


Cyclisme Féminin Elsy Jacobs 2013 Luxembourg II

Some pictures will be uploaded later (I did take some pictures):

There was a "surprise guest" in Mamer. I don't know if he was a surprise guest or a bike rider who just strayed into the parcours.

Fränk Schleck

He followed the peloton twice in the small circuit and after the real race was over he went away. I saw him thrice. I managed to take a photo of him the last time.

Everybody recognized him, of course. Cycling fans who would come to see a female race can easily spot him.

It was nice to see him and was also good to know that he was training.
(This was the last time I saw him. After the race was over, he came past me from behind)

(Allez Fränk!)

Marianne Vos took the final stage (named after Nicolas Frantz) and defended the yellow jersey she took yesterday.

Georgia Bronzini came close but the 'time qualification' set them apart by some seconds so that the final general classement (classification) stayed the same as that of the previous day.

I left home around 12:30 in the afternoon, I guess. I arrived in Mamer around 13:00. I could find a public parking near the start/finish. It was a cold day and it was cloudy.

It was my first time being in Mamer. It was a quite nice small sleepy town. Some farmers had some live stock there. I did not see them but I think most of them are cows. I think they were grazing nearby so I did not see them in the stables.

I guess all of the participating riders were already set to go by then. Some of them were preparing to go.

I talked for a while to my compatriot Ms Mayuko Hagiwara.

In Japanese:






ドイツ語とフランス語のチャンポンであるルクセンブルク語では扱いが微妙です。たとえば、Benoît Joichimというルクセンブルク人(引退)選手はルクセンブルク語ではベノワ・ジョワヒムと読まれます。ベノワはフランス語系の名前なので、これは普通。でもジョワヒムは完全にチャンポンです。ちなみにユーロスポーツのドイツ語放送ではヨワヒムと発音されてました。

一方ルクセンブルク人(引退)選手のKim Kirchenはキム・キルシェンであり、ドイツ語ならヒと読まれるはずのchがフランス語風にシュと読まれてますね。それがルクセンブルクでは普通です。多分ドイツ語のKirsche(キルシェ さくらんぼ)かKirche(キルヒェ 教会)に繋がってるドイツ語系の単語なのでしょうね。






テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/29(月) 14:56:58|
  2. Bike Races in Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Cyclisme Féminin Elsy Jacobs 2013 Luxembourg

On Sunday, 28 of April, the last stage of mini-stage race Elsy Jacobs is held just outside of Luxembourg city.

I think I will be there. I can stay home and watch Tour de Romandie on TV but I think I should go to watch the race "live".

Detailed information available: www.elsy-jacobs.lu

As the name suggests, this smallish stage race is named after this road bike racer, Elsy Jacobs. I am very sorry to say that I did not know her name until I looked it up on the net. She was the first ever women's World Champion.

Unfortunately, the weather is not promising. It will rain tomorrow. I think I take my bike with me.

Marianne Vos is among the announced participants. I definitely say hello to @Mayuko_Hagiwara and @DaniKing1, @LauraTrott31, @GiorgiaBronzini, @LaurenKitchen1 and @RochelleGilmore. I met some of them at Mur de Huy a while ago.

The start and finish is in Mamer, a small community (I guess) just a few miles outside of VDL (Ville de Luxembourg = City of Luxembourg, the capital).

In Japanese:





Now my to do list before Tour de France
0) Change engine oil and transmission oil (Ford Ka)
0) Repair the tent (small hole)
0) Overhaul of my Cervélo
0) Repair my HP Envy (just went broken yesterday)
0) Ride my bike to be fit (for Mont Ventoux ect.) and lose some weight

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/27(土) 14:38:58|
  2. Bike Races in Luxembourg
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

(Limburg/) Ardenne Series Part I

This has been already written in English in the previous entry so there is only Japanese here.

