Now (after downloading iOS 6.0 for iPod touch 4th Generation) I successfully jailbroke the device. I immediately installed "p0sixpwn" to make it "untethered" on my iPod touch 4th Generation (iOS 6.1.5).
I have to be honest with you. I, again, turned the device in recovery mode and had to restore the device again. Sigh! Anyway, it is now jailbroken and I am happy.
For the next couple of days, I will keep installing some more tweaks to make the device more pleasant to use.
Now it is with the default apps (utilities), p0sixpwn and "Menu Button Emulator".
Tweaks (apps) like OpenBackup, konect, SBSettings or so have to be installed.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[iPod touch 4th Generation jailbroken and running]の続きを読む
テーマ:iPhone 4/iPhone 3GS/iPod touch - ジャンル:携帯電話・PHS
- 2014/01/30(木) 01:37:22|
- iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
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This morning I opened the mailbox before going to work and found there, to my surprise, a package delivered by UPS? sent from the USA. It was a small one and light. It contained an iPod touch 4th Generation. To my second surprise, it was on! When I touched the home button, it came on instantly. There are no visible damages on the screen and the back, only normal wear on the back (meaning the backside is not shiny as a brand-new one).
I put it on the cradle (by TomTom) and found that it successfully recognized the cradle's GPS function. I am happy.
I tried to jailbreak it while later. I had already downloaded the software (Redsn0w). I ran the software and put the device in DFU mode (or recovery mode or something). It did not work! Of course it didn't.
Yes, I just forgot the fact that I needed to download the firmware (iOS 6.1.5) before starting to jailbreak it. Hahaha. My bad!
I will download the firmware from Apple later. The firmware is huge. I think around 1GB. I need a faster Wifi connection instead of my home 3G USB modem connection.
There is (was available long time ago on App Store) an app called "Car kit tool" by TomTom. I downloaded it more than 4 year ago. It is currently not available from App Store. TomTom stopped distributing it (because they stopped developing the cradles for iPod touch and iPhone?).
Anyway, the next stop is downloading the firmware iOS 6.1.5.
Added one day later:
OMG! I did not read the Redsn0w tutorial carefully. It turned out that I needed to download firmware iOS 6.0 not 6.1.5. I mistakenly downloaded 6.1.5 and tried to jailbreak my iPod touch. It did not work. I reread the tutorial carefully and found my mistake. Well, I will download the "correct" firmware later. I need the 6.1.5 for restoring my iPod touch when it needs to be anyway.
It is close to February now. Today, January 27th, it snowed in the capital area of Luxembourg. It was not too cold for the snow to accumulate on the asphalt. The snow accumulated on the grass or on the cars up to 1 to 2 centimeters (less than an inch). It may snow later this week but nothing serious.
The first road bike race that I will be watch on site will be either Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne (Sunday, March 2nd 2014) or Gent-Wevelgem (Sunday, March 30 2014). I hope the upcoming Spring is a warm and gentle one. Last year, KBK (Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne) was canceled due to snow fall!
I know that Trek Factory Racing won't be at Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[iPod touch 4th Generation arrived and up-and-running]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/28(火) 01:08:57|
- iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
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As it is described in the title, the program crashes as soon as it starts. I am not sure if it has anything to do with one or all of the jailbreak tweaks that I installed on my iPhone. I don't need the calculator too often so it does no bother too much.
Yesterday the photo app also crashed and the pics were wiped out. I used the back-up on my iTunes and restored the pics. No harm was done. I am also not sure if this incident has anything to do with the act of jailbreaking. I hope not but I suspect so.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[Calculator on my iPhone 4 is not working]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/27(月) 08:58:13|
- iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
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I finally decided to replace the keyboard on my HP Sleekbook ENVY 4-1000. I bought this notebook from Germany (because it was cheaper that way). The notebook came with a German keyboard on it of course. The problem with the German keyboard is that to accommodate extra letters (namely letters with umlaut on them like ä, ö, ë or ü), important keys like 'return' or 'shift' keys are squeezed to smaller sizes and also the German language's frequent use of 'z' and rare use of 'y', those letters are swapped.
