warranty on our boards. Fantastic!

One confusing thing. The one million dollar stretched goal was a bit sketchy. It was announced on the email that the perks was to make the board special. How special? It was not specifically described.

ACTON has showed us some more details on the products. For example, turning the LED lights ON or OFF is controlled through the app on the BLE (Bluetooth 4.0) device.

The production of my board, S2, is going well according to the updates. S boards are already being produced and shipped to the USA. I guess S2 is in pre-production stage, like collecting materials and tweaking the small details. I am excited.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Android hidden game/developer options]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/11(日) 15:11:07|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

ARCHOS 70 Oxygen first impression and DVB-T2 device/app update

Can I watch DVB-T2 on a Marshmallow (Android 6.0) tablet?


Some googling landed me on this site. I have been looking some useful pieces of information regarding one of those micro USB connection Android DBV-T2 devices. And I hit the jackpot. Thank you very much "anas jairoudy (whoever you are)!" This is exactly what I was looking for. I guess (whoever this person will be) he/she lives in Germany (or originally from Germany living in Europe) and tried the combination of this Air HD TV II and the device described above available from Chinese ebay sellers.

(a clip of screenshot)

(I found this German comment in the comments section)

It says that this app worked very well out of the box with a USB dongle 'HD809.'

This HD809 can be clearly seen on some of the devices found on ebay. Those devices also name 'PAD TV' on them. Unfortunately this PAD TV HD app is not compatible with Marshmallow. For this reason ebay sellers warn that it is only for Android 4.1 to 5.0 or so.

Now I will buy this HD809 device and try it out with Air DTV II on my tablet. The software maker lists some names of compatible tablets. My ARCHOS 70 Oxygen is not on it although it runs on my tablet. It only opens but without any dongle attached, it does not let me see any buttons or menus at all.

ARCHOS 70 Oxygen first impression
First of all, I bought this because I needed to use Bluetooth 4.0 (or above) to use ACTON app to communicate with the BLINK board and nRF toolbox app to manipulate the firmware on LIMITS powermeter. My iPhone 4 was too old to handle these tasks.

I did not expect it to be an iPad competitor or something.

I chose this tablet because it was cheap compared to iPads or other high-end tablets that aspire to be iPad competitors.

The specs are here. This ARCHOS site lets you select your favorite language so you should first go to http://www.archos.com/ .

Short version
Pros: (Much repetition from the spec page description from the site above)
# Cheap, in other words, very reasonably priced
# 2 GB of RAM (Memory usage is stabilized at around 1.1 GB to 1.2 GB)
# 32 GB of internal storage (TomTom Go mobile Europe map sizes almost 7 GB)
# Android 6.0 Marshmallow (This is also a bit of Con, though)
# Additional micro SD card storage up to 64 GB (Attention! This could be a major Con)
# A neat ingenious wall charger
# 2-year warranty

Cons: (The low price of this tablet will/may compensate for many of these seemingly cons)
# Mono cracking sounding speaker
# 64 GB micro SD card has not worked so far (I contacted the support but haven't been answered)
# Some apps don't support Marshmallow!
# On/Off button and Volume button are too close
# micro USB port (charging) is located on top (Of course, you can flip the tablet to change the orientation but the camera location stays the same)
# It isn't from Apple or other major brand so it is impossible to find some dedicated accessory parts (like exactly matching cases or leather covers - camera, button, ports)

Features that I haven't tested yet:
# Cameras (front/back) quality
# Assisted-GPS precision (among buildings)
TomTom Go worked very well on open roads
# micro SC card usability
Currently 8 GB card is working very well with it but I haven't tried 16, 32 GB ones yet
And I am still waiting for the answer from the support about the 64 GB card mess

Initial verdict:
A very reasonably priced tablet with some compromises in components

I would recommend this to someone with a tight budget. If you have more dough available, go get one of those tablets from major brands.

Long and boring version

The 7 inch (diagonal) screen tablets are not too big and they can be held easily in one hand and also can be kept in one of the pockets on your jeans.

It has 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal storage built in. It has Android™ 6.0 Marshmallow® on it. Before deciding to buy this, I searched for some upgrade information on ARCHOS site but found none. I concluded that ARCHOS would not offer upgrade from Android 6.0 to 7 or later. It is OK. I don't think I will need this kind of service from ARCHOS.

It comes with a charging cable (USB to micro USB) and a wall main charger (2A capable) with two extra adaptors.

I found this charger very neat and ingenious. Its built-in plug is US (or Japan) standard. This is not separable (that what built-in means anyway). This US plug can be tacked in when not in use.

You have two add-on adaptors, UK and EU standard. The UK and EU adaptors will plug into tacked US plug. So on the surface the charger seems to be a charger with two adaptors but it is actually three standards compatible. Neat, isn't it?