In Japanese:




僕達が到着した時間10時前後にはメカニック達は仕事をしてました。洗車やら次のレース(多分ツール・ド・ロマンディーのためのTTマシン組み立て等)の準備。チーム監督のJim Ochowiczがメカニックに、タイヤの空気圧を出走直前に確認してくれと選手から要望があったから、今後はそうしてくれ、とかの指示があったり。







テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/25(木) 16:10:07|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

2013 Season Calendar and Results

This is where I jot down what I don't want to forget.

I went to the races:
Pairs-Nice (Prologue)
De Ronde van Vlaanderen
Amstel Gold Race
la Frèche Wallonne

I got the autographs of:
Stijn Devolder (Gent-Wevelgem)
Yaloslav Popovych (Paris-Roubaix)
Markeo Irizar (Paris-Roubaix)
Benjamin King (Amstel Gold Race)
Ben Hermans (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Laurent Didier (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Tony Gallopin (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Maxime Monfort (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Matthew Busche (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Andy Schleck (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)
Haimar Zubeldia Aguirre (Liège-Bastogne-Liège Team Presentation)

So far 11 riders

I plan to go to the following races next:
.. (now being planned)
(maybe...) Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt (http://www.eschborn-frankfurt.de/)
(maybe...) Rund um Koeln
(maybe...) Giro d'Italia (last week???)
Championship Luxembourg
Tour de France (from Team Presentation to Paris; complete!!)

In Japanese:

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/22(月) 16:19:26|
  2. Calendar and Results
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

AGR-FW-LBL Quick notes

Brief summary:
I am back and it was a fantastic week.

Did you watch LBL on TV? Did you see the repeated "PHiL" paining on the Côt&;egrave; de la Redoute? I know who did them. It is the person I spent the week together following Amstel Gold Race, la Fléche Wallone and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. This person practically ran amok on the slope like that Energizer Bunny on a double espresso! I guess they were done around 300 times.

After the race (LBL), we went to the big tent village at la Redoute and saw the festivities going about Philippe Gilbert. Here are some pictures.

(Running amok)

(DJ and the dancing and drinking people)

We went to la Redoute on Thursday and Friday to wait and see riders check the parcours. Earlier on Thursday (April 18), we went to visit BMC team at the hotel where they were staying. It was a better than we expected. The place was something like a spa, clinic and hotel combined. There were people with their bathrobe on bathing in the sunshine around the pool there.

We met Gilbert & Co. there. He was as nice and receptive as ever (we did the same thing last year, too). He is the absolute leader during this (Limburg/) Ardenne series but he (I think, he was determined to seem) seemed relaxed and cheerful. Of course, with so much pressure around him, he must have been nervous but he did not show a sign of it at all. A true leader, I say.

Do you know why I describe him as the absolute leader for these three races? Riders came out of the hotel wearing a normal pair of Nike shoes and went into the bus to change the shoes.

Sign No.1: Philippe Gilbert and (I guess) his roommate came first. Soon after this other riders came out. As you can see, others were listening on the (Gilbert's room) door to open. You don't set the pace but you don't want to make your leader wait.

Sign No.2: They were ready to go on a training ride. Everybody was on the bike with one arm on the team car but nobody ever pedaled. They calmly waited for Philippe Gilbert to make the move. The moment Gilbert left, others let go their arm and followed him. He had to set his own pace and everybody else had to follow the leader.

Sing No.3: Philippe was the only one who was cheerful and talking nonsense to staff members. As you can see, everybody else's 'raison d'etre' was to work for Gilbert and nothing else.

He even played the crown to make other staff members and riders relax. I shot some brief movies on my iPhone and uploaded on my YouTube account. Do you know my YouTube account?

On Friday, they came in a wave between 11:00 to 14:00. 17 or 18 teams came climbing up the road. I uploaded a brief movie with RadioShack-Leopard riders on my YouTube account.

On Saturday, we went to the Team Presentation in Liège at Place Lambert. A.S.O. held (as usual) the show in the courtyard of the Palace (used as court, city hall??). I got all the autographs I needed from RadioShack-Leopard riders.

There was a small playground made for kids outside the Palace. The theme of the attraction was, of course, bicycle. There was a Rodeo machine for kids. The bull was replaced by a padded object that looked like a bike. It was so funny to see kids fall off the violent bike. I shot a movie and uploaded on the YouTube.