I use this keyboard as a US English keyboard. So when I press the 'y', z gets typed of course. I blind-touch-type anyway so no harm is done at all.
The real problem is the important function keys like 'return' or 'shift' keys are smaller and I miss them sometimes and I strain my fingers when I reach for them. I don't like German Keyboard at all. I long longed for the real US keyboard.
Now I ordered one from China. It is not a genuine part but a compatible part. I don't care if it works.
Now (when it arrives and gets installed on my notebook) I can type faster and more comfortably. It did not cost too much.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[HP Sleekbook ENVY 4-1000 US keyboard replacement]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/24(金) 20:55:25|
- Miscellaneous stuff
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I own an old PC notebook that I purchased in Germany while living in Germany more than 6 years ago (more than 8 years ago??). It works great. It used to have Linux and W*nd*ws XP on it. Now it is a dedicated Lubuntu machine.
Someone at work (I used it at my work place during my free time between the work shift) obviously dropped the notebook on the floor or something, I think. It suddenly developed a defective LCD screen. Its right hand side is affected and it annoys me. I want to replace the screen by myself.
I found a replacement part sold reasonably and intend to order it via ebay. It is cheaper than buying a new notebook.
Now I ordered it. It comes from China and the shipping is free. Now I have to wait for a couple of weeks until it arrives.
This winter is very different from the previous one in Luxembourg. So far in the capital area where I live there has been no snow fall at all. There were occasions when some icy particles fell from the sky but it melt down on contact with the road so it does not count. It is predicted that February may bring some snow.
Last winter was a snowy one. It snowed and the temperature fell sharply downward. Sometimes it was freezing minus 15 degrees Celsius (5 Fahrenheit).
Although I enjoyed plowing through the snowy road with my bicycle, I prefer no snow on the road.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[LCD Screen is wantrd]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/19(日) 17:17:56|
- Miscellaneous stuff
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I used to own an iPod touch (2nd generation), which I think I lost in a bus. I liked this nice gadget. At that time I purchased TomTom GPS navigation app and used it on this iPod touch with the TomTom iPod touch cradle. This cradle, equipped with a suction cup, has a GPS signal receiver chip inside so that a normal iPod, which does not have GPS chip or mobile signal reception capability, can be used as a GPS navigation device.
When I lost this iPod touch 2nd generation years ago, this cradle lost its master. I thought about selling this iPod touch cradle but did not.
I looked for an iPod touch 4th generation device (30 pin USB connection as 2nd generation one) to use it as a second GPS navigation. I looked for it on the ebay and found a reasonably priced used device and bought it from USA.
When I go on a trip by car, I use the Garmin GPS navigation device. It works great. Sometimes, rather often, I need a second device. Why?
Because I need to know the next parking area on the motorway for example. The second device can search for it and tell me how long I should drive before reaching there.
I have an iPhone and it is a GPS navigation capable device. I often use it as a helping navigation device. So called "assisted GPS" capability works great.
With this real-GPS-signal-receiver-chip-inside cradle, the accuracy is even more impressive.
This cradle has a speaker, too. You can use it as a speaker with the iPod touch. I like this feature.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[iPod touch 4th Generation wanted and bought!]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/14(火) 15:58:19|
- iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
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I made some new year's shopping (for bike parts and accessories) last night (or early wee hours of this morning).
I noticed that NOKON (aluminum or carbon cable outer beads) was shifting its main product line from "standard" to "Slimline" and I was afraid that my current standard stock beads might be (or likely to be) extinct before long.
So naturally I decided that I should stock up some wearable parts now.
I bought shift and brake cable inner liners for the next couple overhauls. They don't cost too much anyway.
Before deciding to stock them up, I looked for some information on the official manufacturer's site to see if they had posted their intention to phase out the original product line. No, there was no such info. The site is very, how should I put it, desolate as it has ever been. Its North American site is more informative.