The major problem I have encountered so far is that it simply can not handle a 64 GB micro SD card at all. I tried to get it work but it only worked just briefly as an external portable storage. In other words, 99 % of the time, the tablet does not work with a 64 GB micro SD card. I have an 8 GB card inside it for the moment and it works very well as both internal storage (Android filesystem format?) or as portable storage (exFAT format).

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [ARCHOS 70 Oxygen first impression and DVB-T2 device/app update]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/09(金) 15:27:55|
  2. Android devices
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Android 4.1, 5.0 and 6.0

Android 4.1 4.3.1 Jelly Bean (2012)
Android 4.4 - 4.4.4 KitKat (2013)
Android 5.0 - 5.1.1 Lollipop (2014)
Android 6.0 - 6.0.1Marshmallow (2015)

According to some quick search on the net, Android versions have above monikers. I was not an Android user until just recently (until last Sunday, December 4th 2016), I was not so keen on the development stages of Android.

The idea of purchasing a cheap latest Android tablet came to me when I had a slight plight. I needed a device which was capable of handling BLE (Bluetooth 4.0 or later) to update the firmware of (not yet arrived but believed to be coming soon) Limits powermeter and to set up my ACTON BLINK S2 e-longboard (arriving in January or February 2017). My iPhone 4 can not handle these tasks.

The other reason that pushed me off the cliff (made me decide to buy one) was the need of a device to watch DVB-T2 signal TV programs (in France, Germany or other countries in 2017).

I found a portable LCD TV set at around €150 - €160. I also found DVB-T2 micro USB dongles for Android devices at around €20.

I figured that I could save some money by buying a cheap Android tablet and this micro USB dongle to turn the tablet into a portable TV.

I thought I did my home work.

I did not know at that time (when I made the decision to buy an Android tablet to double as a tablet and a TV set) that those ebay sellers were not so kind.

Let me explain. I made three clips from ebay item description pages that had seemingly identical or almost identical DVB-T2 dongles.

I did not pay attention to these details until I noticed that Google Play did not show me the app which would handle this dongle on my Archos 70 Oxygen tablet. Why would it not show up?

I call them, "kind and savvy," "imcomplete" and "mean and/or archaic" respectively.



It is all about system requirements. Obviously, the app (by Geniatech formerly elgato) only runs on Android version 4.1 to 5.0.

My tablet that is on Marshmallow did not stand a chance.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ [Android 4.1, 5.0 and 6.0]の続きを読む

テーマ:タブレットPC - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2016/12/06(火) 00:47:08|
  2. Bike Races
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

RVV 2017 climb sections plotted and

The PDF file downloaded from the race organizer's site helped me plot the climb sections featured in the 101st edition.

The task was really easy as I have tons of waypoints accumulated over years related to Belgian races. The course at least concerning the climb section is not so much changed from that of last year's edition anyway.

Only one thing puzzled me. Where exactly is No. 9. Pottelberg? I had already had a waypoint named "KBK la Houppe" on my Garmin BaseCamp. It means that this was one of the climb sections featured in Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne as "la Houppe." It is a small climb on a road called "D'houppe" leading to a small village (I think) Houppe.

I guess that this Pottelberg in RVV lingo is identical to la Houppe ala KBK except that the climb is tackled on the other side.

How to enjoy the race in 2017 is a bit of puzzle to me for the moment. If and when I can be there in Oudenaarde on that day (Sunday, April 2nd), I want to be

Climb section No. 8 Kapelmuur is about 25 km away from Oudenaarde (the Finish). The projected passing time is about 2 hours apart.

I want to watch the peloton pass there. Getting there early in the morning won't be too difficult but moving to the finish after it will be extremely hard. If I were to stay there (Kapelmuur), I will arrive at the finish after the race is finished.

I will see.

ARCHOS 70 Oxygen

A cheap solution to having a device that is capable of handling Bluetooth 4.0 and is capable of running Wahoo Fitness and is also better than iPhone 4 in screen size, speed and others (web surfing, reading books and so on).

Under €100.

It is not too bad. I don't go into the details of this device but it seems OK to me.

One thing that disappointed me was the micro SD card slot, or its handling of a micro SD card. It does not easily recognize the card when I insert one. When it does, it fails to format it properly. I bought a cheap 64 GB micro SD card. Is it the cause of the headache?

Acton app installed.
Wahoo Fitness installed.
And some other apps installed.

I was fooling around the Settings and found that the tablet (on Android 6.0 Marshmallow) had a firmware update available. I did not know exactly what firmware update was but I let it update itself. After the update, I noticed that kernel version was different. Now it is running a newer kernel. [RVV 2017 climb sections plotted and ]の続きを読む

テーマ:自転車レース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2016/12/05(月) 00:28:18|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0