In Japanese:

まず、LBLの映像を見た方へ、コテ・ド・ラ・ルドゥートゥ(la Redoute)の坂で、一面にPHiLと描いてありましたね。ご覧になりましたか。あれは僕ではありません。一緒に同行観戦した方が心を込めて描いたもので、おそらく300回程度は繰り替えされていたと思います。木曜日と金曜日に分けて完成したものです。













テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/22(月) 14:33:31|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Amstel Gold Race 2013 Part III

I wanted to recharge my prepaid SIM credit. Today I went to pay the credit. I did and I tried to recharge it.

It turned out the SIM is invalid. It means I neglected it too long. I have two options.
1) Go to (or call) my carrier's counter and ask them to resurrect the number if possible
2) Go buy a new prepaid SIM card

Anyway, I had time to check the parcours of AGR and plotted the important places on my Garmin MapSource and transferred the waypoints to my N&;uuml;vi. Now I can leave.

I am leaving for Cauberg around 12:00 midnight of Sunday, April 14. I will be at Cauberg around 4 in the morning.

I did not, however, have the time to do the same for Liège-Bastogne-Liège. I will do it on Sunday evening or Monday evening.

I have only one concern for the moment. Cauberg is already closed by the time I arrive there, I am afraid. I have carry a heavy bucket of paint and walk a distance. It is a minor annoyance.

In Japanese:


テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/13(土) 16:57:11|
  2. Bike Races in the Netherlands
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

La Flèche Wallonne 2013

La Flèche Wallonne 2013 is just round the corner. There is no special plan as to how to watch the race. I would wake in the morning and go shopping to the supermarket nearby for lunch and walk to "Mur de Huy," in about 30 minutes, I would be there and that would be it. I would just hang the Schleck brother flag on the hedge and sit there, in the middle of "Mur de Huy," where the climb is steepest.

There are, however, plans as to what to do on preceding Monday and Tuesday.

Last year, I was there at Mur de Huy on Monday and Tuesday. Monday, I saw Marianne Vos and her teammates and could say hello to her. I saw other female riders (not many), too.

Tuesday, I practically saw everybody who was participating the race the next day. They came and tested their legs on the climb and made rounds on the final short circuit.

I noticed a Japanese name listed on the provisional list, Mayuko Hagiwara. As a compatriot, I am obliged to say hello to her.

I have known her name for several years but never seen her before.

In Japanese:







テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/12(金) 16:05:15|
  2. Bike Races in Belgium
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Amstel Gold Race 2013 Part II

OK. I have several check lists before leaving for Maastricht to see Amstel Gold Race since once I am gone, I won't be home until after Liège-Bastogne-Liège. I will be staying in Belgium, probably in Huy.

Yes, I am going to stay at a camping site in Huy, just a stone throw (and I am NOT exaggerating!) from three visibly active smooooking chimneys in a nuclear power plant.

I cannot stop thinking about the possibility of a florescent lamp glowing without connecting to a power source but with just active electrons and other stuff emitted through the thick concrete wall of those chimneys. A nice thought to induce sound sleep at night.

Shopping list
1) A bucket of water-solution white paint
2) Provisions (easily cooked food like pasta, etc.)

Luckily there are a couple of supermarkets in a walk distance from the camping site.

Packing list
1) Camping gear (tent, stoves, utensils, cutlery, sleeping bag and Co.)
2) Electric gadgets (Camera, DVB-T TV set, tons of 12V DC charger adapters and Co.)
3) Cycling gear (clothes, tools, spare parts and Co.)
4) Passport and Co.

To do list
1) Recharge the prepaid mobile SIM Saturday
2) Do the shopping on Friday Saturday

This year's Amstel Gold Race painting scheme is to draw "A Happy Birthday, Fränk & Leea!" and also when possible "Eemol Schleck, Ëmmer Schleck" and RSLT's roster.