This US site told me about something that had been keeping me wondering for some time. That is, the mystery of "carbon outer beads for the brake lines". Nokon has been selling carbon shift lines for sometime now. For some reason, I could not find the brake lines. In fact, I already have in my tool box this carbon shift line kit for future use. I bought it at a very reasonable price (less than half of the suggested retailers' price) through ebay.
I wanted to buy brake lines, too.
This US site lists the carbon brake line kit as not yet ready. Problems?
Anyhow, I also ordered tool boxes that go into the bottle cage.
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[New Year's shopping]の続きを読む
- 2014/01/12(日) 07:58:44|
- Bike Races
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The Team was launched (they had the official team launch event) in Roubaix, France. I could not go there. Sad but I had to work.
Anyway, there are some points that I have to write here.
First, I am not too excited about their new team kit. They (jersey and bib shorts) are too black. There is not much white space on the kit. I, since I came to live in Europe to follow road bike races, collected riders' autographs on the jersey. This year I have to change the tactics. I have to find other items (white or pale colored) to collect the autographs but what? Or should I find and use white, silver or some bright color permanent markers to collect autographs on that predominantly black jersey?
Secondly, I checked their race schedule and found them, not complete yet and some small races might be added later, taking place in Europe and on the other continents. Many of them I can not go visit. Sad.
Thirdly, I know many of the riders and staff members. I am happy. There are, of course, many of them I haven't met yet.
My planned race watch 2014: (Trek Factory Racing related)
March 09. (Sunday): Three Days of West-Flanders (Belgium): The last stage
March 09. (Sunday): Paris-Nice (France): The fist stage
March 30. (Sunday): Gent-Wevelgem (Belgium)
April 06. (Sunday): De Ronde van Flaanderen (Belgium)
April 13. (Sunday): Paris-Roubaix (France)
April 20. (Sunday): Amstel Gold Race (Netherlands)
April 23. (Wednesday): la Fléche Wallonne (Belgium)
April 27. (Sunday): Liè:ge-Bastogne-Liège (Belgium)
May 01. (Sunday): Baloise Belgium Tour: The last stage?
June Skoda Tour de Luxembourg / Tour de Suisse ???
July Tour de France
In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[Trek Factory Racing Team Launch]の続きを読む
テーマ:自転車ロードレース - ジャンル:スポーツ
- 2014/01/12(日) 00:47:44|
- Bike Races
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Suddenly there came the announcement that the jailbreak for iOS 7.0.4 (or any other iOS 7) was available. I jumped on to it.
First several days, the jailbreak did not work other than that I could install Cydia and iCleaner pro. SBSettings, CCSettings or other things did not work because Mobile Substrate was not ready for evasi0n 7. Then Mobile Substrate was upgraded and everything began to work.
There was a faulty version of CCSettings (and soon it was corrected) for a short moment.
Now I am very happy that my iPhone 4 is jailbroken. The nicest feature of CCSettings, in my opinion, is that you can assimilate the home button function from the Control Center. My iPhone 4's physical home button does not work well. It is dull and not too responsive.
Now I have a very sensitive home button again. I like it.
Ciamillo's new adjustable cam arms arrived but something was missing. A screw and its washer were missing. I immediately send e-mail to the shipper and requested the missing items. I hope I can get them in a week or so. I am assuming that the shop I bought the parts from justly accept my request.
The parts are not of Shimano or other big name companies, which means that they did not come with any paper of any kind, no installation instructions, no warnings or no nothing. I have to improvise the way to install the arms. I think I can do it without purchasing any tools. The installation is way easier with the proper tool. Snap rings (small ones) require a dedicated pair of snap ring pliers. I don't know if I can install them without the tool. I will try.
According to Google search results, the snap rings that I have in front of me is classified as one of "Standard E Clip" types.

In Japanese: 続きをどうぞ
[jailbreak on iOS 7 on iPhone 4 done!]の続きを読む
テーマ:iPhone - ジャンル:携帯電話・PHS
- 2014/01/01(水) 17:44:42|
- iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
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