Provisional starting roster:
161 Matthew Busche (USA)
162 Laurent Didier (Lux)
163 Tony Gallopin (Fra)
164 Ben Hermans (Bel)
165 Maxime Monfort (Bel)
166 Thomas Rohregger (Aut)
167 Andy Schleck (Lux)
168 Haimar Zubeldia Aguirre (Spa)

Last year's my efforts at early in the morning (4 AM to 5 AM) were rewarded when RTL (Radio-Television Luxembourg) recognized the message and put it on the top of their TV news coverage of AGR. My only regret was that I forgot to mention Leea's name.

Additionally, I will be drawing Fabian Wegmann's name. If I have enough time, I want to draw something like, "Hi! Fabian W (158). Alles Klar?"

Don't forget this, Yukiya Arashiro (231)!

It is very difficult to paint on the road because;
1) cars (mostly taxis in these wee hours of the morning) keep coming up and down!!!
2) policemen are also there but they are friendly and told me once that I had to be careful not to be hit by a car
3) it is dark
4) the surface of the road should be dry, if not, abort
5) I am a bit sleepy
6) it is a bit chilly

Eemol is German einmal, which means in English 'Once.'
Ëmmer is German immer, which means in English 'Always.'

In all, it means our support for Schleck brothers.

In Japanese:




A Happy Birthday, Fränk & Leea!
Eemol Schleck, Ëmmer Schleck!
Andy, Laurant, etc (レディオシャック・レオパードの選手名)

Once Schleck, Always Schleck!


またファビアン・ヴェークマンも応援してるので、これも重要です。アレスクラー?(ドイツ語、英語で云うと、Everything OK?)を混ぜたいと思います。


テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/11(木) 16:34:51|
  2. Bike Races in the Netherlands
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Amstel Gold Race 2013 Part I

A few words on Paris-Roubaix 2013.

Winners of Paris-Roubaix 2013 (Among those who were in their cars following the peloton, team cars, race judge cars, support cars and etc.):

Those who had enough water in their car's washer fluid tank and had a clear view until they reached Roubaix.

Losers of Paris-Roubaix 2013:

Those who did not have enough and had a obscure view of the race.

In other words, it was so dusty on the pavé sections.

I will upload an image (here later) of a car registered in Luxembourg which seemingly belongs to a media company called RTL (Radio Television Luxembourg). There was a small incident just 100 meters from the start gate in Compiègne. I was standing on the sidewalk of the NARROW street past the start gate just before the race takes it first turn to the right.

This street was filled with cars (race judge cars, Gendarmerie's motorbikes, Mavic support cars and others which would precede the peloton) as usual. When the time came, they were supposed to leave before the race started because they WERE SUPPOSED TO PRECEDE the peloton. There was a car (already mentioned above) however, parked there without its rightful driver (or should I say wrongful driver?), not to mention its other occupants.

The race security personnel was very annoyed (raged? judged by the way he was talking on the radio to his superior in charge of the race security?) by this "out of place" vehicle. He instantly decided to revoke the "Press" privileges given to this automobile. The "Press" sticker was peeled off on site.

What an embarrassment to Luxembourg!

I was just by accident by that car. I took the liberty of cautioning the riders to move to the side to avoid running into the car. I think I helped many riders. I didn't want to see riders on the ground.

I know that unless absolutely necessary no one without the rightful authorities should ever interfere with the race.

On the other hand, you are supposed to push the asses of riders struggling to beat the time limit on a climb finish. This is true!

Amstel Gold Race 2013 signifies the start of so-called "Ardenne Series," the three races within a week (Sunday to Sunday) held in, wherelse?, Ardenne area.

Not so many people had the opportunity of achieving the hat-trick of all the three races in a row.

Two years ago I witnessed the one performed by a man named Philippe Gilbert. That year he won just about everything in racing event he participated. He was just unbeatable.

I will take one week off from work and follow the series.

In Japanese:
パリ・ルベーのこぼれ話 その1。



こぼれ話 その2












テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/10(水) 15:34:30|
  2. Bike Races in the Netherlands
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part VI

I think that I am changing my program next year. Paris-Roubaix's start in Compiègne was more interactive before. The team parking was laid out so that I could see more of bikes, riders and staff members.

Last year and this year, the sign in stage area was expanded and the team parking was moved back to the Palace side so that only people with VIP pass can get close to those inside.

This is bull shit. Compi&egravegne is getting much like Brugge (De Ronde van Vlaanderen) or Deinze (Gent-Wevelgem). I deplore but there is nothing I can do.

So next year, I will completely ignore Compiègne and go other places.

I felt that I was done with the start at Compiègne this year.

In Japanese:







テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/09(火) 14:02:44|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 2 and updates

I wrote about "Lubuntu Software Center" not working for some reasons. Well, this morning I ran the "Software Updater" and it downloaded 72 MB of updates and installed a lot (compressed files to be expanded). One of the updates was those containing the latest kernel stuff.

While looking at the output messages on the console during the updating process, I noticed lines like (not exact since I don't remember the exact wording)
setting up a table for system ..
setting up a table for utils ...
setting up a table for ...

These lines had definitely something to do with Lubuntu Software Center, I thought. And I was right. After the restart, Lubuntu Software Center began working again.

I think Lubuntu 13.04 final release is eminent.

I really appreciate the hard work and efforts they (people around the world) put in Lubuntu (and of course, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, Gnu and etc.).

In Japanese:
ベータ2に更新したことは先に書きました。その中でLubuntu Software Centerがまた機能しなくなったことも書きました。




再起動後に確認すると、確かにLubuntu Software Centerは再度機能し始めました。


テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2013/04/09(火) 13:41:32|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 2 Released

Yesterday, which was Friday, I ran a Software Updater as usual and noticed something unusual. It was a message like "New updates for Lubuntu 13.04 have been released." This is not exact words since I don't remember but something like this.

More than 140 MB of download was there. It turned out that Beta 2 had been released. And my notebook's system is now upgraded to Beta 2. I also downloaded the boot image later.

The original plan was that when Beta 2 is released I would download the boot image and re-partition the hard disk drive before installing it.

Well, it is already running Beta 2 now. OK, I will do the re-partitioning next week when I have time.

I think towards the end of April 13.04 final version will be released.

There are no noticeable changes.

And later on Monday, April 8th, I had the time to re-partition the hard disk drive to my liking and re-installed the Beta 2 of Lubuntu 13.04. (Almost) Everything works well.

*Lubuntu Software Center seems to be not working again. There is no software listed. I wonder why.

In Japanese:

Lubuntuのサイトを覗くと、次期バージョンのBeta 2がリリースされたということだった。なるほど、だからダウンロードする量が多かったのか、と納得。




動作は快適です。しかし、なぜかLubuntu Software Centerがまた不具合となった。ソフトのリストが出てこない。これは何だろうか?。意味不明だ。すこし待って様子を見るか、あるいはLubuntu Software Center自体をSynaptic Package Managerからアンインストールして、再度インストールするべきなのか。まあ放置プレイとしておこう。

Synaptic Package Manangerから例のごとく、数種類のソフトを追加インストールして、現在、このように日本語も無事に入力できてます。

テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2013/04/08(月) 16:11:50|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part V

Paris-Roubaix 2013 planning:

I am going to use this Garmin Nüvi 2340 to help me drive.


In Japanese:


燃料も満タンです。明日日曜日には1,000 km走行します。家に帰ってくるのは月曜日の早朝になります。途中の高速道路上のガソリンスタンドで仮眠しながら、安全運転するので、こんな時間になります。満タンで出かけても、途中でフランスで一回満タンにし、最後にベルギーで最小限の補給をしてルクセンブルクにたどり着く予定です。ルクセンブルクに比べてフランスもベルギーも燃料代が高いので、なるべくルクセンブルク内で燃料補給をしたいわけです。

ちなみにですが、月曜日は働きます。ドイツ在住時代はもっと大変でした。その当時はルクセンブルクより200 kmから250 km以上も遠い場所だったので、一日で1,500 km以上も走行しました。疲労困憊でした。今はそれにくらべれば、全然マシです。


日曜日の朝(深夜)午前1時頃にはルクセンブルクを出発できるかなと思います。最初のストップ予定は、フランス内のアルデンヌ地域のあの巨大な鉄製のイノシシが居るサービスエリアです。ちょうど真ん中の200 km地点になります。そこでコーヒーブレイク。そして後半の200 kmを走ります。



テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/06(土) 16:35:55|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:2

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part IV

Well, it is already Friday today. I have still a lot of things to do before I leave for Compiègne early Sunday morning (01:00, just passed midnight, I am afraid).

Today, I started working on Garmin Nüvi 2340 to see if the route conjured up by it is desirable. Basically, it does not know that there is a road bike race going on this coming Sunday so it cannot help running into the parcours. I have tell him (or her?) to avoid certain roads by inserting via points (detour points) between the starting place and the destination.

Garmin Nüvi 2340 is relatively new. I bought it late last year and haven't used it much (I haven't used my car that much since then, either).

I did not know the new functions. I will promise to put up some images (screen shots) later but I have to describe them first.

Trip planner, which I saw the first time on Garmin devices, has been added. On other devices I owned (or used to own), this function was not present.

Of course, you can plan a trip on any GPS navigation devices by calculating routes by simulating a route. On other devices this was done by turning GPS off.

On Nüvi 2340, this planning function has been greatly enhanced.
1) A dedicated icon: (home screen) -> Where To? -> Trip planner
2) You can save your simulations
3) .. and later modify your saved simulations

My verdict is:
1) This function was always available (on old devices) but not given this much attention.
2) Wow! This is neat. This is what I wanted. I use Garmin MapSource to do exactly this.
3) Wow! This is great. I can re-use the plans next year with modifications.

I can now display heading direction, altitude, current time and velocity (with speed limit where the info is available) on the screen while I drive.

In Japanese:




このNüvi 2340にはTrip plannerというアイコンが増えてました。そして、このトリッププラナーには、行ったシミュレーションを保存する機能があるのです。びっくり、このシミュレーションを保存できることはなんとありがたいことか。この保存のためには従来はPC上のマップソースのみで可能だったのです。




1) Compiègneにてスタートを観る
2) 補給地点NO.1或いはPavé sector 23を観る
3) 補給地点NO.2或いはPavé sector 13か14を観る
4) Roubaixに戻り競技場へ行く

Compiègne出発予定: 10:40

移動: 140 km 所要時間 2時間(トイレ休憩含む)

Solesmesへの到着予定: 12:30
Solesmesへのレース到着予定: 13:30

Solesmes出発予定: 13:40

移動: 48 km 1時間弱

Orchiesへのキャラバン隊通過予定: 14:00
Orchiesへの到着予定: 14:40
Orchiesへのレース到着予定: 15:00から15:30の間

Orchies出発予定: 15:10から15:40の間

移動: 48 km 所要時間 50分

Roubaixへの到着予定: 16:00から16:30の間
Roubaixへのレース到着予定: 16:30から17:10の間

テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/06(土) 01:29:56|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 Re-installed

OK, today Friday, 5th of April I reinstalled Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 from scratch. This time I booted up from DVD and chose to erase everything on the hard disk drive and then to re-install the system. I also selected the option to download the latest updates while installing.

The installer finished without error messages this time. It went all well.

After booting from the hard disk drive, I installed a couple of additional software. Namely, anthy related programs, which I need to write in Japanese.

This time I noticed something. Lubuntu Software Center works. The reason it did NOT work in the previous environment (when I upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 Beta 1) is unknown, probably a glitch (some leftover setting files?).

While the icon of Anthy in the menu bar is not visible (it is supposed to be there), the system works great.

So I learned something. When I jump in and test Beta status system, I should back up everything and then perform a clean installation.

Anyway, life is better with Linux.

I realized belatedly that letting the installer do the overwrite everything on the hard disk drive means that it repartition the hard disk drive. I used to have /home directory separate from others but now my HDD is just /(root) and swap area. Gee, that was a mistake. Why did the installer not tell me that it would re-partition the drive? Or should I have known that?

In Japanese:



再起動後はLubuntu Software Centerを立ち上げてみた。何と機能してた。前の環境(アップグレード)した時はこのプログラムは機能しなかった。プログラムは立ち上がるが、ソフトのリストが出てこなかった。


そして、Lubuntu Software Centerからanthy(日本語入力に必要)をインストール。結局メニューバーにはアイコンは表示されないままだが、今こうして日本語は入力できてる。







テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2013/04/05(金) 14:42:22|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 in trouble

While ago, I tried to update the system by means of "Software Updater" as usual. It failed. It stopped after putting up a message, "Preconfiguring the ..."

After this whatever I do, the updater seems to fail to update the system. The updater stops at exactly the same point.

OK, it is in only Beta 1 stage. I tried to reinstall the system by means of the image on DVD (that I used to upgrade this notebook from 12.10 to 13.04 Beta 1).

It did not work well this time. I tried several times but the trouble is this.

The newly installed system fails to load the proper driver for the wireless network chip. I don't know why.

When I boot the notebook from the image burnt on a DVD disk, the wireless network works. when I boot the notebook from the hard disk drive, it does not work.

OK, it is only in Beta 1 stage.

Tomorrow I will back up important file on my /home partition and try a clean installation. This will work, I hope.

OK, it is just a minor annoyance. This notebook isn't my main computer. No problem.

Well, you should not use Beta testing OS on your important computer anyway.

In Japanese:
Lubuntu 13.04 Beta 1nい入れ替えた方のノートブックですが、しばらくは問題なかったのですが、2日前にアップデートしたら、ある部分(Preconfiguring the ...)というメッセージから進まなくなるという現象が発生。





あー、面倒だ。ということで、明日時間を見つけて、/homeディレクトリーにある大事なファイルをバックアップして、その後は、クリーンインストールをしようと思います。パーティションは変更しませんが、一旦ハードディスクを綺麗に消去してから 13.04 Beta 1をインストールします。多分問題は消え去るでしょう。


テーマ:Linux - ジャンル:コンピュータ

  1. 2013/04/04(木) 23:18:07|
  2. Linux
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part III

The formation of a better race watch plan is on the way.

The basic plan is:
1) Compiègne Start
2) Feed zone NO.1 or Pavé sector 23
3) Feed zone NO.2 or Pavé sector 13 or 14
4) Roubaix Pavé sector 1

It is very easy. Although it is not simple.

(screen shot of Google Earth, KML file from velowire.com and my Garmin MapSoruce waypoints)
This is the close-up map of area around Solesmes (First Ravitaillement). The red line (parcours) and green line (my route) merge. This is pavé sector 23. It is after the first lunch area. If you let Garmin GPS device to decide which route to take, it gives me the crash route into the parcours and I get stuck. That is why I put an extra via point to avoid the closed roads.

I was there two years ago and I got a Garmin (at that time it was Garmin-Cervélo or Garmin-Transitions?) rider's lunch bag. He was slow to discard the bag as all other riders had already done with the bags.

ETD of us at Compiègne: 10:40

Drive: km within 1 hour and minutes

ETA of us at Solesmes: 12:30
ETA of the riders at Solesmes: 13:30

ETD of us from Solesmes: 14:00

Drive: km

ETA of Publicity caravan at Orchies: 14:00
ETA of us at Orchies: 14:40
ETA of the riders at Orchies: between 15:00 and 15:30

ETD of us at Orchies: 15:50

Drive: km within minutes via A23

ETA of us at Roubaix: 16:00
ETA of riders at Roubaix: between 16:30 and 17:10

The above is not finished.

In Japanese:




そして重要なのは(「はい、ここテストにでるよ!!」)、その後に実際に車載するガーミンNüvi 2340上でルートのシミュレーションをすることです。











テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/04(木) 16:41:37|
  2. Tour de France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part II

Oooh, I am busy with my planning of Paris-Roubaix, Amstel Gold Race, la Flèche Wallonne and Liège-Bastogne-Liège.

I already plotted the "Pavé secteurs" of 2013 edition of Paris-Roubaix on the Garmin MapSource. Now using Gamin MapSource and Google Earth (my dear velowire.com provides KML files), I have to plan the detailed routes for the day.

This is a google earth screen shot in conjunction with Garmin MapSource. The red line indicates the parcours. The yellow line is the route I am going to drive. The default route suggested by Garmin GPS device runs into the parcours. To avoid this annoying inconvenience, I seed some deviation points. This seeding manoeuvre pays off when you are against time.
(extract of screen shot in Google Earth)

I thought I was going alone but two people are going to join me. A student from Paris and a business man (?) visiting Paris.

There has been a sign of Spring finally coming. The next Sunday, it will be partly cloudy but not raining. The daytime high is expected to be around 8 Celsius (46 F). It is going to be a bit chilly where the Sun doesn't shine on you. I think it is OK.

Last year, there was an unfortunate incident on the way from the first feed zone to the next planned stop. The parcours and our route crashed. The peloton came on an elevated road instead of the road under this elevated section. I was going to take a ramp to use the toll road from there. I don't understand why the parcours was going on the elevated section. There was nothing wrong with the road down there.

Anyways, I tried to circumvent the road block but the alternative road (I think it was National Road, wide main route) was closed due to a road renovation or something.

Naturally, we missed the next planned spot (feed zone NO. 2). We eventually arrived in Roubaix in time, though.

I think I am taking a week off during Amstel Gold Race, la Flèche Wallonne and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. I will staying in the Netherlands and Belgium all the time. I am planning to stay at a camping site in Huy, not far from Liège and just 2km from the steep climb of Huy.

Monday and Tuesday I will be at the climb of Huy. Last year I met Marianne Vos on Monday and almost all of the rest who participated in the race on Tuesday. Yes, everybody comes to test their legs there. You won't be bored all day being there.

Thursday and Friday I will be riding the parcours of LBL around Cote de la Redoute. They (riders) will be there, too.

Saturday there is the team presentation ceremony in Liège. I will be there, too.

In Japanese:

今年のレースコースの石畳区間(Pavé sectors)をさらにガーミン・マップソースにてプロットし、現在それを元に観戦計画を練ってます。




ガーミン・マップソースとGoogle Earthを使って(レースコースをKMLファイルで提供してくれるサイトがあるので)観戦候補地をプロットし、先回りルートとレースコースがぶつからないかとかを検討してます。








今年は、木曜日・金曜日はLBLのコース(特にCote de la Redouteとか)を観に行こうと考えてます。ジルベールファンクラブが居るだろうし、選手達も練習に来るだろうし。土曜日はチームプレゼンテーションがリエージュでありますね。ここでサインをがっつりもらうのが通例です。「がっつり」です。






テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/03(水) 14:57:59|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Paris-Roubaix 2013 Part I

Paris-Roubaix 2013 edition is nearing.

I am preparing for it.

First of all, I work (and worked) on Garmin MapSource (unfortunately the development of this software has been discontinued and I am not too happy about it. Garmin thinks that users would prefer BaseCamp instead. BaseCamp has a serious flaw. It does not appear that it can handle "Categories" feature, which is very very important for me). I plot the places as waypoints on the map. Later I transfer them to my Garmin devices (Nüvi or Edge).

Places like "Pavé (cobble stones paved)" sections and feed zones.

Second, looking at the time table and the map with waypoints, I decide what to do or where to watch the race. By doing simulations on MapSource, I figure the plan could be feasible. I have to see if the parcours (race course) intercepts my planned route, if I can drive to the next destination ahead of the race or if the route shown by the Nüvi is optimal for passing the race (in other words, going away from the race course with extra miles to drive is better than running into the road closures).

It seems the weather will be mildly warm this weekend.

My plan is almost the same as for the last, I don't know how many years but 6 or 7?, several years. Driving to Compiègne in the morning and them stop at two intermediate spots before arriving at Roubaix.

In Japanese:




テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ

  1. 2013/04/02(火) 14:22:02|
  2. Bike Races in France
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0














